#Wednesday comes and I'm like hey... just lmk
grimandghoulish · 9 months
#yallllll my plug is totally flaking on me#i NEED pot lol#i can't sleep without it#I've been saving this $40 in my wallet for over a week but she's like completely ignoring me now lol??#which like I'm not even pestering her#not over a week just about a week#like i texted her Monday like hey when i see you Tuesday can i cop off you and she was like yeah of course#literally saw her for 2 seconds because she left as i came in and i got caught up talking to asshole#then i texted her like hey sorry we didn't get to proper meet lmk when you want to meet#and she was like ok let me just drop someone off and whatever#and hours pass and i was like sooooo it's getting a little late is tomorrow fine and she was like yeah sorry we'll meet tomorrow#so Tuesday comes i text her in the morning like hey lmk when and where you want to meet girl#no reply#it gets late again and i was like so um... tomorrow ..?#and she text me back like yeah sorry had a lot going on today I'll get you tomorrow#Wednesday comes and I'm like hey... just lmk#she texts me back that she needs to go to Detroit to pick up more stuff 🤦🏼 and i was like oh okay well just let me know#so Thursday and Friday pass. nothing#i texted her last night asking if she was ever able to cop#so like idk what's up but ig she just doesn't want to deal w me anymore so ig I'll have to find a new plug#so i texted my other ex coworker just now asking if she knew anybody because i know she's got hookups lol#if not I'll hit up my friend in cle but i just don't want to drive half an hour on the freeway but yk I'll do it whatever#just a little bothered she won't be straight up with me like just say anything??#like if you don't want to sell to me just say so why ghost me after you've been selling to me for over a year#& i know she won't have many people to serve for long because it got legalized here as soon as rec dispensaries open#she's going to lose more than half her business#we literally talked about it i said I'd still cop off her and she said she really appreciated that so idk where this is coming from#maybe it's nothing but I'm having a hard time not taking it completely personally lol
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Hello! How are you? Hope you're doing good. I was wondering if I could request a Poly!Pastics x reader where the reader is a HUGE people pleaser and R does everything for everyone and it got so bad to where R stayed awake for three weeks straight to have time to make everyone happy. The girls have enough and force force their girlfriend to sleep and not stress over other people?
Sorry if it's too much or top specific.
Whats One More?||
|| Poly!plastics x fem!reader
(i myself am poly!)
|| Warnings: swearing, super long, Reader's absolutely exhausted, Regina being Regina, comfort (i dont think there's too many, if i missed something lmk)
|| Summary: Reader keeps helping out everyone to the point where it begins to effect her sleep schedule. Ms. Norbury notices and brings it to the attention of the plastics, who comfort Reader and get Reader to sleep.
Requests open!
Started: April 20th
Finished: April 21st
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To say you were a people pleaser would be an understatement. You weren't sure if there was a better word to describe it, maybe... doormat? You couldn't say no to save your life. It was a genuine problem that often spiralled beyond your control. Well, you could control it. If you just said no. But that was mean. You hated the thought of anyone hating you, so you worked overtime to make sure that never happened.
Today was no different.
"Hey, Y/N! Wait up!" Shane Omen yelled your name from across the hall as you stood at your locker, making you internally groan. You didn't like Shane but you never showed it. You forced out a smile as you looked at him.
"What's up, Shane?" You asked, keeping your tone your signature calm one. As opposed to the internal screaming that was going on in your head. Why couldn't he just leave you alone? You had been having an amazing day before he showed up.
"Mind doing my homework for me? I'm just so busy this week that I have no time for it. Oh, and my buddies too. I'll pay ya." He smirked at you, clearly trying to use whatever charm he could muster. This wasn't the first time it's happened. His friend had walked up next to him, holding a large stack of papers up to his chest which you could only assume was the entirety of Shane's friend groups overdo homework.
You held back a sigh.
"Yeah. When do you need it done by?" You asked. Reluctantly. You hated the thought of doing all that extra work, but then again you hated the thought of someone hating you more than you hated the idea of doing the homework. So you'd do it. On top of your own you already had to do, plus you had promised Karen you'd help her out with hers.
"This Friday." He replied, gesturing for his friend to give you the work. Which he did. He practically shoved it into you.
The sudden weight added to your binders almost made you stumble, this Friday? It was fucking Wednesday. That gave you two nights. Shit, you'd have to pull all nighters in order to get this done, your own work, AND help Karen. Maybe Karen should come first, since she was her girlfriend. Restart.
Karen, your own work, and Shane's shit. That's the order you gathered in your head. You could help Karen out tonight, get your own work done after and get it all done in one session so you could focus the rest of the day tomorrow on Shane's stuff. Yeah, that could work.
"Yeah... I got it. You don't have to pay." You smiled at him, he gave your shoulder a playful nudge. Sure, the money for your time would be nice. But you hated the thought of taking someone's money. Even if it was Shane Omen's.
"You're amazing, Y/N!" Shane and his buddy walked off, high fiving each other and clasping their hands together with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and readjusted the papers and your binder with your knee. Sighing at the sight of the stack you now held.
Finale bell went, showing the end of the day. Which you were grateful for.
You moved the papers and binders to one side so you could hold it with a single arm comfortably. Then opened your locker with your now free hand, holding your knee up to keep the papers from slipping. Grimacing slightly at your awkward option as you pulled your bag from your locker, stumbling back as the bag came out. Though your balance was caught by Gretchen, who gave you a soft smile and held you as you gathered your footing. Slinging the bag on your shoulder then holding the papers with both arms again.
"Thanks, baby." You smiled at your girlfriend, Karen quickly came up behind her and smiled at you.
"Y/N!" She gave you a quick hug, you kissed Karen's cheek since your hands were too full to hug her back.
Gretchen looked at all the stuff in your arms and raised an eyebrow," What's all that?"
"Shane's stuff. He needed some extra help." You explain briefly, not giving too many details. Gretchen narrowed her eyes at that. You were helping Shane? Shane Omen? Why?
She was going to ask more, when Karen suddenly frowned and interrupted.
"You're still helping me tonight, right?"
"No yeah, yeah of course! Come over to mine when Regina drops us off, okay?" You assure her, feeling a little bad for making her think you wouldn't be able to help her too. Even if it was an accident. As for Regina dropping you off, she pretty much always takes you to and from school along with Karen & Gretchen.
Karen smiles gratefully at you and pulls you in for a kiss, you happily kiss her back and Gretchen takes a photo of the two of you.
"That's so cute! It's going on our shared insta." Gretchen says with a little squeal, opening insta on her phone and going to the shared account you all have access to. She posts the photo with the caption: look at these cuties 🥺💕
You break the kiss and smile at Gretchen, your group text then goes off with a text from Regina.
|| Regina: where the hell are all of you?? I'll leave you here if you dont hurry your asses.
There's a pause before another text comes in.
You laughed when you read that one, Gretchen giggled too and you glanced at Karen with an innocent grin.
"She must've seen the photo." You say with a laugh, the girls nod their heads in agreement and the three of you head to Regina's jeep. You didn't want to keep her waiting longer than you already have.
At the jeep, Karen and Gretchen got in the back while you took your usual seat in the front next to Regina. Who was already looking at you expectantly.
"Just a sec," You tell her, attempting to stuff your binders and additional papers into your bag so they didn't blow away when Regina drove. Considering her jeep had no doors, something you found awfully inconvenient.
Regina groans and rolls her eyes," Ugh. Why do you have so much extra papers anyway?"
"Helping Shane." You reply, part of you had wanted to lie because you knew Regina wouldn't like the answer. But if she found out about the lie (and she always does) that would've made things way worse.
Regina looked offended," What? Seriously? Why the fuck?"
"He asked and I couldn't say no.." You admit in a mumble, making Regina narrow her eyes at you.
"You gotta work on that. Seriously, Y/N." Regina says, you finally get everything to fit in your bag before you looked at her with a frown.
"You know, Regina's right Y/N." Gretchen pipes up, leaning forward and resting her arm on Regina's back seat as she looks at you with a concerned gaze." You take on way too much from other people."
"But they'll get mad if I say no." You respond, turning your gaze to Gretchen for a moment.
"So? Fuck them, let them get mad." Regina shrugged and grabbed your chin, making you look at her before kissing you roughly. Your eyes widened at the suddenness of it but you melted into the kiss. She broke it off and wiped your bottom lip with her thumb, smirking at you," You owed me a kiss."
You blushed deeply and she laughed at your reaction, shaking her head and starting up her car.
"You're too easy. But fuck, Y/N. You gotta stop letting people walk all over you. You're not a fucking doormat." Regina's words may have been harsh, but they were the truth. You did need to stop letting people walk all over you.
But maybe not today. It was now Monday. You had managed to get everything done for Friday, much to your own sacrifice. You haven't slept a wink since Tuesday night before everything happened. And you were starting to feel it. Sure you could have slept on the weekend, but your girls dragged you around to house parties both Saturday night and Sunday night. You stayed sober to keep an eye on them and be the designated driver and you probably could have slept when you got them home, but you wanted to make sure nothing happened throughout the night. So you've been awake for almost a week straight. It was hell.
Today you had Chess Club, an extra curricular club you had chosen. You managed to get your girlfriends to agree to let you do it, Gretchen had put up a bit of an argument but when she saw how good you were at the game she let it slide.
You sat in your usual spot at the library, a chess board in front of you as played off against your best friend; Flow Scotts (short for Florence). You guys had met when you joined Chess Club, having been paired together day one. The two of you were a pretty even match and would face off against each other frequently, which built the friendship between the two of you.
You studied the board as you rubbed one of your eyes, plotting your next move while trying to stay awake. She already had you in check with her bishop, so you moved your own bishop to block hers. With the Queen defending the bishop it was a solid move, if she decided to take your piece blocking your King you could safely take hers with your Queen. sorry to the non-chess nerds who aren't going to really understand my rambles here.
Flow made a huff sound and you laughed, smiling at her when someone comes to sit next to your table. You didn't recognize him, so you assumed he must've been new to the Club as he watched your game with an interest only Chess Club members seemed to have in their eyes.
Flow blinks and looks up from the board, getting distracted from whatever strategy she had been forming in her head." Can we help you?"
"Oh! Hi! Um, Mr. Rapp told me I could come join you guys here. And like observe and maybe play winner. I'm James." He introduces himself, you and Flow glanced at each other and you shrugged.
"Alright. This is Flow, I'm-" He stops you with a smile.
"Y/N. I know, everyone knows. You're dating the plastics." James says, you sighed. You hated when people called them that. They were so much more than 'the plastics' behind closed doors.
"Right." You nodded your head.
"Also, I'm still sort of new to Chess and Mr. Rapp said that one of you could help me out with like extra chess lessons after school?" James continued on, you glanced at Flow.
"I have soccer practice after soccer today." Flow looks back at you. Flow didn't play soccer, she clearly just didn't want to tutor him.
"Yeah, okay. I'll do it. Meet here five minutes after the bell." You tell James, who gives you a grateful smile.
You had a test you had wanted to study for after school and a project you had wanted to use the school lab computers for, but now you were stuck tutoring James. You figured you could just pull another all nighter to get the work done. What's one more?
Well, one more turned into many more. It's been a total of three weeks since you last had a decent, solid sleep and it was really affecting your grades. People just kept asking things of you and you couldn't tell them no. It was bad.
Ms. Norbury was the first to notice your grades dropping, as your grades in math were pretty solid. They weren't mathletes worthy but they weren't completely low either. You averaged a 75%, which had now dropped down to 68% with your lack of sleep and focus in class.
You were currently in math, which was your fourth period. Trying desperately to pay attention and not fall asleep. Though at one point you droop so low your head hits the table, startling you into a more upright position as people stared at you in confusion. Ms. Norbury narrowed her eyes, sleeping in class wasn't like you. She was sure something was wrong.
"Okay, everybody take 5." She says, people get up and head out while she walks over to you.
"Y/N? Everything alright?"
"Just tired." You tell her in a mumble, you weren't a mumbler.
"Honey, when was the last time you slept?" She asked, crouching down in front of your desk to get a better look at you. She frowned as she saw the dark circles and the very evident exhaustion.
You simply shrugged, to you her voice felt far and distant so you had to put all your remaining energy into hearing her. You couldn't remember the last time you had a good sleep. You knew it had been a while ago, though. All your days just felt as though they had blended together.
That concerned Ms. Norbury further, she debated if she should just send you home at this rate. After all it was just fourth period and she was sure you'd have people in other classes who could get the work you missed.
"Come on, Y/N. How about we call one of your parents and have them come get you?" She said softly, knowing a good sleep at home would be what you needed.
When you heard that you shook your head, you knew your parents wouldn't come get you. Even if you had been throwing up they'd tell you to tough it out.
"They wouldn't.." You say in a mumble, Ms. Norbury frowns at that and tries to think of a plan B. She knew the various cliques and which students hung out with who, so she knew you were close with the plastics. The question was which one would be come get you? Little did she know any one of them would do it in a heartbeat.
She sighed quietly to herself and stood up," Alright, just wait here." She tells you before heading to the class phone and giving someone a call. You weren't sure who.
About five minutes pass before Gretchen comes running into the room, when she saw you she paused and looked at Ms. Norbury. They seemed to have some silent conversation, no. Their mouths were moving. You just couldn't focus enough to hear what they were saying.
You slumped back in your seat and your eyes started to close, exhaustion catching up to you when you felt hands on your shoulders and looked to see Gretchen watching you with worry all over her face.
Gretchen had known that something was wrong. She knew it from the start, but every time she tried to talk about it with you you would just say 'tired' and nothing else so she gave up pressing you on it. She knew she should have tried harder to get the information out of you.
Even Regina had tried too at one point, she noticed when you weren't fully present in a conversation she was having with you. You just kept replying with 'mhm' 'uh huh' and so she tested it by saying 'I dont know what to wear to school tomorrow, think I should go topless?' you replied with a simple 'yepper' and that basically confirmed for her that you weren't listening. So, when she asked what was wrong after getting your attention, you just replied 'tired' to her too. She didn't think to press further.
"Y/N, are you listening?" Gretchen asked, a frown on her lips after she had snapped her fingers to get your attention. You blinked and looked at her.
"Huh?" You didn't realize she had been trying to talk with you.
"I'm taking you to Regina's, Ms. George will come get us." Ms. George was your backup. If one of you needed to go home for whatever reason or just wanted to skip and relax, she always said that she would come get you girls," I texted the groupchat and told them what was going on. They're on their way over, just hang tight. Okay?"
You nodded and not too long after all three were standing before you, Ms. Norbury was back at her desk. Letting you girls have your space.
"You look exhausted." Karen points out. Leave it to Karen to point out the obvious.
Regina narrows her eyes at her and sighs before looking back at you, resting her hand to your cheek and rubbing it gently with her thumb. You lean in a little closer to her touch," Why haven't you been sleeping?"
"Busy." You reply, unable to gather enough energy to say more. The three exchanged looks.
"Busy with what?" Regina replied, she knew you had your Chess Club, tutoring Karen, and your own work on top of that but she didn't think that was enough to get you this tired.
"Helping people." You explain, talking simply again. She groaned at that. That's what caused this?
"Baby, I thought I told you to say no?" Regina takes her hand off you, you feel the warmth leave and you almost slump forward on your desk. You'd been using her hand as support. Her hands rest on her hips as Gretchen catches you and keeps you up, giving your forehead a soft kiss.
"Mean." You respond.
"Excuse me?" Regina looked offended, thinking you had called her mean. You shook your head and desperately looked at Gretchen to translate.
Gretchen tensed, racking her brain to think of what you meant," Did you mean saying 'no' was mean?"
You nodded.
"That's not mean. You can always say no, that's what Gretchen says to me all the time." Karen pipes up, Gretchen gives her a soft look and nods in agreement.
"Y/N/N, you're allowed to have boundaries." Gretchen tells you," is it really worth it if it's doing this to you?"
You were going to respond but there was a knock at the door, you glanced at it and saw Flow there.
"Hey, Y/N. I would've texted but I was walking by here anyway, you coming to Chess tonight?" She asked.
Regina scoffed and folded her arms," Absolutely not. Fuck off."
"Regina, language!" Ms. Norbury narrowed her eyes at the blonde who rolled her own.
Flow tensed at Regina's harshness and looked at you. Gretchen scrambles a response.
"What Regina meant is that Y/N is just super tired, she's going home to rest tonight. Right, baby?" Gretchen looked at you. Expecting you to agree.
Regina looked at you with a look that was basically commanding you to tell Flow 'no'. You hated it.
"Resting tonight..." You grumbled, continuing to speak in simple terms.
Flow's gaze shifted to concern but she nodded her head," okay.. let me know how you're doing later, alright?" She left after that.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Regina kept her gaze on you.
"Awful." You shook your head, disagreeing with her which makes her scoff.
Soon enough, Ms. George comes and picks all three of you up. Bringing you to their place. You were brought to Regina's bed by your girlfriends, who all snuggled up with you in bed. Gretchen on your right, Karen on the left and Regina on top. You easily fell asleep once Regina started giving your neck soft, soothing kisses. Your girls stayed close to you.
You slept for a solid 24 hours and some.
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ppnuggie · 1 year
slides in,, claps hands together,, crosses legs,,
hello tumblr user ppnuggie i say ominously
i have a tarn request for you 🦀
first contact au where they dock on earth to snag a run away thats posing as reader's truck!! reader livin their best life pampering their old truck and driving on the beach and then theirs just a massive ass space ship on the beach and then giant ass robots come out and reader "nopes" the fuck outta there but when she gets to the parking lot her trUCK DUMPED HER and now shes having a very awkward staring competition with some purple man thats like "what is that thing?? its so small and squishy?? what do we do with it??" but also "its so cute,, it sounds adorable,, i like it,, i like this thing" and just fuckin,, nabs her
itd be absolutely delicious of you if there was a language barrier
      TARN x fem reader
    『 tarn ,, female reader 』
  -> first contact au w/ tarn
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, lil crack ,, kidnapping
  — kaon takes reader ,, lmk if you want another part to continue w/ this 🙏
        " are you sure he's here kaon ? i don't remember this planet or sector ." voice gruff and questioning the smaller bot . the red mech nodded ,, optics dark and empty as he smiled . " i'm sure of it , tarn ." he replied . the mech known as tarn nodded in return ,, looking at the scanners aboard the ship known as the peaceful tyranny . there was barely any trace of a cybertronian signal . barely ,, that is . there was a faint dot on the screen ,, showing one life signal .
        " prepare yourselves for departure . lets make this quick ,," tarn said to his crew ,, the djd ,, or better known as the decepticon justice division . " watch out for the life here ,, theyre .... organic ." he said slowly ,, disgust dripping from his words .
        thankfully there werent a lot of people here today . not exactly hot enough for a beach day ,, per say ,, but you didnt mind that one bit . resting in the driver's seat of your old truck ,, you smothered your face with sunscreen . just because it was 70 degrees out didnt mean you were gonna risk getting toasted by the sun .
        glad there werent too many little kids around ,, you were able to enjoy your little day off without many interruptions . or so you thought ,, when all the sudden a gigantic ass space ship came outta nowhere . aint no way in hell you were gonna let this moment go though ,, knowing the ufos exist and the government was keeping those aliens locked up and away from public . fishing for your phone in your bag ,, you quickly drew it out and snapped your camera app open .
        switching to video ,, you got out your truck and starting to tape the spaceship . this was something outta star wars because aint no way this was government property and a thing for a movie . or maybe it was ? you werent too sure ,, busy being in awe of this majestic ship . until it had landed and out popped its crewmates .
        this had to be for a movie ,, it had to be . nothing like just happens on a wednesday . the most that happens is that commercial with the camel saying its hump day . this sorta thing happens on a friday or sunday . one of the robotic beings opened their mouth ,, static and chirps coming out . you werent too sure what it was saying though .
        it was all fine until they started looking around and one spotted you . it was quite big ,, purple with tank treads maybe ? it surely didnt look like something from the government ,, but it did look like it was some sort of military machine . a shorter yet more lanky one stomped forward ,, water splashing up against its legs as its hands wrapped around your body .
        your phone slipped from your hand ,, eyes wide with shock and jaw dropped open . " hey !" you yelled ,, pointing accusingly at it . " put me down this instant ! who do you think you are ?!" you spat at it . the being looked curious ,, chirping at the purple one you were just looking at .
        " boss ! look ! its one of those organice you told us about !" kaon exclaimed ,, vos coming up beside him and looking at the creature . " it even gave me its goo ! that must mean we've bonded ! oh boss ,, can i keep it ?" kaok rushed excitedly towards tarn . he shoved the creature up at him ,," just look how cute it is ! please boss ! i promise to take care of it !"
        tarn backed away a bit ,, leaning down slightly to get a better look at it . " fine fine ,, just focus on the task at hand . as long as you keep it in your habsuite only ." the mech grunted ,, waving kaon away as he pulled up his internal scanners .
        tarn would later question his decision . the bot they were looking for had gone into hiding and with night falling ,, the leader had become quite irritated . he would just have to wait ,, it would seem .
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sosickastro · 5 months
hey!! just came across ur post about writer's block and ik how that feels I literally just got out of mine :)) if you're still looking for some requests, how about gojo with a crush on reader who works at a sweets shop he frequents?? wish you luck and happy writing!!
Thank you!!!
I'm very very slowly getting back into the hang of it
warnings: Nothing really? Probably a liike ooc Gojo, but he is just a love-sick mess for the reader, fluff, fem reader, I didn't mention the reader's smell for once!
AND- you know the drill, lmk if I miss anything and Grammarly can only do so much for my bad writing <3
Word Count?!: Roughly 500 words
It’s unfair truly, the amount of money Gojo has dropped in this one sweet shop to just try and taste the sweetest of them all. 
But it is so, so worth it
Every day Gojo comes into the same “Sugar Sweet” shop every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 12:30, just 2 hours after his crush shift started. To make conversation, to try the desserts and pastries she recommends, to see her smile, to admire her eyes, to stare at her lips wondering just how sweet they will be-fuck. He needs to get a hold of himself, but how can he? Can you blame him when the prettiest girl he has ever seen just so happens to work at the sweet shop a block down from his apartment? Can you really blame him for wanting to wrap his long arms around his crush and cover her in sugar-sweet kisses in order to hear the beautiful melody that is her giggles? To always hear the honey dripping from her voice as she greets him with the same kind smile.
 And today? Oh god, today? She has the most glow to her face that looks like God himself is blessing her, “Hello, Mr.Gojo! Same as usual?” The soft giggles following her sweetened voice make the egotistical man choke up. He smiles back at her, and a soft chuckle flows out of his mouth as he nods his hand. “Of course pretty, but I also would like to try something new today.” Gojo watches with careful eyes to judge her reactions. He felt himself grow flustered at the sight of her big curious eyes land on his, the look was so pure so trusting. It makes him feel unworthy of being looked upon by her.
“Oh yeah? What can I get for you?” The innocent in her voice, oh god. Gojo doesn't know how much he can take before he attacks her with a smothering hug and obsessive yearning. She casts her eyes down to the tablet in front of her, typing in Gojo’s usual order. The lanky man lends down to the counter making himself more closer to her height. Creates less of a tension, he thinks. “Oh pretty, I would love a small, tiny, little phone number from you.” Gojo smoothly asks as he tilts his head to the side, making him appear more attractive. Internally though the snow-man is screaming at himself.
He secretly sweats, waiting for her reaction. The girl before him looks up at Gojo, with widened eyes and a flustered expression. Her eyes dart around the empty store, as she looks back at him. Another emotion is there, uncertainty.
“Oh! Um.. are you?” She takes a deep breath as Gojo feels his heart want to break out of his chest. “Are you sure you want my number” The insecurity in her voice breaks the rapid heart in Gojo’s chest. He reaches his hand across the table. Cupping her soft skin, he caresses her cheek with his thumb. Love and adoration fill his eyes. “Of course, I want your number pretty, how else am I going pick you up for our date?” Gojo’s tongue darts out to run across his bottom lip. The pretty girl in front of him doesn’t verbally tell Gojo, but the nodding of her head and the awe-struck look in her eyes tells the man all he needs to hear. 
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priincebutt · 8 months
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Happy WIP Wednesday to everyone who celebrates!! Thank you to @piratefalls , @hgejfmw-hgejhsf , @onthewaytosomewhere , and @junebugclaremontdiaz for the early tags! I come to you this Wednesday with a new banner and a lil something something from The Story of Us! I'm really in the home stretches of this fic, in theory, so I'm kinda trying to focus on it right now, perfecting it's final chapters and whatnot. I haven't had muse for a lot lately, trying to change that but you know -- the heart wants what it wants! So without further ado, have a chunky tidbit from Alex's visit to London.
For dinner Henry has a driver pick them up, and as soon as they’re dropped at the front of the restaurant, cameras flash and paparazzi are calling their names. Henry’s jaw ticks, and Alex grabs his hand, squeezing it tightly and pushing through the crowd to reach the host stand. “Someone must have sold our reservation info,” Henry grits out, sighing as he smooths his perfectly coiffed hair away from his face and tugs his sunglasses down from his nose, tucking them into the small black handbag hanging from his arm. “I’ll have to talk to the manager about that, I thought we had an agreement, but I didn’t realize that it's dependent upon who I come here with. James and I had a good rapport with this place.” “Hey, Henry, it’s alright.” Alex tugs Henry to face him and cups his cheeks in his hands. “Let them fucking talk. What does it matter?” Alex sees some of the fire leave Henry’s eyes, and he nods in agreement as he presses a soft kiss to Alex’s lips. “You’re right, of course. I just… wish we could have some privacy is all,” Henry says with a sigh. Thankfully, they’re seated away from the front windows after Henry has a long whispered conversation with the manager, presumably about one of the employees selling their arrival time to the paps. Their waitress seems flustered to be serving Henry Fox, but the manager checks in on them frequently and brings out extra plates of food for them to nibble on as they make their way through three sumptuous courses. Henry feeds Alex pasta off of his fork, and licks wine sauce from the corners of his lips. Alex chases the kisses with rich red wine, the taste of Henry mingling with all the savory flavors of the Italian food, and the night is perfect as they laugh and joke and talk about what this trip means to them. They’ve defined the relationship, but Alex admits with a blush just how much Henry’s come to mean to him. It’s too soon for the ‘L’ bomb, but it hovers between them, ready to be dropped, ready to redefine the relationship again for the best.
If you made it this far, thank you! Let me know what you think of the new banner, I'm still a lil on the fence if I'm ready to part with the flowers. I'm going to tag @firstsprinces , @firenati0n , @forever-fixating , @zwiazdziarka , @candyspandemonium , @anincompletelist , @heybuddy-drabbles , @sunnysideprince , @duchessdepolignaca03 and anyone who would like an open tag, this one is for you! If you keep up with my tag games and want me to add you to the list each week, LMK!!
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
how did ocean and noel become "be gay fight crime"? how did constance and mischa become "be gay do crime"? let me tell you!!!
ocean and noel were first. they realised they could use their powers for good!!! so one day, they went to a random spot in the city, ocean stopped time and let noel grow some Trees.
they did this for a couple of months, but then the council started complaining which made them stop, not wanting to get caught and punished (ocean encouraged this since she has guilt and punishment issues)
they feel really useless for a bit, until they walk by this destroyed bank wall in the city and they realise "oh my gosh ocean there are villains in the city." "we can do something about it!!!!! :D oh wait is it legal" "we'd literally be protecting the city how could it not be"
at the next attack, ocean monitors where it happens, it's weirdly a lot of banks in the city (i was in the city today, there are so many banks) and try to figure out a pattern of timing (there's not one)
next time she hears of it she stops time and gets noel to go to the city with her
they have to walk like 5kms to find where it's going down (and like the length of how long she can stop time is limited and depends on her health and amount of sleep) so they take a breather but then they have to Fight
noel carries the team there, he traps some of the robbers with plants, he suffocates one with flowers (dw he doesn't kill anyone yet) and that lead to the robbers being imprisoned
they got a lot of praise and they were very happy about this
so it meant that they started sorta being the city protectors, they communicate about Hero Stuff on flip phones and there's a line that people can use to call them in major emergencies
constance and mischa corruption arc (i can make them worse >:D)
okay so they weren't the bank robbers, let me be clear. they don't know them, they're completely unrelated, i just needed a way for ocean and noel to bring it together
but constance and mischa did think hey???
they work in customer service they've seen some shit
constance really just fucking snaps one day and good for her so sure, part of it is sadism
i'm still working on their motivation tbh, so if you've got any recs, lmk please!!!
the current consideration is that mischa's retained his anger from canon about "thank you for killing my mother and indirectly killing me". perhaps constance's father was killed bc, idk if y'all know this, but the us doesn't have great healthcare. maybe something or other endangers a cousin she's really close to and she lets out some anger through fighting?? or the two of them directly target the workplaces of billionaires??? i really don't know too well yet, sorry!!
so then, naturally, ocean and noel rise up against them
and it's not like they don't fully get where they're coming from, but they can't admit that publicly!!!
as a result, they create a fighting schedule. no, they don't want to know each other's identities, but they agree to fight on wednesday evenings and friday mornings.
the vibe between them in the first chapter will sorta be inspired by batman and joker in the lego batman movie!!!
spacedolls are watching and they are entertained
penny started a reddit supporting constance and mischa *blindly*
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elusive---ivory · 2 years
"Waddles, don't mess this up for me"
Summary: Mabel sets Stan up with the crazy lady that lives in the observatory up north of town.
Tagging: @princessrainbowpastel @prettypopstarprincess2 @sharkships @superliminalselfships (lmk if you want to be tagged or removed)
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The old man grumbled his way out the door. His sweater-loving niece had dragged him out the door, hinting at a major surprise.
"Mabel, what are you doing? It's my day off." Stan said, confused as to where Mabel was pulling him off too. "Can't you let your old man relax for just one day?"
She responded with a shiny bright smile, that almost blinded Stan. "It's going to be great, just trust me!"
Stan rolled his eyes. "Just don't keep me out late. I got a dinner with myself at 8."
"Well, not just with yourself!" Mabel giggled.
"Listen, kid, I'm an old soul. I can't just keep meeting people, thinking it's going to work. I appreciate what you're doing, Mabel, but I-" just as he was speaking, he was interrupted a very loud motorbike with space stickers all over it.
"She's here!!" Mabel exclaimed.
The woman parked carefully her motorcycle by the golf cart. As she took off her helmet, gray hair fell to the middle of her back. She was an older woman. Her glasses hung off her peculiar nose. She placed the helmet down, and looked around for Mabel.
"Libby! Libby! Thank you so much for coming!!" Mabel exclaimed louder, running over to hug her.
Libby chuckled. "I just live down the road, Pipsqueak. It's hardly a trip at all. That's why I brought the ol' girl down her." She winked down at Mabel, and whispered. "Maybe I'll even give you a ride."
Mabel squealed with excitement. "HAHA, DIPPER, I GET TO RIDE ON LIBBY'S BIKE FIRST."
Finally, her twin brother, Dipper, stepped outside. "Wait, you didn't tell me, Ms. Evergreen was coming." He walked over to Mabel, and pulled his sister aside.
"Why did you invite her over?" Dipper whispered. "Didn't you forget that's Gideon's aunt?"
"Yeah, well, I said that Stan invited her over for dinner." Mabel whispered back. "Besides, she hates Gideon as much as us. Why not put her on the team?"
"How do you know that we can trust her? I mean, I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just that I think that-" Mabel instantly covered Dipper's mouth with her hand and pointed to the old people two or three feet ahead of them.
"Well, Stan, you look good! Have you lost weight?" Libby had an inkling of an idea about why she was here in the first place. Over the summer, Mabel had been trying to get Stan a match that would last.
Stan chuckled nervously. "Oh, no. I think I gained weight actually, but I do look good."
He's been with Lazy Susan, that weird spider lady that tried to eat him, and that one time, but we don't talk about that.
Libby wasn't like that. She had a little more spirit that wasn't broken. She had a love for space that she wanted to share.
"Uh, so, how have you been, Libby? I see the squirt isn't hanging around you, like a growth." Stan paused for a second, waiting for her to take offense and slap him.
Quite the contrary, Libby simply laughed. "He's annoying his father. I only look after him on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Gideon's attitude as of late really started getting on my nerves. One of these days, he's going to be grounded for sure."
Stan nodded. "That's the truth. Hey, could I offer you a soda or something?"
"Absolutely, I'm parched." Libby smiled as Stan led her into the house. Stan disappeared into the kitchen. She looked around the house with amazement. While it was just an ordinary house, Libby could see that the house was lived in. There was mud on the floor, as well as pig drool.
Waddles greeted Libby with a squeal. She bent down to pick up the pig. Waddles leaned in and kissed her nose by covering it in pig drool. Libby giggled, putting the pig down and wiping the drool off.
"I can see why Mabel loves you so much. You're a heartstealer!" Libby chuckled to herself. "Why am I talking to a pig?"
"Let's see we got Diet or Regular, which one are you more in the mood for?" Stan yelled from the kitchen.
"Regular will do just fine." Libby yelled back. As she turned around, she bumped into the pine-tree hat boy. "Oh, sorry, Dipper, I didn't know you were right there."
Dipper dropped what he was reading when he bumped into Libby. He was panicking because he had the journal in his hands. "Heh, it's alright, but WAIT STOP NO-"
Libby picked up the book, taking note of it's cover. "Wow, this thing looks hard-core. You like reading it, little buddy?"
Dipper completely froze. "Uhh, yeah, it's pretty cool. Could you hand it back?" His worse fear started to actualize. She started looking through the different pages.
"I, uh, it's a first edition, so I'd appreciate it if you'd be careful." Dipper muttered.
After scouring through the book, Libby handed the it back to the quivering boy. "That's pretty cool, Dip! I like the visuals. Just don't scare yourself too much."
Dipper looked confused. She seemed completely unfazed. Dipper looked at the journal to make sure she didn't tear a page out, and she didn't. He looked back at Libby as she walked into the kitchen.
Stan was staring out the window, drinking his soda, with another one sitting next to him by the sink. The can had developed some condensation that dripped down her hand as she picked it up.
"So, uh, you came all this way for dinner, right?" Stan said in his raspy voice. "I guess, I should get cooking." He gulped.
"Want me to help?" Libby sipped on her soda. "I have an excellent set of hands."
"Oh, really? Well, in that case, you can help with the pasta. I don't know why but Mabel insisted on having spaghetti." Stan groaned as he got the pasta from the top shelf. "I can't trust that girl around food."
Libby smirked. "I wouldn't say you're any better. At least she knows when there's enough glitter." She chuckled, getting out a big pot.
Stan laughed. "You're gonna have the best tasting spaghetti of your life because of me."
"I will hold you to that, Stan." He smiled at her as she was stirring the pot. Libby had known Stan since he had established his name in Gravity Falls.
He had many good times with her. Before Gideon was born, he would see Libby hanging out with her sister, Shelly. Shelly was meek and shy, with how Gideon's been acting. She couldn't handle the stress. Gideon had made a drift in their relationship. While Stan wanted to talk to her more, she was way too busy dealing with a demon child.
Moments like this were very precious. He could see the stress she was under. Her observatory was the one thing Gideon couldn't take from her. Until he did. He had bought the deed and kicked her out of a place she once called home.
Luckily, Libby had her family's cabin with it's old creepy laboratory. She lived just up the hill from the Mystery Shack, but she felt more secluded than ever.
Once the pasta was done, it was ready to make the sauce. Libby opened the cabinets only to find two jars of tomato sauce and a few italian spice packets. She picked up every from the fridge and placed it on the stove. She had poured one jar of sauce into a different pan and waited for the sauce to heat up. She ripped the spice packets with her teeth, putting them in the with sauce.
Stan snuck up behind her, looking at the food. "Wow, you're better at this than me, and you didn't set the kitchen on fire."
Libby felt Stan holding the spoon in her hand. He was stirring the sauce with her. She blushed, slightly at his gesture. She turned to him, grinning madly to herself.
Stan blushed as well. She was reciprocating the gesture. "I'm just, uhh, working on your technique."
"Mm-hm." She hummed. "You got a pretty good technique going on there. It would be a shame if someone messed it up." Libby dipped her finger in the sauce and wiped it on Stan's nose.
"W-What the heck? What was that for? I've been nothing but nice to you." Stan feigned his annoyance, but he was smiling big. He smirked, flicking a noodle in her face.
A noisey friend made their way into the kitchen. Because of all the commotion, Waddles walked into the kitchen, smelling something good. He ran up to Stan, toppling him to taste the sauce on his nose.
"Ach, Waddles, would you get off of me?" The old man groaned. "Don't mess this up for me." He whispered.
"I think dinners all done." Libby announced. She shooed Waddles into the other room, then called for the kids.
"WE'RE COMING!! YOU BETTER NOT BE OLD PEOPLE MAKING OUT!!!" Mabel screamed from the top of the stairs.
Libby blushed again, while rolling her eyes. "No, Mabel, we're not."
Dipper showed up a bit before Mabel. He wasn't making any eye contact with Libby, as he was headed to kitchen. He got his serving, then turned to Libby. "Don't hurt Stan." He pleaded.
Libby nodded. It was a strange and cryptic, but he cares about his great uncle. Surely, another heartbreak could mean a heart attack at his age. He just wanted to make sure his uncle was happy.
Libby could understand that. She turned back to Stan who was arguing with Mabel. She leaned against the doorframe, smirking at Stan.
"But, Grunckle Stan, I've never been to Look Out Point. Are you really going to leave me in the dust?" Mabel was giving Stan her sweet puppy dog eyes, begging to come with him on the rest of his date.
"Listen, Mabel, you have helped me a lot, but I can do pretty much all of this on my own. Besides, Look Out Point is for teenagers to grossly congregate, and I don't want to expose you to that kind of stuff." Stan gently patted Mabel on the head. She begrudgingly walked upstairs to her room with her brother.
"Also, Soos gets to babysit because he's free."
A gopher-looking man walks into the picture. "Hey, Mr. Pines, and Ms. Evergreen!"
He didn't notice Libby staring, until he turned around and looked up. She was smiling gently at him. "You got a couple of great kids, Stan."
"Don't I know it, Libby." Stan smirked, leading Libby outside.
As Libby was getting ready to hop on her bike, Stan stopped her suddenly. "Nah, you don't need that tricycle, when you've got the Stanmobile!"
He pointed to a fairly used car. Libby couldn't seem to pin down the model. It was very late 20th century, and it was remarkable that it was still around today.
She looked over at her bike and then the car. Libby took a deep breath, and placed her helmet down. She handed Stan her keys. "Alright, Granny, I'll let you have this one."
"'Granny'. Ok, now you're just trying to hurt my feelings." Stan teased. His big semi-golden grin, reminiscent of Mabel's. "I'd hold onto something if I were you."
Libby nodded. She grabbed onto the seat and strapped her seat belt on. The road started out as smooth, but began to shake up as they started going up hill.
"Is this the way to Look Out Point?" Libby asked.
"Nope, we're not going to Look Out Point." Stan started finally started to slow down. Up the hill, there was a large observatory that was once a planetarium. It had Gideon's face all over the entrance, and the chain link fence called it "Gideon Land."
Libby looked at the scene with sorrow. Her own family kicked her out of her own home. She felt disregarded as a family member.
Stan gently shook her shoulder, snapping her out of her own thoughts. "The plan is to jump over the fence. And without getting caught. Do you think you've got what it takes?"
"W-What takes?" This was Libby's turn to get flustered. There was a glint of mischief in his eye.
"To take your home back, Libby." He held onto her hand tightly. "You don't need a squirt like Gideon to take over your life."
Libby nodded. She looked over at the front entrance. There weren't any guards at the moment, so it was a perfect time to strike.
Stan made the first move. She waved at him to signal. He wasn't as limber as he used to be, and the wrinkles on his face say it all. But, when this man is determined to do something, he will fight through hell and back to do it.
He fell on his face hard. He got off the ground with a groan. "Oh, boy, this is not as fun as it used to be."
Libby offered her hand, helping him up. "Well, I still think that you don't look a day over 67." She laughed, silently.
"Well, that's all I got going for me is my looks." Stan nudged. "That's why you stuck around."
Libby blushed. "When you put it like that, you're right."
Stan let out a hearty laugh. "Are you ready to do some more climbing?"
She took a big sigh. "Let's hope either of us breaks anything."
He rolled his eyes. "I gotcha. You're in safe hands." Just like that, he lifts her up onto a ledge. Libby grabbed Stan's hand and pulled him onto the roof.
The telescope was only a few meters away. The two held their balance as they slowly walked along the edge. Libby almost lost her footing, and slipped on a shingle. Stan quickly grabbed ahold of her.
"See?" He smirked.
Libby chuckled, while her face began to heat up. The relationship she had with Stan treaded the line between dislike and like. She didn't know if Stan would ever feel the same about her. As she aged, it was harder and harder to find someone to spend time with. Stan had been her longest friend in the whole of Gravity Falls. A faint crush is all that she wrote off. Pining for someone for 30 years seemed like a lot, but her feelings never changed. The only real divide between them was her family.
Stan gently shook her shoulder. "Are you okay?"
Libby snapped out of her thoughts, and nodded. "Yes. I'm fine. I've just been stressed out, lately."
"Let's sit down other there. You could use a load off." Stan pointed to a balcony next to the telescope.
Once they were seated, the night sky started to light up. A few shooting stars could be seen in the distance. Libby's eyes widened at the glorious night sky.
"Do you like it, Libby?" Stan said softly. He held her hand gently. While she was busy staring at the stars, Stan had his eyes on her.
She turned to him, smiling softly. "I love it. Thank you." She rested her head on his shoulder.
"Gideon shouldn't ever taken this place from you." Stan muttered.
"It wasn't just an attraction to me." Libby's voice got quieter. A single tear feel down her face. She turned away from Stan for a brief moment. "It was my home."
Stan held her hand softly in the moonlight. He scooted closer to her. He placed a hand on her cheek, turning her towards him. "You could call any place home."
Libby smiled softly. "I would say you're like home to me." She squeezed his hand. "I love the kids. You're a wonderful uncle."
"You're quite the special lady. I haven't seen someone that the kids love so much." He leaned over, getting closer to her. "Before I came here, I was just a traveling salesman. Not a good one at that. I got banned from every state in the country."
"That's why you moved to Oregon?" She got a little bit closer as well.
He nodded. "I couldn't go home, because.. of something I did. You're a good person, Libby. I don't understand what you see in a shmuck like me."
"I see a caring man. A man who's had a hard life. A man that cares for his children." Libby tilted her head, leaning even closer. "I care for you, Stan."
She placed a hand on his scruffy cheek. His stubble scratched her face gently as their lips collided. Stan closed his eyes, running his fingers through her gray hair.
Stan and Libby hadn't stopped their kiss, when a guard walked over and spotted them in the roof.
He pulled away, grabbing her hand. "Make a break for it, Libby!!" He threw her off the roof, trying to aim for a bush. She landed on the roof of his car, hurting her back.
A few days later, Gideon had given her the deed to her property back. "Alright, Auntie, you get you get your telescope back, but I warn you. You are on thin ICE!"
Libby ignored Gideon, while thinking about Stan. "Oh? What was that Gideon?"
Gideon growled. "AUNTIE!!!"
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moodymelanist · 3 years
mr. & mrs. archeron chapter 6 sneak peek
hey y’all, keeping with the schedule and posting a sneak peek since it’s thursday! I have a LOT to write for this chapter still so it’ll most likely come out on Wednesday (and same for the final chapter) if that’s alright <3 
also also: LMAO this gif doesn’t match the mood at ALL but goddammit I'm laughing while using it
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Her hand was steady as she held the gun in her husband’s direction, mirroring his stance as they stared each other down. She could hear her mother telling her not to hesitate in her head, and while she knew it was the objectively smart choice to just kill him, something in her was making it really hard to pull that trigger.
She thought about how happy he’d been when she’d agreed to marry him and how it had felt to fall asleep as husband and wife for the first time. How safe she felt in his arms and how adorable he was when he cooked for her. How soft his hair was and how right she felt when they were connected in every way. How his gaze went soft when he looked at her, how much he lit up when he was talking about something he was passionate about. How much fun he had around children and how the sound of his laughter made her heart want to explode out of her chest. How much she loved him and would do unspeakable things to prove it.
Nesta lowered her gun before she could think about how this was the first time she’d ever hesitated. But for him, and only him, she’d do it. “Go ahead. It’s okay.”
tag list (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @live-the-fangirl-life | @nessiansimp | @bookologist | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @sayosdreams | @dealingdifferentdevils | @rowaelinismyotp | @arinbelle | @swankii-art-teacher | @ladygabrielli1997 | @teagoddess99 | @dontgetsalmonella | @champanheandluxxury | @chloepereyra | @bookstantrash
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