#Wednesday theory
I’ve compiled a list of acceptable reasons for Enid to be Wednesday’s stalker because I keep seeing it as one of the main theories, but Enid’s too baby girl to be the bad guy and she also clearly loves her roommate too much to actually harm her (she risked her life to save Wednesday why would she hurt her???) but these options could work:
1) She spent all of last semester jealous of Tyler and once she found out he was the Hyde she had the stupid idea to make Wednesday hunt her for the new semester purely for the attention.
2) She was worried Wednesday wouldn’t return after the break and thought if she stalked her the mystery would have a strong enough appeal to convince Wednesday to come back to Nevermore.
3) She realised she was in love with Wednesday and thought that this would be a good way to seduce her.
4) Thing convinced her it would be funny.
5) She’s planning to frame Xavier because she’s sick of him hitting on her girl.
6) She asked Yoko for advice on how to ask Wednesday out and Yoko sarcastically replied with “idk stalk her” but Enid thought she was serious and by the time she realised that she wasn’t she was already in far too deep to stop.
7) Wednesday figures it out within a week after her ‘stalker’ preceded to both ask her if she liked girls and if she thought her roommate was pretty. Wednesday then reply’s with, ‘You’re very beautiful Enid’ and she’s so happy that Wednesday thinks she’s beautiful that it takes her three day to realise that she called her Enid…
8) Wednesday’s complete lack of self preservation while hunting monsters and serial killers triggers her anxiety and she’s tired of the constant stress over whether or not her girls going to live through the night. So she comes up with an elaborate stalking plan to keep Wednesday happy and distracted while preventing her from attracting the attention of someone who actually means her harm.
That’s all I could come up with in the 5 minutes after I decided to make this post but you’ll should definitely send me any of your ideas though…
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averyaddamsromance · 2 years
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After Wednesday said "Xavier warned me about you" in ep 8, Tyler replied "Ironic now, huh?" Am I the only one who perceives a touch of jealousy in Tyler's facial expression and tone of voice?
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car1y-quinn · 1 year
Wednesday Theory time
Wasn’t Enid the only wolf to wolf out? The claws thing has to be some kind of coincidence, during her make out session with Ajax(especially since it happened both times they did it) because I feel like she only wolfed out because Wednesday was in trouble. And it happening on a blood moon wasn’t the cause, but now that could effect her in some way that’s unique to other werewolves now.
Also we don’t see the other werewolves. Like I know they lock them up; or sometimes they do? They didn’t make that clear. But I don’t think they’d leave them in there of fear of crackstone killing them. And I feel like if they had shifted they would have been seen helping fight off the bad guys.
Also I have no idea if anyone else has brought this up as a theory, I’ve read some stuff here and there but not all compiled together exactly. And also I haven’t heard the cast bring this up either.
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medlezbean · 2 years
Wednesday theory
Okay so this isn’t really a theory but I just found out this two sentences.
(I left the name and minutes of the videos so you can check)
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On the left written probably with blood we have: “Blood will rain”
Something that we have already seen in the official teaser (below)
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Now the second sentence is: “Fire will rain”
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Now we see fire a couple of times in the official teaser, one with thing:
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But it’s probably just doing something under Wednesday’s order like we can see in this scene:
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so I would rule it out.
Just before the scene with the fire inscription we have this shot in the Teaser:
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So maybe this one is the closest? We also have one last one, the most interesting in my opinion:
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this one. And let’s just say that I think I might know who this is.
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the same person in this shot (for the cane and the clothing) and the hair reminds me of someone.
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Do you see that? She seems to be the same age as Wednesday’s mom so she could very well be a part of the “family mistery”
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deniedmetamorphosis · 2 years
I'm rewatching Wednesday again solely for my own sake and weyler but something's been on my mind...
Like how were the Hydes banned? We know they're too dangerous n all yadayada but like what incident led to them being rejected? I'm thinking maybe there were other cases like Tyler's 30 years ago? Think about it it's unclear what their history was like in Nevermore but obviously they're violent and dangerous enough that I think… maybe there were others that tried to control them or sabotage the Hydes' reputation??
Take Bianca, a siren for example. The Hyde is awakened by chemical, torture=trauma or hypnosis and bianca used her siren voice to hypnotize and control him once didn't she? (We wouldn't know if that's possible if Tyler was in his Hyde form tho.) What if there were some sorta beef between Hydes and other monsters back then? what if there were other people like the Gates that tried to turn the Hyde against the outcasts before too? I'm just saying bc we know THE HYDE is awakened/controlled by SOMEONE rather than idk willingly???(don't get me started on "but Tyler said he enjoyed killing!" bc I believe that part is still up to our own interpretation) Idk i thought id be over this show esp after that last episode but dangit i cant get ENOUGH.
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(edit: wait silly me maybe he's trying to say this;
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"I believe you." [BC ITS HIM😭]
Moving on.....)
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These scenes live in my mind rent free. I'm sure this was Tyler trying to reach out to Wednesday about something but each time, he's reminded of whatever's stopping him from doing it n istg I'm dying to know what was he trying to give her in third n fourth pic
While we wait the agonizing months or years(hopefully not) it take for season 2 release let's discuss details and theories shall we. What do u think? Could there be the similar cases as Tyler's before and was it why they're banned?
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p0tat0-g0ddess · 2 years
because I found an alarming lack of actual analysis of the show, here’s my rambled Wednesday thoughts, mostly Tyler Galpin Deserved Better
Like sorry can we talk about this??? Can we talk about this kid who lost his mother at a young age, but old enough to remember her, and watch his father all but deny she exists? Knowing that there’s a chance that his son inherited the monster form that is released from traumatic events?? So Tyler acts out, as one does when their mother is dead and their father refuses to care for them, and gets in trouble. He had court-mandated therapy, which I’m guessing is a result of screwing up. Possibly the mural incident with Xavier, but also possibly not because I’m not sure there would be any retribution from messing with an outcast kid.
As he’s struggling to handle what is effectively the loss of both his parents, and presumably anyone in his life who loved him, Laurel finds him and forces him into her servitude. We’re pretty sure that she chemically induced the Hyde, so it wasn’t actually released by his mother’s death. (It would be nice to figure out in later seasons what happened to his mom. I doubt Laurel had anything to do with it, because she only rolled back into town about a year ago, but it’s possible? We don’t really know how long ago she died, but I would guess when Tyler was in his tweens/younger teens)
Laurel gains his trust by showing the first measure of care for him and then uses what is presumably nightshade poison to draw out the Hyde (imagine if he wasn’t a Hyde, and he was a normie like his father. She would’ve just killed him), keeping him locked up in a cave and pumping him full of chemicals (possibly beating him? In the cave flashback clip there were what looked like wounds on his back).
I mean, no wonder he was attracted to Wednesday despite her giving him next to no attention. At least she made him feel worth something. And it could be argued that Laurel was having him pursue her in order to use her, but, why? Why would she need him? Laurel already had a connection with Wednesday, she was her dorm mother. She already had access, she didn’t need her Hyde slave to woo her. So either he was trying to get to Wednesday out of his own sadistic enjoyment, or he genuinely liked her, and frankly I don’t think he would’ve gone as hard as he did if he was just messing with her. The picnic in the crypt was just adorable, he really pulled out all the stops.
This begs the question of ‘what was up with his Hyde confession’, because that was clearly evil, but my personal theory is that he either developed a distinct other personality to go with the Hyde, or the Hyde has a consciousness of its own, which, thanks to Laurel, now has control over Tyler when he’s himself as well. Is it a correct theory? Maybe not, but it’s my theory and I’m sticking with it until I get conflicting information.
I also wonder briefly what it takes to keep a Hyde contained. In the ending scene of episode 8, it looked like he transformed and presumably was about to escape, despite being chained and in a straight jacket. But Laurel wouldn’t have him chained by his wrists unless that would contain the Hyde, right? It isn’t Tyler she’s afraid of. So there is a way to keep him down.
TLDR: I really hope Tyler gets a good ending, because this kid has been through the wringer already and needs some gotdang love and affection. Please.
Edit to add: I’m also very disappointed by his father’s actions at the end of season 1. He has to realize what he’s done, right? Has to realize that his refusal to acknowledge his son’s pain has aided in his transformation to this homicidal monster. And yet, instead of owning up to his actions and trying to make things right with his son, he sends him away. Again, he decides that Tyler is too much trouble.
maybe I’m reading it wrong, he was probably forced to send him away for the good of the town and, maybe, Tyler as well. But to me it just looks like the sheriff pushing his son away again.
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pluuummmaaa · 2 months
Amanda Buckman goes suicidal like Private Pyle and Joker needs some good freaking therapy until she's confirming as the stalker from Wednesday
If she was casted by Ella Purnell or Florence Pugh, that might be perfect as the netflix show goes 💐
It's been 30 years and you didn't know that woman got stuck on her trauma for decades and it turns out to be some major consequences.
I hope that our true form of "Morality Sadness" would be restored once more.
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bs-fangirl · 5 months
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I totally get the actor being too busy to return to Chaos Theory; it's just hilarious to me that they jumped straight to 'kill Brooklyn with a dinosaur' and let that be the whole plot of the new show.
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simonsezsewart · 2 months
My last two brain cells <3
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(Timelapse + alt versions below)
Song: Long Long Long Journey - Bill Wurtz
Bruh I struggled for over two hours on WW’s sketch, meanwhile the entire Vash drawing took two hours total… whoops 💀
But hey! Look at all the colors in their hair! It’s like little rainbows… ;w;
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(Sketches so yall can see what I’m talking about in the tags 💀)
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donelywell · 9 months
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October 29 2023
Tails and Sonic have a weekly presentation event. Both would go up to a board and give a presentation of their special interest this week and ramble about it to the other sibling. Tails typically rambles about a theory he has about how the world works or what new show he's gotten invested in, and Sonic typically rambles about a new plant he discovered or a new song he's writing this week.
Plus it's got a chaos energy theory! In my I guess shatterverse (though it's pretty canon adjacent) I have an entire system for Chaos Energy. I could go on a ramble and a half about Mobians with Chaos Abilities. I actually made a google doc abo- off topic.
Ehem, in short, I'm gonna project my incessant want to ramble about my hyperfixations onto these brothers and nobody can stop me.
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car1y-quinn · 8 months
Wednesday and Enid having a picnic date night in the graveyard
Enid looking behind her: oh would you look at that, Suzy Silverson died when she was my age.
Wednesday smirking: you’re not scared are you?
Enid: of course not silly. I live with you, don’t I?
Wednesday: That is factual. Doesn’t this make you feel alive?
Enid: so would a nicely lit restaurant, but here we are *drinks wine*
Wednesday: oh Cara Mia!
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spungeez · 15 days
Alright, it's time for me to over analyze another scene from Wednesday through my Wenclair tinted glasses, this time it's about the scene where Morticia says goodbye to Wednesday.
Morticia is a psychic, and she was very determined to send Wednesday to Nevermore. I don't think it's a stretch to say that she knew something others didn't, but this scene in particular is full of so many little things that point to it. First of all,
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The Addams' defining feature is that they love and support each other. Even if they make 'non traditional' life choices. If Wednesday truly didn't want to fall in love, They wouldn't care, as long as she was happy. There's no reason for Morticia to be hurt by this statement.
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Look where her eyes are pointing.
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She's looking past Wednesday completely and staring in the direction Wednesday came from. It can be assumed, since she has just changed clothes, that in the direction she came from is Ohelia hall. Morticia's not the one who was hurt by Wednesday's reluctance for relationships. You know who was hurt by it?
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And you know who else was hurt by it?
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She covered that, too.
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And she's looks past Wednesday there, too!
The bit that really solidified the theory for me that she had a vision about Wednesday is this little gesture
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The way she starts to reach out for that shoulder specifically, but stops herself. The shoulder that got shot. Wednesday was fine with Pugsley and Gomez fully hugging her in this scene, so it's pretty clear her touch aversion doesn't extend to her family. It's Morticia who decides against touching that shoulder. She knows she'll trigger another vision, perhaps?
Lastly, right at the start of this scene,
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Her eyes still look right past Wednesday towards Ohelia hall, and you CAN'T tell me that isn't the definition of a knowing smile.
She knows that being here is what's ultimately going to make Wednesday happy, and though it might make Morticia sad, she knows it's best that she play the villain for now until Wednesday can see her true reasoning.
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racing-stripes · 3 months
i did some math about the arctic monkeys album for fun, and got some interesting results.
i wanted to see which albums had the quickest word pace, or most words per second. i assumed it would be the earliest albums first, and the later, more melodic albums last. surprisingly, it turned out to not be so simple.
to find this out, i first found the word count of each album (a Very tedious task, i will have you know) and their run times. if you're interested, the data is:
Whatever People Say I Am: 3638 words, 40:56
Favorite Worst Nightmare: 2852 words, 37:18
Humbug: 2238 words, 39:15
Suck It and See: 1912 words, 40:04
AM: 3303 words, 41:38
Tranquility Base: 2540 words, 40:51
The Car: 1667 words, 37:18
then i did division to find the ratio of words/second (beautifully handwritten work shown below):
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thus, the final results are (drumroll...) :
Whatever People Say I Am
Favorite Worst Nightmare
Tranquility Base
Suck It and See
The Car
to say i was surprised at AM's placement is an understatement. i wondered if i'd done something wrong with the counting (which may be a possibility), but i think it comes down to backing vocals. because all words in each song were counted (yes, down to every "oh" or "ah" or "shoo-wop") it makes sense that AM would be wordier, although technically slower, than favorite worst nightmare.
soooo. that was my experiment! lmk if you want to know more about any of this or have some other info to make the results more full/fun/interesting.
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critrolesideblog · 29 days
"Hi, Yussa!" Yussa paused, fork suspended in midair, as the voice of Jester Lavorre flared into his mind, sudden and bright, but not at its usual break-neck pace. There was a slight pause as she considered her words. "Caleb wants to send a friend through your teleportation circle tomorrow… Friend is from Xhorhas… just passing through… Caleb casting - that okay?" He heard a note of triumph in her voice as she managed to complete the question within the allotted word limit. From Xhorhas… It was not every day he had visitors from Xhorhas, and for Caleb Widogast to ask… that was intriguing.
"I may be amenable to that, so long as Widogast is not handing out my teleportation coordinates to whomever requests them."
"He's not." The reply came so closely on the heels of his own that she must have started casting before he completed the thought. "He really wanted me to stress that. Great! Esssss- our friend will message you when he is on his way. He's cool! You'll love--"
"Very well," was all he replied, and as the spell released, he felt a reverberation of annoyance at his failure to use up the space allowed. He smiled to himself as he retrieved his fork and called to Wensforth to clear his schedule. Tomorrow promised to be an interesting day.
"Well, we should get on with it I suppose," Caleb said softly. His breath was warm against Essek's ear as he squeezed him tightly one last time, and Essek breathed in the now-familiar scent of him -- woodsmoke, incense, leather, parchment, Caleb. Essek knew he was right. They had delayed long enough as it was, lingering on an outcropping of rock, sheltered from Eiselcross's fierce winds and bitter cold by Leomund's Tiny Hut. Caleb had important things to get to in the Empire, and Essek should not keep him from them. But he indulged in his selfishness a moment longer, keeping his grip around Caleb firm. He was the stronger wizard, by a hair, and Caleb did not resist the embrace. Instead, he leaned his cheek against Essek's for a breath, and then offered a kiss there in exchange for his release.
"I suppose so," Essek agreed at last, keeping his hands in touch with Caleb's form until the very last brush of fingertips against fingertips as he slipped from his grasp and crouched to begin drawing the teleportation circle.
Essek turned away from the sigils being drawn and looked out over the icy tundra. The day was fittingly grey and dreary, the sun a weak suggestion of a glow through the haze of snow on the horizon. He pulled a copper wire from his pocket, stretched it, condensed it, collapsed the distance between his voice and its intended recipient: "Hello, I hope I am not intruding. I will be arriving in one minute."
"Thank you for the warning," replied an unfamiliar voice, sounding pleasantly-surprised. "I will be waiting."
"He sounded surprised to hear from me," he called back over his shoulder. "That was the plan, was it not?"
"Ja," Caleb's voice sounded amused. "But our calling ahead is usually a message from a few floors up after we've already arrived."
"Ah… yes, that does sound like you."
"It's a good thing Jester is so charming."
"We will have much to commiserate over."
Essek turned back to find Caleb twisting the remaining stub of chalk this way and that in his hands, the circle beyond awaiting the final marks that would complete it. He took a deep breath to steady himself and with a flourish of his hand and a murmured word cast Disguise Self. He then slipped a pearl from a pouch on his belt and held it close enough to Caleb's forehead to feel the warmth radiating from his skin but vigilant not to touch it. Caleb's clear, blue eyes looked at him with such warmth that it made him want to say foolish, selfish things about running away together or venturing into Aeor once more, but he murmured only the verbal component of the spell and took another steadying breath.
"Good luck, Caleb Widogast."
"Don't be a stranger."
Caleb knelt again and completed the final rune.
Disguise Self.
Yussa had all night and the better part of the morning to hypothesize on the identity and motivations of his intended guest and came up with a few interesting theories. Interesting being the key word. The Mighty Nein were many things, but never dull.
He could allow that the handsome, young Drow now standing in his teleportation circle had applied the spell in a smart way: shifts to the hue of his skin and eyes and adjustments to his facial features, leaving his hair, clothes, and the shape of his ears true to form. Such small changes were harder for the untrained eye to spot. But he had to have known he would be arriving to a pair of very well-trained eyes.
The young man arranged his features into a soft, politician's smile.
"Yussa Errenis, I presume." He bowed politely, speaking in Common. "It is a pleasure to meet you." Yussa dissected his features for tells of the veracity of this statement, but even looking past the paltry illusion, he was hard to read. Good for him, he supposed. Good for his chances at surviving this side of the Ashkeeper Peaks, anyway. There was a slight shift in pitch to his voice that might have been earnestness, but he arrived in Yussa's home in a poorly-thought-out and -- more importantly -- boring disguise. He could not allow that to pass unchecked.
"Welcome," Yussa replied in High Elven to match the young man's mask (and his own). He watched his attention come to a still point on the sound of his voice as he continued at a conversational speed. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. And what is your name? Ms. Lavorre did not provide it." He knew high-born Drow (which he would wager his guest to be given the fine make of his clothes, if he were a gambling man, which he was) often studied High Elven as part of their schooling, but with little occasion to use it, found it difficult to converse in. It did not help that Drow diverged from High Elvish some centuries ago, influenced by Undercommon in subtle but important ways.
His eyes became sharp above his soft smile as his mind worked quickly.
"Sylmarr is my name. I'm sorry. It took me a moment to… change roads." He responded at length, accented but much more smoothly than Yussa expected, and that was interesting…. Sylmarr… Right.
"Please, come in. I have prepared tea for us."
"Ah, no. Apologies, I cannot--"
"I insist. It would be very rude of me to have you in my home and not at least provide you with tea. Right this way."
Yussa lead the way down the stairs and heard a soft huff and the rustling of a cloak behind him. Sylmarr's steps behind him on the stairs were quiet…
He glanced back. He had not paid attention to his feet before, noticing only the height of his head to be commensurate with the illusion, but he saw now there was a space between his feet and the steps. Indeed, now that he was so close behind him, he caught …
He never found a good word for it in any language. It was not a scent exactly or a taste but an evocation of ozone and burnt metal and the feeling in the back of one's skull when dizzy and about to fall. Something he hasn't sensed in a long, long time.
Yussa's tower contained a number of receiving rooms for guests of varying importance. The one Sylmarr was ushered into had walls painted a shade of blue that matched the midday sky outside and high windows that opened onto balconies rarely visible from the exterior but which offered sweeping views of the city, the harbor, and the ocean. Layers of finely-woven linen curtains filtered the bright Nicodranian sunlight. The furniture was made of imported, Uthodurnian maple, expensive but not ostentatious. Yussa settled into his favorite high-backed chair upholstered in a rich turquoise velvet by the tea table as Sylmarr paused by the window overlooking the city. When he turned back to the room, his politician's smile was gone, replaced by a thoughtful frown.
"So, do you think my Elvish is good enough to continue with this disguise?"
"Briefly, perhaps, but if you plan to spend much time in the Menagerie Coast, your accent is just strong enough to garner unwanted attention. I would recommend limiting its use to places further afield."
He sat gingerly on the edge of the chair opposite Yussa, as if it might grow a mouth and consume him if he got comfortable. Not an unreasonable fear, all things considered, Yussa mused as he poured the tea. One of the adventurers he travelled with centuries ago was almost consumed by such a creature… Talia? No, Talia, when he travelled with the Wandering Wyrd, was almost killed by a Gelatinous Cube. It was Tyros with the --
"You have lived in Nicodranas for some time?"
"For over two centuries. Before that I travelled. A little bird told me--" at three in the morning last night, when she could not sleep and decided to make that Yussa's problem "--you have been travelling yourself recently."
"A bit."
"With Caleb Widogast?"
"He speaks very highly of you."
"He is an impressive talent and a good ally."
"And a good friend."
"I have not known many high-born Drow to speak of friends."
"Well," Sylmarr retrieved his teacup from its saucer. "I have been called exceptional." Yussa was uncertain whether he actually took a sip or just made a convincing show of it. He fixed Yussa with a sharp gaze as he set the cup back down neatly. "And have you known many Kryn?"
"A few."
"You've been to Xhorhas?"
"Not for many centuries." Yet he remembered the way the wind swept across the plains, ruffling the grasses like a great, invisible hand, the dry caress of it on his cheek. The bustle of the Gallimaufry at New Dawn. The ebb and flow of song as devotees wound their way through the streets. The echoing halls of the Marble Tomes, traversed by its supplicants with as much reverence as any shining temple.
"Have you any Undercommon?" Sylmarr asked, switching tongues as he did so. Yussa smiled at the at the attempt to knock him off his game, failed though it was.
"A bit, yes."
"You are well-travelled, indeed."
"Quite. Now, back to Caleb Widogast." This elicited a small crack the genteel mask as Sylmarr's eyebrows raised ever-so-slightly. He sat back in his chair then, settling in for whatever Yussa had to say.
"What about him?"
"As I have said, he is an impressive talent and a good ally. I consider him something of a --" Student wasn't right word. Nor apprentice. "A mentee of mine, if you will. We have different arcane specialties, but I believe I have some wisdom to offer on surviving as a mage in a mercenary group, not to mention centuries worth of professional connections." Sylmarr made no response, except to pick up his teacup again with a noise of polite attentiveness. "Ms. Lavorre mentioned to me that you are an accomplished arcanist as well, and you've taught Caleb -- I believe her exact words were a bunch of cool magic." Sylmarr frowned thoughtfully for a moment.
"I taught him the basics of my discipline, but much of the interesting magic of mine that he possesses he reverse engineered." He said the last words with a huff of annoyance that had little heat behind it. "He caught up to me very quickly and has taught me some of his own discipline as well."
"You would consider yourselves peers?"
"Yes," he responded quietly, lowering his eyes to his teacup for a moment, and there was a soft, shy smile on his lips, a little awkward and, if Yussa was not quite mistaken, tender. …Ah.
"I see."
"Yes," his smile sharpened quickly into something more keen. "You need not worry about me poaching your mentee." Yussa was only allowed an instant's intimation of indignation before Sylmarr continued. "If anything, I may wish to avail myself of some of your wisdom before too long, if that is agreeable to you." Ah… well… Yussa took a sip of a tea. He supposed if he wasn't losing the ear of the rising star in the field of Transmutation that would be alright, and the proposition did present an opening.
"It is agreeable, but I prefer to know my mentees' names. Sylmarr doesn't strike me as particularly Kryn."
"Neither does Errenis Yussa."
No, it doesn't does it, Yussa mused as he took another sip of his tea. Then again, that was rather the point when he chose it. There were other considerations as well, of course. He reflexively ran the pad of his thumb against a spot on his finger where a ring had not existed for centuries. Sylmarr was watching him with a haughty expression that dared him to challenge his conclusion. He considered the merits of feigning confusion but had to ask. "What gave it away?"
"If my Sun Elvish is a little too rough, your Undercommon is a little too smooth. There are also the windows." He gestured toward the curtains. "It could be polite consideration for an expected Drow guest, but I find non-Drow's idea of dimmed daylight is often still too bright. The odds that you happened to get it just the right amount to see clearly are slim. Also, the way you have arranged your robes -- I believe it is the custom in Gwardan to arrange the front panels right over left, not left over right." It was, but it always felt wrong.
"I see." Yussa set his teacup neatly in its saucer. "In that case, let us be plain with each other." He dispelled the young man's Disguise Self with a flick of his wrist, allowing the lilac eyes, high cheekbones, stardust freckles on twilight skin to become fully clear at last. He let his own facade fall as well.
They surveyed each other quietly for a moment: two Drow in a sunlit room.
The young man bowed politely in greeting as he had when he first arrived. Yussa bowed in return, and asked "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, and you are?" His persistence earned him a wry sort of grin, followed by a frown.
"I … have enemies," he responded slowly. "It may be better for your not to know."
"It is always better to know."
That earned him another wry grin and a moment's thoughtful consideration.
"Thelyss," he said at last, with a sigh. "Essek." Thelyss. Not just a noble den, but a ruling den. Yussa did some quick mental math regarding the Luxon beacon the Mighty Nein brought him, some months ago now, the level of political intrigue that would have been required for its Dwendallian sojourn, and the likelihood of Essek's involvement. Interesting. "And you?"
"Errenis Yussa is the only name of mine that matters, and the only one I have used for a long time."
Essek's lips formed a thin line, clearly dissatisfied with the answer. Open curiosity burned in his eyes. Nevertheless, he had the tact to approach his next question gingerly. "May I ask why you left Xhorhas?"
"No." Yussa replied primly, pushing aside memories of that first band of adventurers that wandered into his life (the way Dzi'an's golden eyes shone when he laughed, Anat's swagger, Maggie's sweet voice). "Not this visit, anyway. It is a long story, and I believe you have a ship to catch." Essek conceded the line of questioning with a nod.
"You're not wrong."
Yussa gestured for Essek to stand and with a word and a twist of the hand settled a Seeming spell around him, so he looked much as he did before, though with a new touch of gold embroidery to the hem of his robes. "Do you have Seeming in your repertoire?" He asked, and Essek had the good grace to look mildly chagrinned at the question.
"I do, but I wished to conserve my spell energies."
"Energy expended to avoid a fight is never wasted, young man." Essek barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes at the platitude, which delighted Yussa to no end, and he smiled smugly to himself as he reapplied his own facade and ushered Essek from the parlor.
"Do the Nein know?" Essek asked, pausing before the front door. "Of your… origin?"
"Not that I am aware of. I did hint once that my appearance in the Empire would cause a stir should my illusion be dispelled, but they had other, greater mysteries pressing on them as I recall. You may tell them if you wish."
"Ah, I only asked because Jester implied to me once that she thought you were a dragon. I wondered if she was pranking me, but perhaps not. Fare well." And with that, he glided out into the bright hustle and bustle of the Open Quay, melding quickly into the crowd and leaving Yussa standing agape in the doorway.
A dragon?
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achromatophoric · 6 days
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Soooo, just thinking. Enid is a barista for the Tell🫀Tale Cafe in Season 2. Or maybe a waitress? Reasonings:
Fancy uniform for the Tell🫀Tale Cafe.
Why’s the cafe fancy? In one shot, the word “affogato” can be made out on one of the signs (next to “black cat”). Affogato is an Italian dessert of hot espresso over ice cream.
New neckwear looks like the type of bow tie worn in nicer food service uniforms.
All other students are still wearing the traditional uniform tie.
Same goes for the vest under the jacket.
Apron in place of a vest! Could be overalls, but apron!
Safety pin for job utility? 🤔
Apron still fits Nevermore’s color scheme.
The Tell🫀Tale Cafe’s colors are red and black, but it does have Nevermore colors displayed as pennants.
Enid may be seeking independence from Esther after the werewolf conversion camp crap.
I also think Enid would be a natural entrepreneur, so I’m low-key hoping that she either runs or co-owns the place with Wednesday. 😅
What do you all think? Any other fun ideas or speculations for Season 2?
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Okay so Was thinking about this randomly but....
Wednesday is obviously not good with emotions and social cues so...what if her family adapted to that and basically did this whole 'show not tell' sort of thing toward her because:
A. They didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
B. Physical affection went out the door sometime during her preteen years
So she just became accustomed to a sort of 'show not tell' thing....so when Enid accuses her of not caring during that whole exchange during the whole Hyde thing where she literally puts herself between Enid and the monster she was actually shocked because "what the heck do you call that?" Because she doesn't realize some people need to hear that they are cared about as well.
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