#nothing just making good use of my ✨insomnia ✨
deniedmetamorphosis · 2 years
I'm rewatching Wednesday again solely for my own sake and weyler but something's been on my mind...
Like how were the Hydes banned? We know they're too dangerous n all yadayada but like what incident led to them being rejected? I'm thinking maybe there were other cases like Tyler's 30 years ago? Think about it it's unclear what their history was like in Nevermore but obviously they're violent and dangerous enough that I think… maybe there were others that tried to control them or sabotage the Hydes' reputation??
Take Bianca, a siren for example. The Hyde is awakened by chemical, torture=trauma or hypnosis and bianca used her siren voice to hypnotize and control him once didn't she? (We wouldn't know if that's possible if Tyler was in his Hyde form tho.) What if there were some sorta beef between Hydes and other monsters back then? what if there were other people like the Gates that tried to turn the Hyde against the outcasts before too? I'm just saying bc we know THE HYDE is awakened/controlled by SOMEONE rather than idk willingly???(don't get me started on "but Tyler said he enjoyed killing!" bc I believe that part is still up to our own interpretation) Idk i thought id be over this show esp after that last episode but dangit i cant get ENOUGH.
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(edit: wait silly me maybe he's trying to say this;
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"I believe you." [BC ITS HIM😭]
Moving on.....)
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These scenes live in my mind rent free. I'm sure this was Tyler trying to reach out to Wednesday about something but each time, he's reminded of whatever's stopping him from doing it n istg I'm dying to know what was he trying to give her in third n fourth pic
While we wait the agonizing months or years(hopefully not) it take for season 2 release let's discuss details and theories shall we. What do u think? Could there be the similar cases as Tyler's before and was it why they're banned?
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soliloquent-stark · 2 months
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everyone, stop what you're doing — it's my writing anniversary!
it's been a whole year since i posted my first fic. since then, i've written a total of 100,285 words across several ships (mostly stevetony) and have been very lucky to receive wonderful feedback and make some lovely friends ❣️
thank you to everyone for your support! i have many fics in the works and you'll be hearing from me for a long while, i hope 💗✨
for now, please enjoy this recap of my fics (for moodboards and excerpts, check out this tag)
🧺 we'll live in spaces between walls (mcu, t, 6,9k)
In the heat of a tense discussion in a cramped utility room at the Avengers Tower, Steve's deep-seated insecurities come to the surface. Tony witnesses a new and vulnerable side of him and realizes they have more in common than he thought.
💌 ctrl-alt-deceit (au, t, 17,1k)
A corporate espionage story told solely through excerpts from CEO Tony Stark's inbox. Featuring romantic pining, delightful office lunches, sarcastic super-geniuses, intense investigations, revolutionary nanotechnology research, unhinged arch-nemeses, haunting ghosts from the past, and an endearing emoji overload by a witty Peter Parker.
🦔 the hedgehog (and one million blue whales) (mcu, t, 8,2k)
Steve and Tony's love story unfolding through a series of everyday moments in the span of two years, pieced together to paint the canvas of their intertwined lives — a precious portrait woven with quirky whale-themed endearments, meaningful acts of service, soothing showers, cherished gifts, and one adorable hedgehog.
💛 honey whiskey (au, e, 27,7k—wip)
Tony Stark, a twice-divorced recovering alcoholic battling depression, unexpectedly spends a night with Steve, a mesmerizing and kind Brooklyn teacher who settles deep in his heart, despite Tony's strict no romantic feelings policy. Unbeknownst to him, Tony made the other man feel alive again, too — and Steve is nothing if not stubborn.
🍹 i’m fine all alone (but it’s nice to be here with you) (mcu, t, 9,4k)
Two months after the Battle of Earth, Tony, grappling with post-retirement uncertainty and an identity crisis, invites Steve on a Christmas trip to Jamaica.
📄 annex 11 (mcu, g, 1,3k)
Trapped together during a snowstorm in the middle of a mission, Steve attempts to soothe Tony’s growing anxiety, only to discover that Tony had the solution all along.
🫀 may the angels bow down for you (mcu, t, 2k)
Tony pleads for help from his Angel; Steve pleads for forgiveness from Tony.
🥀 i give you, as you see, a ready argument (mcu, t, 1,5k)
Two things Tony cannot shake — his mortality and a secret love for Steve that lingers on, eleven years and counting.
💗 i live in a city that lives in a different age (mcu, t, 10.8k)
Steve Rogers has fourteen days to complete fourteen therapy homework assignments.
❤️ love is a tower where all of us can live (mcu, t, 2,1k)
Five times Bucky takes care of Tony and one time Tony realizes why.
🎶 you are the sweetest melody i never sung (mcu, t, 5,6k)
Bucky struggles with insomnia, Tony plays the piano, and Steve just wants the two most important men in his life to get along.
🍀 maybe love was always near (mcu, t, 4,6k)
Five times Sam and Bucky’s friends wrongly assume they’re dating and one time they get it right.
🥂 the only bad you’ve ever done is see the good in me (mcu, t, 2,7k)
The script for a missing scene in which fugitive Sam Wilson risks it all to deliver a birthday gift to Tony Stark.
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yanderecandystore · 1 year
I always wonder about the bully, what would happen if s/o just moved from the school, like they can't take the bullies anymore. And when they finally find them they see s/o kissing their lover and holding hands. Bonus point if the lover said "don't worry, no one will bully you anymore i'm here" just fluff pls no bad end for the lover but i want to see the bully get pissed hahahaahha
What time is it? It's "Eat the hearts of my ocs" o'clock! But we're WEEKS late!
(I'm so sorry for the wait ;-; I have no idea when it comes to passage of time)
I want to change the request just a little bit because it's been a while but I've been referring to my bully ocs as college age/older- I know it's just fluff but I want to just add a little sprinkle of pain✨
[🚚🧳🌉] This post has something similar to that-
TW/Tags: They/Them being used in the beginning as a neutral singular pronoun, just in case anyone gets confused, you can say it was either one of the twins// they went loco while you were gone // delusional, slight victim blaming mentality, bullying, stalking, slight mentions of pain/harm, mentions of insomnia // nothing happens in this one to be honest.
Breaking apart [Yandere!Bully!OCs x Gender Neutral!Reader - Headcanons]:
🎇 Let me set the stage for a quick sec!🎇
It was just so sudden that they couldn't avoid it sooner- Perhaps you managed to keep your mouth shut for long enough so that they wouldn't hear the rumors of it, or since you didn't have close friends (thanks to them) no one was able to snitch on you.
Maybe you didn't even give them any hints around your social media, nothing seemed out of ordinary in your posts-
Not even the teachers seemed to know of your plans, or if they did, they made sure to keep it a well hidden secret.
The only change to your usual routine was that small yet noticeable hopeful glint in your eyes, as if something was keeping you in a good mood even while having to deal with your bully each day.
Ah, for a few days they thought that it was because of them, going as far as thinking that now was that time- Finally, finally you would have come to terms with your own feelings towards them and finally confess it for all to hear! It would be a pitiful display but they were sure it would be all worth it in the end.
You never did that, however. The day after you changed schools, so quickly that they couldn't make any plans to stop you.
Their younger self felt more insulted than anything, you dare to run away from them your entire life than to deal with your responsibilities?… It was pathetic and cowardly, from their point of view.
Then again, in their point of view you were also responsible for the way they would treat you, for the countless nights left without sleep, and for the constant paranoia that plagues them.
It was so obvious (to them) that you just didn't want to deal with the shame of liking your bully, and although changing schools was an ""exaggeration"" on your part, they thought they could deal with your lack of presence just fine.
They didn't. It only made it so much worse.
But it wasn't until later on, after years of being away from you that they would be able to understand why you left school…
Finding you by chance after so long was a miracle, to be honest! It was impressive how you managed to hide yourself online so well and ever better yet in public.
You wouldn't be able to understand the joy, the rush that runs through their veins as they see you after such a long time of no signs of your presence or of your existence! Ah, but then again it made sense, right? They were awful to you, weren't they? They didn't show you how much they actually admired you.
But they're older now! They matured! They would never act the same childish way that pushed you away in the first place!-
That's what they thought as they kept pushing people out of their way so they could follow your silhouette, desperately wanting to call for you but not having the strength to fully scream it out- Ah, wasn't this like old days? Wasn't this just like the time they would chase you? Although, you haven't noticed them yet due to the busy crowd…
It was when you finally stopped walking, your back turned to them that they finally were able to see you properly, you changed yet not enough to be fully unrecognizable- You grew yet in their eyes everything seemed to be just like in highschool all over again, but this time they promised that they would make things right!... Until they saw you hugging a stranger.
They didn't know who it was, and for all they cared it could be a friend, a family member, it didn't matter at all, all that it mattered was that they could see you again-
Yet before they could make any advance towards you, to finally speak their mind, they see you and the stranger hold hands and kiss. An innocent and very short action that to your bully feels like an eternity in Hell.
→ Adrien Coldwell:
It's been such a long, long time since Adrien last saw you, last heard of you- In general he might as well have thought you were dead! And for the longest time, he really thought that!
So tell me, how do you think he felt seeing you in the arms of some nobody?
It's a joke, right? An unfunny prank you want to put him through, surely this isn't actually happening in front of his sleepy, barely holding each other up eyes.
Oh… Wait. You were never one for jokes, especially not with him, of course…
"... [Y/n]? [L/n] [Y/n]? It's you, isn't it? It really is you, isn't it?" Adrien's voice is lazy, tired, devoid of all that smugness and confidence he used to treat you with. He just needs to confirm that you really are here.
Ah… but when you turn around, your happy face goes back to one he recognized oh so well, of horror.
"It's you.. It is you, I shouldn't have doubted it- You've changed..! I'm… it's been so long, hasn't it..?" His sorrowful words hit you as if he was talking to a longtime friend, which you're not.
Ah, his state however… It's deteriorating. You knew who he was by his voice alone, it would be impossible to forget it after having it drilled into your brain with all that resentment and fear you harbored. But to see him in this depressed, messy state almost makes you feel pity towards him… What happened while you were gone?
That didn't matter now, however, you couldn't simply turn a blind eye to all of what he did, and all that healing you've done shouldn't be so easily broken just because he recognized you in public.
You considered your options, you could curse him off, talk to him indifferently and politely… Or simply walk away.
You didn't owe him anything, talking to him would only make you more uncomfortable than you already are- Who would blame you for not wanting to talk with your past tormentor?? You took your partner's hand and urged him to leave with you.
"Are you going already?.. I… I need to talk with you, maybe another time if you're busy.." He almost sounded considerate and respectful of your boundaries if it wasn't for his hand holding your arm and stopping you from getting away. Possessively clingy onto you almost in a threatening way.
You felt this sensation before, yet you wish you didn't. You wish you weren't as terrified as you were but as long as the situation keeps on escalating you can't help but feel more and more like you were still in highschool being helpless and scared of turning your head to face him. Like a cursed time machine, you're brought back to feeling worried of what will happen if you tell him to stop, to leave you alone! You remember how no one used to believe you when you mentioned being bullied, how no one dared to say anything because "oh well, is just the Coldwell!" As if that alone gave him rights to treat you the way he did-
But this time you weren't completely alone, your partner took his hand away from your arm- A stern look in his eyes as he lightly pushed Adrien away.
"I don't know what you want but I'm pretty sure I know who you are, and they don't want to talk with you. Leave us alone." It wasn't a threat, it wasn't insulting nor intimidating and yet it set the message very clearly: He wasn't letting Adrien enter back into your life if you didn't want to.
"Who even is this, huh, [Y/n]?" Adrien gave your partner a little slap on his hand, it wasn't clear if he felt insulted by his presence in general or by him touching Adrien without permission.
"[Y/n], this isn't funny anymore, stop ignoring me, please-" A request that would go to deaf ears, as you continued to distance yourself from him while your partner stood in between you two.
"They don't want to. I'm warning you, go away." During high school every student feared the power and status that the Coldwell family held on their grasp, everyone envied and admired their wealth, but they all knew that if you crossed their family- No one in the world would ever be able to help you stand up against them.
But today was different from those dark days where you couldn't rely on anyone, it was comforting even if a bit reckless to see Sean protect you the way he did.
Younger Adrien would have made your new boyfriend's life a living hell, he would've made sure he knew his place in the school's hierarchy… But that doesn't work anymore. He could say he would tell his mom to use her money against this guy… But that doesn't work anymore.
He watched as you held hands with the man that had stolen you away from him, unable to stop him.
Adrien watched as your partner promised no one would bully you anymore and that you were safe with him…
"... Bastard… I could have said the same thing if you would've let me finish.." Adrien stood there, mumbling nonsense that you wouldn't be able to hear anyway, saying things he knows are not true.
For now, you were happy walking away with someone who actually showed how much he cared from start to finish.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
It's been such a long, long time since Alexandra last saw you, last heard of you- In general she might as well have thought you were dead! And for the longest time, she really thought that!
So tell me, how do you think she felt seeing you in the arms of some nobody?
Oh, this is a dream, right? She is hallucinating again, silly her, her sleep schedule has been completely changed since the day you left- Now her eyes are wide open to everything and everyone all the time! She always swears she can see you in the corner of her vision. Always there to make fun of her….
Oh wait! You're real! Right?? This is real, right? She has woken up a few hours ago, she is sure of that-
"[Y/n]??- I-it's been a long time- H-How are you?" Alex falters as she makes her way closer to you, trying to stay focused on the more urgent matter that is talking with you for once.
Ah… but when you turn around, your happy face goes back to one she recognized oh so well, of horror.
"So it IS you!! You are you! Of course you are! H-How have you been?!" The excitement in her voice is palpable, even in her current state, she still strikes you as an extrovert with a very talkative personality.
Ah… Her state, however… It's deteriorating. You knew who she was by her voice alone, it would be impossible to forget it after having it drilled into your brain with all that resentment and fear you harbored. But to see her in this nervous, trembling state is making you feel concerned for her… What happened while you were gone?
That didn't matter now, however, you couldn't simply turn a blind eye to all of what she did, and all that healing you've done shouldn't be so easy to break just because she recognized you in public.
You considered your options, you could curse her off, talk to her indifferently and politely… Or simply walk away.
You weren't actually obligated to talk to her at all… so… why not just run away? You took your partner's hand and pretended as if Alexandra mixed you up with someone else.
"Hm..??! Wait- Where are you going?! I-I really need to talk with you!" She begged you to hear her, her meek voice contradicting the desperate hand in your arm. Her nails are still sharp as ever clawing at your skin, even if not intentionally this time.
You felt this sensation before, yet you wish you didn't. You wish you weren't as terrified as you were but as long as the situation keeps on escalating you can't help but feel more and more like you were still in highschool being helpless and scared of turning your head to face her. Like a cursed time machine, you're brought back to feeling worried of what will happen if you tell her to stop, to leave you alone! You remember how no one used to believe you when you mentioned being bullied, how no one dared to say anything because "oh well, is just the Coldwell!" As if that alone gave her rights to treat you the way she did-
But this time you weren't completely alone, your partner took her hand away from your arm- A stern look in his eyes as he lightly pushed Alexandra away.
"I don't know what you want but I'm pretty sure I know who you are, and they don't want to talk with you. Leave us alone." It wasn't a threat, it wasn't insulting nor intimidating and yet it set the message very clearly: He wasn't letting Alex enter back into your life if you didn't want to.
"[Y/n]... Who is this?? Who is this- Person?! Unhand me!" Alex pushed your partner away, it wasn't clear if she was mad about his presence in general or because he was holding her wrist.
"[Y/n], please! It feels like a nightmare whenever you ignore me!-" She was beginning to cry as she whined your name, your partner standing in-between her and you didn't stop her from trying to reach you.
"They don't want to. I'm warning you, go away." During high school every student feared the power and status that the Coldwell family held on their grasp, everyone envied and admired their wealth, but they all knew that if you crossed their family- No one in the world would ever be able to help you stand up against them.
But today was different from those dark days where you couldn't rely on anyone, it was comforting even if a bit reckless to see Sean protect you the way he did.
Younger Alexandra would have made your new boyfriend's life a living hell, she would've made sure he knew his place in the school's hierarchy… But that doesn't work anymore. She could say she would tell her dad to use his money against this guy… But that doesn't work anymore.
She watched as you held hands with the man that had stolen you away from her, unable to stop him.
Alexandra watched as your partner promised no one would bully you anymore and that you were safe with him…
" I… I wanted to say that.. I-I would've said that ages ago if you had stayed just a little longer…" Alex stood there, mumbling nonsense that you wouldn't be able to hear anyway, saying things she knows are not true.
For now, you were happy walking away with someone who actually showed how much he cared from start to finish.
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venjamin-kingdomhearts · 11 months
I have an idea, but I don't know if it fits the 2000< requirement, but what about Ventus talking to Roxas about his time in daybreak town and how alone he used to feel?
OK hello first off. THANK YOU for the prompt!! I kinda. branched off from what was asked a bit cause i got ✨ Inspired ✨ SO I hope you enjoy regardless! I also got another prompt from @/fangirling-heart that I'm working on SO in case they see this 👋🏻 hi! That one will probably be a LOT shorter. If anyone else is interested in throwin some ideas my way check out this post and then feel free to hit me up in my inbox 💚 No beta, only one or two re-reads, so if there's any mistakes here... pretend you didn't see them LOL Summary: Roxas is sent on a quest into Ventus' dreams, and makes a new (?) friend Word Count: 2892 Relationship: Roxas & Ventus (friendship)
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Others had volunteered to go there, to the space where the Sleeping Realm and individual Dreamscapes met, but in the end, Ventus had chosen Roxas to investigate his dreams.  Not Terra or Aqua, nor “literally-a-Dream-Eater” Riku, but Roxas. Sure, he wasn’t alone -- this experiment required a Dream Eater to accompany him, so Sora’s Meow Wow was by Roxas’ side -- but he’d been picked by Ventus above anyone else to literally walk into his mind and look around. Him! They hadn’t even been friends for that long, with the battle against Xehanort having been just over a year ago, yet here Roxas was, standing on the edge of Ventus’ subconscious mind, petting his Dream Eater companion.
“. . . I don’t know if he’s really dreaming yet,” Roxas admitted. “This is dark. Ventus’ dreams can’t be dark.”
The “world” around Roxas currently was nothing but an odd black void. There was no true ground, nor walls, nor sky, which was all a bit disorienting. But there was something beneath Roxas’ feet, or else he and Meow Wow would be drifting off somewhere. Roxas chose to focus on that feeling of standing, ‘cause he was pretty sure if he didn’t, he might feel so disconnected from this reality that he really could drift away.
Roxas had a job to do. He couldn’t let himself get too intimidated by all… this.
This was to help Ventus recover the memories he’d lost, that were apparently buried so deep than even Naminé and the scientists working in the Radiant Gardens couldn’t reach without some help. Admittedly, Ventus wasn’t really gung-ho about remembering anything (apparently the last time he’d touched his forgotten memories, the migraine he’d been left with was enough to make him scream), but he had to put that fear aside for the good of the mission.
(Of course, Ventus had still been scared. An hour prior, he’d been laid down in a hospital bed and told that he’d be put to sleep. That’s not exactly easy for someone who’d spent 12 years in a magical coma to chew. Certainly not someone who’d developed insomnia because of the fear he might fall into another decade-long sleep. Ventus was clearly miserable, but it was getting to the point that Ventus’ memories might be the missing key to finding Sora after his disappearance a year prior. Ventus may have been scared, but when it came to Sora… he’d do almost anything to help him.)
(Roxas remembered catching a glimpse of Ventus holding Terra’s and Aqua’s hands tight as Dr. Even and Ienzo prepared the sleeping spell Ventus would be put under. The magic was distributed to Ventus as if it was anesthesia, as a clunky plastic dome had to be put over his nose and mouth. Roxas and Meow Wow had watched from behind glass doors as Ventus’ chest heaved slower, as his eyes grew heavier, until finally his hands went limp and Aqua pressed a kiss to his forehead.)
Roxas had 24 hours. That’s how deep the spell was. Hopefully he’d be able to get a good lead sooner than that, but he had a lot of leeway. Okay. Ventus and the others were counting on him… especially since Ventus wouldn’t be able to wake up until Roxas and Meow Wow were outta his head. 
“...C’mon, Meow Wow,” Roxas whispered, standing up straight and taking another good look at the empty space before him. “We’ve gotta find where Ven’s dreams are. Or… something.”
“Meowf!” Meow Wow barked, and Roxas couldn’t help but laugh. 
With that, their mission officially began. They walked off into the darkness, steps echoing as though they were walking on glass. It really was unsettling, but Roxas kept his nerves under wraps. What an interesting place this was, this time between sleep and dreams. Mysterious. Dark. But not too cold.
Slowly, some semblance of color and light began to seep into the world. Ventus’ dream began forming, and suddenly Roxas was inside the Land of Departure’s castle. Of course, things weren’t even close to being a perfect recreation. The stained glass windows weren’t symmetrical, and the colors of their glass kept shifting, meanwhile some of the thrones making up the throne room were replaced with bean-bag chairs. It was almost like looking at one of those “spot the difference” puzzles, as dream-oddities popped up left and right to add differences between reality and dream.   
Okay, this is definitely a Ven-dream, Roxas thought as a small herd of numbered sheep crossed a distant hallway. Meow Wow went up to sniff them, but that just frightened a majority of them into running into the throne room. 
“Meow Wow! Over here, buddy!” Roxas called. “Those aren’t Tama Sheep. Don’t bother them!”
Meow Wow waddled back to Roxas’ side, sniffing his shoes. Meanwhile, Roxas gave the room another look-around. Okay, now he just had to… find anything that might not belong. Anything that could be a hint to where Sora was, or something from Ventus’ past. Anything Naminé could use as a branching-off point. 
He chose me for this. Ventus chose me, ‘cause he trusts me to see all this.
Honestly? That was still a pretty big deal. There was a chance Roxas could come across anything here, even stuff Ventus wanted to keep a secret. It was a bit more responsibility than Roxas really wanted, but at the same time, being picked out at the one to take care of all this was oddly flattering. It was ike Roxas was being handed a part of Ventus no one else had access to.
(“It… kinda came down to you or Xion,” Ventus had admitted before he’d been put under. “You two… I mean, I know we’re not all connected in the same way, but I know you guys would understand if you saw anything weird, in my head.”)
(Ventus had taken a shaky breath, trying to get his thoughts to words. Eventually, he just settled on smiling up at Roxas, and thanking him.)
(“I know you’d be the best fit. You’re the best at figuring out stuff like this. If anyone could find out what secrets I’m hiding, it’d be the guy who always calls me out for lying, eheh!” Ventus laughed and gave Roxas’ arm a light punch. “Just promise you’ll… stay with me, when you get back, if I’m still sleeping. I don’t… wanna wake up all alone.”) 
Roxas took note of a sheep labeled ‘7’ sniffing around the thrones/bean-bags at the north of the room. Number 9 was lying under the shifting stained glass window, while sheeps #3 and #14 were munching on a patch of grass that had spawned on top of wood flooring. Meanwhile, one of the dream-sheeps decided that Roxas was of interest, and approached to nuzzle his leg.
“...Course. Number 13.”
Roxas gave the animal a gentle pat on the head. Okay, if all the sheep are numbered… maybe this is a test. You count sheep to get to sleep, don’t you? So….
“Great. All the sheep are outta order,” Roxas muttered. “Maybe we should--”
Oathkeeper and Oblivion appeared in Roxas’ hands reflexively.
Who the hell was that? Roxas thought, sending Meow Wow a glance. The Dream Eater had its back arched, growling lightly and staring ahead at one of the unchanged thrones across the room. Roxas crouched down, ready to stealth his way across the room. 
Meanwhile, the mystery voice snapped again:
“Get outta here! L-leave me alone!”
Sheep #7 gave a startled “baa!” as it dove past Roxas, who was already on his way towards the center throne. This voice wasn’t one he recognized right away, so Roxas’ first thought was Nightmare, though he couldn’t sense any Darkness lurking around the corner. Regardless, Roxas snuck up to the chair, while Meow Wow prepared a bouncing attack.
On three, we attack. One, two--
Roxas held his blades tight, listening for that mystery voice. He could hear some light breathing, so unless this was a trick of Ven’s mind, something had to be hiding behind that throne.
Without a sound, Roxas dove out from his hiding spot, Keyblades in hand. He didn’t make any move to strike, not yet, but he did hold his Keyblades offensively, ready for whatever he found--
--well, he certainly wasn’t ready to realize he had Oblivion raised in the face of a child. 
The boy yelped again, raising his arms to cover his head. Roxas felt his heart drop past his stomach, to his feet. That was a kid! That was an actual child! For a moment, all Roxas could do was freeze.
“Please-- don’t hurt me!” The child cried out. “I-I didn’t do nothin’!”
Roxas had never seen a child before, not really. Not this close.
Actually, Roxas hadn’t even been one himself. A Nobody came to life the same age their Somebody had been, and with Roxas’ strange state of being, that meant he couldn’t even remember what it’d been like to be any younger than 16. So to see someone so young (Roxas didn’t really have a great judge of age, but this boy was younger than a teenager) with blonde hair the same style as Roxas’ own, and big green eyes that reminded Roxas of Ven, was a bit disorienting.
Oblivion shook in Roxas’ hand, and he lowered the blade.
“Please, please, please…” the blonde child whimpered. “Don’t… don’t hurt me….”
In two flashes of light, Oblivion and Oathkeeper vanished. 
“I’m not gonna hurt you.”
The child didn’t seem convinced.
Alright, off to a great start already, Roxas thought sarcastically. He took a breath and a knee, holding his hands up in surrender, to show he wasn’t making any moves to lash out. The mysterious child looked between him and Meow Wow suspiciously, then scooted back. He’d been hiding behind this throne, hadn’t he? Poor thing.
(Funny, how the throne he’d hid behind was the dream’s reflection of the chair Ventus had slept on for 12 years….)
“Hi,” Roxas started simply. “I’m Roxas. Sorry I scared you; I thought you were a monster.”
Was he doing this right? Kneeling down to be at eye level, keeping his voice soft and being honest. Was that how people talked to children? Roxas licked his bottom lip in thought, furrowing his brows. Meanwhile, the little boy hugged himself tighter, glaring up at Roxas.
“Monster? I’m not a monster! I’m just… me. ‘M just Ventus.”
Roxas’ eyes went wide. “Ventus?”
Of course. That explained the resemblance. Roxas felt something odd stir up in his heart. This kid… was Ventus. Or at least, who Ventus had been, as a child. Roxas had never been a kid, and Ventus had no memory of his past. So to see someone so young wearing the same face they shared was odd. It almost felt like looking at a stranger, and the feeling reminded Roxas of what it was like to meet Sora for the first time, and realize “this is who I used to be a part of?”
“Ventus,” Roxas echoed. “You’re Ventus.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said,” the child affirmed, before he suddenly grew defensive. “I’m-- wait! You-- you’re gonna make fun of me, aren’t you?”
“Make fun of you? Why would I--’
“Because everyone does. All the Big Kids, in the other Unions!” That look of fear the child had been wearing earlier was quickly replaced by an angry pout. “W-well, I’ve had it! If you’re gonna try anything….”
The child lifted his hand, and in a flash of light, summoned a Keyblade Roxas hadn’t seen in a while.
“Missing Ache?”
“That’s right! If you’re gonna be mean to me, or call me names, or anything, I’ll fight you! I’ll… I’ll….” 
But as quickly as the determination had come, the fire began to fade. The young boy’s lip trembled, and Missing Ache grew heavy in his hand. The boy scooted back, pulled his knees to his chest, and became shy once more. He didn’t say anything, didn’t raise Missing Ache again, he just hid his face and hugged himself with one arm.
. . .Oh.
Roxas felt a rush of something between pity and affection. He had to put aside how weird this was (but it was a dream! Dreams are meant to be weird!). Roxas bit his bottom lip, trying to plot out how to go about this. A kid… what was he supposed to say to a scared little kid?
Well, he should be gentler than the Organization XIII members were to him when he joined. That was the closest he’d ever been to being a child, so it was his one point of reference. The only other experience he’d had was seeing Peter Pan’s lost boys playing from a distance, or being harassed by Locke, Shock, and Barrel in Halloween Town. But Roxas wasn’t sure he could count any of that as actual experience taking care of a kid. 
“. . . It’s. Nice to meet you. Ventus.” Roxas took a moment to let that name settle. To let that identity settle.“I’m here on a mission. I’m looking around this drea-- this place with my friend, Meow Wow.”
The “Little Ventus” didn’t react with the same excitement real Ventus would’ve. He just peeked up, looking from Roxas to Meow Wow. Roxas watched as the little boy’s brow furrowed, before his eyes lit up with recognition.
“A Dream Eater?”
“That’s right. How’d ya know…?”
Before Little Ventus could answer, Meow Wow bounced up eagerly. The little boy held his arms out, sitting cross-legged, as if opening up to give Meow Wow a hug.
“Bwarf! Mrreowf!” Meow Wow leapt onto Little Ventus, giving him a ton of slobbery “kisses”. Despite his previous hesitance, Little Ventus laughed. It seemed the focus keeping Missing Ache by his side was diverted, so the strange Keyblade returned to light, while Little Ventus pressed his face into Meow Wow’s fur.
“Smells like cotton candy….”
“Haha… yeah,” Roxas said, scooting a tad closer. “I think Meow Wow just had a bath too, so his fur is extra soft.”
Roxas rested a gentle hand on top of the Dream Eater’s blue fur as if to demonstrate. Little Ventus watched shyly. Roxas tried to keep a small smile on his face as he pet the cat-dog, hoping that maybe he could earn the child’s trust by showing that Meow Wow trusted them both. Green eyes followed Roxas’ hand…until eventually, a small hand joined him in stroking through the Dream Eater’s fur.
“You’re right!” Little Ventus’ voice was an eager gasp. “So soft….”
Roxas felt a smile tug at his lips, but he said nothing. Maybe it was nerves, or just his quieter nature coming out. He tended to let Ventus fill the air when the two of them were together. Guess that instinct kicked in around Little Ventus, too. The two sat in silence for a moment, while Meow Wow began to purr.
Little Ventus gasped. “Just like Chirithy!” 
“Right. Just like Chirithy.”
“That’s your name, right? It’s weird. I’ve never met a Roxas before!”
“Well I don’t know many other people named Ventus,” Roxas smirked. “Only the one….”
“W-well, that just means I’m u-unique.” Little Ventus mispronounced the word as if it rhymed with “quiche”, and that made Roxas laugh. “Hey! What’s so funny? You said you weren’t gonna make fun of me!”
“I’m not! I’m not, I just… I think Ventus is a nice name. Weird. But nice.”
Little Ventus huffed, and Roxas had to hold back another laugh. Were all kids this… funny? Was that the word? Roxas didn’t know how to describe this. He just felt happy, in a very curious way. 
“Well, I guess Roxas isn’t a bad name, either. Weird. But… not bad.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!”
Another moment of silence, but there was something warmer to it. By now, Meow Wow’s tail was wagging so hard, it was thumping against the floor. 
“Are you a cat or a dog?” Little Ventus asked the Dream Eater. “Anyways… what Union are you in?”
…? Was Little Ventus talking to Meow Wow, or--?
“Hello? Roxaaas. Roxas! What Union are you in?”
“Union? Uh. None?” Roxas shrugged. “I don’t really know what you mean.”
“You don’t have a Union?! Like some… some wanderer?” Little Ventus leaned over Meow Wow as if the pet were a pillow, and he didn’t seem to mind. “Well, I’m in the Leopardus Union! And I’m the fastest member there. Honest!”
Roxas chuckled. “Is that so?”
“Mmhmm!” Little Ventus was looking more eager by the second. “I’m gonna be the best runner in Daybreak Town! Faster than the wind!”
Roxas had a feeling there was a bit of a story to this. He also had a feeling that it’d be a lot of work convincing Meow Wow to leave this spot. It looked like they’d have to put a ‘pin’ in their mission for now.
…Well, Roxas did have 23 hours before Ventus would have to wake up. Maybe he could spend a little longer in this dream, not just to figure out more, but to keep this forgotten part of Ven company. He’d promised Ventus he wouldn’t leave him alone… and that applied to all parts of Ventus. Even the ones that were exceptionally well-hidden.
“Tell me all about it,” Roxas said gently. “I’d be happy to listen.”
 ‘Cause that’s what a good friend does.
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annbourbon · 2 years
The Useful Post
I keep this post to remember the useful things (or interesting) I need and I have found here on Tumblr nothing (or maybe a bit of it but not all) of it is mine so it shouldn't be on my master list but I like to keep it where I can see it. Mostly they're reblogs of useful things.
But first things first: «Curate your own media experience and get your head out of your ass»
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six
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Writing 101
Follow @givethispromptatry , @promptsforthestrugglingauthor and @creativepromptsforwriting they post often and their content is really good. I'll be updating this list with their best content plus, other people content... but that doesn't mean you shouldn't follow them<3
5 Frustrating Rules by Michael Bjork
About toxic behaviors and romance in writing...
Michael Bjork Writing Master List
Fiction writers you must follow
10 Worst ways to start a book
Comic Sans Trick
Writing Deaf Characters
Body Horror vs. Gore
Enemies to lovers #1
Pacing in your Story
Nicknames for Characters
Just write what you want
Holding each other accountable
Advice for writing relationships
Fairytale Research
Good traits gone bad
Trauma is not romantic
Writing animals
How to write emotions #1
Emotionally healthy people are quitters
Motivation (I believe it applies for fic writers but can also apply to writers)
Mythology or Religion & Lore?
In defense of Riven
Magical Girls are never attacked
Romance *master post*
Drunken Love Confessions
Writerblr Glossary
Nightmares & Insomnia
Saying I love you Prompts
♡ Kim Possible Movie
♡ Sentimonsters
♡ Bed Sharing Scenarios
♡ Webnovel Scam
♡ BookShop as an alternative to Amazon
♡ Characters being sick
♡ Grammar ≠ Creativity
♡ Writing Assholes: Just remember Dr House 💀
♡ Writing conflict #1
♡ Nature doesn't do TWs
Pink Panther & The Simplicity of things: Why some things are timeless and enjoyable
♡ Please get a Thesaurus 💀
♡ Joss Whedon Writing Tips
♡ Religion Lore 101: How to create it for your story
♡ Fluffy Masterpost
♡ Writing Heists
♡ Write more fanfics!!
♡ Ref Recs for Whump Writers
♡Short & Impactful
♡ Bonus: Fics & Fanarts
♡ Writing Erotica
♡ Writers are often lured 😭🤣 so true...
♡ Podcasts aren't novels
♡ Likable characters are lazy AF
♡ Awful Writing Advice by Susan K. Perry
♡ Worldbuilding (Fantasy)
♡ Engaging Readers
♡ Stage Fright
♡ Tropes and Cliches
♡ Forcing Diversity
♡ Boxing the Ears while fighting (Follow this account, it's amazing!!)
♡ Horror is not the only story
♡ WTF is a Claymore Mine!?
♡ Sentient Sandwiches
♡ Vampires are not...
♡ Nanowrimo Tips
♡ Punctuation Marks
♡ Abuse Apologism is Disgusting
♡ I promise you: It's not worthless
♡ Outfit References
♡ Deconstruction of fairytales??
♡ Novum
♡ Toxic
♡ Dominant vs Domineering (Things that can help you in the art of writing erotica)
♡ Binary Star Systems
♡ Fantasy Guide to Hosting a High Society Dinner Party by @inky-duchess (please check out her blog!! it's amazing~!)
♡ An empath creates monsters
♡ Alphabet Game (Prompt Idea)
♡ You are more than what you write
♡ Filler vs Plot
♡ What is...?
♡ ✨What is...?✨
♡ Tips for dates and sizes
♡ Dialogues for "I want to kill you"
♡ Reverse Tropes
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If you want to be here, write me. I'll check on your post and see if I can make it work 😉
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madame-wilsonn · 3 years
I’ll always have you
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Summary: 3 times Tommy saved Ruby and the one time she saved him
A/N: well finally!! This took me so long to write but I just...couldn’t not write it! Again, we’ve talked about it briefly with @retromafia but that little ask I sent you was enough to keep my mind busy with that idea and I couldn’t let go so I had to write it! Now, I only wanted to write the last part but i love the concept of 3+1 fics so I mixed that in too! I’m low key proud of myself, not sure if it’s good but I like it lol so I hope you’ll like it too!! 🤍✨ (Ps. There is no reader in this one and a quick mention of Lizzie)
Warnings: SEASON 5 spoilers, attempted suicide, angst, my English, it’s over 1am so probably typos...
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Tommy sighed again, his eyes glued to the dark ceiling. Tonight, like most nights, he couldn’t sleep.
No matter how tired he was, no matter how much he wanted to, his brain stayed wide awake.
But he was used to it, nights filled with insomnia were a habit by now. When was the last time he even got to sleep properly? Without tossing and turning, without hearing shovels in the wall, without all of this.
He couldn’t remember. He probably never did.
Lizzie was asleep next to him. She, too, was exhausted. She had to wake to wake up every three or four hours to find Ruby, their newborn daughter.
The only good thing about Tommy’s sleep troubles was probably that he got stay with them, to witness it. Ruby always seemed to fall asleep on her mother’s chest before finishing to eat which they always found funny. It also meant Tommy was there for her when it was hard, when it was painful and when both baby and mother were exhausted. He felt like his job was more than just businesses and workers and the parliament, it was this too. And it was probably the best job life could offer.
A high pitched cry erupted in the quiet, sleepy house, making Tommy rub his face tiredly as Lizzie groaned.
“Not again...just fed her...” she mumbled.
He put a hand on her shoulder when she got ready to sit up.
“I’ll go check, it’s probably something bothering her.”
Tommy rose from the bed, making his way to the adjacent nursery. The small bed was in the center of the room, an adorable mobile of butterflies over it, the white curtains were drawn but still let the moonlight in. There was a rocking chair in the corner, some stuffed animals and books in various places as well as a baby-changing table against one of the walls.
Ruby was stirring around, angry cries escaping her tiny mouth. Tommy bent over, his arms outstretched to pick up his daughter.
He cradled her close to his chest, rocking and shushing her softly. He walked closer to the chair, a place Ruby seemed to love and gently sat down. Tommy then put a hand behind her head to lay her down in his arms. This way, he could look at her face. She wasn’t crying anymore, she was just gazing at him, mesmerized by his face. Her big, curious eyes were analyzing his features, her hands trying to reach to touch his cheeks.
“What’s been bothering you, love, hm?”
Ruby kept staring.
“Did you have a nightmare? A scary nightmare?”
A small blabber left her lips and Tommy smiled softly. His index trailed over her cheek as he brought his face closer to hers.
“What could scare such a lovely thing as you, eh?”
He brought her back against his chest, letting her small body rest on his torso, a hand on her back. He rocked the chair slowly, feeling Ruby calming down agains him as she was being held. It didn’t take more than five minutes to get her back to sleep but Tommy didn’t move. Mostly because he didn’t want to bother his daughter but also because he felt comfortable enough to sit back and just...rest.
The exhaustion quickly overtook his body and he allowed himself to close his eyes for a few minutes but before that, he mumbled to Ruby (and to himself)
“You don’t have to worry about anything, love. Nothing will harm my little girl, not as long as you have me.”
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Ruby Shelby, much like her father, loved going horseback riding. She found horses very pleasant, loyal and very beautiful. So when Tommy invited her to come with him this afternoon, she happily agreed and ran to Frances to ask her if she could braid her hair.
The sun was high in the sky when they left, despite being hidden by some clouds. It was a rather cold afternoon so Ruby put on her wool coat and her pretty white gloves as she joined her father in the parlor.
He took her to the stables where David, the stable boy got Dangerous ready for them. Ruby was still to young to ride a horse all by herself so she usually climbed with her dad, not that she was complaining. Tommy picked up Ruby, helping her sit properly on the horse then he joined her with a natural ease.
They left off slowly, Arrow house becoming smaller and smaller in the distance as the father and daughter (more the daughter than the father) chatted happily away.
Ruby told him all about the piano lessons she had been taking and that she loved. She was now able to play a bit of “twinkle twinkle little star” which, according to her teacher, was very impressive. Tommy made her promise she’d play him some of it once they’d get home.
The pair finally decided to stop once they found a little stream and sat for a break. A fire was quickly lit on and mint leaves generously given as Dangerous was enjoying some time to rest. Ruby found interest in a little squirrel in the trees and desperately tried to woo him over with various...approaches. Tommy watched the scene with a comic interest and tried to help his daughter but the squirrel didn’t seem very receptive to the humans under the tree.
Ruby quickly got bored of the squirrel’s lack of interest and decided to ask her father about all the trees around them.
“And what’s this one?”
Tommy looked over where she was pointing and took a second before answering.
“It’s an oak”
She nodded and showed him another one.
“What about the one over there?”
“This one is a pine tree”
“It looks like a Christmas tree!” She shouted happily which earned her a smile from her father.
When they decided to leave, Ruby asked if she could ride the horse alone, like they did when they trained and Tommy indulged her but only once they came out of the forest. He made sure she was sitting well and started walking as the horse followed. The little girl was giggling gleefully, trying to keep her balance.
After a while, they could see the house again, the nice walk was almost over when in the distance, a loud bang was heard.
The horse, startled, let out a frightened neigh as he lift his front legs up. Ruby who didn’t have the experience nor the strength to hold the mount down was thrown off of it.
Tommy watched the action in some sort of slow motion, his brain sending him panicked signals as he realized that if she fell from such height, she’d probably break her leg if not worse. He rushed to the side, his arms outstretched and right before his daughter could touch the ground, he caught her.
He wrapped his arms around her protectively, crouching on the earth as the horse ran away. But Tommy didn’t care for now. Ruby grew pale, fear written in all her feature, her small heart pounding in her chest. She hid in her father’s arms again as he tried to calm her down.
“It’s alright, love. The horse just got scared, they didn’t mean it, it’s okay ”
He ran a soothing hand up and down her back as her grip tightened around him. Tommy made sure she wasn’t hurt anywhere and picked her up.
“Let’s go home, alright? We’ll ask Frances to make you some hot cocoa, yeah?”
Ruby nodded, her head nuzzled in his neck.
“Can I get some cookies as well?” she asked in a small voice
“Of course, love, you can have all the cookies you want.”
They walked in silence for a few minutes before Ruby asked:
“Dad? Can you promise to always stay with me when we take the horse?”
Tommy felt his heart grow warmer in his chest and he smiled.
“I promise. I’ll always be with you.”
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Ruby jumped for the hundredth time as thunder rumbled in the sky. She put her blanket over her head to cover her face, terrified as she saw the scary tree monster’s shadow on her ceiling. She hated thunder. It made too much noise and it kept her awake. The rain hitting the windows was too loud and it seemed like they would break under the pressure. The wind was whistling in the air, like some evil witch singing before coming to get her if she let down her guard,
She tried to tell herself funny and happy stories but every time, the angry sky would make her heart stop.
Finally, after debating with herself for a while, little Ruby decided to be brave and push the covers away. She got up from her bed without making a sound as to not attract the evil with or the scary tree monster and she walked out of her room, her hand tightly grasping Fuzzy the bear’s soft one.
Her initial idea was to go to her parents’ room and ask if she could stay with them for a bit but as she reached their bedroom, she thought she might find her dad in his office. She reached the room as fast as her small feet would allow and felt a sense of relief when she saw light seeping under the closed door. She pushed it open slowly, holding onto her bear. Ruby watched her father silently, enjoying the strong and comforting aura he displayed, helping her forget about the terrible weather.
“Ruby? What are you doing here, love?”
The little girl moved forward, entering the office. She stared at her bear and quietly mumbled “I’m scared of the thunder...can’t sleep.”
Tommy sighed, rubbed his eyes tiredly and, with a gesture of his hand, told her to come closer. Ruby joined her father behind his desk as he took her hand to put her on his lap.
“Why don’t you stay here while I finish this? Would this help?”
She nodded eagerly, her head comfortably set on her daddy’s chest.
Tommy didn’t mind her, she was a smart girl and she knew not to move around too much or try to speak to him when he worked. And he could sense her distress, what kind of father would he be if he turned her down?
He soothingly rubbed her back with his left hand as he kept revising the documents he needed. Every time another strike of thunder would occur, Tommy gently squeezed Ruby’s shoulder as she hid further into his chest.
The little girl was quiet, feeling safe and protected in her daddy’s arms and soon enough, the rumbling of the thunder was a faint noise well covered by the soft, regular thumping of Tommy’s heart.
She rubbed her eyes tiredly and yawned, clutching her bear to her chest as she closed her eyes to fall into a peaceful slumber.
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He screamed in the foggy field, the harsh barrel of his gun pressed against his temple. He screamed. He screamed out of rage, out of despair, of madness, he screamed.
Grace was there, Dangerous was there too. They were free, free from him and all the war and all the blood he carried with him...and he wanted to be free too.
Ruby opened her eyes as the timid light passed through the curtains on the windows. Frances wasn’t here so it meant she could still sleep a bit more if she wanted but...she didn’t. No, she wasn’t sleepy anymore, she wanted a glass of milk. However she knew she wasn’t tall enough to reach the milk or grown up enough to use fire to heat it. Maybe she could wake up her mommy? Or her daddy? He didn’t come kiss her goodnight yesterday...
At the same moment, Ruby heard the familiar sound of tires on gravel, she jumped from her bed, running to look at the window. There he was! Her daddy came back! And he brought uncle Arthur!
Without even thinking, she put on her pretty slippers and ran (quietly) downstairs to greet them.
However, when she arrived in the parlor, she found it empty. Disappointed, little Ruby was about to walk back to her room when she heard the car start again. She rushed to the hall right in time to catch a glimpse of her uncle leaving and her dad, walking towards the field near the house. Why wasn’t he coming inside? Maybe he needed to take a walk? Her mommy told her that sometimes, dads had to walk outside. She said it helped them think better so they wouldn’t scream at home. Ruby hated when her dad screamed, it was scary. But her dad never screamed at her, only on the phone sometimes when he talked with stubborn men.
With her, he always agreed to take her see the horses in the stables and always kissed her on the cheek when she’d make him a pretty drawing.
The cold hit her little body as she ran through the gravel to the field but she didn’t mind, it was a funny feeling. Like walking through a vanilla ice cream. Soon enough, her feet hit the moist earth as Ruby followed her father. But as he kept walking further from her, not acknowledging her presence, she called for him.
“Come, Tommy.” Grace said “We could be free...together”
His fingers were frozen around the gun. It was his only way out. He had lost, there was no point in fighting anymore. He just had to press the trigger and...
“Daddy!” a familiar voice cried
He couldn’t find the source of the high-pitched voice but it was disturbing enough for him to loosen up his grip on the gun.
“It’s time, Tom. You have to do it now”
But Grace’s voice felt far away, her presence was slowly fading as Tommy looked around for the sweet voice he had heard.
He knew it from somewhere...where had he heard it? Was it in a dream? No, no it felt more real...maybe a memory? Someone he knew?
“Daddy!” it called again.
The gun slipped from the man’s hand right in time as Ruby’s little arm wrapped themselves against his legs. He fell down to his knees, the realization slowly washing over him and before he could even register what was happening, he embraced his daughter.
“I kept calling, you didn’t hear me, dad”
He closed his eyes, tightening his grasp on her small body, his heart heavy in his chest and his hands shaking.
What would’ve happened if he had pulled that trigger?
The thought of his innocent little Ruby finding his lifeless body lying in a pool of blood made his stomach turn.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, love.” His voice broke as tears began spilling from his eyes.
In the most tender way, Ruby brought her hands to her father’s cheeks to look at him.
“Why are you crying, dad?”
The ghost of a smile stretched Tommy’s lips as he tried to show a reassuring face to his daughter who was frowning worryingly.
“Daddy just missed you a lot.”
The answer seemed to convince the five years old as she hugged her father again, hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
“I missed you too, dad” she whispered
Tommy sighed, looking up at the grey sky as he kept Ruby close to him. He quickly noticed she wasn’t wearing her coat so he took off his to put it around her body.
He had no idea what his daughter was doing outside of her bedroom, at 7am but for now it didn’t matter. He picked her up, telling her it was time to go home. As they walked back, the girl, happy to have found her father after not seeing him for over a day began chatting about what he had missed, as if nothing had happened.
“Charlie played the violin at my tea party and Frances baked cookies. Oh and I had a dream and I was a princess. I want to be a princess, daddy. So I can have my own castle and a lot of pretty dresses”
He hummed in acknowledgment as she spoke but he was only listening to half of her long and rather confusing speech.
He was going to give up all of this.
There was more to business and money and power. There was this too. There was the sheer innocence of his daughter, the feeling of her hair against his cheek, the warmth and softness of her hands. Everything about her was love, delicacy and gentleness.
How was it possible? How did someone who was half of him turn out to be kind and pure? How could she still love him the way she did even when he was bad and evil and cold and everything a five year old shouldn’t have to deal with? He didn’t deserve all of this, he didn’t deserve to be loved as genuinely as she loved him and yet, he was ready to throw it all away.
“And you, daddy, what did you do?” She asked, her voice muffled by the coat around her.
Tommy caressed her head and, ignoring the terrible feeling of the memories rushing back, he replied, a lump in his throat:
“I went to buy my little princess a big castle but they didn’t have any at the shop so they told me to come back another day.”
She giggled, nuzzling her head in his neck as she whispered:
“It’s alright, daddy, you don’t have to find me a castle for now. That way, I get to stay here with you.”
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