#Wei Yanwan
hundredthousandtimes · 4 months
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Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace 如懿传: Episode 75
Wei Yanwan's dianzi
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Wei Yanwan from Ruyi's Royal Love In The Palace.
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Image source here.
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consortmadness · 2 years
Consorts of Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace (1/2)
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palaceoftears · 7 months
I can't help but enjoy the Wei Yanwan-Jin Zhong-Chunchan absurdly evil team, the writting pushed all the limits to create the most hateful characters ever and guess what? They didn't achieve it
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roseunspindle · 1 year
Li Chun: What I've See Her In
Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace - Wei Yanwan - Palace maid → Palace maid of Consort Chun → Palace Maid of the Royal Garden → Palace Maid of Consort Jia →Palace Maid of the Yangxin Palace→ Second Class Female Attendant Wei (衛答應) → First Class Female Attendant Wei (衛常在) → Noble Lady Ling (炩貴人) → Concubine Ling (炩嬪) → Consort Ling (炩妃) → Second Class Female Attendant Wei → Concubine Ling → Consort Ling → Noble Consort Ling (炩貴妃) → Imperial Noble Consort Ling (炩皇貴妃) → Imperial Noble Consort Lingyi (炩懿皇貴妃, posthumous)
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guzhuangheaven · 5 months
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Legend of Ruyi + Wei Yanwan
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chinesedramaoutfit · 2 months
Wei Yanwan, Noble Consort Ling
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monroeknoxwrites · 1 month
I finished my nth legend of ruyi rewatch. as usual, I cried when ling yunche died. his final scene with hailan remains one of my favorites in the whole series. two people utterly devoted to someone, putting that person above all else, and recognizing that fact in each other
and it's really important to me they emphasized the relationship between ling yunche and ruyi was one of mutual respect and understanding, a connection beyond simple romance. in a drama like this it's expected for their feelings to be a forbidden romance so it's refreshing, then and now, for both characters to be clear that their care for one another was like platonic soulmates. of course this only compounds the tragedy of it all
let's not gloss over the scene of wei yanwan forced to kowtow before the prayer flags of all those she wronged. I could've screamed the first time I watched it, incredibly satisfying payoff for her villainous arc
though to be honest my fave murderous consort will always be consort jia. oh boy when she tells ruyi "go ahead ask me anything, I'll tell you. let me think, who else did I wrong? oh yeah! that was me!" she's so broken by a lifetime committed to a man she now sees cares nothing for her. her howling and begging for ruyi to tell her it was false, to take it back now that she has answers. delicious
legend of ruyi has its claws dug deep in me. the only drama I've rewatched more would be nirvana in fire (you want to talk about a satisfying payoff, the scene with everyone pressuring the emperor👌)
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uraandri · 11 months
watching wei yanwan bang her head on the floor for every person she harmed is cathartic
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huanzhuyulu · 1 year
After finishing the Let the Years Sculpture Our Love series, I'd like to give Pines and Cedars a try now, but I've never seen Ruyi and am struggling to get context from just Wikipedia. Are there characters in that show that map to HZGG with diff names? Judging by your story mirror, mirror, maybe but the names and personalities are very different?
Here's what you need to know about Legend of Ruyi in order to read Pines and Cedars:
The empress in HZGG is called Ruyi in Legend of Ruyi. In this drama, Ruyi's strongest ally is Hailan = Yu Fei = Yongqi's mother. When Yongqi was born, Hailan's rank was too low to be allowed to raise a prince, so Ruyi raised Yongqi. Basically their relationship is the opposite of the relationship in HZGG. Here's a parallel comparison.
In Legend of Ruyi, Ruyi has a servant named Rong Pei who can be summed up as strict but kind. The name is just a total coincidence /s. Everyone in Legend of Ruyi calls her Rong Gugu, because Rong Momo is too on the nose probably.
The antagonist in Legend of Ruyi is Wei Yanwan = Ling Fei. Wei Yanwan is a nasty piece of work, but the one detail of her evil deeds you need to know is just that she planted a concubine in Yongqi's household who eventually sowed discord between Ruyi and Yongqi, indirectly led to Yongqi's death, which partially caused the final breakdown in the relationship between Ruyi and Qianlong. The concubine did Wei Yanwan's bidding because she believed Ruyi was responsible for her mother's death. (i.e. this entire subplot is to troll HZGG fans)
Han Xiang is called Han Xiangjian. Like Han Xiang, Xiangjian was given as a gift to Qianlong, and she has a lover who unlike Mengdan actually died. When she came into the palace, Xiangjian tried to kill Qianlong then herself, until Ruyi convinced her to live for the sake of her people. The Empress Dowager also forced Ruyi to give Han Xiangjian medicine to make her infertile so despite their friendship, Xiangjian's arrival starts to escalate the unravelling of Ruyi's relationship with Qianlong.
Qianlong in Legend of Ruyi is an asshole. But strangely, a lot of like the Qianlong in HZGG. Philandering, quick to anger, egotistical...Legend of Ruyi's Qianlong also a healthy dose of paranoia attached. He also would totally sleep with a woman and conveniently forget about her. Pretty sure he wouldn't have the decency to acknowledge his child 18 years later though, so HZGG's Qianlong wins on that.
I think when you start reading, just keep in mind that Ruyi is a good person, who raised Yongqi only to watch him die in an act of revenge from Ling Fei against her, and Ruyi has also suffered a lot of neglect and emotional cruelty from Qianlong. She was also dying, so she entirely expected to die, not wake up reincarnated/isekaied into a different version of her life. The fic will explain the Legend of Ruyi plot points relevant to the story when they come up.
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queenfredegund · 3 years
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Guzhuang Appreciation Month: Week 4 – Badass Dialogues [7/7]
Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace | Episode 80. Ula Nara Ruyi, Empress Nara, reasserting her authority as the head of the harem against Wei Yanwan, Noble Consort Ling... and being an absolute badass doing it
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hundredthousandtimes · 5 months
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Li Chun as Wei Yanwan Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace 如懿传 Episode 50
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hailanyi · 5 years
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Eng subbed by The Qing Hair and Those Who Dare Team @ Viki.com
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shangyangjunzhu · 3 years
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make me choose (6/10): nian shilan or wei yanwan
i remember when i married into the family, i was titled ce fujin and became his most favored woman. there were many women in his estate. everyone was afraid of him, except for me. he often took me horseback riding and hunting. he said he was only fond of me. but how numerous were the women in his estate! so numerous that it enraged me. he would stay with a concubine one night and with a secondary consort the other. i would wait and wait till the sky was lit. he still didn’t come to me.
have you ever tasted the bitterness of waiting for someone from dusk to dawn?
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pommegranatte · 5 years
Nothing is more disappointing than when the main female character is “tough girl who is always mean and straight to the point and also sarcastic!” I’m so bored with that trope. Just...let her be nice...or if she IS gonna be mean don’t make that be her one and only defining feature. What I’m trying to say is: 2B is the perfect mean female lead character.
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