#Welcome Linnea
Miss Kensley’s Rehabilitation Center, Windenburg, Lunaria, and Desert Haven Hospital, Oasis Springs, New Nagara - 13 July
*What follows is shifting between places and settings, because two events happen the same day*
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Eric: Are you ready, Reena? Katrina: I never thought I’d have to do this, but yes... I am. Eric: I’ll be right beside you, Min Älskling.
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Dr. Beverly: Congratulations, Michelle. It’s a little girl.
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Maria: Did you hear it, Michelle? A little girl. Susanna: My daughter... my sweet girl. She’s finally here. Hi, honey.
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Shirley: I’m so glad you both were able to reconcile... before it was too late. Eloise: So are we, Shir. 
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Katrina: Remember the song we sang as kids, Shir? *starts singing*  Through the stars, our lives began All according to the watcher's plan... Eloise: I thank the watcher up above For my sisters' guidance and their love Shirley: When I go, please don’t cry I’ll always watch you... Katrina, Eloise, and Shirley (together): From the clouds of the sky. *Shirley’s heart monitor slowly begins to flatline*
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Eloise: Shirley? Shirley? *begins to tear up*
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Eloise: She’s gone, Reena.
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(Time of death: 9:27am)
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*Soft fits of crying and tears fill the room*
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Shirley: El?
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Shirley: Reena?
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???: They’re still in the mortal world, Shir.
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Shirley: *gasps* Keith!
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(Time of Birth: 9:29 am)
6:45pm - 9 hours later
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Madhuri: How are you feeling, Michelle?
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Susanna: Albeit a little sore from the C-section, a giant wash of joy fills my senses. I’m so happy, right now, Madhuri. When Ekant wakes up, he’ll be excited too, seeing our little girl for the first time. Benjamin: So what’s her name going to be, Michelle?
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Susanna: *in tears* Linnea.
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dayfelice · 1 year
As she comes into the light, we open the curtains of this stage and cover her with our love! Welcome to life, dear Linnéa! It is our deepest pleasure to know you and receive you with all our joy!
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saturnville · 7 months
kiss me and go.
pairing: young!coriolanus snow x black!fem!reader content: an intimate morning between coriolanus and linnea. warning: fluuuuffff. an: idk I know he’s a pos but I like fluff so. and yes, linnea is Black. interactions are greatly appreciated 🤍
Love was unfamiliar. Kindness and surface-level adoration, sure, but love? What a foreign concept.
He hardly imagined what it felt like. On the rare occasion he that he did, he imagined his intestines twisting uncomfortably as an egregious amount of butterflies broke free from their internal habitat. A sensation that was borderline nauseating. It seemed to be much different than he imagined, however.
Love was an unfamiliar concept, but he’d grown to welcome what it offered. Security, growth, gentleness, comfort. At one point in time, he could hardly define comfort. If it meant residing in a home with peeling paint, rusted sink handles, and walls with circular cut-outs, then sure, he knew comfort. But, soon, his definition changed, and it became a simple word—Linnea.
She, in all her wonder, was comfort. He found it in the depths of her brown eyes, hypnotic and tantalizing. In her mahogany skin, so soft, delicate, and luscious. What he would give to trace every inch of it with his lips and savor the taste for a lifetime. And her smile, a wide and dimpled grin that blinded him the first time he saw it. How gorgeous a woman could be, he never understood.
Comfort was the warmth that radiated from her body as she held him nearer. The evening had long gone and the sun prepared to make its grand entrance. Their bodies were twisted and tied together for majority of the night, dancing underneath the spotlight of a full moon. Now, they laid still, the sound of their breaths echoing throughout the quaint room.
He laid between her bare thighs, his the tips of his slender fingers caressing them gently. They traced the scars from rough horseplay as a child and were tickled by the stubble of a week old shave. He was relaxed as he rubbed along her body, and felt her fingers massage his scalp.
“Coriolanus,” she repeated. Her voice was different from those of the women in the Capital—higher in pitch, nasally, and congested with arrogance. Hers was gritty, deep, and distinct. It scratched an itch deep in his brain that he failed to recognize existed until she appeared.
“Yes?” he answered lowly. He raised his chin to meet her eyes. They were covered by her low eyelids.
“You’ve got to go before the sun comes up.” Forbidden love affairs were outplayed, so she thought. Until she realized the position they were in—a Capitol born boy in kahoots with a District girl who made it to the Capitol through intelligence and newfound wealth through her father’s marriage. She refused to have her time be made harder because she couldn’t resist the charming Coriolanus Snow.
Coriolanus grunted softly as he tapped her leg gently. Her thighs fell open just slightly, and he used the opportunity to pivot and crawl over her body. Her bare thighs grazed against his waist as they took their rightful place.
Coriolanus took her chin between his fingers and titled her chin upward. Linnea’s eyes fluttered and her lips parted as she awaited his mouth on hers. She whispered, “Kiss me and go…tonight will be here before you know it.”
He smiled softly and massaged her lip with his thumb. He prodded the entrance until her lips parted and enclosed around his thumb. Coriolanus hummed and brought his face to hers. She whimpered softly when their lips collided and his chest pressed against hers. “I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
Coriolanus pulled away from her and pecked her cheek softly. He slid out of the bed and began pulling his clothes over his long limbs. One more time, their lips collided. “Okay?”
Linnea nodded and smiled bashfully. “Okay.”
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galdra-studios · 3 months
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Hi everyone!
February might be the shortest month of the year, but we sure managed to fill it with plenty of things, including a bit of a break after hitting a certain Steam Page milestone. Let’s get into it!
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The Arcadia Fallen II Steam page is live! We’ve been working hard to get it all set up with cool new screenshots. We’re still quite some way from release (we’ve got a whole Kickstarter planned after all!), but having a Steam page is super helpful because we can now partake in Steam events. It’s a great way for a small studio like ours to find new players; and if they like what they see, they can wishlist and get an email when the game is ready. A win-win for everyone!^^
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Speaking of Steam events! We’re part of the Woman’s Day Sale on Steam! It’s arranged by the brilliant people over at WINGS, who do an amazing job funding teams led by women and gender marginalized folks. With how tough the industry is at the moment, the work they do is invaluable, so be sure to check out the events, talks and sweet deals, and help support the cause!
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Prep work for our next Kickstarter continues. We’ve done this twice now, so we’ve had some practice, but it’s always kinda surprising just how much work goes into planning, writing and designing graphics. Marketing is tough! So it’s a great motivator to see that more than a hundred people have already signed up on the pre-launch page.
If you haven’t gotten around to it yet, hit the ‘Notify on launch’ button on the Kickstarter page to be the first to know when our campaign goes live. Thank you so much for your support; we’ll work hard to make sure the campaign will be a party! ❤
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Speaking of Kickstarter! We’re very happy to announce that we’ll have an extra pair of hands working to get the demo sparkly and ready for the campaign! Linnea is a combined programmer and producer who used to work with the good folks at Triple Topping. We’re so excited to have them join the team to help Daniel out with coding and help us all keep track of the different projects we’re working on. Welcome, Linnea!
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To round up this month's devlog, here's a time-lapse of this month's header image, accompanied by a cute little jingle Jesper whipped up! ^^
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Thank you so much for following our journey! And we’ll see you in April for another DevLog!
- The Galdra Team
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talesfromaurea · 5 months
Tales from Aurea - Session 4.5 Now Posted!
Session 4.5 - Aurea can now be read in full on Royal Road (link here). Enjoy!
Chapter Summary: After several trials and diversions, the companions reach the Imperial capital of Aurea. There, they can relax and heal under the watchful eye of the Ordo Draconis, and Sakrattars can finally visit the famed library at the Academia Arcana to search for any information on zmaj or the Irkallu.
Taglist (ask to be +/-): @drippingmoon, @kainablue, @splashinkling, @space-writes, @aroyalpaininthecass, @thelaughingstag
Curious what this story is about? Check out the WIP Introduction here
Chapter preview under the cut
“Would you accompany me to Aurea?”
It had been a week since Linnea had asked.
After leaving the burned ruins of Feriel’s and Bandrigan’s estate behind, the companions stopped back in Barsicum where Saara led them to her grandparents’ home. The elderly elven couple weakened when they heard of their daughter’s and son-in-law’s deaths, tears streaming down their faces as they welcomed their granddaughter into their home. Linnea handled the situation with a cool grace, offering pretty, rehearsed words. It was not her first time delivering the news of an agent’s death.
Separating Kaja and Saara proved to be a more difficult task. Saara wanted to come along, insisting that her knowledge of magic tech could be useful. With a few days’ time she could fashion herself a weapon and be ready to leave on an adventure. In the end, she was mollified only when Kaja promised that she would return to see her and Jo agreed that they would reevaluate their decision at this later date. Sakrattars pursed his lips, knowing that there would be no reconsidering.
It was when they left Saara and her grandparents that Linnea had asked her question: “Would you accompany me to Aurea?”
She was going to deliver her full report at the Ordo Draconis headquarters and wanted the party to come along as corroborators. They had no reason to argue: Jo, Kaja, and Sakrattars were already on their way to Aurea when they had gotten sidetracked and Leif and Amale were fully committed to joining them in light of all they had seen.
They spent the week traveling the winding roads south down through the Aurelian peninsula, passing through a number of towns along the way: Orium, Lanium, Pelagium. Linnea rented horses to ease their journey but the animals were spooked by Jo’s presence.
“What do natiuhans ride, since horses are too small?” Leif had asked casually as they waited for the stablehand to bring their mounts around.
“We have no need.” Jo flashed a loaded smile. Leif quirked an eyebrow as he waited for an explanation that never came. Sakrattars sighed and shook his head.
With Jo trailing behind on foot, while also nursing the injuries she sustained in the Fallen’s attack, the trip took longer than Linnea had hoped. It was mid-morning on the eighth day when they finally reached the outskirts of the city.
Originally a fortress during the Age of Blades, Aurea was built on an island just offshore, connected to the Aurelian mainland by a singular, wide causeway made of stones. As the city swelled in size, it outgrew its island and people started building on the peninsula proper. This area was mostly inhabited by farmers and fishermen, guardsmen who monitored traffic in and out, and merchants waiting for clearance to cross the bridge.
As they rode through the streets, Leif shielded his eyes from the sun. “Alright, who here has been to Aurea?” he asked with a grin. Jo shrugged. Kaja shook her head.
“I have, but usually by ship,” Sakrattars replied. Arvisian Bay was just a pleasant day trip across the calm waters of the gulf, the passage protected from rough ocean waves on three sides: the Aurelian peninsula in the west, Taracosia in the east, and the island of Arvis in the southeast. Conversely, the journey by land would take almost three weeks by horseback or wagon and was subject to bandit attacks and rough terrain.
The looming spires of the guard towers drew ever closer. Seagulls cried overhead, swooping down through the crowds to scatter flocks of pigeons and steal the scraps accumulated in the gutters of the cobblestone road.
“There’s a smell.” Kaja wrinkled her nose. “Like rotting fish.”
“We’re getting close to the ocean,” Sakrattars said. “It’s probably the fishing boats down at the docks.”
Kaja’s eyes lit up. “The ocean?” She brought her horse to a sudden stop in the middle of the road and leapt down from its back.
“Kaja?” Jo cried. “Where are you going?” But Kaja dashed away without explanation, leaving the companions to deal with fiery glares and angry shouting.
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
celly season , erik johnson
note, i guess this is kind of an unofficial part two to this fic? this wasn't planned and probably a shower thought but whatever. this fic is part of the "life with the johnsons" series. check out the masterlist linked below. pair, erik johnson x reader summary, what do you do after you win the stanley cup? celebrate like there's no tomorrow. warnings, children, alcohol consumption (and lots of it) (all legal) word count, 1846 words
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gif credit to @rosesvioletshardy
The night after the win, sleep was a little hard to come by due to the giant trophy in the middle of your bed, and the morning after, your early morning wakeup call was a naked Gabe standing in the hallway.
The plane ride home was filled with alcohol and lots of laughing. No one was sober or had been sober for the past 15 hours, give or take.
When the plane doors opened, you knew you were home. The fans cheering was the telltale sign. Gabe was the first out and he hoisted the cup over his head, eliciting an even louder cheer from the crowd of fans.
Everyone followed him off the plane. After saying your goodbyes to all the guys (even though you'd see them in a couple hours), you grabbed the rest of your luggage and made your way outside.
The first thing you noticed when you walked out the airport doors was a sign that read 'Welcome home mommy and daddy!' There were little drawings all around the poster.
They dropped the poster and ran over to you. You let go of the handle of your suitcase and pulled all three of them into a hug.
“Did you miss us?” Lila asked.
“Of course we did, silly girl.” You laughed, kissing her head.
“Did you get us gifts?” Zach asked eagerly.
“No, sorry.” You were joking around, “I’m kidding, of course, we did.” Zach’s face lit up once again.
"Were you good for grandma and grandpa?" Erik asked, taking his turn to hug the kids.
"Of course they were." Your mother butted in.
"We were." They insisted.
"All right, well let's get home so you can open your presents." You stood up and led them over to the car while Erik was stuck with the luggage.
The party quite literally never stopped. There were parties every single night and Erik attended almost every single one of them. With both sets of grandparents home with the kids, it made it easier for Erik to go out and celebrate.
You did go out with him to a party but stayed home with the kids for the most part. He deserved to celebrate after all.
The cup made it to your house for a couple hours and you got your pictures. You got a few with the kids. One of all three of them standing in front of the cup, pouring sparkling apple cider into their mouths.
A few days later, Erik was up and awake before anyone else in the house, excited for the cup parade. He got the day started with some drinks and was on beer 2 before the last kid was even awake.
"I hope you're drinking some water in between those beers." You reprimanded him.
"Yes, ma'am." He saluted.
"Good." You set the plate of yogurt in front of Zach and Ivy.
"Where's Lila?" Erik asked.
"She's getting ready."
"Ready for what?"
"The parade, daddy." Ivy giggled.
"Oh, right, silly me." Erik laughed. Lila came down the hallway, wearing her special Johnson jean jacket, "Did you dress yourself today?" He asked. She nodded, obviously very proud of herself.
"All right, breakfast time, then we can leave." You set the plate of food down in front of Lila.
A few hours later, you were standing on top of the fire truck. Ivy was in Erik's arms, a water gun in her hands and she sprayed fans in the crowd.
Lila, Zach, and Linnea were sitting near the front of the firetruck, you and Mel keeping an eye on them as they also squirted people in behind the barricades.
Erik got off the firetruck and walked through the street, shaking hands and taking pictures, with Ivy still in his arms.
"So many people, mommy." Lila looked up at you.
"I know." You looked out into the never-ending sea of people, shocked by the number of people there too.
Erik came back onto the top of the firetruck and made his way to the front, hoisting the cup over his head, garnering the biggest cheer from the fans you'd heard the entire day.
You watched nervously as Erik got on Gabe's shoulders, "Erik Johnson, I swear to God."
"I'll be fine." He flashed you a reassuring smile as he held the cup over his head once again.
"We won't let him fall," Nate reassured you as he held onto Erik's leg.
Lila gravitated from the ground into your arms as she rested her head on your shoulder. You pointed out all the cool signs to her, "Look at that one." She waved to the man holding the sign, who waved back with a laugh.
Zach gravitated off the ground and wanted to be picked up but both you and Erik already had your hands full, so he turned to one of his uncles and wound up in Uncle Nate's arms.
Nate was taking a sip of his beer, "Can I have some?" Zach pointed to the beer bottle. Nate looked back over at you, panicked.
"Yeah, Uncle Nate, can he?" Erik joked.
"Well... uh..." Nate looked horrified.
"Absolutely not." You butted in, sending a glare to Erik. Nate looked relieved.
You spotted a sign that read 'You've got beer, we've got apples', and next to the apple was a box of apple juice, "You want some apple juice?" At that, Lila looked up and you and nodded.
The guy with the sign tossed a couple juice boxes over the barricade and Erik caught them, passing them out to the kids.
At the end of the road, you all got off the truck. You said your goodbyes and good lucks to Erik, "Good luck, daddy." Lila kissed his cheek.
"Thank you, flower." He kissed her head. He set her down and Zach wrapped his arms around his dad's neck, "Oh, thank you, Zachy." He kissed Zach's cheek then turned to Ivy, "Can I have a hug, buggy?"
Ivy jumped into his arms and hugged him tight, "Bye-bye, daddy." She smiled.
"Bye-bye." He kissed her cheeks too, then stood up to his full height and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
"I'm so proud of you." You whispered into his ear. You felt him smile and pulled away, cupping his cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.
"Ew." You heard the three tiny people say and giggle. You smiled, kissing him again, then pulling away and waving to him.
Erik's newest thing was Instagram Livesstreams, but they were also Lives in the most inconvenient of times and places.
He was showing you his sunburns and was in the middle of live streaming, "Erik, people don't want to see this." You laughed as you examined the sunburns on his lower back.
"That's not true. Mileshighavs96 said he wanted to see." Erik pointed out.
"Who's Milehighavs96?" You asked.
"He commented." Erik showed you the screen.
"Weirdo." You mumbled, "And you wouldn't be this burned if you had listened to me and put on sunscreen, to begin with." You told him.
"Well, let's this be a listen to every guy on here. Always listen to your wives." He looked directly into the camera.
"God, Erik, it's gonna peel." You winced as you ran your finger, softly, over the burns.
"Is it gonna hurt?"
The Stanley Cup was delivered to your house and before the guys delivering it could even put the car in park, Erik was out of the house, shoeless, still in his pajamas too.
He carried it inside, every single person there filming him, and he set it down in the living room.
"Wow." Lila and Zach stared at it in shock.
"Do you want to touch it?" Erik asked.
"Can we?"
"Yeah." He nodded. They reached out and touched it, "Cool, isn't it?"
"Yeah." Their eyes were wide with amazement.
You got ready and started taking all your pictures. With his parents, with your parents, just the five of you, the five of and you and the dogs, and one big one with both sets of parents and all five of you.
You were all getting ready to spend the rest of the day by the pool. You were in the middle of covering Zach with sunscreen when Erik came out and was about to jump into the pool.
"Erik Johnson, you better not set foot in that pool without sunscreen." You glared. He made his way over to you, head hung low as he sat down on the lawn chair next to yours.
You covered him in sunscreen and before you could close the sunscreen bottle, he picked you up, bridal style, and carried you towards the pool.
"Wait, wait, no, Erik, don't!" You shouted. Everyone around you was laughing, "Please." You begged, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"What do you think?" You looked over to the three kids, "Should I toss mom in?"
"Yeah!" They all cheered.
"I thought you guys were on my side." You pouted, then looked back over at Erik, "Please don't do this, Erik."
"One, two, three." He counted down and instead of throwing just you in, jumped into the water with you still in his arms.
You emerged from the water, hair stuck to your face as you glared at him, "I hate you."
"I love you, too." He smiled and wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you in for a kiss.
"I'll get you back." You promised.
"I know you will."
And you kept to your word. After a long day of swimming and fun, it was finally time to come in for dinner. Erik was in the middle of drying off, and you knew it was your chance.
You smiled. He smiled back.
He leaned in, but before your lips could touch, you pushed him, hard, and he fell back into the pool. You laughed along with the kids as he emerged from the water, soaking wet.
"Gotcha." You shrugged.
He jumped out of the water and ran charged at you. You squealed, running away from him, "This isn't fair. You threw me into the water, so I threw you in." You shouted.
You had gotten out of the water well before everyone else so you were dry by dinner time. He caught up to you and wrapped his arms around you.
"No," You whined, trying to push his arms off of you, "I was dry."
"Love you." He laughed, kissing your cheek and affectively getting you wet all over again.
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Liked by coloradoavalanche, landeskog.92 and 17,935 others
6erikjohnson6 wifey appreciation post. to my rock, my best friend, the love of my life. couldn’t have done this without you baby. thank you for everything. what a ride it’s been. i love you so much ❤️
tagged: @/ynyln-johnson
View all 570 comments
landeskog.92 copycat 😒
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Liked by susanna.ranta, maddiefidler and 10,395 others
ynyln-johnson so proud of you baby! ❤️ #goavsgo
tagged: @/6erikjohnson6, @/coloradoavalanche
View all 395 comments
6erikjohnson6 love you mrs. johnson ❤️
↳ ynyln-johnson love you too mr. johnson 😘
mel.landeskog gonna miss you girly 🤍
↳ ynyln-johnson gonna miss you too!
(just imagine all these pictures fit lol. also, i own none of them. found them on pinterest.)
my taglist: @tonyspep @joelsfarabees @ashleymarine @tysonjost-taylorsversion @rosesvioletshardy @laurenairay @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @lam-ila @jostystyles @catahshart @puckinrightschicagoo @stars-canucks @drei-mrssvechii @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @lady-laura-speaks @owenpowersglasses @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @huggybearmylove43 @sammysworldddd @corneliaskates @mista-svech @paintlavillered @fallinallincurls @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @maximoff-xmen @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @hockeyunits @puckmetwice @pensfan5871 @dumbxblond3 @consflame @kaydenissleepy @yagetintoit @seventieswhore
[ taglist ] [ lwtj masterlist ]
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Linnea: Hello welcome to the Digital Circus! my name is Linnea and I am ringmaster Caine's daughter! Want to know everything about me and my cousins? Then you are in the right place! You can send any questions or submit your art to us! Do whatever you like! Right Bubbly?
Bubbly: That's right Linnea! Oh I cannot wait to see new people!
Linnea: So am I! Btw our parents are busy but they will stop by soon!
{You can do whatever you want except swearing. Kid friendly only!}
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ofmd-cookbook-zine · 1 year
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AVAST, YE! Now that everyone is settled in and hard at work on their dishes and pieces for the zine, please give a warm welcome to our contributors!
🍊 Chefs
Alexa Mullen @/alexarmull (insta) | Callieopes @callieopes Em @/gentleranium (twitter) | VeloxVoid @/VeloxVoid (twitter, ao3) | Aqueous Mutivity @/aqueous_mutivity (insta) Jules Ahmose @/galaxy.manticore (insta) | Tessa Klaire @/MiscKlaire (twitter, tiktok) Mayson Tea @/dinyvel (twitter), @/m.tea_kitchen (insta) | SleepySpacey @/SleepySpacey (twitter) | Smolangora @smolangora
🖊️ Writers
Nicole Mello @andillwriteyouatragedy | Ren Jackson @soft-october-night Car K @agentkuryakin, @/Alterkmn (ao3) | Grey Cyr @/nocyriously (twitter), @/definitelyacryptid (insta) | Wybie @jinxingsouls
⚓ Merch Artists
Ashlee @/airafleeza (twitter, insta) | radicalhoodie @radicalhoodie Nicki @blue-stripe | Mint @lumintsu Erin Jade Raven @jaderavenarts | Izzy @/mooooonbug (twitter, insta) | SkreeBat @/SkreeBat (twitter, insta, patreon)
🖌️ Artists
cheetz0 @/cheetz0 (twitter, insta) | Cliopadra @cliopadra  Cecillusive @sungmee | Eimeh @eimehh Alexia @/candymoth_art (insta, tiktok) | Shonyadrws @/MelikhovaS (twitter), @/shonyadrws2430 (youtube) | Atomy @/atomyarts (twitter, insta)  Dusty @/punkpotluck (twitter, insta) | poorlyformed @/poorlyformedart (twitter, insta) Cy @/autobuts (twitter) | drawing_dax @/drawing_dax (twitter, insta) Asleepyy @/asleepyy (twitter), @/_asleepyy (insta) | Hannah @/hannah_bear_art (twitter), @/hannahbearraart (insta) | Hermannco @hermannco  Linnea @/sololinneaa (twitter), @/solo.linnea (insta) | meluco @/melucomarket (twitter, insta) Vic @viccsart | Xeno @/xenoliith (twitter), @/xenolyte (insta) merlintintintin @merlintintintin tumblr/insta) | Wondertrails @wondertrails | Ohtangerines @ohtangerines
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findroleplay · 7 months
I'm a 21f and I'm looking for some rp partners. I write 3rd person literate, and only on discord. When it comes to length I can write just about anything, though my go-to is one or two paragraphs per reply. I am looking for someone that can be active, since I tend to lose motivation when only writing a couple times a week. I also prefer to keep things SFW!
I'll list out the characters I am looking to write, and who I most like to write against. My character will be in brackets. OCs are always welcome too! The ones I’m most interested in writing will have a little *
Harry Potter:
[Astoria Greengrass] - Draco Malfoy*
[Regulus Black] - Sirius Black, really anyone in the black family (platonically ofc)
[Andromeda Black] - Ted Tonks, anyone in the black family*
[Nymphadora Tonks] - Remus Lupin*
[Female Slytherin OC] - Draco Malfoy, George Weasley, anyone from the Golden Trio era*
[Dorcas Meadowes] - Marlene McKinnon *
[Scorpius Malfoy] - Albus Potter
Star Wars:
[Ahsoka Tano] - really anyone!
[Satine Kryze] - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows:
[Kaz Brekker] - [Inej Ghafa]
[Nikolai Lantsov] - Zoya Nazyalensky, Alina Starkov
[Linnea Opjer] (Nikolai's half-sister who lives in Ketterdam) - anyone*
[Wylan Van Eck] - Jesper Fahey
Non-fandom/ optional-Marvel:
I have a mafia boss OC. She's a 23 year old female and has quite a bit of bite to her. I will write her against anyone, really. I've found it fun to set her in the marvel fandom (my favorites have been Loki and Matt Murdock!) or DC, but that is not required.*
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libelelle · 1 year
welcome to my blog!!
call me Linnea or Libelelle 💛 any pronouns
donate to my ko-fi or commission me!
Please read through the info below before following please!
Don't follow if any of these apply:
- proshipper/anti-anti
- incest shipper or otherwise
- all the usual stuff, homophobic, ableist, racist, etc
- Terf
- ship characters with alternate versions of themselves/selfcest
- create or engage in sexual or suggestive content of minors, fictional or otherwise
things to keep in mind
- I mostly keep things clean but I might rb suggestive content
- blank blogs PLEASE do something that lets me know you aren't a bot, I don't want to block you accidentally
- don't try talking to me about shipping unless I say something first. Not interested
tags I use:
for my art: #sonic artventure
for my text posts: #talk tag
for my time twins au: #time twins au
for my underground au: #tcof AU
my side blog for birds is @waxwinging-it if you like birds and want to see birds that I reblog 🐦
thanks for reading <3
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peonnes · 2 months
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Welcome to my blog for my art as well as others' cool ones that I reblog. The masterlist of my art, blog tags, and sideblogs is below the cut.
🩵 Do not modify my art or use it without my permission. Use as a social media icon/banner is okay as long as you credit me.
🩵 Carrd
Last Updated: 2024/05/29
Fandom art is in fandom alphabetical order. Posts with stars ★ have image descriptions in their alt text.
OCs (Original Stories)
Tag: #peonnes's ocs
Yeong-Min ★
Akemi ★
Sebastian (sketch)
Salome (sketch)
Holiday Edition
Pierre - Valentine’s Day ★ -> Process
Black Clover
Morgen Faust ★
Linnea Blackchalice (OC) ★
Nacht Faust ★
Genshin Impact
OCs Tag: #peonnes’s genshin ocs
Kamisato Ayaka (old)
Guo Yuxing (OC) ★
Kamiarizuki Sumire (OC) ★
Roman Morozovich (OC) ★
Honkai: Star Rail
Soren Demetriou (OC) ★
The Magnus Archives
Mike Crew ★ → TMA blog post
April Fitzgerald (OC) ★ → TW: eyes → TMA blog post
Fandom Crossovers
Comfort Characters (Genshin x JJK)
Tags Directory
#peo's gallery room - Final pieces. #peo's sketch room - Sketches, WIPs, etc. #mutuals' gallery - Reblogging a mutual's art. #peo's faves - My favorites among the ones I've made.
General Posting
#peonnesception - Reblogging another one of my own blogs. #queueth the raven nevermore - Queued posts/reblogs. #fandom related - Specific to a fandom I’m in.
Other Blogs
Fandom blogs are in fandom alphabetical order.
peonnes-writes - fanfiction peoevenings - books peonights - Black Clover peopourri - Fire Emblem: Three Houses opeotometrist - HoYoverse opeolence - Jujutsu Kaisen peodays - Kagerou Project opeothalmologist - The Magnus Archives
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melodiousmonk · 8 months
Peter Gabriel announces his first album of new material in over 20 years
i/o releases on 1 December, 2023
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i/o is 12 tracks of grace, gravity and great beauty that provide welcome confirmation of not only Peter’s ongoing ability to write stop-you-in-your-tracks songs but also of that thrilling voice, still perfectly, delightfully intact. Throughout the album the intelligent and thoughtful – often thought-provoking – songs tackle life and the universe. Our connection to the world around us – ‘I’m just a part of everything’ Peter sings on title track i/o – is a recurring motif, but so too the passing of time, mortality and grief, alongside such themes as injustice, surveillance and the roots of terrorism. But this is not a solemn record. While reflective, the mood is never despondent; i/o is musically adventurous, often joyous and ultimately full of hope, topped off as it is, by the rousingly optimistic closing song, Live and Let Live.  
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Recorded mostly at Real World Studios and Peter’s home studio, the lengthy gestation of i/o means it has a sizeable cast list. Peter has kept his trusty inner circle of musicians close to hand, which means guitarist David Rhodes, bassist Tony Levin and drummer Manu Katché are sterling presences throughout. Several songs bear the fingerprints of long-time associate Brian Eno, whilst there are notable contributions from Richard Russell, pianist Tom Cawley, trumpeters Josh Shpak and Paolo Fresu, cellist Linnea Olsson and keyboard player Don E. Peter’s daughter Melanie contributes warm backing vocals, as does Ríoghnach Connolly of The Breath, while Real World regulars Richard Chappell, Oli Jacobs, Katie May and Richard Evans collectively provide programming and play various instruments. Soweto Gospel Choir and Swedish all-male choir Oprhei Drängar lend their magnificent harmonies to a selection of tracks, and the mass strings of the New Blood Orchestra, led by John Metcalfe, both soothe and soar.
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Renowned for being a boundary-pushing artist, i/o is not simply a collection of a dozen songs. All 12 tracks are subject to two stereo mixes: the Bright-Side Mix, handled by Mark ‘Spike’ Stent, and the Dark-Side Mix, as reshaped by Tchad Blake. “We have two of the greatest mixers in the world in Tchad and Spike and they definitely bring different characters to the songs. Tchad is very much a sculptor building a journey with sound and drama, Spike loves sound and assembling these pictures, so he’s more of a painter.” Both versions are included on the double-CD package, and are also available separately as double vinyl albums. And that’s not all. A third version – the In-Side Mix, in Dolby Atmos, comes courtesy of Hans-Martin Buff “doing a wonderful job generating these much more three-dimensional mixes” and is included in three-disc set, including Blu-ray.
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Continuing the idea developed for Peter’s US and UP albums, he has again invited a range of visual artists to contribute a piece of art to accompany the music and each of i/o’s 12 songs were handed to a world-renowned artist to create an accompanying work, whether paint, photography, sculpture or even Plasticine. The dozen artists make an exceedingly impressive team of collaborators: Ai Weiwei, Nick Cave, Olafur Eliasson, Henry Hudson, Annette Messager, Antony Micallef, David Moreno, Cornelia Parker, Megan Rooney, Tim Shaw, David Spriggs and Barthélémy Toguo. 
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Another visual link with Peter’s past work is the cover shot. Taken by photographer Nadav Kander, it echoes with the covers of his earlier albums, always present but, with the exception of So, intriguingly obscured or manipulated. 
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These echoes of the past might resonate, but i/o is fundamentally an album of – and for – the here and now. Many of its themes may be timeless, but they’re also warnings that we’re living on borrowed time, both as a planet and as individuals. 
(Source: Peter Gabriel's mailing list)
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bldmnrises · 10 months
<3 [love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <33333]
linnea,,, my bestie with the " hey listen! " eurobeat remix for a catchphrase,,,
you are literally one of the most open-hearted, kindest people i've met who's welcomed me so quickly with unimaginable acceptance. you're a no-nonsense person with a patience of a saint, at least in my case. i've seen you go thru tough nights, tough moments, and tougher still i'm sure yet's to come. but know this ; i am an immeasurable ray of sunshine -- whenever you're down, i WILL find a way to make the sun shine just the slightest bit brighter. whether that's being a dork on dash, pestering your dms about malice bc u LOVE my lil scrunkly, or just... idk! doodling gan or your oc?
YEAH SO FUN FACT I DOODLE TOO, YK. I'M GOING TO SPOIL YOU, IF NOT DRAWING MYSELF THEN JUST SURPRISE COMMING YOUR CHARACTERS. teehee,,, looks at hilary. fr tho, you are an outstanding friend and i think that's overlooked far too often for your own well-being. you put so much love and spirit into your personalization of ganon that it's no wonder you're a gold mine of ships, and genuinely i wish you only the best life has to offer when it comes to having great days and making memories with your mutuals and just overall having fun.
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300yearschallenge · 2 years
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In early autumn 1772 Théo and the family received their first letter from Émile.
It read:
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Dear Mama & Papa,
I hope you are all doing well.
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I am sure grandmother will have already told you that I have arrived to Stockholm safe and sound, and am now staying as agreed with the Bergvall family.
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I do not know them very well yet, but they seem to be kind and agreeable people.
My great-uncle's former wife is named Cathrina, and she is a gentle and welcoming woman. She has a husband whose name is Karl-Johan. He is often busy running the family shop, so I have not spoken to him much yet.
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The family has three children, all of whom are the children of my great-uncle and thus your cousins.
The oldest is a boy named Lukas, who helps with the family business and also works down by the docks to earn extra income.
There is a girl my age named Carola, who does not seem very happy I am here, and a girl a little older than Iliana Dorothea whose name is Linnea.
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There is also two cats who live with the family.
They both come and go as they please, but the family often sets out food for them out by the back door, and they've put some straw down there as well as a bed.
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After grandmother saw me off, which I think she was rather sad to do, I was shown my new lodgings by Cathrina.
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Stockholm is a city full of very old and very big buildings, and even though the house of the Bergvall family is one of the smaller ones the house still feels really big.
It even has a second floor!
The bottom floor is all one big room, with a kitchen in one corner. The house has a piano, two sofas and a lot of equipment for the family business.
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The upstairs is divided into two rooms, separated by a short hallway.
One room is for Cathrina and her husband, and the other is for all of the children.
I was given a bed that was raised up, underneath which is a bed for a small child.
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Cathrina allowed me to hang up the picture uncle made me near the foot of the bed, so that I can look at it whenever I go to sleep.
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Falling asleep on the first night was difficult.
Stockholm is such a large city, and it doesn't get quiet at night here the same way it does back home. Even late at night I could hear sounds from animals, carriages and people.
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I did eventually manage to fall asleep though, and aside from that life here is fairly decent.
The family has a huge bathtub to wash in when needed, and Cathrina often serves soup or stew for food.
Her cooking is not as good as yours, mama, but it will have to do.
Send all of my love to everyone back home!
Émile Gustaf Park
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talesfromaurea · 5 months
Tales from Aurea - Session 4 Now Posted!
Session 4 - The Abandoned Estate can now be read in full on Royal Road (link here). Enjoy!
Chapter Summary: The companions accompany Ordo Draconis agent Linnea Moonwing to an estate in the mountains, hoping to gain insight on Lucretia's whereabouts. However, it soon becomes evident that something terrible happened on the property and it's up to them to solve the mystery.
Taglist (ask to be +/-): @drippingmoon, @kainablue , @splashinkling , @space-writes, @aroyalpaininthecass , @thelaughingstag
Curious what this story is about? Check out the WIP Introduction here
Chapter preview under the cut
Shadows danced through the grove, weaving in and out of the trees as they closed in on Sakrattars. One of them took the shape of a man in a metal mask and rushed forward, daggers raised. Sakrattars spoke the words to a spell but the magic fizzled on his lips. Tendrils of darkness lapped at his feet, coiling around his ankles and holding him in place as the Fallen slammed into him. Metal flashed red in the light of the eclipse. He felt the dagger sink in, but there was no pain. Only deep, crushing cold. His vision blurred, the taste of iron filled his mouth—
Jerking awake with a gasp but still not understanding where he was, Sakrattars flailed his arms in a pitiful attempt at defending himself. Jo stepped back, hands raised.
“It’s just me, elf,” she said, “it’s just me.”
Sakrattars stared at her blankly, his mind a haze. It was a dream. Only a dream . . . The sun was low on the eastern horizon and everyone except for him was already up. He sighed, his eyelids getting heavy again. It seemed like no time at all had passed since he laid down on his bedroll. Linnea had insisted that they put as much ground as possible between them and Barsicum before making camp for the night. The grueling trek brought them to the foothills of the Grayspur mountains before Linnea was satisfied, much to the exhausted party’s collective relief.
“I’m sorry,” Sakrattars said, rubbing his temple. “How are you holding up?”
Jo shrugged. “I’ll manage. Amale’s poultice helps.”
He nodded. Last night, he had seen how Jo dragged her injured leg and winced when she breathed, how the linens wrapped around her waist were dark with blood by the time they were able to rest. Yet she never once complained about the brisk pace Linnea set.
“Do you want tea? Amale and Kaja are preparing it,” Jo asked.
“Yes I would.” Sakrattars yawned, opening his spellbook with one hand while absentmindedly tossing some worms to Bartholomew with the other. However, he couldn’t focus on the words. His mind kept wandering back to the encounter with the so-called Fallen and, more specifically, the implication that there were more such beings out there scouring the land for Kaja. But why? Just who were the Irkallu? He thought of Linnea. She definitely knew more than she was letting on.
Leif set down a hot cup of tea and Sakrattars plunked a biscuit in with a splash, eyes still glued on his spellbook.
“You’re welcome,” Leif said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
Sakrattars’ gaze flicked up. “We might find Lucretia, who appears to be homicidal and unstable, at the estate today. I don’t intend to be defenseless.”
“Alright, alright. By Orvim, it was a joke.” Leif waved it off, leaving the elf to his studies. He paused to mull over Sakrattars’ words then took a seat and pulled out a sharpening stone, getting to work on the axe that he had come to call Oxhiminn.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 9 months
Beau climbed the stage confidently, his note cards tucked into his pocket safely in case he forgets something. His resident Pokémon were milling around the stage, saying hello to the people that had come to watch his lecture.
The audience clapped at his entrance and hushed quickly. The brunette smiled and began. "Hello, hello! I've given many lectures this week, but this is one of my absolute favorites. Welcome to Disabled Pokémon and Their Care. There's many misconceptions about disabled Pokémon that I will be dispelling today as well as talking about how to best care for your Pokémon friends."
He walked across the stage as he spoke, coming to stand near Timmy the Toedscool. "Now, every Pokémon is unique and thus needs unique care. The same goes for disabled Pokémon. Say, for instance, you have a Toedscool. Would you care for your Toedscool like you would a Luvdisc? No, these two Pokémon have completely different needs. Picture with me now that you have two Toedscool. One was born fully abled, and the other was born with one leg shorter than the other."
At Beau's words, Timmy kicked up first his normal leg and then his prosthetic leg, proudly showing himself off. He even gave a little twirl, what a ham.
"Pokémon like Timmy with shorter or missing limbs often get prosthetics to make their lives easier and more comfortable. Timmy can still do all of the things that other Toedscool can do." Beau patted the top of Timmy's head, and the little Toedscool started bouncing the ball around like a hacky sack with his feet.
Beau moved across the stage to stand with Linnea the Leafeon. "Some of your are probably very familiar with Linnea if you came to my lecture on deaf Pokémon. Linnea is completely deaf and follows commands through hand signals."
Beau flicked his hands, and Linnea spun around, using Sunny Day to light up the stage and then using Magic Leaf straight up in two arcs that collided with each other. With this combination, she made a brilliant rainbow display as the sparkling light rained down on the audience. "Linnea is perfectly capable of doing everything that other Pokémon can do. She would just need her trainer to adjust to her and really pour their time and energy into her. To get her attention, you can move into her line of vision or do things around her, such as tapping on the floor."
The sanctuary owner tapped his foot, and Linnea turned to him, wrapping herself around his legs affectionately. He leaned down and gave her a pet before moving over to Diamond the Meowstic, making sure that his footsteps couldn't be heard but weren't too loud.
Diamond heard him approaching and was already turning to him, moving her head to try and pinpoint where he was coming from better. Beau stopped a little ways from her but close enough for her to feel if she reached out.
"Blind Pokémon usually need a bit more help as many creatures are more reliant on sight than most of their other senses; however, they also are perfectly capable of thriving and living full and happy lives. Diamond here lost her sight when she was young due to malnourishment and disease. She has no other complications, but her sight was not able to be restored. She's still a perfectly proficient battler and actually developed her psychic abilities to fill in the gaps of her lost sight." Beau stepped back as he tossed some small treats and toys around the stage. "Diamond, seek."
The Pokémon quickly found each of the items, holding her little pile of treats as she waited patiently for permission to eat them. Beau patted her head. "Go ahead, you've earned them. Diamond is also an incredibly skilled battler and relies on a partner Pokémon or her trainer for assistance. It is incredibly important to build that level of trust."
He moved on to the last Pokémon, who was sitting in a little bed and looking out at the crowd as she gave waves, his very own Dizzy. "Our last little assistant is one of my own Pokémon. Not every disability is visible, despite what a lot of people think for both humans and Pokémon. Dizzy is a prime example of that."
Beau picked up Dizzy and held her in a way that he could show her off. "Dizzy looks like your typical Spinda, right? A little klutzy but overall happy and healthy. She very much is, but she also has a neurological disorder that isn't too uncommon in Spindas that makes it difficult for her to walk around for long periods of time. It essentially makes her permanently dizzy."
He set her down for her to toddle around the stage a little bit, but he scooped her back up as she was getting close to falling down as if he knew the exact moment she'd fall. He settled her into her usual pocket and continued.
"Dizzy usually sits in my pocket as I go about my day, and she also has beds everywhere back home. She sometimes requires assistance with eating and grooming, and she will always need these sorts of assistance. She would struggle to battle and compete in contests, but she's perfectly happy and is expected to live the full Spinda lifespan." He explained, giving her a treat that she grabbed from his hand and munched on happily.
"Each of these Pokémon, just as their able-bodied counterparts, have unique needs. There's usually increased medical costs for disabled Pokémon, especially later in life. Being disabled though does not remove their ability to live independent lives. Their environment and training just needs modified to best support them." He said, moving back to the middle of the stage.
"The best thing you can do if you are taking on the responsibility of caring for a disabled Pokémon is research. Learn everything you can from trained Pokémon carers and people who already train a Pokémon with the disability yours has, and talk to your vet. Vets often have many resources that can aid you and also give you a break down of what your life could be like if you adopt a disabled Pokémon. If you have any questions, please feel free to stop by my booth. I have been Beau Rosalba, and you all have been a wonderful audience. Thank you!" Beau bowed and gave a wave to the crowd as he led his group off the stage again.
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