#Wendy walker
magic-is-beauty · 2 months
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annabelle-creart · 2 months
Life of Rescue Bots x Sweet Tooth
“You!” the voice on the megaphone called with bitterness “who are you?”
“Name´s Charlie Burns,” the man replied, with all his weapons on his back and raising both hands in front of the big gate “I´m a nomad, I´m searching for provisions!” he screamed, wondering of someone could hear him “I thought this zoo was empty.”
“No, it´s not, I ask for you to…” the voice stopped when from Charlie´s back, two little kids appeared from behind “you´re not alone.”
“No, I´m not alone. They´re not contagious, either I, but if you want me to leave…”
“They´re yours?”
“They´re orphans, I take care of them.”
“And where are you supposed to go with those kids?”
“To an island, there is a sanctuary for them.”
The voice on the megaphone stopped for a moment, Charlie didn´t expected her to say something else, so, when he was about to go with the kids, the gate opened as soundless as an old gate can be in the middle of the night “you can come in” the woman said, “quickly, I don´t open the door so fast for anyone.”
The man and the two kids run as fast to the house, he was old, not like the olds days when he was on duty, “thank you. What´s your name?”
“Aimee Eden, just call me Aime.”
“Thank you, Aimee, I promise my stay will not take long.”
“The kids can stay in my room, and we make breakfast early” Aimee said, showing the other three the way through, the kids were watching fascinated the big statues of two giraffes, one big and one little, and the cages that now were beautiful gardens with food.
“What do you mean with ‘we’?”
“My daughter and I, Wendy.”
“You´re not alone either!”
“She´s asleep, so, please, stay quiet, she´s too hyperactive for her height and took me like two hours to make her sleep.”
“Hehe, I know how that feels.” Charlie chuckled.
“Are they the same?”
“No, they´re as quiet as rocks, I´m talking about my older sons and daughter, when they were kids was like having a tornado in the house.”
Aimee and Charlie gave the other a big smile, how weird was to have fun with a man on the middle of the night, it´s just, well, Aimee never thought it would be by letting him enter her zoo because he had kids and needed a place to rest, the great crumble did some weird stuff to people.
The two stayed on the try of restroom she made lot ago to make the zoo feel like home, but while Charlie felt asleep in no time, Aimee stayed awake as much as she could, not knowing what the man was going to do, one thing was to let him in, and another was to trust in him.
The next morning, it was the three kids who waked the adults up, it was about to be 8:30 on the clock and the plants needed some fresh water, and Wendy was to little to do the hard task by her own.
They made the tasks, and while Aimee do hers on the radio room, she made Charlie compensate the rest night on doing some favors, the more far he is from the radio room, the better would be for her and Wendy.
Finally, Breakfast time, a real breakfast, Charlie had promised the kids they would have something like these all days when they got to Griffin Rock, and after washing, the kids were guided by Wendy, she wanted to show them all the zoo, she was such a, energy filled little girl, and the two kids were happy to play with another kid of their age.
“How old is Wendy?”
“She is seven, about to be eight. And yours?”
“I don´t know, they don´t know their ages, but I think Soren is six and Eglantine is four.”
“Wait, Soren and Eglantine? Like the Ga ‘Hoole characters?” Aimee asked, looking Charlie oddly.
“I didn´t expected you knew those books; those are the favorite of my youngest son.”
“Two kids with feathers and those names and you didn´t expected me to unite the pieces? Those are Wendy´s favorite too”
“I told them those will be the first books they will learn to read when we got back to the island” at those words, Aimee stopped her thinking for a moment, she wasn´t sure, and her loneliness made her incapable to trust as much to someone. So, she had an idea.
“They can stay with me.”
“They can stay with me, the world is rude, and, well, they need a stable place, and the Last Men are hunting every hybrid they see.”
“Aimee, I´m grateful you helped us, and about everything you are offering, but they´re my responsibility, my job is to take them to a safe place, and kids like them, and the island I come from is the safest place in the world, believe me” Charlie said more serious than usual “Thank you, Aimee, but those kids stay with me.”
And so, he did, Aimee offered them food and provisions, and Wendy gifted the kids her favorite crayons, and a drawing she made of them, she liked to draw and was very good at it. At some point, Aimee understood Charlie´s thinking, she had the same thinking, and when a little excavator hybrid named Bobby came to their lives, Aimee thought it would be a good idea to start doing what Charlie did, now, the zoo was blooming, it was time to make it a good place for a good purpose.
This shot is now on the Extras part two of the Sweet Tooth: Griffin Rock book on Ao3 and Wattpad.
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slimewalk · 2 years
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The Night Before: A Novel
By Wendy Walker.
Design by Olga Grlic.
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whitneydaniell · 4 years
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by: Wendy Walker Published: Sep 15, 2020 Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Fiction 342 Pages, E-Book
GoodReads Synopsis:
One night, Molly Clarke walked away from her life. The car abandoned miles from home. The note found at a nearby hotel. The shattered family that couldn't be put back together. It happens all the time. Women disappear, desperate to leave their lives behind and start over. She doesn't want to be found. Or at least, that's the story. But is that what really happened to Molly Clarke?
The night Molly disappeared began with a storm, running out of gas, and a man in a truck offering her a ride to town. With him is a little girl who reminds her of the daughter she lost years ago. It feels like a sign. And Molly is overcome with the desire to be home, with her family—no matter how broken it is. She accepts the ride. But when the doors are locked shut, Molly begins to suspect she has made a terrible mistake.
When a new lead comes in after the search has ended, Molly's daughter, Nicole, begins to wonder. Nothing about her mother's disappearance makes sense.
Nicole returns to the small, desolate town where her mother was last seen to find the truth. The locals are kind and eager to help. The innkeeper. The bartender. Even the police. Until secrets begin to reveal themselves and she comes closer to the truth about that night—and the danger surrounding her.
My Review:
A wild ride! Why would Molly just leave her car in some podunk town and never look back on her old life? It makes no sense.
On her from her son's basketball game, a school she traveled to often, Molly's car is abandoned and a note is left in a hotel room. Nothing about that makes sense to her daughter and she refuses to leave this town without some answers. Molly is dealing with her own trauma of losing her young daughter and fading in and out of her actual life. She has faded from her relationship with her husband and is estranged from her other daughter.
This story is told from two perspectives; Molly and Nicole. Molly has been kidnapped and held hostage but whoever kidnapped her, wants people to believe that she has just run off from her family. Leaving a note that says, "Don't look for me."
Molly is forced to be a caretaker to a young girl who reminds her of her own daughter, which uncovers some painful memories of the loss of her own daughter.
Why did he take her? What does he want with her?
Fast-paced read.
One-Word Summary: Wild
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mai-col · 7 days
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Mystic, Seeker, Survivor
Hmmmm, another species of brainworms (apart from the Malevolent ones, but can you see a pattern ?) have been hard at work, recently, so have some random drawings of the Arkham Horror Girlies (Core Set Edition).
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coupleofbeesread · 2 years
Buy ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 out of 5. SUMMARY One night three years ago, the Tanner sisters disappeared: fifteen-year-old Cass and seventeen-year-old Emma. Three years later, Cass returns, without her sister Emma. Her story is one of kidnapping and betrayal, of a mysterious island where the two were held. But to forensic psychiatrist Dr. Abby Winter, something doesn’t add up. Looking deep within this…
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🦉 Books To Read If You Love "The Owl House" 🦉
Here are some books you should read if you love "The Owl House":
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Book titles:
Witchlings by Claribel A. Ortega
Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston by Esme Symes-Smith
Deadendia by Hamish Steele
Hotel Dare by Terry Blas and Claudia Aguirre
The Witch Boy by Molly Knox Ostertag
Snapdragon by Kat Leyh
Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu
Magical Boy by The Kao
Euphoria Kids by Alison Evans
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hasanistories · 5 months
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magic-is-beauty · 2 months
Sweet tooth headcannons (mostly bear and tiger because I have brainrot)
Both Bear and Tiger know how to sew like fairly well and have become the resident fixers for both the animal army and the hybrids. Tiger also knows how to embroider and one year for bear's birthday embroidered her denim vest that she wears through season 1.
The animal army usually shares clothing since they're all fairly the same sizes but they don't do it as often as Bear and Tiger do it. One day Bear will wear a piece of clothing and then the next day Tiger wears that same piece of clothing.
Bear and Tiger also share jewelry and are constantly trading pieces which makes the animal army laugh at their very obvious feelings for each other. Bear throughout the show wears this necklace that I swear I saw Tiger wear.
No one else in the animal army shares bedrooms except for Bear and Tiger. They say it's because of them being leader and co leader but the animal army knows it's because they sleep better when in the same room.
Bear is a bandana fiend like is obsessed with them and every time they raid the last men either Tiger or someone from the army will bring one back to her.
Bear is a starfish sleeper and Tiger is constantly rolling around in their sleep so most nights they end up either on top of each other or end up accidentally cuddling.
Bear is 100% a folk music girlie i don't make the rules
Bear is always the one to help Tiger with their hair (with dying or cutting) and Tiger tried a few times to help Bear with her hair but has given up and now helps from the sidelines.
A way to calm down Bear and Tiger after a nightmare is to play with their hair it instantly calms both of them down.
Bear loves forehead kisses and Tiger loves shoulder kisses
When watching stuff with animal army everyone has their own bumper car but Bear and Tiger are determined to sit in together which is quite amusing to the rest of the army ; It never works and they usually just pick two next to each other.
The animal army finds this whole situation between Bear and Tiger hilarious and constantly call them a old married couple.
When Bear left the animal army Tiger refused to get rid of anything Bear related and wasn't getting as good as sleep without Bear sleeping next to them.
After Tiger and some of the animal army got injured during the fight with Abbott, Bear wasn't sleeping and was determined to learn everything about cleaning up and taking care of wounds that serious so that she never had to see all her family almost die again.
A small amount of the animal army did end up surviving and most went back to the headquarters to continue their work but Tiger stayed with bear to help take care of the hybrids ; The animal army understood but gave them pleading looks which meant "please get your shit together and actually confess your feelings".
However instead of rescuing and releasing hybrids the army gave hybrids the choice to stay with the army,go to where the other hybrids were,or they helped the hybrids track down and reunite with family members.
It was a united decision with the army to release Daisy into the wild because of their awful treatment of her and she did leave at first but then years later came back which was quite a shock to them ; Daisy now has free reign and can leave and come back whenever she wants too.
Tiger and Bear picked up sign language fairly quickly and were able to communicate with the hybrids ; True to their word tiger taught a lot of the hybrids curse words which in turn stressed out both Jepp and Bear.
Some of the hybrids did eventually begin to open up and talk but a lot of them just stayed with sign language which was all good.
Bear and Wendy did become closer and acted more like sisters over time learning nearly everything about each other including Bear's obvious crush on Tiger.
Most of the hybrids teased both Tiger and Bear about their obvious feelings for each other but the two worst ones were Gus and Wendy since their teasing was relentless.
For some reason Gus and a lot of the other hybrids enjoyed booping each other's noses and running away laughing ; Bear tried this once with Tiger and she ended up on the ground with Tiger of top of her.
Both Bear and some hybrids get fidgety with their hands so they have fidget rings to help.
Jepp with the help of Bear,Tiger,and the hybrids built tree houses for them to share but ended up surprising Bear and Tiger with one all to themselves.
Bear can't cook for shit and Jepp can make sometimes decent food and sometimes edible food so Tiger with the help of Bear and Wendy make the food since Tiger and Flamingo when she's around can actually cook good edible food.
Tiger was at first terrified of the hybrids not liking them but the hybrids actually adore them including Wendy who is constantly hinting at her to ask out Bear.
Bear and Tiger eventually confess their feelings and go stargazing together ; Their dynamic really doesn't change since they already acted like a couple.
The teasing from Gus and Wendy stopped for a while but it came right back when Bear and Tiger became a couple.
The animal army,Bear,Tiger,and the hybrids keep in contact constantly and are always looking after each other from a distance.
The animal army adore all the hybrids and are always excited to see them when they can ; The army is kinda like the really cool relatives that let you do what you want when you see each other.
Rosie,Ginger and the boys see Bear,Tiger,Jepp and the hybrids pretty often in order to get the boys socialized and are kinda a apart of the family after some time.
Rosie and Ginger were waiting for Tiger and Bear to get together and were ecstatic when they found out they finally did.
The animal army's reaction however was the reaction of pure excitement but also ultimate relief that these two idiots finally got their shit together ; They were very happy for both of them in the end and had a giant celebration animal army style.
Both Tiger and Bear retired (but still kept) their animal army outfits in order to wear things that were a little more comfortable ; Bear started wearing overalls and more lighter/brighter colors with her famous bandanas and Tiger stuck with more earthy/neutral tones.
The animal army also retired some of their outfits for more comfortable clothing as well since they weren't doing as much fighting.
However now Bear and Tiger have 10x the amount of clothing to sew and fix (from both the hybrids and the animal army) so they're now teaching some of the hybrids and animal army members to sew.
Tiger and Bear still get extra energy from their animal army days so they now run laps in the woods with some of the hybrids to get out the extra energy.
Most days the hybrids play games,swim,screw around in their new home,help around, or drag both Bear and Tiger into their shenanigans ; Luckily for them Bear and Tiger adore being part of this and happily join in.
When everyone does play games or take part in shenanigans it is very competitive and is always a challenge.
The hybrids love hearing stories about the animal army and their adventures with Bear,Tiger,and the animal army happily complying to what the hybrids want to hear.
The hybrids are now getting the childhood they deserved and the animal army including Bear and Tiger are finally getting to experience being teenagers and maybe getting to heal their inner child along the way.
Jepp does eventually find a therapist for both the hybrids and the animal army to use to unpack all their trauma's and feelings ; It is definitely not easy for most of them but after a while (maybe even years) it does get a little bit easier.
Eventually all the members of the animal army with Bear and Tiger get matching tattoos ; None of them really flinch or are really in pain when getting it.
Some of the animal army does change their names with Bear going by both Becky and Bear while Tiger is still deciding.
Both Bear and Tiger are huge musical fans (Bear's a little more open about it than Tiger is tho) ; Bear loves Alice by heart and Tiger loves Hadestown.
All right that's most of my headcannons for right now i know it's a lot (also sorry if there's any spelling mistakes i finished this at 4 am) ; You don't have to exactly agree with me on all the those since we all have different opinions but that's all for now !! (More character text posts coming out in the next few days)
Tagging those who replied to my post before : @punkishtoxtricity @availian @maruheree @koi-fish-boy @lycansprites @braveasnouns @jkriodanverse
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a-ramblinrose · 2 months
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JOMP BPC || July 11 || Non-Binary Character:  Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker & Wendy Xu
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braveasnouns · 3 months
becky is arguably, from a purely objective standpoint, the most traumatized character in the show, sans the wolf boys. at least everyone else, as far as we know, had some sort of childhood. hers was robbed from her.
oh god, yes.
you could make a list of every trauma ever and she’d probably check off 98 percent of it.
and I can see her looking at that picture of her and her sister that she kept for so long and realizing that that’s the last time she was allowed to be little, that’s the last time she was taken care of by someone. you could say the day they took Wendy was effectively the last day of her childhood, at five years old
and i’m sure she must have been relieved when she knew that Wendy had been taken care of by someone that loved her, of course. but I can also see her little five year old self popping into her mind and asking what about me?
it makes sense how unaffected she is by the things that happen to her by season 3, because her entire life she has known nothing but being left behind, nothing but giving and giving and the world unfairly taking back. nothing but trauma.
I wish I could say she needs a good therapist, but all the therapists are probably dead…just wow.
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naive-daydreamer · 2 months
I just finished Sweet Tooth.
What do I do with my existence now?
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skeelly · 8 months
"some people are worth melting for"
@mqstermindswift @moonlightt444 @urbanflorals @reminiscentreader @nqds @myster3y @sophiesonlinediary you people are worth melting for
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queereads-bracket · 2 days
Queer Fantasy Books Bracket: Round 2
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Book summaries below:
Six of Crows duology (Six of Crows, Crooked Kingdom) by Leigh Bardugo
Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone… A convict with a thirst for revenge A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager A runaway with a privileged past A spy known as the Wraith A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first. Fantasy, young adult, adventure, heist, secondary world, series
Mooncakes, written by Suzanne Walker, illustrated by Wendy Xu
A story of love and demons, family and witchcraft. Nova Huang knows more about magic than your average teen witch. She works at her grandmothers' bookshop, where she helps them loan out spell books and investigate any supernatural occurrences in their New England town. One fateful night, she follows reports of a white wolf into the woods, and she comes across the unexpected: her childhood crush, Tam Lang, battling a horse demon in the woods. As a werewolf, Tam has been wandering from place to place for years, unable to call any town home. Pursued by dark forces eager to claim the magic of wolves and out of options, Tam turns to Nova for help. Their latent feelings are rekindled against the backdrop of witchcraft, untested magic, occult rituals, and family ties both new and old in this enchanting tale of self-discovery. Graphic novel, fantasy, young adult, romance, cozy fantasy, contemporary setting
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