#Went through a tough time and had art block on top of it
chromatic-omen · 2 years
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Give Zelda a sword to complete her badass bisexual vibe in BotW2, Nintendo
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zutraeumen · 2 years
Learning From The Best
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This is a part of my one-shot book about Raiden called: Ceraunophile. You can find the whole book on these platforms: FanFiction, AO3, Wattpad or Quotev.
Mortal Kombat belongs to its respectful owner.
Ceraunophile 🌩 Masterlist
Learning From The Best
You panted as you released the tension in your shoulders, breaking your stance. This was tough, but you wouldn't trade an opportunity to learn from the best for anything. It should be noted that even without his godly power, Raiden had a millennia of experience coupled with knowledge of 750 forms of Jujitsu and three other martial arts and was not to be taken lightly, even in mortal form.
His favourite art?
Bojutsu; the art of wielding the bō staff in combat. He wouldn't go anything without his trusty staff on his person, and to see him wield it was like to observe a master at work. You had asked him to teach you the ways of the weapon to further strengthen your combat prowess, but you also saw it as a good form of bonding with your significant other.
"Understood." You side-glanced Raiden after you have retrieved enough air to your lungs to move for the entirety of the sequence of moves you were practising. Focus entered your eyes and your visage was overtaken by intense concentration.
Your bō was firmly grasped in your hands - left somewhere on the level of your hip, right further up the front - while your legs assumed a wider stance with a slight bend at the knee with your left foot stepped back and torso upright, head trained forward.
You imagined a combatant coming at you with an outside strike aimed at your side. Your body responded accordingly with a side block, and followed up with an overhead front strike, but that was not enough to stop your imaginary opponent. A thrust came to pierce your front and you moved your back leg outwards to the side, opening your hips and curling your wrist with the movement, successfully deflecting and leaving your opponent's right side wide open. You went in because none the sooner did you pivot from your outstretched leg forward to strike at the knee with a swipe of the bō and finish the combination with a down poke to the shin.
Then, you disengaged with two crescent-shaped backsteps to where you had stood at the beginning and sheathed your bō back to your side. You turned to your lover, a droplet of sweat falling from the top of your nose and onto the concrete you stood on.
"How was it?"
The god nodded his head affirmatively, face neutral, "Better. Again."
Without questioning why, you repeated the same movements, over and over, until your muscles burnt, your focus waned, and you couldn't hold your bō properly. You were drenched in sweat, strands of hair were haphazardly strewn around your head and your mossy shirt stuck to your hide like glue.
You felt like a mess.
Contrary to Raiden who couldn't think anything else of you than how bewitching you looked with a layer of sweat glistening on your slightly tanned skin. It reminded him of the times when he made love to you, breathless in raw passion. Your eyes glassy like a mirror he could see himself through. Defining muscles tensing on the cusp of your completion.
Ahem- he shouldn't be thinking about you in this way while he was teaching you. It was indecent of him, but you made it so easy for him to get lost in you.
"I don't think I can continue anymore, Raiden." His gaze snapped to you, your posture slouched in exhaustion as you distributed most of your weight on the staff.
The Thunder God hummed indecisively, a rumbling sound like the thunder he commanded and it sent a shiver down your spine that was by no means your collapsing muscles' fault. Raiden probably didn't realize what an enormous turn his voice was.
"I can see your attrition, [Y/N], but in combat, your enemy won't offer you any reprieve, so neither shall I..."
A tired groan made it past your chapped lips, but you begrudgingly picked up your long weapon and got into stance, only to realize that Raiden had also taken up arms. Oh, fucking hell...
"Up until this point, I had you fight only within the confines of your mind, but I wish to see how you would utilise all that you've learnt today against a real opponent. We will not stop until you've landed a solid hit on me."
Your gaze grew dismayed at the prospect of battling a true master of the weapon you were now barely holding on to. You had no real chance of victory. But Raiden's eyes remained unfazed by your hopelessness, he was dead serious, against a novice.
Swiping away the salty liquid on your forehead, you closed your eyes, not in prayer, but to gather the last vestiges of power you had left. You blinked, the person before you wasn't Raiden, wasn't your lover, wasn't your mentor. You zeroed in on the approaching figure of a man, emotions closely related to him gradually faded away until you saw this person only as an obstacle in your way.
You took a shuddering breath before Raiden did the first step. Swinging for your flank so fast that your brain did not even perceive a side block until you've done it. The god did not let up, however, and thrust the bladed end of his weapon with grace you would envy. Alarmed at the speed of attack, you forsake strategics entirely and relied solely on your instincts.
"Ah!" You managed, in time, to shift your back leg outwards and push your hips out with a flick of your wrists to redirect his attack from piercing your ribcage, to slicing your arm, and you let a pained breath through your clenched teeth. But the adrenaline supplied your quaking limbs forward to poke his shin in a counter; in hopes of ending this sooner than your reserve would deplete.
Your only hope was diminished as the man promptly stepped back only to begin another barrage of attacks.
Side attack. Block. Thrust. Block. Counter. Retreat. Side attack. Block. Thrust. Block. Counter. Retreat. Side attack. Block. Thrust. Block. Counter. Retr-
There was a pattern to this, you realized suddenly as the dance of moves continued. The animalistic survival instinct in you receded and made way for thought again, and you concluded that Raiden was only performing moves that he had taught you how to counter.
However, a part of you feared it was too late as strength rapidly left you by the second.
Side attack. Block. Thrust. Block. Counter. Retreat.
It was now or never.
As the god took a semicircular step back, you didn't wait for him to start another sequence that would surely end you. Your body burnt like the pits of hell as you advanced as swiftly as you could to close the space Raiden had established by his retreat.
You had to do something unexpected.
So, you threw your bō staff at the god with all your remaining strength.
You fleetingly noticed how his eyes widened at your actions, thoroughly taken by surprise by your bold move to carelessly abolish your only means of protection. A straightforward attack would not work against this bulwark of a man, so you aimed at the pillars that kept all that mass upright - his legs.
One hit. You only needed one hit.
The god dodged the incoming projectile with relative ease as it lacked any real velocity, but it still robbed him of that split of a second to thwart your incoming assault. And with a single-mindedness that would put the old Scorpion to shame, you swiped Raiden's feet from under him, causing him to topple over and land on his back.
You did it! You did-
And within a second, you were out. The exertion of the training and fight finally coming back to bite your ass
Raiden sat by the side of his— your —shared bed as he observed you breathe shallowly in your sleep. He wanted nothing more than to join you and hold you close to his body, but you needed the space to recover from his arduous training.
He was beyond impressed by your ability. By your tenacity. By your potential. By your performance overall.
So much in fact that he felt bad for doubting your combat prowess beforehand.
You fought him tooth and nail despite knowing victory was out of your reach. You had the innate ability to pick up a skill you have practised only half a day and held your own against an experienced user. To push through the pain, and strain, and overwhelming odds in order to achieve the unimaginable.
Your last offensive was brilliant in its unexpectedness. He remembered what he had told you about the capabilities of the bō. That its main techniques revolved around slashing, swinging and stabbing. That the weapon itself should be treated as an extension of one's limbs.
And you have interpreted it differently, yet clever in accord to the situation, then he initially expected of you. He underestimated your battle awareness and intelligence.
He had once compared you to a delicate flower; only had he failed to realise that his blossom was not a mere sakura, equipped with the beauty of heart and accomplishments, but a white rose with thorns - bewitching those who look upon her petals with her elegance and pure beauty - and punishing those who would greedily dare to pluck one out.
His musings came to a stop as he heard you stir, crabbing in response to attempted movement.
"[Y/N], my love, are you awake?"
You wanted to ignore the voice pulling you to the world of the waking and turn to the opposite side but you soon came to realize that your body refused to abide by your wishes, and the pain of moving also dragged you further away from a blissful sleep, "Ugh, five more minutes."
The Thunder God laughed, a sound you would otherwise find delightful but were not in the mood for right now, "I need to change your bandage."
"Humph, okay." You knew you were being an insufferable brat, and that Raiden was doing it for your good, but it was still all his fault for putting you through the gutter in the first place.
Well, technically, you were the one who had suggested the idea to him in the first place so, the fault should foremost, lay with you, but fuck that. You weren't feeling rational at all.
"I might need help sitting up, Raiden." You mumbled bashfully after making a scene.
"No need my love, I only need to access your left arm." There was nothing but endearment in his voice which made you drop your pouty act quicker than Cage's jaw after Sonya agreed to go on a date with him.
He shuffled you around as it was necessary for him, not a peep leaving your closed mouth even as the movement of the bandage prodded your cut near your shoulder. If your silence distressed the god anyhow, he didn't show or tell, you simply carried on in silence until he had you settled comfortably against the headboard.
"Is there anything else I can get you, my dear? Water? Anything to eat?"
He was ingratiating in his care and it made you feel fuzzy to know how much he valued your comfort. You wanted to reply with something cheesy along the lines of: I only need you. But you were feeling genuinely thirsty so you didn't hesitate to voice your need.
"Ah, I prepared you oolong tea, if you want?"
You nodded and it wasn't long before he came back with the whole tankard of it, choosing to share a cup of it with you. You sighed happily after a sip of the pleasantly warm liquid. It wasn't too hot to burn your tongue, nor too cold so it wasn't drinkable anymore.
It was perfect, as was your Thunder God.
There wasn't much for you to say, for once, and you didn't want to force conversation. But you did reach for his big hand to entwine it with your, stroking the back of it while you downed the rest of your tea. It brought a small smile to his thin lips and return your simple affections.
He liked to take care of you. To jump at your every need. It gave him enormous happiness to see you comfortable. Your comfort became his comfort in as much as his comfort became yours.
"And now, I want my man beside me. Have his arms wrapped around me as I rest against him."
It was as if the god had been waiting for that kind of invitation and you couldn't hold this against him. It was kind of cute actually. You've always favoured being the little spoon in bed, and now your mind would simply refuse to let you fall back to sleep without him under you.
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All flavours of wrong (part 1)
Masterlist Part 2
Pairing: Loki x Reader (gender neutral) (reader gets called princess and Queen mockingly, but it can have no gender connotations, just as in a joke).
Summary: You got an arranged marriage with the firstborn prince of Asgard, inheritor of the crown, God of Thunder. But your heart has other plans, that your brain cannot yet comprehend. And on Loki’s side it’s not getting easy either.
Word count: 4.5K
Warnings: Sexual tension (a lot). And honestly not much more? Mentions of blood.
I used prompt #293 and prompt #279 from @creativepromptsforwriting to take me out of a block, so thank you so much to this page, it’s incredibly useful! I recommend all writers to check it out.
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“Thor”, whispered Loki. But since his four failed attempts at calling him discreetly went wrong, he stepped on his foot under the table, making him spill wine all over his trousers.
“For Gods’ sake, brother, what do you want?”.
“Well, finally. Are you ignoring me? I’ve been trying to get your attention all dinner”.
“Yes, of course I’ve been ignoring you”, said as if it were obvious. It wasn’t.
“Why?”, Loki asked, trying to not sound hurt.
“You know why”, muttered under his breath, faking a smile when his gaze met his mother’s. “And shut up, we’re not supposed to talk if Allfather is not here yet”.
“Look, if it’s because I set on fire your History books, get over it, it’s not like you were doing great with that anyways”.
“You… you did what? It was you?”.
“Yes, of course. Oh, you didn’t know. Well, what are you ignoring me for, then? Ah, I know. Is it because I broke the…”.
“How many things of mine have you been destroying lately?”, Thor raised his voice slightly.
“Boys, enough”, interrupted Frigga. “Cut it off, your Father will be here soon”.
The siblings went back to their plates, and Loki kept stealing glances at his brother, trying to figure out what was wrong. Thor was nervous; his leg kept bouncing and bouncing, he barely touched his food (which was very suggestive, given that he usually ate it all in two mouthfuls), and he was refilling his cup with the strongest wine of the table, as if he needed to loosen up for something. Loki decided it was better off to just pay attention to what would come next. It was evident his Father would be bringing the thing that made Thor so nervous.
And then it hit him; it was already June.
The previous year Odin announced the possibility of an arranged marriage to whoever was winning on the competition for the throne, if he hadn't gotten anywhere near a possible royal companion. Thor was winning, by far; of course. And he didn’t show any partner, or even the possibility of a future partner, so no wonder why he was so nervous.
Loki went back to his plate, not sure how to feel. Annoyed, that was for sure. He knew he wasn’t going to be King (at least not until his brother died, if he didn’t die first), but the preparations for his inheritance got there faster than he expected. It was all too quick. And the disappointment grew bigger the more he thought of it. His father was not even giving him the chance to get better in the competition, and instead he just assumed it was Thor who’d win. Frustrating. Obvious, but still frustrating.
The doors opened and a young and bright warrior followed the footsteps of Odin. He, with a smile from ear to ear, waited until getting the attention of everyone, and, directly looking into Thor’s eyes, introduced you with your full name and current social status. Loki couldn’t stop staring with his lips slightly parted.
That was it. That was what annoyed him the most. His brother got to marry that.
He just couldn’t believe his eyes. He blinked fast to see if there was something deceiving his perception, if maybe his whole family arranged a joke to him, if maybe that little warrior was an illusion casted by his Mother to laugh at how unfortunate he must have been looking at that moment. At the moment he realized his brother was marrying the perfect partner for Loki. You were, at least in the physical sense, his literal type. He was baffled.
And that didn’t go unnoticed by Thor either, who stole a glance from him and chuckled mockingly. Loki went red of embarrassment and tried his best to hide from you, to avoid your gaze, but he just couldn’t keep his eyes off you. He felt hypnotized, and bothered. You didn’t look at him. You looked everywhere but him. You were amazed by the palace, by everyone around you. It was obvious you were not familiar with a royal life.
“You seem bewildered, brother”, Thor whispered in his ear.
“And you don’t seem as astonished as you should, brother”, he answered with levels of sarcasm in his tone he didn’t even know he had.
“I shouldn’t, this is merely formal”.
“You’re marrying them. It’s not entirely formal. It’s a whole future and family”, Loki discussed, but he knew his brother didn’t care about it enough. His brother didn’t even want the throne that badly, yet he was the one getting it. More and more frustration flowed through Loki’s veins. He kept staring at you with a frown. “Besides, look at that piece of art”.
He looked so tough, so serious, until you stared back. No, you didn’t even stare. You looked up and found his eyes. He quickly softened his expressions as you gifted him a gentle smile. His heart skipped a beat.
And just with a smile he knew, he was completely fucked.
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Loki closed his eyes and shut his fists as hard as he could, trying to focus and concentrate only on what he was supposed to. The spell.
But you were looking, and it was hard.
A week passed by, and you were already living in the palace, bonding with your future husband and trying to learn as much as possible from the new life you would acquire once the wedding passed. You met him everywhere; in the halls, on the meals, on the trainings, on the classes; everywhere. He had no means to escape you. Nor did he want to. But he couldn’t get used to that horrible and sweet feeling of his chest getting tighter, face warmer and balance unsteadier when he saw you.
“You’ve got this, Loki. We’ve been over this”, Frigga said from the other side of the training room. “Just remember what we practiced yesterday”. But the only thing Loki remembered from yesterday was when he was trying to train that same spell and you were, at the same time, practicing your archery skills outside. Sweaty. Tired. Ecstatic. Smiley. Red.
He opened his eyes and dropped his arms, completely giving up. He knew he wouldn’t be able to do even a simple spell in front of you.
“What is it that’s distracting you so much, son? You have your head too full for this”, Frigga commented, getting closer to him.
“I’m simply tired, Mother. Don’t worry about it, had a poor night of sleep”.
“Well, get it together for this afternoon. We’re trying again after you get some rest, alright?”.
“Yes, Mother”.
You weren’t paying much attention to the conversation prince Loki and the Queen had. You were way too focused on how uncomfortable the clothes you had to wear were in you. You could barely breathe, and had to fix your posture to avoid choking. Besides, you could feel prince Thor’s eyes on you, and somehow it made you extremely uncomfortable.
You knew you would marry him. Then why couldn’t you at least fake a little bit of interest in him?
You redirected your attention to prince Loki, once again, and the corset was not the only thing that made your breathing harder. Gods, and for the Nine Realms, the prince’s training clothes were something else. Not even compared to Thor’s tank top and weird-looking shorts; Loki’s were almost made exactly for him and his silhouette. Black leather pants and top covering him almost entirely, tight even where it shouldn’t be that tight. Gold endings everywhere and little patterns in his long sleeves and trousers; details that only made it harder for you to not look. But you didn’t even know where to look, if you looked.
Well, you knew exactly where you should’ve been looking. To your side. The blonde and huge man with the big hammer that promised you a crown, a throne and a good place for your family to live in.
You shook your head, and got up to make yourself some tea, hoping the wrong thoughts would fall off your brain and you’d finally come to your senses.
Once you made it to the kitchen, you realized you shouldn’t have gotten there by your own. Unable to get used to the fact that if you wanted some tea you should ask for the maids to make it for you (as with everything, even the clothes you would wear, the foods you’d eat, the way the bed should be made, and an infinite etcetera), you ignored it and put the kettle on the fire.
You tried to reach for the tea box on the countertop, and stood on your toes, failing to even touch it with the tips of your fingers. As you turned around to look for a chair to climb to, you blundered against the God of Mischief’s chest.
“Oh, dear, I’m so sorry”, he apologized, taking a step back. “I was about to get the tea box for you”. You felt yourself completely red.
“It’s… it’s fine, thank you. I’m sorry” you stuttered nervously, with the echoing feeling of his torso against your arms and chest, making you blush even more. You wondered if he did that accidentally.
He smirked slightly and reached for the box effortlessly, making deep eye contact. Was he… was he flirting, somehow? you asked yourself. No, of course he wasn’t. That would be a hundred percent inappropriate, and he was completely appropriate and polite all the time. Even when he shouldn’t have. So, what was that about? Did he usually look at people like that?
“Breaking some rules, I see?”, he added after a painful minute of silence in where you chose the tea and mug. You turned around and realized he was still staring.
“You shouldn’t be the one making the tea, you know”.
“Yes, I know”, you answered calmly, trying to not show the tremble in your voice. Just the presence of that God in the same room made you feel… tiny. Weak. Maybe in a good way. No, definitely in a bad way; he shouldn’t be making you feel anything, for that matter. “And we shouldn’t be in the same room all alone”.
“Are you kicking me out?”.
“Just stating a fact”.
“And offering you some illegal tea”.
He smiled. You were way too good for Thor, he thought. You would be bored if you married him. You had the trouble spark in your eyes and Loki was the perfect companion for that. It was so evident you were made for each other; then why would his parents think you would be better off with Thor? He was still clueless at how they could’ve made such an imprudent and blind decision.
“I’d love to, princess”.
You chuckled. “Princess? Really?”.
“Not good?”.
“No”. He lowered his gaze and put a strand of hair behind an ear. “Which kind would you like?”.
He stepped closer to you; so much closer that you could feel his slow breathing grazing your forehead. You tried your best to not rise your head and sink in his sharp features. He grabbed with two fingers a tea bag from the box you were holding. Your hands were trembling slightly. He then got a little bit closer (even though you didn’t think that was possible), slowly stretched his arm and picked up a mug that was conveniently behind you. As soon as he stepped away, you realized you held your breath the whole time.
“Are you alright? You look nervous”, he mocked, which only made you even more embarrassed.
“I suggest you stay in your place, prince Loki”, you said, trying to get back to reality. It was not okay. You could not flirt in any way or form with your future husband’s brother. Wrong. Wrong! All flavours of wrong.
“Suggestion denied”, he said with the same troublesome smirk from before, that still hadn’t wiped off his face. “And you can call me Loki”.
“I will not”, you said, filling his mug with the boiling water. “And you’ll call me by my full name, as you should”.
“You know, in our actual position… you should be the one recieving my orders”, he said, lowering his already deep voice. You swallowed, but tried to keep a determined and confident look on your face.
“Which are...?”. You knew you’d regret even asking, but he was right. He still was your prince, and you still were a mere warrior. He raised an eyebrow.
“Call me Loki”.
“Well…”, he whispered raspily. You felt he was about to step closer to you again, but the voice of one of his tutors interrupted his flirting.
“What on the Realm are you two doing in here without an escort?”.
“Terribly sorry”, you muttered while you rapidly left the kitchen. Loki stood there, observing you leave and sighed. His tutor looked at him with disapproval and he simply shrugged his shoulders and smiled innocently.
But he had already decided, you were going to be his.
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You couldn’t help but to wander the palace as much as you could. The place was enormous and nothing compared to anything you’ve seen before. You only knew the tiny houses you grew up in Asgard, and the occasional visit to other Realm’s palace in the middle of a battle.
But you had to be careful. Nobody would approve you nosing everywhere, much less at those hours of the night. But, well, it was the perfect time, because the palace would not only be empty, but also illuminated by only the soft glimmering of the candlelights. It was gorgeous.
You roamed around through the hallways, until the sharp sound of a fall stopped you dead on your tracks. The sound was followed by an “ugh, fuck” from a particularly familiar voice, and your curiosity grew bigger. What was prince Loki doing at those hours in… the library, was it? You thought, as you tried to read the sign in the doorframe. All signs had to be in old Norse, of course. And you could barely speak it, let alone read it in the dark.
Peeping from the entrance, you got to see what the prince was doing. With a big and dusty book on one hand and a frown in his face, he was trying to make a pile of books from the floor levitate.
He shut his eyes close and once again, pointed at the books with the palm of his hand. A green light surrounded the objects and two of the three books got suspended in the air. With effort, prince Loki pushed harder upwards to make the third book levitate too, but soon got tired and the rest of the pile fell to the wooden floor again, making the same sound that brought you there in the first place.
He then left the open book he was holding over one of the tables and tried again, this time with both of his hands. In around five minutes he got to make the three books fly above his head, as if they were dancing. His eyes glittered and an ear-to-ear smile lit his face. You’ve never seen him smile so innocently, so childishly before.
How adorable, you thought, as you leaned on the doorframe. But the smile on his face got interrupted when you sloped wrongly over the door and fell down with a sound that felt more like a scream than a subtle gasp.
Loki ran to see where that sound came from, and found your flustered face on his feet, trying your best to not look too embarrassed by the fact that you were hovering, or even spying on him.
“May I help you with something, princess?”, he held your hand to help you up, but didn’t let it out when you were already on your feet.
“Thank you. And, please, don’t call me princess”, you said, freeing yourself of his hand.
“‘Please, don’t call me princess’? Darling, you’re begging for the wrong things in here”. You got chills from the seductive tone of his voice, and tried to ignore it through a laugh. There was nothing else to do but to hope he wouldn’t notice how blushed you’d gotten.
“It’s not appropriate that you keep flirting with me, Mischief”.
“I like that nickname”.
“Did you even listen to me?”.
“Yes, I know. You don’t want me to flirt with you because you’re afraid of being inappropriate. But, between us, which one was the one stalking the other one in the middle of the night?”.
“I wasn’t stalking. I was simply observing and hoping you wouldn’t notice”.
“That’s the dictionary definition of stalking, my dear”.
You sighed. There was no point in arguing with him. He would know if you lied; and that’s probably why he kept flirting. Because he knew you didn’t mean it when you corrected him. You liked it. You truly enjoyed it.
“What are you doing?”, you asked after a while, pointing at the floating books that were now almost touching the roof.
“I really need to focus for this one in particular. If I need silence and emptiness, this place and time are usually a good idea. Unless, of course, there’s a little spy falling off the doorframe”.
“Sorry about that”, you chuckled, and he smirked.
“It’s fine, I basically finished it anyways”.
“Looks like you mastered it, though”, you complimented. Loki looked at you with a little smile.
“Well, I…”. He was about to answer you, but you reached out for a strand of hair on his face and moved it behind his ear. The books fell off abruptly, and Loki did his best to cover you from their impact, covering your whole body with an embrace. He didn’t let go of the hug, but looked at your face with shame. “I’m truly sorry. I got.. surprised, I guess”.
“Don’t worry. And sorry, didn’t mean to make you nervous”.
“Or surprised, whatever”.
“You’re right, though”. He smiled gently once more and lowered his gaze. “You make me feel things, little warrior”.
“Prince Loki, you really shouldn’t…”.
“I can say it, you don’t need to answer it”. You sighed and gave him a knowing look. “If it makes you feel uncomfortable, I’ll stop. If not, let me flirt with you. I don’t need you to flirt back”. You laughed at his proposition and he stared, waiting for a confirmation.
“Fine. But don’t call me princess. You make it sound diminishing”.
“As you wish, my Queen”.
“Oh my God”.
You both giggled and tried to keep it down just in case somebody else was awake. The moonlight making its way through the gigantic windows of the library were the only lightning, and the sharp features of the God became even more fascinating by the contrast. His eyes looked deeper. Or maybe it was the way he looked at you with them. You felt naked at his eye, and maybe not in a bad sense.
"What are you thinking about?", he asked after a while. You were both in silence, contemplating each other. Oddly, it wasn't uncomfortable. With Thor, on the other hand, you only felt uncomfortability; even if it wasn't an awkward situation, you knew you were not welcomed by him. Maybe not even his friendship.
"I'm… I think I should get going".
"Why?" he asked, and immediately grabbed your hand. "Stay".
"It's late. Thor might awake and not find me there".
"Let's not cause a scandal, Mischief. I have to do what I have to do".
"Maybe you don't have to", he insisted, and you rolled your eyes. With a sigh, he let go off your hand. "I understand. I know you'll be better off like this".
"Yes, I will", you said, faking confidence. Maybe it was your sleep deprived brain that couldn't see right, maybe it was the sudden urge to do what you wanted instead of what you needed; either way, you lingered your way out.
He waited for you to go, but you stayed a little longer, delaying the sneaking back to bed with the man you didn't want to be with. You just needed one reason, only one reason to stay.
"Good night, darling", he said after a while. He knew better than to ruin your future and reputation for his selfish desires. He didn’t want to let you go, he wanted you to be his and only his. But he knew better than to make you a part of his brotherly quarrels. He appreciated you enough to keep you out of it.
"Good night, Loki".
He smiled as you walked away. As much as he shouldn’t have, he got you to call him by just his name.
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Not even two weeks passed by and everyone around him already suspected the obvious; the mischievous and rebellious brother was trying to make Thor’s partner fall in love with him. What not everyone knew was that it was completely working.
The stolen glances from up the shoulders in every meeting, every dinner, every event. The long walks around the Gardens, talking about literature, magic and general life. The trainings in one-to-one combat with him that lasted a bit longer than with the rest of the trainers. And you couldn’t help but smile at everything he said or did; it was so much harder than one could think, to hide such thing from Queen Frigga; she saw it all and knew better than everyone in romance. She also knew better than anyone both of her sons, and it was evident how they both felt about you. Because Thor’s stone cold indifference wasn’t one to go unnoticed as well.
In dinner, Loki was again sitting by Thor’s side, and couldn’t help but to chatter about the subject that bothered him so much.
“They’s late, brother; you’ll marry a terribly mannered warrior”, he mocked. Thor rolled his eyes and contraatacked.
“At least I’m marrying them”.
“You say it as if I wanted to”.
“Please”, Thor scoffed.
“Marriage is a boundary. I merely desire them”.
“You’re telling me you wouldn’t want to hold their hand from the Throne, or to put a crown on their head”, mocked Thor. Loki sushed him, because he was completely right. Loki would’ve loved to gently caress your hair and kiss your pink cheeks, to fidget with your ring as he held you in the mornings and nights. Gods, he was lost.
“I do not, anyways. But if you plan on borrowing me wedding night and spare you the annoyance you’d feel by bedding them… I agree”.
“Will you keep on making sexual jokes to avoid real feelings all your life or do you grow up after the 1100 year?”.
You opened the door and got in with your head low and breathing unsteady, embarrassed and apologizing. The princes stopped the chattering and followed you with their eyes. Loki didn’t even hide his expressions of pure and raw desire. Your hair was a disaster, and you were still in your ripped warrior clothes, covered in mud, blood and scratches. The dagger strapped to your thigh was, too, covered in blood.
“Hot”, said Loki, unintentionally louder than he should have. Dear, he loved when you looked like a threatening mess.
“What?”, you asked in a breath, still agitated.
“Eh, hold. Hold the door, I meant”, he corrected himself (everyone was looking, even the guests, and he knew better than to be that inappropriate on certain occasions). But you knew exactly what he said and smirked slightly, just enough for him to notice.
“You were saying… you didn’t want to?”, whispered Thor just before Loki got up and walked through the tables. He didn’t even know what he wanted to do, but if he said ‘hold the door’ he had to keep it verosimil, didn’t he?
As he walked past you, slowing down, he whispered “library, tonight”. And then left the dining room, leaving an even more blushed you to imagine what could he possibly want from you. And your imagination was not precisely innocent.
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You took a deep breath and held it for a minute before getting inside. After wandering around the bookshelves, you noticed the room was still empty. Maybe too early? It was barely midnight. Everyone was already asleep and the Palace was, as every night, dead silent.
You sat on the couch and caressed the texture with the tip of your fingers. Was he coming? Did he say it just to make you blush in lunch? Perhaps he was messing with you. He was the God of Lies and Mischief after all, wasn’t he?
After ten minutes you stood up and decided to look for something to read. You wouldn’t be able to sleep anyways, so might as well make the most of the night; with or without prince Loki.
You walked slowly, reading carefully every title. If something had your attention, you’d read it on that beautiful velvet couch, in front of the fireplace. Even grab a mug of coffee, to keep you up until you finish your readings. The plan sounded marvelous, but you couldn’t help but to feel disappointed you wouldn’t spend the night with him.
You weren’t expecting to actually get physical, of course. He was not your fiancé and would never be. He was barely a lover. Not even that. He was the man you loved and desired, yes. But merely platonic. It wouldn’t go any further. It couldn’t go any further.
But you were expecting to have that precious alone time he gifted you in the nights, where everything was off and both of you were the only flame alive in the whole Kingdom. The glances he threw at you, the smiles he drew to let you know you were appreciated; you were wanted, you were loved by him.
As you reached for one of the books, a bigger hand wrapped around yours and the book, making you gasp.
“Hello”, he whispered in your ear, earning a shiver from you. Just that, he didn’t need to do any more than that to set on all your alarms and get your face redder and hotter than ever.
You turned around and smiled. He didn’t move away; in fact, he raised both his arms to your sides and locked you between him and the bookshelf.
“Seems like you won’t let me go away, won’t you?”.
“I don’t think you would even if I gave you the opportunity”.
“And how are you so sure about that?”.
“You came here, as I asked you to”.
“Are you actually going to play dumb?”.
You both laughed slightly, still not wanting to make a single noise. He got a few inches closer, and you did too. You raised a hand and fondled his hair. Moved your hand all the way from up his ear to down his neck. He slowly slipped down one hand to your waist and the other one to your collarbone, making the same deep eye contact he made with such lust; that desire he always looked at you, but amplified to a hundred and ten percent.
Now both of your hands were cupping his face. He was warm. And smiley. And… God, gorgeous. Godly gorgeous, as he always was. You traced with your fingers his cheekbones, his jaw, his neck. You sighed.
“May I kiss you?” He whispered, getting even closer. His breathing was slow and you could feel it on your face. His question was barely audible, yet so strongly loud to you.
May he kiss you? May you kiss him? You weren’t supposed to be even that close with him. You weren’t allowed. You shouldn’t look at him the way you did. Or touch him the way you wanted to. But there he was, asking to kiss you. And you had no other words in your vocabulary else than;
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robthomissed · 3 years
Life With Sammy
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enjoy these little slices of life that I wrote based on a song that really doesn't mean anything but gave me the idea
inspired by Sentimental by WMD
Before Sammy
Life was…..fine. You were living and things weren’t bad but things just felt a little hollow. Every rainstorm or trip to the art museum or meal cooked for one was nice in a lot of ways but you couldn’t help but look around sometimes and feel like it would be nice to have someone there to share it with. Over time the light and color started to drain and each day was just more of the same. The small voice inside you saying it just wasn’t going to happen, time to make peace with being alone.
But then there is Sammy. He barrels into your life all big blue eyes, loud laughs, and warm hugs. You soon realize life with Sammy means more…
He was laughing at you. This boy had the nerve to laugh at you even after you told him you had never learned how to skate. Sammy was managing to keep his amusement to soft chuckles as you wobbled along the wall of the Blues practice rink during a pre-season family skate.
“Come on babe, just slow down and watch me.” Sammy said as he helped you off the ice after your fourth fall in the last ten minutes. You weren’t one to stay patient while learning a new skill because your perfectionistic streak took over which was causing your brain to move faster than your feet could learn.
You let out a heavy sigh and took his hands as he proceeded to skate backward with infuriating ease. You focused your attention on his skates to try and pick up on what he was doing. Just as you thought you were getting the hang of it, Sammy's right skate caught a gash in the ice and he flailed backward dragging you down with him. There was a short moment of panic on your part when Sammy stayed quiet and still on the ice after you landed on top of him with his head tucked into your neck. Then after a few excruciating seconds, you felt him start to chuckle and you breathed a sigh of relief.
You both just laid there laughing to yourselves for a minute before he said “Okay, not that I don't love having you on top of me but let’s save it for when we get home.”
This sent you into another fit of blushing and giggling which you tried to hide by tucking your face back into Sammy’s shoulder. When you did finally manage to get yourself up off the ice Sammy still looked overly proud of himself that he had made you blush that hard.
You were sitting in Sammy’s car one night in the rain and just talking about life. Nothing and everything. Solving the world's problems and ranking the best place to get frozen custard in town. The rain is hitting the car just hard enough that it blocks out any noise from the outside world and creates a little bubble in time and space. It is only you two and the rest of the world is far away. The light from the streetlights coming through the rain-covered windows is lighting up his face in the most gorgeous way. The raindrops are casting shadows that cascade down the side of his face and make the shine of his eyes that much brighter.
Sammy is beautiful in the small moments…
The way the summer sun brings out the auburn in his hair
The way his hand looked holding a wine glass
The furrow of his brows when he really focused on something
The way he always opened the door for you
The hugs after a long day
The way his voice sounds talking to your cat when he doesn’t think you are in the room
The crooked smile he gives you in the morning
The way he blushes whenever you tell him how breathtaking he is
Sammy is beautiful in so many ways and you hope one day he’ll actually believe you when you tell him
You aren’t stupid. You know the risks of playing professional hockey. You had seen numerous guys go down with various injuries in your years as a hockey fan. But having that knowledge in your head couldn’t prepare you for seeing Sammy crumpled in the corner after a crushing hit from you don’t even know who. The play continues up the ice but you can’t make yourself care as you watch Sammy lay still. Why haven’t they blown the whistle…. don't they see him? Finally, Torey gains control of the puck and the refs blow play dead as Ray trots out onto the ice. Robby quickly skates over to help him get to Sammy as fast as possible. The arena has gone so quiet you are sure the people around you can hear your heart pounding. Sammy begins to stir just as Ray and Robby reach him and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Okay. He’s moving. That’s good. Vince and Rouzy deliver a couple more trainers from the bench and then join Robby who is hovering just far enough to be out of the way but close enough to feel involved.
After a long few minutes, Sammy gets to his feet mostly on his own, and after a second of leaning on Vince and one of the trainers he skates off by himself. You stay in your seat for a few minutes unsure of what to do until Sammy texts you telling you they are sending him home but they want you to drive. You are greeted by Sammy’s widest smile as soon as you enter the training room. It makes you feel better that he isn’t flat on his back and seems to be mostly normal.
He gingerly gets himself off the training table and gives you a hug.
“You okay?” you ask into his shoulder
“Yeah babe, I’ll be okay. Just shaken up a bit so they don’t want me driving home” he says after placing a kiss on the top of your head.
“Okay good because I want you to stick around for a while,” you say with a sigh.
“Don’t worry you are going to be stuck with me for a long time” Sammy punctuates his teasing with a poke to your ribs which gets a giggle out of you.
“I think that is a burden I am willing to bear.” you tease back and break into giggles when he sticks his tongue out at you.
“Alright goofball let’s go home and get you off your feet”
Sammy has a bit of a reputation for being loud. And he is when he is out with friends or when he gets excited about something but he also has a quiet side. Your favorite times with Sammy were when he was just walking around the apartment in his comfy clothes, a glass of wine in hand trying to decide what movie to watch. It was just so quietly domestic and made your heart do all kinds of fluttery things.
One night he catches you just staring at him while he is puttering around the kitchen making himself a late-night snack. When he notices he just stops what he is doing and asks “What?”
“Oh nothing.” you say quickly looking away trying to hide your blush from being caught.
“No no, tell me.” Sammy says as he circles around the kitchen island to stand in front of you and lean on the counter to block any potential escape.
“It’s- it’s just… I don’t know. I’m just really happy I get to see you like this.” you say blushing and barely making eye contact. Feelings are hard okay.
“ Like what?” Sammy says with just an adorably confused look that twists your gut a little bit more.
You sigh a bit and take a moment to find the right words. “Just this quiet side of you. I love your big and bubbly side but it is nice to know you are comfortable around me like this.”
Sammy looks at you still kinda confused, not saying anything and you begin to panic. “You know what, never mind just ignore me. Just go about your business”
After a few moments of silence, you suddenly find yourself pressed into Sammy’s chest as he tries to almost climb into your lap which is difficult since you were already perched rather precariously on the kitchen counter. You really can’t do anything besides hug him back and chuckle a bit.
When Sammy pulls back he just takes your face in his hands and kisses you on the forehead. “I love you babe. Of course I’m comfortable around you. So stare at me as much as you like.” He gives you a cheeky wink and turns his attention back to his snack.
All the years around various trainers and medical staff must have been what gifted Sammy with the unique ability to consistently find the knot in your shoulder with devastating speed and accuracy. The first time you had asked him to give you a quick shoulder rub after a long day you were not prepared for the targeted attack of his thumbs on your shoulder blades. He actually got a little scared when you let out a little noise of pain after he found a particularly sore spot one night.
“Oh no, did I hurt you!? My mom says I don’t know my own strength sometimes.” You didn’t even have to look back to imagine the way his eyebrows were knitted together with concern.
“No babe it’s fine. It’s that ‘hurts so good’ kinda thing. Keep going” You reassure him while rolling your shoulders to encourage him to continue.
Sammy seemed less than convinced but resumed his task nonetheless. He seemed to be holding back a bit though until he found a particularly tough knot and really went to work on it. You couldn’t hold in the winces and sighs as you felt the tension melt out of your body. It was your turn to be confused when you heard Sammy start quietly laughing behind you.
“Oh what now you are taking pleasure in my pain?” you asked with more than a little sarcasm.
“No, it’s just that I have only heard you make those noises under….different circumstances.” Sammy said with a smirk clearly heard in his voice.
You just rolled your eyes and turned to stick your tongue out at him because you couldn’t really come up with any clever retort. Sammy just continued to look very proud of himself when you announced you were going to make popcorn and he better have a movie picked out by the time you got back.
You would be lying if you said that Sammy being out of town so much for a large part of the year wasn’t a strain on the relationship. You were the kind of person who really valued routine and knowing that your partner would be there when you got home most nights. You knew that that wasn’t going to be possible with Sammy and it had actually been the reason you had turned him down the first time he asked you out but thankfully he had persisted and you had decided he was worth it in the end. There were still hard days though because you would come home wanting to cook dinner together and cuddle on the couch but would be greeted by only your cat who was a great cuddle buddy but no replacement for Sammy. On those nights you would call Sammy just to hear his voice and see his smiling face. You were also usually treated to a few guest appearances by Vince and Rouzy who seemed to be ever-present around Sammy on road trips.
So while you still have bad days and crave the stability of a partner with normal working hours you know you wouldn’t trade Sammy for the world when he stumbled in the door dead on his feet but still trying to tell you every stupid thing Wally did and handing you some random airport trinket from whatever city the team had most recently visited.
Since Sammy had come into your life things had just felt better. You looked forward to getting up every day and seeing what was in store because you had someone to share it with. Sammy being in your life made you want to strive for more. He pushed you to be your best just like you did for him. You both made the other want to keep going to see where life would take you next. You never knew what was around the bend but you did know that you didn’t have to face it alone anymore.
Life with Sammy means more of everything...
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writebycandlelight · 4 years
Bread Rolls
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Prompt: Reader’s attempted act of kindness goes awry. 
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairing: Erwin x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluffy, Mild
A/N: It’s been a whole year I think but I’m back for today after seeing some BEAUTIFUL art by @ thisuserisalive on Instagram. I heard people have been thirsting for some Erwin fic so I hope you enjoy this little cute fic.
By the Walls, there was nothing more demoralizing than having the scouts return in their terrible conditions time and time again. As you shoved past an unruly crowd, gathered to shout insults as the scouts returned in single file, you clutched your covered basket filled with warm bread rolls to your chest. Times were tough but you were sure the scouts were in need of something to lift their spirits. Bread was the most common military food but surely freshly baked would bring some comfort. Freshly baked bread was always something people liked. In your humble opinion, there was nothing better.
 You scanned for a good spot to approach, unsure of whether you might cause too much of a disruption to the scouts. Your eyes fell on their commander, blonde and blue eyed, you were certain he’d look handsomer with his head held high. Perhaps a bread roll might make him smile a little. Determined to put a smile on at least one scout, you slowly pushed to the front of the crowds. You were just in range to approach when you tipped forward, jostled harshly into the incoming scouts. Your startle cry was interrupted by your face slamming into something hard and metallic. Your head throbbed with pain as your vision began to cloud. A startled voice came and went. Blue eyes stared at you. Two pairs, no, just one pair. So shimmery, they danced as the edges of your vision turned black.
Sunlight peeked through your lashes as you blinked awake. Groggily, you looked around. Nothing was remotely familiar. Where were you? What happened? Weren’t you just at the city gates? Blinking in recognition you looked around frantically. Your bread! You were supposed to give the Scouts some bread rolls! 
“Bread rolls-” you said aloud. Startled, your hand reached for your throat. How was your voice so dry and hoarse? Looking around, you spotted a table to your left, and lo and behold, a pitcher of water!
You glanced around the room, taking in its neat and pristine appearance as you slowly made yourself stand. For a moment you felt your body sway, but reaching out you took a few unsteady steps to the table and steadied yourself upon it.
Your hands grabbed greedily at the cup and poured, downing the water in moments.
“You should have called for someone to assist you,” a deep voice said from the door. 
You nearly dropped the cup as the man you knew to be commander entered the room. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he said gently. “Are you feeling better?”
You raised the glass with a small smile, “A bit yes. The water helped.”
“Good, good. Please, sit. You should be resting,” the commander urged and motioned to the bed. You glanced at it and then back at him. He made the motion again and you slipped back onto the bed, cup in hand. 
“I am Commander Erwin Smith,” he smiled, and then with a sheepish chuckle added, “I feel I owe you an apology. It was my ODM gear that you hit.”
You felt your face flush, he may not be able to see it, but your face felt as hot as the furnace you baked those rolls in!
“O-oh! Oh no, no! You don’t have to. If anything the idiot that shoved me owes me an apology. Not you...sir-” you stuttered, feebly tacking on ‘sir’ at the end. Despite using the word every day with customers and garrison soldiers, it felt strange to use it on such a man. His whole demeanor commanded a level of authority and respect that made your heart thud. Nerves? Most probably.  
“Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll be able to find them,” Erwin said with a sort of frown, or perhaps you thought, a rather neutral expression for his face. 
“Either way, I hope that it is alright that we brought you here. The Scouts headquarters,” Erwin continued, “We have a fine doctor that said you should feel alright within a few days.”
“I guess I hit my head pretty hard,” you murmured, touching your forehead. Your fingers flinched when they touched the bandage around your head. 
“Thank you for all this,” you murmured bringing your hand back to the cup, “I’m so sorry for all the trouble. I was just trying to bring out some hot bread rolls to your soldiers. I thought it might help boost morale a little. I hate when those crowds go out and bother you all. They have no idea what you all go through no doubt. I mean, you’re all so brave!”
Your eyes shone in a way that made Erwin pause, he hadn’t seen such a look in ages. Not since he first became commander.
His staring at you, with a look you couldn’t quite place, made you realize you were staring right back. You felt the heat to your face return and you glanced down at your cup.
“Thank you. That is very kind of you to say. However, have your bread,” Erwin said, “Captain Levi saw it fall from your arms and we brought it here. It is untouched-” “Untouched!” you exclaimed in exasperation. “Well I hope they like cold bread rolls. By the Walls! All that work to ensure they were warm and oh so lightly buttered and I still only get you cold rolls.”
Erwin chuckled at your sudden change of mood, “They may still be warm. You’ve only been here for about an hour. You did a wonderful job in wrapping them in that basket. I do believe only one fell out.”
“Only one. I guess I’ll take that one,” you joked awkwardly and felt your face flush again. What were you doing?! What kind of dumb joke was that? By the Walls, why were you telling them to the commander of the Scouts!?
Erwin laughed, deeply, he would have taken more time to be surprised if he hadn’t found your demeanor so endearing. For the briefest of moments, he felt wildly afraid by the sound he made, laughter. How long had it been since he’d laughed?
Your eyes widened as his features broke into laughter, the complete opposite of how it had looked like not so long ago. He really was handsome when he smiled like that.
It was gone in a moment though and he looked at you calmly. The silence was short and you stared at one another, but it was enough for you to want to stop it. You’d die if those water blue eyes stared at you like that for another second!
“If you would like to, you can tell the soldiers. To eat the rolls I mean, not that I’ll eat that one roll. The bread rolls, they’re for them of course. And for you! As you know..” you bumbled and had to actively force yourself to smile as your body fought to hunch over and bury your face in your hands in sheer embarrassment. You couldn’t even speak right anymore. Walls you hoped he thought it was because of your head injury.
Erwin felt himself smile, she was surprisingly shy and outspoken at the same time. It was refreshing and charming. He shook his head to focus for a moment and then stood.
“I’ll go tell them, if that’s what you’d like. I’ll have someone bring you something to eat and more water,” he said. 
You nodded and watched him go. His shoulders were so much wider now that you saw them from behind. You watched mesmerized until he turned around. You almost squeaked, averting your eyes. You could NOT be caught staring.
“I’m going to apologize again. I didn’t ask your name,” Erwin said shaking his head, a disappointment to himself really.
“Oh, that. I’m (Y/N), it was nice to meet you Commander Smith” you replied, your heart beating a mile a minute from the startle he’d given you seconds ago.
“(Y/N),” Erwin said with a furrowed brow, “Stay resting,” then turned and left.
You sank into the bed and threw an arm over your face. You’d made a fool of yourself hadn’t you? Of all the people you could have talked to, it had to be the commander of the Scouts himself. Well it’s not like you knew meeting him would make you a whole fool, you thought bitterly. You settled into the bed at last and closed your eyes. Better not to think about it.
When you awoke the sun had set considerably. You rubbed your eyes and with a glance remembered where you were. You sighed and turned your head to the table. Your brows lifted in surprise and you sat up. Swinging your legs over the bed, you shuffled toward the table that now had water, soup, and a bread roll on a tray. 
Taking a seat at the chair Erwin had used, you lifted the bread roll. It was one of yours. You had a distinct pan mark on your bread that made it easy to recognize. You pinched the bread and it tore softly, with an ever so slight shimmer to your fingers as the drop of butter at it’s top. It wasn’t warm but you were surprised at how soft they still were. Good on you. You were about to give yourself a pat on the back when you noticed a folded paper just beside the bread roll. You flicked the white note open and blinked at it dumbly before laughing aloud. 
From the room next door, Erwin sat at his desk and lifted his head at the sound of your laughter. He looked to the far wall and smiled. You’d found the note. He felt rather proud and yet silly for having left it. He felt like he had as a young scout. Writing the note has been a very strange thing for him to do but he found himself writing it anyway. He didn’t think the note was particularly funny, but your laugh was worth it.
In your room you moved the note to stay unfolded on the tray, glancing at it as you ate. The neat block letters made you smile as you reread it out loud, “I can promise this is not the fallen bread roll.” Unaware, you and Erwin shared the same smile at the same silly note, and somewhere, a little pang of joy beat in both of you.
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kaibacorpintern · 3 years
the wound
word count: ~2500
summary: kaiba has some pointed thoughts about yuugi’s recent cooking injury. platonic rivalshipping. post-DSOD
a/n: a woman has too many unfinished one-shots in her google drive so i’m making time to finish them instead of overthinking them (and never finishing them.) yes this is about cooking and yuugi and kaiba and depression. yes i have already written about this. whatever man. enjoy.
Same time as usual. Two in the afternoon, on Saturdays. Same place as usual. The picnic table under the massive oak in the park, two blocks away from the Kame Game Shop and twenty minutes by subway from the station under the Kaiba Corp tower. Seto took the subway mostly out of scientific interest, taking a professional curiosity in the world Atem had wanted to live in, and because Atem had told him to enjoy it. What had he seen here, in the faded orange seats and bright pastel advertisements and the quiet scattering of human-not-Puzzle bodies? What had he felt, as the subway swayed around the curve in the tunnel, unseen in the darkness and known only by its momentum, making everyone sway with it? Hands curled around handrails and books. Fingers on phones. The train burst into daylight. The side of that girl’s head against the glass, watching Domino slide by with an equally glassy look in her eyes. Two layers between her and the city. Missing someone? Or just bored of life? 
He slunk off the subway, unnoticed and unknown, in an immaculate white hoodie and aviators, stainless steel water bottle dangling from one hand. Yuugi was waiting for him at the park entrance, as usual, wearing some kind of fashionable belted dark purple romper, with the usual tote bag full of games hanging from one hand. On the other hand, something unusual: his fingers stuck out from a half-formed mitten of gauze, giving his slender hand a clumsy, snub-nosed silhouette. He was having trouble holding his iced tea, thumb and fingers alligator-clamped around the lid. Someone had drawn a pair of flowers in pink marker across the back of the mitten, a bumper sticker of cheerful admonition: 🌺 BE CAREFUL! 🌺 Not Yuugi’s handwriting. 
“Hey,” Yuugi said. “How’re you doing? You sleeping better?”
Seto pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head, over his bangs, crown-like. 
“On and off,” he said, which was true. His nights were now vast, tossing oceans of insomnia between shores of just good-enough sleep. Last night he’d simply given up trying to swim and instead, for the first time in years, read a book for amusement instead of education. Some sci-fi novel Yuugi had mentioned and Seto bought on a lark from the bookstore in the subway station. Most of his amusement came from correcting the bad science in the margins, until he woke up at dawn with his glasses bent and his bed linens blotted like calico cats with black ink. “What happened to your hand?”
“Oh, this?” Yuugi said, lifting his mitten-hand. “So, I was making a ceviche yesterday…”
He told the story as they walked through the park to the oak tree: the protagonist was a ripe avocado, its tough, disingenuous alligator hide concealing a soft, buttery-green flesh. The arc of the conflict: avocado against knife, a natural antagonist. The climax: the knife, ignorant of its own bluntness and made arrogant by the shine of its own steel, slid off its trajectory like a failing rocket and plunged at speed through plant skin and plant flesh straight into human skin and human flesh. The resolution: two identical cuts, a half-opened avocado and a half-opened hand. Man versus fruit. 
"There was so much blood Otogi almost fainted," Yuugi said, thumping the tote bag onto the wooden table and straddling the bench sideways. "So we went to the ER and they stitched me up, and then when we got back home I finished making the ceviche. What game? You pick."
"Hive," Seto said. He couldn’t stop looking at his bandaged hand. It drew his attention like a glitch on a screen, an inescapable aberration. “Does it bother you?”
“I mean, it hurts, but whatever, you know?” Yuugi said, digging into his tote bag for the drawstring bag of wooden tokens. He spilled them onto the table in a clattering cascade of wood against wood. They rapidly sorted them out. “It’s not my first cooking accident.”
Seto raised his eyebrows. It was a testament to the amount of time they’d been spending together lately - every Saturday afternoon for a handful of hours, until he made some excuse to leave, and Yuugi accepted it not because he was gullible but because he knew Seto had a battery and it ran low - that he didn’t even need to ask a question, and Yuugi simply provided an answer, with examples.
“So, here, I was frying onion rings for Jounouchi, and I splattered hot oil all over my arm,” Yuugi said, lifting his hand and pointing out a haphazard constellation of white scars over his forearm. “Then here - I was baking cookies for Shizuka’s birthday and touched the tray fresh out of the oven with my bare hand, like a moron, I dueled Jounouchi after and drawing my cards was like, ow - ” he waggled his fingertips - “and this one is another burn - ” a long white ink-stroke across his wrist - “from when I was making ramen for Anzu, ‘cause she was home from New York. And this one - ”
More interesting than how and what were who. This burn for Honda’s birthday barbecue, that cut for Otogi’s game night. A violent kiss between blade and fingers behind a frothy veil of soapy water, cleaning up after a movie night. Another spray of oil splatters, frying tempura for his mother. A lot of meals for her, his grandfather, Jounouchi. Every scar Yuugi showed him had a name attached, almost all of them below the elbows, as though collected there for easy reference. Seto frowned as Yuugi's fingers flew over this map of friendships and family, their routes landmarked by midnight breakfasts, lazy brunches, beautifully-wrapped bento boxes. Something about it tasted sour to him, his tongue held tight and bitten between his teeth. All of his own scars had only one name.
“You probably think I’m a klutz,” Yuugi said, with a sheepish smile, sliding one of the wooden tokens into place around their hive. 
“I told you to stop doing that,” Seto said briskly. “I’m not some dumpster for all your insecurities. You think you’re a klutz. You have no idea what I think.”
“I - ” Yuugi started, and huffed, with another smile, his chosen defense against causing offense. “Sorry, force of habit - ”
“Forget it. You don’t ever cook for yourself?”
“Duh. Of course I do. And I eat what I make with everyone else. It’s not like I make a pizza for all my friends and just sit there watching them while they eat it,” Yuugi said. “But I like cooking for people. I love... nourishing them. Knowing they’re not going to go to bed hungry or anything, and I can make something for them that makes them feel good.”
Seto tapped a wooden token on the table, under the guise of thinking about the game but really thinking about the kind of friends Yuugi made, and how he made them. Jounouchi. Honda. Atem. Himself.
“Did you ever cook for Atem?” he said, because he couldn’t help it, and braced against the soft look that came his way, with a default smile, a pre-emptive look, I'm fine. this didn’t hurt me smile.
“Yeah,” Yuugi said. “I did.”
Like what? Did he like it? Did he help cook or did he just watch? Just the two of you or with everyone else? Tell me. What did you nourish him with? What do you think he’s eating now? I ate pomegranates when I was there. Bread and honey and figs and garlic and beer. Nothing I ate makes me spend six months with the living and six months with the dead so instead I trade off day and night. Sometimes I leave for a few minutes, mid-afternoon, and I can hear my own name clattering through me as Mokuba calls me back. Seto kept all these comments to himself. There was only so greedy he could get with Yuugi’s grief; only so much he could share of his own.
He slid his wooden token into place around the honeycomb of pieces. Yuugi swiftly countered. Seto lapsed back into thought.
Yuugi took a quiet slurp of his iced tea, gave it a shake, rattling the ice until it settled, and took another, watching ducks paddle into the reeds at the edge of the pond and paddle out, a portrait of calm patience. It had taken him some time to get comfortable with Seto’s long silences. In concession, Seto made the effort to shorten them.
It was the kind of day where stepping into the shade made a difference. The air was darker and cooler under the trees and the flowering bushes that lined the park paths, while the rest of the earth baked in a cloudless dry heat. Seto made his move and pushed the sleeves of his sweatshirt up to his elbows.
“How about I cook for you sometime?” Yuugi said brightly, nudging another wooden token against the others with a single fingertip. 
Seto scowled, not at the suggestion but at the way his thoughts splintered apart, like two halves of a wooden log split by an axe. He had no doubt Yuugi would pull out the stops for him, slave and sweat for hours over some seventeen-course feast of modern art finger foods. Or maybe something cozy that made him feel like he was just nineteen instead of nineteen and exhausted. Whatever it was, Yuugi would put in the effort. But.
“No,” he said, and made sure to clarify this refusal before the clouds finished gathering over Yuugi’s face in a dejected overcast grey: “I don’t need one of your scars named after me.”
“I - what?” Yuugi said, flashing him an uneven, sideways smile, and Seto felt a flicker of irritation. Atem would’ve understood immediately. But, in fairness to Yuugi, he was being a little obtuse.
“You have a way of suffering for your friends,” he explained. “And I think part of you likes it.”
Yuugi straightened up in his seat, suddenly electric. 
“What the hell? It’s just cooking,” he said, with a stormy flash of lightning in his violet eyes. “You’re reading into this way too much. I cook because it’s fun and artistic and I like feeding people, not because I like… self-flagellating or something. Seriously, you can’t just spout off - ”
“You misunderstand me,” Seto countered. “There’s no reason to… hurt yourself on my behalf. If you want to eat together, I’d rather go to that kitschy little ice cream place down the block and get a fucking waffle cone. I don’t want you unable to duel because you burned your hand trying to pan-fry a steak for me.”
Yuugi opened his mouth, brows furrowing together… and scoffed, a surprisingly affectionate sound.  He rolled his eyes around the park, his gaze swinging across the sunlit grass, and looked back at Seto. 
“Okay. First of all, I've mastered the art of the pan-fried steak, and you should try it,” he said. “Second of all, what makes you think you’re not someone worth suffering for?”
Seto snorted, masking his inwards flinch. Mokuba already suffered enough, thank you. And for what? A ghost of a brother. A black hole, a perpetual collapsing. Things went in and they crossed the event horizon and the pressure squeezed them for eternity without ever letting them reach the center and nothing ever came back out, as much as it wanted to. The scientific term for such distortion of effort, stretched to an immeasurable length without breaking, was spaghettification. Even a black hole needs to eat! 
He slid one of his tokens back and forth with his fingertip, short, scraping jerks of wood against wood, thinking. 
“Direct attack on my life points,” he muttered.
“Yeah, you also got me pretty good,” Yuugi chuffed. “Let’s call it even. But relax. It’s just cooking. I love the process, and I love the result, and I love doing stuff for my friends. It’s not some big… metaphorical… symbol of something. This - " he lifted his mittened hand - "doesn't mean anything except I mishandled a knife. It’s not like… you and Duel Disks.”
But Seto also loved the process and the result and more than once he'd injured himself, machining parts or fiddling with wires that, like all wild living things, bit back in fear of his touch. He splayed his hand over the table, watching blood drip onto his work station, knowing he should get up, clean it, bandage it. But it was only two in the morning and there was work to do.
“The Duel Disk is a symbol of Kaiba Corp’s future,” he said, closing his hand into a fist. "I know what you've done for your friends. I’ve seen it. Doesn't that merit the same... mythology?"
Yuugi gave him a funny look, half skeptical, half knowing.
"That’s nice of you, thank you," he said, and an uncomfortable blush crawled up Seto’s neck. Sometimes he did understand. “Are you sure you don't want me to cook for you?”
Seto opened his mouth, closed it, folded his arms on the table. He felt like he was trying to explain the feeling of the color blue, or the arguments for why numbers do or don’t exist, or what it was like to dream. Well, you see, the last time I saw Atem, he told me - correction: the last time as in the most recent link in a chain of time, not the last time as in the end of the line, because he also told me we’d see each other again - he told me to enjoy this, and you know me, I never do what I’m told. And I can’t do what he told me to do because he was my friend, and if friendship is just getting caught in a great sticky web of small cuts and large cuts and burns and bruises and tears and suffering because they’re here and suffering because they’re not, then just go ahead and let the spider drink me up and dump what’s left of me in the dirt. I am so sick and tired of pain. Mine. Yours. Ours.
But he did enjoy these afternoons. He was enjoying the process of making this: he had more with Yuugi now than he ever had before. He reached across the table and took Yuugi’s bandaged hand between his own hands, running his thumb carefully over the inked warning. Yuugi's hand relaxed in his. Yes, Yuugi was wrong. It was the same as Duel Disks. In any act of creation there was pain, there was power, and there was glory. What difference was there between a hologram of a dragon and a steaming bowl of soup? Both nourished something. Both were an answer to hunger. Discovering an emptiness and filling it.
“Okay,” he said, releasing Yuugi’s hand. “Alright. Cook for me.”
“Yeah?!” Yuugi said, with rising excitement, beaming. “What should I make? What do you like?”
“Make me a steak,” Seto said, smiling. It felt good to see Yuugi smile. His hypothesis neatly undermined. See? It’s not all damage. “No. Surprise me.”
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kendrixtermina · 3 years
Appreciating the Range of Type 6, or, one stereotypical example, and three that aren’t.
I want to tell you about some type 6 ppl that I know in my personal life.
Exemplar #1: F. B.
Complete Stats
Wing: 5 p or cp: largely phobic – lots of safety worries, outright authoritarian follower personality Instinct: sp/soc Trifix: 613  - 6w5 1w2 3w2 (“The Taskmaster” or “The Middle Manager”) jungian: ISTJ / SLI-Te oldham: Conscientious & Aggressive Essence Type: Mars Temperament: Pure Choleric
What he’s like:
Not pleasant.
Every “strict conservative middle aged guy” stereotype in the book. Control freak, makes a mountain out of every molehill, sees the world as full of axe murderers, judgemental as fuck, horrible temper and yet completely impersonable, all his opinions are copypasted from right-wing news sites. When they say war is good he’s for war, and when they say war is bad he’ll be like “At least Trump did not start any more wars” without perceiving a contradiction. Despite this, he believes is very hot, principled and funny. He is none of these things. He puts people down nonstop. My knowledge of neurochemistry tells me that he must have emotions somewhere or he couldn’t function, but I ain’t ever seen a single one of those emotions. They’re all for his job and a few trusted mentor figures. And his mom. At least he loved her.
If you say anything he doesn’t like, he “throws the sofa out the window” as his wife once put it.
How he’s a Type 6:
Well, he’s pretty much every negative stereotype in a nutshell… other than distrusting his partner. But that might be cause hes sx blind, or cause the wife is big on monogamy & wouldn’t ever cheat.
The one positive trait of 6 that he has is that he does his research. Before moving anywhere he googles the crime rates and if you need a doctor he might find you the best one. But even that can be overriden by ideology (hydroxychloroquine!). And if you don’t take his exact advice, there goes the sofa out the window again…
And I guess the work ethic from all 3 parts of the trifix really comes through – he hasn’t had a single bad grade in his life and always keeps collecting new certifications, and will make sure you hear about it...
Exemplar #2: I.
Complete Stats
Wing: 5 P or cp: pretty much an even mix of phobic and counterphobic Instinct: sp/soc Trifix: 614 - 6w5 1w2 4w3 (Would prolly call herself “The Big Pain” rather than “The Philosopher” ^^°) jungian: INTJ / ILI-Ni oldham: Serious & Conscientious Essence Type: Saturn Temperament: Chlor-Mel
What she’s like:
I’d describe her as serious, mature, discerning, focused and passionate about her friendships, if perhaps somewhat forceful at times, with a dry, sarcastic sense of humor.
Comes across like someone who knows what she’s talking about, with well-articulated points.
Often the Responsible Sibling, Designated Sanity Checker or Bullshit Detector.
Prefers to plan everything in advance in typical Ni dom fashion, even amusement part trips. Gets somewhat anxious without a future plan or shedule.
Often mistaken for a whole lot more sociable and confident that she really feels inside. (even I kinda bought it and got her whole darn trifix wrong on my first typing attempt, though that was when I was new to typology) She can act the boss act temporarily to get the situation over with, but she actually hates making decisions.
She does however have the occasional cute/pure moment where that lower function block comes out.
How she’s a Type 6:
She has saved our family from many a terrible restaurant by making sure to check the reviews. The preparing for all possible dangers is very 6, the acting tough outwardly when youre inwardly anxious, the intellectual problem solving & some tendency towards organization/responsibility/ “logistic” intelligence.
One online test she took gave her 5w6 instead of 6w5 but that’s probably just the ITxx-ness leaking in. I remember this one time we were discussing this artsy-fartsy theater play to which we’d had fascinatingly different reactions, and at one point I half-jokingly said something like “But does anyone ever really feel connected to others, or is that a myth?” to which she wrote, “[Name], what the fuck? Yes I do.” and then immediately deleted it. That’s more of a 6 reaction innit?
Nonetheless the wing does feature in significantly – for example she got very well informed about a lot of topics because she researched them to assuage a random survival-related fear, like, “How to make sure I have enough retirement money”
Exemplar #3: M.
Complete Stats
Wing: 7 p or cp: largely phobic Instinct: sp/sx Trifix: 692 - 6w7 9w1 2w1 (Fortunately very much a “Good Samaritan” rather than “The Stockholm”) jungian: ISFP / SEI-Fi oldham: Sensitive & Devoted Essence Type: Lunar-Venus Temperament: Pure Supine
What she’s like:
Precious! Sweet, nice, good listener, friendly, gives all the best gifts. But also perceptive and good at understanding people, eg. mediating to the parents when one of the younger sisters is having An Emotion™ or winning the trust of problem children.
Unlike I. Who has some soc that helps her keep track of a larger circle of friends despite her introversion, M. tends to enjoy the closeness with her family and have just a few very close friends. Excellent friend material all around! The sx and Se also come out in enjoying art forms involving the body like theatre or dance.
She can be a bit shy, conflict-avoidant and occasionally a lil bit panicky though.
As a small kid she used to be super duper shy but then a wise english teacher encouraged her to play a big role in a play, and since then she’s a lot more confident and doesn’t let ppl push her around without limit, though she’s still a quiet, helpful person. There you see the difference that a good teacher can make.
How she’s a Type 6:
For one thing she moves and emotes faster than a core 9 would, and she fits the body language – big eyes that move around a lot, stands a bit lopsided, talks in a shrill voice on the rare occasions where we exhaust her patience etc. As a xSFx and a w7 she shows mostly the “warm, friendly, likeable” side of type 6. She also has a very 6-ish tendency to very frequently ask people’s opinions & feedback before making decisions. (the other fixes probably add to this)
Alas, she also has a little bit of of the fear/insecurity.
Also she has a social/care job which might be seen as 6-ish desire to serve the community.
Exemplar #4: J.
Complete Stats
Wing: 7 P or cp: largely counterphobic Instinct: sx/soc ?? definitely not sp first. Trifix: 638 - 6w7 3w4 8w9(?) (Shall she be a “Justice Fighter” or a “Kyle”? Only time will tell.) jungian: ISTP / LSI-Se ?? Oldham: ? some Dramatic & Serious, perhaps ? Essence Type: Definitely Mercury Temperament: San-Mel
What she’s like:
The first adjective that usually comes to my mind is ‘cool’. Sassy, energetic & a little bit tough, but also affectionate when she wants to be. (though in admiring way rather than a mushy one)
She says the coolest things, has a certain sly sort of cleverness, and an astonishly good poker face. Bit of an occasional prankster. Hilarious. Knows all sort of cool science facts. Avid gamer. 
Not especially popular or over the top sociable, but she gets sad if no one pays attention to her a while. Will act visibly moody where ppl can see sad or worried and can catastrophize a bit in such situations.
How she’s a Type 6:
I first though we might be getting an ExxP type 7 since she was a pretty energetic child, but once puberty hit and independent thought manifested, she turned out a whole lot too reactive and ‘edgy’ for this, and more on the ‘moderate introvert’ side of things.
Since then the sisterly dynamic has been like one fluffy golden dog and 3 hissing black cats. Hissing Cats #1 and #2 are very proud of her, but cat #1 was forced to conclude that she’s probably not a positive outlook type.
Out of all the reactive types 6 fits best because she does broadcast group identity (like wearing merchandise of her favorite media and wearing buttons in solidarity with ppl she likes.) & has a big case of Big Sibling worship for M, I, and someone else who isn’t on this list due to being a 9. (a 4 or 8 might like their older siblings but probably wouldn’t constantly stress the admiration.), but she can also show lasting, pouty displeasure with authority figures who have slighted her. (Like that one time I went too far in teasing her...)
I’m just assuming the 8 fix because that tends to make 6s more bold, louder & more shameless.
Basically she is the “punk teen” type of 6. She can be a bit dramatic & over-the top but still come to her family on advice (even advice on pranks!) in ways that xSTPs of other enneagrams prolly wouldn’t.
She also tends to use self-deprecating humor in tough situations and deflects compliments to present herself as ‘ordinary’.
This may sound like I’m really getting down on my first example (I won’t pretend that I’m not) but the point in bringing him up is that the reason he’s like this is: He was subject to really bad parenting that put a lot of fear into him, there was no good parenting to teach him broader coping strategies, he lived in a crappy environment that crushed his dreams, in a sense ‘confirming’ those fears and making him double down, resulting in a person who is just always rigidly following the same predictable pattern or jumping from one automatic reaction to the next with very little pausing and thinking. That goes for the other types too: A ‘stereotypical’ person is a desperate person ruled by fear, who cant stop or soften up even for an instant cause they constantly feel this fire of threat under their arse.
A lot of descriptions say that 6s ‘Follow authority’ but most would balk at the notion – ‘I do the research!’ they might argue ‘I don’t just trust anyone’ or ‘I’m actually a rebel’. There is of course such a thing as denial  that’s more like the extreme case.
But with a more average, functional 6 it’s not so much ‘obedience’ as that they just like to bounce their ideas off of others to get feedback, or that they feature in other’s viewpoints. So you might get someone who can naturally use feedback (something other ppl may have to learn first) or who is very considerate of others (which others might have to consciously remind themselves to do.)
Those are sometimes pretty good traits actually.
On the other hand this is probably part of what makes decisions hard cause they consider all these possible scenarios of how things might displease or cause harm to everyone involved.
Being able to naturally snap into Action Mode under stress looks a bit enviable from the outside, but I. assures me that it’s actually super stressful & exhausting, even for someone who doesn’t get to a point of just being unreasonably aggro at you.
Though even an extreme case like F.B. would probably claim that he ‘did the research’ even as he’s 1:1 quoting the Pope at you, and then saying that you ‘have to be respectful’ even if you don’t even believe in Christianity. Hence why you get a lot of authoritarians talking about “disrespect”. You didn’t “fail to obey”, you “disrespected the flag” or  “hurt the feelings of the Chinese people”. Because they’re still trying or inwardly thinking that they’re doing the consideritation & considering other’s PoV thing when they’ve long since crossed from respect and consideration into mindless obedience, all while still thinking that they’re very sceptical and discerning cause after all they really distrust the other political party or whatever.  
In a way you get this obsession with ‘mind control’ cause they’re not unaware of & very much looking to guard the blind spot. They’re adults trying to do adult things.
For example, if I voiced an opinion to F. B. which he didn’t like, his reaction was often to ask “who told you that”
That’s just how he seems to think opinions work, somebody tells them to you.
Makes one wonder how he thinks new opinions start.
Yeah - Nobody told me that. I concocted it myself in some corner of my head. And in the interest of objectivity, I should stress that you can also end talking out of your ass that way, if you’re not basing it on enough outside data. Making up new shit has more of a quadratic than a linear learning curve – at least with copying you get something semi-useful right away. In making up your own you might be really off a long time before you stumble on something useful.
Also, I was young at the time and it’s not wholly unreasobale to think that an inexperienced person might be duped. I reacted really badly in part cause he hit my own ego buttons cause I was of course proud of this epiphany that I had concocted by myself, and now he says (or so I perceived it, being sensitive to accusations of incompetence) that I’m too dumb to form an opinion, so of course I launched into full Obnoxious Reddit Dude Mode.
In I. It manifests more on a reasonable useful level like “Oh wait, should [young cousin] be on TikTok? I don’t want him to get sucked into some cultish BS.” which is at least something the parents should have on the radar/ warn him about even if they do let him use TikTok, because for all that it is vital for him to get his experience with independent socializing & experimentig with sel-presentation, people do sometimes get suckered into cults or goaded into unsafe tests of courage.
And in a sense… maybe they overamphasize it but to some extent they’re also simply consciously aware/ mindful of it. The rest of us are not immune to propaganda after all, solong as it’s presented in a way pleasing to our egos. Any type structure can become a ‘hook’ if you’re not careful.
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joshslater · 4 years
Grimsby pt. 7
Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
I was speechless and touched. I was too exhausted to figure out what this meant though. Did he expect something from me now? Before I could gather myself Jace picked up his bag and started walking towards the exit.
- We should of a pint.
I wasn’t audibly breathing heavily any longer, but I could feel I was still pretty wound up. Flush, sweaty, and definitely thirsty after this shock introduction to the gentlemen’s art of self-defense. I felt a pint was too far away and I needed to drink right now, so I stood up and started to walk towards the drinking faucet. “You’ll regret it,” Jace remarked, barely looking my way. He was half right. The water tasted of metal pipes, but it felt good to splash my face with cold water and cool it down. There were empty holders of a mirror pane mounted on the well. At some point the mirror must have cracked and never been replaced. I wondered how I looked after such a beating. I cupped my hands and brought water up to dump in my hair, and was quickly reminded of how little of it I had left. I could feel trickles down my shaved sides and neck. The sound of the door closing made me realize Jace wasn’t waiting, so I rushed out of the locker room, out through the main doors, and caught up with him slowly walking back the way we came.
It didn’t take long until he deviated from the path we followed to the club. I had no idea where we were, or really where he was taking me, but it was obviously a route as well optimized as the path we took going here. Mostly road, but a few shortcuts through people’s back yards. It looked kind of familiar, but I’ve only walked around these blocks very tired, hangover, drunk and/or high. Now I could add beaten up and exhausted to that list. As we rounded a corner I saw a painted sign hanging out from the building, stating “Fawn’s Head”. I'd seen that pub at some point earlier in the week, but never been near it.
For some reason it looked deserted on the empty street, not that you could really tell about a pub with its door closed. Looks were deceiving, sure enough, because there were quite a few people scattered around inside the pub. It was decidedly not a high-brow clientele. Everywhere I looked I saw track tops, worker's high-viz clothes, and quite a few paint-spattered sweatshirts. I recognized some people from yesterday evening, though not by name. A few people glanced our way, garnering no interest.
I followed Jace over to the barman and witnessed a play in gestures. The barman gave Jace a nod. Jace gave him a nod. Then he nodded sideways towards me. Then the barman poured two lager, and placed them in front of us. Jace was clearly a regular, though I wasn’t even sure he was 18 yet. Without a word we grabbed our beers and started to empty the glass. It was the best-tasting beer I’ve had all week. Not because of the beer, but because this was the end of a hard day at the end of a hard week. Whatever part of my body didn’t hurt after hauling ice and fish, Jace had made tender, either directly by knocking me out, or with the bag punching exercises. But this was the end of...
- HEY!
Jace had turned towards the room and shouted at the top of his lungs. It instantly became dead silent.
- Is Chayse innit!
Everyone shifted their eyes onto me. What the hell was Jace doing?
- Fuck with him, fuck with me!
There was a second of tense silence in the room. I didn’t dare breathe.
- On me. Cheers!
The room erupted in loud cheers, followed by an explosion of chatter. Some guy in blue carpenter trousers and a blue sweatshirt, both splattered with hundreds of tiny white dots of paint, jumped up from his seat and grabbed the first of the new beers. As he was turning to get back to his table, he stopped as if he realized he should pay for the beer somehow, and slapped my sore shoulder.
- Connor’s the name. Why don’t you lad join our table for a wee bit?
Before I could even agree to that, he started shoving me in the direction towards the table. I pulled an extra chair and sat down with his crew of builders. Conner, Kieran, Tommy, and Callum. To my surprise their work stories about bad shoes, early mornings, lunch places, all felt relevant to me, and I had a few insights that fit into the conversation. Once I’ve emptied my beer I excused myself for a smoke, but Callum got up and told me to follow him. We walked out on the back and there was a large smokers patio with two groups in either end talking. Callum brought me to one of the groups and the others there greeted me and introduced themselves.
It turned out that none of them actually knew Jace, but they had seen him around. They themselves didn’t know each other that well either. They usually sat with their pals and then just came together outside for a smoke. As they started to move back inside, a tall, hard-looking guy from the other group walked across the patio.
- Hey come here!
He was shaved bald, wore shiny, black Puma clothes with red zippers and details, and a pair of black Dr. Martens. He clearly worked out, but even if he hadn’t his height alone was intimidating. It didn’t sound like a request either. Callum got the hint and quickly stubbed out his fag.
- See you around. - Yeah.
While he returned inside the pub the shaved guy motioned with his shiny head towards the other two who silently smoked at the other end. They looked every bit as tough as this guy. A bit older but just as muscled, one with buzzed heads and tracksuits, the other with a mohawk, adidas top, and dark blue adidas joggers. As I started to walk towards them, the shaved guy walked behind me, like he was herding me. Dammit, I’m also shaved, although not completely. I must stop thinking of myself as looking so different than them. Anyone who stumbled out into the patio would assume we four were a group. As I stopped he pushed me in the back to force me uncomfortably close to the other two. The older of the two, standing just in my face, made a deep drag, and blew a cloud of smoke in my face. I’m sure it was intended as disrespectful and intimidating, but it took all my self-discipline to not inhale it, even though I had just finished a smoke myself. He gave me a nod and spoke.
- Jace new runner innit. - I don’t know wh... - Shut the fuck.
I could feel the color draining from my face. Apparently there was a reason why they all left me alone outside with these guys. He continued.
- I don’t give a fuck what you do, but stay out of our business. If you see any of us you do as you’re told. Got it? - Yes. - Good. Now lick my balls. - What? - You heard me mate.
A wave of fatigue washed over me. I had been shaved and punched and drugged and so much more. Everything was unreal. This was not me, this was not my life. It’s just that with a pint in my hand and nice people around I slipped and forgot. Like an emotionally drained whore on her tenth fuck for the day I silently went down on my knees in front of his crotch. He patted my head on the exposed skin.
- This is what we like, lads, innit.
And then he tilted my head back up and looked me in the eyes.
- Remember your place next time we tell you to do something.
Then he let go and looked up at the others.
- Let's go for another, lads.
He dropped his smoldering fag on the ground in front of me as they left, and I hated that my first instinct was to pick it up and put it in my mouth. Who were they? What did they mean by Jace's runner? They had already left the patio by the time I got up and looked around. A group of patrons just walked into the patio and nodded in my direction. I nodded back and headed back into the pub, past them. I needed to find Jace and ask him what the guys meant. It wasn't hard to find him inside the pub, despite it filling up in the moments he had been out. He was standing next to a table close to the entrance, towering over the guy standing next to him. He probably towered over most people. The guy next to him was passionately talking to him. Jace saw me, and reached out like for a handshake.
- Oi Chayse, be a minute.
I grabbed his hand and felt something small in my hand. Jace winked at me.
- First one's free bruv.
He handed me a half-emptied pint glass and turned back to the guy. I stepped away and looked into my hand. A small, white pill. I felt both neglected and thankful at the same time. Of course he should finish whatever this is, but I felt we needed to talk right now. I took a large swig out of the glass and realized as I swallowed that I had already put the pill in my mouth. I was just running on autopilot after everything that had happened during this week.
Something was moving in my peripheral, and I turned to see a few guys at a table waving at me. I went to join them to kill time. I felt like I was losing grip of reality again, because the man who waved me to the table came back from the bar with a fresh lager and sat it down in front of me, while one of the other guys at the table was talking about their day of road maintenance. I was jolted back into the present, looking up at the man, Rob was it? He was smiling at me kindly. I thanked him and took a sip of the beer, and a shiver of pleasure went through me. It was even better tasting than the one I had earlier. The guy who was talking was detailing all the problems with one of the stores next to the road where they had laid stones during the day. He was about my age, but more tanned and crow's feet by the eyes after having been outdoor so much. No, this was Rob. His pitch-black hair was gelled up, and his face was framed on the other side by a black T-shirt with a big, yellow "Powell Construction" logo. I realized I had stopped listening to him and was lost in his grey-blue eyes, when he asked me something.
- Sorry mate, I have to piss.
At the moment I said it I realized it was actually true, and somewhat wobbly got up and headed towards the gents. They nodded and smiled. Jace wasn't standing where I had last seen him, I noted on the way to the gents, nor did I see him anywhere else. I wasn't sure I could trust my senses fully. What had he given me? Molly? It must have been part of it, as everything and everyone was lovely. I double-checked the sign on the door and entered the gents. Two sinks, two urinals, and a door to a proper toilet. As I walked by the mirrors over the sinks I turned my head, almost like a reflex, but stopped in my tracks.
I looked horrible. It wasn't the brutal hair, or the eyebrows, or the piercings, or the clothes. I looked like a criminal mug shot. My face was subtly swollen and bruised from the pummeling I've gotten from Jace an hour or two ago. There wasn't any specific thing I could point out. Just that I looked off. I didn't look like me anymore. Fascinated, almost mesmerized by my own ugliness I touched and poked my face. Nothing hurt. Not specifically anyway. I'm sure it would look better tomorrow, but it was unnerving still.
As I reached the urinal I realized I had a stiffy. I hoped the black adidas joggers had hidden it from Rob and whatever his name was, but I couldn't be sure. Well, this wasn't the place to do anything about it, so I simply aimed forward and let go, pissing straight into the wall of the urinal. Despite me swaying more than I would have liked or expected, the only thing I got on me was a fine mist of back splatter. I was clearly more intoxicated or high or whatever than I thought, so I don't know how long I stood with my dick out and forehead against the wall, just waiting for the dripping to stop. I was kind of hoping to also get soft, but had to settle for a semi.
I was pulling my joggers up when someone entered. I didn't take any notice of him until someone shouted "Hey" in my ear, and pushed me into the room with the toilet. He shoved me down on the lid facing him, and locked the door. It was one of the goons from the outside patio, the one with the mohawk, adidas top and joggers. He had a week-old beard and looked a bit tired as well. I knew I should be intimidated by him, but somehow I just felt like I wanted to hug him. I had this unexplainable urge to touch him. He glanced at the ceiling, looking for a smoke detector, then picked a cigarette and a lighter from a pocket. While looking down on me he slowly put the cigarette to his mouth and lit it, inhaled deeply, and exhaled the smoke on me. To his confusion this time I inhaled deeply as well. Not only did I want to embrace him. I wanted to french kiss him and suck the smoke out of his lungs. What the fuck was wrong with me?
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He regained his composure. He was also clearly a bit drunker than before.
- I want to be fucking clear with you. When we tell you what to do, you do it. - Sound, mate.
This wasn't going how either of us had expected. My eyes kept darting between his face and the chain he had around his neck. Somehow it looked so pretty, glittering in the fluorescent tube light. Everything looked pretty. He struggled with what to do next.
- Lick it. Lick the groin.
I looked down. The loose, dark blue adidas joggers didn't reveal much, but a little bump indicated where his dick was. For some reason, I don't know why, I did as he said, leaned forward, and let my tongue run up and down the fabric. It didn't taste like much. I moved forward and licked with a bit more pressure. I could hear him inhale from the cigarette again.
- Ok, alright. I need to piss.
He grabbed me and stood me up with one arm, and unlocked the door with the other.
- Share the fag? - What?
It took him a second to realize I asked for his cigarette. His intimidation ploy had not gone the way he wanted, though I was at the same time both zen and wondering what the fuck was going on. He handed me the cigarette. I stepped out and he closed the door behind me. I finished the cigarette and threw it in the urinal.
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Jay Halstead x Reader
The Return
Written by @anotheronechicagobog
Warnings: swearing, pregnancy, birth, medical jargon that may not be accurate, Erin Lindsay bashing
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Meeting detective Hailey Upton had been more nerve wracking than meeting Jay’s brother Will. He and Hailey were just closer, they had the same job, saw the same things, and had an irreplaceable trusting bond. You never, at any point felt threatened or worried by her presence or relationship with Jay. It was because of their bond that you were nervous, it was important for her to give you the stamp of approval.
You’d all met up at a nice family owned Italian restaurant. You’d all talked about movies, the blackhawks, and food before finally coming to a crucial topic; work. You were an OR nurse at MED while putting yourself through med school, you’d seen and operated on enough cops to know what you were getting into. It could happen at any point, it could easily go south, and you would not be alone in the waiting room if it happened. Miraculously you passed with flying colours, becoming good friends with her.
After that you met the rest of the team when they all went to Adam and Kim’s place to watch the cubs game. Kim was glowing, pregnancy going well aside from her vicious morning sickness, and she took to liking you as well when you made sure she got to eat first. Adam, Kevin, and yourself bonded over your love of puns and bad jokes. Vanessa and Antonio started speaking in rapid Spanish with you, creating a quick and lovable bond. Hank just shook your hand and nodded at you, you weren’t sure what that meant but Antonio assured you it was a good thing.
You were putting the finishing touches on your ensemble for the CPD Chief’s gala when Jay appeared behind you. “Hey hon, are you ready to- holy fuck you’re gorgeous.”
“Thank you Jay. You look handsome.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You made your way to Vanessa who was talking with Kevin with a distressed look on her face. “Hey! What’s wrong? We’re at a party with an open bar, what’s with the long face?”
“Uh....... Nothing? You know what, let’s find Hailey. And bug her about Dr Bekker.” You already suspected something was off but knew for sure when you felt Jay go completely rigid. “Jay?” You’d turned to look at him and he was completely pale, looking like he was seeing a nightmare. You followed his eyes to a gorgeous woman standing next to Hank and arguing with Kim in a sleek black dress. “What is she doing here? Why is she here?”
“Who? Who is she Jay?” Kevin and Adam came up to try and support Jay, move him into a chair. The lost and betrayed look in his eyes made it all click in place for you. “Erin.” It was as if she heard you from across the room, she turned and looked at Jay before meeting your eyes with a guarded look.
You were all seated at the same table and it was fucking awkward. Jay had his arm or hand on or around you the whole time. Erin was clenching her jaw and looked like there should’ve been steam coming out of her ears. Food was served and speeches were made and it was clear that Erin was still unhappy. Despite the fact that she was seated across from him, Jay refused to look her in the eye. It wasn’t nerves, those had worn off, he was pissed. And rightfully so. Voight invited her as his plus one. He didn’t tell anybody, didn’t warn anybody. Everyone was exchanging funny stories, barring Jay, Erin, and Voight. Jay wasn’t opening his mouth except to eat, Voight was glared into silence, and Erin was always cut off by Kim or Hailey.
“So, Y/N/N, any funny patient stories for us?” Erin perked up at Adam’s question. “Oh, you’re a doctor?”
“No, I’m an OR nurse at Chicago med.”
“Hmph. Not smart enough to be a doctor, then?”
“I just couldn’t afford medical school at the time I went to university. I managed to save up enough and get enough scholarship money to start medical school and stuff a few years ago. So now I’m working part time in the OR and I finish medical school this year. As long as I do well, I’ll get a placement for my residency in three months.”
“So, to answer Adam’s question, last week we had to surgically remove a brand-new toilet brush that a man had shoved so far up his own anus, that it looked like he had a bunny tail.” Kevin choked on his water for a moment before spitting it out all over the centrepiece flowers. “Hahaha, oh my god! Are you serious?!”
Erin’s bitter voice broke through the hyena-like laughter of the rest of the table. “Saying the word ‘anus’ is a bit uncouth don’t you think?” Kim stared at her, regarding her in disbelief as she mouthed the word ‘uncouth’.
“Not particularly, no, considering it is the medical term for that part of the body and part of the name of a planet.” You shrugged her comment and mood off. It was pretty damn clear why she was behaving like a bratty spoiled child, and it said a lot more about her than it did about you. Besides, it felt like it would be a complete waste of energy to entertain her need for a verbal martial arts battle. She just wasn’t worth it.
“She’s got a point, besides Lindsay, if you make what she says dirty that’s really on you and not her.” Jay shrugged and kiss the top of your forehead.
You were encompassed in the warmth of Jay. Low jazz was playing through the speakers as the two of you swayed softly, your head on his chest soothed by his steady heartbeat. At some point Jay had started to hum along to the music and you felt all the stress and anxiety buried deep inside of you just melt away. Nothing but you and the man you love existed. You were in your own glowing golden bubble of warmth and love.
You moved your head up and kissed him on the side of the mouth, humming along with him. He spun you around, tugging a joyous laugh from you throat before tugging you back and leaning his forehead against yours. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, his around your lower back. Your noses moved around one another as your dancing slowed to a stop. It didn’t matter that you lived together, or that you’d been dating for four years, your heart was beating faster than it had the first time you kissed Jay. Suddenly your bubble had burst, you screamed and jumped away from Jay when you felt cold and wet all over your exposed back. The warmth was gone, replaced by a pitcher of ice and water that had been dumped on you courtesy of one Erin Lindsay.
The floral smelling bath bomb you’d decided to finally use was just the thing to treat yourself to after your boyfriend’s ex decided to dump ice water on you at a public and major gala right before being called into an emergency at work. While your boyfriend had jumped into action, moving you towards the bathroom to dry up and offering his coat, your newly-made friends jumped to help you and defend you. A very angry and very pregnant Kim escorted you to her car with her husband while Voight made Jay and Erin ‘have a talk’. The only person who didn’t scowl at that news was Erin. Adam kept looking at you and asking if you were okay in the rear view mirror. “Adam, I’m okay. Annoyed, fuck yes, but I’m okay. And I know Jay will be too. I’m not worried.”
“You’re not? Even with their history?”
“No, I’m not worried. We talked about her when we started getting serious actually. She was an incredibly important person in his life, and she turned into a very vicious skeleton in the closet. I’ve got my own skeletons, too, everyone does. I know that he was hurt. Little shocked when he saw her at first, but Jay didn’t talk about everything that happened with her in depth with anyone but me. So I know what’s going on in his head, and I have a pretty good idea of what he’s going to say to her.”
You’d only been home (and dry) for half an hour before you got an ‘all hands on deck’ page from MED. Hastily pulling yourself together and running the three blocks between your apartment and the hospital. There had been a collision which caused several others, leading you to the OR for back to back surgeries for a total of fifteen hours. You’d been dismissed with the promise of forty eight hours off and an impressed nod from your boss.
You’d missed Jay because he’d had to go into work but smiled at the loving note he’d left on the fridge, along with a container of your favourite take out. Your heart absolutely soared at the thought of him.
Stepping out of the tub you patted yourself dry and dressed in soft shorts and sweater. Padding down to the kitchen, excitement at the thought of food bubbling up. The smell of your favourite take out wafted out of the container as you moved it onto a plate. Exhaustion was creeping up and taking hold of you as you shovelled food into your mouth. You welcomed the exhaustion and went to bed, leaving your dirty plate in the kitchen, something you wouldn’t normally do.
When Jay returned to your shared apartment well into the evening you could tell that he was worn out. “Tough case?”
“No, actually. It was pretty straight forward, it’s just that Erin kept trying to call me. Since we were in the middle of a case Voight wouldn’t let her up but she kept calling me and Voight kept giving me these looks... I’m just glad that the case is shut, the day is over, and that I got to come home to you.” He gave you a peck on the lips, you could feel the soft smile that he had. “Dinner’s almost ready, would you mind setting the table?”
“Not at all.” You sat across from him at the small table pushed to the side of your kitchen, really looking at him. He looked tired, weighed down, but the tension gripping his body did seem to be lessening the more he was home, the more he ate, and the more he spoke. His eyes were light and happy, truthfully he looked a bit like a puppy. “I have time off tomorrow. Would you want to head up to the cabin?”
“Just for the day?”
“I know that it would be a lot of driving just for a day trip, but yeah.”
“Just to get out of the city for a bit?”
“You know it’s not that late, if we left now we could be there in a couple of hours, pick up some groceries on the way, we won’t need much. Wake up there, drive back in the evening.”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“On a regular basis. And I love you too, so, so much.”
“How about you pack the necessities and I’ll clean up the kitchen?”
You and Jay were on the road in forty minutes, just leaving Chicago as dusk started to dissolve into night. Jay’s secret country playlist was winding its was out of the speakers, the silence between the two of you was peaceful. The cooler bag filled with quick meals and leftovers Jay whipped together, removing the need for a grocery store. The coolness of the night encompassed you both, and the further you got from Chicago the heavier your eyelids got. A deep chuckle left your boyfriends throat. “Get some sleep, I’ll wake you up when we get there.”
Jay Halstead was a dirty liar. He didn’t wake you up when he got to the cabin, instead he went in ahead to put the power and water on, put away the food, changed the sheets, dusted quickly, and then carried you in and put you in bed. And when you woke up and realized what he did, he even put on your pajamas for you, all he could do was kiss your nose and tell you how adorable you were when you pouted. Leftover stir fry was breakfast for the both of you. You were miffed that he did everything alone last night, and in the back of your mind you knew it was because he felt guilty about Erin showing up, but you couldn’t be mad at him. Not when he’d made your favourite food while you were packing last night. “Are you wanting to fish at all today or just swim?”
“Just swim around, we’ve missed the part of the morning that’s best for fishing and honestly I’m not really in the mood for it, unless you want to fish. I can take the boat over to the marina and pick up some bait if you want.”
“I’m okay for today too, Jay. But I think it would be nice to take the boat over to the marina and get ice cream before we leave.”
“Ooh, yes. I’ll go check to see how much fuel we have for the boat.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you out on the dock in a minute, I’m just gonna deal with the dishes.”
“That’s a funny expression, ‘deal with the dishes’ you sound like your going to ground them for throwing a baseball through a window or something.”
“Haha, I guess it does.”
The bottom of the lake was brown, a result of the rocky bottom, but it didn’t matter that it didn’t look like the perfect insta post. It was fresh, and clean, and stunning, even with the mosquitos the size of a dog. And that’s how the morning was spent, swimming around the lake and laughing, enjoying the lighter air and the refreshing feeling from swimming around underwater amongst the algae and skittish fish. Carefree joy was a good look on Jay. The image of him throwing his head back as he tread water with the lake glistening around him, the sun enhancing the beauty of all the trees, plants, and cabin on the shore far back behind him as birds called out to each other was one that captivated you. “What?” His shoulders were sagging back to their regular position and Jay tilted his head slightly at you. You swam a few strokes closer and kissed him. As deeply as you could while both of you were treading water in the middle of a lake. Your legs kicked each other’s as you worked to stay afloat without your arms. You gripped onto each other, just reveling in the love you both shared. It didn’t last long unfortunately, because neither of you could tread water entangled in another persons limbs and without your arms. “Have I told you how much I love you?”
“On a regular basis. And I love you too. So, so much.”
Lunch had been absolutely delicious. What could be better than your favourite food, with your favourite person, in your favourite vacation spot, after a breathtaking kiss in the middle of a lake? Absolutely nothing. That’s what. What made the day even better was Jay taking you both over to the marina in the boat to get locally made ice cream. “Halstead, it’s good to see you again.”
“You too, Martin.”
“And who’s the lady you’ve brought with you?”
“This is Y/N, my girlfriend. How have you been? I didn’t see you the last couple of times i was here.”
“I was retired in Florida. Didn’t like the heat though, so I came back. I’m living in the old O’Reilly property, they needed something bigger cause it’s only one bedroom, but it’s perfect for a retiree like me.”
“So you’re back to micromanaging Josie?”
“No, she’s run this place better than I ever did, it’s in the best possible hands. What are you guys here for? It’s too late in the day for bait.”
“Ice cream, we’re driving back to Chicago tonight cause we both have to work tomorrow.”
“Shame, how long have you guys been up here for?”
“Oh, just today, we drove up last night. Just needed a break from the city, you know?”
“I do. Well I don’t want to keep the two of you from ice cream, but you’ll have to give me a holler the next time you or Will are up here, we’ll have dinner or something.”
”Definitely. I'll see you around.”
”And you should come too, Y/N, I have plenty of stories about your boy from when he was wee.”
”Oh, well, I would not miss that for anything.”
”What? No, come on, you don't want to listen to embarrassing stories about me.”
”I really, really do.”
”They have mint chip.”
”One day, I will hear those stories. One day.”
”I like you already, Y/N.”
You were a little sad to leave the cabin, even though you'd only really been there for 24 hours. It had been a nice escape of reality, and Josie had been more teasing than her father. As you packed the rest of the bags in the car, there had only been three in total, really, you let out a bit of a sigh. The crickets we're playing a concert and the dreaded mosquito dogs had come out to hunt, but the aura was something you'd miss, even though you and Jay could come back.
The car ride back was filled with soft rock this time, and you felt yourself mouthing along to the songs.
You were both a bit groggy the next day but it wasn't anything either of you couldn't handle. You arrived to your shift relaxed and we'll rested. ”Good morning Y/L/N. You look well rested, I take it the 48 treated you and Jay well?”
”Yeah, it did.” Your bubbly mood was it short though, when Dr. Bekker stormed into the prep room, clearly angry. “Well I should hope so, considering the rest of us had to pay for it.”
“What? There are other OR nurses, and I didn’t think either of you were scheduled for that time either.”
“No, it we did go to Molly’s. And do you know who else went to Molly’s?”
“Erin Lindsay.”
“Oh no.”
“Damn right. She spent hours pulling on people’s arms and shouting about how you’re a whore-“
“Excuse me?!”
“Ava, really-“
“Okay!” She stopped her ranting for a moment. She leaned on the metal basin, completely ignore the suds on her arms and that she’d have to wash them again. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t speak to you like that. It not your fault and you’re not a whore, no woman is. I just- it was the first time Hailey and I have been to Molly’s together since we started dating and your boyfriend’s cow of an ex had to ruin it.”
“I’m sorry, Ava. I- it’s not my place to handle her or anything. She’s not my ex.”
“No, but she is Jay’s, and the reason she was unhappy at Molly’s is because Jay apparently told her that they’re never getting back together.”
“Yeah, she was screaming at everyone, mostly intelligence that Jay had to still love her and all that. She got pretty hammered, Voight had to be called in to take her home.”
“What do you think- they just rolled the patient in, time to get in there and repair his left ventricle.”
Your day was long and so was Jay’s so you decided to eat out, at a great Thai place Jay had introduced you to. “Erin wants me to move to New York to be with her, I don’t want to and I’m not going to, I just figured I should let you know.”
“Okay... I have to be honest Jay, I don’t know what to make of any of this.”
“Erin just got out of a bad relationship and I guess she remembered the good times we had together, and forgot that we had more bad times. It was both of our faults really. We both lied, and omitted, and kept things from each other. Our relationship wasn’t healthy, and it took me a long time and therapy to realize that. I don’t have anything against her and I wish her well, but I don’t feel the need to have her as a significant person in my life anymore, or be one in hers. I think that our story ended four years ago and that she’s just in a bad place right now, like I was when I dated Camila.”
“Okay. That doesn’t make her behaviour okay-“
“Oh absolutely not-“
“But I get it. I’ve been in that place too, so I get it.”
Erin wasn’t as ready to let go of the subject as Jay, apparently. Voight remained quiet on the subject, something that infuriated you because he brought Erin back into everyone’s lives with no notice and no concern for their well being. Kim was still mad, so angry that she had banned Erin from meeting her newborn baby. “I deliberately never said a word about you to her all this time bec- ahhhhhhhhh.”
“Okay, Kim, I get it. You were a good friend and didn’t tell her anything about my life since she left because you knew I wouldn’t want her to know, it seriously, please stop focusing on an unnecessary apology to me when you should be focused on breathing until we get to the hospital.”
“Adam will meet us there?”
“You promise you’re not ma-aaaaaaaaaaaaadddddd!!!”
“I promise, you never did anything wrong. Okay we’re here.”
“I can’t believe you’re having a baby with ruzek. He’s kindof annoying-“
“KEV! Let’s focus on getting Kim out of my truck and into the hospital so that she can have her baby in a sterilized environment, okay?”
“Right, let’s go girl.”
Kim hadn’t needed to worry about epidural as it turned out, the baby went into distress almost immediately after she passed through MED’s doors, causing her to go into distress, and resulting in her needing an emergency C-section. You weren’t part of the OR team for that surgery because of how close you were, it you knew everyone who was and knew she was in good hands. You had been put in charge of giving the anxious police officers updates.
“They just finished the surgery, it went amazing. Kim’s in recovery and they baby’s getting checked out as we speak. And, Adam didn’t faint. He did very well, actually cut the cord.” Grumbles filled the waiting room as money was passed to Hailey. “Come on guys, you really had that little faith in him?”
“No one will be able to see Kim or the baby until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest, but it might be longer. They both need time to recover.”
A few days later the waiting room was once again filled with police officers, this time some of their relatives were in attendance. You sat beside Jay, in regular clothes this time, waiting to be given the all clear to visit. You two were called over with Hailey and Ava, clutching a homemade blanket for the baby and a homemade meal for the parents. They were immensely grateful, Kim especially since she’d just been told that she could go back to non-hospital food. You were sitting on the recliner cradling baby Eliza, who was cooing in your arms when there were shouts and crashes in the hall. Everyone turned towards the door. The cops who hadn’t given birth less than a week ago, Hailey, Jay, and Adam, went into tactical mode, Kim stopped eating and took Eliza back, Ava grabbed the hospital phone to figure out what was going on, and you stood in between Kim and the door as the three cops made their way slowly into the hall. You’d locked the door after they left, peeking out of the small window. “I don’t see anything.”
“Erin.” You turned towards Kim, who just looked tired. “I talked to hospital security when she first got here, said that I didn’t want her to be able to see me. Or the baby. I just... I don’t trust her anymore. I spoke to her the day before she flew down here, I actually asked if she was ever coming back to visit. She said ‘no’. And then she just showed up at the gala... I feel pretty betrayed by her, honestly. She never initiates contact. Ever, it always falls on me. She’s spent years trying to get me to say something about Jay every once in a while, but I’ve always just said that she left him, you know? She left and didn’t say good bye or call or text so she doesn’t have any right to know anything about him now. And she’s been acting like a spoiled brat, you know she’s used the excuse of hanging out with me to try and get information about you and your relationship. I don’t feel like I’m her friend anymore. I feel like I’m her tool. And I just had a baby, a tiny human who relies on me, I don’t have time for toxic friends who make me feel like that. So I told her not to come and for security not to let her in.”
“Do you feel a bit better now that you’ve said all that out loud and to someone who isn’t Adam?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Okay, well, if you don’t want to see her, you don’t have to. Don’t worry.”
Erin had burned pretty much every bridge she had in Chicago in the two weeks she was there. She lost a lot of people’s respect after the incident in the hospital. When it became clear that some of her once closest friends were done with her, people felt it was okay to voice their grievances. After being shunned at 51, MED, 21, Molly’s, and her mother’s house, she showed up at your and jay’s apartment. A last ditch attempt at... Something.
“Please Jay, I love you.”
“No Erin, you don’t. You haven’t even seen me in four years. You’re just in a bad place right now. Go back to New York, okay? Your life is there now.”
She’d been in tears when she left, ugly crying, her face blotchy and make up running, as horrifying sounds ripped out of her throat. Jay just looked sad as he called Voight to pick her up.
You were in stitches beside Jay, trying to breathe while laughing so hard. “Seriously?!”
“Hey, I was seven!”
“And I was five! Just listening to my idiot older brother!”
“We couldn’t believe it, the two Halstead boys running across the marina docks completely naked, and covered in blue paint!”
“Hey, I thought it was funny, and I ended up a doctor Jay, and I’ve stitched you up a few times, I’m not so much of an idiot, huh? Nat, c’mon, it’s not that funny.”
“Yes it is!”
“What? It is!” Another round of laughter peeled out from you, Natalie, Owen, and Martin’s daughter Josie as Martin continued to make gestures. “It took us a good minute to round them up. Me and Miriam, mind you, Pat just sat in the boat. Your mom was laughing so hard by the time we caught you both.”
“Please tell us more stories, Martin. That was REALLY funny.”
“Owen! You want to hear more embarrassing stories about me?”
“They’re funny!”
“Alright, well you heard the little man, Martin, more stories.” Will and Jay sighed, tried to relax, and resigned themselves to their fate. Their girlfriends and surrogate son/nephew were going to hear every single embarrassing story that Martin had. Which was a lot considering he was their father’s childhood best friend, had spent most of their summers around him, and he had a memory like a steel trap. “Don’t worry Jay, I’ll still love you after this, I promise.”
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I tend not to know what to say a lot, so when I do say something, it's a lot for some people. Oh and I hope the Shanes are able to fuse together! It must be tough to have three Shanes in the headspace..
And that makes sense. Small portions of time sounds easier to deal with. Do new alters form sometimes when you're blurry? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Curiosity always gets the best of me :(
Me too.. I've started reblogging a lot of my posts because I want more people to like my posts. It makes me feel more real. Validation from strangers is better than none at all.
And I'll try! Relapsing is hard, and I've done it lots, but I'm starting to do it less
I actually knew nothing about systems until I found your guy's blog to be honest. But I've been learning a lot from you guys! And if it helps, I don't think you guys are faking! If you guys question if you're faking, then you most likely aren't, because people who are faking don't question anything because they know they don't have anything.
And thank you guys! 🥺🥺 I like talking to y'all too! You are all so sweet and kind!
And I'm not sure how I'm doing. How are you guys? Did your guy's appointments go well? (I have terrible memory, so if they weren't today, then I hope they go well!)
*also if anything is uncomfortable for you guys to answer, feel free to not talk about it.. I try not to ask personal questions, but everyone has different boundaries*
hello 🌺 anon. its nice to hear from you again. We're bad with our wording too so its ok. ^^; were trying. and yes were doing our best to fuse the Shanes into one, thank you for your support.
being a polyfragmented system is hard. we have diffrent headspaces and many alters. diffrent areas block with amnesia walls.. but yes having 3 Shane's has been a bit choatic. and yes weve had alters split while we were blurry. ask as many questions as you like, we dont mind.
yes we rb a lot of our posts so more people see them and interact with them its validating. we love when our art either if its text posts, text images, edits, art and etc gets attention.
relapsing is hard. we undertand. keep going. were rooting for you 🌺 anon!
were glad you're learning from our blog but were just one example. every system is diffrent. you should do some research on it on your own if you'd like.
some of us feel were faking a lot and some of us know were not faking. its hard though trying to calm the ones that think we are. we do our best we love getting asks so we love interacting with people who follow us and stuff.
our appointments went well. it was scary for Adult Shane but we made it through. were gonna see neurologist and a gender expert of whatever theyre called a out top sugery. we dont know how were gona hide this from our mother but well sure as hell will try..
we will let you know if a ask is too peronal or uncomfortable dont worry. thank you for your ask it was lovely talking to you.. how are you doing? what have you been up to? - Honey and the Shane(s) cocon
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 4 years
Azula the good sister AU (AKA the Fire siblings have a healthy relationship AU)
I’ve just finished binge watching Avatar the Last Airbender and I already have an AU ready in my head. Please enjoy my ridiculous rambling!
Azula is still really tough and intense but she isn’t a fucking psychopath like in the series
She’s still a bending prodigy and “daddy’s favorite” but the latter isn’t something she wanted or strived for
She shows affection by teasing people, but she is also fiercely loyal and protective over the people she cares about. Like she’s nice but she’ll still cut a bitch if they hurt her friends and brother.
As most siblings do Azula and Zuko like to playfully argue and insult each other:
Zuko: *having just woken up*
Azula: wow you look like shit
Zuko: big talk coming from a midget with rat nest hair
Azula: at least I only look like this in the morning, you willingly keep that rat tail on top of your head. No wonder you have no friends!
Zuko: oh yeah what’s your excuse then?
They’re the type of siblings that in a modern-day setting would send each other a picture of a toaster saying “I found you a new bath bomb”
She absolutely adores her older brother and Zuko took his role as older sibling in stride even if Azula could practically take care of herself
They’re great training partners
Their favorite memory as children was feeding turtle ducks with their mother, they still do so even now after she’s gone
When she overheard her grandfather ordering her father to kill Zuko she left to tell her mother immediately afterwards she snuck into Zuko’s room to cuddle with him in bed claiming that she’d had a nightmare.
Their mother came in to kiss them goodbye goodnight before disappearing into the night. Zuko had been half asleep so he had no idea what was going on but Azula did and she knew what her mother was about to do. She didn’t know what the outcome would be but she knew that it would be the last time she’d ever see her mother.
Azula never told Zuko what happened only that it was all their father’s fault
It was then they began mutually hating on their father
Of course, they had no choice but to respect him as he was still the Fire Lord and could possibly kill them. But as soon as he was out of ear shot the siblings were like:
Azula: Why the fuck did he think growing out his beard was a good idea???
Zuko: He looks like a goat-pig
Uncle Iroh treats them both as his own children and helps them perfect their fire bending as well as teach them the art of tea brewing. Zuko still thinks it’s stupid but Azula becomes just as much of a tea fanatic as her uncle
Azula has had a giant crush on Ty Lee ever since they were children and everyone, but Ty Lee knows about it. On the flip side Ty Lee also has a giant crush on Azula ever since childhood and everyone but Azula knows about it.
Azula: That's a sharp outfit, Ty Lee. Careful. You could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea, because it's so sharp.
Ty Le: *confused but happy that her crush complemented her* Gee thanks Zula.
Azula: *later, screaming into her pillow* I’m such an idiot!
Zuko: *sitting beside her, sipping tea* Yeah, you really are.
The day Zuko was challenged to Agni Kai Azula told him that he was an idiot and that he better kick that loser general’s ass or it would be an embarrassment to both their training. It was her own way of telling him to be careful and that she was rooting for him.
When she found out that it was her father challenging Zuko to Agni Kai she had to be held back by Iroh to keep her from jumping into the arena to help her brother
Azula was determined to join her brother in his banishment but Zuko wouldn’t allow her, saying how it was his fault for speaking out of term and that his sister shouldn’t have to suffer from his mistakes.
They had a big fight after that because the siblings were nothing if not hotheaded and stubborn. Zuko didn’t want his sister to leave all she knew behind just because of him and Azula didn’t want to be stuck doing nothing while her brother suffers alone.
They parted there days later, regretful, angry, and sad. They didn’t necessarily apologies (let’s be honest what kind of siblings apologies to each other) but they did start writing letters to each other, which was their way of saying that they were cool now.
Zuko wrote to her about his journey to find the Avatar as well as Uncle Iroh’s ridiculous jokes and tea ramblings while Azula wrote to him about how things are back home as well as potential places where the Avatar could be located.
Both aren’t sure if the Avatar even exists anymore, but they keep hoping as it means that they will one day be reunited with each other.
The day Zuko found the Avatar he entrusted only his sister with the information as he knew that once word got out that the Avatar was still alive it would be an all-out man hunt.
Everything works out relatively the same as in the series except with Azula helping out her brother in the background. She’d secretly send her brother information about general Zhao’s whereabouts so as to avoid him as well as any resources he needed for his journey.
When Ozai ordered Azula to go retrieve her brother and uncle she was both delighted and terrified; she was happy to see her brother again, but she didn’t want to take him as her prisoner. So of course, she came up with a plan.
The first thing Azula said to her brother after two and a half years apart was: “Wow, you look like shit.”
He replied without missing a beat: “Big talk coming from a midget with rat nest hair.”
They hug for the longest time and in that moment, she quietly resights her plan to him: They had to pretend to escape from her and go into hiding. She’ll pretend to hunt him down and he’ll somehow manage to escape from her clutches every time. All the while they’ll work together in trying to capture the Avatar.
She enlists the help of Mai and Ty Lee telling them the minimal amount of information just in case things go south they can plead manipulation. Of course, Mai and Ty Lee are ready to go down with their captain/friend no matter what, but they don’t mind being out of the loop for the time being. They trust Azula and know that everything she does is to help her brother and uncle.
The events leading up to the battle of Ba Sing Se are pretty similar up until the part where Zuko makes a choice between helping the Avatar or his kingdom. He’s realized the pain and terror his ancestors have installed in the world; tearing away hope for a better future.
Just as Azula was about to strike Aang with a finishing blow Zuko stops her, telling her what they’ve been doing is wrong and if they want the world to prosper, they need to help the Avatar.
Azula was a bit annoyed seeing as she went through the trouble of sneaking into Ba Sing Se and taking over the earth kingdom from the inside out. But then again, her brother was right as she already knew of her father’s end game plan.
Azula: Zuzu, I love you, but couldn’t you have told me we were going to rebel against father sooner so I could have planned accordingly.
Just as there are loyalist to the Fire Lord there are also loyalist to the Princess as they see her as a more fit leader than the current ruler. And thus, that is how team Avatar was able to get a good portion of the fire nation army on their side.
Ba Sing Se has now been established as their main base with the entire city now having chosen the side of the Avatar.
At this point Azula still had Suki and the Kyoshi warriors held prisoner close by so she was able to bring them back without much fuss.
Azula: Er, sorry for imprisoning you and stuff. I just needed to save my stupid brother but we’re on your side now. Cool?
Suki: Only if I get to punch you in the face as hard as I can.
Azula: That seems fair.
Katara does NOT trust Azula and Zuko which is fine because Azula doesn’t trust her either but she knows they need to work together if they want to even have a slim chance of beating her father.
Katara: You might have everyone else here buying your ‘transformation,’ but you and I both know you’ve struggled with doing the right thing in the past. So, let me tell you something right now. You make one step backward, one slipup, give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang, and you won’t have to worry about your destiny anymore. Because I’ll make sure your destiny ends right then and there. Permanently!
Azula: Right back attcha bitch!
Toph and Azula get along swimmingly which both amuses and terrifies Zuko because one: he’s glad that his sister is finally making somewhat normal friends but two: those two together is just chaos incarnate
Ty Lee also really bonds with the Kyoshi warriors who teach her some of their fighting techniques in exchanged for her teaching them some chi blocking moves.
Suki and Mai start getting cozy with each other with Suki liking Mai’s skills and straightforward attitude and Mai admiring Suki’s confidence and bravery. It’s easy to talk with each other.
Sokka, at one point: Why the hell don’t we just send the girls out to defeat the Fire Nation? We’re all completely useless compared to them.
Also after a few month working together Zuko can now join his sister in her gay screaming
Azula: Did you seriously fall for that Water Tribe boy?
Zuko: You’re one to talk!
Azula: Hey! Ty Lee is an angel and we’re all lucky to have her!
Zuko: She once ate a whole bowl of fire flakes by herself and had to get her stomach pumped.
Azula: Look, what Fire Nation teen hasn’t done that at least once
Zuko: She did it THREE times!
Once the siblings and Co finally bond well enough with team Avatar tension lessens and their attitude go from: “uhg, I guess we have to work together or whatever” to “you are my friend now and I would die for you! I would literally commit murder if you asked me to, no questions asked”
Aang is baby and the Fire squad has now joined in the “Aang protection army” and in a similar fashion team Avatar have also learned that Ty Lee is baby and have now joined the “Ty Lee protection squad”. Even though Aang and Ty Lee are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves one cannot help but want to protect and care for the literal ray of sun shines.
Zuko and Sokka still have their epic rescue adventure to the boiling rock, with the extra help of their team. They sneak into the facility with disguises, Azula and her crew walk in like they own the place (news of her betrayal to the Fire Lord has yet to reach certain places), while the rest of team Avatar keep watch from afar just in case things start going south.
You know that scene where Zuko gets put in the freezer and when Sokka goes to let him out Zuko breathes out a breath of fire with a smirk? It was then and there that Sokka realized that his teeny tiny crush on Zuko might actually be a giant massive crush.
In this AU it is actually Azula that helps Katara track down the man that killed her mother because let’s face it, no matter what universe she’s in Azula will always be down to beat a bitch is ass.
This is the first time Azula has ever witness somebody blood bending and unlike most people that would usually freak out she was actually really impress and kind of turned on.
Azula: You know if I weren’t already madly in love with Ty Lee, I’d ask you to marry me in a heartbeat.
Katara: And I would accept that offer if only for the pleasure of rubbing it in your dad’s face
Azula: Why didn’t we become friends sooner?!?!
It is then the Little Sister alliance was formed in which they teamed up to poke fun at their bumbling brothers who keep awkwardly dancing around each other.
Their friendship can be summed up to: “I will kill you where you stand but also I respect you”
Okay, Imma just say this right now: Sokka is a fucking badass and even after getting taught how to fight by the Kyoshi warriors and the Fire sibling + Co. he reached a whole new level of badassery once he learned the ways of the sword by Master Piandao. Zuko’s little gay heart could only take so much and Sokka being all cool and collected while wielding a sword made the former Fire Prince short-circuit.
Zuko, in his tent, face down screaming into his pillow: Uhg, I can’t with this boy anymore!
Suki, rolling her eyes at her best friend’s melodramatics: Pull yourself together man.
Ty Lee, patting his head reassuringly: Don’t worry, you’ll get through this.
Azula, sipping tea beside him: This wouldn’t be happening if you just asked him out already.
Zuko: Don’t you fucking start with me hypocritical bitch!
Azula: *nervous gay drinking*
The day of the final battle Azula and Katara lead Hakoda’s army plus the Kyoshi Warriors to reclaim the fire nation capital while Aang, Zuko, Sokka, and Toph chased after the Fire Lord and his war ships.
The battle to take back the capital was brutal as there was still an entire army keeping guard with one of the Fire Lord’s generals acting as temporary leader. Unfortunately for them Azula still had a reputation of fear amongst the Fire Nation army and a lot of soldiers surrendered once they realized it was her leading the invasion and not the Avatar. Those that didn’t surrendered were defeated in battle because let’s be honest with a team this fierce there is no way in hell they couldn’t not win.
There’s also a scene where Azula is fighting off the general and a bunch of soldiers and it seems like she’s not gunna make it but she does, bloody and bruised but victorious. I imagen in that moment Ty Lee goes running up to Azula, jumps into her arms, and kisses her right then and there, while they’re still in the middle of battle. It’s super cool and romantic and it seemed to give Azula more energy than Sozin’s comet ever could as she seemed now ready to defeat god.
Azula: Y’all bitches be fucked now! I ain’t afraid to die but now that I gotta girlfriend I’m not going nowhere fuckers!
With Aang and his team it goes about the same as it did in the show; take down the ships, battle the Fire Lord, almost die, etc. That scene where Sokka thinks that Suki died on the aircraft is now replaced with Zuko almost dying then coming back to save their asses at the late minute. They too also kiss once they see that the other is unharmed while Toph rolls her eyes and gags at the sight.
Again, Aang does not kill the Fire Lord and instead takes away his fire bending powers before locking him in prison to rot. The fire siblings come by sometimes to annoy the shit out of him by flicking fire flakes at his head for target practice or psychologically torture him with excruciating detail of how they’ve been thoroughly fucked by their significate others in is bed and on his thrown.
Zuko: How’s it feel knowing that not only are both your kids gay but they’re also bottoms?
Ozai: *screams*
Azula: Ty Lee also fucked me atop your war room table :)
Ozai: *screams intensify*
In the end Zuko really doesn’t want to be Fire Lord so he happily passes that torch on to Azula who only agrees to take the job so long as Zuko becomes her second in command. Everyone is happy and with a lot of hard work throughout the years there is finally peace amongst the four nations.
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AHHHHH YOU ALWAYS KILL IT W SONG REQUESTS (as you do w everything else you write bc it’s all gold). may i pls ask for only memories remain by my morning jacket w cal if you could 🥺
Hi, love! Thanks for your patience while I finished up some schoolwork before I got this request!
CW/TW: Mentions of Death. 
Calum grunts as he pushes up off the floor, hands pressed into the mattress to help assist him. It’s less his back and more of his knees that are not pleased with him. But he does this every so often, kneels on the floor on your side of the bed and digs out that shoebox full of pictures, your engagement band. He made sure that you kept the wedding ring itself. He wanted you to take that with you. 
He should probably stop calling it your side of the bed--your scent hasn’t grazed that pillow in nearly three years. The nightstand is missing your mug in the mornings and your glasses that you always forgot where you put them down. Even if you did remember to hook them around your neck, the second you pulled the glasses down you’d forget instantly where you put them. And Calum wouldn’t be laughing at that, but sometimes he’s not sure how you got around in the world. You always told him glasses weren’t important; they were replaceable if you somehow managed to lose them for good. The only things you didn’t forget were the important things. 
And it’s true. You remembered birthdays, anniversaries, just how the kids liked their plates arranged when they were younger and how a kiss to the back of Calum’s neck would always make his shiver spine. You remembered all the quirks to the dogs and you’d remembered songs from decades ago like they were still new to the radio. 
Settling onto the edge of the bed, Calum pulls up the top to box and right on top is the letter you wrote to him while he was on tour, all those years ago. He had saved it, doing his best to preserve it in your handwriting but he had typed up and saved another draft of it, so he’d never forget it. 
 Dear Calum, 
You might think I’m crazy. But I can hear the laughter in the walls--the sound of you laughing at all my purposefully bad dance moves and I can hear the kisses you give to top of Duke’s head. And I know the house is empty except for me and Duke. I know you are miles away. I know you are dazzling thousands every night. But if only they could hear what I hear in the walls. Your bass occasionally thumping the pictures frames and the shrieks when we fail at some new recipe and resign to take out. If only they could hear, the sound of you when you’re murmuring gently in your sleep or the snores that keep me up some nights. If only they could hear the whispers we don’t want to give power too, the anxiety that sometimes build, but knowing that the two of us can confide in each other. 
If only I could capture what I hear just below that too, and send that to you as well. If only I had a way to let you hear what I hear. If I could tell you sometimes I hear a baby’s laughter, or the bickering of sibling. If only I could tell you about the years I hear waiting for us in this house, maybe other one--a place bigger for the dogs and kids. I can hear the splash of our pool with kids from the neighborhood. 
I don’t know if you hear that too in the house when I’ve gone for a conference or even if you imagine it when I’m just in the next room. I know I do with you. Even if you’re just outside with your trainer, I can hear the house whispering for more. And I could totally be projecting on some poor house, that doesn’t ever have wants or desires, just an existence that which is it content with, but there is something happening, something that I want to let you know about. It hasn’t been easy for ys, but it’s always been worth it. I know our options around children may be a little tough, but I think it’ll be worth it. 
I could easily call you, I could easily text you all things. But, no, I must write it down, as some way of working through my own thoughts. I hope I don’t sound crazy. 
Though I can hear it now, you tsking at me with a shake of your head and a single raised digit--I am never crazy, just always thinking. Just always working through the thoughts that run faster than me. 
I hope you’re well. I hope the tour’s going well and you’re sleeping good at night. Have you tried that lavender like I told you about? Duke’s well, in case you’re wondering. He did well at his checkup today, just sleeping a lot still. Vet says it’s normal for a dog his age. But when he does get a good burst of energy he’s happy to trot around the backyard or around the block. He’s still eating well, so don’t fret about that. Your old man’s still kicking it. He told me to tell you, he’s not going down anytime soon. He’s just taking it easy. 
The weather is LA is turning for a bit. We’ve had some clouds for the last few days. But it’s been nice. You’d be displeased, needing that sun. But soon, you’ll be back home--see your mom and dad and be able to get that Australian sun. 
Love you, Calum. To the ends of the earth, back again, and beyond. 
Yours truly, 
Dearly Beloved. 
He’s not sure when calling you his dearly beloved became a thing. You’d remember. You’d remember to the exact date, time, and happenings. But Calum can’t seem to remember that kind of stuff. He just remembers watching you run after the kids as they shrieked about bath time and how you like kisses right on the back of your ears. 
It’s a strange thing, to remember that, remember all the times he could sneak up behind you to kiss the back of your ear and watch you jump in the shock contrasted to the way you felt cool in his hands as he turned your head one last time to kiss the beloved spot and the way dead weight is actually much heavier, the way it took so much more effort to place your head back upright than it ever took to gently cup your chin and instantly you’d turn to him, with a smile on your face. 
Calum places the letter to the side and finds your favorite old t-shirt--it was hardly a t-shirt anymore. The hole in the armpit was spreading just a little but it held the name of your old university and you wore it for everything from weeding the garden to painting the bedrooms, to gutting the kitchen during the remodel. 
Calum bought exact matching t-shirts and made small decor pillows for the kids, sprayed your signature scent onto them so they could sleep easier at night. But they still curled up in bed with him, hugging their pillows, faces buried into the pillows on your side of the bed. He’d rather them take the last of your scent--he’s happier that they got those moments. 
“Pops, I don’t understand this math question,” Trey states poking his head into the bedroom. 
Calum snaps his attention up from the box and nods. “Coming. Algebra, right?”
“Yeah,” he nods, leaning into the molding. It’s crazy to look at him now, how he’s almost surpassed Calum in height. At fifteen, Calum thought he’d surely still have a few inches maybe a foot over him. Calum remembers when Trey found out he had officially been adopted but the two of you. He was six and cried more than Calum or you did--though the margin was probably still pretty close. It couldn’t have been nine years already. 
“Do-do you have their glasses?” Trey asks quietly. “Today’s been hard. And I feel silly with a pillow in my lap as I do homework.”
Calum walks over, box in hand. “I kept a lot of their smaller things. Whatever you need--it’s always in this box.”
Trey pulls your glasses from the pile, noticing other letters and pictures scattered about in the box. He spies the college t-shirt but just next to it is a picture of you and Trey. He’s in your lap, giant headphones over his ears. “Is that from the first show I went too of yours?”
Calum only briefly catches a glance at the photo before Trey’s fully plucked it from the box. “I think so.”
Trey immediately places the glasses back into the box but holds onto the picture. “Thanks.”
“Of course.”
“So, do you happen to remember anything from Algebra?”
Calum laughs at the tease and put the box down on the dresser before following behind Trey to the living room. Brandy sits at the coffee table, her stack of color pages and pencils spread out. Calum did his best to keep her doing art. It was hard after you first died.  But slowly over the years, she’s gotten back into it. “You all good?” 
She nods. “All good in the Hood.” She got the phrase from you and here Calum was, with Brandy at ten, and he was sure she would never let the phrase die. 
Calum stops just for a moment to kiss the top of her head and then carries on to the dinning room table. “Okay, so I know I’m not a math whizz like them. But your old man still knows a thing or two about a thing or two,” he returns to Trey’e earlier quip. “Now let’s see what new math magic they have you all working in.”
Trey laughs, slipping the tiny photo of him into the back of his phone case so it shows out to the world. “You calling it magic does not make me feel better.”
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S/O Surprises them at a game they said they couldn’t be at headcanons (Tanaka, Hinata, Bokuto) Part 2
Fandom: Haikyuu!
Written by: Sprout
Request: How would Suga, Tanaka, Bokuto, Kuroo, Daichi and Hinata react to their S/O surprising them by showing up to a game that they had previously said they couldn't make it to? - @myheroesaretired
Warnings: hinata’s may be kind of angsty. spoilers up to season 3
Author’s Note: This is my first piece of writing for Haikyuu, and my first shot at headcanons! If you have any critique I would love to hear it!:) Terra did a great job on her half, and I’m glad it’s getting the recognition she deserves! Requests are open, so please take a look at our rules and send something in!
read part one here (Daichi, Sugawara, Kuroo)
Tanaka Ryūnosuke
It had been the second day of the Miyagi Prefectural Qualifiers.
After their victory against Johzenji High the day prior, Tanaka was on a high. The ‘rip your shirt off and wave it through the air’ kind of high. 
(also the ‘i got to make out with my s/o after winning two games in a row’ kind of high)
You had told him (in between the victory smooches, of course) that you couldn’t make the matches the next day due to your own team.
You were on Karasuno’s soccer team, and due to you having your own tournament coming up, the coach is making you all throw in extra practice.
But you’d be checking the live coverage as often as you could.
He pouted, but eventually relented. He couldn’t help but be a little sad about it, though.
Which would mention why he seemed to be a bit off his game.
Not only were they close to having their fated rematch with Aoba Johsai, but his good luck charm is also absent.
He knew you were watching from work when you could manage it, which made him feel a little better, but it wasn’t the same as physically seeing you cheer him on in the stands.
Hinata and Nishinoya took it upon themselves to make kissing faces towards him on the bus.
Cue Tanaka glaring at them with a sharp frown.
“We’re just trying to make you feel better!”
(they were not. they both got punched once the team arrived at the gymnasium.)
(which then resulted in a stare from Daichi, immediately making Tanaka back off)
What can he say? The captain is scary when he’s angry.
The match against Wakutani South didn’t start out great, for Tanaka at least.
Though seeing Hinata get amped because a powerhouse school took notice in him had the same effect on his teammates. 
He found himself continuously looking up at the stands between plays, used to seeing your goofy faces and hearing your loud cheers.
And when the match began to get more tense, he started to lose his cool.
It’s no wonder that he ended up running into Daichi and causing the team to lose their captain for the match. 
When they ended up bringing in Ennoshita to take his place, none of his team would hear his apology. 
“We’re just glad you didn’t get hurt!” Asahi’s sincere honesty made Tanaka tear up. His determination to do right by his team lit the fire back into his eyes.
It only got brighter when Nishinoya pointed to the stands.
There you stood, right next to his sister, out of breath and still in your uniform. A large smile on your face and slight worry hidden your eyes. 
“YOU’VE GOT THIS, BABE!” your shout echoed throughout the gymnasium, causing players and spectators alike to stare up at you with curiosity. 
You hid behind Saeko, making her cackle.
Tanaka, with a fierce blush on his cheeks, shouted at the top of his lungs in return.
“LET’S DO THIS!” His teammates shouted along with him, glad he was starting to get back to normal.
It wasn’t an easy match, but the team ended up winning in the end. Daichi was incredibly proud of them, and soon enough they would be heading towards their rematch with Seijoh.
As soon as he exited the gym, he got tackled by you.
“You absolute dumbass. I’m glad you’re okay.” You met him with a kiss, to which he immediately responded back. 
“I thought you had practice?” His grin was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile in return.
“Coach let us all leave early! Shocking, I know. But apparently we’re showing promise and deserve a break.” The two of you stood close, arms wrapped around each other. “Now, time to get revenge on those Aoba Johsai brats!” 
He nodded, a determined glint returning to his eyes.
Nishinoya and Hinata took this moment to start making kissing faces at him once again, ignoring Sugawara’s ranting.
Tanaka laid a kiss on your forehead, winking as he ran off to chase his teammates. 
You laughed as you heard Hinata’s high pitched scream, signalling that Tanaka had caught him.
Hinata Shōyō
You had met Hinata in middle school, though you didn’t start dating until the summer before the both of you started at Karasuno.
You were in the art club, which met after school. When walking to your bike to make your way home, a burst of orange entered your vision at a startling speed.
“Hey! You’re in my class, right? Will you set for me?” His hopeful smile seemed to brighten the darkening sky, forcing you to turn away in a shy manner.
“I don’t really know how..”
“It’s easy! You just toss it up and then hit it with your hands!” A moment of silence passed between the two of you, and soon you saw his feet turn, as if he was going to leave.
A dejected sigh left his lips. “Sorry for bothering you.”
Your face shot up, and soon you found yourself reaching out for him. 
“Wait! I- I can do it!” He turned back towards you in shock. “You’ll just have to show me how. No promises on how good it’ll be, though..”
His gleeful laugh rang in your ears, “I’m sure you’ll do great!” He ran back to meet you, having you set your bag near your bike. “Now, just position your hands like this..”
From that moment on, the two of you were as close as can be. You met every afternoon, sending the volleyball his way and watching in awe as he jumped to heights you didn’t think were possible.
When the two of you had started at Karasuno, he had tried to get you to sign up for a manager position on the volleyball team- but art took up too much of your time. 
“You have your dream, and I have mine. We’re still going to spend a lot of time together! But I can’t follow you everywhere forever, you know?”
Though you still came to practices whenever you could, helping Kiyoko if you had the time.
Learning that their underclassman had an s/o before them shocked Tanaka and Nishinoya to their core.
You and Hinata would just laugh at their antics. 
When Hinata had told you about the Interhigh tournament, you felt awful. 
Of course, it had to be scheduled on the same day as your art showing. 
The two of you met for meat buns the day before and walked through the town until you absolutely had to head back home.
He felt bad that he couldn’t make it to your showing, and you felt bad for not being able to make it to his games. But the little date the night before helped calm both of your nerves. 
You kissed his cheek when he had walked you home, wishing him good luck.
He blushed in return, hugging you and wishing you the same.
The Art Show went well! You had sold all of your works fairly quickly, and after you had done a courtesy run through the hall, checking out your classmates' work and sending them praise, your teacher allowed you to leave.
Checking your phone for the first time since you had arrived at the showing, you realized that the team had made it the third round of the tournament and would be facing Aoba Johsai right about now. You sent Hinata a text, telling him that you were on your way. He didn’t respond so you figured that the match had already started.
You had never really had much of a chance to come to his games, as he hasn’t played in many yet, so the fact that you weren’t there didn’t throw Hinata off too much.
Seijoh was a tough opponent, and he knew he had to remain focused for his team. It wasn’t easy, though.
Each team had won one set, and this was the deciding match between the two schools. They had been at match point for a while, and neither team was backing down anytime soon.
You, meanwhile, had just rushed into the gym, standing near the entrance to watch the rest of the match. Your fingers were crossed, and all you could do was hope that the team could pull through these last few points and take the match.
Alas, some things were not meant to be.
Your heart raced as Kageyama and Hinata prepared their special quick attack, and you let yourself relax just a bit, thinking they were safe.
How could you have known that they were going to be able to block it?
The world seemed to go numb as the ball hit the court, and Seijoh’s victory cries were dull as you took in Hinata’s face. Upset. Broken. If you knew your partner, and you did, he was beating himself up right now. 
Tears streamed down your face in the following moments, and you hurriedly wiped at your cheeks during the thank yous and final moments of the match. 
As soon as Hinata walked off the court, you tackled him in a hug.
He froze for a moment, before clinging onto you with all his might.
“I just wanted to stay on the court and keep playing.”
“I know. You did your best.”
Bokuto Kōtarō
You were one of the manager’s for Fukurodani’s Male Volleyball Team.
Every year, you looked forward to the Tokyo training camp. It was great for you to see the interactions between Bokuto and Kuroo. 
However, this year, your parents had decided to plan a visit to your family in America. Meaning that you would have to miss out on the camp, unfortunately.
Bokuto tried to convince you just to stay home. You were old enough to take care of yourself for a week, after all. He didn’t want you to miss out on their last one.
But he also understood that it had been years since you had seen this side of your family, and he didn’t want you to miss that either.
In the end, your parents and yourself made a deal. You would leave two days early so you could at least be there on the last day or so. 
Bokuto was still sad that you’d be gone for a bit, but he was happy that you were coming back earlier than usual.
He made sure to send you off with some of your favorite snacks.
“I was going to get them… but I forgot so Akaashi bought them!” Cue the biggest smile from your favorite himbo and an amused eyeroll from yourself.
You made sure to text Akaashi ‘thank you’.
The time spent in America was fun. You hung out with your cousins practically the whole time, happy to see them after so many years of being apart. They introduced you to their friends, showed you all the best places to go to in their area. All in all, it was a great experience that you wouldn’t have traded with the world.
Even though you two were in completely separate time zones, you still found the time to send memes back and forth. Through discord, of course. Neither you or Bokuto could afford to pay for those outrageous international fees.
Before you knew it, it was time to head to the airport and take your flight home. Your parents were worrywarts, and made you get there five hours before your flight. Anxious of being late.
It was a miracle in disguise, you soon realized. They had overbooked your flight home, and since you had gotten there so early, the staff asked if you’d be willing to take an earlier flight.
You jumped at the opportunity, eager to get back to Japan and your boyfriend.
The flights back were a bit rough, and you were jetlagged, but you immediately took the train to Shinzen to meet with your team. 
As soon as you got there, you received odd looks from various students and coaches alike. Your ragged look from being on such a long flight didn’t help. 
You entered the gym and found your place by the coach, who greeted you in surprise. 
Looking onto the court, you made eye contact with Akaashi. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders forward, pointing towards your boyfriend.
You couldn’t help but sigh in return as you took a glance at Bokuto. He had went into ‘emo mode’. The only thing to help at this point was to get him to make another spike. Luckily for everyone on the team, that was Akaashi’s speciality. 
Soon enough, Bokuto had spiked the ball onto the opposing team’s side of the court. He immediately cheered up. 
“HEY, HEY, HEY!” His arms shot up as he did a little dance. His younger teammates shouted back at him half-assed and disinterested, making you laugh.
At the sound of your chuckle, Bokuto turned to see you, happiness clear in his eyes as he shouted once more.
“I thought you didn’t get in until later, babe!” 
“I had to make it back to see Akaashi take the win for us!” 
He deflated a bit at that, and both you and Akaashi laughed at him. His frown turned into a mischievous smile, and you paled at the sight.
Knowing he was about to tickle you, you squealed and ran out of the gym with him hot on your trail.
“Take it back!” 
You ended up taking it back, with him sitting on your stomach, tickling you until you relented.
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Dream Come True
Colin Shea x O/C Corinne MacAdam
Multi-Chapter Story - Complete
Summary: Colin Shea and his band Rock the Cradle are finally making it big - until something unexpected happens. When he meets a girl that makes him reconsider his player ways, he thinks his life may be coming together, until she blows it apart.
Warning: Bad language, smut, suicidal ideations - no one under 18, please
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please do not read if you are underage. I do not own the character of Colin Shea; the rest are my original characters. By reading beyond this point, you understand the disclaimers as posted.
Chapter Seven
Cori and Seth fell into a very comfortable rhythm, meeting for dinner, going for walks, catching an art exhibit, getting coffee. He was great company and she felt truly at ease with him.
Her job was starting to pick up. Ms. Robbins was ready to start entertaining. Cori found a confidence she didn’t have when she started, and she credited it to her rebirth – new place, new job, new boyfriend. She felt better about herself than she had in months.
In the meantime, Colin’s life was about the same. Lots of gigs with the band, lots of girls, but the one he wanted was out of reach. He and Cori had spent a few evenings together, a couple of times on the rooftop when he was writing songs. She’d giggled at some of his lyrics until he got them straightened out. The problem was, all she wanted to talk about was Seth. He was amazing. He was great. He was outstanding. He was smart. Colin hated him. He was everything Colin wasn’t or ever would be. He was established and well educated and a grown up, all the things that Colin wasn’t.
One evening when she’d invited him for pizza, they watched the Red Sox game on TV and started talking about when they were in high school. Then Cori shared a couple of college stories, but her mood took a turn and she wasn’t so talkative.
“Ok Debbie Downer, what just happened? I was telling you about how I got taped to the top of a flagpole for high school football initiation and then suddenly, you tell me about college and you’re quiet. What’s up?”
She looked so cute tonight. She had on jean cut-offs and a pink sleeveless button up blouse that tied at the bottom, cut low to show the swell of her breasts and with just enough skin visible around the waist that Colin had to shift a couple of times to get comfy on the couch. Her hair was pulled back with a few tendrils hanging down. She had a smattering of freckles across her nose from being in the sun and her eyes were particularly gorgeous. He kept looking at her from the top of her head to the sweet pink toenails on her bare feet and each time, his breath would hitch in his throat.
“I told you about my fiancée, right?”
“Yeah,” he said sadly.
“Well I started seeing him my senior year of high school and we stayed together during college, even though we went to different schools.”
Colin took a swig of beer. “I think I know where this is going,” he said.
“Yeah. He cheated on me. Of course I thought it was the end of the world, except I didn’t even know what that was yet.”
“That’s tough,” said Colin and she let out a laugh.
“Colin. Seriously. For you, it’s incomprehensible. I know you probably think it was stupid that we even tried to stay together.”
He looked a little hurt. “Hey, I respect people that want a relationship. I think it’s hard at that age, with all that temptation, but I know it can be done. Would it be my choice? Hell no. But it meant something to you. So what happened?”
“I was pretty devastated, but he was very remorseful. He came all the way to see me at my school and apologized profusely. He told me it would never happen again. It took a while but I took him back and eventually, I trusted him again.”
“You must have felt like he was worth giving another chance,” he said.
She sighed. “I thought he was, the best. When we graduated, we got engaged. I could see all of it – the wedding, the house with the white picket fence with kids running around. He and I were so compatible.” Her voice dropped off at the end.
He hesitated. “Do you want to talk about the rest? You don’t have to –“
“No, it’s ok. We had our rehearsal dinner at the hotel where we were getting married on Friday night. We parted for the night and wouldn’t see each other until I walked down the aisle. As I was leaving the bar, I noticed he’d left his credit card. I took it up to his room, excited that we’d get one more kiss. I was so stupid.” She felt the tears coming.
He could see it too. He moved toward the couch to try and get closer to her. “It’s ok,” he said softly. “We can stop.”
“No,” she said a little sob escaping. She took a deep breath and sighed. “I caught him in bed my very best friend. And when everything was said and done, he’d had girls all along. He’d never been faithful to me, not even in high school.” She wiped a tear away from her eye.
He was suddenly overwhelmed by feelings – rage at this guy for hurting her, sadness because she was sad, protectiveness because he didn’t want her to hurt anymore. Her tears truly broke his heart. He knelt down in front of her chair and started to put his arms around her, until there was a knock at the door.
“Great,” she muttered, wiping her eyes. She stood up and made her way to the door, gathering herself as she went. She looked through the peephole and let out a little squeal, opening the door. “Seth! You said you wouldn’t be back until tomorrow!”
He swept her up in a hug, lifting her off the ground, then planted a soft kiss to her lips. “I got an earlier flight. I didn’t want to be away from you a second longer than I had to be.” He kissed her again, this time more deeply and urgently.
Colin suddenly felt incredibly conspicuous. He stood up, dropping his beer bottle in the trash can. Seth eyed him over Cori’s shoulder.
“Hey Seth,” he said with a half smile.
“Colin, hey,” he said.
“Well, I’m gonna get out of here so you two can enjoy the night.” Colin stepped around them and walked out the door as Seth lifted Cori again, kissing her as he shut the door behind them. He stood there for just a second. It was jealousy this time, but there was something else – longing, maybe. He was really smitten with her. In fact, if he was really honest, he was falling in love with her.
This was dangerous territory. Time to take evasive action. He ducked into his apartment and changed, then headed to the bar down the block. Time to find a companion for the night, to make him forget that he wasn’t going to be with the girl he really wanted.
“Colin, you guys have to do this.” Cori was pacing around her apartment, talking with her hands, full of energy.
“I don’t know. It’s not what we normally do.”
“It’s a great way to get your name out to people who wouldn’t normally go to Rap’s or some of the other places you play. And it’s really good money.”
He was leaning against her kitchen counter, beer bottle in hand, the other rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, but this is different. This is a big, stuffy old people event.”
She leveled him with a look. “It is not,” she said. “My job is to broaden the net for her fundraising. She has plenty of big stuffy events for old people. She has to widen her demographic. She says if they’re having fun, they’ll donate. I know lots of young people feel like they are a charity, but it’s my job to bring them in so we can teach them about our foundation.”
He shook his head and sighed. “I don’t make any decisions for the band, we do it as a group. I’ll ask them.”
“Make sure you tell them how much she’s paying,” she said with a smile.
“That’s what worries me. I know they’ll say yes.”
“Why is that so awful?”
“It’s not awful, it’s just – I don’t know, I never pictured us being that kind of band.”
“The kind that makes money?”
He shot her a look. “No,” he said forcefully, “a band that kind of sells out and plays just stuffy events.”
She crossed her arms and gave him an angry look. “Colin. Are you crazy? The biggest names in music play private events all the time. One of the attorneys at Seth’s firm just paid huge money for Maroon 5 to play his daughter’s 16th birthday party. You think Adam Levine was like, ‘oh man, I’m compromising my principles.’ No, he took the money and probably even said thank you.”
He smiled a little, he knew when he was beaten. “Fine. Give me all the details and I’ll talk to them at practice.”
“Great!” she squealed. “You guys are so hot right now, getting you at an exclusive event will be huge. And the venue is so awesome. I promise we’ll take good care of all of you.”
He smiled, trying to hide the fact he’d love to work with her. “Oh, hey, I meant to tell you – Rap’s is closing early Wednesday for an employee appreciation and we’re going to play a set. I thought you might want to come, it won’t be so crowded and crazy.”
“Mm,” she said, taking a sip from her water bottle. “Thanks, let me check with Seth and I’ll let you know.”
“Oh, the invite is just for you. Since it’s employee appreciation, they told us we could each ask one person.”
“Wow,” she said, “I’m your plus one? I’m moving up in the world!”
“Damn right,” he said confidently and they both laughed.
“Alright, count me in. I’d love to come.”
He felt a swell of excitement – he loved every minute he spent with her. He was lucky her boyfriend didn’t mind him hanging around as much as he did. Some guys would get all possessive, but Seth seemed fine with it. Thank goodness.
“Alright, I’m out of here. And thanks for including us in the benefit. I don’t think I even bothered to thank you before I went full diva.”
She laughed, a sound he had come to love. “Well, if you’d said no, it was on to U2. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind being sloppy seconds to Rock the Cradle.”
He grabbed his left pec, laughing heartily. “Bono should be so lucky.”
For just a second, he had an impulse to kiss her. She looked so good, he loved that he made her smile so much. But he stopped himself – he had to do this right or he’d blow it.
“Ok, see ya later gator.”
“Bye,” she said seeing him out the door. As she closed it, she thought how crazy it was that she’d ever been interested in him. She’d always have a thing for him, but he’d never see her the way he saw the swarms of girls that were all over him at a gig, or the ones that nuzzled up to him at parties or the ones that were lucky enough to enjoy a sunrise with him. He’d always be out of reach for her. She was lucky that Seth had come along when he did or she’d spend a lot of nights staring through the peephole, wishing she was with 6A.
On Wednesday, she worked a little late so she went straight from work to Rap’s. The doors were locked and a guy was posted with a guest list. He opened up, saw her name on the list and let her in. He directed her to the green room where the band was prepping.
She came to the door and knocked softly. “The groupies are here!” someone shouted from inside and they all hooped and cheered. The door was opened by a guy she recognized as the drummer. She shoved her hand at him. “Oh man, it’s just Cori.”
She giggled. “Sorry to disappoint you!”
“If you’re looking for Colin, he’s in the bathroom squeezing into his leather pants. He’ll be out in a minute.”
She laughed as he led her to a table with some food and drinks.
“Help yourself,” he said.
“Thanks!” She grabbed some veggies and fruit and a bottle of water and found a chair by Kevin. The other guys were coming and going, getting ready.
“So,” she said, “is it good to be back at it and so busy?”
“Yeah,” he said. “There was a time I wondered if we’d get back but we did.”
“Yeah, Colin told me,” she said.
He looked surprised. “Wow, he must really like you. He never really said much to anyone. I just wish I could find out what really happened with him. Something he just doesn’t want to talk about.”
Cori knew he thought she knew more than she did, so she played along. “Yeah, just crazy. Thank goodness he was ok.”
“Oh yeah, he took a really hard hit. I was terrified. I thought, here we were playing hoops like we always do, and in just a second, he was flat on his back not breathing. Leave it to Colin’s dumb ass to die while he’s showing off a killer dunk.”
Cori’s breath caught in her throat. She tried not to show her surprise.
“We were lucky someone knew CPR. He was so upset we missed the meeting with the record company. Between recovering from being hurt, having a horrible concussion and missing out on that opportunity, he was so down. Colin is never down, but he was almost too far to reach.”
For a second she felt guilty – she’d wondered if it was drug or alcohol related. How could she have thought that about him?
“Good news is here we are, back in the swing. I hear you got us a high-end gig.”
“What? Oh yes, did you all discuss?”
Kevin let out a laugh. “There’s nothing to discuss! It’s great money and exposure, we’re doing it.”
“Oh good! I’m so glad,” she said, still reeling inside about what Kevin had told her. Just then, her golden rock god emerged from the bathroom. He was truly born to front a rock band. When he saw her, he broke into the most beautiful smile. She felt that pull of desire in her belly, but tried to look as normal as possible.
“You made it,” he said.
“Of course!”
Someone stuck their head in the door behind him – “five minutes.”
“That’s my cue. Have a great show, break a leg or whatever you say to a band.” She giggled.
“Thanks Cori.”
She made her way to her seat and sat through an incredible set. All the bar’s employees were having a ball, dancing in front of the stage and partying. She nursed a drink and spent her time watching him. He was so beautiful. He had a good voice, not the greatest but no one would ever notice because his stage presence was incredible. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand.
When it ended and the lights came up, the crowd swarmed the stage. The band’s guests emptied out of their tables and climbed up, hugging their significant others and chatting with the crowd. Just as Cori was about to walk towards the stage, a tall, dark haired girl strode in. Cori stopped and looked at her. She was breathtakingly gorgeous. Long legs in a short skirt, crop top that showed off her tanned skin, her hair perfect, large gold earrings dangling from her ears. She had on designer high heels and as she walked by, Cori caught a whiff of what she was sure was expensive perfume. She walked right up to the stage and looked at Colin, and he froze for a second, then reached down for her hand and pulled her up. She wound her arms around his neck, leaning in to say something to him and then laid a kiss on him that was pure fire.
Cori suddenly felt out of place and was grateful she had a clear shot at the door. She left quietly, no one any the wiser. She walked the few blocks home, locked the door and went in to prep for bed. She looked at herself in the mirror. She’d come straight from work so her cardigan and skirt weren’t cool at all. She looked frumpy compared to the glamour that Colin was kissing on stage. Her phone rang.
“Hey baby,” she said to Seth.
“Hey, you’re home.”
“Yeah, I left soon as the band finished.”
“I figured they’d have a big party after.”
She thought about the great time Colin was having with the gorgeous girl. “Nope, no party, just came home.”
“Aw, well I’m glad you’re home safe. We’re still on for Friday, right?”
“Yes! I’m so excited, I can’t believe you got us a table at Basile. You’re the best.”
“I fly in about 7 and I’ll head straight from the airport, should be there by 8 no problem.”
“Great, I can’t wait.”
They said their goodbyes and Cori pulled on a sleep shirt and crawled into bed. The last thing she thought about was her sexy rocker neighbor and how no matter how much she wanted him, she could never have him, not even a little of him.
Colin kept an eye on Cori as soon as the band finished. He wanted to sweep her up and spend the rest of the evening with her. When Claire suddenly appeared in front of the stage, he couldn’t believe it. She’d appeared just as instantly as she’d disappeared from his life. She was the one he thought might be for good, and he’d allowed himself to fall hard for her. Then, just like that, she was gone. He’d awoke one morning to find a note next to the bed. No explanation, just “Thanks,” and she was gone. Now, here she was again, and her timing was horrible. He looked up just in time to see Cori slip out the front door.
He stayed for the party, Claire catching him up on her travels and telling him she’d missed him and just had to see him. She saw on the internet that they were playing at Rap’s tonight and even though it was a private party, she talked her way in (she was used to always getting her way). He drank too much and took her back to his apartment. He didn’t know that across the hall, 6C couldn’t sleep and was up when she heard voices. She’d peered through the peephole at them, Colin’s hands all over Claire as he fumbled with the door, where they’d fallen into 6A and closed the door behind them. Knowing he was home safe, Cori crawled back in bed and finally fell asleep.
The next morning, Ms. Robbins had an early appointment and told her not to come in until 11. She’d made up for the sleep she lost the night before and was stepping out the door when Colin appeared at his door.
“Hey,” she said.
He hesitated, then “Hey.”
“You guys were great last night.”
“Thanks. Hey – I need a favor, a big one. Can I come over?”
She looked at her watch. “Sure, I’m going in late today, I have plenty of time.”
He walked into her apartment clad in only his boxers and laid down on the couch, arm behind his head.
“What are you doing?” she said with a laugh.
“On what?”
“For Claire to leave.”
Cori looked perplexed. “Wait – why don’t you just ask her to leave?”
“She’s not awake yet.” He said all of this as if it was perfectly normal.
“So wake her up.”
“Well, we were up pretty late, I wanted to let her sleep. But I don’t want to be there, I just want her to go.”
She thought about this for a minute. “Why?”
He sat up on the couch and pulled a throw pillow over his crotch, resting his arms on it. “Remember when I told you there was one girl I thought was the one?”
“That’s her.”
Cori raised her eyebrows. “I understand. She’s stunning.”
“Yeah, and she knows it,” he grumbled. “She’s the worst. The whole time we were together last night, all I could think was how she’d unceremoniously dumped me, never called or texted, then just showed up last night. Like everything was fine.”
She sat down on the chair. “A normal person would’ve said, ‘hey Claire, I was really disappointed in how it ended and I don’t want to be with you anymore.’”
He thought about that for a minute. “I mean, maybe. That never entered my mind. She looked really good last night and we had a few beers, probably too many. But that’s it, I’m done.”
Cori shook her head, processing all he’d said. “So let me get this straight. You really, really liked her, she broke your heart and dumped you on your ass, you don’t hear from her for a long time, she shows up out of nowhere and now you want her to disappear without saying a word to her.”
“Yep,” he said, popping the ‘p’.
“But she was ok to fuck last night.”
Colin flinched at the words. He’d never heard Cori use any language like that. “Jeez Cori, where did that come from?”
“It came from someone that got dumped by an asshole who also wanted to come back – again – but I had enough dignity to tell him to go fuck himself instead of setting myself up again.” She could feel the color rise in her face.
“Look,” said Colin, “I think these are two different situations. I never thought about marrying her or anything, I just really liked her.”
“So that’s what ‘the one’ means to you? Someone worth fucking more than once?” Cori could feel her temper spiraling out of control, but she wasn’t completely sure why and she was flying without a net.
He looked down at the floor, then back at her. “I’m sorry if you’re offended –“
“I guess I’m offended that she treats you like shit, shows up out of nowhere, jumps on stage with you and you bring her home and can’t get enough of her. I saw you when you were trying to get in the door while you were attached to each other. So she’s worth another shag even though she treats you like shit and I’m not worth fucking at all. I can’t believe I’ve actually been comparing myself to these girls you sleep with. How stupid am I?”
He was speechless. What did she just say?
“Cori, hold on a minute –“
“No,” she said, standing up. “You need to go. Go across the hall and grow the fuck up. If you don’t want her there, tell her. I’m not letting you hide over here. I’m just another girl for you to use. I guess I should be happy, at least I get to see you once in a while. As soon as we sleep together, you’d disappear. I’m lucky that I have a mature boyfriend who respects women and doesn’t just see them as a good time. You’re no better than my ex.”
He swallowed slowly, not sure what to say. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She did have feelings for him. He didn’t think that was possible. How could she, she was way too good for him. On the down side, she was comparing him to the ex that cheated on her with her best friend. Not great.
“I mean it. Go. Get out of here. Just go.”
He stood up from the couch and hesitated in front of her.
“Go,” she said with venom in her voice. He did as she said.
Cori was so hot, she started fanning herself. Her fists were balled up and she was grinding her teeth. She looked at her watch and saw that she’d better head out or she’d be late. She made sure through the peephole that Colin wasn’t around and hurried out and down the stairs.
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: muse 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: miyoshi kazunari/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 3.1k words, 1 image
𝐚𝐧: got back to writing again~ how much kazu-speak is too much? sorry this took a while, but I finally got over my writer’s block!
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When your phone vibrates the exact minute your class ends, you know the text can only be sent by him. As the people around you begin to step outside the lecture hall, you find time to read your boyfriend’s message before heading out as well.
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With Kazunari being a year above you, in a different course more so, there were times during the week where the two of you could barely catch a glimpse of each other. Projects were beginning to pile up for both of you, and with his acting to consider you initially didn’t want to bother him, but…
Just as you picked up your bag, your phone lights up again.
Wah, where r u??? I mish u already beb 💓💕💞
Stifling a giggle, you send back a text before quickly shuffling out of the classroom.
Kazunari always made the effort to put time into your relationship and give you affection, regardless if it was eating together during mutual breaks in between classes or sending each other cute messages and memes on social media.
Of course as cute as his selfies were nothing could beat physically being beside him and hearing his voice in person, so who could blame you for picking up your pace and rushing to where you knew your boyfriend was.
He’s seated on a bench when you spot him, fiddling with his phone. Before you could call out to him whips his head to face you. Instantaneously his lips break into a smile and from the lift of your cheeks you know you’re the same.
“Heyho☆ You looking for someone?” Kazunari says as you approach him, a teasing grin settling on his face. “You look a little lost~”
“I’m here for Kazu, my boyfriend!” You reply, lifting your hand and placing it atop of his head. “He’s this tall, and… oh! Super handsome, too. Have you seen him?”
Holding back a laugh, his eyes dart from left to right before sighing. “Unfortunately, he’s nowhere to be found. Aw, but you look totes adorbs~♪ Should I steal you away from this Kazu guy? I’ll def sweep you off your feet☆”
Before you know it Kazunari pulls you into his arms, the spontaneity a surprising but warm feeling. You wrap your arms around him as well, smiling against his sweater as the two of you hug while swaying left and right.
“Alright, that’s enough, Casanova.” You say the moment the hug gets too tight, slowly escaping his embrace.
“I want more though~” He whines, reluctantly letting go of you. He didn’t actually look upset if the glimmer in his eyes was anything to go by. “Well, I needed your help with something anyway!”
Anticipation bubbles up within you, expecting a new piece he needed help with, or maybe something for you to critique. After all, your admiration for his work was one of the reasons the two of you had gotten so close in the first place.
“I’ll do my best, Kazu-senpai!” You beam at him, throwing in the honorific to potentially catch him off-guard. Needless to say, it worked splendidly.
“Senpai?! You haven’t called me that in forever!” Kazunari was buzzing with excitement, grabbing one of your hands to swing it around. “Ahhhh- it was so, so cute every time you called me that! I was like, OMG—”
You roll your eyes. “I know, you’ve said that how many times?” Nevertheless, every time he mentioned it the more fond you grew of him.
“Kazuuu,” you squeeze his hand “come on, we have something to do, right?”
Not letting go of your hand for even a moment he leads you along the hallway, eventually stopping outside one of the classrooms.
“So, like, you can totally say no if you want but I’d be hella happy if you helped me out with this.”
You frown slightly, a little befuddled on what kind of request he’d be asking of you. “Kazunari, you don’t have to beat around the bush. I’ll understand.”
Nodding and looking more sure of himself, Kazunari continues. “I’d like to paint you.”
You tilt your head in confusion. “Don’t you already do that without asking me? I’ve seen your sketchbook, I’m totally okay with it.”
“This is different. I need to submit a painting of something or someone that’s my muse, so I wanted you as my model,” he explains, silently watching your expression change as you grasp the whole situation.
Avoiding his gaze, you look away from Kazunari. “Muse? So- so that means inspiration, right?” You stammer slightly, imagining how frazzled you must look already. “Wait I’m- are you sure it should be me? I’m not really…” you trail off, unsure of what reason you were going to give at the end.
When he says your name you look back up at his face. “I’m being legit here, you inspire me more than you know. It won’t feel right to paint anything else when you were the first thing that popped into my mind.”
Your eyes widen at his serious declaration. It’s not everyday Kazunari gives you such a straightforward and earnest compliment to that degree. Despite your initial embarrassment, your heart swelled up with joy; watching his shoulder’s ease up made you realize that he was probably waiting for a reaction out of you. At this point, it was impossible for you to reject his request.
“If you’ll still have me, then you can paint me.”
Kazunari’s eyes light up again, expressive and sparkling, before opening the classroom door to lead you inside. “Thank you, and like obvi! Why wouldn’t I wanna show off my sunshine to the world! My baby! My go-“
You let out a huff of amusement as he continued to spurt out pet names for you. Looks like he was back to normal?
When he lets go of your hand you finally take the time to absorb the room. It was obvious it was an art-centric classroom, from the numerous easels, art supplies, and artsy clutter scattered around the room. You wouldn’t have noticed such a difference between this and the other “painter occupied” rooms if it wasn’t for the set-up right smack in the middle.
It made for a pretty picture- loads of white offset by its nature orientedness. A few potted plants (you weren’t sure if they were real or not) were strategically placed along the area. The white fabric was hung and draped atop what was probably a bunch of easels used as a base frame. Similar cloths were set on the floor, a pillow placed on top.
You have a good feeling, a hunch if you will, that you were meant to stay there; if that wasn’t enough proof, an easel with a blank canvas was positioned directly in front of the space.
“When’d you even get the time to set this up? Are we even allowed to be here?” You question, a little surprised how everything has already been prepared.
“Friends from the photography dept helped me out~ Plus I’m lowkey besties with the prof so it’s ayt as long as we clean up.” He replies, grabbing one of the spare fabrics on the table.
“Can you remove your jacket?” Kazunari steps closer to you; as soon as you unzip the garment and throw it aside he wraps the plain, white material around your shoulders like a makeshift shawl or blanket.
You know it’s for the portrait, but there was something domestic about the simple act that made your heart race. He stepped back, smiling at you and looking self-accomplished.
“Huhu I can’t- my baby’s so pretty? How is this possible? Like an angel, no, a deity!”
“My venus~ wahh, I need so many pics? Do I have enough space? Do I post on InstaBlam or-”
“Kazu!” You interrupt, your cheeks flaring up in embarrassment. It was literally a white drape! Still, it was always nice when he complimented you, no matter how extra he went about it, so you didn’t have the heart to complain— after a year, you knew he was always genuine with his praise to you.
“We should probably start with the painting, right? We don’t wanna stay too late.” Kazunari perks back up and you briefly watch him choose between paintbrushes before you sit down on the floor.
How do models figure this shit out? Where does your leg go? How do you angle your face? How much tilt was too much tilt? Even the way you sat down was suddenly making you conscious— should you sit cross-legged or on your heels? Legs stretched out or tucked in?
You fidget in place, picking at the stray threads of the cloth beneath you. Should you just let Kazunari do his magic and hope he somehow makes you look good? After watching him from the corner of your eye he drops his paintbrush back in the mug.
“Beb, the vibes are off. I was being legit when I said you looked good, but you look like you’re thinking too hard.”
“Sorry, I can’t figure out what pose works.”
He crouches down in front of you, quietly looking over your awkward form. His hands take action in moving your body, nudging the arm that laid limp on your lap to lay flat against the floor behind you. Then his palms are on your legs, positioning the left thigh atop the right so that your knees faced front and the soles of your feet faced the side.
‘Okay, don’t be weird about it’ you tell yourself, despite hyper-focusing on the ghosts of Kazunari’s fingertips barely seeping through your jeans as they settle on your chin, gently moving your head to the side and tilting it downwards.
Kazunari narrows his eyes, simply staring at your face without a word being uttered. A part of you almost wants him to break into his trendy-speak again if only to give you time to shake off your sudden bashfulness.
“We Gucci! You still look distracted though… oh! Can you think about something that makes you happy?”
Maybe it was because he suggested it, or maybe it was because he’s your boyfriend— either way, the first thing that popped into your mind was Kazunari.
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Settling into university was tough, but you had worked so hard to get accepted into Veludo Arts that you could look past the taxing work handed by the professors. Aside from the workload, you came to really enjoy studying here— you learned first hand how talented your peers were, and that motivated you to work harder.
During one of the campus’ exhibits your eyes were immediately drawn to the canvas with a Japanese painting style. Even from afar you could tell the artist was incredibly talented, but the closer you got the more you were able to see the tiny details and how purposeful every stroke was.
‘The devil truly is in the details’ you thought, looking at the exhibit label card beside the painting.
“Miyoshi Kazunari, 2nd-year student…” you read out loud, wondering if he had more works you could look at around the school.
“I heard my name just now~♪ Could it be, I have an admirer?” You immediately turn around to face a guy with blond hair and green eyes, keeping steady eye contact with you as he grinned.
Cute as he was, you might have totally ignored him if you hadn’t absorbed what he said.
“Hello, you’re Miyoshi-senpai, then?” You ask, trying to hide your disbelief at how he just popped up out of nowhere. Had you been staring at the painting that long that you lost awareness of your surroundings?
“The one and only~♪ You like the painting?”
Abandoning your bewilderment you immediately shifted into admiration mode. “Definitely! I thought the sparse use of colour was genius, particularly how certain parts of the painting got bolder colours than others. Not only that but the title! You think it’s literal at first, but it’s actually a double entendre! I also-“
Your rambling gets caught off by your new acquaintance chuckling, looking infinitely amused by you. You feel pinpricks on your cheeks, deliberating if you had gone too far with your praise or not.
“Kouhai, you’re so cute~♪ If you ever need help, just DM me, alrighty? I’ll always answer ya piko☆”
It had started out with you asking for his advice or to borrow materials, but somehow someway a couple of selfies and hundreds of DM stickers later the conversation shifted to topics unrelated to art.
You had eagerly begun looking forward to seeing the green circle beside his icon as he logged in to tell you about his day, whether it be something he did at Mankai or some crazy shenanigans with his friends.
Becoming close friends with Kazunari, to getting asked out by him, to dating him— you’d be lying if you said the past two years would be just as enjoyable if he wasn’t there to celebrate with you.
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The sound of your name made you escape your daydream, being met with the sight of the blond in front of you.
“Were you calling me for long?” You ask, smiling as he pets you on the head.
“Nah, but aside from some deets the painting’s done now!” Even though the easel was turned to you, you still stand up to take a closer look.
Leave it up to Kazunari to make a human look so… pure? Angelic? How’d he even make you look so good? It was almost as if he had put a dreamy filter over you. As expected, even though he said there was still work to do, the tiniest of details were present— from the creases of the fabric hung behind you to the slight discolourations of the monstera plant beside you.
However, easily the most impressive thing about the whole portrait was the look on your face. The slope of your eyelashes as they shaded your eyes— averted with a faraway look to them, as though enchanted by something unseen to the viewer. The corners of your lips lifted your cheeks, a closed smile holding onto words unspoken.
So that’s what you looked like in love.
“What were you thinking of here, my muse?” Kazunari breaks the silence, and when you turn to face him you notice he’s not looking at the painting. You don’t break the eye contact.
“Were you… musing about me?” He teases, though it’s a little lacking in spirit. You don’t fail to notice— neither the lower timbre of his voice nor the gentleness of his eyes escape you.
Even with all his eccentricities, you and Kazunari aren’t too dissimilar when it comes to love.
“Yeah, I was thinking about you.”
The look on his face was something you wish you could capture in a photo or painting yourself, a medley of unpreparedness, joy, and adoration. You can’t stop your small laughter when he literally clutches his chest.
“OMG my heart, I’m so? You’re so?” He takes hold of the cloth around your shoulders and pulls you closer until the only thing you can focus on is the brilliance of his green eyes. You could look only for a few seconds as he stretched his head forward and pressed his lips against yours.
The kiss was sweet and inviting, not unlike the first they shared months ago. Kazunari’s lips were warm and he tasted faintly of the candy he always liked to stock in his bag. After a moment, he brings both hands up to your cheekbones, cupping your face like he was savouring you.
Then he drops his chin, breaking off the kiss and pushing you away a fraction, so he could look into your eyes.
“Sorry,” he says with a small laugh, “Just can’t believe that expression was all for me, you know?”
You pout, poking his side. “And who else would I think about? I only have one boyfriend, Kazu.”
“Oh? Does that boyfriend happen to be a good kisser?” Kazunari asks playfully, his eyes crinkling with mirth, “I bet I’d be a better kisser~”
“Is that so?” You reply with a raised eyebrow, slowly erasing the distance until you were but a breath apart from touching. “Would you like to prove it?”
The intimacy of the moment was both strange and wonderful. You tilt your chin slightly and he immediately took it as the cue to lean in and kiss you again, drawing your lower lip between his with a light suction. If the first was gentle if not a little energetic, this time he kissed with an unexpected passion and confidence.
It was clear that missing each other plus the accumulation of little moments this afternoon led to this moment.
Kazunari traces one hand over your cheek, down your shoulder, back up again. His fingers come to rest at the back of your neck, sending a slight shiver down your spine, his thumb playing idly along your jaw as he works his mouth against yours and in the back of your head you realise the fabric on your shoulders had slipped some seconds ago. Eventually, you pull yourself closer, until you were flush against him.
Kazunari releases your mouth and starts kissing down your jawline. He presses his upper body over yours as he settles in to tease and nip at your earlobe, murmuring your name, the sensation against your ear making your whole body tingle.
You could only whimper in response as he attacks the outer shell of your ear, beginning to get overwhelmed by his warmth and his smell and you burrowed against his sweater, trying to lose yourself in all of it. At this point, you were just trying to steal as much of Kazunari’s loving warmth as you could.
You tighten your grip on his clothes when he grazes his teeth against your neck; then his lips were on yours again and you readily opened up to him, swirling your tongue against his.
When the need for air came desperately, you took to a slower pace until eventually coming to a halt, loosening the grip you had on him. You don’t immediately open your eyes, collapsing against chest once more to catch your breath. You only look back up when Kazunari lets out a loud snort that turned into a fit of laughter.
“I forgot we were still on campus for a sec,” He says, gently squeezing your forearms. You step backward, making yourself look presentable, though it serves a bit of a task without a mirror to guide you.
“We should probably clean up and leave.”
Kazunari lets out a thoughtful hum, and you can already see the grin creeping upon his lips. “Yeah, we def should… unless?”
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want to order again?
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artificialqueens · 4 years
No One Does It Like You, Chapter One (Rosé x Denali) - Strawberry
Denali spent her entire night thinking about quitting taekwondo all together, but no, she was so close to getting her black belt. She wasn’t a quitter, and she couldn’t when she was this close to achieving something this big just because she was going to have to deal with her enemy now.
OR, Denali isn’t so great at losing to pretty girls.
A/N: I posted this on AO3 yesterday and I’m going to be posting it over here too :-) I’m really excited about this story and I really hope you enjoy if you decide to read it!
If Denali loved one thing, it was martial arts. She had started doing taekwondo when she was fifteen, and she had completely fallen in love with it during the first week she tried it. She loved the energy, what it stood for and she adored her instructor and her classmates. Denali got through the ranks fairly quickly, and now, at seventeen, she was one rank away from getting her black belt.  
Along with attending her classes, they also held tournaments that anyone in the state can participate in. Denali’s studio held one when she was a yellow belt, and competing quickly became her favorite thing to do. She had attended a total of nine of them and she had never once placed lower than first place, which she was extremely proud of. Denali had nearly gotten to her black belt without getting a second or third place medal, and she would like to keep it that way.
This tournament she was attending today in particular was special for two reasons: First, this was the first one Denali would attend that was outside of her hometown, and second, she had convinced her best friend, Kahmora, to go with her. Kahmora wasn’t the best at sparring, but the two girls had been pretty much inseparable ever since Kahmora had joined Denali in the advanced class so it made sense for her to end up going.
Their division was one of the last ones to start, giving the girls a lot of free time to roam around and watch other competitions. Denali had to end up practically picking up Kahmora to carry her away from the intermediate boys division.
“I’m just watching so I know what to prepare for! I’ve never been to a tournament before!” Kahmora tries to defend herself as Denali sets her down.
“Yeah, sure you are. We need to go find our ring, we start in like, ten minutes.”
They got to their ring, and turns out, there wasn’t much competition. There were only two other girls, a red belt like Denali and a brown belt. This’ll be easy; Denali had beat Kahmora a handful of times when they would spar during class, and with only two other girls to compete against instead of the usual seven or eight, Denali was positive she’d end up leaving the building at the end of the day with a brand new first place medal for her collection.
“Are you two Miss. Foxx and Miss. Hall by chance? I’m Mrs. Oddly, I’m running this division.”
Kahmora answered for the both of them. “Yeah, we are!”
“Great! Sadly, we only have four girls competing, but since you’re all here, you guys can get into your sparring gear and we can start a few minutes early.”
Denali liked the sound of that. The girls started to get into their sparring gear, and Denali couldn’t help but to keep glancing at the other girl who had a red belt. She had curly, light pink hair that Denali thought looked like cotton candy and she had an equally gorgeous smile. Denali hoped she would be able to remember to ask the girl for her Instagram handle at the end of their division, because right now was not the time to be a useless lesbian.
“Let’s have Miss. Foxx and Miss. McCorkell go first.” Mrs. Oddly decided once the girls were decked out in their sparring gear. Denali and the girl with the pretty pink hair stepped forward, making their way to the front of the ring. They bowed and shook hands, Denali feeling butterflies in her stomach when they made contact.
Mrs. Oddly blew her whistle, indicating that the round had begun. Denali tried to pounce on her opponent and land a jumping front kick to her torso, her signature move, but the girl was too quick and had stepped back, blocking her foot. That move usually got her past opponents because of how sudden it was, but Denali wasn’t going to give up now that it had backfired. Her opponent threw a hook kick, and Denali blocked it, turning it into a knife hand strike.
The noise of Mrs. Oddly’s whistle rang through Denali’s ears, and she felt herself grin when she had pointed in Denali’s direction, meaning she had scored the first point.
You got this, Denali. Two more points and you win the round.
The second round begins, and Denali is able to block off Miss. McCorkell’s attempted blows. It was going well until Denali tried to throw a sidekick. Her opponent was able to dodge it and throw a hook kick to the blonde’s head. The whistle blew again, and Mrs. Oddly came to the decision that she had scored a point, now they were tied.
About a minute into the final round, Denali decided to try and do a kick that her instructor taught her class for fun that they weren’t supposed to learn until they were black belts, and it backfired. It was a jumping kick, which she usually was good at, but because this kick was new to her, she had lost her balance and fell onto the mat.
Mrs. Oddly stopped the round, crouching down to ask Denali if she was okay to continue the round. Denali’s ankle was hurting, she had definitely twisted it, but there was no way she was going to throw in the towel; Not when she was one point away from winning the round.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She said, getting up and getting back into sparring position. Mrs. Oddly blew the whistle, resuming the round.
Denali played it safe, not doing any kicks which didn’t end up well for her. She had thought that she had landed a backhand onto her opponent, but Mrs. Oddly did not blow the whistle.
Then it happened. The girl with the pink hair aimed a round kick at Denali’s head, and when Denali moved her arms to block it, she moved her leg down and kicked the blonde in the side. Mrs. Oddly grabbed Miss. McCorkell’s hand, lifting it up in the air to declare her the winner.
Denali felt absolutely humiliated. She couldn’t believe it was over, and that quickly, too. She was fighting back tears as they bowed again and shook hands. The two girls proceeded to step to the back of the ring to take a seat while Kahmora and the other blonde got up to compete.  
“Good job.” She whispered, and Denali forced herself to smile at her. She had wanted to talk to the girl and maybe ask her out, but now, she wanted nothing to do with her. Denali wished that she would just disappear.
“You too.” She managed to get out, scooting away slightly from the other girl and tried to put all of her focus on Kahmora, who was currently losing her round.
When Denali got to spar again, it was with Kahmora. She was able to take the win, which felt extremely good after doing so poorly her last round. However, it did not completely heal the wounds of falling in the ring, twisting her ankle and not winning a round at a competition for the first time ever.
She still had the chance to win, though, If she could win her next round, and then beat Miss. McCorkell again when they were tied, she would take home the gold. That was the only thing that was keeping Denali from bursting into tears.
Sparring with the only other girl in their division, Miss. Lux, was tough. She loved using her front leg to kick which is always a challenge to defend yourself against, but Denali scored the winning point by kicking her in the head. This was going to be great, Denali was an ‘underdog’ who had made it to the final round to determine who would take home first place.
She could do it. She could beat Miss. McCorkell.
“Okay girls, this will only be one round instead of three. Whoever scores the first point wins the gold.” Mrs. Oddly reminds them, blowing her whistle.
Denali was hyping herself up internally, while they were bowing she had decided she was going to take some notes from the last girl she had sparred and use her front leg to score the most important point in this competition.
Turns out, Miss. McCorkell had the same exact idea. Denali put her leg down and tried to shuffle backwards, but the pink haired girl was too quick, and struck a round kick to the side of Denali’s head while her leg was still up in the air.
She had lost.
“The third place medal goes to Miss. Lux,” Mrs. Oddly announced, “Good job, honey!”
The three other girls clapped for her, she had put up a good fight. Denali was rooting for her when she went up against Miss. McCorkell, she was sad that the other blonde wasn’t able to beat her either.
“The second place medal goes to Miss. Foxx! Amazing job.”
Kahmora cheered loudly for her best friend, managing to put a smile on Denali’s face as she went up to collect her silver medal. Second place wasn’t bad, if it was Kahmora in her place she would be telling her that it was okay that she didn’t get first and second was still great, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell her the same things, let alone believe them.
“And that means, the first place medal goes to Miss. McCorkell! Congratulations!”
It took all of the willpower Denali had not to glare at her new enemy while she collected the medal that she wished was hers. All she wanted to do was go home and cry into her pillow and tell herself that she wasn’t good enough. She couldn’t though, because on top of being two hours away from her house, Jaida, Kahmora’s sister and their transportation, had plans to take them to dinner.
She was able to mask her disappointment well because neither Jaida or Kahmora picked up on it while they were at the restaurant and in the car, but as soon as Denali got into her bedroom, her fake smile turned into sobbing.
Denali would spend the next week privately switching between “getting second place isn’t as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be, this doesn’t mean you’re less than you had thought” and “this is the worst thing to happen to me in my taekwondo career”. She did feel pathetic that she felt this terrible about getting second place (it’s not like she didn’t end up placing like Kahmora), but she couldn’t get herself to stop. She didn’t always ‘win’ while sparring in class, why did this matter so much? Was it because it was at an event, or was it something else?
This also allowed Denali to reflect a little. Did she really like competing in these tournaments, or did she just enjoy the feeling that winning gave her? She wasn’t able to fully answer that. She wanted to think it was a mixture of both, but the fact she felt like such a sore loser said another thing.
Eventually, she was able to turn her despair into fuel to do better. She would already consider herself one of the best people in her class, but there was obviously room to improve if she got her ass handed to her by Miss. McCorkell. She was testing for her black belt at the end of the year, and if she only worked at 110 percent, she could get a perfect score.
From then on, Denali made sure every single move she did, every kick and every hand movement was executed perfectly. She was pretty sure her hard work was paying off, because her instructor, Mrs. Hytes had started picking her first every time she lined the class up. The first person in the line was always one of the highest ranking members, and they would get to bow the class in and out. It was a role that was usually reserved for Joey, who was clearly Mrs. Hytes’ favorite student, so it felt extremely rewarding to be chosen.
She also noticed herself getting better at sparring. They didn’t track points while they sparred in class, Denali found herself keeping track of the points in her head, and she was winning against every single person she would spar against.
“You went off tonight, I hardly got any hits on you tonight!” Kahmora remarked as they collected their sparring bags and put their shoes back on.
Denali smiled at that, she was glad that other people thought she was improving. “Sorry, I just really want to improve before my test.”
“I really don’t think that’s necessary. You’re like, the best person here.” Kahmora said as they made their way outside and into the parking lot where Jaida was waiting for them in her car.
Jaida had been taking Kahmora to class since the beginning, and eventually started taking Denali as well when Kahmora made her way into the advanced class. Jaida tried her best to act annoyed that she had to spend four hours a week sitting in a hard metal chair in the back of the studio, but every single time Denali would look back at her, Jaida would clearly be very engaged in whatever was going on.
“Hey!” The girls greeted Jaida as they climbed into the vehicle.
“Hey, sorry I couldn’t watch you guys for long tonight, Gigi had an emergency,” Jaida did air quotes when she said ‘emergency’, “She bought a pair of AirPods that ended up being faulty, I told her to go exchange them and and when she did, they gave her another pair of faulty ones.”
“Like, on purpose?”
“What did she want you to do?” Kahmora asked, playing around with the radio stations to find one playing a song that she liked.
“She wanted to know if I could fix them. She thinks I’m a tech expert for some reason.”
Kahmora turned the volume of the radio up to fifteen when a song she loved, starting to belt the lyrics. Denali joined soon after, and then Jaida did.
“We need to start a girl group.” Denali said after the song had ended, “we’re fantastic.”
Kahmora gasped, “We could sing at all of the testing nights! We could make someone’s black belt test even better.”
“I would love to see that, but you’ll have to plan this over text because we’re at Denali’s house.” Jaida said, making Kahmora boo.
“I guess so,” Denali unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her sparring bag that was resting next to her. “Bye, guys. Thank you for taking me!”
Kahmora rolled down her window after Denali had gotten out, waving at the blonde. “See you on Wednesday, whore!”
“I’m telling Mrs. Hytes you’re being rude to me!” Denali yelled back, with no intention to actually alert their instructor.  
Denali loved the car rides, they made her love the nights when she had class even more, if that was even possible. She was smiling as she walked into her house, but her facial expression changed, her eyebrows raising because her parents were sitting on the couch, waiting for her. This was very unusual, usually they were in the kitchen making dinner when she got back from class.
“Can you sit down? We need to talk to you.”
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