#West Wing Crossover
ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dpxdc Au: As Danny gets more comfortable as a “long term roomie” in Wayne Manor, he starts to have freinds over. Aka psychopomp AU
Danny decided to take Batman’s deal upon the JL shut down of the GIW and Fenton Labs. He’d been working with the various heroes for a minute while they pursued the illegal government branch and his mad scientist parents- when it was clear he wasn’t going to have a home to return to, the Bat said he had a civilian contact that could help him and Jazz.
Jazz was honestly so relieved that they wouldn’t have to start from zero in her college town- how could Danny possibly say no when it took so much stress off of his sisters plate? Begrudgingly, he gets back to the Big Bad Bat and gets the contact info for one Bruce Wayne. Adoption is refused but, Jazz and Danny are invited to stay for how ever long they need to get their feet under them.
Danny keeps a lot of distance between himself and the other kids in the house, only coming to the meals that Jazz also attends. She’s pretty busy with classes during the day but it’s becoming clear that she’s also spending “quality time” with one of the older guys that stops by for dinner. Jazz advocates that he start to integrate himself or find a local community and after months of being a shit about it- Danny agrees to make new friends. He never said they would be alive tho.
Thus, Danny becomes Gothams local psychopomp. He just starts inviting the Shades of the unavenged for tea time in the west wing gardens. Alfred is always happy to supply tea and snacks, Danny doesn’t understand how the man doesn’t have more questions but is going to push his luck by asking. Wayne Manor is high key becoming the most haunted spot in the city and it’s starting to show.
Tim is the first to notice the changes in the Manor- he’s always been the smartest detective- and joins Danny at one of his tea times. What he hears Danny and the vague shape of a man talk about… is an old cold case. Holy shit, he’s got a break through.
Jason is the next to show up, but not because of the flickering lights or cold air, because he’s just maybe the teensiest bit interested in Jazz. Danny initially ignores him but seeing as the shades are all quivering in fear, Danny sighs and ultimately tries to figure out this dudes “whole undead deal”. Jason just wants to know what her favorite meal is but Danny will only exchange information for information. Jason gives him an abridged version of his death and rebirth- He walks away knowing Jazz’s preferred take out orders, favorite brand of tea and the cafe she likes to study at.
It’s going well honestly- Danny is having quality time with the ghosts in the city, the city is repaying him in good karma and Jazz is too occupied with the zombie to get on his case about not making human friends.
Then one of the batkids gets overshadowed and it results in… reveals? Drama? Friendship? Actual brotherly bonding?
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loudlyhappycupcake · 7 months
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Dipper, mabel and luz discovered the enchanted rose in the west wing👩🧒👧🌹✨️ @shironezuninja @blo0st4r @2194teddy @evander2511 @angrychenyu @walt-diego-rodriguez @jacky-the-jack01 @patchcat-likeswolves @lilnaru1 @sakulovejulius12 @violetrose-art @enchantedchocolatebars @entinullbutno @wisefestivalloverpatrol @clairaquos @baokim80 @bitter-yet-civilized @homuncvlus @collector-noceda-clawthorne @cartoonvibe @wolfie245 @chuckecheesekid9000 @torkmadox20 @amymoonchibi15 @lunewishes @wolfie245 @niyatales4ever @princessacelilith @princesshillaryellaworld25 @princessfandom812
@jazzyrazzy157 @cipedor @jj-the-hamster @jeffreybrosseau @snoopierdass @bobiannie-blog @monicaartsxd @ladybugssong3 @patchcat-likeswolves @ladysegagenesis @ineffable-brainrot @lunewishes
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joysmercer · 10 months
trudy: how are you, jerome? jerome: i've been subpoenaed. trudy: oh, i'm sorry, dear. want a cookie? jerome: jerome: yes.
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quordleona03 · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
I was tagged by @marley-manson and @ofmdmash - so I will tag:
@topshelf2112-blog @remyfire @allcanonisrelative @jaelijn @amrv-5 @mycenaae @muirmarie @thebreakfastgenie @uncomfyfriendly @rescue-ram @blistersonmefingehs @fieryphrazes
(but don't feel obliged unless you want to play, and if you'd like to play, consider yourself tagged!)
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily (and in more or less chronological order): Blake's 7, Star Trek: TOS, The Professionals, Highlander, Star Trek: tng. MASH, House, and The Fugitive (the film with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones). I have also written fanfic for MacGyver (the 1985 TV series), the West Wing, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Quantum Leap, , and various literary fandoms as an exercise in pastiche.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The top three are MASHfics: Tuttle, All We Know, Go, tell them in Sparta - and four and five are both Star Trek fics (both Spock/McCoy): A Man of Integrity, and Through A Glass, Darkly.
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, that's a difficult question. Possibly it's ""I would not be you for a kingdom" " - my Villette slash story: though in that case I was just using the angst Charlotte Bronte handed me in the novel. Likewise with the Blake's 7 story Cruelty Has A Human Heart, and the Good Omens story Let this cup pass from me, and the Highlander story Day and Night But, even what with stories where the angst is built into the source material, I think the angstiest ending is that of the long series The Games. (I considered MASH in Drabbles and concluded that as I wrote the 80 or so drabbles in the sequence individually and out of order, it doesn't really count.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That is an extremely difficult question to answer. I like writing in universes full of angst. Many of my stories have hopeful endings, which make me happy, but I think the unequivocably happy ending is the MASH story Responsible Indefinitely For Each Other’s Welfare. Because there they are, together, at the end of a long life: and Hawkeye is still the same delightfully annoying trickster as ever.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Sometimes. Usually for ridiculous reasons. "I hate that pairing!" Well, don't read it then. "So-and-so isn't gay, he's too masculine!" - Oh, honey, let me introduce you to some big strong bears, you'll love them.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I would say mostly no, but occasionally yes. I believe sex scenes should be essential to the plot and full of character development, so I rarely write just pure smut. But I did write a Stargate Atlantis story, What I Tell You Three Times Is True, which was purely written as a sex scene, after a giggled conversation with a friend who was into Stargate Atlantis.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I love crossovers, both the reading and the writing of them, and have written dozens. I would say the weirdest one I ever wrote was a West Wing / Star Trek:tng / Drop The Dead Donkey crossover, No More Overtime.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not as far as I know.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, sometimes. It's a fun thing to do with friends. I co-wrote the More Deadly MacGyver/Highlander crossover with Jakrar, sparked out of a paragraph she sent me in an email.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
"All time" - I don't think I have one. I've loved and still love Avon/Vila, Spock/McCoy, Bodie/Cowley, House/Wilson, Holmes/Watson - but right now my favourite ship is definitely Hawkeye/Mulcahy.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Buffy/MASH crossover. I just don't see where I'd find the time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, perseverance, imagination, angst.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Heterosexuality. Certain words which I always misspell unless I look them up, each time. Not understanding what is going on in people's minds, see 'heterosexuality' - also racism, sexism, and classism.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Mais c'est impossible. I prefer to write in English but signal that this is a different language being spoken. Bene, plerumque. I had to think about this a lot when writing ASL dialogue for All We Know.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Blake's 7.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Usually the one I am writing at the moment, which is to say All We Know - and the one I want to finish: A Hawk Through the Mirror. But I think technically one of my best is Friend and Stranger - a story set three years after the events of the 1993 movie The Fugitive, written in form as much like the movie as I could make it, full of sudden POV changes between Gerard and Kimble and attempting to get the emotional intensity and chemistry between the two of them that we saw on screen, down to a satisfying conclusion.
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onekisstotakewithme · 2 years
BJ stands for Blaudia Jean
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darsynia · 1 year
can i get Toby Z (WW) and Bruce Banner (MCU) in a humor scene? i think those two would just have so much to bitch about surrounded by giant...egos lol
Bahahhaha thank you for participating in BLURB WEEK, I had a blast!
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Summary: Toby Zeigler's been asked by one superhero to write a speech for a different superhero. Maybe it's gratitude that he's not in the White House and contractually required to make any of this make sense, but once he meets Bruce Banner, Toby appreciates his shy genius.
Length/Warnings: 1,282 | No warnings. Can be read as gen or pre-slash!
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A Banner Speech
“Just… wait here, okay?”
Toby shrugs and watches as the man he’s been contracted to write a speech for leaves the room to confer with the building’s owner. Bruce Banner seems a lot more shy in person than in the two magazine profiles he’s read about the guy. It makes sense; people want to picture the Hulk’s scientist persona as more Sagan than Einstein. It’s a quirk of history that one of the latter’s most famous photographs is of a stuck-out tongue. Einstein was sincerely introverted, often struggling in social situations.
Toby can relate.
When Tony Stark contacted him for this, he had mentioned feeling touched that then-governor of NH Josiah Bartlet had issued a statement lamenting the loss of Howard and Maria Stark, back in 1991. He wasn’t working for Bartlet at the time, but this is what people do; they make connections. You worked for this guy, and he’s a decent man. That makes you a decent man.
Ironically, Toby’s fall from political grace has lifted him up practically everywhere else, which is how he finds himself in a skyscraper in New York six months after an alien attack threatened to destroy his old neighborhood.
“You just had to say out loud how glad you were not to be working at the White House this year, didn’t you!” he mutters under his breath as he stares out of one of the floor to ceiling windows. No way in hell would he have wanted to construct a speech thanking superheroes for saving New York City from aliens.
“Do you miss it?” It’s Banner, hands in his pockets, shoulders hunched as though that makes the knowledge of who he can sometimes be more palatable.
“Only in my nightmares.”
This prompts a bright smile, strangely enough. “I suppose working at the White House is one of the clearest examples of ‘you can never go back home’ that there is, given how often the whole staff changes over,” Banner muses. “I had one of those, sort of. Only mine was, you know, destroying the whole lab.”
“My downfall was less structural and more personal,” Toby shrugs. He’s made peace with that, even if he hasn’t fully made peace with some of the people involved.
“Saved lives, though.”
“We would have saved them anyway. Just more quietly.”
Banner scratches the side of his face and looks sheepish. “My days of quietly saving people are behind me, I guess.”
Toby turns his head, notes that Stark is actively hovering on the other side of the glass doors which lead to their conference room. He nods over his shoulder and says, “With him around, why bother reaching for the microphone?”
“Funny you should say that,” Banner coughs. “Tony’s banned from attending this thing. Lifetime prohibition after too many cocktails and no procedure for dragging a billionaire off the stage.”
“I’d have liked to witness that.” The surprised look Banner shoots over at him is encouraging. Toby’s… not all that good with people, but he does have practice juggling big egos, and like recognizes like. “So you’re the next best thing? The Kent to Stark’s Luthor?”
Bruce Banner’s eyes bug out of his head and he turns his back on the window to give Toby a look. Then, his shocked expression turns shrewd. “You said that to see if he’s eavesdropping, didn’t you?”
Toby just smiles.
“They want a scientist superhero. I doubt much thought went into whether I have anything interesting to say.”
“Well, at least they’ll be afraid to play you off stage,” Toby says mildly. Before his implication hits too hard, he adds, “You should use that. Got anything you’ve been wanting to share with the world?”
“I--” Banner blinks at him for a little while, then nods, slowly. “Actually, yes.”
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“I told you you’re a genius, right?” Banner asks, fiddling with his bow tie again.
“I mean, yes, for the speech, which is brilliant, even if everyone’s going to know I didn’t write it, but also for getting the Chief of Staff to show up. He’s taking the heat off.” Bruce leans his head over to look out from backstage at the gathered crowd.
Toby moves to stand behind him so he can see, too. As expected, Joshua Lyman is standing beside his table in a crowd of people. The huge grin on his face is tempered only by the way he keeps looking toward the stage like he expects something important to happen at any minute, probably involving him.
It usually does.
“It’s a good thing your guy isn’t allowed to come to this thing,” Toby says in a low, amused voice. “The attention-gravity distortion between the two of them would probably mess with the laws of physics.”
“Fun to watch, though,” Bruce observes. “Did you, uh…”
“Promise him access? No, but I did promise--”
“Toby? There you are! They told me to come back here, but--” Donna Moss breaks off as she comes over to give him a half hug.
“--her access. Bruce Banner, this is Donna Moss. She is also a Chief of Staff, to the First Lady of the United States.”
“Aww!” Donna frowns at him.
“What did I do?”
“I told Josh I was going to try to get the Hulk to say ‘FLotUS!”
“Unless that’s an arcane synonym for ‘smash,’ I don’t think you had a chance of that, I’m afraid,” Bruce says with a slight smile.
“I was mostly teasing, I promise,” Donna grins. “It’s just that Josh goes heart-eyed at superheroes. I think it’s because he sees himself as a political version of Tony Stark, but with social capital instead of money.”
“He spends it just as quickly,” Toby says, picking up Donna’s wrist to look at her watch. As intended, the action is a gentle reminder that they’re out of chatting time, but to smooth the way, he adds, “I’ll send someone to fetch you and Josh later?”
“Perfect, thanks,” Donna says, her wide smile growing wider as she leans over to catch Bruce’s anxious gaze. He’s back to warily regarding the filling room. “If you get nervous during the speech, just look at Josh. He’ll probably be so enraptured you’ll feel like JFK in Berlin.”
“Ich bin die wurst at public speaking, so I doubt it,” Bruce tells her, before she heads off with a chuckle.
“You know what you just said, right?”
“I told a beautiful woman that I’m a sausage. I feel like a sausage,” Bruce says, tugging at his neckline. “In five minutes, I’ll be roasted on a spit.”
“In five minutes, you’re going to tell the White House Chief of Staff and a room full of people with money to burn that there’s a child hunger problem just begging for their help. They’re your captive audience, and not one of them will risk your wrath to interrupt, especially not when you tell them the problem’s not just in some far-flung nation halfway across the globe,” Toby reminds him.
“It’s also here. In our own country.” Bruce clenches his jaw. “There isn’t enough science in this speech. They’re going to be angry.”
“Well, you’re the expert on that,” Toby shrugs. He’s not looking at Bruce, but he can feel the other man’s amused glare. “Look, you sounded jealous about Stark being banned. I just took the hint and wrote a speech that’s the nerd equivalent of too much tequila. If they didn’t want a hero to try to save something, they shouldn’t have invited you.”
“You’re a good man, Toby Ziegler,” Bruce says. His voice is thick, like he’s forcing the words out past a few layers of emotion.
“It takes one to know one, Bruce Banner.”
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celstese · 2 years
the west wing recs part 2
pure and complete joy
sit and wail their loss
slow down (you crazy child)
Poultry in Motion
Forget Paris
All Things Being Equal
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lievmultimuses2 · 2 years
Claudia 'CJ' Gregg || OPEN
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"Good morning everyone, we are going to have a light day today for a change so don’t blow this up for me okay?” CJ asked the room full of reporters who laughed. “Alright so first thing yes the president has pardoned thousands of people convicted of marijuana possession under federal law, it’s 2022 folks, most people have smoked weed in the past and let’s be honest we have bigger fish to fry then to target people who are probably to busy trying to find they own feet right? so any question?”
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lupuslikethewolf · 28 days
top gun/the west wing crossover where in like the first or second year of the first bartlet administration maverick gets called in for another dangerous and probably fatal mission and goes missing. then jed, leo and the rest of the senior staff have to deal with a nihilistic and probably depressed teenage bradley (“hi mr president im bradley bradshaw and i’m an orphan twice over. yes i would like a cookie thank you mrs landingham.” “baby goose please stop.”) and captain kazansky, bradley’s emergency guardian, who comes recommended by everyone in the situation room for promotion to flag officer, making demands and refusing to give up and trying desperately to parent at the same time (“sir with all due respect i do not care. maverick is alive out there and my s- bradley deserves not to loose another parent. and no bradley you can’t get on the white house roof. no it is not an appropriate reaction to grief. slider is wrong.”) jed loves them leo hates them josh is bewildered sam has a crush charlie is happy to make a friend cj ships it and the assistants have a betting pool on whether or not ice and mav are homerotically raising a child together and whether or not they have kissed yet (they have).
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9-1-1-polls · 8 months
Bonus points for how they would crossover in the tags!!
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cricketnationrise · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks to @cha-melodius, @kiwiana-writes, and @happiness-of-the-pursuit for the tags!
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
RWRB, Check Please!, Tortall, verrrry occassionally The Parasol Protectorate
Top five fics by kudos:
Going Platinum - camboy!Alex AU
Burnin' Through the Sky - speed dating meet-cute
Set in Platinum - camboy!Alex sequel
warm from the inside out - some stuff happens under a desk 😉
Downburst - In The Shadow of Two Gunmen/West Wing AU
Do you respond to comments?
I have responded to every comment so far!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to write angsty endings. That being said, this Check, Please! ficlet I wrote for @shygryf is very angsty: Hotel Room, Mar. 1 (I did fix it with a later ficlet, but on it's own...)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them tbh. I'm an unrepentant happy ending lover.
Do you get hate on fics?
Nothing that comes to mind--I've been extremely lucky. I've gotten some baffling ones and some with a strange tone, but I think that's more down to English not being their first language, not hate.
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
I tend toward fusions/AUs rather than actual crossovers. Although there are Check Please! easter eggs in the Going Platinum universe.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, although I would hope that any translator would have let me know so that I can flail in overwhelmed gratitude.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, although there's one that's been sitting for a year-ish that I'm gonna be really excited to finally get to.
All time favorite ship?
I won't choose and you can't make me.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Not right now. All the wips I've got that are more than just like, one line or a title, I'm really excited about writing and sharing.
What are your writing strengths?
Immersive descriptions, humor, and metaphors. This bitch loves a metaphor.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes. I'm getting better, but any time I have a particularly big action scene I beg on my knees for @cha-melodius to get into the doc.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Only If I feel confident about the translation. I'll usually get a native speaker to check it over if it's more than an easy phrase I already know/can google, especially if it's a whole conversation.
First fandom you wrote in?
Check, Please!
Favorite fic you've written?
You're so mean to me making me pick. Le sigh, fine.
Check, Please!: How Delightful if that Were True - Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society AU (100% homegrown epistolary baybee)
RWRB: More Than Brick and Mortar - sentient Brownstone AU, magical realism
Tortall: i'll rise up in spite of the ache - hockey AU of First Test
Parasol Protectorate: No Small Matter - 5+1 pranks on Conall that I wrote for @homobiwan
(narrowing these down was absolute agony, btw. hope you're happy.)
Tags under the cut, but if you wanna do this, who am I to stop you? Aka consider this your open tag.
@celeritas2997 @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @anincompletelist
@firenati0n @missanniewhimsy @montrealmadison @doggernaut @parvuls
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dyns33 · 2 years
A Sandman / Good Omens crossover, with Dream x reader of course 
Merry Christmas and Happy Yule !
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When Morpheus had met Y/N, he had felt that there was something special about her, but he had been unable to say what.
Maybe her soft laugh, her beaming smile, her clever mind. At first, after being unable not to think of her for several days, he had called Desire, to check that it was not one of their games to torment him.
But no, Y/N was simply a human that he liked, who charmed him even more after he invited her to his kingdom and that she got along with all his subjects. But it was against the rules for an Endless to associate with a mortal, so Morpheus had made the wise decision to have the happiness of her company only as a friend.
He didn't tell her right away who he was, what he was, afraid that she wouldn't want to see him anymore, but he was pleasantly surprised to receive a smile when he confessed the truth to her. He loved her even more then, suffering from not being able to confess his feelings to her.
           "I don't see why you two couldn't be together, boss."
           "Quiet, Matthew." Lucienne mumbled, trying to scare the raven away. "Those are the rules, Lord Morpheus has no choice."
           "It's stupid, he loves her, and I think she loves him too, I don't see where the harm is."
           "Mervyn, I believe there are still repairs to be done in the west wing of the castle."
           "But he's right, Loosh. It's not fair. Boss, it's not fair. !"
           "Life is unfair." sighed Morpheus as he surveyed his kingdom. "But that's the way it is. I have responsibilities, and I won't put my world, or the waking world, in jeopardy, because of a foolish passion. I've made that mistake once before, I know how that risk of ending."
Dream had a quick thought for Nada. His dear Nada, whom he had loved tenderly and who was now locked up in Hell. Even if he decided to forgive her, he couldn't get her out so easily, especially not after his fight with Lucifer.
Above all, he didn't want such a fate to happen to Y/N. He would not punish her if she pushed him away, he had changed since that time, he himself had been locked up, but if he broke the ban, the Kindly Ones could demand that he send his beloved to the depths of darkness, so that he understands that he had no right to be with her.
He therefore acted reasonably, and one day had the unpleasant surprise of finding Y/N in the company of a demon.
           "Oh. Hello... My lord." the snake demon hissed, lowering his head in front of him, forcing himself to smile while turning to Y/N.
           "Morpheus, this is my uncle Crowley. Well, he's not really my uncle, but I've known him since I was born."
           "Please tell me your "dear new dreamy friend" is not in front of me right now."
           "Don't growl, Uncle Crowley. No need to be anxious. Like about next week."
           "It's perfectly normal for me to be nervous about next week. This holiday... It's ridiculous. Even you should find it ridiculous. Christmas... I forbid you to celebrate it !"
           "That would be ironic and petty of me." Y/N sneered, kissing the demon on the cheek, before taking Morpheus' hand, to guide him down the street, to the cinema where they had a friendly date.
This was the first sign that greatly disturbed the master of dreams and nightmares, convinced that Lucifer was going to try to attack him by attacking Y/N.
The second sign came very quickly, when he was invited to his friend's house a few days later. As he stood in the entrance, he came face to face with a hellhound, a repulsive, dangerous, evil beast.
Except that Y/N didn't seem to see what he was seeing, kneeling beside the creature to hug it, while it was licking her face.
           "Hello, little pooch. Yes, I've missed you too. You've been good ? This is Morpheus, my friend. You're nice to him, okay ?"
           "... Where did you find that... thing ?"
           "Dog ? He was the one who found me. It's been a while now, he's not very young, but he's really adorable. Crowley keeps him from time to time. My other uncle doesn't like him a lot. I can't blame him for that, Dog can be complicated."
A third sign not seeming necessary, Morpheus took the decision to intervene directly in order to avoid a catastrophe.
Of course, if he didn't want to start a war, he couldn't destroy the demon or destroy the hound, so he locked the animal in a nightmare, and he calmly went to order this Crowley to stay away from Y/N if he didn't want to get in trouble.
Contrary to what he had thought, the young woman was not really grateful when she learned what he had done.
           "Uncle Crowley called me to say that you threatened him, and took my dog ! And before you went and yelled at him, you said he couldn't come near me anymore, you didn't mention the phones, so you have no right to blame him !"
           "Y/N, you have to understand, he's a demon. He's dangerous. And your dog isn't a dog, he's a hound from hell. I think they're trying to harm me in hurting you, and I refuse to let that happen. I'll get you another dog. Christmas is tonight after all."
           "But I don't want another dog ! Look... I get what's going on, and I think it's lovely that you want to protect me, but Dog won't hurt me, and neither will Crowley. Yes, they are demons, but they are nice !"
           "Demons are not nice." he insisted, taking her hand, hoping that she would listen to him. "It's in their nature to be evil and cruel. They can't change that, and they don't want to either. They were made that way and nothing can ever change that, they can't be trusted. They need to get them back where they came from as soon as possible."
Again, this didn't seem to have the effect Morpheus was hoping for. Y/N suddenly looked terribly hurt, her eyes filling with tears and she pulled her hand from his before running off.
Thinking that the grip of the infernal forces was already very strong on her, he returned to Crowley's place, where he was surprised to find an angel.
           "Hello, gracious Dream Lord. I'm Aziraphale, a friend of... I know Crowley, a bit. He explained to me that there were some issues between you, him, and Y/N."
           "You know Y/N ?"
           "Of course, she's my niece. We were her godparents at first, but I found the joke a little too offensive after some time."
           "I do not understand." Morpheus said slowly with a threatening voice, his shadow then filling the whole room. "You know there's a demon lurking around an innocent human, and you are not interfering ?"
           "A... Oh damn it. She didn't tell you ? She said she was going to tell you about it, what happened ? I'm sure you did something stupid, you're known for that. Without wanting to offend you."
           “Y/N is not an innocent human. I mean, yes, she is, but she wasn't supposed to be. She is... the Antichirst. Crowley and I had been tasked by our respective camps to watch her, but we didn't want the world to be destroyed, nor did we want this lovely child to be unhappy, so we showed her another way, and now, even though she has certain powers, her dog is from hell, and she could still cause the Apocalypse, she's only Y/N, my sweet, lovely Y/N. Please tell me you didn't upset her, or hurt her."
The mistake, or rather the mistakes of Morpheus were all then obvious to him. The christmas jokes. The presence of a hound from hell, like the one who was to join the Antichrist on the day of the end of the world.
And above all, Y/N's sad look, when he said that demons couldn't change. That they were evil, untrustworthy, and had to be cast out. If he thought that of the creatures of hell, what would he think of the Antichrist ? Could he believe she wasn't evil ?
Without taking the time to greet the angel, he used his sand to appear in Y/N's apartment. The poor darling was crying on her couch. She didn't jump when she saw him, wiping away her tears as she stared at him with contempt.
           "What now ?"
           "I spoke with your other uncle."
           "Aziraphale ? And what did you talk about ?"
           "He explained everything to me."
           "Oh. I see. And you came to send me to hell, me, the Adversary, the Beast, who doesn't deserve to live ?"
           "No. No, I came to apologize."
Slowly, Morpheus reached into his long cloak, and stepping into the darkness, he dragged the hound out. The creature growled when he put it on the ground, before seeing its mistress, barking happily as it ran towards her to jump on her lap, licking her face and wagging its tail. Like a real dog, a nice normal dog.
This made Y/N smile, cry a little more, cuddling the animal.
           "I thought... I thought you were in danger. I apologize. I'll also go ask forgiveness from the demon Crowley, for this misunderstanding."
           "I don't know if Uncle Crowley will brag about it for eternity or if he'll be afraid his side will think he's definitely betrayed them." she sneered, before looking sad again. "Dream... About what you said..."
           "I was wrong. It was unfair and cruel."
           "I know. It's fine. Your brother warned me."
           "My brother ?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, surprised that Destiny could have gotten involved in something.
           "Destruction. He came to see me after I didn't cause the Apocalypse. He said it was normal for Destruction to come and talk to the Destroyer of Worlds at least once. He wanted to thank me and congratulate me. He said that my choice reassured him, showing him that he might have taken the right direction, by leaving, even if it had hurt his family and they still did not understand it. He advised me to be patient if I used to meet them, because they could be a bit stupid and judgmental."
Not knowing what to say, Morpheus said nothing. He still found it difficult to talk about his brother and the decision he had made.
It was true that he did not understand.
But that didn't mean he was judging Y/N. He was not unhappy that the world had not been destroyed, and so he was grateful to her that she had not followed the path that Lucifer had wanted for her.
A path that had allowed them to meet. Even though she was his enemy's daughter, she was different. And she wasn't human. And she was in no danger of being sent to hell, where she couldn't be locked up anyway, since she was born to reign there.
           "So... Now that you've apologized and aren't going to curse me, what do we do ?" she asked looking at him with mischievous eyes.
           "I thought we could go for a walk, stargaze, and celebrate Christmas."
           "It's an idea. Although Uncle Crowley will be furious. He says I only have the right to celebrate Antichristmas. Don't sigh, it's his joke, and I think it's not that terrible, whatever Aziraphale thinks about it."
Morpheus sighed anyway, reaching out her hand to help her up and guide her outside. As they were about to leave, he looked up to find a sprig of mistletoe hanging from the door. He looked at Y/N, who had followed his gaze.
           "That's not me." she said quickly looking around. "Nor my uncles."
           "No. I know who did this." Dream muttered seeing Matthew sitting on a tree, proud of himself.
           "Well. I don't celebrate Christmas, but tradition is tradition."
           "Indeed, you always have to respect the rules."
The hound and the raven made little sounds of joy as they kissed, before heading back inside, forgetting about the ride, the stars, Antichristmas and the rest of the universe.
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joysmercer · 10 months
nina: kt's driving from nova scotia to washington? eddie: yeah. nina: how does a person do that? eddie: well, my guess is, she'll take the trans-canada highway to new brunswick, then maybe catch the 1 and take the scenic route along the coast of maine, 95 through new hampshire to the mass pike, then cut over to the merritt parkway 'round milford. nina:  nina: there's something really kinda freakish about you, you know that?
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quordleona03 · 2 years
Okay, @youngpettyqueen and @thebreakfastgenie tagged me in a fanfic meme.
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
Here are my 10 most recent fics, from AO3. 1. "BJ would be the first to admit - well, actually, Peggy would be the first to admit - that he was better at the big, flashy, romantic gestures than he was at the day-to-day stuff." - "Crabapple Cove" 2. ""How come you never talk about Tuttle?" BJ asked." -"Tuttle" (Explaining either of these two stories would spoil them. They're both pretty short.)
3. "There were images of a man tortured to death in every room." - "A Hawk Through The Mirror" (This is the second and longer story of MirrorMASH, in which Hawkeye from that Mirror universe where BJ has a beard is now in our universe.) 4. "Toby groaned out loud." (This is a M*A*S*H/West Wing crossover, and Toby is Toby Ziegler: he has just been asked when the Korean War started, and it turns out to be a more complicated question than Donna thought it was. The story in a nutshell: President Bartlett's White House is commemorating the 50-year anniversary of the start of the Korean War by inviting 10 veterans to talk about it and then have a memorial dinner, and they made the mistake of inviting Doctor B. F. Pierce to make a speech about the Korean War on live TV in front of the President of the United States. God I had fun writing this story.) -"Go, Tell Them In Sparta" 5. “You the doctor who operated on my men?” (Hawkeye is very sleepy, and a sergeant from Vermont is giving him an apple for reasons he finds difficult to understand when hardly awake.) -"Northern Spies"
6. "If anyone had been looking in the window, which no one was, it might have looked too formal to be a meeting of friends: two people on the couch at one side the room, three people on chairs at the other side." (This story is set in the 1990s in an alternative-universe created by someone else, the Keptverse. In the Keptverse, the whole of North America still has legal chattel slavery and the US government can compel you to own one or more slaves if you are over a certain income-level. Most of the stories are RPF, but mine aren't: I got the idea of taking characters from multiple mostly-American TV series and writing a giant sprawling novel-length fanfic series. This shows up as M*A*S*H because in this one stand-alone story, Francis Mulcahy is a parish priest, and part of a network of people who resist owning slaves. Mulcahy appears again only briefly in the last story of the series, but he gets to have his say in this one.) "The Network", part of The Games
7. "Mulcahy struggled awake out of a dream in which the sun was shining directly into his eyes." (MASH/Highlander crossover - A visitor to the 4077th wants to talk to the Jesuit priest and it turns out to be a Highlander immortal because of course the Jesuits know all about immortals.) "Walker Among the Dead" 8. "Outside the blankets, it was cold." (A story which takes off from "Hawk's Nightmare" - what if Hawkeye started having these memories of being back home/in high school take over his mind while he was awake? Who are all these people and especially, who's the good-looking guy called Francis who seems to like him so much?) "Dream That I Forget" 9. "It's winter in Korea, cold everywhere, cold in the tents, cold in the sleeping-bags, cold everywhere except under hot water in the showers, and Mulcahy never gets to the showers while the water is still hot." (In "The Interview", Francis says he would like to be warm and clean, and this story sort of leaps off from that, with Hawkcahy because, well. Mulcahy loves Hawkeye.) "Warm and Clean"
10. "Mulcahy had given up assigning himself penances for wishing he could go home when he realised that he could no longer remember how many times he had caught himself praying – not wishing, but praying – that someone in authority would write to him instructing him to resign from his chaplaincy, resign his unlikely commission, and go back to Philadelphia." (This story is set in the Pilot episode of M*A*S*H, and was originally meant to be the first of an ambitious sequence of stories set the first three seasons, about Mulcahy. I got distracted by other projects, but this one is about why Father Mulcahy doesn't like Hawkeye very much in the pilot episode, and he has reasons.) "Amuck"
Tagging: @topshelf2112-blog @folliesandconcerns @rescue-ram @mulcahymoment @transgayhawkeyepierce @variousqueerthings @cplredberet @old-wild-child @impishtubist @allcanonisrelative
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emerald-onion · 1 year
Things Dr. Ink Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation, by Dr. Dream (WIP)
Stop teaching Agent Blue swear words.
Not even in different languages.
Spike the coffee machine with laxatives is not only gross but also immoral.
Don't the SCP file as your personal notebook. How many times do I have to say this?
Try to convince everyone that SCP-404 is 'a big softie inside' is just plain suicidal.
Answer "What the fuck do you want?!" with "Your SOUL" is right out.
Stop telling everyone your paintbrush is secretly a staff member.
Stop telling a staff member they are secretly a paintbrush.
"I forgot!" is not and will never be an excuse for nearly killing all of your co-workers.
And neither is "They didn't pass the vibe check".
Nor "They shouldn't have eaten the last muffin".
Rolling up to someone with a trenchcoat and saying "I have brought the goods" isn't as hilarious as you may think.
Don't tell the new recruits that SCP-99 will adopt them if they call it 'Nootmare'.
Don't tell people that your medicine is drug.
Don't hide drugs in your medicine. Trust me, I'll know.
Showing SCP-404's shitty Undernovela's knock-off was fun one time and one time only, and that was before it destroyed our entire west wing.
Don't give Agent Blue candies.
Don't give Agent Blue honey.
Don't give Agent Blue cake-pop.
Don't give Agent Blue any kind of sugar, period.
No, "What have you done?" is a desperate plea for you to stop, not "Please continue".
There is not any SCP Dating Simulator. There has never been a SCP Dating Simulator.
Not even in Japan.
And no, this isn't a suggestion to make one.
Dr. Ink is not the God of Creation. Not even if your cult says so. Since when did you have a cult in the first place?
Stop submitting your paperwork in the back of a Kung Fu Panda DVD.
Stop stealing SCP-404's chocolate.
Stop hiding SCP-404's remote control.
Stop rearranging everything in SCP-404's containment cell by one inch to drive it insane.
Stop messing with SCP-404, I beg of you.
Drawing SCP porn on the Foundation walls is strictly forbidden.
Don't tell Agent Red this world is a shitty crossover fanfiction and everything he knows is fake.
Don't tell Agent Red that he and Agent Blue are the clones of Dr. Sans.
Yes, I know that it's possible, Agent Cross is standing right there, but stop giving him an existential crisis, please.
Don't tell Agent Blue his action figures are alive and they're silently screaming for him to break them from their inanimate prison.
Don't call Agent Blue Berrybaby specifically to piss him off.
Don't convince Agent Blue Santa Clause is real and he just needs to go to Antarctica to find him.
Seriously, leave the poor guy alone.
No spilling melted chocolate on someone and telling them it's SCP-99's goop.
Stop trying to wear high heels to make yourself taller. You broke your fucking leg, Dr. Ink.
Didn't I order you to stop messing with SCP-404? Why do I see a giant graffiti of SCP-404 in a cat hoodie in front of its containment cell?
SCP-404's dolls are not made of the remains of its dead victims. It has already been terrifying enough already, stop fanning the flame even more.
Yes, you have a bad memory. No, even that won't make you forget the large fire you start in the cafeteria 10 seconds ago.
The Foundation exists to protect the people, not a big conspiracy to control everyone's mind.
There is no such thing as a Reset button. Stop saying that every time you mess something up.
SCP-99 cannot be pacified with a lullaby. Don't tell the other scientists that. We're short on staff already.
Playing your flute at three in the morning is just plain creepy.
The Foundation does not have a dress code. Especially not 'Maid uniform'.
I know you still meet up with SCP-90 sometimes. I don't know how, but I know. For God's sake, Ink! He's a freaking body-snatching parasite!
You're absolutely not allowed to knock on the D-personals' door and tell them "It is coming. There's nothing you can do to stop it."
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cassiesinsanity · 2 months
west wing fic recs
Feeling nostalgic and also @quietlyimplode and @heroofshield are enablers. Or is it the other way around? Please feel free to add to this, because while I can name a lot of older fic writers, I don't know most of the new ones. Also, I am J/D heavy. OBVIOUSLY. (alas, there are others I would put on here, but all the old personal archives are gone.)
The New Up and Comers
@smallblueandloud (and on AO3) I love how she writes CJ and Toby and Andi. Doesn't hurt that she also ships Josh/Donna.
@yoyomarules (spinninginfinity on AO3) Josh and Donna, of course
@jessbakescakes (and on AO3) Lovely future fic for Josh/Donna
Kickin' it Old School
Jo & Ryo Yes, they are two people. Read anything except Exit Strategy. Yes, I hold a grudge about that fic. Yes, I tell them often. Yes, Ryo laughs when I do. Who cares if its 20 years later? LOL!
Marquerite I will never not see Toby through Meg's eyes
skywaterblue Her memory is indeed a blessing and she has a unique take on Josh that's worth reading
Yanatya My very first fandom bestie who will always hold a special place in my heart. Oh, and she writes fun J/D smut. You can see why we're friends, right?
helsinkibaby Queen of the Rare Pairs, short ficlets and drabbles
Athena4lynn Don't let her fool you! Please enjoy some lovely Danny fics
Quaqmire Mostly J/D but some other characters too
Speranza Before I fell in love with her Steve/Bucky, I fell in love with her Josh.
ZInke Primarily Josh/Donna
neonhummingbird Several different characters and a few Marvel crossovers
Ginny Predominantly Josh/Donna fics
JayeReid Predominantly Josh/Donna fics. Now writing Sanditon and tempting me with other fandoms
Musesfool (aka Victoria P.) I swear they had so many more fics but maybe they got lost to time. Or maybe its a case of quality over quantity? 
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