#What an odd buncha tags
your-fave-is-bi · 1 year
Do people post their artfight stuff on here too or like. What do i do with my silly little attack
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
5 Times You Meet Kensei +1 Time He Gets Your Number | Kensei Muguruma x Reader |
author's note: this structure is horribly outdated but i give no fucks!! thank you to @yeowangies for the help and support on this!
pairing: kensei muguruma x fem!reader
warnings: buncha meet cutes, alcohol mentions, lotsa flustering kensei
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Speed dating.
What in the fuck is he doing here.
Kensei pinches the bridge of his nose as he sits at a table, waiting for the event to start just so it can end that much sooner. Mashiro forced this damn thing on him, that little shit. She knows just how to annoy him and get her way: why does he keep her around??
"I guess this isn't really your thing, huh?"
Kensei's brown eyes flick up; dammit, he zoned out and made a fool of himself on the very first 'date'. His silver brow twitches involuntarily as he responds. "You got me."
Your laugh twinkles as you slide into the seat across from him, a fruity cocktail in hand. Kensei's struck immediately by your beauty, for sure, and he's suddenly feeling underdressed in his black Henley and jeans while he's up against your, emphasis on little, black dress and golden accessories. "I've done a few of these before; it's not really anybody's thing, honestly. You're not as out of place as you feel."
"Oh, yes the hell I am." An odd laugh accompanies his shaky assertion— and he hates that he's nervous!
"You should have a drink, calm your nerves a little." The black straw from your brightly colored drink settles in the center of your gorgeously painted lips, demonstrating how you can possibly bear such an event without so much as batting an eye while your gaze flicks to the name tag stuck onto his chest.
Kensei rubs the back of his neck, his muscles deliciously hugged by that too-small Henley. "Good idea. But I don't know if I should be taking advice from someone with more sugar than alcohol in her drink."
Your laugh does more to calm his nerves than a drink would, that's for sure.
You continue to chuckle to yourself as he goes to the bar, watching him order his scotch on the rocks from the rather busy bar. The red numbers tick down on the clock, and he's not likely to return before the time is up. It is speed dating after all. Fishing out a pen from your purse, you scribble a little note on the cocktail napkin before moving onto the next table.
Kensei is rather relieved when he returns to an empty table— but only briefly, since your seat is taken damn near immediately by a new stranger. He has a pull from the drink, smirking into the tumbler as he reads your note and tunes out the new 'date' introducing themselves.
Get it with a twist next time, you wimp!
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"This shouldn't have been so controversial." Kensei's arms are crossed and the vein that's famously seen amongst his infuriating friend group is throbbing so hard that they may as well pay for an entire extra seat just for it.
Shinji and Hiyori, as per fucking usual, cannot decide what movie to watch. The group is split entirely, and it's up to his tie breaking vote to get the evening moving along. They're arguing harshly, the two factions, and he has not a care in the world to the actual film. He just wants his popcorn and peanut M&M's that'll cost him a solid thirty dollars and to take a nap.
"Shut up!" He stands tall, brown eyes furious and just a tad crazy as he fishes a coin from his pocket. "Heads or tails, you jackasses!"
He flips the coin easily, not even sure who called what side as he catches it and flips it into the back of his hand. "Tails. I'm getting a snack now."
Hiyori's taunting Shinji as they purchase the tickets, and Kensei tucks his box of candy into one of his pockets (he told Mashiro his cargo shorts are useful!!) so he can better hold his popcorn bucket out of Hiyori's reach as they stand in line to have their tickets scanned. "Hey, you little rat! Knock it off!"
The giggle behind him is familiar, and his eyes widen rather comically upon sight of you and what he presumes is your gaggle of friends. He never saw you again during that disaster of a night, and it was definitely for the best— he was hammered by the end of it and had to be, literally, picked up by Hachi just to make it home.
"Nice to see you again, Ken." You tease, laughing at Hiyori's ability to snatch a handful of his popcorn during his stunned daze.
"K-Ken?" He stumbles on the word— nobody has ever called him that.
"What movie are you seeing?" You breeze on by his confusion, though the gears in his head have come to a complete standstill. Listen closely enough and you'll hear the internet dial up tone.
"Ah…" He shows his ticket to you, ignoring the snickers of his friends behind him. He'll never live this down. Kensei, their resident, stone-faced asshole, is flustered??
"Oh, we saw that last weekend! Not a bad movie; I think you'll like it." You smile and the line moves up, Kensei's group getting their tickets scanned next.
"Not sure if I trust the opinion of someone who agrees with Hiyori's tastes." Kensei grumbles, worried that the heat on his cheeks is visible to you; or worse, his friends.
"Hey!" Hiyori kicks at Kensei's shin, though it hurts her far more than Kensei himself. You scan your ticket, the teen at the stand pointing your theater in the opposite direction of Kensei's movie.
"You'll trust me enough after you see it." You wink and start to head to your movie, glancing over your shoulder to smile at Kensei once more before disappearing into the theater. Ignoring the snickers of his friends, Kensei growls and heads into their own designated theater.
I should've fucking flipped heads.
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The chill of the air is rather inconsequential to Kensei as he runs security at the door of the nightclub, his nice suit and gloves keeping him as warm as he is stylish. He's never been one to say no to extra cash, and though his days as a doorman are far behind him, he's still got it, evidently. He's stopped several fake IDs, weapons, drugs and more, all while making his much-higher hourly rate than he did back when this was his living.
Just after busting a teen with the worst fake ID he's ever seen, Kensei's line finally starts fizzling out. The club is booming, half of the city must be inside by this point, with the other half having been kicked swiftly to the curb. He checks the expensive watch on his wrist; just a few more hours and he's all done, his favor to the club owner fulfilled and his next monthly car note paid off. Huffing out a breath, the cold air lingers for a moment, and as it dissipates, he's met with his next crowd of people.
So much for a moment of peace.
The group is split between himself and the other doorman, and it's the routine pat downs and ID checks as usual. He's gotten through a third of the group before you're before him, smirking with twinkly eyes as you present your ID to him— it's only now that he actually gets your name.
"Funny how we keep meeting." You tease, tucking the ID card back into your wallet and stepping aside for his pat down, rather eager for those strong-looking hands to get a touch of you.
Kensei's brown eyes flick to meet your gaze, and his face warms just at the sight of you. You truly are a stunning woman. "Careful; I might just think you're stalking me."
"You think I like you that much, Ken? Interesting…" Your teeth graze your lower lip, just a little, as you spread your arms and legs.
"Don't call me Ken." He grumbles, appreciating the way your perfume masks the cigarettes those in line have been smoking all night.
"It's cute." You shrug and Kensei pats you down without another word, perking a pierced brow as he snags a small bottle of whiskey concealed in your waistband.
"I don't think you know what 'cute' is if you're talking about me in the same sentence. Better luck next time, princess."
"Guess you're good at your job, huh?" You murmur, gazing up and over your shoulder to better see his handsome face. He's got a pet name for you now, hm? Interesting.
"Shoulda got in the other guy's line." Kensei mutters, tossing and subsequently shattering the glass on the cold sidewalk.
"I like this line." Slowly, your fingertip drags along the length of his sharp jaw and it's then that Kensei's aware of his other hand still holding your hip— how in the hell do you have the ability to make him forget himself so easily? "But since you took my whiskey… Can I go inside now? I could use a drink."
The taller man's Adam's apple bobs and he releases you, practically pushing you into the doors of the booming club and the arms of your giggling friends. His face is pink, and at least he can try to pass it off on the cold temperatures if anyone asks.
He should've saved that damn whiskey for later.
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Kensei's sweating like a whore in church as he finishes his workout, his body glistening with sweat as he pulls off his tank top for a taste of refreshing air. Cardio was a particular killer for him today, though it made the weight training a little bit easier too. He'd been slacking off for a few weeks, and the moment he had just a little difficulty yeeting Mashiro and Lisa (simultaneously, and while dealing with Hiyori doing her best to knock him over) into that pit of foam at the trampoline place was a reminder to get back to the gym.
He's more of a primadonna than he admits.
He takes a long pull from his water bottle, pouring the remainder over his heated face and shoulders and scans the room. It's habit to him, partially as a former special forces commander and also due to the number of times he's caught others incorrectly using equipment and aided them for better workouts. The gym is the only place he's remotely social in, oddly enough.
His brown eyes narrow at the sight of a woman (that can't be who he thinks it is) on a stair stepper. There's a man beside her, one that he noticed following her around before. They could be friends, though Kensei doubts it greatly as the loser continues to stand beside you, talking about gains while you remain the only one actually working out.
The guy's talking with his hands, and Kensei's witnessed this brand of harassment enough to tell where this is going. Wasting a breath no more, he's walking over with a meaner face than usual. It is you, and that makes him just a little more angry at this harassment than he'd normally be. You turn your head away from the man that's been annoying you, eyes lighting up at your savior. "Ken!"
Kensei places himself between you and the strange man, his impressive size and build enough to make the other guy nervous. "You like harassing women at the gym?" He crosses those deliciously thick arms, and you're frankly more concerned with viewing his toned back than dealing with the situation at hand.
"I told you I had a boyfriend." You tease, peeking over Kensei's shoulder at the now very intimidated mark.
Kensei frowns just a tad deeper after that— so many things are wrong with that statement. Namely, you thinking you had to have a boyfriend, real or not, for this guy to leave you alone. Unbeknownst to him, the back of his neck flushes a light, rosy color that makes you snicker.
"If I ever see you harassing a woman again, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you. Understood?"
Kensei doesn't waste time hearing any lame excuses or apologies before turning to face you, who smirks proudly in his wake. "I'm here most days a week around this time. If anyone bothers you again, just come find me and I'll take care of it. And don't call me Ken."
"You're more bothered by me calling you Ken than my boyfriend?" You raise a brow, an entertained smirk on your face.
"Like I'd date someone who wears a pink bodysuit to the gym." Kensei grumbles lamely, blushing from the tips of his ears to the center of his chest.
"That's a lot of talk coming from someone that's blushing pinker than a Barbie dream house." You laugh, poking one of his pectorals.
He's red now as he looks away from you, his jaw tight as you tease him. "Stop bothering me and finish your workout." He retreats before you can manage to get under his skin again, though his plan doesn't pan out like he hoped as your voice follows him.
"Nice tattoo, by the way!"
"Get your mind outta the gutter!" He hollers back, practically running to hide in the locker room, all while you grin and wonder if that was the hint of a Long Island accent slipping through.
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"Come on, let's go!" Kensei claps his hands harshly, ushering his friends (and those they brought along that he merely tolerates) towards the stadium. The baseball game is due to start shortly and goddammit he's not gonna miss a thing because of these unorganized fucks. He's still got a hot dog to get!
"Relax, friend." Shinji shakes his head at Kensei's impatience, not that it was unexpected of the hothead.
"No! They might actually win this one!" Kensei's excitement is hard to contain, and he actually smiles at the idea of his favorite team not being losers!
"Oh yeah? Confident enough to put your money on it?"
Kensei snorts, leading the charge into the stadium amongst the throngs of people. "Not a chance."
Half of the group is sent to their seats while the other takes on the responsibility of securing food and drink, Kensei at the ready with the entire order memorized. The lines are dense, the entire area packed and noisy. Under normal circumstances he'd be overstimulated quickly and heavily irritated, but even those ticks of his can be overlooked for a ballgame.
He's next in line and fires off the order with precision, handing off the drinks to Shinji and Ichigo to run to deliver them to the rest of the group, Kensei more than capable of carrying all the food himself. His thick arms full, he steps away and makes for the stands just as the person in the line beside him exits at the same time.
"Woah there!" You steady yourself against Kensei's strong build, gripping his sleeveless jersey tightly to keep yourself standing as the hot dogs and nachos in his arms crash onto the floor.
"Jesus!" He grumbles, grasping your hip with a strong hand now that the food is gone.
"Oh, Kensei, I'm sorry." You glance at the floor before looking back up at the not-so-strange stranger.
""s just food, no worries." He mutters. "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah." You wave off his concern easily. "Here, let me buy you your food again."
Kensei snorts, tugging at your own jersey that's for the rival team. "I don't need a Bears fan buying me a hot dog. That's how people choke."
"Ha!" You smile despite your offended scoff. "As if a Panthers fan could do anything but! They learned from the best!"
"You take that back!" Kensei pokes your shoulder.
"You gonna make me?" You smirk in the face of the handsome man, and he smirks right back at you.
"You will by the end of the game, princess."
"Guess we'll see, Ken. That is, if you make it to your seat by the end." Winking slyly, you saunter off and Kensei's left to realize just how much longer the line is now.
"Don't… Don't call me Ken." He grumbles out, heading for the back of the line.
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Hell has frozen over: his friends all have plans on a Friday night, between dates and familial commitments and whatnot, and he's left to do whatever the hell he likes in peace. It's been years since he's had such an opportunity, and there's nowhere else in the world he'd rather be than here at his favorite dive, enjoying a basket of fish and chips with a mug of ice cold beer.
That was the plan, anyhow. And it started off that way easily enough.
But then you walked in with someone else.
Ever since he met you, you've popped up at the most random times and he's never expected not one of them, this time being the absolute furthest from expecting it he could be. Seeing you was one thing… Seeing you with another guy, in Kensei's favorite bar, was… So fucking rage-inducing that he's still contemplating throwing the guy through the window even an hour after seeing you come in.
Lookin' so pretty… For a fuckin' schmuck that took her to the shittiest dive in town.
Who the hell does the guy think he is? With the prettiest woman for miles on his arm, he's at a dive bar for a first date. The disrespect is insane, the lack of thought or care simply ludicrous. Kensei doesn't date anymore because it's just so stupid but damn if he wouldn't do better than this, by a lot.
"Awfully pouty tonight, Ken."
Kensei blinks out of his salty stupor, turning his head. "Don't call me Ken."
You laugh at his offense to the nickname and order two drinks from the bartender before looking back at him. "What's got you so worked up?"
Kensei feels like his brows will forever be stuck frowning, the vein at his temple about to burst. "Did you just order that grown man a drink?"
"Mhm. Is that an issue?"
He snorts, shaking his head at the bitter laugh he can't control. "No, if you like bums who can't show a pretty woman a good time."
Your teeth sink into your lip, tugging while enjoying how this big, tough guy seems to be jealous that you're with someone else. "Well, when you put it like that, I can't help but wanna see how you'd do it better."
And fuck, there it is. Kensei can't turn down such a golden opportunity; he's already a sucker for being challenged, add a beautiful woman into the mix, one that's mischievous and crafty like you, and he's got no choice but to jump in headfirst. "Then I'll show you. You'd do well to learn what a good date is."
Your grin is bright and you dive into your purse for a pen. "Call me anytime."
Kensei holds the napkin with your number carefully as you retreat to your horrible excuse for a date with the drinks, his heart pumping quicker than normal. Now he can access you intentionally, with ease.
A slow smirk spreads on his lips as he types the number into his phone, nearly wearing a shit-eating grin as he holds it to his ear and watches you politely step away from your sleazy date to answer the call.
"I'm ready to show you a better time."
Your laugh echoes across the room, and for once he's not embarrassed to laugh with you.
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Hello! Your super secret santa here! Was looking through some of your tags to decide what to draw for you and wanted to ask some questions if that's okay ❤️
1.) For galaxies, do you have a ref of their full bodies and what the base might look like for Y/N? And perhaps what Y/N in the story might look like? I'm very interested in it as a subnautica fan myself haha!
2.) For eventide, are there any particular outfits you have for them that you prefer them in? And what kind of jobs they might handle? I don't know much about them but I would love to hear what info you do have to offer!
(Gosh I really hope this goes through as anon)
These are excellent questions! (I'm practically BUZZING with excitement already, omg)
Galaxies: Okay, so I do have a full-body one for Sun, and I'm going to post it here because at this point I don't know when the coloring book is getting released to everyone? Or if it already did? Anyway, so here's that, I've been a bit of a mess since May so I haven't even gotten around to finishing coloring this piece (it's my own coloring page, I recognize the irony). So, Fish-Sun in flats (with Sea Monkey babies):
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(I absolutely love Subnautica and Below Zero!!!!)
Now, Moon didn't get finished because a lot of really awful things happened all at once at the end of May and beginning of June, I got repeatedly sick, and so I didn't get around to finishing Moon's coloring page yet. It'll be done eventually, but for now, I'll show you what I did do.
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(it actually breaks my heart a little, because I had so many plans for this one, aaaahhhhhhh) So Moon's form in general is pretty similar to Sun's design (long, almost eel-like). He was supposed to have more spines that you can kinda see in the original sketch of Moon in the ref pic, and his design was going to be very inspired by a lionfish, spines down the back and at the "hips".
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The end of his tail was actually inspired by an axolotl, I just really liked drawing the little fin on my original sketch (which is long gone) and was like "Yeah, don't care that it looks odd, he's an alien". I do have plans to add more sub-sections of the story later (piratespiratespiratespirates) and I'll probably have to design baby Sun and Moon eventually, but I imagine both will be similar to axolotls, since they're supposed to be related species.
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Eventide: Actually yes, I did draw up a buncha outfits! I couldn't tell what was too many refs and what would be wanted, so I cut a bunch of doodles of Eventide that I've got.
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So, Eventide is a child unit built by my YN with Sun and Moon's help. She starts as a small child (5-6 years old) and "grows up" (through physical upgrades and hardware updates as her AI learns and grows) with her mum, two dads, and two human sisters. Story-wise, I have the plot for her to get up to about 15-16 (not because she dies, just because I haven't planned beyond that), and she wants to do all sorts of things. Legally, she is the property of YN and not Fazzbear Entertainment, and I'm not sure how to address the whole "can she legally have a job?" thing because I also don't know how to address the whole "Robots are people too, but how do I give them rights", so mostly it's the typical teenage/child level of "I want to be a ballerina and a doctor and a scientist and also I want to do what Mom does (officially, a handler for Sun and Moon and considered an expert in certain kinds of AI and human interactions that go into having a complicated family situation (two robot partners, two human children, one robot child)) and also she wants to do what Sun and Moon do (they will eventually be "retired", this is an agreement YN has with Fazzbear after a disastrous situation at another location, and they will be released permanently into YN's care at that point, but again, that's further down the line). At this time, her "job", as YN states (eventually, when I get there in the story), is to "be a kid and find out what all that means". (As for what she will probably do, I'm leaning towards a baker/barista, a marine biologist, or an artist of some sort.)
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
So the purpose of this meme is to give a little info on your muses without having to rely on others to fill your ask with meme questions. I know how disappointing it can be to come back to an empty ask so I wanted to create a meme that anyone and everyone can do (mun and muse).
The rules are simple, you do not need to be tagged to fill out the questions, but once you have you must reblog and tag up to 12 of your followers to spread the love. You can fill it out as many times as your heart desires (we all know muses can change with their character development.)
tagged by — Zilch
After a long day of training, doing a couple of odd jobs here and there and overall just doing the most mundane things, she wanted to treat herself a little bit. The wildcat's been saving up, finally put all those gems to good use. Maybe commission that golden bike she's been wanting? Or buy some super expensive food for herself that nobody else gets to have? Or maybe--
Oh, is that Maria Notte?
"Carol Tea! Savior of Avalice for the second time! it is so great to have you here," she motions over to the camera crew to get closer, "The people want to know, they want the hard hitting questions answered that nobody's asked before! Are you free for a quick interview, for your undying fans?"
Her attention was caught almost immediately. She nodded excitedly, smiling from ear to ear. "Hell yeah! I'd love to answer some stuff for my fans. What'cha gonna ask about? My super strength? My super cool Jump Disc? My--"
She leans into the green cat and whispers, "Actually these questions pretty generic, Ms. Tea. We just wanted to do a quick interview for the ratings. You know how showbiz is."
She groaned audibly, face turning sour. The bat reporter quickly shushed her, but the cat waved it off. "Fine, fine, I'll do your dumb interview. Can't be that bad, right?"
"Great!" She perked up and took out a clipboard, "Alright, first question!"
Now didn't this sound familiar. Though, it's been awhile since she's been asked. She put a hand on her chin and thought for a moment, before coming to a natural conclusion, "Weed." She chuckled out, perplexed looks given off from the reporter and her crew. "What? It's funny!"
“Oh, definitely words that have that slimey sound to it, y'know like moissssssst, or spliiiiiiiiit, or sliiiiiiiiiiiit," she exaggerates the pronunciation to an obnoxious degree, almost spitting as she speaks, much to the dismay of the reporter.
She shrugs, "Iunno, I don't really have any turn ons. Give me food and scratch behind my ears and I might not steal from ya." She taps her chin for a moment, before her pupils shrink ever so slightly, "Hey, we can cut that out, right?"
"Like, probably anything I can get hurt by. I'm not a masochist, fire hurts." She shakes her head, remembering all the times she's had to go through literal flames in order to reach a destination. "Guess you could say I've been Through the Fire and Flames, huh?" She gave a very smug smirk to the bat reporter, who could only roll her eyes.
"Y'know what's really nice in life?" There's a pause, before she continues, "It's the little stuff. Wind chimes on a breezy day, the ocean's waves crashing against some rocks. Stuff like that is nice, I like it a bunch."
Maria smiled warmly at the cat, nodding respectfully.
"Oh and also guitars. Electric ones. They're sick." Barely changed her expression.
"The screams of my friends and family." The reporter raised an eyebrow, pushing the microphone just a couple inches closer to her face. Carol rolled her eyes and kept silent.
"Foxtrot Sierra!" She said quite proudly, with a large smile on her face. This only succeeded in confusing the reporter and her crew.
"Kinda been busy doin' a buncha stuff I've always wanted to do. Turns out you just gotta put yourself out there!" She smiles cheekily. "I think if my lifelong career of robot smashing didn't work out, I'd join my sis in being a pirate. Last resort though, wouldn't ever wanna be a pirate if my mechanic and Battlesphere gigs stopped workin' out."
“Anything to do with being a warlord or centurion bent on world destruction." She snickered, Maria did not share in this humor.
The wildcat stopped her chuckles awkwardly, crossing her arms, "Aaaanyway, Iunno. Those guys who serve me food or those guys who check out my groceries don't seem like they have fun with their jobs. Something like that, or any sort of office job." She makes a face, sticking her tongue out, "Gross! I need to move around at least a little."
“God would be all like," she clears her throat and deepens her voice, " 'Carol, you're the awesomest wildcat around. You've done so much good for the world, here's a golden plated throne and golden plated bike to go along with it.' " She chuckles again, then sighs, "Really, it'd be nice getting praised from gods themselves about all the cool stuff I've done. Either that, or something dealing with my parents. It'd be nice if they greeted me instead of some gods." She shrugs.
Bonus Questions
"I'm actually a pretty good swimmer! Yeah, most people would think," she puts on a deep voice again, " 'oh you wouldn't like water, you're a cat' or whatever. But nah, the Scarves taught me all sorts of basic stuff like swimming, fighting, running on water. Swimming is the one I got a big talent in!”
She looks off to the side, sheepishly, “Maybe not as good as the water dragons, but it's still pretty good for a wildcat!"
”Both." She smiled, showing her teeth.
“Any, dude. I flop on my bed and start sleepin'! It's the easiest way."
She shrugged, "I've lost a lot, it's not as bad as you'd think. Just get back up and try again." She nods to herself.
"Losing someone close to you," she looks off to the side, crossing her arms, "If I ever found out Cory or Lilac died, iunno what I'd do. I'm glad most of my friends can take care of themselves, but sometimes I worry." She tightened her fists, near death experiences of those close to her flashing in her mind. She shook her head soon after.
“I've saved Avalice twice, I think that's a pretty good thing to remember! I don't need much else--even this Battlesphere gig is small fries compared to that!"
”Don't got one. Two names is enough!" A smirk.
0 notes
cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
tell me all about them. all of your ocs (or just give me a light introduction to your faves/a few pointers to your past posts so i can learn more about the guys!)
uhhh okay but i'll only talk about my monster prom ones for now, because i have a lot of those, and if i talked about my general ones too then this post would be too long (and it's already gonna be too long with just my MP ones lol)
My one and only "proper" OC (which is that they attend Spooky High and interacts with the main cast) is Azzy! He's species is "Demon But Not Really", which is just to say he is a doll that's being animated via blood magic. I had a whole long draft done for a long-ass fic I was gonna write about him, but I ended up deleting it lol He is an amnesiac demon who Damien just kinda found one day. He just sticks to Damien and begs him not to kill him, and Damien pities him enough to keep him around and help him out to find out who he is. Azzy is small (well not physically, he's kinda tall tbh, but he makes himself look small) and meek, which is very odd for a demon, y'know? On an unrelated note, while I have not written a single thing for Azzy, I have made a whole buncha memes about him and his storyline because I have nothing better to do and I would rather do that then write about him. oops? I could go into why he was created, but I'll leave that for another day <3 I don't have much to say about him, because tbh I forgot a lot of things for him, but's a summary of his character. Also here is a playlist I made for him a while back lol And also here's a picrew I made that generally looks like him (best I could do ^^;;)
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omg I actually forgot abotu Lady de Ville. I only remembered her when I was looking for the picew of Azzy. Anyways de Ville is a vampire from way-back-when, back when Liam first became a vampire, and was the leader of what was the Dark Side back then. In all honesty I'm too afraid to talk about her, because while I love to daydream, I get too embarrassed when someone asks; she is apart of the Very Long and Sorta Complicated Past I have given Liam. One day I might write a fic about it, idk. But Lady de Ville is the definition of Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss, and is like pretty shitty and evil tbh. I won't go into her but I will give you a picrew of her! (which is not too accurate but oh well I can only do so much lol)
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And finally, I have the seven OCs that were mainly created because I became obsessed with worldbuilding Hell for the Monster Prom universe ^^; and so I made the rulers for each Circle. I posted about them before, but here they are again because they didn't properly show up in the tags lol (so yeah this is copy-pasted and is the longest so I'm sorry lol) (and also sorry no picrews, but it's hard to make demons in many of them TwT)
The ruler of the First Circle, Limbo, is Baron Levy (who is my favorite MP OC and can talk about him for days)! He is the youngest of the rulers, becoming Baron at age 19 (and is currently 27 or so). He is shy and reserved, keeping mainly only to himself. He is also Damien’s glorified babysitter bodyguard close friend, and the two often hang out if the prince ever decides to visit Limbo.
The next circle, the Second Circle of Lust, is ruled by Lord Asmos. He was actually the first one I made, as he is Azzy’s father! Once ruled with great power, Asmos was demoted down to the Second Circle, and hates it with a passion, as he now has very little power or say in anything. He only wishes death and despair onto the LaVeys, but other than that he’s just kind of…there.
The Third Circle of Hell is run by Earl Cerci. As it is the Circle of Gluttony, it would only be fitting for her to be a glutton as well–but, a glutton for knowledge. It was said thirst for knowledge that made her Fall, that made her to be cast out of Heaven, but she learned to get over it. She is close friends with Lucien, who met her when she first arrived in Hell. The two are probably the only few ones who use the braincell out of all of the rulers.
The fourth ruler is Marquess Marlon! Marlon, too, is a Fallen Angel, and being the dramatic demon he is, cut off his wings (which won some points with Damien, because damn that’s pretty fucking metal!). He spends most of his time with humans rather than in hell, because he finds them all so Interesting and Funny (especially Italians, for some reason. He usually frequents Italy). In general he just likes to hang around and have fun, and is definitely a “party-now-work-later” kind of demon.
Ruler of the Fifth Circle is Duke Gordie. A powerful warrior, but also a very sleepy boi. He doesn’t care too much for his work–many don’t in all honesty–but is a powerful demon on the battlefield. Respect is a big deal for him, and people have to earn his respect–in battle, of course. He’s a bit of an asshole with anger issues (hence the Circle of Anger), and tends to either be pissed off at everyone or everything, or…sleeping.
The ruler of the Sixth Circle, the Circle of Heresy, is Grand Duke Faren. She is stern, ruthless, and unforgiving; she holds a lot of power in Hell, and is not someone to mess with. She isn’t afraid to voice her opinions, and is willing to stand by what she says. She truly does believe that she is stronger, and therefore better, than the kings. She isn’t afraid to go against her kings’ orders, even if it’s heresy. She is willing to die for what she believes in.
The seventh ruler of the Seventh Circle is Archduke Bubzeleon III–or just Archduke Buddi! He runs the Circle of Violence, and is a boisterous and loud demon. He is also childhood friends with Stan, and the two worked together side-by-side during the war in the Eighth Circle (he even got to watch the two fall in love!). He’s also given the highest honor of being considered as Damien’s uncle, which is something he wears as a badge of honor. He just loves violence and danger so much, and loves to get into all kind of situations because of it.
If you made it this far, then thank you, it really does mean a lot <333 I usually don't talk about them, but I really do love these guys so much lol I would have to say, Levy would probably have to be my favorite, seconded by Cerci and Marlon <3 I just like to think about Levy and Damien's relationship a whole lot (edit: made each of the lords' parts shorter because i just realized how long they are and you asked for light intros oops lmao)
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indigo-still-life · 4 years
13 songs I’ve been listening to lately 
I was tagged by @thedumplingincident and @b-iu (ty dears 💕💖💗)
dreamcatcher - odd eye (I AM OBSESSED)
oneus - lion heart (again, obsessed)
oneus - incomplete
epik high - true crime (feat. miso)
epik high - end of the world (feat g. soul)
ha:tfelt - piercing (feat. thama) such vibes omg
ha:tfelt - sky gray (a MASTERPIECE)
victon - into the mirror (was on my last list and am still listening!!!)
the boyz - insanity (such a fun one to try to sing along to hehe)
2ne1 - goodbye (amal i need more 2ne1 recs 😄)
gary - halyang dream
akmu - chocolady
mino - fiance
I tag @korimi4 @joonni @agust-dyke @pathtospring @sugasugakookies @icecreamscxups (only if y’all want and lmk if you don’t want to be tagged in things like this <3) 
...and anyone else who wants to share what they’ve been listening to!!! i just tagged a buncha people in one a couple weeks ago so I don’t want to overwhelm anyone ya know 
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benny-lafitte · 4 years
In the backseat of the Impala
Ship: Dean/Cas/Benny Tags: Alternate Universe, Humor, Roadtrip, Polyamory,  Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 1446 Summary: They should be on their way already, if they want to make it in time to Sammy’s, but Cas and Benny keep arguing about the seating arrangement. Dean’s not having any of it at 4 am.
This was written for the @spnpolybingo. Square Filled: Roadtrip AU
Thank you so much for @punk-is-notdead for beta reading this for me!
Read it on AO3
“I’m not sitting in the back again!” Cas says as he folds his arms over his chest. 
The dark-gray comforter he clunches in one hand almost touches the pavement. Benny grabs one corner and lifts it up as he says, “Again? I was sitting in the back the last time!”
Cas rips the comforter out from his hand and hugs the bundle to his chest. Almost as if he thinks Benny wants to take it from him. 
“It was a five minute ride to Target,” Cas says, matter of factly and that’s when Dean decides to intervene because he’s not having it at 4 am. He opens his mouth to say something, but Benny’s quicker.
“I thought you wanted to sleep?” Benny asks Cas and  yeah, Dean thinks he has a point.
“I can sleep on Dean’s shoulder,” Cas says while he steps closer to the front door of the Impala.
Benny blocks his way before Cas can reach out for the door handle. “He’s driving, he’s not gonna cuddle you,” Benny says as he opens the door for himself.
“You can switch places, you know,” Dean says, attempting to make peace.
“Knowing you, we won’t stop until we get to Sam’s,” Benny tells him and Castiel nods along with an odd expression, as if it pains him to agree with Benny.
“It’s a seven hours drive,” Dean says, baffled that his boyfriends think he can go that long without eating. “We gotta stop around 8 for breakfast.”
“I’ll have to pee much sooner than that,” Castiel says and he tries to push himself into the passenger seat, but Benny’s like a line of wall between him and the car.
“Go back to the house for a pillow and sleep in the back,” Benny says while he climbs into the car. He wants to close the door, but Cas stops it. 
His comforter is dragging on the floor as he lets it go with one hand. Benny grabs it again, rolling his eyes. “Do us a favour and take a pee while you’re inside,” he tells Cas while he pushes the comforter into Cas’s hand.
“That’s enough!” Dean yells at them, having had enough. “You both sit in the back,” he folds his arms to show that he’s being serious. They should be on their way now, but instead his boyfriends are arguing in their front yard like preschoolers.
There’s dead silence. None of them knows how to react and Dean’s pleased with himself. He wills away the smug smile that threatens to appear on his face and says, “Come on, Cas, get in the back.”
Dean sees hurt flashing over Cas’ face, but he can’t go soft now, so he looks away. Stepping to the car, he tells Benny, “Did you not hear me?”
Benny’s eyes are round with surprise. Good, Dean thinks. He’s giddy with the feeling of being the boss for once. He motions for Benny to climb out of the car and shut the door, then he walks around the Impala to the driver’s side.
“Get in now!” he says when he sees that his boyfriends are not making a move to get in the back seat. “We’re already late,” he tells them for good measure, hoping that they would feel at least a bit guilty and get their acts together.
Not looking at them twice, Dean climbs into the car and waits. He hears two doors shut, and looks into the rearview mirror to see that Benny and Cas are sitting at opposite ends of the seat. After a sigh, he starts the engine.
 “Stop staring at me like that,” comes Benny’s voice from the back and Dean rolls his eyes. 
They’ve been sitting in silence for half an hour, but whenever he looked back, Cas was staring at Benny. By the time Dean looks at them in the rearview mirror, Cas’ head is turned to the window on his own side. 
A few minutes pass, when there’s some movement in the back. Dean has to see what’s happening in case one of them is trying to strangle the other or something. Turns out, it’s just Cas, taking off his shoes to pull his legs up to the seat.
The next time Dean looks at them, Cas has the comforter wrapped around his body, and this time it’s Benny who’s glaring. Dean hopes he’s not gonna pick another fight with Cas right before he’s finally going to sleep.
One of his favorite things about road trips is the music. But he’s not gonna blast Metallica when Cas needs a few more hours of sleep. He was just going to have a nice little chat with Benny until his other boyfriend slept.
Silence settles over them again, and Dean’s afraid that Benny might’ve choked Cas in his sleep so he has to check on them. Cas’ eyes are closed, with his head leaned against the window. Benny’s glaring at him like he didn’t just complain about the same damn thing.
“Dude,” Dean says and it’s a mistake. Cas opens his eyes to look straight at Benny. Dean shakes his head and decides to focus all his attention on the road. He had enough, he’s not a damn babysitter for his boyfriends.
He hears some movement again, but he purposely doesn’t look. Those two can wrestle in the back seat for all he cares. As long as his Baby doesn’t suffer any damage, that is.  But they know better than to hurt his Baby.
The noise stops and no one says a word. Dean’s curious about what’s going on. He stops himself from looking back, but he has to look into the rearview mirror sometimes and his boyfriends are sitting right in his sight. 
Of course they’re cuddling. What else would two dudes do who supposedly hate each other. Cuddle. Damn Dean if he understands those two. 
The next time he looks into the mirror, Benny catches his eye and asks, “What? I wasn’t gonna let him get grease on your Baby’s window with his messy hair.”
“My hair’s not greasy!” yells Cas, lifting his head from Benny’s shoulder.
“Look, he’s talking in his sleep,” says Benny with a grin. Cas narrows his eyes at him, but Dean has to look back at the road, so he has no idea how long their little staring match lasts.
 It’s past 7 when Dean’s stomach starts to rumble. He pulls up at the next roadhouse that comes their way. They thought about bringing some sandwiches to eat in the car at the side of the road somewhere, but a road trip is no fun if you can’t try some food specialties along the way.
He finds a parking place far away from the rest of the cars; he doesn’t want to risk a newbie driver scratching his Baby during parking, or curious truck drivers putting their hands all over her polished hood.
He stops the engine and turns in the seat to look at his boyfriends. Benny’s already started to gently wake Cas up with a hand in his hair, the other still around his shoulder.
Cas slowly blinks his eyes open and tilts his chin up for a kiss that Benny happily gives to him. It’s only a peck, but it makes Dean melt. He doesn’t understand how they can go from angry glares to soft cuddles. They’re more of an old married couple than Bobby and Ellen, the old grump said it himself.
Cas buries his head into Benny’s neck, but his eyes remain open so Dean knows he’s trying to wake himself up and not go back to sleep. Benny keeps playing with Cas’ mess of a hair. Dean has half a mind to ask him if it’s greasy, but he doesn’t want to ruin the moment.
“I’m sorry,” Cas quietly mumbles as he nuzzles Benny’s beard on the side of his face.
“‘s okay,” Benny tells him with a kiss on his temple. “Sorry, cher,” he turns to Dean, “for being a buncha babies.”
Dean smiles at them as he says, “You should know better than to try a sleep deprived Cas’ patience.” Cas winces at that, knowing that he’s guilty. “You still need some work on your morning attitude,” Dean tells his other boyfriend, “but you're forgiven.”
He moves to open his door and climbs out of the car. He leans back in to say, “Hurry up, I’m hungry!” before shutting the door. He starts walking towards the roadhouse, leaving the other two in the car. By the time he reaches the door, Benny and Cas are right behind him, arguing if waffles or pancakes are the best breakfast food.
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vanchlo · 4 years
The Assistant / Chapter Twenty Nine, “Strength In Weakness”
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Warning! This story contains mentions of: death, cancer, heart attacks, hospitals, funerals, and brief mentions of end of life care. 
Find all chapters by clicking here :-) 
Check out inspo tag here! :*
                                     Sneakyyyyyy Peeeeeeeeek
Our tears hold silent words of understanding. Understanding that the other is in pain. Pain perhaps we can’t name, but that of which we share. And they hold the comfort found in that understanding. The pain of watching a sick loved one, because why else would he also be here at 9 pm on a Wednesday night? His sniffles fill my ears, with the movie a hum in the background. I feel everything pour into those tears as I clutch the back of his jumper.
The missing him. The regret. The hundreds of emotions because of that stupid ring. The longing for him. The whirlwind of emotions from when he spoke to my class. The sad happiness at seeing him behind me at the vending machine. The relief. The worry about my dad. The fear from the surgeon’s words. All of the stress. The pain I’ve bottled up from being away from him.
“Harry,” I say aloud, almost on accident. My head would’ve said it, anyways. 
“Becks,” he whispers, sounding disbelieving with a shake of his head. 
“Do you h-have any recommendations then?” I stutter, blinking hard with a mental curse for not even being able to say three words to him before screwing up. 
“Uh, tha giant cinnamon roll isn’t too bad, ‘specially when ya microwave it. ‘s very filling, tho. I doubt ya'll be able t’ finish it all,” he answers with a soft shrug. 
I pull my battered purple wallet from my brown purse. Finding my card, I swipe it and press the code for the cinnamon roll. The curly wire holding it in place unravels. It falls with a satisfying thud. 
“Maybe I’ll have to find somebody to share it with then,” I quip, turning to face him with the cinnamon roll now clutched in my hand. He wasn’t kidding, this thing is big. 
“Well, I might just know where a microwave ‘s,” he replies with a smirk. I nod and follow his long legs clad in fitted joggers. 
The silence is unsettling and awkward as I follow him down the length of the hallway. I wonder at first if he knows where he’s going, but after about twenty seconds, we arrive in the family room on this floor. Hmm, perhaps he’s been in this hospital longer than he can remember, too. Sofas and chairs surround a tv. Familiar puzzles, magazines, and books occupy the nearby table. The fridge hums and clunks nearby. 
“Think there’s anything good on the telly at this time?” I ask nervously, finding a seat on the comfiest sofa around. Fiddling with my hands, I watch him open the bag and place it inside the microwave. 
“Prolly not. ‘s prolly a buncha adverts an’ tha like. Maybe a good movie on somewhere,” Harry answers. 
I blink hard, and yet the same unbelievable image still surrounds me. 
Harry standing with his back to me. 
Black joggers hugging his lean legs. 
Black trainers. 
A gray hoodie donning his upper half. 
His curls are short, but maybe a little longer since the last time I saw him in that lecture hall. 
He plays with them, but stops when the microwave announces its ends with annoying beeping. It’s hard, but I rip my eyes away from his body and reach to pick up the remote. I see him out of the corner of my eye grabbing plates and utensils. The television screen comes to life in front of me, and sure enough an advert for a special type of pillow fills the screen. 
“Christ, not one o’ those my pillow adverts again,” Harry remarks disdainfully as he sits down on the other side of the sofa with a sigh. I toe off my shoes and let them fall to the floor. 
Crossing my legs criss-cross applesauce, I giggle and change the channel. “You say that like you know what he’s talking about.”
“Yeah ‘cause I do, tha bloke’s bloody annoying. I can’t sleep some nights an’ ‘ll accidentally leave tha telly on an’ wake up t’ his bleedin’ voice at 3 in tha morning,” he huffs, pulling a laugh from my lips. “Here ya go, but be careful cuz ‘s hot.”
“No, thank you. ‘ve been cravin’ one o’ these, but ‘ve been tryna stay away from those bloody vendin’ machines,” he mumbles, tsking his lips as he cuts a piece of the cinnamon roll. 
I prop my plate on my lap and surf through the channels before finding the movie, The Shining, on an odd channel. “Oooooo, this is a good one,” I comment before picking up my plastic knife and fork. 
“Yeahhhhhhh. Hey, I wouldn’t ‘ave pegged ya fer a King fan,” Harry comments and I shrug before laughing at him. I watch him blow on the huge steaming bite of cinnamon roll. “What, ‘m hungry an’ tha cafe closed hours ago? Plus, dis floor has tha best vendin’ machines.” 
“Nothing, I . . . just can’t remember you ever being patient enough to not burn your mouth,” I laugh, and watch one trickle from his lips. “You were always burning your tongue and mouth on those tacos, and gnocchi soups we had. It looks like nothing’s changed.”
“Oh, but tha churros an’ chocolate sauce were even worse. They were always pipin’ hot,” he adds with his mouth full of ooey gooey cinnamon roll. An uncalled for dirty thought pops into my head, making me clench my fist.
I laugh in agreement, making it hard to blow on my bite of cinnamon roll I hold before my lips. After recovering, the chunk of warm pastry melts in my mouth. “Wow, you weren’t kidding, this is good. How is it always that the trashy vending food tastes the best?”
“I dunno, I reckon they put somethin’ innit t’ make it so addictin’. Tha’s how they make so much bloomin’ money,” Harry comments, cutting another bite as he speaks. My eyes are drawn to his hands. Long fingers, speckled with dark brown hairs. And covered with a couple of rings. When my eyes flit to his ring finger, nothing’s there. My heart does a weird somersault in my chest. At the same time, it pushes away the questions forming in my head. 
Surprisingly, a comfortable silence surrounds us as we eat. And our eyes are glued to the screen playing the end of the movie. Harry finishes his plate first, surely burning his mouth at some point. I finish soon after and we just sit there, lost in the movie. I can’t help peeking at him a few times, and that naked finger. Thick stubble lines his cheeks. It suits him. And I like it. 
I see tiredness pulling at the corners of his eyes when they look back at me. “What?” he says, eyebrows furrowed. I shake my head with blushing embarrassment as the thought still sits there. His lips curl into a smile that grows teasing. 
“I don’ believe you,” Harry continues, refusing to let it go. “Ya’ve neva been a good liar, Becks. C’mon, tell me.”
“Fine,” I relent, watching his face brighten at my words. “It’s just odd. I uh, noticed you were wearing a ring on your ring finger when you spoke to my class back in October. But, now you’re not.” the observation tumbles from my mouth, glad to greet the air. Finally, yet awkwardly. 
My heart sprints in my chest, afraid to hear what he has to say. Apprehensive to hear the answer that I’ve been searching for. I try to prepare myself for it, but at the same time, something inside of me tries to keep me rational. 
“Oh, ya noticed that?” he smiles, earning a nod from me. “Good, that was tha point. Well, not you, jus’ anybody. Tha bloody uni girls always flirt with me when I do those talks. So I wear dis random ring on that finga, hopin’ they’ll back off. It helps, but doesn’t solve tha problem,” Harry explains. His words wash over me like cold shower on a hot day. 
I silently release a breath I wasn’t aware I was holding. Then I hear that familiar chuckle of his. 
“What, did ya really think I was married, Becks?” 
I finally look over at him. His eyes crinkle with a knowing grin. I shove his arm and he only giggles harder. “I don’t know,” I confess quietly, looking away with embarrassment. 
I don’t know how I’m going to live this one down. 
But soon a laugh is coaxed from my lips to join his. It’s filled with nothing but relief, and happiness. That though had balled up into a knot in the back of my head. Always bothering me at the worst moments. It worried me, even though I knew I didn’t have that privilege anymore. 
Any more thoughts that were coursing through my skull about it, are finished by his words. “No, ‘m not bloody married, or engaged. Although I thought I’d be at 28, ‘m not even close,” Harry divulges, a sad laugh framing his words. 
My laugh quiets along with his as we enter uncharted waters. I look at him and give him a sympathetic smile. My eyes leave him, but I feel his on me. I wait, wondering if he’s going to say something. After several seconds, I decide to speak. 
“Yeah, well-,” I begin, but I stop when his words tread over mine. 
“How ‘bout you-,” Harry tries to say, but stops when we both start talking at the same time. Another laugh floats between us, and ends in an uncertain silence. 
“Looks like yer better off than me, an’ met a nice bloke at tha uni.” Twirling a silver ring around my pointer finger, his words root me from my spot. My eyes widen at them and then I squint. I try to think of what he means, but it’s hard. 
Unexpectedly, I realize what he’s talking about. And I smile because of the alarm shouting in my head. 
Wait, what does this mean?!
You know what this means, Becky! Maybe he has fe-
“You mean Simon?” I ask, cutting them off before I go too far. 
I really don’t want to go to that place again. We ran into each other at the hospital during a shit day. That’s all. 
“Oh ‘s that his name? I dunno, jus’ looked like ya were with someone. Had his arm ‘round ya,” Harry says in a drawl. Now, his eyes are back on the telly. On Jack Nicholson. 
And there, the thoughts come again. They click together like puzzle pieces. But I don’t let them lead me away from this moment. From reality. 
But, Becky, he lik-!
“No no, Simon . . Simon’s just my friend. We kind of knew each other in high school back in Madley. We were both surprised to see each other in Crim. and we picked up where we left off,” I tell him, peeking a look over at him. But I have a good feeling he’s pulling a Becky and avoiding eye contact. “Plus, Simon has a boyfriend named Dylan.”
“Ohhhhh, my bad,” Harry replies, glancing over at me. When we meet eyes, his crimson face dissolves into giggles. 
They’re contagious and bring one forth from my lips. All of a sudden, I can’t stop laughing. And neither can he, it seems. It feels so nice. The laughs keep coming, rolling over each other. Smoothing over the fissure that ring had eroded inside of me. They make me feel less stupid about the whole thing. Instead, they help me to acknowledge the fact that it was just a misunderstanding. And that evidently, they happen to all of us. I try not to read into it any more than that as our laughs die down. I won’t let myself. A comfortable silence fills the space our laughs previously did. 
A scene from the movie catches our attention, and the misunderstandings are seemingly forgotten. I really get into the movie for the next 10 minutes, and I think so does he. I can barely tear my eyes away. But they leave the telly when he pulls his phone from his pocket. I watch his face turn from calm to upset when he reads something. On the other side of the couch, he types something back quickly. But I see the tears soon pricking at the corners of his eyes as he holds his forehead. 
I don’t know what to say as I look away, trying to give him privacy. But then I hear him sniffle and try to clear his throat. I know how that goes, and that it doesn’t work. It doesn’t make the lump in your throat go away. He sighs and when I chance another look, he’s looking away from me. But I hear the crying. Suddenly, I feel my heart break, even more than it already has today. 
Before I know what I’m doing, I’m scooching over to sit next to him. Seeing his left hand sitting on his knee, I pick it up and lace my fingers with his. I give it a squeeze and return my eyes to the telly. And wait. A familiar scene unfolds in front of me on the screen. I don’t even grimace at the blood like I did when I was a child. I take comfort in the nostalgia tied to this movie for me. But it doesn’t drown out the sounds of Harry crying. And the pain I feel at not being able to help him. 
After a few more minutes of watching the movie, no words pass between us. But then I think to check on him again. As I do, he looks over at me with red eyes. Wet from spent tears that keep coming. A shy smile inches up his lips, but it’s an embarrassed one. And so it doesn’t last long. 
“You’re gonna make me cry,” is all I say, because the tears are already bleeding into my words. We pull the other into our arms where we go to cry on their shoulder. 
Our tears hold silent words of understanding. Understanding that the other is in pain. Pain perhaps we can’t name, but that of which we share. And they hold the comfort found in that understanding. The pain of watching a sick loved one, because why else would he also be here at 9 pm on a Wednesday night? His sniffles fill my ears, with the movie a hum in the background. I feel everything pour into those tears as I clutch the back of his jumper. 
The missing him. 
The regret. 
The hundreds of emotions because of that stupid ring. 
The longing for him. 
The whirlwind of emotions from when he spoke to my class. 
The sad happiness at seeing him behind me at the vending machine. 
The relief.
The worry about my dad. 
The fear from the surgeon’s words. 
All of the stress.
The pain I’ve bottled up from being away from him. 
Fistfuls of my hoodie are balled up in his hands. His prickly face is hidden in my neck where he spends his tears. I long to lose my fingers in his familiar hair to comfort him. But I know that I’m already doing that as we share each other’s pain. His clean scent fills my nose as I breathe shakily against his shoulder. 
“‘s my granddad, Becks,” he chokes out, coughing. “H-he hadda heart attack this afternoon. Dunno if he’ll make it. He’s onna ventilator with machines keeping him alive. I neva wanted t’ see him like that. An’ tha thing ‘s, he has in his last wishes t’ not live like that . . . A-and now my family’s askin’ me if I wanna be there when he passes,” his words stop, making my heart grow heavy with each one. 
“I’m so sorry, Harry. That should never be a decision you have to make,” I tell him in raggedy breaths. “It’s so awful watching somebody die. Not even just in the moment, but after. When my granddad passed, right when I started working for you, I was there when it happened. And it still haunts me to this day. My mum forced me to be there, and I think I wished I hadn’t. It was terrible watching him gasp for air, and not knowing when would be his last breath. But at the same time, I’m glad he wasn’t alone. I don’t know, it’s a hard decision to make. But you need to make that decision for you and what you want, Harry. Not what your family wants.”
He nods into my neck, humming an ‘mmmmhmm.’ “Do you need to decide now?” I ask, words still coated in tears. 
“No, I don’ think so. But he had surgery a few hours ago an’ tha doctors are sayin’ it doesn’ look like he’ll wake up,” Harry confesses, words dissolving into more tears. 
I hold him tighter against me and cry with him. My tears come from the fear of losing my dad. Remembering being in the same seat as Harry when my granddad passed. And I cry for Harry and the nightmare he’s going through. 
“I’m so sorry, Harry,” is all I can say. 
I listen to his heavy sobs that make his body shake. Pressing my lips together hard, I shed tears into his hoodie. I feel like I can hardly catch my breath. It only becomes worse when I hear the next words that leave his lips. 
“Is yer dad okay, Becks?” he asks, trying to breathe in. But I can tell it’s hard by the shakiness of his words. 
“I don’t know,” I sob, my words almost incoherent. He nods into my neck, rubbing a hand up and down my back. “He had surgery to remove the tumor. B-But it took longer than they said it would. And then the surgeon said they don’t know if they got it all. Which means he for sure has to have more chemo. And I’m just so scared. I don’t want my dad to have cancer anymore.” 
“‘m really sorry, Becks,” Harry coughs in between tears, his hand rubbing in circles. Uneven breaths leave his lips as choked sobs leave mine. The tears follow one after the other. Ugly sounds follow. 
I can’t find the strength to speak again, and so I nod. My arms shake clutching at his sweatshirt. My white-knuckled hands relax and I fall into him. All of my inhibitions and self-made promises are out the window. I told myself I wouldn’t let him in again, and here I am. And I’m glad I broke that promise. Long, broken sobs are muffled into his shoulder. His hands move in circles on my back as my mind finally entertains all of the possibilities. 
My dad’s cancer not being cured. 
My dad needing even more chemotherapy. 
Maybe even radiation. 
None of that working. 
Everything being the same between Harry and I after this. 
And how much that hurts me. All of it. 
Talking to my dad about his last wishes. 
Watching him take his last breath. 
I let Harry hold me as I let myself feel every single raw feeling. Sobs rack my body and make it shake as a steady stream of tears paints my cheeks. I hear his too, and they only make me cry harder. 
Wiping my nose with a kleenex, I watch him surf through the channels. Finally, he settles on an old episode of Scooby Doo, Where Are You? The daunting figure of the Wax Phantom materializes in the museum. I lift my head and readjust where it rests on Harry’s shoulder. Before my eyes, the monster trudges around the wax museum. My eyelids grow heavy, but I blink hard trying to wake up. This happens again and again, with my eyelids slowly growing heavier. 
But it’s no use. After too many times, I can’t resist succumbing to sleep with my head on Harry’s shoulder and his arm rubbing mine. 
I wake up on the surface of the scratchy sofa. The telly is playing an advert softly in the background. Rubbing my eyes crusted with sleep, I groan. With a tired sigh, I try to fall back asleep. I almost begin to, but a thought steals the sleep away. Pulling myself up to sit, I look around with fuzzy eyes. 
I’m all alone. 
Two blue hospital blankets have fallen to lay at my feet. 
And two white pillows sit ignored in front of me. 
Checking my phone, I see the time is 3:24 am. And that I have missed calls and texts from several people. 
My aunt. 
My grandma. 
My mother. 
And 2 texts from Harry. 
Ignoring all of the others, I quickly open Harry’s from 16 minutes ago. 
i’m sorry. had 2 go. didn’t wanna wake u. thank u for being there 2night, so much 
And there’s another one that came a few minutes later. 
im so proud of u becks. u know why 
My heart skips when I read his words, and the heart emoji that finishes them like a period. I’m guessing he means the stuff going on with my dad, but more so for going back to law school. It makes my heart swell with happiness. But it beats fast at the sight of them as well, suddenly worrying what happened that he had to leave. And in that same moment, I feel heavy with worry about him. My thumbs dart across the screen, composing a hurried and sleepy reply. 
It’s okay I understand. I hope everything is okay. Remember to do what’s best for you. Please let me know if I can help. You’re so welcome Harry and I can’t thank you enough too. And thank you so much. I really want to make you proud. Thinking of you 
I don’t bother to read over my words finished with a heart emoji tool. I send the text, and try to go back to sleep. Because I can’t think about everything that happened tonight. 
My dad. 
Seeing Harry, and sharing what we did. 
And him . . leaving. 
The sickening worry it fills me to wonder the reason why. 
Because now it’s like it never happened. 
Luckily, the second my head hits the pillow, I’m asleep again.
I can’t stop looking. I hardly believe what I see, but I know I have to. A stranger stares back at me. Sullen eyes. Shaven cheeks for the first time in weeks. Styled hair. Dry eyes that stare back at me blankly. And a mouth that feels like it hasn’t smiled in months. But I know it hasn’t been that long. But this nightmare feels like it. 
“Shit,” I mutter, bending down to pick up the violet tie that fell to the floor. Black wildflowers scatter the fabric. It seemed perfect for the occasion when I picked it out yesterday. But now I’m not sure anymore. 
I wrap it around my neck again, for the second or third time. Going through the motions to tie it, I get a little farther than last time. Then my fingers stop, like they keep doing. Huffing, I step back and lean against the wall. I feel the chapped surface of my bottom lip come between my teeth. Oh yeah, I gotta remember to bring chapstick too, I add to my seemingly never ending list. 
My thoughts are interrupted by the clanging sound of my postbox outside. Within a few seconds, I’ve opened my door and see my postman walking onto the next house. A stack of letters is what I find waiting for me. 
“Great, mo’ sympathy cards an’ bills,” I groan, dropping the mail on the table beside the door. With plans to finally get this damn tie tied, I look back to the mirror above the table. But something catches my eye. 
The letters have splayed themselves out sloppily on the brown table. Most of them are white, but one of them isn’t. One is a soft blue. Once again, the words inside of my head are stolen away by a sound. Fishing out my phone from the pocket of my slacks, I answer it. 
“Ya, I know. ‘m gonna leave soon, ‘s not like ‘m late or anythin’,” I respond, sifting through the letters. Bill after bill meets my eyes. “I was there all bloody night last night fer tha wake, so why do I need t’ be early t’day?” Tossing the bills to the side, I keep sifting through them. 
“I know, alright? But I . . I jus’ can’t alright? I can’t do all tha huggin’ e’rybody right now, ‘m sick of it. There’s plenty mo’ family ‘round who can do it,” I tell them through gritted teeth. The powder blue card is next in my hands. My voice catches when my brain conjures the owner of that bubbly handwriting. “I’ll be there at 2:30 an’ no earlier,” I rush, hanging up on them. Stuffing my phone away again, I instead pick up the envelope. 
Within seconds, I pull the card out from the sea of blue. Wildflowers decorate the front along with words card companies think are comforting. All of the other ones have hardly been that, but these ones are closer than before. Just seeing her handwriting peeking at me from the inside is more comforting than all of the others combined. I feel the tears pressing at the back of my eyes, ready to fall at command. 
With a deep breath, I’m greeted by her bubbly letters in purple ink. I can’t say I’m surprised, it’s her favorite color. 
Harry,  It took me twenty minutes to pick out a card, because none of them seemed good enough. None of them said the right words that I wanted to say, so I finally just picked this one. Even if I looked for 3 hours, I don’t know if I would’ve found the “right” one... I hope it’s okay. I saw your granddad’s obituary in the paper today. I don’t even think the words ‘I’m sorry’ are close to what I feel for you and want to say, Harry. They weren’t the right words when my granddad passed. They were what everybody said, and after a while, I hated hearing them. They became redundant and meaningless. But I am sorry, Harry. I’m sorry that you lost your grandfather, and the unimaginable pain you’re going through missing him and trying to live a life that he’s no longer a part of. I’m so sorry that you’re hurting. Some days it seems it gets easier. But other days are hard, I’ve learned. They’re the anniversaries, birthdays, days they enjoyed, family get togethers, or really any day that ugly grief decides to return. We all handle grief differently and so it’s hard to give advice. But take care of yourself. Please, Harry. If that means staying at home watching Netflix, or distracting yourself with work, that’s okay. It’s your pain, it belongs to you. It’s okay to handle the pain however you decide to, but please take care. You don’t have to visit his grave. You don’t have to talk about him again if you don’t want to. You don’t even have to cry if that’s not you. Or you can cry all of the time, or you can talk about him all of the time, too. But you do have to feel the pain, as terrible as it is. I never really found anything that helped, but I like to remember my granddad sometimes by doing things he loved. I go fishing on opening day with Robbie, I stuck one of those suctioned bird feeder on one of our windows, I make or buy a vanilla cupcake on his birthday and sing happy birthday to him, sometimes I visit his grave and bring things he likes but I know I don’t have to go there to talk to him. I know that I don’t have to do those things to make it feel like he’s with me, because he always is. I’m sorry that this card is all about me, but I hope that my words help. Even just a little bit. Please know that I’m thinking of you, and your family. I know what you’re going through, and how hard it is. I’m not going to say ‘things will be okay,’ because I know that’s the opposite of how things feel right now and for the near future. I know how much it hurts. I know that by the time you get this card, the funeral is any day now. That was one of the hardest parts for me, and it made it all the more surreal. I’m sending you so much strength and love, Harry. If there's anything I can do to help, please know I’m here for you.  Love,  Becks xoxoxo
The first laugh I’ve spent in days greets the air. But it’s ironic and surprising, I’m not sure. Only a few seconds later, tears accompany it. Soon, my phone is back in my hand where I banished it from minutes ago. And my ass is sitting on the bottom of my staircase. And I’m dialing the number I’ve been itching to for the last week. 
They answer on the third thing. 
My aching heart is soothed with the sound of their voice. Like the drought welcoming the rain. 
“Hi,” I say slowly, my words sodden with tears. 
“Hi, Harry,” she replies, sounding surprised. But her voice brings me comfort, the most I’ve felt in the last 8 days. It’s loud where she is, but in a couple of seconds, it isn’t anymore. 
“I got yer card, I uh jus’ read it. It was so sweet, Becks. I don’ think ‘thank you’ could begin t’ cover it,” I tell her slowly, uncertain what to say. I watch my feet grow blurry in front of me, and then refocus when another warm tear hits my cheek. 
“I’m glad you got it. You don’t have to thank me. W-what are you doing?” she asks, taking time with her words. 
“Tryin’ t’ get meself t’ put onna bloody tie. Ya know, me granddad tried t’ teach me once. But he gave up an’ admitted me gran’ always did it fer him,” I confess, the words falling out fast. 
An amused hum comes from her. “That’s funny. My granddad always bragged about being able to tie ties blindfolded, or something. He tried to teach Robbie, but it never stuck. It just ended in tears and yelling,” she comments. 
A smile warms on my lips, and I nod. To who, I don’t know, since she certainly can’t see me doing it. Regrettably.
“It’s today, isn’t it?” she guesses softly, earning a confirming ‘mmmhm’ from me. 
“I’m wearin’ all black. Seems like too much of tha color, but I couldn’ bear t’ look at anythin’ else in me wardrobe.”
“As long as you’re comfortable, Harry, and black isn’t such a bad color. It fits the emotion, I guess you could say,” Becky says. I sniffle and wish her voice didn’t stop playing in my ear. 
“Yer right . . . ,” I agree aloud, not knowing what to say next. I hate this part. “I didn’ stay that night I saw you. I . . . thought I could do it, but I couldn’. I drove ‘round an’ cried, feelin’ all sorts o’ terrible. Terrible fer not bein’ there with him. Terrible as I waited fer tha text that he was gone. Even more so when I got tha text . . . An’ terrible ‘cause it didn’ really feel much different aftawards.”
“That’s okay. Grief doesn’t really follow any rules, Harry. And it certainly doesn’t make any sense. It never feels right. I’m so sory,” Becky tells me, somehow making sense of something I can’t even begin to make sense of. 
“Ya ‘ave all tha right words t’ say,” I smile with a laugh that’s out of place, yet sad. My lips quiver as the tears run over them. 
“I doubt it, but I hope that means they’re helping in some capacity.”
“Ya always help, Becks,” I divulge quietly, unsure if she heard me or not. 
“Can you tell me what he was like?” Becky inquires. 
“Ya. He was um, wicked tall. Told tha best stories, but like ya neva knew how much truth there was t’ ‘em. He made tha best grilled cheese, an’ somehow always with bread he made himself. He had this laugh that I loved. It surrounded a room when ya heard it. He always smelled o’ peppermint gum. He was always whistlin’, or singin’ Sinatra songs t’ himself. He made tha best popcorn on tha stovetop, an’ e’ry time I was ova. He taught me so much an’ turned me onto so many things that I love. He’s so much of who I am, an’ I dunno how t’ let him go now.” The memories turn into words, coming easier the further I go. A warmth accompanies them as they pass through. But they’re hard to get out, as the bittersweetness drowns them in my mouth. 
“You don’t have to let him go, Harry,” she disagrees.
“B-but he’s dead,” I cry, feeling my body relinquish control to the sobs.
“But that doesn’t mean that you have to forget him like that. He’s still your granddad. You can still enjoy those memories of him. You can be happy he’s not in pain anymore without feeling guilty. You can still hold him in your heart. You can be mad at the world. You can be broken. There’s no right or wrong answer, Harry. It doesn’t feel that way, I know, but however you feel in the moment is okay. It’s okay to feel that way.” her words feel like a warm blanket coming over me after a bad day. They wrap me up in their syllables and hold me together, while I can’t. 
I can hardly get out the words ‘thank you’ without my intermittent sobs covering them up. 
“Of course,” is all she says. In her voice sweet as clover honey. 
Radio silence follows her requital with my occasional whimpers punctuating my tears. This continues for a few minutes, but it’s not awkward. I feel comfort just from knowing that she’s there. But a thought edges its way in, ruining that contentment. 
The ticking of the clock peaks my interest suddenly. More time has passed than I thought it had. “I uh should prolly get goin’ soon if I wanna make it on time, so me family doesn’t have a row,” I suddenly say. 
“Yeah yeah, of course. Um, drive safe and, I hope everything goes well. You can text me if you want. I’m just, at work,” Becky replies fast, her words stalling at parts. I hear the nerves wired in her buttery voice. 
“Thanks, love. I’ll rememba. But uh get back t’ work, kay?” I quip, feeling memories between us seep into my words. 
“Yes, sir,” she replies, following along. I welcome it with the smallest of laughs. 
“Good,” I exhale, unsure of how to end the call. And unsure if I even want to. Because this was nice, albeit the circumstances marked by hundreds of tears. It was nice to hear her voice, although I know I’ll miss it in a minute. That thought begins a new ache inside of my chest. “I’ll let ya go then. Have a good weekend, an’ take care, Becks.”
“You too, Harry. Thanks for calling,” she says, and I hear it in her voice. The shared uncertainty and nervousness. The awkwardness often there at the end of a phone call. 
“And thanks fer pickin’ up, Becks.”
“Bye, Harry,” she almost whispers. 
It takes every ounce of strength I have residing in me to echo her words, “G’bye, Becks.”
With every second that passes absent of her voice, the thought grows louder. It’s no longer ignorable. But I don’t let it take hold of me as I’m watching myself in the mirror. Wrapping the tie around my neck, and going through the motions. Tightening it around my neck as the tears begin to dry on my face. Then as I compose a text with forgotten words. 
i hope ur dad is doing better. thx for being there becks xxx
The timer on my phone begins to buzz as I shut off the entryway light. Sitting on the steps once more with my shoes in hand, I acknowledge it. The thought that’s been tinkering away in my brain. Gaining speed. 
It wasn’t enough talking to her on the phone. I wanted her here with me, again. I wanted to hide in her arms. Her scent of oranges and cloves blanketing me. Her words falling over me like snow, but without a phone separating us. I want her here with me. 
I feel my heart lurch deep down as I grab hold of the door handle. The unspoken words settle with me as I attempt to find the strength to leave. Somewhere I find it, buried in the words she spoke into me mere moments ago. 
Because that’s all I have, even if I don’t really have her. 
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pyotatochip · 5 years
just like dancing | hyunjin x reader
what’s up losers. this one goes out to @starhhj​ thanks for always hurting me so good <3
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just like dancing | hwang hyunjin x gender neutral reader wordcount: 4k inspired by: sidekick by walk the moon summary: meeting up with a photographer for a day of modelling turns into making a maybe forever friend.
ur a model
well. aspiring model.
ur instagram is a buncha pictures that u make ur friends take of you whenever y'all hang out
u have booked a couple photoshoots and submitted them to magazines
u even got published a couple times!!!!
not in anything big, just photography journals and portraiture mags
photoshoots are hella expensive tho fuckin. rip ur wallet
so u join a facebook group, which is something u never thought u would do
the idea was that aspiring photographers and aspiring models would meet up, get experience, and maybe make professional relationships
you? young and cute
all these photographers? 36 yr old dudes
they always invite you to their studios in their houses
to do artsy half nude shoots
so u were pretty unwilling to meet up with most of them
but then this one schmuck posts in the group, just when u so happen to be looking for weekend plans
“looking for a model this saturday, autumn themed shoot at han river. the leaves are really pretty right now, i wanna catch them before too many fall”
han river was a pretty public place, so u DEFINITELY felt safer
and like, ur school is pretty close to there, so ur familiar with the area
u comment “i'm free all day, give me a time and i'll meet you there”
after it posted, you clicked on his profile and
he was not 36
and he was CUTE
u freaked the fuck out
this kid looked like he was ur age. and he was hot.
should u delete the comment?
why would u do that?
bc ur nervous?
why are u nervous?
bc the photographer is a hottie?
is that really a good excuse?
before u could debate with urself much longer, ur comment received a like and u got a private message
hyunjin: hi! u look great! meet at the main gates of yeouido park at 9am?
“u look great!”
(jooe sunbaenim is quaking)
you: so early! okay! what kinda look are u going for?
hyunjin: haha i wanna get that fall morning light!!! i’d like it to be pretty autumnal. warm colors, maybe a sweater/scarf/jacket combo? if u have something like that. minimal makeup & hair, if you're into that stuff. hopefully that's all okay (^ム^)
you: sounds good! see you saturday!
you spend the next few days at school literally just thinking about how ur meeting up with a cutie on saturday
u rlly dont know what to do with urself
i show ur friend a pic of him and she's like “HOOYKY FUXKJGN GODJ”
which was basically your initial reaction too
but then shes like “he looks familiar??? is he a model too???”
u have literally no idea but it's completely possible
like, it's a waste to have that face exclusively behind the camera
and suddenly the two of u are like. obsessively going through his instagram bc WHAT THE FUCK he’s like….. REALLY GOOD
like, he does a lot of portraits, but the focus isn't necessarily always the person in the photo
the composition and background are just as important in every shot and it…. shakes u
there’s a few pictures of him too, all of which are v aesthetic
but how could they not be??? have u seen his face????
he also tags literally every person in his pictures whether they’re models or just his friends while they’re hanging out
and he photocreds everyone who takes pics of him!!
you are literally…. fallin’ in love
because he was cute and had a good eye and wrote cute captions and was so humble!!!
ur friend is like “wow we stan a pro”
“he looks seriously familiar tho, right?”
she's like “yeah i'm confused why have i seen his face before”
and ur shook bc like… if u had seen this boy irl there's no way you would forget how cute he is
finally,,, it's the weekend
you get on the train and head to han river early in the morning, dressed up and made up for your ~autumn photoshoot~
as soon as you get to the gates ur like.. holy fuck
it's so pretty
the leaves are a mix of orange and red and green and there's a couple dusting the ground too
no wonder hyunjin wanted to shoot here
ur kinda aimlessly wandering around the gate when u suddenly spot
he’s wearing a bomber jacket and has a camera bag over his shoulder
and his neck is literally at a 90° angle while he's looking at his phone
ur like…. that cant be ok
u get a notif while ur walking up to him and its a message from him asking if u were on ur way
“actually, i can't make it”
he looks up and immediately laughs. “hi! y/n?”
u wave. “hi hyunjin!! nice to meet you!!”
y'all exchange pleasantries and he's suddenly like
“your outfit is literally perfect” he steps back to look at u. “exactly what i had in mind”
u put up a peace sign. he laughs again.
uh oh
u really like his laugh
and his smile
and his everything
uh oh
he leads you further into the park where there's less people and more trees
“i brought another jacket and a couple of scarves in case u wanted something different” u say as he's helping you take off ur backpack
“oooooo a professional”
“not even”
he asks you if he can take a boomerang of u for his instagram story and u do a lil twirl
he gasps
“that was cute!!!!”
he giggles while he's posting it
what is with this kid and his giggles
u cant
if he keeps doin it at this rate, it'll probably be the death of u 
which is
he puts your backpack on and pulls his camera out of his bag. “let's take some pics in this outfit and then i'll peek at the other options. i like this look a lot”
and then… he just starts taking pictures
u literally laugh
“where do you want me?”
“wherever,” he goes, checking the pics real fast. “i tend to go for candid shots”
suddenly,,, his entire instagram flashes in your brain
the pictures of people laughing and mid walk and reading books
u thought all the models were just. really comfy and professionals and shit
“so uhhh…” u literally dont know what to do
u have Never done a shoot Like This
“just walk,” he said. “look around. i'll follow”
you: no fear
hyunjin: just walk
you: one fear
u nervously laugh again and he's hitting his shutter like A MILLION TIMES A SECOND
“okay…… i guess i'll walk then”
u push his shoulder while u walk past him bc he's cheesin at u way too hard for u to handle
“that didn't hurt”
“it hurt my heart :(“
ur walking backwards and laughing and he's just. only looking at you through his camera.
so. u wander.
u take a lovely morning walk down the pretty paths at han river
u really were so scared that u would be completely directionless, but hyunjin ends up asking you to do specific things also
“go up on those rocks”
“i'm literally wearing slippery ass boots do you want me to die”
“do it for the shot, y/n”
so ur up on some rocks trying not to fall into a fucking river
and when hyunjin shows u the pics he takes….
he was right
the entire time he was shooting, he would just strike up conversation to make you comfy
asking how long you've been pursuing modelling
if u wanna do it as a career or if its just a hobby
about ur family
about ur pets
(he asks a lot about pets)
ur sitting on a bench and he's crouched a few feet away to get those ~angles~ when he asks
“where do u go to school?”
hyunjin gasps. “no way! me too!”
you fuckin ALMOST DIE
because u fuckin brainblast and have a recovered memory of seeing hyunjin In Your School's Uniform in the lunchroom and suddenly IT ALL MAKES SENSE
you hop up from the bench and like. YELL.
he stands and literally screams and u are. so shocked. “i thought you looked really familiar too!!!! i figured i just had seen your pics on the facebook group!!!! i highkey stalked ur instagram bc i couldn't figure out where i knew you from!!”
okay, wig
he stalked you also which is….. great
“what year are you???”
“i'm a junior!”
you push him.
“boi what the fuck! me too!”
“no way!!!” he's laughing “that's crazy!”
he literally pulls out his phone and opens instagram
u have never seen a person use instagram stories as much as this bitch
like, he intermittently pulls out his phone to get shots for his story
u almost threw hands when u were sliding around on some stupid wet rocks bc he was like “JUMP AGAIN I NEED IT FOR A BOOMERANG”
he does this cute lil hair flip and adjusts his bangs before he starts recording and u…. kinda wanna cry
he spins so ur in the shot with him and puts his arm over your shoulders
u laugh out loud
he laughs with you and u have to cover ur mouth so an uwu doesn't fall out
u try not to focus on his literally perfect eye smile as he hunches over his phone to post to his story
those crescents
are so cute
and he has this lingering grin every time he laughs
and like. wow. lips. amirite. ladies and gents.
“i cant believe u go to kyunggi,” u say. bc u cant.
“what are the odds. out of all the people in that group, we end up meeting up”
u almost made a joke about it being destiny but then u were like oo no thats creepy dont say that
then hyunjins gasps
and u look at him
and he just looks at you wide eyed
and fucking
you scream laugh
he's laughing too
but on a real level ur like why would that have been super creepy if u said it but it was cute as hell (and a little heart fluttery) when he did?
he goes on saying it's crazy that you had never had any classes together over the years
“or any clubs,” u said
“yeah!!! what clubs do you do??”
“photography! which is why i'm shocked!!!”
hyunjin gasps again
wtf is up with this boy and his gasps
“i was gonna do photography but they meet the same days as dance!”
his entire jaw drops off his damn face
u literally can't believe
“we've been barely missing each other all this time when we could have been best friends :(“
oh ow
ouch hyunjin
that got u right in ur weak heart
like literally u might have a heart condition now bc he just hit u with the “we could have been best friends”
“sorry i already have a best friend”
then he's laughing and ur like… oh fuck wheew
“well, sorry, i'm replacing them now. we have to catch up on lost time.”
and honestly………. he's right
number 1: y'all are both photography nerds
even tho you have begun to skew on the modelling side of it, u always loved taking pictures of scenery and u knew way too much about how cameras worked
and hyunjin really was like a pro
u had watched him adjust settings on his camera for white balance and exposure and everything
and judging by his instagram, he set himself up for some flawless editing too
number 2: y'all are both dance nerds
he tells u basically all his friends are in the dance club and have formed a lil dance crew bc of it
u say u used to take classes when u were younger but now u just go to the gym and hide in a practice room for a few hours every week
he does hip hop! which is so predictable but u still act all surprised
u tell him u used to do ballet but ur much more into urban dance these days
number 3: y'all both don't know how to stop laughing
like literally if either of you do anything remotely funny the other one is fucked for five minutes
ur pretty sure 90% of the pics hyunjin was taking were of you covering your face because ur literally GUFFAWING
and like, y'all ain't even that funny
but the more you laugh the less funny shit has to be for you to be crying
hyunjin told u to stop making him laugh bc his fingers were getting weak and he didnt wanna drop his camera
you, trying not to giggle: its ok u have a strap around ur neck u can drop it
hyunjin, tears flowing freely: PLEASE LET ME BREATHE
number 4: y'all both LOVE UR PETS
like idk man he tells u about kkami and u freak the fuck out because he's just SO EXCITED ABT HIS PUP
and hyunjin almost ditches u right then n there when u say ur more of a cat person BUT he forgives u because ur cat is literally named hot dog
this is highkey the most fun you've ever had on a shoot
like, you feel so comfortable with hyunjin
and every time you take breaks to peek at the pictures he's been taking
u like … literally stop breathing
he's so talented ;;
you eventually swap jackets and scarves and wander around more
and literal hours later hyunjin's like
“are u hungry”
u stare. “always”
he laughs. “do you wanna go to the convenience store and make ramen”
“i thought you'd never ask”
so y'all go to the conbini and pick out ya fave ramen packets
(and some chips and candy bc u have literally no self control)
hyunjin really tries to buy your food for you but you yell at him while ur checking out bc Boi. No.
the cashier: watched the two of you look at food and bump into each other constantly, touching each others arms and giggling the whole time
you: leave me the fuck alone hwang hyunjin or i'm calling the cops!!!
the cashier: ????????
u make ur ramen at the handy dandy hot water dispenser and carefully bring it back to a seating area in the park
“be careful it's hot!!!”
“hyunjin please, u act like i'm not a ramen pro”
“i just didnt want u to burn ur cute lil mouth, damn”
ur entire being goes WEE WOO WEE WOO
u literally almost choke on nothing and you just cough to try to play it off
hyunjin is having none of it
he's laughing his ass off
“wow that got you better than i expected”
“fuck off hwang”
he stands up to leave and u laugh and grab his sleeve
he's giggling before he even sits again
y'all eat ur ramen and chat more about school and hobbies
he tells u about this one time he almost got admitted into a cult
you: wow… pretty AND dumb
hyunjin, flustered: h-hey!
you tell him about how your cat is a rescue and his heart melts
there's a minute where you're staring at nothing in the distance eating chips
and hyunjin is just staring at you
his brain: hoe dont do it
his heart: doki doki
his brain: oh my god
“hey… are you still free all day?”
u look at him. “yeah, why?”
he opens a bag of gummies. “i'm supposed to meet up with some friends to go bowling in like an hour but i wanna keep hanging out. wanna come?”
you groan. “i'm so bad at bowling”
“we can be on a team,” he offers you a gummy bear and you take it. “i'll carry you.”
pls explain why an image of him holding you bridal style popped into ur head sgdhhf
“haha okay. as long as ur friends aren't lame.”
“they are, but i'll be there so it's fine”
“fair enough. i'm in.”
so y'all hop on a bus and head to the bowling alley that (apparently) hyunjin and his buddies frequent
(he's playing pickles with you in the back of the bus and you're giggling so hard that ur struggling to tell him to cut it the fuck out so you don't disturb the people sitting next to you)
((but also feeling his entire body press against you isn't the worst))
you've been to this bowling alley before
it's popular among younger folks because it's cheap lol
the two of you walk in and one of his friends immediately starts yelling
u freeze “dude i thought u said we were gonna be early”
he looked at his phone “we literally are”
this blonde kid is yelling hyunjin's name and ur wide eyed while u follow
“IT'S 2:20”
“WE SAID 2:30!!!”
hyunjin looks over to the group of his friends already bowling a game “oh”
u bust out laughing
hyunjin gets all flustered like “i-i thought it was 2:30!!!”
“who's ur friend, my perpetually late son”
“o-oh,,, this is y/n”
his friend sticks out his hand for you to shake. “hi, i'm chan. were you the model today?”
you grin “are you saying i look like a model?”
“OKAY!” hyunjin grabs your shoulders and you giggle when chan stutters without responding while hyunjin drags you to the counter to rent shoes and pay for a game
hyunjin is: flustered
he's all embarrassed because he was late and got yelled at by his fake dad
and then u went and,,,, u were so smooth with chan
he wondered if you had been flirting with him all morning because you actually liked him or,,, ur just a flirt
he grabbed your wallet out of your hand and shoved it in his pocket so that he could pay for your shoes and game for you.
“you wouldn't let me buy you food and you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me if you argue i swear i'll throw you down a lane”
you pout but you let him pay
and ur heart,,, it goes off, dude
like,,,, maybe,,,,,,, u would let him throw you sgdgshsh
y'all walk over to the lane his friends are on, bowling shoes in hand
your face lights tf up. “seungmin!!”
hyunjin looks between the two of you probably six times while you hug before finally going “w-what”
you and seungmin look at each other, then at hyunjin
hyunjin: you know each other
you and seungmin, in sync: photography club
hyunjin: alright, well,
he announces to everyone your name and you were his new best friend and that if any of them had a problem with it they could talk to his fist
you, softly, but with feeling: f-fuck
y'all change your shoes and watch as his friends finish up their game
while they play, hyunjin points each person out and tells you their name, helping you learn all these new people
since u guys were twenty (20) minutes late, they were already almost done with the first game
they were all pretty good. 
well. most of them were.
the guy hyunjin pointed out as jisung kept getting gutter, but he was having fun
everyone else kept getting strikes or spares and u were like oh god
you keep telling hyunjin that ur really bad at bowling
hyunjin: i'll teach you. it'll be like ghost.
you, softly, but with more feeling: f-fUck
you, realization washing over you: wait how would you even-
hyunjin: *giggles*
hyunjin's giggles.
send tweet.
the entire time you were entirely too conscious of how close he was to you
you could feel the burning on your shoulder, thigh, knee - all the contact points where his body bumped into yours
your knee bobbed involuntarily while you watched the game end, nervously anticipating your turn to hit the gutter
and suddenly, hyunjin's hand was gently placed on your knee
it stopped bobbing
you looked at his hand, then at him
he smiled, but kept looking forward
“relax. even if you're bad, i'll hype you up.”
it was barely above a whisper so you wondered for a sec if he was even talking to you
yall start bowling.
he was. not all talk.
like who the fuck is good at bowling
hyunjin, apparently
he fuckin. chucked that ball down the lane
it made a smooth curve and took out. every. pin.
you stared at the empty lane in disbelief as hyunjin got a couple high fives from his friends making his way towards you
"not bad, right?"
"bro what the fuck"
he laughed and held out a hand to help you up "we bowl a lot"
you didnt even process fully that he was pulling you out of your seat because it was your turn. 
ur hands: sweaty
ur arms: spaghetti
ur vomit: on ur sweater already
not actually
u picked up the ball hyunjin had helped you pick and looked at him like a deer in headlights
"bro i havent bowled since i was six"
he giggled. "you can do this"
he walked with u and showed you his starting stance, gently adjusting the way your wrists twisted and patting your hip
u. tried to not blush. no word on how well you did.
he guided you through your walk up and when u let go of the ball..
"BRO I HIT A PIN!!!!!!!!!!!!"
hyunjin gave you a Sick High Ten, laughing "now you gotta hit the other nine!"
you froze
the others were starting to calm down from the excitement of your first half-frame, anticipating your second hit
you watched your ball return from the lane n went over to grab it
hyunjin looked at you Once and was likr….. is that caspar the ghost
the color had DRAINED from you
u…. u hit a pin…… thats like the best u've ever done
n now you gotta TOP THAT?
"its like dancing," he said suddenly. u looked at him, desperate to hear advice in terms u understood. "even if you can go through the motions, it doesnt necessarily make you good. you have to trust your body to remember the motions, give it a little finesse, and that's when you start to get Really good."
you blinked at him
"was that supposed to be helpful"
"can you Shut the Fuck Up and Bowl"
you took a deep breath, adjusting your stance as hyunjin reminded you of the steps you needed to take
another breath
let go…..
"I HIT FOUR PINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
hyunjin scoops u up in a hug, spinning you around
ur too busy SCREAMING to register whats happening until he puts you down
u stare at him a second
he stares at you
"GOOD JOB Y/N!!!!!"
you turn to seungmin, who also scoops you into a hug, the rest of the boys crowding around you
you didnt even have a chance to be embarrassed about the weird eye contact you n hyunjin made
or about how. everyone in the bowling alley was staring at you guys.
because like…… suddenly
you just made a bunch of new friends
and one of them
helped you hit a pin for the first time.
and maybe….
he was still holding your hand
and maybe that felt really nice.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Mini rant: Nostalgia
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This may seem like an odd topic to talk about, but honestly? I felt like talking about it.
Regarding the visuals, what you’re seeing with the newer asks is exactly how my blog operated under Danganronpa. 
Using the portraits from the game, I was able to make a lot of dumb shit via photoshop.
When I couldn’t find any of the 3H stuff and had to use really low quality stuff, I was kinda heartbroken.
But now that I found them, and have been able to do a buncha shitposting with it, it feels like I’m starting over all again.
Being able to make use of my photoshopping abilities while writing genuine imagines for so many people has made me feel really nostalgic.
It makes me think back to the days when I was first starting out, how weird it felt. I was always a silent liker, just reading the other imagines for other fandoms and thinking “I want to write like these people too!”, and fantasized about having my own blog and people wanting to read more of my stuff.
Now here I am, 3 years later with a 1000+ followers, loving both my meme side and serious side of writing.
Plus the fact that back when this blog was FAR smaller, I was just happy to exceed 20 notes and considered that a major success.
Now? I’m surpassing the 100′s on several of my posts at record pace, not to mention the hundreds that joined in for the Child!Byleth AU and my other 3H content.
Words can’t describe how happy that all my time working on this blog has led to a lot of people laughing at the dumb shit I write/make, and at the same time, my genuine passion for writing has had people complimenting it, and wanting more of it.
Not to mention, ever since I decided to try and leave my isolationist blog vibe behind, I’ve made a new friend thanks to this blog! (You know who you are if you’re reading this!)
I hope to make more soon with how much passion the community has, for memes and for a game we all love.
Words can’t describe how grateful I am to you all for following and all the compliments you’ve given, and all the tags you’ve written in (yes, I read your reblogs).
Anyways, mushy stuff’s over now. Let’s get on with the ask, shall we?
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paladin-andric · 5 years
Happily Ever Afters: Eignach
In honor of the upcoming holidays, I’m going to be posting some Christmas related stories! Up first is the journey of Eignach, the urchin from Genmere who somehow found all his dreams coming true. Below are two perspectives, one of how hard he had it as a child, and one many years later, celebrating the holidays with his love. His tale is surprisingly inspiring now; when I first wrote him he was just “Razorwing’s bf”. It’s nice to look back and see how much he’s developed, both in my setting and as his own person. Read under the cut.
Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadchronicles, @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @candy687, @fierywords, @shewrites-sometimes, @nerds-and-nebulae, @purpleshadows1989
“Hiya, mister Jacob!
A small, all black koutu ran up to the store counter, hopping excitedly. Even with jet black feathers all over the koutu’s body Jacob could tell he was filthy. In addition, he wore a sleeveless shirt and shorts, both gray, dirty and torn.
The bearded man behind the counter gave him a smile. “Aah, Eignach! How are you today?”
“Oh, good I guess!” the child answered back bashfully. “Erm, so I was wondering if you had anything for me today…?” Eignach stared up at the man with wide, hopeful eyes.
Jacob knew this child well. Eignach was a common sight in this less well-off part of the city. Genmere was pretty well-off, being the capital city of Geralthin and the trade hub of the known world, but that didn’t stop the occasional bout of hard luck…especially when it came to orphans.
Eignach was one such orphan, having lost his parents to a monster attack outside the walls. With no other family and no one to take care of him, he ended up on the street. The orphanages of Genmere were already full due to a recent war up north, and so none could take him in.
Jacob sighed. He didn’t need the help, and he’d rather spare the money, but he wasn’t about to leave this kid without a way to make money. He needed it to buy food, to stay alive…
“Well, I suppose my yard’s a bit of a mess. Think you could water it and pull the weeds?”
“Sure thing, mister Jacob! I’d love to!”
Eignach bolted towards the back door, fidgeting excitedly as Jacob plodded over. The adult unlocked the door and headed outside, where the back of his property lay in relative disuse. He barely came back here and it showed. The yard was mostly empty save a few tools lying about, and a small, short fence was all that separated it from the streets.
Jacob looked down and picked up a large, heavy pail full of stagnant water. It had been sitting there for weeks, but…
“Alright, just dump this around the yard, I guess. Don’t go drinking it though, you’ll get sick!”
He thrust the huge pail into Eignach’s talons, who quickly buckled and strained as he tried to keep it held up. “Urg, hng…s-sure thing, mister Jacob!”
“Once you’re done, pull out all those weeds, and all those dandelions and clovers too.”
“Y-you got it, sir!”
“Take your time. I’ll be inside. If you need anything, let me know, alright?”
“Y-you bet!”
“Alright, I’ll come back to see how you’re doing later! Pace yourself, now!”
Jacob entered the store again and closed the door behind him. He trusted Eignach, not that there was really anything for the child to steal back there anyway.
The shop owner sat down behind the counter and kicked his feet up, taking the papers he left there and beginning to flip through them.
Huh…this Razorwing fellow just killed ANOTHER dragon. Been hearing his name a lot lately…a lotta dopes wanting to be adventurers come through here, but he sounds like the real deal. Hmm…a crash in the chocolate market? That’s odd…trade wars with the Federation? Dumb turtles…huh! Says here a paladin just vanquished some cult, too. Lotta weird things going on lately…
Jacob continued thumbing through the news that the Drake Express had published, noting that while news had been slow for a long while, things had been ramping up the past year.
More heresies, buncha incidents on the human-koutu border, strange happenings in the south…hmm…what’s going on, I wonder?
Jacob’s casual perusal was interrupted by what sounded like shouting. Very loud shouting, by several different voices…coming from his back yard.
“What the hell…?”
He quickly put the papers down and stood up, hurrying over to the back door and throwing it open.
The sight before him was not what he had expected.
Eignach was surrounded by a large group of boys, all older and bigger than himself. He was on his knees, cowering as they pulled and hit him.
“It hurts! Stop! Stop it!”
“What are you gonna do about it, birdy? Squawk? Come on, squawk for me.”
Jacob’s face was beet red as he opened his mouth and bellowed “HEY!” at the top of his lungs.
The children all froze and turned to look at the furious man. He was quite tall and imposing in appearance, but this angry he was something else.
“You little rats! I oughta whip you all half to DEATH!”
The human children all yelled and began scurrying, jumping over the fence and rushing back into the city. The man ran to the fence and raised his fist in the air.
“If I ever catch you here again, I’ll give you the beating of your life!”
“I’m telling father!” one of the well-to-do boys called back.
“Then I’ll beat his ass too, you little snot-nosed brat!”
Jacob sighed and shook his head as the last of the children vanished into the city. He turned and looked over at the koutu, walking over and kneeling down next to him. He extended his hand. “Are you okay, Eignach?”
The crow sniffled as he accepted the man’s help, getting pulled to his feet and then staggering over to the tree stump in the middle of the yard. His shirt had a new tear, larger than all the others. His face grew wet as he began to cry.
“M-mister Jacob? W-why is everyone…so mean?”
“They’re idiots, Eignach. Don’t think about them.”
The child wiped at his face, looking more crestfallen than Jacob could ever remember him looking. “I-I hate it here…”
“I know, I know. It’s gonna be alright, Eignach.”
“I miss mother and father…”
Jacob’s face grew sullen at those words. He knew Eignach’s story, and his heart was heavy at the reminder of it.
“T-the guards don’t let me back in my house. They said it’s not ours anymore, that mother and father are gone. I don’t understand…did they leave because they hate me?”
The man’s eyes went wide. “N-no, no, Eignach! They don’t hate you! Of course they don’t! They’re your parents! They love you!”
“T-then why don’t they come back?”
So young, so innocent…Jacob could only look down and try his best to comfort him. “They can’t. It’s not their choice. They were forced. They miss you, Eignach, just like you miss them. If it was up to them they’d be here right now.”
“I wish they were…I wish they were here with me…I wish they’d protect me…”
The shop owner felt a great deal of pity for the little misfit. Try as he might, he couldn’t seem to find a place to call his own, and sought out nice adults like Jacob for guidance and validation. “They wish they were too, Eignach…but you have to stay strong for them, alright? They want you to be happy.”
“I’m not happy.”
Jacob nearly started crying too. Here was a small, young child, at his most important moments in life, where he would be shaped into the man he would be when he grew up, when he should be learning and growing and having fun and living with friends and family…and he was a homeless urchin without a soul to bond with, doing hard labor to scrape by, sleeping in back alleys and crying to himself when the other kids bullied him.
Eignach seemed surprised when Jacob leaned down and gave him a hug. Jacob was surprised, too, but for a different reason.
…man, this kid STINKS.
The crow child sniffled and accepted the hug, wings wrapping around the man.
“It’s gonna be okay,” Jacob assured him. Eignach could only barely keep himself from breaking down like this.
“Y-you’ll be my friend, right, Jacob?”
“Of course.”
They remained like this for a while longer, Eignach not wanting to let go. It gave him vague memories of years ago, when his family was still alive, and his mother would lovingly cradle him and whisper lullabies to him…
He felt a little cold and alone when Jacob broke the hug, but when he looked up the warm smile the man was giving him put him at ease. “Say, Eignach, forget the weeds. Why don’t you come with me? I think you deserve an easy day after all that.”
The koutu wiped his eyes. “W-what do you mean?”
“I mean we’ll take you to the bathhouse, get you and your clothes washed, I’ll treat you to dinner, and rent you an inn room for the night. How does that sound?”
Eignach’s eyes lit up. “T-that sounds wonderful!”
“Great! Come on, let’s get started. You reek!”
“Sure thing, mister Jacob!”
The crow eagerly followed the shopkeep back inside, eyes alight as he considered the day ahead. No dirt in his feathers, fresh clothes, a full stomach and a roof over his head…
…maybe someday, he could live like that every day.
Many years later...
Winter Music
The living room was warm, both in color and temperature. A roaring fire before the couch and a smattering of themed decorations around the carpeted room gave a lovely, inviting appearance where once could relax in a harmonious setting.
Outside, snow fell from the sky in a great flurry, and the darkness was only broken by distant lights on the horizon. The snow had piled up quite a bit on the ground, not a twig or blade of grass in sight. It must have been utterly freezing, but inside, it was as if one was in a different world.
Two koutu stood beside one another before the tree. It was decorated in various ornaments, some purchased, some handmade. It was tradition to bring in a tree for the day that awaited them tomorrow. This was a cultural side effect of the decision the koutu made to embrace humanity’s faith. Tomorrow was Creation Day, a religious observance of God’s kindness and mercy, and now the koutu celebrated it just the same as humans.
The tree had been brought in by hand, and Razorwing had wowed Eignach with his great might, cutting down and carrying in the thing with little effort.
Now, with all the other decorations in place, the small crow stepped forward and offered the final piece to complete the tree. Eignach, smiling widely, rose his arms to place it upon a high branch.
A large, ornamental heart, with the heads of two avians resting against one another inside.
He stepped back to admire it, and the tree as a whole. Razorwing put an arm around his shoulder.
“Looks wonderful, eh?”
“Sure does,” he answered quietly.
The pair of them stood admiring the tree for a while, other thoughts in their minds forgotten. It had been quite a journey up to this point. So many long years as orphans, the adventuring on Razorwing’s part and the skulking the streets in disguise on Eignach’s part, both many miles apart in different kingdoms…
How did fate allow them to be together like this?
“Hey…” Eignach’s voice was hesitant and shaky.
“Do you…do you think it’ll be like this…forever?”
Razorwing turned and looked at the younger man. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…us. I spent my entire life never having seen you, on the streets of Genmere, wandering around without a home, without a purpose, a-and all of a sudden…I have a home. I have…a place I belong. It’s strange…I never knew what it was like to have a home, or a family, or a love, or anything…I’m just curious…is this how life is supposed to be? It feels too good to be true.”
Razorwing gave him a warm smile and pulled him closer. “Of course it is. You were just unlucky…as I was. I had to claw myself to this position, and it’s not one I intend to throw away. You know I’ll never leave, and we’ve been over this before…you’re not a guest anymore; you’re family. This is your home, too. We’ll live here as long as we’re together, and I get the feeling that’s not going to end in this life or the next.”
Eignach felt his eyes watering. He dove into Razorwing, pulling him into a tight hug as he squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face in the other man’s shirt.
Razorwing’s expression softened, and he returned the hug, looking down at the crow latched onto him. He patted his back and let out a quiet “You’re safe,” as the other koutu quivered.
“Y-you are too,” Eignach said, his voice muffled by all the cloth and feathers.
“I love you, Domnall.”
The utterance of that name broke Razorwing’s stoic visage for a moment. Only two people in the world knew him by that name; Eignach…and the one that abused him in his younger years.
Admitting the truth of his life before “Razorwing” and giving him his real name was a massive amount of trust that Razorwing had placed in Eignach…and he had no reason to believe that trust would ever be broken.
His smile returned as he remembered where he was. The old bag of bones and feathers would never trouble him again. Like the crow had just said, he was safe here, with him.
“I love you too, Eignach.”
In a world of their own, the pair embraced on this most holy day of kindness and love.
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captainxandis · 5 years
Webtoon Recommendations
sooooo yeah im gonna drop here a list of some series' im reading on Webtoon that are really good in no real order despite the fact that nobody asked bc i need more people to chat about them with. i would put these under a readmore but im on mobile and it Will Not Let Me sorry.
also if you wanna chat w me about these or tag me in related stuff PLEASE DO! Im also open to suggestions for good things on webtoon to read so like (: recc me stuff or add your recs
series marked with * update weekly at the time of posting this
Tower of God *
I have no idea how to explain this one but its very very good and only gets better the further in you get. Reading this is an absolute ROLLERCOASTER and i get fast past tokens so i can keep up with it. The basic concept is that there is a magic tower with "floors" that are their own little worlds and if you get to the top of this tower your wish will be granted. But partway up the tower someone decided to stop climbing it and declare himself king. And Thats Just The Setting. The actual story is even wilder than the concept though and im not doing it justice but its SO GOOD.
Lore Olympus *
basically a retelling of Persephone and Hades' lovestory but more modern and very well done i love this one to pieces its the best slowburn ive paid attention to in a WHILE
So this witch named Camille's 21st birthday ritual to summon a demon and secure her familys prosperity goes just a liiittle bit (jk its a LOT) wrong and sets the plot into motion revealing a bunch about her backstory she didnt know before. Honestly? Its super good and updates weekly
basically its set in the future where a girl befriends a very special AI and changes the whole world. The first season of it is amazing and I cant wait for them to come out with the second!
this is just a buncha short little bits about two lesbian vamp girlfriends whl sre too fucking cute with some backstory peppered in. I reread these when im feeling sad
this one only has a few chapters but its very cute so far. Its about a young mermaid living near an island all alone who meets some pirates. tbh she needs a hug and like a cookie or something.
so this one is a complete curveball from the others and is like a really unique horror series Im really enjoying at the moment. Its a series of stories about a girl in an odd town where progressively fucked up things keep happening. Has some gore though so be advised. (i believe the chapters w gore are warned at the start but i could be wrong)
The Wrath & The Dawn*
So this one is also fairly newish but im really enjoying it so far. According to its infoblurb its a retelling of 1001 nights, but ive never read that so for people like me, heres a little summary. Its about a Caliph (leader of the caliphate, considered to be a successor to the Prophet Muhammad) who keeps taking new brides each night only to have them killed in the morning and a girl who volunteered knowing thats what hes been doing.
Countdown to Countdown
a story about a kid who can bring stuff to life with his drawings (which like. u kno. Objectively and all... COOL?!?!) who lives in a correctional facility for people with powers. Unlike preeeetttyyyyy much everyone else he cant (doesnt? idk) suppress his which means he has no friends really and so hes super lonely and then SHENNANIGANS happen. in all seriousness it gets a bit dark and has like, a small amount of gore near the end of what is up at the time of posting.
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stony-ao3-feed · 5 years
Avenge Us
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tdq9nh
by LeyenarTheAvenger
Look out, Avengers...Your biggest challenges are comin' along!
As the Avengers(plus myself) are charged with duties of preventing a certain Mad Titan from eradicating half the universe, Tony Stark discovers what a terrible mistake he has made when he finds out the truth about his being. With odd twists and turns, this is a fanfiction to break all the rules, and create new ones.
Words: 926, Chapters: 1/17, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), How It Should Have Ended (Web Series)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Author - Character, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Hulk (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Darren Cross, Ultron (Marvel), Stan Lee, Carol Danvers, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, T'Challa (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Friday (Marvel), Peter Quill, Ronan the Accuser, Gamora (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Mantis (Marvel), Avengers Team (MCU), Super Galaxy Avengers, a whole buncha Carols, Carol Corps - Character, Shuri (Marvel), Harley Keener, and the cast of thousands
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Quill/Ronan the Accuser, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Carol Danvers/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Ultron & Everyone, Author & Everyone, Tony Stark & Author, Steve Rogers & Author, Ultron & Author, Darren Cross & Author, Carol Danvers & Author, Thanos & Author, Tony Stark & Ultron, Steve Rogers & Ultron
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, Not Pepper Potts Friendly, Villain Pepper Potts, BAMF Carol Danvers, all of them actually - Freeform, more than one Carol Danvers, too many Carols to count, Crossover, in the Endgame arc, Soulmates, Soul Bond, Reincarnation, Matchmaker Ultron (Marvel), Yoshida Ultron, Ultron Stark-Rogers, I'm an Avenger, Leyenar The Avenger, I also have an Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Stone Soul World (Marvel), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Humor, tons of it, Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Minor Gamora/Peter Quill, Temporary Character Death, Fix-It, will Thanos meet his Waterloo?, yes of course, 'cause we are the Avengers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tdq9nh
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jasper-quinn · 6 years
Interview with The Hound
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1. What is your name?
“Jasper Quinn, got anythin’ more interestin’ ta ask me?”
2. What is your real name?
“I jus’ fuckin’ told ya. Jasper. Though, I suppose some folk like ta call me Jay, er Jas, er Red. Take yer pick.”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“Couldn’t much give you a reason as ta why I was named Jasper, but most folk jus’ shorten my name, or call me ‘Red’ on account of my red ‘air.“
4. Are you single or taken?
“As much as I’d like ta make some cheeky remark, I’m pretty ‘appily in love wit ol Foxy.” ( @flying-fox-of-westfall) 
5. Have any abilities or powers?
"Nah. Jus’ a simple sailor, an’ someone who works wit his ‘ands.” There’s a grin on his lips though, and mischief in his eyes. It’s not hard to tell he’s lying, but getting a straight answer is another tale entirely. 
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
”I fucked a girl named Mary Sue once. Out in Westfall. Farmers daughter an’ all that shit. Horrible in tha sack, an’ used too much teeth.” 7. What’s your eye color?
“Figurin’ green, ‘least that’s what Foxy tells me.”
8. How about your hair color?
“They don’t call me ‘Red’ fer shit’s n giggles.”
9. Have you any family members?
“Didn’t think I did fer a long ass time, but turns out I got a sister. Names Victoria, but I like ta call ‘er V jus’ cause it bugs ‘er.” His grin is just shit eating. “An’ her Wolfy is a part o’ tha family now, an’ so is Foxy. So. Guessin’ you could say we got a rag tag group of misfits.” 
10. Oh? What about pets?
“Ol’ Giz is mine. Swiped him off tha cobbles stones when he was thin as a pole, an eatin’ ravens ta get by. Covered in mange, an’ other wise yer typical alley cat. Didn’t like folk much, but once ‘e realized I was feedin’, an’ housin’ ‘im, he came ‘round pretty quick.” A pause as he sipped his whiskey. “Ol’ Foxy ‘as Rua, an’ I swear I’d always thought foxes were jus’ outside critters, but damn is Rua jus’ sweet as pie. Little shit head though.” 
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“Don’t like a shit load of stuff, ya gotta be more specific than that.” Upon further questioning, he shrugs a shoulder absently. “I absolutely ‘ate those assholes who sit outside tha Cathedral an’ try n’ tell me I’m goin’ straight to the Fel ifin’ I don’t praise tha Light.” He rolls his eyes. “While I ain’t sayin’ tha Fel is a nice place ta be, I’d rather be down there wit’ tha other assholes like me who drink, n fight, n swear than up there with all them goodie goodie paladin’s.” 
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
“Eh, a little a’ this an’ a little a’ that.” He sips his whiskey. “Usually I’m off strummin’ a guitar, or gettin’ inta general mischief ifin’ someone leaves me alone long enough ta find it.” A chuckle. “Though, I’ve been itchin’ ta pick up either tha fiddle, er tha banjo. Foxy say’s the Fiddle is more dignified, but I’d never much thought myself dignified.” 
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“Buncha times.”
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Least not someone who didn’t deserve it.”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“Well shit that’s an odd question, but I’m supposin’ most folk call me ‘The Hound’ ‘cause I got a nose fer things. Don’t really know what that means, but I ain’t complaining. Could be worse.”
16. Name your worst habits.
“Other than bar fightin’ and drinkin’? Prolly smokin’.“
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
"’Onestly? I look up ta V. She’s always cool, an’ calm, an’ collected, even when shit’s hittin’ tha fan. I’ve always admired tha ‘bout her. She ain’t got my temper. Well, actually, she sorta does, but usually that’s only fer when I’ve really pushed ‘er.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
Silence as deep as the grave follows this question.
19. Do you go to school?
“Nope. Well, sorta. I got whatever bullshit education the City offers poor Orphans, but that was mostly jus’ readin’, an writin’ an’ basic math. Ain’t much else. Never ‘ad any kinda opportunities ta join anythin’ more prestigious. So, sorta just picked everything up on my own, an’ I’ve done alright so far.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“Used ta think I’d never want any of that shit, but damn if Foxy ain’t been changin’ my mind lately.”  
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“Pffft. Nah. Just a buncha jaded ex husbands, an’ a few current ones, who want my skin fer fuckin’ their wives better than they ever did.”
22. What are you most afraid of?
"Dogs. An’ a few other things I ain’t much wantin’ ta share.”
23. What do you usually wear?
"ifin’ it’s comfortable, an’ I can work in it? I’m wearin’ it.”
24. Do you love someone?
“I love Foxy with all my damn heart.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“That’s actually a funny story.” He starts with a chuckle. “There I was, so piss ass drunk, I could ‘ardly walk, an’ after a good fight, an’ another good fuck, I fell asleep in some broad’s bed. I was fuckin’ tanked I fuckin’ pissed myself right there in ‘er bed. Didn’t even wake up, er nothin’. I jus’ remember ‘er screamin’ an throwin’ me outta the house, wit’out no explanation, till the wind picked up, an’ I found my balls freezin’ right off me.” A shrug. “That was a fun night, I think. Don’t remember much of it though.” 
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
“You plannin’ on gettin’ me so fuckin’ tanked I piss myself again?”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
"Ain’t never been a part of a class, but I’d be guessin’ workin’ class, as I ‘ave a steady job, an’ a life worth livin’.”
28. How many friends do you have?
"Couple close one’s, an’ lotsa contacts, but I wouldn’t be callin’ all of ‘em friends. That’s a term only reserved fer folk I trust.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
"V says’ Ma used ta make a bitchin’ apple pie, an’ I’d be lyin’ ifin’ I said I didn’t wanna try it one day.”
30. Favorite drink?
31. What’s your favorite place?
“Drivin’ on an open road wit Foxy an’ tha bike. Jus’ goin’ wherever we wanna go. That’s my favorite.”
32. Are you interested in someone?
“Good ol’ Claire Donnovan.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“I once ‘eard a gentleman don’t kiss n tell, which, I don’t really know what that means, but I’m guessin’ it means no cock talk. So. Figure it out fer yerself.”
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“I’m a good swimmer, so of’n I find myself doin’ overboard duty. Don’t mean I like the sea though. Folk drown all tha time, an’ I don’t much wanna join ‘em.”
35. What’s your type?
“Lean, mean, fightin’ machine. Who also ‘as legs tha go on fer miles.”
36. Any fetishes?
“You’d ‘ave ta get me in bed ta figure that one out. Or jus’ ask Foxy. But make sure ya get a buncha gin in ‘er, or else she won’t be talkin’. She’s a gin fiend, that one, an’ usually slips up ifin’ her tongue is loose e‘nuff.”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
He chuckles lightly, and shrugs a shoulder with an innocent look on his face. “Again, you’d ‘ave ta be askin’ Foxy.”
38. Camping or indoors?
"Campin’! Jus’ nice ta get away from tha city, ya know?”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“Some of tha questions are sorta odd, but, I ain’t bitchin’---”
40. Now it’s over! Tag 3 people I will tag as many as I want.
Tagged by: @drustvar-dragonfly
Tagging: @flying-fox-of-westfall @eilitheduskbringer @kurel-andiel
and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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jadewritings · 6 years
You're More Than That part 3
Author's Note: OOOOHH MA goodness is it hot in here or what 😩😩
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Word count: 1, 500
Warnings: Language, SMUT, Masturbation, Fingering, gangs (let me know if there’s anything else)
Summary: An ex of yours drives you away. But, in doing so, you’ve stumbled upon something much more dangerous. You must decide whether to be on the streets and on the run or with the most dangerous of them all.
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After Sam left you'd sat on the bed and thought to yourself for a while. What if you didn't make it out alive? What if you did but you had to stay here and be their slave or something? Or even worse, you made it out and had to continue running from Daniel?
At least staying here, they hadn't hurt you (physically) unlike if Daniel had gotten his grubby hands on you.
Standing, you grunted in pain when your spine cracked. Sounds worse than it was but you figured a nice steamy bath would settle your aching body.
You opened the bathroom door and took a good look this time. Black marbled flooring along with white walls painted with flowers that connected by their stems flowed from one side to another. In the far right corner was the bath tub, all on its own with a separate shower on the other end. The toilet was just left to the doorway along with a two sink counter in front of it.
You sighed, ready to feel the hot water around your body as you stripped of your clothes. You turned the bath knob all the way up and noticed the bottle on the counter. You grabbed it, poured it in and shook the water to create bubbles. A bubble bath that smelled like watermelon was perfect.
Carefully and slowly, you put on foot into the tub, letting your skin get used to the scalding water. Soon, your were able to sink down till your neck was just above the water.
For the first time in weeks, you were able to relax. Your eyes fluttered closed and your mind began to wander to things that might not have been so appropriate given your situation.
But that didn't stop the things from getting more... intricate. You thought back to when Sam held the towel up to cover you so you could get changed. Then, your mind began to come up with different senarios. How, he could have thrown you in the car and taken you right then and there instead of politely looking away. How, when just a few minutes ago, his tongue swiped across his bottom lip, you thought that it could be put to use in very pleasurable ways.
Wait - why were you thinking of Sam? You were supposed to be relaxing, taking a soothing bath. Then you thought of the words that Dean had said to you before Sam interrupted, "And maybe even love me."
Thoughts of having both Winchester brothers bend to your beck and call ripped through any other thought and now, you couldn't control anything.
Your hands began to massage your thighs, slipping even lower until they lingered over your cunt. You gasped softly, imagining it was Sam's hand, running through the water and playing with your clit. He would bring his thumb down on it and press hard until you were begging him to fulfill your every need.
He would then take his index and middle finger and slip them inside of you, pumping it slowly while your walls clenched around them. The need to have more beginning to make you moan.
As Sam's finger would work you, you could feel Dean standing behind you, smirking at his little brother. He would grab your breasts and knead then while one hand pinched and pulled on your nipple, making both of them harden.
"Faster, Sam, please. I need more." You moaned. It was said smoothly, laced with the hunger and desire to release.
You were so close and Sam's fingers went faster and faster. And the more Dean played with your breasts, the more you could feel the coil in your stomach come close to snapping.
Finally, your own fingers brought out the fantastic release. You shook and moaned, the water moving with your swaying motions.
"Well, that was better than any other time I've had to masturbate." You spoke to yourself, looking around the bathroom. Your eyes landed at the bottom of the closed door. You saw a shadow pass and your heart almost leaped out of your chest. Had someone been listening? If so, who?
Now that you had taken a bath, granted, you didn't want to ever get out, you got dressed and pulled on a light purple sweater and some blue jeans.
Suddenly, you heard a commotion down stairs. It was obvious that they were arguing and it didn't sound pleasant. You made your way through the halls, passing several rooms guarded by many men, and down some stairs until you stopped in the door way of the living room.
There, you saw Sam, Dean, and Cas as well as some people you didn't recognize, including an old man that had some features similar to Sam and Dean.
"Look, Sam, just hear Crowley out."
"Oh, and you trust this guy more than your own son?!" Sam looked frustrated and angry. Very angry.
Crowley interrupted them, "You may still have Meg's trust but I never trusted you! You hurt my sister and picking up a waitress in the middle of the night isn't helping your cause!"
Crowley pulled out a gun and aimed it at Sam. For some odd reason, you felt the need to protect Sam. You ran forward and stood in front of him.
"You wanna kill him, you'll have to go through me!" Your heart was pounding and the room quieted around you. All you could focus on was the gun pointed at your face.
"Y/N, what the hell are you doing?" Sam whispered into your ear, his hands placed on either side of your hips.
"I don't know to be honest, I just sort of did it." You whispered back.
"Sam, who the fuck is this?" The older man yelled across the room. He'd taken a few steps toward the Crowley man in the process.
"Crowley, get your piece out of Y/N's face." Sam spoke with caution.
"So, this is the famous Y/N?" Crowley lowered his gun. "I don't mind sticking another 'piece' in her face if you know what I mean." Crowley smirked and you grimaced.
Behind you, you heard Sam growl, along with Dean. Sam moved you to the side, now facing Crowley head on. You wanted to say something but he had a gun that he didn't seem to mind using at a moments notice.
"Look I don't want any trouble." You said.
"Neither did I but yet here you are." He smirked once more, eyeing you up and down.
"I-I didn't mean to intrude so I think I'll just take my leave now." You stepped away but Crowley circled you like a vulture.
"I get what you see in her, Moose. She's quite the eye candy."
Your heart sped up a little out of fear. Sam instinctively stepped a bit closer, "That's enough now, Crowley."
Sam was about to grab your arm but Crowley beat him to it and had your back against his chest in an instant, his gun to your temple.
"Ah, ah, ah, Sam. Since you broke my sisters heart, I think you can repay me by letting me keep your little pet. Not so bad a deal, ey? I'll keep the peace pact and we can all go on our merry way."
You were scared to say the least. Crowley roughly sniffed up your neck. It didn't feel right and you wanted to run and vomit but you couldnt. Sam looked conflicted.
"You might want to take him up on his offer son. We need this. We can't have another war between the families again." His father spoke up after staying silent the whole time.
"Pop, do you really want an alliance with this guy?! He's trash, pure and simple!"
Sam's dad's nostrils flared, "Don't you dare disrespect me! How dare you act like this when peace hangs in the balance! You don't get to decide the future of your family out of pettiness!"
Sam's jaw clenched and he looked away. Clearly his dad's words had meaning behind them.
Crowley continued, "It's clear that Sam doesn't want to marry Meg. So in exchange, I'll keep Y/N and we can go on as we were. Peace in tact."
"Are you kidding me?" Sam scoffed.
"It may be worth considering, son." Sam's dad looked at him with determination.
"John ain't wrong boss." Cas spoke up.
John, Sam's dad, added, "Think of all the blood we wouldn't have to spill anymore. Not one drop."
"You might want to go with them, Moose. It's a good deal." Crowley said, he dropped the gun from your temple but kept a tight grip on your arm.
You looked at Sam. He seemed to be considering it. Which worried you.
Sam looked to his father who nodded, "You know what to do son."
You tried to speak, "Sam, look, I -"
"Shut it Y/N! Let the man think!" Cas yelled at you.
Sam looked at you with that familiar sadness and you pleaded with him with your eyes.
"Take her."
•Part 4•
*Let me know if you want to or do not want to be tagged with an ASK, please I do not want to disturb or anger anyone* p.s I'm on mobile so I can't put the keep reading thingy otherwise I would. Also, don't know when the next part is coming out, I'm working on a buncha different things.
Other Peeps:
@mrswhozeewhatsis @pale-butterfly @handgns @xi-i-i-whatsyouremergency
Forever Tag List:
@everynnox @moonstonemystyk @sis-tafics @katnharper @ackleholic96 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @darknightfrombeyond @mysaintsasinner @is-this-you-manning-up-sammy @nerdysandwichqueen @the-random-fictionaut @carlylynnmikaelsonscamander @faegal04 @sdavid09 @carryonmycobaltangel @blacktithe7 @ronnie248-blog
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juulookzousketchy · 6 years
Ohhh! I love tagged games.~ tysm for tagging me :D  Tagging for both games: @vaelkyrie-art @stresseddepressedandbadlydresed @littleblackmindsoul @dollfacedbunny @fortunatelyshamelessflowerr (i can’t think of anyone else atm that would be down to do this but if you decide to--please feel free to tag me~)
#1, tagged by: @donut--king tysm for the tag~ Rules: “tag 9 ppl I might know on this site”
Colour(s) I’m currently wearing: A dark green Fleur-de-lis patterned shirt and orange plaid pajama pants (I never match before I go to bed lmao)
Last band shirt I bought: “Nothing’s Carved in Stone”
Last band I saw live: Back-On a couple years back////it’s been a while, but I’d really love to go see Skillet live lol.
Last song I listened to: Tokyo Ghoul:Re’s anime ending...lol :)
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick all the way unless it’s like for...special special special occasions. Honestly hate the feel of lipstick since it feels so gross on my lips. LOOKS GOOD THO.
Last movie I watched: The Matrix trilogy.~ 
Last 3 TV shows I watched: Tokyo Ghoul:Re, The Royal Tutor, and Catfish (cause goddamn that show is addicting)
Last 3 characters I identified with: Juuzou Suzuya, Alois Trancy, Sho Hinakawa (The sweet addict, attention addict, and junkie lmfao what are the odds)
Book I’m currently reading: I’m rereading the Artemis Fowl series. It was a great read when I was younger lmao.
Rules: “sum up your favourite animes/manga with a sentence”
Tokyo Ghoul: Where the world is wrong and unfair towards the ones that lost their parents/parental figures along with those who are no longer able to enjoy their favorite desserts. 
Pandora Hearts: The very definition of the saying “You’ve opened Pandora’s Box” so if you thought Tokyo Ghoul was filled with heartache and tragedies, wait till you read this.
Kuroshitsuji (particularly the anime- Kuroshitsuji ll): There are two boys who are basically the same, except one is dead inside and the other who is a bit clingy towards love and affection.
Psycho Pass: If the system can’t break you, you can break the system...to maintain peace or lose a piece or your sanity. 
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: A cowardice boy who doesn’t wanna become a boss leader, but can take a bullet to the ass pretty well and not die because of friendship as well as his very own willpower that will save everyone from the mafia organizations.
Death Parade: When you’ve finally realized you’re dead and need to drink all your sorrows away, but this leads to a horrible hangover to the void or somehow leading you to reincarnation by some freaky good-looking cross-eyed well dressed chaps. 
K Project: Breaking swords and the fiery willed, two main ones, but the rest are chill (except for green team cause they’re a buncha devious mischiefs.)
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