#What are the tips for dog grooming?
petdogs · 10 months
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How do you groom a dog at home?
Though it might seem like an unneeded luxury, regular care of your dog's fur, ears, nails, and teeth avoids painful and expensive health issues that may require a doctor. Grooming also keeps your dog smell-free and looking wonderful. Professional groomers handle many pet owners' chores; nevertheless, this can be expensive, and there might not be enough groomers in the vicinity. The good thing is that you can do some or all of the required grooming duties at home if you have the requisite patience, practice, and lots of praise and goodies. Read Here...
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drewharrisonwriter · 28 days
Between the Sky & the Horizon
Status: Complete.
Pairings: No Outbreak Joel Miller x Female Reader
Summary: Set in a small Texas town during the 1940s, Joel Miller, a grieving widower, and father, is thrust into a marriage of convenience with the Reverend's pregnant daughter, Dorothy.
Word Count: 16.5k words
A/N: My ADHD brain went into overdrive and I wrote this in one sitting. No edits, not beta'd. Warnings: Main OC has an assigned gender and name. Timeline inaccuracies, this was set in the 1940s but I may have included inaccuracies in technology etc., marriage of convenience, angst and fluff, emotional hurt/comfort a bit of drama, SMUT so yes, a little explicit sexual content, pregnancy, pregnancy sex, graphic depictions of childbirth.
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The air was thick with the scent of freshly turned earth as Joel Miller stepped off his tractor, wiping the sweat from his brow. His fields stretched endlessly in all directions, a patchwork of gold and green under the late afternoon sun. It was the kind of quiet that had grown comfortable to him, the kind that came with long days and longer nights alone. He’d gotten used to it, even preferred it, in the years since Sarah had passed. Noise felt like an intrusion now.
He crouched down to check the soil near the newly planted rows, letting his fingers dig into the cool, damp earth. The rhythmic clucking of the chickens behind him and the distant barking of his old dog, Scout, were the only things breaking the silence. It was peaceful, or as close to it as Joel allowed himself to feel these days.
That was until the sound of a truck pulling up the long, gravel driveway caught his attention. Joel glanced over his shoulder, frowning as a black Ford truck came into view. Not many people came out here uninvited. He stood, dusting off his hands on his worn jeans, and waited as the truck rolled to a stop in front of his house.
The door creaked open, and out stepped Reverend William Hargrove. Joel’s frown deepened. He hadn’t seen the reverend since Sarah’s funeral. The man had changed since then—his once well-groomed hair had gone gray, and there were deeper lines etched into his face. But his eyes still held that same fire, a flame that had burned even hotter since he’d found God and sworn off the drink. Hargrove shut the door and walked towards him, his steps heavy with purpose.
“Joel,” the reverend greeted, tipping his hat. His voice was rough, but there was an undercurrent of something that made Joel’s gut twist.
“Reverend,” Joel replied, keeping his tone neutral. “Didn’t expect to see you out here.”
Hargrove nodded, looking around the farm before turning his gaze back to Joel. “Got a proposition for you. Something… out of the ordinary.”
Joel crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the tractor. “Go on.”
The reverend hesitated, then sighed deeply. “It’s about my daughter, Dorothy.”
Joel’s brow furrowed. He hadn’t seen Dot in years, not since she’d left town to chase a life beyond this small, dusty place. “What about her?”
“She’s come back home,” Hargrove said, his voice dropping. “And she’s pregnant.”
The words hung in the air like a curse. Joel didn’t say anything, just stared at the man in front of him, waiting for the rest of it.
“The father… he’s gone,” Hargrove continued, clearing his throat. “Naval officer. She won’t say much about him, but it doesn’t matter. She’s alone, Joel. And this town… well, you know how folks talk.”
Joel did know. This place thrived on whispers and judgment. A woman like Dot, unmarried and pregnant, would be torn apart by the gossip. But that wasn’t his problem.
“What’s this got to do with me?” Joel asked, though he already had a sinking feeling he knew the answer.
Hargrove shifted on his feet, his gaze dropping to the ground for a moment before meeting Joel’s eyes again. “I need a man to marry her. To give her and that baby a name, protection. And you need someone to take care of your home while you work this land.”
Joel pushed off the tractor, pacing a few steps away. He didn’t need this. Didn’t need someone coming into his life, stirring things up. But the reverend’s words echoed in his mind—protection. He knew what it was like to be alone, to feel like the world had turned its back on you. He’d been living that reality every day since Sarah died.
“She doesn’t know you’re here, does she?” Joel asked, turning back to face Hargrove.
The reverend shook his head. “No. But she’s desperate, Joel. I know it’s a lot to ask, but she needs help. And maybe… maybe you do too.”
Joel clenched his jaw. It wasn’t that simple, nothing ever was. But there was a part of him, buried deep under the weight of grief and loneliness, that considered it. He could offer her a place to stay, a way to survive this town’s judgment. Maybe, in return, she could offer him something too—someone to come home to, even if it was just a formality.
“How soon are you talking?” Joel asked, his voice low.
“Soon,” Hargrove replied. “Before anyone can start asking too many questions.”
Joel nodded slowly, running a hand through his hair. He didn’t know what possessed him to agree, but before he could stop himself, he said, “Alright. I’ll do it.”
The reverend let out a breath of relief, stepping forward to shake Joel’s hand. “Thank you, Joel. You’ve done a good thing today. We’ll make the arrangements quickly.”
Joel nodded again, feeling the weight of his decision settle over him like a heavy coat. As he watched the reverend get back into his truck and drive away, he couldn’t help but wonder what the hell he’d just gotten himself into.
Dot stood in the kitchen of her childhood home, staring out the window at the garden where her mother once grew flowers. The familiar scent of freshly baked bread lingered in the air, a remnant of her father’s attempt to make things feel normal. But nothing about this moment was normal. She absently traced a finger along the edge of the counter, lost in thought.
When she heard the front door creak open, she turned, her heart skipping a beat. Her father had said Joel Miller was coming by, but she hadn’t expected him so soon. And she hadn’t expected the nerves that twisted in her stomach at the thought of seeing him again after all these years.
The heavy footsteps that followed were unmistakable. Joel had always had a presence—quiet, but solid, like the earth beneath her feet. When he walked into the kitchen, she almost forgot to breathe.
He was more handsome than she remembered. The years had etched deeper lines into his face, and his hair had more silver in it now, but there was something about him that made her pulse quicken. Maybe it was the way he filled the space with that same quiet strength, or the way his eyes—still that deep brown she remembered—looked at her with a mix of surprise and something she couldn’t quite name.
“Dot,” Joel said, his voice low and rough.
“Joel,” she replied, trying to keep her voice steady. She forced herself to smile, though it felt strained. “It’s been a long time.”
He nodded, stepping further into the room. “It has.”
Her father, Reverend Hargrove, appeared in the doorway a moment later, his expression unreadable. Dot’s gaze flicked between the two men, unease settling in her chest.
“What’s this all about, Dad?” Dot asked, her voice sharper than she intended.
Hargrove cleared his throat, glancing at Joel before speaking. “I’ve spoken with Joel about… your situation. He’s agreed to marry you.”
Dot blinked, the words hitting her like a punch to the gut. “He… what?”
“I thought it’d be best for everyone,” Hargrove continued, his tone cautious. “You’d have protection, and Joel… well, he could use someone to take care of the home while he’s out working.”
Dot’s eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, anger surged through her. “You can’t just—” She stopped herself, forcing the words back down. She took a deep breath, trying to regain control. Turning to Joel, she asked quietly, “Did he force you into this?”
Joel’s gaze met hers, steady and calm. “No, Dot. He didn’t force me.”
She shook her head, her voice softening. “You don’t have to do this, Joel. You don’t owe him—or anyone—a favor. This… this isn’t your problem.”
For a long moment, there was silence. Then, Hargrove cleared his throat again, sensing the tension, and murmured, “I’ll leave you two to talk,” before slipping out of the room, leaving them alone.
Dot stared after him for a moment before turning back to Joel. “You don’t have to do this,” she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. “I can handle the gossip. It’s nobody’s business if I’m pregnant.”
Joel studied her, his expression unreadable. He didn’t speak right away, and for a moment, Dot wondered if he would just walk out and leave her standing there with her unanswered questions. But then, he took a step closer, his gaze never leaving hers.
“It might not be anyone’s business,” Joel said quietly, “but that won’t stop them from talking. You know how this town is, Dot. They’ll tear you apart, whether it’s their business or not.”
Dot swallowed hard, knowing he was right. The town had always thrived on gossip, and a pregnant, unmarried woman was the kind of scandal they’d feast on for months.
Joel continued, his voice steady and calm, “I’m not doin’ this because I owe anyone. I’m doin’ it because… I know what it’s like to lose everything. And I know you don’t deserve to go through this alone. We can make it work—on our terms.”
Dot searched his face, looking for any sign of hesitation, but there was none. She knew Joel wasn’t the kind of man to say something he didn’t mean. He was offering her a way out, a chance to protect herself and her baby from the town’s judgment. And in a strange way, she realized he was offering himself a chance too—a chance to have someone by his side again, even if it was just for convenience.
She took a deep breath, trying to steady the whirlwind of emotions inside her. “What if it doesn’t work?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joel’s gaze softened, and for a moment, she saw a flicker of something—maybe understanding, maybe hope—in his eyes. “Then we’ll figure it out. But at least we’ll be in it together.”
Dot held his gaze for a long moment before finally nodding. “Okay,” she whispered. “Okay, Joel. Let’s do this.”
Joel let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and gave her a small nod in return. It wasn’t a grand declaration of love or anything close to it. But it was an agreement—one born out of necessity, maybe even mutual respect.
And in this town, that was enough.
The sun was setting when they stood in the small living room of her father’s house, the last rays of daylight filtering through the lace curtains. Reverend Hargrove stood before them with his Bible in hand, his expression somber but steady. Tommy Miller and his wife, Maria, stood off to the side, witnesses to the union.
Hargrove cleared his throat and began, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Marriage is a sacred bond, one that requires trust, faith, and love.”
He turned to Dot first. “Dorothy Hargrove, do you take this man, Joel Miller, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, as long as you both shall live?”
Dot swallowed hard, her pulse racing, but she nodded. “I do.”
Hargrove then turned to Joel. “Joel Miller, do you take this woman, Dorothy Hargrove, to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, as long as you both shall live?”
Joel’s voice was calm as he responded, “I do.”
Hargrove nodded, and after a pause, he opened his Bible to a passage and began to read: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”*
The words hung in the air, heavy with meaning. Dot kept her eyes on Joel, feeling the weight of what they had just promised, even if love wasn’t the reason they stood here today.
“And now,” Hargrove said, closing the Bible, “by the power vested in me by the state of Texas, I pronounce you man and wife.”
Dot and Joel exchanged a brief, awkward glance. There was no call to kiss the bride, no fanfare. Instead, they simply nodded at each other, silently acknowledging the moment.
Tommy stepped forward with a grin, breaking the tension. “Well, looks like it’s official now,” he said, his voice warm. Maria joined him, smiling gently at Dot and Joel.
“We’re happy for you both,” Maria added, sincerity clear in her eyes. “Congratulations.”
The reverend handed them the marriage contract, and Dot signed her name with a steady hand. Joel followed suit, his signature finalizing their union. Tommy and Maria added their signatures as witnesses, making it all official.
As Dot looked up at Joel again, her heart still pounding, she realized that they had crossed a line they couldn’t step back from now. But maybe, just maybe, they could find a way to make this work.
The sky was painted in shades of twilight as Joel and Dot loaded the last of her belongings into the bed of Joel’s old truck. A single suitcase held all of her clothes, while a couple of boxes were filled with books, paper, and a well-worn typewriter that she had carried from place to place over the years.
Joel secured the boxes with a practiced hand, tying down the items to ensure nothing would shift on the hour-long drive to his farm.
Maria handed Dot a carefully wrapped cake, a warm smile on her face. "Here, take this with you. And there’s a casserole, too—figured you might not want to cook your first night there."
"Thank you, Maria," Dot said softly, accepting the food.
Tommy stepped forward, his grin infectious. "You two take care now, y’hear? And don’t be strangers."
Dot managed a small smile. "We’ll try not to."
Her father, Reverend Hargrove, approached, placing a gentle hand on Dot’s shoulder before leaning in to kiss her forehead. “You’ve done the right thing, Dorothy. Remember that.”
She nodded, fighting back the wave of emotions that threatened to surface. “I will, Dad.”
Joel stepped forward, offering his hand to the reverend. “Thank you, Reverend Hargrove. I’ll take care of her.”
Hargrove shook Joel’s hand firmly, his eyes carrying a mixture of gratitude and something unspoken. “I know you will, Joel.”
With everything packed, Joel opened the passenger door for Dot. She hesitated for just a moment before climbing in, and settling into the worn seat. Joel circled around to the driver’s side, sliding in behind the wheel.
As they drove out of town, the houses grew sparse, replaced by open fields that stretched endlessly into the horizon. The silence in the truck was thick, but Dot finally broke it, her voice soft.
"You’ve got quite the setup at the farm, haven’t you? My dad says you’ve got a whole team of workers."
Joel nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah, I’ve got a few hands helping out. We grow a bit of everything—corn, wheat, some vegetables. There’s always work to be done."
Dot glanced out the window, watching the landscape blur past. "Sounds like you don’t really need me around, then, if you’ve got that many people."
Joel shook his head slightly. "They tend the fields, keep the crops goin’. But the house… it’s just me out there. Haven’t really kept up with it the way I should’ve. That’s where I could use some help."
Dot chuckled softly, more to herself than to him. "So I’m more of a housekeeper than a wife, huh?"
Joel glanced at her, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "I wouldn’t put it that way. But it’s somethin’ I figured we could work out together."
The truck rumbled down the dirt road, the only sound between them the steady hum of the engine and the crunch of gravel beneath the tires. Joel glanced over at Dot occasionally, trying to think of something to say that wouldn’t come out awkward or forced. It was easier when they were working, but conversation was another matter.
After a few minutes of silence, Joel cleared his throat. “You ever think about comin’ back here before all this?” he asked, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.
Dot shook her head slightly. “Not really. I mean, I’ve visited a few times over the years, but I never thought I’d be back for good. Too many memories, I guess.”
Joel nodded, understanding more than he let on. “It’s not the easiest place to come back to. But sometimes… sometimes it’s the only place that makes sense.”
Dot turned her gaze out the window, watching the fields pass by. “Yeah, I suppose. Guess I thought I’d be somewhere else by now, doing something different.”
“What’d you have in mind?” Joel asked, genuinely curious.
Dot hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. “I don’t know… something more than this. I wanted to see the world, write stories, maybe even publish a book someday. But life has a funny way of getting in the way of dreams, doesn’t it?”
Joel’s brow furrowed. “Writing, huh? Never knew that about you.”
Dot gave a small, wistful smile. “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. Stories, poems… anything that came to mind. But it’s hard to find the time or the inspiration to actually finish anything. I guess I just kept waiting for the right moment, but it never really came.”
Joel considered her words, understanding that feeling all too well. “Farm life might not give you much in the way of excitement, but it’ll give you time. Quiet, too. Maybe that’s what you need.”
Dot looked over at him, surprised by the insight. “Maybe you’re right. I’ll have to see how it goes.”
Joel nodded, letting a comfortable silence fall between them. After a moment, he spoke again, changing the subject slightly. “Farm’s big, but it’s not as busy as it used to be. We got the crops to tend, and the workers handle most of that. It’s the house that’s a different story. Never been much good at keepin’ it in order.”
Dot chuckled softly, the tension easing just a bit. “So, I am a housekeeper after all, then?” She joked.
“No--Jesus, that's not what I meant." Joel chuckled, shaking his head. "Just think of it as… a partnership. You help with what I can’t manage alone, and I’ll do the same.”
Dot nodded thoughtfully. “I suppose that makes sense. And who knows, maybe I’ll find some of that inspiration out there after all.”
As the truck bumped along the dirt road leading to the farmhouse, the building came into view—a large, two-story structure with a wraparound porch and a few outbuildings scattered around. The place had seen better days, but it was sturdy, built to last.
Joel parked the truck near the porch and got out, moving to help Dot with her belongings. They carried everything inside, placing the boxes and suitcase in the foyer.
"This is it," Joel said, almost to himself. "Let me show you around."
The inside of the house was simple, with wooden floors and white walls. It had a lived-in feel, though it was clear Joel wasn’t much for decorating. He led Dot through the rooms on the first floor—a cozy living room with a fireplace, a dining room that looked rarely used, and a spacious kitchen that was surprisingly well-stocked.
"There’s a room down here," Joel said, opening a door to reveal a small bedroom with its own bathroom. "Figured it might come in handy if you ever have any guests in or too old to get up and down the stairs."
They both laughed a little at that. 
Upstairs, Joel showed her the four bedrooms. "This one’s yours," he said, stopping at a large room at the end of the hall. It had its own bathroom and a view of the fields stretching out behind the house.
Dot set her suitcase down near the bed, glancing around the room. "It’s lovely, Joel. Thank you."
He nodded, somewhat awkwardly, before motioning to the room across the hall. "I’m just over there, if you need anything. Right here is another guest room." He said, pointing to another door down the hall. 
Dot noticed one door at the end of the hallway that remained closed. Joel’s eyes flicked toward it for a brief second before looking away. She didn’t need to ask; she understood.
"That’s Sarah’s room," he said quietly, almost as if the words slipped out before he could stop them. "Built this house hopin’ to fill it with kids…"
He trailed off, clearing his throat and turning away. Dot, sensing his discomfort, smiled gently and placed a hand on his arm. "It’s a beautiful home, Joel. You did a wonderful job. How about we see what Maria packed for dinner?"
Joel looked at her, grateful for the change of subject. "Yeah… yeah, that sounds good."
Back downstairs, they unpacked the casserole and cake, setting the table in the kitchen. They ate in relative silence, the weight of the day hanging over them. When they did talk, it was mostly about other people—Tommy and Maria, Dot’s father, the workers on Joel’s farm. Neither seemed ready to delve deeper into their own stories just yet.
After dinner, they worked together to clean up, each movement deliberate and careful, as if afraid to disturb the fragile peace that had settled between them. Dot washed the dishes, and Joel dried them, the clinking of plates and cutlery the only sound in the kitchen.
When the last dish was put away, they both paused, looking at each other with a mixture of uncertainty and something close to understanding.
"Well," Joel said, breaking the silence. "Guess we should call it a night."
Dot nodded. "Yeah, I think so. Good night, Joel."
"Good night, Dot."
They lingered for a moment longer before turning to head upstairs, each retreating into their separate rooms. As Dot closed the door behind her, she took a deep breath, feeling the enormity of the day finally settling in.
She was in a new place, with a new life ahead of her—one that she hadn’t planned for, but one she was determined to make the best of.
And somewhere across the hall, Joel was likely thinking the same thing.
The sun rose early on the farm, the first light of dawn spilling over the horizon and casting long shadows across the fields. Joel Miller had always been an early riser, finding solace in the quiet hours of the morning before the day’s work began. But lately, those peaceful moments were tinged with a restlessness he couldn’t quite shake.
He’d lie awake in the darkness, staring at the ceiling, his mind wandering through a landscape of memories he’d long tried to bury. Memories of Sarah, her green eyes so full of life, and of her mother, who had passed too soon, leaving him to raise their daughter alone. The pain of those losses had never really left him; it had just settled into a dull ache that flared up in the quiet moments.
And now, there was Dot.
Dot, with her gentle way of moving through his house, her soft humming as she went about her chores, her growing belly that served as a constant reminder of the new life she carried. It was hard to ignore the way she had changed things. The house that had once been silent and still now held a new energy, one that Joel hadn’t realized he’d been missing.
He found himself watching her more often than he liked to admit, noticing the little things she did—how she’d pause in the middle of a task to catch her breath, or the way she’d carefully arrange flowers in a vase, as if trying to bring a bit of beauty into a space that had known too much sorrow. Joel wasn’t sure what to make of these feelings, the way his chest tightened whenever he saw her, or the way he couldn’t quite bring himself to leave the house without checking on her first.
The days were long, filled with the endless tasks that came with running a farm, but it was the evenings he looked forward to most. He’d come in from the fields, the sun dipping low in the sky, and find Dot in the kitchen, a meal waiting on the table. They didn’t talk much at first, the silence between them thick with unspoken words, but over time, the quiet had become something comfortable, almost companionable.
Joel couldn’t deny that she had a way of making the house feel like a home again. He wasn’t sure how it had happened—how they’d gone from being two strangers thrown together by circumstance to something more. But as the days turned into weeks, he began to realize that he looked forward to those small moments of connection, those fleeting touches, and shared glances that hinted at something deeper.
It had been a few weeks since Joel and Dot had settled into their new routine on the farm, but something felt different this morning. As they prepared to head into town for Dot’s check-up, Joel noticed the way she seemed more withdrawn than usual. She moved through the house with an absentminded air, her hand frequently resting on her growing bump, gently caressing it as if to soothe the child within. Joel couldn’t help but think it was just the pregnancy making her moody and uncomfortable, the summer heat weighing on her like it did on everyone else.
“Ready, darlin’?” Joel asked as he opened the truck door for her, his tone gentle. Dot nodded, but there was a distant look in her eyes that made him pause. She climbed into the truck, her movements slow and careful, and Joel couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more on her mind.
They drove in silence for a while, the only sound the rumble of the engine and the crunch of gravel beneath the tires. Joel glanced over at Dot from time to time, noticing the way she kept her gaze fixed on the road ahead, her hand never leaving her belly. He figured she was just tired, the weight of the baby and the strain of the heat getting to her. But as they got closer to town, the tension in the air seemed to thicken, and Joel knew something was off.
When they arrived at the doctor’s office, a hush fell over the waiting area as they stepped inside. Joel moved to Dot’s side, taking her small hand in his, their fingers interlocking as they walked to their seats. Joel noticed the curious glances from the other patients, the way conversations dropped to a murmur as they sat down. Dot’s grip on his hand tightened slightly, her fingers trembling against his skin. Joel gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, offering silent support.
The doctor called them in after a few minutes, and they followed him into the small examination room. The check-up was routine, the doctor’s hands gentle as he examined Dot’s belly and listened to the baby’s heartbeat. “You’re about five months along now,” the doctor said with a reassuring smile. “Everything looks good. You and the baby are both healthy.”
Dot nodded, a small smile of relief crossing her face, but Joel could tell she was still troubled. As the doctor finished up, Joel opened the door for her, and they stepped back into the waiting area. Dot barely gave Joel a chance to catch up before she hurried toward the exit, practically dragging him behind her. Her hand cradled her bump protectively, her steps hurried and anxious.
“Dot, what’s wrong?” Joel asked as they stepped outside, the door closing behind them with a soft thud.
Dot didn’t answer at first, her eyes darting around as if she were searching for an escape. Finally, she stopped, her shoulders slumping in defeat as she turned to face him. “It’s the way they look at us,” she whispered, her voice shaky. “The way they’re already gossiping, speculating about us… about this baby. They’re judging, Joel. They’re thinking… all sorts of things.”
Joel’s expression softened as he stepped closer, his hand finding her shoulder in a comforting grip. “Darlin’, this town’s been talkin’ since the day it was built. Let ‘em talk. Ain’t nobody’s business but ours.”
Dot’s hand instinctively moved to her belly, caressing it in slow, soothing circles. “But it’s not just that… It’s the way they look at us, like they know everything about us. I hate it.”
Joel gently cupped her cheek, tilting her face up so she had to look at him. “They don’t know anything, darlin’. All they got is gossip, and that doesn’t change a thing between us. This baby is ours, and we’re gonna raise it together, no matter what they think.”
Dot searched his eyes, looking for any sign of doubt, but all she saw was the quiet determination that had drawn her to him in the first place. She nodded slowly, her fears beginning to ease in the face of his steady reassurance.
“Okay,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Okay, Joel. I’ll try.”
He gave her a small, comforting smile, his thumb brushing away a stray tear that had escaped down her cheek. “That’s my girl.”
They stood there for a moment, the weight of their conversation settling between them, before Joel glanced at the truck, then back at Dot. “You ever learn how to drive?”
Dot blinked, surprised by the sudden change in topic. “Not really,” she admitted. “My dad tried to teach me, but I never got the hang of it.”
Joel nodded, his smile widening just a bit. “Well, I reckon it’s time you learned. Come on, let’s get in the truck.”
Joel led Dot back to the truck, the tension from their earlier conversation slowly dissipating as they moved into the next task at hand. He opened the driver’s side door and gestured for her to get in, his smile widening as she hesitated.
“Come on, darlin’. You can’t learn if you don’t get behind the wheel,” Joel encouraged, his tone light, trying to ease her nerves.
Dot glanced at the truck, then back at Joel, a mixture of apprehension and determination in her eyes. “Alright,” she said, more to herself than to him, and she climbed into the driver’s seat, her hand instinctively resting on her bump as she adjusted herself in the seat.
Joel circled around to the passenger side and got in, closing the door with a reassuring thud. He looked over at Dot, who was gripping the steering wheel with white-knuckled intensity, and he couldn’t help but chuckle softly.
“Relax, Dot. You’re not gonna break it,” he said, his voice gentle as he reached over to adjust her hands on the wheel. “Just take it easy, and listen to what I say.”
Dot nodded, exhaling a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. “Okay. I can do this.”
Joel pointed to the key in the ignition. “Go ahead and start her up.”
The engine roared to life, and Dot jumped slightly at the sound. Joel placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You’re doin’ fine. Now, put your foot on the brake, and shift into drive.”
Dot followed his instructions, her movements cautious but deliberate. The truck rolled forward, and she felt a small surge of confidence as she navigated the empty stretch of road. Joel kept his eyes on the road ahead, but every now and then, he’d glance at her, noting the determined set of her jaw, the way she bit her lip in concentration.
“Now, ease off the brake and give it a little gas,” Joel instructed. “Not too much, just enough to get us moving.”
The truck picked up speed, and Dot’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. “It feels… different,” she admitted her voice a mix of nerves and excitement. “I’ve never driven something this big before.”
Joel smiled, his voice filled with quiet pride. “You’re doin’ good, Dot. Just keep it steady.”
They drove for a while in companionable silence, the countryside rolling by in a blur of green and gold. Joel guided her through the basics, his instructions clear and patient. As they drove, Dot’s tension began to ease, and she found herself relaxing into the rhythm of the drive.
“You’re a natural,” Joel said, breaking the silence. “Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to drive anywhere.”
Dot glanced over at him, a shy smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “Thanks, Joel. I never thought I’d be learning to drive out here… like this.”
Joel chuckled, the sound low and warm. “Figured it was about time. Besides, it’s a useful skill to have, especially out here. You never know when you’ll need to get somewhere in a hurry.”
Dot nodded, understanding the practicality of his words. But there was something more to this moment, something that felt like progress. She was doing something she never thought she’d be able to do, and Joel was right there beside her, guiding her, encouraging her.
As they neared the farm, Joel directed her to a quieter path that led around the back of the property. The road was narrower here, flanked by trees that cast dappled shadows across the ground. It felt like a different world, a peaceful escape from the worries that had weighed on her earlier.
“Let’s take it slow here,” Joel advised, his tone easy. “This part’s a bit trickier, but you’ve got it.”
Dot navigated the winding path with careful precision, her confidence growing with each turn. The truck bumped along the dirt road, and she couldn’t help but smile at the feeling of accomplishment that welled up inside her.
When they finally pulled back up to the farmhouse, Dot turned off the engine and sat back in the seat, letting out a breath of relief. Joel watched her, a satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“You did good, darlin’,” he said, his voice full of pride. “You’re a quick learner.”
Dot’s cheeks flushed with a mixture of pride and bashfulness. “Thanks, it was a little scary though...”
Joel nodded, the moment of connection between them settling into something comfortable, something real. “Anytime, darlin’.” He whispered and leaned in hesitantly until there was only a breadth of distance between them. Joel contemplated giving her a peck on the lips, but instead, he brushed his lips on her forehead. 
“You did well.” 
They lingered in the truck for a moment longer, the weight of their earlier worries forgotten in the wake of this small victory. They shared a brief laughter of relief… It was a simple thing, learning to drive, but it felt like a step forward, a sign that they were finding their way through this new life together.
Finally, Joel opened the door and stepped out, offering Dot a hand as she carefully climbed down from the truck. “Let’s get inside. I reckon we’ve earned ourselves a break.”
Dot smiled, taking his hand as they walked toward the house, the warmth of the afternoon sun casting long shadows across the yard. It wasn’t much, but it was enough—a moment of progress, a sign that they were building something that just might last.
After their driving lesson, Dot and Joel fell into a routine that began to feel almost natural. The farm was vast, and the work was endless, but they found comfort in the rhythm of their days. Mornings were quiet, the only sounds the soft clucking of chickens and the distant lowing of cattle as the sun rose over the horizon. Joel was always up first, slipping out of bed before dawn to tend to the animals and check the fields. He’d return to the house as the first light of day filtered through the kitchen windows, finding Dot already awake, her hands busy with some small task.
Dot had taken to waking early as well, her body adjusting to the demands of farm life. She’d start the day by tidying up the kitchen, her hands moving in gentle, deliberate motions as she wiped down the counters and set the table for breakfast. Her belly was growing larger with each passing week, and she found herself moving more slowly, her hand often resting on her bump as she worked.
One morning, as Joel entered the kitchen, he found Dot standing at the stove, carefully stirring a pot of oatmeal. The smell of cinnamon filled the air, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her, so focused on the task at hand.
“Mornin’, darlin’,” Joel greeted her, his voice soft as he crossed the room to stand beside her.
Dot looked up, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Morning, Joel. Breakfast is almost ready.”
He nodded, reaching out to take the spoon from her hand. “Let me finish that up. You should sit down and rest.”
Dot hesitated, her hand instinctively moving to her belly as she glanced at the pot. “I’m fine, Joel. I can manage.”
Joel shook his head, his expression gentle but firm. “I know you can, but you don’t have to do it all yourself. Go on, sit down. I’ll bring it over.”
Dot finally relented, taking a seat at the table and watching as Joel finished preparing breakfast. It was a simple meal, but it felt like a shared effort, something they had both contributed to. As Joel brought the bowls to the table and set one in front of her, Dot couldn’t help but feel a warmth in her chest, a sense of belonging that she hadn’t expected.
They ate in comfortable silence, the early morning light casting a golden glow across the kitchen. Dot found herself glancing at Joel now and then, noticing the way he moved with an ease that came from years of hard work. He was a man of few words, but she had come to appreciate the way he showed his care through actions rather than speech.
After breakfast, Joel rose from the table and grabbed his hat from the hook by the door. “I’ll be out in the fields if you need me,” he said, his voice gruff but not unkind.
Dot nodded, her hand resting on her bump as she watched him go. “I might come out later, see if there’s anything I can help with.”
Joel paused, his hand on the door handle as he turned back to her. “You’re always welcome, Dot. Just don’t overdo it, alright?”
A small smile crossed her face, and she nodded again. “I won’t.”
As Joel left the house, Dot finished tidying up the kitchen, her thoughts lingering on the man who had just walked out the door. There was something comforting about the routine they had settled into, something that made her feel less alone in the world. It wasn’t what she had expected when she had agreed to this arrangement, but it was beginning to feel like something she could build on.
Later that morning, as the sun climbed higher in the sky, Dot decided to join Joel in the fields. The air was warm, and the sky was a clear, endless blue as she made her way out to where he was working. Joel was by the fence, mending a section that had come loose, his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he worked.
Dot approached slowly, her hand resting on her belly as she took in the sight of him. He looked up as she neared, his expression softening as he saw her.
“Didn’t expect you out here so soon,” Joel said, a hint of surprise in his voice.
Dot smiled, her hand still resting on her bump. “Thought I’d see if there’s anything I can do to help.”
Joel straightened up, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. “There’s always somethin’ to do, but I don’t want you pushin’ yourself too hard.”
“I’m not made of glass, Joel,” Dot replied, a touch of humor in her voice. “Besides, I need to keep busy. Sitting around all day isn’t good for me.”
Joel chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he looked at her. “Alright, darlin’. How about you hand me those nails over there?”
Dot nodded and moved to retrieve the small box of nails from where they sat on a nearby post. As she handed them to him, their fingers brushed briefly, and she felt a small jolt of electricity at the contact. It was a fleeting moment, but it left her feeling oddly warm inside.
They worked together in companionable silence, with Joel giving her small tasks that wouldn’t tire her out. As they fell into a rhythm, Dot found herself enjoying the work, the sense of purpose it gave her. She asked questions about the farm, about the crops and the animals, and Joel answered them with a patience that surprised her.
“You’ve been doing this for a long time,” Dot remarked as she watched Joel hammer a nail into place. “I can tell by the way you move, like you’re part of the land.”
Joel paused, glancing over at her with a thoughtful expression. “Guess you could say that. This farm’s been in my family for generations. It’s in my blood, I suppose.”
Dot nodded, her hand absently caressing her belly as she considered his words. “Must be nice, having that kind of connection to something.”
“It is,” Joel agreed, his voice tinged with a hint of pride. “But it’s hard work too. Takes a lot to keep it goin’. Can’t do it alone.”
There was a weight to his words that Dot didn’t miss, and she looked at him with a newfound understanding. “You’re not alone, Joel,” she said softly. “I’m here now. I want to help.”
Joel looked at her, his brown eyes searching her face as if trying to gauge the sincerity of her words. After a moment, he nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I appreciate that, Dot.”
They continued working, the conversation flowing easily between them. It was as if the barriers that had once stood between them were slowly crumbling, replaced by a growing sense of trust and partnership. Joel found himself enjoying these moments with her, the quiet camaraderie that had begun to take root.
As the sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the fields, Joel suggested they head back to the house. Dot agreed, her body feeling the fatigue that came with a day spent in the sun. They walked back together, their pace slow and unhurried, with Dot’s hand resting on her bump as they talked about the day’s work.
When they reached the porch, Joel held the door open for her, and they stepped inside. The house was cool and dim, a welcome respite from the heat outside. Dot made her way to the kitchen, intending to start dinner, but Joel stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm.
“Why don’t you sit down for a bit, darlin’? I’ll take care of dinner tonight.”
Dot looked up at him, surprised. “Are you sure? I don’t mind cooking.”
Joel nodded, his expression firm. “I’m sure. You’ve done enough today. Let me handle this.”
Dot hesitated for a moment, then smiled and nodded. “Alright, but I’ll be your assistant if you need one.”
Joel chuckled, the sound warm and reassuring. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Dot settled into a chair at the table, watching as Joel moved around the kitchen with a practiced ease. It was clear that he knew his way around a stove, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for him. He was a man who took care of what needed to be done, no matter how big or small the task.
As Joel worked, he glanced over at Dot now and then, noting the way she seemed more relaxed, more at ease. He found himself wanting to make her feel comfortable, to take some of the burden off her shoulders. It was a new feeling for him, this desire to care for someone else, but it wasn’t unwelcome.
“Joel,” Dot said after a few minutes of quiet, her voice breaking the comfortable silence. “Do you ever think about… what it’ll be like when the baby’s here?”
Joel paused in his work, his back to her as he considered her question. “I think about it, yeah,” he admitted, his voice steady. “A lot, actually.”
Dot looked down at her hands, which were resting on her belly, gently caressing the growing bump. “It’s hard to imagine sometimes. Everything’s going to change.”
Joel turned to face her, leaning against the counter as he met her gaze. “It will, but change isn’t always a bad thing. And darlin’, a child… our child… that’s a good change. It’s a challenge, sure. Caring for a newborn is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. There’ll be sleepless nights, lots of crying, and plenty of moments when you’ll wonder if you’re doing it all wrong.”
As he spoke, Joel crossed the room and knelt down beside her, his presence warm and comforting. He reached out and gently placed his hand on top of hers, which was resting on her bump. The touch was tender, reassuring, and Dot felt a shiver of surprise at the intimacy of the gesture. But as Joel’s hand began to caress her belly, she found herself welcoming it, loving the feeling of his large, warm hands on her skin, grounding her in the moment.
“But,” Joel continued, his voice softening as he looked up at her, “it’s also one of the most beautiful things you’ll ever experience. You’ll discover a kind of love you didn’t even know your heart was capable of. It’s a love that grows with every smile, every tiny hand that grips your finger, every moment you hold our baby close and feel them breathe.”
Dot’s eyes softened, but there was a hint of sadness that lingered in them, a shadow that Joel could see all too clearly. She looked down at their joined hands, gently caressing her belly together. “I’m scared, Joel,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’m scared I won’t be enough. That I’ll let this baby down.”
Joel’s heart ached at her words, and he squeezed her hand gently, his voice filled with quiet conviction. “You won’t, darlin’. You’ve got a heart bigger than you know. You’re gonna be a great mother, and our baby… our baby’s lucky to have you.”
Dot looked at him, her eyes searching his for reassurance. “You really think so?”
Joel nodded, his voice steady and comforting. “I know so. And you’re not alone in this, darlin’. We’re in it together, every step of the way.”
She offered him a small, grateful smile, though the sadness in her eyes remained, a reminder of the losses she had endured, the dreams that had been left behind.
Sensing her need for something lighter, Joel cleared his throat and let a smile tug at the corners of his mouth. “You know,” he began, a hint of playfulness in his tone, “there are other changes about having a baby too. Like the first time you realize that diapers don’t just get dirty—they get downright explosive.”
Dot’s eyes widened in surprise, and she let out a small, unexpected laugh. “Explosive?”
“Oh yeah,” Joel replied, chuckling along with her. “You’ll be amazed at what a little baby can do. One minute, you’re holding this sweet, peaceful bundle of joy, and the next… well, let’s just say you’ll never look at mustard the same way again.”
Dot’s laughter grew, the sound light and genuine, easing some of the tension that had been building inside her. Joel grinned, pleased to see her smiling, and continued with his lighthearted tales.
“And then there’s the time when they start talking,” Joel said, still kneeling beside her, his hands resting warmly on her belly. “You think you’re ready for it, but when that first word comes out, it’ll knock the wind right out of you. And don’t get me started on when they start walking. You’ll be chasing them all over the place, and you’ll swear they’ve got rocket fuel in those little legs.”
Dot was laughing now, her earlier sadness momentarily forgotten as she listened to Joel’s stories. There was a warmth between them, something that felt like the beginnings of a new chapter, one filled with hope and possibility.
“And then, of course, there’s the first time they spit up on you right after you’ve finally gotten them to sleep,” Joel added with a mock grimace. “You’ll think it’s the worst thing in the world, but looking back, you’ll laugh about it.”
Dot shook her head, still smiling as she wiped a tear from her eye. “It sounds like it’s going to be a wild ride.”
“It will be,” Joel agreed, his voice softening as he looked at her. “But it’s worth every second. And when you hold our baby in your arms for the first time… well, that’s a feeling you’ll never forget.”
Dot’s smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of wistfulness as she gazed at him. “You must miss it… being a father.”
Joel’s expression grew somber for a moment, the memories of Sarah flickering behind his eyes. He cleared his throat, pushing the sadness aside as he forced a smile. “I do,” he admitted, his voice quiet. “But I’m grateful for the time I had with her. And I’m looking forward to what’s ahead.”
Dot nodded, her heart heavy with empathy for the man kneeling beside her. She could see the strength in him, the resilience that had carried him through so much loss. And in that moment, she felt a deep sense of gratitude for his presence in her life, for the way he had taken her in and given her a place to belong.
Joel reached out and gently squeezed her hand, his touch warm and reassuring. “We’re gonna make this work, darlin’. You and me, and our baby. We’re gonna be just fine.”
Dot squeezed his hand back, a small smile playing on her lips. “Thank you, Joel. For everything.”
They stood there for a moment, the silence between them filled with unspoken understanding. It wasn’t just about the baby anymore—it was about the life they were starting to build together, the partnership that was slowly taking shape.
Finally, Joel cleared his throat and stood up, breaking the moment with a lighthearted grin. “Now, how about I finish this dinner before we burn the house down?”
Dot laughed, the sound a welcome release from the emotions that had been swirling inside her. “I think that’s a good idea.”
They spent the rest of the evening in a comfortable rhythm, moving around the kitchen together as they prepared and shared their meal. The conversation was light, filled with stories and laughter, and it felt like a small victory, a sign that they were finding their way through the challenges and toward something stronger.
As they cleaned up after dinner, Dot handed Joel a dish just as he reached for it, their movements synchronized in a way that spoke of growing familiarity. It was a small thing, but it felt significant—a sign that they were beginning to understand each other in ways that went beyond words.
When the dishes were done, they lingered in the kitchen for a moment, the warmth of the evening wrapping around them like a comforting blanket. Dot felt a sense of peace, a quiet contentment that she hadn’t felt in a long time. And as she looked at Joel, she realized that this, whatever it was they were building together, was worth holding on to.
“Goodnight, Joel,” she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude.
“Goodnight, darlin’,” Joel replied, his smile gentle as he watched her head toward the stairs that led to their rooms. “Sleep well.”
Dot gave him one last smile before heading up the stairs, leaving Joel standing in the quiet of the kitchen, his thoughts lingering on the woman who had come into his life and changed it in ways he hadn’t expected. He knew there were challenges ahead, but for the first time in a long time, he felt ready to face them.
The days had grown shorter, the crispness of fall settling over the farm as October gave way to November. Dot found herself adjusting more to life on the farm, her routines becoming familiar, comforting even. But with the baby’s due date approaching, Joel had become more insistent that she take it easy.
One morning, as the sun filtered through the kitchen windows, Dot entered the living room to find Joel standing beside a large oak desk that hadn’t been there the night before. Her books were stacked neatly on a newly installed shelf, the typewriter Joel had seen her use once or twice placed prominently on the desk. He turned to her with a small, proud smile, clearly pleased with his work.
“Morning, darlin’,” Joel greeted her, a warmth in his voice that made Dot’s heart flutter. “Thought it was about time you had a proper space for your writing.”
Dot’s eyes widened as she took in the setup, her hand instinctively resting on her bump. “Joel, this is… you did all this?”
He nodded, wiping his hands on the towel slung over his shoulder. “Made the desk myself. Thought you’d appreciate somethin’ sturdy. And I know you’ve been itchin’ to get back to your writing, so I figured now’s as good a time as any.”
Dot walked over to the desk, running her fingers over the smooth surface. The wood was polished to a rich sheen, the craftsmanship solid and precise. She couldn’t help but smile, touched by the effort Joel had put into creating this space for her.
“It’s beautiful, Joel,” she said softly, looking up at him. “Thank you.”
Joel’s smile widened, and he reached out to gently touch her arm. “You’re welcome, darlin’. I just want you to take it easy. You’ve been workin’ hard around here, and I thought maybe it’s time you did somethin’ for yourself. Read a bit, write if you feel like it.”
Dot felt a warmth spread through her chest, a mixture of gratitude and something else, something that made her heart race a little faster when Joel was near. She had noticed it more and more lately—the way her eyes would linger on him when he worked around the farm, the way her pulse quickened whenever he smiled at her. Joel was older, yes, but he was strong, his body still fit and toned from years of hard work. And despite the gruff exterior, there was a kindness in him, a gentleness that drew her in.
As she sat down at the desk, Dot looked up at Joel, her gaze lingering on the way his shirt stretched across his broad shoulders. “You didn’t have to do all this, you know,” she said, her voice soft.
“I wanted to,” Joel replied simply, his eyes meeting hers. “You’ve brought a lot of life back into this house, Dot. Just tryin’ to return the favor.”
Their eyes locked, and for a moment, the room seemed to grow warmer, the air between them charged with something unspoken. Dot felt her cheeks flush, and she quickly looked down at the typewriter, her fingers brushing over the keys.
“I’ll try to get back to writing,” she said, her voice a little shaky. “It’s been a while, but I miss it.”
Joel nodded, his hand resting on the back of her chair. “No rush, darlin’. Just take your time. The desk’ll be here whenever you’re ready.”
Dot smiled up at him, her heart swelling with affection. “Thank you, Joel. Really.”
He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before stepping back, a quiet, thoughtful look in his eyes. “You’re welcome.”
As the days passed, Dot found herself spending more time in her new office space, occasionally writing but mostly just enjoying the comfort of the room Joel had created for her. It felt like a small sanctuary, a place where she could relax and let her mind wander. But as her belly grew, so did the aches and pains that came with carrying a child. Joel noticed it too, the way she winced when she stood up too quickly or how she shifted in her chair, trying to find a more comfortable position.
One evening, after dinner, Joel found Dot in the living room, her hand pressed to the small of her back as she stretched, trying to relieve the tension that had settled there. He watched her for a moment, concern etched in his features, before stepping forward.
“Back botherin’ you again?” he asked, his voice gentle.
Dot nodded, sighing softly as she tried to ease the pain. “Yeah, it’s been aching all day. I can’t seem to get comfortable no matter what I do.”
Without a word, Joel moved behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, gently guiding her to sit down on the edge of the couch. Dot looked up at him in surprise, but he just offered her a small, reassuring smile.
“Let me see if I can help,” he said, his voice low and soothing.
Dot hesitated for a moment, then nodded, letting herself relax as Joel’s hands moved to her back. His touch was firm but careful, his fingers kneading the muscles that had tightened from carrying the weight of the baby. Dot closed her eyes, a soft sigh escaping her lips as the tension began to melt away under his skilled hands.
“That feel better?” Joel asked, his voice close to her ear.
Dot nodded, her eyes still closed. “Much better. Thank you, Joel.”
“Anytime, darlin’,” he replied, his voice warm.
As Joel continued to massage her back, Dot couldn’t help but notice how close they were, how his breath tickled the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. She felt her heart begin to race again, a flutter of nervous excitement in her chest. When had she started to feel this way about him? And did he feel the same?
Joel’s hands moved lower, working out the knots that had formed along her spine, and Dot bit her lip to keep from letting out a contented sigh. She didn’t want him to stop, didn’t want to lose the warmth of his touch. But as his hands stilled, she felt a pang of disappointment.
“All done,” Joel said softly, his hands resting gently on her lower back.
Dot opened her eyes, feeling a flush of warmth in her cheeks as she turned to look at him. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice catching slightly.
Joel’s eyes met hers, and for a moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them, close enough to feel each other’s breath. Dot’s gaze flickered to his lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him, to feel that closeness she had been craving. But before she could act on the impulse, Joel pulled back slightly, clearing his throat as he stepped away.
“Glad I could help,” he said, his voice a little rough.
Dot smiled, trying to shake off the lingering tension. “You did. I feel much better.”
Joel nodded, the warmth in his eyes still there, but tempered by something else, something cautious. “You should get some rest, darlin’. It’s been a long day.”
Dot nodded, standing up slowly, her hand resting on her bump. “I will. Goodnight, Joel.”
“Goodnight, darlin’,” Joel replied, his voice soft as he watched her head toward the stairs.
As Dot climbed the stairs to her room, she couldn’t help but wonder if Joel had felt the same pull she had, that magnetic attraction that had been growing between them. And as she lay in bed that night, her thoughts were filled with the memory of his touch, the way his hands had felt on her back, so warm and strong. She didn’t know where this was leading, but she knew one thing for certain—she was no longer afraid of it.
The next few days passed in a blur of routine and quiet moments, but the tension between Joel and Dot continued to build. It was in the way their hands brushed when they passed each other a tool, the way Joel’s gaze lingered on her a little too long when he thought she wasn’t looking. And Dot, for her part, found herself stealing glances at him whenever she could, admiring the way his muscles moved under his shirt as he worked, the strength and solidity of him.
One afternoon, as the sun was beginning to set, Joel found Dot sitting on the porch, her feet propped up on the railing as she watched the colors of the sky shift from blue to pink to orange. He approached quietly, his hands in his pockets, and sat down beside her.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Dot said softly, not taking her eyes off the horizon.
“Sure is,” Joel agreed, though his gaze was fixed on her. “How’re you feelin’, darlin’?”
Dot turned to him, her heart fluttering at the concern in his eyes. “I’m alright. Tired, but alright.”
Joel nodded, his hand reaching out to rest on hers. “You’ve been doin’ a lot. You should take it easy.”
Dot looked down at their joined hands, her heart skipping a beat. “I know. I just… I don’t like sitting still for too long.”
Joel chuckled softly, his thumb brushing over the back of her hand. “I can tell. But you need to rest up, especially with our baby coming soon. You’ve been workin’ hard, and I don’t want you to wear yourself out.”
Dot smiled at his concern, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. “I promise I’ll try to take it easy. It’s just… I like being busy. It helps keep my mind off things.”
Joel’s gaze softened, and he shifted closer to her, their shoulders almost touching. “I get that, darlin’. But you don’t have to carry everything on your own. I’m here, remember?”
Dot looked up at him, her breath catching in her throat at the closeness of his face, the sincerity in his eyes. “I know, Joel. And I’m grateful for that. More than you know.”
For a moment, they sat in silence, the air between them thick with unspoken words. Dot’s heart raced as she looked at him, her thoughts a jumble of emotions she wasn’t sure how to express. She knew she was attracted to him, drawn to his strength, his kindness, the way he made her feel safe and cared for. But there was more to it than that—something deeper, something that scared and excited her in equal measure.
Joel’s hand tightened slightly on hers, and she saw the same uncertainty in his eyes, the same hesitance. But then, as if some unspoken agreement passed between them, he leaned in, closing the small distance between them.
The kiss was soft, tentative at first, as if they were both testing the waters. Dot’s heart pounded in her chest, her lips tingling with the warmth of his. She felt a rush of emotions—relief, excitement, and something that felt a lot like hope. She let herself lean into the kiss, her free hand coming up to rest on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath her fingertips.
Joel responded by deepening the kiss, his hand moving to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing gently over her skin. There was a tenderness in his touch, a carefulness that made her feel cherished, wanted. Dot sighed softly against his lips, her fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt as she let herself get lost in the moment.
When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other as they tried to steady their racing hearts. Joel’s hand remained on her cheek, his thumb still caressing her skin, as if he couldn’t bear to break the contact.
“Dot…” Joel began, his voice husky, full of emotion he couldn’t quite put into words.
Dot opened her eyes, looking up at him with a mixture of affection and longing. “Joel, I…”
He smiled softly, his thumb brushing over her lips, silencing her. “You don’t have to say anything, darlin’. I just… I wanted you to know how I feel. How much you mean to me.”
Dot felt a tear slip down her cheek, but it wasn’t one of sadness—it was one of relief, of joy at knowing that the feelings she had been wrestling with were shared. “I care about you too, Joel. More than I ever thought I could.”
Joel’s smile widened, and he leaned in to kiss her again, this time with more confidence, more certainty. The kiss was sweeter, filled with the promise of something new, something neither of them had expected but both of them wanted.
As the kiss deepened, Dot felt a warmth spread through her, pooling in her belly and radiating out to every part of her body. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted this, needed this, until now. She let herself sink into the sensation, into the safety of Joel’s arms, feeling a sense of rightness that had been missing for so long.
When they finally pulled apart again, Joel rested his forehead against hers, his breath coming in soft, warm puffs against her skin. “Dot, I don’t want to rush you, but… I want you to know that I’m here. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
Dot smiled, her heart full as she looked into his eyes. “I know, Joel. And I’m not going anywhere either.”
They sat there for a moment, wrapped up in each other, the world outside the porch fading away. It was just them, and it felt like the beginning of something they both needed.
“Maybe we should head inside,” Joel suggested softly, his hand still cradling her cheek.
Dot nodded, her breath catching as she saw the unspoken question in his eyes. She knew what he was asking, what he was hoping for, and she found herself wanting it too, more than anything.
Joel stood up first, offering her his hand, and she took it without hesitation, letting him pull her to her feet. They walked into the house together, the warmth of the living room wrapping around them as they crossed the threshold.
Joel hesitated for a moment at the bottom of the stairs, glancing at her as if to make sure she was still with him. Dot smiled reassuringly, squeezing his hand, and that was all the encouragement he needed.
They climbed the stairs slowly, the anticipation building with each step, until they reached the landing where their bedrooms were. Joel paused outside her door, his hand still holding hers as he turned to face her.
“Dot… are you sure?” he asked, his voice soft, almost hesitant.
Dot nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. “I’m sure, Joel.”
That was all he needed to hear. Joel opened the door to her room and led her inside, closing it softly behind them. The room was dimly lit, the curtains drawn, casting a warm, intimate glow over the space. Joel turned to her, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and desire, and she felt her breath hitch in her throat.
He stepped closer, his hands coming up to cup her face, his thumbs brushing gently over her cheeks. “I want this to be right for you, darlin’. I want you to feel safe, loved.”
Dot smiled, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “I do, Joel. I’ve never felt safer.”
With that, Joel leaned in and kissed her again, his lips warm and inviting. This time, the kiss was more urgent, more passionate, and Dot found herself responding with equal fervor. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, wanting to feel every inch of him against her.
Joel’s hands moved down her sides, gently caressing every curve of her body, lingering over the gentle swell of her belly. Dot shivered under his touch, a mixture of anticipation and desire coursing through her. The tension that had been building between them for weeks was finally coming to a head, and she could feel the heat rising between them.
Joel leaned in, pressing soft kisses along her neck, his breath warm against her skin. As his lips moved lower, he began to undo the buttons of her dress, taking his time with each one, revealing more of her skin with every soft press of his lips. Dot’s breath hitched as he bared her shoulders, the cool air contrasting with the warmth of his touch. She reached up, running her fingers through his hair, encouraging him to continue.
As her dress fell to the floor, Joel’s hands traced the curve of her belly, his touch reverent, as if he were worshiping the life growing inside her. He dropped to his knees, his lips following the path his hands had taken, pressing gentle kisses to the swell of her abdomen. Dot’s breath caught in her throat as she watched him, the sight of him on his knees before her, his hands and lips so tender, filling her with a deep, overwhelming emotion.
Joel looked up at her, his eyes dark with desire. “You’re so beautiful, Dot,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “I can’t get enough of you.”
Dot’s heart fluttered at his words, and she tugged at his shirt, needing to feel his skin against hers. Joel stood, quickly shedding his clothes, his eyes never leaving hers. As he stepped out of his breeches, his cock sprang free, thick and ready, and Dot felt a rush of heat flood her body at the sight of him.
Joel reached for her again, his hands sliding down her back to undo the last fastenings of her undergarments, letting them drop to the floor. He pulled her close, his hands running up and down her back, feeling the softness of her skin, the warmth of her body against his. Dot leaned into him, her breasts pressing against his chest, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she felt his hardness against her belly.
He guided her gently to the bed, laying her down on the soft sheets, his eyes drinking in the sight of her laid out before him. Dot’s heart raced as she watched him, her anticipation building with every second. Joel knelt beside her, his hands running along her thighs, gently spreading her legs as he settled between them. His eyes were fixed on hers as he leaned down, his mouth finding the sensitive skin just above her knee, kissing a slow path up her thigh.
Dot gasped as his lips moved higher, his breath warm against her skin, sending shivers of pleasure through her. When he finally reached the apex of her thighs, he paused, his hands gently holding her hips as he looked up at her, his eyes dark with desire.
“Joel…” Dot whispered, her voice trembling with need.
“I got you, darlin’.” 
Without another word, Joel lowered his head between her thighs, his tongue slipping between her folds, finding the sensitive bud at her center. Dot cried out, her hips jerking at the sudden surge of pleasure, but Joel held her steady, his hands firm on her hips as he continued his ministrations. His tongue moved in slow, deliberate strokes, exploring her with a skill and tenderness that left her breathless.
Dot’s hands clenched the sheets as her big belly wouldn’t let her hold on to the thick of Joel’s salt & pepper hair, her back arching as the pleasure built inside her, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Joel’s mouth was relentless, his tongue working her with a steady rhythm that drove her closer and closer to the edge. And when he added his fingers, sliding them inside her with a gentle but insistent pressure, pressing on her back wall over and over again, Dot’s control shattered. She came with a cry, her body shaking with the intensity of it, her thighs trembling as waves of pleasure washed over her.
Joel didn’t stop, didn’t let up, his mouth and fingers working her through her climax, until she was left panting and spent, her body melting into the bed. When he finally lifted his head, his lips glistening with her arousal, Dot could only look at him in dazed wonder, her heart pounding in her chest.
“Joel… that was…” she whispered, her voice barely audible.
“I know… so good, darlin’... you taste so good.”
He smiled at her, a satisfied, almost smug look in his eyes as he moved up her body, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. Dot moaned into his mouth, tasting herself on his lips, her body still trembling from the aftershocks of her orgasm. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, needing to feel all of him against her.
As Joel positioned himself between her legs, he paused, his hand resting on her belly, his eyes searching hers. “Are you okay, darlin’? Is this okay?”
Dot nodded, her hand covering his on her belly. “Yes, Joel. I need you. Please.”
With a groan of desire, Joel pushed into her, filling her slowly, letting her adjust to the size of him. Dot gasped at the sensation, the fullness, the heat of him inside her, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist, pulling him deeper. Joel’s grip on her hips tightened as he began to move, his strokes slow and deliberate, his eyes never leaving hers.
Dot’s breath hitched as he filled her again and again, her body responding to his with a need she hadn’t realized she had. The weight of him, the strength in his arms as he held her close, the way his hips moved against hers—it was all too much, and yet not enough. She needed more, needed him to take her higher, to push her over the edge again.
“Joel… please,” she begged, her voice trembling with need.
Joel’s eyes darkened with desire, and he shifted, pulling her hips up slightly so he could go deeper, his movements becoming more urgent, more insistent. Dot cried out, her hands gripping his shoulders as she felt herself being pushed closer and closer to the edge.
When she came again, it was with a cry of his name, her body tightening around him, pulling him deeper as she shattered beneath him. Joel groaned, his hips bucking as he found his own release, his cock pulsing inside her as he spilled into her, his hands holding her hips in a bruising grip.
They stayed like that for a moment, their bodies still joined, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Joel’s hand moved to her belly again, caressing the curve of it, his eyes filled with a tender, almost possessive emotion.
“Our baby,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
She smiled up at him, her hand coming to rest over his on her belly. “I love you, Joel.”
“I love you too, darlin’,” he replied, his voice rough with emotion. “More than I ever thought possible.”
He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips before pulling back slightly, his eyes still fixed on hers. “You’re everything to me, Dot. Everything.”
Dot’s heart swelled with love for the man above her, the man who had become her partner, her lover, the father of her child. No questions asked. As they lay together, their bodies still entwined, she knew that this was where she belonged, with Joel, with their baby, in this home they had built together.
They fell asleep like that, wrapped up in each other, the world outside forgotten for a little while. 
The weeks that followed their first night together were some of the happiest Dot had ever known. The intimacy they had discovered that night became a regular part of their lives, a natural extension of the deepening bond between them. Joel was attentive, always careful with her, mindful of her growing belly and the changes her body was going through as her pregnancy progressed.
They quickly fell into a comfortable rhythm, their days filled with the familiar routines of farm life, and their nights spent wrapped up in each other. The physical connection they had discovered only grew stronger, and it wasn’t long before they found themselves stealing moments together whenever they could—whether it was a slow morning in bed, a quick encounter in the barn, or a quiet evening in the living room after dinner.
One lazy Sunday morning, Dot woke to the feel of Joel’s hand resting on her belly, his thumb gently brushing over the swell of it. She smiled, still half-asleep, and snuggled closer to him, her back pressing against his chest.
“Mornin’, darlin’,” Joel murmured, his voice thick with sleep as he nuzzled the back of her neck.
“Morning,” Dot replied, her voice soft and content.
They had started sharing a bed shortly after their first time together, the master bedroom becoming their shared sanctuary. It was a decision that had felt natural, as if it was always meant to be this way. Joel had taken to sleeping with his hand on her belly, his touch a constant reassurance that he was there, that they were in this together.
Dot turned in his arms, facing him, and leaned in to press a soft kiss to his lips. “Sleep well?”
Joel grinned, his hand sliding down to rest on her hip. “Always do when I’m with you.”
Their kisses deepened, a slow burn igniting between them as their bodies pressed closer together. Despite the growing weight of her pregnancy, Dot found herself craving Joel more and more, and he was always eager to oblige. He was careful, always mindful of her condition, but there was no mistaking the hunger in his touch, the desire that flared between them whenever they were close.
They made love slowly, lazily, taking their time to savor each other, the morning light filtering through the curtains and casting a warm glow over their entwined bodies. Joel was gentle, his hands and lips worshiping her, his every movement careful and deliberate. Dot arched into him, her breath hitching as he filled her, the familiar sensation sending a shiver of pleasure through her.
“Joel…” she whispered, her voice trembling with need.
He responded with a low groan, his hands gripping her hips as he rocked into her, his gaze never leaving hers. Dot felt the tension building inside her, the pleasure coiling tighter and tighter until it finally snapped, sending her tumbling over the edge. She cried out his name, her hands clutching at his shoulders as waves of pleasure washed over her.
Joel followed soon after, his own release crashing through him as he buried his face in her neck, his breath hot and ragged against her skin. They stayed like that for a long moment, their bodies still joined, their breaths mingling in the quiet of the room.
Finally, Joel pulled back slightly, his hand gently caressing her belly as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “You okay, darlin’?”
Dot smiled up at him, her heart swelling with love for the man above her. “I’m perfect,” she whispered, her voice filled with contentment.
They spent the rest of the morning in bed, talking quietly, sharing soft kisses, and basking in the warmth of each other’s presence. It was a morning like so many others they had shared since they had decided to fully commit to each other, a morning that felt like the calm before the storm.
It was later that afternoon when the storm finally hit.
Joel was outside, repairing a fence near the barn, when he noticed the familiar truck of his father-in-law, Reverend Hargrove pulling up the long gravel driveway. Straightening up, Joel wiped the sweat from his brow and set his tools aside, watching as the reverend stepped out of the truck, holding something in his hand. There was a certain tension in the older man’s posture that immediately put Joel on edge.
“Afternoon, Reverend,” Joel greeted as he approached, his tone polite but guarded.
“Afternoon, Joel,” the reverend replied, offering a tight smile. He hesitated for a moment, glancing toward the house. “Is Dot around? I’ve got something here for her.”
Joel frowned slightly but nodded. “She’s inside. You wanna come in? Have a cup of coffee with us?”
The reverend shook his head, a look of regret passing over his face. “I appreciate the offer, but I’ll have to take a rain check. I just wanted to drop this off. I’ll see you both this weekend for Thanksgiving.”
He handed Joel a letter, and Joel’s heart sank as he read the sender’s name on the envelope. Carson. The knot of anxiety that had been building in his chest tightened, and he felt a wave of anger begin to rise. He nodded curtly, his jaw clenched as he accepted the letter.
“Thanks for bringing this by,” Joel said, his voice strained.
The reverend gave him a concerned look, sensing the tension. “Everything alright, Joel?”
Joel forced a tight smile, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah, everything’s fine. We’ll see you this weekend.”
The reverend nodded, though he didn’t look entirely convinced. He gave Joel a final pat on the shoulder before turning to head back to his truck. Joel watched him go, his grip on the letter tightening as the sound of the truck’s engine faded into the distance. The moment the reverend was out of sight, Joel turned and stalked back to the house, the anger simmering just below the surface.
When he stepped into the living room, he found Dot standing by her desk, arching her back and rubbing the base of her spine with one hand under her almost due belly. She looked around when she heard him enter, her expression brightening when she saw him.
“Hey, Joel,” she said, smiling softly.
“Dot,” Joel replied, his voice tight as he held up the envelope. “This came for you.”
Dot’s smile faltered as she saw the envelope, confusion knitting her brows together. “Who’s it from?”
“Carson,” Joel said, his tone clipped, barely containing his frustration.
Dot’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at the name on the envelope, her heart skipping a beat. Carson. She hadn’t thought about him in months, not since she had agreed to marry Joel and start a new life on the farm. But seeing his name now, written out in neat, familiar handwriting, brought back a flood of memories she had long since buried.
She reached out to take the envelope, her hands trembling slightly. Joel watched her closely, his jaw tight, his eyes dark with a mix of anger and something else—something more vulnerable, more afraid.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Joel spat out, his voice rising as the emotions he had been trying to suppress began to spill over. “After all this time? After everything we’ve built together, now he decides to write?”
Dot flinched at the intensity of his tone, her heart aching as she saw the pain and anger in his eyes. “Joel, I—”
“He’s the father, Dot,” Joel interrupted, his voice laced with bitterness. “He’s the real father of this baby. Maybe this is what you’ve been waiting for, huh? A way out. Maybe now you can finally go back to the big city, to the life you really wanted.”
Dot’s eyes widened in shock, tears welling up as she realized just how deeply Joel’s fear of abandonment ran. “Joel, no, that’s not—”
“Isn’t it?” Joel cut her off, his voice growing louder, more frantic. “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it. Your typewriter’s been gathering dust, you haven’t written a damn thing since you got here. Maybe you miss the city, maybe you miss that life. Hell, maybe you miss him.”
Dot’s hand tightened on the letter, her heart breaking as she saw the hurt and anger in Joel’s eyes, ignoring the growing pressure at the base of her belly. But she didn’t sob, didn’t let the tears fall or the pain show. Instead, she took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as she scanned the contents of the letter. As she read the words, a bitter chuckle escaped her lips, and she tossed the letter aside, shaking her head.
“Joel,” she called quietly to him, her voice trembling with both anger and sadness. 
But Joel wasn’t listening. He was too far gone, his anger and fear clouding his judgment, making it impossible for him to hear the reassurance in her words.
“Maybe you miss him…” Joel snapped, his voice harsh as he paced the room, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Maybe he’s just waiting for the right moment to swoop in and take you away, take everything we’ve built together.”
Dot shook her head, tears spilling over but still refusing to sob, refusing to let herself fall apart. “Joel, listen to me. I’m not going anywhere. I chose this life. Carson is in the past.”
But Joel was too deep in his own pain to hear her, his voice rising in desperation. “How can I believe that? How do I know you won’t just leave the moment things get tough? How do I know this isn’t what you’ve wanted all along?”
Dot’s heart ached at his words, the accusations cutting deeper than she had ever thought possible. “Because I chose you–I keep on choosing you every day, I–” But before she could say anything more, a sharp pain shot through her abdomen, doubling her over with a gasp.
“Dot?” Joel’s voice immediately shifted from anger to concern, his eyes widening as he saw the pain on her face. “What’s wrong?”
Dot’s eyes went wide as she felt a sudden rush of fluid between her legs, her heart pounding with realization. “Joel… my water just broke.”
For a moment, the room was silent, the gravity of the situation crashing down on them both. Then, in unison, they both cursed.
Joel sprang into action, his anger forgotten as he rushed to Dot’s side, wrapping his arms around her to support her as she tried to steady herself.
“Alright, darlin’, it’s okay,” Joel said, his voice calm but urgent as he guided her toward the door but she wouldn’t move. “We’re gonna get you to the clinic. Just breathe, okay?”
Dot shook her head, her breath coming in shallow gasps as the pain intensified. “Joel… there’s no time. I can feel the head.”
Joel’s eyes widened in panic, but he quickly masked it, his focus shifting entirely to Dot and their baby. “Shit… okay, okay, we’ll do this here. We’ll do this right here.”
Dot nodded again, her body trembling as another contraction hit, stronger than the last. He glanced around the room, his eyes landing on the sturdy oak table he had made for her, where her typewriter now sat. Joel guided her back to her oak desk, her grip on his arm tight as she struggled to breathe through the pain. 
“Here, darlin’, hold onto the table,” Joel instructed, helping her to lean against it. “I’ve got you. I’m right here.”
Dot did as he said, gripping the edge of the table with one hand while the other clung to his arm. She could feel the pressure building, the baby moving lower with each contraction, and she knew there was no turning back now.
“How long?” He asked her.
“Two days,” She gasped out and he cursed out.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked her.
“I thought it was just normal… just the discomfort… but…” Dot admitted through gritted teeth, her voice strained with the effort of speaking.
Joel’s heart ached with guilt as he realized she had been in pain all this time, trying to bear it alone. “I’m sorry, Dot,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m so sorry…” 
Dot nodded, her breath coming in sharp, shallow gasps as she felt another contraction rip through her. She braced herself against the table, her knees buckling as the pain intensified, her body urging her to push.
“I can’t… I can’t do this,” Dot cried, her voice breaking as the fear and pain overwhelmed her.
“Yes, you can,” Joel said firmly, his voice filled with determination as he positioned himself behind her, his hands gently supporting her hips. “You’re the strongest woman I know, Dot. You can do this. You’re not alone. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.”
Dot’s breath hitched at his words, and she nodded, “Joel I think I can feel the head.” 
Joel wasted no time, getting on his knees, hiking up her skirt and pulling down her underwear. She was bulging, the head heavily sat behind her folds. She could feel the baby beginning to emerge into a crow, the intense pressure and pain making it almost impossible to think, but she focused on Joel’s voice, on his steady, reassuring presence beside her.
“Alright, darlin’, you need to push,” Joel instructed, his voice calm but urgent. “You can do this. I’ve got you.”
Dot took a deep breath, bracing herself against the table as she bore down, pushing with all her might. The pain was intense, a searing, tearing sensation that left her gasping for breath, but she kept going, kept pushing, Joel’s voice in her ear, his hands steadying her as she fought to bring their baby into the world.
“That’s it, Dot,” Joel encouraged, his voice filled with awe and pride as he watched their child begin to emerge. “You’re doing so good. Just a little more, darlin’, you’re almost there. Breathe, darlin’, breathe…”
Dot’s breathing grew more erratic, her body trembling as another powerful contraction ripped through her. She clung to the edge of the table, her knuckles white, her breath coming in short, desperate gasps.
“Hoo… hoo… haa… haa…” Dot panted, trying to focus on her breathing, trying to stay calm even as the pain intensified. “Joel… it’s too big… I can’t… I can’t do this…”
“Yes, you can, darlin’,” Joel reassured her, his voice strong and steady as he supported her, his hands firm on her hips. “You’re doing so good. Just keep breathing, keep pushing. You’ve got this.”
Dot moaned, the pain overwhelming her as she felt the baby moving lower, the pressure almost unbearable. “It hurts… it hurts so much…”
“I know, I know, darlin’,” Joel whispered, his heart aching as he watched her struggle. “But you’re almost there. Just a little more, and our baby will be here. You’re so strong, Dot. You can do this.”
Dot nodded, tears streaming down her face as she took another deep breath, her voice trembling as she whimpered, “Hoo… hoo… Jooooeeeel!”
With a deep, primal groan, Dot bore down again, pushing with all her might, the pain searing through her like fire. “It’s too big… oh God, it’s too big…”
Joel’s hands tightened on her hips, his voice filled with awe as he saw the baby’s head emerging. “You’re doing it, Dot. I can see the head. Just one more big push, darlin’. You’re almost there.”
Dot cried out, her body shaking with the effort as she pushed again, harder this time, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The pain was excruciating, the pressure almost too much to bear, but she kept going, kept pushing, determined to bring their child into the world.
“Haa… haa… haa…” Dot panted, her voice a mix of desperation and determination as she felt the baby’s head begin to fully crown. She gritted her teeth, her entire body trembling as she bore down once more, the intensity of the pain nearly blinding her.
Finally, with one last, agonizing push, Dot felt the baby’s head slip-free, the sudden relief mingling with the lingering pain. She gasped for breath, her body shaking with exhaustion, but she didn’t stop, didn’t let herself rest.
“You’re almost there, darlin’,” Joel encouraged, his voice filled with emotion as he supported her. “Just one more push, and the shoulders will be out. You’re so close, Dot. You’re so close.”
Dot nodded, tears streaming down her face as she gathered all her strength for one final push. She bore down with everything she had, a primal scream tearing from her throat as she felt the baby’s shoulders slip free, followed by the rest of the tiny body. The overwhelming relief and release left her trembling and gasping for breath.
Joel’s hands were there, steady and sure, catching their child as the baby entered the world. He let out a shaky breath, his heart pounding with a mix of relief and awe as he cradled the tiny, squirming body in his hands. The baby let out a loud, feisty cry, its voice filling the room, a sound that brought tears to Joel’s eyes.
“You did it, Dot,” Joel whispered, his voice choked with emotion as he looked up at her, his eyes shining with love and pride. “You did it, darlin’. Our baby… our beautiful baby.”
Dot collapsed against the table, her body trembling with exhaustion, but a soft, tired smile crossed her lips as she heard the baby’s cries. She turned to look at Joel, her heart swelling with love and relief as she saw him cradling their child, his eyes filled with tears of joy.
“Hi, baby,” Dot whispered, her voice trembling with emotion as she held out her arms for the baby. “Hi there, little one. You’re finally here.”
Joel carefully wrapped the baby in the throw blanket from the couch, gently placing the tiny bundle in Dot’s arms. She looked down at their child, tears streaming down her face as she traced a finger over the baby’s soft cheek, marveling at the tiny, perfect features.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Dot cooed, her voice filled with love as she held the baby close, feeling the warmth and weight of their child in her arms. “You’re so beautiful… so perfect…”
Joel’s heart swelled with love and pride as he watched Dot cradle their baby, the sight of them together filling him with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and awe. He pressed a soft kiss to Dot’s temple, his voice thick with emotion as he whispered, “I love you, Dot. I love you so much.”
Dot smiled up at him, her eyes shining with tears as she whispered back, “I love you too, Joel. So much.”
They stayed like that for a long moment, wrapped up in each other, in the new life they had created together. The argument, the fear, and the pain of the past few hours melted away, leaving only love, only the overwhelming joy of holding their child in their arms.
As the baby continued to cry, Dot felt another wave of contractions rip through her, the pain sharp and sudden. She gasped, her body tensing as she realized what was happening. “Joel… the after birth… it’s coming…”
Joel’s eyes widened in realization, and he quickly moved to support her, his hands steadying her as she pushed once more, the placenta slipping free with a rush of fluid. Dot let out a shaky breath, her body trembling with exhaustion as she finally collapsed against the table, spent and drained.
“You did it, darlin’,” Joel whispered, his voice filled with awe as he gently cleaned her up, his hands tender as he worked. “You did so good… you’re amazing, Dot.”
Joel carried his wife into the guest bedroom next to the kitchen, laying down several blankets for Dot to lay out on as he cleaned her and the baby up. He took the scissors from the kitchen and, with trembling hands, cut the umbilical cord, severing the final connection between Dot and the baby. He couldn’t help the tears that welled up in his eyes as he looked down at their child, a feeling of overwhelming love washing over him.
“Welcome to the world, little one,” Joel whispered, his voice choked with emotion as he gently kissed the baby’s forehead. “You’re so loved… so, so loved…”
Dot watched him, her heart swelling with love and gratitude for the man who had been by her side through everything. She reached out and touched his arm, her voice soft and filled with emotion as she said, “Joel… thank you… for everything…”
Joel turned to her, his eyes filled with tears as he knelt beside her, his hand gently cupping her cheek. “Don’t thank me, darlin’. I’m the one who’s grateful… for you… for this beautiful life we’ve created together.”
Dot smiled, tears streaming down her face as she looked down at their baby, the love she felt for both of them overwhelming her. “I couldn’t have done it without you,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.
Joel leaned in and kissed her softly, his lips lingering on hers as he whispered, “I’m so lucky to have you, Dot. So damn lucky… Please, don’t ever leave me. Don’t take our son away from me. I can’t lose you… either of you…”
Dot’s heart broke at the vulnerability in his voice, and she shook her head, her voice filled with love and reassurance as she whispered back, “I’m not going anywhere, Joel. This is where I belong. With you… with our son… with our family…”
“But Carson…”
“Carson wrote to congratulate me. Congratulate us and our baby...”
Joel let out a shaky breath, his tears mingling with hers as he pulled her into his arms, holding her close as he whispered, “Thank you, Dot… thank you for giving me this… for giving me everything I never thought I could have again…”
Dot smiled through her tears, her heart overflowing with love for the man who had become her partner, her lover, the father of her child. “I love you, Joel… more than I can ever say…”
Joel kissed her again, his lips tender and filled with all the love he felt for her. “I love you too, Dot… so damn much… And I want more of this… more babies… more life with you…”
Dot let out a soft chuckle, her tears mingling with her laughter as she looked up at him, her eyes shining with love and joy. “More babies, huh?”
Joel grinned, his own tears spilling over as he nodded, his voice filled with hope and longing as he whispered, “Yeah… more babies… a whole house full of them…”
Dot laughed softly, her heart bursting with happiness as she leaned into him, her voice filled with love as she whispered, “I’d like that, Joel… I’d like that a lot…”
They stayed like that, holding each other, holding their son, the future stretching out before them, filled with love, hope, and the promise of more life to come.
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tac-the-unseen · 5 months
The Lost Boys x Werewolf Reader
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•They could all smell you before you were even within sight of each other.
•They have mixed feelings about having a big ol’ dog around
•On one hand, You are a biological rival. Both vampires and werewolves are extremely territorial, and can almost never overlap with each other.
•On the other hand, Big ol’ fluffy dog :)
•Paul is 10,000% the type of guy to drop down on off four to play with you well in wolf form
•while out on a midnight stroll in the woods they casually look at you and say ‘Do the thing.’ which means ‘howl as loud as you possibly can’
•They will absolutely howl with you!
•You lay in the sun for a while then go back to the shade so they can still feel the sun (and you get pets)
•When you were first starting the relationship with David, Dwayne, Paul, and Marko, You found a big open field and Moran as fast and hard as you could in circles until you physically couldn't take it anymore. You would collapsed onto the grass and sleep for the rest of the day, just so by the time you woke up you can spend the entire night fully awake with them
•Werewolves can get very sore after transformation ( especially nearing/during a full moon) so they keep a small tube of Vicks in their pockets
•They also have on more than one occasion used their cold hands to soothe your aching muscles
•When the full moon starts to approach you get extremely hungry, more reckless, senses get heightened, and your need to hunt gets stronger.
•If you let them, the boys would love to go hunting with you. It doesn't have to be humans, anything you feel you need to hunt down, they're willing to help!
•They're your pack and you're their coven
•While in your wolf form you accidentally entered the boardwalk not realizing you were in your wolf form. When they looked at you like you had 5 heads you remembered what you look like. They pretended you were their dog so no one was suspicious
•While Werewolf strength is nothing like Vampire strength, it's not something they want to mess with. They've seen you act like a real wild animal and it terrified them.
•Paul refused to come down from the ceiling for a few hours.
•Marko loves to paint and draw you in your wolf form
•Marko has crocheted you a doggie sweater (You assured them you had enough fur to keep you warm, He made a sweater anyway)
•Paul loves cuddling you. You guys have a joke going, Paul is a lizard and you are his heat lamp.
•Dwayne likes to write down Werewolf facts, instincts, Rituals, and helpful tips. It’s how he shows he's paying attention and loves you.
•David once asked you if he could brush out your fur and now he's the one that grooms you. He's even gone the extra mile to thoroughly get the clumps of dead fur out of your thick coat.
•David likes putting his jacket on you so it smells like you. (This doesn't just apply to ‘werewolf’ you. This is just a regular headcanon of mine lmao)
•They given you nicknames like Wolfie, Howler, Bitch, Timber, and wildflower
•But those are just counters to all the vampire related nicknames you call them
•At one point you got really upset and Paul said “So it's one of those dog-days?” If you weren't so pissed you would have laughed. You walked out into the sun instead.
•They All love your fluffy ears!
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
What about sextexting with re2 (or re4) leon while he's away on a work mission??? This idea just seems so 😩if you're not comfortable with it, that's okay too!
Pairing: RE2!Leon Kennedy x afab!Reader 
Genre: Sexting/Video Call AU, Smut 
Synopsis: While away on a mission, Leon has a hard time getting you out of his mind and vice versa. So when calling to check up, you have other plans to fill that void of loneliness. 
Word Count: 4.0K
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT; swearing, mentions of grooming, pillowfucking, dildo, blowjob, handjob, mutual masturbation, guided masturbation, lingerie, name calling (good boy, naughty boy) 
A/N: Special thanks to @starcrossedreaders for this request and graciously allowing me to change it because I had poop ideas! This is based on another smut I wrote a long time ago, but I hope it’s okay! Also, im writing this as my flight got delayed so I’m at the airport for 9 HOURS, so keep your expectations low :))))
- masterlist - 
“What the fuck am I doing here?” 
Leon groaned into the clean pillow of his hotel bed, face buried into its plushness as he sunk further into the mattress to alleviate the ache in his bones. Within the past forty-eight hours, he’d been flown across the country, forced into a suit to play guard dog for yet another socialite event, and thrown to the wolves commonly known as the rich singles that found an attractive police officer turned security guard a fun toy to play with. Just thinking about the much older women that were more than willing to groom him into submission made him shudder as he snuggled deeper into the crisp white sheets. With events like this, Leon wished he’d been put on traffic patrol near downtown square instead. 
Grumbling, Leon forced himself to sit up and glance at his phone for any notification from you. Much to his dismay, his phone was blank with not even a missed call to excite some hope into him. He couldn’t blame you though, knowing that you were still at work and couldn’t get to your phone for another few hours. Leon just wished he was back home laying in your bed with him in your arms instead of this hotel with bedding material way too stiff for his liking. But of course, his flight wouldn’t depart until tomorrow, leaving Leon to spend the entirety of his night missing you. 
Peeling himself out of the bed, he hoped a hot shower would help him feel better physically. Spoiler alert, it didn’t. Huffing, Leon found himself in his original position with his face first into the sheets and the only difference being that he had wet hair now. Flopping over, he closed his eyes, exhaling heavily as he attempted to succumb to the peace that sleep offered. Unfortunately, sleep seemed to avoid him as Leon continued to lay there lifeless in silence and darkness as his mind drifted and began to daydream about you out of boredom. At least in his consciousness, Leon could be by your side in whatever scenario he desired. 
In his daydream, Leon saw your pleasantly surprised smile as you greeted him at the front door of your house. Walking through the threshold, Leon felt your arms wrap about his neck and shoulders as you stood on the tips of your toes to properly embrace him. Snuggling his face into the crook of your neck, Leon smelled your freshly washed clothing which instantly soothed him, reminding him that this scent was what home felt like. Pulling back, Leon tasted the sweetness of your lips as you pressed a long, loving kiss on his desperate lips. Looking into the depths of your eyes, Leon heard your soft whispers as you confessed how much you missed and loved him while he was gone. For a while, he relished in the warmth that you provided as he moved to squeeze you tighter as if you were to dissipate any second. However, as much as he yearned at his memories, the vision of you slowly blurred and scattered as the warmth and comfort of your body against his reverted to the cold, plush pillow as the fabric scratched against the skin of his naked chest. Frustrated, Leon threw the pillow across the room, leaving the bed empty along with the loneliness of his aching heart. 
After a moment of silence to gather his thoughts, Leon realized how childish he acted just because he was missing his significant other who would more than likely call him after done with work. Embarrassed with his neediness, Leon shamefully walked over to pick up the discarded pillow and went back to bed, but this time properly cuddling the pillow as if to fill the void as he continued his make-believe scenarios. Leon was well aware that a pillow could never, ever replace your comfort, but this was all he got and this would have to do for now. 
When he closed his eyes again, images of your carefree smile accompanying your fit of giggles blessed Leon’s affection starved heart. Giddy with excitement, Leon snuggled closer into the pillow, pressing himself firmly into the cotton mass which happened to accidentally brush against his groin. The sensation was not at all arousing, yet the images of you contorted into something much more erotic. 
Leon froze with fear as worries washed over his consciousness. If he bucked his hips, would it feel good? If it felt good, would he be confident enough to use a hotel pillow to get off to the thought of you? It wasn’t as if anyone was watching nor would anyone know what he was doing in the privacy of his single hotel room stay, but the little voice in his head reasoning how weird he would be and how embarrassing it would be if he did cum to dry humping a pillow wrecked his nerves to the core. 
It was almost enough to discourage him. Almost. 
Leon swore he would’ve stopped, he really, really did. But he couldn’t help but let his mind drift towards you again, but this time with your legs fully opened and waiting. The sight of your glistening pussy and the curvature of your thighs were far too much for Leon to resist. The way that you looked up at him all innocently as your cavern clenched in anticipation sent him in disarray. So much so that he didn’t even realize he’d already begun rutting into the pillow. Looking down, Leon eyed the imprint of his hard on as his cock twitched to be halfway erected. As guilty as he was, Leon’s embarrassment for being so desperate for you was easily trumped with his lewd needs. 
Leon shifted himself to sit up and rest his back against the headboard. Dick in hand, Leon pumped himself, twisting and tugging in the manner that you would’ve had if you were in the room with him. Leon hated teasing himself, but you loved it. And if you were the one touching Leon right now, that meant he had to edge himself to orgasm as he interchangeably bounced  between jerking his fully hardened cock to adding hints of teasing squeezes along his shaft before teasing his tip. 
“Fuck, yeah. Just like that, baby,” Leon scrunched his brows as if your memory would brighten behind his eyelids. He watched as your hands worked all along him, smearing his precum to lubricate the rest of his touch starved dick. He continued building the momentum of his fantasy for a few more minutes before his crave for release begged him to change his rhythm. Obeying his needs, Leon swiftly flipped himself over, using one hand to fold the pillow and pin it on the mattress. With the other hand, Leon guided his pulsating cock into the folds of the pillow and drove himself fully with a careful, experimental thrust. 
Leon cringed with discomfort, underestimating the roughness of the fabric against the rawness of his bare dick. As much as he wanted to stop his sinful act, Leon’s desperate need for release overpowered his discomfort, thus justifying him to continue his steady ruts into the folds of the pillow. Since the pillow was not nearly as satisfying as you were – greatly due to the lack of slick wetness and warmth – Leon had plenty of time to experiment which angle and pace of thrusts felt better than other methods. Triumphantly, Leon was quick to discover that the faster he thrusted, the less he cared about the rough feeling of the fabric. 
Once comfortable in pace, Leon shifted his focus back to you, specifically with your legs spread wide underneath him. He never understood how missionary was always such an underrated position. He loved seeing how much he ruined you. Whether it was the pleasurable tears prickling your lashes or biting your bottom lip in hopes of suppressing your moans, Leon wanted to see it all. There was no hiding from him, he wanted to know anything and everything about you, especially when it was about delivering you euphoric pleasure. Leon began to work up a sweat as he pounded harsher. For a brief moment, he felt himself get a little closer towards his much needed release until the overwhelming feeling of dryness paired with the rough fabric killed whatever inkling of pleasure was present. 
"No, no, no, please," Leon mumbled in desperation as he sloppily rutted his hips forward. Like a starved man, Leon did everything in his power to overtake the pillow's hindrance. In his defense, Leon was so close to winning, but his desperation washed out his blurry view of you underneath him. No matter how hard he tried, Leon couldn't bring you back; therefore, indefinitely killing his mood and causing both his body and dick to fall limp in disappointment of a robbed release. 
"Damn it," Leon threw the dirtied pillow somewhere across his room. It was useless for sleeping now anyways and apparently more so for fucking. Once softened, Leon redressed himself, heading straight under the covers to hide from the world and let sleep silence his embarrassing thoughts of self judgment. As usual, the lull of slumber snuffed the scattering voices in his head, offering a momentary period of peace. When he opened his eyes, Leon knew he barely got much sleep, inferring the time to be somewhere around the early morning hours based on the shadow casted room and the muffled ambiance of the city’s nightlife. He closed his eyes, dismissing whatever notification popped up on his phone to be irrelevant, yet no matter how hard he tried to go back to sleep, it seemed like sleep didn’t want him. Thus, Leon took the chance to reverse the sleepiness in his eyes and take a glance at his phone. 
[ Wanna call? ]
You stretched your aching muscles, wincing at the strain as your bones let out a satisfying pop. You’d just gotten home from hanging out with Claire and Rebecca for the evening. They knew how much you missed Leon while he was away, so the two of them took the liberty to invite you out after work to keep your yearning thoughts about Leon’s absence at bay. At first, the night started off fun and casual as usual, like sitting down at a nice restaurant and maybe grabbing a few drinks to release the day’s tension. However, before you could excuse yourself, Claire and Rebecca had other plans as they dragged you towards this new shop that just opened up. The only thing was that this shop was more so an adult clothing and toy store compared to the usual thrift shops you all frequented. At first, you refused to enter with them, not finding a reason to embarrass yourself while browsing for toys. You had Leon and that’s all you needed. But of course, for every argument you posed, Claire had a perfect counter argument to prove you wrong. Eventually, the two of them managed to convince you to browse the store and even offered to pay for anything that caught your eye, although you kindly rejected their offer. You swore you weren’t going to get anything, but you couldn’t help keep your eyes lingering on a sleek, not too erotic looking lingerie set on a mannequin as well as a classic clear dildo which had an uncanny resemblance to Leon. Your lingering looks did not go past the ladies as they, yet again convinced you to make the purchase. Their arguments being that it was better to have something rather than someone to keep you company while Leon was miles away. 
So, with the goody bag in hand, the three of you said your goodbyes before you quickly rushed home to read up on your new toy. By the time you were done cleaning your dildo and setting it to dry, you were sure Leon was finished chaperoning the event, leading you to send a quick text. As usual, Leon’s response was instantaneous as you set up your tablet to video chat with him for the night. The outgoing ringtone hadn’t rung for a second before Leon’s tired but smiling face appeared on the screen. You fixed your hair, suddenly feeling self conscious being on camera, especially since the dildo was sitting at the corner of your eye, “It’s not too late, is it?”
As if his face weren’t already deeply etched into your memory, your eyes nervously examined every wrinkle and blemish, searching for anything that could tell you how his day had gone. You were trying to build up your confidence for the plan you’d been concocting, but first you needed to know whether or not Leon was even energetic enough to keep up with your needs. 
Leon stifled a yawn, shrugging with one shoulder as if to sell his point, “Kinda, not too bad though.”
Worry washed over you as Leon stifled another yawn, but this time more poorly. You wondered if your plan to give him a show would be cut short from his exhaustion, not wanting him to push himself past his limits as tough as he was, “Am I keeping you up?”
“Never,” Leon shot you a lazy smile, tousling his already messy hair, “You can wake me up whenever.”
“Even on weekends?” You prompted with a laugh. As much as you cared for him and was worried about his sleep, you knew that Leon was most likely staying up to hear your voice even if it were only for a couple minutes. And as much as you wanted to badger him into tucking himself under the covers, you wanted to spend time with him just as much as he did with you. 
“Even on weekends,” Leon hesitated once he saw the teasing smile creep onto your lips, “Okay, maybe not Sunday though.”
You both shared a quick laugh before a soft blanket of silence enclosed both ends of the call. At this rate, you’d both end up falling asleep online and you still had so much you wanted to show Leon. You piped up, forcing yourself to speak with more energy to uplift the sleepy call, “So, how was it? Boring? Exciting? Did you meet anyone famous?” 
Folding your hands, you propped up your chin and tilted your face with curiosity as you patiently waited for Leon to recount his day. Much to your surprise, Leon seemed pretty vocal about this mission as he began his story with a large, exaggerated groan. 
“Don’t even get me started,” Leon mumbled, “I’m sure there were famous people there, but it’s not like I could see any of them given the amount of cougars that came up to me, thinking that I was the son of some rich dude or whatever. Some of them were old enough to be my grandma!” 
You giggled at Leon’s outburst, finding his mild inconvenience quite hilarious. Through your fit of laughter, you clutched your abdomen and failed to stifle the goofy smile bloomed on your lips. As much as he shuddered at the thought of the cougars, Leon was happy to see you laugh and smile from his experience. Afterall, this response was way better than having to tell you that he fought some seven foot monster determined to rip him apart limb by limb from another mission long ago. 
Once settled, you wiped your tears. Looking back at the screen, you just realized how boyish he looked and how much you loved seeing him like this. Although he was tired, his droopy eyes, tangled hair, and naked chest set something off inside you, causing you to squirm in your seat as you pressed your thighs together. You weren’t trying to suppress the growing need inside you, but you needed to feel something without making it obvious. At least, not yet. 
So, you decided to set the trap and wait for Leon to take the bait himself before proceeding any further, “Can’t blame them for choosing someone so handsome. I bet you looked amazing in your suit.”
“Thanks, but I only look good for one person,” Leon shot you a wink, causing you to blush but not look away, “So, what’d you do today?” 
As flustered as you were, you knew that in order to perfectly execute your plan, you couldn’t waste anymore time contemplating your confidence. With this in mind, you sat back in your seat, letting your chest be put on display before moving forward with your bait, “You know, there was a store that just opened up. There was some pretty cool stuff in it.”
“Nice, what store was it? Did you get anything?”
You smiled triumphantly, now creating a perfect segway towards what you wanted, “I’ll show you, but you have to close your eyes, okay? No peeking!” 
“I promise, no peeking.” 
Once you knew that Leon’s eyes were fully closed, you quickly shuffled out of view and changed into that newly purchased lingerie set and grabbed your dildo. Covering up yourself again with one of Leon’s large shirts, you positioned yourself back into view, but this time you were standing instead of sitting. Checking yourself out through the feedback screen of the call, you analyzed the gather belts strapped around your thighs which peeked out below the hem of Leon’s shirt. If this wasn’t a big enough hint, you weren’t sure what would be. Taking a deep breath, you instructed, “Open your eyes.”
Without waiting for him to adjust, you started groping yourself over the shirt’s fabric, teasingly lifting up the hem to reveal the lace as you swayed your hips left to right. You had to hold back your smirk as you watched Leon get stunned into silence as his mouth slacked agape from your performance. Continuing, you stepped out to widen your stances and sway your hips lower and deeper before turning around and showing Leon your backside. Giving a little shake, you bent down even further. You didn’t have to see Leon’s face to know that he was already drooling from the sight of you. 
“What- What are you doing?” Leon gulped nervously, not knowing what to expect from you nor how he should properly respond. Undoubtedly, blood was rushing towards his cock as it whined and ached for attention, but Leon was patient enough to at least find out what was going on before taking action. 
You shushed him, hiking the hem of his shirt higher and biting it between your teeth, fully showing off the lacy set. You posed for a few moments as you rubbed your hands all along the sides of your body. Teasingly, you snapped the garter straps along your thighs before discarding his shirt entirely. Looking back at the screen, you tilted your head to feign innocence, “Does it look pretty?”
Leon inhaled sharply through his nose, “You look amazing. Is this what you bought today?”
“Yes,” You stretched out as if you weren’t telling the full truth, “But I got something else too.”
Leon licked his lips, eyes wide in anticipation as he wasn’t willing to miss anything that flashed across the screen, “What is it?”
“I’ll get to that soon, but first, wouldn’t you like to join me?” You began by taking one hand to pop a titty out of your bra cup and pinch your nipple, wordlessly insinuating what you were planning to show him. Catching your hints, Leon followed your lead as he sat back and repositioned the camera to capture his crotch as his hard-on poked through the fabric of his pants. Sighing at the sight of him, you took a seat again before you commanded him to undress and start touching himself as you snuck your other and to pull your underwear to the side and spread your juices to rub your clit. Obediently, Leon pulled down his pants and grabbed his cock with a firm grip, pumping as he watched your fingers trace along your nerves. Keeping one hand focused on rubbing your clit, you took your hand away from your nipples and reached over for your clear dildo. Bringing the dildo to view, you looked at the toy as if it were Leon before bringing it close to your mouth to lick a long stripe on its underside. You licked it once, twice, barely sucking in the head of the dildo before spitting on it and sliding it fully along your tongue and throat. From his fogged vision, Leon tensed as he admired the outline of the dildo imprinted behind your cheeks and wished that it were him instead. 
Leon groaned with pleasure, hand tightening around his cock before his strained voice broke the lewd sounds of your lips and saliva on your dildo, “I thought you didn’t do toys.”
Taking out the dildo with a pop and a string of spit trailing from the tip, you shrugged and took the dildo back into deepthroat this time, “I miss you.”
From your half-lidded eyes, you watched as Leon pumped himself, encouraging you to elicit muffled moans around your dildo. Without missing a beat, you shoved your fingers deep into your cunt and followed the pumps of your dildo with the thrusts of your curled fingers. The microphone picked up the squelch of your sweetness as Leon’s thoughts and vision blurred with the sight of you spread out for him, “Fuck, I miss you too, baby. Keep going, keep going for me.” 
Mutually agreeing to skip the foreplay, you began to match his pace, inserting your slick fingers deeper into your leaking entrance with every jerk of his wrist. Pulling the dildo out of your mouth with a crisp pop, you swirl your tongue to coat your lips with spit, letting some drip out to your chest. You took out your fingers, scooping your essence to coat the dildo before licking your hand clean. You repositioned yourself, lining up the dildo at your clenching entrance, “You ready to watch me get filled up? Are you going to wait to cum with me or are you going to be a naughty boy and selfishly chase after your own orgasm?” 
Leon whimpered, forcing his hand to let go of his throbbing dick and clench the muscles of his thigh, “I’m not a naughty boy, I’ll wait. I’m a good boy. I’m a good boy, right? Have I been a good boy?”
You spread your legs wider, teasing the tip to insert in and out of you, “Have you?”
Leon bit his lip, forgetting his manners, “Please? Please let me cum, I need to see you, please, ple-” 
You shushed him before inserting the dildo balls deep into you, sighing as the veins traced your walls, “Touch yourself, my good boy. I want to see us cum together.”
Like before, you matched your pace with Leon’s, fucking yourself faster than before as Leon increased his pace. On the screen, you watched as Leon’s movements became sloppier, hips now thrusting his hardened dick into his hand. The blue light emitting from his laptop illuminated his sweat coated chest, highlighting his abs beautifully. You took your bottom lip between your teeth, slightly whimpering from the rough pace you set yourself at. At this speed, you watched your cum filled pussy overflow as your liquids began to foam and drip out of you and around your dildo. From your whimpers, Leon’s moans increased in pitch, signaling that he was close to release, “You ready, baby?”
Leon hissed through gritted teeth, “Fuck yes. Please, let me cum. Please, I need you.”
“Cum for me, let me see you,” You gasped, sheathing the dildo fully inside you as you watched the sticky, white substance shoot from Leon’s tip. Your pussy clenched impossibly tighter around the dildo as you watched his cum drip from his belly button towards the base of his dick, leaving a deliciously glittering trail in its wake.
Leon breathed heavily, coming back down from his high, “That was surprising.”
“Good?” You asked nervously, wincing as you slid the dildo out of you. 
Leon’s eyes lingered for a moment before softening, “More than good.”
You let out a soft, exhausted smile, “I can’t wait for you to come home.”
“Yeah,” Leon whispered sweetly, “Me too.”
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kangals · 5 months
aw your blog is lovely, i just got an 11 week old collie mix and my mate sent me your way. any puppy tips or wisdom to impart? 😊
congrats on the new baby!
collie tips: try to think of the barking as communication - it's easy to get annoyed by it, but i promise they're barking for a reason. even if that reason is just "i'm happy!" "i'm bored!" "there's a person on the sidewalk!" "i want this!" etc... you'll have a much better mental state if you treat it as a conversation instead of a nuisance.
not sure what type of coat your puppy has, but brush them at least 2x a week and shower them with treats during it. do nails weekly too! few things are more obnoxious than a grown-ass dog that throws a tantrum about basic grooming. and long-haired dogs need grooming, so they don't get the option to be fussy about it.
puppy tips in general: now that i'm on my second puppy, i think the entire concept of socialization/exposure training can be boiled down into thus:
put that beast in situations
make the situations fun
and that's really it. just take your puppy out and look for Situations to put them in. visiting the hardware store? boom, you've been placed on a wooden pallet. you are now 1 foot off the ground. yes, kind of weird. here's some treats for being on the pallet. yay! ok moving on. walking past an (empty) playground? i am now walking under a bridge, please follow me. yay, treats for going under low object. there is a scary object (e.g. traffic cone tipped on its side) outside? we are investigating the object. yay, here's some treats for sniffing the object. etc etc etc just over and over ad over. even at home you can make Situations like a cardboard box, or loud noises playing from a speaker, or relaxing in different parts of the house, etc. put your fingers in their nose. toss them in a puddle. i've come to realize that your job as a puppy owner is to just mildly inconvenience your puppy so much that they become totally unphased by it. and that's a much easier to swallow concept for me than anything else lol.
also: Situations can be passive too. make sure they learn how to be bored. chill in a room together by quietly ignoring them. let them learn to figure out how to entertain themselves peacefully. leave them alone regularly. etc.
also @purplesaline is a font of wisdom and has given me very good advice about puppy raising. several times i have asked her about a problem i'm having and been reassured that "yes it's fine, X thing will happen soon" and i think "well surely that can't be right" and then every. time. it does happen and she is correct.
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shadyhouse · 10 months
i am drowning in debt and i need help
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im really struggling to make ends meet on top of everything else. i have a job but i dont get paid well and i can only get about 35hrs per week at most. i do get tips sometimes but the amount that i get is super unpredictable, and most of the time i dont get tips at all (im working as a bather at a dog grooming salon, the groomers make really good tips but as a bather im lucky if i get $10 a day)
ive been trying to find a new job for months now but its been really difficult for me. ive been sent home from job interviews for not having a car, and most of the applications i send out get rejected pretty quickly regardless of what the job actually is. ive even been getting rejected for jobs like customer service and kitchen and retail, which i have plenty of experience in. everything is hard for everybody right now, i know
altogether the amount that i owe is $990. it used to be much more but ive been slowly paying it off when im able to. thankfully this isnt debt that can accumulate interest, so this is the exact amount that i owe. i dont expect to recieve all of it from donations alone, and i wouldnt ask for that. i just need a little bit of a boost on top of my current wages/bills. im also trying to save as much money as possible at the same time, and its kind of impossible when i owe so much for other things. i need to knock this out before im able to save ANYTHING
id appreciate any amount at all! and if youre unable to donate i completely understand, id appreciate spreading this post around. thank you for reading if youve gotten this far, ily and have a wonderful day 💕
vnm: @tobias_leviathan
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huffelpuff210 · 6 months
Taken Care of Part 2 Soft Dark Steve Rogers x Soft Dark Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Warning: Mentions of depression, Loss of a child, Dark themes, Forced marriage, forced relationship, forced pregnancy, baby trapping, age gap, Non, Con, Manipulation, Grooming, 
After much yelling and crying at the two super soliders to leave, you are now sandwiched between them in bed, this was not uncommon especially when you had to go with them on a mission to decrypt something when Tony wasn’t available, Natasha always called them your guard dogs, 
They were both fast asleep, You were wide awake, not able to sleep, 
You can’t remember the last time you slept. Your back was pressed against Steve’s chest while Bucky’s arm is over your hip, 
You sighed slowly peeling Bucky’s arm off you, You crawl out of bed quietly, tip toeing out of the room, You just didn’t have the heart to wake the two. 
You make your way to the kitchen, passing the nursery, slowly opening the door, the room was decorated with blue walls, a white crib, a mobile with wales on it, a blue nursing chair, a gray dresser and changing table, 
You place your hand over your mouth, tears welling up your eyes closing the door before you had another shut down, you walk towards the bathroom popping a few pills, they were depression pills it was bad enough to lose your child but having post part-om depression is the worst of it, because you don’t even get to hold your child, You grip the edge of the sink feeling like you couldn’t breath, You were having a panic attack
You couldn’t breath you felt like someone was cutting off your oxygen, You slide down the wall trying to catch your breath, you felt like someone was choking you, this was always happening, 
suddenly you felt and arm around you, 
“Shh, Kitten breathe..” He says
You hear Bucky’s voice 
“Deep breaths, in and out.” He says his hand rubbing your arm, 
“You don’t have to be here.” you say, 
“of course we do.” Steve walks in, 
They pull you to your feet, 
“You are suffering and we are not just going to stand by.” Steve says 
He rubs his hands up and down your arms.
Bucky was now behind you his lips on your neck, 
You try to push them away, but they are strong, and won’t budge, 
“W-What are you-” You say your hands against Steve’s chest. 
“We’re gonna make you happy.” Bucky says 
“W-Wait we’re friends.” You say in a panic
“Yes we are, and we’re done waiting for you to realize you are perfect for us.” Steve says 
You cannot believe what they were saying, 
“You have been broken enough by losers, Let us show you what a real man is, not one who abandons you when you get knocked up, Not one who makes you lose a child because of stress, no, no, A man supports his girl.” Bucky says as his lips trail down your neck from behind, his hands firmly on your hips, Steve on the other hand has his hand roaming up the inside of your tank top, 
“A man loves her no matter what.” Steve says kissing the other side of your neck, You try not to give into them, but it almost felt as if your senses were coming to life. 
“W-Wait..” You try to speak but a moan escapes your lips as Steve’s hand twists your breast, 
Steve’s lips capture yours in a possessive kiss, it felt as if he was sucking the air out of your lungs, Your hands still on Steve’s chest suddenly fist his shirt as he kisses you harder while Bucky is still attacking your neck, 
Bucky’s hand slips inside your pajama pants and past your panties, slipping past your wet folds, 
“God she’s wet Steve.” Bucky whispers nipping at your earlobe 
Steve finally releasing you from the possessive kiss, smiles down at you, 
“You will never have to worry about pain again, or loss we will take care you doll.” Steve says as he has your chin in his grip, 
“But-” You began, 
“It wasn’t a request kitten, you are ours now, no exceptions, we have waited for far too long.” Bucky says as his fingers pump in and out of you causing you to lose whatever argument you had as your head is thrown back into Bucky’s shoulder, the pleasure coursing through you,
And you feel the wave of pleasure come crashing down on you as you Cum hard, Bucky pulls his fingers out of you bringing them to his lips, 
“Mmm, you taste better than I imagined kitten.” He says 
“I can’t wait any longer,” Steve says scooping you up in his arms taking you back to your bedroom, laying you on your bed, hovering over you, 
“Take your shirt off now.” He says in a commanding voice you look over at Bucky  who just smiles and nods at you telling you to do as you are told, 
You shakily take your tank top off revealing your black laced bra
Steve’s hand slowly roaming from your stomach to your breasts, 
“Mmm, just as beautiful as I imagined.” He says in a low voice, 
“Are you ready to please your husbands?” He asks, 
“But your not my-” You began, 
He cuts you off by placing his index finger on your lips, 
“Not yet but soon enough.” He says kissing your belly, and making his way up, 
“We’ll take care of you.” He says 
He quickly unclasps your bra throwing it on the floor, 
You try to push him away, 
“S-Stop.” You say 
Steve quickly pins your hands by each side of your head, 
“We are not going to stop, you are ours now kitten.” Bucky says you feel him pull your Pajama pants off along with your panties, The bikini cut from your C-Section now a scar, knowing they see it, 
You turn your head trying to hold your tears, 
“Don’t worry doll, you are beautiful.” Steve kisses the side of your neck before, wrapping his mouth around your breast you bite your lip trying not to egg them on, 
And suddenly you can feel Bucky between your legs, His talented tongue enter your folds, you arch your back, squeezing Steve’s laced fingers, 
“That loser never made you feel this good did he?” Steve asked his blue eyes shimmering in the moonlight, 
You didn’t understand what was happening, they never behaved like this before, Suddenly you felt two fingers enter you and you arched your back letting out a gasp, 
“That’s it kitten give in.” Bucky says 
“N-No, Stop,” You gasp
“Really? Because you body says differently.” Steve says with a chuckle, 
Suddenly you feel the pressure it was all becoming too much, between, Bucky’s tongue and fingers, and Steve’s mouth on your breast, you felt yourself losing control, you could feel yourself clamp around Bucky’s fingers, 
“That’s it Kitten, cum for us.” Bucky says and suddenly you feel yourself cum hard, you let out a loud moan, 
“Mmm, I enjoyed that kitten,” Bucky says 
smirking from between your legs, Steve still had your hands pinned beside your head you see Bucky get up and quickly undress, it wasn’t a secret that both soliders had magnificent bodies, 
Steve lets go of your hands, to undress you try to get up to make a run for it But Bucky was already restraining you, 
“No running kitten we are just getting started.” Bucky says as he has you pinned, 
“You ready?” He says 
You shake your head no you didn’t want this, Bucky grabs both of your thighs lining himself up and slowly pushing himself in, You gasp at the intrusion, He was bigger than anything you’ve had before, thicker, he kept inching himself in, until he bottomed out, You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until Steve was kneeling beside you, 
“Breathe doll.” Steve says petting your head, 
You do as he says, 
“How does she feel?” Steve asks, 
“God, Fucking amazing, she so damn tight.” Bucky grunts, 
Bucky pulls almost out completely and slams back into you causing you to let out a loud moan, arching your back at how rough he was being, 
His hands squeezing your thighs knowing you were going to have bruises, Bucky continued his rough and fast pace, grunting and groaning as he continued to slam into you, You could see Steve, Pumping himself with his hand watching the scene, You couldn’t believe this was happening they were your best friends, and now they were doing this to you, 
“God, I can’t wait to see you full with our children.” Bucky grunted, 
This caused you to freeze, Shaking your head no, 
“No, Please.” You say trying to get him off of you, but he pinned you to the bed by your throat, 
“Yes, you are perfect for us.” Steve grunts still pumping himself, 
“We will take care of you and the children,” Bucky says grunting, 
You can feel the pressure building, squeezing him tightly, 
“That’s it kitten Cum for me.” He says continuing his hard and fast brutal pace, And you feel yourself Cum hard again, arching your back as you let out a loud, Moan, 
A few hard and fast thrusts and You feel Bucky Cum inside of you, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes, He pulls out of you and you are about to get up when You are flipped on your Stomach, And Steve has you by the hips, 
“My turn.” He says his voice almost feral
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mixreality · 1 year
"Good girl"
My inner psychopath can't handle it anymore, so... there it is. English is not my native language! So sorry for mistakes!
Asa Emory with Fem!Reader who becomes his little puppy.
A bit of NSFW in the end
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You love animals so much! In your spare time, you work part-time as a dog walker. It was a sunny summer day when HE saw you walking in the park surrounded by several four-legged barking creatures, jumping around, asking to throw them a toy.
Your big eyes, your smile, and your pale (or dark), clear skin glowing in the sun. Perfect. A perfect one to his collection. He's been watching you for quite too long… It's time for the little dog to learn her place…
Asa would be mad at himself it if there was even a single mark on your beautiful body from his instruments or other stuff. So, instead of intravenous anesthesia, he has to make do with a chloroform rag that was securely fixed on your face while you slept in your room. I hope you had a good night's sleep on the way to your new "home".
A nasty white, cold light stabs you sharply in the eyes. Surprisingly, you're not sitting like Gollum in a cramped box, but lying on a creaky bed. The room looks like a mental ward… or a prison.
You want to look around and try to open the door, but something is in your way. Something cold and heavy around your neck. "A collar?! What am I, a dog?!". Right when you thought about it, the door opened with a terrible creak and a masked man entered the room. Your face read animal fear, tears began to flow from your eyes, your voice trembled and begged for mercy.
Asa slowly came closer and closer, viewing you with a kind of… pity? Salty tears leave ugly red marks on your soft skin. So bad. They need to be wiped away. He runs his palm over your cheeks, stroking your face, so caring. At this moment, you feel weirdly…
You cannot remember, how you found yourself walking down an endless halls on all fours, with a chain around your neck like a leash. How long have you been walking like that? Judging by the chafing kneepads, it's been three months for sure, maybe more. Your Stockholm syndrome is kicking in.
And, after some more time, the abandoned building is replaced by a warm house. HIS house. You're used to being treated like a dog, no, you LIKE being treated like dog. You still walk around on all fours, with a leather collar and a gag in your mouth. Good girls should be quiet.
You now have your own little comfy place with a huge cot and a cage (in case you misbehave), somewhere in the furthest room that hardly anyone goes into. When Asa is in the mood, he lets you sit at his legs while he works, or lie on him on the couch. Amazingly, his ruthlessness disappears when you're around (this doesn't negate the fact of the situation you're in).
Clothes? Why do you need clothes? A big black t-shirt and black panties and an anal plug with a tail will suffice. He likes to see your legs and the way you wiggle your ass when you walk, the way your back sags. Asa can give you a sweater if he sees you freezing (sorry, but he doesn't want to have to deal with your fever and snot😢).
"What? Don't you get enough attention? Making puppy eyes because you want more?" with those words, Asa watched you rub against his leg and whimper. "God, what am I doing?" you say to yourself, but you can't stop. Continuing to stroke your head, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his, already aroused cock. It's medium-sized, slightly thickened in the middle, with veins at the base, looking well-groomed (who'd doubt it).
"Lick it. Like a dog. And no hands." It's exciting, but you asked for it. You start at the tip, with the tip of your tongue, in intermittent motions, as if lapping up water. The longer this went on, the more confident you became just licking his cock from base to end. All the way up and down. Running your tongue along every vein. Congratulations, you really have a jaw of steel!
You've lost track of time from the pleasure. Asa's breath hitches slightly, you realize he's about to cum. Yes, your mouth and face are now covered with his seed.
"Oh, look at you, and don't say it's not enough for you. Otherwise, I'll have to punish you, very roughly." Yes. Yes, you're not enough and you want him to take you. Hard. Right now. Bad girl.
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c0la-queen · 6 months
Hybrid Boys AU | Drabble
Warnings: No interactions in their human forms, though those forms are hinted at subtly a few times, perverted boys if you squint, I honestly had fun writing this, let me know if you want to see more of this AU
Words: 2.9k
Author's Note: Heavily inspired by the Call of Duty "Woof Woof" series by charliemwrites ! I love their writing and I highly recommend checking it out!
Imagine being someone living a perfectly normal, content life. You have your own little house, a place just for you, that sits right on the edge of the woods. You have a comfortable job that pays well and isn't too mentally or physically demanding - hell, you could even say you even liked your job.
It was your day off, a day completely to yourself. All of your household chores were done, communication with your job was muted until tomorrow. You had the entire day to laze around. And that is exactly what you did. It was rainy and gloomy and sleepy, so there was no reason to leave your bed for a long time. Drifting in and out of sleep, watching Tik Toks, and reading on your phone. It wasn't until probably around noon that you finally dragged yourself out of bed to eat. Since you were planning on cooking something big for dinner, you had something simple and easy for lunch.
After that, you decided to treat yourself and do some self care. Everything shower, shaving your legs, skin care, and repainting your nails. You finished it all around 3 p.m. and, dressed in fresh lounge clothes, you made yourself a comfortable little spot on the couch to binge through one of your favorite shows until dinner time.
That's when Prince showed up.
Not the singer. He has nothing to do with this.
Prince was the name of the big, orange wolfdog that you found in your backyard that day. He had gotten your attention with his barking. None of your neighbors had any dogs that you knew of, so there was no reason there should have been any dogs in your yard. So, you went to investigate.
The dog looked pitiful, soaking wet and covered in mud. He had been barking at one of the puddles of mud that the rain had created in your grassy yard. It had made you laugh, because he almost seemed… offended? Like he was yelling angrily at the puddle.
He must have heard you laughing, because his focused turned to you. For a few minutes, you and the dog just stared at each other through the glass. Then, he 'boof'ed. He didn't really seem aggressive…
Naturally, you opened the door.
Maybe baby talking a random wolfdog - that likely came out of the nearby woods - wasn't the best idea. But hey, you weren't exactly known for making good ideas. Why would you need to think when there was a big, gorgeous dog just waiting to be pet?
Not that the dog seemed to mind. He accepted your pets happily, despite your caution approaching it. Your sister was a dog trainer and had taught you years ago how to properly introduce yourself to a wild dog. You went through every step, keeping your distance, angling yourself away from him, extending your hand without looking at him, staying completely still, etc. It wasn't necessary, though, because as soon as he got a sniff of your hand, he was all over you.
About 30 minutes later, you were standing in your kitchen looking at a freshly dried, freshly fed Prince laying on the cool tile. You had decided to name him that due to the majestic way he walked and because after you got the mud out of his fur, you had to practically drag him away from the mirror. You had never heard of a narcissistic dog, but boy, did this dog love looking at his reflection.
You called up your sister after that, chatting with her on speaker phone as you cooked pasta for dinner. Based on the picture you sent her and the verbal description of the way Prince was acting, she gave you tips and advice on how to properly care for your new dog. You felt yourself grimacing at the news that you would need to give him a mainly raw meat based diet. Raw meat, regular grooming, mental stimulation, plenty of exercise, and, of course, lots and lots of love. Once the phone call was over, you sighed and sat down on the couch with your bowl. Only to be met with Prince with his chin on the couch cushions, staring intently at your food.
Damn the dog distribution system.
It was two days later that Monster came into your life.
Prince had proved himself to be quite the cuddle-bug. Every second that you weren't at work, he was practically glued to your legs. Every night, you would step out of the shower to find him waiting outside the bathroom door. (The first night, he had tried to push his way past you to follow you into the bathroom, then whined like a baby when you closed the door in his face.) Every bedtime, he jumped up onto your mattress and made himself comfortable in the crook of your legs.
That's why you thought it was odd when you woke up without him.
It was the middle of the night, and your groggy brain struggled to catch up with the present. The bedside clock read 1:45 a.m., though the numbers were blurry. Why were you awake? Oh, yeah. There had been a dog barking. Prince? No, it sounded muffled, like it was outside.
Where was Prince?
You figured he must have gone off to investigate the barking. After a moment, you exhaled deeply, pressing the heels of your hands into your eyes.
It would probably be a good idea to bring him back to bed, so he doesn't try to pick a fight with whatever stray is in the yard.
As you climbed out of bed and stumbled towards the door (you didn't bother to put on any further clothes, since your neighbors weren't close enough to see you - leaving you in a crop top and underwear) you didn't think about how quiet the house was now. In your half asleep daze, you didn't register that the barking had stopped. Nor did you pick up what sounded like hushed murmurs coming from the kitchen - which ceased altogether when you yawned loudly.
No, when you stepped into your kitchen, the cold tile raising goosebumps along your arms, all you saw was Prince standing in front of the sliding glass door and a brand new dog standing on the other side. This one was smaller than Prince, but still big enough to be recognized as a wolfdog. It had light brown fur and impossibly dark eyes. Oddly, you got the feeling that it was glaring at you.
Upon your arrival, Prince sneezed softly - his version of a snobby huff. Only acknowledging him with a hand through his fur, you passed by him and crouched in front of the glass. The dog on the other side took a wary half step back. This one wasn't going to be as trusting as Prince was. No matter. You knew how to handle this.
With a hum, you stood and walked off to the other side of the kitchen. The two dogs watched you curiously as you dug through the fridge for a moment.
Prince barked in indignation when you walked back over with a container of deli ham. You giggled as you had to keep him pushed away while opening the door. The new dog moved back onto the grass as you stepped out, though he stayed at the edge of the porch. Eyeing you.
You set the food down on the concrete, as close to him as you could get, before moving away from it. You stood flush to the glass doors, ignoring how Prince was pawing and whining for your attention.
You watched as the brown dog's eyes slid from you to the food and back again, before very slowly inching closer. You made sure to stay still.
It sniffed around for a few seconds, then dug in.
After that, you had no trouble getting him to follow you into the house.
Seemed like the way into his heart was through food.
It wasn't too long after getting him properly wiped down that you wandered back to bed and fell back to sleep with the familiar weight of Prince beside you, now joined by another.
Later, you'd blame it on sleep, but his slightly intimidating appearance prompted you to settle on the name Monster.
Soldier made an appearance another two days later.
You had finally found the time to go to the store, after being swamped with work and having two big dogs to take care of. On the bright side, Prince and Monster got along great. Sometimes you thought they actually knew each other, with the way they acted. Whenever Prince was swarming you and pushing against your legs, Monster would bark and nip at him. Though, that would just turn into the two of them play fighting.
It was already dark by the time you stumbled through the door with too many bags hanging off your arms. You had to buy two collars, two sets of dog bowls, plenty of non-destructible toys, treats, chews, and food that would fit their wild appetites. If your sister hadn't been on shift when you decided to come in, you would have been hopelessly lost within the aisles of the pet store. You made a mental note to get her an extra special gift this coming birthday.
You hummed softly as you set all the bags on the kitchen table, too lost in your thoughts to notice an obvious lack of dogs swarming you. You had decided to get Prince a lilac collar and Monster a deep blue one.
A particularly aggressive bark from Monster caught your attention. He never barked like that, not even at Prince. Your blood went cold. What could have gotten Monster that riled up? Why was Prince not barking? Where were the two of them?
Calling out for them resulted in a scrambling of claws against tile. Your boys came out of the hallway, tails wagging and perfectly okay. You leaned down to pet Prince when you suddenly stopped in your tracks. Standing in the hallway was… a third dog. This one was bigger than both Prince and Monster, with caramel colored fur that stuck up in some places. Its eyes were… strikingly silver, gluing your feet to the floor.
A third wolfdog? How did it get into your house? Why were Prince and Monster acting so calm now, after Monster had barked like that?
You barely registered Prince bumping against you, too busy tracking the newest dog's every move. It walked through your kitchen nonchalantly, sniffing the shopping bags as if it had lived here its entire life. It didn't seem to be acting threateningly in any way. The opposite, in fact - it was probably the most relaxed one of all of you.
Prince sniffed your cheek, the loud inhale of air next to your ear bringing you back to reality.
Hesitantly, you cooed at the new dog, holding your hand out to it. You made sure to keep your eyes on the floor, as to not provoke it. From the corner of your eye, you watched the dog stop and stare at your hand. Less warily than Monster had been, but still on guard, it walked closer and sniffed at your hand. You felt its nose move from your palm to your wrist to your forearm, before moving back down and running its tongue along your wrist. The cold sensation made you involuntarily giggle.
As unnerving as this third dog looked, it seemed perfectly calm.
After setting out food for the newest addition, you went about wrangling Prince and Monster to get their collars on. Prince was as happy-go-lucky as ever, but Monster seemed off. He seemed tense. Which, on the surface, is a weird thing to say. But these dogs had proved to be the most expressive animals you had ever met. The emotions displayed in their actions could almost be mistaken as human. Monster kept looking back at the new dog every so often, ears twitching or huffing softly before turning back to you.
After the three were settled down, you had a moment to think.
Prince was settled on top of your legs, Monster just shy of your feet. The new dog was laying on the rug, facing the front door attentively. Almost like a guard dog.
Or… a soldier.
Life with your three wolfdogs was turning out to be hectic.
It had really only been a week since Prince had shown up at your door, yet here you were with three of them. Prince and Monster hadn't changed, still tussling whenever they had the chance. Soldier didn't really bother to stop them, though he nipped and snapped if they got too close to him.
You noticed a couple of things about Soldier. Firstly, he was quiet. You hadn't heard him bark or growl at all. Sure, he would sneeze and huff, nip at the other two or snap playfully at your fingers for treats. But he was never vocal. The second thing you noticed is that he was always alert. If not for his lack of a collar or chip, you'd have thought he was someone's security dog.
The three of them seemed to be best friends. However, sometimes it proved to be a disadvantage to you.
Like when you were trying to shower.
Unlike when it was just Prince, you couldn't keep them out of the bathroom. Even if you tried, you could only push one of them away while the other two simply slipped past you. After a couple of times, you stopped trying.
The weirdos just sat there while you showered. All laid down on the floor, just outside of the glass shower door. You brushed it off as them simply being clingy. They probably liked the cold tile, too.
Prince had just gotten done licking the condensation off the glass, when they all suddenly sat at attention. Even Monster woke up from his nap, staring at the door alongside the other two. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked in that direction, trying to figure out what had caught their attention.
A loud bark from outside sounded. The three dogs all scrambled to their feet racing out the door - ignoring your protests. With a sigh, you shut off the water and grabbed your towel to follow.
You wanted to hit your head on the wall. Here you were, dripping water all over your kitchen floor, wrapped in only a towel after a perfectly good shower had been cut short.
Loitering outside of your kitchen was a fourth wolfdog. This one was the biggest of the four of them, bulky with chocolate brown fur and eyes to match. By the time you had actually gotten out to the kitchen, Prince, Monster, and Soldier had just been sitting in the kitchen, staring at him. You felt like you had just walked into the middle of a members-only meeting.
The final dog shifted its focus onto you when you walked in. You would almost call its gaze scrutinizing, like it was judging you. You stared back.
After a few moments, the dog chuffed. It pawed at the door, not even struggling to reach the door handle. You chewed on your bottom lip, deliberating. Was it really a smart idea to let this random, massive dog in? Nothing bad had happened the first three times that you did it. But that luck couldn't last forever, could it? Could this dog be the one to get aggressive, to attack you and possibly inflict major injury?
For some reason, your gut told you it wasn't. That it wouldn't.
You decided to trust that feeling.
You let the dog in.
Superhero turned out to be the leader of the four.
That's the only way you could explain it. The other three seemed to naturally listen to him. They followed him on walks, behaved when he snapped at them. That's not to say he was set apart from them. He still played with them, still joined the cuddle piles. But there was a clear sense of respect. Some innate canine instinct that recognized him as some sort of pack alpha.
Maybe that's why you butt heads with him so often.
It sounds ridiculous on paper; getting into arguments with a dog. But Superhero had some serious attitude. Your best guess was that he wasn't used to someone challenging his authority, or trying to boss him around.
But you weren't one to give in, either.
There were times where he would try to herd you in a certain way, trying to get you to go where he wanted, if he deemed your destination unsatisfactory. You would always push back, clicking your tongue and glaring at him.
You even had your sister come visit to see if she could find a way to train it out of him. She couldn't even get him to crack.
So you were stuck with a dog that would mouth off to you every time you tried to get him to do something.
Oh, well. At least you would always have something warm to cuddle. Or several somethings.
Your life was going to be so much more interesting now.
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Pairing : Jungkook and reader(y/n)
Word count: 3856
Summary: You drop off Bam from his grooming appointment and finally meet his owner. From there it's sexual tension city !
Warnings : Uprotected sex, domJK, smut , oral, all the things
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“Bam!Get out of the tub- Get o-” 
The doberman’s eyebrows knitted and he seemed to question why it wouldn’t be fine for him to stay in the bathing tub all day. It wouldn’t have bothered you as much if you didn’t have the most splitting headache,your body begging for the day to be over. The rest of the groom went by without contest. Your coworker had already left for the night so, it was your job to finish up Bam’s look and drop him back off at home. You pulled up to the intimidating building and Bam eased out of the car, leading the way through the halls to his place. Your apron was dusted with an assortment of dog hairs and wet splotches where dogs had shaken to their heart’s content. You had groomed Bam a few times. He was becoming a regular client , and you chuckled to yourself, always finding it funny that people with short haired breeds would choose to get their dog groomed instead of doing it at home themselves. Must be rich you snort to yourself raising your hand to knock on the door. Not that you were mad. After his first groom, the owner had requested you. What you did to make him look so much different than other groomers you had no idea but, you were grateful for the client as well as the consistently generous tip. Even if you never knew who it was coming from. The door opened and the music in the background was much louder than it had seemed in the hallway. He was young and surprisingly attractive. His t-shirt fit loose but, you can see the canyon between his pec muscles through the shirt leaving no illusion to the fact that he was incredibly fit. You wanted desperately to reach your hand out and run your fingers over the hard mounds of flesh but, alas your professionalism was unmatched. 
He clears his voice “Thank you.” he extends a colorful arm out to grab Bam’s leash, the large doberman moved accordingly; completely unphased by the facial symmetry of his owner. You feel yourself staring at the tattoos but, each time you think to look away another picture catches your interest. He uses his other hand to put his glasses on his head,creating a temporary headband.
“Was he good?” he asks. While every bone in your body wanted to tell the truth you found yourself unable to disappoint the light in his eyes. The slight dimple, the questioning smile, he was ridiculously good looking. “Yea- ummm he was great !”  You lie shifting yourself in the hallway, finally realizing that you have to pee and your headache has not let up.
“ you okay?” He asks noticing your attention change.
“Mmmmhmmm.”  you turn to leave but, find yourself immediately turning back. “Actually would you mind if I use your bathroom?” You’re almost embarrassed to ask but you convince yourself to be cool. Everyone has to use the bathroom, be an adult. But let’s be honest ,your only thought  was how grateful you were right now that you only had to pee.
“ Ofcourse !” He smiles backing out of the doorway. He clearly thought there was something seriously wrong with you, if asking to use the bathroom was that much of a relief to him. He pointed in the direction of the bathroom and you ran. Embarrassed but aware there was a time stamp on this activity. You relieved yourself quickly; washing your hands and checking your appearance in the mirror and then searching the medicine cabinet for something that would help your headache. You were partially annoyed that you hadn’t found anything and the fancy ass cabinet/mirrored door was so elaborate that it slipped through your hand and crashed into place. You double checked yourself in the mirror and decided to just go with it. Post work you was not your hottest you but, there was really nothing you could do about it now. You chide yourself for that less than helpful pep talk and head out the door. 
As you entered the room he turned from the counter gently placing the small glass of soju on the island infront of you and then leaning on the countertop behind him. 
“What’s that for?” you ask a smile creeping into your cheeks with the thought that he might want to spend more time with you. 
“You look like you need it.” he jokes, extending his arm to grab the other glass that he had filled for himself.
“Cheers!” he smiles like a little kid and downs the liquor. You taste yours as well. He pulls his lips back with a short intake of breath before leaning forward, forearms on the island, bangs beginning to fall free of their glass barrier and floating into his eyes.
“So did that wash down whatever you stole?” his eyes were intent on you studying your face. 
“I mean I know I don’t have anything good.” he says, turning to pour again. 
“I didn’t take anything. I just had a headache and was looking-” you trail off. 
“Ooooo. well you could have just asked!” he brushes past you and goes into the bathroom laughing. He comes back out with the container gingerly twists off the top and you watch as the veins in his fingers work delicately to pull out two pills for you. Your eyes shift to Bam on his dog bed squeaking his toy, happily ignoring the humans in the room. 
“Here.” he rolls the pills into your hand and you mumble a thank you. He reaches across the counter for his glass and the bottom of his shirt rides up the smallest bit. You roll your eyes because it's all you can do to keep from tattling on yourself with stares. AVERT YOUR EYES is all your brain is thinking. He hands you the small glass. 
“Wasn’t this yours?” you ask.
“Scared of drinking after me?” he plays with you, stepping in closer. 
“I don’t know you but, I don’t trust you.” you say mimicking his action and not breaking eye contact. You wonder if it was too much but, you can tell by his body language he was more focused on continuing the conversation. 
“I don’t have diseases, if that’s what you're worried about.” he turns and crosses the room petting Bam on the dog bed. 
“Says the wealthy, hot man in his 20’s” you snort taking a sip to wash down your medicine. Now, you make a grimace. The alcohol and the ibuprofen create a disgusting fizz on your tongue. 
“I’m hot and wealthy you hear that?” he mimics, talking to Bam.It wasn’t like you didn’t stand by your words but, you felt the heat rising in your cheeks as he said it. You look down at the crystal glass in your hand, your thumb picking at the design. 
“You can take off your apron if you want.” He says finishing a scratch on the top of Bam’s head, Bam to invested in his toy to notice. 
“ O ! Yea…” you begin pulling your apron over your head. You feel it get caught in your hair and almost die of embarrassment. He notices your need for assistance and quickly closes the space between you. You hear him let out a small laugh before you feel his warm hands on top of yours. 
“Let me try.” He says calmly.
You huff and put your arms by your side. Acutely aware of the fact that you seemed like a stubborn child but, he soon had you released, popping your hair tie in the process.
“You broke it on purpose.” You joke in a deadpan voice as he presses the broken fibers into your palm. You look up at him and he walks backwards towards his soju again.
“It’s pretty down.” He says winking before he turns to the counter. He moves so quickly you almost weren’t sure if you saw it.
“So you use Bam to lure women back to your home and kill them with compliments?”
“  mmmmm.You started that.” he says between swallows. 
“Well don’t get used to it.” You say. “ I’m usually not that nice.”
He snorts at that. “ you work with dogs, I find that hard to believe.” his glasses fall onto his face but, he doesn’t seem to mind.
“ Ahhhhh there’s where you’re wrong.” You smile “ The dogs don’t care if you’re nice, Just consistent. Plus, they’re easy to get along with. They don’t talk.”
“ You think I only intend to talk with you? “ he asks, raising his eyebrows over his glasses. The act itself was enough to make your breath catch in your throat but you somehow manage to stay calm and collected. For a moment it felt as though all the air had left the room. You quietly held your glass, picking again at its intricate design. Listening to the music of his footsteps as he gently pads his way to stand in front of you. 
“Do you think I poured you a drink and invited you in, only to talk to you ?” You finally looked up from your glass, he toyed with the piercing on his lower a boyish smile playing on his face.
“Am I not a riveting conversationalist?” you say blankly.
He laughs over your dry humor, using it as an excuse to move closer to you.
“You definitely are.” he promises,stepping closer into you. You can’t help but smile at his smile.Your eyes flicker up to him and you find yourself screaming ‘just do it!’ in your head.
He swings his hand to the crook of your neck  and pulls you in for a kiss. It’s simpler than you expected, soft but confident. He holds you like that for a while, his mouth working on convincing you, his hand holding your neck and playing in your hair. His other hand comes to the small of your back and you finally feel contact between your lower region and his. He goes slow, pressing into you to test out the levels of your comfort. You focus on the kiss deepening and at the right moment he pulls back and you're able to bite his lip a bit, piercing the opposite side of his mouth. He smiles, bringing his other arm up to your throat, choking you a little bit. His kiss makes your stomach flip. You’re  lost in the comfort of his arms but somehow manage to work your hands into his hair. He holds your hip and slowly starts to grind into you. Instinctively you let out a moan , which causes him to break into another smile. 
“I’m that good ?” He whispers in your ear. Unable to tolerate his smugness you grab a handful of his hair and pull. 
‘O? Really ?’ He asks. You look up at him , unable to respond but not letting up on your grip either. It almost feels made up but, you swear you can see his eyes darken. ‘Let go’ he commands , voice lower than normal. You open your hand and he pulls his shirt over his head slowly only momentarily breaking eye contact with you. ‘Race You!’ He says, throwing the t-shirt at you and you run behind him practically chasing him into his bedroom. He spins around, scooping you up as you run through the threshold of the room.He holds you so you have no option but to wrap your legs around him so as not to fall. ‘Good’ he whispers , pressing his forehead to yours. You knew, it was too smooth.  You knew he must have pulled that move a million times before. But, at that moment you didn’t care. He must have felt the hesitation in your body though, you momentarily stiffened and he lets you go. Setting you down,you take a few steps back and watch as he removes his socks and pants. He sits there in his underwear,his thighs thick through his clean Calvin Kleins.
“Your turn”  he says, peeking through the bangs of his hair, and folding his glasses on the nightstand. He cocks his head to the side and for a second you can tell he doesn’t know if you’ll oblige him or not. He leans back on his forearms, lip playing with his piercing and the view alone is enough to make you commit to fucking him as long as you physically can. Taking off your shirt makes him illicit a deep hmmm. You feel your stomach flip again at his approval. But, the jokester inside you wins,you turn around and shoot him an overly sexy look. You unhook your bra and let it float to the rug of his room. 
“Whooooo Hot!” he cheers you on. You put your all into it, quickly jumping out of your jeans and turning your back to him. You hook your fingers into the sides of your underwear.  
“Come On….Sell it !” he screams jokingly. You slowly shift it down your hips until they fall to the floor. You turn your back to face him, your hands barely covering all of your chest.
He tuts with his tongue “show me” his voice is soft, as he reaches out a hand towards you. You step forward, taking his hand and revealing yourself fully to him. He sighs, bringing you in close. You get on your knees in front of  him. Somewhat out of want but partially out of habit. 
He frowns down at you .
“What are you doing?” his voice is low and gentle. You look up at him, eyes wide and are almost embarrassed by the position you found yourself in. Completely naked on a stranger’s floor after a bit of conversation and one drink. He must be reading the self judgment on your face because he lifts you up, placing his forehead on yours again.
“Hey - we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” 
You relish in the intimacy of being this open to an absolute stranger. 
“O there’s nothing I don’t want to do right now.” you whisper to him. 
He laughs and the dimples in his cheeks deepen,making it impossible for you not to return his smile. You kiss him and he immediately gives in, lending you confidence that shatters all previous reservations. 
“Let’s just go slower “ he says, breaking from you and sitting at the edge of the mattress. 
“Ride” he says, slapping his thigh. A shiver races throughout your entire body and you feel your stomach flip as you look at him. He’s serious, you can tell. You slowly close the space between you, lifting one leg to straddle his. You look up at him, face innocent. You kiss him again, this time grabbing him by the throat and adding the slightest bit of pressure. You pull back and he is giving a wide, toothy smile like a kid. “Ride me , please” he jests with a lifting of his eyebrow. You allow him to pull you in again; this time as you kiss you find yourself slowly grinding into his thigh. He lets out a low growl in response and your stomach flutters. He sits his large hand in the crook of your hip and helps to move you on his leg. He can hear your moans becoming higher pitched and right before you get to release all over his leg he lifts you up, swinging your leg to his hip. Now you’re fully straddling him and his hands cup your face as he kisses you.  
“I’m sorry I couldn’t wait any longer.” he smiles , you lean in to kiss him but, he pulls back, playing  coy. 
“I thought you couldn’t wait any longer,” you joke.
“I just wanted to see you beg.” he says , lightheartedly.
“ Well I won’t” you say teasingly as he slips a hand between your bodies, smacking at your pussy. You jump a bit at the surprise and his other hand rests at the back of your neck.You omit a low hum as his hand moves in between your legs, coaxing a moan from your body. He smiles, pleased with his work.
“Good girl…. Good girl. Now beg.” You bite your lip, willing to moan but not give in to his demands yet. He uses his hand on your neck to angle your forehead to meet his. You kiss and his lips are unbearably soft. He finally uses two fingers to enter you and your breath hitches in your throat. You rest a hand on his chest and use it as leverage to help you ride his hand. He praises you while you move your hips faster, chasing that feeling. You feel yourself building up to it, almost tasting a touch of ecstasy, right when he removes his hand entirely. Your voice betrays you as you let out a sound in disappointment. He kisses you, soft and slow, holding your neck but extending a thumb to your chin to run the finger over your bottom lip. He sits it on your lip, slowly moving it in and out of your mouth, you suck it instinctively. 
“Say please baby.” He kisses you again, and you break the contact to whisper “please, please “ into his lips. As if making a pact with the devil , he immediately flips you over, removing his underwear and carries you into hell. He is a flurry of creamy skin, tattoos and dark hair as he positions his head between your legs beginning with a slow and consistent lick , eventually building to a mouth and hand combination that makes your legs shake. You lock your hand in his hair, grabbing tightly  and he laughs up at you reminding you to “be nice.” But he doesn't seem to actually care as you go back to suffocating him in your heat. After your third or fourth orgasm he decides it’s finally time for him to enter you. He speaks, sweetly , angling himself at your opening. His smile holds a mirror to the little boy he once was and while your attraction to him is unparalleled you can’t help but find him trustworthy, to feel as though you know that little boy would grow to be the kind of man who wants to keep you safe. 
“I got you , I got you.” he whispers into your ear before trailing his lips down your neck. He can feel your fighting for control of your body again, after coming down from the high of your last O. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and for a moment it feels like floating, him holding you, him filling you up, his voice whispering comfort to you. You watch from below him, as the veins in his neck bulge in the pursuit of his bliss. 
“Mmmm” he seems to say to himself , unaware that every sound he makes, assists in sending you over the edge. He held you down by your neck and you scratched at his back while he pushed into you a few more times, creating a space for himself. Carving out a moment of comfort and oneness between the two of you . His eyes closed, and his brows knit together as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“You feel amazing.” he whispers, into a smile. 
You kiss him and you feel the shiver that runs through his body. You’re momentarily pleased that he's just as surprised as you are by your physical connection. 
“I want to make you cum now.” he says ,sure of himself.
“Oh sooooooo confident !” you joke before he grabs your hips and swings you on top of him. With your hands on his chest you press yourself up and down bouncing on him. He holds the crook of your hip, his tatted arm coming up to grab you by the neck.
You dig your nails into his chest and he tightens his grip on your throat, challenging you as you wind your hips on him. You lean forward and whisper to him “I think I’m going to be the one to make you cum” before sucking on the skin at the side of his neck. 
He groans, letting go of your throat to run a hand through his hair. You lean back up to allow him a better view of you while you continue to ride him and you can see the resolve in his face beginning to break. His bicep looks large against the headboard and taking in his body from up top is too overwhelming. His hand makes its  way to your chest, gripping at your breast, your nipple nestled safely in between his fingers. It begins quiet but, it doesn’t escape your attention. He keeps closing and reopening his big brown eyes, his chest rising and falling with his moans as he lets you ride him. You’ve fully checked out on pleasing him and are focused on your own pleasure which seems to only intensify the sensations for him. You cannot watch your mouth as you near your orgasm and find yourself letting out a slew of curse words as you use him to reach your apex. His moans get louder and seem partially controlled until he feels you cumming. The contractions around him are too much for him to bear and he lets out a guttural noise you had not yet heard from him. He closes his eyes, head titled back towards the headboard trying to steady his breathing as he recovers from spilling inside you. You’re panting on top of him but find yourself unable to move and grateful for his supportive hands at your hips as you bring your lips down to meet his. 
“My god.” he exhales , and you laugh down at him through the wisps of his hair that had fallen in between you. He joins you chuckling, catching your breath as Bam paws at the bottom of the bedroom door. Not in a bad way but, just enough to let you know he is there. Which only makes you both laugh even harder. “I don’t want to move.” he whispers.
“ Well I think  Bam would disagree.” Your eyes read his face, trying to sear the memory of this intimacy into your brain forever. 
“Well Bam gets to see your beautiful face every few weeks, he can wait a little longer.” He smiles, leaning in to kiss you but you move away. His dimples deepen, attracted by your unwillingness to give in so easily. You turn your eyes to Bam’s pawing at the door. 
“Fine.” he rolls his eyes rolling out of you and off of the bed. You watch as the muscles in his back contract as he redresses. He crosses in front of his record collection, coming back to the side of the bed to kiss you on your forehead.
“I’m not done with you yet.” his smile is cheeky as he leaves the room, you can hear the excitement in Bam’s footsteps as they race down the hallway. It was by far your most unprofessional thought of the day but, you found yourself secretly praying he never would be done with you. 
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yanderenightmare · 2 years
alpha deku? he's already a daddy in the yandereverse, but with the added alpha-ness...if a darling ever tried to escape he found find her immediately. i could also imagine bakugou and todoroki as alphas and the three of them finding their cute little omega running away.
goodiebag WARNINGS: omegaverse, dubcon, NSFW, threesome, degradation, condescension, discrimination towards Omegas ig, its hinted that the reader is 18
The rules of The Harvest
The Harvest is a government-issued bidding game hosted on every harvest moon, where Omegas are auctioned off to the highest bidding high-society Alpha or Beta, to ensure every Omega is given a secure and wealthy home where they can be assured the proper care and protection. 
Taking part in the auction is unavoidable to newly detected Omegas, however, per rules of the game, they're given a chance to fight for their own claim in what is now known as The Run. This additional rule to the otherwise strictly mandatory bidding game is based on prior Omegas succeeding in their escape, thus proving their own self-worth and their own means to take care of themselves. 
Omegas who choose to take part in The Run are given a full minute’s head-start, however, by choosing to take part in The Run Omegas give up their position as bidding prizes, therefore no longer under the protection laws of The Harvest, and are thus free-game to any Alpha or Beta who would choose to hunt them down.
Her eighteenth winter arrived a couple of moons ago.
And she’d been made to go through the trials like everyone else her age.
It seemed silly now. And perhaps it had been before as well, where she’d long spotted how the boys in her class snickered at her ever since she’d first bled. 
But, hopeful as she was, or perhaps stubborn, she’d crossed her fingers and prayed to the moon that luck was on her side enough to make her a Beta in the least.
Even though every bone in her body had long told her the truth. 
She was smaller than everyone else. Weaker than everyone else. Emotional. Unstable. Incapable.
Simply not made to take care of herself.
She clicked her tongue and shook her head. The only thing she could do.
Except for crying. 
It seemed. So. Fucking. Silly. Now.
That she was dumb enough to think she had a chance of passing the tests. That she was stupid enough to believe that if she just wanted it enough, she’d somehow be spared what she knew was the truth.
But, she was always going to end up here…
Groomed and dolled and sold to whichever Alpha or Beta was interested enough…
The Harvest.
Each year every Omega is round-up for this government-issued Match-Making event. Posing as a charity to make sure poor vulnerable highly fertile Omegas find safety in wealthy homes. Though, in reality, just a disgusting glorified auction to keep power-hungry dogs satisfied.
Caged behind pretty glittering gold bars, Omegas cower, at the gathering of high-society Alphas and Betas circling them like prey.
The highest bidder takes their prize home. 
Though… not before they’re all given the option of testing out their skills in The Run.
But, of course, Omegas rarely dare. And even among those that try, it’s an even rarer story that anyone ever makes it. Riggedgame, as it is, as an Omega has slim chances of ever outrunning a Beta, much less an Alpha.
Which is in addition to just how silly she was going to further prove herself to be…
She chewed her nails where she sat on the velvet pillow within her cage. Suppressing the urge to tap her foot.
Unable to look them in the eye.
The swarm of fine-clothed large muscled shapes walking in and about her cage and the other dozen cages housing each their poor soul having had the bad luck of being deemed an Omega.
Some were in shock and denial. Screaming through the bars in the hope anyone would believe them, pleading that they were Betas, some even delusional enough to call themselves Alphas.
She remained silent though. Reserving her energy. Shivering a bit on the account of being as good as naked.
Cold cuffs on her wrists with matching anklets weighing down her feet, and though she couldn’t see it, she bet the collar on her throat was of the same gold fashion.
The harem pants were white like canvas. Thin silk. As was the wrap around her breasts. Probably for the satisfaction of seeing the innocent fabric spoil once the hunt for her started and she’d to be chased down until she trips in the mud by an Alpha’s feet.
She tried blocking out the haughty laughter of the rich around her. Sitting in the middle of her cage so no grabby hands could reach in without exerting themselves. Legs locked tightly to her chest with her arms slung around her. Tail tucked close. Pointy ears alert and shifty on every sound.
Memories of her teacher telling her that she’d make an Alpha very happy one day with that pretty face of hers made her hide behind her knees.
She remembers scowling ever since. 
She remembers yelling at him and growling out how she was just as much of a Beta as him. 
She remembers how he’d laughed at her.
She remembers the entire class laughing.
Sneering at the memory, her eyes raised from watching her toes to the boy sitting across from her.
He’d attracted a crowd with all his whimpering.
They seemed to like that.
They’d been commenting on him for a while now and each snide comment just made him cry more. Taunting him with haughty jeers about how his puffy cheeks were cute, swelled with tears like that, and how adorable the snot running from his nose was as he bawled his eyes out in fear.
His fluffy ears parted in despair at the people surrounding his cage.
A female had a sharp manicured hand reached in through the bars, rubbing on the boy’s soft ear as she pulled it close to the top of his cage, whispering ugly nothings to him, every cruel word making him cry even more. The boy let his jaw fall open and the woman gave a disgustingly wicked smile before spitting into his gaping mouth.
The other Alphas and Betas watching snickered before their grabby hands also decided to join the game, aiming to manhandle the poor Omega into complete despair. Tugging on his tail until he whined only to tug even harder, yanking his other ear and pulling on his locks, laughing and cooing at him while trying to rip his harem pants off to leave him there naked, humiliated, distraught, and dominated.
She made an effort to not seem as pathetic.
Hoping she wouldn’t draw as much attention-
“You smell phenomenal, my sweet.” A voice beside her called and she realized how her hopes were too high. 
She ignored him with a roll of her eyes. Bitterly wishing that she hadn’t jinxed herself, thinking he’d leave once realizing she wouldn’t fall apart so easily, like what the rest of the whelps sniffling in their cages had already.
“I can tell you’re a highly fertile one-”
She tried suppressing it, though she’d already bared her teeth. 
A rebellious snarl acted up in the back of her throat, her head snapping to look at the pompous jackass who had that ugly lopsided grin slapped on his face. Her brows set low in a glare as she summoned what she could to give him a ferocious growl.
“Fuck off!”
The comment didn’t need to echo to be heard and make ashen blonde locks shake with a chuckle.
Grinning at the other side of the room atop the exclusive VIP balcony, reserved for only the filthiest of rich, who subsequently was also the strongest of the strong.
“Heh, feisty.”
Golden champagne sparkled with fizzy bubbles in the tall slim glass he held between his fingers as he snickered at the display. His red eyes set on the sweaty reject retracting the digits he’d stuck through the bars back to the safety of himself.
The pair of emerald orbs next to him lazily viewed the same sight, perking up upon the cut in the little thing’s voice. Amused while watching the poor sucker tuck-tail before hurriedly rushing away from the tiny hostile thing locked up in her cage.
“Looks like someone hasn’t quite gotten the memo...” He commented in a mumble. Tipping his glass to his lips before taking a sip. 
And, while it was left undecided whether the comment was meant for the omega who dared bark or the alpha who dared scare by it, he surely seemed more taken by the former. 
Charmed smirk accenting his features as his pupils slightly dilated, the bubbles in his drink tickling what other hunger brewed in his gut. 
“I think we found tonight’s game, boys.”
Jaded duel-colored eyes had taken the same instinctive interest as his two partners. His head slightly tipped making his bangs fall shadily over the scar on his face as he smiled a complementary dark grin.
A curt chuckle escaped him before speaking. “Agreed…”
They were approaching midnight.
And she didn’t want to admit she was scared once the massive entrance split open like a floodgate and the large crimson moon was exposed to them, its red light spilling in and awakening something livid inside otherwise sophisticated tame beasts. 
She knew half was petrified and would remain in their cages even when they as well would unlock.
But she wasn’t one of them. 
She was staring ahead toward the foliage before her. At the thick coverage of trees only thirty meters ahead. Beyond the grass field she needed to cross first in order to slip past the thick trunks while running in the mud through the branches and roots and rocks to reach her freedom.
Keen eyes. So suspenseful you could see the adrenaline sharpen the red in her retina as she watched the digital clock mounted on the wall. The time of The Run nearing, her last chance fast approaching.
She was the only one to shift and people were noticing. 
Getting excited to see the pup try her adorable best.
She knew, were it not fellow omegas, she still wouldn’t be alone in the woods. 
In spite of it, she didn’t back down and instead embraced what little bit of extra power the moonlight gave her to shed her human skin.
Taking on the form best suited for wilderness.
Bones broke and altered human anatomy first, before thick fur sprouted in an abundance. Starting at her nape like a mane running down her spine, before every inch was decked in a rich coat. Serving for better warmth. 
Paws with claws made for running took the place of fickle human hands and former measly nails. 
A pair of eyes that would better guide her through the thicket emerged last. Adapted with the rest of the ensemble. The final touches in aiding her escape.
Her door opened the second the clock ticked double o’s, and off she darted like she’d been counting down from the last-minute shift. 
Three more seconds and she’d already reached past the clearing and entered the forest.
“And off she goes…” Cyan and grey eyes commented lazily as he watched the tiny thing disappear between the trees. Much quicker than expected. 
Almost impressive.
Almost too bad a distinct scent left a clear trail behind her. Sweet like ripe peaches.
“Seems like the only one.” Red eyes admired as he viewed the other sniveling Omegas still spellbound to the safety of their cages. Already being drooled over by swarming Alphas and Betas pitching their proposals with checks in hand.
“We have to give her credit for trying…” Green eyes gleamed up at the moon as he wrung his blazer off his shoulders and stepped out from his shoes. 
Almost shuddering by the ecstasy of the lunar eclipse. 
“Hopeful ones make for the cutest Omegas after all…” 
Her back paws only barely touched the ground as she maneuvered between the thick stems before her. Legs weighed down a bit by the gold bracelets cuffed on her. Her collar too, straining against her throat, added extra labor to her breaths.
Her ears shook at the sound of a gleeful howl behind her. Powerful where it bounced off the trees in an echo to reach her where she ran for her life. The sound of paws trampling the leaves soon followed. At least six pairs worth rumbling in the ground like thunder. Substantial in weight. 
She cursed with a growl. Her lungs already burning while her muscles screamed for a break once she heard the twigs start snapping at her sides. She gave the sound a quick glance before turning to face forward again.
Where, in the near closing distance, red lights glowed in the dark like the blood moon itself.
Her back paws pushed into the ground to halt her from crashing right into the looming figure. Ripping up the mossy forest floor beneath her before her feet caught on a bridged root. 
Tripping and sending her to the ground with a thud and an oof.
Her jaw in the mud, as she stared up at him with a wince. 
She gulped at the sight of the thick sturdy claws leveled with her eyes. Plunged deep into the dirt. Looking closer to a dragon’s talons than any canid she’d ever seen.
Gathering herself enough to rise. She began slowly backing away. Her head bowed and back hunched. A bit too frightened to look fierce.
She always thought that the boys in her class were large. 
Some girls too.
Saint Bernards and Mastiffs. And she’d seen some Hyenas in her life, and even Grey Wolves too.
But, this man…
He was beastly.
More like a bear than a dog with his bulk and size.
The teacher had schooled them about Dire Wolves. But she’d never think to ever lay eyes on one. She didn’t exactly feel lucky to have her thoughts proven wrong.
She’d been told Dire Wolves were the most aggressive of all canids…
Maybe he was one that preferred the taste of blood instead of mating. Maybe he was going to rip her open and eat her while her body was still warm. Stain his pale blond hair with her blood and his teeth with chunks of her flesh.
Spit out her bones when he was done.
A twig to her left snapped and her head snapped with it. Eyes growing ever more swiveled as she found another beast emerging from between the trees. Her hair on strict end and only tensing more when eyeing the new arrival of the same impressive and intimidating build.
Where for a moment she thought half of his white fur was caked with blood. Despite knowing how she would’ve smelled it if that were the case.
Another twig snapped to her right and she felt her odds thinning to the impossible.
But, once she turned to face the sound she couldn’t spot anything anywhere.
Until the luminescent green of his eyes distinguished themselves from the green of the forest, and the rest of his emerald fur exposed to her anxious gaze the more she struggled to spot him.
An excellent stealth hound. She bet, as her bones broke and healed to change her back to human. 
Now naked, though having more combat options.
She thought before the other three changed back as well. Steam rolling off tough naked bodies riddled with muscle from neck to toe.
And she realized her options were as slim as before.
“D’you really think you could make it?” An amused voice jeered haughtily, and she turned to eye the one who’d initially blocked her path. 
An explosive ash-blonde main pulled in every direction atop his head.
“Well, aren’t you a hopeful little bitch?” He gleamed with a wide set of pearly fangs bared in an awfully lofty grin.
“Manners, Kachan.” Another voice cut in. “You’re scaring the poor thing.” 
It was the last one she’d spotted. 
Purple marring ran up his arms gruesomely in stark contrast to his friendly freckled face. Green fluffy curls hung wildly around his ears, framing two large and even greener eyes.
“We wouldn't want that little Omega heart to give out, now would we?”
She didn’t know exactly why, but she already disliked him the most.
“Tch-” The man called Kachan scoffed with his grin still stretched wide like a crescent moon across his face. “If she wants to run with the big dogs- sooner or later she’s gonna learn what it’s like when the big dogs bite.”
The green-haired one, visibly exasperated with the other, sighed while resting his eyes. 
And then the last of the fray decided to speak up, his voice smooth and refined like early morning snow. 
Cold like it too.
“What do you expect when we don't put the mongrel on a leash?” He seemed to chastise, though bore the most indifferent expression while doing so.
In complete contrast to the counter, where Kachan’s glare immediately sharpened at the offender as he gave the comment a threatening growl. And the sound was so chillingly strangling she had to suppress a whimper upon hearing it.
“If I’m a mongrel, you’re a chihuahua, pretty boy. Eager to be carried around in Deku’s purse.” Kachan barked back with spit and spite. 
The Alpha’s insane canines flashed along with his growling, making her further shudder where she wide-eyed tried keeping track of the three threats before her.
Where the green-haired one decided to cut in through the bickering of the other two. 
“You’re both mutts.” 
And the slight edge to his tone seemed to make them both shut up.
“Question is…” He continued upon the requested silence. His attention now set to her again. “How do we get the pup to come quietly?”
The heat in his dark green eyes had her breathing thin and her body feeling cold and hot in flashes. 
“Tch-” Kachan scoffed once again. Shaking her from the spellbinding eye contact she shared with the other male to watch while the blonde took three thunderous steps forward towards her. 
Where she, despite feeling shocked numb, instinctively reached down to fish a rock up from the ground. 
“This whelp ain’t gonna listen to shit.” He proclaimed. “You said it yourself…. what she needs is to be put over a knee.”
Her eyes hardened even more upon that, her brows sinking into a low and sharp glare as she watched him brazenly step towards her.
“Look at me, pooch, and listen. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way.” The man stated. And though being naked and seeing naked wasn’t an uncommon happening among the species, she had to gulp nonetheless as she hadn’t ever really laid eyes on someone so…
“Oh please, Kachan.” Green-eyes interrupted him once again. “Quit the theatrics-”
“He can't help it.” The other rather quiet one snidely added. Further causing the blonde to bare his teeth with another growl.
“Shut up, Shoto.” He snarled back at the dual-colored one, and she learned his name was Shoto. 
Now only the camouflaged one remained.
“Excuse our partner…” Said man apologized. Also taking a step toward her. 
Lowering himself with an extended palm to where she kept low to the ground beneath the coverage of some large leaves, against the thick tree the trio had cornered and backed her up against. 
“He’s a cur. But, I promise you, come with us willingly and-”
His hand neared her and she decided she needn’t know his name to bark at him.
“Keep your fucking paws off me!” She roared and chucked the rock at the man. Who, unfazed and with a slight smile on his face, caught it in his fist as though he’d anticipated the attack.
“So hostile.” The supposed cur commented with red eyes as wild as blood flow. “Even towards you, Deku.” 
Grinning as he licked his teeth. His voice dipped into a low rumble close to the sound of a purr and either way a sound that had her toes curling into the wet dirt beneath her. 
“I like her already.” He breathed, and the man they called Shoto hummed in agreement.
His sharp eyes side-eyeing the other as he spoke. “You would. Wouldn’t you, Tsuki?” 
That made the blonde growl again for the third time, and while her brows furrowed at the entry of the new name she simultaneously wondered if he wouldn’t snap for the last time soon.
“But I do agree with you and Izuku…” He dismissed before the seemingly short-tempered red-eyed one could bark out another offended threat. “Wildlings are always the most fun.”
All the different names and nicknames thrown about indicated that they had a particularly complicated relationship. And with the heated looks in their eyes, she had the crawling feeling she was going to be the chew-toy in a dangerous game of tug-a-warbetween three Alpha Dire Wolves.
The man she was now fairly certain was the one they referred to as both Deku and supposedly Izuku as well eyed the rock he’d caught in his palm. Though, seemed to look past it into something that made his eyes glint with wicked excitement.
Those same vibrant vine-like eyes snapped to meet with her again and she believed the look alone was enough to cripple her even without the additional overwhelming musk that seemed to carpet all her senses, as though feeding some hunger deep down low in her gut, and rendered her dull and grossly satisfied. Caught somewhere between the sense of being knocked down to her knees and lulled into some false sense of safety. Either way, incapacitating.
“Grab her.” He commanded and the other two pounced within the split second.
She tried rounding the tree, clumsy in her haste as she grasped to stumble her way forward and away, but large rough hands snatched her before she could.
“Get off!” She tried growling, though only managed to whine. “No, stop- Let go of me you fucking dogs-” 
She twisted in their grip. Her waist hugged from behind as she was lifted against a very broad and warm chest. Her thighs were picked up by the one in front, same hands pulling on her tail playfully in the next moment, making her cry out a pretty little howl.
She had her eyes squeezed tightly shut as she flailed. Pitiful shakes of her head as her impending violation dawned on her, her cute growls of anger turning into even cuter whines of panic and then further devolved into the cutest of scared little cries and whimpers.
“Someone’s eager to be collared…” The man behind purred with a growl against her ear before biting down on the tip of it. His breath; hot and damp against her neck with his thick meaty arms snaked around her tiny shape as tight as the constricting strength of a boa.
“That’s all you Omegas want, right?” Another of them added. Voice in contrast to the prior, silvery and smooth but still taunting like his mate.
Hands, thrice her size, squeezed the plush flesh of her thighs and she wrenched with another bitterly broken protest. But her struggles mattered little to the bigger threat puppeteering her into straddling the torso in front.
Hot breaths on her face indicated someone was leaning in close, but she couldn’t bear to open her eyes. The sting of warm tears wet on her cheeks, lip caught between her teeth as she awaited the imposing stranger’s mouth on her.
But though the heat was present, the kiss didn’t come.
“Pets don’t want freedom, little one.” He taunted softly instead, condescending with the grace and skill of a true Alpha. “Pets want safety and comfort. Pets want masters.”
And even though she had her eyes tightly shut, she could hear the leer which painted his face. Haughty and salacious, dripping with sadism potent enough to make any little thing like her shiver and bow.
“Hmm…” He admired, his claw scooping a lock from her face with a minor scratch left in its wake, sending a new slew of tears to go rolling down her cheek. “But, nothing’s cuter than a pet not knowing their place.”
She felt another warm breath fan against her face and bit down on her lip even harder to suppress the feeble whimper it caused. Where too much blood rushing about her ears rendered them too hot and useless in hearing the additional approaching footsteps coming from the forest.
But the three males, with Alpha instincts running on adrenaline and those raging owner-sick urges spiked by sweet and sweaty Omega pheromones, were on high alert and nowhere close to being as handicapped by the moment as the bewildered little thing they’d snagged on their teeth.
All three pairs of glowing eyes menacingly glared towards the source of the late arrivals.
“Aw…” Someone bitched. “You caught her already?” They groaned and her eyes opened to look at those who spoke.
A group of Betas stood like wraiths between the trees, all eyes an ugly desperate yellow. And suddenly, with the twist in her stomach the sight of their unsightly sharp smiles brought her, she felt no desire of leaving the Alphas at all anymore.
“Shame...” Another Beta whined.
His head cocked to the side as he licked his lips upon the sight of the hopelessly outnumbered little Omega stripped naked in the Alphas’ much stronger arms.
“You willing to share?” He piqued. 
The tails of the rest of the onslaught all wagged aggressively behind them as they howled in agreement, the looks in their feral eyes having her regret running with every fiber of her body. Globs of drool dripping from canines that would surely snap at her to secure their piece.
She whimpered more upon hearing building growling in the trees surrounding the little clearing she’d been caught in. Unable to discern just how many there were. But, that just indicated that they were way more than what she could handle.
“Those that run are free game.” The Beta continued preaching amongst the fray. “We’re happy to take leftovers.”
He smirked and she swore it felt the same as being threatened with a knife.
“Ain’t that right, boys?”
The rest of the crowd jeered. Laughing like jackals. All hungry eyes fixed and spiked in her direction, eager to pounce. And though it was tough to spot in the darkness, it wasn’t easy to mistake why their hands all seemed to be tugging on something below their pelvis.
She made an uneasy sound while her own pitifully tiny hands subconsciously made to tug just a bit on the arms securing her, whilst her thighs tightened around the torso that had initially spread her against her will. Instinctively begging the big bads’ for safety against the rest of the threatening forest.
And as she felt herself being swallowed by the echoes of cheers and jeers around her, came an additional mortifying sound.
Threatening like none other. Low in the beginning, but rising, hums of a chuckle slowly building and amounting to a spurt of sudden laughter.
Deku broke off the howls of the surrounding onslaught with a manic chuckle, reeling her back. Haughty and loud and moon-drunk, he began cackling as though mad. The sounds reverberating throughout the woods, it didn’t shock her to see the birds take flight.
And once he finished, the rest of the forest was left dead silent.
His eyes, steely and condescending yet electric with livid luminescence, didn’t even bother to narrow as he blanked a stale look at the pathetic army of weaklings begging for a taste. And where she was held, goose-fleshed even on her cheeks and from her nape to her ankles, she was glad his gaze wasn’t directed at her when bearing that awful look of disdain.
The moon’s bloody glow gave the green-haired Alpha a menacing silhouette where he stood in the limelight. An epitome of dominance begging for just anyone to try and challenge him. She swallowed thickly thinking she’d see him tear them all limb from limb in gory slaughter.
But he didn’t move. And she reckoned it was because none of them were even worth it to him.
“Scram, Beta scum.” Came his rust.
Low, dark, and deadly. 
The danger of it making everyone wince.
“She’s ours.”
All eyes were large with fear. Ears dropped down, some yelping and whimpering, the meek yielding cowards turned towards where they’d come from. Booking back with their tails tucked between their legs, some even spouting apologies as they ran.
But, she couldn’t notice any of it. As the much too threatening atmosphere had made her overwhelmed Omega-body take protective maneuvers. Her heart hammered so loud she felt it might run its course before she shut down.
Passed out and left just a little sleeping beauty in the three Alphas’ many secure arms.
(stay tuned for part two)
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Werewolf! Michael myers RZ Halloween NSFW Alphabet
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Note: I wanted to do an NSFW Alphabet for the Werewolf Tall Mickey for a while now. This gif is giving me them Tall Myers vibes.
18+ Minors DNI
A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex?)
Panting like crazy, he's been through so much fucking he's panting like a dog who ran a long way. He starts to clean himself like a dog licking your juices off his balls, which leads him to clean your back, which you don't mind. He then asks if you want food, which you replied with a yes to that. Eating in bed with making sure you're doing well after the fucking he did to your body, He'll lift you up to take a hot shower before bed.
B = Bodypart (Their Favorite Bodypart of their body and also their Partner's)
The giant is a Werewolf. His arms had a lot of strength to them to decapitated a victim, and the jaws he has, he would be breaking bones and crushing wind pipes with his large fangs.
You and your small frame to him perfect to him. He loves your soft lips that are so comfortable against his. He melts when you try to reach his face to cress it
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
He has a breeding kink, and he's staying in deep till he fills you up real good.
D =Dirty secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to see you in loose lingerie, which he will try carefully to take it off in a creative way every time. A way of teasing you till be gets down to the night of breeding sex
E = Experience (How experienced are they?)
He had none if you lived in a Sanatorium for 15 years, and you mostly did art in your room. You can only imagine it was when he got out he had seen Victims doing it, especially in his old abandoned house. He may have seen some videos online when you were at work.
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Missionary, easy position to learn, and to see your face scrunched up in the amount of pleasure you're in. Cowgirl, you can ride and bounce on top while he watches you ride on his beast and play with yourself. Doggie Style, do I have to say why he loves this position? He'll put you into this position for a little rough fucking from behind. Mating Press, his breeding kink kicks in when he's ready to release his load into your warm womb. He'll stay in that position as a plug to keep his semen inside you.
G = Goofy (Are they more Serious in the moment, or are they humorous, ect?)
This time means I want to make you feel amazing in the moment, so he doesn't want the mode spoiled by something goofy during the act he'll become grouchy which will take forever to get him back in the mood.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the Carpet match the Drapes, ect?)
On top he has lovely long locks, he had grown out when he was in Smith's Grove with some stuble on his face, down below, it's a little forest, but a quick trim down there it looks better. When he goes wolf, looking a bit like an Old English SheepDog due to his long hair, and his abdomen is completely covered by his long wolf hair.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect..)
He's definitely wanting to give you a lot of kisses while praising your body during what he calls sometimes, "Breeding time," which is every time when you both have sex. Having him holding you in his arm in between rounds, he's careful not to be laying his whole body on you. Definitely saying sweet nothings in your ears during the round.
J = Jack/Jill off (Masturbation headcannon)
He doesn't do it often, but if that urge creeps on him, he's going to take care of it. He can turn you on by how he would show how he strokes, starts at the base of his shaft stopping halfway, then strokes fast at his tip. Making a wet sound from it, he will do that when he fingers you.
K = Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Breeding, praising of any kind, Cockwarming, and size differents kink
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do )
This man wants to rut in the bedroom cause it's more comfortable for sexy time.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
A touched starving man gets turned on by suggested touches on his body. He would be thinking about you with a heavy pregnant belly with swollen breasts for you and his pups that makes him go into breeding mode.
N = No (Something that they wouldn't do, turns offs)
Definitely, no mentioning Smith's Grove or Sister
Won't turn you into a Werewolf if you ask him. He loves you this way.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills ect)
Definitely giving you some oral, eating you out like a straving beast. Michael definitely enjoys a good oral treatment on his disco stick (He'll pound you real good as a Thank you.)
69 is his favorite. He's eating you out while you're giving him head.
P = Pace (Are they Fast and Rough? Slow and Sensual? Ect.)
Does start slow before picking up the pace and going to pound town. He doesn't want to go too rough on you, but he can't help it. He loves you so much. He'll go soft the next round
Q = Quickies (Their opinions on Quickies rather than proper sex, how often, ect)
Depending on how he feels, he would not be interested one day. The next, he's got you bending over the couch or counter and give you one. He'll be giving you more when he is done hunting.
R = Risks (Are they game to experiment, do they take any risks, ect
Out of curiosity or just getting horny when out in the woods, he would want to go down on you in the woods. Like a wolf in the wild, he will do the dirty with you on a blanket (so your back isn't pricked by branches just so you're comfortable while in pleasure Town) He might want to fuck you when he's in his Werewolf forme, his huge dick on you looks like it can't fit in and would tear your holes into one big hole (and a trip to the ER)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last?)
Will go all night if he's back home early or he's having a day off, around 10 or 12 rounds, depending on how much energy he has that day. Morning sex is a big Yes for him.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
You probably have a vibrator you have in your dresser that you would use before you met Michael. You take it out to use it when he's not home and needy of him. He finds it useless cause why would you use it if he can give you endless hours of pleasure from him.
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease)
His form of teasing is showing you is the for mentioned of stroking his cock, and fingering while stroking his tip making a luded sound from it. Cockwarming is another form of teasing from him he'll be in you for a while till he's ready.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make?)
Loud Panting, grunts, and moans in his gruff voice, Hella hot.
W = Wildcard (Random Head cannons)
When you first met, Michael wasn't comfortable with you on seeing his face. He would wear his wore out mask or his Jack o lantern one. When is he ready for you to see his face he'll let you do the honor of taking off his mask.
Michael would, on occasion, pick wild flowers when he's out for you. He would come home with a big boutique of wild flowers he found in the woods.
He would make you a mask as another form of his love for you.
Michael may not look like it, but he deep down he wants to hear the sounds of little feet on the floor one day. He would wonder when the day will come you tell him that you want a baby.
X = X-ray (What's going on in their pants?)
Human: A good size, 7 inches with good girth
Werewolf: Hidden underneath his shaggy fur is a near 10 inches cock with big girth and knot (he won't put all of it in but started half before going in fully when you get used to his size)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive depends on his mood. He would be cranky one day the next day he's horny and uses his look when he wants to rut.
Z = Zzzz.. (..how quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
After a shower and some leftovers, you cuddle up with your man clean clothes and dried you'll drift off to sleep. He'll follow suit when you're asleep and you're doing good after the pounding you got from him.
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redux-iterum · 4 months
Charred Legacy: Chapter Eight
(AO3 counterpart here.)
The Clan saw even less of Bluestar in the following nights. She only came into camp early in the evening and just before dawn—that is, when the kits were in the nursery and asleep. Even then, though, she hardly said anything beyond giving orders or responding to news from Speckletail. Any other attempts at conversation got little more than a grunt or a hum before she plucked some prey and left again.
“Maybe she’s just feeling sick,” Fireheart mused, much more optimistically than he felt.
Greystripe and Ravenwing looked at each other silently. Fireheart chose not to decipher that shared expression.
So it went until one particularly warm night, when Swiftpaw came trotting into camp, his tail bushy and his mouth tight and thin.
“Evening,” Fireheart said as the apprentice passed him. “What’s wrong?”
Swiftpaw glanced around, feet fidgeting, before leaning in and whispering, “Do you know where Bluestar or Speckletail are?”
Fireheart thought for a moment. “…I think Speckletail is on a patrol, and I don’t know where Bluestar is. She wasn’t in her den, last I checked. Why?”
Another furtive look around before a hushed response. “I was out hunting, and I smelled something weird near the neutral grounds. I had to hurry home and ask someone about it.”
Fireheart blinked, also keeping his voice low. “Where’s the rest of your patrol? Why didn’t you ask them about what it was?” At a squirm from Swiftpaw, he sighed in realization. “You were out alone, weren’t you?”
Swiftpaw looked down shamefully.
“We’ve got to stay with each other for right now,” Fireheart murmured in gentle reprimand. “Especially apprentices. I know you’re close to getting your name, but—”
“I’m sorry!” Swiftpaw whispered, a little louder than he perhaps intended, going by his flinch. “I was just hungry, and I wanted to impress Lizardtail, and—”
Fireheart lifted a paw and Swiftpaw clamped his mouth shut. “Here, we can take a patrol out. Can you show us where it was?”
Swiftpaw straightened up immediately. “I– I can.”
Fireheart scanned the population in camp. The cats closest were Teaselfoot, who was grooming his tail, and Dustpelt, who was speaking quietly with his apprentice. Fireheart had a brief moment of uncertainty coiling in his gut—he had never taken the initiative on a patrol before—before pushing past it and padding closer, calling, “Teaselfoot, Dustpelt, Thornpaw!”
The toms looked up simultaneously. 
“Sorry to interrupt.” Fireheart stopped when he was a couple body-lengths from them. “Would you guys mind coming with me and Swiftpaw on a patrol? He smelled something weird out there and he doesn’t know what it is.”
“Something new to you, huh?” Teaselfoot got to his feet. “Well, given the recent news, I’m sure it can only be a good surprise.”
Dustpelt gave Teaselfoot a flat look, responding to Fireheart. “We can go. We should get another warrior, just in case.”
“Three warriors, a near-warrior, and an apprentice should be fine,” Teaselfoot said. “Less cats to keep track of, too.”
“I think we’ll be okay,” agreed Fireheart. “Just for a trip to the border and back.”
Dustpelt perfectly mirrored his apprentice’s frown. “What if we need to fight?”
“Not to be a downer,” Teaselfoot said, “but if it’s one of the dogs, I’m pretty sure not even bringing the entire Clan would help.”
Swiftpaw shivered.
Quickly, Fireheart said, “Well, he didn’t see anything, just smelled it. Whatever it is, it’s likely gone anyway.” He looked to Swiftpaw for confirmation, which he got with a nod, then turned back to the older warriors. “We won’t linger—we’ll just get the scent and go home.”
Dustpelt didn’t look completely convinced, but he rolled a shoulder and stood. “Then let’s go. Thornpaw, you ready?”
Thornpaw straightened up until Fireheart was sure he was going to fall over off the tips of his toes. “Yessir.”
Fireheart dipped his head to Dustpelt gratefully, crooked his tail and turned, leading the party of toms out of camp and into the woods. Once they were all out, Fireheart let Swiftpaw catch up to him and take the lead, sending them north at a smart trot.
“Do we report back to Bluestar or Speckletail?” Teaselfoot asked as they set off. “Who sent us on this patrol?”
“Oh—” Fireheart looked back at him. “I did, sorry. I just, uh…”
“Took initiative?” Dustpelt finished, a light of interest in his eyes.
Fireheart nodded, a bit puzzled by that light. “You don’t think Speckletail will mind, do you?”
“I doubt she’s going to yell at you for taking some cats out on a lazy night.” Teaselfoot waved his tail. “With Bluestar being like she is right now, she’ll probably appreciate any weight off her back.”
“Where is Bluestar, actually?” Swiftpaw asked. “I haven’t seen her since yesterday, and Fireheart said she’s not in her den…”
The toms all glanced at each other, but no one produced an answer.
“She might’ve gone on a walk?” Fireheart offered. “Somewhere near camp, hopefully?”
Dustpelt hummed discontentedly. “She ought to have someone with her, if she’s just walking around. I didn’t see anyone missing that wasn’t on mira’s patrol.”
Thornpaw looked up at his mentor—Fireheart noticed with some amusement that the height difference was decreasing faster than he had expected. “Prra*, who’s that?”
“Speckletail,” Dustpelt replied, his whiskers twitching when Thornpaw reared his head back a bit in surprise. “Did you not know she was my mother?”
“Chrii, you’re an apprentice now!” Teaselfoot chuffed. “How did that escape you?”
“Be fair,” Fireheart chided. “I didn’t know for the longest time, either.”
Teaselfoot shook his head. “You have the excuse of not being born here and having to learn every single family from scratch. Thornpaw’s got Clan blood and Clan smarts.”
Another flat look from Dustpelt. “Are you calling Fireheart stupid?”
“Uh-“ Teaselfoot started, and moved his mouth a couple times, non-words spluttering out. “W- no, just-“ He gave up and lowered his head, looking meekly at Fireheart. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
Fireheart snorted. “Don’t apologize. I know I’m not as smart as all of you. I can barely count.”
“You’ve got your own type of smarts,” Dustpelt said, firm and calm. He spoke to Thornpaw now. “Remember that. Just because you struggle in one thing doesn’t mean you’re dumb with everything else. Everyone’s got something they’re good at, and something they’re bad at.”
Thornpaw nodded gravely with a focused, almost exaggerated frown, like he was using everything he had in him to commit that to memory.
Fireheart said nothing. He was trying to absorb the compliment.
Swiftpaw, still walking next to him, looked tickled. He whispered to Fireheart, “You look a little like an owl that hit its head right now.”
A pause, then his words hit Fireheart’s ears. He shook himself and purred awkwardly, whispering back, “Sorry. Didn’t expect that.”
Swiftpaw had a froggish smirk, but his eyes were kind. He just flicked Fireheart’s haunch with his tail and turned back to their path.
The toms eventually went from a trot to a steady canter, eating up the distance as the night graduated to a dry chill. With the ferns largely dead and the mulch having dissolved into the soil, they had nothing to brush against and their pawsteps almost never made a sound. Fireheart was comforted that they could see a good way farther than usual, and so far there was no scent of dog. Wherever these things were, the warriors (and apprentices) would spot them first and have the home advantage. They’d be fine for now.
“Here!” Swiftpaw abruptly slowed down back into a trot, which the others followed. “Up ahead, over there.”
He stretched out a paw, pointing to a patch of trees that stuck out in a sharp angle where the rest of the forest fell back and waved along politely, not touching the field of the neutral grounds.
As they approached, a scent did indeed hit their noses – somewhat strong, with a unique, oily stink. The smell of saliva, and fresher meat and blood. Fireheart squinted into the dark, catching sight of a dark smear in the grass, shining back the sliver of moonlight.
Immediately, Dustpelt was beside him. He looked between the rest of the patrol, flicking an ear and crouching. Everyone followed suit immediately, a collective nervousness settling over the group. Slowly, as if hunting a mouse, Dustpelt crept forward, holding the tip of his tail up for everyone to stay where they were. Fireheart watched, anxiety growing with each step Dustpelt took as he snuck up to the stained grass. He looked around, ears perked, then stood up and gestured again, this time summoning the others to his side.
“What do you think?” Swiftpaw asked nervously.
Dustpelt tasted the air, then stuck out his tongue and chewed nothing, like he was trying to get something out of his mouth. “That’s dog, alright.”
Teaselfoot grimaced. “Pretty fresh, too.”
Eyes roaming for the scent’s lingering owners, Fireheart investigated the smear. It was definitely blood, and not stale blood, either. “What caused this, do you think?”
Dustpelt looked to his apprentice. “Thornpaw, do you want to try and figure that out?”
The apprentice’s fur went from Frostfur-sleek to Lionface-fluffy, especially around his neck. Marching with straight steps, Thornpaw joined Fireheart. He sniffed at the blood, hazel eyes shining with purpose. After a moment, he looked up again, squinting as his head turned back and forth. His eye caught something as he nearly jumped sideways and pointed with his nose down on the ground, sniffing again. Fireheart craned his neck to see; it was a small tuft of brown fur.
“Rabbit,” Thornpaw announced, rounding to face his mentor. “Th’ate a rabbit here.”
Dustpelt looked at Fireheart, who belatedly realized the cue and nosed the fur himself. “It’s rabbit, yeah. Thank goodness.”
“Ugh, and they made a mess of it.” Teaselfoot wrinkled his nose and said to Swiftpaw, “Did you not see this when you were out here?”
Swiftpaw shook his head. “I just smelled it from a distance and didn’t want to take any chances. I was already alone.”
Dustpelt looked at him sharply. “You were alone? You know we-“
“I already gave him the spiel,” Fireheart said, in an easing tone. “He won’t do it again. Will you, Swiftpaw?”
Swiftpaw shook his head rapidly. “Never. I’ll have someone with me from now on.”
Dustpelt didn’t look particularly satisfied, but he let the matter drop and returned his focus to Fireheart and Teaselfoot. “Then we know it’s dog, and they’re on our border.”
Teaselfoot was poorly hiding his anxiety. “Great, fun. That’ll be a good time.”
“It seems like they don’t have a den,” Dustpelt continued, seemingly to himself. “If they were at the Houses like Bluestar said, and now they’re here…”
Fireheart, in an attempt to be helpful, added the first thought in his mind. “They could be trying to avoid humans.”
He half-expected Dustpelt to immediately and scornfully dismiss him. Instead, the brown tabby tilted his head and gave Fireheart a look of puzzled interest. “Why do you think that?”
“I- well…” Fireheart scrambled mentally for any trail. “Most dogs like humans, but I’ve met a couple that would run from their owners when they’d call for them. Like they didn’t want their fun to stop, so they just went the other way. So… maybe these dogs have a human they’re running from, that could catch them at some point. Or at least get them out of our fur.”
Dustpelt nodded thoughtfully, eyes slightly narrowed in focus.
Teaselfoot cleared his throat. “I mean, that’s possible, but that’d imply we’re going to have to deal with humans, too, if that’s the case. And I don’t know about you, but I’d rather a dog than a human. At least you know what a dog is going to do.”
“Hunt and kill,” Swiftpaw finished. His claws, trembling just a little, flexed and dug into the earth.
Fireheart held back a sigh. “You all don’t need to fear them that much, you know. We haven’t had a single human come into the territory and cause trouble since I came here. And humans aren’t really that bad. Most of them just want to pet you.”
Dustpelt rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I’d love to be pet.”
“It’s not the worst feeling in the world.” Fireheart felt his ears grow warm at the near-baleful look the others were giving him. “I mean, you can live without it, obviously, but I’ve only had positive experiences with humans. I’d trust them more than, like, a fox.” He squinted jokingly at Teaselfoot. “Or a dog.”
“Whatever you say, Fireheart,” Teaselfoot said, squinting back. “You’re the one that went in a car willingly.”
“I didn’t say it was willing!” Fireheart protested. “I just went in one!”
Dustpelt sighed, cutting them both off. “We don’t have to worry about humans right now. We have fresh evidence that a dog was here.”
“Do you think it was all of them?” Swiftpaw asked, tail twitching uneasily.
Dustpelt moved a few steps forward, sniffing the air with a grimace. “Maybe. Teaselfoot, Fireheart, help me here.”
Their argument forgotten, the toms put their noses to the ground and paced about, sniffing. With the blood-and-meat smell, Fireheart’s nose was a bit clogged. Yet, very faintly, the oily scent went slightly more bitter as he moved into the grass that hadn’t straightened back up from presumably being stomped around on.
“I have a different scent,” he said to Dustpelt.
“Me too, over here,” Teaselfoot called, near the furthest tree. “What’s yours smell like, Fireheart?”
“Bitter. Yours?”
“And with the one we’ve already found, that’s at least three,” Dustpelt said from down a ways in the grass. “It’s too muddled out here, I can’t get a specific scent.”
“Stars, three dogs?” Teaselfoot shuddered.
“Or more,” Dustpelt replied. He rejoined the group as Teaselfoot hurried back to them. “We need to get this to Bluestar immediately. Mira if Bluestar’s not there.”
“I agree.” Fireheart glanced back at the evidence before starting off at a trot. “Come on, let’s get out of here before they might decide to come back.”
He was very quickly followed, and as a unit they broke back into a run. Dustpelt caught up to Fireheart, speaking to him in a quiet voice.
“Nicely done on this patrol, by the way,” he muttered. “This couldn’t wait. Thanks for taking me with you—I would’ve wanted to be here, investigating.”
Fireheart, caught off-guard, blinked and nodded. “Sure thing. Hopefully Speckletail doesn’t mind that I just went ahead and did her job.”
Dustpelt’s whiskers twitched. “Trust me, she’ll take all the help she can get.”
 *”Prra”: superior, equivalent to saying “ma’am” or “sir”.
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shrimpalbuspotter · 2 months
Cc dark world au stuff yet again
The relationship between Delphi (whos full name will be Delphini Black) and Albus.
I said In a previous post that Delphi views Albus as a pet. This still stands.
Delphi, unlike her father, was born without any love potion to affect her. She is shown to feel genuine want for a loving father in the play
Delphi IS capable of love! But the love she has for Albus is unlike one you'd have for a child or even a sibling. She sees Albus as a cute little thing, who she can teach to perform tricks and do her bidding. But she does love him, its just more similar to how you'd love a dog you've had since you were just a little kid.
She buys him gifts, I've also mentioned this before, things like expensive jewelry and robes, so that she is seen as more wealthy when she is strutting around on meetings with him (or he is away giving someone a message for her). This is still something reserved for only the richest purebloods who can afford a mudblood (although usually an imprisoned halfblood, as a lot of blood purists hate the idea of a mudblood even being in their sacred home) to have as a servant. Its incredibly expensive and the best job a halfblood slash muggleborn can have. The only difference between them and Albus is that Albus isn't really a servant, and was free
Then, she makes sure he's well groomed. When she was still a teenager she'd sit and prune him for hours, cutting his hair, filing his nails, and making sure he looks clean. To her it was just a bit of fun, but Albus was grateful to even get bathed. From ages 7-10, Albus actually had his hair dyed a bright cyan colour at the tips, but when Delphi turned 18 and "matured" as she called it, she decided it looked stupid and turned it black again. Similarly, she taught him some basic etiquette so as to not look like her pet didn't know how to behave, so he walks and talks like a pureblood when he isn't half way to a panic attack (which is almost all the time)
And there's the fact she dotes on his every move. It had gotten better now she's 22, but when she was 15 she'd make him do all sorts of silly tricks and would instantly order all the human servants to come and look and berate them for not being as talented as her little Munin (the name Albus is given). It got to the point Voldemort had to punish her for continously disrupting them from their work and she threw such a teen Bellatrix esque tantrum Albus had to do 10 whole hours of damage control. Now that she's older she'll mostly just dote on him in private, but she feels all the same. If she's at a ball or its voldemort day, she'll have him do a few tricks on stage for the people.
She tells him everything and doesn't even stop to think "maybe this is a bad idea". Like, you know how you have a long day and you just come home and vent to your dog even though it doesn't understand you? That's what Delphi does. "You wouldn't believe it, Munin. How dare they speak to me like that? Right? It was as if they forgot who I was! I sorted their behaviour out easily, ofcourse, but it still made me angry. Stupid kids... Anywho, i need you to go to Hogwarts and hand this to my Headmaster, Umbridge. Off you go." It's so fucking stupid but Albus is bored out of his mind and just happy to get the gossip, even if Delphi is known for being slightly dramatic.
Speaking of, Delphi is prone to temper tantrums that often lead to something or someone being thrown against a wall or out of a window. Delphi usually crucios people atleast 30 times a day, yet she has only used crucio on Albus around 20 times in the 7 years she has had him. All spread out. But Albus has been physically Injured by her, accident or not. Sometimes he'll simply be standing there and she will go into a huff, throwing a vase at the wall that just so happens to smash against his face. All of his injuries are dealt with almost immediately after. But even then, she usually just resorts to yelling or shouting as a reprimand, grabbing him by the scruff of his feathery cloak and screaming in his ear.
If something were to happen to Albus, like he was greatly injured by another or was given punishment by another, she'd freak out. They'd be avada kedavrad before you knew it. Once, whilst both Albus and Delphi were at Hogwarts, Delphi told Albus he had her permission to go explore. He was caught wandering the school by Umbrdige, and was petrified. He had tried to explain that he had been allowed by Delphi but she simply said "tch tch,I always knew you were a bad sort, child" before going to reprimand him with her wand. That was, until she was spotted by Delphi with her wand to Albus' chest, and by god was she lucky she was useful to the cause or else Delphi wouldn't have let her off with a mere crucio (which she then got punished for by her father. Ugh, take a hint dad!)
On that note- Voldemort and Delphis relationship leans more into the funny haha crack universe this was supposed to be. Because yes, it was originally just Albus being a deadpan dick to everyone and Delphi experiencing lesbianidm.
Delphi acts rather spoiled as a teenager, and takes her role as The Augurey more seriously when she is in her twenties. Delphi was prone to fits of anger where she'd want her fathers attention, and would get it in ways she didn't particularly enjoy, such as crucios. But alas, she was spoiled silly. If Delphi wanted some snot faced preschooler halfblood gone, they'd be found face down in the Black Lake not a day later. If she wanted her very own dungeon to keep Mudbloods in to play with, she'd get that too. And if she wanted to take in the 7 year old son of his newly dead arch nemesis as her pet, he wouldn't be able to think of a reason to oppose. Besides, his daughter would get bored quick as, and he could reunite the boy with his family soon enough.
That day obviously never came. Not that he was upset by the outcome, Albus- or "Munin" as his daughter named him- was a very useful tool indeed. He was incredibly pliant, willing, even when it came to things morally dark. Ofcourse, Voldemort was able to see the boy was truly terrified, but he could applaud the lack of expression on his face that would only slip away when Delphini was around, were the boy would begin jittering and fidgeting much more often than usual. Nevermind that, he was glad his daughter had a confidant as compliant as Munin. They were very rather useful! (Momentarily, he wonders if he would have been able to turn Harry Potter into something similar, but knew the boy was much too stubborn and morally righteous for that. He supposes the apple toppled from the tree and rolled straight down into a well at the bottom of the hill.)
On ANOTHER note... I've been thinking of giving Albus the Augurey skull mask from another au of mine, and rather add a feathered hood to his cloak or make a feathered neck piece similar to a ruff but smaller. Just any type of ruffled collar that protrudes below the chin really. This would make me redo his design as the collar would attach together at a bolo tie then turn into his cape at the back. The skull would be black, because Delphi is extra, and she isnt a fan of the yellowish white colour.
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kangals · 5 months
what does the grooming process look like for stellina and kep?
my 'process" for grooming is very much what i would call 'poor man's dog training':
get a silicone lick-mat
apply peanut butter very generously
slap that bad boy onto the front of the fridge/kitchen appliances at dog eye-level
groom while they're distracted
i start this process day 1 as puppies and continue it through their whole lives. should i actually be putting in the effort to actually train them to stand still and quietly for grooming without the need for food distraction? yes. do i? no i'm lazy.
or if you're asking about like, what grooming i'm actually doing:
hair: i do an all-over brush at least once a week (should do twice but again, lazy and not needed). takes like 20-30 mins. my 'schedule' for brushing is basically this:
Tumblr media
red areas (behind ears, arm/legpits) are high-friction and very prone to matting. these you have to brush out at least once a week, no exceptions, or you will get mats. this is also very sensitive skin so it's good to desensitize them to brushing as much as you can.
yellow areas should be brushed at least once weekly to comb out any tangles and debris, but are less prone to matting.
and then the rest of them i'll brush through but that's about it, that part pretty much never tangles.
i normally just use a pin brush and slicker brush, and a metal comb for the yellow/red areas. sometimes an undercoat rake if they're very sheddy.
collies are 'dry' dogs - they don't really drool, and they don't have the oily waterproof coat that breeds like a lab or hound does, so they're naturally low-odor without much of a 'doggy' smell. i'll bathe every 4-8 weeks depending on what the weather's like and if their skin seems like it's getting cruddy. 2-3 times a year i'll take them to a groomer to have them do a 'deshed' treatment where they really blow out the undercoat, because this makes a huge difference in keeping them comfortable in the heat, and in how much hair i have to vacuum.
for stellina i've also been getting an outline trim (shortening up the yellow areas on the pic with long feathering) in spring and fall, it just keeps things cleaner and it makes a huge difference in the amount of time i have to spend brushing.
feet: i dremel nails every week, same PB-mat method as with brushing. every week is probably overkill but i think it's good desensitization and also i hate long nails on dogs so i'm a bit anal about it. collies tend to get long hair on the feet/between the pads, some people like the 'grinch feet' look but personally i fucking hate it so every 4-6 weeks i just take round-tip scissors and clean them up.
other: the rest i do as needed, e.g. if i see any wax/debris in the ears i'll do a clean with OTC ear cleaner and a cotton ball. one of stellina's eyes tends to be teary, so about once a week i take a warm washcloth and wipe them down to prevent tear stains. and then i vacuum my house weekly, sometimes every 2 weeks if it's not too bad.
honestly i'm writing a lot but what i've listed here is way less than 1 hour a week on average, collies IMO are not particularly high-grooming needs dogs (compared to, say, a doodle or OES that needs daily brushing and regular professional grooming). i find the grooming and hair totally manageable. i honestly prefer dealing with long hair because it tends to clump together on the ground, rather than short hairs that fly and scatter into everything. people tend to see roughs and go 'oh no way too much hair' but like, it is super manageable as long as you've got half an hour at some point each week to brush your dog. i'm very obsessive about my pets being 'neat' and i do fine.
sorry for the incredibly overly-long answer to your very simple ask lmao
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minheelovelee · 7 months
Could you do the smut a-z for jo!!
jo a-z smut
thank you for requesting! i was super excited to work on this. loving loving loving jo so much today.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
gentle giant. he's quite good at aftercare. once he catches his breath, he'll get you whatever you need. bonus points are awarded for round two in the shower or bath.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he likes his partners' hair. grabbing it, pulling it, playing with it. he pulls his partner back by their hair during doggy. put that picture in your mind rq.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
his favorite place to cum is inside your mouth. his partners can rarely fit his entire length inside their mouths. watching them struggle always tips him over the edge and get him shooting ropes.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he is a horny menace and wants to get caught. just once or twice, he wants to be seen with his hands shoved down your pants and teeth on your neck. he doesn't get a lot of credit from his roommates and is always excluded from sexual discourse. he's too shy to say anything, so he speaks with actions. he'll purposely leave the door unlocked while you suck him off. he gets risky with his hands during group activities. he's only seen when he wants to be seen. if you're willing to participate, he would love to get a blowjob in a public bathroom.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
probably has no experience. but, it wouldn't surprise me if he's gotten an accidental handjob or seen boobs a few times.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
something about cowgirl. it does it for him. he likes thrusting up when you're hovering above him. he gets great access to your boobs and neck.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he gets into his head and comes off as serious. he takes sex seriously and values his partners. he tries to laugh off little mistakes or mishaps. otherwise, sex with him is extremely intimate and special.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i feel like he doesn't shave. maybe he does a little taming, but he would never go bald. he would feel too naked while being naked.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
sex is very important to him. he doesn't tread lightly and he likes to set clear boundaries. he's always asking questions on how to pleasure you. even when you're too shy to respond, he reads body language well and learns from mistakes. he's a terrible fwb.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
secretly, he's such a horn dog. he has to jack off at least 5 times a week. there's a lot of pent up energy and emotion within jo, it could very well express itself through his sexuality.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
size kink. his size kink is crazy. he was blessed with a giant body and he's learning to use it well. he doesn't realize it's something that turns him on until he meets someone really small who he wants BAD. when his mind drifts into thoughts of their small, tight body, he realizes why he's down so bad. "small girl big cock" is his most recent porn search.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
he likes somewhere with a little risk. the couch always gets his heart pumping. he likes the bathroom, too. when his friends pound on the door asking him to hurry up... poor boy hasnt even touched the shower yet. he was too busy eating you out against the counter.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you wear his clothes.
seeing you be assertive or confident.
jealousy/when other people look at his girl.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he's quite risky, but i think he draws the line at non-con. cnc could be negotiated.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he's 50/50 on the giving/receiving spectrum. he LOVES eating pussy. any position, anywhere.
but receiving... he loves loves loves getting head too. shoving himself down someone's throat is the highlight of his week. especially if they choke a little.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
i think he switches it up. he either takes his time with a slowwwww pace, or likes things quick and dirty.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he's not big on quickes. but i will say, the second he finds himself alone with you, his hands are immediately tangled in your hair.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
hes actually a very brave boy when he gets comfortable with sexual encounters. a little exhibitionism never hurt. he's a "go with the flow" kind of guy, so he never says no to something his baby wants to try.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he actually has great stamina. he's okay for 2-3 rounds, and would go all day if he was in the mood.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he doesn't own any. he likes restriction, but he has the strength to hold you back himself. he might find himself owning a gag at some point.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he is such a lover. teasing isn't a big thing for him. but, he is firm when it comes to punishment and following through on his word. if he says you're not cumming tonight, you're not cumming tonight. sorry.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he's not loud, but he makes a lot of noise. if that makes sense. he's always asking questions and looking for ways to make sex more pleasurable for the other party. a very sweet boy who talks a little and groans a lot.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
loves seeing you in his clothes. wearing his shirts or sweatpants is a sure way to get his attention. some of his fondest sexual memories consist of you wearing his clothing.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
his cock is huge. just trust me. those long legs, arms, and fingers can only mean one thing.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
jo is a very nice boy who always respects boundaries. when he's in a relationship, he is horny ALL the time. like im not kidding its weird. he gets possessed by a sex demon when his significant other is around.
overall, his sex drive is above average. he's just really good at hiding it from people he's not fucking.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
jo likes snuggling after sex. he's bound to fall asleep. he does so much work during sex, there's no way he isn't exhausted. i'd give him thirty minutes before he's conked out.
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