#Why is grooming important for a dog?
petdogs · 10 months
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How do you groom a dog at home?
Though it might seem like an unneeded luxury, regular care of your dog's fur, ears, nails, and teeth avoids painful and expensive health issues that may require a doctor. Grooming also keeps your dog smell-free and looking wonderful. Professional groomers handle many pet owners' chores; nevertheless, this can be expensive, and there might not be enough groomers in the vicinity. The good thing is that you can do some or all of the required grooming duties at home if you have the requisite patience, practice, and lots of praise and goodies. Read Here...
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nezz-cringe-crib · 5 months
growing up is realizing that dipcifica was actually a pretty damn good ship and holy shit i totally misjudged this pairing.
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i never really liked dipcifica mainly because of how it got represented by the fandom, but looking back on it, it would've made a lot of sense and it would've been beneficial for both of them to date each other. and even in a completely platonic sense, their dynamic worked well enough that they could've done a lot more together.
dipper is a very nerdy awkward guy, clearly. he likes solving mysteries and sometimes he gets a little in over his head because of it. and his silly little awkward teenage love life reflects all of these things. that little shrimp was disney's #1 simp, it's actually insane. whenever he'd start to fall for a girl it'd end up going pretty terribly because he'd have no idea how to just act like himself and he'd also become a little bit of a jerk. (i'm not trying to like dog on dipper btw. he's just a kid and these are all understandable flaws, especially at his age and at the time period gravity falls took place in). however, with pacifica, a lot of these flaws are manageable solely because of how they're introduced to each other. dipper hates pacifica at first and wants nothing to do with her, but eventually they're forced to work together and realize "huh. we actually make a really good team." for dipper, this gradual building of a relationship is really beneficial to him. he wouldn't just go head-first into simping for some random girl and he'd also learn to respect her as a person and realize when he's being a little bit of a dick. being with pacifica, platonically or romantically (though personally i think romantically would strengthen their pros more but thats just my personal taste), would've helped dipper become a better person.
this goes for pacifica as well. pacifica's homelife is extremely controlling and it's what groomed her into becoming the mean girl that she's first presented as. as the show continues though, it's clear that she doesn't really want to be mean to anybody. she only acts spoiled because she doesn't know what else she can act like. she wants to connect to people but she's been so forced into this fake rich life that she has no idea how to be genuine with anybody. that's why her having a connection to dipper is so important. dipper is a little blunt, and he especially won't hide that from pacifica because he initially hates her and her family's lifestyle, so this'll eventually help pacifica realize "oh shit. i'm kind of a dick. my family are kind of huge dicks." and we do end up seeing this from her in "Northwest Mansion Mystery". she learns how to be herself, learns who "herself" even means, and learns to stand up for who she is when she figures that out. also pacifica's pretty damn smart???? especially socially???? she could absolutely help dipper do a lot of things when it comes to mystery solving, and with her status it'll most likely be things that dipper could never pull off and never even thought about because that's just what he's used to. they'd both end up learning a lot from each other because they'd be dragged into environments that they're not familiar with, but the other is. and their different perspectives/lifestyles would help the other view their environment in a new light.
not only is their relationship genuinely really beneficial to the both of them, but i also just know that their dialogue and scenes with each other would be so damn silly i can't not say yes to it anymore. i also just personally like headcanoning them both as bisexual so that's a plus for me.
anyways, tldr: i was wrong about dipcifica and its actually really good, i just think people should really analyze their relationship more since the way the fandom presents it (or how ive personally seen the fandom present it) is a little icky and shallow at least in my opinion. yay for dipcifica being silly little goobers :3
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atticollateral · 6 months
squealing about this boop function. I literally made a sound akin to a squeaky toy. it brings me much joy. the cat paws. the animation. oh. oh. joy. i've never felt such joy in my life. in the same vein,
cat fun facts! (cat pics at the end)
Cat whiskers are immensely sensitive, about as sensitive as human fingertips! Cats use their whiskers to feel things around them and their face. Cats can actually get a type of information overload, called whisker fatigue, from their whiskers touching too many things/being touched too often, which is why it is recommended to use wide, flatter feeding + water dishes for your cats, and to avoid touching their whiskers unnecessarily.
Cat Paws have 3 types of Beans (paw pads)! Digital, Metacarpal and Carpal pads. The metacarpal pad is located in the center of the paw, the digital pads are located upon their main four toes, and the carpal pad is located on the staff of the cat's paws/legs (often referred to as their thumbs!) They also have what is called a "dew claw", located on the inner side of the front paws (which is more like a thumb if you ask me.) Cats also usually have 18 toes, but many cats have more than just 18. (usually when dew claws are present on the back paws)
Cat Paw Pads are also absorbent of shock and sound, and can feel texture, pressure and temperature! It's important to make sure your fluffy friend's paw pads aren't overgrown with fur, as this can affect their grip and effectiveness. (Most cats can do this themselves via grooming, but some cats can't!)
Cat's Ears have 36 muscles in the outer ear! (while we humans only have 6). They can rotate up to a full 180 degrees, helping cats pinpoint the location of sounds. Cats can amplify sound waves between 2,000 and 6,000 hertz, and can hear sounds up to 62 kHz, which is 1.6 octaves above humans, and 1 octave above that of a dog. Cats are wonderful creatures! We're very lucky to have them as our companions. If you have a fluffy friend, give 'em a lil pat for me, for being such an amazing creature. And, as a treat, here are some of my fluffy friends. (1 and 2) The late Ms. Mojo Catface, (grey cat in 3,4,5,6) Mr. Spyro Needlepaw and (black cat in 3,5,7) Kitka Meowski, The Russian Queen of Day Drinking Vodka.
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crystallinestars · 5 months
If They Were Your Pet Cat (Part 3)
This won the poll, so here is part 3. My HCs on what Gepard, Ratio, Dan Heng, and Sampo would be like as your pet cat.
I don't know what I'm doing anymore
Links to previous parts:
Part 1 (Genshin)
Part 2 (Aventurine, Argenti, Jing Yuan)
🛡️ Norwegian Forest cat
🛡️ Gepard is the most dog-like cat you have ever met. Much like a dog, he sees you off when you leave your house, and greets you when you return. He enjoys playing fetch more than chasing after a string, since it fetch gives him more of a workout. He’s also easy to train to perform tricks since he understands and obeys commands quickly. If you wanted, you could bring him to cat agility tournaments and do fairly well in the competition.
🛡️ He is incredibly loyal to you. While he’s welcoming and accepting of your loved ones and lets them pet him, he only listens to you. He doesn’t obey their commands the way he does yours. He might comply if your relative gave him an order to come here, but won’t do tricks and such for them. If you tell him to come here, roll over, play dead, etc… Gepard will comply without hesitation. He’s that trusting and loyal towards you.
🛡️ While to you Gepard appears harmless, in reality, he’s a force to be reckoned with, even for a house cat. If he sees you welcome someone into your home, he assumes the person is important to you, so he welcomes them in turn, albeit with some initial suspicion. That’s why he’s so accepting of your loved ones. However, if someone enters uninvited, especially if it’s someone he doesn’t know, Gepard won’t hesitate to growl and threaten the person to leave. His fur stands on end to make him look larger, and his teeth and claws are bared, showing that he means business. It’s usually enough to discourage anyone from trespassing. If not, then he’ll alert you with a loud yowl if you’re home, or go in for an attack. Furthermore, if someone makes you uncomfortable in your own home, Gepard senses your discomfort and is immediately at your side, ready to attack if the other person tries anything. He has no reservations about using his claws and teeth for the sake of protecting his owner.
🛡️ Due to his long and thick coat, Gepard requires regular grooming. Based on the somber expression on his cute little muzzle, you can tell he doesn’t enjoy being bathed and groomed, but he soldiers through it without struggle or complaint. As mentioned previously, he’s very loyal and trusting of you, so he understands that what you’re doing to him is not dangerous and is for his own benefit. Giving him praise about how much of a good boy he’s being, seems to help warm him up to the process.
🛡️ While he’s not a huge fan of being pet, but if you spend some time gently petting his head or brushing his fur, he will relax and accept the attention. He purrs and kneads at whatever is under him, clearly enjoying the experience. You try to give him gentle pets as a reward for waiting for you to come home and keeping watch of the house, and it works to deepen your bond with him.
🛡️ He’s vocal when with you. Gepard often communicates with you via chirps and low meows, using them as a means of calling you over for something. When you leave something cooking on the stove and forget about it, Gepard smells smoke and meows at you to come over and take care of it. If you haven’t unloaded the washing machine for a while, he calls on you to let you know its done. He just wants to help his owner stay on track.
🛡️ Once the two of you settle into a daily routine, Gepard expects you to maintain it. He’ll be unhappy if the pattern is broken. If you oversleep, Gepard is there to wake you up. He’ll meow and walk all over you until you get up and feed him. It’s great for when you sleep past you alarm since it prevents you from being late to work/school, but it’s not so fun on the weekends… Similarly, Gepard expects you to go to bed at the same time every night. He’s used to going to bed together with you, so if you stay up late, he’ll sit nearby and glare at you, tail twitching in dissatisfaction. If you don’t get his hint to abandon everything and head to bed already, then he’ll quietly meow to get your attention.
📘 Is a Bengal
📘 Ratio is an extremely intelligent cat, but he has a nasty attitude. He’s very prideful and stubborn, and despite your attempts to discipline and train him, he refuses to bend to your will. If anything, you’re the one bending to his. He’s not a troublemaker, but if you piss him off enough, Ratio can resort to knocking items off shelves or swatting at your face (with claws retracted, thankfully) in retaliation. If you scold him for his behaviour, he simply glares at you with his ears flattened to his head and tail flicking, as if daring you to say more. Everything about his body language screams he will swat you in the face if you say another word.
📘 If he messes up big time, such as breaking something important or accidentally nicking you with his claws, then Ratio accepts the scolding with a guilty expression. The flicking of his tail indicates he’s not happy to sit through your verbal lashing, but he’s smart enough to understand that what he did was bad for you. Despite his prideful attitude, the feline doesn’t want to cause you too much trouble, or so you like to think.
📘 You find out that Ratio is unusually intelligent for a cat soon after adopting him. He enjoys playing with cat toys that serve as a puzzle he must solve to get a treat. Ratio also observed how you open doors, and devised his own methods of opening them despite not having hands. He also likes to sit beside you on the bed or desk when you read books, in particular textbooks. As a cat, there’s no way he knows how to read, but you frequently catch him staring intently at the pages. It’s a mystery as to what is going through his mind during those moments, but it sometimes unnerves you how he seems to be studying the images. Aside from books, Ratio also enjoys watching TV, especially if it’s a documentary where he can observe various animals. He’s smart enough to know that what’s on TV is not in real life. If you bring something new home, Ratio takes time to thoroughly sniff and inspect whatever that something may be. He’s very curious and enjoys interacting with new things. That said, he also requires a lot of exercise. He’s a large and muscular cat for his breed, and requires ample space and playtime to run around and burn off excess energy.
📘 Despite being a cat, Ratio considers himself your equal, if not your superior. Back when you first got him, you had placed some cat food into a bowl on the floor for him while you sat at the table to eat. Ratio had expressed a clear dislike for this arrangement, climbing onto the table and angrily meowing at you. You expect him to eat kibble off the floor like a common cat, while you eat a freshly cooked meal at the table? Absolutely not. Know your place, human. After several consecutive sessions like that where he angrily yowled at you for constantly shooing him off the table, Ratio now eats at the table with you. He always waits to eat together with you, so if you skip on a meal or are late to eat, he’ll make his dissatisfaction with you known.
📘 On the topic of food, Ratio dislikes eating cheap cat food. He likes healthier cat food brands which usually end up being more expensive, but he especially likes it if you cook his meal yourself. Some cooked chicken, fish, or seafood make him a very happy cat. He’s a spoiled cat.
📘 Ratio dislikes loud noises, so if you have noisy guests over, he will usually hide. He developed a habit of sticking his head inside a small paper bag you had lying around, and wearing it on his head until the guests leave. You’re unsure if he’s trying to block out the noise or trying to hide, but one thing for certain is that he becomes very upset if you remove the paper bag from his head. The bag must stay.
📘 Ratio typically isn’t into being pet or cuddled, so such occasions with him are rare. He does, however, enjoy it when you scratch under his chin. He tends to close his eyes and purr when you lightly scratch under his chin. Another time he allows you to touch him freely is during baths. Ratio is probably the first cat you’ve ever met that loves baths. He seems to always be eager to hop into the tub and soak in the warm water. He lets you clean his body without complaint, seeming to enjoy the pampering. He’s patient while you dry and brush him, but he expects you to do a good job of grooming his fur. If you’re gentle enough with the brush, he might lean into it and purr in enjoyment.
Dan Heng:
🐉 Is a Dragon Li (I had to)
🐉 Dan Heng is a reserved cat. He prefers to spend time alone, away from the chatter and activity of people. You can often find him sitting by a window, pensively staring outside at the world beyond the glass. You can only wonder what he’s thinking about with such a somber expression. What kind of troubles do cats have on their minds?
🐉 If you have guests over, then Dan Heng hides. He dislikes crowds and loud noises, you’ve noticed. It’s rare for him to come out of hiding to meet guests. If he does, he tends to keep his distance and peers over the corner at whoever you have invited. Once his curiosity has been sated, he’ll leave without interacting with your guest at all.
🐉 Dan Heng is pretty antisocial, but he’s more amicable around you. While he doesn’t humor your guests when they try to play with him, when you’re the one dangling the cat toys or laser, Dan Heng engages in play with you. He also lets you get away with more than you think. He tolerates it when you play with his paws or rub his belly, even though he doesn’t actually like it. You’re also the only one he allows to pick him up.
🐉 Despite purchasing him a cat bed, Dan Heng doesn’t sleep in it. He acts a bit awkward around it, as if not knowing if it’s for him or not. He prefers to sleep on the floor, usually on a comfy rug. With some time and patience, you can coax him to sleep on your bed but know that he won’t snuggle up to you. Dan Heng will keep some distance between you and will lay at your feet. Even then, he’ll only lay on your bed if you’re settling in to sleep. During the day, he still naps on the floor.
🐉 Sometimes, you notice Dan Heng’s legs twitch and ears flatten when he sleeps, his fur standing on end as if he were terrified of something in his dreams. You’re uncertain if cats can have bad dreams, but Dan Heng’s reaction makes you think he’s having a nightmare. He seems dazed when he wakes from such episodes, and you wonder if he dreamed about something horrible from his days when he was a stray. You try to comfort him through these episodes by checking in on him and speaking gently, which seems to help calm him down. He follows you around for a bit after that, as if wanting to remain in your presence for a bit longer.
🐉 Despite how aloof Dan Heng is, you still know he cares about your well-being. If you’re having a bad day, he softens up to you. As if sensing your sadness, he comes out of hiding and remains by your side, sometimes even lying on your lap or chest. He allows you to pet and cuddle him if you need the comfort, and stays with you until you feel better. If you take medication, Dan Heng reminds you to take it on time if you forget.
🐉 Dan Heng keeps himself quite clean, and only needs an occasional bath and claw trim from you to keep him in perfect condition. He's surprisingly tolerant of baths. You thought he might struggle and run, but Dan Heng calmly handles the entire bathing process without so much as a peep. If you make fun of him for looking like a wet cat, Dan Heng will give you the most unamused look you’ve ever seen from a cat, and proceed to give you the cold shoulder for the rest of the day.
💣 Korat breed
💣 Cats are renowned for how quietly they walk, to the point their owners don’t hear them approach. It’s an amazing skill, yet somehow, Sampo manages to surpass the average cat in terms of stealth. While most cats still make noise when they accidentally knock something over when walking along cluttered surfaces or running around the house, Sampo doesn’t. He’s silent and careful about the way he moves, putting his feline brethren to shame. This skill of his comes at a detriment, however. You don’t hear him trail behind you when you do chores at home, and sometimes trip over him or step on his tail on accident. Sampo still hasn’t forgiven you for squashing his tail.
💣 He's a very intelligent and mischievous cat. Sure, he can do tricks in exchange for treats like a dog, but his intelligence goes far beyond that. Back when you first got him, there was a time when you were having dinner and Sampo came up to you and started to rub himself against your legs. He was very responsive when you leaned down to pet him, purring up a storm as you cooed at him. You were so engrossed with how cute and affectionate Sampo was acting, that you didn’t mind when he climbed up onto your lap for more affection. That was your mistake. While you were distracted with petting him, the furry scoundrel took the opportunity to snatch some food off your plate and made a run for it.
💣 He tried to use the same trick on you again, but it didn’t work a second time. However, he uses it fairly often on your guests. Despite your warning to not fall for his false charms, Sampo always manages to win your guests over and then unceremoniously yoinks their food from their plates when they least expect it. He has now been banned from the dining area when guests are over.
💣 Sampo has proven his cunning in other ways, too. Since the same tactic doesn’t work on you twice, the little furball devised another plan. He learned that you respond very effectively to his calls of distress, and so now when you have a meal, he goes into another room in the house and yowls in the most pitiful manner you have ever heard. His distressed meows make you abandon your food in favor of searching for your cat, concerned that something might be wrong with him. While you’re busy searching for him, Sampo slinks past you to where you were eating. By the time you come back after a fruitless search, you discover that half your food has gone missing.
💣 Sampo’s antics don’t end there. Once when you came home, you found your pantry raided and fridge open and emptied. The culprit was none other than your feline fiend of a pet—Sampo. You can’t fathom how, but he figured out how to open the fridge, among other types of doors. Of course, you gave him the scolding of a lifetime. He immediately started begging for your forgiveness by rubbing against your legs and staring at you with his big, green eyes as if begging you to not be angry at little ol’ Sampo. Despite sucking up to you, Sampo continued to steal food from the pantry, but in smaller quantities this time to not get caught. You still caught him in the act, though, and now have locks on all your cabinets and fridge to keep him out.
💣 Aside from food theft and manipulation, Sampo also has a habit of collecting various knickknacks around the house. He squirrels away anything that catches his fancy and that isn’t securely stored away where he can’t get into. He keeps his “treasures” in a small nook where he suspects you won’t find them, such as under your bed, behind the couch, or in a cluttered spot inside the closet. You only discover his secret stash when you do a deep cleaning of your home. There, in the dusty corner, are your missing hair ties, jewelry, candy wrappers, random string and other junk that you lost track of long ago. Sampo will be very upset if you confiscate these items.
💣 You can’t force Sampo to do something he doesn’t want. If you want bathe him and he hears the water running in the tub, he vanishes without a trace. If it’s time to go to the vet and he sees you get out the cat carrier, he disappears like smoke. He’s right next to you one moment, and then gone the next. No amount of “pspsps” or cat treats will coax him out of hiding. You can even turn the entire place upside down and still not find him.
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verinarin · 8 months
𝐂𝐨𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟𝐬
angst with comfort | he didn’t come today, you don’t miss him do ?
an. Miss me ?, I hope you do miss me since this is my first full fledged angst I write for Ratio, I hope you guys enjoy ! ヽ(;▽;)
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art by @/hsgbisuw on twt
It was a calm day, too calm for your liking. Usually at this precise second Veritas Ratio would knock on your doors with all of his might and glory, how could he not ?. You were doomed to be woven into his research by the looms of fate, yet he’s not here.
He was never late before, likewise he was also never early. Right at 12 o’clock he would knock on your door, yet he isn’t, not today. Why ? you asked yourself. It is unnatural for you to let that man live in your head rent free, yet he broke something constant between you both. zAs much as you hate how better his thesis compares to yours, his gentle scoffs as he oversees your draft, you can’t help but to respect the candid fellow or at least respect his dreams and values.
Missing him however was not on your list, you don’t hold any fondness towards him, just respect. Only respect, or at least that’s what you like to convince yourself of. Yet your actions spoke differently, from staring at your phone, waiting for an explanation for his absence, staring at the clock. Patiently counting how long it has been since his supposed arrival, yet he never came.
The clock strikes at 8 in the evening, it is sufficient to say that he’s not coming, you wanted to text him for a reschedule or to simply ask his whereabouts but you didn’t. Since there’s no need to do so, he has shown his resolve by his actions. Perhaps you bore him so he decided to substitute you for another brilliant mind, no harm no foul, you thought.
As you stood up from your desk to pack your belongings, a twist on your door knob could be heard, that means that the person behind the door must've had important matters to attend to you since they skipped the courtesy to knock on your door, at this hour nonetheless.
Once you turned your gaze towards the door, low and behold Veritas Ratio with all of his flaws full on displayed for you, his usually groomed hair, now damp as well as the rest of his clothes, he looks like a wet dog you thought, “I’m quite late aren’t I ?,” he chuckled as he brushed through his wet hair.
“What brings you here ?, it is well past our usual schedule,” you walked towards him with a concerned look on your face, he let out a small chuckle as he made himself comfortable on your couch.
“Well excuse my late arrival, I had matters to attend to,” he replied vaguely, not wanting to disclose whatever it was he was attending.
“It is best for you to not come at all, it’s already late for us to start our thesis,” you sat beside him as you examined his whole stature, his breathing patterns are erratic, it contradicts his usual calm pattern.
“I’m not here to talk about our little project I’m afraid,” oh that’s new !, you felt a sudden rush through your body, in a way your flight or fight sense has been activated.
“Oh ?, so why the sudden visit ?,” you asked, gazing straight at his face, his sharp features glistening beautifully underneath the moonlight, the sight would leave anyone who gazed upon in breathless, yourself included but he didn’t need to know that of course.
“Do you not miss me ?, or search for me at all ?, are you not concerned with my wellbeing ?,” he asked calmly as he looked towards you, like a deer caught in headlights you freeze.
That was not a reply you were hoping, it was a trap.
Now your mind starts to isolate itself into a total state of seclusion, ignoring the man beside you, riddled with his own inquisitive mind pondering the answers to his question.
Did you miss his companion ? perhaps.
Did you search for him ?,you did ask Aventurine about his whereabouts, but he doesn’t need to know that.
Are you concerned with his well being ?, you might have. Proven by the fact that you had to physically restrain yourself from searching for him.
“No, I do not care about you that much I’m afraid, we’re just colleagues after all,” you lied, for reasons you can’t disclose. He simply scoffs as he folds his arms together; a self pitying laughter could be heard seconds afterward.
“I see, then can you perhaps prove your claims,” he smiles.
His expression, so sincere and true that it scares you to a certain degree. You’re horrified how easily he steps inside your heart. With just a mere smile he could do that, how gruesome.
“Sure, let’s get this over with,” you replied and with that he leaned closer towards your ear, you could hear your own heartbeat, matching his erratic pace. Scary you thought as you sealed your lips shut.
“Are you perhaps familiar with the term Cognitive Dissonance,” his voice lures you, dangerously so to the truth. The truth you weren’t prepared to disclose nor acknowledge.
“Yes, but I don’t see how it connects to whatever it is you want me to prove,” you reply, trying to move on from his argument. As though lost in the middle of the sea, he’s getting close to the shore and you’re not sure if you want him to step on land or to drown.
“You see,” he whispered as his hand tipped your chin forward to meet his eyes, “Your actions contradicts your beliefs, it’s uncomfortable is it, am I getting too close ?, physically or perhaps psychologically ?,” he did it, he really did step foot on uncharted territories.
“Too close, there’s a thin line between us that you’re stepping on Veritas,” you whispered back hoping he would give up on whatever conquest he’s currently embark upon. Yet he dares step closer, leans as close as he could get without scaring you away.
“Is that so ?, would you let me walk to the other side ?,” he asked, his voice as gentle as it could be, in contrast to how stern it used to linger on your ears.
“I-i—” not a single thought could form in your mind, the things he implied. You’re scared to misinterpret the situation, making yourself a fool in front of him.
“Don’t think, feel. Would you let me cross to the other side ?,” he whispers in which it successfully breaks you from your trance.
He reached at your hand, guiding it against his own beating heart as his forehead rested on yours. You could feel his palpitation, his warmth, his sincerity.
You could feel him, not perceive him anymore.
You feel him with all of his sincerity and tenderness.
“Do you miss me ?,” he asked again, patiently waiting for your answer while his lips graze slightly onto yours.
“Yes, I do miss you, Veritas, ”
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frenchgremlim1808 · 7 months
Why Midori is such a breath of fresh air or how to actually write a Villain.
So the awaited essay, the winner of the FrenchGremlin polls of laziness finally has come! It took some time but it’s finally over. If your choice didn’t get chosen that’s okay! I’ll repost a new poll with old and newer options. Please reblog this one i put a lot of time in it, it's like, five pages long over a silly goose. Also sorry for the grammar i sucks and i'm not native. So let’s begin:
(also here is the link to the video format)
So first let’s make things clear, What IS a villain?
“A villain is a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.” That is why I do want to make a difference between a villain and an antagonist, an antagonist is a character who are a plot devices that creates obstruction to the protagonist. That means that a villain is forced to be an antagonist while an antagonist is not forced to be a villain. For example shin is an antagonist but not a villain, he is driven by selfish desires which are themselves fueled by fear anger and loss, he is the protagonist of his own story and is a sympathetic character despite it all, and Midori is just a bitch. Midori falls under multiple stereotypes of villains. Such as “the mastermind”, “evil incarnate” (lmao),”related to the protagonist” etc. Midori is evil, there is no denying in this, he is purely evil, and he doesn’t have a sad weepy backstory, he doesn’t feel empathy towards other, he is a despicable piece of shit who ruined so many lives. I won’t list everything but here is a list of his crimes, murder, assault, domestic abuse, grooming, verbal abuse, and torture, crimes against humanity lmao, stalking, violent crimes, and participation in a cult. And his worst crime is being a pussy bitch of course. So now that we have put the bases up let’s really begin.
Hollywood has a hate boner against villains and I hate them for that.
Recently Hollywood decided that pure evil bad guys is actually a bad thing, so now they decided to do stupid side story with them, to give them ”””depth””” since I guess how could we like those villains since they are bad. A great example of this is the Disney remakes which I loathe so much oh god I hate them. So first they did a maleficient it was okay honestly, then they did a freaking cruella movie where her mom gets killed by Dalmatians, that’s not a joke, in the peter and wendy movie that nobody saw they decided to have made the captain hook be a lost boy who was abandoned by the lost boys and peter, oh also they decided that PETER CUT HIS HANDS OFF AND LEFT HIM TO DIE BECAUSE HOOK WANTED TO SEE HIS FAMILY. They are going to do a freaking mufasa movie, in no time I can’t wait to have a Ursula movie where it’s discovered that ariel killed all of her family in cold blood or something’s. So you might say what’s the problem? I mean isn’t that supposed to make the story more interesting. No, no it doesn’t, because first they take all of the character personality traits and throw them in the bin, second they are supposed to be the vilain in a musical animated movies, I am not against complex villain, I love them, but by doing this, the original character doesn’t exist anymore. Just create original content with new interesting characters instead of doing stuff like this. Also it’s kind of funny than in all of those interpretation they take all the fun and sucks it out, what do I mean by fun, the gayness, Disney vilain are fun because they are camp, they are fabulous extravagant extra in all the ways possible, and that’s the reason we liked them. Not every character needs something super deep, like “my family was burned down at the stake and my dog was eaten by my ex”, sometimes we just like bad fun people, they are the story, and Hollywood hating them so bad just bothers me a lot. Also now the new thing is to not have a villain at all which can works in some narrative but not all of them, it gets boring after a while. In the past people were angry that villains are bland, but now I kind of miss it. While I will critique villains who have no purpose outside of being evil that’s dumb, like for example Voldemort is bland like white bread because his only motivation is being evil, but evil people do exist compared to what some Hollywood writers think, they should know. So that’s why I will put a difference between evil villains and villains whose only purpose is being evil; we loved Disney villains but they still had motivations, goals, reasons that to them a least were worth everything. World domination isn’t enough, why do you want world domination, what is the true reason deep in your heart, is it an inferiority complex, is it a savior complex fuelled by xenophobic beliefs.
That is how to write a pure evil villain, evil people exist all over the world, but I have never seen one who doesn’t have they own reasons to be so bad, it doesn’t excuse their actions nor really explains them. We do not want justifications we want explanations. If you are justifying evil behavior then do it, but don’t claim that it is a pure evil character. A pure evil character can be fun, can be interesting, he can be deep, it’s all about balancing all of their traits to truly make them greats. Which is why midori succeeds while current villains fail. Current stupid remake/spin off try to justify the behavior because they feel like this is what the audience wants, but it’s not what we need. So I will defend to the grave evil villains.
Creating an evil villain doesn’t make them boring guys.
Why the heck does big budget movies have either the blandest protagonist or the blandest villains sometimes both, like I said evil people do exist but comically evil character only works in satire not in a serious multiple millions of dollar movie. Example that boring ass avatar movie, the one with blue people, none of the characters are interesting the villain is one note. The lords of the rings also suffers from that, but I don’t care because the protagonist are so awesome that sauron being personality less doesn’t matter. Also sauron is more of a force of nature villains so it’s not the same. The recent kingsman movie has a bland one note villain, there is nothing entertaining, funny, about him he’s just evil, borrrrring. Every Disney remakes depiction of the characters are boring. I just feel bored out of my mind. Atla one of my favorite shows of all time has a main villain that’s kinda one note, Ozai, but he is actually intimidating guy, azula is the superior character, but I wouldn’t consider her a villain she is an antagonist though. I honestly don’t get why Hollywood thinks that just creating a character with no personality and whose only goals is to be evil is good.
So back to midori for a second, here is my question, when midori was on screen did you ever feel bored? Never right! Because despite midori being an evil character he has an actual personality, he’s fun, you want to punch him in the balls. Because midori has other personality traits than evil, midori is petty, childish, extremely intelligent, controlling, a natural manipulator, he is a trickster, he doesn’t seem to get some social norms, he is narcissistic, easily angry, and fears death etc See how I counted a lot of traits, traits that in other character would works, midori has positive traits, and I think that is the best thing nankidai could have ever done, midori has traits that a regular person could have. Which is why if I put midori in any settings his character would work.
Example, instead of a death game the cast is under the sea to discover the insane wildlife and supernatural stuff happening, what would midori do in this situation? Well he would very passionate about finding all of what’s happening, he’ll do anything to find out, even sometime sacrificing others, not only will he try to find what’s happening, but he is also going to try to find a way to make this discovery favour him in the end. Or let’s imagine it’s a vampire situation, where a vampire attacks  the city, midori would try to stop it, not because he cares, but to experiment on them to get their biology and finds the real secret of immortality since he fears death.
Here is my second advice, after creating your character try to imagine them in another completely different situation, like normal life, or a fantasy world, ask yourself the question what would they do in that environment? If you can find a real complete explanation of their actions then yes your character has multiples dimensions if not try thinking about it again. Some example of questions I do want to point out are some like “if my character had all the power in the world what would they do first or”, “if my character had only a day left to live what would they do”
Why is Current media incapable of creating good threats like bruhhhh.
Okay so first of all let’s talk about stakes in a story, let’s say you are watching a slasher movie, slowly the cast gets slimmed down and people die in horrible ways, that should set stakes right ? Well if the villain is an absolute buffoon who makes the stupidest actions and decisions in the world, you wouldn’t feel intimidated at all because despite what the filmmaker might try to say the plot armor will NEVER make a character intimidating. It’s just like a detective character who just seems to know everything without a thought, well you won’t really fear the character failing. Worse is the the final girl, who is for some reason always escaping the slasher guy by pure luck every time, she is shown as incompetent but still she survives, which make the villain seem completely incapable so now you feel nothing.
To avoid this filmmaker often use techniques such has unpredictability, I mean good I mean good ones, for example instead of immediately seeing whose going to survive because the black guys always dies first and the virgin white woman is the last survivor, change the status quo, make us think that this character is obviously safe while they actually aren’t at all. Or actually make them menacing by SHOWING to the audience how horrible dangerous they can be. Which is why SHOW DON’T TELL is so important, telling us how dangerous someone can be only to see them get beaten to death at the end of the movie makes us feel nothing.
Midori felt like a impossible person to beat, he is smart, had twenty plans in advance, even in situation where the cast felt like they might have a chance he was always armed, just like the gun he promised to use or the rocket punch. When they felt like they were finally advancing, he put obstacle in their ways, such as the collar game or the moment he put the collar on explode mode for  ranmaru. The entire point in the murder game was to make time pass, it took a long time for the cast top realize that this whole time they were losing precious time not realizing that the dummies were the real problem. The characters that made you feel the most hopeless were the dummies, if you won by killing midori they would die, but if you lost you might lose people you love (keiji or gin). It felt hopeless because they were no solutions in the end. That creates tension so that creates stakes. If we were told how dangerous unpredictable sou was then it wouldn’t hit the same, we are shown that he is that terrible. There is a scene ingame where bbg shin ai tells us that midori tortured and like to destroy people. That’s exposition so TELL, but do you why it works, because we are SHOWN before his behavior. Midori felt unbeatable, so the fact that we were shown his weakness such has his petty behavior, hatred of minors, and fear of death, for the first time it feels like there is a chance that we might survive this. And still after he isn’t shown has an incompetent buffoon, he is one, but the narrative doesn’t show us that he is.
What is also consider is good to make the audience feel actual stakes is to first really develop well the main characters, how can we feel worry for a character if we don’t know them, the audience need to feels emotional connection to the main cast to actually care. You can use things such has moments where there is nothing special happening just character talking getting to know them. Make us feel why we need to care about them possibly losing, instead of being indifferent. Or I don’t know maybe make an entire spin off game where we get to have the cast talk to each other and seeing dynamics between character that died early to get them a chance to shine and make their death even more tragic, or even make mini episodes of characters who only got a single chapter to show off their characteristic, to get us to know them better? But that’s just a silly idea of course, wink, and wink.
My favorite thing about Midori is that he is actually pathetic, like really pathetic, but weirdly realistic?
Midori is the most pathetic character in the cast, yes more than shin, shin is leagues less pathetic. No I’m not saying that midori is not intimidating or scary, I would piss myself if I saw him. He’s a scary guy. But if you look at him more closely you can see that he is a baby brat in a big boy suit.
So let’s start by something clear, Sou Hiyori clearly displays antisocial behavior, or in common terms he is a psychopath/sociopath, this illness is very badly seen in medias, I am not saying that people who lacks empathy like him are inherently bad, he is, a lot of people with antisocial behavior actually suffers a lot and have a difficult life. Sou real issues is not his antisocial behavior, it’s his narcissism and god complex. Sou feels the need to HAVE CONTROL over others, he like the feeling of being in power, he sees the rest of the world has beneath him, toys for his pleasure. He says that he “really like humans” because despite it all he seems to put himself in a different categories than regular people, they are beneath him. When he loses control his calm and cool behavior disappears and we see his true face, a grown man who has throws a tantrum like a baby. One of the best representation of this is midori views on the cast:
Midori hates kanna, like no jokes he has beef with her, a fourteen years old, actually he has beef with a lot of people in the cast. Midori views emotional people has weak, people who are loving optimistic as beneath him and useless. He preferred when sara was cruel and horrible, that’s what he loved about her, he liked seeing her scary emotionless side. But Kanna, kanna is everything he hates. A crybaby who not only puts the group in harmony, is a source of hope in general, is the reason he near got to have closure with shin (killing him), he views kanna as “not fun shin”. We have many proofs for this, if you type the word kanna kizuchi he says this: “Poor Kanna'd weep! I think a more worthless name would be better for someone like me” He mocks her, but also himself (I’lll come back on this later), he calls her worthless. Also in the electric charge minigame, when he can choose who to shocks he chooses two people in particular, kanna who he hates and hinako who ruined his fun by giving the cast a chance in saving ranmaru. But he does also says mean spirited stuff to other people, qtaro and gin. He also says some sarcastic comments about nao and joe, saying that it’s such a shame that they died so young. But you might say why kanna especially? Because he is a petty baby who is jealous of kanna, Yes jealous, of kanna, a fourteen years old. Because he feels like she stole his hubby wubby shin away from him…. God I hate him. And you know what that make him a pathetic idiot, after the scene where kanna beats his ass, he’s all mad and like “uhh I’m going to pout I wanted you to cry like a lot, now I’m gonna cry”. An that’s actually god, because it humanize him, he wants need thoughts, he isn’t one note, and that’s the most important!
Sou is a villain but before that he is a character, a fully developed character, and THAT’S WHAT MAKE HIM GREAT, Sou works because he works realistically, I mean if you forget the robot part, it’s easy to imagine a narcissist man child who needs to feel in power towards other, so his main prey are young vulnerable people.Which leads me to my next point:
Sou is a failure like really, and we aren’t sad for him.
Sou failed everything he worked on, he failed to get the paper from alice, he failed whith shin since he had to leave earlier than he thought he would leave, because of his mistake he lost his position in the death game, then he failed to kill gin or keiji, and then he died like an idiot losing his cool and acting like a toddler. And he knows it that why he is a bit self-hating (he should be). And yet none of us feel any sympathy towards him, why? Because sou is one of the most despicable guy in existence. He is a disgusting pervert, sadistic asshole, and abusive narcissistic cunt who thinks he is better than everyone. From the bottom of my heart I hate him sooooo much he is literally the character I hate the most in existence. He abused shin, ruined keiji’s life, traumatized the entire cast, literally assaulted sara like he physically assaulted her. He mocked nao and joe and kugie life as useless. He is an obsessive jerk AND I HATE HIM. And you know what…… It’s good. Like I actually feel a lot of emotions when I think about him, he fuels me with anger and disgust, and if your characters can make me feel that much rage then you did it, you created an actual perfect character. Hiyori is such a shit person that I think about him a lot, writers shouldn’t be scared to make a character such hittable assholes, example bojack horseman in bojack horseman is the vilest man on earth and I love it, because I genuinely hate him. Just like I genuinely love kanna, like really I really love her, I in the same time despise midori so bad. We hate him because he is horrible to good people that WE KNOW AND CARE ABOUT, not random npcs. There is a lot of… disgusting implications in his story with shin that I will not talk about it makes me really uncomfortable right now. SO HERE IS A VERY TACKY TRANSITION TO TALK ABOUT WHY I HATE JUNKO FROM DANGANRONPA.
Junko is boring, that’s it, she is boring, not funny not interesting, she is a fetish, she is the biggest Mary sue on earth, she is a gross character made to make fun of people with disabilities and queer people. Her only traits is being crazy, that’s it. I wouldn’t call midori that crazy actually, he’s methodical calculated, and precise. Crazyness is a term for people who aren’t in control of their actions and delusional about reality, sou is not crazy, he knows what he is doing, he is in full control, while characters like shin should actually be consider crazy, like shin is actually crazy but sou isn’t.
Sou is a breath of fresh air, because nankidai had the balls to write an actually interesting deep and threatening character AND make him a villain. He didn’t fall into the trap of making him have a sad backstory or good motives, sou is just selfish, that’s all he is. He make him a fun entertaining guy who you absolutely hates, he made him threatening and at the same time a complete doofus. He made him humane and pathetic.
But the thing that make me love nankidai the most is this
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The fact that he actually killed him that takes courage as a writer to just end a character THAT WAY, which is why midori will never come back alive he is forever dead. And that take a lot of talents as a writer to just take one of the most important characters and just get him drilled to death in the anus, like dammn nankidai you are a savage. That fact alone makes him one of the best characters in game, I hate him as a person, but has a character he is a masterpiece.
Though Kanna could solo him
this was posted as a video on my blog this is mainly so people who don't want to stay there reading a 24 minute video of my stuttering can have a bit of quiet
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Oh my stars, Im biting the moth boys
How would they react to an Mc that messes with their fluff as a stim?
Sans: He's good at playing it cool. He acts like there's nothing unusual about what she's doing. He's fully aware that she doesn't know the moth significance of mutual grooming, but hey... he's not going to tell her, especially not when she's in the habit of coming right up to him and brushing his fur whenever she feels like it. She clearly enjoys it, petting or combing him, scrunching up the fur, sometimes nuzzling into it... and he loves it too. He very quietly purrs whenever she does it, the only time he eases up enough to make that sound.
Why would he tell her that it's highly intimate? Why tell her its exclusively for family and mates? Why make it awkward, why spoil the fun? The human he adores is being very cosy with him. He's happy.
... Besides. She'll be his, eventually, if all his plans work out. Might as well get accustomed to grooming each other.
Red: He would be very embarrassed, because damn, that's pretty forward of her. The moth equivalent of just coming up to someone you're flirting with and gently caressing their hair. He's already got feelings so the forwardness massively flusters him... depending on how close he is to her, he might even pull away, purely because he's embarrassed at how intense his feelings are and he knows that she doesn't understand the gravity of grooming to a moth.
... If it's a repeated stim, though, sometimes he just might not be able to help himself but but lean into it. If he's tired, or they're alone together, or he's just feeling particularly lovestruck that day... he can't help but let her run her fingers through his fluff. He might sleepily reciprocate, playing carefully with her hair.
Sometimes you just gotta take advantage of the moment. Sometimes, when the cute human you have a crush on puts her soft hands in your fluff, you just gotta let her.
Skull: It's almost as if his fluff is his 'deactivate' button. Like when you scratch a dog in just the right place, and it can't help but fall over. She touches his fur and he immediately drops.
Sometimes, it's good, because it's a guaranteed way to make him totally relax. He'll be cuddled up to her and when she starts playing with his fur he just lets out a big happy mix between a purr and a sigh, and completely eases. But sometimes it's bad, because when a massive clingy moth beast with four arms decides he's enjoying the attention and you're not going anywhere... well, you're really not going anywhere.
Skull's isolation from other moths means he doesn't really understand the importance of grooming each other. All he knows is that he really wants to touch her hair, and he really likes how it feels when she plays with his fur. Sometimes the feelings confuse him a little- if anyone else touched him, they'd lose the arm.
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viciousvortexx · 5 months
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Some of my Vergil headcanons
just random headcanons about anything <3
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
★ Vergil likes to leave gifts on places he knows you could easily find, like over the table, over your bed, in front of your door. He'll always do it before he's gone for a mission, and when he's back, will casually ask while you're talking to each other, “did you like the roses?”
★ Physical touch to him is something very intimate, no hugs or something like this unless you're close to him, he watches over his personal space.
★ Still talking about physical touch, there's nothing more intimate than holding someone's hand, this means how comfortable and close you're and how much you trust this person to let your guard down to relax and hold hands. Touching hands it's like a bridge to connect yourself with someone else. Also, this means he would love to caress the back of your hand, trace the patterns of your palm, kiss it...
★ Eye contact is also very important to him, it's noticeable how hard is for Vergil to keep eye contact on casual situations, even though he's trying his best. So when those crystal clear blue eyes are locked on yours, he won't take them away unless someone else appears, eye contact is powerful and can talk more than words.
★ He loves to do cleaning, taking off his coat to wear an apron instead.
★ When hugging, he'll place one arm around your waist while his free hand gently press your head to his chest, peting your hair.
★ Secretly sings his favorite songs when no one is around.
★ Organize his books by alphabetical order.
★ Definitely would use those silk pajamas sets with buttons.
★ About Vergil's phone: the brightness will always be too high or too low, the speakers are probably low cause he was watching cute and funny cat compilations on the van and he didn't want to bother, definitely there's a lot of accidental selfies he took by opening the camera and the ringtone is LOUD, really loud (he doesn't know how to change it properly and is ashamed to ask Dante or Nero since they'll probably make fun of him).
Plus: use a lot the thumbs up emoji after someone complained he only views the messages and doesn't say anything, so he started to use the thumbs up as a reaction.
★ He likes to make his tea the old way, doesn't like tea bags.
★ Call anything technological a "device" since those things are new to him and he's learning the names and how they work. “Nero, come here, my device is broken again.”
★ The only time you would see Vergil with his hair down is when it's wet or if he's too tired to groom it (like, can't even keep his eyes open), if not, he'll always groom his hair to make it look the way it is, he's a man of routine (and also it makes him look different from his twin, so that's why he isn't going on public with his hair down).
★ He loves classical music, but that doesn't mean he isn't open to discover new genres and tunes.
★ Vergil used to make dog ears on the pages of his books when he was a kid to continue reading it later, but he noticed it crumples the paper so stopped doing it.
★ He is extremely warm because of his demon nature, just like an walking oven baking cookies, that's why cats are always attracted by him, there's often cat fur on his coat, probably Vergil faced a kitten on the streets and it started to butt the head on his legs to feel his warmth.
★ Always have a pleasant smell, unless when he's back from a mission, that's why he takes so long in the bath.
★ Loves citrus fruits.
★ Vergil takes a lot of pictures of the sky and nature, he treasures them and shows to the ones he treasures the same way.
★ Won't tell anybody if he got hurt during a mission, waiting for it to heal by itself (this also happens if he get sick).
★ Heard Dante listening to dad rock once, after that he tried to listen to a couple of songs too and started to like it.
★ Knows a bit of Latin from old books he read once.
★ Vergil is passionate and enthusiastic about the things he likes, he can spend hours talking about it with that glimmer he has on his eyes when happy.
★ The same way he likes someone to listen about his interests, also likes to be the one who listens to it from others, he's a very good listener.
★ One of his hobbies is writing his own poems on yellowed rag paper with a feather pen (things he like to buy with his money), he keeps them hide inside a little box.
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croquis-el · 1 month
Something I’ve wondered for a while: does Von Karma’s granddaughter exist in the Japanese version?
Hi! I ran to check. And I found: yes, Karma has a granddaughter in the Japanese version. Only her dog's name is not "Phoenix", but "Ryū".
孫 (まご / マゴ) [mago] - grandchild
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ワガハイのマゴが飼っておる イヌは“リュウ”というが、
wagahai no mago ga katte oru inu wa “Ryū” to iuga
My granddaughter has a dog named "Ryū",
Why granddaughter? Because Karma, in aggressive form, asking Naruhodo next:
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弁護士! キサマ、 ワガハイのマゴの婚約者か!
Kisama, wagahai no mago no fianse ka!
Lawyer! Are you my gradaughter's fiance?
Fiance (fiancé) = groom
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mago wa mada, 7-saida zo!
She is still 7 years old!
Notice something interesting? The pronoun "wagahai" that Karma uses to refer to himself.
吾輩 (ワガハイ / wagahai) is an older pronoun for men that carries a certain weightiness and self-import.
Suits him very well!
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proship-puppy · 5 months
Rarity x Apple Jack
! This post talks about NSFW , SA , Pedo/Zoophilia , R*pe , etc. THIS POST IS DARKSHIP ! Don’t like -> DNI 🎀 🎱
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Apple Jack loves Rarity with all his heart…
However he also has a crush on someone else; his cousin pinkie pie. Well it’s not just a crush it’s a affair. Apple Jack and pinkie pie meet every now and then to make out and fuck. Sometimes pinkie even brings along one of her girlfriends (twilight sparkle or sunset shimmer) to r*pe them together with Apple Jack. It’s a dirty secret rarity should never know about…
But rarity has a secret as well..!
Every now and then she needs some extra money for a dress or pair of shoes she saw. So she meets up with older men and let’s them gang r*pe her. They pay per hour and can do anything they want with rarity so she did make some wild experience as they forced her to fuck with dogs or children ! But it’s all worth it and honestly she even enjoyed a lot of it because the r*pe is what got her to start a relationship with her loyal dog spike ! And it also showed her how okay it is for her to groom her sister sweetie bell every now and then. After all her needs are important to and if she needs to fuck , why not fuck her sister if no one else is around ? But of course Apple Jack could never know about all this !
🍖🌈 = proship
🧩🥀 = ex anti
💀🌙 = dislikes but still ships
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ask-a-vetblr · 1 year
Hi! I know that it's important to socialize a puppy well with both people and other dogs. But I also know you shouldn't let a puppy in contact with other dogs or walk it in areas where other dogs go before they have been fully vaccinated to prevent diseases.
Does that mean the socialization starts only after they get all their vaccines? Or is there something I'm missing here? Also because I thought the early periods of a dog's life were especially important with regards to socialisation.
Question tax: who was the cutest puppy you've seen recently?
vet-and-wild here.
It is no longer recommended to wait to start socializing a puppy until after their vaccine series is done, but you do need to take precautions. The reason is that there is a critical socialization window right in the middle of this time that ends around 16 weeks. That doesn't mean they can't learn or be socialized outside of this time, but the experiences they have in this time period are very important for setting the stage to how they react to stimuli in the future. Puppies who are improperly or under socialized during this period are much more likely to have behavioral issues as adults.
It's important to also understand why we booster puppy vaccines so many times. Depending on what kind of vaccines or disease exposure the mother had, this same time period is when the maternal antibodies the puppy received will be lost. Those maternal antibodies protect the puppy, but also interfere with vaccine efficacy. We don't know when they will lose the protection from those maternal antibodies, so we booster through this period to make sure they are protected. So just having 1 or 2 vaccines wouldn't guarantee that the puppy was fully protected.
The compromise is to avoid areas of potentially higher risk during this time. Dog parks, for example, may be full of dogs of unknown vaccine status and could have wildlife around that may carry parvo, distemper, etc. However, a puppy class at a reputable training facility only allows vaccinated dogs and should have disinfection protocols in place to help reduce the risk of disease spread. Basically, your puppy doesn't need to live in a bubble during this period, but you should use reasonable caution. Also keep in mind that socialization doesn't necessarily mean meeting a bunch of people or dogs! It just means positive exposure. Sitting out in your yard and practicing appropriate reactions to strange dogs walking by is socialization. Playing videos with thunder, fireworks, etc and getting the puppy used to it is socialization. Getting used to the car, medical handling, grooming, strangers coming in the house, all of that is part of socialization.
I tried to think of the cutest puppy I've seen but I'm going to be lame and say they're all cute cuz I keep changing my mind!
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ragnarokhound · 16 days
hey me again. god you must be sick of me. anyways i’ll be quick.
we talked about tim adopting a cat and the cat and jason having beef because jason is a werewolf and then (important for both plot and character development) jason and tim have dirty dirty sex and the cat still hates jason.
BUT: a coda
the cat and jason still have beef until Tim stumbles home not realizing he’s injured/he’s delirious/etc etc. He passes out. is very sick. Jason shows up a day later with breakfast or something (housewife jason todd), cat yowls at him, he follows cat to Tim, saves him.
After that Jason and the cat are ride or die for each other
Hey girl. Chappell, I could never be sick of you, you have provided me with nothing but banger after banger (and you don't have to provide bangers anyway, you delight me regardless)
But case in point
Nothing hits the same as 'i hate you but we both love him, so help me help him.' it's the GOOD FOOD, it's the enemies to friends, it's the found family of it all. And cat and dog(gy boyfriend) edition of this smacks me right in the heart skcnsksk it's so 'i may not like you but we are in agreement about One Thing and that is Keeping Our Mutually Favorite Person Safe'
They may not ever be besties per se, it's not like Jason's cooing at it for pets, and the cat doesn't curl up in Jason's lap the way it does in Tim's; but Jason doesn't growl at the cat anymore and the cat doesn't hiss back.
Tim is endlessly entertained by the respectful nod Jason will give his cat now when he comes by, and the pointedly uninterested stroll past Jason's boots complete with pausing to groom in the hallway.
There are a suspicious number of treats in the cupboard that Tim did not buy (he knows he goes through salmon churus about as fast as he gets them - they are the preferred flavor - but they mysteriously replenish whenever he runs low. Interesting.)
And when Jason stays over, Tim has caught the cat sitting careful watch outside the bathroom while he's in the shower, only to bolt the second the water shuts off. So as not to be discovered, presumably.
He should get injured more often, he muses. Jason and the cat give him simultaneous looks of animal disappointment. (And then Jason drags him off to make out I mean what) ("Sounds like you need a different incentive" "why, are you going to provide one" "[growling]" "!!") (haha anyway--)
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happyhealthycats · 3 months
There are people who don't give additional info?
maybe I'm too aware but to others your pet isn't the center of the universe. They meet thousands center of the universes a day so they need more specifics to make things easier.
I'll preface by saying I worked with a very...particular type of vet. One who saw quite a few clients who were very particular about their pet's care. Clients who may or may not have been asked to leave other veterinary practices in our area due to "issues with staff". (We had folks stalk us digitally and on one scary occasion, physically - us, the front desk workers who just answer phones and make appointments! - some pet parents are wild). A portion of folks who went to our office typically had blinders to other peoples pets. Not only was their Bella the most amazing Bella. She was the ONLY Bella. Which for them was true! That Bella is the most important Bella! For them! Doesn't help that those same owners tended to be the ones who would only bring their dog in for their rabies vaccine so they could keep getting their dog groomed. The system we used would display phone numbers for incoming calls on the phone itself, so for the most part we could snag the number and if it was attached to a file it was no big deal, so by the time I finished my intro I already had the family's account up and ready - so a lot of clients got used to that. But sometimes folks would call from numbers that weren't attached to their account so the info wouldn't come up (or they downright refused to leave a number with us). Then I'd have to ask, and it was like pulling teeth.
-"I'm sorry it seems this number isn't saved to an account in our system. What was your pet's name?" -"It's BELLA, you've seen her before!" -"Oh! Well how do you spell the last name? Or perhaps another number that may be attached to the account? I could look it up by your spouse's name if they usually make appointments?" -"The name is B-E-L-L-A it's not difficult." I don't know why, other animal names don't tend to bring this level of heat. I personally just think that it's such a common dog name that all types of folks have a dog named Bella, so you're more likely to come in contact with a Bella owner who's Like That, as opposed to someone who calls their cat BOGO Sale or Pastrami On Rye or something.
All that being said - nothing against the name! It's incredibly common and I'm sure the folks are tired of not having an easily found name, especially during a medical emergency. But that's why I stress not about shaming folks about the names they choose, but more about the folks who push to insist that everyone ELSE is the problem that you literally can't pick the dog version of Jane Doe out of a lineup of 4000+ other dog Jane Does.
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topazadine · 4 days
Writing Research Notes: Horses
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I have complained before about fantasy writers (and others) using horses without really knowing anything about them, so I'd like to share some basic Horse Facts. These aren't things about horse physiology, because you probably don't need that for your specific story, but things that you can add into your story for verisimilitude.
I'm not a horse trainer or Horse Expert, just someone who loves horses and rides on a regular basis. This is a casual guide to help give you some inspiration (and know what to look up for more information.)
So, what will we discuss in this embarrassingly long post? This.
General horse knowledge
Approaching and sanitizing Horse
Tack, the Horse Accessory Kit
Putting the tack on Horse
Getting on Horse (second best part!)
Riding Horse (best part!)
Being nice to Horse (most important!!)
General Horse Knowledge
Horses are generally classified as hotblood, warmblood or coldblood.
Of course, being mammals, they are all actually warm-blooded. This is more about temperament and size.
Hotblooded horses are lighter, bred for speed and maneuverability. Thoroughbreds and Arabian horses are hotbloods. They're known for being a bit more temperamental, but they are also very fast and responsive.
Coldblood horses are larger, stockier, and more even-tempered. This includes draft horses like Percherons, Gypsy Vanners, and Clydesdales.
Note that a big horse doesn't necessarily mean they're a good war horse, because war horses need to be fast and light. Draft horses are meant to pull, not carry. In a military series, you can use them as cannon horses or cart horses.
Warmblood are crossbreeds of hotblood and coldblood, giving them a good temperament but also relatively good speed. They're often used for hunting, dressage, and showjumping: disciplines that require both maneuverability and a strong working relationship between horse and rider. Quarter Horses, Tennessee Walking Horses, and Irish Sport Horses are warmbloods.
Horses are herd animals and need friends.
Having a singular horse all by themselves is going to cause them distress and lead to mental problems. This is why people who only own one horse often stable them so that they can get social stimulation and professional care.
Like humans, horses have buddies, acquaintances, and enemies.
There is often a pecking order in a herd, with a leader and followers. Horses may make friends, break up with them, reconcile, etc, just like people do.
And horses, of course, have people they like more than others. To get a horse to like you, be gentle and mindful of their boundaries, pay attention to their feelings, groom them, and speak in a soft friendly voice.
Horses aren't mindless animals: they think, feel, and strategize.
They're actually very sensitive and empathetic animals who can get jealous, have their feelings hurt, or need a little bit of TLC on a hard day. And yes, they can scheme.
Similar to dogs, horses are a bit like toddlers: they need firm but compassionate guidance.
This is why you need to think both for yourself and the horse when riding, keeping your mind clear and focused on your goals. Horses can notice when you're not paying attention and they will do their own thing.
Therapy horses are chosen for both their good nature and their sensitivity to human emotions. They will notice when the rider is getting upset or losing focus, and they will stop what they are doing until the rider is back in the right mindset.
They should get as much outside time as possible.
Horses will come to accept and even like their stalls because it's a safe, quiet space for them, but they should be allowed free time outside as much as possible.
It's important to make sure that their pasture is clean, free of dangerous plants or pesticides, and safe from tripping hazards (horse legs are very delicate).
Make sure they are not gorging themselves on grass, though, as this can cause colic. Horses cannot throw up: they've got a one-way digestive system. Intestinal blockages are a medical emergency.
Horses do like working with nice humans.
This isn't cope, I promise. Just like dogs, they have been bred over thousands of years to look to humans for guidance and to see us as caretakers.
Horses who are treated well like having a job, just like dogs who are treated well will like training sessions. Jobs offer them mental stimulation, offer them praise and rewards, and keep them busy so they're not bored.
You can see this in happy horses. The therapy horse I use, Truly, used to be a jumper and hunter before she came to the therapeutic stable, and she gets really excited if she sees vaults because she loves doing that! She gears up for the trot; you can feel it in her stride. She's ready and wants to go.
But, this implies that you're treating your horses well, praising them regularly, and bonding with them outside of sessions.
Horses that are being mistreated will balk at work because they associate it with pain and fear. Horses that are treated well will happily come out of their stall, ears forward and eyes bright, because they associate work with fun and stimulation.
Approaching and Sanitizing Horse
Horses have a blind spot in front of them and directly behind them.
Unlike humans, their eyes are on the sides of their head because they are prey animals. This means approaching a horse directly from the front or directly behind them may make them spook - and, if you are by their butt, kick you.
Generally, younger riders are taught never to pass behind a horse for safety reasons, so you go around them in a wide circle or duck under their neck. You can also walk behind them if you are out of kicking distance (about 3-4 feet) or right up against them so they can't get their leg up to kick you.
When tacking up or grooming, you should keep a hand on the horse as you move.
This lets the horse know where you are if you are in their blind spot and is especially important if you are around their butt so they don't spook and wonder where you went.
With grooming, you go with the curry comb and hold the bristle brush where you intend to go next so they know what to expect.
Grooming improves circulation and is a good bonding activity.
You use a curry comb, which is a rubber comb with little nubs, and then a brush. The curry comb is moved around in a circular motion to lift dirt and shedding hair, then the brush is angled with the grain of the hair to sweep it away.
Don't use a curry comb on a horse's face, legs, or stomach, which are sensitive areas. If you do want to use a curry comb in these areas because they are super dirty, be VERY gentle and light.
Horses generally like to be groomed because they do this to each other in the wild. It's a good way to make a horse like you.
Picking a horse's hooves, and having regular farrier checks, are crucial for their health.
Like human fingernails, horse hooves grow continuously; they're made from the same material as our hair and nails, keratin. They have a V-shaped "frog" in the middle of the underside of their hoof that is sensitive, but the rest of it isn't very sensitive unless you, like, stab it.
Farriers will file down a horse's feet so they are even, and they will also apply horseshoes if necessary (not all horses wear shoes). You can't just put any old horseshoe on a horse: it has to be fitted to their particular foot. This is a specialized job that not everyone can do, so if your character is not a farrier, they're not going to apply horseshoes themselves.
Cleaning a horse's hoof involves a hoof pick.
When picking a horse's hooves, you take an angled piece of metal called a hoof pick and dig out any dirt or manure or whatever has gotten stuck around the frog, then brush it out with a small brush. If they wear horseshoes, you also need to make sure you get the crevices underneath the shoe.
Generally, we pick feet both before and after riding.
Horses need to be trained to give you their leg. This usually means leaning your body weight into their shoulder, sliding your hand down their leg, and squeezing at the soft indent right above the hoof. You might also need to say "pick it up" or whatever command they've been taught to use.
It's a little scary for a horse to be off-balance like that; how would you feel if someone made you stand on one leg while they clipped your toenails? Be mindful that they may get nervous or put their foot down before you're ready. If this happens, just try again until their feet are clean.
Keep your feet and hands out of the way of the horse's hoof!
Pay attention to where your feet are in conjunction with the horse's hoof so they don't slam their hoof down on your toes. Horses may not even realize they stepped on you because they don't have a lot of sensitivity down there.
Never curl your fingers around the horse's hoof; that's a surefire way to break your hand. Hold it like you're cradling a baby's head.
Do not wear steel-toed shoes in a stable.
It's a common misconception that you should wear work boots or steel-toed shoes; after all, big horse very strong very heavy smash on foot!
Yeah, but a furry hydraulic press will crunch that steel right into your damn foot, and then you have guillotined all your toes.
Wear special riding boots instead. These don't have the ridges that hiking shoes or tennis shoes have, so they won't get caught on the stirrup. Cheap short ones cost like $40 and will last you a few good years. No need to go whole-hog on the long dressage boots if you're a casual rider.
Horses are usually taught to be groomed, tacked up, and mounted from one side.
This may not apply to therapy horses, who are trained to accept whatever way is easiest for the rider.
For dressage horses, they are taught to be groomed, tacked up, and mounted from the left. You should stand on the horse's left side when leading them. You'll dismount from the right.
Tack: The Stuff That Goes on Horse
No matter your discipline, you'll have these general things:
Halter. This is for leading the horse around before you tack them up. Generally, you will tie up the horse to cross-ties while you're grooming and tacking them. It is removed right before you put on the bridle.
Saddle blanket/pad. Western uses saddle blankets, but with English, you'll use a pad. Sometimes, with older horses or those that need a bit more comfort, you will have a blanket and a pad. This goes on before the saddle.
Saddle. Western saddles are very big, made for riding long distances. They are made mostly of leather, including the stirrups, which are attached directly to the saddle. English saddles are much smaller and lighter, and they have more removable parts. I won't get into all the specifics of them because it's probably irrelevant to your story.
There are also more specialized saddles, like jockey saddles.
Girth. Old-school Western saddles have cinches that you tie with the same knot you use for a necktie, but modern ones that detachable girths just like English saddles. They have buckles on both sides. One side will have leather straps; this is the one you put on first, from the left. The other side has elastic so it's a bit stretchier. This goes on the right side.
Bridle. How you control horse. Goes over the face and you hold onto the reins. This is put on last, right after you remove the halter. Put the reins over the horse's neck so you have something to hold onto after you remove the halter!
Bit. This is a metal bar that goes in the horse's mouth, over the tongue. Snaffle bits are the most common; they are made of two parts that meet in the middle. They aren't as uncomfortable for horses as other types. Some people are moving away from bits entirely and using bitless bridles.
Putting Tack on Horse
English stirrups are "run up" when tacking up and leading a horse.
The metal stirrups can bang against things and hurt the horse if they are not pulled up against the saddle by running them up the leather strap they hung from. You'll then tuck the excess strap into the stirrup to hold them in place.
Stirrups can be adjusted with a buckle hidden under the saddle seat. You'll run them up, pull the buckle down to a comfortable height, and then adjust as necessary. Then pull the stirrup down to the bottom, put your hand against the seat, and lift the stirrup up to run along your arm. It should brush against your armpit for most people.
Most dressage stirrups have numbered holes so you can remember what your height is.
Western saddles have leather stirrups that may or may not be detachable or adjustable.
Never tie a horse's reins to anything.
Don't listen to old Western movies that show this. If the horse spooks and they are tied up, they could rip the bit out of their mouth and really hurt themselves.
Horses have bars in their mouth - a blank space with no teeth. This is where the bit sits.
To get a horse to accept a bit, you can stick your thumb into this blank spot to make them open their mouth, just as you can do with dogs.
You then pull the bit up over their front teeth and settle it in there so it's comfortable.
There should be a small bit of pull you can see from the wrinkles around their mouth, but it shouldn't be squeezing them to death. Gentle pressure, happy horse.
Tighten the girth (the strap around their tummy) right before you get on.
Horses like to "bloat," meaning they suck in a bunch of air when you're putting the girth on, then relax so that the girth is loose. You don't want this, because then you can slide off. So put it on loosely at first, then put it up a few slots once you're about to get on.
Don't rachet it up to the highest possible setting you can reach, and don't yank on it, because this hurts the horse. Gently pull it up until it's tight enough to hold on, but not so much that it becomes a corset. You should be able to slide three fingers between the girth and the horse's stomach.
Getting On Horse
Lead the horse to where you want to go by bringing the reins over their head and holding them under the chin.
Do not use a death grip! You don't need to. Loose and happy. Keep the excess in your other hand so it's not a tripping hazard.
Then, of course, put the reins back over their head when you're ready to get on.
Mounting blocks are convenient and safer for the horse.
These are kind of like step stools, and they get you closer to the horse's back. Mounting from the ground puts a lot of pressure on the horse's back and should only be used sparingly.
The procedure is like so for English:
Gather the reins in your left hand, which should be placed near the front of the saddle.
Put your right hand near the back of the saddle for balance.
Put your left foot in the stirrup.
Swing your right leg over.
Settle your right foot in the stirrup.
Don't jump up; you might fall the hell over, lmao. Gentle easy swing.
The stirrup sits on the ball of your feet, with the heel pointing down.
This is true for both Western and dressage. You want it on the balls of your feet so you have leverage and can pivot your ankle to lightly tap the horse on the side, and you want your heel down to help maintain your balance.
A lot of riding boots, including cowboy boots, will have stitching that runs across the top of the foot. You can align this with the stirrup so you know that you don't have your foot too far back in the stirrup.
Your leg is slightly bent when in the saddle.
You do not have your legs straight out, because then you don't have leverage and can't maintain balance.
My instructor says it should feel like you're kneeling, and then when you post (rise out of the saddle during the trot or canter), you should feel like you're coming out of a squat. You're not springing all the way out of the saddle and standing up, because then you will fall over.
Your leg should stay as still as possible, with your heels pointing down to the ground. You shouldn't move them up or forward when you're trotting, a common beginner mistake.
When training in a ring, you don't have a right leg and left leg: you have an "outside" leg and "inside" leg.
Outside leg is the one closest to the wall (or fence), and inside leg is the leg closest to the middle of the ring. This keeps you from getting confused when you change directions.
Horses also have an outside leg and inside leg that you use to determine when to post or perform other maneuvers.
Horses need to be trained to go both clockwise and counterclockwise.
This helps them maintain balanced muscle tone on both sides of the body; otherwise, it's like doing leg exercises with only one leg. When getting a lesson, your instructor will ask you to change directions once you've done a certain exercise so that you can try it the other way, too.
Actually Riding Horse
You shouldn't yank on the reins like you're in a tug-of-war.
This can really hurt the horse and, paradoxically, make them more disobedient. It's like someone put their fingers in your mouth and then stretched your lips as far back as possible.
Keep your body loose.
Your horse is listening to your body language and will feel when you're tense. Every little movement means something to the horse. If you're tight, they think they should be nervous too.
Stay calm, upright, and loose. Legs slightly bent, elbows flexible, hands in line with the sides of the horse's neck and a bit above the front of the saddle.
Squeezing or tapping the horse is called impulsion.
It should be used lightly and with just enough pressure to get their attention. Don't kick the horse with all your might. The more movement you need from the horse, the more intense your impulsion will be.
Don't squeeze with your knees.
Pressure on the horse comes from the thighs and calves, not the knees. Your knees are there to bend.
Yes, your inner thighs will be super duper sore when you're done. It gets better though, prommie.
In dressage, you post at the trot in rhythm with the horse.
This reduces pressure on their back so you're not banging on their spine with each hootbeat. You post when their outside shoulder comes forward and lightly land back in the saddle when their inside shoulder rises: not sitting all the way down, just crouching a bit lower.
When you want the horse to walk again, you will sit down and pull (gently!!) back on the reins. The added pressure makes them not want to trot anymore because it would hurt them when you bump around on their back.
Being Nice to Horse (so Horse Is Nice to You)
Respect a horse's personal space and power.
They are big strong animals that can break your spine if they buck you, or crush your foot, or give you brain damage if they kick you in the head. Healthy respect (not fear) is crucial.
If a horse is pissed off, leave them alone. If they're scared, treat them kindly and speak soothingly. If they're not doing what you want, find a way to redirect them instead of screaming at them and making them more anxious.
And remember that they are prey animals despite their size and power! They may get nervous about things that you wouldn't even consider. Truly, the horse I ride on the regular, gets freaked out by jackets hanging over fence posts and barking dogs.
That's okay and natural; I just have to reassure her that she's going to be alright. You are the leader and caretaker of the horse, making them feel confident.
Training tools like whips, crops, or spurs should be used sparingly.
Any trainer who tells a beginner to use spurs as soon as possible is an asshole who doesn't actually know how to train horses. They don't know how to teach riders to control their body pressure, so they go right to the aversives.
I left a stable because the trainer demanded I buy spurs after like two lessons; my current stable doesn't use these at all, ever.
You should be able to control the horse with your hands and feet without these tools before adding them, and they should always be used as gently as possible: a slight tap with the spurs or crop, not beating the horse with a crop or digging your spurs into their sides. Horses are very sensitive animals and will respond well to a light kick with your heels if they are properly trained.
I've developed such a good rapport with the therapy horse I use (and she's such a good girl) that she can tell when I want to her trot. I start working her up to her "party walk" as my instructor calls it, and then click my tongue, and she's off. No kicking necessary.
Reward, Don't Punish
Same as when training dogs. Don't yell at them and say "no!! bad horse!!" Instead, offer a small correction, like checking the reins, or redirect them.
Do not hit or kick horses when they don't do what you want. They are trained that tap means go; you're going to make them gallop instead of stop.
Give them a pat on the neck and say "good horse!" when they do a good job. You can also talk to the horse while you're grooming and riding, offering them compliments and assurance.
Again, horses look to riders as leaders. They want to know the're performing correctly; if you've built up a good relationship, they want to make you happy and perform well.
Most of the time, horses are not trying to make you mad. You're just miscommunicating with them and need to figure out how to make your commands clearer.
Abusive training tactics are counterintuitive in the long run.
This makes for a nervous, flighty, disobedient, and anxious horse who may become dangerous. They're 1,200 pound animals, and if they don't like what you're doing, they will kick, buck, or bite.
Kicking, hitting, excessive use of spurs or crops, and screaming at horses doesn't make your horse respect you: it makes them fear you. You want your horse to be excited to work with you, to look forward to your training sessions, and to have fun.
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The posts I write can sometimes take me hours - they're always intricate, always thoughtful. This one took me about three hours to complete.
I do this as a labor of love for the writing community, sharing what I have learned from almost 15 years of creative writing.
However, if you'd like to support me, maybe you'll consider buying my book for $1.99?
9 Years Yearning is a gay coming-of-age romance set in a fantasy world. It follows Uileac Korviridi, a young soldier training at the War Academy. His primary motivations are honoring the memory of his late parents, protecting his little sister Cerie, and becoming a top-notch soldier.
However, there's a problem: Orrinir Relickim, a rough and tough fellow pupil who just can't seem to leave Uileac alone.
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The book features poetry, descriptions of a beautiful country inspired by Mongolia, and a whole lot of tsundere vibes.
Oh, and horse!!! Horse love!! SO MUCH HORSE LOVE.
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aita for not giving someone the wifi password and not telling my parents about it when they asked?
this happened a while ago and ik it sounds trivial but i feel so damn guilty and i just need to know if i did something wrong (fake names used ofc)
so about seven or eight months ago a friend of mine (liz, 16f at the time, now 17) was brought to our house. child protection services had taken her and her two brothers (they're all adopted, but one of the boys is her biological brother, who i'll call james) from their parents because the boys did something to their neighbor's dogs and were found wandering all over town at night. i'm not sure exactly what as i've never been told, but i deeply suspect it was something sexual. i'm not sure. about a week before this, my friend's dogs were brought over here, again because cps wanted them removed.
so my friend is now staying with me (16f) and my twin sister sister (anna). we have a large "closet" that is really more of an attic than anything, so we put liz in there because our house is small and we didn't want her sleeping on the couch.
for about a month, things went pretty well. we had a good time! we hung out a lot, and she told me about some volunteer firefighting she did, and also some farming stuff she did with her adoptive uncle (this is important for later). but she had a secret cellphone (her parents weren't big on cellphones and they were kinda strict) that she used to do social media behind their backs. most importantly, she was talking to an older guy (axel, 28m) via snapchat. anna and i have autism and adhd and are kinda clueless about some things, so we didn't think it was such a big deal at the time. so when she asked for the wifi password, i thought nothing of it. one day when my mom asked if she had a phone, i told her no bc liz asked me not to tell my parents and i thought being loyal to her was the right thing
well, one day, liz found her biological family via facebook and started contacting them
from what little i've heard, liz and james were taken from their bio parents because the mom was an alcoholic and doing drugs, and the dad was abusing them. they never visited the kids once. but now this mom is telling liz that she wants the kids back, and because of this, liz really wanted to go back to her bio family, even though they lived in another state that was pretty far away.
so she goes up to my mom and tries to talk to her about it. also, cps came by again and said liz couldn't sleep in the room she'd been sleeping in anymore because it had no windows and thus no fire escape. and my mom found out about the phone and the older guy she was talking to. things finally got so stressful that my parents had to have liz moved to another home about an hour away
now here's why i think i was the asshole. apparently, liz had been lying to me A LOT. she never actually did the firefighting work (she did some cooking for them. that's it) and when she said she knew how to milk a cow, she actually didn't know how, AND THEN WENT ON TO MILK OUR COW ANYWAY. IN FRONT OF MY DAD. it was insane and it made anna and i freak out because we have a hard time making friends sue to previous bullying issues at a school we'd gone to
later on i overheard my mom telling my dad that she was afraid that the bio parents were trying to groom her or something, and they didn't know i'd heard that. so now i'm afraid that i'm responsible for my friend leaving and all that. also, since she's left, liz has gone on to refuse to go back to her adoptive parents and has basically made their lives hell. and she keeps getting james upset by trying to convince him into thinkking that he should want to go back to the bio parents
so am i the asshole for hiding stuff frmo my parents?
(fyi: they have since known that i gave her the wifi password. they were pissed, but they realized that i didn't know any better and aren't mad at me)
What are these acronyms?
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cyfics · 1 year
Title: Shoto’s Shell
Warnings: NSFW! Mistress, mentions of breeding; etc…
Pairing: Cat Hybrid! Todoroki X Reader
Pronouns: she/her AFAB
Synopsis: A chapter from my story on aO3 “Day Job”
Word count: 2K!
Note: unedited + unproof read
On aO3 as Cyfics
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You handed the boys each of their specially picked out collars and awaited their reactions! You handed the first one to Shoto “wow this is.. really beautiful, thank you Mistress.” Shoto bowed his head at you and accepted the gift “I’ve told you before Shoto! You can just call me Y/n.” You reached out and pet his head.
Shoto blushed shyly from the contact, head lowered as he continued to stare at the gift in his hands. He wasn’t sure how to feel right now but he knew that he felt good, it felt right to him for you to give him gifts and spoil him like this. “Alright Mistress Y/n.” You sighed, hopefully one day he’d learn.
“Me next me next!” Eijiro bounced in place as he awaited impatiently, you gave a small smile before holding it out to him. Eijiro snatched the crimson collar from your hands and immediately put it on himself to showcase to Katsuki! “Look at me! It’s red!” Eijiro was elated.
“Whatever shitty hair, where’s mine?” Katsuki brushed Eijiro off and bumped him as he held his hand out expectedly. “D-Don’t be impolite Kacchan..” Izuku held softly onto his bunny ears and glanced away “Whatever I’ll do what I want.
Hand the collar over lady.” You quickly chucked the collar to him so he wouldn’t be upset with you much longer.
“Camouflage?” He started to inspect it, it looked as if he thought it was distasteful “I can get you a different one if you’d like-“ you began to offer “No! I’m wearing it and it’s mine!” Katsuki shouted before quickly running off and putting it on “Very manly bro!” Eijiro shifted into his dog form and began to chase after Katsuki in the next room.
Denki sniffed at your arm to remind you he was there, you chuckled at his actions before gently passing over the special collar you got him “sweet! This is awesome, thank you Y/n!” He put it on excitedly before running away in Fox form, he probably didn’t want anyone to steal his precious shiny collar.
“And for you, Izuku.” You showed him the pretty dainty green collar from the store and his eyes went wide, his whole face brightened and he quickly took it off your hands. You watched as he put it on and immediately softened in place, it looked like he was melting. “I love it! It’s perfect! Thank you Y-Y/n!” Izuku shifted on each foot.
“Y/n, I don’t mean to be a bother but my fur coat hasn’t had a comb in a while.” Shoto crossed his arms and glanced at you, you were a bit surprised “oh I apologise Shoto! I could grab a brush for you?” You asked him. You watched as Shoto’s face darkened, he gasped softly and looked away from you “O-Of course Mistress Y/n.” He had never stammered before.
His words and even stature were all perfect so why now did he look disheartened? “Y/n! You’re making him do it himself?” Izuku looked as if he had just watched you kill someone “Am I not supposed to? I apologise Shoto I thought that you’d prefer to do it on your own!” You exclaimed “if a hybrid suggests grooming to their owner they’re trusting the owner to do it for them!” Izuku explained like a little nerd.
“It’s alright Mistress really, you don’t need to trouble yourself.” Shoto walked off to his self assigned bedroom which he hadn’t even began to decorate yet, all of his decorations continuing to sit out in the car. You ran after him feeling guilty, following close behind him up the stair way “Shoto! I didn’t mean to upset you!” You apologised.
You stood in the doorway of Shoto’s room, remembering the *only* important thing that your father had told you about his animals. If they have a self assigned space then you need to ask permission before entering, you huffed as you tried to catch your breath. Shoto was sulking with his knees against his chest under the covers.
“Shoto! Could I come in please?” It took a moment for him to respond “Yes Mistress.” You slowly made your way inside, the room was mainly empty except for his bed and dresser which also was empty. You sat on the edge of Shoto’s bed and frowned “Shoto I’m truly sorry, if you’d like I can groom your fur now?” You asked him.
“Sure..” he slowly removed his blanket off his head before crawling over and laying his head in your lap, you were quite suprised! You were sure he wanted you to groom his cat self! Shoto passed you a comb from his pocket, you weren’t sure as to where he got it but you took it from him and got to work.
You gently began to brush through his hair, his very very soft and smooth hair. You were careful as to not hurt his delicate head as you brushed any knots out, your brushing haltered for a moment when you heard a soft mewling come from under your touch. “Shoto? Are you alright?” Your question obviously flustered him.
Shoto’s face turned red and he immediately hopped up and backed up on the bed “I apologise Mistress Y/n! I didn’t mean to make such a vulgar noise in your presence!” Shoto apologised profusely “it’s alright Shoto, it was quite cute actually, come back and let me finish.” You pulled him into your arms and kept brushing him.
Every so often Shoto would mewl, hands reaching out into the air as if he was making biscuits. “Does this feel good Shoto?” You chuckled as you watched his revel in the attention “Yes Mistress!” He seemed to be getting more comfortable by the minute.
Shoto was saddened when you pulled away saying you were finished “you are?” He sat up and frowned. “I can keep patting you if you like?” You started giving him scritches from behind his ears, Shoto immediately started purring and rested his head on your shoulder.
“A-Ah Mistress. Be careful around my ears please they’re very sensitive to me.” Shoto was turning red all over now, his ears twitching under your touch. “I’m so sorry Shoto did that hurt you?” You asked with great concern “N-No, Mistress Y/n.. quite the opposite actually.” Shoto turned his head away from you bashfully.
“So it felt good?” Your eyes widened with realisation after figuring out what that meant “I’m so sorry Mistress I should’ve explained-“ you cut him off by touching his ears again. Shoto squeaked at first before relaxing into your touch and purring against you, his face nuzzled against your neck “W-Why are you..” he sighed breathlessly.
“Is this alright?” You asked him “Yes, Mistress.” Shoto nodded his head at you. You weren’t sure what was encouraging you to do this, maybe it was how cute he looked or maybe it was the fact you hadn’t been laid in months that was getting to you. “You’re such a pretty boy Shoto.” You praised him “yes, I am a pretty boy!” Shoto agreed eagerly.
Shoto sat in your lap with his knees on either side of your thighs, hands grasping your shoulders as his head resided against your neck. You felt him grow harder every moment as you were stimulating his ears “A-ah..” Shoto breathed out heavily, his hips beginning to roll against yours.
“I- I wanna breed you please..” Shoto whined. Breeding? You didn’t wanna get pregnant just yet “I’m not letting you cum inside me Shoto, if you wanna do this you’re gonna have to wear a condom.” You we’re strict telling him he couldn’t impregnate you. “Aw.. please, Mistress? I won’t ask for anything ever again!” He begged of you.
“No. Here, put this on Shoto.” Shoto was upset about it but took the condom from your fingers that you dished from out of the bottom of the mattress. Shoto eagerly started to strip for you, his top you have him coming off and onto the floor, next he started to slide down his bottoms. You watched as his tail uncurled and started swaying side to side happily.
You didn’t make Shoto wait any longer, your hands grasping at your own clothes and quickly removing them. “You’re so pretty Mistress, if there were shows for humans I’m sure you’d win them just for beauty alone.” Shoto commented as he admired your body “they do Shoto.” You smiled softly at him “You should sign up and show them this beauty..” Shoto eagerly crawled on top of you.
Your back laid up against the blankets, Shoto’s arms on either side of your head. Shoto slid his underwear off and started putting the condom on, complaining to himself about how he wanted to breed you and for you two to have little kittens together. You rolled your eyes at him light heartedly, you just couldn’t get pregnant right now.
Shoto pressed up against your entrance ready to enter but you stopped him “Shoto, you have to prep your partner first for sex! Otherwise it could seriously hurt.” You explain to him just in time. He pulls back “I apologise Mistress, I got a little ahead of myself there..” he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly as he gets between your legs.
He brings his hand up and brushes his knuckles up against your hot cunt, it was radiating heat against his hand. Shoto spread out his hand and used two fingers to start rubbing at your clit in a circular motion, eyes focused on your cunt beginning to drip with slick.
You shifted on the bed, hips unable to stop moving up against his hand. Shoto continued to flick your clit for a little while, your reactions amusing him and his antics. You were just about ready to tell him off for teasing you until he slid a finger inside of you, your hole twitching against his singular finger.
“Mistress you’re very warm inside, very wet too.” Shoto commented as he started pumping the finger inside of you, figuring out pretty easily that he could effortlessly fit in another. Now he began to pump you with his two fingers, the tips of his fingers curling up and hitting against the sweetest of spots “Ah- that feels good..” you groaned.
Shoto continued to bask in your praise and continued to happily finger your eager hole, “I- I think I’m ready for you now Shoto.” You managed to get out. Shoto was happy to hear this, immediately crawling over you and placing himself between your legs up against your dripping entrance.
Shoto slid inside with ease, halting his movements for a moment to make sure you were okay before bucking his hips up against you. Shoto’s hands moved to grab at your torso, trying to move you down against him as he thrusted upwards into you. You bit down on your lip trying not to let out any loud noises, scared of the others hearing you.
“M-Mistress..” Shoto choked out as his cock was rubbing up against your warm and inviting walls. “S-Shoto, call me Y/n please.” You wrapped your arms around his neck as he kept thrusting into you “Y/n! It feels good!” Shoto mewled “I wanna cum inside of you, pump you fill of a litter of kittens!” Shoto began moving his hips against you faster.
You didn’t stop him as his began to stutter, his legs trembling a little as he released into the condom he was wearing. Shoto tiredly flipped on top of you, trying to just be as close with you as possible for the moment “Shoto, are you alright? Did you feel safe during that?” You caressed his tired head. Shoto nodded at you and looked at you through half lidded eyes “And you, Y/n?” He asked.
“I was fine. How about we clean you up and we go back down to the others hey?” You suggested. Shoto nodded his head tiredly “I can wipe you down if you just wanna have a little nap if you want Shoto?” You asked him “Yes please Y/n..” he pulled out of you and rolled onto the side of his bed.
You took the condom off of him and disposed of it, quickly getting yourself dressed before sneaking out the door to the upstairs bathroom to grab him a warm wet rag. You returned to the sleeping boy and wiped him down, covering him with the sheets before leaving again. Making sure to come up again later to leave him a bottle of water for when he awakened.
“Hey Y/n where’ve you been! We missed you!” Denki pouts “he doesn’t speak for all of us, ey Eijiro?” Katsuki crosses his arms upon seeing you “I missed you the most!” Eijiro ran over to you and jumped in your arms “Eh- Shitty hair.. Tch” Bakugou sucked his teeth.
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