#What is the best way to eat for a healthy heart?
maisha-online · 9 months
The Ultimate Guide to the Mediterranean Diet: A Heart-Healthy Way of Eating
The Ultimate Guide to the Mediterranean Diet: A Heart-Healthy Way of Eating #Diet #MediterraneanDiet #HeartHealthy #Health #Lifestyle #WeightLoss #Food #Guide #HowTo
Are you looking for a delicious and nutritious way to improve your heart health? Look no further than the Mediterranean Diet. This way of eating has been around for decades and has been proven to have numerous health benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what the Mediterranean Diet is all about, its advantages and disadvantages, and how you can incorporate it into your daily…
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murobrown · 2 years
#new ability unlocked....✨health anxiety✨#I'm tired man I'm so fucking tired of panicking all the time because I feel like I'm going to pass out ot throw up#or constantly googling health symptoms what makes me feel thousands times worse and definitely doesn't calm me down#one day I'm sure I'm getting a heart attack on next day I have a brain tumor then epilepsy then I go for aneurysm...#fucking funniest thing is that it's been going on for two months and absolutely nothing happened to me#i just have constant headache nausea and pain in my stomach but I haven't passed out or threw up or anything#fuck I just want back my normal life when I'm not in constant worry#i feel like im 24/7 in a high alert panic mode so I can't comprehend anything calmly...#i feel like an animal that's constantly just running away from something#I'm scared too see a doctor because I don't even know how to explain my problems...they will think I'm completely insane...#I can't remember last time I ate something without feeling anxious and being in pain afterwards#and the worst thing is that I developed even ubhealier relationship with food by counting calories :))))#so even though I eat nothing I need to push myself into an intense workout because my brain tells me I need to burn everything#i didn't know ai could be even more messed up than I was before#but hey I lost a ton of weight and I am in the best shape I've ever been... it's all I ever wanted and it cost me only my sanity :)))))#i don't even have clothes to fit in anymore because everything literally falls down from me...#currently I'm convinced I'm going to pass out and die any second but I know I'll be alright I can't just die out of nowhere...#I'm healthy and everything will be okay...I survived so much and it will get only better#if you read this rant I typed out while hyperventilating congratulations you get a free cookie and a warm tea I'll be making#guys but seriously...do you know how to tackle this? or the only logical way is to see a doctor?#because I don't know how long can I go on like this considering from September my job should get even more stressful...#now my stress level is high like never before... just thinking about September is giving me a panic attack#aaaaand those are the things I shouldn't think about because the only thing stressing me out the most is my fucking self :)#that's the damn problem like the thing that's making me most stressed is the stress 🙃#I feel nauseous because I'm stressed and I'm stressed because I'm nauseous...makes sense#i think I'm loosing my mind...and it fucking sucks that I do this to myself for no reason at all#i have a nice relaxing day and then in the evening I decide to think about all the bad stuff and kill it all#another scary thing is living on your own without any close friends in your life and with your family hours away...it won't let me sleep#if anything happens I'm alone...if I pass out right now I need to take care about myself#i often think how long would it take to find my dead body here...and then I shake and cry because I don't want to die
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sttoru · 15 days
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⠀ 𝝑𝑒 ⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. your boyfriend doesn’t like it when you eat unhealthy food while busy with uni work.
tags. older bf!gojo satoru x female reader. fluff. age gap (reader around early 20’s, satoru early 30’s). behavior may come off as ‘overprotective’ to some. nicknames ‘baby, sweetheart, princess’. not proofread
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satoru’s at work while you’re in his kitchen, preparing a quick meal for yourself. you’ve been busy making and finishing assignments all day. you really could do with a break. though, a short one. there’s still lots more to do before you’re done with everything mandatory.
it’s convenient that satoru allows you to stay over at his apartment whenever you want to. he’s given you a spare key and told you that his home is also yours. if you need a break from your own place, you can always stop by his.
“ah, crap,” you hiss as the sauce packet nearly bursts open in your hand due to how roughly you pulled on its edges. you season your instant ramen noodles without much thought. it’s a quick meal that saves you time.
you’ve had it four days a row now—along with some pizza slices here and there. your boyfriend has been nice enough to send you money, telling you to treat yourself to some decent food while he’s away on business, but you’re really just too busy to treat yourself.
satoru’d be upset if he knew that you’re living off unhealthy crap again. the last time he caught you, he prepared you homemade meals or took you out to restaurants for weeks. he needs you to ingest your daily nutritions so you can stay healthy. you’re too important to him and he wants the best for you.
you grab your chopsticks and mix the sauce with the noodles, your spotify playlist running in the background. you walk to the fridge and grab a soda before sitting down at the kitchen table. unlocking your phone, you decide to see if anything’s going on on social media.
you’re too focused on your screen and the food entering your mouth to notice the front door opening. you catch a glimpse of a figure in the corner of your eye and your head flies up. a bit too late..
“ah, hi, satoru,” you mumble with a mouthful of ramen noodles. you’re caught off guard and you barely know what to do as the white-haired man puts his keys in his pockets. you put your phone down and discreetly try to cover your bowl, “didn’t know you’d come back so early.”
too bad you didn’t think of opening a window or throwing away the opened package of instant ramen. satoru looks over at the messy counter before walking towards you. he reaches a hand out to your cheek, brushing your thumb against your skin.
“hi, pretty,” satoru greets you with a gentle smile. he leans down and presses a kiss onto your lips, tongue stealing a taste of the sauce on your mouth. he pulls back and pinches the cheek he’s holding, “mind telling me what you’re eating, hm?”
you pout and swallow the bite of noodles you had in your mouth. you put your hands down, knowing there’s no hiding anything from your boyfriend. he dislikes the fact that you’re not taking your health seriously. “instant ramen. . .” you respond defeatedly.
satoru ruffles your hair with a shake of his head, silently disapproving of your actions. “i’ve given you money to get a proper meal, didn’t i, baby?” the older man explains in the same tender tone. he doesn’t have the heart to be mad at you. he crouches down next to the chair you’re sitting on and kisses your knuckles, each getting a peck.
“yeah, ‘m sorry,” you nod, knowing your lover did his part of taking care of you. he gave you money to spend on food or ingredients, but you still chose the easy way out. it’s not like you’ve been craving noodles—you’re eating them for the sole reason being that they’re fast and easy to make. you’re too busy (and lazy) to go out and buy stuff.
satoru chuckles, not really mad at you at all. he’s simply worried for your wellbeing. he sees how hard you work for uni while also making time to spend with him, no matter how little it may be. “it’s okay, it’s okay,” satoru coos and kisses your forehead before getting up.
the sorcerer looks down at the bowl of noodles before glancing back at you. “do you want to finish it or do you want me to make you something?” he asks whilst playing with the little hairs around your face. you’re beautiful, somehow even more gorgeous with those dark circles under your eyes.
you pout and think about his question. you’re tired of eating the same thing four times in a row and you know how good satoru’s cooking can be, so. . .
“can you make me something?” you ask carefully in a quiet tone, flashing your boyfriend your best puppy eyes, “pretty please?”
satoru grins and nods immediately. he’s always happy to help you out when you need it. “of course. anything for my princess,” he coos and squeezes your cheeks one last time. he’s got an obsession with the way you scrunch your nose up every time he does so.
he grabs the bowl of noodles and puts it away after making sure you didn’t want any more of it. sure, he wants the best for you, but he doesn’t want to be too restrictive. in case you still want to steal a bit, satoru puts the bowl in the corner of the counter.
you walk to satoru as he stands near the fridge. you rub your weary eyes and watch as he grabs the needed items to make your favorite comfort meal. he catches you staring at him and he smirks lovingly.
“oh my, i have such an adorable girlfriend,” the older man holds himself back from squeezing your cheeks together again. he holds your wrist and pulls you flush against him, his head leaning down to match your eye level.
satoru plants a quick kiss on your lips. his hand finds it way on your hips before slithering upwards. he pats your back, gently comforting and encouraging you, his other hand doing the same on the back of your head. he knows how hard it is for you these days, with the busy end of the semester and all.
“love you, ‘toru, thank you,” you smile at him and nuzzle your face into his chest. you really needed a distraction from all the hard work you still have to do. a quick break with the person you cherish most will gain you back all the energy you’ve lost.
satoru hugs you even tighter to him when you utter those magical words. if he could, he’d take care of you every single second of the day. he’d do anything to make you feel better. he places a peck to your forehead, “i love you too, sweetheart. but promise me one thing; please take better care of yourself, ‘kay?”
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peppermint-toads · 18 days
you don’t like doctor’s offices. especially not now. you don’t like the hypnotic hum of the fluorescent lights, the cabinets that’ve been there since the late 80’s, the pamphlets sitting in an acrylic holder telling you that you have options.
options. not anymore. because you’re sitting on the examination table about 16 weeks pregnant, waiting for the doctor.
“the baby looks healthy,” the doctor tells you, barging into the room without a knock. “i’m prescribing zofran for the nausea. the nurse will see you out.”
thank fucking god. you wanted nothing more than to get the fuck out of this place. the best part about these visits was the walk home. they are usually quite pleasant. being pregnant in the summertime has its downfalls, but feeling the breeze in your hair and through your thin dress is your saving grace.
it’s just another bonus that you pass your favorite ice cream shop on the way home. you think you’ll have an affogato today, decaf, of course.
it smells like heaven in the shop, that cool, sweet smell from the coolers. your favorite. this is your saving grace, this affogato will solidify the day as a good one, despite the lingering feeling of doctor on you.
ice cream in hand, it’s finally time to go home. the walk is clearing your head already. you eat a spoonful of vanilla and sigh. maybe you ought to stop by the pharmacy for those meds. on second thought, that can be tomorrow’s task. you’ll be alright.
actually, maybe not. because you see simon riley’s stupid, bulking form walking towards you about a block away. fuck. shit fuck. you should hide. duck into the closest shop before he can come after you. but it’s no hope, you’re looking up and you’ve already made direct eye contact. nausea meds sound so good right now.
may as well keep going forward. it’s not like he’ll notice, anyway. you’re barely showing, but your white dress isn’t doing you any favors right now.
you’ll give a polite smile, duck your head, and all will be well. no stopping, no small talk, no—
simon is physically cornering you to a complete halt in the middle of the sidewalk, and there is nothing you can do about it. maybe if you curl your back in a little bit, the bump won’t be as noticeable.
“what are you doing? stop that.”
he is so gracefully referring to your posture.
“i don’t have time for this simon. i’ve got things to do.”
you walk sideways around him, and he follows.
“where are you coming from?”
you can’t help it. “you lost the right to ask that question when you fell off the face of the planet.”
you hear him grunt behind you and smile. great, no snide comments yet.
“you look different.”
shit. he’s jogging, catching up to you and walking by your side now. the breeze is picking up and you shift uncomfortably. the fabric of your dress is clinging to your stomach.
simon looks down, his intent is to see what you’re eating, but he catches a glimpse of your swollen stomach and freezes. he’s nearly swallowed by all the foot traffic.
“simon?” you feel the loss of him by your side. he’s stood still, strangers bumping into him and jostling his shoulders.
great. now you’re backtracking, when really all you want is to be at home, in bed.
“simon, what’s your problem?”
“you’re pregnant.”
time stops for him. he’s the father, no way he couldn’t be. unless you were cheating on him, which he highly doubts considering your heart is the purest thing he’s ever encountered during his time on this earth.
you let out a long, long sigh. “yeah.”
then you’re swaying, trying to keep upright and simultaneously swallowing down vomit. simon watches as the life drains from your face a bit. his hands are gripping your shoulders to stabilize you. his touch feels nice, warm.
“i need to get home,” you tell him with a sad smile, pained to be leaving his soft touch behind yet again.
“i’ll walk you.”
you nod. you don’t have the heart to ask him to take his hand off your waist, feels too good. and he’s keeping the world right side up.
it’s only a short distance home, and soon he’s ushering you up the stairs to your flat. you don’t stop him from doing that, either.
you also don’t stop him from pulling your favorite blanket over you after helping you lie down on the couch.
you don’t even get the chance to tell him to leave because you’re just so tired, and his presence makes you feel so safe. you’re falling asleep and quickly. he lets you.
he sits and watches you sleep for the better part of an hour. when you stir, he’s there, staring.
he’s in your lounge chair, chin resting on his folded knuckles.
“i’m sorry you didn’t feel like you could tell me.”
you’re barely awake and what’s he saying? “huh?” you say stupidly, wiping your eyes of sleep.
“i said,” he swallows, “i’m sorry you didn’t feel like you could tell me.”
you’re sitting straight up now, definitely more awake now. “i couldn’t have told you. even if i wanted to. you disappeared, simon.
he did. but he doesn’t have the time to explain that now. so, he ignores you.
“how far along are you?”
you tell him. he stands from the chair, sitting down right next to you. he asks if he can feel your stomach. you guess so.
things are getting a little too serious for you now.
“right, well. i had a lovely nap, and i’m feeling much better. thank you for walking me home, but i need to stop by the pharmacy and—”
he interrupts you, tugging your wrist when you try to stand. “i’ll go for you. i’ll do it, please. i’ll do anything you ask me to.
you frown down at him. “simon, there’s no point to this. please just go. it’s just… too late.”
simon’s heart is breaking. he didn’t think it could break anymore than it already has in the last few months.
“let me stay.”
he begs. you think there are tears in his eyes, and if you let them fall you know there’ll be no going back. so you sit with him, you let him kiss you with his hand on your stomach. you let him lay you down on the beat up couch he was always pestering you to replace. you let him pull your dress over your head and kiss his way down your stomach. you let him sink into you slowly and pull your calves up to rest on his shoulders. you let him cum inside of you, again.
you even let him go to the pharmacy for you.
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eiightysixbaby · 7 months
santa baby
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eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: watching eddie play santa for your kids makes you want to show him some…. appreciation
cw: 18+ ONLY. reader and eddie are married & have kids, oral (m receiving), unprotected piv, creampie, breeding kink
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Presents in crinkly patterned paper are placed delicately under the tree, your nimble fingers making sure each bow is perfect and every tag that reads ‘From: Santa’ is visible.
Eddie tip-toes into the living room from your bedroom, the final stack of gifts in his arms. Your two daughters sleep soundly in their beds, likely dreaming of those sugarplums the stories talk about. He hands you each present one by one, letting you find the perfect place for them around the base of your glittering tree. The tiny colored lightbulbs cast a pretty pink glow throughout the room, and it fills your heart with warmth.
When you’ve finished your work, you turn to see Eddie filling the stockings, the ball of his Santa hat bobbing with each movement. He hangs each one back on the mantle with so much care, he wouldn’t want to drop one and send one of your little ones running to see what caused the noise. A fire crackles in the fireplace, fending off the cold of the snowy landscape outside.
“Is that everything?” he double checks, giving you a sweet grin.
“Not quite. Santa has to eat his cookies,” you tease, moving closer to him and tugging on his hat as you press a kiss to his lips.
“Damn, how could I forget these delicious cookies?” he asks, kissing you on your cheek and squeezing a healthy handful of your ass before moving towards the small table that holds a plate of sugar cookies. You giggle, still blushing like you did the day you met him.
You can’t help but smile when you turn to look at the baked treats, each one having been eagerly frosted by tiny hands. The girls had done their very best, and you know your husband certainly won’t complain about a little too much icing dripping down the sides. A glass of milk rests beside the plate, and Eddie takes a hearty sip of it after polishing off his first cookie.
It makes your heart swell, the way he breaks off one little bit of the second cookie to leave on the plate. A tiny splash of milk rests in the bottom of the cup. To make it look as though Santa couldn’t quite finish it all. This is the first year your girls are both old enough to really enjoy and get excited about the holiday, and it makes you so happy to witness it through their eyes.
Having a partner that plays along perfectly only makes it sweeter. Honestly, Eddie has probably been more into it than you, making everything so fun for your children. He stops at nothing to make them happy, to make things magical for them. He makes things magical for you, too, and it fills you with an impossible amount of joy.
To your surprise, it also fills you with need. A deep, hot desire for the man you’ve made a home with. It’s insatiable, the way it hits you like a train. Something about watching him play up this whimsical figure for the sake of your kids, something about him in that damn Santa hat. Before you realize it, he catches you staring as he sits back in the comfy chair, his eyes meeting yours and his face breaking into a cheeky smile. You might as well be drooling.
“What’re you looking at, Mrs. Claus?” he asks, stretching his arms behind his head, his pajama-clad legs spreading wide.
“I just think…” you start, stalking closer to him, eyes trained on his. “That Santa works so hard…” you murmur, sinking onto your knees between his legs. “Maybe he deserves to be properly thanked.”
“Oh—” Eddie gasps when your hand palms over his clothed cock, feeling it stiffen against your touch.
Wasting not even a second you tug his pants down, his hips raising to help you, and you feel your eyes blow wider at the sight of him. You’ll never get tired of seeing his cock — never. The way it leaks for you, the way he gets so hard from the simplest things that you do. You open your mouth, letting the weight of him rest heavy on your tongue. Licking the tip gently, you run your fingers up and down one of his legs.
“Baby,” he sighs, tipping his head back a bit. “What got into you?”
“Jus’ something about watchin’ you play Santa…” you say, kissing the tip of his cock. “You’re so good to us. To me. Wanna worship you for it,” you say softly, blinking up at him.
And God, how could he turn you down?
“The girls, what if they—?”
“Just be quiet, and they won’t,” you say like it’s simple, and he doesn’t have a moment to respond before you’re kissing your way down his shaft.
He’s struck dumb when you take the head into your mouth, suckling on it with pretty lips. One hand reaches up to grip the base of him, your tongue licking his slit. A heavy breath leaves his nose, his lips pressed in a thin line. His fingers tangle in your hair, his other hand gripping the armrest of the chair so tight it could rip.
You glance up at him, licking a long and slow stripe up the underside of his length. His eyes are half-lidded and dazed as he stares down at you, watching in disbelief. You stop teasing, then, taking him as far into your mouth as he’ll go. Your nose brushes the patch of coarse hair that sits at his base, exhaling through your nose as you adjust to the way he presses against the back of your throat.
“Oh fuck,” he whispers when you start to bob your head, trying your very best to keep the wet, slurping sounds to a minimum.
The hand that was gripping his shaft moves down to his balls, squeezing softly as you hollow your cheeks around him. You can hear the way he struggles to quiet the groans that claw their way up his throat, his breathing ragged. His hands reach up, yanking the Santa hat off so his fingers can run through his hair, tangling themselves in it.
“Christ, baby, thatfeelssogood,” he rushes out, voice breathy. “Your mouth is fuckin’ perfect.”
You pull off of him, still rolling the flesh of his heavy balls between your fingers. You make out with the head of his cock, tongue running over it, saliva dripping everywhere. He takes a handful of your hair, pulling gently to make you look up at him.
“Get up here. Right now,” he says. You know he’s trying to be demanding, but he sounds so fucked out it doesn’t quite work. It makes you want him even more.
Following instruction, you climb onto his lap and straddle it, but not before slipping off your pajama pants. With just your underwear separating his cock from your heat, you grind your hips down on him, sucking in a sharp breath when his tip nudges your clit. His strong hands guide your movements, taking control as he peppers kisses on your jawline, making you tilt your head back in pleasure.
“Need you inside me, Ed, please,” you croon, your breaths staggered.
“I don’t know, have you been a good girl this year? Do you deserve it?” he taunts, raising his brows at you. His teasing holds no weight, he has every intention of giving it to you, but you still nod.
“Been so good,” you say softly, teeth tugging at his earlobe.
A strangled, breathy sound leaves him before he’s shoving your panties to the side, running a thick finger through your wet folds. Wet is an understatement, honestly. You’re soaked for him, and he’s barely done anything to you.
“God damn, honey,” he growls low in your ear. “You’re so wet.” His teeth nip at your jaw before moving to your neck, his lips planting themselves on the delicate skin and sucking. “Watching me play Santa really got you that hot, huh?” You can hear the smirk in his voice, and if you weren’t so needy for him you’d roll your eyes. But unfortunately, he’s right.
You whine instead, a featherlight sound that he almost misses through the crackling of the fire. He grips his cock, lining himself up with you as you hover above his lap. You reach down to help him, guiding him into your aching heat as you slowly sink down. You gasp in unison when he parts your walls, each of your mouths hanging open until he’s fully sheathed inside you. Calloused fingers press into your doughy hips, beginning to bounce you on his thick cock. A high-pitched squeak escapes you when you feel him press deep inside, and he instantly covers your mouth with one big palm. He stills his movements.
“Remember when you told me to be quiet? Hm? Now you can’t control yourself?” he whispers hotly in your ear, his breath making your skin prickle.
His hand is removed from your mouth in favor of guiding the roll of your hips once more, keeping you bouncing steadily. You can hear the way his cock glides through your sticky folds, pushing in and pulling out and pushing back in again. His eyes are impossibly dark as they watch you, especially in the dim light, but you can see the lust and adoration burning behind them all the same. You swear you can feel him in every inch of your body as he pushes himself as deep as he can possibly go, making you drop your forehead against his and bite back a moan.
One of his hands pulls the hem of your shirt up in order to expose your breasts to him, his open palm giving the first one a squeeze before rolling your nipple between his fingers and pinching. Your back straightens slightly, arching into his touch. He dips his head down, sucking on the nipple his fingers aren’t already toying with. He kisses the soft swells of flesh, nipping and sucking gently while you start to take some control, bouncing yourself on his cock.
“Fuck,” he mutters around a mouthful of your tits, his tongue flicking over the sensitive buds on each one.
He diverts his attention, moving away from your breasts and instead reaching a hand down down down to where your bodies connect. The pad of his thumb swipes over your clit, making a filthy, desperate huff leave your mouth. You’re getting so close, your body desperate for him to bring you to release.
“Eds,” you sigh, rolling your hips slowly on top of him, savoring every single second of this bliss.
“What is it, sweetheart?” he asks, bringing his free hand up to cup your cheek, thumb stroking along your cheekbone. He smiles at you, soft and sweet as he continues to circle your clit.
“So good,” you breathe, feeling the tension in the pit of your stomach grow and grow. “Want you to cum, baby, give it all to me.”
“Yeah? Want me to fill you up?” he taunts, leaning forward and catching your bottom lip between his teeth. “Get you pregnant again? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Everything in you screams yes. Your hormones are on overdrive, wanting him to pump you full of his seed and make it stick.
“Fuck, yes, Eddie,” you agree, throwing your head back.
He bucks his hips up, his cock stretching you so deliciously, reaching the deepest parts of you. His lips kiss any part of your skin they can reach as you completely fall apart for him. Your walls clench so tightly around him as you cum, drenching his cock in your arousal. Giving you a few final thrusts, his movements get less precise as he unravels. Soft grunts leave his mouth as he fucks you through his orgasm, ropes of cum painting your walls in spurts. You cling to him, panting as you recover from your high. Gentle hands rub your back, sliding up under your shirt and soothing you with repetitive motions.
“I love you,” you say softly, crossing your eyes to watch as he presses a kiss to your nose. One reaches your lips immediately after; a drawn-out, lingering kiss that you don’t want to ever end.
“I love you, too,” he says, millimeters away from your mouth after he pulls away. You feel it, almost overwhelmingly, in the way he holds you close.
You shift on his lap, letting him pull out of you carefully. Your thighs are sticky with your own arousal and his as it drips out of you, but you don’t want to leave his comforting embrace. The warmth from the fireplace kisses your skin, making you sleepy in Eddie’s arms. You take his left hand in your own, running your thumb over his wedding band, a pleased hum reverberating within you.
He turns, looking at the clock that rests on the mantle. Just after midnight.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” he says, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head.
“Merry Christmas, handsome,” you coo, reaching up to brush some of his hair out of his face.
“Can we make this a Christmas tradition?” he asks, giving you a cheeky smile as he pinches the fat of your ass.
“Whatever you want, Mr. C,” you laugh, leaning in to kiss him once more.
The night ends with the both of you creeping quietly down the hallway to your bedroom, tangling yourselves beneath warm blankets. Snow falls outside, you can see it through the gap in the curtains as sleep starts to take over your body. Blinking slowly, heavily, you feel Eddie’s strong arms wrap around you, pressing you close to his chest.
In the morning, your girls will wake you with unbridled excitement, ready to see what Santa brought them. But for now, it’s just you and the man himself, dreaming cozy winter dreams.
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puranami · 7 months
✿ It's The Little Things ✿
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A/N: My first time writing! Admittedly I'm very nervous, but also so excited!! Kept it simple with a small headcanon list to start, but I tried to write a decent amount for each point, and I hope that everyone is in character :0 Posting at 4am because I have no control over my life...
Summary: Little relationship things with the Strawhats. Can be interpreted as the anime/manga or the live action version of the character.
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji
Content: SFW, G/N reader, slightest hint of angst in Sanji's part, but otherwise, pure unadulterated fluff! ✿
(Part 2 - Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk) (Part 3 - Franky, Robin, Law, Kid, Killer) (Part 4 - Crocodile, Rosinante/Corazon, Doflamingo)
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✿ He absentmindedly draws shapes on your leg, back, or whatever part of you is there as you sit together, whether you are watching the waves, or listening to one of Usopp's stories. He is almost magnetic in the way he ends up attached to you. If you're not feeling it, he will do his best to keep his hands to himself, but as soon as his focus shifts onto anything else, they're back on you, drawing little clouds and hearts. He tried, he really did!
✿ This bottomless pit inhales food like it's going out of fashion, but, much to the bewilderment of the rest of the crew, he will actually feed you from his plate as he eats, even though you are eating your own food. It may be a case of "1 for you, 5 for me," but it's almost instinctive for him; he's sharing something he's passionate about with you, and making sure that, in his eyes, you are happy, healthy and strong. He values your wellbeing more than food; you are one of the most important things in his life.
✿ Despite how chaotic he is in every aspect of his life, his presence brings you to a state of complete peace, even when he's yelling about whatever currently has his attention. Just knowing he is there comforts you in a way that nothing, and no one else can. As long as Luffy is there, being the same old Luffy he always is, you know everything will be alright in the end, and if it isn't alright, well, it isn't the end yet.
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✿ He always places a comforting hand on your head when he passes by, or ends up in the same general space as you. It's his version of a hug, a reassuring touch that he is there, and that he's happy to see you. Zoro is very subtle with his affection, at least in public, but even when it's just the two of you, he automatically defaults to the head pat. It comforts him as much as it does you, and the simple action alone conveys his feelings far better than he ever could with words.
✿ You both love silently observing everything going on around you, and it's such a comfortable silence. You just enjoy each others company while watching the world go by, with Zoro also keeping an eye out for any threats, as he does. Sometimes you end up passing silent judgement on what you see, and you have both developed this uncanny ability to gossip without saying a single word. It's honestly unnerving at times, but you are just so familiar with each others micro-expressions that it's second nature.
✿ Insults are terms of endearment. If anyone else called either of you such things, all hell would break loose - swords drawn, blood spilt, bodies hit the floor, the whole song and dance. It actually started out as a form of deflection, with both of you being far too stubborn to admit any feelings were there, even to yourselves; "No, I don't like you, shitstain, I tolerate you." - "Whatever helps you sleep at night, arseface." As you connected though, it just became your thing, and you love seeing who can come up with the funniest insults. Zoro is surprisingly creative in this regard.
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✿ Nami has a habit of fixing your clothes and hair if something is out of place. It can seem overbearing to others, but she knows you appreciate the gesture. She spent years putting up walls to defend herself, and this is a safe way for her to have a little moment alone with you, giving you gentle little touches without revealing to the world just how important you are to her. It is a very grounding experience for both of you, and you end up doing the same for her on the rare occasion that she isn't completely flawless. She may purposely put things out of place so you have the opportunity to fix something too.
✿ She has an eye for the finer things, and loves getting you little trinkets, and especially pieces of jewellery, which often match or pair with hers, like pendants that fit together to make a whole shape, and such. Just don't ask her where she got them; "Shhh, you don't need to worry about that." All that matters is that you now have a tangible connection to each other, no matter how close, or far apart you are.
✿ Another person who relishes in comfortable silence. Of course you love chatting with each other, and often do so later into the night than you intended. Nami is very quick-witted and your shared snark is always so enjoyable! But it's the moments when you are doing your own thing together, basking in the warmth of that closeness that brings the most joy. Every so often, you will share something interesting or amusing, depending on what you're doing, but you always return to that silence. It's very domestic.
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✿ You both end up in regular fits of giggles, that grow into raucous laughter, before devolving into the sounds of various suffocating wildlife, which only fuels the hilarious fire. He doesn't even have to say anything at times; he just has a look, and as soon as he catches your eye with it, you absolutely lose it. The amount of nonsensical inside jokes you have is absurd in itself.
✿ Ever the storyteller, Usopp will wind down the day with you relaxing under the stars, telling you fantastical stories about the impossible feats of the great 'Captain Usopp.' His creativity and imagination are something you greatly admire, and as much as you try to stay awake to appreciate those qualities, the comfort he brings has you dropping off every time. He'll carry you to bed most nights, but sometimes he can only manage to drag you around like a corpse he's trying to hide, and he'll end up waking you up laughing about it.
✿ You automatically link your little fingers whenever you are close enough to. It doesn't even register half of the time, only realising when you need that hand or try to go your separate ways. When this happens, providing there isn't anything that needs your urgent attention, you like to dramatize your parting, playing up that this is the most painful moment of your lives! "Don't you dare let go, Usopp! We can both make it out of this alive!" - "I'm so sorry, I can't hold on any longer, and I refuse to drag you down with me." - "No! Don't say that!" - "I love you so much, but you need to let me go..." Leading to you unlinking your fingers, and exaggerated fake cries of anguish. It annoys everyone around you immensely.
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✿ You shamelessly flirt with each other, making everyone around you uncomfortable, groaning at how painful it is. You weren't together when you started playing this romantic game of chicken, giving back everything Sanji threw at you, and then some, but once you figured your feelings out, you actually developed it into a legitimate game where you attempt to be as sickening and obnoxious as possible. If there is no one grimacing, angrily telling you both to pack it in, or simply leaving the room; you aren't flirting enough. There is a points system, and you're currently in the lead. Sanji ends up caving over the things you say, and his brain loses the ability to form words, let alone string them together in a coherent sentence.
✿ Sanji always leaves a drink and a bite to eat for you to wake up to, since he isn't there in person, having to wake up much earlier to prepare the food for the day. Growing up in a restaurant, early starts are just part of his natural rhythm, so it doesn't bother him, but sometimes you try to wake up with him to at least watch the sunrise together, before going back to bed for a couple more hours. He cherishes those mornings, and there is always an extra spring in his step on those days.
✿ He takes every opportunity he can to share a glance and a warm smile, a gentle touch of your hands, or a chaste kiss with you. They are agonisingly brief moments, but Sanji needs them to get him through the day, otherwise he would just cling to you, and neither of you would get anything done! Unknown to you, these moments are also his way of reminding himself that you chose him over everyone else, that he is loved unconditionally, and that he is enough, without having to, in his opinion, burden you with his insecurities. He'll open up to you one day, and you will be able to give him verbal affirmations along with everything else~
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gojossocks · 7 months
You’re all I want.
Pairing: Gojo x reader Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort, crack at the end because Gojo copes with humor :") Content: Gojo comes home after the Shibuya accident and you try your best to ground him back to you. WC: 1.5k
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Satoru steps into your shared home, suddenly feeling the fatigue weighing down on his body. Soft lighting filled the room, courtesy of the gentle glow of the lamps you excitedly asked him to buy. 
It was 2 am and he just came home from Shibuya, and after everything that has happened to him, his arms are itching to hold you. He wanted nothing more than to pull you close and let the beating of your heart lull him to sleep. 
He lets out an audible sigh of relief when he sees your figure curled up on his side of the bed, you were wearing his sweater. You turn your head to his direction when you hear the door open,  “Satoru?” you mumbled sleepily. Then just like always, you stood up to greet your husband. 
“Sweetheart,” he smiles at you, his arms instinctively wrapping around your waist.  “I bought macaroons from a newly opened cafe in Shibuya, you’d love it.” 
He still hasn’t taken off his blindfold, the fabric covering his eyes, putting a visible barrier between you and seeing your husband. He’s putting up his ‘the strongest’ persona so you gently cup his face before taking off his blindfold. “Didn’t I tell you to take off your blindfold when you’re around me?” 
He lets out a chuckle and affectionately nudges you, accompanied by a subtle teasing lilt in his voice. “Can’t hide anything from you, Y/N.”  
You take into his appearance— how certain parts of his uniform are ripped and stained with dry blood. Then you noticed his eyes, how the bright blue irises bore the weight of exhaustion and you knew immediately that this mission is unlike the usual ones. There was a profound sadness that lingered within the depths of his gaze and your heart aches at the thought of what he must have gone through the past few hours.
“I missed you.” he breathed out, the words hanging in the air like a whispered confession. He said it like the words are scarce, as if he was unsure if he really came back home.  “I thought I wasn’t gonna come home tonight. I had to. I promised I would, didn’t I?”  
A soft, almost imperceptible smile plays upon Satoru's lips, but the warmth he gives falls short of reflecting in his eyes. Your fingers instinctively find their way into his, gently squeezing his hand. You press your forehead against his, assuring him that he’s safe and you’re real. “I missed you too, Satoru.”
Satoru leans in and pulls you into a gentle and lingering kiss. and you kiss him back eagerly, ardently— so grateful for your husband keeping his promise to you. you sigh into his mouth, and he breathes you in, 
You press your forehead against his once you pull away, your fingers tracing his cheek, “Thank you for always coming home to me.”  
You are Satoru’s anchor, and you in all your strength, refuse to let him sink. 
Usually, you and Satoru have a routine after his missions. You prepare him a proper meal for dinner, knowing full well he isn’t eating anything healthy when you aren’t around to scold him. You listen to him ramble about his students or the sweets he brings home and you tell him all about your day as he munches on the food you prepared. Then after that, you take a relaxing bath together, washing away all of the remnants from his mission, physically and figuratively. Then, you find solace in each others’ arms. You let Satoru hug you all night while you gently run your fingers through his hair.  The details might shift depending on the mood but the core remains constant— Satoru’s routine wouldn’t be complete without you in it. 
Tonight, you decide to skip the meal part. It was past midnight anyway.  “Bath?” 
As you prepare for your bath, stepping into the shower, you notice the unusual quietness from Satoru. Typically, he’s constantly talking, excitedly telling you anything that comes to his mind. But today he lets himself be vulnerable around you. 
Opening the shower, you invite him in, holding Satoru’s hand as the warmth of the cascading water surrounds the both of you. You take the opportunity to shampoo your husband’s hair, your fingers gently massaging his scalp, having to be on your tiptoes to reach the top of his head. He crouches down a bit to meet you halfway, sneaking a hand to your waist. 
“What’s on your mind, ‘Toru?”  you break the silence, your fingers continuing massaging his scalp. His eyes avoid yours. 
“I just—” He hesitates before he responds, his voice breaking. “I almost got sealed because I got distracted during the fight. Nanami was severely injured and a lot of people died today. We saved a lot of them thanks to my students.  I just hope I’ll be able to protect you forever.” 
Your heart aches at his raw confessions, the gravity of what he’s endured weighs heavily on you both. You attempt to soothe his pain with all that you can,   “It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it right now. I just want to let you know I’m here.” 
You took your time lathering his body with soap, caressing with your soft fingers as they tracing patterns on his skin and he allows himself to feel the exhaustion, finding a momentary respite in the gentleness of your touch. With you, he surrendered. 
He held onto you in desperation and hugged you tighter. Then he released all of his pent-up emotions, quiet sobs filled the room and you held him through it all, feeling his tears as they mingled with the water streaming down on your shoulder. Your other hand finds tracing comforting circles on his back.
“Hey,” you grab both of his hands and entwine your fingers with his, gazing into his eyes sincerely.   “I’m right here, Satoru. We’re alive. I’m safe. You’re safe. Let me carry your burdens with you. ” 
Satoru remains silent but the way he’s holding onto you speaks volumes. You’re certain that he’s clutching onto every word that you utter.  You delicately wipe away his tears, your touch felt divine on his skin.  “We’re jujutsu sorcerers, risking our lives is what we do. That’s why every second that I’m with you matters.” you say gently, offering a small smile. 
His eyes, puffy and red, meet yours with gratitude. Then, unexpectedly, he chuckles. “Damn you for ruining my depressing moment. I was deep in my feels.”
There was your Satoru, him and his theatrics. 
Once you’ve fully brought back your energetic and joyful husband, your bath session becomes less and less productive as he wouldn’t stop lathering soap, perhaps a little too enthusiastically, on your butt. 
You raise an eyebrow at him, “Yes?”
“I’m cleaning it, baby. If anything you should thank me.” He says, feigning innocence. Although his smirk gave him away. 
“Really? Just my ass? You’re squeezing it, Satoru!” you squeal, momentarily breaking away from him only to be pulled into his arms once again. You burst into laughter and he giggles in reply, like a motherfucking child.
He exaggerates a groan and sneaks his hand to your butt cheek once more, resting his head on your shoulder.  “It’s ‘Toru to you! I’m sad and stressed, let me be. Please let me use it as a stress reliever.” He pulls away to look at your face before wiggling his eyebrows teasingly, “and aren’t you the one who suggested this shower?” 
“Because you stink” you mutter under your breath, the words barely audible.
In response, a loud smack resonates around the bathroom.
“Did you just fucking slap my ass?”  you exclaim, a mix of surprise and indignation in your voice. 
“I absolutely did not.” he declares, a mischievous grin lighting up his face.  He hugs you once more,  burying his face in the crook of your neck. In your embrace, his pain and burdens dissolve into your arms, leaving only the love you give him.  You are all that he wants, all that he can think of and he silently wishes— begs any omnipotent god to allow him to get infinite moments with you. 
He pulls away from the hug and cups your cheeks with his hands and you both stare at each other, engraving this moment into your souls, hoping there won't come a time where you’d lose one another. 
“I love you, Satoru.” you say sincerely and of course he responds to it without hesitation. “I love you more, Y/N.” 
“I love you most, then.”  you reply cheekily, grinning. 
A pout adorned his face, huffing at your statement. “That’s not fair.” He protests.
Knowing that he’s losing the fight between your silly banter. He attempts to assert his victory. “I love you mostest then!” 
“Satoru, we both know that’s incorrect grammar” you point out, playfully rolling your eyes.  “I also can’t believe I’m doing this cheesy shit with you.” 
“We have been married for a decade, sweetheart.” 
God, Satoru loves you so much.
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a/n: nanami did NOT die in my mind :D hope u guys enjoyed!
wanna read more?
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exhaslo · 8 months
Kinktober Day 11- Miguel x Reader (Size Kink)
        Everyone knows that Miguel was a hard working individual. He did his absolute best to keep everything up and running. As the leader of the Spider Society, Miguel did so much. Almost so that it felt like he never really took care of himself. Miguel always looked exhausted and frustrated. The stress was eating him alive. It was not hard to see why.
        You had wiggled yourself into his life by chance. It took a lot of work, but Miguel opened up to you and started a relationship. You were always there to ease his stress. To calm him down with just a simple hug. Sometimes, you wished for more. You felt like Miguel was afraid of having sex with you. Like he needed to hold himself back. You knew that it was not healthy for him. Hopefully, today you could finally help him break out of that mold.
        You and Miguel had been dating for about three months. You were a smart cookie and figured out that he was Spiderman. The embarrassment on his face when you confronted him was so cute. Hopefully, you will get a new kind of embarrassed face today. You were finally going to try and get Miguel to let loose. You were going to treat Miguel and give him the best sex of his life...and yours. This was a first for you, but it has been long enough.
"Hey, Miggy!" You chirped as he entered your apartment. You embraced him with a kiss, "I made dinner, why don't you wash up first?" You offered. 
        Miguel replied with a soft grunt, wanting to hold you a bit longer. It made you happy every time since he lifted you off your feet, literally. Miguel was huge. You felt so small beside him. You knew it was cliché, but you loved making jokes about his height. Asking about the weather, letting him know that ladders don't exist for him, all the dumb things. Miguel let you since he loved how happy it made you. You hummed happily as you prepped a big portion for Miguel. He was a big boy and worked hard, he needed to eat a lot.
"Huele bien, cariño. ¿Cuál es la ocasión? (Smells good, sweetheart. What's the occasion?)" Miguel asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You shivered at his breathe against the back of your neck,
"Just wanted to treat you. You need a break," You replied, feeling his wet hair drip against your shoulder, "Sit and eat. I'll dry your hair,"
"Se supone que debo tratarte como a una princesa y no al revés. (I'm supposed to treat you like a princess, not the other way around.)" He said with a chuckle.
        You felt your heart skip a beat as he laughed. Why did he have to be so charming? Hiding your face in a fresh towel, you stole glances of your boyfriend. Miguel always treated you right, now you had to return the favor. You took a moment to stare at his broad back. Oh how his shirt defined his muscles. Wiping the drool from your mouth, you wrapped the towel around his head and proceeded to dry him off. You can have your fantasies later.
"How's the food?" 
"Delicious as always." Miguel gave his thanks.
        He looked up at you, wanting a kiss, to which you gave him. You removed the towel, watching as Miguel took his empty plate to the sink. His butt so perfect in those sweatpants. Oh, tonight was defiantly going to be for Miguel...but also for you. Watching your boyfriend return to the couch, you hopped over and landed on his lap. Your legs spread over his legs, attempting to trap him in place while you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Miguel, I'm going to treat you well tonight, okay?" You seemed hesitant now, worried for your performance. Miguel held your hips,
"Are you sure?"
You pressed your crotch against his, grinding your hips through the fabric, "I'm sure." You replied, feeling his bulge already rising. Miguel lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom,
"Sólo voy a advertirte que tengo esta pequeña cosa. (Just going to warn you, I do have this one little thing.)" He warned, towering over you on the bed.
"Nothing about you is little," You teased.
        Miguel grumbled lowly. He wanted to warn you, but it might be best for you to find out. You watched as Miguel took his clothes off, following suit. This was the first time you were going to see him naked and visa versa. Your eyes almost boggled out of your head as you saw his cock. He was covering his face with his hand. You could have sworn he was hiding a chuckle. Miguel was totally laughing at you for staring at his monster of a cock.
"Little my ass," You teased once more, approaching him.
        Miguel watched you with a gleam in his eyes. Yes, you were little compared to him. He had been itching to fucking your tiny pussy with his large cock. To hear you cry from overstimulation as he stuffed you full. There was a part of him that wanted to break you, but he loved you too much. Miguel was worried that his cock was not going to fit, that he might hurt you. He hadn't even prepped you yet. Miguel let out a soft groan as your tongue licked his shaft. Your soft lips on his tip,
"Cuidado, cariño, no te hagas daño. (Careful, baby, don't hurt yourself.) He groaned.
        You glanced up at Miguel, your tongue swirling against his tip. You were going to treat him. Miguel was too kind to you. Honestly, you had every right to be worried. His dick was larger than your biggest dildo. Just the thought of him ripping you in half was making you soak. Placing your lips against his cock again, you did a soft sucking motion. Miguel's groans were making your body tremble. Who knew he could make such noises?
        You had to balance yourself and hold onto Miguel as you sucked him. Your other hand fingering yourself. Tears were forming in the corner of your eyes as you tried to take him deeper. His dick was already hitting the back of your throat and you were only half way. You moan as Miguel placed his hand on your head, gently moving you.
"Joder, eso es correcto. Chúpame la polla con esa boquita sucia tuya. (Fuck, that's right. Suck my cock with that dirty little mouth of yours.)" He moaned lowly, sending shivers down you spine, "Mírate siendo una buena chica para mí. ¿Estás disfrutando de mi polla en esa boquita tuya? (Look at you being such a good girl for me. Are you enjoying my cock in that little mouth of yours?)"
        So this was his little issue. Miguel was such a dirty talker, but it made you even more horny. You gasped as Miguel removed you from his dick. The look in his eyes was fierce. Lust nearly consuming him as his pupils dilated. He tossed you on the bed, hovering over you. He took your lips in a rough kiss, his fingers removing yours. You whined in response, but Miguel quickly turned those into moans as he entered one finger. He took your hand in his mouth, licking your juices off your fingers.
"Hah....hah....Mig...Miguel...I'm..." You grinded your hips against his hand, feeling your orgasm arriving. Miguel smirked as he pumped his finger, curling it to draw your orgasm out,
"Impresionante, ¿mi dulce ángel tiene problemas para tomar mi dedo? Tengo que prepararte para la comida principal. Voy a estirar tu bonito coño con mi polla, cariño. (Awe, is my sweet angel having trouble taking my finger? Gotta get you prepared for the main meal. I'm going to stretch your pretty pussy with my dick, sweetheart.)"
        Those words alone made you cum. Miguel's pupils were blown as he watched you drench his hand. He chuckled as he watched your face twist with pleasure as he added another finger. Your moans getting louder as you opened your legs wider. Miguel inhaled at the sounds you were making. Your little cries, your sexy moans and of course your throbbing pussy squishing at his fingers. Oh, you were going to look so pretty taking his cock in full.
"You're doing so good, baby. Cum again for me. Doing so, so good." He whispered in your ear, curling his fingers right at that sweet spot.
        You arched your back once more, crying out his name as he drew another orgasm out of you. So much for treating him. Trying to catch your breathe since you felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest, you gasped at Miguel. He towered over you once more, cock in hand. You had to admit that you were scared, but also excited. Watching Miguel pump his cock with his own hand made you spread your legs out for him.
"Let me know if it hurts," There was your loving boyfriend poking out of his lustful state.
        You could only nod. Miguel positioned himself and started to poke his tip inside you. You gripped the bedsheets below you. He was so big. His fingers were nothing compared to his cock. Biting your lower lip, you tried your best to not cry out. Miguel wrapped his arms around you, whispering in your ear as he kept pressing himself into you. Your hips buckled, shaking as Miguel stopped for a moment. He was letting you adjust before continuing his entry.
"Eso es cierto bebe. Eres tan apretado. Sí, lo estás haciendo muy bien. Joder, te sientes tan bien acogiéndome. (That's right, baby. You're so tight. Yes, you're doing so good. Fuck, you feel so good taking me in.)" He groaned.
        You whimpered, holding onto him as he stopped. He kissed all over your face before looking down at you. You could see the sparkles in his eyes as he watched his dick almost completely engulfed by you. You felt it too. He was hitting you so deep that you were seeing stars. The pain was subsiding and all you wanted was for Miguel to start moving. Your fear had disappeared as you tried to buckle your hips. Miguel gripped your hips,
"Look at how good you're doing," Miguel grunted as he pulled out before slamming inside you.
        You nearly yelled out a moan as you felt him hit you deeper than he just was. Your breathing grew heavy as your vision started to blur. With each rough thrust, you felt Miguel getting deeper and deeper. You heard him grunt, complaining about him being almost fully inside you. How good you felt around his cock. How your tight gummy walls were just sucking him in. Everything he was saying was making you explode with pleasure.
"S-Tan cerca. Lo estás haciendo muy bien. Mira, estoy completamente dentro de ti ahora. Joder, qué bien. Envuelto alrededor de mi polla. (S-So close. You're doing so good. Look, I'm fully inside you now. Fuck, so good. Wrapped around my cock.)" Miguel babbled lowly, feeling himself about to burst.
        You whimpered another moan, cumming once more. Miguel kept asking for more, watching you break from overstimulation. He licked your tears away, enjoying your blissed out face. The cute lil 'o' you made with your mouth every time he hit your cervix made him hard. Tightening his grip against your hips, Miguel grunted once more,
"Fuck, baby. Bebe, cariño. Déjame ver cómo tu lindo y pequeño coño se llena con mi semen. (Drink up, sweeheart. Let me watch your pretty little pussy fill with my cum.)" He moaned.
        You cried out, filling Miguel fill you. The small little bulge your stomach made as he finished filling you made him grunt. As much as he wanted to stay inside you, having you wrapped around his cock, he pulled out. Another groan escaped his lips as he heard a pop from your pussy as he pulled out. His cum dripping out. Miguel picked you up, carrying you to the bathroom,
"Told you it was a small issue," You kissed the top of your head. You muffled a groan, resting your head against his shoulder,
"There is...nothing small about you," You laughed weakly. Miguel stepped into the bathroom with you between his legs, 
"Tienes razón, pero hiciste muy bien al acogerme. No puedo esperar a volver a ser tu más alto. (You're right, but you did so good taking me in. I can't wait to tower over you again.)" Miguel nibbled against your ear.
"Easy, big boy. Let me rest first, then next time...I will try and treat you."
"Haha, can't wait."
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obsessivelullabies · 4 months
being simon riley’s housewife: pregnancy!
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part one.
— when you first told simon you were pregnant, he had to sit down. he was feeling so many emotions; joy, anxiety, infatuation. mainly, he was overjoyed he’d gotten the love of his life pregnant. to him, it was almost like the final way to solidify your bond.
— he soon wrapped you up in his arms and gently kissed your forehead, immediately his hand wandered down to your belly, despite it being flat at the time. this became a habit.
— the first few weeks, he started becoming overly protective and worrisome. “.. you sure you can eat that with the baby?”, “what if somethin’ happened to ‘em in there?” and most commonly, “you feelin’ ok, lovie?”.
— he is at your beck and call. you’re up early throwing up? he’s up holding your hair and rubbing your back. you want takeout? course, what do you want? you want a foot rub? ok. anything for you.
— simon’s whole day revolves around you and pampering you. he’s always looming in the background. you’ll probably have to beg him to leave the house alone.
— as you progress into your pregnancy, his worrying only gets worse. he worries about being a good father. he doesn’t feel ready. yet, when he looks at you, he feels everything will be okay.
— when he’s not deployed he’s at every doctor’s appointment. he keeps a sonogram of the baby in his wallet, alongside a photo of you.
— even during sex, he’s much more gentle than usual. as if he’s terrified he’ll harm you or the baby. this is something you have to gently reassure him about.
— simon absolutely adores it when your belly gets all swollen. he loves go rub his hands on it and kiss it. he constantly tries to feel for kicks or any movement.
— when it comes to baby names, he isn’t picky at all. he’s fine with almost anything. after all, you’re the one carrying it, so he’s indifferent.
— as you go through labor, he’s nervously holding your hand and trying his best to silently be supportive no matter if you curse him, the nurses or the doctor. whatever you need, he understands.
— the moment simon got to hold his healthy, sweet baby, he felt like he fell in love all over again. he glanced between you and the baby. his heart swelled. he knew he had a family with you, something he’d lost years ago.
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bonus : simon would be ecstatic if you allowed him to name your baby girl after his late mother. he’d smile to himself, the terrible memory of his mother’s passing becoming a sweet name of remembrance. [if this makes no sense, read his backstory!]
masterlist. | requests are open!
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esmedelacroix · 1 month
All the ways you disappoint me.
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pairing: boyfriend!miguel o'hara x f!reader
summary: The honeymoon phase confirmed it's existence for the second year of dating Miguel. Your love life went from flourishing to one-sided the day Miguel revealed to you that he was Spiderman.
cw: ooc miguel, very angsty, depressive behaviors, alcohol abuse
a/n: I have been on hiatus for a very long time. I've been in a very dark place this past month. I lost a very good friend of mine that I have known since middle school. Which really threw me off track. I have a bunch of works in progress coming out soon. I finally feel like I'm in a mentally okay spot to pick up writing again. This is lowk just word vomit but its something.
*listen to this song on loop for the best experience !
miguel masterlist | next part
Disappointment. A feeling you you felt often. Maybe even too often. You were very familiar with disappointment. He only ever came around late at night. Disappointment would wrap his arms around you as if he wasn't the reason why there was a wet spot on your pillowcase almost every night.
All Miguel O'Hara ever does is disappoint you. "So why are you still with him?" your good friend Jess asked over hot morning tea.
"What am I supposed to do without him?" you questioned.
"That's not a very healthy mindset to have. You know that," Jess said putting a firm comforting hand over yours.
You look away for a moment. Eyes trailing out the window of the Spider Society Café that reeked of coffee and broken promises. Miguel O'Hara was married to the barista who would hand him five coffees minimum a day. He chose to marry the barista and work and not his own girlfriend of three years.
As you watched the birds create an arrow in the air flying north over the firey trees below. Part of you wished that you were a bird in this very moment flying away from the problems that devoured your brain from the inside. "You still with me?" Jess asked worriedly.
"Yeah," you sighed turning back to her.
"So you'll talk to Miguel tonight?" Jess commanded. She did that a lot. She would ask a question that sounded like an order which made you feel the need to obey. You simply nodded bringing your mug to your lips and sipping on your now-cold Earl Grey tea.
"Isn't it strange how quickly tea gets cold?" you thought out loud.
"Well that's kind of how tea works hon'," she answered.
. . .
You stopped waiting for Miguel to come home ages ago because you didn't think there was a point in it. Just like how you didn't see the point in trying to talk to him about putting effort into your relationship. In the same way you shouldn't have seen the point in staying with him after your last thousand arguments. You felt your eyelids get heavier with every passing hour you spent staring at the ceiling waiting to hear the door swing open.
Like you summoned him with your mind, you heard the door. The keys. The sigh. And the footsteps. Your heart began to race. Why am I nervous? You asked yourself. You stood up and walked out of your shared room.
Miguel's usual routine was to get home eat the food you prepared for him hours prior, shower, and go to bed. As you walked down the hallway leading to the kitchen, you stopped yourself before turning the corner. Inhale. Exhale. You stepped out into the kitchen and his head shot up immediately. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" he asked. That’s new. An apology, from Miguel. You thought to yourself.
"No, no, I was having trouble sleeping," you answered in a quiet voice.
"Everything alright?" he questioned as he scraped the last bit of food on his plate into his mouth.
"Yeah, I've just been thinking," you started.
"About?" he asked urging you to continue.
"Miguel do you still love me?" you blurted out.
"Of course I do," he replied in a fraction of a second. He sounded almost hurt that you had even asked that question.
Moments like these make you forget the status of your relationship. Moments when Miguel would forget that he's supposed to be cold to you. The moments when he allowed himself to let his guard down around you. Those fleeting moments that should have never left your relationship. "Then why don't we spend any time together? I want to be around you Miguel, I don't care if we sit in silence in the most boring place on the planet. I just want to be in your presence," you admitted. He gave you that little hurt expression again.
"I—I've just been busy," he stuttered. Miguel would often do this thing where he would begin to say something and then cut himself off and choose to say something else.
"Miguel, you know you can tell me anything," you insisted.
"I just—can we please not do this right now?" he pleaded.
You gave him a frown. "Can we sleep it off? Talk about it in the morning?" he sighed rubbing his face.
"Will you even be here in the morning?" you ask under your breath.
"I'll see," he said putting a hand on your shoulder as he walked past you into the bathroom. He did it again. He cut off the conversation the moment it got hard for him. Why are we so complicated? You asked yourself as you lay your head on your moist pillow. Will there ever be a night where I don't cry because of him? A night where he doesn't confuse me with his actions?
. . .
That night as you lay in bed with his back faced away from him, you couldn't help but cry. You felt like you were drowning in your tears. Like they were holding you back. You tried to be as quiet as possible. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. You repeated to yourself.
The only happy thoughts you could think of were of Miguel. Or the Miguel you used to know. The person he used to be before he started using his job as an excuse to neglect you.
Just then when your breathing slowed and you calmed down a bit with tears still streaming down your face. He wrapped his arms around you. He cuddled you from behind. He did that often. When he thought you were asleep. It was almost as if different versions of himself occupied his brain. You liked the one that took the spotlight at night.
The one that would cuddle you. Nuzzle his nose into your hair. The one that would rub your back and. Apologize. To. You.
. . .
Apology fell asleep that night and disappointment woke up at the ass crack of dawn because there was another Spider-verse that needed saving.
You woke up later that morning to the usual chilling feeling of Miguel not being there. You got up stretching your arms as you walked to your kitchen. You made yourself a cup of tea and an omelette, and ate alone, in silence. Thinking. About him. Again.
For the second time this week as if you called for him with your heart, you heard the balcony door slide open and a masked man swing in. He took his mask off and shook his head adjusting his hair. "Good morning," you said with a stupid smile on your face. Why? You couldn't tell. Maybe it was the fact that he was actually here in the morning like he said he would be.
"Good morning. You’re in a good mood," he chuckled.
"Well you're here," you smiled.
Miguel gave you a look. You weren't sure how to feel about it. But it wasn't a bad look. It was nice. Kind of sweet. He prepared a pot of black coffee and talked about his morning in Peni Parker's universe catching a difficult anomaly. For a moment, you could feel little fireflies set off in your stomach seeing him talk about something he was passionate about.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" he asked as he took a seat next to you.
"Just about us and our recent slump, I guess?" you started.
"I'm listening," he hummed as he sipped his coffee.
"I want to spend more time with you Miguel. I want to not argue with you about how much time you spend at work. I want to know what's on your mind. I want to know how you really are and not just how you say you are," you admit. Miguel stayed quiet for a while in thought.
"I don't know what to say to that," he said; his voice cracking a bit.
"You don't have to say anything just—let me be your shelter, please?" you suggested.
. . .
That night Miguel didn't come home. He didn't come in the middle of the night. He didn't come to eat either. He didn't come to wrap his arms around you. And he didn't come to apologize.
. . .
I don't like it when my friends tell me I have a drinking problem. How could it possibly be a problem if it makes me feel better about all the things that rack my brain? Being vulnerable is much easier said than done. Especially, with the girl I love. Of course, I want to tell her things. I want to tell her everything. I want her to know me as well as she knows her hometown. As well as she knows her childhood cat. And as well as she knows how to navigate Pinterest.
But I'm afraid. I'm afraid I'll cry and she'll think I'm weak. I'm afraid she'll think I'm unworthy. I know she would never think those things about me. But how could anyone think anything differently if I think that way about myself?
That's why I turn to the friend that won't let me down ever. Endless Modelos. Because I'm so weak that I can't even open up tp my girlfriend. Every time I feel like I am finally ready to tell her what I'm going through, I stop myself because I am afraid.
. . .
To your great surprise, Miguel wasn't there in the morning. Or the next, or even the one after that. By the third you hadn't seen him it was beginning to stress you out. You wondered if he was safe. If he was even still alive. You decided to go to the Spider Society.
After talking with Jess for a while and babysitting Mayday for a bit. You were finally free to go see Miguel in his office. You opened the door and called out to him but the only thing you heard from him was a sniff. Then two. Followed by a third.
"Miguel are you up there?" you asked as you climbed the stairs to his his platform.
"No?" he said in a shaky voice.
"Is everything okay?" you asked. You saw your answer in the form of 10 too many emptied beer bottles on his desk and on the ground.
You rushed towards him discarding your purse on the ground. He brought his hands to his face and he hid. From you. Your heart sank to the lowest pit in your stomach it could reach. You placed a gentle hand on his shoulders and crouched down next to him. "Miguel, talk to me, please?" you whispered.
. . .
The worst way Miguel could ever disappoint you happened. You had imagined it happening in so many other ways but not like that. You never thought of him as the type of man to give up on something so good.
For the last time in your relationship, Miguel O'Hara disappointed you when he told you he wanted to break up.
. . .
next part → All the ways I defy you
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yawnderu · 3 months
Final Girl — Slasher!Keegan P. Russ x Reader (2/?)
cw: stalking, noncon. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
Your life was never meant to be a punishment.
"Are you listening?" The man in front of you asks the moment your gaze starts to drift off for the third time since you arrived at the office.
"Sorry. What did you say?" The dark circles around your eyes make you resemble a raccoon more than a human, the memories of your friends dying and their blood splattered all around the pale wallpapers. Images of nature that were supposed to be remembered as calming do the exact opposite, forever engraved in your broken psyche.
"Do you remember anything about the suspect?" The detective's voice is calm, laced with nothing but pure understanding and compassion, a man too passionate about what he does— and the man you're about to lie to, delaying the investigation of your friend's death just to save your own ass.
"Nothing other than what I've told you, sir. Everything is just so..." The pregnant pause makes him fidget with the pen in his hand, grey eyes focused on the way you look away from him, eyes squinting as you try to recall memories from that night, memories that are so painful he can see it written all over your face, making him feel a pang of guilt.
"It's okay. Call me if you remember anything else, yeah?" His warm hand rests on your shoulder after you get up, trying his best to give you a reassuring smile that is only met with weary eyes, making your way out without saying anything. There's hesitation in your steps, your heart almost beating out of your chest the moment you stop walking and look over your shoulder, briefly meeting his curious gaze.
“He had brown eyes.” Mr. Smith doesn't waste any time on adding the information to his notes, only making the guilt spread all over your insides like black mold, taking over what used to be your soul— it's all his now.
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Your life was never meant to be a punishment, yet what do you call seeing the man who killed your friends everywhere you go? He's been taking over your entire life no matter how much you try to push the memories away, no matter how much you try to forget it all happened, only serving as a constant reminder that you didn't do enough.
Dreams colliding with reality isn't something new, yet your nightmares are so realistic that it almost feels like you were there. Even while you were hidden away in a dark closet, you can see your friends struggling against the much bigger, armed man, innocent bodies butchered while they were alive, a mess of limbs spread all over the rented cabin, blank eyes always staring at you, watching you run away and leave them behind.
Were you losing your mind? It all seems so real, to the point you're not even convinced you only saw your best friend die. Are you sure you didn't peek the kitchen the moment you cowardly decided to escape? The kitchen was blocked by a wall, and yet.
Cold water splashes all over your face, feeling the softness of your palm rub the skin, trying to come back to reality, to remind yourself that it's impossible to have seen the other bodies. The crime scene report is repeated over and over like a mantra, serving as a permanent reminder that you weren't there. No, not when only a body was found in the living room.
The person looking back at you in the mirror is a far cry from who you used to be. The dark circles in your eyes resemble more a dead girl walking than a real, healthy body, and perhaps that's what you are. If it weren't for the constant feeling of crippling dread and the tears spilling down your cheeks like a broken dam, you could've fooled a mortician.
The sound of your phone vibrating against the vanity brings you back to reality from your trip to Self-Pity Land, slapping some more water on your sweaty face before deciding to take a peek at the screen.
1:38 PM.
From: Ali💗
Almost there.
It's enough to make you scurry around the room, applying enough makeup to not make your friend worry, knowing that she wanted to get you out of the house just to give you a worthy distraction.
For what seems like the first time in forever, the corners of your lips tilt up into a smile the moment your friend wraps her arms around you, holding you close despite the odd stares you're getting from the people in the diner.
“Hey, you.” Her cheerfulness was contagious, to the point that even if only for a second, you get a sense of normalcy. A sense of community, despite your own feelings about the entire situation.
Your friend can talk for two. Something that you never noticed until now, listening to her ramble about anything and everything for the past hour. In a way, it gave you the chance to dissociate in peace, the words mixing together to the point they barely made sense anymore, completely entering one ear and leaving the other.
“He's looking at you.” Alina says in a teasing whisper, nudging you with her elbow. You give her a confused glance until she looks between the man and you, giving you the look.
Your gaze connects with a pair of baby blue eyes, forcing a sharp pain to cut through your soul. His eyes look too familiar, resembling the pair you see every single day in your nightmares. His entire demeanor screams ''cocky bastard'', manspreading on the seat of the table across from you, his arm propped up on the backrest.
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“Awful timing, but I have to go.” Alina says with a small frown, though it quickly changes to a little smug smirk the moment she realizes the man is still looking at you. If she even notices your pleading gaze, it goes completely ignored as she gets up from the booth, giving you a strong, goodbye hug— and the stare from the man makes it clear that it might be the last one.
“Get some.” She teases in a whisper, quickly making her way out of the diner after paying for your drinks. You feel the urge to empty your stomach, yet there's barely anything there, only the slow-growing sense of pure dread the longer you keep staring at each other. Even when you force yourself to look away, you can see him staring at you from the corner of your eye, almost able to tell he has a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
Leaving a halfway done drink behind, you make your way out of the diner, hoping that being out with more witnesses can save you. Is that really him? You barely got the chance to see his eyes yet you never saw his face, starting to doubt yourself the longer your tired feet drag you around the street. He could be an innocent man falling victim of your trauma, simply looking to get laid— you could probably use that, too, yet his icy stare and cocky grin is carved into your damaged mind.
“Need a ride?” A deep, gravely voice offers, nearly giving you a heart attack the moment your eyes meet his. Your hand goes up to your chest, trying to calm your fast-beating heart even when he gives you a reassuring, charming smile.
“No, thank you.” Your tone is far too polite and kind, still wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt despite the fight or flight screaming at you to flee— to get away from the man you're now convinced is the same masked man who murdered your friends.
“Get in the fucking car, princess.”
The charming smile he was shooting your way is gone within a second, his icy gaze piercing through your soul now that he knows you saw through his bullshit. Your gaze drifts down to the hand lifting a part of his shirt up, revealing part of his dark, happy trail— and his handgun.
There's hesitation in your steps as you walk to the passenger's seat, already feeling the smoothie you drank starting to crawl up your throat, almost making you throw it all up, yet you do your best to hold it in, shakily getting into his car.
“… My house's up ahead.” You purposely give him the wrong address, trying to protect your family and yourself from the deranged bastard. The ride is eerily quiet, almost making you even more nervous than if he was trying to make conversation with you. There's no music playing, no humming— nothing, other than his fingers tapping against the steering wheel and his calm breathing.
“We're here.” Maybe you're reading him wrong, but there's hints of teasing bleeding through his deep voice, his eyes shining with mirth when you step out of his truck, making your way to one of the houses. You reach the front door after what feels like minutes, your hand shaking as you think of what to do. You can hear the engine of his car still behind you, not driving away even when you told him that's your home.
I don't want anyone else to die because of me. If someone opens the door, would he murder them too? He has a gun, and the way he brutalized your friends makes it clear that he's not afraid to get his hands dirty no matter the weapon. His loud laugh makes every single muscle in your body tense up, hesitantly looking back at him, the pure amusement dancing all over his face doesn't ease your fears in the slightest.
“Come back, sweetheart. I'll take you home.” And he stays true to his word, driving back in silence, his warm hand resting on your bare thigh. You don't dare look at it, simply staring out of the window, feeling every single callus on his hand while the scenery gets more and more familiar. The black mold in your soul spreads by the second, threatening to rot you from the inside out, bubbling up into a disgusting brew as he stops in front of your house.
Your eyes briefly meet his, his pupils starting to dilate the same way they did when he was done brutalizing your friends; just like a predator who has never failed to catch his prey. You never gave him your address— in fact, you didn't say a single word since you got back into his truck, yet he still found his way to your house.
It's all starting to make sense. Despite assuming it's all a product of your paranoia, you've been catching hints of the masked man everywhere you go, blue eyes always staring right into your soul.
“Not gonna invite me over for some coffee?” Technically, it is a question, yet you both know saying no to him is not even on the table.
“Sure… I can make you a coffee.” Perhaps inviting a serial killer is not the brightest idea, yet what other options do you even have? He knows where you live and the places you frequent, you're not safe anywhere. His hand drifts down to the small of your back as you open the entrance door, hesitantly letting him back into the only safe space you had, willingly allowing him to invade your life.
“Atta girl.” What should feel like praise from an older man only serves as additional mental torture, the sound of the door closing behind you making all hope of surviving him fade away.
“Come sit on my lap.” He walks to the living room as if it's his own home, not even asking for directions, simply being able to navigate his way around like he's been here before— deep inside, you know he has. Your nose starts to sting as he sits down on the couch and forces you to straddle him, your thighs around his, allowing you to feel all the muscle.
“Don't cry…” He taunts, only now making you aware of the hot tears dripping down your cheeks, your lips trembling as he pushes you closer by the ass, pressing your clothed cunt against his hardening dick. His face is buried on he crook of your neck, loudly inhaling your scent as his starts to grind against you, calloused hands roaming all over your pretty body.
“Wanna feel my cock?” The vigorous head shake you give him is enough to make him laugh, open-mouthed kisses planted all over your neck and shoulders, not caring about leaving any marks. You can barely register the sound of his zipper coming down until he's guiding your hand to his warm, hardening dick.
You're too shaky to even do anything about it, disgust and nervousness turning into a dangerous mix, yet Keegan is a patient man. A patient man who gently makes your fingers wrap around his shaft, guiding your movements to jerk him off, getting even harder underneath your touch. Low grunts and muffled moans are spilled right into your ear, clearly getting off despite your very clear fear.
“You're doing so good, princess…” He murmurs. Keegan's free hand starts to sneak his way inside your shirt, slipping past your bra, his thumb brushing past your hardening nipple. Your brain is able to recognize that fight or flight aren't options anymore, so just like a wild animal trying to avoid a fight; you freeze.
Your shaky breaths mingle together, only interrupted by the low groans he lets out, his hand leaving yours for the first time, leaving you unsure of what to do. Despite the tears falling down your cheeks and the muffled whimpers, your hand keeps moving up and down his shaft, not wanting to die by his dirty, blood-tainted hands.
Keegan's mind isn't broken enough to not know it's wrong, yet it has been broken enough to the point he simply doesn't care. Thrown away by his brothers in arms and the marines, he doesn't have anything else to lose. No life purpose, other than to bring others the same pain he has suffered for years.
A quiet whimper escapes your lips as he moves your hand away from his cock, using his tip to move your underwear aside. His free hand goes to the back of your head, encouraging you to hide your pretty, tear-stained face on the crook of his neck, fully muffling your cries the moment he penetrates you. His dick is way too thick for his own good— stretching you open forcefully, despite the way he's actually going out of his way to make it as painless as possible.
“Shh, it's okay, kid. Just enjoy it.” He whispers into your ear, running a reassuring hand up and down your back, starting to move inside you, as if what he's doing could be even remotely enjoyable. A low, throaty moan makes its way out of his lips the moment he manages to bottom out, your body responding to the forced intrusion by getting you wet, not able to register that you don't want it.
Breaking you apart is the closest thing to religion he's ever gotten. Keegan's lips crash against yours as his hips start to thrust up faster and deeper, growing more desperate by the second despite how wrong he knows it is. He shouldn't be enjoying this, yet he's just a broken, terrible man, the little sobs leaving your lips only making him fuck into you harder.
The human body works in odd, awful ways. You don't want this, yet every single nerve inside your cunt is being stimulated by his long shaft, sending signals to your body that make it feel much better after you got wet. The small moan that gets ripped out from your throat makes him break away from the kiss, amusement written all over his face.
Keegan's forehead leans against yours as his hips rock against yours, his breath hot against your face. From this position, you're able to examine his face, taking note of as many details as possible in case he decides to let you leave, no matter how slim the chances are.
Thick, black eyebrows, buzzcut, dark scruff covering his pale cheeks. High cheekbones, light blue eyes, no visible scars or moles.
You repeat it inside your head like a mantra, trying to use it as a replacement to keep your head occupied from the knot starting to tense in your stomach, tightening up more and more with each thrust. You know for a fact you're hating this, yet your body is betraying you, coating his cock with slick.
He pulls out only to slam himself back in, dragging more pathetic moans out of your lips the moment he hits your spongy cervix. The stimulation is enough to make you hide your face on the warm crook of his neck, biting your thumb hard to muffle your own sounds the moment you start tightening up around him, finally giving in to the stimulation.
Your teeth sink deeper into your skin despite the small whiny moan escaping your lips the moment your forced orgasm hits, barely conscious enough to register the cocky laugh above you, feeling his lips connect against your temple, his breath hot on your skin as he manages to pull out, shooting ropes of thick cum all over your stomach.
“See? It wasn't that bad, was it, princess?” You collapse against him with a loud exhale, not able to hold it together anymore.
“Why…?” It's all you can ask, and you're not even sure about the reason you're asking why. Why did he kill your friends? Why did he let you live? Why is he stalking you? Why did he force himself on you? Why is he caressing your body like you're made of glass, as if he didn't just destroy you into thousands of shards?
“Because I'm not right in the head anymore.”
Taglist: @h0ney-mushroom @bangtandaze @elentiyaiswriting @lollycotton @sleepydang @billiousserpent As always, thank you so much @moosch for the amazing art!! 💗💗 world-building with her has been so fucking exciting and I'm happy to finally be writing about Slasher!Keegan after we've been talking about it for months!!<333
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
I was going to do this at some point but others also wanted it... so! CatNap time! This is my version like with DogDay, so maybe read that one first to understand my AU? Pure brainrot, barely proofread, there may be mistakes.
🌙Yandere! CatNap Concept🌙
🐱(My Version)🐱
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Violence, Overprotective behavior, Drugging/Gassing, CatNap watches you sleep, Manipulation, Slight sadism, Blood, Implied murder, Slight gore, Forced companionship.
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I'm just going to say this, the first thing I read about CatNap is he likes watching his friends sleep.
So that's how this starts.
As usual, CatNap has a cartoon/plush form and a monster form in my AU.
I talk a bit more about this in the DogDay concept.
CatNap, in his more innocent plush form, is docile, gentle, bashful, and highly impressionable according to the wiki.
CatNap can have an eerie presence but he is usually very calming.
He prioritizes proper rest, especially towards you.
When left all alone in Playcare, he becomes a hunting beast who worships The Prototype.
He's not Theo in this version, he's his own thing.
He's sadistic and enjoys the hunt in his more beastly form.
However... he isn't heartless... as in this concept he cares for you a lot.
Let's use this concept just to discuss his overall behavior like I did in the last one.
CatNap's plush/cartoon form still manages to get up to just about the waist of an adult on two legs.
Although the cat also likes to roam on four legs.
CatNap has a lavender smell in his fur, a scent known to calm and put others to sleep.
Although... that isn't exactly what he uses to put you to sleep.
Like in canon, CatNap has the ability to release Poppy Gas from his lungs.
Said gas creates hallucinations and even puts the target asleep.
CatNap likes it when his best friend sleeps....
So, the purple cat often likes to crawl on your lap, release some of the gas, and puts you to sleep as he nuzzles into you with a purr.
Yes, I feel I want to make CatNap purr in my version.
CatNap likes to wrap his long tail around you and follows you around loyally.
He wants to make you happy, healthy, and full of energy!
The only way to do that is a good night's sleep, right?
So let him help you.
CatNap definitely also uses his lavender scent to calm you, too.
He just wants his friend to hold him and sleep...
He'll watch over you like a good friend should.
Then there's the monster form.
He's still very dedicated to you, even when he roams the area like a stalking cat.
CatNap watches over you like a hawk, a caretaker at heart.
In his larger form he looks more unnerving, crawling on all fours like huge hunting cat.
He carefully stalks prey (and you) in the shadows, disorienting them with Poppy Gas before striking.
Unlike DogDay he doesn't bother hiding his predatory nature.
He doesn't care if blood or bits of flesh stain his purple fur when he eats.
His lavender scent still lingers despite the dirty blood smell when he's near you.
The large cat often tries to curl around you in his larger form, purring softly as he encourages you to sleep.
If you try to leave his long tail prevents it... he'll even give you Poppy Gas if you still struggle.
If you think about it... CatNap would be very similar to Moon from FNAF... except CatNap is more... religious?
Speaking of that, CatNap may view you as a gift from The Prototype.
His god has rewarded him for his loyalty!
He'll cherish you as his Best Friend....
CatNap would not hurt you as he views you as his gift and Best Friend.
He often swaps between his smaller cartoon/plush form and his monster form.
If he isn't on a hunt and doesn't want to scare you... he'll swap to his more docile form and encourage you to hold him.
Admittedly... his purr and lavender scent is enough to make you want to sleep anyways.
CatNap is mostly sadistic towards others, like DogDay and the other Critters if they were still alive somehow.
CatNap is possessive of his newfound pal.
He growls and hisses when you try to leave or if you mention any other Toy Mascot.
Even if you did escape, CatNap is hot on your tail, stalking you from the shadows.
Next thing you know the room you're in fills with red mist... you start to hallucinate... the last thing you see before you collapse is the monstrous form of a predatory cat.
Then you wake up back where you once were... with a purple plush cat wrapped in your arms purring away.
It looks like you aren't leaving the claws of CatNap after all....
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xtreklx · 10 months
You're hurt ~ Ninja Turtles x reader
Headcanon: Bayverse Turtles x reader
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: SFW, angst + a little fluff, mention of injury
A/N: really appreciate all of the love shown to my last headcanon post, so I thought I'd do another one! switching up the tone tho and doing a little bit of angst ~ hope you enjoy!
we all know that Leo probably has the best handle on his emotions of all the turtle brothers
so when he sees your injured form, on the outside he probably looks a healthy amount of concerned 
but inside he is absolutely going beserk
like amber alert sounds going off in his brain fr
he asks Donnie what to do as they quickly tend to your injury but as they work, there is a ringing in his ears 
when you wake up from being unconscious, the first thing he does is let out a big sigh of relief, and then "how're you holding up, princess? can I do anything for you?"
and when you smile softly back at him and say "I'm okay now, love, I promise" his heart is going to shatter and then put itself back together again all at once
he is so quick to do anything and everything to alleviate your pain
while you are healing, of course he takes the main shift in caring for you
he is constantly refilling your water bottle, bringing you food or tea, changing out your bandages
he'll even sit on the chair next to your bed and read to you, just to take your mind off of any pain you may be experiencing
our guy in blue is very motherly and nurturing in that way
but lowkey, he will take any chance he gets to step out of the room because of how much it pains him to see you like this
he'll lean against the wall outside of the lab/infirmary and rub his temples, furrowing his brow ridge and holding in tears
his most precious, delicate flower, trampled by the cruel, outside world
but he won't let you see his pre-grief; you only see him with a smile on his face
it's only when you start making visible progress with your injury that he starts to feel okay again
because the physical proof that you are going to recover reassures him that he is not going to lose you any time soon
omg when Big Red saw you injured... his world literally came to a halt
like record scratch type of halt
his biggest fear in the whole wide world is losing his family, and you are a part of his family now
so he is simply beside himself with fear and worry and is absolutely desperate and angry until he knows that you're going to make it
he will be snapping at whoever is tending to your wounds, if anyone tries to pull him away from you he WILL FIGHT THEM
he is very not okay and very emotional
once he gets a moment alone, he will definitely let the emotions take over and cry to himself
when you first wake up, he will say or do whatever he can to make you feel tough, because he doesn't want you feeling weak while down for the count
"damn, you really showed 'em, huh tiger? you shoulda seen the guy, he was limpin' away after the stunt you pulled."
swears up and down that he will kill whoever touched you, and even though raph is a violent guy, he's not a killer. but he 100% means what he says
however, a big part of him is going to blame himself. for not being with you, for letting you get in the way of danger, for even allowing you to be a part of a life like this to begin with.
but you can read the big guy like a book. so you give him a knowing smile and tenderly reassure him: "I wouldn't do a thing differently. I love you, and I want to be with you no matter what."
you got him fucked up, that's for sure
and while you are healing he is in no way shape or form leaving your side for a SECOND
he will fall asleep next to your infirmary bed, he will eat meals next to you, he will do whatever Donnie tells him to, but he will not be able to physically bear leaving your side
man's top quality is his loyalty, and while his fears or insecurities may get the best of him every once in a while, he's in it too deep now, and he'll do anything to be by your side
as we expect, Donnie is able to keep his head on straight when he sees that you're injured
he knows that he has to have his wits about him because he's the only qualified medic of the group
but deep, deep down he is in full-on panic mode
Don keeps different groups of tabs open in his brain (like on a google chrome browser), and while one of the groups is flipping through every medical textbook he has ever read, another group is just going "Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N--"
over and over again like a computer system error
his brothers are trying to help him tend to your injuries but he is extremely strict with whatever they do and has a very hard time letting go of the reins
as he's talking to them, he looks concentrated and steady, but his voice will not stop cracking
once he has decided that you are stable and going to be okay is when he breaks down
he's definitely also a crier, and can't help but think about how he almost lost you and can't function without you
but he gets a hold of himself, continues to chronically monitor your vitals and pain levels, and then immediately gets to work on a new invention to keep you safe
when you first wake up, now that he's feeling a little more confident with your condition, he'll say something silly to cheer you up, like "well hello to my newest little experiment"
and you'll smile back at him with a joking "hi, Doctor Dee", insisting that you're fine as he asks you a bunch of analytical questions about your symptoms
after he's done playing doctor, he'll just sit next to you for a moment in silence, looking apprehensive
but you know exactly what he's thinking, so you say "you're my hero, Donatello. you know that, don't you?" 
he gets so blushy and flustered at that, but has the biggest smile on his face 
surprisingly, when Mikey sees you hurt, he goes quiet
you would think that with our goofball in orange, his reaction would be super over-the-top and dramatic
no, mans goes dead silent
he never gave much thought to what his fears in life were before this, but he has realized that one of his biggest fears has just come true
he asks Donnie what he needs to do, and he doesn't think he has ever sounded more desperate in his life
he does his tasks immediately and with the utmost attention to detail, no protests and no questions asked
his brothers have never seen him like this before in their lives: so focused and concerned and quiet
they'll tell you about it later, as a testament to how much the guy lives and breathes for you
once Don has confirmed that you are stable and going to be okay, he lets out the biggest sigh of relief and overall goes back to his old self
when you wake up from unconsciousness, you're a little confused as to what happened, and he just goes "you got hurt on your way down from heaven, angel!"
he does everything he can to comfort you and make you smile and relieve your pain while you're recovering
he'll bring his speaker in and play you some of your favorite songs, sometime putting on elaborate performances to get you to laugh
he'll try and cuddle with you in your hospital bed and whine when Donnie protests
"awe come on, Doctor Dee! help a dude out a little!"
but he'll be successful whenever Donnie is sleeping or too engrossed in one of his other projects, and he'll lay next to you and stroke your hair
but whenever he remembers that moment when he thought he had lost you, he will go dark for a moment or two
and he will do whatever it takes to ensure that it never happens again.
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smoochhyuka · 5 months
Riize as boyfriends
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No one can treat you as well as them. <3
○o。content warnings! SFW, gn!reader, idol!riize, mentions of partying and drinking in Eunseoks, mention of (healthy)food and eating in Sungchans, Antons is a tinie tiny bit suggestive, super fluffy general headcanons, briefly edited for spelling and grammar
Classic, romantic, simple. Shotaro will always find a way to make your heart flutter and to make you feel loved and appreciated.
I feel like he'd let you take charge quite often, but not because he is necessarily shy or insecure, but because he is a little bit of a yes-man when it's you. He just loves seeing you happy.
Everyone, including him, has a tight schedule that makes it hard to meet you regularly, so it happens that you won't see him for a few weeks. He will call you daily to check up on you, though, even if it's just for five minutes.
He believes in quality over quantity, so when you do see each other, it's always a full weekend that has been thoroughly planned by yours truly. A spa day at home, a visit to a nice restaurant, a long stroll in the park the next day, followed by a wonderfully, home cooked meal, a lazy but cozy bed-rotting date on the last.
It doesn't matter if you're older or younger than him, he will take care of you regardless. He will always check on you with that cute smile of his. You're hungry? He is already up to bring you a snack. You're tired? Your laptop, tea and your pajamas are already neatly waiting on the nightstand for you.
It's always shits and giggles with Shotaro, of course you'll have a few deeper conversations, especially late at night, but most of the time you keep the conversation light and fun.
He is the perfect movie boyfriend, someone who would wait in the rain in front of your window if you ever happen to get into a serious argument.
Speaking of romantic gestures, he is a sucker for them. It doesn't matter how cliché, how overdone they are, he always manages to make them less cringe and more endearing.
Shotaro is the type to hold a rose in between his teeth, prick himself on the thorns and slow dance with you in the kitchen to a random "best romantic songs" playlist on YouTube.
Matching outfits! But you're not wearing exactly the same clothes, but your aesthetics are matching.
Long build-up kinda romance. You have been unofficially dating for months, dancing around each other, not dating anyone else despite being (technically) single, only kissing when you're both drunk at parties~
He has become quite protective of you over all this time (because he always worried you'll get a boyfriend who isn't him) and carries that habit into the relationship as well, even though he knows you're all his.
Working hard to be your tough and strong boyfriend, always has an arm around your shoulder or waist when you're out together. Always accompanies you when you're going out partying or drinking, if he is somehow unable to he will make sure to pick you up.
But behind that facade is a man who is just! silly.
He always makes you laugh, and almost every time manages to embarrass himself. Trips and falls on air (with a straight face), rips off the zipper of a jacket while you're out shopping and hangs it back (with a straight face).
Will flirt with you as if you weren't dating. "Damn beautiful, you're here often?", Eunseok asks after he returns from the bathroom, offering to buy you a drink at the bar you both decided to go to together this evening.
Eunseok is someone you go on adventures with. You can text him at 3am "Let's go visit *insert random place in driving distance*" and he's like "a'ight", already waiting in his car in front of your apartment.
Someone you can rely on, he will always keep his promises and honestly won't make them if he's not sure if he could keep them.
Being with Eunseok is like dating your best friend (probably because that's what has been going on for all these months...).
Probably the only one who courts you fiercely, asking you for your number immediately, and taking you on a date without wasting any time. The day you two met, he had a hunch you might be the one.
I've seen a few posts where he's described as a little traditional, and I totally see that as well! He is the tough and strong boyfriend Eunseok tries to be. Always tell you, "if someone is messing with you, tell me. They won't anymore after I am done with them."
Prefers to be the big spoon, the one who drives (one hand only), to carry your shopping bags~
Will always let you try things first, even if he bought them for himself. You get the first bite, you get to play his new video game first, you get to smell the perfume first, you sometimes even get to wear his new clothes first ("someone needs to model them for me.")
But he is not conservative! Won't mind washing the dishes or folding laundry, he doesn't like doing it, but he won't let you sit on these chores by yourself either.
If you struggle with eating healthily, he doesn't mind cooking as well. It won't be a skillfully crafted three-course meal, but an upgrade from your usual "junk", as he calls it. He'd also drop by the grocery store occasionally to buy you high protein snacks.
Anything you do is cute to him! Sometimes you question his sanity, though. You'd walk around the apartment in oversized, old clothes (comfort clothes), with a frown on your face, unwashed hair, feeling like a whole gremlin, and he's smiling from ear to ear, pinching your cheeks and teasing you. "SO CUTE", he'd squeal at you in an uncharacteristically high pitch.
You don't need to be a gymrat like him, but he definitely wants you to accompany him from time to time, even if you just walk a little on the treadmill or do a few simple exercises. His main reason for dragging you into the gym is company. You being there is a visual incentive to work harder. He also has a reason to flex his muscle growth AND get a fully body massage by his cutie, who shows nothing less than empathy for his aching body after exercising so delinquently~
Speaking of dragging you places, he's big on quality time. Won't go anywhere (especially if it's boring) without you: a doctor's appointment, the post office, a late night walk to clear his head. Even if you sit in silence the whole time, he's happy you're there with him.
Princess Wonbin. Spoiled, needy and super affectionate.
Lets his charm work overtime to get anything he wants from you. "My back hurts so much from dancing yesterday...," he complains, looking you deeply into your eyes with a frown, expecting you to give him a back rub. You don't catch the hint, though, just pressing a kiss on his cheek. "I don't know what could help to stop this pain...", he now smiles at you, lying his head on your shoulder and looking up at you through his bangs, rubbing circles on your thigh. It worked.
Takes you on casual dates, but not because he is lazy, he genuinely prefers to stay in and snuggle or stroll around the city than to dress up and go to a fancy five-star restaurant.
If you do want to do anything special, though, it's usually something thoughtful, that he has planned for a while. Most of the time being something that has been on your bucket list for quite some time, or something that you both haven't done before (as long as it doesn't test his limits, aka something scary.)
Probably the most balanced relationship with no discernible dynamic or role, you both usually share or switch chores, cuddling positions or other typical relationship stuff.
That being said, there are definitely moments when he wants to take charge, especially if it's something that you would've needed help with anyway, like repairing something in your apartment or carrying something heavy. It's so surprising that it's always exciting for you.
On the other hand, he also expects you to guide him when he needs it the most, when he's feeling down or when he's in an especially needy mood. Doesn't mind if the others call him your girlfriend.
If there is something you particularly like, he will make/buy/get it in excess. You like him in a ponytail? He will never leave his hair open around you again. You like a specific fruit? Your kitchen and his dorm kitchen are overflowing with that particular fruit (the members complaints fall on deaf ears). You hate a specific color? Throws everything away in that color, even if it's not his. He's kind of intense like that.
He lets himself go with you, lets himself be not pretty. He will tell you all his worries, secrets or issues. You're his rock, and you can be damn sure he's yours too.
He was a little bit hesitant in pursuing you, but after he overcame that obstacle, he is ready to take over your world!
Don't let that cute face fool you, he knows what he does best and is very confident in his abilities, and it will show in your relationship.
Hates it when you baby him, so only do it when you intentionally want to get him riled up. He isn't actually mad at you, how could he?
He is your biggest cheerleader, if you ever doubt yourself, you can rely on him to get you right back on your feet with newly found confidence.
Sohee has a little bit of a competitive spirit (if he knows he has a chance of winning...) so he'll challenge you quite often to random little games or silly competitions, often making you both laugh at the end of it.
Looooooves to teach you stuff, feels good about himself every time you ask him about something. He's proud and happy that you feel confident and secure with him to learn from him. If it's something you genuinely need help with, instead of it just being a topic you have been a little curious about, he makes sure to sit down with you and be of assistance, he might even do some research of his own so you can complete the task/fill that knowledge gap. He might tease you a little bit for not knowing, but he won't make fun of you.
Speaking of teasing, he is the member who does it the most. He always finds a way to do it, and he is not shy to tease you (lovingly) in front of others. Sometimes it gets so out of hand that you physically need to get him off your back to stop, he's a real prankster.
Dates with him are always fun! You try out new things, or do the standard fun dates like amusement parks, karaoke singing or ice skating. Romantic dates are reserved for special occasions like an anniversary, birthdays or anything that deserves celebration.
Overall Sohee likes to feel needed and likes it if you rely on him. He is already putty in your hand if you let him decide what you wear that day or when you fangirl over him. He has a possessive side to him, that he doesn't show often though (only if you like it <3).
Surprisingly bold in pursuing you, not straightforward like Sungchan, but more in a tactical, silent killer type of way. You exchange numbers as friends, you go out to eat as friends, you have sleepovers as friends, you kiss... as friends??
EXAMPLE! You step out of the changing room to show him that new outfit you plan on buying, thinking nothing of it, expecting a nod or maybe even a timid "it's good" from him. But he hits you with a "you're seriously so beautiful...", as he's checking you out, in that soft voice of his. (no one believes you)
Dating Anton includes lots of presents, lots of cuddling, lots of fun activities and lots of making out.
He spoils you a lot, buying you presents or crafting little suprises as if it was his job. And it's never a big deal to him! "I thought of you the moment I saw this...", he grins, handing you a 600€ bracelet, as if it was a hand-picked flower.
Everything you do is cute to him pt. 2. He is an admirer, loving the little things about you. When he's asked what he likes about you its always something super specific "I love the way they laugh." or "The way they always see positivity in everything is something I truly appreciate."
Super attentive to you, just wants you to be happy. Making you happy is making him happy (some might even say he's a simp).
Dating for him is super serious and he has already planned your future together in great detail. At the beginning he might be love-bombing a little bit but not because he's trying to manipulate you but because he actually forgets you haven't been married since 2013. :(
Don't keep secrets from him, even if you don't mean any harm. If it's something you seriously can't tell him or something you don't feel comfortable talking about yet, you need to explain in great detail why you can't. He is a little bit sensitive and worries easily.
Anton prefers someone who is maybe a little bit sensitive as well, so you can swoon and take care of each other.
Maybe contrary to popular believe, I think he's super jealous as well! Doesn't like seeing you talk to strangers (especially those who are handsome...) and tends to even get jealous when you spent a disproportionate (!) amount of time with you friends ("Baby, I am your boyfriend, not them...").
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one-piece-aus · 1 year
What would marriage life would be like with the seven warlords?
This is an old anon request, I do apologize for not getting to it sooner but here we go
What Marriage Life Would Be Like With the Seven Warlords (Headcanons)
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It's pretty chill being married to Mihawk
Y'all just vibe in a mansion on an isolated island
I imagine Mihawk is a person of quality time and acts of service so the two of you would often spend time together
Whether it's reading in your library or cooking dinner for each other, every moment you do together and action you do for him is cherished in Mihawk's heart, even if he doesn't mention it
He makes sure you're healthy and well (eating properly, making sure you get your sleep)
This man will be able to instantly tell if your state is the slightest bit off and will not hesitate to voice his concern
He is not opposed to having children, the idea might amuse him
In fact, after Zoro and Perona had made their appearance, Mihawk grew fond of the idea taking care of his own child, even if they would be irritating at times
Btw, Zoro and Perona think you two act like an old married couple ❤
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Only way this would be possible is if you are someone like Luffy
She might not understand exactly what marriage life means but she will do her best to make you happy
She is going to cook for you and feed you
She will bathe you and make sure you have the best clothes to wear
And she will order the best doctors to bring you back to your best health if you get sick
She is taking ✨amazing✨ care of you
The two of you are just living the life of luxury regardless of where you choose to live because you two are together and happy
You will not have kids (for a number of reasons that I will not get into because this is supposed to be a fun post)
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Alright, I had no idea what to do for Moria so I asked @ask-the-night-crowl for these headcanons, thank you again Snugs
In a marriage, Moria would totally rely on his partner to fulfill all the duties he has/ should be responsible for. Granted, the other mysterious four already take over most of those, but someone has to keep them all in check.
His spouse better not be aversed by his crew, because for as much as he says he doesn't care about these idiots, he would also face death to protect them.
Unless him and his s/o have known eachother for a pretty long time, he'll try to keep them at an arm's length. Not necessarily because they don't have good enough of a connection, but the idea of loss is always on his mind.
He doesn't mind affection. In fact, he'll back-handedly seek it out by annoying his s/o until they give him attention if he so desires. He's pretty much like an oversized cat.
On the other hand, you'll also have to be prepared not to see him for days on end, because of his sleeping habits (Again, like a cat).
But in that time, cuddling with him is totally fine, because once that man is out, he sleeps like a rock.
His frequent nightmares might lead to the conclusion that comforting him would be the answer. But he hates the idea of being treated as weak as that and would much rather appreaciate the mere presence of his s/o when he wakes up next to them.
In contrast, he'll offer the same to his s/o when they feel down and would have an immediate (even petty) grudge against anyone harming them.
Staying in with him at a fireplace, drinking fancy wines and making fun of the other warlords would be his favorite way to spend time when he's awake for once.
If the spouse is good at cooking, you can bet they'll become his personal chef - after all, love goes through the stomach amirite.
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If you're marrying Doffy, his family comes as a package deal, you can't have him without it, that being said, he expects you to get along with them (you can tolerate them instead but just don't let him notice)
Of course, he will expect you to take care of Baby 5, Buffalo, and Dellinger as if they were your children, he is open to making blood offsprings, but never put them before him
Doffy is your number 1 priority, whatever he says goes
But just because he's demanding doesn't mean he won't show you affection, in fact, most of his demands is just him wanting to give or receive affection
You are showed in gifts and luxury, he is the king of Dressrosa afterall, your word has every weight as his own since your are his queen
He is proud to show off his spouse, you are his most prized possession after all
However, you are more than just a trophy, after the loss of his dear mother and brother, he holds you close and tells you how dear you are to him every night
You are often woken up in the middle of the night due to his rustling from nightmares, just hold him to calm him down
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Crocodile keeps you in the dark about his work, for all you know, he is a casino owner in Alabasta that keeps the people safe from pirates since he's a warlord
He takes you out for a stroll around in the evening, outside to admire the stars, or in the casino where your every need is met
He doesn't show affection in public but his gestures do show you belong to him and no one else
He keeps you company in bed at night until you fall asleep but when you wake up, he is not there, he's working as always
When see him next, he'll have a gift for you, an apology for not being able to always be around as he is a very busy man, but he'll make it up to you
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I imagine it would be comfortable, like little cottage in nature kind of comfy
You both would wake up in the morning with a nice cup of tea
Your place would be clean and organized
You'd receive lots of comforting hugs and cuddles
Life would be peaceful
Until strawhat crew comes knocking on your door
Don't quite have any ideas for Kuma so... This is end, I hope you enjoy anon, and thank you for requesting
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lila-lou · 5 months
✨Nothing he couldn't handle Pt. 1/3✨
Summary: You finally tell Ben why you won't let him in your panties.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: Language, touching and teasing, anxious Reader
Word Count: 2206
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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“Damn it!”, you muttered as you searched the fridge for something to eat. You should have been asleep by now, but you were still full of adrenaline after the last mission you completed just 4 hours ago. Everyone else had been in their rooms for about two hours while you tiptoed around the kitchen in your pajama shirt, desperately looking for a little snack.
You've been a member of the Butchers team for 6 months now. Well, more or less a member. You didn't fight, that wasn't your thing at all, but you had a lot of skill when it came to profiling Supes and figuring out what made them tick, when they lied and what they planned to do next. You worked for Vought, for a 4 year training, until the Tower crashed. In just 2 years, you had learned more about Supes and their profiling than other people did in ten years. You were by far the best in the field, but most importantly, you couldn't be bought and had a strong dislike for Homelander, which was why Butcher showed up on your doorstep six months ago and had Hughie begging you to join the team. The Supes and everything that came with them stopped scaring you a long time ago. You were already too jaded. Well, except for one small aspect.
After agreeing, you stayed in your apartment for a few more weeks, but you quickly realized that wasn't an option at all when you narrowly avoided being split lengthways by Homelander.
Since then you have lived with the other boys, Annie and Kimiko. After the incident between Homelander and Soldier Boy, Annie also made the decision to move in with Hughie to stay with the boys and protect him.
"If you bend over a bit more, I swear to you, I'll rip those damn thin panties off your little ass", Soldier Boy muttered as he leaned against the kitchen island with his arms crossed. "Shit! Stop scaring me!", you squealed a little too loudly, standing back up and clutching your yogurt tightly in both hands. "And by the way… eww! Everything that comes out of your mouth is fucking disgusting”.
Soldier Boy just rolled his eyes and leaned back a little more. Your gaze wandered over his bare torso as you unconsciously bit your bottom lip.
Soldier Boy had been after you since you moved into the apartment you shared. You were the new nice toy he couldn't have. And that very fact made him want you even more.
Of course you couldn't deny damn fine Soldier Boy was, to be honest you actually developed feelings for him over the last few weeks but after the countless accidents and even deaths that occurred when Supes and humans had sex you were just too afraid to let him get to you. As long as Ben was a few healthy inches away from you, your mouth was huge and your attitude even bigger, but as soon as he came closer and touched you, you flinched. Maybe Vought simply shouldn't have assigned a young girl in training to the department that dealt with the most egregious deaths, caused by supes. You hadn't even lasted five months there when you begged Stan Edgar himself to let you join the profiler team.
"You're horny, aren't you?", he grinned knowingly. “Your heart is beating almost as fast as it did, when I kissed you for the first time”. Just the thought of it made your knees weak. You let Ben get close to you twice, but both times you stopped when his hands slid over your hips to your ass.
“No, I’m not”, you grumble and start eating your yogurt, your back leaning against the kitchen counter, facing him.
“C´mon, Sweetheart. I promise you’ll fucking love it”, Ben pushed himself off the kitchen counter and took two steps towards you. You immediately tensed up and pushed yourself back even more.
“Ben…”, you whispered as he stood right in front of you. When his big hand cupped your cheek, you thought your heart would explode. “What do you have to lose?”, he murmured, tilting his head down until his lips touched your neck. As your heartbeat picked up again, he stayed in his position, waiting for some kind of reaction from you.
“My life”, you breathed.
Ben immediately pulled his head back and looked at you, confused, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Do you think I’ll get you pregnant? You´re fucking stupid? Yeah, I kinda like you, but a child would be too much, don't you think?". Ben had absolutely no idea what you were talking about.
Since you were no longer surrounded by him, you had found your voice again. It was like your brain finally had oxygen again.
"What? No! I did not mean that! Of course having a child would ruin my life, at least for now, but that’s not what I meant!”.
Now Ben just looked more confused. His eyes were on you as he tried to understand you. He couldn't understand why you put him off for weeks. He was nice to you, talked to you and even started watching that stupid show about demons and other supernatural crap. And yet you didn't let him get close to you. He was allowed to kiss you twice, that was it. You were a damn tease and he was starting to lose his nerve.
“Then tell me what you fucking mean, Tom Hardy”.
Slightly overwhelmed, you groaned and let your head fall back before you answered. You knew Ben wouldn't let go, if you didn't finally tell him why you were so reserved.
“I’m scared, okay?”, you confessed, still not able to look at him. However, you could hear the surprise in his voice.
"Wait, what? I know you’re not a fucking virgin anymore, so why should you be afraid?”.
It took a few minutes and admonitions from ben, before you finally told him why.
When you finally made it, you looked intently and expectantly at the Supe in front of you. His face slowly relaxed, but his gaze still remained unreadable to you. However, when a slight grin crept onto his lips, you shook your head in annoyance, grumbled "I definitely don't have to let you laugh at me" and started to walk out of the kitchen, but Ben grabbed your wrist. "Fucking Relax, dollface. I’m not laughing at you", he chuckled, but immediately let go of you as your heart beat faster again. With his lips pursed to hide his grin, he raised both hands apologetically.
Slightly offended, you crossed your arms over your chest and looked at him without saying a word. Ben took a deep breath before speaking.
“Do you really think I would hurt you?”, he asked, still smiling slightly.
“You’re not exactly known for your self-control, Soldier Boy”, you replied sharply, narrowing your eyes.
“Oh Sweetheart, believe me. It takes more than a nice tight pussy to make the first fucking super explode". That started the next discussion. It was back and forth, like the last few weeks.
“Okay, how about you sleep in my bed tonight. Just sleep. And if you're still alive tomorrow, you'll have your proof", Ben suggested at one point.
The thought of sleeping with Ben in his bed was both exciting and frightening, but you knew there weren't many options left before he would eventually give up on you. You tapped your folded forearm thoughtfully.
"Only sleeping?", you asked cautiously after a while.
"Ugh… promise?", he replied annoyed.
A few more moments passed before you forced yourself to say it and finally nodded.
"Okay. Maybe that’s not such a bad idea”, you murmured.
Ben rolled his eyes and shook his head, but couldn't help and let a small, genuine smile appear on his lips. When he started walking but you still stopped, he whistled to you, which finally broke you out of your trance. With a few quick steps you caught up with him and walked nervously next to him. When you got to his bedroom door, Ben roughly pushed the door open as usual and waved his arm for you to move on. In fact, it was the first time you were in his room. Your eyes scanned everything as Ben watched you expectantly. You were pretty sure you wouldn't sleep a wink.
As expected, his room smelled of alcohol, weed and a hint of his perfume. Ben walked past you and gently ran his palm over your back, but only for a split second. He sank onto his bed, pulled his legs up and leaned his back against the headboard of the bed. His hand reached for the joint he had started on the nightstand.
"You should take a hit, it would help you relax", Ben lit his joint before taking a deep drag.
“Yeah, I’d rather not", you snorted, continuing to look around the room. Your gaze stopped at the top shelf next to the bed. As you stretched, your shirt riding up and Ben getting a perfect view of your perfect ass, he felt his cock twiching in his sweatpants. Maybe he shouldn't have been abstinent for three weeks when he really had no other choice. He couldn't get you out of his head for days. He had tried having fun with other women several times, but even with his cock deep in a slut's throat and the idea of ​​the bitch being you, it just wasn't working.
“Ewww Ben, are youfor real?”, you pulled out an erotic magazine from 1971. “Gosh, there’s more hair than skin”, you grimaced as you flipped through the pages.
“Well, different times, doll". His gaze traveled from your face, down your body and back to your eyes. “I bet your pussy is perfectly shaved and fucking smooth", he licked his lips, keeping eye contact with you. Your cheeks immediately turned bright red because Ben hit the mark.
“C'mere”, Ben said in his deep voice, putting an arm around your waist and expertly pulling you onto the bed. Landing on your butt, you let out a short squeak of surprise. Ben focused on your heartbeat and breathing as he continued to hold you. Your back was pressed against his bare chest as he still leaned against the headboard.
"How does that feel?", he whispered against your ear, one arm wrapped around you as his free hand slowly stroked down your side to your thigh.
“I… I don’t know”, you whispered shakingly after a few seconds.
Ben scoffed before pressing a light kiss to your pulse point. “Relax, doll. Focus on my touch, not your fucking thoughts”, he breathed against your neck, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t calm your nerves. “Ben…please…You promised”, you tried to push Ben’s arm away from your waist.
“Fiiiiinee”, he groaned annoyed, releasing you from his grasp.
Ben slid further down so he was lying and reached for his phone. He went through the news as if nothing had happened while you still sat rooted to the spot.
“You want to sleep sitting fucking up?”, he murmured, not watching from his phone.
Grumbling, you lay on your side, your back to Ben, and pulled the blanket up to your neck. “Goodnight”, you said quietly, closing your eyes. Ben glanced over at you for a moment before putting his phone away and raising an arm to wrap it around you, but then quickly let go. Ben watched you for a few minutes before lifting the blanket and laying under it too.
When you still hadn't fallen asleep after about 30 minutes of Ben just listening to your heartbeat, you opened your eyes again. “Ben?”, you breathed, barely audible.
“Can I try something?”.
“Whatever you fucking want”, he grumbled tiredly.
You took a deep breath before turning to him and looking at his face. Your hand slowly moved to his upper arm and lingered there for a moment before pressing yourself closer to him.
"Can you hold me?", you whispered.
Ben was definitely not the soft type and by now he would have kicked any other woman out of his bed, but like he had been doing for the last 6 months, he made an exception for you.
"Women. Just can't fucking decide", he grumbled, his eyes still closed. His hand reached under your ass and pulled you as tight as he could with a firm tug, knocking the air out of your lungs. Your face was on his chest, next to your hand, while your right leg lay directly over his lap.
"That's okay?".
“I think so”, you answered him as his hand went under your shirt to your lower back and he held you tight. “Feels kinda nice”, you admitted sheepishly, breathing in his distinctive scent.
"Good. Now shut your mouth and sleep. I’m fucking tired”, he grumbled, starting to rub small circles over your soft skin with his thumb.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰 Would you like a second part? Been thinking about giving Ben what he wanted from (y/n) for months.😏
Part 2
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