#What to do if BP is too high?
sachinbiher · 2 years
रक्तचाप क्या है || रक्तचाप का नियंत्रण कैसे करें।
रक्तचाप क्या है रक्तचाप शरीर के रक्त के दबाव को निर्दिष्ट करने वाला एक माप है। यह दबाव दो अंकों के रूप में मापा जाता है। उच्च रक्तचाप एक सामान्य स्वास्थ्य समस्या होती है जो बीमारी या मृत्यु की एक प्रमुख वजह होती है। उच्च रक्तचाप अक्सर किसी अन्य समस्या का एक लक्षण होता है जैसे अस्थमा, मधुमेह और अन्य रोग। उच्च रक्तचाप के कुछ सामान्य लक्षण हैं जिनमें शामिल हैं: तनाव, चक्कर आना, सिरदर्द, निंद ना आना,…
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tj-crochets · 3 months
Crafting update: I had the day off work, so I ran some errands and overdid it enough that my heart rate was acting up, so I decided it was a "sit and crochet" kind of day, except I overdid that too so now I have an almost-finished crocheted cauldron and a blister attempting to form on my finger, so no more crochet for me for a few days lol
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torchickentacos · 1 month
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void-tiger · 1 year
Some days I think I probably do need an actually trained service animal for mental health crap + the occasional chronic crap affecting my mobility.
But like…I don’t really want a dog. I want a Highly Trained mainecoon or norwegian forest cat. Just. This very large very fluffy very baseline breed intelligent cat known to take on BEARS (or, home invaders and men attempting SA).
I’d be THAT Crazy Lady walking this giant fluff monster most days, but other days just have my lap full of fluff when my hips-down don’t want to cooperate, or I need the comforting weight and fluffy company to hold the brain static at bay.
And some days…look. It hurts to grasp things. Or I risk dropping things. And cats can and will open cupboards and drawers if the handles let them hook their paws Just So to make up for the lack of opposable thumbs.
(Yeah yeah I know people are more accustomed to training dogs for this, but I’ve had quite a bit of luck training my “just housecats” as adults with various things, and people post the adventures they take with their mainecoons like, all the time…so think of what I could do with socializing and training a cat if I had the chance to do so.
(…also I just get along better with cats than dogs. They’re more tolerant to my need to not have a true routine. Also they poop in a box.)
#tiger’s musings#yesterday was…ugh. think my body was fighting off a minor respiratory illness#bUT because I’m also chronically ill + have to take an immunosuppresent it…was not good#like I kinda freaked my online friends out with what my symptoms were#but…I’m just. so used to this. so used to just holding onto walls because I get so unsteady and trying to sleep through these episodes#it’s…definitely Something. not ‘jUST psYCHoSOmATiC’ like I got gaslit into believing 5+ years ago#but…with what turned out to be AS and Probably a CTD and Currently Assumed IBS (but prolly also CTD imo)#I…hadn’t really had a chance to do more than ‘okay so I also have tremors’#but hey. I have to have my annual pcp visit so I’ll make myself whine about it and the fluttery/tight/visible chest&pulse issues then#(they’re probably related. POTS…kinda can cause high bp/tachicardia and sometimes tremors too.)#(and like. high bp is kinda something so common in my family in young adulthood it’s a ‘when’ vs ‘if’)#so…yeah. sometimes I think I might need some sort of chair and service animal#in addition to custom fitted compression globes#and probably compression shorts and spats and sleeves on my knees and elbows#aaaaand prolly custom arch supports. in addition to Nicer Shoes than an Okay $50 newbalance pair#which…yeah. you can see how all this would get Very Expensive Very Fast#(aaaaaaaand… hope I don’t idk. get dropped from my medicaid? listen they’re sending me automated messages to get my risk assessment done)#(and I’ve got so much going on that I would be Screwed even if I hadn’t aged out of my dad’s insurance)#(it definitely affects me being able to work and keep a job)
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whump-imagines · 9 months
Lunch Date Gone Wrong
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Connor x reader
~1000 words
She walked into the ED and greeted Leah at the admit desk. “Hey. I just wanted to surprise Connor for lunch. Can I go wait in the lounge?”
“Of course. I think he went upstairs but you can check with Maggie.”
“Thanks.” She walked through the sliding doors from the waiting room and stopped at the nurses station. Maggie saw her and walked out from the desk to give her a hug. “Hi, Mags.”
“Hi, sweetie,” Maggie said. “I didn't know you were coming today.”
She laughed. “Neither does Connor. I needed to get out of the house. Figured I'd surprise him for lunch.”
“He just ran upstairs to check on a patient but he should be back pretty soon,” Maggie explained. “You can go wait in the lounge if you want. Do you want me to page him?”
She shook her head. “No, I don't want to bother him. I can wait.” She went into the lounge and made herself comfortable on the couch.
Twenty minutes later, she saw Connor by the nurses station. He was looking at a computer and Maggie was nowhere in sight so she assumed he didn't know she was there.
She smiled and stood from the couch. She swayed slightly, dismissing it as having stood too fast. Walking out of the lounge, she made her way to where he was.
He glanced up and locked eyes with her. He smiled. “Hey! What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to get some fresh air and different scenery. Thought I'd see if you had time for some lunch.”
He pulled her into a hug and kissed her as he pulled away. “I always have time for you. Did you want to go grab something quick or eat here?”
She shrugged, swaying on her feet once again as dizziness made her world spin.
Connor frowned, grasping her shoulders and stepping back half a step to look at her. “You okay?”
She started to nod. “Uh, yeah. I think.”
“You sure?” He moved his hand to caress her cheek.
“Honestly?” she asked. “I was starving when I left the house. Now, I'm a little nauseous and dizzy.”
He pulled her behind the desk to a chair. “Okay, let’s sit down.”
She let him guide her into the chair. She took a deep breath and shook her head trying to clear the feeling, but it only made it worse. “Whoa,” she whispered, closing her eyes tight.
“Just breathe. I'm right here,” Connor reassured. He took her hand in his and she felt him press his fingers into the pulse point at her wrist. Her eyes were still closed so she didn't see the look of surprise on his face. “Hey, Maggie,” he said quietly. “What's open?”
“Uh, treatment three and four are. Why?” She asked.
Connor glanced at Y/N. “I need an EKG. Her heart rate is way too high.”
“Okay. I'll meet you in three,” Maggie said.
“Wait,” said Y/N. Her breathing quickened with her anxiety. “Why? What's wrong with me?”
“Shh, shh,” Connor soothed. “It's okay. Just breathe. We will figure it out. Can you stand up for me?”
She allowed him to pull her up. As soon as she was fully upright she swayed before her knees buckled. Connor caught her before she could hit the ground and lifted her heading straight to treatment three.
“Y/N! Can you hear me, sweetheart?” He asked as he set her on the bed. He ran his knuckle firmly over her sternum and she moaned but didn't wake. “Open your eyes for me.”
Will joined them as Maggie finished hooking up the cardiac monitor. She wrapped a BP cuff around her bicep. “Need a hand in here?”
“Damn it,” Connor cursed as he saw the monitor reading. “She's in SVT.”
“Connor,” Will warned. “You shouldn't be treating her.”
“I'm fine,” Connor argued. “I'm going to try a carotid massage.”
Will stepped closer. “Maggie, CBC, BMP, lytes, cardiac enzymes, and a chest x-ray. Please.”
“On it.” She quickly ordered the x-ray before drawing blood for the lab tests.
“No change.” Will pointed out as Connor stared at the monitor as if trying to Will the rhythm to change. “We need to push adenosine.”
“Just one more second,” Connor said. About thirty seconds later, his head dropped to his chest as he took a step back. “Uh, okay. Will?”
Will squeezed Connor’s shoulder before returning his focus to Y/N. “I got her, buddy.” He then turned to April who had joined them in the room. “Six milligrams of adenosine.”
Seconds later, April announced, “Pushing.” Almost instantly the monitor droned the monotone asystole sound before the fast beep resumed.
Connor’s hand came up to cover his mouth for a moment. His worry was really starting to shine through.
“Okay,” Will started. “Let's try another twelve milligrams of adenosine.”
Once again, April announced when she pushed the meds just before the monotone sound followed by the rapid beeping.
“Damn it,” Connor cursed.
“It's fine. I got her,” Will reassured. “We knew she was stubborn, right? Give me the paddles and charge to 75.”
Maggie handed them to him as April placed the orange gel pads on her chest. Will placed the paddles as Maggie stated, “Charged.”
“Clear!” Will verified everyone's hands were off before pressing the button. Her head shifted with the small jolt. Suddenly, the fast paced beeping slowed. “Back in sinus. Rate 86.”
Connor breathes a heavy sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god.”
A few minutes later, she moaned. “C–Connor?”
He was sitting beside her holding her hand as Will performed an echocardiogram.
Squeezing her hand, he spoke, “I'm right here, honey. Will is here too.”
She pried her eyes open slowly, shying away from the bright lights. “What happened?”
Connor ran his free hand over her head, pushing hair from her face. “You had a bit of an arrhythmia. We had to give you some meds and shock your heart to get it back to normal rhythm. Will is just running some tests now so we can figure out why it happened.”
She blinked slowly. “I'm so tired.”
“Well your heart just ran a mini marathon,” Will said.
“You can go ahead and rest,” Connor suggested. “You're going to be here at least overnight.”
She let her eyes flutter closed. “Mmkay.”
Connor continued to run his hand gently over her head until she was sound asleep. He knew it would be a long few weeks of tests and possible medications but for now, he was just glad she was okay.
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rainylana · 1 year
“It’s time to go to the doctor, baby.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: an evening at steve’s takes a turn for the worst.
warnings: undiagnosed bipolar, disassociation, depression, language. i have bipolar so this is my experience, it might be different for anyone else so please bare that in mind. it can vary from person to person. i hope this reaches the right audience. having bp is life altering, but we get through it! you’re not alone <3
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You only went because you knew how excited Eddie was to see his friends, and you had been too, but when you woke up, you knew it was going to be another one of those days. Something was wrong with you. You didn’t know what, but you knew it was bad. Your body was changing and not for the better. You were too scared to go to the doctor, petrified of what could potentially be wrong with you. Your worst fear was finding out maybe you had cancer or some life threatening disease.
Eddie knew to some degree that you were suffering, but you didn’t let on how much it bothered you. As far as he knew, you were just depressed, in a phase that you would eventually get out of. Neither of you knew how serious it actually was. All day you’d done your best to keep your head high and a smile on your face, and you’d done very well considering.
You were hanging out at Steve’s watching the new Friday the 13th, both Robin and Dustin where there. You tried your best to pay attention to the screen in front of you, but you couldn’t remember what had even happened in the previous scene. Eddie was to your left, hand on your leg, and Dustin was to your right munching on popcorn.
You felt so drained, but not like a tired kind of drained, the worst type of exhaustion you could ever imagine. It was like being run over by ten trains, thrown into a volcano and being punched by a wwe wrestler. That kind of exhaustion. The kind where all you wanted to do was lay on the floor, despite the fact the room was full of people. You couldn’t pay attention to the tv, you kept forgetting what was happening. You didn’t even feel like your body was present, your mind somewhere off far away in wonderland or oz.
It scared you when this happened. Eddie’s hand on your leg felt fuzzy and unreal, Dustin’s shoulder that brushed against yours felt nonexistent. You felt nonexistent. You felt as if your soul was suspended in the air and you were looking down at your body. But how could you explain that to Eddie? He’d think you were crazy, surely! So you suffered in silence.
This had been going on for almost six months. The only person who knew was Eddie. He’d been trying to convince you to go to the doctor to get out on some sort of medication for depression, but you felt ridiculous. It surely had to be all in your head. But tonight, it was starting to take it’s toll on you, the exhaustion.
You felt this overwhelming amount of dread cover your body, like a dark cloudy blanket that dampened your mood like rain. You wanted so badly to cry, but you couldn’t muster up the tears.
“Snack break, anyone?” Steve asked, pausing the movie with the remote.
“Got any of those nacho cheese chips?” Eddie patted your leg.
“You mean doritos?” Dustin laughed, giving him a sideways glance.
All three of the boys laughed and ventured off to the kitchen, leaving you sit in your silence. It felt so good. The tv off, only a flicker or two of static. You felt your brain relax, and you allowed your tears to fall. Your breath hitched in your throat and your face crumpled together. You covered your mouth so no one could hear you, your fingernails digging into your lips.
It took you over, and even though you were sitting on a perfectly good couch, the floor was just calling your name. You crawled off the couch, sinking down to the cold, hardwood floor and curling into a tight ball. Your body relaxed into it’s dead weight, and you let out a whimper that made you shiver.
Their voices sounded underwater, their footsteps vibrating the ground beneath your ear, sounding like loud thumps. You could hear their laughter and giggles, high fives, all muzzled and fuzzy like the tv screen. You could hear Eddie’s voice get closer, high pitched and alarmed. You felt his hands grip your body, trying to pull you up off the floor, but your dead weight wouldn’t allow it. You blinked tiredly, not wanting to communicate with him. You could hear Dustin and Steve come closer.
“Baby,” Eddie shook you, face close to yours so he could search your eyes. “Y/n, what happened! What’s wrong?” He panicked, looking you over for any injuries.
He frowned at the sight of your tears, quiet ones that rolled over your nose. “Sweetheart? Talk to me, angel. Are you alright?”
His palms swiped your cheek to collect your tears, petting your hair and trying his best to lift you off the floor.
“Tired.” You managed to mumble, crying lightly with your hands tucked to your chest. “I’m so tired, Eddie.”
He narrowed his eyes in confusion.
“Is she okay?”
“What happened?”
“Should we call an ambulance?”
He ignored the panicked voices of Steve and Dustin, holding his hand to shush them. “Tired?” He said gently, lifting you up into his lap. “Why are you tired, honey?”
You shrugged your shoulders, moving your eyes upward so you could see him. “Something’s wrong with me.”
It clicked to him then what you were referring to, and his face dropped, leaning his forehead to yours as he sighed deeply. “It’s time to go to the doctor, baby.”
You didn’t argue this time, nodding gently. “Yeah.”
He gave you a kiss on your cheek. “Wanna go home? You want me to carry you?”
You allowed him to lift you up in his arms, burying your face in his chest as he opted to leave your shoes at the door. He’d come back and get them tomorrow. He gave a farewell and an apology to his friends, saying he’d explain later as he took you out to his van.
He held your hand on the way home with you laying on the seat, head in his lap. When he got you both home, he carried you inside and laid you on your bed, helping you out of your clothes and into your pajamas. He tried to get you to talk, to open up, but you couldn’t muster up much. You kept saying you needed to rest, you needed quiet.
Eddie was as scared as you to find out what the doctor would have to say.
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thedustyleaves · 9 months
Sorry if you’ve answered this before, but I really love how your illustrations have such a cohesive color palette, how do you pick your colors to have a certain theme without looking monochromatic?
(In your breakdown on the saloon/western BP illustration, you mentioned that the overall color was reddish brown so you added blue to the main group to set them apart. But like how did you decide on which reddish brown colors to use for the flats?)
Thank you!! Your art is really expressive and the colors always work so well in the illustration. I’m always in awe of your pics
That’s an excellent question! My drawings actually start out pretty monochromatic because I tend to put most of my effort into the lighting and shading part to help differentiate where I want people to look.
For all of my pieces, I want my characters to be in focus. So no matter what, I always have to keep their main colors in mind and make sure their outfits and the background don’t clash with them (Kain’s red hair tends to be a problem, pft).
For my flats, I generally work with two main colors that tend to contrast each other and then I mix a lot of neutrals around them. (Sometimes the main colors are in the light and shading itself, but I’ll just focus on the flats!).
Sometimes, I will change the hue of their colors. So while Kain has bright orange hair, I will dull it down if it overwhelms the piece or doesn’t fit with the tone - like I did for the cowboy drawing - but never so much that it no longer looks like him.
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With the cowboy drawing as an example, if I strip it down to my flats, it instantly becomes very dull and monochromatic. I really enjoy working with these colors because they’re easy on the eyes (or my eyes specifically) and I can see the difference in subtle hues a lot better than if they were very high in contrast. I like working with subtleties when I want background characters to become a single unit but still be separated as individual people.
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When I picked the colors for the background, I wanted to separate the characters from the walls. Therefore, I kept the walls red and gold, and the characters brown - they’re still within the same warm-colored family, but they’re far enough away from each other that they don’t become one with each other. I also like to not have clothes from different characters blend together, so overlapping colours can't be the same. I made one coat lighter than the other, the glove warmer than the dark jacket, and so on.
(their coats are also in the same realm as the green/gold colour of the details for the curtains and the frames on the walls)
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For the paintings I actually chose to put a bit of blue and green in to help create some interest for the main characters and keep your eyes around that area, as it matches the blue they’re wearing, just a whole lot darker. It also makes them pop just enough so they look interesting against the wall, but not enough to overshadow the main characters
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I know, because of the way I work with layers, that when I add my overlays, I automatically brighten and saturate the colors a lot. It’s a lot easier for me to saturate something “dull” and move it into all kinds of hues than saturating something already high in contrast and then trying to force it into a new color theme.
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But because of this, I usually have to go back and change the colors I work with constantly while the overlays are on. Since the overlays don’t know what sort of materials they’re laying on top of, everything gets lighter and washed out, so dark skin tones, hair, and clothes have to be corrected one by one afterward. If I were to remove the overlays after I corrected it to make it feel like a dark blue outfit on Raki, it’s basically just a black void now; but with the overlay, it’s a dark blue outfit. Before that, he simple blended in with the background too much and he didn’t feel like he was a part of the group either. 
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I always try to put down colors how I imagine they’re going to look like, unaffected by light, but I’m also naturally drawn toward more earthy and warm tones, so all of my color choices will tend to lean that way.
Here’s another example of main colours vs. neutrals; the main colours are red and green/turquoise, with dark browns and greys to encapsulate them, and gold for accents or to make certain things pop (the chair, Dakon’s dark coat, etc.).
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I never want them all to wear the exact same color, but I want them to feel connected and be in the same 'colour family,' so Dakon and Kain have nearly the same dark red/brown, and Christie and Raki have nearly the same 'bright'/red.
The blacks and browns, I’ve kept warm as well, so they stay within that realm of red. I also make sure that none of them are too close to Kain’s hair since he’s in the middle of the piece, and I want your eyes to be drawn toward the middle, and his orange hair helps with that.
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The paintings I basically do not care too much about, as long as each individual painting has a single dominating colour. I mute them down with a darker overlay and ensure they don’t have strong shadows and light, so they get pushed to the background, so despite being a bunch of different colours, each painting feels like a solid color and they’re still cast in the same light as the rest of the piece, so they feel like they belong in the same room.
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I try to help move the eye around the piece as well, so I keep the big painting sort of in the same realm of red and brown as the main characters, because it’s so big it shouldn’t dominate with a new color and force interest toward it. The blue/purple ones melt in with the background as they’re close to the turquoise background, but without disappearing, the yellow ones work sort of like the gold accents and blend in with the frames, and the green paintings at the top give the illusion of a monochrome fade, so everything gets more eerie and green as the image goes up - there’s also a subtle green fade that affects the gold accents from the top down, to enhance that effect.
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This is just a few examples, if there are any pieces in particular you were thinking of, and it’s neither of these, just let me know, and I can break those down as well!
Thank you for the question; I hope I answered it somewhat, and thank you for the kind words! <3
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thatblvckboyy · 2 months
I fear my post r gonna be like BP comebacks so here's a ff and I might delete this acc cuz of mental problems so if I do plz find another page
Kim jiwoong x male reader
Smut ff
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You're a High School teacher at a very popular High school called Credarness High School and you work as a English Teacher. You also have a boyfriend named jiwoong and he is a Mafia Boss a hot one at that.
It was near evening time and you just finished making food as you would be sitting in the living room area marking your students English Exam paper.
After about an hour or so, your boyfriend jiwoong came in with a very musky and pleasurable scent as he would lock the door behind him and immediately walked over to you ,from behind and started kissing you out of nowhere, he did this for a few seconds.".my sweet little boyfriend has been so busy ... Why do you take a break ~" jiwoong said in a low and seductive tone" babe I have to finish marking these papers"
"It's Friday and you have the whole weekend and I promised you to behave" he said as he left tender kisses on your neck " babe stop! Let me finish this then you can have me all weekend "
"No can do I want you and now" with that he lifted you up from the sofa leaving the papers and pen on the table in the living room making his way to the bedroom with you in his arms held bridal style and layed you on the bed. After struggling to remove your clothes and his you were now bent over on the bed as he teased your hole with his dick before shoving it in "mmhh ohhh... Angry!! " you groaned gripping sheets as you felt his crotch fill you up with it's warmness
"See you always love my dick so why were you saying no" jiwoong said as he grabbed both of your arms pining them on your back"just relax.... And let it all out" he continued his rhythmic assault on your hole chasing his own pleasure enjoying the sweet solicit moans your pretty moans, music to his ears.When it came to jiwoong dick and his persuasive acts your body always submitted to him and his touch
Intense sexual tension in the air, nothing but the sounds of your flesh slapping against each other and your moans filled the room. There was Something about jiwoong bending you over and fucking the life out you, was just pure ecstasy. His hands on your hips digging deep in your skin as he his cock moves in and out of you hiring all those good spots.
" ahh I'm honan cum babe"With one final thrust his spilled his seed in you" ahhh! Oh yeah so gooood" he laid on top of you, the warmness of his seed was such a good feeling.He laid on the bed and pated the space next to him "come here babe I wanna cuddle you"you willingly obeyed and went and laid on his chest" remember you said I'm yours all weekend so finish those papers tomorrow and then we can some fun okay"
"What! Come on not fair you're always in control I wanna be in control too" you whined
"What would you even do if I gave you the slightest bit of control... Huh" he chuckled as he caressed your back "come on just one day babe please" you begged even though you always loved bottoming you wanted to feel what it's like to be in control "just sleep, I'm tired" he yawned
"Babe.... How about we go to.... " before you finished your sentence you heard him snoring " asleep already.... I guess I'll tell you tomorrow " you said as you yourself began getting sleepy and eventually fell asleep
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sevcasejay1chicago · 5 months
Can’t spell panic without pain- Matt, Kelly, Jay
Authors note: This has been a fic that I’ve been working on the past couple of weeks. I was gonna post last week, but I wasn’t happy with it. Hopefully you guys enjoy!
Summary: The boys make sure to take care of their girl when she is panicked and in pain.
Warnings: possible inaccurate medical jargon, anxiety attack, crying, mentions ovary cysts.
You’ve been having a rough couple of days. More like rough couple of weeks, but it seemed to be getting worse the longer the weekend progressed into the week. Now, on a Wednesday afternoon, you are sitting in your car outside of the house you share with Matt, Kelly, and Jay. Matt and Kelly have today and tomorrow off. Jay got home a bit before you, having left before you when he assumed you had already left or were close behind. Since it’s been long enough for Jay to worry, your phone starts to ring over the speakers in your car. You almost miss it with the ringing in your ears, but you connect the call just before it’s sent to voicemail.
“Hey baby. I figured you’d be home by now.” Jay says casually as Matt and Kelly are heard cooking and talking softly in the background.
“I-I am.” You force out, voice strained with more unleashed tears, you gasp in a breath as you hear Jay curse and tell the others something is wrong.
“Hang on baby.” Jay says, disconnecting the call as he practically jumps down the stairs and sprints to your car with Kelly behind him.
They see the tears as soon as you’re in view. Kelly slides into your passenger seat as Jay opens your door and crouches to your level. They quickly look at each other as they slowly peel your fingers away from the steering wheel.
“Shhhhh. We gotcha now. We gotcha baby.” Kelly whispers, wiping at your tears and testing your skin for a temperature, which he thinks you have. It’s hard to tell if your warm because you are actually running a fever or if it’s because you are upset.
Jay is checking your pulse as Kelly attempts to soothe you. He knows that Matt is getting the first aid kit out of their master bathroom, which is upstairs and in the very back of the house, so he’s not worried about being completely accurate, but he wants to gauge it before he moves you. Currently, your heart rate is pretty high, but steady.
“Come on sweet girl. Let’s get you inside.” Jay says, helping Kelly unbuckle you before he hoists you into his arms. “What’s goin on? Hmm?” Jay whispers to you, but as he suspected, he doesn’t get a verbal response as you whimper like you are in pain.
Kelly pushed the push start button to turn off your car before he grabs your phone and keys, deciding that he will grab your bags later on so that he has time to jog to the door and open it for Jay. Matt is already getting the med bag open, placing a few things on the coffee table. He’s just tossing the necessary equipment onto the coffee table to check your vitals, not knowing what the issue is, but he already has his suspicions.
You have a cyst on your right ovary that has been bothering you for a week and a half now. The boys tried to talk you into staying home, especially after a scary er visit earlier in the week, but you were stubborn and refused to rest when a big case was brought to the intelligence unit.
Jay sat down, cradling you in his arms. He made sure that one arm was accessible for Matt, but he also wanted to make sure you were as comfortable as possible. Kelly was stood not too far off, waiting for something to do and giving Matt space to check you over.
Matt checked your blood pressure and stuck a pulse ox on your finger as Jay whispered softly to you, encouraging you to breath. Jay’s sweet nothings were barely audible to your other two lovers, but they also were barely making it past the still constant ringing in your ears.
“Tachy. BP is a bit high and oxygen is low.” Matt said out loud, quickly running the thermometer over your forehead. “100.3.” Matt read off, tossing everything back in the medical bag.
Jay did his best to calm you down as Kelly retrieved a wash cloth and some fever reducers. Matt sat in your line of sight, lightly rubbing the tears from your face with the pad of his thumbs. Both men were lightly shushing you and whispering sweet nothings in an attempt to calm you down. Eventually, it seemed like you started to respond to what was happening and reached one shaking hand to lay on Jay’s chest. Jay immediately started breathing at a deeper, more even, pace that was easy for you to follow.
“Baby. You gotta tell us what hurts.” Matt whispered, locking eyes with you. “We can’t help if we don’t know whats wrong sweetheart.”
You sucked in a deep breath, curing further into yourself and Jay’s lap. “I-I’m hurting and I c-can’t stop crying.” You whimpered. “It f-feels like a p-panic attack.”
Kelly came back in and immediately knew the problem. “The cyst must be rupturing.” Kelly stated, laying the wash cloth over your neck and offering you a Gatorade with your medicine. “This should help the pain baby girl.”
Matt sighed, laying a gentle hand on your knee. “Okay. Well, we know the drill. Your gonna feel really crappy and emotional for a couple days. However, we will do everything we can to help you feel better, okay baby?” Matt said, taking the hand you offered.
You nodded, leaning back into Jay. “It’s okay to cry sweet girl, but you gotta breath. Okay? Just follow me.” Jay encouraged, kissing the crown of your head as you tried to focus. “You are definitely having a panic attack, but we gotcha now. Your not alone baby.” Jay encourages, kissing your temple.
You started humming, not liking the feeling of your stomach shaking and your lips buzzing. You had gotten yourself worked up so much that the anxiety made you feel like a live wire. You knew that your boys were attempting to ground you, but it was like it was impossible to turn it all off.
“What can we do?” Kelly asked, sitting on the coffee table to get in your line of sight without standing over you. He knows that you get anxious when people stand over you on a good day, so it probably wasn’t advisable today.
“Think you wanna try a popsicle?” Jay asked, nudging your cheek with his nose. “I can feel you shaking, but you aren’t cold, are you baby?”
You shook your head no, not offering a verbal response.
“I need a verbal response sweet girl.” Kelly said, leaning forward expectantly. He knew the more he got you talking, the more likely you were starting to come back down to earth.
“Not cold. Popsicle please.” You whispered, not wanting to use full sentences, but knowing that would get your point across.
Kelly nodded before getting up and jogging into the kitchen for your popsicle. He was back in no time, having cut the plastic open and wrapped the popsicle in a paper towel. “Here princess. It’s a pedialyte popsicle. It should help hydrate you to flush all those toxins out.” Kelly explained, watching as you quickly calmed down as the cold from the popsicle helped focus your brain on the taste and sensation.
“Good girl. We gotcha. It’ll be over before you know it.” Matt praised, laying your favorite blanket in your lap to help calm you further. He knew it would be a long couple of days, but once you calmed down, they could start working on taking the proper steps to ensure a quick recovery.
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poundingprincess · 2 months
I have a doctor’s appointment soon. With my boyfriend coming to support me.
Where my BP will definitely be checked. And I might be stethed too (separate from the stethoscope being placed on my arm, I’m talking full blown auscultation…)
I’m going to be a blushing mess, even though it’s with a female doctor (hormonal issues). I’m completely chill with women (I’m straight), but because he’ll be there, my medfet and cardiophilia will be going crazy.
How will I keep my cool when he’s watching me with a stethoscope against my chest whilst I wish the earpieces were in his ears? Knowing he’s watching me with a steth against my chest when I’ve fantasised about a guy witnessing that sight (ideally with him on the other end, obviously) for years?
When I’m instructed when and how to breathe, wishing it was him doing so and teasing me for breathing quickly in his sexy dom voice because we’re having some doctor/patient roleplay?
What if I blush in front of him? I know I definitely will as he watches me do as I’m told, because him being there will make me fantasise that it’s him giving the instructions…
What if the doctor inquires about white coat hypertension because my heart rate is fast and my blood pressure is high, when in reality I’m just relishing in the embarrassment? I’ll blush and laugh about how I just get nervous in medical settings, when the reality is that having a stethoscope/BP cuff used on me in front of my boyfriend is sending me into a frenzy.
And the pulse oximeter… that shows the number and the animation of the live beats… fuck. He will definitely glance down at it which will increase my heart rate like crazy. I’m so fucked.
Maybe I could use it as an opportunity to tell him. God knows how though.
I swear I’m not normally like this! I feel awkward when stethed because it gets my heart racing and I worry they’ll pick up on it, but the sexual aspect only really comes out in relation to my boyfriend! My MIL works in healthcare and owns a steth that has been on the table in front of us before, and I got zero horny thoughts because 1) it’s her job. It’s used in serious situations which is a turn off for me - no genuine risk in my cardiophilia play, please! 2) it’s hers. Imagining him using it on me would be weird.
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abirddogmoment · 1 month
how did you get into bird dogs? do you prefer britannies for any reason? i have a bird dog mix myself and she is so fun. she got me into hunting breeds.
also, what high value treats do you enjoy using? i try to use veggies and chicken but want to add variety.
Mav was my first brittany and I picked the breed basically on a coin flip. I had some criteria (size, biddability, general temperament, activity level) that several breeds met and I ended up picking brittanies out of my short list because I had read a book I liked as a kid that had a brittany in it. It's not a strategy I would recommend but it worked out for me!
I was back and forth on gundog breeds when I got Aurora, but ultimately I stayed with britts because I love a pointing breed (a different flavour of biddability that I find extremely fun to work with), they are the perfect size for me, and they are CKC recognized so I can do CKC events. Other breeds I considered to a high degree were blue picady spaniels (too big), field spaniels (not a pointer, maybe too chill for my lifestyle, hard to get a puppy in Canada), boykin spaniels (not a pointer, not CKC recognized), and French spaniels (hard to get into, very closed breed). I was actually on waitlists for BPS and the FS but backed out for one reason or another. I was following Rory's kennel (new breeder's first litter) because I liked her puppy raising efforts and wanted to see how the puppies grew up, so when Aurora was offered to me, it was a pretty easy yes.
I lived up in Yellowknife with Mav for a few years and hunting (esp hunting with versatile dogs) is extremely common. I was able to go ptarmigan hunting and duck hunting a couple times and it was cool. I worked on easy gundog skills with Mav as much as I could. He found a lot of the work extremely reinforcing though (searching fields, retrieving) and it quickly became my favourite thing to work him in.
When I got Aurora I really wanted to encourage behaviours that would help her be the best possible field dog, things like confidence and appropriate ranging and recall. She's still a baby and we both have a lot to learn, but it's been super fun so far. It's really rewarding to watch her do what she was made to do and enjoy it with every fibre of her being.
For high value snacks, I usually pick up a different option every time I do groceries. This week I had clearance pre-cooked turkey breast strips, the week before that I had discount aged cheddar cheese cubes, the week before that I had rotisserie chicken I found in my freezer. You get the idea. I keep freeze dried raw for training at home or on leash, but use the good stuff for recall and retrieves in the wild.
Here's a little croissant for reading this far:
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if youre willing to (and it would be fun) would you list some behavioral differences you notice among short-tails, balls/royals, and other common pythons? id love to hear how they compare, esp since you said your experience with short tails is different than the common idea theyre bitey/aggressive.
Sure thing, this is a fun question! I love pythons, what an awesome family.
Ball pythons:
My goodness, the most docile, sweet-natured snakes in the world. With most ball pythons, they will not even try to bite you for anything in this world.
They hide their faces when they feel scared.
Love to climb! I don't know a bp who won't take advantage of climbing branches.
Burrowing can be either an individual preference or a sign something's up with husbandry. Some bps just like to burrow, and with some it's a sign that their humidity is too low or heat is too high.
Fussy eaters. If anything's up with their husbandry, they often won't eat.
Short-tailed pythons:
Their fuse is a lot longer than people assume it is, and they're good communicators. Hobie's taken one shot at me so far, and it was this morning after he dumped most of his water (from his huge giant water bowl) in his substrate and burrowed down in a wet patch. I didn't trust him (given his background) to be great at knowing he should move to a dry area, so I had to dig him out to replace the substrate. After waking him up, digging him out, and replacing substrate, he snapped at me once, and only after hissing, tail-wagging, and even bluff-striking. From his perspective, he'd exhausted all his options and he'd made himself perfectly clear!
They can and will strike sideways. This throws a lot of people off because most snakes just won't do that.
They're very still snakes and can move fast, so a lot of people get startled by how they move.
They'll huff and sigh to tell you how they're feeling.
Brilliant eaters.
They love water and burrowing. As my Hobie example proves, this can sometimes combine to make Problems.
Antaresia pythons:
Temperament can be a mixed bag as babies but adults are usually calm and sweet.
They'll rear up when they're upset, like colubrids!
Good eaters generally but they can be fussy, especially with babies. Sometimes you'll have to scent their food with lizard scent to get them interested.
Adore climbing and hanging from branches!
They'll burrow occasionally for fun.
Carpet pythons:
Temperament can vary between species, the more arboreal ones are a bit more defensive. Like short-tails, they have a bad reputation but a lot of them are super easy to handle.
Despite that reputation, they're also really good communicators. They'll rear up, open their mouths, and give you every indication they can think of that they're about to bite you before they do it.
These snakes would live on their climbing branches and perches!
Food-motivated to the extent that I honestly wouldn't even try to handle one after dark.
I just love pythons. They're such a fun, diverse group of snakes to work with!
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globaloppaaa · 1 year
hey! how’s your day! can you do zb1 mtl spray their perfume on reader before a big event?
i’m doing well bb, thank you for asking <3 this is so unique of a request, I couldn’t wait to start writing it!
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most to least likely - share their cologne with you
ft, zerobaseone
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warnings: maybeee a lil suggestive? one suggestive word scripted but not implied (unless your heads in the gutter 😒).
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ricky: something about going "together" to an event really sticks in his mind, and our rich boy definitely has designer, ultra high-end scents for the two of you to showcase together. if guests can tell who you walked in the door with, he's done his job right. frequently calls for partner bathroom breaks to reapply on the both of you.
zhang hao: he's an attention WHORE, but wants to seem discreet, so he'll spray his cologne where he's sure people will question: "what is that amazing smell?" you and hao can humbly boast about the scent you share all night long.
matthew: his scent was voted the best on bp (thank you takuto/yujin for your fabulous taste). I have no doubt he wouldn't want it all over you. probably sprays the cologne in the air and makes you shimmy in it like an idiot to ensure its all over the both of you.
hanbin: thinks the idea is super cute! he’s all for any ideas you might have. might start to get carried away and mention other ways you can match, until you’re walking into the event like a pair of twins dressed by their mom…
gunwook: is really into the idea at first, and probably brought up the conversation himself, but later he starts to feel as if his cologne is too... gunwookie, and doesn't compliment you the way he sees you (man is so down bad, how’s he supposed to tell you he likes your perfume instead?).
taerae: secretly likes the idea of the two of you matching scents, but will hold back on actually bringing up the idea unless you mention it because he’s got an ego to protect after all the shit the boys made him go through on the show.
yujin: I feel like he may be a little nervous sharing scents openly. but he's the kinda guy that would find you that night and stand right beside you, so people passing by can assume you came as a pair from the scent that lingers off his clothes. how crazy would it be if he dare say he intentionally wanted that all along?
ji woong: i think he might feel somewhat curious as to why you both should share items like perfumes/colognes? Don’t get him wrong, he plans to stay by your side all night, however the thought of smelling the same might cause a raised eyebrow reaction from him.
gyuvin: what’s cologne?
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sageistri · 5 months
The vocal debate has made me realize that kpop stans actually want to listen to lipsynced vocals and heavy backtracks. Mostly because that's what they are used to. They don't want to hear live singing( especially with dancing) at all.
They are okay if you prove they can sing occasionally. But for performances, they don't care. Which is why most kpop groups don't do live singing anymore. And I'm beginning to think they shouldn't cos it's rewarding. Look at how bp has survived this long off backtrack and lipsyncing, ntm sm groups who lipsync 90% of the time are being hailed as vocal masters.
If lsf did not live sing and used heavy backtracks yes ppl would have complained but they would have moved on so quickly unlike now, cos they truly don't care.
Mamamoo is known for their good vocals. But when they did a dance heavy song like Hip. They used to struggle with their breath and singing and started having louder backtrack on the song. Which is fair, cos that's what dancing does, it makes you tired easily. Mind you Hip does not have the hardest dance even by gg standards. But kpop stans (not mmm stans) like to pretend not to know this and want to hear perfect vocals all the time despite the choreo. Perfect pitch, perfect volume, no shortness of breath, perfect projection, no background sounds,etc
Which makes me believe that they do prefer the backtrack. Cos why did jisoo being caught lipsyncing not matter as much as mistakes on encores which isn't even the real performance.
That's exactly it. They complain about idols not singing live, but the truth is that they don't actually want to hear raw live vocals. They want back tracks and lip synced vocals that they're made to believe are live.
These are the same kpop stans who have tried to convince us that dingo live is 100% live so it's "invite only" because only the best of the best of vocalists are invited but twice a group that's always dragged for their vocals appeared on the show so I guess it isn't as exclusive and as high standard as kpop stans love to imply when sm groups were invited. They're also ignoring the fact that we can all clearly hear that the vocals on that live are always too clean to not be edited.
The same kpop stans who believe aespa's and exo's (sometimes unnecessary) high notes that they so casually belt out during intense choreography without any audible strain or heavy breathing is live. Not denying that sm do have some of the best vocalists, but sometimes just because you have good vocals doesn't always mean that you sound exactly like your studio version when performing, contrary to what sm has made kpop stans believe.
I've literally seen Flo get criticized over their live singing, and I saw someone say their Coachella performance was the first time they heard them sound good, this is the same group that is known for their vocals btw. I've also seen people say sza sometimes doesn't sound the best live. You see, that's the difference between western stans and kpop stans. Kpop stans are just bullies who enjoy spending their day bashing idols. Yes western stans can also be annoying and hateful, but having a couple bad performances will never make them attack you, they just comment on it in the moment and then move on. Kpop stans will talk about things for weeks and they're never satisfied until they think they've succeeded in bringing you down.
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ice-block · 5 months
Idk if anyone is interested but I thought I’d put it out there because the other day I was talking w my therapist and she said when people have a negative experience with something they’re WAY more likely to tell everyone they know and when they have a good or neutral experience they don’t think much of it SO I’d like to put something positive out there for anyone who might be in the position I was in.
So anyway here’s my experience getting my first pap smear, as someone with an INSANE amount of anxiety about it:
I try to keep some less than pleasant personal stuff off this blog but I’ve got a decently sized medical phobia, general mistrust of gynecology after reading too many horror stories, and some weirdness about gender/sexuality/body (???) I don’t entirely understand myself. I also understand that maintaining personal health is important even if it’s scary so when my doctor told me it was time to make an appointment with a gynecologist, I did it, then spent the next 3 weeks having nightmares, anxiety attacks, and experiencing a general sense of impending doom as the appointment approached.
Things my therapist and I talked about before hand included:
1.) save your stress for the future, if it goes good, great! If it goes poorly, you’re allowed to be stressed then . Don’t make yourself suffer unless you need to.
2.) know what accommodations you want and be prepared to ask for them confidently and clearly. I wanted the smallest speculum, a warning BEFORE any and all touching, and to be able to stop at any moment.
The appointment eventually did arrive and while I was still a ball of nerves I got myself there and obediently went through the steps of registering as a patient and remaining sane in the waiting room, I was called to the back (if you have a support person you want to bring with you you can but I went alone) and chatted with the nurse about health history etc, this pretty much resembled your standard doctors appointment, they take your heart rate, BP, etc. the nurse wrapped up and told me the doctor would be in in a minute, I should undress from the waist down, and showed me a cloth (which was basically a really big napkin) I could cover my lap with. I definitely went pale at this and if my high blood pressure didn’t tip her off she definitely knew I was internally freaking out. She offered to have the doctor come in first if that would make me more comfortable and I declined.
I was left alone to undress, it feels really weird to take off your pants in an office with fluorescent lighting, after a minute the doctor knocked then came in (there’s also a curtain in front of the door so nobody walking past can just see you pants-less) she was a very kind woman who asked me some questions about it being my first time, at this point I was prepared to say my demands but I was very shocked when she beat me to it! She outright offered the smallest speculum and said “I’m going to show you the tools, we’ll talk through the procedure, and we’ll decide if a Pap smear is something we want to do today” which made me instantly feel so much better. My other surprise was how SMALL the smallest speculum was! It was about the size of my pointer finger. If it had been larger I honestly don’t know if I could have done the procedure but once I realized it was tiny I knew it’d be ok. (Also side note: it feels really weird to talk with someone while pants-less and holding a big napkin over your crotch)
I was instructed to lay on the exam table, which was really low to the ground when I got on it then raised up like a dentists chair, the little foot holds popped out from underneath it and I was instructed to put my feet in the holds and scoot all the way to the edge, I kept looking at the doctor through this and was told that during the exam I would have to look up at the ceiling. She warned me before even the slightest touch (“I’m going to put my hand on your thigh now”) asked if I was ready, when I said yes she inserted the speculum, which felt weird but not painful, it didn’t even feel painful when it opened. Just strange. Then the doctor took a cell scraping which felt REALLY weird for a part of the body not used to that sensation at all. It felt scratchy and then for a brief second their was a bit of pain (I’d rate like a 3 out of 10) and I thought “if this lasts any longer I can’t do this” but it was really only a split second and the worst moment was also the end. The speculum was quickly removed making the Pap smear a total of like 30 seconds max. Then the doctor told me she would check my uterus and ovaries and (still maintaining consent and giving warning) inserted a finger and pressed with her other hand hard on my stomach, this didn’t hurt either and the pressure/rubbing on my stomach made it so I wasn’t thinking about her other hand at all! Then I was allowed to sit up again, close my legs, the doctor asked if I had any questions and I was out of there!
Anyway hopefully this can help someone out there I tried to include all the details I had wanted while doing frantic research before hand, if you’re in the same boat, you can do this!
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owmylasagna-blog · 9 months
Ed is Thicker Than Mud
Warning: Character development arc may take a couple years to take full effect.
Some random musings on post-BPS Eddy growing pains.
You can also read it over on AO3.
Each mechanical tick of the outdated relic of a wall clock reverberating through the office makes his skin crawl. Wriggling uncomfortably, the naugahyde of the chair releases a series of unnatural whines of protest beneath the restless teen. Don’t they know precious moments of his youth are slipping away with every infuriatingly useless second spent shedding dead skin cells in this room? It doesn’t help that his jeans are still damp. He’s pretty sure his new sneakers are wrecked too.
If being detained wasn't bad enough, they’re probably on the phone with his mom right now, and he isn’t exactly looking forward to his folks tearing him a new one over tonight's chicken francaise. Just as he imagines the yelling match his mom and pop are gonna inevitably start the loose doorknob rattles behind him.
“Here we go,” Eddy grumbles into the collar of his long sleeve polo. He slumps down into the armchair.
The door groans on its hinges, open and then shut. Footsteps click in time as the middle aged man slowly makes his way around the office furniture and sits. All the while Eddy keeps his eyes planted on the linoleum tiles between the desk and his feet. He feigns disinterest as a manila folder and a few slips of paper are shuffled.
“So. Edward McGee…”
Eddy squints, not exactly appreciative of the pause for dramatic effect, nor the emphasis put on his last name.
“Would you care to explain why you're in my office, young man?”
“No ‘you don’t care’? Or no ‘you can’t explain’?”
In response, Eddy crosses his arms and slouches even further into the depths of the worn leatherette, the heels of his sneakers squeaking as they skid forward. The principal sighs.
“The silent treatment won't get you very far-”
“You know what I did.”
Boy was this interrogation a bunch of bologna.
“Yes, I certainly do. I’m well aware of the damage to school property you’ve caused, not to mention the cost required to repair it. What I want to know is why.”
“Principal Howard, I didn’t-”
“We’ve already heard your excuses. This is your last chance to plead your case as to why you felt it necessary to tamper with-”
“I didn’t tamper nothin’!”
Eddy shoots to his feet, looking the principal in the face for the first time. His heart thrashes against his ribcage.
“I find that hard to believe.”
Yep. Totally pointless.
The teen and the man exchange steely glares before the elder shifts his gaze behind the younger.
“Please sit, Edward.”
Rolling his eyes, Eddy parks his keister back down, resuming his previous slouch. He watches as Principal Howard leafs through the papers on his desk. Most are a familiar shade of detention slip blue, some more faded than others. It’s a suspiciously sizable stack considering he’s only been in high school for three months. Sure, his track record hasn’t been… great. He’s never been the morning type. Missing homeroom three out of five days in a week will do that. As does skipping out on a detention here and there. Compared to junior high, though, Eddy considers himself a freakin’ angel so far. Barring today of course… just his luck.
But the slips have Eddy curious enough to raise a brow at, sitting up a bit straighter in an attempt to sneak a peek. He’s caught off guard when the name written on the top edge isn’t his own. Well, not entirely. Eddy’s muscles flex with immediate recognition, flashing a fierce look up to find the intent gaze of the older man peering down his sizable nose through his glasses.
No ‘effin way.
“You remind me of your brother.”
Eddy sputters, feeling the air rush out of his lungs. It makes it hard to speak. His brain fills with static. It makes it hard to think.
“Wha- you- you can’t-”
How’s he allowed to say that?
“Before I became principal I taught at this school for many years. Don’t think I could forget a kid like that so easily. Bright, creative, one might say underchallenged, but misguided, difficult, trouble prone. Unfortunate really. I didn’t have much control of the situation then nor the authority. But things have changed, except for the fact that I’m tasked with ensuring another McGee boy doesn’t slip through the cracks.”
“Cool headed” is an accolade foreign to Eddy. It takes every fiber of his being to bite his tongue, stopping himself from spewing expletives that will land him right back in the hot seat for the umpteenth time. More than anything he holds back to prove that he isn’t anything at all like…
“Which is why I’m requiring that you join an extracurricular student activity effective immediately.”
“WHAT!? WHY?!” Eddy finally blows his top. It’s a relief to scream.
“You need discipline, structure, responsibility, teamwork - whatever it takes to preoccupy your idle hours.”
“Believe me, Teach, the mathletes don’t need me screwin’ up their squared roots or whatever.”
“Then choose something else that interests you. D’you like sports?”
Eddy shrugs. Lately, nothing really interests him. Let alone anything school related. Not even marathons of The Ed Sullivan Show or wearing out the grooves in A-tom-ic Jones can seem to pull him out of this slump. And he sure wasn’t jumping at the opportunity to get towel-whipped by the meatheads, that's for sure. The thought of the foot smell that wafts from the locker room like a thick miasma alone makes him shudder.
Eighth grade graduation, the start of high school, and the abysmal summer between them had been a strange fog. Beyond his two best friends, Eddy avoided the other cul-de-sac kids like a plague. Oh yeah, this was cruel ironing as Double Dee put it. All that time vying to get their attention? Ever since they got front row seats to his bro’s assholery on full display, they’d been acting real nice. Too nice.
The remainder of seventh grade, after the groundings ended, was filled with an unprecedented number of invitations to movie nights, birthday parties, and sleepovers. Even though he’d sworn off the scams it somehow felt like he still needed to perform every time he made an appearance. Suddenly, everybody wanted to get to know him more. And that scared Eddy: what if there wasn’t more? He felt he hardly knew himself these days.
“You have until the end of the week to decide, so start asking around. And when you do find a team or club, I will personally speak to the coach or teacher running it to ensure that you are immediately enrolled and actively participating. Do you understand?”
The principal receives a noncommittal grunt as a response. He’s more stern the second time.
“Do you understand, Edward?”
Eddy finally gives a reluctant reply, hoping that this is the end of the conversation and he’ll be off the hook.
“Yeah. Capeech.”
“Good. Because this sort rebellious behavior will not be to-”
“And it’s Eddy.”
The balding man blinks a few times, brows twitching.
“Well, Eddy, another stunt like today and I bring your parents in. Capeech?”
Having his own phrasing thrown back at him makes Eddy feel even more patronized than he already is. Which is saying something, considering this whole freakin’ ordeal feels like it was designed by the universe or some malevolent god to humiliate him to no end.
Double doors fly open when the compact teen barrels through. He’s moving fast, on a mission, so focused on getting as much distance between himself and this stupid school that he hardly notices the two figures sitting side by side on the stone stairs anxiously awaiting his release. The leaner of the two jumps to his feet, calling out through the bothersome crack his voice has acquired thanks to puberty.
He whips around, jabbing a finger square between Double Dee’s eyes. The taller boy flinches back at the accusatory appendage.
“I aint talkin’ to you, snitch! Let’s go, Ed.”
The eldest of the bunch complies to the command, joining Eddy by his side. Edd huffs, shaking his fists, and with an indignant stomp of his sneakered foot is hot on the trail of his two friends. Seeing as there is a nasty storm cloud over Eddy’s head Ed opts to not ask too many questions. Instead he shares the exciting news:
“Double Dee and me saw two squirrels fighting over a nut while you were gone.”
“Sad story,” replies Eddy, inflection flat as a sheet of paper.
Meanwhile, the speed walking boy approaching from the rear isn’t so quick to change the subject.
“Come now! You can’t seriously think my intention was to smear your academic reputation!”
Eddy keeps stomping the pavement, hands shoved deep into his jacket pockets, and rolls his eyes in disbelief. The balls on this guy…
“Eddy, please,” Edd pleads, finally gaining, “The entire first floor was flooded. Given my proximity I responded in a manner that anyone in their right mind would. Honestly, are you suggesting I had a plethora of options?”
“Bull! Ya coulda kept your big. Mouth. Shut.” Eddy snarls through gritted teeth, shoulders tensing up to his ears.
“And be a complicit bystander? I think not,” replies Edd with a pout.
“Why do you make it out like I wanted that to happen!?” Eddy spits back, keeping his sights focused on the cracked cement.
“Who says I’m blaming you? It’s causality. You flushed an entire cafeteria tray and its contents down the toilet.”
“Ain’t my fault the lunch sucked mega balls! And why’s the school got plumbing from the Dark Ages? You saw that casserole.” He throws up two skeptical air quotes, “Would have been better off eatin’ rubber cement.”
“I think I saw it move,” Ed adds excitedly, grinning ear to ear.
Ed had eaten his serving of casserole with much relish, though, not before dunking it into his trusty thermos o’ gravy. It’s too bad that Eddy turned down the offer. The mental image of the subpar cafeteria slop alone makes both Edd and Eddy’s stomachs churn, let alone the gusto with which Ed manages to devour it.
“Yes. Well. I must say I was glad to have packed a garbanzo salad sandwich today based on the looks of things,” the teen in the beanie admits, punctuated with a nervous chuckle.
Eddy can’t help but look his friend in the face despite the stubborn front he’s working so hard to put up. Edd’s got a small smile but otherwise he looks ill at the recollection of the foul lunch offerings, his tongue peeking out through the gap as it presses against the back of his teeth. The husky boy cracks his own smile and stifles snort at his pal’s pathetic expression.
“Food so bad, even the crapper couldn’t stomach it,” Eddy throws in just for a kick.
It works - at least he and Ed chuckle over that and Edd shakes his head incredulously - burning off some of the uncomfortable tension that has been growing since the afternoon. The trio continue walking a few yards in the direction of home, lulling their arguing for just a moment to the sound of gravely footsteps, rustling leaves, and the jingle of Eddy’s wallet chain thumping against his thigh.
Sidewalks aren’t exactly wide enough to walk together in a line so it's unavoidable that every now and then, if they don’t split off into a triangle formation, that they bump shoulders. Eddy feels his shoulder nudge into Double Dee’s arm, then awkwardly clears his throat and sniffles against the chill fall air.
“I thought you weren’t talking to me,” heckles Double Dee with a pretentious sideways smirk.
Before he knows it, Eddy feels the back of his neck burning. For that alone he gives the wiry and historically uncoordinated teen a solid shove, causing him to stumble over his own two feet and step squarely into a soggy pile of street gutter leaves. The feeling of cold damp permeating through his shoe upper and soaking into his sock makes the boy yelp and shudder in disgust, a shiver running up his spine.
“Wet!” Edd wails. He shakes his sodden sneaker like a cat that's stepped in water and skips to catch up.
Of course Eddy laughs at Edd’s theatrics, very openly, which just sets Ed off to join him. Reveling in his buddy’s harmless misfortune, Ed throws an arm over Eddy’s shoulder which the shorter teen roughly shrugs off.
“Very good. I’ve received my comeuppance.” Edd sighs, wincing as his sock squelches with every other step.
A few tsks of disapproval are made by Ed seemingly out of the blue. Edd and Eddy are surprised to see their happy-go-lucky Lump looking uncharacteristically forlorn.
“How sad it must be to be a squirrel without a nut. What cruel, hostile world we must live in where there are not enough nuts to go around.” Ed punctuates the thought with a heavy sigh.
“I’m lookin’ at a nut right now.”
“Oh yeah?” Ed perks up, head whipping violently in search of it as though he can rectify the injustice he’d witnessed.
“Yeah, TWO of ‘em!“
Just as he says it, Eddy’s fist finds its way to the tall redhead’s vulnerable groin with an empty punch.
Edd puts a bit of space between himself and Eddy.
“Fear not, Ed. Every squirrel has their day.”
“Good for them,” Eddy growls, his earlier gloating soured by envying, of all things, a fuzzy rat.
Seeing as his vapid positivity hasn’t exactly resonated with Eddy, Edd decides to take a more direct approach.
“So, what punishment has befallen you? Another detention.”
Eddy’s brows drop down over his eyes with a snarl. He sees a pebble a few steps ahead and when he reaches it gives it a good solid kick. It skitters wildly into the street.
“Disintegration?” Ed chimes in.
“I wish.”
“You’d make a fine puddle, you would.”
“Thanks, Ed,” Eddy rolls his eyes, shoving his chin down into the collar of his jacket.
He nearly jumps at the shriek-like sound of Edd’s gasp. It looks as though he’s doing a decent impression of that weird painting of the screaming guy.
“Good lord, please don’t tell me you’ve been… expelled!?” Edd can hardly say the word.
“No! Worse! I gotta join some bogus extracaricature.”
Double Dee’s hand flies, grabbing Eddy’s bicep. The sudden physical contact makes Eddy reflexively flinch.
“What a relief! You had me worried for a second.” An offended look on Eddy’s face does worry Edd and he realizes it’s because of the grasp he has on his arm. He swiftly releases it, putting his hand in his jacket pocket.
“Ah- A generously lenient outcome considering the extent of property damage. Participation in a peer activity? Hmm… Why, you could always join me on the junior debate team. What you lack in research skills you certainly make up for with your argumentative temperament.”
“Kill me already.”
Eddy sags under the weight of such a nerdy proposition.
“Oh, it wouldn’t be so bad.”
Craning his neck, Ed peers down curiously.
“Join me! We could always use a uh-” Ed pauses, counting on his fingers, “a third member on the team. You could even go by Mr. AV-Eddy.”
With a rough tug, Ed’s head snaps down to match his short-statured friend’s eye level, Eddy’s fist full of the pilling and frayed green jacket collar.
“Call me that at school and I’ll shove an 8 millimeter where the sun don’t shine.”
“NO way. Don’t even try it.” Eddy threatens before letting go of Ed.
“You got it, Mr. Cool Guy I’d Never Ever Call AV-Eddy, uh, sir!”
To show his deference, Ed removes his monobrow and swears it over his heart.
They keep walking. It’s about a half hour trudge back to the cul-de-sac, but it sure beats the torment of the public school buses. Bottom of the food chain means getting the crappiest seats, or worse even, becoming completely separated. Much better to brave the biting wind for now: Eddy’s ears and nose are already ruddy. Come winter they might reassess.
It’s hard not to think he might be cursed: born with the dark mark. Maybe somewhere down his family line there was some cardinal sin committed that’s the root to all this. If he has to place bets it was probably those damn pilgrims that sold Peach Creek to the Kankers, the lot of inbred nitwits. Eddy sorta gets why his brother is the way he is. He knows deep down his parents treated him different from the jump. That he’s had it better, at least in some ways. Despite his bad luck he’s technically the lucky one. But there is still so much he doesn’t know. Stuff that when he brings it up mom just starts blubbering. He won’t even bring it up with dad. So teachers thought he was smart?
Over the last year, Double Dee has fretted over Eddy’s drawn out silences. Just like the one now. He can’t help but read far too deeply into whatever might preoccupy Eddy’s mind so much to leave him speechless. A more contemplative and reflective streak could be good for Eddy. Except Double Dee knows from personal experience how quickly things can go south inside the echo chamber of one’s own thoughts. He chews his lip as the worry gnaws away at him.
“Eddy? Was there… anything else you wanted to talk about?”
Eddy sniffs his running nose again, scowling. He shrugs.
“S’nothing. Everyone at this school’s got it out for me.”
The feeling of a gentle hand between his shoulder blades makes the back of his eyes burn. Dammit. He blinks hard, sniffing even harder.
“Not everyone.” Double Dee earnestly assures. Ed wraps another arm around him in a lax half hug and this time Eddy doesn’t shrug him off. Instead, he leans in.
“Okay, okay. Fine. Almost everyone.”
And that’s good enough for him.
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