#What wonderful shape 😋
prettygiri222 · 9 months
okay but imagine eren seen a video of his baby momma at the club singin sexy redd’s “ FUCK MY BABYDADDY ” 😭😭 he just brings their son or daughter to reader’s mom and goes back to reader’s house and tears them TF upppp.
i can just hear him saying “ fuck yo baby who?? oh aight. ”
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I had to add rapper!Eren to this cause it's something I always wanted to write😋
Eren x Black Fem Reader, PLOT + SMUT
rapper Eren Yeager's longtime girlfriend of six years broke up with him after having his first child, Duke Yeager. Eren shared a post on instagram confirming their breakup but stated that the both of them remain in Duke’s life as co-parents. the reason why was unreleased so fans speculated that Eren must’ve cheated because why else would you willingly break up with the famous rapper. his management released a statement saying it was due to conflicting schedules but it was seen as damage control so no one believed it.
during the six years of the relationship, his management managed to keep your face out of the media. but with the way Eren was constantly posting snippets of you, fans soon discovered who you were after matching physical features, traits and location that were found on his story with the ones present on your small instagram.
you two quickly became the it couple, how the girl from nowhere pulled a famous rapper gave fans hope because they saw them reflected in you. a woman who didn’t have to undergo multiple surgeries to pull the industry's finest. but after the breakup, that image fell.
his management did their best to keep things under wraps to keep the media from tormenting you but it didn’t work. when you posted a picture of yourself postpartum your dms filled with hateful comments wondering why Eren had gotten with you in the first place. you knew it was just jealous fangirls but it still got to you, especially since you weren’t all that confident in your new body and still recovering from your pregnancy. your accounts went silent shortly after.
although the breakup was mutual, the reason why was deeper than scheduling conflicts. you needed someone who was able to be there physically, emotionally and mentally. it was hard for Eren to provide that due to his career path, always travelling the world with a packed schedule. you guys did your best to make it work but after Duke came into the world you just couldn’t handle it anymore. 
Eren was a decent baby daddy and you guys co-parented well. you had full custody of him but when Eren was in town and would have time off you would send Duke over to him. Duke loved his daddy, always wanting to watch his concerts and interviews on the TV when he wasn’t there or free to facetime. Eren always made sure to send double what was asked for in child support to make sure you took care of yourself as well as his son.
that’s why when you reposted your friend’s story of you in the club all hell broke loose. people took it as a diss to your baby daddy, which it was, but not in the way they thought.
earlier that week you had dropped Duke off at Eren’s mansion. he had just flown back in from his world tour and finally had a few weeks off. despite being exhausted he called you up and asked if you could bring Duke over, wanting to spend as much time with his son as possible during his break. he sent over an uber black to pick the two of you up.
when Eren met you two at the door, Duke jumped into his arms smiling and giggling. it’s been a while since he’s seen his daddy in person. the sight made you awe. Eren turned to you and asked if you wanted to stay over so he could spend time with the two most important people in his life but sadly you declined. you didn’t want to interrupt their father and son bonding time.
Duke was almost a clone of Eren, he had his sharp green eyes, german nose and face shape. the only hints of you in him were his full lips, darker skin and coils. Duke was your little bundle of joy but he could be a handful at times. during the few times those two got to spend together Eren spoiled him rotten, whatever he wanted he got and it showed. whenever you told him no he would throw a tantrum saying how he wanted his daddy. you knew you were a good mother but hearing him say that when you were the one who took care of him every day hurt.
it was a friday night and Eren was at his crib chilling with Duke. he had his phone on do now disturb so his time with his family wouldn’t be interrupted. it was a shame you weren’t here to spend time with them. after having pizza, soda and ice cream for dinner the boys passed out on the couch after staying up past midnight watching movies. 
his peace was soon interrupted by the constant buzz of his phone. it roused him from his sleep but Duke slept through it. after the third ring, he finally answered the phone. he was pissed that his manager was calling him knowing it was his time off but he figured it must be important for them to use emergency bypass to call.
“what’s going on?” his voice gruff from his slumber and irritation. he turned on his phone to see it flooded with notifications from instagram, snapchat, tiktok, twitter, messages, missed calls from his friends and one from his mom and his heart dropped to his stomach. he hadn't dropped anything new recently so he knew whatever was happening had to be bad.
“well… it’s about your baby mama… she uh…” his manager was at a loss for words. he didn't know the words to describe the situation to make it not seem as bad as the media was already making it out to be. he knew Eren would be pissed when he found out what happened and they didn't want to be on the end of it. 
Eren was extremely protective of his family and friends. when he saw the hate you were receiving after you posted a picture of yourself postpartum he took to twitter immediately. he did not play when it came to you, together or not together. you were the mother of his child and you needed your respect. so he was wondering why you were playing in his face like this.
“well what is it?” he snapped, already losing his patience. “is she ok? is she hurt?” he shot upright from his resting position on the couch. he opened up the group chat between him, Armin, Connie, Onyankopon and Jean first. all that was sent was a blurry video followed by a bunch of skull and grave emojis.
he opened the video and immediately recognized the faces of a few of the girls in it as a few of your friends, Sasha, Mikasa and Historia at a club. Sasha, Connie’s model girlfriend was the one to record them singing along to a sexyy red song. he wondered what the video had to do with him until it panned to you. you stood out with your brightly dyed red hair styled in a what he recognized as a wash-and-go.
“fuck my baby daddy! fuck my baby daddy! fuck my baby daddy!” you were shouting the lyrics a little bit too passionately. you had your middle fingers stuck up to the camera showing off your glittery red acrylic nails. you were clearly wasted, drunk off of whatever drinks Sasha managed to shove down your throat.
“yes bitch!” your friends shouted as you turned around to shake your ass sticking out your tongue. you were wearing a ripped mesh dress. one of your friends reached out to pull down the back of your dress to prevent your ass from showing but the dress was already leaving very little to the imagination. the pregnancy did your body good, you were a bit on the skinny side before but now your hips had filled out, your ass and boobs swole and your skin finally cleared up. you were glowing.
“I’m a fine ass bitch, I ain’t in the in the house sad!” you were feeling yourself. it felt nice to get out of the house and away from Duke no matter how much you loved him. having to take care of a baby by yourself was tiring, no matter how much Eren supported you from afar you needed him there with you.
your friends were hyping you up and your mind grew hazy from both the alcohol and adrenaline. you were far too gone to realize what you said when you yelled “fuck Eren!” instead of the actual lyrics. the camera quickly panned to the floor before the video stopped.
Eren had to replay the video countless times to process what he had seen and heard. but he couldn’t believe it was you. never in the eight years he’s known you have you ever picked up the phone to send a dig at him through social media. no matter how tough the going got, it’s what he respected about you. you always wanted to talk problems through and try to make it work. Eren clenched his fist looking at you now.
Eren knows how baby mamas like you are seen and treated in the industry. he’s seen how they're constantly bashed and embarrassed by the fathers of their children and the media. Eren never wanted that for you, he wanted to give you a ring before he gave you a baby but accidents happen and here you both were. instead of calling him or stopping by to talk you wanted to show out for the fans and diss him. it was stupid of you, he knew you were better than this.
“so it’s “fuck Eren” is that right,” Eren laughed to himself throwing his head back on the couch. sure he couldn’t be there for you and Duke all the time like he wanted but at least he tried. he was a very busy man. but he did what he had to to make sure his mother, Duke and you could have a nice and cozy life. where Duke didn’t have to worry about if he was going to eat dinner that night. “bet.”
“sorry little man but I have to go get your mommy. you’re going to go to stay with your grandma tonight, ok?” he cooed to Duke, waking him up. Duke slowly woke up and was trying to rub the sleep out of his eye. Eren loved his son very much he was the reason he kept this stressful life up. 
he enjoyed making music and performing but not during the days when he slept in the studio trying to find the perfect lyrics and beat or days where he hardly slept because he had to stay on his feet. it was a fast life and if he couldn’t keep up it would all come crashing down. and for you to make a dig at that knowing how he felt was fucked.
“Eren Yeager!” his manager shouted through the phone overhearing the whole thing. he needed Eren to keep a calm head and not do anything rash tonight. he didn’t need him sparking more outrage in the media or doing something that could potentially ruin the relationship you two had. “what are you going to do?”
“what else, I’m going to go fuck my baby mama,” before his manager could get another word out he hung up the phone. 
“daddy said a bad word!”
“...don’t tell your mom and I’ll bring you to the studio with me.”
you wobbled into your apartment with a sheepish grin. it felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulder tonight. it’s been a while since you went to the club and got so drunk that the world became a blur. you were slowly regaining memories of what happened that night and you couldn’t help but cringe knowing you would regret some of them in the morning. your phone died on your way home after you reposted Sasha’s story so you were oblivious to the buzz you had created.
when you went to unlock your door you found out that it was already open. you raised your brow but you brushed it off thinking you must’ve forgotten to lock it in your rush to leave the house. you knew the security for your building was tight, it was the main thing you were looking for when you were buying your apartment. it was a necessity since Duke was the son of a successful rapper. 
when you and Eren had split you bought yourself a nice little two-bedroom apartment deep in the city. Eren offered to pay for it but you immediately declined, you didn’t want anything else of yours to get attached to him. during your relationship you saved up a lot of money since Eren had always offered to buy you whatever you wanted and spoiled you rotten just like he was doing with Duke. he fueled your shopping addiction only wanting his girlfriend to have the best of the best.
you had a little side hustle as an occasional hairstylist and nail artist for your friends and family with the occasional new client. Eren told you time and time again you didn’t need to work and that he would take care of everything. but you liked having your own source of income it made you feel independent plus you enjoyed your job.
being able to close on your dream apartment was a dream come true and it left you feeling satisfied. you loved how everything was within walking distance, there was a daycare down the street along with an elementary school for when Duke got older. there was a grocery store right around the corner with a few outlets and public transit ran just outside the building, it was perfect for a single mother like you. 
“thought we were doing good with this co-parenting shit mama?” the second you opened the door you were greeted by a voice you knew better than your own. goosebumps covered your arms, ‘why is he here’ you thought.
“Eren?” you called out into the dark apartment. you felt the wall closest to the door for the switch and turned the light on. and there he was, Eren, your famous baby daddy. he turned his head to look at you from where he was seated on the couch. his eyes were extremely low, watching your every move. “are you ok? where's Duke?”
“with your mom,” Eren was having such a pleasant high, he felt so relaxed and calm in the dark room. he didn’t have the TV on and was just staring at the black screen. but the second the room lit up and you walked through the door with that tiny see-through dress on it dispersed. he narrowed his eyes down at you and you could tell you had just blown his high. his anger simmering underneath his calm demeanour. 
“how’d you even get in?” you never gave Eren the key to your apartment. having already been split and you always dropped Duke off at his place there was no reason for him to have one.
“front desk gave me a key after I flashed a couple of stacks,” he replied nonchalantly, like it wasn’t a crime on both parts. you rolled your eyes, this was how Eren fixed all his problems, with money. you get that when he was growing up it was something he didn’t have but now that he had it was like all he knew how to do was throw it at people to make his problems disappear.
“well if Duke isn’t here then there’s no reason for you to be,” you don’t know what you did to warrant this visit but you didn’t want to be in his presence any longer. you liked to keep your contact with Eren as minimal as possible. plus you didn’t have the energy to deal with him tonight, you were tired. hoping he would get the hint it was time to leave you walked away and headed towards your bedroom, “please see yourself out. we can talk another day.”
“nah, 'cause it’s “fuck Eren” right?” he got up from the couch and followed you down the hall and into your room. the wooden floor creaking under his weight. you didn’t have to turn around to know he was towering over you, you could feel him breathing down your neck. you tried to move away from him but he gripped your waist with a firm grip underneath and pulled you against him. “you must’ve gone crazy going so long with my dick huh? that must be it, acting like you lost your damn mind.”
“Eren!” you pulled away to look back at him in shock. “what are you even talking about?”
“don’t play dumb with me mama, your ass is all over the shade room talking about “fuck my baby daddy” ” he took his phone out of his pocket to show you their newest post. it was a screenshot of a video but it was clearly you, it was the same outfit and hairstyle you had on right now. you swiped the image on his phone in disbelief and the video played, “fuck Eren! fuck my baby daddy! fuck my baby daddy!”
“oh my gosh! Eren, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, I was drunk and got carried away,” you looked up at him from the phone. you could tell he was pissed, his eyes darkened after hearing what you said in the video for the hundredth time. you were horrified, you didn’t mean to air out your personal problems and make Eren seem like a bad father. you knew how the public blew things out of proportion.
“they say drunk words are sober thoughts,” Eren stated, shrugging his shoulders. “I know Duke be stressing you out ma, let me fix it,” he stared down at you with a little smirk. he licked his lips, obviously checking you out. it's been a while since he's seen your body exposed, you always show up to drop Duke off in oversized sweaters and shirts. just looking at you like this made his dick hard, “plus you owe me an apology.”
that’s how you found yourself face down ass up in your bedroom with the man you’d never thought would step foot in your new apartment. Eren was behind you standing at the edge of the bed, his black and grey nike tech sweater was thrown somewhere in your room leaving him in a white wife beater and his golden cuban link chain. his grey sweats were down so that just his dick was out.
“mm fuck Eren! please,” you cried out. no matter how deeply you arched or angled your hips you couldn’t get him to reach where you needed him the most. he knew that but he loved watching you struggle and the way your brown cheeks jiggled after coming into contact with his pelvis. you were a sight to see, one that he deeply missed.
“you can do better than that mama,” he raised his pierced brow watching you. Eren stood completely still behind you, you had your face buried in the sheets as you attempted to throw it back on him. you were still dressed in your mesh dress but he ripped your thong off. “I saw you in that video. you were shaking that shit so c’mon, fuck me back ma.”
your makeup was staining your sheets but you could care less right now. the feeling of Eren stretching out your practically virginal walls was dumbfounding. he didn’t bother to stretch you out believing that your body was already moulded to his shape. but it’s been about two years since you last had sex. your tight walls were struggling to accommodate his humongous size.
“ ’m trying,” the lack of stimulation on your sweet spots had you in tears. the stretch was pleasurable but it wasn’t enough, paired with the shallow thrusts. you so desperately craved more so you reached in between your legs to play with your clit. Eren groaned at the sight of you touching yourself, not to mention you began to clench around him. 
“damn ma, now that’s what I’m talking about,” Eren gave your ass a harsh slap. you let out a little whine as you lost your rhythm because of it. but you soon found it again. your wetness was soaking his dick and you were basically twerking on his dick. Eren loved every second of it. 
he took one of your ass cheeks and pulled it to the side with his tattooed hand, he watched himself go in and out of your brown folds. feeling the unsteady approach of his orgasm watching as you struggled to fuck yourself on him he decided to finally grant you mercy. he languidly began to thrust into you. “go ahead and nut on this dick mama.”
 “o-okay” you stuttered out. you struggled to concentrate on stimulating your sensitive clit while bouncing back to meet Eren’s lazy thrusts. your fingers were covered in your own wetness while you rubbed little circles on your bud. each loop paired with the tip of his dick pressing against that spongy spot inside you brought you ever closer to your climax. “ ‘m so close!”
“let it out for me baby,” the pace became erratic, you guys’ release at its peak. sometimes his dick collided straight into your soft spot and sometimes it completely missed. but the feeling of him pummeling in and out of you had you convulsing around his dick. “keep squeezing around me like that and I'll put another baby in you, fuck.”
you let out broken whines as you struggled to continuously stimulate your bud. you were soaking wet that your fingers slipped around. “‘ren! ren!” you chanted, reaching out toward him with your slick-covered hand. Eren grabbed it and put it in his mouth. groaning deeply as he licked and sucked on your coated digits.
“don’t worry mama, I got you. let it out for me,” Eren leaned over your arched form and whispered in your ear. his husky sending shivers down your spine as he talked you through it. you listened to him feeling the wave of pleasure overwhelm you, the sensation in your stomach bursting.
“f-fuck, fuck!”
“shit,” when he felt himself about to burst he pulled out of your pussy's compelling grasp. he watched the lewd scene in front of him and used it to jerk off. he groaned out stroking his soaking dick. your pussy hole remained gaping after he pulled out and your liquids were spilling on your sheets. after a few strokes, he released all over your back onto your mesh dress staining it.
you plopped down onto your empty bed exhausted. the room filled with the sound of laboured breathing as you guys tried to catch your breath. the sound of Eren shuffling around could be heard soon after. your heart ached at the thought of him leaving you so soon but you closed your eyes, ‘it’s for the better’ you thought. you wanted a few moments of rest before you went to wash up.
but Eren wasn’t finished yet, he was shedding the remaining articles of his clothing leaving him naked. your eyes opened feeling the bed dip under the extra weight. before you could protest, Eren had already climbed on top of you, grabbing your legs and having them pushed over your head, “we’re not finished yet.”
this time Eren took the lead, he had ripped off your dress leaving you completely naked and exposed to his eyes. he had you folded over like a pretzel leaving you open for him. your legs were bent so far over your head you could see the top of your pussy and watch as Eren thrusted in and out of your overstimulated hole from above. the pleasure made you want to slither away but Eren’s strong hold kept you still.
“E-eren!” you were losing your mind from the stimulation. “too much! it’s too much!” you cried out. you reached out to push against his rock-hard abdomen. you didn’t want him to stop, not when you were so close to your second orgasm of the night but it was too much. he was being so rough with you. you didn’t think you had it in you after motherhood to be manhandled like this.
“nah, you can take it. you’re a big girl now, dissing me at the club with your friends. be glad I’m even fucking you since I’m such a “bad baby daddy.” Eren mocked you from above. he didn’t even flinch as you tried to push him away. he smiled down at you watching how easily you got fucked out. moans were no longer coming out your mouth, more like strangled sobs and whines that were being forced out after each deep thrust of his. the head of his dick battering your insides and abusing your soft spot left you tremoring underneath him.
“imsorryimsorry,” you babbled out. your mascara and eyeliner were running down your cheeks and your lipstick was smothered but you couldn’t look any prettier to Eren. he enjoyed watching as your tits bounce around. he brought his forest green eyes back up to you watching as you bit your quivering lip.
“how’d that song go again?” Eren sarcastically asked. with the number of times he replayed that video he had the lyrics, beat and rhythm all memorized. “something like this right?” pap! pap! pap! Eren changed the rhythm of his thrusts, the sound of his balls clapping against your ass and the squelching sounds of your pussy mimicked the bow bow bow of the song. he angled each thrust to deliver a particularly harsh hit to your g-spot.
without warning an intense feeling of pleasure erupted in your stomach. “imcuming!” you cried out. you could feel a liquid flow out from your pussy, completely drenching Eren’s dick. he quickly pulled out to watch you squirt, a sight he immensely missed. the translucent liquid gushed out of your hole soaking the sheets as well.
“you said fuck your baby who?” Eren smiled down at your fucked out face. you couldn’t even answer him with the overwhelming pleasure rendering all of your senses useless. your head was thrown back and your face furrowed, coming down from the high of your intense orgasm. “oh aight.”
I think I got a bit carried away🤭
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cherrifire · 7 months
Please share your thoughts on the other 5 cutie marks, I'd love to hear!
Hi everypony! I got like 20 asks for the Dogwarts cutie mark lore so I'm here to speak my truth!
Before we start, I would like to write a quick reminder that a pony's cutie mark is not always their "special talent", but can also represent who they are, their personalities, and a possible destiny. Different cutie marks have different meanings and interpretations, but they're not just about representing what you're good at.
That being said, let's start with the cutie mark design I'm proudest of!
Ren's Cutie Mark
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Ren's cutie mark is of a sunrise and looks pretty simple at first glance but there was a lot of thought that went into this one.
First of all, I bet you're wondering why a sunrise? Well, in the show, it is pretty typical for unicorns with great magical abilities to have one relating to space (examples being Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst). And I figured since I wanted Ren to fall into a similar position of potentially becoming an alicorn, I gave him a cutie mark following the same trend. And I chose a sunrise to reflect the way Ren seems to glow when he enters a room. The way he carries himself is very warm and bright it just catches your eye in a similar way the sun would.
Also, Ren wears sunglasses. So a sun-themed cutie mark seemed appropriate.
Additionally, there are a couple of smaller details I want to point out too. Like the sun rays, if you look at them for a moment you'll see they're shaped like little crowns! I of course had to put a crown in thanks to how much Ren likes to play royalty, so I snuck it in there. And then the red spots underneath could both be interpreted as the sun reflected over water or blood. (But of course, this is a kid show AU so there wouldn't be any blood in Ren's destiny, just a fun reference to the red king and his whole thing about blood dyeing the snow red)
Martyn's Cutie Mark
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I explained this one in an earlier ask but I thought I'd explain it again here for anyone who didn't see it!
Martyn's cutie mark is of a chopped log and a small stick.
This one is mostly a play on the name "Littlewood" but has other meanings too. As a character, Martyn tends to travel and explore quite a bit. In the Life Series specifically, he is usually the last one to find a permanent base and even then doesn't spend a lot of time in one place. Always on the move. Additionally, he's more of a wild card compared to other characters, always trying to be as unpredictable as possible.
The smaller detail here is the little swirl on top of the log is the same as the one on his Minecraft skin's shirt.
BigB's Cutie Mark
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Cookies! Cookies! Cookies! BigB's cutie mark is of 3 cookies where one is trying to eat the others. There are also a few sprinkles there made to look like action lines.
We all know BigB loves cookies so of course I had to give him a cutie mark with cookies in it. For this one, I decided to follow the cutie mark trend of "symbol/item important to the pony duplicated 3 times" (examples being Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie) but I added a bit more creativity to it with the top on trying to eat the others to represent just how tasty they are 😋
Additionally, rather than the first cookie trying to eat the others, you could interpret it as opening its mouth to talk. Because BigB can not keep a secret to save his life! In Double Life when he started "secret soulmates" with Grian, he didn't last a day without opening his mouth. He told Ren about it immediately because he felt bad for keeping things from him.
Also worth quickly mentioning: People pointed out in my original post that they don't think BigB would be the element of honesty because of his behaviour in Secret Life. But that's just Secret Life. I think Secret Life to BigB was like that episode of My Little Pony where Discord makes the main 6 act the opposite of their true element. BigB was just going through a weird phase of telling very obvious lies because a book told him to.
Skizz's Cutie Mark
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Skizz's cutie mark is of a lightning bolt from a couple storm clouds hitting the ground.
I think this is the cutie mark with the least thought put into it, unfortunately. There was still though just not as much as the others. The big thing I thought was fun was I made the lightning bolt shaped like an "S" to stand for Skizzleman. But other than that, this cutie mark sort of has the same meaning as Rainbow Dash's cutie mark. Quick like lightning, loud, bold, dangerous, and powerful.
Impulse's Cutie Mark
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Impulse's cutie mark is of a lit-up lightbulb.
I absolutely crowded this cutie mark with the letter i. If you look closely, there are 6 of them. Impulse's design also has an i-shaped pattern on the belly if you look closely enough. But that's more of a fun easter egg and doesn't exactly reflect Impulse as a character.
There are a couple of reasons I chose a lightbulb for Impulse, the first and probably most obvious is that he's a redstone guy! He's a technical guy who likes to work smarter, not harder. So I figured the My Little Pony equivalent would be a light bulb/electricity. The second reason for the lightbulb is that it's usually used as a visual representation when characters have that "eureka!" moment in cartoons. When someone has a brilliant idea a little lightbulb turns on above their head. So since Impulse is the ideas guy, I figured a lightbulb would work for his cutie mark.
Etho's Cutie Mark
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Etho's cutie mark is of a snowflake with a missing branch.
I promise there is more to this cutie mark than just "Canada is cold" even if that's part of the reason I wanted to give him a winter-themed cutie mark. While it is fun to make a nod to Etho being Canadian, I thought a winter-themed cutie mark would be fun to represent how he sometimes presents himself. Cold and a bit mysterious. I think deep down once you get to know him, those attributes melt away, but for people who have never met him, he may be intimidating that way.
I'll be honest, I don't watch a lot of Etho content, but I do have a few friends who identify as Etho girlies so I did my research. I was told in his Minecraft Let's Play World, that he has a snowflake build somewhere. I believe they said it was an iron golem farm? (Please correct me if I'm wrong) but I thought that was perfect for the cutie mark. And if you're wondering why there's a branch missing, it's because one of my friends said he was incapable of finishing builds sometimes so I thought that would be fun to include.
Alright. Rant over. To celebrate, here are a few pony doodles so I can put this post in my art tag.
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kyunzin · 7 months
𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐬
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character; 𝐎. 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐭𝐚
cw: in front of others he's so sweet, holding doors open, holding the corners of sharp objects so you don't hit your head. what they don't know is that at home he treats you as if you're a prostitute he picked up off the street (f!reader)
tags: black!bimbo reader, degradation,
a/n: i my fist time writting his character and idk how to feel about it, I think I’m in my jjk era rn😋
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“all you have to do is -fuck, sit there and look pretty for me princess. everyone knows theres nothing inside that pretty little head of yours. if you want something just ask for it baby. you know you don’t need to do anything for your self”
his cruel but true words run straight to your pussy making you moan into the sheets as he has you pinned down beneath him as he fucks into you with a practiced strength.
you’re on your knees with your face smushed into the silk sheets make up all messed up as he fucks you within an inch of your life. his cock filling you out to the brim, tip kissing your cervix with every thrust.
it’s no wonder the neighbours give you shaming stares as you leave you’re house, theres no way they can hear you screaming his name endlessly at odd hours of the day. sometimes the two of you go at it for hours, that’s when the stares seem most judgmental.
though you couldn’t care less as you enjoy that fact that everyone knows how much of a slut you are for him. everyone knows you as his hot girlfriend, always dolled up in makeup, new nails and hairstyles monthly if not weekly.
“all I ask is that you keep your pussy ready for me and let me fuck you whenever I ask, you can do that much for me cant you mama?”
all he can hear is your mumbled response but he understands all too well, used to your fucked out chants and muffled moans by now he knows exactly what you’re saying. not that he really cares for your response.
he can tell that you love the way he degrades your very existence from the way your cunt clenches around his cock at every word while you fuck yourself back on him.
he watches the way your ass recoils with every connection of you hips and it only urges him to fuck you harder bullying his way into your pussy, you wouldn’t be surprised if your cunt was moulded to the shape of his cock.
“wish I could -shit, fuck your tight cunt all day. I’d get you pregnant with all the cum I pump into you daily”
even though he makes you take birth control he still wants there to be a possibility of you being pregnant just so that he can see you round with his kids, it’s why he makes sure to stuff you with loads of cum when he fucks you so that when he’s away he knows you’ll be satisfied.
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honeipie · 4 months
I love love love your bakugou works! i was wondering if you could write something about him and like izuku, eijiro, shoto, and the reader all being firefighters. i just think ab katsuki in that black tank and the fuckin firefighter pants😋
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katsuki bakugo x reader
synopsis: dating your coworker can be fun sometimes
authors note: tysm!! katsuki would be such a good firefighter tbh 🌞
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3:00 PM
“okay this is weird” currently you were in the passengers seat of your boyfriend’s pick up truck on the way to the fire station. luckily, you had both been called in for 24 hour shifts at the same time. katsuki rolled his eyes turning down the street.
you motioned over to the radio which was playing your favorite playlist. the playlist that katsuki would complain so much about each time you put it on.
“you haven’t said a word about my music since we’ve gotten into this car” once he hit a stop light you leaned over the middle console getting close to his cheek “what is going on? are you mad or something?”
he turned his head giving you the smallest, quickest peck on your lips “nothin’s wrong” you squinted your eyes skeptically as the light turned green.
pulling out your phone you went to text the firehouse groupchat.
my boyfriend is way to happy at the moment.. what’s going on
just know that you won’t like it!
oh he’s not telling you? brutal.
you had just pulled up to the station when you had read the message “katsuki, not today” there were tires, ropes, dumbbells, and ladders sitting outside and in front of the trucks. katsuki gave your thigh a strong squeeze with a smirk.
“happy drill day”
drill day. the one day out of the month where the whole station of firefighters would get together and do drills over and over for a couple of hours. this was your least favorite day considering everything it entailed. of course you knew that you had to stay in shape physically. it was just wasn’t that fun when you already have a trail of sweat running down your back and ruining whatever makeup you at least tried to do.
5:45 PM
“i hate him”
“then why are you looking at him like you want to lick the sweat off his body”
“first of all gross, second of all i may hate him but i’m not blind” you watched the man who was facing away from you. he was currently showing some of the rookies how to turn their sled pull into pulling the real hose.
his back muscles could be seen shifting quickly as he tugged on the hose from the truck. when he was at the end of the hose his arms flexed for one final tug.
he dropped the hose with a loud plop. he placed his hands on his hips and you could see his slow, heavy breaths from there.
“well? i just showed you how to do it. wrap the shit back up and show me” all of them scrambled to get the hose untangled and back into the wheel.
katsuki turned to face you immediately noticing the way you weren’t training.
“why the hell are you here?” he looked over at mina who was checking something on her nails.
“well my boyfriend and best friend work here, and i’m bored, so i think you can put together the rest of the pieces”
“don’t you got people to revive or some shit?”
mina was an emt for the local hospital. her and kirishima actually met at a fire scene when she came over to check out some of his injuries, and the rest was history.
“look at you loud and wrong. i’m not on a shift right now so i decided make myself feel better about my career decisions by watching you people workout for hours on end”
katsuki shook his head clearly fed up with her and the conversation. you just had to pick her to be your best friend.
“just standin’ here?” he asked standing directly in front of you.
“i finished” you huffed out looking up at him. the heat from outside was already kicking your ass, but him being up close made you feel hotter.
“alright, it’s time to do farmers carry. two laps around the room with a minute break in between”
a frown rested on your face when you heard he wanted you to do more. it had almost hit the two hour mark and you were ready to wrap it up.
“i don’t think i can do anymore today. my body hurts”
he scoffed hearing your words “and you know who else’s body is gonna hurt? the people dying in fires because you couldn’t carry them out”
“i’ve done it before so i feel like that doesn’t count” you reached your hand out placing it on his waist “c’mon lieutenant, go easy on me? just for today”
you’d pulled the lieutenant card. sure, that was his rank and people called him that out of respect, but you? you just did it differently. the way you enunciated the ‘t’. the way you’d touch him, because you always touched him when you said it. this was a rare pull so you must’ve been tired.
katsuki raised his eyebrow at your words. a smirk creeped onto his face before he leaned down giving you a long kiss.
mina’s face scrunched up in disgust, and the rookies just mumbled about how his demeanor switched so fast.
when he pulled away he whispered softly in your ear “you just earned yourself another lap. now get those dumbbells and get to work” he turned going back to check on the rookies’ progress.
“well that backfired” mina kicked her feet against the mat.
“yeah, ya think?”
so you the farmers carry, then worked on the stair machine for your last exercise. after that you made your way over to katsuki. he was watching the rookies start on their cooldown stretches.
“i actually finished this time so i’m going to take a shower” you gave him a sharp pat on the back and went to leave, but he grabbed you wrist dragging you back.
“you mad?”
“hm.. not if i smell okonomiyaki when i get out the shower”
you moved your hand away continuing your walk to the bathroom.
“thank you katsuki”
he only grumbled in response taking a bite of his. kirishima frowned in the corner arms crossed against his chest “why didn’t you make us any? we worked out hard too”
“not enough ingredients”
izuku sat beside you drinking his smoothie “y’know i hate liars. i restocked that pantry yesterday”
mina stood beside kirishima one arm wrapped around his waist “i could give you some of those leftovers from last night”
kiri shook his head “nah, i don’t really want that-“ he shifted his head to see mina giving him a look “oh! no yeah i want that” the two retreated back into the station with nothing more than a wave. shoto almost broke his neck watching the two go inside.
“they’re not gonna have sex in the kitchen right?..”
“no! not in the kitchen. maybe that big closet on the way, but not in the kitchen” you put the last bit of okonomiyaki in your mouth “i’m actually surprised you caught onto that”
“i know right? got the social cues of a fuckin’ boulder”
“katsuki that’s not funny” but the smile on your face gave away that it was a little funny. all was interrupted when a car pulled into the station. all four of you got up to see who it was. a woman got out of the car and made her way to the other side.
“hi! i’m sorry to cause you the trouble, but we’ve done everything and can’t get it off” she opened the door to reveal a boy, about seven years old, with his arm stuck in a water jug “i asked my dad what to do and he said you’d be able to help?”
you all had to stop yourselves from laughing when he struggled getting his arm out of the car.
“don’t worry about it ma’am. we can get that thing right off” you assured her with a smile. izuku had already went inside to get a pair of pliers.
“i know it’s stuck, but can you you still feel your arm? move it around without any pain?”
as you asked he lifted up his arm and slammed it back down into his side. the force took him by surprise and he ended up falling over “i’m okay!” he went to get up his mother assisting him.
“stop being a fool and answer the nice lady’s question please”
“my arm feels fine”
10:00 PM
“alright,” you placed your cards down onto the table and started to rise “i’m gonna head to sleep”
the crew mumbled quick goodbyes already setting up for another round. you made your way through the station until you reached one of the bedrooms. slowly, you opened the door making sure to not make too much noise. after closing it once more, you went to strip out of your clothes into something more comfortable.
“scoot over”
a grunt left katsuki as he rolled over to one side of the bed. it was no surprise that he was already asleep. this man worked like clockwork. exactly at 8:30pm every day he would stop whatever he was doing and head up to bed.
you crawled up next to him wrapping your arms around his torso. katsuki didn’t care about that big spoon, little spoon stuff. all he wanted to do was get comfortable and rest.
your head rested on his chest listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart.
“i hope we don’t get any calls tonight”
“me either”
4:00 AM
“i knew you’d like this one”
you had bent over laughing at the sight before you. a teen had gotten stuck in one of the baby swings, so they had to call to get him out. you were asleep when they got the call and katsuki refused to tell you what it was.
“how does this even happen?” you tried to subside your laughter walking over to go help kiri get the poor, embarrassed teen out of the swing.
“it was a dare! i couldn’t back down the stakes were too high”
you wrapped your arms under his armpits while kirishima got around his calves. you counted down from three then started to pull him out of the seat.
“what is more embarrassing than this?”
“asking my crush out in front of her whole lunch table”
“well hopefully her whole lunch table doesn’t see that recording” you nodded your head over to his friends who were videotaping the whole thing. the teens started to go back and forth as you wiggled him out.
after making sure there was no little injuries on him katsuki walked over “all of you should get home. we decided not to call the cops, but someone else might”
they all nodded their heads in understanding waiting until you turned around to whisper “i should’ve gotten myself stuck. she was bad as shit”
you cringed at the words, but katsuki let out a loud laugh. you slapped him on his arm going over to the truck “it’s not funny!”
3:00 PM
you hopped back into katsuki’s pickup with a smile on your face “another shift completed. i can’t wait to go home and get a good nights sleep”
he threw both of your bags into the backseat before getting into the driver’s seat. after the early morning call, there were a few others. a couple of bush fires, and people stuck in an elevator. safe to say, you couldn’t wait for your two days off.
“i bet you can’t. got a hot date with one of those boys? if i remember they called you bad as shit?”
you rolled your eyes at his little joke.
“shut up! you promised you wouldn’t bring that up again”
he shrugged a smug smile on his lips as he pulled out of the lot.
“can i play my music?”
“fuck no”
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taglist! @sagejin 🫶🏾
lmk if you want to be added
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cal-flakes · 1 year
Hi! I love ur work and I was wondering if you could do a rafe smut where they film it ykk😋🤭😭
This is my first time ever requesting smth, hopefully yk what I mean🤷‍♀️
i tried my best! im not amazing at writing smut, so i hope you like it <33
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╰┈➤ princess on camera
warnings: super nsfw, swearing, fingering, choking, praise kink, camera.
summary: rafe asks to try something new. innocent!reader x rafe
“oh, babygirl you look so beautiful f’me” rafe groaned, looking down at her as she kneeled before him. he bent down, taking her in as her big doe eyes stared up at him through her lashes. out of her peripheral, she noticed a camera stand facing the bed.
“i’m gonna ask you something, and you can say no..” he muttered tentatively. “mmhm?”
“i wanna put a camera up this time, it’ll be just for me, nobody else is gonna see it..”
y/n listened intently, considering the proposition. “only you would see it?” she asked, tilting her head. “of course angel, you think i’d let anyone get even a glimpse of what belongs to me?” he chuckled, smirking.
“okay, then yes”
rafe smiled menacingly before grabbing her chin. “on the bed. all fours, face the camera” he growled hungrily, swatting her ass as she clambered onto the mattress.
she watched as his hands fiddled around with the camera, unknowingly teasing her. she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as the wetness between her legs pooled into her panties.
after removing his clothes, he kneeled behind her, massaging circles into her behind. “all f’me huh?” he whispered, trailing his fingers up to the waistband of the lace thong.
“lift your knees baby, taking these off..” she did as told and lifted a knee at a time, helping him remove the material.
she released a shaky breath as he dipped his hand underneath, starting to rub slow circles on her clit.
keeping the pace with his finger, his other hand danced closer to her core, earning a flinch as he trailed his fingertips along her wet folds.
whining, she leaned back slightly, hoping to lower herself onto his fingers. “so needy baby, you gotta stay still m’kay? be a good girl for me yeah?” he breathed, teasing her again with the tip of his hardening cock.
her head fell as he pushed two finger inside, pumping them slowly.
“fuck..” she mewled. “please, rafe, faster..” she pleaded.
electricity surged through her as he granted her wish, his arm flexing as he moved at a volatile pace. he kept it up for a few minutes, pulling her closer and closer to the edge.
the sudden emptiness had her whining, clenching around nothing as he retracted both hands. “smile for the camera princess..” he growled, roughly pulling her head up.
before she had a chance to comprehend it, he buried himself inside her, eliciting a photographic moan from her.
“that’s it baby, you’re doing so good..” rafe groaned, leaving crescent shaped indents on her hips.
his deadly pace turned the coil in her navel tighter and tighter, walls clenching around rafe’s length.
“you gonna cum for me huh?” he teased, wrapping a strong hand around her throat, pulling her back up against him.
“look at the camera baby, atta’girl” he smirked, trailing sloppy kisses along her neck.
“no, keep your eyes open..” he muttered in her ear, hand tightening as a string of strangled profanities fell from her lips.
her eyes widened as her legs shook, threatening to give up on her. “r-rafe, im-im gonna-” her pleas were interrupted, an animalistic groan fighting its way through her lips.
rafe grunted, the vibrations only adding more tension to her release. “fuck, fuck…” he whimpered behind her, filling her completely.
with two rough thrusts, he pulled out gently, stroking her cheek as she collapsed on the bed. he lay down beside her after turning the camera off, a smug look on his face.
“you did so well angel, so beautiful..” he whispered as she curled into him.
“m’gonna run you a bath, okay sweet girl?” he cooed as her legs shook against him.
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strawb3rrystar · 10 months
My dear sweet strawberry child, may I please get a Bayverse Raphael x Fem!Reader with a shot of Smut prompt number 1 and Fluff prompt number 39? 🙏🤭😋
You can make it a lil yandere-y if you want, I'm down😈
Here is some cake for your hard work 🍰🍓❤
“Your underwear!? Why would you ask me! I, obviously, don’t have them!” & "Jealous? Pfft, I'm not jealous."
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Pairing: Bayverse! Raphael x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Underwear stealing, Implied masturbation with them, Stalking, Non-con, Dark themes, Oral (Reader! Receiving), Using spit as lube, Creampie
Word count: 750+
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You weren't stupid, nor were you oblivious. You had noticed things disappearing from your room. It started with a hair tie, your favorite pen not being found in the drawers, an old hoodie missing from your closet. But when your underwear started disappearing from the drawers, you freaked out. Not only because you would have to replace them, but also because some creep had your underwear.
Trying to narrow down who it could be might have been near impossible. You often had your college friends or group partners 'round your apartment. So you were unsure of who it could have been or even who to start asking.
You decided to head to the lair and hangout with your best friend, Raphael. You just needed someone to get your mind off the situation. And who better than playing video games with the person you trusted the most? As you mashed the buttons on the controller, Raph knew something was up with you. So he paused the game "What's wrong?"
You explained the situation to him, unbeknownst to you that your cum-stained underwear were sitting in his nightstand. You finished your rant off with "Do you know where my underwear went, Raph?"
He seemed to get defensive over you asking him that “Your underwear!? Why would you ask me! I, obviously, don’t have them!” His brow bone furrowed as he turned away from you. You shrugged it off, unpausing the game.
You answered the phone with a 'Yes?' holding your phone to your ear "I need you to come to the lair, now."
You apologize to your friend for having to leave so soon, promising to make it up to them in the future. You head down into the sewers with caution, wondering what was so important. As you walk into the lair, you find that it was empty "Of course..."
You walk into Raph's room, calling out for him. You felt large hands wrap around your waist, easily picking you up and throwing you over their shoulder "Raph?!"
You panic as you practically hang upside down in the darkness of his room. "Be quiet. It'll be easier if you do."
You couldn't stop your heart from speeding up as he lays you down on his bed. You could only make out Raph's shape as you felt something next to your head. You turn to find your own underwear now pressed against your nose "So... it was you...?"
"I can't fucking stand seeing you with other people." He grabs your jaw, turning you to look back at him. "So, you're jealous of my friends?"
"Jealous? Pfft, I'm not jealous." He responds, taking off your shorts. Panic fills your eyes again "H-hey, wa-"
He covers your mouth with his hand, rubbing your clit through your underwear. "Don't even fucking try. I've watched you finger your pussy, moaning my name. So don't act like you aren't aching for my cock."
A soft moan leaves your lips, Raph's eyes gleam with excitement. Both of his hands grab your thighs, massaging them up to your hips. He pulls your underwear off, leaving you fully exposed from the torso down. He licks up your pussy, swirling his tongue around your clit "You taste so fucking sweet, sunshine."
You press your hands onto your cheeks, feeling the heat of them. In fact, your whole body felt hot as you lay under him, his tongue prodding your entrance. He places a kiss on your clit, then pulls off his pants that he always wears. It felt like mere seconds before he was slapping your clit with his tip. "I'm going to enjoy fucking you, princess."
He spits on his hand, lathering up his dick. You grab onto his arm as he enters, feeling like you were being split in half. "Look at that. Your cute little pussy is stretching around my cock."
He kisses your tears away as you claw onto him, your pathetic sobs of pain only pulled a small bit of empathy from him. His tip kisses your cervix, you only being able to take a little over half of his cock. But it was still enough to drive Raph crazy.
He buries his face in your neck, kissing it lightly as he ruts into your cunt. Fucking you through multiple orgasms, your cheeks stained with tears as you could only moan. He couldn't stop himself from cumming inside you, it all just felt too good. Afterwards, he would slip your underwear back on, letting his cum pool into the fabric. He would kiss the bruises on your hips and waist and then whisper in your ear.
"You're mine now sunshine. I'm never letting go of ya'."
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Star's notes -> I think I went off the rails with this one, but idk
(Thank you @thejudiciousneurotic for requesting!) (Prompt list)
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Taglist -> @raphaelsqueen @mamaemoemu @sleebykei | Join the taglist
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slippingkim · 1 year
sunoo doing mating press on you + calling you his good girl
im so delulu 🕳️🚶‍♀️
nsfw / mdni ~ cw: descriptive smut, breeding kink??, unprotected sex (no no🫵), mating press, cum eating
domsunoo x subfemreader
🗯️ sunoo has always been gentle and careful during sex, always making sure to wear his condoms and pull out when necessary. However tonight was different, after an evening of cutely flirting back and forth with each other you two decide to take it to the bedroom.
“y/n?” Sunoo asked with a tilted head
“yeah?” You say looking over from the bedside table reaching for the condoms and lube bottle
“let’s go raw tonight hm?” He says with a hidden smirk sitting on the side of the bed
You look over at him with a nervous expression given this being your first time having sex without protection (responsible queen 😋)
“I’ll take care of you y/n~” he says with a tender smile
After a bit of thinking you finally nod and start to crawl up on the bed while he slowly reached to unbuckle his belt. When finished he walks over to you to help you undress slowly pulling your panties down with warm eyes, getting up on the bed and pulling you into missionary slipping you into pleasure, sunoos hips passionately rutting into yours as your mouth leaks with slurred moans from the new amazing sensation. While his eyes are being squeezed shut from the feeling of your tight walls creating friction with his bare cock. Making soft and airy hitched groans, your mind wondering off with the thought of what it’ll feel like when sunoo starts filling you up when you feel his hips start to sputter out from the steady pace he was at before. Your mind nearly explodes as you feel sunoo pull you into the base of his pelvis making his cock go far into your cunt hitting a sweet spot you didn’t even know you had at the same time that you feel his warm liquid stream into you, causing your eyes to strain backward and your hands gripping his barley stable shoulders leaving red marks. While watching his mouth form in the shape of and O continuing to paint your walls with his cum, your ruined expression making his hips tremble. Before he starts to slowly pull out watching your mixed liquids leak out of your messy pussy with a proud look
“What a good girl~” he says running his finger along your folds to taste the sweet mixed liquids letting out a satisfied ~mmm~ upon tasting
A/n: unrealistic ahh imagine help someone needs to do this to me 💀
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aerequets · 7 months
Hi pookie🤭💕, i’ve been inspired by your art for a while and was wondering do u have any art tips to help draw the same character consistently? Also, how do u chose to design anime characters in ur art style(like getting x character to read as x character in a different style than the show)
hi pookie 😋 first off thank you!! :D i am honored
Honestly it takes me a bit of practicing at first to get a character's look down. usually the defining features (when i draw/ in my style) are the hair, eyes, and also face shape. i think that last one gets overlooked often because people tend to default to the typical anime face shape, but if you look at loid for example, his jaw has more structure and his chin is wider instead of being so narrow (in the manga. the anime Animefies him but i like the manga style mroe). same with yor, her face is a little wider and more heart shaped, and anya is a child so obvs round face but her face is also rounder than becky's. so yeah get the feel of the defining features down and try practicing those.
as for designing them in my style, it's kinda just what i said above? i don't rlly think about designing them i just go for it till it looks right LOL it really is just trial and error
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here i drew loid in 3 pretty diff styles but it's u can still tell it's loid in each pic (maybe bc i always be drawing him KFGHKSHA but pretend it's not just that...). now obviously im still working on consistency and whatnot but the defining features (hair, eyes, face shape in this case) are the same. and yeah even though his hair is different in all 3, it looks like the same hair styled diff ways rather than completely diff hair if that makes sense?
anyways i feel like i just yapped a lot but i tried LOL thank you for the ask <3
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daydreamingleclerc · 1 year
something special about june // lauren james au
in which, lauren and her housemate-turned-girlfriend sports journalist come out on instagram during pride month 🤍
includes; slight sexual content, swearing, wlw content !
this is something v different for me! but i’ve been so in my lauren feels lately i cannot help myself. who knows. i might even write something to deepen this AU further! inspired by this article about jess carter and ann-katerin berger! enjoy xx
DISCLAIMER: i am in no way shape or form suggesting that lauren is bisexual or gay by posting this. this is simply just a form of fiction and i do not mean any harm. pictures were found on instagram and pinterest and all rights are to their original owners.
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liked by samanthakerr20, chelseawfc, masonmount and 12,702 others
yn say cheese 😁😚❤️
tagged: laurennjjames
view all 12,830 comments
samanthakerr20 yn this is the gayest jumper i’ve ever seen
yn took notes from you clearly x
laurennjjames ❤️😚
yn 🥰❤️
ldnpride oh my god are you two…
yn lauren’s wearing a leather jacket and i’m wearing a jumper straight out of 1946 do the math x
laurennjjames ✔️
ibiza, spain
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liked by yn, samanthakerr20, reecejames and 30,957 others
laurennjjames winning on and off the pitch, clearly 😍
tagged: yn
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yn i’d like to point out i got my hair done at the hotel hair salon
yn just incase ppl are confused by my hair change midway through this dump
laurennjjames i’m more concerned about the amount of people thirsting over your arse
yn don’t post it then u silly sausage
kmewis19 yn is packing in that first pic
yn do you like it 😼
yn ✔️
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liked by laurennjjames, leahwilliamson, naomischiff and 34,729 others
yn wonder if we’ve beaten the just friends allegations now x
tagged: laurennjjames
view all 18,829 comments
laurennjjames lesbian!
yn i know u are but what am i x
laurennjjames a glorified bisexual 🤨
lew.mount put some clothes on
yn don’t tell me what to do
benchilwell you guys are NEVER going to beat the just friends allegations 🤣🤣
yn we could release a sex tape and we still wouldn’t beat the just friends allegations
reecejames how do i burn my eyes 😃
bethanyengland4 you two are so cute🥹
yn thanks bethy ❤️
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liked by yn, samanthakerr20, jesscarter and 108,638 others
laurennjjames i remember when she thought she was straight until she saw me in a towel.. happy birthday to my favourite cougar ❤️
tagged: yn
view all 31,739 comments
yn cougar?! i’m 2 years older than you watch ur mouth LJ.
laurennjjames yeah babe that makes you a cougar 🤨
yn love you really 🫶🏼
laurennjjames love you too foxy lady
samanthakerr20 funny how loz and i are thé youngest ones in our relationships yet we’re the ones you answer to🤨 happy birthday yn 🤣🔥
kmewis19 you’re so evil
yn that was so uncalled for samantha sleep with one eye open tonight.
chelseawfc HBD yn 😋💙
reecejames happy birthday yn 🥂💙
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liked by laurennjjames, mbrighty04, leahwilliamson and 103,793 others
yn lauren cant answer ur call rn cause she’s busy reecejames
tagged: laurennjjames
comments on this post are limited.
reecejames how do i bleach my eyeballs
reecejames no ew wtf i can’t look at this
kmewis19 you two are the WORST
yn nothing wrong with a lil PDA 🫶🏼
amberrosegill stealing this pose for me and jen
yn ur welcome x
laurennjjames ✔️
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liked by yn, leahwilliamson, reecejames and 60,738 others
laurennjjames life lately 📸(ft the missus)
tagged: yn
view all 12,739 comments
yn wow
yn that first pic 🥰👍🏼😍🔥
yn seriously you make me so 🥰🥹
yn god.
laurennjjames okay love don’t embarrass yourself x
yn can i just say the difference in my rack compared to lauren’s is very very amusing to me
laurennjjames i love your rack
yn i 🫶🏼 ur ironing board too ig
samanthakerr20 🔥🔥
mbrighty04 fashion is unmatched
yn ✔️
lake como, italy
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liked by amberrosegill, bethanyengland4, mbrighty04 and 23,739 others
yn the one where the lesbians went to italy and got kicked out of an art gallery for snogging
tagged: laurennjjames
view all 89,738 comments
laurennjjames why’d you have to post the pic of you in the green dress 🤤🤤🤩
yn bc i love it when you get all mushy
laurennjjames i don’t think mushy is the word you’re looking for 😍😼
samanthakerr20 is that…. yn in JEANS?!?!
yn it was a one off and it’s never going to happen again.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 3 months
could I please request wildflowers with our boy sejanus <333 thank you 💐🌻🌷🌹
ps: life update for u- im doing one of those cakes where you put all your celebrity crushes on it for my birthday and sejanus is right in the middle next to TASM!peter😋 just made me think of youu ❤️❤️
AHHHH IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO ONE OF THOSE CAKES!!!! and the fact that you thought of me?!?!!?! im going to cry i love you so much
2024 Summer Blurbs
Memories have a strange way of creeping up on you, of receding before trickling forward until they can no longer be ignored, until all you can think about is some inconsequential thing you’d thought you’d long since forgotten. The things you wished you could remember, the color of your father’s eyes and the sound of your mother’s voice, disappear in the blink of an eye but the little moments seems to stick around, your mother’s favorite flowers and your father’s habit of snoring.
It hurts when the big things start to fade, and you know you’re not alone in this, the rainbow dress tucked safely under Lucy Gray’s bed a testament to her own desires and desperation, but you have no physical reminders to keep your parents whole, left only with what’s left in your mind. Talking about them seems to help, bringing them up as if they’ve just gone on a trip and haven’t been gone for most of your life, trying your hardest to remember their faces.
“These were my mother’s favorite flowers,” you say, brushing your fingertips gently along the petals the same way you’d brush your mother’s hair out of her eyes.
“They’re beautiful,” Sejanus replies, leaning around you so he can really see them, speaking from his heart instead of throwing out some generic answer.
The two of you have been spending an awful lot of time together lately, doing anything and everything just to see each other for a moment. Most of your time together is spent in the woods, finding clearings to lounge around in for a few hours or making trips to the lake on days where the heat gets too much. It really doesn’t matter what you do or what you talk about, you just like being with him, you just want to be with him as much as you possibly can.
Conversations shift and change and soon the sun is sitting and Sejanus is brushing the dirt from his pants, extending a hand out to help you from the forest floor. Just touching him sends shockwaves through you, and you want to keep his hand in yours forever. Much to your dismay, though, he drops your hand to pick up the bag you’d brought, slinging it over his shoulder and looking to you with a little smile as if to say he’s taken care of everything, and you can lead him home now.
You can’t stop thinking about holding his hand the entire trek back to your house, so you’re feeling extra bold when he hands your bag back outside of your front door and you plant a kiss on his cheek, turning inside before you can see his reaction.
The next morning when you step outside to work in the small garden you and Lucy Gray had started, you almost trip on something placed right in front of the door. It’s a bundle of flowers, and after picking it up to inspect it, a smile grows on your face that you’re a little worried is going to become permanent from how unbelievably happy you feel.
It’s all wildflowers, all shapes and sizes and colors, but the flowers in the middle, the flowers that make up most of the simple bouquet, are the ones you’d told Sejanus were the favorite of your mother. You feel like you’d going to explode into a million tiny pieces, your body working into overdrive as you try and deal with the beautiful gift in your hand, and as you fill up a small cup with water to keep your present alive for as long as possible, you wonder about when Sejanus had gone back to pick the flowers.
It had to have been late last night after he’d dropped you off or early this morning, and that thought makes you giddy all over again. Most of your day is spent just staring at the flowers placed on your table and grinning, wondering about how you can return the favor.
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mslanna · 11 months
Be My Guest
Who is ready for another Tav x Raphael Beauty and the Beast AU?!?! *thundering silence*
too bad, because that's what you get. 😋
Tav bargains for Raphael's life with Mephistopheles. All it costs them is their soul. A small price they do not intend to pay. After all, who will rule hell once Raphael has the Crown of Karsus in his possession? Maybe, for once, Tav should have thought their actions through.
they/them Tav, AFAB with top surgery
Read the first part on AO3
1. A Trap Of Their Own Making
The thing about devils is, that, in a manner of speaking, they are only human. Take their abodes. If they were, and most of them are, places people want to get out of, the security for the way in tends to be very shoddy.
A fact that Tav exploited before. And though Mephistopheles' home is far lager than that of Raphael, it suffers from the very same problem. Tav gets all the way to the throne room before somebody deigns to wonder if they belong.
Also, devils are not threatened. Annoyed, intrigued, bothered, but never threatened. Puny mortals are, under no circumstances, a danger. Tav smiles as they step in front of the throne, ignoring the beat up pulp at its side with all they have.
"Mephistopheles." Tav sketches a bow. "I'm glad I caught you at home. With the security as is, I wondered if maybe you moved to a different place altogether."
"Cute. Get to the point."
"I come to offer a deal, of course." Tav clasps their hands behind their back. "Unoriginal, but true nevertheless. I want to offer up my soul for a small favour. Well, a favour."
"You are assuming quite much about the worth of your soul. But since my son had great interest in it, I will hear you out." Mephistopheles stretches over the throne in a display of power. A short glance at the red heap of devil at his side tells how much he thinks of his son.
Tav follows the gaze for a moment before returning their attention to the white-eyed face of the archdevil. "Very kind. So, my soul. And in exchange you let me and Raphael leave unhindered and unharmed. And you will discontinue any attempts at his life and well-being."
Silence fell like a hammer. The cambion crouched at the foot of Mephistopheles' throne dares to peer up. Tav sees hope and disbelief fighting on the bruised face.
The silence shatters when Mephistopheles laughs. It is not a happy sound but hard with cutting undertones. "That is quite a lot to ask, mortal. No soul is worth that much."
Tav shrugs unfazed. They expected this, but trying couldn't hurt. "Alright. How about this: You let me and Raphael leave unhindered and unharmed."
Mephistopheles considers. His eyes rest on the prostate from of his son. There is no way Raphael will make it out of here on his own. "Curious. You never took any of his deals. Or he wouldn't be in this predicament right now." Teeth show in what may be a smile. "It makes no sense."
"Sorry," Tav huffs. "I didn't know I was to bring a complete explanation and defence of my request. ” They stare at each other for a while and just when Tav thinks they may have to do some explaining, a contract pops into existence before them. They take it warily and start to read.
Reading infernal contracts takes a while. All the small print and subsections in which devils like to hide their double-crossings. Tav doesn't really care about any of it, but has no wish to make the archdevil suspicious. So they settles on the floor with their legs crossed and read. The whole contract. Word for word.
In the end, Tav picks up the quill that came with it. Unthinking, they ram it into their arm to draw blood to sign. Chuckles echo through the room.
"Ink was provided and would have sufficed," Mephistopheles intones as the contract flies to his hand. "Should have known that somebody willing to save Raphael on a deal would be as extra as he is. Leave." The archdevil gestures towards the door.
"Immediately." Tav sketches another bow before hurrying to pick up Raphael. The cambion is in horrible shape, but Tav manages to sling his arm over their shoulders somehow and drag him towards the exit. "Feel free to spirit us away any time," they murmur at the struggling figure.
"Why-" Raphael begins but Tav cuts him off.
"Please. Can we just leave?" They take a few heavy steps. The devil is not holding up much of his own weight and moves distracted. A sudden whoosh of air explains his lack of help as both stumble into the Feast Hall in the House of Hope.
Raphael leans his full weight on Tav and they crumble into a heap on the floor. Not for long though, because the servant souls of the house flock to their master. One brings water from the fountain of restoration which gets Raphael back into a coherent state.
The Master of the House is whisked away and Tav remains behind, covered in blood not theirs. On the one hand, they wish to leave. On the other hand, their business is not yet completed. Tav turns to the laden table and starts looking for something that hasn't gone bad yet.
When steps approach from behind, they are still looking. Nothing on the huge table is edible any longer. It has easily become a quest and despite it being useless and just something to kill time with, Tav is annoyed when they are interrupted.
"Still around?" The smooth voice of Haarlep asks. "Waiting for a reward? A medal?"
"Waiting for Raphael to get his act back together and talk to me," Tav replies. They are bored and time stretches.
"Time for some fun without the big man, then, little mouse." Haarlep sits down too close for comfort and places a red hand over Tav's. "He will be in a horrible mood when he returns to health. Imagine being a little high for that."
"Thanks, but I'll take my chances at cheering him up."
"Delusions of grandeur?" Haarlep claps. "Delicious. I hope I can watch."
"And what have you done to deserve that?" a familiar voice sneers.
Tav turns. Raphael looks a little worse for wear, the impeccable hair slightly rumpled, the suit minimally askew. His face a thunderstorm as he levels a finger at them. "You come with me. And you," he turns his steel gaze to Haarlep, "You stay here for the time being."
Without waiting, the devil returns the way he arrived and Tav follows. They walk trough the house in tense silence. Debtors flinch as they pass, busy with cleaning up and getting the House of Hope back to splendour.
Raphael makes for the boudoir and Tav shivers. Why does it have to be that place? The memories of it are tinged, guilt and overwhelming pleasure. A deal with yet another devil who isn't Raphael. But needs must. Tav hadn't thought about it much back then.
Now the bed looms with its deep red silk sheets and pillows. Tav feels their cheeks approximate the colour of the silk. But Raphael strides past the ignoble piece of furniture and ushers Tav onto a balcony framing the room. He sits Tav down in a corner – nowhere to flee but the abyss. Then he takes a seat opposite still glaring daggers. "Explain yourself."
Tav tilts their head. "Can you be a bit more specific. I have a lot of issues."
"You just sold your soul – your soul – to Mephistopheles. And for what?"
"Safe passage," Tav holes up behind sass. "I though that was pretty obvious."
Raphael pinches the bridge of his nose. "Yes, yes. Save passage. But what do you get out of this?" Black and gold eyes drill into them.
"I got to get out of there," Tav replies brightly.
"There was no reason for you to be in there in he first place," the devil points out.
Tav fidgets. The last thing they want is to confess something they don't fully understand themself. But it is clear that Raphael will have his answer. One way, or another.
"I was was, kinda, just passing by, you know, like one does, and you were not home, and I was like, huh, strange, where could he be and Korrilla dead on the floor which, bad sign, see?" They stop their babbling under Raphael's darkening stare.
"The debtors were in a panic, said you'd get devoured or something. Dropped Mephistopheles name. What was I to do?"
"You made a deal with my father," Raphael growls. "The archdevil, a fiend who is by far less forgiving and lenient then I am."
So that's what bothers him. Two deals with devils, none of them his, and now Tav's soul forfeit to his arch enemy. Time to come clean at least a little.
"You see, the reason I was kinda passing by accidentally." Tav looks at their hands on the table before reaching into their bag of holding and produces the item they recently took from the elder brain. They place it carefully on the table between them and the devil. "Thought you might want it. "
Raphael reaches out, his fingers hesitate a hairsbreadth before touching the metal. His eyes fall onto Tav once more.
The paladin forces an apologetic smile. "I know. Sorry."
Greedy hands close over the coveted item and Raphael pulls it towards him in a swift motion. For a moment nothing else matters but the artefact in his grasp. "That doesn't explain anything," Raphael finally says, dragging his eyes from his prize.
"I don't intend to go through with Mephistopheles' deal," Tav shrugs. "I expect him to end up dead before I do."
"Smart," the cambion replies. "Clever indeed." If he is annoyed by Tav skirting the heart of the question, he doesn't show it.
Silence falls and Tav wonders if they can leave now. They'd have to squeeze past the devil, but Raphael seems lost in thought. They yearn for a bath to wash the blood and stink away. And then a hearty meal and a little too much wine to postpone thinking to deeply about what they did and why to the next day. They fidget on their chair.
Raphael returns his attention to them immediately. "You cannot leave the House of Hope."
"You cannot leave," the devil repeats.
"Oh?" Tav arches a brow. "Plan on keeping me? How?"
Raphael takes a deep breath. "You are free to leave. Just know that Mephistopheles now has great interest in your demise. He'd love nothing more than to gloat over your soul."
Tav grimaces. They had not thought this through. "There is nothing that keeps him from killing me?"
"Nothing at all." The devil shakes his head thoughtfully. "You don't know him the way I do." The words are shot through with pain.
"I cannot be that important," Tav insists. "I'm just a simple soul."
"You are a soul I coveted and he can now claim." The admission takes Tav's breath away. "If he can have you, he will. It would be a lesson taught, a show of how I never can escape his grasp and everything I do is doomed to fail, to fall into his hands."
"So it's nothing personal," Tav surmises. "At least not personal where I am concerned."
"I am afraid not. You are, as you so acutely observed, just a simple soul." Raphael steeples his fingers, scrutinising the mortal over the crown they just delivered to him. Unasked for, well asked for yes, but unbound by a deal or promise.
"I will give the situation some thought. So should you but first," he shakes his head in disapproval, "you should clean up. You are positively rancid."
With that he leaves Tav to their own devices.
For a while they just sit and stare at the abyss around them. Caught in a trap of their own making. Somebody had to tell their friends. They would worry, they would storm the House of Hope for a rescue. Tav closes their eyes. Did they really resign themself this fast to the prolonged stay? Raphael was talking war. That could take forever, decades, centuries. Fiends lived very long, provided nobody killed them.
Tav crosses their arms on the table and rests their head on them. They could just chance it. Leave. Just to grab their things and see what happens. And what if Raphael is right? Mephistopheles is as petty as any devil. How much effort will he expend to get their soul? Even if he killed Tav himself, out in the open with spectators, their soul was his by rights.
Small steps, Tav tells themself. Small, solvable problems. They are rancid and there is a bath waiting. Then a quest for food. And sleep. They'd feel better after having a good night's sleep. Tav's eyes fall onto the bed in the boudoir. Nah. There have to be other beds in this place. And maybe other baths than the pool too.
They would find a way out of this.
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biteofcherry · 1 year
The latest part of Grain of Truth was so 😋 yummy!
Thank u for that wonder part!
I have questions if u don't mind 💓don't answer if u don't like or feel pressure!!!!
1. When did he fall in love with her? The second he saw her or did it grow?
2. Did he know that he was going to bite her with out having a conversation?
3. Is steve excited that she can feel him?
4. When was the last relationship he had or has he never really committed until the reader?
5. How much does he like that reader is unknowledgeable on Alpha omega relationships and he gets to teach her?
6. Would steve ever let reader dominate him?
Don't answer if u don't want to!
Love ya❤️
Hey there Anon! I don't mind these questions at all, thank you for being so interested in the story to reach out with them 🥰 I really love interacting with you guys ❤ so don't ever hesitate to send me asks.
Under the cut, because it turned long
1..Steve didn't fall in love right away, but he allowed himself that to happen rather quickly, because he accepted she's his true mate. In his mind, if he meets his true mate it means they're in a sense perfect for him, so he has nothing to worry about opening up to her. There was definitely fascination first, especially with how Omega reacted and fought. Then he learned more and more about her, spent time with her and the love just bloomed. To be honest, the actual sense of love came when he was away? Because then Omega fully willingly interacted with him, she sent him messages and pictures every day. To him it felt like she started caring and showing more of her true self to him.
2. The thing with Steve in the alpha/omega dynamic is that he's aware of the nuances and details, and often forgets (ignores) that she isn't. To him it was natural and normal, because they're true mates and that's what should happen at some point. Omega had her own prejudiced view on the bite and Steve didn't consider it at all. The fact he's also a very dominating and possessive alpha also played the part. Steve knew he was going to bite her sooner or later. Omega's heat meant it was going to happen sooner, because as filthy it all is, it's also very intimate and Steve wanted to share that intimacy fully - aka expose his feelings with this bite. Because that's what a bonding bite is to him - the highest form of showing feelings and vulnerability.
3. He's very excited she can feel him, partially because he loves and trusts her, but also because he hopes it makes her more open to mating and makes her like it (which is manipulative of him, but that's how Steve is when he wants to get it his way)
4. I've answered a similar ask before. Steve had a few short-term relationships and one longer, which was simply his “first love” back in high school. His later relationships were much shorter, mostly focused on sex, but some also on good company. He was never deeply committed, because Steve was always waiting for his true mate. But he was honest with his partners about his view on those relations. And he was always respectful of his partners and cared for them as much as he could.
5. Steve doesn't like it at all 😂 It frustrates him to no end. Sure, giving his manipulative tendencies he could use it to his advantage to "shape" her the way he wants, but he's not interested in that. Omega having little knowledge of the truths is one of the reasons their beginning was so rocky and fucked up. It's also why she freaks out at the bite, which nearly causes Steve a migraine. He wants her to learn the truths from reliable sources, like the actual classes (which she revealed to have skipped in the past) or at least talking with Amita about details they never talked about in their friendship, because Amita never thought her friend's knowledge has gigantic holes in it.
6. Also answered this in the past - Steve would let her be on top or initiate things, but the alpha streak wouldn't allow for his omega to be fully in control. So even if she's the one climbing him and pushing him down (yeah, he definitely had to allow for that, she's no match for his strength), Steve's hands are guiding her moves. He may be sneaky about, she may not even notice, but it's Steve who holds the reins.
There will be, in the future, a little glimpse of Omega going possessive and a tad dominating, but Steve easily flips it around (for mutual benefits) 😏
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currenthyperf1xat1ons · 8 months
guys i had a wtnv brain thought
‼️ spoilers up to 241 below ‼️
so kid kevin (i’m still working out a fun name to distinguish the two) is a younger double of old kevin? at least from what i understand
and he wants to go to the desert otherworld to, you know, kill his double.
so because there is a kid kevin double in night vale and everyone in night vale has a desert bluffs (too) counterpart (and vice versa), could that possibly be implying that there is a kid cecil in desert bluffs too with old kevin and lauren???
but what confuses me about this is do they have the same motives (to kill their older doubles)? bc kid kevin thinks there should only be one kevin and im not entirely sure if this is entirely his (or his older doubles) thought process or if he is corrupted by the joyous congregation in some way shape or form.
but that leads me to my next question: if kid cecil exists and is living in desert bluffs too, does he have the same morals as old cecil? or has living in desert bluffs too corrupted him under the joyous congregation, leading him to want to kill his double as well?
if this is true, i’m wondering if it will be a sandstorm situation and there will be similar episodes to he is holding a knife (240) and he is still holding a knife (241) but from old kevin/desert bluffs too perspective
anyway i have no one to yap about this with so im hoping this reaches the right audience 😋
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
Sometimes i think about if i may be to obsessed with Trent, like i try and make some headcanons or something for him (duntrent sounds funi to me)
Like I headcanon that during the whole drama brothers phase he was the only person with a drivers license and he also ran over Cody (once)
Like he has pitched a whole ass tent in my brain and is not leaving….
-Ass Stars anon
Hello hello total drama brain rot how you doing 👋😊
Hello hello Ass Stars Anon, I'm doing well! I hope you are too. 👋☺
Trent is our dumb little princess who deserves only nice things in life. He's very blorbo-shaped despite his lack of defining personality (during Island) and/or his title of the Narratives' Favourite Punching Bag (Action did him so dirty character wise), but you have to remember that Trent was intentionally designed to be the "normal guy", meaning he's got the same appeal as any other "everyman protagonist"; that is, you can project/insert as many headcanons onto him as you'd like and they're all feasible! A jack of all trades, if you will.
(DunTrent is the mirror image of Gwourtney in my mind, which makes it very funny to imagine. I wonder how it'd work out?)
Trent is just functional enough to have gotten a driver's licence post-Action, and he probably inherited a beat-up pickup truck from his dad, or was gifted a second hand Ford Focus for his birthday. He's altruism would quickly lead to him becoming friend groups' allotted taxi driver, though he laments his charitableness when they take advantage of this.
The Cody incident was probably an accident (...at least, that's what he claims 😈), since I can imagine Cody being the eternal passenger princess to Trent's long-suffering designated driver. Justin and Harold would be the bickering siblings in the back seat on their way to their next gig, since they has tour bus privileges revoked after one of their public scandals leading Trent to be their main means of travel between shows. (He's itching to run over his bandmates at any given moment. Every time one of the boys walks in front of his car it's an internal battle against his morality and the desire to floor it.)
He's just a silly guy! 😋
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
For the January OTP Prompts, could you do “warm soup and fresh bread” with Bob? Thank you!
This one made me hungry! 😋
Midwestern winters were no joke.
While you would have loved to spend the two weeks’ vacation time your husband had finally been given somewhere tropical and warm, you had been more than happy to agree to a trip to his childhood home to house sit for his parents while they went on a cruise for their anniversary.
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Bob had asked, stroking your cheek gently with the back of his hand. “I know it’s not much of a vacation,” he added, a look of guilt spilling over in his blue eyes.
“Bobby, it’s fine,” you assured him sincerely, reaching up and grasping his hand in yours. “As long as we’re together, I don’t care where we are.”
The sentiment was still true, but you weren’t sure how much you were loving the subzero temperatures. No wonder your in-laws had decided to go on this cruise now.
Thought you weren’t a fan of the freezing cold, you did have to admit that the frigid weather and the massive piles of snow did have some perks—you and Bob had barely left the house once since you’d arrived and you’d found plenty of creative ways to keep warm. When you woke this morning, clad in a pair of thick sweatpants and one of Bob’s old flannels, you couldn’t help but smile at the delicious soreness still lingering in your limbs.
Your smile turned to a frown, however, when you realized your husband wasn’t beside you. Climbing out of bed, you immediately slipped your feet into your fuzzy slippers and grabbed one of Bob’s sweatshirts, pulling it over your head.
“Bobby?” you called out, wandering through his parents’ spacious home in search of him.
It was only when you walked into the living room that you became conscious of the faint whirring sound outside. It had snowed again last night, and the air was thick and heavy with it. Stepping over to the window and flicking the curtain aside, you let out a soft hum when you caught sight of your husband atop his father’s snow plow, trying to carve out pathways through the tightly packed pile of fresh snow.
With how much it had snowed, he’d probably be out there for well over an hour, if not more. Your sweet husband. He was finally on vacation from an incredibly stressful job, and here he was working just as hard as he always did.
Knowing he’d be freezing and hungry by the time he was done, you hurried into the kitchen to begin preparing something for him. If he was going to take care of you, you were certainly going to take care of him. Thankfully, the pantry and fridge were well stocked, so you easily pulled out all the ingredients you needed for a hearty vegetable soup. Once that was simmering on the stovetop, you reached into the fridge for the dough you’d left to settle and chill overnight.
You began humming softly to yourself as you pulled the dough apart and shaped it into two small loaves, setting them in the oven with a satisfied little huff.
While the soup was simmering and the bread was rising, you turned your attention to preparing a pot of coffee, knowing Bob would need it to warm his chilled bones. You set the kitchen table as well, loving the slow mornings and early afternoons you had been getting to enjoy together while Bob was off from work.
Just as you were pulling the bread out of the oven, you heard the back door of the house open and a pair of heavy boots stomp against the floor.
“Sweetie?” Bob called out, a slight tremble in his voice from the cold. “Are you up?”
“In the kitchen!” you called back, grabbing two bowls for your soup.
“Smells amazing in here,” he smiled when he appeared in the doorframe a moment later, wearing a thick sweater and a heavy pair of jeans, as well as what appeared to be two or three pairs of socks. He’d left his snow-crusted coat and boots by the back door. “G’morning, by the way,” he added with an affectionate grin.
“Good morning,” you replied, walking over to wrap your arms around him and kiss him in greeting.
His face was bright red from the cold, his hair sticking up slightly from where he’d pulled his hat off, and his lips were like ice when you kissed them. But when you pulled back, you noticed with a smile that his glasses were already starting to fog up.
“You’re like an icicle, baby,” you told him, running your hands up and down his arms. “Go change and I’ll set out your food for you.”
“Fresh coffee? Soup? Warm bread?” Bob asked, blue eyes widening as he glanced over your shoulder at everything you’d prepared. “You did all this for me?”
“Of course I did, silly,” you laughed, poking him in the side. “Now go get changed before you get pneumonia.”
Bob just smiled, cupping your face in his cold hands and pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. “You’re too good to me. I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, Bobby.”
January OTP Prompts ❄️
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procrastinatorproject · 9 months
29, 39, and 40 for the Star Trek asks, please. ✨
Thank you so much for the questions!
29. Favourite and Least Favourite Episodes:
Ooooh, good question! Let's start with the negativity so we can end on a high note 😅
I... honestly would put most of Picard seasons 2 & 3 in the "least favourite" category 🙈 If I had to pinpoint some lowlights, it'd be "Fly Me to the Moon". It's not a bad episode in itself and in isolation, I might not mind it, but the two times I watched through season 2 in order, this was the episode where I found myself crying and/or shaking with rage and disappointment when it was over. Probably becuase it really drives home that they're serious about where they're going with this series I used to love and it's not somewhere I can follow.
Disregarding that... I have a terrible memory for this kind of thing 😅 And I guess it depends on what you mean by "least favourite".
I think one objective measure to use: I don't ever want to see the ENT mpreg episode again, where everyone acts like Trip Tucker having his bodily autonomy violated in a horrendous way is The Funniest Shit™. That has seared itself into my brain so much that when I was rewatching all of TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT to take notes for the holo-tech database, it's actually the only episode I wanted to skip.
There are also some real bombs in season 1 of TNG, and some of the Ferengi episodes in DS9 are firmly on my "no thank you" list. But yeah, I think the involuntary mpreg takes the cake, honestly.
Now for the much funner part: There are SO MANY episodes I truly love! DS9's "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" and "Badda-Bing Badda Bang", PIC's "Broken Pieces", VOY's "Concerning Flight" (which is apparently controversial?), "Drive", "Bride of Chaotica!", also any VOY episode that has Naomi Wildmann in it...
There are also A Ton of Deep and Dramatic episodes I love, but from my instinctive answers I'm realizing that what draws me to an episode as a "favourite" is apparently "It's fun!" (and likely involves the holodeck? 🙈🤣) So yeah, if we're talking favourite, not best, it's probably something along these lines.
39. You have to relocate to a planet other than Earth, which do you choose?
Hm, that's a tough one. I feel like not that many planets readily spring to mind, so I'll have to really think about this.
It'd probably be near the centre of the Federation for that sweet, sweet post-capitalist utopia (and also because my family is presumably still on Earth and I want to be able to visit Very Frequently.
Vulcan is a big No, because my body does not function above 25° C🙈 I love snow and ice, though, so Andoria might be a real option (though not technically a planet, I guess 😋).
Beyond that, I'm honestly drawing a blank. I think I haven't seen enough TOS/TNG in a while, so I don't remember too many worlds they visited. But yeah, probably somewhere that's close to the Sol, close to the centre of the Federation, has good temperate-to-colder climate to live in... In the end, it would probably very much depend on why I'm relocating and whom with.
40. If you got a Trek inspired tattoo, what would it be?
Another tough one 😅 I don't have any tattoos and don't think I'll ever get any. For one, I'm way too scared of that kind of long-term commitment, but also my skin has Issues™ and I don't know how long a tattoo would look decent.
If I were to get one, though? Let's be honest, it would be some version of the Sirena logo. That little ship has shaped my life in ways more profound than I can even say. Sirena and her crew got me to write again after over a decade, gave me so, so, SO much joy, not to mention all the incredible, wonderful friends I foud along the way (that's you!)
I think for me, Sirena stands for found family, friendship, healing, creativity, allowing myself to feel joy in my nerdiness and head for new adventures. So yeah.
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If not that, probably some variation of IDIC, either the symbol or the saying in Vulcan script 🤔
This was fun! Thank you so much for the asks! And if anyone else wants to know more:
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