#Whenever another trailer comes out I hope the two get some more focus
cyber-streak-2 · 2 years
I am *completely* calm after watching the Rise of The Beast’s trailer. Maybe. ...Probably. No, not really- not normal after it either.
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strangerquinns · 9 months
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Deadly Reunion| Chapter 27
Eddie Munson x female!reader // a stranger things apocalypse au
summary: You and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. But when the outbreak happened five years ago, you were torn from one another in the chaos. but now you’re left alone, after your group was killed by another radical crew, leaving you to seek out what was once home. // zombie apocalypse Hawkins set in 1993
warnings: angst + adult themes w/ descriptions of violence, blood, torture + other zombie apocalypse related issues (no use of y/n)
word count:2K+
⪻ previous chapter | next chapter ⪼ | stranger things masterlist | chapter one
Eddie never thought of himself to be a lucky man. He was the kid who lived in a trailer park with his Uncle cause his dead-beat father couldn’t handle raising him. Not after Eddie’s mother died.
Wayne took Eddie in once he heard his once brother-in-law was leaving his ten-year-old son home, nearly starving, so he could steal some care or do some drugs.
That was maybe the one time Eddie thought of himself as lucky now that he really thinks about it.
Eddie didn’t even want to imagine what his life would be like if he was raised by his father.
But after that, Eddie was never lucky again.
Bullied relentlessly through middle and high school by the same group of kids who saw him as nothing but a freak. All because he refused to fit into the cookie-cutter life everyone else in Hawkins seemed to fall into eventually.
He repeated high school more times than he’d like to admit.
Even when Eddie thought his luck was changing and Corroded Coffin was finally discovered, signed a record deal, and started recording an album.
The world ended, cutting his dreams and the life he knew short.
Now Eddie doesn’t really understand the cruel joke that is continuing to play out as he lives each day through. Where he had to stand back and watch friends and family die – Eddie was still here. Going through each day just hoping to be able to wake up alive the next.
But then you came back into his life – then Eddie thought he was once again a lucky man.
After years of the two of you being apart, by some miracle or way of god, you stumbled back into his life.
But then Eddie had never felt fear like when you collapsed into his arms.
When you were hurt before – Gareth was there to tell him that you were ok before he even saw you. He didn’t have his other best friend this time to tell him that everything was ok. Not when your eyes rolled into the back of your head, and you dropped limp into his arms. Eddie scrambled to catch you before your head smacked down against the ground beneath you. He didn’t have someone to tell him that you were okay as blood started coming into your ears, not a lot, but enough to cause worry.
No matter how much Eddie shook you to have you wake up, you lay there in his arms. Barely breathing, eyes not opening.
Steve was the one to snap him out of it, reminding him that they needed to get back to camp. Eddie gathered you in his arms and ran like he’d never run before. Ignoring the way his body screamed out in pain as he carried you in his arms. Instead, focus on the path in front of him and the warmth of your body against his. Behind him, Steve and Wendy ran alongside him, the entire way till they got back to camp.
Covering Eddie’s 6 whenever it was needed – thankful that the colder weather caused packs of Flayed to be sparse.
“Open the gate! Open the gate!” Steve shouted as the gate of the Camp came into view.
The men above moved quickly to pull the gate open, allowing the three of them through. Eddie didn’t stop to speak with anyone as he passed others through the front lawn of the Lab or through the main entrance. Instead, he went straight to Gareth, once again praying that his friend would be able to help.
“What happened?” Gareth asked, working quickly as he examined you.
“I-I don’t know,” Eddie spoke in a rush, “We got separated. When we finally found each other she collapsed not long after.”
Gareth nodded his head as he pointed a small flashlight into your eyes, feeling a small spark of relief when your pupils dilated.
“We need space, Eddie. I’m sorry.” Gareth explained, already pushing on his friend's chest. Pushing him away from you.
His throat choked with panic as his dark eyes focused on you.
“The medical wing is filling up with more people than we’re prepared for. I will do everything I can, but please.” Gareth spoke again before Eddie was out the double doors.
Eddie stood there and looked through the small circular window as he saw Gareth walk back to you. He didn’t get to watch for long – not as the curtain was pulled and everything was out of sight. Steve and Wendy came running down the hall as Eddie leaned against the wall, dropping his hands to his knees, and letting out a pathetic cry.
Eddie didn’t care that he looked weak at that moment.
He didn’t care what others would think of him as the tears moved down his dirt and blood-stained face.
All he could think was that finally his luck ran out and he was going to lose you.
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Eddie’s leg anxiously bounced as he sat at your bedside, his eyes focused on your bruised face, the need to sleep causing a headache to form.
“You need to go and get some rest,” a gentle voice spoke from his left.
Blonde hair and bright blue eyes looked down at him with a gentle smile spreading across her lips. She walked to the empty side of your bed and bent down to overcheck the dressings wrapped around your ribs. You refractured the little healing your ribs did from your last injury.
That wasn’t the scariest part.
No. The scariest came from when no one was able to figure out what the damage to your head.
After speaking with Wendy, who was in a quarantine room currently, Gareth was able to determine that you had smacked your head when fighting with Henry. The additional head trauma to what you’d already been through, on top of the possible concussion – your body had simply been through too much.
No matter how much Gareth tried to tell him that rest was good, that your body needed it, needed it to heal. Eddie didn’t care. He wouldn’t believe that you were okay till you once again opened your eyes.
“I’m sorry…what?” Eddie spoke, blinking his eyes a few times to relieve some of the fatigue he was feeling.
“You should go and get some rest. Staying up and torturing yourself isn’t going to help her out at all.” Chrissy, one of the new volunteers for the medical wing spoke. “I’m sure she’d want you to take care of yourself, no?”
Eddie didn’t answer even though he knew that she was right. They sat in a long moment of silence as Chrissy checked you over, it wasn’t till she was about to leave that he spoke.
“I don’t want to leave her,” Eddie spoke softly. So soft, Chrissy wasn’t sure if she heard him at all. “Not when she needs me.”
Chrissy smiled slightly, with nothing but gentleness in her eyes, “Go and shower, get some sleep, eat, and come back. If she wakes before you can make it back here, I’ll come and get you myself.”
Eddie opened his mouth, but she raised a hand to stop him.
“You’re covered in dirt, blood, and god knows what else. She is not going to want to see you like that. Trust me,”
Eddie nodded his head, “The moment she wakes?”
“I will come and get you.” Chrissy agreed.
Eddie sat there for a moment, his dark moon eyes falling on your form, before looking back to Chrissy and standing. He took a half step forward before sweeping back your hair, and bending down, to brush his lips against your forehead.
“I’ll be back, sweetheart, I promise,” Eddie whispered before kissing your forehead again.
“Thank you,” Eddie said to Chrissy before walking away from your bedside and heading toward his trailer.
Where he took a cold shower, washed the dirt from his pale skin, and changed his clothes before crawling back into bed.
It didn’t take much effort for sleep to take over his mind.
But when the dreams did come – he was once again just a boy from a trailer park but this time holding the girl that he loved most.
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Eddie walked slowly around his trailer as the early morning started to come up through the trees. The sleep that he had wanted, more so needed, barely came. He spent more time tossing and turning with worry than anything else. He poured his coffee into a worn mug he’d kept in a cupboard. It was weird for him to walk around and not hear you padding around in the bedroom or bathroom.
But he tried not to focus on that, knowing it would only cause his worry to increase, but it was there in the back of his mind. Instead, he dressed and headed out of his trailer and to the main area of the Camp. He helped out with those who needed it and picked up a little more work wherever it was seen needed. They had lost a few people – meaning there were fewer hands in some areas to keep the Camp running.
“We might need to run a raid soon, Hopper said that some of the supplies are running down quickly, especially medical needs,” Steve spoke as he and Eddie worked with unloading some of the food grabbed from the small garden. The last few crops it seemed with the weather getting colder.
“I had a feeling that would be coming up,” Eddie sighed, wiping away his curls from his forehead. “Do we even have enough for a run?”
“We’d either have to gather new recruits or with a smaller group.” Steve shrugged.
Eddie hesitated for a moment, “How is Robin? I haven’t seen her around since we’ve come back.”
“Not…not great.” Steve paused for a moment before continuing, “Losing Vicki really seemed to send her over. It’s going to take some time.”
Eddie nodded his head in understanding before continuing to finish up their project. Once the two men were done, they headed back up to the main floor. Eddie couldn’t help but look down the hallway that led toward the medical wing. Steve caught the moment and saw the frown that deepened on his friend's face.
“How is she?” Steve asked with a soft voice.
A heavy sigh passed through Eddie’s lips, looking down as his hands grasped together tightly.
“I-I don’t really know outside of that she had suffered some trauma to her head, or at least that’s what Gareth is saying was the cause. Not much they can really do with the little that they have.” Eddie looked to his friend, “I’m trying not to hover and be in the way, but…it’s hard…I worry. I can’t go back to how it was before she was here, Steve. I can’t.”
“Who said that you have to? Why would that thought come into your mind, man.” Steve spoke hurriedly.
“I can’t help it.” Eddie shook his head, “I just…can’t help it.”
Eddie sighed heavily and walked the trail back to his trailer, before changing out of his clothes, and into something more comfortable. And then he walked the path once again and down to the medical wing. He walked by a few that he saw resting in the cots, a few tending to them, or family sitting with them.
But his focus was on you and only you.
You were tucked beneath the blanket that was draped across you, fresh bandages along your knuckles and forehead. Eddie grabbed the chair that sat pressed against the wall beside your bed before taking a seat. Your face was still serene from the deep sleep you were in despite the bruises that decorated your face.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie spoke as he reached over and grabbed your hand gently, before continuing and telling you about his day.
Hoping in some way it would not only bring you comfort.
But have you come back to him.
I hope that you enjoy the new chapter, a short little filler. Please reblog, like, or comment if you enjoyed it!
@mopeymopeymouse / @aris-house / @brxkenartt /@akiratoro420
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agnesmontague · 2 years
buddy daddies theory: rei's mission
gonna drop this into the main tag before any canon can nerf me but i had the theory in the group chat earlier that rei has been on an undercover mission this entire time to keep tabs on kazuki, and miri has been an unforeseen factor in his plan
we don't know how or why kazuki came to live with rei; presumably this happened after his wife died, but who set him up to live with rei, and why? were they partners before the wife's death, or did they only come to know each other afterwards? until we get more solid answers to these questions i had the idea that someone sent kazuki to live with rei--the rich boy, the son of the boss--because rei was tasked with keeping an eye on kazuki for whatever reason.
there are small indications throughout the show that rei really doesn't know much about kazuki at all; this goes both ways, as shown in the "i won't ask." "i wouldn't tell." conversation, but rei always is shown to react whenever kazuki reveals info about himself:
[ep 4]
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[ep 6]
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i think it's very likely that rei is collecting some kind of intel on kazuki as he goes, possibly to report back to headquarters, which would be ironic considering getting intimate with his marks to get info is exactly what we see kazuki doing in ep 1.
this is also why i don't think these two had known each other or even met until after kazuki's wife passed away. they don't give the impression of having worked together for a long time, or at least, they have known each other just long enough to work up a rapport but not enough to actually talk about themselves. which is fascinating considering how much of a married couple they seem to be already, but that's another topic for another day...
another thing i've seen pointed out is that rei doesn't seem too happy at the end of ep6 despite witnessing miri and kazuki being all sweet and lovey-dovey together:
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this could just be a humorous moment--kazuki's overreacting again, or rei also wants to be miri's favorite dad and is jealous--but it's been speculated that rei could also be going through some complex emotions here: it was never supposed to become this complicated. starting a family was never really in the cards for him, but rei is an inveterate collector of strays and got attached to miri just as quickly as kazuki did. and now here we are.
finally, this would serve to rather neatly explain why rei's father's organization seems to be "calling rei back" in the 3rd trailer:
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my running theory is that kazuki and rei were both part of the same organization, but kazuki did something to "betray" or otherwise run counter to the org's principles, thus getting his wife killed. this killing was his "warning", after which he would have come to meet rei:
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now, if rei isn't careful with his newfound family, the organization would target them as well. it would be rei this time who would be getting the "warning", if he got too attached to miri and/or kazuki, who was meant to be his mark all along.
truth be told i'm still not 100% on the pulse of where PA Works seems to be going with these two; we really have no idea how much they want to focus on kazuki and rei as a duo (not even necessarily as a romantic ship, but as a team) as opposed to them naturally just becoming parents to miri. but here's hoping that they've got something juicy in store.
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
my hero - request
request: anon: hi could you write a sebastian x female reader fic where she suffers from anxiety and feels bad because of it but he comforts her and tells her there’s nothing wrong with her and how strong she is even though she has this disorder
pairing: sebastian stan x female!reader
warnings: self-esteem issues, anxiety, toxicity in the fandom, language?
a/n: hey nona! you weren’t super specific on what type of anxiety that you wanted to reader to have, so if this isn’t what you had in mind, lmk and i’ll write you another fic! other than that i hope you like it!
p.s.: my requests and tag lists are open!!
xoxo ray
check out my m.list
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You and Seb met at a coffee shop in New York. It was totally cliche and seemed straight out of a storybook. You had somehow managed to spill coffee on that specimen of a man, and he was kind enough to let you pay for his dry cleaning. Your relationship didn’t grow until you ran into him again while you were at a bar with your friends. If he had any say in telling the story of how you met, he spotted you from across the smoky bar and he knew then and there that he had to get to know you. Truthfully, you liked his version, but the real one was just indescribable. It seemed, to you at least, that you were destined to be with this man. Seeing him twice in one week? Come on, that’s possible if you were in the small town you grew up in, but not New York.
You obviously had recognized him as an actor, but really you didn’t care. That’s what drew Sebastian to you in the first place. You treated him as if he was any other guy on the street, he was able to be a normal person around you. Now, two years later, you lounge on the couch of your apartment in LA that you shared with the man you love. He’s still auditioning for any role that catches his eye and you’re supporting him no matter what.
His fans for the most part adored you and your relationship with Sebastian. The fans who didn’t like you were your only issue with this whole affair, but they had nothing to do with Sebastian other than flood his socials with nasty messages about you. You weren’t perfect, that you knew all too well, and you tried to let the comments roll off your shoulders. Most of the time you were successful in your efforts, but other times they clung to your skin like an unwanted disease.
Sebastian was currently promoting his new project Endings, Beginnings. You were so unbelievably proud of Seb, he was doing something that made him happy. In this particular film, he was acting alongside Shailene Woodley, who was just amazing. Seb always came home gushing about the new inside jokes that they had come up with. One of your favorite things that Seb did with you was run lines. You liked having the inside scoop on his new works, but this one was harder for you. It had quite a few sex scenes between Seb’s character Frank and Shailene’s Daphne.
Not that it bothered you. Nope. Didn’t bother you. At all.
...mmm, okay maybe it bugged you a little. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Sebastian, it was… well you couldn’t really describe what it was. Whatever the case may be, it was putting you deeper and deeper into a funk, one that you were having a hard time coming out of. And Seb’s fans who weren’t in your corner, weren’t really helping you any.
A few nights ago, Seb surprised you with a casual night out in LA. He texted you before he got home and told you that he was going to be taking you out. Did he give you a dress code for the evening? No, he did not (wonderful, thanks so much Seb). You decided to dress in a half business casual, half rail me when we get home outfit. You ended up wearing an adorable bustier top that was embroidered with pretty blue and pink flowers, a pair of destroyed jeans covered your legs. You finished it off with a pair of nude heels, when you looked in the mirror, you thought you looked hot as fuck. It was around seven when Seb picked you up, mouth hanging open, in awe of your outfit.
“Oh my god. You look so beautiful, Y/N.” He opened the passenger door of his car after he hugged you, giving you a small peck on the lips. Sebastian drove you to a restaurant a block off of Thai Town called Home Restaurant.
“Babe, this place is so cute!” You squeezed Sebastian’s upper arm, jumping up and down beside him. “How’d you find this place?” Sebastian shook his head, smiling at you.
“I asked Shai, actually.” He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, and your heart sank a little. Why did it do that? “She said that the paps hardly ever come around here.” He leaned down pressing a kiss to your temple. “I thought that draga mea deserved a quiet night out on the town.” His voice rasped as he spoke in his native tongue, making a shiver race down your spine.
“Well, tell her I said thank you.” You offered him a small smile. He wrapped his arm around your waist, drawing circles on the exposed skin above your jeans. He spoke with the hostess as your mind drifted away. You were pulled out of your thoughts when he guided you to your table. Sebastian sat across from you, staring deeply into your eyes. You brought your hand up to rest your chin on it, staring back at him. “How’s everything been going?” You were genuinely interested in the answer and it made your heart warm watching his face light up.
“It’s been going really well. Everyone we worked with was real nice, it made all the scenes more comfortable.” Seb’s eyebrows rose at the mention of the scenes and you knew which ones he was referring to.
“Oh, right.” You tried not to let your emotions show.
“Yeah, we’re about to start teasing some of them to promote the show.” Seb sighed at the thought of having to use social media, you shook your head at him.
“I’ll help you with it, you dork.” You laughed to hide your discomfort. “Which scene did they approve for the posts?” Sebastian began to speak when he was interrupted by your waitress. After the two of you ordered your food, the waitress returned with your drinks. Sebastian took a large gulp of his before answering your previous question.
“They want me to post the trailer and then the scene between Frank and Daphne at the bar.” You tried to think back to the script, remembering the context. Frank and Daphne were meeting after Daphne had gone out on a date with Jack. Daphne was claiming that she didn’t want to be a wedge in their friendship, then proceeded to make out with Frank. If you were recalling correctly, Frank and Daphne’s first sex scene followed soon after.
“Okay, we can do that. Do you have any behind the scene pictures you wanna post too?” Seb got out his phone, scrolling through his camera roll to see. He had several different photos of him with Jamie and then him with Shailene. He showed you his phone on a picture of Shailene leaned against him on a couch, her arm over his waist. A red filter colored the photo, you had to hand it to him, it was a good one to use. “We can post it whenever we get home, love.” Sebastian locked his phone and shoved it in his pocket, to focus solely on you.
“How has your day been, draga mea?” You bit your lip as you thought about what you’ve been doing. You’ve been working towards your Master’s, so your days have been filled with preparing for your dissertation. On top of that, you’ve become a bit of an influencer on different social media platforms. Really, you believe your popularity came from your relationship with Sebastian. You’ve been giving his fans the content that they’ve always wanted. Not only that, but you’re active with them.
“My day was good today. I had to edit a few papers from my other classmates but other than that I didn’t do much. I did make a few TikTok videos, but really today was a bit of a lounge day for me.” Seb smiled at you, proud of how hard you’ve been working.
“I should be getting a few days off soon, so we can relax together in the apartment, if you aren’t too busy with your classes.” He stretched his arm across the table, palm up waiting for your hand. Seb pulled your hand up to his mouth, placing a sloppy kiss onto the back of it. His eyes settled on you lovingly. To Sebastian, you were the greatest thing that had ever happened to him.
The two of you managed to finish your meal in peace. No fans came up to Sebastian asking for photos, no paparazzi swarms when you left, just a quiet meal for a normal couple in love. After you got home and you were snuggled in your pajamas alongside Sebastian in your comfortable bed, he handed you his phone to read over his post for his Instagram. The paragraph was sappy, about his time working with Drake, the director, and working with the rest of the cast. Seb always was a softy, never was able to hide it, especially in promo posts.
“It looks good to me. Are you going to post it now? Or wait until tomorrow morning?” Seb debated, he probably should wait and do it tomorrow, but he was most likely going to forget to do it. He clicked post, putting his phone on charge and snuggling into you.
“Thank you for always being there for me, Y/N.” He kissed your jawline, nuzzling his face into your neck. “It really means a lot to me, baby. I love you so much.” He wrapped both hands around your waist, pulling you to his front. You smiled wide, momentarily forgetting all of your troubles.
“I love you too, Seb.” You turned your head slightly, pressing a kiss against the corner of his mouth. “Now let’s get some sleep, love.” Little did you know that a single post could ruin all of the progress that you thought you had made.
You woke the next morning, alone in bed. You could hear pots clanging in the kitchen of your home, bringing a smile to your face. Before you left the safety of your bed, you checked your socials out of habit. You opened Instagram first, seeing an absurd amount of notifications this early in the morning. Your smile dropped as soon as you opened the first post. Comments on Sebastian’s post about Endings, Beginnings and his chemistry with Shailene weren’t entirely out of the ordinary. They were to be expected, they were playing parts in a love triangle. People were ‘shipping’ Shailene with Seb and Jamie, so that wasn’t too crazy.
What hurt you were the comments saying, “living for shailene and sebastian! she’s a much better match for him than y/n.”
“never thought that y/n girl was going to last, glad he’s going w shailene”
“shailene and seb supremacy”
“yes! i’ve always supported seb in everything he’s done, but i rlly questioned him when he got w that y/n girl. what was he thinking?!”
Tears gathered in your eyes as you continued scrolling. You never thought you and Sebastian never fit. You knew that people had issues with your relationship, but you never let it get in your head this bad. You checked your explore page, pictures of you and Sebastian from last night were riddling the page.
Your heart dropped.
There were pictures of the two of you from last night with parts of your body circled. The exposed skin above your waistband, the excess skin on your neck and arms. You don’t know where they got these pictures, but your stomach was steadily sinking with each picture you saw. The door of your room opened, revealing a smiley Sebastian with a plate full of eggs in one hand and a cup of orange juice in the other.
“Good morning, baby.” You quickly shoved your phone away from you, wiping your tears away from your eyes to meet his. His brows furrowed immediately. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You snuffled quietly, before answering.
“Uh, nothing. I’m just so proud of you.” You smiled at him, not wanting to bring down his already happy mood with your problems. Was that entirely healthy? Probably not, but you were doing it anyway, consequences be damned.
“Oh, well you don’t have to cry for me, Y/N. Even if you’re proud.” He walked up to your side of the bed, placing the cup and plate on your nightstand. He brought his hand up to your cheeks, wiping away your tear streaks. “You know that I only like to see tears whenever it’s me causing you so much pleasure you beg me to stop.” He winked at you, smirking at your rising blush. To say that didn’t lift your spirits for about half a second would be a lie. Sebastian brought the plate to your lap, waiting for you to start eating. At this particular moment, after seeing all those horrible pictures of your body, your appetite had gone out the window, but he was so smiley.
“After you eat, I want ya to shower.” Sebastian’s hand came up to your jaw, cupping it as you used it to chew the eggs. “We’ve got a long day of lounging and enjoying each other's company ahead of us.” Sebastian stood from the bed, throwing a wink at you as he left the room dramatically. You stopped eating soon after he left, the food tasting like ash on your tongue. At some point, you got into the bathroom, staring at the reflection in the mirror.
Your phone was in your hand again. The pictures flooding your Twitter feed. Shaky breaths left your mouth as you watched your reflection tilt its head. Tears began gathering in your eyes as it felt like you weren’t in your own skin anymore. You had worked so hard to be comfortable in your own body.
It’s amazing how just one picture can ruin everything.
You leaned forward on the countertop, hands holding up your weight. You shifted towards the mirror, examining every miniscule detail that your eyes could see. Your lids came down quickly, tears dragging down your cheeks. You squeezed your eyes closed, shaking your head back and forth.
“You are not going to let this get to you.” You took a few deep breaths as you turned on the shower. Not wanting to be around the mirror anymore, you kept your bath short, talking to yourself the whole time. By the time you left the bathroom, it was steamed completely, you couldn’t see your reflection even if you wanted to.
“He loves you.” You had a mantra and you continued to repeat it as you walked into your shared closet. “He loves all of you.” You pulled one of his old t-shirts off a hanger. “Sebastian loves you.” A pair of your underwear and his loose boxers covered your lower half. “Sebastian loves all of you.” You shoved your feet into a pair of fuzzy pink socks, leaving the closet still muttering to yourself. You tucked your phone into your waistband after checking your socials again. You know you shouldn’t have, but there was some part of you that just wouldn’t let you not.
The same shit covered your For You page on TikTok. Videos from the trailer of Seb and Shailene and then videos of you and Seb, comparing the two relationships. “They do fit well together.” You thought to yourself. A part of you wondering why Seb was with you in the first place.
“Did you say something, love?” Sebastian looked at you from the couch. A blanket was strewn over his lower half, his upper body inviting, waiting for you to join him. His smile dropped when he took in your glassy eyes instead of your usual happy expression.
“Oh baby, what’s wrong?” He started towards you, eyes running over your body for any outward injuries. An understanding look crossed his face when he saw your phone clutched in your hand. “Y/N, talk to me, baby.” Sebastian’s hands rested on your shoulders, lightly caressing your biceps. You recoiled from his touch, feeling uncomfortable in your own body.
“Just some stuff that some fans posted.” Seb’s thumb traced just under your eye, wiping away the tears. He held his right hand out for your phone, to understand what you were talking about. His brows furrowed deeply as he scrolled, not fully processing how destructive his fans could be. Sebastian always believed that they were the best fucking people in the world. He knew that they could be mean, but this was something else.
“They don’t know what they’re talking about, Y/N.” Sebastian’s voice was firm. It was almost strong enough to cut through the fog invading your brain, but not quite. You had officially zoned out. Dead to the world. Lost in your own thoughts. No matter how destructive those thoughts may be.
Sebastian noticed that you were already too deep, having experienced this with you many times before. He was aware that you were self-conscious, insecure, however you want to describe it. Your anxiety always got worse when you were stressed. Prepping for your dissertation was definitely a stressful time. Add on top of that, Sebastian was constantly pulling you from your work for various reasons. Had he contributed to this? Scratch that thought, he didn’t have time for that. He needed to bring you back down to Earth, back to him.
“Y/N.” His hands hovered over your hips. “I’m going to touch you for a second.” He directed you to the couch, settling on the coffee table in front of you. His fingers lightly traced circles onto your knees, as he assessed how he should approach this.
“Y/N. Baby?” Sebastian hesitated before bringing his fingers up to your chin, not wanting you to react badly. “I’m right here, Y/N, it’s Sebastian.” His left hand hadn’t left your knee, continuing to trace small patterns into your skin, giving you something to ground yourself with. He watched you blink and swallow harshly, inhaling sharply before opening your mouth.
“Why are you with me?” Your chin trembled with unvoiced sobs. “You deserve the world, Seb. I’m not even--” Your sentence was cut off by a loud whimper causing tears to start streak down. Sebastian wasn’t sure if this was a situation where you wanted him to be involved, so he waited for a sign.
“I’m not even worth a glance from you.” Your hand came up to wipe at your runny nose. “They’re so right. You need to be with someone like Shailene.” A bitter sob racked your body, making your body fold in half. Sebastian caught you before you hurt yourself.
“Y/N. I love you.” He always heard you say that to yourself when you thought he wasn’t listening. He knew that you suffered from anxiety, so he was always watching. Always paying attention to your little cues. The little things that he could use to help you as much as he could. “I love all of you.” He held one of your hands, running his thumb over the back of it.
“I don’t care what they say, baby.” He lifted your face to his, steel blue eyes locking with your cloudy pair. “I picked you.” He pecked your right cheek. “I want you.” A peck to your left. “I want only you.” One to your forehead. “It’s always been you, Y/N.” Another on your chin. “I love all of you, Y/N.” Sebastian landed a final short kiss to your lips, lingering for only a second.
“I want you to understand something, Y/N.” His gaze never left you. “I’m not going anywhere.” His brows raised as he hardened his voice. “I’m especially not going anywhere at the behest of my fans. I love them to death, but they don’t get to decide who I love.” Sebastian shifted to sit next to you on the couch. “Is it okay if I put my arms around you?” All he got was a brief nod in return, which was expected.
“I’m yours, Y/N. As much as you’re mine.” His arms descended around you, wrapping you in a loving embrace. You turned to face him fully, bringing your own arms around his waist, shoving your head into his neck.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with all my shit, Seb.” Sebastian almost missed your comment because you spoke into his shoulder and through loud snuffles. He backed away to look you in the face.
“I signed up for this, Y/N. I’m here for whatever we go through.” He tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “We go through ‘your shit’ together, Y/N. This is a partnership, a two-way street.” He looked at the weak smile on your face, heart warming slightly at the sight. His face turned serious, casting a glance at your phone on the coffee table.
“How long have you been sitting on this?” He knew how quickly your mind could twist things, so he wasn’t sure what to expect. You bit your lip, not meeting his eyes anymore.
“Just since this morning.” He held you away from his body, watching your expression.
“Is this why you were crying earlier?” You gave him a meek nod in response. “Baby, I thought we talked about this. We have to talk to each other when we think we’re going to go into a funk.” The two of you had talked about it before, but you didn’t think this was going to be a funk.
“I should’ve been able to just shake this off because I know you love me and you won’t leave me because of something that some people on the Internet say.” The words left your mouth before you could process everything, your mind quick to defend itself.
“It’s okay, Y/N. You don’t always have to be able to shake something off. We just have to keep each other in the loop.” Sebastian looked over your tear-stained face, pressing a kiss to your forehead again. “Let’s ditch the phones today. Just spend the day in each other’s arms, how’s that sound?” You smiled softly, nodding at the man in front of you. He got up quickly hiding both of your phones in the kitchen somewhere.
This definitely wasn’t a solution to dealing with your anxiety, Sebastian knew that. It also wasn’t dealing with the toxic people on the Internet, but you didn’t need that right now. You needed to be immersed in an environment that accepted what you were going through without judgement, Sebastian could provide that. Seb hummed happily when you snuggled into his side under the covers on your couch while he searched for a movie. He kissed the top of your head and he felt you smile against his stomach.
“I’m proud of you, draga mea.” You turned to face him, a confused expression lacing your features.
“For what, Seb?” He stroked your face with a single finger, mapping out your features.
“I’m proud of how you handle yourself. I’m amazed at how strong you are, even when you think you’re not.” He leaned closer to you, whispering his next words. “You’re my hero.” One corner of your mouth twitched upwards, not wanting to accept it. You rolled your eyes playfully, settling back onto his stomach before speaking.
“I love you, Sebastian.”
“And I love you, Y/N.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles (part 7)
a/n: aaand part 7 is finally here! however i want to warn yall that we are nearing the end of NHIE, im planning on having one more part and i don’t think it’ll be any longer, so enjoy while it lasts! lmao as always, feedback is very much appreciated!
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
word count: 5.7k
warning: some slight violence? it’s the good kind, you’ll see lmao
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Sitting in your trailer you stare down at your phone longingly, rereading Harry’s last text.
“Miss you, hope everything is alright. Facetime when you’re free?”
You hate how your chest is aching at such a small and sweet thing. If you had the chance, you’d run into Harry’s arms without a second thought, but you are stuck in Atlanta while he is currently back in LA, feeling farther away than ever, in every sense.
It’s been three weeks since you left the city and parted ways with Harry. You hated it. You absolutely hated how he was looking at you and how you was about to cry in his fucking Range Rover as he was dropping you off at the airport. You tried to make it quick so you don’t get too caught up in the moment, but the moment he kissed you, it was over for you. For a split second you were ready to cancel on the whole movie and just stick with the plans you made before you got the role, but that wasn’t really an option.
Since that day, Harry has been very respectful of your will to keep some distance, he always checks in before trying to call to make sure you have time, he doesn’t text you about the most random things like he used to, maybe because you both are so busy, you basically live on set while he has left for his tour exactly a week ago, and you can tell he is trying his best to never even mention Levi.
The news that you’d have to work with your ex came as a punch in your stomach. Taiki contacted you himself to talk to you about his choice to include Levi in the movie. He has informed you that they all agreed on him at the end of the casting process, but he wanted to make sure it’s okay by you as well. What would have you said? You wouldn’t just start off a project with getting someone out of the movie before filming even started. You had no choice but to suck it up and say that it’s all fine.
Now you are stuck to see him almost every day and spend your free time with him as well since he is always the first one to show up when a little group of the cast is out and about. He has always been such a social butterfly, though now you wish he would just lock himself up in his hotel room and not show up until he is needed on set.
Levi has been trying. He’s been pushing on your nerves, always coming up to chit-chat, like there’s nothing weird or absurd about the situation, but there’s plenty. Seeing that the last time you two saw each other you threw a book at him and he threatened you to sue you if you dare to even say his name ever again. Your breakup was the definition of nasty while the rest of the world just noticed a quiet and uneventful parting, photos disappearing from Instagram and awkward smiles whenever either of you were asked about the other.
While you are all about being civil and professional, what he has been doing feels like he is trying to get under your skin, testing your patience with him, which is starting to run short.
For an outsider he is acting perfectly fine, even human towards you, but you know him all too well, you know all his little tricks and moves because you used to be an expert on the topic of Levi Hudson.
Huffing to yourself you get back to the text and type a quick reply.
“Still on set, I have two more scenes to film. Will text you when I’m back at the hotel xx”
You wish you could call him right away, you wish he was here with you and you wish you didn’t have to go back to set and face Levi once again. You really thought you’d get entirely consumed by work once filming starts and run short on time and energy to even think about Harry, but it hasn’t been the case. He is all you can think about, you always catch yourself wondering what he is doing, how his day has been or if he is thinking about you too. You cling onto your phone the moment they yell Cut! and frantically check if he has texted you. It’s taking a toll on you and you can only hope you’ll last until the movie is wrapped and you can finally join him on tour, just like you planned.
“Hey there,” Maya steps out of her own trailer when you turn the corner and she catches up with you quickly. “Wha’s up?”
“Just plotting how I can leave early,” you huff, making her laugh. You’ve become the closest to her, you right away bonded when you met at the table read and she caught you grimacing behind Levi’s back when you thought no one was looking. She came up and simply told you she doesn’t like him for literal no reason, he just has a punchable face and an alliance was formed right then and there.
“Oh Honey, let me know when you figured it out,” she chuckles, circling an arm around your shoulders as you both make your way to the set laughing.
Trying your best, you focus fully on the job on hand so you can leave as soon as possible, call Harry and go to bed. Today has been way longer than you would have liked and you just need to get away from set, despite how much you enjoy filming in general. Sometime during the taping Harry texts you that he is free whenever you are and will be waiting for your call and it just makes you even keener on leaving.
When filming is finally finished, you find yourself storm out faster than ever, already ringing up Harry as you are walking back towards your trailer. When he answers the call, his smiley face fills the screen and you feel your heart flutter in your chest.
“Hey! Done for the day?” he asks, seemingly eating something as he talks.
“Luckily,” you breathe out. “What are you eating?”
A blush appears on his pixelated face as he glances down and grabs his bowl, showing it into the camera. He is eating your pesto pasta recipe.
“I had a strong craving for it,” he shyly tells. “It’s not as good as yours though.”
“There’s nothing to do different about it, H,” you chuckle.
“I know, but it’s different when you make it,” he smiles and his words warm your chest. Just as you are about to tease him about being so corny, you hear your name being called out. Turning around you see Levi jogging towards you.
“Here we fucking go,” you mumble, not ending the call with Harry who is a little confused about the situation since he can’t see the intruder in your conversation.
“Are you heading back to the hotel?” he asks, catching up with you.
“Yeah, I wasn’t planning on sleeping in my trailer,” you answer with a frown.
“Wanna share a car?”
“Why would I?” you simply ask.
“What’s with the attitude, Y/N?” he scoffs as if he was an angel and deserved all the respect on earth.
“Why do you keep coming up to me?”
“Because I’m trying to be nice!” he snaps, but it’s all for the wrong reason. You don’t buy this shit, nice is the last thing he is trying to be and you know that for sure.
“No, you keep getting on my nerves and you know that! We don’t have to interact outside of set and I want to keep it that way, Levi!”
“Now you are being a bitch, Y/N.”
“Excuse you?” Harry’s voice is coming from your phone’s speaker and you suddenly realize that he is still there, listening to the conversation. You glance down at the screen and see his now angry expression on it.
“Who’s that?” Levi nods towards the phone with a frown, but then realization must hit him. “Is that Harry Styles you’re talking to?”
“None of your fucking business, Levi. And leave me the fuck alone.” Turning around you start marching back to your trailer that’s now so close, but once again, his voice stops you.
“You’re making a fool out of yourself, Y/N!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” you snap back at him, one hand already on the door handle of your trailer, the other one holding your phone.
“If you think he wants more than just a good fuck and some publicity out of you, you’re delusional.”
“Fuck you, Levi!” you flip him off before walking into the trailer and shutting the door behind you.
With your back against the door you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, fighting with yourself not to go back out and kick him in the stomach. This is how it has been, he starts acting all nice, pretending like he is the good buy, but when he doesn’t get the reaction he wants, he is quick to show his real, asshole self he keeps hidden.
“Angel? You alright?” Harry’s voice brings you back from your thoughts and once again, you realize that he is still in call, staring from the screen with a worried expression on his handsome face.
Taking another deep breath you bring the phone up so he can finally see your face.
“Sorry you had to hear all of that,” you mumble, feeling way more tired than you were just a few minutes ago.
“Don’t apologize, it’s none of your fault. But I gotta ask, has he been this big of a dick since the start?”
“Kind of,” you sigh, walking further inside. You put the phone to the little vanity, propping it up against the mirror as you start washing your makeup off.
“Have you tried doing something against it? You really shouldn’t let him treat you like that.”
“I’m not trying to be the whiny star who gets someone kicked out. I don’t know what others would think if I told Levi is being a jerk to me, because he is fine with everyone else. Maya is the only one who knows about it, so I’m kind of stuck.”
“Then just punch him,” he suggests making you laugh.
“I wish I could.”
“Want to talk about it? I would love to listen to you talk about how big of a dick your ex is and about your hatred towards him,” he tells you, way too excited about the topic and it makes you chuckle.
“Let’s not talk about him, I get enough of him all day. But not enough of you.”
It just slips out, way too cheesy than you intended it to be, but it makes him smile so you don’t mind it.
“Is this your way of being casual?” he chuckles softly.
“Shut up,” you grin. “Tell me about your day while I get ready to leave.”
You listen to Harry tell you about his day in the smallest details as you clean your face, brush your hair out and change into your own clothes, finally feeling like yourself again. You’re talking even when you’re already in the car, but that’s when it ends.
“Talk tomorrow, Angel?” he murmurs, now lying in his bead, propped up against the headboard without a shirt on.
“Yeah. I’ll be off around five so just call me whenever your show is over.”
“Will do. Take care, alright? And… just hang on a little longer.”
“A little?” you huff. “There are still two more months to go.”
“You can do it. Text me whenever you want to talk, alright?” You just quietly nod, ignoring the ache in your chest. You want nothing else than to crawl into bed with him, curl up against him and never leave from under the covers.
“Good night, Angel,” he smiles sweetly.
“Night, H,” you sigh before ending the call.
An hour later you are already in your hotel room, wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe, lying in bed as you scroll through Instagram, aimlessly opening posts here and there. The explore page is always a mess, you like so many different things that Instagram sometimes can’t decide what to show you, but that’s just how you like it. Lately it’s been a lot of Harry on there, given the fact that you’ve often found yourself lurking photos of him when you were missing him more than the usual.
When a paparazzi photo comes up of him from yesterday, having lunch with Kendall Jenner you can’t help but feel the jealousy ignite a fire inside you. It’s not like you didn’t know they met up, he told you a week before it and even asked if you are cool with it, to which you said that you are not an official item and you’d never tell him not to see a friend, even if it happens to be an ex as well. After all, you were the last one to throw a stone at him since you are now working with yours, even if it’s a living Hell.
But after such a draining day, seeing him have a good time so far away from you with a woman who is not you, your opinion about the situation seems to be different.
You’ve never been that extremely jealous type and you are also very much aware that you have no right to feel this way, but… you do. Scrolling through the few paparazzi photos that has nothing odd on them, just the two of them sitting at a table on a terrace, enjoying their meal and then leaving in separate cars, you can’t help but tear them apart to the tiniest detail, your brain fixated to find the smallest thing that tell you that they have something more than friendship going on, when you also know damn well sure that there’s no such thing. Harry has talked to you openly about his friendship with Kendall, how they tried to make it work two times but both of them ended up the same way: they realized they are far better as just friends and that’s how they’ve been since then.
But because of the distance, your horrible days with Levi and your agonizing feelings about wanting to be with Harry but also not being able to, you find yourself letting out a silent cry as you close the app, but the pictures still haunt you.
Before you could even think twice, you are kneeling in front of the minibar you haven’t touched since you arrived, but now you’re determined to empty it out, paying extra attention to the alcoholic drinks.
You are well aware that it’s not how you should be coping with the situation on hand, but you don’t know what else to do. You were the one who told Harry not to make things official, there’s nothing you can do against the distance between the two of you and you are stuck with Levi for the rest of filming as well. You have no other choices but to somehow dumb the pain that’s been torturing you silently ever since you found out you got the role.
It’s nerve wrecking, because this role means so much to your career, you know it’s your big chance to be finally taken as seriously as you’ve always dreamed about, but does it worth it? If you lose yourself along the way and everything that’s been making you happy lately, does it still worth just to have an Oscar nomination, which is not even guaranteed, just a speculation.
It’s past one am when you run out of drinks, but because of the small portions, you are just buzzing, not really drunk. But it’s enough to make you lose your rationality and snatch your phone from the bed and open your text threat with Harry.
“I miss you. A lot, like a whole lot.”
You send the text before you could change your mind and for your biggest surprise the status changes to seen just a few moments later before the three little dots start dancing on the bottom.
“I miss you too, Angel. Everything alright?”
Harry knows you too well, you wouldn’t just text after you’ve talked on FaceTime before and you’re usually asleep by this time, since filming starts early in the morning usually.
“Do you really miss me?” you write back with a heavy sigh.
“You can’t even imagine how much…”
“Tell me. How much?”
“I’ve written three songs about you since we parted. Does that tell you how much I miss you?”
“Oh fuck!” you choke out, feeling your chest tightening. You don’t want to be in this hotel room anymore, damn the movie, Levi and the Oscar, you need Harry. Now.
“Can’t wait to hear them all.”
“There’ll be plenty more, Angel. Get ready for a whole album!”
The pictures with Kendall are long forgotten. Now you’re just lying in bed, rereading the texts over and over again until your eyelids get too heavy and you fall asleep, still clinging onto the device.
 After years of being an independent and strong woman you’ve always aspired to be, you find yourself only focusing on two men to keep your nerves stable enough to stop you from breaking down every other day: Oscar and Harry.
The possibility to win an Oscar is what you think of every time Levi is pulling on your nerves, working harder than the devil to make you burst while acting like a saint in front of everyone. His attempts of ruining your days every imaginable are getting worse as the time passes and when thinking about the Oscar doesn’t help, you reach out to Harry. You’ve felt terribly at the beginning when you kept calling him whenever you felt like screaming after an encounter with Levi, even apologized for it, but he made sure you know he doesn’t mind it, not even the tiniest bit.
“I’m happy I’m the one you come to for comfort. I like that you’re thinking about me,” he told you one night when you called him so late, but he still answered.
Today has been extra hard. Two weeks have passed since your little late night breakdown when you emptied your mini bar out and felt like leaving Atlanta as soon as possible. Luckily, the morning came with an ease, though the pain was still there, you just managed to bottle it up enough to make you keep going.
You’ve been on set since 4 in the morning, having shot some scenes during sunrise and you’ve been going since then. Now it’s four pm, you are desperate for a good sleep already, but you still have some hours to go before you can head back to the hotel.
It seems like Levi has made it his mission to make you cry today. His latest favorite thing has been throwing shade about fellow actors who end up being the talk of gossip sites because they’ve dared to go on a public date with another celebrity. So, just to be clear, he is shaming you for being all over the tabloids, people are still speculating about you and Harry and Levi doesn’t hesitate to call you out about that in a sugarcoated way.
All he has been saying all day is “I guess I’m just more careful about my privacy!” or “Everyone is different, but I like to be noticed for my professional success!” but your favorite was “I get it that women need more effort to stay relevant.”
You were shocked how no one else realized how sexist he was, but deep down you weren’t that surprised. Levi successfully brainwashed everyone to make them believe he didn’t think it seriously, when you know for a fact that even if it was just to piss you off, he really meant it. You were once one of those who couldn’t really see how wrong his beliefs are and now you can’t believe you used to ignore all these sexist comments, but now they make your palms itch.
“You know, you once were just like that. I still remember us being on the covers,” you snapped back at him before everyone left for lunch and it was just the two of you, but he just snorted, brushing it off.
“Hated it. Always felt like just a toy they like to throw around.”
You needed all your self-control not to laugh right into his face and then jump at his throat. Instead, you just watch him walk away and you are quick to fetch your phone from your bag to text Harry, but then you realize that he hasn’t texted you back in the past ten hours. Your last four messages are sitting not just unanswered but unread as well so you talk yourself down from sending another one. It’s odd, because he always tells you when he is about to be busy, but he didn’t this time and you wonder if you’ve said or did something that upset him with you enough to stop talking to you. But then you tell yourself that something must have just come up.
“Hey girl!” Maya calls out for you, already dressed in her own clothes since she is done for the day. “I’m heading out to lunch with Timmy, want to join? Please don’t say you’ll just order in and stay in your trailer!”
“Only if Levi is not coming,” you grumble making her chuckle.
“Don’t worry, it’s just gonna be cool people.”
You both take your car to the little diner close to set, you’ve been going there quite often, they have the best pancakes and that’s exactly what you need right now. Timmy is already there sitting at a booth, waving at you happily. Aside from Maya, he is the other person you’ve been quite enjoying spending time with on set, he is a genuine guy and helped you a lot professionally which was a huge boost along this rocky way.
All through lunch you notice that he’s been checking his phone a lot, but you don’t think much of it, he is a busy guy, that you’ve learned already. It’s nice to have some time away from set and you’re thankful that Maya and Timmy are trying their best to make you forget about Levi and that eventually you have to head back.
The three of you return to set about an hour later. When the both of them stick to your side and they keep asking if you are going back to your trailer, you start to suspect something.
“You guys alright?” you ask with a chuckle. “Where else would I go? I still have thirty minutes from my break.”
“Just making sure,” Timmy shrugs. “We’ll walk you there!”
“Yeah! Let us walk to your trailer!” Maya nods in agreement and you give them a glare.
“You guys are weird,” you mumble under your breath.
As the three of you reach your trailer you notice how excited they are acting and you are confused about what’s really happening, but it’s just until you finally throw the door of your trailer open and gasp at the person waiting inside.
“Hello, Angel,” Harry smirks at you, leaning against the wall as you completely freeze.
“Angel! Oh my God!” you hear Maya squeak behind you, but you can’t pay much attention to her or Timmy, because you are busy throwing yourself into Harry’s arm, who envelopes you into his embrace, lifting you up from the ground.
“What are you doing here?” you breathe out, face buried in the crook of his neck.
“Should I not be here?” he jokes chuckling, his hands running up and down your back.
“Well, you are not supposed to, but I’m glad you are!” you chuckle and pulling back you kiss his lips, not able to hold yourself back.
“Thank your costars,” he mumbles nodding towards the door where Maya and Timmy are standing, grinning widely and proud of themselves.
“You guys did this,” you breathe out.
“Well, it was Maya’s idea, and then I was the one to message Harry,” Timmy admits, hiding his hands in his pockets. “Wanted to surprise you.”
“You surely succeeded,” you chuckle and turning back to Harry you hug him again, holding him tight as if he could vanish any moment.
“Alright, we’ll leave you two alone,” Maya chuckles before shutting the door and giving you some privacy.
“So how long are you staying?” you ask, arms circled around his neck.
“Unfortunately I don’t have much time. I need to fly out late tomorrow.”
“You came here for less than 48 hours?” you gasp in disbelief. He has been on the road for weeks now, all the traveling has been hard on him, that you know, yet he still went into the trouble of flying here for such a short time just to be with you.
“If Timothée didn’t reach out I would have still tried to mess around with my schedule to come here. I know how hard it has been for you here, I wanted to help you.”
“Stop or you’ll make me cry,” you chuckle, leaning in for another kiss.
You spend the rest of your break cuddled up on your tiny sofa in your trailer, talking but mostly kissing, because you’ve been missing Harry’s kisses the most probably. When it’s time to head back to set, you need everything in you not to lock the door and just never leave, but your work is calling.
Walking towards set you find yourself lacing your fingers together with Harry’s, to which he smirks at you in satisfaction. You couldn’t give less shit about that people will think the rumors are true, let them! All you want is to be as close to Harry as possible.
As everyone is slowly gathering back, you lounge around the buffet tables with Harry and Timothée, just genuinely having a good time, right until Levi walks in and he freezes upon seeing you with Harry.
At first you are convinced he’s going to come up to you, but luckily, he chooses to keep his distance this time, saving you some stress about what would go down if the two of them were to talk. Harry has definitely noticed his presence as well, but he doesn’t say a word, just holds your hand tight, kissing your knuckles.
Harry sticks around the whole afternoon, watching you film scene after scene and the excitement in his eyes is priceless. He takes every opportunity to praise your work and tell you how amazing you are doing and it means the world to you since it’s the first time Harry is seeing you working.
Through the afternoon, you can feel Levi’s burning glare on you, but you try your best to ignore it. You can tell he doesn’t like having Harry around but you haven’t figured out if it’s because he is jealous of you and him or because now Harry has all the attention he usually has. Either way, he is a petty fucker and you are enjoying pissing him off for once.
When filming finally finishes at six you are one of the first ones to head out, eager to finally be alone with Harry in your hotel room and not be disturbed for the night.
“I would say to pick up something to eat on our way, but maybe we should just order room service, how does that sound?” he asks as the two of you are walking back to your trailer.
“Room service is gonna be perfect,” you smile up at him, giving his hand a squeeze.
The voice calling out your name makes you growl in annoyance. The situation is all too familiar, Levi stopping you on your way back to your trailer with the pure intention of ruin your mood.
Oh for fuck’s sake,” you mumble under your breath before turning around. “What?” you snap back at him, clearly annoyed that he is here again.
“Hey, just… thought I would introduce myself to your friend over here,” he smiles as if it was the most natural thing, but you and Harry stand there, completely confused about how he can act so casual about him meeting Harry.
“I’m sorry, you what?” you question.
“Just wanted to meet Harry,” he tells again. “I’m Levi, nice to meet you,” he nods smiling, holding out his hand and you can’t hold your laughter back. Luckily, Harry is quick to react the best possible way.
“Are you really just gonna pretend like I didn’t hear you call Y/N a bitch the other day?” he asks, voice stern and surprisingly calm, however his hold on your hand is a little tighter now.
Seemingly, Levi is taken aback and you can tell he was convinced Harry wouldn’t bring it up straight to his face, but he did. He definitely just did and you are so happy about that.
“I’m, uhh—I don’t think you have any business in that, Harry,” he chuckles nervously, still trying to somehow dominate in the situation, but he is failing miserably.
“Oh, but I think I do. If you think you can just go around and call women bitches, you are in the wrong and if you ever have just one bad word for Y/N again, I’ll definitely won’t be this calm.”
The cherry on the top is the warm smile on Harry’s lips and your mouth hangs open at how bad he just burnt Levi. If you were alone now, you’d definitely jump his bones right away.
Watching Levi you see the exact moment when he drops the act and before he even opens his nasty mouth, you already know you’ll get another taste of his real self.
“What, you fuck her once and think she is the Queen of England who has to be treated with special care?” he scoffs and your stomach drops. Here he goes with the insults, buckle up!
“Excuse you?” Harry snaps back, clearly losing his patience with him.
“She is not that big of a deal, Styles. Might be a good fuck, but she is a fucking bitch in reality and you’ll see that soon.”
“I think it was just you who made her act that way and that’s entirely your fault, m’ friend. Anyone would be that way if they had to deal with you.”
“You know what? You two deserve each other, two low-life, attention seeker celebs, I just don’t get what people like so much about you. Especially about you,” he adds, eyes snapping to you. Your anger is boiling, he is dancing on your very last nerve and you have no idea how long you can last.
Harry then turns to you, a calm expression on his face, but his eyes tell you otherwise as he simply takes his rings off and places them into your palm, confusing you about what he is really doing.
“I’m sorry in advance, Angel,” he mumbles before taking a step towards Levi and with a simple but graceful move, he punches your scumbag ex.
You gasp as you hear Levi’s groan, his hands flying to his face while Harry shakes his fist off with a heavy sigh.
“Oh fuck, this feels better with a glove on,” Harry breathes out, taking a step back.
“You fucker!” Levi spats as he straightens up. He moves his hand from his face, checking it to see if he is bleeding, but it’s just some redness on his cheek.
“Don’t freak out, princess. You’ll just have to sit some more in the makeup. But Swear to God if you ever speak about her that way,” Harry warns him pointing at him, “You won’t be able to fix it with some powder.”
And with that, Harry grabs your hand and pulls you into the trailer, leaving a shocked and raged out Levi outside. As soon as it’s just the two of you, Harry changes from the confident, protective man to a frightened little puppy as he looks at you.
“I’m so sorry, but I just couldn’t take it any longer. The way he was talking about you and I—“
He doesn’t get to finish because our lips shut him up with the most heated and passionate kiss you two have ever shared. It’s hard and messy, your fingers thread through his hair as he grabs your waist forcefully, yanking you against her tightly.
“That was literally the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” you pant against his lips.
“Yeah? So you’re not mad?”
“I’m only mad because you got to punch him before me,” you chuckle making him laugh as well.
“God, I have no idea how you could put up with him this long,” he breathes out, resting his forehead against yours.
“I’m convinced that my nerves are made out of steel,” you joke pecking his lips two more times.
“I don’t even see how you could be in a relationship with him in the first place,” he huffs.
“I was younger and dumber. Don’t worry, learned my lesson,” you laugh, cupping his cheek in the palm of your hand, running your thumb along the soft skin under his eye.
“If I’m being honest, there’s one more thing that’s upsetting me about him.”
“And what is that?”
“Please don’t get mad at me though, okay?” he chuckles softly.
“Just tell me!”
“I’m mad… because he is able to say that he has been in a relationship with you and I’m not. It’s pissing me off, properly,” he admits and your heart skips a beat. “I know you said you don’t want anything official, but I just want to call you mine and—“
You cut him off for the second time now as you kiss him again, grinning against his lips. If he didn’t bring this up now, you would have for sure before he left, because there was no way you would have been able to say goodbye to him again without having all strings tied.
“Just to be sure, was this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?” you smirk, your hands holding onto the base of his neck.
“Kind of? Yeah,” he chuckles softly.
“Alright, cool. Now let’s go back to my hotel room, boyfriend.”
You watch as his eyes light up and leaning down he kisses you again.
“Just so we are on the same page, was this your way of saying yes?”
“Kind of, yeah,” you nod, using his own words.
“Great. Okay, let’s go, girlfriend.”
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader (part 6)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)
series summary:  bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 5.1k
warnings: smut (in the form of road head lmao) plus some more implied smut and teasing and stuff, use of 'y/n' which is perfectly fine but it still makes me anxious cause I've never done it before, other than that just fluff and celebrity/PR stuff
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You tilted your head slightly as you watched Bucky emerge from the pool, slicking his wet hair back out of his face, body dripping with cool droplets that sparkled in the afternoon sunlight.
Yeah, you were never going to get tired of this view.
“See somethin’ you like?” he grinned as he grabbed a towel and rubbed it over his hair before lowering it to dab off his shoulders and torso, his dog tags jingling lightly when he bumped against them.
“Yeah, why don’t you come over here and put that body on me?” you purred. He chuckled and stepped closer, tossing the damp towel aside before leaning down to climb onto your pool chair and hover above you; the dog tags hung low and tickled your stomach, making you giggle a little.
“I don’t know that I should, I actually have a girlfriend…” he explained, feigning hesitance as you sat up slightly to nibble at his jaw.
“You know, a lot of couples have a ‘celebrity pass,’ and I just so happen to be a celebrity… do you two have one of those?”
“Maybe we do,” he replied nonchalantly, raising an eyebrow.
“Who’s yours?”
“This really hot girl I saw once, in this really crappy movie,” he winked.
“Hey!” you laughed, shoving him back. “Which one of my movies is crappy?”
“What makes you think you’re the hot girl I’m talking about?” he countered.
“Oh, you’re really trying to get yourself in trouble.”
“Just to be clear— we’re not going to have any celebrity passes, right?" he frowned. "Because you know a lot of famous people and I don’t like those odds.”
You scoffed. “Definitely not.”
“Good. I can only handle one famous woman at a time anyways,” he chuckled.
He, meanwhile, would never get tired of waking up beside you, holding you before you were even really aware of anything yet, feeling you stir in his arms and snuggle up close to his chest.
“Bucky…” you mumbled sleepily into his shoulder.
“Yeah?” he whispered, smiling a little as your eyes fluttered but didn’t really open.
You just hummed and shifted again, looking so peaceful that he couldn’t help but kiss your forehead. “Mornin’, beautiful,” he purred.
And there was the best part of every morning: when you opened your eyes and looked up at him for the first time, and you smiled— actually smiled at the sight of him. He couldn’t remember the last time somebody was this happy to see him. He couldn’t imagine what he’d ever done to deserve it.
“Hi,” you greeted coyly.
“Hey there,” he grinned back. His eyebrow raised when he felt your foot delicately trail up the back of his leg, your hips beginning to straddle his. “Got somethin’ on your mind, pretty girl?”
He chuckled, always impressed (in the best possible way) by your insatiability. “Already?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “had a dream about you.”
“Care to enlighten me?” he prodded, rubbing your back with his metal hand.
“You had me bent over the bed…” you began, voice a bit lower than normal.
“Good start.”
“In my trailer," you finished.
“Oh, you’re filming in this dream?”
“Well, we weren’t filming right then," you grinned, and Bucky clenched his jaw just imagining the idea of filming you while he fucked you. Much too risky when celebrity sex tapes always seem to end up leaking, but a fun thought nonetheless. "But you made me promise to keep quiet in case somebody heard us. Said you didn’t want anybody else to know how I sound when I come.”
He smirked. “Seems like something I would say.”
“But really I liked the idea of everybody overhearing and knowing how good you make me feel… I want them all to know I’m yours.”
“Sounds like a nice dream,” he smirked, shivering slightly when you leaned in to start kissing his neck and jaw.
“Feel like making my dreams come true, stud?” you purred.
“Yes,” he admitted tensely, “but we don’t have time. You have a meeting at 9, remember?”
“No no no, we have time,” you assured. “We both know how fast you can make me come.”
“No point in doing something if you’re not gonna do it right,” he frowned, “and I don’t have time to do it right.”
“You really are just completely against quickies, aren’t you?”
“Morally and religiously, yes," he announced firmly as he puffed up his chest.
“Religiously?” you repeated with an eyeroll.
“Making you come at least three times is sacred,” he explained. “I worship your body. The shapes I make with my tongue on your clit? I’m spelling out my prayers.”
“You do spend a lot of time on your knees,” you remembered.
“Yeah, well, so do you,” he winked. “But you really do need to get up. And I need to shower before I go warm the car up.”
“Fine," you groaned, wrenching yourself out of his grasp and hopping out of bed.
"That's the spirit," he laughed, getting up with you and starting his own morning routine.
He had to keep you in check to make sure you were ready on time, but with a little encouragement he was able to get you in the car with even some time to spare. And since it was just the two of you and you weren't going to be seen getting out of the car, you could ride passenger and be closer to him.
"What's this meeting about again?" he asked as he took the car around the driveway and out of the front gate, starting the commute to the address you'd given him.
"Director wants me for a project, we're gonna talk about her vision and see if it's a good fit."
"Have you seen a script yet?" he asked, hoping that you'd let him take a look at it if you had.
"No, it's still being written, but the concept sounds amazing. I'll tell you all about it after the meeting," you promised.
He checked the estimated arrival time on the GPS screen and noticed it was even faster than he anticipated.
"Hey, we've got some room for error— do you wanna stop for breakfast?" he offered.
"I want breakfast, but I don't wanna stop," you decided.
"What, like drive-through?" he asked, but then you suddenly reached across the console and slid your hand over his thigh and right over his groin. "Oh, fuck."
You smirked as you leaned in a little bit, resting your head on his shoulder as he started to grow hard in your palm. "Keep your eyes on the road, okay?"
"O-okay," he nodded a little, shifting in his seat to make it easier for you to undo his belt and fly.
You reached into his boxers and wrapped your fingers around his shaft— even just that made him shiver and blink a few times to try to focus on driving. Your fingers were a little cold but it was welcome relief considering he was suddenly burning up.
A few strokes were enough to get him fully hard, and it took a deep breath to keep him together as you leaned your head down into his lap, giving a slow lick right over his tip. "Fuck," he whispered under his breath, but you definitely heard it because he could feel your smirk as you kissed up and down his length.
Just when he was about to beg for it, you wrapped your lips around him and sucked, gentle at first but slowly getting more aggressive as he fought the urge to buck up into your mouth.
"Oh god," he sighed, head falling back onto the headrest. Your tongue swiped over his slit where precum had gathered already, and it was just another reminder that you'd already found all his most sensitive places and planned to use them against him whenever you could.
A little hum echoing in your throat vibrated through his cock, making him hiss a little as you started to set your pace of bobbing up and down and stroking what you couldn't fit in your mouth. Little drops of your spit rolled down the shaft to his balls and if he wasn't trying to hard to look at the other cars on the road he would've let his eyes roll back in his head.
Finally, a red light gave him a chance to take his hands off the wheel and grab your hair, stroke your back, hold your face— he didn't really care what, he just needed to touch you.
"Baby," he groaned, "fuck, you're so good… keep sucking my cock, just like that, oh my god—"
A car horn tore him from the moment and made him realize the light had turned green. One hand quickly shot up to steer as he let his foot up off the brake, breathing through his teeth as you sucked him harder and deeper.
Just as he put his foot on the gas, you took him down your throat until your lips met with the very base of him, and the shock made his leg jerk and sent the car lurching forward.
You were laughing a little as you pulled off of him, still stroking his soaking wet length as you popped up to glance out the windshield and then up at him. "Drive much?"
"All the time," he defended breathlessly, "but, uh, not usually like this."
"You can handle it," you scoffed. "All you need to do is not hit any cars or poles or pedestrians. Just relax and let me get my breakfast…"
You went back down with a smirk as he exhaled sharply, silently promising himself that he was going to keep his cool and drive safely.
Instantly, the tip of your tongue just barely pushing into his slit sent that plan out the window, a loud moan echoing through the car and his eyes falling shut for only a moment.
"Jesus fucking Christ," he groaned.
You let out a coy little giggle before getting back into it, returning to your reliable pattern of stroking and sucking with the occasional venture into the back of your throat— but this time gaining speed steadily, making his toes curl inside his boots and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
His metal hand had a death grip on the steering wheel while his other stroked your hair and held you down just a moment longer each time your throat wrapped around his head.
"Fuck, baby, I'm gonna— oh god—" he tried to warn you.
You moaned approvingly, stroking your hand and bobbing your head faster.
His turn was coming up and he needed to get two lanes over, but at this point he accepted that he was going to miss the turn because he just needed to come down your throat right fucking now; he didn't even hear the GPS announcing that it was recalculating the route, he didn't even care that he was driving way too slow, all he could perceive was the feeling of your lips around him as he throbbed with each pump of his load onto your tongue.
"Fuuuuckkkk," he gasped as he held you down at your neck, making sure you got every drop. But that backfired pretty quickly when he let go and you still didn't come back up, sucking as if he hadn't come at all. "Oh— oh fuck!" he yelped, and his fears that his eyes would fall shut were gone because they were wide fucking open now, his breathing coming fast and hot through his teeth as your tongue refused to let up.
Your little moans made it clear this was not an accident, but a deliberate attack on his senses that made his entire body jolt.
He tried to pull you off of him, and you resisted for just a moment before finally giving him a break, popping up from his lap to swallow what was in your mouth and lick your lips with a prideful smirk. He allowed himself a quick glance at your satisfied expression as he laughed exhaustedly, still trying to catch his breath as you leaned back in your seat.
"You are…" he began, but he didn't even know where to start. "That was dangerous," he decided to inform you instead.
"But it was fun," you grinned.
Another red light gave him a chance to tuck his softened cock back into his jeans. "We're just a few minutes away, so I don't have time to return the favor," he realized with a frown.
"Don't sweat it, I get the feeling you're gonna more than make it up to me tonight."
"What makes you so sure?" he smirked, even though you were completely right.
"Because I'm gonna take you out somewhere fancy, and you always put out after I buy you dinner," you explained with a chuckle.
"It's cause every time we go out, I have to act all professional and stuff, so when we get home I just can't wait to get my hands on you again."
He pulled in to the parking garage of the studio, finding a spot before turning off the car. You were about to grab your bag but he pulled you into a kiss; not so desperate since he'd just come two minutes ago, but still plenty passionate as his tongue slid over yours in search of the taste of himself to remember what you'd done even clearer.
Your lips moved against his with a quiet little moan, so precious that he couldn't stop himself from gripping your waist tightly.
"You're sure you can't be a few minutes late?" he mumbled, barely pulling back as he reached up and held your face in his hands. "We could get in the back and you could ride me real quick."
"Ah ah ah, we know there's no 'real quick' with you, you said it yourself," you reminded him. "You'll say it's just to take the edge off and then I'll end up folded like a pretzel while you rail me for an hour."
He laughed; he couldn't deny that. "Fair enough. Go to your stupid meeting."
"It won't even take that long," you promised. "And I'll be thinking of you the whole time… hard not to when sucking you off got me so wet."
"Fuck," he growled, "you'd better leave now before I change my mind and make you stay."
You smiled and gave him a peck on the nose before opening the door and getting out of the car. He took a moment to watch you walk away before grabbing his newest borrowed book from the glovebox: Tuck Everlasting. You promised this one wouldn't make him cry which was the only way he agreed to read it because he couldn't handle another sad ending again. And, because he was a little too in love to think straight, he actually believed you.
He hadn't told you yet, though; it was way, way too early for him to feel this way at all, let alone tell you about it. For now, the two of you had something great going, and he didn't want to rush it. Well, he did want to rush it, but he knew he shouldn't, so he kept his feelings to himself for the time being.
You were heating up some Vietnamese leftovers on the stove (you’d taught Bucky to stop using the microwave to reheat noodles and now he would never go back) while your boyfriend relaxed on the couch, attempting to find something decent to watch with your meal.
“Hey, one of your movies is on later,” he noticed as he scrolled through the channels. “We could watch that.”
Maybe it was weird that you watched your own movies pretty often— after all, plenty of actors preferred to avoid seeing their own performance— but it made perfect sense to you; you took roles in the kinds of movies that you enjoyed watching and wanted to see more of. It wasn’t that you sought out something you’d been in to watch, and it definitely wasn’t that you didn’t cringe a little watching yourself, but you just happened to like a lot of the things that you’d been in. Plus, they brought back sweet memories. “Oh, which one?” you asked, focusing mainly on stirring the food in the wok.
“After Midnight,” he informed you, and your smile dropped.
“Oh. Um, I don’t like that one,” you dismissed quickly, “what else could we watch?”
“Really?” he pressed, unfortunately not following your segue. “It’s pretty popular… I never saw it, sorry, but I figured I should. Is it not good?”
“No, it’s good, it just—”
“Then what don’t you like about it?”
“Do you not know that I did that movie with Sam Wilson?” you finally blurted out.
“Oh…” he deflated slightly. “You two dated, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, over a year,” you remembered, sounding more somber than you intended.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up any bad memories,” he frowned, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
“No, it’s okay, it’s not bad memories,” you soothed.
“Well, I didn’t mean to bring up any good memories either,” he smirked. “I guess you guys were pretty serious?”
“I thought so,” you answered, leaving the silent second half hanging in the air: He didn’t.
“Kinda sucks you can’t watch your own movie just ‘cause your ex is in it,” he realized.
“Yeah, that one’s especially hard since that’s how we met and all… and I was basically the only person on the planet who didn’t watch Code Gray while it was on,” you remembered. “I mean, everyone was talking about it and I just had to smile and nod and try to ignore the big-ass billboards in LA with his face on them. You get used to that last part, though.”
“Maybe you get used to it, but I don’t think I will,” he admitted.
“I guess it’s easier when you’ve already seen your own face on a billboard,” you shrugged, turning off the stove and distributing the food into two bowls.
"That reminds me, I saw your perfume ad on the side of a skyscraper yesterday," he told you proudly.
"Oh yeah? How's it look?" you asked as you stuck some chopsticks into the food and brought it with you to the living room.
"Looks good, I guess, but it doesn't really look like you to me. You're so airbrushed I couldn't see all my favorite little details of your face," he admitted as you set the bowls on the coffee table.
"That's the nature of the game," you shrugged, joining him on the couch and relaxing against his chest as he embraced you.
“Dating in the public eye must be tough…” he mumbled. You twiddled your thumbs and wondered if that meant he didn’t want to go public with you. He must have sensed your discomfort; he always did. “What’s on your mind, beautiful?”
"Would you ever want to… you know… go public? I wouldn't blame you if you'd rather stay this way as long as possible—"
"What?!" he scoffed. "Baby… I don't care about the spotlight, for better or for worse, I just care about you. And I want to shout it from the fucking rooftops if you'll let me."
You grinned and snuggled up into his arms. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he hummed.
“We could, you know… start that process, if you wanted.”
“What about what you want?” he pressed instead.
“I want everybody to know,” you decided with a smile that you tried (and failed) to fight. “I want to be able to go out with you and not worry about who sees or how you touch me.”
He grinned and kissed you, gentle but a little bit less than innocent. "I want that too," he whispered.
"Then let's do it," you announced giddily. "But, let's have dinner first."
He was reading as he waited for you in bed, starting to pick up on the fact that you'd duped him into another heartbreaking read. He was about to confront you about it when you returned from the hallway, but you spoke first.
"I just got off the phone with my publicist," you informed him, "she thinks we should get papped together before I post about it on Instagram."
"'Get papped'?" he repeated incredulously as he slipped a bookmark between the pages and set the novel aside. "Is that some sort of hip slang for getting a pap smear because, I'll warn you now, I’m pretty sure anatomy dictates that we can't do that together."
"Paparazzi," you clarified unamusedly as you got in bed next to him. "She wants us to go to lunch or something and tip off a few photographers; it'll be in the gossip rags by tomorrow."
"God, being famous sounds weird as fuck," he shivered.
"You'll find out for yourself soon," you warned, half ominous and half humorous, as you laid your head on his chest. "You're gonna have your own following once this hits."
He grimaced a little, afraid of becoming slightly famous in his own rite just for dating you when he didn't actually have any talent worthy of attention or praise. “Oh god, I’m not gonna have to make an Instagram, am I?”
"No, but you might want to consider a tinted moisturizer," you pondered aloud as you suddenly examined his face closely.
He gently batted your hand away as you reached up to poke his cheek. "Okay, I get it, I'm old. Makeup ain't gonna fix that."
"You're not old," you laughed, "and it's not that there's anything wrong with your face, it's just that everybody looks washed out on camera and the magazines and their readers are fucking ruthless. If I go out without mascara they'll start running shit about how I'm turning into a crypt keeper. God forbid I wear a tight shirt after eating a massive burrito; they'll pick out baby names for me."
"Christ," he groaned.
"You still wanna do this right?" you asked quietly, shifting from joking to concerned so quickly.
"Of course," he assured, clutching your hand where it had been absent-mindedly rubbing over his chest hair. "Do you?"
"Yeah," you smiled, relaxing again. "I can't wait, honestly."
"Then let's do the lunch thing tomorrow. You have to help me pick what to wear, though." Your arms wrapped around his torso and hugged him tight. "Ooh, don't squeeze me so hard, I ate a lot of Vietnamese food," he frowned.
"Sorry," you giggled, still holding him close but applying less pressure. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, instinctively stroking your arm with his thumb for a moment before leaning over to turn off the lamp on his bedside table.
Yes, his bedside table, with a drawer full of his stuff. Next to your bed. It was like his wildest (yet most domestic) fantasies coming true and he was beside himself about it.
"G'night," you whispered, cuddling up closer to him.
"Goodnight," he whispered back, planting a kiss on the top of your head. He stayed awake just long enough to hear your breathing and feel your heartbeat as they slowed down, only then allowed himself to fall asleep as well.
You'd convinced him to stick to his usual style of 90% leather and denim, while you opted for the classic "I'm famous but I'm pretending I'm normal but I'm definitely not" look of jeans and a t-shirt that looked casual but actually cost nearly a grand combined. It was the ideal look for allegedly-candid pap pics, in your mind; unfortunately, the ribs were wanted to order were not part of that look, and you frowned a little as you ordered your salad and gave the menu back to your waitress.
"I'll have the same," Bucky mumbled quickly and handed his menu over as well, the waitress nodding before she stepped away.
"Salad? Really?" you questioned, fixing your hair for a moment since the breeze had messed it up slightly; you had to sit outside for visibility reasons, and thankfully the weather was gorgeous, but you could do without the wind.
"I'm not stupid, I know better than to unhinge my jaw to eat a burger when I'm going to be photographed," he chuckled. "I'm not hungry anyways, I'm too nervous."
"Don't be nervous," you dismissed, "all you have to do is sit here and not suppress the instinct to act like my boyfriend."
He reached forward and rested his hand on top of yours on the table, stroking your wrist with his thumb. "How about this?"
You smiled a little, feeling your face warm; sometimes he made you feel all shy and giddy like that, just from the simplest things.
“So, when are the paparazzi getting here?” he asked, breaking the silence that you hadn't even really noticed before, too lost in your thoughts.
“They’re already here. Across the street, behind those bushes.”
“Wha— oh my god,” Bucky gasped as he craned his head to see there were, in fact, cameras obscured behind the foliage, “they’re good!”
“Yeah, it’s too bad they use their powers for evil most of the time,” you frowned. “Spent a lot of time and money trying to keep less flattering pictures out of the papers.”
“How ‘less flattering’ are we talking here?” he pressed with a raised eyebrow.
“Unfortunate angles while getting out of a car… maybe a rendezvous on a balcony that we thought was totally private…”
“Do I want to know who the ‘we’ was?”
“Nope,” you grinned. "That's all in the past now… and right now I'm here with you." For emphasis, you slipped one of your shoes off and playfully trailed your foot up his leg.
"Careful there, honey, or you're gonna end up with some more dirty pictures to bribe some sleaze into deleting," he warned with a smirk.
"Just gotta make sure these pictures make it clear we're not just friends," you explained, shrugging a little but wiggling your toes as you moved just past his knee before going back down and slipping your shoe on.
"Maybe we're just really, really good friends."
"Ever gotten this personal at lunch with a really, really good friend?" you asked playfully.
"No, I don't think so…"
"Ever had sex in the bathroom of a really fancy restaurant?" you added, voice dropping as you grinned.
"No, and I never will," he laughed, "because the chances of getting caught are astronomically too high. We literally came here for the express purpose of getting caught."
"Yeah, fair enough," you deflated slightly, taking another bite of your salad.
It was easy after that: just talking with him as naturally as you always did. He glanced over at the hidden photographers occasionally but you'd all but forgotten they were there.
"Well, I think our job here is done," you decided after a half hour had passed. You stood up from your chair and he followed suit, but he stopped you before you turned away.
"Not quite yet," he smirked as he pulled you closer and into a kiss— one that just barely pushed into 'a little too steamy for out in public' territory. Even so, he was the one that had to pull away first because you quickly got so lost in it that you would've let him go on forever. "Now we're done."
"Yep, that'll do it!" you laughed, hugging him quickly before dropping a fifty on the table (it was a 40% tip but who cares) and leading him back to the car.
His phone was already set to give him news updates about you, and he smirked when he checked it after dinner only to see your plan already in motion so easily.
New photos spark Y/N Y/L/N dating rumors
Is Y/N Y/L/N dating again after highly-publicized romance with ‘Code Gray’ star Sam Wilson?
‘Touch of Blood,’ ‘After Midnight’ Star Spotted At More-Than-Friendly Lunch with Her Bodyguard
Y/N Y/L/N and Mystery Guy Get Frisky Over Salads at Lazan Bistro In The Lower East Side
“Now we just have to wait until tomorrow,” you smirked. “Is it weird that I’m all jittery about it? I mean, it doesn’t really matter, cause we’re the only thing that matters, but—”
“No, it’s okay, I’m excited too,” he agreed, setting his phone down and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Although I am enjoying my last day of anonymity.”
“Soak it in, Bucky-boy, most of us don’t get the chance to really appreciate it before it’s gone,” you giggled. “You should go out and celebrate— go grocery shopping, see a movie, something I can’t do anymore.”
“If you can’t do it anymore, does that mean you’re not coming with me?”
“That’s sort of the point.”
“But I’ll miss you…”
“You’re so needy,” you rolled your eyes. “But I like it,” you added with a peck to his cheek.
“Need anything from the grocery store? Or the movie theater?”
“All I need is a kiss before you go,” you decided.
He purred and pulled you a little closer, ghosting his lips over your cheek. “Do I get to pick where it is?”
“Above the belt,” you scolded playfully.
“That still gives me plenty of options,” he smiled as he leaned down to lift your shirt up, deciding to place his slow, gentle kiss onto your nipple. He wrapped his lips around it carefully, circling his tongue around the bud as it hardened.
“Oh fuck,” you sighed, weaving your fingers into his hair.
He grinned and looked up at you, pulling away just a little too soon to hear your pretty whines. Who’s the needy one now? “Can I give you one more kiss, on the other one?”
“Only in the interest of symmetry,” you smirked, moaning when he moved to the other nipple and sucked it a little harder than the last. He let his teeth just barely graze the sensitive skin, your body jolting in his arms at the sensation.
“Oh, I bit this one but not the first one,” he realized, “so I’m gonna have to go back. For symmetry.”
He kissed his way back and gave a rough lap over it before sucking it between his lips and using his teeth just like he’d promised. “God, just fuck me.”
“Really? I thought you wanted me to go out without you,” he remembered.
“Later,” you sighed, “need you now.”
A prideful grin stretched over his face as he stood back up and held you tight, tapping your back to instruct you to jump into his arms and wrap your legs around his hips— which you did instinctively, much to his delight. “Okay, pretty girl, let’s get you to bed.”
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Tempting Offer
EZ Reyes x OFC (Aanya Reyes)
Request by @garbinge: Ok and 43 with whoever your heart desires as well cause I’m a sucker for a good ol true love trope (from This List)
Warnings: so much fluff
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: I’m still not out of my writing slump. Still got a lot going on. But Anj sent me this request literal months ago and it’s been living in my brain ever since. Plus, I haven’t updated Remind Me in a hot minute so I figured doing a fluffy little prequel/spinoff would be a nice change of pace for a story that is so heavy with angst haha. I have a future chapter planned that actually references what happens in this story, so I’m excited to be able to share the real context for it all with you guys. Hope you enjoy! xo
EZ Reyes/Remind Me Taglist: @ly--canthrope @noz4a2 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @kelpies-shed @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @mayans-sauce @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @themoonandthewicked @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction @encounterthepast @everyhowlmarksthedead @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop @xladymacbethx @blessedboo @holl2712 @lakamaa12 @masterlistforimagines @kkim120 @toni9 @shadow-of-wonder @crowfootwrites @redpoodlern @punkgoddess-98 @black-repunzel99 @lexondeck @mrsstevenbuchananstark @berniesilvas @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @amorestevens @angelreyesisdaddy04​ @samcrobae​ @langiinspirations​ @bigcreatorwombatdreamer​ @lightblindingme​ 
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She knew who was at the door before she’d even heard the knock. She laughed as she made her way through her apartment, trying to slide her earring into place as she did. Pausing in front of her door, she took a moment to take a deep breath and get herself mentally prepared. It wasn’t their first date, but she still had the jitters as though it was.
Undoing the chain on the apartment door, she pulled it open. EZ was standing on the other side, hands hooked onto his belt since he hadn’t worn his kutte this time. Without a second thought his eyes scanned her over, a smile immediately taking over his features the longer that he looked at her.
“You look beautiful,” he nodded.
She bit down on her lip for a moment, her face heating up at the compliment, “Thank you,” stepping back, she waved for him to come in, “You can come in, I just gotta grab my shoes and purse and I’ll be good to go.”
“Take your time,” he lingered close to the door, glancing around her apartment.
It was the first time he’d ever stepped inside. He’d picked her up and dropped her off the last few times they went out, but he never went past the threshold of her place. She didn’t necessarily offer, and he wasn’t going to push it if she wasn’t ready or comfortable. However, as he stood there and looked around her living room and into what he could see of the kitchen, it seemed exactly like the kind of place she would live. It also made him very nervous to ever have her over at his trailer. Her apartment felt so fresh, all warm colors and walls covered with bookshelves. The one big set of windows that she had, had a bench with a few plants on it that were coming along well for being in a small apartment.
“Alright,” she was pulling the back of her shoe over her heel as she half walked, half hopped towards him. Standing upright as she landed in front of him, she flashed him a smile, “I’m ready.”
“You sure?” he chuckled.
“Positive,” she motioned for him to open the door, both of them walking through before she turned to lock it behind them. As she followed him, tucking her keys into her purse, she asked, “So do I get to know where we’re going tonight? Or is it a big surprise?”
He smiled at her as they walked down the flight of stairs to the ground floor of her apartment building, “It’s not a big secret.”
“Are we taking the bike?”
He shook his head, “It’s within walking distance.”
“Ooo,” she smiled over at him, “now you’ve got my attention.”
As the two of them walked along the sidewalk, EZ listened with genuine interest as Aanya recounted her day to him. He reveled in her stories of new books that she’d gotten into, and strange customers that she’d encountered during her day. Although if EZ was being honest with himself, he would have sat there and listened to her read every page of the phone book and he still would’ve kept his interest. She had more love in her words than most people had in their entire bodies, and he was captivated.
He stopped outside the door to a small diner, smiling over at Aanya before pulling the door open for her, “Right this way.”
Her face lit up, “I haven’t been here yet!” she walked through the door and turned around to face him, “I always meant to come here and just never made the time.”
EZ nodded as the two of them walked and found a booth to sit in, “My pops is really good friends with the woman who owns the place—she’s been buying from him for years.”
“You know,” Aanya casually flipped through the menu, “I’ve been to your father’s shop plenty of times and I’ve never seen you there.”
The statement got him to look up from the menu, “You’ve been to the shop?”
She laughed, looking over at him, “Of course. Only butcher in town, Ezekiel.”
“He’s never mentioned that he sees you.”
“Something tells me your father isn’t one for gossip,” she laughed for a moment before she paused, “You talked to him about me?” her lips curled into a smile.
“Well,” he drummed his fingers on the tabletop as he bit back a shy smile, “yea. Of course.”
They’d long since finished their dinner, but the two of them were perfectly content to just sit at the table and talk. The waitress knew EZ well enough and she very casually brought over coffee for each of them when she saw how good of a time the two of them were having. It’d been a long time since she saw EZ bring anyone around, let along someone who had him smiling the way that he was.
“I just can’t believe,” Aanya laughed between sips of her coffee, “that I’ve already met your brother. I should’ve known! I should’ve known that was him.”
“Why would you have known?” EZ chuckled.
“Because he was at your father’s shop! And he had on, you know the,” she gestured vaguely to her shoulders and chest, “the vest.”
EZ smiled, “The kutte?”
“Yes!” she pointed at him and nodded, “The kutte.”
“I feel like maybe I should mention that not everyone in a Mayans kutte is a Reyes brother. Angel just so happens to be both.”
She chuckled, nodding, “I figured that much.”
“I think Pop would lose his mind if there were any more of us,” he smiled.
Aanya laughed, “I think Felipe is usually on the brink of losing his mind anyway.”
“Raising Angel will do that to you,” he replied without missing a beat, both of them laughing.
“I’m sure you weren’t a cakewalk either, Ezekiel.”
“Well what makes you say that?” he leaned back in the booth, feigning offense before giving in and laughing.
Shaking her head and taking a moment to finish her coffee, she replied, “Your very sweet and handsome smile doesn’t fool me, EZ. I’m sure you’re just as much of a troublemaker as your brother.”
“You think I’m handsome?” he smirked.
Laughing, she nodded, “Of course I do.”
The two of them walked back to Aanya’s apartment. Along the way she’d casually linked her arm with his, leaning against his side as they walked. EZ tried not to get too lost in the sensation of it, trying to focus on what she was saying to him. He was trying to focus but there was something so comfortable, so right, about the feeling of her leaning into him the way that she was.
They made their way up the stairs, and EZ leaned against the wall next to her door as he watched her slip the key into the lock. The smile on his face was practically a permanent feature whenever he was with her, and it had been a long time since someone made him feel that way.
“I had a really good time tonight, Ezekiel,” Aanya leaned against her doorframe with a smile.
He adored the way his name sounded coming from her. With a slight nod, he replied, “Me too.”
“I’ll give you a call tomorrow when I’m done with work?”
“Yea, yea that works,” he reached forward and gently slid his hand into hers, “Let me know if any of the new deliveries look any good.”
“I always think they look good,” she chuckled, “If you want a real critic’s opinion, you should come in and talk to Laura. It’s…it’s hard for me to find a book I don’t like.”
“If you want, I can bring you some pretty terrible books.”
Rolling her eyes, she laughed, “Tempting offer, but I’ll pass.”
“Alright, but you’re missing out.”
“I guess I’ll have to live the rest of my life knowing that,” she laughed, shaking her head. Looking up and meeting his gaze, her smile softened, “Thank you for tonight. Get home safe, okay?”
“Always do,” he smiled before lifting her hand up and pressing a light kiss to her knuckles, “Talk to you tomorrow.”
Standing up onto her toes, she placed a brief kiss on his cheek, “Goodnight, Ezekiel.”
“Goodnight,” he smiled as she walked through the door and closed it behind her. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself not to linger as he made his way back down the stairs, replaying the night over in his head with a smile.
The next morning, both EZ and Angel had shown up to the carnicería first thing to help Felipe with a large delivery. Angel had immediately gotten on his little brother’s case when he saw what a good mood he was in. EZ had always been the biggest morning person out of the three men, but even with that being true he still seemed peppier than usual. After a lot of questioning from Angel as they carried in one box after another, he caved and told them about his date from the night before.
Angel shook his head, wiping sweat from his brow, “No way. No way she’s real, bro. I just don’t buy it.”
“What do you mean you don’t buy it?” EZ laughed and shook his head, “She literally stops here all the time. She’s seen you here!” he gestured to the shop in its entirety.
“Really?” Angel seem perplexed, “She talk to me before?”
“I’m assuming not if you don’t remember.”
“Not everyone’s got a memory like yours, Boy Scout.”
“Nah, but you’d remember her.”
Angel rolled his eyes, mocking his brother, “You’d remember her. Jesus, EZ. Two dates with this girl and you’re already in love with her?”
“Four dates.”
“But who’s counting?” Angel smirked, “Look, I’m very happy for you and your very real girlfriend.”
EZ gave his brother a shove, but before it could descend into an all-out wrestling match, Felipe started ushering them both towards the door, “Go finish this somewhere that I don’t need to pay for everything you break.”
“Love you too, Pop,” Angel laughed as he let his father push them both out the door, the sign on it still saying that the shop was closed.
Despite the fact that they didn’t get to talk for their whole ride over to the clubhouse, as soon as they parked their bikes Angel was right back to giving EZ grief for the girlfriend he was convinced didn’t exist. EZ shook his head and laughed, taking the jokes and low-level verbal abuse in stride the way he always did. He knew that arguing past a certain point just made it all that much more fun for Angel.
By the time the afternoon rolled around, Angel had moved on from making fun of EZ and has started going in on Coco and Gilly. EZ couldn’t say that he was upset about his brother’s shift in attention. He did, however, find himself frequently checking his phone to see if she’d texted or called. It wasn’t often that she messaged him while she was working, but it didn’t hurt to check.
He was just about to slide the phone back into the pocket of his kutte when it started to vibrate. Glancing down at the screen, he smiled when he saw Aanya’s name lighting up the screen, “Hey.”
“Hey!” her voice was bright, happy, on the other end of the line, “I’m just getting ready to leave—they got someone else in to close up tonight.”
“Oh, nice. I’m, um, I’m still at the scrapyard,” his free hand gripped the edge of his kutte.
“That’s fine, I figured. I thought of you earlier, though, when I was going through the new shipment of books that came in.”
“Did you?” he scuffed the toe of his boot against the dirt.
“I did. There’s one in here that I think you’ll really like. Can I swing by and drop it off?”
“You don’t gotta drive all the way out here. I can swing by your place if you want.”
“It’s fine, really. Besides, I have all this extra time on my hands now,” she laughed.
“Alright,” he didn’t have it in him to tell her no, “If you don’t see me, the guy Chucky who works the front office can come and get me.”
“Perfect. Alright, I’ll see you in a little bit.”
He knew that telling Angel that she was coming was only going to make the situation worse. If there was no time for him to prepare comments beforehand, there was the possibility that EZ could just do a normal introduction. It helped that everyone was relatively busy with club business.
EZ was walking back down the steps of the clubhouse, about to head towards the front office when he saw Aanya walking next to Chucky. The two of them were talking and EZ couldn’t help but to take on her contagious smile. He couldn’t hear what the two of them were saying but Aanya looked thoroughly amused, and knowing Chucky he had to assume it was something good. When she locked eyes with him across the yard, EZ could see her thanking Chucky before turning and heading in his direction. EZ immediately spotted the book hanging from her hand as she walked up to him.
“He seems so fun,” she nodded back over her shoulder in Chucky’s direction.
“Yea,” EZ laughed, “he’s somethin’ alright.”
EZ was too busy looking at the woman in front of him to see that Angel had seen her come onto the yard, watching intently as she walked over to his brother. Angel saw as the woman laughed at something his brother said, and for a second he really couldn’t believe that EZ had been being honest with them this whole time. Angel really thought that his little brother had just been exaggerating to get him and the rest of the club off his back.
“Looks like you’ve been working hard,” Aanya smiled as she reached up, cupping one side of his face in her hand as she thumbed a streak of dirt off his cheek with her thumb.
He felt like his skin was on fire at the contact, but he tried not to let it show, “Just trying to stay busy.”
“That makes two of us,” she laughed, “I hope you don’t mind me just popping up like this. I don’t want to intrude on everything you’ve got here.”
“You’re not intruding. If anything, you’re a very welcome distraction,” he chuckled.
“At least I’m welcome,” she smiled.
“Always,” he couldn’t stop looking at her.
The two of them stood there for a few moments before Aanya cleared her throat, remembering why she’d shown up at the scrapyard in the first place. She held the book close to her chest for a moment before handing it over to EZ.
“Just came in today, so I haven’t read it. But I read the first chapter or so while it was slow this afternoon and it seemed like something you’d enjoy.”
“I’ll be sure to write up a full report when I’m done with it,” he smiled.
“Lucky for you, I grade papers as generously as I review books,” she laughed, resting her hand against his chest. Her fingertips traced along the stitching of the leather covering his torso. Looking at his prospect patch for a moment, she looked back up at him, “Kutte.”
He laughed, nodding, “You got it.”
“It’s my one new piece of information for the week.”
“That and all the first chapters of books you’re going to be reading for the rest of the week,” he gave her a knowing look.
“Like you wouldn’t do the same thing if you worked there,” she lightly patted his chest.
“Maybe,” he rested the hand that wasn’t holding the book over hers, completely enveloping it.
“I don’t know how late you need to be here tonight, but if you want to come over later, you can.”
He raised his eyebrows, surprised by the invitation, “Yea?”
She nodded, “Yea. If you have plans with your brother or something I totally understand. Just thought I’d mention it.”
“I’ll be there,” he didn’t have plans, but even if he did he would’ve dropped everything for her, “I’ll give you a call when I leave here in case you need anything.”
“Sounds good!” she felt her heart beating a little faster in her chest, “Alright. I’ll let you get back to work. I’ll see you tonight?”
He nodded, “See you tonight.”
He was expecting her to flash him a smile and a wink before turning and walking away. But, much to his surprise, she gently cupped both sides of his face in her hands and pulled him down into a kiss. It took him a moment to really register what was going on, but once he did, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. He could feel the way she smiled into their kiss and in that moment, he realized that there was nothing else in the world that he’d rather do. He’d drop damn near any and everything to be able to kiss her like that all the time.
She pulled away, hands still resting on the sides of his face. She smiled as she took in the slightly dazed look on his face. Tracing her thumbs along his cheeks, she gave him a soft peck on the lips, “Bye,” she let out a quiet laugh.
It was hard to get himself to force out the one-syllable word as he stared at her. He’d never been good at taking things slow, and as he stood there looking at her, seeing the way that she was practically glowing, he knew that he was very quickly falling in love with her. He wished he knew how to articulate the way that she made him feel, but instead he settled for getting his thoughts enough to say goodbye to her until he saw her again later.
He’d offered to walk her back to her car but she waved him off, insisting that she was fine and if nothing else Chucky would gladly escort her, which EZ knew was true. He watched her as she sauntered back towards her car and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. His fingers curled tighter around the book in his hands, pressing it against his chest.
The feeling of his phone vibrating in his pocket snapped him out of his daze. He reached into his kutte and pulled it out, sighing when he saw that Angel had sent a picture to the group chat with all the guys. Not knowing what to expect, he opened the message and saw a picture of himself and Aanya, one hand on his cheek while the other held the book. The next message was a text from Angel, one that made EZ shake his head, “Guess boy scout wasn’t lying after all. She’s real”
Before EZ could try to respond and come to his own defense, Gilly sent a message to the chat, “Still don’t buy it. I wasn’t there. Didn’t happen”
Knowing that it was just going to descend further into chaos, EZ decided he might as well play into it, “Alright. Guess you won’t care if I leave early to go and see my not real girlfriend then. See you guys tomorrow”
Angel called out to him from across the yard when he read the message, “Hey, hey. I don’t think I said all that!” Angel walked over to his brother, laughing the entire time, “Nah, nice to see she’s a real person.”
“Yea, that’s one of my favorite things about her,” EZ chuckled and shook his head, tucking the new book close to his chest.
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Love On-Set (Pt. 09 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Word count: 2.9 K
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
<- Previous part (08)
Next part (10) ->
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
The Heart Is A Wild Creature
The good part is that you passed out more from exhaustion than from the metal bar hitting your face, and the wound on the apple of your cheek is small. The bad part is that you have a concussion, and the doctor said you have to rest for ten days. Which means the shooting will be frozen for all this time. You tried telling them you're fine, because you feel fine putting aside the headache, but James said he won't put you through all the stress of shooting at the risk of getting you more hurt than you are now.
So there's nothing else to do. After you shower and change out of Amy's outfit, you head out of the dressing room happy to find only Dacre by the door and not everyone else. They were pretty worried, talking all at the same time and pissing off the doctor more than once. Giving Dacre a small smile, you watch as he takes the bag from your hand.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, a hand on the small of your back as he guides you through the set.
“The headache is fading thanks to the painkillers but every now and then I feel dizzy.” Shrugging your shoulders, you touch the small wound on your cheek. “Who would guess such a small thing would give me a freaking concussion.“
“James said someone miscalculated something.” You can see your trailer at a distance, and you brace yourself when a cold wind blows. “He was mad. It could get someone badly hurt, maybe even killed.”
“I bet he fired the guy.”
“On the spot.”
When you get to your trailer, you go straight to the bed, resisting the urge to just throw yourself on it, and instead just lying down carefully. “A freaking concussion. Can you believe that?” Hugging a pillow, you lie on your stomach. Dacre soon joins you, lying on his side so he can look at you.
“You scared the hell out of me,” Dacre says, and you move to be on your side too. In the last two weeks or so, you've been sharing his hotel room, as well as his bed. So you're used to this proximity, but it doesn't mean you don't feel a little nervous.
“I got pretty scared too.” You mutter, looking at your hands. “Ten days off. It's way too much.”
“Yeah, I was kinda hoping the shootings would be over soon.” His tone changes and you furrow your eyebrows. You want it to end too, to get some well-deserved vacation after these rough months. You don't even know if you'll be called for the next season, since Amy's ending is still a mystery. James won't tell until you have to shoot the scene. The same goes for Billy.
“Why? I mean, I want some vacation too, but... It sounds like you have some other reason.” It might be sleep overwhelming you, or the trailer that decided to spin around, but you move closer to him, hiding your face on the crook of his neck. “You're warm.”
“Let me...” Trying not to move too much, Dacre pulls the blankets, wrapping them around both of you. “I just want us to go back to LA. So we could have, Uhm... A normal life, you know. Go out on dates without worrying about rushing back to a hotel.”
He's right. Going out now is always a mess. You barely have time, and you're either rushing to get to set or to the hotel and somehow manage to get some sleep and be well-rested for the next day. “It would be nice, but...” You can't help but think about it. What you have with Dacre is good, is amazing, but it's not official. People on the internet are talking about it since there are new pictures of you two together being posted on Instagram on a daily basis. But that's them, and this is you. Two different things entirely.
“What?” He mutters, and you wonder how long it'll take until you fall asleep.
“I was just thinking that... We're... You know...” Your cheeks are burning, and you're thankful he can't see it now.
“You know you can tell me everything.” His voice sounds distant now, and you only mutter something in response, your head spinning a little as you breathe in deeply, sleep overcoming you.
“Yeah... We should be dating by now, but that's ok.” Whispering, you lazily pull the blankets closer. “But I'll get some sleep now. Love you.” Then you let your body sink into a peaceful, calming sleep.
You're aware of the sunlight, coming through the window and making you close your eyes tighter. You don't want to wake up yet, and since the first thing that comes to your mind was that metal thing hitting you in the face, you know you won't be shooting anything today. So why bother? It's probably pretty early yet. Pulling the blanket over your head, some undistinguished chattering fills your ears, and you furrow your eyebrows. Who's being so loud this early in the morning? And why are they hanging around so close to your trailer?
“Oh, my.” A low voice says, and it is very, very close. But it can't be Dacre. Dacre hasn't even moved yet.
Slowly, you push the blanket away, raising your head from Dacre's chest just to check what's going on. But when you see a bunch of people by the end of the bed, standing like a small crowd of idiots, you're suddenly wide awake, sitting up straight, a yell caught up on your throat as your sleepy brain struggles to process what's going on. “What. The hell!” You shout at your co-stars, who also seem to be a little surprised. Joe and Gaten have their eyes wide, Natalia is just smirking, and Noah and Charlie are exchanging a glance. You're still working on why they have this stupid look on their faces when the mattress moves as Dacre sits up as well. Then you already know.
“I knew something was going on but... Guys...” Joe mumbles and your eyes get when Noah picks up his phone, turning the camera at you.
“Gimme that!” You yell, crawling through the bed and grabbing Noah's phone as he tries to set it free from your hands. It doesn't take much until you're both laughing, trying to make each other fall.
“Hey, hey. Both of you.” Dacre raises his voice, and soon enough he's separating the two of you, but you smile victoriously since Noah's phone ends up in your possession. “You can't move like that. You have a concussion, remember?”
“I'm alright.” As you say it, you feel yourself losing balance. Holding on to Dacre, you shrug your shoulders. “A little dizzy, but besides that, I'm ok.” Quickly, you go through Noah's camera, happily noticing he didn't have time to take any pictures. “Here. Better luck next time.”
“I'll be ready.” He says with a smile.
“Hey, my people. The van is waiting.” Millie shouts and moving to the side a little, you see as she opens the door and comes in. So that's how they got in. You didn't lock the door last night.
“Millie you're not gonna believe it.” Noah starts, running off, away from where you could reach.
“Well, we just came to say that the van is ready to take us back to the hotel.” Joe, being the idiot he always is, teasing the hell out of you, says in a fake, mean voice. “You're very welcome.”
Rolling your eyes, you wait for them to leave before gathering your stuff. You decide to take it all back to the hotel since it'll be ten days until you have to get back here. You also wait for Dacre to do the same, and you're happy to know that nobody noticed his things are here too. Then you head to the van, holding on his arm because he basically forced you too, despite you feeling completely well. You both take the usual sit, on the back, ignoring people's stare. Well, you're ignoring and blushing, trying not to let them see it.
But something is off. All the way to the hotel, Dacre is silent, thoughtful. When you're nearby, just about to enter the parking lot, you lightly elbow him. “Hey... Is everything alright?”
He nods, giving you a small smile. “Yes, it's just... Remember when I said you talk in your sleep?”
“Remember when I told you not to listen?” You feel relieved when he giggles.
“Well, it's more like when you're almost falling asleep. It's cute, actually.” As he speaks, the van stops and you move to get out. “But you said something important and we need to talk about it.”
“Ok.” Swallowing hard, you nervously run a hand through your hair.
In the elevator, you keep up with the small talk, managing even to make sassy comments at Francesca. But when you get to the hotel room, you can't help but try to remember what you might have said, but nothing comes to your head. Biting your lip and taking a deep breath, you leave your luggage on the hall that leads to the bedroom and moves to sit on the couch. Dacre joins you soon after, and when he opens his mouth to speak, your phone starts ringing.
“Sorry. I'll just hang up.”
“It's alright. You can answer it.”
“Are you sure?” Holding your phone towards him so he can see it's Natalia. Whenever Natalia calls, it's not just to say something.
Squinting your eyes at his expression, you answer the call, bringing the phone to your ear. “Hey, Nat. What's up?”
“Where the hell are you?” She basically yells, and there's a laughing Millie on the background, saying something you can't understand. “We knocked on your door and this completely random person showed up.”
“Oh...” You haven't told them yet, but you probably should. Giving Dacre a glance, he furrows his eyebrows, a question on his eyes. “I... I kinda checked out of my room and then checked in to another room.” The sentence sounds a little confusing, and you roll your eyes at Dacre's fun expression.
“And why haven't you said anything? Where are you?”
“Uhm...” Looking down, you feel the heat spreading through your cheeks. “Do I really have to say...?”
There's a moment of silence before Natalia takes a deep breath. “She's in Dacre's room.” She mutters, probably to Millie before hanging up. They won't let this go. Ever.
“I think they're coming here.”
“You think? I'm sure.”
“Dacre, I–”
“Hey, relax, alright.” He cuts you short, leaning closer to place a sweet kiss on your lips. “I promise what I want to talk about isn't bad.” You breathe out, relieved. “So let's see what they want and we can talk later. We kinda have a lot of time in the next ten days.”
“Alright.” Taking a deep breath you move to get the door, and when you open it, Natalia, Millie, and Sadie are coming from the elevator. “Hey, girls.”
“I can't believe you let me knock on someone else's door.” Natalia starts as Millie gives you a meaningful stare before just walking inside with Sadie.
“I didn't know they'd give my room to someone so quickly.”
“Since when you've been sleeping here?”
“A while...” When you try to remember exactly when, your head starts pounding a little harder, so you just give up.
“Look, I was promised a group reunion, movie night, and room service.” Sadie raises her voice from the inside, and both you and Nat move to the living room. “Can we get this going?”
Sadie got what she was promised. A few moments later everyone is here, fighting about which movies you'll be watching and then fighting over what you'll eat. Dacre has to tell them to keep it low every time someone's voice starts rising, but you wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the headache.
Hours later, after three movies already, Gaten joins Millie on an Instagram live. And of course, since you're the newest couple, even though you're not official, she turns the camera at you and Dacre, seated on the couch with his arm around your shoulders. She talks about the accident and how Dacre, apparently too far from you, ran like a lightning bolt when he saw the metal bar hitting you. And you really hope her phone camera won't get that you're blushing.
“Alright, people. I love you, but I gotta go...” She waves at the camera, smiling and spinning around so everyone has a chance to wave too. “But let's end this with a kiss from our OTP. What do you think?”
It doesn't take a genius to know who she's talking about. “If we do this, it'll become public so we should just–”
“Look at them. So cozy together.” She sing-songs, gesturing for you to get it done. “C'mon. Kiss the girl.”
You were just about to protest, to say anything to make her let it go when Dacre's hand come to your chin, pulling you close until his lips connect to yours. You weren't planning on kissing him right back, since it'd be better to just keep it simple, but it's stronger than you. And there's this thing in your head that turns everything off the moment Dacre's lips touch yours. So you're quickly deepening the kiss, a hand holding the collar of his shirt.
“Uhm... Alright, alright.” Millie says, and it makes you pull away with your cheeks burning. “That was even better than I thought, so... Goodbye, everyone.” When she ends the live, she gives you a stare and a smirk, to which you roll your eyes. “When are the two of you becoming official? I expect a formal announcement.”
“You're very nosy, did you know that?” Dacre says and Millie shows off her tongue. “Well, I don't know if you guys have any plans for tonight, but I do, so...”
“Are you kicking us out?” Gaten asks, crossing his arms.
“Good to know you got it.”
“They're planning a romantic night, that's so cute,” Sadie adds, making everyone mutter something stupid at the two of you.
Even so, it takes half an hour for the last conversations to end and for the whole group to leave. When you close the door after saying goodbye to Noah and Finn, you make your way back to the living room.
“Alright. I'm dying over here so let's just talk. What did I say?”
“You said you love me.” Dacre just bursts out from his place, standing by the coffee table.
You don't know what to say. It's too early for that... Right? Even though you have this feeling, it's way too early to let him know that. Biting your lip, you look down, unable to sustain his stare. “Oh...” Nervously, you run a hand through your hair. “I'm sorry. I know it's too early for this, I just–”
“Do you?” He cuts you off, sitting beside you.
“Do I what?” It's a stupid question, but it comes out anyway.
“Do you love me?” With his index finger under your chin, Dacre lifts up your head until you're staring into this amazing ocean blue eyes.
There's no other possible answer, just the truth. The overwhelming, crushing truth. You've been trying to hold back your feelings, but the heart is a wild creature, or so they say, and it wants what it wants. It loves who it loves, and nobody can control it. “Yes.” You mutter, voice weak and low because wild hearts can also be broken, and that's the last thing you want. “I know it's too early to say that, but when I'm sleepy the words just come out and I can't control them.”
A laugh escapes his lips. “I've been telling myself to hold back. That it was too early to call it love but I guess it's just how it's supposed to be with us.”
“What... What do you mean?”
“I'm completely, wholeheartedly in love with you and I never thought it was even possible to love someone this much.” Dacre cups your cheeks, placing a delicate kiss on your nose. “I know it happened fast, and quite unusual if you ask me, but it was perfect. The truth is that the only reason why I went to talk to you on your first day on set was because I couldn't stop thinking about you since we shoot that scene for season 2.” As he speaks, a smile comes to your lips. Not in a million years you'd think you'd catch Dacre's eyes. “It took a hell of a long time, and that love at first sight thing was wearing off but when I saw you again... It came back like an avalanche. So I had to go and talk to you and ever since... You're everything I can think about.”
“So...” Biting back a smile, you wrap your arms around his neck. “What happens when two people are in love with each other?”
“Correct me if I'm wrong but they start dating.”
“They start dating.” You repeat, standing on your toes.
“So it's official now.” He states. “We can change our Facebook status.”
“Dacre, we don't have a Facebook account.” Giggling, you remind him, your lips brushing on his.
“Then I'll make one just so I can update my status.”
“Or you can just kiss me already and be done with it.” You suggest, smiling victoriously when his arms encircle your waist, pulling you even closer to his body.
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelaninn @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines @peakascum @thisbreakableheaven @nope-thanks
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bungou-stray-dingus · 4 years
Hello! If requests are open, can I please request a scenario where Mori and Akutagawa's s/o (separate) is in labor but problems arise with the birth. The baby comes out safely, but s/o loses too much blood and is in danger of dying. How would the two react to a very real chance of losing the love of their life? Ending is up to you. Angst is just my main request. Thank you!! 😊
A/N : OOOOH I LOVE ANGST! What a great request! I Love this!!! Thank you love~~ I got slightly carried away with Akutagawas... oops! I hope you enjoy though!
T/W : Birth Scenario; Blood; Near Death Experience; Reader! Death; Angst; All Around Sadness;
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You looked so beautiful, the lighting in the room illuminated your sweat covered features, but you continued to smile up at him, squeezing his hand tighter with every contraction. He never thought that he would be lucky enough to meet someone like you, someone who loved him even when everyone else thought he was evil, sadistic, manipulative, he could go on forever, but you saw the good in him. You brought out the best part of him, all the love that he had, the love that he believed he would never be able to give anyone, he was able to give it to you, and he didn't want to give it to anyone else... that is, until you told him you were pregnant.
Finding out that you were expecting his child seemed like a miracle to him. Having a child of his own, a child that would be part him and part you, it was a dream come true. Whenever he thought about his child he would get this silly grin on his face, gazing off into space as he imagined what they would look like, what they would be like, he already had his child's future planned out. This was the most exciting, and the most important time in his life.
"We're going to make a beautiful family, aren't we dearest?" He murmured, his lips brushing against your temple as he spoke. The doctors were in the room, checking to see how dilated you were, checking the babies heart rate, everything was going great.
"Alright Mrs. Ougai. Looks like the little one is ready to come out. Let's get you ready." The doctors had your legs lifted in the stirrups, a light shone down between yours legs. Two other doctors helped keep your legs back at the end of the bed, while Mori and the midwife stayed up near your head, holding your hands as you began pushing. "You're doing great! Let's get a deep breath, and then I want you to push as hard as you can. Let's get that head out!"
Being in the Port Mafia had brought you your fair share of pain, you had been shot, you had been stabbed, at least before you had begun your relationship with Mori. Those things, that pain, that was nothing compared to this. It felt like fire, you understood now why many people called it the burning ring, it was terrible. Not only that, it felt like your bones were being broken over and over, crushed, snapped, ran over by a tractor trailer, it was awful. "I see the head, dear. You're so amazing." Mori whispered in between kisses that he pressed to your forehead.
One more push and he was out. Your beautiful son, his head was covered in raven black hair just like his fathers. "Our wonderful Hideo is here. You did fantastic, my dear." You heard his voice, but it felt like you were drifting, but it wasn't from the exhaustion of the labor process... it's like... you couldn't keep your eyes open no matter how hard you tried.
"Doc! Doctor! She won't stop bleeding!" One of the nurses yelled, but for some reason you didn't seem to mind it. You weren't worried much about yourself now, you heard your son crying in the distance... he sounded so far away... you had done your job though. You had brought your son into this world, he was healthy, he was strong... that's what you were supposed to do. Your vision became hazy around the edges, it was tiring trying to keep your eyes opened, so you finally closed them. The last sound you heard was the distorted mixture of voices, doctors yelling, Mori panicking, your son crying, and the slow beeping of the heart monitor.
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"Get the bleeding to stop!" He shouted to the doctors, still gripping onto your hand. His eyes were wide as he stared down at the doctors who were working vigorously to try to stop the hemorrhaging. Was he just imagining that your hand was becoming colder with each passing second? Were his eyes playing tricks on him or was he watching the color in your face slowly fade?
"Get the baby out of here!" The doctor yelled back to the nurses who were working on Hideo. This isn't how he pictured it would happen. This wasn't the perfect delivery he had pictured, that he had imagined and day dreamed about while laying in bed next to you. What had gone wrong? "The uterus isn't contracting! It won't stop bleeding!"
"She's losing too much blood! Dammit!" Mori wasn't squeamish, he had seen a lot of stuff during his time in the Port, but this was even too much for him. He had to look away as the doctors hand and half his arm seemed to disappear between your legs. He hadn't read about any of this, he didn't think there would be any complications, he hadn't imagined that anything like this could happen to you.
Doctors rushed in with multiple needles, he couldn't focus on what they were saying though. He was staring at your face, how is it that you still looked so beautiful while on the brink of death. Your heart rate was dangerously low, he didn't have to look at the numbers on the screen to hear how distanced the beeping was. He refused to lose you like this though. You were his, a part of him, you had a son together, life wouldn't be this cruel to him.
The doctors jabbed the needles into your arms, he understood now why they brought in so many though. "Dammit! Blew the vein! I need another one!" You had so many blown veins, Mori knew your arms would be a black and blue bruised mess when you woke up. He was sure that you would wake up, you had to.
While one doctor was elbow deep massaging your uterus, the other doctor worked to find a vein that wouldn't collapse when the needle went in. "Too many veins are being blown! We have to try something else!" He shouted. Mori watched as both the doctors nodded to each other before carefully injecting the needle into your abdomen, right into your uterus.
He tapped his foot to keep time, how long would it take for this medicine to kick in? The doctors had all stopped their practical assault on your feeble, seemingly lifeless body, now it was a waiting game. This was one game he never wanted to play again, waiting for you to come to again, waiting for the color to return to your body, for the warmth to come back. He was panicking, and although he would never outright admit it to you or anyone else, he was absolutely terrified. He couldn't do this without you, he wouldn't be able to go through life without you now. He wouldn't be able to look at his son without seeing pieces of you, parts of you that could possibly be gone forever. It would kill him. He always thought that power and money were the greatest things in the world, but now that he met you, those things were useless, pointless. All the money, all the power in the world were nothing if you weren't there to share in the glory with him.
"The bleeding is slowing! Pack it in! Come on!" The doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to get the bleeding to stop completely, and they finally got it done. You would be okay. It would take a little while for you to be completely okay again, you had lost a lot of blood, but you would be okay in the end. Everything would be okay. That's all that mattered to him.
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Pregnancy, becoming a father, it all terrified him, it was a foreign concept. He loved you though, his love for you was immeasurable. He would do his best for you, for this child... his child. How unfortunate for the little one, to have him as a father. That's what he always thought, but you were always there to comfort him, to tell him that there was no one else you'd want to be the father of your child. He didn't know much, well, honestly, he didn't know anything about caring for someone, especially a child. He could barely care for himself without your help, but you had promised to be there to help him, to guide him through it all. It's not that he was scared of hurting his child, he knew that he would never be capable of doing such a thing, not when he knew that the child was part of you as well. He was more worried about his child being afraid of him, that his child would somehow end up like him. "That wouldn't be a bad thing, Ryu. You're an amazing man. That's why I love you so much." You'd reassure him constantly, and over time, he started to believe it.
He would do anything for you, and the same goes for his child. He wanted to be the best man he could be for you, he wanted to be the best father for his child. Someone who his child could be proud of. As months passed he started to get... anxious? Excited? A mixture of both. Watching your abdomen swell with his growing child, it gave him a sense of pride. He had helped create that child. Maybe he wasn't as useless as people thought. He had gotten you, and he had been given the chance to build a family with you. He had stability, his walls were being broken down bit by bit, but in their place there was a strong foundation being built instead. He didn't need to wall himself in, instead he would build up his foundations around you and his child, his family. He wasn't worried about what others thought of him anymore, that was unimportant to him, he had you, and he had his child. Life was finally working in his favor. He found himself smiling even, thoughts of you holding his newborn child in the hospital bed as he watched over the two of you, it made his heart swell.
He sat in the armchair next to the hospital bed, his hand in yours as he brushed your knuckles with his thumb. Your eyes were so bright under the fluorescent lights in the room, you looked like an angel, the complete opposite of him. "Are you in pain, love?" He whispered, noticing the way your face scrunched up whenever you contracted. He felt stupid for asking, of course you were in pain, you were having a child. You still shook your head no in response, of course you would lie, knowing that it would make him feel bad, knowing that he was the reason for your pain.
"Ice please?" You asked between clenched teeth. He grabbed the cup, feeding you the small ice chips, adoring the way your lips pulled up at the corners as you chewed. "She's moving a lot, she's ready to come out and meet you, Ryu." You murmured, his eyes moved to your stomach watching the way your gown shifted as his daughter stirred around. He reached out to rub your stomach, feeling her kick again where his hand was placed.
"She'll be out soon. I can't wait to meet you either, Rei, my darling." He looked longingly up to you, his lips twitching up slightly as she continued to kick against his hand. How could he have brought about such a little wonder, a daughter, something so precious, so innocent, so pure. He was the opposite of all those things, yet he would become a father to a child that would be all those things and more. He would do his best to protect her innocence, to make sure that her mind stayed pure for as long as he could.
The doctors came in, prepared to begin the delivery. You were ready to go, and he was ready to have his daughter out, to hold her in his arms, for her to finally be there with the two of you. Your water hadn't broken by itself, so the doctors had to break your water themselves. "Wow, that's a lot of fluid... Alright, keep an eye on her. Let's go!" Akutagawa didn't understand what the doctor meant by that. Why would they have to keep an eye on you because of more fluid? He didn't get it. You seemed fine, you were breathing alright, just the way you had practiced with him while watching those lamaze videos at home.
The delivery was a success, your daughter had come out healthy, strong lungs, she screamed loudly when he had cut the cord, and she was still wailing as the nurses carried her away to be cleaned up. You smiled up at him, still holding his hand that had long since lost its circulation from how tight you were holding it, but he didn't mind. He mirrored your smile, staring back down at you, your eyes brimmed with tears, your hair matted and stuck to the sweat on your forehead. He loved you, he had known it before, but looking at you now, it felt like he had come to terms with the feeling once more, he was in love with you. He wanted you forever and always, for all of eternity, he needed you.
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It had been twenty-four hours since your delivery. You were in the clear, you should have been, right? He had taken pictures of you holding little Rei in your arms, her head nestled in the crook of your neck. The smile on your face showed just how much joy Rei had brought you, and he felt the same way. Seeing you holding his child, his daughter, it ignited a flame inside of him, seeing the way you looked at her, it fueled this urge inside of him to always keep her safe for you, and to always protect you for her. His two perfect girls, his life wouldn't be complete, his heart wouldn't be whole without you and Rei. He couldn't imagine losing either of you, he would lose himself if it ever happened.
He was laying across the small couch underneath the window, his daughter in the bassinet against the far wall sleeping peacefully, you were sleeping just as soundly as she was. He cherished the way you and his daughter looked, he was in a state of bliss as he imagined bringing you and his daughter home, finally being able to relax and enjoy his family in the comfort of your own home.
Everything was silent, he was just beginning to doze off when the heart monitor started beeping rapidly. He shot up straight and looked over to you, you were gasping for air, clutching your chest, your eyes wide as you stared at the ceiling. Your mouth was hanging open, your breaths were short, raspy, he heard the rattling in your chest. He ran over to your bedside, grabbing the little remote the was hanging off the side pressing the call button repeatedly. "It's okay. It's okay, love." He pulled your hands away from your chest, holding them tightly in his own as he stared at the door.
Multiple doctors ran in pushing him out of the way, nurses were next to rush in, grabbing Rei and bringing her out of the room. Why were they taking her out? What was going on? He tried to watch through the wall of doctors that had surrounded you. He saw your body thrashing around on the bed, like a fish out of water. "She's seizing! Blood pressure is dropping! Come on!" You had stopped flailing, but your heart rate was also dropping. "We're losing her! Call code blue! Get the room ready! Go!" The doctor was shouting out orders to the other doctors and they dispersed. Most of them ran out of the room, others stayed around your bed, one was on the phone calling the code and shouting the room number over the rapid beeping of the heart monitor.
He felt... numb. Was he not allowed to be happy? Was there no silver lining? Would his happiness always be taken away from him? The monitor flatlined, he heard the doctors shouting, then the sound of the defibrillator being powered up. Your body rose and fell against the bed. The monitor beeped once, then flatlined again. "Another one! Lets go!" Why? Was he too happy? Was two too much? Was he not allowed to have you and his daughter? Life would never work in his favor.
Your body fell against the bed once more, they started doing compressions, anything to try to bring you back. He knew better though. You were gone. The life, the light had left your eyes. The sun couldn't compare to the light in your eyes, he loved waking up to see it every morning, and he wouldn't anymore. There would be no more lazy morning conversations in bed as he held you close, his fingers tracing the goosebumps that littered your skin. No more kisses against soft pink lips that were now a mixture of blue and purple from lack of oxygen. Your side of the bed would become cold, your shoes in the doorway would collect dust, your clothes hanging in the closet would slowly lose their color, but he would refuse to remove any piece of you from the house.
"Call it." The doctor rolled up his sleeve to check his watch. "Time of death, 10:47PM." He said, his voice was exhausted. They had worn out any attempt to try to bring you back, there was no time to get you to the operating room. They all turned to look at him, he didn't remember when, but he had at some point fallen to his knees on the floor. His eyes were distant, he wasn't looking at you, he wasn't looking at the doctors. He was imagining his perfect life, a life that had so quickly been stolen away from him.
One Week Later
He stood in front of the headstone, your name printed across the stone. His daughter was wrapped in a thick black blanket, held close against his chest. Gin stood next to him, her hand resting on his back. Rei reached out her tiny hand and he quickly placed his finger in her palm, letting her wrap her fingers around his own. He had brought his daughter home alone, he had laid her in her crib, watching over her without you there next to him. He had woken up every night in an empty bed to attend to her when she cried. He had changed every diaper, he had fed every bottle, he had done it all by himself. He had done his best to fill your shoes because you weren't there to do it with him, but he would make you proud. He would be the father you believed he could be, and more.
Gin grabbed Rei out of his arms before he got down on his knees in front of your headstone, his fingers tracing the etching of your name in the stone. "I love you so much. I told you I'd love you forever, and that will never change. Please, wait for me, my love."
A/N AT THE END : I am so sorry Akutagawa’s is so sad! He really does deserve to be happy. I love him. Reader passed from a Postpartum Amniotic Fluid Embolism btw. I’m SO SORRY READER! And to my lovely requester, I hope I fulfilled your need for Angst. 
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
A Weekend of Firsts - 1/? | grandice fanfiction
A/N: Part 1 of my On Set Attraction series (for now). This one will be 2-3 chaps. Not sure yet. For the anon that requested an sdcc hook-up. I hope you enjoy this first part.
Synopsis: Grant and Candice get together.
Chapter 1 -
SDCC 2014.
The first real large-scale event that The Flash cast attended in preparation for the upcoming season one of their show.
San Diego Comic Con.
Candice was starry-eyed. It had been her first time attending SDCC as someone featured and not just an audience member. She’d secretly attended just for enjoyment’s sake once years earlier, but she wasn’t about to spill that. She was a little embarrassed about how nerdy she’d been, dressing up in cosplay and everything. She was putting that behind her. Now she was a real celebrity – or she was about to be.
Glancing back at Grant on the bus, she felt her cheeks grow hot and quickly turned around. She’d thought to look over to him because he, too, had never attended SDCC as part of a featured cast, but his eyes and his smile had gotten the best of her, and she hadn’t been able to maintain eye contact.
What was the matter with her? She wondered, but it was no secret to herself why her heart started racing and heat filled her cheeks whenever she caught that sexy grin of his.
She had a crush. A big one.
He was single, so it’s not like if she acted on it there would be bad fallout. But it might affect their chemistry onset, which to hear it, was some of the best the casting director had ever seen.
Electric. Show-stopping. Edge-of-your seat. Magical.
She couldn’t risk losing that by confessing her feelings. And besides, she didn’t even know if he felt the same way. His rejection of her alone might affect their chemistry if they couldn’t get past that awkward moment.
No, she was better off keeping this little crush to herself and hopefully getting over it, sooner rather than later hopefully.
She tried to find reasons not to fantasize about what the two of them together romantically might look like. She honestly did. She tried to find flaws in him. Real, honest-to-God flaws that could make her see him more as a friend than a crush.
But it was just so God damn hard.
He was such a flirt, and he focused most of his efforts of her. He’d deliberately run into things to gauge her reaction, and he’d tease her relentlessly. He was funny too, so funny that she found herself laughing long after everyone else had stopped. She’d thought he would think oddly of her for that, but when their eyes met after she’d stopped, he was only ever smiling at her, as if nothing existed for him outside of her.
They shared similar interests too – well, except for the ongoing Superman vs. Batman debate. That would probably never end. But they both loved dogs and video games. She had a few potted plants in her trailer that sometimes she’d come back to see him watering. And his two dogs, Jett and Nora, took to her right away.
They gravitated to each other easily when alone, and his first instinct was to slow dance with her in between takes. She never led him on or tried to get his attention one way or the other. He always came looking for it.
And sometimes, occasionally, she’d catch him checking out her cleavage or her ass when she knew he thought she was unaware. It made her wonder if maybe, just maybe, he had a thing for her too?
But she never brought it up and neither did he. The cast couldn’t be completely oblivious to their connection though. She hoped they never brought it up to anybody. The last thing she needed was for people to think she was getting attention simply because the leading man was giving it to her.
She was the leading lady though, so was it that hard to believe?
She kept herself in check as best as she could, however. And when the bus finally arrived and they filed out, she made herself focus on what the itinerary of the day was. Well, for the first day it was pretty low key. They just needed to check into the hotel and attend a couple low key events. The real slew of interviews and panels and photoshoots, autographs and more would take place over the next couple days.
Paparazzi lined the walkway, as did some fans who had heard about the show. If they got renewed for another season, she imagined the fans would multiply at events like this. Not that she was hoping for that or even needed it. She was just amazed – still – that she had gotten the part. Her talent and her chemistry with Grant had sealed the deal. She couldn’t be happier.
Once inside the hotel, they got their keys and made their way to their floor. Candice stopped at her door and was about to slide her key in when she heard Grant call out to her.
“Hey, we’re neighbors?”
She smiled tremulously and called back, “Yeah, cool!”
She rolled her eyes at herself and got into her suite. She lay on the bed for a while, then peeked outside at the view she had. A busy street. Not the best, but they were in busy San Diego. What did she expect?
She stepped into her bathroom and turned on the shower. Setting out her clothes for the first event, she stripped down, went under the glorious hot water and soaked herself. After she was thoroughly wrinkled, she washed up, then shut off the water, dried herself off, and proceeded to get ready for their night of events.
She hadn’t thought twice when champagne was offered to her at the first event or the second. She didn’t think she was anywhere near tipsy by the time the after party came around, but she did notice one thing.
Grant was flirting more than usual, and she was flirting back.
Her heated cheeks a faint memory, and her heart racing nothing to the sound of glasses clinking and toasts being made at their first day of SDCC being completed successfully.
Candice couldn’t stop smiling.
She didn’t know where the rest of the cast had gone. They’d all arrived together at the party. But now it was just her and Grant and other people they didn’t know who probably didn’t really know them, what with their show not having aired yet. It was nice to be somewhat anonymous and just having fun without a care.
Minutes ticked away into hours though, and when she looked around she noticed that the place was starting to empty.
She tugged on Grant’s arm and pulled him down to her to whisper into his ear.
“Think we should go?” she giggled helplessly, and he grinned, that sexy smile of his so close to her cheek.
Was it just her or she was getting more drunk and he was getting more sober?
“Yeah, good idea!” he declared, smiling brilliantly.
He leaned across the bar to ask the bartender to call them a cab, even though he had his phone in his pocket. Candice giggled at that but decided not to inform him of his slip-up.
“Do you have money?” she teased, yanking on his arm again and pulling him close.
Grant grinned shamelessly.
“Should I ask him for that too?” He turned toward the bartender. “Hey, dude!”
“No, no, no, shhhh!” She couldn’t stop laughing. “He didn’t mean it! He didn’t mean it!”
The bartender continued his call and then gestured towards the door when he was finished. Looping arms, Grant and Candice stumbled slightly on their way out and promptly informed the driver where they were headed. They couldn’t remember the address, but the guy knew his way around the city and was aware of where they were staying.
Candice decided then and there that she wasn’t the only one bordering on drunk instead of tipsy. Grant just did a better job of looking like he was sober. But she was too far from sober to care what he thought about her behavior. Her insecurities were gone.
After paying the driver – miraculously – Grant helped her out of the cab and they fumbled some more getting into the hotel lobby, the elevator, and finally falling out of it when they got to their floor.
“Want to come to my room?” he asked teasingly, raising his eyebrows suggestively. She couldn’t tell if he was joking.
“Sure!” she burst, and skipped down the hall with him, her arm still looped through his when he got his hotel room opened and they struggled to walk inside at the same time.
Finally they unlooped from each other and burst into the room.
“Ooo, this room looks nice,” she commented, taking a gigantic breath. “Looks just like my room!” She giggled profusely again.
He snickered.
“We can go to your room tomorrow!” he declared, and she nodded enthusiastically.
“Yes! Yes! Aaaand…yes!”
She fell back on the large king-sized bed in the room and stared up at the ceiling. She was shocked to find her reflection staring back at her.
“You have a mirror on your ceiling.” She pouted.
He came to lie next to her after nearly tripping out of his shoes.
“You don’t have one in yours?” he asked, turning to face her.
She turned her head to face him and shook it.
“Uh-uh,” she said, and then made the mistake of dropping her gaze to his lips for a little too long.
“Candice,” he said, and he sounded really sober then it nearly sobered her up.
“Uh-oh.” She sat up quickly. Too quickly. Her head hurt. “Need more alcohol.”
She curled up and off the bed and opened the minifridge in his room where some chilled beers were located.
“Want one?” She held one out to him.
“Okay,” he said.
She grabbed another one for her and handed both to him.
“Can’t open. Too hard.”
She plopped back down on the bed.
He definitely had to be sobering up, because he easily opened both.
“Think we’ll get alcohol poisoning?” she wondered aloud.
He held the beer out to her and hesitated to drink his own. She didn’t though and so he just shook his head and laughed.
“You are the best person I’ve ever met,” he said, setting both their beers on the table.
“Oh, wow. That is really great!” She placed her hands on either side of his head. “I’ve got a crush on you,” she informed him.
“Yeah?” He sounded breathless.
She nodded enthusiastically.
“Biggest crush ever!”
“Me too,” he said back, and it really didn’t register until he leaned in and kissed her without warning.
When he pulled back slowly after she’d responded just a little, he looked deep into her eyes.
“You’re not as drunk as I am,” she accused.
He winced. “I just hold my liquor better.”
She pouted, then got a little angry.
“Were you pretending to be drunk so I’d feel better?”
She felt her insecurities rising and wondered if this was a different kind of drunk.
“No!” he insisted. “I was just being silly, having fun. Sometimes it looks like I’m drunk when I’m just having fun.”
She leaned back on the bed till her head was nestled nicely on top of two pillows.
“Do you regret coming to my room?” he asked, lightly brushing some of her locks out of her face, dipping his fingers down across her collar bone and along the column of her neck.
He slipped one strap of her dress down her arm to reveal more of her cleavage and then stopped, looking at her looking at him.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, his voice raspy, and she shook her head.
She reached up for him and pulled his face down to hers. Then she kissed him passionately and arched up against him as he climbed on top of her. She allowed his tongue entrance into her mouth and wound her fingers into his spiked, messy hair. His body felt incredible on top of hers, and she wound her legs around his, letting the skirt of her dress hike itself up.
When his hand landed on her bare thigh, she moaned into his mouth, then tipped back her head to give him access to her neck.
“Fuck, Candice, you’re gorgeous.”
She moaned louder when he found the sweet spot on her neck and sucked.
“That feels so good. Keep doing that.”
She bit her bottom lip, feeling her core soak itself through her barely-there panties.
She reached around his back, sunk her fingers into his covered ass, and pressed her body up against his, seeking more.
Then, as if he’d never been there at all, Grant lifted himself off of her and got off the bed. He retrieved a water from the mini fridge and drank half of it.
Candice propped herself up on her elbows.
“What’s wrong?”
He laughed to himself, then turned around.
“You’re drunk.”
“I’m sobering up.” She hiccuped.
He came to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Yeah, but I’m not drunk at all. Not really. And I’m not going to take advantage of you.”
Her eyes widened.
“But I may not want this in the morning! I mean, I may not let myself want it.”
He wrapped a hand around the back of his neck.
“That’s just a risk I’m going to have to take.”
He got up and held out his hand to her.
“Come on, I’ll take you back to your room.”
She was annoyed, more than annoyed. She was intensely irritated.
But more than both of those things, another feeling rose up inside of her.
“Oh, God.”
She quick ran off the bed and went into Grant’s bathroom to vomit into his toilet. When she was done, she could barely stand up.
Grant wet a washcloth and wiped her mouth before gathering her into his arms and taking her down the hall to her room. He tucked her into bed, went to leave and then stopped when he heard her sigh loudly. He turned back to look at the sad expression on her face and braced himself for the words that would follow.
“I suck.” She huffed. “Don’t I?”
“No,” he said. “You don’t suck.” He managed the tiniest smile. “Goodnight, Candice. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He shut the door behind him before she could answer, and she spoke her reply to the darkness.
She paused.
“I suck.”
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life-rewritten · 4 years
Symbolism and Foreshadowing in My Gear and Gown
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Watching this show has been a pleasure and also at times, frustrating. And I like to always rant about the negatives because it's important to criticise something so next time these mistakes aren't recreated. It's just the sad result of the potential lost from this show to make it one of the best of 2020. But instead of focusing on the negatives, I've decided to bring in the positives, the reason for why I enjoy mostly the character arcs and the use of subtext, symbolism and foreshadowing to bring depth to the story and characters as they grow and change throughout the show. So here's an analysis of My Gear and Your Gown episode 1-7.
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Manipulation, Deceit and Miscommunication
Itts hate for the class system (rich vs poor)
As much as I hate how Irrational Itt was during episode 7. I will admit that it's been hinted to the audience that this is how he will react, and this would be the reason for why he and Pai have relationship dynamic in the university arc. He's like a fuse ready to light up whenever he thinks he's been used or manipulated by the system/world. Itt shows hate and disdain for the rich, and we see this with Pai actually in episode 1 when he thinks he gets away with life quickly because he's rich and he judges him as to be someone who gets things quickly with manipulation and bribery. And he tells Pure straight away he hates that, he hates how the rich can get away with everything because they can play the system.
Next, the one thing he showed some care towards, and the reason for their fight was the club room no matter how stupid it was to fight over. We see how defensive he is of the space for people like him to come and enjoy things. Seeing as it's not easy for him to have the things he wants like dreams and hopes. From the beginning, it makes sense he's possessive of the things that matter to him and that he cares about. He's also lost a version of his moral compass; his mum plus I think his dad had also made him wary of adults and people in general with scheming, backstabbing or lack of loyalty (that he feels happened to his mother before she died of cancer).
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Itts oversensitive and prideful personality
So it's like all the stuff he said to Pure in episode 1-2 about hating being manipulated comes back to slap him and us in the face when he realises that Pai took a bribe to tutor him and take care of him and help him achieve his dream to become an engineer. It's not because of him just doing it willingly, but he had other motives. So Pai sending him tutoring lessons still without communicating to Itt that he could care less about the club room makes it even iffier and frustrating to Itt which is why he goes to his house and throws the notes in his face. He's like you're really going that far to get the stupid club room and you won't let it go but what about me and our friendship we've built.
He doesn't see that Pai cares more about him than anything else. All he sees is the first impression he had of Pai which is rich, likes to show off that he's successful and better than Itt and gets away with things through manipulation and bribery that Itt won't be able to get away with. And Pai doesn't try after trying once to tell him that, that's not it,  he resigns himself to Itt hating him and refuses to communicate or show that it's not the club room he cares about which is just dumb from both of them.
It's more painful for Pai because we know he had an unrequited love for Itt and he's slowly giving up on the hassle and pain that brings, he's decided he's doomed to keep being alone as his one, and the only hero he cares about hates him and also sees him as a menace. He embodies that, decides to focus on what his parents want from him and the path he was meant to take from the beginning; medicine and give up on things that don't pertain to that.
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The consequences of Miscommunication
This is why Itt not returning the earring is sad because it's foreshadowing that the one thing Pai held onto for a representation of rebelling from his predestined path and suffocating future is now lost by the person he trusted the most. (analysed about in this post)
Furthermore, Itt is bad at miscommunication, and it's an annoying thing. He doesn't know how to apologise, and so he hides and proceeds to keep acting like he's still holding a grudge; this is why episode 6 was important it was showing how he works and why it will doom his relationship with Pai. Because Pai is someone who gives up easily and lets Itt stay mad. He doesn't try again to talk to Itt after the small smile scene (where you see the hope leave him to try) and the notes to get Itt to understand his feelings. He just resigns himself to being hated by Itt. And Itt even if he comes to a conclusion he's not as mad, he won't apologise or return because he's prideful and he doesn't know how to do that.
It was Waan and Pure who helped him make up with Pai in episode 6, and they seem okay with their own friendship and not willing to help bring the two together again to discuss. Which is sad and frustrating, but it's their business. Itt's over sensitive and prideful ego is what causes him to hurt Pai without truly knowing what it did to him. I'm guessing in University he'll get to see and understand, but I haven't read the book to see if it's just as angsty or if it's fluffy and he manages to reunite with Pai. Also, he seemed to slowly be getting close to recognising his feelings for Pai in episode 6, and I wonder if when we start university arc in episode 8 if he already has come to terms with it or if he still doesn't know he has them. Hopefully, he puts two and two together, and that's why he's chasing after Pai and helping him secretly in the trailer.
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The loss of the earring: Foreshadowing and Symbolism
The use of earrings in My Gear and Gown
Don't think I have to spell this out too much, but the earring to Pai represents two things for him. In the rooftop scene in episode 7, he's so determined to hold onto these two things so he can be happy. Still, upon Itt refusing to give it to him and losing it forever, he resigns to the fact that these two things weren't meant to be his. Hence he becomes more robotic and following life rules ordained for him and accepting his loneliness as a norm. The earring represents:
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1. Itt to Pai
 Itt manages to because of love and feelings pierce through Pai's walls and make him actually want to hope for something more for himself. He's so in awe of how great Itt is when it comes to strength; caring for his mum and being an all-star athlete. He's so grateful that despite disliking him, Itt still came to his rescue. And his feelings are uncontrollable, but he enjoys being with Itt because it makes him feel like he's doing something for himself. The earring is also not perfect when he first sees it, it's missing shades of colour and looks from afar like a rock/brick (which is what Itts name is in English).
The imperfections of the earring point to Itt and the way he's imperfect but Pai can't help but love that about him. It's like his life as a rich heir to his family's hospital is ordained to be on this perfect pathway, he must be smart, reasonable and on top always of everything. He must keep the reputation and dreams of his parents and family, and Itt shows up and shows him that it's okay to have little imperfections here and there it's okay to actually skew of that path, he gives Pai a reason to want to act out and discover what he truly wants for himself. And to break away from that lonely monotonous cycle he's found himself in from when he was born.
2. The hope for freedom and free will. 
Again the conversation when Itt convinces Pai to get the earring is another sign of what the earring means to Pai. Instead of being selfless and just thinking of others, he can do what he wants to do, can find his own voice and opinions because he's human not a robot he doesn't have to stagnantly follow all the traditions and rules set before him. He can act out and learn what he truly wants in life.
Pai clings unto the earring because he holds onto that message, helping Itt and Tutoring Itt is the first time he does something he wants to, piercing his ears is the first time he does something rebellious and freeing. He's happy and feels less suffocated by all that is around him. Being with Itt and wearing the earring reminds him of what Itt told him he's free to make choices and to decide for himself what he wants.
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The loss of free will and hope of love
It's why the rooftop scene is painful, Itt holding back the earring, acting like he threw it away is a representation of Itt throwing away Pai's idea of free will and self-agency. Almost like the hope and glimpse at what it would be like to do things for himself and skew of the path is now closed because he realises it hurts him. It results in him ending up being hated,  pushed to the side and taken for granted.
Just like with love the earring being lost represents love being removed from Pai's life because he decides to not rebel or find what he wants; there's no point when in doing what is ordained for him he'll be successful and protected from hurt and pain. He decides as Itt walks away and his mission is done to throw away all those thoughts and forget about Itt and love. And it sucks.
Losing the earring in episode 6 foreshadowed that Itt was going to lose Pai, or Pai was going to lose Itt in this case, and it immediately coincided with Itt over hearing about the bribe. That's why it hurts because the title my gear and your gown focused on the two earrings of these two, we've only seen the gown side of things with Pai, and so it's time to see Itts own link to the gear earing he finds later on.
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The loss of Pai��s Glasses
I also want to mention Pai's glasses. They are also a symbolic tool of his real self and clarity. Itt fixing them for him in episode 1 with a bandage shows what Itt is to him a healing influence for when his life seemed suffocating.  But it also represents Pai's actual self and his need for clarity. For him, it's like losing his glasses is like losing a part of himself and also losing the ability to see makes him vulnerable, scared, hurt and weak.
Itt shows up and protects him, and helps fix it. In University Clarity has been lost, Pai's real self has been hidden and pushed down, and he's just a shell, the only thing I'm guessing making him interested in life again,  is the introduction to someone known as Mr 950 who seems to keep an eye out for him and help him. Pai no longer wears his glasses as he mentioned in episode 1 and that shows that he's lost the most prominent symbol important to him something he actually did connect with, and a part of himself. He's become entirely the person he wanted to not be, the robotic stoic, monotone person who has to do what's right and be successful. He's also given up on clarity when it comes to love, he's lost any need for it, and he's shoved down those parts of himself that cared. This is why his glasses are heavily talked about at the beginning of the show. They represent him just as much as the earring represents Itt to him.
So yeah we're about to get into University, and it's going to be fun and nice to see Itt finally have to do something to win Pai back. Cannot wait to see who Mr 950 is and how Pai will return back to his hopeful romantic self again. And how Itt will make up for what he's done. Hopefully, the show picks up its pace and actually comes through with a good university arc to make up for the issues we've had so far with it.
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pillowfluffs · 4 years
Pairing: Mark X Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: dark stormy fluff (my fave)
Author’s Note: I haven’t written kpop imagines in so long im sorry this is long overdue and probably bad aasdkasjdasd
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The living room windows and blinds were shut, blocking out the dim lighting from the outside world as a storm brewed in the sky. Mark walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of water for himself until he heard the chiming of his doorbell which made his heart skip a beat knowing you were behind the door. He took a deep breath and opened the door to find you in comfy clothes. He had invited you over to spend to watch a movie together while his parents were out but they didn’t mind you coming over since you two had been friends since middle school.
“Hey,” you smiled as you stepped in to the familiar house, taking off your shoes.
“Hey, so I got the movie so prepare yourself,” he smirked a little as you followed him to the living room.
“Oh god what movie did you pick this time?” Youvraced yourself as you asked as you sat beside him, already grabbing a pillow to hold. Ye last time you came over for a movie, he for some reason picked the sonic movie claiming he wanted to watch it out of curiosity. It wasn’t bad since you got to spend time with him but you did wish he didn’t pick a movie for kids. It wasn’t the first time you came over to Mark’s to watch a movie but the thing was he never told you the movie until you came over. There was no turning back when you were already over so it was pretty much a gamble whenever you came over.
“The Conjuring,” he smirked as the tv turned on, already showing the creepy house on the menu screen. He knew horror movies weren’t your favorite but he hoped it would give the opportunity for him to make his move. He had been crushing on you since the beginning of high school and now that it was the last year, it had been seven years of you two being best friends, he wanted to be something more than a friend.
Whenever you were around, you made it feel like he was always sitting on the edge of his seat, not knowing what to expect by what you would say or do. The way you smiled at him and everyone else around the room, having the power to immediately brighten it wherever you went. How you were able to click with any teacher and help others who needed it in class but also kept to yourself and did what you needed to do as a student. He couldn’t help but admit the envy he get when another friend of yours who wasn’t as close as he was to you, Renjun, asked you to go to homecoming with him. He had beaten Mark to his own plans and asked your friend instead so you could all go as a group.
You bit your lip having seen the trailer a few times for this movie when it came out a couple years ago. You were quick to turn down the volume and turn your phone screen upside down until the trailer ended, though you did want to watch a horror movie. “I honestly might die, wow you want me dead, Mark.”
He laughed at you. “It won’t be that bad... I think. Plus, I can protect you.” He said boldly, feeling heat ride to his face and ears.
“My hero, a tall lanky noodle guy,” you laughed back at him. This was one of your jokes you always made to him calling him a lanky noodle which began toward the end of middle school as Mark grew into his features and grew taller. You couldn’t ignore the attraction you felt for him either but you were afraid of losing him after being together for years so you kept your feelings to yourself, even suppressing them to the point where you told yourself you didn’t like him anymore.
The movie began and then the realization hit you when the sound was suddenly all around you. Mark’s living room was practically a movie theater with the surround sound speakers, making you even more immersed into the movie.
As the movie played and gradually began getting creepier and creepier, you draped one of the blankets over your legs and hugged the pillow you grabbed earlier with your knees up to use as a possible shield.
Mark snuck a few glances to you every now and then feeling a smile tugging on his lips as he saw your bundled up form with your little wall from the movie.
For you, the worst part of the movie was when there was little to no sound at all, making you brace yourself and tense your body up for a jumpscare. It was during those moments did you finally hear the rain and thunder as it poured outside, making the perfect ambiance to watch a horror movie.
Mark’s glances slowly stopped as he began to focus on the actual movie itself, being drawn in by the plot and suspense that seemed to grow stronger and stronger as it played. He was suddenly pulled out until he felt a poke on his hand that rested on the top of the couch. His eyes met yours, surprised that he didn’t even notice you with his head wrapped up into the movie.  Could I sit beside you?” You asked adorably, making him really want to confess his feelings for you but he knew it wasn’t the time.
“Yeah,” he nodded. You took the space to his side and leaned against him. He sat leaned against the arm of the couch on his left with his left knee up in the air, with the other leg folded down on the couch. He could swear you were able to hear how loud his heart was beating with you so close to him, cuddled against him. But you could swear he heard the same thing now that you could feel his body heat seeping through your shirt into your back.
As the movie continued and things for worse for the characters, you began to shield your eyes more often, holding up the pillow. You flinched whenever a loud sound or jumpscare happened, making mark poke his fun and tease you until it was your turn where mark let out a loud gasp, making the two of you laugh together. Never in your life did you think you would laugh during a horror movie but of course you would be with Mark. He never failed to make you smile or laugh.
With the movie near the end, Mark ordered a pizza so it would be close by roughly around the time the movie ended.
By the time the movie ended and the credits played with the eerie music in the back, you leaned your head back onto his arm with your hood up. “Wow. That was really intense.” You looked over to him as he just looked at you with his dark orbs. Low rumbles began to sound through the house cause of the storm outside with the rain bouncing off the roof of the house. There was something about this moment that he couldn’t put his finger on and his body moved without realizing it.
His lips were on yours as his hand cupped your face. You were frozen at first until your mind clicked into reality of what was happening and then you moved your lips against his. You turned your head more and you grasped the fabric of his shirt until the two of you pulled away.
With your faces still close to one another, you could feel each other’s breaths. He brushed a strand of hair behind, taking in the curves of his your lips looked in the dark room.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he sighed, breaking into a smile, cupping your face once again.
“Let’s do it again, then,” you agreed as he leaned closer to you once again, moving his lips against yours. He leaned closer and closer, letting the feelings he felt for you take over his body. You laid on your back on the couch with his arm beside your head holding him up and his knee between your legs. You wrapped your arms around his neck as the other went under your hoodie, feeling your skin.
The rain continued to fall from the heavy clouds as the two of you laid together in his living room, letting your mutual feelings finally be expressed to one another. The movie and pizza was a distance thought now that you two finally had each other after pining for years.
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more!
Sorry if this is bad, I’m rusty 🥺
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blankdblank · 4 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 38
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‘Mate Rings, new fashion trend? Jaqi Pear, newly named to be added to the King Kong epic directed by Peter Jackson due to be filming soon and star of Beast of Bards in which she is opposite her Mate Richard Armitage, on their latest project a mini series called North and South for BBC have been spotted with matching emerald rings. Myself personally, I love the trend, we should see more of this.’
“Oh my goodness,” you murmured smoothing your hands over your face listening to the gossip news playing through the wardrobe trailer for the Van Helsing film. Behind you the makeup woman was readying your blonde wig for your maid/villager role.
David Wenham however from the doorway said, “Not a clue the lot of them,” the words turning your head with grin creeping out in his crossing the room to give you a hug, “Glad to see you sweetheart, how have you been?”
In his lean back against the makeup counter already in full costume Hugh came in smiling as well, “I want to see this ring,”
Giggling softly your arm extended and he came over taking your hand admiring the ring, “Rich found them in a cabinet we bought he promised to fix up for me.”
David, “You told us about that, that looks crazy expensive.”
“It does, and he won’t tell me what it was appraised at either. So, fifteen bucks for the both of them.”
Hugh chuckled and came in for his own hug, “You are well worth the funds no matter the worth.”
The makeup woman asked, “Is that legal? Keeping them?”
Her bashful smile when you glanced her way was answered with a smile, “He found some receipts in the cabinet and tracked down the family and they signed a paper saying he could have them. Spent the whole day tracking them down and planning a meet up to return them. He thought the same thing and didn’t expect for them to say he could keep them.”
That had her chuckling in relief, “Sorry, parents are contract lawyers, second nature.”
You giggled shaking your head, “Oh no, I get it, my dad insisted I take a course on contract law too so when he found a music box and expensive pens and gloves in there too I was glad to hear he hunted them down, ‘cus those can go for thousands to collectors.”
Hugh, “At least there was a receipt there, had a friend who got taken to jail for trying to have a necklace he found on the beach to be reset to a necklace when it was reported stolen. That can go mad so fast.” He said watching while the woman got to braiding your hair back for the wig cap to go over. “Did you get enough sleep?”
“Ya, off yesterday since we’re switching back to day shifts for me in a few days, you?”
“Yes,” the pair smiled in replying remaining there for your basic makeup to add some exhaustion to layer the role of living in such a dangerous place. Simple wardrobe was added with your things locked up for you to be driven to the right town set. A sharp whispered “Yes,” had David chuckling at the Director stating he wanted you and David to have a steamy kiss after his request to sleep with your character.
Lowly he said, “You are not happy about this when I’m next to Hugh,”
To that you turned to Hugh teasing, “I get to kiss David and you don’t!” Sticking your tongue out leaving the pair chuckling in your split to head to your marks for the start of the scene.
From the inside of the home Van Helsing and Carl acting as Maid to the village scenes fleeing away the most fun of your week did come in the teasing line before the amorous and slightly comical kiss to the post coital scene to follow. Your giggles brightened the mood for those watching after the grueling fleeing and fight scenes filling the day when David exited in a sleeping gown. He came over to fix the couch up to be joined by you in a under shirt and skirt with corset over with a stunning lack of stockings hinting that it was just your under things to be removed in this cold town. Smiles and chuckles filled the talks on the right cuddling position before Carl would leap out of the post coital nest of blankets sending the couch flipping over for you to roll off onto the mat laid out behind it finishing off your blip in the film.
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To be honest when all was said and done from the final butterfly inducing station kiss scene Richard milked as long as he could for several ‘options’ to end off the North and South Series and back to the beginning. Back when John and Margaret are just being intermingled through her father’s lessons with him the Mate Ring rumor did seem to be the best angle as you were told by his Agent at least. True it was best to seem available to an extent and to have a bond to his Mate while being presumed available did grant Richard some freedom for his image and even more so for yours. Which once you thought about it only enforced that you both could manage to keep your relationships somewhat private compared to other public couples. Both Jens and Naomi, the latter who just jumped from a relationship with Heath Ledger to Liev especially you could see just blasted across the news back home. True babies would one day give it away but there were always ways of trying to bolster that security by utilizing your camouflaging family if you had to.
On the eve of your arrival back in Canada once in bed you hung up the phone having heard that in your flight out of England Beast of Bards had over its opening weekend in Eastern Europe and Asia broke out $33 million in earnings adding even more to the grand title for the last stretch of it being in theaters. A fact that through Peter had bolstered hopes in his production team for King Kong even more that you could pull off something of this magnitude since the indy film had earned more than ten times the 15 million put in it to shoot it and was still gaining.
Wonderfalls beckoned you back again to set with a weekend pop by to drop in on the X2 premier that Lee would join you at while Richard tried to find a way to slip another trip back out to Canada into his schedule between is next few auditions. Nice and cuddly Richard soaked in all he could as for time with you and his family together eager as ever to have the big day come. Where all the relief came in just asking the question the gaping canyon of possibilities as for what the ceremony might be one day no one could tell, especially should you take hints from the fellow big name actors you had befriended with plans brewing for their own ceremonies. No matter what you had truly wished for deep inside he knew it would be something special between the pair of you without pomp or fanfare for the guests emptying the ceremony’s true meaning. The pair of you didn’t like to be the center of attention outside of character, but for one day who really knows what plans might come up.
Nearly tackled by Tracy in glee at your news the show was off on a roll again with Lee prouder than ever to tug you close to his side soaking up all the time with you he had until his work and your work tugged you in opposite ends of the world again. Easily melting back into the show to get to the more absurd episodes even bringing you into the path of some exotic birds you loved to get a closer look at on the episode you had to pretend one of them attacked you. That had to be one of your favorite ones to lead up to as the zoo that you were to film in gave you all a private tour, and even seeing the same animals a million times there was just something about a zoo that brought out your inner child. Right up there with museums and aquariums and planetariums you frequented on their discount and free days out in New York whenever possible.
Guest stars began to roll in and with the day you were filming a debacle between two women each claiming to have gone over the falls some decades prior a bout of unplanned rain had given you all an early afternoon off. Once changed again your eyes lingered on your ring and Tracy smirked moving closer saying, “Saw that. Admiring it again? It is stunning, if I got a ring like that I’d stare at it for a few days minimum.”
With a chuckle you replied, “Rich said when he got the rings the shop he got our rings cleaned at said I could drop by to pick out a wedding band.”
“Ooh, I smell a shopping trip,” she said with a smile making your creep out, “Come on, we’ll grab Lee and have some fun adoring some shiny things.”
Her arm looped in yours and together with the surprisingly excited Lee you were off to the expensive brand of jewelers. Where Richard had been mistaken as a non-earning slob right away your face had the two suited men perking up, even the woman currently helping another woman choose a necklace. The focus right off triggering your smile reflex on the stroll through the amply lit shop full of cases holding tons of shiny things, all of which you stole glances at along the way. “Miss Pear, welcome, how might we assist you today?”
“Well, some months back by fiancé brought our rings in to be cleaned up and while he was waiting the topic of wedding bands came up. He was told I could drop by to browse a bit on styles.”
Salesman 1 with a buzz cut, “You are welcome to look through any of our selection, any time.”
The Manager crept over asking, “Did you have any hint of what you might be looking for?”
“Yes, my cousin for her wedding band has an eternity band with hearts and I was thinking of one with emeralds, and maybe an onyx one to match his ring a bit.”
In the move of your hand to the top of the case between you the Manager drew in a quick breath recognizing the ring right away and smiled offering his palms upwards to accept your hand, “Yes, I remember this masterpiece.” Smiling wider in tilting it side to side seeing it was still well taken care of, “An eternity band will suit it perfectly.” He released your hand and asked, “Have you had any thoughts to carat size?” gesturing your group to the next row of cases that he walked around his to enter that ring of glass walking right to the section of eternity bands.
With a key ring he opened the case to bring out a row of options, after a quick inhale you replied, “Not really, I’ve never been very, attentive I guess, to jewelry and all that till I met my fiancé. He actually got me my first bracelet that wasn’t made from string, so very new to this.”
The Salesman snuck in asking, “Well this would not be the first time a man wants to bring his love to a better livelihood.”
Lee almost said something until you said, “Not so much that, just most of my money went into my University studies while he’d already graduated when we met.”
The Manager smiled saying, “As it should be, and now you have your name in lights and require something lovely to flash to the cameras. How the world took this as anything but an engagement ring I have no clue.”
Tracy said, “All in all her and her guy outside of characters love their privacy so this way the plans won’t be hounded by cameras.”
Lee grinned as you said, “If anything we could always run off and elope in a horse costume.”
Lee, “Oh we could do better than a horse for you.”
The Manager said, “We do not have any colored heart eternity bands in store however we can order anything you like to custom.” The first row of rings was lifted for you and he said, “We have open designs, or full stones.”
Tracy said, “My mom loves open rings like that.”
Lee in a reach over shifted your hand for his view saying, “Might be a bit big.”
You nodded and said, “Also, I don’t think it would match to have all the metal visible around the stones.”
The Salesman smiled saying, “Very true observation your stones are seamless.”
Luring the Manager to bring over the next row while the Salesman put that one away, alternating directions the hearts on the next ones in sizes from large to small. Beside those came a selection with hearts on bands all upright and a third with them laid sideways. “I really like the sideways ones, my cousin picked the up and down alternating style.” Unlike the alternating hearts these hearts were formed of three stones each, a square and two rounded off squares upping the carat weight but keeping the size from being ridiculous.
Tracy, “I think the small one is a bit too small,”
Lee pointed at the one in the middle, “I think that size would work,”
The Manager lifted the ring out and passed it to you smiling as you did ease it on and the duo around you joined you in eyeing the ring in comparison to your engagement ring. “Doesn’t match,” you muttered to yourself.
The Manager said, “I do believe this one would fit the best myself.” Accepting the ring you took off trading it for the largest one. “A nice one point seven five carat for each heart set to go with your eight and single carat stone ring.”
“I do like this one.”
You said and with nods your friends agreed with Lee asking, “Were you thinking green, white or groups of colors to fit the black?”
On a diagram sheet from the Salesman the Manager showed you a few options while you eased off the band to not forget you were wearing it while the Salesman hurried off with a lift of his finger. Back to you he brought a choice of bracelets of round stones in various combinations of emeralds, onyx and diamonds, “Just for the color schemes.”
Tracy asked, “Were you thinking more emeralds?”
“I think maybe more diamonds and onyx.”
Lee tapped one, “I like this one,” he said tapping the bracelet with three diamonds next to three onyx stones, “Maybe pop an emerald in the middle of the onyx.”
“I like that idea, nice pattern.”
The Manager said, “Very lovely choice. And with this size the pricing will be fitting, four grand for stones will be a fine partner to its $800k engagement ring. Now to choose metals, I will get the samples.” Hurrying off while the Salesman took the bracelets back Lee’s brows furrowed in the drop of his and Tracy’s jaw while you subtly gripped the belt on his side.
Barely above a whisper you asked, “$800k? That’s over my whole check for the show!”
Tracy whispered, “That’s a house, two houses down south.”
“And four cars. You could probably buy a plane for that! I have house, plane and cars on my finger.”
Lee looked you over murmuring, “How do you do that? First Porn Man stash, then you found that cabinet for under twenty bucks.”
Tracy, “You’re taking me furniture shopping after this.”
“It’s not every time.”
Lee cut in as you let go of his belt, “There was two hundred in the cushions on the lounges you picked for me.”
Tracy, “How do you know? Is there like a glow? Because this role for you is seeming perfect if you have a voice telling you to buy this stuff.”
“It’s,” you sighed at her brows arched up curiously, “My uncles call me money bunny.”
Lee, “Why? They refused to explain.”
“I used to be the one to find lost wallets or keys since I was three. No glow or anything, even found a lost watch my gramps lost in the fields gathering the sheep in a storm. Dad’s the same way.”
Tracy, “After this,”
The Manager returned and choosing 24 karat white gold to match the other ring he got to finalizing the order sheet for the now 5.5k ring and the more he filled out the more your heart raced having picked all this out without Richard. He did tell you to browse and see if you could think up what you wanted but you sure hoped he wouldn’t feel left out of the designing process where you might not have felt the weight you were feeling now to have to dip into your savings to pay for this right away. Though the Manager said with a smile, “This ring should take five weeks to complete, if you would give us a number to contact you at when it is complete.” His grin crept wider, “Normally we ask for a deposit but for our elite clientele we waive that restriction and have much better terms for credit when the pieces are ready to be picked up or delivered.”
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It all was a bit awkward to simply leave with a receipt slip for the walk to the second hand shop. Through the aisles you wandered until you stopped at a jewelry display. And from the selection between two boxes you pulled open a hanging display case to find a necklace of nine strands of what looked to be jade flat beads secured by a golden clasp you lifted and turned to show Tracy like the bloodhound she and Lee had been treating you like. Seeing you had brought something to show them the pair turned and Tracy lifted the ends of the necklace that parted her lips. After stealing a glance towards the shop owner behind the distant counter she leaned in whispering, “Is this real jade?”
Mid shrug you said, “You said see what I end up picking. It’s something.”
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Lee and her shared a glance and he found the price tag saying, “7 bucks, and it’ll pop on you against your skin, for the premier of the show, could be nice.”
She nodded and pointed to you, “I know you, there’s something to this. I’m buying it.” She led the way to the registers, a few feet away your hand reached out for a butterfly shaped decoration out of painted wood you picked up and brought over to set beside the necklace she decided to wear out once the tag was cut off. Food was picked up on the way back to your place where she’d planned to get a taxi to get back in time for a late brunch with her parents that had flown in to visit her. “So are you gonna tell me-,” gripped around the waist she was tugged out of the way by Lee behind you with a loose dog that you turned and ducked to grip the collar of for the massive hockey player chasing the peppy husky. Off to the side her arm swung and open mouthed she gawked at the bag that collided with the brick building behind her while you tried to calm the husky now bounding around and between your legs wiggling for attention from his new friend. “My butterfly,” she murmured as the man came to a stop in front of you.
“I am so sorry about Leap Frog. Just took off out of the car, his first road trip.”
Shaking your head you giggled saying, “No problem, my cousins puppies were all the same way.” You said handing over the leash while he all but paled realizing who you were.
“Thank you,” he murmured again and turned to head back to his car with the dog where his friends were waiting for him.
Inside the bag Tracy peered and open mouthed she eyed the broken pieces of the butterfly then looked at you, “You have got to be kidding me.” You looked from her to the bag she pulled a folded wad of cash out of and you simply shrugged and she shook her head dropping it back into the bag before anyone else could see it. “You got skills. Like able to sway millions of cult followers skills.”
“Oh ya, come on up to my place, I got some kool-aid.” That had her rolling her eyes through your shard giggle, “When we die we get a whole bushel of golden geese and a bunch of mountaintop villas with a one of those terrifying pools that drops into a waterfall with a hele-pad and all the frills as our place as Kings of all the universes and dimensions.”
Teasingly she replied, “I got plans, so I’m gonna have to rain check on the kool-aid.”
“Missing out,” Lee teased while you smirked saying, “Have fun looking into that jade.”
“So how’s your day going?” Richard hummed through the line while soaking in the bath washing off a long muggy day of auditioning for some more ridiculous commercials and a spot on another tv show as yet another stunning adulterer.
“Had to call it early for rain and Lee and Tracy came with me to that jewelry shop you mentioned.”
“You saw what I mean then? Right in the door judging.”
“Oh yes and pushy. Which is what I was getting to,” you said seated while stirring your food up into a jumble waiting for it to cool.
“You picked out what you wanted?”
“Yes, and before I could say I’d come back with you later they wrote up the ring to be made.”
“Just determined for commission aren’t they.”
“And that’s the thing, five and a half grand total and they let me walk out without a deposit, apparently I’m elite clientele now fitting for their credit. Don’t know me from Adam, but it’ll be done in five weeks is what they said.”
“Good, should be there in three.”
“I don’t think it works like that.”
Lowly he chuckled, “I’ll be there in three, Dearest.”
“Oh, oh, you got a ticket back?” You squeaked our happily smiling at your empty apartment and muted tv.
“Yes, just for two and a half weeks but I get to see you before you fly out to New Zealand for Peter. Then when my shows are done I can fly out there with you for the tail end of that maybe take him up on his offer as a doomed extra.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, now, details about this stunner you drafted up, my Dearest Love.”
“Ok,” you smiled repeating the details of the ring warming his heart even more at the symbol of marriage you would be wearing sometime in the future that was coming up to being planned.
“Simply fantastic choice, and don’t worry on the price I have it and the Bard should be out of theaters soon so we can set part of that aside for any possible other nuptial plannings or purchases you feel up to.”
“What else, oh right, a dress and all that.”
Again he chuckled saying, “If need be pick a few options and if funds run thin I’ll pick the most forgiving to wear myself.” That had you laugh through his chuckle and he added, “I’d wear anything to marry you.”
“If I did have spares I’d make my cousins wear them. Go for traditional, confuse those demons after us.” Widening his smile imagining what you might want to wear for the distant big day.
“Any weird roles today?”
“There is one where I’m dancing with limes.”
“Floor cleaners, odd ones, are you doing well otherwise?”
“Weird dream I saved William Shatner from drowning and then he turned into a llama and hopped into a convertible and drove off with Burt Reynolds.”
“So weird. Just an odd day, and Tracy had me take her furniture shopping thanks to finding out I have a house, airplane and five cars on my finger.”
“They told you the price?! Oh Love, you deserve it you know that.”
“I, know, just, I’ll handle the price tag when I get over my heart attack of a paycheck for Kong and whatever Bard is going to be with our two percent box office check. Gran called and the managers are thrilled, said that it’s climbed to over $200 million, so whatever that stops at-,”
“I love you, clearly they didn’t expect you to turn a phenom and blow this out of the water like this.”
“As if your brooding didn’t have anything to do with it Mr Blue Eyes.” Making him chuckle again. “You are going to be quite famous ya know when this is on disc and everyone can see your face on movie shelves instead of just at the theaters. Not to mention when they see you as Mr Thornton.”
“I prefer you being the famous one and I just happen to be talented enough to have producers pick me to have your name attached as hey we hired Miss Pear’s Boy Toy.” Again he chuckled through your giggle knowing he was beaming proudly at the still lingering title. “Has your dad talked to you about his plan yet?”
“About the brownstone the Landlord has out there?”
“I mean, I know about it, but, he has a plan with it? Like an actual plan?”
Again he chuckled lowly, “I love you, you know that. I suppose it was meant to be a surprise then when he dropped by again. Said he wanted to take you out there, Landlord had the wiring, plumbing, water heater and ac updated for it. Plaster should be redone when you get back as well.”
“How, do you feel about that?”
“I think it would be a home for you to own that I could cuddle up to you in. I do like the idea, we stay in mine out here and I want you to have a place where when we’re all there in New York with tons of space. It sounds amazing I know we can make it a home and there’d be tons of space for all your stuff from the apartment there and ours in Canada. Plus, Lee’s been having it rough with rent.”
“Ya,” you chuckled out, “I fronted him some cash on his place here he forgot Will had a card on his account and he ordered some ‘really rad sneakers’.” Making Richard chuckle, “Rules have been set, lesson learned on both ends. He is doing well though his parents are pleased he’s still alive.”
“Have you told him yet about the place?”
“Not really, I mentioned it that Dad had talked to the Landlord about it. He was flipping through our fuzzy channels at the time for something recognizable.”
“I am going to love cuddling with you to that cable, no lies, you will too. Just imagine those romances you love without z shaped heads on the lovers.” Luring a giggle from you.
“Imagine that, all those actors actually having heads.”
Spenser Breslin was the latest famous guest to drop in and on one of your night shoots this week between takes of a dinner between your on screen love interest and the Russian mail order bride who made him and you food the bag you’d tucked in the cupboard of your trailer began to ring. “Oh shit,” you said easing up out of your chair to the Director’s chuckle, “Thought I shut it off.”
You said about your phone and from the bag nestled between his and hers you pulled the phone to silence it only to mutter, “Why is she calling me? She never calls me.”
The Director said glancing at the teen seated on the couch bench you had left reading a book he’d brought, “Go ahead, we have to shift lights for Spence’s entrance.”
Answering the call from your cousin all eyes shot to your phone you pulled from your ear at the loud shrieking sea of obviously more than one of your cousins. “Bell,” You said easing the phone closer to your mouth but not your ear. “Not a dolphin.”
Muffled in a group the group shouted, “UNCLE’S ... NOMINATED!!!”
Their shouts died down and you brought the phone closer to your ear trying to make out the gist of what they all were saying. “I got ‘nominated’ and ‘uncle’, which uncle?”
A collective throat clearing was had and they said, “OUR UNCLE!!”
“Oh, your, my dad got nominated for something? What?”
One apparently chosen cousin said excitedly, “Uncle Joe got a letter today from MTV that he’s been nominated for the Best Villain Award!”
“No! Where is he?”
“We tackled him when he read it, so he’s hiding in the barn.” They all giggled out making your smile creep wider.
“When is it?”
“End of the week out in New York.”
“Least it’s not in LA, he want to go?”
“He has to! And he’s got a plus one!”
“Well I wasn’t gonna send him alone.” You glanced over at the still staring group smiling as you said, “Actually on set, but I’ll call him after I get off and love you guys try not to drive him up a tree.”
Giggles followed and they shouted, “LOVE YOU TOO BUNNY!!” Then promptly hung up making you shake your head and shut off the phone you put away again.
Joining the others with an excited squeak to your voice for a moment you said, “Dad got nominated for best villain from MTV.”
“Oh that’s awesome!” Rippled around while you took your seat again.
“Yes, his first award on acting sure he’s thrilled once my cousins stop swarming him.”
Spencer joked, “Well I’d be scared too if I had dolphins in my family.”
That had you giggle, “They don’t mean to be like that, just happens when they’re excited. “Quads, about your age.” You said bumping Spenser’ arm.
Love interest asked, “Quads?”
“Four babies at once.”
“How-?” He asked with voice trailing off in astonishment.
“I have a lot of cousins, mostly twins or higher.”
The mail order bride asked, “Scared to ask how many siblings you have.”
“Just me, lost mom when I was little. I don’t think her parents could have handled more than one of me. Got a bit of her unruly streak they battled with for years in her till she ran off with dad.”
She said with a smile, “Ooh, sounds whirlwind and like a fairy tale.”
That made your smile grow and you nodded, “Met when they were young and her parents didn’t want her running off with some rancher from Texas, she danced in the Bolshoi Ballet.” Parting their lips, “Which my grandparents have been on the board for since they retired and she chose the guy they said wasn’t good enough and it was a fairy tale for a little while, even had me. Hasn’t been that bad from them since they wanted to get involved, my schooling helped studying abroad they got to drop in and out when it was easiest for them. And Babu gets to try and spoil me with traveling and shopping funds he pretends to be very cross with me when I don’t spend it all.”
Spencer asked, “You went to a school in another country all alone? Why didn’t your dad go with you?”
Catching his eye you smiled answering, “He took a job on an oil rig to help me pay the difference on my tuition after my scholarships.”
“Weren’t you scared?”
That had your smile creep wider, “Absolutely, and I had terrible stage fright. And I was in England and when I got a job waiting tables everyone saw me as the sore thumb for my accent and my eyes. And I just didn’t talk to people past my Professors till I got locked out of my dorm one too many times studying past curfew and some guys let me bunk with them in their flat. They were from Chelsea all the way out alone in Oxford and I found some more sore thumbs to hang out and bunk with, that helped a bit.”
The guy said, “I thought Lee said you went to Julliard with him and Tracy.”
“I did both, Oxford for my Drama and Science degrees, Daddy said I needed a back up plan. Did that for a year then Julliard accepted me so his friend who owns apartment buildings got me a place and kept an eye on me for fall to spring between summers back in Oxford.”
She said, “I don’t like to fly how can you fly so often?”
You shrugged and love interest asked, “So when did your dad start acting?”
“Few years back, he was going to be an extra with me on the Lord of the Rings got put as an Uruk-hai after his rig got hit in a storm and they had to evacuate it. Been helping him to get work on film since so he didn’t have to go back, and I’ve graduated now so he’s just got baby fever waiting for grand babies to watch after while I work. He didn’t dream of being an actor now he’s got an award he must be so excited. I hope he wins.”
Spencer asked, “Which film did he play the villain in that he’s getting the award for?”
“Beast of Bards.”
That had his jaw drop, “The villain was your dad?! That guy was huge!”
Making you giggle, “Well he’s 6 ft 9,” dropping the love interest’s jaw too, “got his hair and eyes but I got my mom’s travel sized stature.”
The Director gave the signal that the lights were ready and Spencer added his book with the others on your shelf in the trailer and wiggled past your lifted legs to go outside to take his own mark while you readied to be the irritated third wheel and storm to the sink where love interest would come cuddle behind you. Right in front of the tiny window where the camera with a hat standing in for Spencer on this shot would see you and grow jealous enough to try and frame love interest for beating him up.
On his way to his car to take him to his hotel Spencer caught a moment at your side again and asked, “Hey Jaqi?” Getting a kind smile in return, “I got a question, you have all that family back home. Why would you want to act if it means you don’t get to be there with them and you have to be alone?”
“Well, my Mate said something to me once when he was switching from musical theater to drama school to act traditionally. If you can picture yourself doing anything else and still being happy you shouldn’t act. But if you can only see yourself content while being an actor and living with the rough times, the dry spells between roles, the rejections and bad reviews but you still couldn’t do anything else then you should stick in there and put in the work. Back in school they tell us it takes ten years on average to be an overnight success. And the way I figure it I could always call, we mail tapes all the time. So ya I miss home and my family but I have all these amazing stories to tell my little cousins, and if you could just see New Zealand, that trip alone could have fed my fire for a decade alone and I get to go back again for King Kong, with my favorite Director and crew that feels like family. Roles are hit and miss, but I wouldn’t be happy behind a microscope in a job to be back home by nightfall. And my Mate acts too along with most of my friends so we all sort of mesh in together on our own adventures. You’re still a kid, you don’t have to iron it all out now, just see where the road takes you.”
Sheepishly he said, “I do like music. But my agent says I don’t have a look for musical films.”
You scoffed at that, “You think the big bands before the 90’s got universal approval on their looks? No, they had a killer voice and a sound no one could touch, and doesn’t matter what you look like if you got a song in you no one has heard yet you go and belt it out. Someone’ll turn their head. Keep working on your music too, hone your craft. Never hurts to have some versatility. Ten years, you got tons of time.” Making his smile creep out in his nodding turn for the car that pulled up with his dad and manager inside talking about his next plans for travel for another role.
Once inside the taxi a crew member had guided you to they called you pulled out your phone calling your dad with a smile. “Hey Daddy, congratulations.”
“They swarmed me.”
You giggled hearing the sounds of the sheep he was clearly still hiding with to pretend he was busy to go back in again. “I heard. We’re all just so proud of you. Can’t wait to go with you, we going fancy or casual?”
“No way we can’t go fancy. Gonna be in front of people. What if I have to give a speech? I don’t know what to say. It’s different with a camera there’s no reaction from a camera but I’ve seen those shows and there’s a crowd.”
“Well a simple thank you might be ok, I mean-,”
“I didn’t even talk that much on film, and it was mainly to you.”
“Well Anthony Hopkins wasn’t all talk in Silence of the Lambs, had his silent intimidation moments. It doesn’t have to be long. Loads of villains are silently intimidating.”
“I’ll figure it out.”
“Uncle Joe!” You heard faint through the line making you smile wider.
“Oh they found me.”
“Love you, Daddy.”
“I’ll get Jim to help me write something. He talks all the time at his job. Love you Pumpkin, see you in New York.”
Pt 39
Hobbit – Soulmate - @evyiione​​, @deepestfirefun, @rhaenaatargaryen, @anastasialovers
X all Rich. A - @abiwim​, @deepestfirefun​, @thestorybookmistress
X Lee P - @tigereyesf​
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​, @aspiringtranslator​​, @thegreyberet​​, @patanghill17​​, @jesgisborne​​, @curvestrology​​, @alishlieb​​, @jogregor​​, @armitageadoration​​, @fizzyxcustard​​, @lilith15000​​, @marvels-ghost​​, @catthefearless​​, @imjusthereforthereads​​, @c-s-stars​​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​​, @mariannetora​​, @shes-a-killer-kween​, @ggbbhehe4455
11 notes · View notes
ericsonclan · 3 years
Where A Kid Can Be A Kid
Summary: Violet is stuck on thoughts about a bad day of school until Louis texts her and asks if she wants to hang out.
Word Count: 4047
Read on AO3:
Shit. Today really sucked. Violet frowned deeply as she strolled home. She didn’t feel like going home today. School was always a pain in the ass but today was just worse. Marlon couldn’t hang out during lunch period and for some reason it felt like the teachers all had their focus on her, asking her all the questions that she didn’t fucking know the answers to. Violet shifted the backpack on her back filled with assignments she wasn’t sure if she’d do or not. She hated most of her classes.
Then again if she flaked out on doing most of her assignments over the weekend, she’d be stuck in the trailer. Her dad usually spent most of his time there over the weekend and whenever he was there he tended to reek of alcohol. He’d be there and Violet would be stuck with him while she caught up on homework assignments she had no idea how would help her in the future. It wasn’t like she was going to be the next great scientist or go on to help shape the young minds of America. She was just going to get by like she always did.
Violet grumbled to herself and angrily kicked a rock. At least school was over for the week. That was the silver lining in this shitty day. Violet gave a tired sigh; all she wanted to do was forget this whole day even happened. All of a sudden her phone chimed, causing her to pause in her tracks and stopping her from kicking another stone. Rummaging around in her hoodie pocket, Violet pulled out her old flip phone to check who it was. Knowing her own social habits, Violet already had a pretty good guess: it was probably Louis.
She was right.
Chuck E Cheese?  
Violet stared at the text with a soft smile on her lips. Finally something good. Quickly she sent back a reply.
Olive street. 20 minutes.
Violet was about to head over there but froze when a realization hit her. It would probably be best to drop off her backpack at home. She didn’t want it getting in the way or have to worry about forgetting it. Besides, she was nearly at the trailer park.
Violet dug her heels into the ground and began to sprint home. Her old sneakers picked up more dirt and wear and tear as she weaved through streets along the way before reaching the front door of the trailer. She took a second to catch her breath and calm down, The last thing she wanted to deal with was her dad.
Quietly Violet opened the door, hoping that her dad wasn’t home. It only took a second for her heart to drop when she saw him on his chair. He was here. Shit. Violet wondered what the best course of action was as she silently closed the door. That was when she noticed that he was fast asleep on the chair, an empty bottle of beer dangling in the loose grip of his right hand.
Violet gave a shaky sigh of relief as she gently placed down her bag. Tiptoeing into her room, she opened an old book of constellations that she had never bothered to return to the library. Within the back few pages was some money she had saved for a shitty day. Violet smiled and snatched up the money, pocketing it before heading out.
Louis gave a long, dramatic sigh as he walked up to his room. Falling face first onto his bed, he let all the day’s thoughts sink in. This week had been so boring. Sure, school was always a mixed bag but even all his favorite classes had covered things he didn’t care about. On top of that he hadn’t seen his friends all week. He missed Marlon and their joke offs together, Mitch and his chaotic fun and Violet and her iconic full body eyerolls.
Reaching around blindly while his face was still smushed against the bed, Louis searched for his phone. His fingers brushed across a pencil and a few music sheet papers with songs he was writing before he found it. Yoinking it, Louis opened his messages and immediately selected Violet’s contact name before sending a simple text.
Chuck E Cheese?
He threw his phone down and groaned as he draped himself over his bed more, staring up at the ceiling as he waited for a response. It felt like forever when in reality only a few seconds had passed before his phone dinged. Violet’s responses were as quick as ever. Holding the phone up above his head, Louis read the message.
Olive street. 20 minutes.
Louis smiled excitedly. He nearly let his phone slip onto his face but luckily he caught it in time. He wouldn’t be adding to that embarrassing number count today. Making a small sound effect as he jumped off his bed and jogged over to his desk, Louis quickly grabbed his car keys and wallet.
He snatched up a pen and scribbled a note to let his dad know he was going out. Sliding down the hallways on his socks, Louis barreled down the stairs and put the note on the table where his dad was sure to see it. He slipped out of the front door and made a beeline to his car, apologizing to one of the gardeners that he bumped into on the way there. Double checking his seatbelt and making sure he had the best classical music playing, Louis was off.
Within 15 minutes he had reached Olive Street and immediately saw Violet in all of her grumpy sunshine glory - at least that was how he would describe it. Louis gave a friendly wave to his friend as he pulled forward and stopped the car right beside her. “Hey, Vi!” Louis poked his head out with his signature smile.
Violet was silent as she strolled forward and opened the door. It wasn’t until she was seated that she spoke up. “Hi, Lou,” Violet looked up with a little smile as she fastened her seatbelt.
“Are you ready to party?” Louis locked eyes with Violet as he glanced up into the rearview mirror.
“Yeah, let's go,” Violet’s eyes wandered out to watch the world outside her car window while Louis drove. The two friends talked here and there about school and how both of them were sick of this week and glad it had ended. The conversation was light and easy and Violet enjoyed the simplicity of it as the classical music played from Louis’ car. After around a twenty minute ride they had arrived at the arcade. Putting the car in park, Louis undid his seatbelt and got out to open the door for his friend.
“Thanks,” Violet slipped out of the car and started to walk forward.
“No problem, bestie!” Louis grinned brightly and locked the car before jogging over to catch up with Violet.
Soon they entered Chuck E. Cheese and were immediately greeted by a staff member. “Well, hi there! Welcome to Chuck E. Cheese!” The staff member smiled before reaching over and grabbing the stamp and ink. Louis and Violet already knew the drill, they had been here tons of times before. Once their stamps were on Louis held out his fist with a grin. Violet silently moved her fist forward and fistbumped Louis. The pair looked at each other and shared a happy smile. “Now, onward to the token machine!” Louis declared and grabbed Violet’s hand, pulling her forward without warning. Violet’s comments were lost to Louis as his joy radiated off him while they made their way over to the token machine. Louis dramatically pulled out his credit card and leaned against it as he placed the card into the machine. The machine whirled to life and tokens began to pour out of the slot and into their small cups. Soon Louis and Violet’s arms were full of the tiny cups filled to the brim with tokens. Violet stuffed a bunch of tokens in her hoodie pocket while Louis tried to stuff the rest in his back pockets. This only made his butt look lumpy which made Violet laugh.
“Ha, ha. I look lumpy. So, anyways, what should we play first?” Louis asked as the two made their way around the arcade. The lights and sounds of the multiple games overwhelmed their senses. Each game seemed to be trying to draw over anyone’s attention that it could get.
“Strength test,” Violet led the way and Louis sighed deeply.
“But I suck at that.” Louis whined as he followed her, weaving past the different people who were also enjoying the different arcade games.
“But I don’t.” Violet smirked over at Louis before putting in some tokens in the slot to start the game. She took a step back and stared at the ball. Her mind quickly changed the soccer ball into the different things that were pulling her down in life. Her frustration and determination swirled around in her heart as she sent her foot forward, kicking the ball with all her strength. The kick caused the ball to launch back with a hearty thud as the machine rang with a happy tune.
The score flashed brightly on the screen overhead. Based on how loudly the machine was reacting to Violet’s attempt she must’ve made a new high score. Tickets began to pour out of the machine, coming out in copious amounts for this game’s standard. Louis clapped with enthusiasm and Violet looked away, a small smile of pride prominent on her lips.
Louis strolled forward and placed more tokens in, taking a few deep breaths to get ready. “Now, it is my turn. Watch as I kick that high score out of the water!” He kicked his leg, giving a loud cry as his foot connected with the soccer ball. The ball flung back with a faint sound and Violet laughed as Louis’ score flashed on the screen. It was far below hers.
“Shut up, Vi!” Louis pouted as he strode away. “You know my strength has always been in my arms. I’m going to choose next and totally kick your ass!”
“Uh huh, sure, Louis.” Violet stuck her hands in her pockets and strolled alongside her best friend who was trying to find the game to beat her at. That’s when he noticed the Dance Dance Revolution dance pad. Violet followed his gaze and let out a long groan. “Oh no,”
“Oh, yes!” Louis pulled Violet forward and immediately put in some tokens so both of them could play at the same time. He selected a song and before Violet could say otherwise the game had begun. Louis nodded his head to the beat of the song, causing his dreads to bounce lightly as his feet found the right buttons with ease. He happily danced and sent over a competitive grin to Violet who was too busy struggling to notice. Her feet sloppily tried to keep up with the beat but she just couldn’t seem to get it.
After a few rounds Louis agreed to call it quits and moved to gather the tickets when he remembered that this game didn't reward players with that. Violet quickly pulled him along, determined to find a game she could beat him at. Soon they were standing in front of whack a mole and it was clear that the evening would turn very competitive. Each of them seemed to want to prove that they could beat the other at more games and so they ran around the arcade playing every game they could until their stomachs growled loudly. It was dinner time.
“Have no fear, the pizza will soon be here!” Louis declared with a smile as he guided them towards the spot where they could order food. Louis was sure to order lots of pepperoni pizza and a few sodas. After a few minutes of trying to find a spot while sipping absentmindedly on their sodas the two found a booth that sat near the large animatronics of Chuck E Cheese and his pals.
Soon the pizzas showed up and the server wished them a nice meal before walking away. Violet was the first to strike and snagged a slice of pizza, quickly shoving it in her mouth. Louis watched in shock and somewhat awe at his friend and her ability to eat piping hot food like it was nothing.
“This pizza’s the shit!” Violet exclaimed as she grabbed more slices.
Louis laughed and nodded as he grabbed a slice to eat. “Save some for me,” He snatched up a slice of his own and devoured it.
“Eh, you have enough money to buy all the pizzas in this place,” Violet smirked as she stole a slice from Louis while he was distracted by the show that was going on with the animatronics.
“Hey! That’s a sneaky move!” Louis huffed and watched as Violet demolished the slice. She leaned back and causally sipped on her soda when suddenly a familiar voice appeared beside the table.
“Hey, Louis! Hi, Vi! Sorry I’m late.” Marlon smiled apologetically as he stood by their booth. Louis and Violet looked up, both having different reactions at seeing their friend. Violet seemed shocked at the fact that Marlon was here while Louis smiled brightly and immediately scooted out of the booth.
“Marlon!” he exclaimed before doing their special handshake with him. Louis bopped his fist on the top of Marlon’s before Marlon returned the gesture. They slapped their hands together before repeating it the reverse way. Then their fingers wiggled together before they wrapped their arms around each other’s shoulders. Both of them laughed happily until they noticed that Violet was still lost as to why Marlon was here.
“Hey, Marlon. I didn’t know you were gonna show up.” Violet mumbled through a mouthful of pizza.
“Yeah, Louis invited me. He didn’t tell you?” Marlon looked over at Louis as he slid into his side of the booth.
“It must’ve slipped my mind.” Louis laughed and nervously scratched the back of his head.
“Well, now that Marlon is here we should order more pizza,” Violet slid over a slice of pizza to the blond.
“Oh yes! This pizza is the best!” Marlon smiled as he took the first bite. He tilted his head back and let the cheesy goodness of the pizza fill his stomach. Without waiting a second he stuffed the rest of the slice in his mouth. Louis already knew what needed to be done; he ran over to order another pizza. Once he returned he saw that the rest of a pepperoni pizza had already been demolished by his two best friends.
“Huh, that's weird,” Violet commented as she took a sip of her soda.
“What’s weird?” Marlon sputtered out chunks of pizza and Louis used a napkin to wipe away the odd chunk or two that landed near him.
“I didn’t know they had Marlon be the mascot here,” Violet had a playful smile on her lips that turned into a smirk when she saw how much that had annoyed Marlon.
“Har, har, because it's a rat and you always say shit about my hair looking like a rat’s tail even though my hair is cool,” Marlon frowned and leaned back in his seat. He had always been proud of his mullet since he’d grown it out years ago.
“I said it looked like a dead cat, there's a difference,” Violet leaned forward with the smuggest smile on her lips.
“Oh boy,” Louis looked between his two best friends, wondering what to do, when the pizza arrived at the table. He gave a quick thanks to the server before an idea struck him. “Let’s have an eating contest!”
Marlon’s eyes lit up at that and Violet seemed interested. Their focus shifted from their conversation and soon the three of them were invested in the contest. All three gave it their all but soon Louis tapped out then Violet. Marlon gave a victory cheer that turned into an odd series of burps as he groaned and fell back into the booth. All three of them silently agreed to sit there for a while and let the food settle before they played any more games. After a while their stomachs were stable enough to move again and they got up to their feet and began to walk around in search of the next game.
“Alright, you get first pick,” Louis playfully nudged Marlon’s shoulder with a grin. Marlon returned the smile then scanned the area to figure out what he wanted to play first.
“Hoops.” Marlon nodded towards the basketball game and Violet’s eyes immediately brightened.
“Okay, but you better watch out! I’ve improved since the last time.” Louis proclaimed as he strode over.
“Oh. So you can actually score a point now?” Violet smirked back at Louis as she put in the tokens. Marlon laughed at that which made Louis frown.
“Yes, yes, I can score a point now!” Louis declared loudly and Violet and Marlon shared a smile.
“I’m sure you can, Lou,” Marlon gave a genuine smile then grabbed the first basketball to start his round. He got in the right form and got ready to make the first basket. Like always Marlon was great at the game, scoring all the baskets with ease as his score steadily increased. The basketballs continued to squash into the net and Louis applauded and cheered loudly. Violet nodded with a small smile, impressed by the score before having her turn.
She wasn’t bad herself. In fact Violet was really giving Marlon a run for his money, scoring basket after basket and making her score nothing to scoff at. Still Marlon had just edged out in front of her, something that Violet was sure Marlon would boast about for the next little while.
Louis went next and struck a pose as he prepared his first shot then gave a dramatic throw. The first ball - to Violet and Marlon’s surprise - actually went in. Both clapped, genuinely impressed that Louis had made the first basket. Louis did a quick bow, a proud smile on his lips. “Thank you, thank you. Now to make the rest of the shots!” Louis yelled and returned to the game. He didn’t make any of the other shots.
“What were you saying about making the shots?” Violet teased and Louis shot her a look.
“Shut. I can still beat you two at other games!” Louis snatched up the tickets and  headed straight towards skee ball. None of them were superstars at that game but that didn’t stop them from having a blast. Once they finished a few rounds of that they headed over to the balloon popping game.
The three of them quickly became lost in game after game as they wanted to play all the games they could. But soon they realized that it was growing late and they knew what game they should end on. The wheel of tickets. Louis started it out and spun the wheel.
“Come on, let's win some tickets!” Louis bounced anxiously on the balls of his feet and gave a small groan when he only won twenty tickets. Marlon was next and he spun the wheel with all his might. He only got five more tickets than Louis though. Violet walked forward and took a deep breath.
“You got this, Vi! You know what they say: blondes are like good luck charms when it comes to the wheel of tickets,” Louis’ sentence made Marlon and Violet look over at him.
“Thats makes zero fucking sense,” Violet commented before spinning the wheel.
“Yeah, if that was true then I would've gotten more tickets,” Marlon pointed out and Louis gave a sad frown.
“I was just trying to be a supportive friend,” Louis played with his dreadlock self consciously and soon turned his attention to the wheel.
Violet ended up only getting twenty five tickets as well. After a quick discussion the trio decided that they’d spend the rest of their tokens here. Each of them took multiple turns as the other two chanted for them to land on a jackpot. As luck would have it, Marlon finally landed on a jackpot and then Violet.
“Whoa! It is true about lucky blondes!” Louis beamed and strolled over to spin around the wheel one last time. “Now, I’m going to show you that luck is on my side too!” Louis chanted under his breath, hoping for a jackpot of his own. Marlon and Violet were chanting as well. Everyone was shocked when the wheel landed on the jackpot for the third time that day. Louis screamed with joy and hugged Violet tightly before Marlon tackled the both of them in a hug and lifted them slightly up in the air.
Arms full of tickets, the trio made their way over to the ticket muncher with big smiles. All three took turns feeding the machine which made a satisfying munching sound as the tickets went in. Soon they had their grand total on a receipt.
Violet, Marlon and Louis walked over and stood before the wall of prizes. Immediately they began to argue over what the best prizes were to spend their tickets on. Louis wanted to get cool shutter shades and a nerf gun. Marlon seemed rather attached to a plushie of a rat which made him receive some light teasing from both Louis and Violet. Violet wanted to get a tiny basketball.
“Wait, wait, wait. I think we can get all that we want,” Louis began to count the number of tickets and soon Marlon and Violet joined in to help him. With the power of their three brains they were able to determine that they could in fact get all they wanted and have some left over.
After all three of them got the prizes that they wanted, they were left with another choice. A grand total of seventy eight tickets were left to spend on smaller items.
“So, what should we get with the remaining tickets?” Marlon asked as he stared at the limited selection. Violet and Louis walked forward and stood beside him. All three were studying the small prizes displayed under the glass when Louis suddenly gasped.
“Bracelets! We should get those Chuck E. Cheese bracelets!” Louis smiled and  bounced with excitement. “That way we can all be matching!”
“So, like friendship bracelets?” Marlon glanced over at Louis who nodded.
“Exactly!” Louis looked between his two best friends, hoping that they would agree.
Marlon and Violet shared a look, having a short silent conversation before smiling and turning to look at Louis.
“Let’s do it,” Violet gave a casual shrug, acting as if it wasn’t a big deal. It didn’t fool the other two though. They could tell she was just as happy as they were about this idea. Once they had decided on the item, Louis purchased the bracelets and handed two over to his friends.
All three of them put the bracelets on their wrists and the three friends all looked at each other, smiling giddily. Marlon held out his wrist and Louis immediately clinked his wrist against Marlon’s before both looked over at Violet. Violet rolled her eyes but the small smile on her lips gave away how she really felt as she clinked her wrist against her friends’.
“Okay, time to head out! Maybe even get some ice cream?” Louis spun around and smiled at Violet and Marlon.
“Sounds good to me, Lou,” Marlon replied while Violet nodded in agreement.
“Then let's not dilly dally! Ice cream awaits!” Louis announced loudly and led the way outside. Violet watched as her two friends excitedly talked about which ice cream they would get as Louis pulled out of the parking lot. She looked out of the window with a soft smile. It had started out as a shitty day but by the end of it all it had turned into a pretty good one. Her eyes wandered over to Marlon and Louis who were arguing over whether they should listen to classical music or classic rock. They were a lot sometimes but still, Violet was glad to have friends like them.
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rosesvioletshardy · 4 years
life as we know it - b.h. chapter 11
here it is chapter 11, sorry it wasn’t posted yesterday i was busy and hadn’t finished writing the chapter until almost maybe 2 am pst
i really hope y’all like this chapter because i have no clue what i wrote if i’m being honest and i didn’t know how to end it
summary: when their two best friends die, it’s up to ben and y/n to take care of their goddaughter and face the challenges with it
# of words: 3,922
warnings: fluff, angst, language
taglist: @myfatbottomedgirls , @evemarie05 , @suckerfor-fanfics
 inbox me or message me if you want to be added to the taglist for the series
gif credit: @benhardyispretty
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while waking up, y/n felt more refreshed than she has ever felt before. it was most likely for the fact that she felt more free now that she was single. although she did love ben, she still couldn’t confide in where her feelings stood for ben. half of her loved her, but the other half knew she couldn’t. she walked down the stairs to find the house empty besides her, charlie, and frankie. when she reached the kitchen, she saw a note that was taped on the coffee pot from him
went to filming, had to leave early, you can come if you’re not busy. extra breakfast is in the fridge as well as coffee in the pot :)
she smiled at his note and his messy handwriting. when she opened the fridge, she saw 
 for her, it was the little things that for her that mattered like remembering a favorite song of the persons or how they like their breakfast in the morning. today was odd though, y/n didn’t know what they were filming today and ben would’ve usually told her what scene they were filming and what it was about without giving too much away that they weren’t exactly supposed to talk about it to others that much.
while y/n was loading up her car, she got a text from ben asking where she was. 
“hey are you on your way?”
“yeah we’re just about to leave”
“alright, you’re really gonna like what we’re filming today ;)”
“what are you guys filming?”
she gave up on trying to get an answer from him seeing that he probably had to go film. She got into her car and started it and played some soft music for charlie so she wouldn’t be cranky when they got there.
 ben on the other hand was in his trailer chilling until he had to get called into costume and makeup. he was excited to film today but the only problem he had with this costume were his thighs. he tried to get roger’s physique but he played too much rugby growing up. y/n didn’t do sports much growing up, her parents wanted her to try ballet, she tried soccer for a year, swim for a year, then volleyball for another year, until she realized sports weren’t for her. during that time she also did piano for several years and that was pretty much it for her. she snapped out of her thoughts when out of nowhere she started to pull up to the lot at the studio. not understanding how she managed to get there without getting into an accident, she told the security guard her name and told him she was a guest of ben’s and went inside. 
putting charlie in her stroller, and grabbing her diaper bag, she began to walk around until she found someone she recognized or at least found ben’s trailer. she spent what felt like hours but was only minutes, she just decided to ask someone. walking toward someone who had black, maybe shoulder length hair and a pink shirt and black skirt, she tapped on their shoulder. as the person turned around after feeling their shoulder get tapped, y/n immediately lost it. it was rami, dressed as freddie for the i want to break free music video. she covered her mouth as rami turned around giving her the full view.
“oh my god, you look amazing.”
“thank you, darling” rami said in his freddie voice causing her to laugh
“wait does that mean ben?”
“yes it does mean that. i can take you to him right now if you’d like? he’s getting into his outfit and hair in makeup right now.”
“oh please take me. i think we need to see this.” she tells him as rami began showing her the way after putting his robe back on
“so how’s everything?”
“stressful. as much as i love filming and playing freddie, it’s a lot you know? what about you? how are you and ben doing?”
“we’re doing great. charlie’s doing great. her birthday is coming up soon, you and the guys can come if you’re not busy filming that day”
“we’d love too, she’s already a part of the family.” he said smiling at her
when they reached the hair and makeup trailer, rami went in first to tell ben something 
“hey ben, there’s something outside for you?” “what is it?” 
“i’m not sure, i think it’s some sort of package for you.”
“alright, i think you’re done. you can go, i’ll still be on set knowing that all of you will mess it up.” his makeup artist told them
“thanks, now what was it?” 
ben followed rami outside where y/n and charlie were waiting for him with her phone ready to document what she thought was a  legendary moment. as ben stepped out, it took him a moment to realize that it was her.
“Oh wow, this is great. you look like rogerina. holy shit.” she laughed after taking a few pictures
“i look beautiful, don't i?” ben said fluttering his eyes and dramatically flipping the hair from him wig
“oh yes you do.” she said giggling and covering her mouth
ben reached down and picked up charlie who started whining, not recognizing him that well with the full face of makeup. at this point everyone had started to stare at all of them wondering why a baby was on set and why it was crying. he tried to console her and calm her down and making sure that people stopped staring at them before letting out a deep sigh and doing what he knew would be the only thing that would calm her down: singing. he didn’t sing often and would only do it if he were pissed drunk or if he were putting charlie to sleep or calm her down. y/n loved ben’s singing even if he wasn’t the best. 
“you had your time, you had the power
you’ve yet to have, your finest hour, radio
all we hear is radio gaga, radio goo goo
all we hear is radio gaga, radio blah blah
radio what’s new? radio, someone still loves you” 
as ben finished, all eyes were on him and were clapping but all he could focus on charlie and how her head was now laying on his shoulder as she played with the tie on his schoolgirl costume. he kissed her head and handed her back to y/n when the guys were all called on set and she followed them to watch. she loved every second of them trying to act like the band from the music video. she started to laugh at them, especially when ben landed on joe and he started to hit ben’s butt. everyone was thinking the exact same thing and it was that the boys were having too much fun whenever they filmed scenes like this. y/n loved the way they were all so in character and wanted to make sure they live up to the expectations of the band without fully imitating them. 
ben continued to film till the nighttime and y/n had left home early with charlie seeing that they could sense the director was getting annoyed despite her being in ben’s trailer for most of the time so they could film without any distractions bothering all of them. When they got home, the first thing she needed to do was put charlie down and get them both some food. knowing that ben was going to come home late, she ordered take out for them and got out a jar of sweet potatoes and peas with small bits of meat for charlie. while trying to feed her, started to become fussy and began to spit out everything she was given to eat. 
“Come one girl, there isn’t anything you like tonight?” she asked already getting frustrated
“okay, let’s take a walk around the house, you really seem to like that”
after wiping her face from the spilled food, she took charlie out of her chair and put her down so she could walk around, frankie followed close behind them. while charlie walked around there was a knock on the door signaling that her food was here. paying and tipping she quickly put the food in the kitchen and her wallet back before walking around the house to find charlie. almost losing her by finding her halfway up the stairs, she followed her up the stairs and walking to the family room that was upstairs. y/n hasn’t really stepped in the room that much besides only to clean and dust it. ben has been in it a few times but only to look around. while charlie began to climb the couch to get on it, she found something that was in the tv stand; it was a laptop. specifically lennon’s laptop. she recognized the case cover with flowers all over. 
taking it out, she walked over to the couch and sat down with charlie on her left. she took a moment and stared at it for a few moments before taking it out and turning it on. there were lots of memories that were hard for her to look through before sucking it up and typing in the password. the screensaver started to make her tear up. it was a picture of her, lennon, christian, and ben from one of the days they hung out together. she saw all the files that were for her classes and some that were for memories. 
ben walked into the house and it was all quiet. Not even frankie was coming down to greet him and she always did. throwing his jacket on the couch he walked into the kitchen to find bags of takeout but unopened as well as a plate of food for charlie. still confused, he walked up the stairs to find y/n and charlie cuddled up watching what he thought was a movie on the couch. he walked over to them and set next to her and looked over to find them watching videos from the last couple of years.
“why you up here?’
“charlie wanted to walk around and she came here and i saw the laptop and here we are” she told him as she wiped away a tear that escaped from her eye
“you miss her a lot don’t you?’ he asked her already knowing the answer. she couldn’t talk so she nodded
“i miss chris too. i honestly miss the way he would dramatically sing the national anthem already pissed drunk. he never could hold his drinks and was always a lightweight dickhead”
this caused the both of them to giggle as a video of lennon was playing the day she gave birth. they remember the day vividly. one minute they were arguing on how they were going to paint the room while christian was trying to finish building the crib.
“remember how much we used to hate each other?”
“i felt like our constant fighting was driving them insane.” 
“lennon felt like she’s seen more fighting from us than she’s seen while teaching.” ben laughed as he picked up charlie and put her on his lap
the video continued to play before it cut to lennon and christian in the hospital as she was trying to control her breathing
“and here we have your mother, looking beautiful as always. we can’t wait to meet you babygirl.” “hopefully you’re not as stubborn as your father.”
“well that’s something she got wrong” ben said as he blew a raspberry onto charlie’s cheek causing her giggle
“that’s your mama and dada sweetie. you would’ve loved them so much. your mama was the craziest person we knew but still grounded and your dada could talk and argue his way out of everything for days. they kept each other grounded and sane.” y/n whispered
this caused ben and y/n to stop what they were watching and look at her and to each other
“did she just?”
“i think she did. can you say that again baby? dada?’
“oh my god she did it! she said her first word!”
“she really did! christian would be over the moon and bragging that her first words were about him” ben said picking her up and spinning her around
the rest of the night was spent eating their dinner and watching a movie before charlie was nearly passed out. ben took her to bed while y/n cleaned the area up. she knew she was hurting herself by watching more of the videos before she landed on a one that involved lennon, christian, and charlie. it was a few days after charlie was born and they were back home and in her room. lennon and christian had started to argue because she could still smell the paint on the walls and was concerned that charlie would breathe them in. christian had told her that the windows had been opened so it could get the smell out and that he wouldn’t have had charlie in the room if it still have paint fumes. Ben walked in to find her with the laptop again and watched with her.
“you know, we loved playing rugby all the time and i kept getting injured and became bored with it and christian told me about the local drama club and spent almost all the time practicing with me until i went off to drama school. even then he would still practice with me during our exam seasons. he never got a full chance to study because of me and knew that i would make it as an actor and he still managed to be one of the best lawyers in london while still in his 20’s. he didn’t care how cheesy the scene was and always came to support me at my shows whenever he could. i can’t leave him alone when he needs me. and he never left me alone when i needed him. even if he’s gone.”
“i started watching these because i just wanted to hear their voices, see them for a minute you know? when you were putting her down, i found this one” she said pressing play
“ta-da! pretty great, huh? We went with the lavender and the blue sky. When y/n and ben were at the hospital with you, i finished some few touches”
“when did you paint this room?”
“like i said, i finished it the second day at the hospital.i wanted to surprise you.”
“i can still smell the fumes chris” lennon said trying to cover charlie’s nose so she didn’t breathe it all in
“it’s been dry for days now l-” christian tried arguing
“it hasn’t been drying long enough”
“we’re really getting so critical right now. it’s not even wet paint.”
“she’s not sleeping in the bedroom tonight”
“i wouldn’t bring a baby, let alone ours, into wet paint room”
“of course it’s not wet but does it smell for days afterwards?”
“no, it doesn’t. it’s totally aired out. do you know how much work y/n, ben, and i put into this?”
“you didn't do any of this, when have you painted a flower or a cloud this detailed?”
“okay, i oversaw what y/n was doing-”
“she can’t sleep in here, move her crib”
“Of course she can, this is her room!” christian said following lennon out
she then paused the video and ben began to speak again
“so what you’re saying is, that it’s okay that we’re horrible parents and that we want to kill each other half the time but also tend to make out every now and then?”
“Two-thirds, actually. i feel like we should keep doing what you said before. that we stop trying and stop trying to fit ourselves into their lives.” she said
“i actually hate this place. it’s like a mausoleum. there’s pictures of them everywhere. and i really hate that painting up there.” ben told her as he pointed to the cowboy on the wall.
“yeah, he’s really creepy right?” she stated pulling a face of disgust
“if we’re going to live here, we have to stop tiptoeing around like they’re coming back soon.
“well then, let’s get to work.” ben said as he got up and offered his hand for her to take
the first thing they did when they got up was take down the cowboy painting and ben went and put it the garage, specifically where they can’t see it whenever they go down there. y/n looked for pictures of her and ben that they could hang up in replace of the ones of chris and lennon. ben was with her until he found one of them together at the wedding. that was one of the few times they complied and took pictures together. one of them in particular, ben was staring at her like she was the only girl in the world. they both hung up a picture of them at the hospital with charlie when she was first born.
“wait, a little to the left--no no no, a little back to the right--wait right there. perfect” 
ben went back to y/n and put his arm around her shoulder and she leaned in while he kissed her head. they stood there for a few minutes admiring it before deciding to head off to bed. they had a lot to do before a party on the weekend which meant planning and making sure that they knew what they were going to do and it was all scheduled and ready to go. 
it was the weekend. which meant a birthday party for a now 1 year old. y/n had make a small cake for charlie in the morning so she could have some fun with it before the actual party. everyone in the neighborhood and joe, gwilym, rami, allen, and lucy were coming according to ben. she felt close with the cast after being introduced to them. she hadn’t met allen until a few days before when they had made a visit to the set. 
“here comes the birthday girl” ben said while he walked into the kitchen as she finished icing the small cupcake for her
“who’s the pretty birthday girl right in front of my own eyes?” y/n asked putting the pipping bag down
ben grabbed a small candle from the cabinet and his lighter and put it on the cupcake and set it on the tray. he took out his phone and began videoing as him and y/n began to sing her happy birthday. he sent the video to her when they finished and posted it on instagram. once he posted it, comments began flooding in wishing her a happy birthday. 
“so what is on the agenda today?” ben asked drinking his coffee
“well, we need to definitely give her a shower because she has frosting all over her. then, we have a couple hours to set up before everyone comes over  at 2, tyler is bringing the cake over around the same time, the face painter is coming over around 1:30 to set everything up, jack and melissa’s flight landed last night and they are going to be here to help soon.” she told him
“wow we are going to properly pass out tonight. this is going to be a lot. is there at least going to be some booze?” 
“yeah, it’ll be somewhere where the other kids don’t mistake it for their drinks-” she began talking before getting cut off by the door opening and closing
“hello? is anyone awake?” a voice yelled
the two adults recognized the man’s voice as jack before melissa scolded him
“be quiet, they could still be sleeping” melissa told them taking off their coats
“no, we’re not asleep. we’re wide awake. Hi jack, hi melissa”
“hi sweetheart. how ya doing” melissa asked rubbing the sides of y/n’s arms
“i’m good, how are you guys? how was the flight?”
“it was good, the both of you really didn’t need to put us in a really fancy hotel, others would’ve been fine.”
“we don’t want to hear it, you both deserve the best after all you’ve done for us and charlie. how are you jack?” ben asked shaking his hand
“good, still retired, still down at the golf course. here’s the birthday girl. my is she getting big.” jack said as ben handed her to him
“she is. she actually started walking and said her first words this month.” she told them as they all moved to the living room and  brought out some coffee for them
the fours adults continued to talk as they recounted memories over time of lennon’s and y/n’s birthdays including the time where she ended up roller skating into the cake. in her defense, she didn’t know how to stop at the time. jack and ben went to set up the grill while melissa started to decorate so charlie could get cleaned up. the weather was fortunate enough for it to be nice and sunny that day instead of cloudiness and rain. 
“y/n sweetie, i need to ask you something.”
“what is it?”
“how are things between you and ben?”
she knew that this question was going to come up sooner than later before everyone came. y/n knew in her heart that it was always ben that she was supposed to be with but her brain was telling her otherwise
“things...are going great. We’ve managed to work some things out. he was with me when i broke up with sean.”
“listen to your heart. your brain will tell you otherwise but it’s truly what your heart wants. if he doesn’t see what a great person you are, it’s on him and i know he’ll regret it later.” 
“thanks mel. i wish i had what you and jack have.”
“please, married 30 years and he always forgets when our anniversary is” melissa mentioned as she chopped up the lettuce for the salad
“men, what would we do without them?” she remarked causing the both of them to laugh
the party went better than they thought it would go. the only problem was ben not liking the idea of getting matching face paints but only doing it for y/n and charlie. joe had managed to get a picture of them and posted it. they had convinced jack and melissa to go back to their hotel and told them they could deal with the cleaning. it was quiet in the house now and they felt like they could just pass out and never wake up. she found ben outside smoking and nursing a beer before she went and wrapped her arms around him. he got rid of the cigarette and turned around and kissed her forehead.
“i thought you were going to quit.”
“i am, as soon as filming is over.” he announced before continuing
“’s nice out. wish it would be like this all the time” 
“it is. today was good, i’m glad people enjoyed themselves even after she went to sleep” “yeah the guys seemed to enjoy themselves. same with you tiger.” y/n laughed seeing the paint smudging off of his face 
“hey take a look at yourself too. The things we do for her.”
“i know i make a pretty sexy tiger” 
this caused ben to turn red and start stuttering over his words. all she could was just laugh it off and walk off
“c’mon, let’s go to bed. you have filming tomorrow”
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Love On-Set (Pt. 07 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
Word count: 3 K
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Next part (08) ->
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
The only reason why you didn't talk to Dacre at the airport was because you thought you'd have a couple of hours before shooting. But you were wrong. The flight was terribly late, and you had no choice but to go straight to set, and as soon as you got there, you and Dacre were pulled apart so you could get ready.
Already in your outfit, you stare at the mirror as your hairstylist gives the final touches, mumbling in response to whatever she's talking about. Your leg is bouncing nervously, as you regret not having called Dacre yesterday night. Or driven to his house. Anything really. Maybe it would a lot easier if you two had some time, but life has a way of complicating things.
“And you're ready,” Laura says and you manage to smile and thank her. “Now go before James comes yelling at us again.”
“Alright.” Mumbling under your breath, you stand up and leave the dressing room only to be rushed into the parking lot. Dacre is already there, talking to James. The wind makes you shiver and you brace yourself... Well, you think it's the wind that makes you shiver, what else could it be?
“...despite the delay, we'll get everything done in time so–” James swallows the words when he sees you. “(Y/N), great. Hope you made a safe trip here. I was just talking to Dacre about the upcoming scenes you two will shoot. There's just so much chemistry that I had to add more kisses.” Oh... You should've read the new script. “But I'm sure it won't be a problem since you two seem to be getting along very well.”
“Yeah, of course...” The first thing you'll do when you get to your hotel room is read every single line of this scrip. It'll be better if you're mentally prepared for what's to come.
But you're not prepared for this.
“Alright, everybody into position.” The director announces before walking away, leaving you and Dacre alone. Well, not exactly since you can't ignore the camera guys, the microphones... All the rest.
“Sorry, we couldn't talk before... This.” Dacre apologizes, but you shake your head slightly.
“But we will.” Nodding more to yourself than to him, you hope nobody is listening to this conversation. “Right?”
“Alright, guys, c'mon,” James says and Dacre walks away as you take a deep breath. Thinking over the lines, you let yourself fall into character, remembering the backstory that leads to this moment. “Everybody set? Ok... Action!”
Turning around, you look at Dacre as he crosses the parking lot. “I can't believe you took almost an hour to get here, Hargrove!” You yell, walking to end the distance between the two of you. “There's a freaking Demidog in the pool!”
“The thing is dead. So why the hurry?” He flashes Billy's a cocky smile, and you struggle to keep the irritated expression on your face. “Chill.”
“Don't tell me to chill. Can't you miss one single date?” Giving action to Amy's jealousy attack, you punch Dacre in the chest, and he gives a small step back as he rolls his eyes. “Not even when there's an interdimensional monster involved?”
“Why the hell you always think I'm with some girl?” When you move to push him again, Billy grabs Amy's wrists. This was improvised, you think. Or is it on the new script? Dacre's grip is soft though, and you put on an annoyed face as you try to set free, uselessly.
“Because that's where you always are.” Putting a frustrating undertone in the sentence, you sigh. “But it doesn't matter. We have a much bigger fish to fry.”
“The damn thing is dead, it can wait.”
You get why Amy falls for Billy. Or are your fellings for Dacre clouding your judgment? Putting up a fight, you try to free yourself of his grip, making sure to stumble backward until your back hits a car. “Let go of me! I'm tired of this shit.” Slowly, Amy gives up fighting. Physically and emotionally. The moment you stop moving, Dacre let's go of your wrists, his arms coming to trap you in between the car and his body.
“I know you're jealous. I just need to figure out why.” Billy leans closer, and you can feel yourself drowning in Dacre's eyes, more beautiful than the ocean.
“I said it once and I'll say it again. I won't be one of your many flings...” Your voice is low, and as the cameras move closer, you know it's about to happen. God, it's so damn hard to keep up the act. You can feel Dacre's chest every time he breaths in, and you want to pull him even closer. “...so... Back the hell off.” Putting your hand on his chest, you know that the action that would make more sense here would be Amy trying to push him away again... But you fail to do that, Amy slowly disappearing as you break character for the hundredth time. Instead of pushing him away, your fingers slowly clench around the collar of his jacket, grabbing it. Dacre's eyes burn on you, and you know he wants it to.
“Who said I want you to be a fling?”
Then you don't know who moves first. If it's Dacre who leans forward or if it's you, pulling him. But it happens, fast and needy. First kisses shouldn't be like this. They're supposed to be short and sweet, shy even. But part of you is thankful for the situation you're in right now, because it justifies how you cling onto him, how deep the kiss is, hot and passionate. Billy and Amy were both craving for this moment, but so were you. And so were Dacre because his grip around you is tight, his lips keeping a quick pace, one that you're more than happy to follow. You hand find its way to his hair, as he holds the small of your back, needing to have you closer, if that even possible. The cameras are long forgotten, and there's no set, no show, nothing. Just his taste, fresh and sweet, inebriating. There's something in the background, some familiar sound trying to reach you, but you push it away, ignore it, tiptoeing even more to try and match Dacre's high, wishing he would lift you up.
“CUT!” James' voice sounds like a freaking thunder, and it wakes you up. With your heart beating insanely fast, you suddenly go back to reality, probably blushing harder than ever as you step away from Dacre. He takes a while to let go of you, intense eyes locked on yours as he tries to catch his breath, falling out of the stupor too. “That was... Good. That was good.” James says, and when you look around, you notice people staring. That wasn't... Discreet, and now you know that what you heard was James yelling ‘cut’ half a dozen times.
Running a hand through your hair, you have to fight back the urge to touch your lips, the kiss burning in your head... You really hope James will need another take.
“Are you ok?” Dacre asks, taking a quick look around before taking your hand in his.
“Yeah...” Biting your lip, you nod, staring at him. This just gave you a rush of adrenaline, making you feel brave. “More than ok, actually.”
Dacre's lips break into a smile, his thumb caressing the back of your hand. “Well, judging by James' obsession with the perfect lighting, I bet he'll need a couple more takes to get it done.”
“I really hope so. I–” You're cut short for a commotion. Several people move to surround James, who soon starts cursing. “What's going on?” You mutter, exchanging a glance with Dacre before walking over the sea of people. That's when you see the rest of the cast, and you just now remember they were here too... And they just saw everything... Millie won't let you hear the end of it.
“Who the hell did this?” James shouts, and a lot of people start apologizing. Giving the others a glance, you notice they have their eyes glued to their phones.
“Oh, no...” Something leaked, you're so damn sure. Rushing to the guys, you stand beside Noah, taking a look at his screen. “What happened?”
“The kiss. The first you shot. Someone here recorded and published on YouTube ten minutes ago.” As Noah speaks, he hands you over his phone and you read the news article he was reading. ‘Exciting scene from Stranger Things 3 leaks: Amy Halpert and Billy Hargrove are definitely a couple’.
“Shit.” You mutter, leaning closer to Dacre so he can read it too. “Who did it?”
“We have no idea,” Natalia answers, looking up from her phone. “But I watched it. Whoever did this stopped recording right before the cameras fell.”
This sucks. Giving Noah his cellphone back, you sigh. “It's really mean to do that. There's a lot of operations to keep the set free from curious eyes and someone from the inside leaks it? That's ridiculous.”
“James will sue whoever did this,” Dacre adds.
“Excuse me, guys.” Ryan comes, a tablet on his hand and a very worried expression on his face. “James wants you to stay here until we find out who did this.” He says, giving you a quick glance before looking back at his tablet. “You got the trailers here so... I think you'll be comfortable. Sorry, but James is–”
“James' orders. Sorry.” Rolling his eyes and sighing, he gives his back at you.
“We'll have to stay? I didn't do it.” Gaten exclaims, clearly pissed.
“Me neither. I was too busy watching the kiss with my own eyes.” Natalia complains but gives you a glance.
Well, you would like to get to your bed, but complaining won't help and you're exhausted from the flight. “I'm calling it a night.” You mutter, upset that this whole thing happened. The leaking, of course. “I'll take a shower to wash the 80's from my skin and I'll go see my trailer.” You haven't seen it yet, since it's meant for the Battle of Starcout scenes, which you'll probably shoot throughout the night.
“Me too,” Dacre says, then turning at you. “I'll find your trailer after if that's alright.”
“Sure.” Smiling, you blush to feel all those eyes on you. “See you soon, then.”
• • •
You're lucky to have your baggage here. Maybe the flight being delayed wasn't so bad as it seemed. After showering and handing the outfit back to your stylist, you follow her directions to where the trailers are. They're in the very back of the set, in a large area, set side by side. You're surprised to see the trailer doesn't look like a trailer on the inside, but like an actual house, only a little tiny. There's a main space with a couch, a table, and a TV, then a kitchen with a stove, an oven, and a sink. A bathroom with a shower. And on the very back, the thing you needed the most after this long day. A well-equipaded room with a huge bed. Smiling, you let your piece of baggage fall as you climb on the bed, lying on your back and sighing in relief.
Jumping back to your feet, you decide to change into something more comfortable. So you exchange your jeans for light gray sweatpants and a black spaghetti strap tank top before lying back down. You're happy you ate on the plane, or else you'd be starving right now.
But despite all the thoughts in your head, you can't help but come back to the main event of the day. Your fingers come to touch your lips, as you close your eyes to bring the memory back. You're upset you didn't get to do more takes. The cold and nervousness you were feeling vanished so quickly, at the same moment his lips collided on yours. So hot and intense. Breathtaking.
You're dragged away from your thoughts by a knock on the door. Dacre. He told you he'd come. Taking a deep breath and fixing your simple clothes the best you can, you make your way to the door, thinking you should've picked something better to put on. “Hey.” You mutter when you swing the door open, gesturing for him to come in. “Did you see your trailer?”
“Yeah. I stopped by to leave my luggage.” He answers, stepping inside and looking down at you. “These things look bigger from the inside.”
“Definitely.” Clearing your throat, you gesture at the back of the trailer, to the bedroom. You know how awkward it may be, but there's a burning on your back that won't let you sit on the couch. “I hope you don't mind but could we talk while I lie down? My back hurts real bad from the five hours we had to spend at the airport.”
“I don't mind at all.” Nodding, you walk back to the bedroom, throwing yourself on the bed. “So. Who do you think leaked the video?” Dacre asks as he sits on the edge.
“I have no idea. All I know is that is wasn't me. And it wasn't you.” Staring at the ceiling, you try not to feel very self-conscious right now. “I was too busy on scene.”
“Me too.” He mutters. “Where does it hurt, by the way?”
“On my shoulder blades.” You answer, looking at him. He looks very handsome, as usual, despite wearing a simple white T-shirt. “Those airport chairs weren't very nice to me.”
“I can give you a massage if you want.” Dacre stares at you dead serious, which means he's not joking.
You wish you had the adrenaline rush from earlier, so it'd push the words right off your mouth, and maybe you wouldn't be blushing. “Uhm... If you want to.”
“Alright, lie on your stomach.” He says, taking off his shoes and climbing on the bed.
“Fine.” Mumbling, more to yourself than to him, you roll over, grabbing a pillow to rest your head. Breathing deeply, you feel the mattress moving under Dacre's weight as he places himself beside you.
“Let me know if it hurts, alright?” The moment you nod, you feel his hands on your back. And he must know what he's doing because it does feel good. The butterflies on your stomach are wide awake now, since Dacre has his hands on you, strong but delicate at the same time, rubbing and softly pushing your muscles.
“If I knew you were good at this I'd have asked.” You say with a smile, pulling the small amount of hair that still falls on your back out of his way. Dacre gets this as a permission to put a little more pressure, just enough to make you relax. His fingers slide under the fabric of your shirt, but you don't mind.
“Glad I can help.”
You just mumble in response, suddenly feeling your tiredness taking over as you close your eyes shut. Falling asleep now is the last thing you want because it's so good to be around Dacre, and you think you may finally understand where you both stand in all this situation. What you're feelings are and if they can take you somewhere.
“It's ok, I'm alright now.” You speak up, moving to lie on your side. “If you continue I'll fall asleep in a matter of seconds.”
“If you're tired I can go.” He gestures at the door, already moving.
“No. Stay.” Bursting out, you sit up, grabbing his arm. You can't believe what you just said. What you just asked of him. “If you want, of course.”
Dacre stands still for a while, frozen before he settles down on the bed again. “Alright.” You can tell he's tired too, by the way his eyes are heavy.
“Let's play a game. Who sleeps first loses.” The idea comes suddenly to your head, and it seems to lighten up the mood.
“And what will I get when I win?” He has a cocky smile on his lips as he lies down, facing you.
“When? Don't get overconfident.” Moving a little to get comfortable, you take a deep breath when your eyes set upon his. Blue and calming. “I'm gonna win.” You say, winking at him.
“I really doubt that.” As he speaks, Dacre brings his hand to your face, fingers sliding from your forehead to your eyelids, forcing you to close your eyes. “You'll lose, so better start making peace with that.” His voice, low and deep, sends a shiver down your spine.
You were just about to answer, to say something, when you notice how his hand lingers, moving to caress your cheek, thumb rubbing the soft skin on your jaw until it reaches your chin. Slowly, painfully slow, it comes to your lower lip. His touch burns, making your head spin around. The memory of the kiss fills your head, and you know you want to do that again.
Swallowing hard, you gather all the courage you can to move closer to him, ending all the space between your bodies and, being really brave for once, going for the thing you want. That you need the most right now. You connect your lips to his, feeling relieved as if a burden was suddenly lifted when you feel him kissing you back. Dacre's hand remain on your cheek, and yours rest on his chest, feeling his muscles under the soft fabric of his shirt. The kiss is slower this time, as if you're both discovering, unrevealing each other. But you don't mind. You love it as much as you loved the other one.
It sucks when you have to break apart to breathe. But when you do, you remain close, your foreheads touching because you just can't force yourself to pull away from him now. “Sorry, I... I had to.” You mutter under your breath.
“It's alright.” Dacre's hand comes to encircle your waist, keeping you close. “If you didn't, I'd have to.” He giggles. “I've been dying to kiss you, (Y/N).”
“Me too.” You whisper. “What you said in the message... I feel the same way. That kiss... I really wanted it and that wasn't Amy, it was me.” Maybe it's the sleep winning over you, but the words just come out. You need him to know. You need to let it out and you hope it means something to him. “Dacre, I... I really like you. A lot.”
You blush when he smiles, but soon enough a giggle escapes your lips. “Then I'd like to take you on a second date. As soon as James lets us out of this set.”
“I'd love that.” Giggling like a teenager, you kiss him again, a peck on the lips that linger a little too long. But not long enough. “Uhm... You can crash here if you want.” You decide to offer since you just noticed you're already on the bed, all tangled on each other. “I think we already reached the point of no return here.”
“I agree...”
“Are we... Are we going to sleep like this?” You ask, putting a strand of hair behind your ear.
“However you like.”
Biting your lip to hold back a smile, you turn around. Dacre is fast to hold you, a strong arm pushing your back against his chest. “Is this ok?”
“Yeah.” You both move to get more comfortable and you lay your hand on top of his, on your stomach.
You've never been like that with anyone, so close, so... Intimate. But you like it. And you can't believe it's Dacre who's holding you this way.
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelaninn @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines @peakascum @thisbreakableheaven
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