#Where are the Kinn/Big fics?
the-cookie-of-doom · 10 months
Chan/Kim AU where Chan was in love with Kim’s mother. He was assigned as her guard before Korn’s; always loved her from a respectable distance, grateful to be around her and asking for nothing more. They never had an affair, just a courtly love, full of admiration and fondness and the mutual knowledge it could never be anything more.
He’s there when she dies, unable to protect her, but he saves Kim, and Kim never quite forgives him for it.
10 years later and Kim has forgotten his mother’s voice. What she looked like. There are no pictures of her anywhere, no one will talk to him about her. But he finds out about Chan’s feelings for her and tries to leverage them to his advantage. First he he only wants to hear stories about what his mother was like. Then it’s more than that.
A storm of daddy/mommy issues, puberty, and an identity crisis (everyone tells him how much he looked like his mother, but he doesn’t remember her enough to know if it’s true) + generally being starved for affection/approval means he’s throwing himself at Chan. Tells him you couldn’t have her, but you can have me, and Chan hates himself for a it a little bit (she used her dying breath to make him promise he would always protect Kim), but Kim really does look so much like the woman he loved, and Kim is so desperately in need of someone to take care of him. Chan promise he would always take care of him.
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shubaka · 6 months
some kpts fic recs! here are some that i'll randomly catch myself thinking about again :')
Silver for Truth by snickerdoodlles
Tawan dug himself a grave when he hurt Kinn all those years ago, now it’s time for Khun and Kim to put him in it. (this is part 2 of a series but i feel compelled to rec this particular one lmao)
The Knight's Pawn by Yuujeong
When Big appears one day at Kim's doorstep as his new bodyguard, Kim is mentally prepared; he will not befriend, he will not open up and most importantly, he will not get attached. Korn made sure he learned this lesson a long time ago. Still, sometimes, on silent nights consisting of a cigarette and his guitar, he ponders on his past, on the days accompanied by an unassuming bodyguard with dimples and he smiles bitterly to himself. Or. The relationship between Kim and Pete, before everything.
Somewhere with Snow by gayzuko
"Everything's going to shit, isn't it?" Ken says when they part. Big sighs. "Yeah. Yeah, it is." "Do you ever think about leaving?"
Back on the Beat by Pens
On one hand, Kim is thrilled that Porchay responded to his ridiculous message. On the other hand, he doesn't really know where to go from here... he supposes he has no one to blame but himself. At least Porchay hasn't left him on read this time. Kim will just have to figure out a way to get Porchay to forgive him... through memes.. Illustrated and animated!, with some words in between.
clip by laesa
Korn dies and Kim slowly grows his hair out long. His brothers and boyfriend approve.
Come On, Get Up by phnelt
Kim gets kidnapped. Luckily, Chay has a very particular set of skills that he has acquired over a long career of being an ultra-fan. And he knows how to google.
deep in this sleeplessness by bisexualbard
“Kim.” Chay keeps repeating, and hearing his name from those lips still makes something flutter in his chest, even after all these months. “Are you saying we could have been getting a good night’s sleep for like a week now and you didn’t tell me?” He shrugs again. Chay keeps emphasizing words accusatorily, like approaching him and saying, hey I think we’ve been cursed so that we can’t sleep unless we’re near each other please let me curl up next to you in bed, wouldn’t be batshit crazy. Kim can't sleep. Chay can't sleep. Somehow this leads to Kim spending his nights in Chay's bed with the Great Wall of Pillows standing firmly between them.
From the Ashes by Water_Nix
Episode 14 canon divergence wherein Kim doesn't leave Hum Bar without Chay, and Gun gets out what he was going to say about Namphueng before Korn has a chance to act against him.
Heiligschennis by scattered_stardust16
Kim’s legs tremble with the effort of holding himself up, his pants and briefs are a mess around his ankles that neither of them care about right now. Not when Kim’s skin contrasts so beautifully against the black shiny polish of the piano he’s lying on. Chay could wax poetically about that contrast for hours. Starting with the way it makes Kim’s skin seem even more golden that it usually does.
Idolistic by ditchlily
Kim has control issues, and likes to seed his fandom with misinformation. Chay is a bnf with an unerring ability to spot the lies. This is a meet cute. Contains: weird courtship rituals, creepy cousins, far too much PDA, and Kim and Chay, teaming up to take on the world and take down family conspiracies.
Kim's Magic Pussy by imdeadlily
Kim wakes up and finds his dick is gone. MIA. Vanished. Displaced. Chay has no issues with this.
Moondrunk by TheCookieOfDoom
Porchay is a werewolf that crosses into vampire territory during his first full moon, an honest mistake that could lead to war. Luckily the vampire he meets cares less about their treaty than he does about the lost, golden-eyed cub stumbling through the forest.
Outside the Frame by just_slightly_chaotic
"So, P'Kim." Chay nonchalantly picks at the food on his plate, glancing at Kim from underneath his eyelashes. "What is the new MV going to be about?" Kim's heart picks up in speed. He wills it to slow down, without success. "I'm a prince who's been forced into an arranged marriage." Chay's head snaps up at Kim, eyes widening. "But I fall in love with a stablehand instead and we run away together." He's pretty sure he sees the world implode behind Chay's eyes. --- Kim doesn't need a social media manager. He's doing perfectly fine. Until Chay comes along. And then... well, he still insists he doesn't need a social media manager. But he does need Chay. (Even if it takes him a while to admit it.) (WIP)
tear out the threat of your love from my skin by booksnchocolate
It's not Porche's fault. Chay tells himself this firmly when it starts. This has nothing at all to do with hia, nothing at all to do with waking up one morning at 17 and finding his older brother firmly gone from his life. It's not Porsche's fault, but that is when it starts. Chay breaks. (please mind the tags on this one)
There Must Be Nine by Discophilia
Porchay Kittisawasd has felt unlucky for his entire life, he just never knew there was a reason. The morning of his 19th birthday, he collapses, victim to a dark generational curse that's somehow connected to Kim, too. Racing, Kim has to find a way to break the curse before Chay is lost forever. (WIP)
when i drive myself my light is found by IsleofSolitude
When Chay bought a car, he didn't realize hwat a great deal he got. It came with leather seats, a full tank of gas, a scowling ghost, and floor mats. Wait, what?
WIKTOBER: Open for Submissions. by wildelydawn
Chay runs an annual fic fest for WIK, a popular singer. Kim, a lurker in his own fandom, becomes an admin. (WIP)
Wikubus by AirgiodSLV
Chay knows that summoning a demon is a bad idea. He knows, okay? There are countless media depictions of what happens when someone decides to bargain with their soul. It never ends well. It's just... There have been a lot of rumors popping up lately in the fan spaces Chay frequents. Comments that suggest Chay's pop music idol Wik might secretly be a demon. Specifically, an incubus.
Bruises on both my knees by Lorio
So you're a tough guy Like it really rough guy Just can't get enough guy Chest always so puffed guy I'm that bad type
and my mind came rushing in by filigreesails
Tankhun has never been kissed. He's fine with that - prefers it that way, even. IT's not as if there are many people out there who could meet his eye-wateringly high standards, anyway. So it's fine. Obviously. At least, until Chay comes to him with a proposition, and the prospect of changing the status quo suddenly becomes a lot less hypothetical
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veliseraptor · 12 days
ok ok inspired by the recent success of the three sentence meme going to try my regular pre-flight 150 words meme. aka send me a number from the list of fics below and I will write 150 words in that fic
1. Pete sat down on the floor. Porsche, hovering, gave him a worried look. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Pete said, then adjusted, “sitting.” 
“I can see that,” Porsche said. “Are you okay?”
Pete laughed. “No,” he said. He didn’t know when he was going to be okay again.
“Um,” Porsche said. After a couple seconds he sat down on the floor with Pete and put an awkward hand on his shoulder. “Do you, uh, want to talk about it?”
“No,” Pete said again. He didn’t know what he would even say, if there was anything to say. He was so tired and it felt like any minute now Vegas was going to die again, and he was just waiting for it to happen. (reduce, reuse, recycle)
2. “Can I ask you something?” Xiao Xingchen asked. Xue Yang glanced in his direction, fingers pausing on his keyboard.
“Sure,” he said. “Sounds ominous. Hit me.”
“It’s nothing bad,” Xiao Xingchen said. “I was just wondering if you remember what you said when we first met.” Xue Yang had said no before, in the hospital, but it’d clearly been a lie then. He was hoping maybe the answer would be different now. Xue Yang made some kind of face, but it was hard to read. 
That, Xiao Xingchen thought absently, was one of the things he was going to miss most: the ability to see Xue Yang’s face and read his expressions. Not just because he liked looking at him, but because it was going to get even harder to tell what he was thinking. (Redux)
3. Which brought him here, in a room with a dirty, scruffy boy of indeterminate age (a skinny fifteen, maybe), his hands tied behind his back and an expression of casual unconcern on his face. Unconcern, except for the dangerous glint in his eyes that Jin Guangyao was going to be careful not to forget.
“I didn’t say to restrain him,” he said to the disciples who’d brought him back. He hadn’t, to be precise, told them to bring him at all, but there was no point in saying so now.
“He tried to attack me,” said one of them. 
“After you got in my face,” the boy said. “You deserved it.” (jgy teaches xy to read)
4. Oh, no, Pete thought again, but with a little more despair this time.
“Take Pete,” Khun Kinn said.
Vegas’s gaze swept to Pete, flicked slowly over him from head to toe. “Isn’t he one of Tankhun’s?” he said. “He won’t be thrilled that you’re loaning out his bodyguard to me.”
“That’s not your problem.”
“Considering Tankhun,” Vegas said, “it actually might end up being my problem.” (the devil drives)
5. That slight hitch. A correction. The muscles between Fenris’s shoulders tensed and he thought abruptly, disjointedly, of a red-haired woman sitting at a table in the Hanged Man, the sudden realization…
“Anders,” he said. The mage barely glanced at him, seeming distracted.
“That big thing in the sky is scarier,” said the young girl. She, unlike her father, was looking at Fenris. “I heard it’s full of demons that’re trying to come out. What’re those lines on your skin, mister?” 
“They’re tattoos,” Fenris said. His limbs felt heavy. He glanced toward his sword, three paces away. “Meant to imitate Dalish vallaslin.” He hadn’t meant to say that. Something was wrong. “Anders,” he said again.
Anders was looking at his hands and frowning. “Bloody hell,” he said. “Where did you find magebane?” (the best all lack conviction)
6. Malkar meant it when he’d said he was going to demand a lot of me. He said if I wanted to be a hocus - wizard - nobody could know where I came from. “Do you think the Mirador will welcome a whore from Pharoahlight?” he asked me. “No one must ever know where you came from. They’d throw you out on the streets. Now tell me about the Curia again, and for god’s sake, mind your vowels.” 
And when I didn’t do well enough, fast enough, there were always consequences.
“This is how you learn, Felix,” Malkar said while I was shaking on hands and knees at his feet. He bent down and took my chin and tilted my head back so I was looking up at him, but he was gentle about it now. “It is for your own good.” (Pygmalion)
7. “Why are you so eager,” Song Lan asked. Xue Yang laughed, his smile turning sharper, a little less pleased.
“Why wouldn’t I be? A chance to help these poor people. Wouldn’t miss it.” Song Lan waited silently, and Xue Yang’s eyes cut away. “I’m curious, Song-daozhang,” he said. “Is there something wrong with that? Walking around with you and your judgmental glare gets boring. Give me a problem to chew on, a mystery to figure out, something.” (Walking Far From Home)
8. “Tell me...tell me how we met,” Xiao Xingchen said.
A brief pause that made Xiao Xingchen’s stomach swoop with sudden unease. “What,” his friend said lightly, “did you forget that, too?” 
“I’m…” Xiao Xingchen wasn’t sure if he should apologize or not. He tried to remember, even if thinking made his head hurt, searching through his jumbled thoughts. Something about the smell of blood? A fragment of thought: at least I might be able to fix this.  “You were hurt,” he said, half a question.
“Uh huh,” his friend said. “That’s good.”
“And I found you,” Xiao Xingchen said, a little more confidently. “Helped you.” (xiao xingchen + concussion)
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silviakundera · 2 years
Kinnporsche fic I won't write:
the one where we can flesh out the ep 3-5 timeline, as Kinn's escorts all start getting a crush on Porsche, who is hot and sweet.
After Big outs Kinn and Porsche tells him off, he gets a little protective
does that asshole fuck with you? Decides he will take home all of Kinn's boys and Show An Interest.
He asks about their job and let's them pick the music and stops for street food & beers on the way driving them home, gossiping about shitty, entitled customers and why there isn't more of a retail to serial killer pipeline. It's not unlike a really charming first date, which is why they start shooting their shot. and, well, he's been so lonely & is used to getting laid on the job. They're pretty and friendly and smell like sex.
soon Porsche is making out with each escort at drop-off while the car idles at the curb. Just soft, slow kisses as he rubs his thumb behind the guy's ear, making him shiver into it. Everyone's Favorite Bartender Porsche walks each one to the door every time and ruffles their hair goodbye, and he's just SO. MUCH.
a repeat buisness escort starts gossiping w Kinn one night about Porsche's everything "did u know what he did THEN???? and that chain around this neck..., his skin there is SO SOFT. FUCK."
Kinn is like laughing mad about it for about 10 seconds but then just incredibly relieved that finally he can vent about his crush and they break out the good shit, getting increasingly hammered on top shelf whiskey and sharing the equivalent of thirst posts about Porsche's laugh, tits, waist, ass, and attractively terrible winking that would make kpop stans proud.
(the only escort who's ever stayed the night)
(because he was passed out on the floor, head under an end table and cuddling a jumbo bag of shrimp-flavored chips)
but then after The Auction Incident, Porsche takes home the flavor of the day and the boy is like CONCERNED. what is wrong w Porsche?? who broke him?! Bangkok sex worker phone tree engaged.
Kinm gets petulant looks behind his back, lazy handies, and passive aggressively awful blowjobs. It's not just that Kinn is pining, he's getting objectively bad service and is too distracted to notice.
instead of Kinn following advice from Pete on how to stop screwing up with Porsche he finally just breaks and asks his escort in THE MOST AWKWARD moment. They're like mid-fuck and Kinn just pulls back, still breathing hard and resting his weight on his hands. ahh! stop. I gotta ask you something. ... You've made out with Porsche, right? Sober? "... yes?" Explain how u made that happen. In detail.
kinn takes actual! notes! he's gonna get his man. and so he never visits Porsche on his break but when Porsche comes back to the compound Kinn is downstairs in like 5 min flat, he's RUSHING. It's super embarrassing, because he's obviously excited-anxious and a lil flustered and Big very much wants to die. (no, Big! in this more sexy universe u LIVE) (anyway) Kinn strolls up with serious buisness face and Porsche immediately gets defensive but then, like, confused. because Kinn wants him to drive them around to run?? errands?? all day??
and Kinn keeps trying to make small talk? and ask about what being a mafia bodyguard is actually like and which super nutritious meal disgusts you the most. Kinn is trying so hard to be chill and relateable and not a weirdo rich crime lord. It's totally not working at all, except Porsche is reluctantly charmed by how bad Kinn's taste in music is and how confidently he says ridiculous things and how he smiles to himself out the window when he thinks Porsche isn't looking.
he has them stop to get food and then cheap beers. puts a hand on Porsche's thigh and looks very expectant.
it clicks for Porsche, OMG. he is actually running the post-job make-outs playbook. starts laughing in Kinn's face, naturally, but then the patented awwww noooo come 'ere and coaxing Kinn's stern face to tilt back to him and accepting a sharp, petulant kiss that Porsche breaks off from to laugh more. ❤
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kinnbig · 4 months
fighting for my life trying to navigate honorific use in kinnporsche bodyguard fics because so much of what is canon/word of god feels so weird djdjhdfj
the bodyguards are minor enough characters that for some of them you never specifically see what honorifics they use for one another on-screen. all of the (non-Chan) bodyguards we do see in canon use 'ai' for one another, so you'd expect that this would just be the case for all of them - BUT in their character story interview, Nodt says that he and Perth referred to each other as "ai'Ken" and "P'Big" while on set, and multiple BTS clips and interviews confirm that Perth/Ken does always seems to use 'Phi' for Big.
so... all of the bodyguards use 'ai' for one another, except for Ken, who is inexplicably polite to Big and Big alone.
afaik the only time we see a bodyguard need to use an honorific for Chan is in episode 6, where Arm refers to him as "P'Chan".
and sure! this makes sense. he's more polite to the senior bodyguard than he is to the others, but not as polite as he is to Kinn ("Khun Kinn") or Tankhun ("Khun-nu Tankhun"). but then in the behind the scenes video for this episode, Perth, while speaking as Ken, says "I'm here with P'Big, Arm, and Khun Chan". 'Phi' for Big, no honorific for Arm, 'Khun' for Chan.
so. aaaaa. what is the truth?! Perth. Perth bestie. you specifically are the problem here. EXPLAIN YOURSELF. please.
EITHER this is Perth (not Ken) overcorrecting and being more polite than he needs to be (which is not uncommon for people speaking second languages), and if Ken had spoken about Big or Chan in the show he'd have used 'ai' for Big and Arm and 'Phi' for Chan.
OR this is just. idk. canon. Ken is polite to Big exclusively, and then different bodyguards just are different levels of polite/formal towards Chan.
maybe this actually makes some sense? Chan canonically uses different honorifics for different bodyguards - some of them he refers to with 'ai' ("ai'Pete" in episode 6, when talking to Korn), and some of them he uses no honorifics for (just "Porsche" and "Big" in the first couple of episodes).
but also, it's weird. it feels wrong. using "P'Big" in a fic would feel jarring. but also I like it. it's cute. but what is the TRUTH.
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respectthepetty · 7 months
I love your meta about Porchay being the most savage of them all. You are right. KimChay were the most terrifying couple. Also I now need some fic where Porchay proposes the wedding like in your meta, because it is all I am thinking about on the loop now:D. And Porchay would definitely do it, given more time. And if Kim wasn't an idiot and didn't break Porchay's heart (and his own), he could be happily married before even KinnPorsche and VegasPete had their engagement:DD
Anon, Kim didn't live at home. He made his own money away from the family business. He was bullying Big. He was on his own little mission. Porchay was left to live alone. He was bold with his idol. He went directly to Kim once he figured out he was part of the mafia, then he blocked him! They were a match made in hell!
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I know Vegas x Pete and Kinn x Porsche have their points, but Kim and Porchay had to break up because if not, they would have made that entire family cry at least twice a week and killed Korn.
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I am an open advocate for "Kill Your Shitty Father" in these BLs, and I truly believe Kim would have done it, especially if he had Porchay by his side. Kim would be trying to figure out a way to kill their father while Kinn would still be trying to please him, and Porchay would be helping Kim figure out a way to kill his dad while Porsche was trying to please Kinn.
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Remember when the three boys found out Korn was dead? KIM DID NOT BELIEVE IT! He knows you can't kill the devil that easily.
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So, yeah, you are absolutly right that Kim and Porchay would have gotten married before everyone else because 1) they would have found a way to use WIK's star power and Kim's mafia leverage to threaten government officials into legalizing marriage equality, and 2) they would have used the wedding as a ruse to kill Korn.
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And that's why Kim and Porchay had to break up, so Porchay would not murder Korn, Kim could continue to be a superstar, and Macau could finally shoot his shot!
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aeternallis · 11 months
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Hmm, I’m having feelings about this scene again, so before I get back to fic writing, I gotta just get this stuff off my chest.
See, in a lot of reconciliation fics I’ve read for KimChay, most often times when Chay asks why Kim acted the way he did, the reason is almost always some iteration of, "I wanted to protect you." Which is, in and of itself, it's not totally incorrect, but in my opinion, that answer has always felt a little off, yknow? Because it gives Kim the luxury of time in thinking about his actions and coming up with an excuse to justify his own cruel behavior. It gives him a way out that honestly feels a bit unfair to Chay, so most often it's totally brushed off to the side.
I'm not saying that answer is totally wrong, since I myself have used it in a roundabout way in my own fic, but the way I see it, at that specific moment, Kim's motivations as to why he dodged Chay and pulled away from him had absolutely nothing to do with protecting Chay and everything to do with protecting his own pride.
It's definitely not a calculated move; it's more impulsive than anything else. Lol It's an interesting thing to think about, since a part of me can't help but wonder: is this just a really mean habit he has, or is it because he didn't want Chay's perfect image of him to shatter?
Either way, whether it's part of his personality or all about protecting his image (I'm personality more leaning towards the former, ngl), Chay's wellbeing is not at all taken into consideration in this scene.
As a fan of Kim's character and trying to remain loyal to how he's portrayed in the show, I gotta not give him excuses, yknow? XD Lol
I think part of the reason this scene is so hard to watch for me is because, at the very moment at which Chay had needed Kim the most to explain to him what's going on, although Kim returns his feelings, the latter cared more about his own feelings than he ever did about the person he's in love with.
It comes to a head with their next encounter at the club scene-which is also painful af to watch-because in this moment, they both care more about their own feelings than they do each other, since Chay didn't even stop to think that Kim had just protected him from making a big mistake. And Kim didn't take Chay's feelings into consideration that seeing him would be hard to bear for Chay, considering how their breakup had gone down. :'D
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In terms of character development, it's not totally a bad thing. After all, who in the world ever likes being caught red-handed AND called out (in this case, both Kim and Chay to each other)? In the beginning of the show, Porsche had a penchant for calling out Kinn's shit behavior-even when they were both aware that Kinn was already falling for him-and that allowed for the Theerapanyakul of that relationship to learn that if he wanted to be in Porsche's life, if he wanted Porsche to want to be in his life, more than loving him, Kinn also had to learn to respect him.
It's the same theme with both VegasPete and KimChay: there is a difference between loving someone and respecting them.
And for men like Kinn, Kim, and Vegas, can anyone even begin to imagine how difficult it would be to learn to respect someone, when all of them have lived their entire lives up until that point turning their noses down everyone else? That it's second nature for them to think of everyone else as trash?! That to have that sort of arrogance is part of why their family has been able to climb their way to the top?!
(The VegasPete novel makes so much more sense to me now, because Vegas found it so hard to learn to respect Pete that he had to create an entirely different persona for it! LOLOLOL HE HAD TO DISASSOCIATE, BECAUSE HIS ARROGANCE IS SUCH AN INTRINSINCT PART OF HIS PERSONALITY AS A THEERAPANYAKUL! HAHAHAHA! And Pete is all, "my baby is trying his best, so points for effort" Lol)
Kimchay's scenes up until this point have been tender and poignant, but there are moments even in the beginning where although Kim was falling for Chay already, he didn't respect him whatsoever (ignoring his calls, giving him homework without any intention of following up, etc.)
The breakup scene was a jostling reminder to the audience that we cannot ever forget that Kim is a Theerapanyakul, and with that name, comes all the hubris and arrogance that being a member of that family entails. There is credibility to what Pete says when he states that out of all of them, Kinn is the most normal.
In other words, Kinn is the most "normal" because not only does he genuinely care about the wellbeing of the bodyguards in a way the rest of the family doesn't (Tankhun is tactless when he speaks towards them, Vegas uses them as meat shields, and Kim is dismissive and cold towards them, etc), but also because of the softness he genuinely harbors inside, he's more easily able to let go of that arrogance (case in point: the forest adventure with Porsche).
Is it any wonder to Korn WHY the bodyguards can easily be bought off? :'D
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(Side note: We know Kim himself is somewhat aware of his own vanity, as he was able to perfectly say the line in the screenshot without hesitation. On top of that, this is a very loaded line; wtf has he done before that he would even be aware of his own reputation?! Haha! I know the established fanon is also that he's bad at playing detective, but I wonder if it's not necessarily that he's bad at intel gathering, and more like he was having an off day with this particular leg of his detective work, since daddy dearest is actively making sure he's a couple steps ahead of his son. Hmm.
In my opinion, it lines up more with Kim's subsequent actions later down the road, and the overarching theme of KPTS (falling in love is in and of itself a humbling experience), as this gorgeous fucker did not at all think about the consequences of his actions. XD
It isn't until Chay has completely cut him off that Kim begins to learn that simply loving him won't be enough-will never be enough-to get him back in his life.
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kpquickndirty · 5 months
KP Quick'n'Dirty, First Remix Challenge, Week #6
Make something quick'n'dirty (keep it short, keep it rough).
@ message this blog to get reblogged.
Say "remix" next to the @ mention or in tags if you welcome others to create something inspired by your piece!
Remix Challenge
Your prompt this week is simple: remix!
Reminder: A remix doesn't have to be a direct extension of a quick'n'dirty creation. A remix can simply be taking inspiration from a qnd creation, or it can be inspired by just about anything, not just what's on this blog!
Remixable Roundup, Weeks 1-5
These are all the remixable creations from March and April (and it includes pretty much every qnd creation so far). Consider using these as a starting point. 🤩
Remix Chains
* Note: I am not listing each individual remix in a chain, but you can use any single creation as your jumping off point.
kim/jeff on his knees (@dr-lemurr, @airgiodslv)
prank war (@punchlove-blog)
quick'n'sleepy (dr-lemurr, @luckydragon10)
silver fox kinn (@imharmlessipromise, luckydragon10, @nuwildcat, @lady-guts @asylumwise, @susanwiththescythe, @dramarec, @nyxelestia)
rain god kim (@mousydentist, @airgiodslv)
where do you think you're going? (@artpo)
qnd banner (dr-lemurr, @mortimerlatrice, luckydragon10, @vanillalipstick66)
the bread sex incident (punchlove-blog, vanillalipstick66, @blingblingbubbles, mortimerlatrice, dr-lemurr)
a very hum bar songkran (luckydragon10, nuwildcat, dr-lemurr)
beach scene (lady-guts) and this is the first ever qnd! white rabbit kinn (mortimerlatrice) the truck at sunset environment study (mortimerlatrice) smol chay (dr-lemurr) all tied up and nowhere to go (mortimerlatrice) kimchay for asexuality day (dr-lemurr) makeup tricks with tay and porsche (mortimerlatrice)
kim and tankhun scene (punchlove-blog) kinn's one-night stand (artpo) kinn and porsche vacation (blingblingbubbles) kinn and porsche and kisses (mousydentist) big's sacrifice (@shubaka) arm gets a surprise vacation (artpo) mafia mistress (airgiodslv) shoot me while I'm happy (@liliblaukatz) bad bet headcanon for kimchay (punchlove-blog) beach reunion (@lori0018)
oral notfic slumber party truth or date (airgiodslv) in yellow (airgiodslv)
powdered milk (mousydentist)
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snickerdoodlles · 5 months
☕️ on tankhun if it hasn’t been asked before or anything else in general.
ooooohhh my beloved Khun 👀 tbh not much immediately comes to mind? Khun doesn't usually get much focus in fic and while i might be hoping for some specific Khun headcanons or characterizations, it's easier to read around characterizations i disagree with for secondary character. the only hand and fast 'no' i have for Khun takes are any where Khun picks Chay over Kim, but i don't see that as much anymore. dunno if that's because it has truly died down or if i just have most of it muted, but either way i'm v grateful 😂 but everyone already knows that one, so a Khun characterization i don't much agree with:
very ""motherly"" (ie, soft) Khun
this seems to stem mostly from Khun saying he raised his brothers? ft a heavy dose of fanon characterization. but Khun having been a big part in his brothers growing up doesn't mean he'd be soft and/or necessarily a caretaker. Khun's still very sharp. i see his touches with Kinn and Kim being of the sort like, briskly yanking their clothes into order before they go out, doling out snark just as good as he gets from two moody teenagers, smacking them upside the head if they say something disrespectful, etc. Khun's still Khun. he's very impatient, intense, and brash, and he's still working through a lot of trauma that sometimes has him lashing out at others. he's not really a tender person, as much as i love tender moments with him--tenderness especially is dangerous in their life, and Khun was raised as the heir to their world first.
this is more vague vibes than anything else? it's not anything that will immediately have me backing out, esp because i love little moments where Khun can be softer with his loved ones, but Kinn is the bleeding heart of the family and i disagree with any fic that puts Khun as the heart instead.
[ send a ☕, get a bitchy* fic opinion ] *personal preference related, we’re not here to be mean
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airgiodslv · 3 months
June creation wrap-up! A pretty quiet month; I'm working on several big projects right now that are taking up my attention.
bite down into me
KinnPorsche, Kim/Chay, rated E
Chay knows what Kim wants. Every time Kim presses against Chay, he can feel the blood just under the surface, the throb of Chay’s heartbeat against his skin.
Sometimes Kim nuzzles into the soft, tender junction of Chay’s groin and thigh, where he’s going to bite later. Sometimes Chay lets him.
Information Exchange
KinnPorsche, Porsche & Chay, Kim/Chay, Kinn/Porsche, rated T
“Why are they like this?” Chay moans. “What else are they doing that we don’t know the reasons for?”
Porsche shrugs. “I’ll bet that between the two of us, we’ll figure it out.”
Chay lights up. “Yes. We should pool our knowledge. Share resources. Tell me everything, Hia. What other weird habits does P’Kinn have?”
Brew the Dead, written by terribletressym
The Locked Tomb Series, rated T
“The coffee,” Pent repeats, and there's a slight hitch to her voice as she shifts, jarring her broken arm, “is haunted.”
Kim Summoning, written by Imherefordafic
KinnPorsche, rated G
Kim is quite in demand in the summoning circle.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
Cookie's Fic Recs
I feel like no one really does rec lists anymore! But last night I was feeling and sappy and mushy and decide to put together my own little list of fics I love. These are in no particular order, and they don't follow any real theme/tropes other than I dearly love them all, and you should definitely give them a read!
*I tried to tag everyone I could find a blog for, but if I missed anyone, please let me know I can tag them!
The Instinctual Gravitation Towards Warmth by kimkhimhant (@kimkhimhant)
This is my comfort fic. No joke, this is what I read when I want to die. It’s angsty as all hell, it’s made me cry, but it is so indescribably good. Kim is an addict going through recovery, finding love and family along the way. He hits rock bottom—arguably multiple times—but always claws his way back, always with the support of the people that love him. It’s such a beautifully written and cathartic story, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it. But it’s almost certainly the fic I’ve reread the most. 
Error in the Code by BlackwaterVial (@blackwatervial)
Sneaking this VegasPete onto my otherwise KimChay list bc it altered me. I think most people already know what it is, but jic: it’s a sci-fi/cyberpunk/android AU, and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read. I go feral for androids and this fic delivers in all the best ways. The world building alone makes me weep. But all of the characters interactions, the way we get such an in depth feel for everyone despite the limited PoV, and the most satisfying take I’ve seen on android artificial intelligence ever—I can’t recommend this story enough. 
Idiots & Idioms by snickerdoodlles (@snickerdoodlles)
This one is actually a series, and it's genuinely so much fun to read. For the most part it's a SocMed fic with Chay taking over Wik's twitter and making it everyone's problem, and it's fkn hysterical. This one is actually a series, and it's genuinely so much fun to read. For the most part it's a SocMed fic with Chay taking over Wik's twitter and making it everyone's problem, and it's fkn hysterical.
Silver for Truth by snickerdoodlles (@snickerdoodlles)
This fic is the Kim & Khun vs. Tawan team-up we deserve. Kim is a ruthless, demented bitch, that's too cool to beat Tawan to death bc what if he messes up his wrists right before a show?? Big, get 'im. Kim is the feral-est cat ever, leaving behind evidence and bodies for Kinn bc saying "hey bro, I still love you/look out for you" is too much emotion for him. The fic is also from Tawan's PoV which also makes it the funniest thing ever, for reason that I won't spoil <3
The Wiked Lies We Live by shubaka (@shubaka)
Oh my god, this fic. Canon divergence (technically??) where most things happen as normal... except KimChay have been bodyswaped at the start of it. The little twists Shu puts on the events of canon, given it isn't the correct characters experiencing them (such as Big being very confused about why Kim is suddenly nice to him??) are so much fun.
A Portrait of Affection by froginthesun (@froginthesun)
Kim is an artist and Chay is the part time nude model he hires. ‘Nuff said right there, except no it isn’t, this fic is beautiful. Kim’s frustration with his craft is palpable, and so is the way he rediscovers his passion through Chay. The writing is wonderfully detailed, every chapter felt like walking through a museum. And tension slowly building between them—unf. 
Sunshine in My Closet by moneskin 
This is an A/B/O AU that is so satisfying to read. Typical hilarious boundary violations (Chay stealing Kim’s clothes, a bewildered Kim handing over a freshly worn outfit, having barely any idea who this strange kid is) characteristic of the AU, but then the story also delves deeper into more serious topics. Chay has a history of abuse from a past alpha that he has to learn how to navigate with Kim, who is incredibly patient and works hard to make Chay feel safe and loved. Overall a very sweet and comforting read. Seriously, this fic makes me melt.
Your Body Feels Like Disrespect by Blue_Jay (@bluejayfiction)
This fic is so funny because it begins with Kim blurting out, in the middle of an Important Mafia MeetingTM, that he and Chay aren’t having sex, and then wanting to die about it. Followed by Kim’s family trying very hard to both support and terrorize him. It’s hilarious, sexy, and one of my favorite reads when I need a pick me up. (Bless Kinn’s determination to be a Good and Supportive Brother, and Vegas for being the Worst Person Ever.) 
In Silent Screams (In Wildest Dreams) by BelladonnaWyck and StratsWrites 
This is definitely a darker fic. There’s DubCon, Kim is generally Sketchy, but it’s very hot. And I love explorations of his character where he isn’t just outwardly psychotic and cruel. This fic shows the kind of dark that I think Kim could have been, if you just tilted his character a little to the left. He still seems very much the way he is in canon, but he’s also… a lot more calculating and cold, sometimes. I love it. 
Forget-me-always by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
I cannot sing the praises of this fic enough. I think it’s probably tied for IGTW for my most-read fics. I’ve probably read this one more often in reality, but only bc it’s shorter. But oh my god, does it hurt. Kim gets struck with amnesia post-break up, does a little light stalking, and gets Chay to help him learn/remember who he is. In the process realizes that wow his life sucks, and there’s no way he wants to go back to it. Especially if he’s the kind of person that hurt Chay. He would rather start over. (Ofc, he doesn’t get to). This fic makes me cry, it’s so good 
Coffeehouse Play by AirgodSLV
This is a canon divergence AU that I adore. The KimChay characterization is on point. I love that despite everything going on around them, they also get to be two boys that hang out and play videogames and try to shove each other off the couch while Porsche makes dinner. Given the age difference it’s so easy to make Kim Older and MatureTM, but he’s still a kid, and this story never once forgets that. It felt so honest and true to his character that Kim does have a lot of plans, and he’s very smart, but he’s also still so young, and sometimes shit just goes wrong. 
Want and Need by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
God, this fic. T h i s f i c. Post-canon Chay goes to therapy and becomes a camboy (in that order) and it’s delicious. Watching the steady breakdown of his and Porsche’s relationship is so satisfying. Everything one of them does to make things worse feels awful, but is so in character that it’s hard to be mad at them for their decisions. Kim readily giving up control if it means he can be with Chay, and Chay getting a crash course in how to dom. All of it is just. So good. This is such a good fic
Your Look, Through This Lens by WildelyDawn (@wildelydawn)
AU where Chay becomes Kim’s photographer. This fic emotionally hobbled me. Just a fair warning. You will cry. But that said, the ending isn’t nearly as sad as the tags would have you believe! At least in my opinion. I think it’s fairly open/hopeful, and beautiful either way. I love the way this fic shows how Kim balances being Wik while also being part of the mafia. And I love how temperamental he is; always hot and cold, while remaining pretty even as far as how he expresses himself. Always very aloof/detached, just out of reach, with Chay never really sure where he stands/what Kim wants. But at the same time the fic happens just before Kim gets a big break, and the subtle ways he shows his excitement and nerves as things start coming together—it’s wonderful. 
Love’s a Two-Way Dream by giraffeter (@giraffeter)
This fic is dark. Kim atticwife’s Chay and it’s not a good time. But!! It’s not just dark for the sake of it; Kim is a genuine sociopath, yes, but it unfolds slowly. You get a sense of creeping dread as he does things that are just a little bit off, until finally the Big Bad Thing happens. At first he seems normal, playing the part of good and respectful boyfriend. But it just goes downhill from there, and I love every word of it. The ending especially is very satisfying. 
In the Dark of the Night by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
Not to recc everything Bard writes, but… This is a rape recovery fic that I feel handles the subject matter incredibly well. There’s no gratuitous rape scenes, and even with the flashbacks, I don’t remember any of them being incredibly detailed. I think Bard handled the fic with incredible respect and grace. This is another one that’ll make you cry. The way Chay handles his past trauma while trying to have a relationship with Kim is so painfully real. And so is the way Kim wants to help him, but doesn’t really know how. But they figure it out together, and it’s amazing. (Also Kim acquires a stabby child in the form of an OC that I adore.) I just love the path Chay's recovery takes in this fic, it's so visceral and relatable. It's all around just. So good. I love this fic for the same reason I love IGTW and it's because both fics show an excellent depiction of recovery.
Chains and Crowns, A Flower Can Both Make by Sweet_William (@sweet-william-writes)
Incredibly Regency AU. Historical AUs are some of my all time favorites, and this is everything I didn’t know I needed. Sweet_William captures the essence of an Austen-esque style while still making this feel like the KinnPorsche characters. Chay is wonderfully feisty, Kim is delightfully complex, and the various family interactions always had me cackling. 
Simple Little Secrets by CorvusCloudburst (@cloudburst-ink)
Chay sees the future when he touches people. Kim thinks he’s either insane, a spy, or a conman. Oh, and Chay’s visions of Kim? Always sex-related. The shenanigans are endless. What more do you need?? They’re both crazy4crazy and it’s my favorite thing ever. Their banter is snappy and fun, the writing is sexy, and it never once gave me second-hand embarrassment despite Chay’s horrible situations. 
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eatmehuckass · 1 year
Does anyone know a fic where chay wanted a cat and Kim got him one for a surprise and chay keeps calling the cat their baby and their kid so after chay gets kidnapped chay freakin out trying to find the baby asking Kim if he’s seen the baby and Kim reassures him that big gots him , but also kinns there so Hess like “ kid?!” And Kim say “ wait- nononon not real yet”
I generally don’t remember most of it I think the cat was hairless but I’ve been thinking of this fix for weeks and can’t find it I can’t even remember if it’s finished 😭😭 please help
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wiccawrites · 1 year
KinnPorsche Fic Masterlist | wicca @ ao3
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Last Updated: Sept. 26, 2023 | my ao3
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Series: A Blooming Oleander (ABO Verse)
The premise of KinnPorsche The Series but in an omegaverse setting where Kinn is an omega and Porsche is an alpha. Diverges from canon.
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Blooming Oleander (18/18) | Explicit | 175,274 words | Alpha!Porsche x Omega!Kinn
One does not become the only omega among the heirs of the Thai underworld without knowing how to take what he wants.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Morally Ambiguous Characters, Trope Inversion
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Warm Heart (1/1) | General Audiences | 11,915 words | Alpha!Kim x Omega!Chay side story to Blooming Oleander
Five times Chay puts up with Kim's mixed signals and the one time where he finally has enough.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Pining, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers
Series: of the feline persuasion (Jaguar hybrid!Porsche Verse)
Someone pays off their debt with a rare jaguar hybrid and Kinn gets much more than he initially bargained for.
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Feline Purrsuasion (6/6) | Mature | 36,591 words | Mafia Boss!Kinn x Jaguar Hybrid!Porsche
"He's a cat hybrid," Kinn says, unable to hide how underwhelmed he is. Considering the price Ban had mentioned, Kinn had hoped for a dog hybrid, at least. Someone who was less likely to be averse to working with others and who would probably make a good bodyguard with sufficient training.
Ban tries to reply but he's interrupted by a deep, menacing growl that crests into a full fledged roar before he can get a word in.
Kinn whistles.
"Alright, he's a big cat hybrid."
aka: 5 times Kinn accidentally makes his jaguar hybrid bodyguard purr + 1 time Porsche purrs for him on purpose
Notable Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Pining, Oblivious!Kinn, mentions of trauma, references to past torture
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the cat that got the cream (1/1) | Explicit | 9,662 words | PWP sequel to Feline Purrsuasion
Some things are worth the wait.
Or: In which Porsche finally passes his Assessment and makes Kinn fulfill his end of their agreement. Many times.
Notable Tags/Warnings: PWP, Dom/sub Undertones, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Rough Sex, Body Worship, Size Queen Porsche, Pet Names, Come Swallowing, Vibrators, Praise Kink, Size Kink, Dirty Talk
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Alone Together (3/?) | Explicit | 12,584 words | Ancient Vampire!Kinn x Fledgling Vampire!Porsche
It is twenty years after The Awakening – the global phenomenon which ultimately led to humans discovering the existence of vampires – and Thailand is on the cusp of a long-awaited political milestone. After a decade of hard work, a bill that aims to uphold both human and vampire rights is close to being finalized.
Unfortunately, this is also when something decides to turn Bangkok into its own hunting ground.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Morally Ambiguous Characters, Political Intrigue, Mystery, Childe/Sire Bond(s), Soul Bond
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Moonchild (we're born in the moonlight) - 3/3 | Explicit | 3,619 words | Red Riding Hood Retelling
"Let me walk you home, then," Kinn offers, recalling the recent accidents and all the superstitions he'd heard about the forest ever since he was a boy. "Even if you live close by, these woods can get dangerous. You should always get home before nightfall."
"Trust me," Porsche smiles, teeth sharp and brown eyes glittering an almost golden hue under the late afternoon light. "I'll be fine."
He lets Kinn walk him home anyway.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Dark Fairy Tales, Werewolves, Fantasy, Trans Male Character, Mates, Vaginal Sex
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just this once (1/1) | Teen and Up Audiences | Canon Compliant Kinn x Porsche
Kinn gets a moment of clarity. A brief second where he becomes painfully aware of two conflicting facts: first, he wants to kiss Porsche and second, he is not drunk enough to give in.
He does anyway.
aka the ending of Episode 3 from Kinn’s perspective.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Character Study, Canon Compliant, First Kiss
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Recovery (1/1) | Teen and Up Audiences | Canon Divergent Kinn x Porsche
"I should have known better than to give you an order and expect you to follow me," Kinn says from the doorway of Porsche's hospital room.
aka my take on the side story before we knew there was gonna be a side story
Notable Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed
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i'll be yours (if you'll be mine) | Explicit | Canon Compliant Kinn x Porsche
Kinn is a flame, burning, burning, oh so bright, and Porsche wants nothing more than for Kinn to consume him if it means he gets to have Kinn to himself in return.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Character Study, Porn with Feelings
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The Call of the Deep (1/1) | Explicit | Eldritch Horror!Kinn x Mermaid!Porsche
To the Merfolk, the depths of the ocean are as equally terrifying as the surface – and for good reason. But Porsche isn't about to let anything stop him from finding his missing brother.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Aphrodisiacs, Drugged Sex, Tentacle Sex, Corruption, Forced Orgasms
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mirror, mirror (1/1) | Explicit | Canon KinnPorsche
When they started this twisted game of cat and mouse, Porsche was sure he was the cat. After all, he had the advantage of studying every single blindspot in every single room that Kinn entered. Kinn, on the other hand, had a reputation to uphold. An image of invulnerability that couldn't be tainted with losing his composure because of mundane things like, let's say, having his bodyguard's foot on his crotch during a security briefing.
But somewhere along the way Kinn had taken a different approach; had studied Porsche and found all the right buttons to press. Kinn started using his words. And Porsche, to his own horror, found that he liked them.
Or, Porsche fucks around (with Kinn) and finds out (more about himself than what he'd initially bargained for).
Notable Tags/Warnings: Mirror Sex, Praise Kink, Pet Names, Dirty Talk, Kink Discovery
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Mahiwaga | Dragon!Porsche x King!Kinn | To be expanded
Adjective. mysterious, inexplicable, miraculous
Or: In which Porsche is a dragon deity and Kinn comes to him for help to save his kingdom.
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(the future is) bulletproof | Dystopian AU KimChay
Kim had never really bought into the kool aid that his father seems to have successfully sold to everyone else in Oasis City. There had to be something in the barrenlands beyond the Mirage – otherwise, there wouldn’t be such strict laws on leaving the city borders. He sneaks out in search of the truth and finds so much more than he bargained for.
AKA son of a corrupt government official!Kim x youngest in a ragtag group of rebels!Chay, but in a post-apocalyptic setting
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the oxygen of the soul | KinnPorsche & ChatKhem Reincarnation AU | To be expanded
"It feels like I can only be free if you're by my side."
A few more scattered posts in varying stages of completion:
Bodyswap!AU - To be expanded
(Single) Parenting 101 - To be expanded
Full Shift Werewolves AU
Hades AU
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mousydentist · 5 months
More KPTS fics <10k words that altered my brain chemistry
PART 2: Misc Relationships
here we go again! this time, these are all fics that fit somewhere outside the big three pairings (kp, vp, kc). more (WAY more) than a few deal with sensitive topics, so the back button is your friend! enjoy <3
One Bright Moment by sparkly_butthole @sparkly-butthole-on-ao3
Rated E. Creator chose not to use warnings. Summary:
“Okay,” Porsche says slowly, “who is the smartest person we know? We should start there.” “Arm,” Pete responds immediately. “He’s a scientist. A tech geek.” “As opposed to?” “A magician? I don’t know.” Or: Porsche and Pete swap bodies. No one knows what to do about it.
this fic is ssooooo conceptually amazing, i'm absolutely obsessed with the interactions between the characters and the smangst gives it extra bonus points too. god VEGAS in this fic is literally spectacular, stunning, perfection
Complicated by Dumpster_Fire_x @dumpster-fire-x
Rated M. Creator chose not to use warnings. Summary:
Chay was in trouble. There was no way to put it. He knew that what he felt was far from normal nor the conventional way relationships work. He was in love, not with one person but two. Kim and Macau. It didn’t begin that way.
COMPLICATED!!!! this fic sent me into a kimchaymacau rabbit hole that i have yet to find my way out of but tbh i like it down here. soooo sweet and cute and just all around a very delightful read. angsty with a lovely helping of hurt/comfort that makes me 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
an hour glass glued to the table by IsleofSolitude @emberfaye
(+ associated series: time is a wheel in constant motion)
Rated G. No archive warnings apply. Summary:
"He’s immature, of course he is–he didn’t get to have his cousins and his parents give him attention and time. He knows how hard Vegas works–doing triple the work of anyone so that Macau is allowed to be carefree and attend classes at his school and not the type of training that strips away at your soul." Macau and Kim are the youngest sons, only four years apart in age.
i fucking LOVE this series so much, giving me that sweet sweet kim&macau goodness. i dont normally see/read gen fics or macau-centric fics and this really set my standards high for both of those things because its so well done
I don't need a parachute, baby, if I've got you by sabrina_il (marina) @pitchercries
Rated E. No archive warnings apply. Summary:
“We can do this,” Kinn insisted, between one kiss and the next, lying on top of Tay on the massive bed in his suite. “It’s totally doable.” Tay had to laugh. Kinn was very sexy and very heavy on top of him, and Kinn’s shirt was barely buttoned anymore and Tay appreciated all of it, but Kinn was an absolute idiot when it came to being an omega. Tay had known that even before they’d gotten together, almost six months ago. He’d known it for most of the time they’d spent as friends. “We absolutely cannot,” Tay countered, kissing Kinn again. An AU where Tay and Kinn are both omegas who get together (after breaking up with Time and Tawan respectively) and due to Reasons both go into heat at the same time. Porsche is the alpha they hire to solve all their problems. Suffice it to say, everyone gets way more than they bargained for.
oh WOW what to say about this fic. the PLOT in this bad boy, and in the rest of the series, is absolutely unmatched. SUCH a creative universe and made me fall in love with tropes/relationships id never considered before. 10/10 no notes
Ain't No Sunshine by Dumpster_Fire_x @dumpster-fire-x
Rated M. Major Character Death. Summary:
"Sometimes, death can bring the living together, and death can cause the living to find solace in one another." - C. JoyBell C.
🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 ow. just. ow. short and sweet, painful, heart wrenching, lovely, and all the other adjectives that mean "hurt in a beautiful and poetic way"
Kinn the Stud by IsleofSolitude @emberfaye
Rated E. Rape/Non-con. Summary:
It’s not often that Kinn is put out to stud. Most of the time, the two ruts he gets a year are treated with a mix of pills, vetted escorts, and schedule rearranging. Yet, every few years, people are allowed to pay for the honor of having a Theerapanyakul alpha stud for their fertile omegas. Korn had promised that this time, in honor of his birthday, he would be allowed to pick one omega personally. Of course Kinn had chosen his boyfriend.
genuinely dont care if im biased cause this was a gift for me, this fic aaaaaaactually rocked my fucking world like oh my GOD my jaw was on the floor the whole fucking time and then went i went to pick it back up the fic slapped it out of my hand god this FIC.
Chan's 7 Step Method for Making Good Boys by JynxedOracle @jynxed13
Rated E. Creator chose not to use warnings. Summary:
After being assigned to train Kim by Korn, Chan decides to use the opportunity to work on Kim's disrespectful attitude. Luckily he's devised a 7 step method to make Kim a good boy, regardless of Kim's feelings on the matter.
i was present for this fic being written through discord messages and it was a religious experience. i reread it twice on discord and then a third time when it got put on ao3 and then like six times since then. if you have EVER considered the possibility of chankim you HAVE to read this fic
adrenaline by loveliuess @the-innefable-idiot
(+ associated series angsty and horny KimVegas au by popular demand)
Rated E. Graphic depictions of violence. Summary:
Tomorrow Kim would blame everything on the adrenaline rush.
hi um. this fic. this FIC. this entire series actually, because you HAVE to read the whole thing. "angsty and horny kimvegas" is 100% accurate and LORD HAVE MERCY. i read the first fic as like a little treat before i went to bed and then i stayed up til 3am to finish the rest of the series and then i cried and didnt sleep at all :) GO READ IT
a night worthy of 200kbaht by Anonymous
Rated E. Creator chose not to use archive warnings. Summary:
Tuition is due and his brother is running himself ragged with three jobs already after Uncle Thee's latest gambling debts, so Porchay does what he has to in order to take care of things himself; selling the only thing he has worth something. He just didn't expect the highest bidder to be so... classy, and lowkey impressive.
oh if you know me you know about my obsession with this fic. ive bonded with close friends over how much we love this fic. this fic drastically changed my life its SO FUCKING GOOD. im a kinnchay hoe all the way and this is just *chefs kiss*
Performance Review by iffervescent @iffervescent
Rated E. No archive warnings apply. Summary:
Big wants to be good. Chan wants him to earn it.
this! fucking! series!!! i dont think i need to sell anyone on how amazing iffervescent is but goddamnit im gonna do it anyway. i very very rarely read bigchan but when i read the rest of the series i was like oh my god i HAVE to read this one and i DID. NOT. REGRET IT.
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lu-sn · 2 years
i'm gonna braindump my kimchay manifesto i am apologizing in advance
ok there are so many good fics out there where kim posts his video on the internet and everyone is like *points* you??? *points* PORCHAY??? and then everyone on the planet earth gives him shit for it and he learns to open up about his feelings :') and then chay writes a song back and then kim writes a WHOLE ALBUM and the peanut gallery is living. and then they talk and they get together and they produce even more sappy music because they're in luv. i love this for them.
but in the deepest darkest corners of my heart, i don't want this in s2. what i ACTUALLY want is: secret relationship.
and i want it to become the lynchpin that causes all of korn's plans to crumble.
kim makes this video. he sends it to chay, and that's it. he doesn't post it. he doesn't perform it, ever, because the only person who he wants to sing that song for is chay, and he can't bring himself to perform it publicly if chay isn't by his side. he tells no one about this because he's a sad repressed boi.
and chay also tells no one! because he has never been more isolated in his life. and the video tears at his soul, he thinks about it all the time, and there's a very devastating war going on in his heart. kim said he never cared. but then kim wrote a song based on his song, and it's so beautiful, and kim wants him to stay. is chay weak, for wanting to go back? he shouldn't do it. but it's killing him, so eventually he caves, and he asks kim to talk.
and it's such a heartwrenching conversation, because they're both just two boys who are so alone and they've been in such pain, but they spill their hearts and cry all over each other and then they kiss so softly and it's okay, they're gonna be okay.
then, they decide to tell no one, for now. and part of it is because kim is so fucking paranoid about his father knowing any of his weaknesses, and the sad truth is that in their terrible mafia world, chay is his biggest weakness of them all. and chay isn't opposed to this because he's very used to keeping this relationship secret, first because it involved his idol, and then because it involved kinn's family so directly. and chay kind of wants to take it slow, without any of their big brothers freaking out, because no matter what anyone thinks, this relationship makes the main family so much messier than it already was, and he's already been bitten once before. he wants it to be a sure thing first, before they tell anyone.
guys. the potential. DO YOU SEE IT
korn's whole thing is that he keeps close tabs on the relationship bonds between everyone around him, and then he manipulates them ruthlessly to his own ends. he uses namphueng to control porsche, uses porsche to control kinn, uses kinn to control his entire mafia empire. he keeps kim in line because kim cannot shake his loyalty to his brothers despite his own best efforts, he uses macau's safety to corral vegas, he uses gun's obsession with namphueng to throw him completely off of his game.
but if kim and chay keep their relationship secret, korn is suddenly missing a very important puzzle piece as to kim's motivations.
let's say korn starts trying to pit kim against kinn. (i heard someone say this was being set up in the novels.) but if he tries to do this, he doesn't realize that he's also setting up chay and porsche against each other by proxy. and on this i have zero doubt: chay will not stand for that. kim will side with chay, and porsche, and kinn, well before he tries to fracture anything with kinn.
let's say namphueng is actually functional, and knows things, and starts communicating with chay because it's her only hope of getting herself out of her prison. (if this sounds familiar, it's because i am insane about namphueng and wrote a bunch of words about this.) i bet you anything korn is keeping very close tabs on all of porsche's interactions with namphueng. but why would he do the same for chay? chay has no power, poses no threat to korn. and it's true! i love the boy, but he is not trained in the ways of the mafia, and he has no contacts to help him... EXCEPT KIM, who would definitely drop everything to help him figure out the mystery behind namphueng and maybe even help free her. let's be real, kim would be fucking delighted to do this. down with the patriarchy, in with the matriarchy, and all that.
let's say korn starts blatantly using chay to keep porsche in line. maybe keeping him under tight surveillance, or even as extreme as having him be kidnapped in retaliation for something porsche has done. well, korn is fucked, because kim cares about chay to an unreasonable extent, and he's such a snoop, he could figure it all out and then light all of korn's plans on fire.
and this one is pure self-indulgence on my part, but throw a macau-chay friendship into all of this and now all of a sudden every major player in the game is tied to chay somehow. and they would all die for him.
korn, the master manipulator, against chay, who has no schemes to his name. just love and friendship and kindness.
korn's going down, y'all.
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vcrses · 6 months
The Situationship - Post Credits Scene #12
[Read the fic here first.]
Kinn was in the middle of a meeting with his mother, the Thanachat clan leaders, and about sixteen middle men when he noticed commotion from the corner of his eye. He turned his focus back onto the spreadsheet in front of him, trying to chart exactly where these negotiations would land the Theerapanyakun family and in how much loss, when Big broke out of the circle of bodyguards around them, and stepped towards him.
“Don’t react,” Big said into his ear and Kinn prepared himself for the worst - Kim was dead, Tankhun had been murdered, Porsche had been killed- “Porsche is packing, and his friend’s there to pick him up.”
Kinn carefully loosened the muscle of his jaw. There was a flood of emotions inside him, and he singled out the one he could afford to feel at the moment, relief. 
“What do you want me to do?” Big asked.
Kinn saved the data sheet open on his iPad, and opened a word document, ready to start making notes on the Thanachat family’s demands.
“Let him go,” Kinn said, ignoring the way his gut revolted at the words, the way Big stared at him in disbelief. “We’ve done enough, don’t you think?”
Big stood there frozen for a moment, and Kinn’s mother cleared her throat pointedly. Big startled out of his slump, and with fury written over his features, gritted out, “No, we have not.”
If Kinn felt better, he would stop Big, command him to listen, but as it stood, Kinn’s heart was beating too loudly in his ears and his legs felt numb.
He would deal with it when his body stopped acting out.
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