#Which I get
napping-sapphic · 8 months
Really want to fall in love with someone who likes late night phone calls like let’s talk until it’s way too late let’s talk in a way that makes me a little bolder let’s talk in a way that makes me miss you even more than i did before let’s talk when we’re both soft and sleepy and just need some company in whatever form we can get it in
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lupeloto · 2 months
hey, it’s me. just here to remind everyone that mickey milkovich is actually so smart and he has never been stupid and the writers painting him out to be this clueless idiot the past two seasons was simply a personal attack on me
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frogsinajar · 1 year
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Hope y’all had a lovely start of the year, have a June wearing a corduroy suit.
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lilacjunimo · 3 months
something something cx-2’s knife skills in s3e7
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skulandcrossbones · 11 months
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home is here. with you.
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oiiikawas · 1 year
i’m really not into the fandom’s characterization for asa emory (the collector). so here are a few of my hcs about the bug guy.
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HE’S LATINO. idc the dude who portrays him in the sequel isn’t. i’m ignoring it.
he’s weird. like he’s obviously a freak when he’s uh...collecting. but he’s a weirdo (affectionate).
he’s an entomologist, probably followed in his father’s footsteps and works in a museum.
has major daddy issues.
he’s a loner. doesn’t really speak much unless he has to. except when he’s talking about bugs, he gets really passionate and could talk for days on the subject.
doesn’t socialize with his coworkers either. (they’re creeped out by him. thinks he’s weird but harmless since he’s so gentle with the bugs. convinced he wouldn’t harm a fly. and they’re right he WOULDN’T harm flies. human beings on the other hand...
he’s bisexual but struggles with internalized homophobia.
the chemical exposure from the childhood incident with his father is why his eyes Look Like That. probably wears contacts to make his eyes look normal when he’s at his daytime job.
i cannot picture this man being charming and suave. he makes people uncomfortable (possibly on purpose, maybe he doesn’t even realize it). although will put on an act to slip under the radar.
you’re THE exception when it comes to his violence. this man is not the most affectionate. he’s cold and often stares at you like he’s examining a bug. but he loves you. obsessed with you. you’re his most prized part of his collection.
you’re not a former victim. in fact, he meets you somewhere outside of his collecting “hobby”.
he doesn’t understand why you’re different from everyone else. you make him feel like he does whenever he’s torturing his victims but without any actual torturing involved. just spending time with you is enough.
his house is unique. you fall in love with it the first time you accept his offer to come over. you admire all the strange knickknacks around. the pretty butterflies and moths pinned in shadow boxes. the vintage wallpaper. its charming and you immediately want to move in.
he doesn’t torture you. he doesn’t need to. he likes to tease tho, make you slightly uncomfortable just to watch you squirm but its harmless. and usually just has you yelling at him and rolling your eyes while he laughs.
he knows you’re frighten of bugs and he smiles whenever you call for him to come get a bug and take it outside.
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magicinverse · 1 year
A few weeks ago Roier was scolding us saying that were are not the screenwriters and that we should just sit down and enjoy
If the eggs die (which I don't think they will at least not all of them in one hit) everyone's feelings are valid HOWEVER the hate is not
The qsmp doesn't depend on the eggs (althou they are a big and important part) and we have to accept that if they choose to kill/take them away from the history is for a reason and we have to respect that
You can not like the decision and stop consuming the content if you don't like it anymore, that's okey!! It's also okey if you decide to continue in every form you choose
Just don't hate on anyone
And if you do like the idea of the eggs disappearing just don't hate on people who have actual feelings for this characters and want them to stay!!!
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icaruspendragon · 2 years
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a poem from my upcoming book
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ladykatibeth · 1 year
I get very frustrated when people act like Izzy asking people to do stuff is like…him being controlling or odd, because…um…that’s the job he gets paid to do? He’s second in command his job is to manage the ship.
Like no one’s going to get onto Ed’s case for making Izzy get Stede despite Ed’s whining because, Ed’s captain, he has that authority.
Like imagine thinking your manager was weird for telling you to put things on shelves.
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twomanyfandomshelp · 3 months
Heyo fellow aroace here. I have a friend whose absolutely obsessed with Epic if you want me to tag her.
Hiya! Always a pleasure to meet a fellow aroace 💚💜 I would love if you could tag her, so far I only have one of my in person friends hooked on it, I need more people to chat with about this masterpiece!
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convoy914 · 1 year
Rooster Teeth is no different than any other corporation. When people celebrated Lumity becoming canon, they weren’t supporting Disney. I get that they PRETENDED to be better so it hurts more to find out that they’re more of the same, but they’re not special. The people celebrating Bumbleby becoming canon aren’t automatically supporting Rooster Teeth, anymore so than Owl House fans automatically support the Walt Disney Corporation.
TD;DR: Rooster Teeth is terrible & deserves to rot, but supporting CRWBY doesn’t mean supporting it and it’s kind of a blatant double standard if it’s only inexcusable in THIS case, & yet in the case of Disney, or Riot Games…
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
im sorry, you mean to tell me that debbie gallagher wouldn’t be a femcel? you mean that she wouldn’t be a girlblogger? you mean that she wouldn’t quote “hell is a teenage girl” at the age of 22? you mean that she doesn’t have the cool girl monologue memorized? no.
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nick-close · 1 year
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This is where my true beef lies
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candiedapplez · 6 months
if i left i wouldnt even be missed would i.
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mythological-mayhem · 5 months
Greek Gods Incorrect Quotes 16
Ares: Oh, geez, the doors are locked.
Ares: *Throws chair through the window*
Ares: Perfect.
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marichanmari · 6 months
Some girls here work out like shit, like their technique and the exercises don’t make sense but I’d rather die than to correct them
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