#Which is saying something because ravens are my favorite birds
finisnihil · 1 month
2.2 Sunday analysis spoilers ahead
I think a scene that perfectly sums up the Dreammaster and his relationship with Sunday is the one where he’s breaking the news to Sunday that Robin was shot.
Sunday has just appointed head of the Oak Family, given a position of upmost power. The Dreammaster leads in by giving Sunday Robin’s letter and then he innocently asks if she mentioned a stray bullet. A stray bullet? Why would she mention a stray bullet? Robin is safe and happy, wherever could she run into a stray bullet?
Well, a war broke out on that planet she sought it out because of it. For the sake of the Harmony and saving lives… she went to the front lines. You know, where stray bullets tend to shoot down innocent birds?
Well, holy shit, is she okay? Of course I mean it only struck her neck directly but I guess because she is doing such glorious deeds Xipe saw fit let her sing a while longer still. You should write to her- oh no, you stupid boy, only after you finish your pressing work now that you're head, hm?
Let's break down the interaction, shall we?
Firstly, this show was meant to sever Sunday's trust in Robin and isolate him. Robin is the person Sunday cares about the most, his life is but a tool to maintain her happiness and he's not quiet about the fact he'd chose Robin over the Family. When Robin didn't want to sing for Ena in the final plan, Sunday betrays the Dreammaster by taking her place as the sacrificial lamb instead. Point being, Robin is Sunday's only real support system and his only access to something that hasn't been rotted by the Family's corruption. The Dreammaster starts the conversation by highlighting how Robin withholds information from Sunday. She didn't mention getting shot, she didn't mention going to a planet because of war, she didn't mention anything. She isn't telling Sunday when she's in danger. Sunday is already terrified of the world around him, of how bleeding hearts like his sister's and his suffer for their kindness. The Dreammaster going about things this way instills a layer of distrust, Sunday can't trust Robin to be honest with him, he can't trust Robin to be safe, he can’t trust her to trust him. Thus, Robin is taken out of the equation and Sunday is alone with only the Dreammaster in his ear.
Next, we drill in a blame of the Harmony. Robin serves the Harmony like a good child of Xipe but it's precisely that which put her in harm's way. Would she have gone into that situation if not for the ideals of the Harmony? The Dreammaster twists this logic in Sunday's head, whispering it was the Harmony that got his sister shot and mockingly noting that maybe the only reason Robin wasn't dead from it was because she served Xipe so well; he implies that if she failed to meet that nonexistent standard next time, maybe Xipe will let Robin die. Sunday can't trust Xipe to protect Robin because it was Xipe's will that almost killed her. Now he's more vulnerable for the ideals of Order to sing their claws in.
Finally, Sunday's lack of control is emphasized. Sunday has just been appointed Oak Family Head but he still has no control over anything. He can't act out of line because those who supported him may stop and if he fails to uphold the pristine image of the Family there will be hell to pay. Still, I think the most sinister thing about his lack of control is seen when the Dreammaster stresses that Sunday can only write back to Robin after he has finished his "outstanding tasks". He was just coldly told the person he cares most about in the world was almost killed without her deigning to inform him, and he can't even talk about it with her and make sure she's okay until he does his paperwork. The position of Family head is nothing but a formality and it isn't enough to save Robin, it isn't enough to save anyone. Sunday has never been in control so maybe... He should create a world where he has it through Order.
In the credits we see the Dreammaster refered to as "Sunday's Servant" but it's obvious the Dreammaster was the one who manipulated and pushed Sunday to this point, intensifying his trauma and pushing Robin out so he could be the only whisper in Sunday's ear, so he could warp Sunday to be the vessel of Order he wants from him.
This entire scene would have gone so much differently if the Dreammaster actually cared about Sunday but we can tell he doesn't. From the start Sunday has been a bleeding heart that bleeds more heavily every time he tries to alleviate suffering. He's trapped in the cage of Penacony and has come to think the buildup of broken dreams and pain he's exposed to is the way of the entire universe. Robin escaped but Sunday can't.
Sunday is ultimately responsible for everything he did but you can't ignore that the path he took to get here reeks of the Dreammaster's malicious influence. Gallagher notes Sunday is just like Misha in a lot of ways and I think that's why the Dreammaster honed in on him so intensely. Sunday had the potential to ruin everything if he took the path Robin and Misha did so he had to have his wings clipped and taught to think a cage means love, that Order is the way, not Harmony.
It's genuinely such a good sequence, the tension of it all makes it work so well. The fact that Sunday is haunted by it and that the Dreammaster so successfully got into his head without him really noticing. He basically did what Aventurine bragged about doing, exploiting Robin's suffering to hit Sunday where he's soft. The Dreammaster functionally set up a bomb and coaxed Sunday into being the one to set it off.
Sunday is a wonderfully written antagonist, but the Dreammaster is a wonderfully written villain.
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more than a song ~ alex turner
word count: 2937
request?: yes!
“hi lovely! i wanted to request an alex turner x reader. just something based off of the song you’re so dark by arctic monkeys. he’s been friends with you for a while but a side comment from his girlfriend (something just like she doesn’t get how they’re just friends) and it’s just snaps into place. ig just him writing the song and moments of them together. maybeeeee him jacking off imagining her on all fours 👀. something like that! thank youuuuu”
description: in which he starts by writing a song about his best friend who is much different than him, and it turns into something more
pairing: alex turner x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut (male masturbation), kind of cheating since alex is imagining the reader and not his girlfriend (who will be a made up character, not his real girlfriend louise), also the reader doesn’t really know what alex was doing so idk take that into consideration? idk these warnings are a mess now
masterlist (one, two, three)
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It all started with a comment his girlfriend, Cheryl, made.
“She’s so dark. How are you two friends?”
They had just left a night out with Alex’s bandmates and his best friend, (Y/N). It was the first time the two women had met, which Alex was hoping would go well since both of them meant so much to him. They had just barley left the bar when Cheryl made the comment.
It amused him so much that he couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Why do you say that?”
Cheryl gave Alex a look. “Really?”
He stopped walking so he could turn to face her. “I’m serious. What do you mean she’s dark?”
“Alex...she talked for nearly an hour about HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe.”
Alex waited, expecting her to explain why that was a bad thing. When she didn’t, he said, “Yeah, those are her favorite authors.”
“They’re very depressing authors.”
Alex shrugged. “I’ve never read any of their stuff.”
Cheryl closed her eyes and sighed. “She’s got a very dark personality, Alex. Like murder of crows follow her around, Addams family’s long lost member dark. It’s just weird to me that you’re her friend when she’s so depressing.”
“Hey, you may think that, but she’s still my best friend. I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t insult her like that.”
Cheryl crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him. “Maybe I should be questioning your friendship with her in different ways.”
It was safe to say the night did not go as planned. Alex brought Cheryl home in a tense silence. He gave her a chaste kiss on her cheek before she got out without a word, slamming her door shut behind her.
The night had definitely left a slight strain on their relationship. Cheryl had decided that she hated (Y/N) just because of this idea she had that Alex and (Y/N) had romantic feelings for one another, but Alex refused to end his friendship with her when that wasn’t true at all, and when he had known (Y/N) for so much longer than Cheryl. So, even though they decided to continue their relationship, it wasn’t exactly smooth sailing.
But Cheryl’s comment about (Y/N)’s personality stuck in Alex’s mind. He had never noticed a “darkness” to his best friend. She was just (Y/N), the person Alex had known since they were kids. But now he was thinking about the things she liked, and the way she acted and just her general personality. He found himself humming to himself around his apartment; a melody at first, but eventually lyrics started forming in his mind.
“You got your HP Lovecraft. Your Edgar Allan Poe.”
He quickly rushed to his work desk to scribble down the lyrics as they came to his head.
“You got your unkind ravens, and your murder of crows.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he thought of Cheryl’s comment about (Y/N) being like a murder of crows. What Cheryl didn’t know was that (Y/N) had a tattoo along the backside of her left shoulder that was a flock of black birds. They weren’t distinguishable birds, but she often said it was a murder of crows since they were black birds. Cheryl would probably have lost her mind if (Y/N) was wearing anything that would’ve showed off that tattoo.
Thinking of Cheryl caused his mind to wander to the turmoil of their relationship. He looked down at the verse and chorus he had written about (Y/N) and thought about the fact that he was in the process of writing a song for his best friend when he had never had thought about writing one for Cheryl at all since they started dating. Maybe Cheryl was right to think Alex felt stronger feelings than friendship for (Y/N).
He shook his head. No, that’s not it. She’s my best friend since we were kids, and I’ve only known Cheryl for a few months. That’s all it is.
“I know you’re nothing like mine, cause she’s walking on sunshine. And your love would tear us apart.”
Alex was at his desk for nearly an hour putting the song together. He had two full verses and a rough outline for the chorus, but it still needed something more. He was toying around with more lyrics when he started writing, “You watch Italian horror and you listen to the scores. Leather-clad and spike collar, I want you down on all fours.”
“Whoa,” he muttered to himself. “Where the fuck did that come from?”
But now that he had written it, he couldn’t help but picture (Y/N) doing exactly what he had written: on his bed, down on all fours, her ass in the air.
He shook his head. “No,” he scolded himself. “No, stop. This is wrong.”
But he couldn’t stop. He closed his eyes and the image was embedded into his eyelids. He felt himself straining against his jeans as he imagined himself knelt behind her, looking down at her ass in the wear, wearing only a pair of lacy black underwear.
He groaned as he palmed himself through his jeans. The desire was far too strong to ignore. He had to take care of this, otherwise he knew he’d have a nasty ache between his legs that he would not be able to get rid of.
Just one time, he thought. Then I’ll never think of her like this again.
Alex unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them and his boxers down to his knees. His dick was hard as a rock and angry red. He hissed as the cool air touched the sensitive area. He spit on his hand and wrapped his hand around the base. His head tipped back as a moan erupted from his throat.
He closed his eyes and the image of (Y/N) appeared again. Her face buried into the pillow beneath her, moans muffled by the fabric of the pillow. Alex’s dick plunging in and out of her tight pussy, her ass bouncing every time his hips collided with it. He imagined that her moans were as pretty as her regular voice was. Picturing that pretty voice moaning his name caused his dick to twitch in his hand.
The wet sounds of his hand stroking his dick mixed with his heavy breathing and moans filled the room. His mind drifted from having her bent over in front of him to having her sat on his lap in the very chair where he was sat. He imagined (Y/N), still just in a matching lingerie set, pulling him away from his songwriting so she could climb up onto his lap and straddle him. He imagined her pulling the fabric of her panties to the side, a string of arousal connecting her needy hole and the underwear. He could almost feel the warm, wetness of her walls as she sunk herself down onto him, and her lips on his neck as she started to ride him.
“Fuck,” he grunted. “God, that feels so good.”
His desire to have her grew, even though he knew he never would. She was his best friend. There was no way she felt this way for him, too. And he definitely was not going to risk their friendship by bringing these feelings up to her. More than anything, (Y/N) was his friend and he wasn’t about to lose her all together. For now, the only way he’d have her would be in his imagination, and he was more than okay with that.
Behind his closed eyes he could see (Y/N)’s perfect tits bouncing in his face. He squeezed the base of his dick a little tighter as his jerking motions became quicker, almost more desperate. He could feel his high creeping up on him, and he was desperately trying to chase it.
In his mind, (Y/N) was leaning into his ear. In a sexy, sultry voice, he pictured her whispering, “Cum for me, Alex.”
And that was all he needed to go tumbling over the edge. He called out her name into his empty apartment as his hot cum spilled over his hand, lap, and some on his shirt. He mentally cursed to himself for not preparing more for the mess, but physically he felt incapable of fixing it. He let his head rest on the back of the chair as he breathed heavily. When he opened his eyes to finally face reality, he was looking up at the ceiling instead of at (Y/N)’s beautiful face.
There was a slight ringing in his ears as the blood flow from his brain to his dick finally went down. It was loud enough that he almost didn’t hear his phone vibrating on the desk and took him a moment to realize someone was trying to call him. He reached out with his clean hand to look at the caller ID, and his heart skipped a beat when (Y/N)’s name and face popped up on his screen.
Against his better judgement, Alex answered. “Hello?”
“Where the fuck are you?” (Y/N) asked, a joking tone in her voice. “I’ve sent you, like, five text messages.”
Alex pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at the lockscreen to see that (Y/N) had in fact tried to text him.
“Hey fucker, what are you doing?”
“Hello? Alex?”
“Quick wanking off and answer me.” (That one both made him laugh and made his heart pound harder against his chest.)
“Listen, can I come over? I wanted to talk about something.”
“I really hope the reason you’re not answering is not what I think.”
“Sorry, I was - uh - I was busy writing,” he said. It wasn’t entirely a lie. “I got really into it and had my phone on silent. Didn’t even know you were texting me. What’s going on? Is everything alright?”
“Well, I’m currently parked outside your place. Can I come in to talk about it?”
He felt his blood run cold. (Y/N) was outside his place right now trying to come in to talk to him, meanwhile he was sat at his work desk with cum over himself after jerking off to the thought of her.
This truly could not be any worse.
“Yeah! Yeah, just give me a second,” he said, quickly trying to figure out a solution to this.
“Alex, I’ve known you for years, you do not have to tidy the place up for me,” (Y/N) said.
“I know, I just need to...I just have to do something before you come in. Give me a second.”
He hung up before (Y/N) could protest any further. He quickly took off his already cum-stained shirt and used it to wipe off his hand and the area around his dick. He threw the shirt with the rest of his dirty clothes, tucked himself back into his jeans, and found a new shirt to put on. Just as he was pulling the shirt over his head, the doorbell started ringing. He quickly raced to his front door and threw it open to reveal (Y/N) stood there.
“Are you done whatever you had to do?” she asked, but pushed past him before he could answer.
“Come on in, make yourself at home,” he teased as he followed her in.
“I always do,” she said with a smirk. “You’re lucky I respect your privacy enough that I didn’t just get that hidden spare key and barge in here before I called.”
Very, very lucky for that, actually.
“What did you want to talk to me about?” he asked her as they reached his living room. “Your texts sounded serious.”
(Y/N) sighed and flopped down onto his couch. Alex sat across from her, leaving a decent amount of space between them. His mind was still reeling from the mental images from earlier that he wasn’t sure if he trusted himself to be so close to (Y/N) right now.
But she seemed very troubled, which was very concerning to him. (Y/N) always talked to him when something was wrong, but very rarely did she physically come over to his place to talk about something. He knew whatever it was had to be very serious for her to show up so suddenly like this.
“I ran into Cheryl at the store just now,” she said, looking down at her lap. “And...well...I know she doesn’t like me. I’m not stupid. I know there’s a reason she doesn’t come out anymore when she knows I’m there, and our brief run ins since we first met always include a glare whenever she sees me. Don’t even try to deny it, Alex.”
He wasn’t going to, but his mouth had been open to speak. He wasn’t even sure what he would’ve said, so he closed his mouth again and allowed her to go on.
“I saw her and decided just to try and avoid her. I expected her to do the same. There was really no reason for her to approach me when it was just her, so I thought. But she came right up to me in the middle of an aisle and she...well, the best way to describe it is she went off on a tirade about not liking me and how she wishes you would just stop being friends with me, and even told me that I should be the one to end our friendship so that she didn’t have to stress about me and you anymore.”
Alex’s hands balled into fists on his lap. He couldn’t believe Cheryl would really go up to (Y/N) like that when he wasn’t around. Like (Y/N), he figured that Cheryl would’ve just walked the other way and left her alone since she disliked her so much. But to go up to his best friend in a public and to go as far as telling her to stop being friends with him for the sake of a relationship that wasn’t even a month in was further than he ever expected her to go.
“I thought you weren’t responding because she got to you first,” (Y/N) continued. “I thought she was going to come to you with some made up bullshit saying that I was the one who attacked her or something.”
“I haven’t heard from her,” Alex said. “I guess she’s waiting till whenever I see her next.”
“Listen, I’m sorry that I’m causing this strain on your relationship - ”
Alex reached out to take (Y/N)’s hand to cut her off. The contact sent a spark through him, but he tried his best to ignore it.
“You’re not the one causing any strain to my relationship. Cheryl is. She’s the one who is feeling so insecure about our relationship that she has to go as far as calling you down to the dirt while I’m not around. I’ve tried everything to assure her there’s nothing to worry about between us, but it’s not enough for her. I think...I don’t think I can continue this relationship with her. Especially not after what you told me.”
(Y/N) looked down at their joined hands. In a soft voice she said, “She’s a fucking bitch.”
Alex smiled and chuckled softly. (Y/N) did as well, and eventually, they were both laughing at her comment.
When the laughter died down silence fell over them. Neither one of them knew how to break it, but they didn’t really feel like they had to. Silence always felt comfortable between the two of them. They never felt like they had to speak if they didn’t want to. They could just sit like this for hours and it would be fine.
But their hands were still joined together. (Y/N) was tracing circles in the back of his hand with her thumb, almost absentmindedly. He liked the feeling of her hand against his. He never wanted to let go of her.
“You said you were writing when I came?” she finally asked, looking up at him. “Anything good?”
“Oh, um, I think so? I haven’t really put it together properly. It’s just a couple verses and a chorus that I have to finish.”
“Can I hear it? Or see what you have written, at least?”
His face burned at the question. He knew he was definitely blushing by the way that a confused look creeped on (Y/N)’s face. How did he show her this song, which was clearly about her and included a line about wanting to fuck her, and not absolutely ruin their friendship in this moment?
“I-I guess, if-if you wanted to,” he stuttered. “But, um...it’s...it’s a little embarrassing because...well, you were my muse for it.”
Her face seemed to brighten. “Really? You were writing about me?”
“Yeah. There’s some lyrics...well, you’d know it was about you the song is released so I guess there’s no getting around it, there’s some lyrics that are a bit...more than friendly.”
And there it was. There was no taking it back.
He watched her face, trying to gauge what her reaction to that revelation would be. She was just looking at him for a moment, as if registering his words, before a smirk crept across her face.
“Then show me,” she told him, her voice low and sultry the exact same way it had been in his imagination.
And Alex swore he had never been more excited than in that moment.
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
10 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🌞
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Oh there's lots I'd be willing to eat if I had to! XDD
My memory ain't the best but off the top of my head-- I'm sure eating miltank meat wouldn't disturb me so much! :0
I like fish so there's a lot of those I'd be willing to try! Magikarp, uhhh those two grumpy fish that are either green/red or green/blue! I forgot the name..
Of course all of the food themed ones would be relatively no problem. Fidough, Milcery.. There's some bird ones that wouldn't be too upsetting too! XDD
As long as my brain relates them to earthly animals, I'm not too disturbed by the thought of eating them XD Im sure they have to eat pokemon in the actual pokemon universe! Where else do their meat based dishes come from? How else do they feed their carnivorous pokemon??
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Not recently :(( but I'd like to pick it up again someday once I'm feeling better! :}}
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Hey thanks for checking in, that means a lot 🥹
I'm hanging in there as best I can. I haven't eaten much but am getting plenty of water and rest! I'm hoping this horrible health trial thingy I've been going through is over soon <:}}
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y a l i k e j a z z ?
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Hey pal, I hope You're doing alright! Hang in there.. <:}}
I haven't worked much on Tuna's backstory recently.. but I imagined that his blood family was gone.. he lived on a ship with a real rotten crew that was horrible to him.
As for how he joined Seafoam's crew, I imagined that the crew rescued him somehow. Maybe Tuna's old crew attacked Seafoam's crew but he kicked their butts. Perhaps in all the chaos Tuna was left behind by "mistake", only for Foam to welcome him aboard?
Maybe his old crew got too intense and he ran, somehow running into Seafoam and he offered shelter? Or maybe his old ship sank and he was found by Seafoam..? Something along those lines-- XD
Anywho- thank you! Things are starting to look up for me, I'm hoping this journey is almost over! <:}}
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"Seafoam's heart 🥰..... Metaphorically I mean-"
I would assume so! :0 Maybe a cookie like that already exists in the games!
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Well that's hard to say.. I usually draw comics all in one pass. I sketch out the entire comic, and then I go back and draw all the line art, and then I go back and color it all in..
So in that sense 1 drawing for a comic could take days to complete. But if I were to focus on just one panel/drawing? I would guesstimate about 10-15 minutes :0
Now my name! My memory is a little foggy.. but one of my favorite things to do in drawing is to apply logic, reason and explanations for things.
For example, Captain Barnacles! He's a polar bear wearing a full suit and lives out in the Pacific Ocean. Obviously there's a lot that doesn't make sense about that- but mainly the fact that Barnacles would be way too hot!
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So I remedy this by making my version of Barnacles have very short fur, a special diet that thins out his blubber, and a special suit that helps keep him cool! It's not perfect obviously but it helps make him living out in the Pacific seem more reasonable. Which is what I love to do, and how I thought of my name! Applying fact to fantasy, Factual Fantasy!
Hm, Bibi's worst fear.. that would have to be something bad happening to me or any of the fam I'd assume <XD
Nothing bad actually happened to Red, that nightmare just manifested because she loves/worries about him so much 🥺💞 Like a mother having dreams about their children getting hurt. Nothing exactly happened to cause it, but they just worry about their babies so much that those dreams happen sometimes..
And lastly, thank you! It's looking good that I might finally get out of this pit. So my spirits are high! :}}
@beryl-shade (sorry for the late response! <:D)
He typically will not allow it 😅 I originally had a drawing idea for this ask but I dont have the strength to get to my PC so I can just explain it!-
I imagined Octo and some of the crew all tied to chairs with some other pirates taunting them. Octo looks very bored and very unintimidated.
Well one of the pirates makes the mistake of grabbing one of Octos tentacles and twirling it around. Octo immediately reacts and uses the other tentacles on his head to restrain his hand and start choking the guy-
The rest of the crew is just laughing and calling that pirate an idiot while he continues to struggle to get away from the angry Octo 🤣
Now on the other hand, if he gets a joking pat on the head from Seafoam? Or if Red is up on his shoulders and he pulls on Octo's hair by mistake? Eh, whatever he doesn't mind much. : '
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lovingdabeessss · 2 months
based on your interpretation of the military Yang ask, i find it absolutely hilarious that Yang just casually knows government secrets, due to ironwood just telling her. Does Ozpin know he tells her?? Like, during the Mistral bandit can arc, Raven is just giving her the whole 'Grimm has a master' speech and Yang's like, 'duh. I already know. Next your gonna say you can turn into a bird and the sky outside is blue or something??'.
And I love the thought of Penny and Yang being friends, it'll give Penny more *human* interactions and mean she won't act as stilted as she does in canon.
My most favorite part of that au is that she knows stuff she shouldn't. I wonder if that's why I like the time loop and MitC verse's so much....?
(btw, do you have Wattpad?? That is where I am mostly likely to upload once I'm finished writing)
As a mesh of my interpretation and the actual original askers actual AU i think ironwood eventually kinda recruits Yang and sense her whole family was part of ozpins inner circle for a while he probably sees it as fine if he tells her certain things that are definitely secrets probably not everything but enough that he would think it gained her trust and loyalty because Yang is a VERY loyal person (one of the things that would make her a good soldier) but the way Yang is loyal isn’t the way that he’d want which is individually and relationship based so she’d be loyal to ironwood if he helped her and told her this stuff but as like a friend not as a general of the army or like her boss and she’d never keep those secrets if it posed a danger to the people she cared about
And if she knew the army was doing some messed up she’d offer that information whenever it came up cause she has a very solid sense of right and wrong
I don’t know if he’d tell ozpin he told Yang these things but if it ever came up that she knew ozpin would probably assume it was any of the people related to her that told her like maybe qrow when drunk so I doubt he’d get caught
I love the idea of Yang being like “Sky’s blue, moms are birds, government is evil, nothings new, one(1) portal please”
I do not have wattpad I just use the search bar and go “ao3 pls” and that’s how I find the things I read u could always send me the link 🥺 after it’s posted
Also I’m draw’n rn so if you want me to draw doodles for ur au or this one or draw with me that’s available for a lil while
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quietblueriver · 5 months
not sure if you're still taking one word prompts... but if you are, then how about "warmth" or "pale" for Imodna?
(P.S. I love your writing style!)
Thank you so, so much!!! And thank you for the prompt. Here’s a short thing for “pale.” 💜 Heads up for some angst.
As always, she hears Laudna before she sees her, her thoughts providing a harmony to the song she’s humming happily in the kitchen.
Where’s the sugar? Should set the table. I wonder if Imogen was able to find blueberries…
“I’m home!” She sits her haul from the market on the little wooden bench by the door and bends to unlace her boots. “And I brought blueberries!”
It’s been years at this point, but the delight in Laudna’s thoughts when she hears Imogen come home never fails to make her stomach drop pleasantly with love and, even now, a little bit of disbelief.
Oh, excellent. I’ve missed her. I’ve missed you.
“Welcome home, darling.” A long black and maroon skirt sweeps into her vision as she looks up from her boots, and she follows it up and up, over a flowing black top with sheer sleeves and a green striped dish towel that has been flung a little haphazardly over a delicate shoulder until she reaches her favorite perfectly crooked smile and wide black eyes. “I’ve missed you.”
She’s still got one boot on but she can’t wait, so she stands up and leans into a kiss that Laudna receives with a happy sigh. She’s a little off-balance, and it’s the wobble that breaks their kiss, Laudna laughing at her fondly as she helps her keep herself upright.
“Steady, love.” Imogen kisses her again, because she can’t help it, and Laudna pulls back with a teasing tsk. “Finish with your boots and I’ll have a treat waiting for you in the kitchen.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Laudna swats at her with the towel, too far away to actually catch her, and walks toward the doorway to their little kitchen, Imogen staring after her until she catches herself and sits down again, tugging impatiently at her laces until she’s free.
She hangs her cloak on the rack, the pegs of which are various intricately carved birds in flight. Imogen’s partial to the hawk, Laudna to the raven. It’s a C-POP Industries original that Chetney swore was too imperfect for the market but that Imogen was almost entirely sure was just a gift for Laudna, as it appeared on their doorstep less than a day after she’d exclaimed over it in his store.
She picks up the bag of groceries and makes her way to the kitchen, dropping them on the table before coming to stand behind Laudna at the stove, where she’s laid out a rack of cookies to cool. Wrapping her arms around Laudna and relaxing into the cool press of her body, she says, “Those look good.” She catches chocolate and something else, cinnamon maybe. “Smell good, too.”
Laudna’s hands come to rest on hers and she leans back, Imogen supporting her weight easily. “Mmm. A bit pale, I’m afraid. Should’ve left them a few minutes more but I burned them last time, you remember, and I didn’t want to do that again.”
Imogen blinks. Does she remember? Of course. Of course she does. “I remember them bein’ delicious,” she says. “Think I ate half a dozen before they were even all cool. I’m sure these’ll be just as good.”
“Mmm.” You don’t have the most…discerning palate, dear.
The thought comes with an affectionate squeeze to her forearms, and Imogen laughs. “Hey, now. My palate is plenty discernin’.”
The pat to the back of her hand is absolutely patronizing, and Laudna’s tone matches as she says, “Of course it is. I’m sorry.”
Imogen presses up to kiss her cheek and squeezes her hips before stepping back and around to grab at a cookie. It’s still warm, and the chocolate is almost liquid on her tongue, and it’s so good, darlin’. Honestly. She swallows and offers, before taking another bite and another cookie from the tray, “Even better than last time.”
Laudna’s looking at her fondly, and it’s then that Imogen notices something’s not quite right. There’s a flicker in the corner of the kitchen, a shadow over Laudna’s shoulder, and her hackles are raised, the cookie tossed carelessly back onto the tray, as she says, voice low, “Laud, come stand behind me.”
Laudna stays where she is, eyes crinkling at the edges and the corners of her lips tilting downwards, smile still fond but a little bit sad now, too. Imogen’s stomach clenches, and lightning flickers at her fingertips. Shadows begin to bleed from beneath their table, their chairs, the doorway.
“Laudna. C’mon, baby.” Her tone is anxious now, voice unsteady, and she tries to take a step forward but she can’t. She can’t, and suddenly her heart is thundering, her palms sweating where they’re now frozen before her, ready and entirely unable to cast. “Please. Please.”
There’s ichor dripping from her eyes, slow and steady, and her mouth pulls up at one corner as she says, affectionate but resigned, “You know I can’t, darling.”
“No.” The shadows have swallowed the entry to the living room, slither closer and faster. “No.” She’s crying now, can feel the tears making hot trails down her cheeks.
A voice from above, familiar and cold and terrifying. “Is she your favorite?”
“No. Please. Not again. Please. Please. I’ll do whatever you want. Please, just...”
“Close your eyes, Imogen.” Laudna’s voice is gentle, the same one she uses when Imogen wakes from a nightmare—soothing and soft and loving and Imogen doesn’t close her eyes, can’t close her eyes, can only scream as Laudna’s body is lifted into the air by an invisible force, her chest ripped open by a sword she can’t see but doesn’t need to. She hears Laudna’s cry, haunting, and then laughter, Otohan’s laughter, and all she sees is white.
When she wakes, her cheeks are wet, and her chest is heaving, and she’s cold, so cold. She keeps her eyes closed for as long as she can, unwilling to be back in the world where Laudna isn’t, but it can’t last. She turns and blinks into the dark of the room where she’s sleeping, sees Laudna’s profile, Pate tucked carefully into a nest made of Imogen’s bandana near her far shoulder.
Her fingers reach for the place where she knows the sword went through, hover and retreat, fist into the blanket instead.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” There’s no response. Of course there isn’t. There’s no one there to hear her. She doesn’t mean it any less.
“I’ll fix it, Laudna. I promise. I’ll fix it.” She forces herself to close her eyes again, and when she drifts back into fitful sleep, she swears she can still taste the chocolate.
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cleolinda · 2 months
Weekend links, April 7, 2024
My posts
This week feels like it has been a hundred years long (not in a bad way). 
Somehow we joined together to balance the seesaw just right so Ava Gardner and Jean Seberg could both go through in the Hot Vintage Lady polls (percentages rounded). Like, I’m wearing the Ava jersey and even I encouraged people to vote Jean when necessary. Honestly, I just wanted to see if it could be done. And it COULD. 
Round three has begun. It is already horrific. This is the first round that’s really going to hurt because we spent the last one really getting down in the dirt and championing our ladies, or learning about actresses we’d never heard of before and getting attached to them. And now? We are reminded: memento mori. Everyone loses but one. 
(I personally pitched in for Sara Montiel. “BUT JUST LOOK AT--” Yeah, I did, thanks.)
Reblogs of interest
April Fool’s Day: You were here for the Boopening, yes? The whole thing was that you only got badges for giving boops, not receiving them, which is a great way to not reward popularity contests, but also means that every last one of us was out here trying to figure out who to bap with a cat’s paw 1000 times. I said, listen, my notifications are already trash garbage today. I’ll take the bullet. Boop at will.
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The Activity graph isn’t too clear on this point, but it looks like I had something like 65,000--hits? engagements? boops?--that day. Listen, I got the black paw badge too. We all did what we had to do in the Boopening. 
A Shakespearean boop of goodly length: “And, Meowntague, come you this afternoon, to know our further pleasure in this case, to old Food-bowl, our common judgment-place.” 
I had to go lie down awhile after a pun like “The Purrge.”
I had just gotten up from that pun and then I had to go lie down again.
Account security gothic
The Canada griffin
Dinotopia nostalgia
Two pairs of spectacles, one made from slices of emerald, and the other from slices of diamond
An old favorite: Cerberus as a puppy, guarding the gates to heck
I feel like these two posts have the same energy: Time cops will not let you travel back to the Titanic and bloodthirsty gazebos are currently in a dormancy period.
The birds are still troubled
PSA: The best sunscreens for your face
A collection of various American Indian/indigenous American languages, including Navajo, Tlingit, Lakota, Colville Okanagan Salish, Cherokee, Yucatec Maya, Greenlandic, Mohawk, Yup'ik, and Mi'kmawi'simk. 
A trans health-and-wellness fundraiser (Mercury Stardust, Point of Pride, and friends) kept getting banned off Tiktok due to assholes. Here’s how to donate; I saw a few “here’s how they helped me” notes, so it seems like these programs are both legit and effective. 
You think you’re going to sit staring at this video because Chocolate Guy is weaving chocolate. Then you get into it, and it just keeps going.
“Too Sweet” is doing hilariously well on the charts for a song that didn’t even make the album proper. Hozier’s bees would like to thank you for your support.
I know I said that Stevie Nicks would make you sing backup on your own haunting, but late in this 1997 live performance of “Silver Springs,” she makes Lindsey Buckingham, the man she wrote this song about, look her in the eye while she belts it at him. This specific performance was released as a single (I was there, Gandalf) and nominated for a Grammy. Watch the video and you will see why.
The Women Those ‘Evolution Of Beauty’ Videos Leave Out
I don’t really know how to describe this rubberhose-style cartoon of Cab Calloway as a singing nightmare clown. Betty Boop is also there. “You just described it!” No, I really didn’t. 
How movable type worked 1000 years ago, from scratch.
Unrestrained seasonal yak fun
A snowy raven photoshoot
The sacred texts
I don’t know how to explain this double Sacred Text about ominous dreams that comes with its own comic, except to say that they’re so iconic that I first saw both posts in lo-res Pinterest screencaps.
April Fool’s: The ultimate sacred text.
Personal tag of the week
Wet beast Wednesday, which had both a headshake stickflip and bears on a swan boat.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
The Sandman and The Girl Without Dreams
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TW: dragged to Hell, blood, gore, violence, witnessing attempts of suicide, mentions of nudity, protective!Dream, we're in Hell y'all, buckle up it's gonna be a ride! 😈
Chapter 7: Hell Has 1825 Doors
Morpheus couldn't take his eyes off of her as she stepped out into the downpour of rain and smiled at him. She was so beautiful, far more than he'd remembered. Everything about her felt like it was part of some dream, one of his own making. She was warm and bright, smelled of lilac and peonies and rain, she was kind and thoughtful and far too good for him. Penelope Barlow, the girl he shared a bond with, the girl that had tried to free him, the girl whose smile and eyes held the entire night's sky within them… the girl he adored with every part of him was far, far too good for him. It was so much easier to love her when she was dead… Easier because he didn't have to fight against it every second. Now, standing with her within his reach he struggled to resist pulling her into his arms and never letting go.
He watched her twirl and laugh as she danced through the courtyard, a sight he never thought he'd get to see. He watched her until she disappeared beyond the buildings and went on her way back to her home. Home. He thought, reminding himself of her life here, the life she deserved to live without him complicating it more than he already had. Roderick Burgess may have been her captor, but he had been the one that doomed her to share in his isolated torment. Dream didn't care that it had been out of his control, he only cared about the part he had played and in his mind that made him just as bad as the all the others that had hurt her. He would make up for it, he'd decided not long after she'd given him Jessamys' ashes, that he would not allow Penelope to lose anything else because of him. Even if it meant he had to swallow his heated thoughts and push the constant ache for her touch down into the depths of his shattered soul.
From the ground beside him Matthew cawed. "So… You and Penny?"
"I am not discussing this with you..." He replied harshly before adding, "There is nothing to discuss."
"Riiighht, whatever you say." His annoyingly mocking tone had Dream sending the bird a pointed glare. "So, what's our next move?"
"I am going in search of my helm. And you are going back to the Dreaming."
"Or, hear me out, you can take me with you and we'll never have to have this conversation again!"
"That does sound tempting," he admitted when something occurred to him. Lucienne. He'd already spent a century away from home without giving her any warning or explanation. Looking down at the raven he decided, I will not risk abandoning her with no warning again. Kneeling down in front of Matthew he said, "In fact, where I am going I may have need of you."
This visibly caused Matthew to perk up. "Yeah? Where are we going?"
"Hell. Hell as in Hell-Hell or are you being metaphorical? Either way we should probably check in with Lucienne first right?" He chuckled nervously. "See how she's feeling about it. I'm gonna go out on a limb, which is something birds actually do, and say she will not be in favor of hell going."
Standing he retrieved his pouch from within his coat, pouring it out over his palm watching the bird ramble on as the sand swirled around them. "Buuutt I don't get the sense that you're listening so fuck it, let's go to hell!"
As soon as Dream's feet hit the dry ground he could feel it, an unnerving scream forced down the bond, and the mark on his wrist ached in a way that made his stomach twist. Something was wrong, and as he looked out over the vast ash covered realm that was Hell, he had a strong suspicion as to who was responsible.
Lucifer Morningstar. The devil stood before me clothed in white robes with great bat-like wings spread out on either side of them. As I looked up at their face through the fire that stood between us I realized why Lucifer had been God's favorite. They were so beautiful, their skin smooth as marble, their heavenly eyes, golden hair that curled around their face. They looked angelic, all except their smile… The cold upturn of their lips held no joy, at least not true joy, only the mocking facade of it.
They moved gracefully, like the flames of the fire, as they tucked their wings in and stepped around the table, moving closer to me. With one mere twitch of their fingers two demons pulled me up from the ground, their hands course and their grip far too tight. A finger lifted my chin and their eyes examined my face closely. "Such a beautiful thing you are. So bright, even here, even after everything that's tormented you. Tell me your name, mortal."
My mouth stayed closed. Out of defiance perhaps, or more likely it was simple fear that stilled my tongue. Their smile widened. "It appears the mortal needs encouragement."
A gnarled hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing and lifting me up off the ground. In a voice that made my ears ring it spoke a simple command, "Your name."
The grip loosened ever so slightly, only enough for me to suck in a tiny breath. "P…Pe… Penelope."
Lucifer waved their hand and I was dropped to the ground, gasping for air. When I looked back up a woman stood in front of me, silver plates of armor glistened in the firelight, dark hair falling over her shoulder and the entire left side of her face melted and burnt away to the bone. Without a word she grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet before following Lucifer to the other side of the table. They beckoned me with a finger, but before I could move on my own one of the demons had grabbed me and thrown me into the side of the table. 
My ribs cracked, if not snapped, and all the breath was sucked from my lungs and I held onto the edge and gasped. "Sit." The demon growled. Slowly seating myself in the chair beside me I glared up through the now dwindling fire at the now pleased grin of the devil as they took a seat opposite mine.
"I must say I'm... Disappointed." Lucifer said with a sigh. "You don't seem nearly as frightened as I'd hoped."
"Oh I'm terrified," I admitted. "I'm in hell, getting thrown around by demons and having a conversation with the actual devil."
They tilted their head. "Yet I see no tears, hear no begging!"
"I'm not much of a beggar," I said, trying not to focus on all the horrible possibilities this meeting of ours could end with. "And I have a feeling that if you'd wanted me dead or strung up and tortured we wouldn't be sitting here. You want something."
They restrained a smile. "Clever, aren't you?"
"No, not at all. You're just making it obvious."
The fire in the room roared. "I'd heard the rumor ages ago, the great Dream of the Endless soul bound to a mortal girl, a preposterous thing." Soul bound? My mind caught the words and clung to them. Now wasn't the time for questions, but later… If there would still be one. "Still, I was curious and I sent my demons to see if these rumors had any merit. For years nothing and then all of a sudden… You. All it took was one bump to the shoulder and there you were."
My jaw clenched at the recollection of last nights near accident on the sidewalk. The demons guttural groans echoed as he, they, moved to stand behind me. "I'm still confused as to what I have that you want."
"Oh nothing!" They laughed lowly. "But you do make a lovely piece of bait for our dear sweet Dream. He's on his way here now, and I wanted to have something grand to greet him with."
"He's not stupid enough to fall for that."
Lucifer pursed their lips. "You don't know how important to him you are do you?"
"Not more important than saving his realm."
"We shall see." They motioned again. "Sagthes, please prepare our guest for The Journey."
Before I could ask what they meant a heavy mass slammed into the side of my head, knocking me out.
They had followed Squaterbloat, played his games with the forests of mists and bodies and Nada, until, at last they came to the path to the palace. If Dream hadn't been angry before he certainly was now. The memories of Nada curling around him like a thorned vine, squeezing a part of him that still felt love for her, a part of him that regretted his cruel response to her refusal. It hadn't bothered him before, not like this, not at all, but things had changed since then. It was now more clear than ever as to why he and Nada could not have been together.
For all he'd loved about her, for everything they'd been to one another Nada though strong, wise and everything he had wanted would not have truly been his equal, nor had she wanted to be. Dream knew, somewhere deep down that Nada had never desired eternity with him, or perhaps eternity at all. She did not want to be a goddess nor did she want to be his queen and he hated her for it as much as he hated that he let himself be so hurt by her refusal. He also knew somewhere deep down that his siblings part in their relationship had caused at least some of this outcome, but the decision of her fate had been his. Nada would have been a great lady and queen, but she would not have been his lady, his queen. Those titles belonged to another.
He saw now, more clearly than ever, that Nada had not been forever. None of his past lovers had. Penelope, however much he wanted to keep her far from him, he could not deny was something… Someone that would be. He felt it through their bond, her undoubting and unwavering feelings for him. If he asked her for forever she would say yes, but he would never ask… He could not. Her usual hum of strong emotions had gone silent since they neared the palace. Whatever game Lucifer was playing, Dream feared he'd have to play along. His only hope now was that this game was one he could win and one Penelope could survive. 
He entered the mountain palace with an iron grip holding his anger in check. No matter how badly Dream wanted to storm the palace, demand the release of that which belonged to him and kill any that had even dared to breathe the same air as her, he could not. He was a guest, above that he was weakened. He ascended the stairs to the large circular room and through the fire Lucifer's tall wings and white garb stood out against the grey skies and black rock. 
He clasped his hands together in front of him, gripping them tightly as he said, "Hello."
Wings turned as Lucifer smiled at him. Wordlessly they descended from the balcony, dimming the fire of the large round table in the center of the ornate room, and stood in front of him. "Hello, Dream."
"Greetings to you, Lucifer Morningstar." He said calmly, every inch of him vibrating with the want to say her name, to demand her safe return to his side. His eyes shifted to the figure lurking behind one of the tall gold adorned pillars. "And to you Mazikeen of the Lillim."
"Greetings, Dream Lord," Mazikeen said.
Lucifer smiled. "You look well, Dream. Are you well? And your family, Destiny, Death, Despair, and the others?"
His smile was tight, forced. "I presume the Ruler of Hell knows this is no social call."
"Have you come to join forces then?" They tilted their head slightly. "To ally your realm to ours? To acknowledge the sovereignty of Hell?"
Do they truly intend to draw this out? He thought his jaw clenching. "You know my feelings on that, Lightbringer."
"Feelings change. Especially when one has been caught and imprisoned by mortals. We expected better of you, sweet Morpheus."
"I have come because my helm of state was stolen from me. I believe one of your demons has it. I should like it back, along with the mortal  you've taken." His voice strained as he tried to sound calm. "Now."
"We've taken many mortals, which is it you're searching for?"
He strangled a low growl. "You know which one. The girl."
They tilted their head. "Her name, Dream... Say it."
Their wide smile and a fake look of sympathy nearly sent him over the edge. "Oh, Dream, if only it were that easy. But, there are rules, you see, protocols that must be followed." They turned, moving back toward the fire. "Which will come first I wonder? Your helm or the girl?" He stiffened. "Such a pretty thing she was."
"Where is she?" His words were dark and angry.
Lucifer turned to him, still smiling. "Why, she's here… Resting."
He took a step up forward bringing Mazikeen out into the light. "What have you done to her?"
"Is she what you wish to discuss first then, Morpheus? Not your helm?"
"Yes." He answered , his voice laced with the anger he felt. "Now tell me what you've done with her."
"The girl is safe, for now." They said. "But, I'm afraid our laws demand a challenge be completed to buy her freedom."
"You dare abduct my lady from the waking world and then demand I play your games to win her freedom?" He seethed.
"Lady?" Lucifer questioned with a quiet chuckle. "Was this title officially bestowed?"
Damn them. "No." 
"Then we have broken no laws, and this is one of ours, Dream. The laws of Hell do not bend for you." Lucifer did not budge.
"She may not have the official title of my lady, but she is still soul bound to me. That law you have broken."
A soft hum. "Perhaps. If it's only her body you want, you may take it with you upon your departure, but her soul will remain with me unless it is won."
Disgust roiled in him hearing them speak of her as if she was nothing. He ground his teeth, doing all in his power not to let his face show his rage or his fear. "What challenge would you have me complete then?"
"An old one." They said, "One of our oldest."
Off to where the side room had been now stood a path leading to a metal door with the number one scratched into it. He stepped closer to it, the pit of fear sinking lower. "The Journey."
"Yes, one of our favorites, though it never lasts long. Most mortals don't survive past door two."
"How many?" How much pain would she have to endure, survive, to at last be back beside him?
"1825." Lucifer said, the joy clear in their tone. "Your Lady has quite a lot of tormented memories."
Five years, he thought. The years still missing in their history, the ones that it seemed were too painful for her to even think of. If they were anything like what he'd witnessed in their shared prison of the Burgess home this was going to be difficult indeed. "Tell me the rules then, Lightbringer and let us get on with it."
"It's quite simple, at the end of the doors lies your lady, all you have to do is walk forward. If you lose yourself to her memories you'll both be trapped within them indefinitely. If you reach the end and she has died you will be free to go, but she will remain." They chuckled softly. "On the off chance you both manage to survive, her freedom will have been won. Do you accept our terms?"
"I accept," he said, moving to approach the door.
"Good luck to you, Dream. And to, Penelope."
As he walked the landscape stretched into a well tended lawn and a long straight pathway leading up to the brick building he could only assume was the asylum. It was larger than the Burgess mansion and looked well kept, if he hadn't known better he'd think it a normal facility, but the memory of her manic laughter and disheveled appearance was forefront in his mind.
Beside him Matthew hopped along the path. "Are we really gonna do this? You don't think this is kind of... I don't know, an invasion of Penny's privacy?"
"It may be," Dream said roughly, unable to think of how she would feel about such painful things being revealed to them without her say so. "But it is the only way to free her."
A loud caw echoed. "What is this place anyway?"
For a moment Dream had forgotten the raven wasn't with them in the years in captivity. "An asylum for the insane. Our shared captor, Roderick Burgess, sent her here when it became clear she'd no intention of helping him."
"Okay… That sounds pretty bad, but what happened here that makes it Hell worthy?"
"I do not know."
"So we have absolutely no idea what we're walking into?" Matthew sighed. "Perfect."
The door stood before them and with one last look to the raven Dream said, "Prepare yourself, whatever lies beyond these doors we cannot let it consume us. These are memories, the past, and nothing we do will change them."
That would be more difficult that the dream king imagined. As the metal door swung open with an eerie creak the white walls and shining floors echoed with the wails and screams of the poor souls damned here. It wasn't unlike Hell, a Hell for the waking world. Beside him Matthew cursed under his breath. Dream felt his heart drop into his stomach at the sight of Penelope running frantically down the hall towards him. The other patients either cheered her on or chanted for her to fall. It took everything in him not to open his arms to her as she drew closer.
She looked so afraid, so desperate as she dodged the tall men in white for as long as she could before they grabbed her and threw her to the ground. The whole vision around them shook and the next door appeared beyond the sight of her thrashing and biting and screaming. Dream walked around them and went through the next door, relieved to find himself in a normal looking room, less so to find Penelope curled into the corner.
The door opened and a man in a long white coat entered, fixing his glasses and looking at the paper in front of him. "Ms. Barlow?" She only answered him with a glare. "My name is Doctor Elias Shenton. I'm here to help you get better."
"I'm not sick." She spat.
"That may be so, but your behavior as of late certainly doesn't reflect that." He looked down at his papers again. "Twenty escape attempts in the last two months, five stabbings, twelve broken bones and the list goes on."
Dream felt the echo of pride. The doctor stepped closer and knelt down with a smile. "I do not think you're sick, Ms. Barlow, but I do think you're special."
They walked through the next door as the room shook and horror filled him. Penelope was strapped to a table, a gag of some sort in her mouth, trashing and clawing in attempts to escape while the doctor stood at the top of her head, holding two rods that connected to an odd little machine. The doctor smiled at her and he felt the rage in him triple. "You'll want to bite down on that hard Ms. Barlow, this can be quite uncomfortable."
The instant the rods touched her temples her entire body seized and he could feel the current rush through him, stealing the breath from his lungs. The door appeared and Dream made his way to it instantly. He had to see more, had to know what they had done to her, all of it. Door after door the same mistreatment. Starvation, beatings, shock treatments, isolation, so many drugs he'd lost count. It wasn't until door fifty that things changed for the worse.
This time when he opened it the first thing he saw was blood, her blood. They were cutting her open, testing the limits of healing they'd discovered in their other cruel acts. Dream looked down at her face, unconscious but only barely. His gaze turned to the doctor who raved about how miraculous the disturbed operation was. He clenched his fists and took a step towards him when Matthew cawed, "We can't change anything, remember? This has already happened boss, we need to keep moving forward if we want to help her."
Matthew was right. He could not hurt this man. Not yet at least. He could not save her from this torment because she had already been through it. She had survived, he told himself, trying to keep the thought in his mind to help push him through. She was alive and waiting beyond these doors, he just had to keep going forward.
Now behind every door was one grotesque operation… Experiment after another, all to see what made Penelope different. Behind every door was the sounds of knives slicing her skin and her blood spilling to the floor. Door after door the sound of the doctor's voice speaking about Penelope as though she was nothing more than a pig brought before him for slaughter. Door after door Morpheus felt his anger knot and twist inside him. He watched every memory, committing all that took part in her torment to his own. If any of them still lived they would pay, he would see to it personally.
Door three hundred and seventy four was when things descended further. The drugs had now stopped working, so in the middle of every procedure Penelope awoke and felt every second. This time they used a hand drill, held by a shaky intern, to dig into her back. This time when she woke her scream was one he'd only heard before here in Hell itself. Still they pressed on. He tried not to feel the deep ache that filled him at the sight of her losing her will to fight, to live door after door.
The sight before him, like all the others, was one of blood and pain and torment. Is this what lay behind all the remaining doors? he wondered looking down at the vision, the memory, of her strapped to the table screaming. With a deep sigh he reminded himself of his purpose and turned towards the door. Her hand shot out and grabbed his, her grip was tight, desperate. It felt so real that for a moment he'd forgotten it wasn't. "Please..." His heart broke at the sound. "Please kill me..." With tears in his eyes he pulled his hand free, moving for the next door as her wails echoed behind him. She is alive and waiting for us. He had to keep repeating it to himself to make his legs move forward, to not turn and go to vision of her.
The shaking of the memories had grown constant and so strong he could scarcely walk. Penelope was holding on, but the pain was too strong for even her to ignore. So he continued, pushing forward through the blood and the screams until one memory made him stop. She was in her cell, beating her head against the wall, throwing all her body weight into every motion until blood began to paint the space behind her. She continued, a determined look in her eyes that Dream feared. He wanted to tell her to stop, wanted to console her, but knew he couldn't. The white coats stopped her, but he knew this would not be the only time he'd have to watch her attempt to take her life. Beside him Matthew whispered a quiet, "Oh god."
Door five hundred and one. This memory he knew would plague him for the rest of his life. The doctor and his staff had left the room, Penelope lay, tube shoved down her throat and head bound in place, her ribs practically exposed as they poked and prodded at her lungs. Above them a hazy vision of the night sky swirled. When she broke her hand free of the restraints and grabbed the small blade Morpheus almost looked away, he almost had to. When she dug the blade into her own arm his eyes closed tightly, tears escaping down his cheeks. The scar on her arm that she'd tried to hide from him in Constantines' office had been carved by her own hand. The shame, the fear, he'd felt then made sense now.
She had spent all those years away enduring a fate far worse than he could have ever imagined, a fate that made Rodericks barbaric beatings seem like a blessing… A fate worse than death. Every door only added to the well of anger he'd built over the last eighty years, so much so that every part of him longed for the moment his power was restored and he could hunt down every last one of these monsters. He would show them what fear was, what pain was. Every scar they gave her, or forced her to give herself they would pay for.
Finally nearing the end, door one thousand eight hundred and ten revealed her father, old and worn with leathery skin and a receding hair. He was exactly how Dream pictured him, a miserable and hollow shell of a man that used fear and threats to intimidate his way to power. Not unlike Roderick. He watched him spit threats down at Penelope, her arms bound to her sides and ankles shackled to the bedpost. He watched something pass on her face, a fleeting rage, before she sat up and tore his throat open with her teeth. For the first time in ages he saw that fire return to her eyes, and while the sight of her covered in blood made the guilt and pain in him twist further, he was proud. Even after all the horror and pain she still held that fire, it was a feat not many could claim.
At last the final door. It began the same as almost the others, blood and screams and insane ramblings, but this one ended with Paul. As he watched the memory, listened to her as she fought and pleaded with Paul to let her free the sandman, him. "I tried to bargain with them for you too." He had much to make up for, much to repay and so as Morpheus turned to the last unnumbered door he made a silent promise to himself and to her. Never again will she be alone. Never again would she have to plead to anyone for anything.
The visions faded away as he opened the door to a decrepit garden covered in frost. There in the center, naked on an altar with gnarled vines and twisted roots wrapping around her lay Penelope, pale, bruised and covered in dead leaves and ash. As he drew closer the vines and roots unwound and slithered away from him. He looked down at her, fear filling him. Had he been too late? With gentle hands he lifted her head, cradling her face. Her lips were practically blue and her skin felt ice cold, even under his touch. "Penelope."
A small breath filled her lungs as her eyes opened ever so slightly. "Dream…" Her lips curled into a weak smile as her body trembled. "I knew you'd come."
He smiled as he pulled away and shed his coat, wrapping her in it tenderly. "For you, nothing could keep me away."
Lifting her into his arms he let out a relieved sigh at the feel of her curling into him. She was alive. She was back where she belonged and he'd be damned if he ever let her go again.
The pain of the memories faded with each step Dream took with me curled into his arms. He was warm, which was weird for him, but I pressed further into it anyway, my forehead practically glued into the side of his neck. Eventually the ground shifted from ash to black stone and heat wrapped around us, burning against my skin.
"I'm impressed," Lucifer's voice sent a shiver down my spine and Dreams' arms tightened around me. "No ordinary mortal would have survived such horrors. She is truly special, your lady."
"I need to attend to her, then I shall have words with the demons that left these marks upon her skin, as your laws say is my right." His voice was raw power. "And then, Lightbringer, we will discuss the return of my helm."
"But of course, Dream. My side room is open to you and the needs of your lady." Though the words were kind, the tone of their voice was angry and tense. Their plan hadn't played out and Lucifer was pissed.
Once in the next room Dream addressed Matthew, who'd been silently following us the whole way back. "Go wait. Keep them out until we return."
"You want me to keep the devil out of a room in their own palace," he questioned. I assumed the glare Morpheus gave him was what changed his tune as he followed with, "I, uh, I'll do my best."
"Can you stand?" He asked me, throat vibrating against my head.
I nodded, pulling away and letting him set my feet on the warm floor. My legs shook a little, but Morpheus kept me from falling. He moved only slightly when he was certain I was steady, his eyes roaming over me as I clutched his coat in my fingers. A fleeting feeling of contentment and longing filled me before being replaced by the storm of rage that filled him, but before I could ask he moved to a table where the blood stained and torn up remains of my dress, necklace and shoes sat.
"May I?" He asked, gesturing to the clothes, his voice almost a whisper. 
I nodded again, unable to form the words, unable to comprehend that Dream of the Endless wanted to help with such a lowly task. He pulled me closer to the table and moved to stand behind me, a gesture meant to help soothe my nerves no doubt. He slid his coat off my shoulders with a gentleness I was still so foreign to. The air around us stung, the warmth of the fires still trying to heat my chilled skin. I curled my arms over my chest, naked and exposed and vulnerable in front of him. 
If this had been different I would have made a joke, something to try and unwind the tight knot of rage that had settled in my stomach, his rage. He'd grabbed what remained of my tattered dress and held it behind me for a moment, when it came back into view it was changed, a simple gown of pale blue silk. I wanted to ask how, but quickly forgot the question as he pressed a kiss, soft and warm, to the long jagged scar along my shoulder. That kiss solidified the fear I'd been trying not to let consume me. He'd seen it. He'd seen all the memories that had plagued me on that altar.
I swallowed a hard lump as he helped ease the dress over my head and helped pull my arms through the thin sleeves. He kept my right arm in his hand and lifted it so he could press a long kiss to the scar from over my shoulder. A shuddering breath left me. Did he pity me now? Did seeing the insanity I'd fallen into make him think less of me? Were the attempts I made to end my life enough for him to hate me?
He moved to stand in front of me, sliding my necklace over my head and pressing another kiss to the scars Roderick had left on my neck and collarbone before he sank to his knees. One of his hands, now beginning to feel cold against my warming skin, gently lifted the hem of the dress up and cupping the back of my leg to examine the long scratches that marred the skin. He hummed, a noise that sounded like a strangled growl as he pressed his lips to my thigh, earning a sharp gasp I hadn't been able to contain. "I shall see to it that this offense is answered."
With a gentle wave of his hands I felt a soft thread wind around my calf, wrapping the cuts gently. He grabbed my shoes off the table and slid them onto my feet, using whatever magic he had been to turn them into more comfortable flats. This was too much. It had to be out of some sense of pity or an attempt to ease the blow of his coming disgust… something other than what was obvious. As he lowered my dress and began rising to his feet I squeezed my eyes shut, a few soft tears streaming down my cheeks.
"I am sorry you were forced to relive the horrors of that place," He whispered in a pained tone, thinking my tears were from the memories.
"That's not..." I sighed. "I've relieved it all before. That's… It's not what I'm afraid of."
"Then what is?"
I closed my eyes tighter. "I... I don't want it to have changed how you see me."
"Penelope." Cool fingers lifted my chin. My eyes stayed shut, terrified of what I'd see when they opened. Pity? Disgust? Disappointment? "Penelope, look at me." Not a whisper, but a gentle command.
With a deep breath I followed his instructions and opened my wet eyes, slowly meeting his. There was no pity, no disgust, only him. He looked sad, but he felt angry, more angry than I'd ever felt before. It wasn't aimed at me, but at what they had done to me. My lip quivered at the realization and as he wiped the tears from my eyes I whispered, "I'm sorry."
"You are beautiful. All of you." He said it so easily, said it like it was a fact everyone knew. "Nothing would ever change how I see you."
Our faces drifted closer until we shared the same breath. His blue eyes glistened in the dull firelight, looking at me with want. His hands dug into my hips as I pushed into him more, tilting my head back further. More. More. More. My body sang. Wings beating echoed from the doorway as Matthew returned. "Hey boss, they're getting kind of, oh! OH! Uh, sorry, I'll just... umm… See myself out…"
Morpheus' jaw clenched. Frustration and disappointment filled us both, pushing and pulling between us like ocean waves, the echoes of want flowing with them. I lowered myself back onto the flats of my feet and pressed a soft kiss to his throat. His hands squeezed my hips tighter before they released me entirely. "Thank you for coming for me."
His lips returned the gesture to my forehead, his cold breath fanning down my face as he answered, "Always."
"Well," I cleared my throat, "We shouldn't keep the devil waiting."
He chuckled. "I suppose not."
He offered me his arm and led me back into the main room where Lucifer and their silver armored friend stood with The demon Lucifer had called, Sagathes and another demon kneeling before them. A forced smile spread on their lips. "The demons responsible for the harm done to your lady, Dream."
"Their names?" he said from my side.
"The Sagathes," Lucifer gestured to the demon I'd seen in the elevator. "And Vornen." Their hand moved to the other demon, the one I assumed had thrown me into the table. "In accordance with our laws you may choose their punishment."
He thought for a moment before saying in a lethally calm voice, "I choose The Pits."
Lucifer nearly sneered. "Very well, a fight to the death it is."
After Lucifer turned and announced the display to whatever crowd was at the bottom of the balcony, cheers erupted through the palace and the two demons evaporated into smoke. They turned back to Morpheus and shrugged a shoulder. "Satisfied?"
"At present. Now, onto the matter of my helm."
"Which demon has your helm? Name it and we shall bring it here."
"I confess I do not know the name." He moved closer to the balcony, beside Lucifer, and gave my arm a reassuring squeeze.
"Your punishment has summoned all of them." The sight from the balcony was as far as the eye could see filled with demons and large pits of flame. In the center of the cheering crowd the Sagathes and Vornen pitted against each other, fighting with a cruel brutality that I'd never seen before, nor did I want to see again. "There, now, Dream you may inquire. Which demon has your helmet? Shall we summon them one at a time or…"
"That won't be necessary." Dream gave Lucifer a look and turned back to the main room, leading me toward the stairs where Matthew waited.
"It surprises us how easily you would give up, Dream. We know how you relied upon your tools. But, tools are the subtlest of traps. We come to rely upon them, and in their absence we become vulnerable, weak, defenseless."
"Not entirely." He let go of my arm with a quiet request for me to wait beside Matthew as he handled his remaining business. Turning to Lucifer he pulled the pouch from his coat and knelt, dumping some of it into the stone floor. "I have recovered my sand. It brought me to Hell. Now it brings that which is mine in Hell to me."
The sand began to swirl around him, glittering in the firelight as it moved and swirled a few steps away. A figure appeared in the center, holding what I assumed was the helm he was here to retrieve. The demon turned, clutching the helmet tightly as Dream stood back up, glaring at him with dark eyes. "Tell me your name, demon."
Glancing at Lucifer he replied, "Do I have to tell him?"
"That is Choronzon. A Duke of Hell." Lucifer said, sounding less than pleased at this development.
"Choronzon," Dream said. "The helm is mine. You must return it to me."
"No. It's mine now. I traded it from a mortal for a paltry thing. It was a fair trade. I've broken no laws and if the Dream King wants his helm back, he will have to fight me for it."
My heart hammered in my chest. Surely Dream wouldn't agree to fight a demon in Hell. Surely there was some other way to- "Very well." God damn it. "I challenge you, Choronzon."
The demon chuckled, stepping closer to Dream. "You know the rules, Dream Lord."
"If I win you will return my helmet."
"And if you lose, you'll serve as my slave in Hell for eternity."
"I accept the terms." Matthew cawed from beside me, equally as not into this plan.
Lucifer looked too happy as they said, "And whom shall you choose to represent you in the battle?"
This is a trap. "I shall represent myself."
A concealed smile. "Choronzon, whom will you choose to represent you?" 
"Hmm…" The Demon stepped closer. "I choose you, sire."
Lucifer smiled and in the blink of an eye was dressed in shining black leather armor as they stepped behind Dream, who smirked at their clever plan playing out. "Apologies Dream, but the laws of Hell demand that I become his champion. But if you would not fight me."
"I have accepted the terms." When he turned to Lucifer he was also dressed in leather armor. "Let the challenge begin."
Lucifer first proclaimed the winner of the Pit fights as Vornen, who’d joined us in the room, standing beside the woman I learned was named Mazikeen, then Choronzon took over and began the announcement of the current fight. As Dream joined Lucifer and Choronzon on the balcony to announce the challenge Matthew tutted beside me. "So, this is like the worst idea ever right?"
"Oh absolutely," I answered, my eyes glued to Dreams leather clad back. Damn him and that leather, tight in all the right places. His head tilted slightly, reminding me that he could in fact hear my thoughts. Or some of them… The dirty ones it would seem. I felt the heat rise to my face. 
Matthew hopped up onto my shoulder. "Sorry about going through your memories, by the way, you didn't deserve that… Or what those people did to you."
I smiled, sadly.. "Thank you, Matthew. For all of your help."
"Oh, and, uh, sorry about walking in on the, uh… thing going on in the side room."
If my blush hadn't been noticeable before, it was now. "It… It's okay. You didn't…" my voice trailed off. Didn't interrupt anything? But he had… we were going to kiss, or at least I was going to kiss him. I hadn't even thought of asking if he wanted to kiss me first. God I'm an idiot. Of course he didn't want to kiss me we're in HELL trying to get his things back! I hardly noticed Dream walking towards us until he had grabbed hold of my arm and gently pulled me aside.
"Matthew, I need you to return to the Dreaming with Penelope."
"What? No!" The bird said before I could.
"It is the only reason I allowed you to come here."
"So I could leave you?" 
"If I should not be allowed to leave this place I would not have Lucienne left alone with no word as to my fate, not again." He looked back up to me. "The sand will take you both back."
"I'm not leaving you." I said firmly.
He sighed. "We do not have time to argue."
"There is no argument." I took his face in my hands. "I will not leave you. Not again. So, if you want me out of Hell you're going to have to walk out with me."
"Morpheus," Lucifer's false sweet voice said from beside us. "Am I interrupting a preliminary bout of some kind?"
Matthew hopped between us and bowed. "Just a ringside pep talk, Your Majesty. We came here for the helm and we're not leaving without it."
"We shall see." They smiled, turning to stand in the center of the room.
Matthew flew up to one of the pillars as I let go of Dreams face. He looked at me for a moment before saying, as casually as he could. "This may... perhaps be a good time for a token of luck. A kiss perhaps."
Clever, I thought as I smoothed my hands over his leather clad chest until they came to shoulders. I internally groaned. You have no right looking this good in leather, my lord. I thought, knowing he'd hear. His eyes flared as the words reached him. I lifted myself up using his shoulders as leverage to press a kiss to his cheek beside his lips. Once my feet were back on the ground I smiled up at him. "Win and I'll give you a real kiss, Dream Lord."
He smirked, bowing his head. "As my lady commands."
I did my best to ignore the way his words made my stomach flip as he walked up the stairs and took his place in front of Lucifer. Matthew flew down to my shoulder as I took my place out of the way. “You think he’s got a shot?”
“Of course he does,” I replied. “If not, you might want to get used to the scenery.”
Dream looked over at us for a moment, shoulders tense and eyes swimming with stormy night. I smiled, a simple thing to try and reassure him that no matter what happened Matthew and I would be beside him. He was going to win. He had to, or we were all stuck here.
“As the challenged, I set the meter and take the first move.” Lucifer had done a poor job at hiding their glee ever since Dream had accepted the challenge. 
“Very well,” he replied, “Make your move.”
“I am… a dire wolf. Prey-stalking, lethal prowler.” A vision of the great wolf growling entered my mind. It was odd, as was the sensation that washed over me, but from what I gathered part of whatever this game was.
“I am a hunter. Horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing.” A horse and its rider entered the vision, the rider a hunter, drawing his bow he shot down at the wolf. Lucifer groaned in pain, lurching forward holding their abdomen with their hands. I saw a flash of red on their palm before they stood up straight and continued.
“I am a serpent. Horse-biting, poison-toothed.” A snake struck out of the darkness, teeth digging into the leg of the hunter's horse. Dreams' head twisted to the side revealing dark veins consuming his neck and face, pooling his eye with red. The mark burned on my arm, drawing out a startled breath from my lungs. Dream’s eyes fixed on me for a moment before he spoke.
“I am a bird of prey. Snake-devouring, talons ripping.” The hawke swooped down and grabbed the snake, twisting its talons into the scaled creature. Lucifer’s head whipped down, as if they’d just been struck, their hand cupping their cheek.
“I am a butcher bacterium. Warm-life destroying.” Dream was on his knees, arms holding onto himself as his face lifted revealing black splotches of decaying flesh taking form. The mark burned more, and I grit my teeth to keep from screaming. His eyes met mine again, dark and desperate.
“I am a world. Space-floating, life-nurturing.” All around were fields of green and bright sun filled skies. Lucifer looked around for a moment as the birds chirped and life hummed in the air.
“I am a nova. All-exploding, planet-cremating.” The sky filled with a bright ball of searing light. Fire tore through the green field, burning everything away until nothing but ash remained. Dream lay on the ground, skin burnt and breath weak. I gripped onto my arm tight, nails digging into my skin, trying to lessen or dull the pain any way I could. He needed to focus on winning, not on worrying about me.
“I am a universe. All things encompassing, all life embracing.” The beautiful array of bright stars and cosmic clouds filled the vision.
“I am anti-life. The Beast of Judgment. The dark at the end of everything.” Darkness quickly overtook the stars and clouds until there was nothing but darkness. Something I’d grown tired of seeing. Dream, still on the floor, turned deathly pale, his cheeks began to hollow as he gasped trying to find breath. “What will you be then, Dream Lord?”
Black veins began to spread on my arm, the mark burning so hot now I could hardly breathe. I leaned back against the pillar, trying to keep myself on my feet as Dream tried to push himself up off the ground. “I…”
Matthew flew from my shoulder, hopping toward him. “Boss… Hey boss!”
“Still with us Dream?” Lucifer purred.
“He is, and it’s his move, Your Majesty.” 
Lucifer looked down at him. “There are no more moves. What can survive the anti-life?”
Matthew glanced over at me before turning to Dream. “Hey, boss. Listen to me…" The voice of the raven dipped so low I couldn't hear it.
Dream glanced up at Lucifer and then his eyes met mine. Through the pain, through the spinning of the room I smiled at him. Come on, Sandy. Not an inch, remember? I pushed the thought to him as hard as I could, only hoping that somehow it was one he heard. “I… Am…” He slowly began rising from the floor as Matthew cawed beside him. “Hope.”
The room flooded with bright light as Dream rose to his feet, his eyes meeting Lucifers'. Their voice was laced with disbelief, “Hope.”
“Well, Lightbringer? It’s your move. What is it that kills hope?” The pain gripping me vanished along with the light. I caught my breath for a few seconds before ignoring any possible formalities and going to Dreams' side. I put one hand on his arm and the other on the side of his face, examining him for any injuries as he lifted my marked wrist to his lips. “Are you alright?”
I smiled, trying to stifle the relieved laugh that built up in my chest. “You just dueled the devil, I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to ask you that.”
Lucifer had twisted around, voice no longer light and pleasant but dark and growling. “Choronzon, give him his helm.”
The demon clutched it tighter. “No. I won’t. It’s mine. Please.”
Vornen and Mazikeen both moved, predators stalking their prey. Mazikeen grabbed the helm while Vornen threw Choronzon off the balcony and into the cheering crowd below. Mazikeen handed the helm to Vornen, who turned and presented it to Dream. “Your winnings, Dream Lord.”
Dream bowed his head slightly, but did not thank the demon, instead he said in a cold voice. “If you should ever seek out that which is mine again nothing shall stand in my way of retribution, do you understand.”
“Yes, Dream Lord.” the demon said, casting his eyes down.
Helm tucked under one arm and his other curled keeping me safely behind him, Dream turned to Lucifer. “Thank you, Lightbringer. The Ruler of Hell is honorable, indeed. I will not forget this.”
“Honorable?” Lucifer's face twisted into a sneer. “You joke, surely. Look out there, Morpheus. The billion Lords of Hell stand arrayed about you. Tell us. Why should we let you leave? Helmet or no, you have no power here. After all… What power have dreams in Hell?”
“You say I have no power here. Perhaps you speak truly. But to say dreams have no power in Hell… Tell me Lucifer Morningstar, what power would Hell have if those imprisoned here were not able to dream of Heaven.”
Lucifer's lips twitched. “One day, Morpheus… We shall destroy you and everything you hold dear.”
Dream bowed slightly, eyes never leaving theirs. “Until that day, Lightbringer.”
He placed a hand on my back and began leading me towards the stairs when Lucifer suddenly called out, “Penelope.” My jaw clenched and every inch of me crawled at the sound of my name from their mouth. “One last thing, before you leave us. A gift.”
I didn’t turn, but Morpheus’ eyes darkened slightly before he looked down at me. I was about to ask what was wrong, and then a voice I hadn’t heard since the night of Roderick Burgess’ party echoed off the stone. “Pen… Penelope.”
I turned slowly, a quiet sob catching in my throat at the sight of my mother knelt in chains before the devil, eyes looking at me filled with guilt and desperation. “Is this real?” I whispered to Dream.
“Please, Penelope,” My mother begged. “Please.”
I looked at Lucifer. “What is the purpose of this?”
They smiled. “Your mother is here because she, while not directly, sent you on the path of torment you've endured. She wronged you, betrayed you, denied you the life you wanted. Only you have the power to free her.”
“Free her?” I asked. "How would I free her?"
“Your forgiveness,” Lucifer clarified, eyes looking past me to Dream, who’d stiffened beside me.
I looked at her, small and shaking bound in chains, not unlike I’d been for those eight long years of being a captive. Ascending back up the stairs until I stood in front of her, I asked. “Did you know?”
She sniffled. “I… I…”
“Did you know what they were doing to me?” I asked again, louder. “Did you know where they sent me after they were done?”
She looked down at the floor. “Yes.”
I clenched my jaw and blinked away tears, drawing in a deep, hot breath. She’d done nothing to directly hurt me, but just like Alex, her inaction added to the suffering I’d endured. She should rot here. Part of me thought. But, as I listened to the rowdy cheering crowd of demons and watched Lucifer smile… No. I knelt down in front of her, lifting her face with a soft hand. “I want you to know, in whatever afterlife awaits you, that you are no longer my family. You are nothing to me. I forgive you."
Rising to my feet I watched the chains that bound her turn to dust for a moment before I turned, putting her begging and pleading at me to hear her out… to let her explain herself, behind as I walked back to Morpheus’ side and took his arm once again, leaving the palace of Hell together. All while we walked I could feel him watching me, could feel the question lingering in him. “You’re wondering why I forgave her.”
“Yes,” He admitted softly. “She contributed to your pain and she deserved to suffer for it.”
“Maybe,” I said. “But her suffering wouldn’t have brought me peace. It wouldn’t have changed anything. Ultimately by giving her my forgiveness I’ve set not only her free, but myself.”
“Yourself?” he pressed curiously.
I shrugged. “For so long I held onto that endless and suffocating anger towards her. But anger is a consuming thing, Dream, the longer you hold it the more it takes from you.”
He looked thoughtful for a moment before we came to a stop. "I can send you home now."
"I'm coming with you," I stated.
"The last time we parted ways I ended up getting dragged to hell."
"That will not happen again. You are going home, where I know you'll be safe while I recover my ruby." His stone-like features told me this wasn't a fight I was going to win. "Please."
I sighed. "Fine, but… Please be careful. No more duels with devils."
He smiled. "My ruby is the last of my tools I must recover, and it should be the most simple."
"Will you come find me when you're done?" I asked, almost embarrassed at how desperate it sounded.
A cold hand stroked my cheek. "I will. I promise."
He grabbed his pouch and poured the sand into his palm. With one blow it swirled around me, faster and faster until Dream and Hell were no longer visible. When the sand fell away I was standing in the middle of a road. What the fuck? I looked around, trying to find anything familiar, but I didn't know this place. Why would the sand send me here?
I quickly made my way towards the little diner I'd popped up by, maybe someone inside would be able to help me figure out where I was. The little bell rang and the waitress, a lovely woman with black hair and a green uniform, hollered out, "Be with you in a minute hon, just grab a seat!"
She sounded American, and that certainly didn't bode well. I hadn't been back to America for a long time, not since the cult had followed me here. The little diner was quaint, kind of exactly what you pictured when you heard the word diner. The checkered floors were worn from years of foot traffic, the green accents and walls were adorned with old American posters and random décor, the lights were all old and every leather seat and booth was scuffed and scratched. It felt oddly homey.
I moved to the counter, hoping that if I stayed close enough to the door I'd be easier for her to remember. She ran around between tables, filled cups of coffee and ran back to the kitchen a few times before she huffed and settled in front of me. "Hi! What can I help you with?"
"Um, hi, I think I'm a little l-"
"Lost?" She finished my thought and then smiled. "Don't you worry. We get a lot of lost out of towers around here, let me go grab you a map sweetie."
The bell rang again and a hum of power rolled over me. I knew that feeling. Turning toward the door I looked at the man standing there, clothed in striped pajamas and slippers and carrying a dimly glowing ruby in his hand. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."
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rachelsfav-queer · 7 months
Canceled Plans
An event Wednesday’s been looking forward to for weeks is canceled. The little raven is devastated.
A/N: ngl, this one’s inspired very loosely by something that just happened to me so, it might be a little angsty and sorta ooc so forgive me lol I’m big sad rn
It was just awful. They’ve had this trip planned for weeks and it had to be canceled last second due to a freak rainstorm that caused the streets to flood. And to say Wednesday is upset is an understatement.
“BUT MOMMY!! I wanna go on the roller coasters!! IT’S NOT FAIR!”
“I know, little raven. Mommy’s sorry, but there’s a lot of flooding. It’s not safe for us to drive.”
“How about this, baby bird? We can go watch your favorite show and we’ll even have some hot chocolate! Doesn’t that sound like fun?”
The seer shouted before running up to her room and slamming the door shut. Wednesday spent the next ten minutes in her room throwing an all out tantrum, laying on the floor, kicking and screaming, sobbing out of control at the sudden change of schedule.
Little Raven tried her best to console the girl, but it was useless at that point, the only way Wednesday was going to calm down was to let all her feelings out, which Enid and Yoko knew and so they waited until they could hear the raven settle down before going upstairs. Enid knocked on her door gently.
“Wednesday, baby girl? It’s Mommy and Daddy. Can we come in please?”
They received no response but heard the door unlock before footsteps rushed around inside the room, presumably to the tent in the corner. The wolf and vampire enter the room, taking a moment to let their eyes adjust to the darkness.
When their eyes land on their baby, their hearts break. Wednesday is sitting tucked up inside her tent, clutching little Raven tightly, with tears flowing freely down her face, tiny sniffles escaping the girl. Her body’s shaking as she looks up at her caregivers.
The two approach Wednesday and sit either side of her. A moment passes before Wednesday whimpers quietly.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you Mommy.”
Enid coos, wrapping her arms around the seer, Yoko following suit.
“Oh my sweetest little raven. Thank you for apologizing. You’re okay now though. Mommy’s not upset. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
Wednesday nods slowly in the embrace of the two taller women, melting softly into the unequaled feeling of safety they’re always able to offer.
“We know you’re upset, baby bird. We were looking forward to today as well. Buuut, just because we can’t go out, doesn’t mean we can’t have fun, right?”
Wednesday perks up a little at her Daddy’s suggestion, curious what she means.
“Like what, Daddy?”
“Well, there’s plenty of things we can do inside! Like, some games, perhaps Hide n’ Seek?”
Wednesday really gets excited by the proposition and immediately looks to her Mommy for approval.
“Can we Mommy? Can we, can we?!?”
Enid sighs in faux reluctance.
“Well, I suppose, as long as I get to seek first!”
And so the trio spends the whole day together playing all sorts of games. They may not have been able to have the day they thought they would, but the day they have ends up being so much more fun because they spend it together. And the memories they make last their whole lives.
End <3
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What if the Teen Titans were pokemon trainers
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Doing this summary again. So basically pokemon is something I loved as a kid/teen, then I outgrew it around the time Black&White came out. Now I am back into it and am having a lot of fun imagining pokemon teams for characters from other cartoons I like now/liked as a kid. I have done a bunch of posts for Disney cartoons, and a couple od cartoon network ones (No Nick ones.. yet). Teen titans was one of my favorite shows growing up and I have been wanting to do pokemon teams for a while. So here are teams for the Main group of Titans, Titans East, and 3 anti hero’s. Now I used the 2003 version of Teen Titans, since that was the one I watched every week as a kid but if anyone really likes Teen titans Go you could probably still use most of these pokemon for that show too (Change out a certain one of Raven’s for a Ponyta, and maybe another certain of Robin’s for I don’t know farfetch.)
Now one thing important about the 2003 version is that when describing the dynamic between the titans the writers (using Robin’s name/voice) summed them up as “We are not five hero’s. We are one Awesome team". In this version the titans were all extensively trained in combat, and did everything together as a team. I do not want to take there powers away, or change their dynamic. Since they do have powers (In Robin’s case gadgets and lots and lots of martial arts experience), and already have numbers through each other; I do not think any of them would feel the need to catch a full team of six. So I am giving everyone 3 pokemon.  
The main titans will also each have a shiny pokemon, the one I think would be their top pokemon, or the one that best encompasses their emotional arcs/places on the team. I also gave each of the Titans East a fairy pokemon, mostly because I saw half of them had fairies and figured okay this can be their teams version of shines. Without further adieu, teams below
Main Titans Robin
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 The Leader of the team
Taillow: Well of course the iconic “Bird Boy” needs a bird pokemon. It scouts ahead, trails bad guys, and yes does fight in battles. I picked Taillow for Robin due to the birds flying and normal type (Headcannon that Normal or duel Normal types are Robin’s favorite, because they are similar to him) and brave gutsy nature, which mirrors the boy wonder’s own.
Hitmonchan: Robin’s strongest pokemon. Given his martial arts and combat knowledge Robin would also have a fighting type pokemon. I picked Hitmoncham because it’s a classic fighter, that can land a serious punch, and is always training to better itself. Wiki also says it will train by sparing with its trainer, if said trainer is tough enough to be able to keep up. Since Robin definitely could, this pokemon would be a great partner for him on and off the field.
Shiney Absol: So n the 2003 version Robin walked the line between good and bad more than Raven, or any other titan. (I exclude Terra because she ultimately decided she wasn’t/did not want to be a titan.). In season one Robin believes that their is “Good” and “evil”, the two have a very clear divide, and that because he places himself on the side of good, he has justification to take any risk or try anything. A belief that clever villains (Slade) learn to exploit, and even Robin himself crosses at times. 
I am giving Robin an Absol because at the end of his arc, and in episodes centered around him in later seasons , Robin is forced to admit that he thinks very similarly to Villains he fights against, and has the potential to be like them. I am making this his Shiny pokemon to show his relationship with his friends, and how at the end of season 1 he tells Starfire that he will never turn out like the villians he shares these similarities with, because he knows that his friends will never let him.
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The strength of the team. Proof that innocence does not mean ignorance
Starmie: A star shaped pokemon, for Starfire. One that like her is equal parts strong, powerful, and beautiful.
Shiny Blaziken: I will make Starfire’s ace her shiny to show her prowess as a fighter, lying underneath all her curiosity and sweetness. I really wanted to give Starfire a strong fire type. The torchick line is a good line, that’s popular among girls. I am giving Starfire a fully evolved one because our girl is more than capable... I also kinda really like the idea of Robin and Starfire both having fighting types for their strongest pokemon, Robin’s being a regular fighting type and Starfire's being a duel fire/fighting type. I think that really suits this couple.
Dunsparce: Yeah yeah yeah. I know its a pretty lame, weird looking pokemon. It’s the closest Pokemon I could find to Silky okay. It’s Starfire’s pet.
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The Muscle, mechanics, and resident big brother of the team.
Electrode: a good electric type for Cy. It helps stop his systems/machines from overloading/taking to much electricity. Its detonation could work as a substatue for Cyborg’s sonic cannon if he finds himself in a situation where he has taken damage or needs to conserve power. I also think it would make a really good guard Pokemon for Cyborg’s room, or any place he keeps machines that for safety reasons only he should touch (be where of Electrode Beast Boy).
KlingKlang: here is Cyborg’s strongest pokemon. Steel is another type I feel like Cyborg would favor/want to train. And since he is a shop class guy with an expertise with cogs and gears, he and a fully evolved gear shaped steel type pokemon just to me feel like a match made in heaven
Shiny Mechop: This one is Cyborgs little buddy (For real I love dynamics where one person is really big/tall and then the other is really small. So since Cy is an already a big muscle man gonna say that an ever stone was used to keep Machop as mini muscle) and extra pare of helping hands. It knows how to use tools and crawls into tight space Cyborg cannot fit to fix things. If the pare are not training or battling together they can often be found outside throwing the footballs around. Cy has even tried to teach it to play video games with him and BB (though it sometimes destroys the controls).
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The Hope and steadiness of the team.
I picked her pokemon from a Psychological perspective. In addition to her not having a ponyta I also excluded “Raven” Pokemon like Murkrow or Crovisquire because while they may match Raven’s “esthetic” I do not see them as matching in other ways.
Haunter: a ghostly spirit pokemon. Clever, somewhat creepy, kinda looks a bit like the shadowy magic Raven uses. It's not a dark type though, because Raven does not do dark spells. It's also generally a very silly pokemon and goes to lengths trying to get Raven figure out that she will not accidentally blow up the world if she laughs or has fun ever now and again (Haunter gets along really well with Beast Boy. It will enlist his help if it seems like it's trainer is being particularly difficult in this area.)
Alakasam: A strong psychic pokemon for this heroine with such strong powers. Alakasam and Raven's meditate together, and are able to use the similarities in their abilities to communicate telepathically, and could maybe even draw assistance/metronome from each others power pool. They have done a lot of good together. But they also both share that internal fear of "what kind of destruction would I be capable of if I ever lost control". This holds them back considerably. I don't think they would be brave enough to really give it their full power until season 4's finale battle with Trigon.
Shiny Togepi: Raven was the Titan that turned out to be great at and really like babysitting, so baby pokemon for Raven. I picked Togepi due to it being an empath (just like Raven) pokemon. More than that though, Raven has always feared that her heritage means she is fated to be bad. Togepi's sense what is in others hearts and refuse to obey those they see bad in. Being Togepi's trainer assures Raven that she is not her heritage and is fully capable of choosing to be/do good. It is her shiny because it's the pokemon that helps bring out the best in her.
Beast Boy
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The comfort and laughter of the team.
So my original plan was just to give him a sea, land, and flying pokemon, since he has performed Hero work in all three. When I picked the three I found I could not leave them less than fully evolved. BB has been these animals and knows full well what they would need. This led to him ending up with the strongest team.
Manatine: Beast Boy's water/sea pokemon. Helps him keep his friends and the T-Sub safe. It evolved from Mantyke all the way back in season 1 after Beast Boy and Aqua Lad were able to put aside their differences and beat the army of Tritant's.
Donphan: this is BB's land pokemon. He liked elephants in the show and donphan's being a rock type also works because rock/earth had so much to do with the terra arc. To which BB was integral. So I am going to say that BB's little phanpy liked and wanted to help Terra almost as much as BB did. Her betrayal was all the worse for it because not only did it lose a friend, but then it had to watch its, normally carefree and happy go lucky, trainer go through such a long period of heartbreak. It evolves into Donphan in the first part of Aftershock, while trying to protect Beast Boy from Terra. It isn't able to that time. But it is still a comfort to him after the season 2 finale, and the pair get stronger over the next 3 seasons.
Shiney Altaria: Beast Boy's Ariel pokemon. I chose Altaria because of its strong typing, and because it is covered in fluffy pillows. It's his shiny because of the three it best represents the lightheartedness and support Best boy brings to his team. For most of the show its a little bird. It evolves at the beginning of season 5, like the first or second episode. The doom Patrol see it evolve. By the end of that arc (when Beast Boy and what's left of the titans Allies go to face the Brotherhood, not when Terra comes back) Best Boy and Alteria have found stones and mastered mega evolution.
(Okay so it looks like I didn't mention this up higher, but Starfire and Beast Boy are the only two Titans I could see using mega stones with their partner pokemon. Raven and Alakasam are scared of the effects/loosing themselves, and Robin and Absol are stubborn and adamant say they do not need "extras" to be Hero's).
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the lost girl, trapped in a cycle she could not beat alone
Dugtrio and an Alolan Marowak: Terra first two pokemon that she has pre meeting the titans (though her Marowake was probably a Cubone then, and it evolved in between her first meeting and when she came back, a ghost of the sweet girl they met before). They represent her loneliness and how unstable her life feels to her. She is close with these two pokemon and they do care about her. Terra set's them free before staying to stop the volcano. The Titans want to take Dugtrio and Marowak back to the tower and keep them until they can figure out how to reunite them with Terra. But after everything that went down the pokemon pair decide to leave Jump City to wonder again. They are eventually found and picked up by Terra's older bother Geo-force, and live happily with him.
Onyx: This pokemon actually belongs to Slade. When he and Terra commonsense their plan in Aftershock he places its pokeball in Terra's hands with instructions to use it to help bring the titans and the city to their knees. The thing is big, mean, and super destructive. Laying waste to the town alongside Terra, Slade's other goons, and robots. Terra leaves it behind when she gives up during the battle at the start of part 2. What ever happens to Cinderblock/Overload/Plasmus happens to it. The next time we see it again would be the amusement park in "Things change".
Butterfree: I know, I know I said each character would only have three. But a.) Onyx wasn't really Terra's pokemon so she technically only had two. b.) Terra acquires Butterfree after coming out of the statue (before seeing Best Boy again). By this time she has released Dugtrio and Marowak, and is starting over with an empty slate.
Terra finds butterfree as a caterpie one evening when she gets caught in a storm on the way back to wherever her place of residency is. The storm is clearly scaring caterpie and Terra take pity on it, and takes it back with her. It turns to have been right at evolution, and was holding off until it could find a safe place to. It evolves into Metapod that night and Butterfree a couple weeks later. Terra keeps the butterfree as an emotional support pokemon. If it can go into a chrysalis, come out as something new, then go on to live a good life... well than maybe so can Terra.
Okay so this is already getting posted late because my computer crashed and the repair shop could not fix it, so I had to order a new one. Plus i think it's long enough with just these six. So I will post it as is and if it gets enough likes/comments I will post a part 2 with my pokemon pics for the The Titans East, and the two other anti hero's. The two other anti hero's are Red-X and Jinx if that gets anyone wanting to leave likes and comments in an effort to motivate me to write part two faster
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spinningbuster98 · 8 months
Fusion may just have my favorite intro of the series
Just the intro cutscene where, without context, we see Samus crash into an asteroid belt while the music rises in a creepy pitch, followed by the classic title theme, which has a delightfully unsettling undertone now, good stuff! Really sets up Fusion as being a much scarier experience than usual
Also contributing are the ambient noises of the station when you enter, again: really good stuff, the kind that I guess is what Metroid 2 wanted to go for with its blips and bloops
I do have a couple of problems with that intro monologue however
The first is that, like others have pointed out in the past, given how quickly the X are shown to assimilate other creatures in both this game and Dread, it's weird how they take their sweet time with Samus, who gets just enough time to be given a vaccine, with the game not really giving a clear cut explanation
I used to thing that the whole explanation about her armor slowing down the X infection was pure headcanon, but to be fair Samus here does say that the X were infecting her Power Suit first, so maybe that's indication that they were struggling to get through its defenses, plus later on in Prime 2 if an Ing tries to possess you the armor rejects them
However we are also shown that the X had reached her nervous system, meaning that they had managed to get through the armor and reached her actual body....so by all accounts she should have died right there.
Granted, given that Fusion is the game that establishes the bio-organic nature of Samus' suit and how it's intrinsically tied to her biology (though I think that the Super Metroid Comic had already established something similar though that thing isn't really canon as a whole) I guess you could kind of speculate that the armor was still slowing down X infection even at that point
Dread will kind of put a wrench in this explanation by having Raven Beak be instantly infected by an X....but eh, we could explain that one away by saying that either his armor had been drained of too much energy by Samus' Metroid powers or that the X that infected him was a more powerful variant given that we had never seen a purple one before and that the resulting abomination took and extensive dosage of the Hyper Beam to be defeated rather than die on the spot like the other X during the escape sequence. That whole section is honestly a bit dumb and unneccesary but eh
Probably my biggest issue however is how Samus, right after having this weird gelatinous thing she had never seen before enter her armor, seemingly just...carries on like it's nothing and boards her spaceship
There's being reckless and then there's being just fucking stupid, are you seriously telling me she wasn't worried about that just because it had no immediate ill effects? And what about her armor? Shouldn't it be flashing all sorts of Warning messages? Barring Other M this is probably Samus' dumbest moment, at least with how it's presented here
Moving from that am I the only one that thinks that the "Elephant Bird" boss holding a fake Morph Ball makes no sense? You get the Charge Beam from this Core X so....why doesn't it have a fake Charge Beam power up?
Speaking of which, I LOVE the Charge Beam in this game. In Super it was mid, not really needed and it took a while to charge
Here it charges more quickly, it does great damage, has a deliciously crunchy sound effect (Fusion's sound design is actually my favorite in the series purely for how crunchy every attack sounds, which makes them feel more satisfying) and even slightly improves your uncharged shots!
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demonsfate · 3 months
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name: abaddon, but only azazel knows him by that name. most call him devil, but some will call him devil jin or, more affectionately, dj
eye color: bright red, gold post purification.
hair style/color: raven spiky hair, ends split since it's a lil messy, bangs hang down his face but are parted in the middle.
height: 6'0"
clothing style: gothic - like, usually prefers to wear black, even if it's just casual tees. he loves wearing suits & big jackets because he thinks they make him resemble a king. he loves leather, too. to adorn his look, sometimes he'll wear a necklace.
best physical feature: eyes & lips. but he does have an 8-pack ...
your fears: "is it weird to say i can't think of anything? i suppose the only fear i have as of current is failing jin and the people i care about."
your guilty pleasure: "why would i feel ... okay, i do sometimes smell humans, and get hungry ... i really like smelling them because of that, but i'll never eat somebody again, i swear."
your ambitions for the future: “before, i wanted to conquer the world, and eventually eradicate humanity. now? i think i just want to live with jin. i know i'll never make up for my actions, but i hope to make amends as much as i can."
your first thoughts waking up: “i wonder what jin will do today, and what i'll do when he gives me my time of the day. it feels like i can do so much yet so little at the same time...”
what you think about most: "i spend a lot of time thinking about the past. yes, it's something i've accepted, but it's still something that creeps up on me at times. a habit i need to get over.”
what you think about before bed: "excited to find out what i'll learn about humans and living tomorrow."
what you think your best quality is: "my strength. i think i'm capable of using it for good.”
single or group dates: “every date's a group date when you share your body with someone.”
to be loved or respected: “hm... loved.”
beauty or brains: “can i say strength?”
dogs or cats:  “i don't know... cats climb me, but dogs bark at me, both of which annoy me. can i say neither?”
lie:  “aside from fighting, lying used to be what i was best at. i try to refrain from it now.”
believe in yourself: “absolutely.”
believe in love: “i do now.”
want someone: “yes.”
been on stage: “what kind of stage? i used to give many speeches as the zaibatsu leader.”
done drugs: “weed, i guess.”
changed who you were to fit in: “does pretending to be someone else for the benefit of a plan counts?”
favorite color: “black and red!”
favorite animal: “i'm still not very interested in animals. Birds are somewhat fascinating, though.”
favorite movie: “jin and i watched riki-oh recently and it was funny."
favorite game: “super mario bros. 3 has been quite entertaining."
day your next birthday will be: “august 5th.”
how old will you be: “23, i guess.”
age you lost your virginity: “hmm...” ( depends on verse, but usually 21/22)
does age matter: “sometimes. usually i prefer someone within my age range. obviously, i don't want them 80, and i don't want them to be children either, yuck.”
best personality: "i like confident people who are strong and can put up a good fight. high spirited people who are ready to take on the world are to be admired."
best eye color: “it doesn't matter much to me.”
best hair color: “this also doesn't matter much, but i prefer darker hair colors over lighter.”
best thing to do with a partner: "bowling! or volleyball! or eating together! or sparring! or gaming! there are a lot of fun things to do with a partner. i might even find more fun things to do soon!”
i love: “relaxing in bed with a nice sandwich after a long, busy day.”
i feel: “grateful.”
i hide: “nothing, not anymore.”
i miss: “the zaibatsu's wealth.”
i wish: “things could've been different from the start.”
TAGGED BY: i did this a while ago lol. but i realized a lot of the information was outdated and has been changed since then. though, i also answered this as pre-purified devil, as this was an old thing before tek8 was released. it was still outdated tho. answered this as purified devil bc... even if dj was like That for a while, he is purified in current / main verse, so...
TAGGING: since it's been a while since i filled this, i'll try to tag new ppl i think haven't done it yet. @rockstarsoldier @ourladyoflight @littledancingphoenix @bravesung @bittcnneck
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vertoludum · 4 months
about once every couple of years i will absolutely obliterate my youtube algorithm by getting sucked into a commentary videos rabbit hole, learning about internet drama and stupid trends that i had been blissfully unaware of thus far and it's kind of embarrassing tbh.
i Intentionally avoid this type of content because its goal is getting temporary indignation-driven adrenaline and some amount of dopamine from watching someone with whom you agree tear down an idiot online, but very rarely i won't resist a title i may or may not care about and get stuck watching dozens of videos one after the other.
this time the one who got me was about influencers who buy animals for aesthetic purposes only (something which does inherently annoy me), which got recommended next to a video of a guy talking about his pet raven and why it's not a good idea to get a small bird and leave it around a corvid, bc someone had told him that's what they wanted to do (a video which i actually care about and wanted to watch) and so i clicked on the animals for clout video and since then ive watched nothing but commentary on other online content, mostly tiktok compilations of a specific phenomenon and sometimes on a specific person who's causing a particularly big ruckus.
the thing is ive only watched channels who actually add detailed commentary and do research on the topics but it still feels like one of the emptiest forms of entertainment, which actually has Negative impact on my life because i was previously Unaware of 99% of the things discussed in the videos. it's not like ive already been exposed to the drama and im just checking what my favorite pierced beanie-wearing early zoomer has to say about this thing that im already painfully acquainted with. im just finding out about all of these terrible things people are saying/doing online all at once, and getting angry/sad over them while agreeing with the commentary from the video and swiftly moving on to the next one.
i don't even mean this as an offense to the people who make the commentary videos because while discussing a generally infuriating online phenomenon IS one of the easiest ways to get people to click on a video, the people ive watched do actual work and put effort in the stuff they're making, but it still feels cheap and hollow to be caught in this temporary compulsion that occasionally overcomes me.
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wanderlustspider · 1 year
re: my premonition of death and crow; - I wonder if someone can help me figure this out as I have been searching far and wide for a direction about this even though my intuition is telling me what I think it might be. I will try to make this very short and brief I will put it in point form; -after a life tragedy I'm coming into awareness in terms of my connection to the other worlds, psychic abilities and more specifically connection with Raven / crows but birds in general too. -in my 20s (I'm 40 now)-, I used to go sit at the cemetery when I had a lot of anxiety from school. It was a peaceful place and one day I was sitting in my car with the window down, noticed a crow or Raven that flew in front of the car and landed on the grass by a tombstone and I was just looking at it, and my mind literally just had a flash of thought across that that literally said “, Grandma is going to die tonight”. I thought it was so random and I just thought my mind was going to weird places because I saw a crow and I know that there's a superstition about them. My grandmother was not sick and in fact did actually pass away that morning the next day. No one could get ahold of her and my uncle had to crawl in her bedroom window to find her having passed away in her sleep. I was really freaked out about this and never told anybody and they would think I was crazy or lying. 2.I am a highly sensitive person and I'm starting to realize it now but ever since I was a young child I've always been connected to animals in terms of teaching people to save them and not hurt bugs etc (scoop up spiders let them outside etc) . That was the only time that I had something pop across my head - I have had other things since (non row related) but only a few predictions that happened, including a thought telling me, "Imagine this transport truck hit you up here on this skyway"- and 3 seconds later it did and I survived a horrific accident. 3.Through a reading recently I've been told that I have connections to the druid druidic Celtic Nordic ancestral. I had a major obsession with Princesses and castle/palaces an actually figured out that I'm obsessed with what you call the "Gothic architecture"- ornate, filligree , molding.) Ever since I was little I was obsessed with the doors of churches and the door knockers and every little thing that had to do with that kind of stuff. It's interesting that there are crows in a lot of Nordic mythology. 4. In keeping up with this obsession, my favorite movie is Sleeping Beauty and I really always wanted a crow like Maleficent that sat on her shoulder and would fly on her finger to which in my 18th year I purchased a lovebird and he was my best friend for 20 years. 5. Playing in my parents pool one day in the summer on a flotation, a wild Sparrow landed right on my chest. I felt the air in my face as the wings were beating and as I looked up he just plopped onto my chest for a quick moment and then flew away. 6.most recently I walked outside to my car after I had been doing a lot of this spiritual counseling after the trauma in my life lately, and I walked out to my car and 123 crows in unison one after the other flew to a tree right in front of me I feel like I'm reading into things but this just seems like too much to be a coincidence does anyone have any idea what the heck is happening mainly about my premonition and the crow.rShow less
So... personally, while I do see congruencies with The Morrigan (specifically Babd, as She can be considered the aspect governing death with the harbinger of crows) there's also some things I see coinciding with Odin. Odin is followed by two crows (or ravens, according to some resources I've read), and has the power of seeing the past, present, and future. You said you've had premonitions, and they've come true. While Odin is a deity I have always felt a curiosity towards, I can't say I've ever had a connection to Him. So I'm definitely not the person to ask about Odin, in regards to the lessons He teaches. I do feel that He honors all battles (physical and mental) as valid reasons to be accepted into His halls, but that's my own research and feeling. So take that with a grain of salt.
Now, you've also stated a love for birds in general, and an affinity with them. I can't say this is definitely a Morrigan gift, but it is a gift. If I was going to tie a connection to it, I would lean toward the aspect of Macha. Macha is connected to nature in Her own ways. However, respect and love of nature also (in my experience) seems to grow naturally within decent human beings, whether they consider themselves witches or not. While an "obsession" with princesses and gothic architecture, castles and old buildings... while these things could have a connection to you via something like ancestry, it could also simply be that this is who you are and there's no one thing to blame.
Also, as a side note, I adore Maleficent too. But like many villains, I also believe she is a misunderstood character. Cemeteries are beautiful places, and hold a special kind of peace in their space. These are valid loves, but having them doesn't mean they have to be associated with anything. Past lives don't always have to be ruling factors on what pulls us in various directions, though there's always the possibility they could have a small driving force. They could also just be you, and that's just as powerful - to know who you are and what you love, without needing a reason of why. You just do. And that's okay.
I can't tell you "yes, this is definitely the answer," or "yes, these are absolute evidence of [insert deity here] having influence of your life." In my experience, coincidences are absolutely everywhere. Only your intuition, that soul-deep knowledge that this is this (aka your faith and beliefs) can discern what is coincidence and what is your truth. One of our human faults is trying to understand the whys and hows, "over-analyzing" to discover the truth that makes the most sense. The best advice I can give you is to pay attention to where your gut tells you to go. If you feel called by The Morrigan, want to learn more of Her and how She can help to guide you in whatever journey you hope to take, then sit and try to speak with Her. If Odin interests you, call out to see if you receive an answer. If Cernunnos (a deity of life and death, the inbetween, forests and nature in creation and decay) tickles your mind... call to HIm.
I personally have not experienced ill from expressing interest in speaking with deities. If, in the end, They offer a sort of completeness to your journey and they want to stick around for a while - there might be a lesson they have to teach you about yourself. Freyja has taught me how to love myself even when it is a struggle to do so, and Fenrir has taught me to use certain emotions to push me forward rather than allowing them to hold me back. Cernunnos has nourished my love of nature and life, and given me a renewed respect for death and stagnation as a part of existence. Jormungandr has helped me in shedding the pieces of myself I didn't enjoy, to become someone I truly am proud to be - and that change and learning is ever constant. The Morrigan was with me through it all, teaching me these same lessons - but as humans we sometimes need new perspectives in order to realize the answers have been in front of us all along. From what I can tell, Mama has found it to be one my more "endearing" traits.
I'm not sure if any of this is of any help to you, or if I touched on all of the points I needed to, but I do hope you were able to receive some sort of message from it all. If you have any questions, curiosities, or want to bounce any ideas around my messages are always open. I don't share a whole lot of personal experiences or insights on my page, but I'm always happy to discuss them. Just keep in mind they're my own experiences and revelations, and not all of them might resonate with you. And that's okay, too.
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anonymeqaupdates · 4 months
Chapter 42 review
It's sweet that Kalim is relief about being in top 6 ranks, he really does improve much and hope it doesn't affect him after winter break. His father is an asshole.
I can tell there many reasons why Azul didn't target the second years: to avoid the suspicious from not only the tweels but the rest of the second year cast (except Ruggie, Jamil, and Azul, all of them are in the impending doom) and for Kalim to be in top 10 ranks not only for the contracts but secretly cared about him.
Man the tweels are getting more unhinged that I like the angst especially Floyd hitting the wall with blood. Poor Ace, it's bad enough he got hurt by Floyd but by Jade. I know he screw up but he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment especially being force to not reveal it to the point he hurt his face. Jade being scarier than his brother especially when he is the crazy twin(sometimes your afraid of the silent ones who gets angry than the one who often does).
Thank 7⃣ that Lilia, Jack, and Sebek stop the Tweels. This is too much for Ace to handle this
I can tell that Riddle will yell at Floyd and Jade for doing this to Ace at the next chapter which caused trouble in their relationship during chapter 3.
Oh Idia named the cat Premo, it means first when searching the meaning of the name. I guess he is the first cat to be named. Interesting that Ortho try to refuse him to have a cat and only accept to get out more. I kinda wish that Ortho sees the USB drive of his fanfic.
Idia: No, my fanfic!
Jamil and Ruggie still being backstabbing friends they are but at least Jamil still cares about Ruggie's wellbeing. Can't wait for him to interact to the other idiot trio.
Seeing Azul doing his dramatic pose but this time, he is more alone and unhinged. Like after he thinks that Tweels left him, he figures he rather do this alone than with them.
Yuu scolding the idiot trio is something they need to do learn. Like Yuu doesn't care about being the best, he just wanted to pass. But because of their insults that he felt what is something wrong with him. Interesting that Epel help Yuu out, someone who is the same wavelength as the idiot trio but is more behave. Yuu's anger is scary since he doesn't often be angry like that, just like with Jade.
So I wonder how Epel and Ortho are gonna interact Yuu and the group to join in for chapter 4?
Trein is a great guardian like he could of just not be in his life often but he does and even care about him in need. He really is the best staff out of the rest. (I ranked Crowley last XD). Glad Trein is okay from his injury, I'm sure Yuu visit him during his care in need.
You know how crows or ravens died after flying? Well the bird itself is here to deliver the worst news.
I can't wait who will get poison, can you at least give us another hint? Like is he part of the students, impending doom, first years, or staff?
I'm glad you liked this chapter! You guessed right about Azul's motive to avoid the second years in his scheme! If it hadn't been for the fact that he was trying to avoid suspicions he would have just lowered the efficacy of his guides but I don't think his pride would have handled it well. Besides it was safer for Kalim that way, he do care about him and does think the Asim patriarch is an asshole.
The angst was pretty good, I got chills writing it! As for Ace his sufferings serve a higher purpose that will pan out in his books that I had totally planned from the beginning (they say, like a liar)!
Premo is actually named after Idia's favorite band : Prescipices Moraï or as the fans calls them : Premo. It's mentioned in his dorm vignette, btw I love how unhinged his expression is in the groovy of that card.
Ortho actually just went with their parents plan to extort some sunlight time out of him. He knew that Idia would end up with the cat either way but hey, it was still worth a shot and it paid off so....
Even Jamil still has someone in his corner while Azul stands alone against the world and at his point just want to (figuratively) watch it burn.
They weren't expecting the chewing out, but not only did they stressed him out and accidentally brought him down lower than dirt but they scared him half to death with that kidnapping stint. He's angrier at Adeuce than Grim because they were suppose to know better than a cat demon who never interacted with human society before. Hence the new nicknames : Perceval (Deuce) and Karadoc (Ace), it's a little Easter egg to Kaamelott, a show that I referenced before and in which the knights Perceval and Karadoc are infamous for their stupid antics amongst which using vegetables as martial arts weapons, taking the guards on patrol drinking at the tavern and so many others. So this is far from being a compliment but I guess the context gave that away.
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(Translation (not word for word) : Riddle : Wait. Just a moment, I wanted to tell you something. Uh... I often scream at you two, I'll admit, I'm a bit harsh and all, but, for someone like me who is prone to depression, what you're doing is especially important.
Deuce : Really?
Riddle : Because, I don't how to tell you this... It's systematically stupid, but it's always unexpected! And that, it's really important for my sanity.)
So yeah, I think I just made my point. God I could make an entire series of Twst incorrect quotes with things pulled from Kaamelott.
Epel and Ortho will come into the fold slowly but surely don't worry! But they're going to have some, impressions following Book 3.
We don't deserve Trein. He's good at his job, had put up with Crowley the longest, he's a role model, tried to protect his students and hasn't hunted us down for sports yet. And he brings his cat to class. A true national treasure.
Speaking of Crowley, he's really a bird of bad omen. I can't wait until we get his vignette story!!!
Okay I'll give you one last clue. But I'm not going to make it easy, if you want a clue as to who Azul is going to poison then let me encourage you to watch Death in Paradise season 7 episode 4 : The healer. I think it may be of interest to you. But, if it's not enough or that you can't find the show...
Qu'est-ce que c'est que quelqu'un qui souffre et qui fait couler son sang par terre pour que tout le monde soit coupable ? Tous les suicidés sont le Christ. Toutes les baignoires sont le Graal...
Please translate only as a last resort. It's from the last episode of Kaamelott (I really like that show if you couldn't tell). It's also a bit triggering so handle with caution.
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supermarketcrush · 2 years
i can finally do this post now all sparrow academy character designs have dropped yes............since the comics only actually show 4 members' powers and we've yet to have the vol.4 comic, here's my best guess with what we have :}
NO. 1: MARCUS, his power is most likely super strength to parallel Luther, except without the ape body, but I wonder if they'll add any factors to using his superpower instead of just. fist go boom yk
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NO. 2: BEN does not exist in the Sparrow Academy in the comics, so I have no idea as to who he's supposed to mirror, or if he's just going to be an entirely new character
NO. 3: FEI is most definitely the one who can turn herself into a flock of ravens. Her birds, the claw marks over her eyes, like it literally has to be her lmao. Really looking forward to see if they'll delve into how she got those scars, like maybe how as a child she couldn't fully control the ravens etcetc
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NO. 4: ALPHONSO is another obvious one; 'empathetic masochism' is a word i had to google so he inflicts pain on himself to damage others, which I'm almost certain will lead to having a Reginald Hargreeves traumatized childhood like Klaus's (hurting himself on missions, putting himself through extreme pain during training, the likes)
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NO. 5: SLOANE; this one's a stretch. When I mentioned only 4 members showing their power Sloane was the one I excluded on this list. I'm guessing her power is something related to defying gravity/levitation etc, and in this panel the only humans floating are Marcus/No. 1 and the other girl. Although the other members also float in the other panels, so. no real concrete ideas here
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NO. 6: JAYME is less of a reach, but still not as on the nose as Fei or Alphonso. Judging by the sludge in her background I'm guessing she's the one who. well I don't know how to word this. vomits sludge to repel enemies? Her character description also includes the line "doesn't say much because she doesn't have to" which lends well to the theory that she can expel sludge when she opens her mouth instead of having to use her words
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NO. 7: CHRISTOPHER is the cube. It doesn't do anything in the comics either, it's just there, so I'm looking forward to see how they'll give a cube personality and make it a fan favorite (i can already see the ~best sparrow academy member~ memes like they're literally materializing in front of my eyes rn)
comic fans please please share your theories i'd love to hear what everyone else thinks of the sparrows and their theories \^^/ !!
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 2 - First Impressions [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback to the first chapter my loves ! ❤ Here’s chapter 2, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Word Count: 2500
Warnings: Mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language.
Summary: First impressions can be wrong.
Chapter 1 
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Being a spy for years had taught you to be able to tell whether a mission would be dangerous or not before they even sent you there.
For example, the mission they had put you on three years ago where you had to poison the target in a very crowded ballroom while pretending to be an artifacts expert was a dangerous one.
Or five years ago when you had quite literally brought a dagger into a gun fight in a storage unit, that was also quite dangerous.
But something told you that going after Bucky Barnes would be the most dangerous mission you’d ever had so far, and you weren’t even going to be engaged in a fight.
Instead you were expected to make him fall in love with you, which-
To be honest, engaging in a fight would’ve been much easier.
“This is unacceptable.” Your best friend paced in the empty conference room while you nibbled on the chocolate, keeping your eyes on your phone. “You should’ve said no.”
“I can’t say no, it’s a mission.”
“No, it’s my father treating you like a—like a—“ she threw her hands up, “Honey trap!”
You shrugged your shoulders, scrolling down on the screen but then looked up when she snapped her fingers in front of your eyes.
“Chloe if I nail this mission, I’ll get the position I want. I could be a handler next year, do you know how big that is?”
“You need to stop pretending like you’re fine with this.”
“You’re sending me the files tonight right?” you asked, ignoring her huff of impatience and she sat down, crossing her arms.
“Yes,” she said, “Everything there is to know about Bucky Barnes is in there, lots of things you could use. I gathered it myself. His past, his interests back then, what he has been doing since he got here, his favorite porn, his favorite musicians—“
“I’m sorry, what was that last one?”
“His favorite musicians?” she played dumb, grinning and you shifted your weight.
“You wouldn’t do that background check on me, would you?”
Her grin widened as she wiggled her brows, “Just so you know, you’re such a cliché.”
“Jesus Christ.” You slipped a little in your seat, your cheeks burning, “I hate you so much.”
“No you don’t,” she sang and you tried to focus on the screen, but the door to the conference room opened, gathering your attention. Your jaw dropped as soon as you saw the figure stepping inside and you jumped on your feet as Chloe gasped.
Keith was the third member of your small friend group. He was a field agent just like you were, and for years you, Chloe and Keith had always had each other’s backs, in or outside of missions.
Back at the academy you were inseparable and it had been months since you had last seen him.
“Figured I’d find you two here,” he said, “I just followed the scent of despair.”
“I thought you were still in Prague!” You rushed to hug him and he ruffled your hair before you batted his hand away.
“I was but I got called in at 5 in the morning. General’s orders.”
“It was about time my father did something right.” Chloe came to kiss his cheek, making him grin, “Gosh, it’s so good to have you back!”
“Good to be back, gorgeous,” he lifted her up in a hug before setting her down as she squealed, “I missed you.”
Your jaw dropped when you saw the file in his hand, “Hold on. Is that what I think it is?”
“It could be,” he told you, “That is, if you’ll have me in your mission.”
“The best news I got since I landed.” You pumped your fist in the air “Yes! Yes I do want you in the mission!”
“So then,” he said as he sat beside you and put his feet up on the table while you leaned back, “Is what I heard true?”
“Yes and you need to tell her she’s being ridiculous,” Chloe motioned at you and Keith pursed his lips.
“I just thought we put this whole honey trap thing behind us back in 1950s.”
“Guys come on, if Accords pass—screw that, even if they don’t pass, think about how we can use Barnes.”
Keith clicked his tongue, tilting his head.
“Will we use him more than we’re using you right now?” he asked and you rolled your eyes, grabbing the file in his hand.
“Your alias is Whistler this time?”
“Yep,” he nodded, “General says yours is Shrike?”
“Mm hm.”
“Considering what this Barnes mission entails, I’m surprised he didn’t call you Swallow.”
You kicked at his boot and he let out a laugh, holding his hands up.
“What? That was the terminology back in the day for agents seducing people for the mission, wasn’t it? Raven for guys, swallow for girls.”
“Hilarious,” you deadpanned and Chloe sat on the table, still pouting.
“You’re both fine with this then?”
“Chloe, the guy was around in World War 2,” you said patiently, “If I don’t want to sleep with him, I’ll just tell him I’m waiting for marriage, it’s probably not a foreign concept for him, old times and all. Happy?”
She arched a brow, “If you say so,” she said, “But you know there are examples of undercover agents falling for their targets, right? Especially in situations like these.”
Keith chuckled, “Yeah, that’d make a great story for your grandchildren.”
“Except that I wouldn’t get to have those grandchildren because I’d be killed.”
“Don’t say that!”
“Just let me know beforehand if the Winter Soldier decides to make an honest woman out of you,” Keith said and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Look at you, making jokes.”
“I’m a funny guy, thank you very much,” he said, “So what are we doing tonight?”
“Killing some Hydra scum,” you said, “There’s this gallery opening, apparently evil guys love art nowadays. Who knew?”
“You need a spotter?”
“Sure thing.”
“After you guys are done killing that target, can we hang out?” Chloe asked, “We need to catch up.”
“Only if I get to pick the movie,” Keith made a face, “I don’t trust your taste after the last time.”
“10 Things I Hate About You is a classic!”
“Do you want to hear the one thing I hate about you, Chloe? Spoiler, it’s your taste in movies.”
“Play nice, kids,” you said, skimming the lines on the screen and Chloe huffed.
“Fine. And after that, we can work on the seduction mission.”
“You’re in on that as well?” Keith asked and Chloe nodded.
“Look at us, Charlie’s Angels is back.” Keith said, “Wait, does that mean General is Charlie?”
You supressed a laugh and shook your head fondly, looking at Keith.
“I missed you, asshole.”
“Missed you too, trouble.”
Working for the division you did had its advantages, and it never stopped to surprise you how you could always get the newest gadgets before going on missions. Chloe had installed certain features into your “sniper costume” as she put it, and one of them was a ring that would call the nearby agents of your team to your location, and the other one was a ski mask that was both bulletproof and could change your voice.
“Batman does it, why not you?” she had said before making you try it.
“Shrike, ma’am?” Keith’s voice echoed in your ear and you adjusted your earpiece before checking the harness around your waist, just in case you needed to jump off the building. Your team was already in position if you were in any way compromised, and you started setting your sniper rifle.
“Since when do you call me ma’am?” you asked Keith and he chuckled.
“Since they put you in charge of a team.”
“Don’t listen to him, guys,” you said to the rest of the team and took a look at the city lights, taking a deep breath.
Rooftops were always peaceful, even when you were holding a sniper rifle.
“ETA of the target?”
“Two minutes.” Keith said and you pressed your lips together, pointing the rifle at the entrance of the gallery, looking through the scope.
“So I think I found a movie for tonight,” Keith said as you shook your head slightly, trying to focus.
“James Bond?” he asked, “We can take a shot every time the movie gets something wrong about being a spy. We’ll probably be hammered by the end of the night.”
“One minute, Shrike.” One of the agents said and you exhaled through your mouth, your finger on the trigger.
“No seriously, don’t you guys like James Bond? I think it’s because of that movie I chose this line of work, but—“ Keith was cut off when you pulled the earpiece out of your ear to have a moment of silence so that you could concentrate when the target arrived, but as soon as you grabbed the rifle again, you heard the familiar sound of someone racking the slide of a gun, followed by a calm voice.
“Easy there,” he said, “Put the rifle down.”
You cursed at yourself in your head, then withdrew your hands from the rifle. Your earpiece was off, meaning that no one in your team could hear you, and you checked whether you could grab the gun from him, but he wasn’t standing close enough.
You held up your hands, then slowly turned to see who was threatening you before your heart dropped to your stomach.
Damn it.
This was definitely not the way you were supposed to meet Bucky Barnes.
Thankfully you were wearing a ski mask, so your identity wouldn’t be compromised and the next time you met him, you could pretend.
And he would be none the wiser.
You pressed on the ring Chloe had given you to alert the others, keeping your eyes on the barrel of the gun.
“I thought I saw a glimpse of a scope.”
“Congratulations,” you deadpanned, trying to stall so that your team could get there, “You want a watch as a prize? A refrigerator?”
He looked almost surprised at your snarky comment and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Listen, it’s my target. So if you want to kill him, too bad. I was here first, early bird and all that, shoo.”
Even you could see his confusion that lasted for a second and a small smile pulled at your lips.
“Ah. You don’t know who my target is.”
“I know I’m not going to let you kill someone in a pretty crowded gallery.”
“Even if it’s some Hydra scum?” you asked and he pulled back.
You stole a look at the entrance of the gallery over your shoulder as the limo pulled over.
“Mm hm. You really shouldn’t be stopping me Barnes. We got this, you can go and play the superhero with Wilson.”
“You know who I am.”
“Everyone knows who you are,” you stated, making him pause for a moment.
“I didn’t catch your name.”
You tut tutted, “Don’t be greedy.”
“Well, how do I know you’re not lying about your target if you can’t even give me your name?”
“Why would I lie about my target?”
“So that I would let you shoot him.”
“Aw, you’re cute,” you taunted him, tilting your head, “But I don’t recall asking for your permission.”
He stared at you for a couple of seconds.
“Who are you?” he asked and you grinned as you heard the footsteps coming closer.
“Until next time, soldier.” You said as the team burst through the door, guns blazing. He turned around to point his gun at the agents, immediately taking cover as you picked up the rifle again.
It was time to get back to work.
You looked through the scope, found the target and pulled the trigger, blood splattering over the walls and chaos erupted over the street instantly, people screaming and running everywhere. You looked over your shoulder to see your team managing to keep Barnes busy with the constant gunshots, then you checked the harness around your waist again and jumped over the roof to land on top of the car waiting for you in the street. The rope went up to the roof as you unbuckled it and got into the car, pulling the ski mask off your face.
“You weren’t compromised, right?” Keith asked and you shook your head.
“I’m not an amateur,” you said as he stepped on the gas, the car breezing through the road. 
“You don’t look so happy,” Keith said after taking a look at you and you pursed your lips together, deep in thought.
“He didn’t take me hostage.”
“When the team burst through the door and I turned around to kill the target. He’s a super soldier, he could’ve grabbed me, use me as a leverage to get out of there. That’s what I’d do but he didn’t attack me or the team, he took cover.”
“Keith, it’s the fucking Winter Soldier we’re talking about. He can kill a team of agents in seconds, but I bet he just got out of there. Without hurting anyone.”
“Maybe he’s just a good person.” Keith chuckled and you slipped a little in the seat, biting at your fingernails.
“I guess.”
“Would it be so bad?”
“It would make no difference,” you muttered, keeping your eyes on the city lights, “Good person or not, he’s my mission.”
“Clearly, but aren’t you going to feel just a little guilty if he ends up being a good guy?”
You scoffed a laugh and turned to him.
“I’m no use to anyone if I develop a guilty conscience,” you stated, “Much less to myself. You know that.”
A silence fell upon the car before he heaved a sigh.
“Listen, Chloe has a point as always,” he said, “These kind of missions are hard, okay? The longer you’re playing your part, the easier it will be to believe it. Feelings get involved, there are bunch of agents who ended up hesitating when it was time to bring their target in, so if you—“
“I won’t hesitate.”
“I won’t hesitate,” you repeated, “I swear. The minute this mission is over, I’ll bring him in. Orders are orders.”
Keith let out a whistle, “If you say so.”
You bit inside your cheek and leaned your head on the window, fixing your gaze outside.
“Considering the lack of alternatives,” you rasped out, “Yeah. Yeah I do say so.”  
Chapter 3 
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