#Whiskers MOC
maraudersoncrack1981 · 8 months
Regulus "Astronomy" Black and James "Memories" Potter
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failed-inspection · 7 months
Hii hii, this is my first post on this sideblog so here's some scug designs! I should note I almost never stick to one design for one slugcat and love to make multiple designs (in fact I have like 7 spearmaster designs alone lol) these are more of a specific design set? If that makes sense?
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Some design notes!
The mark of communication appears as a physical marking, usually one that matches the sigal of the iterator who gave the marking! Think warrior cats getting leader markings, in a sense.
yellow parts, including spears, whisker tips, and whiskers appear florescent depending on certain lighting.
They got the mark of communication from moon on the way to visit Pebbles during their campaign!
Their sun marking got scarred over after the pearl was ripped out, making it look like a solar eclipse
'fur' on their tail is like sandpaper and is meant to aid in kickstarting explosive jumps! Their Pups also have it, its a trait of their subspecies!
I wanted to make them look like they were made from various scraps patched together and such since I headcanon NSH did the iterator equivalent of grabbing whatever he could from the kitchen and slapping it together in his rush to help Moon, (it's also how/why they got rot, oops!)
Heehoo bread
Survivor and Monk
They have matching patches on the side of their faces that when put together, form a heart!
I like to imagine they got their MOC from Chasing Wind, for no other reason than I enjoy the idea of Chasing Wind having a smidge more relevance lol
Clownfish moment
Saint's coat is partially white to camouflage with the snow, however on max karma there isn't really a need for that I think, so instead the white parts turn black with gold specks , honestly that also works better for blending in inside Rubicon
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craigbrownphd · 4 years
If you did not already know
Graph Learning Network (GLN) Recently, graph neural networks (GNNs) has proved to be suitable in tasks on unstructured data. Particularly in tasks as community detection, node classification, and link prediction. However, most GNN models still operate with static relationships. We propose the Graph Learning Network (GLN), a simple yet effective process to learn node embeddings and structure prediction functions. Our model uses graph convolutions to propose expected node features, and predict the best structure based on them. We repeat these steps recursively to enhance the prediction and the embeddings. … Boxplot In descriptive statistics, a box plot or boxplot is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their quartiles. Box plots may also have lines extending vertically from the boxes (whiskers) indicating variability outside the upper and lower quartiles, hence the terms box-and-whisker plot and box-and-whisker diagram. Outliers may be plotted as individual points. … Trans-DLR The goal of knowledge representation learning is to embed entities and relations into a low-dimensional, continuous vector space. How to push a model to its limit and obtain better results is of great significance in knowledge graph’s applications. We propose a simple and elegant method, Trans-DLR, whose main idea is dynamic learning rate control during training. Our method achieves remarkable improvement, compared with recent GAN-based method. Moreover, we introduce a new negative sampling trick which corrupts not only entities, but also relations, in different probabilities. We also develop an efficient way, which fully utilizes multiprocessing and parallel computing, to speed up evaluation of the model in link prediction tasks. Experiments show that our method is effective. … Dataflow-Flavored Model of Computation (MoC) The majority of contemporary mobile devices and personal computers are based on heterogeneous computing platforms that consist of a number of CPU cores and one or more Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Despite the high volume of these devices, there are few existing programming frameworks that target full and simultaneous utilization of all CPU and GPU devices of the platform. This article presents a dataflow-flavored Model of Computation (MoC) that has been developed for deploying signal processing applications to heterogeneous platforms. The presented MoC is dynamic and allows describing applications with data dependent run-time behavior. On top of the MoC, formal design rules are presented that enable application descriptions to be simultaneously dynamic and decidable. Decidability guarantees compile-time application analyzability for deadlock freedom and bounded memory. The presented MoC and the design rules are realized in a novel Open Source programming environment ‘PRUNE’ and demonstrated with representative application examples from the domains of image processing, computer vision and wireless communications. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in analyzability, flexibility and performance. … https://bit.ly/3gqcPQn
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 8 months
I thought I'd share with the class
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Drew this hehe
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 8 months
Peter "and I hate to do this to you on your birthday" Pettigrew and Sirius "My best friend just murdered my other best friend, his wife, and left there son orphaned to grow up in an abusive household" Black
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 8 months
Thanks for 10 Followers!! More angsty marauders stuff coming soon!!
-Whiskers and Seaks
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 8 months
Regulus: Jamie why do you look so upset?
James: It's nothing just snivillous was tryna upset me...
Regulus: ... what did he say?
James: Oh nothing, just that I'd never be good enough and that my parents are disappointed in me :)
Regulus: ...
James: Reggie...?
Regulus: The next time someone says anything that upsets you even a little bit tell me and I'll cut there fucking tongue off.
James: *Blushing cause he find it hot when Regulus makes threats* Okay love, Okay.
Regulus: Now if you excuse me I have someone I need to have a little 'chat' with.
By the end of his 7th year Regulus had a jar of tongues hidden in the floorboards under his bed.
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 3 months
This is 00:08AM Whiskers here, telling you that im writing my critical essay for english that is due today haha (save me i always leave these things last minute help.) Sorry Seaks :|
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 2 months
Dear Followers...
Whiskers and Seaks would like to thank you all so much for over 200 followers, your support is, has, and always will be appreciated!! We started this account 6 months ago (which just feels crazy) so that we could share our silly and angsty headcannons, we hope so far we have succeeded in making you laugh and sob your eyes out till there are no tears left to sob! HAPPY 200 FOLLOWERS!!!!
-Whiskers and Seaks
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 4 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOONY<333 Love your two favourite menaces to society:
Whiskers and Seaks
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 5 months
Hi seaks here me and whiskers have opened our asks so feel free to ask us questions (keep it pg) and also feel free to send in your head cannons if you want to make us cry
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 5 months
The Marauders and their favorite pasta types because just yes
James: So James would absolutely ADORE tomato pasta with chorizo through it, especially his Mothers. It's the only thing he will eat with tomatoes in it, he hates anything else, for example, tomato soup, tomato ketchup etc etc..
Sirius: Growing up rich Sirius' family would give him nothing but the best to eat (when they actually did feed him at least) so anytime they were having pasta for dinner it wouldn't be something like penne pasta or spaghetti, it would be squid ink pasta. Obviously, it's quite ironic cause squid ink pasta is black and it's the black family. Regulus HATED it, like really hated it, whenever they had it for dinner he would sneak his share of it onto Sirius' plate, Sirius doesn't like to admit that he loves it, like he can't eat any other type of pasta cause his taste is already used to squid ink.
Peter: Peter LOVES food, but he is a very picky eater, meaning the only Pasta he'll eat is plain, it can't be overcooked and it can't be overcooked or else he'll get the ick and just not eat it. he doesn't have it with sauce, or seasoning. Just. Plain. Pasta.
Remus: Remus doesn't eat pasta anymore but his all-time favorite is the pasta his Mother used to make for him. It always took him back to before he was bit and when he'd be sitting at the kitchen table watching his mother walk around the kitchen like she had been for what felt like a million times trying to make sure everything was cooked properly. After Remus got bit his Mother started to drift away but she still made the pasta just the way Remus loved. When she died, Remus stopped eating pasta cause the memories of his Mother hurt too much.
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 6 months
Hello Wizards and Witches of tumblr!! Whiskers and Seaks just want to give a huge thank you to all of the support we have got from our followers! Have an awsome 2024 everybody!!
-Whiskers and Seaks
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