#Whittaker!doctor x reader
hauntingcryptids · 8 months
Keep It On
Whittaker!Doctor x Reader
Summary - The Reader keeps getting distracted by The Doctor dressed in her new outfit accessory and needs The Doctor’s attention as soon as they get back to The TARDIS.
Based On This Request - Anonymous said - “Reader Fem is so hot doctor 13 with a suit and waistcoat, that when you are in bed you ask her not to take it off with them. (no need to be smut, if you don’t want to or don’t feel comfortable)
Warnings - making out and foreplay leading to smut but no actual smut, sexual discussions. So Minors DNI!!!
Word Count - 1982
A/n - I was thinking about The Doctor’s waistcoat from “The Haunting of Villa Diodati”, but because that episode is so plot-driven I didn’t want this story to revolve around that episode. So, let’s just imagine that The Doctor wore something like that at a different time. I also think that I made this more of a Gender Neutral Reader rather than a Female Reader, I hope that that’s okay. Established Relationship. The other companions can be whomever you wish them to be. Requested by a lovely anon(thank you for the request)! I don’t know how good this is, but I had a lot of fun writing it even though it took me forever to edit. I hope that you enjoy!
The Doctor had been distracting you all day and the worst part of it all was the fact that she wasn’t even doing it on purpose. If she had woken up and decided to tease you throughout an adventure, then you would arguably have the right to be frustrated and upset with her. But The Doctor didn’t do that. She just got dressed and went about her day. Yet she didn’t even realise the lascivious effect that she had on you. 
The Doctor chose to spice up her usual outfit with a floral vest today. She did so innocently. Annoyingly innocently. She was taking you and the rest of her companions to a planet that had stricter, more Victorian-like guidelines when it came to fashion. You and your friends were all dressed fancier than your normal attire, but The Doctor, in her floral vest and button-down romantic blouse, continued to catch your eye. If you were being completely honest with yourself, The Doctor always caught your eye, but there was just something about her in that waistcoat that caused your brain to melt.
The time you and your friends had on the planet was incredibly fun. You had gone to a carnival filled with many alien rides, games, and foods, all the while you were longing after The Doctor without her notice. Eventually, though, the day had to end. Before returning to The TARDIS, however, The Doctor joyfully purchased alien ice cream for all of you to try as a small nightcap. Then The Doctor piloted her beloved ship to overlook a beautiful nebula as you and your friends said your goodnights for the evening.
“You should be getting some sleep, too. We all had a long day.” The Doctor said to you as she double-checked the protections she placed on her TARDIS.
“But I want to spend some alone time with you.” You walked up beside the alien and wrapped your arm around her vest-covered waist before leaning your head against her shoulder. The Doctor warmly nuzzled her head against yours before wrapping her own arm around your shoulders.
“Office time, fun time, or bedroom time?” The Doctor questioned, eager for your answer. This was a question asked between the two of you often in order to clarify certain situations rather than assuming what each other wanted. “Office time” referred to anything non-sexual and TARDIS-based: i.e. hanging out with The Doctor while she’s working on her ship, or in her study. “Fun time” stood for anything non-sexual that didn’t inherently involve The TARDIS: like watching movies, going on an extra adventure, or cuddling together. Finally, “Bedroom time” was code for more romantic and sexual activities: formal dates, making out, and obviously anything sexual.
“Bedroom time, if you are okay with that?” You turned your head to look at The Doctor for her answer and immediately you were captured by her star-filled hazel eyes. A wide smile spread across her face when she locked eyes with you.
“Of course I am okay with that, my little star.” The Doctor pecked a kiss on your nose before grabbing your hand and running down the TARDIS hallway toward your bedroom. You erupted into a fit of giggles, trailing after your ecstatic alien, very thankful that The TARDIS walls were soundproof.
Upon reaching your bedroom, The Doctor opened the door to your room with enough energy and excitement to rival that of yours upon first seeing her in her waistcoat earlier. She then flung you through the doorway, causing you to again laugh at The Doctor’s antics. Then she closed the door behind the two of you, smiling like the adorable mad woman with a box that she was. 
You skipped forward until your torso was pressed up against The Doctor’s chest, a mirror of her smile written on your face. Before The Doctor could compliment your loveliness, you fully pressed her against the door of your room and captured her lips in a searing kiss. Immediately, you could feel The Doctor’s sweet smirk against your mouth, telling you that if you hadn’t kissed her she would have done it for you. Her hands ghosted over your body momentarily until she eagerly grasped your waist and pulled you as tightly against her body as she possibly could. 
Unfortunately, you had to break away from the kiss in order to catch your breath, but much to The Doctor’s enjoyment, she didn’t need to stop for breath and could continue to tease you while you recovered. Now The Doctor could kiss and nip and bite at the skin of your throat. You sighed and moaned at the feeling of her perfect lips against your skin and the pressure of her hands roaming over your body. The Doctor was the only thought in your mind..
“You love teasing me, don’t you?” You breathily asked.
“Whatever do you mean?” The Doctor hummed against your skin. You were going to retort back, but as soon as you were about to speak The Doctor bit down on your pulse point.
“Doctor!” I loud, moany version of The Doctor’s name erupted from your mouth as your body curled into The Doctor’s, now desperate for some sort of friction.
“Of course I love teasing you! When I do, you make noises like that.” The Doctor giggled into your neck.
The intoxicating nature of The Doctor was causing your brain to blur, all you could focus on was her and nothing else. Your beloved alien was making you too flustered when you wanted to keep some sort of control. So, you pulled her face back to yours to resume kissing. You pushed The Doctor further against your bedroom door, cradling her beautiful face in your hands. After a moment of welcomed shock, The Doctor moved one of her hands to caress your upper back and with her other hand, she began to grope your ass. Then, before you could do anything to stop her, The Doctor flipped the two of you over so your back was now pressed against the wall. This sudden change took you by surprise, causing you to gasp and allowing The Doctor to slip her tongue into your mouth. 
You moaned into The Doctor’s mouth, which was a sensation that always made her weak. She was practically vibrating from the excitement of kissing you, holding you, and having your body pressed up against hers. In her flustered state, you flipped the two of you again. You tried to remain in control of the situation, to show The Doctor how passionately you cared for her, but you were quickly becoming more and more distracted by your alien lover. The Doctor grabbed you by the hips to ensure that you remained tightly against her body. Then she led you backwards until the back of your legs met the edge of your bed. The Doctor broke apart from the kiss this time. She kissed a path from your lips to your ear.
“Get on the bed.” She whispered passionately before kissing the shell of your ear.
A wide smile spread across your face, which The Doctor instantly mirrored. You then jumped on the bed with eagerness but stayed in the middle because your shoes were still on. The Doctor first kicked off her shoes with an adorable huff. She rarely ever fully untied her shoes at the best of times, but when something as urgent as being with you was occurring she never bothered to even untie her boots. She simply undid the laced bow and then kicked them off frantically. You giggled as you watched her now, but her attention soon fell back on you after her mini battle with her boots.
The Doctor placed her leg up on the bed and then gently grabbed your ankle. She placed your ankle on her knee and massaged the flesh there for a moment. Then she patiently untied your shoe with an almost sacred reverence for your belongings and before removed it softly. The Doctor pressed a delicate kiss to the inner skin of your ankle and then returned your leg to lounge on the softness of the bed. Immediately she showed the same treatment to your other ankle.
With your shoes now off, you scooted up the bed, Finally, The Doctor began to join you on the bed. Finally, you were experiencing what you had imagined since you first saw The Doctor in her waistcoat this morning. Finally, you could relish in having The Doctor’s full attention on you.
Your beloved alien kissed her way up your body, up your thighs, on your hips, all over your stomach and chest and neck. Occasionally, she would make minor detours in order to pay extra special attention to her favourite parts of your body. Eventually, she made her way up your body until she was fully hovering over you. The Doctor smiled at you like you were the most precious being in The Universe and then kissed your forehead with reverence.
“You are so cute.” The Doctor said softly, lovingly.
“And you are so handsome, Doctor.” You bumped your nose against hers.
“Absolutely! Especially in this outfit, Doc.” You caressed your hands up and down her waistcoat-covered sides, while subconsciously caressing her calf with your foot.
“So that’s what’s gotten you all worked up. I’ll need to dress like this more often, then.” The Doctor smirked down at you, her golden hair framing her face like a halo of starlight. She might be an alien, but in your eyes, she was an angel.
“You absolutely must!” You eagerly responded, causing The Doctor to laugh at your enthusiasm. She then moved to hold your face in both of her hands, her body weight fully on top of you, and kissing you passionately.
With yours and The Doctor’s lips finally reconnected, The Doctor moved her leg in between your legs and lightly put pressure on your crouch. Slowling, teasingly, she shifted forward, grinding her leg against your most sensitive region. You moaned into her mouth, grabbing a fistful of the fabric of The Doctor’s vest.
You and The Doctor continued to make out like this, building up the pressure and want between your bodies. Every once in a while, your beloved alien would expertly remove a piece of your clothing with nimble fingers until you were left beneath The Doctor in just your underwear while she remained completely clothed. Now she could touch you, grop you, caress you freely. Just as you wished, Your make out session stopped, however, when The Doctor moved to unbutton her waistcoat. Quickly, you grabbed her hands to stop her from doing so.
“Can you keep it on?” You asked, want heavy and evident in your voice.
“You want me to make you feel good like this?” The Doctor, despite her different anatomy, was breathing heavily from excitement. When she was like this, completely desperate for you, she didn’t need much convincing to try something new. However, she would be lying if she said that she never imagined ravishing your body while she was fully clothed and you were naked. Admittedly though, those imaginings were usually taking place in the console room of The TARDIS, but The Doctor’s excitement over this new opportunity never waned. She was not going to let this opportunity pass her by.
“Yes, please, Doctor.” You begged breathlessly.
“Good.” The Doctor smirked before placing one sweet kiss on your lips. She would have wanted to tease you a bit more if she wasn’t so excited, probably something involving removing her underwear with her teeth. However, The Doctor was too eager to do that right now. She kissed you once more with a fervour while her hands ripped your underwear from your body, leaving you completely bare beneath her. Finally, The Doctor was going to grant your wish and make you feel good in her beautiful waistcoat.
121 notes · View notes
Goodbyes - bonus chapter of ‘Home’
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Pairing: 13!Doctor x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Essentially the events of ‘Power of the Doctor’ but with y/n aka the Doctor’s daughter. You don't really need to have read ‘Home’ to read this part, all you need to know is Y/N is ‘Jenny’, but when she regenerated she changed her name “new face, new name”
Word Count: 5.8k (I don't think I've ever written a pic this long ahah sorry)
Warning: spoilers for 13th’s regeneration. angst (I can't help it, im sad to see Jodie go)
A/N: ooh she's back. So the latest episode sparked my imagination and this is the result. I have fully loved writing this, ahh! As always spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :)
Home Masterlist
- - - - -
Saying goodbye is never easy. 
In fact you would say it was one of the hardest parts of life with the Doctor. You never get to stay in one place for long so you're constantly meeting new people only to have to say goodbye a few days later. Unless they decide to join you in the TARDIS, but even companions don't stay forever. 
It wasn’t that long ago that Graham and Ryan decided to stay on earth, and now here you are saying goodbye to Dan. Although you can’t blame him for wanting to leave, he did just almost die on your last adventure together. But still, goodbyes suck! 
At least you’ll always have Yaz. You can’t imagine her ever leaving, especially now she’s admitted to you and Dan that she has feelings for the Doctor. 
“I don't know what to do. I’ve never told anyone, not even myself.” 
“Just tell her” Dan replied
“It’s not that easy”
“Look, I took way too long to tell somebody that I liked them and then the universe ended and everything got messy.” He paused “I wouldn’t want that to happen to you Sheffield” 
You saw a small smile flash on Yaz’s tear streaked face at the nickname Dan had given her.
“Dan’s right, you should totally tell her how you feel.” You agreed.
“But, what if she’s doesn’t like me back. What if I just make things awkward?”
“Oh she hundred percent likes you back. Trust me, I’ve been in her head. My mother is just awkward and doesn’t know how to handle these things.” You draped your arm over Yaz’s shoulder “So take the reins, be brave, and tell her! Who knows, maybe soon I’ll be calling you my stepmother” 
The three of you had burst into laughter until a Dalek approached and reminded you of the danger you were facing at the time. 
Since then you and Dan had tried to give Yaz and the Doctor opportunities to be alone but after the whole thing with the sea devils, Yaz had informed you and Dan of the conversation she’d had with the Doctor. Though you were disappointed that your mom had pretty much rejected the idea of a relationship with Yaz, you understood why. She’d loved and lost so many people already, and each time hurt just as badly as the last. Still you could tell Yaz had no plans to leave the TARDIS fam anytime soon and would be travelling with you until she physically couldn’t anymore. 
After saying goodbye and leaving Dan to restart his life on earth, the three of you were thrust back into another adventure. A message from a rogue Dalek, a metal ‘cyberplanet’ in the year 1916 and regenerating Cybermen. Oh, and to top it all off The Master is back after somehow surviving the destruction of Gallifrey. 
You had just managed to narrowly escape an attack from the Cybermen when Kate, the head of UNIT, called to the Doctor for help. After arriving at UNIT HQ, and an awkward meeting with Ace and Tegan, Kate explained why she had summoned you. Multiple paintings forced to be removed from public view due to being defaced with images of ‘Rasputin’. This literally had the Master’s name, or should that be face, all over it. 
The meeting was interrupted when The Master sent a video broadcast, basically luring the Doctor to meet him. Even though you were 99.9% certain this was some sort of trap, the three of you jumped back in the TARDIS and headed to Naples. 
Walking into the lecture hall you could hear the Master rambling about seismology and earthquakes, but you weren’t listening. All you could focus on were the people being forced to listen to him. 
“Doctor look” Yaz whispered as she too noticed the miniaturised students left around on the benches. 
The Master stopped talking when he noticed the three of you stood at the top of the stairs, raising his hand to wave at you.  
“Do you like my seismologist collection? Think I’ve got the whole set now” he says casually as if he hasn’t just killed a room of innocent people. 
“All right, I’ve followed your breadcrumb trail” The Doctor says as she starts down the stairs “Some people think your Rasputin, you’ve got a TARDIS on a metal planet with a stolen Qurunx, guarded by your cybermasters in 1916. Now, do I win a prize if I guess how this all fits together or are you just going to tell me why you're grandstanding?” 
“Be patient. We’ll get there” The Master replies
“How did you even escape from Gallifrey?”
“Magnificent attention to detail” The Master laughs as he shoulder barges past the Doctor, ignoring her question “I’m a seismologist now”
“You killed all these people!” Yaz interrupts "For what?” 
“To give you a simple, fair, warning.” The Master saunters right up to the Doctor, causing you to take a small protective step forward. “Leave earth now Doctor, or it will be the death of you. Because really, honestly, truly… this is the day you die. No, not just die. This is the day you are erased from existence…” he glances at you, then back to the Doctor “forever.”
To your surprise the Doctor doesn’t respond, she doesn’t say anything at all. She just stands there, staring at the Master. He laughs, glancing over at Yaz. 
“I know, bit of a conversation stopper. Awkward right?” He bounces over to Yaz “Do you see what I’ve done? I was so clever because I can give her this warning, but we both know she won’t leave. She can’t, not now that I’ve said that to her and yet she knows she should, because she also knows I don't make empty threats.” He turns suddenly moving so he’s face to face with you, staring intensely in your eyes “I can absolutely, categorically, pinkey-promisey confirm this is no empty threat.”
Before any of you have a chance to respond, UNIT crash through the doors. 
“Ooh, OH! You brought soldiers” The Master moves excitedly to the centre of the room “Are these for me? Oh you shouldn’t have.” The Master continues to ramble as two soldiers restrain and handcuff him, but you aren’t listening to him anymore. Instead you're watching your mother, trying to work out what she’s thinking. The Master was right, she won’t leave earth undefended but he was also right in saying he doesn’t make empty threats. And he seems way too excited about the UNIT soldiers. A horrible thought crosses your mind that this is all part of the Master’s plan. This is exactly what he wants.
“Give her a gun” The Doctor’s words bring you out of your thoughts.
“What?!” Yaz looks as surprised as you as she goes close the Doctor.
“Mom?!” You join them.
“Her too” The Doctor gestures to you and a soldier offers you a small hand gun. “Cover him. We’re going to take him in the TARDIS.” She sees your reluctance to accept and takes the gun for you, holding it out to you “Take the gun Y/N”
“Ooh she must be worried” The Master taunts from behind you “Thought she didn’t like guns”
“Fine” Yaz takes the gun from the other soldier, immediately pointing it at the Master.
“Do you even know how to use that love?” he mocks her.
“Don't you worry, I’ve had weapons training” Yaz replies confidently “Now move” 
“Great chat, good meeting. Thank you all!” The Master calls out as the soldiers lead him away, Yaz following close behind.
“Y/N” the Doctor says quiet but firm, still holding the gun for you to take. You look her in the eye. 
“Guns? Really Mom? This isn’t you.”
“Just take it.” She snaps, before looking apologetically “please”
“Please tell me you have a plan?” You say as you put the gun in your pocket “Because the Master certainly does and I think we’ve just played right into it”
She looks genuinely worried for a moment before putting on her best Doctor smile. “Of course I do” she places a hand on your shoulder and a shock shoots through your body. “Sorry, very staticky today for some reason. Come on.” 
— — — — 
Even as you watched the Master get locked away in UNIT HQ, you still can’t shake the uneasy feeling that it was all going to go wrong. And boy were you right. 
While the Doctor and Yaz went off in the TARDIS to meet with the Dalek informant, you stayed behind to keep guard over The Master. 
“Y/N” he dragged your name out in a sort of song like way, taunting you through the bars of his cell. “What’s wrong, cat got your tongue?” He chuckled to himself as he crouched in the corner “Oh come on, talk to me! It’s no fun if you don't talk to me! Aren’t you going to ask me about my plan? I know you want to, cause you're smart you see. You're not arrogant enough to believe that me being behind these bars means you’ve won. You think I’ve got something up my sleeve.” He pauses “Am I right? Oh I’m right aren’t I? Because we’re not so different you and I-” 
“I am NOTHING like you!” You snap, moving closer to the bars.
“Finally! She talks!” He jumps up from his crouched position and comes closer to you “I was starting to think you’d forgotten how”
“So you got me to talk, now what? What do you want me to say, oh Master?” You say sarcastically
“Ooh say that again, I like it” he smiles and you look at him in disgust before turning away. “No? Ah never mind. Our time here is nearly up anyway.” 
You freeze, turning back to look at him. “What do you mean?” 
He just smirks, and you feel a shiver run up your spine. Something is wrong. 
From outside the door you hear gunshots and shouting, followed by Kate’s voice over the tannoy. 
“All units. Full combat protocols. UNIT is under attack. I repeat, UNIT is under attack from Cybermen.”
You rush toward the cell, reaching through the bars to grab the Master by his jacket.
“What did you do?!” You shout desperately in his face, but he just laughs. You let go of him, reaching into your pocket to grab the gun. “What did you do?!” 
He continues to laugh, despite the gun pointed at him. Suddenly the door behind you explodes open and Ashad the Cyberman enters. You turn to point the gun at him, blocking his path to the Master but he pushes you aside sending you crashing to the floor and the gun flies from your hand. He prepares to shoot you but the Master stops him.
“Not her!” He yells “I want her alive”
Ashad blasts the cell bars open and the Master steps out triumphantly. 
“I am so glad I cloned you” he says, before turning his attention to you just in time to see you still laying on the floor reaching for the gun. He walks over, putting his foot on your hand making you cry out. “I wouldn’t, if I were you.” He removes his foot, swiftly kicking the gun completely out of reach and looking back down at you. “Up.” He commands, but you don't move. “Don't make me repeat myself.”
Reluctantly you do as you're told, groaning quietly at the pain in your body as you get to your feet.
“Good girl.” 
He spins on his heels, grabs one of the broken cell bars and smashes something on the wall. He reaches inside and pulls out a small device “such a good plan!” He praises himself. 
Keeping his eyes fixed on the device, he holds his hand out to you. When again you don't move he growls your name, turning to face you as he slowly walks toward you “disobeying me isn’t going to stop anything, it just delays the inevitable and makes me angry in the process. And when I'm angry…” he grabs your face harshly, pressing his fingers painfully into your cheeks and pulling your closer “…I can make life even more painful for you, your little human friend” he pauses and smiles sinisterly “and your mother”
He releases your face and takes a step back, holding his hand out once again. You sigh, before reaching out to him. The second your hand touches his, he activates the device and transports you both out of UNIT. 
As you land he releases your hand and you slump down onto the ground. 
“Welcome to St Petersburg” he says, and as you look up at him you realise he’s changed his appearance to look like Rasputin. 
Your head feels weird, and you close your eyes as you try to shake it off. After a moment the fog in your head clears and you look up to realise you’re in a large, circular room. It looks posh. Like, palace level posh. Around the edge of the room are Daleks and Cybermen, all stood facing the centre of the room where you see the shell of a Dalek. Your eyes focus and you realise the Doctor is restrained and unconscious. 
“Mom!” You scramble to get to your feet, but two Cybermasters step forward and place their metal hands on your shoulders, keeping you knelt on the ground. “What have you done to her?” 
“Oh nothing yet my dear, the best it yet to come.” He crouches down to eye level with you “and you get a front row seat, you lucky thing you”
A small groan comes from the Doctor, signalling she’s waking up and the Master jumps up and bounds over to her. 
“Hello Doctor. Welcome to the end of your existence.” He smiles, taking a few steps back and gesturing around the room “Say hello to my friends”
She sleepily glances around, her eyes landing on you. 
“Oh and your precious little offspring is here too!”
“If you’ve harmed her-” the Doctor begins but the Master laughs
“What Doctor? You’ll kill me? Because I think I’ve proved by now that’s not possible.” He spins around to show off his outfit “Do you like the garb? I love the garb. Got to dress for the occasion.” 
He continues to ramble for a while, but you and the Doctor remain looking at each other. A silent conversation happening between the two of you. 
“…the day I killed the Doctor.” You tune back into the Master’s speech “With a little help from my friends”
“Your friends?” The Doctor scoffs “You hate each other!”
“And the one thing stronger than their hatred for each other… is their hatred for you” he reaches his hand up to touch the Doctor’s face, causing you to struggle against the Cybermaster’s hold on you. “ooh she’s a feisty one isn’t she Doc” he laughs, sauntering over to you. “You know, it really is beautiful how much you two care for each other. Want to protect each other.” He reaches down, placing a finger under your chin to tilt your head up. Forcing you to look at him. “I hope you’ll feel the same way about me when I’m your mother… or father? Daddy? We can decide on the name later-”
“What are you talking about?” You ask him with disgust.
“The next phase of my brilliant plan!” He removes his hand from your face, allowing your head to drop back down to a comfortable position as he turns away from you. “I’m going old school Doctor. Do you remember the ultimate sanction for breaking our laws?”
There’s a heavy silence as the Doctor and the Master stare at each other. 
“Forced regeneration. They even did it to you once didn’t they? Well maybe more than once, who knows? Not you”
“You don't have the technology” you can hear the panic in your mother’s voice.
“I do… I do. I DO!” He laughs excitedly “when I ransacked Gallifrey, I took everything. But where would he get the power? If only I had a planet built for this purpose. No, wait wait! I do!!” 
“The cyberplanet?” You say, thinking out loud.
“Bingo! Gold star for Y/N, I see why you keep her around Doc.” He winks at you “A conversion planet, except it doesn’t only convert organic to cyber… I brought it here to help another conversion altogether.” 
He reaches his arm up in the air, presses a button on the device in his hand and the room descends into bizarre chaos. Music fills the room as the chandelier hanging in the centre of the room transforms into the same cube like thing you’d seen on the other TARDIS on the cyberplanet. Meanwhile the Master dances happily to himself, as Daleks and Cybermen watch on from the sidelines. You and the Doctor exchange confused glances, which the Masters notices. He dances over to you, orders the Cybermen to move and pulls you up to dance with him. When you just stand there unmoving he comes behind you, grabs your arms and waves them about like a puppet master controlling a doll. 
It doesn’t take long before he’s bored at your lack of enthusiasm. He throws you back into the arms of the Cybermasters and marches over to the Doctor as two large glass boxes are transported into the room. 
“Lets get you out of there” He removes the Doctor’s restraints and steps aside for her to stand. “Get in the box”
The Doctor hesitates, glancing over at you as she’s clearly trying to figure a way out of this. The Master clicks his fingers and suddenly every Dalek in the room turns to face you, their gunsticks primed and ready to fire.
“I don't think I need to explain what happens to her if you disobey me, do I Doctor?” 
— — — — 
Once she’s in the glass box, the Master sends a message to Yaz in the TARDIS, Cleary luring her to him, then climbs inside the other box. 
“Forced regeneration, Doctor…” The doors of the boxes shut, locking your mother inside. “..to force you to regenerate into me!” 
“No!” You shout, struggling against the grip of the Cybermasters but their metal hands just squeeze tighter. 
“You wouldn’t?” The Doctor shakes her head in disbelief, her eyes almost begging the Master to stop. 
He activates the device and red lightning crashes through the roof into the boxes. The Master and Doctor start glowing orange, a sign regeneration has begun. Your mother locks eyes with you as tears slips down both your faces. 
“Y/N!” She calls to you over the sound of the Master screaming “Look after Yaz!” 
You nod your head “I love you!” 
“I lo-” she begins but it cut off as suddenly in her place stands the Master in the Doctor’s clothes. He maintains eye contact and though you want to look away, you can’t. “It worked” he steps out of the box, falling to his knees and groaning. He composes himself, slowly standing as he declares “I… am… the Doctor!” 
You close your eyes, trying to stop anymore tears for spilling but open them again when you hear the familiar sound of the TARDIS landing. For a brief second your heart jumps as you think your mother has arrived to save the day, but then you remember… she’s gone. You look over to see Yaz cautiously poke her head out the door. 
“Oh hello, Yasmin Khan” the Master/Doctor steps towards her triumphantly.
Yaz glances between you and him “Where’s the Doctor?” The Master laughs, making Yaz angry “MY Doctor!” 
“Gone” he replies simply, and you see Yaz’s heart sink. “Really gone, forever gone.” He steps closer to her “Don't worry, you’ll get used to me. You both will.” He looks over to you, holding his hand out “come here, daughter of mine”
You feel instant pain relief as the Cybermasters finally release you, pushing you forward slightly and making you stumble into his hold. He cups your face in his hands, wiping tears from your cheek. 
“Come, come now. Don't cry dear. Smile for Daddy, hm?”
He stares into your face, waiting for you to obey. In your mind you hear his earlier warning about not doing what you're told and you use all the energy you can muster to flash him a small false smile. “Better.” He lets go of your face, returning his attention to Yaz. 
“I still need a companion to ask and bask in my brilliance.” He smiles but Yaz looks disgusted “oh come on Yaz! Let's go on an adventure!” He pushes past her, running into the TARDIS. He looks back out through the door, his face suddenly deadly serious again. “Don't make me ask twice. I’d hate to have to bring you down to size.” 
— — — —  
Inside the TARDIS the Master bounces around the control panel like an excited child. You and Yaz stand to the side watching in shock after what’s just happened. 
“She’ll come back right?” Yaz whispers to you but before you can respond the Master spins to face the two of you. 
“Ah ah ah, no plotting behind my back girls. That’s not very nice” he pulls a fake, hurt face before pointing to you. “Go to your room.”
“What?” you almost laugh at how ridiculous this is.
“You heard me.”
“You can’t be serious”
You look at Yaz who looks back at you just as confused. “Will you be okay?” You ask her. 
“She’ll be fine, as long as she cooperates” the Master answers for her “I just need some alone time with my companion.” 
Yaz flashes you a small reassuring smile, letting you know she can handle this. You start walking, stopping as you reach the Master. 
“You hurt her, I absolutely, categorically, pinkey-promisey will kill you.” You use his early words to warn him and he pulls a mocking face like he’s just looked at an adorable puppy. 
— — — — 
You can’t relax. Not knowing what the Master is up to, if Yaz is okay, if your mother can ever return. It’s too much. You pace and pace around your room until your legs ache and finally you flop down onto your bed with your head in your hands. 
A sudden familiar voice in your room makes you jump up and see your mom standing in front of you. You blink away the left over tears and realise she’s a hologram. 
“If you're seeing this, then I’m dead.” She states, making you gasp. “Is that a bad way to start? Bit overdramatic?” 
She goes on to explain how she’s created an AI hologram version of herself and implanted it using static electricity, but that it should only activate under grave circumstances. 
“Are you really dead? Is there any way you could come back?” You ask hopefully. 
“If this hologram has presented to you, then yes I am dead.” Your heart sinks, a wave of emotion floods through you. “Woah, my emotional receptors are a bit over sensitive. Apparently you're experiencing extreme sadness right now.”
“I wish you were really here” you sniffle.
“Me too. I’d give you a hug and maybe some ice cream? Sad people need ice cream right?” She questions and you laugh “Ah I’m sensing a slight mood boost, that’s good. Keep that up.”
Suddenly Yaz bursts into the room.
“You see her too!” She acknowledges the holo-doctor before looking at you.
“Where’s the Master?” You ask her, half expecting him to come barging in after her.
“I threw him out”
“You did what?” You laugh in amazement. 
“Come on, I’ve got a plan” 
— — — — 
With her post it notes to guide her, Yaz flew the TARDIS to collect Vinder from the cyberplanet and save Ace she parachuted off the UNIT building. She then explained her plan and dropped you and Ace off under the volcano to stop the Daleks while she and Vinder went off to complete their part of the plan. 
You and Ace agreed to split off to distribute her nitro bombs around the volcano, and meet back up in time to escape together. However when you did meet up you were surprised and happy to see a familiar face with her. 
“Graham?!” You exclaim, running into his arms and hugging him tightly. “What are you doing here?”
“I’ll explain later, run!” He grabs your hand, pulling you with him as the three of you run from the sound of explosions and angry Daleks and towards to sound of the TARDIS landing. You watch it materialise as you get closer and when the door opens you freeze. Graham and Ace run straight in, leaving you stood staring at your mother who waits at the door for you. She holds her hand out, a look of confusion on her face as to why you’ve stopped.
“Y/N? Come on!”
“Is it really you? Not a hologram, not the Master playing a trick. You're really here?” 
She runs out to you, placing her hands gently on your face so she can look at you. 
“I’m here”
As you look in her eyes you can tell it’s her. You don't know how you know, you just do. You squeeze her tightly, happy tears springing to your eyes. 
“As lovely as this moment is, we really do need to go” she says and you nod, the sound of Daleks behind you reminding what is was you were running from. 
She holds your hand as you both run to the safety of the TARDIS. Yaz explains how they brought back the Doctor, while you mother gets to work at the console, flying you and the team away just as the volcano explodes. When the TARDIS next comes to a stop Kate and Tegan come onboard and the Doctor positions everyone around the TARDIS console, giving each person a specific button to press or lever to pull. Nobody fully understand what they’re doing but they do it anyway. When the Doctor has a plan, it’s best not to ask too many questions.
“Vinder, is that your ship on the surface of this cyberplanet?” She asks, still rushing around the TARDIS. She doesn’t give him time to answer, continuing to talk without taking a breath. “Don't speak, no time. Come with me. Another problem to solve. When I say now, activate everything. Chop chop Vinder. Y/N, with me!” She leads Vinder out through the doors and you look at the others, letting out a small laugh. 
“She’s still not explaining anything then?” Graham jokes. 
“How is it bigger on the inside?” Kate ask you, completely in awe on her surroundings. In all the madness you hadn’t realised this was her first time on the TARDIS. You're about to respond when you hear your mother call your name from outside.
“I’ll let Yaz explain that one” you laugh, patting Yaz on the shoulder as you jog past her and out the door. 
— — — — 
Outside the Doctor gets on with fixing Vinder’s ship, still happily chatting away mostly to herself while you and Vinder stand watch. He fills you in on life since you last saw him and hugs you goodbye before you have to follow the Doctor as she runs to the Master’s TARDIS. When inside she brings up the video link to her TARDIS and finally explains the plan to you and the others. She gives the word and everyone springs into action. You pull your designated lever, watching as the TARDIS flashes and groans into life. 
“Yes!” She cheers “Temporal hop, 106 years, done! Now… for conversion.” She looks up at you “I really hope this works”
She pulls another lever and watches on the screen as the erupting volcanoes transform into something else. 
“Did she just freeze volcanoes into steel?” You hear Tegan ask through the video link. 
“Yes I did!” The Doctor celebrates “Turning multiple planet-threatening situations into public art! You're welcome” 
“Ok, don’t get cocky” Yaz jokes 
“Now, one last thing and we’re done” 
You both exit the Master’s TARDIS and head for the Qurunx. 
“I’m sorry for what was done to you” she speaks to it “I’ll see you released, but I need one more thing from you. Channel your energy down into this planet. Disintegrate everything, and then you’ll be free!”
The Qurunx flashes and begins doing what the Doctor said. A red beam of light bursting down to the surface of the planet and you and your mother stand in awe. As you begin walking back to your TARDIS together, you hear the Master shout from behind you. 
You both turn to face him with a sigh. 
“You lost” The Doctor says “You gambled and you lost. And now your body is failing because of what you put it through.” 
“Maybe” he replies “But if I can’t be the Doctor… neither can you” 
He raises his hand, clicking the device in it and suddenly the beam from the Qurunx changes direction. Heading straight for you. You freeze, unable to make your body move. The Doctor pushes you out of the way, sending you crashing to the ground a safe distance away as she takes the full force of the beam. She grunts as it knocks her flying and she lands in an unmoving heap. 
“MOM!” You shout, scrambling to get up and run to her but your head starts spinning. You touch your hand on your scalp where you realise you hit your head and it comes away red with blood. “Mom?” You call again as you collapse on the ground next to her. You lay there begging your body to move, to help your mother, but everything feels heavy. You hear the sound of footsteps and turn your head to the side. You notice the Master also laying lifeless not to far away. Turning your head the other side you just catch a glimpse of Graham and Yaz running to you as your eyes grow heavy and everything turns black. 
— — — — 
When you come around, you find yourself back in your bed in the TARDIS and for a moment you wonder if it had all been a dream. You climb out of bed feeling surprisingly okay and rush to the TARDIS console room to see Yaz and the Doctor stood together, talking quietly. Yaz notices you first, wiping her cheek and putting on a smile you can tell is fake. Your mother keeps turned away as Yaz makes her way over to you. As she moves you notice her bags by the door. 
“You’re leaving?” You ask in horror and she sighs. “Why? Why now? There’s still so much to see.” 
She just looks at you, like she doesn’t know how to explain and eventually says “I’m sorry, I’ve just got to go” before pulling you into a tight hug. 
“But-” you think about arguing but decide against it “how are you ever going to be my stepmom if you're not here” you say jokingly, making her laugh. She pulls away to look at you again. 
“Keep in touch yeah?” She says and you nod “and look after her” 
You both look over at the Doctor who is mindlessly fiddling with buttons on the console. 
“I will” 
And just like that she left. She refused to say the word ‘goodbye’ to either of you, she just smiled and waved a small wave before grabbing her bags and leaving. You turn to your mom. 
“Are you mad?” You ask, a tear spilling down your eye. 
“What?” She looks at you, confused by your sudden outburst. 
“How can you just let her leave?” 
“She’s made up her mind” 
“Then change it!” You almost shout “go after her and convince to stay with us! With you!” 
“Y/N-” she starts but stops when she sees you’ve noticed her hand is glowing. 
“You’re regenerating?” You say quietly “Why?” 
“The Qurunx blast, my body took too much damage” 
“But- but you're fine!”
“I’ve been holding it off for as long as I could, but its already starting” she starts slowly walking to you.
“How long do you have?” 
“About an hour, maybe” 
“An hour?! No, that’s not enough time, I need more time!” You start to panic and she places her hands on your arms to ground you. You look up in her eyes “Why didn’t you wake me up?” 
“You were healing Y/N, you hit your head really hard. You body needed to heal you properly.” She explains but you're only half listening, your mind racing at the realisation that you're losing her. 
“I can’t- I can’t lose you” you sob
“Hey!” She make you look at her so she knows you're listening “you are not losing me, okay? I’ll still be here.” 
“But you’ll be different, a completely new person.” You take a breath “There’s been so much change recently. With Graham and Ryan leaving, then Dan joining and leaving again. And now Yaz… You’ve been the only constant thought it all. This face…” you put your hands on her cheeks “…has been a reassuring presence through it all.”
“Listen, change can be difficult and scary. But it can also be really exciting! I’ll always be the Doctor. I’ll always be your mother” she pauses “or father? It’s complicated” you both laugh “it doesn’t matter what face I have, I will always love you…” she takes your hand and places it on her chest “…with both my hearts.”
“I love you” You hug tightly for a few minutes.
“At least we’re even now” she says, and you pull away to look at her confused “you took a bullet for me, I took a Qurunx blast for you”
“Yeah I guess you're right. We really should stop jumping in front of each other”
“I can’t make any promises” 
“Me neither” you both laugh “so, what do we do now?” 
“Hmm.. ice cream?”
The Doctor landed the TARDIS in a beautiful location overlooking the sea. The two of you sat for a while, eating ice cream and laughing as you watched the sun begin to set. You rest your head on her shoulder for a while until eventually she told you it was time. 
“I think I need to do this next bit alone” she says, and you nod silently. You can’t help the tears that start to form at the thought of this being the last time you see her like this. “Remember, both hearts” she places her hand on her chest and you place yours on your own.
“Both hearts” you reply before turning and going back in the TARDIS. 
You lean against the centre console, allowing yourself to cry and the TARDIS makes a noise, almost like she's trying to comfort you. You smile. 
“We’ll be okay” 
You can see the bright orange flash through the small windows in the door, signalling the full regeneration is happening. You close your eyes, taking breaths to calm yourself. You know the Doctor will be coming back in soon and the thought of meeting the new face suddenly makes you nervous. You hear the doors open and look up to see a face you recognise well. A face you’ve seen before. One of the very first faces you ever saw… 
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lanawinterscigarettes · 5 months
You, flirting with The Master/Missy as a distraction: So, is there, like, anyone else in the picture, or...?
The Doctor, whispering furiously from where they'd been trying to sneak past: What the hell are you doing? You're supposed the be distracting them, not flirting with them!
You, whispering back, making no attempt to hide your annoyance: Can't I do both?!
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Things you do that make the Doctor smile ~ Headcanons
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Ninth Doctor
• Imitating someone's serious face
• Painting small stars and planets on his face with face paint
• Dancing to your favorite songs without realizing he's watching
• Stealing his pillow when you can't sleep
• Using one of the showers in the TARDIS and singing loudly
• Pulling gently on your earlobe when you're deep in thought
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Tenth/Fourteenth Doctor
• Trying not to laugh when reading him bad poetry
• Buying Converse that match his
• Helping him match ties, shirts, and suits together
• Reading to him and using different voices for the characters
• Always touching his hair
• Falling asleep while cuddling
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Eleventh Doctor
• Always making sure he has snacks (his favorites, since he's picky)
• Being just as eager to see everything in a museum as he is
• Buying him fun bowties every chance you get
• Drawing on his hand when you're nervous
• Sharing your stuffie collection with him
• Leaving little love notes all over the TARDIS for him to find
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Twelfth Doctor
• Playing the guitar softly for him
• Sitting in silence when he's thinking
• Kissing his cheek right by his ear
• Ranting about things you like or things that you're excited for
• Putting small stickers on his regular sunglasses (not the sonic shades, don't worry)
• Humming gently as you play with his hair when he's stressed
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Thirteenth Doctor
• Kissing her nose
• Immediately putting on her coat as soon as she sets it down
• Making her tea any chance you get
• Holding her face and just looking at her
• Honestly, just any form of physical contact
• Taking pictures of things you love, including her
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Fifteenth Doctor
• Singing with him at the top of your lungs
• Always drawing with chalk on any planet the TARDIS lands on
• Making seashell necklaces
• Nibbling the sleeve of your sweaters when you're thinking or nervous
• Drawing him (badly, might I add, but he loves it anyway)
• Baking cookies in the TARDIS kitchen when you have time
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fxlling13 · 7 months
Because Of You
Part 2.
Dh!Master x fem reader
Part 1
Synopsis: you finally get away from the doctor.
Warning: bad language. Blood. Pain
(A/N: so I decided to write part 2 haha. And in a different pov. Just ahead of this weekend obviously)
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After another harrowing adventure, it was safe to say you were exhausted. And now the master was banned from tagging along. Apparently he’d become dangerous again. In reality, you knew the doctor was still bitter over your bond. Plus, it gave him alone time to plot an escape. He knew where his tardis was, it was just getting there. Before you had chance to find him, the doc stopped you and announced she had somewhere else to take the two of you. Yaz was thrilled, smiling as the blonde began to ramble.
“I’m tired.” You spoke softly, hoping for some understanding. At that moment, all you wanted was your bed. After spending the past five hours constantly running, that’s exactly what you needed. That and a bath. Instead, the doctor rolled her eyes and scoffed.
“I’m not stupid (y/n). I know that you’re just going to find the master.” You sighed tiredly, rubbing your eyes. Not having the energy to argue, you just shrugged.
“I wasn’t but never mind. Let’s go.”
Oh how you wished you could have stood up for yourself more. As you were hiding behind a large stack of crates, your heart was pounding and your ears ringing. The doctor and yaz were nowhere in sight. They had fled without a second thought. So here you were, listening as heavy footsteps grew louder and you knew you had to get out. Pulling yourself up, you dashed for the door and found a padlock. Great.
“Human life sign detected.” A robotic voice echoed around the metallic room and your blood ran cold. Having no other choice, you smashed the lock with your fists and ran through the door. Sadly, there were armed guards ready which meant your legs carried on. On the other hand, their weapons were knives so easier to evade. Saying that, one managed to snag your shoulder as you rounded a sharp corner. Quite literally. Seeing the tardis, you threw yourself inside with urgency and slammed the door.
“There you are!” Yaz yelled, but not with relief. Turning round, you gaped for air as your lungs were burning.
“The hell did you go! We’ve been waiting here like idiots. Couldn’t you keep up?” The doctor was almost screaming, storming over to you with purpose. Now confused, you rested against the wooden doors to steady yourself.
“We had the right to just fly off and leave you there!”
“Then why didn’t you? It’s not my fault, you abandoned me. I told you I was tired.” You spoke through heavy breathing, adrenaline wearing off. Once again, the doctor rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“You love to make excuses up huh? I hate liars.” Everything caught up to you, your anger becoming too much. Harshly, you shoved the blonde back.
“You think I’m lying? Look at me!” Yaz was quick to go to the doctor, holding her close.
“I’m covered in blood! Because you left me alone with a set of killer robots!” You shouted in a fit of rage. And you were right. Your hand was balled up, each knuckle wounded. Your shoulder had a large gash to go with this, the pain becoming more apparent each second. Huffing, you pushed past them weakly and began to walk up the stairs before stopping. Turning back to the two women, you pressed your lips together before speaking.
“He would never let me get hurt.” Your words hit the doctor hard and Yaz had to keep her restrained as you left. Once around the corner and down the corridor, your lip began to tremble and your body grew weaker. Suddenly, you felt hands land on your shoulders and gazed up only to instantly relax. The master peered down at you with worry. You succumbed to your needs and fell into his chest with ease. Your body wracked with sobs and the man holding you tightened his grip.
“Hey hey. It’s okay sweets.” Hooking his hands under your arms, he picked you up effortlessly. Your legs wrapped around his waist and you clung on weakly.
“I’ve got you now.” The masters voice was low and gentle, his hand running along your back. You faintly heard him mutter ‘hold on’ before your head began to spin. More than it already was. Everything was hazy, falling in and out of consciousness. You barely registered what your body was feeling. But you could make out the press of the masters lips to your temple. Then everything went black.
The doctor stood in the console room, messing around with the controls. She could feel eyes boring into the back of her head and sighed.
“What do you want?” She sounded bored, turning to face the master. He strolled over, jacket long gone and hands tucked into his pockets.
“You haven’t noticed.” Was all he said, standing right in front of her. The doctor furrowed her brows, casting her eyes around.
“What?” He just chuckled at her not knowing and aimlessly walked around the console.
“You and (y/n) had a pretty heated fight I see.”
“Only because you have corrupted her.” Scoffing, the male leant against a pillar and tilted his head.
“No I haven’t. And you know I haven’t. That’s what’s driving you mad.” He slowly took a step towards the blonde with a smile on his lips.
“You can’t stand that she chose me over you.” He chuckled, running his tongue along his teeth. Pulling his hand out, he twirled it round in the air with expression.
“And to make things worse for your overworked brain, it kills you that she loves me. Doesn’t it?” The doctors nostrils flared with rage, nails digging into her palm as the master continued on.
“And I love her. The one human you can’t have. Because she’s mine.” He finished, smiling smugly.
The Doctor went to slap him but he grabbed her wrist with force. They stared each other down, him finding intense joy at her upset. Laughing, the master moved away and head up the steps.
“What is it then? What haven’t I noticed?” The doctor spat, halting the man. Smirking, he turned and looked at her with pity.
“We’ve been gone three days.” He whispered patronisingly, waving at her before pulling out his TCE and disappearing. Leaving the doctor to wallow in her own feelings.
When you awoke, you found yourself in a room you didn’t recognise. What you did know, was you were lying in the most comfortable bed you had ever been in. Purple silk sheets surrounded your body, your head resting on two perfectly fluffed pillows. Gazing around the room, you saw how nicely it was decorated. In front of the newly found four poster bed, was a cracking fire. A beautiful grey tiled mantelpiece encased it with intricate galifreyan carvings. The wall to your left was lined with dark book shelves with the most luxurious books imaginable. There was also a desk slotted between. Slowly, you sat up and looked down at your hands. They were neatly wrapped up, as was your shoulder. Then you realised you were wearing only your bra and a pair of very loose pyjama pants.
“You’re finally awake.” The masters voice greeted you warmly, the door clicking shut behind him. Coming to your side, he perched on the edge of the bed.
“Where am I?” You asked, voice horse. Smiling, he placed his hand in yours and you relaxed immediately.
“On my tardis. In my room to be more specific.” He told you, happy to see the relief on your face.
“You got us out?”
“Of course I did, love. I couldn’t let her treat you like that any more.” Gently, he reached up and stroked your cheek, thumbing the skin with care. His eyes raked over your figure, fingers tracing the bandages.
“I hope you don’t mind your attire. I wanted to make sure I could clean everything.” Blushing, you shivered under his touch but shook your head.
“I don’t mind. How long was I out?”
“Three days, I put your mind in a deep state of rest.” The master moved closer, almost caging you against the pillows. But you didn’t complain, instead you felt comfort. He rested his hand by your waist, your own hand came to hold his arm securely. Almost hugging it.
“I went back to the doctor. Gave it to her straight. I should have hurt her but, I couldn’t leave you for that long.” Smiling at his words, you rested your head on his shoulder and sighed.
“How about my room? Do you like it? It’s much better than the doctor’s tardis right?” You almost giggled at his need of approval.
“I love it. It’s a lot nicer so far. Plus your bed is so comfy.” Leaning back against the pillows, the master helped you to sit straight and get comfortable. Inching closer, the man was still facing you but practically sat on the bed beside you. His hand landed on your clothed thigh, smoothing over the fabric tentatively.
“She hadn’t noticed, by the way. We’ve been gone for three whole days. And the doctor didn’t notice a thing.” He laughed, simpering as he lined the pattern on your pants with his finger.
“Why would she? I’m not important. You on the other hand-“
“Don’t say that ever again.” He spoke sternly, eyes looking straight into your own. Frowning, you cast your gaze down to his hand on your thigh.
“But I’m not important to her. And I don’t care.”
“Well you’re important to me. And I’ll destroy whole galaxies to prove that.” Your heart sped up, swallowing thickly and hoping he couldn’t tell how flustered he was making you.
“Really?” You questioned, causing him to hum in confirmation. Sucking in a breath, the master trailed his hand along your inner thigh and up to your waist.
“Yes. I will burn heaven and earth for you.” His eyes flicked down to your lips briefly, the blush on your face spreading to your ears. You looked up at him shyly, lashes fluttering.
“Stop looking at me like that, (y/n).” The master groaned, leaving you confused.
“Why?” Smirking a little, he cupped your jaw with intention. Without saying another word, he leant forward and pressed his lips to yours. Heat filled your body. You kissed back instantly, ignoring the initial shock. Your arms wrapped around his neck to tug him in closer, the male practically hovering over you by then. He pulled back with caution, smiling down at you.
“That’s why.” Gleefully, you rolled over, successfully pinning him beneath you. The master grinned, holding your waist. He looked proud at your tactical move.
“Hah. Got you.” You giggled playfully, resting your elbow down to get closer to him.
“Only you can get away with man handling me, dear.”
Delicately, he traced along your face before trailing down and leaving his hand to cup the side of your neck. Placing your own free hand on his chest, you sighed.
“How do we get back at the doctor? You must have a trick up your sleeve?” You wondered out loud, hearing him cackle slightly.
“Oh of course I do. And with you by my side? It’ll be easier than ever to get her exactly where she deserves to be.”
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bloody-cupcakes · 3 months
Yandere/dark Whittaker! Master x reader; you get caught trying to escape
Tw: yandere/dark content, gender neutral reader, implied kidnapping/Stockholm syndrome, soft femdom, the Master refers to the reader as pet in an affectionately degrading manner, the Master has a dacryphilia kink, implied smut at the end
You'd been caught trying to escape from the Master after she'd overthrown the monarchy of an alien planet you'd been visiting together recently. In all honesty, you had no idea why you'd ran away from her; she was the only family you'd ever known, the only home you'd ever had.
The guards held onto your arms tightly as they marched you to the throne room, preventing you from trying to run away again. The large marble doors opened to reveal none other than the Master herself seated on the ornate throne.
She look displeased as usual, though her face lit up the moment she saw you. "My pet," she cooed out sweetly, leaning forward so she could get a better look at you. "Where have you been, dear? We've been looking for you for ages. I've been so worried."
You kept your head down, glancing up at her with guilt filled eyes. "I'm sorry, Master. I- I didn't mean to," you insisted remorsefully. Your face heated up with shame as you looked down, clearly regretting your actions.
"Oi, look up at your majesty when she speaks to you!" One of the guards demanded gruffly, yanking your arm some in an effort to get you to listen. You let out a soft whimper in fear, something that caused the Master's blood to boil.
"That's enough," she snapped harshly at the guard. "Let them go." If looks could kill, they'd both be dead on the floor for daring to touch her beloved pet like that and speak to them that way.
They both obliged, letting go of you. You dropped to the floor almost immediately, kneeling as a sign of respect. The Master smirked in satisfaction at your action, pleased to know that she'd taught you well.
"Leave us." She dismissively waved the guards away, her attention focused fully on you. They both bowed before exiting the throne room, shutting the doors behind them. "Come here, pet. Come to your Master."
The good pet you were, you instantly obeyed. Knowing better than to get back up again without her permission, you crawled over to where she sat on the throne, resting your cheek against her knee.
"What a good little pet you are." She reached a gloved hand out and patted the top of your head affectionately. "Tell me, why did you run away, hm? You know better than that."
You whimpered at her words, for although her tone was gentle and kind you knew you'd misbehaved and were going to be punished because of it. "I- I don't know, Master. I got separated from you, and I was scared and confused."
The Master moved her hand down to the side of your face, lovingly stroking your cheek with her thumb. Your breathing became ragged as you spoke, and your eyes welled with tears, as though you might cry.
Her hearts broke for you; she could tell you felt guilty still and didn't mean to disobey her. "Oh, don't cry, sweetheart. I won't punish you this time. I can tell you feel bad enough as it is."
Her soft words of reassurance didn't do much to help calm you, tears spilling from your eyes and down your cheeks mere seconds later. "I- I'm sorry, Master... I really didn't mean to run away from you..." You sobbed quietly as you pressed your face into her lap.
As much as she felt bad for you, she couldn't deny just how much it turned her on to see you crying like this. She shifted some in her seat as her panties grew damp from her arousal, something you didn't notice due to how hard you were still crying.
"Now, now. There's really no need for all of this," she scolded in a light tone. "I'll tell you what, pet. If you behave for me by making me feel good, we can call it even and forget all about your transgressions. How does that sound?"
The Master grabbed your face gently with her hand, tilting your head upwards so you'd be forced to look at her. Your eyes were glossy still with tears, your bottom lip quivering with emotion as you watched her.
"Yes, Master. I- I can behave for you." Your voice was uneven and full of emotion due to your recent outburst, but she smiled nonetheless, glad she could get something productive out of your tears.
"Good pet. Now-" she moved the gloved hand that wasn't still holding your face down to the top of her pants and began to undo the buttons "-get to work."
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agent-barnes40 · 4 months
Her Human
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Whittaker!Master x Reader (Romantic)
My brain is on a fanfic roll.
Warnings: Suggestive (Morning after), mention of naked bodies (No gender mentioned aside from The Master's body), mentions of sex
The Master looked over at you, all curled up in her sheets, your arm was stretched out over her side of the bed. She had gotten a glimpse of herself in her mirror as she had walked passed it, she looked just as she hoped she did when you had eventually fallen asleep last night. Her neck was covered in rapidly healing hickeys and bite marks, her shoulders had the tiniest of nail marks and her shoulder blades had the slight raised red marks your nails had made the night before.
She was gathering your clothes that the two of you had scattered on the floor in front of her bed. She'd do anything for you, she realized, as she stared at you. She shook her head slightly, ignoring that revelation as she cleaned up and busied herself. She turned her head, setting down your clothes on her desk, and she then turned for her bathroom. A shower was in order for her.
You woke up to the feeling of fingertips running down your spine, gently pressing down. "Morning, Darling."
You let out a slight groan, lifting your head to look over at her. Her blonde hair was dripping wet and you let out another groan, as you realized she showered without you. "You showered without me?"
"Of course, you would've jumped me again. Your fragile human body wouldn't have been able to handle being fucked up against the wall twice in twenty four hours." The Master spoke, as she gently roused you from the bed, taking her own robe off to wrap it around you.
The robe was all fluff and warm from her wearing it as you tiredly slid your arms into the sleeves. Her hazel eyes watching every little move you did and then they focused solely on hickeys and bite marks that covered your neck, chest and down your stomach. She had a rare soft smile on her face as she helped you get stood up.
You rested your head on her bare shoulder, pressing against it as she held you up. She wrapped an arm around you, holding you tight to her body. "Are you sore? Hungry? Thirsty?"
"I could use a kiss, but if that's to risky, I'd like some food." You barely had the sentence out of your mouth before she was pulling your head away from her shoulder and pressing a very chaste kiss onto your lips. It was very different from last night, where it felt like she was trying to devour all the noises you had made from her actions.
You tried to follow her lips, instinctually, as she pulled back. "What would you like to eat?"
"I really liked those eggs you made a couple of days ago." You whined out, staring up at her, and her smile had turned into a grin.
"Of course, eggs for the pretty human. Anything else?" The Master was making a list in her head.
"You." The word was out of your mouth so quickly that it had drawn a surprised laugh out of the Time Lady.
"Perhaps later today, if your good." The Master said, just as her laugh had died down.
The Master carried you to the kitchen and then sat you down on the counter, the purple fluffy robe was still tightly wrapped around your body and you leaned your head back on the cabinets that hung on the wall. The Master was standing at the stove, everything for eggs and the other choice of foods you had thought about as she had delivered you to the kitchen.
The Master had tossed on a white button up a male bodied regeneration of hers had worn, it was partially buttoned up, just enough to let it drift open at her breasts. She knew your eyes were focused on her body, she was proud of it. She was very proud of the effect this body had on you. She occasionally wondered, as she worked on cooking your eggs, if you'd be this worked up over Missy's body.
She looked over at you, her hair moving with the movement. You had quickly looked away, seemingly embarrassed to be caught staring at her chest. She grinned, loving the way your eyes were trying to focus on anything else but her as she stared at you.
"Anything on your mind, love?"
"No! Nope. Nothing." You said, quickly, and her grin turned even more deadly.
"Oh really, maybe I should go put on some pants, I am getting a little cold."
"Don't you dare!" Your head had quickly turned and your eyes widened as you realized you had been trapped.
The Master quickly strode over to you, The TARDIS immediately taking over on the eggs. She slid herself in-between your legs, and rested her hands on your thighs, the robe being forced to bunch up from the way she leaned on you. "What was that, sweetheart?"
You had watched her with wide eyes, taking in her way to relaxed body posture as she caged you in. Her hazel eyes raked across your face, and her grin only grew. "I asked you to repeat yourself, love."
She let you make the choice to repeat what you had said, and just as you had opened your mouth to respond, her nails lightly dragged over the robe, with just enough pressure for your thighs to feel the movement and your mouth had quickly closed again. Yes, she was in fact torturing you, but this was her favorite part of the day after a lovely night with you, working you up. Her human getting all worked up for another night, her human becoming needy and all for her.
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fandomnerd9602 · 7 months
13th Doctor x Male!Reader
Doctor: I admire your company
Y/N: what?
Doctor: I like you, you’re nice
Y/N: thanks Doctor. I like you too
Doctor: thank you
The Doctor takes Y/N’s hand…
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worfs-glorious-hair · 8 months
Greetings beloved people!
Io and behold, my first time writing smut!
Thirteenth Doctor x (Genderneutral) Reader: Sex Pollen on a beautiful moon - shameless smut edition!
Reader is AFAB and body parts are referred to by name but I did not use any pronouns to refer to the reader themselves!
No beta, we die like men! I wrote this instead of sleeping! Enjoy!
********* Smut is way under the cut!*************
Bouquet (13 x Reader)
“This is the best day to go exploring with Y/N!”, the Doctor exclaimed excitedly while grabbing your hand to pull you with her towards a glittering field of flowers with an equally vibrant forest shimmering on the horizon.
You laughed, thrilled to be chosen by her to spend a day with her. To be close to her and to see her contagious, a billion galaxies erupting in light, smile.
Travelling with the Doctor was like a fever dream, in the best and worst meaning. At times so dangerous and scary that you were afraid to take just one more step. Usually the Doctor would then turn around to you and would encourage you to go on.
“Come on, Y/N,”, she would say with her beautiful eyes full of stars and her scrunched nose and deliciously curved lips, “I need your help here, I can’t do it without you!”
And at other times it was so unbelievable and beautiful that you feared you would wake up and find it all not to be real.
Today you had landed on a small moon of a busy planet.
Yaz, Graham and Ryan had decided to go shopping and sightseeing on the planet below and you and the Doctor had dropped them off and then she had told you about the rich nature and brilliant, crystal clear flowers and and jewel-like singing tress on the moon that she knew you would love to see.
And now you were here, running with your Doctor through the field, feeling the buzzing life around you in the air, trying to keep up with her, even though she was still holding your hand.
“Isn’t it brilliant?”, she screamed and you nodded, a little out of breath.
You reached a little island of colorful bushes and some small trees on the field and you motioned towards them.
Something urged you to take a closer look.
“Can we take a break there? I need to see these colours up close!”, you asked-yelled and the Doctor just grinned and changed the direction towards the closest tree.
It looked just like an earth-birch, but instead of being white and black was this one light-blue with specks of gold and purple.
You inspected the tree closer and found some tiny red glowing mushrooms growing on it.
“Adorable”, you mused to yourself as you smelled the sweetest, fullest fragrance you have ever smelled.
You looked to find the source and it turned out to be coming from the purple, nearly black flowers that were blooming on a nearby bush. Leaning closer you breathed in deeply.
The scent was flowery, surprisingly heavy for such fine, delicate flowers and with a spicy depth that reminded you maybe of musk, or maybe of naturally scented woods like cedar or sandalwood. Something earthy, rich and dark. Something warm that heightened your senses, with a hot burning flame beneath.
“Doctor…”, you turned to look for her, when you heard your name being called at the same time.
“You have to smell these flowers!”, you continued to say unison and you both laughed when you realised it.
“You found the flowers as well?”, you asked and stepped aside to let the Doctor smell your flowers.
She breathed in deeply and smiled contentedly.
“It reminds me of you”, she said and you froze in your movements.
You had just turned to smell the flowers the Doctor had found, which were the same ones as you had seen and you stopped dead in your tracks.
“Oh I wanted to say the same thing”, you said cheerfully, only rarely registering that you had said that out loud what you would usually had only thought.
Mentally you shrugged and couldn’t care less.
The Doctor’s eyes lit up and the stars in them shone brighter than ever before.
She smiled her happy, toothy smile and you beamed back at her.
Smelling the flowers again, inhaling deeply, you decided to pick one.
“Here”, you offered the flower to the Doctor.
“It’s for you, you should wear it in your hair. I love it when you wear pretty things, it makes you even more beautiful…”
And another thing you would usually never had said out loud. How odd.
The Doctor’s eyes grew even bigger with joy as she took the flower from you and carefully pushed the stem behind her ear and arranged her hair around the flower.
“You should have one, too”, she said and picked one for you.
You placed your flower just like she had done and when she rose her hand to help you secure it, she stepped closer to you than it would have been necessary.
You gulped and felt oddly brave, so you grabbed her hand, when it was close to your face and kept it in place.
Something was burning inside of you, flooding your nerves and senses, rushing through your veins in your blood, making you feel the air tingling on your skin. You were suddenly very aware of your body in your clothes, feeling very hot and very bothered.
You felt your nipples stroke against the fabric of your bra and you felt your panties over your tingling and pulsating vulva. Of course they weren’t providing any friction.
But you wanted friction. Badly.
You felt how the Doctor’s usually cool hand close to your face, that you were holding got hotter as well. Maybe her skin burned as much as yours. Maybe her core felt just as yours did. All tingly and wet.
This thought sent even more heat through your body, tangling into a ball of arousal deep in your lower abdomen.
Your eyes were locked into each other, standing there, you felt your heart beat as you were unable to blink.
The Doctor made a step towards you and it made your eyes flicker to her lips, parted and wet, she must have been licking them.
The thought of her tongue flicking made the ball inside of you coil even closer together.
You were relatively the same height as her, so it did not take much to kiss her.
And so you did.
Using your free arm to pull her the remaining centimetres towards you, keeping your grab on your hand, you kissed her.
She responded immediately, opening her mouth for you, strangled sounds coming from her as you kissed her with everything that you’ve got.
It was an open mouth, very wet kiss, an all-consuming, senses overflowing kiss, it was her and her lips and body and nothing else.
She used her other hand to really get a hold of your face, pulling it closer to her, while pushing her knee and thigh between your legs.
You yelped into her mouth, as she pushed a sturdy seam on the inside of your jeans between your labia, exactly where you wanted some friction to be.
You started grinding on her knee and thigh, rather subconsciously, while you tried to remove her coat, kind of blindly, eyes half-way closed and mind filled with her kiss.
She had broken away from you, as the need for air took over and had opted to kiss, suckle and nibble at your jaw and neck instead.
She was working on opening the buttons of your blouse, while you tried to push down her suspenders after having successfully took off her coat from her, when she jumped back, as if she was hit with an electric shock.
“No!”, she gasped for air, making a big step back from you.
“Ohhh, Y/N, I am so, so sorry!”, she panted, a pained expression all over her face.
Your mind barely registered her words, you felt the emptiness, you felt rejected and betrayed and still so, so hot!
You were burning from the inside out!
You still felt your nipples, your tingling core and now warm and very wet underwear. You only wanted her lips back on your skin, so you made a few, shaky steps towards her.
“Ohhh”, she groaned, hands running over her face and through her tousled hair, which was your work, a proud part inside of you pointed out.
“Stupid, stupid Doctor!”, she muttered to herself, while hitting herself on the forehead.
“I should have recognised them… I should have… Think! Think! Think! Concentrate! Concentrate! You have to bring your Y/N out of here! No kissing, kissing is bad!”
You had only listened to her with half an ear, your body and soul hurting from her rejection. Why else should she have pushed you away, if she did not want it as bad as you did?
Maybe you were the only one with burning skin and a desperate pussy.
You rarely considered the whole oddity of the whole situation, how you had acted on your desires so suddenly, how your desires had manifested themselves so quickly on a physical level, when you usually sucked them up and stored them away somewhere deep inside your heart, never even considering to act on them in real life.
So you missed the pained expression on the Doctor’s face, how her chest heaved and how she fought for control over the danger she had put you two into unknowingly. And how she fought down her desire.
You only felt rejected and your soul cried in bitter pain. But your body had it way worse. Had it been a sweet pleasurable desire before, an exciting ache while you had kissed the Doctor was it now an actual pain.
Your body felt as if it was on fire, your skin felt open and irritated and the pressure in between your legs was more than you could bare.
“Y/N. Y/N! Look at me!”, you suddenly saw how the Doctor’s face came into your field of view, kind of blurry, so you tried to blink to get her image clear.
“We were drugged. You need to concentrate. Y/N!”
The word ‘drugged’ had enough effect on you that you managed to finally see her clearly, you tried to focus on her words and the information she wanted to give you.
No, not her lips! Not her soft flushed skin! Not the lips. Not her sparkling eyes! Her words! Her words! Important words!
“Listen to me! Those pretty flowers contain pollen that are toxic to most humanoids…”
“Toxic?”, you managed to blur out. “Are we going to die?”
The Doctor looked at you with her continuous worried, pained expression.
“How — how — how are they toxic? I don’t feel poisoned. But my body hurts!”, you started crying.
“Please make it stop! It hurts so much!”
Hot tears streamed down your face and you desperately tried to rub yourself over your panties inside of your jeans but it did not do much.
You fell to the ground, legs spread wide and you still tried to find release by fervently rubbing over and through your now soaking wet clit and slit.
But it was too wet, your fingers couldn’t do anything, they were unsuccessfully slipping over your skin and you groaned and cried in frustration and pain.
“This is what the pollen do”, the Doctor tried to explain the situation as easy as possible. Also as quick as possible.
“They arouse most humanoids sexually and if they don’t get to climax within three hours the nervous system and the brain could get severe damage. I am so sorry!”
The Doctor had crouched next to you and was biting her lips and pressing together her own legs. If you would have been able to read her body more closely, you would have seen the sweat on her forehead and neck and chest, her panting and her dilated pupils. She was in as much pain as you and her hearts burned with the same desire for you as your heart did for her.
“I will get us out of here and find a solution, I won’t let anything happen to you! I promise!”
She helped you to sit up and to close your jeans again and you saw everything clear as day.
“You don’t want me!”, the thought sobered you up enough to look at her properly and to think like a human being again.
“You don’t want me!”, you repeated, now with an aching heart that nearly lessened the ache in your core.
“Can I do it myself?”, you asked and stood up on shaky legs, pushing yourself up from the ground in a very ungracious way.
The Doctor stood there and watched you with furrowed brows and lips a thin line.
“Do what yourself?”
“Climaxing…”, you answered and stomped towards the TARDIS, not being waiting for her answer.
Legs feeling wobbly and every step was a sensory hell.
Your still felt your hardened nipples against the fabric of your bra, the tightness and the coiling of your insides, your throbbing clit and the seam of your jeans against your slit with every second step.
But now you were also angry.
Angry at the Doctor, angry at yourself that you had let it come so far and angry that you were still so incredible aroused that you just wanted to hump the nearest tree to find release.
“Please Y/N…”, a soft hand on your arm stopped you right in your tracks and you found yourself face to face with the Doctor. Still your Doctor with the beautiful eyes and deliciously curved lips and the soft blond hair, that now looked very dishevelled, still the woman you wanted to kiss, taking all of her in, tasting her everywhere, the woman you wanted to hear scream out in pleasure as a result to your fingers, your tongue on her, inside of her …
“Wait please, don’t go like this!“, the Doctor pleaded with big, desperate eyes, pupils huge.
She sighed heavily and bowed her head in defeat.
“It is not that I don’t want you, on the contrary. I want you so much and I know I shouldn’t. I promise I’ll find a cure for you. Just kiss me again, please! I promise I’ll— “
The sound you let out was a high-pitched moan of relief and eagerness as you pressed your lips to hers again.
And immediately the pain subsided, leaving the pleasurable ache once again behind.
The Doctor’s kiss was eager, eager to please you, taste you, feel you.
Her fingers finished unbuttoning your blouse and impatiently helped you out of the sleeves.
Your burning skin was immediately met with a cool breeze that made you shiver in the most stimulating way.
The Doctor kissed your neck, right at the juncture to your shoulder at the soft hollow above your collarbone and you sighed and sighed and sighed out loud.
The Doctor’s lips and tongue, wet and warm, were working on your shoulder while her skilled and quick fingers opened your bra. She only stopped kissing your shoulder for a second to pull the straps of the bra down your arms and the moment your sensitive nipples were hit with the gently blowing breeze around you, you threw back your head and screamed out in pleasure.
This was what you had wanted all the time, since this madness began.
So the Doctor went immediately towards your left nipple, she licked across it, once, twice, thrice and then very gently grazed it with her teeth.
She held you stable with one arm and used her other hand to pinch and stroke your right nipple.
You arched yourself towards her and tried once again to remove her suspenders, this time you succeeded as far as it was possible to the point, where she held you tight.
She unlatched from your breast and you let out an involuntary sound of disappointment.
“Shhh”, the Doctor quickly kissed you
“One second, my love!”, she murmured close to your lips and and finished taking off her suspenders, while you tried to kiss her again.
“I just want to lay out my coat for you. I don’t want you to come while standing up, I want you to feel as comfortable and good as possible. I’ll be quick!”, she purred and quickly took her coat from the ground, gave it a shake and laid it flat out.
While she had worked with the coat you had opened your jeans and were just about to pull them down as her hand stopped you.
“Let me help you with that!”
And the Doctor pulled down your jeans, helped you to step out of them and then kissed the hemline of your panties.
“We do not need them anymore, do we?” Her voice was like melted butter and you squirmed.
Everything inside of you was throbbing in painful anticipation, your nipples hard, begging to be touched again and you just wanted to ride the Doctor’s face until you came.
Laying down was overrated!
“Ple-please, ge’em off…”, your voice was slurred but the Doctor understood anyways.
She kneeled down in front of you and pulled your underwear down.
She sighed excitedly at the sight of your now fully exposed body.
“I have dreamed of this moment!, she admitted, while looking up to you through her lashes.
“Likewise!”, you answered with a slurry voice and she grinned happily.
And it was a sight for the gods — the Doctor on her knees for you, her hands tightly on your thighs, admiring every inch of your body with endless hunger in her eyes.
She looked at every jiggly curve and soft, dimpled patch of skin, every warm and oh so human part of you and looked as if she was offered every answer to every question in this universe.
“Lay down!”, the Doctor commanded as you tried to throw one of your legs over her shoulder, to get her face where you wanted it the most!
You eagerly complied, laying down on your back on her coat.
The ground beneath it was surprisingly lush, soft and plush, nothing like hard, uncomfortable grounds you knew from home on Earth. You had slept on beds that were not even half as perfect and snuggly as this random meadow on a random moon.
‘Sex moon’ your cloudy mind corrected.
It was like the moon wanted people to be comfortable after they inhaled the flower’s pollen.
You opened your legs for the Doctor and she crawled between them, but not before taking everything of your exposed sex in.
The still gently blowing breeze danced over your slick, wet bare core and provided you with a delicious tickle of sensual cold, that made your whole body tingle in lust.
You bucked your hips aimlessly into the wind, as if it could provide you with some friction.
While the wind was cool, you were getting hotter and bothered by the second.
The Doctor’s eyes glittered and she beamed at you.
“You are even more beautiful than I imagined you would be! So wet, so hot, so ready for me…”
Normally you would have been ashamed, self-conscious or shy at words or even looks like hers but the untameable desire in you burned all of your fear or shame down to dust. What was left was your lust, your passion and your love for the Doctor.
And your need for the Doctor to finally, finally touch you.
But after the Doctor was done with her admiring, she crawled on top of you, kneeling between your legs and took once again your nipple in her mouth. You groaned in frustration and pleasure.
This was not were you wanted her tongue to go.
You were still bucking your hips, this time towards her, as she pushed two fingers into your vagina.
You yelped and moaned out loud as her thumb started to stroke your clit.
“More, more, more”, you pleaded with each thrust as you still bucked, now at her hand.
And she added a third finger. She pushed knuckle-deep inside you, curled her fingers upwards and also sucked and nibbled on your nipple with even more force.
You cried out, pleasure and lust washing over you and yet it was not enough.
“Ahhh, MORE!”
She let go of your nipple and smiled at you, you looked at her a little confused and questioning but her fingers still pumping inside of you and massaging your clit kept you occupied.
“I have something for you, let me get it…”
She slowed down her pace and reached around into the pocket of her trousers and took out her screwdriver.
You watched her every move and as she put it to a low vibrating setting you were starting to be intrigued. You even forgot your disappointment about her slower movements.
“Lift your bottom, please, my love”, she urged you and you raised your butt even higher into the air, you had it partially there anyways to meet her hands and movements.
She removed her fingers from you and you looked at her angrily, you were too weak, to lust-stridden to express your disappointment vocally.
She shook her head.
“Don’t be angry at me, you asked for more and I will give you more!”
And she carefully parted your buttocks and placed her buzzing screwdriver right between them.
The screwdriver’s vibration went over your anus as well partly towards your vagina.
You bit your lips, this was going to be very good!
And the Doctor returned to insert three fingers inside you, immediately starting pumping and massaging your clit with her thumb and biting and pulling on your nipples.
She varied the directions of her tongue on your nipple, drew numbers and letters and all kind of patterns onto you clit with her thumb and took all the time in the world to fill you out with her fingers, stroking, massaging your insides and curling her fingers, finding out which directions got you to scream the loudest…
The vibrating screwdriver on your ass added extra pleasure and you were not holding back.
You bucked your hips, rode along the screwdriver, as much as you could, took her fingers in and screamed out your pleasure into the world around you.
Your moans and screams echoed around you in the forest and it just turned you on even more.
And what you did not know was that the Doctor was a mess, hearing you, hearing the echoes of your screams, feeling you, your wetness all over her hand and your beautiful breast in her mouth made her insides burn just as much.
And then you came. You bucked your hips against her one last time and screamed louder than before. It just came over you.
An orgasm so intense like you never experienced it before.
You think you blacked out for a moment, overcome with your hot, intense relief.
You panted and slowly came back into your body.
And the Doctor?
Her body ached and ached and ached, her desire just as hot as yours, she could not wait to come herself. To be touched by you, to be held by you…
She had carefully continued to pump her fingers inside of you through your orgasm, now she took them out again, stroke over your clit one last time and kissed the nipple she had last worked on.
You laid back, panting.
You slowly came back into your body and took the Doctor in, how she sat between your legs, and grinned.
Your aching, burning pain had subsided but was not gone completely, it had turned down enough that you knew that this had been incredible but that your Doctor was there and still unpleasured. Still unsatisfied.
She rocked back and forth, pushing her legs together.
“Hmm…” You sat up and cocked your head to the side.
“Looks like it’s my turn now to be good to you. Don’t you think?”
“You do not have to do it. I can take care of it myself, you do not have to do anything…”
You sighed, sometimes (very often) you wondered what was going on inside this woman’s head. Did she still think that you did not want her, did not want to touch her?
“Ohhh, no… I want to… desperately”, you darted forwards and kissed her neck, sucking on her skin, her hands immediately grabbed your waist and she sighed, laying her head back to give you more space to kiss her and you smiled against her skin.
“And I also want to make you scream, like you did to me…”, you whispered into her ear, after you sucked on her earlobe.
The Doctor shivered at your words and groaned softly at your soft lips on her ear.
She wanted your lips everywhere!
“But first we need to remove that”, your finger tips graced the neckline of her shirt and she nodded, eyes glued to you.
She raised her arms and you helped her out of her shirt and the tank top with the broad straps underneath and you found that she was also wearing a simple bra.
You removed it and immediately kissed her shoulders, upper chest, breast and nipples like she had done to yours.
She moaned, it was a high-pitched surprised sound that made you smile proudly and that also made your insides tighten again.
You stroke down the sides of her body with soft, determined fingers and stopped at her trousers. You looked up at her and she nodded wordlessly, her eyes still big and in awe.
So you opened her trousers and pushed them down, while she laid back and lifted her cute bottom to the air to assist you.
When she laid there, bare and open, you admired her, just like she had done when you had laid there before her.
But she pushed her legs together and also crossed her arms over her chest.
“Are you uncomfortable? Should I stop?”, you looked at her with a worried expression, you were confused by her actions, but yet she was visible aroused and wanted you. Were the pollen affecting her differently than you?
“I never slept with anyone in this body!”, she admitted, the words tumbling out of her as if she was afraid that she would never say them if she was not quick enough.
“I do not really know how. I want you to feel good and safe and… I don’t know what to do…”, she added with big, worried puppy eye.
“I have a few ideas”, you grinned and laid down next to her on your side.
“You don’t have to do anything and if you don’t like it or I am bad at it we stop and try something else…”
The Doctor looked at you with pure desire in her eyes and you felt her squirm next to you.
“Now…”, you carefully swung a leg over her and straddled her, “I’ll start kissing your neck, we know you enjoy that!”
And with that you were back at sucking, nibbling, softly biting and marking her neck, wandering down to her chest, to her stomach and then finally to her pelvic area.
While you had been working on her, she became first finally relaxed and had then slowly started to open up to you and your touches.
“Ohhh Y/N!”, she had moaned and her legs had opened and her hips bucked and you could not hide a pleasant shit-eating grin, while you kissed her down her stomach.
Your hand carefully parted her legs a little wider and palmed her vulva, she bucked against it immediately.
You grinned again.
You could not believe your luck, the Doctor moaning your name in pleasure, bucking and rutting against you, asking for more from you…
You went on to kiss over her stomach and her lower abdomen and stopped right before you reached the insides of her thighs.
“Hnnnghhh, Y/N… Please!”
Oh how you wanted to hear that, to hear her moan and beg for more from you.
And you happily obliged.
You opened her folds with one hand and kissed directly onto her hot, wet core.
She jolted up, as your lips reached her and moaned.
“So this is what it feels like…”, she said and you licked directly through her slick folds and the Doctor gasped.
And you went all in. Sucking on her clit, pushing a finger inside of her, feeling her walls around it, pumping a little and then exchanging your finger with your tongue, drawing patterns all over her.
Pushing your tongue inside of her, licking as much as you could reach…
“Ohhhhhhhh, plea-please! Don’t stop, don’t ever stop!”, the Doctor begged, clawing at the floor beneath her, pushing herself into your face.
“Deeper, deeper!”, she screamed as you used your fingers and tongue simultaneously on her, pushing deep inside her, licking and lapping all of her overflowing wetness…
“Y/N, I’m gonna… I’m gonna…” and she came and screamed and nearly squirted and bucked her hips and you suckled on her clit throughout her orgasm, letting her ride it out.
The Doctor breathed out and laid back, her chest was heaving and you admired your work.
The Doctor all loose, satisfied and torn apart.
The Oncoming Storm stilled at your hands and tongue. At your love.
She propped herself up on her elbows so that she could look at you and breathed out.
“Whew, this was something, wasn’t it?”
You nodded.
“Oh yes!”
“We should try to get back to the TARDIS as long as we still can”, she said while sitting up and reaching for her clothes.
You followed her movements and your shoulders slumped.
Was she done with you, was this an one time thing due to dangerous pollen and an immediate threat?
You sighed and breathed in deeply, your arms and legs felt like jelly and you just wanted to rest for a awhile on this beautiful lush planet with the sweet, flowery air and the Doctor between your thighs.
You felt yourself getting all tingly and aroused again, apparently you were not done yet…
“Doctor can we please stay for a moment? If this was the last time that this happened I want to take it all in…”
The Doctor was already pulling up her trousers again and tucking her shirt in as she turned towards you, smiling brightly and bending down to you.
“Listen, YN, listen very closely now”, she took your face in her hands and you just wanted to melt into her eyes full of stars. Her beautiful lips, swollen and pink and perfect…
“Y/N, I love you, I love you very much but we have to get off this planet! The wind has turned, don’t you smell it? The pollen are everywhere now and while I feel like I have never felt before, thanks to you and I hope, and think I know,”, she smiled proudly at these words, “you feel like I do, too, we have to get away from here NOW!
The more pollen we breathe in, the more dangerous they become to our nervous system and right now we are in the strongest place to fight them off. We both climaxed very nicely and our bodies are happy and relaxed, so please, get off the ground now!”
She was right. Your orgasm had helped to think more clearly again and while your skin and nipples and pussy and overall your whole body was sensitive and excited about being touched again, you still felt like yourself.
And maybe she was down to continue once you were safely in the TARDIS…
“Okay”, you sighed and pushed yourself up.
You quickly put on your panties, blouse and pants, there you had to grab her arm for stability and stuffed your bra into the pocket of your pants. You definitely did not feel like wearing it, too tight and unpleasant and putting it on just took too much time.
The Doctor grabbed your hand but instead of starting to walk she pulled you closer to her.
“You know we can continue again as soon as we are in the TARDIS… You know that, right?”, she quickly purred into your ear and a warm shiver ran down your spine and you giggled excitedly.
“Yes please!”
And the two of you ran towards the TARDIS, laughing, giggling like school girls.
Once inside you collapsed to the ground, trying to catch your breath while the Doctor was working on the console.
“Hey”, she turned to you, “I know a beautiful nebula, there are no flowers and definitely no people around, we can be just on our own…”
She came closer, while the TARDIS was wheezing and huffing around you, squatting down next to you.
“There I can make you scream even louder than on the moon…
I could kiss you and nib you and taste you and I promise you will forget your own name…”
“Is that so?”, you whispered, voice low and breathy and you slowly, tantalisingly so, opened the buttons on your blouse, one by one, the Doctor’s eyes glued to your every move.
She gulped and you smiled.
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Hullo! I really love and enjoy your doctor who stories, I was wondering if I could request a comfort and fluffy short with a trans masc reader and the doctor finding out they’ve been overwearing their binder? Thank you! 
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"Oi, hold up," the Doctor blurts, fingers stilling you with their touch on your hips. You avert your eyes from her piercing gaze as her fingers trail your shirt up to expose your ribs.
Bruises lined the skin where your bones rippled underneath protective fat and muscle. The Doctor tutted. You knew her eyes were flashing with a mix of regret and upset without having to look at them yourself.
You jolted as a flash of pain shot up your nerves at the touch of her fingers against a prominent bruise, lungs protesting at the intake of breath after a long time too long wearing your binder.
"What've you been doing this for then, hey?" She asked, tone soft and brows furrowed with worry. "Alright, I know why, but you've got to be safe, Poppet. Can't have you damaging yourself."
Your eyes roll affectionately at the nickname.
"Hey, I know- let's pop 'round to 4572- I know a bloke- makes perfect binders that don't damage the wearer. He owes me a favour, actually. We'll cash it in and get you a whole set, eh?"
You couldn't deny how good that sounded even if you tried.
"Alright, then."
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hauntingcryptids · 1 year
Choosing You
Whittaker!Doctor x Reader
Summary - The Master kidnaps The Reader hoping to seduce them, but you will always choose The Doctor.
Based On This Request -
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Promts Used - #24. Deep kisses where they have their hands tangled in each other’s hair to pull them closer.
Warnings - Kidnapping, references to sexual activities, making out, Minor DNI!
Word Count - 912
A/n - Again, I think that this is more of a gender neutral reader, but I hope that you enjoy it nonetheless. Requested on my old Tumblr by a lovely anon!
You groaned in pain as a migraine bubbled to the surface of your brain. It was clear to you what was going on; you were working off the last remains of a tranquiliser while being tightly tied to a chair facing a grinning Master. Given how many times The Master kidnapped you in this way, you would have hoped that you would have gained some sort of residence to the tranquiliser, but you hadn’t. You always woke up uncomfortable and with a massive headache.
“Well well well, look what I found wandering a dangerous planet all by themselves. We really have to stop meeting like this, love.”
“You wouldn’t dream of not kidnapping me if given the chance.”
“Think highly of yourself, do you?”
“Clearly you think highly of me. That’s why you haven’t killed me.”
“Yet.” The Master cocked his head to the side and look you up and down hungrily. You rolled your eyes. You could tell that he was trying to be threatening, but you knew that he was undressing you with his eyes.
“Just let me go and nothing bad will happen to you.”
“Let you go? But why in space would I do that?” The Master began sauntering over to where you were tied up.
“The Doctor will get me back and your plan will fail again.”
“Will that really happen?”
“Yes, it will.”
“But I just want you, Y/n.” That made you freeze. You had suspected that The Master had feelings for you, but given how he usually acts, you could never be sure.
“I don’t need some big destructive plan to be happy, I just need you.” The Master lent down and cupped your cheek.
“I have grown very fond of you. And I think that you have grown very fond of me, too.” The Master's voice was soft and sultry. You could hear his genuineness in his voice, and that’s what terrified you.
He moved his hand over to your lips and then brushed his thumb over your bottom lip. You opened your mouth slightly, causing The Master to smirk. He snuck his thumb into your mouth. You then saw your chance and you took it. You bit The Master’s thumb. Hard. Your kidnapper then screamed out in pain and stumbled back toward his TARDIS console.
“You bit me! Kinky. The Doctor would not approve.”
“I disagree. She quite likes the pressure.” The Master’s glare darkened upon hearing your suggestive statement.
“I have some business to take care of, murder weapons and such, you know how it is. Don’t go anywhere.” The Master grumbled out of the console room, his fists balled tightly. 
As soon as he was gone, The TARDIS broke your restraints. She always helped you get away from The Master, and you thanked her greatly before leaving the ship and running off to find The Doctor. Thankfully, it didn’t take you long until you ran into your strange alien companion searching everywhere for you.
“I thought that I lost you!” The Doctor scolded as she ran toward you. She enveloped you in a hug as soon as the two of you were in front of each other.
“I’d never let that happen and you know it!”
“But The Master? How did you get away?”
“My genius. Plus a little help from his TARDIS. Also, I may or may not have bit The Master’s thumb to distract him.”
“You bit him.”
“He deserved it! He was flirting with me, so I had to prove that I’m yours Doctor.” The Gallifreyan smiled sweetly and then kissed delicately.
“I love you!”
“I love you more, Doc.” The Doctor held out her open palm and you enthusiastically took her hand. She quickly bounded into a run and lead you to her TARDIS.
Upon entering The Doctor’s ship, she instantly grasped your face with both hands and smashed her lips into yours. You responded passionately and pulled The Doctor closer to you by her hips. You then brushed your tongue over The Doctor’s bottom lip teasingly. The Doctor opened her mouth and dove her tongue into your mouth, quickly defeating you in the fight for dominance. You moaned into The Doctor’s mouth and grabbed her hair with one hand and her shoulder with the other in order to ground yourself. The Doctor then moved one of her hands to the back of your head and the other to your torso to grope your chest. The Doctor then walked you backwards until your back was steadily against the wall.
“Don’t run away like that again!” The Doctor groaned when you broke away from the kiss for air.
“I was just trying to help you, though.”
“Well, helping me is fine, but not like that. Gotta keep you safe with me. Otherwise, I’ll lock you in the TARDIS.”
“Ooo, that could be fun!” You nipped at The Doctor’s neck, then placed a kiss on the spot you bit.
“Y/n! I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Come on, you have to admit that you would like to see me tied up in our bed. There’s no way for The Master to get me from all the way in there.” You sultrily whispered into The Doctor’s ear. The Doctor nipped at your neck in retaliation before tossing you over her shoulder and carrying you to your shared bedroom. The adventure the two of you were on would have to wait; the both of you had love express first.
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readingyn · 1 month
Imagine the 13th Doctor and y/n escaping from the master!
As the 13th Doctor swiftly moved y/n behind her, shielding her from the Master's grasp, a fiery anger burned in the Doctor's eyes. "What the hell have you done to my TARDIS?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with pure fury. The Master simply laughed, reveling in the chaos they had caused. "It's mine now. I'll do whatever it takes," the Master taunted, inching closer to the Doctor.
Refusing to back down, the Doctor pushed the Master away, their determination shining through. With y/n's safety in mind, the Doctor tightly held y/n's hands, their eyes locking in a moment of unspoken understanding. "RUN," the Doctor commanded, their voices filled with urgency.
Hand in hand, they sprinted through corridors, their hearts pounding with adrenaline. But their escape was abruptly halted when a menacing Dalek appeared, its chilling voice echoing, "Exterminate!" The Doctor's protective instincts kicked in, and without hesitation, they pushed y/n away, ensuring their safety. Y/n stumbled and fell to the ground, while the Doctor swiftly scooped them up into their arms, holding them close.
Finding temporary respite in a nearby room, the Doctor closed the door, shutting out the chaos that surrounded them. Both of them were breathless, their hearts racing in their chests. Y/n reached out and tenderly touched the Doctor's cheek, a smile gracing their lips. In that moment, the Doctor's gaze softened, their hands intertwining with y/n's.
Leaning in, the Doctor pressed a gentle kiss upon y/n's lips, their love and devotion palpable. Resting their head against y/n's shoulder, the Doctor whispered softly, "I won't let the Master hurt you, I promise." Y/n's heart swelled with love, and they spoke the words that had been on their heart, "I love you." Looking up, the Doctor met their gaze, a tender smile forming on their lips. "I love you more," they replied, their love for y/n shining brightly.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 6 months
my house of stone, your ivy grows (Whittaker! Master x reader)
Summary: you find yourself growing feelings for the person who's supposed to be your enemy
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Warnings: Dhawan! Doctor and Whittaker! Master (whoo!), secret relationship, worries of possible disownment (it doesn't happen), this has a pretty happy ending given the direction I could've gone with it
A/N: I don't know if anyone will read this because I'm not sure how popular Whittaker's version of The Master is but I find her to be incredibly attractive mkay. and I've currently been obsessed with evermore so naturally I just had to write another song fic, this time based loosely off ivy (my other evermore based fics are still wips, but I plan on finishing and posting those soon <3)
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You didn't know how you went from despising The Master to loving her, but it had happened. All too fast and all too soon for you to recognize until you were in too deep to pull yourself back out again.
Her tidal wave swept over you, the rough waves keeping you from swimming back to shore, threatening to drown you if you made the wrong move. But they never would, because as unbelievable as it was, she loved you back.
You were just a simple house that stood out in the woods somewhere, abandoned, old, forgotten. Until her ivy was planted. It grew and grew, spreading quickly until you found yourself completely engulfed.
You would never be the same again. You could never give her up. And she could never take away her love without destroying you both in the process.
The way it came about was simple, really. You and The Doctor were under attack yet again by some alien species for trying to fix whatever damage they'd created, causing you to be separated.
You'd been hiding, doing your best not to get caught when you heard a silky voice coming from behind you.
"You know, if you're trying to avoid being seen, there's not the best place to do it."
Knowing who it was, you turned hesitantly, coming face to face with The Master.
"I could see you from your little 'hiding spot' miles away, and I have no doubt the people you're hiding from could, too." She had a smug look on her face, almost as if she was proud for calling you out on your poor decision making.
"What do you want?" You asked with a frown, immediately under the impression that she was up to no good.
She made a face of mock offense. "What, I can't offer you some simple, life saving advice?"
"You can't, no. Not without wanting something in return." You eyed her suspiciously, trying to figure out what her game plan was in being here.
"Oh, really? And why's that?" She leaned forward, her piercing eyes staring right into yours. Unlike most individuals she came across, you didn't look away.
"Because you're always up to something. You always have to have an ulterior motive," you said calmly, not at all deterred by her closeness.
The Master had to admit, she was impressed by both your reasoning and your lack of fear. "Alright, fine. I'll admit it, me giving you some piss poor advice is not the only reason why I'm here." She straightened herself back up, no longer standing as close. "I'm here because..." She let out a deep sigh, looking away. "I was- worried about you."
You let out a laugh at her statement. "You were worried about me?"
"Don't laugh." The Master snapped at you suddenly, shooting you a glare. "I didn't have to come rescue you, you know. I could've just left you here. To die."
"But you didn't. Because you were worried about me," you lightly teased, finding it amusing that one of the most ruthless and ambitious people in the universe cared enough to save the companion of their enemy.
She groaned in frustration. "Yes, okay, fine. I was worried, alright? Is that what you want to hear?" She held out a glove cladded hand for you to take. "Now, do you want to get out of here and survive, or not?"
You decided it would be wise not to push anymore of her buttons, as it was entirely possible she could change her mind and actually leave you there. So, you simply nodded in response, taking her hand and allowing her to guide you away from the fighting and back to her TARDIS. She then dropped you off at a safer location nearby, making sure you agreed not to mention any of what'd happened to The Doctor.
"I won't tell a soul, I swear," you'd promised her, your words sincere. It almost looked like she was smiling when the TARDIS doors shut. Then she was gone, leaving you to face The Doctor and his worried filled questions alone, but not before taking a piece of your heart with her.
You'd caught up with her again at some sort of alien marketplace, gifting her one of the planet's many different kinds of flora as a gift, your own way of saying 'thank you for saving me'. She'd accepted it wholeheartedly, setting it someplace beside her bed so it would be the last thing she'd see every night before she went to sleep, and the first thing she'd see every morning when she woke.
Your first true 'date' was the time she left a note on your dresser (how she got it there, you'll never know) telling you to dress somewhat fancy and be ready by nine. She took you to see the first ever showing of the musical Cats, of all things, though it was really just an excuse to see you again. Regardless of whether you enjoyed the show or not, the night ended on a high note (pun intended) when she gave you a gift of her very own; a kiss.
This back and forth dance of sneaking away together and leaving each other again when it was finally time to part went on for months, and though you never put a name on it, it was quite clear to both you and everyone else that you were head over heels in love.
You thought the two of you could be like that for the rest of eternity, hiding out from unknown forces who planned to take you away from her arms, cherishing each other in secret while your enemies threatened to rip you both apart and tarnish your new found love had they known. But as you had learned from your many travelings, nothing could last forever.
The Doctor had noticed you were acting differently. You'd been staying out later and later, and seemed much more occupied with whatever was going on in your mind than any adventures he took you on. As it was none of his business, he really didn't want to pry, but eventually his curiosity got the best of him and he just had to know.
He was tinkering with some sort of ancient alien tech when you walked into the TARDIS's control room.
"Whatcha working on?" You questioned as you made your way over.
"Oh, nothing. Just a piece of junk, really."
You nodded at his response, completely unaware of the absolute bomb of a question he was about to drop.
"Have you been seeing anyone recently?"
You froze, unsure how to process what he just said. "...what?"
"It's just-" he set down what he'd been holding on a nearby table and sighed. "You've been acting differently, these past couple of months. And, it's not that it's necessarily a bad thing, as you seem to be much happier, I'm just- curious, to find out why. Meeting someone new and being in a relationship can definitely cause that, so I was just asking."
You didn't know how to respond. Of course, you were seeing someone. Someone you probably shouldn't be. You didn't want to lie to him, but you knew he was bound to find out the truth eventually, so...
"I am seeing someone, actually." You said cautiously, testing the waters.
The Doctor perked up at this new piece of information. "Really? That's wonderful! Tell me, who are they? What are they like?"
You sucked in a deep breath while making a face that was full of pure nervous energy. "You won't like it."
"Nonsense! I'm sure I'll like whoever you've decided to take as a potentional life partner."
You blinked a few times at his choice of words before shaking your head, deciding it'd be best to just ignore it entirely. "Are you positive? 'Cause I... I just really don't want you to hate me." You said awkwardly, accompanied by some weak laughter.
He frowned slightly at your words. "That's ridiculous, I could never hate you. Now, tell me, who is it? Come on, I promise I won't be too mad," he lightly joked as he gave you a reassuring smile. "I trust your judgment, I'm sure they're fantastic, whoever this person is-"
"It's The Master," you suddenly blurted out, knowing the longer you listened to his praise the worse it would feel once you finally disappointed him. "I'm- I'm seeing The Master."
The Doctor just stood there, a look of bewilderment frozen on his face. "...what?"
You let out a sigh, having expected this kind of reaction already."It's The Master," you affirmed, having crossed the point of no return. "I- I know you're probably upset, and rightfully so, but she's really not that bad, once you get to know her-"
"Has she hypnotized you?" This time, it was you who was getting cut off mid sentence. "Has she threatened to hurt you in any way? Is she forcing you to go traveling with her?" Surprisingly enough, he didn't sound mad, like you thought he would. He didn't look it, either. He just seemed to be the reasonable amount of concerned.
You shook your head no at his questions. "No, she hasn't. I travel with her because I want to, because I like doing it. She-" you voice became slightly quieter as you recounted one of the many dates she'd taken you on "-she took me to see the aurora borealis, once. On a planet that had been completely covered in snow and ice."
That trip was especially vivid in your memory, partially due to how many layers you had to wrap up in so you wouldn't get cold. The part you remembered the most, though, was when The Master had noticed you'd forgotten to bring a pair of gloves with you, and took off her own in an effort to help keep your hands warm.
She could've just given you her gloves to wear, which might've been easier, but she hadn't, choosing to take your hands tightly in hers instead. That was the first time she'd ever done that, both in holding your hand properly and taking off her gloves in front of you.
The Doctor noticed the look of calm that washed over you when you were talking about her, one that not even hypnotism could conjure up. "Do you love her?" He asked softly, already getting a sense as to what the answer might be.
"Yes, I do." You professed as your eyes met his. His gaze was understanding and warm, the exact opposite of what you'd thought it'd be.
"Well, if that's the case-" He began, walking over to the TARDIS's control panel and fiddling around with it some "-then I suppose I have no choice..."
You sucked in a breath of air, incredibly tense as you waited for him to say what he was going to do with you. Maybe he'd just throw you in a black hole and be done with it. Or, worse, maybe he'd drop you off on some random planet somewhere where there was absolutely no chance for survival.
"...but to take you to see her." He finished with a flourish as the TARDIS landed. The Doctor opened the door and stepped outside, gesturing for you to follow him.
"This had better be good," a voice grumbled from in front of you, belonging to none other than The Master herself. Her gaze softened when she spotted you, though it didn't last very long, her eyes narrowing at The Doctor in suspicion. "What's all this?"
"I just wanted to say-" He turned, beckoning you to come closer "-that I know about your relationship with each other. And I'm not mad. In fact, I'm delighted."
You and The Master exchanged a look of confusion and disbelief. The Doctor noticed this, continuing nonetheless.
"It's true. Now, I know we haven't always been on the best of terms-"
"That's one way to put it," The Master muttered, crossing her arms.
"-but I don't want to make any unnecessary assumptions about the two of you. And while part of me does believe this could possibly be some sort of an eleborate plan to take me down-"
"Doctor," you whispered harshly, The Master smirking in amusement at your reaction.
"-I also don't want to define you only by your past mistakes." If he heard you, he didn't show it.
"I have a million reasons why I shouldn't trust you." The Doctor said directly to the clearly unimpressed woman standing in front of him. "But so did they, and now look where we are."
His words seemed to actually have an affect on her given how she'd uncrossed her arms and appeared to be actually listening. Until she opened her mouth. "So what is this then, you deciding to give us your blessing?" She sneered, going back to being defensive.
"Master." You took a step forward, offering your hand out to her, which she gladly took. "I think what he's trying to get at here, is that even if he doesn't trust you, he's not going to judge or shame me for doing the exact opposite. I can still be friends with him while also seeing you. That's all I've ever wanted."
The words you spoke seemed to have finally gotten to The Master. The ever permanent scowl she usually had on her face when being forced to interact with The Doctor disappeared, replaced by the faintest smile that only you could discern.
The Doctor clapped his hands together once in satisfaction. "Great! I'll leave you two to it, then."
The Master rolled her eyes in annoyance, causing you to let out a quiet giggle. "Yeah, you do that," she sarcastically replied, watching as The Doctor entered the TARDIS.
You waved him goodbye before turning back to the Time Lady in front of you. "So, where to now?" You asked excitedly, giving the hand you were holding a gentle squeeze.
She squeezed yours back, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. "Wherever you want."
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Kinktober Day 5- Leather
Thirteenth Doctor x fem!reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count- 990
Warnings- smut (18+ only), corsets, established relationship, titty worship, fingering, toys
Notes- I’ve missed writing for my wifey so much it’s been so long!! I just haven’t had the inspo til now, and I think this was is a little unexpected here! I took a slightly different take on “leather” but I had fun with it so I hope y’all enjoy! List provided by the lovely @the-purity-pen​!
To say up to date on when I post, follow my update blog too and turn on post notifications @flightlessangelwings-updates​​. Reblogs highly appreciated!
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“Hey Doctor, can you come here for a moment?” you called from your room. You stood with excited anticipation as you heard her sing-songy voice from down the hallway.
“Coming, love!”
You bit your lip as nerves suddenly overtook your system. You had only a moment to decide if you wanted to back out, but you knew the prize was well worth it. A chill ran up your spine as a rush of cold air hit your exposed skin.
“What’s going… on…?” The Doctor stood frozen in her tracks the moment she laid eyes on you.
The cold air suddenly didn’t bother you as your skin warmed and tingled under her gaze. She stood in your doorway dumbfounded at the sight before her: you in a tight leather corset and lace panties and nothing else. 
You shifted your weight from foot to foot nervously, “You like it, Doctor?” you asked shyly as you suddenly became aware of how much your breasts poked out of the tight corset, “I got this when we visited that old village the other day. The lady was really nice and helped me figure out how to tie it… Oh!”
In a rush of movement, the Doctor sprinted across the room and lept at you. One moment you were on your feet rambling nervously, the next you found yourself on your back on your bed with your beloved Doctor straddling your hips. She even managed to shed her coat in the two seconds it took her to pin you down.
“I love it,” her voice was low as he hovered her lips over yours, “Darling, you look absolutely gorgeous.”
You moaned as she took your lips with hers in a heated kiss. You propped yourself up to reach her better while her hands roamed up and down the leather corset that adorned your body. Heat warmed your body as your skin tingled under her touches. 
“Doctor…” you whispered as she kissed her way down your neck.
“Shhh,” she purred, “I’ve got you, love,” she gently pushed you onto your back, “Now let me get a good look at this.”
The Doctor sat up, her hips comfortably on yours as her eyes soaked you in. Your breasts filled the corset perfectly, and with each deep breath you took in, you unconsciously pushed them up even more. A smirk lit up her face, and before you could ask what ran through her mind, she had already pounced on you again.
You let out a loud moan when she attached her lips to your breasts where they stuck out over the top of the leather corset. Her tongue licked and lapped at your skin as she savored every moan and cry you let out. Your hands gripped onto the sheets as you arched your back into her body, desperate for more.
While her mouth worked your breasts, the Doctor ran her hands down the corset once more. She savored the feeling of the smooth leather against your skin, and she giggled softly when she reached the hem of your panties.
Always a tease, the Doctor ghosted her fingers along your clothed clit a few times. She loved to see your every reaction to even the slightest touch, and she loved more than anything to bring you pleasure. Of course, she knew she had to reward you for the surprise too.
“Please…” you moaned as she continued to rub slow, light circles on your clit.
“Alright love,” she cooed as her fingers pushed your panties aside to reveal your dripping pussy, “Eager aren’t we?” she added with a smirk.
“Well I didn’t struggle to get this corset on just for you to stare,” you restored back with a smile.
“That’s my girl,” the Doctor purred as she pushed two fingers into you.
You let out a loud cry at the intrusion, but it was more than a welcome one. The Doctor wasted no time and pumped her fingers in and out of you right away while she leaned over your body to suck on your breasts once more. You threw your head back as you drowned in the pleasure she gifted you.
She kissed her way along the top of your corset and nosed her face against your breasts while she did so. She knew your body well, and she knew exactly what spots drove you wild, so she grabbed one of your breasts and popped it out completely so that it sat on top of the tight corset. Once it was free, the Doctor attached her lips to your nipple and sucked hard while she sped up her fingers.
“Fuck… Doctor…” you cried out in pleasure as you wrapped your arms around her shoulders and buried your hand in her blonde hair, “I’m gonna…”
She moaned into your breast as she pumped her fingers even faster, and rubbed your clit with her thumb every time they were fully buried inside you. It only took a few more thrusts of her fingers before you completely fell apart and came with her name on your lips. 
As much as she wanted to, the Doctor couldn’t break away from your breast to watch you cum for her. Instead, she licked and sucked at your nipple while she felt you gush into her hand and tug on her hair. When your moans turned to whimpers, she slowed her rhythm until she carefully pulled out of you and broke away from your breast with a loud pop.
She sat up and watched you before her, a mess with just a corset on your body. And you had never looked more beautiful to her. “This was a nice surprise, love,” she laughed.
You opened your eyes and looked up at her, “I knew you’d like it,” you replied with a giggle, “Now how about we get the strap and go a few more rounds?”
The Doctor’s eyes sparkled at the thought, “That sounds wonderful, love.” 
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