dear-ao3 · 11 months
thinking about that one interview where lando norris says he wears four of the most basic man colognes at once. why does he do this. how does he not give everyone around him a major headache. what is the thought process behind this.
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naffeclipse · 10 months
Definitely didn't make an account just to ask this. But what if Orca!Eclipse just started finding more babies and bringing them to Y/N to keep warm and raise? I picture this happening with Harpy!Y/N but I can see it happening with all the other Birdies.
Oh my gosh
Harpy!Y/N growing increasingly distressed that Eclipse keeps finding these orphaned mythical creature kids and setting them in her lap like, free kids :) She's desperately doing everything to keep them all safe and warm while he's happily hunting and taking his turn with the babies.
Orca!Eclipse, holding up a baby narwhal siren: Birdie, look!
Harpy!Y/N, already cradling a gaggle of babies: where do you keep finding orphans
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itsaboutbee · 5 months
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Nya trying to re-bag her man :D
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monstersandmaw · 8 months
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Best news I've seen in a while
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vividvermilion · 2 years
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Vote Donnie for @autismswagsummit
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alexandraisyes · 1 month
Celestial Banners!
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Version without watermarks for personal use on my Kofi and Patreon
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kikzz · 2 years
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foodsies4me · 2 months
Thinking about the fact that Izzy is Robert's favourite child, Jace is Myrese's and max is favoured by both robert and myrese. Alec had to grow up not being anyone's favourite and having to know that everyday.
Everytime i think about how Alec grew up i get sad bc i just know it was so lonely (not like he could complain to izzy or jace about Izzy and Jace being favoured or him getting in trouble bc of them)
The first time someone tells alec that he's their favourite (favourite teacher maybe as i can see a trainee saying it) he tries his best not to get emotional infront of them and goes to his office just to sit bc holy shit he's someones favourite.
This prompt had me screeching immediately because I love it so much, so of course I had to write it (with the usual delay because I am a snail).
You're my favorite. Alec had never been the favored child. He learned early on he'd never be the favored child either. He wasn't smart like Izzy, he couldn't pick up any arbitrary subject and master it by the end of the week. He wasn't like Jace either, the most gifted fighter they had seen in decades if not longer. It didn't mean Alec was inadequate, he was a decent fighter, a decent strategist, a decent student. He just wasn't excellent. Everywhere his siblings excelled, Alec fell short. Decent to their greatness. Not good enough to their just right. Even Max exceeded where Alec failed - hitting milestones trainees twice his age struggle with without ever losing his easy smiles or cheeky remarks. Alec has always been as thankful for that fact as secretly envious. Thankful for it meant their dad paid attention to Izzy even as he continued to forget the rest of them existed. Thankful for it meant their mom praised Jace with the affection he so desperately craved. Thankful it would keep Max safe from the criticism his parents levied at him no matter what he did. Even when the voice grew too loud to ignore, loud enough that it ended with blood and bruises and choked-off breaths, Alec never let his siblings hear it, forbade them from hearing it. Alec promised himself he would never be a source of pain for his siblings and he would keep that promise. Even when it hurt him. Especially when it hurt him. Alec had never been the favored child. He long stopped believing he ever would be. He had been too weak, too ill, too lacking to be anything above decent. Mediocre. Not enough. Alec accepted it as his lot in life. He didn't need to be his parents' favorite. He didn't need to be anyone's favorite, he had his siblings' love and that was enough. Or so he thought. "Thank you, Alec. You're my favorite," Barika mumbles in his neck, small arms curled around his neck. He looks back at his new clothes - his new boy clothes - spread out on his bed, reading some of the slogans written on them, and wipes his cheeks with the back of his hand. He then gives him a shy grin, an expression that is so unlike the rambunctious little menace Alec has come to know and asks him if he wants to help him choose his outfit for their trip today. "Sure." Barika grins, eyes shining with joy. "You're my favorite." Alec smiles, "You're my favorite too." "Not Max?" Alec pinches Barika's nose, laughing at the amused giggle it produces. "You're all my favorite," he assures, feeling the truth behind that statement settle on his shoulders like a warm, comforting cloak. "Now, do you want to wear shorts or jeans?"
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jaroftears · 4 months
I know that wanna write something but I don’t know what specifically if anyone wants anything particular lmk I shall consider :)
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lunarlights-world · 3 months
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peachyfnaf · 5 months
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im vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass.
may you rest in peace, jake. ...oh and you two as well, andrew and bm 1, i guess (/LH/LH
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allastoredeer · 3 months
I don't know if you already follow them or not, but tumblr user akyokanta has some FANTASTIC bottom!Aalstor art, especially with human versions of Vox Husk and Angel Dust!
Oooh! I wasn't following them!
But I am now >:3
And yesssss radiostatic, radiohusk, AND radiodust. I see they've got good taste (¬‿¬) I love that for me.
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naffeclipse · 10 months
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I have so, so many asks in my inbox right now! I've never had this many before which is really neat—however, I've been getting some spam/the same ask lately. Please don't do that! I can only answer so many! There's also a lot regarding Apex Polarity, which I love, but if you haven't seen it answered yet, it's possibly due to it involving spoilers, or regarding future scenes, or it's a redundant question. Please be patient with me! I will answer them when I'm able to and if I can! Thank you!
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cloudybarnes · 2 years
I hope that you may consider my request for Draco Malfoy, in which the reader is in Gryffindor house and a muggle. He doesn’t want to admit that he has feelings for her and she feels the same about him but he doesn’t know how to really react to these feelings and picks on her a little bit until the one day she felt the need to stick up for him to a teacher that seemed to have it for him and after that, feelings are confessed and they end up together in the end? If not, that’s okay! :)
Hii thank you so much for the request!! Hopefully I did it justice to how you imagined it :)
Pairing: Draco Malfor x gryffindor!reader
Summary: hidden feelings with draco get revealed when (Y/N) stands up for him against one of their professors
Word Count: 1.1k+
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"Oh bloody hell," Ron rolled his eyes, "here comes Malfoy."
You scoffed, looking over to where Ron nodded his head. The two of you were sat in the yard on a picnic blanket studying for your potions exam.
Hermione, who may have been able to help a little better than Ron, was off helping Harry woo Cho with some scheme he's come up with. Truthfully though, Ron is pretty good with potions.
"Well, well," Malfoy taunted, his two goonies right in tow, "what have we here? Weasle-bee and (Y/N) on a little date? How pathetic."
Draco stood directly over top of where you and Ron sat. He stared down at you with a smirk, not really paying much attention to Ron.
"What, jealous no girls want to be around that nasty attitude of yours?" you smirked back.
Draco scoffed with a laugh, "I'm sure you'd have no problem spending a night with my 'nasty attitude', sweet cheeks."
The way he spoke to you both infuriated you and gave you butterflies. It was pathetic. Draco was attractive; there was no doubt about that. Beside that, he was a complete dick. He was rude to you and your friends, always belittled them, and did his best to push your buttons.
It was infuriating.
"(Y/N) would never go for someone like you, Malfoy," Ron piped up, "you're way below her standards."
Ron was great for defending you, but if you were being honest with yourself, Draco wasn't mean to you. He was a jerk to your friends which is something you couldn't tolerate, but all he really did was tease you.
Draco smirked, "Why don't we let (Y/N) tell me herself if I'm 'so below her standards'. Sweetheart?"
That pet name made your stomach flip, but you wouldn't show it.
You rolled your eyes, "Draco, you're an asshole at the best of times; I would never give you a chance. Now, if you'll excuse us, we've got a potions exam to study for."
Draco scoffed and gathered his two goons and left you and Ron be. 
“What a nightmare that Malfoy is,” Ron stated.
You hummed in agreement, looking back down at your potions book. The blonde boy infiltrating your thoughts, much to your dismay.  
✰  ✰  ✰
In class the next day, you sat next to Hermione with Ron and Harry at the two-person table behind you. You were sat down taking your potions exam, doing everything in your power to figure out what bloody liquid you put in your pot to make a truth potion. 
Just as you’re on the verge of figuring it out, Draco barges into the classroom, late as usual. Snape’s head lifts up from his desk as Draco parades in and takes his seat.
“Mr. Malfoy,” Snape starts and he stands from his chair, “you’re late.”
“Sorry professor, got lost in the halls.”
Snape scowls, “I don’t want your half-witted excuses, Malfoy. I guess you are as stupid as your classmates presume you to be.”
The class starts to giggle, but Draco bows his head with a scowl on his face. You start to feel a little bit bad for Draco. Though he’s a dickhead to you and your friends, you still know how it sucks to be picked on, especially by a teacher. 
“In fact,” Snape continues as he slowly steps closer to where Draco sits, “you may as well just not even bother taking the exam today. Godric knows you wouldn’t pass even if you had an intelligence spell with you.”
“Professor,” your voice shocks you. You didn’t realize your disdain for the way Malfoy was being talked to would lead to this. 
Snape turns his attention to you, “Ms. (Y/L/N)?”
You cleared your throat and looked at Draco for a quick second before bringing your attention back to Professor Snape. “I think it’s entirely inappropriate the way you belittle Mr. Malfoy by saying how stupid you perceive him to be. Draco may not be the top student, but he is clever, and I think it’s a mistake to underestimate him.”
The class stared at you in disbelief. A Gryffindor standing up for a Slytherin is unheard of, especially if the Slytrherin is Draco Malfoy. 
Snape stares as you for a long second before speaking, “everyone back to the exam. Next person to talk gets 20 points deducted from their house.”
✰  ✰  ✰
After class got let out, you walked with Hermione, Ron, and Harry out in the hallways. 
“What has gotten into you!” Harry exclaimed, “Sticking up for Malfoy now?”
“I’m so confused,” Ron mumbled.
“I mean,” Harry continued, “what were you even thinking?”
Before you could even get a word out, Draco’s voice called out your name.
The four of you turned around to see Draco standing behind you. “Can we have a chat, (Y/L/N)?” Draco asked as he turned his back and started walking the opposite direction as you.
You looked to your friends, who shook their heads, but your curiosity got the better of you, and you decided to go anyway.
When you caught up to Draco, he was stood at one of the pillars looking out the window.
“What did you want, Malfoy?”
Draco turned his attention to you, “Why did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Don’t play stupid, (Y/N),” Draco snarled, “you stood up for me in front of Snape, in front of the whole class at that. You called him out for saying I was stupid, then you actually complimented me.”
Draco started to grow a smirk on his face. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you have a little crush on me.”
You couldn’t help the warmth that spread to your cheeks. “I don’t have a crush on you, for Godric’s sake. I just don’t particularly like the way Snape talks to his students. Trust me, it was not because it was you, it was because Snape needs to be knocked off his high horse sometimes.”
 Draco chuckled, “Alright, (Y/N), you keep on telling yourself that.” Draco grabbed his bag off the floor and slung it over his shoulder. He stared into your eyes as his shoulder brushed yours,Draco walking past you and leaving. 
You turned and watched him go, but he stopped a few steps down the line. Draco turned around, smirk on his face. “Maybe next time Snape gives us an assignment, you’ll have me as your study date instead of old Weasle-bee.” 
With that, Draco turned back again, walking away. His last statement sent butterflies straight to your belly. You couldn’t wait to take him up on that offer. 
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no-tengo-ojos · 16 days
pavement.......... banndd...... Los campeisnons and Pavement...... smile s happily
Arson, are you having another stroke?
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atsushis-fangs · 3 months
North: adults are the most insanely stupid people I have the displeasure of interacting with. Ian, referring to himself and the Clan: even us? North: especially you guys. Hamish: petition to kick Killough out so he stops insulting us. Malcolm: seconded.
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