#Why do I get the feeling someone promoted me? xD
cult-bull · 2 days
Crowns of Sins Thoughts
What's up with the red crown and sin? Why does it promote it? Does it eat it? Does it need its host to grow stronger? (Most certainly making a Crowns and Hosts thoughts posts later too)
Obviously, the sins of the flesh update came later on in the game's development and in interviews I remember the creators talking about coming up with ideas and letting their writers figure out how it fits into the lore afterwards, so who knows how much is intended from the start and how much just came later.
The red crown being able to talk seems to have been there from the start, since it has speech coming from it so to say during doctrine choosing, at least it feels implied now that we know it can speak.
How sins work seems quite separate from the bishops and their crowns… until you try to think about it. Kind of. Maybe it's retroactively fitting pieces into where they could belong but hey, this is my blog and my journal of random cult of the lamb thoughts not proper theory crafting XD
I don't think it works though when just limiting yourself to the Christian seven deadly sins.
Leshy I'm throwing out the window instantly. I'm not sure what sin his chaotic ass could represent, as I'm saving wrath for someone else and even then, Leshy doesn't really seem... wrathful. Angry, loud, first boss energy, but not wrathful. He is the youngest god though, so maybe he just didn't have the time to be that sinful.
The only sin he is so far guilty of is being a weirdly cute follower
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Heket is almost too easy in comparison. Gluttony, and even greed in terms of hoarding food from others by causing famines and giving their followers food if they worship well, and possibly because Mida's cave is near it, being pretty close to it on Jalala's map right between it and darkwood
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It would be a bit easier to tell if we got more proper lines of where each "territory" of a bishop ends and begins. How large something actually stretches is questionable
Anyway, Heket would certainly fit right into a user of a ritual like the cannibalism one (and regain all her devotion through the mushroom drugs) so it just fits right in there.
Kallamar is where my "seven deadly sin" thing not working comes up. He is not guilty of any classic sin, nor does he promote it. I know we all in the fandom like to make him lustful, partially due to that one bishop hotline video I'm sure, but I'm not sure if anything else points him into a lust category in game though, If yes, feel free to correct me.
I do say betrayal and selfishness could count as sinful. He is a scaredy-cat (a powerful scaredy-cat but still), but he rather throws his siblings, especially a broken Shamura under the bus of your vengeful wrath when you come to get him post killing Leshy and Heket, just to somehow live. He's a coward, a backstabber, no matter if he feels bad about it afterwards or not. That feels ripe for a sin.
Shamura is weird too, not because nothing fits, but more because it's speculating about their past self. Their broken mind self is... well, broken. Love them, but clearly something changed about them.
Through the lore tablets in game we learn a young Shamura was the one who asked/threatened the older gods to bow to their old-back-then-new faith and began a war against the many gods with at least I presume, the other bishops.
Shamura is a god of war, of conquest, and probably even wrath back then too. Once again, it feels ripe for sin to have someone who seeks the blood spilled in the battlefield. Again though, that's speculations about a past Shamura.
Narinder is a bit easier again, since one can likely assume pride to be a good sin for him. Prideful as he tried to rise, he fell, and retained his high and mighty pride when thinking the lamb couldn't possibly ever stand up to them until being forcefully shown that fact of life.
And fall he did, like he usually does.
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With all the bishops having "access" to a main sin source though (except leshy), they could have easily had a way to make their cults, their temples and more, stronger. In the game, we only upgrade the temple visually, but since a god grows stronger with worship, likely do their crowns as well, and it just helps feed that.
Likely a way of how the new gods Shamura and co rose up to power that much could be through this, though i have other thoughts for later dates too on that (and if Narinder was around back then, having the literal death god as your sibling probably helped in a war too-)
The crowns and their relationship to the gods of new and old need more exploring in general, I feel like. Not just from the game, but like, I want to see other people throw their totally-not-a-crown hat into the ring. Where they came from, how they work, etc.
Ramble times over, did this make sense? Probably not. But I like my randoms to an audience of mostly myself👍
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brienneoftarth1989 · 1 year
Heya! I hope your requests are still open :3
I was wondering if you’d maybe wanna write a Miranda Hilmarson x f!reader where reader is a detective that chose Miranda to help her on a case (they secretly have been crushing on each other for a while now) and they kinda get closer and confess their feelings? Happy ending and maybe some Smut if you feel comfy enough?
I absolutely LOVE your works and I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now but I have NO experience in writing Miranda what so ever xD
Hope you enjoy this! I loved writing this and I’m so glad you enjoy my work. I love knowing that people enjoy it!
Rubbish Detective NSFW
Larissa Weems x fem reader
Summary: read request
Warnings: graphic description of injuries, mention of rape, serial killer mentioned which is based on real person, fingering, cunnilingus, almost caught, happy ending, just smut.
Requests Open
Since being promoted to detective it has been absolutely manic at the station. You were told by your superior that most detectives don’t get major cases until a couple months down the line but you seemed to be very lucky considering you were currently dealing with a serial killer that seems to be targeting women. They are currently known as The Eyeball Killer because once they have killed their victim they surgically remove both their eyeballs.
At the moment you believe they are doing this because they want some kind of trophy from each victim, or they have some weird obsession with eyeballs. You were currently sitting in your office trying to come up with any kind of leads. You were looking at his first victim Mary Lou Pratt. She was found shot in the back of the head but the post mortem showed that her eyes had been surgically removed.
Ok so you have one piece of information. The killer has good surgical skills, maybe they have medical training? Maybe they practised really well before trying their skills on a person but either way they managed to get the eyeballs out of their sockets without causing too much damage to the surrounding tissue.
You also knew that Mary Lou had stolen some goods from a warehouse. You did think that maybe it was someone who held a grudge but this would have been quite the over reaction for stealing some goods with low value. You followed that lead for a while but it went cold. Around the same time a young woman named Veronica came down to the station and reported that she had been raped and he tried to kill her.
You could tell she had been attacked due the fact she had a massive head wound. She had been seen again a week later with some guy in a truck. You decided to have the vehicle pulled over to see if she was ok hoping the guy she was with might have been the killer but you had no such luck and his story checked out.
At the moment you had no leads and there was nothing you could do until they attacked again because at the moment there was no moving forward. You hated when cases came to a halt like this because the only way you could move forward resulted in someone else dying. You sat in your office with your head in your hands until you were startled by your office phone ringing.
You shot up hoping that something related to your case was coming through. “Detective y/ln speaking” you answered. “Detective, a body has been found. A young woman, half naked, head wound and no eyes” they stated. You immediately knew that this was The Eyeball Killer’s doing. “Send me over the address, I’m on my way” you said as you waited for them to fax over the address.
You walked out of your office with the piece of paper and went to find your colleague. “Miranda, we have a development in the case. You're with me for the rest of this case. I believe we have a serial killer on our hands” you said to her as you quickly walked past her to which she followed.
There were two reasons why you chose Miranda as your partner for the rest of this case. One she was a really good constable and always came up with great ideas but the second and most important reason was that you had this huge crush on her and you just wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. You knew that Miranda didn’t feel the same hence why you have never said anything so just spending time with her was enough instead.
You both made your way to the squad car with you getting in the driver side of the car and Miranda getting in the passenger seat. “So what lead do we have this time?” Miranda asked. “We have just had a call stating that a half naked young woman has been found. Killed in the same way as the very first victim.
“Oh shit. We better get down there quick. Hopefully we will be able to follow a good lead this time that will get us further in identifying the killer” she said as you started the engine and sped off in the direction of where the body was found. The journey was silent due to you both trying to mentally prepare yourself for what you were about to see and praying that this lead will get you somewhere this time. You don’t want more innocent people to die.
When you arrived you were greeted by the officers already on scene. “What do we know so far?” you asked as you and Miranda walked into the crime scene which happened to be a motel room. “Ok so we have managed to identify her due to her having her ID on her. The victim is 27 year old Susan Peterson. She was found half naked with her top pulled up to reveal her breasts” the officer said.
“Just like the first victim, so we are definitely dealing with the same killer” you said as you and Miranda walked over to the body. You and Miranda assessed the body with you calling out what you could see while Miranda made a note of everything you said. “Victim has a gunshot wound to the back of the head as well as her left breast. I’m going to say the bullet has entered the heart but won’t know until the autopsy.
“There is one more thing you should know, detective,” the officer said to you. “Yes and what is that?” you asked. “Apparently she told her parole officer that she knew who Mary Lou’s killer was. I reckon that’s why she was the next victim” he said plainly. “Fuck sake!” you shouted as you stormed off the crime scene. That was just your luck. Your one lead had been killed and she actually had information that would have aided the case.
Miranda followed you making sure you were ok. You went straight to the front desk and asked for a room as you just needed somewhere to sit and think for 10 minutes. They handed over a key and as you went to turn around you ended up walking straight into Miranda. “Shit, I’m sorry Miranda, I just need 10 minutes to think” you said as you looked at the key number and went to find the room.
“I will come with you. We can just sit and chat. It doesn’t even need to be about the case. A distraction might help at a time like this” she said as she squeezed your shoulder gently trying to reassure you. This is why you liked her. Well not only is she beautiful but she had an amazing personality and a caring soul. You just wished she felt the same.
When you got into the room you just sat down on the only double bed and just laid back trying to absorb all the information that had been thrown at you in the last half an hour. You let out a huge sigh. “I feel bad for the families. Like who knows what their last words to them were. Were things left on good terms? Just makes you think about things. You never really know when your last day on this planet is, so you might as well do things you want and say the things that deep down you want to say” she said while playing with her hands.
She had a point. “I think you're right about that Miranda” you said not really knowing what to say. You wanted to tell her how you felt but you were currently on a job and you didn’t think it was the right time but when was the time ever right? You thought about saying something until you felt Miranda’s hand grip your thigh quite high up.
You shot your head to look at her. “Well I just wanted to say, considering I was just saying we should always speak what’s on our minds while we still have the chance. I just wanted to say that I really like you y/n. I have since the moment I first met you. I didn’t say anything before because I didn’t know what your reaction would be and considering we are co-workers I didn’t want to make things awkward” she said to you while caressing your thigh.
That’s it you’re officially the worst detective in the world. How could you not tell that the woman you had been crushing on for ages also felt the exact same way. You didn’t know how to respond so you did the only thing you could think of at that moment and that was to kiss her.
You brought your hand to cup her face and slowly leaned in for a gentle yet passionate kiss. Miranda relaxed into your grasp before finally responding to the kiss. The gentle and passionate kiss eventually turned into something more desperate. When you finally pulled away for air you both just rested your foreheads on one another waiting for the other to say something.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this to happen” Miranda whispered as she grazed your lips. “We have the time, why don’t I show you how desperate I have been for this moment” you whispered as you connected your lips once again. You moaned into the kiss as you grabbed her vest and took it off her, throwing it onto the floor.
You pushed Miranda onto the bed as you then crawled onto her body trailing kisses from the base of her neck all the way to her lips. Miranda let out a moan as you teased her neck with your kisses. You leaned back so you could unbutton her shirt which revealed a black bra which hugged her breasts perfectly which caused you to moan at the sight of her.
You let your hands trail around her back so you could unclasp her bra. As soon as that was off you gently kissed down from her neck to her perfect breasts, playing with one as you teased her hardened bud with your tongue on the other. You watched as Miranda moaned at the pleasure. You continued to tease her breasts before then starting your descent down to her pants.
You made quick work getting those off but just as you were about to remove her panties she flipped you on your back so she could strip you of your own clothing. I guess it was only fair to be stripped down as well. You moaned as she kissed all over your body and removed your clothing piece by piece before you were both just left sitting on the bed in your underwear.
You both just stared at each other before both letting out a little laugh. “I never thought this would happen Miranda. I’ve dreamed about this for ages but never did I believe we would be here doing this right now” you said as you looked straight into Miranda’s eyes. “I’ve wanted this from the moment I met you y/n. Now come here I want you to fuck me like you have been dreaming of for ages” she whispered as she pulled you towards her.
You pushed Miranda on her back before going straight down to where she needed you most. “Mmm you’re so wet for me Miranda. Do I really turn you on this much” you moaned as you stared at the dark wet patch that was left on her panties. You traced the wet patch with the tip of your finger as you watched as she bucked her hips into your hand.
“Please y/n stop being a tease. I need to feel you inside me. I’m begging you please I need you to fuck me” she moaned. That was all you needed to hear. You ripped her panties from her body not caring anymore about them. You left small little kisses along the inside of her thigh trailing all the way up to her dripping cunt. You decided you wanted to tease Miranda so you gently blew on her clit but never touched it before continuing your trail of kisses back down her other thigh.
“Please y/n! I ne..need to feel you! I want you to m..make me cum!” she moaned as she absently bucked her hips trying to get some kind of friction against nothing. You didn’t want to keep teasing her so finally you took a long slow lick along her folds before finally focusing on her clit tracing patterns all over it. She tasted amazing and you wanted to worship her body forever. You gazed up into Miranda’s eyes as you picked up your pace with your tongue.
You trailed your hands up her body so you could play with her breasts while you continued to eat her out. You could stay there forever licking at her dripping cunt as you continued to suck harder on her clit and pinching her nipples ever so slightly. Miranda let out a gasp before letting out a deep moan. You could tell she was in ecstasy and you didn’t want her to stop until she was screaming your name.
“Fuck y/n, don’t stop, don’t stop ahhh right there baby, just like that!” she moaned as she finally made eye contact with you which just caused her to throw her head back again in pleasure at the thought of you watching her get closer and closer to her orgasm. You felt her start to grind her pussy into your mouth which just showed how close she was to cumming. “Cum for me baby, I want to taste every last drop of cum you have for me” you moaned into her pussy. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m cumming y/n! Don’t stop! Right there! Make me cu..ahhh” she screamed as she finally felt her release.
You let her ride out her orgasm on your tongue before slowly pulling away and leaning up to kiss Miranda so she could taste herself on your lips. “Mmm fuck that was amazing y/n” she whispered before continuing to kiss you tasting every last drop of cum that just came from her pussy. “Now I think it’s time I return the favour” she giggled as she once again flipped you on your back so she could dominate you.
She pinned your arms above your head as she trailed kisses down your body, between your breasts and down to your dripping cunt. She eventually let go of your arms letting them rest on your breasts as she gently squeezed them. You kept your arms above your head though wanting to please the woman in front of you. This was a dream come true and you couldn’t wait for Miranda to fuck the shit out of you.
As Miranda made her way to your cunt she traced a finger up and down your folds which caused you to let out this ungodly moan. “Please I need to feel you inside me” you moaned as you held intense eye contact with the woman who was about to bury her face in your pussy. With that Miranda slowly entered a single finger into your dripping wet core.
You moaned at the sudden sensation of her inside of you as you then felt her tongue on your clit. “Fuck Miranda! More! I need more!” you moaned as you then felt Miranda add another finger to your core before then picking up her movements on your clit. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer. “Don’t stop! That's it, right there! Fuck I’m going to cum!” you screamed as you finally felt the orgasm take over your body.
You felt the movement of her fingers slow down inside of you helping you ride out the rest of the orgasm before slowly removing them from your core. You watched as she then put her fingers in her mouth as she cleaned up your cum off her fingers. You moaned at the sight in front of you. Miranda then crawled up your body before leaving a small gentle kiss on your lips. “I want you to sit on my face” you moaned which caused Miranda to smile at your comment.
Just as she was about to position herself on your face you heard a bang on the door. “Detective, we think we have found something. You better come and have a look” you heard one of your colleagues say. “Umm yes. Just give me a minute and I will be out” you shouted back as you and Miranda just stayed there frozen in your position.
You both started laughing at the thought that the two of you could’ve just been caught. “Come on, we better get ourselves sorted. This case is far from over but trust me nor is this” you smiled at Miranda bringing her closer for one last kiss, for now.
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euphor1a · 2 years
For those who missed it: introducing txt fic hub!
Hello moablr! Guess who? 🥸 I don’t know if anyone is here who does not know that I moved blogs, but, surprise! It’s aleyna from the now deleted blog, cupidchois xD
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Anyway, let me get back on track.
Back on December 2021, I was sketching out a plan to start a discord server for all txt fic writers & readers!
Why was I working on something like that? Well, the writing community was declining rapidly. And sadly, it has only worsened since then. In case you’re still not aware, the interactions have been decreasing to the point it feels pointless sometimes, writers have got their works stolen and reposted, and, people still get hate over literally anything, for god knows what reason! So many writers have quit because of the above mentioned reasons and more, and there are many who are contemplating to do the same. Can you blame them, though?
If you are someone who has been here since 2020/21, you know exactly what I’m talking about. And what does this server has to do with what is going on? It’s an attempt to help with the current situation.
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Now, why should you consider joining the txt fic hub? How will that benefit you?
If you are a writer, we strive to create a space where you can promote your works, seek help for anything writing related (beta readers, fic banners, tumblr advice) and connect with the fellow writers and obviously, the readers. We’ve added the sprinto bot for writers who are looking for sprints! We welcome mxr writers as well as mxm writers!
If you are a reader, you can easily find new fics to read by checking the fic promotion channels! If you have a favorite fic you want to share with others, there’s a fic rec channel for that too! You can help out the writer’s by providing feedback!
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In general, you can make new connections, have fun chatting, and help strengthen the bond of the moablr writing community! You can select your unique roles from the customization channel! We have various bots for your entertainment (memes, music, etc.), and we take suggestions, so you can always tell us what you think would be nice addition to the server! We also have different spaces created for minors and adults <3
Additionally, you’ll only have to follow a few chat rules and promotion rules! This is not any type of network, so you can leave at any moment if you get overwhelmed (we will try our best to not let that happen) or simply lose interest; and there’s absolutely nothing you need to notify the admins about. This is your place, and you can share as little or as much information you feel comfortable with!
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The server is up and currently consists of 91 active and inactive members! If you face any problems, you can always reach out to me (the admin) or the mods who are there to help out! 😊
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Signal boosts appreciated! You can join txt fic hub here ↓↓
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teecupangel · 2 years
pardon me if I am insensible with cold medicine but consider
in the thing I suggested where Desmond replaces Altaïr and ends up in Malik's arms as he grieves growing in place of (what he considers to be) a better man
imagine that
ends up reborn as Robert de Sablé
as in, Altaïr fully remembers his life, how it went without Desmond's interference
and then found himself being reborn as an enemy to the assassins
of course, when he gets to the Levant and learns there's still an eagle of masyaf, he has to assume that it's Robert, switched with him at birth
he can't say why this has happened, but he does know that he made mistakes in his first life, mistakes he is trying to rectify as a member of the Templar order
but of course he has to be wary of "Altaïr" aka Robert and whatever he's planning
could this all be an incredibly long game to get the Apple of Eden?
cue a LOT of Altaïr being sneaky and suspicious ans trying to strategize as Robert (and of course promoting Maria in the organization as soon as he could without tarnishing her reputation)
And Deamond just like wow i don't remember Robert being such a shifty fuck before, weird
Guess Altaïr just glossed over a lot of that in favor of fights
The Desmond replaced Altaïr comment from @twitcherpated (that’s in this post):
in the same vein as the other sad ideas I've been pitching, consider: Desmond gets reborn, Yew Branches style, not as someone in Altaïr's orbit but as Altaïr himself. He's guilty and depressed about replacing a man he can't live up to, but at least he takes comfort in Malik being around. He always liked him in Altaïr's memories, and now he has a chance to get close to him, spend time with him, think about him when he should be training--oh no.
One of the problems I think Altaïr would face with being reborn as Robert is his relationship with Maria. Maria doesn’t strike me as the type of person who would have a romantic relationship with her boss, she’s too much of an honorable person to do something like that. Their relationship would be strictly professional and Altaïr would forever miss his dear wife, of course, but he would know that the Maria who is working for him isn’t his wife.
Thinking she is would sully the memories of his wife and will be a great disservice to the Maria he has with him right now.
Whether they do get past that wall between them though is another question altogether.
The reason why I focused on this is because you wished for Maria to rise up the ranks and Altaïr would want that for her. He needs an ally he can trust completely in this den of snakes and he believes that Maria deserves recognition for her strength and chivalry.
BUT this is the 12th century and the Crusaders weren’t exactly known for being… ‘open-minded’ on this kind of thing.
The Crusaders would probably whisper behind their back how she slept her way to the top and other unflattering things about her. They’d ignore it, of course, but that meant that there will be many who would oppose Altaïr’s plans for reformation just because of his ‘treatment’ of Maria.
But the Templar Order though… now that’s another story. Altaïr taking on the mantle of the Grand Master of the Templar Order (shudder) would mean he has the chance of making the Templars more in line with de la Serre’s Templar faction in Unity and Maria will be his second in command. Those who are part of the Templar Order would definitely respect her.
As for Desmond…
Sure, Desmond is confused by Robert!Altaïr being a shifty fuck but just imagine Altaïr’s own confusion when he thinks Altaïr!Robert who is really Altaïr!Desmond being mostly a chill dude who obviously has a crush on Malik.
The horrific expression on Altaïr’s face when he sees that Malik feels the same way and the two idiots are being all lovey-dovey without even realizing it.
Altaïr wondering if all they needed to do to get Robert to be a chill more amicable dude was for him to fall in love. XD
Okay, crazier idea:
Man, you know what would be even funnier? If Altaïr was reborn as Robert de Sablé in the idea where Desmond was reborn as one of King Richard’s illegitimate brothers.
Like, just imagine Desmond’s confusion to why this Robert de Sablé is… more cooperative and seemed to support his push for reforms in the Templar Order that goes against everything that the Templar Order actually stands for. He’s even willing to kill the really bad ones like Garnier for Desmond and Desmond’s just “What the fuck is happening? Why is he so reasonable and nice. Is Robert de Sablé actually a good guy???”
Altaïr, on the other hand, actually thinks that Desmond is a real historical figure that got lost in time or never made a mark in history because he has assassins (no, not Assassins, just those pathetic killers for hire kind) hounding him almost every day and one of them killed Desmond too early. Altaïr had to get Maria to coordinate with him so someone is always with Desmond because the nobility definitely wants King Richard’s “fuck y’all, I’m gonna change this country for the people, not for the powerful” illegitimate brother (and Desmond doesn’t even know what he’s doing is affecting the country) dead before he poisons King Richard’s mind with all these talks of equality and whatever. Altaïr honestly believes that Desmond died in the original timeline (which is true BUT not in the year Altaïr assumes) and that keeping Desmond alive would be key to keeping everyone he cared for safe and ushering in a better future for everyone.
And then we can fuck this even more by making the current Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad be any of the following:
The real Robert de Sablé - this would be the most fucked up timeline because you know that Robert will have his own plans already in place and might even have taken Al Mualim’s place already by the time 1191 rolls around.
Lucy - It would be funny and Lucy would be trying so hard to keep the timeline in check and then she sees Desmond who is just happy to see Altaïr (not thinking he’s had Altaïr with him for years even before this) and she’s like “who the hell is this guy???”. Also, just Lucy suffering the entire time trying to be Altaïr XD
Elijah - “How can we make Desmond’s life more complicated with this idea?” Bring in the son he never knew who is also a Sage and who may or may not have an agenda of his own in this entire mess. They never interacted with one another in canon, sure, but Elijah knew his father was Desmond Miles so the potential drama and angst are there.
Ezio - … just imagine Desmond and Altaïr’s confusion when they meet the supposed Altaïr who turns out to be so charismatic and well-liked that the Assassins honestly believed him when he said ‘yeah, Al Mualim’s a bad dude’ and has been the mentor by the year 1190…
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lieutenant-amuel · 10 months
Stars, Amuel, I can't believe I never sent you this ask! I feel like I already know almost all your opinions on Gabe, but despite that, how about 21, 22, 24 (feel free to make it a headcanon, if you don't think he canonically has one 👀), 26 for the best Avaloran general since Guapo? ...I'd also want to ask about 27 and 28 but I feel like it's already too much XD
Sure, thank you! Sorry. It took me a while. And I’m going to answer all six because it’s never too much when it comes to talking about Gabe.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
I’d say in the Curse of El Guapo when he was promoted to captain because just look at him here I—
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He has everything he ever wanted by/during this ceremony: his father is proud of him, other guards accepted him, he’s being promoted by his friend who inspired him to be himself, he feels like his hard work he put into being a guard is acknowledged. He has new possibilities and a new position in which he has a chance to grow.
I think his promotion to general counts too. But for some reason I think being promoted to captain was more emotional both in general and for Gabe.
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
I’d say in Crash Course after Bronzino’s “betrayal” if I can call it as such.
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This little arc of Gabe doubting his position as Captain is one of the rare ongoing arcs Gabe has (even if it’s brought up only in two episodes) so it makes it easier to imagine what he might have felt after Doña Paloma outright erased all of his previous achievements and made him question his worth.
I think Bronzino’s appearance and his capability to teach the guards magic was a beacon of hope for Gabe since it was exactly what he needed to make up for his mistakes. This is the reason why he rushed so much in this episode. He basically was desperate which made him act “off” and eventually it turned out he was fooled, so I’d say this is actually when we see him at his lowest.
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
He’s a mariachi 😌
But if we’re being serious, I don’t think Gabe canonically has secrets. He might not talk much about himself or his emotions, for example, but it cannot be considered a secret because he’s not hiding it intentionally, he’s just not talking about it. If someone asks him to tell something about himself, I’m pretty sure he’ll answer it (honestly, I feel like Elena didn’t even know that Gabe’s parents were bakers until the Olaball episode XD but as I said, there’s no way he hid it, nobody just asked him, and he didn’t have the right moment to tell anyone).
So, if I need to make it up…
He secretly loves puns
He learnt how to play the trumpet when Shuriki was still a queen. Yes, many canon characters might know he can play it, but Gabe never told (and is not going to tell) anyone he picked it up when it was illegal.
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
I have three episodes.
I think the first episode where we see Gabe being himself is The Princess Knight. After he opened up to Elena in Olaball, Gabe felt a lot more comfortable around her and it clearly affected the way he acted towards her afterwards. In this episode he’s being outspoken and sassy with her which is the way he never treated her before yet it came off absolutely natural to him. We see him as a great swordsman and a strategist (!) which is an integral part of him (and oh my goodness he actually shines and doesn’t even get overlooked!). We also get to see his softer and protective side, so really, this episode shows Gabe from all the positive angles of his personality (and can I just say that I’m absolutely not normal about Gabe and Francisco).
Another episode is Snow Place Like Home. Gabe has such a minor role there but isn’t it absolutely gorgeous. I think this is actually the first time when we see Gabe as a leader. Yes, he takes on a leadership role in the Scepter of Night, for example (unsuccessfully, though), but in this episode we see him as a guard leader. He’s focused on completing the mission yet he’s being caring to his troop and cheers them up when they feel gloomy, not afraid of being a bit silly with them. This episode really is the display of the quote “as a captain, you need to be a great soldier and a great person”, and it does describe Gabe better than anything else.
And the last episode is Coronation Day, specifically the scene of Gabe defeating Vuli and Yolo. In this battle he combines both his swordsmanship skills which, as I already said, is a very big part of him and the use of magic which is both the display of how open-minded he actually is and how far he’s come throughout the course of his journey. Not to mention that he’s finally proven to everyone and to himself that he’s a worthy guard and a leader without trying too hard. It happened naturally.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Oh Galavant, obviously. They would become best friends, I don’t even doubt it.
Sokka, as a part of the Gabe Galavant Sokka triad because I love all three and they’re too similar ajhdnfj.
Nobody but you and me knows him, but Prince Charles, definitely.
And I feel like he would become great friends with Hannah Montana.
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
He lifted the crate in Party of a Lifetime? I mean, yes, he made it in order to impress Elena, but c’mon, there was more than enough space to just bypass it :’D
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Thank you again 💙
Character Ask Game
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gubbles-owo · 1 year
How's Arknights going? Tried out any of the funky side-modes yet? Did you already get 4 of the same clue dropped on your desk by someone? (the essential AK experience)
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WHY CAN'T I HOLD ONTO ALL THESE BLACKSTEEL CLUES YOU DUMPED ON ME For real tho, big thanks for all the clues!! Pretty sure I've at least once managed to fill the board entirely with cards from you LMFAO paragraphs of unnecessarily detailed answers under the cut
Arknights is going alright! Still on chapter 5 of the main story, progress has been slow cause I've been focused on upgrading the hell out of a few specific ops-- first e2'ed Manticore, then Matoimaru the other day (i love both of 'em sm). Definitely ain't maxed out, dunno if anyone would actually use em as support units rn, but regardless I love my arknights children just look at them they're so fcukfign cool
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I adore the extra stories and insights that come with building trust and unlocking modules, and at the end of the day I'm ultimately here for the characters! Still figuring out who to promote next... Exu would be useful as heck but oughhh the materials required for her look like hell XmX I haven't really done all that much of the side stuff, tbh? Not out of lack of interest, but because shit just feels too difficult? I've been discouraged from doing all that much in events or novel modes because I inevitably get roadblocked by raw numbers-- my ops are too low level, enemies throw waay too much damage, mechanics and enemy types I've never seen or had explained are suddenly thrown at me and I'm expected to know how the heck to deal with 'em, etc etc. In all honesty it's a lil frustrating as new player to try and keep up, to curb the rampant FOMO from things I can't quite fully participate in yet. I'm sure I'll get there eventually, it's just a bit of a struggle >w>` Strategy games 'n tower defense usually ain't my thing, so admittedly there's a looot I still gotta learn, through both practice and example. Simply put: I'm babey xD I have been learning and discovering cool lil strategies tho! Random fun fact, while figuring out a better strategy to grind out 4-8 than the guide I originally followed, I discovered that you can get two sarkaz casters to bind the same target if you time your deployment just right
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punished gravel jumpscare
(and yes, i am still working on texturing the low poly manticore model, progress has just been extremely slow sdhfjsdgh)
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hydrangeapartridge · 1 month
All my love, lovely.
Thank you!
🍜 Do you ever feel pressured to write?
A little bit. Knowing there are people waiting for updates on my fics is a great motivation but also of course adds a bit of pressure. That's why when I have a new fic idea I usually take some time to let the ideas bloom and I don't post the first chapter until the majority of the story is written. I had a JeanMarco fic on hiatus for very long and I don't want to leave a work undone again.
🍢 Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
I did receive very rude comments on two JeanMarco fics on AO3. I have a fic where Marco is an Incubus and one person commenting told me I would burn in hell for having twisted ideas... (I deleted those comments) and also I got hate on my EgyptAu JeanMarco fic because the first chapter had admitedlly problematic scenes that I didn't tag well at the time. I edited it since and now am much more careful. I've grown a lot since, it was 10 years ago....
But that was a while ago. I learnt from my mistakes and also get less exposure for my works so people probably don't stop to comment and click out if they don't like my work (which is a good thing!). I'm lucky I only ever came upon nice people in the comments in other fandoms :). Especially in the Hogwarts Legacy fandom. People there are the sweetest!
🍙Is there a fic you wish had gotten more attention?
When I write a story, I do it for myself mostly. I write what I like and share it in hopes that maybe someone else will enjoy it. I try not to focus too much on comments, views and likes and kudos, but it's hard honestly. When you've worked a lot on something and are self conscious about things you wrote, it is normal to want validation, and you don't always get it . That's why I try to write most of the stories in full before posting, else I lose my motivation since many people don't read a lot of uncomplete fics. Plus I'm sure I'm super bad at "promoting" my writing ^^'
I digress but what I mean is I selfishly wish all of my fics had gotten more attention XD
if I chose one, I would say I wish more people would read my FMA fic "The Ishval and the Alchemist" , but I understand it's an old fandom, with a xoc pairing for a very secundary character so its lack of sucess was expected. Like I said, I write for myself first, and I enjoy that story very much ^^
I talk too much so I'll stop here! But thank you very much for sending me an ask <3 Have a wonderful day
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 months
DS9 5x05 The Assignment thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [9 Sept ‘23]
Quark's outraged expression at Rom not having his usual breakfast XD
"I have a good job. I'm proud of the work I do." Oh Rom, sweetheart, I'm happy for you <3 :)
"Too much water rots their roots!" "Oh." You tried, Julian. You tried.
"You're in trouble..." Molly 😆😆😆 small kids are the best.
"You killed her plants!" "We killed her plants." 🤣
"I have to be in surgery. Operating." "On who?" "I'll find someone." Hah!
The pah-wraith is such a good villain - and what an actress Rosalind Cho is!
Rom is so overenthusiastic, it's so cute
"God help me." Oh, Miles.
"I've always wanted to meet a Pah-wraith." "Well maybe you will." Aghhhhh the tensiiiion
When Miles clenches the glass too hard, I thought that was an excuse to speak to someone - maybe Julian. But no, he simply had too many feelings... oh Miles.
It sends shivers down my spine how she acts like Keiko, but slightly off.
"I'll sleep on the couch." "Don't be childish." FUCK YOU YOU'RE THE WORST.
"Sleep well." Ugh, and she kisses him?! Poor Miles, I hate this so much for him.
"Miles, I'd never do anything to hurt your daughter... Unless you force me to." NO NO NO NO NO
Oh, Miles. Frick. The guilt he must feel seeing Keiko fall over the barrier...
"Tell Molly mummy's fine. Don't scare her... Miles? Give me a kiss." She is a monster. Knowing he can't refuse while Julian is right there. I hate her. So much.
"Not that I mind. I'm used to being ignored." Oh Rommm.
Damn Dax and her penchant for finding anomalies relaxing, making this all a lot more complicated.
Miles trying to stave off suspicion, oh bless him, he's not made for this.
"It could be someone who's been on the station for a long time." That's not going to make Miles feel good.
Keiko calling and the slight pull of Molly's hair to control Miles. My goodness. I keep thinking she can't get worse but then she DOES.
Oh, POOR Rom.
Miles' wink to try and keep up the charade with Rom. Ohhh. He must be hating himself so much.
"Why are we aiming a chronoton beam at the wormhole?" Rom is SO SMART
Rom is SUCH a good listener, being able to completely retell this story and connect it to the current situation!
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." "No it feels better to talk." Well, at least one of them is emotionally intelligent, and of course ourse it would be Keiko <333
Awww, he's been out partying with his crew members! I'm so happy for him :3
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earthbovndmisfit · 2 months
Hi !! For the ask-game! 2, 5, 6, 12, 20, 21 and 24 ? sorry if it's a lot!! hope you'll have a good day!!!
Fandom/fanfic asks!
2.- Most recent fandom you joined? Not sure if it counts because I've liked the games for actual years and I've just recently got more into them and became more active in the fandom, but it would probably be the Metal Gear series.
I don't watch or consume new media very often unless it's something that somehow takes my whole attention away from what I already like and I'm deep into, so it takes a while for me to get into a new series and fandom haha
5.- Favorite platonic pairing? In Jojo, that would be Erina and Speedwagon!! I love and cherish their friendship so much despite how little we see of it onscreen. This is also why I dislike it so much whenever the "everyone dates everyone" dynamic gets forced on Jonaeriwagon instead of just letting them be a happy V-polycule (not to mention the erasure of all things homo in Speedwagon by shipping him and Erina romantically and/or sexually when that's not even "necessary" for the polycule to work). Someone once said Erina and Speedwagon invented the "girl and her gay best friend" and they were so correct.
6.- Favorite headcanon? Going with Jojo again since that's like 99% of this blog, one of my fave headcanons ever is that of Speedwagon's body being covered by scars from his many years as a criminal (+ all of the more "honorable" ones he got after he joined Jonathan and helped him fight zombies, the one he got from Jack The Ripper, and whatnot).
Related to that one, I love the headcanon that Jonathan too has scars, most of them from his childhood, from his reckless ways (like that time we see him walking on a tree branch as a kid in the manga) and from playing around with Danny by the river, or from his boxing and rugby training. He also still has the scar from the wound Speedwagon caused him with his buzzsaw hat during their first encounter, since he wasn't a hamon user at the time and was unable to heal himself (the wound was said to be a deep cut, so it definitely must have left a scar). The sight of that one scar always makes Speedwagon apologize profusely bc he still feels bad for permanently marking Jonathan's skin with his own recklessness, however, Jonathan always reassures him that it's okay and that he genuinely likes it because, in Jonathan's words, much like Speedwagon's face scar does to him, it gives him personality too, and also "now we match, too, Robert!"
12.- Craziest thing you've ever done as part of a fandom? Already answered this one. This one is not as "crazy" I think?? But I'm adding it anyway as a bonus: I've always had a "if it doesn't exist, then make it yourself" approach when it comes to fandom stuff and spaces as a result of me always getting into obscure and/or unpopular fandoms/characters/ships, and so I always try to find ways to spread the love for what I like and share it with other fans regardless of how big or small the community is and promote interactions as much as I can and etc. This is also why I've kept this blog as some kind of "central" for all things Speedwagon/Jonathan and Jonawagon, for example. It is also why I try to tag every post I make or reblog, to make navigation easier for any and all fans of them who end up here, as I do still remember just how difficult it was to find anything for them years ago, when all you'd find would be "Speedweeeed best gril! XD! le funny memez" full of out of character bullshit.
20.- All-time favorite fanfic author? Probably HamonHugs when it comes to Jojo. Their portrayal of Jonathan and Speedwagon was always so on point and their stories were always so *chef's kiss* and had a perfect balance between fluff and cute moments and super hot and sexy ones too. There was also a fanfic author in the Yu Yu Hakusho fandom that I liked a lot but I can't remember their alias. They wrote some really good KuronuexKurama stories, though, as far as I can remember, they deleted their stories some years ago.
21.- Favorite fic trope? Already answered this one too!
24.- Funniest fandom-related story? Already answered too! As a small bonus, I wouldn't say it's precisely funny since it's more of a super nice and touching experience I had, but it has happened to me at least once that someone recommended to me one of my own fics, saying it was one of their favorite fics ever and that I should totally read it. This person didn't know I was the author since I rarely ever mention my ao3/wattpad accounts or the fact that I raaaaarely ever write fics, so it was genuine praise. It was kinda odd in the best way possible and it was also super touching in the sense that once more I could see first-hand the positive impact some of my writing has had on someone else, similar to the times people have taken time out of their day to tell me just how much they enjoy my creations, or how happy they make them, whether it's my fics or my art. It's just undescribable but it truly makes my day every single time it happens 🫶
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Yaaaayyyy okay!!!
Honestly I realized this only a little while ago but he very honestly gives me C-3PO energy when there’s any stressful situation going on. Just going around wildly squawking and most of the time not helping in any way, just complaining XD He is also THE biggest snitch you’ve ever seen in your life. If he thinks he can get something out of telling someone something about someone else, then he absolutely will.
A lot of the people at the castle have been there for a long time, so they’re honestly used to his two-faced behavior and are desensitized to it. He gets away with a lot of it until Mads shows up and calls him out for his bs (And!!! That causes issues at first because they all know they’ve let him get away with being sneaky or rude or abusing his power or just being stupidly petty and hurting people that way, so when Mads is like “hey wtf” they have a hard time facing it because they feel guilty for essentially letting him do that). Which is why they hate each other- NGyro tried his hardest to turn NFenton against Mads when he first showed up. Which definitely worked at first? But over time NFenton just found that nagging very annoying. NGyro and Mads openly know they hate each other, but they can’t do much to the other without getting in trouble so it’s just turned into pettily trying to one-up each other for eternity sldlflglhlf Though, speaking to that ‘they let him get away with it’ thing it really comes down to NFenton and Blue did, and everyone else wasn’t in a high enough position to do so. I’m sure Scrooge and Beakley tried, but either NGyro (metaphorically-) beat them into submission or NFenton just went on ignoring everything (and Blue was too scared of doing anything about it). NFenton doesn’t want to get rid of him because he does his job well and they can work well together (+he has a tad of a soft spot for him after they had to rely on each other to survive being in such close proximity to NScrooge), and NGyro’s- reported- offenses are usually small enough to ignore anyway. Essentially, everyone in the castle knows he’s for the most part trash (help my phone autocorrected that to trans I’m cackling) but nobody does anything about it anymore.
Ig in most of the stories I have he’s really just the supporting advisor character, again the C-3PO coming in and being the one with brain cells but being written off as annoying for having them slslfgllhltr Yeah he had a vendetta against Mads but also he was probably right for warning them all away from him because Mads was an assassin from a kingdom they’d been on the brink of war with for years now and he was the only one who was going to the king to say “hey maybe we should wait a little longer before you let him sleep with you????”. Yeah he didn’t want his position threatened by some random new person but yknow said random new person had also destroyed a garden and nearly the throne room by just having emotions and then was immediately promoted to a position directly below the king (though anything he did to Blue after they were recruited and proved themself was inexcusable). So yeah he’s two-faced but between him and NFenton he usually has the most braincells and that’s why he’s advisor XD Essentially he’s the nicest person on the outside but actually is like canon Gyro with -10 of his character growth sldlflgglhlh which I suppose is the point
I doooooont think I have anything concrete on his relationship with Gyro yet, because I still have no idea how I want that to go. I might be leaning toward them being brothers because there might be a space to bring that up in Over My Head, but we’ll see.
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garbria · 7 months
1, 5 (Second Chances, or whatever strikes your fancy), 15, 17, 37 for the writer asks, please? <3 <3 <3
.1 What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
I'm going to go with Again and Again, my time loop fic. It's Cornyx, with mutual pining, and good dose of whump/hurt/comfort with a happy ending, which I feel is all pretty on brand for me. And it's a self contained one shot, not one of my ongoing wips.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
For Second Chances: I'm happy to talk about some behind the scenes stuff for this au! I do hope to write some more of it some day.
Drautos is not Captain, since the Kingsglaive was never created, but he still at the Citadel as a representative of Cavanaugh. Nyx gets a nasty shock when he runs into him after coming back with Cor, which leads to some awkward conversations.
Galahdan rituals tap into the older magic, including the more formal Galahdan weddings, which is why Cor remembers Nyx on some level and is able to recover his memories from the original timeline.
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
I've written so many aus, it's had to choose. I love them all in their own ways. Honestly, right now, it's probably our soulloop au, Coming Back Alive, which is kind of a cop out since we haven't even posted the main part yet. XD
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I really do want to write that Assassin's Creed/FFXV fusion, with Nyx and Cor as assassins. I still have my notes on it in my gdocs.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I'm going to choose Hold On To What You Believe, a Nyx character study I'm particularly proud of. I think it's some of my better writing, and a good study of why Nyx is such an interesting character to me.
Thanks so much for the ask!
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kamenstrikerace · 6 months
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Okay guys now look at this drama. How do i describe it as you may ask? Hypocrisy and Surgarcoating. Why? Because two comments are doing it to promote Zexal propaganda while the other two are correct.
''Zexal in terms of writing was dog shit, but Yoshida in terms of writing girls was shit. If you defend Zexal's writing you sir, are defeding sexim I loath this show either way you look at it. I prefer 5D's in terms writing and quality.''
Correct and well said. We know how it feels to defend a show that is 100% sexist like Zexal. It's hard to imagine that YGO fans can't think straight in the head and all they do is whine and complain. Take from a guy who loves 5D's.
''it is ridiculous. It isn't a War where defenders of Zexal are sexists. Kotori was not character of century but it wasn't a big problem. Rio was good.Kaito was in the best rivals , Yuma had good evolution , Tron 's family was excellent. Barians arc was in the best arcs in licence , révélation on Nash and his final Duel were stratospheric.''
Zexal fans are being 100% dumb again. This dude first off with defending Kotori leading into this bias counter claim with a side of hypocrisy and sugarcoating as the cherry on top over a cartoon show like a fool.How much do you think these dumbasses can't be honest than defend a show all because they can't be HONEST. I will say it again. This dude is either a fake fan to promote his own agenda or only does it because someone else roasted his favorite show. You say 5D's fans can't accept criticism, but Zexal fans are worst - they can't accept proper criticism over a dumb cartoon. 5D's fans grew up and stop caring about Zexal fans who can't accept criticism because let me explaine. What is the most mature thing on the planet. Being honest. That's why 5D's fans stop caring about Zexaltards in the place over the fact Zexal fans became toxic after shit like this. Zexal fans I know them since the early days. They can't handle any negative backlash over a cartoon because they afraid of being mature for a lously moment. So, they use Japan that the show was susscesfull enough to promote their own agenda. Nope. Zexal wasn't well received enough to be called a masterpiece. This dude has been listing to Dylan or those Reddit YGO fanboys again for the 100th time. Get a life moron. Steryotype or not he can't think straight with out getting mad. Bruh you mad? XD
''You do realize half of 5ds was written by Yoshida, right?''
You do relaize that most of what you said is pure hypocrisy. Yoshida was infact the writer of 5d's since it's inception and was the writer of DM and GX. This is the most common problem with YGO fans i can't stand. They just can't addmit that Yoshida is polarizing instead of using someone other series he wrote. Fans actually hate/love the guy so you can't accept that don't bother commeting.
''he must've lost his edge once 5Ds was over''
Exactly. Fans saying that Zexal was what saved YGO is incorrect. Zexal fans can't handle the fact that what made 5D's so special was him. Zexal was nothing more than a bad fanfiction. So, yeah writers do stop being good after a spesific series they worked on and later on get worst if they get overworked like how he was in the 2010s past 5D's onwards. He also wrote for OCG Stories as and got his mojo back. So anything in between 5D's and OCG Stories he wrote wasn't good in the fact because he sucked. Let's be honest. Doma was good, Gx Season 3 was better than Season 4. 5D's beyond Dark Signer had more concept than early 5D's.
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jennyandvastraflint · 11 months
Very glad you rebloged the ask game, I was hoping you would :D I hope you don't mind that I am sending too many questions. Just pick whichever ones you'd like to answer!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Your beauty never ever scared me? Answer it now!
(11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
just kidding, I know the answer to this one but feel free to talk about them anyway <3)
20. If you wrote a prequel to Lizard Queen, what would it involve?
22. Who is your favorite character in The Knight and the Dragon and why?
47. If the pirate/mermaid AU (all together or each part on their own) was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
So I'll be guided towards the next thing to read again ;)
Thank you so much!!
Okay, let's see!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Your beauty never ever scared me? Answer it now!
I think the inspiration for it in the first place! I technically wanted to write a Beauty and the Beast-inspired story, but halfway through planning I abandoned a lot of these aspects in favour of including a bunch of characters as cameos. (I kept the rose, though it had a different use.) It was very intriguing to explore a human curse (something I've now explored a bit, but always from Jenny's POV, as I realise. I'll shed light on Vastra's POV at some point in a different fic I think)
(11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? Okay we all know I'm extremely partial to my wives XDD I *will* make everything about them (yes ik it's annoying <3 But this is my account heheh), and will include them even in other works for a bit at least. It is 100% because I relate a lot to many aspects of them - the fun of Jenny's horrible parents, queerness, and the isolation they both feel to name some of them - and I'm well-aware of it XD Also my brain chose them as my special interest years agooo.)
20. If you wrote a prequel to Lizard Queen, what would it involve?
Oh, I have two answers for this... Either Vastra getting cursed in the first place and navigating life as a tiny lizard (maybe she meets Strax somehow just because.), OR the story of Jenny's mother and what happened to her. (As a sequel, I'd look at Vastra finding the ruins of her realm.)
22. Who is your favorite character in The Knight and the Dragon and why?
I'm obviously in no way biased because a) I wrote it and b) it has the wives, and since choosing either of them feels like cheating, I'm gonna say... Out of the rest of the cast, Ada? I think. I loved bringing her character to life in a different setting, especially since she's a character I very rarely see anywhere (and she had potentialll!!!) Her story can be adapted beautifully, and I feel like she would flourish with a job or hobby like that, working with herbs and healing. I'm definitely going to include her in Turn Loose the Mermaids btw!
47. If the pirate/mermaid AU (all together or each part on their own) was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
You really went with this one, hu... Okay, I'm thinking leather boots, worn, been through quite a lot, but very solid shoes you can always rely on. They're a pretty inconspicuous brown, a bit broken in parts but fixed up. They go almost up to your knee, hugging your legs very comfortably. They're also padded so they keep you warm in even the darkest winter nights. The laces on the sides have been added later to help the boots stay together, and they have beautiful jewels in different shades of green on the side that shimmer in the sun.
I hope you like this description!! XD
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I have a bunch for this, I think XDD (Especially since archive-locking my fics my kudos have declined a lottt)
The first one would be A Lonely Place, which is a sort of Fantasy AU for the Paternoster Gang! I love how I came to explore pollution and environmental destruction in it, and also how Jenny and Vastra - in this at least - reluctantly grew closer. (Please they are such disasters especially in the beginning)
Then my Turn Loose the Mermaids series in which Jenny's family are a bunch of shitty scammer pirates, and Vastra is a mermaid (and later can shift). The first two parts are out rn, and I hope to write more of it soon-ish (uni is killing me I'm so sorry)
There'd also be my winter rose in which one Silurian goes splash in a river when it's very cold :D I love how that literally was my prompt for writing it...
And last but not least, I want Popcorn to get some more views! It's a Strax-centric fic (I knoooow, there's not much interest in that, but give my boy (gn) some love) set shortly after Demons Run, and it takes a look at Strax dealing with silence and peace after... well, a lifetime spent only in war zones? The Doctor gives him a way to cope with that, but it escalates a little. It was I think my first full Strax-POV fic, and he honestly has such a unique and intriguing view (which I wish Big Finish would explore instead of once again reducting Strax to comedic relief like the show already did :/)
Yeah, I think that's about it for now? I can't think of more specifically for this, but I'm leaving you a few more recommendations I think you might like! Rapid Fireee
you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be
The Case of the Egg Thief
Sick fics for Jenny being sick (watch you sleep.), and Vastra being sick (Sleepy little darling, snuggle in tight) respectively!
Meeting Torchwood Paternosters meet vicious, sadistic Torchwood sapphics from Victorian England!
Right, I'll end this here now (it may have taken me almost the entire lecture btw to write this while paying attention as well) and I hope you are satistifed with all these answersss
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
for the fic writer meme: 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 37, 48? (sorry, i'm just curious!)
[questions for fic writers]
That's fine! Thanks!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
...looooots of Enemies to Lovers, and Age Gaps, and [Friends/Colleagues/Enemies/etc] with Benefits, Casual Sex, D/s Undertones (or overtones xD), fun things like that. I think something that especially shows up in a lot of smutty one shots really is the sex without an attached relationship or romantic feelings, or at least not centered around that, because I simply am very aromantic and I like my no-strings-attached smut fics, and I especially like it with Cotta/one of the boys, because they can be soft and sweet with each other without the possibility of a romance looming in the background. (I really need to write some explicitly aromantic Cotta at some point.)
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
[this is a little hard without a fic! because have you seen how many fics I have posted? I'm just an indecisive little me! /lighthearted] But I am pretty proud of getting Bob|Stan's feeling of intoxication across in "because hell is empty", I think that went pretty well!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
Why did I stuff "Necessary Tragedies" full of references and metaphors? Because I thought it was fun and because I wanted to see if I could do something more "literary" and worthy of analyzation!
9. How do you find new fic to read?
just answered!
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
I mean. I'm both a big fan of specific characters/pairings but also writing A Lot of different ones. My favourites are probably Peter/Skinny (for the enemies to lovers, the hate sex, the secrecy because they don't want their friends to know they're sleeping with each other, the violence, the downright unsafe kink shit, the possessiveness, the humilition, etc), Peter/Cotta (for the fun, easy, responsible no-strings-attached sex, for decent communication and the opportunities for cuddling without romantic undertones, for the nice age gap and more responsible kinky fun, the softness and intimacy of knowing each other for quite some time already but also not heading towards anything relationship-y), Cotta/Skinny (for Skinny's idiocy colliding with Cotta's grumpiness, for them riling each other up, for Cotta doing things he really shouldn't and for Skinny to get *some* gentleness in his life, for the way they actually get along as soon as they get over "petty criminal vs cop") and Cotta/Goodween (for the gentleness, the domesticity, the very adult way of interacting, the care between them, sometimes the pining and idiots in love too). Which also answers the question for my fave characters - Skinny and Cotta, by far. Skinny because he's a shithead and just so much fun, Cotta because a) I relate to him a lot, probably the character I'm most alike to, and b) he's very, very simply My Type. xD
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? / 13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
both already answered, and can't really think of any more rn
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
hmm... "this morning" (ff.de/ao3) probably is one of them. It's not shippy and pretty introspective, so of course it didn't get much attention, but I like it for very personal reasons. It's just Cotta contemplating his job, because I sometimes need to grapple with him being a cop and his relationship to/with the police (system), with all the problems it has, especially the racism, but also the corruption and "us against them (everyone else)" mentality; generally the toxicity of the police as an institution. And I really like the beginning especially, starting it off with this constricting, slightly too-tight undershirt.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
(Thank the gods for the ao3 history!) It was "Bobby" by @pointwhitmark (apparently I've already visited it 15 fucking times! who knew!) and uh. yeah. as you can probably guess from the amount of times I've read it, I *absolutely* recommend it, for the sheer mindfuck and the absolutely *delightful* (and, frankly, way too sexy) dark!Cotta, but also. Mind the tags and warnings. Mind. The. Tags. And. Warnings. (Also, it's ao3 locked, so if you don't have an account you won't be able to see it. Which *gets on soap box* is one of the reasons you (general you) should all get an ao3 account, even if you're "just" reading! You're missing out on so much fic! And it's getting more every day since AI scraping ao3 and people subsequently locking their fic!)
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
433 of 2022
Personal Questions Survey
[made @ xanga.com/surveys_for_nimrods]
1. Last time you had sex?:
Three days ago or so.
2. How do you keep your hair "down there"?:
Depends on my mood. Sometimes I have better things to do.
3. Ever have sex outside of a relationship?:
No, and I don’t intend to.
4. Most embarrassing period story you have to tell?:
I’m not a woman, so no period stories here. Never had, never will.
5. Favorite sexual act (ex. blowjobs, fingering, etc.)?:
No sexual acts at all.
6. Ever taken naked pictures of yourself?:
Nah. It’s enough that my husband has to watch me sometimes XD
7. Do you like/love anyone right now?:
Yeah, my husband. And some other guys, but it’s rather platonic in nature.
8. Spit or swallow?:
I don’t do that.
9. If someone paid you to have sex with them, would you do it? What if it was for a million dollars?:
No and no. I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror.
10. Ever did something sexual while under the influence?:
Yeah, we both were drunk, but we were in a relationship, so nothing extreme here.
13. If a taken person pursued you and you were interested, would you do anything with them?:
No. I’d rather lose any interest because it feels wrong if a taken person pursues someone else. I’d rather tell them to go fix their existing relationship.
14. Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?:
I haven’t cheated on anyone, but I’ve been cheated on. Talked about it already.
15. What's your cup size?:
I don’t think guys actually measure that. We tend to measure something else... not that I do lol. Such things don’t matter to me, it feels too much that it even is there at all.
16. Do you have any self-esteem issues?:
Quite so. I should believe in myself more.
17. Last time you cried, and why?:
30 years ago because I was two years old and it’s normal for that age.
18. Are you on any medications? What kind?:
Yeah, Keppra for epilepsy. Works well most of the time.
19. What method of birth control do you use?:
Homosexual intercourses lol. Never had sex with a woman, never will.
20. Ever tried drugs or alcohol?:
Yes for alcohol, no for drugs.
21. Ever drove drunk?:
No, and I despise people who do it.
22. Ever did anything sexual at work?
No, work is for working, not for wasting time.
23. Ever met someone from the internet? How did it go?:
No, I didn’t.
24. Ever have an online significant other?:
Nope. You can’t be 100% sure who is on the other side.
25. Is there a secret you're hiding from everyone?:
I don’t think so. I just don’t talk about some things openly, but if anyone asked, I’d probably tell them.
26. Ever been to a therapist?:
Not for mental things, but for physiotherapy.
27. Worst break-up you ever had?:
Jay broke up with me a day after Valentine’s Day, when I’d least expect it. He threatened to kill himself, by the way.
28. Is there any friends you have that you secretly despise?:
No, if I despised anyone, I’d never call them a friend. Simple as that.
29. Ever gave someone a lapdance?:
Wat? Nah.
30. Ever liked two people at one time?:
Better, five. But it was all platonic, so.
31. Is there someone you're lying to at the moment?:
No, I don’t see the point.
32. Would you sleep with your boss to get a raise or a promotion?:
No, and I have no respect for this kind of people. Sorry, but no one wants a dumb supervisor who had no chance to be promoted through their own hard work and knowledge. ‘d better be ‘just a worked’, but valued and appreciated for how well I know my job. I don’t judge people’s choices, but I would never want a supervisor who doesn’t even know the job I do, at least at the same level as me.
33. Do you plan on going to college?:
I have a degree already, in electrical engineering. I’ve been doing yet another degree in uni besides working, but it’s on hiatus due to my health.
34. How many kids do you want in the future?:
35. What age do you want to get married at, if at all?:
I’m married already.
36. Will you take your partner's last name, have them take yours, or just both keep your last names? Maybe combine them?:
No I didn’t take his last name, neither he did mine, and I’ve explained it in another survey that here in my country people don’t change their last names while getting married. Not even women who marry men.
37. Would you use an online dating site to find a partner?:
No. I’ve never actively looked for a partner. I just take whatever life brings.
38. Ever been engaged?:
39. Ever been called a bad kisser?:
No, but I don’t really like kissing and that’s the thing my husband tends to complain about.
40. What color eyes did the last person you kissed have?:
41. Would you ever pierce your genitals or nipples?:
No and no. I don’t get the appeal. I like piercings, but not in such places.
42. Is waiting for marriage to have sex a good idea to you?:
To each their own. I don’t judge either way.
43. Do you masturbate?:
Who doesn’t, honestly. And if I really have to, I much prefer this than having sex with another person.
44. Ever masturbated with something really weird (ex. a Sharpie or a hairbrush or whatever)?:
Lol no. I’d have to take it the other way around if I wanted to ‘insert something’. Just my hand.
45. Ever dropped someone's toothbrush in the toilet and didn't tell them?:
No? How is it possible to accidentally drop a toothbrush into the toilet anyway?
46. Ever heard/walked in on your parents having sex?:
No, thankfully. I don’t think they ever do it anyway.
47. If you had a hot cousin, would you have sexual relations with them?:
No? I can’t believe some people are such animals.
48. Ever fall for someone who was only supposed to be your friend with benefits?:
I’ve never had “friends with benefits”. I don’t have sex with people I’m not in a relationship with.
49. Ever had a friend with benefits?:
No. And I’m not going to.
50. Opinion on casual sex?:
Not for me, thanks.
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fff777 · 9 months
part 1 reaction to the nct video for sm town in jakarta
Seeing some Jaewin in the thumbnail makes me hopeful lol
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Haechan singing the track for Yoghurt Shake :P
More teddy bear music
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Dream conference.
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I think it must be quite hot if Renjun is wearing a tank top and Jisung is wearing a t-shirt and Jaemin is sweating like that (see the big screen)
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Chenle ignoring Jisung's playing in Candy ^^;;
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Jisung playing with Chenle's sunglasses in Candy
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Oooh someone's in tRoUbLe. The guys continued to tease him as they were walking off :P
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Ah, it was because he has to stay for Zoo rehearsal.
Jeno sweating from his hands ^^;; I know that feel, it sometimes happens when I'm running while it's hot outside.
Taeyong doing a 100 push ups challenge ToT
Normal Johnny behaviour
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Taeyong, Mark, Doyoung, and Jaehyun asked to stay behind for Baggy Jeans. Actually now that I think about it, it's a pretty good idea to arrange the NCT U performances to be between the subunit performances so you have less people moving on and off between performances. I don't know if this is just the rehearsal schedule or if the actual performance schedule will be like this though.
Ten getting shy and wanting to change his outfit because he was ready for a beach party XD
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Baggy Jeans hurts Taeyong's right let :S
That tumblr post that goes "waving is so cute. literally hi." In this case, it's literally bye. But in a cute way.
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It just occurred to me that WayV not only has a different fandom name and a different lightstick from 127 and Dream, but they also have different hand gestures for their greeting. No wonder there was so much question as to whether WayV was part of NT.
Just a casual sit down interview
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Jungwoo joking about making a Youtube channel called Johnny and Jungwoo and Johnny being like wait why am I involved.
Jungwoo jamming to Love Talk
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2 Baddies ending with fireworks was pretty hype
Chenle promoting Tos Tos lol
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You know how I said that having the NCT U performances between the subunit performances was good? I think that's only for rehearsal. Because for the actual performances, the idols would have to change outfits anyway.
Jeno's outfit bro
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Jaemren hearts
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Chenji at last :P
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Jisung stealing hearts of locals as always
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Haechan: CZENNIE, AIGOO!!!! Czennies: AIGOO!!!!! I love that Dream has turned doing cute cringe stuff into a social activity lmfao
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Haechan: Dreamie, Aigoo~ Dream: Aigoo~
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LMFAO first Chenle and now Jaemin being like "did y'alls see our capitalism?" and then doing a banking themed greeting live X'D
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Yogurt shake, cutest performance ever :3
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Oh wow, WayV performed four (five?) songs.
Oh cool, WayV have an Indonesian song :3
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Introducing his favourite of the snacks to us :3
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Hendery introducing a drink he liked a lot :3
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That actually reminds me, a long time ago my Indonesian friend gave me a drink that I liked but couldn't find again. I looked it up and I think it's Tehbotol? Anyway I should find it again :3
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