wolveswarriors · 10 months
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WILD HEARTS™ is a unique monster-hunting game that revamps the genre, in which ancient technology allows you to battle fearsome creatures that have fused with the fiercest aspects of nature. Take on these creatures solo, or hunt together in co-op
Follow us here and visit Start a free trial!
No one remembers why the kimono started running wild in what was once a prosperous Azuma. Driven by desperation, they wielded the power of primal nature to its utmost destruction. Until now, no one could stand up to the overwhelming power of the kimono. But hope is reborn in the form of an extraordinary person, armed with deadly weapons and the ancestral technology of the Karakuri. This could well change the course of things.
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static-cat · 5 months
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kitty cats
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punkitt-is-here · 4 months
Interactive sensory experience? That sounds super cool!!! What is it for?
hehe, it's my college's show this quarter! It's a devised piece intended for neurodivergent audiences, particularly the kind who might not be able to have a great time in more traditional theater spaces. participants are allowed to stim and make noises and touch/feel almost everything in the show as they're guided along like a disney ride. it's very fun to do, and we had our first test audience working with some teenagers who had a blast interacting with everything :D
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bustagiggle · 17 hours
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haverdoodles · 8 months
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— (Laurel & Halsin)
"I knew you would find me," Halsin said softly. "You always do, Laurel. My Wildheart."
Laurel is an elf druid from the Ring of Swords, a circle located in the Neverwinter Wood - the same forest that Kila comes from! :)
He is an eccentric, solitary man who spends most of his time in wolf wildshape. He is fully blind, and has extremely sensitive smell, hearing, and peripheral senses as a result. He is covered in scars from hundreds of years of skirmishes and wars, but has never tried to remove them with magic or medicine. To him, they are his story.
Laurel and Halsin have known each other for about two hundred years, and always reunite in some way or another. Halsin is one of the few people in the entire world that Laurel truly and profoundly trusts, and as a result he is extremely loyal to him.
In the case of BG3's storyline, Laurel senses that Halsin might be in danger and thus undertakes an impressive journey across Faerûn on foot - or well, paws - to get to him. Laurel will be in a poly romance with both Zevlor and Halsin - the tired old man husbands, as I affectionately call them.
If I decide to write him as a companion character, he would be sniffing around in wolfshape by the corpses of the dead adventurers that you come across on your way to the goblin camp, trying to follow Halsin's scent. If Halsin is rescued, he too will join your camp. If Halsin is killed, Laurel will go mad, turn on you, and avenge him.
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sabrerine911 · 9 months
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"Barbarian communication and Avocados" colored (BG3) This one was a pain to finish XD Started off as a goofy unga bunga joke for barbarians and extended it a bit, to add some interactions. Featuring Wholesome barbarians Beth Ravencoft(one of my vampire hunter oc's) and Karlach Exasperated Wyll and petty Astarion(tbf he has to deal with working with a veteran vampire hunter, its a hate-hate petty relationship altogether XD)
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hazellblogs · 9 months
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"What hoes these mortals be..."
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powdermelonkeg · 1 month
Do Shadowheart and Halsin not have a ship name???
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Seeing his lady attract so much attention got Gale going in more ways than one. NSFW. Based on this post.
On the outside, Gale Dekarios was charming. Smiling. Happy. Polite. On the inside, however, he was seething. He and Ramona had decided to head downstairs to get some light refreshment when he noticed several people leering at her and now one man was speaking with her at the bar.
He’s close.
Dangerously close.
Don’t you dare touch her.
She likes it when I touch her. Only me.
I am her lover. I am her future husband…hopefully. I am her god…well, in bed. Don’t worry, Selune---you’re very much her favorite deity!
Gale stared at young tiefling flirting with her. He was tall, muscular, and had incredibly menacing horns. He’s got a handsome face as well---square jaw, a perfectly proportional nose, and striking eyes. And what a head of hair!
Everything I’m not.
No. No. She wants me. She chose me. Even when Astarion was throwing himself at her left and right, she still chose me.
He decided he had had enough and made his way to Ramona.
My beautiful girl. Perfect in every way. So damn oblivious. A trap could bite her and then detonate, and she’d still be looking for it. Gale casually walked up to her and the young man, hearing the last part of their conversation.
“—the bluebonnets are nice this time of year. Maybe we could go and see them if you want?” he asked, smiling warmly.
Ramona, however, was nodding politely, and her expression completely neutral. She lit up when she saw Gale approach, turning her head to greet him with a kiss. A chaste one. I’m not some lout wanting to show everyone who leered at her to whom she belongs. No, I will show her that in private. “Oh, sorry---my partner’s arrived. Hope you have a good rest of your evening, saer.”
The look on the young man’s face was pure disappointment. He bowed. “You as well, my lady.”
When he was out of earshot, Ramona sighed and placed her hand over her heart. “Oh thank fuck you arrived, love. I was desperately trying to think of ways for me to stop talking to him while still waiting here for our food.” She beamed at him, and Gale felt her tail wrap around his hips. Good gods, the things she does to me.
“Dearest, I very well could not have left you here to suffer inane conversation. What kind of gentleman would I be if I did?” He draped his arm around her broad shoulders, his fingers daring to go just the slightest, no one will see bit under her top to play with a bra strap.
Her cheeks flushed a deep red. “Well, you could’ve…I don’t know…let me suffer?” She glanced up at him and giggled as his index finger traced a circle with the strap in the middle. “No, you’re far too good of a man for that. A very naughty, good man.”
That’s it. I need to get her upstairs. Now. He turned to the bartender and flashed a grin. “My dear man, could the food we ordered be brought to the second room in the suites upstairs?” Gale smiled to himself as he caught her raising an eyebrow, placing several good pieces on the counter. Not to worry---the countess can always send more gold.
“Aye, sure. No problem.”
With a nod, he took her hand and led her towards the stairs. As they walked up, she laughed breathlessly. “Gale love, what on earth has gotten into you?”
“I’ll explain in one moment, my beauty.” They entered the suite common room and then made a beeline for their room, closing and locking the door behind him. Gale could feel the sweat dripping from his brow as he touched his earring, the glamour disappearing.
His lips crashed against hers in an instant, and his arms wrapped around her soft, thick waist. When he broke the kiss, he began to paw at her top. “Do you know how many people were staring at you? Watching you? Leering at you?” he growled. “All of them looking at your every curve, your pretty eyes, your heaving cleavage…and that young so-and-so, thinking he could charm you? Ha!” Once she was down to her smalls, he practically ripped his robes off. “What fools these mortals be---thinking they could compete with me for your affections?” You chose me. You want me. Out of all the people in the world, all of our companions…you chose me. And most days I still cannot believe it. “You’ve shown me time and time again one fundamental truth, my love. Do you know what it is?” He reached behind her and unclasped her bra with ease, freeing her large and extremely soft breasts from their confines.
Her bright blue eyes never left him as she watched him help her with her clothes and then remove his. “N-no?” she whispered; her eyes wide.
Gale cupped a breast and leaned against one of her short black horns. “That I am yours, and you, in turn, are all mine.” This pair of underwear is already tight enough and falling apart, so I suppose… His other hand reached for an existing tear in his underwear and tore them off, finally liberating my cock. Gods take me, she does things to me. “My love, my sweetest lady, my dearest one, I need you. I need you right now.” Backing her up towards the foot of the bed, he kissed her again. The kiss was sloppy and passionate, not his usual controlled, chivalrous ones he shared with her in public.
As she hit the bed, she fell backwards and let out an amused cry. “Gods Gale, were there really that many people looking at me?!” She panted in disbelief and removed her panties, tossing them on the floor. I’ll put them in the dirty clothes pile later. Everything should be organized, my dear! She moved up the length of the bed, her tail swishing all the while. “I didn’t think anyone was—”
“By Elminster’s beard, of course there were!” He sighed as he crawled to her. Stopping to line himself with her glistening cunt (fucking hells, she is so wet), Gale put his weight on his hairy forearms, nearly pressing onto her. “My love, you are alluring to anyone with eyes! And I suppose, everyone without eyes when they hear you speak! So many eyes on you—ah!” He exhaled sharply as he entered her, and she moaned wantonly. Sing for me, my angel. I want to hear it all…hear how you’re mine… “But all I could think was how you. Are. Mine.” Punctuating each word with a thrust, his rhythm became faster every second. Mine. Yours. All mine. All yours. Forever. Always.
The claws on one of her hands threaded through his silky hair as the other lightly dragged along his back. “Gale…please…”
“Too much?” He panted and hung his head to glance at her face. “If it is, I—”
She shook her head, her expression as light and bright as could be. “More, love. More…please…”
Whatever the lady desires, so it shall be done! Thrusting harder, he tugged at her plump lower lip and moaned. “You are…so beautiful…one day…you’ll see…will do anything…to have you see…what I see…”
“And you?” she asked as she reached where they were joined. Good girl. Such a good girl. “Will you see yourself as I see you, my handsome wizard?” Ramona moaned again, her cheeks now bright red. “Gale…so close, love…”
He quickly pressed a kiss to her lips. “So am I, my sweet…ah, tell me, darling…tell me I’m yours…”
“You’re mine!” she cried, her climax hitting her hard. “You’re all mine…my Gale…”
Burying his face in the crook of her neck, he nearly screamed as he released several torrents of seed into her. He rolled off her, panting heavily. “Thank you for indulging me, sweetness. You truly are the most wonderful woman in all the realms.”
Minding her horns (she’s always so careful not to nick me with her horns and claws), she curled into his soft side, head resting on his plush hairy chest and her tail swishing happily. “And you are the most wonderful man.”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Ramona quickly rose from bed and grabbed her black silk robe. As soon as we “moved into” the Elfsong Tavern, she grabbed that very sexy robe and returned saying she “needed” it. Well, it turns out I need it too because godsdamn, she looks incredible wearing it. “Hi, thank you so much! Here you go.” She took the tray of food and handed the waiter a handful of gold before she closed the door. She didn’t tie it well enough because there it goes! Dinner and a show---who’s better than me? His mouth salivated at the sight of her jiggling belly and swaying hips more so than the charcuterie plate he ordered.
A long night ahead, I think. Perhaps I should give into my less than gentlemanly tendencies more often…
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toads-treasures · 15 days
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'I saw one, father - I saw a mermaid, a real mermaid!' Then his eyes grew misty and he added, 'She was beautiful.’
I had to draw something with Wyll for Mermay, and between this entry from Ulder’s journal and the fact that he can recite mermaid erotica from memory, a mermaid AU was inevitable. It’s a day late but this drawing nearly killed me so :’)
Forever grateful to this tutorial for helping give Wyll his well deserved “Darcy existing the pond” moment.
Also drawing Leda as a mermaid using every pastel color I could and every sparkly brush procreate had to offer made me unbelievably happy.
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dice-n-antlers · 6 months
Broke: aggressively min-maxing for combat purposes
Woke: making leveling decisions based on role play/story beats
Bespoke: respeccing everyone into three levels of wildheart barbarian so they can have cool piercings
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static-cat · 5 months
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gay cats ☝️
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gebo4482 · 5 months
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WILDHEART by Marceau Nakayama
Teaser / Website
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sabrerine911 · 10 months
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The BG3 Barbarian experience(AKA throwing everything) featuring beeg ladies Beth and Karlach (still salty about the fact that you can only get the sleeveless sorc robe by making a sorc in character creation, gonna make sure to start Beth as one when I do a replay run with her and respec her in barbarian as soon as possible)
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hazellblogs · 9 months
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*twirls hair, kicks feet*
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and we get a pin-up in the form of a weird law enforcement poster...
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