#plus size tiefling
Seeing his lady attract so much attention got Gale going in more ways than one. NSFW. Based on this post.
On the outside, Gale Dekarios was charming. Smiling. Happy. Polite. On the inside, however, he was seething. He and Ramona had decided to head downstairs to get some light refreshment when he noticed several people leering at her and now one man was speaking with her at the bar.
He’s close.
Dangerously close.
Don’t you dare touch her.
She likes it when I touch her. Only me.
I am her lover. I am her future husband…hopefully. I am her god…well, in bed. Don’t worry, Selune---you’re very much her favorite deity!
Gale stared at young tiefling flirting with her. He was tall, muscular, and had incredibly menacing horns. He’s got a handsome face as well---square jaw, a perfectly proportional nose, and striking eyes. And what a head of hair!
Everything I’m not.
No. No. She wants me. She chose me. Even when Astarion was throwing himself at her left and right, she still chose me.
He decided he had had enough and made his way to Ramona.
My beautiful girl. Perfect in every way. So damn oblivious. A trap could bite her and then detonate, and she’d still be looking for it. Gale casually walked up to her and the young man, hearing the last part of their conversation.
“—the bluebonnets are nice this time of year. Maybe we could go and see them if you want?” he asked, smiling warmly.
Ramona, however, was nodding politely, and her expression completely neutral. She lit up when she saw Gale approach, turning her head to greet him with a kiss. A chaste one. I’m not some lout wanting to show everyone who leered at her to whom she belongs. No, I will show her that in private. “Oh, sorry---my partner’s arrived. Hope you have a good rest of your evening, saer.”
The look on the young man’s face was pure disappointment. He bowed. “You as well, my lady.”
When he was out of earshot, Ramona sighed and placed her hand over her heart. “Oh thank fuck you arrived, love. I was desperately trying to think of ways for me to stop talking to him while still waiting here for our food.” She beamed at him, and Gale felt her tail wrap around his hips. Good gods, the things she does to me.
“Dearest, I very well could not have left you here to suffer inane conversation. What kind of gentleman would I be if I did?” He draped his arm around her broad shoulders, his fingers daring to go just the slightest, no one will see bit under her top to play with a bra strap.
Her cheeks flushed a deep red. “Well, you could’ve…I don’t know…let me suffer?” She glanced up at him and giggled as his index finger traced a circle with the strap in the middle. “No, you’re far too good of a man for that. A very naughty, good man.”
That’s it. I need to get her upstairs. Now. He turned to the bartender and flashed a grin. “My dear man, could the food we ordered be brought to the second room in the suites upstairs?” Gale smiled to himself as he caught her raising an eyebrow, placing several good pieces on the counter. Not to worry---the countess can always send more gold.
“Aye, sure. No problem.”
With a nod, he took her hand and led her towards the stairs. As they walked up, she laughed breathlessly. “Gale love, what on earth has gotten into you?”
“I’ll explain in one moment, my beauty.” They entered the suite common room and then made a beeline for their room, closing and locking the door behind him. Gale could feel the sweat dripping from his brow as he touched his earring, the glamour disappearing.
His lips crashed against hers in an instant, and his arms wrapped around her soft, thick waist. When he broke the kiss, he began to paw at her top. “Do you know how many people were staring at you? Watching you? Leering at you?” he growled. “All of them looking at your every curve, your pretty eyes, your heaving cleavage…and that young so-and-so, thinking he could charm you? Ha!” Once she was down to her smalls, he practically ripped his robes off. “What fools these mortals be---thinking they could compete with me for your affections?” You chose me. You want me. Out of all the people in the world, all of our companions…you chose me. And most days I still cannot believe it. “You’ve shown me time and time again one fundamental truth, my love. Do you know what it is?” He reached behind her and unclasped her bra with ease, freeing her large and extremely soft breasts from their confines.
Her bright blue eyes never left him as she watched him help her with her clothes and then remove his. “N-no?” she whispered; her eyes wide.
Gale cupped a breast and leaned against one of her short black horns. “That I am yours, and you, in turn, are all mine.” This pair of underwear is already tight enough and falling apart, so I suppose… His other hand reached for an existing tear in his underwear and tore them off, finally liberating my cock. Gods take me, she does things to me. “My love, my sweetest lady, my dearest one, I need you. I need you right now.” Backing her up towards the foot of the bed, he kissed her again. The kiss was sloppy and passionate, not his usual controlled, chivalrous ones he shared with her in public.
As she hit the bed, she fell backwards and let out an amused cry. “Gods Gale, were there really that many people looking at me?!” She panted in disbelief and removed her panties, tossing them on the floor. I’ll put them in the dirty clothes pile later. Everything should be organized, my dear! She moved up the length of the bed, her tail swishing all the while. “I didn’t think anyone was—”
“By Elminster’s beard, of course there were!” He sighed as he crawled to her. Stopping to line himself with her glistening cunt (fucking hells, she is so wet), Gale put his weight on his hairy forearms, nearly pressing onto her. “My love, you are alluring to anyone with eyes! And I suppose, everyone without eyes when they hear you speak! So many eyes on you—ah!” He exhaled sharply as he entered her, and she moaned wantonly. Sing for me, my angel. I want to hear it all…hear how you’re mine… “But all I could think was how you. Are. Mine.” Punctuating each word with a thrust, his rhythm became faster every second. Mine. Yours. All mine. All yours. Forever. Always.
The claws on one of her hands threaded through his silky hair as the other lightly dragged along his back. “Gale…please…”
“Too much?” He panted and hung his head to glance at her face. “If it is, I—”
She shook her head, her expression as light and bright as could be. “More, love. More…please…”
Whatever the lady desires, so it shall be done! Thrusting harder, he tugged at her plump lower lip and moaned. “You are…so beautiful…one day…you’ll see…will do anything…to have you see…what I see…”
“And you?” she asked as she reached where they were joined. Good girl. Such a good girl. “Will you see yourself as I see you, my handsome wizard?” Ramona moaned again, her cheeks now bright red. “Gale…so close, love…”
He quickly pressed a kiss to her lips. “So am I, my sweet…ah, tell me, darling…tell me I’m yours…”
“You’re mine!” she cried, her climax hitting her hard. “You’re all mine…my Gale…”
Burying his face in the crook of her neck, he nearly screamed as he released several torrents of seed into her. He rolled off her, panting heavily. “Thank you for indulging me, sweetness. You truly are the most wonderful woman in all the realms.”
Minding her horns (she’s always so careful not to nick me with her horns and claws), she curled into his soft side, head resting on his plush hairy chest and her tail swishing happily. “And you are the most wonderful man.”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Ramona quickly rose from bed and grabbed her black silk robe. As soon as we “moved into” the Elfsong Tavern, she grabbed that very sexy robe and returned saying she “needed” it. Well, it turns out I need it too because godsdamn, she looks incredible wearing it. “Hi, thank you so much! Here you go.” She took the tray of food and handed the waiter a handful of gold before she closed the door. She didn’t tie it well enough because there it goes! Dinner and a show---who’s better than me? His mouth salivated at the sight of her jiggling belly and swaying hips more so than the charcuterie plate he ordered.
A long night ahead, I think. Perhaps I should give into my less than gentlemanly tendencies more often…
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mountain-fawn · 2 years
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Punk Tiefling comm ✨
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cerudinaeart · 2 months
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i really wanted to get one of the astarion bloodless body suits i saw going around on twitter, but they don't come in plus sizes sadly.
so, i drew sohla wearing it instead. ;)
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inkymoonbunny · 2 months
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Hi! I write mostly Astarion x OC at the moment, you can find links to all of my work here (* fics contain smut):
*Branded Blood: A year after the fall of the Elderbrain, the vampire tiefling Astarion and his companions learn of a rumored artifact allowing vampires to walk in the sun. Breaking into the vault to steal this invaluable artifact, Astarion finds a woman terrified of devils and their ilk (including, mistakenly, tieflings). Her body has been branded in an infernal curse to make her compliant to the wishes of her future vampiric master. Astarion must convince her to trust him to escape, and perhaps to allow him to fed upon her blood. ONGOING, updates every other week.
*Dreaming Doll: There are many masters in Faerun, gods and devils that pull the strings of fate. The Dark Urge is but a luscious puppet crafted by a death god to lure and sacrifice souls, yet she has forgotten her lord and named herself Rosary. Obedience has been a part of her being as much as any of the urges and as soon as her vampire companion realizes her strings have no puppeteer, he seizes them for himself. It's the power Astarion wants, and finally he has found someone willing to give it. They could conquer the world if only he would stop growing a heart and she stopped growing a soul. ONGIOING, updates every other week.
The Body Remembers: While pillaging the Sorcerous Sundries vault with Astarion, Tav sets off an enchantment that causes her to lose her memories. It's at this unfortunate time that Cazador strikes and kidnaps them both. COMPLETE. Mind the tags, dead dove.
Need some more Astarion romance? Check out my fic rec list with some amazing authors!
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migglingginotaur · 11 months
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treating myself to a tiefling to unwind
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
For the prompt. How about a tiefling/human couple getting fat together. Human comes out if a rough health spot (mental or other) gaining weight because the tiefling is takin good care of them. And the tiefling gains weight because of the potent emotional energy of the human? Just a healthy, cute couple getting fat together 🥺
(bonus points if the human has a very hard time showing emotions but the tiefling can read them like a book???)
Light nsfw/suggestive, nothing super explicit.
A knock on the bedroom door made you jump. They didn't normally knock before entering the space you'd shared for months, and you twitched around. You quashed the initial urge to cover yourself, and just stood there for a long second. You were what you were, and you knew you were loved. That was enough. "Come in?" you croaked.
"Alright, gorgeous?" they purred. Gold chains adorned their black horns, crystal beads clacked and glinted in their dark hair, and necklaces and bracelets dripped gold and silver across their plum-blush skin. They glowed with happiness at the sight of you, and you fought off a smile when they stalked around the side of the massive bed on jet-black hooves to join you.
"Mmm," you nodded, and to your surprise, you meant it. The last few months had been the roughest of your life, but you'd not faced it alone, and now that the clouds were beginning to clear, you felt an odd kind of peace with yourself. You were different, that was for sure, but you felt cherished in a way you never had before.
They looped their arms around your soft middle, their fingers caressing the heavyness of your belly and your hips while their sharp teeth raked prickling furrows against your neck. They hummed softly, closing their eyes and letting their tail tease up the inside of your legs in a way you truly loved. "Gods, you're stunning," they gasped, biting a little harder and sucking a bruise onto your skin.
They'd changed too. They'd warned you they might - that it was their nature to feed on the energy of their partner - but what they took from you as they nurtured you back to a healthier place, they repayed in confidence and adoration ten times over.
"You smell like apples and cinnamon," you said as the aura of baking wafted around you while they continued to caress the newer curves of your body.
"Mn, I baked an apple loaf for you," they said. One of their curling horns knocked against your skull and you laughed, leaning away so it didn't happen again. "Sorry," they mumbled. "I can't get enough of you when you're happy."
"You make me happy," you replied instantly.
"I know," they laughed. "It's amazing. You're amazing. I love you."
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Octavia (tiefling!Agi) has a rough day and seeks comfort from everyone's favorite pale elf. SFW mostly.
Since becoming infected with the fucking tadpole, Octavia Harrow had many long days.
This day was no different, but it somehow was longer and more painful than most. She, Shadowheart, Astarion, and Karlach encountered Malus Thorme and his hospital of horrors with Shadowheart taking the lead speaking to him. Him. That monster. That fucking monster. Then after Thorme and the sisters were dead, they found Arabella’s poor parents.
It brought back too many terrible memories for Octavia. All she could think about was the illness and death of her mother. Octavia and her mother’s former employer Countess Luci Wildheart contacted numerous healers. These healers tried many treatments with zero success. She and the countess, along with Octavia’s oldest friend Nadia, sat with Sylvia Harrow as she drew her final breath.
And now I need to tell a child that her parents are dead.
She told Arabella, who predictably was inconsolable. Octavia had tried to give the child a hug but was pushed away. Her heart broke. Again.
Octavia returned to her tent, closed the flaps, and as quietly as she could, began to weep. I’m sorry I couldn’t save that poor man being experimented on. I’m sorry I couldn’t save Arabella’s parents. I’m sorry I can’t comfort Arabella the way she needs. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop that piece of shit hurting Astarion. Her mind drifted to the small tidbits she learned from her conservations with him. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
Oh gods, Mum…I need you. I miss you.
She sniffled and wiped her aquamarine eyes. Astarion. “One moment!” She called out, trying desperately to not look like she had been crying. He needs me to be strong. I need to protect him. I need to help him. He deserves so much more than I could ever— “Okay, I’m decent.” She said, hoping her eyes were not too red and puffy.
The flaps opened, and Astarion sauntered in. Whatever witty thing was he was going to say died on his lips once he saw her. “Rough day, darling?”
Is it that obvious?!?!? Octavia nodded. She sat in a chair with her hands folded in her lap, her tail swaying behind her. Astarion grabbed the other chair and dragged it next to hers. The two sat in silence for a few moments before Astarion did something Octavia did not expect.
He took both her hands in his and squeezed him. “Whatever you need, my sweet.” He offered her a small smile. Not a fake one that he flashes so easily. This is real. He’s real.
Shutting her eyes, she felt hot tears on her face again. “Just a really bad day, love. I’ll be okay.” He needs me to be strong. I need to protect him. I need to…I need to… A broken sob escaped her, her hands now trying to cover her face. “Gods, I’m so sorry! You should go have fun with the others.”
Astarion rolled his eyes. “If I wanted to go drink piss and hear about Gale breaking up a barfight one more time, I will, quite literally, kill myself. Besides,” he pulled her into a hug, which he was doing more frequently since their talk after dealing with that weird bloody Drow. “I’d rather be here with you, sweetness.”
She stopped sobbing and wiped her eyes. Again. Fucking hells, I’m a mess. “C-could you…rub my horns?”
He blinked. “Pardon me?”
Fuck. Octavia shook her head. “Nevermind. It’s stupid—”
“It’s not stupid if that’s what you want, my love.” He said more gently than she expected.
Finally meeting his gaze, she smiled ruefully. “Mum used to do that when I had bad dreams or was sad. She said it was something loved ones do for comfort.”
He looks genuinely shocked. Oh love, you are such a comfort to me. He nodded wordlessly.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I’d never—”
“I know.” He said quietly, that small smile that was reserved only for her present on his lips. “But I want to. How do I…?” He gestured a little towards her horns.
Wrinkling her nose and giggling, Octavia’s head tilted towards her bedroll. “Might be easier if we lie down.”
Astarion shook his head. “No no, that won’t do. Your head in my lap, darling.” He got up and sat on her bedroll, his legs out in front of him. Patting his thighs, he smirked. “Come on now, my sweet treat.”
Octavia could not help but roll her eyes at the pet name. “Sweet treat?” She teased, making sure her horns did not hit Astarion as she laid down.
“Because you’re sweet and my favorite treat. See, makes perfect sense!” He stared down at her with a smirk, his hands meeting her horns. Slowly, he began rubbing her black horns. Just like Mum used to. It always felt so good. Could melt into a puddle… “How am I doing?” He asked gently, a small smile on his lips.
She smiled at him. “Amazing, love. You could use your nails too a bit if you want.”
“Oh really? A little nail it is, darling.”
As his nails scratched her horns, Octavia bit back a moan. Oh. My. Gods. This is not like how Mum used to do this. “Erm, maybe no nails.” She muttered, hoping Astarion did not notice me stopping a moan that I’m sure I’m made when we fucked in the woods.
He laughed heartily and resumed rubbing. “What’s the matter, my dear? Got a little too excited? Why, I’m shocked you didn’t come right then and there!”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. She tried to sit up, hoping the ground would swallow her whole, but Astarion put on a hand on her shoulder. “Please, I—”
The pressure on her shoulder was firm, and he flashed his fangs. “I’m only teasing. Relax, my sweet. Relax.” He resumed rubbing her horns and hummed softly.
“I just…I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, love. I know we’re still not doing any of that, and I…I…” I don’t want me being unexpectedly horny ruin our relationship. He needs to heal. He deserves better. He deserves—
“Let me make something very clear to you, Octavia,” he stopped what was doing and stared down at her, his red eyes full of emotion. “You have never, ever made me uncomfortable. You’ve been nothing but patient with all this. So put whatever horrid, putrid thoughts you have swirling about in the trash.”
Tears pricked her eyes as a hand grazed his pale arm. “I love you.” She whispered. “I just want you to be comfortable and happy.”
“And in this moment, I am.” He cupped her cheek, his thumb touching the corner of her mouth. “So please, let me get back to it, darling. After all, these horns won’t rub themselves!” His expression was light again, humming as he rubbed. “Speaking of Gale, I heard some juicy gossip while you were gone…”
When it came time to go to sleep, Octavia was shocked that Astarion not only offered to stay in her tent (we’ve only ever been in his) but also insisted on holding her as she slept. I told him he didn’t have to. He said he wanted to.
Then he put his hands on his hips and sighed dramatically. “You’re such a stubborn thing, my sweet treat. Do you want this? Because I know you. You want this, but you’re trying to be the selfless hero and put me first!” He smirked at her. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
I love you. Octavia fidgeted, a small smile tugging the corners of her mouth. “You’re one hundred percent right.”
“THERE! Was that so hard? Now be a dear and lie down.” It’s always so sweet when he fusses over me. I still don’t think I’m worth it, but if he thinks so, then I guess…I am. He spooned her from behind, his arm snacked around her thick waist. “See, isn’t this lovely? I think you’re going to sleep so well tonight, darling, and if you don’t, well…at least this is nice.”
Sleep slowly claiming her, Octavia stifled a yawn. “I’d be open to more nights like this, if that’s something you’re comfortable with, Astarion.” She giggled. “The cuddling I mean, not my embarrassment from earlier.”
He gave her soft middle a squeeze, chuckling softly. “Ah, but you’re positively adorable when you’re like that, my sweet.” Astarion nuzzled her shoulder. “Take your rest, and fear not, I shall be here when you wake.”
Just as she drifted off to sleep, she heard him whisper, “I love you. Have the sweetest dreams for me, my dear.”
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picrewquiz · 1 year
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Tiefling Maker by @crowesn
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ripleylacross · 2 years
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Rogue Enforcer.
ClipStudio Paint
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dndatabase · 1 year
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TOON ME! [ B ] by hellosunnycore
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tragedybunny · 7 months
Hey there, saw you were so short requests for Astarion. I'll make it short and simple for ideas. How about either; autistic-coded, plus size or shorter! Tav relationship with Astarion headcanon ideas?
Thanks for the ask. I decided to go with autistic Tav since I actually have an idea for a plus size Tav rolling around my idea doc.
Astarion x Autistic GN!Reader Headcanons
Astarion is so pretty, he intimidates you. You’ve always been an outsider, and the people that put you down the most are always the pretty, perfect, definitely not weird people. 
Despite this, you start to find him nice enough, even letting him feed on you. 
When Astarion starts flirting with you, you absolutely do not notice, much to his frustration.
When he eventually bluntly asks you for sex, it makes you so sad. Being the town oddball, you’re used to being propositioned as a joke. You quietly turn him down and decide Astarion isn’t your friend after all. 
You keep feeding him though when he needs it. Mostly because you’re not sure how to tell him about how it made you feel.
Astarion is stunned you turned him down, sure you haven’t been responsive to his flirting, but you get along well enough. And he’s afraid, you need to be on his side since everyone looks up to you. 
He tries to flirt a few more times, but he finds it hurts a little more each time you don’t reciprocate. Even worse, he starts thinking about how nice it would be if you did, even if it was just a smile thrown his way. 
It’s so confusing, he stops even feeding from you, worried one night he’ll ask to just stay, to be allowed to even be in your presence for a few hours. 
You’re always so quiet and reserved around him, but he starts to notice how there’s certain people you just bloom around. Karlach for example, you seem to have no problem chatting the large Tiefling’s ear off. 
It would seem you just don’t like him. 
One day the two of you are rummaging through a ruined house and end up in an old library. A shout from you makes him turn and ask if you’re alright. 
You explain you’re excited because you found a book from this series you love. It’s these biographies of old nobles, heroes, etc., fictionalized but really fun. 
You’re smiling and your eyes are so bright. Astarion’s never seen anything so beautiful. 
Then it all dies in an instant. “I’m sorry, this is silly. I’m probably bothering you.” 
Astarion wants to gut every person who ever made you feel that way. And he can tell there were many. 
He hurries to assure you that you are not boring him, and this is not silly. 
With a little prodding, you continue until the sound of Gnolls in the distance makes you both realize it’s time to go. 
At the last second, he recalls he saw the author’s name in another pile that had fallen from the shelf. He plucks it out and hands it to you. “Now you have two.”
That night, you shyly turn up at his tent, asking if he’d like to borrow one. 
At this point, he’d read a book Gale wrote on Tressyms just to talk with you about it. 
“If you’ll stay and read with me.” He’s shocked you agree.
It’s becomes a ritual, you read together at night, and talk about it on the road during the day. 
You’re finally all bright and cheerful with him, and it takes his breath away. 
One night, he can’t resist and leans in to steal a kiss while you’re chatting. 
You’re stunned. Normally you’d think he was making fun of you again, but now that you’ve gotten closer, it’s just confusing.
You finally have the courage to ask, and Astarion confesses how long he’s liked you. 
You’re overwhelmed and take a while to speak, making Astarion afraid he’s just ruined everything.
When you do, everything spills out, as you hurriedly explain why you kept your distance. 
Astarion really can’t believe that a kind, gorgeous person like yourself was some sort of strange outcast. But he is a Vampire so maybe he’s skewed. 
The two of you take things slow, you don’t exactly have much experience in romance. 
Which is nice, it let’s Astarion figure himself out a bit more. 
He realizes that sometimes you get in over your head in social situations, and he’s always there to back you up or take over.
The first time you had a meltdown, you were both scared, Astarion that he'd caused it somehow and you that he'd see how abnormal you were.
Afterwards, he starts to open up more about disassociating and his nightmares.
You learn how to take care of each other when these things happen. 
Astarion will admit he doesn't always follow the thought process that's going on in that lovely head of yours, but it makes you even more fascinating, not frustrating like you worry. 
You call yourself strange and again he reminds you he's a literal blood sucking, undead, creature of the night. Who's the strange one? 
When you talk about something you're passionate about, you're amazing to watch. 
Astarion doesn't come with ingrained expectations you can never meet. He just wants you to be you. 
You've never felt more comfortable and safe around anyone. 
Astarion often threatens to head back to your hometown to teach a few people a lesson. You tell him it doesn't matter anymore, you're so happy right now, today 
The two of you argue constantly about who's luckier to have ended up in this relationship. But it feels like you were made to be together. 
Tag list, to be added comment or dm me
@micropoe10 @spacebarbarianweird @writingmysanity @mxxny-lupin @azu21
@tallymonster @dependsonthedream
@sunfire-ancunin @bambamwolf87 @fayeriess
@lumienyx @elora-the-slutty-songstress
@astariongf @satanicspinosaurus @lisrelly
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migglingginotaur · 2 years
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Tiefling idea based on the Amnizu that watch over The River Styx
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cerudinaeart · 1 month
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the chubby tiefling gang. self insert tavs, part of our little #tiefyourself project of creating tavs based on you and your appearance. left is thyris, who belongs to @mouldering-casket. middle is my tav sohla. right is gia, who belongs to @stinadrawsthings. plus size tavs are great, and i love them.
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ollypopwrites · 7 days
Bite Down
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Rolan x F!Tav (she/her, AFAB) [** Tav's class is not mentioned. There's discussion of how she is not a tiefling, but no other hint to her race. Her appearance is also not discussed aside from some mentions of her being curvy/plus size/etc. There's not a lot of body diversity in the game, so I wanted to write a softer Tav. Other than that I tried to keep it as general as possible.]
Summary: Tav and Rolan seemed to always find their way into each other's beds, but it was never meant to be anything serious. When he finds out Tav lets her resident vampire feed from her, he realizes just how serious he would like it to be.
Rating: M (18+ MDNI)
Tags: Smut [PiV, f!receiving oral sex, biting, nipple play, marking, dirty talk, very light dom!rolan -- mostly feral!rolan who takes the lead, light blood play, light pain play, overstim] possessive behavior, jealous behavior, pining, and after care.
Word count: 4.5k
Notes: is it still pining if technically they've fucked already? not sure.
Read on Ao3
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In some way it felt like being a teenager again, hiding away with Tav for a moment of privacy. She had told him she knew a spot, away from teasing siblings and tadpole connected companions. When she tilted her head conspiratorially and nodded to the Elfsong’s kitchens he had waited a few moments before meeting her back there. The cooks had said nothing when she grabbed him and dragged him to the cellar, and then into a secret room hidden behind some huge barrels of wine. 
It was filled with cobwebs and cages, along with a few racks of weapons. The only semblance of comfort was a small nest of bedrolls and blankets tucked away in one of the corners. 
“It’s not romantic but when I need a minute away from the camp it does just fine.”
“The rusted halberds certainly add… ambience,” he looked at her with a slightly bemused expression.
“There’s another less creepy hidden room I’d show you if it weren’t for,” she pulled a face, “the fact it’s currently filled with the corpses of a githyanki scouting party.”
Rolan blinked a few times at her, still finding himself at a loss at some of the things she said. Her life was a truly chaotic and absurd string of events. She shrugged, giving an adorably embarrassed half giggle and looked away from him. Pulling out a bottle of wine, she waved it enticingly at him before procuring some glasses and started pouring. 
This was the ritual, thus far. It had started at the party after she and her friends had saved the Grove, it had meant to be a single night tryst. He had the slightest hope he would find her in the city after they all made it, but he was under no delusions about what she was facing. Her entire life revolved around getting the mindflayer tadpole out of her head and his focus was getting to the apprenticeship at all costs. 
Then the Shadow Cursed lands happened. Where he was a real bastard, and she somehow forgave him. It was piss poor timing, to realize he was entirely enchanted with her in nthat place. At the time even just looking at her filled him with complete rage and shame. He blamed her, but mostly himself, and he wanted to bare his teeth and gnash and growl because it was better than giving into despair. He wanted her comfort, but he didn’t deserve it, and he hated himself for not being able to do it on his own. Yet there she was, bright and sweet and always so willing to help. Even worse, she always managed to succeed despite the odds making him feel so inadequate. 
It brought out a insecurity driven hostility that he was not at all proud of. He hoped by the time she saw him again he would be on his way to being a properly trained wizard and just altogether less of an ass. Someone worth knowing. 
After Lorrokan he’d felt raw and foolish and disenchanted. He was happy to be free of him but he was such a mess of mixed emotions. He needed some time before facing his siblings, who he had all but ignored besides sending money and short letters. If Lia ever found out what Lorrokan had been doing she would have done something stupid and Cal would have joined her, so he'd kept them away. Facing them and explaining what had been going on felt like such a heavy task. 
Tav hadn't judged. She had even. gone out of her way to further humiliate Lorroakan by making his corpse admit what she seemed to already have known: Rolan was more powerful than he ever was. When her companions took their leave, she had stayed behind and tried to distract him by suggesting they raid what had to be an incredibly expensive wine collection. It ended with her in his bed, a quiet gentle night where he buried his face in the crook of her neck afterward and she just held him. Vulnerability he had scarcely even exposed to his brother and sister came so easy for him with Tav. 
After that he had hidden away with his siblings to figure out just what the hell to do as the master of a tower. It wasn’t until she had turned up at Sorcerous Sundries a few days  later that he had gotten the courage to ask her if she was interested in having a glass of wine with him again. 
Drinking wine and talking always led to her kissing him. She always made the first move to lean in close and wait a beat for him to either allow it to happen or reject her advances. He was always keen, and never even tried to hide it. He had thought her beautiful from the moment she butted into his argument with Lia in the Grove, despite being annoyed at her intrusion. Even when he was determined to hate her his mind had turned to the softness of her while he pulled at his cock in fleeting moments of alone time at the Last Light Inn. 
As usual, her touch made Rolan suck in a sharp breath when her hand came to his cheek and gently caressed over a still healing bruise left over from Lorroakan. She always was so gentle, and generous with her touch, making him crumble and forget his pride in an instant. He cared about her a concerning amount, despite the shortness of their acquaintance, and he was always painfully obvious about it whenever she broke the fragile wall of his demeanor. He softened so easily for her. 
Her lips, just as plush and soft as he remembered, parted as tongues began to move against one another. Hers searched, tickling over his own lips and trailing over sharp teeth. It felt like the world stopped for a little bit, as they leisurely kissed  in a hidden back room, the quiet stillness making each excited breath and soft sound of enjoyment plain to hear. His tail curled around her, loose and leisurely. 
Rolan ducked his head, going to press his lips against her neck. His mouth met with a slightly rough scabbed hole. It was not unusual for her to have left over bumps or bruises from whatever fight she found herself in. The pair of puncture wounds on her throat, however, were perfectly spaced apart for it to have come from another person’s mouth. 
“What is this?” He asked, his fingers coming up to trace the wounds. 
“Something bit you,” he said, his tail beginning to flick in short angry patterns. “Some one .”
Had she been with another tiefling recently? Perhaps Karlach or maybe even Wyll, who was a devil, but the distinction hardly mattered in this instance. These were bite marks from someone with sharp teeth; it could have been either one of them. The nasty flame of jealousy sparked his already quick temper, and he scowled as he looked at the pair of punctures on her skin. 
“Oh,” she said, “yes, Astarion needed to feed before we got into the city. There was nothing he could hunt in the Shadowcursed Lands.”
“You feed him your blood?”
“He’s a vampire, it’s all he can really get sustenance from.”
“I know that,” he said, shortly, “but I didn’t think you let him drink from you.”
“Normally he doesn’t,” she raised her eyebrows. “He usually picks off whoever is trying to kill us that day. But as I said, he’d been low on options until we got here.”
If Rolan were feeling more reasonable he could listen to the logic of it. She was their leader, she took the responsibility very seriously: if one of them needed something she was going to provide it. And the Shadowcursed lands had been entirely inhospitable to life, there was honestly almost nothing for Astarion to feed off of. 
“Rolan?” She asked after a few moments of his angry silence.
“Do you sleep with him?”
“What?” She pulled back to look at him in slight shock and disbelief. "No.” 
She didn't say as much, but he reminded himself that it wasn’t really any of his business even if she did. There was no agreement of exclusivity between them. No discussion of intentions or anything of the sort. They’d had sex at a party and then once again his first night in ownership of the tower. It didn’t matter that he thought of only her when he pleasured himself, or that he had spent hard nights after Lorrokan’s beatings imagining she would walk through his door with an easy smile. She wasn’t his but he couldn’t deny the needling reality that over the past few weeks he had started to consider himself hers. 
“Do you like it?”
Tav looked at him quizzically. “Being drained of blood isn’t exactly my idea of a good time.”
“But the biting?”
The hard truth was he could hardly blame Astarion, vampire or not. Tav was soft in shape and feel, she was strong of course, but at least in appearances her skin was plush and delicate. Rolan had only ever slept with tieflings before, and while their infernally ridged skin was not rough to the touch it was just naturally a bit more durable. They had to be with their sharp nails and teeth, he'd never had to worry about if he was being too rough. That first night with Tav he had been shocked and intrigued by the easy way scratches raised on her skin and how her flesh was indented by his teeth. He’d be lying if he hadn’t thought about biting into her again and again, just to feel what it was like.
Tav’s breath hitched, and her defensiveness had melted into uncertain embarrassment. “I - I suppose I would? If it weren’t for the bloodlessness —“
Rolan leaned in to kiss her again, messy and possessive, tail wrapping around her wrist. His body pushed hers back a bit onto the bedroll, and when he pulled his lips away his teeth latched onto her bottom lip. The gasp she gave made it slip from him, and she got shoved entirely onto her back as he went for her throat. Tail and one hand pinning her wrists to the ground, his other tilted her chin up and aside. The column of flesh was almost entirely unmarked, save for Astarion’s work. He opened his mouth wide enough to clamp down and each of his sharp canines dug in. Beneath him, he felt her body tense up at the sudden sensation. 
But she moaned. And he heard a rumbling groan leave his throat that sounded alarmingly like a growl. 
His mouth sought after more untouched skin. Tav kept making soft, helpless little noises that spurred him on, it felt so good to have her flesh between his teeth. When he looked down at her she was a bit of a mess, covered in new love bites, parted lips swollen and her eyes lidded as she looked up at him. 
Adorable , he thought to himself. 
Besides being so beautiful and powerful and capable he couldn’t help but think about how cute she was. Sweet despite the trail of bodies in her wake, and always giggling and smiling — tits and ass bouncing with every step she took. So cute, in fact, he couldn't help but keep squeezing and biting. At the juncture of her shoulder and neck, he dug in harder than he intended to — Tav hissed in pain. The slightest hint of iron bloomed on his tongue. He pulled back, seeing he had broken skin. It was much smaller than the vampire’s bites, more like pinpricks in her skin beneath the discoloration of a bruise. 
“I’m sorry —“ he breathed. 
“S’okay,” she shook her head. 
“Do you like it?”
She licked her lips. A brief flash of bashfulness ran over her face; she chewed on the inside of her lip before she nodded a little. “Yes,” she said meekly. 
“Me too.”
“I can tell,” her hand pulled out of his tail’s hold, coming up to the tented fabric of his robes over his crotch. 
He grunted. “Y-yeah.” He swallowed, grasping onto the remaining capability of thought, “if it’s too much —  we can stop, we don’t need to —“
“I trust you,” her smile was genuine, just slightly hazy, but her eyes sparkled with affection. He was mesmerized. “Do you trust me?”
“With my life,” he answered too quickly, and too earnestly. Were there more blood for him to spare between his cock and his already heated body he may have blushed.
“I’ll tell you if I need to stop.” 
“Good.” He kissed her. 
Clothes were clumsily pulled off, until they were both all but naked in the lowlight of the candelabras in the room. With her bare before him, he kept biting every bit of skin he could get to, ignoring her attempt to reach down and stroke his cock. He felt an unignorable need to keep marking her, to clench his teeth around her beautifully adorable body. He was being incredibly greedy, wanting to make sure that anyone who saw her knew that he had been there. 
Taking the weight of her breasts in his hands he pressed them together, ducking his mouth to one nipple and swirling his tongue around it. She gasped, hands gripping into his hair. Her nails were hard enough that he felt the scratch of them on his scalp, but not nearly painful. The feeling had a shiver starting from the base of his tail up to the top of his head. 
“Gods above, Rolan,” she murmured. 
His thumbs took over in teasing the rigid peaks, as he moved his mouth onto the impossibly squishy and generous swell of her breasts. Sucking and biting until he was satisfied with the discoloration before he moved onto the same spot of the other. His knee came between her thighs, and she ground her cunt against it the moment she felt it there. Wet and somehow warm enough for him to tell she was burning for him despite his infernal blood keeping him always a fair bit warmer than her. His teeth wrapped around a nipple, extremely careful but she faltered in her breathing and tensed up in anticipation. 
But he just ran his tongue over the tip until she whined, letting it go easily when she bucked her hips against his thigh. 
“I want to taste you,” he said. 
Tav laughed a little, “as if you haven’t been trying to eat me alive already.” 
“Shall I stop?”
“Did I tell you to stop?”
“It sounded like you were complaining,” he grumbled. 
“You would know all about that,” she teased. “It’s one of your specialit — ah!”
Rolan repaid the teasing with another harsh bite on the side of her neck. Her fingers tugged at his hair, and he bit down harder. His fingers tweaked her nipples, his thigh pressed against her cunt, and she twitched a little before going limp. Tav whined and clenched her eyes shut against the sensations. 
It was a strangely satisfying show of submission. He felt his cock drip precum, his tongue dancing over the dent in the shape of his teeth in her skin.
“Let me taste you,” he said again. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” she breathed in response, frantically. 
Rolan dragged his canines along the softness of her tummy, liking the small scratches they made in their wake. When he was finally between her thighs, he groaned into the skin. As was his desire, he started nibbling into the skin there too. Her fingers still tugged at his hair, scratching his scalp and making him groan in pleasure. When he licked along the lush seam of her cunt he shuddered, her needy little whine and the taste making him feel dizzy. The vampire may have tasted her blood, but now so had he. The privilege of knowing what her arousal tasted like on his tongue was something he was sure none of her companions could claim. 
He got to hear the way she keened as he found the way to make her hips nearly buck him off of her, and the needy noise she made when he shoved them back down. There was no force in Faerûn that could pull him away from pushing down her hips and devouring her. In his haste and mindless goal to simply claim and consume, it took him longer than he would have liked to admit to keep track of what had her gasping for more. But once he did he didn't stop until her legs tried to close in on him, and even then he let himself be squished between the strength of them. Her high pitched moan echoed off of the ceiling, reverberating through his skull in a blissful ring, his eyes nearly rolling back. Soft skin bracketing his face, the smell and taste of her invading his senses all the while her moans tickling his brain made his hips grind down into the blankets beneath him. He felt her pulsing against his tongue, and dipped it into her hole greedily tasting the rush of wetness that followed after. 
“By Ao, you —“ she cut herself off with a hiss as his mouth latched onto her clit again, “fuck!”
No God’s name would do coming from her lips, only his name, only pleads for more, for him. She was sensitive, and it was plainly obvious by the way she devolved into helpless sounds as her hips ground against him. This was what he wanted, to have her entire world fall away to nothing except him between her legs, her unfettered attention as he made her feel so blissful she forgot how to speak.
He got carried away, not keeping track of how many times she came on his tongue until finally she yelped and grabbed his horns. When she tugged him away from her he admired his victory — she was a wreck of love bites, kiss swollen lips open as she gasped for breath, and eyes swimming with unspilled tears. Rolan felt her wetness on his lips and chin against the cool air of the cellar, tongue swiping over his lips for another taste of her. 
“Too much,” she gasped. 
A darker voice in him wanted to tell her it would be too much when he said so, but he was still himself despite whatever had come over him. Perhaps one day they could experiment, perhaps one day they could do this right and he could see how far he could really take her. He could make those tears spill over, making her come over and over until she was incapable of speech let alone thoughts. A shudder ran down his spine, tail lifting excitedly at the idea. 
But this was a spur of the moment tryst underneath the Elfsong, and he wasn’t going to stop everything now to negotiate limits and safewords and the like. 
“Do you,” he breathed, lifting himself up to get away from the temptation of her so close to his mouth, “do you want to stop?”
“No,” she shook her head. “I want you to fuck me.”
His so far ignored cock bobbed between his legs, and he closed his eyes as he moaned at the words. With haste he brought himself onto his knees, grabbing her thighs and tugging her half into his lap. Nestling between her thighs, he watched as he slotted himself against her, rubbing through the wetness and nearly choking on the air he was breathing. Her hand came between them, grabbing his cock from where he unthinkingly kept rubbing it against the silky wetness, and pressed it to her entrance. 
Rolan went rigid. Tav gave a little smile. His hips pushed forward, savoring the slow penetration as she surrounded him. He waited, enjoying the soft squeeze of her, and gasped when her hand came to his cheek. The unspoken hung in the air, she had him, he was safe, he was doing good -- he was perfect the way he was cupped in her palm like this. He opened his eyes, meeting hers and very nearly confessed an undying love he was unsure he was aware of before. 
There was some unknown magic in Tav that seemed to bring down the walls of almost everyone she met. He fancied himself a logical, and practical, man. He’d known this woman for mere weeks, a very short time in the grand scheme of his life, and yet it felt like he could tell her anything, and be his worst and still get that sweet smile from her. In fact, he had been the worst version of himself and she had shown him patience and compassion anyway. 
He knew he liked her, otherwise why would he be in this creepy hidden back room rutting like a beast on a makeshift bed, but love? 
Despite the constricting bliss of her cunt around him, sharp reality bled into his mind. He told himself he would properly court her once she was free of her tadpole. Then he could entertain the idea of love. Until that day came, he had a tower and unending resources of a magic nature to keep her safe, and the privilege of being the one she turned to for a reprieve from the horrors of her new fate. Which, he admitted, also granted him the pleasure of being able to bury his cock in her. 
“Alright?” She asked him, thumb trailing over his lips before she moved her hand to rub at the center of his brows which where furrowed. 
Rolan felt his throat tighten. She was so incredibly gentle with him sometimes he had no clue how to properly react to it. He just nodded. 
He needed to get out of his head, he needed to get back to the warm wetness he was currently feeling. Sliding his hips back and then thrusting forward, her hands fell to his forearms and her body laid back against the bedroll again. The skin of her hips dimpled under his grip, and he tightened his hold. It was a sinfully delicious feeling to slide against her walls, and he felt every other thought start to slip away again. His eyes danced over her body, now riddled with his own marks, but when he caught the vampire’s bite his jaw clenched, remembering where this all started. 
Perhaps he shouldn’t wait until the present danger was cleared. Perhaps he should just go against his usual self-preservation and simply tell her he wanted her to be his, only his. A harsher thrust had her tits bouncing with the force of it and kept going at the same intensity to watch it happen over and over again. 
“Gods, Rolan,” she moaned. “You feel so good.”
His jaw went slack at the praise, spurring him on to keep going. When her hips met his, rolling to meet each thrust, the slap of skin on skin started to fill the room loudly. One hand reached for her breast, fingers dancing over the bite mark he had left. 
“Will you let your cleric heal these away?” He asked breathlessly. 
Tav gulped, her hand coming over his on her breast. “I don’t want to. Do you want me to?”
Stupid question , he thought, and maybe said aloud given the way she laughed. It was hard to think now that he was thrusting in and out of her. He covered her body with his, arms wrapping around her so her own were pressed to her side. All she could do was grab at his arms, holding on as his weight pushed her legs further apart and pressed him deeper into her. 
“No,” he said, biting down on her shoulder hard enough that she yelped in pain. “I want you to go back to camp, hardly able to walk,” he said between making another bruise. “Covered in my marks — fuck, I want them to know I nearly had you in tears fucking you with my tongue.”
Gods, that was vulgar — he nearly apologized until Tav let out a gasp of his name, her cunt clenching around him. His mind went fuzzy again. There was no need to be proud and dignified for her, he could just say what he was thinking, even the deepest filthiest thoughts that came to his mind while he fucked her. 
“I’ll send you back with my cum, dripping out of you —“ he gasped. 
Tav’s back arched, her eyes rolling back a little as she came, surprising them both with the suddenness of it. Rolan was losing his rhythm, body pulsing with a need for release. No more words came to mind, just the ringing sound of her voice chanting his name and her walls fluttering around him. It was a chain reaction, as he suddenly felt the tension snap and came, whining as he did, desperately thrusting into her heat as his vision whited out. 
When he went limp against her, he took a couple breaths, the haze of the possessive flames in him subsiding. He had proved himself, he had her exactly as he wanted, and she had eagerly let him. Rolan lifted his head to kiss her. Softly, wordlessly gentle, only pulling away to press their foreheads together. The desire to say something, to tell her just how much she meant to him, but self-preservation was back in full force. The words wouldn't unstick from his throat. He helped clean her up, kissed softly at some of the harsher marks. He wanted to murmur words of encouragement and care as they curled up together, but he couldn't trust himself to not say too much. Rolan's arms, legs and tail wrapped around her as he breathed in the quiet of the afterglow. At the very least, he could trust his body to communicate what he was too afraid to say. 
“Rolan,” she said gently. 
“I —“ she started shyly. “I don’t want — I haven’t been with anyone else, not since… “ she chewed on her lip, trying to decide what to say but coming up short. “I’m trying to say, I’m not interested in anyone at camp. Or, anywhere else, actually.”
Rolan’s tail wrapped around her leg, and he finally felt himself start to blush a deep crimson. “Good.”
Really? That’s all he had to say? He’d just told her more filthy things than he’d thought he’d ever said in his life but all he could come up with was ‘good' when she told him exactly what he had been wanting to hear. He cleared his throat, steeling himself to not fuck this up before it ever had a beginning. 
“You’re incredibly busy, what with the tadpoles and the cultists and all of the characters you run around with, but,”  he started, “perhaps when all of that is over we could… begin a courtship.” 
“Doesn’t courting come before sex? Bit out of order, don’t you think?” She smiled. 
“You deserve a real courtship,” he said seriously. “I owe you that, at least.”
“You owe me nothing,” she kissed him. 
“You’ve changed my life in unimaginable ways. Are you this altruistic with everyone?” 
“Don’t know if I should answer that,” she bit her lip to stop a smile, “I’ve learned you have a jealous streak about you. I’ve got dozens of bite marks to show for it.”
“Yes,” he grinned, “you do.”
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Thank you for reading!
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Pathetic Man
Lily has some thoughts after Z'rell calls Gale a pathetic man. SFW.
“Hmmm. You have used the wizard well.” I beg your pardon!?!? “But the desperate one who would love such a pathetic man must hunger for greater delights, deep down.” WHAT?!?!?
Lily’s eyes somehow got wider than she ever thought possible when she, Astarion, Gale, and Lae’zel met with Disciple Z’rell. She killed that poor orc without a second thought. Gods, what further horrors are hidden here? She pushed those thoughts from her mind as they managed (by the most insane luck I’ve ever witnessed) to rescue all the gnomes and tieflings imprisoned at Moonrise Towers.
However, despite the jovial mood at Last Light and camp, her mind replayed that moment, even as she sat with Gale in his tent after dinner. The gall of that woman. Pathetic man, my ass. Gale is brave and smart and funny and perfect and—
“You seem very far away, dearest. Is everything alright?” Gale gently asked. He placed a kiss on her freckled cheek while the hand on her ample waist traced circles.
She squeezed her eyes shut. “You’re not a pathetic man, and I’ve never once used you. That nasty, nasty woman.” Rage. Rage. No. Not now. Her lips captured his in a deep but short kiss. “And by the way, I only want your greater delights, love.” She pulled him to her in a loving embrace. “If anyone here is pathetic, it’s me anyways.” Lily sighed.
Her lover let out a thoughtful hum. “Why do you say that, sweetness?”
“Because I fell in love with the first man who was nice to me…showed any interest in me romantically…if that’s not pathetic, I don’t know what is.” she said bitterly.
“You’re just a really good friend, Lily.”
“You are the Countess’s daughter---I cannot court you.”
“Who would ever want the fat devil beast daughter of a dwarf?”
“Ugly cow of a woman.”
“The Countess cannot raise your dowery enough, my lady.”
Gale shifted in her arms so he could look at her. Gods, he has the most beautiful eyes. I could stare into them forever. “That isn’t true. Not even remotely true. You said that noble who was courting you—”
Shit for brains.
“I didn’t love him. Not like how I love you.” I would gladly take a million arrows, a thousand cuts, hundreds of shocks of electricity, and run through a fireball to protect you. Glancing away, she stared at the ground. “The second I pulled you from that portal that was it. I fell in love with you.”
“If that is pathetic, then so am I because I too fell for you in that same moment.” He chuckled, blushing a little. “Let us be pathetic fools in love together, shall we?”
Wrinkling her nose, Lily smiled and held him closer. “Only with you, magic man.”
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charmandabear · 5 months
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Good Pain
“Another nightmare?” He speaks softly into her hair as she curls further into his chest, relishing in the cool relief his skin brings. She nods wordlessly and his arms tighten around her. “What do you need, my love?” Zalaria can feel the rise and fall of his chest, the smell of his perfume mingling with his natural musk and her heart quickens. What she wouldn't give to lose herself in him right now.
Pairing: Astarion/Tiefling!Tav
Rating: E
Word Count: 3.5k
Tags/Warnings: praise kink, rough oral sex, rough sex in general, hair pulling, breath play, analingus, soft dom!Astarion, sub!Tav, vampire bites, blood drinking, aftercare, plus size Tav, using Tiefling horns as handlebars
Link on AO3.
A friend was looking for "good fics that involve using horns as handlebars," and then shortly after that I got an anon requesting Astarion x Tiefling!Tav, which honestly felt like kismet. Hence Good Pain was born.
Once again, @zipzoomzaria is out here doing the lord's work in providing the perfect screenshot for my banner.
Thank you @nellyofthevalley for being an AMAZING beta.
@comatosebunny09 I believe you said something about being called "good girl"? 😈
A rumble. A sudden fall. Darkness.
Then mind shattering pain. Zalaria thought she had known pain, but nothing like that. Blades sliced through her skull, a bed of nails dug into her back. It felt like her fingernails were being wrenched out one by one. This is the end, she thought, I'll never know anything but pain ever again.
A cool hand touches her face and her eyes shoot open. She’s panting, a thin layer of sweat coating her brow and spine. A face slowly comes into focus. His face.
Astarion leans over her, tangled silver locks falling into his eyes. Those stunning red eyes, so often guarded, hardened to maintain his carefully constructed facade, now brimming with concern. Zalaria presses her cheek into his palm, inhaling his comforting scent as she tries to regulate her breathing. 
“Another nightmare?” He speaks softly into her hair as she curls further into his chest, relishing in the cool relief his skin brings. She nods wordlessly and his arms tighten around her. “What do you need, my love?”
Zalaria can feel the rise and fall of his chest, the smell of his perfume mingling with his natural musk and her heart quickens. What she wouldn't give to lose herself in him right now.
She tilts her head up, pressing against him as she envelopes his lips into a heated kiss. She can feel the surprise startle his body, but it doesn't take him more than a second to reciprocate. He presses his hand into her lower back and her mouth opens to let his tongue slip between her lips.
“Fuck me until I can't remember my own name,” she murmurs into the kiss, and he lets out a high pitched giggle that’s usually reserved for when he’s particularly pleased with himself, but occasionally Zalaria manages to get it when she catches him off guard.
“You're certain?” He’s smiling as he drags his lips along her jaw.
“Remind me what good pain feels like,” she breathes, her tail wrapping around his leg. She can feel the sharp intake of breath deep in his chest.
“And you'll let me know if you need me to slow down?” His voice drops and Zalaria has lost the ability to form words, so she just whines and nods.
“Good,” he growls and forcefully flips her on her back. His slender fingers wrap around her throat and apply just a touch of pressure, just enough for him to feel the pulse of each breath she takes. He pushes his knee up between her legs, eliciting a light moan that vibrates in his hand. He pulls her face towards his and she arches her back in response, always so obedient. He kisses her roughly and she melts beneath his touch, letting herself be led wherever he wants to go. 
“Such a good girl, letting me use you like this,” he hisses, and she chokes out a gasp that gets cut off by his hand. “I can do whatever I want with you, to you, and you’d thank me for it.” 
Zalaria writhes on top of his leg, looking for relief but trying to patiently wait for permission. 
“So eager,” he continues to coo, and he moves his hand from her throat to ghosting over her sleep shirt, her rapidly hardening nipples poking through the thin cotton. He slips his hand underneath her shirt and digs into the soft flesh of her belly, his nails leaving little crescent-shaped marks behind in her dimpled skin. She twists her fingers into her hair tightly to keep them from roaming. 
He peels off her shirt and nips into her breasts, breaking the skin just enough to open two tiny puncture wounds. He laps up the droplets of blood as he marks her body, leaving evidence of his desire behind. Every tiny movement that agitates the tender bruises will remind her of his love, of what good pain feels like. With each bite she contorts beneath him, yearning for more of his touch, his teeth, his lips. 
“At this rate I could make you cum without even touching you,” he hums with a satisfied smirk, pushing his knee up into her mound and feeling her wetness seep through her shorts. Zalaria whimpers and grinds against his thigh wantonly. 
“Ah ah,” he chides gently and pulls his knee away, throwing it over one side of her and straddling her waist. “Not until I say so, pet. First you must prove yourself to me. Can you do that?”
She can see the beginnings of an erection tenting his pants, and the thought of him roughly fucking her mouth sends a spark of heat between her legs. She looks up at him and bites her lower lip, giving him something between a pout and a plea. He grabs her jaw again, thumb pulling down on her chin so that her mouth pops open for him, waiting to be filled.
“I said, can you do that?” he repeats himself, tightening his fingers. She yelps and a sound vaguely resembling assent works its way out of her mouth. 
“That’s my good girl,” he breathes and slides off his pants, dragging his half-hard cock up her belly. It takes everything in her power to keep her hands still, not daring to move them without Astarion’s command. He wrenches her mouth open and presses two fingers against her tongue.
“Suck,” he orders and she closes her lips around his fingers, working them as voraciously as if he had blessed her with his cock. She feels a jolt of delight as a breathy moan escapes his lips and she’s desperate to hear more. But he denies her that pleasure, taking his fingers back and using her saliva to bring himself to fully erect. Her eyes remain fixed on his cock, awaiting her treat hungrily. 
“How much do you think you’ll be able to take, love?” He teases her lips with his tip and she cranes her neck impatiently. He instantly retaliates, grabbing hold of her horns and shoving her head back down onto the pillow.
“Naughty,” he snarls and Zalaria’s hips jerk with the sudden movement.
She can feel her slick coating her thighs and she lays tractably still, proving her compliance. His grip on her horns loosens and he strokes them, forcing a shiver down her spine. 
“Do I need to take over?” he whispers dangerously.
She swallows a shaky breath, looking up at him towering over her, his light pink glans bobbing in front of her mockingly.
“Whatever it is you want, sir,” she rasps, eyes darting between his face and his cock mere inches away from her mouth. His lips curl into a devilish grin and he slides one hand down her face, grasping her chin tightly.
“That’s right, pet, whatever I want.” He yanks her mouth open and slides his cock in, her moan vibrating through his shaft. He moves both hands back to her horns, touch still infuriatingly gentle. Zalaria releases her jaw and opens her throat to welcome him deeper. He pushes in slowly, only stopping when he can feel her gag.
“Good girl, look how well you’re taking me,” he praises her on a low breath and she keens around his cock. He closes his grip on her horns once again and she freely relents to his control. He thrusts in and out of her mouth a few times, carefully curbing his speed with her horns.
She clenches the sheets in her hands, her cunt aching for relief as he fucks her mouth agonizingly slowly. He smirks, taking pleasure in how torturous this is for her.
“Shall I speed up? Can you take it? Have you earned it?” he croons and she nods, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. He increases his pace, and her breathy moans are garbled by his cock sliding in and out of her mouth. His little grunts and groans as his pleasure builds ring in Zalaria’s ears like a hymn. 
“You’re such a good girl, doing such a good job letting me fuck your face,” he shudders, head falling back and grip remaining tight.
She slides her hand close to her sopping pussy but doesn’t touch. She looks up and asks the question with her eyes and a whine.
“Yes, my sweet. Since you’re doing so wonderfully, you may touch yourself,” he pants and she groans with relief as her fingers slide through her swollen folds. “But keep your gaze trained on me,” he adds in a growl as her eyelids flutter with ecstasy. She snaps her attention to him, his crimson eyes glowering down at her and his curls swaying with each stroke. Her fingers circle her clit and she knows that she won’t last long staring at him. She moans around his cock plunging in and out of her, his tip hitting the back of her throat. 
“Ah, fuck,” he stammers and his movement grows more erratic. Zalaria forces her eyes to remain open as she cries into his thrusts, his menacing stare and punishing pace enough to send her over the edge. He grabs onto the base of her horns and with a few more stuttered jerks of his hips he comes too, his hot seed flooding her mouth.
He pulls out and she swallows greedily, licking as much as she can off her lips. He pants and tilts her head up, kissing his semen off her lips. She stares up at him adoringly.
“You're so beautiful. My beautiful good girl,” he murmurs, stroking her cheek. 
She nuzzles into him like a cat, her purr manifesting as a low hum in her throat. After a moment, she whispers, “Thank you, Astarion, this means a lot to me.” 
He’s still straddling her torso, and she lazily strokes his calf by her side. He laughs, low and dangerous, as he swings his other leg over and grabs her hips.
“You don't think I'm through with you yet, my love?” The rumble in his throat emanates a wicked promise. 
Zalaria looks at him quizzically but can’t help the way her breath catches. Her voice is horse as she splutters, “But don't you—” 
He silences her with a fierce kiss before roughly turning her over onto her stomach, yanking her hips up so her ass presses into his softening dick. He bends over her back and yanks her hair so his lips brush up against her ear.
“Do you still remember your name?”
She shivers as his teeth barely scrape along the shell of her ear.
“I- what? No, it’s fine—” she gasps, but a tug on her hair kills the words in her throat.
“Then I haven’t done my job.” 
The venom in his voice might’ve scared Zalaria if it didn’t arouse her so much. He puts a little more pressure on her earlobe with his teeth and her mouth falls open in a suspended moan. He turns her head up slightly to look back at him.
“Unless it’s not what you want.” 
His voice is icy, threatening even, but Zalaria knows that this is her opportunity to back out if she so pleases.
“No, it is what I want,” she pants, looking at him through heavy lidded eyes.
“I’m not convinced,” he spits into her ear. “Tell me exactly what you want, pet.”
“I-I want you,” she stammers, the strain on her neck pulling on her windpipe. “I want you to ruin me, Astarion. Please, sir, please use me however you want. Turn me into your obedient little pet.”
“And what else?” His hand tightens and Zalaria squeaks. 
“Make me forget my name,” she keens, fists balling up the covers.
“That’s my good girl.” He releases her hair and massages her scalp, soothing the abused skin. He runs his lips down her shoulder blade, ending the trail with a bite that just barely breaks the skin. 
“Count,” he demands.
He laps up her blood.
“Say thank you.”
“Thank you, sir.”
The gears in Zalaria’s mind turn, following the rules of his game. Bite. Count. Lick. Thank you. She can understand that. She quivers with excitement, tail swishing anxiously as she waits for the next bite. It’s a little harder when it comes, and she can’t hide her cry before the “two.” His tongue soothes the puncture left behind and she lets out a shuddering breath. 
“Th-thank you, sir.” 
Zalaria gnaws on her bottom lip to brace herself against the pain. She knows there are more to come and she wants to be sure she responds correctly. He moves the next bite lower on her back and she can feel his lips smiling against her skin just before he sinks his teeth in.
“Ah- three.” She’s unsuccessful in her attempt to suppress the groan that precedes her count. Astarion’s front is still pressed into her back and she can feel his cock twitch lightly. She smiles internally knowing he won’t need much more time to recover. He lavishes his tongue over the bite.
“Thank you, sir.” Zalaria’s breath rushes out of her in a wave. He digs his fingers into her ass cheeks, leaving angry raised marks behind. He bites into her thick love handle, properly drawing enough blood to drink. He relishes her hiss of, “Four,” that morphs into a satisfied groan.
After a few delicious sips he licks her skin clean, and her raspy “thank you, s-sir,” is barely audible. He runs a languid hand across the curve of her ass, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He spreads her cheeks and presses the length of his hardening dick between them. His abs push against the base of her tail, adding a new slant of pain, and she bites down on the comforter to muffle her moan. Astarion responds with a swift slap across her ass cheek.
“No no, love, you know I need to hear you. I want to hear you loud and clear this time, understood?” His honeyed voice has an underlying edge to it that sparks an ember in her belly.
“Y-yes sir!” Zalaria chokes out a cry of assent. He strokes up the base of her tail and she arches into him.
“That's my good girl. Last one, alright? You've done very well so far,” he coos and her tense backside relaxes into his grip. He bends down and bites again, this time into the flesh perilously close to her hole. 
“Five!” Her twisted cry of pleasure and pain reverberates like music in his ears. He runs the flat of his tongue in a long stripe up the inside of her cheek and she shudders in response.
“Thank you, sirrr-ah!!” she shouts, the words disintegrating into an unbridled moan. He plants a tender kiss on the bite mark to soothe it while caressing her hips.
“Such a good girl, you listened so well,” he murmurs into the plump skin of her ass. She rests her forehead on her arm, panting heavily. Her tail curls subconsciously around the back of his neck as he continues to cover her ass in kisses, each one growing progressively sloppier.
Zalaria, still trying to catch her breath, lets out a strangled yelp as she feels Astarion’s tongue flick the puckered skin around her hole. She bites into her forearm, just trying to keep still as the competing sensations of exhilaration and debauchery threaten to tear her body apart.
“Astar-” she whines, his name getting swallowed up by a heavy breath. 
“Do you like that, pet?” Astarion chuckles, enjoying the feel of Zalaria writhing beneath him. He forcefully yanks her tail up as he reaches a hand between her legs, running a gentle finger along her dripping slit and eliciting another shuddering gasp. “It would seem so if this is anything to judge by.” 
With her face buried into the covers, she can't see him, but rather hears him lasciviously suck her slick off his finger.
“Please,” she moans, the sound of it stifled in the cave created between her head and arm. 
“Please what?” He asks the question almost innocently, a stark contrast to the depravity of his actions. He swirls his tongue around her anus as he puts his hand between her legs again, scooping up her juices. He wipes the wetness around her rim, pressing his finger into her slightly before licking her clean.
She chokes on a sob, her whole body trembling.
“Please f-fuck me,” she manages to squeeze the words out despite falling apart. He hums with approval, the vibration of it resonating deep within her.
“Well, since you've been so good for me this evening, I suppose I can grant you this,” he coos, pressing his now throbbing cock against her swollen cunt.
She cries out, whether in relief or anguish or something else entirely, she has no idea. The painful teasing of his dick along her folds as his vice-like grip on her soft hips holds her in place sends her reeling.
“And I want to hear you scream,” he says in a low thrum, running a hand up her back from ass to neck, pressing into the trail of still sensitive bite marks. He reaches his destination and grabs a fistful of her hair, yanking her head up until she's staring at the ceiling. She wraps her tail around his arm, a loving caress for a cruel limb.
He lines up his tip with the entrance of her cunt, letting the slippery wetness lube up the head of his cock. He hisses as he slides into her, her tight walls clenching around him. An incoherent string of mewls and moans spills out of Zalaria as he fills her slowly, excruciatingly, until he’s sheathed up to his base. He bends forward and pulls on her hair until his lips meet her ear.
“Scream,” he repeats sharply before grabbing hold of both of her horns and pounding into her mercilessly.
Her uninhibited wails stutter with the force of his thrusts, each one hitting her cervix and sending a white hot jolt of lightning rocketing through her entire body. She arches her back into him, pushing up on her elbows to ease the strain of him pulling her toward him with her horns. Each slam of his hips, every slap of his balls against her puffy labia brings her closer to the edge. She needs to reallocate the energy keeping her tail around his arm and it slides down limp at her side.
He pushes her face down into the covers, holding onto her horns even tighter while his hips start to tear into her unevenly. The friction of the fabric against her nipples, the fact that she can tell he’s close, his wrenching grip on her horns; it all proves too much for Zalaria. She turns her face to the side—making sure he can hear her, as instructed—and keens loudly through her climax. He follows soon after, spilling his seed into her with a low, sated groan.
She’s still shaking as he pulls out of her, softening cock gleaming with a mixture of their cum. She falls forward onto her belly, out of breath and completely unable to move. He sidles up beside her and pulls her back into him close, his soft kiss on the base of her neck like a soothing balm. 
“Do you remember your name?” he whispers against her ear. He sweeps hair out of her eyes and gazes down at her fondly.
“I, uh- huh?” Zalaria blinks, her head still swimming through the fog of sensations, trying to parse any thoughts from the mess.
“Exactly what I wanted to hear,” he titters and presses another kiss to her temple. He helps her sit up, grabbing a plush blanket and wrapping it around her shoulders. “I'll go put on water for tea,” he says, cradling her face in his hand briefly before stepping away to head to the kitchen a few rooms over.
She pulls the blanket tighter around her shoulders, baring her teeth as it agitates the bites on her back. She takes a few steadying breaths while she nestles deeper into her blanket cocoon, absentmindedly stroking the soft fabric.
Astarion returns, picking his sleep pants up off the floor. Zalaria protests softly and he stops with one pant leg on. He smirks at her puppy-like expression.
“You’ll have to make room for me under that blanket, darling, you know that,” he says and slides back on the bed, pulling Zalaria up into his lap as she wraps the blanket around his back, shielding his scars from the cold air. She nuzzles up to his naked chest, breathing in his scent and providing enough warmth for both of them. He tilts up her chin gently with a knuckle, red eyes sparkling with his affection for her, and lays a sugary sweet kiss on her lips. She savors it, the taste that can sustain her through any nightmare.
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