#Will always encourages their interests and teaches them it’s okay to be sensitive
groovinrightalong · 6 months
In my byler dads feels AGAIN
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jeromeswife · 2 years
namor with an autistic partner
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disclaimer: this is very much for autistic people, but you are welcome to read it if you are not to gain an understanding of what we feel and deal with. But also how to help anyone you know who is autistic. And another disclaimer, a lot of these are based on what I experience as an autistic person. Not all autistic people experience the same things or have the same quirks. We are not all one and the same. However, enjoy the headcanons as I have put my whole heart and soul into them. Thank you <333
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Namor is such a sweet and understanding boyfriend. Anything you need, he will get for you and accommodate you.
If you're ever feeling a sense of sensory overload, Namor will dispel the situation to make sure you are okay. You are likely to get this way with the very loud siren song you hear some days. He tries to get his people to not do it as much due to your sensitivity to the high pitches.
When you'd lay on his chest, you would play with his jewelry to help stimulate yourself and keep occupied. Namor would welcome and encourage it knowing it calmed you down and was vital to you.
He would help you practice social situations because he'd notice you do it a lot before special events where you both would have to speak to people. Namor knew that it made you anxious and he'd teach you a gesture to give him when you needed to get away.
Namor would make a little sensory deprivation space for you to go to when you needed it.
He is genuinely so happy when you talk to him about your special interests. Namor loved learning about the things you loved. He found it interesting but also cute that you were so passionate about them. Namor would also try to learn about them so he can engage in the conversations with you more.
He understood your uncomfortableness about eye contact. He would never dream of forcing you to look into his eyes. But Namor would cherish the moments that you did because it meant you trust him. You would do it more and feel comfortable with it the longer you were with him.
Sometimes you would have trouble responding to your name so Namor would mention something about your special interest that would immediately earn your attention. It would bring a smile to his face when you'd snap your head towards him with sparkles in your eyes.
He would let you be alone when you needed it. Namor knew you didn't have anything against him. You just needed some time to be alone sometimes so you can retain your happiness. And he would never wish to be sad.
Namor would never try to interrupt a routine you have because he knows you are frequently known to experience meltdowns and panic attacks when something slightly changes. He was especially upset when the war with Wakanda happened since it conflicted with the kind of days you were used to.
If you experienced trouble reading social cues and any ableism to come from that, he would be at your side, ready to comfort you and have a shoulder to cry on. Namor knew how much you beat yourself up over something you couldn't control. He understood how it felt to be misunderstood.
He would sometimes notice when you mirror his movements or body language but also the way he speaks. He would love it since he considered it a compliment to him.
Namor would keep notes of food you approve of and which you didn't. However, he never not found it amusing when you'd taste something absolutely delicious but then spit it out due to the texture. He always had a backup of your safe foods.
He would be careful to only dress you in textures that didn't affect your comfort. Namor once saw you in jeans while out in the surface world and noticed how uncomfortable you were.
When you had meltdowns, he'd always notice before you had them. You'd go quiet and shut down mentally and he'd make a checklist of everything that was comfortable for you. Would grab your noise-canceling headphones, a few tissues for when you'd cry, comfort foods, a special blanket; anything that would make you feel okay after.
Namor would do your favorite activities and hobbies with you. He is particularly happy when he finds out painting is very soothing for you.
He enjoyed how honest and blunt you were about things and the way you feel. No bullshittery out of you.
If you ever said anything that you didn't realize was negative, he would not get mad. Namor would be very patient and explain to you the context so you would understand and not do it again.
Just the most understanding person to ever exist, He was your safe person. The one person who understood you and never got mad at your behaviors. Never got mad at you for being you.
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yandereloveraw · 5 months
Eyeless AJ x Creepypasta Reader/Y/N: Mouth Inspection
Cw: Suggestive. Contains mouth inspection and demon anatomy.
"So—um, could I ask for a strange favor?"
AJ tilted their head curiously, providing you with their full attention as they answered, "Of course. What kind of favor?"
"Could I perhaps uh…see the inside of your mouth?"
Okay, that was definitely not what the half demon was expecting. Red and confused, they asked, "W—what? Why?"
"—It's just—I've never really seen your tongue and teeth before and I just wanted to look at them—!"
Looking perturbed as ever within their confusion, you panicked while trying to mediate for the unsavory reaction. Waving your arms back and forth, you spoke hurriedly. "I'm not making fun of you or anything! I promise!"
After that reassurance, AJ's expression changed to something less concerning, smiling softly with a flushed face. The half demon would always encourage you to satisfy your curiosity for anything involving anatomy. So as strange and…interesting as your request was, they were not going to turn down the opportunity to teach you something about themselves while getting some attention from you, even if it was from somewhere so–ahem–sensitive.
"AJ? Earth to AJ?"
"O—Of course, I dont mind." Perfect. What a smooth and timely mannered response, the demon chastised themselves.
Your smile had an immediate effect on your lover with those adorable curves to your cheeks, your curious self leaning oh so close to their face.
Following through with their statement, the demon opened their mouth, allowing for two black tentacle-like tongues to come out. They unfured like a carpet down a walkway. The tongues themselves were much longer than your own, hanging out at least five inches or so from your lover's mouth. Thick at the base from where they hung in AJ’s mouth, you followed along the length of them as they slimmed down towards their tips.
A top and bottom row of razor sharp teeth also greeted you. You were reminded of a shark when looking at them.
To say you were gobsmacked would be an understatement. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. "Wow—!"
The demon answered the best they could with flushed cheeks. A warbled “yeah” was their response, causing their tongues to writhe ever so slightly.
"May I touch?," you asked politely.
AJ paused briefly before nodding slowly.
"Please be careful." Their words were garbled, but you still understood.
Trying to be thoughtful, you offered to come back. "Let me just go wash my hands—"
AJ stopped you with a hand to your arm. Their other hand dove into their hoodie pocket and came out with a pair of rubber gloves. You stifled a laugh. Count on your lover to always be prepared. After slipping the gloves onto your hands, you reached for one of the demon's tongues.
The black appendage wrapped itself around your fingers. A black substance similar to the one leaking from the demon's eyes beaded onto your glove. It was fascinating. You retrieved your hand to stroke one of AJ's many teeth, causing them to shudder. This continued until you spoke again.
"Is this all sensitive? Are you okay?"
They nodded as an answer to both questions. Having satisfied your curiosity, you retracted your hand from the demon's mouth. Their tongues retreated as they closed their maw. It was during this that an idea came to you.
"What would you say about using your mouth on me in the bedroom?," you purred seductively, causing AJ's already flushed face to become even more red.
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
Hey Mod Monomi can you do Mahiru, Kaede and Kirumi with a Boyfriend that has ADHD?
Mahiru, Kaede, and Kirumi with a Boyfriend with ADHD
You know my neurodivergent ass can’t say no to an ADHD request!! Also look I'm actually trying to match this blog's theme instead of my usual chaotic one because I felt like it clashed with the other mods! Sorry about that :(
Once again I feel I have to mention this: Although I have ADHD, my experience is not the same as anyone else's and if your symptoms were not represented in this I'm sorry. Please just remember that you are valid and strong!
Okay please enjoy!
-Mod Monomi
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Mahiru Koizumi
♡ Mahiru's a bit of the mom type so if you're hyperactive, she might think you're a bit much but she still loves it and loves your energy!
♡ She definitely seems like the type that would remind you to take your meds every day if you're medicated.
♡ Helps you out with any tasks you might need!
♡ If you have sensory sensitivity and can't handle bright lights she always has the flash off on her camera when you're around, even when she's not taking pictures.
♡ Mahiru seems like the type that would write things down for you if you have trouble remembering things.
♡ As we saw in chapter two, Mahiru definitely doesn't mind offering to help if you have trouble taking care of yourself. She just wants to make sure that you're safe and happy. <3
Kaede Akamatsu
♡ Kaede wouldn't treat you any differently!
♡ For her, your hyperactivity was really good energy and it always put her in a good mood!
♡ Lots of words of encouragement. Knows how intrusive thoughts feel and she knows that your ADHD can make them a lot harder for you so she always has something up her sleeve to make you feel better.
♡ And if her words of encouragement don't do anything for you, she's happy to play the piano for you. There's nothing better than listening to one of her songs when your mind is overstimulated.
♡ Kaede comes up with little jingles to help you remember things and it's so cringy but it's the cutest thing in the world hehe!
♡ She uses how much you fidget as an excuse to teach you how to play the piano, explaining how it might be a constructive way to release tension in your fingers.
♡ Kaede will do anything to make you feel loved and happy <3
Kirumi Tojo
♡ Kirumi could tell.
♡ She's essentially the best partner you could have if you don't have motivation because she doesn't mind working.
♡ She's happy to cook for you, clean for you, or do anything else you might need!
♡ Kirumi does lots of research so that she can be more sensitive to you, and she's happy that she did!
♡ Kirumi always keeps some fidgets on her for you in case you need them. If you don't use them, she's still happy to just chat.
♡ If your ADHD makes you talk a lot Kirumi doesn't mind at all! And it doesn't matter what you want to talk about either. If you have a favorite show or a special interest, or even if you're just rambling she loves it all!
♡ Kirumi listens to everything you have to say. You are her favorite person after all. :3
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labarch · 3 years
Witch Hats and Prejudice Part II
<-- Part I
Olruggio, my love, my man, I’m sorry your proposal to Qifrey in chapter 40 didn’t go as you hoped, let’s sit down and discuss your workaholism, temper issues and saviour complex, yes? Yes. It’s couple therapy time at last, we’ll have a look at Qifrey and Olruggio’s relationship and at chapter 40 in particular through the following points:
-Panelling in the Orufrey conversation in chapter 40
-Prejudice and power imbalance in Qifrey and Olruggio’s interactions
-Help as a collaboration between equals (spoiler: they haven’t made it to that stage yet)
-What Olruggio wants from Qifrey
 Panelling in the Orufrey conversation in chapter 40
The conversation in chapter 40 is never framed as a happy reunion. If we reuse the analysis of the panels from Coco and Qifrey’s conversation I made in my previous post, we find the same markers of unease between Olruggio and Qifrey. Most of the panels are narrow, and get darker and darker as night falls. Qifrey and Olruggio rarely share a panel, and even when they do, they rarely make direct eye contact: Qifrey looks down, or Olruggio walks away from him, or they are curled in on themselves or standing on a slope at different eye level. For a while Qifrey is up in the air and mostly talking to himself. Oh yeah, and there’s a hat that gets in the way at some point.
It gives the sense that they are having two separate conversations, and that they never truly achieve the connection that we saw between Qifrey and Coco. On top of that, while the conversation is supposed to be about comforting Qifrey and earning his trust, Olruggio never manages to get a smile out of him, except for wobbly, miserable little grimaces. So what’s going through both of their heads, and why are they failing to meet halfway?
The chapter has an outward pull to it. The scene takes place on a slope that leads away from the atelier. The chapter opens with a herd of dragons flying away and into the night. Then Qifrey takes flight to look into the distance, while giving a very contradictory speech about how fulfilling yet dull his life is here, how happy yet trapped in an illusion he feels. He has to hold on to his cape as it flaps in the wind. It brings those dragons back to mind, like they are a metaphor for the side of him that wishes to escape. Qifrey’s migration season is just starting folks, it’s a confusing time for him okay.
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In contrast to Qifrey looking ahead into a dark wilderness, Olruggio in this chapter is almost always looking back. He walks away from Qifrey to talk to him over his shoulder, or he looks back towards the atelier. In the only scene where he faces Qifrey full-on, the past is so present on his mind that he de-ages them both. It’s interesting, because it adds a caveat to his pledge of listening to everything Qifrey has to say: he is not so much trying to adapt to Qifrey’s new situation as he is trying to bring them back to the childhood stage of their friendship, when they were always together and kept no secret.
This whole looking ahead / looking back dichotomy brings me back to the mentality of the Great Hall, a society obsessed with keeping itself in an insulated bubble, wrapping itself in good intentions and noble ideals, and ignoring its own inner darkness and complexity. Qifrey, because of his inability to be content and stay in place, threatens that delicate balance. That sends the other witches around him into such a state of panic and outrage that even those who genuinely love him end up lashing out at him with uncharacteristic brutality.
Prejudice and power imbalance in Qifrey and Olruggio’s interactions
I have described in my previous post how vicious and oddly personal Beldaruit got in his attacks against Qifrey in chapter 36, but you can make the same case for Olruggio, especially since the two scenes run in parallel. There is something excessive about the violence with which Olruggio confronts his friend. For one, he is choosing a hell of a time to do it: the girls are safe, there is no urgency to press Qifrey for answers right this instant – except if he is hoping to shock Qifrey into honesty while he’s disoriented. Qifrey has just woken up from a three-day coma; he is half-naked in a place Olruggio knows worsens his nightmares; his scar is exposed; he is half-blind because Olruggio has taken his glasses; Olruggio is literally an angry dark blob looming over him. I’ve often heard it say that Qifrey is manipulative towards Olruggio, but in return Olruggio isn’t above using intimidation tactics against him, consciously or not.
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There is also the staggering lack of empathy of the approach: what started this whole thing is that Olruggio learnt about Qifrey’s impending blindness. And his knee-jerk reaction was to attack Qifrey about it. Like, um, my dude, your friend almost died, he is going to go blind and lose his job, you wanna try being sensitive about it? (Note that Qifrey running after the Brimhats didn’t trouble Olruggio that much at first: after his interview with the Knights Moralis he is mainly concerned with “getting his story straight with Qifrey”; it’s only later on, when we see him staring at the glasses he’s just repaired, that he starts voicing his doubts about Qifrey’s intentions). He may be right to suspect that Qifrey is hiding things from him, but there’s a pretty big leap between “you are keeping secrets” and “you are wilfully using your own child as bait”.
This whole suspicious climate, that makes Olruggio jump straight to the ugliest conclusion possible, is once again a feature of the Great Hall mentality. The mind of a person who has been in contact with forbidden magic is forever corrupt, and his actions are forever suspect. Had Qifrey been anyone else, he would probably have been given the benefit of the doubt for losing track of his students while he was, you know, extremely concussed and suffering from blood loss. Interestingly, Olruggio’s concern – whether, when faced with a chance to go after the Brimhats, Qifrey would choose his quest over his students’ safety – is addressed as early as chapter 22: after an instinctive movement to rush into danger, Qifrey pulls himself back and takes measures to keep Coco and Tetia safe, and even plans to call Olruggio and the Knights Moralis as reinforcements to help rescue the others. Then he gets hit in the head by a giant snake golem, and the rest is history.
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In general, Beldaruit’s and Olruggio’s accusations that Qifrey is using Coco as bait without caring for her wellbeing just don’t hold up. First, all the attacks by the Brimhats so far have occurred in completely mundane, teaching-related settings with other adults present (at the stationary shop, or during an exam), so pushing blame onto Qifrey clearly comes from prejudice rather than evidence. Second, if Qifrey’s sole aim was to get clues on the Brimhats, he would pressure Coco into taking the Librarian test as early as possible, but we keep seeing the opposite: he encourages her to take breaks and to enjoy her training rather than be laser-focused on her goals. Hilariously, out of the two tests Coco passed so far, Qifrey gave his approval for none, thinking it was too early for her (extra-hilariously, Beldaruit is the one who speed-ran Coco through her second test). I’m just saying, if Olruggio hasn’t noticed any of this and can’t take it in consideration before bringing out the accusations and threats, maybe he’s not doing that good a job as a Watchful Eye.  
Another thing about this climate of suspicion, added to the power imbalance between Qifrey and Olruggio, is that it prevents them from having a healthy fight. Olruggio invokes his duties as Watchful Eye to berate Qifrey whenever he steps out of line, but when Olruggio lets his temper carry him too far and misuses his own power (when he drags Coco out to the Knights Moralis even though she had already been officially accepted as an apprentice in volume 2, or when he accuses Qifrey of using Coco as bait in volume 7 without proof), Qifrey never criticises him for doing so. It’s not that he is shy about speaking up to power – he is more than happy to yell at Beldaruit and Easthies when they mistreat his students. But when it comes to Olruggio, Qifrey is compelled to shoulder as much blame as he can, and seems almost afraid of saying anything negative to him.
It would have been justified for Qifrey to start chapter 40 by getting mad at Olruggio for his earlier accusations: Olruggio had been insensitive, unhelpful and completely out of line. But instead Qifrey pretty much encourages Olruggio to attack him again: from his “I thought you might be mad at me” to frantically denying that Olruggio might have ever done anything wrong. In return, there is something defensive in Olruggio’s delivery during the “I’m angry that I wasn’t someone you could trust” segment: he walks away from Qifrey as he gives the non-apology, and it comes out sandwiched between criticisms of Qifrey for being reckless and a long speech of Olruggio praising himself, and how everything would be alright if only Qifrey behaved himself and relied on him more. It’s an issue that this old distribution of roles is so well-entrenched between them, with Olruggio as the golden student and Qifrey as the eternal problem child.
Qifrey’s exaggerated gentleness and praise towards Olruggio participates in the feeling of wrongness that weighs on chapter 40. The memory erasure scene is framed like a kiss, and Qifrey keeps complimenting him even after sending him into an unnatural sleep. It would come across as condescending and manipulative, except for how fervently Qifrey seems to want to believe that Olruggio is perfect, and that any dysfunction in their relationship has to come from him.
Qifrey, focused as he is on his own dark secrets, is utterly unwilling to see any darkness in Olruggio. It makes sense when you consider that Qifrey has also been absorbing the prejudices of the Great Hall: he thinks very little of himself, and has probably been looking up to Olruggio as a moral compass ever since Olruggio took him under his wing as a child. He must also comfort himself with the thought that, when/if his quest drags him away from the atelier, Olruggio will be a perfect teacher for the girls. Having to come to terms with Olruggio’s flaws must be terrifying to him. But what about Olruggio’s perspective in all this?
Olruggio is an example of how even those who materially benefit from an elitist, close-minded society are damaged by it in some way. He grew up in the Great Hall as a bright-eyed, idealistic genius, and even as an adult he clings to the principles of that society like a mantra: “bring the blessings of magic to the people”. He is successful and respected by his peers, popular with the nobles and well-liked among the commoners. Yet somewhere along the way he became a ragged, workaholic hermit.
I have mentioned in previous posts that I suspect Olruggio of grappling with his own, deep-seated fear of being unwanted and left behind. He betrays that fear in the way he is attacking Qifrey: his concerns about Qifrey’s treatment of Coco aren’t based on evidence, and underneath that veneer he is mostly complaining that Qifrey is neglecting him. “Be straight with me”, “Don’t lie to me”, “You wouldn’t even tell me about it”, “You took her as a student without a word to me first”. There again, Olruggio is being a bit hazy on how far his influence goes as Watchful Eye: from what we know, Watchful Eyes are meant to ensure that students don’t get mistreated, but they don’t get a say in who teaches whom: it’s the disciples who choose their masters. Olruggio grumbling about Qifrey adopting more and more children behind his back is cute when we treat them as a couple. But from the perspective of their professional relationship, Olruggio is claiming the right to veto Qifrey’s students and take them away from him without any evidence of abuse.
The problem is that Olruggio is very bad at expressing his feelings without using his job, and therefore his authority, as a crutch. It’s endearing when he uses it to explain away his gifts to the girls (“I just want them to test a prototype”) or his marks of affection and care (“Drying your hair so you don’t catch a cold is part of my duties as Watchful Eye!”). However, it adds a layer of threat to his arguments with Qifrey, because he is constantly dangling that authority over his head, even when he is urging Qifrey to trust him. In his more agitated moments, it turns into a one-man good-cop / bad-cop performance (“Step out of line and I’ll report you” / “Why won’t you confide in me? I’m your best friend!”). Sure, he is willing to side with Qifrey against the Knights Moralis when he deems it appropriate, but here’s the catch: Olruggio gets to decide where the line in the sand lies, and that line seems to shift depending on how hot his temper is flaring at any given time.
It’s no wonder their conversation lends them in a dead-end when it is so one-sided. Thourghout the manga, and in volume 8 in particular, the author explores the idea that help should be a collaborative effort between equals, that encourages both parties to grow and learn more about themselves. Trying to unilaterally “save” someone is almost guaranteed to miss the mark and come across as condescending; it might even cause further harm.
Help as a collaboration between equals
Therefore, Qifrey and Olruggio can’t really come to any connection unless they make it clear that they are helping each other, not just endlessly acting out their roles as the golden student who knows all the right answers, and the problem child who must be saved from himself.
Aside from the framing, help as an equivalent exchange is the other key difference between chapter 40 and Qifrey and Coco’s dialogue earlier in the volume. In order to counter Coco’s doubts and growing self-hatred, Qifrey reinforces everything he admires about Coco: from her social skills and capacity for teamwork to her practical skills and her straight lines. He reminds her of all the things that she achieved so far. He also strongly hints that her fight is his fight, too, and that they should hold onto hope for each other’s sake. Finally, he makes a (pretty dramatic, unnecessarily literal and definitely unsafe, but still awesome) leap of faith by letting her decide what direction she wants to take next. His support isn’t conditional on Coco making the “right” choice, but freely offered. In return, Coco makes a display of saving Qifrey as well, saying she wants him right by her side while she figures out her path. The rescue itself is symbolic (it would actually have been safer for Qifrey to go back on his own), but Qifrey’s gratitude is genuine, because Coco made him feel valued, irreplaceable, just as Beldaruit and Olruggio were making him doubt his place as a teacher.
By contrast, Olruggio’s speech of friendship contains a grand total of ONE compliment, served in such a back-handed way that it sounds almost like a warning: “To Coco, you are a good teacher, so don’t betray that trust”. This is weighted against a slurry of criticisms about Qifrey’s recklessness, and heaps of self-praise. Olruggio is making a case for why Qifrey needs help and why Olruggio is best-qualified to deliver that help, like he is making a sales pitch to a client. It’s probably not a coincidence that Olruggio is remembering his successful bout of diplomacy in chapter 39 as he gears himself for his conversation with Qifrey. Olruggio, look, I get that you have more faith in your professional persona than in your regular self, but you can’t talk to your best friend like you are doing customer service, it just doesn’t work that way.
The help that Olruggio offers leaves no room for Qifrey’s input: once Qifrey has confided everything and laid himself bare, Olruggio will pick apart “where he needs the help” and “when he is about to do something stupid”, and either support or stop him as he judges appropriate. It reinforces Qifrey’s inferiority complex and interiorised guilt, by implying that his moral compass can’t be trusted. It also places the blame for Qifrey’s rash actions solely on his lack of judgement, rather than on having to grapple with complex, life-threatening situations and being caught in a pincer between a terrorist group and an oppressive system. There’s no mention that the definition of what’s “lawful” and “responsible” and “just” has gotten a bit messed up lately, and that Olruggio himself has had to compromise with his duties to cover for the kids. Olruggio fakes confidence in his capacity to fix everything, and pretends that things can go back to the way they were, but it would have been more honest of him to ask Qifrey to work with him so they can form a united front to face their new, complex reality.
Instead, by claiming that he is helping Qifrey out of a sense of duty, as Watchful Eye and as a friend, Olruggio reinforces the feeling that Qifrey is a burden to him. This gives Qifrey more incentive to keep his friend away from his investigations, and to see himself as expendable. In that light, since their friendship brings Olruggio so much trouble and so few benefits, betraying him and stealing the memories that relate to Qifrey’s secrets start to look like the lesser evil.
The only way that the conversation in chapter 40 could have gone well is if they both freely admitted to needing each other. However, it is too early in Olruggio’s character arc to be honest about his own feelings and worries. And it is too early in Qifrey’s character arc to see past his own self-loathing and recognize that his “perfect” friend also needs support and guidance. Yet, when they do, it is hinted that Olruggio can draw inspiration from Qifrey, and help Qifrey in a more meaningful way by highlighting how Qifrey matters to him, letting them reach this stage of true collaboration.
What Olruggio wants from Qifrey
I think Olruggio is repressing a sense of disillusionment about his work, the fairness of the system, and his usefulness as a witch. We see glimpses of his anxiety in chapter 39 notably. While he says that his true role is to help the commoners, circumstances keep reminding him that like it or not, his main function is decorative. He gets dragged in on short notice to be yanked around by petty nobles and arrange light shows at weddings; he has to act in secret to help the destitute, and even then can only do so much before the rules of magic society get in his way. So far he manages to keep his head above water, using his talent for diplomacy and showmanship to keep the nobles appeased, and finding small, creative ways to help commoners without breaking any law. But it leaves him with the feeling of being trapped in an increasingly constraining role, and is slowly pushing him towards a burn out.
He seems to feel a kinship with princess Mia, who like him is used as a tool in petty squabbles between nobles. He even metaphorically puts himself in her shoes: after likening her situation to being trapped in the spotlight in a dance she doesn’t want, he applies the same metaphor to himself and his inability to act outside the narrow constraints of witch rules, of being constantly watched and judged. And then, adorably enough, Olruggio actually brings Qifrey into the metaphor. He muses that Qifrey, who has gone against established rules before, might be the key to escaping that dance.
For all that the “problem child” / “star student” dichotomy has been weighing on Olruggio and Qifrey and warping their friendship, there is a flip side to it as well. As a prodigy who always pressures himself to perform perfectly (to the point where he will work himself to a zombie-like state and then hide behind a mask to look perfect and pristine in front of his clients at parties, Olruggio no), Qifrey provides a chance at escapism. For all that he berates him for causing trouble, Olruggio seems to fondly remember their old adventures. It’s possible that he valued the opportunity to do rebellious, forbidden things without having to jeopardise his reputation. His fear of being left behind by Qifrey is then also a fear of losing his hope that, when the pressure of being the perfect witch becomes too much to bear, Qifrey will be there to break him free.
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In summary, Olruggio wants Qifrey to be his rebellious prince who breaks him free from the ballroom, and we respect him for it. Qifrey had his reasons for not being able to confide in him, and they both have a lot of character development to do before they can reach a stage of actual collaboration and trust. But I don’t dispute that taking his memories was a dick move. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.  
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fanfic-cave · 3 years
Okay. Here’s an idea. Blind s/o or friend (whatever you want) with the bad batch. Maybe they and hunter bond over their heightened senses. They show Omega how to navigate the world without sight. Tell wrecker or echo that they look great (pun intended). Or maybe tech helps them learn to maintain things without sight, something no one has really done.
Didn't See That Coming Pt 1.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1.0k (just barely)
Pairing: Tech x Blind Reader (platonic or romantic up to you)
Warnings: None
Summary: You've been blind for a good chunk of your life, and haven't been able to read or write for years, an activity you used to really love. Tech decides to find a way for you to read again, hoping that it will help you grow more confident too.
Authors note: I rewrote this thing like a million times sorry for taking so long! I'm gonna make a couple chapters/parts for this because I thought the idea of blind reader with TBB was adorable and contained soo many possibilities. Please enjoy part 1 of "Didn't See That Coming" !!! (thanks @gokyacetakal for the request)
tags: @mangoberry99
edit: part 2 is up! link
“Are you ready Y/N?”
Tech shuffled through his pack as he spoke to you. You listened closely, trying to figure out what he was doing.
“Ready for what, exactly?” You asked him, leaning forward in your seat with curiosity.
“Do you not remember?” You really couldn’t remember at all. You shrugged apologetically.
“I had previously explained to you that I discovered something that would help with your… condition.” He paused towards the end, trying to avoid saying the word. It was clear that he felt awkward talking about your disability.
You smiled in his direction. “It’s okay Tech, you can say it. Blind isn’t a dirty word.”
You hadn’t always been blind, but it’s been this way for so long now that it just felt normal to you.
Tech nodded, then realized you couldn’t see him nodding, and he shook his head at himself. “Yes I understand,” he was ready to move past it and get to the topic he had prepared for.
Tech dropped a stack of books in front of you, and you jumped at the sudden loud noise. He hasn’t seemed to notice.
“Have you heard of the miralukans?”
You reached out to the books as you spoke. “No, why?” Tech took your hand in an effort to guide it towards the stack. It wasn’t uncommon for each of the squad members to do small things like this to help you. You were still appreciative at his efforts nonetheless.
“They are a very unique species. They look almost identical to the human species, save for the fact that they have no eyes.”
You froze. Tech found himself smirking, seeing that he finally caught your interest.
“So they’re blind? Like me?” You found yourself getting excited, and you were speaking quickly. Questions starting to bubble in your head.
“Yes, and no.”
Your eagerness began to diminish. “You’ve lost me. Are they or aren’t they?” You pressed Tech for more details.
“They do not see the way an average species does.”
“What does that mean?” You questioned him.
Tech scrolled through his notes on his data pad as he continued. “The Miralukans are considered force sensitive individuals, and they see using the force.”
Your face fell a bit as he spoke. You weren’t a force user, how was this supposed to help you? Tech noticed this, and he tried to keep explaining.
“But that is besides the point,” he placed a book in your hands and opened the page. “Put your hand on the pages.” He instructed. You felt your curiosity return again, questioning how touching a blank page would do anything.
As your fingers skimmed the pages, you felt an odd texture on the page. There were almost what felt like bumps in it. “What is this?” You raised your head to his direction, showing your confused expression.
“You’ll find out, keep tracing the texture.” Tech turned his attention to the rest of the books, and started organizing the pile.
You felt yourself get a little exasperated. Why could he just get to the point already? You knew he liked to teach, but now you knew he really liked having you apply yourself before he jumped in.
As you traced the texture, you began to recognize something. There were… symbols? No, letters. The language wasn’t galactic basic, but they were definitely words. “Oh-“ the noise escaped you as the realization came upon you.
“Interesting, is it not?” Tech smiled, pleased that you had figured it out.
“What language is this?” You inquired, scanning the raised lettering more quickly, now that you had recognized it.
“Miralukese.” Tech replied. “And you are going to learn it.” Tech placed another book in front of you, getting his curriculum ready.
“Me?” You sputtered.
“Yes.” Tech replied matter of factly. Of course this didn’t bother him, you thought. The genius sitting across from you knew several languages, this must seem easy to him.
You had stopped tracing the raised lettering, and froze.
“Tech…” you sighed out. A frown began to form on your face. This was a lot. Learning a whole other language, just so you could maybe read again? You didn’t feel like you would be able to do it. You had resigned yourself to never being able to read again a long time ago, when you had started losing your sight. Why put yourself through more disappointment by getting your hopes up here, just to fail?
“Y/N.” Techs voice brought you back to reality. You turned your face up in his direction. “You are more intelligent than you are giving yourself credit for. Also, I will be helping you. With both of us applying our efforts to the task, you should be reading and writing very soon.”
A painful smile grew on your face. “I’m not sure that you're right, Tech.”
Tech felt a pang of sympathy. Hearing you doubt yourself like this, made him feel all the more determined to teach you.
“Have I ever been wrong?” He countered your previous statement.
You thought for a second on what he said. ��Yes, if my memory serves me right.” You let a soft giggle escape as memories filled your head.
“I know I’m not wrong about this.” Tech spoke with conviction. If you weren’t confident, he wanted to give you a vote of confidence. Tech thought of you as a good friend, at the very least. He knew you were more shy, and he thought teaching you a useful skill would help you grow more. Plus, you had told him before how you missed reading and writing.
You hadn’t witnessed Tech talk to you like this before. He was a person who relied on logic and data, however, you weren’t so sure he was relying on logic when he spoke to you just now.
“You’re sure?” You inquired again. Tech let a sigh escape him.
He reached out and put a hand on your shoulder, both for comfort and encouragement. “Yes, Y/N.”
You smiled to yourself, feeling the excitement return.
“Okay, let’s do it.”
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Sensitive Spots Part 2 (NSFW smut/angst) Mammon X Male MC
This is a continuation of another post: Part 1
Yuki is FTM (he/him). I just wanted to write smut but characters decided to go for angst
"What? Did I say something weird?" Yuki asks as all the demon brothers stare at him.
"Oh, Yuki." Asmo coos. "You really don't know what you do to us do you? Giving Mammon's wings special attention and then asking to do the same with everyone else."
"We weren't doing anything like that!" Mammon barks. "And even if we- If we were, what's the problem, huh?"
Yuki shrugs. "It's biology, and I like biology. I wanna learn about demon anatomy, and, while books can teach a lot, a diagram is nothing like touching the real thing."
"Well, that statement isn't wrong," Satan chuckles. "I suppose I should have leant you more descriptive books."
"That would be nice." Yuki comments. "Though, I'd still like to poke and prod y'all if y'all'd let me."
"You can poke and prod me all you want, Darling." Asmo giggles. "I can show you just how different demon anatomy can be."
"Me first." Belphie buts in.
Beel pauses chewing. "I wouldn't mind it either."
Satan chuckles. "I'd be happy to help educate you with a private lesson, Yuki."
"Oh no you don't!" Mammon growls. "The only one giving Yuki an anatomy lesson is me!"
Levi whines. "How can all of you say this stuff so casually?!"
Lucifer sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. "Yuki, why is it that you always seem to rile them up?"
"I don't fucking know, but it's nice to know I can study y'alls' demon forms, at least most of you it seems like." Yuki smiles. "This is gonna be fun."
"I can't wait, Darling." Asmo leans in closer to Yuki, but, before he can respond, Mammon yoinks him out of his chair.
"I call dibs!" Mammon yells before running off with the human as an uproar comes from his brothers. The demon pulls Yuki into his room, slams the door, and shifts into his demon form as he faces the human.
"So that just happened?" Yuki looks at Mammon with confusion.
"Can you not be a nerd for 5 seconds?" Mammon grumbles with his cheeks flushed. "Do you have any idea what you've been saying?"
Yuki stares blankly at Mammon. "Uh..." Yuki shrugs.
"Well, if you really want to be a nerd and study demon anatomy, you'll be studying me first." Mammon pouts.
"Oh uh, okay. So how do you wanna do this?"
Mammon gulps and takes Yuki by the hand, guides the human to sit on the bed with him. "Ya can go ahead and touch me..."
Yuki hesitates. "Where am I allowed to touch you?"
"Anywhere. Just- Touch me."
Yuki looks over Mammon's torso before tracing the markings on the demon's chest. Mammon's breath hitches.
"They're a different texture." Yuki mutters. "Are these tattoos or...?"
"They're kinda like birth marks." Mammon answers. "I didn't pick 'em."
"They look good on you." Yuki begins to undo the buckles of Mammon's top. It doesn't take long for the leather to fall from Mammon's shoulders. Yuki scoots himself to sit behind the demon.
"Ya really like my wings, don't ya?" Mammon chuckles softly.
"Yeah," Yuki answers easily. "They're really cool." Yuki delicately pulls at Mammon's wing and sees how far it can spread. He feels the thing leathery like skin and follows the white edges to the demon's shoulder blades. Mammon bites his lip. Yuki's hands feel up along Mammon's back, feeling how the muscles connect to the demon's wings. Mammon swallows his moan.
"You said the tissue here was sensitive." Yuki comments. "What does it feel like?"
"Good." Is the only word Mammon can get out without letting a groan slip past his lips. Yuki rubs the area where the leathery wing joins Mammon's back. The demon's wing twitches. Yuki rubs it again, the wing twitches again. Mammon can feel his cock stirring in his pants. Yuki tries rubbing another spot, this time Mammon's wing flutters. Yuki does this again and again, finding different spots at the base of Mammon's wings, seeing how the wings move depending on where he touches. A soft curse from the demon catches Yuki's attention.
"You good?" Yuki asks, looking over Mammon's shoulder. The human notices how Mammon's chest is heaving, cheeks and shoulders are flushed. Yuki's eyes widen as he looks further down and sees Mammon's cock straining against his pants. "Oh..." Yuki mumbles. "Oooooh, so they're that kind of sensitive."
Mammon turns to the human and growls. "Now you realize it?"
"'Huh?' 'Huh?!' Is that all you're gonna say?" Mammon tries to calm his breathing down.
Yuki shrugs, eyes not leaving the tent in Mammon's pants. "It's interesting anatomy. Is this kind of reaction common with all demons or is it-"
"Are you seriously still acting fucking like a nerd right now?"
"Should I not be?" Yuki asks.
"Fucking-" Mammon grunts. "You really are something else."
Heat rises in his Yuki's cheeks. "Are demons different down there as well?"
"I- Yeah." Mammon gulps. "Do ya... wanna see?"
Yuki slides off the bed and sets himself between Mammon's legs. "May I?" He asks.
"Fuck yes." Mammon groans.
Yuki hesitates for a moment and then undoes Mammon's belt. He unconsciously licks his lips as he pulls the zipper down, leaning closer as he does so. When Mammon's cock springs free, Yuki's eyes stare in amazement.
"Wow." Yuki mutters. White markings line either side of Mammon's cock, and rows of ridges are stacked along his shaft. Yuki leans in closer, fingers wrapping around the base of the demon's cock. Without thinking, Yuki leans down and licks the tip.
"Fuck." Mammon moans.
"Sorry, I don't know what came over me." Yuki pulls away.
"Don't fucking apologize." Mammon reaches down and runs his hand through Yuki's hair. "Go ahead. Study my cock with your mouth."
Yuki leans in closer again, looking up at the demon to make sure what he's doing is okay, and takes the tip of Mammon's cock between his lips. He runs his tongue over the slit, savoring the taste of the demon. His hand slowly begins stroking the demon.
Mammon groans. "Fuck, Yuki."
Yuki takes more of Mammon into his mouth, mind going fuzzy as heat grows in his lower body. Yuki's other hand wanders down and begins rubbing circles against his clit through the fabric of his pants. Yuki strokes faster and begins to bob his head, taking in more and more of Mammon's cock each time his head descends. When he looks up, Mammon's blue eyes are staring back at him with flushed cheeks.
"You look so good with your lips wrapped around my cock." Mammon moans.
Those words both embarrasses and encourages Yuki. He tries to take Mammon deeper, trying to take the demon down his throat. He chokes and has to pull away, but he does back down, determined to take all he can. He closes his eyes as his head bobs faster, both of his hands working Mammon's cock.
"Y-Yuki-" Mammon pants. "I'm- Fuck, I'm close."
Yuki pulls Mammon's cock from his lips and strokes the demon's cock. He opens his mouth, tongue out and ready. The human looks up, watching as how Mammon's shoulders shudder and how the demon's bottom lip bleeds as he bites it.
A guttural groan escapes Mammon as he cums, his fingers digging into Yuki's scalp. Yuki keeps staring at the demon, taking note of every detail he can, as rope after rope of cum shoots into his mouth. Mammon stares back, watching as Yuki licks his lips clean and sucks the tip of Mammon's cock, making sure every drop is in his mouth. For a moment, the two stare at each other in silence. When Yuki swallows his cum, Mammon pulls the human onto his lap, and they kiss each other desperately.
"Mammon!" Yuki gasps when the demon bites the base of his neck. "Fuck- Your teeth."
"Too much?"
"No." Yuki grinds on Mammon's cock. "Do it again."
"Fucking asking to touch all my brothers." Mammon growls in Yuki's ear. "If you're gonna pick us all, I'm gonna be your first."
Yuki moans loudly as Mammon's teeth sink into shoulder, and the demon bucks his hips. "On you back." Yuki commands.
Mammon's pact pulls him down onto the mattress. He gazes up at Yuki with wide eyes.
"Was that okay?" Yuki asks as he rest his hands on the demon's chest.
"Y-yeah, ya just surprised me."
"Sorry." Yuki chuckles and lifts himself, pulling his leg free from his pants and underwear. His shirt is just long enough to cover himself. Mammon can't see it, but, when Yuki sits himself back on the demon's abdomen, Mammon can feel how wet Yuki is.
Mammon's hands trace up Yuki's thighs and pushing up the human's shirt. "Damn." He mutters.
Yuki flushes and pulls the shirt back down. "It's okay. You don't have to pretend to find me attractive."
Mammon's eyebrows furrow. "'Pretend?' What the hell are ya- Yuki, you're hot as fuck!"
"I'm really not." Yuki shrugs. "I accidentally got you horny, now you need a release, and I'm a warm body close by. It's okay, I'm mediocre. I get it. You don't have to lie."
"I ain't lying!" Mammon grumbles and flips Yuki over, laying the human face up while he cages Yuki in with his arms. "What the fuck are you talking about? Yuki, you fucking drive me wild! You drive so many demons nuts with how hot you are!"
Yuki stares blankly at Mammon for a beat and then laughs. The human yelps suddenly when Mammon flips Yuki on his back. "Mammon?" Yuki gasps.
"You're fucking sexy." Mammon growls. "If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you." The demon licks up Yuki's neck, making the human gasp. Mammon's hands sneak under Yuki's shirt, feeling up the human's torso.
"Ma-Mammon-" Yuki moans. "You don't have to-"
"I want to." Mammon pulls Yuki's shirt over the human's head. "I want you."
Yuki looks back silently before nodding. "Okay, just- If you want to stop at any time, I won't be mad."
"Ya don't need to worry about that." Mammon mutters as he trails kisses down Yuki's torso. "Spread your legs for me."
Yuki gulps and does what he's told, opening his legs and revealing his hard clit and wet folds. Mammon rests his hands on the human's thighs and licks his lips. He leans in closer and blows on Yuki's sensitive bud. Yuki gasps, hips jumping forward at the sensation.
"Mammon, please-" Yuki mewls.
"Don't worry. I got you." Mammon says before running his tongue across Yuki's hole. The human's hands shoot to Mammon's hair, one of them gripping one of the demon's horn. Mammon goes deeper, pushing his tongue into Yuki and savoring the human's taste.
"Fuck- Mammon, I- ." Yuki moans, back arching. Mammon shifts his his focus, tongue twisting around Yuki's clit, as two of his fingers slowly enter the human's hole. Yuki's legs encase Mammon's head, pulling him in even more.
"M-Mammon, yes- Mammon." Yuki squirms in the demon's grasp as he repeats Mammon's name again and again. Mammon's fingers pump into Yuki, making the human's legs shake, as the demon sucks and nibbles on Yuki's clit. With a final curse and whimper of Mammon's name, Yuki cums. Mammon feels Yuki's walls squeeze his soaked fingers, and the human's clit pulsing on his tongue.
Mammon pulls away and licks his lips as he looks over Yuki's body. Yuki's chest is heaving, and his body still twitches as he comes down from his high. Yuki's arms have pushed his glasses up as he covers his face. "Yuki," Mammon pulls himself up and kisses Yuki's chest. "Lemme see that handsome face of yours."
"I'm sorry." Yuki chokes out, not moving his arms.
"What the hell are you apologizing about?"
"I just- This is-" Yuki sniffles. "What we just did- Why? How could you- Why me?"
"Ah fuck, are ya crying?" Mammon panics. "Did I hurt you? Did I-"
"No! No, I just-" Yuki wipes his eyes. "It feels so impossible. Mammon, you're- I know I'm not ugly, and that I can be cute sometimes, but I know I'm not sexy. You said that's not true, but you're- You're fucking gorgeous Mammon. You have it all, the looks, the voice, the confidence, the experience, but me- I just- I don't understand how you would ever do something like this with me. I'm just the mediocre nerd who's lucky enough to not be repulsive on a good day."
"What the hell, Yuki? Is that how you see yourself?" Mammon pulls the human in for a hug.
"I mean, how else can I see myself." Yuki murmurs. "Look at me."
"I am, and you're fucking sexy."
"I don't understand how you can say that."
"Because you are!" Flushed, Mammon leans in and kisses Yuki with agrowl. "You don't know how often you drive me wild."
Yuki is silent for a moment before speaking. "I don't understand, but... I know you aren't lying to me. I just- You're you, Mammon, a model with tons of fans who flirt with you, while the only people who try and get my attention want to copy my assignments or ask to cheat off of me during exams. It's obvious what people think of me, so how- Why do you, of all people, think I'm sexy?"
"Yuki, have you seen your face? Have you seen your body? Do you know how often you leave me all hot and bothered? I-" Mammon's face turns a darker pink and takes Yuki's hand, guiding it to hard cock. "Your voice, the way you called my name. The way you moved and moaned for me, I'm hard again because of how fucking sexy you are."
Yuki kisses him.
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Ateez reaction to you being hurt
notes: I'm feeling angsty today
He had a hard day, practicing for hours on end for Ateez's 10th year anniversary concert. He wanted to get home and pour his heart out in front of you and just spend time with you. But he came home and you weren't there much to his dismay, but he waited for you. It was raining heavily. He called you again and again but you weren't answering making him anxious and adding to his frustration. Three hours later, the rain still hadn't stopped and he was scared and furious. The bell rang and Seonghwa opened the door. You stood there, completely drenched in the rain. He stepped aside to let you in. You walked inside and got to the living room when he pulled you by your arm to make you face him.
"where the hell were you? And why weren't you answering your damn phone?" he tone was harsh.
"Seonghwa please, not now I-"
"no we need to talk about this now! answer me! Do you know how worried I was? And I was already frustrated to begin with!"
You lowered your head and let the tears spill but it seemed like the rain water was dripping down your face.
He shook you arm to pull you, making you lift your face and roughly pull out of his grasp. That's when he saw the tears.
"I had a bad day too! Okay? My awful coworkers took credit for my project that I worked so hard on! And on top of that I locked the car with the keys, my wallet and phone inside! And I had to walk home because I didn't have any money for a bus or a cab! There! Got your answer!"
Seonghwa's eyes softened at your words and he tried hugging you but you pulled back.
"no I'm not in the mood and I'm drenched"
You went to your room and locked yourself in the bathroom to cry in the shower.
The track he was working on was almost ready and he wanted you to be the first person to hear it so he called you to invite you over to his studio.
"hey babe what are you doing?"
"nothing much Joong. What's up"
"can you come over in the evening? I want you to listen to my song"
There was a pause from your end.
"hello? Baby can you hear me?"
"ye-ah Joongie. I'm busy these days, I'm so sorry. I'll try to come after the next week."
"no that's okay, you don't need to put your work aside. I'm free today since I finished the song, I'll come over. How does that sound?"
"I'll tell you in a few hours, okay?"
Hongjoong felt something was off so he quickly got done with his files and saved the track and packed up. He drove straight to your apartment and knocked on the door. You didn't expect to see Hongjoong at the door so you hid behind the door after opening it. He eyed you suspiciously.
"are you okay?" he asked, pushing the door slightly to get inside.
"yeah why do you ask?" you spoke nonchalantly, standing in the akimbo pose.
"you're acting... unusual"
He slid it aside and took you towards your bedroom. He found it unusual how you were walking slowly and stopped.
"you're hurt." he stated and his suspicion was confirmed when you didn't answer.
"I slipped and sprained my ankle. I didn't want you to worry so I didn't tell you and I didn't agree to meet you"
He picked you up and laid you on the couch, snuggling next to you.
"I'm here to take care of you" he whispered and turned the TV on.
Yunho is always in a good mood when he gets to see you. He wants to make the best use of the time he gets to spend with you. So during his break, you guys went to his home town to meet his parents but you stayed in a hotel even though he insisted that you stayed at his house. But you were a woman of principles and didn't think it was appropriate to stay at your boyfriend's house before marriage. He came to pick you up in his car and took you to an amusement park. You guys took roller-coaster rides and other scary looking rides too. He asked if you wanted to eat something and proposed the idea of going to a restaurant but you you told him that hotdogs from the vendors in the park would be nice and that you wanted to stay there longer and get on more rides. After eating you two took that discovery ride. While getting off you felt a little dizzy and tripped on something and fell. Yunho quickly helped you up and asked if you were okay and you told him yes, even though your ankle hurt a lot. After the fun time, he drove you back to your hotel. As you got off, you winced in pain and knelt to the ground, clutching your ankle. He worriedly got out the car and came to your side.
"your ankle is swollen" he spoke, concerned.
"it's fine, I can manage"
"are you kidding me? Why didn't you tell me you're hurt?"
"because I didn't want to ruin tee date"
"you can't stay here y/n, you're coming out with me"
"I said it's okay Yunho, I'll take painkillers and an ice pack, I'll be fine"
"I'm sorry you got hurt"
"you don't need to be sorry babe" you said and kissed him.
Yeosang wanted to go skateboarding with you but you didn't know how to ride a skate so he took it upon himself to teach you even though you gave the idea of him skating and you cycling next to him but he said no. He took you to a nearby park and helped you learn for over a month. When he deemed you ready, he encouraged you to ride it on your own with him holding your hands or your waist. You took a deep breath.
"you can do this" he smiled.
"I hope so" you replied and steadied yourself.
"I can already see us skateboarding down the road. I can't wait"
"okay here goes nothing"
You gained momentum with your foot pushing the board forward and continued with a steady pace.
"I'm doing it! Yeosang I'm doing it!" you cheered but made the mistake of looking back towards him which made you lose your balance since you were relatively new to this. You fell on your back but broke your fall with your arm.
Yeosang rushed towards you and helped you up. You yelped in paid when he grabbed your arm.
"it hurts so much" you shook.
He took you to a hospital where the doctor told you your wrist was dislocated.
He felt awful and blamed it on himself. He stayed by your side before and after your surgery and even helped you with your daily life stuff until you got better. You were happy to spend a lot of time with him and told him it wasn't his fault.
"you are never riding a skateboard again. Like ever."
You were visiting Namhae to meet San's family. He always talked about them and told you how important they were to him so you paid them a visit, knowing it would make San the happiest.
You were sat on the couch, chatting with his sister while the TV was on. It was a random drama which none of you were interested in, rather wanting to talk about girl stuff.
"Sannie is a sensitive one, though he doesn't show it" his sister let you know.
"I know, I have never seen him cry. I used to think he doesn't care but then I found out that he's just very good at controlling his emotions."
You two were indulged in the conversation and didn't see San entering the room with Byeol in his arms.
"Y/N I want you to meet our family's master"
You and his sister giggled.
"Byeol, this is Y/N. I hope you come to terms with the fact that your position as the girl I'd die for has been taken by her."
You were a blushing mess and had butterflies in your stomach. San was always kind and loving towards you. And as if Byeol had understood what San had said, she started acting up.
"can I pet her?" you asked, earning encouraging nods from the Choi siblings. You stretched your hand you gently pet her head but Byeol acted first and violently scratched your hand, drawing blood.
"Byeol no!" San whined as the cat hissed at you and ran to the other room.
You clutched your hand tightly, trying to soothe the pain but it came in waves and burned. San worriedly came closer to you and him and his sister examined your hand. There was definitely blood coming out of the claw marks. They had to take you to the hospital to get you tetanus shots.
"I'm so sorry Y/N, your hand is ruined and you're in pain because of me"
"not because of you Sannie, it was Byeol but you can't really blame her, she an animal after all"
Mingi took you to the dance studio to show you the new dance he choreographed. He was happy with it and spent a lot of time perfecting it and wanted you to see it. You were supportive of his ambitions as a rapper and a dancer, aside from Ateez. He was grateful for you for being by his side and understanding the time and effort it required. You never complained when he was unable to make time for you sometimes, knowing that he was working hard. The bond you shared was strong and you two were inseparable.
"okay I'm gonna start, queue the music"
And with that he started dancing. You were in awe of the way his body moved and how effortlessly he executed the difficult moves. You clapped when he finished.
"wow Mingi... this is... wow... I'm so proud" you were at a loss of words.
"come on I'll teach you the floor move, it's the easiest"
It was the easiest, for a trained dancer that is. You both didn't realize how difficult it actually was. You, because you weren't a dancer and Mingi made it look like a piece of cake. Mingi, because it came naturally to him and he had insane body control so he thought it was actually easy.
He taught you how to slide using your core strength. You didn't have a strong core to begin with, so you landed on your knee and pain shot up in your leg. You clutched it and let out a whine. Mingi took a look at it saw it reddening.
"I'm sorry for making you do this" he shook his head.
"nah I shouldn't have said yes" you smiled, not wanting him to be upset.
"let's get you home"
He kept his artist of the month news a secret from you. He wanted to surprise you with it. So when you saw it on twitter you called him and congratulated him.
"this is huge Woo, I'm so proud of you!"
"I know you're rooting for me. I want you to come at the practice session we're having, just so we can perform on stage too"
You agreed to come and dressed up for him. When he saw you enter the studio in your black jeans that hugged your curves and the loose green cardigan which you styled and tucked in from the front. You had your hair down and mere sight of you took Wooyoung's breath away. His dancer friend from bb trippin' knew about your relationship but some of the staff was different that day and didn't know who you were.
Your eyes gleaned, watching Wooyoung dance. He was in his element and looked ethereal. The practice session ended and before you could run to him and hug him, you saw another woman, a staff member get close to him, handing him a water bottle and wiping his sweat off with a cloth. You were stunned but didn't think muhh about it, since his job required him to be around other women too. You watched from a distance how she talked to him for some time and subtly placed a hand on his thigh, giggling and telling him he did well. You were hurt to say the least. He didn't spare you a glance and then talked to her as if you weren't in the room. You didn't ruin the mood for him at the moment but were screaming internally watching her flirt with your man in broad daylight and him going along with him.
After the session ended, his choreographer called him to discuss important matters with him and the staff started leaving. You noticed how the same woman was hanging around, until another senior staff member told her to pack up and leave. After the discussion, Wooyoung came running to you.
"did you like it?" he asked excitedly.
"the performance? yes. The little show with that staff woman? absolutely not"
His face fell at your words.
"baby listen, I had to let it slide. It's not like I could've swat her hands away and tell her to go away. Having good chemistry with the staff results in good performances. Please try to understand"
"I don't know Wooyoung. And this is just what I saw. I can't stop imagining what else goes on since I'm not around all the time"
"I want you to trust me. I'm all yours. No one can take me away from you. No one. You don't know the hold you have around my heart. You don't know what you do to me. It's you and only you. Never forget that."
If there's one thing in this world that Jongho liked doing the most, it was comparing how strong he was compared to you. No, you didn't even compare. You didn't even come close. He loved lifting you like it was nothing, tightening jars on purpose so you would ask him to open them for you and lifting the furniture with one hand while you both cleaned. He also loved arm wrestling with you with just two of his fingers of his non dominant hand, while you struggled to win with your dominant hand.
You both sat in the middle of the living room. Jongho challenged you to arm wrestling and the loser would have to clean the dishes. He wasn't even trying while you were shaking by using the entire strength in your arm. He got a little cocky when his hand got tired and decided to end it with a bang. He used intense force and your hand landed on the table with a thud. You pulled it back and rubbed it. He didn't fully realize how hard he hurt you until he saw just how red the back of your hand was. He immediately apologized but you got up to give yourself first aid, not responding to him. He followed you to the kitchen and tried helping but you shoved him aside.
"leave me alone"
"I'm sorry I hurt you. Let me help"
"Jongho please just leave me alone right now"
He felt awful to have hurt you and after you went to your bedroom, he did the dishes. You had invited him to stay the night at your apartment so he was glad he could be around to make it up to you.
He came to you some time later and apologized again and took responsibility of his actions.
"you scared me Jongho"
"I'm so sorry, I'll be more careful I promise"
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creativia10 · 3 years
Others in "Working Through Intrusive Thoughts
The following contains SPOILERS for "Working Through Intrusive Thoughts"
Summary: Janus once again finds himself popping in to just watch the drama unfold. However, things take an interesting turn. He may find he has more to think about than he would have expected for that day.
Notes: Let me know if there is another way to Spoiler tag this that I missed. (Title may change). I felt the urge to write something like this pretty quickly after watching the new episode. Spoilers ahead, so please be aware. I am not sure how I feel about this. This feels different from the other one. Let me know if I've missed any warnings.
Pairing: Janus and Remus, hints of Intruloceit
Word count: 945
Warnings: Sexual innuendos, references to the content warnings from WTIT,
Janus sighed as he popped into Thomas’ living room, not announcing his presence, as he was just here for the drama again. He glanced around the room for Remus, but didn’t actively look for him, as giving him away would be ‘participating���. He would shuffle around though, not necessarily ‘hiding’ but not in their view of attention either. He snorted at Remus’ attempts at getting Logan when Logan finally saw Remus. He also took the wine bottle from Logan, pouring some for himself, then sat himself down at the table.
Logan sighed.
“Do you have to encourage him?” Janus smirked and shrugged.
“I’m just here. I’m not doing anything to egg him on.”
Logan sighed again and brought his attention back to Thomas. Virgil, despite them not talking directly, was panicking through Thomas multiple times which made Janus sigh. He almost felt bad for him.
So Janus basically just watched where he could. Logan was impressive as always. Remus’ extra-ness was entertaining as usual, although he wouldn’t have been surprised if he was going overboard to impress Janus. This didn’t always work though.
Then he did that weird little roleplay scene for Logan, which confused the man as much as everything else did. Probably didn’t even pick up that Remus was flirting. Which was fine, that was just how Remus was. There wasn’t really a reason for Janus to be jealous. He understood anyways, the nerd was desirable. He was distracted from his not-jealousy with the next thing that Remus set up.
As impressed as Janus was by all that Remus could do, the situation with Nico was clearly a sore spot. Janus wasn’t going to chastise Remus or anything of course. Besides, Logan had it covered. Oh, to wish good things for either side of this rivalry today. Another reason he was just watching, it didn’t really involve him anyways. He might even be able to calm Remus down afterwards.
Strangely enough, at one point the other two were in a different room from Thomas. The more exciting area seemed to be with Remus and Logan, although Janus was still somewhat aware of Thomas.
So he continued lurking as Logan, surprisingly tried to negotiate with Remus. If Remus didn’t have that sensitive pride that creativities seemed to have, he might have even been believed. Turned out today would be more exciting that Janus originally thought though.
Remus was pushing Logan’s buttons, of course, because that was one of Remus’ stronger qualities. Logan was starting to actually show his building frustration, which was surprising. Might even be good for Logan in the end, although Janus didn’t exactly revel in the logical side’s upset.
and whoa. Logan’s eyes glowed fire orange. That was not typical of him at all.
Remus went all for it. Janus was thinking more about it though. Then Thomas left to meet up with Nico, of course. Although Janus saw Logan’s face after Thomas already left.
He couldn’t help but sigh, understanding what that felt like. Sometimes he didn’t always like the ways he would do what was best for Thomas. It wasn’t like he would have been good at comfort anyways though.
Janus lounged in the tree looking over all of them as Thomas talked with Nico. Janus picked up on the tensions just bubbling under the surface, and how unstable their ‘fine-ness’ was, perpetuating the thought that it was okay, because that was what Thomas wanted. He knew though. This wouldn’t last. The theatre in him couldn’t resist the dramatics, and bit into the apple almost as a reminder to himself of what would come next.
“Well hey there Double Dee”
Janus oofed as Remus practically appeared over him and fell onto him. He grabbed hold of the tree, probably forgetting he was imaginary again.
“Hello Remus,” Janus was still looking down at the others, still thinking. He paid particular attention to Logan.
“So what’d ya think of today, huh? Teach is hot, but man can he be annoying.”
Remus leaned into him more and did his typical shimmy.
“I’m riled up again,” He breathed into Janus’ ear.
“Wanna get out of here so I can let it out?”
“I’m, not really in the mood right now, Remus.”
Remus blinked and leaned back. He seemed to take in Janus’ body language for the first time.
“Hey, er, are you ok?”
“…I’m not sure. I’m, thinking about what happened with him today.”
“Oh, Logan? Yeah, the fire eyes thing was kinda hot not gonna lie. I wonder what else I can pull at to see that again, because woo man would I want to.”
Janus pursed his lips as that ugly green feeling came back.
“Surely you realize what this could mean though.” Janus said.
Remus shrugged. “I mean, we have you. “ Remus nudged into Janus’ shoulder. “We’ll be alright.”
Janus rolled his eyes with a small smile and leaned back into the shoulder.
“So, you really don’t want to-“
“No, Remus. Unfortunately I find my priority lies in Thomas’ mind sphere.”
Remus pouted a little.
“I’ll still see you later tonight,” Janus said softly.
Remus nodded. “You gonna try and talk to the nerd or something?”
Janus shrugged. “I am not sure what good that will do in the long run. It is certainly interesting though to be the only knowing something is coming. That is inevitable.”
Janus turned over surprised at Remus’ quiet, when Remus leaned over to kiss him. Janus returned the kiss of course, but then pulled back to give him a questioning look. Remus simply smiled and then sunk out. Janus rolled his eyes, and went back to watching them.
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May I request Golden Deer x fem!reader headcanons where her upbringing didn't lend itself to her learning feminine hygiene like shaving or knowing how to braid her hair which makes her insecure and the house notices she never wears short clothes even in sweltering heat? Maybe with Claude x reader undertones?
Of course anon! I’d be more than happy to try my best. I certainly hope that I did them justice! Hopefully they aren’t out of character lol. to be completely honest, i feel like i rushed this towards the end lmao
~Admin Hurricane
Claude von Deer
He didn’t understand it, but you intrigued him
You weren’t like Marianne or Hilda, in fact you were far from it
It surprised him nonetheless when you were wearing long sleeves in sweltering weather
He’d asked you countless times why you weren’t wearing something lighter, but you would always shake your head and continue on with training.
It certainly worried him, when you suddenly fainted one day
He insisted that he be the one to carry you back to the infirmary.
Byleth had to force him to go back to class cause all his pacing outside of the infirmary was giving Manuela a headache.
When you finally woke up, he immediately booked it from the GD classroom and was the first one in
That was when you broke down and told him everything
He listened to every word you had to say, not breaking eye contact once please i love him he’s hubby material why isn’t he real sOB
When you finished he was silent before consoling you and pulling into a hug
He told you that it didn’t matter what your body looks like and that all that mattered was your personality and you as person
That caused you to break down more which made him PANIC lmao
Offered to teach you how to braid hair 
Whenever you guys are training or are in battle, he keeps an eye on you to ensure that you don’t faint again cause of heatstroke 
Advises you to drink plenty of water, STAY HYDRATED!
Ohoho Byleth the matchmaker caught on, and immediately paired the two of you together 
Whenever you’re feeling down cause you don’t seem “feminine enough” or are “too masculine” Claude immediately waves off those bad thoughts
Also to add onto you feeling down, if you were really out of it, he would drag you onto his wyvern and take you out for a ride :))))
Hilda squealed when she first saw you, immediately dragging you into her room. 
She tried sprucing you up, but you didn’t really get it as she eagerly showed you different outfits and makeup
She got kinda upset when you stared out the window instead bored out of your mind
Tried to get your attention by waving her hands dramatically in front of you
She was pretty surprised when you opened up to her about why you weren’t interested
From then on Hilda decided to give you some tips on how to do your hair and such
She also gave you advice on clothes to wear, if you were still insecure. Something that won’t cause you to overheat, but is light and long enough to cover up your arms and legs.
Overall she was pretty open as soon as she learned about your circumstances and very willing to help.
Off topic but Lorenz please change your goddamn pre time skip hairstyle
To be frank, the two of you didn’t get along that well
Why do I say that? Well you didn’t like his womanizing attitude towards other girls and felt that he was too stuck up for his own good
He thought you were too masculine and brutish for your own good and tried educating you which annoyed you to no ends.
Finally one day, when you couldn’t take his pestering anymore you just snapped
He stood there in shock, completely unsure of what to say
From then on he was more aware of what he said to you cause he was worried that what he would say would wound your pride again
Keeps an eye on you because he’s “such a gentleman” hey, his words not mine.
Sorry bby, I love you Raph, but he’s a little bit dense 
Doesn’t notice your discomfort at first
Takes you awhile to open up but once you get to know him, he’s more than willing to listen
Being a big bro, he does his best to comfort you and encourage you saying that it doesn’t matter how you act he’s still rooting for you 🥺 BAHA PLEASE I LOVE THIS BIG TEDDY BEAR
Encourages you to wear whatever you like and be proud of yourself 
10/10 wholesome relationship
Bonus: if you still don’t know how to braid your hair, he’ll help do it for you cause he’s had plenty of practice with his younger sis 
I’d like to think that he’s pretty sensitive and noticed right away
He asked you about why you were constantly wearing long sleeves
At first you weren’t that willing to open up, opting to change the subject and move on
However, as you came to know him more and discovered that his intentions were indeed genuine, you decided to tell him
He was rather surprised at first because he saw nothing wrong with you 
He told you to just continue being yourself and that everyone has flaws
You broke down crying and poor iggy panicked
You eventually stopped crying and thanked him
Since you shared your insecurities with him, he shared his secret hobby and love for painting and you encouraged him to pursue his artistic dreams rather than becoming a knight
She has many secrets herself but she isn’t very sensitive to how others are if you’ve seen her support with Marianne I think you know at first
Once you spend more time with her she notices how you avoid talking much about yourself and your upbringing
Not wanting to pry, she left you alone
Once you got to know her better, you slowly opened up about how you felt and your insecurities
And to your surprise, she listened
She kinda just sat off on the side patting your side unsure of what to say
Since you opened up to her, once you got to know her better, she found that she could trust you and told you abt her secret obviously i'm not gonna say it cause spoilers :)
You’re insecure? She’s insecure? HOORAY YOU’RE NOW FRIENDS
Whenever the two of you hang out it’s literally just:
Yeah...it's a little hard to strike up a conversation with Marianne at first
She was fairly curious about why you constantly wore long sleeves tho
"Um...y/n not to be rude, but why do you wear long sleeves? Aren't you hot, i-im sorry if I've overstepped, don't mind me…" 
But the two of you had grown close so naturally also being insecure you told her about your worries
Marianne didn't rlly know what to tell you at first and went all "oH iM soRRy you sHoULdNt bE taLkiNg tO mE bEcaUsE i bRiNg bAd LuCk"
In a sense Leonie could relate to you
She told you to mmmm block out the haters and just be yourself
You gained a confidence boost from her cause she was encouraging and told you to just stay true to yourself.
She truly helped you get your walls down and let you know that its okay
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist :)
If you wanna request something, don’t be afraid to send something my way! Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
RWBY Recaps: Volume 8 “Ultimatum”
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Welcome back, everyone! We had an unexpected break last week due to the horror going on in Texas. I'm glad we did. Not because of any salty "RWBY is bad right now yay free Saturday" feelings, but because keeping to a schedule for a fictional webseries should never take precedence over peoples' safety. I can't believe I need to type that sentence out, but it's true! Over the last seven days I've seen fans who are not merely disappointed by the mini hiatus (understandable) but outright hostile towards the crew because they... were ensuring everyone survived during an unprecedented emergency? Yeah. Given the highly critical nature of these recaps — including today's! — I want to be clear that my thoughts towards Rooster Teeth's creative choices are distinct from any thoughts about the crew itself, including the most basic forms of compassion like, “I sure hope everyone is okay over there.” In an age where it has become horrifically common to harass creators and even send them death threats over stories, it has likewise become necessary to remind people: Don't do that shit. Never do that shit. If I can teach anyone anything at all, let it be that!
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Anyway, dark fandom reminders out of the way, let's dive straight into our delayed episode. It was certainly a doozy. Titled "Ultimatum," we open on a trigger warning for flashing lights. Good on Rooster Teeth for including that, though I do wonder if creators shouldn't be including time stamps as well? Or perhaps a note that you can find those time stamps in the credits, avoiding any (minor) spoilers for everyone else? I'm not photosensitive myself, so I certainly don't mean to speak for that group, but my first thought was, "So how would I watch this episode if I was? Hand on the pause button, hoping I stop fast enough as soon as the lights start?" Hard to do given the surprise nature of the scene. Really, my answer would be, "Wait for the fandom to post warnings of their own, likely including where it happens so I know when to skip" which is perhaps an indication that this information that should be included from the get-go.
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But I am glad the warning exists, regardless. The episode itself begins with a shot of Ironwood looking down at the kingdom. He's used his windows as a vantage point since Volume 7, so that's nothing new, but something about this particular shot reminded me of Ozpin, looking down from his tower. I'm sure the response from many would be simply, "Ah yes, the two power hungry dictators watching over their victims," but I think there's a much more nuanced reading here about leaders being expected to fix the literally unfixable and what that responsibility does to an individual. Of course, it's a nuance that is absolutely obliterated by the episode’s end, but the implication existed for a hot second!
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Two other soldiers are in the room with Ironwood, reporting that Cinder has helped Watts escape. They try to soften this with news that they still have Jacques in custody, but receive only a, "I don't give a damn about Jacques Schnee." Which, fair. He's pretty useless at this point. It's when Ironwood learns that both Qrow and Robin escaped too that he really gets mad, something his subordinates have been expecting given their scared expressions.
Now, I'm treading lightly here because I realize how this is going to sound given the end of our episode, but I still want to note that outside of that ending... this is a weird take? Just hear me out. Since Volume 7 the show has worked very hard to make Ironwood seem scary and unstable — bad setup for what we end with today — but the problem is that none of it works in context and it certainly doesn't work when compared to other characters' actions. They are literally in the midst of an unwinnable battle and thousands of his people are dying. If the audience wants a human being — who also just lost a limb and was betrayed by half his allies — o remain perfectly poised and polite during that, sorry, but that's not how human beings work. But even beyond this, what’s the message here? Ironwood raises his voice, so does Yang. Ironwood hits his desk, Qrow hits a child. If we're going to examine how Ironwood handles his stress and anger, he often handles it better than many of our heroes. Namely, by continually taking that anger out on inanimate objects. I kept waiting for him to attack his subordinates or attack Winter this episode, especially given where we end up, but it never came. Ironwood always has enough control to break the desk or punch the wall, not the person in front of him. Which, of course, would not be a good thing in the real world. I want to be clear given these sensitive subjects that if someone is breaking things in your presence that's a major problem to address. But this isn't the real world. This is a fantasy world in the middle of a war, populated by other characters who express their anger by punching people, slamming them into walls, or screaming at them until they run away. The story wants us to fear Ironwood long before he makes his objectively horrific choices and it tries to achieve that by showing us characters who are clearly terrified in his presence, by giving us a string of broken objects in his wake. But those details don't land well when we compare them to other instances of stress. In the same volume I have watched Ironwood take a deep breath to calm himself down when things have gone horribly wrong. I've also watched Weiss start a conversation by threatening her defenseless brother. So again, what’s the message here? It can’t be that acting violently towards someone = villainous behavior because, as established since Volume 6, that’s common for the heroes. Why are these subordinates terrified about Ironwood slamming his fist on a table, but Whitley has no problem hugging the woman who threatened him? Obviously there is a HUGE difference between our main group and Ironwood when it comes to other actions (cough-bomb threats-cough), but these day-to-day moments don't match up. The show wants to use violence as a way for us to easily identify the Bad Guy while ignoring all the times when our heroes do the same thing. 
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All of which isn't meant to be a defense of Ironwood. As we'll see in a bit, there is no defense for what he's done. Rather, it's a way of acknowledging just how badly he's been written. Why does a man who consistently reins in his anger and takes it out on objects suddenly shoot a councilman for literally no reason? Why does a man defined by wanting to save as many people as he can suddenly threaten to bomb his city? Ironwood's characterization is all over the place, in the sense that they keep writing him as the morally gray, sometimes harsh, but ultimately compassionate man he started out as... up until they need a villain. Salem isn't here yet, so Ironwood can shoot Oscar. Salem isn't attacking yet, so Ironwood can shoot the councilman. Salem is currently reforming, so Ironwood can threaten YJR and Mantle. He's the B-plot villain whenever Salem is out of commission, which is a problem for both their characterizations. This filler doesn't make sense for Ironwood and it severely undermines the threat of Salem. You finally introduce the Magical Big Bad and our heroes are facing more of a threat from a guy with a broken army and three loyal allies left? Hmmm.
The tl;dr is that Ironwood's arc is a disaster and, frankly, it's gotten old reading simplified takes of, "It's just a realistic look at what white U.S. men will do in power sweetie :) " RWBY does not have the context capable of conveying that sort of critical take because our world is not besieged by literal monsters and an immortal witch, to say nothing of how real life good guys do not get deus ex machina canes that fix the problem instantaneously. Ironwood is not an example of anti-U.S. imperialism, he's an example of writers who don't know how to write.
Anyway, I'm getting severely off topic. Obviously Ironwood is a major part of this episode, but the problems demonstrated here are two years in the making. This is the culmination of things I've been discussing for months across hundreds of posts... so I should probably stop trying to summarize it all in a few paragraphs lol. Perhaps when RWBY is over — or Ironwood has died — I'll do a single meta on his character, try to pull everything into one, unified argument.
For now though, we have an episode to analyze.
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While Ironwood is receiving this news we get flashbacks to Qrow and Robyn. Qrow attacks a soldier in his bird form, which is hilarious. Someone GIF that please. It does raise some interesting questions about this magic though: does Qrow retain his aura and strength in this form (something I thought given his choice to transform during the explosion), or was that soldier just so shocked at being attacked by a crow that he went down easy? We'll never know, because that would require establishing concrete rules for this world. The point is Qrow is going feral in his freedom, throwing punches left and right — did he kill that guard? — while Robyn watches it all from under a rock. They're apparently still somewhere in the facility since all the exits are guarded, but that's not the good thing Ironwood seems to think it is. After all, Qrow is out to murder him. He wants to be there.
We all see where this is going, right? The show is going to ignore Qrow's crazy belief that Ironwood got Clover killed in favor of a "Qrow saved Mantle by murdering Ironwood"/“Qrow got revenge for Mantle by murdering Ironwood” ending. Who cares why Qrow wanted to kill him in the first place now that Ironwood has his finger on the trigger? If RWBY is good at anything, it's writing moments that encourage you to ignore everything that came before it. We'll be seeing more of that in just a bit.
"Damn it!" Ironwood yells, because the show is leaning into its cursing. He orders that the subordinates not return until "you have Qrow Branwen in custody." Here we have another great example of the show conflating what the audience knows with what other characters know. See, we know Qrow has a vendetta against Ironwood. We know their relationship is the important one to the story and that Robyn is incidental. Ironwood doesn't know that. There's no reason for him, as a character, to specify that they only bring Qrow back, but it makes sense for the audience who has the whole, thematic picture. Our understanding of the situation is influencing Ironwood's dialogue, which is... not great.
This entire scene we've had creepy music to hammer home just how evil Ironwood is. Except, as said, he takes a breath to calm down and the music fades. Instead of flying into a rage, hurting someone, or doing anything the music suggests he might, Ironwood calmly calls in for an update — which is when the explosion hits.
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It's MASSIVE, seeming to originate from a lightning strike, which is weird, since it's coming from inside the whale, but whatever. The animation is very dramatic and pretty, as we've come to expect of RWBY, but the actual plot is lackluster at best. It's funny though because I thought for a hot second, when Winter and the Ace Ops were caught in the blast, that RWBY had actually done something exciting. I mean, holy shit! There are the deaths we expect from a battle like this. My god, what is everyone going to do when they realize that Oscar's needless attack took out five characters, including Weiss' sister —
No wait, never mind. They're fine.
Let's talk about that "needless" descriptor for a moment though. Do you all remember, two weeks ago, when I went, "Hey, why isn't anyone telling Oscar that that Ace Ops are approaching with a bomb? They're on a time limit! If someone would just mention that Very Important Information then Oscar wouldn't keep standing around to fight Salem." See, at the time I was frustrated because of how the plot was needlessly allowing Oscar to put himself in danger (especially when the whole point of this mission was to rescue him). Now, I'm frustrated because that same plot needlessly wasted the most powerful weapon the group had. There was no reason for Oscar to use literal lifetimes worth of stored energy when the heroes already had a bomb to do the same job! What was the point of that? I guess he took out the other grimm too, but without the whale that still would have been a challenge with a finite end, one Ironwood's army and the remaining huntsmen should have been able to handle. It doesn't feel justified to have Oscar use a weapon kept on the bench for lifetimes when there was another option literally minutes away.
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There's so much wrong with this I need another list. So:
Ozpin's cane supposedly stores kinetic energy, which may contradict what we've seen from it before. Regardless, we’ve never heard about this. The all powerful weapon comes out of nowhere
It also begs the question of why Ozpin wouldn't use that power at Beacon and why he wouldn't insist that they try to get their cane back while captured. You had an out this whole time! But we’re going to ignore that because Oscar is a little hesitant? 
Which makes YJR's presence even more useless than it originally was, which was already pretty useless. Oscar essentially rescued himself
This kinetic energy miraculously doesn't hurt any people or buildings, just grimm
So what is the point of Silver Eyes? That's been their MO since they were first introduced. Sure, Silver Eyes can be used far more often than Ozpin's cane, but it still feels like a let down to learn that the Big Secret behind this weapon is... the exact same thing Ruby has been doing for years
Like Ruby, Oscar likewise didn't need any practice or training. He just set off this massive attack perfectly and without issue
We have now eliminated the biggest threat to the cast instantaneously — the whale and the other grimm — with no effort from the rest of the heroes. Like the Hound, the stakes are obliterated with no satisfying work on the part of our protagonists 
Instead, as said, the actual plan already in place never happened. The bomb just... goes back. Kind of like how Cinder attacked and then just went back to Salem. Penny woke up and then just got knocked out again. We continue to go in circles 
This is because no one took two seconds to tell Oscar, "There's a bomb on the way"
Because this threat is gone the show needs a new one, hence Ironwood randomly threatening Mantle with said bomb
The one way we might have justified Oscar blowing up the whale instead of Winter is if he did it to save Hazel, but Hazel is implied to be dead
Maybe he's alive, but if he's not that happened off screen and we're not sure how. It couldn't have been because of the blast itself — everyone else is fine — so what, Salem somehow killed him before she was blasted to bits? While he was holding her? 
And there's no body?
Salem was torn apart multiple times during that fight and reformed instantaneously, yet now, conveniently, she's taking her time
None of the characters mention the issues above. None of them admit that there was no reason for Oscar to waste LIFETIMES worth of power when they already had a solution in the works. Fantastic
I need to take a moment to acknowledge that so far this recap feels... bad. Disjointed. Bit all over the place. Which makes a certain amount of sense because that's where my thoughts are at. There's so much going on in this episode — so much wrong with it — that I don't know how to boil it all down into a few, neat claims. This episode is a mess! We're barely a few minutes in and the combined issues of Ironwood's characterization and Oscar's choice have left me reeling. So if you're still reading this, bless your patience, I think we'll both need it for the rest of this journey.
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Let's snag a neater plot-point to discuss. Amidst all the chaos Neo literally skips away with the Lamp, clearly thrilled at how her own life is going. Later in the episode she'll text Cinder with the obvious: Salem is going to be pretty pissed when she realizes this is gone. “If you want her name you know what you owe me." 
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So wait... what is Neo leveraging here? Is she agreeing to give the Lamp back so Cinder doesn't get in trouble with Salem? Give Salem the password she's been looking for? Or give Cinder the password to use the Lamp for herself? What would Cinder even want the Lamp for when she's after the Maiden powers? I'm confused about what Cinder is being blackmailed with. Regardless, she needs the lamp for something and presumably what she "owes" Neo is Ruby. We get a cut to her just to hammer that home.
(Side note: both pictures of Neo are hilarious.) 
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Before that though, back at the whale, everyone is taking stock of the situation when Marrow cries, "Hey, they were still in there!" I feel like this is another scene meant to make him look like the one good guy in the group — he cares about YJOR while the others can’t be bothered — but as always, that reading doesn't fit well with the situation as a whole. The others have barely had time to realize they're alive. I don't think it's a moral failing that they didn't instinctually worry about four betrayers, one of whom attacked them, while they're still checking that they have all their limbs intact. Besides, why does Marrow assume they're dead? The Ace Ops were caught in the blast as well, yet miraculously came out unharmed. They clearly didn't set their own bomb off, so it's logical to assume that YJOR did something themselves. It feels weird to have a "Marrow mourns them and Winter is the only other character who cares" moment when everyone is recovering from bomb shock and no one even knows if the others are dead. But, of course, the show is out to portray only two of these characters as good people, so ignore the logic and run with the emotion of the scene.
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All of which is bolstered by Elm pulling away when Vine puts a hand on her shoulder. Why is she acting cold towards him now? Because they're not friends, remember?
While we get more ridiculous relationship dynamics, Ironwood calls in and congratulates them on the bomb working, but tells them to get back because they have another problem in the works. That would be Qrow and Robyn. Winter decides to tell him about the bomb in person.
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We cut to Watts and Cinder watching the remnants of the blast from a rooftop. Cinder has tried calling, but no one answered. Unsurprising, given that Salem doesn't have any other allies left. Cinder says that the plan hasn't changed, she's still going to take the Winter Maiden's power for herself, and Watts can help her by bringing Penny here. He explains that he doesn't have full control over her. Rather, he implemented a virus that is setting her on a single path: open the vault, then self-destruct. Cinder, as one might expect, is furious.
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She snags Watts by her grimm arm and threatens to toss him over the side of the building. Thus begins the best part of the episode, hands down. Despite the danger he's in, Watts throws common sense out the window in favor of dragging Cinder in the most satisfying manner possible. 
“You think you’re entitled to everything just because you suffered, but suffering isn’t enough. You can’t just be strong, you have to be smart. You can’t just be deserving, you have to be worthy! But all you have ever been is a bloody migraine!”
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It's true! You know what else is true? This speech could apply to our heroes as well. Accusations of entitlement and reminders to be smart as opposed to just strong hit hard, considering those are the same flaws our protagonists are struggling with. The difference is that Cinder, miraculously, listens, pulling Watts back to safety and going to cry by herself. That moment is simultaneously more growth than Ruby has gotten and more sympathy than Ironwood has gotten. The woman who murdered Pyrrha is treated more kindly by the narrative than one of our initial heroes and our very first villain has taken more time to reconsider her choices than our title character. You know a show is falling apart when excellent choices are applied to the worst possible character.
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So Cinder is crying while Watts looks guilty and we cut back to YJOR's group post-blast. Yang is finally able to answer a call from Blake who is obviously overjoyed to see her. Weiss gives them directions to the mansion and they ask what in the world they'll do with Emerald, currently on her knees, mourning Hazel.
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Thus begins the third most frustrating part of this episode. See, on the way back the group continues the conversation about what to do with Emerald, with Yang and Jaune distrusting her vs. Ren and Oscar encouraging cooperation. I can't believe I'm saying this after's Ren's speech and Oscar's entire existence... but I'm team Jaune and Yang here. Look, what Oscar and Ren say — the literal words coming out of their mouth — is nonsense. Ren goes, “We can’t let all of our actions stem from fear," as if Yang and Jaune are being ridiculous for mistrusting Emerald, one of the established villains, after years worth of harm from her. It’s weird that Yang points to her arm as something Emerald is responsible for, rather than being framed or the deaths at Beacon, but the general sentiment of, “She’s done horrible things!” is true. Ren’s perspective is the same simplification that was applied to Ironwood last volume, wherein everyone acted as if he was crazy for fearing an attack on his kingdom... post an attack on another kingdom and pre an attack on his kingdom. Putting generic lines in Ren's mouth about not being afraid makes him sound willfully ignorant, as if choosing to believe that someone is good will magically make them so, to say nothing of thinking it will erase all the harm they've already done.
Oscar at least acknowledges the difficulty here, but then follows this up with, “You don’t have to forgive her… just give her a second chance."
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Oscar, honey, that amounts to the same thing in this situation. Allowing Emerald a second chance means working with her, which means trust, which means emotionally reaching a point where these characters can put aside the harm she's done them in an effort to give her that chance in the first place. This actually ties into a post I saw last night, one I've come across before, that claims redemption arcs don't require any suffering on the part of the person who has done wrong. I agree in theory, that prolonged suffering doesn't help anyone, but the problem is that people tend to conflate suffering with consequences and someone who has done this level of harm should face consequences for their actions. The problem with redemption arcs is not that the bad people suffer too much —  emotionally and physically beating on them as a form of revenge  — but that the people they've harmed are put into situations like this one. If Yang and Jaune let Emerald go like she suggests, they are agreeing that she doesn't have to face any consequences for the damage she's done (which, keep in mind, involves multiple deaths, not including all the lost lives here in Atlas). If they agree to give her a second chance, they are forced to jump straight to some level of forgiveness. We might claim they don't have to forgive Emerald to work with her, but from a practical perspective how are they meant to function, especially during a warzone? Anything she provides them with — information, watching their back in a fight, undertaking missions, etc.  — requires trusting her enough to allow those things to happen: working with that info, letting her protect them, allowing her that responsibility. It's all about trust, trust she has yet to earn. In order for a redemption arc to be successful, the power has to be in the hands of the victims. They need to be able to see some justice for what was done to them, be offered some proof that the person in question has truly changed, and have the ability to walk away if they decide no, I don't forgive you, glad to hear you've improved, but please stay out of my life. Jaune and Yang have none of that. There are currently no systems in place for Emerald to face consequences for her choices, she has offered them no proof of her remorse or true motivations, and the other half of the group is pressuring them to give her that second chance without closure or reassurance. None of that makes for a good redemption arc and reducing that to, "So you want to see poor Emerald suffer, huh?" ignores the suffering she has already caused. The group are her victims and they are under no obligation to give her a second chance, particularly under these circumstances, which makes the story's choice to have Ren and Oscar act like Yang and Jaune are being stubborn or inconsiderate a problem. The conversation boils down to, "Give the woman you know to be a liar, manipulator, murder accomplice, and servant of our enemy a second chance based entirely on unfounded faith. If you don't you're letting yourself be ruled by fear."
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RWBY's touchy-feely themes really don't sit well within its realistic, morally gray premise. We cannot continually have these characters go through hell one moment and then have others accuse them of being paranoid the next. The fact that all of this is wrapped up in the group trusting Robyn, Emerald, and Hazel over their established allies remains beyond frustrating.
Because yeah, you know how Oscar finishes his speech? “I’ve already gotten a lot of help today from someone I don’t exactly trust right now." Meaning Ozpin.
The story is trying to compare Emerald and Hazel to Ozpin.
"Oh hey, I kept a secret from you after lifetimes of watching that secret lead to betrayal and death. I keep apologizing for my mistakes while ignoring that I had no reason to trust a bunch of kids with such world-shattering information and also that you tore it from me in the most traumatic way possible."
"Oh hey, I willingly joined our world's version of the devil and helped her destroy your school, leading to numerous deaths including your friend and headmaster. It was his death that put Oscar in this position in the first place! I then continued to attack your group, leading to another near death of a friend, and a kidnapping, and the destruction of Amity, until I became scared enough to make a run for it."
Which one of these characters is granted an instant second chance? You'll never guess who!
And I do think the word "instant" is important here because just like Jaune and Yang have the right to have distance and justice from Emerald, they had that right with Ozpin too. The difference is they got it. They had the power in the situation, as evidenced by their use of the Lamp and physically attacking him. Ozpin heard what they needed from him — leave us alone — and did that without complaint. They were given months to come to terms with the secrets he kept. They were offered apologies and acts of service to demonstrate intent: saving them in the airship and continually saving Oscar. I don't believe Ozpin ever needed a redemption arc, but even if we think he did, he had it. After three volumes of material Oscar's perspective is still "I don't exactly trust [him] right now" but Hazel and Emerald have earned at least the same amount of trust in a matter of hours? They're really having my boy look at the guy who has tried desperately to do right by him despite unimaginable circumstances, and the guy who tortured him to get information for Salem, and went, "That first guy. He's the one we need to watch out for."
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To make things even worse, Oscar tells the others that Ozpin took on all the torture so he wouldn't have to. So he did that and they still don't trust him? If you had told me back in Volume 6 that two years later the group would still be hostile towards Ozpin, while simultaneously urging one another to trust Emerald, I would have said you were lying. RWBY has its problems, but it's not that bad. Yet here we are. I suppose the one silver lining here is that Ren smiles when he realizes Ozpin is back? So at least one of them isn't prepared to draw their weapon at the mere mention of his name.
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Both these moments raise more questions though. How in the world did Ozpin take on that torture when we clearly saw Oscar getting pummeled for a good portion of the kidnapping? Is that a weird merge thing the story hasn't bothered to explain? I wouldn't be surprised, considering Oscar said last episode he didn't want to use magic because it hastened the merge, he uses the biggest explosion of magic we've ever seen, and nothing has changed. Ozpin is still in the back of his head, thanking him for the tinniest shreds of decency they get. Ren, meanwhile, seems to be back to mindreading. How in the world does he know that Ozpin is back? I assume it has something to do with his semblance, but we don't know what. They could have shown us Oscar from Ren's perspective, perhaps with two distinct emotions swilling around to imply that he sees two different people now, not a useless shot of Emerald with purple flower petals, whatever purple means.
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Oh, but no, we shouldn't have gotten either of these scenes. Remember that Ren's aura broke a very, very short time ago? Is it back already? Can he use this part of his semblance without it? Considering it was near impossible to see Ironwood's aura breaking in the Watts fight and we were then mistakenly told he used his semblance in the office, I'm going to go with, "The writers forgot."
Oscar explains that the cane had "lifetime after lifetime" of power in it and though there's still some left, "we have to be careful with how we use the rest." He says that Ozpin trusted his judgement and of course he did! Ozpin also didn’t know that there was a bomb on the way. Yet funnily enough, no one else mentions that, whoops, your choice made in ignorance was a waste and that's due entirely to us prioritizing hugs over basic mission information.
Also, all these explanations take place in front of Emerald. Half the group doesn't trust her, but they'll freely discuss their powers and limitations here. Remember how the group once wanted to talk about magical relics in front of the old lady they'd just met? Yeah, they've learned nothing.
Combine all this insanity with the fact that Ozpin's magic saved the day before Ironwood's bomb could do the same... while Ruby sat in a mansion drinking tea. Who's our hero again?
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So things are a hot mess, to put it lightly. Their conversation finally ends when they hear voices and round the corner to find all the Atlas citizens huddled in the subway. For once the show actually writes them in a sympathetic manner, emphasizing how terrified and helpless they are. This image doesn't lead the group to any revelations though, certainly not anything that would tie back to Ren's earlier speech in the snow. No, once again the justified criticisms here are ignored as we hear that “However this fight ends, we could really use someone like you, [Emerald.]” That's it then. Discussion over. We knew as soon as it started that blindly trusting her was being presented as the "right" thing to do and now here we are, deciding that conclusively, despite Jaune and Yang's complaints. By the time the group reaches the mansion, Oscar is defending Emerald from Ruby. We're supposed to just accept that she's a part of the group now, only minimal pushback allowed.
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Before that though we return to Ironwood getting news that their bomb never went off. He briefly wonders who else could have done that, but puts the currently unanswerable question aside for what he does know. They still have the bomb and it could be "useful." See, this moment — like shooting Oscar and the councilman — is when Ironwood just randomly goes off the deep end. One minute he's talking about what they've lost and cradling his new arm, 
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the next he's saying that he should have tortured Qrow to get Penny to obey him! Which doesn't even make sense since I'm pretty sure Penny hasn't ever spoken to Qrow. She wouldn't want anyone to suffer, true, but it's not like Ironwood had a close friend like Ruby to use as leverage. Qrow is just Some Guy to her. Regardless, he thinks Yang, Jaune, and Ren are decent replacements, despite Penny also having no relationships with them. This is what happens when your characters only start breaking up their teams eight years into the story, the response to Ironwood wanting to torture Ren to hurt Penny is, “Does Penny know Ren exists?” But, you know, torture is torture, right? Maybe. Probably not. I mean, if they're going to turn Ironwood into a cartoon villain, they could at least keep him smart.
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Because all of this is just the height of stupidity. Ironwood wants to torture people Penny barely knows to make her listen (so just grab some civilians? It would do the same job...). Ironwood wants to shoot down empty ships, even though no one, including us, knows where in the world those ships would have gone. Ironwood wants to destroy an entire city to try and save another city. He wants to use a bomb meant for a comparatively small whale and acts like that alone will take out the majority of a kingdom. None of it makes sense! And I know the easy comeback for that is, "Well yeah, Ironwood is crazy and evil" but he's not. I mean he is. Threatening torture and bombings is obviously evil, but he's never been insane, or stupid. As said before, his arc (or lack thereof) is an absolute disaster. The fandom assumes so many things about Ironwood given the opportunity — the whale is a suicide mission. He expects the Ace Ops to die on his order — and the writing hints at so many things that never happen — he's going to hurt his subordinates, attack Winter for disobeying him — and every time what we actually get is a far more compassionate, level-headed character... until he randomly does a 180 and goes, "Let's murder a whole city now!" I never wanted Ironwood to be the bad guy, but they could have at least given me a persuasive decent into this level of horror.
So... yeah. Ironwood has got to die by the end of the volume, yeah? Between Ruby warning the whole world about him and him going into full villain mode, there's no coming back from this.
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Neo sends her text to Cinder and the group makes it back to the mansion. Remember Yang's criticisms of Ruby's leadership? The ones she conveniently forgot about when Ren started to agree with her? Yeah, those are entirely gone as the sisters hug it out and, presumably, forgive one another for... daring to admit that things are bad? Look, I'm not going to deny that Ironwood's scene with Winter was creepy as fuck, 
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but I'm not of the opinion that the heroes are any better when it comes to the theme of obedience. They've attacked one another, screamed at one another, and any dissent from Ruby's leadership results in the questioner being left behind in the snow. We'll accept you again when you fall back in line. I used to adore the relationships in this show, but watching them now is just discomforting. The show might be 100% more obvious with Ironwood, using creepy music, a smile, and that hand on Winter's shoulder, but the concept of, "Sorry I dared to question you before! We won't ever do it again :)" isn't healthy either. The fact that the show keeps erasing theses problems with hugs — Weiss hugs Whitley now, Yang hugs Ruby, someone will probably hug Emerald soon — doesn't make the circumstances any less uncomfortable.
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None of this even gets into the Blake and Yang hug. First of all, why is Blake acting like they had a fight and Yang might not want to see her? She's hiding inside rather than rushing to greet them, ears down in a devastated expression until Yang touches her. Combine this with Yang's "Do you think she's mad at me?" and it feels like the writers cut a fight in the final script and then didn't bother to remove the fallout from that. Seriously, where did any of this come from? You can't just have characters act like they've been fighting when they haven’t.
Also, can't forget this.
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At this point there's nothing more I can say in regards to RWBY's almost-queer baiting. Is touching foreheads more intimate than the hugs Yang gave the others? Absolutely. Is that an appropriate stand-in for overt representation? Absolutely not. This would have been a perfect time for them to kiss. Take out Blake's nonsensical fear and replace it with them both reuniting after their first separation since Volume 5, working under the knowledge that either one could have been killed, finally admitting their feelings. Hell, they don't actually have to kiss. Not all girlfriends are interested in kissing! But they could use the terminology that makes things unequivocally canon.  Another forehead touch when we got that in Volume 6? It's not enough, especially not when our straight couples have all been allowed their rep.
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Ren at least wants to know where Nora is. He's presumably told what happened off screen as Oscar tells Ruby that Emerald is their friend now.
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Then an emergency call from May interrupts the reunion and the group learns that Ironwood is bombing the Schnee ships. “Those ships… they were going to save people” Weiss whispers. How? Tell me how they were going to save anyone. Where were you going to take these people where they would be safer than where they are now? RWBY continually asserts things without explaining them, meaning there is precisely zero emotional weight here. Again, Ironwood is far past the point of defense, but I'd be a whole lot more critical of this particular action if I had a better sense of why it's bad. He appears to be endangering the people given May's shout to run — falling debris? — but the further implication is that Ironwood has doomed the people of Mantle by denying them these ships. It's that part that makes no sense based on what we've been told.
Which finally comes to the ultimatum of our episode title: Penny opens the vault, or Ironwood bombs Mantle. Great! So glad this plan is wicked smart and works well for his characterization. It's definitely not a nonsensical, unfounded, overblown change that feels like it belongs in a child's cartoon, complete with dramatic spotlight. Nope. Excellent writing choices all around.
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Our final line of the episode is, “I hope you live up to the title I gave you," referring to Penny's job as the Protector of Mantle, and you know what? That line could have been very cool if it was delivered by an Ironwood with a persuasive fall and a halfway decent plan in place. I love that we've twisted the concept of a protector and turned the title into a horrifying, rather than honorable responsibility... I just hate everything surrounding those details. 
So, usual RWBY fare.
(At least we get to see that Nora is awake!) 
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Will things get better over the next four episodes? I doubt it. We're still expecting the rest of the Ace Ops + Winter to ditch Ironwood, someone getting the vault open, the fall of Atlas, now the potential destruction of Mantle, and none of that includes Salem who should reform at any moment. Frankly, I'm not looking forward to any of it. The final leg of a season should make its audience excited to see how everything turns out, not dreading it. I've heard from multiple people that this is the volume that finally got them to drop the show and honestly? I'm not surprised.
As a final (happier?) note: we've finally got a bingo! I completely forgot our board last time, which was a terrible oversight, but we can update it now.
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Our army of grimm can't kill anyone now that it got KOed by Oscar (that is the third one hit defeat of a major enemy we've seen this volume. Yes, I'm including the Hound considering it was obviously on its last legs after Ruby's eyes.)
I'm likewise including "Ozpin apologizes for everything including his existence" because he's done nothing but apologize since he came back. The emotion is there even if the literal words are not. Oscar reminded everyone of how untrustworthy he is, but kept the group from jumping them again. And Ozpin thanked him for it.
Neo didn't literally backstab Cinder (shame), but the Relic still counts.
So a triple bingo! Is that how bingo works? Idk, I've never played. I feel like I should have thought up some sort of humorous prize, but sadly I've got nothing. If you think of anything, let me know lol
That’s all then, folks. Until next week! 💜
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
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Witchy stuff! Disclaimer: I am not a witch so please do not take my theory of theory seriously. This has been taken off first page of Google, which is where I did my research. First ironstrange x reader interaction & tony being sweet and stephen radiating wife energy.
fun fact: the moodboards are just chapter spoilers without context.
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Whatever protection spell the book had, it was nuclear. Burn cream didn't do much in terms of numbing the pain; I had to wear gloves throughout my shift at the café, self-conscious about the skin peeling off my palms and the light, sensitive fingertips. Saying that the day was hellish would have been too kind.
My spirits were briefly lifted when one of my favourite mad scientists walked in, nose buried in a StarkPad - his chattier, more confident friend nowhere to be seen. Doctor Bruce Banner lifted his eyes from his work only to give a brief, polite smile and mumble his order, immediately resuming the poking of the screen.
"You forgot something last time," I couldn't suppress the grin. Sometimes routine was nice, comfortable. The napkin with unintelligible scribbles and formulas in my hand was transferred to Banner's pocket with a shy smile and a reddish tint to his cheeks, as if he didn't find himself in this very situation more often than not. "Is Mr. Stark okay?" I voiced my concerns, having noticed the recent, acute absence of the rowdy man in the café. Dr. Banner rarely came here alone and it was more of a telling exception than anything.
"Oh, Tony? Yes, he's fine," the scientist nodded absentmindedly. "He's on a small vacation with his boyfriend," the last part was said with puzzlement and incredulity and I had to remind myself that a forty-something scientist was unlikely to possess at least a halfway decent gaydar. I mean, I would have eaten my shoe if Tony Stark was 100% straight.
The fact that Tony having a boyfriend surprised Dr. Banner, who appeared to be one of Mr. Stark's best friends, was quite funny to me. "Good for him, he deserves it after saving the world, like, a bajillion times," I replied honestly, attempting to hide my good-natured snicker at Banner's obliviousness. Scientists, they just are a different breed, man.
The perplexion melted off Banner's face, leaving only supportive contentment. "That is correct," he nodded confidently, exchanging a bill for his matcha. "Thank you. And, uh, congrats on your new job," he added with another one of his not-quite shy smiles.
My cheerfulness vacated the premises shortly afterwards as I struggled to keep up with the endless stream of customers all the while my hands throbbed and burned under the nitrile gloves. I was ready to call it a day and just tell Jeremy I had an accident, but my pride wouldn't let me. I arrived at Odette's feeling less than stellar, running purely on spite and several cups of espresso.
It went about as good as expected, select few customers growing clouds over their heads at the slow pace I was assembling their orders: the fact that even witches had Karens of their kind was a fact that I found both amusing and alarming. It wasn't particular comfortable, knowing that I, or any other wait staff, was always at risk of being cursed for bringing them the wrong kind of cake or messing up their white suburban mom coffee.
"You could have asked, you know," Odette's slow drawl startled me out of the trance I'd put myself in to avoid focusing on the discomfort. "Come here, girl, I'll take care of it."
My face heated up immediately as I realized the tender skin of my grubby little hands was on full display. Odette must've put two and two together, seeing my sins written all over my scarred hands and my guilty face. Not wanting to invoke a negative reaction and get on her scary bad side, I let myself obediently trot into her office.
"I, uh," the eloquence of my speech - spectacular. I was ready to fall through the floor out of of shame.
"It happens sometimes," a round jar of what looked like buckwheat honey landed on the table. Odette massaged the thick gel into my palms with gentle circular motions, shushing my hums of pain in-between. "The book called for me in the same way it called to you. The only difference, it was my grandmother's at the time so the protection wards did not go off because I was family." My eyebrows rose at the calm in Odette's voice. Composed as ever, the witch looked more amused than upset by my little snooping stint.
The pain in my hands disappeared completely, a cool sensation I could only describe as minty enveloping them and spreading throughout my body. The chill was pleasant - I hadn't even realized my body had been running on higher-than-usual temperatures ever since I touched the book. Those protection wards Odette spoke of, they really packed a punch!
"I will teach you," she must've interpreted my stunned silence as curiosity, having made up her own mind in the seconds I was basking in my newfound relief. "We'll start slow. The transition from the material world into the spiritual isn't easy," Odette warned, locking her fingers, her magnetic eyes commandeering mine for utmost attention. "But it is incredibly rewarding. If you follow the rules, you will prosper. Our kind isn't plentiful these days, with people praying to gods that condone greed and selfishness," her lip curled in distaste. "Each one of us can make a large difference in this world. The opportunities you have been given need to be taken seriously."
My lip caught between my teeth as I mulled over the words my boss spoke with so my concern and conviction. Nothing in her speech sounded amiss; sure as she was, I was still mercifully given a choice. Odette's aura, that used to seem suffocating and dense, grew around me into a non-physical hug, a comfort akin to a mother supporting her child taking their first steps.
I eyed the sixty-something year-old, tall, imposing woman, scanning her for any deceitfulness, exhilaration and wariness sitting on my shoulders and whispering into my ears. True to myself, I gave into the side that craved and lived for adventure. "I would love to learn," hoping my voice conveyed the excitement and hopefulness of being a part of something special.
Odette smiled kindly. "I knew that," with a chuckle to herself, she reached into a set of drawers and extracted a few worn, plain notebooks. "Homework," the wink she threw at me instantly took ten years off her face. I couldn't even bring myself to sigh, only the sludge still covering my palms preventing me from making grabby hands in the direction of new information.
The bell rang before I could make another comment and I was let go with the instructions to wash my hands - and that's exactly what I did, having noted the short Asian man impatiently tapping his foot next to the front desk.
The man's name was Wong and he was the sole reason for my uncontrollable flares of temper during my work hours at the bodega. Odette herself avoided him like the plague, and for a good reason: his attitude was nothing short of conceited, as if the weird robes that he wore were some kind of a hall-pass to be a demanding asshole when it came to the store's wares.
Wong could spend up to forty minutes inspecting the baggies containing herbs and other knick-knacks, meticulously picking out what he considered best and curtly insulting the items he found to be lacking in quality. I was made aware he belonged to some sort of a sect or a cult of honest-to-god wizards; as if him looking like a worker of the Ministry of Magic didn't make that fact obvious. I was unpleasantly surprised at the fact that even witches, much like doctors, had elitist pricks among their kind - and Odette had the audacity to simply vanish whenever one of those robed people set foot in the shop, leaving me to use all my mental strength to try and not strangle the wannabe Karens.
I was willing to bet my favourite star-patterned scarf that Wong hexed the waiters who made him wait longer that he considered appropriate. I just knew it.
The anger, the frustration and at times, blind, total rage came in useful - and that was a surprise to me. According to Odette's notebooks, everyone had the potential to master magick - to an extent, each individual's threshold was, well, individual - but the more a witch was in tune with her emotions, her feelings, the higher the success rate of her spells grew.
The notebooks contained enough information for me to understand that Odette was considered a High Priestess (not to be confused with Head of the Coven - not all witches wanted to be a part of those) and the amount of power she held was quite impressive. No, she couldn't turn back time, she couldn't raise the dead; the people she helped and healed were, oftentimes, made well at the expense of her own life energy. It was an endless cycle of emptying a glass and refilling it back up. The deities lended a hand with that.
Some time after I'd gone through the theory, Odette encouraged me to choose a direction I was to study in depth; much like her, I was interested in the defensive rather than the offensive. Healing spells, protection wards and the occasional light hex to deter enemies from reoffending: I was disappointed but not surprised to learn the fact that curses and serious harm done to other people quite often backfired, harming the caster themselves as well as their victim.
I had always believed in karma, to a healthy extent, but these days I was that much more aware of how I treated those around me. That's not to say I became a pushover - I simply chose to smile rather than frown at the world and replaced my longing and envy with a sense of gratitude towards the things I already possessed. Just like Odette had said, layering the spiritual values over my material, earthly ones wasn't easy - it was hard work, and what prevented me from stopping when I felt exhausted was that it actually paid off.
As I got ready to cast my first serious spell, I ran through a mental checklist of things I developed - of sorts. Positive vibes only. Having vengeful intentions when warding off potential harm-doers was not only dangerous, it was counterproductive. Intentions mattered the most when casting a spell and I could end up killing all the innocent, stray cats in the area instead of making a burglar choose the neighbouring building some five months down the line.
The spell, I considered to be a success. The atmosphere in my home lightened, the dingy walls of my rental started radiating comfort and safety I hadn't felt since moving out of my parents' home. A slight tiredness persisted for a few days after the last candle burned out; Odette reassured that it was perfectly normal as I was a baby witch and my energy channels were adapting, growing to accommodate my newfound awareness and flow of cosmic energies that I was training to harness.
Next on my list was a personal protection charm, an antique silver locket adorned with stars I had scavenged in a local pawn shop. Odette had given me instructions on how to cleanse potential magical conductors: the amount of rings and jewelry she wore directly correlated to the power of a singular spell she could cast. There was a fine hairline between charging your accessories and letting them drain you and I learned to walk South of it the hard way, but as all learning processes go, eventually I found my middle ground and was successful.
My daily routine grew small rituals like the forest trees grew moss. Slow and steady, I was transitioning from a curious baby witch into a self-sufficient practitioner of magic. Sounds crazy, I know, coming from someone who could barely believe into aliens until Thor himself had walked into the coffee shop and ordered a latte, but as all things do in life - I changed.
Working the morning shift allowed me to discreetly place a few of the good-luck charms I had made during my most recent creative stint. While they didn't have a direct effect on the customers or their tipping habits, the atmosphere on the cafe's premises had lightened enough that even Jeremy's usually sour face tipped more towards neutral these days.
The smile blossomed on my face without effort as I caught the tell-tale bespoke suit and sunglasses of the man waltzing through the doors of the café as if he owned the place. "Nice to see you, Mr. Stark. Enjoy your vacation?" I asked the smirking man, giving a respectful once-over to the tall, lithe man holding onto his shoulder.
"It's Tony," the happiness was radiating off him in waves. "Missed my favourite coffee shop and the world's nicest barista," he winked at me, causing the man behind him snort, steely blue eyes studying me in turn. "Had to introduce my two favourite people," the engineer took a step back, parting his arms with a flourish gesture. "Stephen, Starlight. Starlight, Stephen," he spoke before rattling off his usual order. And a cake on top.
I gave an amused grin to the man obviously humoring his significant other, as Stephen mock-bowed in my direction. "You're right, how could we be together without the approval of your favourite barista?" Stephen had his wits. I decided I definitely liked him. "Starlight? Is that a nickname or were your parents hippies?" Okay, witty bordering on rude. Was Stephen a lawyer?
"Now, now, honey," the crinkles around Tony's eyes deepened as he barked out a laugh. "No need to be jealous. We're all adults here, we can share. There's enough of me for everyone."
I rolled my eyes, easily slipping into the familiar banter. "Speak for yourself, Mr. Stark. I'm very selfish," I cocked an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side and pretending to size up Stephen. "You've outdone yourself this time," Stephen's eyebrows rose. The line between 'sizing up' and 'checking out' was so very fine and I walked it well, a quiet sort of confidence that had bloomed within me at the recent events in my life letting me be slightly bolder that allowed myself to be before. "I'd have to be the Devil myself to break up such a blessed union. My congratulations," my smirk grew into a warm smile as Tony beamed at me in return, content on showing off his most recent acquisition.
Who, by the way, looked a little bit lost. Evidently, Stephen did not expect such a degree of familiarity between me and Tony; which was, to be honest, most likely what had him returning to the establishment over and over. Come for the coffee, stay for the company. Or how was it?
The energy between Tony and Stephen was electric. There was something undoubtedly attractive, magnetic even, about the tall, steely-eyed man, something similar to Odette's charismatic pull but without the overwhelming ossification of the air around her. Even putting aside the fact that Stephen was a visually stunning person with his sculpted phisique and high, sharp cheekbones, he commandeered the attention to himself without even uttering a word. Definitely a lawyer, with how the type could hold the whole courtroom together with a single look.
The early birds on a Friday were few and in-between; the three of us chatted as the two men sipped their coffees with muted noises of joy. According to Tony, Fiji was delightful this time of the year. Oblivious to everything around him, the engineer rambled about his ventures without a care in the world as his partner looked up to him with earnest happiness and I- well, I wished I could go to Fiji, hot boyfriend optional. The weather in NYC was slowly becoming dreary: I did not look forward to winter sludge and the traffic congestions that it created.
"And I love what you've done with the interior. Those cat statues? Charming," Tony rambled, pointing out the good-luck charms I'd placed all over the café. Small knick-knacks I carefully selected to match the overall vibe of the room. "Tell Jeremy I send my regards. Appreciate the lack of paps, too," he winked at me, looking visibly relieved.
"Huh?" The rag in my hands froze. "I haven't seen a single paparazzi around here, since, like, ever," I admitted, puzzled.
"And I appreciate it. Ever since our thing became public knowledge, they've been hounding me wherever I go," the eyeroll Tony made was truly powerful. "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it," and again, the engineer winked at me, apparently having made some assumptions of his own. "I won't tell if you won't."
The puzzlement persisted within me all throughout my shift. I lived in NYC, for fuck's sake, I wasn't unfamiliar with how things ran around here.
Every establishment I worked in had been swarmed with the annoying, persistent celebrity hunters at some point - and yellow press and paparazzi were, by far, the worst. Some of the greedier ones could go as far as to shove simple folk out of the way or order a cup of coffee with their camera hiding under the tablecloth to sneak in a juicy picture of a celebrity just trying to have their brunch in peace. I hated those vultures with a passion; their negative energy, their lack of morals when it came to hunting for a new scandal that would make them a few hundred bucks.
The only way to even slightly deter them was to repeatedly call the cops on them for public disturbance. I'd done it once or twice, egged on by Jerry and his worry of losing profit - after all, there were establishments known specifically for high rates of celebrity sightings and if any of the superheroes wanted to make an appearance, they would just go there for their cup of overpriced coffee and defrosted sponge cake. Our café was strictly for comfort and leisure - a rare thing me and my boss actually agreed upon.
As I said warm goodbyes to my favourite engineer and his newfound, dashing boyfriend, the cat statues stared at me in mute satisfaction, their hollow eyes radiating smugness and their immobile mouths stretched in what looked like pure, mocking mischief.
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Taglist is open until the story is finished. Spare comment? 🥺
@couldntbedamned @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins @mostly-marvel-musings @persephonehemingway @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
The LoV with a s/o who's easuly Flustered and likes to read books when they're on break from missions? 👉🏻👈🏻 Love your blog! 💞 Have some ice cream for your great writing! 🍧🍨🍦
Aaaa thank you! You are so sweet I’m going to get a cavity 😭 thank you so much, cutie!! I hope you like it
LoV with a s/o who’s easily flustered!
At first he would find it strange. Why do you get tinted kinda reddish and quiet when he tries to make eye contact with you? He has to give you details on the mission, dammit!
And why would you read, when you could do something more engaging like playing video games? He doesn’t get it.
But the more he sees you read and the more he sees how you react to certain things, the more he kinda soaks it in. Welp, that’s just how you are. Okay, then.
But why does he like watching you? Why does he enjoy the sight of your lips pursing in concentration or eyebrows furrowing at something he doesn’t know abou while you’ve got a book in your hands? Is he curious?
No, he finds it absolutely adorable. When he realizes that, he’ll do whatever he can to fluster you, so that he can see your eyes dart everywhere but at him and watch you shrink into yourself. Maybe he enjoys watching you toy with a stand of hair, or whatever clothing you’re wearing that minute.
At some point you have to ask yourself if he’s a sadist for it all, because we will tease you if he’s in a good mood, but in reality he just enjoys a reaction from someone that isn’t disgust. You’re so soft as a person and it’s a huge contrast to himself and he fucking loves it.
His favorite thing ever is to rest his cheek on your sternum with an arm under the back of your neck, playing a video game with both hands at your left shoulder. All while you’ve got a book propped atop his back with your arms underneath his own, both your legs and his a mess tangled together. It’s uncomfortable for your both, but it allows you to be so close.
Other times, he’ll often watch over your shoulder and read snippets of your book out of curiosity to see what you like, if he gets the chance. Maybe, just maybe, you can convince him to read the same novel, but what he really wants is for you to read aloud to him.
He wants to hear your voice without interruptions, to hear how the intricate words fall from your lips as you read, even to hear your goofy dialogue impressions. It’s so relaxing and he adores it. He’ll even crack a little smile while you’re doing it.
Your reading to him eventually becomes nearly the only thing that can put him to sleep. His head on your chest, arm wrapped around your waist, and legs kicked out to entangle with yours as he listens to your voice - he’s in heaven!
He’s so happy that someone as adorable and soft as you actually had eyes for someone like him, and he’s more than thankful for it!
Mr. Compress:
Loves it! He finds it so precious that you get so flustered so easily. And while he’d never make you uncomfortable or even try to fluster you on purpose, he’s still going to enjoy it when it happens.
I can definitely see Mr. being a bookworm himself, honestly, his favorite maybe being of a historical or possibly magical nature.
You like horror? Okay. Romance? Cool. Medieval fantasy? Alright. It really doesn’t matter what you enjoy, he’ll ask for recommendations. If you enjoy it, he will certainly enjoy it with you.
Deadass would sit next you and pull out his own book during a break while you’re on a mission. You have to wonder where the hell it came from, but then you remember he’s a magician, after all. And of course, there’s his actual quirk to consider.
Mr would get flustered relatively easily, but for him the perfect time to be flustered is while you’re flustered, too! Strangely enough, he thinks it sorta brings you closer together, kinda like sharing a crépe or ice cream. It’s no different than being happy at the same time, or sad, or even angry. You’re feeling the same thing at the same time, and get to experience and work through it together. How neat is that?
He doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable around him, but he’ll still enjoy it when you get all flustered. He notices all too easily the blood rush to your ears when he reaches in close to pull a coin “out” of your ear, or the slight squeak you make when his gloved fingers accidentally brush against the cartilage of it. Well, sometimes accidentally!
Seeing you get flustered like that will usually fluster him, too. Does he really have such an endearing effect on someone so adorable and shy, as the extroverted and boisterous Mr. Compress?
He’ll constantly ask permission to do something before actually doing it and risking making you uncomfortable. Is he allowed to wrap an arm around you? Are you okay with him touching more than just your ear for a trick? Mr. is determined to get consent first and to make sure if you change your mind, he knows it!
Loves it if you let him read to you. He’s an entertainer, remember? It’s in his gears to put on a show and entertain someone - he doesn’t want to be entertained! His favourite way to read to you is with his back leaning against the wall or headboard if there is one, while you’ve rested the back of your head on his shoulder and sat between his legs.
Himiko is not easily flustered! And while she likes books, they’re not her favorite pastime.
That said, she loves getting you all flustered. She won’t be cruel about it, it’s always in good fun and not regarding anything you could be sensitive about, but it happens really often.
The more flustered she gets you, the more flustered she looks as the blood rushes to her cheeks and ears because she’s so happy and you’re so cute!! She’ll grin at you spunkily when she does, but her eyes have a slightly sultry tint to them.
Her favorite way to get you all flustered is by touching you! She’s quite clingy physically, so naturally she’s gonna be all over you! She’ll latch onto and nuzzle your neck like it’s the sole reason she’s breathing - accidentally restricting your own breathing all the while.
She’s not much of a reader herself, but she’s going to ask all kinds of questions about the book she happens to see you reading. What genre is it? What’s the main character like? Does a character die? Is it a happy novel, or a sad one?
If you enjoy it, she’ll want to learn about it just for the sake of hearing you teach her about something you enjoy or are passionate about, despite not indulging in it herself. She wants to know what makes you tick, and sifting through your likes will help her do that.
Himiko will sit next to you and snuggle up against your side while you’re reading on your break - even if you shyly protest. If time permits, she’ll relax and let let the sound of your breathing accompanied with the turning of pages slowly lull her to sleep.
Though if she doesn’t have time, she’ll instead stare at your face, whether it contorts or not at whatever you’re reading. If you notice and blush at her, she won’t stop! She’ll just continue to stare at you.
If you ask to read to her, she’ll accept, sure, but she won’t really pay attention. Her focus is you! Not a story! You’re part of her own story, now, she doesn’t care about anything fictional. She has you.
She’ll instead watch your eyebrows turn up or furrow as your eyes are drifting through the page, lips moving and articulating syllables of your language. She’ll watch every blink of your eyes, enamored by the sparkle in them with one of her own. She’ll always have her head in your lap or on your chest!
Not as easily flustered as Mr. Compress, but if someone pushes enough, they can do it!
He’s not big on books, like Toga, but reslly loves having a s/o who is.
Oh, you can read about an imaginary world where society isn’t defined by heroes vs. villains, and quirks don’t exist and someone’s entire life isn’t dictated by what kind of shitshow they won in the quirk genetics lottery? Sounds neat! Tell him about it!
The more different the world of the book you’re indulging in is, the more he’s interested in hearing about it from you! He’ll take in everything you tell him about whatever you’re reading. Most of the time, it gives him a good grasp on what kind of society he really wants.
Of course, his favorite part about your telling him about your books is how excited you get, how enthralled you are in its mysteries if it has any, how you seem to pick it apart and predict (or try to predict) what will happen next!
Of course, if you go on a tangent and realize you’ve done so, becoming flustered as a result, he’ll beam at you to keep going! Or, he’ll go on his own tangent worshipping the ground you walk on, which, naturally, makes you more flustered - and that encourages him.
You’re like the diamond in the rough - so sweet and fragile-seeming - that he can’t help but be drawn to you!
Any sign of embarrassment (the not-so-fun kind) or shift in your mood will get him all riled up and cause him to do whatever he can to fix the situation, if possible. Oftentimes, he makes it worse, but he tries his hardest, really!
Because he wants to watch out for you! You’re so adorable, and even if you’re fully capable of taking care of yourself physically, he’ll 100% be right next to you to step in!
I can’t really see Twice sitting down and letting you read to him or reading on his own (too quiet - a good opportunity for his trauma to strike), but he’ll still love hearing about what you’re reading. Maybe he’ll sit next to you with a cigarette in between his fingers, eyes drifting to the pages as he listens to your voice reading aloud and whatever environmental voices are sounding at the moment.
The bastardest bastard of them all!
A flustered Dabi is a nonexistent Dabi. Nope. It doesn’t matter what you say to him, the man’s made of unflusterable, unflinching steel.
He will do everything in his power to tease you and fluster the living daylights out of you, though. It’ll range from snarky or sultry comments to actually touching - or groping - you in various places. He’ll relish in any cute protest you send his way.
His favorite time to strike is when you’re in casual conversation with any of the other members and your guard is down. You’re smiling and content, not shying out, and having a good time.
Welp, not if Dabi can have a say in it! He’ll give your ass a slap or make a snarky comment insinuating your “neglecting” him and wrap his arms around your waist, nuzzling his nose into your neck and letting his particularly hot breath ghost across your neck. He’ll simper at the bumps that arise on your skin as he feels your muscles tense underneath him.
He’ll do whatever he can to interrupt your reading, not really giving a shit if you’re really enjoying your book or lose your page. His interruptions range from whispering in your ear to yanking the book from your hands and keeping it away from your grasp.
Dabi won’t care to hear about what you’re reading; he’ll usually zone out if you try to immerse him into your favourite pastime or read to him. And he definitely won’t read for you, either.
But nonetheless, he’ll find your habit cute. It’s not watching you that does it for him, or even how giddy you get talking about your stories. It’s the fact that someone dating a dastardly villain like himself, a criminal capable of setting fire to everything around him, so purely enjoys such a common hobby. He’s not common, he knows that. You’re special, he knows that very well. But reading a book? So many people do that. It’s what normal people do.
He loves to watch you cover your cheeks at his suggestive comments, or hop around him to pry your book from his hand. Maybe he’ll set it alight in blue flames to get a good, loud squeal of desperation out of you.
But hell hath no fury like a Dabi whose s/o was teased or flustered by anyone but him.
If you’re reading at home, away from the others, you can bet he’ll drop his head in your lap. It’s nothing sweet and loving, he needs a pillow to nap on! But if you try to get him to move, he’ll grumble and turn on his side, staying put.
Hands down the easiest of them all to get flustered. So yeah, he understands your pain!
Spinner won’t really go out of his way to make you all flustered and set you off, because he knows sometimes that can be embarrassing and not fun if someone goes too far, but that doesn’t mean he dislikes seeing you flustered!
Seeing you blink rapidly and sputter out syllables meant to be a string of words you haven’t found yet is absolutely adorable to him. You’re such a contrast to everyone else, so innocent and pure. After all, there’s a girl who drinks blood for her quirk and a habitual arsonist who’s nothing but sarcasm and insults. Needless to say, Spinner is glad to have you around!
When someone decides they want to make your life hell, he’ll usually step between you and the other party with a scowl and hands on his hips, as if to protect you. Well, yeah. Of course he’s gonna look out for you! Aside from keeping you safe, he wants to look tough for you and impress you.
Like Tomura, he’s more of a video game guy, but if you’re into any kind of fantasy or any genre gaming-esque, he’ll absolutely want to hear about it! If it’s anything romantic, it’ll just fluster him. Although, if it’s horror, he’d definitely be interested
While you’re reading on break, he’ll sit next to you with a portable gaming system and click away at the buttons, occasionally glancing over at you. He can be curious without being interested... right? He might even try to get a peek at what you’re reading for himself, but Spinner won’t admit it. He’ll blow air from his nose and turn away with a scrunched face if you notice!
Spinner would get way too flustered and embarassed to read to you, but would absolutely let you read to him if you so felt like it. He might space out thinking of various things, though.
100% wants to have you in his arms while your eyes are plastered to your book. Bonus points if he gets to play video games like that, Spinner holding the controller behind your book, your back flush against his chest.
You probably couldn’t get him to read anything you suggest to him outright. You’d have to bribe him. He’ll read your book if you play his video game! If you enjoy video games, it will eventually become a habit for you both to cycle between playing video games and reading books.
And he’s not complaining! Most of his time will still be spent on video games, though. But sharing interests is how you get closer, right?
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missyjanne85 · 4 years
WARNING: LONG POST! NO TRIGGERS - FEEL GOOD VIBES GUARANTEED! (Unless your heart is, like, literally made of stone!...)
So I'm going to tell you a bit about my Dad! 😍
The whole reason why I express myself creatively is because of my dad. My love of reading and writing comes from him. He is (along with my mum of course – if you want a lesson in equality and the example of “sensitive, new age man” my dad’s pic is under the definition) and always has been my biggest supporter – the person who is guaranteed to be in the front row cheering me on. I didn’t have a soccer mum growing up, I had a soccer DAD. Dad was the one who took me and my brother everywhere on the weekends! I was very lucky and privileged growing up – dad would take me to singing lessons, piano lessons, tennis lessons (I tried other activities too but I won’t mention them…basically cause I sucked lol). Dad was the one who listened and encouraged me when I wrote my first song – music was my absolute passion (and still is)and he would spend hours with me workshopping every performance I would prepare for, every recital...He was my Alpha before I knew what that term meant.
I'm glad you asked - I'll tell you 😉
As most of you know - I have recently created my author page on Facebook. This year I have made a conscious effort to connect to those with like-minded interests. HP FANFIC! I’ve found my people!!! Specifically on the platforms Facebook and Tumblr (I still suck at it…but I’m trying!)…I’m also a lurker on Instagram.
Here it is: My dad is an Indi Author! I know! How BAMF is that?! He’s retired now, but back in the day he was an English and History teacher. He also taught English as a Second Language for a while and eventually moved into Higher Education in which he taught young adults with learning disabilities – his program was designed to teach them essential life skills (like budgeting, shopping, skills that would lead to getting a job) He would come home and tell me stories about his students and one of their favourite activities: Reading the newspaper together as a class and discuss the current events – dad was an amazing teacher and he is an amazing man.
When dad was an English teacher at High School, one of the activities he would run when teaching creative writing was an activity he had dubbed: “speed writing”. Now that I’ve become a part of fandom author community - I have literally only just put two and two together and realised my dad was running “sprints” in his classroom 😱😱😱
Again! What an absolute BAMF!
Okay, Sorry! I'll try again...
Dad isn’t on social media (though mum is), he doesn’t use a mobile phone (but mum does – you see where I’m going with this?). As an independently published Indi-Author on Amazon (I’m gonna share the link – don’t worry), I’ve told him about the benefits of social networking. He’s been reluctant…I decided at the time not to push. Recently though, I shared with him the fact that I’ve been writing during Covid 19 – not songs and music, but stories. I told him I’ve found a safe haven in fanfiction – I’ve found people I wish I knew years ago! I’ve found friends who I’m now collaborating with (back in the day I was never in a band or anything like that). I’ve told Dad about my experience publishing my little ficlettes and stories on AO3 - how I was receiving reviews and feedback. I told him about ‘Kudos”.
His ears suddenly perked up and bless him – he said “Do you think your friends would look at my story too and do you think they would leave a comment?”
Well friends, now you *know* - I’m a daughter on a mission!
My dad’s alias is Raymond Jeffrey. His birthday is the 12th of December and I’ve been thinking...What can I possibly give the man who has literally fuelled my love of writing? Who has constantly encouraged my creativity. What does he truly want?
The answer is Kudos people!!!!!
My dad isn’t interested in the amount of sales or rankings his book gets – It’d be nice, but it won't stop him from writing his trilogy. He's already a thrid of the way through book 2!!! (BAMF!)
So friends, if I may be so bold - can I ask you to reach out and leave him a review on Amazon? Even if it is as simple as a phrase of encouragement to keep writing, to continue? The way we do in Fandom?
That would be simply magic!!!
I’m not asking you to buy his book, but if you have Kindle I’d love for you to give his original work a go and leave him a review.
You can download a free sample here:
Dad literally painted the artwork himself (and then had mum scan it as a PDF in order to upload it and then use it as a cover). My mum has been simply amazing – she’s his Alpha and has encouraged him on this life long goal to write a book.
Dad currently had 10 sales in total (some are purchases made by family from overseas) and recently he cheekily introduced himself to his new neighbour (my folks recently moved during Covid 19) as an ‘internationally selling author’(Omg Dad! 😆🤣😂 ). He's also hired a woman to professionally format and edit his book for SPAG – so his book has actually been professionally Beta’d (when I told him I had met people who loved Betaing for funsies he was shocked and also secretly I think he was a little jelly 🤭🤭🤭).
So yes, can you help me friends????? Be a part of this movement I’m trying to start?!
I would literally love for him to suddenly get a flood of reviews and have no idea why!
I plan to share this post with him for his birthday.
Thanks and gratitude friends!
Love from Missy xxxxx
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shadow-scenarios · 4 years
Can you do Ren/Akira, Ryuji, Yusuke and Akechi with a female s/o with adhd and sensory processing disorder. So she’s hyper sensitive to the sounds of like clothes rubbing agents clothes or hair rubbing agents her ear. So she can’t lay down in pillows correctly and stuff. Also she’s very hyper and stuff. Sorry if this seems random I was just diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and I’m about stressed about it lol. You don’t have to write about it if you don’t want. Thanks, love
Hope you’re okay, Anon!! I’m actually getting tested for ADHD after all of the COVID-19 stuff is over so I know how you feel, honey. This might be slightly ADHD focused because I know what it’s like to have that, but I did some research into SPD. I hope you like these. :)
Of course you can request the boys, they’ll look after you. Sending you my love!!
- Nexus.
Joker { Akira Kurusu }
✧ Akira is the very observant & insightful type, so he seems to be able to help her whenever she cannot communicate properly what is wrong. He would never baby or coddle her because of the hypersensitivity but he understands that it is an issue.
✧ He finds it incredibly endearing whenever she is hyperactive or super invested into something. Listening to other people is his forte & hearing someone just be excited about life brings him so much joy.
✧ In terms of touch and feeling, he is the ultimate gentleman. Before he even thinks about pulling her into a hug, he will ask if that is something she is okay with. Always keeps a hair clip around in case she ever feels overstimulated & checks out the sleeping conditions she has in order to help her get a better night of sleep.
✧ If she struggles with diet due to not liking the texture of certain foods, he will make a list of the things she does like & make sure the fridge in LeBlanc is stocked properly so that he can make her a proper meal. Akira believes nutrition is very important!
✧ Occupational therapy is always an option & although it may be difficult, Akira would be there to support her if she chose to go. If she did not want to go, he would also find that fine because in the end it is what makes her the most comfortable.
Skull { Ryuji Sakamoto }
✧ Ryuji does not pick up on the signs at first because he simply does not know. If she were to tell him it was ADHD & SPD, he would immediately take an all-nighter research how to best help her. He is very protective of her after he learns some of the symptoms, probably to the point where it is slightly uncharacteristic. If anyone ever said anything bad about her, he would absolutely flip his lid & tell them to ‘ eff off! ’.
✧ Absolutely loves it when she is hyperactive!! He is a very enthusiastic person in general so he encourages her to speak her mind about the things she loves. Makes an effort to lower his voice as well, since sometimes it may cause hypersensitivity & he would never want to hurt her.
✧ Tries to learn how to cook from Akira & fails miserably, so he learns what kind of soft drinks or ramen she likes so that he can buy it from the vending machine after school.
✧ Definitely asks Ann about clothing that is less likely to be uncomfortable & tight for her. They end up spending a whole day {with regular breaks if needed!} trying on clothes and seeing what feels the best. Would absolutely never judge her for it, he is incredibly sweet throughout the entire experience.
Fox { Yusuke Kitagawa }
✧ Yusuke is innately empathetic & is therefore very helpful about it all. He is slightly too dramatic sometimes though. If everything is not perfect for her, then he insists that it be made correct.
✧ Art often helps him unwind so he suggests trying it. Even if she is not very good, he would teach her how to improve with gentle words. Suggests fingerprinting as a starting point for a stimulating activity that is not too much.
✧ Being as passionate about art as he is, Yusuke never minds listening to his significant other talk about her own interests. He understands that he can also be impulsive at times.
✧ Money is something Yusuke struggle with but damn it if he does not blow all of his Yen on something that she says is very comfortable. He is knowledgeable in that finding good clothes can be difficult & he would never turn down the opportunity to make her feel better.
Crow { Goro Akechi }
✧ With his detective intuition, Akechi most likely figures out the symptoms & links them to something like ADHD or SPD before she even tells him. Super kind about it all!! Asks if there is anything he can do to make her more comfortable & makes a list much like Akira would. He knows exactly what it is like to have problems with no one to help.
✧ Finds out what kind of materials make her more comfortable & privately orders outfits made out of them. His job allows him to be flexible with money & he believes that the comfort of his significant other is more important than having riches. He sticks to holding hands with her if she is okay with it and if she does not like the feel of his gloves, he would even take them off.
✧ Makes even more of an effort to keep her out of the public eye. If anyone were to crowd around her with cameras or asking questions when they went out, he would immediately turn up the formalities & politely ask them to leave, indicating that they were not wanted.
✧ Never judges her for hyperactivity and listens with intent. Although most days he comes home rather tired, a cup of green tea & listening to her talk for a while would be enough to revitalise him. Instead of people prodding him about investigations or the Phantom Thieves, listening to someone ramble is quite cathartic. May even end up talking about some of the light philosophy he reads if that makes her comfortable.
✧ In terms of sleeping arrangements, Akechi makes sure that everything is comfortable for her. If she dislikes the pillows, he will get rid of them. It is not particularly difficult for him to fall asleep with all of the jobs & work in the Metaverse he needs to complete so to him, sleeping positions are not as much of a priority.
Word Count: 900
Publish Date: 27.09.20
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
Mista teaching you how to give him a blowjob because you’ve never sucked a dick before...Horny levels through the roof
Try | Mista x GN!Reader
i’ve loved this ask since the second i got it — please enjoy~ mista is a very good boyfriend! ♥
18+ under the cut!
There’sclear desperation in the way Mista is grinding his clothed erection against youas you straddle him on the couch, not to mention the way he’s practicallywhimpering into your mouth and the grip of his hands on your hips — you werejust as into it as your sensitive boyfriend was, but the travel of your handson his chest was much less assured than the way he was touching you.
You’d madeit to several heavy petting sessions with Mista and gotten far enough to haveMista hungrily kissing your bare chest whilst your rubbed him through hispants, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little nervous. It’s notthat you didn’t trust Mista, or that you didn’t want him. No, it was becauseyou were entirely new to touching someone at all and you didn’t want to disappointhim.
Mista pullsaway from your mouth and purposefully grinds your clothed center against himselfand whines as he stares at you with dark eyes. “Please touch me, tesoro.”
And hell ifyou could resist him — oh, you knew he’d stop the second you showed any sign ofdiscomfort, but you feel a strange surge of confidence from reducing your boyfriendto such a desperate state as you slide off of him and slot yourself between hisknees on the floor. Mista groans when your fingers brush over the zipper of hispants, which spurns you to unzip them.
You swallowwhen you realize Mista isn’t wearing any underwear and that you’re one slide ofhis pants away from revealing his full cock to you. Mista looks down at you andgives you a crooked smile, his face flushed.
“Babe, please?”Mista lets out a high-pitched moan when you wrap your hands around his lengthto pull him out of his pants — oh god, he’s big. You had felt hissizeable bulge many times but seeing his heavy member in your own hand wasanother story.
It’s thenthat you realize you have absolutely no idea what to do with it.
“Um,” youstammer, earning a gasp from Mista when you slide your fingers tentatively upand down his cock. “Mista, I—”
“Are youokay? We can stop if you need to.” Mista reaches down to cup your cheek andsmiles at you — despite the blush on his face and how much you can tell he wantsthis; you know he’s being earnest. You shake your head and Mista quirks aneyebrow up.
“I’ve neverdone this. With, uh, anyone.” Your face feels red hot from embarrassment, butMista doesn’t laugh like your insecurities were telling you that he would. Instead,he places his hand over yours on his cock and shoots a sly smile your way.
“Do you wantme to teach you, amore?” This time your blush isn’t from embarrassment butinstead from the lewd words your boyfriend had just uttered, making you shiftas they traveled directly to your own arousal. Mista grins when you nodeagerly. “Aah, you’re so cute! Tell me if you need to stop any time, yeah?”
With anothernod from you, Mista gently guides your hand to the tip of his cock, using hisown fingers to roll his foreskin down and reveal his dark pink head to you.
“I don’t thinkI need to tell you what’s what?” Mista asks, and you nod. You know what things are,you’re just not sure how to touch them. “Okay, perfect. The head is verysensitive, amore.”
Mista guidesyour hand so just the tips of your fingers are resting on the glans of hiscock, earning a shudder from him. “Unless you’re teasing, you don’t want to useyour fingers too much here. But,” he guides your hand to the underside, and youfeel a small ridge that earns a whine from Mista when your finger runs over it.“That spot right there feels good, whether it’s your finger or, um, your mouth.”
While you hadn’thad any actual experience, you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about takingMista’s cock in your mouth while you were touching yourself, or how it might feelto glide your hand over his member while you kissed him. It’s Mista’s gentleinstruction that gives you the confidence to ask what you’re thinking about.
“Could you… tellme how to use my mouth?” Mista inhales sharply at your words and the hand that’sover yours twitches before he replies, his cock stirring in interest under yourfingers.
“Y-yeah, ofcourse.” Mista hesitates before he brings your hand to his mouth and holds yourgaze as he slides two of your fingers inside. You gasp at the warmth and wetnesssurrounding you and squeak out a noise of surprise when Mista’s tongue wrapsaround the digits. He holds your gaze as he works your fingers in his mouth,sliding his tongue over them gently as he pumps them without taking them allthe way out.
Mista moansaround your fingers when he sees you fidget, the ticklish yet pleasant feelingmaking you ache for his touch. With a pop, he slides your fingers out of hismouth and blushes. “L-like that, but around my… cock.” His voice pitches up fora moment, almost like he’s nervous to be saying it.
“Okay,” youbreathe, no longer staring at Mista but instead his sizeable member. You lean forwardand brace a hand on his thigh, bringing the hand still wet with his saliva towrap around the end of his cock to hold it steady. You’re still a littleunsure, but the quiet whimpers Mista is making just from anticipation areencouraging.
You dip yourhead forward and lick a stripe over his head. Mista practically yelps, moaningout your name loudly. Feeling even more confident, you busy yourself by licking stripes up his whole length, lookingup at him through your lashes as you work. Mista’s mouth is hanging open andhis hands are gripping at the fabric of the couch as he watches you, lost inhow good it feels to finally have your mouth on him.
“Could youtry—” Mista gasps when you start lapping at the ridge of skin he’d told you wassensitive. “A-ah, babe, that feels so…” Whatever Mista was going to say is lostwhen you suck on that spot and he keens forward with a loud moan.
“Babeeee,”Mista whines, panting. He looks down at you with those dark eyes, pupils blownwide with lust. “Please put it in your mouth.”
The factthat Mista is reacting so well is filling you with more and more confidence, sowithout hesitation, you slide your mouth over his cock and earn the loudest moanyet from your boyfriend. It tastes a little salty, but it doesn’t stop you fromswirling your tongue around his head.
“Ohhh god, p-pleasemove, it’s so sensitive.” One of his hands moves to rest on the crown of yourhead and you gingerly slide his length further into your mouth as youexperimentally swirl and swipe your tongue along the warm skin. You’re able totake about half of it in your mouth before your throat tickles and warns younot to take any more (at least, not this time, you think) so you slide your headback up and begin to bob your head in a slow rhythm.
“That’sgood, ooh, you’re doing such a good job,” Mista croons. You chance looking upat him again and see that he’s completely flushed now with his mouth stillhanging open, looking at you with a mix of adoration and lust. “T-try usingyour hand too.”
It takes amoment for you to find a rhythm, but after a few experimental strokes, you finda rhythm that has you pumping the excess of his cock with your hand while yourmouth and tongue work the top half of his length in tandem.
“Merda,”Mista hisses. The hand in your hair tightens just a little when you increaseyour pace and hollow your cheeks out. Mista lets out a pleased sigh as you workhim, not minding when you accidentally break your rhythm or awkwardly stutteras you get used to the feeling of him in your mouth. Mista’s thigh starts totremble under the hand you have resting on him. Unsure, you slow down and lookup at him. “Please keep going, but ah, with your hand, just a little tighter,amore.”
You tightenyour hand and watch until Mista eagerly nods before slowly picking up yourspeed again — it doesn’t take much longer until Mista is whining and strugglingnot to buck his hips up. The hand in your hair is clutching at your over andover again and your own satisfaction at seeing Mista come undone like thisdespite your inexperience had you feeling hot.
“I’m, ah, I’mgonna cum, m-move if you don’t want—” Mista throws his arm over his face whenyou meet his eyes and keep going — a moment later he cries out your name andyou feel his cock twitch before the first rope of hot cum hits your tongue. Theflavor is salty, and the texture is new, but it’s not unpleasant. You eagerly suckand milk his cock in your mouth until Mista is whining loudly that it’s toomuch.
When youmeet his eyes and pointedly swallow, Mista groans and his spent cock twitches. (God,he was sensitive.)
“You’regonna be the death of me, amore.” Mista gives you a lopsided grin and helps youback onto the couch, surprising you when he pulls you into a kiss. From whatyou’ve heard most guys wouldn’t do this — but this is Mista, and he’s kissingyou with just as much enthusiasm as he always did. When he pulls back, he cupsyour face in his large and calloused hands and strokes your cheek. “You didsuch a good job. Grazie.”
You can’thelp but to giggle, earning a playful pout from Mista before he rubs his noseagainst yours in a sign of affection. Feeling a little bold, you wink. “The pleasurewas all mine, caro.”
“Aaah, babe!You’re so cute. It’s not fair.” Mista gives your side a playful poke before hissmile turns into a smirk. “Would you like me to return the favor?”
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