#Within The Wires
corkscrewteeth · 1 year
happy pride month audio drama community
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EDIT: ID in alt, fellas!!
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wwpbviiid · 4 months
I’ve remade the quiz, there’s now 61 characters in it because I’m insane
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yourbelgianthings · 6 months
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welcome to night vale episode 220 “a radio jupiter christmas special” / within the wires season 5 episode 5 / the adventure zone balance episode 69 / stephen king / welcome to night vale episode 13 “a story about you” / the guy who didn’t like musicals / john darnielle
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knight-gwaine · 7 months
Okay, it’s been too long so I have no clue who my followers or mutual are anymore.
SO, lil ice breaker for whoever sees this. Ima list all the podcasts I love and have listened to/am listening to and if you’re into any of ‘em, tell me about your favorite character and why you love them in the replies or recommend other podcasts based off my list!
Welcome to Night Vale (the gateway drug)
Alice Isn’t Dead
Within the Wires
The Bright Sessions (a FAVE. WHERE IS THE FANDOM)
King Falls AM (bring them back please)
Midnight Burger (also hello where is the fandom. Doctor Who fans will love)
The Amelia Project (do yourself a favor and start listening if you haven’t)
Desert Skies
The Left Right Game
Leaving Corvat
The Orbiting Human Circus
Hello from the Magic Tavern (genuinely surprised by the lack of presence on Tumblr)
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utilitycaster · 7 months
Within the Wires is like. What if World Wars I and II happened as a thirty year stretch. What if only a fraction of humanity survived. What if we lost an unfathomable amount of art and culture. What if the systems we put in place to prevent nationalism and bigotry were just as oppressive. What if family abolitionism and the eradication of religion would devastate our concept of community. What if the few who survived were haunted forever, not just by the dead but by the world that was lost. What if the price of safety is freedom. What if we used mind control and targeted assassination to enforce this. What if it still didn't stop people. And, crucially, what if the person on this cassette tape from this alternate universe you are listening to right now were gay.
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gaybichon · 6 months
within the wires season guide:
dystopian lesbian yearning
artistic lesbian yearning
trans man bureaucracy
mother/daughter bonding (moms are illegal)
thespian dyke drama
haunted dyke drama
lesbian moms (moms are still illegal)
toxic homosexuals
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fandomscraziness22 · 3 months
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my Podcast Mania! ornament is back and better than ever! With 70 podcasts, this thing is full of goodness! Find it here!
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sapphicthunderhead · 7 months
This summer, over the course of three months at most, I listened to the entirety of Within the Wires. It’s a sci-fi podcast produced by WtNV Presents (Welcome to Night Vale fans, this is right up your alley).
The stories in this anthology are all set in a world parallel to our own, in which the last war in history ended with the establishment of a globalized society without national borders, ethnic divides, and most bizarrely, without biological families. All children are raised communally and none are allowed to know their parents.
Every season (except for the Chicago one, which I seem to recall features a trans man as protagonist) has a woman in the leading role. Every season focuses on the protagonist’s relationship with a woman/the women in their lives. The series has multiple canonically sapphic leads, explores complicated mother-daughter relationships, and dives into the treacherous waters of nuanced subjects, such as:
What does it mean to be an artist? What is art?
What does it mean to love/be in love? What does it mean to be responsible for other people’s well-being, as a leader, a mentor, or a parent?
What does societal progress really look like?
Is greed/arrogance/selfishness inherent to the human condition? (What sociopolitical factors might make corruption the path of least resistance for both politician and civilian, as opposed to compassion and enlightenment?)
What dangers exist in anarchy? What other hazards are posed by hard authoritarianism?
Anyway, if you’re interested in hearing “relaxation tapes” in a high-tech “hospital” being used as a means to coordinate a breakout with one of the inmates, or listening to an old woman ponder and lament the possible murder of her fellow artist & lover, I would highly recommend Within the Wires.
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ieattaperecorders · 1 year
I love when queer characters are mean or rude or morally grey. I love you Carpenter, Paige and Faulkner, I love you Jon, Martin, Melanie and Tim, I love you Mike(s) Walters, Anne and Edgar, I love you Claudia Atieno, Michael and Hester. I love queer characters that don't sound like they are trying to get a good grade in therapy, I love people with genuine flaws who are messy and do bad things and hurt people and still deserve love and sympathy.
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"brian" this episode:
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secretlyhuntokar · 1 month
I'm doing it,, im Listening to within the wires
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ah yes within the wires' first mlm relationship. multi level marketing scheme relationship
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inyourbenevolence · 19 days
Can any world survive a benevolent god?
Coming Summer 2024 from @foggyoutline and @wirelesstheatre:
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(not final artwork)
In this upcoming audio drama podcast, each episode is a prayer, some prayers are granted, and a granted prayer can upend the world.
For fans of
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Each episode of I Need A Miracle is a short monologue. A new character every episode. Never the same character twice. Always addressing a plea to a listening deity – which never makes a sound.
Play god
You, the listener, stand in for a silently listening god. Hear brazen demands for divine intervention and vulnerable, secret pleas for deliverance. Whose requests would you grant and why? Does anyone deserve a miracle?
Play detective
Which pleas are granted? How does the listening being decide? What are the Upheavals that regularly wrack this world? What threatens to rise from the Depths? And can any being with ultimate power truly be benevolent?
Play the heartstrings
I Need A Miracle is all about the many kinds of wanting, and the many ways of asking for help. How would you make your case to an omnipotent being who grants some miracles but not others, based on ineffable criteria?
Coming Summer 2024
Stay tuned for cast and crew reveals, episode titles, trailers, release dates and more:
here on tumblr by following @inyourbenevolence
(you can also follow writer @merelymatt, producers @wirelesstheatre and publishers @foggyoutline for completism)
on instagram:
at the show homepage:
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yourbelgianthings · 2 months
i love you canon trans characters in podcasts! this post is dedicated to gage, faulkner, paige duplass, shrue, lup, hollis, michael witten, pete conlan, sam nightengale, garthy o’brien, and sheriff sam <3
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pod-bird · 4 months
I'm late to the party, and I'm only now reading You Feel It Just Below The Ribs (the Within the Wires novel, which I highly recommend), and I am LIVING for the way an unreliable narrator is literally getting called out in the notes for being unreliable
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ultearlight · 1 year
Can I ask which will wood songs make you think of which podcasts? Thanks
WTNV - Black Box Warrior
TMA - Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In
Alice Isnt Dead - Suburbia Overture
Within The Wires - White Noise
Red Valley - Thromodynamic Lawyer
The Dead Letter Office Of Somewhere, Ohio - Vampire Reference In A Major Key
Hello From The Hallow Woods  - Falling Up
(Bouns; You Liked This (Ok Computer!) )
Malevolent - ...well, better then the alternative
And Camp Here And There dosen't get one cause there whole sound track is Will Wood
And these are just like the podcast as a whole, I have different songs for specific characters if people are interested in those 👀
(Also prediction for The Magnus Portocal - The Song With 5 Names. Totally not because its Hand Me My Shovel companion song)
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