#Wolfgang took a long time to grow on me
shortracha · 1 year
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pamsimmerstories · 1 month
I was just rambling on twitter on the other day and I thought that would be nice to share it here as well.
Just a bit more of depth for them as characters, so you guys get to know them better:
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Freya Munch:
Freya was conceived when everything started to get better for Aurora and Wolfgang. Wolfgang had just gotten out from jail and Aurora graduated and got a new good job as an engineering.
Wolfgang was a stay at home dad for long time. So Freya had a pretty decent relationship with her dad and mom. I think Wolfgang spoiled her too much and made the world too easy on her because he was too overprotective.
So in my mind makes sense that she's just living in her own world and pretending that everything is sweet and cute, that her best friend is just her best friend and she would never be in love with Avery who is totally a menace, even when he's trying to be sweet to her in his own way. She doesn't want the "bad boy" to like her and not to be the one. BUt also she doesn't want to lose her friend because she doesn't like him the same way.
I think deep down she knows he likes her, but she pretends to not see it. Maybe she even like the attention he gives her, it makes her feel special and she hates that she feels that way, so she pretends she doesn't know.
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Avery Goth-Landgraab:
While everything for Freya was rainbows and sunshine, it wasn't for Avery. Yes, Malcolm and Cassie love all their kids so much, but Cassie had a rough time after she gave birth. She had a post partum depression, that's the reason Malcolm got a full time baby sitter living with them.
Avery had the intense trait and Cassie avoided him (in game, that's not me pretending or telling story, she usually chose Collin because he had the calm trait) and Malcolm usually took care of Avery, but he was always working. And growing up, even if it wasn't intentional, Cassie was always with the calmer and charming one.
So Avery grew up noticing it. At some point on my story he's gonna say here and there how Collin is the favorite child, because he's perfect and all. Collin is gonna follow Malcolm's steps and like it or not, he's the easier brother to deal with.
And because of that, I feel like Avery grew up wearing this mask of not caring what others think of him or being the "bad boy". Deep down it feels like he just wants to make a connection to someone, but he doesn't and can't open up that easily because he's afraid of getting hurt. And deep down he has feelings for Freya, deep down he knows it and he doesn't want to admit it.
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magnolia-sunrise · 5 months
if you don't mind elaborating, i'm super curious as to what bastien and matteo's relationship is/was like. what went wrong and how did they come to not fit together (anymore?)? does wolfgang know about that all pre-relationship and how does that affect the two of them once they are together? i hope that makes sense i'm fascinated by how old relationships (platonic/romantic/etc) come to leave marks on and affect characters in the present
OHHH this is wonderful thank you for asking mintt!! i am very quietly really obsessed with their dysfunction but its a difficult thing to draw so i don't get to talk about it often :O
when they first met Bastien was genuinely dazzled with attention and care that Matteo gave him, and how much he provided and cared for him during one of the worst periods of his life when he dropped out of med school etc. they started living together very quickly, and in many ways it was both a lifeline and just genuinely affirming for Bastien who was very early in his transition back then. its the sort of thing that's hard to portray given where their relationship is now, but they did love each other and since then Bastien has always felt like he owes Matteo his life
what changed over the years is, well in most plain terms Bastien changed and Matteo didn't. what felt like comfort before, started to feel more like a cage, because Matteo is a very confident, decisive and controlling person. which was extremely attractive and helpful for Bastien in the absolute mess he was in when they started dating, but as he grew more into his own person he would chafe more and more against the limits of what Matteo found acceptable or attractive. they would live their life how Matteo preferred it, because it has always been that way! and to his fault, Bastien never tried to speak up about it or change anything. he just quietly resigned himself to it, repressing his own wants, and they both let the relationship grow stagnant over years. on top of that was always the feeling of this enormous debt, figuratively and financially, that he owes him. Matteo's money after all helps to finance the clinic where Bastien spends most of his free time getting into a situationship with his android patient
so over time as they get to know each other with Wolf, i think Bastien mentions his relationship less and less and spends more time away from home. so Wolfgang doesn't know the details, but they can tell he's unhappy and they know he will never let himself love anyone else. doesn't stop them from flirting with him, but meeting Matteo or seeing the two of them is a very special kind of pain.
and when Wolfgang and Bastien get together, given the traumatic circumstances, Bastien hasn't even broken up with Matteo yet, since they just had to drop everything and go. i think he carries a lot, a LOT of guilt and self hatred over his indecisiveness and how long it took him to break out from the relationship and let himself be happy - it cost him everything. the way he let himself be in that relationship turned him into a very walled off person, though luckily Wolfgang is a very persistent wrecking ball.
because of all this and how things go down (finding Wolfgang dead. his clinic in flames. etc), he forces himself to be more open and to say yes and to voice his desires and slowly Bastien accepts he could actually be happy, though he will probably never forgive himself. when things are a bit calmer and they have some time to each other, i think some of this history comes out in more detail, exchanging stories about past lovers and love's scars.
with their relationship with Matteo the most interesting part for me is the dynamic of like... even if someone saved your life at one point, it doesn't mean you owe them the rest of it. and it takes Bastien a very long time to accept that
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tkc-info · 3 years
Her Apprentice
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OCtober 2021 day 6 - mask
Mirror Luxembourg was a very small city, and so very alien to Hunter. He was used to the congested roads, enormous buildings, and the immenseness of his Mummy’s Shanghai. And still, Luxembourg was nothing like Daddy’s village in Yunnan, nor Hunter’s isolated house.
Being in a city divided in two was a surreal experience to Hunter. Daddy had carried him on his shoulders to Luxembourg’s upper floor, and then to the uppermost spot in the city. Hunter had seen how very small the city was —and the trees and fairytale landscape that loomed little beyond its borders— and thought how much of a canvas it looked.
Hunter was not a painter, but he had wanted to make the fluffy clouds rain red, and dozens of mini xíngtiān dance around the prairies while the bāshé crawled in search of a victim. He had dreamed about all that last night, and it had felt all so real —he’d felt the rain hitting his head; heard the xíngtiān’s heavy footsteps— and what had probably been a nightmare became a memory Hunter wanted to draw. But he wasn’t a painter.
Sekros da Silva, on the contrary, was. When Daddy and Hunter had entered Lucienne da Silva and Werner Flammang’s house in the outskirts of Luxembourg, they’d found Sekros painting an automaton’s face in bright reds and cold blues. His mother had explained that he had a flair for the arts.
That’s when Sekros had turned to Hunter for the first time. He’d blinked at him owlishly silver eyes, and said, “I was doing Wolfgang’s avant-garde makeup.”
Hunter didn’t know what ‘avant-garde’ meant, but Daddy had smiled at Sekros as if smitten, so Hunter had followed suit and smiled as well. Lucienne da Silva had been the only one who hadn’t smiled; instead, she’d told the automaton to take Sekros and Hunter ‘somewhere else’, and Daddy that they would have their reunion in the adjacent room.
Now, Hunter sat in Sekros’s bed as the imlium continued painting Wolfgang’s face. Sekros’s room was very artist-y: the walls were painted colourfully (most likely by Sekros himself) and covered in the imlium’s drawings. The one closest to Hunter showed two figures that had been named ‘Wolfgang’ and ‘Me’ in Sazla, Luxembourgish, German, and French (Daddy had told Hunter people in Luxembourg spoke three languages, which was very cool —but Sekros had ended up writing ‘Wolfgang’ the same way three times).
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“Do you want me to put makeup on you?” Sekros suddenly asked. He’d climbed down Wolfgang’s arms and was staring at Hunter in a way that made Hunter very uncomfortable.
He didn’t like being stared at a lot; his amber and brown eyes were weird and ugly, unlike Daddy, Mummy and Sis’s dark ones. Still, Sekros wasn’t looking at him with any judgement, and the uneasiness in Hunter’s tummy eased.
“I don’t think I like wearing makeup, but thank you.” he eventually said.
Sekros only shrugged. “That’s okay. Do you want to help me put makeup on Wolfgang?”
Hunter thought Wolfgang already had enough makeup on, but readily jumped off Sekros’s bed and made to join him in front of the automaton. “Okay.”
Sekros smiled for the first time, his teeth very white. Then, he handed Hunter a pencil he called ‘lidstrich’ and told him to do whatever. Hunter hand’t known that a Lidstrich was an eyeliner, so he used it to draw Wolfgang a fake moustache.
At first, Sekros and him worked in silence, but soon shifted to ever-more animated conversation. Hunter was very pleasantly surprised by the imlium; he’d never thought making friends was that easy! Or perhaps it was only Sekros who was easy to befriend.
The imlium asked Hunter many questions, and cracked jokes here and there that made Hunter giggle. He told Hunter he wanted to be a painter and an astronaut and the Commander-in-chief of the Archaic Army, and asked him whether he wanted to see something ‘really cool’.
“Yes!” Hunter answered.
Sekros nodded wisely. Then took Hunter’s hand and dragged him away from Wolfgang, to sit at his bed.
“I am really good at morphing.” Sekros whispered, as if telling a secret “I can become any animal you want.” he frowned “But koalas. And kangaroos. And elephants. And giraffes. And fish. Do you want me to be a cat?”
Hunter nodded vigorously. Sekros smiled at him, and —as he did so— his skin began growing fur, and he became smaller and smaller. His pointy ears went to the top of his head in the form of fluffy triangles. A few seconds later, a silver-eyed kitten was meowing victoriously at Hunter, who clapped happily.
An idea suddenly formed in his mind. “Sekros?” Hunter asked “I had a dream yesterday, and I saw some very cool things. Can you become Xíngtiān for me?”
Sekros slowly morphed back to his normal body; he cocked his head to the side and frowned. “What is a xíngtiān?”
“A monster!” Hunter flailed his arms “He’s this big. Xíngtiān was decapitated because he wanted to kill Tiān, but didn’t stay dead and fights with his tummy as mouth and chest as eyes.”
Sis said Xíngtiān was creepy, but Hunter found him really cool.
Unfortunately, Sekros hadn’t seemed to understand Hunter. “Can you paint him?”
“No.” Hunter shook his head “I’m not a good painter like you. But—” his eyes widened “I can describe him?”
And thus, Hunter began saying everything he remembered of Xíngtiān: he had very big eyes like Hunter’s where his nipples should be, his mouth was all his tummy so he didn’t have a belly bottom, he was always frowning and dancing, he didn’t wear any clothes but Hunter would very much appreciate if Sekros kept his pants…
It was funny, because the more he talked, the more he saw the monster. Xíngtiān was breathing down Sekros’s back, an ax in his right hand and a shield in his left one.
Sekros’s eyes were very wide.
“Shuren!” he exclaimed, because Hunter still went by his birth name at the time “I can see Xíngtiān!”
“You can?” Hunter asked, very happy. Even though he’d just noticed his vision was beginning to blur a little bit.
“No, I mean yes.” Sekros shook his head “I mean I can see him. See see.”
Hunter’s mouth opened without him wanting it to. Sekros and him were very little —Hunter wasn’t five yet— but they both knew what that meant.
Hunter had awakened to his insignia.
It now made sense why his eyes were doing funny things. Using your insignia for the first time was difficult and people usually grazed the line of overexertion. For a mirage like Hunter, masking Sekros (and his) vision was naturally taking its toll.
“Stop masking!” Sekros urged “I don’t need to see Xíngtiān now!”
Hunter frowned, trying to guess exactly how to stop masking. Would cease thinking of Xíngtiān help? It did, but Hunter had to spend a few minutes trying to control himself.
When he was back to normal, Sekros rewarded him with a very big grin and hastened to drag him out his room. He and Hunter ran across his house to the room Daddy and Sekros’s parents were meeting.
The adults looked very surprised —Sekros’s parents even a little bit annoyed— but jumped to action the moment Hunter exclaimed, “Daddy, I’m a mirage!”
Daddy’s face became the happiest Hunter had seen in a very long time. He immediately materialised at his son’s side, and swept him up his feet. Daddy spun Hunter round and round, and kissed his cheek proudly in between exclamations of joy. “My Shuren, are you really a mirage? This is incredible, incredible!”
Hunter giggled as Daddy spun him round and round more. “I am a mirage! I am a mirage!”
He felt so good. Hunter was only four, but he had the impression Mummy and Daddy had been hoping he was either a mirage or a historian. They often spoke of their friends Dahlia and Matthias Everitt, who’d had those insignias respectively. Mummy and Daddy loved their friends very dearly, and now they must be very happy that Hunter shared insignias with one of them.
Because Mummy was also very happy to know Hunter could mask the senses. When Daddy announced what had happened after coming back from Luxembourg, she’d also ran to Hunter, swept him up his feet, and spun him round and round.
“Like Dahlia, like Dahlia.” she’d repeated happily.
Afterwards, Mummy and Daddy assured Hunter that they loved him regardless of whether he was a mirage or a puppeteer. That they’d only got a little ‘carried away’.
But Hunter was already curious.
Mummy and Daddy —he’d noticed— spoke of Dahlia as if she were the most powerful mirage alive. They told him she’d mastered immersion and could fully mask whoever she wanted into whatever she wanted.
How cool was that? Hunter heard his parents’s stories of their friend’s grandeur, and imagined what it would be like. Creating a whole reality. Putting a tailor-made mask on someone or himself, and being the master of your worlds.
That’s when he decided: he wanted to be like Dahlia Everitt.
@oc-growth-and-development @wagnerthedragon @iloveallmyocs @littleturtle95 @goodknightfriends
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kaeyas-beloved · 4 years
Hey there! Can i request a chubby/thicker mc? But instead of insecure, she’s confident af? People think she’s a bitch at first, but they’re proved wrong when she’s actually really good at giving life advice? If i were to be more specific, then she likes coloring her nails, stuff like that and is a bit of a bitch at first but can be your best friend at the same time? Thanks!(i checked your rules, and you didn’t have any specific numbers, so hcs, anyone but pls choose Arthot) thanks!
Can i add more text? If i can, then the chubby but confident mc is also really proud of her lover? Thank you again!
Hello! You absolutely can (both request and add more text)! Sorry this took so long, headcannons aren’t really my forte, but I still hope you like them! Also, I added Isaac and Mozart since I had some ideas for them :) 
Thank you for requesting!
(It’s under the cut since these are sorta long)
Arthur, Isaac & Mozart w/ a Chubby!Confident!Reader/MC
Arthur Conan Doyle
Now don’t get me wrong, Arthur loves all women no matter what they look like or their personality (unless they’re evil like that one Sister from his route - you know the one)
But when a women has the confidence level of a queen?? You’ve got him wrapped around your finger. 
There’s just something about women who aren’t like all the others he’s been with that really gets him.  
Even if you insulted everything that you could about him the first time you both met.
It was the boldness in your words and the way you carried yourself without a care what others said that has him infatuated and wanting to know more.
The first couple interactions with the other residents had him falling on his ass laughing.
Never has he seen someone make Theo and Wolfie shut up so fast.
After that he knows exactly when some kind of verbal brawl between her and another resident, most likely Theo, will occur and he kicks back for the show. 
Kind of gets hurt when she says something particularly harsh but brushes it off like he does.
A week passes and Arthur has figured out that she’s a little like Theo in a sense, bitter on the outside but secretly soft on the inside.
How does he know? Well he’s experienced this secret side of her of course!
It was during one of his self-deprecating moods, his past coming to haunt his thoughts when (y/n) walked in with his dinner, seeing as he skipped out on it.
The writer was so deep in thought that he didn’t even hear her come in until the glass of Rouge was set down beside him, shocking him. 
A flirty line was on the tip of his tongue when a quiet “Hey” came from her, in the softest voice he’s every heard from her, that one word silencing him.
“I don’t know what the hell is going on in that head of yours but... don’t let it consume you. It won’t be easy but you gotta push past it and not let it eat at you, that’s how it wins...” 
Arthur’s breath hitched when the faintest of smiles appeared on her lips, he was sure that he was seeing an actual angel.
After that it was like clock work and the two were hanging out more and more, going out in town a lot (with Vic too).
Her advice hit him in a way and like she said, it wasn’t easy, but it was a start for him.
From the very start of their relationship as a couple (y/n) would constantly give Arthur praises anytime he moved forward to forgiving and just bettering himself in general.
Rewards usually involve kisses and cuddles
Maybe a little more ;)
Like I mentioned earlier he doesn’t care that you may be a little thicker than the other women in town, it’s more for him to love!
He’s honestly so happy that you love your body despite what others may say, he’s a very proud boyfriend.
But even if you do, that won't stop him from loving every inch of you and your body.
All in all, it’s a relationship that includes a lot of love and proud moments for one another :)
Isaac Newton
Poor Apple Boi is a little scared of you, don’t be mean to him please he’s shy and insecure T_T
Like don’t get him wrong confident women are great but... you might be a little too confident sometimes for his heart to keep up.
“(Y/N) yOU cAn’T sAY tHinGS LiKE tHAT!!” is something he thinks a lot when a particularly mean thing might exit your mouth.
Begs to any God that will listen that there’s some passive side to you that will help lower his blood pressure. 
But if there isn’t that’s alright, he guess, cause most of the time you aren’t actually that bad.
That was before the both of you ran into the children he teaches at the fountain, his heart and mind doing literal summer salts cause what if you make one of them cry? What then!? He can't handle crying children! 
Nevertheless Isaac still asks if you could help educate them and you agree without complaint - surprisingly
About half an hour later when his group of kids were working (you split them into two groups, one for him and another for you) he took a glance your way and - HOLY SHIT IS SHE SMILING!? 
Takes a double take on that, splashes a little of the freezing fountain water in his face and when he still sees you smiling down at the young ones Isaac thinks he's done for.
But then he hears what you’re telling the children
“If you’re willing to put the effort into it and continue to push forward then you can do and be anything you want...”
You hear that? It’s the sound of his poor heart malfunctioning
Isaac may have an extended life but even then he didn’t think he’d live to see the day that a genuine smile, with no snide present, wound grace your face and that such encouraging words would come from you.
You weren’t rocket science to him anymore, he saw that there was more to you and unconsciously he started to soften up around you.
When the two of you got into a relationship it was a lot of you taking the lead, trying to help the shy man out of his cocoon.
And when he did take those steps and started to speck more and say what was on his mind? He got smooches, loads of them.
You are very very proud that he’s growing into the man he wants to be.
One time when you guys were out and about some snob women were making some comments about your weight. Baby was furious and was ready to reassure you that you were beautiful no matter what you looked like, even if he isn’t the best at comforting people.
He shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was when all you did was say something equally bad (if not worse) to them, grabbed his hand and left. 
When he asked if you were okay he was very happy to hear that their words didn’t hurt you because their opinion didn’t matter to you. 
He did, however, turn a little red when you said that if anyone’s opinion mattered it was his because you love him and knows that he loves you <3 
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Won’t lie, both of you got into the equivalent of a cat fight the first time you ran into each other.
It was so bad Jean and Napoleon had to step in before either of you said something that might actually hurt the other.
After that night it was like an unspoken rule between the two of you that under no circumstances should your paths cross.
Which was incredibly hard since Sebastian assigned you to bring him his meals.
Not one interaction went without some sort of mean jab being sent to the other. 
One time you got some pink nail polish on Mozart’s white piano and he lost it
It seemed absolutely impossible for there to be any chance that the two could get along
All hope was nearly lost, but then came the day that (y/n) said something to him that just turned this mess of a relationship around.
The pianist was having a hard time composing a certain piece and nothing was coming to him no matter what he did. 
About to give up for the day, in came the human with a bottle of Blanc for him. When her eyes spotted the disaster that was crumpled sheet music, many of the notes scratched out, she knew exactly what was going on.
“Put yourself back to a time that you were happy and full of joy... Or, think about what you feel when you eat something really good - like chocolate, I know you love it. If there were colours to accompany the feeling, what would they be? Would they be slow moving like a river or burst like fireworks? Use those as a pace and let your heart do the rest...” 
Before the haughty musical genius could question a single word she just told him, (y/n) was already out of the room, off to finish the rest of her chores
Nevertheless Mozart tries it out and by the end of the night he’s got a masterpiece written out in front of him.
And you have an IOU with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart written on it - and he hates having to owe people.
So here he is, out in town for the first time in forever, showing you 19th century Paris since he remembered overhearing you say how you wanted to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity.
Surprisingly, it went well. Every time you said something that would usually elicit a remark from him was met instead with him holding his tongue, your soft voice from the day before playing in his mind each time.
When you caught on that he was actually trying to be nice you too made the effort, thus resulting in the two of you growing just a little closer.
You also gave him some nail polish remover that you had to help clean his piano cause he was having trouble.
From then on the harsh words became playful more than anything.
Could care less what you look like, though is very happy that you're comfortable in your own skin.
During Mozart's performances (y/n) claps the loudest and he knows it, she's told him that it's because she's very proud that he's started to play his music for others and because he wants to, not because he's force to.
His lips always twitch up when he hears her cheer for him, it fills him with joy every time knowing the meaning behind the action and that it comes with love.
Vincent and her got along instantly when he spotted these beautiful designs that she painted on her nails. He wanted to know how she did it without smudging anything since nails are such a small canvas to work with.
Theo got confused and upset when he saw that she was nice to his brother and not him.
She's totally destroyed Shakespeare cause no one messes with her friends goddammit! 
Requests are closed right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy my other works while you wait for them to open! You might find something you like, who knows :)
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chocolate-parfait · 4 years
Okay, I just got myself a tumblr account to ask for this Ikémen Vampire scenario, because the world needs this. Can you do one where the MC questions Mozart about his song "Leck mich im Arsch" (Ger. for "Kiss my ass" (lit. Lick me in the ass). I just can't imagine IkéVamp Mozart composing something like this so please be creative and do something funny. The song really exists btw. Real Mozart was a savage.
Started off serious, became trashy insults somewhere in the middle
Mozart being asked about his song “Kiss my ass” - ikevamp scenario (TW; mature language)
Thoughts are in italic
Bold AND italic is just me highlighting something
"Ugh, it hasn't even been a week and Sebastian is already burying me with work!" You mentally whined as you stretched your arms over your head. "Collect the sheets, wash the dishes, polish the shoes and wash the tablecloths..." each chore you listed made one of your fingers go up, and as the count reached ten you let out a deep sigh. You weren't even nowhere to be finished. "...ain't mama raise no weak bitch. Better get done with this before Sebastian yeets me into oblivion", you quietly spoke to yourself before going back to your full time slavery.
A lonely figure in the long corridor, you walked slightly bent forward for both the heaviness of the basket you were carrying and the mental and physical tiredness of your untrained body. As you took a turn at the end of the hallway, the lone sound of your footsteps found a companion. A sweet melody, a familiar one you had heard as a child, drifted through the air and waltzed its way to your ears. About ten meters from you there was the music room; you remembered it from Sebastian's tour of the house, but mostly because of the ever-so-friendly white haired composer that threatened you to stay kilometers away from him unless you wanted to be smacked to outer space. You had every intention of listening to him and avoiding any type of unnecessary contact with the man, but right now an irresistible curiosity pushed your feet to the prohibited door.
Was he composing something? Would he let you listen to one piece of his or play a modern-time song if you begged hard enough? somebody come git her she's dancing like a stripper If getting on your knees and throwing the last ounce of dignity you still had out of the window meant getting to witness Mozart's genius with your own two eyes --an impassable opportunity, too taunting to be ignored-- then someone better had to open up their purse and buy you some protective knee pads, 'cause ya girl was ready to crawl all around the mansion to get that P iano performance.
Inhaling some well needed air to get oxygen to your already malfunctioning brain in preparation of what was to come, you left the heavy basket full of dirty laundry and responsibilities behind and gently pushed the door open while peeking in with your head through the opening. As soon as he felt a pair of eyes on his back, Mozart abruptly stopped his magical fingers to turn to you, face contorted in an annoyed grimace.
Mozart: what.
MC: I- uh- uhm,,,, uhhhh- I... um
"Great job, chicken brain. The hero I absolutely didn't need right now"
Mozart: "I- uh- uhm,,,, uhhhh- I... um"...? I understand 15 languages and troglodyte isn't one of them. If you have nothing to say then leave.
MC: wait I-
Mozart: you didn't even knock. Are you really that impolite or did you grow up in a cave or something?
It hadn't even been 30 seconds and you had already been owned so hard not even a burnt Thanksgiving turkey could compare to this level of roasting, but there was no way in hell you were going to give up just for some edgy frail-looking man spouting some insults at you. You could probably smash him to the ground if you wanted, maybe... actually it would probably end with him snapping your neck like a twig, but at least the will to punch him was there.
You were ready to talk back with a savage comeback of your own, but before your mind could send the input to your mouth, his curt tone cut you off.
Mozart: Staring at people is a normal thing for future people? Makes me pity mankind. Get out.
...as kind as ever, the pianist! Kinda makes you want to kick him in the shins but you kept that thought to yourself.
As you were about to leave, two pair of footsteps got nearer to you from the corridor. Turning your head to the side you saw the clown duo making its way to the room, and you knew they were the ones who could provide you with the perfect chance to either succeed in your intent or bring you to a violent death.
Arthur: Oh my, what's happening in here? Is our wolfie making a move on our lovely MC before I can ask her out on a date myself?
Dazai: Good evening, Toshiko-san! Is something the matter?
And if this was your only opportunity, then you were going to use all your cards from the beginning. Mustering the best puppy eyes you could manage, you turned to the couple, and with a slightly whiny tone that resembled a half plea for help, you said:
MC: Ah, Arthur, Dazai-san! I just wanted to ask Mozart if I could listen to him playing the piano but he did nothing but be mean to me the whole time! I didn't even speak a word and he's already told me to leave twice~
Mozart: Which you didn't. So now I'm telling you a third time, leck mich. (=bug off)
Catching your subtle hint and feeling in the right mood to mess with the other fellow vampire, they decided to fan the flames of his annoyance by bringing in the discussion that one thing they knew he abhorred talking about.
Arthur: "Leck mich"? Why, Wolfie, you surprise me! You really haven't changed from your youth days, haven't you? My dear MC, did you know that the genius pianist here wrote a song called "Leck mich im Arsch"? A song about licking bums!
Dazai: Buttholes!
Arthur: Arseholes!
Dazai: Bungholes!
This was NOT the type of conversation you would've expected to have in a house full of historically important figures of such caliber, and foremost you were so close to bursting into a raging fit of laughter that only the scary aura of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was preventing you to do so. Despite the amusement you were worried the vein on his temple would explode and show you something you did not sign up for.
Mozart: Haven't I already told you not to bring that up?
Dazai: My, what a chilling smile, Wolfie-kun! Keep that up and you'll scare all the ladies away~
MC: pft——— what ladies?
Mozart: What are you laughing about, dumbass
Arthur: Woah, woah, woah! That's not the proper way to speak to a lady, Mozie! Bad wolf, bad!
Mozart: Did you take me for a dog, you four eyed caveman?
The more the snow white haired man was filled with rage, the more the situation escalated into something even more ridiculous , so much that in the midst of it you didn't even mind the recent insult.
But something was nagging you at the back of your mind. Why did someone as much as a clean freak as him write a song about licking ass? Though you realized Arthur probably gave you the literal translation just to be more direct about his bullying, you guessed it still was something pretty vulgar for someone like him. although you had to admit that the gracious idea you had of him crumbled away the second he opened his mouth
MC: I would've never expected someone like you to write such a song...
Mozart: What are you talking about?
MC: Uhm, you know, you're pretty neat, you don't let anyone touch your piano because of their 'filthy hands'... a piece about butts is a bit...
Mozart: I was still young at the time. My humor used to be different from now, people change in the span of 100 years, you know?
Arthur: Sense of humor? I wasn't aware you had one!
Mozart: Ahahah, so very funny, you stupid tratschtante (=gossip aunt)
Dazai: Maa maa (=now, now ; ara ara maa maa), I don't think the song is that out of character. After all, "licking butts" still has the idea of cleaning something, doesn't it?
Everyone: ...
Arthur: ...That was a bit too much
MC: Yeah, it was.
Mozart: Disgusting. This is why I dont like you people
MC: Wait, so can I listen to-
Mozart: Scram. All of you.
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thexfridax · 4 years
Translated interview
Viennale Star Adèle Haenel: ‘Equality is sexy’
Wolfgang Huber-Lang/APA, in: Salzburger Nachrichten, 25th of October 2019
Adèle Haenel (30, Paris), who is a protagonist in the opening film ‘Portrait of a Lady on Fire’, was the star guest at yesterday’s Viennale. She is also starring in Pierre Salvadori’s comedy ‘The Trouble with You’, which will be released in cinemas [T: across Austria] from the 8th of November. The talk about film, theatre, lies and clichés alternates between German, English and French.
Additions or clarifications for translating purposes are denoted as [T: …].
Interviewer: Ms Haenel, the opening of the Viennale, which was dominated by women, seems to have been the perfect environment for your film?
Adèle Haenel: Indeed, I actually hadn’t noticed: There were really just women, who held speeches. That’s not often the case. Super! It was a really lovely atmosphere. The audience apparently liked the film [T: … they didn’t like it, they loved it 😜]. I don’t like red carpet events too much, but it was quite charming here, it is a festival for the public and people even dress up for this evening.
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I: In ‘Portrait’, men only play tiny secondary roles. Is the film also making a political statement? There is also a heated debate about gender equality in the film business.
AH: It is a good experience that men are not centre stage for once. The film centres around lesbian lovers and is not making a political statement at first glance. But there is the opportunity to show something that may have been neglected so far. Why was something like this not told before? After all, it is about half of the population. Equality is sexy, consent is sexy. What can we do with this? The political is derived from cinematic questions. But essentially, it is about emotions that are slowly developing. The film builds the love story on different levels: Desire, intellectual exchange, friendship. These give rise to what we call love. That is the heart of the film.
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I: [T: In Austria,] you are known for films like ‘The Unknown Girl’ from the Dardenne Brothers or the Anti-AIDS-drama ‘120 BPM’ from Robin Campillo. But ‘Portrait’ takes place around 1770. Is a period film another challenge?
AH: I have already made three films that took place in the 18th century. It doesn’t really make a difference for me. I think that ‘Portrait’ is closer to ‘Water Lilies’ (Céline Sciamma’s film, which was Haenel’s breakthrough in 2007) than to other period films. But I like costumes, because they make it necessary to reinvent yourself. They not only change the way you move, but also how you speak.
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I: ‘En Liberté!’ will shortly be released here with the weird [T: German] title ‘Lieber Antoine als gar keinen Ärger’ [T: literally – Better to have Antoine than no trouble]. This film seems to be completely different from ‘Portrait’.
AH: That’s true, but it was also a remarkable experience. I learned a lot while shooting ‘En Liberté!’ – for example, how to bust clichés. When you’re doing a comedy, you really have to pay attention to the rhythm, and what is underneath. I believe, being aware about the conflict between what you say and what you mean has helped me perform the subtext in ‘Portrait’ later on. Although [T: these films] are quite different, there is a continuity for me. I love this film.
I: You play a [T: lieutenant]?
AH: It is about lies and people who try to survive their own lies. It is about a mafia-like structure and about guilt. The film is very funny – and very successful in France.
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I: In Cannes, you were not only featured with ‘Portrait’, but also with ‘Les héros ne meurent jamais’ [T: Heroes don’t die], a combination of fiction and documentary about the war in Bosnia. Your range is broad. What is the kind of screenplay that sparks your interest?
AH: With ‘En Liberté!’, I knew intuitively that I wanted to do the film, even before I read the script. But I often try to figure out if there’s something behind the story that is left unsaid. In ‘Les héros ne meurent jamais’, there was also a connection between reality and fiction, a need to invent something and to tell stories that particularly interested me. This is something I truly love.
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I: You also play theatre. But your current project with Gisèle Vienne on Robert Walser was postponed.
AH: Yes, until next year. Maybe it will also come to Austria. I love to act, but not the stuff around it. For me, it is about exploration, that is even more prominent in theatre than in film. I did a lot of theatre when I was a child. Then I stopped and started again in 2012 with ‘The Seagull’. Since then, I did more theatre. I love it. I think, Céline (Sciamma) is one of the most important contemporary female directors, and Gisèle is the same for theatre. I believe what we do with her is exploring movement, emotions and time. But for that you also need time – and I take it.
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I: Finally, about your Austrian roots: Your father is from Graz?
AH: Yes, but he left when he was young. He has lived in France since 1968, I believe, and he doesn’t have the Austrian citizenship anymore, as you cannot have both. I sometimes went on vacation in Styria when I was a child. We primarily spoke French during my childhood. When we were young, he still spoke German with us, but we stopped pretty quickly. I only started [T: to speak German] again when I did the film ‘The Bloom of Yesterday’ with Chris Kraus. It was quite exhausting, but also funny how quickly my German came back.
I: You also received the ‘Prix Romy Schneider’.
AH: Indeed, but I didn’t really grow up with her films. I watched anime or films with [T: Jean-Paul] Belmondo as a child. I wasn’t a cinephile. That is why I didn’t think of Romy Schneider, when I started to act. I really didn’t have any actors/actresses as role model. I wanted to act not become a film star.
I: The new [T: controversial] Nobel laureate in literature, Peter Handke, has lived in Paris for a long time. Have you read anything by him?
AH: I remember for example a passage from ‘Über die Dörfer’ [T: literally – ‘About the villages’], where it says: Forget about your family and learn to love what is foreign… [T: das Fremde is difficult to translate, it’s the opposite of home] But I don’t have a strong connection with his works. I feel more connected with Elfriede Jelinek or Thomas Bernhard.
[T: Omitted short bio]
Picture sources: [1], [2-3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
@empressofkalumina​​ uploaded a video of Adèle’s opening speech here, and has you covered with more pictures here.
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streets-in-paradise · 4 years
Women of Troy appreciation post
I realized i kinda started a small series of posts about this film because of my excitement about it and the big lack of content there is about it. I’m trying to make my small contributions to fill this gap. Since i already did one fangirling about the men i want to make other a bit more serious to talk about the female characters.
 I have only three ladies to talk about here, the female characters were very few and in their story arcs they condensed the roles other women had in the original story. I understand a bit that, since they already had a three hours long film, they needed to cut some stuff. Even when i understand that, i would had liked to see at least a few more women. To be fair i think the character cut is not gendered, for example, the rest of the very extense list of brothers of Hector and Paris were cutted out in the same way of their sisters. We also don’t see a lot of important greek captains that are not mentioned, in the same way we don’t see other greek queens besides from Helen. I think it was an issue of lack of time for development of more characters. 
For this post i will talk from the movie’s perspective and i will add some of my personal headcanons for this version. Since Troy is pretty much Wolfgang Petersen’s Iliad fanfiction i will ramble from that perspective. In the dvd extras he said he read the iliad in greek , what makes me think he basically created his own fanfict in this movie and,as flawled as it is, i’m here for it. The characters, the costumes, the locations, everything gives you an amazing scense of inmersion. In that spirit, i want to talk a bit about the trojan princesses. 
I don’t own the images i will use. 
Sorry for my terrible english
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I had to start with her since she is the first woman we are introduced to in the film and she is the most famous female character of this story. I like the approach her story has, she is never blamed for the war.The film picks sides and a moral compass, the narrative is with the trojans and it assumes Priam’s morals. In the context of this adaptation is pretty much impossible to blame Helen. How could somebody blame her for wanting to scape from that husband? Even in the case of her not being sure of her love for Paris she saw a chance to scape and took it. She was a prisoner of a husband who didn’t cared for her, as she clearly states in the talk with Paris “ Before you came to Sparta, I was a ghost”. She was forced to marry a man who didn’t cared for her, she felt invisible and unimportant. Despite being the queen of the damn city, she felt worthless.
Having this in consideration i also believe that, in this approach, the reasons of why Helen could had fallen so fast for Paris are more understandable. He is not only a man that shows interest in her, Paris is such a non threating guy. I can imagine him as this womanizer who is used to win over all the ladies wherever he goes but, when he meet Helen, he fell so hard that he ended up as a dorky mess at least at first. I think he was very different from the sort of guy she used to see in Sparta. Being used to all the rough warriors there Paris is a literal dork in comparison and i think that’s exactly what she liked of him. The tenderness and softness of this non threating reckless dork absolutely head over hills for her. 
Most of her story arc is setted by this romance, i would had liked to see more of her in the city once the war starts. Did the trojans blamed her for the war? Did they support their king’s choice of letting her stay? How was she like as a princess? Did she ever felt like a princess of Troy? She supported the people in any form? How did the rest of the trojan elite recieved her? 
The only hints of interactions we see of her without Paris are with Priam and Hector. The closesness in which they always are makes me think she got close to Andromache as well. I would had loved to see how Briseis reacted to her. Was she upset with Paris for it?  Did they got along? I can imagine her yelling at Paris when she found out, not upset with Helen but with him. 
I love the friendship she has with Hector. We saw only a few interactions of them but i think they developed a frienship and it’s nice how he makes her feel part of the family once the fate of war is decided and there is no chance to avoid it. Priam seems to make efforts as well and i think that she eventually felt part of the family at least with them. 
I would had loved to see at least one scene of actual interaction between Helen and Andromache. I picture them bonding over all the shit arround them and comforting each other but i would had liked to see if they actually got close as i imagine by the hints in the movie, how was their relationship like. 
I would had wanted to see more of Helen’s relationship with the trojans and her story arc expanded besides from her love for Paris and the role it had in the war. Besides from that i love and enjoy her character, i empathize with her and i would protect her against anyone who could dare to blame her for the war. 
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Storywise speaking she is a mix of story arcs from different women of the original. She assumes the roles of the original Briseis, Chryseis,Cassandra,Polyena and (at the end) Clytemnestra. Despite this fact I have to say I love this girl. From when I watched the movie for the first time as a child I remember how much I used to love the scene where she is taken to Agamemnon and, while Achilles tries to defend her, she calls everyone out on their bullshit even when her own safety is at risk. Briseis is so unapologetically herself, even in the worst possible context, and I love that. 
We already see something similar in her meeting with Achilles. Let’s think about it for a second, she is there as a captive, her freedom was taken away and all she knows is that she is going to be a slave owned by the most fierce greek warrior in the entire army. Instead of being terrified she confronts him,she raises her voice at him like it’s nothing. Briseis is so used to speak her mind that she does it without hesitation. 
Right after, she stops Achilles from fighting Agamemnon’s men because she doesn’t want to see another bloodbath. To me it’s such a powerful moment because, if we remember that to every man in that room she is nothing but a slave, that action is so fucking brave and awesome. The first time i saw it i was shocked, Briseis calling them out was super badass to me. Also, whatching her killing Agamemnon at the end is so satisfying. 
Since her backstory is not detailed much  i have a few headcanons.i can mention. Her parents are not there, i can imagine her growing up raised by her uncle and being very close with her cousins. I would had liked to see more of her relationship with her family but, since her part of the story gets a startpoint with her capture, we didn’t had much time to see her in Troy. 
Some interaction between her, Helen and Andromache before or after her time as captive would had been great to see, specially because this three women are awesome and it sucks to never have time to see them interacting. I can see Helen and Briseis having at least a small bonding moment after she comes back. I can imagine her being the bridge between Briseis and Andromache after Hector’s death. Briseis must had feel so terrible and guilty. The man she fell in love with killed her cousin.Andromache’s husband. I think she would have a hard time in procesing her own grief but at the same time she would find hard to approach Andromache because of how guilty she feels for what happened. In that context, Helen would help her to get close to her again. At the same time, nothing is mentioned on how people reacted to her return. What if her reputation got questioned? Rumours about her and Achilles affected her life there? I can imagine that, in the case of her getting questioned or judged  by some people, Helen would had encouraged her. 
Other character i would had wished to see her interacting more with is Patroclus. I think the would get along very well considering that both are morally calling out Achilles all the time. He is such a sweet boy, his presence could had been comforting to her. That would make everything more tragic. if she cares for Hector but also for Patroclus then the war upon them would had made her witness how her cousin killed her friend, then the man she loves killed her cousin and got killed by her youngest cousin afterwards. I can see Patroclus and Briseis being friendly to each other and maybe being friends. It hurts like fuck to think about it but it is something that could had been. 
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My favourite female character in this film. Andromache is the best, I love her so much. She is such an empowering character despite being the most traditional woman on this list. Actually that is something I love, she is a traditional mother and wife character and a strong female character as well, a proof that one doesn’t exclude the other. Just by seeing how her husband asks for her advice all the time you can think that, if Hector would have been crowned king after Priam, this lady would have been the actual ruler of Troy. She is so clever, an amazing strategist Hector himself is impressed by. When he says to her that she would be a good general you can see it’s totally true. She’s amazing, more clever than lots of trojan noblemen in Priam’s council. 
All the family moments between Hector, Andromache and their son warm my heart. They are such a cute family. Hector and Andromache are perfect for each other. In this version I headcanon them being friends or knowing each other long before marrying, Andromache as the woman Hector always knew he wanted to marry and when he finally does he feels like the happiest man alive. That’s the vibe they give me, a couple that has been in love for a very long time and they know each other better than anyone else. Hector is the best husband ever, so loyal and loving to his wife. They are a lovely couple. 
I had already described a few of the interactions I would have liked to see between her and other characters. As I said, I can see her getting close to Helen, bonding and becoming friends and I would have loved to see that explored. Since Clytemnestra is not in this version we don’t know if Helen had any siblings and I imagine Andromache adopting a sort of older sister role to Helen, even without realizing it directly and more towards acts than words. As we see in hints of the few city scenes they must have spent a lot of time together and, since Andromache has the same caring nature of her husband, I can imagine her ending up caring for her more than what she may had expected at first. Regarding her relationship with Briseis and what i said before i think she didn’t blame her for what happened, Briseis felt guilty about it and may have tried to avoid her because of that guilt for a while until Helen helped them to get close again. 
My biggest complaint to the movie in terms of this character is that I would have appreciated to see more of her interacting with the other women. Also, more of her clever badass self involved in the war like from a tactics perspective or something. Honestly, Andromache should had been in the council of Priam. She and Hector would had been awesome calling out that old priest giving always the wrong advice. Also, i can totally see her leading the group of trojan survivors we see at the end in the director’s cut.
This is all for now, i hope you enjoyed this very long post and my headcanons for this awesome women in the universe of this movie. If you want to add more i’m always open to discussion. 
Thanks for reading this long ramble 
@hrisity12​  I tag you since you already told me you are interested in this post.
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tatselksism · 3 years
Mila Munch
After spending years working at Make a Dish, Mila Munch was fired due to her “poor work performance”. Mila wasn’t sure what that meant given that her cooking skill levels were far beyond that required for her job and she had always worked hard at it. Perhaps it may have more to do with Mila’s age? Or with her taking more leave to handle her teenage son, Wolfgang, who has been acting out more than usual?
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  Despite her unemployment, Mila looked on the bright side and took this down-time as her Me Time. For example, she got a makeover to make herself feel better. Inspired by Wolfgang’s posting of his band’s videos on SimTube, Mila also decided to keep her cooking skills in practice by posting cooking videos on SimTube. There are so many recipes that Mila never got the chance to try out when she was working in a restaurant and now finally had the chance to experiment with! Plus, this gave Mila more time to stay at home and keep an eye on her boys.
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This was filmed by Lucas. Wolfgang just wants to have his dinner already.
  Mila’s SimTube channel, “Munching with Mila”, quickly gained traction and Mila’s reputation as a cook grew. Soon, Mila was invited to participate in the Great SimNation Cookoff. Not only was she a fan favourite on the cooking show, she even won this competition! Winning this competition gave Mila lots of exposure and viewership/subscribership of “Munching with Mila” skyrocketed.
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  Under the advice of her neighbour, Siobhan Fyres (who had quit her job in the Business career and has now taken up management consultancy), Mila used her prize money from winning the Great SimNation Cookoff and her earnings from “Munching with Mila” to buy the Shrieking Llama Inn from its elderly owner, who was retiring.
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  Mila then turned the Shrieking Llama Inn into a gastro-pub serving modern takes on traditional Windenburgian fare. This was a big hit and Mila soon found herself running a small restaurant empire.
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Lots of customers waiting patiently for their tables…
  As Mila is now financially more comfortable than she had ever been, she decided to buy a new house, Windsor Cottage, to be closer to the base of operations of her restaurant empire, the Shrieking Llama Inn. Finally, Wolfgang and Lucas can each have their own bedroom (and hopefully stop fighting so much)! Plus, Mila got the nice big kitchen she always wanted, complete with its own chef’s station!
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Head here for the full showcase of Windsor Cottage. 
  Following the success of Mila’s restaurants, offers to buy a stake in her restaurant empire or even to buy her out completely poured in. The Goths. The Landgraabs. The Villareals. The Fengs. Anyone who was rich enough to buy a stake in the restaurants wanted in on them. But Mila rejected them all. The restaurant empire was like a fourth son to Mila, and she was determined to run it herself for as long as she could. In any case, Mila intended the restaurant empire to be a family business. Gunther and Wolfgang couldn’t really be counted on in this regard. But when he is a little older, Lucas may be able to take over the running of the restaurants from Mila…
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 Still, Nancy Landgraab could not be so easily deterred from trying to grow her (already-enormous) fortune. Nancy has flattered and wheedled Mila to no avail. So what would Nancy try next to get her hands on the Munch restaurant empire?
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Look to the stars
What a beautiful starry night! The sky's a mix of lavenders, roses, and gold stardust clouds peeking through the darkness. That's right, it's the gemstone galaxy in all it's glory!
According to Hawk, this marvelous sight only occurs once every millennia so we gotta cherish every second of it! How lucky is it that Wolfgang and Ketchup built an astronomer's telescope for us to gaze into the wonders of space? It's one thing to see the gemstone galaxy in clear view, it's a whole 'nother experience seeing it up close through a fancy telescope!
At long last, the BFF squad is here. As soon as Hawk heard about the gemstone galaxy showing up around this area, he immediately got the others on board to come right over to the camp. It's been great having Kat, Hawk, Elara, AJ, and Micah here - especially with Hawk's enthusiasm about the gemstone galaxy!
The gang arrived a couple days ago and since then we've been chilling, doing fun camping stuff, and catching up. Elara and AJ are rowdy as usual, Breezy Hollow being their ideal place for a picnic date. They should come during a gyroid event or a scavenger hunt as that's something they'd totally dig - AJ likes climbing trees and getting into hard to reach places while Elara likes scavenging and collecting things. Speaking of gyroids, Daisy Jane and Hawk might be cooking up something for a future event...
In other news, Kat and Hawk are engaged! And so are Elara and AJ! Not surprisingly, they announced their engagements at the same time. No double wedding though - Kat and Hawk have a date in mind while the gals aren't planning to get hitched anytime soon. Micah pretends to be indifferent but we know he's a tiny bit excited now that Hawk's going to be his brother - not that he hasn't always been like one, but now it's official.
Both families have been going a bit crazy with the planning. Kat says her aunts have been bombarding them with questions while Hawk's dads keep bringing out the photo albums and memory books and making everyone emotional. At least Micah Sr.'s there to keep the others from going overboard, but Kat and Hawk can tell that he's a bit overwhelmed. That's partly the reason why they wanted to get married soon - to keep their families from being too hyped up.
Hard to believe that the next time I'll probably see Kat and Hawk, they'll be a married couple! They plan to have a traditional wedding, which includes a ceremony to induct Hawk into the Crescent Moon royal family as well as an unveiling of a new family portrait for the mural room. It's a lot to plan for in three and a half months but it's nothing they can't handle - not with pretty much everyone helping out in some way.
As for AJ and Elara, they're taking their sweet time. After all it took them over three years to finally confess their feelings - and before that they were going back and forth on whether they liked each other or not. Took them a long time, but now with their pasts far behind them, they can heal and forge a new future together.
On the first day the squad arrived it was close to evening so we hung out at Saltwater Shores to catch dinner and set up a bonfire barbecue. When it got dark we went stargazing, which was the perfect segue for Hawk to fill us in about the gemstone galaxy. Then Wolfgang and Ketchup brought up the astronomer's telescope and from there we began planning a watch party for the once in a lifetime phenomenon.
The next day we went hiking in the mountains, where AJ and Micah were messing around and ended up getting stuck on a dangerously high and narrow cliff. Elara tried to come to the rescue, only to end up dangling off a branch that broke and landed on top of Hawk. Kat ended up doing the rescuing via teleporting, which was tricky as they managed to get into a really tight spot so Kat had to land several feet away and reach for them in order to get them out before the rocks gave out.
Along the way we found some berries and later made some tarts and cupcakes for the stargazing party. Of course, we made them galaxy themed or else that would be a missed opportunity. It's good to see that Elara and AJ have improved their culinary skills - AJ's been into making cakes and is currently taking impromptu baking lessons from Kat and Micah's aunts and dad. Elara has never been big on using measurements and yet she manages to get it just right by eyeballing it or guesstimating. Kat's glad that they don't leave behind a tornado in the kitchen anymore while Micah's happy that their cooking's edible - both are major improvements.
After spending the day hiking at the mountains, we spent the next day sailing with Gulliver. We visited various islands to collect treats and treasures. By accident, Micah found a couple leaf ticket maps so that was a big win!  Leaf tickets are hard to come by so I'd be a fool to turn them down. While two couples went off for some alone time at Lovestruck Island, Daisy Jane, Micah, and I went for a swim at the waterfall.
Micah pretends to be annoyed by the lovebirds running off on their own while being left behind but I know he's happy for them. After all, he's the one who first hinted that Kat and Hawk were getting serious. Knowing him and Devi, they're planning a big surprise for the wedding - either which way it goes, it'll make for an unforgettable ceremony. Given how he's been putting on a performance for me and Daisy Jane with some new water spells he's been learning, I have a feeling that the surprise has something to do with the fountain at the castle courtyard.
While exploring Argyle Island we ran into Celeste and Blathers and got to talking about the gemstone galaxy. We also dug up some fossils, which got Blathers excited so we got to talking about those too. The Wizpire Museum's fossil wing is due for an update so it looks like we're gonna have a new exhibition! Now we're gonna have to explore more islands to find more fossils so that's gonna be fun to look forward to.
During midday we went back to the camp so Celeste can take a look at the astronomer's telescope and set up more equipment. Hawk and Wolfgang did some research at the cabin while Kat helped Daisy Jane with the decor. Elara, Blathers, Micah, and I tested all the telescopes, which was a lot of fun. Then we visited a few more islands before settling in Comet Island for another fun night of stargazing.
Today we hung around the camp, catching fish and bugs, harvesting fruit, and helping campers out. We also crafted some space themed stuff for the party while Hawk and Celeste tinkered around with an old telescope. AJ got started on baking cupcakes with Judy and Coco while Ruby and Ribbot made berry tarts. Blathers interviewed Kat and Elara for research - it's so cute seeing them so enthusiastic and curious towards each other. Elara always wanted to meet Blathers so it's a dream come true for her. Micah tagged along with me and Daisy Jane, running errands and packaging orders. So the camp has been buzzing with activity all day.
AJ later joined us on packing orders for Daisy Jane. Happy Floral Mail has been taking off with at least twenty orders pouring in a week. Daisy Jane's been working on a shop update where she'll introduce new products like memo pads, keychains, and enamel pins so she's in the process of finalizing many designs. At the rate the shop's continuing to grow, Almie might become her assistant by the end of the year!
By the time we were finished with the orders, the cupcakes were ready to decorate. Along with baking AJ's also taken up cake decorating, courtesy of Annie and Micah Sr. She even learned how to make Italian merengue buttercream, an impressive feat as I've heard it takes skill to make. To make it galaxy themed we added food coloring and star sprinkles.
Nightfall came and so did the gemstone galaxy. Hawk wasn't exaggerating about how beautiful the stars look. The view is simply breathtaking! I swear the moment the galaxy came into full view, the entire camp fell silent. It's been a few hours now so the sky's mostly black with gold, lavender, and rose clouds still peeking through the dark. I feel so lucky to experience such a wonder!
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ranma-rewatch · 4 years
Episode 6-Akane's Lost Love... These Things Happen, You Know
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Hey ho person reading this blog. I am continuing my journey through Ranma 1/2, this week on the sixth episode. This one looks to be the end of this little two-part story arc, something I knew without having to look at the episode guide because I’ve never forgotten what happens in episode seven. I...legitimately don’t know what’s going to happen with this one, aside from Ranma learning about Tofu’s thing for Kasumi, and getting to see the two interact. Next paragraph, I’ll have rewatched the episodes and will be ready to regale you with what occurred.
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As expected, this episode starts right where the last one ended. Though unlike I was expecting, Akane just flat out tells Ranma it’s Kasumi that Dr. Tofu likes rather than drawing it out further. Ranma isn’t sure how she knows that, but then the doctor himself shows up and starts helping Ranma with the baseball injury that sent him there. Dr. Tofu jokes about the injury clearly being from Akane, only for her to say something to confirm the idea. She’s clearly bothered by the implication of it, that she isn’t a very feminine person, but Dr. Tofu clearly doesn’t mind that she’s more of a tomboy.
Then Kasumi shows up, and the old lady waiting her turn in the lobby books it. As she leaves, she runs into an old man who was going to see Dr. Tofu, and tells him that Kasumi is there. It’s clear that Kasumi’s effects on Dr. Tofu are common knowledge to his patients. What are those effects? Well, she enters the room with him, Ranma, and Akane to give him back that book mentioned last episode and to give him a present.
In a millisecond, Dr. Tofu goes from being a kind, seemingly wise doctor to an utter buffoon. Any iota of good sense in him vanishes when Kasumi is in his presence, causing him to do things like addressing his panda assistant as Ranma or mistaking a present’s wrapping for being a mask. Akane leaves right away, and Ranma ends up following, but not until the silly version of Dr. Tofu has bent Ranma’s neck in a weird direction.
Akane is out on the edge of the water of a...river? Stream? Reservoir? I never know what to call those things. Anyway, she’s tossing rocks when Ranma shows up, and he’s clearly trying to cheer her up, following her around to try and help. It’s then that Akane perks up, asking Ranma if he actually likes her. He denies it, but she seems to be in better spirits, tricking Ranma into activating his curse by abusing the fact he tends to leap without looking where he’ll land. There’s a moment when he sees her laughing that the show focuses on, something Ranma really takes notice of.
Instead of heading home, Akane asks Ranma to lend her money for food, and they get some fast food together. Not long after sitting in a park to eat it, Akane’s mood sours again. She can’t help comparing herself negatively to Kasumi, and tells Ranma more details about how badly Dr. Tofu loves her, how it makes him act. This is when Ranma says the wrong thing, making an idle remark about her heart being broken, and that is it for Akane. They start arguing, Akane clearly hurt by Ranma’s cavalier words, but after Akane shuts down his attempts to offer comfort, Ranma bluntly tells Akane she’s going to have to get over it. She tells him that he has no clue what she’s going through, which seems to strike a nerve for Ranma, who asks how she knows that’s the case. Akane leaves, telling Ranma not to follow her.
Ranma goes to see his dad for hot water, and he uncurses himself with it as well, asking what’s gone on between Ranma and Akane. Genma makes it clear that the problem at hand is that sometimes one of them says something that hurts the other without them realizing it, and that he knows that pain. For an example, he tells a story about some girl who he was dating when he was young, who he broke up with. In the process, younger Genma talked on and on about how much better his new girlfriend was, getting him conked in the head in the past and the present.
Still, with that idea in mind, Ranma heads home. Akane is training, trying to settle her mood, when Ranma starts lightly sparring with her. When she gets annoyed he isn’t taking it seriously, and defending the fact that she likes to be angry sometimes, Ranma tells her she’s actually really cute when she smiles. This stuns her enough for him to poke her, and we cut from her getting annoyed in the moment to her ruminating on it all afterwards, in the bath. Akane seems surprised at the idea that anyone would find her attractive, or that smiling helps, even smiling in a mirror afterwards in her room. Ranma appears in the window, makes a snarky comment, Akane punches his lights out, end of episode.
This episode was a lot better than I expected going into it. I hadn’t forgotten any of the Dr. Tofu stuff, which I’ll just say right now I’m not a huge fan of, but the Ranma/Akane aspects of the episode were very strong, at least for me. I feel like there’s definitely a lot of Ship Teasing, though considering the rest of Ranma’s harem hasn’t been introduced yet, that’s to be expected.
This was the second time so far, that I can remember, where Ranma jumped without looking, only to realize he’d be landing in water. It’s a gag, sure, but it reinforces the character trait of Ranma’s that he’s a literally ‘leap before he looks’ kind of guy. It’s easy to then tie that in to his behavior that makes their argument worse, the same thing he often does to set Akane off: he leaps without looking. Ranma has a tendency to just say things without thinking through how the other person might feel about it first, and that often leads to him touching other people’s vulnerable spots without realizing it.
There’s also a bit of symmetry between the two of them: Ranma taking in that moment of the happy, smiling Akane, and Akane thinking back to Ranma telling her she looked really pretty when she smiled. Even as it becomes clear they have a lot to get past, there are more hints that each is starting to grow to like the other.
More fodder in that department can be seen when Ranma gets annoyed that Akane assumes he has no clue how she’s feeling. While one can read it as general indignation, it can also be seen as him getting annoyed that she has noticed he is feeling the same kind of thing. Namely, that Akane is so in love with Dr. Tofu that she isn’t really noticing him. I could be pulling that interpretation out of my shipping ass, but it’s just something I saw this time around. Sorry that most of my content for this one was about Ranma/Akane stuff, I can’t really control my inner shipper.
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For this week’s character spotlight, I decided I might as well get Dr. Tofu out of the way now. I feel like I’ve kind of made it clear already, but I don’t really care about Dr. Tofu that much. He’s a fairly bland character, especially for this show, and the fact that, as far as I can recall, he basically slowly fades from the anime over time makes sense to me. I get what they were going for, and he does elicit some interesting development from Akane, but as a guy in his own right, he doesn’t do anything for me.
Still, this is his spotlight, so let me look into his voice actors. In the English Dub, his voiced by Ian James Corlett, who...did a lot of 90’s stuff? Honestly, not a lot there that peaks my interest. Oh, wait, what? His daughter Claire Corlett, who is a voice actress, is Sweetie Belle? ...that is pretty cool. Technically speaking, he was only the voice of Dr. Tofu for the first six and a half seasons, after that someone else took over, but I genuinely don’t recall that happening so we can discuss that when we get to it. In the original Japanese, he’s played by Yūji Mitsuya. In contrast to his American counterpart, Yūji has been in a billion things, including once again Japanese dubs of American media. In Yūji’s case, he was Marty in Back to the Future, Jack in Will & Grace, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from Amadeus.
What are they like as this character? Well, to compare and contrast, Ian plays Dr. Tofu as more warm and kind, but otherwise normal sounding, even when he’s in Kasumi-induced silliness. Yūji instead gives him a higher voice, and when he’s being ridiculous, that adds a lot to the idea that he’s now just a blundering buffoon. Their performances actually do feel rather distinct, and trend that character towards slightly different readings. I’d say I mostly prefer Ian’s, but that’s just because I don’t get a lot out of the humor of Dr. Tofu anyway, so the more silly Yūji performance doesn’t do a lot for me.
I should also say here that, to my amazement, Tofu is not his last name. His name is apparently Tofu Ono. This kind of baffles me. When people, at least here in America, talk about a doctor, they use the last name after the Dr. prefix. And in the Japanese version, I thought they were calling him ‘Tofu’ a lot, but as his personal name rather than his family name, wouldn’t they be more likely to call him ‘Ono’, since that’s generally what people do in Japan? Am I missing something? I’m probably missing something.
Name issues aside, the thing I will say I appreciate about Dr. Tofu is that, well, I get why Akane likes him. Aside from being a marital artist (though that quality of his remains mostly told and not shown), he helps people, and he doesn’t try to tell Akane she’s wrong for being who she is. As much as Akane is down on the fact that she has more masculine hobbies and doesn’t always act ladylike, Dr. Tofu calls her ‘spirited’ and compliments those aspects of her personality. The very fact Akane’s oldest sister is the ultimate picture of traditional femininity probably hasn’t helped her, and Dr. Tofu’s overt affection for Kasumi probably just makes that worse. Nonetheless, the doctor appreciates Akane for who she is, rather than who she could be.
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Going into this episode, I was expecting to set it down at the bottom of the pack, but I’m such a sucker for the chemistry between Ranma and Akane that I have to put it higher. How high? Well, I’d say it’s the second best episode so far, only topped by the second episode because that one was just so dang delightful. That puts the current rankings as:
Episode 2: School is No Place for Horsing Around
Episode 6: Akane's Lost Love... These Things Happen, You Know
Episode 4: Ranma and...Ranma? If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another
Episode 5: Love Me to the Bone! The Compound Fracture of Akane's Heart
Episode 1: Here’s Ranma
Episode 3: A Sudden Storm of Love
The odd numbered episodes haven’t been faring as well, that’s for sure. I don’t think that streak will continue though, because next week is episode seven, “Enter Ryoga, the Eternal ‘Lost Boy’”, and oh boy I cannot wait for that! See you all then!
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icariagazette · 4 years
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“Hi...Hey hello I am not Atti or Jasmine... I’m the editor for the show and being on the radio is uh... not my normal. But something very weird happened and I hate .... to be the one to tell you but.... both Wolfgang Jamison and Jasmine Kos have gone missing.  They had taken over the station last night and used our recording booth to record a new segment meant to air today... But uh... Well, I’ll let the recording speak for itself. This was the last known audio of the duo.”
“Hello and welcome to a special episode of Atti In The Morning. As most of you should know -- I'm not Atticus. Atticus was one of those taken earlier this year. My name is Jasmine Kos and I've been hosting the show in Atti's absence. We've been talking on and off since the first person went missing five years ago about these missing cases.Over the past five yers we've come up with some really interesting and insane theories of what has happened to our friends and family and today we decided its time to talk about all these ideas. So I've invited on an actual journalist to help us break down all these ideas and talk about all these theories.Hello Wolfgang, how are you this morning?" "Well, I'm here so that's already a decent start. Ready to discuss with you and hopefully debunk some of the more off the wall theories that I've heard floating around while writing the stories on those missing on the island." "What has been the most off the wall theory you've heard as of late? I'm sure you've heard some crazy ones, I know we've gotten some insane calls with theories. One of the most recent was that they were being replaced by the creatures that have come through the door." “See that’s not as crazy as it sounds. The doors did show up right before people began to turn up missing. I believe one of the most off the wall ones I’ve been told when interviewing residents on the island was that they weren’t missing at all but rather they all took off to start a cult ran by Chloe Vara. Which is probably the least likely to start a cult out of those missing.” “Well, that’s only partially true isn’t it?  Demigods have been going missing for five years now, but the uptick does coincide with those weird doors. Any idea what might be behind them? Beyond the one that opened at the family day party. But on the idea of Chloe, i think i rather like the idea of it being a cult run by her. At least you know they’re being well taken care of instead of this dread we all have of how they are and what’s happened to them. “ "Yes but there has never been any evidence to link the crimes now to those in the past other than no one found them. In any other part of the world that happens every single day. Growing up in New York you learned quickly that crime can happen at any point to anyone. The fact that the disappearances ramped up when the doors appear may be a coincidence but we might not find out unless those involved are found or come forward with any information. One of the things I always wondered is how Luke Decker completely vanished without a trace. Did they not have tabs on their officers at all times?" "I remember back when the first person seemingly vanished off the isle, Noreen, we all assumed she just ran away or went on some sort of extended vacation. I imagine that's sort of how it was for a lot of the people who went missing in the first couple years, back when it wasn't suggested we all live on this isle. People probably thought, 'they just went away for a bit' or because of where they lived people just chose to ignore it because of how common disappearances were in their area.  I think its massively overwhelming for isle residents because this is supposed to be a safe zone. " A beat and a breath, then,  "Which yeah -- that plays into how does a detective just vanish into thin air. You'd think after the first like 10 demi-gods went missing and the numbers ramped up they would have been tracking people's phones or something. Which -- do we know if they've been keeping a record of GPS movements of people since this has gotten so much worse?" "I would assume you are referring to Noreen Gomez? The demi-god who seemingly vanished after a fight with her girlfriend? Yeah, it might have been that way or not connected at all. These are just theories but you have to consider we're paying more attention because it's our kind that are disappearing. I just want to know why the police have only just now really started investigating the disappearances. The Gomez case has been closed for five years, they just assumed she took off. Which, alright, a demi-god goes missing and they don't bat an eyelash but how do they have no idea as to where Decker went? It makes me think that the police know more than they're letting on, which happens to avoid panic, but six months have passed since they began ramping up and we have no answers. You'd think they would be surveying everyone on the island at this point. No one else in and no one else out."
"One and the same; But yes, it appears we're all paying way more attention now than we used to. My guess as to why now compared to before would just be that one or two wasn't worth, as horrible as that sounds, all the time and energy the police department wanted to spend but now theres... 15 missing just from the isle, thats not counting those who were kidnapped off isle...It's dumb. All of it. They should have never closed the Gomez case they shouldn't even let up on the ones they're working on now. They need to search every inch of the isle, the shadows, the dark corners... all of it. I don't -- totally disagree, maybe locking down the isle could stop, or at least lead to some clues about what happened to our loved ones."
"No, I believe we are on the same page which is where my own conspiracy comes into play. I'm not sure I trust the police completely, which makes me sound as if I were a huge conspiracy theorist. Maybe I am now. Perhaps this entire situation has made me jaded and I want someone to blame, much like others do as well. I just don't understand how none of the crime scenes seemed to leave behind any trace of evidence. The entire apartment was ransacked when Atticus and Briar went missing and the same for Wesley Sullivan. Yet, they found nothing? I wonder if there's not more going on in that station." "I think the whole isle has become a giant conspiracy. We're all a bit obsessed with them now. It wouldn't surprise me either if there was a cover up, if someone in the police force is a bit to close to the kidnappers and is protecting them -- if not one of them. Its either that, or whoever is kidnapping the demi-gods is one themselves and knows what we'll look for. I just -- dont understand how no one sees them leaving the house with the person, how has no one, anywhere in the world seen anything to give us a hint at how our friends and family are going missing? Its like they’re shadows or ghosts. Which, after the door opening, I 100% believe theres ghosts running around now."
"That's my thought exactly. Something strange is going on and I want to get to the bottom of it. I know that the listeners might not know how often we get together and talk about conspiracies like this. Jasmine has become my partner in crime when it comes to this story and I do appreciate your help in what we're trying to discover. Right now, only those missing and the ones that are taking them know what is happening. What kind of creature lurks in the shadows and snatches people at night? Maybe it's Fae folk. They've been said to be tricky little things. All I know is I don't trust many people at this point."
“Yes! Wolf and i have become a bit of a duo looking into all this. It’s been sad and fun in its own way, and I’m more than happy to try and help save our friends. I also made a friend at the station, not PD but she seems pretty -- honest. We may, with her help, actually get to the bottom of this. But the idea of fae folk sounds pretty realistic to me; we have gods, creatures — who’s to say that the myths outside of Greek mythos isn’t real? I wouldn’t be surprised if all of mythology is actually real at this point. Maybe some other god from another religion is pissed off and taking children to make a point”
"Good, we need all the help we can get in getting to the bottom of this. I want to make things right for those of our peers that have been taken away from us for so long. I want to make sure they get the justice and truth that they deserve. That's a great point, it could very well be someone trying to make a point. If that were the case, the question remains what kind of point are they attempting to make right now? And how many more people have to suffer?" "I think we have lots of people on the isle that will happily help us in whatever way they can. We just have to ask and I'm sure they will. But yes i agree. We need to make sure our friends and loved ones get the justice they deserve because I can't -- seem to make any logical explanation for the reasons they're gone or why someone would be trying to make a point by kidnapping people. I just really hope they're ---" Rustling "What  -- How did you get in here?" Muffled voice "Go where? I --"  Silence
As you can hear... someone else came into the recording booth, we’ve done everything we could to try to enhance the voice, hear what the other person said but .... nothing can be made out. Nothing makes sense.... We don’t know who or what or why this happened. All we know is when we came in this morning it was set up and recording as if they had just stepped out to go to the bathroom.... I --- I honestly don’t know what else to do or say or how the show will continue on after today... We’ll figure it out. And I’m sorry.”
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themoonstarwarrior · 4 years
Okay, so @viterbofangirl tagged me in this and I need to start learning to post my own shit, so what the hell, why not?
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 15 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
(I couldn’t stop at 10 so I added 5 more, sue me)
I have very random music taste and I listen to my music on shuffle alot, so I made a playlist of the ones I like the most (that way I don’t hafta skip 150 songs to get to the one I feel like) so I’m gonna use that one.
1) History of Violence - Theory of a Deadman
Hoo boy starting off light huh?.... Yeah so, I was in the drive thru at Sonic when I first heard this on the radio and was immediately like “holy shit”. Instead of like metaphors and poetic subtlety, it’s just straight up like “here’s a poor abused woman who resorted to murdering her shitty boyfriend/husband cuz she couldn’t take it dum dum dum”. Even though the actual situation is not the same, this song is perfect for getting across the internal issues and turmoil of my character Mikey. Its so perfect I’m even planning to animate something for it...... if I ever get around to learning animation that is.....     
2) The Vengeful One - Disturbed
Two songs in and I look kinda emo.... But hey this song is soooooo cathartic! I love me a good heavy rock song, and the drums and electric guitar are perfect for my ears to absorb. This song gives off a feeling of overwhelming power mixed with a coldness and disdain for the bad in the world. Obviously, thats not my usual temperment, but its an interesting one to explore! Especially when I’m trying to get into the head of characters that exude that like my OCs Spark or Ryu. Plus its fun to sing in the car X)
3) Enter Sandman - Metallica
Okay this one is just a classic! Same thing with the drums and guitar they both slap SOOOOO GOOD. I don’t really associate this song with any of my characters or fandom favorites, but it DOES give me a super strong urge to learn the drums. EXXXXXXXXIT LIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! OFF TO NEVER NEVERLAND!!
4) We Are Giants - Lindsey Stirling ft. Dia Frampton
I don’t really to listen to music by band or artist, but I LOVE Lindsey Stirling!!! She’s probably my favorite musician! This is such a good song, especially for someone like me. Its a positive song that talks about feeling alone in a crowd and unimportant to the world, but how you really do matter and shouldn’t be afraid to dream big and shoot for the stars. It really speaks to me and the vocalization is so good (especially for singing), not to mention the official music video is animated and AMAZING!
5) Cetus - Lensko NCS
I dunno if anyone knows this song, but damn its good. Its one of those Royalty-Free songs that people look up for their channels, which is how I found it in the first place, but I loved it immediately. Its a peppy 8-bit electronic bop that turns a little Irish jig at the end and honestly I think if I ever start an animation channel I’m totally gonna use it! (Also go support Lensko he make good beats!)
6) Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru
I did not grow up with Kingdom Hearts, and only played KH2 within the past year n’ a half. But good God, the moment that Cinematic Opening came on and this song started playing I swear I astral projected into a daze of feelings without names. I know that “Simple and Clean” is the quintessential Kingdom Heart song that gives everyone feelings, but IMHO Sanctuary blows it out of the water. As beautiful as the animation was, or how curious the occasional backwards lyrics are, or how weird it is having high-res Goofy and Donald in what is essentially an anime opening, I really can’t be distracted from this song when I play.
7) Chemical Plant Zone (Rock Remix) - Zerobadniks
Chemical Plant Song is like, one of the TOP Sonic songs by popular vote (and we know how awesome the Sonic series is musically so thats saying something!), but I could never quite vibe with the normal 8-bit version. I think I first heard this as someone’s ringtone and was immediately like “THATS PERFECT THATS EXACTLY HOW I NEED IT!”. The rock makes the song soooo much better and honestly gives the song the perfect vibe. Unfortunately, it took FOREVER to find cuz none of the Rock Covers of this song were the right one. In fact, tbh, I’m not even sure whether Zerobadniks is the correct artist..... that’s just who everybody was crediting when I found it. 
(imma include the link i found since its a little hard to find: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqJiZEM6aPI )
8) The Wolf - SIAMES
YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS???? THIS IS A GOD-TIER ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEO. I found the video first, and seriously, if you haven’t seen it YOU NEED TO!!! The beat works perfectly with the images on screen and the story being portrayed is really intriguing, with the lyrics adding to atmosphere without necessarily describing the visuals shown. Even without the animation, the song itself is a banger. It bring to mind the feeling of intense motion forward, but unable to decide whether its movement TOWARD something or AWAY from something. I love listening to this on a nighttime drive.
9) Burn the House Down - AJR
If you ask me, the best way to make a pop song better is to add either violins or trumpets. For this song, it was definitely the trumpets that first caught my attention, and the rest of the song kept me listening. I don’t really know how to describe the vibe of this song, and I don’t have a specific character or story in mind when I listen to it, so its a little hard for me to talk about it. I think the best way I can describe this song and what draws me to it is a feeling of nonchalant go-with-the-flow attitude to shenaniganry. Almost an undertone of “We’re hooligans in a situation that we probably should get out of, but hey we’ve got life and each other so why worry?” At least that’s the closest I can get to a verbal description heh...
10) Slim Pickens Does the Right Thing and Rides the Bomb to Hell - The Offspring 
So this also has a KICKASS animated music video, but its technically combined with the song “Dividing by Zero”. Now the video works SO well with both, and the shifting artstyles reflect the differing tones of the songs PERFECTLY. However, I have a preference for both the animation and the song on the Slim Pickens half. Its fun to listen to and sing at the top of your lungs and its SO CATHARTIC. Again I cant really describe what my head does when I hear it, but I think you can probably feel a similar vibe if you watch the music video. 
11) No Heaven - DJ Champion
The first time I finished the original Borderlands, I had been playing for days on end, had just finished a long battle with the Destroyer, and sitting back relieved to have beaten it and reflecting on how much I had enjoyed the adventure. Then this song started playing. For what I believe was forty minutes this song looped on my TV while the credits rolled. By the time the credits finished I was pulling up the song to listen to again! What an absolutely PERFECT cherry to add to this experience. This song perfectly encapsulated the chaotic, trigger-happy, morally ambiguous craziness that I had enjoyed and absorbed in this game. Every time I hear it now, I imagine myself in the wastelands of Pandora, driving haphazardly across the sandy dunes as my companions and I shoot and blow up everything in sight. You know, living the dream.......     
12) Hit & Run (Wolfgang Lohr Remix) -  The Electric Swing Circus
I fucking LOVE electro-swing! The electronic beats and rhythm blend so well with the wild and energetic freedom of swing. A lot of electro-swing gives me a vibe of wild movement, reckless abandon, and freedom from constraint. I think this song melds all of these feelings the best! As the last song might have indicated, despite my general nice and sweet temperament, there is a part of me deep down that is an absolute gremlin secretly enamored with chaos, insanity, and a general disdain for law and authority X). But whereas anything Borderlands related has a more “morality is an illusion blowing shit up is real” air about it, this song is far more peppy. More of a “good-hearted but insane” type of chaos, like an 100mph car chase where you end up sailing over the train tracks JUST as the train passes.
.... I may have gotten a bit off track lol 
13) Kickstart my Heart - Motley Crue
I love this song, but I have to be VERY careful when and where I listen to this. I love songs that make me feel like I’m going a million miles per hour, like I’m gotdam Sonic the Hedgehog. Unfortunately, I may or may not have had multiple instances of listening to this song in the car and abruptly realizing that I’m going like 15mph above the speed limit...... So yeah, regardless of absolutely perfect it feels to play this song while speeding down a nearly empty highway, please be careful and drive responsibly!!!
14) I’m Born to Run - American Authors
Imma just up and say it. This song is a Sonic song; like not like actually from the series but a song for the character. This song encapsulates Sonic as a character better than some of his ACTUAL THEMES (and remember Sonic music are bangers!). Its a song about freedom, living life as it comes, and not letting anything slow you down. Frankly I’m surprised they didn’t make this song FOR the Sonic series, or even the movie! Speaking of which, ironically I heard this song right after watching the Sonic movie in theaters, so yeah there’s no way I can associate it with anything else. 
15) Opa Opa - Antique
Oh, what a PERFECT way to end this list! This may be one of my absolute favorite songs of all time! I don’t remember exactly how I found this song... I think I had just relistened to Dalar Mehndi’s “Tunak Tunak Tun” and was looking for other catchy non-english songs and BOY HOWDY I found one! I know nothing about the band or what the song’s about (its in greek and i dont speak it), but this song is just a masterpiece of retro, pop, and dance sounds. This song feels like the musical and lyrical manifestation of dance and movement. I really REALLY wish I could dance JUST so I can express how happy and free this song makes me feel! This is the BEST song for me to end this list with!
JESUS, this got long..... Sorry about that XD. It was fun though, and hopefully somebody was vaguely interested in my ramblings.
Guess I need to tag people now? How about @tharkflark1, @rockmilkshake, @neonbuck, @drawingsdrawingseverywhere, @birthgiverofbirds, @puccafangirl, @kalcat, @biblestudybussybopsbabey, @monstrous-milktea, and @memecage! I think there are a couple of people here I haven’t talked to though soooooo..... hi, I hope you don’t mind the tag X)
 Anyway hope you enjoyed and/or want to do this too! This took for-fucking-EVER to type, so imma go fuck off and watch youtube or something now...
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icariahq · 3 years
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Thanks for applying Lauren! We look forward to seeing Jolene around the island. Make sure to send your blog in within the next 24 hours or reach out to us if you need an extension. Jessica Parker Kennedy is now taken! 
( JESSICA PARKER KENNEDY, FEMALE, SHE/HER) ⌇ have you seen JOLENE JOHNSON around icaria? they are the 30 year old child of DEMETER. they remind me of FRESH COOKED MEALS, WARM LINGERING HUGS, A FILLED PASSPORT, and THE KINDEST EYES. They’ve been on the island for 1 week.
OOC info:  
Its'a me Lauren!  | she/her | 30 | EST
to freaking long 
IC info:
FACECLAIM: Jessica Parker Kennedy
NAME: Jolene Johnson
AGE: 30
BIRTHDAY: June 12, 1990
OCCUPATION: Chef, shes hoping to open her own restaurant soon. 
HOMETOWN: None. She’s a military brat. There’s no one place she remembers as most of her childhood.
PETS: N/A yet! She wants a dog
She can manipulate food. She either can make it super healthy or super not no matter what it is. This ability has led to her being able to change what any one item of food is. Hand her an apple and she wants cake? Well now its cake. This allows her to make cool meals that you wouldn’t expect and to make things absolutely delicious. 
Jolene Rose Johnson was born to Demeter on a warm spring evening and exactly one week later she was delivered to her father, Charlton Johnson and his wife Rosanna. Rosanna had been rendered infertile four years before due to a bout with ovarian cancer. The two had been distraught, upset that they never got the chance to have a little girl. Something that Rosanna had desperately wanted. Their youngest, Victor, was now 5 and asking for a little sister; while the oldest, Chandler, 17 didn’t truly care other than knowing his mom was upset about it. They had just moved to Pordenone, Italy and Chandler had met a girl who worshiped the greek gods. She particularly was very drawn to Demeter and taught him about it. One night he left an offering for the goddess asking to bring a baby sister to his family. 
Needless to say… Chandler was VERY surprised when Demeter herself showed up at their doorstep saying she was summoned. After a long conversation with Chalrlton and Rosanna a deal was struck, and a baby was promised, so long as they continued to make offerings to Demeter and teach the child about her. So that’s exactly what they did. Little Jolene was a sweet, easy baby. She barely cried, mostly cooed and was always watching. Rosanna started cooking with the baby on her hip, and that is the first real memory Jolene has. Memories of her mother teaching her how to cook. How to make delicious food that made people’s mouth water. She was taught from infancy that Demeter was her mother, that she would have special abilities and that she must hide them. So, Jolene did her best, but one of her skills? Well it was in cooking. She could make anything be utterly nutritious or horrible for you, she could make things taste delicious even if they were gross. But that was hard to prove… so she used these skills as a young kid to bake cookies for new friends every time her family moved. 
You see, her father is an air-force pilot and her mother an air-force nurse, the two of them have made it so that each move is easy, so that the kids feel comfortable and most importantly; excited! They loved visiting new countries, learning new things, making new friends. For Jolene it was easy, her delicious food drew people to her, and she loved cooking for them. She loved making new friends and taking care of others. When she was 10 years old her family moved them to Icaria, Greece, they had a small air force base on another isle but many of the military family members lived on the other isles around the base – Jolene’s family just happened to choose Icaria… based on the recommendation from demeter. When they arrived they realized there were tons of other demi-gods here… specifically half siblings of Jolene. While she was older than them she loved them all deeply.  (Over the years she bakes each of them three dozen cookies for their birthdays or if they tell her something awesome happened in their lives. She also made a point to always visit them – once a year for a week or two.)
This care and love, extended to all children too – so what was a demi-god to do when she was 15 years old sitting on the beach and sees a toddler suddenly manipulating the water around her? Well, knowing that humans were always off put and scared of demi-gods (She had showed a friend her ability to transform any food into other food and the friend called her a demon and thought she had been drugged), she rushed over to the little one and started to try to distract her from the water. Instead she made silly faces, she tickled the little one’s feet and started to build a sandcastle with her. 
When the girl’s father turned around he was startled, Jolene was having fun, and 100% not phased by the bit of water that was supernaturally wrapped around her foot. No instead she leaned down quietly and whispered to the child “You have to be careful little one, people don’t always like seeing powers. You don’t want to scare them do you?” and with that the water seemed normal and Jolene gave a big smile to her – and her father. She ended up talking to the child’s father and offered her babysitting services and help any time he needed it. And for the next year and eight months, Jolene babysat little Maristela helping her in whatever ways she could, and watching her grow. She was heartbroken when her mom came home one day and told them that they would be moving to the Philippines. She had come to really love her charge and wanted to see her grow into a fine young lady and help her through things – but she knew this day was coming. She knew they’d move and be somewhere else… but that didn’t stop her from crying and hugging Mari and promising her that she’d do her best to keep in contact and make sure she was good. 
She was 4 months from her 17th birthday when they touched down in Manila, Philippines. It was different, interesting but very different. With both her siblings long gone and off in college Jolene was adjusting to the first move without one of them with her. So she turned outward, looked for more friends, became even more of a social butterfly than she had already been. Jolene went to the gala’s her parents were invited to, she talked to anyone who would listen to a 17 year old… which is how she met Ulani. They stood on a balcony and joked about the bad outfits some wore, they talked about life and what they hoped to do with their lives, they talked about their ideals and then – protests. Lots of protests. They fell along the same lines and from that moment on the two had become friends. Jolene attended protests with Ulani, always bringing snacks and water to make sure they were well fed and not tired. 
And just like with Mari, she was a bit heartbroken when just before her 18th birthday her father got a promotion and they had to move to Los Vegas, Nevada. She couldn’t just stay in the Philipines even if she wanted to; she was still a minor and well – college was coming up. She had to figure that out. So she moved once more. When she arrived in Vegas she met Max, the two hit it off instantly. They were friends first, but friends slipped into something more rather quickly. He threw her a big party at his parent’s Casino for her 18th birthday, she lost her virginity to him that night.  She had really come to love him – so imagine her heartbreak when she decided to bring him lunch one day in their sophmore year of college and was told “Oh he’s downstairs”, she wonders down the stairwell only to hear a rather familiar sound – oh and then there was his ass – bare bottomed – fucking someone else. It was a sex club she realized quickly. 
Jolene was heartbroken, shattered, and totally unsure of herself. She bolted back up the stairs, grabbed a notepad and scribbled out a quick note to him before shoving the food and note at the receptionist and vanishing. Within ten hours she had packed up all of her things and moved in with another friend across town. She avoided places where Max was at all costs while she worked on transferring her credits to another college. She ended up in NYC 
New York was a dream. She hadn’t ever been and the second she stepped foot in it – she felt at home. She enrolled at the International Culinary Center and NYU. NYU specifically for business management while also going to ICC to learn how to cook anything and everything. She dated, cooked and enjoyed her time in NYC. She had her own apartment, her own friends and didn’t feel the need to up and leave after two years.Jolene was 25 when she met Wolfgang. The two bumped into one another and it was from that moment on they had a sort of – whirlwind romance. Things moved quick but – they hit a wall. After a year Jolene was ready to say those three little words…. Hell she had said them but Wolf…. He refused, he couldn’t seem to bring himself to do so. And as much as it broke her heart… Jolene ended things, telling him that she hoped to one day get married and if he couldn’t even say those words… well there was no hope. She still cares deeply for Wolf and hopes he’s well, hell she still sends him his favorite treats on his birthday even 5 years later. 
Not long after the breakup with Wolf, and graduation from college, she was offered a job as a personal chef for some hot-shot mogul. So she traveled the world with her for three years, secretly lusting over the other woman and occasionally – very rarely the two would spend a night together and act like nothing happened. No Jolene kept a smile on her face and cooked food happy to travel the world, try new foods and make new friends. It was on one of these trips that they ended up in Australia and she took a day off to go to a renaissance fair. Something she had always wanted to do but never managed to get time to do. So donned in elf ears, fae wings and a pretty dress she wondered the fair just enjoying herself. She was hanging out with some drunk new friends when Cordelia walked up to her, asked for a kiss – and well. She had never been kissed like that. The two spent the rest of the afternoon together; walking the fair, talking, eating food and kisses. Lots of kisses. 
Sadly – the next day Jolene had to leave and was on a plane to Japan. Since that day Jolene has been looking for her again. But life hadn’t been kind for the past two years in that department. Until, just last week Cordelia did a live stream telling the story of how they met, of course Jolene had no idea. She never watched live streams. But her friend did. Her friend remembered hearing the other side of the story and within minutes of it starting she had forwarded the link to Jolene telling her to watch and say something. But she was too nervous to do so. No, instead she just rewatched it when she was down and needed a smile. But, life has been kind in many other ways. She worked, saved up money and was finally ready to open up her own restaurant. But she didn’t know where she wanted to do that… until her mother appeared again, telling her to go to Icaria. She was already looking at going back to Greece, a place she had lived as a 10-13 year old and loved it. Her siblings on her mother’s side, had already been pestering her to come live on the isle with them, but her mother asking her to do the same? Well it was the straw that broke the camel’s back… so she packed her bags and decided to move there – at least for a little bit. 
sorry another long bioooooo. WHOOPS
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crewhonk · 5 years
... Of The Line (2)
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A series collaboration with @nomadsgrogers where she writes for Giovanna as the reader! We’re just projecting onto our writing, its FINE
Series Summary: Steve watches YN Banner grow up before his eyes– from a shy, dorky sixteen-year-old to a fierce, brilliant woman who never fails to keep him on his toes. He knows that she’s untouchable, but that doesn’t stop him from being completely wrapped around her finger for the rest of his long life.
Series Warnings: Mutual Pining, age gap, gun use, these two are idiots– seriously they’re so dumb, slow burn, injuries
Pairings: eventual Steve Rogers X Banner!Reader, eventual Buky Barnes X OC!Stark
Chapter Summary: YN goes on her first mission with the gang. YN takes care of her guy who also isnt her guy. YN and Steve are both idiots who attend a party. 
Words: 4.0K
Warnings: battle, steve is an ass man, peitro is a flirt, YN and Steve are stupid, 
@nomadsgrogers version >> (” Till the End…”) Introduction / Part 1 / Part 2
“… Of The Line” >> MASTERLIST
July, 2015
It was only a few months once Natasha, Giovanna and Steve returned that the whole team was called out for a mission. There were months of debriefs and reports and strategic meetings— all headed by Steve Rogers who seemed to have some sort of personal vendetta against the guy running the arms dealing operation. Baron Von Wolfgang Strucker (“who would name their poor child that of all things?” “YN, focus.” “Yes, Captain”) had evaded Steve for three long years and finally, he was here only a few kilometres away from their current position in South Eastern Europe. 
“Alright, team— focus up. We have one shot at this and one shot only. We can’t mess this one up because Strucker had only gotten more and more powerful over the years, and we have no idea what he would be capable of with the sceptre if he got away again. We are quick, we are precise, we leave as little damage as possible and get out with the sceptre.” Steve’s voice echoed across the small clearing where they had set up camp and YN couldn’t help but roll her eyes just a little bit at the Captain voice he was using. He was commanding them as if he wasn’t crying (bawling his god damn eyes out) to the second ‘How To Train Your Dragon’ in YN’s room only twelve hours before. 
Nothing had progressed in their relationship since the day at the hospital, much to the frustration of everyone in the Tower. Sure, they were allowing themselves to touch each other and sit just a little closer together during nights in the common room, but as soon as they got too close or the room felt too small, either Steve would pull away or Giovanna would burst through the door or an explosion would happen a few floors below, calling for YN’s attention. 
Nobody was more frustrated about this than Steve. He had tried his damned best to see other people in Washington. He had gone on dates with Lucy, and Marley, and other names that ended in a ‘y’ but he could never see anything other than YN. He could never see anything other than her brilliant green eyes and even more brilliant laugh and it killed him to know that YN was the one person he would never be able to have. 
Sam had smacked him upside the head the second Steve muttered about how she was too good for him— too young. 
“Man, you really are dumb, huh?” 
Steve had the dignity to look offended. 
“Excuse me?”
“Dude, she looks at you like you have the ability to tell her all the secrets int he whole damn world. She looks at you like Indiana Jones looked at the Talice in that tomb.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“You’re not listening to me! She likes you— like, likes you likes you and if you don’t realize that you like her just as much if not more, than she’s gonna be gone!”
It didn’t stop her though, from being in his life. She looked out for him in more ways than one and it showed. His steps were lighter, his shoulders more relaxed up until about a week ago when the American Embassy accepted his request to go on a raid overseas. 
“You’re going to get wrinkles if you frown like that for too long,” YN said, appearing suddenly beside him. He had avoided looking at her all day— the shapely, stretchy fabric of her uniform showed off the muscles she was working on. Her thighs had become thicker, shoulders more defined and her back muscles rippled every time she moved, and Steve wasn’t terribly opposed to watching her move forever. He, now 28, couldn’t look at someone who would be turning 21 in a weeks time like he wanted to eat her alive, but he would be damned if he denied that the curve of her ass didn’t make his mouth water.
“I’m going to get wrinkles anyway.” He said, wrapping his hands before pulling on his fingerless leather gloves. YN refrained from calling them entirely impractical. 
“You’re no fun to tease when the Captain’s out to play, you know.” YN smiled, bouncing on her toes with excitement. This was her first real mission and she was eager to please not only her dad and uncle but she really, truly just wanted to make Steve proud. 
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart.” He muttered and YN almost blanched at the pet name. “I’m just— I want this to be the last day I have to deal with this asshole.”
“Language.” She teased and he rolled his eyes. If anyone swore more than YN and Giovanna, it was, in fact, Steve Rogers. “And we’ll get him. We have Thor. We have Big Guy. Everything is planned. We’ll get him, I promise.” 
“Giovanna Stark! If you don’t stop swinging me around I’ll throw up in your Louboutin heels!” YN screamed over the din of gunfire into the comms. Originally, she was going to get to the HYDRA base on the back of Steve’s motorbike, but, in light of Tony’s new birthday present to his favourite daughter the plan had ended up changing. 
“Sorry! You know I only practice with this thing when dad’s gone!” Her best friend cried out and YN swore loudly when he shins smacked a tree branch. 
Tony Stark had thought it the brilliant idea to let his wild, tornado of a daughter use her own suit. A gold and pearl suit she had made and manufactured and fit to herself, stored away until her dad gave her the green light to use. 
“YOU WHAT?” Tony roared over the comms, pulling up beside the two women and managing to glare them both down through the glowing eyes of his own suit. 
“Yeah, we meant to tell you— when you go down to Washington, me and YN practice with the suit. I’d say we’re getting pretty good, honestly.” Giovanna’s voice gave away that she was smiling under the mask. She raised her free hand and blasted a canon in the way of the jeep Natasha was driving with the rest of the team in it. 
“We’re mediocre at best and please go up another two feet because this branch will take out my KNEES!” YN squealed, raising her knees to her chest and turning to watch as her father, green and angry, smashed his way through it. 
“As much as I love this family heart to heart,” Steve’s irritated tone sounded in their ears. “Can we please focus on the task at hand. Tony, see if there’s a barrier protecting the base.”
“Yes, Captain Rogers!” Tony mocked, speeding ahead and almost immediately ricocheting off of the force field surrounding the building. “Shit!”
“Language!” Steve swore back, and YN let out a loud guffaw.
“Stevie, you know that’s my line!” YN laughed as Giovanna dropped her in the forest. Her knees and thighs were bruised, and in some choice places even cut through the Kevlar. She was almost immediately hounded by three HYDRA agents and YN’s eyes flashed a daring green before she pulled the guns from her thigh holsters and shot them all in the shoulders and knees— not killing them, but taking them out quickly and efficiently. She pressed her back to one of the larger trees to regroup and hide from the bunker that was about thirty meters away. 
“YN you should have seen what Steve just did!” Giovanna exclaimed over the comms and YN rolled her eyes at the amused noises made from other team members. 
“Why should I have seen it, Gio?” YN grunted as a bullet whizzed by her ear. She was shortly joined by Clint who loaded a bow and arrow before taking a breath and winking over at her— teasing. 
“Because he just threw his bike and took out a whole jeep with it!”
Yeah, YN wished she was there for that one. 
Clint drew the arrow, aimed and shot and both he and YN hid behind their trees, silent and tents for the explosion that never came. Clint and YN looked at each other before he drew another bow and drew it again, shrugging to YN and stepping out to fire once more. 
However, before he was able to, there was a rushing noise and Clint was thrown to the ground with a breathless grunt. 
“Clint!” YN yelled, rushing over and sliding to the ground to help him and make sure he was fine. When they both made to stand, there was a man around YN’s own age staring down at them. He had white, silver hair and eyes that matched. There was a lazy grin on his face and his shoulders were relaxed. Both of Clint’s arrows tucked into his elbow. 
“Hello, beautiful lady,” His accented voice would have made her blush in any other situation. In a flash, his finger was crooked under her chin and she glared into his white eyes. His gaze flicked from her own eyes to her lips twice before he turned to Clint, his arrow pointed directly at the space between the mans eyebrows. 
“You guys didn’t see that coming?” And then he vanished into seemingly thin air. 
“What the fuck, Steve! We have an enhanced! Male— possibly teleportation?” YN rushed into her comm as she helped Clint to his feet. She dropped his arm in fright when the enhanced appeared over her shoulder, breath tickling her neck and he spoke. 
“Speed actually.” He corrected before running off again. 
“Okay, fine. He’s fast. Really fast you won’t see him coming.” YN bent over quickly to scoop up some snow and press to her burning cheeks much to the amusement of Clint, who had just begun to stand. 
“Understood,” Steve replied. “You okay?” 
“Good. Just a little blindsided is all.” YN huffed when Clint snorted. “You okay?”
“I’m good.” He said back, voice warm and soft. 
“As much as I love this whole romance story developing here, we still have a couple of issues to be dealing with!” Natasha said, running towards YN and Clint over the knoll behind them. There was only a moment of distraction. Only a moment of distraction while a Chitauri HYDRA weapon took out the entire left side of Clint’s torso. 
“Clint’s down!” YN and Natasha cried in unison, both rushing to his side to pull him into some bushes for cover. YN went to work quickly, pulling the small bottle of 99% alcohol from one of her pockets on her belt and pouring it over the smoking flesh. A shower of bullets rained over the trees just barely guarding the three made them all dive to cover a fading Barton. 
“Can someone take care of that bunker, please?” Natasha hissed, and almost immediately there was a dash of green and the bunker was set on fire. Hulk took a large gun from the flames and tore it in two, getting distracted quickly by the sounds of Thor’s lightning. 
“Thanks, Papa!” YN cheered, still working on Clint’s side to stop the bleeding. She stabbed him in the neck with a shot of morphine and almost immediately, his groans and cries of pain subsided to small, hoarse whimpers. 
“Starks!” Steve grunted over the crashing sound of metal on metal. “Get inside!”
“We’re on it!”
There was a rush of Natasha informing the team that Clint was hit pretty bad, and YN looked down at her work— the white of the gauze she had on hand already turning an ugly crimson red. It wasn’t long until Thor appeared with the sound of thunder following him. YN smiled up at him gratefully and he winked, tousling her hair and leaving her a few choice words before scooping Natasha and Clint into his arms. 
“Find your father,” His voice rumbled. “Get him to the jet when you can.” Before he jumped off the ground. 
Finding her dad wasn’t hard. It was simply a means of following the sounds of groans and crashing and the trail of broken trees snapped clean in half. She found him later, in a clearing, stomping around and throwing heavy chunks of metal as far as he could. She watched him, folded clothes in her lap as she crouched on the ground and waited for Big Guy to see her on his own. Calling attention to herself would only make him lash out, and she knew the last thing her father would want would be to show that side of him to his baby girl. 
His fiery green eyes landed on her soon enough, and Hulk suddenly looked horrendously nervous and scared. 
“Hey, Dad,” YN spoke to her father, knowing that if she did, both Bruce and Hulk would see that is what she needed from them.
 “Time to head out. Clint’s been hit pretty bad and we need to get home so we can get him back on his feet for Saturday. Cho’s gonna try out that machine we’ve been working on, and I think it would be really cool if you were there to see our little baby working for the first time.” YN continued, walking slowly towards the Hulk who seemed to be entranced by her voice. It only took her to get a foot away from him and a simple touch on his arm for his muscles to begin shifting and his bones cracking. YN, wincing at every sound, placed her dads' clothes on a nearby bench and jogged away, not only to give him his privacy as he got dressed but also to get away from the noises of pain that too often haunted her worst dreams. 
YN stood up from her place at her dads' side on the jet, cradling his face briefly and smiling back at him before walking over to the table where a now unconscious Barton lay. Steve was replacing the IV while YN joined him, raising the shock blanket to see that the new bandages on his waist were now only a light pink instead of a dark red. 
“You okay?” Steve’s voice rumbled from across the gurney and YN looked up. It only took her a moment for her gaze to focus on him and she nodded with a small, very forced smile. 
“Just worried about dad is all. Nothing big.” She replied, voice weak and tired. “Are missions always this intense?” She squinted up at him and he only chuckled nodding for her to follow him to a bench of chairs. 
“No, they’re usually boring intel missions. This was one of the big ones which is why we needed everyone. I would have liked to warm you up, personally.” Steve said, turning and sitting on one of the seats. YN took a seat one space over regretfully— all she wanted at this point of the day was to curl up into his side and sleep for a concerning amount of time. The words he spoke took a few seconds to process and when they did, they immediately went to places her father would be shocked existed. 
I wouldn’t mind you personally warming me up, either.
“You’re bleeding,” she noticed, and he was. There was a deep cut over his eyebrow and she moved to wipe the blood slowly dripping into his eye. She stood quickly, grabbing a few Q-Tips, a butterfly bandage and antiseptic before returning, setting everything on the bench beside where Steve sat. 
“YN, Sweetheart. It’ll heal by the time we’re—“
“Home, I know. I just— let me do this, please.” She looked into his eyes and watched them move over her face. He noticed the red swelling under her eyes and the downturn of her lips and the crease between her brows. YN was always a nurturing person— everyone knew this— it wasn’t until this second that he realized she cared about other people to make herself feel saner. 
He clenched his jaw and nodded, refraining from gasping when one of her hands came to cradle his face gently. Her thumb brushed over the skin of his cheekbone and he let his eyelids flutter momentarily, leaning only slightly into her touch. If YN wasn’t so nervous at their sudden proximity, she would have noticed (like Giovanna and Natasha did) that it looked like Steve was about to damn well start purring. 
Steve was right— the cut had mostly healed up by the time she even cleaned all the blood from his face. It was only about the length of her pinky nail, only as deep as the white tip of that nail, but YN still made sure to clean it properly and bandage it even more so. She pressed the small band-aid to the skin thumb brushing just barely over it before trailing her hand down his face and resting on the side of his neck. The two hadn’t even realized that his hand had come to rest on her waist, pulling her barely closer. 
“All done, Cap.” Her voice was weak, and he blinked his way out of the YN spell he had just been put under.
“Thank-you, Sweetheart.” His voice was low, barely above a whisper as the jet touched down and she stepped away. The rest of the team turned to look anywhere but them when she did so, and she met Giovanna and Natasha at the door to the tower. Both women were waiting, cheeky, smug smiles on their faces at YN’s own dreamy, blushing expression. 
“Not a word.”
“Not. A word.”
The tower was full of people neither Giovanna nor YN knew by the time the clock struck nine. Since Giovanna was only born nine days before YN had been, both girls decided it would be the most fun (and easiest for everyone) to have a joint birthday party every year. This year was particularly exciting, as Thor Odinson happened to be in the realm, his booming laughter and mead flowed, making everyone over the moon with happiness and excitement.
Steve cradled the beer bottle in his hand gingerly as Sam walked with him up the steps to the second sub-floor of the public common room. The beer had, of course, been spiked with the Asgardian liquor, and Steve could feel it already working in the tingles of his fingertips and toes and lips. He, however, was restless as he told a story absently to Sam, who seemed to pick up the reason why his best pal seemed so distracted at the moment. 
YN was nowhere to be seen. 
“Sounds like a hell of a fight, sorry I missed it” Sam responded to Steve’s story about the mission that had taken place only hours before. It had turned out to be majorly successful. Strucker was behind bars and the Sceptre was in the labs upstairs, to be returned to Asgard the following morning when Thor was set to leave. 
“If I knew it was gonna be a firefight, I absolutely would have called,” Steve replied, beginning to join Sam, leaning against the balcony railing overlooking the party. 
“No, No, I’m not actually sorry. I was tryna sound tough, you know? I’m very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons' case. Besides, from what I read of the report, you and a certain radioactive little lady were perfectly capable of handling it yourselves.” Sam smirked in satisfaction as Steve looked frustrated at the news of Bucky still being a cold lead paired with the flustered-ness of the mention of YN’s name. 
“We didn’t even fight together. It was her first mission and she did—“ Steve cut himself off, then, the breath having suddenly disappeared from his lungs. Natasha, Giovanna and YN had walked into the room together. Natasha, in a classic black and white dress, sky high heels to match, Giovanna in some dark, colourful designer dress with wide shoulder pads and YN in the prettiest dress Steve had ever seen since the 40s. 
It wasn’t much, a simple off the shoulder black dress with sleeves that ended just below her elbows. The dress had a skirt that flared prettily over her hips and thighs, ending just above her still-bruised knees and shins. The heels made her the tallest girl in the trio, and the margarita in her hand seemed to be one of the only things keeping her in the too-full room. She, bruises and all, was probably the prettiest thing he had seen in at least 80 years. his mouth watered at the sight of her revealed skin, fingertips itching to ghost over it and make her shiver just for him. 
“I was asking you something. You okay, man?” Sam asked, worried that the sound of the three hundred people in the area was beginning to overwhelm him. Sam only needed to follow his sight line to see what was truly distracting him.
“Oh, okay.” Sam smirked, bumping his shoulder into Steve’s. “Guess the guests of honour have finally arrived, then.”
“Who?” Steve whipped his head to look sharply at Sam. His eyebrow was raised already, smug smirk over his face as he leaned over the railing. When Steve still looked dazed and confused, Sam jut his chin YN’s general direction just as she let out a loud laugh that carried across the room and settled in Steve’s bones. “YN? No. I— she’s not— I’m not— we’re not—“
“Okay, then.”
“You’re distracted,” Giovanna said about an hour later. Her best friend had been quiet all night and not for the simple reason of exhaustion. The pair had been all day in the lab, working with their dads to try to crack and reprogram the alien technology they only had for a few more hours. Usually, with their four heightened IQ’s and a few hours, the four would be able to solve any issue easily with time to spare. This, however, was something entirely new and entirely frustrating. 
“I’m drunk,” YN mumbled over the rim of her glass, taking a sip and wincing at the sting of the mead Thor had teasingly slipped in her drink in passing. Giovanna scoffed and motioned for the bartender to bring her another drink. 
“No, you’re not.”
“No, I’m not.”
“What’s going on, then?”
“It’s nothing, honestly—“
“It’s something and I’m going to annoy you until you tell me,” Giovanna promised with a petty smile and YN knew her words were true— it happened more often than she liked to admit. 
“Fine! Okay— I’m a powerful Avenger with one of the best brains in the world. I’m twenty-one in four days and I’m a virgin and Steve Rogers is drunk wearing a shirt that looks like it's going to rip off at any second.” She almost growled in frustration, sucking in a breath when Steve bent over to take another shot at the pool game he was playing with Sam— the man from the hospital. He had sunk the eight ball and threw his arms in the air and the muscles in his back flexed with the motion. She practically whimpered when he let out a triumphant yell, deep voice resounding over the room.
“Have you had wine yet tonight?” Giovanna asked after making a noise similar to when she was thinking about a lab issue.
“No, I’ve been having beer why?”
“Hmm. You’re hornier than usual.”
“No, I’m not— just at an all-time high of sexual frustration. That rabbit you got me last year is doing nothing for me anymore.” YN grumbled, forcing herself to turn away from Steve who was now heckling Sam playfully. 
“You know, Tristan from Tech has the biggest crush on you. I’m sure he’d say yes in a heartbeat if you asked.” Giovanna tried, only becoming frustrated with the way YN shook her head again. 
“You and I both know that that won’t be happening.”
“A girl can try to get her best friend laid.”
“A girl can make Captain America fall in love with her best friend.” YN retorted, throwing Giovanna a quick apology at her rudeness. Giovanna waved her hand as if to swat the apology away. If anyone knew the emotional roller coaster fo sexual frustration it was her— at least she knew what she was missing out on. Poor YN was completely and entirely clueless— in more ways than one.
Tags (open, send an ask): @i-am-always-famished / @filia-sapientiae / @somekryptonitewriting / @fashionlive15 / @godlymissbalor / @fanfictionjunkie1112 / @nerdy-bookworm-1998 / @songforhema / @army-crawl-andersen / @buckybarneshairpullingkink / @shynara51 / @deathofmissjackson / @a--1--1--3 / @liffydaze / @shymarvelfannanni / @freakpotterfan / @callie-bear15 / 
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imagines-by-billie · 5 years
Two Sides Of The Coin.
Part 4.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
A/N: Okay this is probably one of the least angsty fics in this series, so from here it just gets worse and worse.
Warnings: angst
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“I thought you’d realized I’d call eventually…”, Adria chuckled on the other side of the phone, “Then again, you just never seem to catch on.”
“Where is she? Where’s Valerie?”, Shawn roared into the phone.
“Valerie was it? I thought we had agreed on Lilian.”, Adria whined, “I can always rename her, I guess.”
“Don’t fucking touch my daughter!”, you hissed to the phone, tears still streaming down your face.
“Or what? You don’t even know where we are.”, she cackled, “I’ll tell you what, Shawnie. If you just let go of your position in the mob, I’ll let you have her back.”
“What do you get from that?”, Shawn quirked an eyebrow.
“Money. I’m not after your place, but someone is. I just happen to work with him for this little project, so I’ll get my part.”, she said in a sweet, sultry voice.
“Who are you working for?”, you questioned when you saw that Shawn was completely speechless.
“Mommy!”, you heard Valerie scream and your heart jumped.
“Oh, someone’s hungry. I’ll have to go, but I’ll patiently wait for your actions.”, Adria giggled.
“No, wait-!”, you tried to talk to Valerie but Adria hung up the phone before you could say anything.
“I’m going to fucking kill her!”, Shawn shouted.
You laid in bed while Shawn planned with the rest of his team. The stuffed teddy bear, which was the only thing left of Valerie that you had, was hugged tightly to your chest.
You remembered when Shawn had gotten it for her...
He got home earlier than expected. Either his meeting went really good or really bad. But by the way Shawn walked through the living room and into the kitchen, where you were making dinner, it had gone good.
Valerie giggled as Shawn walked in and babbled something that was supposed to resemble “dad”.
“How are my two favorite girls doing?”, he grinned widely.
“Better now that you’re home.”, you smiled as his arms wrapped around you, “Meeting went good, bubba?”
“Really good, actually.”, he kissed your shoulder before letting you go and walking over to Valerie, “And I got you a present!”
You looked over your shoulder, away from whatever you were cooking, to see Shawn showing a stuffed teddy bear with a red bow around it’s neck to a giggling Valerie. The curly haired girl stared at with shock and adoration, as if it were a diamond.
“Don’t go around spoiling her now.”, you chuckled as you turned back to cooking.
“What? Are you jealous?”, he joked, which made you laugh.
He walked over to you again, after leaving Valerie with her teddy bear, and rested his hands on your hips. Now that you were facing him you could really look at his face. You brushed over the scar on his cheek with your thumb. He looked tired... probably because he spent the entire day at work with no breaks.
For a second you felt like you were a normal family. That you weren’t the wife of a dangerous mob boss and that he was just tired from his normal office job.
“You know I can give you a present too...”, he grinned. You cradled his face with your hands as a small and tired laugh escaped your lips.
“You look tired, Shawn.”, you said, “Maybe not tonight?”
“I’m not tired if it’s for you.”, he leaned his forehead against yours.
“The best present you can give me is you just being here.”, you mumbled softly, “But I wouldn’t mind you giving me that present either.”
“Thought so.”, he grinned cockily.
You smiled at the memory. God, you hadn’t smiled in a while... your eyes travelled to the empty side of the bed beside you.
Shawn always tried to stay in bed with you for as long as he could, though sometimes duty called... or Valerie cried. He always used to insist to go take care of her when she was crying. He was insanely good at doing it without waking you up too, so you didn’t even have a chance at stopping him...
You woke up by the lack of Shawn next to you. Valerie’s cradle was empty so you were guessing she had started crying. He was a very light sleeper already but since Valerie was born, he practically was half awake when he was sleeping.
Without Shawn or Valerie there, you couldn’t fall back asleep so you got out of bed. You wandered around the house to try and find them.
A slight hum came from the kitchen, which made you walk in there. The sight was absolutely adorable. Shawn was holding Valerie to his bare chest, his eyes closed as the microwave was warming up a bottle of milk. The humming was, of course, coming from Shawn. He was humming a tune you had heard from one of his old vinyls... something he had made you dance with him to.
“I wish I brought a camera...”, you giggled. Shawn opened his eyes and gave you a soft smile, still rocking Valerie back and forth.
“I didn’t wake you up, did I?”, he asked sleepily.
“The lack of you did.”, you lazily walked up to him, “You know I could take care of her midnight urges sometimes too.”
“You need the sleep.”, he answered, “Besides, you take care of her all day while I’m gone for work.”
“Still...”, you mumbled but did have much time to argue since the microwave started beeping.
“I’ll get that... can you hold her?”, he smiled and carefully handed you Valerie. You watched him as he carefully took out the bottle of milk and put it on the counter beside you.
With a yawn you tried handing your child over to Shawn again but she immediately started fussing.
“She’s a momma’s girl.”, he grinned and handed you the bottle, “But I can’t blame her...” You gave him a sweet smile as a thank you before carefully starting to feed the baby in your arms.
Shawn went up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He softly leaned his head on your shoulder and watched with an adoring smile over Valerie.
“She has your eyes.”, he mumbled as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
“I think they look like yours... they’re honey brown, like yours.”, you smiled, “I think she’s gonna have your curls too.”, you carefully pushed away the brown curls that had already started growing on Valerie’s head.
“Well, then she has your beautiful smile... and I can already tell she’s going to have the same attitude.”, he chuckled lightly.
“Hey!”, you said quietly.
It was one of your favorite memories... except the first time that you had to walk in with Valerie on Shawn’s meeting.
She wouldn’t stop crying until you went near the door, then her eyes would lit up and her arms stretched out. With a big sigh you opened the door and saw Shawn’s worried eyes meet yours immediately. It was like he was asking you “Is everything okay? Has something happened?”
“Dada!”, Valerie exclaimed with a giggle.
“If you’ll excuse me…”, Shawn turned away from the much older men and got up from his chair.
“What’s wrong?”, he asked you as he took Valerie in his arms.
“She heard the shouting. I think she got a bit worried about you…”, you smiled and stroke away a couple curls from Valerie’s face.
“Shi-” You gave him a stern look, causing him to drag out the swear word and ending it on “shoot”.
“I can’t keep her in here, darling. You know that…”, Shawn sighed and handed Valerie back to you.
“I know… can you just keep it down?”, you pleaded.
“No problem.”, another man answered in Shawn’s place, it was the oldest man at the table, “We’re almost done.” The mobster gave you a tight lipped smile and you thanked him. Who knew mobsters could be nice without wanting something in return?
Everyone else in the room stared in shock at Shawn. Just a couple minutes ago he had been shouting and talking in a stern and cold tone, drinking a glass of whiskey that still stood by his chair. Now he was speaking softly, as if he didn’t want to break the tiny human with his voice.
“Thank you.”, Shawn nodded and went back to his chair. Which was your sign to go out of the door and try to get Valerie to sleep or take her mind of what had just happened. But you were glad you were standing close enough to the door to hear what he said next.
“If anyone even fucking thinks of laying a finger on my wife or my daughter, I’ll personally strangle you.”, Shawn muttered, “Do I make myself clear?”
You tried to remember everyone in that room. To see if anyone looked slightly annoyed by your entrance. You remember the older man, Owen Wolfgang... he had died just a few months ago, alcohol poisoning. He never seemed like much of a drinker to you.
His son was nothing like him. At the funeral he acted very strange, refused to talk to you and barely talked to Shawn at all. 
Your dad knew him well, though. He had made sure you stayed away from him and told you to keep Valerie away from him too. It was only a hunch but it was something.
You got up from bed and walked into Shawn’s office.
“Arren Wolfgang. Look him up, now.”, you said harshly as you walked out.
“Why? No one has seen him since Owen’s funeral.”, Brian questioned.
“I know it’s far fetched but... what was the thing he always seemed to talk about. Power and respect, right?”, you looked at Shawn, “I know that you introduced him to Adria too, so they have a connection.”
“Keep going...”, Shawn said as he got out of his chair.
“If he’s been gone for so long, he’s probably planning something. Or has planned something.”, you sighed.
“It’s a lead, if anything.”, Brian nodded.
“Y/N...”, Shawn looked at you, “We need to go to your dad.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tsotc taglist: @glitterymarshmallowthe3rd @x-ummal-x
permanent taglist: @turtoix @wronglanemendes
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