#Workflow transparency
pridestudio · 6 months
Versatile Software Solution for Efficient Organization Management
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For more Information visit: PrideStudio (pridesys.com)
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jitterbugbear · 1 year
btw i don't think it's unreasonable for people to ask if something they see posted online is ai because some of that stuff can be really hard to spot. you can just say no and leave it at that 👍
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crescencestudio · 4 months
๋࣭⭑ Devlog #41 | 5.28.24 ๋࣭⭑
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It's hot girl (/gender neutral) summer season
Hope you're all doing well <3 We're already getting into summer, which is a little crazy to me. The year is flying by! Before I get into what we actually did this month, it wouldn't be a May devlog without our annual Mermay celebration!
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Look at those locks. His Ariel/Rapunzel era fr
Since I already had updated Mermay pieces for the Alaris LIs, I decided to do one for our beloved Van this year ^^ Hope you all like it!
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For writing this month, I spent a lot of it catching up on Etza edits. Being totally transparent, I wasn't Completely Happy with their route when their draft was finished. But now that I've started the editing process with Wudgey, I'm really excited to see how their route is shaping up!!! We've been fleshing a lot of little interactions out with their route, and I can already see Etza's character really starting to shine with these edits ^^
I've also been chipping away at Kuna'a's route! While it's nowhere near finished, I'm hopeful that this upcoming month will be the month of Kuna'a now that I don't have a bunch of releases I'm trying to balance. His route is also one of the ones whose outline is more fleshed out (Druk and Etza I would say were the least fleshed out, which might be why they also took a bit longer). So I'd love to see Kuna'a's first draft complete/almost complete by the next devlog!
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This month, I had to dust off my art skills tbh LMFAOIJSDF. It's been.... a WHILE since I've made CGs since I've been in the writing and coding dungeon for so long. So most of this month's art updates are me getting tilted from redrawing an ugly sketch over and over.
I DID manage to get the Van Mermay piece out. And I also was able to sketch out Kayn's Tragic End CG; that leaves only one CG that has to be sketched out! Currently, six of their CGs are finished, two need to be rendered, and one needs to be drawn still.
And since Kayn's CGs are mostly done, I've started drawing Fenir's. I was actually able to finish one because I basically Locked In when I made it, so here is a sneak peek!
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Kisses his little pink nose
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You might notice there's not toooo many updates on this month's devlog. The reason for that is because this month, I spent a lot of it recovering both mentally and physically. April shenanigans and those back-to-back releases took a lot out of me, and after going full speed basically since this year started, I learned I REALLY needed a break. That coupled with the concussion I got made it so that most of this month was focused on recovering and then getting back into the groove of things.
Another thing I tried to focus on this month was finding a balance in my workflow. Going into this month, I felt like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown almost every day, in large part because I have a lot of big things I'm trying to accomplish this year. Between finishing my dissertation, Alaris, and a personal big event that I have to plan, I have a lot on my plate this year, and it's made it easy to get overwhelmed as the months pass by. So I wanted to find a balance between all three that didn't make me feel like I was also falling into insanity. After talking to beloved Wudgey of @herotome fame, I've started adopting a schedule that gives me enough structure and flexibility to feel like I'm making progress without going crazy and getting lost in the sauce.
While it's still early in the process, I'm really happy with the balance I've hit, and I'm feeling much more like myself now compared to a month ago!
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I caught up on quite a few things in my backlog this month, which made me happy ^^ I always like to learn from and support other devs, so finally being able to return to that helped with the recovery process <3
I don't have any actual fanart pieces, but there are a couple of games I'd like to highlight!
First of all, of course I must talk about our hot girl (/gender neutral) summer cross-promo. If you haven't checked out these games, I can't recommend them enough!!
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Links to each game can be found on the Alaris Game page under the magic and mystery otome section!
Specifically, Save the Villainess, The Good People, and Thorn for the Villain are amazing games if you're into thriller/political games layered with mystery
The Silent Kingdom (which I played recently and is AMAZING) and Dual Chroma (Otojam 2023 ALLY) have added mechanics of RPG for exciting action-adventure fantasy stories
Lost in Limbo, Obscura, and Snow White Ashes are BEAUTIFUL dark fantasy games. I've played all three of these and they have some of the most beautiful writing and visuals... BIG FAN OF ALL OF THEM.
Mask Beyond Lies and Sigh of the Abyss have that epic fantasy adventure appeal to them, in a way that I think is similar to Alaris! And Pearlglow Cafe (another Otojam 2023 ALLY) is a very lighthearted and charming game for those of you who like the comfy vibe that most of my stories have!!
Some other games that I played are Favor (@favorvn) by beloved @concreteparasite which is SOOOOO stylish. If you've played Binary Star Hero by Connie, you can expect that same stylish, dark, sultry vibe from Favor. If you haven't checked out either of those games by Connie, I can't recommend them enough, especially if you like yanderes. There is so much aesthetic and atmosphere to them!
I also played Where Winter Crows Go by @prikarin who is a VERY talented developer (and one I'm sure many are familiar with). I had a lot of fun romancing Crowe and both the MC and him have such strong personalities, it was so fun seeing their dynamic!!!! The CGs were also made by anta, who is the dev behind Thorn for the Villain, and they're BEAUTIFULLLLL. Each one has so much style and rly has a professional look to them. Can't recommend enough if you haven't played already ((heads up that it is another yandere game for those who can't do yandere!))
Okay I've yapped enough. If you've made it this far, you are god's strongest soldier LFMASLDIFJ. See you all next month with hopefully some exciting progress!
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artistsforpalestine · 5 months
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Welcome to Tumblr Artists For Palestine [TAFP]!
We are a small group of artists working towards providing aid and charity to Palestinians in need. We hold small events to collect donations, such as our upcoming art drive. Please take a look around!
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For our art drive, being held at May 8th (starting 9AM PST), we have 8 artists offering their services in exchange for donations that will go directly to charity.
Truncated information can be found in this spreadsheet, including links to each artist’s specific post with details.
The flow goes as such, for transparency's sake;
Select an artist to commission. 
Contact them directly through their socials (tumblr/discord). DM the details and specifics of your commission. Please keep aware what your selected artist can and cannot draw; Collectively, we refuse to draw art that promotes incestuous or adult/minor romantic/sexual relationships.  
You will have to send your email to receive an invoice. Once confirmed, you will receive an invoice through PayPal.
Send payment.
Once we confirm the donation, your artist will start working on your commission. Each artist has a different workflow, but will provide at least one WIP unless specified. 
At the latest, you will receive your piece 1.5 months (~90 days) after the donation is sent.
We are not accepting payments through other services for now.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask!
We all appreciate each and every contribution to our drive, including shares and interaction! It helps us get around, and all of that.
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We are currently donating half of our raised money to Help the Shbuir Family Evacuate from Gaza, and the other half towards Esims for people still currently in Gaza.
We will release our finances at the end of the drive here.
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Links to other charities you can donate to! Operation Olive Branch PCRF Vetted Fundraiser Masterpost Masterpost - List of fundraisers for direct contacts - Vetted family fundraiser masterpost 1 - Vetted family fundraiser masterpost 2 - Fundraisers for general purposes Gazafunds | Gazafunds all campaigns
All banners are made by @wolvzephyr.
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izder456 · 2 months
I love funky design as long as its practical-ish.
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I don’t specifically like the transparent plastic stuff, but I don’t also specifically like rugged thinkpad like stuff.
I really love how japanese laptops look. its such a special look. I like saying that panasonic lets notes look like if apple made a thinkpad.
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I guess I’m passionately obsessed with things that seem novel or innovative. especially if the use case is not super obvious until you use it. thats one of the most satisfying parts of discovering things imho.
I miss computers with personality. it’s probably why I rice my system so heavily. gives it an identity it otherwise would lack
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base openbsd is pretty barren and sorta ugly in a practical way. I could probably rice out fvwm or cwm if i wanted to. but I really love the workflow I built with stumpwm/emacs, so its become hard to go back.
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my powerbook has windowmaker on it currently and imho, thats the best floating window manager that has desktop-environment like integration.
its like the OS X and motif wm ux was fused together
it also has a beautiful 90s unix feel by default that I’m a slut for.
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rambling aside, figured some of y’all would appreciate it.
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dawns-beauty · 8 months
How to replace Skyrim NPCs with faces made in RaceMenu
(aka the method I used to make all my NPC overhauls)
This is an updated version of the tutorial from this post. I forgot a step originally.
Why use this method?
RaceMenu (RM) gives you a lot more creative freedom than simply editing NPC faces in the Creation Kit (CK).
Just installing RM gives you access to new sliders not found in unmodded Skyrim and you can install further slider mods (such as Expressive FaceGen Morphs, or Khajiit Character Creation Extended, etc.)
It also allows you to use Overlay mods (like DomainWolf's mod series or Freckle Mania 2) which give you many more options to layer warpaints or skin features and create a more detailed face.
Links are to the SE version of the mods, as that's what I'm most familiar with. They likely have LE counterparts.
Things you will need:
RaceMenu (and SKSE; be sure to get the correct versions of both for your game)
NifSkope - you will use this to open and edit the mesh. Here's GamerPoet's setup video
More Informative Console (especially if you're editing mod-added NPCs)
BSA Extractor (or similar mod that lets you open and extract BSAs)
Things I highly recommend:
Creation Kit Platform Extended for Skyrim - makes using the Creation Kit way less like pulling teeth
Unofficial Creation Kit Patch - if you're using AE
An alternate start mod - I like Dimes Quickstart for its simplicity, but any would work
Another Race Menu Rotation Mod - handy for seeing how the back of hairs look
Stand still in RaceMenu (OAR) - stops the character from wiggling out of frame
If you're looking to edit an NPC from an unplayable race (Elder, Child, etc.) you will likely need a mod that makes that race playable
Fun Stuff for diverse options:
Extra slider mods (I like Expressive FaceGen Morphs)
Skin Overlay Mods (for extra detailed faces)
If you want to get REAL funky with it, you can also use OutfitStudio to have a lot better time sculpting/getting super wild with assets, but that's too advanced for this tutorial (and my method is very 'goof around until it just works.'
I don't really want to cover using mod-added headparts (like eyes, hairs, etc.) There are basically two options there: add them as new headparts for your mod or make your mod dependent on the mod the headparts are from. The second way is probably simpler for beginners, but I definitely suggest installing Creation Kit Platform Extended, as it will allow you to load the other mods as masters without the Suffering™.
The Workflow
1. Design your character like you would a player character. For this example, I am redesigning Arcadia.
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A recommendation: unless you really feel like you need to change it, it is typically better to make the Weight slider match the NPC's actual weight. You can see this value using either SSE Edit or the Creation Kit.
It is no big deal if you don't, but if you change the weight and load the mod into an already existing save you will get a gap between the NPC's neck and body (unless you use Save Unbaker.)
Be careful, though, there is a RaceMenu bug where if you load up RM again after exiting, it changes the weight by .01. So annoying.
For Skin Tone choice, if you do a custom skin tone (by pressing 'E' while hovering over the slider) I would recommend leaving the transparency slider (the 'A' value) at 100% (though I usually make the exception for Khajiit and Argonians.) This info will go into the Interpolation Value box in the CK, and the RM values can't be directly input, so you have to calculate the value with a (RM Number/255 = X/100, solve for X which is your Interpolation Value)
1a. If you are planning on adding faceparts from mods to your own plugin, I recommend saving and doing that now. Then come back to your save and change your headparts to the versions from your plugin. If you want to just have the other mods as masters, you can skip this.
2. Once you're satisfied with your design, I recommend saving your game and saving your head as a preset (click to enlarge):
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3. Now, you will need to write down some stuff.
Skin Tone (RGB value):
Hover over Skin Tone slider. Press 'E'.
write down the R G B values (and A if you change it, see above note)
Even if you use a default skin tone, this is the best way to make sure you get the correct value for the CK.
Weight (number)
Scars (name) (if applicable)
Hair (name)
Facial Hair (name) (if applicable)
Eye Color (name)
Brow Type (name)
Writing down Hair Color is optional: with this method, the hair will inherit color from the head you export, not the CK value. Plus, RM's values are not really useful, because the default hair colors are named.
It's the same with the Face Complexion (wrinkles, etc), with this method it is exported with the head mesh.
4. Export the Sculpt:
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It should end up in your SKSE folder (SKSE\Plugins\CharGen), wherever that is for you
5a. Method 1 (works for both Vanilla and Mod-added NPCs): get your NPC in front of you, either by console command (example with J'zargo):
~ help 'J'zargo'
then, using their RefID (the number that appears next to their name) type:
player.placeatme 0001C1A3
Or find them in-world.
With the mod More Informative Console installed, reopen the console (~) and click on them. Write down their BaseID.
5b. For Vanilla NPCs: close your game and search for your character's name on UESP and find their BaseID. Copy this number.
6. Open your BSA extractor of choice and Skyrim's data folder. Find the Skyrim - Textures0.bsa. Open with your BSA extractor, and paste the BaseID in the search box
Check the checkbox next to the main facegen file only and extract somewhere easy to find.
7. Repeat this process with the Skyrim - Meshes0 file.
8. Create a new mod folder. You can either make a mod directly in the mod organizer (MO2 lets you right click in the left pane -> All Mods -> Create Empty Mod Above) or on your desktop.
Cut and paste the 'textures' and 'meshes' files you just extracted into your mod folder. If you are installing it via archive, go ahead and zip and install the folder.
9. Now open the Creation Kit. Use the folder icon to load your masters.
Pick Skyrim, Update, DLC (if applicable), and any other mods you want to be masters for your mod (for eyes, hairs, etc.) If you've made your plugin already for headparts, just load it up.
10. In the Object Window, expand the Actors -> Actor -> Actor tabs and now you have a lot of tabs with Race names. Find the race your NPC belongs to then open the appropriate gender tab. Alternatively, you can just search the character's name in the searchbox.
11. Find your NPC's name and double click. This opens their Actor window, which is where you will use all the data you wrote down.
If you want a preview of their face, tick the box at the bottom of the window.
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For weight adjustments: go to the Traits Tab. For all other values you need to worry about for this tutorial, go to the Character Gen Parts.
So, to parse this: you can ignore the Face Tint Layers box and pretty much everything on the left side of the screen.
Face Tinting Color
Type in your values for R G and B (you can ignore the Preset dropdown completely.) The Interpolation value corresponsed to the 'A' value, so unless you are working on Khajiit or Argonians, it will probably always be 1.
Base Head Parts
To change stuff in this section, click the line you want to change then go down to the dropbox below it and change it to what you want Face - unless you're using something like High Poly Heads, you can ignore this Everything else in this box: change to what you wrote down for each
Additional Head Parts
This is mainly used for scars and functions a little differently. To add a scar, you need to go to the Object window again. You can expand the Character tab and click 'HeadPart' then search the name of the scar you want. Click and drag the line with your scar into the Additional Head Parts box and it should show up there.
12. Once you've got the above like you want it, hit 'Ok', save your plugin. Now, to make the next step a little easier, you can click the NPC name in the Object Window again and hit f4.
This will export the meshes/textures file folders to the mod you just made in step 8.
Go ahead and exit the CK now
13. Go your your files exported from the last step. Open a second window from the files you exported from SKSE.
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Open both meshes in two separate NifSkope windows.
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If your SKSE head has a weird broken neck mesh like above, that's not a problem and can be ignored.
You absolutely must make sure your headparts match the head you exported from RaceMenu exactly, or you will get the dreaded dark face bug.
Now, you will need to find the Head textures in the head you exported from the CK. If your NifSkope is set up like mine, it should look like this:
Copy this line and paste it into the SKSE head in the same slot.
Save the SKSE NifSkope and close.
14. Rename the SKSE files (both .dds and .nif) to the number your exported heads are. You can then copy and paste your your SKSE files to their respective folders in your step 8 mod folder:
the .nif file goes in meshes/actors/character/FaceGenData/FaceGeom/[name of plugin]
the .dds file goes into textures/actors/character/FaceGenData/FaceTint/[name of plugin]
And now you're ready for testing! At this point I also recommend taking a second and converting your plugin to an ESPFE via SSE Edit. It's pretty simple and there are tutorials out there.
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Scully, you're not gonna believe this.
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paluding · 1 year
Updating... The Tattooer (ver. 3.4)!
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Finally! Took me a while, huh. This is the updated version of the Tattooer project. It skips some steps, making the workflow much, much faster! Huge thanks to @applewatersugar for his suggestion on how to bake textures while preserving the transparency. This is kind of a repost of the original Tattooer post, but it actually has some new stuff and a few changes here and there, so please take a look if you want to learn how to use this new version.
This is a series of Blender template files already set up to quickly bake textures from The Sims 4 to The Sims 2. The different Blender files will allow you to: -Bake body textures from TS4 to TS2 (Female) -Bake body textures from TS4 to TS2 (Male) -Bake body textures from TS4 (Female) to TS2 (Male) -Bake body textures from TS2 (Female) to TS2 (Male) [Bonus!] -New! Bake face textures from TS4 to TS2 (Unisex) [Bonus!] -Bake head textures from TS4 to TS2 (Face + Scalp) (Unisex) [Still experimental] Check the file names to see which one is which, and the resolution of the baked texture it will give. Everything you see in the render above was 100% converted using those Blender files.
Download here! SFS / GD
Update: Version 3.4.1 (27/08/2023) Fixed some issues on the shoulders for the AF-body-4t2-1024 and AF-body-4t2-2048 templates. Now the top straps on most converted underwear/swimwear should look right.
Update: Same version (13/12/2023) As requested, added a new spanish version of the included pdf guide!
These templates were made mainly to bake and convert tattoos, but there’s more you can do with them if you get creative. I have to say, these are NOT perfect. Results may vary depending on what you are trying to convert, so! With that in mind, this is all the stuff you will be able to convert almost seamlessly from TS4 to TS2: -Tattoos. -Other body details such as body hair, scars, freckles, supernatural/occult details… -Body painted underwear and swimwear, as well as some other clothing that’s mostly painted on the body. -Socks, stockings and maybe leggings. -Even skintones! In some areas they will look weird, so I recommend editing and blending them with other existing TS2 skins. -Makeup, eyebrows and beards. In the old version this was just a proof of concept, but now I’ve added a new Face file template which gives some pretty decent results! -Hair scalps. Very useful when converting some hairs! Although keep in mind part of that texture might also need to be baked on the face mesh, you know, that hairline makeup stuff.
Got your attention? Nice! Editing some of the textures from TS4 to match the UV mapping in TS2 using a 2D editing program can be incredibly hard. That’s where texture baking in Blender comes to the rescue!
You will need to download Blender, at least version 3.4, but you could always use a newer version. It is only incompatible with versions older than 3.4. -You can download Blender for free here. -You will also need Sims 4 Studio to extract the original Sims 4 CC textures you want. In the first version of these Blender files, there was a necessary step using Photoshop, but that’s no longer needed. However, there’s still a tiny extra step which requires resizing the newly baked texture on some of the high resolution templates, so you might need a 2D editing program like Photoshop. More on that later.
So, before we begin, let’s clear out some questions you might have. What the heck is this texture baking thing and what does it do? Well, let’s imagine you have a video projector and point an image into a blank wall. Then you pick up some brushes and start painting and copying that projected image in that wall. Texture baking is kinda like that when it comes to 3D models. You align two models and match them as closely as you can in shape and form, and once you adjust some parameters and values, Blender does the rest for you: it will give you a new texture for a new model with a different UV map. These files I’m sharing have everything already set up, so it’s a matter of plopping in that Sims 4 texture and you will get that new texture for TS2 in just a few clicks.
This tutorial assumes you know literally nothing about how to use Blender, so if you feel uncomfortable with it, worry no more! This will guide you with pictures showing where you need to click and explaining what is happening. For Sims 4 Studio and Photoshop the process might be a bit less detailed, but still this should be pretty beginner friendly. For this tutorial, I will use some tattoos as an example (properly credited at the end of the post). Alright, enough with the rambling. Let’s get started!
·EXTRACTING TEXTURES IN SIMS 4 STUDIO: First things first, you will need to extract as pngs all the textures you want to convert from TS4 using Sims 4 Studio. It should be pretty straightforward. Just open the packages and export the Diffuse textures. Keep them organized in a folder for easy access.
·BAKING THE TEXTURES IN BLENDER: PRELIMINARY STEP 1: CONFIGURING BLENDER’S GRAPHICS SETTINGS: Open your preferred Blender file depending on what you’re going to bake and the desired resolution (in this example I’m going to use the AF-body-4t2-1024 file). Before we start messing around in Blender, there’s one thing you should set up. It is a onetime step, and once it’s done, you won’t need to do it again. So, does your computer have a dedicated graphics card? If you don’t know or you’re not sure, just skip to the next step. Configuring Blender so it uses your graphics card instead of your CPU will make the baking render much faster, so it is recommended you set it up correctly. If your computer has a dedicated graphics card, click File (1) > Preferences (2) > and on the window that pops up click System (3) > and select CUDA and make sure your graphics card is there and tick it (4). I have an Nvidia Graphics card but your case may vary. Once you’re done, click on the tiny button on the bottom left corner and Save Preferences (5).
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PRELIMINARY STEP 2: CHOOSING THE RENDERING DEVICE: Click on the tiny camera button on the right, called Render Properties (1), and on Device (2) select GPU Compute if it’s not already selected. If you’re not sure if you have a graphics card or not, just select CPU. Then select the Material Properties tab (3) and Save your changes, either by pressing Ctrl + S, or clicking File (4) > Save (5). You might need to do this second step with the other Blender files, but once you have it done and saved, you won’t need to do this again. Okay, time to get into the good stuff!
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·STEP 1: LOADING YOUR TS4 BASE TEXTURE: In the Material Properties tab, click the folder icon that says Open (1) and on the window that pops up, navigate through your folders and select your first texture. To navigate easily, the 3 buttons on the top right (2) are for the display mode. They will show your files in list mode, vertical and horizontal, and the one on the right will display the file thumbnails, pretty useful if you want to easily preview your textures here. The icons on the left side (3) will let you go one folder back and forward, go to the parent directory, and refresh the folder in case you just dropped something new in there. Double click on the image you need and that will load the texture into the Sims 4 body model, named “ts4 body”.
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·STEP 2: SETTING UP YOUR SELECTION AND BAKING THE TEXTURE: On the top right of the screen, you will see the names of the 2 models in the scene. Hold the Ctrl key in your keyboard and left click on the “ts2 body” model (1). If you did it correctly, you should see “ts2 body” in a yellowish orange color, and right down below, “ts4 body” should look more like a red orange. If not, try again by clicking first on ts4 body, and then while holding Ctrl click again on ts2 body. Then switch to the Render Properties tab by clicking the tiny camera icon (2) and click Bake (3). Depending on your screen resolution, you might need to scroll down a bit with your mouse to see the Bake button. Wait a few seconds for it to finish. You will see the progress percentage down on the bottom of your screen. Don’t panic if you notice your computer fans start ramping up, that’s completely normal! As I said in the beginning, using your GPU will bake the textures much faster than the CPU.
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·STEP 3: SAVING YOUR NEW TS2 TEXTURE: Once it’s finished, switch to the UV Editing Mode by clicking “UV Editing” on the top of your screen. And there it is: your new texture! You might have to scroll up your mouse wheel a bit to zoom in and see it in all its glory on the left side of the screen. We’re still not done yet though. You need to save it to yet another new folder (always try to keep your stuff organized!).
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You can save it by pressing Shift + Alt + S, or clicking on Image* (1) and then Save As… (2). That will pop a window where you’ll need to navigate again and save it somewhere. Give it a proper name (3) and hit Enter to save it… well, Enter doesn’t always work for me for some reason, so if that happens just click Save As Image (4). And that’s it! You’ve successfully converted your baked texture. Congrats!
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·STEP 4: GOING BACK TO STEP 1: Alright! If you’re done with your textures, you can close Blender without saving and call it a day. But let’s say you want to keep baking other swatches. In order to go back to step 1 and start the process once again, click Layout (1), go back to the Material Properties tab (2), select “ts4 body” (3) and click on the folder icon (4) to open and load your next swatch.
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Then it’s just a matter of repeating the process from step 2. When you’re ready to move on, close Blender without saving. If you see a small check telling you it will save some images, make sure you uncheck it, so you will be able to use it again in the future from the starting point with no issues. I don’t think it really matters if you accidentally save your progress in these files, but I like to keep it clean and fresh so I can do the process where I left it from the beginning next time I open it. And in case you mess up and save somewhere, you can always just delete the .blend file and download the template files again.
In case you’d like a video tutorial on how to use these files, the amazing @platinumaspiration recorded this fantastic video showcasing the process! You can watch it here.
One final note: some of the baking .blend files save the textures with a resolution of 2048x2048 pixels, as clearly stated at the end of their file name. That’s way too overkill, because TS2 only properly supports up to 1024x1024 for most of its textures and you should always resize your final product to that max resolution (or lower if needed). I just made those 2048 versions because there might be some really tiny and slim details on some tattoos that might look a little too blurry when baked into a 1024 resolution texture, so for those cases use that if you want and then resize them using your 2D editing software of choice. In Photoshop, in the Resample mode of the Image Size menu, there are a few options to choose. For the fine details, I like the Nearest Neighbor (hard edges) option, which, even if it looks a bit pixelated, it still preserves most of the texture and quality.
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For anything else, I would just directly bake them using the 1024 versions in Blender (512 for the face and scalp).
And for the folks who feel comfortable playing around in Blender, this is just the beginning! Texture baking opens a LOT of possibilities, so feel free to move stuff around and edit the models to your liking! If you notice the baked textures look warped or stretched somewhere, or don’t like where some textures are placed in the S2 body, poke around that area moving stuff and then give it another try. The main objective of the baking process is keeping both overlapping models as close in shape as possible. You may also edit and save new copies of the templates, or make new ones from scratch using mine as a reference (keep a close look on those Baking settings and values, I think they work pretty well) and share them if you want to. Go ham, do whatever you want with them! I still have plans on making templates to convert body textures from Sims 3 to Sims 2, but for now it’s not on my priorities, so we’ll see when that happens.
Whew! Hope none of this was too confusing. Need help or have any issues with these? Please ask/message me here and I’ll be glad to help when I’m able to!
Credits for the CC used in the render demonstration: -Skin by Sims3Melancholic. -Eyes by Northern Siberia Winds. -Eyebrows by PeachyFaerie. -Tattoos by xtc. -Top by SerenityCC. And the Tattoo I used for the tutorial can be found here, by ValhallanSim.
Last but not least, a huge thanks to all the people who somehow contributed to make this project and update possible, either by doing initial testing, finding issues to fix, or teaching me new Blender tricks to make the workflow way faster and easier. So thanks again to @elvisgrace @moyokeansimblr and @applewatersugar on Tumblr! <3
And thank you for reading! Hope you have fun playing with this (not so) new toy hehe.
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technician-the · 9 months
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Fyana and her bruitish-dog.
She was much easier then chirico, She's mostly just a re-texture of a anime-style base mesh. Her helmet is based on the same base mesh I made for him, I saved it seperatly before I stated adding details.
The transparent visor effect is slightly intricate, because she is rendered in workbench, and workbench doesn't allow transparency.
The basic trick is to flip the normals and use backface culling. Its mostly the color choices that sell the effect. But this method interfered with the grease pencil lineart generator that I used for her outline.
In order to get the correct outline in profile view I had to duplicate it, bake lineart just for the face with the off and then turn on the visor and bake the main line art. I still had some issues with the nose, but those lines were simple enough to do by hand.
the backgrounds and textures are painted in blender, substance painter, and clip studio. Im still figuring out a good workflow for a more stylized images. ideally I would only use one program, and while two is acceptable, three really seems excessive.
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mrghostrat · 9 months
i wanted to say thank you for normalizing (for me) tracing refs and models for things, i'm from the deviantart era of "using references is cheating" which set me back YEARS lmao so to see you unabashedly using references so directly makes me feel so much better for when i do! i need to better realize that you still have to be a good artist to make a traced photo look good, and there's SO much you add to a drawing that isn't from the reference, so it's not like i'm lying or secretly a bad artist just cuz i use the csp 1.0 models for poses sometimes....... so thanks for sharing your process!!
of course!!! and 100% agree! that's what i have to remind myself whenever the imposter syndrome sets in: there's so much you gotta add to a thing beyond the traced pose, and the reason i can do it how i do is because i'm at a very comfortable stage of my artistic development. but man i've gotten so much better at freehanding so many poses and limbs and fabric details since i started tracing more frequently, it really does help your muscle memory and help build the skill!!
and. it's just, fun. when you want to turn your brain off, like that richard ii sketch i posted. sometimes i wanna draw just for the fun of it, for the tactile experience of putting down lines and making pretty shapes appear. tracing is a godsend for that. just be transparent about your process ✨
i have all kinds of opinions abt when and where tracing is helpful as u develop as an artist, but at the end of the day everyone's art journey is their own, and they should be allowed to use whatever tools are available to them. remember that artists and animators have been tracing as part of their professional workflow since the photograph has been invented.
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ponett · 7 months
Hi, love your work!
me and a friend wanted to get into pixel art stuff and maybe even making a game ourselves, so we were curious to what program you used to make the SLARPG overworld sprites :o
I just use Photoshop for sprites! Any image editing software with a pencil tool and the ability to export transparent images will work. I also use Aseprite for some animation stuff, which is a widely recommended program made specifically for pixel art, though I don't use it as much as you might think. I'm just used to my workflow in Photoshop, and also as an RPG Maker game SLARPG's character sprites tend to only have very rudimentary animations
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minervamagicka · 1 year
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More 'how to make Paint Mode actually viable to help reduce the borderline-criminal compression and add HQ support' experiments - Turns out adding custom nose swatches isn't that hard and it's actually super easy to export a painted coat (again, via Cmar's Coat Converter tool that I linked in my previous reverse engineering post) and then spank it onto an additional swatch after it gets cleaned up. Plus, this gives the massive boon of being able to then paint on top of that 'exported' Paint Mode coat, which when the coat was a hoof overlay, you couldn't do. Also you don't even need to make the texture fully opaque; in the previews above Schrodcat painted a sooty dapple overlay in Paint Mode that can then be applied on top of any base coat preset.
This then can lead to a very interesting 'making a cool horse coat' workflow of;
Painting an initial pass of a coat in Paint Mode.
Exporting that Paint Mode coat with Cmar's tool.
Fixing the compression of the texture via ChaiNNer or PS/whatever.
Making it a nose colour swatch.
Painting more details on the coat in Paint Mode, on top of that nose colour swatch.
Repeating steps 2 and 3, and then overlaying the new exported coat with the one exported initially in PS/whatever.
Rinse and repeat as often as you'd like to add more details/shading/etc.
Make it all into one nose colour swatch and bingbangboom, custom horse coat with no compression artifacts that you can still paint on top of for things like shine stencils, etc. & just requires you to share the custom nose swatch .package when gifting the horse around.
"Well, okay, Maddie," You may be thinking now, "That's cool for nose colours, even though not having a thumbnail might be kind of annoying. But what can hoof colours be used for now?"
Excellent question, and my answer is they're perfect for custom white markings, since, like I addressed last time, you can't paint over them in Paint Mode; anything you paint will always be drawn under the texture that is in hoof colour slot.
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So if you make custom white markings (Heck, you can even paint one in Paint Mode if you'd like, so long as you don't add a base colour beneath it in Paint Mode, Cmar's tool will export with full transparency since the tool doesn't export things like the underlying coat preset) and turn them into a hoof colour, you can continue to paint the base coat beneath the markings and you'll never risk painting over them and/or needing to paint around them.
Ezpz, as the kids say.
In terms of HQ, this is probably an even better way to translate Paint Mode coats for use with the HQ mod too.
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chubs-deuce · 6 months
Hola. Me gusta como dibujas y quería preguntarte, ¿qué pinceles usas? Y porque los elegiste.
Quiero publicar mi propio arte, pero no me decido si usar pinceles muy definidos o con textura.
Tuve que usar un traductor para leer este mensaje, ¡lo siento mucho si entendí mal algo! Lamentablemente no hablo español, así que mi respuesta necesitaría pasar por un traductor de cualquier manera ^^" Mantendré el resto de la publicación en inglés para que sea más accesible para blogs internacionales, ¡espero que te parezca bien!
I mainly use the Clip Studio Paint standard brushes, though I technically have a bunch of custom ones too haha
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These are the 3 brushes I use most!
the Design Pencil tool from CSP for sketches and outlines (reason: the softer texture feels nice to sketch with, since mistakes fade easier into the background - important for my lineart since I just adapt and clean up my sketches for that - and I like the way it layers, I can block out some monochromatic colors or simple shading with it very easily, which I tend to do a lot when I'm going for more of a composition concept sketch!)
A rough, round custom brush for blocking out flat colors (reason: the slight texturing makes it blend into the more transparent edges of my textured lineart better)
The Guache Brush tool from CSP for shading (reason: I mostly do my shading using layers on multiply mode using a darker and a lighter color - this brush blends them using pen pressure very smoothly and I like the subtle texture it adds to my drawings! I also sometimes use this brush to block out rough shapes in the background because it blends with other colors easily, keeping the shapes more vague)
overall whether or not you use textured or simpler brushes depends a lot on what feels the most comfortable for you, so experimenting is important!
There's many many artists who work best with the standard, untextured round brush you can find in every art program, others (like me) prefer to play around with textures for their workflow :D
I hope this bit of insight helped even just a little, thank you for the ask!!!
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fipindustries · 1 month
working on animation this last few months i notice there is an unexpected aspect of the process i never realized i really enjoyed. is hard to descrive, specially if you dont know my workflow, but the best way i can label it is as "maintenance and clerical duties".
just so you get an idea of what im talking about, when i am deep in the sauce my workplace can end up looking like this:
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each layer there has a purpose, every folder and subfolder i creae there is important and i have to keep track of all the hierarchies,what layer is on top of what layer, how i am resolving overlapping animation, what is covering what, what is wrapped around what else, what are the color layers, how to solve the transparency affecting some layers and not others, wether i should moove a given loop a few frames forwards or backwards, how to sync the movement of one character to the movement of another character and so on.
none of this involves actually animating (that is to say, drawing or illustrating a character doing something) at any point. is all about moving layers, and frames and fiddling with organizational hierarchies in folders and etc.
and actually really enjoy doing most of it, surprisingly enough.
is a nice break from the tedium of drawing the same character over and over, plus its so incredibly fast. compared with animation, where i can spend two hours drawing five frames, when it comes to clerical duties i can entirely reshape the timing and feeling of the whole animation just fiddling around with the UI for a few minutes.
also it engages completly different parts of my brain. is no longer about the technical rigors of artistic illustration, about asking myself whether an image looks proportioned or balanced or on model. is a engineer kind of problem solving, is almost like a little puzzle i get to complete as a break from making art. also it tends to involve a much more mechanical and mindless kind of labor when i have to go frame by frame correcting some problem with formating so i can just unplug my brain, listen to my podcasts and let my hands do the work for me.
is a nice change of pace
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
Love seeing tags from people on that "artists can fuck around" text post of mine thats circulating :)
I wrote that because I struggled to find a workflow I liked with digital art until I took an acrylic painting class. I learned I'm just happiest ignoring most of the time-saving and precision tools exclusive to digital art.
The way I like to make art isn't clean. It would be bad for a logo or ad. I'm not great at making cleanly transparent images that could be used in games or websites. And that's fine! Because I don't make logos or ads or games or websites!
A lot of digital art advice is geared towards those sorts of things, because those are common reasons people pay for digital art. But it's important to remember that's not all that digital art tools can be used for!!
I'm a hobbyist, but if I ever get around to taking commissions, the art I DO like making is expressive and fun and good for storytelling in its own way. It's important to look at your art and your process for what it CAN convey well, rather than just the ways it doesn't live up to the stuff with the broadest commercial appeal.
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dawns-beauty · 9 months
How did you get started modding npcs? I’d love to work on making the elderly people in Skyrim feel less identical but the creation kit is intimidating. Is there an easy way to dip into the modding scene or do you just have to crack things open and make mistakes? It’s hard to find guides that don’t focus on cbbe 😔
Sorry for the lateness of this, Tumblr won't let me edit drafts for asks on mobile, so I couldn't jot down my thoughts as I had them which is my usual method of answering stuff like this.
Oh man, my start was probably learning to edit the NPC from Tame the Beast 2 lol. She stood out like a sore thumb in my game. I found a tutorial that ended up becoming my method through the RS Children page.
It primarily focuses around using RaceMenu, which has a function that allows you to export the head you make directly from Character Creation. This allows you to use the extra facial sliders (like the ones from and overlays (like Freckle Mania 2, my beloved). So basically, it allows for potentially far more unique NPCs than editing via CK.
I am going to warn you, it definitely is not simpler than editing NPCs in the Creation Kit alone. Sorry.
Links are to the SE version of the mods, as that's what I'm most familiar with. They likely have LE counterparts. Sorry, I am not the greatest at writing tutorials.
Things you will need:
RaceMenu (and SKSE; be sure to get the correct versions of both for your game)
NifSkope - you will use this to open and edit the mesh. Here's GamerPoet's setup video
Things I recommend:
Creation Kit Platform Extended for Skyrim - makes using the Creation Kit way less like pulling teeth
Unofficial Creation Kit Patch - if you're using AE
an alternate start mod - I like Dimes Quickstart for its simplicity, but any would work
Another Race Menu Rotation Mod - handy for seeing how the back of hairs look
Stand still in RaceMenu (OAR) - stops the character from wiggling out of frame
For your quest to edit elders specifically, you will probably need a playable Elder Race mod (I have not tested any, but just searching for them yields plenty of options.) You will have to know exactly what races the NPCs you're editing are, though
Fun Stuff for diverse options:
Extra slider mods (I like Expressive FaceGen Morphs)
Skin Overlay Mods (for extra detailed faces)
If you want to get REAL funky with it, you can also use OutfitStudio to have a lot better time sculpting/getting super wild with assets, but that's too advanced for this tutorial (and my method is very 'goof around until it just works.'
I don't really want to cover using mod-added headparts (like eyes, hairs, etc.) There are basically two options there: add them as new headparts for your mod or make your mod dependent on the mod the headparts are from. The second way is probably simpler for beginners, but I definitely suggest installing Creation Kit Platform Extended, as it will allow you to load the other mods as masters without the Suffering™.
The Workflow
1. Design your character like you would a player character. For this example, I am redesigning Arcadia.
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A recommendation: unless you really feel like you need to change it, it is typically better to make the Weight slider match the NPC's actual weight. You can see this value using either SSE Edit or the Creation Kit. It is no big deal if you don't, but if you change the weight and load the mod into an already existing save you will get a gap between the NPC's neck and body (unless you use Save Unbaker.) Be careful, though, there is a RaceMenu bug where if you load up RM again after exiting, it changes the weight by .01. So annoying.
For Skin Tone choice, if you do a custom skin tone (by pressing 'E' while hovering over the slider) I would recommend leaving the transparency slider (the 'A' value) at 100% (though I usually make the exception for Khajiit and Argonians.) This info will go into the Interpolation Value box in the CK, and the RM values can't be directly input, so you have to calculate the value with a (RM Number/255 = X/100, solve for X which is your Interpolation Value)
1a. If you are planning on adding faceparts from mods to your own plugin, I recommend saving and doing that now. Then come back to your save and change your headparts to the versions from your plugin. If you want to just have the other mods as masters, you can skip this.
2. Once you're satisfied with your design, I recommend saving your game and saving your head as a preset (click to enlarge):
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3. Now, you will need to write down some stuff.
Skin Tone (RGB value):
Hover over Skin Tone slider. Press 'E'.
write down the R G B values (and A if you change it, see above note)
Even if you use a default skin tone, this is the best way to make sure you get the correct value for the CK.
Weight (number)
Scars (name) (if applicable)
Hair (name)
Facial Hair (name) (if applicable)
Eye Color (name)
Brow Type (name)
Writing down Hair Color is optional: with this method, the hair will inherit color from the head you export, not the CK value. Plus, RM's values are not really useful, because the default hair colors are named. It's the same with the Face Complexion (wrinkles, etc), with this method it is exported with the head mesh.
4. Export the Sculpt:
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It should end up in your SKSE folder (SKSE\Plugins\CharGen), wherever that is for you
5. Now you can close down the game and open the Creation Kit.
Use the folder icon to load your masters.
Pick Skyrim, Update, any official DLC (if applicable), and any other mods you want to be masters for your mod (for eyes, hairs, etc.) If you've made your plugin already for headparts, just load it up.
6. In the Object Window, expand the Actors -> Actor -> Actor tabs and now you have a lot of tabs with Race names. Find the race your NPC belongs to then open the appropriate gender tab. Alternatively, you can just search the character's name in the searchbox.
7. Find your NPC's name and double click. This opens their Actor window, which is where you will use all the data you wrote down.
If you want a preview of their face, tick the box at the bottom of the window.
For weight adjustments: go to the Traits Tab. For all other values you need to worry about for this tutorial, go to the Character Gen Parts.
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So, to parse this: you can ignore the Face Tint Layers box and pretty much everything on the left side of the screen.
Face Tinting Color
Type in your values for R G and B (you can ignore the Preset dropdown completely.) The Interpolation value corresponsed to the 'A' value, so unless you are working on Khajiit or Argonians, it will probably always be 1.
Base Head Parts
To change stuff in this section, click the line you want to change then go down to the dropbox below it and change it to what you want Face - unless you're using something like High Poly Heads, you can ignore this Everything else in this box: change to what you wrote down for each
Additional Head Parts
This is mainly used for scars and functions a little differently To add a scar, you need to go to the Object window again You can expand the Character tab and click 'HeadPart' then search the name of the scar you want. Click and drag the line with your scar into the Additional Head Parts box and it should show up there.
8. Once you've got the above like you want it, hit 'Ok', save your plugin. Now, to make the next step a little easier, you can click the NPC name in the Object Window again and hit f4.
This will export the meshes/textures file folders to wherever you have CK set up to export files (if you use MO2, it goes directly to the Overwrite folder by default.) Your plugin will be in the same place, (probably. Mine is bugged.)
Go ahead and exit the CK now
9. Go your your files exported from the last step. Open a second window from the files you exported from SKSE.
Open both meshes in two separate NifSkope windows.
You absolutely must make sure your headparts match the head you exported from RaceMenu exactly, or you will get the dreaded dark face bug.
If your SKSE head has a weird broken neck mesh, that's not a problem and can be ignored.
Now, you will need to find the Head textures in the head you exported from the CK. If your NifSkope is set up like mine, it should look like this:
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Copy this line and paste it into the SKSE head in the same slot.
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Save the SKSE NifSkope and close.
10. Rename the SKSE files (both .dds and .nif) to the number your exported heads are. You can then copy and paste your your SKSE files to their respective folders:
the .nif file goes in meshes/actors/character/FaceGenData/FaceGeom/[name of plugin]
the .dds file goes into textures/actors/character/FaceGenData/FaceTint/[name of plugin]
And now you're ready to pack up your mod for testing! At this point I also recommend taking a second and converting your plugin to an ESPFE via SSE Edit. It's pretty simple and there are probably tutorials out there.
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Scully, you're not gonna believe this.
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paluding · 2 years
Introducing... The Tattooer!
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[This version is OUTDATED! Please, check the new version here. I updated the workflow, skipping a lot of unnecessary Photoshop editing. It's way faster! I'll leave this old version and files up though, for archiving purposes. But yeah I still totally recommend you use the new version!]
Finally! I’ve been working on this for so long and I couldn’t wait to share it. This is a series of Blender template files already set up to quickly bake textures from The Sims 4 to The Sims 2. Really neat for cc creators! The different Blender files will allow you to:
-Bake body textures from TS4 to TS2 (Female) -Bake body textures from TS4 to TS2 (Male) -Bake body textures from TS4 (Female) to TS2 (Male) -Bake body textures from TS2 (Female) to TS2 (Male) [Bonus!] -Bake head textures from TS4 to TS2 (Face + Scalp) [Experimental]
Check the file names to see which one is which, and the resolution of the baked texture it will give. Download! SFS / GD
Everything you see in the render above was converted using those Blender files. I only did a couple tiny edits to the eyes and lips to fix them. These templates were made mainly to bake and convert tattoos, but there’s more you can do with them if you get creative. I have to say, these are NOT perfect. Check out the eyebrows on the render above. They look a bit wonky compared to the original, don’t they? I left them as is to keep your expectations with these as realistic as possible. Results may vary depending on what you are trying to convert, so! With that in mind, this is all the stuff you will be able to convert almost seamlessly from TS4 to TS2:
-Tattoos. -Other body details such as body hair, scars, freckles, supernatural/occult details… -Body painted underwear and swimwear, as well as some other clothing that’s mostly painted on the body. -Socks, stockings and maybe leggings. -Even skintones! In some areas they will look weird, so I recommend editing and blending them with other existing TS2 skins. -Makeup. Kinda bad but hey it works! Eyeliner and anything that is around the eyes looks terrible for now, but other stuff like blush may look just okay. -Eyebrows and maybe beards. A bit of hit or miss with those. -Hair scalps. Very useful when converting some hairs! Although keep in mind part of that texture might also need to be baked on the face mesh, you know, that hairline makeup stuff.
Got your attention? Nice! Editing some of the textures from TS4 to match the UV mapping in TS2 using a 2D editing program can be incredibly hard. That’s where texture baking in Blender comes to the rescue!
It is recommended you download Blender version 2.91.0, which is the one I use. Don’t worry, it’s free! There’s also 3 Photoshop actions you will need to set up the textures for baking and then putting them back together, because unfortunately Blender doesn’t support transparencies in that baking process, so that takes a couple extra steps to make it work, but I think it’s still pretty fast and easy. And just in case Tumblr manages to blow up or something, I decided to include a pdf with the upcoming tutorial that will guide you step by step with all this process, so if this post gets deleted somehow (I really hope not!), you will still have that pdf as a backup archived.
You can download Blender here. Personally I recommend picking the fourth option, “blender-2.91.0-windows64.zip”, which is a portable version and doesn’t need to be installed. You will also need Sims 4 Studio to extract the original Sims 4 CC textures you want. As for Photoshop… I’m not going to tell you to buy that subscription service and give Adobe some undeserved money, so… yeah, there might be some other options out there to get it (very legit, yes yes).
So, before we begin, let’s clear out some questions you might have. What the heck is this texture baking thing and what does it do? Well, let’s imagine you have a projector and point an image into a blank wall. Then you pick up some brushes and start painting and copying that projected image in that wall. Texture baking is kinda like that when it comes to 3D models. You align two models and match them as closely as you can in shape and form, and once you adjust some parameters and values, Blender does the rest for you: it will give you a new texture for a new model with a different UV map. These files I’m sharing have everything already set up, so it’s a matter of plopping in that Sims 4 texture and you will get that new texture for TS2 in just a few clicks.
This tutorial assumes you know literally nothing about how to use Blender, so if you feel uncomfortable with it, worry no more! This will guide you with pictures showing where you need to click and explaining what is happening. For Sims 4 Studio and Photoshop the process might be a bit less detailed, but still this should be pretty beginner friendly. For this tutorial, I will use some tattoos as an example. Alright, enough with the rambling. Let’s get started!
·EXTRACTING TEXTURES AND EDITING THEM WITH PHOTOSHOP: First things first, you will need to extract as pngs all the textures you want to convert from TS4 using Sims 4 Studio. Once you’ve done that, open them up one by one in Photoshop and run the “No transparency” action. This will remove the alpha channel from the image, getting rid of all the transparency. Go ahead and save a png copy of it. Then run the “Make Alpha” action on those same swatches (from the beginning, make sure you’re not running the action on an already edited swatch!), which will only show the alpha channel of the image in black and white, and save another copy of that. You should have 2 textures for each tattoo swatch. For the “No transparency” action I like to name it BASE (And your swatch number or name), and for the “Make Alpha” action I usually name it ALPHA (And that same swatch number/name). I recommend saving them in different folders named BASE TS4 and ALPHA TS4 respectively to keep it organized. If you want to make this much faster in Photoshop, there’s an automation option in it that allows you to run an action through a batch of files in a folder and then saves it all. I won’t cover how to do it in this tutorial, but you should be able to find it easily on Google by searching something like “Photoshop automate batch”. It’s really powerful and will make your workflow with actions much faster. Definitely recommend learning about that!
·BAKING THE TEXTURES IN BLENDER: PRELIMINARY STEP 1: CONFIGURING BLENDER’S GRAPHICS SETTINGS: Open your preferred Blender file depending on what you’re going to bake and the desired resolution (in this example I’m going to use the AF-body-4t2-1024 file). Before we start messing around in Blender, there’s one thing you should set up. It is a onetime step, and once it’s done, you won’t need to do it again. So, does your computer have a dedicated graphics card? If you don’t know or you’re not sure, just skip to the next step. Configuring Blender so it uses your graphics card instead of your CPU will make the baking render much faster, so it is recommended you set it correctly. If your computer has a dedicated graphics card, click File (1) > Preferences (2) > and on the window that pops up click System (3) > and select CUDA and make sure your graphics card is there and tick it (4). I have an Nvidia Graphics card but your case may vary. Once you’re done, click on the tiny button on the bottom left corner and Save Preferences (5).
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PRELIMINARY STEP 2: CHOOSING THE RENDERING DEVICE: Click on the tiny camera button on the right, called Render Properties (1), and on Device (2) select GPU Compute if it’s not already selected. If you’re not sure if you have a graphics card or not, just select CPU. Then select the Material Properties tab (2) and Save your changes, either by pressing Ctrl + S, or clicking File (4) > Save (5). Okay, time to get into the good stuff!
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·STEP 1: LOADING YOUR TS4 BASE TEXTURE: In the Material Properties tab, click the folder icon that says Open (1) and on the window that pops up, navigate through your folders and select your first texture. For now we’re going to bake the BASE texture, so go to that folder where you saved the edited “No transparency” image. To navigate easily, the 3 buttons on the top right (2) are for the display mode. They will show your files in list mode, vertical and horizontal, and the one on the right will display the file thumbnails, pretty useful if you want to easily see your images. And the icons on the left side (3) will let you go one folder back and forward, go to the parent directory, and refresh the folder in case you just dropped something new in there. Double click on the image you need and that will load it into the Sims 4 body model, named “ts4 body”.
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·STEP 2: SETTING UP YOUR SELECTION AND BAKING THE TEXTURE: On the top right of the screen, you will see the names of the 2 models in the scene. Hold the Ctrl key in your keyboard and left click on the “ts2 body” model (1). If you did it correctly, you should see “ts2 body” in a yellowish orange color, and right down below, “ts4 body” should look more like a red orange. If not, try again by clicking first on ts4 body, and then while holding Ctrl click again on ts2 body. Then switch to the Render Properties tab by clicking the tiny camera icon (2) and click Bake (3). Depending on your screen resolution, you might need to scroll down a bit with your mouse to see the Bake button. Wait a few seconds for it to finish. You will see the progress percentage down on the bottom of your screen. Don’t panic if you notice your computer fans start ramping up, that’s completely normal! As I said in the beginning, using your GPU will bake the textures much faster than the CPU.
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·STEP 3: SAVING YOUR NEW TS2 TEXTURE: Once it’s finished, switch to the UV Editing Mode by clicking “UV Editing” on the top of your screen. And there it is: your new texture! You might have to scroll up your mouse wheel a bit to zoom in and see it in all its glory on the left side of the screen. We’re still not done yet though. You need to save it to yet another new folder (always try to keep your stuff organized!).
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You can save it by pressing Shift + Alt + S, or clicking on Image* (1) and then Save As… (2). That will pop a window where you’ll need to navigate again and save it somewhere. Give it a proper name (3) and hit Enter to save it… well, Enter doesn’t always work for me for some reason, so if that happens just click Save As Image (4). In this case, I personally like to call it something like “BASE TS2”.
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·STEP 4: GOING BACK TO STEP 1: Alright! So you have your new baked base texture, but we still need to bake the alpha channel to give it its transparency. In order to go back to step 1 and start the process once again, click Layout (1), go back to the Material Properties tab (2), select “ts4 body” (3) and click on the folder icon (4) to open and load the alpha texture you did in the beginning in Photoshop.
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Then it’s just a matter of repeating the process from step 2: bake the alpha channel and save it again as a new image (watch out, don’t overwrite your previous image!). This one I like to name “ALPHA TS2”. When you’re ready to move on, close Blender without saving. If you see a small check telling you it will save some images, make sure you uncheck it, so you will be able to use it again in the future from the starting point with no issues. I don’t think it really matters if you accidentally save your progress in these files, but I like to keep it clean and fresh so I can do the process where I left it from the beginning the next time I open it. And in case you mess up and save somewhere, you can always just delete the .blend file and download the template files again.
·FINAL STEP: PUTTING EVERYTHING BACK TOGETHER IN PHOTOSHOP: We’re almost done! Open Photoshop and drop in both your 2 new baked textures, “BASE TS2” and “ALPHA TS2”. Keep both layers on top of each other and aligned. For that you can enable the snapping in View > Snap to… > All. Rename these layers so the Alpha layer is “ALPHA” and the Base is “BASE”, and make sure ALPHA is on top.
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Then run the “Final Baked” action and now for real, it’s finally over! You just fully baked and converted these new textures. Congratulations!
So, to summarize, here’s a small guide with all the steps of the workflow I developed. Once you get the hang of it, baking and converting one swatch of a texture just takes a couple minutes. It really is that easy!
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One small note though, some of the baking blend files save the textures with a resolution of 2048x2048 pixels, as clearly stated at the end of their file name. That’s way too overkill, because TS2 only properly supports up to 1024x1024 for most of its textures and you should always resize your final product to that max resolution. I just made those 2048 versions because there might be some really tiny and slim details on some tattoos that may look a little too blurry when baked into a 1024 resolution, so for those cases use that if you want and then resize them in Photoshop. In the Resample mode of the Image Size menu, there are a few options to choose. For the fine details, I like the Nearest Neighbor (hard edges) option, which, even if it looks a bit pixelated, it still preserves most of the texture and quality.
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For anything else, I would just directly bake them using the 1024 versions in Blender.
And for the folks who feel comfortable playing around in Blender, this is just the beginning! Texture baking opens a LOT of possibilities, so feel free to move stuff around and edit the models to your liking! If you notice the baked textures look warped or stretched somewhere, or don’t like where some textures are placed in the S2 body, poke around that area moving stuff and then give it another try. The main objective of the baking process is keeping both overlapping models as close in shape as possible. You may also edit and save new copies of the templates, or make new ones from scratch using mine as a reference (keep a close look on those Baking settings and values, I think they work pretty well) and share them if you want to. Go ham, do whatever you want with them! I have plans on making templates to convert body textures from Sims 3 to Sims 2, but for now it’s not on my priorities, so we’ll see when that happens.
Whew! Hope none of this was too confusing. Need help or have any issues with these? Please ask/message me and I’ll be glad to help when I’m able to!
Credits for the CC used in the render demonstration: -Skin by Sims3Melancholic -Eyes by Northern Siberia Winds -Eyebrows by PeachyFaerie -Tattoos by xtc -Top by SerenityCC
And the Tattoo I used for the tutorial can be found here, by ValhallanSim
Last but not least, a huge, special thanks to @elvisgrace for all her help testing this for me. I’ve never shared Blender files, so hopefully everything works as intended and everyone can use them with no weird issues. Fingers crossed! And thank you for reading! Hope you have fun playing with this new toy hehe.
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