#Working together well and getting in on those crime sprees
masquenoire · 2 years
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“Damn, I haven’t heard that bitch’s name since we were both kids. How the mighty have fallen...”
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours (only to deceive others)  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other (not by blood or marriage but they’ve known each other so long they’re basically siblings at this point)
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other
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So I'm currently brainstorming some worldbuilding ideas for a story. Then I started to hit a roadblock.
You see I'm very anti police and I hate with main characters are basically the fantasy version of police. I also hate the logic "you can't assume all cops are bad. There are good cops in the police force".
So when my mc (poc coded) encounters an organization who actively works with their local community and aren't associated with any high authority (example a corrupt government or a broken system). However they do have have the ability to investigate crimes that had happen, arrest bad guys, and answered anyone who is in distress.
My mc will be working with a black character who is working for this organization and I want to make sure that they aren't I'm not falling for the copagenda or portraying this a black character as cop figure because of the history between police and the black community
Here's a better example.
My mc is trying to solve a case where someone was killed. She encounters this organization and want to help them because the deceased person was working with someone that she is trying to find. Turns out the deceased person is one of many people who are killed in a murder spree but are all connected with one another. Now she and the organization are working together to solve this case.
Hmm, this is a good one. Because I too, do not prefer characters of color that are put into the "police" role. On the other hand, I've always liked Scooby Doo bc I love investigation stories, and they solve mysteries without being the cops.
I don't think the investigation part is the problem; people absolutely will investigate murders that happen in their community, especially when the state won't step in and help. And community programming to strengthen and make safe the space is essential, so I think that's wonderful!
I think the bit here for me, is the power to arrest and detain people. They didn't have that in Scooby Doo 🤣 Where do they get that power from, if not the state? What gives them the right to do that? I assume the local community okayed this? The trust and community is that deep? Just how much of your writing explains how this group and their power dynamic is different from how the state wields that power, versus just being up and coming cops of the new order?
I think you'll have to really make sure, if that's a message you really want to be conscious of and push, that you're thinking about those things. Bc if you want them to not "be the system" but still have official power of law and judgment, then you're going to have to understand that sort of abolitionist and/or restorative justice.
Or is this a form of vigilante justice that everyone's okay with? Bc that means that there has to be an accord with the community that we all trust these particular guys to handle justice and look away- which is something you could incorporate! You just have to make sure you're writing well enough for readers to believe that yes, this community trusts them this much (and maybe there are some that question 👀👀👀).
I might be overthinking it, just bc this is a train of thought I'd have if this is what I was doing, and I wanted to push that message of "ACAB, what about this instead?" Sorry if it didn't help 😅 got excited.
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brujahinaskirt · 1 year
I think a lot of players terribly misread Arthur's sassy line to Sadie, "[You] wanna run with the men?"
My point in writing this essay very much isn't to argue that Arthur is the most feminist king who ever IS-THIS-GUY-BOTHERING-YOU-QUEEN'ed. I think that interpretation of him is a bit reductive, honestly. But I do aim to argue that Arthur's hangups about gender, whatever you believe they may be, are clearly NOT derived from a penchant for gender exclusionism or from an inherent belief in male supremacy/women's subordination.
I often see this line bizarrely mischaracterized as the moment Sadie's violent rage teaches Arthur that ~women can be tough guys too~ or something along those lines. I don't think it's helpful to call fiction readings "incorrect" in 99% of cases, but given the ample and overt scene-building Rockstar does in this mission to clarify where characters' feelings are coming from, I do think this particular fandom reading badly misses the mark.
Granted, if you didn't play the game and knew nothing about the characters involved, this easily reads as a sexist jab at a woman the speaker thinks needs to get back in line with her gender role. But if you did play the game or even if you simply consider the context of the full conversation, it makes very little sense to read it that way.
Arthur's always been used to living and working with women who wield guns and do crime. We see him pulling heists and facilitating women criminals "running with the men" from the instant we hit Valentine and Arthur happily agrees to Karen's idea that he drive the girls into town to go spree-robbing together. Arthur lets Karen pretty much run the show on the Valentine bank robbery (a situation they enter fully expecting violent trouble); hell, she shoots a cop in the head right in front of him with nothing more than a shrug of her shoulders! He voices no objections to running jobs with Tilly (& Bill) either, to gunslinging with Ms. Grimshaw in Tilly's rescue, or to armed women guarding the camp. He frequently remarks at camp that Mary-Beth, Karen, and Tilly look bored and it's time to get them out "on a job." When Mary-Beth's pickpocketing lands her in a flight for her life, Arthur's second question (after establishing if she's okay) isn't "why aren't you acting ladylike?" or something along those lines; it's a more professional "you didn't lead them back here, did you?"
The point all these interactions are trying to establish is this: This has happened before. And it will keep happening. Though of course not ALL of the camp women actively participate in criminal jobs, women "running with men" and doing violence is normal life for Arthur. From the get-go, Rockstar makes that as clear as can be.
Though I do think Rockstar occasionally just... forgot... about Karen being a full-fledged gunslinger when crafting dialogue for Dutch & Sadie, Arthur never voices any objections to gang women participating in "men's" work, i.e., murder and mayhem.
The critical difference in the "Further Questions of Female Suffrage" quest is that this line is delivered to Sadie, and it's delivered prior to the real deepening of Arthur & Sadie's friendship. At that moment of the plot, she's not crazy gunslinging Sadie to him yet; she's a mourning homesteading widow he knows as "Mrs. Adler." Arthur has no idea she has any applicable murder & mayhem skills, and he rightfully assumes she's never participated in crime before.
Also critical: This line is delivered immediately after Sadie loudly and rudely refuses to do the usual camp chores, insisting that such women's work is inherently belittling and repulsive to her. Arthur does not devalue this work. Sadie does. Among other things, she's effectively disrespecting the labor of the gang girls who do camp chores as well as "run with the men." (Though I'd argue Sadie's not insulting anyone intentionally. Her rage at her grief and situation just has a habit of making her self-centering at times.)
Of course Arthur (who -- along with Charles, Kieran, and Pearson -- is one of the few men at camp to do domestic chores) sasses her for this. Of course he initially thinks she's got silly, wildly misconstrued ideas about what it's like to be an outlaw and do criminal gang jobs; he explicitly points this out to her in the same conversation, and he makes it clear he interpreted her objection as Sadie thinking she's too good for "women's work." And he's not altogether off the mark. (Recall that they have another female gang member who openly claims camp chores are beneath her, Molly, who is protected from reproach thanks to her personal connection to Dutch.)
So he sasses her about what he perceives as a ridiculous and ill-founded desire to "run with the men," given that she has up until that point demonstrated no skills to make that desire to "run with the men" seem like anything but one former homesteader's self-centered and possibly self-sacrificing dream of participating in active criminal life. But Sadie's the one who initially objected to doing women's work by virtue of it being women's; Arthur's sass is a direct response to the nature of her objection.
Of course, this is the mission where she does get the chance to demonstrate those skills. Arthur invites her to come along as soon as Sadie informs him she knows how to use a gun, and when she proves that to be true, he never mocks her about it again.
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fractualized · 2 years
Relationship Compromise in Batman/Catwoman
(or: I'm not sure Tom King knows just how bonkers what he wrote is and I don't know what to do with that)
Batman/Catwoman concluded this past June, and I did not enjoy it, and it haunts me.
Just... when I read a story and what the author apparently thinks is happening does not align with the events on the page, I can't help but feel some fascination. The final page, in B/C #12, is definitely the most dissonant:
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What a romantic scene, the pin on a tale of love triumphant! If you ignore many of the events around it!!
I try not to be too much of a dick even about things I don't like. Regardless of my opinion, Tom King wrote twelve dang issues interweaving three different time periods, so he put some measure of thought into it. So at the conclusion of my first read, when my reaction was "lol what," I still thought maybe the spliced time periods were hiding something from me. That narrative tactic is typically used so that an event that happens in one period of time can directly comment on an event that occurs much earlier/later, and there was some of that in B/C, but its main effect was muddling the story. Plus I read it over the course of 17 months! Maybe I missed something, something that made it allllll come together.
So during my second read, like a sane person, I cut up all the panels and sorted them into the three different tracks. And then I read the story again chronologically, and this time my reaction was... *resoundlingly* "lol what."
And I will explain why at length under the cut (with many many spoilers, as well as remarks on dismemberment and suicide).
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(A more fitting final takeaway from much earlier in the story, B/C #3)
Ostensibly, Batman/Catwoman is about Selina keeping an identity of her own while making her relationship with Bruce work; it's about compromise, about love persevering through conflict. Yet again and again, whether I read the story the way it was published or chronologically (for a total of five times!), I kept seeing Selina so bitter about those compromises that, to keep the relationship going, she tells Bruce two brutal lies that make the final page of B/C come off as a joke.
Again, it's this dissonance that bothers me. I ship batjokes. If you want to tell me a tale about screwed up relationship dynamics and people managing to love each other in spite of them in their own bizarre way, I'm into it. That's interesting! A lot of B/C was interesting, until the framing kept trying to tell me it was ultimately a love story that all worked out.
This journey of Selina's, which is as much about her relationship with Joker as it is her relationship with Bruce, takes place over three different Christmas seasons. Presumably this is a reference to the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future, so I'll use those labels:
Past Track: In their earlier years, Bruce and Selina attempt a relationship while Selina tries to hide that she's drinking buddies with Joker. Present Track: Years later, some point after King's Batman run, Bruce and Selina's relationship has progressed to them living together, with Selina helping Bruce fight crime. Andrea Beaumont reappears in Gotham and asks them to help search for her lost son, and she goes on a murderous revenge spree when it appears that Joker killed him. Future Track: Decades later, Bruce dies of sickness in his old age, and the widowed Selina tracks down Joker and finally kills him. Helena/Batwoman (her and Bruce's daughter) and Commissioner Dick Grayson attempt to bring Selina to justice.
(These descriptions just set the scene for each time period. The plot gets too convoluted to sum up, so you'll have to read B/C if you want all the story beats. Godspeed.)
Selina's first big lie is actually pretty understandable. It comes up early in B/C #2 in the Future Track, when she slashes Joker's throat.
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Bruce's refusal to kill including Joker is an oft-voiced frustration not only in fandom but within the comic universe. It's clear here that Selina agreed to adhere to this rule while Bruce was alive. Then she, as his wife, when he was on his deathbed, lied to him about one of the major principles of his life.
Certainly, what to say to Bruce about her intentions must have been a tough call. As he slipped away, Selina could have either lied to his face or told him that she was going back on her word. Both are not great for different reasons! Of course, she had a third choice, which was honoring Bruce's wishes, perhaps having come to see eye-to-eye with him over the years, the kind of understanding you might expect in a story that ends with a kiss that belongs on the cover of a bodice-ripper. But the crux of B/C is that Selina did not agree with Bruce on this, and over the next ten issues we learn more about why, after Joker has apparently been untraceable for ten years, she felt the need to hunt him down.
Plus it's not like Joker doesn't have a point; it is kind of darkly, desperately funny for Bruce to expect loved ones to stick to his rules after he's dead, like they're appendages of him instead of their own people. Even when Bruce was dying, he was trying to exert control. And this idea coming up so early, it feels like that is what B/C is supposed to be about: Selina's independence stifled by Bruce's need for control.
This conflict is starkest in the Past Track when, instead of trying to kill Joker, Selina repeated refuses to sell him out:
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(Selina, people are dying.)
Naturally, Joker adds to the friction by encouraging Selina's identity crisis:
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Of course he's saying these things because he's ultimately only "friends" with her in hopes she'll disclose Batman's identity and location to him.
And given Joker's behavior, it feels like Selina is only "friends" with him too, that her attachment is more about the freedom it represents for her, about her refusal to be consumed by Bruce— though it's still hard to buy. Joker's characterization remains the wildly murderous maniac he's been for ages now. I can see a tamer version of Joker charming his way into a friendship with Selina, but she's not the type of person to brush off mass murder while casually trusting the mass murderer. Even in this very story!
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Previously, Selina assaults Joker because when he poisoned of one of her marks, it left evidence that the two of them were in the same room together, but here, she wasn't involved in the reindeer "gag." She's just upset.
Yet before and after those assaults, Selina and Joker still have their buddy time, so her perspective is summed up by what is one of my most hated panels ever in B/C #8:
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(Oh golly gee, who knew ignoring all this over-the-top murder stuff would feel ickily complicit!)
One way or another, Selina clearly doesn't like what Joker does, seeming to confirm that this friendship is really about her need for independence— until B/C #9, when Joker again asks for info on Bruce and it finally clicks for her that Joker's friendship is a fraud. Selina is just so shocked and appalled that this remorseless killer would betray her, that in B/C #10 the revelation escalates into a physical fight and speechifying:
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(The fact that this never occurred to Selina until now is insulting to her character.)
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(I really hate her dialogue about the rogues' claims to insanity, but that's a whole other can of worms.)
The betrayal is all this fight is about. Selina is not protecting Bruce here; she's channeling a simultaneous frustration with Bruce. Selina is looking to be understood, and she's not finding that understanding. All she gets is Bruce asking where Joker is, and Joker asking who Bruce is. Therefore she decides: fuck both these guys.
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You know what? Hell yeah! Go be your own person, Selina!
Uh, except the very next thing that happens in the Past Track, in B/C #11, is Selina turning around and giving Joker up to Bruce. I guess she meant "fuck" figuratively with Joker and literally with Bruce. Bruce asks her why she changed her mind, and she explains:
"He... Joker asked me if... If I was Batman or if I was Catwoman. Like... like everything in the world has to be this or that, one or the other. Like you can't just put the two together and make that work. [....] Also, he's the Joker. So @$%#% him."
Okay that actually explains jack shit, and you did not really "make that work" because this story references events in King's Batman run, which means you broke up again (probably several times) after this, but okie dokie.
So from the Past Track, we know that Joker violated Selina's trust, and she finds his murder gross. She did not try to kill him at that point, though; it's what happens in the Present Track that changes things. In that time period, presumably set some time after King's Batman run, Selina and Bruce are back together, and their conflict resurfaces when Andrea shows up. Andrea kidnaps Selina in an effort to get Bruce to turn Joker over for execution, and in a short time she convinces Selina that Joker deserves death for his brand of cruelty. The two women then conspire to get Bruce out of the way for the murder by knocking him unconscious and locking him naked in a bank vault with the alarm going off. Which is 1) hilarious, sure, but 2) giving strong Joker vibes?
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(Some people theorize that Tom King is secretly a batjokes shipper. My theory is that he doesn't know he's batjokes shipper.)
I'm not saying Selina can't be funny; I'm saying that out of all the options she had to get Bruce out of the way, this is what she picked, while leaving a breezy btw-gonna-murder-now note. And this is far from the first time she has a Jokery flavor. The most egregious example is in the Future Track, when she discovers that Dick had Joker's body transported to Gotham, and she dismembers Joker's corpse and uses the pieces to decorate a tree:
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(And a clown head on a fir treeeeeeee!)
Dick's dialogue is repeating a note left on the tree, which is referencing a joke relayed to Selina and Batman by a Joker victim in the Present Track: "what did Santa say when he got thrown down the chimney and landed on his head? Oh oh oh." But the problem with this grotesque display is that Joker can't experience the payback since he's, uh, dead, and Selina and Bruce were the only ones to hear this joke. I suppose Bruce may have told others about it, and certainly kept records about his cases, but still, why antagonize Helena and Dick with this specific line? Who is this for?
Allegedly, Selina is still just that angry about what Joker did to Andrea Beaumont, which feels inexplicable. The theory seems to be that Joker's manipulation of Andrea makes Selina feels a kinship with her. After the undefined version of Mask of the Phantasm that happened in this universe, Andrea hunted Joker down, only to find him with a baby that he referred to as his own child. To escape, Joker tossed the newborn into the air and ran off, and when she caught the baby... she found her inner pain suddenly soothed. (Yeah, yeah, I know.) Instead of continuing the hunt, Andrea named the baby Andrew (yeah, yeah, I know) and became his mother— and now all these years later, she finds out that Joker stole Andrew from a hospital, when the clown tricks her into coming with him to the family's home and blows them up. Andrea feels such horrible guilt about getting the entire family killed that she commits suicide right in front of Bruce and Selina.
An awful series of events... but I still find it strange for Andrea to be the only victim Selina name-checks in her final confrontation with Joker. She barely knew Andrea, a fact that's emphasized when Harley shows up. Selina has longer histories with other characters traumatized by Joker, but she doesn't say one word indicating that she killed him for Harley too. You could say it's because Selina's too focused on their fight, except she does find the mental space to declare that Harley never killed Joker because, like Bruce, Harley is a better person than she gives herself credit for.
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(We've got two other cans of worms here we're not gonna open.)
Also, in the Present Track, Selina is strikingly callous toward the Joker victim who tells the Santa joke, when Selina and Bruce first encounter him...
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... and when he falls off the bridge.
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But okay, maybe on top of witnessing Andrea's suicide, it's the motherhood angle that gets to Selina. She doesn't seem too affected in the Present Track, but in the Future Track we see her interactions with Helena go from strained to violent, then come to a more loving resolution:
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We can surmise that Selina's need to defy Bruce's rule and kill Joker only grew over time, as her relationship with her daughter deepened her understanding of Andrea's pain at losing Andrew.
Except LOL, SUCKERS. That interpretation is undermined by the pièce de résistance, the second and worst of the lies Selina tells.
Because, as revealed in the Future Track, Andrea is alive! Selina broke Clayface out of Arkham and got him to impersonate Andrea slashing her own throat so the real Andrea could run away and lay low. Andrea agreed to this in exchange for Selina eventually killing Joker. Selina has been planning to kill Joker for decades, since before Helena was born.
And, again, in case you forgot, the fake suicide happens right in front of Bruce by design, and there's no indication he ever finds out the truth. In the immediate aftermath, Selina even freaking brings up Alfred, adding to Bruce's feelings of failure and loss:
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(These panels also featuring Bruce's glib, painfully out-of-character reference to his parents' murder.)
If that wasn't enough, Selina comforts Bruce by using this as an opportunity to reinforce that, in the end, all they have is each other:
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(Ummm so what if in this instance the cat wounded the bat but the bat didn't know? And is this a bonding moment or a Calvin Klein ad?)
These panels come before the reveal that Andrea is still alive, so the appeal to Selina and Bruce's connection is in earnest. It's only later in the issue that the reader is privy to how wildly fucked up this is! On Christmas!
And then it gets even worse, because now, now, is when Selina and Bruce finally get legitimately married. It's not clear if it's that same night, but it must be within a week because the chapel still has Christmas music in rotation. Selina has just finished plotting for Bruce to witness the fake-but-heartwrenching suicide of one of the loves of his life, and then she marries him!
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(True love conquers all when you've manipulated your partner into another bout of grief.)
In the future, temporary fugitive Selina joins Andrea on a tropical island, and the fake suicide is framed like a clever ploy the women pulled off, a bizarre compromise to get around Bruce's rule, but it just shows... contempt, honestly? And not for the first time, after Selina's inexplicable refusal to tell Bruce Joker's location, after her angry realization that Bruce and Joker are so much alike, referenced again here:
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There's also a strange vibe with something Selina says to Helena at dinner, after Joker's murder:
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Very "I held out long enough to kill the clown and get all Bruce's money. :)"
Then there's Selina's relationship with Helena. Before the heartwarming scene between them I shared above, in B/C #10, they have a physical fight during which Selina expresses a lot of hostility toward her daughter for embodying Bruce's brand of justice.
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That last one may seem irrelevant, but I think it speaks to the point. Calling your daughter ungrateful when she's doing what you know she was taught? Seems like there's anger at the teacher!
And when all is said and done, Selina convinces Helena to not be like her father and to let her mother walk:
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Selina does also say favorable things about Bruce, and at times expresses regret that she couldn't live up to what he wanted. I'm not saying she didn't love him, or that holding off from killing Joker while Bruce was alive meant nothing. But as the saying goes, "show, don't tell," and so many of Selina's actions, especially loading more trauma on Bruce, outweigh the nicer moments.
In the face of those actions, the sweeping romance of that final panel in the last issue does not hold up. There's elements of a better story here, about an independent woman convincing herself to compromise for love, and at the end of her life finding more regret and bitterness than she bargained for, and not finding peace with it. But while King is able to see Selina's need to be unconstrained, ultimately his writing glosses over it and has her reconcile with the wife/mother role, while ignoring the cruelty of the deception she implements to get there.
Looking back, it feels like the primary function of telling Batman/Catwoman in such a tangled way was to obscure the mess.
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(tl;dr: where is my "Selina divorces Bruce and takes him for all he's got" storyline?)
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homicideworldwide2 · 3 months
Lester Brockelhurst and Bernice Felton: The Tourist Killers
Young love is often full of passion, lust, sex and scandal.
But how often does it contain tales of death, destruction, and murder?
Here is the story of The Tourist Killers.
Lester Brockelhurst junior was the oldest son of parents Lester Brockelhurst Sr, and Edith Dupree. He was born Jan. 4, 1914 and was, by all accounts, a good boy. After high school, he even began working as a Sunday School Teacher for his own church.
Lester was a very talented public speaker at this time and would frequently compete in public speaking competitions. It was at one of these competitions that the young, talented, 20 year old, church boy would meet Bernice Felton.
This was a fatal attraction of epic proportions.
Bernice Felton was beautiful. 16 years old, with bright eyes and dark hair, She caught Brockelhurst's eye instantly. Information on Felton's background apart from her involvement with Brockelhurst is limited. As such we don't know her exact DOB or anything like that.
All that is known is that she was a competitor in the competition in Illinois and began a relationship with Brockelhurst almost immediately. The couple began meeting up every two weeks like clockwork.
Brockelhursts' first crime happened in 1935. He reportedly argued with his father about money, likely due to the overwhelming economic despair of The Great Depression.
This resulted in the young lad hitchhiking to Chicago and, likely out of desperation, robbing a candy store. Information about this crime, and Felton's involvement in it are very scarce, but we know that he was arrested and convicted of armed robbery.
The next documented crime involving Lester Brockelhurst and Bernice Felton wasn't a single event, and it's not even really clear why it began, but it was the start of a violent crime spree across multiple (believed to be 13) states in 1937. Four states for sure were: Arkansas, Texas, Wisconsin, And Illinois, where Brockelhurst was eventually executed)
While details about a specific "first crime" on this spree are unclear, we do know some general details:
* The spree began in February 1937.
* It involved a series of robberies and culminated in at least three murders.
* The couple targeted small towns and businesses across 15 states.
Lester Brockelhurst was dubbed the "Crime Tourist" by the press due to their constant movement.
FUN FACT: He was also known as the "Mad Dog" bank robber, due to his ferocity and complete disregard for human life in general. He was very aggressive during bank robberies and would kill anyone that stood in his way, without hesitation.
Bernice Felton was indeed involved in serious criminal activities alongside Lester Brockelhurst. She participated in their crime spree, which included bank robberies and murders.
According to historical accounts, Felton and Brockelhurst together committed a series of violent crimes. Felton actively participated in the bank robberies and was implicated in the murders that occurred during their crime spree.
While Brockelhurst was often the primary perpetrator, Felton was his accomplice and was involved in the violent actions taken during their criminal activities.
Due to the times, though, it was kind of thought that women were "too weak" to be involved in anything so violent and animalistic and as such, Felton was acquitted of any wrong doing.
This is despite the fact that Brockelhurst's last words, when asked about Bernice Felton's involvement were;
" I don't want her to get the chair, but she's as guilty as I am."
So what about the victims?
Frustratingly, Specific names of individual victims of Lester Brockelhurst and Bernice Felton's crimes may not be readily available in general historical records or public sources. Typically, victims of such crimes, especially those from the early 20th century, were often reported collectively (e.g., "bank employees" or "law enforcement officers"). Individual names of victims might not have been widely publicized or preserved in historical accounts. The info we do have varies and honestly we will never know truly.
As such, we know that their victims were primarily bank employees, law enforcement officers, and innocent bystanders that were unfortunately in the wrong place during the wrong time.
Lester Brockelhurst and Bernice Felton were arrested on July 28, 1934, in Texas after a shootout with law enforcement officers. They had been on the run for several months. Their arrest marked the end of their crime spree and led to subsequent legal proceedings. Brockelhurst was, of course, convicted and executed, while Ms. Felton was acquitted and set free. Lester Brockelhurst was only 24 years old. Bernice Felton was at the time, 18 years Old.
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whenimgoodandready · 1 year
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ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We can not stand ideally by and let this injustice continue! Someone needs to grow a spine and tell those oppressors to shove whatever it is they’re spewing at us up their a**! I’m talking to you Sabrina Raincomprix! You need to end that toxic “friendship” you have with Chloe and be more upfront! And you Ms.Bustier! You need to put your foot down and start disciplining Chloe for her b*tchy behavior! And I’m most definitely talking to you Damocles! You’re the God damn principal! Do your job! You worship an owl themed superhero and you’re not living up to the justice they were trying to preach to you!? Shame on you! Just how are these three gonna do that!? Let’s see:
*Confrontation-The class is taking an orientation assignment on what schools would be fitting for them regarding their future careers. It’s what they call Lycée. It’s how the French educational system works there. If one were to pursue journalism (Alya), they’d be more focused on literary courses. If one were to be a filmmaker or artist (Nino and Nathaniel, respectively), a performing art school is best! An environmentalist? (Mylene) Green Peace! A hairstylist? (for “unicorns”/“dragons” Rose) A beauty school! (Maybe she can style those flying T-rexes that now exist?) A love for helping people? (Sabrina) Nursing school. A spoiled b*tch who can do whatever the f*ck she wants cuz she’s got connections and another who can easily bullsh*t their way into life as long as they don’t get caught!? (Chloe and Lila crickets chirp) Yeah, they got no future for themselves :P. What about Adrien? He’s not modeling anymore, so what’s he gonna do!?…….he doesn’t know…….(whispers) sentibeing. With all these different goals in life, it makes them realize they won’t all be together next year and thus no more Le Resistance. Awww, that sucks.
To further sabotage Marinettes life, new class rep Lila and deputy Chloe force Sabrina to falsify the classes application forms with obscure careers (ex.Sporto Kim as a physiotherapist! Lol!) and leave Marinettes desire for fashion school untouched so as to place the blame on her with the excuse that she’s trying to get revenge on everyone for voting for Lila as class rep instead of her. The akumatized victim was Juleka who’s wish to be a mortician, (well, she is goth! But I thought she wanted to be a model!? (“Reflekdoll”). Oh well), is now saying she has to repeat the year! Again! Wait! When was this pointed out that Juleka was repeating the year? Did I miss something!? Another surprise that we were supposed to find out instead of foreshadowing!? Ugh! Whatever, she gets akumatized into her signature akumatized form, Reflekta, with her given miraculous power of The Tiger, and goes on a super megaton punching spree to vent out her frustration. Lame! But hey! I don’t have any ideas either on a villain who’s theme is repeating a school year! What would their look be!? What would their power be!? So yeah, they just…..went with what they know. The only difference is Reflekta can not only turn people into copies of herself, but also with her mind set!…..Eh.
Sabrina Raincomprix! Ms.Bustier! Principal Damocles! Let me just say, on behalf of everyone in the fandom, IT’S ABOUT F*CKING TIME! They say patience is a virtue, but whoever said that probably didn’t have anything good to keep themselves anticipated for next week! Sabrina finally put her foot down and outed Chloe and Lila as the culprits to the doctored application forms and even though Lila countered it by saying she (Sabrina) did it outta jealousy over Lila joining in the group, Sabrina did get one over on the both of ‘em when she and Marinette exposed the two over the crime and reveal Lila’s true colors. Marinette constructed a makeshift restroom with hidden microphones and a two way mirror (where did she get that!?) with help from construction workers and permission from the principal (how’d she convince him?). Although Sabrina had conspired a lot of misdeeds for Chloe, the pressure finally got too much for her as it included her whole class and trashing their future careers and it wasn’t worth it for a petty hatred against a single person. Just wish that inner courage was there seasons ago. For Ms.Bustier, she admitted she was too easy on Chloe for trying to get her to change, but she strictly tells her that from now on, it’s no more carrot! Only the stick! The cold hard stick! (Hmm, must be the pregnant hormones). Was this cathartic like we all assumed it would be!? Am I satisfied to see Chloe get busted and Lila exposed for the conniving little b*tch that she is!? NO! It wasn’t and it wasn’t cuz I was already spoiled by this, but because the girls did not actually get their comeuppance! Chloe easily got away with it through her dads mayoral connections (although Principal Damocles did stand up against Mayor Bourgeois and decided to quit so as not to be abused in hurting his own students anymore) and Lila or Cerise!? Just walked away, dropped her identity and went with another in a new school! WHO THE F*CK IS SHE!? (I’ve heard “Orphan” rumors!) Yeah, NOT SO CATHARTIC! The whole thing with “Cerise” was completely forgotten about during the reveal of how those “useless” anti-akumatizing charms work and there was no mention of anyone calling the ambassador mother about all this! Another sucky moment in all this was only Ms.Bustier apologized for not believing Marinette about “Cerise” and not Alya or any of her classmates cuz that scene was deleted for God knows why even though that would’ve been sooooooo much better for us fans to see and make it cathartic! (breathes) Now that the three I mentioned grew a spine, it’s a shame we’ll barely see any of it cuz of the remaining time the characters have before school ends and how the season is ending too. Despite that, good job Sabrina! You’ll make better friends. Ms.Bustier, show no mercy on Chloe with what little time you have with her in class (even though the next two eps are gonna be Hell!) and farewell Principal Damocles! Hope you find a new job and thanks for teaching us how those anti-akumatizing charms work! (and Congrats on breaking your speech impediment Juleka for encouraging him on that). Maybe next season we’ll see how they stay more confident and assertive?
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batfamscreaming · 7 months
Just came across the panels of the comic "The Penguin #7 - "An Unimportant Man II" (2024)" where it's revealed that Pengiun and Batman work together??? Oswald Cobblepot dresses in a costume and calls himself the Penguin so he doesn't have to go to normal prison and stay there for his full sentence of over 20 years?? And Batman goes along with that. Sure, he's not happy about it but he goes along with that.
Damn. Jason wasn't as original as he thought with his plan of controlling crime. Bruce has apparently always done that with Penguin but in a smaller scale.
It's not like I don't understand why but it feels like that goes against Bruce's character. Keeping the power balance the same is a good plan, sure, but why make it so it's Batman who goes along with that??? Why not just the Penguin who doesn't want the Bat gone because Gotham doesn't need more crazies who destroy the city he lives in? Oswald'll sell weapons and hire goons but never enough for it to be a definite death sentence for the Bat. The guy's a business man, not an idiot. You still need a kingdom to be a king or however that saying goes.
But Batman would never actually go along with such a partnership, would he? Maybe temporary, but never forever. Well, maybe he betrays him in the end, we'll see.
I feel like you could make Penguin an information broker that Batman occasionally worked with, but you'd have to have him be just an information broker. Like. For example, weapons smugglers don't necessarily kill people, but they are a part of the criminal eco system and so Batman targets them. I feel like as long as Penguin only dealt in information and ran a casino/lounge and was just a weird dude, that would be one thing, but if he's an active mob boss and ordering people killed, like. He is going to be like immediate next on Bruce's list.
I personally perfer cobblepot who isn't... killing people all the time? I think it would be interesting if someone in gotham wasn't a spree killer? but I also think oswald should find out about the court of owls and immediately declare war on those guys, either because a) they clearly excluded him from the club or b) fuck you birds are his thing. honestly just mad about the prison bit though. This is partly something that like. Cobblepot has money. If he went to normal prison he'd buy his way out. "Oswald Cobblepot dresses in a costume and calls himself the Penguin so he doesn't have to go to normal prison and stay there for his full sentence of over 20 years??" so mental institutions can lock you up indefinitely and I'm getting tired of this "arkham had to release people because their sentence was up!" Arkham is an asylum and people aren't allowed to leave and are forcibly medicated, sometimes without regard to efficacy. I tolerate a lot of bullshit mental health info for the sake of Batman but genuinely the treatment of a psychiatric penitentiary as somehow 'easy' just disrespectful at this point
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le-amewzing · 2 years
Two Minutes for Two
Am I desperately hoping for Starling to be upped to series regular (for a variety of reasons)? You bet. ;w;
Fic: "Two Minutes for Two" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Starling/Jake Madden
Rating: K
Words: ~1,230
Additional info: romance, angst, 3rd person POV
Summary: Officially, Jake and Starling have broken up. But they still live on the same planet, in the same country, so they're bound to cross paths as regular people do. So Starling exercises her powers for a moment to live like a regular person, even if briefly.
      The Hero League demands a lot of its superheroes. Fight crime. Be a good role model. Always be spotted smiling.
      Starling has juggled a full schedule for years without trouble, and those first two items have never been a problem. But that last one? That hasn't been a struggle until after ColossaCon brought her to Valley View—and all the heartache that's followed.
      Whenever Valley View and a certain resident come to mind, Starling takes a breath, centering herself on whatever task is at hand. Yesterday was an episode of her show. This morning was a commercial before the League contacted her, reminding her about taking her turn to patrol her assigned quadrant.
      Yeah, patrolling is a great distraction. Patrolling is one of her easier tasks, and it's something Starling handles with ease. Dropping in on a bad guy mid-crime spree? Just her average day at work. Stopping to take selfies with her adoring fans? Work, too, but that's the icing on top, that's the fun stuff.
      …it's a little less fun when a young, teen couple asks her to take a selfie with them. Starling obliges, but her mind once more wanders to Jake and to her brief time spent together with him.
      After she passes the phone back to the couple, Starling shoots back up into the sky, trying to get her head straight again. She's got to finish her patrol duty before this evening, since she's meeting her manager at a new company that wants to ask her to shoot yet another new series of commercials.
      But Starling's patrol takes her to the edge of the community parked right beside Valley View, and she hesitates.
      The young superhero glances around her. No…the skyline's clear. No one's around for miles…
      Temptation beckons, so Starling hovers a little higher—and then she takes off, including Valley View in her patrol just for today. (It'll be a little secret between her and her cape; no one else will ever know.)
      She kind of wishes she'd had the time to explore the place when she last visited. She and Jake couldn't exactly go out and about, and the convention schedule before that barely allowed Starling time to breathe let alone go adventuring. But, seeing it now, in autumn, she rather likes it. Valley View's a pretty place, well deserving of its name.
      Flying above this place nearly scratches her itch. Starling zips around for a couple minutes, thinking of doing a full loop before heading back to her assigned quadrant, when someone catches her eye.
      He's coming down the street, casual and by himself, without a care in the world. He takes a right (her left) into a quaint, neighborhood supermarket, disappearing amongst the other shoppers coming and going.
      Starling chews on her bottom lip. She caught a glimpse of him—she should be satisfied with that, shouldn't she? And yet she hovers, ignoring her duties just a bit longer.
      A couple minutes later, Jake emerges with a small bag dangling off his arm. Then he glances left, ready to head home—
      —but Starling gives in to her want and lands safely beside the building before concentrating and freezing time.
      She takes two shaky breaths and nears the mouth of the alleyway. She didn't even have to go peeking, really, because Jake, a fellow super-powered being and not one of her many targets, comes jogging around the corner, his eyes wide and searching. His eyebrows jump into his hairline when he spies her.
      "Hi," she offers with a strained smile (strained because it's been too long, strained because this particular power is exhausting).
      His shock doesn't fade even as he closes the distance. But, actually, Starling reads some fear in his charming looks once he's within arm's reach. "I can't believe— But—" Jake whips his head around and glances behind him, too.
      Starling's smile softens as she tucks him into a blind spot, behind the large recycling bin that blocks the store's frozen security camera's view. "I won't get in trouble if I don't get caught. But I don't want you or your family hurt, either."
      Jake inhales and exhales; it's a big, steadying breath, because he's still wrapping his head around the reality that Starling is here, she's really in front of him. "I don't want any of those things, either…so why, Starling?"
      "I thought we could have a moment together."
      He frowns.
      And Starling knows exactly why. She has all the left-on-read text messages that she couldn't bear to delete as a reminder. "…I miss you," she says, finally confessing the words she's refused to admit until now.
      Unfortunately, his frown deepens to a grimace, and he pulls his arm—still loosely in Starling's grasp—away. He shakes his head. "Star, look. I…I don't want to jeopardize my family. I don't want to hurt my sister, either," he adds, referencing Havoc's epic tantrum the last time she encountered Starling. Then he musters a weak smile for her and tucks his hands into his pockets. His right hand clamps down on something. "…despite that, it feels as if my phone's been burning a hole in my pocket, not texting or calling you anymore, let alone seeing you."
      His words light a spark of hope in her chest that she knows is one thing: dangerous. But that's the hero in her talking. The plain and simple girl behind the mask feels her eyes growing damp with the threat of happy tears. And then Starling falters.
      Jake catches her. "Starling!"
      She shakes her head, though she's glad for that super strength keeping her steady. "It's all right. I'm still practicing this power and I don't have nearly enough stamina to use it for too long." She looks up at him and brushes some hair out of her face. "Our time's almost up."
      His grip on her tightens, for a fleeting second.
      "Thanks for not ignoring me or running away the moment you saw me…" She laughs at herself a bit, but she can't help looking up into his eyes again. "I really did just want to see and speak with you again, Jake."
      Jake nods and lets her go. He stays put and watches as she takes a few steps backwards in the alley.
      …but she can't leave him, looking as lonely as she feels, so Starling walks forward and sinks into Jake's arms instead.
      Jake wraps his arms around her. There, in his arms, time stops anew for another moment. Then he kisses the top of her head, and time gets moving again.
      It's easier to go this time. Starling backs away still looking at him as if committing Jake Madden to memory, and they make no promises to meet like this ever again.
      He doesn't even try to hold on to her hand when she begins to levitate off the ground, but her heart skips a beat that last second when their fingers are linked.
      High up above, Starling watches as her temporal power diminishes and regular life resumes. Shoppers keep coming and going, traffic picks up at this time of day, and Jake heads out on the sidewalk, melding in with the crowd as if nothing happened.
      But…something did, in a way, and Starling watches his back fondly, contemplating that maybe she ought to train harder so she can extend the duration they can meet in the future….
SO. Some hcs thrown in here, about Starling's time-freezing power mostly (I'd still love to know exactly where Centropolis is and how far from Valley View it is), but I like to think that, the more the creators develop the lore (and hopefully they do it well TT-TT), the more interesting things will get and the more hope Jarling will have, bc I do think they're cute. ;w; Altho, *lol*, as I type this, it's still mid-October and I've only watched thru e13, so I'm waiting to be fed more Jarling moments to soothe the soul (esp since we're getting Hartmy feels in spades). -w- I s'pose, in the meantime, it's time to draw Starling?? She's adorable. XD
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Robin, hon, can you explain to me why there is bad blood between Bruce and Jason?
I could go on and on and on but in the name of both our sanities I will summarize.
Bruce found orphaned street kid Jason stealing tires from the Batmobile, adopted him and made him Robin (which pissed off original Robin, Dick, bc it wasn't Bruce's mantle to give away but I digress). Things are good for a while. But Jason had a lot of unresolved anger and depression from year living on the streets, he became reckless in the field and was overly aggressive with criminals (esp those who abused women or children like same boy). Bruce, angry and worried, pulled him from heroing to get him help. Only Jason didn't listen and when he heard his birth mother was in trouble, he ran across the world to go help her only to be caught by the Joker. He is beaten half to death by the clown and left to die in an exploding building. Robin II and Bruce's son is dead.
It's a tragedy, Bruce mourned Jason so hard almost falling apart as Batman and Wayne. Tim Drake, avid Batman fanboy who uncovered their IDs through investigatory work, tries to bring Batman and Nightwing back together to help stabilize Batman. Once the dust settles, Tim is chosen to be the new Robin, Dick and Bruce have started to reconcile and real healing is beginning to happen. All is well right?
Wrong! Turns out Jason has been brought back to life (pick your version, Superboy Prime punching reality from the inbetween space he's trapped in or Ra's al Ghul stealing the body and Lazarus Pitting him). Jason comes back mundo scrambled and it takes him awhile to get his bearings under him. All he knows is when he looks around, Batman has replaced him with another Robin and appears happy as can be. Underlying anger issues + genuine hurt feelings + post resurrection mind fuck means Jason is Pissed. He dedicates himself to learning the deadly arts Batman never taught him.
He returns in the Under the Red Hood comic (chef's kiss) as the criminal vigilante, Red Hood, who uses terror and murder to become Gotham's premiere crime lord. He lets Bruce and everyone know who he is, as dramatically as possible, with heart breaking results.
This ended up being a very long explanation to say: Jason had some tension with B before he died, blamed Batman for letting him die and then quickly replaced him not long after. He believed B didn't love him and saw his Robins as expendable pawns used to uphold his moral high ground version of justice that didn't fix Gotham. It's why Jay went on his murder spree to "do what Batman couldn't and save Gotham". He's especially mad Bruce didn't kill Joker, the man who murdered him.
Ofc Jay doesn't know everything, doesn't know how deeply and painfully Bruce mourned Jason, even years later. Didn't know that he did his best to prevent another Robin from happening and Tim basically forced his hand. Couldn't understand how close B came to killing Joker, not just for Jason but for paralyzing Barbara and torturing Jim Gordon. Jay brings up good points but in his post-Lazarus Pit single minded focus rage, all he could see was that his father didn't avenge him and took it personally.
From Bruce's end, his spunky, smart, big hearted child died and what came back was wrong. Red Hood Jason was hard and cruel and spat on Batman's number one rule to not kill. Bruce's greatest grief is shoved back in his face and B, who has never handled negative emotions well, doesn't do much to explain himself to Jason. In the end, he puts Gotham first by trying to stop Jason's murder spree not knowing he's reinforcing Jason's ideas on not being loved. Jason also attacks Tim which Bruce takes very personally bc he will NOT lose another Robin. Not even to his own child.
Once Jason calms down a bit and has some conversations with B, they come to an uneasy impasse where he's a part of the fam always but he's not quite ready to let go of the past and be a Bat or Bruce's son again.
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luimagines · 3 years
Cheesy Pick-Up Lines
Can’t get more self explanatory than this folks.
For Wind’s scenario, the reader is the same age.
Very cheesy lines up ahead. Viewer discretion is advised.
“Do you believe in love at first sight- or I need to walk by again?” You raise an eyebrow at Time with a smirk and a cocky pose with a hand on your hip.
He looks down at you and fails to stop his own smirk in time.
However Time does not answer you.
You bite you tongue, a little frustrated at the lack of reaction and try with a different one. “You know if sexy was a crime, you’d be found guilty as charged.”
You wink this time for good measure.
Time snorts and shakes his head. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“...Trying to get you to blush.” You admit with a shy grin and a shrug.
“You’re going to have to do more than that.” His smirk grows.
“You could be a little cooperative.” You mutter and pout.
“Your lines need a little more work.” He begins to make his way toward you. “But there’s a golden rule to this that you should learn if you want a place to start.”
“Hey! What do you-” You stop short and gulp slightly as Time gets into your personal space. “...know...?”
Time takes your chin between his thumb and pointer finger and tilts your head up. It’s a gentle touch that catches you off guard and makes you feel smaller than you usually do when you’re next to him. He stares right into your eyes and your forced to do the same.
“Here’s the thing.” He begins and you swear his voice drops an octave. “I don’t consider myself a religious man... But when I first laid my eyes on you I knew that you were the answers to my prayers.”
Time lets you go and begins to walk away as if that never happened. “Delivery is key.”
You look after him, heart pounding, a little breathless and feeling the heat of his breath on your face still. Or maybe the heat is your blush.
Oh it’s on now.
“Excuse me, Sir Twilight.” You wave to your friend and smile easily when he gives you his attention. “I am in need of a map.”
“Why are you talking like that?”
“I-... Come on man, you don’t have to rain on my parade.” You pout slightly and refuse to give in when he chuckles at your theatrics.
“Oh, my apologies. What do you need a map for?” He smiles and places his hands on his hips.
“It appears I’ve gotten lost.” You hold your head up high and step closer to him.
“How? I’m right here. How are you lost?”
“I’ve gotten lost in your eyes.” You wink and faint on him slightly. “They’re just like the ocean! I’d gladly swim in them all day!”
Twilight pushes you off gently and flicks your forehead.
“You’ll live. You’ve got thick skin.” He grins. “It’s not as thick as my shirt however. It’s made out of something not found just anywhere.”
“Oh yeah?” You rub the spot gently. “What’s it made of then country boy? Goat hair?”
“Oh you know... It’s boyfriend material.” He says with a shrug and spins around to walk away. 
“Oh haha...” You smirk and walk a little faster to catch up to him. “Of course it is. Before you go, do you mind holding this for me?”
You stick your clenched hand out next to Twilight and he holds his own hand out without any thought to it. “Sure what is it?”
You don’t answer and instead place your hand down in his, unfurl your fingers and lace them with his. “Thanks, it was getting heavy.”
He snorts but continues to hold it for the rest of the walk.
“Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you I smile!” You jump on Wild’s back and hug him from behind, a laugh on your breath and a grin on your face.
Wild laughs as well and grabs your arms, spinning around for a moment before letting you fall. “That was cheesy.”
“It was supposed to be.” You wink.
“Do you even have a camera?” Wild rolls his eyes.
“That has nothing to do with what I said.” You pout slightly and put your hands on your hips. “But I know you do. You’re really good at using it to.”
“Not that good.”
“Wild you have natural talent, a gift if you will, at taking photos.” You nudge him with your arm and mockingly bow. 
“I’m wouldn’t consider myself a photographer.”
“But incredibly good at taking them in the moment.”
“I suppose so.” Wild shrugs and tosses a cocky smile in your direction. ”I mean, I can definitely picture us together.”
You bite you lip in an attempt to hide your growing grin. “Do you have any raisins?”
“How about dates?”
“None of those either.”
“Want to go on one with me?”
Wild pauses mid-step and blinks for a moment before turning to you. “Oh, you’re good.”
“What is it that you do for fun back in your home world?” Sky asks as your both walking through the forest for the day. 
Grin and tilt your head in his direction. “I’m studying to become a historian. I’m especially interested in finding a date.” You send him a wink. 
He scoffs but smiles good naturedly. “Of course. Naturally.”
“I like the ride my loftwing through the sky and see the view. I wish I could show you guys but...”
“Maybe when we get there.” You nudge his shoulder and point up to the clouds above you. “Hopefully the skies look better there than here.”
“It’s absolutely is.” He looks up as well and you look over to him.
You lean in a little and snap, a large smile on your face. “I think I figured it out!”
“No wonder the sky is grey- all the color is in your eyes.”
Sky bites his lip and puts his hand to his face to hide his growing smile and blush as he laughs. “Stop.”
“Did the sun just come out or did you smile at me?”
“Oh my god!”
“Hyrule, I have a question that I think only you can answer.” You say and wrap your arm around his shoulders.
This takes him by surprise and he’s quick to offer his assistance. “What is it?”
“You’re pretty good with magic right?”
“I know a few spells, sure, but if it’s about magic as a whole? You might better off with Legend.” Hyrule shrugs and offers an apologetic smile.
“But my question is about your magic.” You stress and poke his chest. “You see, before I get to where I’m going, let me ask you this. Are you a magician?”
“...I’d consider myself more a mage?” He tilts his head.
“Ok, prefect, explain this to me then, if you’d be so kind.” You can’t help but grin wildly. “Why is it then, that I’m looking at you, you make everyone else disappear?”
“I...I don’t know.’ Hyrule blushes all the way down to his neck and scratches it bashfully. He takes a minute to compose himself before grinning and tossing you a shy side eye. “You’re too sweet, you know that?”
“Believe me, you’re the sweet one. You’re giving me a toothache over here!”
Hyrule shoves you away then and clamps his hands over his face but from what he doesn’t cover, you can see the wide grin from behind his hands.
Mission accomplished.
“You take that back Fancy Pants!” Legend shouted. “Or I’ll toss right into the heart of Death Mountain!”
“You couldn’t.” Warrior rolled his eyes. “Not without your oh- so- powerful bracelets and rings and hoard of items.”
“If I could change the alphabet, I’d put F and U together!”
Warrior snorted and walked away. “Just admit that you lost and leave it at that. There’s no need to embarrass yourself further.”
You sighed and walked up to where Legend was left fuming. “Great come back.”
“Shut up!”
“I wouldn’t take what he says to heart.” You shrug and smile at him. “I think he just gets a kick out of your reactions.”
“That brainless, boorish-”
“You want to know something?” You cut him off before he could go on a cursing spree for the next hour.
“Sure.” He spits. “Hit me with it. What do I care.” 
“If I could change of the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.” You grin widely and wait for his reaction.
But you don’t get one.
Instead he stares at you unamused with his arms crossed and face flat. “Ok, I think I get what he means now.”
“What?” You raise and eyebrow and scoff. “Is that not good enough for you? Ok. How about this one then? You have so many items. Any chance that you have an extra heart? Mine’s been stolen!”
You complete the sentence with throwing yourself onto his side, hand on your forehead and looking up at him with the most blissful expression you can manage.
He snorts a little, forgetting his previous sour attitude and shoves you off.
“That’s low hanging fruit.” 
“Geeze tough crowd.” You brush yourself off and grin at him. “Despite that, I have to say, even though we’re not socks, I think we’d make a great pair!”
“You’re impossible.” He smiles a little easier and begins to walk away.
Well, he might have missed your point but at least he was feeling better.
You sigh and run your hand through your hair. It’s wet and sticking to your face as you get out of the lake.
Four is there on the other side and you find yourself grinning.
Despite the way everything seems to be sticking to you, you jog to where he is and stop in front of him. “Here I am! What are your other two wishes?”
He snorts and glances in your direction. He stills suddenly and no so subtlety looks you up and down.
“Like what you see?”
“It’s a good thing I brought my library card.” He says in response.
“You have your what now?”
“Because I am totally checking you out.”
You blink and laugh. Because yes, you are soaking wet and all your clothes are sticking to your figure. 
“Huh.” You roll your eyes and sit next to him in the sun to dry off faster. “This spot open?”
“Go right on ahead.”
“I think I have something wrong with my eyes.” You grin.
“Wait, really?” He spin in his spot to look into them as if that’ll make or break the problem. “What’s the problem?”
“I just can’t seem to take them off of you.” 
Four goes red immediately and shoves you away with one hand on his face and other on yours. “Ok, you win.”
“So aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?” You slide up to where Warrior was sitting and lean on his shoulder, waiting for his reaction to your line.
He turns his head to look at you and you show him your cheesiest smile and he rolls his eyes.
“Wow...I’ve never heard that one before.” He snorts, letting it slide.
It clicks then that, that could have gone really bad considering it’s Warrior and he’s probably dealt with all kinds of harassments. But you count your lucky stars that he appears to be humoring you and isn’t offended at least.
“Alright, tough guy, what’s your best one?” You challenge and sit next to him.
“Yes. Prove me wrong. Go on. Do it.”
Warrior looks down at the ground for a second and looks back at you with that trade marked smirk, you associate him with. “Are you sure you can fire one back though? I’m sure you’re tired.”
“Why on earth would I be tired? It’s the middle of the day.”
“You were running through my mind all night. So, you must be tired. ” He says casually and looks away.
The blush is instantaneous on your face and you have to cough and look away from his stupid-charming face. That one... has a lot of implications..... depending on the audience..
A moment of silence passes and he laughs a little quietly under his breath. “That’s it? That’s all it took?”
“No.” You squeak and look at him head on.
Your blush still hasn’t gone away.
“I just...”
Warrior continues smirking. He’s enjoying this. “Cat got your tongue?”
You huff and look at the supplies in front of you. “It’s hardly my fault.”
“Sure it is.”
“You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pick up line.”
Warrior stills and coughs in a similar manner that you did only seconds ago.
Now you’re both blushing messes.
“Hey Wind!” You call and run up to his side. “I just figured something out!”
“What is it?” Wind stops mid step and waits for you to reach his side.
You’re a little out of breath from running the distance but you grin wildly at him. “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.”
He snorts and shoves you away slightly, continuing to walk along the trail behind the others. You can hear some of the older ones chuckles but you’re determined.
“I think out of everyone, you’re the cute one here, actually.” Wind smiles in your direction and it throws you off of your rhythm for a moment.
Enough so that you actually trip and fall on the trail, pain shooting from your knee.
“Woah, hey, are you ok?” Wind jogs back to you and helps you up.
You hiss and look at the damage. As far as scrapes go, it’s not that bad, but you are bleeding a little.
“Do you have a bandage?” You blink up at Wind. “I just scraped my knee falling for you.”
He blinked a bit, stunned and confused before a lightbulb seems to go in his head and he blushes brightly. He chuckles and places a hand be the back of his neck. Wind then gets down to his knees next to you and brushes the dirt from your knee. He’s very cute when he’s bashful, you think.
“Let me see what I have in my pack.” He says with a bright grin.
It’s not like the others are watching this all go down or anything.... 
They don’t say anything though, less they ruin the tenderness of budding crushes.
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Moment that hurt the most.
This moment: 
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{Image: Iroh laying on his back after getting shot by Azula and Zuko kneeling down next to him with his wrists covering his eyes as he bows his head.}
(The Chase, Book 2)
Because the fact that Iroh is hurt by itself is hard enough, but it’s the context that makes it more heartbreaking.
Up until this point, we’ve seen how much of a positive influence Iroh is on Zuko. He’s been the only one there for Zuko at all times. He’s the one who’s protected Zuko and given him unconditional love. And Zuko’s been angry and difficult, we’ve seen that. And in most series where there’s a clear villain, you’d expect it to be framed like ‘Iroh is way too nice to Zuko, who is a huge asshole.’ But it isn’t. Instead, as we get the context of Zuko’s banishment and as we see how Iroh treats Zuko in season 1, Iroh and Zuko’s relationship becomes clear to us as full of unconditional love, but with barriers that make it difficult for them to communicate that love. Through the series, we see those barriers get knocked down. 
In the first episodes, we see Zuko yell at Iroh and generally act like a brat, but it’s also clear that Iroh is the one person that Zuko is comfortable around. Iroh’s the one person who vouches for Zuko and is genuinely rooting for this kid. But it’s clear that he’s not rooting for Zuko to capture the Avatar necessarily, instead, he’s rooting for Zuko to stop hating himself and to stop endangering his own life.
But the thing is, Zuko doesn’t know how to accept it. At all. He’s convinced himself that he doesn’t deserve Iroh’s unconditional love. Zuko was conditioned by his father to believe that in order to be loved, he had to be worthy. 
Zuko is consistently surprised whenever Iroh is proud of him or whenever Iroh shows up to protect him. In The Southern Air Temple, when Iroh protects Zuko from Zhao’s illegal hit after the Agni Kai ended and said “disgraceful, even in exile my nephew is more honorable than you”. Zuko’s still surprised that after Zhao did an objectively dishonorable thing after the match, Iroh openly chose Zuko’s side and stood up for him.
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“Did you really mean that Uncle?” 
Zuko’s used to people pushing him away. He’s used to having to prove his worth. He’s used to there being a bar for him to have to reach and then when he finally does, the bar just gets moved up higher. Iroh doesn’t have a bar for Zuko. He doesn’t want Zuko to improve himself to meet a standard, rather, he wants Zuko to improve himself in order to be happy and to find self-realization. 
There’s the more obvious moment at the end of season 1 with the “ever since I lost my son, I think of you as my own”. 
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“You don’t have to say it, Uncle” 
This scene has already been talked about before, but let’s look at it again. Iroh tells Zuko that he needs to be safe when he goes down to the water and says “ever since I lost my son... I think of you as my own.” This is the first time in the series it’s mentioned that Iroh had a son. That detail itself gives us more insight into Iroh’s motivations. We can look at his actions in the context of ‘he couldn’t protect Lu Ten, so he’s going to do everything in his power to keep Zuko safe’. But it’s also clear that Iroh doesn’t expect or want Zuko to be Lu Ten. It is clear, and it has been clear for the entirety of season one, that Iroh unconditionally loves Zuko. Iroh’s followed Zuko across the world, accepted him for his faults while still wanting him to improve, and is the only person we’ve seen show genuine affection for him. 
This scene confirms that unconditional love, but it also reveals that Zuko doesn’t know how to accept it. We already know that Zuko cares about Iroh (mainly from the episode where Zuko forgoes chasing Aang in favor of rescuing Iroh from the earthbenders, which is one of the first truly selfless acts we see Zuko do), but this scene reveals that the reason Zuko pushes away from Iroh isn’t that he doesn’t want his Uncle’s love, but because Zuko thinks he doesn’t deserve it. Zuko says “you don’t have to say it” because he thinks that it’s something that’s harder for Iroh to say rather than something hard for him to hear. Iroh believes it. He loves Zuko and wants him to be safe, but Zuko doesn’t think Iroh has a reason to and can’t wrap his head around it. So he bows as a sign of respect and tells Iroh that they’ll meet again “after [he] finds the Avatar” because Zuko’s convinced that in order to earn love, he has to prove himself. Finding the Avatar is the task he was dealt to earn love, so he focuses on that when met with affection. Iroh hugs him and Zuko just doesn’t understand why. He doesn’t think he’s earned it. 
In season 2, the first episode dives a little deeper into this block that Zuko has. When Azula lies to them about Ozai wanting Zuko back, Iroh is able to look at the situation objectively whereas Zuko can only focus on the ‘my father doesn’t think I’m worthless after all’ smoke and mirrors. Iroh sees the situation for what it is: Ozai was needlessly cruel to Zuko and if Zuko returns, that’s what he’s going to be met with. For season 1, Iroh went along with Zuko on his Avatar hunt to make sure he didn’t make stupid, life-threatening decisions and to emotionally support him, but capturing the Avatar was never Iroh’s goal. He didn’t want Zuko to return to the father that scarred him and banished him for not wanting to fight. 
So when Zuko is going to take Azula’s offer to return home, Iroh’s protective instincts kick in, but he has to be explicit about it. He has to say the hard truth in order to keep his kid safe.  
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“Father’s realized how important family is to him. He cares about me.” 
“I care about you! I mean, if Ozai wants you back, well, I think it might not be for the reasons you imagine.” 
Iroh all but explicitly says “Zuko, Ozai mistreated you and doesn’t care about you. If you return, he’s going to hurt you.” But he has to say it, because after three years Zuko still doesn’t want to believe it and is now making a decision that could endanger his life. 
And Zuko still rejects this. He lashes out and insults Iroh, accusing him of being jealous of his more successful younger brother. Zuko tells Iroh “you don’t know what my father thinks of me. You don’t know anything.” He’s still holding onto the notion that Ozai’s ‘love’ is something he can win, one way or another. Iroh is the one to recognize the fault in that logic and all he can do it be by Zuko’s side to protect him when shit goes down (which it does). 
When the fact that Ozai doesn’t care about Zuko becomes harder to ignore after Zuko finds out that Azula was going to take them as prisoners and his “father considers [him] a miserable failure”, he’s still not ready to accept unconditional love. That fact becomes clear in The Swamp and Avatar Day. 
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“Do you like your new tea set?” 
The scene where Zuko gets mad about begging escalates when Iroh is publically humiliated in order to get them a gold piece. Zuko can’t firebend and the man’s dual swords are taunting him. Those are his weapons and he’s helpless to do anything for Iroh in this situation. Iroh dances as the man swipes knives at his feet and all Zuko can do is watch. What he was raised on was the mentality that he had to prove his parental figures his worth. Zuko was convinced that Iroh providing for him wasn’t how it should be and hates the situation. So he overcompensates: he goes on a crime spree and doesn’t just steal food, he steals gold in order to buy Iroh a fancy tea set. 
Iroh tells Zuko that he doesn’t need things to be happy and Zuko gets stuck. He doesn't see a clear way to prove his worth to Iroh anymore and he still doesn’t know how to just accept love without working for it. So he leaves. Zuko decides that “they no longer have anything to gain by traveling together” not because he doesn’t want to be with his Uncle, but because Zuko no longer sees how he is useful to Iroh. Zuko would rather be alone than be a burden, emotionally or otherwise. 
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And in The Chase, we find out that Iroh has been following Zuko this whole time. Iroh knows that Zuko needs space to figure himself out, but is always going to be there to keep him physically safe. 
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Despite the fact that he left Iroh, despite everything, Iroh was still there. Zuko didn’t really have time to grasp this fact, but Iroh showing up when he got knocked out showed Zuko that yes, this love is unconditional. Iroh’s just going to be there for him and that’s that. Zuko isn’t past the ‘love must be earned’ mentality, but this gesture means so much to him after he felt alone and directionless for weeks. 
Then Iroh gets shot by Azula as he’s standing right next to Zuko. 
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And what’s going through Zuko’s head right now is something along these lines:
He knows his Uncle was there to protect him even when Zuko left 
He’s convinced himself that he’s been a burden on his Uncle, just like his dad treated him as 
He didn’t have time to thank Iroh for being there anyway 
Iroh got hit because he followed Zuko and acted as his protector
Zuko wasn’t able to protect Iroh 
So now this person, the one person who was there for him and who always believed in him despite everything is hurt and for all he knows, might not survive, is on the ground and unconscious because Zuko couldn’t protect his Uncle the way his Uncle protected him. And Zuko regrets everything at this moment. He regrets the fact that he left. He regrets not taking Iroh’s advice. He regrets not being a more skilled firebending. He regrets not being able to give back what Iroh gave him in terms of protection. 
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And he’s convinced that he’s failed his Uncle. He looks at this situation and is terrified that Iroh won’t be okay, but he’s also convinced that it was his fault. Zuko thinks that because Iroh decided to side with him from the beginning, his life has been ruined. If Iroh had stayed in the Fire Nation instead of gone with Zuko on his banishment, Iroh wouldn't have spent years at sea, he wouldn’t have been branded a traitor, he wouldn’t be on the run, he wouldn’t have had to beg for coins on the street, and he wouldn’t have been shot in the chest by Azula. 
Zuko can’t wrap his head around why Iroh decided to go with him. After all, he’s the banished and disgraceful ex-prince. He’s scarred and untalented and he spends years desperately trying to prove that he’s worth something. Zuko’s been conditioned to think that in order to be worth anyone’s time or affection, he has to prove himself. He has to be useful. And to be the reason Iroh is hurt (which he isn’t but that’s what he thinks is the case), that just means he has to prove himself further. 
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And for the rest of the season, he doesn’t leave Iroh’s side. He knows what it feels like to almost lose his Uncle and can’t risk that again. He takes Iroh’s advice and goes with him to Ba Sing Se. He takes care of Iroh when he’s unconscious, makes him tea, patiently learns lighting redirection (there’s a clear difference in how Zuko listens to Iroh as a teacher from the first episode of season 1 to Bitter Work), guards Iroh from the Rough Rhinos, and tries his best to stay quiet serving tea. 
This moment in The Chase is such a pivotal moment for Zuko. For the first half of the series, Iroh has been the parental figure Zuko needed and deserved, but Zuko didn’t understand that. In the moment where he almost loses Iroh, something clicks. Zuko starts to understand what was missing before. He starts to accept that this relationship is something he needs in his life. Zuko realizes that Iroh has been there and he’s going to keep being there and that’s something he isn’t ready to lose. There’s so much shame in the idea that Iroh would be hurt for him and he spends the rest of the season trying to make it up. 
And we know that it ends up not being enough to break Zuko away from wanting Ozai’s approval, but this moment reveals just how fractured Zuko’s self-image is, just how much he needs Iroh, and just how much he feels he doesn’t deserve unconditional love. This moment is pure vulnerability as the one person who stuck by Zuko’s side through injury and banishment is hurt. 
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Zuko is convinced that it’s his fault and if Iroh hadn’t decided to be by his side, this wouldn’t have happened. 
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   [ Here are some personal headcanons dealing with Jack (Joker) & Bruce Wayne about how they handle being daddies well also doing the vigilante crime-fighting couple duo at the same time. Also some info on baby Malik too. ]                                                                                {Despite not knowing how he got his pasty white skin condition or why he has green hair, Jack tends to feel this constant slight burning sensation on his skin almost like this ongoing tingling / a bit itchy sunburn type of feeling all over him.}                                                                                                       {When Bruce & Jack are doing their vigilantism together as Batman & Joker dealing with criminals or other scumbags of Gotham they tend to sometimes get into disagreements or arguments when it comes the whole No Kill Code rule; while they often times usually tend to work well with each other there are moments…especially from Jack were he does his very best to be understanding of Bruce moral choice of not killing and he gets the reasons why he does it with what happen to his parents, but Jack deeply feels also thinks that certain people are better off dead instead of them making things in life worse & even more awful. They both try not to get too much into the topic sometimes since it always gets either one of them upsets or angry especially from Bruce side of things.}                                                                                                NOW ABOUT LITTLE BABY MALIK :  { Malik is Bruce & Jack adopted  3 / 4 weeks old Infant son who was unfortunately left orphan due to a villain attack that ended up killing Malik biology parents. Its still unknown on which or what villain rouge causes said attack, but by luck also miracle the little guy was left with no major injuries. }   { Malik full original birth name was Malik Anthony Mohammad, upon adoption it was later changed into Malik Mohammad-Wayne.}   {Little Malik is of mixed race heritage. He’s about half Iranian & half Afro-Cuban with a semi-medium dark brown tanned skin tone along with little tuffs of tight curly brown hair. He has these patches of spotted freckles on both sides of his face also on his nose, under his eyes, and also he got freckles on his little baby bum }          {While Bruce & Jack were more then happy to take in Malik as their son despite going through some difficulties and all in the progress, lets say they both were hit hard with a dose of fast delayed reality of Holy freaking shit! Were parents now. Even though Alfred was glad to give some pointers and tips here & there to help out, Bruce while super grateful…didn’t like having to always to relay on Alfred for parental help with his new son. Jack on the other hand didn’t mind some of the advice from Alfred…but he would much rather use google search on his smartphone because while he admire “Jeeves” help as he said to Bruce “Now darling you do know I love old Alfy just as much as you do but…really Brucie bud are you actually willing to take full complete baby advice from a man who came up in a time were they thought giving children real legit radiation in those kiddies chemistry kits is a good idea now” ; Bruce knew that Jack was only partly joking but he fire backs saying along the lines that Alfred has kept him alive for this long & dealt with him being batman so some of his advice couldn’t be that bad.}                                                              {Since Jack has a lot of nicknames & terms of endearment for Bruce/Batman, obviously it would only make sense for him to have plenty of ones for his son too. Which the following are: Malikee, little Prince, Sweetie-Malikee, Darling boy, sweet boy, Sunny-son, Boo boo bear, dotty butt, munchkin, tiny man, curly wormy, chub-chub-boob, Mon Chouchou (French for my cabbage) and little duckling ,}                                 { Upon being adopted & taken in as a new member of the Wayne family there was of course big buzz from the Gotham media & tabloids about it…and unfortunately a good half of it was mostly negatively aim at Jack. Deeply questioning his parental abilities or even his capability of being a “Proper” parent at all due to his mental health issues also because of his past at Arkham and his slight bad history with Harley Quinn and their semi-kind of violent but mostly impulsive crime-sprees together, Bruce tries to obviously handle the mess & reassures Jack  telling him that he shouldn’t worry about what those gossip news/articles say; Jack really doesn’t give a shit about what these pricks say about him cause well…he’s been pretty used to being called a lot of things & being seen as a freak & so forth.}     {But one thing that’s truly upsets also highly pisses him off is that these Gotham elitists also these news tabloids assholes will actually insinuate that he would probably or likely do something to harm Malik, which just gets him so riled up on so many levels to even think that he would hurt his precious little prince.}                                               {When it comes to diaper duty they both of course handle the task, although surprisingly Jack tends to deal with it a lot better then Bruce can. Especially when it comes to dealing with the more messy poopy diapers which Bruce while he still does it…there are certain times were he feels like he’s going to pass out, Bruce doesn’t get how Jack can handle it so well which Jack explains to him some of the things he dealt with also seen in Arkham which sometimes involved other inmates bodily fluids or gross smells you just make a face and move on. Jack often times teases Bruce on it saying along the lines of  “Aww what’s wrong batsy can’t handle a full load can’t we~ Ha! “}                                                                               {One of the things that Jack loves to do for Malik is sing to him, especially when he’s fussy or crying non-stop, most of the songs that Jack tends to sing for Malik are either old songs from the 1930s or 1940s / 50s also 60s along with some 70s & 80s thrown in the mix, One that Malik seems to be real fond of or usually puts him to sleep is the Everly Brothers song ‘All I have to do is dream’ Which Jack sings as a sort of special lullaby to Malik every night or when he’s super upset and can’t clam down.}                                    
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My likely plans for The Mask Rebirth Part 3
This is something I told Kaijuguy earlier that I’m gonna write this. But I’m not gonna make it yet. Because I’m still wondering about it. And also on Thursday, me and my family are gonna go to Universal Studios. And we’ll be back on Saturday. I will likely have my phone. But I may not post a lot or...it depends.
Part 3 is something I’ve really wondered about. Including having some inspiration from, “The Hunt For Green October”. But instead of shoving Ray Tuttle and his daughter’s story into this. I’ve decided that...may be part 4. So those jokes I said to Kaijuguy are likely gonna be a thing.
Anyway, I strangely want to make this seem like a leaked plot details thing before a movie comes out. You know that kind of shit right? I think I just want a reaction of how people may feel towards it. Before I officially make the thing.
Including I just wanna mention what I did with part 2. It strangely felt like an adult extended The Mask Animated Series episode in a sense...that was something I had thought long ago...but let’s get to the point. Of what the direction for this story was.
I have said characters like Owen Big Head, Stanley Big Head Killer, Davida Steelmine, Walter, and Pretorius are involved with this. And I may just reveal the secret behind Pretorius that I have kept secret. If I want to go through with it.
The story may take 6 months after part 2. With Edge City in a much better position after crime has seriously lowered down. And I’ve been thinking part 1 takes place in January. Part 2 takes place in June. And finally, part 3 takes place in December. So in a year, Owen has had the Mask Of Loki for nearly a year.
With Edge City actually being in a more peaceful state. But this doesn’t take place during Christmas. It’s before it. Owen’s mother, Anna, decides to take her son and their roommate Tina on possibly a two week vacation. With Leonor joining them. With the vacation taking place in either Finland or Sweden. Very likely Finland. Despite knowing he needs a much needed vacation. He brings the Mask Of Loki in case. Practically bring Loki along as well.
But during those 6 months. Stanley was thought to be dead after his body wasn’t found. But in fact, he had survived and tried to start a new life with a new name in Edge City. Mainly due to the possibility the police and Big Head may try to look for him. Stanley is more anti social and angry at life. Keeping to himself, like a hermit. Until an unknown man gives him a mysterious gift. A green mask of sorts. 
Having kept his memory of wearing the Mask Of Jormungandr. But weary of Davida’s deception of him. He accepts the strange gift.
During this as well, after 6 months of being in prison and everyone against her. Vicky Pratt, mostly known as Davida Steelmine has escaped prison. With a new goal of exacting vengeance upon Owen Heffernan. But first going to the young man’s house, sneaking in, and taking the Mask Of Hel. And finding out he’s in Finland. She wants to start a new life. But she’s angered by having been exposed for who she is. She wants payback first.
Back to Stanley, when he wears the mask. He turns into what appears to be Big Head. But looking different. But to Stanley, this is the greatest thing ever. And possibly better than being Serpent Man. He embraces the terrible nature of the mask starts using his newfound powers by killing the Butcher gang first. Which had beat him up much earlier. And while I question if I wanna make Stanley’s rampage one night or two. 
Compared to Owen’s first outing as Big Head. Which was mainly fun mischief. Stanley goes on a killing spree against people that have wrong him in anyway. Even such as the car mechanics, a man who owned him 60 bucks. Which also results in him killing many police officers trying to stop him.
But there’s a goal in mind that Stanley has. To find Vicky/Davida, Tina, and finally Big Head himself. The goal to finally kill all three. The ones that hurt him the most. 
Yet during a situation where it’s only Kellaway and Stanley. Kellaway is confused and horrified by what seems to be Owen going on a random savage rampage. He tries to talk to him and calm him down. Asking him if something is wrong, instead of getting angry at him. But to Kellaway’s shock, Big Head tells him, “Who the Hell is Owen!?” And asking why is Kellaway calling him that and maybe Stanley revealing who he is, likely not. Which results in both realizing two different things.
Kellaway realizing, horrified, but strangely relieved that this Big Head isn’t Owen. And to Stanley, he’s shocked and remembers Owen Heffernan, he puts it together. Realizing Owen is very likely Big Head. 
After escaping the police, and going to a place where he could hide. Stanley is met Walter, and the two fight. But the same man who gave Stanley the mask tells Walter to stop fighting him. Revealing Walter is with this unknown man. He reveals himself to be Septimius Pretorius. A very secretive man that the crime lords of Edge City would send traitors or anyone they hated to be tortured. But due to his secretive nature, and no one exactly knowing who he is. Most people didn’t like talking about him. As some gangsters would tell others stories about Pretorius to scare them. Along with Dorian when he was alive having met Pretorius in person before, and praising his work.
I’d like to admit, I got this idea form @kaijuguy19 I tried to remember. So thank him. On the part where I talk about Pretorius and Walter being strangely friends in a way.
And the biggest thing that made people strangely afraid of Pretorius. Despite he never made an attempt to be a crime lord. He was the one who made Walter who he is. While Walter was strong and huge already. He met Pretorius earlier in life, and Septimius has told others he merely improved Walter. 
He reveals he created that duplicate mask for Stanley personally. To help him achieve his revenge and give him want he wanted. Despite Stanley’s hesitation to trust someone again. He gains Stanley’s trust by telling him that Vicky/Davida and Tina/Kathy are in Finland. But also telling Stanley what he has been wondering. Confirming that Owen Heffernan was his hero, Big Head. Who is in Finland as well with Tina too.
While not considering Pretorius or Walter as new friends. Stanley joins them, with Pretorius giving them a private plane ride to Finland.
Back to Kellaway, who tells Lionel that this Big Head isn’t Owen. And he believes him because of how radically different this Big Head dresses and sounds. The two go to Owen’s house. But realizing Davida has snuck in and stole her old mask. What horrifies the two more is the catch that she’s gonna be possibly going to Finland as well. 
Wanting to confront the Owen himself instead of calling him. They take a plane ride to Finland. With possibly trying to come up with a reason why the Big Head Killer is going there. But also maybe Davida. I’m not sure about this. And I may change this. Such as trying to call them. But they don’t have their phone numbers.
So in this case.
In Finland. Owen as Big Head and others are gonna have to face off Davida Steelmine who wants revenge. Walter, who wants payback as well. But also Stanley as a new Big Head, who desires the same thing. But against Davida and Owen. With Pretorius in the background.
In what is said to be the happiest country in the world....holy shit.
Now Pretorius. This was this the idea I felt was crazy. So I’ll just reveal it. The idea that Pretorius was one of the survivors of Ragnarok. And was responsible for killing Sigyn. The wife of Loki, and the one keeping Ragnarok at bay. With Sigyn’s killer never found, her death was the final kick in Loki’s becoming ultimately evil. Presuming the gods had killed her. Thinking the gods want Ragnarok to happen. And becoming more nihilistic, resulting his fate within the mask.
Along with the other idea combined with that Pretorius was one of the survivors who had imprisoned Hel into her own mask. But also being the one who had come up with the idea to imprison Loki and his family that they felt caused Ragnarok. But due to this, his existence was ultimately covered up by the survivors of Ragnarok. And he didn’t mind that. Not a god, but merely someone able to use magic in a similar fashion like science.
Having lived throughout history with humanity for so long. He came to Edge City because of it’s horrible nature with crime. And one of the only people who seems to have developed a sort of friendship with Walter. Mainly both respecting each other for their talents. But also Walter respecting Pretorius for making him stronger than before.
Having believed the masks have been lost to time. Until Big Head showed up. He was curious, yet confused. But when Dorian had become a giant werewolf in a way. He started to wonder if humans have finally found the masks. His suspicions were confirmed when it was revealed Davida Steelmine and Stanley Ipkiss had been using the mask of Hel and Jormugandr. But also even learning the Mask Of Loki before all this, was found in Africa before. Yet it was stolen and never found again. With smaller stories of an similar Big Head like figure causing mischief. But he suddenly disappeared.
Having kept in the shadows, trying to figure out who was really Big Head. And why wasn’t the wearer gone insane. He eventually found out, but didn’t act on anything. But what he had learn is that Stanley Ipkiss to him, should’ve been the one that found the mask and not Owen. Believing the young man had tainted the mask, and possibly changed Loki.
After 6 months, trying to create what he felt was a better mask. Using whatever magic he had left. With the inclusion of voodoo involved. The Death Mask, a duplicate of Loki’s mask and soul.
I think I’ve said enough...hope you folks like this. Mainly you Kaijuguy lol.
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magics-protector · 3 years
May I ask for a Doctor Who, sherlock and merlin ship? I would like to be shipped with either a male or female. My pronouns are she/her. I’m an intp-a. Im quite the sarcastic person and have a witty sense of humor. I’m quite the cunning and clever person as well. I tend to thrive on my own and am very much a lone wolf. Im very content with living in my own world in my brain and forgetting the existence of reality. That however doesn’t mean I’m quiet. When it comes to a topic I’m interested in I can go off for hours. I’m a bit quiet and closed off when you first meet me. It takes me a while to open up. When I do though, I can be the life of the party. As for hobbies I love art. Ive been an artist for as long as I can remember. I like both digital and fine art. As for fine art I love sketching, and printmaking. As for digital art I tend to stray towards graphics, visual effects and video game design. I also adore art history too. I love gaming, listening to podcasts (I know the most random useless facts from these but can’t seem to work everyday things) and watching movies as well. Apart from that I’m quite active. I adore working out. I kickbox and strength train most days of the week. I dislike small talk, pointless social norms, and not getting enough alone time. Lastly, my preference of love language is acts of service. I’m pretty sure my least is physical touch. I’m NOT comfortable with people giving me physical affection. I just get really awkward and tense up. Thank you! I truly hope this is okay!
Hey, this is perfect! I hope you like it!
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Doctor Who
I ship you with....
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The Tenth Doctor
I feel like being a sarcastic person automatically attracts Ten. He is naturally drawn to those who have an independent spirit. I say I can see you with Ten because the moment I read about you, my mind instinctively said "The Tenth Doctor would love her!"
He is also not a very touchy kind of person - if I call correctly, he's never been one to establish any kind of physical contact. And we all know how he can be when he's on a rambling spree.
All in all, I can see The Tenth Doctor absolutely adoring you, enjoying the time you spend together and savouring every moment of it.
I ship you with...
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Mr. Jim Moriarty
The Napoleon of Crime himself! Consider yourself his partner in crime - if you're cool with it. To even keep up with Jim, you'd have to be good - like really clever and cunning. Man moves at a high pace and I feel that if he wanted to keep you around, than that means he believes that you can.
If acts of service are what you desire, then let me tell you, that's what you're getting. Jim, in his own words, has said that he doesn't like to get his hands dirty, but the man's a criminal. Ask of him what you will and so it shall be. Anything, you don't even have to ask and he just knows.
Moriarty as a lover would be a something you'd have to just get used to but if you put in the time, and make sure that he does too, I feel it could be a beautiful, diabolical relationship.
I ship you with...
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Morgana Pendragon
We are all unworthy of this Goddess.
Morgana needs more love in her life and I feel like you can give that to her. I feel you two share the same interests and the same love language, which works out great for you both. She doesn't judge, if you were go on rambling about something you love, she'd sit there and listen with a huge smile on her face.
Morgana would be an amazing partner and when I read what you've sent me about yourself, I knew she'd be a great match for you.
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There you go! I hope you like it! =)
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
predictions for yuumori s2 (as a manga reader)
No matter what happens, this is probably gonna end up aging badly, but i’m hyperfixating and I’ve decided to make it everyone else’s problem so I’m going to predict where they’re gonna go with s2 of moriarty the patriot (keep in mind i’m writing this as of episode 2) and what I think would be the ideal scenario, in the likely situation that this is the last season.
So we can tell a lot about what they’re going to cut/include from the opening and ending, and the first two episodes. 
-moneypenny and most likely von herder are gone, already evidenced by the first 2 episodes, which is :( but understandable bc there’s only so much space and they’re definitely cutting the arcs where they would be important
-so that means no moran backstory because duh, there’s a point in the backstory and i see value in it, moran slaps when he’s not being an ass lmao, but again, time constraints
-no matter what I can’t see them keeping in the like, child hunting thing 2 electric boogaloo, even tho it did further Fred’s and Louis’ characters, since they’ve previously cut out stuff considering them and. You know. That’s how it be.
-You can see they’re including jack the ripper arc (considering, jack is in the opening) and I have faith that they can downsize the arc without butchering it if they do it right. This is good that they’re keeping it in, considering it’s one of the... main arcs not involving milverton that advances the plot.
-Major thing we can tell is that, yeah, Milverton is nowhere to be seen. It seems like this would fuck things up bad since he’s like, the only kind of “main villain” we get here. But honestly? I agree with that. Fuck Milverton. He has no character or motivation and is like my one and only bone to pick with the manga. He’s just there to suck ass and create plot convenience?? I don’t like him and he never needed to be there if he wasn’t at least going to do something interesting. I support the anime cutting him.
-That DOES fuck over their ability to do the white knight arc, since, well, milverton is the cause of all of that. And this is the one thing I really don’t know what they’re going to do with that to connect jack the ripper directly to the final problem. I can’t predict that, but I do think there are ways it can be done that won’t be Awful.
-So considering that, Mary’s arc is definitely axed, which doesn’t bother me that much since by that point i so impatient for gay people and really didn’t care about watson’s fiance even tho she is a lovely lady. For anime effect, she does not need an arc, though I could see them having her show up a few times so watson doesn’t seem too gay either lmao.
-They’re definitely shooting to end with the final problem, considering without it there’s no big culminating event between moriarty and sherlock, which is obviously the big sell. And well. It’s. Um. The final problem. 
The season says it’s slated to be 13 episodes, since s1 didn’t have enough time for 12. I honestly think they can manage it all, if they play their cards right. 
This whole potential situation does sound familiar, I’ll point out that I just arrived here after the shit show of the promised neverland’s second season. But I don’t think it will get bad like tpn did. Because in Moriarty, they could afford to cut things because there are many stand alone and disposable arcs, whereas tpn really shouldn’t have, since they pretty much all contributed later to Major Main Character Plot Things. And the important points of the arcs that they’ll probably cut can actually be written into existing ones without looking like plot convenience, in my vision of it.
Honestly, I’m pretty optimistic for moriarty, it works better for this kind of adaption than in a lot of other manga that end up getting these most likely two season adaptions. I’d love to get those arcs for the servant’s and other character’s developments of course, but trying to stick that in when there’s really only time to focus on the main characters would suck up time better spent on really getting deep into the main storyline. Even if there are less characters, in a situation like this a streamlined and nuanced story will look elegant, whereas shoving as much content as possible into a few short episodes makes everyone cringe.
The situation does end up looking like the promised neverland, but it has a chance to be significantly less fucked considering,,, well,,, tpn is an insanely low bar, and they will hopefully not make the promised neverland’s same mistakes of Shove Seventeen Plotlines Into One Episode After Realizing Belatedly They Actually Needed Those Parts.
Obviously I don’t know what will happen, and this will be outdated by sunday lmao, but my projection looks something like this for 13 episodes to conclude the show.
(Episodes 1+2: A Scandal in the British Empire)
Episode 3: I’m very anxious for 3 considering this will probably make or break my opinion on the anime. Ideally, this episode would wrap up the scandal arc and go over the whole James Bond thing, it could be pretty baller and fit well into an episode. But though there’s plenty of Irene in the opening, there’s no sight of Bond, so considering anime as a whole is fucking transphobic, they might try to change it, twist around bond’s words or just, gloss over it altogether. If they cut it, they might have time to squeeze in another arc but I don’t think they honestly need to? With what they seem to be keeping in, they’ll have ample time to get to everything, and it would be shorter anyway considering the smaller amount of servants. 
Here, we do definitely need to cover Sherlock’s “receiving the name of the lord of crime and deciding to burn it and find it out himself because he’s extra”, no matter the status of irene/bond’s gender. If they do that right and possibly change a few things so it’s more important, this could play into them moving forward his whole discovery of their secrets.
Episodes 4-7: These will most likely cover jack the ripper arc. There’s a lot to go over here, and I’m confident they can cut it down, because tbh Moriarty is pretty long winded for a manga and cutting things is good to an extent. This covers most of the major expansions on William’s ideas and plans, and definitely has the holes to stuff in more of the points made in the arcs that will be cut out. Though I have my reservations, they could plausibly take most points in white knight and integrate them into here.
Episodes 8-10: These are the ones that are going to take the most work and probably be the most changed. They should finish up the ripper arc in 7, give or take a few episodes, and then here, If Sherlock has a little more figured out from episode 3, he can look deeper. I think it’s honestly a good idea for the one to discover the Incriminating Records to be him, as it again gives them more connection. There needs to be some other reason Moriarty’s secrets are in danger of getting leaked to the paper, but I’m sure they can put something together with scotland yard or something, or even like, Mycroft. I see that. But if that happens, then we can spend an episode or so on the merchant of london, aka little liam commits girlboss, which can be woven into the idea of everything Coming Out.
Episodes 11-13: Final problem. I see this going mostly unchanged, up until 55. Truth is they’ll probably end up cutting something but hmm. I don’t know. They should keep the fred stuff in, since they’ll cut his other development. They should keep the squad asking sherlock for help, since they cut the other parts that highlight the crime squad’s care for him. But I think they could montage most of the William Goes French Revolution On You Hoes, even the part where the kids come in front of one of them, if you see what’s going on right. But everything can proceed as in the manga pretty smoothly, I think, it all makes sense if they put it together in 7-10. You know, you got somehow, the worst case happens, and boom, scandal, final problem enacted. Killing spree. William reveals he’s been emo this whole time but it’s too late now. Everyone scrambling to catch up with his damn plans. Gay boy knocking on 221B with a fucking love letter. Shit gets found out. And then... well, yuh.
Disclaimer I still don’t know everything about this, bc I cannot find a translation of 54, only the raw with no context, and I know there’s content after 55 but I can’t find that either. But I’m sure as hell an english major and can understand where things are probably going. I don’t know what’s involved at that point, and if there’s some plan detailed to save him or something. That’s the main thing I don’t know, and if there is one detailed of course that kind of changes everything, but for now I’m going on the assumption that 54 is “sherlock runs to the bridge and yells at liam to stop being a dramatic whore while london burns around them and the murder squad watches anxiously with mysterious intent, until it is chapter 55″. (IF Y’ALL HAVE THE ENGLISH PLEASE HMU) They better not TOUCH anything in 55 or so help me god.
But as to after 55, things are going to be different. Besties, I’m an optimist, but there’s no way they’ll make a season after this. It does appear that they’ve mostly wrapped up, and they’ve gotten through what Big Revals they plan on doing. The shit hinted from the beginning has happened, and there probably won’t be enough to create another, unless the author plans on fucking shit up again, which I don’t approve of. There are a few things still left unsaid, like, Liam’s real name and everything, but if it’s supposed to be important, things that small can 100 percent be written into this.
And as something that’s intending to finish up a story, depending on what manga canon really is (BESTIE I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS) they might change it. There’s two options, a bittersweet/hopeful and a tragic one, but either one will end up open ended, because of my extensive knowledge of 2 season animes with significantly longer mangas. (done badly: tokyo ghoul and tpn, done well: owari no seraph and mob psycho) Either we have it like well, oh damn, everything was destined to be Sad but well you’re with him now you’re probably dead, but you know there’s something hinted at and you don’t know for sure so that’s the catch. So you get a vague and bittersweet but possibly hopeful ending. OR something that takes,,, whatever ends up happening in the manga or whatever the plan is and turning it into an epilogue infodump.
I can see either going well depending on how they handle the messages of the story. But yeah, as far as to my extent of the understanding of the show, that’s how it’ll probably go, and what my opinion of how it should is.
To What Extent Will The Gay:
You know, this is my ideal scenario within these time limits, but you know they could always go The Wrong Direction if the anime team took a look at some of the later chapters and went “holy shit this is a bit too gay” and try to axe some of the sherliam content, which I wouldn’t put past any corporation.
In the case that they do, I see lot of good shit going. They’re clearly trying to do the final problem, so they obviously can’t cut out 55, which is good :). But though 55 is clearly, uh, really fucking homosexual, the most romantic shit goes down in 53, as far as I can tell? (keeping in mind i still haven’t found 54′s english version, if anyone would like to direct me to a translation, that would be LOVELY.) I unfortunately can see them cutting Liam’s letter almost entirely, and that kind of scares me.
You know, even if i’d hate and slander them for it, cutting out james bond would be something i would understand. But messing with sherliam would fuck them over, not just cause that would be awful, but like, because it’s like... kind of the main point.
So I’m not really too worried about them messing with it, mostly because the content itself is holding them at gunpoint, sherliam holds the whole plot structure in place, especially if you’re shooting for final problem. And even in the manga they never, like, actually say they’re in love with each other even tho historically gay lovers would probably call each other “friends” lmao so it’s not like they have to greenlight gay sex or anything lmao it’s just Very Romantic (No Homo)
And apart from that, yuumori has actually been pretty decent to the gays so far?? Damn shawty, they certainly haven’t toned down the gay yet and it’s clearly their main source of fans, and what they’ve decided to emphasize in both openings and a significant portion of the s2 ending. We’re all here for it, and they’re catering to it, so I can at least give you that.
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thegreymoon · 3 years
Word of Honor
OK, Scorpion, now you are really starting to get on my nerves 😤
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So, since he’s still questioning whether or not his abuser is sincere, I’m assuming his alliance with WKX really fell through and they were not cooperating in that last scene? Now I’m additionally pissed off that we never got to see why, or how Zhao Jing lured him back. 
I am so tired of giving Scorpion the benefit of doubt, but this looks promising!
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Please, please end the bastard already 😠😠
Tell them, beautiful!
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This whole farce is becoming exhausting 😪
LMAO, of course 😆😆
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Everyone’s favourite gremlin is back!
With that said, everything about this exposition is so narratively clumsy and makes no sense from any standpoint. The only things still holding this show together are Zhou Zhishu’s and Wen Kexing’s pretty faces. 
You have got to be kidding me. 
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LMAO, brother Shen Shen finally losing his temper and speaking all our minds 😆😆
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LMAO, seriously?? 
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Everything about this is so anticlimactic, but, yes, please! 
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Regardless of everything else that is going on here, I feel like we can all just take a moment to admire how beautiful he is 😍
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What are you crying for, you disaster? 
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LMAO, did he just poison him?
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OMFG, what are you now circling back to this for 😫😫
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Please, this story has run its course! But I suppose we still have three episodes to go 😤😤
I am... speechless. 
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I’m trying really hard to be sympathetic to this entire team considering how devoted they were to getting this show to air in spite of everyone and their grandmother sabotaging them in the middle of a pandemic and keeping in mind that the first thirty episodes were so incredibly good, but what the actual hell happened? 
This is just bad on every level. 
Ye Baiyi, I love you, but please stop extending my suffering 🙄
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The way this is going, I cannot 🤣🤣
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“Very sorry, Senior, I just led a criminal organization responsible for carnage and terror for several years, and, oh, I also tortured and murdered a couple of hundred people myself, but my bad! I promise I won’t do it again!” 
Please, what happened to this show? 🤣🤣
Mind you, it’s not that I want Wen Kexing be imprisoned/executed for his crimes, but come on!! 
Also, the the only reason all these people are willing to speak up for him is because Ghost or not, he is still gentry, and his parents are one of them! If it had been any one of the other low-born (and less conventionally presentable, or even female) criminals on the line here, they would be frothing at the mouth, calling for his death. They all agree that Wen Kexing was in the Ghost Valley ‘by mistake’ only because his parents were respectable people. 
“The spectacle is over! Shoo, now!” 🤣🤣
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I am now starting to fear just how much they will butcher the script for Hao Yi Xing 😢 WoH clearly started out with excellent, competent writers and the show was so, so good until their own studio swooped in to sabotage them. I guess that this is a good practice run for me on what to expect when they are done with the delays and the additional butchering of HYX. 
I’m just so sad. There was so much potential here for something truly remarkable and it was unable to land because of pure hubris of people way above the cast and crew who tried so hard and gave it their all. 
I hate it here.
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He’s so broken.
Also, didn’t he take those red pills the elf from Nanjing had given him when he thought WKX had died? What were they supposed to do? I expected him to gain superpowers or something and go on a vengeance spree, but no, it was just Sword Immortal coming down and sending everyone home like errant children. 
I just remembered, when Zhou Zishu was given the muscle relaxant to smell, he later claimed it didn’t work because his sense of smell was gone. My mind was too busy rolling in the gutter at the time to complain, but just because you can’t smell it, that doesn’t mean it will not work, because you are obviously still breathing it in.
Well, at least they made up. 
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Their relationship is one of my favourite things on this show so I am glad they are not out to kill each other. 
I am... disturbed 😶
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Xie’er, baby, you need all the therapy! 😬😬
With that said, this is the best (and the only logical and consistent) thing to come out of these last four episodes so far and I am so here for it!! 👍👍
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This is my least favourite trope of all time, creating drama just for the sake of drama, and it was so poorly executed here, it has completely kicked me out of the story. I find it so hard to care about anything that is happening right now. Also, I am sick of them narrating these unnecessarily twisty and unnecessarily complicated events that happened off screen. My suspension of disbelief has taken a long vacation and is currently sending me selfies from a beach in Maldives 🙄
Aww, censors are sleeping on the job again 🤗
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Also, A-Xu is way too sad. He definitely poisoned himself with those pills and is now actually dying. 
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Only two more episodes! It’s not enough! 😭😭
Aww, cutie, you are the prettiest!! 🤗🤗
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A mountain of treasure for the daughter of the Ghost King 😍
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LMAO, poor Cao Weining, he’s marrying waaaaaay beyond his own station 😅😅
The way they are making me cry 😭😭
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I love them so much!! 
LMAOOOO, it’s what he deserves!! 🤣🤣
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Yes, Queen! Rid yourself of toxic men and their garbage 🔥🔥🔥
Wait... he came to their wedding? 
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This asshole??
I am not happy that they opened the gate. They shouldn’t have opened the gate. I don’t like that the other master is not here. 
She noticed the absence too.
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LMAO, did he seriously walk into the Ghost Valley to shit on the Ghost King’s daughter? On her wedding day?? 
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Wen Kexing, please eat him 💀💀
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