#Works With ChatGPT4
rosajs · 1 year
AI Creative Suite – Ultimate Creator’s Toolkit
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Works With ChatGPT4
Create Scripts, Shorts, VSL’s & Many Other Forms of High Converting Copy & Content
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Works With ChatGPT4
Create Scripts, Shorts, VSL’s & Many Other Forms of High Converting Copy & Content
Do It In Seconds Without A Learning Curve
Beginner & Tech Dummy Friendly
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Commercial License Included
Agency Support Materials Included
Money Making Method Included
Truly Unique & Up To Date A.I Technology
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river-taxbird · 28 days
AI hasn't improved in 18 months. It's likely that this is it. There is currently no evidence the capabilities of ChatGPT will ever improve. It's time for AI companies to put up or shut up.
I'm just re-iterating this excellent post from Ed Zitron, but it's not left my head since I read it and I want to share it. I'm also taking some talking points from Ed's other posts. So basically:
We keep hearing AI is going to get better and better, but these promises seem to be coming from a mix of companies engaging in wild speculation and lying.
Chatgpt, the industry leading large language model, has not materially improved in 18 months. For something that claims to be getting exponentially better, it sure is the same shit.
Hallucinations appear to be an inherent aspect of the technology. Since it's based on statistics and ai doesn't know anything, it can never know what is true. How could I possibly trust it to get any real work done if I can't rely on it's output? If I have to fact check everything it says I might as well do the work myself.
For "real" ai that does know what is true to exist, it would require us to discover new concepts in psychology, math, and computing, which open ai is not working on, and seemingly no other ai companies are either.
Open ai has already seemingly slurped up all the data from the open web already. Chatgpt 5 would take 5x more training data than chatgpt 4 to train. Where is this data coming from, exactly?
Since improvement appears to have ground to a halt, what if this is it? What if Chatgpt 4 is as good as LLMs can ever be? What use is it?
As Jim Covello, a leading semiconductor analyst at Goldman Sachs said (on page 10, and that's big finance so you know they only care about money): if tech companies are spending a trillion dollars to build up the infrastructure to support ai, what trillion dollar problem is it meant to solve? AI companies have a unique talent for burning venture capital and it's unclear if Open AI will be able to survive more than a few years unless everyone suddenly adopts it all at once. (Hey, didn't crypto and the metaverse also require spontaneous mass adoption to make sense?)
There is no problem that current ai is a solution to. Consumer tech is basically solved, normal people don't need more tech than a laptop and a smartphone. Big tech have run out of innovations, and they are desperately looking for the next thing to sell. It happened with the metaverse and it's happening again.
In summary:
Ai hasn't materially improved since the launch of Chatgpt4, which wasn't that big of an upgrade to 3.
There is currently no technological roadmap for ai to become better than it is. (As Jim Covello said on the Goldman Sachs report, the evolution of smartphones was openly planned years ahead of time.) The current problems are inherent to the current technology and nobody has indicated there is any way to solve them in the pipeline. We have likely reached the limits of what LLMs can do, and they still can't do much.
Don't believe AI companies when they say things are going to improve from where they are now before they provide evidence. It's time for the AI shills to put up, or shut up.
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ronelgomes · 1 year
TubeRushr : 8-In-1 Youtube Shorts Traffic Software
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Seenet by Artology_Logo Designer ✅ https://lnkd.in/e9a4KEen Lets work together: email: [email protected]
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brucesterling · 2 months
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"two human hands making a cat's-cradle string figure, in the style of a helpful how-to-do-it diagram"
Well, that's Bing Copilot/ OpenAI ChatGPT4 at work today, but when it comes to hand-anatomy and understanding three-dimensional space, clearly I'm still asking way too much here.
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Hi everyone,
So I’ve been using ChatGPT4 to ask questions. And my most recent question was: “Why is humanity such a destructive species”. And it had an interesting answer:
The perception of humans as a destructive species is often informed by observations of environmental degradation, wars, and other forms of violence. Multiple factors contribute to these destructive behaviors:
1. **Resource Consumption:** Humans, like all species, need resources to survive. Unlike other species, however, humans have developed technology and societal systems that allow for and encourage widespread and rapid consumption of resources. This has led to deforestation, pollution, and other environmental issues.
2. **Competition:** Competition for resources can lead to conflict. This can be seen on a small scale (like disputes between individuals or groups) and on a large scale (like wars between nations).
3. **Technological Advancement:** Humans have developed technology that has allowed for rapid change and growth. This technology can be incredibly beneficial, but it can also be used destructively. Nuclear weapons and other advanced weaponry are obvious examples of this.
4. **Short-Term Thinking:** Humans often prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability. This can lead to behaviors that are destructive in the long run.
5. **Disconnect from Nature:** Many humans live in environments that are largely removed from the natural world. This can lead to a lack of understanding or concern for the impact of human activities on the environment.
6. **Population Growth:** The human population has grown rapidly over the last few centuries, leading to increased demand on resources and greater impact on the environment.
It's important to note, however, that not all humans are destructive, and many people and organizations are working hard to mitigate these issues. There are movements towards sustainability, peacekeeping efforts, advancements in technology aimed at reducing environmental impact, and educational initiatives to help people understand the importance of living in harmony with the environment.
Humanity is capable of both great destruction and great creation. Understanding and addressing the factors that contribute to destructive behavior is key to promoting more sustainable and peaceful ways of living.
What do you all think about this answer?
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the-hornedwitch · 3 months
Spiritual D/s: My Sacred Submission
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The concept of spiritual D/s, (Dominate/Submissive) found me early on in my walk. I had read a few articles from the internet, and it became very apparent it was a type of self D/s I should back up a little. What is D/s? well it is a type of power exchange within the BDSM lifestyle. Control is surrendered from the submissive individual to the Dominate individual. This power exchange often occurs in the bedroom, as most BDSM activates do. However, some within the lifestyle, go beyond the surface level of sex, and live the lifestyle in a sacred manner. A D/s power exchange can occur outside the bedroom and has many forms. this is often seen in the 24/7 lifestyle. Back to spiritual D/s.
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At current moment, I am in a D/s dynamic with My Primary Deity. While sexual Intimacy has and does occur on occasion. It is not the primary focus of the dynamic. I surrender various aspects of my life to Him. Such as, I trust He will guide me to where I need to be, I open myself up to the lessons I must learn to grow, and that if anything: "bad" happens it is due to my own actions, or lack of. I no longer just walk with Him, I follow Him, I trust Him, I understand that I am safe with Him. I no longer "work with" Him, I "Serve" Him and His Will.
It can and has been very difficult at times. The Path I have chosen breaks me down and rebuilds me. I do not get what I want often if ever, it is always what I need. which humbles me more times than I can count. In past posts, I have stated how 'Strict" My Primary can be. I do not mean He is a stoic hard ass, that denies me the pleasurers of life. No, He often encourages, but in moderation. He is strict in ways that are important, such as self-accountability. I must take responsibilities for my actions, my toxic behaviors, my unhealthy coping mechanism, I must continue to grow, to learn, to align with His current and my true highest self. I asked for it, so I must commit, and stay on path.
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I entered into this dynamic with Him, not on a whim, nor lightly. I did so out of necessity, out of a desire to do better. This arrangement came about six months after my ex-husband, and I separated. I had been seeking for a dynamic, and i was looking in all the wrong places. Again, no good no bad only consequences. I kept attracting men, who said they were dominant, but when it came down to business, well. I had a good time wondering what parts of me kept attracting those men, like attracts like. I had a few realizations, and concluded that if I, a daughter of Lilith was to be submissive to any masculine force, it could not be a son of clay, but a Lord of Shadow and Flame.
This dynamic is not one I speak about lightly, I have shared with others in person, most fellow practioners understand and seem rather fascinated with it. Often assuming I am gifted various things. While yes, there are some very pleasurable gifts i receive, I do not in any way receive the "princess treatment". Nor am I his one and only, (Though damn does He have a way of making you feel so special) My Lord has a rather impressive Harem, and I am but a small part of it.
While I am encouraged to shine, be myself, partake in the pleasures of this world, i am to stay mindful. My time and energy are sacred, and limited, I am to spend it wisely. There are various "jobs" I must undertake, I must follow my Calling, and radically love myself. There are some restrictions, but they are aligned with integrating a healthier lifestyle and way of being. One major thing is sexual relationships.
All Images were created by me using ChatGPT4 and the Dall-E Image generator.
While yes, enjoying myself fuels his energy in the most wonderful way, I must be selective. I am a woman who in the past used sex as a coping mechanism, and often allowed toxic and abusive men into my life. This is a type of self-harm, and when one is in recovery from an addiction, you remove the source and evaluate why you numb with it.
He is very strict on that one. Which for a while I was angry about, but i soon understood why. It isn't out of cruelty, it is Him being Him, and shinning that beautiful Light of His onto parts of my life that are in dire need of improvement. I am continuously grateful for having the privilege to experience The Morning Star in such a way. He truly has changed my life for the better, I now understand what it is to be free.
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mitchipedia · 6 months
I have zero coding skills, but I was able to coax ChatGPT to write a JavaScript tool for blogging
My goal was simple but it eluded me for ten years.
I do a lot of linkblogging on mitchw.blog. I prefer to have links formatted like this:
How Many Steps Do You Really Need? That’s the Wrong Question. Walking is important, but challenging yourself to go faster and higher can improve your health even more. nytimes.com
It’s esthetically pleasing, and the reader can see which website they’re being directed to. It’s the way Dave Winer formats it on the links page of his Scripting News blog, which is where I got the idea. I like it.
However, formatting links that way is just fussy enough that it’s inconvenient, particularly when I’m reading and blogging from the iPad and iPhone. I looked for automated tools that would work with my existing blogging software to create those links. Currently, I’m blogging on Micro.blog; previously I used WordPress. But I couldn’t find anything that worked quite the way I wanted.
Then I thought: Why not let ChatGPT try? I’d heard ChatGPT made an excellent coding assistant. Why not see if ChatGPT could do the whole thing?
So I did. You can read a transcript of my conversation with ChatGPT here, complete with code snippets, or read on here and I’ll walk you through it.
Getting started
I started by asking ChatGPT4:
I’m looking for a tool that would automatically convert URLs for posting to the web, to strip off everything but the domain and then link to the URL from the domain. The output should be in Markdown format. For example:
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/08/world/middleeast/gaza-aid-by-sea.html would become nytimes.com
https://news.yahoo.com/trump-set-finalize-rnc-takeover-051211725.html would become news.yahoo.com
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorgos_Lanthimos would become en.wikipedia.org
You can see an example of that style of linking on this page: http://scripting.com/?tab=links
ChatGPT replied with a Python script that would do the job. I would have to edit the script manually to change the URLs.
A good start, but not what I was looking for.
I thought about using Drafts, a utility for the Mac, iPad and iPhone designed to be the place “where text starts.” You type some text into Drafts and then send the text to email, messages, Slack, your task manager, WordPress, whatever. It’s extremely customizable; users can write automations, known as Actions, to manipulate text or send notes to other apps.
I told ChatGPT:
Write me a plugin for the Drafts app that does the same thing using a URL in a draft. Here is the Drafts app https://getdrafts.com
ChatGPT wrote a Drafts action, along with instructions how I could install it. I ran the plugin and got an error. So I sent the error message to ChatGPT, which explained the problem to me and rewrote the code.
And it worked. The whole process took just a few minutes.
But then I ran into a glitch. Here’s how I explained it to ChatGPT:
Please modify the JavaScript so that if the URL starts with www, the www is not included in the output. For example, if the input is this:
Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans https://www.kpbs.org/news/national/2024/03/08/immigrants-are-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-u-s-born-americans-studies-find
The output is currently this:
Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans www.kpbs.org
Instead, it should be this:
Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans kpbs.org
ChatGPT revised the code to check for the presence of www in the URL, and remove that string if present. I updated the Drafts Action yet again, and it worked.
How about link previews?
Next, I asked ChatGPT to write an action that would generate a link preview in a post, in the style of Facebook, Mastodon, Threads, etc. I got that idea from the recent kottke.org redesign.
ChatGPT told me it could do that partially, but couldn’t fetch the title of the web page automatically because Drafts can’t access the Internet.
I replied:
You are incorrect. Drafts can extract the title. See this action for example code. directory.getdrafts.com/a/13y You’ll want to use open graph to get the information for the preview. Try again please.
ChatGPT corrected itself and generated an action for me. I got error messages and passed them on to ChatGPT, which corrected the action. We went back and forth until we generated an action that worked successfully. However, the output was ugly and I lost interest. Maybe I’ll come back to it another day.
Back to plan A
I returned to the original problem and asked ChatGPT for a slight modification.
Me: Let’s go back to the “Convert URLs to markdown” Drafts action. Ready to do a little more work on that one?
ChatGPT: Of course! Let’s continue working on the “Convert URLs to Markdown” Drafts action. What adjustments or additions would you like to make?
Me: I’d like to modify that script so there are brackets surrounding the domain link, with the brackets inside the link.
I provided an example, which included an escape character, \, in front of the square brackets, because I thought that was necessary to render the text properly.
ChatGPT responded with the correct code—which did not include the escape character, because it’s unnecessary.
You can read my conversation with ChatGPT in its entirety here.
I’m pleased by this, and I have a couple of ideas for other Drafts actions ChatGPT can create for me to automate blog and social media formatting.
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smartdatatrends · 1 year
What is ChatGPT | ChatGPT kya hai | ChatGPT | ChatGPT4 | OpenAI Chat GPT Explained 
ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, one of the world's leading AI research organizations. It is based on the GPT-3.5 architecture, which means that it is an advanced version of the GPT-3 model, one of the most powerful language models in the world. What makes ChatGPT unique is that it is specifically designed to interact with humans through natural language processing. Here are some Unknown Amazing Facts about ChatGPT: ChatGPT has been trained on a massive amount of data, including the entire text of the internet. This means that it has access to an incredible amount of knowledge and can answer almost any question you ask it. ChatGPT is so advanced that it can even generate its own text. This means that it can write articles, stories, and even poetry. In fact, it recently won a competition for writing the best poem! ChatGPT has been tested extensively, and it has been found to be highly effective at answering questions and carrying on conversations. In fact, many people who have interacted with ChatGPT have reported that they forget that they're talking to an AI and not a real person! ChatGPT is constantly learning and evolving. As it interacts with more and more people, it gets better and better at understanding human language and providing accurate responses. Conclusion: So, now You understood - what ChatGPT is and some amazing facts about it, that you might not have known. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or just curious about the latest advances in AI, ChatGPT is definitely something to keep an eye on. Who knows, maybe someday soon you'll be having a conversation with an AI that's even smarter than you are! In 1964, researchers at MIT university were working on a computer program. A program so ahead of its time that it would allow seamless communication between humans and machines.
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ontogen1 · 16 days
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Which one could be more authentic for digital marketing?
Let's keep a competition between the popular Artificial intelligence (AI) ChatGPT4, Gemini AI, and Microsoft Copilot. Which one will win? In this ever-changing digital marketing world, we should know to be the expert in Artificial Intelligence, for our own business benefit as marketers or businessmen. But first, let us have a look at how these popular AIs were created. If you look into many industries, Artificial Intelligence is rapidly breaking records. Though Artificial Intelligence is helping out many, people are more worried about what it will do to us negatively. The reason being companies all over the world firing people left and right over AI. But these three companies, OpenAI, Microsoft and Google, have made sure to create Artificial Intelligence that will make it easier to do our work rather than it being a threat in our lives.
The origin of these Artificial Intelligence.
ChatGPT: ChatGPT is used for writing new text for your writing content or assignments. It does that by creating a chat piece of software, where users can enter their query and it will process the answer. Gemini AI: Gemini AI was created by Google, which was formerly known as Bard. It is used to make exactly like human conversations. It tries to gather millions of data using a language named Natural Language processing and Machine learning for its human conversations. Microsoft Copilot: Microsoft Copilot is mainly used to improve your work that you do on a daily basis. It was introduced by Microsoft 365, the all in one app for Microsoft Office. Microsoft Copilot works through business chat, where you can give some prompt like, “Can you walk me through my upcoming meetings”, and it will exactly tell whatever meetings we’re to be held tomorrow.
How do these AI process information?
ChatGPT: The team of OpenAI has trained ChatGPT to be more conversational exactly like humans. It takes knowledge from hundreds of systems as it is a large learning program and uses that information to answer our questions just like a human would. Gemini AI: Gemini AI uses a language called Natural Language Process to know how human communicate and tries to talk like us humans. But, Gemini AI just tries to provide technical answers instead of trying to answer them like humans as of now. More improvements are coming in the future. Microsoft Copilot: Similar to ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot uses the same language Large Language Models as ChatGPT which it uses for gathering information from emails, calendars, chats and documents.
How up to date is it?
To test how every AI is whether up to date, we asked the AI itself how updated they are. Obviously, The free version does not have many updates.
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Which one is more reliable for online marketing?
For digital marketers, it is crucial to have budget friendly options as well as up to date options. Therefore,
ChatGPT: For writers it helps with creating content. For social media marketing it helps with finding content with latest trends and creating them according to the latest trends. It can create backlinks and optimize through SEO. Gemini AI: This Artificial Intelligence has the full capability to find our target audience and predict what type of user behavior it intends. Marketers are born to promote, in advertising and marketing, Gemini AI helps with proper promotional strategies, making it more useful. Copilot: While all AI are helping us marketers to find target audience and tailor our content according to them, Copilot offers similar services. Microsoft 365 has launched dynamic 365 customer insights where Copilot offers more nuanced assistance for us digital marketers to promote our products.
Who wins?
Though all AI are advanced in their own unique ways, it is important to note that every marketer has different needs and three of the AIs can help you with that. It really depends on how your business needs marketing and advertising. For example, if you need your blogs to be improved, your email marketing needs to be amplified, you can use ChatGPT. If you need to use image creation for free and also find your audience according to your niche, you’ve got Gemini AI, which you cannot do from ChatGPT. If you need more business assistance and corporate solutions, you can use Copilot, as it has been created mainly for business professionals. However, you need to keep in mind that creating content from AI has its own drawbacks. From repetitive content to misinformation, AI can also disrupt your content. It is important to check with a human editor to create more authentic, natural content.
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ranareview · 19 days
60-in-1 AI Powered ChatGPT4 WhatsApp Store
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Selling online is a tough nut… it takes a lot of experience to setup and connect the dots Worst part? it’s not easy to convince someone over the internet to pull out his or her credit card and pay a stranger… But what if you can automate all of that? 
Easy, by using Pulse AI - The World’s First AI App that Creates a ChatGPT4-powered Marketplace That Leverages WhatsApp 2 Billion Users To Sell Anything With AI Chatbot …Banking Us $947.74 Daily…without investing a dime on marketing, products or traffic
The AI Agents Do It All…24/7…365 Days
>> Click Here To See The Live Demo - It’s Mind Blowing
Here is more…
AI Find The Perfect Products For You, Or Add Yours… 
AI Agent to Sell Digital, Physical, and Affiliate Products and Services for you
DFY AI Chatbots That Will Talk To Your Customers For You… 
AI Lead Sourcer That Will Give You Active Leads In Any Niche… 
Send Unlimited Broadcast Messages To All Your Customers With 1 Click
1 Click Integration With All Top Payment Processor
Integrate With Your Autoresponder And Build a Massive List… 
Built-In Traffic Feature For 100% Free Targeted Clicks.
And Much More…
With this, It is practically possible for you to bank up to $984 on a daily basis.
Step 1: Access - Click Any Button Below To Instantly Access Pulse AI
Step 2: Create - Create Your First ChatGPT4 Powered Store In 30 Seconds Or Less…
Step 3: WhatsApp AI Agent - Unleash The AI Agents That Will Sell Your Products On Your Behalf
Step 4: Profit- Yup that’s it! Our system works without any human interference… And it makes us money like this daily…
Finally, your days of endless online trial are over.
Here is the best part… This software also comes with 60 cutting-edge AI features that will blow your mind like writing content, copywriting, designing, coding, Proofreading, Voice to text, Generating ads and much more.
This is absolutely a Breakthrough - All In One System
>>Click here to get Access to the ChatGPT4 Powered Marketplace
But here is the thing,
I have talked to the sole owner of this ChatGPT4 Whatsapp Marketplace AI system. And He is ready to give the first 19 people access at a very ridiculous price.
If you want to stop wasting money on marketing techniques that don’t work you have to Hurry and get this Next online Marking Goldmine.
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Pulse AI Review – Create Limitless AI-Powered WhatsApp Store + In-built Traffic
Welcome to my Pulse AI Review, This is a genuine user-based Pulse AI review, in which I will discuss the features, upgrades, price, demo, and bonuses, how Pulse AI can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. This AI App Creates ChatGPT4 Powered Marketplace That Leverages WhatsApp 2 Billion Users To Sell With AI Chatbots Works In Any Niche.
If you want to sell anything online, You need a proper marketing and sales team that does that for you. Sadly, it will cost you tens of thousands of dollars. But what if you can have an app for one small fee (less than the price of a coffee)? And that app will create hundreds of AI agents that will sell anything for you on your behalf, regardless of your experience. These AI agents will leverage the world’s biggest chatting platform and its 2 billion users to turn viewers into paying customers. Say goodbye to the complicated and expensive processes of setting up a profitable online store. With Pulse AI, you can focus on making money with ease.
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What Is Pulse AI?
Pulse AI is a cutting-edge platform that empowers users to create AI chatbots capable of engaging in intelligent conversations with potential customers. These chatbots are built upon the robust foundation of ChatGPT-4, ensuring that they provide informative, helpful, and persuasive responses. By integrating these chatbots into the WhatsApp messaging platform, Pulse AI bridges the gap between traditional e-commerce and the vast, untapped potential of social messaging.
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Pulse AI Review: Overview
Product Creator: Seyi Adeleke
Product Name: Pulse AI
Launch Date: 2024-Sep-02
Launch Time: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click HereTo Visit FE Salespage
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Coupon: Use Code “PULSE5OFF” To Get $5 OFF!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
>>> Click Here to Visit Pulse AI and Get Access Now >>
Pulse AI Review: About Authors
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Seyi Adeleke was created by Pulse AI. He is a famous Software developer with a passion for digital marketing. People want to purchase his items since he is a well-known creator and one of the finest fighters they want to buy what he creates.
Seyi has extensive market experience and excels at staying ahead of trends. Experts have applauded his ideas. Sonic, WebX, AI Pilot, Coursiify, Coinz, ECCO, Edge, vAI, AI Genius, VoxAI, AI Spark, Ink AI, BrainBox, Zendly, ProfitResolution, and many more of his products have done very well.
Pulse AI Review: Key Features
Create Stunning AI-Powered Stores In 30 Seconds Or Less
Let AI Find The Perfect Products For You, Or Add Yours
Sell Digital, Physical, Or Affiliate Products… Or Even A Service
Use AI Agents To Sell The Products For You
Deploy DFY AI Chatbots That Will Talk To Your Customers For You
AI Lead Sourcer That Will Give You Active Leads In Any Niche
Send Unlimited Broadcast Messages To All Your Customers With 1 Click
1 Click Integration With All Top Payment Processor
Integrate With Your Autoresponder And Build Massive List
Built-In Traffic Feature For 100% Free Targeted Clicks
No Complicated Setup — Get Up And Running In 2 MinutesZERO Upfront Cost
ZERO Upfront Cost
30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Pulse AI Review: How Does It Work?
You’re Just 4 Clicks Away From Creating Your AI-Smart Marketplace Sell Any Products In Any Niche With The Help Of The World’s First AI Agents That Do The Selling For You
Step #1: Access
Click Any Button Below To Instantly Access Pulse AI
Step #2: Create
Create Your First ChatGPT4 Powered Store In 30 Seconds Or Less
Step #3: WhatsApp AI Agent
Unleash The AI Agents That Will Sell Your Products On Your Behalf
Step #4: Profit
Yup that’s it! Our system works without any human interference… And it makes us money like this daily
>>> Click Here to Visit Pulse AI and Get Access Now >>
Pulse AI Review: Can Do For You
Start AI-Operated Business
Create Your Own Marketplace
AI Products Hunter
AI WhatsApp ChatBot
AI Store Creator
AI-WhatsApp Closer
AI Leads Sourcer
AI Autoreply Chatbot
AI Broadcasts
Personalized AI ChatBots
Traffic Generator
Payment Integration
AutoResponder Integration
AI Email Generator
AI Design Generator
AI Ads Generator
AI Reports Generator
10-In-1 Additional AI Features
24/7 Customers Support
And much much more
Users Say About Pulse AI
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Pulse AI Review: Why You Buy Pulse AI?
Pulse AI is a game-changer for anyone looking to tap into WhatsApp’s massive user base to sell products or services. With its integration of ChatGPT-4, Pulse AI offers automated, personalized customer interactions, making it easier to manage sales without a traditional e-commerce site. It’s cost-effective, scalable, and ideal for businesses seeking to enhance customer engagement and streamline transactions through AI-powered chatbots.
Pulse AI Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketer
CPA Marketer
Blog Owners
Product Creators
eCom Store Owners
Local Business Owners
Video Marketers
Agency Owners
And many others
>>> Click Here to Visit Pulse AI and Get Access Now >>
Pulse AI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Add My Bundle Coupon Code “ADMINPULSEAI″ — For 30% Off Any Funnel OTO below
Front End Price: Pulse AI FE ($17)
OTO 1: Unlimited Edition ($67)
OTO 2: DoneForYou Edition ($297)
OTO 3: Automation Edition ($47)
OTO 4: Swift Profit Edition ($47)
OTO 5: Traffic Edition ($97)
OTO 6: Agency Edition ($167)
OTO 7: Reseller Edition ($97)
OTO 8: Multiple Income Edition ($47)
Pulse AI Free Premium Bonuses
Bonus #1: Pulse AI 6-Figure In 60 Days LIVE Event (Value $1997)
Get VIP access to live mastermind events where you can copy and paste the Pulse AI underground system used by experts to generate six-figure incomes in just 60 days. This bonus alone is worth five times the price you’ll pay today, and it’s yours for free!
Bonus #2: Pulse AI Facebook Messenger (Value: $997)
Enhance your customer interactions with an AI-powered messaging system that engages with your customers 24/7 via Facebook Messenger. This bot automates your Facebook marketing efforts, boosting sales and expanding your business.
Bonus #3: Pulse AI Social Media Automation (Value $497)
Leverage social media automation to attract millions of users to your AI marketplace without extra work. This tool works seamlessly with virtually every social media platform integrated with your Pulse AI app.
Bonus #4: Pulse AI Traffic Booster (Value $697)
Unlock top-secret tips and strategies to drive massive traffic to your ChatGPT-4-powered marketplace, helping you boost your sales effortlessly. This system solves all your traffic issues, bringing a flood of targeted visitors to your offers.
Bonus #5: Pulse AI Internet Marketing Goldmine (Value $997) Discover the easiest way to build a profitable online business that generates income while you sleep, with step-by-step guidance on scaling your results from three to six figures per month
Pulse AI Review: Money Back Guarantee
We Will Pay You To Fail With Pulse AI Our 30 Days Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee
Look, Pulse AI is not one of those “trash” or unproven applications. We know what it is capable of, but in the unusual event that you fail to employ Pulse AI FOR ANY REASON. Please shoot us an email. It is simple: if you don’t earn money, we don’t want your money. We produce more than enough using Pulse AI. There’s no reason to retain your money if you’re not going to spend it. Not only that, but we’ll give you unique goodies as a reward for wasting your time. Worst case scenario: you acquire Pulse AI but don’t generate any money. You’ll still get unique perks for trying it out.
>>> Click Here to Visit Pulse AI and Get Access Now >>
Pulse AI Review: Pros and Cons
Ease of Use: Simple setup with WhatsApp integration.
Cost-Effective: No need for expensive e-commerce platforms.
Scalability: Handles increased customer interactions seamlessly.
Global Reach: Access to WhatsApp’s 2 billion users.
Personalized Experience: AI-driven recommendations.
You need internet for using this product.
No issues reported, it works perfectly!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need any experience to get started?
None, all you need is just an internet connection. And you’re good to go
Q. Is there any monthly cost?
Depends, if you act now, NONE. But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/mo It’s up to you.
Q. How long does it take to make money?
Our average member made their first sale the same day they got access to Pulse AI.
Q. Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
Nop, Pulse AI is the complete thing. You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind.
Q. What if I failed?
While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you. If you tried Pulse AI and failed, we will refund you every cent you paid and send you exclusive bonuses on top of that just to apologize for wasting your time.
Q. How can I get started?
Awesome, I like your excitement, all you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page, and secure your copy of Pulse AI at a one-time fee
Pulse AI Review: My Recommendation
Pulse AI presents an exciting opportunity for individuals and businesses looking to tap into the vast potential of the online marketplace. By leveraging the power of ChatGPT-4 and WhatsApp, this innovative platform offers a convenient and efficient way to create and manage online stores. While there are potential drawbacks to consider, the benefits of using Pulse AI, such as increased sales, reduced costs, and enhanced customer satisfaction, make it a compelling option for those seeking to grow their business.
>>> Click Here to Visit Pulse AI and Get Access Now >>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: AI Pixel Perfect Review, iSenseHUB AI Review, RoboSTAFF Review, RankLeak Review, BlogBuildr AI Review, PowerSites Review, & AI Millionaire Review.
Thank for reading my Pulse AI Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: While this Pulse AI review strives for accuracy and fairness, it is based on publicly available information and user reviews. It is recommended to conduct thorough research, including seeking out independent sources, before making any purchasing decisions.
Note: This is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17.
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reviewrating · 29 days
Vesta Review - World’s 1st Money-Making WhatsApp Channels.
Vesta Is The  New 'Set & Forget' A.I App Exploits WhatsApp™ For FREE Traffic & $1,272/Day In 60 Seconds Flat!
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Vesta Review – Introduction
Welcome to my Vesta Review. As a genuine user of Vesta, I'll provide an honest assessment of its features, upgrades, costs, bonuses, and demo. I’ll also share how Vesta can benefit you and my personal thoughts on the software. With just one click, Vesta promises to leverage traffic in 60 seconds. It's the world's first ChatGPT-powered, set-and-forget money-making website—a true goldmine for generating passive online profits.
Official Sales Page/Website: Click Here To Visit Sales Page
Vesta Review – What is Vesta?
Vesta App is the new 'Set & Forget' A.I tool that leverages WhatsApp™ to generate free traffic and up to $1,272 per day in just 60 seconds! With over 2 billion active users—almost 30% of the world's population—WhatsApp has become a powerhouse platform. Every day, more than 100 billion messages are exchanged, showcasing its enormous reach and influence.
Vesta taps into this potential, transforming WhatsApp’s massive user base into a revenue stream. The app is designed to simplify the process, making it easy to connect with users and drive results, even if you don't have specialized skills or extensive experience.
To learn more about how it works and the detailed process, check out my Vesta review below.
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Vesta Review – Vesta Overview
Vendor: Billy Darr
Product: Vesta
Launch Date: 2024-Aug-25
Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17(One Time Payment)
Official Sales Page/Website: Click Here To Visit Sales Page
Niche:  Software
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Refund: 365-day money-back guarantee!
How Does Vesta AppActually Work?
Vesta™ uses the latest cutting-edge A.I…
That knows exactly how to make a channel go viral…
You see, billions of people use WhatsApp every single day… The traffic and buyers are already there… But we needed a way to figure out how to drive them into our channel…
And that’s where our A.I app shines…
It knows how to promote our channel to ONLY targeted people… Without paying for anything and without waiting…
I mean it takes a few hours… To get our channel from ZERO to hundreds if not thousands of subscribers.
Not just that…
We make money from the channel SAME DAY.
You’re 2-Clicks Away From Exploiting
WhatsApp’s™ Latest Feature, “Channels”...
( Resulting In FREE Daily Visitors & Sales… )
We Turn A Brand New Channel From Zero To Hundreds Of Targeted BUYERS In Seconds…
Click #1 Purchase
Click on any of the buttons on this page…And create your  account with Vesta in 15 seconds… and then simply login…(ZERO RISK - You are protected By
Our 365 Days Money Back Guarantee)
Click #2 Activate
Connect your WhatsApp™
account… And let our A.I build you an automated channel in any niche you
want… With hundreds of followers That result in money like this for us.
Official Sales Page/Website: Click Here To Visit Sales Page
Vesta Review – Key Features
WhatsApp™ Channels In 60 Seconds
Built-In A.I Powered Video Creator
100+ Templates To Choose From
Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface
Works With Voice Prompts Or Keywords
Hundreds Of Stock Assets Included For Free
Newbie Friendly Interface
App Works On All Popular Devices
All Major 3rd Party Integrations Supported
Automatic WhatsApp™ Channel Creation
Automated AiTraffic Feature Built-In
Built-In Monetisation Included
OpenAI & ChatGPT4 Integration…
1-Click Content Creator
Auto Like/Comment Campaign
Share WhatsApp™ Channel To 100+ Traffic Sources
Biz-In-A-Box Commercial Licence Included
No Monthly Fees
Vesta Review - Can Do For You?
Tap Into Set ‘n’ Forget Whatsapp Channels…
Get Unlimited Free Traffic In 1-Click...
No Tech Skills Or Previous Experience Needed…
Our 3-Figure A Day Tutorials Included...
Get Real Human Visitors Who BUY…
Stop Wasting Time & Money On B.S. Methods..
Finally Get Traffic So You Can Make Sales Today
Be Amongst The First To Ride This New Wave...
The Price Is Rising, If You Wait You’ll Pay More!
Vesta Review - Conclusion
Vesta is a powerful AI-powered platform that  can smooth out the video creation process. Via computerizing a significant number of the errands engaged with video creation, it can set aside you time and cash. In any case, gauging the advantages and disadvantages prior to settling on a choice is significant. In the event that you're searching for a helpful and reasonable method for making recordings, Vesta might worth investigate.
Official Sales Page/Website: Click Here To Visit Sales Page
0 notes
Ignis Review: Monetize Your Smartphone Effortlessly
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The Ignis App claims to revolutionize income generation by transforming your everyday smartphone into a powerful profit-making machine. Here are the key points:
Facebook Monetization: Ignis is intended to transform any Facebook account into a recurring, automated revenue source, possibly procuring up to $563 each day.
Boosted Engagement: It improves your Facebook profile by upgrading content, pictures, and recordings, making them seriously captivating and compelling.
No Complex Setup: You needn't bother with a site or unpredictable arrangement. Ignis use the force of the Facebook application itself.
Faceless Channels In 60 Seconds Built-In A.I Powered Video Creator… 100+ Templates To Choose From… Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface… Works With Voice Prompts Or Keywords… Hundreds Of Stock Assets Included For Free… Newbie Friendly Interface… App Works On All Popular Devices… All Major 3rd Party Integrations Supported. Automatic Facebook™ Channel Creation… Automated AiTraffic Feature Built-In … Built-In Monetisation Included… OpenAI & ChatGPT4 Integration… 1-Click Facebook™ Keyword Finder… Auto Like/Comment Campaign… No Monthly Fees… Share YouTube Videos To 100+ Sources… Biz-In-A-Box Commercial Licence Included…
>>>>>Read More Info & Get It Now
0 notes
tsreviews · 1 month
Ignis Review: Transform Your Phone into a $563/Day Machine!
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Ignis is an AI-driven solution designed to turn any Facebook account into a passive income source. Here’s how it works:
Facebook Integration: Ignis use the force of the Facebook application. Indeed, the equivalent application you use to interface with companions and offer feline recordings can now turn into a lucrative machine.
Content Enhancement: Ignis improves your Facebook profile by helping content, pictures, and recordings. It makes your profile really captivating and powerful, drawing in designated rush hour gridlock.
Monetization:  Ignis doesn't stop at commitment. It likewise gives adaptation strategies, changing over guests into paying clients. Envision acquiring up to $563 each day straightforwardly from your cell phone!
Ignis App Overview: 
The Ignis App claims to revolutionize income generation by transforming your everyday smartphone into a powerful profit-making machine. Here are the key points:
Facebook Monetization: Ignis is intended to transform any Facebook account into a recurring, automated revenue source, possibly procuring up to $563 each day.
Boosted Engagement: It improves your Facebook profile by upgrading content, pictures, and recordings, making them seriously captivating and compelling.
No Complex Setup: You needn't bother with a site or unpredictable arrangement. Ignis uses the force of the Facebook application itself.
Step-by-Step Training: Even amateurs can begin with Ignis utilizing its exhaustive preparation program.
Creator: Billy Darr
Product: IGNIS
Date Of Launch: 2024-Aug-11
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Launch Price: $12.95
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Product Type: Software (online)
Bonus: Hug, Bonuses
Official Website: Click Here
Support: Effective Response
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed: All Levels
Coupon Codes: No coupon
Ignis Review: Benefits
Faceless Channels In 60 Seconds
Built-In A.I Powered Video Creator…
100+ Templates To Choose From…
Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface…
Works With Voice Prompts Or Keywords…
Hundreds Of Stock Assets Included For Free…
Newbie Friendly Interface…
App Works On All Popular Devices…
All Major 3rd Party Integrations Supported.
Automatic Facebook™ Channel Creation…
Automated AiTraffic Feature Built-In …
Built-In Monetisation Included…
OpenAI & ChatGPT4 Integration…
1-Click Facebook™ Keyword Finder…
Auto Like/Comment Campaign…
No Monthly Fees…
Share YouTube Videos To 100+ Sources…
Biz-In-A-Box Commercial Licence Included…
>>Grab a copy now to discover the remaining awesome features
0 notes
review-with-metul · 2 months
Scalar is Most Profitable System – It Forces Thousands of Clicks to Any Affiliate Link. You don’t need to worry about your niche or industry you are in… Because with Scalar, it doesn’t matter, it Works In Any Niche. It allows us to work less than 60 seconds per day.
What is Scalar Review?
Scalar is Turn-Key ChatGPT4.o Plugin Forces 7,482 Targeted Clicks to Any Affiliate Link we want. This Tool helps to making us $852.35 Daily in Autopilot Income All in 45 Seconds or Less. You Don’t Need Any Experience Or Upfront Investment To Operate Scalar.
It is like having a super-smart assistant For Your Affiliate Marketing.
✅ It helps you find the right products to promote.
✅ It gives you insights on what content works best. (And goes ahead to create them)
✅ And it even helps you track your performance.
Scalar Review 2024 | Feature’s:
✅ We finally got ChatGPT4.o to do all the work for us.
✅ You don’t need any skill or experience to use Scalar
✅ All our members are profitably enjoying Scalar
✅ Get thousands of clicks on literally any link you want for free
✅ No need to purchase domain, hosting or anything else.
Hundreds of members are caching using Scalar
✅ Imagine having a personal cash machine that prints you money every day
✅ No more waiting, get results today.
✅ We are pleased to announce that we have a 100% success rate with all our members
✅ So easy to use, even a complete beginner can use Scalar
✅ Our team will force you to get results with Scalar even if you don’t want to…
✅ Access our “over the shoulder” case studies immediately and see how we’ve made over $60,000 using Scalar.
How Does Scalar Review Works? Scalar Review
👉 Step 1: Product Selection (10 minutes)▶ User Plugged into Scalar. ▶ Clicked “Product Finder.” ▶ Choose the “Health and Fitness” niche. ▶ Scalar suggested a trending weight loss product. ▶ Commission: $27 per sale.
👉 Step 2: Content Creation (30 minutes)▶ User used Scalar’s “Content Creator.” ▶ It suggested a review article template. ▶ User filled in the blanks with product info. ▶ Added his personal touch. Done.
👉 Step 3: Campaign Launch (5 minutes)▶ User clicked “Launch Campaign.” ▶ Scalar set up his tracking links. ▶ Suggested best platforms to share. ▶ User posted on Facebook and Instagram.
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