#World War One Memorial
rabbitcruiser · 4 days
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What do you think about my pic?  
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yunamiudon · 9 months
Modern AU! Codywan👮‍♂️
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I stole this design from my drawing last year lol
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↑I drew this AU again...
I haven't decided what Cody does for a living in this fic, but I'm starting to think Detective Cody might be a good idea... 🤔
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 3 months
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WangXian x “As You Wish” by Faye Wong
If you are interested in xz’s version:
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lionofchaeronea · 1 year
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A Highlander Passing a Grave, William Orpen, 1917
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theworldofwars · 5 months
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Never before had the country experienced losses on such a scale. In the immediate post-war years more than 74,000 local war memorials of various types were created. At a national level, the Cenotaph and Tomb of the Unknown Warrior were designed to honour all the dead, including the tens of thousands whose bodies were never found. 
These memorials and the vast cemeteries in France and Flanders are a permanent reminder of the First World War and its legacy.
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res-on8 · 3 months
Let me tell you about the Original Boop War
In light of Tumblr's boop button and subsequent World War Boop, I would like to inform you all of the physical boop war I had 6-7 years ago.
I met a really good friend of mine in the theatre we were tech/crew for in college, and we literally forged our friendship through the so-called Boop War. I was a 3rd year/junior and he was a 1st year/freshman. He was always a weird, funny, and interesting guy, but in his second semester, I decided one day to give him a friendly boop on the nose as he was just standing there.
He replies, "Oh, my favorite part of boops is getting someone back when they least expect it!"
"Haha, I've never heard of that!" I said. And so began the Boop War.
*Story below the cut*
We would do almost anything we could to get in a boop on one another. Everyone else in the shop would occasionally ask us who was winning, and for the first two semesters, we only kept track of who was up or down, not the actual numbers exchanged.
There were a few rules, such as: must touch the tip of the nose, and the boop war only took place during work (meant we could hang out doing normal things without paranoia), also no booping when on ladders, using saws, or doing other activities that could cause harm when dodging a boop. You had to say "boop" when administering a boop, otherwise it wouldn't count. We went so far as to include half-boops when someone like very barely touched a nose, or if someone didn't announce it.
Anyway, we kept track of wins by semester. I won the first, my friend the second, and then I got the third. The third and final semester, we did actually keep track of exchanged boops (21 to 20).
However, even if I won the Boop War, he got in the single best boop. "Hey, [Res], what's the element on the periodic table labeled 'A-h?'"
My thoughts were slow. I was a physics major, not a chem major. "Uhhh....I don't think there--?"
"THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE!!!!! BOOP!!!!!!!" he shouts before running away.
I was stunned for a few moments before cracking up along with everyone else who witnessed.
This is all to say that while I love this virtual boop button on Tumblr, the one true Boop War in my heart is from January 2017 to April 2018. Tumblr only just getting to our level.
(And, yes, I did tell that friend about this feature. He was as charmed by it as me, and we both agreed how much we missed the Boop War.)
((This is also the same friend whose birthday is two days after mine, so we celebrate OUR birthday on the day in between. We call at least once every year on that day to catch up and reminisce.))
(((He is still in my phone contacts as Boople Snoot, has been for years)))
*((((Edit to add the cut because I wanna pin this and I don't want it crazy long lol))))*
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georgefairbrother · 8 months
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Arguably the single most influential figure in terms of how the fallen of the Great War were memorialised was Rudyard Kipling, whose own son, John, a second lieutenant in the Irish Guards, was reported (missing presumed) killed at Loos, aged 18. (His grave was not identified until 1992).
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Rudyard Kipling, an internationally renowned novelist, poet, short story writer and journalist, was subsequently invited by the British government to help establish the Imperial War Graves Commission.
He applied the phrase ‘Known unto God’ for the graves in which the occupant was unidentified, and recommended that headstones be uniform and should have regimental identification wherever possible.
"...What knowledge I have of the feeling among officers and men, dead and alive, convinces me that their chief desire would be for distinctive regimental headstones which could be identified in every quarter of the world where a soldier of their regiment may be buried..."
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Perhaps his most significant contribution was establishing the policy that names on communal memorials be listed strictly in alphabetical order, regardless of rank, aristocratic background or class.
Upon his death in 1936, the War Graves Commission noted that Rudyard Kipling had either written, selected or approved every inscription on IWGC graves and memorials throughout the world, and had, on his own initiative, personally inspected memorial sites in Belgium, France, Egypt and Palestine.
Background from Melvyn Bragg's In Our Time (BBC Radio 4), the website of the Kipling Society, and BBC News (2016): Solving the Mystery of Rudyard Kipling's Son
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You'll find the other polls in my 'sf polls' tag / my pinned post.
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randomnameless · 2 months
what do you think would realistically edelgerd's fate post AG?
We know Doylist wise she was Supreme Puppet'd to have her, somehow, survive (when we know how she reacts to military defeat in AM!) and removing all of her agency - Supreme Puppet was Puppet'd, so she cannot be hold accountable for what she did as Lobotogard, or with her regressed state, cannot be accountable the things she did with her mind intact.
I've already ranted about this special plot device to make sure the waifu escapes the axe and its sexist undertones, but damn if thinking about it to this day pisses me to no ends.
Faced with Regressed!Leader, Dimitri dgaf and moves on (or rather, away from her, reminiscing of AM - he has other things to do than to linger on his relationship with Supreme Leader).
I'd say -
Dimtri dgaf and leaves her to her own devices (which would be a nod to the "parley"? Now that Supreme Leader became one of the "weaks" what is she going to do? Bootstraps or rely on a support system she so much decried?) and move to Enbarr to put an end to the War.
But thinking in more serious terms?
His bannermen, friends and people wouldn't settle for anything else than Supreme Leader's death (maybe not on the gates on Enbarr?). She's the one who started this war and had so many people killed in her imperialist bid, so the only way Supreme Leader escapes death is with the Church.
Now, Supreme Puppet'd by Thales and maybe acknowledging Supreme Leader's second crust, Rhea might be more partial to her - she had been used as a plaything by Agarthans (hopefully she developped her racist tendencies after the experiments?) - and could see her as a victim.
On the other hand, she did start this war, and had more agency than expected given how she petitionned the CoS to war against the Agarthans who infiltrated her Empire - and yet, she still launched her attack on the monastery of her own free will.
Rhea is a compassionate person (Yuri still exists even after killing her knights!) so I think, with all things considered - Supreme Leader's status as a victim of Agarthans, Supreme Puppet and Lobotogard, but also, the war she declared and planned, sacking Garreg Mach, attacking the CoS both spiritually (the Southern Church thing was meant to be a direct "contradiction?" to what she preaches?) and martially, and MAGA > Peace - I'd say Rhea'd agree on not killing Supreme Leader, but at the only condition that she remains with the CoS, in something like her sentence will be to rebuild what she destroyed and mend the wounds she caused so that she might have a different outlook on Fodlan and its people (aka, not going all "i don't mind sacrificing them to reach my goals") when she will remember what she did/who she was, and/or will not become the same "tyrant" she was when she will "grow up" (mentally speaking?).
But that's at the only condition that she never gets to rule anything ever again or hold any kind of political power returning to Adrestia/Enbarr - if those conditions aren't met, she will be executed.
(and maybe to appease the people she's now supposed to work with, Rhea will lend her some old bottle of hairdye, maybe people will not see her as the former emperor who bled the continent for her whims, but as someone who is living a new life)
Rhea might thus "request custody" of Supreme Puppet and while the Kingdom might want her dead, the Church, as the main victim of the war, can have the last say (besides Dimitri might be relieved that Supreme Leader will not be executed), however, the Church asks to everyone present to tell their people that the "Supreme Leader who declared this war of unification died and is no more", maybe taking her crown and Aymr away, as proof she's "dead".
It sounds a bit too merciful coming from Rhea, when we see her in Tru Piss and with her history as Seiros the Warrior - but post!AG!Rhea imo is in a different mood, first of all, with Thales gone there are no people who will target Nabateans because of their race (so no genocide PTSD anymore?) and/or try to make new relics, and unlike the events of FE16, Rhea spent the last few years living with humans who demonstrated they could be trustworthy and actually helped her when she was in need (tfw Rhea doesn't know about Dimitro).
I can see her having more faith in humans and a future in Fodlan for everyone post!AG, as Dimitri and the Kingdom people seem to be trustworthy, than in FE16 when all of the events we play through in WC are basically triggering her genocide trauma (people hunting bones and crest stones, killing Jerry, turning her beloved wards in demonic beasts, some people targeting her for no plausible reason (unless the Western Church knew she had pointy ears?), Hresvelg becoming the new Nemesis, etc...)
That being said...
If Clout tries, during the epilogue, to take a shot at Rhea - when people are celebrating the end of the war - I cannot see things not turning sour for him.
Granted, if you want realism, Clout and GW cannot function because they expect the people involved to be completely stupid, but for this AU's sake, let's say Clout and Dimitro had their heart to heart in Zahrofl, he holds her at Failnaught range and demands her death/resignation/removal of her church.
If he shots and kills her (because Rhea would have dropped her guard, thinking she is surrounded by allies!), I cannot see anyone/anything preventing Claude from being dismembered/slaughtered in the seconds after Rhea's death - not even Dimitro because, hey, Clout said he will accept the consequences of his actions to "change" Fodlan, right? - by Church forces, Kingdom forces and, if we want to push the realism card, even Alliance forces (why the fuck did he do that? Maybe it's a weird doppelganger like those dark mages use! Or Erwin will behead him himself - sure this guy did that, but he doesn't represent the Alliance!).
In the chaos and confusion following Rhea's death, Supreme Leader is executed ("if she never started her war, nothing like this would have ever happened") and Fodlan is fucked when Sothis eventually pops up.
If Clout only holds Rhea at "Failnaught range" and she wonders wtf and asks him to explain - while the entire host of people from, again, the Kingdom, the CoS and KoS, the former BL and maybe some peeps from the GD and Leicester are there - Clout gives his bonker
"Who steals your freedom and gives you an endless list of duties and obligations simply because you have a Crest? Who forces you and your friends into a bunch of unwanted marriages and positions of power? The church even forbids any official contact with outside regions! Not exactly great for Faerghus, right? Being as close to Sreng and Albinea as you are."
reasons, Rhea's first reaction might be to crush him (because now she's on guard!) but if Dimitro says this is not a matter partaining to Faerghus and would rather stay aside (which would throw a wrench in Rhea's previous belief that humanity can be trusted again!) the CoS/Kos, Kingdom and Alliance people might just call crap and bullshit and debunk his baseless accusations (rekindling Rhea's faith in people and Fodlan?) from Annette telling him that they already trade with Albinea, Duscur generals and even Dedue telling him they witnessed the Church helping them regardless of their place of birth, Ingrid saying that her marriage to Glenn had not be organised or planned by the Church, but out of the affection they both had for each other and Ashe telling him those obligations and duties he seems to resent don't exist because he has a crest, but out of a genuine desire to help people.
Maybe we can add Judith wondering wtf is going on with Clout-boy, has he forgotten people get responsabilities and duties because they want them or because Nobility exists well beyond Fodlan's borders? "And I thought you had more common sense than this!"
A Goneril bannerman/loldier might add that the Archbishop asked them to treat Almyran as something else than nuisances and parasites when she came to visit and left with an Almyran kid in tow, but hey - they always attack them for no reason and create strife in Goneril for no reason, haven't they attacked just before the Academy closed?
Basically everyone debunking his claims, Clout realising that said claims were sprouted from his ass so he gets some tissue and wipes it clean.
Clout then relents (tfw no allies to support him) and the Alliance's roundtable finally vote to elect a branch member of the Riegan fam as head of the House - Clout leaves Failnaught and departs "somewhere far away".
(maybe he returns as Almyra's King later on, or as a crown prince, with a treaty/offer of peace, wishing for prosperity between the two lands).
-> all jokes aside and in a more serious setting, even with Dimitro not outwardly condemning him, Clout's course of action would be frowned upon by every party - Alliance included - and depending on his involvment, Dimitro himself might be challenged by his vassals/friends "Sure it's not about Faerghus' safety, but are we really going to let this guy target and ice and bring more chaos by eliminating our ally - who repaid our hospitality with kindness and supported our war efforts - when the Alliance refused to assist us when the Empire swore to Make Adrestia Great Again and warred against us?"
Granted, in this more serious setting, Dimitro doesn't exist because the plot doesn't bend backwards to accomodate Clout so...
Even if Clout doesn't try to ice Rhea asap and waits maybe 8 months after GM's recovery and the end of the war, I cannot see the Lords of the Alliance - when they can try to do "business as usual" with the former Adrestia lands - endorse a military campaing against the Church to, uh, decalcify Fodlan's current order to put YOLO in place. Clout suggesting this is basically handing to Erwin/anyone reason enough to depose him from his seat as Riegan's representative (the alliance has more to win with rebuilding Adrestia/Fodlan than to wage a pointless war that will alienate everyone and leave their backs open to an Almyran attack), and he either runs away to Almyra or dies in a pointless attempt to start a civil war/rebellion to garner troops to target the Church.
For sure this looks like an ideal "and everything ends good AU!" but in a more serious setting, where people have common sense and don't suddenly hold idiot plot balls to make sure Clout seems to have a point... his POV doesn't hold under scrutiny and no one can normally follow him, unless they have another agenda (Make Leicester Great Again?)
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handweavers · 11 months
it's so crazy to me that my paternal grandfather was born in 1917 like world war one was still going on. what the fuck
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iniziare · 14 hours
Tag drop: Solas
#solas. [ what would you have had me say? that i was the great adversary in your people's mythology? ]#solas: ic. [ the dread wolf inspired hope in my friends and fear in my enemies. not unlike “inquisitor” i suppose. ]#solas: inquiries. [ let me help you. / you cannot. there is no glory here. only a price that i alone will pay. ]#solas: countenance. [ i was solas first. “fen'harel” came later. an insult i took as as a badge of honor. ]#solas: introspection. [ war breeds fear. fear breeds a desire for simplicity. good and evil. right or wrong. chains of command. ]#solas: meta. [ just remember; an enemy can attack but only an ally can betray you. betrayal is always worse. ]#solas: little notes. [ but nature is and always has been; grey. a spirit is a purpose. a demon is that purpose perverted. ]#solas: wishes. [ i walk the din'anshiral. there is only death on this journey. i would not have you see what i become. ]#solas: etc. [ i have people; seeker. the greatest triumphs and tragedies this world has known can all be traced to people. ]#solas: mythal. [ they killed her. a crime for which an eternity of torment is the only fitting punishment. ]#solas: elvhenan. [ imagine beings who lived forever for whom magic was as natural as breathing. that is what was lost. ]#solas: fade. [ everything is a memory; they are easily muddied. they contain truths but reason and sense are required to extract it. ]#solas: skyhold. [ there is a place that waits for a force to hold it. there is a place where the inquisition can build… grow. ]#solas: inquisition. [ you created a powerful organization. and now it suffers the inevitable fate of such; betrayal and corruption. ]#solas: inquisitor. [ you would risk everything you have in the hope that the future is better? what if it isn't? ]#solas: vhenan. [ what is the old dalish curse? “may the dread wolf take you”? ]#solas: dorian. [ is that a problem for you? / no. no. you're a special and unique snowflake. live the dream. ]#solas: varric. [ you know what i like about you? your boundless optimism. / it's comforting that what qualities i lack; you invent. ]#solas: cassandra. [ i am impressed by your honesty and faith. it is a difficult path; but if anyone can walk it honourably. you can. ]#solas: cole. [ never forget your purpose; cole. it is a noble one. even if this world does not understand. ]#solas: vivienne. [ i leave you with the greatest curse of my people. dirthara ma. / what rustic curse is that? / 'may you learn.' ]#solas: blackwall. [ you have seen a great deal of battle. / we all have. / not like you. you live and breathe war. it's home to you. ]#solas: sera. [ i suppose now you’ll switch to how i’m the same but different? / you are the furthest from what you were meant to be. ]#solas: bull. [ what you think is what you say and do. / even peasants may find freedom in the safety of thought; you take even that. ]
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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What do you think about my pic?  
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the-greatwar · 3 days
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Memorial of WW-I in Callander, Scotland
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omarwolaeth · 1 month
thinking 'bout how the lads interact with what the bracelets represent, especially in their decks
#marwospeaking#Yuuya is by far hardest to work with on this because he Varies. but that might just be him being opposite to Yuzu so it might count?#anyway Yuuya is a bushfire made by fireworks set off without proper precaution (the improperly set off fireworks being Zarc..#.. being influenced into the position that made the lads through his desire to both destroy and entertain his crowds)#It's small sometimes. but in the right conditions is an unstoppable conflagration#Yuuto literally does not die. In a world where we never truly get the other two (Yuugo and Yuuri) interacting with their host (Yuuya)..#.. outside of duels. he very much does. He is undead in a way the others don't quite match (pre Zarc revival) and it's opposite to..#.. En Bird's life (assuming it counts death too as part of its cycle)#Yuugo uses machine monsters - things that distinctly don't breathe. and in most cases have exhaust pipes billowing fumes#and machines can be warm to the touch at times. which you could feasibly slide against Rin's Windwitches for being Very Cold Ladies#Also he's trapped no matter where he is. Neo Domino has a stronger grip on him as a person than anyone else. and when he might finally..#.. escape that. he's trapped in someone else's body with no canonical recourse. because the story ended on Yuuya's terms and no one elses#Yuuri is hardest to place but I think he's very stationary. Sere's monsters are dancers - constantly moving - and she's very able to#adapt as she goes despite how stupid she can be book-wise. Yuuri is rooted into his role. even when he discards his loyalty his role was..#.. always in Zarc's interest no matter if he knew or not. The Professor's loyalty from him is an add-on to that#... I'd argue Zarc cared more about his pieces than Ray cared about hers also? He made cards for them on the fly so they'd Win#Even in moments where that victory is not in a wholly positive light - Odd-Eyes Raging and Gatlinghoul - but we know he's capable of it..#.. a la allowing Yuuya to debut pendulum monsters on his behalf in order to win against Ishijima#something something this can then apply to the other lads. they never lose except to each other and Ray's girls (at least on screen)#Yuuto survived 3 years of war. even despite Yuugo and Yuuri showing up. so methinks Zarc must've had a role in helping him survive#Like. Zarc's distinctly present for his Lads. Ray's not present for her lasses until one of them speaks through her#Sure it's very possible that's a bracelet thing - they are floodgates at the end of the day - and not a Ray thing. but it also wouldn't..#.. surprise me given Ray is an Akaba. we know they will sacrifice others for a gain later on - Ray's was sacrificing a whole world to make.#.. a safer one for everyone to live in. irrelevant on if they remember it or if they never existed originally. Except Leo Akaba. He does#(with memory reading tech) and it tortures him the whole time. she didn't mean to hurt him but Still#Zarc's distinctly not better than Ray - he's still broken wide open when it comes to his hatred of humanity (but not his human half)#and it resulted in multiple near-deaths the second time around - but I can't say Ray's that much better if it turns out the bracelets..#.. weren't floodgating her ability to help her lasses#Completely unrelated but. I don't like what Arcray represents ngl. makes it seem like Zarc could never move on with the help of his lads#and has to rely on someone who killed him and sent him to purgatory about it in order to heal.
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kumomist · 5 days
intense insane staring into the distance and still crying over north no2
#txt#watching pluto#it was a really good buildup of discrimination tho like#the beginning before getting into the world you just think oh its some people its a problem but then as you keep watching you realize#its a pervasive issue the robot adoption thing is still fairly recent there was a war fought majorly by robots#yet the main moral debate in world is the idea of a robot killing a human#the war robots being treated as weapons or idols but never any real inbetween#only exception is mont blanc it seemed pretty ingrained into an actual community#its funeral was organized by volunteers they respected its choice to not have its body made into a monument#versus atom who was basically a minor celebrity and the prof wanted to refuse the state funeral but was denied#those robot parents who kindof lamented kindof like. we understand how those humans feel even if we dont know how to express it.#like the consistent casual discrimination going into tragedy and building gesuit anger#and then also realizing how they tried to cover up his anger like manipulating his memory and refusing his resignation and#ROBITA#like hrghdjsbsnks ‘youre a robot you cant resign’ wow what exactly are in those international robot rights again#but then its all revealed that like. apparently this was all a triple sided setup to buildup robot despair/hatred and also destroy the world#??????#like WHO is that teddy bear#also allubah being a robot was pretty foreshadowed. him having multiple personalities was def not#like ​haha allubah did you not even realize your bad mental health???#manipulating his own robot son too like ah. forcing your son to leave his body for a weaponized one and also using him to destroy the world.#he was a botony student.#also why is the robot named pluto??? why is the flower named pluto??? is it cause sahad was kinda just saying pluto while out of his mind#‘pluto roman god of the dead’ literally the only connection was death and. horns. was there an actual reason for the horns???#tenma was basically going along with the plan just for the memory chips. to. put them into atom and force him to ‘evolve’ ???????#building up from ‘gesuit feels intense anger abput robot discrimination’ to ‘actually gesuit had a robot child that got killed’ was crazy#like hrhghskshGGAAAAAA#like its a little wild but also its like going from. intense anger about discrimination happening infront of you#to feeling intense anger about the discrimination happening TO YOU#the bad guys at the end going ‘no hatred is endless now that you feel it it will never leave you’ and then being proved wrong is so fhjdb <3
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famousblueraincoatmp3 · 7 months
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me watching americans learn stuff and facts about the holocaust we had to learn when we were in kindergarten
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