#Would the difference just be… being able to hug and cuddle and smooch my partner in a way i cant do with friends?
chartreuxcatz · 6 months
Bro, idk what I am.
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no1heyyyyyyyy · 1 year
Sevika dating an asexual person
I think Sevika is a lesbian (which means no men), and I feel that her ‘type’ is that she really doesn’t have one- for looks at least. I do feel however, that she is much more particular with personality as that is what matters most to her. I think she likes stubborn people, those that really stick to their guns and know how to defend themselves, physically or otherwise. I also think she likes a good bit of dry humor, emotional maturity, and those that are willing to stand for what they believe in. She also likes people who are unashamedly themselves. But, I also think she quite cherishes those that make her insides melt a little by just being sweet to her. In Arcane, she is 40. I think a lot of people forget about that. And, because of her age she wouldn’t want someone who’s a lot younger than her, and she isn’t as crazy about sex anymore (I do think that she got around heavily when she was younger though). At the point in the show that we’re in right now, she goes to the brothel regularly. To me, it's because it is easy for her, she can relieve any pent up stress, and it’s really the only form of relaxation she knows other than drinking, smoking, and gambling. 
And, so, I think that she would date an asexual person. Now, it’s well known that in the Arcane universe people aren’t discriminated against or looked down upon based on their ethnicity/race/sexual or romantic orientation/gender/gender expression, and that the biggest issue has to do with class division. So, we can only assume that the ASPEC community isn’t really looked down upon as that community is queer. Same with AROSPEC people. So, I feel that she wouldn’t care that much, mainly because sex is not her biggest priority when it comes to sharing her life with someone. She would be much more interested in who you are, your values, your beliefs, and how you show your affection versus how sexually active you are. Because being asexual is a spectrum and thus, it’s different for everybody. She is allosexual, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t respect those that aren’t. 
Alright, here are my ideas on how a non sexual romantic relationship would go:
Sevika would appreciate partners who are active in emotional intimacy: being a good listener, actively being interested in what she likes and believes in, taking her as she is but still supporting any healthy changes she wants to implement into her life, allowing her to slowly open up on her own time and never forcing her to share when she doesn’t want to, direct communication, appreciation for who she is, honesty, being able to apologize properly etc.
Sevika doesn’t ever get told she is enough, and I feel that she’d need someone who will validate her struggles and let her know that she is enough and always has been. 
Physical touch, as in: smooches (if said aspec person is comfortable), hugs (this is a big one), cuddling- Let me talk about cuddling real quick. She loves it, but isn’t comfortable with it. She needs to be slowly broken into the idea of cuddling as well as the action itself. That form of vulnerability is new to her. She doesn’t feel vulnerable during sex, but when it’s just laying down with her partner and watching a movie- it’s so new to her, she hasn’t tested the waters quite yet.
Developing interests together as partners, finding movies that are fun to watch together, hobbies that are interactive, parallel play, playing cards with the woman- she would love if her partner plays or learns cards with/from her.
Agreeing on things such as neither marriage nor kids. That last ones a biggie with her. I don’t think she despises kids per say, but she certainly doesn’t want them. I don’t think she likes to share her person (unless it’s a poly relationship, but that is a different conversation) with others that often. Not in a possessive way, but in a way that takes all the attention from her and to someone else, the way that taking care of a child would. And, she would need a partner that understands that, agrees with that, and respects that 
So, a normal relationship. A lot of times people get hung up about how a romantic relationship without sex would go, but this is just one of many things that will likely happen. Asexual people, I feel, are better partners in general because they care more about the personality rather than looks, though this varies from person to person. Also, there are a lot less complications when it comes to relationships without sex, as long as all parties are good communicators and emotionally mature. Have a wonderful day!
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artemstellation · 3 years
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tot men + cooking.
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artem wing...
.... is a wonderful cook! it's canon in-game that he's good at cooking, so expect him to whip up a whole five course platter for you if you allow him to (please don't, you'll never be able to finish it without crying tears of joy because it's that good-).
if you're good at cooking yourself, the two of you have a blast with cooking dates! he enjoys making little challenges with you, such as making each other dishes that remind you of the other or baking things that you think they would like!
on your days off, expect to wake up to a whole meal in the mornings if you wake up late. will cook you the most bomb soup to help you get better when you're sick (give him a lot of cuddles and kisses to thank him!!). once you have a taste of his cooking, you just can't stop, and honestly, if he weren't an attorney, he'd definitely have a career in the culinary industry.
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marius von hagen...
.... cannot cook to save his life. do not trust this man in the kitchen. he can and he will burn your building down accidentally (sorry marius stans, i'll make you one where he cooks in apology later).
most of the time, it's either his chef cooking, or you, if you can (then he'll just keep you locked in a back hug or whine about wanting to taste whatever you're making).
if neither is possible, then takeout all the way baby! just watch, mans is going to get you a whole buffet as takeout from the most expensive restaurant he can lay his eyes on because he wants to flex like the peacock he is (sorry, not sorry).
if the both of you can't cook, then he will sign up both of you for cooking classes (and he didn't even ask). just straight up drags you to said classes and then tells you that you're stuck with him as his partner and his moral support. good luck with surviving, bestie.
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luke pearce...
.... can cook just enough to not starve. he's to be trusted in the kitchen, but not too trusted either (sorry luke stans). he makes simple dishes, nothing too complicated on his own.
however, the story's different if he has someone to cook with. then he'll try his hand on one of the more complex recipes! works his hardest, and gives the most brilliant smile when it turns out good!
makes you some of your comfort foods (like that tomato omelette, i wanna eat it) if he can. works hard to learn and get better at some of your favourite recipes so he can surprise you! (please give him all the hugs and smooches that you can because precious-) loves seeing your smiles when he blows you away with his improved cooking.
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vyn richter...
.... is more of a baking person than a cooking person, but he's still pretty good at it! he knows a few complex recipes that you might not, and he's more than happy to teach you those (and he finds an excuse to spend time with you, too).
can be trusted in the kitchen, but cannot be trusted enough to the point that you're sure he won't start a food fight. always manages to sneak up on you and get at least one ingredient on your face (get him back when you're done. he's caught totally off guard).
bakes a lot of things in his free time for you! his favourite things to makes are cookies and macaroons, so expect a lot of them to be a part of your gifts from him. is always trying out new stuff to bake and cook, and calls you over each time to be the first one to taste them and give him some feedback on them. loves your expressions when you're eating his food.
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✦ notes; marius and luke stans, i am sorry, but also not sorry (if that makes sense). i am squeezing out creative brain juice because my brain is overflowing with ideas. have a tiny bit more lu jinghe content because i think bullied him a little too much in this post. anyway, artem's the only one that you can fully trust in the kitchen (totally not because i'm being biased). 👍
- rine
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© 2021 rine @artemstellation. do not plagarize or repost without due permission.
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SFW Alphabet | Felix Lee
{Stray Kids Masterlist}
Member: Felix Lee
Genre: fluff
Authors Note: I am trying to do this series with both AiB and Stray Kids, so here’s my first one! Enjoy!
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A - Affection 
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Considering how affectionate and cuddly he is with his members, with his S/O he’d be ten times more intense
His love language is physical touch, so he would always need to be touching his S/O is some way or another
Even a simple gesture like holding hands under the restaurant table is enough to make him feel reassured
He wouldn’t be able to sleep without wrapping all his limbs around his S/O, snuggling as close and possible and almost suffocating in their scent
While having a lazy day at home, Felix would not leave his S/O’s side
He would follow them to every room, like a little kitten
Felix would love getting his head pat. His S/O’s fingers running through his hair would be heaven for him
As Felix has mentioned to the other members, he heart would explode if his S/O came up behind him while he’s in the kitchen (while he’s washing dishes or something) and gave him a back cuddle
B - Best Friend 
(What would they be like as a best friend?)
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Felix would honestly make the most amazing best friend in the world.
He would be the type of best friend that would show up at their house at 2am just to play Minecraft in their room
He would have the most crackhead energy around them 24/7
Always sticking to their side through thick and thin
He would always know how to cheer his best friend up, quoting vines and doing tiktok dances just to hear them laugh
He would also be so loving, big hugs and snuggles for everyone, especially his best friend
C - Cuddles 
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) 
I mentioned cuddling a bit in A, but here’s some more
Felix would absolutely adore cuddles
One of his favourite ways to cuddle is playing video-games while his S/O sat on his lap with their face tucked into his neck. He would love feeling their breaths on his skin and them leaving small kisses there every few minutes
During cuddling, Felix would love to tuck his hands underneath his S/O’s shirt to feel their warm skin, and then giggle when they yell at him for having cold hands
Felix would rub his head on their belly as their lying down, kissing the soft skin there and blowing raspberries against it to make them laugh
He would wrap his arms around their shoulders from behind them as their doing work and kiss their cheeks
After a long day apart, Felix would drag his S/O to bed and cuddle them like a teddy bear, making up for the lost time when they weren’t together, not letting them go until he’s satisfied with their love (never)
Felix would be so suffocating and cuddly, his S/O would wonder if he has separation issues at least 3 times a day
D - Domestic 
(Do they want to settle down? How are they around the house?)
Obviously Felix has a passion for cooking, so he would be more than happy to practice his skill whenever he could in the kitchen
Every time he made a good dish, his S/O would always be the taste-tester and give him their opinion
He would love to cook for his partner, and he would get so excited when they like his food
Around the house in general, I feel like he would be rather loud.
With his energy and vibe, he would make everyday be a party
Whilst doing boring chores with his S/O, he would blast fun music and dance while doing the laundry or vacuuming
It would take hours for them to finish cleaning anything, because they would have too much fun while doing so
Their living space would be so comfy, pillows and giant stuffed animals everywhere
E - Ending 
(If they had to break up with their S/O, how would they do it?)
I feel like Felix would do absolutely everything in his power to prevent a breakup
But if he was forced to make the decision, he would be torn
Felix seems like someone that would be very emotionally connected to his S/O, so a breakup would crush him
He would probably tell his partner straight up that he wanted to break up
He would sit them down and talk through it logically, trying to say things in the nicest way possible
If he’s the one that broke it off, he would probably try his best to stay positive and on his feet
But if his S/O broke it off, he wouldn’t even try to hide his hurt
He would cry when they tell him, asking what he did wrong and why they don’t love him anymore
It would take quite a while for him to get over them, because he seems like such an emotional person
F - Fiancé(e)
(How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I don’t think Felix would be in a rush to marry his S/O
He’d see it as such a small thing in their relationship, not really caring whether they were married or not
He wouldn’t care about labelling their relationship too much. He’d probably just be happy in any dynamic
Of course, he would be committed to their relationship so strongly and would defiantly hope to marry them, but he wouldn’t think that it was necessary to rush things
To Felix, he wouldn’t rely on marriage to strengthen his relationship, as he probably believes he can be perfectly happy and committed without being married
G - Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, I feel like Felix would be incredibly gentle with his S/O
He would always treat them like they’re so fragile, even after they reassure him over and over that they won’t break
Even just placing his hand on their back would be gentle, and he would hold their hands lightly because he’s worried about hurting them
Emotionally, Felix would be so in touch with how his S/O is feeling
Because he values trust and emotional connection in a relationship, he would be delicate with his partners emotions and always put how they are feeling first
He would constantly check on how his S/O is feeling, and probably loves having conversations about deep emotions, being so glad that his partner feels comfortable to open up to him
H - Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but Felix ADORES hugs
He can never get enough of them, wanting to constantly be snuggled up in someone's arms like a little koala
It wouldn’t be any different with his S/O
Being with Felix would means hugs galore, and his partner doesn’t get a choice in it
All throughout the day, Felix would surprise his S/O with sudden cuddles and back hugs
Felix though loves hugs where he can run up to them and spin them in his arms
Or hugs where they wrap their legs around his waist, making him stumble and giggle
Every hug, Felix would nuzzle his face into his S/O’s neck and rub his face against their cheeks
I - I Love You
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
It honestly wouldn’t take him long, maybe only a few weeks into dating
It would probably slip out during a phone call as he’s hanging up, not realizing what he said until he gets a text from his partner immediately saying “Love you too <3″
Or he would say it after a date when he’s dropping them off, giving them a big kiss then running off cheekily before they would respond
If his S/O said it to him first, he wouldn’t know how to react
He would become all blushy and shy, probably try to hide his red face behind his hands
He would say it back of course, but not before he has a moment to control his nervous laughing
J - Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Definitely a jealous boyfriend, no doubt about it
He wouldn’t be really jealous to the point of annoyance, but he surely wouldn’t appreciate it if someone was flirting or touching his S/O in any way
If they spent the day whole day with someone while he was sitting at home on a day off, he would probably become a bit jealous
He would send them texts throughout the day, asking what they were doing and stuff like that
If his S/O talked to someone for ages while Felix was right next to them, he would become impatient after a while and want their attention back on him
In this situation he would probably squeeze their thigh gently or thread his fingers with theirs to reassure himself
He would become jealous out of insecurity, because sometimes he would probably feel down about himself and wonder why someone as perfect as his S/O was with him
But after a reassuring cuddling session and sweet words from his S/O, he would be completely back to his normal, energy-filled self
K - Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss their partner? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Felix lives for kisses, no matter what kind
His absolute favourite kisses would be gentle ones, filled with love and intimacy
He would kiss his S/O at every chance he gets
Even when their just walking past them in the house, he would lean over and press his lips to their cheek, taking them by surprise
Or when they’re working on their computer at their desk, he would come up behind them and tilt their head back so he can give them a big smooch
His favourite place to kiss his S/O I feel like would be their belly
He could lay his head on their stomach and kiss the soft skin there for hours if it was just to hear them laugh about how it tickles
On him, he would love to be kissed on his forehead
Who doesn’t love a cute forehead kiss
He would love them because it’s such a tender and loving action
It would make him feel cared for and fussed over, which is his absolute favourite
If they kissed all his freckles individually and he would marry his S/O right there
L - Little Ones
(How are they round children?)
I get the feeling Felix actually loves kids
He gives me ‘big cousin that plays hide and seek with little cousins’ vibes
He could honestly play with kids for hours, never failing to make them laugh
He would probably love to babysit with his S/O, because secretly he imagines that they are looking after their own child together
If his S/O has nieces, nephews or baby cousins, he would buy the kids gifts on Christmas and their birthdays just so they like him more
If a kid ever uses puppy-dog eyes on him, he wouldn’t be able to refuse them anything
This means his future kids will be spoiled by their dad massively
M - Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
Felix would probably wake up quite early, getting out of bed to cook breakfast for himself and his S/O
If they aren’t awake by the time breakfast is on the table, he would sprint into their shared room and catapult onto the bed to wake them up
If his S/O isn’t a morning person, they’re in for a wild ride
He would rip the duvet off them and kiss them all over their face until they opened their eyes
If the sweet approach doesn’t work, then he would probably begin a pillow fight war
In the end, it always ends with both of them fallen off the bed laughing their heads off with pillows and duvets scattered everywhere
At breakfast, Felix and his S/O would talk about their plans for the day and clean up the kitchen together
N - Nights
(How are nights spent with them?)
Felix and his S/O would have the same bed-time routine
They would brush their teeth in the bathroom, always making each other laugh by making faces in the mirror and cracking terrible dad jokes
They’d probably go to sleep at a late hour, staying up and watching Netflix shows on one of their laptops
Felix would love to get his hair played with as they watched Netflix, becoming sleepier from the soothing feeling of his S/O’s fingers scratching his head
Felix would fall asleep first most of the time I think, and his S/O would either tuck his head into their chest or press themselves against his chest before drifting off to sleep while listening to Felix’s cute breaths
O - Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
As I mentioned before, I think Felix values honesty and emotional connection in a relationship
This means that he would be very open from the beginning with his S/O
He wouldn’t want to hide any part of himself away from them, wanting them to know and understand him as well as they can
He would love having late nights conversations with his partner, talking about his dreams and passions for future years
He would want to be as open and honest in a relationship and he probably would want his partner to feel the same way
Hiding some aspect of himself would feel like he was lying to his S/O
He wants them to love him for who he truly is, so he’s not afraid to spill secrets and personal things about himself to his S/O
P - Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
Felix seems like the most laid back person ever
He would hardly ever become mad
But when he does, he would become MAD mad
He would go completely silent, giving glares and snarky remarks to whoever angered him
The only things that his S/O would do that would truly set him off is ignoring his calls and texts when he doesn’t know where they are and when his S/O is talking themselves down in front of him
He seems like an anxious personality at some points, so if you don’t answer his texts or calls, he would immediately assume the worse
He also would hate his S/O calling themselves awful things while he’s right there, because in a way it’s insulting to him
If Felix became mad at his S/O, it honestly wouldn’t last too long
He wouldn’t hold grudges, but just sort of let his steam cool off and then be fine
Q - Quizzes
(How much would they remember about their partner?)
Every. Little. Detail
His S/O would not be able to escape him
He would remember something they said weeks ago about a shirt they saw at the mall
“I bought you this shirt because you said you liked the colour.” “What? I looked at it for like 3 seconds...”
Sometimes he would remember things about his partner that they wouldn’t even be able to remember themselves
Even such minor things like how they tie their shoelaces
It honestly would be so cute, and he would always bring things up weeks later after his S/O mentioned it
“Why did you get us tickets to the zoo?” “...because you said you find meerkats cute a few weeks ago.”
R - Remember
(What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
Every moment with his S/O would mean the world to Felix
But his favourite moments would be the simple ones
Like when their having movie date at home, snuggling on the couch with a rom com playing on the TV
He would value those moments because he loves the domestic and calming atmosphere, just enjoying being in his S/O presence
Let’s be honest, him and his S/O would probably not be focused on the movie at all
He would also value memories of going on adventures together
Like going to aquarium and seeing his partner become all excited and point at all the colourful fish
He could honestly watch them react to the sea creatures for hours, he would be so soft for his S/O smile and excitement
S - Security
(How protective are they? Would they like to be protected?)
Honestly probably quite protective
He would be so cautious for them all the time
Even just walking down the street he wouldn’t let go of their hand
It also goes back to him texting them throughout the day if they go out
He feels so much better when he’s reassured that they’re safe
He like to feel like their protector, it probably makes him feel stronger and boosts his confidence
When it comes to him being protected, he would love it
If his S/O is bigger than him, he would always push himself into their chest when he’s feeling vulnerable
Just being in his S/O arms would be enough for him, because their scent would automatically comfort him
T - Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He would treat his S/O like royalty, always making sure he puts in his best effort towards anniversaries and dates
I already mentioned it, but he would love cooking for his S/O
It would probably be his other love language; cooking for his partner
When it’s their anniversary, he would always make sure that he has a romantic restaurant dinner reserved for them
He would pamper them all day, not leaving their side and doing the smallest tasks for them
For gifts, he would prefer making his S/O gifts rather than buying them
He would make cute photo collages of them both to give to them
Or he would make necklaces and bracelets for them from scratch
U - Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He would sometimes accidentally laugh in serious situations when his S/O needs him to be understanding
It wouldn’t be really bad, but it may start an argument if his S/O doesn’t tell him to be serious
He also would sometimes get a bit too clingy, mainly due to insecurity
If his S/O wants some time alone, Felix might take it personally, thinking that they’re sick of him
And lastly, would probably play video-games until really late on some nights
Most of the time his partner wouldn’t care and would probably join him on most occasions
But sometimes when they just want to go to bed and cuddle their boyfriend, they might find it a bit annoying
V - Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
Always wants to look his best for his S/O
No matter how much they reassure him about how they don’t care what he looks like, he would still worry about it
Would be kind of embarrassed if he thought he wasn’t looking attractive
Would hide his face in his S/O’s chest if he wasn’t feeling the most confident
During heated moments he would tuck his head into their neck, probably self-conscious about his facial expressions
His S/O would have to reassure him a lot, but Felix wouldn’t complain, because he lives off praise and compliments
W - Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, home is where ever his S/O is
Because he is someone who becomes very emotionally connected quickly, his S/O would be such a huge part of his life that he wouldn’t be able to live without
Even just one night of not having them in his arms feels foreign and strange to him
He would love his S/O with his whole heart, not holding back any aspect of his affection for them
His S/O would be so important to him, and he would want them to feel the exact same way back
X - Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.)
He would absolutely love torturing his partner with harmless pranks
Like hiding behind doors to scare them and putting sticky notes all over their shared room (even though he’s also pranking himself??)
He’s such a trickster and any moment being with him is chaotic
After he’s learnt a new tiktok dance, he would run excitedly to his partner and show them, which always ends in tears of laughter
Y - Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Would hate to have a partner who is incredibly quiet around both him and other people
He would want someone who matches his energy and has the same humour as him
He also wouldn’t like it if his S/O was very distant, or if they didn’t value spending quality time with him
He would feel neglected or unloved if he dated someone like that
On a lighter note, he would absolutely HATE bugs I feel
His S/O would always have to be the one to take bugs outside if they found one in the house
If both of them have a fear of bugs, then it would take hours to get the smallest of beetles out of their room
Every time it began to fly, they would both scream and shove each other to get away from it
Would honestly be hilarious to watch though
Z - Zzz
(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Either spreads out like a starfish and hogs the bed, or snuggles into the tightest ball possible
There’s no in-between
He wouldn’t snore at all I feel, and would be a light sleeper
Even the smallest of sounds outside makes him wake up all alert
Rarely has nightmares, but when he does he wakes up and tucks himself closer to his S/O while kissing their face to reassure him it was just a dream
He would love to have so many pillows and stuffies on the bed, wanting to be as comfortable as possible
Probably goes to sleep wrapped up like a burrito, but then wakes up with all the covers off him
SFW Alphabet template from @the-coldest-goodbye​
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SFW Alphabet - Sonny Carisi
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Sonny loves holding you anyway he can. He’s a big physical affection type of guy! Sitting casually in his lap on the couch, Sonny towering behind you with his arms hugging your shoulders from behind. He doesn’t like smooching or being too cuddly in public, but he just can’t stay away from you !
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
It doesn’t matter how long he’s known you, Dominick is a loyal friend. If he goes against you in anyway, he has a pretty damn good reason or it’s for your own good. If you’re in a bad mood, Sonny would come over and cook for you and you two would goof around until he had to go back home or until he passed out on your couch.
You are both night-time law students and you get to arguing over some study case you were both given for an assignment- and you out smart him. He starts laughing in disbelief and offers to buy you a coffee. Then you two are hanging out at the bar after classes, throwing darts and throwing back drinks. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
As previously stated, Carisi is a big ol’ snuggler. He’s also a personal heater when it comes to sleeping at night and it can be a blessing on those chilly New York nights.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Sonny + Cooking = ♥
Sonny + Cleaning= :/ (He’s a bit of a germaphobe, but he doesn’t know how to pick up after him self more than he should.)
You’ve talked about it before, and while you both agree bringing children into the world when their Dad would have to see and hear the things he does at work on a daily basis would be horrible, having a kid or two wouldn’t be horrible. Plus, Dominick is so great with children, especially babies. From his own nieces to Rollins’ two girls; He can quiet a screaming child in seconds and it mesmerizes you each time.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Face to Face. If you were committed enough to be in the relationship for however long, you should have the guts to end whatever it is to the other persons’ face.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Sonny would feel horrible anxiety about proposing to you. He definitely wants to be with you until you’re both worm food, but he’s been on the job long enough to see what happens to marriages when someone works this kind of job. But you’re in it for the long haul, and he just has to accept that.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
The human embodiment of a golden retriever is the perfect way to describe Sonny. Loyal, sweet, patient. But if you betray their trust it’s suuuuper hard to get it back.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
When Carisi hugs you, it’s like being bundled up tight for winter, but not suffocating. His chest is firm and comfortable and no matter the hug type, he always draws circles on your lower back, just to make you smile.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
You were actually the first to say it. It was an over-excited slip, but you still meant it 100%. And unbeknownst to know, Carisi wanted to say it week two of knowing you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s not a jealous of possessive man. The most jealous he’s behaved is whenever he’s in a clingy mood and you’re at work or hanging out with Rollins and Olivia without him. But he’s still very protective of you and watches your back.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Carisi loves to kiss the top of your head or the back of your neck. Nothing weird, just a quick peck. The back-of-your-neck kisses would sometimes release a giggle from you and it would end up with him pinning you down and tickling you ‘til you cried.~
But you love to kiss his cheeks and hands. It’s hard to describe, but wanting to kiss him on the cheek as the same mental effect as a crow wanting to bring a bright, shiny thing back to the nest for it’s mate.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Again, Carisi is an amazing person with children. He’ll make an amazing father one day.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s a morning bird. Always up before you with coffee or sometimes food if he had time. But he always made sure- unless it was urgent business- he would wake you up with a sweet his on the cheek or gently rocking you until you came too.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Unless it’s a day off, you rarely get to see him. (ADA or Detective) But on the nights where he gets home early, you both talk about your days and how they went. Dinner, snuggling on the couch, and sometimes you’ll even show him some of your personal projects you’ve been working on. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Along side being the prefect cook and great  with kids, he’s a chatter box. He doesn’t just blurt out things weird like, “I used to spank it to Opera 24/7.” On the first day or anything. Just threw things into casual conversation or when you asked. But if anyone said something about a good home cooked meal, he wouldn’t shut up about the 5 different foods his mama used to make for hi.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He works for a sex crimes division. You have to do something pretty horrible to beat that. You’ve had your fair share of fights though. Between his Italian blood and whatever you were arguing about, he could be stuck on an argument for longer than you would be.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Maybe golden retriever wasn’t an accurate description of what he was. More so like.... a wiener-dog-chihuahua mix. Dorky, but brain still smart and ticking. R  Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Yet somehow, he can’t find his damn phone charger.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Sonny knows you can take care of yourself, but being a part of the NYPD, he'a naturally protective. If you need help getting away from a guy Carisi is on you in seconds, flashing his gun and badge.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Carisi spoils you. He's usually the one to cook when you two have time for dinner and there's never not homemade sweets in the house.
But on your anniversaries, Carisi would make you breakfast in bed and the two of you would make sure to take off from work for the day. Lounging and enjoying one another's company until Carisi would send you to the grocery to get dinner supplies and he can have time to decorate the apartment.
Your favorite scented candles, light pink rose petals, soft music. All the beautiful cliche shit that's just so cheesy and sweet enough to make your heart melt.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Your schedules tend to not overlap. So when he gets home or gets ready for work, he will sometimes leave his dirty laundry around the house and his filthy dishes in his sink.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
His hair, yes. Otherwise, Sonny couldn't give two shits what he looked like. And you coupdn't either.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
"Before you I felt like used tea bag. Already fulfilled my purpose with nothing else left. Then you came around and gave me new purpose. Instead of tea, you made me into a bath bomb. Or a soap scrub."
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Not being able to see him in person for a few days at time or before 11:30pm should be something his partner should be able to deal with. And being able to appreciate his friends and family like he does.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Carisi REFUSES to admit, but the backs of his knees are super ticklish. Sometimes when you're cuddling, you "accidentally" brush your feet up against the back of his knee and he practically falls off of the couch spasming. It's the cutest thing.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Carisi would definitely be a sleep talker. He'd also be the person that if you tried to get up without him, he would hold onto you tighter in his sleep. You think he may be awake sometimes when he does that, but Sonny neither denies or admits that to being true.
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trashbinbackyard · 4 years
pre, general and love for yecal + neja and kadiz + tal
I am still stressed AF
How did they first meet?
“Want to do crime, crimedoer will be hired” and Yecal took the bait
On some sort of recon mission, on part of Tal, Kadiz also just happened to be right there on the data they needed
What was their first impression of each other?
Yecals was along the lines of “well this certainly cant be she, can it?” idk about Neja
Kadiz was extremely skittish about being seen. Tal probably though “wth is that”
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Neither of them let their relatives know before they were actually dating (or married)
Im sure Tal’s other partners were supportive of him getting some more love. Kadiz doesn’t have friends and family to speak of, but Rosta and Charon were kinda ??? on the whole situation
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Hard to say, both are kinda ho’s but who falls faster I don't know, my moneys a bit on Neja’s side
Tal, Kadiz didn’t really consider it at first
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Nope, even though their meet-cute was kinda absurd
In the end no, Kadiz was little slower to recognize the feelings but she never tried to deny them
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Lol xd
“a what”
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Not much different, just Yecal lacking a person to share house chores with, and Neja not having a secured bed
Quail’s force would lack a walking databank for one, Kadiz would be much more lonely
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Neja? Kinda? Leaving her number all suggestive and all. But it also could be Yecal for reaching out again
Kadiz, sorta, by accident
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yecal’s gonna consider their little breaking and entering stunt and their first date
They rarely have free time and Kadiz really cant be seen by the general public so their date options are limited. Just go hide in a nook in the base and chat
What was their first kiss like?
Right before bonking
Kadiz thought an acceptable kiss good luck to a friend was on the lips (oops)
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
I doubt, both were Veteran Ho’s at that point
Kadiz’s first everything really, for Tal though? Nope
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Plenty heightwise, age not so much
They are similar heights, Kadiz is considerably older (you minx you)
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Chill, Yecals family might get little much for Neja but they mean no harm. Yecal is also cool with Neja’s fam
Thats a can worms
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Either could, though Yecal greatly enjoys Neja telling someone off, that's his wife!
Kadiz, she’s very matter-of-fact and usually has good insight
Who gets jealous easier?
They’re adults, they’re past that
Kadiz, a little, with not being able to eat or sleep, and consumed with curiosity
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Both do, though it would be hilarious for Neja to ask Yecal to lean down as if she has something Very Important to say and then it’s a dick pun
They don’t do that
Who said “I love you” first?
Yecal, just get it out in the open by the time he knows she feels the same and wont leave him looking all stupid
Taliesin, a very loving boy
What are their primary love languages?
Physical touch, acts of service, quality time
Quality time, word, acts of service
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Both, relentlessly
Kadiz might try some out, but she’s going to be embarrassed 
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Whenever they’re home at the same time it is given that they just pile up. In public they would link arms or even smooch
They cuddle whenever they have free time. No pda, though is smooching in front of your boss is pda then..
Who initiates kisses?
Both do, Yecal just little more often, don't even need to be mouth kisses, a forehead kiss goes a long way
Both do, Tal maybe more often?
Who’s the big and little spoon?
They switch, look, sometimes big bad goth vigilante wants to be held, ain't nothing wrong with that
Kadiz is happy to be the big spoon
What are their favorite things to do together?
Cuddle, bar crawl
Cuddle, tell stories
Who’s better at comforting the other?
No idea, Yecal isn’t a super comforting presence other than having very strong hugs and soft feathers
Kadiz, just a shoulder to cry on and to vent, she can handle it
Who’s more protective?
Yecal, Neja please be safe you are so small and divine
Kadiz, if she could whisk all of Tal’s trauma away she would, the best she can do is look after him
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Either or
Who remembers the little things?
Neja more likely, Yecal’s a little scatterbrained
Kadiz, that's what being a walking computer does to ya
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peaches-of-1 · 5 years
Day 4 | Music
Male!Reader x J-Hope | Fluff
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“Hobi, Hobi, Hobi! I got us tickets for the midnight showing of that movie we wanted to see on Christmas! We can wear matching sweaters and drink hot choco--”
“Babe, please, you know I work on Christmas.” Said the rapper, not looking at the very excited young man who was hopping around his studio excitedly.
He pouted, “I, I know. Th-that’s why it’s the midnight showing. We can still go and it won’t interfere with the festival…”
Hoseok sighed, “Jagi, I’ll be working overnight to make sure we have the dance steps down like we should. I told you I don’t have much time for us during winter. I’m sorry, but no.”
“Oh...ok…” Y/N said, knowing his boyfriend wasn’t trying to be rude, he was just under a lot of stress.
It was awards season in Korea, so he had been going to a different show almost every week. Because of your job, you hadn’t been able to go to the other MAMA award shows with him, instead having to watch it on your phone just to see your boyfriend perform. After the show, you helped him pick out selfies to post on SNS, with a few special ones being just for the two of you.
Hobi saw how upset you were and pulled you into a hug, “I’m sorry, jagiya. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. It’s just...just so much going on right now. I want to spend time with you because this is the first time we’re spending the holidays in the same country, but--”
“I know it’s a lot, so I’m too upset. Just a little bit.” You sighed, resting your head on his shoulder as he had you in his lap. “Do you think we’ll ever have a normal Christmas together?”
“I hope so,” said the chestnut haired man who gave you a kiss before you had to go.
He began smooching you all over your face and neck, making you giggle. Hoseok said he would try to make it to the theatre in time for the show, but he might be sweaty. You said it was ok if he didn’t but let the ticket with him just in case.
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Although Hobi did come to the movie, he fell asleep in the middle of it. You were a bit sad, but you were glad that he showed up. He had said that he’d be practicing all night. His manager was driving you two home since you had taken a taxi from work.
You two made sure he took a shower before getting him into bed. Part of you knew he was going to sneak off to practice some more, but for now, he was in your arms. Well, you were actually in his arms since he loved to cuddle you as he slept. In your heart, you made a Christmas wish, for him to love you a bit louder.
He did do PDA, but part of you couldn’t help wonder that maybe if you were not a guy he’d be a bit louder and do a bit more when it came to his love for you.
“Merry Christmas, baby.” You said and fell asleep yourself at nearly five in the morning.
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You woke up to your boyfriend having set out one of your best suits and a note that just had a time, a heart, and Hobi’s name on it. You needed to be ready by 3pm for whatever this was. The pants were made just like one of your most comfortable pair, so you’d be able to wear them comfortably throughout the night.
Hair and makeup later, you were sitting in the audience at the Christmas festival next to other partners of K-pop idols. Someone was going to be having a marriage announcement pretty soon by the looks of it. Either way, you were not expecting to be here today. It was all going so fast and Hobi was worried that you weren’t having fun or that you were getting anxiety from all of this, so he made sure to text you as much as he could while he sat in the front closest to the stage.
You promised him everything was fine because one of the girls there was really welcoming and kind. Ziu’s girlfriend was super sweet and did her best to make you feel like you were part of the conversations the others were having, sometimes helping you along when there was something you didn’t exactly understand. Hobi said that he’d make sure to send her a thank you gift for taking care of his boyfriend.
Whenever he called you that, you couldn’t help but blush and get really happy. You really were Jung Hoseok’s boyfriend. The world didn’t know this, but you knew how Korea was. They weren’t ready yet. Fans got pissed whenever their idol was dating anyone or hugged someone too much. Imagine how beserk they’d go if they found out one of the best dancers in the country was taken by a dude.
It seemed like that didn’t matter to him, though.
As Hobi went on stage for a “Special Holiday Performance”, he looked so small and nervous compared to everything. He made eye contact with his backup dancers and the other BTS members in the audience. It was almost like he was looking for someone.
A camera man showed up to record the reactions of the people at your table, and you got a bit scared. Everyone else surely had to feel how tense you had gotten. Ziu’s girlfriend had to give you a comforting smile to break your stress just long enough for it to come rushing back when your boyfriend said something shocking.
“I would like to dedicate this song to my boyfriend, Y/N. I love you, jagiya.” Then he gave a nod to the band behind him before performing a Christmas love song that you knew was just for you.
Your eyes got wide and you were too happy to be scared. He really just did that. You covered your mouth with your hand and found yourself clapping along with the audience. So what if there were a million articles being written about J-Hope and his boyfriend? Right now, it was about Hobi and you, the man he loved.
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sae-bae-ran · 6 years
Rfa+V having a s/o that has a lot of trouble sleeping at night and is always turning back and forth. That has been my situation for the longest and i just don’t know what to do. thank you and ily💕
Oh, man, been there. >.
Masterlist 📜 || Ko-fi ☕
RFA with an MC who has trouble sleeping at night
Hyun Ryu // Zen
As the heavy sleeper in the relationship, it will take him a while to notice that you’re having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, but once he does, he turns into the most tender and caring boyfriend one could ask for.
Starts saving money just so he can take you to spa resorts and other places that you love visiting, hoping that would help you relax and possibly sleep better. You try to protest, because this money can easily be spent on something else that you two need, like new furniture, bills, or rent, but he is having none of it.
“Babe, you’re way more important, okay? I don’t care about money. I care about you.”
Stays awake with you, cuddling you and singing you lullabies and love songs that make you melt into a puddle of happiness and embarrassment, before you eventually fall asleep.
If nothing else helps, he’ll suggest doing physical activities that require unleashing the wolf within him. After all, there’s nothing quite like sweating the stress off.
Having played LOLOL for a long time, he’s also struggling to get his sleeping schedule back in track, so he suggests that you two deal with your shared problem as a team.
Prepare for some quality bonding time over not being able to sleep well! Hooray!
As hard as it is for both of you, you try to make it a point not to use phones and computers or watch TV at least half an hour before going to bed.
Of course, that doesn’t always work, so he’s made sure all your electronic devices have apps that filter blue light.
You’ve made a habit of simply lying next to each other and talking about your plans for the future or what you had for breakfast. It’s something that not only helps calm both of you down, but also strengthens your relationship.
“I know this might sound a bit silly, but I think facing the same problem has brought us two really close together. Oh, not that we weren’t close before, don’t get me wrong!“ Cue his adorable flushed face.
On particularly bad nights, he always offers to massage you. Even if you’re fidgety at first, his soothing touch and the way he always manages to distract you by bringing up something cool he stumbled upon recently always help you wind down.
There was a time in her life when she pondered existential questions such as “What is sleep?” and “Do I really need it?”, but fortunately, she’s figured it all out now.
She’s missed out on sweet dreams too many times, so she naturally wants to make sure you don’t go through the same thing or if that’s inevitable, that she helps you find ways to control it.
Encourages you to limit your caffeine intake, even though it means she might end up drinking her morning coffee on her own. A sign of true love.
Instead, she buys all types of tea she knows can help a person relax. Now the air in the kitchen is heavy not only with the strong smell of coffee, but also with the pleasant mix of lavender, chamomile, and spearmint.
Introduces relaxation techniques in your life. Meditation and yoga are her first suggestions, but if you’re not up for it, she’s not shy to suggest counting sheep. The classics have stood the test of time for a reason.
Goes out of her way to show more physical affection to you before falling asleep, hoping the meaning behind her actions won’t be lost on you.
“I’m not very open with my feelings, MC, but I hope you know I care for you and I’m here for you. “
The support of a partner when you’re dealing with such a problem can make all the difference in the world and Jumin is well aware of that.
“What is it that has been troubling you, love? I’d like to help you.“ It’s said in the softest, most caring voice ever, so you can’t find it in you to say no despite not wanting to bother him.
Changes your pillow and the mattress in your bedroom every day and observes your sleeping patterns until he notices a change for the better in them. He’ll spare no expense in making your snooze time comfortable.
Enjoys reading you a book before going to bed. Always makes sure to choose ones that aren’t too action- or horror-oriented, since they might have the opposite of the desired effect on you.
Spends more time than usual on cuddling you, caressing your face, tracing your jawline with his lips, and stroking your hair. Affection and care go a long way toward calming you down.
Initiates sex more often. It’s scientifically proven orgasms help you relax and fall asleep easier and who is he to defy the power of science?
If nothing seems to be working, he’ll suggest that you see a therapist and will find the best specialist in the field to help you should you take him up on his offer. Of course, he postpones his meetings just so he can be right next to you if or when you need him.
707 // Luciel // Saeyoung
Oh, he knows. He knows the pain and frustration that come with having an irregular sleeping schedule or not being able to fall or stay asleep. And naturally, he doesn’t want his precious 606 to go through the same.
Every day he sets aside at least half an hour for nap time with you. Of course, it’s not just napping. It’s cuddling, smooches, tangled legs, and tight hugs with him. Sometimes he bites, the cute kitty he is.
He’s observant and his ways of helping you deal with your problems are often unconventional. So when he announces during breakfast that from now on you two will set aside fifteen minutes every day to de-stress, you’re not surprised at all. De-stressing includes screaming your worries away, punching beanbags, and crying in each other’s arms.
Makes his own app with relaxing sounds. Most of them are cats meowing and purring since it helps him fall asleep, but the app also includes sounds that soothe your mind easily. How he managed to find that out about you through mere observation is beyond you.
App aside, he can and he will purr while snuggling close to you on the bed. He’s so adorable with his hands curled up like a cat’s paws that you can pass out from sheer endearment.
Often jokes about you two being robots that need to be turned off.
“I wish I could sleep, but everything my cute 606 says and does turns me on instead of off~“ Very smooth, Seven. Very smooth.
Jihyun Kim // V
Regular sleeping schedule? Never heard of it.
He’s used to staying up late and not getting much sleep. Artists are often struck by waves of inspiration at the most unlikely times, so he has no choice.
Thanks to you, though, he wants to change that. You’re the most important person in his life, his love and muse, so he wants you to feel good and kicking, turning, and sighing out of frustration while staring at the ceiling for hours doesn’t seem like things you’d do if you were doing okay.
Makes sure your bedroom is cool and dark so as to help you fall asleep easily. If that doesn’t work for you, he’ll make adjustments until you find the perfect bed environment for you.
Often prepares a hot bath to help you relax your muscles and melt the stress away before bed.
Loves listening to relaxing jazz music with you in his arms right before going to bed. If he’s feeling emotional, he’ll play his mother’s records.
At times when things seem hopeless to you and you feel like you will never ever be able to get some shuteye, he pulls you closer to his body and starts humming soft and soothing melodies in your ear until he’s sure you’ve calmed down.
When your breathing slows and steadies, he always places a soft kiss on your forehead before falling asleep himself.
“Rest well, my sleeping beauty.”
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Can you please write a SFW Alphabet with Kuina? 💕💕💕
Of course I can! Thanks so much for requesting! ❤️
SFW Alphabet | Hikari Kuina
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character: Hikari Kuina
Genre: fluff
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*based in the real world, not in the Borderland
A - Affection
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
People would always perceive her as someone who hates affection, but only you would know the truth
PDA wise, she wouldn’t be a fan of affection out in public
She would hold your hand or have an arm around you but that’s it
When it’s just the two of you though, she would be so affectionate
She wouldn’t particularly always want to be touching you, but she would show her love through acts of service, like cooking or taking care of you
She would also just like being in your presence, like just being in the same room with you would be enough for her to feel comforted
B - Best Friend
(What would they be like as a best friend?)
She would be the quiet friend, but secretly really protective and strong-willed
She would always love spending time with you
Every time you ask her to hang out she would always accept
Your favourite thing to do together would be going to all different restaurants and trying the food in each one
I can see her as being quite hard-headed as a friend, probably not listening to a lot of people when they tell her not to do something
With her best friend, she would be very open to and would love to have deep conversations every now and then
Your parents would love her, for some reason everyone’s parents absolutely adore her
C - Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She would probably become super cuddly when she’s tired
If she’s had a long day, she would walk up to you and throw her entire body weight onto you, wanting to be babied
“Y/N, carry me.” “Kuina, I’m in the middle of somethin-” “Carry me please!”
You would never be able to sleep without her tucked so close to you
Even on really hot nights, she wouldn’t care if you’re sweating, she wants to feel you close and that’s all that matters
In the morning though she’d somehow end up on the complete opposite end of the bed to you
Her favourite way to cuddle would be sitting on each other’s laps
She would love the protectiveness she feels when seeing you all curled into her, tucked into her neck
And she would love having your arms around her when she’s on your lap, feeling happy and safe
If you thread your fingers through her hair, she would marry you right there
D - Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She’d settle so quickly with you
Would act like you’ve been dating for years after only living together for two weeks
It would be comforting, seeing how she obviously trusts that she’ll be with you for a long time
She would talk about you to Chishiya and Alice like as if you two were married
Helping around the house wise, I have a feeling she has a hidden cleaning obsession
It would drive you insane most of the time, because she would always clean your empty cups and bowls up seconds after you put it down
She defiantly moves things all the time, and you always have to ask her were she’s put stuff
E - Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She would do it very slowly and gradually, always sending small signals that she wants to separate
She wouldn’t be able to do it straight up, she would feel too guilty
In the end, it would come to a mutual agreement, both of you deciding that it’s what's best, even if it’s incredibly hard
Would try her best to move on quickly, but would probably still have moments wear she would miss you months after separating
I think she would try her best to stay friends with you
She knows it wouldn’t be as close as when before you were dating, but at least it would be something
F - Fiancé(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Would be so committed to you, she would want to marry you and have kids so quickly
She would want to go quickly because she gets excited about spending the rest of her life with you
She would always drag you to the jewelry shops to look at the rings
“Y/N look at this, they’re matching rings! This would suit us so well!”
You honestly find it adorable when she gets excited over things like marriage and kids
Look forward to it because it would definitely happen soon enough!
G - Gentle
(How gentle are they, physically and emotionally?)
Physically, I think you both would be a bit rough with each other
You would have wrestling matches on the loungeroom floor, the winner being the one who doesn’t have to cook dinner
I feel like in heated moments you two would throw each other around playfully while laughing and making out
Emotionally would be the complete opposite though
If you weren’t having the best day, she would stop everything she is doing and make you talk to her about it
She would be such a good listener, always taking your feelings into account in every situation and making sure you’re 100% comfortable
If you ever started crying in front of her, mother mode activated
She would coo and rub your back as you cry into her shoulder
Then she would pull back and kiss the tears from your cheeks, giving you big smooches everywhere until you felt better
H - Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often would they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Her hugs would feel like a warm fire
I have a feeling that she always radiates warmth, like her skin is always hot
She would be your own little personal heater
She loves to do surprise hugs by picking you up from behind and pressing her face into your upper back while laughing at your struggling
She would hug you so much at home
Mostly when she’s bored. She would get up and go looking for you just to give you a big snuggle
I - I Love You
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
I think it would be an unspoken thing between you two that you’ve just always said it
When you said it to her for the first time, it wasn’t a big deal because it felt so natural
You didn’t even realize that you had said it until a few minutes after
Kuina would always have said it from the start, wanting to be honest and give her heart to you fully
You would say it to each other so often, like multiple times a day
It would be like a ritual to say it before going to sleep
Even if you’ve had an argument, she would refuse to go to sleep without saying it to you
J - Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What would they do when they’re jealous?)
Probably doesn’t get jealous too easily
She would only get jealous if someone obviously was showing much interest in you
She knows and trusts that you love her too much to find someone else
Although, on the rare times when she would get jealous, she would be very upfront about it
If you were talking to someone who was very obviously flirting with you, Kuina would act really cliché and place a passionate kiss on your lips right in front of them
That alone would most of the time draw them away from you
“Oh hey baby, what was that for?” “Just claiming what’s mine.”
K - Kisses
(What would their kisses be like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where would they like to be kissed?)
Passionate kisses 24/7
She wouldn’t want any sissy pecks on the lips, she wants passion and tongue
Your kisses together would always end in dazed eyes and messy hair
Especially ones where Kuina would smash her lips onto yours surprisingly
You would just melt into her, completely at her mercy
Her favourite place to kiss you would obviously be your neck
Such spice and passion
She would love to mark it up, ending in your being frustrated about having to wear turtlenecks or cover it with heaps of foundation
Her favourite place to be kissed by you would be her shoulders
She would love when you hug her from behind and press your lips against her shoulders
She would just fall back into your chest, smitten for your kisses
L - Little Ones
(How are they around children?)
I honestly think she would not like any kids accept her own
She would tolerate kids, but she would hate it if they begun climbing all over her and pulling her hair and such
She would probably prefer newborn babies rather than toddlers
She loves their mushy little faces and big eyes
If someone in one of your families has a baby, she would always ask to hold them
Could probably spend hours just looking down at the tiny human in her arms, captivated by their small hands wrapping around her thumb
Would be so cute to watch though
After every time she holds a baby, she would have baby fever for a few days, always bringing them up in conversation with you and showing you cute pictures online
M - Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings would be so chaotic
I can see her being an early bird, always waking up refreshed and ready for the day
If you were still asleep when she wakes up, I can see her leaning over you with a cheeky grin on her face
“Baby~ It’s time to... wAKE UP!” *tickle attack* “AHHH”
She wouldn’t leave you alone until you woke up
Climbing and lying on you, peppering kisses all over your face
Never expect to have a peaceful sleep in with her around
N - Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
Probably gets tired easily, so she goes to sleep early
If you watched a movie together, she would probably fall asleep and you would have to carry her to the bed and tuck her in like a baby
If you go to sleep together, she would become extra clingy while she’s tried
When you’re trying to brush your teeth she would be draping her body across you
“We can cuddle in a sec just let me wash my face.” “Just come to bed now you don’t need to.”
O - Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
Would be open from the start of the relationship
She would hate hiding things from you
She knows that you may not be as open, because she understands that everyone has boundaries
She would tell you about her childhood growing up and how she struggled with her father accepting her
You would be the only person she’s completely open to
Everyone else has to earn her trust, but to her you’re going to spend the rest of your life together, so she may as well be honest
P - Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
She would be quite hard to really piss off
In your relationship, you would have really small arguments but they would be resolved super easily
Although, on the one occurrence that she became incredibly mad, it would be terrifying
She becomes so quiet, not talking at all
It would freak you out because it would be so unpredictable
Nothing you do would get her incredibly mad though, it would always be someone else related
Q - Quizzes
(How much would they remember about you?)
Probably everything
She’s quiet, but she’s observant
She knows everything about everyone
Definitely knows more about you than you do yourself
But she would always use it to her advantage
Always tricking you into doing things by involving things like your favourite foods or your favourite places to go
R - Remember
(What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
It would be one night when you first became really emotionally vulnerable in front of her
You would have a lot of walls up during the first few months of your relationship, so Kuina values this moment so much
You had a bad argument with your parents, making you feel very emotional
You dragged yourself to Kuina’s place, wanting to be with no one else except her
You laid in her arms all night, feeling safe and warm in her embrace while talking about what happened, crying every so often
She loves this moment because she feels like it really brought you two so much closer and was a huge step in your relationship, strengthening your trust in her
S - Security
(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She would be very protective
Always keeping you close when out in public
Even with your friends that you’ve known for years, she would always get you to text her every now and then when you go to hang out with them
If someone sketchy was approaching you and talking to you, she would make sure to put herself in between you two and hold you behind her protectively
But of course, no one would want to mess with her due to her martial arts skills
One time she kicked a guy in the side of the head because he tried to grab your arm to drag you away from her
He definitely learned not to do that again
T - Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
You both wouldn’t go overboard on anniversaries
She’d plan something super simple, like a picnic date down at the local lake
Or a late night swim at the beach together after a restaurant dinner
For gifts, she would love to buy you clothes
She always looks at nice clothes and imagines you in them
Would get super proud when you like it and wear it a lot
As I mentioned before, her love language would be acts of service
She would show how much she loves you through doing tasks for you
Like making you tea / coffee when you don’t ask
Or giving you shoulder rubs after a stressful day
She would just love taking care of you
U - Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She would be really bad at admitting she’s wrong
It would be the cause of most of your small arguments, but you would usually have to be the person to apologize
It’s not that she’s too prideful to say sorry, she would just most of the time believe that she is the one in the right
V - Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
She definitely tries to look at least half decent before leaving the house
It would sometimes cause you to be a bit late to some events
She would at least always wear foundation and mascara
Looking at her hair, it would sometimes get hard to keep that managed
When she’s around the house, she would her dreadlocks down and around her face
But when she goes outside she would always tie it up
W - Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
She’d try so hard to not come across as completely smitten for you, but the truth is really obvious
She honestly cannot go a day without seeing your face
If she had to go a few days without seeing you, she would feel quite lost
She trusts no one as much as she trusts you
Wants to spend her whole life with you, always being by your side
X - Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.)
She would have a weird love for onesies
Like the animal ones
Would have multiple in your cupboard, always wearing them around the house on cold, rainy nights or lazy mornings
She would look so cute and cuddly in them
You would not be able to let go of her while she wears them
Sometimes you wonder if she wears them just to have your undivided attention
Y - Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
She would hate incredibly loud and obnoxious people
Like those type of extroverts that are a little too confident for their own good
It would give her headaches if she dated someone who was always full of energy and talking her ear off
She prefers friends and lovers who are real and emotional, usually acting rational and calm
Of course she would love a little loud fun once in a while, but she knows when it’s time to chill
Z - Zzz
(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
She moves a lot
I mentioned this before, but she would have herself wrapped around you when going to sleep but by morning she would be on the other side of the bed
You aren’t sure if it was from dreams she has or if she just does it naturally
Sometimes her tossing and turning would wake you up, and you would shake her awake to make sure she’s okay
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