#i feel like having a partner would require a change in how affectionate i am with my friends and i dont want that
chartreuxcatz · 3 months
Bro, idk what I am.
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calicoheartz · 30 days
Hi! 💕💕
As a fellow tall girlie can you please write a fic or hcs about Kate with a taller girl?
Tysm!! No pressure ofc! 💕
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꣑୧ — summary | kate martin x tall!girl reader 🪩
— warnings | sfw , pure fluff !
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : yayaya more kate hcs :)) gave this my best shot as I myself am not a tall girly 😞 tysm for requesting & enjoy ◡̈
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sweet gestures
you often surprise her with cute gestures like lifting her up for a surprise kiss or picking her up to spin her around when she’s excited. These moments always make Kate’s heart race with happiness.
Their cuddle sessions are extra cozy, with you often being the big spoon. Kate loves being enveloped in your arms, feeling safe and cherished.
supportive partner
You often help her with tasks that require height, like reaching for things on high shelves or changing light bulbs. Kate appreciates this and loves how well you two complement each other.
playful teasing
They have a playful dynamic where Kate’s girlfriend often teases her about her height, affectionately calling her “shorty” or “little one,” to which Kate playfully retorts with “giant” or “beanstalk.”
Despite being shorter, Kate is fiercely protective of her girlfriend. She’s always quick to stand up for her and isn’t afraid to step in if she feels someone is disrespecting her.
athletic ‘bond’
They bond over sports, with Kate’s girlfriend often lifting her up during celebrations or carrying her on her shoulders for fun. They make an impressive duo, whether it’s on the court or just goofing around.
height difference (duh)
Kate finds the height difference adorable, often standing on her tiptoes to kiss her girlfriend or reaching up to hold hands. She loves the way her girlfriend easily wraps her arms around her shoulders.
a/n : sorry for the short post today !! I feel like Kate would still act the same towards her gf :) make sure to go check out my relationship hcs for Kate if you haven’t already! tysm for reading 🥰
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gloomwitchwrites · 5 days
Congratulations on 1k!!!!
Hunter alphabet? 🤭
Anon, you did not say what kind of alphabet…you’re going to get what I give you and eat it. I hope you enjoy. (Also, thank you for submitting)
Written with gn!reader in mind.
Content & Warnings: mostly fluff
Word Count: 1.1k
SFW Alphabet Template
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has submitted requests for the 1k follower event. This event is currently closed and I am no longer taking requests. Thank you!
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Affection doesn’t come easy for Hunter. It took him a while to grow comfortable with it. Most of his affection is saved for private moments, and that is when he is more physical. In front of others, Hunter falls into quick touches and verbal forms of affection.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
A wonderful best friend. Loyal, dependable, and steadfast. Hunter takes friendship seriously. That had to have built up to a certain extent before the two of you became anything more.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Hunter doesn’t want to admit that he likes them but he does.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Does not have an urge to settle down. Omega changed this for him. He wants what’s best for her, and she deserves a childhood. That is his main focus and goal, to provide a place for her. Cooking and cleaning do not come naturally for him. These are skills he has to learn.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Nervous wreck about it. Hunter would try to walk around it at first, unsure of how to go about doing it. This would be new territory for him and he’d probably flop at getting his point across.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Does not have plans for commitment, but that can change depending on what happens in his life. This isn’t something Hunter has ever had to think about but someone—like you—could easily come along and change things.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
When required, Hunter can be gentle. He might slip up or not always know when he’s being insensitive, but he does try. This is also new for him. These things take practice and eventually Hunter will get the hang of it.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Didn’t like hugs at first, but loves them now. Especially when they’re from Omega—or you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not quickly, but not slow either. Hunter will realize he loves you long before he actually says it. In his mind, he wants to make sure it’s real before he takes that leap.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Not jealous but is overly protective, and sometimes that might translate as jealousy.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Great kisser. Excellent. 10/10. He’s the kind of guy to go in soft at first—almost tentative. Like he’s trying to test out how you might feel about it. And once he receives that clear signal from you, he’s going in. Hunter can easily become passionate about it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Very awkward around young children. Has no idea what to do at first. But he is very gentle and has patience for them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Wrapped up in each other’s arms.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Watching the water on Pabu. Lazy dinners. A good snuggle.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Slow to reveal things about himself but with time, Hunter is more open about things. If he is revealing personal details about himself to you, it means he trusts you completely.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
His patience is learned. Hunter can grow easily annoyed or irritated, but he tries not to be. He’s shorter with his brothers than he is with you or Omega.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Would forget things. He doesn’t do it on purpose, or because he doesn’t care, it just happens. He is taking care of an entire team. They are his priority, and keeping Omega safe is also high on that list. Sometimes the little details slip, but after it’s all done? Hunter is more likely to remember.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
How the two of you met. It was either a meet cute situation on Pabu or a meet ugly where one of you had a knife pointed at each other’s throat. No in between.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective. Would be looking out for your safety constantly. Hunter does his best to make sure you feel loved and safe, and you return that in equal measure. Sometimes he finds it amusing that you try as hard as him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Depends. If this is happening on the canon timeline, he’s not likely to remember those things until after the events of season 3 (minus the time jump). There are bigger things on his mind. But afterward? He is more likely to remember these moments and take his time to try his best.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Cleanliness. Let’s not forget how abysmal their room was on Kamino. Hunter would absolutely have issues either cleaning up after himself or leaving chores for later. I can see this changing once he settles on Pabu permanently, but it’s an old habit. Doesn’t easily forgive, either.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Hardly. Hunter rarely thinks about that.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Not really. It’s a bit like grief. There is always a hole and it may or may not heal completely, but it doesn’t mean he feels incomplete as a person.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Enjoys physical touch. With his heightened senses, touching you almost settles him in a way.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Hunter takes it personally when one of the team (Crosshair) turns their back on everyone. He isn’t one to forgive easily and loyalty is earned. He’d have a hard time with someone who doesn’t understand this.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Can sleep anywhere and everywhere easily. Had to learn with being away all the time. This guy could kick his feet up and fall asleep in a chair.
@glassgulls @childofyuggoth @foxxy-126 @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet
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@miaraei @cherryofdeath @tulipsun-flower @enfppuff @ninman82
@pigeonmama @beebeechaos @hantheconqueror
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pearlywritings · 2 years
Come with me, my love
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synopsis: the best way to heal is to go somewhere else. Do not worry, your lover has already taken care of that.
pairing and characters: Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli x reader (separately)
tw: pure fluff, hurt/comfort
word count: 2.9k+ words in total
author’s note: I dedicate it to my dear @lunargrapejuice , I hope this will bring you comfort you need, my dear 💛 and also to anyone else who is in desperate need of it☺
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The concept of relationship is fairly new to Albedo, he’s still exploring the field and is learning new things, even though you two have already changed the status to official. However, he is unbelievably observant, and his ability to note anomalies comes in handy when it concerns you.
Lately he’s noticed how you haven’t been your usual self - the bubbly, smiley, affectionate, lively self with energy almost bursting out of your body. You’ve become grim, sluggish, and didn't come to him for a kiss or a hug unless it was him who approached you and gave you those. In the moments like this you were clinging to him, as if fearing he’d break the comforting atmosphere and go back to his research. But the one thing the young man understood about relationships is the importance of being there for your partner. 
Albedo didn’t ask you to tell him what’s wrong - you’ll open up to him when you are ready if you’d ever feel like that - he knows and trusts you. He just holds you close until you doze off and only then comes back to his work table to wrap up whatever is hanging and call it a night.
When it goes like this for over a week, the blond becomes really concerned and understands that it requires some more drastic measures. He officially submits documents for a couple of days off to Jean, informs his alchemist team about his absence and starts researching and planning an immaculate solution to the issue before him.
The gathered data eventually suggests that going out somewhere away from bustling places of constant presence and unwinding is what usually helps to deal with growing depression. You might think his first thought would be taking you out to Dragonspine. After all, the scenery is breath-taking (when there are no raging blizzards), it’s serene and mostly quiet, and no one can disturb you two.
…well, he considered it.
But ultimately he decided on a beach day. Just you, and him, and Klee, since he knows how strongly you adore the little troublemaker. Listen, maybe taking a child who loves fish blasting to the lake isn’t the best idea, but Albedo checked and rechecked her belongings to make sure everything exploding was left home before actually going there.
Weaponizing Klee's charms was a clever decision and proved to be effective. The pyro user becomes your energizer as she constantly asks you to search for seashells, play with her in the water, draw Dodoko on the sand (Albedo, who joins you in almost every activity, undoubtedly wins this one), search for seashells some more, play with a ball, build sand castles…
You plop onto your towel only when the girl starts chasing the crabs, gleefully laughing and swinging her bucket in which she was going to put her new "friend". Your lover hums, keeping an eye out for her to not get into any sort of predicament and sits down next to you, side by side, bending one leg and resting his arm on the knee.
“How’s the vitamin D absorption going?” You chuckle at his choice of words, but then again, you spent so much time inside your shared apartment, of course your organism started lacking the sun rays.
“Pretty awesome, I must admit,” rearranging your body so you could lie down with the man still sitting close, you give your body a good stretch, contently sighing.
“Glad to hear that,” elegant artistic fingers reach out to brush the stray locks from your face, and you quickly catch his wrist, bringing it to your lips to leave a soft kiss.
“Thank you, ‘bedo. I am sorry if I caused you trouble with my… well…” You trail off, but of course he understands what you mean.
“No need to apologize,” a small, but warm smile graces his lips, “You didn’t cause me any trouble, sunshine.”
At the sweet petname your heart skips a beat and mouth twists in your attempts to not reveal a stupid grin. The Chief Alchemist is enchanted by you, so bright and shining, drinking in your soft expressions and bashful body language.
The mission deems to be a success, but solidifying the results with late night cuddles back home wouldn’t hurt.
The owner of the Dawn Winery hates parting with you for longer than a work day, even though sometimes the list of his duties keeps him away from you for exactly over a full work day. That’s why he loathes business trips that require his presence.
You hate those too, because it means you won’t get to get a morning kiss from him and give him one, share breakfast with him, see him throughout a day and sneak sweet kisses and hand holdings in private of the backroom of the tavern, walk with him or welcome him home, feel his arms around you when he climbs through the window of your shared bedroom at the winery after his late night endeavors…
You won’t get to see his vibrant eyes - hazy with sleep, sharp when annoyed and absolutely swirling with adoration when he gazes at you. You won’t get to whine for him to stay in bed for just a little longer, because the warmth of his body is too precious to lose so easily. You won’t get to drag his gloves off of his hands when he doesn’t go out in the city at night, preferring to go to sleep with you. You won’t get to braid or unbraid his flaming hair, massage his scalp and listen to his calm content breathing, as he eagerly leans in your arms.
You get the point - business trips are the worst.
And your feelings are completely mutual on Diluc’s end, even if some of the reasons for him feeling agitated may vary.
This is exactly why you are planting your feet on one of the streets of Fontaine, holding onto your fiance’s hand and curiously looking around you. This time the man’s heart ached when he saw an absolutely heart-broken look on your face when he informed you of yet another we-cannot-sign-this-deal-without-you business trip. The past two weeks had been hard for both of you, and the lack of seeing each other only worsened your mood and made you feel so miserable. A week more without him? You didn’t think you’d endure it without crying, because everything was pressing on your shoulders and it was suffocating, nearly crushing.
The decision was fast and simple - going there together. While Diluc Ragnvindr enjoys privacy, he feels pride at the idea of showing his amazing significant other - soon to become a spouse - off. The amount of mischief concealed within the multiple walls of his character can’t help but look forward to you cutting off the suitors that inevitably come after the young wine tycoon. He knows you can do it just with a single glance and that’s one of the things he loves about you - the power of your beautiful eyes. He himself is weak before the effect of them.
“So… This is Fontaine…” You whisper in awe, still observing everything your gaze has an opportunity to be cast upon. Your hand is still clinging onto his, and something flutters in the male’s chest, when you gently tug on it, urging him to move after you.
“First things first - we are purchasing the Kamera. I want to capture all the moments we’ll share here,” at your proclamation Diluc softly chuckles, briefly turning around and signaling for the servants to unload your carriage and bring everything into the house he rented for you to stay in.
“Sure, my flame. I’d love that as well.”
You grin happily - looks like there is no trace of your previous depressed state anymore. A day in the carriage huddled in blankets together managed to heal your sullen mood and partially feed your desire for being close with him. Don’t think he didn’t enjoy it too, only Celestia above knows how desperately this man craved your presence and affection - it’s just that you and your satisfaction come first.
This trip must give you many memories and Diluc will make sure to spend all the free time he’ll have with you. Oh, but to think of it, in his busy time he also can have you there, because what are they gonna do? Revoke the deal they themselves begged him to consider? Exactly - no.
You are stuck with him, and honestly, this is the best thing when we are talking about two touch-starved and presence-craving lovers.
“Kaeya, I am nervous.”
“You better not be, she’ll sense that you are not in control.”
“You are not helping!”
The man, whose leg literally brushes against yours, as the two horses - a pitch black one and golden with flaxen mane and tail one - slowly march side by side along the road of a Starfell Valley, finds it cute. Finds you cute. A crease between your eyebrows from before disappeared and the look on your face was replaced with such adorable concern. You really don’t have anything to worry about, the girl he chose for you is the calmest specimen he has in stables, very docile and friendly, having been won by you with a piece of apple you offered to her prior to this walk. It is really much better when getting you on his stallion, who is not that tolerant to the people who are not Kaeya himself.
“Do not worry, I am not letting go of her reins until you are ready to try it yourself,” he assures you in a soft voice, which smoothness infiltrates all your senses and lulls the rising unease. “Swing your body lightly back and forth with the horse’s steps, it’ll help you to stay in the saddle and help you feel the movement under you. Trust me, it’ll help.”
“O-oh, alright,” with his palm pressed against the small of your back, you try doing as he says, carefully moving your body. His thumb gently rubs your skin under a thin blouse, assuring you that everything is okay, and, when you glance at him from the corner of your eyes, he offers you a sweet smile, murmuring ‘god job, snowflake’ just above the whisper. It makes your heart flutter and lips form a small smile of your own. Your lover is your salvation, really. The moment he saw your gloomy face upon arriving home, he knew he’d go any lengths to bring a smile back to your face. Kaeya consoled and cuddled you that evening, and a couple of days later took you out of the city to spend his day off together.
A horse walk idea has been stuck in his mind for a month already, after you became a witness of him training recruits, the ones that signed for cavalry. Him, on his stallion, with reins in one hand and a training sword in another, entranced you, to the point you snapped out of your stupor only when he hopped on the ground and approached you with a teasing smirk. 
Now his words and expressions lack the usual banter, the softness of his cerulean eye blending with the spotless sky above, the rustle of his lips being like one of the grass and leaves the wind plays with, and his smile warmer than the afternoon sun. He belongs in Mondstadt so much. He belongs next to you so much.
Wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kaeya’s visible eye widens when you, using stirrups, rise and reach to him, pressing your lips together. The hand on your back instantly slides further and settles on your hip, keeping you steadied, as his mouth slowly devours yours. He senses no more negative feelings inside your body, and it sparks joy in his chest, which spreads through his body in waves of lingering warmth.
Your eyes sparkle when you separate and the man nearly lets go of both his and your reins, reprimanded by his horse’s disgruntled snort.
“Thank you, Kae,” Archons your smile is blinding, “I needed it.”
“No need to thank me. I got you. Always,” and you giggle when he smooches right under your chin.
“So, when can I trot?”
“Trot?” He nearly snorts at your zeal. “Haven’t even held the reins, and wanna trot already?”
“But you looked so elegant while doing so!”
“Got you mesmerized, eh?” You lightly pinch a hand still resting on your hip. “Ouch! Goodness, Y/n, can’t you admit you are head over heels for this Cavalry Captain?”
“In your dreams, Alberich,” you stick a tongue at him and the man is completely reassured that his Y/n is back.
“Then I’ll be waiting in my dreams. As for reality, I wouldn’t be opposed to giving my love private lessons in horse-riding.”
“Oh! Can we start today?” Eager, aren’t you? How lovely.
“Consider we’ve already started.”
The snowflakes are dancing in the sky, twirling and slowly lowering to the snow-covered ground, pristine whiteness almost blinding with how every tiny frozen crystal reflects the sunlight and sparkles like the finest gems of the Liyue mines. The crust is crunching under your legs, as you and your husband are taking your morning walk in the vast lands of Snezhnaya.
Truth to be spoken, Zhongli would’ve probably never found himself on the territory of the Cryo Archon, but this is a special case. He knew how badly you needed a change of place and new experience in your current dispirited state. No surprise he agreed almost immediately, when during his last visit to the land of Morax Childe invited the two of you to stay with him and his wife in their homeland. He promised no interruption from the Tsaritsa or the Harbingers, and, knowing that partially the invitation was surely coming from the ginger’s lover, whom he had met and whom both him and you found very pleasant to be around, the man believed it.
At first the idea of coming to Snezhnaya worried you, but Zhongli didn’t miss the curious and excited glint in your pretty eyes. He gave you time to consider the idea, and a week later the three of you were on a ship, half-way to the country of snow. The woman carrying Ajax’ real last name welcomed you warmly and with a big smile on her face, chewing her husband lightly for not having invited you two earlier.
The atmosphere that prevailed in this house surely helped distract you from oppressive thoughts, and exploring outside with your caring husband made you so tired, but in a pleased kind of sense, that you didn’t have the energy to spend it on anything but share a goodnight kiss with Zhongli and fall asleep in his comforting embrace. You were healing, and it couldn’t but delight him. 
You took a liking to the walks in the early hours of morning, because it, as you proclaimed, was very refreshing for the beginning of the day. Being a morning person Zhongli always joins you on your little outings. Childe introduced a thermos to you two, and ever since your husband tends to have it on him whenever you are outside. The tea in there has a calming and soothing effect, meticulously prepared by skillful hands with love and care.
Another thing you both became fond of was dancing. Just like snowflakes in the air you spin in each other’s embrace, heavy cloaks with fur collars barely swiping the snow under your feet. A soft melody hummed in deep voice mixed with gleeful giggles, turning into a shared laughter soon into the dance that really didn’t have any name.
Sometimes though the quietness around you awakes a feeling of loneliness and you can’t help but shed tears, face pressed to his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around your form. He lets you cry and release the negative emotions, gently swaying your bodies to some rhythm existing only in the beat of his heart. He tries to swipe your tears before they turn into the frozen droplets and sting your eyes or bite your cheeks.
The usual expensive leather of his gloves is replaced by thick wool and feels warm against your face, as his big palms cradle it in his delicate hold.
“My gem…” the puff of hot air from his mouth caresses your nose - that’s how close he is - and you cutely wrinkle it. “Don’t you think we should return? It’s been almost an hour, your skin is burning from the cold already.”
“Must we really?” An adorable pout doesn’t work on a stoic man, as he lets go of your face and, to the accompaniment of your squeals, hoists you in his arms bridal style.
“If you refuse to use your two legs, then I’ll just carry you,” his smile is disarming, damn him.
“All the way back?”
“Why, of course, my dear. Do you question my strength?”
“No, of course not! It’s just…” Though your cheeks are already red, he doesn’t mistake the way you avert your eyes in quiet embarrassment.
“Oh, is this position making you shy? Don’t worry, I am sure our hosts will understand.”
“You..!” The man chuckles lightheartedly, not having it in him to stop himself from teasing you. Ah, this truly is refreshing, and Zhongli is so elated to see a once again happy smile that you desperately try to hide in the fur of your coat.
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haifengg · 3 years
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Lucas can’t really go without affection. He needs a smooch at least before he leaves the house or when he says goodbye on dates. He wants to be reminded that their S/O loves him and that he loves them. It’s as easy as this.
B = Before (What were they like when they had a crush?) Dude would try to impress. With bad jokes. With flexing his guns. He would always ask his crush if they want to come with him and the guys to do whatever. And if they agree he wouldn’t really be able to hide his excitement. It would light a spark of pure joy in his eyes. It would be very obvious really.
C = Confession (What was their confession like?) Regardless of his looks and height Lucas still is a very childish man and he’s not that old either. I would honestly go that far and say that during his life he wasn’t the one confessing often. He usually got confessed to. So when it is actually his turn he would probably get all shy around his crush and he maybe asked Kun for advice as well on how to tell them and what to say since he is not the very best with words.
D = Date (What was the first official date they went on?) I am guessing something cheesy. Lucas may or may not be a romantic person but being all nervous about fulfilling expectations and doing a solid job he would take their S/O out to go an amusement park. He is a child really and his sometimes subtle playfulness is probably what attracts his S/O to him as well.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Please don’t come for me on this one but I recon he would choose a text. As I mentioned in section C = Confession I imagine him being this popular kid in school everyone had a crush on at least once a week. (We’ve all seen the pics he’s adorable.) That being said he maybe got too used to dumping people interested in him. I won’t say it is the same with his S/O as it was with high school sweethearts but he might just fall back into old patterns due to convenience. Breaking up would still hurt him and still be difficult.
F = Fights (What would fights look like? What are things that upset them?) Honestly: Fights with Lucas would be a pain mainly because he doesn’t see where he’s wrong or what the issue exactly is. He is a very loyal person once fully committed but maybe not the most understanding one.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) His emotional way is very gentle. His physical way in terms of hugs and holding hands is too. Simple mind - Simple showings off affection other things we don’t discuss here it is SWF, please
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Just like Johnny his arms are insanely long and wrapping them tightly around his S/O is just way to nice to not do it constantly.
I = Intimacy (What is their favorite form of intimacy? Do they have problems with it?) He knows why he’s in SM. He got casted off the streets for his looks. He also really radiates the vibes of only being there for the fun and the people only. Lucas is very confident in the way he looks and he is aware of how many thousand people find him insanely attractive. I am pretty sure there are close to no problems when it comes to intimacy but that is something very personal because we know that everyone has at least one issue with themselves which we sometimes could never tell.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) He gets jealous. Not much but he does in general. I am not sure how exactly that would display or how he would show it but overall: Yes he does.
K = Kisses (Are they a good kisser? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) I hope he is. Okay no honestly, hear me out lmao. Lucas ... is either very excellent at kissing or he isn’t. I just look at him and I really hope he is because that would be so grate and elevate him one step closer to being the complete package. He meets the height requirements. He has the hands to hold his S/O. He surely has the lips as well. Which is also where they like to kiss/be kissed the most.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Lucas is the perfect personality type for getting along well with kids. He is goofy enough to play around with them and fun and fool but he is also calm enough to not out-child them and keep an eye on them. He is guiding their playfulness in a way only a few people can.
M = Messages (How often do they text his S/O?) He texts them A LOT when he’s bored. During practice or some random meeting he would get distracted by his phone and text them about how bored he is. Also he would often take pictures or snaps of stupid little things he wants to show them but they’re not around. Speaking of SnapChat: Filters.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Nights out in clubs are hot and fun. Nights out in bars (if they are dates) are hot. Nights out in movie theatre would be so much fun. He would totally get this slushies that turn your tongue in different Colors but would also hold his S/O during scary parts of the movie even though he’s scared himself. Acting all tough
O = Opinion (Would they ask for their S/O’s opinion a lot? How important is it in terms of decisions?) He would ask for their opinion but mainly because he thinks he has to or that they would want to be ask. If it’s about his personal matters. When it comes to mutual decisions it’s different because well of course he asks for his S/O opinion. What they say matters to him and he wants both of them to be comfortable. So when they say that sofa is ugly - it’s ugly.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Getting on his nerves is quite hard I assume. He probably would be the one getting on his S/O’s nerves (most of the time by accident tho.) If it’s something about them that actually bothers him he will be patient and ask them to maybe change that behaviour for a long time before actually admitting how much it is bothering him and eventually raising his voice.
Q = Quizzes (How does a bar trivia night teamed up with them look like?) A complete mess. Lucas once admitted he is not the smartest one and I adore people who are aware of that and own it in their own way. He would still try his best to not let his S/O and maybe other teammates down. BUT he is still an important part of the team: The one who chugs everything for the sake of the cause. IDK I just see him being able to drink a lot. He radiates this frat boy energy help
R = Remember (How much do they remember about their S/O or their relaitonship in general?) Lucas does his best but he is forgetting a lot. He writes it down in his phone. For example there could be a list for his S/O's family member’s birthdays and all their important anniversaries. He may still forget them tho. When it comes to memory Lucas knows it’s not his forté but he is trying hard.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) He is maybe one of the most protective boyfriends you will find in whole NCT. He shields his S/O from wind or rain, he corners them in crowded subways. He flags and gets in cabs first. He will shove between his S/O and other guys dancing at clubs casually so they don’t notice. He will tell people to fo k off if they are obviously bothering his S/O. He does it all.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) He might be sloppy with everyday chores but he will rather often take his S/O on spontaneous coffee dates or bring home take out aka steal something from the dorm Kun cooked.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a S/O?) What makes Lucas unique as a S/O is definitely his awareness of his ... stupidity? Now I can see people coming for me for saying this but he once said he is not very smart and he is probably correct about that. His abilities lay more in the practical and emotional/empathic area. So what makes him special is is ability to pull his S/O’s guard down. If they come home from work super stressed he will put their mind at ease by simply talking to them about not so heavy or challenging topic. He will be their save heaven. A place where they don’t need to pretend or to impress. Lucas loves his S/O 190% for their character or quirks and maybe even for their intellect as well but he doesn’t compete with it and is real about himself.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) SO. MUHC. He has sloppy days tho but they will mostly never catch him with greasy hair or anything. And also he is in shape and plans to stay that way.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their S/O?) He would. If he is not with them for a long time he can feel how he is losing his inner center or balance. Lucas would be fine on his own but honestly exactly just fine.
X = X-Ray (How transparent are they?) Lucas is an open book. He can’t hide anything and he is so easy to fool on like April 1st or some prank they want to play on him. If he’s feeling down they’ll see it. If he’s happy they’ll know it. if he truly loves them it will be on the local news.
Y = Yuck (Everyone has flaws. What is theirs?) Bruh okay. Well. He leaves his underwear everywhere. Or his socks. and he leaves the toilet seat up.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Being asleep he grabs everything and pulls it in close. There is no escape. And I feel like he will wander towards the mid of the bed so if their S/O is avoiding being hold custody they will have no where to go but the sofa or wake him up.
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Gif is not mine
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@jeonghanmoon @kpopsnowball @pocky-otp @himitsu-luna @soleilsuhh @dundun-baby
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dismuch47 · 3 years
Length: Extra Long Drabble
Timeline: Post Civil War, 5 months in...
Content: Wanda and Vision are finding it rather hard to wait for some quality face-time, especially with back-to-back missions overlapping. And to part when things were just starting to heat up...
Warnings: Spicy fluffy.
A shaky sigh escaped Wanda as her hazel eyes snapped open. How was it possible for her body to be completely sapped of strength, but her mind oppressively restless? She winched as she turned on her aching side, the derelict cot squeaking with the movement of the mattress. It felt good to lay there in the new position…her body heavy like lead... but her unblinking gaze pierced the darkness of the room.
It happened every so often. Not every night… but more than she could count. And it always made her chest constrict and her brow contort with memorized pain. No tears anymore. Just a deep ache, echoing endlessly within herself.
Tonight she had been falling, again. Endlessly. Debris circled around her, as if in a calm, slow motion… though the wind raged in her ears mercilessly. She was reaching out to a hand she knew well. Hazel eyes like her own were wide with desperation. Snowy hair lashed about as he reached back to her. They would never successfully grab hold. And the blood stains on his fitted shirt grew into gory, gaping wounds. Wanda’s heart would thunder as the broken Sokovian soil raced to collide from below. She screamed, voicelessly, as she realized that she would feel his death yet again with the impact.
Wanda finally forced her eyes closed again, breathing in and out and repeat, like Natasha had taught her. The clamminess and racing heart leveled out. She reached under the cot, finding her MP3 player among discarded clothing on the dirty floor. Music had a stimulating effect, which didn’t bother her at this point, as further sleep was now out of the question.
She would not go back to that day. She would not feel Pietro die again. Not if she could help it.
The list of music was uncategorized, so she had to skip over the loud and nonsensical, which had been her twin’s flavor more then hers. She usually found comfort in them, but tonight she needed calm. A rhythm to cling to and ward away the demons within.
It was clear why these nightmares were occurring, and with more frequency. Two whole months without Vision. They had a beautiful and tender farewell, knowing that Wanda’s next mission would take some time and focus. And then his subsequent off-world S.W.O.R.D. assignment would further expanded the impossibility of a feasible rendezvous.
Off world.
Wanda held herself. There were infinite ways Vision could communicate with her when they were apart. The advantages of a being created by and to be one with the technologic rhythms of Earth and beyond. A message on a digital board would flash with sentiments for an instant, enough for her to notice, but for others to briefly shake their heads in passing befuddlement. Vision could keep his eyes on her… though not without challenge, as her team was doing everything in their human capacity to stay OFF camera and grid for safety. If he did find her easily enough… he’d make sure to cover his digital tracks and obscure the path from anyone else. Always watchful.
Which is why the complete silence and blackout of their connection had been so disconcerting. Closer to Earth’s satellites, Vision sent small messages or emojis to an encrypted messenger program he had developed for just the two of them. It made her heart ache, sitting in the computer cafe, looking at the green pixelated hearts. Not being able to feel him.
That was 19 days ago. And his gentle, golden light and warmth was so far away that practically felt nonexistent. Allowing the icy darkness of her past to creep back into her life. It didn’t claw and tear as it once had, but it leered at her from every shadow as she laid sleepless in bed.
She fidgeted on the horrid mattress until she was flat on her back again. Finally the warm night air was getting through the initial cold-sweat that her nightmare had put her through. The music in her ears spoke of nights, love, and intimacies. It made her miss Vision more. Especially since their last parting had changed the dynamics of their unique companionship.
Kisses were innocent enough. Pecks. Affectionate rewards of thoughtful actions and reciprocated sentiments. But with each meet-up, the distance on the hotel suite couches narrowed during evening sitcom watching. Pinkies locked together with a hand graze during sight-seeing, and sharing a single bed had become an innocent, comforting norm. So when laughter had left her breathless and she planted one on the synthezoid while she was practically in his arms… it hadn’t particularly surprised either of them when they let it linger for a few steady heartbeats. And when their lips parted, and silent hesitancy emboldened to yearning…they came back together. More sure of the act. Oh so very much more sure.
There was no sex that followed. It could have. But it didn’t. It was yet another daunting human concept for him… and honestly for her too… to be saddled with right before a long stint away from each other. The kiss… kisses… had been perfect. And wandering hands memorized flesh and vibranium surface and texture. She did remove his shirt. That did happen. And maybe there had been some salacious caressing and tongue tracing of metallic striations.
They should have had sex.
Now Wanda was irritated with herself. She shut off the seductive music and tossed the device back on the messy floor. She closed her eyes and tried to take herself back to one of the numerous hotel rooms she had visited Vision with. Clean linen smells. The food. THE HOT SHOWERS. And Vision. Most of all… Vision. No night with him gave nightmares the foothold they so desired. Not with the gentle whirring of his calculating mind to sooth hers, or the gentle lilts of his humored voice, nor with the gentle stroke of his digits against her hair. This phantom Vision made the ache in her sigh, yet she smiled inwardly. Almost like he was there now. Her essence unfolding itself to his nearness. Warmth in her cheeks and heart. She basked in the feeling, amazed at it’s intoxicating realness...
That’s when she sat straight up in the bed. Blinking at the one window of the room. Wanda tore off the sheets and padded over to it, careful to be soundless in an apartment of light-sleeping soldiers and an ex-assassin. She fumbled with the latch, splotched with corrosion and non-use. The window slid up, with some exertion, and she stuck her head out, auburn hair catching in a soft cool breeze. The building was a dump, but the skies and countryside beyond the town limits was scenic, even in the moonlight. Spring touched it’s fingers upon the vegetation, pale blossoms looking like celestial creatures swaying in the wind.
“Vision.” she whispered.
She paused. Anticipating a response.
Her hand clutched the bottom of the window for balance, but she squeezed tighter with rising disappointment. She had been so sure. She had wanted him so bad that she had fooled herself. Wanda’s eyes cast downward as she ducked her head back into the room, lowering the window.
The woman startled, then smiled ridiculously wide as she quickly lifted the window once more. “Vision!” She kept her voice breathy, for low volume, but it burst with excitement. She reached out to his hovering form as he emerged from the side, pulling his face towards hers for a kiss, nearly toppling out of the window in the process.
Vision chuckled, letting her have his lips, responding in kind, but holding her safely within her perch. “Wanda. I have missed your presence, considerably so-”
“I thought I was going crazy!” She kissed his nose, lips, cheeks… lips again. “I knew you were here but I didn’t see you-“
“My apologies. It appears that-“ Kiss. “… Agent Romanoff has been doing a rather competent job of establishing alarmed snares for both carbon-based intruders, and those of a more mechanized persuasion-“ His lips were stilled by another kiss.
“Sorry about that. She’s a stickler…”
“No, on the contrary, I am appreciably reassured that she goes to such great lengths for the security of her team.” He brushed some wayward hair behind her ear. “I just had to tread cautiously.”
Wanda finally detangled her arms from around his neck and leaned against the sill more comfortably. Vision propped his elbows there as well, lightly entwining his maroon fingers with hers. “When did you get back?”
“I came straight from the stars to you, Wanda.” He grinned, knowing his answer pleased her when she grinned shyly and pressed her cheek to their joined hands. “I know I should have checked-in with Stark and Dr. Cho…but yours was the company I felt I most required.”
Wanda rested her chin on his knuckles. “Two months… is WAY too long, Vis.”
“Far too long.” He echoed her ache. “You look fatigued, Wanda.”
She huffed. “Thanks. I am. Didn’t sleep well.” That’s all she would supply for now. “Did you enjoy your trip off-world?”
Vision crossed a hovering leg over the other, tilting his head thoughtfully. “A vast frontier of terrifyingly beautiful mysteries. And I occupied only a mere point percentage of our known galaxy. I will be processing my findings for days.”
“You loved it.” Wanda grinned.
“Visually it was very stimulating.”
She looked down. “So I guess that means more space assignments.” She felt him tip her face up to his, hands still locked with hers.
“It was a drone mission. Too expensive to send humans, and equipment too expensive to lose.”
“So they sent you.” Wanda said, bitterness edging through.
“I have immense respect for the current Director of S.W.O.R.D., but we both knew it was mostly a publicity stunt. Sending an Avenger to space. A S.W.O.R.D. partner project with Stark Industries. I was the logical, and really only, choice.”
She grumbled “As long as it doesn’t become a habit…”
“I assure you, I am far more inclined to be earth-bound with still so many provocative enigmas of humanity to be uncovered…” Wanda looked up at him, seeing his cerulean eyes roving not too subtly over her night shorts and how they moved across her toned thighs. Within an instant he was back to regarding her face thoughtfully.
Wanda arched a brow. “Provocative enigmas, huh?” She gently reclaimed her fingers, taking a few, slow and salacious steps away from the window. She unzipped the light sweatshirt she had on and let it fall away from her arms. A pink, loose, sleep tank glowed in the moonlight.
“Do you want to come in?”
“Wanda…” Vision’s tone smoothly protested, but his eyes didn’t leave her visage. Their soft bluish glow fluctuated as he skimmed the inside of the room. Considering. “Is that very prudent? With your team so close in proximity-“
“They’re sound asleep.” She assured him, touching each teammate’s mind with her own, making sure that they were truly unconscious. “If you try to slip me out the window, I’m bound to trip off one of the snares too. Nothing comes in… no one goes out… unless you have the unique ability of density fluctuation…” Wanda played with the hem of her pink top. Her whispered tones were now a gentle, more audible alto melody. “And as cute as it is to kiss by the window and moonlight, like two certain star-crossed lovers… I’m thinking we deserve a little more than that. After such a long time apart…”
“5,259,492 exceedingly long seconds.” Vision agreed. He took one last look outside, making sure not a soul was passing by, and then ducked his head in to avoid collision with the window frame. The rest of his form shimmered gold and passed through all matter until he was hovering in her room.
Wanda put her arms up like a ringleader at a circus, acknowledging their surroundings. “Welcome to one of many humble abodes that changes with each mission for team On-The-Run. Sorry for the mess. Wasn’t expecting company.”
The synthezoid’s pleasant expression slightly waned as he examined the room. It was dark, but he could adjust his optic settings to accommodate for the lack of light source. He couldn’t help but notice the warped boards of the floor and some exposed nails protruding up. He analyzed all the weak points where someone of Wanda’s height and build might fall through if enough force applied. The cot looked devoid of any possible comfort required for a human’s successful 7 hours of sleep needed for healthy productivity. The defunct fire alarm didn’t even have a battery in it. The amount of dust and mold alone had to be such devastating havoc on the respiratory system…
Wanda bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. Watching Vision’s expression deepen with concern as his gaze moved from one health code violation to the next was amusing to her. It fell upon the only other piece of furniture in the condemned bedroom: the wardrobe.
“Felons don’t get great incomes.” She supplied, scrunching her noise. Her eyes then narrowed as she thought about it. “In fact… I don’t think we actually get an income at all. It’s mostly favors and connections-“
“Something died in there.” Vision was fixed on that ominous wardrobe.
“Oh yeah. For sure. That smell doesn’t go away. I tried everything.” She looked down and shuffled her things on the floor around with her foot. “That’s why my stuff is everywhere. I’ll take dirt over smell…”
Vision gave her a compassionate look. “I promise to never tease your propensity for 50 minute showers when we meet up in hotels, ever again. Even though the average human only needs 15 to 20.”
“I appreciate that.” Wanda used her index finger to motion him hither. “Now come closer. I think if we play our cards right, we might find one of those ‘provocative enigmas’ you are so fond of…”
Despite the profound concern over his favorite human being confined to the condemned dwelling, the synthezoid gave a grin that made a sincere dimple appear on his chiseled face. He arched a foot and touched down on the hard floor… only for the wooden planks to let out an inane splintered groan that resonated in to room. Vision’s eyes widened with worry, and Wanda’s hand shot up to stop him in his tracks.
She reached out quickly to make sure that the noise hadn’t disturbed anyone. Sam tossed on the couch with a soft snort, but he was pretty much dead to the world. Steve’s brows knitted, but he seemed locked in a conflicting dream that he desired to stay in. Natasha, however, fully open her eyes, staring up at the ceiling and waiting for more noise before she would leap to investigate. Nothing came. And this area had big fat raccoons. Wanda could handle it. Nat’s lids drooped over her blue eyes and she let her head sink back into her stiff pillow.
“Okay… We’re good.” Wanda whispered after a long pause. She waved a hand to hold down the boards with her power while Vision retracted his foot back into the air. She carefully eased up on the wood, commanding its fibers to slide back together, stronger than before, and quiet.
Vision gave a slight grimace. “I do not think the remiss state of this apartment will accommodate for my dense weight. Not enough to be stealthy.” He offered his graceful hand down to her. “But I may have an alternative solution.”
The human smirked up at the synthezoid and gave her hand as she took a few soft steps and leaped. Vision hoisted her up and rested her into a sitting position across his lap, cradling her between firm thigh and compact core. She rested against him, slipping her arms around his waist, while he reclined their angle somewhat, allowing gravity to assist with keeping her in place upon him. They floated wordlessly  for a few moments, happily nestled against each other.
Wanda made some soft happy noises, face practically buried in his chest. She turned her head to the side, resting her cheek over his heart. “You smell amazing…. how do you smell so amazing?”
He stroked her soft hair, smiling broadly down at her. “There was an orchard along the way. I stopped, briefly, to admire the blossoms up close. I apologize if it’s overpowering. I should have phased the particulates from myself before-“
“No, I love it.” She inhaled deeply. She nuzzled her way around the gold and metallic maroon of his uniform’s crest, till she found the warmth of his neck. He tilted his head to the side, giving her free-reign over that shapely area. She pressed her lips there tenderly, breathing him in. Night, spring air, and citrus. The hand that had been resting around his waist snaked up to caress his neck, while she slowly ravaged the other side. A hicky and marks would be impossible on his vibranium infused tissue… but the administrations of her tongue and then teeth caused Vision to swallow and exhale deeply. In a way that thrilled Wanda. She planted one more kiss, incredibly pleased with herself, before moving up to his jawline.
Vision lowered his face down to her, his gaze heavy-lidded, intrigued with her sensual strategy. She reached his lips, her hand cupping his jaw, fingers stroking his textured skin. She took his lower lip in hers, consuming, wet…like lapping at a juicy fruit, and nipped as she pulled away. His lips stayed parted, perhaps caught off guard, but the hitch in the synthezoid’s chest conveyed that the assault to his mouth was indeed welcome.
Wanda licked her lips, letting out a wanton sigh. Her hazel eyes finally reopened, regarding Vision.
“Hi.” she said.
Vision was perplexed by the simplicity of her dialogue. Sexual simulation may indeed have a depleting effect on the human cerebrum’s left hemisphere; typically where language was stored. He varied infinite responses that could reciprocate an equally playful sentiment of desire as well…
“Hi.” he settled with. Not original, but it made the woman crack a sultry smile.
Wanda moved to claim his lips once more.
“Wanda” Vision broke the spell before it could swell. “…We never did have a chance to discuss…to discuss…well, what happened in-in the Netherlands.” Wanda suppressed a smile with his stuttering. A tell-tale that he was breaching a topic beyond his full understanding and had copious questions about. “Not before we had to part ways…”
Wanda cocked her head at him. “And what happened in the Netherlands?” she asked coyly.
“W-well…I am only speaking from my perspective,” he began hesitantly, eyes darting to the side. “…but my understanding was that our intimate, yet casual familiarities with one another has evolved into something more…” Vision struggled to find the right word. Not vulgar, but not chaste. “Well, more.”
Wanda caressed her thumb over his lips softly. The moonlight highlighted the pronounced bow and border of his pleasing mouth, a wet sheen over his lower lip marked where she had been.
“Well, we could talk about it…” she offered, continuing her tracing. “…or we could just continue to explore that…’more.’”
Vision’s eyes darted from her enticing gaze, contemplating the choice. A gentle rumble imitated deep in his throat, as he weighed the pros and cons of transparent communication… vs instant and gratifying, sensory study. Wanda made the choice for him, thankfully, parting his lips with her thumb. Vision’s eyes closed heavily, as he tried not to analyze this clear oral fixation, and surrendered his mouth. Her hand slipped down when she replaced it with her full lips upon his, down to rest upon his rising chest. Her other hand massaged circular patterns into the small of his back, beneath his cape.
The synthezoid raised a hand to tenderly cradle the side of her head as their mouths moved against one another. It was a thrilling sensation, whether passionate and out of tandem, or deep and focused synchronization. A maroon hand slid up from her waist, under the jersey material of Wanda’s pink tank, completely unintentional at first, but Vision savored the soft creamy expanse of her back against his digits. She softly moaned against his lips. The sound of her pleasure motivated him to hold her closer to himself. She welcomed the adjustment, slipping both her arms around his neck. Her legs crossed, toes curling, lost in bliss.
Vision’s airy cape brushed against the floor as they slowly whorled in the air, lost in each other. Oblivious that they were edging closer to the cracked and peeling wall. Their kisses became more urgent. Wanda murmured his name, which gave him validation… and an inclination to elicit more audible responses from her. He released his gentle grasp of her chin, seized a hand sliding from his neck, threading their fingers together before bringing her wrist to his lips to kiss. He had accessed data some time ago that confirmed the wrist as an erogenous zone due to the concentrated nerve endings that resided just below the epidermis. He gently rubbed with his thumb, and peppered with sweet brushes of his lips, and featherlight nips.
Wanda’s head lolled back, long auburn hair swaying in the breeze coming from the window. Vision’s splayed hand at her back kept her from losing balance. She arched into his curled arm, trusting, with lazy abandon, eyes gazing dreamily at the moldy ceiling. She felt him kissing his way up the arm he held captive. She had to let out a laugh. A callback to a time that their viewing of the “Addams Family” show had led them into a heated discussion about how impractical Gomez’s passionate displays of affection were in real-world applications. Like kissing his way up Morticia’s arm in almost every episode.
Wanda was wrong. It was nice…
More than nice.
Vision shushed softly against her skin, relishing her inviting giggles, but reminding her of the required low decibel to maintain covertness. He trailed to where her shoulder met with her neck, drawing her back towards himself, taking his time.
“Vis.” Wanda’s voice was husky. Her heart was about to leap out of her chest. She couldn’t hold out anymore. She roughly adjusted her position, allowing him to assist her, until she had him caught between her legs. The muscle and plate-infused surfacing of his lower abdominals had a delicious hardness against her tender apex.
Vision visibly gulped at new position, comprehending it’s possible implication. He didn’t realize how drastically he was backing up, being airborne.
“Wanda…perhaps we shouldn’t-“
The synthezoid’s broad back bumped into the wall of the room. And for whatever reason, that was enough to jostle the usually resistant window to slam down against the sill, the glass shattering. Wanda squeaked loudly at the sudden noise. Vision sharp attention to the noise source distracted him from the reflexive movement of his arm… which went right through the drywall behind him without effort.
Through. Not phased.
“Oh dear…” He grieved, pulling his elbow out of the hole, debris crumbling down in a dust cloud upon the squeaky floor boards.
Wanda could hear the lightening-fast thumping of bare feet and the click of a gun. Wanda’s hands glowed red and she phased through Vision, dropping to the floor with a thud and flicked  her wrist over her head, sending him soaring through the air and into the wardrobe wall. He visibly disappeared with a soft and abrupt “ah” before the door to the room flung open. Natasha stalked in, gun aimed, pointing it at every corner as she assessed the threat level. She acknowledged Wanda on the floor, resting the aim of her weapon at the destroyed window. Steven followed behind, fists poised.
“She’s unharmed.” Nat confirmed over her shoulder to Steve.
He went over to her to help the young woman up, cautiously looking around. “Wanda, you okay? What happened?”
Wanda tried to speak.
“The window is broken. Did someone try to force their way in?” Nat demanded, doubtful, as her traps outside were famously intricate. She then noticed the hole in the wall. “Maximoff?”
Wanda’s head reeled. To be pulled from paradise to this purgatory at whip-lash speed. “I… I just. I had the window open. Fell asleep… I guess I had a nightmare. Lost control.” She was breathless between excuses, pulse racing. Nat’s icy blue gaze narrowed at her younger teammate.
Steve regarded Wanda with stoic compassion. He put his hands on her shoulders. “It must have been a bad one. You still looked flushed.” The woman bit her lower lip, unable to meet her leader’s gaze.
Nat finally lowered her gun and backed away from the window. “You haven’t lost control of your powers like this in awhile. Maybe we need to adjust your training focus.” Wanda blanched inwardly. That didn’t sound good. Not coming from Natasha.
“Everything good up there??” Sam’s voice called from the livingroom couch downstairs.
“False alarm, Sam.” Steve yelled back.
“Good. Cause some of us are trying to get some shut eye.”
Steve regarded the mess, speaking more quietly this time. “We’ll patch this up in the morning. Though you’ll be happy to know that we’ll be relocating soon. Got a lead on another job.”
“Oh… yeah. That’s… that’s good.” Wanda offered.
Steve didn’t seem assured by the forced sincerity of her response. “Get some rest, okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
He gave her a pat to the shoulder and strode out of the room. Natasha stood in her usual power stance, legs shoulder width apart, hands and gun clasped behind her back. The fact she was clad in a sports bra and black high-cuts didn’t  make her any less intimidating.
The bottled-blonde wasn’t leaving. Wanda cleared her throat. “I think I’ll be okay. Thank you. You’re right about the… the extra training-“
“The wardrobe has feet.” The ex-assassin stated dryly. She turned her head to the side. “Say good night… Vision.”
Natasha turned to leave, slightly smirking once she was out of the room.
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Ace!Draco x Ace!Reader Headcanons:
A/n: so hey y’all. Guess what. I’m ace. That’s a new thing for me. Well not new but ya know like coming out of the closet new. So here’s to pride month and all of my other aces out there 🖤🤍💜 and here’s a bit of my journey... (slightly PG 13) ((and I know we’ve all seen gay/pan/bi Draco, but let me remind you of the 1% and shed some light into what ace can be))
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You’re with another guy (let’s call him Steve) and you’ve been dating for a while
You’re a hopeless romantic and just love love but as soon as Steve pushes past second base you sort of shut down because it feels wrong
But it takes some time Steve insists it feels weird when it’s new so you ease into physical affection and then eventually to the devils tango
You lie awake in bed afterwards just wondering why you’re so conflicted. You loved the intimacy with Steve and the affection... just not the sex itself
His words swirl in your head “it feels weird because it’s new” so you keep doing it because you love Steve and you love being vulnerable but something still doesn’t feel right
You don’t say anything and sometimes you just give because you don’t want the sex but you still want that intimacy with Steve and it’s not like he’s complaining
Fourth year comes and so do the students from other schools and Viktor Krum and all of the girls and some guys are just drooling over him
And you can’t find the reason why... sure his face is symmetrical... and well you guess his eyes are a pretty color but you don’t see the reason to get all worked up
Then it dawns on you. You’ve never found anyone attractive. Not even Steve. Not that he wasn’t attractive maybe he was... you just didn’t see it as a factor into liking/loving/dating him. Body’s were cool and all but you didn’t really have a //type// ever. You looked for the right personality
You knew about asexuals your best friend is one you just never thought it would be you because you’re so different from your best friend she didn’t want a partner, but you craved it and you look into it a bit more and BY GOLLY EVERYTHING MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE
You voice this to Steve, scared because well there are just so many things to worry about. Is he gonna think you never enjoyed sex with him? Is he gonna day it’s his fault? Is he gonna say you’re being ridiculous? Is he gonna brush it off? Despite being with him for so long you’re still scared but you trust him... so you tell him
He just sort of looks at you after you finally get the words out. He says he supports you and doesn’t mention it again. So you ask him what he’s thinking and oh boy. “Well I don’t like the idea of my girlfriend saying she doesn’t want to have sex with me. That’s not pleasant. And it’s going to be hard for me because if you turn me on and I can’t do anything with you... but maybe you’ll find out one day whatever is blocking you from this will fade.” He smiles like he hasn’t just crushed your entire world
You excuse yourself and find a room on the seventh floor and just burst in and start sobbing
Full on hysterics, you scream when someone touches your shoulder: Malfoy
You wait for him to make fun of you. Or to snap. Or do something that’s just so like him to do while you’re vulnerable and crying and he just... “did you break up with Steve then?” It’s sort of teasing but not completely there’s some concern there too
Through hiccups and tears you confess your heart to the Slytherin because what else do you have to lose at this point
He sits beside you and starts to talk himself. There’s something that he’s fidgeting with in his hands. You think he has pretty colored skin and very slender fingers... you wonder if he plays the piano or burns easily in the sun
“When I was younger I never really was attracted to girls. Or boys for that matter. I thought I’d grow out of it or find “the one” and I’d finally feel attraction... but... it never really came.” His voice was soft.
You gape at him and wonder if he’s doing this to taunt you. He keeps twirling whatever’s in his hands
“I want the companionship,” you sniffle. “I like the vulnerability... I just don’t want the...”
Draco nodded. Like he understood. And you wondered if he did. He finally holds out what’s been twittering in his fingers: a pin. Four colors: black, grey, white, purple. Four stripes.
You have a good idea of what it is, but you’re not sure. You’re not sure about anything because you barely know what asexuallity is and that you might be it
“Despite popular belief,” Draco muses softly. “I do crave the companionship too. I’m just not too good at showing it... most people just want one thing...”
A watery laugh escapes your lips and you wipe away your tears. “I’m sorry for throwing this all at you,” you whisper, hugging your knees.
“Don’t apologize for feeling something. Or rather not feeling something,” a familiar smirk appears.
“I feel things just fine,” you laugh and shove his arm playfully. “I just...” he nods again.
“Take it,” he offers the pin. “You don’t have to wear it and show people, but you don’t have to forget that it’s who you are and how you feel”
You look at him because holy hell who is this and what have you done with Draco Malfoy. And he seems to pick up on that and laughs, standing, offering his hand. “I told you. I like the companionship... I’m just not good at showing it,”
You understand him a bit better. And you understand yourself a bit better. The pin is clutched tightly in your hands as you leave the room of requirement Draco explains its where he goes to think and feel safe and escape having to play sexually charged games in his common room and was very surprised you got in as well
You spend a few more days with Steve moping and depressed whenever you’re around him because you just feel so ashamed every night you look at the pin that Draco gave you and smile. “This is who I am,” you whisper to yourself
You break up with Steve the next day because he can never understand what you’re going through and the sudden change in your relationship boundaries have wounded his ego and he always makes you feel bad about it
You feel free for a while, smiling at Draco in the halls. And maybe he smiles a few times too. It’s like you’re both in your own secret club and no one else has any idea and it’s kinda fun
One night after a house win in Quidditch Steve has too much to drink and finds you in the library and is very animate about showing you that you can still enjoy—
Your scream gets caught in your throat and you’re terrified and Draco is just there he’s also avoiding the after party in his common room
Hell hath no fury like a pissed off Draco Malfoy
You crumple into Dracos arms sobbing as Pince has someone else take Steve to the hospital wing
Steve never comes back: Draco sent a letter to his father and Steve was expelled on the spot. His case eventually gets dropped and he’s off the hook but Draco blackmails Steve so hard
Hell hath no fury like a pissed off protective Draco Malfoy
You don’t feel safe anymore. You’re so scared of everything that Draco is really the only one who can calm you down. Not only are you scared to come out but you’re scared to be alone with any guy
Which means a lot of nights with Draco in the room of requirement. It’s a different sort of companionship now. There’s not anxiety... just vulnerability
You reach out and take Dracos hand one night... and he just intertwines his fingers with yours. His hands are warm despite the icy complexion and you smile to yourself
You two start dating. Well, companionship. To everyone else it’s dating though. Neither of you are ready to come out just yet.
Sometimes you get taunted by other girls because “you’re dating the most attractive guy at school and you don’t even snog him” and other comments and Draco constantly gets “so how far have you gotten?” or other sexual remarks about you and you’re both just frustrated
You snap one day and scream “can’t I just want to be in his company without having to shag him!? What is wrong with you people!?” I’m the middle of the Great Hall and everyone is staring at you
You sink down into your seat and wish you could disappear but your best friend beams at you and Draco wraps an arm around your shoulders
That night you sort of just rant to him and he listens “how can people just want to hook up? Like why would you want to have a one night stand? Shouldn’t we be worth a bit more than sex? It’s just so wrong!” You’re pouting and Draco finds it endearing
You go to his house over the summer and his mother raises an eyebrow at the sight of you with his son because she totally knows about Dracos sexuality who do you think gave him the pin but she’s happy to see that Draco found a companion she wants what’s best for her son and wants him to be happy
Which means she lets you two sleep in the same bed because she knows it means something different to you two. When Draco tells you that you’re safe to come out to his mother you about sob because you’re still so scared. He holds you
In fact, Draco’s learned that he loves your touch and comfort. They give him warmth and make him feel more human and less estranged. It’s taken some time, but you two are very affectionate, it’s just not sexual which is a total relief to you because you’ve been craving it
One night, you and Draco are in nothing but your underwear because it is hot and the summer hello and just holding each other, talking and vulnerable. Your hands explore his chest and stomach and his are tracing your soft curves with no expectations
You start crying because it’s all too much because it’s exactly what you’ve wanted. For someone to understand to your core what you need and Draco just does and it finally feels right inside
You two have almost no boundaries. You’re not really attracted to him physically and he’s not really into you like that so you’re free to walk around in just his shirt and he can wear nothing but boxers and it’s just normal
It’s also a journey of loving what you see in the mirror. Just because you’re not attracted to anyone else doesn’t mean you can’t think what’s in the mirror is beautiful. You’re your own standard of beauty.
Some nights you just explore boundaries with Draco. Kissing, cuddling, gentle touches. You want to know what makes him tick.
He loves neck kisses and you love collarbone kisses. You like his hands holding your thighs as you’re draped over him and he likes feeling your weight over him and your soft skin. Neither of you prefer snogging much. A kiss here and there but making out doesn’t appeal to either of you
You two also adore having a friend, a companion, a mate. You go to the movies or read books to another. He does play the piano and he plays for you. You reach him how to knit and sew and he teaches you how to waltz and color match
At school you two hold hands in the hall and share soft conversations and most nights end up in the room of requirement or his dorm sleeping together
You wear the pin he gave you on your robes next to your prefect badge and he gets another one and wears it and finally the rest of the school understands
You smile because you’ve found your companion and he’s found his and you don’t feel so lost or alone anymore
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87@artemismohr18@whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda@bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog@jillanaholland@shookyungsoo@savingdraco@welcometomyworldwithoutrules@akari180@slytherin-emerald@chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey@theres-a-dog-outside-omg@queenfeatherwings@fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe@spicyshenanigans@darling-im-not-okay-i-promise@dietkiwi@katsukink@takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things@tmnt-queen@mccloudchloe@hxneybgb@justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena@moviesbooksandfandoms@howdycharlie@xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper@ninacotte@mccloudchloe@braelynn-j@jiggllyy @honeymarvel@go-whovian-universe@darcypottah@atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss @lottie289@boredashaeck​ @beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao @deadlynyghtshayde @iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle @dragonsandbread @atomicwonderlandmentality @okaydraco@the–queen-of-hell@langdonzvoid @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing@tulippings @thestressedprincess@sunflowerxsadnessw@caps-wilsonn @fattycooter@angelotakunerd08@thisisahugemistake @fanficsigottaread​ @gweaslvy​ @okaydraco​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @ughjjloveme​ @honeymarvel​  @gaysludge​ @cleopatera​ @ray-of-sunrise​ @artist-bby​
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
loona when jealous~
*based on astrology
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a/n- i put this in order of most to least likely to become jealous/whose jealousy is the worst :)
son hyejoo;
hyejoo is such a scorpio and i am scared to go into this but here we go
her scorpio mercury conjunct her venus can make her mind prone to seeing disloyalty in situations when it isn’t even there
this can cause some trust issues, but if hyejoo uses her talent of speaking about emotions from her libra moon, these issues can be resolved
wants her s/o to talk to her!
and reassure her!
about these things
begins to become more light-hearted with her jealousy, instead of keeping it to herself and fuming over it while listening to angsty songs
it can come up randomly though
her aquarius mars is prone to becoming irritated by misunderstandings or injustices
which can relate to jealousy through hyejoo feeling as if her s/o is not understanding her feelings and is disregarding them
may have trouble coming to terms with the fact that she is an individual, and her feelings will never be truly related to or understood :(
which makes her sad, but she does find originality attractive?
send help
jealousy is just something she’s going to have to deal with throughout her life
jo haseul;
please don’t ever make haseul jealous
she will be dramatic, no doubt about it
knows how to step back from problems and see them from other’s perspectives easily, but envy can cloud her vision
most jealous of friends, people who she doesn’t know that hit on her s/o don’t bother her too much
haseul feels so proud of herself because she knows she has you all to herself
but with friends she can begin to get insecure
but her libra venus makes her keen to become friends with the people her s/o knows
depends on her mood and how her day has gone
wants an apology and milks a crunchy bunch of hugs out of you
will tell stories about when she was jealous over you as funny memories
in the end, she’s not too bothered by it
especially if your relationship has been stable and is long-term
but in the beginning she could feel as if you’re not committing (she’s likely not completely committed either tho)
loyalty is required, but is a big step for haseul and any of her potential partners
jeon heejin;
scorpio mercurians are more likely to perceive situations with feelings of jealousy or envy
they could project their own fears into what they see, and bend the truth a bit
and most of the time? it’s not even in their favor, they will see the worst of a situation before anyone else
but! heejin is a libra, and places beauty and good over everything else
so, in a circumstance where her s/o is causing her to feel jealous or possessive, she will hold back her feelings slightly and try to see the light in the situation
heejin will inevitably envy a person if her s/o’s attention is focused mainly of them at some point
but she will address these feelings in a civilized way
talks to her s/o about it, and makes sure they’re not in any way feeling pressured or accused
wants to know if her s/o was aware of how heejin was feeling or didn’t even notice before she continues on with her interrogation
really, heejin just wants an apology
unless her s/o noticed her jealousy and didn’t make any attempt at changing their actions to make her feel better
then, well, heejin won’t be too happy
but you know scorpio venusians, they love it when their partner “sacrifices” something for them and shows their loyalty
kim hyunjin;
hyunjin is more mentally strong in terms of jealousy compared to most other scorpios
her capricorn venus keeps her cancer moon in check, and helps to make her emotions seem more mature and educated
adapts to her partner’s personality easily, and understands if they are a touchy, more affectionate type
won’t restrict their freedom, it’s the last thing she would ever want to do
capricorn venusians take pride in how well they take care of their lovers, so hyunjin would never feel the need to impose accusations of disloyalty upon her s/o
the only reason she would feel jealous is if her s/o was letting someone else protect/take care of them
hyunjin wants to be the only one who does that
will steal her s/o away from that person, and try to show her partner how much she cares and adores them
so wholesome even when she’s hurt i can not
her cancer moon heightens her need to protect
so just let her, don’t try to make others do things for you, hyunjin will happily bake you bread or something or whatever else you need
im yeojin;
i get the vibe that yeojin doesn’t get jealous too easily
well, maybe she does, but just keeps it to herself
distances herself from the situation and her feelings in order to stay grounded
which sounds counterproductive but she makes it work in some magical way
this can make her feel detached from feelings that she needs to confront, however, and can create resentment and grudges without her realizing
it will most likely be her s/o that brings it up, after seeing yeojin be so detached and zoned out for such a long time
yeojin will have been thinking about her feelings regarding envy for a while, which creates the zoning out/distanced vibe
honestly has no idea how to deal with it
her s/o will have to like walk her through jealousy
talking about problems does help yeojin work through them though, and will come to lots of conclusions during the conversation
enjoys learning and maturing through her emotions too
so it’s a win-win
fixes the problem immediately, either works through jealous thoughts or removes the situation that is making her have them
jung jinsoul;
poor baby gets so upset over this
jinsoul’s biggest dream is to have a completely secure relationship
cancer venusians have a tendency to hoard their lover and never let anyone else receive attention from them
they do hold back sometimes though, and keep their feelings to themselves in order to not be hurt by the opinions and reactions of their significant other
jinsoul just wants a loyal s/o who won’t intentionally make her jealous just to mess with her
would feel so betrayed by the “make your s/o jealous and see what they do” trope
although might be prone to at least attempting it on her s/o
she loves the feeling of being wanted
will give up half-way through though, and demand hugs
she just wants cuddles that’s it
a little bit of angst is a favorite of her’s though, and she honestly wouldn’t be too bothered by feelings of jealousy
just as long as they’re not consistent or a major issue
however, she might tend to fall for people that prey on her caring nature and jealousy could be a theme in her love life
she has to learn to step back, stop blaming herself, and find people who are as sincere and loving as her
ha sooyoung;
sooyoung isn’t affected by jealousy as much as her members (cough cough the scorpios cough cough)
is most likely not even going to notice if her s/o is acting more affectionate to others
like you could try and try to make her jealous to see her reaction but like
she doesn’t even realize what you’re doing
her pride is hurt if her s/o does try to do that though, so please don’t attempt that
venus opposition moon can cause unrest in terms of emotions related to love, so jealousy in a relationship would mess up sooyoung’s mind
she would feel uncomfortable and get “bad vibes” from the other person
needs clear communication and not body language/facial expressions used to convey feelings
sooyoung loves people with strong opinions to debate over, and would not be impressed if her s/o didn’t make a stand if someone was hitting on them
doesn’t want the whole watersign-esque way of showing loyalty and stuff
would much rather have their s/o laugh it off, with a little explanation of like “uh i have a girlfriend”
but she wants others to know her s/o is dating her, and is not available
someone hitting on her s/o is like one of two things that make yves jealous
the other being her s/o spending a bunch of time with someone else that isn’t a close friend/family member
park chaewon;
is more protective than jealous, but she has her moments
can subconsciously hurt her own feelings because she focuses on all the tiny details of a situation and observes every movement of you or the person she is jealous of
avoids talking about feelings that are uncomfortable or she thinks you won’t accept
so consequently squishes her jealousy into a tiny ball and tries to throw it away
but it’ll come up at some point
and when it does, it won’t be too bad too be honest
gowon will probably end up confronting you after her virgo moon blows a situation out of proportion while still focusing on all the details
and explodes for like two seconds
then recovers extremely fast and sits there like ?? why was i so mad
hopes you forget the whole situation
and jealousy most likely won’t come up again, now that she got it all out
and guilt will override it
doesn’t remember it after a while, but her mind keeps her thoughts away from jealousy now that a bad experience is tied to it
but before she blows up, her jealousy could be almost like a night terror, she thinks about it constantly and it haunts her for a few days
but as i said, once she lets it out, she’ll be fine
wong gaahei;
naturally, gaahei isn’t that jealous
however, romantic relationships is where her envy comes out the most, due to her scorpio venus
these sorts of situations only happen after you’ve been together for a long time
at first, vivi isn’t too protective and doesn’t want to scare you
observes how you react if she starts to be more protective and possessive
then acts accordingly
although she’ll probably get jealous at some point no matter what
if you’re the type of person who isn’t bothered much by your s/o being overly loyal and attached, then vivi feels more comfortable expressing her feelings in the envy department
gets annoyed at too much unnecessary physical contact
keeps her feelings hidden until she has you alone
doesn’t want to be embarrassed by making a huge scenes (although the daggers in her eyes aren’t helping her attempt at hiding her emotions
talks to you afterward and can be a bit critical ):
but as long as you y’know, do the apologizing thingo and show your loyalty (this sounds real toxic but i promise it’s not, vivi just wants to be overdramatic, such a hopeless romantic)
kim jungeun;
jungeun tends to lose herself inside her head when she experiences feelings of jealousy
her pisces venus in relation to her aquarius sun can make her love style separate from her identity
this means serious insecurity that she doesn’t even notice can squeeze into her relationships and make her seem insincere at times
then, her sagittaiurs moon immediately tells her to run away for fear of being in a situation that traps her and that she can’t escape from
feelings of intensity and revenge scare her
envy is a controversial topic in her eyes and she tries to avoid it at all costs
however, she also has a scorpio mars 
so whenever she lets the jealousy in, it blows up since she’s been repressing it for so long
like i mentioned earlier, jungeun will lose herself in her mind and let her emotions take the reins
this can cause serious damage to her lover and leave them feeling incredibly and untrustworthy
like jungeun will make them question their entire existence for a few hours/days
then she’ll be back, thinking “what the heck did i just do”
choi yerim;
the least jealous out of the twelve
her mars opposes her sun, (sagittarius and gemini,) which creates a struggle between anger and ego
her “triggers” are different than her personality in a way, and unless she was already in a bad mood, jealousy isn’t an emotion she would feel often
however, her gemini sun can make her flip a switch within a few seconds, so changing to a more irritable mood could be easy
but, she doesn’t want to be in a bad mood obviously, so she stays away from hard feelings and almost runs from them
she has a lot of mutable energy in her personal planets, which can cause choerry to look for her s/o’s reaction before acting on her feelings
unless her s/o looks uncomfortable by physical affection/time spent with another person, yerim won’t do much
she’ll stand back and let things happen
might bring up envy at some point, but only in a casual confrontation
her taurus mercury doesn’t like to be challenged, but unless she has a serious reason to bring up conflict she will keep it to the side
laughs about it if she talks to her s/o about it, doesn’t want to make it into a deep situation, just wants some clarification
kim jiwoo;
barely gets jealous, is more protective than anything
will just be confused by situations where she feels jealous, chuu might not even recognize what emotion she’s feeling
talks to her s/o about it though
doesn’t make a huge deal of the whole situation
just wants a small explanation
her capricorn mars can cause her pride to be hurt at some point in time
for example, if her s/o is making her jealous and she realizes how disloyal her s/o is being
she’ll tell them, and that’ll be the end of it
but, if they don’t listen to her, chuu will be really mad
might give the silent treatment
will legit scold her s/o like a parent
might never get over it, capricorn marsians tend to hold onto feelings of grief or betrayal for a long time because they feel as if they could have handled the situation better
it’ll be one of those experiences that chuu slams her pillow into her head over at 2 a.m. because she just remembered it
finds anger to be embarrassing at times? if her s/o isn’t in the same head-space/mood and doesn’t understand her
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captainkingsley · 3 years
The scent is becoming familiar — warm, earthy tea with a hint of spice. It's imported from Aurora now that the waters are regularly traversed, ships bringing the tea with so many other new things for the people of Albion. Logan finds that it's a large improvement for everyone involved and can't help the swell of pride that his younger brother has done so much in his time as king. He's helped only now that his temperament has settled, and each week after spending countless hours helping in the halls of the castle and beyond, he and Cedric sit for tea and talk. 
They don't have the time to update each other on what's going on beyond their work, so Cedric shuffled their schedules until he was able to secure an hour at the end of the week for just the two of them. It's more than Logan was able to do when he was king — he'd become so distant then, that he and Cedric had become unfamiliar to each other. Now they were determined to be brothers again, even if only for a short time each week. 
Logan stares at Cedric as he stirs a small amount of sugar into his tea, and then raises a brow as he scoops another three into the steaming cup. 
Some things never change. 
"So," Logan begins, breaking the quiet, steepling his fingers as his elbows rest on the table, "You and Benjamin Finn."
Cedric, with the cup against his lips, makes a sputtering sound as hot tea splashes his face with the force of his sudden exhalation.
"I'm sorry?" Cedric says, a strain in his voice. Logan adjusts his posture and dips his spoon into the sugar bowl, looking at Cedric with nothing but seriousness in his eyes.
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm saying," he chides, "I've seen the way you look at him."
"Look at him," Cedric questions, incredulous. "I don't—"
"Please. You stare at him like Griffin at dinner." Logan says, and at his name, Griffin's ears perk up. The dog looks hopefully at the food on the table, proving Logan's point perfectly. 
"I look at him as a friend," Cedric says, setting his cup down with a gentle tap, lifting his chin to look away from Logan's accusing stare. 
"Cedric. I've known you since we were children. I can read you — and you're lying right now." Logan says, a hint of a laugh in his voice. Despite the teasing — and the truth behind it — Cedric finds some comfort in Logan's laughter. It shows he's improving, that he's getting used to expressing emotion outwardly once more, and Cedric can't help but crack a small smile. Logan catches the shift in his expression and immediately points it out, linking it instead to Cedric undoubtedly thinking of Benjamin. 
"Actually," Cedric corrects, "I was thinking about how glad I am that you're well enough to tease me about these things now."
Logan blinks, shocked at the change in conversation, and fiddles with the handle of his teacup. He is feeling more like himself lately, no doubt thanks to how much he's been pushing himself to work and help repair the damage he'd done to Albion. It helps also, he thinks, that people are beginning to get to know him beyond just being the former king. They see something in him, now, that hasn't been seen since he was the young prince standing at his father's side. The world has gone from being the endless expanse of suffering and gloom that he had seen in his time under the Crawler's influence to something bright and full of hope. Thanks to Cedric for the work he's put in and the slaying of the darkness in the past year, Logan has felt as though a veil has been lifted from his eyes and he sees the world for what it truly is.
But more to the point — Logan has started something here that he intends to finish. He clears his throat and covers his mouth with one closed hand as he does so.
"Still. I'm not letting you change the subject." Logan says, and Cedric rolls his eyes as he leans back in his seat. Griffin, beside him, steps up to rest his snout on Cedric's knee. Absently, Cedric ruffles the dog's ear. 
"Well, you're not getting me to admit to anything." Cedric says, stubborn. 
"But you admit there's something there by saying that." Logan points out, and Cedric narrows his eyes.
"That's — what are you playing at, Logan?"
"Just looking out for my little brother. I don't want to hear that you've gotten your heart broken by a straight man or anything—" Logan says, waving his hand. "You have a bad habit of that."
“So I’ve had bad luck in the past with this sort of thing. The reason I have feelings for Ben is because he’s straight, isn’t that what you’re getting at?” Cedric crosses his arms. On his knee, Griffin looks up with his big brown eyes as though begging for scraps. He likely is. 
“You don’t know what he is or isn’t,” Logan says, finally taking a short sip of tea. The warmth of it makes his nose heat up, leaves a gentle bit of heat lingering on his cheeks and in his throat. “But you just admitted it.”
"You sneaky piece of shit," Cedric laughs, the words an affectionate jab in the way brothers are wont to do. “Fine, okay, yes. I’ve got a bit of a thing for Ben. Nothing’s going to come of it.”
“You don’t know that.” Logan says. “Despite the fact that I know he dislikes me and I find him a little too loud for my tastes, I want you to know that should you pursue Benjamin, you have my support.”
It’s strangely comforting, in a way. With both of their parents gone and Walter as well, the only family Cedric has left is Logan ( and Jasper, but Jasper has found a home for himself in the Sanctuary ) to approve or disapprove of his choice in partner. Not that he’d listen to Logan unless he was extremely adverse to a choice — because if Logan denied someone for him so adamantly, he’d have to listen as to why. Cedric stares down at the cup of tea he’s left sitting on the table, the deep brown-red color soothing in its stillness. 
“Thank you.” Is all Cedric can say for a long few moments. He’s not sure if Logan knows just how important his opinion is to him. 
Silence draws between them. It’s peaceful. Logan stirs his tea, the gentle clink of metal against ceramic like the rhythmic ticking of a clock. Griffin huffs out a long sigh and Cedric pets him once more, ruffling the fur on the top of his head. His collar jingles as the dog pulls away and goes to sit in his bed once again, resting his head on the cushioned edge of the bed. 
When the comforting silence has drawn on for longer than Cedric expected, he breaks it with a lopsided smile as he says,
“So, you and Thomas?” 
Then it’s Logan’s turn to sputter as he sets down his teacup, eyebrows drawing together as he glares at Cedric.
“No.” He says, short and simple. Cedric grins, much like a cat who’d gotten into what it’s not supposed to.
“Oh, come on. You spend all your free time in the library—” He says, and Logan tilts his chin up.
“I’ve been helping ship the duplicates of books to Aurora.” Logan states. 
“Mm-hm.” Cedric leans onto the table, putting his chin in his hand. “And that requires you being in the library late at night?”
“I—” Logan starts, his cheeks coloring.
“I’m sorry,” Cedric says, shaking his head. He looks down at his cup once again, the sugar in the bottom not fully dissolved. His hair falls in front of his face. “I won’t bother you about it. But I do want you to know I’m happy you’ve made friends, and that you’ve found someone like Thomas.” 
Logan stays silent, watching Cedric as he tilts his head to smile at his brother.
“Even if it’s frustrating as hell that you found him after I’d sent numerous suitors your way and you never told me—”
“That was you?!” Logan says, his voice raising. Cedric laughs, throwing his head back as he does. Logan stands from his seat, mouth dropping open and closing again, three times before he swallows harshly. “One of them didn’t leave me alone for two days!”
“I’m sorry!” Cedric says, his voice still caught between bouts of laughter, “I just wanted to make you happy, I thought I knew what I was doing!”
Logan can’t find it in him to be mad after that. He lays his hand flat against the table, leaning against it as he stares down at Cedric, who’s wiping his face after his fit of laughter. Without thinking, he reaches over with his other hand and ruffles through his hair, grown out longer in his time as king. The motion is familiar, bringing back memories of their childhood and days spent without a care or thought of what was awaiting them. His heart feels warm, fuller than it has in quite some time.
“Hey, Logan?” Cedric says as Logan’s hand withdraws. 
Logan hums a questioning sound.
“If you marry Thomas, you’d better let me help plan it.” 
“And let you ruin my color scheme? I don’t think so.” He says, tilting his chin upward in a show of fake pompousness. But Cedric can hear the affection in his voice, the subtle playful tone. 
“I’ll find a way to meddle in your wedding.” Cedric says. And it doesn't even matter to Logan that he's barely past getting to know the man who would be joining him in this hypothetical wedding — the idea of anything past asking him to dinner hasn't crossed his mind in the slightest. What matters in the moment is only that Cedric is back to poking fun at him, just as when they were young. 
Logan snaps back with a remark about the possibility of Ben Finn joining Cedric at a wedding and the tables are turned, with Cedric protesting any possibility of such a thing happening. 
They jab at each other back and forth until someone comes to steal Cedric away to talk in front of some representatives from a village across Albion. They part ways and Logan puts it into his mind to keep an eye on Ben's actions around Cedric the next time he's around, just in case. 
"Logan!" Cedric calls over his shoulder as he's headed down the hall. Logan looks up.
Cedric waves a hand at him. 
"I love you!"
He turns the corner. Logan shuts his eyes and smiles, feeling — finally — like proper family once more. 
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Can you hear me, S.O.S., help me put my mind to rest
“Sorry they made you come out for something so stupid.” He mumbles, finally, in the elevator up to his apartment. “It’s not stupid.” “It’s 1am on a sunday, I’m pretty sure you had better things to do than pick up a beat-up co-worker and buy him his drugs.” He shoots her a quick glance as they get out on his floor. “I’m gonna pay you back for those, of course.” She doesn’t even acknowledge it, because they both know he can’t afford it. “It’s actually 12:30, and my partner needed my help. So there’s definitely nothing better to do with my time.”
Amy is Jake’s emergency contact on his medical file, which makes sense if you think about them as the lovey-dovey couple that they are now. She has been his emergency contact since two months after he’d met her, which makes less sense, until you realise that she is reliable, comforting, supportive Amy, and he is Jake, and he has never not been yearning for her attention just a little bit.
read it on AO3
 “Jesus Christ, Jake. I know you’re bad at paperwork, but this is a horror show.”
 Amy rubs her eyes with the palms of her hands, trying to stare down the little stars that appear in her vision from doing so. Jake, across the room on his worn-down couch, eating something very sweet and very crumbly - a cannoli, maybe? it was gone too fast for Amy to recognise - simply shrugs.
 “You don’t have to do it, Ames, you know that.”
 She does. She knows. She offered, after all.
 Maybe it was too early for something like this, anyway. They’d been officially together for barely a month, a stage where most other couples would still be discovering each other’s little likes and dislikes and trying to hide some imperfections from the other. Definitely not the stage of going through their partner’s chaotic mountain of very personal paperwork and files. Yet here she is, sorting through insurances (the rare few that Jake actually has, mostly because he’s legally required to), licenses, bills and Academy certificates.
 It was a mess that had Amy’s fingers itching every time she saw it, she reasons, and nothing they’d done in their month together really fit the usual trajectory of a relationship anyway, based on the fact that they already knew each other like the back of their hands. So when Jake had groaned about another forgotten bill from the mail tub that Amy forced him to steadily work through every time she came over, she’d offered to get things straightened out for him once and for all.
 She’s not sure if she regrets it now. Thumbing through a pile of loose papers that turn out to be several medical records from his injuries as a rookie cop, she realises that maybe this is a bit too personal, a step too close for what they have so far. Would she be willing to share this kind of information with a boyfriend of four weeks? she wonders as she skims over a page detailing the frankly insane amount of medication he was supposed to take after another week-long stay at the hospital. She’s quite sure he took barely half of it, gritting his teeth and moaning about stupid doctors instead, even though she didn’t know him back then - she knows him too well now not to immediately picture a slightly younger Jake with a list of weird-sounding pills he couldn’t pronounce and a giant frown on his face at the pharmacy.
 “I don’t have to- I mean, I can stop. If you don’t want me to do this.”
 Jake, finished with whatever he was eating, leans back on the couch to face her at the tiny table in his kitchenette. He gives her the patented Peralta-grin, the sweetness only heightened by some leftover cream-filling (definitely a cannoli) on his right cheek. She has half a mind to get up and lick it off, but she’s blocked in by paper piles all around her.
 “And keep Amy Santiago from a chance to file paperwork? Pretty sure that’d be grounds for a break-up. I’m surprised you haven’t run out to buy me a filing cabinet filled with all sorts of folders and tabs and whatnot.”
 She lets her eyes drop back down to the papers in her hands, trying hard not to show him the blush creeping onto her face. She had been making a mental list of what binders she should buy to really get this in order.
 “I’m just saying, if you don’t want me to see some of this- it’s very private information-”
 “Babe.” He still grins, and Amy thinks about how that pet name has settled between them far too quickly and far too comfortably as well. “Pretty sure nothing in that mountain of papers is any more embarrassing than all the stuff you already know and tease me about all the time.”
 “True. It’s not like I’m going to find out here why you think using the same soap for your dishes and your shower routine sometimes is an okay thing to do.” She grins back before filing away another old medical record, suddenly getting stuck on one little line at the top of it. “Jake, please tell me Stevie Schillens is      not     still your emergency contact.”
 “What? No. Of course he isn't. They make you update your info with every promotion at work.” That alone tells her that if ‘they’ didn’t, Jake would definitely still have a co-worker from his starting days on his files rather than, say, his current sergeant or a close friend. She shuffles through a few papers to find a more recent record.
 “Who is it, then? Might be good to update again and reconsider, promotion or not. Your mom is like half an hour’s drive away if anything happened, Terry can’t really get away from his family if it’s after hours. I wouldn’t trust Charles not to break down worse than you if he ever gets a call, and Rosa- I guess she’s responsible enough, but she might hurt you more for giving out her phone number-”
 “Really, Ames?” His voice is so soft from the couch, and when she finally looks up again, his face has that strange tilt to it, between affectionate and amused. As if she’d just said the most ridiculous, yet adorable thing in the universe. As if the answer wasn’t completely obvious.
 She looks down again at the paper she picked up, a medical report from a while ago, and as she reads the little line on top, she remembers.
 “Amy Santiago?”
 “This is she.”
 The voice down the line is as foreign as the number on her cell had been when she picked it up. She didn’t get many calls on her private phone anyway, apart from her family, and they were not the kind of people who’d call her at midnight on a saturday.
 “This is NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. We’re calling on behalf of Jake Peralta? You’re listed as his emergency contact, but there is no additional info on your status-”
 She’s up off the couch and into her bedroom to change into jeans before the nurse on the line can even finish.
 “I’m his partner. Work. Partner. We’re detectives. NYPD.” Amy almost barks down the line while wedging the phone between her shoulder and ear to pull down her sweatpants. Jake would obviously carry his badge even when he wasn’t on duty like tonight, but maybe they hadn’t found it, maybe he hadn’t been able to give them that info... and while it was slightly upsetting to think about, she knew that the hospital would give fast-tracks and special treatments to active cops, and if that was something that could help him now, the morality of it all didn’t matter one bit to her. “What’s happened? Is he- is Jake okay?”
Obviously he’s not, you idiot, he’s in the hospital and not present enough to give them any information so they have to call his emergency contact, that is the furthest from okay that he could be-  
 Her inner scolding is interrupted by the very calm, very soothing voice of the nurse.
 “He should be fine. He was brought in ten minutes ago. Somebody assaulted him, but a nearby officer intervened and called for an ambulance. We just needed to check because his files are very… incomplete.” Amy hears the rustling of paper and the slight distaste tinging the nurse’s voice and makes a mental note to sit down with Jake and make him update all his information as soon as possible. “And he’s not clear enough to answer any questions due to the painkillers. Are you aware of any allergies or problems that could arise from medications? He doesn’t need surgery, but we have to treat some lacerations and other wounds.”
 “He’s not on any permanent medications. He had to take Vicodin and Heparin after a surgery four months ago.” She replies immediately and without a doubt, remembering her last trip to the hospital with him while she slips into a jacket and checks her bag for her purse and car keys. “Oh, he has asthma, but hasn’t had an attack in years, so he doesn’t use his inhaler regularly or anything. And he’s allergic to bees, but I don’t think that matters?”
 “No.” the nurse almost chuckles. “But the rest is very helpful to know, thanks. Will you be able to arrange for someone to monitor him for the next 24 hours? Otherwise we’ll need to prepare a room for him. He keeps saying you’ll pick him up, but we weren’t sure-”    “I’m on my way.”
 She speed-walks to the front desk of the emergency room not ten minutes later.
 “Hello. My name is Amy Santiago. I’m here for Jake Peralta - he was brought in twenty minutes ago?”
 “Ah! The lovely lady detective.” The nurse - it’s a different one from the phone call, she can tell from the voice - gives her a weird sort of smile. “Yes, he’s been asking for you non-stop. But the painkillers should have worn off by now, so he might be more coherent.”
 She tries to ignore that comment, she really does. But it’s not easy.
 “The doctor’s going over aftercare with him, so he might be a few more minutes. You can take a seat if you’d like.”
 Amy glances over to the waiting area, full of people even at this time of night, before turning back to the desk. “Uhm, the nurse on the phone said he needs to be monitored for 24 hours - do you know why? Is there anything I need to be aware of?”
 The lady gives her a once-over before another strange smile, like she knows more than Amy does (which, logically, in this situation she does, but it feels like she knows something else, too).
 “He’s had a minor concussion. Nothing to worry about, but he might be a bit disoriented or woozy, so it’s best not to leave him alone. And if he throws up or feels faint, you should bring him back immediately. He has a check-up appointment to remove his stitches in three days. Everything else you need to know will be on his report.”
 “Sure.” Amy nods, and hopes that Jake doesn’t lose track of that report on his way from the examination room to the waiting area - it wouldn’t be the first time he manages to lose paperwork in record time. She gives the still smiling nurse another nod before finally heading to sit down and pull out the crossword puzzle she was halfway done with when she got the call.
 “Oh! Hey!” Amy practically drops her puzzle and jumps from her seat in the waiting room once she sees him standing in front of her.
 Jake looks a mess. His leather jacket is ripped on one shoulder seam, and his jeans are covered in grime. There’s an awful lot of blood on his hoodie - probably from his nose, which is covered in a bandage - and his face is more red-bruised than pale in most places. There’s another, bigger bandage over a stitched-up gash across his left cheekbone, the accompanying eye blood-shot, and his lip is split in at least two places.
 “You look like hell.” She blurts out before thinking and immediately scolds herself, but it actually earns her a little laugh.
 “You’re looking lovely as well, Santiago.” His eyes wander over her messy ‘I had to get here in under ten minutes on a saturday couch night’ look, including a steadily unraveling hair-bun and oversized sweater.
 “Sorry, I mean-”
 “S’alright.” He drops into the seat next to her and winces. More bruises, Amy thinks.
 “What happened?” She sits back down as he leans forward, only now noting the clipboard and pen in his hands (which are equally roughed up, knuckles worn down, with scabs already forming. Whatever had happened, he sure hadn’t given in easily).
 “Some big-shot guy whose dealer I arrested last week spotted me coming out of a bar. Decided the best way to deal with his crippling drug addiction was to beat the shit out of the cop who’d cut off his supply. He was, like, a giant of a dude.” Jake puffs up his chest and raises his arms to show the supposed size of the man, and Amy can only nod. “Luckily he was too stupid to check for surveillance on the very public street we were on, and there was a beat cop on the corner who cuffed him pretty quickly.” He looks down again at the clipboard, and tries to scratch his nose before remembering there’s a bandage in the way. “He also called an ambulance, which I think was a bit over the top, but I couldn’t really breathe to tell him no.”
 Amy gives him a quizzical look, and he sighs before explaining.
 “Fucker punched me in the chest so hard I had an asthma attack.”
 She snorts. She doesn’t want to, but it’s not really something you can stop, even as she clutches her hand over her mouth in embarrassment.
 “I’m sorry, Jake, I shouldn’t- it’s not funny-”
 “Well.” He grins at her, far softer than usual, but that might just be to not upset his split lip. “It is a little bit funny, I guess.”
 “Do you have an inhaler at work? You should take one with you, you know, even if you haven’t had problems for a while, you never know when they show up again, case in point, and people might not know what to do - maybe I should get an inhaler too, for when we’re working together, and make sure Charles knows how-”
 “Hey.” He interrupts her verbal stream of consciousness by holding the clipboard up to her, and she grabs it reflexively the same way she does when he sneakily slips her his unfinished paperwork. “Can you help me fill out these stupid forms? I think I’m still a bit high from whatever they gave me back there, or maybe I just don’t know half of these words anyway.”
 She grabs the pen from him as well, clicks it twice, and gets to work. She doesn’t even have to ask him about most of the fields he’s left blank, and after a minute or two, the file is full with both his chicken scratch and her perfect handwriting. She’s filled out so many of these forms for him before, she could probably do it in her sleep. Which would be quite a worrying thought if it wasn’t so weirdly sweet at the same time - she realises that he has never, not once, asked anyone else for a ride to the hospital for work injuries, at least when he had the choice (and luckily, he was barely ever so hurt that he couldn’t, that any one of them had to jump into the back of the ambulance with him, but most of those times it was her as well).
 “Here.” She hands the file back to him. “Get that to the nurses, and we can go back to your place so you can catch up on sleep. Do you have your medical report?”
 He nods and swaps it for the clipboard in her hand in a well-set routine they both know, getting up to hand it in while she does a quick read through. There are not that many after-care instructions - the usual things for concussions she’s aware of, a healing balm for the bruising, replacing the bandages regularly, and another truckload of painkillers and medicine. The doctors sure do seem to love pumping him full with it whenever they get a chance, and he sure does love to ignore them and not take any of it. She still makes a mental note to swing by the pharmacy on their way home to pick it all up when he gets back and gestures for her to leave.
 He does a dramatic turn and bow to say good-bye to the front desk as they pass it, earning himself a giggle from the ladies and swaying only a little after he gets back up. Amy has her hands around his elbow immediately, steadying him and leading him outside - they did say he would be woozy - and the nurse gives her another one of those smiles. She’s still not quite sure if she likes them or not.
 They stop at the late-night-pharmacy as planned - Jake obeys orders to stay in the car to make it all quicker, but insists on getting a bag of sour gummies as a reward, and Amy sighs as he tears into it right away, probably covering her whole passenger seat with the powder - but the rest of the drive stays quiet. It feels more concerning to Amy than it should. He’s a blabbermouth at the best of times, should be even more so after being loaded up with painkillers and coming down from the adrenaline high of a fight, asthma attack and hospital treatment all at once. But right now he seems utterly silenced, fidgety and... nervous.
 “Sorry they made you come out for something so stupid.” He mumbles, finally, in the elevator up to his apartment.
 “It’s not stupid.”
 “It’s 1am on a sunday, I’m pretty sure you had better things to do than pick up a beat-up co-worker and buy him his drugs.” He shoots her a quick glance as they get out on his floor. “I’m gonna pay you back for those, of course.” She doesn’t even acknowledge it, because they both know he can’t afford it.
 “It’s actually 12:30, and my partner needed my help. So there’s definitely nothing better to do with my time.”
 He mumbles something else as they step through the door, but she doesn’t catch it. She helps him slip out of his jacket instead, reminds herself to google a good tailor that works with leather as she notices the ripped shoulder while hanging it up and turns around to look at the blood-stained hoodie he’s taking off.
 “I don’t think that thing is salvageable.”
 “Damn, and it was one of my favourites, too.” He pouts, playfully, before remembering his injured lip.
 “All your hoodies are your favourite.”
 “Am I not allowed to love them all equally?”
 Amy is already in his kitchen not answering that, instead bundling the hoodie up and into a trash bag she’s pulled from a shelf. She’ll take it down to the dumpster with her when she leaves tomorrow, or else he might try and wash it.
 “You don’t have to do all this, you know.” Jake says as she walks past him to put the bag on the front mat. “I can take care of my clothes.”
 “Sorry.” She halts and takes off her own jacket and shoes, instead. It’s a strange situation - they’re both used to Jake being a lot more inhibited from medication or alcohol when she literally has to bring him home, usually hanging onto Amy’s shoulders and babbling nonsense while she shuffles him into bed. But now he’s standing up all on his own, silent again, looking around the place as if he doesn’t know what to do in his own home with Amy as a not-quite-guest. Neither does she.
 Another beat of silence passes between them before Jake clears his throat and bumbles on.
 “You should- ...do you want something to drink? I think I still have some of that herbal stuff you brought-”
 “You should-” Amy starts at almost the same time, silencing them both again for another beat. “You should change out of these” she gestures to his dirty clothes “and put the balm on your bruises and get ready for bed. You’re gonna crash from the adrenaline soon.”
 It seems like he wants to say something else, but the silence is deafening by now, so he only nods and grabs stuff out of the pharmacy bag before heading to the bathroom.
 “I’m gonna grab a spare shirt for me to sleep in, if that’s okay?” She calls after him and only hears ‘Sure!’ before the door closes.
 Amy realises, as she turns around for the dresser in the one room apartment he inherited from Gina a while ago, that she’s never been here before without some medical emergency clouding her vision. She knew his old place - from a few late evenings working on case files (which he illegally took home, but neither of them mentioned that), and a movie marathon when he was extremely sick and had begged her over on her day off because he was convinced he was ‘going to die any minute’ and didn’t want the neighbours to find his ‘decomposing corpse later in the week’ - and he’d been over at hers far more times than she could count (her place was nicer, she had actual cable tv,, and a working kitchen for him to rustle around in for random late night snacks).
 But this apartment? It seems strangely foreign now, without a drunk or medicated Jake needing her help, without the usual distraction of getting him into bed, getting his shoes and jacket off, forcing him awake to take some aspirin and then settling down on the couch to his snoring. She feels like a guest instead, someone who doesn’t know if they’re allowed to sit down or get a drink from the kitchen without being invited. That’s nonsense, she thinks - she’s here to help like always, and there’s no way Jake would care if she turned his entire kitchen upside down and re-organised it or fell asleep on the couch right then and there.
 Loud grumbling and ranting from the bathroom pulls her out of her thoughts, before she can even decide to pick up the spare bedding set for the couch she knows he keeps in his closet.
 “Everything alright?” She knocks on the door, but barely waits for the angry ‘No!’ before opening it. Her breath catches.
 Jake’s in his pajama pants, and - that’s it. She can see the muscles in his bare back flex as well as the reflection of his front in the mirror, as he tries to bend around in some convoluted way to reach the large, purple bruise that travels from his waist to his back.
 “Stupid doctors and their stupid lotions and stupid ideas for people who can’t do yoga or some shit to reach their own back-” he mumbles, but Amy doesn’t hear much of it. She’s seen Jake shirtless before - you don’t go on stake-outs or undercover assignments without catching each other in different states of undress at some point - and every time has been a secret memory, quickly stolen and hidden somewhere deep in her mind, to be dusted off and remembered at the most inopportune times or when she feels particularly alone after a drink (or maybe four). This time will probably be no different, she thinks as she notes the soft trail of hair under his belly button, down to the sweatpants that definitely sit lower than any jeans she’s seen him shirtless in before.
 She has to act, she reprimands herself, before he notices, before he sees her staring or realises she’s blushing, so she steps up to the sink and pulls the tub of healing balm from his hands.
 “It’s not the doctors’ fault you always get injured in inconvenient places.” She answers his rant while dipping her fingers into the lotion and carefully applying it to the bruise, trying not to rub or press too hard for it to hurt.
 Jake doesn’t breathe the entire time her fingers are on his skin.
 “There you go.” Amy closes the little tub and puts it next to the sink, eyeing his bruised face and completely ignoring the flush that is hiding underneath it. “Lemme change your bandages before you sleep, too. You already got them dirty.”
 “I can do that-”
 “You’re going to rip it straight off and disturb your stitches, most likely.” Her hands are already at the corner of his cheek, carefully prying off the tape and strips, and he forgets how to breathe again.
 She replaces the bandages just as carefully and leaves him to the rest of his night time routine, filling a glass of water in the kitchenette and coming back with a packet of Vicodin at the same moment he steps out of the bathroom, finally pulling a shirt over his head.
 “You should take some painkillers before you sleep. It’ll help.”
 “Oh goodie.” He quips and eyes the water. “Drugs! Because the injuries totally weren’t caused because of somebody off their drugs!”
 “These are prescription drugs. It’s different. You know that.”
 He still stares warily at the package in her hand, but another shuffle forward from her and he grabs them and pops one into his mouth, grimacing after downing it (whether that grimace is for the medicine or the water he actually has to drink, she’s not sure).
 “Good boy.” Amy jokes, and he’s glad he’s already swallowed so he can’t choke on his water from hearing that. “Now get some sleep in. I’ll be down here on the couch if you need anything, or feel worse.”
 “Don’t go-” He stutters and stares right past her head at the aforementioned couch. “I mean, you don’t- you don’t have to sleep on the couch, I know how uncomfortable it is- you can sleep with me- I mean, in the bed, with me in the bed, I mean- there’s enough space- with the extra blanket- I don’t-”
 He interrupts his own rambling with a deep sigh and a ‘Jesus, Jake’ before Amy can stifle another giggle. He feels just as awkward with her here as she does, and it almost makes the whole thing more comfortable. They’ll just have to power through the nonsense and get back to their normal friendly behaviour, she reasons.
 “If you really don’t mind. I’m gonna get the stuff from the closet.”
 He’s already bundled up under his own covers when she comes back with the heap of blanket and pillows for her side of the bed.
 It’s not her side, of course, it’s just the part of the bed he’s freed up from his own duvet, and that she’s going to sleep on now for one night, but it’s not like they have sides in their bed like-
power through the nonsense, she repeats as she settles down and stares over at him. His eyes are closed, his breath already slowing down into a sleepy pattern, and despite all the bruising and bandaging, his face looks so soft when he’s asleep. It’s a sight she could definitely get used to.
 She remembers waking up the next morning, far too early for the late night they’d had. She remembers how wonderfully warm he was, hurt face buried in her shoulder and softly breathing across his shirt that she’d borrowed. She remembers her heart racing as she tried to untangle herself from the cuddling position their sleeping bodies had found themselves in, and she remembers the soft, quiet, confused ‘Ames..?’ when he woke up a few hours later and found the bed empty, with her already sitting at the tiny kitchen table she was sitting at right now.
 Looking back at the report of the night she just remembered, the little line of her name and phone number at the top seem to glare at her, scolding her for her stupid question about emergency contact changes. She can hear Jake quietly laugh before she looks up.
 “What, did you genuinely think you weren’t my first pick for emergencies?” Jake is still smiling at her, and she realises he obviously didn’t go down that little trip down memory lane with her. Maybe he was even still at the point of their conversation where Stevie Schillens was a viable option for an emergency contact as well. “Like, even without everything else going on with us… You love filling out forms, you’re responsible enough to actually take care of an emergency situation, and you know about all my stupid medical info better than me, because you keep driving me to the hospital from work.”
 “You’re saying you made a serious decision like this based on actual logical evidence instead of one of your ‘gut feelings’?” Amy’s eyebrow raises almost involuntary. Present-Jake, maybe. Past-Jake? Definitely not.
 Present-Jake can only shrug before scratching his nose, a subtle tell that she's identified by now for when he’s embarrassed, as if he’s trying to hide his face before speaking again.
 “Might’ve also liked the idea of having you in the ER with me... instead of a freaked-out Charles or something.”
 She smiles at what sounds like only half-explained truth and decides not to push it. She knows what he means, anyway. She knows, by now, that he would always ask the nurses for her when he was being treated, would always ramble on about her when blissed out on extra-strong painkillers, about how smart she was and how much she would help him and how much he hated hospitals, but not quite so much when he knew she was outside the room waiting for him.
 “Okay, but when exactly did you put me in as your emergency contact?” She puts down the last file and maneuvers around the stacks of yet unsorted papers to get over to him and the couch.
 “Eh, ‘bout two months after we were partnered up.”
 “Two- we didn’t even like each other then!”
 “Wrong. You didn’t like me.” Another nose-scratch before Amy can sit down next to him, cradling his face in her hand and smiling again at how quickly he leans into it.
 “Aw, babe. I’m sorry, that was rude of me.”
 “I mean, I didn’t like-like you then. Just for the record. I wasn’t that desperate, okay? I just thought you were... neat. And really good to have around for emergencies. Probably should’ve asked you. For all I know you would’ve stranded your annoying new partner at the hospital and pretended like you never heard of me.”
 “I would have never done that!” Amy glowers at him. “Just for the record as well. I would’ve absolutely taken care of you, even though I didn’t like you or found you super annoying.”
 “I know you’re trying to be nice right now, babe, but you’re really not doing it well.” Jake grins at her again, and she can’t help but pull him towards her to kiss that snarky grin away. It reappears as soon as her lips leave his, unfortunately, but it is decidedly less snarky and far more dopey.
 “And I did show up when they called me after that drug addict attacked you, remember? I was so worried when I got that call, because I didn’t even know I was your contact, and I thought something horrible must’ve happened that they had to call me. And then it was just a fist fight.”
 “Sorry.” He mumbles. “It was a really stupid reason to call an emergency contact. Shoulda filled my forms out better.”
 “Maybe.” She smiles as she strokes across his cheek, noting the tiny scar that is still there from the stitches he had to get. “But I’m glad they did, anyway. You would’ve tried to drive yourself home and clean your wounds with mouthwash, or something.”
 “Maybe.” He echoes with an equal smile. “You do make a better home-nurse than I would, I guess. Even though you were missing the sexy outfit.”
 He earns himself a punch to the arm for that before she goes back to playing with his hair, soothing him enough that he drops the joking facade.
 “I was really happy you showed up, by the way. And took me home. And didn’t leave.”
 “Again: I would’ve never left you or not taken care of you. We’re partners, for God’s sake. What would the Captain have said if he found out I left you home alone with a concussion after you asked me for help?”
 “Yep. Holt’s imminent disappointment. Definitely the only reason I hoped you’d stay.” His smile is crooked, but Amy only continues stroking through his hair, and it quickly turns the uncomfortable smile into a content sigh. “I was so… nervous. Because... you can probably guess that I did like-like you by then. Like, you were right here in my apartment, and I wasn’t out on painkillers, but I also wasn’t awake enough to like, entertain you or anything, and I was so worried that you were already annoyed because of the whole situation and I would do something or say something stupid, but you were still there, and then you helped me with the bandages, and the, the lotion, and I think I remember the worst invitation to my bed I’ve ever given anyone, and when I woke up I thought you’d finally left, but you were just in the kitchen, and I-” He sighs again, closing his eyes and leaning forward to rest his forehead against her shoulder. “I was always torn between wanting to kiss you and wanting to apologise for being so much trouble.”
 “God, we really were hopelessly lost on each other, weren’t we?” Amy chuckles, her hand now carding through the hair on his nape rather than the curls on top.
 “I was definitely hopeless, in every sense of the word. I think I’d rather describe you as oblivious.”
 “Ooooh, good word!” She happily praises him, before realising just how sad that statement of his actually was. He lifts his head again to look at her. “I... actually, I wasn’t really oblivious at all. I’d say I was just as hopeless as you. I just hid it a bit better.”
 “But you were always there.” He smiles at her, his head sideways now, leaning against the back of the couch, and it’s so soft and comforting and homely she wants to sink into him. “For every hospital trip I needed. Maybe that’s kinda why I made you my emergency contact too. I knew you’d come no matter what, and I knew you wouldn’t leave. Whether I annoyed you like crazy or we barely knew each other or we were already good friends or we were not quite on speaking terms due to all the awkwardness.”
 She leans her head next to him, her hands wrapping around his folded in his lap.
 “I’ve got your back. Always.” She whispers, and it’s a lot more than the supportive, yet simple promise of work partners. She thinks of the many times people had left him, the many things he’d been through alone, the lonely walks to an empty house or quiet cab rides back to a dark apartment, the dinner’s in the microwave notes and the sorry, can’t tonight texts, and the few times she has actually left him alone too, not knowing yet that when he was running off scared, what he really needed was someone to run after him and tell him it’s okay.
 Their relationship is only a month old, officially, but she knows that it’s far older than that. She knows that it’s been growing and changing for years, and she knows, in that moment, that it will grow for many, many years to come. For forever, maybe, if they’re lucky. But no matter what it will change into in the future - she also knows, without a doubt in her heart, that she’ll be there. The way he knows she would, the way he’s known since two months after they met.
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
Please dont hate me.
Griffin and Valtor and all the questions. :)
Okay, but just because you asked nicely... Kidding, of course. XD I don’t hate you. I just hope any of this will make sense.
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Valtor, actually. It takes Griffin a while until she can fall into being cuddly with someone but she is surprised by how open Valtor is to physical proximity. He’s also the one that is more about compliments.
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
Valtor is normally the big spoon which Griffin was a bit irate about at first because she is a lighter sleeper and, therefore, more likely to be getting up or moving around. She thought it would make more sense for her to be the big spoon but Valtor wanted to be the one holding her and she relented. She actually liked it a lot more than she expected to even if it took some getting used to.
3. Most common argument?
Bathroom dominion. They. Just. Cannot. Reason. About. It. They both take forever when getting ready and it is hell. Especially if they are going undercover to an official event. You do not want to be around.
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
Playing chess. They can’t help it. They are competitive and love messing with each other which is done through an array of side bets and whatnot. But they have a good time. Mostly.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
Valtor. He is dramatic romantic like that. Griffin pretends to be annoyed by it... badly. She totally loves it. Even if it does make her think about things that might be impossible.
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
I feel like I might have answered that somewhere so excuse any mismatches in case I don’t remember my own headcanons.
(I am pretty sure I said Griffin’s favorite thing about Valtor is his voice but that is not a feature so I guess the inconsistencies have been prevented on merit of that alone.) Griffin might be a little fixated on Valtor’s hands bc of the fact that he only really takes his gloves off with her (and his skin is super soft). Also, the contrast between the destruction he can wreak with his magic and the tenderness of his touch on her skin.
I also think that I said Valtor’s favorite part of Griffin is her neck. Does that count as a feature? Well, it does now. He loves how delicate and sensitive her neck is. Griffin can’t pull him away from there when he starts kissing it, and biting it because it’s Valtor. He loves to leave marks there and listen to the sounds she makes while he’s doing it.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Valtor experiences selflessness for the first time. Or what is a weird mix of selflessness and selfishness because he does not necessarily expect anything in return when he does what is best for her but he still hopes that that will help their relationship develop. He’s not at all sure how to react to it. All he knows is that making her smile makes his day even if he has to endure some more bitching from his mothers because of what he did for Griffin.
What actually changes for Griffin is that she finally allows herself sexual fantasies about Valtor. She had noticed his attractiveness before but she wasn’t interested in getting involved with him. However, after they started getting to know each other and some emotional barriers got down, she found herself growing fonder of him. By the time she realized she liked him, pretty much everything else had changed.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Valtor does call her bookworm which is pretty obvious and generic. But other than that they don’t really have nicknames for each other.
9. Who worries the most?
They both worry. A lot. Griffin worries more openly, though, while Valtor will pretend he’s not worried but will keep looking for excuses to be close to her and touching her.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Griffin. Valtor tries his best but he has so many things on his head. He is in awe of how Griffin always manages to remember everything. She claims it is because she isn’t forced to do it but chooses to do so on her own.
11. Who tops?
Usually Valtor but that’s because Griffin lets him. He is happy to bottom if she feels like it even if the first time he might have needed a little convincing. He was grateful for having the insight to leave her in charge.
12. Who initiates kisses?
Valtor does that a lot. He will use any and all opportunities. Hell, even if the time is not right, he would still do it. He loves to kiss her and Griffin has learned that. She has no problem with it as long as it isn’t a really inopportune time.
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Valtor. He likes holding her closer, even if it is just her hand in his. Besides, he is busy a big portion of the time and can’t do it so he needs to compensate for that whenever he has the opportunity.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Griffin has surprised him. And here he thought he was passionate. Griffin has it in her to surpass him. Not always but she does kiss very hard when she gets really into it.
15. Who wakes up first?
Griffin. She is the early bird. She is generally more excited about getting started on her day. Valtor isn’t too happy about having to bust himself because of his mothers yet again.
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Valtor. He could sleep all day if he had the free time for that kind of thing. It is honestly kind of a dream. Especially if Griffin is also there. He can feel her presence even when he’s asleep and it always makes everything better,
17. Who says I love you first?
Griffin does. Not because Valtor is scared to tell her how he feels (even though he is that too). He just doesn’t want to pressure her into saying it back if she isn’t ready (or doesn’t feel the same). He is kinda torn on whether he is actually being selfless or too scared to even admit that he is selfishly waiting for her to make the first move but considering the fact that she seems more secure in their relationship, he decides to trust his own motives.
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
That would be Griffin. It is probably something only Valtor will get that is sure to cheer him up despite it most likely being sassy/sarcastic.
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Griffin by virtue of Valtor not wanting to say anything and not being given the chance either. His mothers just know. Even though he would’ve liked to have kept it a secret. That’s not an option in the world in which he lives. Griffin does tell her mom even if she has cut contact with her friends.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Valtor’s mothers aren’t enchanted by the idea but they allow it on condition it won’t get in the way of Griffin and Valtor’s work. They pretty much use it as a way to pressure Valtor into doing even more than before. Emalyn isn’t thrilled either. Though, to be fair, she wasn’t thrilled by Griffin joining the Coven at all. She can see that Griffin is happy which is what makes her keep her thoughts to herself but she is worried about everything that can go wrong, including what will happen if Griffin and Valtor break up. She is worried Griffin may not be safe in that case.
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Griffin would. Valtor will try to protest before he realizes that they are just swaying around and he isn’t expected to perform some elaborate ceremonial dances. He relaxes and lets her drag him fully into it, They have a great time.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Griffin, obviously. She does make use of Valtor’s Dragon Fire but that is the way in which he can be more useful in the kitchen aside from tasting whatever she’s cooked. He isn’t all that great despite being sensitive to smells and tastes.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Valtor all the way. He does not know when to stop. Luckily, Griffin finds him adorable which might be why he hasn’t collided with the finish line yet.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Both of them do it, actually. They both know when the situation needs their full focus but they are also not above messing with each other. And of course, that requires revenge which results in more revenge and they just end up stuck in a loop. Not that they are complaining about it. Not really.
25. Who needs more assurance?
Valtor. Griffin can see how much she means to him once they actually get together and open up to each other. Valtor has a lot of insecurities, though, despite his confident facade and can always use some more reassurance even if everything is okay at the moment.
26. What would be their theme song?
As a couple? Young God by Halsey. It just fits them so well! Though, that is more a commentary on their full story during the war. If it is something they would pick in-verse, then idk. Maybe Powerful by Major Lazer and Ellie Goulding.
27. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
They would both do it together. Griffin would have to teach Valtor all the lullabies he knows but he’d make sure to learn them.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
 Valtor forces himself to keep going about his day. He doesn’t have the time to sit around and wait for her return anyway. And work keeps him occupied but the moment he has an ounce of free time, his thoughts immediately drift to her.
Griffin tries working as well or reading a book but sometimes that’s not enough and she finds herself wondering how he’s doing and even worrying. She might go on a mission herself to keep herself occupied - pick out some herbs or hunt down a recipe she’s never come across before.
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
All of them. Seriously, everything I come up with about them is heartbreaking. But here goes. The only thing Valtor doesn’t know about Griffin (prior to the seventeen years he was imprisoned) is that she was pregnant when she ran away from the Coven.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
I... am not sure I have any of these. I just love angst and heartbreak. Idk how well this fits but... Valtor did eventually come to appreciate the fact that Griffin was the only one who ever loved him. Even if she did leave. He can see how different their relations were from anything else he’s ever had with anyone and it did make him realize that she did truly love him despite everything.
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bitterlikesweets · 3 years
Love Bites Ch 7
This is the seventh chapter of a modern/vampire AU ereri fanfic. You can also read it on Ao3. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
There’s a typo in the first text that Eren sends to Levi. Determined to stop overthinking their interactions, Eren is quick with his fingers, typing out a brief message that only requires a quick glance at the screen.
That’s how ‘Be there in a sec’ became ‘Be there in a sex’. A slip of Eren’s finger ruined a perfectly good message.
Eren doesn’t notice until he’s buckling himself into his car and Levi responds.
'Don’t tell me that shit, kid.'
He spends the next few minutes trying to type out a response that doesn’t make him look like a complete fucking idiot, only to resign himself to the fact that there isn’t one. He explains that his finger slipped, but Levi doesn’t answer his text and Eren wants to chomp his stupid, clumsy fingers off.
When Eren gets to the restaurant, Levi is already waiting for him in the break room. He doesn’t say anything about the text as Eren quickly grabs a seat at the table, and Eren drinks in silence. He’s more than happy to pretend that it never happened.
When he feels Levi’s hands in his hair, he’s quick to pull away.
“I’ve got the night shift at an arcade bar,” he tells Levi, an answer to Levi’s raised eyebrow as he watches Eren hurriedly collect his things. “I’ve got to be there in half an hour.”
“Should we skip the lesson?” Levi asks.
“Unless you’ve got some quick advice, yeah.”
“Hmm,” Levi says, wiping his wrist with a napkin. “Lesson one for this week is proofread your texts.”
Eren splutters and aims a glare at Levi, who just stares at him as impassively as ever.
“Fuck you,” Eren says, and he marches out of the room before Levi has a chance to notice his blush.
Eren’s not sure if being pissed is any better than being embarrassed, but the annoyance does feel a bit closer to normal for him.
Lesson two takes place after Eren’s six o’clock statistics class. His warning text was safer this time—a simple ‘On my way.’ Levi is the one in a rush today; Isabel is off and he can’t leave Furlan being both a waiter and a chef for long. He talks while Eren drinks, and his hand is preemptively resting on the crown of Eren’s head, so Eren has to wait for the tug and pretend that Levi’s hand isn’t distracting him from properly listening to the man’s words.
Lesson two is about myths. Levi tells him not to worry about not appearing in mirrors and photos, but to be wary of any liquid claiming to be holy water.
“Can I turn into a bat?”
Levi scoffs.
“Maybe through reincarnation.”
The third day is more relaxed. Levi’s not rushing, and Eren has at least an hour until he needs to be at work, but Levi’s hand is still on his head from the start, and Eren suspects this is going to be part of their routine now.
The lesson is about partners. How to choose them and when to drink from them.
“Nobody anemic,” Levi says. “And never after they’ve had alcohol or drugs or any of that shit. You’ve got to wait until it’s out of their system, or you’re both going to feel fucked up once you’re done. Especially you, as the vampire, since you’ll already be half drunk with blood.”
The next day’s lesson is also about partners. But it’s also about Eren.
“You both need to know your limits,” Levi says. His voice is stern and his fingers tangle in the strands of Eren’s hair. “You need to be careful not to drink too much.”
There’s that tug at his scalp and Eren pulls back, swiping his tongue across the bite mark on Levi’s wrist.
“How do you always know when to stop me?”
“You slow down once you’ve had your fill,” Levi replies, “so it’s easy to notice. Normally it should take a few tries to figure it out, but you’re consistent.”
“What should I do if not everyone’s as observant as you?”
“They’ll get dizzy or weak and will know then that you’ve had more than necessary. But I’m hoping to have trained you to recognize the right amount on your own by then.”
“Sounds like work,” Eren grumbles, and he thinks Levi gave him a little extra today, because he feels more blood drunk than usual. “Why don’t you just stay my partner?”
Levi’s silence is sobering, and Eren nearly takes the words back.
“I doubt you really want that,” Levi says eventually.
“You don’t know that.”
“And you don’t either.”
Eren feels like he should argue with that statement, but he doesn’t know what to say. So he says nothing, and Levi doesn’t say anything either.
Day five’s lesson is not about partners. Levi is busy and impatient. His hand only falls upon Eren’s head when it’s time for him to stop. The man’s tone is clipped and stiff when he speaks, and Eren has to remind himself that Levi is just in a rush because Furlan isn’t there today, so there’s no substitute chef. It’s not at all because Eren said something stupid the day before.
The lesson is about turning people. A bite to the neck doesn’t automatically turn someone into a vampire, but Levi tells Eren that the blood spills faster there, so it’s easier to take too much. And taking too much from the neck creates new vampires. Something about the vampire healing saliva overcompensating for the blood it takes, enough of it that it overwhelms the human. There was something else too, about proximity to the heart.
Eren lays a hand over his chest. He forgot that there’s a heart in there. A heart that used to beat.
Levi watches him, tells him something else on his way out.
His heart can beat again, at least for a moment, but only at the cost of someone else’s. That’s what turning people is; a brief breath of life, gained by stealing someone else’s.
Eren touches the scar on his neck and feels sick to his stomach.
On day six, they’re both a bit calmer. The restaurant is busy, but Furlan and Isabel are as lively as ever, and they encourage Levi to take his time. They’re both used to Eren by now; they greet him with smiles whenever he arrives, and he feels guilty for not having any full conversations with them yet.
He feels that he is drinking slower than usual, but that doesn’t stop Levi from knowing when to stop him, detecting a change in speed that Eren is always too hazy-brained to notice.
“What am I learning today?” Eren asks, resting his head on the table.
Levi is walking around the room, probably choosing a weapon to reveal. He’s taken to finding them as he teaches, to save them both a bit of time. The weapon is usually a stake, but he’s also pulled out vials of holy water out of the filing cabinet in the corner a few times.
“I want to talk about turning again,” Levi says, and Eren frowns. He doesn’t like this topic.
“It’s not always involuntary. Actually, it’s more likely to be voluntary these days.”
Eren’s frown deepens.
“Who would volunteer to be a vampire?”
“People who want to be immortal, usually. Sometimes they want the strength. Some just want to stay with the vampires they’ve partnered up with.”
Levi stops by a photo on the wall. Eren recognizes it as the one he knocked down when he threw the table over a week ago. The photo of Levi as a child, with the cardboard Kuchel’s Kitchen sign. Levi pulls it off the wall and flips it over, carefully removing a wooden square from the back of the frame.
“Have you ever thought about getting turned?” Eren asks.
Levi scoffs.
“Fuck no. A hunter becoming a vampire? I doubt anyone would even turn me.”
“What makes you say that?”
“No vampire in their right mind would want me to live forever. It’s in everyone’s best interest that I die someday,” Levi says, and his voice is completely calm, like he’s thought about it and accepted it.
Of course, it makes sense that Levi will die eventually. Levi is human. He’s going to grow old, just like everyone else. But the thought still puts a sour taste in Eren’s mouth.
Maybe it’s because Eren’s never going to grow old and die.
The weapon hidden in the picture frame is a knife, small and thin and sharp, but Eren isn’t looking at it. He’s staring at the table, twiddling his thumbs, thinking about how he’s not going to die and Levi is.
“What?” Levi says, coming to sit back down at the table. “You going to miss me, brat?”
“Yeah, maybe I fucking will,” Eren snaps, and he really doesn’t know why he’s so worked up over this because of course Levi’s going to die someday, he’s human—
A hand comes to rest on his head, heavy and familiar and comforting. And when Levi speaks, it’s like a sigh, with something in his exasperated words coming off as almost affectionate.
“You’re so damn honest.”
Eren shifts just enough to look at Levi, not wanting to lose the hand Levi is resting on him.
“Is that a bad thing?”
Levi huffs, but he sounds like he’s on the border of a chuckle.
“No. It’s refreshing. But you need to learn to take a joke.”
“I can take a joke,” Eren insists. “You’re just bad at telling them.”
“Oh, don’t turn your shit sense of humor back on me—”
“Wha—you’re the one who has the shit sense of humor!”
Their conversation devolves into half hearted insults that leave Eren laughing, and he’s so distracted by Levi’s teasing that he almost doesn’t notice the way the man’s hand lingers on his head, fingers combing through his hair.
They only stop when Furlan comes in, begging Levi to get back to work. Eren is still grinning on his way out.
~ ~ ~
The lights are off in Kuchel’s Kitchen on day seven. The day marks a month since Eren first met Levi. A month from the day he mistakenly ate garlic and tasted Levi’s blood.
Eren presses his face against the front windows of the restaurant, trying to see inside. The chairs are all flipped upside down and on the tables like they are after closing. He pulls his phone out of his pocket. It’s only eight. He sends another text to Levi, asking if everything’s alright. Levi simply texts him that he’ll be out in a minute.
Eren huffs a sigh, leaning against the brick wall of the restaurant.
The whole restaurant has a sort of old fashioned, cozy feel. The red bricks on the outside, the heavy wooden door with a literal bell hanging on the inside. The tables inside are all dark wood and thick red tablecloths, and there are black and white photos on the walls, most of people that Eren doesn’t know or recognize, though he has noticed a few of Isabel and Furlan on his trips to the break room. Eren can picture it all in his head fairly clearly, even without having to look through the window.
It’s different from the vibe he gets from Levi. The white and yellow tiled floor, the red walls… It’s colorful and bright, and it feels more like something Eren’s mom had decorated, rather than a no nonsense, practical man like Levi. The wallpaper even has fucking flowers on it.
And then there’s the name. Kuchel’s Kitchen. Who is Kuchel?
Eren thinks of the picture in the break room. The small kitchen, the cardboard sign. Little Levi, and the dark haired woman handing him a plate.
Maybe Levi’s mother helped him with the decor. Either that or Levi’s got a soft spot for flowery wallpaper and pretty colors.
It’s sweet, either way.
Eren hears the sound of the door unlocking, and he’s already looking when Levi steps out, the chime of the bell accompanying him.
“Sorry,” Levi says, beckoning Eren inside. “Isabel and Furlan said they both couldn’t make it to work, so I had to close early.”
“Are they your only employees?”
“They’re the evening shift,” Levi says, “I’ve got a few others that work during the day.”
Eren hums a little, casting a glance around the still darkened room.
“We could’ve met somewhere else if you wanted,” he says, and Levi just shrugs in response.
“I needed extra time to clean up around here anyway.”
They slip into their normal seats in the break room, and Eren leans onto the table, resting his chin in his hands as he watches Levi push up the sleeve of his shirt.
“I’m not busy today,” Levi says. “Are you?”
“No. No work and no school for me today.”
Levi nods, laying his arm across the table.
“Then, today, feel free to ask me anything you’re still not sure about.”
Eren pauses, his hands reaching for Levi’s arm.
“Is Kuchel your mom’s name?”
Levi’s entire body tenses, and Eren stops with his mouth halfway to Levi’s wrist.
“I meant questions about being a vampire, shitty brat.”
Eren tries to apologize, but Levi’s hand is on his head and he practically shoves Eren’s face into his wrist, stifling anything he was trying to say. Eren lets out a little grumble of protest, but he obediently sinks his fangs in. Levi sighs after a moment.
“...Yes, Kuchel is my mother’s name.”
Eren’s mouth is still occupied, so he squeezes Levi’s arm with his hands, hoping the man understands his request for the man to continue.
“You know that vampire hunting was the family business,” Levi says slowly. “My mother… she didn’t enjoy it. She was the one who taught me that vampires are still people. She learned all the tricks because she had to, but she only killed if it was absolutely necessary.”
Levi tightens his grip on Eren’s hair.
“She wanted an Italian restaurant. Went on and on about that shit. We’re not even fucking Italian, but that’s what she wanted. She started collecting shit—decorations and plates for her future restaurant. Started writing down recipes.”
Even in the midst of his explanation, Levi must be observing Eren, because Eren feels that familiar tug, that silent instruction to pull back. Eren does remove his teeth, complies with the obligatory healing lick, but he doesn’t pull all the way back. He keeps his head low, his lips pressed against the man’s pale skin.
“She was killed when I was a kid,” Levi says and the quiet statement hits Eren like a pound of snow dropped on his back. “She… she always tried to talk shit out, even in the midst of a fight. But there was no point to talking to the ferals. She knew that. She was just stalling—stalling so that my uncle could get me out of there. We all lived together. She was letting us escape.”
Levi takes in a shuddering breath, and Eren sits up, tries to look at him, but the man’s head is turned away. His hand falls away from Eren’s head, and Eren takes it, cradles it in his own.
“When you told me about your mom, I—it was too similar,” Levi says. “I looked at you, and I saw myself. That’s why I let you bite me.”
Eren’s stomach is a painful knot as he thinks about his mother, about that day, about how he couldn’t do anything for her. And he imagines Levi, just a little kid, watching it all play out, knowing exactly what was happening. He feels his own helplessness from the day he was turned and knows that Levi has felt the same. And his mother’s face, her scream are too vivid to Eren now. The images, the memories flash in his head and he squeezes his eyes shut, his hand tightening around Levi’s as his chest starts to burn—
“Sorry,” Levi says, and the word only makes Eren ache even more. “I shouldn’t have—it’s still fresh for you.”
“Don’t apologize,” Eren says, and the words are like a growl, far harsher than he meant to say them. Levi doesn’t even flinch at his tone, but Eren still pulls in a rough breath, trying to calm down, to stomp out the burning. “I’m glad you told me.”
Levi is looking back at him again, and in the place of his usual mask of indifference, Eren sees sorrow and guilt, even as he huffs a sigh and tries to change the subject.
“Didn’t mean to tell you my sob story today,” Levi says, and his voice is under more control than his expression is. “Let’s move on. What else do you want to know?”
The fire in Eren’s chest helps him answer.
“Tell me the best way to kill a vampire.”
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What Happens at a Lake - Philo Beddoe x Reader
Requested by @starryfallows
All are by @clinteastwood-blog
Yeah sooo I’m posting it here anyway, even though it’s REALLY long. Sorry I couldn’t put the two black and white set photos, because for SOME REASON, Tumblr is telling me that I’ve reached the ten image limit, when there’s ONLY half of that! Seven with those other two! Ugh! Anyway, this is indeed the longest fic I have ever written, and I am honoured and proud that it’s a Clint fic, requested by someone on Tumblr. I love you all.
Update: @believerindaydreams taught me how to put keep reading :D thank you very much 🙏)
It took three months for Philo's bones to heal and get back to full strength. Since his main job as a car repairman really depended on both his arms having their full strength, and his other job as a lorry driver did require some strength to pull the levers in the vehicle, you had been working for twelve hours everyday at the Palomino, where you were a pianist. It was a relief when Orville returned from his nurse one month in, so you could work for just nine hours. You returned to your usual eight hours only when Philo had fully healed. During those three months, Philo and Clyde remained in the audience for you mr twelve hours everyday anyway, and you gladly let them be there - better to listen to your playing than to staying at home and listen to ma pestering him about his idleness.
It was one evening two months after Philo was back in business. Philo, Orville and you were around the dinner table, having almost finished dining. Clyde was off monkeying around somewhere and ma had finished earlier and gone to another part of the house, where she was likely griping to herself again about something or other.
"You know, we haven't done anything to celebrate," you said, looking around at them.
The boys looked at each other in question, confused as to what you were talking about and surprised at this sudden and random vocalisation. They then turned back to you. "Celebrate...?" Philo trailed off, his voice sweet and adorable.
"Your retirement," you said lanconically.
"Only from brawling! I'm still a lorry driver and car repairman!" he argued, leaning towards you slightly.
"Yeah but still. It calls for some celebration." You were still calm, because you knew that Philo was not trying to pick a fight. This was just how he always was.
"Okay...what did you have in mind?" There. He was as relaxed as if nothing had happened.
"We could go to a lake again. One with a cabin that we can rent for an indefinite period of time."
A smile immediately formed on his face. "That sounds great." He turned his head to look back at Orville.
"Yeah," Orville said, nodding, "yeah, we can do that." Philo faced you again.
"Alright! So, when do you guys wanna leave?" you piped up cheerily.
"Well, you're the one who suggested it. You decide," Philo told you.
"Can we leave tomorrow?" Your eyes darted to and from theirs.
"Oh. Sure," Philo answered.
"Cool with me," Orville agreed. You grinned at them.
When Philo and you were alone in your shared bedroom that night, he backed you up against the wall, his hands on either side of your head, the rest of his body blocking any way of escape, almost pressing against yours, and his face very close to yours. You were hyperventilating, yet you could not avert your eyes and resist staring into those gorgeous green gazers. "That was a very good idea of yours." Oh hell - he was deliberately making his voice deeper and more gravelly, the way he knew you liked it. This was something he did when he wanted to be especially affectionate with you. He did not do it during his three months of healing because you always would be too tired for it.
"I-I thought we could use it," you panted, shaking.
He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours, feeling the heat radiating from you. "It's agreed," he breathed, and you could feel his breath on your face. You squeaked and squeezed your eyes shut, turning your head away. He chuckled when you squeaked. "What was that?" You whimpered and shook your head vigorously, indicating that you were not going to answer. He smiled and moved a hand to rest it on your warmed cheek, gently pushing your head to face him. His thumb stroked your eyelids until you opened them. When you did, he leant in and kissed you.
When ma saw the three of you loading the truck the next morning, she, as usual, waddled within hearing range and demanded to know where the four of you were going.  "A lake, ma," Orville sighed over his shoulder as he threw a bag inside.
"A lake?!  What on earth're you goin' ta a lake fo?!"  she hollered.
"A vacation, ma," Orville grumbled out before he got inside the seating area and closed the door before he could hear anymore of ma's nagging. You were holding the back doors open while Philo helped Clyde inside.
"WHAT?!  A VACATION?!  AND LEAVING YOUR OLD MOTHER ALL BY HER LONESOME!!"  And so on.  Philo and you hurried up with shutting the back doors and getting in yourselves.  Philo sped off as soon as he was seated.
"We need a vacation from her," you huffed, relieved, leaning against the window.
"You're telling me," Orville got out as he took off his cap and tiredly rested it on his lap.
"Well at least we're actually away from that now," you comforted him. Philo fiddled with the radio and stopped when he found a station he was happy with.
The ride passed in mutual joy and comfort.  The three of you would occasionally crack jokes, and sometimes Clyde would give his input, especially when he was asked to pass a drink or food item in front.  This lasted for several hours and a few pit stops on the way.
"All right, I think this is the nearest one," Philo said as he drove through some trees.  A little further into them showed that there was a lake stretching in between them, dividing them into two. Philo drove on, and all three of you kept a watch out for a cabin.
There were two, one larger than the other. The larger one was obviously for if there was more than one guest to stay, and so the smaller one was for the lone landlord.  Philo drove up to the guests' cabin and parked.  The three of you got out then let the orangutan out as well.  All four of you walked the rest of the way to the landlord's cabin.  Since Philo was the nearest to it, he knocked on the door.  "Yeah?"  the landlord said when he opened the door.
"We'd uh, like to rent this place for a few days.  Don't know how long.  We'll let you know when we leave.  There are three adults plus," he put a hand on Clyde's shoulder, "an ape."
"Oh..."  he observed Clyde, "well, people are allowed to bring their pets here, so long as they clean up after 'em, and I do have a set fee for pets.  So that's not gonna be a problem.  I'll just come to you and collect rent everyday, so it don't matter how long you stay."
The three of you grinned at each other. "Perfect," Philo informed the landlord. The latter nodded his head politely and closed the door. "Alright!" Philo exclaimed, clasping his hands together, "let's unpack!"  And the three humans proceeded to do so.  Clyde was left outside to climb trees and do his thing.
Soon enough, all the luggage was unpacked and in your respective rooms.  You three were now seated on the couches.  There were three of these which surrounded a coffee table, save for one side which had the television against the wall.  Philo and you were on one couch and Orville was on the one in the centre.  "So, what do you guys wanna do now?"  you asked.
"Is the water clean enough to swim in?"  Philo mused, turning around and looking in the general direction of the lake.
"We can always find out," Orville suggested playfully.
You laughed, closing your eyes.  "I suppose we can just ask the landlord."
It turned out that the water was indeed suitable for swimming. As far as swimwear went, yours was just a t-shirt and shorts. So it was for the boys too, minus the shirt. Since you were the shortest, you waded in first to determine how far out was safe for you. You kept hopping until the water reached just below your chin. The two taller men followed, with Philo going the farthest out and Orville in between you two. Since it was deep enough for you, you let your legs float up so that you were now lying on your back on the water's surface. You let the current carry you out, occasionally moving a limb to change directions. Orville had swum away, which left you a clear path to catch up to Philo, who was also swimming. Once you reached Philo, you moved your legs back down and started treading water. "Hi," you said.
"Hey," he smiled, showing his teeth. He made himself stand and grabbed you, situating your legs around his waist. You put your hands on his shoulders. Smiling at each other, he walked you about.  It was a while of this before he started picking up the pace, hopping, and then pushing you away from him altogether.  You giggled as you bobbed away, treading water to stay near him.  After that, the two of you started swimming properly.
The three of you swam for two hours.  Since Orville was all by his lonesome and not staring at a romantic partner, he was the one to notice that his fingers were wrinkled.   "Alright, we gotta go," he called out, holding up hand, facing the palm towards you two.  All three quickly paddled to shore.   Philo's feet touched the bottom first, then Orville's, then yours.  Clyde was hanging from the tree that you three would pass by on the way out, looking at you all.
"Hi Clyde," Orville said as he passed.
"Hi Clyde," you followed.
"Hi Clyde," Philo finished.
"Oo oo oo," he returned to all three of you at once.
Orville went into the bathroom in his room to shower.  "You wanna go first, or shall I?  Or you wanna go at the same time?"  Philo asked.
"Same time," you smiled.  So the both of you stripped and went into the bathroom in your shared room, impulsively filling up and climbing into the bathtub rather than actually stepping inside the shower.  He sat with his back against the wall, so you sat in between his legs without your back to him.  He wrapped an arm around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder. "Thanks for being here with me," he murmured, turnings his head and kissing your cheek. He was always additionally affectionate when he was happy and content.
You smiled brightly and brought an arm up to cradle his head, running your hand through his coarse fluffy hair. "I love you."
"I love you too." His other arm joined the one that was already around you. When he felt that you were about to fall asleep - it happened everytime you were relaxed in his embrace - he hurried up with bathing the both of you.
"Nbuh!"  you interjected as your head jerked up, having been shocked to the point of waking.
"Don't sleep in here.  We can have dinner and then sleep," Philo lectured, poking your upper arm once for each sentence he spoke.  You yawned and stretched, and then cleaned yourself.
The both of you got out.  Philo drained the tub while you wrapped a towel around yourself.  You passed another to him.  You broke out into a toothy grin when you saw him vigorously rubbing it through his fluffy hair.  He felt your gaze on him and looked up.  "What?"
"Nothing," you kept grinning, "Your hair is amazing."
"O...kay?"  He just went back to drying his hair.
You laughed softly before saying, "I love your hair."
"Thank you."  You could hear the smile in his voice.
After drying off, you opened the door and headed out.  Philo lay down on the bed and smiled at you, lifting the sheets for you to climb under.  You laughed softly and crawled to him, and you two snuggled.  "You sure we can do this?  Orville and Clyde might be waiting on us for dinner."
"Mmf..." he grumbled.  He begrudgingly reached his long arm to open the closet and pulled out a pair of boxers and then trousers.  He pushed you a little distance away so that he had space to put them on and then threw his feet over the side of the bed onto the floor, the momentum allowing him to spring up. He walked out of the room, and you nestled under the covers and waited.
Orville was at the kitchen counter, preparing dinner. "Oh," he acknowledged with some surprise when he saw Philo walk to him. "I figured you'd be longer, so I got started on dinner. I was gonna call Clyde in when I was done."
"Yeah, I was, but (y/n) reminded me that you might be waitin' on us. So I came out ta check on ya."
"Well you can go on back in there and give her a thank you from me.  You can do whatever with her until dinner's ready."
"You sure you don't need any help?"  Philo offered.
Orville shook his head and said, "Nah.  I can manage."
Philo nodded his head a few times in acknowledgement.  "Thanks," he said before turning around and walking away.
"Sure," Orville returned.
You were lying with your fingers interlaced, your head resting on them as you stared up at the ceiling. Your eyes turned to look at Philo when he appeared in the doorway. "Orville says we can stay here till dinner's ready. He can manage," he said as he walked inside. As he walked, he undid his clothes. You scooted further in, so as soon as he put his clothes on the seat of the chair as he passed he could slide in. You took your place right by his side again.  He had one arm under your waist.  He turned onto his side so that he was a little way on top of you.  He reached around and stroked the side of your head with his other hand.  You smiled softly up at him.  He moved to suspend himself above you on his hands and knees now, his limbs caging you safely. The both of you closed your eyes as he rested his forehead on yours. He pressed his lips forwards slightly, just touching your own and then withdrawing repeatedly, questioning whether he could kiss you. Your breathing became heavier at his teasing, and you put your hands on the back of his head and pushed it down the rest of the way.  At the exact same time, you both closed your eyes and let out heavy exhales through your noses as you kissed.  He lowered his full weight onto you, doing it slowly so that you had time to adjust and support his weight.  "Mmf..."  he let out when you kissed him a bit more aggressively.  You kept at it, eager and needy, and he let himself take it all in.  He withdrew when he needed to breathe, and rested his forehead on yours.  Breaths heavy, chests heaving.  He rolled back to lie down next to you again.  "Was that enough, or do you want more?"  he got out between breaths.
"Mmh..." you exhaled heavily, flipping to lie on your side facing away from him, "Too much for now..."
"Alright." You knew he was grinning at you with his teeth exposed. He scooted closer to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. You sighed and closed your eyes as he buried his nose in your hair.
And it was just...this. This sweet, unbroken peace, that the two of you shared, only interrupted when there was rapping at the door and Orville called, "You uh...are you guys...busy?"
"No, Orville. We'll be there soon," Philo called back, still staying as he was holding you.
"A'right." He walked away.
Philo turned you around and gave you one more peck on the lips, holding the sides of your face. "Come on," he smiled, "Let's go have dinner."  Smiling as well, you gave a nod of your head, and the both of you got out on opposing sides of the bed and got dressed.  Clyde was already sitting next to Orville, and they were eating.  Like everytime, Philo sat next to Clyde, and you sat next to him.  There was a fifth unoccupied chair between Orville and you. Again, the dining was accompanied by light chatter.
After the dishes were done, Philo opened the door to let Clyde out again, but Clyde clung onto his legs.  "Oh...okay," his human acknowledged.  He closed the doors and carried Clyde, seating him on one arm.  Philo joined you on the couch that was in the middle this time. "What do you guys wanna do now?" he asked, looking past Clyde to the two of you.
You shrugged, "Wanna watch a movie?" Clyde immediately jumped off Philo's lap and onto the couch, banging his fists against his chest and going "Ooh ooh ooh!" The three of you threw your heads back with laughter.
"He wants to watch King Kong!" you laughed.
"I was only three years old when that came out," Philo grinned toothily.
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"We- weren't even born yet," you pondered, looking at your lap.
"I'll go get it," Philo said, standing up. You each had brought a selection of movies that might be wanted at any time. King Kong did not conform to this, but there was always a friend to think about. Philo went into the room and came out not long after, holding the casing in his hand. He put the DVD in the reader and let it play. And in the end, it was online Clyde who actually watched the film. The three humans fell asleep early into the film. Philo and you fell asleep, your head on his shoulder and his head on yours, and his arm around your lower back. Orville, who had laid down so that he could prop his head up on the armrest and watch the television, just shifted backwards so that the armrest was comfortably under his neck, and he fell asleep like that, hands resting on his abdomen. Clyde considerately clambered onto the remaining couch to carry out his capers as he happily watched the movie. When it ended, he turned off the television and jumped back onto the third couch to sleep.
The next day saw no less in pleasantness.  After a nice breakfast prepared by Philo, the process of which was carried out while Orville was allowed to sleep in, the three of you took to fishing for lunch and dinner.  Clyde played in the branches above your heads.  The mood was generally lazy and mellow.
And then, it happened. Several fish in, Philo just held up his most recent catch, staring at it. From the corner of his eye, he saw you turn your head to look at him.  Before you could say anything, he swung the fish and slapped you square in the face.
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"WAH!" was your cry as you slipped and fell into the water.
Orville was laughing so hard that no sound was emitted from him.  Philo was just staring down at you, tittering to himself.  He still had a hold on the fish.  Your head broke the surface, along with your spluttering and spitting.  In return, you spewed a steady stream of water at him, standing up so that you could reach his face.  "Hey, wha-" he vocalised, turning his face away and putting his hands out to stop the water from reaching his face, dropping the fish in the process.  You quickly picked up the fish, the poor thing which had died due to shock upon impact, and sent him down.  Orville was wheezing by now.  The two of you played like this for some time, with Orville, and Clyde, who came to join him, laughing away.
Philo had to bear the task of preparing dinner after he showered, because he was the one who was not tired.  You were tired out from playing with him so energetically, and Orville was lying on his bed, making his belly ache worse as he kept on wheezing.  Even as he was showering he had had difficulty breathing.  As for Philo, he was as miraculously tireless as ever.  You did not know how he did it.  He was amazing.  You yourself had taken the precaution of showering instead of bathing this time, so that you did not fall asleep with the warm water submerging you.  After putting on warm clothing, you were facedown on your shared bed, spread eagle with your nose buried in the sheets. Now you could safely doze of. It was justified as well that you were not too deep asleep, for it seemed all too soon when you felt a loving hand on your shoulder shaking you awake.  You got up and followed him to the table.  You ate your food quickly so that you could go back to sleep as soon as possible.  Philo had a loving hand stroking up and down your back the entire time you were within his arm's reach.  When he saw you were almost finished, he murmured from behind a spoonful that you could leave your cutlery as it was and he would take care of it. As he was speaking, you had finished and sprung to your feet, wanting to use your last bit of energy to propel you to the place where you did not need to consciously use energy. But when you heard what he said, you stepped over to him and gave him a long hug, bending down and closing your eyes. He closed his eyes and held you too.  You stood like that for a while, until you gently pushed him to look up at you.  He looked at you with those searching eyes, his gaze gentle and yet held so much power over you.
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But it only lasted for a moment, because you closed your eyes and kissed him. He reciprocated, sweetly and meaningfully. When oxygen was needed, you pulled back and rested your forehead against his, breathing deeply. "Go to sleep, sweetheart," he murmured, stroking your hair. You gave him one last smile and a peck on the nose before moving fully away. You went and brushed your teeth, and then just collapsed on the bed, not caring how you slept. But later on, you found out that Philo had moved you into a more comfortable position, because when you woke up the next morning, you found yourself securely held by him, right by his side like always.
That day itself was also to be one of perfect happiness.  The three of you were fishing again.  It was just the four you and the fish.  Nobody was paying attention to anything that was going on in the world.
An unexpected, yet not unwelcome voice called out, "Room for one more?"
"JACK!"  you exclaimed, dropping your fishing rod and running to him. He was about to say something, but you pounced on him and hugged him. You loved giving hugs, whether it was to Philo, Clyde, Orville, or any other good friend. And Philo encouraged the good sportsmanship.
Jack was laughing as he held onto you.  "Hey.  Didn't know you'd be that excited to see me."
"We missed you when we parted," you confessed, stepping back to look at him, your hands on his shoulders.  You made way for Philo.
"Hey," your boyfriend greeted.  The fighters clasped hands. "What're you doing here?" he asked.
"Am done fighting for a few weeks. Thought I'd look for you. Went to your place, ran into a senile old woman, barely understood that you were at a lake.  Had to go on a bit of a hunt.  But, here I am."
"Yeah...sorry about my mother..." Orville said forlornly.
"Oh, that's all right. I'm just glad to be here," Jack said as he and Orville shook hands.
"So, are you staying?" Philo asked him.
"Only if I'm permitted," he smiled. Before any of you could say anything, a hairy figure dropped down from the branch above Jack and hugged him. Jack held him up as easily as the rest of you did. "Okay. Now you can move in," Philo smiled.
"Great. I'll go get my stuff." He turned on his heel and walked off, presumably to his car.
"You two continue fishing. I'll give him a tour," Philo said, going to pick up his fishing rod and lean it against a tree.
"Okay," you acknowledged.  So Orville and you picked up your fishing rods too, but you actually used them.
After Philo showed Jack his room among other things, they came back out.  It seemed that the fighters had decided on something as they were talking, because they were indeed dressed for fighting.  Philo was wearing a white shirt- not the one that had been torn, and a pair of jeans.  Jack was in his light blue tank top and slacks.  "Thought you said you were retired, Philo!"  you teased.
"Yeah well," he smirked, looking at Jack and flexing his fist which he was already holding up, "nothing like catching up with a noble opponent."
"Thank you," Jack smiled, getting into a boxing stance and holding his fists up in front of him as well. They started bouncing on their feet, bobbing from side to side, and circling each other.
"Just don't break anything," you reminded them.
As always, Philo waited for his opponent to throw the first punch. He did, and that commenced the fighting. They fought without even coming close and accidentally harming Orville and you. You two caught more fish than usual, since Philo was. not fishing, and there was one more person to feed.
There was enough fish to last five people until dinner.  Lunch for five had already been prepared.  And the fighters were still going!  The three other people stood in the doorway and watched.  And finally,  finally, Philo knocked Jack back against a vertical beam supporting the roof of the porch.  They were drenched in sweat, heaving deep breaths.  "You wanna..."  Philo stopped to pant here, "stop here?"
Jack nodded, and caught his breath to give a, "Yeah."  This was how it almost had been six months ago.  The five of you went inside.  Now the once unoccupied chair has a purpose.  The tired gentlemen sank heavily onto the chairs.  Orville and you got to setting the table, and Clyde opened the refrigerator and took out two cans of beer.  He brought them over to Philo and Jack.  "Thanks," Philo said as he took his.  Jack petted his head.
After a slow, refreshing lunch, the five of you were just sprawled out on the couches. "So, you lift engine blocks," Jack spoke, "How'd you get the strength in the first place?"
"Well, I did start out by lifting lighter weights. I do do other strength work from time to time too."
"Like what?"
"Oh, pumping. I have (y/n) or Clyde on my back while I do it. Makes me push myself more."
"I gotta try that," Jack grinned. With that, he dropped down to his hands and toes. "Come on. Get down. And get Clyde or (y/n) on your back."
"Oh, I get my girl," Philo turned his head to grin at you from the floor. "Clyde." He used his head to motion to Jack. You each got on your respective sports man. You carefully lay on Philo's back, putting your hands on his shoulders and situating your toes on his calves. Orville just watched and but his lip, bemused at such a wholesome situation.
Later that night, you went into the kitchen to get yourself something light to eat and drink. Philo followed you. You were against the counter, and turned around only to come face-to chest with him. “Hey,” he said softly, smiling. You greeted him the exact same way. He leant in and kissed you, your arms wrapping around each other. He backed you up against the counter, so that you were halfway sitting on it. He lifted you up and seated you on the counter fully, then stepping forwards and pushing you to him so that your legs wrapped around his waist. You giggled into the kiss, making him do so too.
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lilac-gloss · 4 years
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Baby Help
Jin x Reader
I read somewhere that Jin is the youngest sibling so this makes it plausible that he may not have been the most experienced with babies, who am I kidding I’m sat writing a story about me and you being friends with Kim seokjin the plausibility left the chat at the first word of this!
Synopsis: When Jins brother needs help babysitting his new baby he asks his brother Jin, but Jin also requires some help in the form of his girlfriend Y/N.
Warnings: fluff
Mindlessly scrolling through your phone you find yourself lost in the numerous posts of selfies, memes and food your feed had become accustomed to. Your close friend Jin has just posted to his Instagram story, interest got the better clicking instantaneously. The screen displayed an adorable selca of Jin and precious newborn baby. Recalling the fact that you knew Jins brothers partner was pregnant you assumed that was the baby in question. As someone who thought that babies are one of the cutest and most precious beings to exist you immediately excitedly cooed at the image before you. This resulted in you spamming Jin with messages to declare your love for the baby he was with. In mock immediate shock horror Jin joked at your disregard for his own handsome looks, nevertheless joining the basking in the newborns existence.
A few moments later you noticed your phone begin to ring, it was Jin. “Hey yn...” Jin spoke nervously.
“Hi Jinnie, what’s up?” You replied nonchalantly.
“I need a favour..” he asked, “I’ve been left to help look after the baby but I’m not good, it keeps crying and I’ve tried changing it or feeding it but it’s just not-“
“Ok, it’s ok Jin take a deep breath, it’s a baby not a ticking time bomb,” you cut off his panicking ramble.
“Yn PLEASE COME AND HELP ME!” He asked desperately. Considering you had no plans for the day, going to look after an adorable baby would be a pretty good turn of events.
You pulled up at Jins brothers house and texted Jin to alert him of your arrival without using the doorbell to prevent disrupting the potentially sleeping baby. However, for them to have been asleep was seemingly wishful thinking as a disheveled Jin opened the door with a screaming newborn in his arms. “Help me!” He exclaimed. Due to you having younger siblings you and your older siblings were experienced in helping out with young children so you felt equipped to help your friend in need. You gently took the baby from Jins arms and slowly rocked it quietly talking to introduce yourself as well as attempting to softly soothe its bawling. A few moments of gentle swaying brought an end to the incessant screaming that had filled the room seconds before. Slowly you place the baby down in the basinette in the centre of the room as the baby closes its eyes tiredly. “How on earth did you just do that yn!” Jin whisper shouted in amazement, “never mind I’m just grateful you made it stop!” As he grabs you in a bone crushing hug that truly conveys his thanks. “Eh it’s no big deal, just had lots of practice.” You reply.
The warm summer afternoon flies by as you and Jin sit talking with the occasional break when the baby stirs or requires some attention. After a while you are disrupted by loud cries from the bassinet. Picking up the baby you realise it needs a nappy change. “Here you go jinnie you can take care of this one.” You declare placing the required supplies in his direction. Looking dumbfounded Jin moves them back to you “I’ve never changed a baby before, I don’t know how?” He states.
You begin to laugh, “well today is your lucky day because I’m here to teach you!” You respond.
Laying the baby down, you guide him through the process from cleaning it up, changing and disposing of the old nappy. Congratulations are short lived as you hit Jin with a high five but quickly regret that and wash your hands bearing in mind his recent job. “See you are almost as good as I am.” You declare picking the baby up and holding it in your arms. Noticing the presence of his broad shoulders against yours, Jin move closer to you as he stares at the baby as it looks up blinking. “She is the most precious thing I think I’ve ever seen.” He states moving his hand behind you back as the other gently strokes the baby’s cheek. “I know right, look at those little hands.” You coo as her face scrunches in delight. You place you head on Jin’s shoulder as you both sit in silence adoring the baby in front of you. “You are going to be such a good mum, yniee,” Jin speaks into the silence. “I hope so.” You smile, “I think you are going to be such a great dad too.” You add.
“You think so,” Jin responds with a smirk. “Of course you are silly, you are kind and very good at picking up on how to look after them.” You say matter of factly. “Thank you,” he replies you feel his hand gently squeeze yours as you fall back into a comfortable silence.
You don’t realise how much time has passed as you notice Jins brother and his wife standing in the doorway. Clocking their presence and knocking Jin to let him know, you go to put the baby back in the basinete. “Nono don’t let us disturb you,” Jins brother speaks from the doorway, “ you guys looked so adorable like your own little family.” You turn away blushing. Jins brothers wife slowly approaches you to take the baby, “so I take it you are ready to have a little one of your own soon Jin?” She questions jockingly. He smiles softly adoringly looking towards you “I don’t know maybe?” He replies seriously. “Oh wow, Jin you’ve come a long way from this morning!” You joke poking his side. He nods, “today has made me realise and see things a bit differently.” He continued responded squeezing your hand affectionally his gaze never leaves yours.
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queer-cat-policy · 4 years
Hi! I’m Ace!
Hi, I am ace. Not like the ace of spades but rather ace as in the slang for Asexual. And here I am, telling you, a stranger this. Not just a stranger but many. Writing essays, countless posts, and telling the world as kindly as possible about how I exist is pretty exhausting. But it is more exhausting being invisible. So now I join a movement, an invisible one fighting for visibility, so that maybe, just maybe, we find others like us.
I like to be fully disclosed, I will give you the definition of asexuality but the rest of it is all me. You cannot apply this article to learn about your friends. Maybe, if they are anything like me, you gain some insight, but the reality is, I write this in hopes that someone reading it will feel a little less alone in the world. Maybe this helps you understand that you are not abnormal, instead you are a human being first and foremost and deserve empathy like one. So, what I am saying is, do not take this article as the be all of asexuality. If you have an asexual friend in your life, you should ask them the questions you have with the intention of strengthening your relationship and becoming informed on a topic you previously were not informed about. And if you are asexual and my experiences don’t resonate with you, I encourage you to seek the rest of the community and know you are valid and you are not alone.
What is Asexuality?
Asexuality by itself at its most basic, universal definition, is defined as a lack of sexual attraction. And that’s it. The rest is a spectrum. There are many different types of asexual people, every single one has different experiences and feelings of attraction or may not even feel attraction at all. So we call this a spectrum and some parts of the spectrum have different titles. I think most people have no idea that attraction outside sexual attraction exists, meaning they didn’t know there are other names for attraction. Someone who identifies as asexual but is still attracted to people can feel aesthetic attraction, romantic attraction, physical attraction, emotional attraction, intellectual attraction, social attraction… and the list goes on.
There is something called the A-spectrum which isn’t just asexuality but aromantic, demi romantic, gray romantic, demi sexual, and gray sexual. Demi means that that attraction does not occur until an emotional bond is formed, gray means someone who has limited experiences with that attraction.
What Makes Me Asexual?
Asexuality means something different for every single person who identifies under it and because I can’t name really every type of asexual person out there, I am going to tell you a little bit about myself.
I am asexual because I feel no sexual attraction to anyone. I, in particular, do not want sex and am quite repulsed at the idea of it. I don’t enjoy the sex obsessed culture either and tend not to partake in it. I do however find people attractive for several reasons, it is usually an individual thing. I emotionally bond with people before I feel anything towards them for one. The attraction from there can be emotional or aesthetic. I know what type of personalities I draw in and enjoy interacting with too. I date and have been in about three relationships in my life but only one was long term.
Romantically, I don’t tend to identify. I say this because things change from person to person (as in depending on the individual I am attracted to). I will usually umbrella myself following the explanation of my asexual identity, stating that I am queer alongside being asexual or if I’m not comfortable talking about my asexuality, I leave it at queer. I say queer because I am attracted to different people for different reasons and sometimes gender isn’t necessarily a discriminating factor. I have mostly emotionally bonded with men in the past, but I find women physically and aesthetically attractive. Additionally, I am not exclusively attracted to men or women, I also can be attracted to transgender and non-binary people.
Is Asexuality in LGBT?
The Asexual community gets a lot of ping pong discussion about rather or not we are apart of the LBGTQIA+ Community. Some people believe that if you are just asexual and hetero-romantic and cis… then you should not be identifying as part of the LGBTQIA+ Community. I won’t get to deep into it, but the truth is, the A is for the asexual spectrum, not just the queer asexual folks. And we too have struggles, some much like the rest of the community and some very different. To leave out asexual people is aphobic in my personal opinion and a gatekeeping tactic. I one time read someone who was upset that the community had become like “the island of misfit toys.” I won’t tell you what to believe about this, but I’ll definitely talk about this in later posts so if you’re interested in reading more about it, keep an eye out!
The Fears of Asexuals…
We live in a sex obsessed culture. Sex is literally everywhere. It is in music, TV, movies, school, social life, work, art, commercials, food----- This culture is absolutely thriving (this is not a good thing) off of the exploitation of sexuality. Especially of women. If you can’t understand the problem with this, imagine hating the super bowl around Thanksgiving or Christmas at… well Christmas, when every store, elevator, billboard, TV series, and artist is throwing Christmas in your face. Except for asexual people, this is our life everyday we wake up and live in the world. Every. Day.
Because everyone around us is so obsessed with sex, asexual people can feel overwhelmingly alone. And for those seeking a significant other, that is a legitimate fear. Everyone else around us in relationships all require the one thing we will not give: Sex. You’ll never guess the number of times I get unmatched on dating apps after someone asks me what asexual means or after the first time I mention it outside my profile… because I guess if I don’t say anything than all the flags on my profile that include my sexual identity can be potentially false?
Asexual people, because many of us are very uncultured in sexual cues and such, are also at risk of being sexually abused and assaulted. Asexual people have gotten into situations where they are legitimately sexually attacked either because they have rejected someone or someone tries to change them by forcing themselves on them, or because they miss cues. Remember though if you have been sexually assaulted it is not your fault. There is no “what if I did this differently.” We are trained currently to be blameful of ourselves in sexual assault situations. But the fact is, if you did not consent to it- if there was no clear/in the right mind consent to it- it should not have happened and there is absolutely no excuse on the attacker’s part that should change that verdict.
Another part to being in a sex obsessed culture is just the sheer disbelief that people exist that do not want it. Rather it is for the intimacy or instincts, it will truly awestruck people of all kinds to the point they may tell us that we are not real. Not valid. Every asexual person has heard “you haven’t found the right person,” “How do you know if you’ve never had it,” “you can’t be asexual, you have a significant other,” “Love can’t really exist without sex,” “you’re just scared.” And we think about these things like ‘what if,’ and let other people’s invalidation of our identities invalidate ourselves.
Asexual Relationships?
It is a common misconception that asexual people do not date or do not have these kinds of intimate relationships. It is true that some people who identify as asexual also identify as aromatic or choose not to date or seek intimate relationships, but this does not describe the entire asexual community. Some asexual people will only date other asexual people, some do not. Asexual people in non-asexual relationships may come to a compromise in that relationship or vice versa. But it is incredibly important to remember that what matters most is that both parties are being satisfied. That may mean we discover that this partner is not the one. The needs need to be met on both sides.
As previously mentioned, there are a lot of people who think love must come with sex. You are more likely to come across someone with that mindset on the street than not. I personally try to meet people via online dating, and I would not say I have been 100% successful or unsuccessful. I have made several friends, I have had a boyfriend, I have done a lot of dating, I’ve also been unmatched as soon as they realize I am not wanting to sleep with them. That can be extremely… demeaning. And bad for self-esteem. I wrote something a little about how it feels to be consistently rejected for being asexual. I get rejected sometimes before people even know what asexual is. They know it is something from the LGBTQIA+ Community, it’s not straight, it’s not normal. And yes, maybe I shouldn’t want to be with someone like that but it feels like there are more people like that than not and there is no cure for the overwhelming fear that I will end up alone. It also creates an uncertain anxiety when I do not know why I may have been rejected. My brain defaults to “it’s because I’m asexual” and I go through the same devastation I would if I knew for sure it’s because I am asexual.
On the other side are the people who decide to date an asexual with the intention of being the one to “fix us.” Or they think it will change- because ultimately, they don’t believe in asexuality. Or they think it is personal, like instead of me being repulsed by sex I am repulsed by the person. For me, since I am not a very physically affectionate person (even when I am that comfortable with someone, it is very limited), that’s more common than I ever thought possible. That kind of says something about our society more than the individual, in my personal opinion. It says that our society as values our sexuality (especially as women) more than other parts of our personality.
Something I will include in here, friendships. A lot of my friends do not know how to talk about my sexuality. They don’t know what it is, it makes them uncomfortable, they think they have to give me the sex ed run down, or they think I have to be in PG settings all the time to be comfortable. No, I don’t necessarily want to hear in detail about your sex life but if there’s something you want to tell me, I’m not a fragile flower you have to protect. Friends also may constantly bring up my sexuality in an environment where it may not be comfortable. My friends have sometimes flaunted it like a golden ticket, like a token queer friend. I have to tell them to stop and if they don’t, I have to reconsider our friendship. Our sexual orientations are personal, no matter how out and forward we are, it belongs to us, to you. Coming out belongs to you and it is never insignificant enough to deserve to happen against your own free will.
Dear Ace Community Let’s Communicate!
The last thing I want to add here is just a suggestion for the asexual community. I see a lot of people who post about the exhaustion that comes with having to constantly re-explain ourselves to partners, friends, people of interest… Stop being exhausted. Do not tell them to google it. Someone is trying to understand you, googling is not understanding you. Take it as a compliment and be ready to explain and advocate for yourself and our community. Communication is so important. Google does not tell that person who you are, especially because we are on such a wide spectrum. I advise strongly against it. And probably, when you have to have that conversation, don’t have it over text. At least for me, I say so many more meaningful things when it’s face to face or over the phone at the very least versus over text message. I’m not just being a parrot of information from what I know the internet has told me, I’m telling that person about myself and what it means for me to be asexual. Communicate what it means for you to be asexual.
If you have an asexual friend, don’t be afraid of them. Know that you can’t change who they are, they don’t want you to try, you can’t “fix them.” If you don’t understand them, ask questions and don’t be critical.
Thank you so much for reading! If you have any question, reach out on my tumblr or contact page!
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ladyfogg · 4 years
May I? - 21/?
May I? - 21/?
Fic Summary: Ensign Faith Diaz struggles to hide her mental illness from her fellow shipmates aboard the Enterprise until an intrigued Data goes out of his way to try to understand her behavior. At his insistence, Faith tries to figure out what she’s truly passionate about and eventually seeks the professional help she needs. Fic Masterpost.
A/N: You’re welcome ;)
Fic Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Data/Female OC
Warnings: tw: depression, tw: anxiety, fluff, friends to lovers, eventual smut
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Screenshot by @geekygwen​
Life aboard the Enterprise returned to some semblance of normal. Data welcomed the routine, especially after the ordeal he and Faith were forced to endure. 
Fajo was handed over to the proper authorities where they were assured he would remain under heavy lock and key. There was still uncertainty surrounding his original release and how it was acquired so quickly. But that was not for them to investigate.
Faith took to her new role in Engineering splendidly. While she still struggled in private, Data noticed she was able to prevent any major outward signs around the crew. He suspected her sessions with Counselor Troi helped in that regard.
He himself saw the counselor twice a week as they worked towards examining his outburst of anger. It was a slow process but one Data found fascinating.
“Data,” Counselor Troi said during one of their sessions. “I know we've already discussed how your episode was triggered by Faith being in danger, but I would like to examine what Faith means to you on an emotional level.”
Data did not feel the need to say he did not have emotions since that was clearly no longer the case. 
“I have spent a significant amount of time trying to figure out the same thing,” he admitted. “In many ways, it both is and is not complicated.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Given the evidence presented to me, based on my emotional response to her distress, she is far more important to me than anyone has been prior.”
“How is that complicated?”
“It is not. It is a simple observation. The complication comes from trying to identify the meaning.”
“What do you think it means?”
“She is special to me. Given my body's response to her physical proximity I believe it is more than my positronic net becoming accustomed to her presence.”
Deanna nodded, her eyebrow raised. “Physical response?” she asked. “Have you and Faith been intimate?”
“We have shared intimate moments recently, however we have not been sexual since before our captivity.”
“I see. When you did, what were your thoughts?”
“Well, I enjoyed it a great deal. The tactile sensation was not unpleasant and I found the visuals to be...indescribable.”
Deanna tried not to look surprised but Data could sense her shock at his response. He found this curious as he knew Faith spoke with her as well. He concluded that Faith had not spoken to her about their sexual acts. He was curious as to why though the question was for Faith to answer, not the counselor.
“And having not been able to experience those sensations recently, how does that make you feel?” Deanna asked, ever the professional.
“I do not know.”
Data had not tried to put a feeling to his thoughts. In truth, it had not been a priority. Between his duties on the bridge and hers in Engineering, they saw very little of each other during the day and Faith seemed far too exhausted in the evenings to do much else other than sleep. The thought had occasionally crossed his mind however. There were still many intimate situations they had not experienced together, including intercourse.
Deanna studied him for a moment. “Data, do you think you may be experiencing sexual attraction to Faith?”
“I do find my body’s programmed response to physical stimuli to be particularly...active lately. However, it is only in her presence. It does not seem to be an error in my programming however. I have already run the necessary diagnostics.”
Deanna seemed as though she were trying to suppress a smile. “Well, I do believe you are  experiencing another emotion aside from anger.”
“Are you certain, Counselor?” Data asked, eyes lighting up. “What emotion would that be?”
Data processed her response. “Interesting. I can certainly see how my thoughts and actions could be interpreted as such.”
“Have you shared any of these thoughts with Faith?”
“Yes. I have. We agreed to discuss any possible emotional responses after the incident with Fajo.”
“That's very good, Data,” Deanna beamed. “Communication is important in any relationship. Has she shared her thoughts on the subject?”
“She categorized them as affection. For the most part, she has provided an ear for me to discuss my own thoughts. Sometimes I feel she is hesitant to say what she really feels or thinks. When I asked her why, she explained that she was not an objective party and is afraid she may be projecting what she wants me to be feeling rather than what I am.”
Deanna chuckled. “That sounds like something Faith would say. And in a sense she's right. However, I am an objective party and I can honestly say that I agree. You are clearly feeling affection and desire for your partner. It's beautiful to see, Data.”
He smiled. He had noticed certain members of the crew had taken a notice to his and Faith's relationship. Dr. Crusher had expressed similar sentiments as Troi had. As did Geordi and Riker.
“Counselor,” Data said, switching his focus to a topic that had been plaguing him. “I have a question about relationships.”
“Of course. What is it?”
“Faith and I have been a couple for approximately twenty-two days. At what point is it appropriate to approach the topic of marriage?”
Deanna's mouth dropped open briefly before she tried to compose herself. “You wish to marry Faith?”
“I am aware our relationship is still in its early stage, however I feel it would be prudent to tell Faith my intentions. I do not intend to propose, merely make my intentions known.”
“I see. In human terms, you wish to tell Faith you are serious about your relationship.”
“Well, then, I would say you should wait for the right time to approach the subject delicately. Perhaps after a romantic dinner or date. Such a discussion is best done when you are both in the proper headspace.”
Data nodded with understanding. “I see. Thank you, Counselor.”
Deanna smiled. “You are very welcome. I believe our time is up for today. I'll see you at the same time next week.”
Data left her office, his mind racing with thoughts of their discussion. There were many aspects of human relationships he was uncertain about. Each day he learned more and more. However, he knew without a doubt he enjoyed his relationship with Faith a great deal.
He believed he was beginning to understand what Commander Riker had tried to explain to him prior to him dating Jenna. The idea of two people coming together as more than just friends did not seem different to him before. However, he realized he was mistaken.
It was different. Yes, Faith was his friend and confidante, but to have more than that constantly intrigued Data. She took care of him, not that Data required much care, but she made sure to check in with him to see how he was functioning. 
She was cautious and aware of his developing feelings and embraced them as much as she could. Not that he had shown any signs since his anger episode but she made it a point to address any questions or concerns he had.
Spot seemed to tolerate her, though Data suspected it was because Faith fed her several days a week due to Data working the night shift on the bridge. Occasionally, he had found Spot curled up behind Faith's legs when he returned to his quarters in the early morning. But the feline would immediately move and pretend as though she had not been purring.
Cats were indeed strange creatures.
When Data reached his quarters, he was surprised to find Faith there already, kicking off her shoes.
“Hey, you,” she smiled brightly, though she still seemed tired. She rubbed her feet as she winced. She had been spending many hours standing lately and he suspected they were sore.
“Hello, Faith. You are finished early.”
“Yeah, Geordi kicked me out of Engineering. Said I needed to take a break. I didn't realize how much I've been working lately.”
“Your responsibilities have increased with your promotion. I am not surprised at your workload.”
“Well, no work talk tonight. I am perfectly happy to have a quiet evening with my super cute boyfriend.” She patted the spot next to her on the bed.
Data took the offered seat, slipping his arm around her shoulders. “I am equally enthused to spend time with my aesthetically pleasing mate as well.”
Faith chuckled. “You're such a charmer.” She leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “What do you want to do tonight?”
“First, you must eat dinner,” Data insisted. “Then, perhaps dessert and some...intimate time?”
Faith's eyebrows shot up and she smirked. “You asking me for sex, Data?”
He leaned his forehead against hers. “If you so choose, mi alma.”
“Hell, forget the dinner!” 
She pounced on him, pinning him down to the bed. Her quickness surprised him and did not give him room to react. When she bent down to kiss him, it was much more passionate than before. 
His body responded instantly to the stimulation, his penis swelling at the sensation of her warm body sprawled out on top of his.
He had to gently push her away to break the kiss. “Faith, as arousing as this is, I must insist you eat dinner first,” he said, staring up at her. “I do not want you to miss a meal on my behalf.”
Faith sighed dramatically but there was an affectionate smile on her lips. “You're probably right. I am pretty hungry.” She gave him another kiss before sliding off his lap.
“Excellent,” Data said, sitting up and willing his body to return to its normal state. “You change into something more comfortable and I'll prepare dinner.”
Faith picked up her shoes and stood. After a quick stretch, she headed for the door. “Sounds good. I'll be back in twenty minutes.”
“Faith?” Data asked as he stood.
She paused and turned back. “Yeah, babe?”
“It seems counterproductive for you to keep your separate quarters when you spend your evenings with me. Would it not save time for you to bring your things here?”
Faith's eyes widened. “Data, are you asking me to move in with you?”
“It would be the most efficient and logical solution. We spend every evening together and I have grown accustomed to your company. I understand if you decide to decline. I do not want you to feel any obligation.”
Faith bent her head, fiddling with the shoes in her hand. When she looked at him, she gave him a soft smile. “I-I would actually really like that.”
Data smiled back. “Shall I help you with your things?”
“No, no, you stay and make dinner,” Faith insisted. “I'll grab a couple of things and come back. We can move my stuff another time.”
“As you wish.”
Cheeks considerably darker than they were before, Faith’s smile widened as she backed up towards the door. “I'll see you in a few minutes.”
When she left, Data set about preparing the table for their meal. He laid out a tablecloth and set candles in the center. Roses came next and he set them in a clear vase in the center, turning them just right so their fragrance would be directed towards Faith.
He did not always set the table but he had not done so since their first date. If they were to be intimate later, his programming highlighted the importance of having a romantic setting.
As he turned to the replicator however, a voice sounded behind him.
“Oh isn't this positively domestic?”
Data turned around to find Q sitting at the table he had just set. His appearance was unexpected and unwelcome. 
“Q? What are you doing here?” Data asked.
The being sat back looking bored. “I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd pop in and see how my old friends on the Enterprise are doing. Imagine my surprise to find you, an android, shacking up with a human,” he said.
He picked up the unlit candle to examine it. Data took it from his hands and placed it back down in its proper place.
“Have you been spying on us?” Data asked. “That is extremely inappropriate. I must ask you to leave.”
“Don't get your panties in a bunch,” Q snorted. “I was only observing that little conversation you just had. Having a human move in with you? Data, I know they intrigue you but you should never bring your work home with you.”
“Faith is not work or an experiment,” Data said. “She is my girlfriend and I would appreciate it if you would not interfere in our relationship.”
“Wouldn't dream of it. I've got more important things to worry about anyway. I was simply curious about this little development. She knows you can't feel emotion right?”
“Actually, it seems I have been developing basic human emotions,” Data said. “So far I have experienced two instances of anger.”
Q sat up with interest. “Really? Do tell!”
“Perhaps another time,” Data said. “Faith will be back soon and I wish to have dinner ready when she returns.”
“Look at you, acting like a good little mate,” Q said, sarcasm dripping from every word. “Such a sophisticated android who could be doing anything with his life and yet he's here playing house.”
Data studied Q. “You do not approve of my relationship with Faith.”
“I don't see the point in it. You are well aware of my feelings towards humans. Why you would waste your time with one is beyond me.”
“Then perhaps you are not as all-knowing as you claim to be.”
Q chuckled. “So sassy for an android. Did the human teach you sass?”
“Among other things. You have overstayed your welcome. Please leave. I will not be as nice if I have to ask again.”
“Alright, alright, I'm going. I'll check back in a few months to see if you still feel the same way then.”
There was a flash of white light and then Q was gone. His sudden arrival was suspicious and Data felt the captain should be made aware. 
He tapped his communicator. “Data to Captain Picard.”
“Go ahead.”
“I have just had a surprise visit from Q in my quarters. He is gone now but I thought you should be made aware.”
There was a heavy sigh from Picard. “Thank you, Mr. Data. I shall keep an eye out for the menace.”
There was a pause.
“It looks like he's made an appearance on the bridge as well.”
“Do you need assistance, sir?”
“No, no. We will handle it. Picard out.”
Satisfied he had performed his duties, Data waited two minutes to make sure he was not summoned by Q or the captain. When neither reached out, he returned to his dinner preparations. 
He replicated plates of grilled chicken, broiled potatoes, and Brussel sprouts, along with a large salad. Faith tended to replicate small dishes for herself and he wanted to make sure she received the proper nutrition. 
Faith arrived several moments later as he poured her a glass of wine, a bag slung over her shoulder. Her presence put Data at ease and turned his focus away from Q. 
“This all looks amazing,” Faith said, putting her bag on the floor by the closet. “Candles, flowers...you spoil me.”
“Is it not customary to shower your mate with romantic gestures and affection?” Data asked, holding out her chair.
Faith chuckled as she sat. She had changed into loose gray pants and a soft blue blouse. “Apparently for some people that's up for debate. I enjoy it a great deal so please don't stop.”
Data tucked her chair in before he joined her at the table. 
She picked up her fork and began to eat. “How was your day?”
The next hour or so was filled with idle talk about their various duties throughout the day. Engineering had finished routine maintenance on many of the ship's primary functions and were in the process of training new personnel. 
Data shared what he had done throughout the day and also filled her in on Q’s mysterious appearance.
“Q? As in the Q?” she asked. 
Data had told her stories of the omnipotent being several times before. “Yes, the captain is dealing with him now. It's best we ignore Q unless the captain needs our help.”
“Fine by me,” Faith said, pushing her empty plate away. “From what you've told, I'm not eager to meet him.”
“Are you ready for dessert?” Data asked, clearing their plates. 
“Yes, please! What do you have in mind?”
Data returned to the table with a chocolate lava cake, topped with vanilla ice cream. Faith clapped excitedly.
“My favorite!” she exclaimed.
“I am aware.”
Data did not anticipate how much it would please him to see Faith enjoying herself. It was a stark contrast to how she had been when they first met.
“I have the next two days free. Is there anything you'd like to do together?” she asked before taking a large bite of her dessert.
“I do wish to start planning my art show. Counselor Troi has suggested a few dates and Guinan has offered Ten Forward as a location.”
“Awesome! I'd love to help any way I can. What pieces have you decided to showcase?”
Data studied Faith carefully. She looked relaxed and happy. Though he thought that it would be a good time to approach the subject of their relationship, he concluded her agreement to move in with him already touched on the subject.
She would not have accepted if she was not serious about their union. 
“There is a painting I have been working on for some time that I wish to showcase but I would like your approval first.”
“Babe, it's your show. You don't need my approval for anything.”
“For this particular painting, I believe I do.”
He stood from the table and went to his personal office to collect the canvas. Faith patiently waited, looking confused yet intrigued.
When Data brought the painting to her, he did not reveal it right away.
“I have been working on this for some time and did not want to share it with you until I felt it captured what I was trying to convey.”
Data turned the canvas around.
The scene he had depicted was from their time in the shuttle. It was from Data's perspective, looking up at her while she straddled his lap. The image itself was from her shoulders up, though it was clear from the bareness of them that she was intended to be naked. 
Her hair was loose and wild, her eyes soft and hooded as she looked on with deep affection. He had painted the background dark blue with stars surrounding her frame as if she were a constellation and the image was his vision of her in the night sky. 
“Data…” Faith said in a low voice. “This is…” Words seemed to fail her.
“Given the intimate nature of the image, you can understand my hesitancy to use it in the show.”
Faith stood, stepping around the table to approach him. “Use the painting,” she said in a firm voice. “I've never felt more beautiful than I do when I look at the paintings you've done of me.”
Data smiled and leaned forward for a kiss. Faith responded enthusiastically. She broke it for a moment to carefully take the canvas from him and prop it against the wall before she returned her attention to him.
Her arms circled his neck as she kissed him deeply. The pressure of her lips and the way her body pressed to his let Data know how much she appreciated what he had done. She tended to be more forceful with her kisses when she was particularly emotional. 
Data placed his hands on her hips and returned the favor, nearly bending her backward as he opened his mouth to her. 
The tone shifted dramatically after that. Faith's hands tugged on his uniform, fingers buried in the fabric as her tongue boldly stroked his.
When they parted again, she was panting. “Make love to me, Data.”
Without a word, Data lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed.
She so seldom used such a tone that Data was compelled to follow through. It was more than that, of course. They had already been through so much together, he wanted to provide a pleasurable memory rather than an anxious one. He himself also wanted to experience sex with her and if she was ready, he would be happy to oblige.
Data laid her down on the bed before stepping out of his shoes and joining her.
“Computer, activate ‘do not disturb’ function,” Data said.
Faith smirked as the computer responded, “Do not disturb function has been activated. Communication to Lieutenant Commander Data and Lieutenant Diaz has been suspended. Commander Data's quarters are locked and cannot be overridden.”
“Afraid of being interrupted?” Faith asked.
“It does seem to happen frequently.”
“Not tonight.” She slid her hand into his hair and pulled him towards her. “Not now. It's just you and me, babe.”
Data kissed her, pressing her back into the mattress as he lay his body over hers. He was unused to being in such a dominant position however Faith did not seem to mind.
In fact, the tension left her body and she became relaxed, arms circling his neck as her mouth continued to taste his. Data did not wish to waste time, though he knew Faith did not enjoy going too fast. So he was slow and careful when he reached underneath her body to slide his hands underneath her blouse. She arched her back to help, allowing him to free her from the constricting fabric.
He broke away from her lips to sit back on his heels, peeling the shirt from her body. Her chest was already rising and falling as she took rapid breaths, her nipples hardening from the coolness of the room. He dragged her pants down and off her legs, dropping them to the floor. 
Faith reached up to do her hair, allowing her wild curls to fall around her face. Data enjoyed it that way. He liked the way the curls framed her heart-shaped face.
Once she was fully bare, she sat up to kiss him, her hands reaching around to pull at his uniform’s zipper. Data kept his focus on her body, marveling at how the smoothness and warmth felt against his palms.
When her hands slid into his uniform to touch him, he felt a change. Almost like a stab of emotion that forced a gasp from his lips.
It surprised them both.
Faith drew back. “Are you alright?”
Data nodded. “Yes. Please continue.” He kissed her rougher than he intended, muffling her surprised squeak as his hands grabbed for her again.
Suddenly, going slow did not seem like a necessity. Faith tugged at his uniform until Data managed to rid himself of it. As soon as it was gone, she straddled his lap, mouth hot as it hungrily moved against his. 
Data's erection was trapped between their bodies, nestled tightly against the wet heat of her. He had not touched her and yet, she was slick for him. Faith moaned and ground against it, drawing back from their kiss to look him in the eye.
“Please, say you want this as much as I do,” she whimpered, top teeth digging into her plump lower lip.
Emotion unlike any he had yet to experience course through Data and he flipped Faith onto her back without a second thought or hesitation. “Faith, I wish to make love to you. May I?”
She nodded with rapid movement, legs circling his waist. “Please, Data.”
He reached down to stroke her slit, only to find her more than ready for him. He still touched her, enjoying the moans and sighs that came from her when he did. 
Data pushed slowly into her. It was as if time stood still. Any background thoughts or processes went silent as Data's focus became solely on Faith. She gasped loudly, throwing her head back as he breached her.
Data froze. “Are you alright?”
He received an urgent nod and a nudge from the heel digging into his lower back. “Yes, fuck yes, keep going.”
The crude swear excited Data. It was a different side to Faith he had never witnessed and it enticed him to continue. He pushed himself in until the base of him pressed snuggly against her warmth.
Faith's body was trembling but before he could ask again if she was alright, she kissed him deeply, tongue pushing past his lips in earnest.
So Data began to move.
His thrusts were steady as he listened to the sounds Faith made. She whimpered and moaned into his mouth, seemingly unable or unwilling to stop kissing him. Remembering the sensitivity to her neck, he kissed his way there, finding the spot in question and reveling at the way her body jerked in response.
Everything about her invaded his senses. Her taste, the feel of her, the sounds she made, her scent. It all imprinted itself on his memory chips in a way he knew he'd recall for years to come.
He found when he thrust deeper, her body shook and her moans increased in volume. So he did it repeatedly. 
Faith's hands were roaming his back and shoulders, nails digging into his skin. If he were human it would have left marks.
For the first time in his existence, he wished he could bruise or be scratched. 
Her body was beginning to perspire which made her skin practically glide along with his. As much as he enjoyed the closeness, Data wanted to see her face.
Tucking his knees beneath her, he pulled himself up just enough to stare down at her, his hands pressed into the mattress on either side of her head.
Faith never looked more beautiful to him than she did at that moment.
Her cheeks were dark, her eyes were nearly black from her wide pupils, and her breast moved with the force of his thrusts. She clung to him as if she were afraid he would disappear. 
The strong urge to protect her suddenly hit him tenfold and he knew that he would give her the universe if she asked.
Which was physically impossible but he would be willing to try.
“Data...I'm so close, babe,” she moaned, eyes falling closed. 
Data kissed her deeply, hand sliding between their bodies so his thumb could bring her to completion.
Faith came saying his name, back arched as she rode out her pleasure. Data did not stop. He kept going, kept stroking her nub with his thumb even when she started to tremble. He wanted to see it again. Her loss of control was extremely erotic.
The second time was not as big as the first but she was just as loud. It was only when her body sank into the bed that Data finished as well, staying inside her until his release was complete.
Dazed and smiling, Faith slid her arms around his neck and pulled him down to rest her forehead against his.
“Magical,” she panted. “Just magical.”
“I am inclined to agree. Was that satisfactory?”
“Data that was so...so...passionate.”
Data was excited at her description. Nothing he had ever done had been described as passionate before. “It is what you deserve, Faith. You deserve everything.”
Her eyes began to water but before he could grow concerned, she kissed him again and he knew she appreciated his words.
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