#Write Me A Few Lines
rastronomicals · 6 months
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5:41 AM EST December 8, 2023:
Mississippi Fred McDowell - "Write Me A Few Lines" From the album   The Black Keys Present The Hill Country Blues (May 2021)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Giveaway with the July 2021 issue, the one with Joni Mitchell on the cover, and the Troggs story inside.
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femmeconomics · 7 months
i think it’s important everyone knows about the little roman girl who died at only five years and seven months old, and her grave reads "dum vixi, lusi" or "while i lived, i played"
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its-your-mind · 4 months
*deep breath in*
the fears 👏 have always 👏 been (in one way or another) 👏 parallel 👏 to 👏 desire 👏
let me explain.
so many of the statements given by actual avatars center around some sort of need that was met by their entity. Lots of them even had a positive relationship with the fear that drove them.
Jane Prentiss is an excellent example - the Corruption has always been about a form of toxic and possessive love, but she personally has a deep desire to be “fully consumed by what loves her,” and finds a perverse joy and relief at allowing herself to be a home
Jude Perry is another - she fucking loved watching people’s lives be utterly destroyed. The Desolation only offered her a power of destruction on a grander scale, and then gave her a more intense rush of joy as she did its work. When she tells Jon that he needs to feed the Eye before it feeds on him, it’s almost as an afterthought; she was happily feeding the Desolation long before it burned her into a new existence.
Simon Fairchild. Every time that old loose bag of bones wanders into the picture, he is having a fucking EXCELLENT time playing with the Vast. He loves showing people their own insignificance, and he loves luring them into situations where he can throw them into the void as he smiles and waves.
Peter Lukas (hell, the whole Lukas family (except Evan. RIP Evan.)) hated. people. all he wanted was for them all to go away, to leave him alone. The Lonely only fulfilled that desire.
Daisy, Trevor, and Julia, all devoted to hunting those things they deemed monstrous.
Melanie, holding tight to that bullet in her leg because on some level, she wanted it. It felt good, it felt right, it felt like it fit right alongside the anger and spite that drove her to success.
Annabelle Cane first encountered the Web when she was a child, running away from home in order to tug on her parents’ heartstrings in just the right way to have them wrapped around her little finger. Later on she volunteered to be the subject of an ESP study. Hell, she’s the one who dangled the “Is it really You that wants this?” question over Jon’s head in S4.
And that brings us to Jon, beloved Jarchivist, the Voice that Opened the Door. Ever since he was a child targeted by the Web, he was looking for answers. He joined the Magnus Institute’s Research Department looking for them, he stalked his coworkers in search for them, he broke into Gertrude’s flat and laptop out of desperation for them. And when he realized that all he had to do was Ask to get truthful answers to his questions? It was only natural for him to jump at that opportunity.
Elias told S3 Jon that he did want this, that he chose it, that at every crossroads he kept pushing onwards, and the inner turmoil that caused was one of the focal points for Jon’s character through the rest of the podcast.
There’s a certain line of thinking in many circles about the power of the Devil: he’s not able to create anything new. All he’s able to do is twist and warp that which was already present, making it something ugly and profane while still maintaining the facade of something desirable.
Jon didn’t choose the Eye. But he did wander into its realm of power, exhibiting exactly the qualities it was most capable of hijacking and warping to its own ends. Jon didn’t choose the Apocalypse. But Jonah picked at him little by little, pointing him towards each Fear individually. Jon didn’t want to release the Fears. But the Web tugged on his strings just so and laid a pretty trail for him to follow until he reached its desired conclusion.
Jon didn’t choose ultimate power, or omniscience, or even his own role as Head Archivist. But he said “yes” to the right (wrong?) orders and kept on pushing for the right (wrong?) answers. He wanted to succeed at the work he had been assigned. He wanted to protect his friends. He wanted to rescue them when they were lost. He wanted to prevent the apocalypse, to save the world. He wanted to know why he was still alive, when so many had died right in front of him.
The Great Wheel of Evil Color that is the Entities might not fit as neatly into categories in this universe - maybe there was no Robert Smirke trying to impose strict categories on emotional experiences, or maybe the ways they manifest in the world has turned on its head (goodness knows many of them have been showcased and blended in some very fun and new and horrifying ways so far) - but their fundamental foundations seem to be the same. Hell, in episode one we learned that there had been enough individual incidents to create a distinction between “dolls, watching” and “dolls, human skin.”
Smirke’s Fourteen isn’t going to be relevant as common parlance, RQ said that already, but I don’t think that means the Fears themselves (and their Dream Logic-based rules) are different - I think it means that the levels of understanding, language used, and personal connections among people “in the know” are going to be entirely unfamiliar
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radio-writes · 3 months
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Love is Whatever You Can Still Betray
Synopsis: You recall a time when Alastor still saw you as friend, as an equal. You wonder: was any part of it even real?
Warnings: manipulation, mentions of drugs, violence and blood, physical harm to reader, power imbalance.
Tags: Relationship can be read in any way; Alastor x Reader; GN Reader
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At the back of your mind you vaguely remember a time when Husk had warned you. 
"He's a sweet talker when he needs to be. You'd be better off not trusting a bastard like him."
You think that's what the drunk cat had said. You're sure it was somewhere along those lines, at least. It was a fair bit of time ago.
However, you do remember—painfully clearly—that you had laughed him off. You found the mere idea of Alastor betraying your trust ridiculous.
The Radio Demon would never dare cross you. You were a powerful overlord; one that practically held the whole ring in the palm of their hands. And, more importantly, you were friends; one of the very few that either of you even had.
Surely even someone like Alastor would think twice about stabbing a beloved friend in the back, right?
You almost wanted to shoot yourself realizing how naive you've been.
Now, having been a brilliant chemist during your life on earth, it wasn't really much of a shock that you turned to drug production when you got to Hell. You had to make a living somehow, right?
Besides, with the quality of the drugs you made, it only took you a few months to have Pride Ring's whole drug operations under your thumb. 
But you were still so careful. You made sure to never deal with your clients or your distributers or your cartels directly. And on the rare times where you had to, you made sure to keep yourself as hidden as possible.
Very few people actually knew who this new Drug Demon was, and that's exactly how you wanted it be. You were smart, brilliant, a genius—if you do say so yourself; but what you weren't was strong.
Drug business in Hell was undoubtedly—and quite often literally—cutthroat. You wouldn't stand a chance if the enemies you made came after you, and you knew that. You'd probably have better chances of survival standing butt naked in the middle of the streets on extermination day. 
So it made sense that the few friends you held dear were the only ones you trusted with your secret—with your life. 
Alastor was...not really meant to be one of those friends.
Sure, he was the very first soul you met down here in Hell. You also both shared a love for soft jazz and easy nights and dancing your worries away. His dry comedic remarks and tendency to gossip made sure any time spent with him was entertaining enough to make you forget where you were, at least temporarily.
But still, you were cautious enough not to spill your darkest secrets to every charming young demon to slide to your side of the bar. Specially not to one that's been eager to steal your soul since the start.
Alastor was a friend, sure. But you weren't blind to all the blood he spilled, and much less so to just how much joy the Radio Demon got from it all. You hadn't failed to notice his grin stretching just a tad bit too wide, his eyes shining with glee with every limb he pulled from his victim's body. 
Often times you found it hard to connect your silly little friend, wagging his finger to the tune of the live music, with the demonic horror you've witnessed happily feast on the corpses of his unfortunate prey.
Of course, that eventually started to change.
You think, it all started on your One Year Anniversary in Hell. It's been decades since you've chained yourself to your current predicament, but the bitterness of that night was still so hard to swallow.
"Hardly anything to talk home about. Simply bumping gums with an old butter and egg man. But Oh! The drama when his children came in. Ha!" Alastor had been recalling some story that night. You barely understood a word of it, if you were being honest. Alastor had the tendency to use old timey phrases when drunk—whether as a genuine habit or to mess with you, you were unsure.
"Didn't take you to be type to cozy up to the rich folk." You had jested, sliding a shot glass over to your companion.
Alastor had caught it, downed its contents in one go, and smiled at you. "And I didn't take you to be such a light weight, old friend." Alastor mocked you.
You laughed it off, accepting and drinking the shot he then slid to you.
Your eyes glanced across the bar in front of you, several empty bottles of alcohol scattered about already. How much time had the two of you spent there? You were unsure. Clearly it was at least a few hours past closing time; but it's not like the cowering demon behind the bar had the guts to kick the Radio Demon out.
"I'm not the one swaying in my seat with every breeze, old friend." You bit back. 
"Ha! You must be absolutely stewed, dear. You're seeing things now!" He had slung a lanky arm over your shoulder, yanking you snugly to his side. 
For a moment, the room spun; taking a whole second before steadying again.
Sure, there had been a slight slur in Alastor's words underneath all the radio static, but the demon wasn't far off with his observation still. You admittedly did feel a bit tipsy. 
You had placed a hand on Alastor's chest, pushing yourself away from him, laughing all the while. "Watch the hair! You wouldn't want to piss me off now."
"Anger a sweet thing like you? Come now, you couldn't hurt a bee if it stung you in the eye," Alastor ruffled the hair on the top of your head as if to prove his point.
"Hey!— Fuck," You swore under your breath as you moved off your seat far too quickly.
Alastor materialized behind you, easily catching you by your elbows. 
"Steady now, dear! Seems you're a lot further gone than I expected you to be," He laughed.
You twisted around in his grip and poked his chest rather sluggishly. "I'd have you know I'm not the same weak soul you met a year ago,"
You should have stopped. It was only ever meant to be a joke.
Your body should have just blacked out.
"I happen to run all of Pride Ring. I can get your Great Depression ass hunted down for messing my hair up," You boasted.
Alastor didn't seem to take your words for anything more than drunk ramblings as he helped you up to your own feet. "Is that what they call my time? I happen to have found the whole stock market crash hilarious, not at all depressing." He mused, he seemed to have been ignoring your ramblings.
"I'm serious, you know!" You puffed up your chest proudly, wanting to be taken seriously, looking him straight in the eye.
"I am the great scary Drug Demon after all." 
You heard a record scratch.
Oh you were far beyond just tipsy.
You couldn't quite remember much else from that night. At least not after black tentacles swiftly protruded from Alastor's back, spearing right through the poor cowering bartender's chest. 
He said something too. Something about how your secret would be absolutely safe with him.
It took you a long time to realize why he had sounded so odd to you in that very moment. But eventually, as the times flew by, you realized it was because he had spoken straight—not a trace of slurring tainted his tone. But that was a realization that came far too late of course.
You had been worried, absolutely scared shitless when you had sobered up. You spilled your biggest secret to someone so infamous. Someone so happy to hog the spotlight for all of eternity. You felt as if you might as well have broadcasted your identity on live TV for all the good it'll do you now.
But the Radio Demon had proved himself to be quite the trustworthy confidant.
Surprisingly true to his word, Alastor had never let a word of your secret slip from his lips. Never once even hinted at it to anyone, not even in jest.
Instead, what he did do was help you in secret. He had fed you information on the ins and outs on different turfs on the Pentagram; down to the smallest of details. Who was itching for a fix, who would have given up anything for their next high, what down on their luck sinner was desperate enough for any means of escape. 
The promise of new information to help your business had made all your occasional catch-ups and night outs with Alastor all the more enticing for you. 
Not only would you be out and about with a dear friend, having fun, dancing, and drinking, but you'd also get a chance to grow your influence even more.
And hell be damned if that hadn't gotten your greed to grow.
It wasn't long until you trusted Alastor enough for the flow of information to turn into a two-way street.
When he had given you intel, you had thrown what you knew back at him. Desperate sinners, gangs, cults, that you cater to that could really use a trusty deal to get out of rough spots.
You had also found that Alastor, being the schemer that he was, made quite a good soundboard to bounce ideas on. He'd hear your plans out, help you hammer out the kinks before putting them into action.
He had been there to help you out of tight spots. 
He had been there to expanded your influence.
He had even been there to take care of any dumbass that dared to try to rival your business. 
But there had always been one nagging question just simply gnawing at the back of your mind.
"Your soul? What in Hell would I want with that?" Alastor laughed when you asked if you needed to sell him your soul in exchange for all this help.
"No, my dear. I simply want you to keep me company! It's so hard to find such a like-minded soul in this dreadful cesspool." He explained, taking your arm to loop around his as he had lead you to take a walk with him.
You were his friend he had said. And after all he's helped you with—after all the years spent drinking, gossiping, dancing, and scheming—you believed him.
So you didn't question it.
You didn't question it when one night people broke into your home. They had yelled for the Drug Demon. They yelled for you.
You simply had to run. Break through your window, caution thrown into the wind, and run.
You had no choice but to flee with no plan in mind, nothing in hand. Run with nothing but the clothes on your back.
You didn't question it when heads had turned to watch you as your ran through the streets. Hell's nightlife well and alive, but did nothing to help your pathetic self.
The whispers felt like screams in your ears. 
"The Drug Demon."
"That's them isn't it?"
The Drug Demon. The Drug Demon. The Drug Demon.
Everyone in the Pride Ring knew who you were.
You didn't question it when you had been cornered in an alley, a large hand squeezing your throat. Your body ached everywhere. 
How many times had they bashed your head against the concrete? How many times had they punched you in the gut? How many times had they kicked your ribs in as you laid whimpering on the ground?
You were in far too much pain to have kept count.
You didn't question it—you should have questioned it—when Alastor showed up. Skewering the sinner just as they held a knife to your throat. 
And stupidly, you still didn't question it when he made you that offer.
"You need to be much more careful than that, old pal." His gentle hand had patted dust off your shoulders. "You seem to be Hell's most wanted at the moment."
Your eyes had been wide as your body seemed to have moved by itself. Your arms wrapped around the Radio Demon in relief. "Alastor, thank fuck! I thought I was dead!"
You had felt his chest vibrate against your body as he laughed "My dear, you already are dead!" He joked, pulling your arms off him and stepping back. He had studied your shaking form, his grin stretched just the slightest bit more. "But I do say, you were lucky I was passing by just now. Can't say I can protect you all the time though."
Your throat had felt dry. You knew he was right. Had your good friend not been around, you were sure you'd have died right then.
Now that your secret was out, you needed Alastor. You needed his protection. 
"Can't I just stay with you? At least for a little bit." You had said—pleaded, your voice still unsteady from the fear that ran through your body. 
"Hmm?" Alastor's head tilted. He leaned his body on his cane in front of him. "Why of course you can! Although I don't quite see how that'll help much." He grinned.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, my dear, you've made quite a lot of enemies in the past few decades, haven't you? Torn apart many families and damned these poor souls further with all those recreational drugs of yours." In your distress, you had failed to catch the sheer glee in his tone.
Alastor melted into a pool of shadows, before he reappeared right behind you, his hands at your shoulders. You had jumped in his hold but it didn't seem to bother the demon. 
"Sure you can stay with me for a while, but what after?" His tone still as cheery as ever. "And what about when I just have to leave you? You can't expect me to be at your beck and call for every second, after all. I'm your dear friend, not a pet."
"Please, Al." You begged, turning around to face him. You weren't sure what you were even asking for. You weren't sure what you wanted him to even do. 
All you knew is that you were scared. You were scared because for how smart you were, you were sure there was no way you'd survive a night on your own now.
"Of course, there is something we could do to ensure you stay safe." Alastor had smiled at you, circling you like a vulture; elated that it was now the perfect time to swoop in on a long awaited meal.
"What?" You said, desperation clear in your voice.
"We could make a deal." He grinned.
You should have ran.
"A deal?" You asked, for all the fear you had, part of you was still wary.
"A deal." He confirmed. "If I owned your soul I could summon you whenever I want to. Should you fall into harm's way while I'm not around, I'd be able to pull you out and back to my side with a snap of my fingers."
You'd have been better off facing all the enemies you made. You should have ran.
"I can make sure you're safe and sound; untouched by all these ruffians after you. And it's not like you'll be selling your soul to a stranger now. Haven't I proven myself to be such a caring friend all these years?" His sickly sweet voice, and that overwhelming radio static filled your ears.
He had stopped in front of you, bent down to your height when he extended a hand your way. "So what do you say, darling? Do we have a deal?"
You should have known the worst creature stood in front of you. You'd have been better off facing all the enemies you made. You should have ran.
You bit your lip, eyes glanced away from Alastor in uncertainty. Surely, there must be other ways. If you could just have one night to think it through—
The sharp pain that had come from your back almost blinded you. 
"I found them! They're over here, fellas!" You had heard someone shout from behind you, at the opening of the alley.
Your arm reached behind you, feeling something sharp lodged into the back of your shoulder. Your hand quickly dampened by your own blood.
"Fuck. Fine, yes, it's a deal." You had hissed through your teeth before you could think. Your hand reaching out to clasp your friend's outstretched palm. 
A bright green light cut through the night's darkness, sealing your fate into Radio Demon's hands.
"Lovely." He drawled out, pulling you behind him as a flood of sinners made their way towards the pair of you.
"Pleasure doing business with you, boys, but I'm afraid I have no use for you anymore." Alastor had greeted the crowd.
"Who's this loser?"
"What the fuck is this bitch talking about?"
"Shut up and hand us that trash!"
You heard many replies to Alastor's words before the screaming started. Shadows ripped through the sinners as essily as if they were simply wet piles of tissue paper.
And then your blood ran cold. No, not because of the sound of flesh tearing from bone.
But because you were sure you had heard one of them say: "Weren't he the one that broadcasted Drug Bitch's name anyway?" 
Surely—surely—you had heard wrong, right?
"Why, of course, I did!" Alastor had cheerily answered you. "Got a good deal from it too. Couple of Overlords happily forked their souls over just to know your name!" 
It had been a couple of weeks after the deal when you finally worked up the courage to ask.
It hadn't been the answer you were hoping for. You had spent all this time convincing yourself that Alastor would have never done such a thing. That he was your beloved friend—your trusted friend. That he'd never have put you in harms way just to get a couple more souls under his belt. 
The tray you had held bent with the grip you had on it. "You sold me out?" You wished you could bash the tray over his stupid shit-eating grin.
"Hello? Yes, that's what I just said. Did you not hear me, pet?" He finally glanced up from the paper he was reading to meet your glare.
"Oh don't look at me like that," He said folding the newspaper and setting it aside. "You're no patsy, surely you saw it coming." 
"We were friends, Alastor!" Your voice had risen in volume.
A heavy, glowing collar materialized around your neck before you knew what was happening.
With a harsh tug you had stumbled, barely catching yourself on the armrests of Alastor's chair when he yanked you down to where he sat.
His free hand had reached up, anchoring itself heavily on your shoulder.
"Yes we were!" His voice was cheery, but there was an edge to his grin now. "That made the betraying part all the more entertaining, if you ask me." 
"You piece of shi—" Your voice caught in your throat, the collar shrinking around your neck.
"I don't quite appreciate that kind of disrespectful language, darling. Specially, not from my pets." His pupils had turned to radio dials as you fought hard against his pulling just to remain upright.
The rush of anger in your veins froze as you met his eyes. You had felt your blood turn to ice in that very instant.
You've been with this man for so long.
You've seen him skewer crowds of sinners without batting an eye. You've seen him swallow limbs whole with a smile.
You've seen him happily throw friends to their deaths for...entertainment? Was that what he said?
His grip on your shoulder had tightened. Claws dug into your flesh and ripped your recent wound wide open.
Your poor little broken, indignant, heart could wait.
With the flash of pain stinging up your arm, you knew that every second that passed without a reply from your lips was a step closer to death's door again.
So you willed yourself to speak, despite the collar barely allowing enough air to reach your lungs. You managed to struggle out a weary "Understood."
And in an instant, the chains were gone, Alastor was back leaning against his chair. Newspaper back in hands as he idly read the print.
You had clutched at your neck, greedily sucked in air as you stumbled backwards.
"I like my breakfast on the raw side, by the way. And no sugar in the coffee next time; I do have a distaste for sweet things," He said dismissively.
Normally, you'd have cussed at him. Flipped him off and walked away. But there had been no fight left in you then. Your world was reeling from the revelation, from the fact that your friend throughout all these years, didn't even feel the slightest bit of remorse for betraying you.
That he'd happily dispose of you himself for something as simple as disrespectful language.
You had meekly nodded, and hurried to leave the room.
Now you stood, listening to the princess of Hell herself rambling on about how much of a big help Alastor was to the hotel she made. How he's been so supportive.
How he's been such a good friend.
You just couldn't stop yourself.
"You know, your highness, Alastor's a sweet talker when he needs to be. You'd be better off not trusting a bastard like him."
She laughed you off. To her, the idea of Alastor betraying her trust was just absolutely ridiculous.
Surely he'd never betray a beloved friend, right?
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There is an opportunity that I want to see taken in more OFMD modern AUs: Ed might, as an adult, be able to look at pictures of himself from when he was a child.
Ed sees the moment when he, a child, had to do something terrible in order to protect himself and his mother as the defining moment of his life. He has, in a very real way, always been stuck there, believing himself defined by the capacity for violence he demonstrated in that moment and made monstrous because of it. He does not believe 14-year-old Ed is any more deserving of forgiveness or compassion than 48-year-old Ed.
But in a modern AU, his mama might have photographs of little teenage Ed. And one day, Ed and Stede might be visiting Ed's mama, and when Ed is going to go do some little chore for her, she might say something about how she's going to pull out the photo albums to show Stede. Stede'll ask if Ed's comfortable with that, and Ed will be like "yeah sure whatever (sick with love because Stede respects him enough to ask)" and he probably won't think much of it while he goes and fixes that creaky door hinge upstairs.
But when he comes back down, his mama and Stede will have moved through the recent photos and have just picked up an older album, and he'll hear Stede cooing "awww, look at baby Ed!" and maybe Stede will call back to him "hey, love, do you wanna look? You were so little!"
And it'll be a picture of Ed at, like, fourteen-ish. And Ed will be suddenly forced to realize: holy shit. Stede is right. The Ed in that picture is a fucking baby.
It'll be a huge shock. Ed will look at his chubby teenager cheeks and his big childlike eyes and the way he hadn't grown into his limbs yet, and he'll have to confront it. How could anyone have hurt him? He was a baby. How can he continue to look back and hate himself, knowing he's hating that scared little boy?
And, eventually, I think it will be so, so healing for him. It'll make him angry, yeah, knowing that people treated that child like shit, but it'll be like letting a weight go, too, because Ed did not suddenly go from a child to a monster overnight. He was a baby and something terrible happened to him and he survived. It won't be too difficult to forgive that little boy, and it'll bring him one step closer to forgiving grown-up Ed, too.
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popponn · 9 months
before sleeping. [isagi yoichi x reader]
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notes: the thought process here is hehe isagi and then isagi sure gets feral sometimes and then hey feral is biting right and then i postponed my sleeping schedule for this. this guy is midnight madness inducer. if the first paragraph isnt clear enough. no warning except yeah this is a total fluff despite the prompt. established relationship, post canon / pro-player! isagi.
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Isagi Yoichi is a genuinely nice person. A really good boyfriend with a normal and nice family, an excellent career in soccer—an overall green flag that also comes with good communication skill. His downside would probably be his soccer obsession, but if one looks from the right angle it would become a charm point along with his occasional clumsiness on other field other than his beloved sport.
Case in point, Isagi Yoichi is a normal guy, most of the time.
“Can I bite you?”
With that being said, it wouldn’t be your fault to be surprised when he suddenly asked this when the two of you were already in sleeping attires.
It was almost midnight and you were dressed in Yoichi’s old t-shirt, baggy and too large for the both of you to wear. Beside you, Yoichi already lied on his side to face you and ready to be asleep, considering the 12 hours jet lag he was supposed to be having. Yet, with his big blue eyes, he stared directly towards yours—whose are sleepy, heavy, and definitely tired.
You, who froze midway in your way to cover yourself with a blanket, blinked for a few times with your mouth slightly agape. Your eyebrows furrowed, trying to process what Yoichi just said. After a few moments of silence, you finally found your voice again, “…I thought… we are about to sleep…?”
“Yeah,” Yoichi answered simply. “But, like, can I bite you? Just once?”
You could only blink once again. Was this some leftover adrenaline high from his winning goal? You knew how Yoichi becomes a bit of someone else whenever he became excited or on a high tension—but it never really came out of blue. Especially at home like this.
Confused, you could only said, “Huh. Wow.”
In respond, Yoichi parroted both your confusion and noise, “Huh? Wow?”
“I mean,” you began to try to explain, slowly feeling your sleepiness wanning off. “That sure came out of nowhere.”
A dumb and blank expression appeared on Yoichi’s face upon hearing your words. Then, it took a mere second before it shifted into one that is full of panic and bashfulness. Yoichi immediately pushed his body to sit along with you as both his hands shook in front of him, “Oh—uh! I mean—It’s just that I look at you in that shirt and just—!”
“It’s not bad, or anything. It was just sudden,” you said, eyes fixed on his sheepish gestures. “It’s not everyday you just blurt things like that at home.”
Yoichi laughed nervously and suddenly seemed to find an interest in the crease of your shared blanket. You let him took his time to continue meanwhile you lied down to your sleeping position. As you finally covered yourself in blanket, Yoichi followed you, embarrassment still dyeing his face, “It’s, uh, I think I missed you a bit too much this time?” Yoichi said, unsure.
You chuckled as you already warped your whole body in blanket, “Playing the sweet words now, huh?”
“It’s not like that!” Yoichi insisted whilst shifting his position for a few times, trying to find comfort. “Like, I also don’t really understand why, but it’s like I really want to bite you. But like positively, in a very ‘I love you’ kind of way?”
At his wording, you found yourself smiling with a soft, unvoiced chortles bubbling inside your stomach. Even in a confusing sentence, the way he just said ‘I love you’ so easily yet earnestly really did things to your heart. You knew that this one was fueled by Yoichi’s own nervousness and confusion—yet still, it felt as genuine as he always is.
“Well,” you paused, pretending to be in a thought, before continuing. “Where do you even want to bite?”
This time, it was Yoichi’s turn to freeze. “Uh. I didn’t think that far.”
As you failed to swallow your laughs, you patted his head, “Now, now, isn’t my Mr. Striker’s head tired? Let’s do the biting and everything else tomorrow, ‘kay?”
Yoichi’s expression soften at your words and pats. Your fingers slowly moved, gently tracing the outlines of his face, and Yoichi’s bashfulness return with a look he kept only for you, “…fine.”
You nodded, smiles still in your face as you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep. Knowing Isagi Yoichi, he probably just thought that you were way too tired and chose sleep out of consideration. How sweet, truly.
But, also this is Isagi Yoichi and he never knows when to give up. With one last offering, he wrapped his hand around your back, “Can I hug you for the whole night, at least, though?”
“Sure, sure, Mr. Egoist. Aren’t you clingy today, huh?”
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brother-emperors · 7 months
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ngl he was extremely fucking funny for this
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Mark Antony: A Biography, Eleanor Goltz Huzar
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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emry-stars-art · 8 months
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So who remembers this doodle and the post it went with
Because these tags and the resulting chats gave me ideas (thanks @jtl-fics 😌)
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So now as I frantically sort through my Evernote notebook, trying to find something I might be able to post; I remember I did write this, actually. So have another snippet, because I miss you guys
Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
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This is given, Hob thinks desperately, This is given.
So anyway, how are we feeling about vamp dream? a little bit of context under the cut
1. 1689 Hob my beloved, tits out and all 2. Yes that’s Dream’s blood- i think vamp Dream feeds on Hob every century before they part, but in 1689 he breaks tradition bc he feels that Hobs gone through enough without him draining the immortal on top of it all. Instead he offers his own blood, though i like to think Hob isn’t a vampire? Perhaps Dream is still endless, just more Nightmare than Dream- Lord of the Dreaming and Prince of Darkness? hm...but anyway, i like to think Hob’s not a vampire so it really does nothing for him but.....its the thought that counts, and Hob will not deny such a gift
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mosaickiwi · 7 months
Soft - Light
Your attempt to cook on a date night goes from bad to worse when the lights go out. Redacted always has you covered, though. 900ish words, GN reader as per usual c:
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
"I definitely did something wrong," you muttered and wrinkled your nose at your creation.
"Hmm, maybe they just look like that?" Ren unhelpfully commented from behind you, hovering just as close as always. You didn't have to see his face to know he was grinning. 
"You know what they look like." Smoke began rising from the pan, accompanied by a rather burnt smell as you desperately tried to wriggle the spatula under the lumpy, oversized pancake. All you managed to do was tear its dark brown edges to a mess and reveal the insides—somehow still raw with bits of unmixed batter. You sighed and switched off the burner, turning around to dump the hot pan in the sink and blast it under the faucet. Rather half-heartedly, you scrubbed at the surface. “Breakfast for dinner shouldn't be this hard.”
They watched you with amusement as the water immediately sizzled and steamed from the pan. Curiously, he picked up the box of pancake mix at the stove, turning it in his hands. "You know I'd love t'help, Angel, but…" he trailed off and you could easily fill in the blank.
"You'd do a lot worse, yeah." You quickly gave up on saving the cookware and moved to your boyfriend's side, peering at the box in his hand. Your eyes narrowed on a few words in the first step of instructions. Prepare a nonstick skillet or griddle. One glance back at the shiny metal mistake soaking in the sink told you right away: it was doomed from the start. "You know what? I don’t care. Let’s just order—"
A sudden crack of thunder drowned out your voice and you jumped. The evening sky was perfectly clear when Ren arrived, but the weather in Corland Bay loved to change on a dime. You could hear rain pelt harshly against the windows in the living room as another thunderous roar boomed, much louder than the first. Only a second passed before the lights flickered and died to shroud the apartment in darkness.
“Are you kidding me!?” came Violet’s muffled scream of frustration through the walls. She must’ve been in the middle of a very important gaming session.
You clung to the dark-haired hacker's arm as your eyes took their time adjusting in the dark. He didn't seem all that phased though, casually wrapping an arm around you while he pulled out his phone. The kitchen was tinted in a faint glow from the screen. You expected him to turn on the flashlight like any normal human would, but he began scrolling through a delivery app.
"Ren," you started, utterly confused by his actions. "Who do you think is going to deliver in a storm when their power is out?"
"The whole bay isn't out. Look," he said and carefully guided you into the living room with a nod towards the windows.
He took a seat while you drew back the curtain to peek. Sure enough, most of Corland was lit up like usual. In fact, it only seemed like your apartment building and a few adjacent ones were completely dark. Another point in the long list against your landlord for being cheap.
The lights from outside weren't much, but you could see a lot better once the curtain was open completely. You walked back over to the couch and Ren immediately held his arms open for you, still searching his phone. 
His hair tickled against your cheek as he pulled you into his lap and rested his chin on your shoulder. "Y'liked the place we ordered from last weekend, right? Wanna try 'em again?” 
"Yeah," you answered and settled against them. He turned his cheek to place a quick kiss on your neck before reading the options aloud. His voice was a soft whisper, blended with the now gentle patter of rain against glass. Their hand rubbed careful circles on your back to soothe you. It was more than enough to put you at ease in his embrace, the disaster in the sink long forgotten.
Quiet minutes passed as he spoke and you responded silently in turn. The barely there nods or shakes of your head you made were all you could muster as exhaustion caught up. He finished up the order and soon you were pressing yourself further against the warmth of their body.
He made no comment when you maneuvered in his lap, merely tilting his chin up to welcome the kiss you needed. The phone slipped from his hand not a moment later. You felt the shape of his smile against your lips and giggled softly at his reaction. It was sweet to know how much he always wanted you. Cool fingers came to rest at your thigh as you kissed him once more, then pulled back.
"Tired?" he asked and looked up at you with a smile, leaning into your hand that traced along the shell of his ear. The faint light filtering through the window caught on his piercings when you pushed his bangs back.
"Mhmm," you said with a lazy nod. "Still gonna kiss you 'til the food's here, though."
"Lucky me." He tugged you forward, gentle as could be, and softly kissed the corner of your mouth as he mumbled, "Yippee."
The surprised laugh you let out was only muffled by the fevered press of their lips.
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loverscrossmp3 · 4 months
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happy belated, lily. hope you make ur bf laugh a billion times more in the afterlife
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rastronomicals · 7 months
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2:23 PM EST November 13, 2023:
Mississippi Fred McDowell - "Write Me A Few Lines" From the album   The Black Keys Present The Hill Country Blues (May 2021)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Giveaway with the July 2021 issue, the one with Joni Mitchell on the cover, and the Troggs story inside.
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sunshinediaz · 11 days
tease tidbit tuesday 🫧
bet yall forgot i moonlight as a writer lmao
Buck, red-faced with his brows knit so close together they’re nearly one, snarls his lip in disgust. He doesn’t say anything and instead cups his palms around Abbie Jean’s elbows, pulling her carefully up out of the pool and passing her off to a paramedic. Once she’s wrapped in a blanket and shuttled off, he turns to stare back down at Eddie.  (Buck is so hot when he’s pissed off, holy shit.)  Eddie offers a smile. It isn’t received well.  Shaking his head, Buck reaches down and knots his hand in the front of Eddie’s t-shirt. He hauls Eddie all the way up and out of the water, and Eddie would be impressed and probably turned on if Buck didn’t look like he’s ready to tear the whole world apart. 
tagged by @loveyouanyway and @wikiangela, mwah
tagging @spagheddiediaz, @jeeyuns, @neverevan, @exhuastedpigeon, @actualalligator, @honestlydarkprincess, @rogerzsteven, @underwaterninja13, @devirnis, and @monsterrae1 if any of you have something you want to share!
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hanafubukki · 4 months
I feel like if Silver and his lover were to marry, Lilia's gonna make sure his son's the prettiest at his own wedding.
Hello Anonie 🌻🌷🌺
Yes! Silver already has charming looks, but the added touch of fae aesthetics?? He’s going to be glowing! He’s going to be beautiful ☺️💞🌷
Which is honestly fine by me 😂, I don’t like having attention on me in public so he can take it all 💙💚
But you know Anonie, despite what others say, his lover is the most beautiful in his eyes.
He only has eyes for them and only them 🥹💞
You are the one he chose, his own Briar Bloom. 🌹
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of strangers and chasers
✧ written for 'charm' ✧ word count: 548 ✧ rated: T ✧ cw: none ✧ tags: cowboy au, wandering newcomers stobin ✧ @steddiemicrofic ⁠(⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*✧
It's a crowded night at the saloon, but Steve enjoys the company.
He watches Robin laugh with the pretty redhead, Victoria ("But you can call me Vickie," she shyly said to Robin as she led her to a table), her nose scrunching up sweetly. They sit together in their own little world and he thinks, maybe this town is the one for them.
"Thought you said y'all weren't like that."
Steve turns to smile at the bartender and her amused expression. "We aren't," he says simply.
"That mean you free for the night, stranger?"
"'Fraid he's got plans, Abigail," a new voice says as a hand grasps Steve's shoulder. "Plans we should be gettin’ to, eh?”
Abigail rolls her eyes as Steve turns to face Eddie, going back to serving the other customers at the bar. Eddie still has his hat on, the material coated in sprinkles of leaves and thorns.
Steve has to hold back a laugh. “Had fun?”
“You tricked me.” Eddie squints, leaning into Steve’s space. “Why?”
Steve shrugs, hiding back a smirk. “Just wanted some time with the townsfolk, y’know, without any breathin’ goin’ down my neck.”
"Oh, I know. Been watchin' you charm the whole saloon at this point."
"Charm - I was just talking to them -"
"You don't just talk to people, darlin'," Eddie murmurs, pooling into Steve's space, crowding him against the wall. "You listen. You make these folks feel like they're the only person in the whole world, lookin' with those pretty eyes, smilin' that little smile. You don't do nothin', just be and tha's all they need to hope you'll take their hand tonight."
"Getting possessive there, Munson," Steve leans his head against the wall, letting the lowlight warm the stretch of his throat. Eddie's eyes flash dangerously but he doesn't move. "Anyone would think you had somethin' to claim here."
"Somethin'...someone," mutters Eddie as he stares down at Steve's neck.
Steve snickers as he pushes himself off the wall, smoothly pressing their chests together. He stares into Eddie's eyes with heavy lids, breathing in the air he exhales. They stand like that for a moment.
“Should keep you in the murkiest cell we got for that nasty trick you pulled,” Eddie says under his breath, eyes unblinking as they gaze through Steve. “For a week, maybe two.”
He smirks again, reaching up and picking a single, small rosebud that was stuck on the brim of Eddie’s hat, the thorns too small to prick through skin. He holds it up between them and says, “C’mon, deputy. Ain’t I good man deservin’ of another chance to prove my worth?”
Eddie stares at the rosebud as Steve settles it into the folds of his neckerchief, cheeks glowing pink under the dim lighting. “Prove your worth,” he manages to choke out a strained laugh. “It’ll take more than one night to do that, stranger.”
“Good thing I’ve got so much time then, huh?” Steve chuckles when Eddie’s eyes shoot up to stare at his in shock.
“Yer – stayin’? I thought –“
“We ain’t in a rush.” Steve pats Eddie’s neckerchief down. “Besides, you’re the one who wanted to lock me up. Or was that just hyperbole?”
“No sir,” Eddie fumbles. "I mean -"
Oh, Steve does enjoy the company indeed.
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wikiangela · 6 months
last line tag
tagged by @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 @lover-of-mine @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz 💖💖
It’s a good few weeks, and it feels like everyone’s back on track, settling into their lives again, figuring everything out one day at a time. Buck’s happy. He has his awesome girlfriend, his best friend seems finally more at ease, even if the divorce is adding some stress, and his other best friend is happier than ever with his mom around. Everything’s finally starting to go great.
And then it all gets disrupted again.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @loserdiaz @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @spotsandsocks @hoodie-buck @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @jeeyuns
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