#Writing by byrus
byrusvirus · 2 years
I'm trying to really get back into horror writing and finish off some older short stories, so I made a writing blog to upload some of my works.
Still a work in progress, and I need to sort out stuff like images, so we'll see how it goes.
Please take note of the content warnings for each story. Hopefully everything should be covered.
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ferventscape · 2 years
Life Ritual
Content warnings: Animal death, gore, graphic descriptions of corpses
When I enter the bathroom, the scent of blood and raw flesh is pungent enough to make me double over and violently retch. My whole body shudders in revulsion, cold sweat rolling down my back as my stomach clenches. The smell almost threatens to overwhelm me, and it’s only through pure spite that I manage to soldier on and…
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blitzwave · 2 years
"oooooo I wanna talk about my characters so badd" <- never actually talks abt them bc Bad at Conversation
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windvexer · 2 years
The idea of companion spirits is so exciting to me. Margaret sounds incredibly helpful. How do you go about conjuring them? Is it something you're able to do for other people? I'd love to have a spirit friend hanging around.
I would like to point out that as far as I'm aware, "spirit companions" refers to a relatively specific niche of spirit work as a whole. When someone says the phrase spirit companion, they are typically referring to a type of spirit work revolving around the actions of a human conjurer who is able usually able to astral travel.
The conjurer is the person whom, through acts of magic or traversing the infinite astral, meets various spirits and forms contacts or compacts with them. These compacts usually revolve around establishing a point of communication so the spirit and conjurer can contact each other at will. This point of communication is often a physical vessel, but is not always a physical vessel. (The vessel, when physical, is akin to a spirit house dedicated to that spirit alone - it allows them to enter our world through an object, and make it much easier to call on them if you possess the object - but they can leave it any time and refuse to respond to calls.)
There is an entire industry of professional conjurers who perform the services of meeting, contracting with, and "delivering" spirits to clients. My friend who helped me meet Margaret was not a professional conjurer, but the concept is much the same: she traversed to the Stephen King extended universe, met a byrus worm, established a contract with her, and helped her reach me.
NOW, the reason I say all of that is in order to say this:
Spirit companions, astral travel, conjurers, and spirit shops are absolutely not the only way to meet spirits, and the entire process is absolutely unnecessary for many people.
You can go outside and meet spirits right now. You can do an exercise to build an astral temple and go meet beings within your own custom little worlds. You can create servitors and interact with them.
You can ask a god to assign you a spiritual helper. You can get a stuffed animal and start treating it as a living being until it develops into one. You can write a hypersigil and use it to create a servitor.
You can learn to travel to sabbat on full moons and ask the Goat-Footed God to give you a familiar in exchange for a favor he will cash in on some wind-seared night when the world has been gray for far too many days in a row.
You can pray and ask for a spirit of such-and-such type to appear. You can paint sigils on a bottle and, after claiming power over all living beings, command a spirit to appear therein and be your friend.
You can discover the nature of your fetch-beast or hag-self.
You can do many things, some of them better ideas than others.
Choose an area of spirit-work that makes you feel fascinated and research it. It's a good idea to focus on learning how to interact with spirits early on, as this is a process which can be very difficult for some people.
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genork-the-fandork · 4 years
For the writing event, maybe between female adventurer and Kor where he's the one taken by surprise for once? :DD
A/N: Thank you for requesting, Anon! It’s so nice to see more people coming in here and loving Kortia ;w; (I’m not crying, I SWEAR.) Kor, the ultimate sus master, taken by surprise? Sign me up! This was a wee bit difficult, but I TRIED MY BEST—
Word Count: 683
Pairing: Kor x F!Adventurer
How to Surprise the Unsurprised
Kor glanced over his shoulder at Adventurer, who had her hands curled like claws. “What are you, a Dire in Vallaurian clothing?” he asked, thoroughly unimpressed with her attempt to startle him.
She pouted, dropping her arms to her side. “Does nothing faze you?”
“I thought I’d made that clear,” he replied, smirking. “I’m not like some people around here.”
Adventurer would have taken the jab to heart… but he was right. She had been thrown completely off guard by so many things in this strange new world… even Kor. But now that she knew him (?) a little better, he wasn’t as off-putting.
Well, that wasn’t true. He was still sorta a jerk sometimes. Like right now.
“Let me have my fun,” she huffed, stomping ahead of him.
“Why would I do that?” he quipped, moseying along like he didn’t have a care in the world. He clearly didn’t have to worry about running errands for the world’s angriest dwarf.
Rolling her eyes, Adventurer crossed her arms as she headed toward Blood Tavern. (What was it with this dwarf and milk from a tavern?) What would it take to surprise this guy?
Kor chuckled and stepped ahead of her to open the door to the tavern. “Don’t pout. I’m sure you’ll get me one of these days.”
“You’re just saying that,” she grumbled, ducking under his arm and approaching the bar. Adventurer racked her brain, trying to think of a way to surprise this man-of-no-surprises.
As the barkeep was handing her the milk for Byrus, Adventurer realized exactly what she had to do. “Mind walking me back to the city gate, Kor?”
“Eh, why not?” he said, setting down the half-finished mug of mead he’d ordered. “Lead the way.”
Suppressing her smirk, Adventurer lead the way out of the tavern, making sure not to put a skip in her step. She was definitely going to surprise him this time.
Their walk was silent, but Kor didn’t seem to particularly mind. In fact, he almost seemed relieved that he didn’t have to answer any questions at the moment. Adventurer glanced up at the sky, noticing that the sun was starting to sink toward the horizon. Well, this was going to turn out like a scene from a really cheesy romcom anime, but what was the harm in that? It’s not like this wasn’t an anime anyway, the way this all was going.
All too soon, the city gate was looming above them, and Adventurer’s heart started pounding as she realized she would have to go through with her plan. And she would have to do it now before she lost her nerve.
“Um… Kor?” she said, glancing up at the adventurer and his strangely colored hair.
“Hm?” He didn’t look at her, keeping his gaze fixed upon the guards at the gate. The smirk was gone, but there was still something mysterious about him. Was it the hoodie? The hair? The scar? All of the above? Definitely all of the above.
“Thanks for walking with me today. Errands here are less painful when there’s someone else around.” Adventurer’s heart rate picked up speed as she stopped to face him, trying to ignore the Vallaurians around her milling about.
“No problem. I tend to wander anyway, so I might as well seem like I’m doing it for a reason,” he said, half-turning toward her and finally turning that violet gaze on her. Dammit, she was starting to lose her nerve. Here goes.
Going up on her tiptoes and steadying herself on his arm, she leaped up and kissed his cheek. “Thanks again!” she rushed, practically sprinting away before she could see the look on his face.
When she did glance over her shoulder a good distance away, Kor was still standing there, his eyes fixed to the spot where she had been standing moments before. His eyebrows had hiked up his forehead, and to her delight, he indeed seemed surprised. Yes!
Mission accomplished, Adventurer thought, facing front again. Now I just need to not die of embarrassment the next time I see him.
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Forty-Eight: Dreamcatcher
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Here’s some random information about me. First and foremost, I hate poop. The smell of dog poop makes me start gagging. Can’t handle it. Never have, never will. My husband knows he’s on active duty (ha! pun NOT intended) if one of our dogs has an accident in the house.
So, it’s kind of ironic I work for a pharmaceutical company that promotes all kinds of GI drugs... I’ve helped sell drugs for various kinds of IBS, and now opioid induced constipation. I spend my work days talking to doctors about poop while they eat tacos. Truly... that’s how I spent my lunch hour yesterday. 
So, why am I talking about poop? Dreamcatcher, y’all. This book is literally FULL OF SHIT. We’re talking everything from the smelliest, most graphically described excrement, to high school aged kids trying to force a boy to eat dog poop... SO MUCH POOP. 
Which made me wonder... Steve wrote this book after his horrific accident, which I’m sure involved massive amounts of pain-killers. Was Steve suffering from opioid induced constipation? Was Steve dreaming about a massive shit that would ease his constipation pains? It’s really the only logical thing I can think of. 
I haven’t read this book since it was first published back in 2001, but  the first thing I always think of is how graphically Steve describes the smell of poop... “a mixture of ether and overripe bananas...” 
So gross. 
Dreamcatcher is an alien invasion story... aliens plan to take over a hunting town in rural, northern Maine. And they multiply by fuzzy spores, known as byrus. When someone comes into contact with the spores, it’s not long before an alien explodes out their anus... hence, the horrible smell and flatulence. 
Four friends, Beaver, Henry, Jonsey, and Pete are all up north hunting when the alien invasion goes down. Jonsey ends up with the alien leader, Mr. Gray, invading his body; Pete and Beaver end up dead, and Henry is tasked with preventing Mr. Gray from depositing a dog heavy with byrus into a major water filtration plant, which would infect a huge swath of the population. 
The boys all have a low-grade form of telepathy, which they developed the day they helped save Douglas “Duddits” Cavill from some high school kids who stripped him down, and tried to force him to eat a dog turd. Duddits has Down Syndrome, and was walking home from school when he was accosted by the high school assholes. After the rescue, Beaver, Henry, Jonsey, and Pete added Duddits to their clan, and he’d tag along with them, play cribbage, basically be one of the boys. 
Their telepathy has intensified into adulthood, and while the boys have lost touch with Duddits, they still try to go hunting every year. So, they’re out hunting when the aliens and the National Guard sweep in. The Guard tries to keep everyone quarantined and prevent the spread of the byrus. It’s okay... take a second and laugh. It’s just another example of life imitating prophetic art. There’s one particularly ucky guardsman, Kurtz, who just wants to build a name for himself by killing the entire town, and preventing the spread of the aliens. 
75% of the book is a race between Jonsey/Mr. Gray, Kurtz, and Henry/another guardsman and eventually Duddits. Henry and Duddits save the world, Duddits succumbs to the leukemia that has been killing him, and life goes on, shit and all. 
There were some fun Steve universe mentions: 
The town of Derry, Maine
Castle Rock radio station
Low men
The Losers Club 
The Dead Zone
And then there were some lines that made me laugh. cringe, and want to cry. Shall we proceed?
The concept of “temporary quarantine”. We’re currently on day 572,000 of social distancing, quarantining, and living our best lives six feet apart. We were also told this would be temporary.
“Silence gives consent” Steve, buddy, pal... can we work on updating this line in future publications? I think we know that only consent gives consent. Silence is NOT consent. Help a girl out here. Speaking of consent, there’s a line, “...he was with Tom T. Hall: he liked beer.” I immediately thought of this asshole. 
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He also thinks silence is consent, and likes beer. For fucks sake, does this man not have the most punchable face in the world? Just looking at it is raising my blood pressure. Fuckstick. 
So, then there’s the greatest debate of our time... “Underhill donned his mask and adjusted the straps without further comment...Do they work? They work on Ebola, they work on anthrax, they work on that new super-cholera. Do they work on Ripley? Probably. If not, we’re fucked, soldier. In fact, we may be fucked already.” I laughed way harder than I should have at this line. Do the world a favor, and just wear ya masks, kids. Look at this cute gaiter I got on Etsy!
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Then, there was a reference to a period in time when the Patriots sucked, and no one wanted to root for them. As a die-hard Carolina Panthers fan (don’t ask, it’s a long story); I was pissed with how the Panthers did Cam Newton dirty. So, I’m hoping the Pats have a fantastic season, and make it to the Super Bowl. 
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And finally, there was a speech from the fictional president about the alien infection, in which he said, “...we believe that our visitors brought this virus with them much as travelers from abroad may bring certain insects into their country of origin in their luggage or on the produce they’ve purchased. This is something customs officers look for, but of course-our recent visitors did not pass through a customs checkpoint...” 
There’s a good chance this president would have also referred to Covid as, “The China Virus”. 
The plot of this book? Meh. But the number of parallels to our current society nineteen years later? Excellent. Also, I give maddd props to Steve for writing this book out longhand, while recovering from an accident that could have taken his life (or at the very least, his leg). While Dreamcatcher is never going to be one of favorites, you have to respect the grind. 
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 30
Total Dark Tower References: 45
Book Grade: D
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
The Talisman: A+
Wizard and Glass: A+
Needful Things: A+
On Writing: A+
The Green Mile: A+
Hearts in Atlantis: A+
Rose Madder: A+
Misery: A+
Different Seasons: A+
It: A+
Four Past Midnight: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
Bag of Bones: A-
The Wastelands: A-
The Drawing of the Three: A-
Dolores Claiborne: A-
Nightmares in the Sky: B+
The Dark Half: B+
Skeleton Crew: B+
The Dead Zone: B+
Nightmares & Dreamscapes: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon: B
Storm of the Century: B-
Cycle of the Werewolf: B-
Danse Macabre: B-
The Running Man: C+
Thinner: C+
Dark Visions: C+
The Eyes of the Dragon: C+
The Long Walk: C+
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Rage: C
Desperation: C-
Insomnia: C-
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Gerald’s Game: D
Roadwork: D
Christine: D
Dreamcatcher: D
The Regulators: D
The Tommyknockers: D-
Next, is Black House... which I’m rapidly devouring. The Talisman is still fresh(ish) in my mind, so that should help with making connections between the two. 
Until next time, Long Days & Pleasant Nights, Rebecca
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atomicwrongs · 6 years
I think my first proper trans OC was one of the main characters from my never-finished fantasy epic from when I was like 14?
His name was Byrus (because I didn’t know whether to call him Byron or Cyrus) and he was an awesome (if slightly grouchy) knight with long golden hair and ice-blue armour and he was the begrudging protector-turned-love interest of the main character, Arian
I never really explored it in the story (or maybe I did but lost it because libreoffice kept crashing which is why I stopped writing it), but I remember plotting out a scene where he tells Arian. Byrus is the trans gay icon, here’s a diagram:
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poetryofchrist · 5 years
A SimHebrew experiment
This is not translation but a consonant by consonant transcription to enable more efficient technical communication.
I had written a transcription algorithm 10 years ago and in a few hours was able to tweak it to do SimHebrew. See this paper by Jonathan Orr-Stav for the details of what SimHebrew is designed for and its relationship to the evolution of . The mapping is implicit in this image.
The mapping from Hebrew square text to Latin for SimHebrew
SimHebrew has a number of differences from a straight translation of consonants. It uses an escaped 't' for ט with single quote as the escape character. It also requires the letters u and o for vav's that act as vowels. These could not be distinguished with automation without the following vowel in the text. This underlines the importance of coding sequence when transcribing a manuscript from Hebrew. It would be consonant, marks affecting the consonant like dagesh, then vowel, then accents. I would never expect more than one vowel per consonant, but more than one accent is fine.
In the process of investigating this I found some oddball coding of a diphthong in two instances of the Hebrew text. These are Lam 3:25 לְקוָֹ֔ו and Isaiah 49:23 קוָֹֽי. I don't know what this is so I put a question on the Tiberian Hebrew forum to see what they might say.
A few things I have noted about the limitations of Unicode for Biblical Hebrew:
It does not distinguish silluq, metheg, and ga'ya as noted in a discussion here.
And in the exercise I just did for fun yesterday, it fails to distinguish between dagesh, mappiq and shuruq.
To me these are curiosities only, but they did raise questions which I added to the forum on Tiberian Hebrew.
To test my theory of coding sequences, here is an example from Psalms 18:1. 
L 1500 patah 1463 M 1502 sheva 1456 N 1504 patah 1463 Ts 1510 dagesh 1468 tsere 1461 mapakh 1444 chet 1495 patah 1463 לַמְנַצֵּ֤חַ  The pattern of consonant, vowel, music is followed. (Painful - won't do any more of this - but I could write a program to test my data for exceptions. I would find plenty in the NT sections where I do not expect to be continuing any Hebrew transcriptions.) This is the SimHebrew for the Psalm, transcription bugs removed I hope. (I have no intention of doing this again in any case).
Psalms 18 Fn Min Max Syll Avg S/N לַמְנַצֵּ֤חַ ׀ לְעֶ֥בֶד יְהוָ֗ה לְדָ֫וִ֥ד אֲשֶׁ֤ר דִּבֶּ֨ר ׀ לַיהוָ֗ה אֶת־דִּ֭בְרֵי הַשִּׁירָ֣ה הַזֹּ֑את בְּי֤וֹם הִֽצִּיל־יְהוָ֘ה אוֹת֥וֹ מִכַּ֥ף כָּל־אֹ֝יְבָ֗יו וּמִיַּ֥ד שָׁאֽוּל 1 lmnxk lybd ihvh ldvd awr hbr lihvh at hbri hwirh hzat biom hxil ihvh aoto mcp cl aibiv umid waul 3e 4C 12 14 18 4 וַיֹּאמַ֡ר אֶרְחָמְךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה חִזְקִֽי 2 viamr arkmc ihvh kzqi 3e 4B 10 2.5 יְהוָ֤ה ׀ סַֽלְעִ֥י וּמְצוּדָתִ֗י וּמְפַ֫לְטִ֥י אֵלִ֣י צ֭וּרִי אֶֽחֱסֶה־בּ֑וֹ מָֽגִנִּ֥י וְקֶֽרֶן־יִ֝שְׁעִ֗י מִשְׂגַּבִּֽי 3 ihvh slyi umxudti umfl'ti ali xuri aksh bo mgni vqrn iwyi mwgbi 3e 4C 11 8 11 2.73 מְ֭הֻלָּל אֶקְרָ֣א יְהוָ֑ה וּמִן־אֹ֝יְבַ֗י אִוָּשֵֽׁעַ 4 g mhll aqra ihvh umn aibi auwy 3e 4B 7 8 3.75 אֲפָפ֥וּנִי חֶבְלֵי־מָ֑וֶת וְֽנַחֲלֵ֖י בְלִיַּ֣עַל יְבַֽעֲתֽוּנִי 5 affuni kbli mvt vnkli bliyl ibytuni 3e 4B 7 13 2.86 חֶבְלֵ֣י שְׁא֣וֹל סְבָב֑וּנִי קִ֝דְּמ֗וּנִי מ֣וֹקְשֵׁי מָֽוֶת 6 kbli waol sbbuni qhmuni moqwi mvt 3e 4B 8 7 3 בַּצַּר־לִ֤י ׀ אֶֽקְרָ֣א יְהוָה֮ וְאֶל־אֱלֹהַ֪י אֲשַׁ֫וֵּ֥עַ יִשְׁמַ֣ע מֵהֵיכָל֣וֹ קוֹלִ֑י וְ֝שַׁוְעָתִ֗י לְפָנָ֤יו ׀ תָּב֬וֹא בְאָזְנָֽיו 7 bxr li aqra ihvh val alhi awuy iwmy mhiclo qoli vwvyti lfniv tboa bazniv 3d 4C 16 8 12 3.6 וַתִּגְעַ֬שׁ וַתִּרְעַ֨שׁ ׀ הָאָ֗רֶץ וּמוֹסְדֵ֣י הָרִ֣ים יִרְגָּ֑זוּ וַ֝יִּתְגָּֽעֲשׁ֗וּ כִּי־חָ֥רָה לֽוֹ 8 vtgyw vtryw harx umosdi hrim irgzu vitgywu ci krh lo 3e 4B 17 8 4.17 עָ֘לָ֤ה עָשָׁ֨ן ׀ בְּאַפּ֗וֹ וְאֵשׁ־מִפִּ֥יו תֹּאכֵ֑ל גֶּ֝חָלִ֗ים בָּעֲר֥וּ מִמֶּֽנּוּ 9 ~ ylh ywn bafo vaw mfiv tacl gklim byru mmnu 3e 4C 13 9 4.4 וַיֵּ֣ט שָׁ֭מַיִם וַיֵּרַ֑ד וַ֝עֲרָפֶ֗ל תַּ֣חַת רַגְלָֽיו 10 vi't wmim vird vyrfl tkt rgliv 3e 4B 7 8 2.5 וַיִּרְכַּ֣ב עַל־כְּ֭רוּב וַיָּעֹ֑ף וַ֝יֵּ֗דֶא עַל־כַּנְפֵי־רֽוּחַ 11 vircb yl crub viyp vida yl cnfi ruk 3e 4B 9 7 3.2 יָ֤שֶׁת חֹ֨שֶׁךְ ׀ סִתְר֗וֹ סְבִֽיבוֹתָ֥יו סֻכָּת֑וֹ חֶשְׁכַת־מַ֝֗יִם עָבֵ֥י שְׁחָקִֽים 12 C iwt kwc stro sbibotiv scto kwct mim ybi wkqim 3e 4C 13 8 3.5 מִנֹּ֗גַהּ נֶ֫גְדּ֥וֹ עָבָ֥יו עָבְר֑וּ בָּ֝רָ֗ד וְגַֽחֲלֵי־אֵֽשׁ 13 mngh ngho ybiv ybru brd vgkli aw 3e 4A 9 7 4 וַיַּרְעֵ֬ם בַּשָּׁמַ֨יִם ׀ יְֽהוָ֗ה וְ֭עֶלְיוֹן יִתֵּ֣ן קֹל֑וֹ בָּ֝רָ֗ד וְגַֽחֲלֵי־אֵֽשׁ 14 virym bwmim ihvh vylion itn qlo brd vgkli aw 3e 4B 15 7 4.4 וַיִּשְׁלַ֣ח חִ֭צָּיו וַיְפִיצֵ֑ם וּבְרָקִ֥ים רָ֝ב וַיְהֻמֵּֽם 15 viwlk kxiv vifixm ubrqim rb vihmm 3e 4B 8 7 2.5 וַיֵּ֤רָא֨וּ ׀ אֲפִ֥יקֵי מַ֗יִם וַֽיִּגָּלוּ֮ מוֹסְד֪וֹת תֵּ֫בֵ֥ל מִגַּעֲרָ֣תְךָ֣ יְהוָ֑ה מִ֝נִּשְׁמַ֗ת ר֣וּחַ אַפֶּֽךָ 16 virau afiqi mim viglu mosdot tbl mgyrtc ihvh mnwmt ruk afc 3d 4C 16 7 8 3.1 יִשְׁלַ֣ח מִ֭מָּרוֹם יִקָּחֵ֑נִי יַֽ֝מְשֵׁ֗נִי מִמַּ֥יִם רַבִּֽים 17 iwlk mmrom iqkni imwni mmim rbim 3e 4B 9 7 2.29 יַצִּילֵ֗נִי מֵאֹיְבִ֥י עָ֑ז וּ֝מִשֹּׂנְאַ֗י כִּֽי־אָמְצ֥וּ מִמֶּֽנִּי 18 ixilni maibi yz umwnai ci amxu mmni 3e 4A 8 10 3 יְקַדְּמ֥וּנִי בְיוֹם־אֵידִ֑י וַֽיְהִי־יְהוָ֖ה לְמִשְׁעָ֣ן לִֽי 19 iqhmuni biom aidi vihi ihvh lmwyn li 3e 4B 8 9 2.43 וַיּוֹצִיאֵ֥נִי לַמֶּרְחָ֑ב יְ֝חַלְּצֵ֗נִי כִּ֘י חָ֥פֵֽץ בִּֽי 20 vioxiani lmrkb iklxni ci kfx bi 3e 4A 8 8 3.2 יִגְמְלֵ֣נִי יְהוָ֣ה כְּצִדְקִ֑י כְּבֹ֥ר יָ֝דַ֗י יָשִׁ֥יב לִֽי 21 igmlni ihvh cxdqi cbr idi iwib li 3e 4B 9 7 3.2 כִּֽי־שָׁ֭מַרְתִּי דַּרְכֵ֣י יְהוָ֑ה וְלֹֽא־רָ֝שַׁ֗עְתִּי מֵאֱלֹהָֽי 22 ci wmrti hrci ihvh vla rwyti malhi 3e 4B 7 8 3 כִּ֣י כָל־מִשְׁפָּטָ֣יו לְנֶגְדִּ֑י וְ֝חֻקֹּתָ֗יו לֹא־אָסִ֥יר מֶֽנִּי 23 B ci cl mwf'tiv lnghi vkqtiv la asir mni 3e 4B 8 8 4 וָאֱהִ֣י תָמִ֣ים עִמּ֑וֹ וָ֝אֶשְׁתַּמֵּ֗ר מֵעֲוֺנִֽי 24 vahi tmim ymo vawtmr myv&#1466ni 3e 4B 7 8 3.75 וַיָּֽשֶׁב־יְהוָ֣ה לִ֣י כְצִדְקִ֑י כְּבֹ֥ר יָ֝דַ֗י לְנֶ֣גֶד עֵינָֽיו 25 viwb ihvh li cxdqi cbr idi lngd yiniv 3e 4B 9 9 3 עִם־חָסִ֥יד תִּתְחַסָּ֑ד עִם־גְּבַ֥ר תָּ֝מִ֗ים תִּתַּמָּֽם 26 ym ksid ttksd ym gbr tmim ttmm 3e 4A 6 8 2.8 עִם־נָבָ֥ר תִּתְבָּרָ֑ר וְעִם־עִ֝קֵּ֗שׁ תִּתְפַּתָּֽל 27 ym nbr ttbrr vym yqw ttftl 3e 4A 6 7 3.25 כִּֽי־אַ֭תָּה עַם־עָנִ֣י תוֹשִׁ֑יעַ וְעֵינַ֖יִם רָמ֣וֹת תַּשְׁפִּֽיל 28 ci ath ym yni towiy vyinim rmot twfil 3e 4B 8 7 2.14 כִּֽי־אַ֭תָּה תָּאִ֣יר נֵרִ֑י יְהוָ֥ה אֱ֝לֹהַ֗י יַגִּ֥יהַּ חָשְׁכִּֽי 29 ci ath tair nri ihvh alhi igih kwci 3e 4B 6 10 2.67 כִּֽי־בְ֭ךָ אָרֻ֣ץ גְּד֑וּד וּ֝בֵֽאלֹהַ֗י אֲדַלֶּג־שֽׁוּר 30 ci bc arx gdud ubalhi adlg wur 3e 4B 7 8 3 הָאֵל֮ תָּמִ֪ים דַּ֫רְכּ֥וֹ אִמְרַֽת־יְהוָ֥ה צְרוּפָ֑ה מָגֵ֥ן ה֝֗וּא לְכֹ֤ל ׀ הַחֹסִ֬ים בּֽוֹ 31 hal tmim hrco amrt ihvh xrufh mgn hua lcl hksim bo 3d 4C 6 7 9 2.44 כִּ֤י מִ֣י אֱ֭לוֹהַּ מִבַּלְעֲדֵ֣י יְהוָ֑ה וּמִ֥י צ֝֗וּר זוּלָתִ֥י אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ 32 C ci mi aloh mblydi ihvh umi xur zulti alhinu 3e 4C 11 10 3 הָ֭אֵל הַמְאַזְּרֵ֣נִי חָ֑יִל וַיִּתֵּ֖ן תָּמִ֣ים דַּרְכִּֽי 33 g hal hmazrni kil vitn tmim hrci 3e 4B 8 7 2.5 מְשַׁוֶּ֣ה רַ֭גְלַי כָּאַיָּל֑וֹת וְעַ֥ל בָּ֝מֹתַ֗י יַעֲמִידֵֽנִי 34 mwuh rgli cailot vyl bmti iymidni 3e 4B 9 10 3.17 מְלַמֵּ֣ד יָ֭דַי לַמִּלְחָמָ֑ה וְֽנִחֲתָ֥ה קֶֽשֶׁת־נְ֝חוּשָׁ֗ה זְרוֹעֹתָֽי 35 mlmd idi lmlkmh vnkth qwt nkuwh zroyti 3e 4B 9 13 3.14 וַתִּתֶּן־לִי֮ מָגֵ֪ן יִ֫שְׁעֶ֥ךָ וִֽימִינְךָ֥ תִסְעָדֵ֑נִי וְֽעַנְוַתְךָ֥ תַרְבֵּֽנִי 36 vttn li mgn iwyc viminc tsydni vynvtc trbni 3d 4A 9 7 7 2.56 תַּרְחִ֣יב צַעֲדִ֣י תַחְתָּ֑י וְלֹ֥א מָ֝עֲד֗וּ קַרְסֻלָּֽי 37 trkib xydi tkti vla mydu qrsli 3e 4B 7 8 3 אֶרְדּ֣וֹף א֭וֹיְבַי וְאַשִּׂיגֵ֑ם וְלֹֽא־אָ֝שׁוּב עַד־כַּלּוֹתָֽם 38 arhop aoibi vawigm vla awub yd clotm 3e 4B 8 7 3 אֶ֭מְחָצֵם וְלֹא־יֻ֣כְלוּ ק֑וּם יִ֝פְּל֗וּ תַּ֣חַת רַגְלָֽי 39 g amkxm vla iclu qum iflu tkt rgli 3e 4B 8 6 2.8 וַתְּאַזְּרֵ֣נִי חַ֭יִל לַמִּלְחָמָ֑ה תַּכְרִ֖יעַ קָמַ֣י תַּחְתָּֽי 40 vtazrni kil lmlkmh tcriy qmi tkti 3e 4B 10 7 2.43 וְֽאֹיְבַ֗י נָתַ֣תָּה לִּ֣י עֹ֑רֶף וּ֝מְשַׂנְאַ֗י אַצְמִיתֵֽם 41 vaibi ntth li yrp umwnai axmitm 3e 4B 9 6 3.75 יְשַׁוְּע֥וּ וְאֵין־מוֹשִׁ֑יעַ עַל־יְ֝הוָ֗ה וְלֹ֣א עָנָֽם 42 iwuyu vain mowiy yl ihvh vla ynm 3e 4B 8 7 3 וְֽאֶשְׁחָקֵ֗ם כְּעָפָ֥ר עַל־פְּנֵי־ר֑וּחַ כְּטִ֖יט חוּצ֣וֹת אֲרִיקֵֽם 43 vawkqm cyfr yl fni ruk c'ti't kuxot ariqm 3e 4B 11 7 3 תְּפַלְּטֵנִי֮ מֵרִ֪יבֵ֫י עָ֥ם תְּ֭שִׂימֵנִי לְרֹ֣אשׁ גּוֹיִ֑ם עַ֖ם לֹא־יָדַ֣עְתִּי יַֽעַבְדֽוּנִי 44 tfl'tni mribi ym twimni lraw goim ym la idyti iybduni 3d 4B 8 8 8 2.67 לְשֵׁ֣מַֽע אֹ֭זֶן יִשָּׁ֣מְעוּ לִ֑י בְּנֵֽי־נֵ֝כָ֗ר יְכַחֲשׁוּ־לִֽי 45 lwmy azn iwmyu li bni ncr ickwu li 3e 4B 9 8 2.43 בְּנֵי־נֵכָ֥ר יִבֹּ֑לוּ וְ֝יַחְרְג֗וּ מִֽמִּסְגְּרֽוֹתֵיהֶֽם 46 bni ncr iblu vikrgu mmsgrotihm 3e 4A 6 10 4 חַי־יְ֭הוָה וּבָר֣וּךְ צוּרִ֑י וְ֝יָר֗וּם אֱלוֹהֵ֥י יִשְׁעִֽי 47 ki ihvh ubruc xuri virum alohi iwyi 3e 4B 9 8 2.83 הָאֵ֗ל הַנּוֹתֵ֣ן נְקָמ֣וֹת לִ֑י וַיַּדְבֵּ֖ר עַמִּ֣ים תַּחְתָּֽי 48 hal hnotn nqmot li vidbr ymim tkti 3e 4B 9 7 2.67 מְפַלְּטִ֗י מֵאֹ֫יְבָ֥י אַ֣ף מִן־קָ֭מַי תְּרוֹמְמֵ֑נִי מֵאִ֥ישׁ חָ֝מָ֗ס תַּצִּילֵֽנִי 49 mfl'ti maibi ap mn qmi trommni maiw kms txilni 3e 4B 6 8 8 3.14 עַל־כֵּ֤ן ׀ אוֹדְךָ֖ בַגּוֹיִ֥ם ׀ יְהוָ֑ה וּלְשִׁמְךָ֥ אֲזַמֵּֽרָה 50 yl cn aodc bgoim ihvh ulwmc azmrh 3e 4C 9 7 2.29 מַגְדִּיל֮ יְשׁוּע֪וֹת מַ֫לְכּ֥וֹ וְעֹ֤שֶׂה חֶ֨סֶד ׀ לִמְשִׁיח֗וֹ לְדָוִ֥ד וּלְזַרְע֗וֹ עַד־עוֹלָֽם 51 mghil iwuyot mlco vywh ksd lmwiko ldvd ulzryo yd yolm 3d 4C 7 17 4
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Wxi8WV via IFTTT
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byrusvirus · 2 years
I recently wrote a short, experimental Videodrome fanfic. Kinda like how it came out. Felt strangely therapeutic.
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