orchidcharm · 1 year
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okie florist x tattoo artist jakemuel then 📝
"just do whatever," jake scoffs at samuel's hesitation. "'s not my first time."
"not your first time?" he responds teasingly, but without looking his latest customer. samuel's too busy going through pages of different tattoo designs, wondering which of them are pretty enough to mar jake's skin. "that sucks, i really hoped i was your first."
he wished jake didn't hear it. after all, pretty boy's fixated on his phone and taking orders for flower arrangements. jake's too rough to be a florist, samuel thought at first. but up close, he's able to see how dainty jake's hands are – soft, smooth, veiny, just the right amount of nimble to handle flowers. god, he's thankful to be tattooing him now.
"artist's block?"
"you've been staring too long at my hand. no good designs come to mind?" samuel thinks he's getting dizzy. jake's turned his full attention on him, and the tattoo studio's never been brighter. samuel's unable to respond.
"honestly i thought you were gonna go for something childish, or something like this," jake takes samuel's wrist and traces the cowboy emoji tattoo samuel had when he lost a bet. "it's actually good you're tryna think this through, yeah?"
it's funny, because samuel wasn't thinking it through. there's just no way he's able to function when jake's in his presence, even more touching him. he's forgot to put his guards up.
sure, he could flirt his way out of this like he always does. but why would he? with the way the sunlight passes through the studio's window and touches jake's features the right way — there's no way he's gonna trade anything for this view. pride comes later.
he spends few more minutes browsing as jake takes a client call.
"found it," samuel says right when jake comes back, "the thing i wanna tattoo on you."
"you didn't lie about it," samuel takes a water break. the design he chose wasn't complicated, at all. t'was just hard when he gotta tatt while keeping himself in check.
"lie 'bout what?"
"this not being your first time. you barely moaned." samuel teases.
but jake's an immovable force. instead of feeling embarrassed, he tilts his head to the side and stares at samuel. "should i moan for you? you'd like that?"
samuel thinks this shit's unfair. he can pass it off as some silly joke and pay no heed to the man in front of him. he's just tryna do his job, so why, why, why, does he feel the need to stare back at jake? this was coercion.
they lock eyes. no one dares say a word.
meow. thankfully ryuhei's stupid cat was there to break the silence, the unwanted tension. he'll beat himself up for being so whipped later.
work first.
"ain't no way," jake holds in a chuckle. he stares at his wrist, checking what kind of art samuel's immortalizing on his skin. "flowers, because i'm a florist?"
"flowers because you're a florist," samuel says it back.
he's clearly not in the mood to bicker, eyes focused on the work he's doing. his lips already swollen from being bitten again and again, and he hopes nobody thinks of it as anything. save for the boner he's been trying to hide, he's just an artist tryna concentrate. yup.
they're finally at that stage – finishing touches.
it means samuel's concentration has worn off already. now he's hyperaware that their skin are touching, and if this were any other man he'd be fine. but it's jake kim. his high school wet dreams personified. fuck this, he just wants to finish. finish work, that is.
"i don't hate it," jake lets out a comment. he really didn't talk much throughout the entire thing, and samuel felt him stare at him a few times as he was inking jake's wrist, but he was resolved to pay no heed to it. boners come later, remember?
"you shouldn't," he's now cleaning up the tatt, full attention to wiping it down. this would've been a normal tattoo session if only jake's winces didn't echo on his brain. "like, why would you hate it? i didn't do badly at all. looks good to me."
"no, no, tatt is good..."
"yep, tatt is good. i did that."
"i don't hate it, you being corny like this," jake points at the tattoo. "i admire you being romantic and all, but you should've known you were talking to a florist."
and samuel's sitting there in his full tattoo artist aesthetic glory — leather vest, ripped jeans, black boots — flustered. it was at this moment he knew he was dumb.
he didn't think it through. fuck.
"gardenias, secret love." jake really just called him out like that. samuel didn't even have the wits to feign ignorance. time just stopped.
but in that moment, something bloomed. just like a fated scene in any disney movie, wind blows at the right time in the tattoo studio.
it smelled of flowers. such a strong floral scent lingered the air. jake, the florist that he is, looks in the direction of where the flowers are.
samuel stares at the flowers. he didn't even notice jake brought anything when he entered the studio. but he knows it's from jake, all too familiar with the flower shop's branding and style.
"gardenias too."
i got tired to finish properly
ty 4 prompt i love u @nivotron
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vorbe-goale · 2 years
Letter for him
Sufletele pereche sunt jumătatea ta mai buna. Persoanele acelea care te completează în cel mai armonios mod, langa care poți fi cea mai buna versiune a ta de pana acum - un yin și yang format dintr-un amalgam de sentimente și trăiri ce nu pot fi exprimate sau definite la perfecție. Cum iti dai seama ca ți-ai găsit sufletul pereche, și chiar el este acela? Îl simți. Pur și simplu, îl simți. Atât. Se simte pana când nu se mai simte.
Timpul se oprește în loc de fiecare data când sunteți împreună, indiferent de când de banala este activitatea în desfășurare. Este o înțelegere în 2 care se face prin priviri, prin gesturi, și când uneori cuvintele sunt de prisos. Știi la ce se gândește celălalt fără prea mult efort, ca și cum ati fi fost împreună nu de săptămâni, luni sau ani, ci de câteva vieți întregi. 
O astfel de conexiune este o binecuvântare pentru unii, pentru foarte putini oameni care au norocul sa treacă măcar o data în viață prin așa o experiență. Din nefericire, nu toți avem acest privilegiu - dar eu l-am avut. 
Când toate erau degeaba și nimic din jurul meu nu mai avea sens din nicio perspectiva pe care încercăm sa o abordez, tu mi-ai fost alături. Mi-ai oferit o energie unica și o prezenta de care probabil nu voi mai avea parte din nou în aceasta viață. Nu m-am bucurat și nu am prețuit-o cât ar fi trebuit - dar oh, cât de recunoascatoare iti sunt TIE, jumatate mai buna a sufletului meu. Singurul lucru pozitiv și care mi-a adus un zâmbet larg pe buze și mai ales în inima, când nimic nu reușea. 
Atatea momente pe care aș putea sa le descriu aici, desi aleg sa le păstrez pentru mine, în amintirile mele pana la ultima suflare. Sunt multe, profunde și mereu unice. Nu ne-am ales și cu toate astea, ne-am găsit în cel mai nepotrivit moment, dar când timpul nu a ținut de nicio culoare cu noi doi. Toate au mers bine pana când au mers pe dos, și ai plecat. 
Nu ai vrut, sau poate da. Vreau sa cred ca nu, și inima îmi spune un singur lucru doar. Nu vom știi niciodată pana când nu ne vom regăsi din nou. În aceasta sau în alta viață. 
La fel de ușor cum mi-ai dat lumea peste cap în cel mai frumos mod, la fel mi-ai zdrobit pământul de sub picioare și m-ai lăsat sa cad; sa mă afund în acest întuneric gol și sumbru, fără ca o raza de lumina care să-mi arate calea înapoi, calea ce duce afara la caldura, la tine. 
Aș fi ipocrita sa nu recunosc cât de mult mă deranjează, cât m-a durut, cât de obosita este inima mea și în câte bucăți s-a spart intr-o singura clipita. Și totodata, aș fi mincinoasa sa nu recunosc cât de mult iti doresc fericirea, cu sau fără mine, dar una adevarata și pura, precum am fost noi. Poate. Sper. Amandoi vom fi, separat; dar nimic nu va inlocui legatura de neinlocuit pe care am avut-o.
Din acest motiv, trebuie să-mi ascund cu totul ochii, să-mi blochez picioarele obosite și inima țăndări; s-o opresc din a mai bate, atât de tare, dur. Sa nu mai fug după fantome și sa nu mai scot măcar un sunet, de frica zgomotului ce învăluie orice colțișor atins. O singura speranță, mică precum o raza de soare din acele dimineți reci de Octombrie, e puternic inradacinata în adâncul acestui suflet părăsit și acum singur, fara pereche. Si totodata, e aproape de moarte.
Lacrimile reci, șuvoaie și suspine înecate nu-și mai au un rost, ci marchează un dor necontenit care și-a pus amprenta pe același suflet incomplet. Rest de sentimente de surprindere și lipsa de credință, lipsa de cuvinte, explicații, tot - au rămas în aer, sunete și gânduri surde. Prea multe am să-ți spun și în zadar...
Inelul tău uitat la gâtul meu, și rânduri de cerneala șterse, de mult uitate. Promisiuni ce sunt acum doar vorbe goale. Inel ce-l pastrez ascuns in semn de a-l proteja pe el, pe mine, pe noi. Va fi mereu aici, precum au fost si restul.
Adio, tu - suflet pereche. Pana când ne vom vedea din nou - în aceasta sau în alta viață, pentru totdeauna. 
#sonsuzakadar #mykemal
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tathastuedu · 3 days
How Long Does the SAT Take?
The SAT, a standardized test widely used for university admissions within the United States, typically takes about 3 hours to complete. However, As per Affordable SAT Coaching in Model Town, while factoring in breaks and optionally available essay sections, the total time can expand to around four hours and fifteen minutes.
The SAT exam has 4 sections: Reading, Writing and Language, Math (no calculator), and Math (calculator allowed). Each section has a time limit ranging from 35 to 55 minutes. Additionally, there's an Essay segment which is optional for students, which adds a further 50 mins to the test duration.
Here's a breakdown of the time allocation for every segment:
Reading: 65 minutes for 52 questions
Writing and Language: 35 mins for 44 questions
Math (no calculator): 25 mins for 20 questions
Math (calculator allowed): 55 minutes for 38 questions
Students are given quick breaks among some sections and an extended brake after the Math (no calculator) section, totaling about 15 minutes of break time. The optional Essay phase, if taken, adds some other 50 mins to the test.
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Overall, even as the SAT is a enormous time commitment, right coaching from the Best SAT Coaching in Delhi and time management techniques can help students navigate the test effectively and maximize their overall performance.
Visit: https://tathastuedu.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tathastuedu/
Medium: https://ielts-coaching-in-delhi.medium.com/
WriteupCafe: https://writeupcafe.com/profile/tathastuedu/
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@studyabroad12
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mysticalunknownflower · 2 months
Friday Fictioneers 280224- Gift
©Fleur Lind The photograph loomed like a giant threatening to topple over the present. It was the family’s first car. Little Anil had rammed it into the neighbour’s wall on its first day at home.   He’d gone on his first road trip in it, driving along the West coast- he and three of his friends. In their twenties- out of college- ready to take on the world. Anil smiled at the memory. He’d had…
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sylverwxngs-wp · 4 months
one-shot requests!!
i’m gonna start doing one-shots just for funsies and to boost my writing inspiration :) i might even compile them into a book on here too. we’ll see tho. if you have any requests, feel free to drop them below and i might write a little drabble!! preferably for fandoms i’m in and definitely for characters i looooovvveeeee!! could be smut, fluff, angst, or whatever you may want!! i’m gonna be working on these for a while before i start posting them. also, feel free to request a specific name, character, or even oc (mine or yours) to be included! (i will not be doing any 2nd person pov or x y/n tho bc i physically cannot) fandoms/characters i like:
- fourth wing (xaden, liam, rhiannon, etc.) - peaky blinders (tommy or arthur) - marvel (bucky, tony, loki, nat, yelena, etc.) - thg (finnick, katniss, peeta, haymitch, NO snow) - six of crows (kaz, nina, inej, jesper) - asoiaf (jaime, jon, tyrion, aemond, helaena, rhaenyra, alicent, daenerys, etc.) - acotar (rhysand, lucien, bat boys) - harry potter (draco, weasley twins, harry, hermione, etc.) [preferably not smut unless they’re done with hogwarts or returning for an 8th year or smth] - star wars (anakin, han/ben solo, obi wan, etc.) - any other fandom that i haven’t listed that i might be familiar with!
pls feel free to request something, i’d really appreciate it <3 i want to stay busy doing what i love (writing) during the break!! i'm still going to write even if there aren't any requests put in, but i'd appreciate it if people did :)
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recklessfuture001 · 8 months
Writing Practice
Ok. I get to get back to writing for a while. What should I write about? I’m a little stoned at the moment. Mind is not quite right. Gonna try again later tonight. I want to get some writing practice.
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languageyeti1985 · 1 year
The Spice of English, How Dune Can Lead You Along The Golden Path Of Your Language Journey...  
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Frank Herbert's Dune is a masterpiece of science fiction that has captivated readers for over half a century. One of the most striking aspects of the novel is Herbert's writing style, which is both poetic and philosophical.
The Dune series is a classic work of science fiction that has captivated readers for decades. Its intricate plotlines, complex characters, and rich vocabulary make it an excellent tool for any English students looking to improve their skills while exploring the world of science fiction.
One of the key benefits of reading the Dune series is the vocabulary-building opportunities it presents. The series includes many specialised terms related to ecology, politics, religion, and science fiction, which can be challenging for students. However, by reading and analysing the story, students can build their vocabulary and expand their understanding of these topics.
In addition to building vocabulary, the Dune series can help students develop their reading comprehension skills. The complex plotlines and themes require careful analysis and interpretation, which can help students develop their critical thinking skills and improve their ability to understand and interpret complex texts.
As language learners read the Dune series, they can also practice their writing skills by summarising and analysing the story, expressing their ideas and opinions about the themes and characters, and even writing their own science fiction stories inspired by the series.
Moreover, the Dune series can allow ESL students to practice their conversation skills. As a classic work of science fiction, the series is an excellent topic for discussion, allowing students to engage in meaningful conversations with their peers or teachers and practice their speaking and listening skills.
Finally, reading the Dune series can help ESL students develop cultural literacy. The series has significantly influenced popular culture, with references to the series appearing in movies, TV shows, and other works of science fiction. By reading the Dune series, students can gain a deeper appreciation of science fiction as a genre and improve their understanding of cultural references related to the series.
In conclusion, the Dune series offers a wealth of opportunities for students to improve their English skills while exploring the world of science fiction. Through vocabulary building, reading comprehension, writing practice, conversation practice, and cultural literacy, ESL students can develop their language abilities and explore the rich themes and ideas presented in this classic work of science fiction. 
So, let's embark on a journey to Arrakis and join the quest for The Spice!
Here are some English vocabulary words, phrases, and fixed expressions commonly used in the Dune series.
Ecology, is the study of living organisms and their relationships with each other and their environment.
Melange, which is the fictional drug in the Dune series, has a variety of effects on the body and mind.
Kwisatz Haderach, is a male Bene Gesserit who has access to the collective memories of his female ancestors.
The Fremen, are a group of desert nomads inhabiting the planet Arrakis.
Bene Gesserit, is an order of women with exceptional mental and physical abilities.
Guild Navigator, who is a human with mutated powers and bodies, navigates spacecraft through space because of the use of Melange and spice.
Sardaukar, which is an elite military force in the service of the Padishah Emperor.
Paul Muad'Dib, who is the main character in the series, is also known as Muad'Dib.
Phrases you need to know:
Fear is the mind-killer, which is a Bene Gesserit mantra used to overcome fear.
The spice must flow, which is a phrase used to emphasise Melange's importance to the Dune universe's economy and society.
The sleeper has awakened, which is a phrase used to indicate that someone has become aware of their true potential or destiny.
He who controls the spice controls the universe, which is a phrase used to describe the immense power and influence of the spice.
A leader, you see, is one of the things that distinguishes a mob from a people, which is a quote from the character Leto Atreides, emphasising the importance of strong leadership.
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ladyangelsea · 1 year
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❄𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗗𝗨𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 & 𝗪𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗚𝗢𝗔𝗟𝗦❄ Hello everyone! 👋 𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗗𝗨𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 My name is Tanya. My pen name is T.K. Khan. I'm a multi-genre author and am currently writing an urban fantasy fairytale retelling of Snow White. 𝗚𝗢𝗔𝗟𝗦 Same writing goals as always! Write as much as I can around my busy schedule. I feel like I say this every month. 😆 I am cohosting a challenge called Writers Write Snippets with @author_gnparker. This challenge is full of prompts to get you back into a writing groove especially after the Holidays! What are your goals for January? Tell me in the comments below! ❄❄❄ #bookstagrammademedoit #writinganovel #fantasyauthor #fantasyreads #femaleauthors #creativewritings #januarymood #booksarethebest #fantasybookseries #igauthors #writinggoals #fantasynovel #instagramwriting #fantasywriter #spillthesparklingtea #januarygoals #writingpractice #fantasynovels #booksofinstragram #booksareawesome #readingismypassion #themoonstarsandskychallenge #authorsoninstagram #writersgonnawrite #writingideas #writingbooks #yafantasyauthor #writingprocess #writerswritesnippets #creativewritingsociety (at Naperville, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm5-1TRuPlm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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martinvictor123 · 1 year
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When should I start my writing practice for UPSC mains? If you want to perform better in the UPSC mains then the candidate can start their writing practice 4-5 months before the UPSC mains exam. here are guidelines for main writing practice you can see all the details.
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nv-rivera · 1 year
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New notebook and new pen for this evening. Moving from constellations to starry night and that feels perfect. #writingretreat #writingpractice #nataliegoldberg #amwriting https://www.instagram.com/p/Clo9c6Ov0YQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Handwriting practice on @rhodia_officiel Notepad using @conklinpens_official Red Night's inked with Dusky Rose by @yafabrands_official Something simple... #handwriting #conklinduragraph #writingpractice #ink #inkspire (at Sturminster Newton) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cft4eJuI3vP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lalocreativity · 2 years
Self-discovery journal prompts weekly I July. You can answer at your own pace. I have shared my own answers on the blog. Click bio link to read.
#lalocreativity #blog #author #writer #motivation #inspiration #writing #journal #journaling #selfdiscovery #writingpractice
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tathastuedu · 4 days
How can I improve my SAT reading comprehension skills? Part - 2
Practice Passage Mapping: Create visible maps or diagrams to arrange the shape of passages. Identify primary ideas, helping info, transitions, and relationships between different parts of the textual content. As per Best SAT Coaching in New Delhi, this approach complements your understanding of complex passages.
Time Management: Practice time control abilities all through practice tests to make sure you may whole the analyzing segment within the allocated time. Pace yourself and prioritize answering questions which you find less complicated before tackling greater difficult ones.
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Review Mistakes: Analyze your mistakes from practice checks and become aware of styles of misunderstanding or misinterpretation. As per Top SAT Coaching in Delhi, focus on improving in regions in which you struggle and preserve practising similar passages to boost your talents.
By implementing those strategies always and dedicating time to everyday practice, you may efficiently enhance your SAT studying comprehension abilities and increase your general overall performance on the exam.
Visit: https://tathastuedu.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tathastuedu/
Medium: https://ielts-coaching-in-delhi.medium.com/
WriteupCafe: https://writeupcafe.com/profile/tathastuedu/
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@studyabroad12
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mysticalunknownflower · 3 months
Friday Fictioneers 10.02.24- The Waiting
This is my first attempt at Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff. I have been reading Dale’s posts written for the prompts since some time now and have been wanting to try. I finally decided to take the plunge. I don’t know if it sounds like a story but it’s exactly 100 words and is written on the photo below. If you’d like to participate, just click the link for the rules. Click link to…
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theembcnetwork · 4 months
Mastering Strategic Intentional Communication and Unlocking Leadership through Writing with Erin Lebacqz from THE EMBC NETWORK on Vimeo.
In this insightful video, international educator and author Erin Lebacqz shares her expertise on mastering strategic communication and unlocking leadership through writing. With over 25 years of teaching experience, she has collaborated with numerous business and non-profit organizations worldwide, helping individuals develop high-value writing skills. In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, effective communication is paramount for leaders. Lebacqz emphasizes the strategic utilization of writing as a powerful management tool. By writing with clarity, conciseness, and intention, leaders can boost their confidence and influence. Discover proven strategies to communicate strategically as a leader, leveraging the power of writing to convey messages effectively. From mastering strategic writing techniques to developing emotional intelligence in writing and leadership, this video provides invaluable insights for both new and experienced leaders. Furthermore, Lebacqz explores the significance of intentional communication in building successful teams. By fostering intentional communication within your organization, you can enhance collaboration, problem-solving, and ultimately, achieve greater success. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from Erin Lebacqz's expertise in this captivating video. Unlock your leadership potential by mastering strategic communication through writing. Subscribe to our channel now and join the community of aspiring leaders and skilled communicators on the quest for success. Visit our channel to explore more valuable content on leadership, communication, and personal development: youtube.com/channel/UCDdx6ZE7SgVCTG1t1KMDjeQ #communication #leadership #writing #strategiccommunication #masteringcommunication #unlockingleadership #effectivecommunication #communicationtips #writingtips #leadershiptips #communicationskills #leadershipdevelopment #businesscommunication #leadershipskills #professionalwriting #strategicwriting #communicationstrategies #leadershipcommunication #writingstrategies #communicationmastery #computerwriting #writingtips #writingtechniques #essentialskills #wordprocessing #typing #keyboardskills #masteryourwriting #computerskills #writinglessons #writingtutorial #creativewriting #writingprocess #writingpractice #typingtechniques #wordprocessingtips #writingtools #computerliteracy #writinghelp #digitalwriting
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abhinavram · 6 months
#CapitalLetters #LearnCapitalLetters #UppercaseLetters #WritingSkills #AlphabetLearning #LanguageLearning #EducationalResources #GrammarSkills #LetterRecognition #WritingPractice #CapitalLetters #LearnCapitalLetters #UppercaseLetters #WritingSkills #AlphabetLearning #LanguageLearning #EducationalResources #GrammarSkills #LetterRecognition #WritingPractice
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