#Xmas and bdays a long ways away
amerasdreams · 1 year
cute store downtown-- got some things
Some really good chocolate oreo marshmallow ice cream
1 note · View note
the-mad-starker · 5 months
Starker Smut: Dubconned Into True Love
For @khalixascorner ! This was supposed to be a bday present and it ended up being a belated bday, Xmas, reward thing 😂🥲 Hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Villain Omega Tony capturing alpha Peter and deciding to keep him. Aka Reversed Wife stealing plot where the omega steals the alpha
Notes: some version of SIM!Tony, omega Tony Stark, Bottom Tony Stark, alpha Peter Parker, intersex omegas, non/dub con of the heat/rut variety, heat sex, breeding, knotting, biting, vaginal sex
WC: 8431
Note 2: Inspo for Tony's outfit is in Ao3 cause Tumblr doesn't like it 😤
"Um… Mr. Superior…?"
Tony ignores the tied up alpha. As far as he's concerned, the kid has been neutralized and Tony's gotten what he wanted so there's no need to interact.
Except… the alpha pup is stubborn. He continues to try to get the Superior's attention and he's doing it so politely that Tony actually feels something (not bad, there's no way he feels bad about anything).
He crosses out the emotions based on the process of elimination.
Annoyance? Not really. He's too amused at the situation to be annoyed.
"Excuse me, Mr. Stark? …Sir…?"
With a huff, Tony turns away from the interface, brilliant blue eyes calculating.
"Yes, dear?" he croons, his voice coming out sarcastic and cool.
Tony immediately feels like a jerk when the alpha pup perks up at the attention, a hesitant smile pulling his lips up into an easy smile.
They have a deal where Tony would keep the muzzle off as long as the kid doesn't yell or scream or do any of those other annoying things hostages tend to do. And well, he isn't yelling or screaming or even pleading to be let go. Instead, he's trying to play nice with his captor while Tony’s watching the frantic little bugs called Shield scurry around on the video feeds.
It's interrupting Tony's fun but he figures the kid's owed at least some attention.
The Superior has kidnapped him after all.
"You know I'm an alpha, right?" the kidnapped superhero asks curiously.
Usually, a stupid question like that would have Tony rolling his eyes and immediately snapping the muzzle back in place. For some reason though, something about the pup's tone sounds genuine as though he's actually confused why someone like Tony would grab him.
Oh. Right. Spider-Man is a kid. Well, barely. He’s eighteen, according to the files, but in terms of superhero and villain business, he's still so green. So green that it makes the Superior feel a twinge of not-so-villainy guilt.
"Peter Parker," Tony states as he swirls around in his chair.
One nimble leg crosses over the other. His white suit pants are form-fitting but not enough to be indecently tight. He has nanotech woven into an actual suit, all white of course. He’s comfy and sexy, comfort being a priority. The open white blazer is styled specifically for male omegas, broad around the shoulders but narrow around the hips. Underneath that, he isn't wearing anything which leaves the lean muscles of his chest exposed but not bare.
He has gleaming jewelry that drips in languid chains from the delicate collar around his neck. More nanotech, this time fashioned into something like precious diamonds. They sparkle brilliantly in the light but they're so much more than just pretty rocks.
What he’s wearing right now isn't even the most risque thing he’s ever worn but it's meant to catch the eye and it definitely catches Peter's.
Tony likes to wear his armor best like this. It's so easy to masquerade one of his deadliest weapons as elegant pieces of art that bring attention to his best assets. And because alphas are such knotheads, that's all they care to see.
No matter what Tony wears, there are eyes always being drawn to him. It amuses him when the supposedly good guys can't take their eyes away from him. Then again, Tony's always enjoyed being the center of attention, whether it's as the most eligible omega in the world or the cold-hearted Merchant of Death. It's something his instincts purr at, the attention being directed at him.
Even when he has no intention to entice or seduce, Tony uses the natural allure of being an omega because it's just too easy to.
The Superior lifts a perfectly manicured hand to his chest, fingertips casually trailing down the sparkles of nanotech diamonds. They're linked piece by piece with delicate chains, also meticulously crafted to add to the deception of a beautiful pampered but weak omega.
No one has been fooled by his facade in years but some alphas still fall hard for Tony’s handsome face and his unique mouthwatering scent.
Seeing the way Peter Parker's gaze follows the movement of his fingers, his eyes drinking in the sight of exposed tan skin instead of the shine of the tech…
Tony smirks, ego rightfully stroked.
He snaps the fingers on his other hand, breaking his own spell over the cute alpha pup.
Immediately, Peter's wide eyes shoot up. When he meets Tony’s knowing gaze and his face flushes an endearing pink because he knows he's been caught looking. Caught lusting over one of the bad guys.
"Alpha," Tony coos and whether the kid takes it as Tony confirming the knowledge he has or is calling for him… Ah, yes, the latter. The pup's eyes go a little hazy, as though being called alpha is actually making his dick hard.
Peter quickly looks away but like a shark scenting blood, Tony’s already caught it.
There's a high possibility that something as simple as getting called alpha by an attractive omega would do it for him. The kid is green, after all, and Tony remembers being 18. All those hormones…
Even with the mandatory suppressants that alphas and omegas are subjected to, the instincts are still there, quietly simmering just under the skin, always so easy to mess with. Having an omega's attention makes alphas so weak to influence. Having Tony's attention pretty much guaranteed their ruin back in those days
Hmm. Tony wonders if this kid's ever even experienced an unsuppressed rut.
He clicks his tongue at the thought and uncrossing his legs, he stands. The jewelry makes a soft tinkling sound, like bells, as he walks towards the bound alpha. He places a finger under the pup's chin and tilts his face up so their eyes meet.
"I know everything about you," Tony tells him sweetly.
He's read the reports and he admits to himself that the information there has been enough to interest him. Intrigue him, if he wants to be truly honest.
The Superior looks at the kid and he's intrigued. How unfortunate for him that he’s been caught in Tony’s crosshairs. He hadn't planned to do anything about it just yet, but with the opportunity presenting itself, why not?
Peter doesn't seem surprised by his words and yet, he's still perplexed.
"Then… Why did you kidnap me?" he asks. His eyebrows scrunch down as he mutters thoughtfully, "I'm an alpha and alphas don't get stolen… Especially by an omega, it's…"
Unorthodox. Radical. Untraditional.
Words that are often used to describe the kind of omega that Tony is.
Here, Tony does roll his eyes and he steps back. The retreat has the alpha cautiously looking at him again. Tony smiles and catches the jump in Peter’s heartbeat.
"Look, just cause I'm a 'mega doesn't mean I can't do alpha things," Tony tells him, "Or well, I can definitely act like one. If I want to steal myself a pretty wife, I definitely can."
"You're not making much sense," the kid says. He completely ignores the wife comment that references him in this scenario. "Shouldn't you have stolen the omega so that I can, uhm, rescue them…?”
Tony laughs, actually laughs. It's bright and free. He's entertained and he's always in a good mood when he's being entertained.
“We’re not in some cliche superhero story, kid,” Tony grins at him, omega fangs peeking out. “I'm not some… typical villain and you… Nah, kid, you're not saving some damsel in distress here… If anything, you're the one in distress.”
Peter only looks more puzzled. “I'm not though.”
“Oh?” Tony encourages him to answer.
“I mean, besides being tied up to a chair– which, by the way, is a very cliche supervillain thing to do–” Peter gives him a look that only amuses Tony even more. “You've been pretty decent to me, Mr. Stark.”
Tony rolls his eyes.
“Interrogation when I don't need anything is tedious,” the Superior says distastefully. “Besides, I got what I wanted so anything else is just a tasty bonus.”
Peter hums indulgently and Tony is suddenly feeling a little vindictive. He already has Shield scrambling to find them so as he said, everything else is just a bonus.
Tony is in a good mood. He wants to keep being in a good mood and therefore, he wants to have fun. He wants to poke and prod at this intriguing alpha and see if it’s worth keeping the muzzle off. He wants to see if the alpha could be… something worth keeping.
"If I stole the omega," the Superior returns to the previous topic, "they'd just find you another omega."
He shrugs, a smooth roll of his shoulder, and lets his gaze take in his prize. All joking aside, he has an alpha in his hands that, scientifically speaking, is a good match for him.
His prospects for a mate that won't break under his attention are rather limited. He doesn't need a mate, but one look, one interaction with this alpha makes him think of all those possibilities that he's pushed away in the past.
And if it turns out that this kid isn't what the Superior wants, well. He at least knows what fun he wants to have with him.
Peter is cute, a cute alpha pup just growing into his body. Tony can see very clearly that he’ll be a handsome man with a sharp jawline and lips perfect for begging. He’d probably make some omega very happy, with his heart of gold and his alpha cock. If the kid hadn't gotten involved with Shield, the Superior thinks he could've flown under his radar and possibly lived a perfectly boring normal life.
Or maybe not.
The kid’s brains and whatever projects he’d end up in would have certainly made waves in the world. Logically, the Superior would have found him, sooner or later.
Is that fate or just Tony’s luck?
The Superior’s lips stretch into a kind of smile that's had the Winter Soldier twitching for his guns.
The mood shifts and Peter, the smart pup that he is, senses it immediately. There's a stillness to him that reminds Tony of prey sensing a predator’s presence. The alpha becomes uneasy, uncertain of where a volatile omega like Tony Stark is going to take this.
Tony smiles again, sweetly. Peter doesn't buy it but Tony pounces anyway.
The omega presses his palm right above Peter's heart. He can feel it beating harshly right there beneath the firm muscle and hard bone.
Ta-dump. Ta-dump. Tadumptadump…
“Are you nervous, pup?” Tony drawls, “Have you finally realized that I’m not interested in some Shield lackey… That I’m interested in you, alpha. Shield was practically begging me to crash the party. Who am I to disappoint?”
Peter’s mouth opens, maybe a little shocked at Tony’s forwardness. Maybe such a cute pup can't imagine someone like Tony outright declaring their interest but the blush on his face… He wants Tony's attention just like Tony wants his. It's already shaping up to be a good match.
He likes this. He wants it. Tony can smell it on him, his interest and a hint of fresh arousal that's distinct from the usual musk that teenage alphas like him carry. He can see the physical effect he has on Peter too but the omega doesn't bring attention to that little detail just yet.
Peter just doesn't think he's allowed to have it because…? Who knows. No matter the reason, he’s restraining himself, hovering between what his instincts want and what his mind is saying.
Tony doesn't care for the reason, he’ll pick it apart with either words or his body. He's good at using both.
Another shudder, another minute shake of Peter’s head in denial but the Superior knows. He now has Spider-Man intrigued.
Tony strikes while the iron’s hot and gracefully sprawls himself on the top of the alpha. The pup squeaks in surprise and jerks when Tony’s ass settles on top of his lap. There's a bulge there that nudges up almost perfectly where Tony’s nanotech suit covers his pussy.
It feels hot, the shape of it– Oh… it's getting bigger. Tony’s eyelashes flutter as heat ignites in his belly, making his empty insides clench in anticipation.
He's going to have this alpha and he's going to enjoy it. Immensely.
The Superior grinds down on the pup's swelling cock, assessing without looking. The kid’s essentially wearing a spandex onesie and the material is stretching tight over the alpha pup’s hard cock. He feels hot and big– Tony pauses, feeling the delicious heat emanating from beneath him and hmm… the girth of his cock… Very nice. Tony can tell that it's thick, maybe thicker than his favorite dildo.
Oh, what a stretch Tony’s in for…
“S-Sir…!” the pup splutters, drawing Tony’s attention. He pets the boy’s cheek, soothing and distressing the alpha at the same time.
"I can see potential and oh, Peter… what a waste, what a sad sad waste," Tony purrs and wraps an arm around the kid's flushed neck which he presses his lips to. "You know, Shield basically neuters their underlings. Not physically, of course, but they go on and on about control and not falling prey to instincts… It's such bullshit.”
There’s a look that crosses Peter’s face, disgruntled, but Tony knows he's right. In this moment of vulnerability, Peter’s instincts are going wild under Tony’s influence and the omega can see the fight going on inside his pretty little head. Maybe the kid wouldn't have been able to show such an emotion if he was in the right mind.
Tony feels a sense of satisfaction that even without kn, he can still predict this in an alpha he’s interested in. His instincts, after all, are rarely ever wrong.
“You must've thrown them for a loop… Did you have to pretend, kid?” the Superior doesn't have to pretend to sympathize. At one point in his life, he, too, was forced to adhere to others and their control.
The kid’s breathing has escalated and his wide honey-brown eyes are staring straight ahead. See no evil, hear no evil, huh?
Peter's clinging tight to denial, Tony knows. Mouth parted, fast shallow breaths… Poor kid. Tony is too much to handle for an organization like Shield on a good day and here he is, pitting himself against someone as green, as innocent, as this baby hero.
“You don't have to answer that. I know.” Tony licks his lips. He can taste the alpha pup’s scent on his tongue. “If Shield tries to tie you down to some loyal lackey so that those feral instincts of yours calm down… I wonder what’ll happen…”
He leaves it suggestive but they both know.
It won't work.
It hadn't worked on Tony’s instincts even before extremis. It won't work on an alpha of Peter’s caliber.
“That's not what happened…” Peter says weakly, finally breaking his silence.
It's to defend Shield but Tony still considers it a win to have the kid responding to him. He presses closer, his scent rich and distracting.
“Isn't it? Did meeting that sweet natured omega calm your instincts? You don't feel calm,” Tony says rather seriously while grinding on the alpha pup’s lap.
Tony had snatched him just as Peter met Shield’s potential mate for him. The Superior had heard just enough that he couldn't bear watching the awkward encounter for a second later.
Peter hadn't gone willingly and a short-lived scuffle had occurred. Spider-Man had prioritized shielding the omega Shield agent without realizing that he was the true target until it was too late.
The Superior had a good time carrying the alpha in his arms like a bride being brought home.
Tony had planned this just for shits and giggles, another flippant middle finger to Shield for thinking they can keep this kid hidden away from Tony. He’d snatched the alpha right from under Shield’s nose and now, he’s making his own claim because he wants.
With the rocking of his hips and the scent he’s breathing in… With what Tony knows about the kid from Shield’s files though none of them mentioned the nice surprise the alpha’s packing between his legs.
Tony wants to keep him. Just a minute ago, it was just a possibility. Keep the kid if he can satisfy Tony but now, even if Peter’s performance leaves him unsatisfied, Tony won't let him go. He can just train the alpha into what he wants.
From Shield’s files, Peter’s been noted to be very eager to please. Tony purrs as he recalls this information and he leans forward, placing his lips on the alpha’s pulse and sucking hard.
Yes. Even if Peter performs well, Tony can train him regardless. Refine that potential of his into something truly… Superior.
Peter’s hips jerk up, grinding against Tony's receptive body even as the alpha throws his head back to groan.
In this position, Tony’s pants are stretched tight over his ass. The heat between their bodies is building and it's only going to get messy. Sex between an alpha and omega is always deliciously messy.
The omega pulls himself away from the nice hickey he’d made on Peter's neck. In front of his very eyes, he sees the molted skin heal itself, the bruise going from dark to red to yellow then fading away like someone hit a fast-forward button on just that patch of skin. It's fascinating like everything else about the pup.
It makes him think even as the baby alpha’s scent floods out of him and reaches for Tony. Tony breathes it in, knowing it could make him lose his mind if he lets it.
“Do their suppressants even work on someone like you?” Tony wonders out loud in a contented sigh.
Even if the pup’s scent isn't affecting him, it still smells so good… Like rolling around in freshly laundered blankets, so warm and inviting.
He runs his hands over the trembling muscles of the alpha’s shoulders. The way Peter’s reacting to him tells Tony that whatever suppressants Shield has been giving him isn't working.
He rubs his cheek against the alpha's and tilts his face up while shifting his body up so that he's no longer warming up Peter's straining cock.
It puts his neck in a dangerous position, right where the alpha’s fangs are. Technically, Peter could stop all this now by shoving him off. It's another simple test to see how hard Peter’s alpha instincts are riding him. How much more Tony will have to push.
He doesn't disappoint.
Peter turns his face towards Tony’s neck. The alpha sucks in a deep breath of Tony’s scent as though he’s ravenous for it. The pup’s scent may not be affecting Tony but his is definitely influencing Peter’s.
He growls at the protection that Tony’s nanotech collar provides but he doesn't let it stop him. Right above the omega's protected mating gland, the flat of a tongue licks at the soft skin there. That spot– even if it's not the gland directly– it’s still sensitive and vulnerable. It should be setting off alarm bells in the omega's mind and yet, it has the Superior sighing in pleasure.
“Hmm…” Tony moans in approval.
The alpha drags his tongue lower, licking desperately at gaps between the chains just to get a taste of him.
There are teeth involved now! Sharp alpha fangs try to close down around Tony’s nanotech collar to get to that soft vulnerable skin. He can hear the gnashing and grinding of teeth against the metal and the omega laughs breathlessly, not at all worried that his tech will fail him.
“Oh… Bad alpha,” Tony groans and presses closer. “Were you going to try to bite me without permission? What a brute.”
He pulls back, the collar seamlessly melting away where it's caught on the alpha’s teeth. The nanotech forms back into its proper shape around his neck without a single scratch.
When Tony looks into the pup's eyes, he coos at what he finds. Just a little bit of sniffing and the pup is now drunk off the Superior’s scent.
“S-Sorry– I don't…” Peter squeezes his eyes shut, mortified. “I don’t understand w-what's happening… Why–”
Poor baby alpha’s trying to regain control but Tony won't give him the chance to. He likes this alpha all scent drunk and horny for him.
“Oh, you poor thing,” Tony purrs at the pup, caressing his flushed cheeks. He comes to a realization watching the pup’s eyes glaze over even as his mouth pants open.
He had been wrong. It isn't that Shield’s suprassants aren't working. It's just that whatever drugs they have Peter on is nothing compared to the Superior.
Their compatibility is too strong. Perhaps Shield hadn't thought that Tony would ever take a mate. He’s killed and maimed enough alphas that have tried. Then again, none of them has ever been Peter Parker.
“I'll take care of you, sweetheart,” the omega promises with a sweet purr in his throat.
The kid‘s scent is going into overdrive, growing in strength. He has a desirable compatible omega on his lap, probably the only omega that can take everything his enhanced body can dish out. It’s trying to pull Tony under too so they end up in a mess of sweaty bodies and irreversible bonds.
Tony aches to respond in kind. It makes his mouth water but it doesn't quite trigger his instincts the way a normal omega’s would.
He wants to let loose. He wants the nanotech regulating his body to retreat and leave him to his instincts, a wildfire raging and leaving destruction in its path.
Tony would be a very very dangerous omega to handle during a heat. He strokes the alpha's cheek again, cooing at the glazed look in Peter’s eyes.
Soon. Soon… But first… He has a mate to claim.
With a single command, the nanotech suit melts away in a rush of silver. It leaves only the omega jewelry and the silver stilettos he’d been wearing. The cool air on his exposed flesh does nothing to ease the heat being roused in his belly.
At another thought, his tech forms into sharp tipped claws at his fingertips and he quickly shreds the pup’s pants. The upside of using his tech is that he has complete control. Once they meet flesh, they blunt themselves to leave his pet unharmed.
The fabric is so easy to destroy though. Tony would have to fix that later once he has the alpha bonded to him.
“Look at you…” Tony purrs when he gets his hands on the alpha’s cock.
It's perfect. Long and thick with a pretty flushed tip that's perfect for sinking onto.
Tony can't wait.
And yet, once the alpha pup realizes what's happened, his head jerks down and looks in horror at his exposed erection. His cheeks turn such a ruddy red that Tony wonders how it's possible when all the blood is certainly flowing southwards.
“W-Wait…!” A bit of clarity seeps into those glazed over eyes and then the alpha confesses, “I’ve never done this before!”
“Good,” Tony tells him before he gets his hands on that eager cock. “Even if you have, I’ll be the last.”
Peter’s mouth drops open, just a little. He stares at the Superior with disbelief and then struggles in his bonds. In a last ditch effort, he desperately says, “Can’t we talk about this first?”
The Superior ignores it.
“Don't come,” is the only reply Tony gives him when he begins to stroke, getting a feel for Peter's dick. It twitches in his hand, so eager for his touch. Tony firms his grip and makes sure to catalog the alpha's response, honing in to what feels best for him.
He wonders how much experience the kid’s had, if any. Not much, Tony determines, when Peter’s hips give a harsh aborted jerk.
“We s-shouldnt…” Peter whines, his eyes squeezing shut.
Another stroke and Tony’s hand closes around the fat head, squeezing out a drop of precum.
“Oh? You can still think?” Tony teases when he drags his hand down the hot length, spreading the wetness around. It makes it easier to jerk him off. The alpha gasps, his eyes only squeezing shut harder.
“I… I’m…” his speech fails and Tony chuckles in amusement.
The alpha breathes in but then chokes on his breath when Tony starts again. Just a little more… Tony observes with bright blue eyes, his glance switching between the kid’s facial expressions to the cock he’s stroking. Both are fascinating to him.
Peter lasts longer than he expects and he's surprised to find his own patience running thin instead.
“We don't even… know each other…” Peter pants out, scrabbling for control and failing. “I haven't even courted you and you're… you’re… Oh God, sir, you're gonna make me– mm…!”
Courting? The thought takes Tony by surprise but he finds that he's charmed by the alpha’s priorities. He clamps down on the base, letting the kid have a breather because he's not done yet.
Poor kid pants out a breath or two before Tony rises on his knees. There’s slick wetting his trembling thighs as he positions the alpha pup’s cockhead right where he wants it. Just feeling the tip there, rubbing against his pussy, makes the Superior so eager to swallow the alpha up.
“You can court me after,” Tony promises him with a curl of his lips. “‘Till then, behave.”
“After…?” Peter questions, eyes peering through slits before flying wide open when he sees what Tony’s about to do.
“Mhmm… After,” Tony declares just as he sinks down on the alpha’s cock.
“W-Wait…!” Peter cries out but it's too late.
Tony groans as the thick head pops in, the slick making it easy for the engorged glans to slip in. It feels as good as he thought it would. The flared tip really makes him feel it.
Beneath him, the alpha moans, his eyes wide in disbelief before they cloud over in pleasure. His mouth is trembling, the shock evident even as pleasure makes his jaw go slack.
Tony allows him to focus on his pleasure, specifically the point where their bodies are joined. He hasn't even fingered himself open so he knows his pussy is especially tight for the alpha pup. He, himself, likes to feel the ache of a good stretch, and the pup’s thick cock had promised him that and it delivers.
He sinks down with some effort, taking Peter’s cock in several thrusts, his body rising up and down to take it inch by inch. He's wet, so wet… The slick helps, and the sheer abundance of it makes the slide easier but his pussy is too tight. He has to work himself open.
Peter’s lost in it. There's a look of wonder in those honey brown eyes compared to before and Tony coos at the alpha, leaning in close and letting his scent steal his senses once more. The poor baby alpha gets the heavy brunt of it, drowning in it. Even then, Peter’s mouth pants open like he's trying to drink it all down.
The alpha shudders but there's no fight in him, only a growing desperation that Tony understands so well.
“You feel it too, don't you, pup?” Tony asks, keeping his own instincts in check even while it's fighting against his control.
This thing between them can't be stopped now and they both know it.
He digs his fingers in the boy’s too cute curls, wrenching Peter’s face closer so he's staring directly into Tony’s brilliant blue eyes.
The alpha beneath him struggles against his bonds but the scent Tony breathes in is so sweet. The kid is still scent-drunk, probably desperate to get his hands on Tony.
“Are you wishing your hands were free?” Tony nibbles on his ear. “Wishing you could push me down, fuck me as hard as you want instead of this…?”
“This” is the slow rise and drop of Tony's hips, the carefully controlled rhythm that the omega knows isn't enough for an alpha. It isn't enough for him either but he likes this, likes making the alpha ache for him.
His pussy is aching too, hungry for something only this alpha can give him. His knot.
For now, he settles for the way Peter's cock opens him up, making space inside his tight little body that even breathing feels a little difficult. It… feels good… The way Peter's cock fills him up, the fat length of it is a struggle to take. Tony’s legs tremble and he sits down on the alpha’s cock, dragging in a breath even as sweat drips from his temple.
“I’ll let you have it…” Tony promises him as he nuzzles the alpha’s neck, his nose brushing against Peter’s mating gland. The alpha freezes, holding stock still even as his cock throbs inside Tony’s pussy.
Just like how omegas don't steal their mates, omegas also don't bite their mates. Only omegas get bitten.
Unorthodox. Radical. Untraditional.
Those are the words that Tony’s been described as and he doesn't regret it, not one bit. It lets him act without second guessing so when he sinks his sharp omega fangs into his chosen mate, he has no regrets.
Peter jerks underneath him, his hips pushing that last stubborn inch of his cock into Tony’s already stuffed pussy. It presses in so deep…! And yet, the omega doesn't release, only bites down harder even when his eyes threaten to roll to the back of his head. The alpha’s cockhead is nestled against something that's never been touched before and it gives Tony a kind of deep aching pleasure he's never felt until now.
The taste of blood fills his mouth. Tangy metallic blood. It barely registers, his entire body squeezing around the alpha’s cock.
If Tony was in heat, it would be a deep mating bite. Without his heat, it's just a bite but one that rouses Peter’s instincts into a frenzy. Even the promise of a mating bite has the alpha you g wild beneath him.
“Ah…!” Tony finally releases his mouthful, gasping when something else catches his attention. He feels the growing presence inside him. Peter’s knot– “Oh… fuck… fuck…!”
The knot pops, expanding quickly and stretching Tony’s insides until he's gasping at the sheer presence of it inside him. The Superior trembles in ecstasy, feeling as though his body is working to accommodate the alpha, and for once, he wonders if it's too much.
The knot grows and grows, leaving no space untouched, every bit of it claimed by the alpha. The omega's clawed fingertips press into Peter’s shoulders and leave little pinpricks of pain as he breathes through the knotting.
Not that Peter feels it. In the high of his orgasm, the alpha is trying his best to give Tony those short desperate thrusts even while he's restrained. Tony feels it when the pup comes. Unrestrained, nothing between them… It's like a torrent of heat flooding an already tightly filled space. Tony feels every pulse, every desperate twitch of the alpha's cock as he pumps him full.
Tony should be pissed. He told the alpha not to come and yet, he ends up chuckling against the bite.
His hips start a slow grind, feeling the shift of the knot in the clutch of his body. It's gotten so big that it's rubbing right against a sweet spot… His cocklet is also getting some sweet friction against the alpha’s toned stomach.
The combined sensations are too much and he's being filled up. His stomach feels like it's bloating with the loads being pumped into him.
Tony’s breath goes ragged. He feels that heavy anticipation in the pit of his stomach, condensing– growing tighter and tighter, that pinnacle of pleasure just within reach… so close… His toes curl and his claws dig into the meat of Peter’s shoulder, deepening the scent of metallic tanginess in the heavy mix of alpha and omega.
Tony bites again as he tips over, clinging to the alpha pup that's brought him so much pleasure. He clamps down on the swollen knot and Peter cries out again, tugging at his bonds.
Wetness spurts between them as Tony comes.
There’s an audible snap, even amongst the pleasured moans and ragged breaths, but it doesn't register what's happened until they go tumbling to the ground. Tony, himself, feels the back of his head knock against the floor but it barely phases him.
The alpha’s newly freed hands grasp Tony’s hips tight in his grip. He covers Tony’s sprawled fucked out body with his own, instincts wild with the urge to mate and breed.
Tony’s physically trapped, caged in by Peter’s body. Some other omega may have panicked but not Tony.
No, the older omega laughs and then he lets go.
He’s never suppressed his scent, not since he became Superior. No one's ever been able to take him down, to mate him, to own him.
This baby alpha though… Tony is going to own him instead.
His scent deepens, the notes in it becoming sharper and wilder. There are hints of metal now emerging, blending so well with his already sweet omega scent. Blending in with Peter’s, it's an entirely new mix and it's intoxicating because it's them.
Just as Tony's claimed the alpha, he's allowing himself to be claimed by his instincts.
This alpha… He’s going to be the Superior's in every sense of the word. And the only way for the bonding to take place is if the Superior goes into heat. The only way he would go into heat is by letting this baby alpha trigger it.
A thrill of the excitement blazes through him and the Superior lets Peter’s rich enticing scent curl into his lungs. It reaches even further inside him and strokes to life a need that Tony hasn't felt in so… so… long…
The Superior begins to ache and oh, what an exciting feeling it is… His instincts heighten even more so, becoming razor sharp even as his body starts to go all buttery soft and warm inside. His thighs tighten around the alpha’s hips.
He’s becoming too hot.
Being fucked, being knotted… Their bodies are joined so intimately, Tony’s omega body eagerly accepting the loads of cum being fucked into him. The regulations his nanotech provides are put to sleep, overwritten, and Tony finally responds in the way his instincts want him to.
It feels like the heat brings his very blood to a simmer then a quick boil. He feels hot all over and his legs come to wrap around the alpha’s waist as he arches his back.
The jewelry stays, the collar being the only safeguard against the alpha mating him. He hasn't earned it yet.
It's the last restraint he leaves but everything else…
They've given themselves over to their instincts.
Tony’s heat, given free rein by the omega himself. Peter’s rut, triggered by the omega’s scent.
There is no fight except the clashing of their bodies, desperate and wild. Sweat and slick, and cum. Peter grinds into him as though his knot isn't being tightly squeezed already, as though he hadn't just fucked the Superior full.
When the knot softens, Tony flips the alpha onto his back. He rocks against the alpha, back arching so that the light catches his jewelry, drawing the alpha's attention once more.
Peter’s fangs flash before the omega leans down and placates him with a kiss.
Their first kiss and it's just as wild as their first fuck.
Peter chases after the Superior's lips when he pulls away, bringing their mouths together in another hungry kiss.
“Mm… mmm!” Peter is inexperienced, that much is clear when one of his alpha fangs cut into Tony’s bottom lip. It gives their kiss a hint of iron to it which only has Tony pressing forward.
Tony licks the drop of blood from the corner of his lips, blue eyes flashing in excitement. The hint of pain quickly passed, his body healing instantly. The memory of it, though, has ignited even more heat in Tony’s body and he starts rolling his hips, the pup’s soft cock growing hard inside him.
He takes control of the kiss, claw tipped fingers digging into the alpha’s hair and pressing into his scalp. Peter rightfully becomes submissive beneath him, giving control to the experienced omega.
A purr rumbles out of Tony before it cuts off. His tongue enters between Peter’s lips and he finds the kid eager.
It takes only a little bit of encouragement before Peter's leaning into him, his tongue stroking Tony’s. The Superior is glad that Shield’s notes were correct. Peter is a fast learner.
His hands wander over the alpha’s shoulders, caressing down his bound arms before slipping between their bodies. When his hand squeezes Peter’s balls, the alpha shudders and whines, hips once more bucking.
So eager.
Tony pulls away and is satisfied with the kissed bruised plumpness of Peter’s lips. His own kissed swollen mouth curved up into a smirk.
He presses his hands down on the alpha’s chest in a silent command but it isn't needed. The rise and fall of his hips has the alpha mesmerized and Peter groans when he catches flashes of his wet cock between Tony's slick thighs.
The Superior strikes once more, just as Peter gasps out a stuttered “C-coming…!”
This time, when Tony’s bite sinks into Peter’s mating gland, it takes and forever bonds the alpha to the omega as Peter breeds him full.
Once more, they're lost in lust and need, their minds ravaged by their instincts.
As Tony’s being fucked–
As he rides the alpha’s cock–
As he’s bent over the table, the hacked video feeds of SHIELD still looking for Peter–
Peter’s teeth bite down on the collar multiple times. He wants to sink his teeth into his omega but Tony distracts him with kisses, with his clever hands pumping his aching cock, with his sweet lips as he mouths the pup’s soft knot…
It all passes in a blur of sex, their bodies well matched. Peter’s youthful stamina is bested by the Superior's experience and enhancements.
Their last mating is in Tony’s bed with the entire building on lockdown. An alert has shown that Shield has finally caught onto Tony but the pair are locked away in a secured nest of their own.
Peter holds him tight, the thumping of his heart a resounding beat against Tony’s back. One of the alpha's hands is fondling his cocklet while the other holds the omega’s leg up in the crook of his elbow, his hips slapping against Tony’s ass in a harsh desperate rhythm.
The mess of cum and slick leaking out of his pussy and ass is ignored as Peter pants heated breaths against his ear. The Superior, too, has his head thrown back, claws digging into the meat of Peter's thighs as he urges him to finish.
“Alpha…” Tony sighs, exhausted but heavily satisfied.
The pup nuzzles against his neck, long used to the fact that the jewelry is there. It's enough… Tony’s wet pussy clamped on him, his sweet mouth calling him alpha… It’s enough…
His cock sinks in with a sloppy squelch and it's wet and hot inside Tony’s pussy… He's been fucked loose, but with the omega’s orgasm, the flutter of his insides along the alpha's cock has the pup whimpering as he gets close once more.
“Gonna come…” Peter gasps out. His cock throbs in its tight little home and his balls pull up taut, ready to deliver.
The omega moans, his body tightening down in further encouragement.
“Give it to me… Give me all of it…” Tony‘s voice is rough but still commanding.
Peter buries his face against Tony's shoulder and with a low groan, he gives in.
Tony closes his eyes and savors the now familiar feeling of being bred. Compared to their first mating, this one won't last as long. He feels the twitching of Peter’s cock inside him as it unloads, the nice stretch of his knot as it fills him again… One load, two… three… then a weaker pulse.
It's still a lot for an alpha but not as much as before. Their heat and rut are winding down but the bond will still be there.
“You’re mine, alpha,” Tony murmurs when they finally settle in.
Unwillingly or not. Everything that is Peter’s is now his. His kisses. His attention. His cock.
He turns in the alpha's arms and Peter nuzzles into his embrace, still in the grips of a mating afterglow.
He's not sure what the morning will bring. How Peter will react, but he knows for certain that he won't let the pup go now or ever.
“Mine,” the omega murmurs and Peter rumbles in contentment.
A soft purr joins him as the night finally ends.
Peter wakes up in increments.
He’s warm and comfortable and the most relaxed he's ever been. His limbs feel like they're weighted down, heavy with relaxation. He hasn't felt this content since before the bite, since before Uncle Ben’s passing.
It's unusual but he clings hard to this weightless sense of contentment. His arms tighten around his pillow, bringing it closer, and it's only then that his brain comes online.
He's not hugging a pillow.
His eyes snap open and he comes face to face with New York’s most dangerous omega. He expects adrenaline to kick in hard and for shock/surprise/horror to crash into him, but instead, he's calm.
Calm and something else… His face grows hot while something else beneath the warm blanket grows thick and hard.
He should… should…
The Superior smells so good… And even though most of their activities last night are blurred, Peter remembers. He remembers heat and passion, the tight silky clutch of the older omega’s pussy as it locked on his knot, squeezing down so exquisitely that Peter had to sink his teeth into something to withstand the sheer pleasure he had felt.
Peter’s breath catches in his throat at the memory. He swallows down the influx of saliva that had flooded his mouth and tries to calm down enough that he's not sporting a hard on but it's… It's impossible.
Wait. He had bitten Tony in his lust induced rut. Had he hurt him?!
Peter pulls back, withdrawing his arms as carefully as he can to avoid waking the omega.
The covers get pulled back and Tony– the Superior, the CEO of Stark Industries, the most eligible and most dangerous omega in the country… He curls up like a sleepy kitten, mouth pouting as the warmth from their shared body heat leaves him cold.
Peter’s hit with the instinct to care for him and raise the covers so he's tucked in, nice and warm.
He stops himself because it's only then he can see the damage he’s done to the omega.
Bite marks litter his previously flawless skin. The only thing that had survived was the jewelry the omega had been wearing. So he didn't bite Tony…
He raises his hand to his own mating gland and his fingers come away with flakes of dried blood.
The bite throbs too but it's already healed a lot.
For some reason, the alpha doesn't find himself conflicted about being bonded against his will, even if it's a one-sided mating. He wonders if it's the post mating emotions talking or if the bond linking him to Tony is influencing him.
He’ll never know and he finds that… he's okay with it. At least at this moment.
Looking at the sleeping omega, at his sleeping mate, Peter tries to recall more of what happened.
Peter doesn't remember what happened to his clothing but he can imagine tearing them off in his desperation.
The bite marks, of course, are from him. He remembers, in not so vivid detail, how he'd scraped his fangs over the omega's neck. How he’d settled his mouth over his chest, tongue laving at the omega's nipple and the other hand pinching and twisting the other nipple.
He remembers sinking in deep, slick heat enveloping his cock, a growl in his throat. He remembers using all his strength to fuck the omega senseless, hands leaving bruises on the Superior’s hips, bone hard under the pad of his thumb.
He remembers… the Superior moaning and egging him on, his lips curved in a delighted smile, his lips panting open… He remembers fucking that mouth and spurting a thick load over that sinful mouth.
He sees all the signs of everything they’d done and his cock throbs.
Peter’s eyes gravitate to the Superior’s long tanned legs and it's like something takes control. His hands reach forward, gently settling on top of the omega's knees and then he's pulling them apart.
The Superior’s cocklet is soft against his thigh. His pussy is still puffy and reddened from the hours of mating… Peter had been insatiable, he recalls with a heavy blush. Long hours of slow fucking, his cock plowing through cum and slick… And short quickies that added up to an equal amount of time, Peter humping and grinding, his knot barely softening before he was stuffing the omega full again.
Peter had been truly an alpha lost in rut… he feels an echo of that desperation and wonders if he's still in rut now… He can't take his eyes away from the sight in front of him and his cock is already hard…
Peter’s heart is pounding and he's so excited. Is this what it feels like to be with an omega? There are butterflies in his stomach, he feels lightheaded just looking at Tony… Is he… in love...? He can't be, they don't even know each other! But his heart is in his throat and he wants it so badly… Wants Tony…
A shaking hand reaches out and he pulls those puffy lips apart.
He pushes a finger inside, cock twitching when the sleeping omega moans. Inside, it's hot and wet, just as he remembered it.
What breaks the fragile hold he has on his control is that when he pulls his finger out, creamy white covers it.
He can't take it. He can't–
Before he realizes it, the tip of his cock is pushing its way past the omega’s entrance. He doesn't wait– can't wait– and then he's thrusting into the slick, cum filled pussy of the most dangerous omega he's ever met.
He’s fucking the Superior raw. Does it even matter though? When there's evidence of Peter having already came inside him?
His mind doesn't care even though there's a tiny voice somewhere screaming about what he's doing. Not even about yesterday but what he's doing now. Tony isn't even awake…
It's too good– he can't stop. He doesn't want to stop. He’s had a taste of what it feels like, of what being with the Superior is like. His silly boyish dream of finding a nice gentle mate is nothing compared to the fire the Superior's ignited inside him.
He braces himself over the omega, his snapping with determination and making such obscene wet sounds as his cock moves through cum and slick.
Breedbreedbreed… mate…
The pleasure builds and he can't stop himself. He wants to come inside again… His lips pull up, bearing teeth and sharp alpha fangs. Why can't he control himself…?
He's right at the precipice, his knot growing from soft to hard when Tony wakes up.
He knows because he’s shoved hard enough that he’s knocked into the ceiling to floor windows in front of the bed. They don't shatter, only rattle at the impact.
He slumps to the floor, naked and dazed.
The Superior rises from the bed, brilliant blue eyes aglow as he walks to him, equally naked. Cum trails down his thighs which momentarily distracts Peter until his eyes snap up back to the omega approaching him.
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…” Peter stutters, his mind finally clear.
“Fucked me while I was sleeping?” The Superior finishes his sentence.
He looks at Peter with that cold gaze, mouth twitching when he finds Peter’s erection still hard.
Peter doesn't even dare to move when the Superior lifts a delicate foot. He steps down on the alpha’s cock and all Peter does is shudder, feeling humiliated but still so, so turned on. After fucking the omega, his cock is wet with Tony’s slick… and he’d been close to coming that even the pain of being knocked into the wall hadn't phased him. The friction of Tony stepping down on such a sensitive part of his body… Shame makes his face burn even when his cock twitches.
The omega can clearly feel it but he only presses down harder, adding more weight which only makes Peter tremble harder.
“I don't mind that so much, but you were going to come,” the omega says with hooded eyes. “It looks like you’ll need a lot more training.”
He finally steps back but instead of leaving Peter in a humiliated slump on the ground, he slides himself into the alpha’s lap in a single graceful movement. He straddles Peter’s lap and the alpha’s breath catches in his throat when Tony positions his cock at the entrance of his pussy.
He shudders, hands clenching at his sides when Tony sinks down, throwing his head back as the alpha’s cock stretches his insides with its wide girth.
“Hmm… Already learning… Good boy…” the Superior praises him.
Peter doesn't know what he did right but all he does is stare in stupefied wonder as the omega fucks himself on Peter’s cock.
“Don't make me do all the work,” the omega commands and takes Peter's hands and places them on his hips. “Fuck me. And don't come until I say you can.”
“Yes, sir…”
Now that he's given permission and he knows the omega won't eviscerate him, Peter eagerly joins in. His hands grip the omega's hips, finding a familiar hold and fucking the omega just as he ordered. He mouths at the bruises he'd left on Tony’s collarbones, adding even more and appeasing his instinct to mark and claim.
“Maybe if you're good… I’ll let you bite me where it counts…” the words are whispered in his ear.
Bite…? Peter almost comes on the spot.
To mate the Superior…
Peter’s eyes go hazy as lust takes over. When Tony tilts his chin up, he eagerly offers his mouth, moaning when the omega kisses him breathless.
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marengogo · 2 years
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I posted 258 times in 2022
That's 258 more posts than 2021!
124 posts created (48%)
134 posts reblogged (52%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 151 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#asks - 35 posts
#jikook - 33 posts
#bts 7 nation army - 21 posts
#people who are lost - 20 posts
#jm - 16 posts
#jk - 12 posts
#bts chapter 2 - 10 posts
#about marengo - 9 posts
#jkk nak - 8 posts
#jimin - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 36 characters
#we ain’t about that life around here
My Top Posts in 2022:
i cant stop thinking about the way jimin was giggling like a school girl after he called jk over as a guest for his bday party, and then getting all awkward and flustered as if talking to his school crush. he was smiling so much even if jungkook was just standing there— and the way jungkook was also giggling when he said "jimin came by" to greet him happy birthday on his recent live. my boys are so smitten for each other its so adorable
It’s the way they do things all the members do, but when they do it every so often it feels like we are intruding, you know?
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Oh and let’s UNOT7nify things for a change, shall we? for all those people out there going “but Hobi was there as well so”. To begin with, we have no idea of how it all went down. If JM didn’t come forth with that Hobi super-crop, we could have assumed that maybe they visited him at different times. But even with Hobi being there, who was the one that was so eagerly awaiting this day? Who was the one who gave us another very cute super-crop picture, of JK this time, while he is seemingly blowing out candles? 
Hobi also joined them during JM’s birthday live last year, and people that don’t want to acknowledge it will not, but the change of atmosphere was instant. Before his arrival, not gonna lie to you, I was in disbelief and I didn't realise I was holding my breath until Hobi came in. Same with the Team Party-Party~! V-Live in LV, the way JM’s whole demeanour changed when JK walked into that room. Tae unbothered and Hobi moving aside, both probably being very used to this dynamic by now, but us still watching and wondering if all of this is okay to witness?! LOL
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43 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
QUICKIE - 1: The Moon Embracing The Sun
LOVE AGAIN - by Daniel Caesar, Brandy  [CASE STUDY 01]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Constantly, I hope everyone is doing great and I’m guessing we are all very excited about tomorrow! I’m perhaps overly excited and all I need to do at this point is try and get some sleep, like for real, but I feel like I’m a kid again and it's Xmas Eve’s Night where even tho I ain’t tryna catch Santa, I’m too hyped to sleep 🙃 … ANYWAYS, As the name of this series suggests, this is not going to be anything excessively long, but rather just a quick observation regarding some cute/lucky/noticeable occurrence I might have noticed or that might have happened in correlation to Jikook.
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Today I’d like to talk about a “little” K-Drama called The Moon Embracing The Sun, which is from 2012, like, a good 10 years ago, but good stuff, good stuff! I literally just finished watching and it took me two weeks because I was trying to make it last (and it is a good 20 episodes). As you might already have deduced, the fact that it talked about The Moon and The Sun made me think of Jikook and straight away my brain started braining as I began to better understand a very distinct difference between how The West and The East perceive the relationship between the Moon and the Sun (myself being born and brought up in The West). 
First of all, I was quite intrigued to find out that the drama was a love story between the Sun and the Moon, since (as some might have gathered by now) with me being really big on mythology (greek/roman in particular), I’ve always had a hard time thinking of the Sun and the Moon as anything other than twins, which is what Apollo (eventually god of the Sun) and Artemis (eventually goddess of the moon) are. In The East it appears that they for the most part star crossed lovers for something the moon did apparently, but lovers nevertheless.
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46 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Silver Lining - What If #2 : I Caught You Bae Bae! [PART 1]
Dreamers - by Jungkook of BTS  [Music from the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Official Soundtrack]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
🐺 — 🐺 — 🐺—
This week has been a bit messy hasn’t it? And to top the madness all off, though I’m sure we are all happy to see that JK is doing well, thanks to his IG updates, it would have been great to “hear” from Jimin as well 🥹at this point is like, I know you working but, help a sister out you know? Like we be “worrying”/hella selfish here in this neck of the woods, like … jimiii↗️↘️iiin, I MISS SO MUCH IT HURTS 😭. So I thought I’d stop by to write something … cute me thinks? I think we can all use some fluffy, tender and light STD: Speculations, Thoughts and Delulu. In fact, the idea for this post was the result of me reading this post → Jikook After Tokyo by @wingzie. So welcome to another long ass post! 
Though wingzie’s post was clearly about both JM and JK, I haven’t been able to shake off the image of Jimin blushing/being shy. I’ve always felt like Park Jimin is the kind of human being who, at least until circa pre-2018, would instantly wear his heart on his sleeve full-throttle. As of present, he seems to be much more in control with regards to the majority of emotions that he can control, sometimes even resorting to smart talk/ cynicism as a substitute as well. But oh boi, it used to be that we were always made aware of any kind of emotion he felt from little happiness and ecstasy to pet-peeves and straight up being bothered.
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The only time we are now privy of a non-controlled emotion from Jimin is when he blushes/gets shy. There are infinite reasons why different people get shy. Some people get shy out of being complimented, some people get shy just being in the proximity of the person they maybe fancy, some people get shy when put on the spot, etc etc etc. When it comes to JM, what in my opinion, seems to be his shy trigger are situations where he REALLY doesn’t know what to do. So he “blushes” or becomes “shy”, so to say, and in his case it seems to happen mostly on 2 particular scenarios:
He is out of depts, not in his element, doesn't want us to know, and he is well aware that it will show on his face.
He hasn’t yet processed his feelings with regards to a certain situation. Hence, he hides his face so that we don’t see how he is feeling in that moment, before he himself can actually process what it is that he is even feeling.
Now, though JM has admitted on many occasions that he is indeed the shiest member of the band, people who are just focused on his performance persona, or just observe him within his comfort zone (which is for example anything with his members RUN BTS, BON VOYAGE etc) will not notice this side of him all, in fact they might even think that he is “capping”.
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52 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
hi dunno if you had this question or not but do u think before jikook become a "thing" vmin and jihope messed around... cos if u ask other blogs they will beat around the bushes but aint nobody actually answering lol im saying this cos vmin are close as jihope hobi was his roomate tho (roomates) i didnt see jimin &hobi dynamic turn around like this until bv in malta or burn the stage..?
anyway it doesnt changr my opinion on jikook im just curious cos it looks like they prob messed around lol and
at some point i think rm had a crush on jimin too thats why sometimes jungkook had ?? a "problem with minimoni " monitoring jikook
Hello Anon,
Sure, let’s talk abou it.
No, I don’t think JM messed around with any other member in BTS before, during or after JK. Short answer; amongst other factors, one (not the main factor but  …) is it would take a person who actually thinks they are desired in such a manner to do so, and quite unfortunately, for the longest time, I do believe JM didn’t believe himself to be said person at all. As for the Long answer, let’s look at each pairing you mentioned, shall we?
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Let’s start with giving some context to my thoughts: 
Not sure if you read any other of my posts, but I think 2015 was the year JK started “peacocking” so to say, at JM, and through ups and downs it took them 2017/2018 to actually enter a steady relationship and by steady I don’t mean they were in an open relationship prior to this. What I mean is that they both were trying to figure out things like, for example; what they actually were feeling for each other, or would them “being together” actually work, or could they really actually do this., etc, etc etc.  
Furthermore, I should add, that I believe JM “taunting” JK with requests of kisses and telling him he liked him and wanted to go out with him etc, as they already had a very good relationship off-camera (as proven by various interviews), was just an also quite naive approached mixing at an attempt to establish a connection with JK on camera, with feelings he still himself hadn’t quite properly acknowledged. In simple words: He was consciously kidding about feelings he subconsciously already had but never really took seriously. 
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57 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Well Well Well … - 1 : … BRUH~!
Shinunoga E-Wa - by 藤井風 (Fuji Kaze)  [HELP EVER HURT NEVER]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
I’ve been wondering.
For the past week, I’ve been wondering about what Jeon Jungkook would do for Park Jimin’s birthday  privately. Because I was 100% sure he wouldn’t appear in JM’s vlive, just as much as I was 100% sure JM wouldn’t vlive from his private home (my reasons being, are probably for another post though … 😁). BUT, at the same time I did  wonder; since JK doesn’t have the excuse of being at the company anymore, and since he is not going to release another 100% centric Jimin GCF; … what is he going to do? So you might be wondering: if you didn;t think he was going to do anything public, why still wonder about what he could do?
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MIND YOU, being the private person that he is (they are), I did for the most part  expected JK to not post anything at all. So I was actually at work wanting to talk to my loved one and not being able to (don’t ask…) while waiting for some Jikookers to beg for JK to post something, the whole time thinking “…  it would be nice if they’d leave JK alone, is not like he is going to publicly do anything ..”. AND THEN, the second I thought that, I remember about last years birthday and I was like “🤦🏾‍♀️🙄😒😬…”.
Which brought me right back to the me that had been hypothetically thinking about “if, then what?”. If JK really wanted to publicly wish JM a happy birthday in a still intimate way but still not being caught: HOW THE FUCK WOULD HE DO THAT? 
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60 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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addcests · 1 year
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look at us now [ao3]
pairing DBrDom (DBr top, DoM bottom)
words 2801
rating [T]
summary Scrunching his nose, with his eyes now open fully, he was greeted with the breath-stopping sight of Dominator, at peace, lulled away by the land of dreams, exhaling a soft breath every other moment. It made his heart flutter.
note when da kouahi wants the old married couple... lapin provides the old married couple uwu happy late bday and xmas kouhai! @rainsonata
Nothing could ever compare to the comfort of waking up to Dominator.
Gradually, at his leisure, the brawler stirred, his internal clock demanding he begin to wake regardless of what time the alarm may have read. And even as both his internal clock and body protested, he forced his eyes open bit by bit, already able to feel the sun’s warmth ticking his face. It made him grin, relishing in the feeling of it all. Scrunching his nose, with his eyes now open fully, he was greeted with the breath-stopping sight of Dominator, at peace, lulled away by the land of dreams, exhaling a soft breath every other moment. It made his heart flutter.
Emotion then welled deep in his chest at the mere sight of it. 
Soon the sun would flood over Dominator as well, illuminating his neatly framed face. But he did not wake, instead tugging the covers closer, mumbling something incoherent, and scooting closer to Doom Bringer, seeking out his warmth as he was wont to do. Once satisfied, a content smile settled on his face as he dozed back off.
“Beautiful,” Doom Bringer murmured, enamored, fingers outstretched to brush back a few stray strands from tickling the scientist’s peaceful face. He watched as the warm light continued to dance along Dominator’s face, making intricate patterns and shapes that Doom Bringer wanted nothing more than to follow with the tips of his fingers. Eventually the light's warmth continued its travels and he watched as his hair was nestled with a sun’s halo. He watched as Dominator’s long lashes brushed his cheeks. He watched as Dominator’s plump lips opened and closed with each tiny puff of breath. He watched and watched and watched—committing the minutest detail to memory.
He could watch Dominator just like this forever, lost in their own little bubble, just the two of them.
And sometimes Doom Bringer did indulge. But at other times, so comforted by the atmosphere, his mind would scatter off to other happier moments, recalling a fond memory or two, usually of times long past.
Some… not as happy, but still oh so fond in the sense they had come so far.
Again, Dominator, in all of his sleeping glory, decided once more that, despite being glued to the other, Doom Bringer was still not close enough (and, really, he truly was) and sought to rectify this by snuggling even closer.
He hadn't meant to but Doom Bringer snorted softly. Though, not at the action of Dominator being impossibly cute while he slept and seeking more cuddles, but rather at the fact that the idea alone used to make Mastermind blanch at him, as if he suggested something as heinous as to stop drinking so much coffee.
That was its own hurdle: physical affection. Dominator always knew from their times as tracers that that was what Doom Bringer knew best. But, then he supposed, with a relationship attached to it, that must have suddenly changed things. It changed everything and it didn’t. It certainly reframed how they would both approach one another. At best, it was embarrassing for him and he was too shy; at worst, Psyker was an insatiable beast and misunderstood. 
A challenge in of itself was to right the way Mastermind saw physical touch as inherently sexual when it could be so, so much more. A kiss could be innocent, fleeting, a simple greeting, of so much more; being physically close without leading to anything sexual could be just as gratifying and fulfilling, if not more; and fucking was not the same as making love. It took time to show Mastermind all these things, how to love through all the ways he knew best, but he would happily do it all over again.
And as if recalling the various ways he knew best to love the scientist, Doom Bringer leaned over, and pecked Dominator on the lips, quick and fast.
He smiled, not deterred in the slightest. For when that drew no response, he moved on next to his favorite: kissing everywhere but Dominator lips, because every other inch of him deserved an equal amount of affection too. He loved littering his cheeks in kisses, and he loved trailing butterfly-soft pecks to each eyelid (and then, maybe doing it again) and he loved nuzzling Dominator’s nose.
He simply loved making Dominator feel loved.
Finally, finally, finally Dominator stirred, opening his eyes to find Doom Bringer’s enraptured, lovesick smile. "Well, good morning."
"Mornin'," he replied, leaning in to repeat his kissing ritual. He could not be stopped… well, perhaps he could be under one condition.
"Ah, Psyker, I already greeted you—tickles… !" 
Even if Dominator jostled and chuckled and moved, Doom Bringer was insistent. He continued, unbothered and unfazed, "You know how t' get me to stop." And that was how he found himself on the receiving end of one of Dominator’s sweetest morning kisses, sagging happily against Dominator in return for his morning prize.
Reluctant, the sleepy-eyed Dominator barely pulled away. "There, menace." But Dominator's voice was full of nothing but affection.
"You like it," he shot back.
Dominator hummed, pressing closer and fitting snug, his head under Doom Bringer’s chin, "I do."
Ah, honesty, another learned behavior. A painfully, slowly, learned behavior. But always refreshing and worth all the effort.
He was worth the effort.
"I haven't even freshened up yet," Dominator pretend-complained, voice somehow managing to be whiny despite just waking up.
"Don' care."
"Hmm, well I do. Come."
Even if he could still be a bit of a brat.
Despite getting up as early as they did (by Dominator’s standards, of course), none of their counterparts could be tempted and lured in to join for a late breakfast. A shame, that. Doom Bringer did like cooking for everyone. Still, he couldn’t resist, a creature of habit. He made extra rice, and left extra portions of meat and other breakfast favorites should the aroma prove tempting or they wake sooner than later. That just left… the coffee. 
That Dominator was fiddling with.
“You wan’ help with that?”
“No, I have it,” Dominator insisted.
And he did seem to have it under control. To which Doom Bringer shrugged, then plopped himself in the chair at the table having finished everything else already. In the midst of waiting for the brew to be finished, the brawler’s thoughts began to trail off once more, returning to the sleepy memories he recalled as he woke early. He sat, dazed, unaware that while he was recollecting, Dominator had approached and placed his share of caffeine in front of him already. 
So Dominator saw fit to snap him out of it the best way he knew how.
“Oh?” Doom Bringer’s lips curled into nothing short of a pleased little grin to feel a gentle press of lips to his own. Eagerly, he leaned up to meet the other man’s lips, whatever was on his mind now fading away into the background in exchange for focusing on Dominator in front of him entirely. The kiss was short, nothing more than a few moments passed and soon Doom Bringer could only replay the feeling of the other’s soft lips pressed against his, watching as Dominator pulled away, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, pleased? Or was he simply happy? Certainly not embarrassed. At least, not like how he—Mastermind—would get. 
Dominator finally took a seat beside him and tipped his head slightly, his gaze flickered with curiosity now. He then asked, “And what has you so tickled when you were spaced out seconds ago?”  
“”s nothing,” he replied. The look Dominator gave him told him he did not believe him for a moment. “Well, I was just thinking.”
“A dangerous thing, coming from you,” said while he sipped his coffee, approving of its taste with a hum.
Doom Bringer paid it no heed, continuing effortlessly, as he propped his chin against his palm, elbow on the table as his shoulders relaxed, leaning towards Dominator in a lazy sort of fashion, “You would have blushed if you did that years ago.”
“That’s what you think.” Normally, this sort of phrase would be posed as a question; however, Dominator stated it with a note of finality. There was no question about it.
“Nah, there’s no way you would have kissed me first without blushing.”
Dominator sat quietly, suddenly finding his coffee much more interesting. "I don't remember," and he finished with another pointed sip from his mug.
“Speaking of kisses, do you remember our first kiss?”
"We had a fight, then we kissed."
"Ya remember that but not the other thing?" Doom Bringer nearly whined, "and why did you put it like that ? Come on, Dominator, you can do better than that. Humor me." Refusing to be dismayed, he flashed Dominator one of his winning smiles.
Unaffected by said smile, Dominator heaved a sigh. "That is how it went," Dominator paused, then relented, continuing, "we had had that awful fight that blew up." Again, Dominator paused, as if he were trying to shove back a particularly unsavory memory. "I thought I would lose you, but everything came out okay and," Dominator faced Doom Bringer, who was watching him so tenderly, he might have blushed, "and, all I could think about was to hold you, to not let go. And then I wanted nothing more at that moment than to kiss you. And I wanted to, so we did—"
Doom Bringer swallowed Dominator's surprised gasps, easing him with a slow mesh of their lips, while his hand sought out the scientist’s unoccupied hand to squeeze, a small show of reassurance. Once parted, Doom Bringer added, "And we did, and look at us now."
"Look at us now," Dominator agreed, breathless, forehead pressed to Doom Bringer’s with a smile of reverence.
For the duration of the day, the two couldn’t seem to untangle themselves from one another nor be without the other for any extended period of time. And so, that was how after finishing cleaning the kitchen, Doom Bringer found Dominator minutes later, looking over some report, but now directing a knowing smile towards his way that beckoned him closer. He then patted the empty spot on the large, plush couch, inviting him over once more. 
He paced over and instead of sitting upright, as Dominator was probably expecting, he settled on being a sort of thorn in Dominator’s side, albeit a bit literally. He flopped onto his back, propping his head behind him while using his arms as a headrest, and fixing his crossed ankles over Dominator’s lap.
Dominator’s only response was to shake his head, but refusing to give anymore energy to react towards Doom Bringer’s actions.
Doom Bringer chuckled to himself and went about making himself cozier, yawning as he did so. His other half didn’t seem keen on leaving anytime soon, so maybe he could shut his eyes, catch a snooze and relax a bit.
“You’re more patient.”
Or so he thought. Lifting his head some, he blinked expectedly Dominator’s way, waiting for an explanation. “Huh?”
Dominator’s fingers typed along some floating hologram window before pushing it aside, catching the brawler’s gaze out of the corner of his eyes. “You are definitely more patient. In general,” and Dominator brought up a gloved hand to his chin, humming in thought, as if running through all the scenarios in which Doom Bringer displayed said new-found patience, then continued, “but also with me. With us.” His voice had lowered to something soft, almost tender, a smile threatening to burst from behind his gloved hand..
Ah, had Dominator been going down his own memory lane too while he was busy? He sat up, pushing himself up with an elbow, interested now, as he curled towards Dominator. “Ya? You think so?”
The scientist huffed under his breath for show, flicking some of his bangs out of the way of his eyes. “Don’t get me wrong. Your temper is still quite nasty,” Dominator ignored Doom Bringer’s cry of protest, “maybe even worse, honestly. But, you do a better job of reigning yourself in.”
Doom Bringer would not pout, but he did sit there, a large frown stretched across his face now. “I can’t tell if you were insulting me or complimenting me.” 
“Of course it’s a compliment.”
Doom Bringer wasn’t so sure about that, shrugging at Dominator's confirmation, “Thanks, I guess.” 
“And! Oh, and you certainly don’t blush as much—“
“I do not blush!” Oh, but now Doom Bringer was indignant. “Come off of it… !”
“—you weren’t the only one with a red face back then!” Dominator jabbed a finger at the now flushing Doom Bringer. “Look, even now. And you know it’s true.” He continued to point, poking his chest as if to further his point. Which, Doom Bringer was not going to stand for, but before he could defend his honor, Dominator gave pause, his sly smirk, easing into something more soft, into a look of adoration that made him pause as well. “And not just that, you know what else?”
Doom Bringer grunted at him in reply, not wanting to give him another easy opening to tease him.
“You know how to love me best,” and they were already so close, Dominator needed to only turn to press their foreheads together, and angle his head just so, to capture Doom Bringer’s lips briefly, and then he pulled back to continue, “even better now, too.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Doom Bringer was yanking him back in for another kiss, though not some simple peck that the scientist deemed satisfactory after saying that , but more firm, deeper, just deep enough that Dominator would feel everything, nothing short of his feelings of his love. And even when Dominator tried to escape, to catch his breath, Doom Bringer was insistent, miffed that Dominator would even try to part from him right now, catching his wrist and tugging him back in for yet another searing kiss. 
They stayed like that, Dominator allowing Doom Bringer to draw him back in over and over and Doom Bringer kissing, kissing, kissing Dominator until he was satisfied. Until Dominator knew how he felt. The hungry, deep kisses slowed into something lazy, chaste, dissolving into pecks, Doom Bringer moving from kissing his lips to littering said kisses everywhere on his face instead, as he loved to do, and eventually placing one final kiss to the top of his head. 
“You really just say things like that, huh. But it’s not just me, you too, you know.”
“I know,” Dominator breathed, lips red from Dominator’s advances. Content, he scooted closer, leaning his weight onto Doom Bringer’s shoulder.
A comfortable silence settled between them, no longer a need for words or an exchange of further touches, but enjoying the feeling of simply basking in one another’s presence. It was enough. The atmosphere almost lulled Dominator into a dazed state, still sleepy from waking so early with the brawler. And he would have probably continued like that, dozing off, had it not been for Doom Bringer making one of his thoughtful little sounds. It prompted Dominator to silently nudge him as if to ask him what was on his mind.
“... our first kisses.”
He heard Dominator hum lazily in reply, so Doom Bringer continued.
“Did you say you kissed me?”
There was more silence that shifted between them, but it was as if the previously peaceful moment they were embracing was starting to crack and shatter as Dominator sat more at attention, rigid, his eye twitching suddenly. Certainly not a premonition of something to come. The pause stretched until Dominator willed himself to answer, resisting a sigh. Cautiously he said, “yes?”
“Pretty sure it was me who kissed you ,” the brawler said immediately, almost cutting Dominator off.
“You did not.”
“Yes. Yes, I did.”
Dominator resisted the urge to rub at his temples, “You were quite incapacitated at the time. You could not move. I helped you sit up in the first place—”
“Ya, you helped me up, but then I kissed you—wah, ouch? Hey, what was that for?” Doom Bringer exclaimed loudly, rubbing his shoulder where Dominator had shoved him away none too gently while he got up. “Dominator! Hey, listen to me! Where are you even going?” 
“Paradox. He knows . He knows and he remembers, he was there watching after all.” Dominator kept up his pace until he was out of earshot.
Even still, Doom Bringer sagged back against the couch, throwing his head back groaning because of course Dominator had to prove himself right. No matter how wrong he was. Stubborn. And though Dominator was long out of sight by now, he still complained loudly, “Well, damn, tell him to join in next time or summin’ .” 
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pherryt · 2 years
4 and 16 for weird writer asks
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Hmm… feral in what way?
As a writer, I don’t think I have one? There aren’t words that I hate using or ones I *HAVE* to use, so far as I’ve noticed, though I’m sure I have a tendency towards or away from specific words. there's nothing I really feel strongly about - at least not strongly enough to remember right now! lol
But as a reader, you bet that if I see tub sharing in a tag, or touchstarved, I am HERE for it.
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
I took a poll with the family since I'm out with them right now. 
My daughter used a hall pass, my niece used a candy wrapper.
I'm currently trying to remember mine.  I tend not to use actual bookmarks, even though I once had a collection of them and have even MADE MY OWN, but I've used receipts, scraps of paper, bday and Xmas cards, the dust jacket, anything flat I might have on hand. 
I think I've also used things like cd cases and dvd cases and other books as long as it was temporary and I didn't need to worry about the book not being flat.
Okay, not the WEIRDEST - but I had one that I DID love, that my neighbor gave me over 20 years ago:
It was this little cloth, red and white striped mouse. It clipped on the front cover of the book, and it's super long tail would slip between the pages and hang out the other side, with a tiny little ribbon on the end of the tail.
It wasn't my favorite color, and it came with a slip case that matched that had handles that was neat but I didn't much care for having to switch books for all the time (considering how fast I was going through books back then), but even when I stopped using that case, I kept that freaking mouse.
The mouse is broken now, it can no longer clip onto anything, but I still have it.
Long Live the Mouse!
(disclaimer: not talking Disney)
Thank you for the ask!!! :D
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So, I’m going to put this story out here cause it is bothering me again (guilt galore no other reason) and because I also don’t want that to happen to anyone else. (side note: At first I only spoke about it with my own people because I didn’t feel it was anyone else’s business that I fucked up, but through all these months that have passed since then, I have noticed some fans going for something I tried to do and fucked up big time so I want to give them all some heads up so that you don’t end up being hated by an artist you admire, or an artist that means a lot to you in some way, anyway.)
If you are a visual kei fan you’ve probably noticed by now that compared to other artists in the world, visual kei bands tend to be more personal, even to the point of replying to fan comments regularly or mails etc. Some of them do it to gain traction for their band and others because they genuinely want to develop some sort of communication, away from the stage, with their fans (the latter one is a minority so I never know whether that’s true or not but some of them have proved they have no other motives).
So yeah, one time, one of my favorite rockers was really hurt about something and started talking shit about himself more than usual, and, having been his fan for sometime, I was tired of no one saying something (see this is the thing, I have 0 confidence in myself yet there have been so many times people praised me for being able to calm them down and help them being heard and understood (not only people I knew personally, even strangers online that I only spoke once to in case I saw they were speaking about a problem in a post) that at that point I felt that maybe I could do it now for someone I acually cared for, which was a big mistake). He has hit rock bottom multiple times but dammit, even now, I believe in his talent and what he is all about, because he fucking loves visual kei and I think he deserves better chances so I tried to speak up. I have been learning Japanese for 2 years now but back then it was roughly 1 and a half years so I hadn’t realized that in order to speak Japanese, you don’t only have to translate your words right, but also use the right type of grammar to pass that you are caring for someone and not lecturing. As you might have understood from all this, I tried to tell him that I did care and that I don’t think he is shit and that life is a fuckin train-wreck but also that I really really didn’t want him to give up on life. He was like “There is nth fun about life“ and even though I agreed with that post he had made, I tried to be positive (not too much cause I know how fucking annoying it is when you’re super down and people come to you to say all the fun things about life that you don’t see) and told him that maybe he will find sth in the future and all (like maybe in the future sth you like will pop up). I told him he is not alone cause there are a couple of jrockers he seems to be really close to so I was like hey look, you are close with these guys for many years (or at least for as long as i’ve known him he’s been doing things with these guys) etc. I said many things, okay? And once this was all over, I apologized about any parts that might not make sense cause I didn’t know good Japanese and I was using a translator to help me.
His reply made me understand that, what he had understood from my last phrase was that I was looking down on his ability to understand what people are telling him cause he said “Don’t worry, even I understood what you said.“. I thought maybe it was translated wrong or sth and then he posted an angry tweet, right after replying to me, questioning wtf is fun about life and that if I had an idea what was fun then maybe I should tell him, cause he sees nth like that. I felt like a spear went through my chest and took sometime to think. I reviewed what I sent, I translated again phrase after phrase while crying and trying to find it but I couldn’t so I wrote a long ass apology for intervening with his life and told him I didn’t want to tell him what to do cause every person has their own life and it’s all about “your life your rules“ for me and I only wished to show him he has fans who like him about his work too and that we cared about his well-being and yeah, I said i will never send anything like that again i won’t bother him, maybe send some wish on bdays and stuff, and that i am stupid for speaking without being asked. Anyway he didn’t reply so I rushed to research about dealing with someone that hurts that much (cause I’ve always thought what he is going through is worse than me, which is why I refrained from giving specific examples of what could be fun to try for him). Long story short I found several articles in encyclopedias and not, discussing the fact that apologizing after hurting someone by taking all the blame makes it look like you make it about yourself. That you apologize because you can’t stand not being forgiven. I erased the apology part in a heartbeat. That was mistake no 2. Cause days later he posted about that “my life my rules“ thing and that he had discussed it with his boss who told him that there are times you can’t follow your rules in his opinion cause you have to think of what people might think (obviously that phrase for me doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take other people’s feelings into consideration, I just wanted to point out I am not lecturing cause it’s not my business to tell others what to do but that’s how it seems he received it), and he was thinking about it. From that post and another one he was thinking about it alone, he made it look like he didn’t remember where he saw it so I thought that maybe he read it when I sent it and then the next day, seeing it gone, made him think that maybe he imagined it or sth.
Anyway. On Xmas I sent a Merry Christmas under a Merry Christmas post and he liked it so I was like....are we fine now? Anyway I said nth more. And then months later Corona came up and for several days he wasn’t posting anything which made me worry cause he used to post everyday until then or with a few days break? (i know this sounds like I was stalking and maybe that’s what you call it when you care about someone’s well-being during a pandemic, but I always check a couple out of all my favorites’ twitters more often than the rest, either because they are often talking about suicide like this guy I am talking about, or because I simply enjoy their posts more.agree with what they say more, etc. Other than that I am just scrolling down my feed and like photos, or posts I find okay or that I really like or agree with *shrugs*) Anyway I took the courage to ask if he is okay. If he and his family are okay and said that of course he doesn’t have to reply, I just wondered due to the whole pandemic and I wish he and his own people are safe. He first posted a tweet after that, saying that he knows what game someone is playing and that he is not fucking with tanuki(sly) girls like her so she had better drop it and that he doesn’t need her help and other lovely adjectives about someone who pretends to care in order to sleep with him? What would you take after that? And he also posted two videos which I didn’t even watch but it was to speak about the band I guess or where he is at the moment? I don’t know. I knew I wouldn’t understand so I didn’t bother. I never send anything after that. I spoke about it with my own people and my teacher, though, and my teacher was sooo willing to help me clear the misunderstanding and explain herself that I am still learning and that she knows me and that I’d never try to “pretend I care“ in order to “fuck“ or gain anything else from anyone, but I said no, let him be and that we can’t be liked by everyone. If that is what he got from me then it’s my fault and we should end it there. And I did just that, I let it be.
Today he spoke about visual kei again. He says he will never give up and got me back to the reasons I liked him in the first place. It seems that he went back to the idea that visual kei is fun and his reason to be so, I am glad. I am glad he has sth to hold on to and that he is glad to represent. His bandmates made him an all gold guitar recently too and he seemed ecstatic so this is enough for me. :) But let this be a lesson for you fellow fans out there, especially if you don’t speak the language that even if you care, even if you are trying to be supportive, you can’t guarantee your words will be passed to the other persont the way you intend. Sometimes people receive our words differently and you end up feeling guilty because your “kind words ended up hurting them“. Don’t do that to yourself. Be careful how you approach the artists you love and if it comes off the wrong way and, after hours overthinking what to send and going through one single phrase you sent that came off the opposite way of what you wished, let it go. We are responsible for what we say not what other people understand from them so...be careful. Personally I still feel guilty, even though I understand the mistakes I made now that I know that formal and informal speaking isn’t that easy to define in Japanese without appearing rude but yeah...it’s not easy accepting you tried to help someone you care about or make them smile but ended up hurting them even more. One day I hope I will accept it and stop blaming me for it. The blame is mine yes, but people have to move on. He moved on so I can, too.
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laueana · 4 years
my xmas/bday gift from my little sister was tickets to a conan taping! we drove down to l.a. for a few days. our show taping was january 28th. @conacoco saw me on tv! 
we showed up to the warner brothers parking garage 8 at 11:00 am (the earliest you can start queuing). conan’s audience gathers on level 2 and lol all the numbers painted on the columns and even the elevator buttons are orange! you can check out cool props like conan’s superhero car, his bobblehead (with a smaller head so it can fit in the garage) and a MASSIVE funko pop head. your seating is done by arrival, little sis and i were the first to arrive so we were number 1. another young couple arrived a few minutes after us. i could tell they were big fans. i wish i had talked to them more but i felt shy. they also do security as you come in (metal detector, check your bags, check your sign if you bring one) and give you a uv wrist stamp. at some point, a merch stand is set up where you can buy tshirts, sweatshirts and even a beach towel that are not available online. we waited until around 1:30 when they start the check in process where they give you your number, a wristband and your tickets. after that you’re free to leave and go have lunch. 
lil sis and i ate at a cute mexican restaurant right outside the warner brothers lot (El Carpintero, check it out if you’re ever in burbank!). you then have to be back before 3:30 as that’s when they’ll start lining you up in order to be brought over to the warner bros lot. you cross the street, cross a bridge and then you’re on the lot! we were handed from one guide to the next at different points but everyone working there was super friendly and answers any questions you have. as we made our way through the lot our guide was talking to lil sis and i (as we were the first in line) and we chatted about the size of the studio buildings (you feel like you’re walking through a canyon they’re so tall and the elephant door are huuuuge) and our guide pointed out that they were currently building the sets for the new macbeth starring denzel washington. golf carts, shuttles and trucks go by. 
as soon as studio 15 (conan’s) was in view my eyes were glued to the props visible through the open door, we were nearly there! a golf cart went by us but i was too focused on how close we were to the reason for our whole trip! a moment later our guide asked us, “did you see who just went by?” i replied no, i was too busy paying attention to conan’s superhero suit. APPARENTLY DENZEL WASHINGTON WENT BY US ON A GOLF CART AND WAVED BUT WE DIDN’T SEE HIM💀💀💀
as soon as you enter the studio they give you candy and you pass by conan’s superhero costume, his lego flaming c, his custom coffin from ghana and a conan made entirely from colored pencils. you go up some stairs, quickly passing a door/wall covered in stickers (we moved too fast for me to take them all in, i believe they were costume tags) and up up some more, winding, until you come out into the conan set!!!!!! we were led down to the front row, almost in the center. music plays as the rest of the audience fills in. as soon as everyone is seated a fire marshal points out the exits and then this guy ( i didn’t catch his name rip) warms up the crowd with jokes, meandering through the rows and basically gives you a run down of the show. i wish i would have recorded him, he was HILARIOUS! “when conan comes out, make sure to stand up and keep applauding! he will act like it’s going on for too long but we all know that’s [holds microphone further away] BULLSHIT! keep clapping because he has a big ego and he loves it!” (every time he swore he’d pull the microphone away lol. he gradually picked about ten audience members: luis in the yellow shirt who had his arms crossed and looked too glum (”don’t sit like that with your arms crossed, conan will zero in on the single person in the entire audience who isn’t enjoying themselves!”, an elderly woman, a man whose birthday it was who came all the way from nyc, various others including...MY LITTLE SISTER! all those chosen had to go up onstage for........ A DANCE OFF!
it was so funny and entertaining! the elderly woman was really going for it, she won but everyone brought onstage was given a special audience shirt. as it got closer to showtime i spotted producer jeff ross, head writer matt o’brien, cue card guy kent and even production assistant david hopping (the guy he trained as his “successor”) walked by us! it was super exiting to see all the moving parts of a show.
finally it was showtime! andy richter came out and did his announcement! and then conan stepped out! he wore black jeans, a blue shirt and a brown jacket. we all clapped and cheered and i held up my sign (”IF SONA NEEDS A BREAK... CAN I FILL IN?”) and conan looked at me!!! and pointed at my sign!!!! i was so fucking happy!!! it was so fucking cool to see him in person, he looks really good and his long long legs are amazing! he looks thinner in person than on tv. lil sis said he looks younger in person. he did the monologue, they showed a video of curb stumpers on the monitors. then they filmed a “via satellite” bit that was really funny. then kumail nanjiani came out. they addressed him not being able to show up last time (which resulted in one of the best interviews ever). kumail was super funny, he has really great timing. it’s so different watching an interview live vs online, you feel so much more involved in it and you can see all the motions ppl make off camera. 
to me, conan seemed somewhat sadder in person. i know he’s been more subdued in the past year or so, so i’m thinking it’s just that, especially when you compare it to his more manic energy of previous years. my little sister said that seeing him in person was fascinating to her too: in videos he seems so confident and in control, to her he seemed anxious. he didn’t seem that way to me but then maybe she hasn’t clocked + catalogued all his nervous behaviors like i have. 
i’ve heard a lot of fans at tapings say that conan will interact with the audience during commercial breaks and sometimes even take time to talk with fans when the filming is over. he didn’t this time which was a little disappointing bc my ultimate dream was to get a photo with him and tell him that as someone with lifelong anxiety and depression for over half my life: his show, his videos, his interviews all mean a lot to me and help me feel better. but tbh the new shorter show format allows for less time for that and also i understand him wanting to get home to his family (by the time filming starts he’s already been there all day). he’s been doing this almost every night since 1993.
when filming was over conan left and crew members started putting the chairs + tables away. a crew member approached me and handed me conan’s blue note paper from his interview!!!! i now have in my possession something conan touched!!!! :DDD
the taping went by all too soon! but it was definitely worth it to sit about six feet away from conan and have him look at me! i would definitely recommend getting tickets to a taping if you’re in l.a. and i would love to go again!
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pockets-of-peace · 5 years
general life update #1
It’s been so long since I’ve had the chance to catch up with you. I started in messenger chat, but quickly backed out. It’s just been so long. There is so much to say. I need more room. 
Thank you for checking up on me. I’m not sad. Nothing new dramatic has happened, I was just as you said, occupied by kitties, and sister, and a busy life. 
Christmas was wonderful. I had a hard moment Christmas Eve during dinner. I was looking at the chair Gram would have been sitting in thinking about how much of a hole she’s left in our Xmas Eve and R suddenly goes “I really miss Gram”, and I just lost it. On the flip side this being the second Christmas without her I’ve noticed a definite decrease in stress on that night for me. We have more time. We don’t have to go get her and take her home. I don’t have to have supper done by a certain time because she doesn’t like to eat past x o’clock. We can eat a little later if need be. Not having to get her home means getting Liam to bed at a reasonable hour and that leaves hubs and me more open for putting together toys or last minute baking/cooking. I miss her dearly, but I don’t miss the rushrush hurryhurry including her brought. 
Christmas night was easier too. Last year she’d been gone less than two months on Christmas day and it was a gaping wound to not have her there. This year it was more clear that the family is reforming around the hole she’s left. It was less tense. Less emotional. There was more laughter. 
It was a wonderful Christmas. We splurged greatly on Liam and on ourselves. We go as high as we can on Christmas for him because we don’t supply him toys year-round. Christmas and bday is it. This year, I had the money and I felt like making it extra magical for him. We normally forgo anything on ourselves in favor of Liam. This year we were all spoiled. It was nice. 
My only complain with Christmas was that it was over too quickly. I feel like I didn’t really have the chance to enjoy it. We were so busy during December, and then the loss of Currey, and hubs had major work stress the week leading up to Christmas. It was a blur of stress and grief, and then BOOM Christmas, and then it was gone. 
Sis visited the weekend after Christmas. She got in Saturday morning and we spent all that day visiting shelters and pet stores kitten scouting. We stayed up very late that night just talking and catching up. We don’t talk on the phone and I hadn’t seen her since August when she came down after mom died. Atlanta is a very long way away. Sunday was a wonderfully slow day of laying in bed binging her favorite show with her. We all went out to pizza for supper. She left late morning Monday. 
New Years was quiet as it always is. We stayed in. Liam has trouble with fireworks and I don’t deal with compressed crowds in small spaces very well. 
I had to go pick Liam up from school and then got completely distracted and forgot to get back to this. I’m just going to go ahead and post it and catch up more from there later on. 
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kingsofeverything · 6 years
for the dvd commentary?
It takes Harry about a week to figure out that Louis isn’t talking to him. He hasn’t blocked his number again because Harry can see that his texts and WhatsApp messages are being delivered, but he hasn’t called or answered any of Harry’s calls or responded to any of his texts.
i added a read more because spoilers and it got long
if anyone else wants to play, here’s the dvd commentary thing
When Harry realizes what’s going on, he immediately calls Louis again. It rings until it goes to voicemail, so he hangs up and calls back. Every time he hangs up, he gets more pissed off, and he’s getting to the point where he almost hopes Louis will block his number again when Louis finally answers.
“Why are you avoiding me?”
Louis sighs.
“Are you mad at me? Did I do something? Because I thought we were friends, Lou, and I don’t appreciate this like, cold-shoulder-silent-treatment thing you’re doing.”
Louis sighs again. “I’m not… I’m not mad at you.”
“Then what’s the deal?”
“Harry, I… I realized that I can’t… I can’t be friends with you.”
Harry gasps quietly. “Why? What did I do?”
Things were going so well. At least, Harry thought they were. Sure, their friendship wasn’t back to what it used to be, but it was getting there. And he was trying his best to get over Louis, even if it was turning out to be much more difficult to do than he anticipated.
“It’s not… You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s me.”
“Great. Another it’s not you, it’s me.”
“Who said—”
“Jenn. And it doesn’t matter. If it’s not me, then what is it, Lou? Because I… I don’t want to lose you. I’m…” Now isn’t the time to confess his feelings. Not unless he wants Louis to run away even faster. “You’re my best friend.”
“It’s not enough.”
“What isn’t enough?”
“Harry, I can’t hang out with you at like, parties and watch you flirt with other people. I can’t listen to you talk about dating someone else. Not anymore. I’ve been doing it for too long.”
“I’ve been in love with you on and off for years, Harry. I just… I can’t be your friend anymore.”
The line goes dead and Harry stares at his phone.
Then he calls Louis again. This time it goes to voicemail four times before Louis answers.
“Stop this, Harry. Please.”
The line goes dead again.
This time, Harry doesn’t call back.
ok! i somehow only just saw this (i never opened my laptop yesterday, so that’s why lol) BUT let’s see….
this scene was part of the 3k words i added at the last minute! i reworked the last 2 chapters of this fic like 4 times, i think? it kept being TOO EASY for them to get their shit together. one of the things that nic said to me a couple of times was that they have been in and out of each other’s lives for YEARS and so it makes sense that things are wrapped up in a neat bow in like 2 days. so i added. then i added. then @phd-mama read over it and suggested that i add some more. and that’s where this entire thing came from. this and what came before it where they attempt to be friends again. 
so what was going on in my head? HAHA well. ch 8 was really hard for me (evidenced by the 4x of reworking it) and so i was super anxious about it as i was writing it. but i wanted them to have to work for it. i wanted it to be hard for them and i wanted them to have to grow as people and to learn to COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER. 
let’s see, in harry’s head……. well, up until this point he STILL THOUGHT that louis didn’t have feelings for him and that louis only wanted to try to be friends again. (tbf that’s what louis tells him and harry is very much the type to take people at face value). he’s been trying to get over louis and this is SHOCKING for him. and he wants to fix it, but he can’t. so he’s really torn up about it. and he doesn’t know what to do. this is the point where someone else might try like… a grand gesture, but harry is still so insecure and that’s just not the person that he is. so he just stews in his misery.
ok so in louis’ head. ok so he’s been in love with harry on and off for years and decided to try to be friends again because he really wants harry any way he can get him in his life. except he doesn’t? he didn’t want that, but he was doing it anyway because, you know, the whole THE HEART WANTS WHAT IT WANTS. and that is especially true for louis when they are physically near each other. that’s why he offered to drive harry to the airport in la and like SURPRISED HIMSELF when he said it. so the xmas party was the……. second to last straw for him. he figured he could keep his distance by not talking to harry as often and not seeing him in person. but then harry told him he had that date on his bday and that was the last straw. louis knew at that point that he couldn’t do it anymore. so he blurted out the short version of his feelings and ran, basically. 
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herestheteaig · 3 years
What should I do??
Hi, I don’t really know if anyone will see this but I'm gonna try, just incase. If you do choose to respond, you can be as brutally honest & unbiased as you’d like, I’m not easily offended.
I am f19, and have been in a relationship with m18 for almost 6 years. For the sake of his privacy lets call him Joe.
lets call me Mina.
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- Joe & I have been together since we were 13, we went to the same secondary school & college (for Americans, same middle school & high school)
- we had been close friends since we were like 11, very visibly super close friends in school.
- when we started dating at the end of our second year, we spent the entire summer together.
- when we got back he just... pretended I didn't exist????
- like tf?
- anyway, we were still hanging out outside of school, but my school separate the year based on grades in third year, so I was placed in X and he was placed in Y, therefore we had 0 classes together
- though, in the corridors, at lunch, at break, etc, he’d pretend I didn't exist???
- he also told me not to tell anyone we were dating???
- this lasted maybe 2 years? until I got really mad and he started acknowledging me in our final year of secondary school & people knew we were dating.
- his mum ended up convincing me to apply to the same college as him, we did different courses so rarely saw each other, but occasionally took the train together on one of our mutual starting times.
- now, I go to university about 2 hours away from our hometown and live there, he doesn’t go to university at all.
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the catfish:
- of course the initial: “don’t tell anyone we’re dating”
- when I was still 13, I did something SUPER childish, though no regrets and made a fake iMessage account so he’d think someone was texting him.
- I used Loren Gray’s picture because this boy had NO social medias, he was SO anti it.
- anyway, pretended I had gotten his number on Facebook, and that I had seen him at athletics (he’s an athlete) and I thought he was attractive and asked if he had a girlfriend
- then we went through this long “no I don't” “jk I do” back and forth bullshit. 
- oh he also didn't tell me about her until I said she had messaged me, but whatever idc but that's the first piece of info. 
- next, I must've been 15?? idk exactly how old I am
- I do not and have NEVER cared who my boyfriend talks to, girl, boy, non-binary, whatever, I don't give a shit. 
- so I'm on his phone, taking snapchats to save to his memories and I kept seeing this girls name pop up. 
- let’s call her Sabrina.
- I had noticed he talks to her a LOT, but he never had mentioned her, but eh its whatever... probably just one of his friends, right?
- I used to just message his friends on his phone so I went onto her chat intending to be like “heyyyy bro, nice to meet you my name is Mina, do you wanna be friends?”
- but I'm seeing messages talking about: “what age would you have sex?”
- side note: he and I both lost our virginities when we were 15, later this year but at this point we had both been “handsy” down there??? 
- anyway she says “18″, he says “you know its legal at 16 tho right?
- “yeah, but still 18″
- “why not 16″
- whatever I don't remember the entire convo.
- so I was like hmm this is a bit sus and scrolled up to see their messages. 
- “do you have a girlfriend” “no” “actually yes” “im joking, no.”
- so im like wait what???
- anyway, I don't mention it for like 7 months? he denies it before saying what he said was innocent and he was just curious in a friendly way. 
- I let it go.
- I was probably 16 or almost 17 at this point 
- again, for privacy, we’ll call this girl Kendall.
- Kendall and I have a mutual friend, we’ll call her Tiana.
- Tiana and I were best friends.
- One day, Tiana messaged me and said hey, my friend Kendall was speaking to  Joe & realised wait isn't that Mina’s boyfriend and sent me these screenshots as soon as she realised.
- I had probably seen her name in his recent chats but didn't care enough to ask about it.
- anyway, the screenshots were just him being super flirty with emojis? like sounds childish but you know what I mean.
- and he was joking about “go to bed its past your bed time” and she was like “no why are you chatting, you’re up too”
- “shush and listen to your daddy”
- wHAT.
- I immediately confront him and he denies knowing anyone of that name at first, before saying oh I didn't mean it like that, it was like a mum/ dad joke we have
- so again, I let it go
- back in school, my maths teacher sent myself and this boy to the study area which is an open space in the school, visible from all levels.
- lets call him Adrien.
- note: adrien and I were both quite smart and in top set for most classes, our surnames are next to eachother on the register so were often seated beside each other. 
- we were very very close FRIENDS
- so we’re doing work, chatting a bit- whatever
- at some point, he jokingly pushes my head away, idk what I said, I do not remember. 
- note: the entire school is IN CLASS.
- a few seconds later, I feel my phone vibrate, sneak it out of my pocket to see a text from Joe: “why is Adrien touching your face?”
- I look around and no ones there, anyway he still gets mad about it now.
Other stuff:
- he used to threaten to kill himself if i broke up with him
- or if we were arguing he’d say he can do this anymore, imply suicide, the leave his phone for ages and get super mad if I contacted his sister or mum to find out if he was safe.
- sometimes i’d see him joking around on his sisters snapchat story when I'm panicking because he said he’d kill himself.
- I'm not materialistic, but the fact that he rarely would get me bday/xmas presents was kinda upsetting. (he has a lot of money, my family is broke but I make the BIGGEST deal out of xmas and his bday and everything)
- would work extra hours so he’d feel so so spoiled on xmas and his bday. 
- once he got me just a xmas themed toilet roll on Christmas, last year he gave me a small jar of vegan candies.
- I think he acknowledged valentines day twice in our relationship? 
- which was sad because pre-relationship, valentines was my fave day of the year & I'd hand out heart shaped chocolates to everyone at school.
- often blames his mental health on me.
- will cut me off and then act like I'm the one not listening to HIS problems. 
- if another guy has a crush on ME, then he gets mad at me?
- every boy in my college class admitted to having a crush on me at some point, awkward but my course was reliant on group projects so I couldn't just block them??? they all knew I had a bf
- I have never orgasmed ONCE in my entire life... rip
- when I say he is ACTUALLY jealous, I mean like ACTUALLY jealous of me having a crush on like... cartoon characters?? (& also anime characters)
- has said sexist and transphobic things, that I DRAGGED him for.
- I think he's very manipulative and also immature. 
- hates that I'm smart
- HATES that my love language is acts of service. like HATES it.
- there's more but I won't bore you.
mini story:
- we went to Paris for my 18th birthday. 
- he tried to break up with me right before because “he feels like shit compared to other guys”
- I was crying down the phone (I never ever cry) begging him to reconsider
- we went to Paris, it was nice. 
- note: we also had sex there
- and then we get back and he says: “I hated you the entire time” and other stuff but I don't remember
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this is according to him:
- I think I'm right all the time and think im little miss perfect
- I put in no effort
- I do not listen
- I just need to realise that all my male friends are only my friends because they want to fuck me.
- I do not care about anything
- I assume things 
- I compare him to other guys????
- I make him feel like shit 
(his words, though I disagree)
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- we have been in a relationship for almost 6 years
- he’s my friend
- I love his family so much, I've watched his nephew grow up and I text his sister and I just love them.
- though he isn’t my type on paper, I do find him attractive 
- we have somewhat similar kinks
- my family seem to like him
- not gonna lie, we’d make cute babies.
- we both enjoy sports and also he sometimes plays video games with me (I'm an avid gamer, I twitch stream and play PC, PS4 & Switch, he sometimes will play fortnite or Mario kart with me)
- we have this cute cheerleader/ athlete thing which I like
- oh, right, pls don't judge this but its important to me to raise my children plant-based until they're old enough to decide for themselves- he isn't plant-based but is 100% onboard which is very important to me.
- has done cute things for me before like turn up at my house with my fave candy or buy an extra pack of gum/ drink for me.
- this sounds irrelevant, but I DO love to party/rave but I do not drink alcohol, I actually have a weird phobia of it, though I would 100% get high
- Joe and I both do not drink and although that's not something id look for in a s/o, it made me feel like I wasn't the only one lmao. 
- my first & only relationship
ANWYAY, we’ve been arguing for months, if you see this what do you think I should do? would it be overreacting to break up? I would still wanna be his friend because I care but I dunno what to do
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kaijoskopycat · 6 years
Happy (Belated) Birthday to this asshat - @limitlessmonster​ . (even though I technically was only half late cause you got half on your actual bday and half on xmas). I whipped up some Promptis for you. <3 Enjoy, Atsubuttface! 
Just some Promptis casually sparring…. shirtlessness included. 
“No Gladio today?” Noctis stands in the open garden, outside where the sun mercilessly beats down upon him. Prompto can’t think of any other reason for him to be outside on this sweltering day unless he had planned some training with Gladio. There’s no way he’d suffer this sauna otherwise. “Guess not,” Noctis replies with a shrug, stretching his arms above his head. “Could’ve used the workout, but I guess it won’t be happening.”
Hm… Prompto watches as Noctis tilts his body forward, stretching his arms toward the ground before coming back up with a sigh. 
Noctis glances at him out of the corner of his eye. “What brings you—“
“What if… I spar with you?” Prompto scratches the side of his face and offers a sheepish smile. “I mean, I’m no Gladio, but I can still pack quite a punch.” He brandishes a fist to make his point. 
Noctis’s lips twitch. His head tilts to the side, eyeing Prompto up and down. “Are you sure you’re okay with it?”
Prompto perks up. “Of course! I mean…” He rubs at his naps and nods. “Yes, if that’s what you wanted.” Seemingly satisfied, Noctis smiles. He takes a few steps back, shrugging off his black, quarter sleeve jacket to leave himself in only a fitted, black t-shirt. “Sparring…” He begins as he cracks his knuckles. “Gladio and I usually use swords, but… maybe today we can use no weapons.”
“No weapons!” Prompto nods enthusiastically. “Got it!”
“Just skin on skin combat.”
It feels like all the air rushes out of Prompto’s lungs. “Skin on…” Skin. Noctis’s skin on Prompto’s skin.
He feels like now is not the time to be reminded of the fact that he’s harboring one hell of a crush on the Prince of Lucis.
“First to pin the other three times wins?” Noctis adds, cocking his head to silently asking for confirmation.
Prompto stares at him. At the way the t-shirt sleeves cling to the muscles in his upper arms, the way the sun pierces through the material showing more skin than a full shirt should, accentuating everything beneath.
He slowly nods. “First to three… yeah, first to three.” As he tries to shake himself out of his daze, he stretches his arms above his head and mimics Noctis’s cracking of his knuckles. He finds his voice long enough to throw out a barb. “I won’t go easy on you just cause you’re the prince!”
Noctis smirks. “I should hope not, Prompt.”
Prompto smiles back and falls into a loose, fighting stance. He watches Noctis tilt his head from side to side, a soft crack coming from his neck before he says, “Ready?”
“Like now?” The words barely leave Prompto’s lips before he’s dodging a fist to his side.
He grits his teeth and lunges to the side when Noctis immediately turns, using the momentum of his missed punch to swing his body around for another. It had been so long since Prompto had faced Noctis head to head in any sort of training combat that he’d nearly forgotten how fast he could be. Even without the help of magic to move him.
Prompto, still gaining his bearings and trying to following Noctis’s movements with his eyes, can do little more than defend himself. He slaps away an elbow to his face, and jerks back to avoid more than a glancing blow against his ribs.
He tries to swipe Noctis’s feet from under him and ends up stumbling forward when Noctis dodges and slaps him hard in the back instead.
“Can’t win if all you can do is defend, Prompt.”
“You can’t win if all you can do is taunt, Noct.” Prompto lands a kick to Noctis’s shin knocking him backward, but he doesn’t expect Noctis to use the fall to his advantage.
As Prompto steps forward, Noctis catches himself with his hands behind his back and uses them as leverage to swing his legs around, knocking Prompto’s legs out from under him.
His back hits the ground hard and he fights for a breath when he feels a weight pinning his legs down. Noctis hovers above him one hand shooting out to pin his right wrist to the ground, the other nabbing his left arm and pressing it against his chest.
“One point for me,” Noctis breathes, flicking his head back in an unsuccessful attempt to remove the hair from his eyes.
Prompto’s eyes widen. Noctis is on top of him. Pinning him to the ground. Holding his hands (well, his wrists, but that counts, right?). He’s on top of him.
Pull yourself together, man.
“Right…” Prompto twists his wrists and Noctis releases him with a grin. “Point to you.”
Noctis rolls off him and pushes himself to his feet to stretch. Prompto watches as his hands wander to the hem of his shirt.
“But… uh…” He swallows, trying to push a lump past the dryness in his throat because there is no way Noctis is going to do what he thinks he’s going to do. “I was just warming up, you know? So don’t get cocky! I—“
Prompto nearly wheezes out loud when Noctis pulls his shirt over his head. Is that a chorus of angels singing? Or is that his imagination? Because the sight before him is downright heavenly.
Noctis in any clothing is a treat, honestly. He’s always been the most popular boy in school, and not only for his royalty status. As Prompto gapes at him, he can understand why every inch of the Prince is captivating.
Noctis isn’t Gladio. He’s not the size of a truck. He doesn’t have muscles growing on his muscles. But he’s still built from years and years of practice, of training. Honing his skills has done more than improve his ability to wield manifested weapons.
His body is firm, toned. His shoulders have broadened as he’s aged and his arms have filled out more, the muscles perfectly defined. His bare chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath from the sparring and a bead of sweat glides down his abdomen to catch just above the waist of his pants.
Prompto has to physically will his gaze away and laments the fact that he doesn’t have a camera embedded in his eyeballs.
“What?” Noctis finally says, raising an eyebrow his way. “It’s hot out.”
Prompto finally pushes himself to his feet, absently nodding. “It’s definitely hot…”
“Ready for another round?” Noctis raises his fists and grins.
Prompto can’t help but grin back. “Ready when you are.”
The second bout of sparring is significantly longer. Prompto starts to gain momentum, landing a few hard hits and knocking Noctis off balance. He almost pins him twice, but Noctis manages to pull through with another victory.
They’re both still on the ground after Prompto had been pinned, laughing about the ludicrous expression he had made when he last fell, when Noctis calms down enough to say, “How about we have a prize at the end?”
Prompto takes a deep breath to steady himself and cocks his head. “A prize?”
Noctis nods. “As in, if I win… I get whatever I ask for.”
Prompto grimaces. “I’m not Ignis. I can’t bake.”
“No, no.” Noctis chuckles. “I won’t ask for anything like that.”
“Okay,” Prompto runs his fingers through his hair. “And if I win…”
“You get whatever you want.”
Oh, that’s cruel. Prompto knows that the thing he wants is something he can’t ask for. He’s not about to let Noctis know that.
He’s also not about to disagree with Noctis’s terms.
“Fine,” He gives in. “First to three gets whatever they want.”
“I’m almost there,” Noctis reminds him with a grin.
“Don’t count me out just yet!”
The third round ends with Prompto’s victory. Noctis had thought he could startle Prompto by purposefully missing a hit and coming at him from behind. But Prompto had been observing him throughout their matches and he had started to pick up on some of Noctis’s favorite moves.
The fourth, and final round, however is where Prompto ultimately lost because of his own clumsy feet. He had the upper hand. He had landed more blows than Noctis, knocked him off his feet more times than he had fallen himself. He had the perfect plan laid out in his head, but his feet obviously had other ideas.
His right foot had caught behind his left ankle throwing him forward. He when he tried to use the momentum to roll himself back to his feet, Noctis had already tackled him, pinning both hands over his head and straddling his waist.
“My victory,” Noctis gasps, breathing hard above him.
Prompt groans. “Go easy on me. Remember that I don’t mix well with kitchens. Don’t make me make a promise I can’t keep. Noct, just tell me what—“
Noctis swallows his rambling by pressing their lips together. He’s tentative at first, just a peck, but when Prompto doesn’t move away he becomes more bold.
Prompto swears this must be a dream. All of it. It has to be. Noctis, pinning him to the ground, straddling his waist, shirtless, sweaty, smiling down at him, kissing him.
So Prompto kisses back. When Noctis flicks his tongue against his lips, Prompto opens his mouth. The deeper kiss brings a soft moan from the back of his throat and Noctis growls softly in return.
Noctis pulls back right when Prompto thinks he’ll faint from lack of air.
“You…” Prompto stares up at him, dazed. “This… is a dream.”
Noctis snorts and smiles a boyish, happy smile. “Then I hope it’s a good dream.”
Prompto smiles back, lopsided and lazy. “The best.”
“Good,” Noctis replies. “Then… does that mean I can do it again?”
“Do…?” Prompto’s eyes widen. It’s not a dream. Noctis’s weight above him is definitely real. The way he shifts his hands until he threads their fingers together is very real. “You want to…”
“Take my prize,” Noctis replies with a grin. “Again.”
“Oh… oh, yes.” Prompto nods, eager. “Yes, please take all the prizes you want.”
Noctis chuckles and leans forward. “Then we may be here all night.”
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sjru · 7 years
[Blog] After vacations/birthday thoughts and stuff
Oh boy, since 24th november and 2 december I had quite a ride in Brazil ^^ -----
So let's see the recap, the majority of the time was spent in Itapema with ocassional going out with the neighbors that had car.
We went by bus, which btw, was AWFUL. Not full bed, food was not included even so we had to stop every so and then, and it did act like some sort of short bus so it picked up other ppl and dropped some ppl in the journey in brazil. So basically to go there was an entire day spent in the roads.
Yeaahh my parents are like "Planes are too pricey. Going into plane is a mess" yadda dadda... whatevers.
It was not hot in the beach, the wind and stuff kept thing always temperate so there was not a need for fans or even AC, good on that!
Unlike my original plan of drawing a lot, I actually found myself doing much more than just standing on a place drawing XD but I did draw, yet did not finish anything, so hopefully I'll get to finish something soon uwu.
I did not go to the sea to swim however, unlike last time I gone to brazil (2003) not using glasses makes me totally uncomfortable and unless I find something to use while swimming I'd rather not! So just wadded in the beach. Was cool tho.
Apart from the local food and stuff, there's not a whole lot to say. I really had not friends there (Those pals that I know of brazil live far away from Itapema) sooo it was pretty much parents and the neighbors all along. Sadly.
On my bday, (Was the 28th november) We went out to eat and celebrated that way, was pretty frugal, and surprisingly several pals actually remembered it x3 (yay) I mean I'm awful with dates so I don't mind if someone forget ^^, but special mentions to everyone that did and somehow wanted to gift me something <3 you da mvp.  
The week did go by quickly, I'd dare to say. Am sad that's over and back at my boring town where nothing happens and I have noone to hang out with *le sigh*. Yes the beach was more interesting but also kinda pricey, and hey I don't know portuguese, I know english XD so was kinda ehhh using my parents to talk (My mom knows). They all speak too fast!! Uwu~
So for the returning journey (on bus of course) it took longer somehow, in the middle of it they switcheroo the bus to one that had faulty AC and leaked the juice. Yay! And the part of my own country to my town took like 4 hours cuz they spent a whole hour in the border and long time meddling around some town.
Sooo anyways, sad not have much to do, but what gives? Was okay and I liked it and had fun, and now looking to ramp up my production again of drawing lines that sometimes look pretty together.
Now the eyes are set on Xmas, sooo, festive time I guess ^^. Not much to expect. Uwu.
That's all!
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hella-free-space · 7 years
Anything under 5 gallons is too small for a betta, i know 2.5 is the *minimum minimum* but it is the same as putting your betta to a bucket and calling it a day. They need space. Plus a "tank" that small can't hold a stable cycle and is more difficult to keep as, Let's say a proper 10 g tank
aight so...i wrote this big long thing (i’m a really wordy person, and i ramble, so bare with me) when this ask got sent like a month and a half ago. i typed it up on my phone, but mobile tumblr does this thing where if you take more than x minutes to write a reply, it doesnt let you save what you’ve written as a draft and it default posts to your main. and then it just doesnt post ever...so now i’m here, on desktop, to write you this long-overdue reply, Anon.this ask came shortly after a post/comment/reblog on tank size recommendation, so i kind of want assume that this same person who was discussing with me sent this ask, but i’m not going to assume but this person asked on anon... I’m currently writing a long-winded caresheet about bettas (which i plan to post for peer-review tomorrow), and so far i’ve written this about Tank Size:******“2.5gallons:The absolute minimum, I do not recommend keeping a betta in anything less thanthis because even in a cycled 2.5, keeping a *stable* cycle is very difficult,and requires more frequent water changes (1-2x per week at least). In a tank this small, you’ll mostlikely need to buy an adjustable heater as well, since the smallest (trustworthy)heaters on the market are 7-7.5 watts, and depending on where you live or howhot/cold you keep your house/room, the heat will fluctuate too often, or be toohot or too cold since the volume of water is quite small. A 2.5 gallon bettatank is doable.5 gallons:A great median for those who want to give their bettas a wonderful environment,but may be cramped on space, move around often, or whose living arrangementshave aquarium-related restrictions. A cycled 5 gallon tank with a bettagenerally requires a water change 1x a week at least. A 5 gallon tank also keeps a more stable cycle than a 2.5 gallon, and over-heating is less of an issue/concern. I still recommend anadjustable heater (I’ll always recommend an adjustable heater), though, as I’vefound that even with an appropriately-sized preset heater/non-adjustableheater, the temperature fluctuates too often and by too much. A 5 gallon is aperfectly good choice!10+ gallons:A palace! Your new betta would love to have a 10+ gallon tank! They’ll swimover every inch of it, I promise its not too big :) A fantastic choice for thosethat have the space and can afford to set up a 10 gallon or larger with all thebells and whistles (more décor, larger filter, stronger heater, etc. than the smaller tanks). Your fish will thank you and brag to all their fish friends that they ended up with some pretty sweet digs.note: If you feel you can’t give your betta a 10+ gallon tank, and you can onlyafford a 2.5 or 5 gallon setup (or something inbetween), that DOES NOT mean I think you’re a bad fish parent ❤ as long as you can provide the basicnecessities your fish requires and keep on top of water quality, and then do *what* youcan, *when* you can, youre doing it right :) (Never stop improving!! never stop learning!!) Maybe it’ll be a few months before you can buy your fish thatnew hide or a few extra plants, or maybe you’ll have to wait til xmas or yourbday to be able to afford a larger tank if that’s what you want, and that’sokay. As long as you do the best within your means (provided your animal’sbasic needs are met), that’s all your fish would ask of you ❤”******note: i address properly decorating/filtering/heating/etc in the rest of the care sheet. this is literally JUST the section on tank size.1. addressing that “2.5 gallons is the *minimum minimum*” statement anon made:its just *the minimum*...when you’re saying how small is too small and how big is too big without any defining *objective* factors, then it becomes subjective and opinionated. I addressed the cycling issue above in what I wrote for the care sheet. imo a 2.5 gallon is doable. is it amazin, perfect, the best you can give your betta? no...but neither is a 5 gallon .-. so, if your standard of minimum is based upon your opinion of what looks too cramped, then thats okay, and good on you for promoting a 5 gallon as a minimum tank. and i’m not saying that sarcastically, either, i really do wish i could promote 5 gallons as the minimum tank size, but when i’m explaining fish care to someone in the middle of the store, i have to give them objective facts (like the ones listed above under the 2.5 gallon section)To someone who thinks that .5 gallon bowl at petsmart is okay, who is standing in the aisle with betta in hand, me going up to them and telling them 5 gallons is the minimum just cuz its bigger isn’t going to change their mind 90% of the time. with a 2.5 its still on the small side, but at least i can give them objective facts. and i DO say “but if you get a 5.5 gallon its 2$ more for 2x the size, and a 10 gallon is 4x the size for that same 2$ more! and it’ll be easier to heat, cycle, and you’ll have to do less wc on it :) plus more room for decor!! decorating a tank is almost as fun as picking out your new fish!! :DD” so dont get me wrong there, please. but so many people equate bigger tank with more work, suggesting a “proper 10 gallon tank” to someone standing in that checkout line with their fish, some cheap food, a bowl, and a plastic plant? if they took my advice i’d buy a friggin lottery ticket. (I actually think this is what the post was about originally, that one i was having the discussion on before this ask arrived...if i find it, i’ll give a link to it)2. addresing the “it is the same as putting your betta to a bucket and calling it a day.” statement:they make 5 gallon buckets so i see no problems there [somewhat sarcastic, somewhat serious tone]. Just because a tank isn’t glass or acrylic doesn’t mean you cant keep a fish in it imo. Plenty of people use tub-tanks so i dont see why a bucket would be so bad so long as it meets those minimum requirements (2.5+, 76-82, filtered, good food, appropriate decor, lighting a must since the bucket probably isnt see-through and fish shouldnt live in complete and total darkness imo) and the material doesnt leach chemicals, I dont really see a problem? i mean, most buckets are taller than they are wide, but so are some glass/acrylic tanks (fluval spec 3)...i get what you’re trying to say here (i think), though: just throwing a fish in some water and calling it good ain’t good, aint gonna cut it. just like you dont want to suggest 2.5 as the “minimum minimum” because you believe it is inadequate for a betta.3. adressing the “They need space. Plus a "tank" that small can't hold a stable cycle and is more difficult to keep as, Let's say a proper 10 g tank” statement:pretty much agree with this part. smaller tanks dont hold cycles as easily as larger tanks, just the way it is (this does NOT tank into account overstocking, uncycled/cycling tanks, or chemical/parameter spikes). I agree completely that a 10 gallon tank will hold a much more stable cycle than a 2.5 or 5 gallon will. especially if the stock is the same (i.e. one betta). I also agree that bettas need space, and would like to add that longer tanks > taller tanks, since bettas (and most other fish) swim side-to-side and not up and down. a larger tank (again, same stock) will also require less wc/maintenance than a smaller tank. but, imma reiterate, thats hard to explain to the betta+bowl person you see walkin around at your local lfs/lps/chain store...in most people’s mind larger = more work, even tho WE (and hopefully all of fishblr/bettablr) know that that’s not true, even if we do our best to explain that to the general/uneducated/betta-ignorant populace.In the end, i think maybe you (anon) and me have different approaches to the same goal. we both want to improve quality of life for bettas, debunk myths about them, educate people about them, make sure people do right by their pets.i just want to change everyone’s mind first, get more people up to speed and get them out of Bowls-Are-Okay-For-Fish-Land, steer them away from those awful glass prisons and gimmicky tanks and THEN talk about how they can really spoil their pet, how to improve as a Pet ParentTM and give their pet The BestTM. let the water heat up really slowly so to speak (like hot tub, or a lobster pot), since i think I’ll be able to change more minds that way: slowly, steadily...thats what changed my mind, and from personal experience this is what changes the minds of others more easily.If anyone has anything to add, rebutt, comment, reply, etc. please feel free to #told yall i was long-winded and rambly #still dont know how to add hashtags to these dang replies ;-; #fishblr #bettablr #Ronireplies
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ventoaureorun · 7 years
Hey could I have hcs for Dio and female s/o who has big family and they don't accept her relationship and she's blaming herself for that? What would Dio do, what would they do if it was idk Christmas or her birthday? I love your headcanons ; w ;
[ Thanks for your support sobsob, it really keeps me going, not only for writing headcanons but to finish my school work faster SO I CAN ANSWER ALL THESE CUTE ASKS!!!! Also I wasn’t sure if you meant if the situation where this happened was her birthday/xmas or if it was just asking for another hc entirely so not only is it DAMN LONG but i did one that linked to the first hc req instead. Feel free to send another req if you meant for the xmas/bday one separately! Also, apologies if I made it too OOC, his pride is hard for me to grasp.]
✖ DIO ✖- With a loud disgruntled sigh you threw yourself onto the bed in Dio’s living quarters. You we’re angry not at anyone but yourself for not being able to convince your family that Dio would be a good lover. - With your own birthday coming soon, you felt like you were old enough to date whoever you wanted. Your parents however had different thoughts.- With the shift in your mood and how you barely even greeted Dio when he woke up in the evening, his interest was piqued and he called out to you from his chair by the fireplace. Asking you whats wrong.- You reluctantly sat up on his bed giving him a detailed explanation on what happened in the morning when Dio was still asleep.- Once it reached the self pity part of your rants and rambling, Dio would just roll his eyes, snap his book close and walk over to you. “ Out of all the women I’ve used and thrown away, I chose to keep you and wed you. Don’t think of yourself as undeserving.” - He would eventually be the ruler of this whole world, and when that happens, he would refuse to have an S/O who would look down on her own abilities. You were His S/O, that itself was a title you should be proud of.- However, he didn’t want to upset you any further over a small hiccup in his daily activities like this. So he’d actually properly plan a way to win over their trust.- He knew your family was important to you so he couldn’t just kill them all which would definitely upset you more than you already were, yet he couldn’t show himself to them just like that, risking exposure to enemies. - He sighed to himself, it would have been so much easier to enthral them with his charismatic charm or remove the problem entirely.- He knew it would take time, but being as calculative as he was, if he could conquer countless stand users and civilians, his S/O’s family wouldn’t be hard.- “ Invite them over.” it wasn’t a suggestion but more of a demand as he told you what he finally decided on. “ It’s almost your birthday anyway. Invite them here. I’ll give them a feast, a dinner which would end in a toast to our long lasting relationship.”- There was nothing he couldn’t have and if he wanted you he would have you. With that it was set, your huge family shockingly agreeing [not without the influence of Dio or any stand user nearby] and they then visited Dio’s Mansion during the night of your Birthday.- It was grand, the whole dining table filled with food of only the best quality, candles lighting the table along with hanging from the chandelier. Each seat around the long table then filled by your family with Dio obviously sitting at the end. His own servants taking care of their every beck and call.- It didn’t take long, his vampiric charm quickly convincing everyone about how amazing Lord Dio was and how unbelievable it was to have their child or sister be dating someone this phenomenal.- After the meal you escorted your family out, now with full approval of your relationship. Dio, of course smirking in the shadows. Everything will always work out in his favour anyway. But today was still your birthday, something as small as this wouldn’t count as a worthwhile present.- That would be when he’d bring you back to his room, showing you how everything has now been redecorated and refurnished to accommodate two instead of one.- “ Once the world is mine, you will be by my side. So from now on you’re going to live with me.” Stunned by his sudden offer to solidify your relationship, all sorts of questions now spewed from your mouth, each one of them promptly shot down by Dio. He’s already planned everything there would easily be no rejection on your part either.- Needless to say, from that point on you were Lord Dio’s S/O, if anyone we’re to object be it death or pure charismatic convincing Dio would make sure that no one would stand in his way from being with you.
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boompowkablam · 5 years
For peoples birthday day I usually make them a batch of cupcakes. Like whatever kind of cupcake they want they get. And nikki one of my prep kids asks for cupcakes year round but I only make them for birthdays or when I'm trying new recipes. So this year for her birthday she asked for blueberry lemonade cupcakes so that's what she got. But she accidentally left them at the work when she left. So I put a note on the box that said FUCK OFF NIKKIS BDAY CUPCAKES!! I come in the next morning and they're gone. Turns out Brad gave them all away to night shift because and I quote " i didnt know who's they were." I didnt leave like a paper note on this box. I wrote that shit in sharpie all over the fucking box and this bitch wants to tell me he didnt know who's they were. That happened in February and i am still bent like way to be a bitch on someones birthday. It's the one day you're not suppose to be a bitch. So we skip to yesterday and hes like please come to the xmas party and bring your pasta salad it's so good!! I sure as shit dont want to go to the xmas party because it always turns into a flaming dumpster fire every year its awful. But I do want to come long enough with some pasta salad and let brad know then give it out to everyone but him. And end it with "oh I didnt know you wanted any." Cause it turns out my petty level has star power.
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