#Y’all honestly just hate her cause she’s a woman
shiftingwithmars · 1 month
I swear, the people who think that Annabeth is “toxic” always just fucking ignore her trauma. She’s been losing people since she was fucking 7. She was basically kicked out of the house at 7, and only a couple years later she had to watch her best friend get turned into a tree. Then her other best friend betrayed her and joined Kronos. Then she was fucking kidnapped and forced to hold up the sky for over 24 hours. She had to learn that Bianca Di Angelo, who she had just met, was dead. She had to watch Zoe die. She learned that her best friend/crush was apart of a prophecy that was supposedly going to result in his death, and there was nothing they could do to avoid it. She had to watch as Silena sacrificed herself for the camp. She had to fight in a battle which resulted in the death of her ex-best friend and multiple campers she had known since she first came to camp. She only got a month with Percy before he was kidnapped by Hera. She spent 8+ fucking months searching to the ends of the earth looking for Percy, unsure on if he was even still alive. And when she finally did get him back she was worried that he would choose the Romans over her, because everyone always left.
This girl has been losing people since she was 7, of course she’s going to be on edge all the time. Yes, she’s going to push people away, because it’s a force of habit. She doesn’t let herself get attached so that it doesn’t hurt as much when they leave.
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henneseyhoe · 11 months
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Trevante Rhodes x BLACK!FEM!PLUSSIZE!reader
WARNINGS:nsfw, mentions of spirituality, mentions of death, childhood trauma, smut, slow burn(ish), friends to lovers.
SUMMARY: A sweet country story that will have your teeth aching! Follow Sorie on her journey through womanhood and attempting to break free from the child her father still sees her as. Will the love she has for her childhood friend prevail with a crazy dad around?
Ps. Starting out slow (for now🤭)
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The sun beamed down on the big yard of grass, the temperature rising to a heated 87. Since it was the Deep South, a heatwave was bound to happen that month with how the weather was this week, and the towns people could sense it. Though it was hot and the temperature was going up by the days, it didn’t stop anyone from getting a days work done.
from farmers farming, to craftsmen crafting, my father and the rest of the small community we had included in that group of people still continued to work through the week till we got a break on the weekend.
I walked outside with a wooden tray, six glasses of fresh lemonade and iced teas set right on top of the oak, ready to be downed by the group of working men I approached. They were building a small stage for the children in the town, the enthusiastic kids giving them a suggestion to put on a play for Juneteenth the week before, so they got right on it to make it happen.
The wind blew against my resisting picked out afro, my straw hat almost flying off before the wind calmed back down. “Y’all boys thirsty?” I asked, the men turning to me with smiles while setting down their many tools, the conversation they were having before immediately coming to a stop.
“You right on time, babygirl!” My father smiled widely, a single golden canine gleaming at me. I smiled back and set down the tray of drinks on the halfway built stage, letting the men help themselves to the drinks.
My father took his own drink and kissed me on my cheek before taking a sip of the sweetened drink of his choice. I wiped his kiss off and made a face expressing annoyance, the men around me finding humor in the treatment. “don’t nobody want your sweaty kisses, daddy” I complained and he chuckled, finishing his drink. “You’ll be alright, I’ll be sure to give you a clean one right on that big forehead when I wash up for dinner” I shook my head.
He was always an affectionate man, wether it was in public or at home. The man still tries to hold my hand when we cross the street, and I always have to remind him that I’m a grown *ass* woman, which he still seems to dismiss like he doesn’t hear me.
I found it cute sometimes. One day I hoped to have a man who was just as affectionate as he use to be with my mother, and I already had an eye on who I wanted that man to be. Quickly reaching at the tray, I picked up a sweet tea and handed it to the same man in mind; Trevante. He was already reaching for the glass first, but I had to make sure I handed it to him directly, just to have that small interaction I hated to admit that I craved. He chuckled at my gesture and grabbed the glass from me.
He nodded to me as a “Thanks”, his hand softly grazing mine. Shivers went up my spine. That man could make me melt before the sun, and that was a fact. It seemed like everyone but my father could tell I was sweet on him, cause if he did I would have never had the chance to be around him like this, especially this close. You could tell Trevante was always cautious with his body language when we were around, afraid that my father would pick up on anything. It had been like that since we were teenagers.
It wasn’t like we were doing anything anyway. just a few late night conversations on the phone here and there, a few ‘accidental’ meet ups, the flirting, and two other situations that would probably send my father into cardiac arrest, but it never went farther than that. I hated that honestly.
Our relationship dynamic always felt like a constant tug of war, neither of us trying to go over that line. My reason being the fear of upsetting someone I rarely upset, and his being not wanting to break a clear boundary set in stone, but not spoken of. He knew I liked him, definitely, and I knew he liked me. I think.
If my father even found out we were talking on the phone, let alone late at night, he’d go off and then proceed to curse his bestfriend for raising such a “sly fox” of a son, thinking he had corrupted me into thinking what we were “doing” was okay.
He was a traditional man and he was that dramatic about me dating. What made it worse is that he never expected the potential date to be someone he saw as a long lost son, and thought I saw him as some kind of sibling, which never was the case. All that pretend best buddies bullshit ended when he decided he wanted to kiss me in a shed after church a year ago. That was as far as we ever went, but obviously there wasn’t much learned from the holy book.
“you made this yourself?” He asked with a hum, setting the halfway empty glass back onto the tray. I nodded with a genuine smile, holding my sun hat down on my head as the wind blew. I couldn’t even help but watch how his tongue ran across his lips, licking up any droplets of the sweet drink.
It was only for a few seconds, but I made to to quickly snap myself out of it to answer him. “That’s all me. I made sure I didn’t make it too sweet for you” he smiles and takes my hand into his, my heart skipping a little beat. “Thank you, beautiful” he complimented, holding my hand. For a second it seemed like the world stopped as I watched him caress the top of my hand, but it was really just the effect of the sounds of working slowing down again, almost everyone peeping our exchange.
Trevante glared back at the nosy crowd and let my hand go, tucking his own in his pocket.
I cleared my throat and looked away, fluffing out the bottom of my afro as Trevante looked away into the distant field. “…Anyway! I should be heading back to the house, check on the greens I put on” I lied, knowing damn well we weren’t having greens tonight. Turning away to quickly dismiss myself, my dad called out to me “Before you go! I need you to go get my other tools from the shed in the back to finish up this flooring” he said, pointing towards the back of the house. I huffed silently and turned to him, my hands sassily sitting on my hips.
“I look like some big man to you? I can’t carry whatever it is that you need!” I complained, the men laughing. My father shook his head and pointed to Tre, snapping his fingers to get his attention as all of it was currently on the shape of my hips. He pretended to look around in a toolbox sitting near the end of the stage to cover his tracks before turning to my father. “Yes, Sir?”.
“Son, be a good man and help my suddenly weak daughter carry those tools?” The man asked. I was too busy trying to control the thumping of my heart beating against my rib cage that I almost barely heard my fathers request. “Yes, Sir. I’ll get right to it” he spoke with respect, putting aside the toolbox he was pretending to plunder in, and walking with me towards the back of the house.
“Ya’ daddy losing his sight or sumn?” He looks at me, smirking a bit. I raise a brow. “boy, what?” I asked, genuinely wondering where that question could come from. “He don’t seem to see the way you be lookin’ at me. He must be losin’ it” he joked, and I playfully pushed him. “Shut up, you had me worried for a second!” we both laughed, approaching the red painted shed.
“He still runnin’ every nigga that like you outta town?”
I shook my head, sighing. “You know he crazy. He’d run a nigga off earth if that meant I’d be untouched” Trevante kissed his teeth and opened the sheds doors, walking in. I reached for the lights string and pulled it, turning the light on. “You think he’d do that to me?” He asked, beginning to look around for the specific tools my dad asked for.
I smile, butterflies filling my stomach. “Why you ask?” He looks at me for a spilt second, smiling. “Just wanna know” he responds. Nodding, I stand back, allowing him to look for the asked for tools.
“Nah, he’d probably throw up a few times at the thought of us doing anything together, then lock you in the basement though” I joked, both of us laughing again.
“You gonna bring me down dinner every night if he catches me?” I roll my eyes, pulling myself up onto a table to sit. “oh, honey… You have very high hopes for me like I’m not gon be locked in this damn shed” he shakes his head.
It was already a surprise that my father sent us back here together and alone at that, but that just meant he was getting too comfortable with the thought of us being strictly platonic. It scared me a little. How would he really react if our friendship, *if you could even call it that*, grew into something a little more? Yes, we joked about it together, but the thought of it genuinely made me anxious, my stomach turning.
If there was one thing my father could do, it was drag a situation out so bad until there was nothing left to say and his opponent had no choice but to let him win, which I did often. I barely rebelled against anything he said, actually.
“Aye! You gon’ sit over there lookin’ stuck the whole time or help me look for these damn tools?” Trevante asks while snapping his fingers in front of me. He must’ve been there for a few seconds.
“Boy,- “ I slap his hand away.
“you the big strong man, use your big strong brain to find it” I sass, the man squinting at me. “What a doll you are” he says, sarcasm plaguing his tone, making me giggle.
About a minute later, he pulls a big blue tool box from underneath a tarp. the box was locked up, most likely to stop anyone or anything stealing my fathers “good tools”, as he would say.
“Look at that, you aren’t just muscle after all!” I laugh and hoped down from the table, brushing my dress off to rid it of any dust from the wooden table. He mimics my laugh and starts looking around for the keys to the box.
“You know where he keeps the keys?” He huffs, lifting the heavy box on his shoulder and turning to me. I shrug, genuinely not knowing where that old man placed anything. “I dunno. Maybe hanging up somewhere” I suggest, not really caring too much to look around for that either.
He hums while looking around striding closer to me. “Maybe get up and help me look?” My lips formed a straight line, my expression becoming blank. My hands began fiddling with the lace on the bottom of my dress, my nerves getting worse the closer he got. “No?” He asks, his face now close to mine. I refused to turn away and give him the satisfaction of making me visually nervous, so I stayed still. Letting him get closer.
He paused for a moment, our noses almost touching. It was radio silence for a split second, only the cicadas and distant laughter being heard until I spoke.
The response was more timid than I wanted it to sound, but with how my thighs were clenching together as I felt his breath on my lips, the intensifying second heart beat that had appeared just a few seconds ago, I doubt that I would have been able to say it confidently anyhow.
I felt bold enough to close the gap, but he had already pulled away, leaving me awkwardly leaning forward on my tippy toes into nothing. with keys in his hand, he held them up to my face, dangling them. “look at that, they were hanging up. Behind you actually” he smiles, his pearly whites that were decorated with golden slugs making an appearance.
“They were..” was all I could say as he walks out of the shed, me following closely behind him with a stupid look on my face.
“Damn! Y’all must’ve been chasing y’all tails back there!” My dad yells, referencing how long we had been gone, occupied with the task given. “They was back there chasing something alright” one of the men interrupted, making the group erupt into laughter. “Catch it, buck” another said, using my fathers nickname while referring to him not catching onto the joke, which wouldn’t have been a joke to him if he had caught on.
“I apologize, but I can’t say your daughter was much help looking” Trevante says, bumping my shoulder and setting down the box. I scoff, setting my hands on my back. “I helped! I told you where it usually was, and you found it!”
“Five minutes after we walked in! Then you just sat there the whole time”
“you must’ve bumped your head if you think imma get my hands dirty to find some old tools and risk staining my dress with rust. I just finished sewing this!” It seemed like everyone either found humor or slight annoyance in how I refused to mess up my nails and clothes, regardless of being surrounded by nothing but nature.
Usually I didn’t have a problem with getting dirty, but I didn’t put on this dress right after I finished it for no reason. I wanted to look pretty. Not like I had been working all day. Even if I had gotten one little stain on it, if it was something I couldn’t get out, I probably would have cried. I was very serious about my crafts.
Going back and forth for a few more minutes, I had realized I passed more than enough time by as I faced the sun, watching it prepare to set. It was now time to go back in and prepare dinner.
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bottomseareef · 5 months
Get To Know Your Tav
Saw the template used by @thetavolution but the template was made by @sporeservant
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Sean Shanahan | Human | Rogue/Fighter | Urchin | He/Him | 19
What is your Tav’s…
Favorite Weapon: A Bow
Style of Combat: Sneaky of course but also quickly. His target is preferably dead before they know he’s there and feeling no pain. If his target suffers then it was probably on purpose.
Most Prized Possession: His human mother’s red feather that she wore on her cap. Also his red scarf that his tiefling mother made for him when he first went off with his human mother.
Deepest Desire: To be a father. His time with the tiefling kids made him realize that. He wants to adopt someday, maybe Yenna.
Guilty Pleasure: Honestly he likes killing way more than he’d admit he can get pretty sadistic. Granted he only does it to people who truly deserve it but he can still get carried away at times depending on who the person is.
Best-Kept Secret: His middle name. Not because it’s embarrassing but because it’s the name that was given to him by his tiefling mother when she found him as a baby before she knew there was a note with his birth given name in the basket he was abandoned in. Since it was given to him by the woman he considers his true mother he only lets people incredibly close to him call him Alasdair.
Greatest Strength: Charity I’d say. Anything of value he’s ever stolen rarely ever stayed in his hands for long before being given to an urchin, a beggar, or so forth.
Fatal Flaw: No self preservation. He’d gladly die for a good cause.
Favorite Smell: Campfires, Sulfur
Favorite Spell or Cantrip: Speak with Animals. Not that he can do it naturally.
Pet Peeve: Crossbows. Just say you’re bad with a bow.
Bad Habit: Finds it really hard to sleep alone. Grew up always around others so he hates trying to fall asleep in a secluded tent away from people. Don’t know if it counts as a bad habit but whatever.
Hidden Talent: Knows surface level knowledge of playing a lute from his tiefling mother because she’s a bard.
Leisure Activity: Climbing. Mostly buildings from back home. Doesn’t like climbing natural things like mountains or trees.
Favorite Drink: His tiefling mother’s tea specifically.
Comfort Food: Bex’s cookies specifically.
Favorite Person: A lot. His tiefling mother, his human mother, his human “aunts”, his human “cousins”, Karlach as a lover but all the other companions, all the tiefling refugees.
Favored Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): Touch and words of affirmation. He didn’t get much affection after going off with his human mother and rarely seeing his tiefling mother so any sort of close touch or affirming word will shock him and he will be replaying the moment in his head over and over. Not that his human mother wasn’t loving or affectionate she just had different ways of affection.
Fondest Childhood Memory: His tiefling mother consoling him as a small child after she helped get some makeshift horns he glued on his head off because he was trying to look like everyone else in the community of tieflings he grew up with.
Edit: I forgot I was gonna tag people so @gith-zeri and @sorcerous-caress if y’all want to
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darkfictionjude · 7 months
god I really hate Orla. I avoid talking shit about IF characters most of the time, I know a lot of authors dislike reading bad stuff about their creations and I understand how that may take a toll on them, but I'm reading all the blog's asks right now and saw you've already given us a free pass, so I gotta say:
I am SO glad that bitch is dead
I can deal with her character haunting the narrative and whatnot but I feel like I'd find her scenes and character arc so insufferable and ennerving if she was alive, I'm just like mentally preparing myself for the flashbacks
Love Sally. I know he's got his flaws and we're not actually THAT close, but he's like the only thing standing between MC and literal, actual "i'll-kill-myself" family hell (like orla being physically abusive w/ mc and no other relative caring enought to stop her?!?!?!)
Percy is on thin fucking ice, but you said he isn't really relevant to the story right now so I'm okay with that
I love this passion anon I read through this whole thing laughing affectionately because it’s very flattering when my characters make people feel things.
Honestly I would never get mad at people not liking Orla because that’s what I knew what happen. That’s the point, you might feel some sympathy for her because it sucks being a woman in a world of impossible expectations but she’s abusive and nothing excuses that. At first she wasn’t like that and you might think awww but by the next flashback you’ll see how quickly she degrades.
On Sally’s part he feels close to mc because he raised them but mc from their part hasn’t made that connection because first of all they still aren’t used to that type of affection because they never got it from their parents and because mc has never revealed themselves to him out of self preservation. He sees mc the kid sibling not mc the person. Which is both of their faults.
Now I love Percy so much but god he is such a dick. And he really has no reason to be (😭) because although parental neglect and lack of affection can cause serious issues in children at a certain point you have to take responsibility for your own actions. Percy does show up a bit in episode 2 but then is kind of background character for most of the season. A few characters are needed more at the tail end.
I’m a writer that although adores her creations will never be blind to their faults nor think that the readers should feel the way I do (much less if I made them purposefully to be awful). As long as it’s respectful towards me I’ll accept y’all hating Orla 😭
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bohemian-nights · 7 months
I think the only Dragonseeds who will actually have a prominent role in S2 is gonna be Hugh Hammer and Alyn. I hate the idea that Nettles is not in S2 but if Daemyra is celebrating for it now, i have feelings they will regret that later, a lot, cause ain't good thing. This choice only make me think honestly that Nettles's role is setting to be nothing but the cause of the definitive separation of Daemon from Rhaenyra, in the Show. The writers have such bad habit on making black women to nothing but love interest. See Laena how has been reduced? They want to make Nyra the Boss girl that badly, and yet only to fail later on cause of Alicent lmao it's embarrassing. The writers can't make up their minds, and i hope in S2 they finally did.
Replace Alyn with Addam(cause we haven’t seen not one pic of him on set) and you’re probably right which is so messed up.
This show really does have a misogynoir problem if Nettles has been reduced to just Daemon’s side piece(will they even actually portray her as someone who he loved when their great white feminist queen girl boss is there).
Nettles’ character arc is one of the best in the Dance, she’s one of the few who survived, and she has a legacy, but nope she doesn’t matter at all.
She’s just the girl Daemon screws/grooms/who meant nothing to him/whatever else y’all(not you anon but those people) want to say she is. She’s even less relevant than Hugh freaking Hammer to these people.
This treatment goes beyond HOTD because this happens in a lot of different shows/movies when there is a Black-ish woman present. Which makes it all the more insidious when you see people celebrating it.
That’s all I’ll say because the situation is disgusting.
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tamelee · 8 months
thanks for that delicious read tamalee! You ate with that!🤭
No disrespect to that anon, but their entire vibe gives off a Sakura fan in disguise. Cause ain’t no way they truly believe 90% of the fandom dislike her simply because she “rejected” Naruto for sasuke lmaoo. Canonically it was Naruto who rejected her ass ( even if she was fake confessing) like the king he is. Ignoring how shitty she was for that, let’s talk about how her character was written to be unlikeable. How are they shocked that the readers reacted how the author expected/wanted them to react to her? Also, why do people get so obsessively defensive over her? She never had anything good going on for her. One of the first introductions to her character was her hating on a kid for being an orphan to another orphan. And she never truly changed. Ask yourselves if how she reacts and treats Naruto and Sasuke is okay/acceptable why don’t Naruto and sasuke treat each other the same? Why do they literally do opposite of what she does every time? and in the end she gets away with it all without improving and becoming a better character and yet y’all still think she’s a victim. Be so for real!
sorry for the long post. I hate Sakura apologists who love to act like everything we know of her character is just collective delusions, but all their lies and fantasies about her character is who she truly is. Honestly quite impressive how even after almost a decade they’re still fighting tooth and nail for a character whose own creator dislikes. And he is so loud about it too💀
<this?> aaah~ glad you think so Nonee, I have so many posts in my drafts, but I've been typing way too much getting off topic for majority of them because I feel like rambling, but I don't want to spam posts all day.
idk if it was 'fan-in-disguise' tbh, I thought I was good at recognizing them, but maybe not xD I think Sakura has some really great moments. I think in general things would go differently in the fandom if her fans focused on highlighting these few selfless moments. For example, when she showed a genuine interest in Sai's drawings, or when she tried to help him understand the complex relationship with his brother. Or her act of sacrifice for Chiyo a woman she just met. Which raises the question: how do her physical feats, like punching, or arguing whether she's pretty or not even compare to that?
These good moments have little to do with her 'badass strength' or her idealistic 'love' for Sasuke, which are often used as points of argument. The fans you talk about seem preoccupied with defending her character against the widely acknowledged criticisms shaping Sakura into a character she isn't, all the while overlooking her flaws or attributing them solely to the writing. Selective reading we call that and it doesn't help the intention to make her look better one bit.
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blueburningcup · 1 year
Coconut Pineapple
And the Valentine’s day one shot that y’all voted for! Gonna try to work on the Ruby/Regina one.
Summary: Seicho takes Azula to the beach to do some chocolate tasting. Azula tries to shake away doubts that Ozai and Fire Nation high class society have instilled within her.
The sun is still high. It casts vivid rays through the windows of Seicho’s bedroom. It is a small dwelling, but it is very cozy. As fate would have it, she owns the same seashell bedspread that Lo and Li do.
She also owns a lot of clutter. Ships in bottles and bottled sand are scattered throughout the room amid piles of seashells and dried starfish. The ceiling is home to many replica sea animals that hang on strings. Seicho had mentioned that she is terribly uncomfortable with people drying out real sea critters for decoration and Azula supposes that she can see how the other woman would find the practice unsettling. Her floor is covered in mis-matching and colorful rugs that would make Mai hurl. And her wall is covered in paintings and wooden masks that just don’t go together. 
Admittedly, the first time that she’d set foot in this room it had made her head ache trying put the disjointed pieces together. 
She has long since given that up. Seicho seems to acquire new treasures at a rate much faster than she could ever hope to organize things. 
As much as she hates to admit it, she has grown used to the clutter. Frankly, she thinks that she would be more uncomfortable if she stepped into this room to find it suddenly spotless. Not that she isn’t uncomfortable right now.
“You know that it’s not like it was a few years ago. Honestly, Ember Island was never really shy about this kind of thing. And you shouldn’t be either.”
“I’m not shy. I just…I know what’s expected of me.” She pauses. “And what isn’t.” She takes another glance in the mirror. Her hair falls over her shoulders in waves. She had let Seicho fix small seashells into the stands. Really, the swimsuit isn’t all that showy. More so than the one she had worn on her last trip to Ember Island but nothing as brave as what Ty-Lee had worn. 
But then, father hadn’t approved of her first swimsuit either. 
“What are you trying to do?” He had asked. “Do you want people to think that we’re a nation full of harlots?”
“Mai and TyLee…”
She remembers the look on his face as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“TyLee, that girl was always floozy, her parents should have raised her better. She’s going to end up pregnant and disgrace her family like Chan’s sister. Is that what you want to do?” 
“We were on the beach…”
It was a logical enough thing to say but father had made it seem senseless and stupid. Like she was a lost cause for doing what? Chancing a quick swim? But spirits it was effective because she feels so very exposed.  
“You look great.” Seicho promises. 
And that’s exactly the problem. She will draw looks, the kind that father has always warned her about. The kind that he would get angry with her for even if she had done everything she could to avoid getting those looks. The ones that make her feel queasy.
“I’d like to put my armor back on.”
Seicho quirks a brow. “You want to wear armor to a chocolate tasting?” She pauses. “On the beach?”
Azula bites the inside of her lip.
“I thought that you were a fan of being practical.”
“I am.”
“Well then, let’s be practical. Beach, sunny. Sun, hot. Armor? Sweltering. I don’t want to have to carry you home because you passed out. I especially don’t want to have to carry you if you’re wearing like fifty pounds of armor.” 
“It’s not that heavy.” She mumbles. 
“My point is, no one wears armor to the beach and you know it.” 
Azula shrugs. 
“This is perfect.” She insists. “You do like it don’t you?” 
Azula nods. The fabric feels very comfortable. The skirt is quite long but so is the v slit. Long enough to show off her whole leg. She likes the gold belt that sits on her hips with its seashell charms and its gold coins. The top suits her nicely, it is sleeveless–held up by a zipper in the back and a chain to match the one at her hips. Embroidered along the bottom of the bikini top are golden flames and one small dragon. There is another chain fixed to the bottom of that bikini top is one more chain. One that dangles down to her belly with a collection of rubies and sunstones. 
It is flashy.
Eye catching. 
She doesn’t want eyes to be caught.
She adores how it looks but she doesn’t love the idea of wearing it in public. She is perfectly content having captured only one pair of eyes. 
“You’re dad was wrong, you know that don’t you?” She pauses.
“He’s not the only one who thinks like that.”
“He’s not the only person with wrong opinions. The Fire Nation always talks about being so brave and amazing. And yet they’re all so scared of a little skin.”
“They’re afraid of change.” Azula mumbles. “Which is strange. I’ve read about Fire Nation fashion as part of cultural and historical research, of course.”
“Of course.” Seicho rolls her eyes. 
Azula opts to ignore the doubt in her voice. “Fire Nation culture has roots in Sun Warrior culture and their clothing style much more closely resembles modern Ember Island fashion trends.” She pauses. “The shift happened during the war.” 
“Yeah, because they want to stifle creativity…or something. Come on.” Seicho hooks Azula by the elbow and begins leading her to the door. “You’re putting so much thought into this, all we’re going to do is go down to the beach and have some chocolate. And a good time, we are going to have a good time.”
Azula certainly hopes so.
She is, afterall, the princess. Now that father isn’t here to demean her she supposes that there isn’t much anyone can do to stop her from having a nice time, from feeling comfortable. 
She can stop herself though.
She is very good at that.
“Well, which do you prefer?”
Azula hums, “I’m not sure, they both taste good enough.” 
Seicho pops another piece of chocolate into her mouth and then a second sample of chocolate type four. 
Both truly are amazing. Type three is a touch bitter, it is rich in the same way that dark silks and woodsy colognes are. Type three is rich like warm blankets, cream, and the glow of a beach bonfire.
“The caramel one.” Azula decides. 
“Yeah, I think that I prefer that one too.” Seicho agrees. “It kind of just melts on your tongue.” 
Seicho links their hands and leads her along to the next stall. The beach is so lively and crowded. For once, Azula is comforted by the massive gathering. Everyone just breezes by her, each person–individual or couple–is invested in their own doings. Their own romances or personal delights. 
Whether that thing is the chocolate sampling breaking away from the crowd to watch the twinkle of lantern lights reflecting in the water. The fireworks will begin soon. 
“Oh! Try this one!” Seicho offers her another chocolate. This one of the white variety. It has been carefully molded and dyed to bare likeness to a firelily. It certainly looks appetizing. 
She plucks it from Seicho’s hand. “It’s got a touch of…peach?”
“I think that it might be mango, or orange?”
“Those are two completely different flavors!” She exclaims. “And they’re both incorrect guesses. It is definitely a hint of peach.” 
“No way, taste it again!” She insists. 
“Seicho, I don’t know how much more chocolate I can handle.” Regardless she lets Seicho give her another piece. “Last one and then I’d like to walk by the water.” 
Seicho exhales through her nose. “Fine, I guess. But I would like to taste Mikahara’s chocolate first. I heard that she’s got some kind of coconut-pineapple chocolate that sounds tasty.”
“Alright, Mikahara’s chocolate and then some quiet time.” Away from people, away from the occasional glances. The ones that linger too long for her comfort. 
She lets Seicho lead her along. They weave through a lively crowd. Everyone looks so comfortable and at ease with hibiscus in their hair and drinks in their hands. No one seems troubled in the slightest. Azula inhales and drinks in the smell of chocolate and fruity drinks. 
“Hey, it’s alright.” Sheicho squeezes her hand. “You’re doing great. We can pass on the Mikahara’s…”
She shakes her head. “No! We can go get it.” She has to get herself comfortable. Has to take back what father and years of ridiculous expectations have taken from her. “I’m fine, I always finish things that I start.” 
“Technically I started it.” 
“I want to enjoy tonight, all of tonight.” Every list scent, taste, and sight. Every emotion that she had, in the past, tried to keep herself from. She wants to be alive. Truly alive.
And tonight is the perfect night to do that. 
To reclaim parts of herself.
To make new parts of herself.
Parts that she can cherish the way Seicho cherishes her. The way she cherishes Seicho. 
“Hello!” Greets a woman with shaved hair and a pearl in one ear. 
“You must be Mikahara.” Azula guesses. 
“I am.” She confirms. 
“From the sound of it, you’ve made quite an impression tonight.” 
Mikahara smiles. “See for yourself, princess.” She hands Azula a box of chocolates. “I heard that you might be here so I saved a little something special for the both of you.”
Seicho’s eyes twinkle. “Oh this is a treasure trove of chocolate!” The woman’s mouth is practically watering. 
“Thank you.” Azula replies.
“Of course, princess. I wouldn’t have had this opportunity if not for tonight’s festivities. And we would be having them if not for you.” 
Azula nods and slips her a gold coin or two. “We can share this by the water.”
“That sounds great, Azula.” Seicho smiles. 
It is quiet here at the shoreline. She has led Seicho a good distance from the jubilant energy of the chocolate tasting stalls and the couples straggling on the sand that is still relatively close to the festivities. 
This portion of the beach is, until the sunrises, desolate. Charmingly so. The music and chatter are close enough to be heard but distant enough to be little more than pleasant white noise. 
“Tell me the truth, how was it?”
“It was…it was really wonderful, Seicho.” It was nerve-wracking but sublime in its own right. There is a certain charm, a sense of exhilaration and freedom in stepping out of her comfort zone and into something new. Something that is probably better.
Something liberating. 
All in all, father had been completely off.
Most people hadn’t even noticed her at all.
And if they had, they opted to give her, her space. 
She certainly doesn’t feel like a harlot. Neither does she feel like she has had herself a scandalous evening. She had simply had an evening. Had put on an outfit sewn, very lovingly, by her girlfriend’s mother, and went to a party. 
“It is going to be nice to go back to the palace and not get a lecture about carelessness and wasting time.” 
“Would he really tell you that today?” 
Azula nods. “He would.” She looks out at the open ocean, at those rolling, twinkling waves and clears her throat. “Can we talk about something else or eat some of that chocolate.”
Seicho quirks a brow. “I thought that you said you were full.”
“Mikahara did make that special for me though, it would be a shame to not try it.”
Seicho chuckles. 
“It would also make father really unhappy if I were to go visit him in prison and tell him that I spent a whole night eating chocolate and wearing sleeveless outfits…”
“Chocolates and no sleeves? On the beach!? Oh we’re getting really wild and daring now!” 
Azula gives a humored sniff and holds a piece of chocolate out to Seicho.
“Very good.” The woman gives a thumbs up. “Try it for yourself.”
Azula cups the woman’s face and brings their lips together. She can indeed taste the lingering chocolate on them. And indeed there is a hint of coconut and pineapple. She holds her face a few inches from Seicho’s, their lips still nearly touch. 
“Oh this is an adventurous night.” 
“It ought to be.” Azula replies quietly. She needs that so badly. She has needed it for a long time. And she promises herself that this will be only the beginning. That her life is going to be hers from now on. Starting with the way she views herself and her body.
Ending with discovering and following her own hopes and dreams.
“Happy birthday, by the way.” Seicho nudges her. 
“I suppose it is.” Azula smiles.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
The one thing about the “queer perspective” Viv says with Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel is that it feels disingenuous? It’s like she think there wasn’t already queer representation in adult animated medias BEFORE she made Hazbin, or she’s just hiding behind the LGBTQ+ community because she can’t stand criticism
Being queer and a woman doesn’t automatically make you a good writer, having two queer writers doesn’t make your show good either. I don’t like how she weaponizes LGBTQ+ and enabling fans attack or call anyone a cishet and a homophobe for criticizing the show not only is she causing a greater divide between sides of the fandom who are cishet but don’t feel safe in the fandom because of they fear being labeled a homophobe for being critical of HB, she’s also getting people WHO are LGBTQ+ hate for being critical of the show as well, like what a way to show your support Viv, it’s honestly cowardly and irresponsible on her part.
Agreed. Also I know this is petty but my problem is honestly just that she acts like her main intention was to create a love story between two men when not only is the ship toxic and shouldn’t be looked at in a good light, but like I said before, Helluva Boss’s main premise had nothing to do with that, and she and her fandom act like the people who aren’t gay aren’t going to get the writing because her and her team are, so that means the writing is automatically good when that’s not how it works. Honestly I just mainly hate how she acts like she’s changing adult animation for the better and doing such a good job at telling her queer stories when…….well in my opinion? No, Helluva is NOT changing adult animation for the better, and two, Stolitz is such a fucking awfully written ship, and she just sucks at writing relationships in GENERAL as well, like…. I’m just giving it to y’all straight. It has nothing to do with her sexuality, MY sexuality ect, she just sucks at writing all together in my opinion, and the people who say she’s good at writing gay relationships or just from having a “queer perspective” in general have their heads so far up their asses. These are all just my personal opinions, I’m nitpicking as well but that’s just how I feel. The funny thing is that some people say only her fandom is the issue when it comes to people saying the show is for queers and straights can’t critique it ect, but nah man, sorry but Viv is the issue as well, you can tell she has her head so far up her ass, liking so many tweets regarding the show being told from a queer person and how the criticism against it is ridiculous, she’s part of the problem. Not only can she not take criticism, but she can’t fathom the idea that gay characters can be written better ect. Anyone is allowed to critique this show, and nobody should get harassed for it just because they’re cishet or not.
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seeminglyseph · 4 months
My mom was talking about my sister feeling self conscious about her body, and like. I think part of it is she has for some reason a lot of oddly petite friends. Like. For some reason they’re all really short and she’s been friends with them since they were kids and some of them have that like. Unusually skinny body type that like… look some people don’t gain body fat I’m not shaming but those of us who do gain body fat do get shamed all the time constantly so like. Extremely skinny people for some reason get set at the status quo when they like. Really really aren’t. And that’s mostly the weird part honestly. And the fact that like y’all bodies work so fundamentally different than mine that it’s like. A little mystifying sometimes.
My mother is one of these people honestly and it I think causes serious conflict. Because like. She is literally 110lbs. Like. The last time I was 110lbs I was like. A teenager with an eating disorder. Like. It was a fucking bad situation. My mom is in her 60s. I’ve weighed more than her since I was a teenager. And I am a few inches shorter than her. My sister’s like half a foot taller than me, and like. I guess thick fit? Though more on the fit than the thick? And generally just kinda average slightly curvy human woman? But also I always considered her like. The hot one? Not in the weird way but like. How in Daria there’s the weird introvert sibling and cool hot sibling. There’s always the nerd sibling and the hot sibling in sitcoms and I was a latchkey kid raised on TV. I think my sister is objectively an attractive woman who men should be proud to date?
But I also think while I have a shitton of body image issues that I definitely got from my mom being. Fucking weird about my body. I wonder if my mom being absurdly tiny and like. Worrying about it so much, and doing things like “wear the spanx it will make you look less fat” and whatever. Like. I don’t know how much of that stuff she did specifically to my sister because my sister was never as much of a “problem” as I was. It always seemed to me like she was the one doing everything right. But even if she wasn’t the one getting criticized, watching me get dragged over the coals could’ve just given her a complex about like. “I never want to be in that position”
It’s hard being a dumb broken shithead trying to be empathetic because it’s like. “I want to be open and understanding with my family” and then I do that and then like. In two months I’ll be vulnerable and it’ll blow up in my face because like half my family is absolutely garbage at emotions.
Also I may have accidentally implied to my mother that I think my sister is a dom and should try to find a nice sub to settle down with, instead of these alpha males she keeps trying to date. Because I think kink dynamics are generic and normal enough to just be sub categories I can expect to be relatable in conversations about normal basic heterosexual…. Stuff. I don’t know anything about this. She might just be an emotionally unavailable bitch. I might just have Eldest Daughter Trauma.
I don’t know. It’s already weird trying to be like “no my sister’s an attractive person objectively. I’m not attracted to her because ew, but also not my type but also ew, but she is an objectively attractive person.”
You grow up with a negative sibling relationship, complimenting them is unfamiliar territory. And then the whole “the internet loves to take anything you say in the worst way possible” paranoia my brain is like. “Literally the very concept of there being an incest angle is revolting. I think I would rather bite off my fingers and die.” I’m literally pulling a “no homo” but because of how weird I’ve seen some stupid internet discourse go off about dumb shit and I like. Hate the idea of having someone take this in that direction considering how distant my sister and I are and how hard it is to deal with actual sibling relationships without random people taking things the wrong way maliciously.
I took a sleeping pill and it’s the wrong side of 4am and my sinus headache is fucking demolishing me. I really wanna work things out with my sister one day, but there’s a lot of trauma and resentment built up. And it’s hard to know how much I can open up or trust her a lot of the time. Family is complicated.
And I am constantly plagued by the fear of running out of time. Dunno what to do with that.
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curtsiesandmuses · 2 years
as usual i’m making somewhat of a thread of my thoughts on episode 10!
• lucerys and rhaenyra’s relationship in this episode makes my heart sink. especially knowing the ending but even in general. out of all of her children rhaenyra really has a soft spot for luke, she had some sweet moments shared with jace but he’s a firstborn so that explains it. luke is mama’s boy
• ok honestly why is every birth scene in that show so traumatic. i CRIED. gotta admire emma d’arcy acting cause wow. i loved the dragon parallel, i believe it was syrax feeling his rider’s pain?? and rhaenyra’s strength oh. my. god. pushing her daughter out HERSELF, not letting any handmaiden near, knowing damn well she won’t live, grieving her and literally in no time dealing with a handful of problems? THIS WOMAN Y’ALL
• the scene on the bridge between daemon, otto and rhaenyra was great. parallel with ep 2 was POETIC, also really loved seeing rhaenyra on a dragon bc we didn’t really see that since she was a younger girl. that book page reference? rhaenyra crying when being reminded of their ‘childhood love’? I SCREAM IN LESBIAN
• oh OH OH. CORONATION. i really suck at remembering names but the knight stealing viserys’ crown and actually running to help the other side reminds me of jaime post season seven. daemon crowning rhaenyra weeks after pretty much crowning his brother was poetic. damn everything about this episode is poetic
• i talked about the choking scene in a previous post so there’s nothing to add here really. i personally found daemon’s characterization interesting and complex, also rhaenyra snapping him right back with ‘he didn’t tell you, did he?’ knowing how important viserys’s trust was to him??? my complex babes really deserve each other
• corlys really said imma support my daughter in law even tho she’s not my daughter in law anymore. i stan. i really hope they give us some ‘queen and her hand’ moments between him and rhae in season 2
• ALSO RHAENYS😭😭😭😭💍💍💍💍💍
• lucerys and aemond- i was literally scared to write this part bc it’s so messed up and there are so many layers but here we go. first of all rhaenyra’s motherly moment with jace and luke before they flew off was EVERYTHING.
luke is such a baby compared to all them lords and aemond and he did such a great job 😭😭😭 like he addressed that baratheon brat with so much respect and grace. they did raise him well.
ok i really am not an aemond’s fan and i’m not trying to defend him but the fact that luke’s death was an accident actually really appealed to me. like obviously aemond is a prick for doing the whole ‘give me your eye’ thing but it is understandable of him to look for revenge. luke did take his eye. it was fair but you have to admit it gotta hurt. might be that he actually wanted that revenge, might be that he just wanted to scare the poor boy and that was the exact reason for chasing him on vhagar. luke’s death was obviously a shock for him and that’s what i find really interesting about it:
Aemond might be an excellent swordsman, he might be advanced and familiar with how it’s done but he never faced death — until now. we don’t really see aemond the way we see aegon, jace and luke - as a young man who literally has no life experience yet - but he is. until now.
• ending scene 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
honestly im in awe if you finished it lmao. overall it was one of the best episodes i’ve seen so far and i really enjoyed the intensity and some unexpected turns. i know people tend to hate it but if you didn’t i’m right there with you
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So Sweden has a winner!
It was the most predictable winner. And it makes me a bit bummed.
I do like Loreen a lot! In fact, I am very happy we for the second year in a row send a girl to esc instead of a generic boy that we sent for like 7 years in a row. Also, she has a bit of a ”weird girl” vibe, which I appreciate. Though, Cornelia last year was more in my taste. Also Loreen’s song, I am sorry, was not as good as Euphoria.
But what makes me bummed is that she’s already won before. She has already gotten her glory. So for her to win again now is like. Hm, I want the others to have a chance.
But you know, this is not the first or last person who has won mello more than once. I mean, Carola won the whole esc in 1991 and then won mello again 2006. Not to mention a lot of other countries also have done ”previous representants returning”. It’s nothing new in esc and tbh it happens with one country or another every year.
I just wish that we dared to send a little more funky, corny, not so serious song. I thought last year we started to break out of our shells with Cornelia. But we always seem to go with the ”safe choice”. We haven’t always done that though, it really started like… after 2015 really, I think. In 2007, we had this, which was like. Mm ❤️ Why are we so boring now? Not to mention in the 80s, when we had a song that had a bald man without a shirt doing an electric guitar solo, and also won the entire esc with a song about GOLDEN SHOES
And in Mello, we HAVE some corny, funny, ”just here to have fun” songs. But they get no points?? Neither from us Swedes ourselves, and if they do, then the international jury in the finale (aka our mortal enemy) will NOT give them points.
I gotta say, Sverige, du gamla du fria du smällfeta ko, VARFÖR HAR NI SÅ DÅLIG MUSIKSMAK??!! I’m not talking about Loreen, but like, the other good songs in the finale? WHY DID NORDMAN GET SUCH FEW VOTES? I understand the jury didn’t give them much because the jury has the most basic of music taste, but swedes?? THAT SONG IS THE ONE I HAVE BEEN BLASTING THE MOST?? And John Henrik Fjällgren?? ESC WOULD HAVE LOVED JOIK. THEY WOULD HAVE LOVED BALD MEN PLAYING A KEYHARP WITH 3D CROWS. THEY WOULD HAVE LOVED THE HARD ROCK BAND SMASH INTO PIECES.
How tf did Marcus and Martinus place so high? Imagine if they would have won. Imagine. The norwegians would be so pissed. The irony.
Also how did Tone get 5 points? What is going on?
But there were highlights of this night
I really loved the hosts this year. Their dynamic ❤️
The fact that Paul Rey got loved by the jury and then got ONE point from the swedish people. I don’t understand how he even got to the finale. Did he rig the show??
The way Farah is ready to kiss any woman she speaks to in green room like fr 🫶 #giveFarahamellogf2023 /j
When Jesper interviewed random people on the street and one person walked away and said ”kiss in the butt” and I LOST IT. WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN-
Friends (the group) performing in Friends Arena
DANNY SAUCEDO (in the most ???? outfit like sweetie didn’t you do a whole middle act about your clothing style in 2013)
Either way. Wish we could have gotten some less predictable winner, cause it wasn’t much excitement I felt. I don’t hate the song tho and Loreen is a very good performer.
It was very fun to liveblog with my fellow swedes tho. I guess mello isn’t about the winner, it’s about the fun we had on the way.
See y’all in May.
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Vows | Self-insert | Angst
I’ve been having a block. So have this as an apology.
Based off the song: Bleed for Me — Crape
Content: I’m using a self-insert (J) instead of (Y/n) for this one because I can’t imagine this being an x reader. But J is still reader-ish so whatever. I also just need to write this out and put this SOMEWHERE. Forgive me <3
Warnings: Heavy character death, aggressiveness, spoiler warning for Death Note
Notes: Y’all don’t gotta read this if you don’t wanna. It wont hurt my feelings at all. I just need to get something written or I’m gonna explode. I’m blanking on ALL of my requests. I’m also throwing you into this. Also also, if the format is weird, its cause im on my phone. It’s also 3:37 am where I am.
Some info on J: She grew up with L in the orphanage. Later got into a relationship with and married L. Adopted Matt, Mello and Near with him later on.
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J sat, in shock. Her eyes wide as she stared at the news screen. It felt like she wasn’t breathing, that her heart stopped. She honestly wished it had.
It was almost as if Kira had gotten her.
The news report showed a car. A red one. One she didn’t recognize, but she recognized the driver. The car was littered with bullet holes, the class broken and shattered. A body laid limp against it, a young man. He was in the same shape as his car, but with blood all over him.
His own blood.
She knew that young man. Tears began to gather at her eyes, her hands began to shake, and she finally felt herself breathe. But it hurt. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to live.
The young man was her son, Matt.
“Mom?” Her youngest son, Near, called from the floor behind her. “Are you alright?”
She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to turn to Near and have him see her in this state. He was old enough to, but that didn’t mean she wanted him to see it.
Near got up and carefully stepped over his toys at his mothers silence. He was able to see the news. He knew he just lost his brother. He wrapped his arms around his mother, pressing his face into her hunched over back.
J finally began to break down and cry into her hands. Matt was gone, and Mello was who knows where. They were always inseparable, but she couldn’t help but worry for her eldest son.
Losing one son was enough. It felt as if her whole world was crashing. Again.
She’d already lost her husband four years ago — how much more loss can she take?
She twisted her body to hold Near. J wanted to comfort her son as much as Near wanted to comfort his mother. Near never hated his brothers, even though they ganged up on him after L practically chose Near.
J sobbed into Near’s shoulder. Near kept calm, but so desperately wanted to call out for his brother. J wanted it to be a prank, a stupid, very elaborate one that Matt would always pull.
But he would never get back up again. He would never pull another prank on them again. J’s lungs seized at that thought, making her crying worse. Matt was gone, and he was never going to come back home.
A few hours later, J was getting off the phone with the police and making arrangements to have Matt’s body transported to England for his funeral. Her eyes puffy, mouth dry, and throat sore.
Anthony and Gevanni grimaced at the sight. In the time they’d known J, she was not one to cry. She was always a very quiet, stoic, yet verbally aggressive woman. If Near had brown hair, they’d think he was her biological son.
Gevanni handed her a glass of water. “If there is anything you need, just let me know, okay?”
She nodded to the raven haired man. “Thank you.”
Gevanni nodded and comfortingly rubbed the woman’s back for a moment before turning to Near on the floor. He’d been more quiet since Matt died. He had no idea that Near had brothers. All Gevanni knew of his family was his mother, and that his father died four years ago in Japan from Kira.
“Near, are you—“
J’s cellphone rang. She picked it up and saw it was Halle. Halle was tailing after Mello when he took Kiyomi Takada. She’d lost sight of him for a while before, J guessed she’d found him now.
“Halle, did you find—“
“Miss, I…I’m so sorry.”
J assumed she meant about Matt. But then she realized, Halle wasn’t here when J told Gevanni and Anthony about Matt. Her heart suddenly dropped to her stomach again.
“What…what do you mean?” Her voice grew shaky, earning the attention of Near.
“Mello, I…he…Takada, too…” Halle seemed to be traumatized. “They…they…”
“Spit it out, Linder!” J snapped, feeling tears gather up again. “What happened?!”
“Mello and Takada…are dead.”
For the second time that day, J felt everything shatter. For the second time today, she was rendered into a shock. Her grip on the phone was so tight she was sure she’d break it. Near thought her eyes were so wide that they’d pop out of her head.
“Mom? What happened.”
“M-Mello…” She slowly turned to look at her son. “Mello’s dead, too.”
J had never gripped a counter so hard in her life. Her nails dug into the material. Her face wet from the sink water, brown hair draping over her face. The guilt swamped her head.
Four years ago, Mello and Matt had landed in Japan in secret to help the Kira case behind L’s back. J usually kept her cases as far away from her children as possible, but Mello is— was a very stubborn man. Never took no as an answer. And Matt never stood for being left behind, so he tagged along.
J had no choice but to let them do it.
After L died, just after his funeral, Mello and Matt wanted to officially join the task force. J refused, said she’d stay in the orphanage and help. Mello then wanted to join some antagonist group to counter Kira and fight him. J fought him on that decision, they had an argument, and Mello took off with Matt. That had been the last time she’d seen Matt, and the last time she’d seen Mello until he came to retrieve his picture.
‘I didn’t even get to say goodbye.’
J let out a whimper before sinking to her knees. She pushed her knees to her chest, feeling the guilt continue to swim around her.
‘L…L, I failed. I failed our children, I failed you.’
She let out a sob before putting her head down, crying for the third time that day. It had been about a week since she buried her two sons next to their father, L, and grandfather, Wammy. Roger had tried to offer support, but it honestly meant nothing to her.
She appreciated the older man, but she needed to go through this process alone.
‘But what about my only surviving son?’
Near’s face flashed in her mind. Her eyes shot open. Suddenly, J became terrified that she’d lose Near next. Her grief and guilt quickly turned to anger. She narrowed her eyes, still crying.
‘No. I may have failed L, Mello and Matt, but I will not fail Near. He needs me now more than ever.’
With newfound definitiveness, she stood and finally turned the sink off. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like shit, as one would if they lost their husband and two eldest sons.
There, J made two vows. The first being she would catch Kira, even if it meant she’d lose her life next. It was better than Near dying. J would not allow her only family left to die. She needed to remember L’s take on the case.
Light Yagami. He was the suspect.
‘Light Yagami,’ J growled to herself. ‘I will rip you, and anyone you love, to goddamn shreds. That I vow.’
Light Yagami would feel the same pain J felt. She was sure of it.
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lovejay98 · 2 years
I could talk about the vampire diaries for hours so here’s a rant (with spoilers). Stefan deserved to die. He was annoying. He literally guilt tripped Damon into becoming a vampire & then got upset when Damon was being reckless and acting like an actual fucking creature of the night. Since he (Stefan) gave off the persona of being good, everyone just assumed that he was the better brother. I will NEVER forgive or understand why the fuck he killed Enzo. & everyone felt sorry for him whenever he mentioned his past and how he was/is a ripper. And honestly I feel like that right there should be a reason as to why he (Stefan) should be deemed the bad brother. The man literally says the reason he doesn’t drink human blood is because he loses control like…??? This is how you SURVIVE as a vampire and you can’t gain control so essentially you starve yourself by drinking animal blood???? Matt was fucking annoying as well. Really wanted him to pick a fucking side. Cause he would always bitch when something went wrong involving all the mystical creatures. Especially when he became sheriff. OH MY GOODNESS the man was insufferable. He literally got an attitude when shit hit the fan but whenever they asked for his help…he helped them like…do you hate them or not??? And don’t even get me started on Bonnie. I could write a whole essay about the mistreatment of Bonnie the character & of Kat Graham. She deserved better. Damon also deserved better in my opinion. Honestly I don’t understand all the hate Damon or Klaus received. Not comparing them, but everyone knew their history in a sense, and still deemed them as bad. And I get it somebody has to be the villain. But y’all are literally creatures of the night. You need blood to survive. And I admire Damon & Klaus because they seem to be the only ones who understood this. They realized that they weren’t human anymore in the slightest and didn’t try to be a nice, good, wholesome vampire (*coughs* Stefan *coughs*) & didn’t completely just straight up be an asshole either. We saw the good and bad in them. Because at the end of the day we all have good and evil. Now did they struggle with balancing both sides? Hell yea. But ain’t nobody perfect. Stefan and everyone else that became a vampire simply didn’t want to be bad. And so whenever that struggle of balance or choosing good or evil came in to play they didn’t know what to do. Instead of accepting that they can be both good & evil. Not one or the other. Elena was also very much annoying & she wasn’t even in half of the series. And I also don’t like how everything revolves around her. Bonnie lost her GRANDMA!!!! In the first season and watched her dad get killed in front of her. Her (Bonnie) mom got turned into a vampire. And all this sequentially had to do with Elena. Bro wtf!..How we pick that this basic white woman be the thing that makes everybody go crazy??? HUH??? AND!!!!!!….how she just came back from the dead at the end of the series and got to live her dream of becoming a nurse or whatever the fuck & spend the rest of her life growing old with her true love 🤢🙄. Caroline was turned into a vampire by force literally and Bonnie lost literally everything but somehow Elena gets everything??? OH, & let’s not forget that Caroline was also forced to have not one but two babies that didn’t even belong to her. All the struggle that everyone went through just so Elena could have a happy life….wtf🙃. I just honestly don’t see what was so great about her. I was over her when she would jump back and forward between brothers. I said after that she should just be single but noooo she just had to be with one of them🙄. Tyler and Jeremy were headaches but they weren’t on the show that much. Jeremy was annoying because he was just…annoying. Like all he had to do was listen but he wanted to be the annoying rebellious little brother. Annoying. Caroline should’ve ended up with Klaus. I don’t know why she was fighting him so bad. Especially after her and Tyler broke up for good and went off with the other werewolves.
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x female!OC
Part: 10/??
Series Masterlist
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Sam rode her bike down the perfectly manicured streets, eyeing the multimillion dollar mansions and their carefully curated landscaping. All of it just to keep up appearances. It had always rubbed Sam the wrong way how rich people used their money just to make themselves look better, instead of actually trying to help people that were struggling in their own community.
That’s why Sam and Kie had always gotten along so well, even during Kie’s kook year. And despite the fact that the two girls came from completely different worlds, they’d always agreed that helping people was more important than anything else.
Riding over the curb, she turned down a nicely paved driveway and slowed to a roll in front of a beautiful house with a wrap-around porch and an honest-to-God white picket fence surrounding the property. In stark contrast to their male friends, she’d always been welcome at the Carrera household. So it was second nature for Sam to lean her bike against the fence and let herself in the gate, skipping up the steps and across the porch to knock on the glass doors and peek in the window. Kie’s car had been parked out front, so she crossed her fingers and silently prayed that her friend would answer the door, instead of her parents.
But today was another unlucky day, and seconds after knocking, Sam saw Kie’s mom come around the corner and smile through the glass as she opened the door. “Hey Sweetie, how’s it goin?” The woman asked kindly as she leaned up against the jamb. Sam had always liked Kie’s parents, they’d always been good to her, offering free food and trying to pass Kiara’s hand me downs off to her discreetly. She felt bad hoping to avoid the small talk, but she just really wasn’t feeling up to seeing good, caring parents in action today.
Despite her poor attitude, Sam just couldn’t be rude to the woman who had been more of a mother to her than her own mom. “Hi Ms. Anna, I’m good, how’s everything at The Wreck this summer?” She replied happily, mustering up her best bubbly voice and sweet smile.
“Oh you know, same old same old” the older woman waved her hand, “you know those tourists just eat it up” she laughed lightly as she folded her arms over her chest and took on a more serious tone, “but you know Honey, if you ever get sick of cleaning up the rentals for Missy we’d be happy to get you some shifts hosting or serving” she offered kindly, in a low voice, even though there wasn’t anyone else around.
Sam replied with a smile and a nod, “yes ma’am, I appreciate y’all always trying to help me out” Honestly the constant offers of work and free clothes made Sam uncomfortable, she hated the fact that they thought she was in need of assistance, but the Carrera’s were just too nice to say anything otherwise, so she always let it slide.
“You got it Kiddo, you just let me or Kiara know and we’ll get you on the schedule” Mrs. Carrera said with a pitying grin as she reached out to pat Sam's shoulder awkwardly. “Thanks Ms. Anna” Sam replied, praying for the small talk to be over, “hey, uh, speaking of Kie, is she home?” She asked, glancing behind the woman as she looked for her friend.
“Oh, sure Honey, go ahead upstairs” the woman said as she moved to the side and gestured for her to come into the house. Sam kicked off her sandals and left them by the door, moving down the hallway and towards the grand staircase. “Oh and Samantha?” Mrs. Carrera called out behind her, causing Sam to turn back around “tell your mom thanks for letting Kiara stay over last weekend when we were out of town!” She said as she turned the corner and went back to her office.
The comment flipped and flopped around in Sam’s head as she bounced up the stairs and through the house to Kie’s room, knocking once and then opening the door to let herself in, shutting it promptly behind her as she waved at her friend. Kie was sprawled across her bed, lying on her back with her phone held up to her ear
“Yeah, okay, Sammie just walked in so I gotta go, we’ll meet up with you guys later” Sam leaned against the closed door and watched her friend roll over, pulling her phone away from her ear and tapping the end call button. “Hey” she said absentmindedly as she scrolled through social media, hardly looking up when Sam padded across the room and dropped herself down on the bed, flinging her legs over Kie’s. “Dude, did you tell your mom you stayed at my house over 4th of July?”
Kie stopped her scrolling and pulled her eyes away from the screen, looking at the other girl sheepishly “shit, I forgot to tell you, did you blow my cover?” She asked uneasily. Sam maneuvered to look at her friend, shaking her head against the bedspread “nah I didn’t say anything, but tell me next time girl!” She pleaded, “I like your mom, if I’m gonna lie to her I’d like to know about it first”
“You’d know if you’d been around at all last weekend! JJ went to pick you up and then came back alone. I haven’t heard from you all week Sam” Kie whined. She wasn’t wrong, Sam had been avoiding social interaction all week. She couldn’t comprehend how she’d tell her friends about her dad’s offer, or what she’d do if she actually had to leave them behind.
Sam sighed, desperately wanting to avoid the topic of her and the disastrous dinner with her father. “I know, and I’m sorry, but you’ve gotta tell me if I’m supposed to lie for you.” Kiara propped herself up on one elbow, “I know, it just came out, I’m already in so much trouble for staying out late with the guys and not coming home, when my mom started going on about them being out of town I just panicked and said your mom had offered to let me stay with you”
Sam chortled, “you’ve never even met my mom!” , her belly heaving as she continued to giggle. “I know but my mom doesn’t have to know that!” Kiara laughed back, flailing her legs and kicking at Sam. The two girls snickered and kicked at each other playfully, eventually dissolving into a full on war as they shrieked and tears streamed down their faces.
The girls settled and then lounged for a while in silence. Sam was grateful for her friend who always knew how to make her laugh, and the A/C didn’t hurt either.
“Kie do you really hate being a Kook?” Sam asked suddenly, breaking the silence. “Dude you know I’m as Pogue as you are” Kiara responded indignantly. She was offended by the constant insinuation from everyone in her life that she was a mindless Kook rather than a passionate, true Pogue.
Sam was quiet for a minute, then considered her next words carefully, “I know, I know, but you know what I mean, like living here and shit? How could you hate this? It’s so nice” she waved her arms around, feeling the cool air breeze over her skin, hairs standing up on end as goosebumps appeared on her arms.
“None of it’s real though Sammie, it’s all a fucking facade. It’s all just this bourgeoisie, materialistic bullshit meant to look better than the guy next door” Kiara sat up, leaning back on her hands as she tried to get her point across.
“I get it, but you’ve gotta admit, it sure must be nice not worrying about the power being shut off or being able to make the next mortgage payment” Sam couldn’t count the number of times they’d received pieces of mail with ‘past due’ stamped in red across the front, how many times the lights had flickered and she’d prayed that the bill had been paid in time. Kie could sympathize but she’d never understand, not like JJ or John B.
“Where is this coming from Sammie?” Kie asked, sitting up and looking skeptical, “is this about the dinner with your dad?” Sam sighed, grabbing a pillow and pulling it over her face, groaning before Kiara tore it away, smacking her with it and badgering her “Sam come on, what’s up?”
“What did JJ tell you?” Sam asked quietly, afraid to meet her friend's eyes “JJ?” Kie asked, confused, “He didn’t tell us anything, he came back last week and just said you didn’t feel good, he didn’t elaborate or anything, but I could tell something was off.” Sam silently sent a prayer of thanks in her head, glad that even though they hadn’t seen eye to eye on the situation he hadn’t divulged her secret.
“Ugh, okay. So it all goes back to the day of the kegger…”
Sam spent the next hour venting, catching Kiara up on everything that had gone on in her life for the last month, the college fund, her mom, and her dad's offer.
“Holy shit” was all Kie could say, to all of it. Her mouth hung open and she stared down at her bedspread, playing with the tassels and contemplating what to say. “Yeah JJ had a similar response” Sam snorted, now laying flat on her back on Kiara’s floor “and what’s the deal with JJ?” Kie asked, legs hanging off the side of the bed and swinging back and forth
“What do you mean ‘what’s the deal with JJ?’” Sam asked back, eyebrows furrowed as she turned her head to look at her friend. “I mean, he knew all of this already? You told him before you told anyone else, Sammie, you can’t deny that y’all have been close all summer, way closer than normal.”
“I dunno Kie” Sam groaned, she could feel her face getting hot and she silently willed herself not to blush, “he’s just been there, right place, right time, ya know? I was afraid to tell anyone, but he just happened to be there, and honestly he’s been really good about everything” she felt a smile creep over her face, she was telling the truth, JJ had been so supportive and she couldn’t help but feel little butterflies fluttering in her stomach when she thought about him now.
“Oh my God you guys aren’t like, a thing, are you??” Kiara boasted, “You know I’ll kill him if he tries anything with you” she wagged her pointer finger around and Sam had to hold back a giggle. She’d seen Ms. Anna use that move when she was scolding Kiara a hundred times.
“Kie! Oh my God stop!!” Sam moved her hands to cover the blush invading her cheeks, “There’s nothing going on, he’s just being a good friend”
“Good friend!” Kie snorted “JJ? Yeah, right”
“What are you talking about?!” Sam shouted with a laugh, she couldn’t comprehend how they’d gotten to this point in the conversation.
At that moment, Kiara’s phone rang, she grabbed for it, looked at the screen and then turned it to face Sam, a ridiculous photo of John B with pigtails was present on the screen “saved by the bell” she said sarcastically, swiping to answer and tapping the speaker button.
“Hey JB you’re on speaker, don’t say anything bad about Sammie” Kie said and then stuck her tongue out.
“Rude!” Sam yelled from her spot on the floor
John B gasped over the phone, “I would never! Love you baby pogue!” He called out “The waves in the inlet are supposed to be insane this afternoon, let’s go now before a ton of other assholes show up”
Kie looked up from the phone to lock eyes with Sam, raising her eyebrows to question John B’s plan. Sammie nodded, shrugging and mouthing ‘sure’.
Kie turned her focus back to the phone, “Yeah we’re in, JJ and Pope are doing grocery deliveries, but I’m sure they’ll come out and join when they’re done”
“Word, see you guys soon” John B replied, and the girls could hear movement and shuffling on his end
“Don’t forget both of our boards! They’re in the shack hanging on the side wall!!” Sammie cried out, moving to get up off the floor
“You got it Sammie!” John B reassured “see y’all soon”
The phone beeped to indicate he’d hung up and Kie hopped off the bed and helped Sam to her feet. She turned to her dresser and dug around, tossing Sammie bikini bottoms and a top, “Don’t think this gets you out of the JJ talk” she said sternly.
Sammie took the swimsuit, moving to the bathroom to change as she looked over her shoulder “I would expect nothing less”.
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They’d surfed all afternoon, and when JJ and Pope showed up, they surfed some more.
The group ended the night with a signature Pogue bonfire on the beach. They were all huddled around the fire as the sun set and the air cooled off. Kie had used her newly minted fake ID to buy a case of white claws at the bait shop, the boys had groaned when she proudly showed off her loot, but she and Sammie were more than pleased as they popped the tops and sipped their drinks.
It took everyone by surprise when Sam was the one to suggest a drinking game, the awkward tension around the fire rising as the group collectively tried to wrap their minds around ‘the one who never drinks suggesting a drinking game’. “I dunno Sam…” Pope replied cautiously, shifting his eyes around between JJ and Kiara.
“C’mon guys! Isn’t this what we’re supposed to do? Drink for the fun of getting drunk?” Sam giggled, “how about… Never have I ever??” She suggested, earning quiet stares from the rest of the pogues.
“I mean, we know everything about each other…” Kie mumbled, “kinda takes the fun out of it” she shrugged, looking to John B for help.
“No, no, I know a good one!” John B exclaimed, clearly not taking the hint from Kie to kill the suggestion. The boy launched into a twenty minute spiel on the rules and customs of this particular game while the pogues tried to follow along. It had been goofy, and they tried for at least an hour to get the game going in earnest, but it never panned out.
Despite the lack of gameplay, they all noticed Sammie pounding the white claws, but it wasn’t until she’d stumbled and fallen face first into the sand that they’d agreed it was time to get home.
By the time they got back to the Chateau, Sam had fallen asleep draped over JJ in the backseat, head in his lap and arms wrapped around his waist. She’d hardly even stirred when the van jolted to a halt or when John B had slid the side door open. She’d mumbled and whined when JJ moved, quieting only when he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “it’s bedtime Sammie I ammie, c’mon, I gotchu” he said softly as he reached around her center and gathered her in his arms.
Once again without hesitation, Sam lifted her legs and wrapped herself around his body, nuzzling her face down into his shoulder. The warmth on his neck instinctively brought a smile to his face and he walked up the steps and into the fishing shack, ignoring the snickers and teases of their friends. They were all catching on, but he didn’t care. He refused to let their childish antics ruin these moments for him.
Inside he set Sammie down on the bed, brushing her hair off of her face and then moving to the bathroom. After his last round with drunken Sam he wasn’t taking any chances with what might come back up later.
When he came back into the room and shut the door, Sam was sitting up in bed, cross legged with her hands in her lap. “Hey there drunky, you doing okay?” He asked tentatively, watching the way she swayed back and forth, searching for any indication that she was about to puke.
Her head nodded up and down, ending up facing towards him, staring into JJ’s soft eyes with her equally sad ones. “What was tonight about Sams?” He questioned softly, dropping down to sit in front of her on the bed as he placed the bucket on the floor next to her side. Sam dropped her head, burying her face in her hands, “I don’t know what to do J, I can’t leave the OBX, I can’t leave you and the Pogues just for money”
“Dude, yeah you fucking can” JJ replied, voice raising with enthusiasm. Sam winced as she brought her face up to look at him, just as JJ’s raised voice sparked a shooting pain behind her forehead, “JJ…c’mon” she replied dejectedly as her hand came up to massage her temple.
“No, you c’mon Sams, being a Kook would be the best thing to ever happen to you, to any of us,” JJ paused and extended his hand to rest on Sam’s shoulder, with the other hand he pointed gently at her, “Don't even lie. I'd go full Kook if I could, I’d never look back.” He finished his thought, searching her eyes for any sign that she might remember this conversation the next morning.
Sammie smirked and let out a light chuckle, “You would be a kook?” she asked with an amused smile that in turn made JJ break out into a wide grin, “Oh hell yeah! I'd get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook.” Sam rolled her eyes, but didn’t respond, so he continued, “I’d get a marble statue of myself, and then I'd get a koi pond too.”
His description of his grand plans had the desired effect and Sam broke into laughter, and soon he was laughing too, full on giggle fit laughing that went on until both of their bellies hurt and they could hardly catch their breath. Once they’d caught their breaths Sam’s face turned sad again in a split second, and she looked up to meet JJ’s eyes. The two sat silently for a few moments, both staring back at one another, unsure of what to say next, until Sam broke the silence, “JJ…?” Without missing a beat he replied, “yeah?” he breathed out, his heart now hammering with anticipation of what she might say next.
“... I’m gonna be sick” Sammie exclaimed just before grabbing the bucket off the floor and running out the door
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donttakeitsopersonal · 10 months
Idk what it is, if I’m actually seeing something there, or if I’m becoming an old fart or whatever, but there’s just something about TikTok and tiktokers that seriously annoy me/give me major ick.
Idk if it’s the super predatory algorithm, that gives me ick from all social media sites (which is probably why I’ve reverted back here) and that there’s a bunch of kids there (ew get away) and really just a lot of trolls and immature people :1
Also the way someone can go viral so easily is very yikes too. I’ve seen some people that probably never really intended to have so many eyes on them have that happen and how some really can’t handle it, it can really hurt them. And I’ve seen people that did intend to be in the spotlight getting viral off it and how it changes them.
It’s crazy too because there was even someone I knew that it happened to. She was super cool and humble and chill before, she was even fairly popular too on insta and stuff (think like 10K-40K following) but after she started to gain more followers I started noticing a change in attitude…
before when she would talk about her accomplishments it would be in a “I’m so proud of myself for doing this!” “I worked really hard to complete this! I really know what im doing” in more words than that ofc, but then it started to change into a “I completed this, y’all could never” “I made X thing, no one is as good as I am” “I did X and totally changed the game, I am the greatest ever and everyone else sucks” again in more words I’m just capturing the vibes/undertones of the posts.
And with that the way she spoke started to be really misogynistic even tho she was also a woman??? Like wyd calling other women females, and degrading them then turning around and crying about how you hate it when men do that to you? Like make it make sense 🤦🤦 and honestly I think I saw that change happen after she blew up on TikTok.
She started to attack and bully other women that got sponsors when she wouldn’t, and when people would call out her behavior she would play the victim, and act like she’s so perfect and she’s just getting hate for no reason. 🙄 it’s really disappointing more than anything really, like don’t really get what happened, what caused the shift.
It’s crazy too because my room guy was actually childhood friends with her and still talks to her. He was even saying how she completely changed and is too far gone now. It’s sad really, he was super bummed by it understandably.
There’s a lot of people I wish would just be better but they just won’t, and honestly probably never will.
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rengokuswif3 · 2 years
Imagine the hashiras dating a female bakugo with or without quirk your choice.
Them being a amazing fighter and cook and in private they are calmer and less explosive
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A/N: Included who I thought would work well with a s/o like that!
Giyu Tomioka
You’re all loud and intimidating and he’s quiet and intimidating. WILL pick you up and carry you away from stupid fights you’ve started, unless they’re with Obanai then he’ll sit back and watch the show
Honestly a very well balanced couple, you have the aggressive passion that makes up for his…unenthusiastic approach to things
He does like being alone with you too, since you do settle down and enjoy the peace he brings into the relationship. Dinners are silent but candlelit and holding hands under the table (even though you’re alone)
Sanemi Shinaguzawa
Oh boy, everyone HATES you two
Like literally you’ll be screaming at each other one minute then making out against the wall the next second (Gyomei just covers Muichiro’s eyes as everyone else is annoyed as fuck)
The both of you will calm down when it’s just the two of you, but your neighbors complain a LOT about the noise from all your arguments, and stuff that y’all do to get your anger out after arguments-
Training is definitely fun against him, cause you both won’t hold back on each other but will help each other patch up afterwards. And after he comes home from a mission all beat up, you’ll scold him for getting hurt as you bandage him up, and he won’t talk back for once
Mitsuri Kanroji
Would absolutely love your cooking, she’d try to hold back at first but once you figure out her past and tell her to dig in, she will gladly have 8 bowls of your food and still have room for whatever dessert you whip up
She loves seeing you fight against the other Hashira during training, she’ll cheer you on and squeal with delight when you win and go give her a victory kiss
Shinobu Kocho
Oh honey have fun-
She is a brat tamer don’t even tell me otherwise
When you give her attitude she’ll just have her usual smile on her face but she’ll grab your chin and make you look at her as she warns you to chill the hell out
She does like someone feisty, she thinks it’s cute when you get worked up about something and just stomp to the kitchen to cool off while making something delicious
You cook for her and all her butterfly girls and they always love your food, and they all see right through your mean exterior and have fun with you anyways
Kyojuro Rengoku
HAPPY MAN AND GRUMPY WOMAN. He is a golden retriever boyfriend with an antisocial cat girlfriend
Everytime he yells “TASTY” about your cooking, you admit you get a bit softer and drop your usual resting bitch face…at least until he points it out
If you’re yelling at someone he’s just standing behind you with his blank happy face, but if you go too far he’ll drag you away and apologize to the person before hugging you until you calm down
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