heavnlyhetfield · 1 year
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astrobei · 2 years
✨ 🎉 ⛔️ + 🧠 (for mike and will) !!
omg hi there !!
✨: Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
YELLINGGGG WHY WOULD U MAKE ME DO THIS THAT IS SO MEAN !! i am genuinely so bad at perceiving myself but for u i will think of something ! um. i think i’m pretty good with imagery ! and being rly descriptive in scenes that call for it so i am Proud of that sometimes !
(sweating, shaking, throwing up)
ok anyways now that that’s over !
🎉: What leads you to consider a fic a success?
oooh this is very interesting ! ofc as a fic writer it’s easy to get bogged down by stats and interactions and all of that so it’s easier said than done to say that stuff doesn’t matter ! but i Am trying to care less abt it so personally i just rly love when someone says a fic means something to them! like it made them laugh on a bad day or they rly connected w a character in it or maybe they just needed some comfort! i just Love knowing that ppl r finding joy in my fics bc that’s pretty much the reason i write them for myself and decide to share in the first place !!
⛔️: Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
oooohohoho ok so it’s only been recently that i’ve even started working on more than one fic at a time bc i like to finish an entire fic and then get rly into another so i don’t have any that are fully Scrapped ! just set aside,, Indefinitely 🤸 i have had an idea for a companion piece to my first chaptered fic (i’ve come home, i’m so cold) for a While but what i have so far is very similar to my sickfic so i’d probably have to rewrite it if i ever resurrected it LOL but maybe someday i will ! i feel like it could fit rly well in between ichisc and my sickfic so . it’ll work out eventually! probably!
🧠: Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
ooooh ok i dont have a Favorite that i can remember off the top of my head but i do have this little one i was thinking abt on the bus ride home (bc i’m a loser) that will’s body temp has always run a bit on the cooler side, ever since his ordeal w the mind flayer, and mike has always run a bit warm so when they cuddle it’s like . they’re reaching thermodynamic equilibrium :^) except then will sticks his hands up mike’s shirt just to mess w him and watch him shriek and then mike smothers him w a blanket in retribution ok maybe that’s just rly lame it was the first thing that popped into my head !!
wishwofnwkf thank u sooo much for these they were so much fun ! Even the compliment . kind of
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minwooks-moved · 2 years
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170521 :: taewooet ⟩⟩ “Human, artifact, and nature.”
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weird hearing "were you a Theatre Kid" "were you a Sports Kid" "were you a Choir Kid" "were you a Dance Kid" bc no? i mean i did all of that and more but resented ever minute of it? actively avoided sticking with anything? i was a "In This Family After School Activities Are Mandatory Kid"
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cozylittleartblog · 10 days
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50+ deaths at 5 am got me yelling absolute nonsense to the bosses kicking my whole entire ass
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thetrashywritingwitch · 3 months
you met Kirishima maybe six or so months ago? he'd dropped his wallet while on patrol and you returned it to his agency, he thanked you with conversation and that was that. he's too friendly to not want to be friends with him. plus, hearing about his hero life is interesting. the stuff you don't see in articles and interviews.
but now at this little gathering he's hosting at his apartment, you don't know anyone *except* him. all his other friends are heroes, but you're just a civilian, a normie. he has too many people to talk to, to catch up with to keep you entertained or introduce you to everyone. and you don't get out much, not too often for these sorts of things. you have a limited social meter and interjecting yourself into conversations out of your realm is best left to the social butterflies.
when the volume gets a little too much, multiple conversations competing on opposite sides of the room for dominance, you need fresh air. and quiet.
as soon as you get up and open the front door, everyone stops and stares like you've broken a rule. interrupted the festivity with the click of the lock.
Kirishima calls out "you good?!" he means well, but...
"yeap! just need some fresh air." you force a smile and step outside, able to breathe again. the voices quiet as you sit down on the steps and relax your shoulders. bless him, the big lug... he tries, but maybe this just isn't your thing. not with so many strangers. one-on-one is fine, easier to control and navigate.
when Bakugou comes out of the bathroom and steps back into the living room, it's wierdly quiet compared to three minutes ago, but whatever.
sipping on your drink and scrolling through your phone, you hear the door open behind you. "-FUCKIN' STINKS! Nasty, eugh.." someone inside laughs while explaining that everyone farts.
Bakugou wrinkles his entire face before letting the door slam behind him. only then does he notice you, a stranger, sitting on the stairs looking at him over your shoulder.
"uh, hi"
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originalvisual · 3 months
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sunmi: balloon in love
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ryllen · 8 months
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i wonder if such thing ever happens
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soft-cryptids · 2 years
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They are just so father & daughter, your honor. 
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stimpakpup · 6 months
was watching the fallout show, saw that bos member dane and kept yelling "ARE THEY A TWINK OR A LESBIAN" and then googled like 20 mins later "YOO NONBINARY BOOTLICKER LET'S GOOO REPRESENTATION"
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hi!! howdy!! hello!! i have a question about the lights out au !! :D How did Poppy, Frank and Wally react to Howdy waking up? How did HE react to waking up?? sorry if this was already asked hhaha
lots of emotions! i will portray Two
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tk-duveraun · 10 days
SY transmigrates but the system tells him he's going into SQQ and he gives that a hard pass, so it drops him in the body of a little demonic lizard in the Endless Abyss and then says "well since you right want to participate, you're on your own" and leaves him.
Which, rude.
So SY is an Abyssal Lava Gecko. They live in lava floes and nest in caves made by air bubbles forming in the lava and then cooling enough to solidify into walls. They don't need to eat, they photosynthesize off of the intense heat, but if they do eat, they produce venom powerful enough to paralyze a heavenly demon.
They're also all of 4 inches long.
Nevertheless, SY starts cultivating furiously so that wren LBH gets dropped in the Abyss, he's powerful enough to survive outside of the lava without starving or getting eaten himself.
He succeeds.
Sort of.
He finds the crater from LBH falling in, conveniently for him, it's next to a river of lava. This is less convenient for LBH who is unconscious and getting crispy.
As a lizard, he licks LBH's face to wake him up. He doesn't wake LBH up, but ingesting HD blood pushes him past his cultivation bottleneck!
He transforms into a human!
He's only 4 inches tall.
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willowser · 9 months
katsuki and his loud ass kids !!!!!
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minwooks-moved · 2 years
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gojoest · 26 days
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
Oh SHIT you know what I just realized? The Deathwalker’s Ward literally looks like a raven. Here, let me show you.
I thought the clasps were a bit odd when I first saw them, but look. 
These are the normal clasps on the armour:
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And this is the Deathwalker’s ward when lit up with divine energy.
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And it looks JUST LIKE a raven head, pupils and all!
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The little design details in this show are just too fucking cool, I’m literally in love.
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