imswimmingback · 11 months
i better not see anyone talking about listening to phoebe's christmas album till AFTER THANKSGIVING. DEFROSTING MAY BEGIN ON NOVEMBER 24. if i see a single person-
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acoldfrenchfry · 1 year
Something great about adulthood is that you literally never have to be around people who don't respect you ever again. If you're unhappy with your friend circle/family? you can just leave and you'll be that much better and healthier. Don't like yourself? you can make a new self. Google is free and your life is customizable. Don't like who you are? then don't be that person lmao. You can just change. Make those choices, decisions, and meds to get you there. no one's gonna do it for you n you can't help people who don't want to be helped, which includes yourself.
n I know a lot of this takes time and money, but you gotta start somewhere. even just having a plan of action helps. Knowing what you wanna work on and who you wana be/people you want to hang out with. That's where it's at. Literally just do it. "idk if i'm ready" then do it unready. I didn't know how to move out transition pay bills dye my hair register my car move in with my partner get a better job change my name literally anything to do with a courthouse change my credit shave my face until i just. Free balled it by my damn self. No family support no pity party. I'm not waiting around for people who say sorry 10 billion times but continue to not be better anymore. Don't make yourself palatable for other people, be free bitches ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
#xcuse the rant. just been thinking about how much better i feel without the people in my life who were bad for me#thinking about the time i got in a fight w/ my (now) ex over thanksgiving#how i was expected to out myself to my ex's homophic transohobic bigoted family. and just be fine with it#“you have to be the bigger person“ ”It's lying to them to not tell them you were deadname and now you're Oli"#n i thought actually? i literally dont have to be around anyone who makes me unsafe bc thats the exact thing i escaped from my own family#dont like feeling like a showcase animal 'look at my trans boyfriend' so someone else can be visibly queer around me#dont like feeling like a problem that every1 else has to deal w/so poor old bigoted family wont die of heart attack bracing for my presence#made me feel like shit n i had to basically beg for an apology for over an hour bc i felt unheard hurt and unsupported.#n you know what i got told? “Thats not how it is youre wrong” after saying i feel unheard 7 times in a row. dont tell me how i feel#wanted to break up right then and there n my only regret is wanting to wait till the holidays were over#there is only so many “sorry i forgot” that i can forgive and i forgave way too many times. very convenient that things forgotten was never#once my exs identity feelings or safety#but when MY feelings MY identity MY safety and my CONSENT get forgotten about? nah man. im out of i forgive yous. it happened soo many time#i rlly dont have to be around people who dont treat me right. i dont exist to make other people better that is on YOU to be better#olive speaks
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Pt. 4
She's in the back of the car. Steve and Robin in the front seat and Dustin placed next to her. His eyes searing a hole in the side of her head. It's uncomfortably quiet.
"Wow this is weird right guys? I mean does anyone know what's going on? I sure don't hahaha. Though she did talk to me first so maybe I know more than you guys. So-"
"Rob. Enough ok?" Steve interrupts "let's wait till we get to Wheelers for the full interrogation"
The silence is back.
Dustin pokes a bony finger into her side.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"I don't know I was trying to see if you'd explode or something! We haven't dealt with this before!"
"Henderson stop it!"
"It's called the scientific method Steven! Ever heard of it?!?!"
"I swear to god I will turn this car around so fast-"
Lydia's giggles stop them in their track.
"Sorry it's just...nice to see..."
The car pulls into the driveway of the house she used to spend Thanksgivings in. Her parents would only come to Hawkins for holidays to see the rest of the party.
She sees a couple of cars she recognizes from old photos, a few cars, a beat up van.
She is led through the house with the other three surrounding her, maybe to stop her from running. When she starts the descend down the stairs to the basement she hears loud familiar chatter.
They're all there. Everyone. Way younger than she knows them but family all the same. They stare at her and all chatter stops.
"What the fuck?" Mike asks.
"What!? It's weird! Was anyone else not expecting a person to come down the stairs? I mean did anyone take Steve's code red of 'help woman in wedding dress ran away from me' seriously I mean it's Steve It's not like he has the best luck with women." He says in a monotone voice.
This starts a new wave of arguments either defending or agreeing with the statement.
"That's enough!" Nancy shouts. She points at Lydia, "sit!"
Lydia sits down as fast as she can. Nancy's tone familiar to her through all the years she helped raise her.
"Explain." She looks dangerous. Lydia knows she keeps weapons around. She hopes she doesn't have to see them through first hand experience.
"I can't. I don't know what I'm allowed to say...I've seen too many movies."
"What does that mean?" Will's voice chimes in from the side.
"I was taken away from my family," she starts to tear up again. "God I can't stop crying today can't I haha" she shows them a watery smile. "I believe I was sent here to prevent a tragedy from occurring and to help you finally defeat Vecna."
A gasp is heard ringing around the room. More yelling happens and she starts to disassociate.
"Hey," a soft voice rings out. She comes back to the present to be face to face with the eyes she's longed to see the most. Eddie has a hand on her shoulder, in his other hand he has a pile of clothes.
"I thought you might want to change out of that dress yeah? I stopped at home and grabbed some of my old clothes. Super worn in super comfy." She chokes back a sob. "I don't know what that reaction was for earlier and I couldn't imagine what you've been through so I thought this could be like a peace offering."
She sends a smile his way and nods.
"I'll go change," she heads up the stairs without being told where to go and comes back down in a band tee and some old sweatpants. Her guitar pick necklace is visible and she feels at home.
She heads back down and stops before she's fully visible listening to their gossip.
"I'm just saying it's weird she knew where to go."
"What like she's been spying on us and decided to memorize the floorplan of the house? You're so stupid."
"She told me she was from the future."
"Right and we're just gonna believe her?"
She clears her throat. All the attention being brought back to her. Eddie gives her a smile.
"You put her in those? She looks like you." Steve says judgement clear in his tone.
"It's not my fault you don't know fashion Harrington."
"Yeah Harrington," Lydia repeats back. Grin wide on her face. "This is peak fashion."
"While I'm loving this bonding," Robin interrupts. "Can we actual start discussing now? I feel like my bones are gonna pop out of my skin soon."
"Ok!" Lydia claps her hands together. "Where to begin."
She fills them on everything that's happened since she landed on the couch fielding questions here and there.
"So you were at your wedding?" She gets a little sad at this question.
"Yeah I wonder if they even know I'm missing. I wonder if times stopped. If they're looking for me. God I miss him."
Dustin has a confused frown on his face. "Well you came to us...so are we in your future?"
She smiles at that, "if I'm able to tell you. Yeah most of you are."
His frown turns into a wide grin, "oh my god are you marrying one of us?! You asked for steve right after you came here that must be it! I can finally stop pushing you towards Robin since it obviously worked!"
She gags. She can't help it.
"I'm sorry that's just so ridiculous." She's giggling now. Steve sends her a confused look back but shrugs his shoulders in understanding.
"I feel the same way, it's like since I met you I felt like I had to protect you, like you were one of the kids."
She grins brightly at him. "Thank you, I take that as an honor."
She continues filling them in on everything she knows about the Upside Down. Everything she remembers hearing about their plan and everything that went wrong. There's one detail she's leaving out.
"You feel like us," Eleven states. She looks around at everyone else. "She feels like the party."
Lydia looks at El in fear. Scared she'll say what she's so desperate for them not to find out. "Do you know?"
"I will have to take a closer look."
They're sitting in the middle of the room together, everyone else scattered in a circle surrounding them.
"Ok, think of your past."
Lydia is plunged into a darkness she's never experienced before. The floor has water all over it. She doesn't like it. She turns around in search of El.
"I see it. I see what you are hiding. It will be ok."
She's brought back to the present.
"I know how to defeat Henry."
Lydia is filled with a sense of dread. If it all goes wrong she can't live through it again.
"In 1990 I am born." She starts off with. "In 1995 Vecna strikes again. I'm from 2015."
"Wait," Dustin interrupts. "So we beat him? We win?. Then what are we fixing?"
She turns pale.
"You are my family...you all had a hand in raising me. There are...casualties in this battle." She chokes a little on the last word.
The room gets silent.
"Right." Nancy is the first to speak. "Well that won't happen this time." Her tone is serious. "Let's make a plan."
Lydia is placed in Nancy's room while the others discuss what they could change. She's sitting on her bed flipping through whatever book is closest to her when there's a knock on the door.
"Come in" she says quietly.
Eddie sneaks in, it's the quietest she's seen him in a long time.
"It's me right?" His eyes look doubtful. "That's why you can't look at me, you're seeing a ghost."
"I-I can't say anything you know that."
"Well that answers my question-"
"No you don't understand! I care about you too much to mess anything up! I don't understand the butterfly effect at all!"
"Why!" He's screaming now. "Why do you care about me!?!!!"
"I can't"
"Tell me!"
"Because you're my father Eddie!" She says it like it's bitter in her mouth. "Are you happy now? I probably just sealed everyone's doom. I'm going for a walk." She storms past him, unable to see his pale shocked face.
She walks right into a body.
"Woah hey," Steve is holding onto her shoulders. "What's going on where are you going?"
"I'm going for a walk."
"Not by yourself you're not."
"Why you don't trust me not to run away again!" She's yelling now.
"What? I just- we don't even know you."
She huffs at that. "Exactly, you don't know me and you don't trust me. So let me go!"
Whatever frozen state Eddie was in seems to have worn off.
"Lydia!" He screams, getting closer to her. "Wait!"
"Ok you want to go with me go with me just get me out of here." She grips Steve's arm and pulls him out the door.
AN: Yay father daughter bonding next chapter!!!!! Fun fact: my dad and I only got to bond while taking neighborhood walks or sitting in cars together.
Who says I can't post two chapters in one day! I had a lot of ideas 😇😈
Don't forget to interact I LIVE for it :)
Tag list: @tinyplanet95
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asshlyyyy · 10 months
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Fic Warnings: There are no warnings from what I know. Reader and Elvis do have a baby. Davada is mentioned for a bit, but this is just wholesome content. There may be spelling and grammatical errors. Author's note at the end.
Masterlist | Next Part
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Thanksgiving. A day to get together with family. Yet, it is also a very stressful day for the cook. Which so happened to be you. Typically you had Thanksgiving at your parent's house, yet for some stupid reason, you spoke up and took the chef’s hat. You didn’t know the first thing about how to cook a turkey! Thank god they made Thanksgiving cookbooks because lord knows you would’ve messed up big time.
Your eyes fluttered open gently as you felt your body forcing you to wake up. You scrunched yourself up as you reached over for your husband. You let out a hum as his body turned over. You looked up at his face, your eyes still adjusting to waking up. The sunshine was slowly creeping past the blackout curtains. The sounds of birds chirping filled the air gently. 
“Mmm, mornin’,” Elvis spoke groggily, still trying to wake up himself. 
“Morning,” you responded back softly. These were your moments of silence before you two would be forced awake to tend to your son. “I have to get up, I have to start prepping dinner.”
“Already?” Elvis asked confused as he brought his thumb up to your cheek, caressing it gently. 
“Well, I have to do breakfast first. Then I think I read that the turkey can take anywhere between… two up to six hours.” You explained to him.
“That’s a long time…”
“It just depends on how many pounds it is,” you explained as you tried to pull yourself away. 
“Mm, come back,” he hit you with that thick, raspy, southern accent. You hummed at the sound as he pulled you back to him. 
“I have to get ready,” you said as you looked into his blue orbs.
“And I think we should stay in bed a bit longer,” he mumbled as he pressed his lips against your neck, leaving soft kisses behind.
“We have a son to tend to,” you hummed as you lifted your chin, giving him more room.
“In a second,” he muttered and ran his hands up your shirt, grasping the two soft breasts. You let out a light moan and closed your eyes gently. You didn’t know what got Elvis in a touchy mood, but you weren’t complaining. Then again, you had to start prepping for Thanksgiving… You didn’t want to flop and no one wants to come to yours ever again. 
“Elvis,” you whispered. He hummed and pulled away knowing if he didn’t stop you would yell at him. 
“Alright alright,” he pressed a kiss to your lips. You returned the kiss happily and got up. You made your way into the closet, just as Elvis got up to check on your son. 
You had him when you two first got into a relationship. He was an accident, yes, but you both love him so much than that. Elvis was a little reluctant at first, not really knowing if he could handle kids. Yet, he turned out to be one of the best fathers ever. You both were scared honestly. 
You were only twenty-one at the time, Elvis was twenty-seven. You’ve known him for a couple of months before you two got together, but… for some reason you got pregnant, no matter how many times you two did it, you didn’t get pregnant till you were together. Weird how the world works out sometimes. 
As you came out of the shower you wrapped yourself up in a towel to dry off. You walked over to the sink and did some light skincare before going and drying off completely. You slipped into your robe and went over to your vanity to get ready. 
“There he is,” Elvis smiled as his son finally opened his eyes up. Your son responded by rubbing his eyes, confused as to why his father was waiting for him to wake up. “Mornin’ bub.”
“Hai,” Theo responded still tired from waking up. Elvis reached down for him and picked him up. 
“Do you know what today is?” Elvis questioned as he walked over to the closet, Theo’s hands tightly holding onto the robe Elvis threw on. 
“No,” he responded with a soft voice and a shake of his head.
“It’s Thanksgiving,” Elvis said as he made his way downstairs. 
“Wot danktdiving?” Theo asked confused as he picked his head up to look at his father. This was only going to be his second Thanksgiving, and even so, you knew Thanksgiving was gonna have to be explained for many more years to come. 
“It is a time when families gather together and feast upon a big feast while giving thanks for things we are thankful for,” Elvis explained, though he doubted Theodore picked up on any of that. 
“Wot you dankful for?” The young boy curiously asked. 
“Your mama,” Elvis answered in a heartbeat as he pulled out the milk. “Yourself,” Elis smiled as he tickled Theodore’s belly. Theo responded with a fit of giggles. He was surely awake now. 
Elvis placed Theodore on the counter and turned the sink on to warm water, just to warm up the milk a bit. “My family, your mama’s family. Ma fans, I’m thankful for a lot.” Elvis continued down his list.
“Mama!” Theodore explained. 
“Yes, I am thankful for her,” Elvis responded and handed him the milk bottle. Theo took it in his hands and started to drink out of the straw. You two always prepared a bottle of milk for him so you wouldn’t have to worry about prepping it in the morning. 
Elvis walked over to the coffee maker and started to get the coffee ready. He knew you both were gonna need a lot of coffee to make it through the day. He looked over at Theo to make sure everything was okay with him. As he did he noticed you coming down the stairs. Dressed all beautifully in Thanksgiving colors. 
“What?” You asked confused as you noticed two sets of blue eyes on you. “Is my makeup smudged?” You asked as you walked over to Theo and pressed your lips on the top of his head.
“You look beautiful,” Elvis admitted. You always looked beautiful in his eyes. No matter what you looked like or what you wore. He found you beautiful. 
“Thank you,” you responded with a smile and walked over to him. “You should get dressed.” You said as you smoothed out his silk robe.
“No buts, now go on,” you whispered and pressed up on your toes and pressed your lips against his for a short kiss. Elvis hummed against your lips happily and placed his hand on your hips. Once the two of you pulled away he gave your hip a squeeze and made his way up the stairs. 
“Who’s ready for breakfast?!” You clapped your hands together as you went over to Theo, who had just finished his milk.
“Me!” He exclaimed with a smile. 
“Yeah? What do you want?” You questioned him with a smile. 
“Um…” Theodore started to think about what he wanted. 
“Do you want… pancakes?” You questioned. Theo responded with a shake of his head. “Oatmeal?” Another shake. “Eggs and bacon?”
“Wes!” He exclaimed happily. You smiled and picked him up from his spot on the counter, dragged over his high chair, and placed him in it. 
You went over to the fridge and pulled out the things you needed. Eggs, bacon, sausage, butter, jelly, hashbrowns, etc. You grabbed out a big bowl and started to make breakfast. You hummed lightly and worked elegantly around the kitchen. 
Elvis came down after he finished getting ready and opened the fridge. He pulled out glasses from the cabinet and started to fill them up. In the background, Theo was babbling about a story. “Yeah?” Elvis urged him to go on. You smiled looking over at him. “No way,” Elvis turned to look at him shocked. Theo giggled and nodded at his father. 
You two enjoyed breakfast and you cleaned up the kitchen while Elvis got Theodore ready for the day. You prepped the turkey and got Elvis to put it in the oven. You had some time to relax before you had to slave away in the kitchen. Elvis offered many times to help, but to be honest… Elvis in the kitchen can be a bit too much sometimes. He was best playing with your son.
The sound of the doorbell filled your ears as you worked on mashing the potatoes together. “Elvis! Hun! Can you get that!” You called out to him. You knew he was right in the family room next to the door, but it couldn’t hurt. 
Elvis stood up from the pile of toys he was in and made his way over to the door. He pulled it open and was greeted by your family. Both your parents and your younger brother. “Hey,” Elvis said with a smile and moved out of the way. “Please come in.”
Your parents both thanked the tall gentleman and walked in. As they did they started to take their coats off which Elvis offered to take. It didn’t take long until your mother made her way over to your perfect baby boy. Your father on the other hand made his way into the kitchen. They always say that a way to a man’s heart is through food. 
“There’s my hardworking daughter,”
“Hi Dad,” you smiled as you plugged the hand mixer in. “Mama with, Theo?” You questioned as you turned to look at him.
“You know it,” he chuckled lightly, “it smells amazing.” He complimented. You smiled softly as the words fell into your heart. Elvis was saying it all day, but to hear it from an outsider's opinion who wasn’t surrounded by the smell all day… it meant something more. 
“Thank you, Dad, it means a lot. I was actually nervous… but… we just took the turkey out and… it looks really good.” You didn’t want to speak too well on the subject just in case things would fall apart. 
“I’m sure everything will come together.” He smiled, and with that, he left you to finish up. There were just a few last things that needed to be put together before it could be eaten. Not to mention you were still waiting on a very important someone. 
“Oh my gosh, he’s just growing so big.” Your mother gushed at the two-year-old.
“He really is,” Elvis nodded in agreement. He felt bad for not helping you in the kitchen, but someone had to watch Theodore. He did help with the turkey though so maybe it wasn’t a total loss. He just didn’t want you to feel like you were a housewife, even though you were. He didn’t want to make you feel like you had to be one. 
Even if it was your idea to host Thanksgiving. Truth be told, you’ve been wanting to host for a while now, but Theo was one last year… then he was still just a newborn, and then you were pregnant. So the last three Thanksgivings weren’t a possibility. This was your time to shine, and you really wanted to make it perfect so that you could host again. 
It didn’t take long until the doorbell went off again. Elvis excused himself from your mother’s conversation and answered the door. His face dropped, and he swore his eye started to twitch. What was she doing here? Was all he could think of. He remembers specifically himself, and you, telling his dad HE was invited, not HER.
“Elvis,” Vernon said with a smile as he held a disclosed box in his hands. A favor you called in.
“Hi Daddy,” Elvis responded, but his eyes stayed on the fake Barbie standing in front of him. “What are you doing here, Davada?”
“Please, I’ve told you plenty of times it’s Dee, Elvis.” She laughed obnoxiously. He wanted to rip his ears off. They hadn’t even planned for her to show up, let alone with her three sons. 
“I hate to do this, but my wife simply hasn’t planned on this many people. We only planned for seven people.”
“You and Y/n finally got married?” Davada looked at him confused, ignoring that he was basically denying her entry. 
“Still engaged, but that’s none of your business. As I said, we simply don’t have the room or food to serve any more people.”
“Son,” Vernon put on a stern voice. 
“Daddy, I invited you. Y/n invited you. We planned for seven guests, not ten.” Elvis responded. You came out from the kitchen when you first heard her name, you only just came around the corner once you knew nothing was going to burn.
“Vernon,” you spoke with a small voice and a smile.
“There’s my daughter-in-law,” Vernon said with a smile as you welcomed him in with a side hug. “I got that cake you wanted,” he whispered in your ear. Your smile widened as you took the box out of his hands.
“You clean up very nicely, Y/n,” Davada broke you out of your calm thoughts. You let out a hum and turned towards her. 
“Hi Davada,” you spoke, refusing to use her nickname, “I’m sure Elvis has already told you, but there’s nearly not enough food.”
“Oh please, there’s always leftovers.” She tried to push herself in but Elvis stood his ground. There was one thing he wasn’t a fan of… strangers in his house. While she may have not been a stranger, he certainly didn’t like her. 
“Well, I planned according. There may be a few things left over, but not a lot. I do greatly apologize, but we had only seven people in mind for a month now at this point. I hope you do understand.” You responded to her. Elvis knew you meant business when you got fancy. You were always one to try and keep your cool, especially when your son was able to see you. 
“Well, I- Vernon,” she turned towards the older man for help. Vernon didn’t want to leave his family on Thanksgiving, but he also didn’t want to leave his wife and stepsons. 
“I’m sorry, maybe I’ll sneak you a slice of dessert.” Vernon frowned at his wife. Elvis felt a sense of happiness. He was honestly worried his father would either force her stay or leave with her. Shocked by Vernon’s response, Davada left upset. Elvis closed the door behind her and offered to take his father's coat. 
You made your way back to the kitchen and placed the cake in the fridge for safekeeping. At this point, everything was just about finished. You just had to wait for the buns to finish warming up. Elvis had already cut the turkey up��� so all you really had to do was make your son’s plate. 
You picked up the plate that had divides in it and started to place the foods you knew he would eat. The turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, beans, and a little bit of gravy. You weren’t sure if he was going to eat the stuffing or cranberries but you put a little on the plate just in case. 
You heard the ding of the oven and placed the plate down. You walked over to the oven and opened the door and pulled out the buns, after putting on a pair of oven-safe gloves. You pulled out the buns and placed them over on the counter. You picked up your son's plate and brought it over to the dining room and placed it down on the high chair table. 
You made your way across the way and watched as your family played with your son. You smiled and walked over to Elvis where you wrapped your arm around his waist. Elvis wrapped his arm around your shoulders and placed a kiss on your head. 
“Dinner is ready,” you said softly as you looked up at him. 
“Yeah?” He rubbed your back gently. “I’m sure it’ll be amazing.” He reassured you and looked towards the group around your son. 
“Dinner is ready y’all, head to the kitchen and fill up,” Elvis announced. Everyone muttered words and got up. Your mother picked up Theodore and brought him over to you.
“I’m sure everything will taste amazing, Y/n,” she said as she handed Theo over to you. With your son now in your arms, you smiled at your mother. 
“I hope so,” you chuckled lightly and fixed Theo’s hair lightly. 
“It will be,” she smiled and walked past you to meet with the others in the kitchen.
“I already prepped his dish ahead of time so we don’t have to worry about that. Can you get the wine though?” You asked your fiancé. Elvis nodded in return and pecked your lips before going to do that. 
You walked over to the dining room and placed Theo in his high chair. “Now remember to use your fork and spoon okay? No hands,” you said to him as you showed him his silverware. More like plasticware but… same thing in the end. You and Elvis were still trying to train Theodore to use silverware, but he got confused about when he should and shouldn’t use them.
“Oday,” he responded and picked up the fork. You pressed a kiss upon his head and walked into the kitchen. 
“Everything looks and smells amazing,” your younger brother, Johnston, complimented. 
“Yeah, I can’t wait to dig in. You did amazing,” Your dad added. You felt your face heat up from the compliments. You never thought of yourself as the best cook, but being a stay-at-home mom taught you otherwise. 
“Thank you,” you smiled softly and walked over to the cabinet to grab the wine glasses out along with regular glasses to fill with water. 
Before you knew it, Elvis was back with the bottle of wine. He popped it open and poured it into the glasses you had prepared. He would fill two up, and you would take them out. Rinse and repeat until everyone had wine and water, and your son had juice. Then and only then did you and Elvis prepare your own plates. 
It didn’t take long until everyone was finished. Dinner was filled with laughs and stories, and some light tears from your son, but overall it was a very relaxed and happy dinner. 
“I hope everyone left room for dessert.” You spoke up once everyone had finished all their food. “It’s not your typical pie, though we do have some.”
“There’s always room for dessert,” your father spoke up, to which everyone laughed in response. You nodded at his response and stood up.
“Do you need help?” Elvis asked, to which you shook your head in response. You made your way into the kitchen and pulled out the box that you had Vernon bring. You brought it out to the dining room and placed it down. 
“Now I know that cakes are not typical on Thanksgiving… but this one comes with an announcement.” You explained as you opened the box up. In front of you was a round cake with a turkey made out of icing. It had four notable feathers. Each one with an initial. And Y/i for yourself, an E for Elvis, a T for Theodore, and then a question mark on the last one. 
Everyone looked at the cake confused, though it slowly clicked for each and every one of them. You turned your head over to Elvis, nervous for this reaction. You two have spoken about having more children before, just after you got married. Not to mention, things got difficult with his filming schedule. 
“You’re pregnant?” He spoke softly at first. You nodded softly answering his question, though, part of you knew he already knew the answer to that. Elvis stood up and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you. “When?”
“I found out last week. I’m eight weeks,” you replied. Elvis smiled and leaned down kissing you gently. You hummed against his lips and kissed back before you two shortly pulled away. You looked over at your family who congratulated you on the news. 
“Do you know when they are due?” Your mother asked.
“They’ll be a summer baby, no current date as for their arrival though.” You answered as you eased into Elvis’ side. 
“I hope they’re a girl,” she smiled softly. 
“I hope so too, but I’ll be happy with a boy as well,” you commented as you looked over at your son. He was your light in darkness just as Elvis is. They were your boys, and they were everything you needed in life. 
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Special Tags: @darlinboypresley @austinstyles
Author's Note: Hi, I know it's been about... two months since my last post I believe? Well, my last fic posted. I had this whole list of what I wanted to do, and obviously... this is not the winning fic. I have been writing for different things. A fic I'm writing for my girlfriend (which will be posted once completed, I'm at five parts right now) Then just other things on my own.
I first came up with this idea back in 2017 for a different person, but I wanted to bring it back for the holidays. Yes, I know I am a bit late- but... There is a part two, for my annual Christmas post. It will be posted on the 20th to leave room for a Christmas post. Anyways, I want to get back into this account and finish some series... (I'm looking at you Fairytale. All you have left is one post!) Then I want to focus on my Personal Nurse fic. Since the original brought so much people to my account.
I'll see you again on the 20th, maybe sooner. Just know that those who still come and are active on my account I really appreciate it. I appreciate each and every comment received. Along with reblogs. They mean a lot, and it means more people can enjoy this.
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joanofexys · 3 months
jude angst if it’s exists if not gimme that angel/harper angst pleeeeaaasseee <3
- @ninyard
Nin the way I got SO EXCITED when I saw Jude's name related to an angst ask. I have not talked enough about what I've put this boy through
tws for suicide/suicide ideation and self harm
So I mentioned in the first post I made about Jude that in college he started struggling with suicide ideation and thoughts/desires to self harm and then actually acting on that and I didn't go too much into it other than mentioning it was something he sought help for pretty quickly but let me get into it now
Jude was raised as an only child to two loving and very supportive moms. He grew up with an incredible support system and he's always known that he has people who will have his back for everything.
Jude decides to move out of his childhood home and move closer to USC for his sophomore year when he's 19 years old. He moves out in the summer a couple months before school starts. He is, immediatley, incredibly homesick. He made sure to get a dog friendly apartment but his moms convinced him to wait till he got settled in before moving Stevie out with him. And it just makes things so much worse. He hates having an empty place.
He starts just inserting himself into everyone's business. He knows the coaches are at the court building more often than that and he has the code so he just starts showing up unannounced. He'll sit in the nurses office on an exam table, talking someone's ear off. He naps in Rhemann's office. Coach Lisinski lets him go wild with the equipment before she leaves. They'll let him run laps and throw balls at the goals for hours. He sits in on freshman training, ignores starry eyed looks, and doles out compliments alongside criticism when asked. Anything to not be alone.
Then the school year picks up again and he's anything but prepared. He can't be around people, his team, all the time. Outside of practices everyone has classes and even the people who absolutely adore him can't entertain him 24/7. And there's only so much of Jude sitting in his office to do homework that Rhemann can handle.
By October he's actively self harming. It's easy to do in an empty apartment with no one around to catch him. Easy to lie to his teammates when he genuinely feels happy on the court, surrounded by them. By November he decides he's had enough "settling in" and brings Stevie with him when he visits home for thanksgiving. It helps a little. He accepts fewer invitations to go out. Spends most nights on the bathroom floor, cabinet handles digging into his back, and calls his moms every time he's done. Every time he tries to force the words past his throat. To tell them he's not okay, that he just hurt himself again, and he wants to go home. Instead he laughs, puts a smile on his face, says "yeah, yeah it's been good. Yeah I'm really proud of the time. You know, classes have been hard but the challenge is good. Love you too, good night", and hopes his voice doesn't crack. Stevie sleeps in his bed every night, he feels bad that she has to see him cry every night and thinks maybe he's not taking care of her properly. But she's also one of the only things keeping him going and maybe it's selfish but he can't bring her back home.
He goes home for Christmas, enjoys his winter break. For a few weeks it stops. He doesn't know how to hide his self harm when he's sharing space with people so he stops trying to sneak off to the bathroom or his room. It makes him sick to his stomach when he realizes that he misses it. That he had found some comfort and relief in the repitiveness of it and how easy it had become. He goes back to school and by mid January he shoots Rhemann an email asking if he can stay after practice and they can talk. It all comes pouring out and it's messy. He wrote it all down on a piece of paper so he could actually get it out. He managed to get through about 3 sentences before his voice cracked and the ugly crying started. He gave the paper over to Rhemann to read, rambling through an explanation rife with apologies.
He spends 2 weeks benched, a month and a half with shorter play time on the court. Two weeks for trying to find a therapist, seeing a doctor, and getting prescribe anti-depressants for the first time. the month and a half for while he's adjusting to the medication while he tries to find the right dosage. He's tired a lot throughout this, not at his best, more apathetic than he's ever been. He just feels numb. He hates every minute about it.
It's the medication they figure out first. Once they get him on the right meds with the right dose and he adjusts he's not so tired all the time. He starts playing longer during games, he's fully involved in every practice. He swings by practices he doesn't need to be at. He's out of the house again, actively choosing to spend time with his team. Stevie comes with him about 80% of the time. He spends the summer with his moms and moves back in with them his junior year. His senior year he moves back out but gets a roommate this time, a very excited Cody Winter. (the fact that the current senior and 5th year seniors in tsc were Jude's little freshmen & sophomore's is everything to me tbh)
So yeah, I swear he gets better and I guess I couldn't help myself with adding a little bit of comfort and noting that things did get better for him but there's some of Jude's angst. As I was writing this I had another thing for him that's angsty pop into my head but this is long enough as is
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shalomniscient · 10 months
Hello, first I would like to say that I hope you and yours can stay safe and take care during the holidays and that you have a merry thanksgiving.
That said, I also come bearing a gift as yet another shameless thirst has stricken me and left me plagued with both wonderous and terrible mental images.
This may be something I make into a ficlet on here and ao3, but for now I bestow it upon you.
P.S. NSFW Ahead, let the SS Thirst set sail.
You recall the maid cafe idea I sent you?
Imagine that the chief decides to surprise some of the Sinner women by dressing up as a maid and taking care of them, namely imagine the reaction of Rahu and Shalom when they return from an assignment to be greeted by the Chief wearing a maid outfit and waiting for them.
Imagine she has made them their favorite meal, drawn them a bath, with the chief helping them bathe, and even gives them a massage to help them relax, that said massage includes a 'happy ending' that leaves them a puddle of contented warmth as the reader asks them if they want anything else, maybe something tight and hot and wet?
Or maybe they would prefer something thick and hard, maybe made of cold plastic or maybe it is made of warm and pulsating flesh and is already dripping from the tip?
Or maybe they are spent already, and just want to bask in the comforting warmth of the chief's body and lay together in the bed and cuddle?
Some, such as Rahu and Zoya, would be all to eager to take the opportunity and have some more fun, while I can imagine others like Shalom are already spent and while they may like to play more, they enjoy the idea of resting a bit more.
For those that want to sleep and cuddle, they find themselves either lifted off their feet, Shalom swooning as she is cradled against the Chief's body, and tucked into bed beside the chief, their head nestles against their chest with the heartbeat of their beloved echoing in their ears as the chief lovingly coos at them and strokes their hair till they relax and drift into slumber.
For those that want to keep going, the chief smiles at them and guides them to the bedroom, where they begin to undress until they have all of their clothes neatly arranged on the ground around them as they take a naked dogeza position as they tell the Sinners that 'This Chief is all yours, please use them till you are satisfied.'
If Shalom had not been tired after the massage, then this is the point where she goes full body red, just as Rahu and many others would I imagine.
After all is said and done, the Chief and the sinner sleep like it is described above, with both falling into a deep slumber.
As you can probably tell, I don't do ideas halfway lol.
That said, take care and stay safe.
hey hey back at it again !! and merry thanksgiving to you too my liege :)
once more, holy fucking shit ??? love love love the domestic/fluffier side of this, especially pampering the sinners when they get back from a long mission 🥺🥺🥺 shalom my darling my beloved ,,,, she would SO appreciate coming home to you. just, the fact that she has one is so special to her already. so many years spent as a tool to only go from one problem to another, never able to find somewhere to rest and take this burden off her shoulders—until now. until you. she doesn’t need any particularly grand gestures either, just waiting for her in the living room so she can fall into your arms at the end of the day is good enough for her. her home has always been you, anyway—she’d follow you to oblivion and back. AND RAHU 🥺🥺🥺 sometimes rahu wld take a massage over sex im ngl, being a bodyguard is hard work, much less a soldier for p*aradeisos. a nice, warm bath would be so heavenly to her that sometimes she straight up falls asleep in the tub LMAO she’ll give you lazy but sincere kisses in thanks before flopping into bed and wrapping her arms around you, ever so protective even in sleep. dgsgdhshdgksh in conclusion, the intimacy of domesticity with ptn women (might offer more brainrot about this down the line…………. who knows)
side note to be 100% honest w you the maid stuff is kinda secondary to me in that it’s cool but i’m kinda neutral about it lol ?? BUT ur brainrot is still fun to pick apart and expand on my liege and i appreciate ur asks nonetheless :) take care !!
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dingochef · 1 year
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking, light bondage, blindfolds, shitty parents
Summary: Christmas day! It's a roller coaster of emotions and boundaries drawn.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 14
Word Count: 4.9k
Chapter 15: Hold onto with Love
December 25, Christmas Day
Jake wakes you up somewhat early on Christmas morning even though you aren't due to the rental house till noon.
"Good morning, El. Merry Christmas," he practically purrs in your ear.
You roll over to face him,
"Merry Christmas, Jake."
"Time to open presents, see what Santa brought you."
"We could just stay in bed, and open other presents,"
you suggest. He considers it for a brief second and then says,
"Come on Grinch, let's get up.
"Make me some Grinch coffee and it's a deal."
"Will do," he hops out of bed radiating Christmas little kid energy and it makes you smile.
You pull on some comfy clothes and pad out to the kitchen for the promised coffee. Jake mocks your gingerbread flavored creamer and you defend yourself by saying,
"It's festive."
"And tastes terrible." Jake laughs.
After you've had a few swallows of coffee he grabs your hand and pulls you over to the tiny fake Christmas tree he bought for the house. It's sitting on the knee high brick hearth in front of the fireplace that never gets used. He came home with the tree not too long after Thanksgiving.
"You have to have a tree for Christmas, where else is Santa going to put your presents?" he joked. This is the first time the house has actually been decorated for Christmas as long as you've lived here. You keep calling Jake your personal Christmas elf.
You sit on the floor and Jake pulls his two gifts for you from the stack. You find your gift for him, the others are for Lanie and my parents. You and Jake had agreed to keep the gifts simple this year. You're glad you made some ground rules having witnessed Jake's enthusiasm for Christmas.
He hands you a small box wrapped with amazing skill in shiny red paper. You laugh,
"You're the first guy I've ever seen that can wrap a gift and not have it look like you got into a fist fight with the paper."
"I'm very talented with my hands," he replies, smirk in full force.
"That you are."
You slide your finger under the seam and soon uncover a black box. You open it and there is a silver cuff bracelet. One end of the cuff is the San Diego skyline, you'd recognize it anywhere seeing it all the time from the island, the other end is the detailed outline of an F-18. The bracelet is slightly twisted so the F-18 is flying over the skyline.
"Is this a F-18 flying over San Diego?"
"Yes, I knew you'd recognize it. There's also an inscription on the inside of the cuff."
You turn the bracelet and read the inscription aloud, "Together we soar. Love, Jake."
You're hit with one of those waves of the realization of just how much Jake loves you,
"This is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever gotten me, it's beautiful."
You lean over to kiss Jake. He is beaming, his panty dropper smile on full display.
"And wait, there's more," he says like an old infomercial as he hands you an envelope. It's a card with a picture of a P-51 Mustang on it. Inside it says, "Good for one flight in Maverick's Mustang with Hangman as your pilot."
"How did you swing this? Mav's going to let you fly his plane?"
"It took a lot of favors but Rooster came through and when Mav found out it was for you he caved. Rooster's going to take Lydia up at the same time."
"Favors for Rooster?"
You cock one of your eyebrows up.
"Nothing that salacious, although one blow job would be easier than the two months of grading exams I'm going to do for him."
You laugh at the thought,
"Thank you, so much. These are by far the best gifts I've ever gotten. They're so thoughtful. Your turn."
You hand him a box wrapped in the same red shiny paper. He opens it up and there is a digital photo frame.
"Turn it on," you urge him. He turns it on and the first photo to pop up is him from middle school on top of a horse. The picture changes to him getting pinned as an ensign.
"El, where did you get these?"
"I might have coopted your mom for my efforts."
There's pictures of you and Jake interspersed in the family photos. He laughs at the one of you smooshed together in an awkward selfie.
"This is great, El. Thank you." He leans over to kiss you.
"I thought you could put it in your office or keep it around here, your choice."
You put the bracelet on right away and Jake thoughtfully puts the frame up on the mantle. You cook up a light breakfast and lounge around till you have to get ready and go to the rental house.
You've just walked in the door at the rental house when your mom comes almost running towards you in the foyer.
"Oh, shoot. I was hoping to catch you guys before you left, we don't have any wine to go with dinner. Do you have any at the house? I think everything is closed today."
You turn to Jake and ask,
"Jake, we're having prime rib, do you want to run back to the house and grab a couple bottles of red?"
Lanie pops her head into the foyer, "Did you bring the Vette?"
Jake nods.
"Ooh, can I go with you? I've always wanted to ride in one."
"Sure, let's roll." Jake and Lanie are out the door on the wine run in a flash.
You walk into the kitchen and your dad has already poured you a drink. After you thank your dad and you head out to the living room where your mom is sitting. You choose an armchair opposite her and sit.
She notices the bracelet from Jake right away.
"Is that a gift from Jake?" she asks, pointing at your wrist.
"Yes, it's a F-18, his jet, flying over San Diego."
You stand up and show her in more detail and then sit back down. She frowns slightly as you sit.
"So, just how serious are you and Jake?" she asks, trying to sound casual.
"Pretty serious, we live together, been together 10 months, and I plan on marrying him."
You lean forward in the armchair, wary of where this conversation is going.
"Are you engaged yet?"
"No, we're working towards that."
She looks oddly relieved.
"I don't really know how to say this, Elsa, but I don't think he's a good fit for you."
"Mom, how would you know? You haven't been the most friendly person since you arrived. And what do you mean not a good fit?"
"I just always thought you'd end up with someone more on your intellectual level, like Liam."
"Jake is on my level, Liam was a fucking pyschopath who stole my work and betrayed me."
"Honey, he didn't really go to college." You slam your drink down on the wood side table, harder than you intended, causing her to startle. Luckily the glass doesn't break, you know if you keep it in my hand I will break it with the rage that is starting to bubble up inside you. You take a deep breath to attempt to calm yourself.
"He has a goddamn degree like mine."
"Just a bachelors."
You scoff and start to say something before she interrupts.
"It's just the military thing seems beneath you," she sighs, "It just seems like you'd be happier with someone more like you, as smart as you."
You are pinching the bridge of your nose trying to tame the anger that is bubbling up from a deep pit from your past.
"Have you noticed I do a lot of work for the military? Who else buys god damn experimental aircraft?"
Her face is stuck in that neutral look you always associate with her, the frustrating one that you could never figure out if she was happy, sad, angry, or feeling anything when you were a kid and even now. You wonder briefly where your dad is, whether he's making the world's loudest cranberry and vodka and can't hear you or he is purposely staying out of this argument like he alway does.
You continue,
"It shouldn't matter what Jake does for a living, he is a very good man who loves me very much and I love him. He could be a fucking janitor and it wouldn't matter to me."
My mom lets out a derisive snort.
"Someday it'll matter to him that you're smarter and more successful and he'll resent you and leave. I just want to save you from that heartbreak."
"Jesus fucking Christ, mom. Now you have an interest in protecting me. Hil-fucking-larious. Feels about 30 years too late. Where you when I was being told I was worthless by an angry Russian coach when I was six or being told to lose weight at age eight, age fucking eight!"
"That was all part of making you a better gymnast, all a part of the sacrifice and the hard work to make it to the Olympics, your dream. We all worked hard for that."
"God damn it, Mom. It was your dream. Yours, not mine."
You are quieter than before when you say it, your energy surge from the rage starts to ebb.
"I did it because I thought you'd be proud of me, hell, love me like a mother should."
For once she shows an emotion and it looks like betrayal, you know you are hurting her with the truth of how you feel.
"I love you, Elsa, don't ever doubt that," she is starting to cry.
"It's not unconditional. I've always had to be something, earn something, or achieve something to feel like you loved me. I didn't feel like I was worthy of your love unless I did something to earn it. No kid should feel that."
There is a brief moment when you look in her eyes and there is a flicker or recognition or regret and then it's gone, the neutral mask back.
"I still don't think you should marry Jake. It won't work out, he's just not good enough for you."
You let out a long sigh, you want to scream and rage at her for even thinking that Jake wasn't a worthy partner in life.
"Mom, I'm just tired of you judging my life like it's a scorecard, if it's good enough for whatever level you've set. I'm tired of trying to earn your approval and love. I should have stopped trying when I broke my ankle."
She winces at the mention of your injury, probably because it was the moment her dream evaporated. She is softly crying.
You stand up ready to leave, feeling some catharsis from this argument.
"Mom, my future is with Jake, you'll have to decide you want to be a part of that future."
You walk out of the living room to find Lanie and Jake in the foyer, shell shocked at what they've just heard. Jake is still holding two bottles of wine that he quickly hands to Lanie and so he can pull you into a fierce hug. It's then that you start crying, the adrenaline surge retreating quickly
Lanie completes the hug around your back.
"Jake, take her home. I'll deal with these shit heads. Elsa, I'll call you in a little bit."
Lanie hands the wine back to Jake, "You might need it."
She tries to joke as she also picks up your purse and hands it to Jake. Jake takes your hand and leads you out to the car helping you in the passenger seat. The car is silent as Jake processes the shit show.
"How much of that did you hear?" you ask, watching the ocean roll by the car window.
"Came in at the point where you said it didn't matter if I was a janitor."
"How did you get back so quick?"
"There was a shop open just down the road, so Lanie's probably right if you need cheap red wine to drown your sorrows, we got that."
"Okay, you got most of the discussion then. What are you thinking?"
Jake takes your hand briefly.
"El, a few things. One, I'm here for you. Two, I again emphasize how amazing it is you grew up into the beautiful loving person you are with that shit show of a parental situation. Three, you chose me and that means a lot."
Jake's voice cracks on the word "chose", and the watery beginnings of tears form in the corners of his eyes.
"I'll always choose you, Jake. Always."
You get home and immediately change into comfy clothes and put on Jake's old Navy hoodie. It's hilariously long, but it's the level of comfort you need right now. Jake follows suit and is changed into lounge clothes and of course a Navy shirt. You stop in the bathroom to scrub your face and wash the tears away. Jake is in the kitchen doing something that you can't place by the sound alone. When you come out to the living room Jake is sitting on the couch, wine glass in hand and another waiting on the table for you and ice pack for my head. You're overwhelmed that he's anticipated the headache that is forming as the adrenaline rushes out of your system. You sit down and take a drink of the wine.
"This is really good, for 'cheap red wine,'" you hum and use air quotes.
Jake laughs,
"It's not a bottle we got today, figured you could use a little pampering and good wine after that whole event."
"Thank you, Merry Fucking Christmas, by the way. I hope my family hasn't killed your Christmas spirit."
"Hardly, Christmas is about spending time with the people you love, so I think we've got that checked off the list."
You put your glass on the table, lay your head in Jake's lap, and put the ice pack on your forehead.
Jake has put some music on, Fleetwood Mac it sounds like. You and Jake sit there in your mutual bubble for a while, listening to the music and being close to each other. After about 20 minutes you discard the ice pack and then stay cuddled up for the better part of an hour. Not talking, but understanding each other.
A knock at the door makes you jump, almost bumping Jake's wine glass.
"Who's that?" you wonder. Jake is already at the door prepared to tell whoever it is to fuck off, particularly if it's your parents. You're standing behind Jake when he opens the door.
Lanie is standing on the doorstep with grocery bags full of food.
You're sure you and Jake are standing there with your mouths open.
Lanie looks at Jake,
"Here, take these," she says, shoving the bags at Jake. He grabs them all before they can drop to the floor. She steps in and hugs you,
"I thought I'd rather spend Christmas with people who actually know what love is, plus I stole most of the good food and all of Mom's vodka. Oh, do you know how to cook prime rib?"
"That's what Google is for," you reply back with a sniffly laugh, "Thank you, Lanie, thank you. I love you so much, sis."
"I love you too, Elsa."
Jake is in the kitchen unpacking the groceries when he pulls out the prime rib.
"Damn, that's a lot of meat. What are we going to do with 12 pounds of prime rib?"
You remember that Lydia and Rooster are having Beth over for dinner, they decided not to head back east to see Lydia's family after a disastrous Thanksgiving where Lydia's parents got into a crystal goblet throwing fight after her Dad's mistress showed up.
"I've got an idea, give me a sec," you say to Jake and Lanie.
You call Lydia and she answers on the first ring.
"Merry Christmas, what's up?" she chirps, sounding like her usual self.
"Merry Christmas to you too. So, long story short, got into a giant argument with my mom today over Jake being good enough for me, left and came back here, my sister stole a 12 pound prime rib from my parents and showed up here, and now I'm trying to put together an impromptu dinner party to eat it all. Interested?"
Lydia laughs,
"There's a whole lot more to that story, wait one sec," her muffled voice can be heard as she asks Rooster, "Want to go to Elsa and Hangman's for Christmas dinner? They have prime rib."
She's back on the phone,
"Rooster said you had me at prime rib. Need us to bring anything? What time? Oh, and I'll call Beth and let her know about the change in plans."
"Great, a side dish or something close if you've got it. Let me see, I'm literally googling how long it's going to take to cook this thing, 3ish hours, it's a little after 2 now, let's plan on 5ish."
"Sounds great, see you then. And oh yeah, we've got a little surprise for everyone."
"Ooh, intrigue. See you at 5."
You get off the phone.
"Well, Lydia, Rooster, and Beth are going to be coming to dinner at 5. Let's get that prime rib in the oven and see what else we can make with all the stuff Lanie stole."
Jake and Lanie are surprised for about 30 seconds and then fall into line as you strategize. With the random stuff in your kitchen and the various items Lanie brought over you come up with a decent menu.
You put on your best french accent and announce,
"Let's see here, tonight's menu will be:
Crudites and Chickpea Mash
Main Course:
Herb Crusted Prime Rib
Roasted Root Vegetables with Thyme Butter
House Made Savory Bread Pudding
Chocolate torte with seasonal biscuit."
Jake is looking at the pile of stuff and considering the menu.
"El, some of that stuff isn't in here."
"Oh yes it is, crudites and chickpea mash is just veggies and hummus. Roasted root vegetables are sweet potatoes and carrots. We'll throw some fresh thyme in the butter. House made savory bread pudding is that stuffing made with the loaf of fancy bread from the bakery and the dessert is literally this brownie mix and these store bought Christmas cookies. It's all in how you sell it. So, easy peasy."
Jake is just laughing now,
"Seasonal biscuit, nice. I'm impressed, that menu sounds very fancy and delicious. What do you need us to do?"
"Put some Christmas music on first of all and then I'll have some stuff you can do."
Jake hops on getting the music going and Lanie is in the kitchen pouring more wine for everyone. You spend the rest of the afternoon chopping vegetables, baking brownies, and getting the various parts of the stuffing made and ready to pop in the oven when it's closer to dinner time. By about 4 pm you have it all in hand and can focus on getting the table ready. Jake scrounges up two more chairs to go around the dining table, sets out some place mats and fabric napkins, and gets some candles for the table. Lanie draws some cute place cards with everyone's name.
You go for a quick change into something slightly nicer than sweats and then plop on the couch with Lanie and more wine, and Jake excuses himself for a minute and you get a chance to talk to Lanie.
"What happened after we left?" you ask, the wine putting you fully into don't give a fuck mode.
"The expected shit show, Mom raged about you being an ungrateful daughter who was throwing away her life, Dad said nothing. I told Mom, 'That at least she isn't a lesbian tattoo artist like me. 'That put her over the edge and she went to their room. Dad went into the other bedroom and nobody talked after that. So, that's when I hatched the plot for my heist and got an Uber over here."
"Good to know our family patterns don't change much. Sorry to fuck up Christmas."
"Hah, that's all Mom's doing. Frankly, it's been a long time coming, the reckoning between you and her. I held Jake back from running in to save you, because I think you needed to let that shit out. Probably could have been done better in a family therapy session, but hey, we work with what's available,"
she says shrugging.
You laugh darkly and hold your wine glass up to Lanie's,
"Yeah, here's to the Matthews family. Hey at least a lesbian tattoo artist is interesting and cool. An aerospace engineer is decidedly not as cool."
"If you're fishing for compliments I'm going to save them all for Jake, because he is the best thing, person, rather, you've ever done."
Lanie earns a deep laugh from you.
Jake takes that moment to jump over the couch and land next to you,
"You were singing my praises?" he asks, head tilted.
"Yes, we were. Lanie said she had to hold you back so I could as Lanie put it 'let some of that shit out.'"
His face softens,
"My first instinct was to bust in there and start swinging, but Lanie helpfully reminded me, by practically clothes lining me, that this was your battle to wage and I would be needed at the end for support. Your sister is stronger than she looks."
He rubs a sore spot on his chest.
"Did my little sister hurt you, Jakey-poo?" you tease.
"No, I'm fine."
He's still rubbing his chest when there's a knock at the door and soon Lydia and Rooster are spilling into the room.
Lydia announces,
"Merry Christmas! We brought mashed potatoes!"
"Excellent, let's get those in the kitchen," you let Lydia know.
Rooster is holding up beer, wine, and tequila.
"Merry Christmas, Rooster. So which of the wise men brought tequila to Bethlehem?" Jake asks as he takes some of the items.
"The cool one, it probably goes well with mmyrh, whatever the fuck that is. Merry Christmas, Bagman," Rooster quips back.
You give the small hostess spiel,
"Check the fridge for beer or anything else you might want to drink. There's wine on the counter and the liquor is in the cabinet above the stove. Help yourselves."
Beth has appeared at about the time that Lydia and Rooster clear the door. You shout over the hubbub,
"Merry Christmas, Beth!"
"Merry Christmas, Elsa and everyone else."
Beth is holding up two bottles of wine to add to the mix. People get settled in with drinks and you bring out the appetizers and check the prime rib. Rooster is looking over the counter like a hungry dog.
"That smells amazing, Elsa," he almost sighs.
"I hope it tastes as good, we are literally in unexplored territory. Thank chef google if this works out."
Beth cuts in,
"So, how exactly did you come into possession of a giant prime rib today? I only heard the garbled version from Lydia when she called with the new plans."
Lanie decides to jump in and be the storyteller,
"Lanie, Elsa's super cool younger sister for you folks new to the room," you do some super quick introductions, Lydia has met Lanie before.
"So our emotionally stunted mother decided Christmas Day was a great time to dunk on Jake supposedly not being good enough for Elsa,"
Rooster mumbles,
"She might be onto something," before he's slapped in the chest by Lydia.
"Which brought up some other emotionally lurking shit from childhood that came out a giant hot mess. Elsa and Jake split, rightfully so, and I pissed our mom off even more by reminding her what a failure I am by her standards. Everyone stormed to a different room, I called an Uber and stole a 12 pound prime rib and other goodies, including all of Mom's vodka, because Christmas is supposed to be spent with people you love. And I love my big sister and this guy is growing on me too," she wraps a big hug around you as she points to Jake,
"Any questions?"
Rooster raises his hand, "What kind of vodka?"
Lydia looks at him confused. He continues,
"If I have to spite drink some fancy shit I'm game."
"No such luck," you laugh. "Smirnoff."
He looks disappointed. The reminder on your phone goes off to put the stuffing in and check the prime rib. You look back from closing the stove and take in the scene of your ragtag group of friends laughing and enjoying the day, the food and drink, and most of all each other's company. You think of the strained dinner that you would normally be having right now and your heart feels like it's about to burst. Jake catches your eye from where he's talking with Beth and gives you a wink. Lanie and Rooster are comparing tattoos. Lydia stops him before he pulls down his pants to show what is presumably a tattoo on his ass. You almost snort wine through your nose at the sight. The stove timer goes off and the food is done. The kitchen counter is quickly turned into a gorgeous landscape of food worthy of Instagram.
Everyone fills their plates and sits down at the table. You stand and propose a toast,
"To family," Lanie and Jake look confused, "Not necessarily the ones you were born with, although some of those turn out good,"
you give Lanie a finger gun and a wink, "But to the ones we find and hold on to with love in this crazy world."
Everyone leans in and clinks their glasses doing the best we can to avoid the candles. Rooster decides to stand,
"Since Elsa set this up so nicely, Lydia and I have a few announcements," Lydia stands up and fishes something out of her pocket and puts it on her finger.
"I have asked Lydia, the love of my life, to marry me and she said yes." Lydia holds up her hand with a ring on it absolutely beaming. Rooster puts his arm around and looks over at her with an absolutely adoring look,
"And speaking of family, we're going to have a baby!"
It is pandemonium for a few seconds with the breathless "Oh my gods" and hardy Congratulations. Beth and you rush around the table to hug Lydia. She is crying but absolutely incandescent with happiness. Jake pats Rooster on the back,
"You sly dog, Congrats, man."
Everyone calms down enough to eat and the meal is filled with lively conversation and so much laughter. Halfway through the meal, Jake takes your hand and gives it a squeeze as he leans over to say in your ear,
"I promised holidays would be better."
You return respond to his words with a soft smile and a squeeze of his hand.
After everyone has eaten themselves silly, people stand up and help with some of the cleanup. You are at the sink rinsing dishes before handing them to Beth to load in the dishwasher. You had opened the little window over the sink earlier because it was getting warm in the kitchen. Lydia is telling you a few details about the quickly upcoming wedding in three weeks time. Jake and Rooster out on the deck talking and you can just overhear them over the activity in the kitchen.
"Rooster, I have to say I'm genuinely happy for you. I know you've wanted a wife and family for a long time. I'm glad it's all coming together for you," Jake says his hand on Rooster's shoulder.
"Thanks, I know how much it pains you to say that, but I don't have words for how happy Lydia has made me. I can't believe all this is happening because she thought I was hot at a bar."
"She might make you unbelievably happy, but I will question her taste in men and facial hair till the end of time."
"Like you can talk, Bagman. The only reason you managed to find love is that Elsa likes baseball enough to say yes to a date. You're a lucky son of a bitch, if there ever was one."
"Oh, I know it, don't worry about that, Rooster."
"Jake, I have a question for you."
Jake's head cock to the side at Rooster's use of his real name. Rooster goes on,
"Speaking of luck and circumstances, since you saved my life and none of this ever would have happened without you, would you be my best man?"
For once Jake is speechless, no quick reply, no retort on his lips, he just engulfs Rooster in a crushing hug and says,
"It would be an honor," and then his wit comes back online, "It also gives me one more chance to convince Lydia to come to her senses."
Rooster laughs and hits Jake's shoulder with his own, knocking him a little off balance. You turn back to the conversation with Lydia and Beth.
Soon everyone is saying their goodbyes to people and you are sending them out the door with leftovers. The house is calm once everyone is out the door save the slight hum of the dishwasher.
You wrap your arms around Jake's waist and sigh contently as he kisses your forehead.
"Thank you for being amazing, this blow up with my mom has been a long time coming. Her dunking on our relationship was just a catalyst."
"I'll always be here for you, El. Always," he answers, leading you towards your bedroom and some much needed rest.
Chapter 16
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im-s0rry · 6 months
Pocket Sand - Episode 2: THE TURKEY-ADVENTURE.
*Shikari, Hero, and Roti are all in a group somewhere in the Pocket.
Hero: <. . . So I then I started throwing out all of the slurs I could think of at this guy until they disconnected.
Then I fell off of a cliff and died.
Real fun stuff.
Shikari: . . .Why dXd you fXXl the need tX sXy thXs???
Roti: I'm so, very confused. . .
*Rustflare then appears out of nowhere
Rustflare: *Dramatic entrance* GUYS. I HAVE AN IDEA.
Shikari: Oh. . .YXU. . .
Hero: <Oh jeEEz not this dude. . .
*Roti started cowering in the corner*
Shikari, grabbing for her blade: TXll us whXle you stXll have vXcal Cords, FRXXK.
Rustflare: *Turns around dramatically* WE'RE GOING BACK IN TIME TO THE FIRST THANKSGIVING
Shikari: . . .What the f-
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Shikari: . . .
Roti: W-what's, going on???-
Rustflare: *Smugly turns around* I KNOW. GENIUS, ISN'T IT?
Roti: Ummm. . .I, Don't know about that guys. . .
Hero and Shikari: We're in.
Roti: W-what??? Y-you're just, gonna kill Berdly like that???
Rustflare: WHY OF COURSE.
Shikari: I cXn finXlly stXb that BXTCH. . .
Hero: <And I can finally get a singular kill.
*An awkward silence falls among the group*
Hero: <. . .Welp. Thanks for nothing you little cu-
Shikari: I knXw someXne who cXn help wXth thXt.
Roti: I-I can't believe you all are,
so Adamant on k-killing Berdly like that. . .
Shikari: Why wXuldn't we bX by nXw?
Roti: . . .I-I stand, corrected. . .
*Timeskip to five minutes later*
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Rustflare: *turns arm into a sniper and loads it* ALL SYSTEMS ONLINE.
Shikari: CXn yXu just CXN IT?
Roti: Ummmmm, guys. . .
Shikari: WhXt is it, RXti?
Roti: I'm still not, s-sure about the whole,
killing Berdly thing. . .
Shikari: There yXu go agXin with thX SympXthy. . .
How PXthetic. . .
Roti: . . .Well, I've been,
Thinking. . .
M-maybe killing Berdly in the past,
Isn't the, b-best idea for us?
Shikari: . . .WhXt's that sXpposed to mean?
Roti: Like, If we killed him in the p-present, we would still be killing him. . .
But in the past, he won't b-be able to make us. . .
He won't be able to write c-cringy fanfiction or m-make bad games. . .
Cause he'll be dead. . .
And then we'll be dead. . .
And then everyone's dead. . .
Rustflare: . . .I SEE YOU'RE POINT.
*lowers sniper arm*
Shikari: . . .
*Shikari takes a breath to steady herself before knealing down to get on Roti's level*
MXybe yXu're rXght, kXd. BXTCH, cXll off the attXck.
Rustflare: ALRIGHT, I-
*Sudden realization*
Shikari: . . .WXIT.
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*Hero comes flying down, propelled towards Berdly by the power of a rocket laucher she had for some reason.*
Everyone else: OH GOD NO!!!
-End of Episode 2-
Shikari by: @mercair
Hero by: @goo-dripley-art
Roti by: @followerex
Rustflare by: Me!
-Best Regards, Jackal.
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mishapocalyse · 2 years
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I’ll Be Home For You After Christmas
Description: A phone call you never expected to receive leaves you broken. However, some things can be done better a second time.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: None; Just Angst and Fluff 🖤
Note: Under the 1000 words prompt// a drabble
The mixture of red and green hues flickered along the gutters of where you resided, wildly. Snow falling in droves, while you snuggled in the window seat, waiting for him to come home to you.
Your husband.
He promised you that once he was finished with his work with William Butcher, he would come home.
Your eyes glanced over to the clock that hung on the wall above the fireplace. Almost twelve o’clock.
He was late.
“I’ll make it home before Christmas, okay?” He gave you a quick kiss on the lips, when you silently begged for more. He gave you his signature smile, and without a trace he was gone.
You wanted to believe him. Even Butcher promised he would bring him home. Even then you couldn’t trust Butcher either.
Contemplating the situation, your phone rang. It buzzed as it rattled on your coffee table. When you looked at the Caller ID -it wasn’t a number you recognized. Then again, it could be important.
“Hello?” You greeted, leaning back into the plush of the couch.
“Y/N. I’m sorry.” It was Eric. You raised up, concern plastered on your face.
“Eric? What’s wrong-“
“I can’t.” He says while interrupting you. “I can’t do this with you anymore.” You cocked your head to the side, tears threatening to fall. They stung at your eyes.
“I’m confused. What-“ Eric didn’t even wait for you to finish when the call ended. He had hung up on you.
“But it’s Christmas…” you trailed off. Not putting the phone down, you pushed yourself off of the couch.
Pacing the room as you dialed the number he had called from. It went straight to voicemail. You must’ve tried it a thousand times before your phone ended up across the room from where you had tossed it aside.
Your hands went to claw at your skin, tugging hair, rubbing your eyes. With no idea as to what happened you were left confused. Worry began to pull at you, as you then proceeded to pick up your phone, cursing as you had now cracked the screen at the corner—and dialed William Butcher.
The phone rang twice before he answered.
“Oi’ Sweetpea. It’s 2:33 in the morning. Why are you up?” He questioned.
“Is he with you?” You asked, wiping the tears from your eyes once again.
“No, he took off a bit ago. Said he had to take care of some things and that he’ll be back. Not my place to ask him. Why?” He answered.
“He called me about two hours ago…he.” You stopped yourself from talking. You began to croak out sobs while Butcher listened.
“Oi’, hey sweetheart.” He started but never got to finish.
“Told me he couldn’t do this with me anymore. Couldn’t live the “apple pie” life.” You paused, shivering as a cold cill ran down your spine.
“What happened over there, William?” You urged him to tell you, but it was not what you wanted to hear.
“You should get some sleep. We will see you in the morning.”
“Don’t bother.” You replied to him as you hung up the phone.
Butcher hit the end call button and turned to meet the angered gaze of Soldier Boy.
“That prick don’t deserve a broad like that. If it were me, I’d be stuffing her like a Thanksgiving turkey till’ she popped out a few rugrats. Deserves that life y’know. Perfect little thing.” He said, throwing back a beer.
“Oi’ that’s me friend you’re talking about.” Butcher warns.
“I’m right and you know it. If you’re friends with her why don’t you tell her the truth?” He asks, crossing his arms.
Butcher shakes his head. “Not like it will help. Damage has already been done.”
“Merry fucking Christmas, I guess.” Ben chugged the last of his drink and tossed the bottle into the trash.
Two weeks after Christmas, and none of them had heard from you. Not even your job, nor your close friends. Family? No one had heard from you in two weeks.
They ended up on your porch. Your car was sitting where you last parked it before they had left. The mail piled up in the box, most of them what seemed to be from Christmas.
Soldier Boy cleared his throat.
“Aren’t any of you going to fucking knock?” He scoffs, approaching the door, his knuckles rapping against the cold wood. There was no answer.
“Wait, guys…do you hear that?” Hughie piped up as he leaned against the door.
Music softly played from within the house. It was hard to make out, but Ben lifted up the welcome mat to reveal a spare key. He turned to the rest of those behind him.
“What?” He asks with no reply.
The house was in a disheveled state. There were papers strewn across the floor. Chairs upturned, photos smashed. Soldier Boy could sense the change in what this house normally was. The only part of the house left untouched was the living room where the Christmas tree still stood, gifts still wrapped, and you laying down with bottles of booze strewn half-hazardously around you.
“Fucking hell.” Soldier Boy hurried to you as he bent down and scooped you up.
You stirred. Groaning from the throbbing in your head.
“Ben? What’re you doing here?” You slurred.
“Shh. Don’t try to talk. You look like hell.” He says as you nod and pass out in his arms.
When you awoke, you awoke to the smell of food and the tv running downstairs. Hoping it was all a dream you pulled your robe on and dragged yourself down the stairs. Peeking into the kitchen you found Ben standing there, leaning against the doorway, with a beer in his hand eyes glued to the tv playing a football game.
There was a couple pizzas on the counter, a few two liters of Cola and a pie. Knowing that he most definitely made Hughie order this you smiled softly.
“What are you doing here Ben?” You asked him which broke his eyes that had been trained to the screen.
He smiles.
“Waiting on you. C’mere.” He reaches for you, pulling you into his embrace.
“What’s all this about? What happened woth Eric” You pointed to the cleaned house and the food.
Ben chuckles.
“Can’t a man spend the holidays with the woman he likes without talking about her prick of a now ex husband?” Soldier Boy grins.
“Ben…” you began, glancing up at the calendar that hung on the fridge as Soldier Boy clung to you, gently swaying side to side.
“It’s the 8th of January. But I guess we can still celebrate our possibly first Christmas together.” You smiled up at him.
He glances down at your lips before leaning down to steal a soft peck.
“Good because I wanna see you open up gifts under your tree.”
You shake your head as you pull away to grab a slice of pizza from the box.
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thelovelylolly · 10 months
Hey can you write a Robin Buckley x Reader fic where they have a debate about weither or not it's ok to decorate for Christmas before or after Thanksgiving (reader thinks it's ok Robin thinks it isn't)
Too Early
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Summary: You and Robin argue over when to decorate for Christmas. Warnings: none :) Notes: listen i wont decorate until after thanksgiving HOWEVER i will listen to the music (not mariah carey though) also this is a short lil blurb
"You're doing what?"
"I'm getting the Christmas decorations ready," you answered, setting a box with lights spilling out of it onto the coffee table. You look up to see Robin's shocked face. "What?"
"You're decorating...a week after Halloween?"
You looked at her, confused. "Yeah...?"
"It's not even Thanksgiving yet!"
You laughed before walking back to the hall closet to get more boxes. "I can decorate when I want!"
"Yeah, just not before Thanksgiving! It's too early!"
"Too early?" you replied, bringing in another box of decorations, "I already listen to the music so why not-"
"You what?!"
"Rob, it's not a big deal," you answered as you pulled out a some small, fake Christmas trees to litter around the house.
"Not a big deal? What?! Christmas starts after Thanksgiving, if not, then on December 1st!"
"C'mon, where's that Christmas spirit?" You teased.
"I have spirit," Robin said as she stood up. "Just not on, like, November 14th!"
You picked up two of your little trees and set them on the side table by the couch. "Well, I'm in the spirit."
"It's not even-"
"Thanksgiving, I get it," you cut Robin off, turning to face her with a smile. "We get into the Halloween spirit in September, what makes this any different?"
"There's no holiday in September! Just...can you wait 'till at least the week of Thanksgiving to get all this stuff out?"
You huffed and flopped onto the couch. "Fine, I guess. But the music is staying."
Robin smiled and sat next to you, draping her arm on the back of the couch behind you. "I'll take what I can get."
"And you'll help me decorate."
"Don't push it."
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Finding out the creator of Kwanzaa tortured two black women, beat them with an electrical chord, put detergent in their mouths.
Wait till you all find out that that corny-ass negro also was a key informant for the FBI during COINTELPRO and he played an instrumental part in taking down the Black Panthers and had multiple Black Panther members killed.
He also founded Kwanzaa on the weird ideology that black Americans have no culture, so he used multiple cultures from, just, other random cultures, other African cultures, but also other cultures to make Kwanzaa. And it was all based on this ideology that black Americans have no culture.
He and his wife were also the leaders of cults.
This is the autobiography of Huey P. Newton, who was the founder of the Black Panthers, and he literally has an entire page where he writes about how bad Karenga was.
I feel like celebrating Kwanzaa and internalizing it as a black American culture or ritual is such a bad thing because Ron Karenga was such a bad person. And celebrating it gives credence to him and his ideologies.
So, there are now two rules if you celebrate or legitimize Kwanzaa. If you're going to defend it on the basis of something like, "well, that origin doesn't matter, it's okay to celebrate it anyway," then...
... you can never complain about "cultural appropriation" ever again.
... you can never complain about the origins of Thanksgiving ever again.
This has been my TED Talk.
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science-lings · 2 years
what’s some of your favorite loz/Lu fics of all time? :)
Most of my favorite LU fics are here
but what you guys may not know is that I'm also a big fan of botw and modern au Zelink fics, however, take heed, most of these get a little spicy
Like Real People Do by ScarlettStorm: one of the best post-botw fics out there, lots of pining, I absolutely adore how Link's experience with Gender is portrayed, how he and Zelda are both treated as equally traumatized, as sometimes it feels like there's always one troubled one and one caregiver and I can get that for shorter fics but this one is long and beautifully balanced in that aspect. It also gets real horny at the end and in my opinion, it's very tasteful.
Alone With You by @deiliamedlini: honestly this author has a bunch of bangers, I'm waiting for their pirate au to finish so I can binge it all and I reread their Zelink oneshot collection all the time, this one is their modern high school au where Link is kind of a bad boy who is secretly Fucked Up, and Zelda is a popular girl and surprise surprise, they both get along really well. Normally I hate anything that reminds me of high school but this is the only exception. I love how previous characters are included, like how Link knows ASL bc he's friends with Pipit who is deaf and how Revali is a bitch and I still want to strangle him. Also big sister Aryll is a treasure and this fic does such a good job portraying Link's mental struggles and PTSD and how Zelda is being neglected and I'm also a big fan of the overarching plot of medical issues and trauma.
The Calamity of Link's Cargo Shorts by @zeldaseyebrows: I don't understand how someone can make smut so funny and so focused on Zelda's own self-hatred. Seriously though, there's a lot to love with this fic and I adore Zelda's pov. Sometimes you have to have sex before opening up emotionally and that's okay. Also, it's a modern au too, I just realized how many of these are modern aus.
Strangers in the Night by @zeldaelmo: Another modern au, this time Zelda has a kid from a ons with Link and he doesn't know about it for a bit, I just love Link being a dad and how they both work for a museum and there's just something about the courtroom scene that makes me want to reread it over and over again. Sometimes it's hit or miss with family ocs but Tetra is my favorite zelink child ever. All the fics on this list are ones I reread a lot but this one is the one I'm currently rereading bc it's been a few months lol. I love the domestic but also a little dysfunctional vibes, it's definitely not the normal romcom type of thing but I think I like this more.
K.K. Love Song by @airplanned: Again, modern au, pandemic edition. This one in particular has a certain unexplainable soft vibe, like there's some long-distance, Animal Crossing online romance and idk why I like it so much, I guess I was one of the suckers that got pulled in by new horizons when it came out so there's some strange kind of covid nostalgia and it's nice to see how a functional government would deal with the pandemic. Also, Link's grandma is a treasure and there's something sweet about crown princess Zelda meeting some guy on animal crossing and accidentally making him a public figure by dating him. Honestly, this author has a lot of great fics that I reread a lot lmao.
Farore's Day and Windvane Lane by Jenseits_der_Sterne: modern thanksgiving au, Zelda is a quirky scientist single mom and Link is her neighbor. I love Link being a nerd and Zelda being a bit of a disaster. Like she accidentally almost blows up her kitchen and he's just looking on with heart-eyes, after helping her put out the fires of course.
tbh, I'm probably not the best person to go for fic recs as I just find a few really good ones and then reread them till the end of time and rely on other people to recommend me things to read lmao, I hope this was at least a little helpful anyway.
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lukeevangelista · 2 years
oopsies, sophomore y/n and nick update :)
Hey anon, I actually did an AU update earlier BUT here’s a normal newer update:
The distance has been really hard, especially with the holidays coming up.
It bothered you at first until you had spoken to nick about coming down for Christmas.
Which he was totally on board with
You also went for thanksgiving- him loving every minute you were there.
Constantly showed you off while you were in town to his teammates
Took you on tours around the city guided by some of the vets as well
I mean, he hasn’t been there long, didn’t wanna get lost, ya know?
The two of you did have a pretty nasty argument while you were in town
But before you left, he made sure you knew he wasn’t upset and that he loved you with every bone in his body
You made sure to include kent in your plans like always.
Kent was always a sweetheart to you, even if he was really quiet most of the time
He’d throw his two cents in every so often, especially when you were going at it with Nick
“I think he could be better.” He’d shrug, even if Nick had been the best boyfriend that day.
Nick would roll his eyes at his teammate.
Back to Y/N and Nick though
Constantly keeping you in his bed
The months of not seeing you had built up and he was touch starved and if you got out of bed, it was to use the bathroom or get food. That’s it
Not all of it was sexual, of course
He just wanted to hold you as the next time would be weeks away and facetime wasn’t cutting it anymore
“I don’t think I can wait till Christmas to see you.”
“Good thing you won’t have to. I’m switching to online for the rest of this semester. I’ll be able to see you any time I want. I’ll go back in person in the new year.”
Nick was so excited when you told him this
He actually ended up asking if you wanted to stay with him till Christmas
Which obvi, you said yes.
Overall, they’re still doing good
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faghubby · 2 years
Our older neighbor Nick pushed my wife over the your workbench on the garage, her feet could hit even tough the floor you watched in awe as he flipped up her skirt and tore her panties off of her.
Nick was about 50 he wasted no time in burying his massive cock in my wife's pussy. I just watched with awe and guarded the door so no one else would walk in. She just looked over at me not saying a word. Half of her family was just on the other side of the door. Along with my mother and sister.
"You can jerk off while you watch" Gina told me. Embarrassed to let Nick see my much smaller dick I just watched. Nick fucked her like a machine. Gina came twice louder then I would have liked. While I was rock hard watching. Nick finally finished and just smacked her ass and went inside. Gina hopped down she wiped her thigh with her hand and ran it across my face.
"So you can smell him all day" Gina laughed and followed. I followed her. Her sister Fiona smiled at me as I came in. It was just about time and we gathered around to have Thanksgiving dinner. I couldn't stop watching Nick or Gina as they acted as nothing happened. As deserts where being set on the table Fiona whispered in my ear.
"Gina has your dessert in her pie" she giggled in my ear. She purposely didn't serve me pie.
As everyone started to say thier goodbyes I went to find Gina. I found her in our bedroom kissing My co worker Alex. When I walked in she turned and looked at me.
"You don't mind do you sweety" Alex stared at me as well.
"He is only three and half inches" she told him. And went back to kissing Alex.
"People are waiting to say good bye" I told her. She stopped and went with me to say good nights. Almost everyone has left except her sister and her kids.
"Stay and help Fiona clean up." She told me and went back upstairs to Alex.
"Your such a good husband letting her get what you can't give her" Fiona said. "Don had a great cock, but was a lousy husband" she told me speaking about her ex husband. "You're a good husband with no dick" she continued. Then she smiled and came close. "Can I see?" She asked. She didn't wait she unbuckled my pants and pulled them down. I was rock hard my dick throbbing
"It's so cute. I didn't realize it was so thin as well" she said she tugged it with two fingers. Then stopped as she heard the kids coming downstairs. I quickly pulled my pants back up. She went to the bathroom at some point. When she returned she pushed her damp panties into my hand.
"Go put them on" she whispered in my ear. I hesitated till she smacked my ass. And gave me a stern look. I ran off to the bathroom and looked at her panties they where white with a lace panel in front. I pulled off my pants and boxer briefs and slid them on. Then put my pants back on.
"Alex is spending the night" Fiona informed me when I returned. "You can spend the night in the guest room with me" she said rubbing my ass.
I looked up at the ceiling.
"Shh it's ok" Fiona said rubbing my little hardon. I helped her finish cleaning up. The kids had settled into watching a movie. And I had not seen Gina or Alex. Fiona led me to the guest room and pulled my pants down. She rubbed my ass thru the panties.
"I need you to use that tounge of yours" Fiona told me. As she got ready for bed. She laid on the bed naked. She was heavier then her sister and stretch marks from having three kids. I kneeled and buried my head between her thighs.
"OH god" she said almost immediately as I ate her pussy with enthusiasm. "Stop we have to wait till the kids sleep" she told me. I did as she said. She threw on a long Cotton nightgown and went to check on her kids. It was almost an hour before she returned and went back to the same position. She moaned and came in under 5 minutes. I kept going. She loved it.
"No one has ever made me cum like this" she told me. As she came a second time she squirted all over my face. She stood and pulled me to my feet.
"You can keep those panties as a thank you" Fiona told me. She rubbed the front of the panties and I came in them. A huge smile crossed her face.
"They suit you" she told me. She laid next to me in bed. Fiona laid my head on her chest. She placed her nipple in my mouth. She was on her phone as I sucked and nibbled her breast. She aimlessly played with my nipple as well. I grew hard again and pushed against her.
"OH your all wet and sticky, go change your panties sweety" she told me. I got up and opened her suitcase. There wasn't much of a selection I changed into a pair of pink satin panties and went back to bed. Fiona fingers rubbed against my asshole.
"Would it be OK if I " she pushed a finger in as she said it. No lube just her dry finger.
"Your so small I think you would like this" she said as she slowly worked it in and out.
"It hurts" I told her. Bit didn't stop her.
"You need some lube" she informed me. But kept going. As she did we heard lovemaking noise from the master bedroom.
"Do you think Alex is fucking her ass?" Fiona asked pushing a second finger in.
"You should by Gina a strapon cock. To fuck you with" she told me and then removed her fingers. And again picked up her phone.
"Help me pick one" she told me. I sat next to her as we shopped for sex toys. She didn't stop at a strapon. But plugs, nipple clamps, lubes, and dildos where added. Along with a paddle.
"You might like to be spanked" she teased.
Fiona had me confess my entire sexual history. I had only ever been with Gina. With the exception of a hand job from a girl back in high school. Gina had Cuckold me longer then I even realized thinking it started with her boss a year after we got married. Fiona told me it was almost from the first time we meet. And now I could add Fiona to the list. We feel asleep holding each other. I woke to Gina lowering her swollen cum filled pussy to my face.
"Clean it all you cheating slut" she said to me.
"My own sister?" She continued. She continued to berate me and call me names until I made her cum pushing whatever remains of Alex cum where pushed into my mouth. She climbed off.
"Gina, I didn't mean with Fiona. I bought you a present" I told her trying to get forgiveness even though she didn't seem truly angry.
"I heard, but that seems more for you my dear." She smiled.
"I like these" she said adjusting my panties.
"Why don't you take the kids to the park" Gina told me. I got them all ready and on my way out I saw Nick coming over to borrow a cup of sugar. It was hours before Gina called and told me to come home. When I arrived she wasn't home instead I found Fiona in the guest room naked and covered in cum. She didn't care just had me lock the door and lick every part of her body.
"My sister gave you to me, would you like to come home with us? Become my sissy boyfriend? I still fuck my ex but I need someone to hold me after." She told me. How could we explain any of this to anyone I thought. She saw my mind racing.
"Don't worry about anything" she told me. "Say yes and I will make you my sissy bitch. I will let you dress in your true submissive nature. And teach you to except big cocks" she told me she didn't wait for a response she applied lube this time as her fingers probed my ass. As she did I, owned and came all over her tits. She pulled my head down and I licked my own cum from her tits. Her son knocked on the door. She handed me her robe.
"I want all your body hair gone and you wearing what I left for you in the bathroom when I return. She got up dressed quickly and went to see her kids. I found a pink frilly bra and thong set on the sink. I believe it was Gina's I knew what I had chosen as I sank into the tub of rose scented water.
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imagines-babes · 2 years
Slowly (Karl jacobs)
Happy late thanksgiving if you celebrate it. So I lied about foolish being the next story, but I do promise a foolish gamers one will be out I just don't know when. This is last week story so another one is coming this week. Anyway I was feeling for a heartbreak type a feeling this week. So I came up with this. The song is called •Slowly by Olivia Dean• (the song was a hard choice for me to pick sorry). This story is less than 900 words. So until next week bye!!
Karl Jacob List Masterlist
The first time Karl asked me out was the most important day of my life. Karl was mine and I was his. We would stay up, I would watch his stream, hear his first song come out, and saw the evolution of him from being a small creator to what his is today. But recently I felt like that spark we had has dimmed and is going out each day. Now that he is going to places for his platforms and meeting fans. He loved it and after those days he would call me to tell me about it. I would smile about every little things. Slowly we both didn't act like lovers like we did in the beginning.
Tonight Karl is coming home from Twitchcon and happened to be on date night. So that's how I will break it off. The minutes passed but it only felt like hours to me. The seconds were worse. Slowly the door open as gave me a hug with a smile. For i to just smile kissing his cheek. "You ready to go? I know it's late but maybe we can just walk around the park and act like kids again. Maybe give you lesson on the skateboard again?" All I did was nod. My feeling's shift. If I was sure to break-up with him. Maybe it would be different he would stay home more or I can tagged along. Something in me knew that wasn't going to happen. He is still gonna explore the world and new attractions around the world. While I stayed and waited for him to come home. He called my name snapping me out of a trance. He waited for me by the door, "You ready?"
We parked at a lot where there was a park alongside a skatepark. He held his skateboard while holding my hand. Since the ride I never spoke a word. My guess that karl was gonna question it once we started to walk. For now, I'm gonna make this moment last. So that what I did we played around the park. The laughter could be heard by the cars in the lot. With the smile of ours was enough to fill the warmth around us.
Next was to the skate park. Karl did some of his trick as I took in everything to the leaves that fall to the cement up to the moon marking it is was only 11 pm. Karl kept skating as my face fell to my shoes. I didn't know I was in a trance till I tear appeared from my eye to the cement. Blinking quickly, pulling my phone out of my pocket to notice my eyes red. Karl glanced at me to see my eyes covered. Running over I tried to hide my face but he saw the tears from my cheek. "What's wrong y/n?" No words were to escape my lips just cries when he asked that single question. All he did was hold me telling me it was gonna be okay. But it wasn't. "It's not gonna be okay Karl." I was frustrated but not at him. "Karl nothing gonna be okay. I love you Karl so much-," he interrupted putting his hands on my cheeks wiping of my tears. "I love you y/n," I just shake my head standing up. "Karl we aren't a couple.," that's what caught his attention, "We don't act like a couple. We don't show it to each other even to our friends. Karl we act like friends. Best friends at most." My eyes looked at Karl's taking his hand off my cheeks to stroke his. Facing down, "As much as it hurts me to say, we don't love each other like how we did in the beginning" I held his hand waiting for a response from him but he never spoke. All he did was holding my hand. I knew deep down he didn't want this to be his reality. He thought it was a joke and the cameras will come out. And I will say , you just got pranked baby! As the seconds turned to minutes, he knew that it wasn't a joke and it was his reality. "How long have you noticed it?" Was his first question. Taking in a breathe, "2 months ago. I didn't realize it till how we acted towards each other and when you left for a trips. I was so used to it. But I didn't wanna believe it till others started to point it out."  My voice cracked as he said on the board of his. Slowly it dimmed on Karl that what I was saying is true. That it came to a habit. He didn't want to admit it. He loves me. I love him. But the spark isn't as bright as where we both started it as the beginning.
The lovers that went into that park walked out as a two broken hearts.
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ratcatcher0325 · 1 year
Dear Alexander and Natalie,
Do you have any plans for the fourth of July? I would guess that Alexander is indifferent but doesn't like the noise and Natalie is in it for the food (my spouse likes to call the fouth "summer Thanksgiving"). I am curious (and nosy!), so what's on the docket?
I for one am making ice cream and shutting the windows against the noise.
Oh hey PSM!
Nice to see ya again! Oh! Hold on, Alexander is wrestling my fingers away from the mouse (I’m letting him win so he won’t yell at me).
Natalie, where is your common courtesy? Our friend addressed the ask to me first, then you. Have patience!!
Do you hear that? This little insufferable nightmare is lecturing me about patience! His lack of self awareness is adorable isn’t it?
Nothing about me is adorable! Now stop being such an antagonizer and let me peruse this question. Stop it! Do not cross this line. Put your hands behind you back if you must, I will not tolerate any more interruptions. The Fourth of July?? Hmm. I like your plan. Staying out of the heat, far away from drunken humans gathering in raucous crowds and the ear shattering cacophony of those utterly obnoxious fireworks would be my strong preference. However, I’m told Natalie has a, to quote her “kick ass paleta recipe you’ll love”. I’m told a paleta is a type of frozen popsicle made from fruit?
Oh, so you put me in “Ask Jail” but then you get to steal my paleta thunder? Cool. Seems fair. Yeah I was planning to wrap up five or six flavors today, so we can beat the heat for a long time to come. Normally, if I was with family we’d make a huge cookout, but I’ll probably just go with a simple arrachera and maybe some guacamole (though I’ll never get it as good as my grandma). Alexander can be my trusty taste tester. But yeah, obviously fireworks aren’t gonna hurt my ears like they would his, still they’ve never really impressed me. BUT Alexander needs the experience of lighting Roman candles and sparklers off the patio, it’s like… a right of passage. We’ll just wait till all the fireworks displays are over. Besides, I have a feeling this little nightmare will enjoy lighting shit on fire.
She keeps insisting it’s a deeply cathartic experience to watch controlled explosions. I can’t say I disagree. I will report back, posthaste. Other than that, I would be delighted to continue working, uninterrupted, but when I tell you, PSM, that becomes nearly impossible when living with someone like Natalie, I promise I’m not exaggerating. She thinks I won’t notice, but she constantly finds every excuse under the sun to pull my attention or to touch me, albeit it gently. But it is still immensely distracting. I’m going to need to employ a thumb tack or safety pin to ward her off. Do you think that’ll do the trick?
I’m gonna ignore that completely and change the subject… I hope you enjoy your ice cream! What flavors are you planning to make? You wanna send some to Cambridge? We can do a food swap!
In the same vein as Natalie, I wish you a happy holiday for… what exactly? American exceptionalism? Those of us with a fraction of intelligence obviously know such a concept to be a carefully crafted myth which is ever crumbling in the face of late-stage capitalism. It’s explicitly clear that the American dream is dead and as the wage gap yawns ever greater, we continue to fight one another and stay just distracted enough to keep from toppling the true seat of corrupted powe—
Okay….. that’s enough of that! What he’s trying to say in Alexander-speak is he hopes you enjoy your day off from work! Ha, ha. I’m sorry, I found him like this, and I haven’t been able to figure out how to turn it off, so, this is what you get.
You quite literally just said the other day one of the things you like about me is my intelligence. Make up your mind, woman!
Alright… time to go before I get lectured at for a straight hour. Thanks for reaching out and have an awesome 4th!
(because I was addressed first, thank you very much)
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