aweina · 11 months
fan service ; johnny cage ( smut ) ⋮ check out my other mortal kombat blurbs here <3
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johnny loves his fans, in his own personal way. specifically he loves them bent down, bare body splayed, singing out his name like a broken record — loud and high-pitched. his complimentary dirty talk always seems to get them wetter, dribbling along the width of his cock. he’ll toss in some sugarcoated praises, would pretty angel work? oh yeah, you just tighten just the way he liked it. what about some classic degradation, like … desperate slut? heh, you’re even louder than before. the blare of light goes unnoticed with your tear filled eyes, not even the damp pointed tip dragging over your back accompanied with an audible flutter of a camera could break you out of your lustful haze. johnny smirks, throws the marker and phone across his messy covers, and he’s grappling on your bruised hips — forcing a deep thrust inside. a picture perfect image, your soft skin marked with his expensive signature and decorated with blossoming bruises made by the man himself. oh yeah, he’ll totally frame this and make sure his agent invites you over again.
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taakiitoo · 10 months
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snrmienor · 7 months
MY GOD, JOHNSHI, AHHHH???? I spent 8 hours usefully, I hope I don’t sleep through my kindergarten tomorrow.
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Ehh, I took the reference from here.
(I hope it was possible to take a reference??)
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3d-wifey · 6 months
SCP-2243: You Got Caged!
If it isn't obvious, you're Dr. ████. I mixed his powers from the last timeline and this timeline bc I missed the green energy. Anywho, these will all be in the same universe, I already started one for Feyd Rautha bc that little freak is such an scp tags: @yvy1s @innercreationflower
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Item #: SCP-2243
​​Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2243 is to be contained within a reinforced humanoid containment chamber at Site-██ equipped with non-lethal deterrents to prevent unauthorized access. The chamber must be outfitted with soundproofing materials due to SCP-2243's propensity for vocalization as its penchant for charisma and allure makes unauthorized access into its containment cell just as likely as an escape attempt. All interactions with SCP-2243 must be supervised by trained personnel, and any requests for interaction must be approved by the Site Director ██████. A one-way observation mirror is to be installed. However, it is not to be utilized 24/7 as it is known that SCP-2243 will always be aware that someone is watching it and may engage in performative behavior. SCP-2243 is to be provided with recreational materials upon request, subject to approval by Site Director ██████.
Interaction with SCP-2243 must be conducted with caution to prevent irritation and subsequent accidental activation of its anomalous abilities.
SCP-2243's anomalous abilities are to be monitored regularly. Should SCP-2243 exhibit aggressive behavior, Protocol Omega-Zeta is to be enacted immediately, involving the use of hand-to-hand combat to settle it down as tranquilizers only further aggravate it. However, it is likely to go through and kill many of its “opponents” before this is reached. This is why it is key to keep it calm. Notify Dr. ████ before engaging in active combat with SCP-2243 as she has shown the ability to talk it down.
[Additional Notes: Due to SCP-2243's unpredictable behavior and potent anomalous capabilities, a specialized containment team trained in both hand-to-hand combat and anomalous entity containment procedures is to be stationed nearby at all times. Despite these measures being put in place, it is advised not to engage in combat with SCP-2243 if possible as it is unlikely for one to survive against it. Even sparing is ill-advised as SCP-2243 casually utilizes brutal and at times lethal moves. It seems that SCP-2243 doesn’t understand that one is supposed to go easy on their partner during a friendly match. Instead, SCP-2243 treats every fight as if it is life or death.]
Considering SCP-2243, and most likely those from its dimension, heals from what should be considered mortal wounds at ease, it is currently considered practically immortal. No firearms are to be used and there are no current plans to test this supposed immortality.
During transportation, personnel must be able to develop a rapport with SCP-2243 or be considered in good standing. This is in place to reduce the chances of agitation and encourage its current cooperation. While SCP-2243 has been happy to help and shows a strong sense of morality, outbursts of any kind should be met with negotiation first and combat if all else fails.  dealt with by Dr. ████, which has shown to be a surefire way of calming it down. 
Aggressive language or actions toward SCP-2243 will be perceived as grounds for combat, at which point the only way to calm SCP-2243 down will be the termination of said offender by its hands with the gruesome usage of what it classifies as a “finisher” or “brutality”. At this point, a disembodied voice has reportedly been heard chanting “Finish him/her.” The same course of action will be taken if SCP-2243 witnesses any type of aggressivity towards Dr. ████.
SCP-2243 is to be provided with basic amenities and entertainment to maintain cooperation and prevent boredom-induced agitation.
SCP-2243 demonstrates a strong aversion to containment and expresses a desire to engage in combat and entertainment activities. It frequently attempts to escape confinement to pursue these activities, often resulting in containment breaches and potential security risks. As such, SCP-2243 is allowed monitored access outside of its containment chamber.
Description: SCP-2243 appears to be a humanoid male of Caucasian descent in his mid-thirties with a muscular build, approximately 6 foot 1 in height despite claims of being taller, 200lbs. The only noteworthy marking on its body is a tattoo along its chest spelling “Johnny”. SCP-2243 possesses enhanced physical abilities, including strength, agility, and endurance, beyond that of normal human capabilities. Despite numerous attempts to determine the source of these abilities, SCP-2243's physiology appears to be entirely mundane.
SCP-2243 is known to exhibit a charismatic and self-assured personality, often displaying a penchant for theatricality and grandiose gestures. It is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat, displaying mastery in various martial arts disciplines, but also shows proficiency with various melee weapons. SCP-2243 is also capable of performing acrobatic feats defying conventional physics.
SCP-2243's primary anomalous trait is its ability to generate and manipulate energy fields, particularly those resembling green, energy-based constructs. These constructs have been observed taking various forms, including protective barriers, projectiles, and offensive weaponry, all of which have been dubbed SCP-2243-1. The extent of SCP-2243's control over these constructs is not fully understood. These abilities appear to be activated through gestures and vocal commands, though the exact mechanism remains under investigation. Alongside this, it’s capable of producing photokinetic energy projectiles from its hands, which it refers to as "Shadow Balls" or "Green Energy”, that are capable of inflicting significant damage to organic and inorganic matter.
SCP-2243's anomalous abilities extend beyond its physical prowess. It has been observed to possess a form of reality-warping, enabling it to alter perceptions and manipulate the outcome of events in its vicinity. This includes the ability to enhance its own combat abilities and create illusory duplicates of itself, SCP-2243-3, making it difficult to contain or neutralize. SCP-2243 often utilizes these "stunt doubles" as decoys or to overwhelm adversaries, suggesting a strategic acumen beyond conventional human capability. 
One of SCP-2243's most confounding anomalous properties is its ability to spontaneously generate film crew equipment and personnel, SCP-2243-5, seemingly out of thin air. These manifestations typically appear during combat scenarios, allowing SCP-2243 to produce elaborate cinematic sequences in real-time and manipulate its surroundings to create elaborate stage-like environments evidently at will. Despite extensive research, the origin of these manifestations remains unknown.
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SCP-2243 producing an instance of SCP-2243-5
It has the extraordinary ability to produce multiple instances of SCP-2243-4 at any time that it refers to as “stunt men”. SCP-2243-4 appear as men who look similar to SCP-2243, but not identical. They seemingly materialize out of thin air and disappear just as seamlessly. When asked about them, SCP-2243 claims it is “too valuable to do its own stunts even though it totally can.” Not to be confused with SCP-2243-3, “stunt doubles”, which are perfect clones of SCP-2243 that it creates using its green energy during combat. Despite the names being synonymous, there is a clear and distinct visible difference. 
Furthermore, SCP-2243 demonstrates an enigmatic ability to create SCP-2243-2 instances, which function as an invisible yet responsive live studio audience. These entities provide audible feedback and reactions to SCP-2243's actions, further enhancing its theatrical performances during combat encounters. Despite being imperceptible to onlookers, SCP-2243 interacts with SCP-2243-2 instances as though they were tangible entities, implying a cognitive connection beyond conventional sensory perception.
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SCP-2243 interacting with SCP-2243-2
These cinematic apparitions serve to augment SCP-2243's theatricality, enhancing its engagements with both adversaries and Foundation personnel.
SCP-2243's origins and motivations remain shrouded in mystery, with conflicting claims suggesting ties to alternate realities and interdimensional conflicts. Further investigation into SCP-2243's extradimensional knowledge and the veracity of its assertions is ongoing.
SCP-2243 is known to engage in confrontational behavior, often seeking out adversaries to engage in combat. SCP-2243 exhibits an exaggerated sense of self-confidence and bravado, often engaging in verbal taunts and dramatic gestures during confrontations. SCP-2243 displays a charismatic and flamboyant personality, often engaging in boastful behavior and making witty remarks, even in stressful or dangerous situations. It has demonstrated a tendency to seek attention and validation from others, particularly through public performances and displays of its abilities.
Despite its aggressive tendencies, SCP-2243 has displayed a strong sense of morality, frequently intervening to protect innocent individuals from harm.
SCP-2243 has shown an advanced level of intelligence past that of most sapient Euclids. It has made claims of possessing a Ph.D. in quantum mechanics. When tested on the subject, SCP-2243 showed remarkable proficiency. 
SCP-2243's presence tends to draw significant public attention, making containment challenging. Witnesses of its anomalous abilities are typically administered Class-A amnestics to maintain secrecy.
[Additional Notes: SCP-2243's anomalous abilities and charismatic personality pose a potential threat to Foundation secrecy and containment efforts. Research is ongoing to understand the full extent of its capabilities and origins. Efforts to recruit SCP-2243 as a Foundation asset for containment and neutralization of other anomalies are under consideration, pending approval from higher authorities.]
SCP-2243 is to undergo regular psychological evaluations and physical examinations to monitor any changes in behavior or anomalous abilities. Any attempts by SCP-2243 to utilize its anomalous abilities for personal gain or unauthorized activities must be promptly reported.
SCP-2243 claims to be a former Hollywood actor and martial artist, though its background and identity remain uncertain. It frequently refers to itself by the alias "Johnny Cage" and insists on being addressed as such. Despite its cooperative demeanor, SCP-2243 has been known to exhibit stubbornness and defiance when faced with authority or containment procedures it perceives as restrictive. However, it seems to have taken a liking to Dr. ████ and adheres to her authority for reasons unknown. Though it is theorized to be aesthetically motivated.
While generally personable, SCP-2243 can become irritated or outright aggravated if treated like a specimen or if it becomes bored. Will only answer to Johnny, Mr. Cage, or Dr. Cage. 
Despite SCP-2243's often brash and arrogant demeanor, it has shown a degree of cooperation with Foundation personnel, particularly when provided with opportunities for public exposure and adulation. None more than Dr.  ████. However, caution is advised, as SCP-2243's loyalty and motivations remain unclear. 
Addendum 2243-A: Containment protocols have been updated to include measures to prevent unauthorized access to SCP-2243's containment cell, as well as enhanced surveillance to monitor SCP-2243's interactions with SCP-2243-1, SCP-2243-2, and SCP-2243-4 instances. Continued observation and analysis of SCP-2243's behavior are necessary to ensure effective containment and mitigate potential security risks.
Addendum 2243-B: SCP-2243's containment cell has been outfitted with holographic projectors to simulate various combat scenarios and facilitate cooperative engagements with Foundation personnel. These simulations serve as both training exercises and opportunities for psychological assessment, aiding in the formulation of comprehensive containment protocols.
Addendum 2243-C: Containment protocols have been revised to include provisions for the monitoring and analysis of SCP-2243's interactions with SCP-2243-1, SCP-2243-2, and SCP-2243-4 instances. Behavioral studies are underway to discern patterns and motivations behind SCP-2243's utilization of these anomalous entities.
Addendum 2243-D: SCP-2243 has been observed engaging in dialogue referencing an alternate reality known as "Earthrealm" and claiming to be a "Mortal Kombat champion." But shows no concern about returning. Further investigation into the origin and nature of SCP-2243's extradimensional knowledge is ongoing.
Addendum 2243-E: Ongoing research endeavors aim to elucidate the extent of SCP-2243's reality-warping capabilities and their implications for containment and neutralization strategies. Collaboration with multidisciplinary teams is encouraged to advance our understanding of SCP-2243 and its place within the anomalous spectrum.
Addendum 2243-F: SCP-2243 has expressed a desire to participate in containment breach drills and training exercises alongside Foundation personnel. While SCP-2243's assistance in such scenarios may prove beneficial, caution is advised due to the unpredictable nature of its behavior and abilities.
Addendum 2243-G: SCP-2243's anomalous abilities have led to speculation regarding its origin and potential connection to other anomalous phenomena. Research into possible links between SCP-2243 and known anomalies, as well as its true nature and purpose, is ongoing. Efforts to establish a comprehensive understanding of SCP-2243's capabilities and limitations are underway to ensure effective containment and management of its anomalous behavior.
Addendum 2243-H: SCP-2243 has expressed a strong desire to participate in various forms of entertainment media, including films, television shows, and live performances, citing its theatrical inclinations and performative prowess. While these requests are generally denied for security reasons, limited engagements under controlled conditions have been approved as a means of maintaining SCP-22443's cooperation and containment at the advice of Dr. ████.
Addendum 2243-I: Johnny Cage's penchant for grandiose theatrics and confrontational behavior necessitates ongoing evaluation of containment procedures and personnel training regimens. Collaboration with external consultants versed in performance arts and anomalous psychology may provide valuable insights into SCP-2243's psyche and motivations.
Addendum 2243-J: SCP-2243 has demonstrated a preference for interacting with personnel through staged combat scenarios reminiscent of action films. Requests for such engagements should be evaluated for feasibility and security implications.
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pellpinezz · 9 months
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Sketch Johnny
idk what color are his eyes, I thought they brown¿?
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danchkkk · 1 year
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⭑It's international love⭑
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moodyjazzyblues · 10 months
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s0fter-sin · 5 months
09 ghost sleeps curled up as tight as possible; knees tucked to his chest, arms wrapped protectively around them, wedged into the corner against the wall. anything he can to try and feel secure
that doesn't change when he finally starts staying after sex with mactavish; even with mactavish there he just can't let himself relax. can’t convince himself that he’s safe
mactavish notices; of course he does, he notices everything about riley
that's why he also notices when it starts to change
months pass and riley stops tucking his arms under his legs, instead just loosely holding them to his chest. then his legs start to relax, slowly spreading out until mactavish can fit his arm between them and his chest for riley to latch onto
it takes years, unwinding muscle by muscle before he finally sleeps splayed out across the bed. he doesn't shove himself into the corner anymore
instead, he trusts mactavish; trusts him to have his back, trusts his bulk to hide him from anyone that would burst through the door
he sleeps better with mactavish's arm slung over his waist, his stomach pressing into his back and legs tangled through his own, than he ever did curled into the corner
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frindoka · 1 month
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[the curtains close for a show that used to be yours.]
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eggydaxy · 2 months
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I missed them
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soybean-official · 9 months
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The parts of you that support me
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dubiousdisco · 8 months
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Wait so this is a johnny from another timeline, and he also only has one lil red piece of fabric in his outfit, meaning he also gave the other one to his kenshi???? Oh baby we are reaching canon event levels here
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kringkroll · 8 months
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They got into trouble at Wu Shi, what else is new
Did they stop? (No)
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failyaoi · 17 days
Do you think Kenshi ever baby sat Cassie when she was younger?
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YES!!!! I actually had this headcanon a few months ago I'm so glad you reminded me of it
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pellpinezz · 9 months
The exams on my art university: * coming soon * Also me:
yea, i study at the faculty of animation :DDD
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msfisherot · 11 months
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