smoshmonker · 11 months
these 11 seconds live in my head absolutely rent free
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lovesickeros · 13 days
lord its so dark in here the sahara desert of tsaritsa content you are like a shining oasis. your characterisation of her compels me & mihoyo would be hard pressed to top it imo.!! caaaaan i humbly request yr thoughts on her first meeting w a reader of any kind, or maybe even multiple kinds (sagau, sagau god au, isekai, etc) if you so desire...
it really is like a desert here. being the fan of a character we aren't getting until the last damn nation is driving me up a wall but i will persevere bc if nothing else i support morally bankrupt women in media. we r in a severe drought over here but i do my best. unfortunately nothing i say is ever coherent so pull out your translation notes its abt 2 be messy
also this got out of hand but thats bc first meetings w the tsaritsa are tricky to write + a LOT of her characterization lies in deeper exploration then just surface level yknow...NOT A DIG AT YOU this is just my excuse for rambling. gently pats the tsaritsa she can hold so much complexity i do not have the word count to delve into it completely :]
gonna talk cult au for a bit here though because that's 99% of my content. and honestly? she thrives in sub au's of the cult au like villain au + imposter au. it's basically made for her. i mean, early days, the imposter au had been going around for a little while but one of the first few ideas was the Fatui taking reader in so like. it kinda technically actually was. pretty sure cult au Tsaritsa popped up because of the imposter au. a lot of it's writers kinda left though which. man am i getting old or.
there isn't much of a chance her first impression is all that positive. at best it's usually neutral, imo, but rarely if ever positive. specifically because i view the Tsaritsa as someone who isn't as fanatical as most of the acolytes typically are towards the creator. she's not exactly going to worship the ground you walk on unlike a certain geo lizard. which is partially why i think she thrives in the sub au's i mentioned.
imposter au, for example. she meets you at your lowest. there's no gaudy extravagance or pampering from the acolytes waiting for you because your own acolytes have turned on you. for all intents and purposes you aren't a "god" at all. which is why i don't think she meshes well with normal cult au reader. the Fatui are made up of outcasts, basically, and imposter au slots right in just perfectly. you're weak, at your lowest, when you meet the Fatui in the imposter au. and the Fatui can help you, too.
a mutual exchange, really. the Tsaritsa sees a tool she can use to one up the rest of the nations and especially Archons, and she has no qualms about you using her and the Fatui in turn. you both want something out of it, after all. whether you just want to be safe from the rest of the acolytes, or you want revenge, or whatever else..she'll give you the power to fulfill it, and she gains the strongest piece on the chessboard when all is said and done.
the best way i can describe the first meeting is "practical", i suppose. she sees an opportunity in you. the ultimate gamble. because if she "saves" you, and you dont trust anyone else because they tried to kill you, well..she holds all the cards, doesn't she?
but the Tsaritsa, imo, is just as capable of being just as fanatical towards you as anyone else. she just won't worship you as the creator. but as yourself? clawing your way back to your divine power and taking back what belongs to you? the Tsaritsa is, to me, a character who's character flourishes in long-term fics more because she changes a LOT between "just met reader" and after having been with reader for some time. she's practically apathetic at the beginning but a lot of her character, in my characterization, shines through LONG after the first meeting.
#asks#Anonymous#sagau#tsaritsa#like. am i explaining this coherently?? first meetings r GOOD and i could go on a tangent of like. first meetings w zl and make it work#but first meetings w the tsaritsa is like. you just cooked a 5 course meal. took one bite. called it a day.#so much of my characterization lies in the “after” of the first meeting#because her first meetings are generally the same. she's apathetic at best!! she does not gaf abt the creator in the SLIGHTEST#but show that you are more then the creator? that you do not cling to the title like a shield? that you do not rely on it?#youve got the worst person youve ever known ready to kill a man for you.#tsaritsa is very like. EXTREMELY hard to earn the trust of but when you do she will kill someone for you no hesitation no question#which is why she works SO WELL in villain au and imposter au!!!!!!!!!#esp if theres a fake “creator” calling you the imposter. she hates their ass and was .5 seconds from dethroning them anyway#you just made it 10x easier#also cant do just first meetings bc i am incapable of not shoving themes of love into every fic w her SORRY#tsaritsa going on a full multiple month long mental breakdown bc she is not in love with you but she would destroy everything for u..#(shes in denial)#tsaritsa and complex themes of love and what it means for the god of love to be incapable of feeling it + what it means when reader shows u#LIKE UGHHHHHH okay. i guess ill write another tsaritsa fic and put it in my vault#aka my drafts#i hold so many fics hostage there its crazy#this answered like 0 of ur questions sorry i see tsaritsa and black out and this happens#i just think first meetings dont let her character really come thru but my response got out of hand so uhhhhh everyone look away. please#putting tape over my mouth now so i shut up before this gets worse#basically tsaritsa gravitates more towards outcast reader rather then one who has already become accustomed to the adoration of the acolyte#does that make sense........#i havent slept in forever and im running on nothing but spite and dreams atp dont expect coherency when it comes 2 the tsaritsa from me#head in hands someone please stop me i keep rambling abt the tsaritsa it makes me go NUTS#lays down. explodes
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sybbi · 22 days
If anybody wants an update on the precariously-close-to-failed democracy of Ohio, the Republican supermajority is attempting to keep the sitting president off of the November ballot on a technicality they created (and have previously bypassed when convenient).
These are the same people that tried everything in their power to keep an abortion initiative off the ballot despite swearing up and down it wouldn't pass anyway because they totally represent the average Ohioan's opinion on this matter so they KNOW Ohioans are against abortion, and when the measure DID get put on the ballot and Ohioans DID vote to protect abortion, they immediately said "This isn't over," because fuck the people's will.
I've said it before and I will continue to scream it until I'm red in the fucking face:
One party isn't perfect, but they have shown they value the most basic tenets of representative democracy.
The other party is pulling out all the stops to ensure we are a "democracy" in theory only.
#btw some of the worst republicans in the nation (tho not the most outrageous) are from ohio#before roe v wade was even being challenged every small town and conservative city#was starting to pass legislation banning it#'in the event' rvw was overturned#some of the shadiest most corrupt conservative politicians outside of texas are in ohio#and they are constantly overlooked bc 'it's ohio who cares'#despite being the 7th most populous state in the country it feels like almost no one ever acknowledges the fucked up shit that happens ther#it is extremely frustrating#i was crying on the phone to my bf once venting abt the shit i was seeing and hearing re:abortion#bc i genuinely believed (and still do) there was no way so many conservatives would start passing such bans#all at the SAME TIME#if they didnt have word that something was going on. that SOMEONE behind closes doors had hinted at something.#and i was told i was being paranoid. there's no way it wld be overturned.#that's what a bunch of blue state motherfuckers kept saying#and look what happened#and now these same blue state motherfuckers say they dont have/want to vote for biden#and it drives me insane#bc the kind of conservatives that have taken over ohio love that rhetoric.#and maybe this is bc im from a red state but i CANNOT STAND you stipid motherfuckers that take shit for granted#voting is the absolute bare minimum#when you dont do it and promote voter apathy#these are the peoppe you're letting win#and frankly giving in to voter apathy bc ur in a 'safe' blue state is despicable to me#bc ur potentially spreading that apathy to states that need voters that ARENT Christian fascists to get out and vote#and the onyl thing keeping some of the more despicable red governments in our country in check rn#WHETHER YOU WANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT OR NOT#is Biden's administration#they are NOT equal and if you are genuonely making that argument im not being nice anymore u just have shit for brains#youve spent too much time engaging in rhetoric on the internet and have officially lost touch with reality#im.on mobile so I'm not fixing the typos in my tags fuck you
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sweetheartsaturn · 1 year
Realising almost all of Taylor swifts songs are about men
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Me 5 minutes later screaming to cruel summer
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"It's like the actively want the bakers to fail."
Oh no. Are they giving it an ol' Food Network competition try, then?
ngl i have no idea what the food network does xhsndnskwkx but if they set ridiculous challenges that dont fit the brief of the show whilst not giving them enough time to complete the challenges and then criticise them for not leaping over the double decker bus they used instead of a hurdle then yeah, thats what they do
#fromkenari#gbbo#some of the challenges are just like im sorry did you throw the dictionary into the washing machine?#they ask them to bake a box at least once a year but like it cant just be a box#this years was make a box of chocolates as in make a decorate box made of chocolate that looks nice and then make chocolates to go in them#the technicals are always the worst though because you dont know what it will be and sure they give you a ''recipe'' and ''instructions''#but they often dont give you any timings or oven temperatures or measurements#one of them just had ''bake x'' and nothing else#in one series finale they had to make pitta bread on hot coals outside#in another challenge they said ''make a feather decoration'' instead of you know feathering so two bakers made a feather decoration#and those two bakers spoke english as a second language and were fucking penalised it fuck you paul hollywood#they also had to make sussex pond puddings which dont worry if youve never heard of it because no one has#apart from fucking prue leith apparently#they were popular in the 1700s and iirc theyre like steam suet pastries WITH A WHOLE ASS LEMON INSIDE#apparently theyre prues favourites which fuck you prue no theyre not#last year she also set ''vertical tarts'' which im still sure she made up#theyre the kind of ''deconstructed food'' shit rich people eat and pretend to love when actually theyre fucking stupid and impractical#and no one would ever choose a tart in this form because theyre just fucking stupid
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milflewis · 2 years
Niamh you're a Omega Lewis Alpha Valtteri truther right? Cause I saw that post the other day & I just discovered this fic on ao3 and it has that plus Sewis friendship and it's GOOD and so well written and I thought of you. However. There's also full on Alpha Mick, which made me think of @princemick & I'm usually not into that either but shit I LIKE it. & I just thought I'd drop this here! Cause even if it's not for you it might inspire you to touch on your own wip and I think I'd die for that, sooo ~ xx
ofc i am an omega lewis n alpha val truther. i only have correct opinions. pls...i am feeling all warm n cozy at you thinking of lil old me...oh !! i've read one of their works ages ago - their valentino/marc texting fic? so fucking good. i will definitely read this even if it has. ugh. alpha mick. but not everything can be perfect ig 😔🙏🤧. it's grand. we move (the sewis friendship makes up for it. i am a whore for them in any shape or form so)
was hoping to write today if i wasn't made to go out but didn't know what so just for u anon. i will write some of that wip <3
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also speaking of animal crossing i love that my houses bathroom is built like how children think things should work. why is there a spider crab in the corner? well duh shes guarding the bathroom from intruders! why do you have a tv right next to the tub? well so that you can watch tv while bathing. there's also a warp pipe for easy exit/entrance :)
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cauldronoflove · 2 years
its tht time of the summer where i start watching a distressing amount of horror movies do yall have any fun recs
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skenpiel · 1 year
looking in my drafts makes me qant to kill myseld ever since like 5 days ago. but i have posts there i need to save so i have to look in there sometimes
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chisatowo · 1 year
This has got me thinking so so hard abt Mark again.... Cannot wait to incorporate new dlc stuff into his character
#rat rambles#oc posting#splat posting#he is interesting to work with cause hes very much the least canonical of all my agent ocs#he carries a lot of the same componants as canon but his general personality and thoughts on things differs#mainly in the sense that he has anger issues and a lot more complicated of a relationship with his adoration of 3 and marina#as in he also kind of hated them before the events of octo expansion#I do wanna go reread octo expansion stuff soon since its been. a While and I want a refresher#Ill probably go read that one fan translation at some point#thatll probably also be a good oppertunity to flesh out mark's relationships a bit more#but yeah I go very off canon with all of my agents since yknow their canon is more sugguestion but I say mark is the least because I kind#of go more so against some established motivations and such#sash and jim both look similar enough to canon and fanon until you look at them for a second longer and realise theyre freaks hfjgdkdh#oh and jim is arguably the edgiest of the bunch ironically. they have Issues#mark and jim are pretty neck and neck tho jim just. has undergone a lot more active abuse.#and she had very bad coping mechanisms and marie is the only person she trusted for a while post story mode#eventually she and mark both break down eachother's walls tho and become the worst roomates youve ever seen#Im not sure what would be funnier if one of the others introduced mark to jim because they knew shed piss him off so bad he wouldnt be able#to resist being a rude bitch openly and further figure out his sense of self or if they met completely seperate from agent stuff and only#after moving in were like wait a fucking minute you were picked up by some weirdo to become an agent too???#anywayd I need to shower fuck I spent too long typing this its late dhdjgdjdy
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 7 months
your transfem friend recommended a clinic to get your bottom surgery done at. she says its cheap, not gatekeepery, and the results are good, even if the doctors a little skeevy. youre at the address she gave you and are wondering how exactly your murder will go down. the door is on a third floor landing accessible only from a fire escape out of a back alley in the worst part of town youve ever seen. you knock three times and the door is answered by a ratty-looking woman with a severe slouch smoking something that doesnt smell like nicotine and doesnt smell like marijuana. her wavy blonde hair is unkempt. shes wearing an oversized grey hoodie that hasnt been washed in some time. you can identify blood on the left sleeve and vomit across much of her side, as well as other, more mysterious stains. you cant tell if shes wearing anything underneath the hoodie. the inside of the apartment - because it is, very clearly, her apartment - has a smell that you cant place but, if pressed, would probably call sweat, though you know that description is lacking something.
dr davis, you ask. she smiles wide, and her teeth are shockingly good for the state the rest of her is in. just call me riley, she says. never did get a degree.
she ushers you inside and sits you down on a sofa almost as stained as her hoodie. can i get you a drink she asks. a drink, you repeat, dazed. she says yeah. she says she has diet coke, beer, vodka, and coffee. says she used to keep tea around for a friend of a friend but she hasnt come by in a few years and the leaves are probably losing flavor by now. you say just waters fine. she shrugs and says your funeral. she comes back from the kitchen and sweeps some stuff off the coffee table. you see a stray scalpel, a roll of gauze bandages, a soda cup from taco bell, and various crumpled papers amongst the rubbish that she knocks aside before setting down your glass of water. she has a beer in her own hand and pops the cap off with her teeth, though the motion isnt quite how youre used to seeing people do it. she takes a big gulp before she keeps talking.
so what do you want your pussy to look like, she asks. you splutter a bit. she says you are the one who needed their bits redone right. you flush and say yeah thats me. she nods and says right so what do you want. you struggle to give a good answer and she starts asking questions. depth? width? color? clit size? you give your answers falteringly. she starts asking about labia. oh, you dont want dentata, do you, she says. that costs extra. you say you dont know what that means. she says dont worry about it. hey do you wanna get pregnant? you splutter again. not now she clarifies. well i can get you pregnant now too if you want that. doesnt even have to be human i think i have some horse sperm around here if you want. i just meant like ever in the future. you say you dont know. she says okay shell leave it out for now but come back if you ever want her to put the womb in. youre too stunned to reply.
she says oh do you want to keep your dick, i can do that. you say you thought they needed the tissue from the penis in order to make the vaginal lining. she laughs and takes another gulp from her beer. she says so is that a no. you say you guess you hadnt thought about it. she says she can reschedule if you need to think, no rush. you say no i guess i dont want it anymore. she nods and says come back if you change your mind.
she says ok, i think i can start operating now if youre ready. you say okay and she tells you to lie on your back and strip naked. you follow her instructions. youre still not sure if youre going to die today or not. she pulls on a big pair of rubber gloves. not latex medical gloves, they're yellow dishwashing gloves. she grabs a small jar of what looks like petroleum jelly off a shelf nearby. you cant help but notice that theres also lube, condoms, saran wrap, and a bottle of honey on the same shelf. you dont ask. she starts vigorously rubbing the jelly into your skin from the belly button down. everywhere it touches you instantly go numb. she keeps talking while she works. a lot of it is her telling stories about "her amy." you cant tell if amy is a sister, wife, or pet. she might be all three.
she reaches up to grab an empty syringe off the top shelf. when she stretches you notice shes naked under the hoodie. you look away bashfully. she doesnt seem to notice.
she fills the syringe with liquid from a bucket in the closet. the liquid is neon green. she injects it into your inner upper thigh. you are now certain you're going to die today, but you cannot make a break for it with your legs numbed, so you wait.
she says okay this is the part where a lot of people get squeamish so look away if you think you might get sick. she pulls out a set of knives. some of them look like dentistry tools, some of them are medical scalpels, and some of them are kitchen knives. you look away. she starts humming to herself while she works. the tune is pop goes the weasel.
hey, she calls out to you from between your legs, how many nerves do you want in your clit? you say uh i dont know, whats a normal amount. she says about ten thousand give or take two thousand in either direction. you say ten thousand sounds fine. she doesnt respond, just goes back to humming. its a different tune. shes humming old macdonald now.
she gets up a couple times to grab new drinks. you say should you be drinking during an operation? she says dont worry i know what im doing. besides i never took the hippocratic oath. she laughs at that, the sound somewhere between a giggle and a cackle. you don't think its that funny. she resumes her work.
this time shes humming the alphabet song. you ask how old are you anyway? she says somewhere between 12 and 47. then she laughs again. you decide to stop asking questions.
four beers, two diet cokes, three unidentifiable cigarettes, and five hours later, she stands up and announces shes done. she wipes her brow without taking the glove off, smearing unidentifiable bodily fluids across her forehead. she jabs another syringe into your other thigh and the feeling returns to your lower body. you're a little sore but other than that you feel great. she wheels over a full length mirror and tells you to take a look. its perfect. youre everything youve ever dreamed you would be. you cant describe how euphoric it feels to see a vagina, your vagina, between your legs. you thank her tearfully. she smiles awkwardly. of course, shes saying.
how much do i owe you you ask. she shrugs. iunno, a hundred bucks? im not in it for the money. you pay her the hundred bucks and leave quickly. you barely remember to get dressed again before heading out. you have never seen Riley again.
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
the best of (instagram) * bother figures
they always somehow manage the ruin the pictures she looks good in
pairings: max verstappen x fem!driver, lando norris x reader, alex albon x fem!driver
(series masterlist) | (📂 smau specials)
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👤 tagged lily zneimer
liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1 and 67,929 others
kidy/n you might look at me and think you’re going crazy or something like that
view all 2,797 comments…
user1 rocky being a fnaf fan was NOT on my bingo card
rockysroads yeah i just love josh hutcherson a lot too :/
user2 no cause WHO are you leaning on in that picture
oscarpiastri interesting choice of pictures
user3 so ur telling me u know something
user4 is that u?? or…
user5 is that logan
user6 if i speak.
user7 secret boyfriend??
maxverstappen1 who did u crop out wtf
rockysroads none of ur business
maxverstappen1 excuuuuuse me for being curious
user8 wow even being wdc doesnt exempt u from y/n’s disrespect
rockysroads so true like he’s not special just bc he’s a 2 time wdc
logansargeant did u crop me out
user11 am i crazy or is y/n soft launching u
user12 i might have to check myself into the mental hospital after this one i fear
rockysroads yo shut up
rockysroads posted on their story!
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user13 who is this man
user14 r u softlaunching 💀
rockysroads what does that mean
user15 is that loGAN’S WATCH
user16 whats this softlaunch
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 67,898 others
rockysroads ive looked SO good lately ugh
view all 5,987 comments…
user18 blink twice if youve got a bf…?
user19 why he hold u like that
user20 my working theory is that she’s out and about on dates and these are all different guys
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liked by rockysroads, oscarpiastri and 68,376 others
landonorris guys it wasnt a soft launch it was just me :/
view all 10,478 comments…
user21 oh. i see.
user22 not on my bingo card but ok
rockysroads why would u do this
landonorris to ruin ur life idk
rockysroads they were ruining the picture :/
user25 if this one is u, who r the other guys in the photos???
rockysroads sighpie okay i'll expose myself then
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👤 tagged alex_albon
liked by oscarpiastri, sebastianvettel and 45,693 others
rockysroads please stop speculating it's literally just alex :/ they just keep ruining my pictures with their boyness
view all 4,123 comments...
user26 why do you keep messing with us is this funny to you
rockysroads little bit actually
user27 honesty is the best policy ig?
rockysroads u get it fr user27
alex_albon i'll try not to be offended
rockysroads i appreciate that
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👤 tagged rockysroads
liked by kellypiquet, rockysroads and 104,303 others
maxverstappen1 here's to the best addition the grid's ever seen
view all 50,498 others...
user28 no wtf she's the worst
kidy/n boy if u dont shut up
user29 wow guys its time to go to clown school i think
user30 real. i just know she's tired of us being delusional
rockysroads it's ok same haha
user31 i'm so tired of hER GAMES
user32 like i cant do this anymore
rockysroads u ALWAYS ruin my pictures
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @inejismywife @vellicora @leilanixx @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @love4lando @sadg3 @bborra @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts
641 notes · View notes
keen-li · 7 months
"Forget the song...focus on your health"
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Idol au, y/n is an Idol
Youve been quite stressed and unwell because comeback season is soon and the finishing up of your album is killing you. You're currently working on a song with straykids. You've never written a song with them and you're really excited. You've never interacted with straykids much, only saying hellos and HIs at award shows. You've also expressed to each other how much you really want to work on a song together, which brings you to now.
You're sat on the couch as changbin sits in the chair instructing han on his verse. Today it's just you, 3racha and one other producer.
Chan's on his phone next to you on the couch as you wait your turn in the booth. The headache you've been feeling for sometime decides to remind you of its existence as a sharp throbing pain hits your head. You've haven't been feeling too well lately, nausea and constant light-headedness have plagued you not forgetting the said headache. You've been eating well. Sleeping well, well not really, but you've been eating well that should be enough.
But its not enough. You've been having them for like two weeks or more, you haven't counted. You've only been taking pills to sooth the pain, not going to the doctor assuming it will be fine and it will just go away, just like the other times. Have you told anyone? Well your friend, but you just shrugged it off as stress and told them not to worry.
But now you think it's otherwise as you feel a wave of heat rush over you even though the air in the room is cool. Your vision goes blurry as your head starts to slightly spin. You grip the arm rest of the couch and rub your temple.
Chan notices your behaviour and scrunched up facial expression and turns from his phone.
"Are you okay?" He asks
"Yeah yeah" you smile weakly at him, "I think I've just been tired lately"
"Understandable" chan chuckles and smiles at you still a little concerned as you turn and try to focus in your phone screen.
For a few minutes your strong enough to endure but as the minutes go by the feeling gets worse then unbearable unlike usual. You wish you could get in the booth, sing your verse and go home. But you're very sure that you won't be able to enter the booth and do a good job.
It's getting unbearable as your temperature rises and you feel yourself boiling, you could just strip. You try and stay a little stronger cause you don't want to embarrass yourself during your first session with straykids in the studio. You feel bad that you know you won't be able to record today and that you're gonna set everyone back.
You decide to stand and maybe go rinse your face in the bathroom. As you do you stumble a bit but it goes unnoticed. You walk through your spinning vision and mind, you can barely pinpoint where the door is. This has to be the worst you've felt ever. Your steps are slower and you begin to breathe a little deeper. You're trying your best to go unnoticed but nothing goes unnoticed when you're legs give in and you fall hitting your head on the stand by the door and finally you hit the floor. You barely feel anything cause your mind goes blank and your eyes shut, darkness your only scene.
Everyone's attention is quickly on you as chan who's closest rushes to you, lifting your head off the ground. You're not bleeding, but he notices You're unconscious and your skin is burning hot.
Changbin who was on the chair now standing by chan looks over you, concerned and worried. He pulls out his phone to call an ambulance as chan calls out your name multiple times, worry engraved in his tone. He holds you in his arms like a little fragile egg as his eyes don't leave your face. He watches your unconscious face, you look relaxed. Chan uses the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the little droplets of sweat on your face. Your cute face he thinks. He noticed that your weren't okay, he should have acted on his intuition when he could've maybe you wouldn't have fainted. That isn't true you would've fainted anyways cause you've been neglecting yourself.
Changbin's a little worried whether you're breathing or not, but chan reassured him that you are after he checked, multiple times.
Soon enough the paramedics arrive and take you to the hospital as discreetly as possible. Chan should've just driven you to the hospital himself, but he knew they'd say no to him.
Chan, changbin and han were worried sick about you. Chan has been in contact with your friend through your phone. And when they heard that you were awake and in recovery they were relieved.
"Why are you still worried I'm fine" you say through the phone not sounding fine to chan at all.
"I'll have to come visit you myself to believe" he says softly "cause you don't sound fine."
You laugh through the phone and it lightens chan's heart to hear you laugh.
"You wanna come visit me?" You ask seriously
"Yeah, I care." You blush at that.
"Anyway the doctor said I can be out in a week" you inform, cause your situation was bad you had to stay a little longer.
"After that we can work on finishing the song" chan sighs as you say that.
"Don't worry about the song"
"Right now focus on your health. Get better the song can wait" he comforts you and you feel a little less guilty now.
"The boys said, they hope you get better and their gonna said you some gifts"
You smile even though he can't see it.
"That's not necessary, but thank you"
"Try telling that to a worried changbin and han" you both laugh at that.
"They wouldn't take no as an answer" you say wanting to cough but holding it in so that chan doesn't hear.
"Anyways" his voice lowers as he runs his hands through his hair, though you can't see it.
"What do you want me to bring when I come see you?"
Wrote this cause I'm awfully sick🤧
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chipadykeso · 4 months
#falsettos recent posts simulator
person 1: omg.. does anyone like this show falsettos is the fandom dead am i the only one still here????
person 2: [revival cast art that makes the characters look like anime boy twinks]
person 3: [the seventh time youve seen the same joke about trolls 3 and hazbin hotel whizzer and marvin]
person 4: marvin is getting FUCKED hes getting his shit ROCKED BACKSHOTS HAIR PULLED EVERYTHING
person 5: I DIDNT KNOW FALSETTOS WAS SO SAD????? IM CRYING SO HARD MANN WHY DID WHIZZER DIE 😭😭 im gonna read fics where nobody dies and they celebrate christmas
person 6: OK HEAR ME OUT [worst au ever]
person 7: wow i love whizzvin i love falsettos i love the show abour gay people!!!!!! hi old man yaoi show hi gay people show falsettos is sooo gay its so so gay haha the thrill of first love is so gay guys its gay They break up over chess lol its a lesbian from next door!! its a gay show falsettos is gay guys
person 8: [2017 post stolen from pinterest]
person 9: i feel like we all forget about the obc cast like omg has anyone ever heard of or posted about this before???
person 10: mendel is so sillyyyyyy^_^
person 11: [retrofalsettos good post]
person 12: [genuinely the smartest analysis youll ever see]
person 13: [good art!!!!]
person 14: [the worst take on the history of the entire earth made with the smallest amount of media literacy ever you literally cant get this anywhere else]
person 15: marvins getting FINGERED straight up getting his shit PLOWED
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eddieshellfxre · 2 years
Sugar Me
Eddie Munson x Fem! reader
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: Eddie is your best friend and you tell him your into choking
content: 18+ unprotected PIV sex, masturbation, creampie, choking, swearing, smut, slut calling
a/n ive had this idea for a while, for some reason best friend Eddie always gets in a special way. I hope yall like it.
reblog and like if you do ♡
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In your room Eddie is helping you clean up for the first time in his life. He doesnt really know what hes doing, hes just gathering clothes and putting near your laundry basket
“you do realise you can open the basket and chuck the clothes inside right?” you ask placing your hands on your hips raising a brow “ugh” you sigh “just go sit down ill do it” you say as you command him to sit on a chair at your desk and he was more than happy to do so. He was your best friend but that boy cant do anything to save his life
You feel his gaze watching you bend over and picking up all the clothes he left on the floor. You pick a armful of it and chuck in the basket, letting a pair of panties fall out of your arms, Eddie quickly stands up and grabs it and hands it over to you hanging by his pointer finger
“you left these out” he says with a smirk on his face. You feel heat radiate from your cheeks and it makes Eddie laugh “ohhhh cmon dont go shy on me just because i picked up your … dirty underwear” he says while looking at you up and down the entire time, his breathing becomes shaky at his last words and his lips turn into a cocky smile, he turns his back and makes his way to the chair he previously was sat on.
You sit on the edge of your bed, tired from cleaning your room and high out of your mind because youve been smoking with eddie the entire time and talking about random things until the conversation gets kinda heated with you talking about various kinks, its not something out of the ordinary with you guys, it happened very frequent because you were so comfortable with each other
“but have you ever been choked? how do you know you like it so much?” he questions you “ive seen the guys you dated and NONE of them seem like the bdsm type”
“i know i like it because ive done it myself you idiot” Eddie raises an eyebrow in interest, forming a smile he reajusts himself on the chair
“wait so youre telling me…. you’ve choked yourself? like… when you—“
“Gosh Eddie, ive choked myself while getting off. if no one will do it for me might as well do it myself” you scoff placing the blunt between your lips. Eddie looks at you surprised to see this side of you, he thought he knew everything about you but this took him by surprise “dont look at me like that Eddie, i bet you have kinks of your own that would make me squirm”
“oh this didnt make me squirm baby, it made me curious as fuck” he says taking the blunt away from you. its a love hate feeling when he calls you baby, its not often but he does it so out of the blue it takes you by surprise each time
you notice how he cant keep still, like something is bothering him during the conversation
“is everything alright Ed? you seem like you wanna say something but wont” you question as you dangle your legs at the end of the bed while you rest yourself on your arms, making your shirt rise up just enough to show your lower belly. Eddie keeps almost eye fucking you the whole time always moving in his chair. You notice he has never looked at you like this way, you cant help but feel nervous at this
“cmon i know you wanna ask me something just do it already, it cant be worst than me telling you i choke myself when i get off” you laugh
“wha-what do you think about when you touch yourself” his eyes pierce you to the bed and you feel like you cant move.
“it depends” you say rubbing your legs against each other
you wanted to just tell him hes what you think about late at night alone in your room. he cant keep his eyes off you as you make small sensual moves on the bed bitting your lip while looking at him, you do it on purpose, you wanna see what kind of reaction you could get off him. you notice he has a tight hold on his crotch and lightbulb lights up in your head making you jump of the bed walking over to the chair that hes sitting on, resting your hands on his thighs you come closer to his ear and whisper “i like thinking about you Eddie” you take his earlobe between your teeth and tug at it slightly, hips buck in his seat and his knuckles turn white from how hard hes gripping onto the arm rest of the chair, you let out a laugh and stand up in front of him. one hand still holding onto his crotch you feel his other hand trail up your thigh stopping at your ass
“how about you show me exactly what it is that you do when you think about me” he squeezes your ass tight in his palm.
Eddie stands up, youre now facing each other with very little space between you, you feel his hands grabbing at your waist pulling you in closer, so close you feel his raging boner inside his jeans, just the feeling of his bulge is enough to make you feel like youre already dripping. You grab him by the colar of his Hellfire shirt and pull him towards the bed. The back of your legs touch the end of your bed and you climb on laying down, spreading your legs open.
Eddie understands what your doing and tried to follow you onto the bed, you stop him placing a foot on his chest
“uh uh! you said show you” you tusk keeping him at a distance. he looks at you in dispair, he wants to touch you and make you feel good.
You spread your legs open placing your hand down your shorts and panties, you moan at your touch as you rub small circles around your clit. “hmmmmm, feels so good” you throw your head back in pleasure as you slide your fingers through your slit gathering your wetness. You notice how Eddie is looking at you, in need to touch you.
You slowly remove your shorts and your panties with it, leaving Eddie front and center to your private show
“fuckkkk— youre killing me y/n” he falls onto his knees in front of you.
You resume your hand’s position at your slit unserting your middle and ring finger inside you and pulling it out rubbing at your bud “Ohhh Eddie” you moan “it feels so good baby” your words feel like fire to him, you look him in the eye as your insert your fingers in and out of you again and again never breaking your eye contact. You bring your other hand up to your throat starting squeezing it but you feel Eddie’s hand on top of yours
“let me take over, please i beg you baby! i cant take it anymore” Eddie hovers over you, removing your hand from your hole, you groan at the empty feeling “shhh baby, let me take care of you” you feel Eddie’s lips on your neck, slowly making a trail of kisses down to your belly looking up at you the whole way down.
Hes so sexy, the way his hand is placed at your chest caressing your left tit playing with your nipple between his fingers. Placing wet kisses on your inner thigh coming closer to your heat, making you grind your hips against the bed.
Eddie slowly teases you by blowing air into your pussy, making you shiver and groan at the same time
“quit teasing me Eds, and fuck me already”
“easy there baby, ive waited long enough to see you like this, i wanna take my fucking time on you” he says sliding a finger up and down your slit, he smirks and he watches you arch your back in pleasure and eager to feel him inside you.
The sudden touch of his tongue at your clit sends a shock through your body making you moan loudly grabbing at his hair and tugging it ever so slightly.
“fuuuuck Eddie, you’re so good at this” you manage to let out almost at a whisper
“and youre fucking hot, you know that?” he questions you as he inserts two fingers in you, continuing to play with your clit with his tongue.
Everytime his tongue touches the right spot his fingers curl up inside you making you clench around him.
“oohhhh you like that dont you?” you nod and keep pulling at his hair grinding your hips close to his face “imma need words baby” he laughs as he continues to tease you
“yes Eddie, oh god yes! dont stop i-im almost there” you whimper almost reaching your orgasm. Eddie continues to play with your clit sucking on it until finally you clench around his fingers one last time. Eddie removes his fingers from inside you bringing them to his mouth sucking them clean
“you.taste.soooooo.good” he pauses in between words as he sucks your fluids off him. You pull him up by his shirt up to your face kissing him, alowing yourself to taste you on him.
“let me make it up to you” you whisper as you try to lay him down on his back
“no no baby” he stops you “i wanna cum in you and if you wrap that pretty little mouth around my cock i wont last” he laughs kissing your neck. he unbuttons his jeans pulling them down far enough to let his dick spring free. You gasp at the size grabbing it with your hand giving it a few strokes and lining it up with your entrance. He replaces your hand with his, teasing your hole with his head, you squirm under him begging for him to go in you.
“Edddieeee” you cry
“Eddiiieeeee please fuck me!! Oh Eddie you’re soo good” he mocks you continuing to tease you
“never said you were good big boy! dont put words in my mou-“ he cuts you off by slamming his cock inside you, you let out a load moan making his head fall in your neck, his heavy breathing on you turn you on even more. He finds a steady pace perfect to please both you and him
“i-i Eddie” you cry, wanting to form a sentence but hes hitting it way too good for you to form one “fuck!! choke me!” Your words make him slam harder into you as you feel his hand at your throat squeezing it.
He’s scared to hurt you but hes hungry for you at the same time
“you take me so well baby. you like it when daddy chokes you? uh? you like being treated like a little slut dont you? fuck, you and your tight little pussy are so good” he continues to have a grip at your throat and you start to close your eyes in pleasure, you never want this feeling to end. “i need you to look at me baby, i wanna see your face when you cum”
You feel a preassure on your lower belly starting to form and feel yourself clenching around his cock
“fuck do that again” he begs and you do as so! You slide your hand down to your clit rubbing it in circles as he continues to go in and out of you “fuck baby— keep going we’re almost there” you rub yourself looking for your orgasm reaching it quickly after, same with Eddie once he feels you coming on his dick. He slows down his pace slowly removing himself off you. He sits infront of you watching his cum drip off your pussy, a sight he now claimed to be his favorite in the world.
“you look so beautiful right now y/n” He says reaching with two fingers at your entrance collecting the mixure of both of you and bringing up to your mouth “open up that pretty mouth of yours” he closes his eyes in pleasure as you take his fingers in your mouth sucking the cum of them “fuck youre good” he says under his breath shaking his head.
He lays down next to you, coming down from his high, noticing the handprint he has left on your throat, making him worried he hurt you he asks if youre alright
“alright? that was the best sex i ever had in my life Eddie. Finally someone with a firm hand” you laugh touching your neck “it has your handprint on it doesnt it?” you ask proudly. Eddie nods in confusion at your exicitement
“i didnt mean to leave a mark y/n sorry”
“oh please im glad you did! fuck i hope it stays there for weeks”
Your words take Eddie by surprise, he pulls you in by your waist cupping your face and bringing it closer to his
“youre fucking perfect for me” he says kissing you softly breaking away right after to ask you “you ready for round two?”
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starpunkssgalaxy · 3 months
i’ve been super into the sbg comic lately and i thought i might share some of my headcanons of the group for fun, also this is my first post ever so 🧍‍♀️
- aiden used to have a yt channel when he was just a kid and he would post the most unhinged weirdo shit youve ever seen like wtf you mean you posted “pumped up kicks except its not pumped up kicks and i eat a shoe box” at 9 years old 😭😭
- tyler is soooo good with hairstyling???? like his sister would always ask him to do her hair when they were younger and he just got really good at it
- soo many times you can be talking to ash and have a whole one sided conversation before you realize she has her headphones (and listening to music) on and cant hear shit
- aiden eats jolly ranchers like a fucking FREAK he sits there and crunches them, its an honest to god miracle he hasnt lost teeth
- animals dont like ben but ben LOVES animals, hes holding a cat hes so content he loves it, the cat is in the most stress of its life
- tyler had a phase when he was younger where he’d randomly cut his hair in the absolute worst fucking cut youve EVER seen, taylor prolly has it as a screensaver
- aiden lovesss old 2000s tv shows, one of his favorites is Paris Hilton’s “The Simple Life”
- when the group has sleepovers ben and taylor have these like super extensive skincare routines and will disappear for like an hour and half to do their routines together
- taylor has a popcorn addiction, cuz girl tf are you doing having a bag of popcorn every night before bed (me 2 girl)
- after the phantom dimension none of them really fw media type horror things, everyones watching little kid cartoons to try and sleep afterwards
- logan is a lot stronger then he looks, i feel like hes not just textbook smart but also shares an interest in auto mechanics and likes to work on old vehicles so hes pretty toned
- and vice versa why do i feel like taylor has an interest in computers/robots type of mechanics idk
- taylor and tyler were the twins that made up their own secret language when they were little and to this day still use it sometimes
- ash knows asl and this surprises ben as he also uses it since he doesnt talk, ash uses it because she gets to overwhelmed with noise and even talking can irritate her ears
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