#Yaoi AND yuri looks insane
percivore · 3 months
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My brain is so severely rotted by kidlaw at this point I cannot think of ANYTHING else 🌷🐯
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menlove · 2 months
"rpf seems like a lot of research and work" well exactly. you can't just watch/read the whole content. you have to be insane. you have to put yourself in the shoes of a conspiracy theorist and a historian at the same time. you have to look up the most asinine bullshit. it's a hard job but SOMEONE has to do it for the sake of old man yaoi and old woman yuri!
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Things I know abt dungeon meshi solely by having mutuals who are into it
theres two lesbians one of which (falin) is like a feathered transgender woman who canonically has a massive dragon dick and the other (marcille) is an elf who is worlds biggest struggler
senshi aka the bear dwarf who gets pantyshots and exists as a tulpa in peoples brains that makes them eat better
namari the female dwarf that actually looks like a dwarf
laios (laois?) the Human Fighter whos actually balls to the wall insane and also a monsterfucker and also falin's brother
chilchuck the halfling whos married w kids and is in an union but everyone portrays him as divorced and probably kissing senshi
izutsumi the catgirl whose very name is a meme
very based and cool character design overall with genuine diversity amongst the fantasy species. think the antithesis of world of warcraft
themes of class and neurodivergence
mana = excuse for yuri
actually theres so much yuri
farcille fanartists regularly putting out yuri that would belong in the sistine chapel
the overtaking of its normally yuriful ao3 by yaoi </3
tasty and scrumptious meals i will never be able to consume because slimes and dungeon creatures arent real
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mblue-art · 2 months
Sorry for that question but I really curious!
What made you fell in love with Cross and Lust?
Tell us more!!
😳😳😳 hhuh what rreally,, , ,,, 😳 u wanna hear me yap abt my sillies, my beloveds,,, (i appreciate the enthusiasm tho omg 🥺🫶🫶🫶)
i want to have the yuris with lust and the yaois with cross I I MEAN HWHWAT 🧍‍♂️
haha anyWAY,, (oh gog this ended up long)
cross checks so many boxes for me it makes me go insane. too good to be true. versatile(??)— like it's somehow way too easy to put him in Situations. (he's bf and husbone material??? just -20hp me now; that already kills me) he's. hh. gawddamn there's reasons why he won a utmv sans sexyman poll.
he's like a crush that you can't get out of your head no matter what you do, i'm so freaking down bad for him it's not even funny anymore. ever since simping for cross i have not been the same since. the man has changed me. the attraction/simp feelings hit me like a bat out of nowhere and i don't understand why it's so intense— i. hh.
,,i like when ppl make him dorky. stupidly silly (absolutely love shitpost shenanigans and would absolutely LOVE to get into silly shenanigans with him and with/without his bestie epic). fun to be around when he's deemed you as a good friend. stars, he'd give good hugs. strong, solid, and warm, the kind of hugs u don't wanna pull away from so soon. a little endearingly cringe. fanon simp cross is adorable and fun to mess around with. tsundere cross is adorable and fun to mess with. cute anxious guy under all that intimidating aloofness. when i say his smile is an absolute treasure, i mean that. his blush making him look like a grape or a glowing bulb is adorable and makes me wanna tease him more. anime protag/character vibes so strong i wanna have a cute bl/shoujo manga romance with him type shit yk.
then there's times when he's The Hot Dude and i think it's illegal if he's all confident and smug and dom actually (/hj) cause that makes me wanna fucking fite him HELLO? SIR? ILLEGAL????? (<- the fight or flight response of a tsundere towards a milder tsundere LOL).
-hp every single time. mf gets successful d20 rolls w/ rizz on me and i get a critical hit every time. it's a 50/50 either i fluster to death and become weak or i wanna fite his dumbass
i'll. i can fight him. i'll lose but i can fight him for sure. (why is he so cool⁉️‼️💢💢💢RRRRRRR)
he makes me feel things. lots of things. (mostly fluster but when i'm feelin sooper soff i jst wanna shower his skull in keeses. ima kissy lil guy)
tired cross makes me just wanna take care of him. want him to come home to me without any worry because he thinks i'm his safe space.
when he's being stubborn i want to tell him to chill out for a little while, take a break and watch some funny stuff while drinking choccy milk or eating his fav foods and be cozy. bapping him if he's gonna try to get out of this too soon. he's gonna get the free time he deserves n relax n get cuddles n kithes.
the way he can gently hold my hand and look at me with a sincere look in his eyelights and say something genuinely affectionate feels like cupid shooting an arrow through my soul, but also feels like a balm. (a promise of loyalty and faithfulness.) (a kiss on the forehead? a cherry on top.)
well now i can't be mean to him with all the nice he's saying and doing. i just want nice things for him o(-< (even if he's a bastard sometimes lol<3 all circles back to the silly) (silly is always important)
i love lust. so so so much. the fanon interpretation of him, anyway.
(don't get me wrong, i absolutely adore the feminine slay content of lust; but am i wrong for yearning for more masc lust content?)
i like my lust sans respectful, goofy, sans-like, an absolute sweetheart, and a caring, wonderful life partner. under the flirty personality and charm(ing looks), is a sans behavior that made me fall deeper. (he makes me feel very gender too) (ohmygofd yeah no he actually makes me think of gender sometimes rauauagrrgh<3/pos). i don't have to worry about showing my cring, weird side to him, because he's also a gremlin,, o(-< he doesn't have to present himself all nice and pretty all the time (although he's always pretty in my eyes). he can be comfortably himself; with me 🥺
i want to be his safe space.
i want to see him heal and be happy and be happy with me and give him all the love i can give and care for him and make him soso happy i just want him to feel SO sosososo loved, he deserves so much more
he's the only one who's able to get a certain reaction out of me; to pull flowers out of my heart. to pull out words of love and devotion and appreciation, heart bursting with affection only for him.
for him, i would try. i would live for him. i wish someone like him (the him i've created from interpretations and headcanons) was real irl.
i want to not care i don't care if he's a gorgeous well-known person that people fawn over, or if he's a campus crush, etc.,
i want him to think i'm worthy enough to keep in his life. for him to know how special he is to me, for him to know how much i want him in my life as much as i want him to keep me in his.
my immediate reaction when i think of him is: 😊💕💜💜💜eeeee kicks and giggles and flaps hands teehee
i love him so much i get a heart-on for him (/silly but it is true sometimes; love him so much it aches (in a good way))
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acescorazon · 6 months
i know you like old man yaoi but have you considered old woman yuri (i want bughawk to kiss and be in love)
Hello, Nonnie whose identity I do not know!!! Thanks for your request!!! This series is partially for you, but it's kind of a slow burn, so there won't be any kisses and lovey-dovey stuff for a little while :) ANYWAYS. Starting another new series (because I was bullied) Where (Fem) Buggy gets thrown overboard during a storm and Mihawk (also fem) rescues her and swims them to shore. Things are a little messy at first because Buggy is pretty sure Mihawk hates her, and Buggy hates Mihawk just as much, if not more, but they figure it out, eventually. Enjoy!
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Title: Coexisting (But just barely)
Pairing: Fem!Bughawk Ch: 1/? (i'm so sorry.)
Rating: M (I'm just going to rate it that as a whole.)
Word count: 2178
Warnings: Crocodile. Near death experiences. Language.
Chapter excerpt:
“Don’t be a wimp.”
At what point do they actually start panicking and say enough is enough?  With a groan, Buggy makes a desperate attempt to get back to her feet and once she does manage to stand up straight, the very next moment, yet another wave hits the side of their ship, capsizing it.
Buggy never stood a chance. She’s dumped into the water and there’s nothing she can do, but sink while being engulfed by complete darkness. Is she really going to die because of Crocodile’s negligence? Man, this sucks. She should have never borrowed money from Crocodile. Maybe if she were a little wiser, then Cross Guild would have never become a thing, and she wouldn’t be seconds away from her dying.
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Oh, they fucked up.
Buggy tried to warn Crocodile that there was a storm approaching earlier, and she thinks her exact response was, “I ain’t afraid of no rain.” Okay, yeah, neither is Buggy, but this is more than just a light drizzle. It’s stinging hail that keeps slashing at their faces, it’s howling winds that are strong enough to knock even the mighty Sir Crocodile herself over, It’s waves the size of Elbaf giants that, when they aren’t smashing against the sides of the boat and threatening to capsize it, are sending them high up in the air and then hurling them back down to earth, but Crocodile doesn’t seem to care about all that.
Buggy grips the rails to the ship tightly as more hail whips across her face, and there’s this nasty voice at the back of her head that keeps reminding her that if she lets go, she’s as good as dead. Right now she can barely see in front of her, but she still squints her eyes and tries to look at the giant figure at the helm, “Crocodile!” She screams over the raging wind, “Turn back.” This is insane.  Maybe in a different situation, she’d tell her to push through the storm like the other woman definitely wants to, but her gut is telling her there’s no way they’re going to make it through this monster, and they definitely can’t sit it out either.
The island they were just at is so close, yet…
Crocodile makes no effort to turn the ship around, and over all the noise, Buggy can faintly hear her yell back,“Quit being a wimp.”  she’s a wimp for wanting to live?! She groans as she finally comes to the realization that Crocodile isn’t going to listen to reason, at least not from her. She looks around for Mihawk, and she could have sworn that she was near Crocodile earlier, but now she’s nowhere to be found. “Hawkeye?” She calls out, concerned, because the last time she checked the only ones who hadn’t run inside the ship were the three of them, and she hadn’t heard Mihawk go inside, not that she can hear much right now anyways.
Buggy doesn’t receive an answer after calling Mihawk’s name, so she turns her attention back to Crocodile, who’s struggling to stand on her own two feet as the wind blows against her. “Crocodile, where’s Hawkeye?” She asks, but doesn’t get an answer from her either, Crocodile’s way too focused on trying to keep a grip on the ship’s wheel. Oh, this is just freaking great, Buggy thinks. The last thing they need right now is to lose one of their crewmates if you can even consider them a crew.
She looks over her shoulder, trying to see if she can see anything that might indicate that Mihawk’s still on the ship. Any little sign of life will do; Her hat, her coat, her sword, anything, but she can see none of those things. Did she fall off the ship? “Mihawk? Are you okay?” Now, there is a chance that Mihawk is somewhere on the ship and just can’t hear Buggy over the sounds of heavy rains and thunder, but there’s also the chance that she might have gone overboard during one of the several times the ship was thrown up in the air. “Crocodile, where’s Hawkeye?” She yells again, this time a little louder.
Crocodile hears her this time and briefly looks around her before replying in a rather indifferent voice, “Who knows?” She could at least act like she’s concerned for someone who’s her friend, or at least Buggy always assumed they were friends. Hell, Mihawk and Buggy hate each other, but Buggy’s still concerned about her safety. “What if she went overboard?” She asks, and if Crocodile were anyone but….well, Crocodile, then she’d probably be panic-stricken right now.
“That’s her own problem.”  
Oh, she’s a mad woman and she needs to be stopped because if she doesn’t care about Mihawk potentially going overboard, then she sure as hell won’t care about what happens to Buggy or the rest of the crew. Buggy takes a deep breath and inches her way towards Crocodile, “Crocodile, turn around!” she shouts.
Crocodile glances at her through wet bangs, which means she definitely heard her, but she doesn’t respond. Enough’s enough, Buggy thinks, hating herself for even letting things get this far. She shouldn’t have let her men leave the island. She should have kept them safe, but she didn’t. She was too scared to actually go against Crocodile, and now look at them.  Good God, this is insane.
Buggy doesn’t know what the game plan is, but she has to get Crocodile away from the helm.  She takes a deep breath and lets go of the only thing keeping her safe. She struggles to make it the few feet across the deck to where Crocodile is and almost loses her footing a few times, but she’s almost there. She doesn’t care what Crocodile does to her, she has to get a hold of the wheel, she has to turn back.
Buggy's fingertips just barely brush against the plush fabric of Crocodile’s coat when all of a sudden another monstrous wave slams into the side of their ship, damn near capsizing it for real this time. “Fuc--” She yelps as her feet slip from underneath her, and she goes sliding across the deck. No matter how hard she tries, she can’t stop, and she hits the deck, shoulder first and with a hard thud. Crocodile’s words repeat in her head as pain shoots up her shoulder.
'Don’t be a wimp.'
At what point do they actually start panicking and say enough is enough?  With a groan, Buggy makes a desperate attempt to get back to her feet and once she manages to stand up straight, the very next moment, yet another wave hits the side of their ship, capsizing it.
Buggy never stood a chance. She’s dumped into the water and there’s nothing she can do but sink while being engulfed by complete darkness. Is she really going to die because of Crocodile’s negligence? Man, this sucks. She should have never borrowed money from Crocodile. Maybe if she were a little wiser, then Cross Guild would have never become a thing and she wouldn’t be seconds away from dying.
Usually around this time, one of her men heroically jumps into the water to save her, but her poor men probably don’t even know what hit them. She rushed them inside to try to keep them away from the danger, but in the end, none of that mattered because the boat tipped over, and now devil fruit users and non-devil fruit users are all screwed.  
She tries not to breathe for as long as she can, but eventually, she can’t take the burn in her lungs and she has no other choice but to breathe in the ocean around her.  It’s agonizing, to say the least, and she knows, she fucking knows that she can’t swim, but she still tries to propel herself upward and try to save herself but to no avail. Buggy feels as useless as a piece of trash sinking to the bottom of the sea right now, and she hates it. She hates how every time she’s thrown into the water, she’s unable to move let alone swim because back in the day she used to be the best swimmer on her crew, well, second best.  
A wave of exhaustion also hits her to make matters worse, and she just wants to go to sleep. Maybe that’s what she should do. Maybe she should just stop struggling and accept her cruel fate. No one’s coming for her. Her men are probably confused and trying to get off the ship right about now, and if they don’t drown right away, surely the storm will sweep them away. This is all Crocodile’s fault, and she swears if she sees her in the afterlife she’s going to make her regret this bullshit. 
Something grabs Buggy by the waist just when she’s on the brink of going unconscious, but she can’t tell what’s got her. For all she knows it could be a sea king, and she’s not sure if she’d rather die from being eaten by a sea king or if she’d rather die from drowning, but it probably doesn’t matter anyways. Dead is dead.  She doesn’t fight whatever has her though, she just wants this nightmare to be over with. (Also, she hopes that the same thing that has her eats Crocodile too, if it is a sea king.) Much to her surprise though, whatever, or rather whoever has her starts pulling her up to the surface.  
This can't be real. She's sinking to the bottom of the sea, moments away from meeting an untimely end. She's not actually being rescued right now. That's impossible, who would even be able to see her and rescue her? This has to be some sort of delusion. This can't be real.
Rather quickly, though, the darkness surrounding her disappears, and before she has time to comprehend what’s going on, her head is reaching the surface and her lungs are burning as she gasps for air then proceeds to start coughing. Maybe this isn’t a delusion, or if it is, then Buggy doesn’t want to know the truth. As she tries to catch her breath, she looks up to see who rescued her and almost passes out.
“Hawkeye?” She calls out, weakly, still not convinced that she hasn’t died and gone to hell or something. It just doesn’t make sense for her to actually come to her aid, she hates her guts! But even if she did come to save her… How was she able to see in that cold abyss and find her?  Where did she even come from?
Mihawk stares at her with an unreadable expression on her face. She takes a moment to catch her own breath before looking away and finally muttering, “Oh, it’s you.”  
The words, 'Oh, it’s you.' echo throughout Buggy’s head, and a part of her wants to tell Hawkeye to drop her back into the ocean and let her drown for real this time because seriously? What does that mean? 'Oh, it’s you.' Who was she trying to rescue? Crocodile? “What’s that supposed to mean?” Buggy complains in a hoarse voice. She’s so close to Mihawk's face right now, that she could… she could just bite it off! Who cares if they both end up drowning after that?
“...I thought you were a little too light to be Crocodile.”
“Why don’t you drop me and go find her instead? “
Sometimes Buggy doesn’t quite understand why she does the things she does and, much to her horror, Mihawk does let go of her, and Buggy swears her life flashes before her eyes as she feels herself start to fall a little. She reaches out, quickly grabbing onto Mihawk and clinging to her. “Don’t! I was just kidding!” She whimpers, “I don’t wanna die.”
Mihawk sighs, “Then be quiet.” The annoyed tone in her voice kinda pisses Buggy off, and she really wants to say something, but this isn’t the time to be fighting with her. Their boat just capsized and now that Buggy’s gotten the chance to look around, she doesn’t see their ship or anyone else around for that matter, and she’s unsure if she’s the one who got swept away or if it was them. “What now?” Buggy asks.
Mihawk gives her a rather nonchalant reply, “We swim to the shore.”
”Are you crazy?” Buggy frowns, “We’ll drown before we make it ashore.”
“We’ll drown if we stay here and do nothing.”
Okay, that is very true, but it’s still storming and If the storm doesn’t get them, then the exhaustion or hypothermia will. They could be swimming for days before they actually reach land, and what happens if Mihawk gets tired or a bad cramp or something? That’s right, she’s going to drown. And do you know what happens if Mihawk drowns? Buggy drowns with her. “Maybe someone’s nearby and can rescue us.”
”In the middle of a storm like this?”
Okay, that’s a fair point. The only ones who were truly stupid enough to try and sail through a storm like this were them, and that obviously didn’t turn out well. Buggy groans, “Okay, but I still think that we need to get help!”
”We aren’t going to get help in the middle of the ocean.”
Buggy knows that she should just be happy and grateful that Mihawk saved her and that she’s still alive. Sure, she’s fatigued and freezing, but she’s still breathing and that has to count for something, but Mihawk really pisses her off.  Why does she always get to decide on what they do? Who died and made her king? She’s sick and tired of Crocodile and Mihawk doing whatever they want and bossing her around like she’s their henchman! 
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ghoulsbian · 3 months
arima and hirako drive me insane to the point of nausea. they're one of my fav tokyo ghoul ships. they're yuri. they're yaoi. they're whatever i want them to be whenever i want them to be. they're divorced. arima trusted on singular person with his master plan and it was hirako. hirako quit on the spot after arima died to make sure his plan for kaneki worked out. arima is a cat person (to me). hirako is a dog person (canon). hirako is one of two people to inherit arima's first quinque (yukimura). when they drink together they sit in complete silence. hirako looked after the zero squad kids as if they were his own. so much potential here.
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5eraphim · 1 year
eras of tumblr i could give hour-long Ted Talks about
(only including eras i participated in, not what i’ve lived through second-handedly. these are what i personally remember seeing on my dash, i’m sure there’s plenty i missed. This is an ongoing list/not fixed/subject to future edits.)
2015 gravity falls 
the rise of sexyman bill cipher 
depravity falls and putting 12 yr old characters in violent guro situations 
alex hirsch worship
billdip discourse
the diehard thirst for Gruncle Ford 
“i want to fuck that dorito”
2015/16 Black Butler
SebaCiel discourse
Grelle discourse (like, i don’t even know how to elaborate, but if you were there you would remember how people were fighting over her characterization in all different directions. Which is funny because, love her or hate her, she is barely even in the show lol)
The needlessly intense sjw vs anti-sjw/ fiction doesn’t effect reality/ shipping fighting
can’t quantify this, but i swear 80% of the fans were ex-hetalia fans 
Black butler 2 being either loved or hated, while book of circus was almost unanimously loved
the Scott Freeman incident...
no one giving a fuck about the female characters
Yana/Jay Michael Tatum worship
2016 Undertale
Sans undertale sexyman rise
the most raw video game soundtrack of all time
no one agrees how to draw undyne, but we all agree that she’s gay as fuck
(This is a personal anecdote, but i actually made a friend in highschool bc i drew undertale fanart on the board at latin class nd she added to it the next day, i added to it the next day and eventually we met up and it was so adorable)
“get dunked on”
2016-17 hamilton, heathers, great comet, dear evan hansen, be more chill musical theater insanity
rip tumblr user galactibun
The Hamilton craze breathing new life into the 1776 musical fandom
Most bizarre fanfic aus seen on tumblr thus far (hamilton)
The great comet Tony snubs
BMC and DEH blowing up, despite most fans only caring about the characters, totally ignoring the plot.
“Miku binder Thomas Jefferson”
No one giving a fuck about “The Hamilton Mixtape”
Gatekeeping fans who didn’t read war and peace or the ron chernow biography (i don’t think anyone ever gave a shit about the BMC orginal book which is SO FUNNY)
lin manuel miranda worship
real people fanfictions of actors/shipping them (especially hamilton!)
Key Figures include: Lin Manuel Miranda, Ron Chernow, Philipa Soo, Daveed Diggs, Ben Platt, George Salazar, Barette Wilbert Weed, and Mike Faist
2016-2017 the yuri on ice, killing stalking, kaikyu yaoi trifecta 
Yaoi take over
The anime fans collective salt over YOI winning anime of the year 2016
Not in this time period, but the Killing Stalking fans despising the ending en mass several years later.
Free! was also huge as the second season concluded not long before, but wasn’t receiving new updated in Realtime like the other three.
honestly? i mostly just remember people drawing some of the most beautiful fan art of the characters and not bothering to follow the plots
2015-2016 steven universe discourse peak craziness 
There are no words, looking back this all feels like a fever dream
Insane fan-theories (as in- even for Tumblr, these theories were very out there)
Pink diamond character derailment
“watching steven universe is the opposite of eating pussy” 
fusion = sex???
“it’s over isn’t it” single-handedly inspiring some of the most beautiful fan art to come out of the show; "Stronger than you” def inspired much more fan-creations, but they were nowhere near as good imo
That terrible lily peet video that sent a tidal wave of fandom-fighting 
Nicki Minaj guest appearance 
the porn avalanche predating the 2018 nsfw ban
My OG account got banned >:( (i never posted porn, tried to email support to no avail, I DID NOT DEVERVE THIS YOU NARCS)
50-50 mix of people posting lewd art and people posting links to find them as they migrated to twitter
“Female presenting nipples”
The return of the citrus scale (orange: PG/G, Lime: PG-13, Lemon: R, Grapefruit: X)
“Too Spicy for Tumblr”
Didn’t even stop the porn bots, mostly just screwed over artists and writers
IMO the peak of user v staff animosity
2020 hannibal
The small but loyal anthony hopkins defenders
Some of the most beautiful creative gore art
The moodboard to web-weaving pipeline
People being surprisingly respectful of fans who only watched the show, or who didn’t read Red Dragon/Silence of the Lambs, or where otherwise not invested in the greater overall Hannibal canon.
Manipulate, mansplain, malewife
Key Figures Include: Madds Mikkelson, Hugh Dancy, Anthony Hopkins
november 5, 2020
You just had to be there man, i don’t know what to tell you.
Key Figures include: Donald Trump, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin and debatably Sherlock season 5
the 2021 coquette girl blogger era
Lana del rey worship
The ungodly amount of softcore porn
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
Glorification of eating disorders, benzos, trailer parks, predatory men, age gap relationships, and so much more!
Teenagers blogging about Russian lit you know they never read
Still not sure to this day how much of this was ironic and how much wasn’t?? Or if any of this was self-aware???
Yes babe you’re so bambi, kate moss, diet coke, wellbutrin, dasha nekrosova, ballet, klonopin, trad cath, fawn, dior, sofia coppela, can you please shut the fuck up now?
key figures include: Lana del Rey, Daisy Randone, Dasha Nekrosova, Nina Sayers, Fiona Apple, Anya Taylor Joy, Sylvia Plath, Kate Moss, Kirsten Dunst (probably so many more, but this is just off the top of my head)
2015/16- My personal earliest memories of really getting into tumblr, and witnessing the tail-end of the Hetalia reign
2016- the end of Homestuck
2016- the epidemic of overwatch porn
2016- Does Jumin Han is gay?
2017- RWBY’s nosedive in quality from season 3 to 4, losing the majority of the fanbase
2018 Boyfriend to Death civil war (Gatobob v ElectricPuke)
2018- Detroit become Human drops and the robot-fucking gatekeeping 
2018- the Game of thrones/Endgame joint disaster ending melt down
2019- Sub-par Omens
2020- the Dead by Daylight community rioting when Pyramid Head’s ass got nerfed
2020- Cyberpunk 2077 is released and is torn apart almost instantly. Looking back by my approximations post were made up of- 10% people who were actually playing the games and enjoying themselves, 20% people who were playing the game and WEREN’T having fun, 55% People who never bought/played the game who were making up crazy glitches for clout, 15% hardcore pornography of characters you’d never seen before. (I’m quite salty about this bc I worked at GameStop at this time and had people constantly talking about glitches in casual conversation and I just know most of these bitches were LYING.)
20??- don’t remember the exact dates, but phase 3 marvel was un-escapable at this time
2020/21- Succession blows up
2022 Ghost bc blows up on tiktok, the fandom already sizable on tumblr only goes up from here
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someonewhos-world · 4 months
A fist slammed onto the sink, Jess' lips pulled into a nasty snarl. Her fists clenched so tight her knuckles were turning white and her veins were popping out a little. Her rings dug uncomfortably into her skin.
"I cant take it!" She snapped, glaring at the camera as she sat on the closed toilet. Her legs crossed as she bit on her knuckle. "He wont shut up. Jody, Jody Jody Jody- I've never gotten sick of hearing someone's name so much. Look,"
She pinched the bridge of her hooked nose, the deep scar on her face ripping across the top of it. Her eyes shut, brows furrowed. But her nerves calmed, her face relaxing slightly. She removed her hair clip, pushing her hair out of her face and sliding the cat clip into place. "I think Jody is like. A super nice and cool girl,you know? I wouldn't mind getting to know her. Just not, through Simon. I dont need to know her bloodline or or her family history!"
Jess glared at the camera and pointed at the lens with a sneer. Her earrings clinking against her scarred cheeks.
"I'm not buddy buddy with this jerk just for kicks,yeah? I'm doing this to get further and no one wants a fight with a guy like Simon!"
Jace crossed her legs, carefully placing a hand on the cool metal of her leg. Running her thumb over it. She glared at the camera.
"If I hear Jody's name out of his mouth one more time,I think I'll go insane!"
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I'll draw the yaoi and yuri later today after I finish missing work
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valcaira · 4 days
If I thought about the situation in Belarus (which is my HOME) every waking moment I would go insane. So why are specific westeners of whom the majority have no ties to the middle east doing exactly that with Gaza? For morality points? Because they're so deeply entrenched in cultural christianity? Probably a mix of both. Probably also for internet "activism" points.
Guys. Give yourselves a BREAK. Think about idk kitty cats or yaoi/yuri fanfiction or Pokemon for a while. Make yourselves some tea and look out the window. Pet a fuzzy bumblebee. You're not only making someone else's trauma about yourselves but also stressing yourselves out.
You don't need to be all "I think about Gaza ALL THE TIME even when I'm doing anything else!!!" like c'mon what's that going to accomplish? Give yourselves some grace and stop borrowing the trauma of Gazans. It's shitty for everyone.
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aptronyms · 6 months
not into adventure time haven’t watched an episode in years but enjoy seeing stuff about it . LOVE seeing bubbline art especially . everytime I see art of them I’m like “yay!!!” but then sometimes it turns out it isn’t bubbline fanart that I am looking at and it’s actually yaoi of their genderbend versions and I stop caring immediately . I’m sure I sound very ignorant cuz there’s probably some batshit insane lore about the differences between them or whatever but I’m like . why would I want the non-yuri version of them ?
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cramopener · 8 months
This is going on the main blog because fuck it
I became a diehard Saw fan in a month and you can too. No guys fr this series is fucking phenomenal.
It’s about a serial killer that puts people in torture devices yes, but it’s also some of the best unintentional comedies you’ve ever seen with some of the funniest fucking line readings put to film and characters changing accents between appearances, some of the fruitiest main characters ranging from sweet, codependent trauma bonding yaoi that’s doomed by the narrative, “You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid” toxic yaoi, heartbreaking toxic yuri where one half of the pair keeps having to see her girlfriends die. Fucking incredible practical effects that are equal parts beautiful and grotesque. Oh yeah. And those torture devices? A lot of them were actually functional while the actors were in them. Absolutely insane.
Watch Saw
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helenascorpse · 1 year
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(banner by @strawberryprism)
Walcum… To My Blog
twitter spotify goodreads ao3 paypal
call me Xen, Puppy, Vsevolod, Pansy, Ghoul or just G
He/They/Xe/It and She for close friends (i use any and all neopronouns) and Er/Es
20 years old (May 14)
slavic german (belarus/polish)
horny on main (filter #mdni)
aroace transexual faggot with objectum tendencies (fictosexual/romantic and aegosexual/romantic and proculsexual/romantic) and pluralgender
t4t pussy4pussy transsexual (reclaiming it for myself) 👍🏻
butch boy dyke girl fag nonbinary tranny who wants to eradicate cisgenders, girl fundashi, male fujoshi, girl yaoi and boy yuri enjoyer, professional tranny, professional NEET, president of the leathermouth fanclub, male misandrist, obese and happy with myself (fuck diets), insane about cannibalism and its eroticism, Youngblood Chronicles enjoyer
If you see me post something extremly concerning and unhinged i probably had a drug relapse. it happens
semispeaking disabled level 2 autistic / cripple punk who is tired of ableds (use tonetags like /s or /srs for me)
Host of a DID System (18 alters currently known)
Future bassist and drummer
DNI and tag list under read more
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Other interests are: Kpop, TF2, EARLY! PATD, fanfiction, genshin impact :( ,making fun of Frank Iero in a gay way, Pierce The Veil, being feral over Bert from The Used, Basement era Gerard Way, being hrony about Leathermouth Frank, bullets era MCR and TTYG FOB, Andrew Hurley labret and tongue piercing, Pencey Prep, Arma Angelus, Punk music, Peterick posting, Grant Morrison, black metal (NOT THE RACIST/HORRIBLE ONES)
I do selfship with celebrities BUT i respect their families and spouses and know i will never have a chance with them its just a silly little faggot thing i do
waycest shipper (kys), brendon urie, msi or lindsey ballato fan/apologist, proshipper, general dni stuff (transphobe, racist, general bigot) call yourself punk without engaging in punk politics/arent anti-authoritarianism/anti direct action, if ur under 16 don’t follow me oh my god or interact with my nsfw posts, self proclaimed “liberals”, anti sex work and prostitution, demonize drug addicts, demonize schizophrenia and other disorders, pro-israel, radqueers, associate with lakemichiganlolita, padawanryan and similar users, engage in CNC/ageplay/raceplay/fauxcest/things like that (they personally make me feel horrible and i don’t want anything to do with that)
how and what i tag:
stuff for my bestie: #kat tag
Frank: #frankie tag
Gerard: #gee way tag
Frank&Gee together: #pissnvinegar
Ray: #ray tag
Mikey: #mikey fucking way
mcr in general: #mai homosexual romance / #my homosexual romance
Andy: #andy tag
Joe: #joe schmoe tag
Patrick: #patricky stumpy
Pete: #peter schmeter tag
Pete&Patrick together: #half doomed and semi sweet
fob in general: #my 4 bfs
Anthony Green: #ant tony tag
LS Dunes: #bisexual dilf band
Bert Mccracken: #release the mccracken
Jepha: #babygirl jepharee
the used as a whole: #used not broken
travie mccoy: #travie mccoy
ryan ross: #victorian child laborer
laura jane grace: #my queen
geoff rickly: #british looking american
pencey prep: #pencey prep
arma angelus: #arma angelus
for my soul :): #kat tag
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thinkingaboutfilm11 · 1 month
Thankyou @kikirahkikiaye for the tag! Was cute learning more about you.. Anyway- Tag Game!!!
Who is your favorite driver?
Senna. But from the current grid, probably Fernando.
Do you have other favorite drivers?
Prost too, Giles Villeneuve, Verstappen and Piastri. It's just a prividge to be able to watch them all drive, they're so talented. If we're going off personality, not driving ability, then Fernando, Seb and Gerhard Berger.
Who is your least favorite driver?
fuck nikita Mazepin and FUCK nelson piquet 📢📢📢
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a mclaren simp like my father before me. Mclaren always first. Even though right now isnt really a good time politically for them... 💀But all my memories bonding with my dad as a baby were watching mclaren race, i have to support them.....
If you like teams, what teams do you pull for?
Mclaren, BUT, I am slowly beginning to support aston martin too. Thats mostly Alonso's doing
How long have you been into F1?
17/18 years?
What got you into F1?:
Both my parents drove cars for a living (not in a motorsport way at all) and my dad loved F1 so i was sat infront of it as soon as I was born. I had no choice.
Do you enjoy fanfic/RPF?
I live for Yaoi and Yuri. I have 60K in prosenna fanfiction and a 7 year old AO3 account to prove it.
How do you view new fans?
As potential prosenna stans... they only need brainwashing with classic F1 content and soon we can go insane together.... no I joke. I dont care how long uve been a fan im always happy to yap.
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?
My dad is, and my best friend's step dad also loves it and used to be a huge Nigel fan in the 80's! I'm very lucky because he lets me look through all his photos, and he even let me keep an Ayrton print. F1 has also helped me make alot of online friends, one of which I went on holiday with last year and every six months we'll fly across Europe to see each other. Yaoi brings people together people.
If you could take over as team principal for any team , who would it be and why? MCLAREN. REMOVE FAT BROWN. GET ME IN. I'LL RESTORE IT TO IT'S FORMER GLORY.
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
Please!!!! always speak to me!!
I tag all the classic F1 girlies, @whobuilthemoon, @astirian, @hakkisen, @penseesauvage, @eliorosb3rg, @eliotheeangelis, @astro-gnome and anyone else who wants to do it.
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togalnu · 8 months
Do you have any specific hcs for fem togainu or just fem nitrochi as a whole? I'd love to hear them! ^^
Oops I meant to answer this earlier. Anyways yes! I will be putting this under a read more because. Lol. Enjoy!
You wanna know a secret? Earlier this year I was researching parodies and the legalities of them because I had the grand idea to make a togainu remake but yuri and with some story changes. A whole ass visual novel. I was seriously planning on making it. Suffice to say I have put in some thought in turning these yaoi boys into yuri girls.
We will be here all day if I list every little thought and headcanon I have! I'll def make more posts about my visions in the future, but for right now I need to talk about Shiki. I NEED TO TALK ABOUT SHIKI.
First and foremost, my overall thoughts about Shiki: wasted potential. His route was a huge disappointment when I finally got to it. It was fumbled so fucking badly and it pains my soul because Shiki is hot and I love the concept of his character but.. man. What a let down. I ended up thinking about him a lot because of this. What I would do if I were in charge of writing his route, parts of his characterization that I'd rid of or ameliorate, and maybe even giving him some new quirks to not make him so one-dimensional-evil-villain type. And then along with this, I started thinking about what if he was a woman. because I am attractdd to women. Typical thought process.
First, his design. I am a sucker for black haired red eyes bitches. I love black and red. I'm dying my hair black and red at the end of the year. The majority of my wardrobe is black and red. I do not play around #EMO. I love the almost leather gothic look he has but unfortunately it is not enough for me. I felt that he needed more unnecessary accessories and belts and other clothing items, as any goth should have. I've had a few ideas in mind for Shiki girl outfit and they all lean into these more, like giving her extra bracelets, belts, necklaces, crosses, whatever. I want her DECKED OUT!!! But I also struggle coming up with outfits so I can't really decide what looks good LMAO
Things I love about Shiki's outfit:
- The gloves. UGHHH gloves are so fun. The longer the gloves are the better.
- His stupid coat
- The spikes and crosses. The silver adds a lot to his appearance
- Turtleneck<3
Things I don't like about Shiki's outfit:
- those stupid ass notches on his pants. I can't tell if he has insane thigh-high boots or strange pants, and neither can a lot of artists it seems like? Though it seems pants are the consensus. SAD!
- Turtleneck should have long sleeves
- Or his coat should have long sleeves. One of those two
- What the hell is going on with his belt. It'd look fine if it didn't have those strange hanging.. circle... things
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I like the idea of her having a corset and fishnets, so I've been including that in whatever iteration of her design I'm working on. I gotta keep the coat too as it's like, a Shiki classic. I've also been trying to decide how a skirt for her might look (I love the idea of it having a slit so you can see her fishnets and thigh high boots).
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But I'm torn on including the turtleneck as much as I love it.... I feel like it kinda clashes. Idk maybe i should just move her skirt up so it's not hanging off her ass but also it's fun to draw it that way.
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Although adding another belt with the skirt could work too, and have the fishnets peaking out from the skirt slit... not gonna draw that rn though im just brainstorming here
Like I said earlier I'd love to give her way more accessories than base Shiki has but I need to definitely play around with outfit ideas more bc I don't want her to look too cluttered either. Also sorry all the pics are torso only because for some reason I struggle HARD with drawing calves and feet
I don't have much to say for hair ideas.. I just like the idea of it flairing out + two long.. idk what to call them... strands of hair? Down her cheeks?? Okay well u see what I mean in the pic. Bangs pretty much stay the same
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And ohhh my god I know togainu is set in the post-apocalyptic future, but considering it came out in 2005 I feel obligated to rework some of the designs to be a little more y2k.. Akira with low waisted flared jeans... making Shiki even more gothic... it's so fucking fun HOW CAN I NOT!!
Also the other day I saw this one corset that I LOVED and wanted to see if I can Shiki-fy it but hmm... idk... I definitely need to play around with the idea more but here's a quick sketch i did just for funsies so you get the idea
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Okay moving on
Second, his characterization. I love the idea of what they were going for in terms of his relation to Nano. I wish so badly they had expanded on this past Shiki just hating line users and killing them because he's unable to kill Nano (although I do think this is a pretty good bit of characterization). I'm pretty sure the Chayamachi manga goes more into this but idc we are talking about the game so I'm gonna pretend it doesn't exist.
Shiki is smug and cocky. Incredibly so. But a big part of his character is how hateful he is, so much so that it's this hate that motivates everything he does.
I love it. I love his hatred. I wish the game went more into it sooo badly and like if he found out Akira had anti-line blood before the end of the game and there was time given to show his reaction? Would he hate Akira for it??? Would he feel any kind of resentment?? If I was Shiki I'd definitely feel complicated as fuck over it!!!
Anyways I'm still working out how fem Shiki could be improved upon in terms of this, and I LOVEEE LOVE LOVE LOVE writing personality and backstories and relationships with other characters and how they all interact with each other. I have very deep oc lore because of this but i will not get into my ocs rn because they have nothing to do with togainu.
This post is already long enough however and if I were to talk about all the ideas I had for Shiki characterization upgrade... well it'd take even longer. To say the least. One day I'll talk about it though! In a more comprehensive post including other characters and whatnot. It's something I definitely also need to work out in my head more tho
It's been a pretty fun project so far that I hope to do more with in the future. Side note that doesn't really matter but there's this song that I always imagine fem Shiki amvs too oops.. RIDE IT by LustSickPuppy... this part especially.......
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(the part is around 1:17 if you don't feel like listening to the entire thing. But u should)
Urggghhhh I love lsp ugh ughhhhhfuhrhhcuuhfhuufghh sorry for posting lyrics and a spotify link. It will happen again
I do not give a fuck if all of this seems too self indulgent. If anything it's supposed to be!!! It's a labor of love!!!
Thank u to anyone who read this far. I appateciate it
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megafaunatic · 11 months
idk if ur like open to randos in ur asks giving u media recommendations, but i would give anything in the world for u to try and give the k-novel 'return of the blossoming blade' by BIGA a chance... UR MY FAVE CONTENT CREATOR SINCE THE YE OLDEN TGCFMDZS DAYS SO I WANTED TO AT LEAST TRY LOLLL its like my favourite novel of all time and ive been trying to force it upon everyone with little avail, which i dont understand WHYY cuz its SOO GOOOD like it definitely deserves to have the same level of popularity w international fans as MDZS and TGCF had, but for now it remains a hidden gem.......... it's an insanely long novel i will nawt lie (1.5k+ chapters and updating everyday but only like 500smth have been tl'd into english on the fantl site Sky Demon Order[who also post semi-daily]) but its sosososo worth it i prommy..trust me..:smiles: it's a classic 'hero from the past who died a tragic and preventable(?) death reincarnates a hundred years into the future hiding his identity to teach the youth in order to keep the future generation from following in his footsteps and making the same mistakes he did' but without all the stale, predictable, boringness u'd typically expect from that specific genre... it's an incredibly comedic action novel that takes place in ancient china wuxia setting & focuses primarily on found family and those close familial bonds between the main cast behind all the sword fighty action (dont know how to fit this in anywhere else, but its important to me that u know the mc, chung myung, is the main casts grandpa.. hes their peepaw.. he shows affection by beating them on their heads). theres no romance at all, but i would argue that is a SELLING POINT for this novel like i swear it is so refreshing, the found family of it all means soo much to me, so much so i am now going to force it to mean so much to you too(this is a threat).... if u do gaf abt ships tho then maybe the doomed, tragic, best-friends-to-almost lovers tangchung yaoi and the love at first sight iseolsoso yuri might catch ur eye *LOOKS AT YOU* i genuinely really really feel like it would be straight up ur alley, like its definitely smth i feel would at least peak ur interest imo (chung myung, the mc, is probably my fave mc of all time..at eighty two years young, he IS the next peoples princess and i want to hit him with my car and then nurse him back to health just to hit him again.. i feel like u'd enjoy him like that as well).. im so desperate for more eng fans of this novel u cant see me rn but i am biting into a leather belt trying not to sob and cry out loud as im typing this this is so long im so embarrawsed so ill leave u here.. i hope my pleas have touched ur heart in some way and if the novel chapter count is too intimidating, ROTBB also has a webcomic on webtoons by the same name (season two of the webcomic just started ^__^ ) and the art is so good and funny and its a good way to get into the novel without being overwhelmed by the chp count methinks BUT i would definitely consider reading the novel mandatory cuz the webcomic only fills u in on so much.... ok. i hope u managed to get thru this insane wall of text, my bad.. until we meet again...*salutes* *revs up my motorcycle and disappears behind a cloud of smoke but when the dust settles i am laying dead on the floor*
ok so first of all i respect this so much 🫡 thank you for spreading your passion in the final moments before your motorcycle dirt death 🫡🫡🫡
second of all this does sound really fun !!! i have found it on sky demon order and i'll give it a try... BUT i gotta be real over a thousand chapters and only two hundred of them translated AND no romance is unfortunately killing me... i just dont know if i have the stamina for that... im a horrible little fujo if its THAT long theres gotta be some kissing!!!!! sorry 😭😭
for u i will give it a try but i can make no promises 🫡 i will consider chung myung my blorbo in law tho
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roobylavender · 3 months
I can't explain why but this is one of the most stupidest and braindead tweet I ever read. There's a word I'm looking for to describe this absolute lunacy but can't seem to recall it
5k likes too... the world needs to end already I can't live with these man-obsessed creatures any longer
Alright the tweet that I was talking being the most stupidest shit I've ever read got deleted but it was something along the lines of: "why do fujos get the rep for being the most obnoxious people ever when yuri elitists seem to never shut up about how yuri is somehow so much better than yaoi for whatever reason and almost act like they have moral high ground for liking girls kissing over boys kissing" something like that It was response to this tweet ⬇️
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ok so interestingly i am finding out now that tweets can be embedded into tumblr posts so that's new! but yeah i saw the tweet you were complaining about before it was deleted and lol. it's insane how the lack of f/f content to begin with is so easily demonized when sapphic fans express criticism at potentially being overtaken in their own spaces. god forbid women react to the exaggerated obscurity of women in fandoms overtaken by yaoi
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