#Yeah it kinda took forever for these to arrive but to be fair I did order them on fucking Christmas Eve lmao
moongothic · 8 months
I was doing some online window shopping on Crimbus Eve and noticed these cups I had been Yearning For from Rogue & Wolf had a really big discount on them so. I got myself a Crimbus Present and ordered two of them uwu
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They're so pretty, I love them to death, but. Good god, I did not realize how fucking big these cups were. They're huge. Massive.
I mean I guess that's what I get for not checking the measurements before ordering them lmao but good god
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lacrimae23 · 7 months
casually giggling and kicking my feet while editing olicity and choosing their scenes yep
just normal daily thing for me
don't bother
i'm alright
everything's fine
yeah, sweetie, we're like at your wedding right this second
to be fair, he was your husband way before he was your husband
you like- preordered him in the freaking 1x03 ep. it was like- first sight of you and 'yep, she'll be my wife. but right now i'm going to live in denial for a- hmm- two seasons? yeah, two seasons of denial and then some tragic 'we can't be together' in season 3. they don't call me oliver drama queen for nothing, right?'
yeah, it does kinda makes sense, mom. hmm
yeah, so i'm fangirling, sorry [OR, YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M N O T SORRY, phi]
i love olicity. i'm in the honeymoon stage of shipping with them right now [and kinda forever, with them, cause for me they are timeless 🥹], so sorry if i'm spamming about them 🥺 [but who am i kidding. they took over this blog. and i'm okay with that]
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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You're a young Eiichiro Oda in 1982, let's assume like many readers of Weekly Shonen Jump you've been enjoying this silly little romcom about a boy being pursued by the perfect woman...as long as he gets over one minor hangup. You open up the chapter, it seems like a fun one. Just like our first it's setup around the idea a new boy is coming to live with the Oozora family and its four lovely daughters. This is the last panel you'd see. That's it, Hibari doesn't make her way back into serialization. Maybe if you were in the know you could piece together the manga has had some weird gaps. Kinda like Hunter X Hunter today. Guess Eiiguchi had health issues. We'd later hear he just couldn't keep up with the schedule of weekly releases anymore. He'll go on to have a nice, stable, but quiet career as an illustrator for businesses.
So, what exactly is tough guy Gekijiro up here shouting about? That’s a pretty iconic ethos for a guy that shows up and ends a popular series. To be fair, Stop!! Hibari-kun did love a fair amount of meta humor up to and including several bizarre interludes of author Eiiguchi taking over for a few pages. Often some little joke about being a pervert and his editors having to keep him in line. So from that vantage point it wasn’t hard to see where this joke came from. Hibari was one of the magazine’s then-twin pillars of popularity off the back of...fashionable young women and Hibari being trans making for this excellent setup to slip in a lot of humor that would be iffy to censors yet relatable to young women.
Subtle stuff you don’t always see today even. Casual jokes about periods, accurate sisternal cattiness. Perfect recipe for a crossover hit. Cute girls for that bit of eye candy, they’re real enough girls can enjoy too. Romcom fun with a little dash of action through MC Kosaku joining the boxing club. Starting to sound a lot like Ranma 1/2? Yeah, I’m pretty sure given the timing of her start on Urusei Yatsura these two were cribbing notes off each other back-and-forth. Rumiko Takahashi never really kept things as grounded as Hibari-kun though, which was probably it’s undoing.
See...I also wanted to take this little detour because of something from the start. Hibari beyond being a likely influence on a series like One Piece that so elegantly recaptures its recipe for crossover success had an interesting story on it’s own. The official line is that Hishashi Eiguchi turned in the final chapter and hid out in hotels from his editors. Leaving a short version and an abrupt end because he just couldn’t keep up with the stress. Problem is...it took until 27 years later, 2009, but we finally got a proper omnibus collection. 
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That’s the real last scene. I know that “Shonen is dead” line is that kind of meta joke because it turns out we did have the full chapter. He makes that pretty clear. Here’s our real abrupt finale. What!? Oh, so this new arrival wasn’t just some random dude. He’s a trans boy who’s a perfect mirror of Hibari? Total macho dork and peep that line up top. Not only do we get the explicit “man at heart” cliche (Hibari dances around the equivalent but never goes so blatant) but he’s taking hormones? Uhhh...even more modern stuff focused on being a positive take on these themes like Wandering Son at most sorta gloss over the particulars of medically transitioning. Worth noting a strange little legal quirk, because of a dodgy interpretation of WW2 peace agreements Japan was one of the few countries to have an out-and-out ban on the procedure until I believe 1993. 
Doesn’t mean people didn’t do it, and this is a series about a Yakuza family. Characters casually talk about shooting up meth or underage drinking. Knowing all this though...anyone else getting the impression this may have been a little more of a veteran mangaka making a stand? A magazine pulling the plug to be more kid-friendly? The story had been trending away from being a silly romcom a while before. This shift in the plot is huge, but it’ll be forever resigned to “what could have been?”
That’s the main reason I got really excited seeing a Hibari in One Piece who has the right look. I’ve wondered about this for a while. We only have what Eiguchi is willing to say in public interviews, it just isn’t the norm in the industry to air dirty laundry but he has progressively opened up about the series over time. It’s tripped me up since even before Wano really, timing and popularity and shared elements make this feel like such an influence. Now we’re seeing things that poke at those lines more. I’d love to see Eiichiro Oda pull in Hisashi Eiguchi for one of these interviews he’s been doing.
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hiruda · 2 years
Tentangnya, my one and only brother, kak enal.
Hi kak, how is it up there? Are you okay? Well, sadly our prays had little chance to reach you or maybe not. Kinda suck isn't it? But it goes the way it has to. We're doing good, still misses you sometimes, or maybe a lot, but we're good, we're trying to live our best life. Anw, your son lives with us here not sure how his life is going to be, but lets see. Theres nothing much we can do except trying our best to direct him into best way but yeah, he's a teenager, so it's kinda hard to facing him.
Hey, I already 25 years old, soon to be 26 in a couple months if Allah allows me or stop at 25 forever so i could be your forever little sister. Or maybe imma pass the age of 27 or so on which means I'll pass the age you never reach, grow old, being grand parent that you'll never be.
Im sorry i randomly tell u this, maybe i get triggered and i told Mas about how your friends still have your number even tho its not active anymore and how your presence means a lot to them. Its already 13 years since you left us, but our feeling hasnt change at all. We miss you, but we're holding each others, stronger than you cant ever imagine. Although we're only sisters now, but mama bapak very proud of us, not sure of me since I dissapointed us a lot, but yeah we're still good. Kaka-kaka take care us a lot, and i'll never be repay their kindness.
I miss you, bro. I miss being ur little sister, i miss being lifted when i fall asleep in front of tv, I miss us when we sleep side by side, when you make me sleep with my hands in your armpits and it becomes my habit which is kinda hard for me to let go, when you cut your armpits hair so it gets little sharp cause id like to put it into my nails, when you asked me why I move to sleep next to kak epi cause i cant stand the snore you made, or when youre at your peak of ur mischief and nobody is brave enough to talk to you but still you treat me the same, hasnt change at all as ur little girl, even tho I know youve changed.
Kak, do you think we're in our best life when He took you from us? Cause i do think so. We were so young back then, I was 11 and had no clue hows life gonna hit me from every corner. Ive messed up kak and being the dumbest little sister youve ever had. Im not allowed to ask if, cause its a sin, so i try my best not to ask if to Him.
How did it feel kak when He took ur spirit away? Does it hurt? Do you think im gonna make it if my time had arrived? Are you sad? Do you see us coming cause we're not at home when you left us? How does it feel kak, he made you left us when you're not ready at all? Or you well prepared cause i heard you cleaned up every tools at your work and saying youre leaving? Is it true kak? You left us with no sign and unprepeared, is it fair? But we'll never be ready, it is just sooner or later.
Please take care yourself kak. I still have your picture, we wont forget you. Will never be. Im going to talk to you again when i need a good cry. I love you, hope He will let recogize each other when we meet even if it's in heaven or hell, so i could be your little sister again.
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regatoni1 · 2 years
~Chapter Three~
After he expertly secured the bandage to your ankle, Sierra Six carried you to bed. For the second time.
You were exhausted, and made no noise of complaint as he picked you up, knowing you could have walked there on your own.
You sigh contently as he placed you gently on your bed, taking the wet towel back to the bathroom to hang it up.
Waiting for him to come back out, you wrapped yourself up in the duvet.
Once his silhouette darkened the doorway of the bathroom, you noticed he hesitated to come near you. 
"Somethin' wrong?" you muttered, drowsiness apparent in your voice. 
"No." His reply was short. Sticky. 
Your eyes were feeling heavy, and you decided you'd press on the subject in the morning. This had been quite an eventful day. 
I hope I'm not sore in the morning, you thought as you drifted to sleep. 
Not realizing you expected him to sleep at night, let alone sleep in the same bed as you, waking up in the morning to an empty room and absolutely no evidence that the previous night had happened was a bit of a shock. It was like someone had cleaned the entire room, even going as far to fold your discarded clothes and place them neatly on your dresser. 
You groaned and stretched like a cat, the pain meds you had taken obviously worn off as your ankle throbbed at the movement.
Carefully, you got out of bed and limped your way over to your closet, getting dressed for the day. 
Limping your way to the bathroom, you completed your morning routine as usual. Although, you had the glorious addition of scrubbing blood from under your fingernails. 
You'd have to apologize for that at breakfast. 
Making your way to the kitchen, you saw that your adoptive uncle had arrived back from his trip. 
"Donald!" you quickly embraced him in a hug.
"Hey sweetie, how are you?" He looked tired, like he hadn't slept the entire time he was gone. 
"I'm okay, I dislocated by ankle last night though," you laughed.
"What? What happened?"
"Well-" you halted your sentence as Claire bounced into the room.
"You're back!" She ran and jumped into his arms, and he spun in a small circle. 
"Do you want some pancakes, Claire?"
She nodded, her day having been made by Donald's return. 
You readied yourself in the kitchen, and got out five plates for your current makeshift family. 
After making the food, you set the table and placed what was needed in the centre.
"Five plates?" Donald inquired. 
"Yeah, me, you, Claire, her nurse, and Six," you counted again, making sure you had the right number.
"Oh, Six left last night when I got back," he informed you. 
Something in your chest felt heavy. "Oh."
It felt wrong putting the plate back.
Still, you kept a happy facade and let the surprise of Donald coming home lighten your day.
Whenever he left on business, you never knew when he was coming home. If he was, even. To be fair, you didn't think he ever knew the same things. 
After a while, Claire went to her bedroom and her nurse went out to visit family. "So," Donald started, "your ankle?"
"Well, um, we sort of got attacked?"
He blinked silently. You had no idea what was going on in his head, and for some reason you felt like you were in trouble for it.
After what seemed like forever, he spoke too calmly. "Where was Six?"
Now you knew the feeling. You felt like a snitch. "It wasn't his fault, I just happened to be walking by the door when it slammed open and hit me, and when I was crawling away the guy kinda just stepped on it."
"Of course it's his fault! I told him to keep you two girls safe!"
"Shh! Claire might hear you!" you whisper yelled at him. "She didn't see the fight, and hasn't asked any questions about it. I'd like to keep it that way."
He huffed, but took a breath and appeared to calm down.
"Please. Six did his job, you don't need to get angry at him for something I should have been more careful about."
Your uncle looked at you, but seemed to concede.
"Well, I'm glad nothing too horrible happened when I was gone."
"Me too," you smiled. 
All of a sudden Claire burst out of her room in her swimsuit. 
"Who wants to go swimming!?" she sung to you both.
You and Donald chuckled, and he shook his head. 
"Sorry, but I have some paperwork to catch up on."
"Remember how I fell last night?" Claire nodded her head. "Well, I ended up dislocating my ankle."
You had never seen the kid's smile fade so fast.
"But," you continued, "I'm pretty sure we have some water guns!"
She looked at you critically before her smile slowly returned. "I get the big one," she said menacingly. 
What have I gotten myself into? 
After a relaxing day full of Claire sneaking up on you with a bucket of water and you yelling "not fair!" as she ran away cackling, you flopped down on the couch having just changed into dry clothes. 
Claire had just gone to bed, so the house was silent besides the yelling you could hear from Donald's office. 
Curiosity getting the best of you, you limped your way over to the door and pressed your ear against it. 
"I gave you one job!" Donald yelled.
It was silent for a moment before he yelled again. "You didn't mean for her to get hurt? Does that change the fact that she got hurt? No!"
Knowing Donald Fitzroy for as long as you have, you knew that he rarely got angry. It was his job to stay calm, he trained people to stay calm. Hearing him this heated was terrifying. Knowing his anger was directed toward Six made a pit grow in your stomach.
You were about to knock on the door when it swung open. 
Donald looked upon you with an anger you've never seen before. It was scary. He was seething, the phone still to his ear. 
"I'm sorry but it wasn't his fault, I told you that at breakfast," you said, referring to Six.
"Go to bed, (y/n)."
Anger pulsed through your body. "I'm not a child anymore Fitzroy. I told you it's not his fault. Stop chewing him out for something that I should have been able to prevent!"
And there it was. The insecurity snapped in front of you like a whip.
"I should've- if Claire had been there I-" tears brimmed your eyes and you couldn't finish the sentence. 
Donald spoke into the phone, his gaze not leaving you. "You're lucky my niece has a soft spot for you," he hung up.
"Come here," he said, pulling you in for a hug. "I never wanted my life to interfere with yours. I'm sorry."
You cried into his nicely ironed dress shirt, the fabric saturating with saline.
After a moment, your mind steeled a realization. "Train me."
"Teach me to fight like you taught Six."
"You already know self defence, I made you take that class in school," he commented. 
"Harvard's defence class was for pussies. Teach me how to fight in the real world. Please."
The class you had taken at school was nothing more than a lesson, telling you to carry a whistle, pepper spray, and to not walk alone at night. It was pointless. 
He nodded, slowly, and agreed to teach you how to fight for real. He knew it was bound to be asked at some point. 
And that's how it started.
Whenever you could, you trained with Donald, although you didn't think his training was as grueling as the training he did with Six and his other Sierras. 
You didn't complain once as your uncle constantly surprised you, throwing things from pencils to pans to knives when you weren't looking, teaching you to watch your back- constantly. 
Not a word of displeasure was spoken as he brought in random people for you to fight hand-to-hand with, with you losing more times then you cared to admit. Although, the first time you won, you hadn't lost since. 
Before you knew it, two years had passed. Claire was twelve, almost thirteen, and as sassy as ever. 
You had gone from scrawny and weak to a force to be reckoned with, rivalling anyone you had been faced with. 
The days went by without much happening. It was nice- you, Claire and Donald were almost falling into the routine of a normal family. Almost. 
It had happened when Donald flew away to attend his friend's funeral.
You had just gotten a text saying he just boarded the plane, that he'd be back in three or four days.
You went to go tell Claire in her room, but stopped short in the doorway. 
She was crying, a man in a tight knit shirt with a mustache meant for an era before the one you were in, was behind her holding a pistol to her head. 
"Hey cupcake!" he said oh too cheerily. "You're going to listen to me or I blow the kid's head in, got it?"
You stayed steely and silent, rage boiling under your skin. 
"I said," he cocked the gun, "got it?"
You glanced to Claire, silent tears falling from her eyes. "Yes."
"There's a good girl. Now, you're gonna let my men handcuff you, and then we're going on a little trip!" He smiled, all malice and malevolence. 
He whistled, and about five men ran up behind you, covered head to toe in body armour, full of weapons. They used zip-ties and shackled your wrists behind your back. 
He let one of them handle Claire, who began kicking and screaming. The man walked over to you, towering over your frame. "Tell the kid to shut up, or you won't like how I make her," he said, bending over to speak to you. 
You hardened your gaze, meeting his eyes with a level of hatred you had never felt before. "If you hurt her, I will flay your dick and hang you with the skin."
His eyebrows furrowed in amusement and he sported a lopsided grin. "Oh, feisty. I like it."
Walking away, the men behind you pushed to follow him. 
"Claire?" she  stopped her struggling slightly to look at you with fear. "It'll be okay. Just listen to them, I'll keep you safe."
She looked distrustfully between you and the man in khaki pants, took a breath, and let the man holding her put zip ties around her wrists. 
The trash 'stache laughed boisterously. "Well! Time to get this show on the road!"
They pushed you out of the door, Claire following behind, and shoved you face first into the back of a van. 
"Fuck! That was unnecessary!" you yelled at the masked man who pushed you.
Luckily, they were kinder to Claire and let her climb in on her own. 
You maneuvered your way to a sitting position, and leaned back against the wall. 
The drive was silent, the only interruption being Claire's soft sobs. 
After about 30 minutes, your ass aching, the van jolted to a stop. 
The doors opened, the sudden brightness making you squint at the man who abducted you and Claire. 
He stared right at you, and something dawned as familiar. "Alright princess, let's get you to your tower!"
He hoisted you roughly out of the van, causing you to stumble and fall on the pavement.
Laughing, he ripped you off the ground. "I was told you'd be a threat now!"
You spat in his face. 
He wiped it off, the shit-eating grin never leaving his face. 
You had the feeling that you knew this man, but you just couldn't place it. The feeling made you crazy. What made it worse was how the man looked at you like he knows what you're feeling, and how mad it's making you.
The man, led you and Claire into the back of a helicopter, followed by one of his men. 
His employee shoved headphones on your head.
The man who ruined your day sat across from you, beside Claire. His man sat beside you.
Your eyes never left the sarcastic bastard as he gazed out the window, watching the scenery fly by.
"I know you, don't I?" you asked him.
He glanced in your direction, his almost permanent smirk widening slightly.
You studied him for another moment before the realization dawned on you in the most brutal of ways. 
Heart settling in your stomach, you hoped you were wrong as you barely whispered, "Lloyd?"
Go to Chapter Four
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elftwink · 3 years
no thoughts only taakitz superhero/villain coffeeshop au. taako’s power is shapeshifting but he has a cool gun from lup. kravitz’s power is Big Fuckin Scythe With Unspecified Abilities. also there was no time to get into it but fantasy starbucks isn’t a real starbucks it’s a borderline illegal unaffiliated bootleg starbucks that taako and lup own. like dumb starbucks was.
By all rights, it should have been a fairly routine night for the Reaper. Go out, stop some crimes, arrive just in time to prevent whatever scheme the Mongoose had cooked up this week, exchange some one liners, make some threats that essentially amounted to ‘same time next week?’, the works. A regular Tuesday as a superhero in Neverwinter.
But Kravitz is tired, and more than a little distracted, so he’s not doing so hot on the one liners, and the Mongoose’s attacks are a little closer than they would normally be. He doesn’t even have a good excuse, it’s not like he’s injured, or that he has anything pressing to think of.
It was just— this morning his barista (who he may or may not have been harbouring a small crush on) had mentioned offhand that he thought the Reaper was ‘probably hot under the stupid all-black getup’, and Kravitz didn’t really know what the protocol was for someone complimenting your alter-ego was.
“I think if you were gonna go for the strong silent type, you had to start doing it months ago. Now it’s just acting like an asshole. Are you mad at me?” the Mongoose cuts into his thoughts, firing off another few missiles from his stupid umbrella gun (Umbrastaff, he called it, although it was a gun and not a staff so Kravitz had no idea why he insisted on calling it that).
“We are literally fighting as we speak,” says Kravitz, playing up the cockney accent, spinning his scythe to deflect the missiles off the blade, sending them ricocheting around the room. He’d said something like ‘how can you tell’ to Taako— the barista (well, they’d been on a first name basis for a few weeks, so, Taako), and he’d said ‘I can just tell’ which was not at all helpful in getting Kravitz through the conversation without saying or doing something to give himself away.
He’d almost given Taako his number, but how was he going to justify that? Hey, it’s me under the all black getup. Do you want to go out sometime? As if.
“You can have fights without being fuckin’ rude,” says the Mongoose, firing off another few rounds, which Kravitz deflects again, advancing on him.
“You’re right, sorry. I’m a bit scattered. Not exactly my A game.” As if to prove his point, the Mongoose easily dodges his next couple swings with the scythe, not even bothering to leave his range.
“Clearly. I mean, normally you’re at least close enough that I can feel the breeze from your sword.”
“It’s not a sword, and you know that.” Kravitz brings down the scythe in the space where the Mongoose was only seconds before, having already backflipped out of the way and landed a few metres back. Show off. Not that Kravitz had room to complain about that. The Mongoose spins to face him again, at least this time seemingly aware of what a close call that was. He’s tense, and his hair, which Kravitz supposes has thus far been hidden underneath his costume, has come somewhat unravelled, black braid falling to the middle of his back.
It seems... familiar?
He doesn’t have time for that right now. Kravitz draws back the scythe, feeling the hum of energy under his fingers, swinging again, and—
“Wait! Time out!” the Mongoose puts up a hand and Kravitz, for who knows what reason, stops his scythe mid-swing. The familiarity sticks, so it’s not just a trick of the light. It takes him a second to place, but the hairstyle... it looks a lot like a certain barista he’d been spending all night thinking about.
He shakes his head, trying to clear it. It’s because he has Taako on the brain, is all. Besides, he has other things to worry about besides seeing his crush in his enemy. Namely the fight currently happening with said enemy. “What? You can’t call a time out.”
“I just did,” says the Mongoose, fishing through his pockets and pulling out several bobby pins, sticking them in his mouth so he can use both hands to fix his hair. Kravitz blinks, still trying to shake off the sense of deja vu, but it won’t quit nagging him. “It’s a whole safety issue to leave long hair down.”
“It’s still in a braid,” retorts Kravitz.
“Somebody never took Foodsafe.” the Mongoose gives him a lopsided grin that Kravitz fucking knows he’s seen before, and suddenly it’s more than just passing familiarity, and how could he possibly have not noticed before, and— the Mongoose finishes putting up his hair, raising an eyebrow at Kravitz and his private crisis. “Alright. Ready—”
“You work at Fantasy Starbucks,” blurts Kravitz, without even thinking about it. The Mongoose stops dead in his tracks, and Kravitz can see his eyes widen even behind the mask. He splutters for a moment, and then seems to find his footing, already ready with a snarky remark.
“Yeah, well— your accent is fake.”
Shit. He’d forgotten. At the only time so far that having it would have been useful too. Still, he pushes it out of his mind; the Mongoose hadn’t denied it. And, well, he’s already solidly derailed this fight, so he might as well get some real confirmation out of it.
“...Taako? It is you, isn’t it?”
“Just who the fuck are y—” The Mongoose— Taako— levels the Umbrastaff at him, and then stops again. “...Kravitz?”
Well. Shit. Again. Kravitz doesn’t bother to affirm that; his silence is more than enough confirmation. One of them has to say or do something, but the seconds stretch on.
“You’re telling me I said all that shit to your face this morning?” says Taako.
“That’s what you’re worried about right now?”
“Uh, yeah—” Taako is backing up now, and they’ve fought enough times that Kravitz knows when the Mongoose is looking for an escape route; Kravitz’s feet still feel glued to the floor, even when Taako reaches the window, fingers already turning to talons around the Umbrastaff. Taako breaks the glass (because of course he does, even though the windows aren’t even fucking locked), breaking eye contact with Kravitz in order to swing his legs through the window before his form changes too much. “Look, this is like, a lot right now, and I— I’m getting the fuck out of here,” he says, and then drops. Whatever had been keeping Kravitz in place, slack jawed, ends as soon as Taako leaves his sight, and he’s moving before he has time to think about it.
“Wait—!” Kravitz runs for the window, but by the time he gets there, the bird clutching the Umbrastaff is nearly out of sight.
Well. That could have gone better.
Kravitz doesn’t go for his coffee the next day. Or the next day, either, although the day after that he’s sick of making his own coffee. And frankly, he misses chatting with Taako. Even if the guy was trying to kill him like once a week. He couldn’t just avoid this forever.
Still, the fact that Taako is working cash when he comes in makes him want to turn tail and run back home. He conjures up the memory of yesterday’s shitty coffee and pushes onward. The shop is mostly empty still, so there’s no line.
“The usual?” says Taako, like nothing abnormal has happened.
“Please,” says Kravitz, and then, before he can chicken out entirely, adds, “Uhm, do you have a few minutes?”
“My shift isn’t over until—”
“I’ll cover you,” comes Lup’s voice from the back room; she pokes her head out and gives Taako a look that is clearly significant, but that Kravitz can’t quite puzzle out. “Take five minutes after you’re done making his coffee.”
Taako scowls at her, and she smiles brightly before heading to the back again.
“Okay. I guess I have five minutes. Talk to you after I make your coffee.”
Kravitz nods, and goes to hover around the pickup counter, pretending to be interested in things on his phone. Taako makes his coffee in a ceramic mug, which at least means he doesn’t want Kravitz to get the fuck out as soon as possible, so that’s... something.
Taako slides the finished coffee across the counter, circling around to join Kravitz on the customer side as Kravitz grabs the mug.
“Lup!” he hollers, and then starts walking towards one of the corner booths without checking to see if his sister is headed to cash or if Kravitz is following. Kravitz does, though, sliding himself into the seat opposite Taako, hands wrapped tightly around the mug.
Taako speaks first. “To be honest, I kinda thought you would rat me out.”
“That would be shitty of me, to just sic authorities on your place of work without so much as a warning.”
“So is this the warning?”
“No,” says Kravitz, taking a sip of his coffee, “I... can’t really make coffee without burning it. And this is the only place for miles with tolerable muffins.”
Taako cracks a grin, like Kravitz knew he would. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” His smile falls, and he crosses his arms and leans back. “So. Reaper. Why didn’t you rat me out?”
Why indeed. Kravitz takes another sip of his coffee and thinks for a second, not even sure himself what his explanation will be once he starts talking.
“It didn’t seem... fair. You’re less of a villain and more of a pain in my ass—” Kravitz ignores Taako’s indignant noise and keeps talking, “—and while we always have cause to fight when on the clock, you’re not doing anything that I feel needs to leave the bounds of those... work hours, I guess.”
Taako is trying to pick him apart with his gaze; it’s something he’s been subjected to several times, although normally in costume, and in retrospect it’s difficult to imagine how he spent so long not noticing the Mongoose in Taako.
Whatever Taako is looking for, he must find it, because he relaxes a bit, and shoots him a lazy grin. “Plus, Mongoose related insurance just got rolling and it would be fuckin’ rude to take me out of commission before anyone got to use theirs.”
Kravitz laughs. “Sure.” He’s silent for a second, before adding, “You aren’t planning on revealing my secret identity, are you? Awfully rude of you to double cross me like that.”
“Wha— You didn’t even give me a chance to respond! Maybe I wasn’t!”
“Were you?”
“I was,” admits Taako, not even pretending to look sheepish. Kravitz raises his eyebrows, and Taako shrugs. “Oh, like you didn’t think about revealing my secret identity? And could you imagine the hype if I unmasked the Reaper? I was tempted.” He sighs. “But I figured then you’d have no reason to keep my identity a secret. No way am I risking a backfire like that.”
It sounds callous, but Kravitz has been talking to Taako almost daily for months; at this point, he can pretty reliably pick up on when Taako isn’t being entirely truthful about something.
“Hmm. Then I suppose it’d be in my best interest not to tell you that I wouldn’t reveal your identity even if you revealed mine?”
Taako narrows his eyes. “Why not?”
Kravitz makes a face. “It’s just in poor taste. I just think we all go through all the trouble to hide who we are and use these powers for good— or whatever it is you do— that it’s always going to be such a low blow to reveal who we are. There might be times where it’s necessary, but petty revenge is not one of them.”
Taako’s expression hasn’t changed; if anything, he’s narrowed his eyes more. “God, you are like— fuckin’ irritatingly nice. Fine. I wasn’t going to reveal your identity. That would be fuckin’ annoying to deal with. Plus I’m having fun.”
“Oh don’t— don’t fucking lie to me. I know you’re having fun out there too. With your stupid accent and one liners and shit.”
“Alright, alright,” says Kravitz, rolling his eyes. “But I’m not supposed to be having fun, so keep it quiet.”
“See, that’s why I market myself as a villain. No dumb rules.” He puts an elbow on the table and leans on his hand. “Why do you have a fake accent anyway?”
Heat rises to Kravitz’s face, and he’s hoping he looks less embarrassed than he feels. “It’s my— I do it so people don’t recognize my voice.”
Taako laughs. “Well, it doesn’t really do that if you immediately stop using it when you realize you might know someone.”
“I was caught off guard!” defends Kravitz. “It’s not every day you find out your nemesis is your barista.”
“Nemesis, huh?” Taako grins. “Didn’t realize it was that serious to you. You know I have other heroes to fight.”
Kravitz rolls his eyes again. “I don’t see how you have the time, considering how often you’re causing trouble for me.”
Taako laughs, and it’s so contagious and the whole conversation is so surreal Kravitz can’t help but laugh too, before they both lapse into a comfortable, if drawn out, silence.
“So, uh,” says Taako eventually, “what now?”
“Well,” says Kravitz, “I want to keep coming in for coffee in the mornings. And I assume the Mongoose will continue with... whatever chaos it is you currently have planned.”
“It’s not chaos,” insists Taako, “I have plans. But yeah. And I assume the Reaper is gonna show up and throw a wrench in those plans?”
“Yes, probably. So we’ll just be enemies by night...” Kravitz trails off, not entirely sure how to refer to their by day relationship. Friends? Potential love interests? Acquaintances? There’s a few seconds of awkward silence before Kravitz gives up entirely.
Taako pulls and pen and a napkin out of his pocket, jotting something down and pushing it towards Kravitz.
“Here’s, uh, here’s my number. If you give me a heads up five minutes before you get here, we can have your coffee ready by the time you walk in. If you’re nice to me out there.”
“I don’t take bribes,” says Kravitz, grabbing the napkin and pulling out his phone to type in the number.
“That wasn’t a bribe, it was a threat. You don’t even wanna know what I’ll do to your coffee if you fuck me up.”
Kravitz doesn’t bother to point out that neither of them have ever caused any extreme bodily harm to one another and instead says, “So you’re asking me to go easy on you? I thought you were having fun.” He sends Taako a ‘hey it’s kravitz’ text before he has time to second guess himself.
“Could you stop poking holes in my threats? You’re harshing my fuckin’ vibe, Krav.” He sounds irritated, but Kravitz can see the smile tugging at his lips as he texts Kravitz a couple of skull emojis. “I should get back to work before my sister kicks my ass,” he says, standing back up. “I’ll see you tonight, nemesis.” Then he turns on his heels and heads back to the counter, saying something to Lup as he walks by. Kravitz watches him disappear into the back room.
Kravitz had better make sure he had hung his cloak up to dry.
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Fathering a Phantom ch2
I just wanna Talk, I swear
Here we have the chapter 2 for that fic from earlier! Once again, here ya go @five-rivers @floralflowerpower and @uwuplasmiusuwu
“Cole I’m going to murder someone,” was the first thing that Toby said to his husband upon arriving once more in their temporary sanctuary. Cole paused mid throw of his javelin, electric sparks crackling up the polearm, and turned to look at his husband. Toby’s wings were ablaze, his nails sharpened into claws, and his eyes a colorful storm, as though he couldn’t decide what to turn into for maximum lethality. Cole set down his javelin and wrapped around Toby in a hug.
“Who are you planning to murder, sunshine? And should I join in? I haven’t gotten into a good fight since we got here, which is a shame.” Cole coalesced from a mass of clouds into something a bit closer to his original body when Toby relaxed in his embrace, running his fingers through shimmering feathers made of embers. “You really do look like a star like this, by the way.”
“There was, I think, a war forged around here who fired a bunch of rockets at a child! You know that liminal kid I told you about?”
“Oh right, we’re rare in this realm, huh?” Cole’s face scrunched up in confusion and he arched a brow. “I thought the liminal around here beat up the tyrant ruling the place when he woke up?”
“I didn’t exactly ask about what must’ve sucked when I half blew up the metalhead.” Toby flew over to the couch and flopped face first into it. “Now I gotta track him down.”
“Why only half? Sounds like someone you’d take out in one go if you had the drop on em.”
“Well, do you wanna traumatize a kid of unknown cultural origins? He’s so small, and his friends were clearly still living humans. I dunno if he’s seen someone die before, let alone a ghost getting Ended. If I recall, committing murder is a bad way to start a friendship with a child.”
Cole snorted and gave Toby a pat on the shoulder. “Alright, fair, Sildar didn’t like me much after that rescue. But hey, now you can put that on your to do list! Murder, the answer to most problems.” Toby laughed, phasing through the couch when Cole sat on him. “There he is, my giggly celestial chandelier.”
“Do you even remember what a chandelier is? I know you broke like three of them over someone’s head, but I forget whose head.” Toby put out the flames in his feathers and stretched, satisfied when his spine popped a few times. “It’s nice to still be able to do that.”
“I’ll be honest, being a cloud has made the sound of your joints popping kinda gross to me. It sounds like you’ve still got a flesh and blood body.” Cole sat up, scratching his head. “Do you still have a humanoid body? With like, meat and bones and stuff?”
“Probably, yeah. We’ll see, cause if so that’ll come in handy with helping out this liminal kid. Said his name is Danny Phantom.” Toby paused, the feeling of his feather being torn an odd and upsetting one. “Speaking of whom, I should go meet up with them. Think you can find this ‘Skulker’ guy while I educate some kids?”
Cole kissed Toby on the cheek and gave him a thumbs up. “Will do! I can’t promise there’ll be much left of him afterward though, I’m not a fan of idiots who attack kids.” Toby smiled and in a flash of light and beat of wings, he was gone. Cole nodded to himself and grabbed his maul, crackling with electric arcs, and opened up the door to their temporary Sanctuary. “Now then, who the fuck is Skulker?”
After having a small debate about where they couldn’t go and why, team Phantom finally ended up at the indoor roller rink that was partially destroyed by a giant ghost crab a while ago, and sat down at a table that Danny cleared of debris with an ectoblast or three. “Ok guys, I think this is a good enough place to call him up.”
“Are we sure it’s a good idea to call him at all?” Sam held up the feather she’d kept in her pocket, turning it about to watch the golden flame dance. “He took down Skulker pretty fast and it usually takes you a good half hour to do that, Danny.”
“Skulker specializes in attacking Danny is all, Sam. We’ve got the weapons to handle pretty much any ghost we normally deal with, and Danny took down the king of ghosts. I’m pretty sure he can handle anyone else.”
“Plus, Toby wrecked Skulker pretty bad. If he wanted to fight, I’m pretty sure he would’ve started a fight.” Danny condensed his ectoblasts into one ball of ectoplasma and stretched it out into a pole. “Imagine all the cool stuff he could show us!”
“Alright, if you say so.” Sam snapped the feather in half, surprised by how easy it was to do, and grabbed her ecto-pistol. For a moment, there was silence. Then the sound of wingbeats filled the room and Toby appeared above the rink as though landing from a long flight.
“That’s a spell I’m not used to casting frequently in a day. Heyo kids!” Toby waved, tucking his wings by his sides while walking closer. “Sorry for the delay, I was talking to my husband. So, names again just to be sure: Sam, Tucker, and Danny, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right. What do you mean spell, exactly? Do ghosts have magic ontop of the other ghost powers now?” Tucker spun the lipstick laser around in his fingers, remembering Desiree’s magic and Freakshow’s staff.
“Anyone who can do magic keeps the ability in death, usually. I’m not dead though, I’m Deathless.” He spread his wings and spun around, thumbs pointing to his chest. “I was born awesome like this, and so was Cole. But, based on your faces you weren’t born like this?”
“No,” Sam said, gesturing at Danny. “This is a recent thing, it’s been since about…” Sam paused, her gaze landing on the wall behind Toby. “March of last year, so 14 months.”
“Yeah, god, we’ve been doing this for over a year now, haven’t we?” Tucker, who had held up a camera to record everything Toby was saying, slumped a bit in his seat and sighed. “Feels like it’s been like this forever and like it happened yesterday.”
Toby stared at them all like they’d each grown extra limbs in odd places – Danny even checked to make sure he hadn’t done that while feeling both old and young at the same time due to how little time had actually passed – before zipping over to Danny and holding his hands just over the teen’s face. “Oh my gods, you’re a baby.”
“I am a teenager, thank you.” Danny gently pulled Toby’s hands away from his face, a brow raised. “What, is 14 infantile to angels, feather man?”
“You’re only 14 months dead, Danny, that makes you a baby ghost.” Sam snorted and Tucker covered his mouth to try and hide his laughter. A snap of Toby’s fingers and flowers began growing in Tucker’s hat, and seeds appeared above Sam, growing into flowers as they fell all over her. “If you’ve had regular interactions with that metal head, no wonder your aura’s all aggro.”
“Skulker’s not exactly the worst of the ghosts we’ve had to fight over the months,” Danny said.
“Oh yeah, that’d have to be either Walker, Spectra, or Vlad. It’s really a toss up between Spectra and Vlad, if you ask me.”
“Vlad wants to kill Danny’s dad because he sees his mom as a trophy that was stolen from him, while Spectra tried to kill Jazz just to depress an entire school so she could feed on the misery to look young.” Sam brushed away the flowers and weighed two in her hands. “Yeah, those around the same level of grossly evil.”
Toby’s wings ignited at some point while Sam was talking, and the sunlight streaming in from the hole in the roof grew somewhat brighter. He reached into a bag he had strapped to his waist and pulled out a book and a pen, his smile all teeth. “Tell me, please, a list of all the adult ghosts who have attacked you children? I’d like to have a discussion with each of them.”
“If we give you their names,” Danny said before Tucker could answer, “do you promise not to go slaughtering them all? I don’t need to know ghostly body language at all to know that flaming wings come from a place of anger and imminent violence.”
“When did you read a thesaurus, Danny?”
“Sam, I’m insulted: I know tri-syllabic words. I can even say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”
“I promise not to slaughter all of the ghosts you inform me hurt you in the past few months, yes. Names?” When Tucker listed off names, Toby wrote them down with an inhuman speed, and Danny exchanged a look with Sam, worried about how exactly that deal might be loopholed around. “Right,” Toby chirped while slamming his book shut, “I’m here to answer some questions of yours, not just ramble about myself and assemble a… list of people to talk to. Got any?”
“So many that I don’t even know where to start.”
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Yes ! Can you maybe do an imagine where the reader breaks up with Will because they dont think they’re good enough for him ?? But with a happy ending where they get back together because he really wants to be with them
Of course, sweet Anon!😊 Man, y'all really love angst lmao In retrospect, this might be a bit too angsty😬I blame Bo Burnham's Inside
This imagine is going to be really depressing, like a lot. There will be mentions of attempted suicide and self harm so, SEVERE TRIGGER WARNING.
It had been over a year since you broke up with Will.
You'd never felt more depressed in your life, but you thought it was the right decision at the time. What bullshit that turned out to be...
Your crippling insecurity forced your mind to think you didn't deserve to have someone as amazing as Will, he was so thoughtful and you were so, well, so dependent.
You weren't in the best stage of your life when you met Will, you were in a really dark place and you had even more trouble getting out of it. You haven't really made much progress since then, but you tried.
You just wanted to feel better for once. Every day, you just felt like you were drowning and taking Will with you.
He was your rock, and he made sure that he was right beside you every time you felt bad. Of course, being an actor, he had to go away sometimes and you always told him that you'd be fine. You weren't, of course, but you were always so happy for him whenever he'd book a film or TV show because it made him happy.
There were days you just felt numb, mostly when Will wasn't with you. Those days you'd just lay in your bed, sob uncontrollably until the exhaustion would put you to sleep.
Will felt helpless, and you could always see it on his face. He was worried about you, he wanted to help you, but it wasn't something that he could change or do anything about. Him worrying about you day and night made you feel even worse, that was not what you wanted for him. He deserved to be with something that lifted him up and encouraged him, not someone who's depressing all the time and unintentionally bringing him down with them. No...you didn't want that for him at all.
It was inevitable, but it didn't make it any easier to break up with him.
Will's heartbroken face would forever be engrained in your mind, but you kept telling yourself it was in his best interest.
You cried the hardest you ever cried in your entire life. You loved him so much, you didn't want to let him go, but you couldn't let your toxicity ruin his life. And you honestly thought that it would get better in time, but it only made your mental state deteriorate ever more.
One night, when the pain got too hard to handle, you took and broke your shaving razors, taking out the blades.
In hindsight, you really wished you hadn't, you felt embarrassed about it for the longest time. But trying to look on the bright side, it did force you to finally get the professional help you needed. Therapy, medication, the whole nine yards. You kicked yourself for not getting yourself help sooner, because you felt better now that you were going to therapy.
You still struggled a lot, but you knew once you found the right medication, it would become more bearable, and it did eventually. It took a lot of hard work.
You thought about Will a lot, what he was up to, if he found someone else that he loved. The thought was painful, but all you wanted for him was to find true happiness.
One day, you decided to go out to a coffee shop one morning, as opposed to just Postmateing yourself like you normally did. Your therapist did say you needed to get out more, so you took their advice.
You walked through town, a simple little coffee shop catching your eye. The name sounded familiar to you, though you couldn't quite place why. You didn't think you'd been to this place before, you usually made your own coffee, but you wanted to give it a try.
The light ring of a bell filled your ears as you opened the front door. It was a really cold morning, so the warm heat hitting your skin and inhaling the strong smell of coffee and freshly made bakeries put a small smile on your face.
You were thankful that there wasn't a line, possibly to early in the morning, maybe you got there before the usual early birds. Though looking around, it was a small place, only a few book readers scattered amongst the small tables that were set up opposite of the counter where you ordered.
While waiting for your coffee, a wall full of art caught your eye. You walked closer to look at all the pieces, all of them painted by customers. Hmm, cute...
You didn't really acknowledge the bell ringing once more, signaling an arrival of another customer, to focused on the pretty art.
"Hey!" You heard one of the workers say cheerfully, probably addressing the new customer. "Your usual, Will?"
Your smile dropped. Ha, what are the odds, right?
"Yep, of course. Thank you."
Then, your heart dropped.
You recognized that voice anywhere. Now you knew why this shop sounded so familiar, it was Will's favorite place to get coffee, he had mentioned it to you before. Of course, of all the coffee places in town, you had to pick this one.
You slowly turned around, your heart beating out of your chest and almost coming to a complete stop once you laid eyes on his face. That face you always thought about, even in your dreams. "Wi-"
"Y/n!" You cringed as the coffee shop worker called out your name, telling you that your coffee was ready.
Will immediately snapped his gaze over to you, clearly having trouble believing it was actually you. You stood there awkwardly, having a hard time reading his expression. Was he mad? Sad? Happy?
"Y/n." Will almost whispered, taking a couple steps closer to you.
Will looked the same, just as handsome as when you last saw him. His eyes were locked onto you, looking you over in awe. He thought you looked so much healthier now, but always thinking that you look stunning, no matter the circumstance.
"How...how are you?" Will started, a small smile finally stretching across his lips. "You look," He chuckled softly, "amazing."
You looked down slightly when your face started to burn, all of your blood seeming to rush right to your face from one simple compliment. "Thank you." You said sheepishly. "You look amazing too, as usual."
Now it was Will's turn to blush, his easy to spot with his fair complexion. "Uh, do you wanna, maybe, sit down? Or we could go somewhere else, if you want to, that is. Don't feel pressured or anything." He rambled.
You smiled. "Yeah, sure." You grabbed your coffee and joined Will at the table he chose to sit at. "So, uh, how've you been?" You asked, taking tiny sips of your hot drink.
"Good, good. I'll be filming a new project soon, so that'll be fun." Will paused for a beat, then sighing despairingly . "I've been, uh, thinking about you. A lot."
"I've been thinking about you too."
"I kinda lied. I am filming something soon but, I haven't been good. Ever since we broke up, life just...kind of feels a bit grey now."
You frowned, biting your lip hard to keep tears from welling up in your eyes. "I'm sorry, Will..." You whispered. "I thought you'd be better off without me to drag you down. I was such a burden."
Will furrowed his brows, shaking his head with a frown. "No. You weren't dragging me down, I loved you, Y/n. I would've done anything for you. I know that you struggled a lot with your mental health, but I wanted to be with you through all that. I never thought you were a burden, not for a second."
"I just," You wiped an unwanted tear from your cheek, "I don't think I was ready to be in a relationship then. I've been working really hard on my health and now that I have a clearer mindset, I think it was probably for the best that I broke up with you when I did."
Will took a deep breath. "I respect that. I do. I'm happy for you, that you're better now. I don't want this to come off as selfish...but I still love you. I want to be with you. But I understand if you can't be in a relationship right now. I'll wait for you, as long as it takes if you'll let me."
You blushed furiously once more. At this point, you practically wanted to throw yourself at this man. You didn't care if it didn't work out again, you still wanted him, badly.
"I still love you too, Will. Always have."
Will smiled softly. "I don't want you to be my partner again if you're not ready."
"I don't know if I am, I'm still working on myself, but...goddamn I wanna kiss you so bad right now." You said, eliciting another blush and a shy laugh from Will.
You answered him by leaning forward slowly, rubbing your nose against his before gent as you smiled widely at him, leaning closer. You almost shivered as his cold hands reached over to delicately trace your jawline, the gesture automatically putting you in a sort of trance where you could only look into his eyes.
"I really want to kiss you." Will giggled, fully cupping the side of your jaw. "May I?"
You answered him by leaning forward slowly, rubbing your nose against his before gently connecting your lips with his.
Over a year of wanting and missing Will, you ignored your dislike of PDA, you've needed this for so long. The spark you always felt when you kissed him was still there, still giving you goosebumps along with an intense desire you definitely couldn't act on in this coffee shop.
Will pulled away, only to rest his forehead against yours, his eyes closed just relishing in the moment. "I've missed you so much."
"Me too." You chuckled breathlessly.
"I don't want you to feel like you have to rush back into things. We can take it slow if that's what you want."
This man was always such a gentleman, but it just made you even more eager to take him home with you.
"Right now, I don't think I'm capable of taking things slow." You said, a almost seductive tone to your voice.
Will smiled playfully, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "That's absolutely not taking things slow."
"How about we go to my place? Make up all the lost time?" You asked not as confidently, the feeling of rejection making you nervous, but Will smiled gently, taking a hold of your hand and kissing you once more.
"Lead the way."
Hope you enjoyed! Hopefully it wasn't too depressing and dark in the beginning.
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Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Warnings: mention of Dean's death, mention of Castiel's death (but it's mostly just pure fluff, I promise)
Post 15x20, Fix-It-Fic (kinda)
Happy Supernatural day guys, I thought a little Destiel fix-it would be fitting for this day 💙
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own
"Cas, you stupid son of a bitch! Do you hear me? That's what you are, alright?"
Dean looked up into the sky above him - which, now that he thought about it wasn't actually the sky, but who knew what was real in heaven and what wasn't. He had been driving around for a month now - maybe it had been just two weeks? - Dean didn't know, but what he knew was that he was praying to the stupid angel in a trenchcoat, without success. He'd thought that after everything that had happened, Cas would be happy to see him, would come to greet him the second he arrived here, but nothing.
"Damnit Cas, I know you can hear me!"
The former hunter was standing at the foot of a mountain, surrounded by nothing but trees, flowers, and bees. He didn't even notice how far he'd walked, but when he let his gaze wander, he realized that the meadow was huge. He felt an ache in his heart all of a sudden, because he knew that this, right here, would be one of Cas' favorite places.
His anger grew all of a sudden, but at the same time, his eyes filled with tears and he sat down on the ground, leaning against a solid tree.
"Listen, I know that - that things aren't that fancy between us right now, but I - I wanna... God, move your ass here, Cas!"
His voice got louder and louder, until he could hear it echoing back from... somewhere. Dean had no idea, but he didn't care. He was exhausted, even though he didn't need to sleep up here, but he knew exactly that it wasn't that kind of exhaustion, no, it was the emotional kind.
For what had felt like forever, he was searching for Cas, trying to reach him somehow, starting right after he realized that he loved the goddamn angel as well, but until now, there was not a single sign of him.
"Please man, I need you. We need - we need to talk."
His voice cracked at the last word and the first tear found its way down his cheek, but he wiped it away quickly. His head dropped back then against the tree with a sigh, and he closed his eyes.
"You realize that you can't hide forever, right? Come on, whatever the reason is, we'll figure it out, we'll figure everything out. Cas, please."
His eyes were still closed, and suddenly, there was a light breeze at the meadow, making the trees rustle a little.
"Hello, Dean."
Dean's head snapped up while he tore his eyes open, and for a second, he felt too dizzy to see anything. When his eyes got used to the light again though, he was looking right at Cas'...
His eyes snapped up so fast that once again, he got hit by a wave of dizziness, while his cheeks got hot in an instant.
"Jesus, you could've showed up next to me, or behind me, or... or..."
Just then, the former hunter realized that it was actually Cas standing right in front of him, and just like that, his heart was up his throat, while at the same time, his stomach seemed to tie itself in knots. It was Cas, his Cas who he was searching for a month, standing right in front of him like nothing had happened.
He jumped up, not sure what he was about to say, but all of a sudden, he was furious.
"Hello? That's all you have to say?"
His voice was shaking, and his hands automatically clenched into fists, while he tried to control himself not to punch the angel right into his stupid, beautiful face.
Cas' expression was blank, and Dean huffed an angry laugh, while he turned to bring some space between them. When he took a few steps, he didn't turn around again, because his eyes were burning with unshed tears, and as much as Dean was thinking about this moment, prepared for it, even, he couldn't say what he wanted to say, not now, not like this.
"Do you have any idea how long I've been searching for you?" the hunter asked, his voice quiet.
"I'm aware, yes," Castiel answered, and Dean had to close his eyes. He'd been thinking about this moment for almost two months now, the whole time on earth and in heaven, and this wasn't how he'd thought it would go. It wasn't even close.
"Then why? Why did you make me wait?"
It was a desperate question, Dean's voice full of emotions, he could hear it, but he couldn't stop it. It took him some time to become like this, to not hide his feelings anymore, and he wouldn't be ashamed of it now.
"I could sense your anger, Dean. I thought that -"
"Well, next time stop thinking buddy, and do what I ask you for."
Dean knew it sounded selfish, and again, a little desperate, but he couldn't stop himself. Slowly, he turned around, his head lowered to hide his tears at first, but after he took a deep breath, he raised it slowly to look at Cas.
"You have any idea how much I've missed you, you son of a bitch?" he whispered, while he slowly approached the angel, one small step after another. Castiel's eyes went wide for a second, before his expression went completely blank again, but even though he tried to hide it, Dean noticed the small gulp anyway.
"You have any idea how I felt when you left? When you dumped all that shit on me, not even caring about what I'd have to say, and then you just disappeared? You have any idea how that made me feel?"
Dean's voice got louder and louder, and at the end, he was almost yelling, his voice echoing from the mountains, and for the first time since Cas' confession, he understood what the angel had said.
'You think that hate and anger, that's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not!'
No, what he was feeling wasn't anger. He wasn't angry at Cas. He was desperate, and heartbroken, and confused, but not angry. Slowly, the former hunter took a deep breath, his gaze locked with Cas' the whole time.
"You think I'm a rock? That you could just dump that on me and leave, and that I'd be okay with that?"
Dean took another step closer, then one more, until their faces were only inches apart. The angel lowered his head in shame, but not a single word came out of his mouth. When his ears turned into a dark share of red, Dean almost smiled through his tears.
"You think I'm okay without my best friend by my side?" Dean whispered, while he pushed Cas' head back up, using his index finger.
"Cas, say something," he begged, almost desperate, because even though Dean had learned to deal with his shit by now, he still couldn't stand it to get no answer when he was being vulnerable in front of anybody.
"I'm sorry," Cas whispered, while he lifted his head all the way to look into Dean's eyes. The former hunter could see tears glistening in Castiel's eyes as well, and just with one look, he knew that the angel was sincere.
"Just don't... don't ever do shit like that again, alright?" Dean mumbled, before he grabbed the angel by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug, so tight that breathing got hard after some seconds, but Dean didn't care, because first of all, he was dead already, and second, he'd die for this, for Cas, just like Cas had died for him.
After some moments, Castiel hesitantly lifted his arms as well and wrapped his arms around Dean's lower back, which made the former hunter sigh. His eyes fell shut and he had a hard time resisting the urge to bury his face at the other man's neck, but somehow, he did it. Just when he was about to let go, he could feel a sharp pain at the back of his head, accompanied by a loud slapping sound. Dean jumped back, eyes wide, and stared at Cas in disbelief.
"That," Cas said, the smallest of smiles on his lips, "was for dying right after I sacrificed myself for you to live. You can thank Charlie for showing me this."
Dean raised his hand and rubbed the spot that was throbbing a little now, and he was more than aware that in heaven, he wasn't supposed to feel any pain, except of when he wanted to.
"That's... that's fair," he mumbled, and his cheeks turned pink, while the corner of his mouth lifted a little.
"Yeah, I think I deserve that."
He wasn't sure if Cas knew how he died, or why, but if he did, he wasn't showing it. No, if he'd know, he wouldn't grin like that now, Dean was sure, and for some reason, he was more relieved about that than he thought he'd be.
"Listen, there's... there's something else we need to talk about," he mumbled suddenly, and his smile disappeared immediately, just like Castiel's.
"If you mean what happened on earth -"
"No, you shut your mouth and let me talk, you had your moment already."
There was no heat behind Dean's words, but Cas' mouth snapped shut anyway. Suddenly, there was a light breeze ghosting over the meadow, and Dean felt the urge to turn around, so he did, blaming it on his still very present hunter instincts. He was almost sure to see someone behind them, Jack maybe, or anyone else who wanted to see Dean, but what was there instead took his breath away.
Right there, just a few feet behind them, was a huge barn, but not any barn, no, the barn they'd met all those years ago. The light changed as well, and suddenly, it was dark, the only light given by at least a thousand fireflies, quietly flying around the barn.
"Friggin' heaven," he mumbled and his face turned into a dark shade of red, because even though he was denying it all the time, he knew this was his work - he was a fucking sap.
When he turned his head again to look at Cas, the angel's eyes were wide, staring in awe at the spectacle in front of his, his lips slightly parted.
"Not a word. Listen, there's... there's some stuff I wanna say as well," Dean said, his voice more firm that he'd thought, but he cleared his throat anyway before he began to speak.
"First of all, I'm still mad at you for what you did back there, alright? And I will be, probably for a long time. But..."
The former hunter searched Castiel's gaze, and only when their eyes locked, he continued.
"But even though I was - or am - mad, that doesn't mean I didn't miss you like crazy. Do you have any idea how fuckin' thrilled I was when I came here and Bobby told me you're around as well? And how - how disappointed I was when you didn't show up?"
"Dean, I didn't mean to -"
"No, shut up, man. I already told you, you had your moment."
Dean waited for an answer, but Cas was just standing there, staring at him, without saying another word. He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets, but when his fingers hit something that hadn't been in there before, he furrowed his brows. Slowly, he tried to make out what it was. It was something small, a little box, maybe? It was soft and -
Oh. Oh no. Definitely no. This couldn't be, this-
Dean's eyes snapped back to Cas, and just then he noticed that he'd had lowered his head. The angel stared at him with his brows furrowed and his head tilted to the side, and Dean's heart jumped by the sight.
'Why not?' a voice was whispering in his head all of a sudden, and he knew it was right? Why the hell not, right? It's not like he'd suddenly die, he already was dead. Go big or go home.
"Yeah, I'm, uh... let's walk a little, alright?"
Dean tilted his head into the direction of the barn and started walking, and Cas followed him immediately. As soon as they were side by side, their arms touching just a little, like they'd always done when he was still alive, Dean started talking again.
"So... I have one question. Did you mean it? What you said, I mean, the - the love part."
The former hunter was too afraid to look at Castiel, so he kept his gaze at his feet, watching every of his own steps carefully. He knew Cas had meant it, but he still needed to ask, just to make sure.
"Of course I meant it, Dean."
Again, Dean's heart jumped and he had to take a few deep breaths to calm it down. They walked around the barn until they reached the entrance door, which was closed, and that's when Dean stopped. He took another deep breath and lifted his gaze, about to start talking again, but as soon as their eyes locked, he couldn't get a word out. Instead, he lifted his hand, which was shaking a little, slowly, almost like he could break Cas if he wasn't careful. He couldn't breathe, couldn't think anymore, his whole body worked on its own. As soon as his fingertips touched the other man's cheek, careful, soft, he exhaled.
He wanted to say so much, wanted to tell the angel that he loved him, that what he did was stupid, that he could have what he wanted, but his mouth didn't work.
Cas' eyes went wide by Dean's touch, but not even a second later, he leaned closer to Dean's hand, and Dean cupped his cheek fully. Somehow, they got closer and closer, and now their noses were almost touching, Dean could feel Castiel's breath on his own lips. Out of reflex, his tongue flicked out to wet them, and Cas' gaze dropped down, just for a split second, but he didn't move.
"You stupid son of a bitch," Dean whispered, his eyes full of tears once again, before he closed the distance and pressed his lips against Castiel's. Their mouths were closed, it was a soft, tender kiss, almost a little shy, but feeling Cas' lips on his own for the first time was enough to drive Dean crazy. His eyes fell shut, which caused some tears to roll down his cheeks, but he didn't even notice, he was too focused on the other man.
Cas gasped when their lips met, and at first, he was frozen in place, but when Dean started to move his lips, slowly, to give the angel time to proceed what was happening, Cas hesitantly put his hands on Dean's waist and pulled him closer. Dean whimpered and he knew he'd deny it later, but he stepped even closer, until their bodies were pressed together from head to toe.
They were standing there for minutes, hours, days, hell, it could've been weeks, according to how time worked in heaven, but when they finally separated, Cas was looking at him with such awe in his eyes that Dean had to lower his head.
"You could've just asked, you know? I know - I know I wasn't easy to be around, but... to think that this is something you couldn't have, that was just stupid."
Huh, his voice sounded way too deep. Cas didn't say a word, didn't even breathe, and as the seconds ticked by, Dean got a little worried. Slowly, he looked up, just to see Cas still standing there like before, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly opened, his cheeks flushed. He was beautiful.
"I love you too, Cas," Dean said, his voice quiet, because he didn't know what else to say. Then, just like that, Cas' eyes filled with tears in mere seconds, and the liquid slowly ran down his cheeks as soon as he began to smile. The smile quickly turned into a grin, and Dean couldn't resist to smile as well. For some reason, they both started laughing, at the same time, and they laughed so hard that their bellies started to hurt.
When they finally calmed down a little, Dean took Cas' hand and took a few deep breaths.
"We're both a couple of dumbasses, huh?" he mumbled, his mind once again wandering back to the small box that was still hiding in his pocket.
"Dean, I -"
"I'm not done yet," Dean said with a grin, which felt a little off, because he was nervous as hell all of a sudden. With his free hand, he pulled out the little box, still hiding it in his fist, and started talking once more.
"So uh... I know that I'm - well, dead, and you're an angel, and heaven is a fucking traitor, but uh... would you... wear that? It's - it's not - I mean, marriage is a bit useless up here, but -"
The former hunter wasn't sure how to finish, so he just closed his mouth and lifted his hand with the little box. As soon as he opened it, he couldn't hold back a little chuckle. What was inside was a ring, a silver ring to be more specific, but there was one blue line, going around the silver all the way in little waves. Dean remembered how he'd seen this ring once, and even back then, his mind had jumped to Castiel immediately, because the blue was the exact same color as the angel's eyes.
Cas' eyes went wide once again and he lifted his hand to touch the ring carefully. Silence stretched between them, and just when Dean started to think this had been a bad idea, Cas sobbed, just once, before he wrapped his arms around the former hunters neck and squeezed tightly.
"It'd be an honor to wear that ring, Dean," he whispered, right next to Dean's ear, and Dean breathed out, just then realizing that he'd been holding his breath. When Cas pulled back from the hug, Dean took his hand once again and slid the ring on his finger, before he intertwined their hands with a smile.
"I know that - that there's a lot to talk about still, but could we just... dunno, enjoy the night? Or... day, or evening, or... whatever..." Dean asked when he looked around. The light had changed once again, and instead of the barn, there was a small house, just big enough for two people to comfortably live in. Nearby was a little lake, surrounded by trees. The meadow was still there, but there was also a road now, close to the house. And a white picket fence. A fucking white picket fence. Dean's face turned red in an instant.
"Is this where you want to live from now on?" Cas asked while looking around, not even noticing Dean's embarrassment.
"Seems like it is," Dean shot back, his voice a little more grumpy than usual.
"It's beautiful," Cas answered, before he looked at Dean again, his face turning serious.
"Do you want to... live alon-"
"God, Cas, are you fucking kidding me? Don't even think about leaving me again or I'll find you just to stab you."
"Wouldn't be the first time," Cas mumbled, but there was a huge, loving smile on his face, and Dean couldn't do anything else than to smile back.
"Let's get inside then," Cas said and squeezed Dean's hand, and the former hunter nodded and followed quickly. Cas was back, finally, and Dean wasn't a coward for once. He'd been honest about his feelings, and for the first time in his life, there was nothing that could destroy his happiness. No monster, no sudden death, nothing. It was just Cas and him. Cas, angel of the lord, soldier of God, who loved him. Him, just a human, a tiny, little human. Dean couldn't believe his luck. He followed Cas inside the house, and when he turned around to close the door, he exhaled. This was heaven, right here, with Cas, the man he loved. Finally, he was at peace. Finally, he was home.
Tag list: @sam--ships--it @green-blue-heller @professorerudite @foolsdreamhigh @jmjlover @spnmrvlshrlck @melly-the-crazy-coconut @thebluelynxx @lulu-zodiac @bigartpuppy @charliesfandomlife
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shelby-love · 4 years
I'm Holy. Get it?
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Requested: no
Prompts: none (all lines are from the movie save for the reader’s + some other)
Warning(s): I'd say if you haven't watched HP movie 7 don't read this but I mean...  
[Y/FN or Y/MN] is your father’s name or your mother’s name, whichever you prefer :)
Word count: 2.6K
Author's note: This is set directly in the first part of the ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 1′ movie (Polyjuice scenes and arriving at the Burrow after the Sky battle). Reader reacts to George's injury kinda thing. I highly recommend rewatching those specific scenes so you get the feels:
Arrival at Privet Drive (watch first 50 seconds)
Full Polyjuice scenes
The Sky Battle (watch all if you want)
The Order at the Burrow after the Sky Battle
This is by far my favourite one-shot out of all of my work and it took me a while to write it so please like, reblog and let me know what you think! P.S. if you’re up for me to write a part 2, that one shot will be set before, during and after the wedding <3
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Darkness set around Privet Drive seemed to be rippling, the air wafting all around. The Dursley's house, home of the famous chosen boy Harry came into view only as the brooms lowered to the ground. Not only brooms, in three cases skeletal, black winged horses too. Hagrid dominated the scene, sitting in an enormous motorbike you had begged him to give you a ride on, with goggles and a helmet set on his bearded face.
Despite not arriving in the motorbike, you had flown on the next best thing - a broom, with arms wrapped around your boyfriend, face nested against his shoulder and a million sweet nothings whispered into your ears on the way over.
You were pleased to say the least.
One by one, you lifted the Disillusionment Charms, coming into view for Harry Potter to see through the window of his room.
George Weasley dismounted the broom with ease, helping you off by letting you put your hand on his strong shoulders.
Harry pulled the front door open, eyes wide upon hearing Hermione screech and fling her arms around him. Ron: the next best thing how George and Fred always say, clapped his best friend's back and waltzed into the house after Hermione.
You stood outside, holding George's hand, body molded against his and watched the scenes unfold with the rest of the Order - Bill, Fleur, Tonks, Lupin, Arthur, Mad-Eye Moody, Kingsley, Fred and George. You were accompanied by Mundungus Fletcher: a small, dirty man with droopy eyes and hair that was non-existent. Behind Mad-Eye stood a slender man in a dark suit, having just dismounted the third winged horse. He was handsome, so to speak, with black hair brushed behind and dark glasses shielding his eyes.
"Who wears sunglasses at midnight?" Fred had mumbled when he saw the man for the first time at the headquarters. You laughed immediately, agreeing by throwing a joke of your own.
George was protective; he made sure you weren't close to either of them as you followed the rest of the Order inside. As was Bill, his older brother, who had a hand on his fiancée's back, ushering her inside while placing himself as a human shield against Mundungus and the stranger. You were thankful for George, just like Fleur for Bill - you saw it in her eyes when you made it inside the small, family home that was once filled with furniture.
"Hello, Harry. Bill Weasley," said the oldest brother, hand extended for Harry to take.
"Ah, pleasure to meet you," this was the first time Harry had met the oldest Weasley and he shook his hand immediately and gave Fleur a hug right after.
"Wasn't always this handsome." Fred teased, pushing through the small crowd of people.
"Dead ugly," Your boyfriend added, holding your hand, and pushing you in front of him as the auror walked in right after you three did.
You released George's hand and came in to give Harry a hug, who you considered to be your close friend. "Are you going back to Hogwarts?" The boy asked you, knowing you were as old as him and his closest friends.
You shook your head, "My parents are in the Order as much as I am. I'll go when we defeat him. At least that's what I have planned."
"Of course, she'll go," Hermione interjected, not wanting to take the N.E.W.T. alone.
"No, she'll work with me," George butted in the conversation, grinning. "She'll be our salesman."
"Or saleswoman!" Fred voiced somewhere around the house.
Your lips spread into a grin instinctively as you placed a hand into George's already extended one and joined him somewhere else, letting Harry get to know a little bit more about Bill and his scar.
"-the joker," the last of Tonks' words made their way into your ears. The bubbly woman came to stand next to you. "By the way, wait until you hear the news! Remus and I are -"
"All right, all right!" Mad-Eye interrupted Tonks mid-sentence. You gave her a smile and a glance at her belly. She smiled in return. "You’ll all have time for a cozy catch-up later! We’ve got to get the hell out of here and soon!"
"What news?" George leaned in and whispered into your ear, Fred leaning in too.
"Doesn't matter," You told him. It was Tonks' announcement, not yours.
"Babe, pleasee," he whined, but you stood your ground and elbowed him in his abs.
George yelped behind you, drawing in attention. The adults turned around to look but he composed himself immediately, placing on a carefree smile and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, brushing them all off with the actions.
You missed half the conversation about the Trace the Ministry had on every underage witch and wizard. You thankfully didn't have the Trace for several months now but you did pity Harry in that aspect. The Trace was not an easy pill to swallow for an underage wizard like himself.
"The real one...?"
Moody drew a flask from one of his pockets.
"I believe you're familiar with this particular brew."
"No! Absolutely not!"
Hermione sighed, "I told you he'd take it well."
Harry, the always humble boy shook his head. You didn't see his face because you stood in the back, but you could imagine it very well. "If you think I'm going to let people risk their lives for me-"
"Never done that before, have we?" Ron mumbled, rather audibly so that everyone heard him.
"This is different. Taking that. Becoming me - no."
"Well, none of us really fancy it, mate." Fred said earnestly.
"Yeah imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as scrawny, specky gits forever." Your boyfriend added after him.
Harry didn't smile at that.
But you did - and that was enough for the Weasley twins.
You focused on the conversation that went on, cringing with George when Mundungus started to speak.
Suddenly, Hermione mercilessly grabbed a tuft of Harry's jet-black hair, yanking several pieces out and placing the strands into the flask.
"Blimey Hermione!"
Moody held out the flask in which the potion was connecting itself to the strands of hair. The mud like liquid gave an awfully displeasing imitation of brewing, but it turned to gold liquid soon and you let out a breath of relief.
But relief was soon replaced with dread as you realized what awaited you. Instinctively, you stepped back only to crash into George who had stepped behind you, knowing what you would do. Your boyfriend placed his hands on your shoulders and walked you to stand in line with the rest of soon-to-be-fake-Harry-Potters. "You aren't going anywhere luv."
George slapped your shoulders for effect.
"For those of you who haven't taken Polyjuice Potion before, fair warning. It tastes like goblin piss."
You visibly shuddered as you stood between the twins, Moody's fake eye catching you in a locked gaze.
"Have a lot of experience with that, do you, Mad-Eye?"
Moody's eye switches from you onto Fred. "Just trying to defuse the tension."
Fred gingerly took a sip, cringing in distaste immediately after.
He tried to hand the flask over to you, but you shook your head and dashed over to stand after George, not before him.
Why didn't he start from the other end of the line?
You were fine with standing next to Mungundus - the petty criminal, just not with taking a sip of that potion.
"My girlfriend's just scared," George smiled apologetically, still trying to defuse the tension just like his brother.
Both twins shrinked immediately after drinking it, and you swallowed the remains of your saliva and took the flask from your now very short boyfriend. "Cheers." You muttered, taking a small sip from the flask.
"That's not nearly enough! Blimey drink some more!" Mad-Eye barked at you and you did as he said, taking a much bigger sip this time round.
He finally nodded and stepped aside.
You felt your features bubble up uncomfortably, until the transformation ended, and 8 Harry Potters stood in the kitchen that had once belonged to Harry's evil muggle caretakers.
"Wow - we're identical!" Fred and George said at the same.
"Not yet you aren't," Moody mumbled, pulling out the sacks with eight identical sets of clothes.
You, Fleur and Hermione grabbed for the clothes immediately, your bras suddenly feeling everything but comfortable against your now flat chest.
"Don't have something a bit more sporty, do you?'" George asked, looking at the red shirt puzzled.
"Yes, don't fancy this color at all." Fred agreed.
"Fancy this: You're not you, so shut it and strip." Mad-eye exclaimed, turning to Harry. "You'll need to change too, Potter."
Harry looks around and self-consciously begins to strip. The other in takers of the potion had no concern when they stripped off their clothes. As for you, when you glanced underneath the shirt and indeed saw that your breasts were no longer there, you had no problem when taking off your shirt and bra. Any ounce of self-consciousness that was there disappeared once coming to terms that the body wasn't yours.
"Harry," you started, your voice the only thing left that was your own save for the clothes you were currently taking off. "Sorry for exposing you like this. But if it makes you feel any better...you have a nice body?"
You didn't really know to which Harry you were talking to, but one look at the Harry who didn't smile, the one that looked rather angry was enough to know he wasn't the real Harry. It was George. "I mean...that's kind of a compliment to you too... Right Fred?"
"It's a compliment," A different Harry but with Fred's voice said. "Take it or leave it George."
"Help me with this?" You decided to say instead, your cheeks flushing red as you turned around to give George space to unclip your bra.
"Never thought, I'd see the day Harry helps himself take off a bra," Ron mumbled with a laugh, having just finished commenting about his best friend's non existing tattoo.
"Shut it, Ron." Harry's voice came from somewhere amongst the crowd. Real Harry's voice.
George then helped you put on your red shirt in a haste, just now starting to smile. "I'm helping Harry Potter with his clothes the same way I would help my girlfriend."
"But it is me you dimwit!"
"Right then," Moody started to talk again, just after George helped you with your jacket. "We'll be pairing off. Each Potter will have a protector. As for you, Harry..."
"Yes?" Every Potter, real and fake, said in unison.
"The real Harry! Where the devil are you, anyway?"
"Here." The real Harry raised his hand and Moody's eyes rotated onto him.
"You'll ride with Hagrid." He said, "As for [Y/FN or Y/MN]'s kid... Where in the bloody hell are you even?"
Hearing those words, you raised a shaky hand. "I'm here sir."
"Good," Mad-Eye took note. "You'll be going with Ren on one of the thestrals."
The dark figure you and George so desperately tried to avoid stepped into the room right at that moment. "Yes, Ren. He's one of our best Aurors. Good and loyal - exactly the ones that are the hardest to find."
"O-kay," You said uneasily and turned around to face George. As weird as it sounded, fake Harrys holding comforting hands weren't a weird sight if you imagined hard enough to see George and Y/N.
That's what you did at that moment at least.
Held Harry's hand and tried to imagine George.
"Let's go."
"I'll see you at the Burrow, okay?" You told George, voice laced with worry.
"I would kiss you right now if you didn't look like Harry," He said.
You nodded in understanding, "Me too George. Me too."
The two of you went to your respective protectors - George with Remus and you with Ren.
You ignored the man when you came up to him and only gave him a look when he was supposed to help you up on the calm horse like creature.
"Hang on tight," was the last thing he said before the thestral flew the moment Moody finished counting.
You did hold him, only not as closely like on the broom with George.
"Confringo!" You yelled, holding out your wand in the direction of the Death Eaters. A bright blast flew out of your wand, hitting one of Voldemort's followers and sending him off his broom to be eaten away by the wind.
They were catching up to you, not bothered by the aggressive sways of the wind. Whether the thestral was acting out in fear or in rage - you wouldn't know.
"We're almost there!"
True to his words, the two of you broke through the protective spells of the headquarters, landing somewhere on the land, away from the Burrow.
You heaped off the thestral immediately. "Do you really plan on walking all the way back?"
You didn't know what to tell Ren as you continued to walk on unsteady legs. Your brain was mushed, fried even due to the number of curses you evaded and had been struck with.
"I-I..." You started, but words weren't coming out. "We're the last ones to arrive. I'm sure of it!"
"What difference does that make?"
"What difference..." You repeated, not believing what he was saying. "They maybe think we're dead! George might-"
George might think I'm dead.
It crushed your whole being. The lingering thought that they might not be okay...
"Come back," Ren interjected, slashing through your mind with his words. "We'll be faster on the thestral."
As much as you didn't want him to be right...he was. And so you turned back around and grabbed his hand, sitting back on the thestral - cold and scared for everyone's lives.
Especially George's.
"Oi! Let her go! Let her go!"
Remus Lupin ignored everyone as he pointed the tip of his wand to you, sending your still very Harry looking body hurling to the ground.
In the end it was Fred, George's older twin, who had marched out of the house and pushed Remus away. Fred looked like himself again, making it all ten times scarier. You had tears in your eyes as he pointed his wand at you and never felt so threatened in your life. "What was the place where you first met George and me?!"
His screaming had you struggling for words. "Answer me!"
"Filch's office you bloody dung brain!" You screamed back, feeling your face return back to normal.
Fred's face softened instantly as he came down to help you up. He hugged you the moment you were back standing. "Fred, what's going on?"
"It's George."
"Where is he?" You barged into the cramped house, looking around the whole place frantically. You followed Fred into the sitting room, where Molly had tended to her injured son when he was first brought in.
George lied on the couch, his bleeding had stopped thanks to his mother, but under the light you saw a clean hole where George's ear had been.
You dropped to your knees by his side immediately.
You could practically see the struggle he had with opening his eyes which he never had trouble with before, especially not when he was trying to look at you.
"How is he?"
Fred answered glancing at the bandages, "It could have been much worse. We can't make the ear grow back since it was removed by dark magic."
You shook your head, wiping your tears with the sides of your index fingers before brushing George's hair out of the way. "He wouldn't want you to."
"Yeah," Fred agreed. "He's a tough nut."
You voiced your agreement with your laugh, "Yeah, he is."
The two of you admired George in silence for a few moments. The room has been cleared, leaving only the three of you there. "I'm sorry for jumping on you like that."
It wasn't common for Fred to be so serious, and because you didn't even want to think about your arrival, you gave him a small smile, "It's okay Fred. I would have done the same."
"I know."
"What did he say?" You asked quietly, "Before he passed out."
"That he was holy."
"Yep," Fred said, the teasing tone to his voice returning as he pointed to his ear for demonstration. "Holy. You get it?"
"Thank God! He's alright!"
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Tags (general (all posts)): @fofisstilinski @short-potato @miranda0102  @httphiddlestan @caromichaela @xx-missunicorn-xx @jemmakates @theravenclawmarauder @httphiddlestan @tclaerh @chefdoeuvre @abimoon @sofiasamps @princxss-fia @thirstykpophoe​
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p.s. tumblr is being a b again and isn’t allowing me to tag people 
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sunshinee0-0 · 3 years
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Paring: Seo Changbin x GN Reader
Warnings ⚠: Cursing, mention of butt, farm animals, friend's to lovers, kissing and mention of wanting to kiss somebody.
Word count: 2,833
AN: Ah! I'm so sorry this took forever @i-say-choco-you-say-ice-cream and i hope this is kinda like your dream! This is now named my longest fic and thank you for the inspiration :) anyways I hope you like bickering with Changbin. Enjoy
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"Come on Binnie, hurry up." You yell as you watch Changbin speed walk towards you, "You know. Mrs Kim wont like us being late." You sing.
Changbin playfully hits your arm, "If she scolds us i'm going to blame it one you!", "What did I do? If anything she should scold you!" He scoffs, "I'm not the one who took a 20 minute shower." You gasp dramatically, "I only took 5 minutes in the shower!", "Yeah times 4." He says without missing a beat.
Without notices you guys make it to the sweet old lady's house. Changbin nocks onto the door a few times before the door opens reviling a skinny old lady. "What took you guys for ever?" She questions glaring at the of you both. Like he said, Changbin points at you and blames, "It was their fault, they took 20 minutes in the shower.", you poke Changbin's arm before grumbling, "I didn't take 20 minutes in the shower. He took 30 minutes picking out an outfit and doing his hair."
She looks between the both of you before signing, "You guys are a hand full." Shaking her head, she walks away before adding, "Get inside and close the door, we don't live in a damn barn!" You and Changbin giggle and laugh at that statement considering that the only reason you guys are there is because of the barn she does own. Although she is great company.
Mrs Kim grabs a few things before going out the back door and yelling at you guys to follow her. You and Changbin quickly make your way towards her. Stopping by her side, you give her a questioning stare once she looks over at you. "How else are we going to get to the farm?" Your eyes go widen in realization that she owns all this land. Looking behind you at the house, it starts to look tiny and tinier as you guys make your way towards the farm.
"Also, Y/n honey you left your bike here.", "Oh I did? I was looking for it everywhere!",you respond "We' where looking for it everywhere." Changbin corrects. You shove his shoulder before continuing, "Thank you Mrs Kim-" he shoves you right back, glaring at him you repeat his action, which makes him push you back and you do the same.
Mrs Kim coughs to get your attention, once your eyes are on her she glares at the both of you. You give her a sheepish look in return whispering a quite sorry. She signs before changing the subject, "You know my husband use to own this farm before he passed."  You look at her a apologetically before you quietly apologize, "I so sorry-", "We are so sorry." Changbin corrects again. You glare at him in response before whispering, "Not the time Binnie, not the time." He mumbles a quiet sorry back before Mrs Kim continues.
"He really loved this farm." She says, you didn't notice that you guys had arrived. She takes out a key chain full of keys, trying to figure our which one belongs to the barn. "He would wake up at the butt crack of dawn just so he could feed all the animals and water all the plants." Finally being able to pick the right one, she unlocks the door before continuing. "He was the nicest man I had ever met, had the kindest heart, that's why I fell in love with him."
She walks into the barn making her way towards the horse stable, the two of you trailing behind her. She stops in front of a white doted horse as Changbin excuse himself and goes to get bucket of water. You make your way towards the hay stack and grab one. She continues as she softly pets the old horse.
"He really loved Mingy." She signs, "He loved all the animals, but she really stud out to him." She moves out of the way so you could drop to stack of hay inside of the stable. Changbin makes his towards the two of you, carrying two buckets of water, he moves to give Mingy her own  and does the same to Mina.
"I am so sorry for your lost Mrs Kim and I'm sure he was an amazing person." You smile at her as you drop Mina some hay as well. She waves you off before reassuring, "It's alright.", "How about I tend to these two old sillies and you guys can tend to the chickens, yeah?" You look at her with worried eyes, wanting to know if she was okay all alone. "I'm old but I know how to take care of two older horse's." You know that she can, but that's not what your worried about. "I'll race ya, last on there is a rotten egg." Changbin cuts off your thoughts, "Hey- wait your cheating!" You run after him.
Mrs Kim shakes her head before whispering to Mingy, " Ah~ Young love"
You bend over to catch your breath as you glare at Changbin. He smirks at you, hand on his hip, "I guess your to slow Y/n." Glaring at him, you make your way towards him, "I am not slow! Y-", "Am to!" , "Am not! Your just a cheater." You poke his chest accusingly. "I am not!", "You are so!" Changbin glares at you before softly poking your nose, "Don't blame your slowness on me!", he turn to tend to the chickens like he was told."I'm not slow! Your just a cheater!"
Your day was full of farm animals and Changbin's annoying voice, and surprisingly it was better then you thought it was going to be. Sitting at the dinner table while Mrs Kim prepares a dinner, you and Changbin argue about if avocados where fruits. "They have seeds!", "So what? Their vegetables" "They are not!", "They are so!", "Binnie! They are not! Just like how tomato's are fruits because they also have seeds, like strawberries and blueberries. And every other fruit."
"Wait... tomatoes are fruits..?" Huffing you get up for the table and making your way towards the front door. "Wait!?!" Changbin gets out of his seat a bit to fast making his chair scrape against the floor, you and Mrs Kim wince at the sound it makes. "Me and Y/n are going to the beach." He announces to Mrs Kim, grabbing his jacket.
"I'm just trying to go somewhere without him." Mrs Kim looks at you pointedly before she nags, "Make sure to come back before supper." You nod and Changbin gives her a thumbs up and reassures her, "Don't worry Mrs Kim, we'll be back before you know it." She nods and does back to doing whatever she was doing. As you guys walk out. Changbin decides to speak up, "Hey Y/n? How come bananas don't have seeds?" Changbin looks confused as you lead him out of the house.
His eyes go wide, "Wait a minute, are they vegetables?" Shaking your head, you pat him on the back before an amazing thought runs around in your head. "Race ya!" And with that your off. He watches as you run towards the beach, once he realizes what you've said he's running after you screaming, "You cheater!!"
Changbin watches you cross your arms as he catches his breath, "I win!", "You do not!" "I do so!!", "You cheated!" You scoff, "Just like you did at the farm." Changbin opens his mouth before closing it again, he softly grabs your wrist and leds you towards the beach line. "Just shut up and look at the ocean or something." Changbin watches as you turn your head to watch the waves crash against the sand. He watches as the wind takes pieces of your hair. He turns his head and signs to himself as he remembers that the two of you are just friends and nothing more will come out of it.
You look back at Changbin as you notice the way his eyes look a bit distant as he looks at the sand, you notice the sun gently creasing his face making him look like some kind of god. What you don't notice is the way your cheeks heat up and turn a bright pink. Huffing to yourself, you turn towards the sea again and your eye catches something..is that a bird?
Squinting at it you notice it was a bird, what was it called again? Hero? Herman?You have know idea but you hit Changbin's arm repeatedly trying to get his attention. "Ow- Y/n stop hitting me." He whines, "Changbin look, look" you point at the bird sitting on a pillar minding its own business. "What- Y/n its just a bird." He deadpans, "I know but what was it called again? A hero...a..", "You mean a heron?" "Yes! Yes! Take a picture!", "Y/n it's just a bird-", "I know but just take the damn picture!" He signs before taking out his phone and snapping a picture of the peaceful bird.
"There happy?" He questions showing you the photo, you happily agree before looking at the time. "Oh shoot, Binnie its almost dinner time.", "I'll race ya? It will be fair this time?" You agree before the both you start running towards her house.
Once the both of you arrive at front of her house the two of you are already start playfully arguing, "I win!", "You do not!", "Do so!" Entering the house there's already two plates full of food waiting for the both of you two get seated. Mrs Kim is already sitting in her seat waiting for the two of you with a pen and a crossword puzzle. "Ah, there you two are." She puts her pen down and waits for the two of you to sit down.
Once seated she says a quick prayer before digging in, you and Changbin also dig in once she's done.
The dinner table was lively as you and Changbin talk about what happened at the beach and Mrs Kim talks about the thing she did when she was younger. Changbin talked about some of his friends and his job. Mrs looks over at you and speaks, "So Y/n What do you want to do once you get your degree?" You think for a few minutes before answering, "I don't know, I kinda want to become a writer."
"I don't think people read books anymore Y/n" Changbin teases, "No, you just don't read books anymore." You tease right back. "Hey I read!", "Yeah when your forced to." Changbin looks offended before shoving some rice into his mouth.
After dinner you and Changbin offer to clean the dishes, which she agrees on. While the two of you are cleaning Mrs Kim puts on some kind of K-drama that immediately pulls you in. So you start watching the drama while trying to do the dishes. Changbin gets bored after an hour of watching the so called 'boring show' and starts to flick water at you.
Turning to look at the manic that just got you wet, you flick some water at him in return. He smirks at you before dipping his hand in the water and flicking you back. You repeat his actions and flick him back. He starts to laugh quietly and does the same to you, and soon enough the both of you are covered in water and soap laughing as Mrs Kim goes and grabs a bunch of towels.
Once You and Changbin are done drying the floors and finishing the dishes, you go to the bathroom to dry up and Changbin waits with Mrs Kim, you hear some chattering going one as you dry off and change clothes. After a few minutes you walk out in fresh clothes that we're left in Changbin car, once you get out he goes in. You sit on the couch next to Mrs Kim and thank her, "Thank you for today Mrs Kim." She gives you a kind smile and you continue, "I would love to stay but I have to head home." She looks at the time. "Y/n honey, its 11:55 and its already very dark, how about you stay here? It wont be very safe to go out."
It takes a bit of convincing for you to agree. "Alright..." You sigh and Mrs Kim does a little cheer. "You can share the spare bedroom with Changbin.", "Changbin? He's staying to?", "Yeah, I had to convince him as well." She mutters something that you don't catch. Changbin walks out wearing a grey shirt and some sweats. "She convinced you as well?" You nod your head as he signs, "Thought so."
The three of you are quiet before Mrs Kim speaks up, "The spare bedroom is in the hallway to the left, if you need anything..well you know where everything is already." She bids you two goodnight and heads to her room, you two find the spare bedroom which only has one bed. But the two of you don't really mind, seeing as you guys have shared beds before. But to you it feels a little different seeing as the last time you did share a bed was when you where 10 and didn't have the fattest crush on him.
Changbin makes you take the side closer to the wall because he 'didn't want the closet monsters to get you' which makes you laugh. But in reality he just wanted to be closer to the outlet. Once he turns out the light, he runs towards the bed and jumps on it, "The monsters almost got me Y/n" and that makes you laugh even more. "Y/nnn!! Stop laughing! It was a life or death solution!" He whines. You shakes your head trying to mask your laughter, "Alright alright, i'll stop laughing at you."
He grins, something you don't catch because of the dark. "Good night Y/n~" You turn over to face the wall, "Good night Binnie." There's some shuffling behind before you feel Changbin's arms around you. "Y/n?" His voice is a bit more serious, "Yeah?", you hear him sign. "I don't want...I really...I just.." You hear him sign once more before he speaks up again, "I really cherish our friendship, and i'm really really lucky to have you." He leans his head on top of your as he tightens his hold. "But I want more- and I know its selfish, but just this once." Your heart beats repeatedly against your chest and you wonder if he can hear it as well, maybe feel it.
"Binnie what do you mean?" You know exactly what he means but you still ask. He draws invisible shapes on your arm as he speaks, "What I mean is..I want to be able to kiss you, be able to hug you, be able to call you mine." Your face lights up a bright red and your heart is beating to fast for your brain to comprehend. Words run though your head as you think on what to say, "You always hug me though..." And that's all that comes out. He chuckles before snuggling his face into your neck, warm breath hitting your skin. "You know what I mean." There a silence and the only thing you can here is your heart and Changbin's breathing.
"I like you too." You whisper so quietly that you think he didn't hear you but he did. He hums a soft low hum and you feel his smile as he responds back, "Good." And that's all he says, all you say. The room envelops in a comfortable quietness as you smile as well. A tiny soft simile, closing your eyes, you snuggle closer to Changbin.
The sun glares at you through the currents telling you to get up. You feel for Changbin only to be met with nothing, signing you get out of bed to go look for hin. Finding him in the kitchen making coffee, you walk towards him. "Good morning Binnie" you yawn stretching, before you give him a back hug leaning your head onto his back, "Morning beautiful, would you like some coffee?" You blush at the nickname. "Yeah..i could use, some uh coffee." He lowly hums and it rumbles with in his chest. "I thought you liked tea?", "I do I just need something to uh wake me up." He laughs and turns around to face you, you hear the coffee pour into the mug as you stare into his alluring eyes.
He cups your cheeks as you stare at him wide eyed a bit shocked. "You look so cute." He mutters, leaning his forehead against yours, "May I kiss you?" You shake your head repeatedly afraid if you talked you would stumble over your words. He leans in, his soft on yours. Pulling back a bit to soon, he leans his forehead against yours. The both of you didn't say a single word but you both knew that you where in love.
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
I loved your Marvel x Resident Evil Village crossover
Thank you! It was so much fun to write!
And since even @theuselesslezbian wanted a part 2.
Here you go!
After your phone call with Tony. You fell asleep with a lighter heart. The constant fear that you would get transported out of this world and back to your old one, gone like the wind.
You wake up and hum as sunlight comes through your window. You smile at your phone then get off your bed. You stretch your body before changing your clothes. Ones that you bought from the Duke weeks ago. You go downstairs and see that Donna is already preparing breakfast.
"Good morning, Donna." You greet and she turns to you.
"Good morning, Y/N." You nod then clear your throat.
"Donna, I have-"
"That can wait till later." She gives you a tray and you look down on it. "Breakfast first." You follow her and look around.
"Where's Angie?" Donna hums.
"Playing with the other dolls."
"Oh. That's nice." Donna nods then sits. You place the tray on the table. You sit across her and begin taking the plates off the tray. You and Donna begin eating in silence. She seems so relaxed while you were tense. Donna finished first and she was waiting for you.
"You-" You clear your throat.
"If you don't mind it. Please let me stay!" You bow your head so much that it hit the table with a thud. It hurts but you endure through it. "My friend who teleported me said that I could stay and well I-" you blush and look at her. "I have to be honest if you don't mind."
"I don't mind."
"I actually like you! Like really like you! And I... I would like to stay here if you don't mind." When you don't get an answer for the next few seconds. You begin to panic. "If you do mind, of course I can leave!"
'Shit was that what she was going to tell me??? Fuck! And I interrupted her! Damn it! Kill me right now!' Just then Donna cries and you panic even more.
"D-Donna!? What's wrong? Do you-"
"I was actually going to convince you." She wipes her tears and you calm down.
"To what?"
"To stay here with me." She smiles and you felt your heart skip. "When I'm with you, I just feel happy and safe. Like I could do anything." She blushes and you suppress the urge to squeal nor hug her. "So I wanted you to stay."
"Do-Does that mean? Do you like me too?" She blushes even more then uses her hands to cover her face.
"Yes. I do." You sit right next to her then hug her.
"Then yes. I'll stay."
"Finally! It just took you fucking forever!" Both you and Donna turn and see Angie... With most of the dolls. They were all watching and both you and Donna blush. "We've been waiting for days!" You groan then hide your face on Donna's shoulder.
"I hate and love Angie at the same time." Donna giggles as she rubs your back.
You're with Angie as Donna tasked the both of you to buy some stuff from the village.
You were just looking at something when all of your instincts just screamed at you. You turn to a direction and gulp. There was... A giant lady. Angie squeals then gets off your back.
"Alcina! Long time no see! Where's Bela, Cass and Dani!?" The tall woman, Alcina, it seems, picks Angie up carefully then chuckles.
"They're resting today, dear. They just finished hunting yesterday you see."
"Oh! Then can we come visit them today!? Or tomorrow!? They can finally meet Y/N!"
"Y/N? And who may that be?" You clear your throat and they both turn to you.
"That'll be me... Erm... Lady..."
"Dimitrescu, dear. At least you know proper titles." You chuckle.
"Donna kinda warned me about that. Nice to make your acquaintance."
"You as well. Then shall we expect the three of you tomorrow?" Angie nods eagerly then jumps to you. You thankfully manage to catch her.
"We'll definitely go!"
"Then we shall get to know each other, Y/N." You nod.
"See you tomorrow."
You gulp as you look at the looming castle. You didn't even know that it existed?? How the fuck did you miss this??
'Oh... Right. I was too busy admiring Donna.'
"Let's go! Let's go!" You and Donna look at each other then laugh.
"You're too excited for this, Angie."
"Oh shut up! It's been too long since I played with Dani! Also Cass is very fast! And Bela is gentle with me! I like them!"
"Does that mean that you don't like me?"
"I do, idiot! You play with me! You act like you're not but you're really fast! And you're gentle with Donna! I like you for her!" By the time her rant was over, you were blushing and hiding your face. Donna giggles as you all continue the hike to the castle.
"Isn't this a little big though? Although to be fair, Lady Dimitrescu is a tall person."
"Yeah! But it's okay! The mazes are fun! And the library is so cozy!"
"Oh, nice! A library. I already read all the books back at home." Donna stops for a second and you don't even notice. You called her house your home. The thought makes her blush but thankfully Angie lets it go. And you were too busy admiring the view to notice.
The three of you finally arrive and a maid greets you. The same maid also escorts you to where the Dimitrescus were.
The first one to spot the three of you were a redhead who immediately squeals and lunges at Donna. You quickly switch places with her so she tackles you instead. You groan as you hit the floor. Angie laughs as Donna panics. You look at the redhead and she smiles.
"A new person! Who are you!?" You sit as she gets off you and sigh.
"I'm Y/N. Y/N Y/LN. Donna's... Housemate?"
"Housemate!? You liar! You're her girlfriend!" You and Donna blush because you did confess to each other but haven't decided on labels or anything yet.
"Angie!" Donna scolds Angie who just shrugs. Angie gets off Donna then sits on Bela's lap. You stand then glare at her.
"Y/N. Donna. I'm glad you both made it today." You and Donna turn to Alcina. You both smile and nod. She gestures to the couch and you both take a seat.
"Dani! Let's play hide and seek!" Dani, the redhead squeals then quickly gets out of the room and Angie follows.
"That was Daniela. My youngest." You hum as a maid pours both you and Donna a cup of tea. "This is Bela." She pats the blonde's head who smiles at you. "The eldest."
"I'm Cassandra. But you can call me Cass."
"You're the middle child, huh?"
"Yep." You all hear Daniela's scream or laughter? You then see Cassandra turn into a swarm of flies? What? Then said swarm go outside the room. You look shocked then turn to Alcina.
"That's one of their abilities." Oh.
"Is the other eating people?" Alcina chuckles as she sips her tea.
"That we need for survival."
"Oh. How unfortunate." You sip your own cup.
You were carrying Donna and Angie home. Angie got tired because she was playing the whole time with the three sisters. While Donna got drunk quickly when Alcina opened a bottle of her finest wine.
'She's such a lightweight.' You smile as you hike back to your home.
Meeting the family!!!
Yes, I'm going to do everyone.
Yes, even Mother Miranda.
An Avenger vs. A cult leader.
Also, what is reader's powers/abilities?
Comments and thoughts are always welcome!
Thank you for reading!
If you can, please buy me a coffee.
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vegalocity · 3 years
Secret kisses and Touching 2, 14, 22, 23, and 44. Secret Silktea relationship, except both spider fam and Monkey fam actually know! Half of them don’t care enough to say anything (Pigsy,Tang,Spider Queen,Wukong,Syntax) while the other half wants them to reveal it when they’re ready (Min Yi,MK,Mei,Goliath,Sis) - Pixel Anon
Affection meme
49. secret kisses
2. running fingers through hair
14.putting an arm around the other’s waist
22.falling asleep on the other’s shoulder
23. carrying the other one in their arms
44.sitting on the other’s lap
this took me forever to put together because for some ungodly reason i couldn't figure out the scenario
so i decided on a little vignette compilation of sorts
They knew what they were doing.
Of course they knew what they were doing. It was in either of their best interests to keep this a secret. Just because the clan had stopped their crusade to take over the city and their queen had dialed down the ‘revenge’ ideas, didn’t mean there wasn’t still bad blood between his clan and Sandy’s family.
And it wasn’t too difficult, it just meant that when they were all working together for some greater threat or whatever that they’d have to be sneaky. It was easy stealth was one of Huntsman’s greatest Attributes and suspecting Blue of anything was like suspecting a small dog of knocking over a bulldozer.
It wasn’t too hard to simply keep their hands to themselves. Or at least, it wasn’t hard for Sandy, Huntsman was quickly finding his self control lacking in regard to being in such a situation with his… well, with him. But could anyone blame him? Blue was more or less the hottest guy he’d ever ran into before and he was kinda-sorta DATING him! How could he not want to climb that like a tree at all times?
Especially when he was always being so stupidly fucking charming. Sure the ‘needlessly nice’ stuff wasn’t something he particularly appreciated, but it was starting to grow on him, if only on the amount of restraint he must have to keep it up all the time.
Soooo yeah maybe he was purposefully pushing their luck a little, but in his defense he wanted to see how much desire based frustration it would take before ol’ Blue would just pin him against a wall and make him regret wondering.
Syntax had shooed him away from being a nuisance at his worktable, so naturally, Huntsman had to go be a nuisance at someone else’s worktable. Thankfully Sandy was far more agreeable to the company, and thankfully the bid of ‘Bugging Syntax first’ kept his alibi solid. He wasn’t just going over to see Blue he just wanted to be a louse and his normal target had already locked him out of his room. And so nobody really suspected anything when he started to peer over Sandy’s side to watch him tighten this or that thing on this or that device.
And it was pretty damn fun to see just how much of a ‘nuisance’ he could be. This particular bout resulting ih Huntsman being pressed against the car engine Blue had been working on, feeling the orange hair slide between his claws and messing up the stylized mohawk and shuddering when he felt those huge hands almost entirely encompass either of his thighs while keeping him aloft. He hissed through his teeth as he felt Blue give one of his legs a testing squeeze and rolled his hips forward a bit-
“Fish Demon? I need to get another set of eyes on these schematics or I'll actually go insane.” By the time Syntax looked up from his clipboard Sandy was working on the engine again and Huntsman was leaning against his work area and had barely had the opening to whip out one of his knives and his portable sharpener.
Though Sandy’s hair was unable to be fixed and fell to a side as he smiled at Syntax and took the offered blueprints from him.
He wasn’t a big fan of those domestic snatches of time, he wasn’t.
It was mostly an instinctual response, Spiders were pack bonders, so of course when his internal senses started categorizing Sandy as ‘pack’ then he’d relax without intending to while being pulled in with a hand on his waist.
Which was definitely the reason why he was curled up to Sandy’s side, the cool slick feeling of his scales strange against his more leather-like skin. That stupid instinct was the only real reason why he felt so comfortable and like he could practically fall asleep like this.
He felt Blue’s hand gently start running up and down his side and dammit that wasn’t playing fair, it wasn’t his fault that he had been having sleeping problems lately and was rapidly getting drowsy.
He could feel Blue’s hum as the world started to drift away-
“Hey Sandy what do you think- Uhhhh”
“Oh, hello Xiaotian.”
“You know you’ve got a spider on you, right?”
“Oh yeah, Looked like he was having some paranoia problems, took a bit of wheedling to get out but Huntsman here was up for like four days straight ‘till now!”
“Did… Did you slip him your sleepy tea?”
“Of course not! That would be super unethical! Also I'm pretty sure he’s still semi conscious and passively listening without any critical thought right now since he only just dozed off and would probably wake up angry if he overheard anything like that!”
“....right… so anyway-”
The brat knew.
Dammit he knew the brat knew. She definitely fucking knew.
He should have known better than to try anything with that Professional Snoop underfoot. But He’d had plans with Blue before having to get stuck with the brat tonight because the Queen needed Syntax’s expertise and the Sister was on shift at work and Goliath already had plans doing who knows what, and he was stuck with Minyi since he ‘didn’t have any plans’
He’d dragged his feet on the idea of cancelling with Blue, but he’d fucking done it so nobody could say he didn’t contribute to the upkeep of their clan’s youngest. It was just his luck that Sandy had been fine with coming over instead, and the brat had overheard some of the conversation and got excited about ‘Mr Sandy’ coming over to visit. The brat had insisted on stringing some of her fake flowers into his hair before he arrived, after dubbing him ‘suitably pretty’ (her words) she’d done up her own hair as similarly as she could because he certainly wasn’t helping her with her weird pre-’company is coming’ rituals.
And… Blue was a hit with the brat. He had an infinite amount of patience for the inane childish babbling, stooped low so she could string the remaining fake flowers in her possession (why did she have so many fake flowers?) into his beard, and offered to fix dinner for the lot of them (which was for the best since the brat was such a picky eater she could barely stomach some of his specialties)
And… he was not jealous of a six year old for how she was able to crawl into Blue’s lap while the lot of them watched some inane mystery show for the character drama alone since the brat called and explained the mystery within the first three minutes.
Blue was a bit awkward on the sofa, it made sense, Goliath would normally sit on the floor for how the height and width of the couch was not designed with bigger demons in mind, and Blue was considerably bigger than Goliath. So while the brat was cozy as could be in the place of honor, Huntsman was stuck perched on the arm of the couch as to not be crushed into it trying to squeeze in beside Blue.
Not that that would be a wholly unpleasant experience, but the presence of the brat made it go from tempting to awkward. Nonetheless, part of Sandy trying to get comfortable had included one of his arms resting on the back of the couch, and while it seemed the brat wasn’t paying attention, it slid down to wrap around his shoulders.
When the time came Minyi didn’t need to be told it was bed time for her, she loudly announced it herself, changed into her pajamas, and after saying goodnight to the both of them went on with a
“I am going to sleep now! And I will not be out of my room until morning so if anything were to be happening I certainly won’t know it, because I will be asleep.”
She smiled widely at Huntsman and closed her door.
Nosey little brat.
Tang huffed a quiet laugh as Sandy gingerly began to lift Huntsman into the air, his broken leg not quite able to be splinted just yet, let alone looked at properly. It seemed the lot of them had suffered some pretty nasty injuries from this last threat (and no doubt it would have been worse if their team and the Spider Clan hadn’t joined forces) including Tang himself despite being on the sidelines for most of it, he was pretty sure his shoulder was dislocated, and the cut on his forehead was still sluggishly bleeding all over the right side of his face, but compared to some of the others he was basically fine.
So once He was able to pop his arm back into place (Ouch) he took to handling cleanup with the only other ‘perfectly normal person’ here, a woman maybe a few years his junior, he’d seen her every so often with the Spider Clan (or rather, with Syntax) but he didn’t know her name.
“Do you think they actually think they’re being subtle?” Her words caught his attention and he turned to glance at the woman. She was in the middle of splinting Xiaojiao’s broken wrist and at Tang’s questioning glance, she nodded at Sandy and Huntsman. Oh!
“I’m sure Sandy thinks he’s the pinnacle of subtlety” Tang responded. He was pretty sure the ‘thing’ that had developed between their friend and the most brutal of the Spider Clan was the worst kept secret on the team since Red Son had started hanging out with Xiaotian and Xiaojiao on the weekends.
“They are so cute when you just walk in on them.” Xiaojiao said around a snicker. “Like how they jump apart like when you flip a magnet over to the matching side.”
“Does your team have a betting pool? My brother organized one for the clan, and if they do anything damning within the next month i win the pot.”
“No! Ohh man we should get one started up! Hey Pigsy! You wanna make a betting Pool for Sandy and Huntsman’s secret romance?”
“Why the hell would i want to do that?”
“Finally have dirt on Sandy after decades of him never being embarrassed about anything ever?” Tang offered with a shrug.
Pigsy thought for a moment and shrugged back before going back to fussing over Xiaotian. “Sure. Who’s bettin’ what?”
send me stuff!
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superanimeidiot · 3 years
what was supposed to be a teeny tiny drabble (it’s not)
Ok so I was writing Karma’s confrontation with his mother and then THIS scene popped into my head. It doesn’t fit at all in the chapter (it’s supposed to be about Karma and his mom duh) but I really really wanted to write it anyway so I figured I would write the little scene and post it here but THEN it turned into this 2k word monstrosity that was SUPPOSED to be a SMALL SCENE but it decided it was going to make me stay up until 2 AM WRITING IT and it just wouldn’t LEAVE ME ALONE. So yeah I’m kinda sleep deprived and this has only been very lightly proofread and hasn’t gone through nearly as much fine-tuning as I normally put my writing through but it is currently 2:37 AM and I am satisfied with it for now so HERE HAVE THIS SCRAP I HOPE YOU LIKE IT
(also this is set the night Korosensei died. If I’m remembering canon right they killed Korosensei then, like, hid up in their classroom until leaving for graduation? Which is so messed up on so many levels like why did they go straight from a very traumatic event to their graduation without even seeing their families or SLEEPING???? So I hereby declare that, with the whole crisis thing, Kunugigaoka postponed the graduation ceremony and after they killed Korosensei Class E was taken to that government station place I vaguely remember they were taken to in canon and their parents were called to pick them up.)
Karma is curled up in a stiff plastic chair, knees pulled up to his chest, a shock blanket wrapped around his shoulders, and his cellphone clutched between his fingers, when his father finds him. Gakuhou doesn’t say anything. He sits beside Karma in his own stiff plastic chair and watches him, not saying a word.
Karma swallows around the lump that’s been lodged in his throat since Korosensei died. “You don’t have to stay with me,” he says, his voice hoarse from the aforementioned lump. He hasn’t spoken since the mountaintop. That’s why the police wrapped him in the shock blanket. “Mom is on her way.”
“Okay,” his father says, but he doesn’t move. 
Karma is too tired to dredge up the familiar anger. He’s too tired for anything. He thinks he’ll be this tired forever - the kind of bone-deep exhaustion that reaches to the soul and weighs his whole body down. He traces a finger across the edge of his phone. 
“They’re going to get rid of you,” he says. He doesn’t sound happy, or vindictive, or smug - just very matter-of-fact. “The parents will be out for blood, and they can’t go after the government. You make a very nice scapegoat.”
His father gives a soft exhale that could, charitably, be called a laugh. “Yes,” he agrees. “My days at Kunugigaoka are over. Does that make you happy?” he asks, only mildly curious.
Karma taps a finger against his phone, considering. “If I was a nice person,” he says, slowly, “I would say no.”
Gakuhou does laugh at that. “You’re my son,” he says. “You were never going to be a nice person.”
Karma glares from the corner of his eye, but doesn’t contest it. “It serves you right,” he decides. “After all the crap you pulled in this school, you deserve to be kicked out on your ass.”
Gakuhou nods. “A fair assessment.”
They sit in silence, neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. Karma’s phone buzzes with a text from his mother, telling him they’re fifteen minutes away but traffic might delay them. Karma wonders what kind of traffic could possibly exist at this hour, then realizes the traffic that occurs after major, life-altering events. He sends back a thumbs up emoji. His hands, unoccupied once more, begin to tap a staccato beat against the back of his cell.
His father remains absolutely still in his chair, no signs of nervous movement or absentminded tics. Clearly, Karma’s restless nature was not inherited from him. He seems content to sit with Karma in silence, but Karma, suddenly, is not.
“Why are you here?” he blurts out, with zero forethought. 
Gakuhou tilts his head. “Do you want me to leave?”
“That’s not an answer.”
His father huffs a quiet laugh, nodding his acknowledgement. “I saw the news,” he says after a long stretch of silence. “The reporter was talking about some monster in Kunugigaoka, and the government wasn’t saying anything. Nobody knew what was going on, just that something was happening and it was bad.” He pauses, and Karma waits, wondering when his father would get to the point that led him to sitting in an uncomfortable chair, keeping his estranged son company in the small hours of the morning.
“And then your mother called me.”
Karma visibly startles in his chair as a bolt of surprise rips through him. He’d been staring at his shoes during his father’s story, but now he turns to openly gape at Gakuhou. Never in a million years would he guess his mother would ever willingly, of her own volition, speak to his father again.
“Was she mad?” He realizes how stupid the question is as soon as it leaves his mouth. 
A wry sort of smile twists Gakuhou’s lips. “I think furious is putting it lightly. I couldn’t understand some of what she said through the screaming, but I got the gist. You had run off to Kunugigaoka on some suicide mission for your class, and if anything happened to you she would string me up herself.”
“She didn’t really say that,” Karma denies, then hesitates. “Did she?”
“No,” Gakuhou says drily, rubbing a tired palm against his eyes. “She was much more graphic.”
Karma’s jaw drops again. He can picture it suddenly, playing clear in his mind like a movie: his mother red-faced and rumpled in her pajamas as she screams at his father through her cell phone, crying and issuing threats in the same breath; his father, sitting at his desk or on his couch, watching the news in blank shock and listening to his ex-wife’s promises to kill him if anything happened to Karma.
Karma swallows roughly. “You deserve that too.”
“Yes,” Gakuhou agrees. “I do.”
Karma nods once, sharply, waiting for Gakuhou to resume his explanation.
“Your mother ran out of steam eventually and hung up. I called Karasuma and asked him what was going on, and he told me what he could. I woke Gakushuu up, told him what was happening and not to answer the door or phone unless it was me, and then I drove here.”
Karma nods again, thoughtfully this time. “That’s still not an answer,” he points out. “Why are you here,” he stresses, “with me, sitting in this stupid chair when you could be literally anywhere else?”
Gakuhou frowns, slumping back in his chair in a casual show of exhaustion Karma has never seen on him. “You’re my son,” he says, a raw edge in his voice, as if that is all the explanation required. “My youngest child.”
“I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“No,” his father agrees, almost sadly. “You’re not. You don’t need me to protect you anymore. This is probably more for me than you, anyway. I needed to know you were safe.”
He scoffs. “I didn’t know you cared.”
The wry smile makes a reappearance. “Neither did I. I had convinced myself I didn’t care what happened to you or your mother. At least, until you popped up in the last place I expected to find you.” He sighs softly, head tilting back to watch the ceiling. “I have many things to apologize for, Karma. I messed up with you in so many ways. But I don’t think you want to hear them right now, so I thought I could sit with you until your mother got here and…” he pauses, searching for the right words. He must give up on finding them, though, because he sighs gustily and sinks lower into his chair. “I don’t know what I’m doing here,” he admits. “I doubt I offer much in the way of comfort. Do you want me to leave?”
Karma considers. “Any other night, I would probably say yes. But tonight…” 
Tonight, they killed Korosensei. Tonight, he scraped his nerves raw during his confrontation with his mother. Tonight, he’d been sitting by himself in a stiff chair, wrapped in a shock blanket, replaying the night in his head and feeling more and more adrift until his father sat down beside him and made him feel less alone. 
“Tonight, you can stay,” he says. It’s still not forgiveness. His father hasn’t apologized yet, and Karma still hasn’t decided whether he’ll grant it. If anything, it’s a white flag - a temporary cease-fire. For now, it’s enough.
Gakuhou nods, and they settle back into silence. 
A while later, his phone buzzes again. It’s another text from his mother. They’re five minutes away now. His time with his father is ticking away. He wonders how he should spend it. Silence is probably safest. Karma is too numb right now to work up enough anger for a fight, but if he opens his mouth and says the wrong thing he might mess up the fragile truce they’ve landed on. He realizes, to his slight consternation, he doesn’t want to mess it up. 
What he does want, he realizes, is the answer to one simple question. If he’s lucky, Gakuhou will answer. If he’s really lucky, he’ll be too numb with shock for the answer to hurt too badly. 
He fiddles with his phone some more, twisting it in his fingers as he considers whether to ask his next question.  “If I ask you something,” he says, haltingly, “will you give me an honest answer?”
“Yes,” is the immediate reply.
“You’ll tell me the truth?” he presses. “Even if it hurts me? Even if it makes me hate you?”
“I thought you already hated me,” Gakuhou says, amused. Then, more serious, “I won’t lie to you, Karma. Even if it hurts. Ask your question.”
Karma nods, still considering. He checks his phone and sees he only has a few minutes before his parents arrive. Whatever, he thinks, metaphorically tossing up his hands. I’ve been torturing myself with this for years. At least now I’ll know. 
“Were you sad when mom took me?”
He’d like to say the room grew quiet after he spoke, but that would be a lie. People are still bustling around them, fielding phone calls and doing whatever government people do after a major crisis. The world moves on, even when you’re falling apart. 
Still, in their corner of the room, Karma feels like a bubble has separated him and Gakuhou from the rest of the world. The noise of other people doesn’t exist anymore. For him, there is only silence and the sound of his heartbeat as he waits for Gakuhou to answer.
It takes a long time. Or maybe it just feels long because he’s holding his breath.
“When I watched her drive away,” his father says, measuring the words out bit by bit, “and realized that was it - when I realized she was taking you and you weren’t coming back…” He sighs, a heavy sound. “Yes. It didn’t feel real until that moment. I watched the car disappear and thought I was having a heart attack. I locked myself in my office and drank an entire bottle of sake until it stopped hurting. I didn’t cry,” he muses aloud. “I think I was too sad to cry. Too sad, and I didn’t think I deserved to. It was my fault, after all. I drove you both away. I didn’t have the right to cry about it.”
Karma rests his chin on top of his knees as he processes. If he was in his right mind, he would probably be angry. That’s his typical response to anything his father says or does. The anger still feels far away right now, but he knows he’ll feel it eventually. Maybe not tomorrow (today?) or even the next day - not with grief for Korosensei still so fresh in his heart. Eventually, though, he’ll replay his father’s confession and feel a blood boiling rage he won’t know what to do with. It’s what he’s been waiting for all these years: his father admitting he loved him, maybe even that he still loves him. It’s every wish he’s ever made since he was a little kid. He’ll feel angry and heartbroken all over again, and he won’t even have Korosensei to help him deal with it (and oh, that thought sends a fresh wave of grief over him, so powerful he almost drowns in it. He latches onto the numbness and sinks further into it. It’s safer there).
He isn’t angry now, though, just numb and a little sad. He lifts his chin from his knees and presses his face against them, wrapping the blanket even tighter around himself. He’s hiding - either from his father or the world in general. He doesn’t know for sure, and he doesn’t feel like analyzing it. 
“If you had told me that six years ago,” he says into his knees, muffled but still audible, “I would’ve forgiven you for anything.”
It’s the truth. Eight year old Karma would have done anything to hear that his father was sad he left, that he loved him enough to be sad. He would have let go of every bitter feeling in his heart and forgiven Gakuhou wholeheartedly for every misdeed. Eight year old Karma, he thinks, was an idiot. 
Not an idiot, a voice that sounds suspiciously like Nagisa chides. Just a child. Just a kid who wanted to hear that his father loved him. That’s not stupid. That’s just how kids are.
His father doesn’t say anything, but Karma didn’t really want him to anyway. They’ve both said their piece. It’s too late to change the past, and neither are even sure if they have a future. Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie. 
His phone buzzes, but this time it keeps buzzing. Twisting his head to the side so his cheek is pressed against his legs, he checks it. It’s his mother. She’s here, presumably, and looking for him. Time to go. He sighs, letting his feet fall to the floor as he stands, the blanket sliding from his shoulders and landing in a heap on his empty chair. He answers the call.
“Hi, mom,” he murmurs as he walks away. “I’m on my way out now.”
He doesn’t say goodbye.
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thebakingqueen5 · 3 years
KW 2021: Height Difference
Day 1 for Kataang Week 2021 hosted by @kataang-week with the prompt Height Difference!
Links: AO3 | FF.net
Summary: Another year, another summer, another week of prompts celebrating our favorite couple. Kataang Week 2021 Day 1: Height Difference. It’s his 14th birthday and Aang is feeling frustrated. Katara wants to help and Aang confides in her about some of his insecurities.
Word Count: 2.2K
After a long day of festivities, night had finally fallen across the Fire Nation palace, and Aang and Katara were ready to head to bed and get some well-earned rest.
The couple had just finished up at the banquet and silently walked through the dimly lit halls to Aang’s room so as to not alert Katara’s overprotective brother. Though they had merely been cuddling the last few nights before sleeping, Sokka would surely throw a fit if he knew that they were sharing a room at all, hence a bit of secrecy was needed.
At last, they arrived- the third door on the right in the central wing of the palace had been designated the Avatar’s quarters since as early as Kyoshi’s time. It was a fair distance away from the rest of the bedrooms in the west wing, and it also had far more extravagant commodities with its own mini-courtyard and balcony, giving the pair plenty of space to get away from the rest of the world and simply enjoy being with each other.
“Today was fun,” Katara sighed as they finally entered the room, taking off her shoes at the entrance and immediately going towards the inviting bed.
She let herself fall onto the soft mattress, groaning softly as her limbs were finally able to relax after a long day of dancing, cooking, and celebrating for the airbender’s 14th birthday, while Aang gently closed the door with a soft thump.
“Yeah,” Aang chuckled as he joined her on the bed. He pulled some of the thin cotton sheets over them and then curled up next to her on his side.“It sure was... something.”
The waterbender shifted slightly to allow her boyfriend to rest his head in the crook of her neck and absentmindedly traced the outline of the blue arrow on his head while he closed his eyes in contentment.
“Something?” she questioned. Katara furrowed her eyebrows, her movements faltering. “Did you not have fun, Aang?”
The airbender winced when he heard the twinge of hurt in Katara’s voice. She hadn’t been trying to make it sound that way, but she had been planning the event for weeks and naturally was a little offended by the implication of his words.
“Oh. No, sweetie, I didn’t mean it that way. The party was amazing! The food, the drinks, the music, everything was spectacular. You did an amazing job, and it means a lot to me that you care so much.”
Katara let out a quiet breath of relief, resuming her gentle touches to his tattoos.
“Of course I care, sweetie. You’re my boyfriend, and I love you. That’s why if you didn’t like it, I won’t be mad, really.”
Aang tilted his head up and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “That wasn’t it, I promise. I just… I had  a bit on my mind today.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked him tenderly.
He sighed and buried his face in her neck. “I guess... it would be nice to get it off my chest. It’s not like anyone else would get it anyways.”
The waterbender gave him a curious look, silently encouraging him to continue.
“It’s so stupid, but I heard some nobles talking when I stepped away to get us some water. They just kept going on and on about how much of a child I was and how I’m too young and too scrawny and too short for you, and, well, they’re right!”
He turned his body away from her now frowning face and pulled the blankets snug around his body like a protective cocoon.
“You’re almost 16, Tara,” Aang murmured. “A young woman in every sense of the word. Spirits, you’re of marrying age in a month! Me? I’m just a loser kid you found washed up in an iceberg. How could I ever be deserving of you?”
“Oh, Aang…”
She shifted onto her side as well and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back and listening to the rhythm of his breathing.
“Those nobles are utterly ridiculous. First of all, it’s only two years! What difference does two years make in the long run? It doesn’t, that’s what. My parents were four years apart and were the happiest two people in the world! A gap of two years is insignificant,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Second of all, sure we’re young, but considering that we saved the world even younger, I think it’s safe to say we’ve matured beyond our years. We’re certainly old enough to know we love each other, and that’s all that matters.”
“Doesn’t change the other part though,” Aang muttered in response. “Spirits, I’m 14 and barely the same height as you. A little shorter if we’re being honest. It’s so annoying! Why can’t I just grow up already?”
“I don’t mean for this to come off the wrong way, but why do you care about that? What difference does it make?”
The airbender remained silent for a few moments and pondered her question, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
“The monks had always taught me to judge people based on the content of their character, not their exterior, and to draw satisfaction from being self-assured, rather than care about what other people thought. And in most cases I feel like I do that pretty well, but…”
A subtle pink tinted Aang’s cheeks and he took her hands in his, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.
“You’re different, Katara. You’re the one I love more than anything, the one I would do anything for, the one whose opinions, thoughts, and feelings mean the world to me. You’re the most amazing person on the planet, and you deserve someone worthy of you. Look at Haru and Jet! They were both older and taller and so even something as small as noticing the height difference when we’re dancing kinda hurts. It just feels like I’m the odd one out. I know that’s silly but-”
The waterbender cut him off and shook her head.
“It’s not silly, Aang. Believe me, I’ve felt the same way more times than I’d care to admit. But, in the end, none of that matters. I love you. I chose you . You’re not just my boyfriend, you’re my best friend."
He turned back around to face her and swept her up in an embrace, mind immediately put at ease by her words.
“Plus,” she continued, “So what if you’re a little shorter than me now? You’ll grow in no time. Quite frankly, I’ll miss being taller than you when you do.”
The airbender quirked an eyebrow. “You’ll miss it?”
Katara chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to his forehead, right at the tip of his arrow.
“Yeah,” she whispered, “I will. Being able to do that, not having to look up or go on my toes trying to kiss you, I won’t be able to do all that forever. Things like kisses, hugs, they’re a lot more… accessible with our current heights.”
“Hmm,” Aang hummed. “I guess I never really thought of it like that. I still want to grow taller of course, but when you put it like that, I might miss this a little bit too.”
“Let’s not get too carried away with the future, okay?” Katara laughed. “We have our whole lives ahead of us, let’s just stay in the present- the present where I love you, and you love me, and nothing else matters.”
The airbender grinned with her, pressing his forehead gently to hers.
“I like the sound of that. Thank you, sweetie. For listening, for the reassurance, just everything. It means a lot.”
“Of course, sweetie. I’m always here.”
Katara pressed a sweet kiss to his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck as Aang returned it, pulling her closer to him. They broke apart after a few seconds and grinned like idiots at one another. There was silence, but it was comfortable. The two didn’t need words, they were just enjoying being with each other.
“It’s getting late,” the waterbender murmured after some time. “We should probably go to bed.”
“Probably,” Aang whispered back, unable to take his eyes off the angel in front of him. With a flick of his wrist, he put out the candles that had been lighting up the room and settled into his pillow as Katara drew closer to him and interlocked their fingers.
“Good night, Aang. Love you,” she said, beginning to drift off to the dream realm.
“Love you too, Tara,” the airbender yawned. “Sweet dreams.”
One year later…
“Happy birthday!” the room chorused as Aang blew out all his 15 candles.
The airbender grinned and began to cut the apple cake- an ancient recipe of the Air Nomads recreated by some of the top chefs in the Fire Nation as a gift from Zuko.
“Thanks guys!” Aang laughed. “Man, it’s crazy to think that the war has been over for a little more than two years now.”
Katara smiled and leaned up on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek.
“We’ve all done a lot of growing up. We’re older, more mature-” she gave Aang a quick look from head to toe. “ Taller .”
He chuckled, pulling her close to him and peppering kisses all over the top of her head. She was right, of course- as if triggered by their conversation that night, Aang had grown rapidly over the next year. A month later he was the same height as her, two months following he was comfortably able to rest his arm on her shoulder, and now, a year later, he towered above her with her eyebrows barely at his chin.
“Ugh,” Sokka groaned. “Give it a rest you two. The oogies are out of control! Spirits, you act like a newly wedded couple still in the honeymoon stage half the time.”
“Oh, leave them alone, Sokka,” Suki chided. “It’s his birthday! Let’s give the lovebirds some alone time. They’re just kids, they’re nowhere near that yet.”
“Yeah, haha, absolutely not,” Aang nervously laughed as the other couple exited the room. The stone pendant in his pocket began to feel like poisonous lead weighing down his vision for the hopefully not-so-distant future.
“You never know,”  the airbender heard Katara mumble, so quiet he wasn’t even sure she had actually said it. “Sometimes things will come when you least expect it.”
He stood there blankly for a moment, brain struggling to process her words and had just opened his mouth to ask her what she meant (she couldn’t possibly be talking about what he thought she was… right?) when she decided to speak up instead.
“I can’t believe you were ever nervous about staying short, sweetie,” Katara quipped, her eyebrows raised teasingly.
Aang merely blinked at the subject change, promptly concluding that the last thirty seconds were simply a figment of his imagination, and sheepishly scratched the back of his head in response to her comment.
“I guess it was kinda silly, huh,” he laughed. “Look at us now.”
The waterbender pouted, going up on the balls of her feet and craning her neck to gaze up at him. “You’re too tall for your own good. I miss when you were shorter and I didn’t have to tilt my head every time just to look at you.”
“Oh c’mon, it has its benefits.”
He gave her a quick look to warn her for what he was about to do, and with one swift motion, Katara was suddenly off the ground and in Aang’s arms bridal-style, her arms around his neck and their gazes interlocked.
The airbender touched their foreheads together and gave her a cheesy grin.
“I couldn’t do this before, now could I?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow up at her.
“No,” Katara smiled, her head tilted as she looked at him endearingly, “I suppose you couldn’t. And I certainly won’t be one to complain about you holding me more often.”
Aang laughed and carefully set her back down, hearing the growing volume of the room next to them. He quickly grabbed the two full glasses on the table and handed one to the waterbender.
“Here’s to hoping you’re the one who grows by next year so my neck isn’t always sore from looking down at you,” he said as he held his drink up.
Katara gave him a dry stare before rolling her eyes and smiling.
The two clinked their glasses and turned to face the door behind which the rest of their friends had already begun to celebrate.
“Shall we?” Aang asked as he held out his arm to her.
“We shall,” Katara responded, accepting it. “Happy birthday, Aang.”
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
Umm, scenario again please!! So tatsuya isn't that good with directions and he has a fem s/o who isn't good with directions, too. So, like prompt is: what happens if the class has a field trip/camping and both get lost, etc. Thank you again ahhh ❤️
Scenario: Getting lost at a camping trip with Himuro
Every year, your school hosts a camping trip for the second years to help them develop survival skills like map reading, first aid and decision-making amongst other things. Whilst this was the premise for the trip, most of the students just saw it as a fun outing rather than a learning experience and you weren’t any different; you were just excited to spend time with your friends and Himuro.
So there you were, at the campsite fumbling with the tent after the long hike you took to get there. The teachers made you split into groups during the drive to the start point and you had to work together to get to the site, using a compass and a map. Thankfully, you had a few smart people on your group that were good with maps so you didn’t have to do much but follow them.
Once everyone had finally arrived at the site and had their tents pitched up, the teachers said that you were free to do as you please as long as you didn’t go too far.
“Hey Y/N, I saw a lake on the way here that looked really cool. I don’t think it’s too far, do you want to go there together?” Himuro asked you while you were finishing up with putting your things in the tent.
“That sounds lovely,” you smiled at your boyfriend. “Are you sure you know where it is though?”
“Yeah, it’s just down that way I think. I’ve got my map and compass just in case,” he said, waving the folded piece of paper in the air.
“Alright then, let’s go,” you said, shoving your phone in your pocket and walking off into the woods with him.
“So how was the hike up here?” Himuro asked you.
“It was kinda fun actually. I still don’t understand how to read that damn map though so I’m counting on you.”
“Fair enough. It’s kinda difficult to understand,” Himuro agreed.
After a few minutes of walking, you finally reached a clearing that led to the lake. “Woah, it’s gorgeous,” you said breathlessly as you looked out at the water that twinkled under the orange and pink skies.
Both of you stood there mesmerised for a few moments in silence as you took in the view in front of you. The light breeze formed small waves in the turquoise waters before caressing your face and brushing through your hair. You didn’t realise how captivated you were with the sight until you felt Himuro’s fingers smoothly intertwine with yours. You flashed him a soft smile before squeezing his hand as a way of showing your gratitude.
“I knew you’d like it,” he smiled as his raven hair danced in the breeze.
“Are you kidding me? I love it! Thanks for bringing me here,” you said, looking into his dark eyes.
“Well it just wouldn’t be right if I didn’t bring a pretty girl to a pretty place, you know?” he chuckled as your cheeks began to heat up and your grin grew dorkier.
“Shut up,” you laughed out of embarrassment as you looked away.
Himuro’s other hand reached for your face and tilted your chin up so that you were looking at him once again. At that very moment, the most beautiful thing was not the lake you stood in front of, nor was it the colourful skies; it was the way your boyfriend looked at you ever so lovingly before softly pressing his lips against yours.
The two of you hung out at the lake for some time before finally deciding to leave before the sun set and it got too dark to see. You began walking in the direction you came from, not really paying too much attention to where you were going because you assumed Himuro just remembered the way back without needing to refer to the map. But after about ten minutes of walking, he stopped in his tracks and pulled the paper out again, looking at it with a contorted expression.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him.
“We’ve been walking for quite a while. We should’ve gotten back by now, don’t you think?”
“I guess so? I wasn’t paying too much attention though. Do you think we took a wrong turn somewhere?” you replied, looking around to see if anything familiar caught your eye, but to no avail as everything just looked the same.
“Let’s just head that way and see where it leads, because I think if we keep going straight we’d end up further away,” Himuro suggested as he pointed to the right.
“Yeah that sounds smart,” you nodded as both of you proceeded to change directions.
Little did you know, that if you just kept walking for about two minutes more, you probably would’ve found a sign pointing to the campsite.
Eventually, it got too dark, so you had to switch on your phone’s flashlight to navigate your way around. “Tatsuya, are we lost?” You asked, your grip on his hand getting tighter.
“I don’t know,” he said, though he was quite sure it was the case. He just wanted to prevent you from getting too worked up by trying to remain somewhat positive.
“Should we try getting back to the lake and trying again?” you suggested.
You both turned around to see if going back was even an option. “Which way would the lake be exactly?” Himuro questioned, looking out into the darkness.
“Now what? Do we just die here?” you said, trying to remain calm though the shakiness in your voice said otherwise.
Himuro let out a small chuckle, bringing you the slightest bit of comfort as he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. “We won’t die here, Y/N— I know that much at least,” he said before pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Do you have any signal on your phone?”
You looked at your screen to check. “Nope.”
“Okay, I did tell Atsushi before we left so hopefully someone’s looking for us. In the meantime, let’s just walk around to find some signal so we can make a call. How does that sound?”
“Yeah okay, let’s do that,” you nodded before the two of you continued to walk around.
After aimlessly walking for a while and not finding any signal nor the campsite, your hopelessness and fear began to kick in.
“Tatsuya, I’m scared. It’s really dark. What if we don’t make it back?”
“Hey, don’t say that. We’ll make it back, just hold on a bit, okay?” he said, his soft, calm voice never losing its composure.
“We’ve been walking around forever. I don’t think any longer is going to make a difference,” you said as tears began to well up in your eyes. Your feet were aching, you were hungry and your phone’s battery was going to die at any moment because the flashlight drained most of it— it only made sense that you’d have an emotional breakdown right about now.
“Well I don’t see what else we can do other than walk around though,” Himuro said.
He did have a point. But you really wished that it wasn’t true. You were sick of walking around like this. It didn’t help that you hated the dark too. So you just began to cry, taking Himuro by surprise.
He immediately wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight, combing his fingers through your hair because he knew you liked it when he did that. “Hey, come on, don’t cry. We’ll be okay. I promise I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
There was a moment of silence as you cried into his shoulder. “So, if we run into a bear, you’re going to fight it or something?” you said sarcastically through the tears.
“Exactly. I’d totally win in a fight against a bear,” Himuro joked, making you chuckle as the tears slowly began to stop.
In all honesty, Himuro was also losing his hope on making it back, but he didn’t want to bring it up. He figured that it would just be chaos if both of you were like that, so he decided to take the more optimistic role. In a way, pretending to be hopeful did create some actual positivity within him so it wasn’t all that bad.
Himuro finally pulled away from the hug and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “You’re strong. We’ll get through this together. I’m sorry for getting us lost in the first place though,” he said.
“It’s alright. It’s not like I would’ve done a better job anyways,” you replied with a small smile.
Himuro decided to check his phone again and he was quickly greeted by something that made his face light up. “Y/N! I have signal!”
“No way! So we’re not gonna die?”
“Exactly. I told you!” Himuro beamed.
Himuro’s first call was to Murasakibara, who seemed to have not notified anyone about your whereabouts because he’d simply forgotten that Himuro had headed off to the lake. He did end up telling the teachers that you two were lost and after about ten minutes of searching, you finally managed to be found not too far away from the campsite.
Of course, both of you did end up having to endure a stern talking to from your teachers, but it didn’t really matter to you because you were just glad that you made it back. And to be honest, if Himuro wasn’t there by your side like he was, you definitely would’ve lost your mind.
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