#Young Catholic Adults
reread charles soule's daredevil run and I am thinking AGAIN about sam and this fucking line:
"three, mr. murdock. that's the number I came up with. I would have let three of those people die to save my eyes from muse."
and jesus christ. he's like nineteen. he's nineteen years old and he's weighing everything his mother taught him (we look out for ourselves, because who else will?) and everything daredevil taught him (don't die, don't let anyone else die, but at some point you're going to have to choose) and trying to figure out where they intersect.
and he comes up with an answer. the answer is three.
and daredevil? matt murdock? he would give up his eyes to save anyone, ever, in a heartbeat. he exists to sacrifice. he saves others by sacrificing. (it's a very audacious jesus parallel, in some ways, and some authors are more hamfisted about it than others) hell, the whole reason he's blind is because he pushed someone else out of the way of that truck.
matt gave up his eyes to save one person. sam would have let three people die to keep his.
and it's fascinating to me because these characters are basically perfect foils (oops literary analysis sidequest unlocked) like. matt is a hero because his ideals and his virtues will not let him be anything else. he's tried not being daredevil and it makes him feel guilty. he wants to help people because he feels like a piece of shit when he doesn't. but sam? sam saw the shit going on in his community and he built an invisibility suit to fight it. despite his mom trying to convince him that he didn't need to be a hero. he chose it. he chose it over her. and then he went the fuck back and chose it again. stick was like "here's a sword, guard this cave in the middle of nowhere in japan" and sam was like yeah sure. I'll vibe in the wilderness in a tent for an indeterminate amount of time.
he got his eyes back (kind of) and he's still doing this.
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haveyoureadthispoll · 4 months
Sixteen-year-old Yamilet Flores prefers to be known for her killer eyeliner, not for being one of the only Mexican kids at her new, mostly white, very rich Catholic school. But at least here no one knows she's gay, and Yami intends to keep it that way. After being outed by her crush and ex-best friend before transferring to Slayton Catholic, Yami has new priorities: keep her brother out of trouble, make her mom proud, and, most importantly, don't fall in love. Granted, she's never been great at any of those things, but that's a problem for Future Yami. The thing is, it's hard to fake being straight when Bo, the only openly queer girl at school, is so annoyingly perfect. And smart. And talented. And cute. So cute. Either way, Yami isn't going to make the same mistake again. If word got back to her mom, she could face a lot worse than rejection. So she'll have to start asking, WWSGD: What would a straight girl do?
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always-an-angel · 1 year
book playlists: y.a. edition
some spotify playlists i made to match the vibe/story of some books i really loved reading! please enjoy :)
the lesbiana’s guide to catholic school by sonora reyes
turtles all the way down by john green
the poet x by elizabeth acevedo
ophelia after all by racquel marie
the house in the cerulean sea by tj klune
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
looking at twt and seeing a tweet talk about a girl group and the way the post was worded i was thinking these girls had committed an atrocity, cut someones heart of on the hanteo red carpet or something, like the wording was just so serious and disgusted and then I look and ? they danced in a church for a music video. I'm meant to be offended by this?
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randomthunk · 3 months
BOOP!! Muhahahahahaha. I the great Corazon de Ballena have booped you with my expert sneakiness and suaveness. (Ignore that the icon in Merilwen pls.)
I get it, you're Merilwen in disguise, sullying her good name. For SHAME, sir.
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nasirlye · 3 months
BOOP! Also I didn't know you have an art account imma follow it.
BOOP!! AAAAAAAA thank you!! ;w; <3
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boudicca · 1 year
i have absolutely no clue what that gideon the ninth series is about like every time my mutuals post something about it i learn some new bizarre aspect of the story that 1) tells me nothing and 2) makes absolutely no sense
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just0nemorepage · 2 years
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The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School || Sonora Reyes || 400 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------- Top 3 Genres: LGBTQIA / Young Adult / Contemporary
Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Yamilet Flores prefers to be known for her killer eyeliner, not for being one of the only Mexican kids at her new, mostly white, very rich Catholic school. But at least here no one knows she's gay, and Yami intends to keep it that way.
After being outed by her crush and ex-best friend before transferring to Slayton Catholic, Yami has new priorities: keep her brother out of trouble, make her mom proud, and, most importantly, don't fall in love. Granted, she's never been great at any of those things, but that's a problem for Future Yami.
The thing is, it's hard to fake being straight when Bo, the only openly queer girl at school, is so annoyingly perfect. And smart. And talented. And cute. So cute. Either way, Yami isn't going to make the same mistake again. If word got back to her mom, she could face a lot worse than rejection. So she'll have to start asking, WWSGD: What would a straight girl do?
Publication Date: May 2022. / Average Rating: 4.46. / Number of Ratings: ~2250.
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livelikealucid · 4 months
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caribeandthebooks · 5 months
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The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes
Genres: YA Romance, Contemporary
Setting: USA (Arizona)
Description: Sixteen-year-old Mexican American Yami Flores starts Catholic School, determined to keep her brother out of trouble and keep herself closeted, but her priorities shift when Yami discovers that her openly gay classmate Bo is also annoyingly cute... Read more on Goodreads/Storygraph
Content Warning information can be found via the above Storygraph link.
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holeposts · 9 months
had a dream that I started wearing skirts again I'll be honest idk how I feel about this one lads
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kimmoo · 10 months
you are worth far more than precious rubies.
you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
you are altogether beautiful, my love.
you are loved beyond measure.
remember that.
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sharkieboi · 1 year
random thought but how does taking Confession from Literal Children not convince more catholic/christian to leave the faith.
like when a literal child is sobbing confessing to you that they yelled at their sibling (who is also a child) for stealing their toy and also stole a cookie when it wasn’t Snack Time.
at what point do you step back and think “what i’m doing is actually Bad and Harmful”
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sinterblackwell · 2 years
i’m really shocked that the honeys by ryan la sala didn’t make it anywhere on this year’s awards thing either to be honest.
there was a lot of rave on that front not just in how brilliantly written it was as a horror but because of how amazing of an experience audiobook listeners had while listening to the story, sound effects and all mimicking the hazy reality and crawling atmosphere that the main character, mars, experienced.
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tintin is incredible at timing
(possibly) the final snippet I'll post from my story The Gypsum Maw, the previous part which follows directly before is here - I've been seeing comments asking about where to read the full thing, I'm afraid what I post is basically it - I have more pages in my sketchbook but I suspect they are only legible to me!
this post is already long so more notes and credits under the cut!
I asked for some help for coming up with friends for Chang! The gentle giant Masek was created by InkyTrink on Twitter and the super excitable Libby was created by dreamyopal, a discord mutual:
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They came up with some great character notes and were super helpful providing feedback on my designs!
Writing this felt pretty odd in ways. I graduated in 2020 during the Plague Year so my class didnt get a public art showcase. I attended one last year and it was a bittersweet experience.
Reunions feel a bit like time travel, you see people after a few years and things change quite a lot. I wanted to explore this in my post canon series, Chang has grown up, found himself and has been able to live a fairly normal life with family and friends. Tintin in a way reflects that young adult insecurity about being stagnant, like you haven't been able to fully reach adulthood properly. His fame and status as a Young Boy Reporter is holding him captive, he longs for connection but is held back by expectations from both himself and the outside world.
I've also been inspired by the concept of 'queer time,' the concept that the lives of queer people progress differently to the lives of non queer people. It takes time to come to terms with yourself and to come out. Queer people are often excluded from milestones like marriage or having children. Tintin being confronted with his peers at a university highlights his insecurity about being left behind, but he's slowly making the journey to self acceptance by talking to others, and recognising common ground he has with others.
Chang's university isn't a one to one reference to a specific institution but in Belgium there was a secular movement in reaction to the dominance of the Catholic church, in which universities played a key role. There's references to art movements that were deemed "degenerate" by the Nazis here, such as Fauvism and Surrealism.
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countingdots-tc · 5 months
*if you want me to add a forbidden romance list, let me know*
𓃠 This is a list with links to books that have teacher/student, age gap, and experienced/less experienced themes that I have read! These are in order from most recommended to least recommended based on my opinion.
𓃠 This will be updated as I read more! Think something should be added to the list, then let me know!
𓃠 To find the Age Gap/TeacherxStudent Movie list, click on the link on my pinned post!
⭐️= highly recommend/changed my life
😇= no smut
🌶️=contains smut
💦=read to really get your rocks off
The Unrequited by Saffron A. Kent-⭐️😇
ProfessorxStudent & mental health themes
Cute little poet embarrassingly falls for her grumpy professor. Beautiful slow burn and perfectly describes what it feels like to want someone and not feel enough for them. She is such a realistic female lead and reminds me a lot of y’all 😂. This is THE teacher crush community book. If you don’t read anything read this!!
The Professor by Invi Wright-⭐️🌶️
Cute romance by young, new, and self published author. Very relatable female lead. If you enjoyed The Unrequited, you will like this book for all of the same reasons. Quick and easy read, only 240. She isn’t perfect, she clumsy, and I wouldn’t even say she’s socially awkward, she just a normal college student in her early 20s. She’s a fun narrator. This author has a lot of potential and her writing will only get better.
Gabriel’s Inferno by Slyvain Reynard-⭐️😇
Such a good dark academia book. Beautifully written and actually has a movie adaptation. I would definitely recommend this if you want a realistic couple but a bit more serious. Characters have so much depth
Off Balance Series by Lucia Franco- 💦
Warning: female lead is age of consent NOT legal age.
If you want something really forbidden and fucked up, read this. If you want the MOST insane sex scenes, read this (MINORS STOP). I really don’t even want to add this series to this list but for the girls who wanna go there, have fun. I started this when I was still in high school, read the 3rd one as an adult, it’s not as easy to read now. Take that info as you please
Lessons In Sin by Pam Goodwin-🌶️
TeacherxStudent with 18 Y.O female lead
Troubled rich girl gets sent off to a catholic boarding school and falls for the asshole Dean of the school. Smut is pretty good, plot works. I’m not going to say it’s bad, I think whether or not it’s enjoyable depends on the person. It wasn’t bad, I just wasn’t obsessed. If you’re just trying to live vicariously through her (aren’t we all), then it works!
Teach Me by L. L. Ash-🌶️
Really good start, and I do mean GREAT start… I just feel like the sex scene came too soon (Ch. 9/32) and it threw me off but I also like SUPER slow burns. It’s still a good book. I enjoyed the male love interest, Professor Harlo. They’re cute together. Grump and Sunshine.
Dark Notes by Pam Goodwin-
TeacherxStudent & themes of abuse
Probably DNF-ing
Something In The Way Series by Jessica Hawkins-⭐️😇
Sister’s Boyfriend/Husband & “I saw him first”
Most beautiful romance series I’ve ever read, best written books by Jessica Hawkins. I recommend all of her other books. Lake is 16 when she first meets Manning but nothing sexual happens between them for another 3 books until she’s in her 20s. Beautiful slow burn with characters full of depth.
Sinner by Sierra Simone- ⭐️💦
Brother’s Best Friend & religious themes
Amazing character creation and mapping. These characters feel real! This book is about “teaching” a girl about sex before she becomes a nun. It’s not just a bang bang, hump hump book. It has heart and it really good. If you enjoy religious themed romance, you may enjoy Priest by Sierra Simone too. I didn’t 💀
Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas- 💦
Ex’s Dad
Most popular forbidden romance so whatever you’ve heard about it, dump it. This might be the most tame book on this list. Pacing is good, well written main character. Insane amounts of smut but it doesn’t drive the story forward so feel free to skip it if you get tired.
Love Unexpected by Q. B. Tyler- 💦
Ex Stepdad & parent death
This book is HOT! However after the first few scenes, I got a bit tired of the smut. Well written enough female lead with a rushed ending. However if you just need something to read and not despise it, it’s good enough.
Strictly Off Limits by Jessica Hawkins-🌶️
Dad’s Best Friend
Jessica is my favorite author so I’m a bit biased but she definitely isn’t a smut writer. This novella would’ve been better without smut however it isn’t super present and doesn’t really drive the story forward so don’t feel like you’re missing anything if you skip the smut!
The Doctor by Nikki Sloane- 💦
Ex’s Dad
personally didn’t care for this book, smut starts off way too quick and I’m more of a slow burn girl. It is a novella however, it was still too quick. However! You may love it <3
𓃠 If I’m not reading fast enough for you and you want to see what I will be reading in the future here is my Amazon TBR, have at it!
𓃠 If you want to see a more organized bookshelf of what I’ve read, here is my Goodreads!
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