#Z nation murphy x reader
topazy · 6 months
Inside, outside
Pairing: 10k x reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood and brains
Chapter: 5.06
After bringing the quad bike to a complete stop when you spot a deserted-looking warehouse, 10k jumps off the back first, and immediately you’re missing the warmth of his arm wrapped around your waist. With the sling of his gun over his shoulder, he offers you his hand to help you climb off. If 10K wasn’t a gentleman before, people would probably be catching onto how protective he was being.
You, 10K, Warren, Murphy, and Addy had gone to find the source of bizkit’s and why they seemed to be low rations of it, while Doc and George headed back to Altura to keep an eye on Dante’s trial.
“Is that the bakery? The place looks abandoned.”
“It doesn’t mean nobody is home,” Warren points out.
The five of you stand on the edge of a small hill that leads down to the pathway into the building. The side of the hill was mainly covered in rubble, preventing any vehicles from driving on it.
Murphy looks lost in thought; a look of distress appears on his face. You lightly hit his arm to gain his attention. “Are you okay?”
“I smell brains.”
“This must be the place, then.”
When the five of you started making your way down the path, you were being extra cautious not to trip while walking on such a rocky surface. 10k stays in front of you and continues to glance back, ready to catch you if you do fall.
Murphy walks by you at a normal pace and scoffs, “You two make me feel sick.”
“Just keep walking, Alvin.”
“My biggest fear is losing you. When you were kidnapped, I realized how much I loved you and that there was nothing I wouldn't do to find you,” Murphy says mockingly. “You're my best friend, Tommy, and there's not a line I wouldn't cross to keep you safe.”
10k glares at him and warningly snaps, “Shut the hell up.”
Addy, who’s standing at the bottom, already looks up in confusion. “What is he talking about?”
In a high-pitched fake girly voice, Murphy says, “I knew our fates were intertwined.“
“I swear to god!” You knew Murphy was looking for a reaction, and usually you wouldn’t take the bait too easily, but he had been teasing you since you left for this new task.
“Don’t get wound up; he’s not worth the reaction,” 10k says calmly, but as soon as you reach the bottom where the others are waiting, he presses the long side of his rifle against Murphy’s collarbone, pushing him into the wall. “Lay the fuck off Murphy.”
“Jeez, lighten up, kid.”
10k steps back.
Warren clicks her fingers. “All of you, focus.”
Once you checked, nobody else was in sight. You round the corner, and Addy breaks the lock on the door, giving you all access to the building.
The inside of the building stinks of rotten meat, which is explained when you find human skulls and parts of rotten brains scattered across various baking trays.
The group had split up, but you could see both Addy and 10k going to check out the same area. It saddened you that they no longer had a close relationship, and you felt partially responsible for it, but then it was your sister who left. Since they last saw each other, Addy had lost an eye, and 10k had lost his hand, and they could have leaned on each other for support.
“Astra, I’m really sorry, but it looks like she left during the night.”
You shake your head, refusing to believe it. “No, no. Something is wrong; Addy wouldn’t just go without leaving me. She wouldn’t do that.”
When you awoke in the morning to find Addy gone, you assumed she had gone hunting, but when she never returned, a couple of hours later, you, 10k, and Red went looking for her, but you couldn’t find her. You returned to your home to see if she had returned.
Red links her fingers with yours and gives you a sympathetic look. “All her stuff is gone.”
You squeeze your eyes shut to hold back tears. Addy only found you in the first place while looking for someone else. “She’s gone to find Lucy,” you say, clearing your throat. “We should go and let Tommy know; I don’t want him out there looking for someone who doesn’t want to be found.”
You aim your gun in the direction of something being crushed and slowly make your way over to a large mixer, which appears to have turned on itself. You look inside it and almost gag at seeing more skulls.
“You guys seeing this? This place is gross.”
When you don’t get a reply, you spin around to see Warren staring at something with a concerned look on her face. She notices you looking and waves you over. When you do, you see what the problem is.
“Eh Murphy, are you good? You’re practically drooling over a skull?”
“Yeah,” he quickly shrugs your comment off. “This place just gives me the munchies.”
All of a sudden, a man appears and starts firing at the three of you. Quickly, you jump out of the way to avoid being shot and accidentally scrape your stomach on something sharp. You duck behind one of the metal tables and, taking a few deep breaths, look down to see blood appearing on your top.
No, no, no.
Murphy crawls over beside you and says, “What the hell are you doing? We gotta keep moving.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know I just—fuck.”
“Did you get shot?”
“No, I’ve just cut my stomach.” The cut wasn’t deep, and you were sure it hadn’t harmed the baby, but it gave you one hell of a fright. Between deep breaths, you start mumbling to yourself, “Tommy is going to freak.”
Seeing how afraid you are, something clicks in Murphy, and he gives you a look of understanding. He knows. Quietly, he says, “Stay behind me; we are going to make a run for it.”
You nod, and the two of you manage to run behind a different spot without being shot.
“I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you try anything stupid.” You say, aiming at the man who was previously trying to kill your head.
While he chases Murphy and Warren off from either side, the man seemed to not care that much about weapons being so close to his head. “It looks like we’ve got ourselves a zombie standoff. You have me; I got him, and my brothers got all three of you.”
You glance around the room; it was more than likely that 10k or Addy had gotten to his brother first.
“We are looking for bizkits,” Warren says. “We have starving talkers that are starting to turn.”
“We are just trying to survive ourselves, and it’s crooks like you who have shut down the bakery and turned us into a bunch of dirty dogs. So lower your weapons and kindly waltz out of here, or we’re all going to be crawling brains.”
“Look, I don’t know who you think we are, but we aren’t them.”
“That’s what the last bunch said before they started shooting.”
You didn’t doubt the man’s story for a second; the bakery was covered in a red mist of blood. A door creaks open, and Addy and 10k bring out another man, whom you assume is the brother with a gun at his back.
“Listen,” you lower your weapon slightly, “your brother is still human, and I know you want to keep it that way. Just tell us what we want to know, and nobody else will get hurt.”
The man gulps down, “So, you're in need of some help?”
While the older man, Gilly, looks at his younger brother, Skull's nose, which was cut by your sister 10K, pulls you aside and grips a hold of the bottom of your top, “What the hell happened? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine; it’s just a cut.”
He holds your gaze. “Are you sure?”
“We’ll be fine.”
You return to your group just in time to hear Gilly explain that it was their mom who invited bizkits to save their brother, who had been bitten, but then the brother bit the mom when they ran out. And since the bombing, someone has been attacking the bakery so they won’t continue making them. Their mom had turned two weeks ago, and she was the only one who had the recipe.
You look up at the window of the office overlooking the rest of the bakery and see multiple talkers that have turned.
Murphy stands up a table, holds up a radio, and turns the music up to distract the talkers while Skull sneaks inside to get the recipe. The plan was going well until Skull tripped and fell and was bitten by their zombified brother right after their mom ate the recipe.
“I hate to say it, but the only way to keep them from turning might be to feed them actual brains.”
From the doorway at the far side of the room, multiple heavy footsteps can be heard, along with snarling and hissing. All the noise must have attracted the nearby Z’s from outside. Thankfully, only a small number of them came into the building.
You run up behind one of the Z’s and stab it in the head before shooting another two. You notice Addy and 10k working together to take out Z's, which makes you smile.
Warren cuts the head off one and tosses it to Gilly.
You stand behind 10k and bury your face into his back, not wanting to witness Gilly crushing the skull, then cutting up the brains, and then feeding them to the walkers.
When the talkers return to normal, the mom flirts with a creeped-out Murphy, kissing him on the cheek before continuing to help.
Sitting with your legs dangling over the edge of a table, you watch as the brothers bag up the last of the bizkits. Hearing a whistling noise, you look over to Murphy, who was trying and failing to be discreet by waving you and 10k over to him, then looking away.
You and 10k stand on either side of him. “What’s going on?”
“I just wanted to say...” he trails off while tracing patterns in the flour scattered across the table with his finger. Murphy's jaw clenches slightly. “I don’t like either of you, but I do think you will be great parents, even lefty over here.”
With that, he turns and quickly walks away. You share a confused look with 10k. “Did you tell him?”
“No, but I think he figured it out.”
Ultimately, you’d need to tell the others the truth sooner than later. 10k smiles and brushes strands of hair out of your face. “Go for it.”
“Uh, guys, we’ve got something we need to tell you.”
Warren and Addy step a little closer, and you try not to laugh, seeing the worried look on their faces.
“Tommy and I are having a baby.”
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zaynmirrors · 2 years
Fire on Fire: Part 18 (10k)
Tumblr media
Pairings: 10k and mom!reader.
A/N: Hey! I know it’s really been a hot minute, I’ve had like no time to post the next couple chapters with fancy vet school and working full time. Hopefully you all can forgive me especially since the next few chapters are rough. Again, I’m sooooo sorry. :( If i managed to find some extra time would you be interested in a different 10k story line?
                                              Chapter 18
We stayed a few days, making sure doc was good to travel. Emma kept her distance from him, unsure of the new temporary member. 
She cried when I left, I heard her from outside the house. Begging for me to come back, it took everything in me to not turn around to say fuck you im not going. Doc tried to comfort me but it only turned the tears into anger. 
The first time I smelled the forgotten smell of rotten flesh I threw up. “Damn kid, you alright?” Doc asked as he held my hair. 
“Funnily enough I forgot how bad they smell” I weakly chuckled. He looked at me concerned. “What?”
“Are you-“ he hesitated for a moment, “any chance you’re pregnant?”
“Absolutely not, it’s been too long” at least I thought anyways. I’d have to try and worry about that math later. I was decently sure. 
Doc thought for a moment, his face softened “you’re right, it’s been a bit”
It took us two weeks to make it back to their camp, addy was the first one to notice. “Holy shit” she ran over and wrapped me in her arms squeezing me tight. 
I returned the gesture, watching over Addys shoulder as Vasquez and Warren turned to look. Warren let a small smile adorn her face. We took our time catching up before the plan went into action. 
I kept the hood over my head, waiting in line as Murphy bit people ahead of me. 
Did I know what waited for me? No I didn’t. Though I think I’d rather have death than being bit by him. 
“Take off that hood” one of his lackeys shouted at me. I pretending I didn’t hear him. “Yo, take it off” that earned me a shove. 
Back before the world went to shit, Angel had a friend who was deaf. He taught me some sign though I was surely rusty, I signed the best my memory could allow. The lackey was perplexed. 
“Hey they’re deaf, asshole. Leave them alone” Murphy stated, I watched as his feet made their way towards me. I swallowed down my anxiety. 
Looking up I managed to keep the hood covering the majority of my face. Murphy offered his hand and I took it. I’d been careful to remove anything he would’ve remembered was mine. He led the way inside the compound leaving the line of sick people fussing and whining. 
“Excuse me” the voice made my heart clench, one I couldn’t forget. Keeping my head bowed I watched hidden under the hood as his booted feet clunked away from us down the stairs. We came to a stop after many twists and turns. As much as I wanted to look up I didn’t. I watched his feet as he paced across the room we were in.
I heard scribbling And then nothing. A yellow note pad came into view. Written on the page was “take off the hood Y/N”. My Stomach fell, of course he knew. Carefully I pulled the hood off from over my head, light flooding my Vision. Murphy stood in front of me, blue tinged skin and his face holding a wolfish grin. 
“I really do admire your determination” the smugness exuded from him. “I knew you’d eventually come for him” 
I swallowed down “I’m here for you” he shook his head in refusal. 
“I have my own empire here, one you’re welcome to stay in” he offered, lurching closer, face looming over mine. “You’d have him, and be immune, what more could you want” his warm breath wafted on my face, the faintest hint of cinnamon scented it. 
I rolled my eyes, “I just want to go back to my daughter, I can’t do that unless I get you to come with me” 
“Why would I do that?” He had a point, I had nothing to offer and by the looks of it he really did have his own empire. “Cat got your tongue” he purrs, going to cup my cheek, I coil at the touch.“Mm how about, I send you and your lover on your merry way?” 
“What’s in it for you?” I questioned, it wasn’t like him to give up this offer. Especially if 10k was pissed at me. That was something I didn’t know, and something I probably shouldn’t chance.  
Murphy looks at his nails in contemplation, picking at them. “Without him, what leverage do they have? Why else would you have come?” He had a point, but I also promised Doc I’d return Murphy to them. “Your story could be over, I could make him forget you ever left. Send him home with you to make more little monsters” The offer was almost too good. I just couldn’t bring myself to take it. I shook my head and he smirked. “Have it your way”
He gestured to the door in a nice way of saying fuck off. I didn’t budge, I stood there holding my ground as if I wasn’t on “enemy” territory. His eyes bore into mine as if searching my soul. “I really like you kid” he spoke truth, baring his soul to me. It wasn’t a confession of anything but admiration. “If i decide to leave with you, would you be willing to make a deal?” 
“What kind of deal?” I asked, unsure of what he could possibly be proposing. He just smiled as a stinging sensation erupted at the base of my neck. I hissed, trying to step forward but swayed as the room began to spin. Opening my mouth to say something but unsure if anything fell out as my eyelids became too heavy to keep apart. Darkness swallowed me. 
God my head was pounding. What the hell happened. Can I even open my eyes. It feels like I’m trying to, maybe it’s just dark. Why did it smell like bleach. I’m gonna kill murphy, my new personal goal. 
“Hey, I think she’s awake” A unfamiliar voice sounded to the left of me. I couldn’t move, what the fuck. The little light that shown threw my lashes were enough to make me close them again. There was heels clicking on some type of flooring. 
“Group welcome our newest patient, Y/N” 
Part 19
@whenmypartysover @multifandomlesbianic @isimpfordanielpark @ophelia-nightt @peezbabey @lizzardgreene @lizx13 @nohemi2500 @missricecrispy
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wolfman-moony · 1 year
 Fanfic requests open!
My requests for stories are open!!
I’ll write any character on this list x male reader, non-binary reader, gender neutral reader, gender fluid reader, any specific pronouns you request I’ll do.
My rules on what type of stories I will, and will not right↓
Fandom and characters I’ll write for!
~Harry potter~
Draco Malfoy
Blaze Zebini
Viktor Krum
George Weasley
Bill/William Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
~Stranger Things~
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Gareth Emerson
Billy Hargrove
Nancy Wheeler
~Julie and the phantoms~
Alex Mercer (i’ll only write male reader for him)
Reggie Peters
Luke Patterson
Harry Hook
Gil LeGume
Carlos De Vil
~The 100~
(Note: I’ve only watched the first two seasons of the 100 so far)
Jasper Jordan
Monty Green
John Murphy
~D & D Honor among thieves~
Simon Aumar
~The school for good and evil movie~
Hort Hook
~Z nation~
Sarge/Lilly Madison Mueller
~Words on the bathroom wall~
~Diary of a wimpy kid~
Rodrick Heffley
~The Entitled~
Dean Taylor
~The Santa clause movies~
Bernard the head elf
~Evil Dead Rise~
~Matthew Lillard Characters~ 
Tim LaFlour
Stu Macher
Shaggy Rogers
Emmanuel "Cereal Killer" Goldstein
William Afton
Brock Hudson
Roger Sperling
And most any other character Me has played as long as I know the character 
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derelictlovefool · 2 months
Author: Achilles, he/him & they/them pronouns
Status: Hobbyist, low writing activity
Writing: OC x Canon, Reader Insert, Original Fiction
Requests/Suggestions: Open
note: i'm a full time student so any requests I get will be done when and if I have time and they spark my interest!
Active in regards to fandoms & characters simply means most enthused about and interested in writing, inactive means least interested in writing but still willing if the idea sparks my creativity.
active | inactive | semi active
Far Cry 5 | Supernatural | The Last of Us | Marvel | DC | Doctor Who | Sweeney Todd | The Witcher | Dying Light 2 | Z Nation | Inkheart | Bridgerton | Slashers | Outlast | Resident Evil | Overwatch | Undertale/Deltarune | Ib | TWD Telltale | Motor Crush | The Arcana | Kingsman
active | inactive | semi active
Faith Seed | John Seed | Joseph Seed | Jacob Seed | Sharky Boshaw | Hurk Drubman Jr | Adelaide Drubman | Jerome Jeffries | Mary May Fairgrave | Eli Palmer | Grace Amestrong | Joey Hudson | Staci Pratt
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester | Castiel | Charlie Bradbury ||| Joel | Tess ||| Wade Wilson | Tony Stark | Pepper Potts | Bucky Barnes | Steve Rodgers | Thor Odinson | Bruce Banner | Natasha Romanoff | Clint Barton ||| Harley Quinn
The Doctor (4, 9-15) | Jack Harkness | Rose Tyler | Donna Noble ||| Sweeney Todd | Mrs Lovett ||| Geralt of Rivera | Jaskier/Dandelion | Yennefer of Vennenberg ||| Hakon | Aiden | Lawan | Frank ||| Alvin Murphy | Roberta Warren | Addison Carver | Cassandra | Sarge | George St Claire
Mo | Dustfinger ||| Penelope Featherington | Benedict Bridgerton | Anthony Bridgerton | Colin Bridgerton | Eloise Bridgerton | Violet Bridgerton | Kate Sharma | Edwina Sharma ||| Jason Voorhees | Michael Myers | Bubba Sawyer | Brahms Heelshire | Thomas Hewitt
Eddie Gluskin ||| Ethan Winters | Karl Heisenberg | Alcina Dimitrescu | Donna Benniviento | Slavator Monreau | Mia Winters | Chris Redfield | Leon Kennedy | Ada Wong | Claire Redfield
Jack Morrison | Gabriel Reyes | Cole Cassidy | Genji Shimada | Hanzo Shimada | Mei ||| Sans | Papyrus | Asgore | Undyne | Mettaton | Queen ||| Gary ||| Calax Gothard | Domino Swift | Lola Del Carmen | Sonoya Vernilion ||| Asra | Nadia | Dorian | Portia | Muriel ||| Merlin/Hamish Mycroft
OC's: David Thorn (Slasher), Z (God Symbiote), Xander (Robot)
Tropes I enjoy writing:
Variations of the Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers | Childhood Friends | Neighbour across the hall/street | Mutual Pining | Devotion and Obsession | Making each other worse | Making each other better | Romance in Violence | Ride or Die Friends | Royal Guard/Gardener x Royalty | Crime Boss x Bodyguard | Dog Coded x Cat Coded | Fuck Love Triangles Make it Poly | Fake Dating | Meet Cute and more!
❝​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— male/trans/enby/gn!reader (I'm here for the guys and gays)
— oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon, reader x canon, reader x oc
— sfw & nsfw
— platonic, queer-platonic, romantic, familial, etc.
— headcannons, one-shots, multi-parts
— AU's, crossovers
— gore, violence, toxic relationships, death/angst
❝​🇼​​🇴​​🇳​❜​🇹​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— fem!reader (There's thousands out there already y'know)
— genderbends
— pregnancy related topics
— self harm topics
— incest, paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and any of that nasty crap
— non-con
— infidelity
— Characters I really don't know or care about </3
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blankspacefanfics · 1 year
warnings: poly, fluff, lovey dovey shit, talk of bondage, zombies
pairings: Addy x 10k x fem!reader (she/her pronouns)
fandom: Z Nation
word count: 374
Addy was walking around the truck as they were taking a small break to eat and get a little water. While watching for zombie’s she had the urge to go and steal one of 10k’s bandana’s and put it on. She untied the bandana that was around 10k’s head and wrapped it around her own before running back to where she originally was standing and keeping watch. You watched the scene that you just witnessed and laughed before laying your head down onto 10k’s lap. “Babe, do you have another bandana? I could tie Addy up with the one then get the other one back then give you both back to you” You said wiggling your eyebrows at the tying Addy up with his bandanas. 10k had a blush on his face as he looked everywhere but your eyes. “Alright time to go again.” Roberta called out as she tugged both Doc and Murphy over to the truck as they were arguing about something stupid. Addy, you, and 10k got into the bed of the truck and you sat down between the standing Addy and 10k. You ended up falling asleep, head against Addy’s leg and your hand wrapped around 10k’s ankle so he wouldn’t leave you. You slept until the truck stopped. When you woke up your hands found your face to clear the sleep out of your eyes before you heard both 10k and Addy yell that there were puppies and kittens. Grabbing your weapon from Addy’s hand you walked up and hit the zombies with it. Once all the zombies were dead you went over to where 10k and now Addy were at. 10k took his other bandana off that he got out of his bag and wiped some blood along with zombie guts off of your face before kissing your head and helping you back into the truck. Addy kissed you on the cheek after 10k helped her into the bed of the truck and sat next to you. “My turn to nap” Addy said smiling as she laid her head on your shoulder while 10k walked over to the two of you in the bed. “Goodnight babys” 10k said as he knew you both would end up falling asleep.
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jamespotterswife06 · 2 years
Hello! My name it Trinity. I'm gonna try to write some character x reader short stories.
I've never written anything using tumblr so I can't promise starting out that everything will be great but hopefully it'll get better over time.
This is who I'll write for
Steve Harrington(stranger things)
Lucas Sinclair(stranger things)
Max Mayfield(Stranger things)
Gareth Emerson (stranger things)
Carl Grimes(Twd)
Lydia (Twd)
Chloe Price(Life is strange) ~game~
Nathan Prescott (Life is strange)
Clementine (Twdg)
Louis (twdg)
Gabe (twdg)
Beverly Marsh(It -2017)
Stanley Uris(It -2017 & 1990)
Richie Tozier (It -2017 & 1990)
Mike Hanlon(It -2017)
!Basically any of the losers!
10k (Z Nation)
Addison Carver(Z Nation)
Mack Thompson (Z Nation)
Citizen Z/ Simon (Z Nation)
Doc- !not romantically! (Z Nation)
Roberta Warren(Z Nation)
Charlie Garnett (Z Nation)
Murphy(Z Nation)
Mattheo Riddle(Harry potter)
Theodore Nott(Harry Potter)
James Potter(Marauders Era)
Regulus Black(Marauders Era)
Marlene McKinnon (marauders era)
Lily Evans (Marauders Era)
Basically any fandom just let me know and I'll see if I can write something up
Also you can check out my Wattpad and if you want I could write OC x reader.
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vampyr-boyfriend · 1 year
Murphy x any gender reader
I saw one of your posts about not having any murphy z nation x reader stories so I'm going to make one with They/Them pronouns for any reader for you. ( I also want more Murphy fics but there are none )
That's so nice! I can't wait to read it!
0 notes
Can I have murphy x reader ???????
Reader tends to hold their breath and not breathe when they're scared. Murphy finds this out when reader holds their breath for so long that they pass out from lack of oxygen?
✨Thank you✨
A/N: I hope you like this. I havent wrote for Z-nation yet. So I am very excited! Thank you for requesting, if you have any more for z-nation please let me know!
Show/movie: Z-Nation
Paring: Murphy x reader
You’ve had this habit since you were a kid. Every time you were scared you would hold your breath. It was like if you held your breath then time would stop, like nothing could hurt you. You’ve only passed out once from holding your breath and that was when you were in high school having to present your paper in front of your whole class.
You were walking beside Murphy as horse of Zombies rounded a corner. You were spooked and stumbled backwards, but you quickly got up aiming your silver and white .45 pistols at the zombies foreheads. Everyone around you doing the same. You were fine, this was fine, but when you found your group cornered it scared the hell out of you.
“What do we do?” Addy asked warren taking the words from you. “Over here!” 10k said as he found a building that was just a couple meters away in the woods. “Come on.” The group ran. Warren, Addy and you were the first ones inside aiming your guns making sure there wasn’t any zombies. When it was clear the others came in.
It was a small little shack of a house in the woods. It had two bedrooms, a small living room, one tiny bathroom, and the kitchen that looked like it was out dated by 30 years.
“Will stay here until the horde passes.” Warren said as she shut and locked the door. You looked through the shack trying to find anything useful that’s when you opened the bedroom door. A couple bats flew out of the room making you jump and Squeal. Murphy laughed as he sat down beside you on the dusty couch. “What scared of a couple bats?” You shook your head as you continued going into the room.
Whoever was in the room left in a hurry. The Drawers were pulled out of the dresser. Clothes were thrown over the bed. A few pictures crooked on the wall, a few empty, dusty spots on the wall were pictures once were. You heard footsteps behind ou and you turned seeing warren.
“A family.” She said looking at the picture you had plucked from the wall. You nodded, your fingers cleaning the dust off the frame. “You have a family before this?” She asked, you nodded, but also shurgged.
“My baby brother. I took care of him. He, Umm. He died back when all this shit began. He didn’t listen to me and ran out of the house while two or three zombies were right in front of the house. He ran too fast for me to stop him and they killed him right in front of me. Mom, well she’s been out of the picture since I was 13. She decided I was old enough to take care of brother, who was just a baby then. So she ran off with some dude paying for her drugs and my dad died in the service. Back when my brother was born.” You answered tears pricking your eyes but you quickly whiped them away.
“I’m sorry.” Warren sympatheticly Said to you. You nodded as you whispered a “me too”. Warren walked out of the bed room as you sat down on the bed. Just staring at the picture in your hand. You weren’t an emotional person. You rarely showed when you were upset. Ever since you were young you had to act like nothing was wrong. As if your life was just sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. But truthfully you just felt overwhelmed. Life was just being overwhelming.
“Can I come in?” Murphy asked as he walked up to the door frame. You looked up at him nd nodded. “What’s up, buttercup?” He asked sitting beside you and bumping your arm. “The sky.” You joked sarcastically with a smile. “I have got to learn to stop saying that. You say that every time.” You giggled as you looked down at your hands. Putting the picture frame onto the dresser then laying down on the bed.
“Do you ever feel overwhelmed?” You asked, completely forgetting who you were talking to. “Uh, hi my name is Murphy. People call me the Murphy. Nice to meet you.” He said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes as you faced him. “I hate you.” He knew you didn’t mean that. The two of you had a weird friendship. You both ran into each other when he first became the mission. You actually talk to him as if he were a person, not as “the package.” You friendship grew into more of an relationship but neither would admit it. I mean the two of you have came so close to kissing but 10k or doc always interrupts.
“Sorry, bad question.” You spoke. Putting your arm over your eyes, blocking the sunlight. You felt the bed shift and automatically assumed he was leaving. But when you felt the bed shift and an arm slip around you, you didn’t jump. You knew the only person who would wrap their arms around you would be Murphy.
“What’s got you so stressed?” He asked his arms wrapped around you as the two of you spooned. Him being the big spoon holding you. And you resting against his chest enjoying the comfort.
“I don’t know. Life.” You laughed and shrugged. “It’s just. We’re taking you to California and we don’t even know what’s going to happen to you. I mean, they could just be killing you. Or torcher you or something. I don’t know. I-I’m just over thinking is all.” You spoke looking at the white wall in front of you. Murphy sighed as he pulled you so he could look at you correctly. He stared into your Y/e/c eyes and smiled. He leaned forwards kissing your forehead.
“You don’t have to worry about me.” He tried to get her to stop worrying. He didn’t want to go to California. He too was worried about going. He wouldn’t tell anyone that but he truly was.
“You guys are gross.” 10k said as he just so happen to walk into the room. “Kid, you don’t know gross.” You told him with a laugh. He nodded as he looked at you. “I just wanted to sleep on a bed while we had one, but you two have this one occupied and warren decided I could sleep in this one since addy had called the other one. Just as Murphy was about to say something you covered his mouth with your hand. “Of course. Come in lazy get up!” You said as your tried to pull out of Murphy’s thought grip. He groaned as he released you. “And for a minute I thought we were having a moment.” 10k laughed, “yeah a gross moment.”
An hour passed and the horde passed. You sat on the couch as Murphy laid across it, his head lying on your lap as doc sat across from you on a small love seat. “Is it weird?” Doc asked looking at you and Murphy. “Is what weird?” You asked completely confused at what Doc was asking. “Being in a relationship during the zombie apocalypse.” He answered looking at the two of you. You looked at him bewildered. “We-” “we’re not in a relationship.” Murphy ended the conversation quickly. He got grumpy all of a sudden. As if someone had just bursted his bubble. “Oh, sorry. It just seems like the two of you are a couple. I could’ve bet the two of you were together like a couple.” You nodded not knowing what to say.
“I don’t think he likes me like that.” You say all of a sudden without thinking. Murphy grows stiff and then tried to relax. “How is that? I mean he is literally only nice to you.” You just then began to think about it. Yeah the two of you flirted all the tile, but you never thought it was more then a flirty friendship.
“Alright, it’s clear of puppies and kittens I think we should get going.” Warren said as she came back inside the house. “I found a truck well take that. It’ll get us pretty far. Grab your stuff and take it to the truck. We’re leaving.” You grabbed your book bag and your rifle you carried. Your book bag had what you needed in it. (First aid kit, emergency food that you don’t plan on telling anyone about until it is needed. A water bottle. Stuff to make a fire, And girl stuff aka (pads, tampons, and Midol, and other pain meds.)
You sat in the bed of the pick up truck. The inside on fit three people. So you, Murphy and 10k sat in the bed of the truck. Addy, warren and doc sat in the cab of the truck. The truck was running good and somehow had a full tank of gas with an extra tank of gas on the back of it. It was complete luck finding the truck.
Days passed when you guys finally ran out of gas. The only thing was a storm had came. You hated storms. It was like it was a little bit of rain and wind. Heck, you would welcome that with open arms. But no, it had to be nothing but wind that seemed to be going 30 miles an hour, it was pouring rain and the thunder and lightning scared you every time you would hear the loud crashing boom.
“Are you okay?” Murphy asked, you jumped as the loud boom shook the store the group had found. “Yeah, just hate storms is all.” You spoke quickly looking at Murphy then jumping Sharon as you felt the store shake. Holding your breath as you sat down with you back against the wall and you head in your hands.
The group left you alone for a few minutes, just thinking you needed to be alone for a few minutes. But that is until you had passed out. Murphy was right by your side before anyone could get to you.
You had stopped breathing which worried him to death. “She’s stopped breathing!” He stressed looking at the group. He shook you some then he decided to give you mouth to mouth. (That’s how bad you had stopped breathing he thought you were dead. Geez gotta worry the group girl. 😂)
With a gasp you woke up. Looking at Murphy as he was practically holding you in his arms. “Wha-t happen?” You asked while sitting up. “You passed out from the lack of oxygen.” You looked at doc confused until you remembered. “Oh,” addy nodded, “Yeah, you have a bad habit of holding your breath while your scared. You gotta get out of that habit.” You nodded as you looked at Murphy and then to 10k who was just staring.
“What ya staring at?” You asked the kid. “Nothing, it’s just. Nothing.” He shook his head. “What I think he’s trying to say Is the two of you are still holding onto each other like it’s y’all last day on earth.” Doc finished for 10k. “Y’all need to kiss already and get the gross part over with.” Everyone looked at Warren shocked. She usually was not really into the gushy relationship stuff.
Murphy rolled his eyes as he looked down at your blushing self. You looked at him and shurgged. “Just get it over with. I can’t deal with you two staring at each other while the other isn’t looking.” Both of you rolled your eyes as you looked at each other. Looking into his eyes you placed a quick kiss to his lips. Everyone sighed shaking their heads. “That wasn’t barely even a peck.” Addy teased looking at you and you shook your head at her. Murphy pulled you closer stopping you from asking what he was doing with a passionate kiss.
“Wow.” You whispered, looking into his eyes. Kinda in shock. “Yeah,” he agreed looking in your e/y/c eyes. “That was cute, but now we need to get some sleep if we’re gonna get walking tomorrow.” Everyone nodded grabbing blankets they had found in the store making a makeshift beds and trying to go to sleep. Warren deciding to take first shift to stay up. Taking her spot beside the only entrance to the store.
You lied down beside Murphy. His arms comfortably wrapped around you as the two of you quickly fell asleep. This is where your safe place was, Murphy. He just seemed to ground you. And that’s the way he felt with you. The two of you just grounded each other.
And that’s the way I’m ending this story. Lol 😂 hope y’all liked it! ❤️🖤
Request for Z nation are welcome.
-No smut request-
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Could you do a mutiny x 10ks older sister!reader?Where they’re sneaking around and 10k doesn’t know that Murphy and his sister are together and after the two sneak off for their..spicy activities and come back early morning and go right to bed, the reader wakes up to them arguing and Murphy brag slightly bout fucking her and she gets really flustered and embarrassed and has to separate her apocalyptic partner and her little brother
Hi! i didn’t know if you wanted smut or not so i did like a half smut but lmk if you like it
murphy x 10k older sister!reader
His hand was over you’re mouth, to quiet your moans. The tree was rough against your back, and the burn only increased as he thrusted pushing you up against it.
His teeth grazed your neck, threatening to bite, though not breaking skin.
He groaned, his head falling onto your shoulder. The more he pushed, the closer you got. The warmth in your stomach spreading lower.
His hips stuttered and white hot sprits filled your insides. But he didn’t stop, he continued to rock his hips, his right hand coming down to rub his fingers against your clit.
The tightness wound up and quickly released, leaving you moaning against his hand.
As your moans quieted, he removed his hand, sliding it to your cheek. He pulled out of you, tucking himself into his pants. He kissed you softly, then reached down to pick up your shirt. The sun was beginning to rise and you needed to be back at camp soon.
“I love you.” Murphy whispered, his hand stroking the side of your neck.
“I love you,” you replied, arms around his neck.
You grabbed your things, and went your separate ways. It was easier to seperate, so if you got caught coming back to camp you weren’t caught sneaking out together.
The sun was just shining over the horizon when you snuggled into your sleeping bag.
You woke up to the sound of yelling.
“God! Do you ever shut up!” Your brother yelled.
“No. I am incapable of not talking.” Murphy’s sarcasm boomed in the air.
“No one wants to hear you! so just shut up!” Something Murphy had said must have really ticked him off.
“I don’t know, it seemed last night like your sister enjoyed hearing me talk. Among other things.” He wiggled his brow suggestively.
You immediately shot up and were out of your tent in seconds. Murphy and 10k stood about 10 feet away, Murphy looked smug while 10k had his fists clenched.
Before you could move any closer, 10k had swung his fist; knocking Murphy in the jaw.
His head jerked to the side but he managed to stay upright.
You launched forward, pushing yourself between them.
“Stop! Jesus Christ just stop!” You yelled, your back pressing into Murphy’s body while your hands pressed against 10k’s chest
10k was breathing heavily and was seething in rage.
“I mean did you honestly not notice her sneaking out of your tent every night so i could fuck her?” Murphy taunted, and 10k jerked forward.
Your face grows hot and you turn to glare at Murphy.
“God she moans kid, i have to cover her mouth or else she just screams.”
“M-murphy! Stop that!” She stuttered, face going pink.
10k tried to swing over your head but you grabbed his arm and pushed him away.
You moved away from Murphy, grabbing 10k’s arm and pulling him off towards your tent.
He was absolutely unraged, and you weren’t sure how to reassure him without making him angrier.
You just hoped talking it out would do the trick.
sorry its short, More? let me know if you like it.
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passable-talent · 4 years
i see z nation in your fandoms... 👁 could i possibly request a 10k x reader in which the reader and 10k have a heart to heart about something or in general have a soft moment? thank you... 💕
thank you @dreepiez, the best ever, for the lovely ask 💕, and for being my best friend and knowing exactly what i felt like writing today. I’m so soft for this boy its not even FUNNY.
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Eight months since the world had ended, roughly. All things considered, you’re in a pretty good place- definitely a better one than you’d been in on Day One. 
On Day One, you were absolutely alone in the middle of a national park near your home. You hadn’t known that the god damn zombie apocalypse was about to happen, so you were taking a walk- which wasn’t so unusual for little fifteen year old you. 
You’d been ambushed and chased by Z’s, and managed not to die, but walked away with an extremely broken ankle. 
And, that day, you’d met 10k. 
He was leaving the area late at night when he happened across you, in the truck he couldn’t quite drive. Well, an ally with a broken ankle is better than none at all when facing the zombie apocalypse. 
In the months following, you’d stuck together, becoming strong allies and close friends. You’d trust him with your life, and he you. You were the only person, in fact, who knew his real name. In the eight months since his father died, he hadn’t told a single other soul. 
You weren’t like anyone else. You were there since Day One, you’d never left his side. Even when the two of you were found by a survival group, you stuck together. It was the two of you against the world- no matter how many others offered help, neither of you would ever let your guard down far enough to be without the other. Or, rather, neither of you would ever let your guard down far enough to leave the other alone. 
You hated to admit it, but 10k was the only person that mattered to you. In the darkest of nights, when you laid in a bed that wasn’t yours and stared up at a ceiling so far from the home you’d grown up in, when you wondered if survival was worth it, thoughts of 10k would pull you through. No matter what you had to live through, you could never imagine leaving him alone. You’d stay alive, for him, for as long as you needed to. 
Maybe it was a little sad. You’d only known him for eight months, you really had nothing keeping you friends other than necessity; it’s not exactly like the two of you went to movies together. Still, he was the most important person in your life- the only important person. 
Your parents were gone, you didn’t know where. Your friends, from school, you didn’t even think about checking up on them before skipping town with 10k. There was no one left for you, other than him.
Still, you knew that no matter who you met, you’d always come back to him. It wasn’t like you didn’t get along- he was funny, and kind, and loyal, and, uh..
Well. You’re a teenager. And he looks like that. 
You’d never act on it, even though you know he feels the same. Every time he looked at you, chose to eat sitting next to you, wished you goodnight before passing out on a couch, you knew he felt the same. After all, he was a teenager too. He was easy to read.
It was unspoken, really, how much you cared for each other. Neither of you would never dare to bring it up, no matter how much you felt it. Instead, you just showed it, checking up on each other, keeping each other safe. You rarely even talked- with each other, that is. It was a silent companionship, affection obvious through the way you always sat beside each other, even when there was no reason to. 
It confused a lot of people at this safe camp, especially when you first arrived. Why are they always together, people would say amongst themselves, when they don’t even seem to like each other? 
Little did they know that all of your time alone together was worth far more than the time you spent together in the presence of others. 
Camp New World, as it was called among its survivors, was as safe a place as one could ask for. It was situated on the top of a mountain, right at its peak. In the time before day one, it had been owned by a single family, who built three homes on its peak as the generations passed. There was only one road up to the top, which made security from humans quite simple, and there were straight drop cliffs on all sides except for the road, which made security from Z’s easy enough. It was safe, and had been since the day it was made into a safe haven. 
Thanks to its position on the mountaintop, Camp New World had some spectacular views. And thanks to your age, you and 10k were very rarely sent on missions outside of camp, such things being given to adults rather than the two of you. 
And you did love going on adventures, you always had. The word had been well-soured by this eight month long, horrifying adventure, but sometimes you felt just a bit of that love when you sat back from the edge of the cliff and looked out across the valley. You could see to long-away mountains, turning blue with the horizon, and you could see roads crossing the fields that were once bustling highways. Looking out across a world that didn’t seem so much different than how it had been when you were fifteen, you always had just a little bit more to talk about. And with 10k sitting next to you, you always had someone to talk to. 
You glanced over your shoulder, making sure no one else was nearby the two of you. 
“It almost looks the way it used to,” you said, fixing your eyes on the silhouette of a town that must be miles away. 
“What do you mean?” 10k asked, turning his head slightly toward you, but not looking right at you. 
“All of it, out there,” you said, leaning back just a bit onto your hands. “If I didn’t know better, I wouldn’t know anything was different. The homes are in ruins and the towns deserted and the people scared, but from up here...” you trailed off, giving a light shrug. “You can’t tell.” 
“But you do know better,” 10k said, and this made you look at him. He looked the way he often did- pulled away, reserved. But you knew him better than anyone wandering the earth, dead or otherwise. 
He was comfortable. He was at least happy to be sitting with you instead of splitting wood, as they often asked him to do. He was interested in what you were saying, even if what he brought to the conversation was a little bit of cynicism. 
You looked back across the world, lifting your chin.
“Yeah,” you said, “I do.” Another few minutes passed in silence between the two of you, being serenaded by the October air rattling through the trees that had begun to lose their leaves, and the sound of the raging river far below that was responsible for the steep-cliffed mountain. 
“Still,” you said, “It’s peaceful. I’d be much more scared if I stood down there than I am sitting here.” 
“I’d rather you be here than down there,” he said, choking on his words just after they’d left his mouth. You came to his rescue as best as you could. 
“Well, last time I was down there, I had a broken ankle. I don’t want to be doing that again, either.” 
All too used to it you were, reeling him back from the conversation that neither of you wanted to have. You had to assume that if the situation was different, he’d be a romantic- the way he gave you an extra blanket or let you borrow his jacket made you sure of it. So sometimes, when you were alone, little things would slip out from between his lips, little things that told you just how much he cared for you. 
But caring for someone in this world was dangerous. You both knew it- he, who had had to mercy his own father, and you, who hadn’t seen your parents since the day it began. It was a lesson that held onto the two of you like burrs, hooking and holding deeper every time you tried to pull it away. 
Even though the two of you cared for each other, would die for each other, that little stinging burr kept the two of you from saying it out loud. If it was said out loud, it was real, and that reality would be much more dangerous. 
So you always deflected the attention away from his little confessions. Not maliciously, not to push him away, but to protect you both. It was the least you could do. After all- he’d saved your life, all those months ago. 
You’d returned the favor, of course, a few times. The first being when he drove you back to your home to find your parents, and instead found a Z with its arm stuck to the front door. 
The door was still locked, there was no forced entry, other than this Z on the outside of the front door. But your parents were just... gone. And there was nothing to suggest where they went. 
You scooted a little closer to Tommy, trying to get refuge from the wind. 
“Hey, Tommy,” you began, eyes cast over the edge of the cliff and to the riverbanks far below. “Do you ever think about what would’ve happened if we’d found my parents?” 
He knew how much it stung that you didn’t know what had happened to them. He knew how much it had hurt you to leave your home town and travel to Camp New World, leaving behind the one place you might find them. But you’d been injured, and young, and vulnerable, and you’d had no choice. He knew that it was a particular crack in your heart that was still raw, and likely would be for a long time. 
So he put his arm around you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
He still smelled like the cigarette he’d swiped from one of the men around the camp earlier in the day. At one time, you hated the smell of tobacco. Now, it just reminded you of him.
“No,” he said, “I don’t think about things like that.” His first finger drew little shapes on your furthest shoulder, and you let out a breath. “But I guess I would be a little happier if you didn’t have their loss on your shoulders.” 
That one, you’d let him get away with. 
The sun was near setting, the first brushstrokes of orange and yellow beginning to touch the western horizon. The sunsets from Camp New World were almost always spectacular, thanks to the wide expanse of horizon that one could view.
But you turned your head, laying your cheek on his shoulder, closing your eyes. This was the most you ever let your guard down; when you were alone with him, and the world was safe enough, for the moment. 
“I hope they’re dead,” you breathed out, and you felt his arm tighten around you. “So they don’t worry about me the way I worry about them. Is that bad?” 
Slowly, carefully, you felt Tommy lower his head down, resting his temple onto you. 
“No, I don’t think so,” he said, and you pulled one knee closer to you. “And even if it is, I still can’t blame you.” You let out a heavy breath, leaning further into him. 
If it hadn’t been for the zombie apocalypse, you never would have met him. And maybe you wouldn’t choose him over putting the world back to the way it was, but you’d definitely think hard about the decision. He was a bright side to the blackness that the world had become, the only person who kept you alive, who gave you a reason to stay alive. 
In moments like this, in which you sat with him, felt his fingertips run over your arm; in moments like this, all of the pain, the death, the mercy, all of it- it almost felt worth it.
-🦌 Roe
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strawberry-sanrio · 4 years
10k x reader
warnings: angst
word count: 2.5k
description: i was mostly inspired by the bridge of this song for this oneshot. anyways basically the reader is murphy’s niece who they had found along the way in season one. reader fell into a one sided love with 10k and he never looked her way ever, not until now (takes place in the beginning of season 3).
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None of them had expected to find somebody related to their least favorite member of the group, and they hadn’t. In fact, you had found them thanks to Citizen Z who had willingly led you to them knowing you were very much still alive. That was one thing, but the thing they had least expected was you as a person. You were absolutely nothing like Murphy, not even in the slightest way. Your personalities, mannerisms, and even looks were different in every way possible. Even so, there was no doubt that you two were related- not with the way Murphy treated you.
The strange hybrid had a soft spot for you, he always had since you were born. His older sister had you when he was about twenty-five and from the moment he saw you in the hospital room, he just knew you were a little bottle of sunshine. Although he was always grumpy and acted tough, the man would take you out for ice cream and buy you gifts. Even when he entered prison for postal fraud, you visited him with your mother at every chance you could. The last time he saw you was when you were thirteen. Not knowing whether or not you were still alive was something that often kept him up at night, more than most things did at least.
So when you met again and you joined their mission, it was only normal that the man would be overprotective of you in every and all situations, including those of first loves…. Needless to say, Murphy, just like the rest of the group, had seen it coming.
You and 10k were around the same age and had both been exposed to the cruelty of the world far too young compared to the rest of the members. You were a pretty girl, and he was a handsome young man- both strong and kind, always up for helping others at any cost. You would never forget the smile he gave you the day you met, and the way your heart sped. It was inevitable…. for you.
Tommy had not felt the same way. Sure, he loved you in more ways than one, but he was not in love with you. You made his heart race, sometimes, just like other girls did. You were beautiful, but so were other girls. He felt protective over you, just like he felt with the rest of his teammates. There was nothing different, or so he had thought.
You knew this. How could you not notice the lingering stares he gave Cassandra as she looked out the car window. Or when he gave the first prize rifle from the shooting contest to Brittany, a pretty girl he had only briefly met. Even Red, a random girl dressed in all red that mingled with Tommy quite well. Really, how he seemed to accept and return any attention given to him by any female near his age.
Taking all of this into consideration, you shouldn’t have been hurt when the blue-eyed beauty painfully rejected your feelings for him. But you were.
“Y/N,” he whispered, clearly distraught by your sudden confession. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen it coming, Doc had noted it to him long ago. “I… I don’t think right now is the right time.”
“You mean… For me, right?”
You looked over to Cassandra, who was sleeping on the floor on a blanket they had found along the way. Even sleeping, without having showered in quite some time, and stained with blood- she was pretty. Prettier than you, you had thought.
Before the clearly conflicted boy could answer, you shook your head- your beady eyes becoming even shinier in the pale moonlight. You gulped.
“It’s whatever, please just forget it,” you told 10k, giving him a reassuring smile that probably wouldn’t have fooled anybody but him. Maybe it didn’t even fool him, but he took it anyways.
A part of you had wished that he wouldn’t forget it and maybe feel awkward around you, so that you would know that your feelings sincerely reached him, but he didn’t. In fact, he acted so casually- it began to hurt. You knew that you should’ve stopped feeling for him and given up then and there, and you did… for a while. For a while you thought about nothing but taking out your feelings by killing zombies and completing the tasks needed for the mission, but as you buried your feelings deeper- they only grew by tenfold.
When Cassandra died and came back as a strange hybrid thanks to your uncle, having to see 10k suffer because of her only made things worse. The pain only grew and he began to distance himself from everyone around him. Even through this, you remained by his side. You left your uncle to follow him, and you pushed through the agony. The little moments you shared with him- chatting underneath the stars in the back of the pick up truck and him teaching you how to fish.
After she actually died, at his hands, you helped him heal as much as you could and he let you. You and Tommy were practically attached at the hip, even when you slept- he would stay beside you and take watch. Perhaps it was because he had already lost so many people, if he lost you- he probably wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
Needless to say, Murphy was not happy about any of it. He had never liked 10k in the first place, even less when he killed Cassandra, but the fact that you were helplessly in love with him and would defy your own uncle for a boy… It was infuriating, to say the least. Deep down he knew that 10k was a good person, much better than anybody else out there, but even so he couldn’t accept it. Not even when you were on the floor crying for him as he got shot thanks to a team of bounty hunters who were after the one and only blue hybrid man.
“10k,” you croaked out, tears daring to escape your beautiful e/c eyes that seemed even more majestic to him as everything was a bit hazy. “They’re going to take you to the submarine where there will be doctors, uncle Murphy will be there too- don’t worry.”
Despite having been shot, your words were as clear as daylight to him, after all, Tommy had always focused in on your voice.
“But- but what about you, Y/N?”
You shook your head, sniffling lightly in worry for the boy who you loved so much. The sight before him now reminded him of the day he rejected you… He regretted it. Now having to go alone with only Murphy made him realize how weak he was without you and how hard it would be. He had taken you for granted.
“No,” 10k refused, trying to get up, ignoring the agonizing pain coming from his abdomen. “I’m not going without you, Y/N.”
“Shhhh you’re right when you come back when you’re all healed up you will not be going anywhere without me, but for now you have to go okay? When you get back you can tell us all about it. I’ll be waiting for you, all of us will.”
The other members nodded in agreement and gave the ravenette encouraging smiles that told him to go on. Hesitantly, he nodded back and let you help him up.
“I’ll be back,” the boy affirmed, staring deep into your orbs. “I promise.”
You smiled, giving him a friendly kiss on the temple before handing him off to the guards and turning to your uncle who was awaiting your goodbye.
Believing you probably weren’t going to be seeing him for a very long time (if ever), you gave him a tight hug, the tears finally escaping your eyes as you hugged goodbye your only living family member.
“Please be safe, uncle Murphy,” you told him, hugging him even tighter. “And… Please keep him safe. Keep 10k safe, for me, please.”
The blue man hugged you back, almost tearing up as well. He had always been attached to you, but the apocalypse somehow managed to tighten your relationship even more than ever before.
“Don’t worry, kid. Lover boy will be fine.”
The two of you pulled away, both wiping away the tears that had unwillingly fallen.
“Stay out of trouble, uncle Murphy.”
And that was the last time you had seen either of the men you loved. Even after the submarine had sunk, apparently your uncle had come back for you and the others when you were out using the bathroom at a somewhat inconvenient time. According to Roberta and the others, 10k was not with the blue man. When they told you that, your whole body froze. There was no way 10k could’ve died- there was no way Murphy would let that happen, now when he knew how much his niece adored him. It was pretty much impossible, but it made no sense. If he was alive, where was he? And why hadn’t he come back to her as promised?
You decided not to follow after your Uncle. If it was true that the boy you were in love with was dead because of your uncle, you couldn’t bear the thought of being with him. You were much better off with Roberta and Addy- who both knew the feeling of losing the men they loved. And Doc, who cared for 10k almost as much as you did.
You had hope that Murphy would give up there, but he didn’t. No, in fact, he returned for you.
“My dear niece, Y/N,” he called out, coming out of nowhere with his arms wide open.
You hugged him, obviously excited to see your only relative, but also eager to hear from him what really happened to 10k. There was no way he was dead.
Once you pulled away, you gave him a ear-to-ear grin— finally asking the question you had on your mind.
“So where’s 10k?”
Murphy stopped smiling.
“He’s fine, honey. Just come with me and I’ll explain everything. We will build a new world with doctor merch and you and him can live happily ever after! It will be great,” he explained, pulling you along as he walked God knows where.
“W-wait what?” You stuttered, your eyes widened at his strange words. “I... Heard somebody with very precise aim shot at Warren’s feet. Was it 10k?”
Murphy was silenced by your question, not knowing what to say next. He could lie to anyone, anyone but you. He had done enough of that to his whole family and it ruined his life before the apocalypse had even started. The only relationship he managed to salvage were those of his sister and mother. Now... What would happen?
The relationship’s demise was coming soon, either way. If he lied, there was no point— she would find out soon enough and it would be even worse.
“Yes.... and no.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, subconsciously backing up as this confirmation of the information you had obtained processed.
The blue hybrid knew he wouldn’t have to explain. You were a bright girl, it wasn’t long before the realization seeped into your features— later coming the denial.
“No,” you denied, shaking your head furiously. “You didn’t.”
“Sunshine, I had no other choice.”
You shook your head even more, tears slipping out of your pained orbs.
“Tell me you didn’t bite him. Murphy, tell me you didn’t.”
He didn’t say anything.
You pushed forward hitting him on the chest as hard as you could, punch after punch as you cried— angrily shaking your head.
“You didn’t!”
Your cries became even louder, and your punches even stronger— actually beginning to hurt the blue man.
“Y/N that’s enough.”
“No, no, no, no!”
You pushed him to the ground, getting on top of him and continuing to punch his chest in utter and pure resentment.
“You did not bite 10k!”
“I had no choice.”
His words seemed to set something off deep inside you that only made you even angrier, giving you more strength to actually seriously injure him— and it didn’t go unnoticed by him. He was worried for himself.
“You has no choice?! That’s bullshit! Utter bullshit! You may be able to miraculously fool everybody else with your pathetic excuses but not me Uncle Murphy!” You shook your head. “Not when I’ve been hearing them my whole life!”
Oh boy. That was not the correct choice of words. They stabbed him far further than any injection ever had and they reached something nothing else ever had— his heart. He did not like that. Without even thinking about it, he internally called for help— summoning just the person you were arguing over. Except... it wasn’t him. Not really.
Tackling you to your side, 10k held a knife to your neck— pinning you down so you would be unable to hurt your uncle, his master, any more.
You looked up at him. It wasn’t him. You knew that. You knew that there was no way in hell that the 10k you loved and knew would ever hold a weapon up to you, not even in a life or death situation. Even before his emotionless icy blue eyes you could sense the struggle between his will and newfound impulsive nature that only told him to serve Murphy. And even though it hurt you, you knew that deep down it was hurting him by tenfold. To know that he had become exactly what he had seen in Cassandra, you were sure that the disgust and needless guilt would submerge him fully under soon enough.
“10k, it’s okay,” you told him, smiling despite your shaking body. Anybody would be a fool not fear him, even more so now that he was under a certain cynical blue man’s control.
“It’s okay. If you hurt me it’s okay, I’ll let you. I’ll forgive you no matter what.”
Even in the state of mind he was in, frenetic with the side effects of Murphy’s bite, your words reached the back of his head where his thoughts were only as loud as a whisper— and his heart swelled at your gentle words. Even though it had only been a few days since he last saw you, you seemed so much more beautiful than before. Your voice seemed sweeter and your eyes, deeper. He wondered if you had always looked that way and he was just a blind idiot. More notably, he wondered if anybody else had seen you the way he was seeing you. The thought of it made him uncomfortable, and even a bit upset.
Before he had the time to think next about what you were doing, you somehow managed to flip him over and get on top of him, now hovering over him— letting any tears that were left drip onto his abnormally pale face.
“Y/N?” His voice croaked out, looking up at you— torn.
“I’ll come back for you, I promise.”
Before he could say anything more or think about the words you had spoken, you jumped off of him and went running back to where Warren and the others were waiting for you. You didn’t say anything to them, you couldn’t. You were still in shock.
There were a lot of questions you needed answers to, and you were not going to settle until all of them were answered.
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topazy · 1 year
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 5.02
Doc follows behind George for a few miles as she leads you to Camp Altura. The camp was built around a college campus, which had minimal damage. As you stepped in closer, you were able to see different stalls selling blankets, hot food, hand-made soaps, and fresh fruit and vegetables.
“This place is pretty impressive.”
“Hey, guys!” George calls over from a fenced-off area. “You gotta go to quarantine first!”
She points you in the direction of a tent to revive a medical test that would determine if you were alive or dead. Then you could move onto the second stage and fill out forms to register as a citizen. The third part was being assigned a temporary job until they found a permanent one suited best to the information you’d given them.
Doc and Sarge passed with flying colors, but the doctor checking 10K seemed concerned. “I'm having a hard time finding a pulse,” she says, feeling his wrist. “Any near-death experiences? Going into the white light? Loss of appetite?”
“Sometimes everything’s in slow motion.”
The doctor gets 10k to remove his top half of clothing to scan his body with a UV light. You swallow hard, glancing over to the other side of the tent. You see Doc and Sarge watching with the same expression on their faces, no doubt fearing the same thing as you. What if 10K was still technically dead? The doctor pushes him forward to inspect his back and notices the mark on the back of his neck. “What is that? It looks like a healed-over bite.”
“Oh, that… that was me. I sometimes get a little carried away in the bedroom.”
10k looks mortified at first but then clicks onto your lie. Smiling, he looks up at her and shrugs. “I picked a biter.”
Unconvinced, the doctor begins to feel his neck and then his chest. She roughly pushes her thumb over where his heart should be, causing 10k to wince out in pain. “Any heart problems you’re aware of?”
“Not till you did that,” he says, trying to pull away from her, but the doctor only pushed her thumb in deeper.
After a tense few moments pass, the doctor finally smiles and says, “There we go; we got a pulse.”
When it’s your turn to sit in the chair, you hand the doctor the paper with your name on it. It felt so strange seeing your name in black and white on the medical form. 𝐘/𝐍 ‘𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚’ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐤. You were unsure whether to even include your first name since nobody calls it anymore, but you chose to in case Addy ever came looking for you.
She looks between you and 10k, who was putting his top back on. “Another Beck, siblings?”
“But not siblings?”
Sarge scrunches up her nose and says, “that’s disgusting.”
You nod in agreement with Sarge while opening up your mouth for the doctor to inspect your teeth.
“Anything can happen in the new world,” she deadpans.
“Any zombie bites? Mortal wounds? Organ failure?”
You shake your head.
The doctor feels around the inside of your mouth, giving you a disapproving look. Considering how hard it was to keep hygiene standards up while running from the undead and trying to save the world, your teeth were in pretty good condition. The doctor narrows her eyes at you, then turns to tell Doc and Sarge they should start queuing to register because the lines were long. She asks you question after question without giving you a chance to answer. Frowning, she starts to feel around your stomach before moving her hands further up your body.
You swat the doctor's hands away when she feels your breasts. “Eh, excuse me!”
“Hmm,” she starts to scribble down on the piece of paper, shaking her head. “I’ll organize a scan for you. It will probably be later today so they can do a safety evaluation to figure out the best place for you to work.”
10k steps forward, his eyes wide with worry. “Why does she need a scan? Is something wrong?”
“No, just to see how far along the baby is.”
"I’m pre—” Before you can complete the question, you hear a thud. You look over your shoulder to see 10k has passed out. “I’m not…I cannot be.”
She hands you a small yellow tube to pee in and says, “Let’s find out then.”
Oh shit.
“Okay, so now that you’ve registered for citizenship and are certified alive, you’ll need to wait outside in the line on the left for housing and a work permit,” the doctor explains. She smiles at you. “Well, not you, mommy; you’ll be off work for at least a couple of days.”
This wasn’t happening; there had to be some kind of mistake. You couldn’t be pregnant. You glance at 10k, who was toying with the bandana on his head; he hadn’t said anything since two pink lines appeared on the stick the doctor dipped into your urine sample.
“I know this is a shock, but I do have more people waiting to be processed.”
You stand first. “Uh, thank you.”
Stepping out of the medical tent into the camp, you first spot Doc and Sarge, who are waiting for you both. “Fuck, we can’t tell them.”
10k nods in agreement, “we cannot tell them or anyone.”
You go over to retrieve your bags and weapons, which you made to hand over upon arrival. Soon as Doc waved over to you, you knew it would be impossible to keep a secret like this from him. 10k thinks the same because he says, “I don’t know how long I can be around him before I break.”
“We can tell Doc, but nobody else. I don’t want anyone to know anything until... I don’t even know.”
“Until we are finally sure things are safe?”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Our team is our family; this affects them, and I don’t want to freak everyone out until it’s absolutely necessary. How are you feeling about it? Your head took a pretty hard hit when you hit the ground.”
10k Let’s take a deep breath. “I’m not going to lie; I’m terrified. But we’ve made it this far.” Seeing tears build in your eyes, he pulls you in for a hug and kisses your forehead. “We’ve made it through much worse; we just need time to get our heads around it.”
Taking his hand, you walk towards Doc and Sarge in comfortable silence. Just as you reach them, George appears with a large smile on her face. “Hey guys, I’m glad to see you made it in. Did you get your work assignments?”
“Sure did.” Doc replies. “You’re looking at a future intake examiner. I guess they liked my bedside manner.”
“I’ve been assigned gate duty with the volunteer militia,” Sarge pouts.
“So have I,” 10k says.
Sarge seems a little happier that she and 10K have the same assignment, but she struggles to hide her disappointment. George picks up on it as well, “it’s only temporary. Once the referendum passes, you’ll be able to work anywhere in New America. I personally like Pacifia, my home, but there’s something for everybody.”
You liked the sound of that. Personally, you either wanted to live in an open area like a forest or a farmhouse. You knew it would be a long time before that day came, but having that goal reminded you how worthwhile all the shit you’ve been through was.
George’s dark eyes land on you. “What about you? What’s your work assignment?”
“I don’t have one yet,” you shrug.
George nods her head; she looks like she’s going to say something but notices the nervous glance between yourself and 10K and changes the subject. “Well, if there’s anything I can do—one moment.”
You watch as George orders men who are guarding the fences to be less rough on a woman who’s the new type of zombie. She calls for Dante to hand her one of those little black biscuits and feed it to the women, making her much calmer. Without those biscuits, camp would be screwed; it was the only thing that stopped people who had died from turning completely Z.
After a quick shower and a hot meal, you go with the rest of your group while they are on gate duty. You didn’t want your first day in the place to be alone, especially since you’d got an appointment for a scan later on that day. Even though the doctor confirmed you were with a child, you didn’t feel any different; the only difference you felt now was a massive weight pressing down on you for keeping it a secret. But knowing so many things could go wrong, it was best to keep it quiet for now. At least that’s what you told yourself.
“Warren! Murphy!”
“Oh my god! Roberta! You are indestructible! Look at your hair,” Doc says, pulling a brunette into a hug.
It takes you a few seconds to fully register. Warren was standing in front of you. She was alive. You jump to your feet and rush towards them. “I can’t believe Murphy actually found you. I was so sure both of you were gone.”
Warren hugs you tightly. “I’m glad to see you. I’m so glad you guys made it this far; I was worried I’d never get the chance to see any of you again.”
Whatever happened to Warren when she supposedly died changed her hair back to its natural color. You liked it; she looked more like herself again. Murphy’s skin still remained bright red. Although Altura was the longest zombie-free outpost in North America, you couldn’t shake the niggling feeling that it could all change now that Murphy had arrived. Seconds after the thought crosses your mind, Murphy causes a scene by refusing to go for his examination.
Seeing Dante step forward, you jump in between them and say, “Listen, he’s got a phobia of scientists.”
Doc starts to try and defuse the tension but stops talking when Warren and George smile at each other. They walk towards each other and hug. It turns out they were old friends who saved each other's lives at the start of the apocalypse.
The outpost was more impressive than you first realized; it even had its own bar—not that you could drink for a long time, but it was nice that others could. When you first entered the bar, you were pleasantly surprised to meet Simon Cruller, better known as Citizen Z. It was crazy to think how many times he’d saved your asses without ever actually meeting you.
“Oh my god, what is that?”
You try not to barf as a citizen places down a large glass of green tequila before sitting down beside 10k and saying, “Do not let me drink this; I have a wife and kid.”
10k tilts his head and looks at you with wide eyes; you could already see the sweat gathering at his hairline. You had agreed to sit down with Doc and gently break the news to him that night, then, in a few days, tell the others, but the unknown elephant in the room had caught the attention of Sarge, Simone, and Doc, who were all staring at the two of you, waiting for one of you to say something.
Doc suddenly lunges forward, “Reds alive! She’s here with some dude, and they have a kid!”
Before either of you can answer, glass shatters from the other side of the bar, and two drunk men begin to shove each other while arguing. Sarge and Simone go to intervene, while Doc stays behind. A baby? How long have you been apart from her? Keeping track of time in the apocalypse was never easy.
“Sorry kids, I thought you would be over the moon to—”
10K suddenly lunges forward, downing the green tequila he burns loudly before wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. He looks at Doc and blurts out, “Astra’s pregnant, with a baby!”
Doc leans back into his chair and says, “Oh my god, I mean congratulations. You guys must be—”
“What’s going on, gang?” Warren asks, walking towards you.
“Nothing, nothing,” 10k scrambled to his feet. “I need some fresh air.”
“Yeah, I’ll go with you.”
“You guys should go talk to her,” Sarge says, motioning her head in the direction Red was going.
While walking around the stall area, Sarge caught up with you and 10K; if she sensed something was going on, she never let on.
“Yeah, it would be nice to catch up with her and find out how she vanished into thin air.”
You start to approach her first, watching as she smiles brightly and talks to someone, but when a man hands her a baby wrapped in blankets, you quickly turn and head in another direction. It was too much. Starting a new life, finding out you were growing a new life, Warren coming from the dead, and now seeing Red with a family—it was too much for you to process at once.
“Astra! Astra, wait!”
You run until you start to feel physically sick and sit down on a patch of grass. Pulling your chest up to your knees, you quietly sob. You lose track of how long you’re sitting for; you only lift your head when footsteps approach from behind. “I’m sorry, Tommy.”
“No need to be sorry.”
“Red?” You wipe away your fallen tears and stand, saying, “You’re really here.”
“And you’re alive!” She rushes over and embraces you in a hug that you desperately needed. “I spoke to 10K; just to be clear, I’m not married, but here you are. Congratulations.”
You pull back and chuckle. “I’d say I wish you were there, but it was kind of chaotic.”
“Isn’t it always? What kind of wedding was it?”
“It was a spur of the moment, word-dying type of wedding.” She laughs, thinking it’s a joke. “Red, I’m so sorry about everything that happened before you left. I’ve missed you so much; I should never have left you and taken off like I did.”
She offers you a kind smile. “What’s done is done. Now we can only look to the future, and for the record, I’m sorry too.”
You squeeze her hand, “friends.”
“Fri— what was that?”
You both look over to the building the voting was going on in to see smoke coming out from the side of it. “I think a bomb just went off.”
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ragnarachael · 4 years
Hiii!! 💕 Okay so I loOOoOoVe your writing style sm 🥺 and I’m fairly new at this whole asking and requesting fics and stuff so plz lmk if I’m doing anything wrong!! But I seen you like Z Nation, so I was hoping I could possibly ask for 48 & 19 from the kiss prompt list with a Murphy x reader from Z Nation? Mainly bc Murphy is so fricken tall (especially compared to me, who is a whopping 5 feet tall) thank you so much!! 💗💖
thank you so much, hun!! i appreciate it 🥺 and i’ve never EVER written a murphy x reader in my life (unless you count warphy content, but i mean... still) so if this isn’t the best, i’m sorry! but thank you for sending in my first z nation request in... god who knows how long. i miss that stupid zombie show. this takes place after the final episode of the series! i’m a little rusty so please know that if i got any of the facts wrong or something that’s why! (after writing this i really realize how much i miss writing for this chaotic family)
48. One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s.
19. One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.
send in a prompt! drabble requests are open until monday (08/31!)
Altura was thriving. That’s all there was to it. Altura was thriving with George in power, Warren as her right-hand, and everything seemed to be okay. Of course, that wouldn’t be for long like it usually is with this group, but that was okay.
You wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Well, you’d trade some things. Like Murphy, for example. 
He’s been spending most of his time with Warren. You shouldn’t be jealous, but you are. She’s a newly deemed talker somehow, and he’s probably coaching her through some things. But your brain—that was still your own, thank God—was giving you red flags.
It’s definitely from Murphy telling you about his past with dating from Pre-Z. You knew the past was in the past. He was literally red now, so there’s nothing else you could really hold against him.
He’s changed. He’s shown you that.
Yet you still felt some jealousy in the pit of your stomach every time he said something about Warren. Or, Roberta, as he affectionately called her.
10k and Doc were noticing your conflict from the side of the mess hall as you held a cup of water, looking right where Murphy and Warren were talking animatedly.
“Kid,” Doc said suddenly, clapping your shoulder. You didn’t jump. “You’re worryin’ over nothing.”
You took a deep breath, turning your head to glance over at Doc. “I know.”
“He’s head over heels for you,” 10k added somewhat helpfully. “It’s kinda.. disgusting, actually.”
Doc cleared his throat harshly and gave 10k a shove.
“What he’s sayin’ is, Murphy loves ya. He wouldn’t try and do anything to hurt you.”
You let out a laugh as you chugged the rest of the water from your cup, smiling as you swallowed, shaking your head fondly.
“Thank you, Doc. 10k. I’ll see you later at the bonfire tonight?”
The both of them gave you an affirmative as you started to walk away, tossing your small paper cup in a trash can that was in your path.
It was an internal battle all day for you. You loved Warren and you loved Murphy, but seeing them together just kept bugging you. Maybe it was just because you were practically casted aside? Who knew. You didn’t. The only think you knew at this point as you helped some of the people in Altura was that you’re most definitely asking Addy if she still had that flask of whiskey on her.
Murphy finally acknowledged you and gave you some form of affection at the bonfire. Obviously, you were a little pissed. You’d been around all day, and he chose now to actually throw an arm around your shoulders?
Murphy noticed something was wrong with you, for lack of better terms, and easily followed you when you quickly volunteered to get more wood for the fire.
He called your name about three times as you led him to the firewood that was freshly chopped before his hand shot out to grab your own before you could grab any wood. 
“Baby, talk to me,” Murphy stressed gently, his grip slightly comforting. You sighed and tried not to turn around to look at him right away.
“I....are you wanting to be with Warren?”
Murphy’s jaw kind of dropped when you said that finally.
“What? No, no. No. No way. Me and Roberta? Hell no. She’d kick my ass into next week—”
“Then why the hell have you been ignoring me for the past couple of days while you’re not busy, Murphy? You’re always with her. Always talking with her, always joking around!” You exclaimed, finally turning to look at him in the eye. “We haven’t had any time to ourselves lately, and I get that Warren’s a talker now, but haven’t you thought that maybe, just maybe you should spend some time with your significant other who almost died saving your ass just a few nights ago?”
Murphy was...well, he was speechless. Your words hit him a little too hard for comfort. You were right. He’s been spending all of his off time with Roberta this week. Granted, he thinks he’s allowed to do that, but he didn’t even communicate with you about it.
You had the right to be pissed off.
Before you could carry on speaking, Murphy launched into a string of apologies and explanations. 
He was nervous. He does this often. His mouth runs almost just as fast as his thoughts when he gets to thinking, and he’s rambling about how he feels terrible that he hasn’t talked to you in what feels like ages.
You tried to interrupt him several times. Murphy just kept talking and talking and talking. And you were growing tired of watching him swing your arm around as he spoke with his hands.
After pulling your hand from his grasp, he kept going on and on about what he’s been busy with and he’s sorry while your hands reached up to grab the lapels of his jacket he was wearing. And after a moment?
You yanked him down and pressed your lips to his. It was extremely effective, he shut up in order to actually bend down properly to reach your height.
It took a moment to get out of the awkward stance you both adopted before the kiss was deepening and your back was being pressed into the wall of a nearby shed.
Murphy pulled away from the kiss in heavy pants, hands caging you in between him and the wood. “Do you...do you want to do this?”
You rolled your eyes with a gentle smile, your hands wrapping around his neck tightly before you surged forwards to press your lips to his, locking your lips into a more passionate kiss in this moment.
Hopefully, the bonfire can hold out for a while before you two are done making up.
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
More Lyric Prompts <3
Feel free to send me any requests with the characters in the tags, if you have a specific character that isn’t included in the tags just ask anyways, you can also put specifics into what you want, and I’ll see what I can do! :)
1. “I’ll go anywhere you want, anywhere you want me.” - Mercury, Sleeping at Last.
2. “I carried you home, you sat in the shower, while I washed off your clothes.” - Partners in Crime, FINNEAS
3. “I can’t fix what was done to you, but I’ll shield you from the rain.” - Small Hands, Radical Face
4. “I would do anything to get you out your room.” - Black Dog, Arlo Parks
5. “Wake up with me, open up your eyes, breathe easy.” - Wake up with Me, Gabrielle Aplin 
6. “Wont you take my hand, baby, it all makes sense with you.” - You, Tennyson
7. “I can’t get you out my mind, I thought I might’ve dreamed it, you made me feel something that night, I swore I never needed.” - Honey, Sorcha Richardson
8. “I never get bored of looking at you, ‘cause every time I see something new, like the scar on your spine.” - Watch You Sleep, Girl in Red
9. “Darling you’ve been my greatest defeat, so hate me to death if you must.” - Prayer, Keaton Henson
10. “You asked to walk me home, but I had to carry you.” - Moon Song, Phoebe Bridgers
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harringtown · 4 years
no bad things had happened then
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requested by anonymous
read the first part here (not necessary to understand this one but theyre loosely connected!)
Pairing: 10k x reader
Summary: an apocalypse wedding! (aka doc officiates, murphy cries, and everyone is happy)
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: blood/violence mention
Holding a wedding during the apocalypse is surprisingly easy to put together if you let go of all pre-conceived expectations about what a wedding should be. There is no beautiful venue or a mass of guests or catered meals, no brand new dresses and tuxedos, no formalities of any kind.
Doc and Addy do most of the planning, and direct the others around for a whole week, cleaning out the business center of the motel you’ve commandeered and spending hours in the room constructing a venue fit for a zombie apocalypse wedding. Admittedly, the majority of the work rests in clearing the space of years worth of blood and bodies and debris.
Warren and Addy help you find a dress in an old thrift shop, and with a little sewing and a few rounds in a bin with soap, it’s halfway to a real dress. Murphy is on food, surprisingly enjoying the days he spends in the kitchen whipping up random items.
Doc officiates, having gotten ordained at some point before the world went to shit. He’s officiated a handful of hippie weddings, a few gay weddings, and even conducted a ceremony in divorce court, but a ceremony in the apocalypse is a little tricker.
10k stands in front of a dusty bathroom mirror in one of the motel rooms, a handful deemed usable by the group. A wedding means a well-needed reprieve from the mission and the endless traveling, and half the time here has been used for catching up on sleep.
10k adjusts his tie for the tenth time, and Mack ducks into the bathroom, shoving 10k’s hands out of the way and fixing the loops. He pats 10k on the arm, giving him a lopsided grin in the mirror.
“Not too late to run, man,” he says. One side of 10k’s mouth twitches, and he turns.
“Even if I did, she’d find me.”
“And kick your ass to the next century,” says Murphy, who isn’t 10k’s biggest fan - and vice versa - but seeing as you threatened to blow his hand off if he didn’t get out of your room, he’s resigned himself to bugging the guys.
“Murphy’s right on that one,” Doc says from the bedroom. “And could you blame her?”
10k and Mack head out into the main room where Doc and Murphy are getting ready. There wasn’t exactly a bridal shop to raid for matching dresses and suits, each garment odd and out of place, but it’s almost fitting, considering who everyone is.
The group is a patchwork family, dragged from each corner of the barren world and plopped together randomly with a mission to save a world that was long gone. It was never supposed to be a family, never supposed to be anything but a temporary survival tool.
At some point, though, the people around 10k became the only things that matter in the broken, bleeding world.
Murphy wears a suit with a pattern that can only be described as ’90’s arcade carpet’ with funky shapes and bright colors against a black base. On anyone else, it would look ridiculous, but Murphy is such a ridiculous character that the suit almost seems tame. Doc’s suit, inevitably, is covered in marijuana leaves. Mack’s is velvet and navy blue with soft purple flowers.
10k’s suit is a little more simple, though not by much. Deep maroon, with black undertones atop a white dress shirt. They couldn’t find fancy shoes, and 10k would have refused them anyway, so he still wears his beat up combat boots, and the outlines of weapons tucked into his pockets are lightly visible through the fabric.
He doesn’t feel like the kid with the rifle that he thinks of himself as. Not the warrior, the soldier, the child, but a man.
Doc comes up behind him and places his hands on 10k’s shoulders, squeezing lightly.
“Ready to get hitched, kid?”
10k gives him a tiny, nervous smile through the faded mirror. Doc pats his shoulders and steps away.
“Long as you don’t forget your vows, you’re good.”
10k blanches, and asks, “Wait, does that happen a lot?”
“All the time,” Murphy says. “Messes the whole thing right up.”
“Oh, fuck off, Murphy,” Mack says, hitting his hair with another spurt of hairspray before heading for the door, smacking Murphy hard on the back as he passes. “Stop trying to get in his head, and go make sure your pigs in a blanket aren’t burning.”
“Pigs in a blanket,” Murphy grumbles, following Mack to the door, “As if.”
The motel lobby has been transformed from apocalyptic wasteland to an, admittedly grimy, decently set up place. The creme colored walls have been scrubbed of dirt and blood, and various decorations - all unlatching - don the walls, likely snagged from various stores around the town. An arch made of plastic flowers has been nailed into the wall, and a few plastic chairs sit opposite it. There’s even a tiny, blue carpet that stretches between the chairs up to the arch.
The wedding is not traditional, and none of you wanted it to be. 10k doesn’t wait up at the head, instead behind the chairs with Doc, standing in front of you and Warren.
Today, while Doc and Warren are technically giving you away, the footsteps of everyone you’ve loved and lost - family and friends and strangers - stand behind you, their invisible hands in yours.
10k walks first, Doc leading him down the short carpet to the arch. Doc stands facing Mack, Murphy, Addy, and Cassandra in their chairs, and 10k stands beside him, facing the place you will take.
Warren leads you next, and as you walk, Addy and Mack croon an out-of-tune wedding march, and even Murphy, Cassandra, and Warren join in, the lobby filled with bad singing by the time you make it down the makeshift aisle.
10k’s lips part as he gets a full view of you, hair pinned up by Addy, light makeup scrounged from an old pharmacy painted on your face. The dress is clearly old, but clean, and beautiful.
It’s a little weird to see you without a gun in your hands and blood splattered across your cheek; you’re the most beautiful person 10k has ever seen in both situations. Here, in a wedding dress, and outside, blood-soaked and tight-lipped.
“Alright, that’s enough of that tone-deaf bullshit,” Doc says, waving at the others to quiet. They do, snickering, and Doc turns to you and 10k, standing opposite each other.
10k can’t look anywhere but at you, and the little smile on your lips, and the bright shine to your eyes, and the way the fabric of the dress hugs your silhouette.
“Ladies, gentleman, and whatever the hell Murphy is,” Doc says, earning an ignored ‘hey!’ From Murphy, “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two of the scariest teenagers I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.” Doc looks between you, a genuine smile pulling on his lips. “When we first found 10k, he was a young, innocent little killer who’d never even read a booby mag. And look at him now,” Doc says, waggling his brows at 10k, who smiles.
“And Y/N, the slumlord of the local Chuck E Cheese,” Doc says. You groan, and he continues. “Who knew that a little old 18 year old was the one who cleared that entire block of Z’s? You nearly took the kid’s head off when he tried to come in for supplies.”
You flash a grin at 10k, who shrugs, cheeks flushing pink.
“Both basically feral,” Doc says.
“Hey!” You protest.
“He’s not lying!” Warren calls, making the others snicker.
“And now, look at you.” Doc pauses, his smile turning sentimental, and 10k could swear he sees moisture in the older man’s eyes. “The world died, but you’re still here. Starting a family, even when the rest of this planet is trying to kill you daily.”
Someone sniffles, and 10k flashes a glance at the chairs, catching sight of Murphy swiping tears from his eyes before they fall. Addy, sitting beside him, snorts and pats his arm, to which he swats her back, fixing her with a glare.
“Have you prepared vows?” Doc asks. Both you and 10k nod.
“Ladies first,” he says, and your cheeks flush as you meet 10k’s gaze, a tiny smile tugging on your lips.
“I’m not really good at this. I mean, I never expected to get married. When there are dead people banging on your door, it’s kind of hard to think about the future, especially a happy one. I thought that all that stuff,” you say, “Marriage and love and family and happiness were old world things. Then you found me.” You reach out, taking his hands in yours, skin calloused and sturdy and familiar. “I didn’t think I was the type of person that deserved a great love story. And when the world ended, I knew for sure it was over. Then I met you. And you gave me the best love story anyone could ask for.”
Tears prick at the back of 10k’s eyes and he forces them back, threading his fingers through yours and squeezing once.
“You’re my best friend,” 10k says. “You know I’m not really good at the whole, talking thing.  But you’re my home.” He inclines his head, a smile tugging on his lips. “You always have been. You always will be. And I’ll prove it to you every day, until we die, or get eaten by Z’s.”
You laugh, tears slipping down your cheeks, and you let go of one of 10k’s hands to wipe a tear from beneath his eyes, trapping the moisture on your thumb.
A loud sniffle sounds from the small audience, and you and 10k look over to see Murphy blowing his nose into a cloth Addy hands him.
“Now’s the time where we ask for any objections,” Doc says, “but we’re gonna skip that part.”
“We spent three days decorating this damn room, you bet we’re skipping it!” Warren says. You and 10k snicker, and turn back to one another.
“You can still run, you know,” you tease softly. One side of his mouth quirks up.
“I’m good,” he says. “You?”
“Well, alrighty then!” Doc exclaims. “By the power vested in me by the great, and now deceased, state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now-”
You reach for 10k, pulling him toward you and catching your mouth in his before Doc is even done talking, winding your arms around his neck. His hands move to your waist, and he smiles as he kisses you, lips parting against yours.
Around you, your family - bound by blood and time and love you all fought for - cheers and claps and whistles. Even Murphy has stopped trying to hide his tears, and lets Doc - now crying, too - wrap him in a bear hug.
After, you spend the evening singing and dancing and drinking in the motel lobby, the people you love surrounding you.
It is not most people’s ideal wedding, but it’s a wedding fit for an apocalypse, and it’s perfect in every way. The world might still be dead, but you and the people you love aren’t. You’re here, and you’re alive.
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Alvin Murphy - Z Nation
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Promt:  "You'd make a decent prostitute," "I'd make an excellent prostitute."
The plan was set. There were only 6 men, we could easily take them. If they weren't armed to the teeth.
"Ok so, Isabella you distract the guards," Warren stated. At the reminder, Murphy stiffened with worry. Isabella just nodded, adjusting her top so her cleavage was more on show. Addy helping fix her hair. 
"10K you look over her," Warren ordered, continuing to state everyone's role in the aforementioned plan. 
"Actually, wouldn't 10K be better with you guys?" Murphy argued. Warren and Doc gave each other a knowing look. 
"Fine, Murphy you can stay with both of them." Warren sighed, walking into place before giving the sign.Isabella turned to Murphy, adjusting herself again and pulling a face that she assumed was sexy.
"Attractive enough?" She asked, laughing slightly. Murphy just shook his head, smiling at the ground. 
"I don't know, try the kid," he replied, pointing away from him.Isabella placed her hand on 10K's arm, leaning towards him and slightly pushing her chest forward. 
"Hey," Isabella spoke, but with a slower, more sultry tone.10K froze, eyes shifting, not sure where to focus on.
"Yeah, I'd say attractive enough," She laughed, looking over her shoulder at Murphy. "ok, go time."
Isabella took a deep breath, sauntering over to the two guards. She stopped as they aimed their weapons at her. 
"I come in peace. I just need somewhere to stay, my whole group was killed, I just managed to get out. I will do anything to stay," she started, when their guard was down, moving closer. 
Murphy was rigid with fear, he had feelings for Isabella but couldn't act upon them. Something was stopping him, maybe it was the fear of fucking up, maybe it was the fear of rejection but it was enough to prevent him from taking the leap.
"And I mean... anything, my last group wasn't as. Open as I am," She spoke, slowly. Making sure to trace each man up and down, lingering when they looked interested.
One of the men adjusted himself quite openly, Isabella wanted to vomit at the action, but she saw that the group weren't done and at least one of the men remained alive. So, she played along, biting her lip, twirling her hair. Before the men had a chance to take the interaction any further, a scream was heard from inside their camp and suddenly one of the men fell, a gunshot to the head. Isabella barely had enough time to duck before 10K took the other one out.She turned to the perch where 10K was, arms out. 
"A little warning next time! This is my only nice top and now there's blood on it." She shouted, turning back around and trying to wipe the blood off with her fingers and spit. 
"Sorry! It's not like I had much of a chance." 10K argued.Stepping over the two men, Isabella made her way into the camp, to see what the scream was about. To her surprise, it was the last guard, Cassandra had missed the vital artery and so failed to take him out in silence.With the loot safely in the car, the gang celebrated.
"Hell yeah!" Isabella cheered, happy she was finally worth something to the group.Whilst the group celebrated with some lukewarm beers that night, Isabella decided to celebrate by herself, on the bed of her pickup truck. She loved just looking at the stars by herself, in the quiet. With just the groaning of zombies in the background. It was somehow calming. She began humming a tune she had heard a lifetime ago.Two knocks on the side of her truck brought her from her dreams. It was Murphy with another bottle of lukewarm beer.
"Why thank you, good sir," Isabella called, moving up to make room for Murphy.
"It's well deserved for such a good performance," Murphy laughed, nudging Isabella, who in turn just turned red. 
"You'd make a decent prostitute," they laughed as Isabella hit his arm.
"Excuse me! I'd make an excellent prostitute. Thank you very much." She argued, sharing the same playful tone. They both sat, leaning against the back of the truck. 
Isabella was content. 
In a moment of vulnerability, Isabella laid her head on Murphy's shoulder. They both smiled.
Whether it was the beer or the endorphins from the win. But the small moment they shared was enough to give Murphy the courage he needed to make the first move.
"You know, I was worried about you today," Murphy said, leaving it in the air to simmer, trying to gauge her reaction.
"Why?" She laughed, turning her head up towards him. He met her eyes for a second before looking forward again.
"Uh yeah. I have something to confess."
"You have a thing for me?" The silence in the air was almost palpable.
"Ho-how did you know?" He was frozen, in disbelief. 
"Murphy you're a terrible liar," She smiled and sat up, turning to face him. 
"And you're not disgusted by that?" He asked, bewildered that his leap landed. 
"Nope, honestly, you're the most attractive on here. I really like you," She was starting to lean into him, imperceptibly. 
"And so you just let me suffer within myself?" he asked, too focused on the fact that Isabella liked him to notice that she was closing in.
"Because it was fun watching you squirm," she laughed, breaking him out of his trance. He then froze again, finally noticing how close she was. 
"Like now, will you close the gap or will you leave it to me?" taking the hint, he closed the gap. Reaching his hand around he tangled his hand in Isabella's hair. 
They separated, staring at each other for only a second before Isabella closed the gap again. They had waited so long that finally kissing each other felt like fireworks. They enjoyed it so much that they didn't stop until a poor 10K walked over to ask Isabella something and interrupted them. 
"Sorry, kid. It was a long time coming," Isabella said, leaning over Murphy's shoulder as he buried his head, embarrassed to be caught in such a vulnerable position. "What'd you want?"
"Nevermind. It can wait, continue," he backed up, turning and heading back to the group.Both parties laughed, Murphy taking her hand. Isabella returned her head to Murphy's shoulder and they relaxed. Finally. They were together.
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