#Z nation mack
terrifyingblog · 1 year
Puppies and kittens Part 1[Z nation OC and Reader insert]
By far this crew was as annoying as your family, A guy named Murphy is apparently the savior of humanity??? The guy can't even save himself for being such a fucking coward, so this is absolute bullshit for the lack of a better word.
Charles garnett, too kind, WAY TOO kind, the infant he took in turned into a damn zombie, was that fun? No not really, a soldier in the group died trying to mercy the child, it's like this kid is a rabid dog, Not cool at all, then you guys met this locked up chick named Cassandra.
She kind of looks like a hoe in your opinion, doc was about to get bitten, if it weren't for a mere you don't know what it is, but the zombie's head got a hole in it, when you guys turned to the source of that 'bullet' you guys saw a person, you're not sure if it's a guy or girl though.
Doc tried to yell a thank you to the person but in a blink that person is gone.. tch. Weirdo much..
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theloserofeverthing · 2 years
I don’t know which death scene I didn’t like more Macks or Garnetts and yes I am only on season 2
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zombies-and-trolls · 27 days
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disturbingstar · 6 days
Z nation trivia
• Several of the actors/crew lived together while filming the first season in Spokane, Washington, to save on costs. This included Anastasia Baranova (Addy) and Michael Welch (Mack).
• The first season was recorded on a tight schedule, with an episode being fully recorded within six days, with most shoots only allowing three takes.
• Keith Allan (Murphy) was working for The Asylum production company as a stage hand when they were tasked with Z Nation (2014). They suggested he audition for the role of Murphy and he ended up getting the part
• In one of the episodes, survivors are seen eating "Twinkies" - a nod to Zombieland (2009).
• As the character of Murphy continued to evolve, it was decided that the blue skin aspect of the character would be removed. This was largely due to the fact that the makeup itself was extremely irritating to actor Keith Allan, causing some minor skin complications as he had no choice but to wear the make up sometimes over 12 hours a day during filming.
• As of the end of season 5, 10K's kill-count is 8,999.
• Season 3 was still filming while the first episodes of season 3 aired.
• Russell Hodgkinson, who played Steven "Doc" Beck, also appeared in Sharknado 5: Global Swarming (2017) in the same role.
• Kellita Smith currently plays Lt. Roberta Warren on Z-Nation. She then played Sergeant Roberta Warren in the movie Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015). Both are productions of The Asylum.
• On December 23, 2018, Syfy canceled the series after five seasons.
• Tom Everett Scott knew when agreeing to play Garnett that his character would be killed off in episode 6 Resurrection Z (2014). Before recording the episode some producers brought up keeping his character on longer but this idea was shot down.
• According to Karl Schaefer the apocalypse of Z Nation began on November 9th 2016.
• Russell Hodgkinson (Doc) and his wife came up with the idea for 'Z Weed' while gardening in their backyard. Simply grow marijuana using compost containing dead zombie parts.
• As of Season 4, although still listed in the credits as part of the main cast, Anastasia Baranova is no longer a regular member of the cast and has been reduced to "recurring" status. Anastasia's contract is non-restricted, leaving her open to pursue other projects. During filming for Season 4, Anastasia was already tied to 3 other projects, including 2 television series and a movie. The character of Addy has therefore been temporarily written out of the show until Anastasia could commit to working on it again.
• Katy O'Brian confirmed that her character, George, is gay.
• Four different actresses have played Lucy in the series as of the end of season 3
• In the episode "Welcome to Murphytown," The Man escaped hand cuffs by cutting off his own hand. This is a reference to the movie Deadpool (2016) where he does the same thing. It also occurred in The Walking Dead when the character Merle was handcuffed on the roof. He cut his hand off to get free.
• Anastasia Baranova wanted her character, Addy, to be bi-sexual to represent more of the real world.
(All trivia is from IMDb)
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smilerjoseph · 4 months
Chapter 1: The Military Cache (words: 4,823)
10k x Male Reader (mlm)
A group of survivors navigate perilous terrain in search of vital supplies, guided by the wonderful Citizen Z. Amidst the chaos, a romance begins between Y/N and 10K, offering a bit of comfort and strength in the face of danger.
Set pretty early in the show, not really following any specific timeline within the show. Sort of an "off camera" sort of events that can happen along the way.
I did my best to keep 10k in character while also trying to show how trusting and open he is to y/n, I also did add in little bits of non-canon lore to add to the story.
Stuck in the heat, barely managing to scrounge up materials to make a car radio into a two-way communicator, Addison felt the weight of desperation. Every day was a struggle for survival, and today was no different. Sweat dripped from her brows as she worked under the blazing sun, her hands shaking from exhaustion and nerves. The makeshift camp the group had set up offered little comfort, but they couldn't afford to stop.
Finally, the crackling static of the radio gave way to a voice. “Citizen Z, do you read us?” Addy spoke into the makeshift device, waving Mack over from looting another car.
“Reading you loud and clear,” came the reply. Relief washed over the both of them. They quickly detailed their urgent need for supplies, especially ammunition, their unfortunate lifeline in this not-very-forgiving world.
There was a brief intermission, the silence filled with the sound of their ragged breathing and the distant moans of the undead. Moments later, Citizen Z's voice crackled back through the speaker. “I've found a military supply cache about three hours west of your location.”
The news was a beacon of hope. They exchanged glances, determination hardening their resolve. This was the break they needed, a chance to restock and possibly turn the tide in their fight for survival. But first, they had to get there.
As the group packed up their few findings, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that this mission would be pivotal. They were all stepping into the unknown, but for the first time in days, they had a glimmer of hope. The journey west would be perilous, but they had no choice. Their lives, as usual, depended on it.
The sun was slowly starting to set as they hit hour one of the trip, the landscape bathed in a golden hue. The heat had started to diminish, but the tension in the air was palpable. Warren took the wheel, eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. The old, battered vehicle they had managed to get running was their lifeline now, its engine rumbling as it inched them closer to their destination.
The road was littered with remnants of the old world: abandoned cars, broken signs, and the occasional shambling figure of the undead. As they drove, the conversation was small, each member was lost in their thoughts. The sound of the tires on the cracked asphalt and the distant cries of the undead were the only constants.
Y/N and 10K found themselves sitting in the bed of the pickup truck. The wind whipped through their hair, carrying with it the scent of dust and the rotting decay of Z’s. Inside the truck, five of their companions were crammed into the seats, while two others followed closely behind in a smaller, separate vehicle.
Y/N leaned back, glancing at 10K, who was meticulously cleaning his rifle, a routine that seemed to bring him a sense of calm. They had both seen so much and survived so much and in this brief moment of relative peace, the weight of the world felt just a little lighter.
“You ever think about what you'd do if this was all over?” Y/N asked, breaking the silence.
10K looked up, his intense blue eyes meeting his. He gave a small, almost unnoticeable smile. “Maybe find a quiet place. Somewhere with trees and a stream. What about you?”
Y/N chuckled softly, shaking his head. “I think I'd want to do something simple. Like…open a little bakery or something. Can you imagine that? Fresh bread, pastries…it sounds almost impossible now. God… Maybe even some Jam?”
10K's smile widened slightly, a rare sight. “Yeah, that sounds nice. You could make those…what are they called? Croissants?”
Y/N laughed, a genuine sound that felt foreign in the harsh world they lived in. “Exactly. You'd be a regular customer, right?”
“Of course,” 10K replied, a touch of warmth in his voice. “Wouldn't miss it for the world.”
They fell into a comfortable silence, the truck's movements moving them slightly. Y/N glanced at 10K, appreciating the way he seemed so focused yet relaxed at the same time. Something was reassuring about his presence, something steady, comforting. The journey was far from over, but for a moment, he allowed himself to dream of a future that was just a little brighter.
As the sky darkened, and they approached their destination, the tension in the air grew. The group had been driving for hours, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the military cache Citizen Z had mentioned. When they finally spotted the building in the distance, hope surged through them—until they saw the unmistakable silhouettes of zombies milling around the entrance.
Y/N and 10K exchanged glances, their earlier conversation now a distant memory. The rest of the group climbed out of the vehicles, gathering around to assess the situation.
“Looks like it's been overrun,” Y/N muttered, peering through binoculars at the shambling figures.
Garnett, the group’s de facto leader, nodded grimly. “We can't risk going in there right now. It's getting dark, we'll have a hard time seeing them coming.”
“Maybe we should wait until morning,” Doc suggested, his voice tinged with weariness. “We could find a safe spot to camp and go in at first light when we can see what we're dealing with.”
Murphy snorted. “And give those rotters a chance to scatter? They could wander off, but they could also just as easily wander in.”
The debate was interrupted by the sound of distant voices and the flash of a flashlight beam near the cache. Y/N squinted into the gloom, his heart sinking. “There's another group,” he whispered urgently. “They're already looting.”
The realization hit everyone at once. If they waited, there might be nothing left by morning. Garnett turned to the group, his expression resolute. “We don't have a choice. We go in now, or we risk losing everything.”
10K checked his rifle, his face set with determination. “I'm ready.”
The rest of the group quickly armed themselves, their earlier exhaustion replaced by a renewed sense of urgency. They moved with practiced efficiency, understanding the stakes. Every second counted.
As he approached the cache, Y/N felt a rush of adrenaline. The familiar sounds of the undead, the distant shouts of the looters, and the thudding of his heartbeat filled his ears. They were stepping into the unknown, but they had each other—and that made all the difference.
With weapons drawn and eyes sharp, the group advanced towards the cache, ready to face whatever possibly awaited them inside.
With the silhouette of the building looming ominously against the darkening sky, its windows shattered, and doors hanging off their hinges. The moans of the undead grew louder with each step, mingling with the distant shouts of the rival group.
A silent nod from Garnett and the group fanned out, approaching the cache from different angles. Y/N and 10K stuck close together, their weapons at the ready. The sense of urgency was off the charts now, a tangible force driving them forward.
As they reached the entrance, chaos erupted. Zombies poured out from the building, their decaying bodies lurching towards the intruders with relentless determination. The rival group, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, scrambled for cover, their shouts mixing with the sounds of gunfire.
In the midst of the chaos, Y/N and 10K found themselves separated from the rest of the group. The darkness swallowed them whole, the only light coming from the flashes of gunfire and the occasional burst of flame.
“Stay close,” Y/n shouted over the din, his voice barely audible above the cacophony of noise.
10k nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. A bit more focused on the number going up as he shot down Z’s, trying to help the group from afar.
Slowly making their way to the roof, they fought their way through the horde, their bodies moving as one, their weapons flashing in the darkness. Each step brought them closer to the cache, closer to the hope of finding the supplies they so desperately needed.
Slowly, Y/N and 10K entered the building and approached the looming hallways. Their footsteps echoed in the empty corridors. The sounds of the undead grew louder with each step, heightening the tension in the air.
Suddenly, a pair of zombies lunged at them from the shadows as they stepped through a doorway. Y/N and 10K reacted swiftly, dispatching the undead with well-aimed shots and swift strikes.
Amidst the chaos of the ongoing battle, a brief lull in the action allowed for a moment of intimacy between Y/N and 10K. Their eyes met amidst the flickering light, and in that shared glance, a silent understanding passed between them.
However, their moment of staring was short-lived as the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the corridor. A horde of zombies, drawn by the commotion, surged towards them with relentless determination. With a silent agreement, Y/N and 10K broke apart, their focus shifting back to the imminent threat.
As Y/N and 10K faced the advancing horde inside the building, the rest of the group battled tirelessly outside, desperately trying to make their way towards the cache. Warren, leading the charge, wielded her weapon with practiced precision, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger.
With each step closer to the cache, the tension in the air grew thicker, mirroring the intensity of the conflict within. The distant sounds of gunfire and the occasional roar of the undead served as a grim reminder of the dangers that awaited them.
As they neared the entrance, the group's progress slowed, the sheer number of zombies blocking their path proving to be a difficult obstacle. Garnett, ever the pragmatic leader, assessed the situation with a furrowed brow. “We're outnumbered,” he said grimly, his voice barely audible above the chaos. “We need to retreat.”
Murphy's eyes widened in disbelief. “But what about Y/N and 10K? We can't just leave them behind!”
Doc nodded in agreement. “He's right. We can't abandon them.”
Warren exchanged a glance with Garnett, her expression troubled. “We have to consider the safety of the group. If we go in now, we risk losing more than just Y/N and 10K.”
The group fell into a tense silence as they weighed their options, the distant sounds of fighting serving as a grim backdrop to their deliberations. Despite their reservations, they ultimately reached a consensus—waiting until morning was the safest course of action, even if it meant leaving their comrades behind for the time being.
As the group outside the cache struggled with their decision to wait until morning, Y/N and 10K found themselves cornered inside the building, the horde of zombies closing in around them. With nowhere left to run, panic threatened to overwhelm them.
“Dead end!” Y/N shouted, his voice strained with urgency, as they reached the end of the hallway. Without hesitation, he grabbed 10K's arm and pulled him towards a nearby door, their hearts pounding in their chests.
With the zombies hot on their heels, they slammed the door shut behind them and quickly barricaded it with whatever makeshift barriers they could find. The room offered only a temporary safe haven, and they knew they had to find another way out before it was too late.
Frantically scanning the room for any possible escape route, Y/N's eyes landed on a small hole in the wall. Without a second thought, he motioned for 10K to follow him as they squeezed through the opening, emerging into another room on the other side.
Taking a moment to catch their breath, they assessed their surroundings, their hearts still racing from the close call. As they searched the room, their eyes fell upon a small stash of supplies tucked away in the corner—a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.
Eager to replenish their dwindling resources, Y/N reached for the supplies, his hand brushing against something sharp hidden beneath them. With lightning-fast reflexes, he pulled back just in time, narrowly avoiding a deadly trap.
The sight of blood trickling down Y/N's arm sent a pang of worry through 10K, his concern evident in his eyes. But there was no time to dwell on injuries, not when their lives were still in danger.
Together, they worked to disable the trap, their movements quick and efficient as they gathered what supplies they could carry. Y/n eager to leave, but 10k grabbed his arm and forced him to take a seat without a word. Quickly, he retrieved a first aid kit from their supplies.
With tender care, 10K began to clean and bandage Y/N's wound, his touch gentle yet steady. In the dim light of the room, their eyes met, the intensity of the moment sparking an unspoken connection between them.
As 10K focused on patching up Y/N's wound, their proximity brought them closer than ever before. Time seemed to stand still as they shared this intimate moment amidst the chaos surrounding them, their hearts beating in sync with the rhythm of their breaths.
With the wound properly dressed, 10K's gaze softened as he met Y/N's eyes, a silent reassurance passing between them. In that intimate moment, a sense of trust blossomed between them, encouraging them to share more than just their present struggles.
As they sat together in the dimly lit room, the sounds of the undead still echoing outside, 10K found himself opening up in a way he rarely did. “My father,” he began, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability, “He taught me everything I know about survival.”
Y/N listened intently, his own past weighing heavily on his mind. “I never really had a stable home life,” he admitted, his tone somber. “Always moving around, distant family after my parents passed. It's been a struggle, trying to make it on my own in this world.”
Their words hung in the air, each revelation drawing them closer together. Despite the hardships they had faced, they found comfort in the shared understanding of their pasts.
“Sounds like my dad would've liked you,” 10K said quietly, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips before swiftly standing up.
Y/N's lips curved into a small smile as he watched 10K leave the room. With a determined stride, Y/N sped up to catch up with him, their unspoken connection guiding them as they navigated through the dark corridors of the cache.
The door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit kitchen, its counters cluttered with pots and pans. As they cautiously stepped inside, the distant moans of zombies seemed to grow louder, echoing through the room.
“Let's find somewhere to barricade ourselves,” Y/N whispered, his voice barely audible above the noise.
Nodding in agreement, 10K scanned the room, his eyes landing on a door at the far end. “Over there,” he said, gesturing towards it.
They hurried towards the door, their footsteps echoing in the silence. But as they reached it, a sudden crash behind them made them whirl around, weapons raised.
A lone zombie lurched towards them, its decomposing limbs flailing wildly. With a swift motion, 10K kills it with a well-aimed shot to the head, the sound of the gunshot reverberating through the room.
Breathing heavily, they exchanged a tense glance before turning back to the door. With a joint effort, they pushed it open, revealing a small storage room lined with shelves stocked with supplies.
“We can hold up in here for the night,” Y/N said, his voice tinged with relief.
As they barricaded themselves inside, the adrenaline of the encounter slowly began to fade, leaving behind a sense of exhaustion. But despite the dangers that lurked outside, they found some comfort in each other's presence, knowing that together, they could weather whatever challenges the night brought.
As the night wore on, the darkness outside slowly gave way to the soft glow of dawn, casting a faint light through the cracks in the boarded-up windows of the storage room where Y/N and 10K had taken refuge. 
As morning broke, 10K stirred from his slumber, only to find Y/N leaning against his shoulder, fast asleep. Flustered yet oddly comfortable in the warmth of their closeness, he shifted slightly, hoping not to disturb Y/N's peaceful rest.
But his movements were enough to rouse Y/N from sleep, and as their eyes met, a fleeting moment of intimacy passed between them. With a sheepish smile, 10K cleared his throat, breaking the silence that had enveloped them.
“Morning,” he murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N returned the smile, stretching his arms as he rose to his feet. “Morning,” he replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Together, they set about their morning routine—10K searching for an exit while Y/N gathered supplies from the storage room. As they worked, the quiet of the morning gave way to the distant sounds of shuffling footsteps outside, a reminder of the dangers that still lurked beyond the safety of their makeshift barricade.
After what seemed like hours of searching, (15 minutes) 10K finally stumbled upon the group of looters inside the building. They lay scattered across the ground, their lifeless bodies being feasted upon by the very zombies they had sought to escape. With a heavy heart, 10K turned away, his mind focused on finding an exit.
After thorough exploration, he discovered an exit in another area of the building—a narrow alleyway that offered a path to freedom.
Returning to Y/N, he explained what he had seen, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. But despite the challenges that lay ahead, they knew they had to press on.
They quickly gathered their supplies and made their way towards the exit, their steps quickening as they drew closer to the promise of escape.
Emerging from the building with their hands full of supplies, Y/N and 10K made their way back to the group, their hearts lighter with the promise of their success. As they approached, Addy and Mack rushed forward, enveloping Y/N in tight hugs, their relief evident.
“Thank goodness you're okay,” Addy exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion.
“Yeah, we were starting to worry,” Mack added, his eyes filled with gratitude.
Murphy, ever the joker, couldn't resist chiming in. “Looks like you two managed to scavenge up more than just supplies,” he teased, a smirk playing on his lips.
Cassandra shot him a pointed look. “Shut up, Murphy,” she said firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.
Despite the playful banter, there was a sense of joy and relief among the group as they reunited. Everyone was overjoyed to see Y/N and 10K return safely, their success a welcome beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak world.
Sharing a small smile, Y/N and 10K exchanged a silent understanding—a testament to the bond that had formed between them amidst the chaos and uncertainty. Together, they had faced the challenges of the apocalypse head-on, and together, they would continue to navigate the treacherous road ahead.
After the heartfelt reunion, Garnett stepped forward, his expression serious. “We should leave before those looters make their way out,” he suggested, his voice tinged with urgency.
Before anyone could respond, 10K spoke up, his tone grave. “Too late for that. Found them already, eaten away by zombies.”
Murphy couldn't resist making another wisecrack. “Well, I'm glad it wasn't me,” he joked, earning him a sharp jab in the arm from Cassandra and a yelp of pain in response.
Warren, always the voice of reason, intervened. “Enough, Murphy,” she said sternly, her gaze piercing. “We need to focus on getting out of here.”
With a nod of agreement, Warren turned to the group. “Let's get back on the road,” she declared, her voice firm. “Everyone, help load the supplies into the cars. We need to be on our way.”
With a sense of purpose, the group sprang into action, working together to load the supplies into the vehicles. 
“Find any meds in there?” Doc questioned, y/n smirked and threw the first aid kit that included a couple bottles of meds they’d come across at him. “Hell yeah.”
As the truck rumbled down the road, Y/N and 10K found themselves once again in the bed of the pickup truck, the breeze playing gently against their skin, creating a sense of peace and tranquility. Y/N glanced over at 10K, as if he had a question on his mind, but hesitated, deciding against it.
“What's on your mind?” 10K's voice broke the comfortable silence, his eyes curious as he looked at Y/N.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, dancing around the question before finally asking, “Have you ever had a girlfriend?”
A small smile tugged at 10K's lips as he shook his head. “Not really. Grew up off the grid with my father, so dating wasn't really a thing for me.”
Nodding in understanding, Y/N pressed on, curiosity getting the better of him. “If you were to date someone, what would your ideal type be?”
10K paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. “Someone… who's easy to talk to, understands me. Someone who's independent, strong-minded.” He trailed off, his gaze distant, as if lost in thought. “Pretty?”
Y/N nodded, taking in his answer before 10k turns the question back to himself. “And what about you? What's your ideal type?”
An anxious glint danced in Y/N's eyes as he replied, “Well, I once dated a guy who was a bit controlling. So, I'd say someone who makes me feel free, happy, and comfortable.”
“A guy?” 10K's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Y/N shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, a guy.”
There was a moment of silence as 10K processed Y/N's revelation before speaking again. “That sounds really nice,” he murmured, his voice soft.
Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still as they stared at each other, a silent understanding passing between them.
Y/N chuckled softly, breaking the spell as he turned his gaze to the sky. “I'm really comfortable with you, 10K. Super comfortable.” His words hung in the air, a silent declaration of trust and affection.
As they reached a desolate town, the group decided to hunker down near an empty supermarket, taking stock of their supplies and considering their options for making contact with Citizen Z again. Under the guise of searching for supplies, 10K and Y/N wandered off, eventually finding themselves in a dusty old bar down the road.
As they explored the dimly lit interior, Y/N couldn't help but ask, “Do you ever drink?”
A faint smile tugged at 10K's lips as he confessed, “Stole some from my dad a few times. Got in quite a bit of trouble for it.”
Y/N laughed and began rummaging behind the bar, soon discovering a half-empty bottle of whiskey. “Looks like we hit the jackpot,” he exclaimed, offering the bottle to 10K.
They drank a little, the warmth of the alcohol spreading through their bodies as they continued to explore the abandoned bar. Y/N stumbled upon a dusty old record player and couldn't resist putting on a record. With a mischievous grin, he pulled 10K onto the makeshift dance floor, their movements slow and tentative.
“Are you a good slow dancer?” Y/N asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Anxiety flickered across 10K's face as he shook his head. “Not really,” he admitted, unsure.
Y/N smiled reassuringly. “Just follow my lead,” he encouraged, guiding 10K through the steps as they swayed to the music. They stumbled a few times before finding their footing, their movements becoming more confident with each step.
As they danced, Y/N opened up about his past, recounting a bittersweet memory of his prom night. “My father grounded me to prevent me from dancing with a man,” he confessed quietly. “But I snuck out anyway and had the time of my life.”
Concern clouded 10K's expression as he asked, “Did you get into trouble?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, quite a bit,” he admitted softly.
10K sympathetically mentioned he never got to attend a prom, reminding Y/N of his upbringing off the grid with his father. Y/N flashed him a warm smile and suggested that this could be their own little prom, if he'd like.
Their eyes met, and 10K struggled to maintain eye contact, his gaze repeatedly flickering down to Y/N's lips. Their slow dancing came to a halt as they inched closer, only for a loud bang from the back room of the bar to shatter the moment.
Immediately, they sprang apart, grabbing their weapons and rushing to investigate. They found a lone zombie feasting on a possum, and Y/N swiftly dispatched it with a blow to the head.
With a sigh, Y/N turned to 10K and joked, “Looks like we'll have to make up for that kiss later.”
They shared a knowing look before Y/N turned and began to leave the bar, with 10K following closely behind, still flustered from the interrupted moment.
As Addy and Mack struggled to make contact with Citizen Z on a fast-food speaker with a satellite, they finally managed to get through. 
“Hello? Citizen Z, do you copy?” Addy's voice crackled through the speaker.
A moment of static, then a familiar voice responded, “Loud and clear. What's the situation?”
Addy waved Murphy over. “He's right here, all good.”
“Good to see you're in one piece, Murphy,” Citizen Z said with relief evident in his voice.
“Thanks for your tip about the cache,” Addy replied gratefully.
Garnett joined the conversation, asking, “Any word on our next move?”
While Garnett was discussing logistics with Citizen Z, Y/N and 10K returned to the group. Y/N seeming perfectly normal, but 10K appeared a tad tipsy.
Cassandra caught a whiff of whiskey on their breath and raised an eyebrow. “Getting into the spirits, are we?”
Y/N chuckled. “Just a little celebratory drink.”
“Save some for the rest of us next time,” she teased.
Y/N apologized for their impromptu excursion, and then gently guided 10K back to the truck. They climbed into the bed, the breeze providing a welcome relief from the stifling heat.
“Damn, it's gotten hot,” Y/N muttered, fanning himself with his hand.
10K nodded absentmindedly, his gaze fixed on Y/N. “Yeah, it has.”
Y/N reached for a water bottle offered by Doc, taking a long drink before passing it to 10K. “Maybe you need to sober up a bit.”
10K scoffed and reached for his cigarettes, but Y/N sneakily grabbed them from his hand and took one for himself, pocketing the box.
“Hey!” 10K protested, but Y/N just flashed him a mischievous grin before lighting the cigarette.
After taking a puff, Y/N passed the cigarette to 10K. “You know, they say sharing is caring.”
10K raised an eyebrow, taking a drag. “Is that so?”
Y/N grinned. “Yep. And the next kiss won't be so indirect.”
Choking on his inhale, 10K coughed violently, earning a chuckle from Y/N. “Smooth, huh?”
10K managed a weak smile, still recovering from his coughing fit, whispered a small “Real smooth.”
Soon, they all regroup at the truck, discussing plans to continue west. Warren and Garnett had a brief conversation about the route, deciding on rest stops and other logistics.
Warren knocked on the side of the truck. “Alright, folks, time to hit the road.”
Everyone piled into their respective seats within the two vehicles, packed with supplies. As they started driving off, Y/N sneakily placed his hand on top of 10K's, the warmth of their touch sending a comforting shiver down 10K's spine. He couldn't help but stare lovingly at Y/N, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.
Taking a drag from his cigarette, 10K relaxed into the moment. Y/N broke the silence with some small talk.
“What's your favorite color, 10K?” Y/N's voice broke through the quiet hum of the engine.
10K glanced over at Y/N, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Blue. Yours?”
Y/N grinned. “F/C. What about your favorite season?”
“Fall,” 10K replied without hesitation. “You?”
“F/S,” Y/N answered, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“Do you have a name? Besides 10k, I mean.”
10k hesitated for a moment, locking eyes with y/n. He could feel the lightheartedness of the question, he didn’t have to answer it.
As they continued their exchange, the miles passed by, and the warmth of their connection only grew stronger.
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lyssak09 · 2 years
Masterlist & Things I write for
AN: I automatically write the reader as female so when you re quest please please tell me what pronouns you want the reader to have. Also if requested I will and can write the reader as part of the LGBTQ+ community
Key: Italics means to be posted/its a draft
Fandoms I can write for:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Night Court (1986)
Corpse Bride
Beetlejuice (both movies)
Doctor Sleep
Charmed (the original one)
The Labyrinth (David Bowie movie)
Krull (1983)
Secret Obsession (netflix movie)
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
The Walking Dead (seasons 1-7) I get pissed with the show when I get to parts of season 7 so I stop watching and restart from the beginning of the show
Umbrellas Academy
Z Nation
Warehouse 13
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Dead by Daylight
Adventure Time
The Big Bang Theory
Suicide Squad (both movies)
Slashers: Ghostface (preferably Stu), Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jason, Brahms Hillshire
Star Trek: TNG, Voyager, Lower Decks, TOS, SNW
My Bloody Valentine: Both 1981 and 2009 movies so please be specific with which one you want
Markiplier & Jacksepticeye egos
Yandere Dean hcs
Yandere Shapeshifter hcs
Yandere Sam hcs
Yandere Archangels request
Yandere Castiel hcs
Yandere Lucifer hcs
Yandere Casifer hcs
Yandere Casifer with Trans!reader request
Yandere Archangels soulmates request
Yandere Michael!Dean w/ soulmate fem!Reader ask
Dead by daylight
Platonic Yandere killers reaction to child reader
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader request
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader pt.2 request
Platonic Yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress with tween!reader request
Platonic Yandere Huntress & Trapper request 
Yandere Nemesis hcs request
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.1
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.2
Yandere Doctor hcs request
Plantonic yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress pt.2
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Yandere Jake Peralta hcs
Yandere Jake with Lawyer!reader request
Yandere Jake
Yandere Rosa
Yandere Amy
Yandere Charles request
Star Trek
Yandere Q request
Yandere William Riker
Yandere Brad Boimler
Yandere Spock (SNW)
Yandere Data
Yandere Tom Paris
Umbrella Academy
Yandere Five with Soft!reader request
Yandere Five hcs
Yandere Luther hcs
Yandere Diego hcs
The Walking Dead
Yandere Daryl with motherly!reader hcs request
Yandere Daryl motherly!reader hcs pt.2 request
Yandere Daryl
Yandere Daryl VS Rick hcs/sorta request
Yandere Rick VS Governor request
Yandere Rick hcs
Yandere Grown Carl hcs
Yandere Michonne hcs
Yandere Governor request
Tim Burton
Yandere Victor Van Dort hcs (Corpse Bride)
Yandere Emily hcs (Corpse Bride)
Yandere Beetlegleuse hcs (BeetleJuice)
Miscellaneous (Aka writing that doesn’t have their own category yet)
Yandere Brahms Heelshire (The boy)
Yandere Elliot Stabler (L&O SVU)
Yandere Mack Thompson (Z Nation) hcs
Yandere Black Mask/Roman Sionis (DC/BOP)
Yandere Pete Latimer (Warehouse 13) hcs
Yandere Homelander (The Boys) hcs
Yandere Joker (Suicide Squad)  hcs (Fight me on this)
Yandere Piper Hallowell (Charmed) hcs
Yandere Leo (Charmed)  hcs
Yandere Colwyn (Krull) hcs
Yandere Danny Torrance (Doctor Sleep) hcs I love Ewan McGregor 
Yandere Max (Day of the dead: Bloodline) hcs
Yandere Wilford Warfstache hcs
Yandere Antisepticeye hcs
Currently redesigning how these guys look like
Tyler from my yandere song fic
Evan ( Yandere Landlord)
Daniel (Yandere Slasher)
Hudson (Yandere Cop/Sheriff)
Luke (Yandere Childhood friend/Bully)
Damien (Yandere Teacher)
Zachary (Yandere zombie apocalypse survivor)
Derek (Yandere Hypnotist/ Therapist)
Ashton (Yandere Neighbor)
Zeke (Yandere robot boss)
William (Yandere Prisoner)
Adrian (Yandere Asylum patient)
Devon (Yandere Priest)
Jason (Yandere Step father)
Max (Yandere step brother)
Anthony (Yandere slasher/homicide survivor)
Ryan (Yandere childhood friend)
Ewan (Yandere military man) 
Unnamed (Yandere boss)
Unnamed (Yandere AI robot house)
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topazy · 1 year
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, minor violence
Chapter: 4.11
“You look like a kid on Christmas morning,” Sarge states. She watches confused as you kiss him on the cheek, thanking him for what he just gave you. “Can someone explain what’s so special about a bow?”
Doc pats her on the back, chuckling, “A bow was Astra’s choice of weapon at the start of the apocalypse.”
“I can’t remember the last time I used one of these,” you line the arrow up with no intention of firing it. You roll your eyes when Murphy dramatically drops to the ground, acting as if you were going to shoot him.
“It’s sentimental,” Warren says teasingly.
Looking at the weapon in your hands as Sarge continues to argue that guns are the better weapon choice, you smile. She sounded just like Mack did.
The group continues to have random conversations as you approach abandoned cars outside Mount Weather, which was your intended location full of Z’s, including the president's husband. 10k, Sarge, and Warren make quick work of taking all the Z’s out within minutes. Warren tried to use the president's husband's ID, but it didn’t work.
“What’s wrong, chief?” Doc asks.
“There’s also a retina scanner,” she sighs. “He needs to look at it while swiping the card.”
You scrunch your nose up and say, “Thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Yep,” Doc replies. He pulls out a spinner from his pocket and goes inside the car to scoop the man’s eyeball out.
“That’s disgusting,” Murphy snorts.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures.”
Doc successfully retrieves the eye and uses it to unlock the door along with the keycard. When the doors open, you step inside, making sure to bring the ID with you in case you need it again. Being so close to the Oval Office was a surreal feeling; it felt like you’d stepped into a TV show or film set.
You search every room you come across for any sign of life but fail to find any. At the end of the hallway, you find a roomful of the undead. Former congressmen and women who appear to have turned at some point early on during the apocalypse When the Z’s start to growl and grab for you, your group swings into action and shows them mercy one by one. The building had a stale smell to it, and the hallways were full of what you assumed was once confident paperwork.
“Well, I think we just killed the last of the US government,” Murphy says while flicking zombie guts off of his jacket and onto the floor.
As Warren tries to come up with a plan, Sarge points behind her and says, “More Z’s coming from behind.”
All of this seemed like a lot of effort to just get a thumbprint. Sighing, you raise your arms and get ready to shoot, but lower your bow when you notice the way the Z’s are walking and say, “That’s not the dead.”
The men get closer and point their guns in your direction. “Freeze! Secret service.”
After a brief back and forth with the secret service and Murphy giving them sarcastic answers about shooting instead of voting, Warren steps in and introduces herself. “I’m Lieutenant Robert Warren, national guard. We’re on a special mission to save humanity. It is imperative that we see the president.”
One of the men lowers his gun and introduces himself, “I’m agent Johnson.” He lets out a deep sigh and looks at the man beside him. “And that’s agent Johnson.”
“Before you ask, no, we’re not related. And yes, it’s weird that we are both named Johnson.”
“Do you always have to say that?” The first agent Johnson asks. “It undermines our authority.”
Both agents let out dark laughs as they asked Warren what he said about saving humanity. It was clear that neither of these men had interacted with other people for a long time, if they were so easily amused.
Warren rolls her eyes and says, “Look, we have reason to believe someone intends to launch some kind of biological attack on all surviving humans and zombies in order to cleanse the world and repopulate it with their genetically modified offspring.”
The first agent looks confused at her, while the second keeps his gun aimed at her. “And you’ve got a problem with this?” He asks before laughing again.
“Can I just speak to the president?” Warren finally snaps.
“We can’t just let everybody who thinks they have an emergency speak to the president. She’s never gotten anything done.”
“Yeah, I’m sure she’s pretty backed up these days.” You shake your head while pulling the president's husband's ID from your back pocket. “Does she know her husband is dead?”
“Yes,” a woman says, walking up behind the agents while carrying a cardboard box in her arms. “I know he’s dead.” She places the box down, then brushes the agents aside to stand directly in front of Warren and ask, “What’s going on?”
“Intruders. It’s under control, ma’am.”
Warren takes the ID from you and hands it to the president. “I’m sorry, but we really need your help.”
“Agent Johnson, put your weapon down.” She steps back and addresses all of you. “Jane Carlson, 234th president of the United States We’re a little short of help here.”
“How many survivors are there?”
“You’re looking at them.”
In disbelief, you ask, “There are only three of you left alive in office.”
“There were four of us. Most of what was left of the government evacuated to NewMerica a few weeks ago. We were supposed to follow them, but we’ve run into a few obstacles.”
“Yeah, well, we just killed a few obstacles for you back there,” Murphy says in a matter-of-fact tone, resulting in you muttering for him to shut up before lightly nudging him in the back of the leg.
“And thank you for that,” she says, amused. “The last of Congress. Not much of a loss; they were dead a week before anybody realized.”
“Madam President, time is of the essence,” Warren says more softly than normal. “We are on a mission to find a secret government weapon, and we need your help to access it.”
“What can I do?”
“We’re going to need your thumbprint.”
The moment the words slip from Warren’s mouth, both agents aim their guns at her head. Raising your hands, you take a step back, unsure of why her words triggered such a reaction.
“My thumbprint?”
“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy.”
The president removes her red leather gloves, showing that she had no thumbs; they had been removed. She urges you to follow her to her office while explaining that a man arrived a few days prior and drugged her, then removed her thumb prints. It turned out Dr. Teller had left a creepy cartoon video about Project Rainbow for Warren to find when she arrived at Mount Weather. It also turned out you needed to travel 25 levels down to find the zombified corpse of the man who was the last president before the world turned to shite.
“I don’t trust her,” you whisper.
10k stares at the agent’s suspicious expression, while Doc leans in to ask you both, “Why? She seems nice enough and is helping us.”
“She knew about the black rainbow and intended to do nothing, plus she wants us to call her Jane. It’s weird; it’s like she’s trying to lure us into a false sense of security.” There was a falseness in the sudden offer to help your group in their search that you couldn’t trust.
“Good point, anyone called Jane is crazy,” Doc winks at you before stepping into the elevator to join everyone else.
You share a concerned look with 10k as you are the last two to enter the lift before it starts to lower to the ground. You all remain silent until the elevator doors open up as a horde of Z’s attempt to barge their way in. Chaos quickly follows, and your group is separated among the herd of zombies. When you notice Warren is still standing in the elevator, you turn back, not wanting to leave her behind. She quickly hits the button, taking you two to a different floor.
“Now what?”
“We find another way back to our people.”
“Well, hello, Mr. President,” Warren says while opening a door to a small office. Confused, you follow her into it and see the former president duck-taped to a chair.
Sighing, you walk behind the chair and say, “I’ll push if you clear a path.”
She nods. You were grateful that it hadn’t taken you long to stumble upon him; I meant you could get out of the Oval Office a lot quicker. Nervously, you go back the way you came, but to your surprise, the hallway that was flooded with Z’s before is now empty.
“Where did they all go?”
You shrug and say, “Either the Z’s were all shown mercy or led somewhere else.”
“Hmm, keep alert just in case.”
You followed behind while struggling to push the chair forward; one of the wheels was broken and constantly spun as you walked. “For god's sake, do you hear that? It sounds like Murphy.”
You turn the chair around and go down a different corridor, which smells of rotten flesh. Just as you reached a door at the end of it, Doc swung it open and said, “Warren!” He says surprised as he looks past her and smiles, “Hey kid.”
“Astra!” 10k practically runs by them, not paying any mind to Warren or the Z, wrapping his arms around you. He breathes into your neck, “Don’t ever go off like that again. I thought—I thought I’d lost you.”
“You didn’t; I’m right here.”
Things quickly turn sour when you reach the top floor again. Your initial gut instinct was right; the president wasn’t to be trusted. When she realized Warren was serious about stopping Black Rainbow, Jane ordered the agents to take you all prisoner. The president was smart and knew how to get another person on her side by playing on Sarge’s emotions by pulling the ranking officer card.
“Don’t listen to her,” Warren orders.
Noticing the hesitation on Sarge's face, you stare her down and say, “Don’t do it. Don’t listen to her.”
Teary-eyed, she slowly turns, her gun now facing the direction of your group. At first, you hoped it was some kind of trick, but it wasn’t. “Actually, I do; I’m sorry. I took an oath. I’m a Marine; she’s my commander in chief.”
You felt as if you'd been stabbed in the heart; even Murphy looked taken aback by the sudden betrayal. Is this what real betrayal looks like? In the form of someone you thought of as a friend?
Smugly, the present says, “Why don’t we all go back to my office?”
Reluctantly, you all begin to follow, biting your tongue until you notice Sarge pointing her gun at 10k’s back. You see red. Not thinking of the consequences, you point your own gun at the back of her head. Sensing movement behind him. 10k looks back and freezes upon seeing what you're doing; his mouth is slightly agape until he notices the gun still pointing at his own body. A look of deep hurt crosses his features.
“Sarge!” Her name is like venom dripping from your tongue. “Unless you want to die right now, drop the gun before something really fucking bad happens.”
Your words catch the attention of everyone else, who is now staring back. “Astra, don’t do it,” Doc says, stepping forward. “I know you're mad, but if you shoot her, they shoot all of us.”
Memories of everyone you’d lost during the different missions flash before your eyes. Sure, you’d made plenty of mistakes, some worse than others, but you’d never deliberately put any one of them in danger for the sake of pride. You shake your head. “We treated you like family.”
Sarge’s voice breaks when she says, “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Astra, lower your weapon,” Warren says sternly.
Even Murphy tried to talk you into lowering the gun, but you refused, saying, “Not until she lowers hers first.”
“Do you really think I’d shoot 10k?”
You scoff at her words, fighting to hold back your own tears of anger. “With you? Who knows. I never thought you’d turn on us, but here we are.”
Sarge looks to the president for permission before dropping her arms to her sides. You lower your weapon while staring Sarge down. How could she betray you after everything you had been through?
“Astra,” 10k says softly, “you need to give them to me.”
Without explicitly explaining what he meant, you handed him all of your weapons. Once you had done so, the president allowed your group to continue the walk back to her office.
“I’m not apologizing to her.”
“I’m not asking you too.” 10k rests his chin on your shoulder. “But that wasn’t just about Sarge, was it?”
When the president revealed her plan to go to Zona while the rest of the world died, Sarge decided to switch sides again and shot both agents and the president, giving you all the chance to escape. Still, the way she turned on you so quickly hurt.
“I don’t know…” you lie, not wanting to admit the betrayal of a friend made you think of Cassandra. It reminded you of what you did to her and how the guilt of it still weighed heavily on you. “We should probably head back to the rest of the group before they send out a search party.”
As you start to walk away from the tree line and towards the main road, 10k calls after you, “I know your gun was empty; you were never going to hurt her.”
Thinking back on your actions, you do feel ashamed that you acted so harshly, but at that moment, you weren’t sure if Sarge would shoot him or not. Without looking back, you say, “Tommy, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” 10k says, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as a single tear falls from your cheek. “I would have done the exact same thing.”
Hearing him say that made you feel a little better, although you still dreaded the days to come. The sooner this mission was over, the better.
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compneuropapers · 9 months
Interesting Papers for Week 51, 2023
The medial entorhinal cortex is necessary for the stimulus control over hippocampal place fields by distal, but not proximal, landmarks. Allison, E. A. M. A., Moore, J. W., Arkell, D., Thomas, J., Dudchenko, P. A., & Wood, E. R. (2023). Hippocampus, 33(7), 811–829.
Gating of homeostatic regulation of intrinsic excitability produces cryptic long-term storage of prior perturbations. Alonso, L. M., Rue, M. C. P., & Marder, E. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(26), e2222016120.
An entorhinal-like region in food-caching birds. Applegate, M. C., Gutnichenko, K. S., Mackevicius, E. L., & Aronov, D. (2023). Current Biology, 33(12), 2465-2477.e7.
Stress degrades working memory-related frontostriatal circuit function. Berridge, C. W., Devilbiss, D. M., Martin, A. J., Spencer, R. C., & Jenison, R. L. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(12), 7857–7869.
Distinct frequencies balance segregation with interaction between different memory types within a prefrontal circuit. Bracco, M., Mutanen, T. P., Veniero, D., Thut, G., & Robertson, E. M. (2023). Current Biology, 33(12), 2548-2556.e6.
Reward influences the allocation but not the availability of resources in visual working memory. Brissenden, J. A., Adkins, T. J., Hsu, Y. T., & Lee, T. G. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology. General, 152(7), 1825–1839.
Abstract Value Encoding in Neural Populations But Not Single Neurons. Fine, J. M., Maisson, D. J.-N., Yoo, S. B. M., Cash-Padgett, T. V, Wang, M. Z., Zimmermann, J., & Hayden, B. Y. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(25), 4650–4663.
The role of self-occluding contours in material perception. Marlow, P. J., Prior de Heer, B., & Anderson, B. L. (2023). Current Biology, 33(12), 2528-2534.e5.
Emergence of a predictive model in the hippocampus. Miller, A. M. P., Jacob, A. D., Ramsaran, A. I., De Snoo, M. L., Josselyn, S. A., & Frankland, P. W. (2023). Neuron, 111(12), 1952-1965.e5.
Implicit learning of the one-back reinforcement matching-mismatching task by pigeons. Peng, D. N., & Zentall, T. R. (2023). Current Biology, 33(12), 2582-2585.e2.
Neural correlates of visual and tactile path integration and their task related modulation. Rosenblum, L., Kreß, A., Arikan, B. E., Straube, B., & Bremmer, F. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 9913.
Meridional binocular rivalry reveals a trace of uncorrected oblique input during development in the adult brain. Serero, G., Lev, M., & Polat, U. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 9920.
Mice identify subgoal locations through an action-driven mapping process. Shamash, P., Lee, S., Saxe, A. M., & Branco, T. (2023). Neuron, 111(12), 1966-1978.e8.
Generalization of cognitive maps across space and time. Sherrill, K. R., Molitor, R. J., Karagoz, A. B., Atyam, M., Mack, M. L., & Preston, A. R. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(12), 7971–7992.
The “curse of knowledge” when predicting others’ knowledge. Tullis, J. G., & Feder, B. (2023). Memory & Cognition, 51(5), 1214–1234.
Human orbitofrontal cortex signals decision outcomes to sensory cortex during behavioral adaptations. Wang, B. A., Veismann, M., Banerjee, A., & Pleger, B. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 3552.
Detailed characterization of neural selectivity in free viewing primates. Yates, J. L., Coop, S. H., Sarch, G. H., Wu, R.-J., Butts, D. A., Rucci, M., & Mitchell, J. F. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 3656.
Grid cell disruption in a mouse model of early Alzheimer’s disease reflects reduced integration of self-motion cues. Ying, J., Reboreda, A., Yoshida, M., & Brandon, M. P. (2023). Current Biology, 33(12), 2425-2437.e5.
Aperiodic neural activity reflects metacontrol. Zhang, C., Stock, A.-K., Mückschel, M., Hommel, B., & Beste, C. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(12), 7941–7951.
Dyadic visual perceptual learning on orientation discrimination. Zhang, Y., Bi, K., Li, J., Wang, Y., & Fang, F. (2023). Current Biology, 33(12), 2407-2416.e4.
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jamespotterswife06 · 2 years
Hello! My name it Trinity. I'm gonna try to write some character x reader short stories.
I've never written anything using tumblr so I can't promise starting out that everything will be great but hopefully it'll get better over time.
This is who I'll write for
Steve Harrington(stranger things)
Lucas Sinclair(stranger things)
Max Mayfield(Stranger things)
Gareth Emerson (stranger things)
Carl Grimes(Twd)
Lydia (Twd)
Chloe Price(Life is strange) ~game~
Nathan Prescott (Life is strange)
Clementine (Twdg)
Louis (twdg)
Gabe (twdg)
Beverly Marsh(It -2017)
Stanley Uris(It -2017 & 1990)
Richie Tozier (It -2017 & 1990)
Mike Hanlon(It -2017)
!Basically any of the losers!
10k (Z Nation)
Addison Carver(Z Nation)
Mack Thompson (Z Nation)
Citizen Z/ Simon (Z Nation)
Doc- !not romantically! (Z Nation)
Roberta Warren(Z Nation)
Charlie Garnett (Z Nation)
Murphy(Z Nation)
Mattheo Riddle(Harry potter)
Theodore Nott(Harry Potter)
James Potter(Marauders Era)
Regulus Black(Marauders Era)
Marlene McKinnon (marauders era)
Lily Evans (Marauders Era)
Basically any fandom just let me know and I'll see if I can write something up
Also you can check out my Wattpad and if you want I could write OC x reader.
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jaybird144 · 6 hours
Fire Emblem Oc drop!
Name: Mackenzie Mythios
Nicknames: Mack (from family), Z (from Hapi), and Kenzie (from Black Eagles).
Day of birth: 14 of Lone Moon (March 14)
House: Black Eagles
Nationality: Adrestian, Hyrm territory
Crest: none
Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him
Preferred Paths:
Commoner -> Monk -> Mage -> Valkyrie
Commoner -> solider -> Caviler -> Paladin ->
Dark knight
Strengths: Reason and Lance
Weakness: Axe
Family: unnamed father, unnamed mother, unnamed twin sister
Lost items:
Sea Shell notebook- It's a notebook with Sea shells on the cover. It seems to belong to Someone who lived by the shore.
Found in the library during Chapter 2
Old Turtle charm- A Small Sea turtle Charm with the Crest of Indech engraved on its shell. It Probably belongs to someone who worships Saint Intech.
Found in the training grounds in chapter 9
Lyre sheet music- A crumpled piece of paper that looks like old nursery song. It Probaby belongs to someone who plays an instrament.
Found by the pond in chapter 15
Favorite gifts: Fishing float, Gemstone beads, Dapper handkerchief, Riding boots, Legends of Chivalry, Book of sheet music, The history of Fódlan, Owl feather, and Book of Crest designs.
Liked Gifts: Floral Adornment, Tasty Baked treat, Hunting dagger, Watering can, Whetstone, Armored Bear Stuffy, Tea Leaves, Ancient coin, all flowers, Ceremonial sword, and Landscape painting.
Disliked gifts: Smoked meat, Stylish hair clip, Training Weight, Arithmetic textbook, Monarch studies book, Exotic Spices, Board game, Coffee beans and Blue Cheese.
Possible supports:
-Edelgard (C, B, A, and Platonic paired ending)
-Hubert (C, B, A and [haven’t decided yet] paired ending)
-Ferdinand (C, B, B+, A and romantic paired ending)
-Bernadetta (C, B, and A)
-Caspar (C and B)
-Linhardt (C, B, A and romantic paired ending)
-Dorothea (C, B, A, and Platonic paired ending)
-Petra (C, B, and A)
-Jeritza (C, B, A and romantic paired ending)
-Lysithea (C, B, and A)
-Marianne (C, B, and A)
-Seteth (C and B)
-Hapi (C and B)
-F!Byleth (C, B, and A)
-M!Byleth (C, B, A, S, and Romantic paired ending)
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terrifyingblog · 1 year
Puppies and Kittens(Part 3)
(Read if you only chose A or B in the last option in part 2)
the druggy dickhead lead you guys to some sort of you don't know what the fuck this thing is called, you haven't gone outside in a while.
Sharp shooter is helping, and you were running around the place with Cassandra and Aly to distract the zombies from Charlie and Roberta taking some gas.
But you and Aly got seperated from Cassandra and saw that the guy who led you guys here knows her, Aly pulled out a arrow and got into position if the guy were ever to hurt or take Cassandra away.
A. Let Aly wait for the right time to shoot the guy in the head with her arrow
B. Told her to hold her fire but she shoots the guy anyways because she's petty
C. Try to stop her but she ends up pushing the guy off and letting the Z's surround his dead body and let them eat it
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backalleygraffiti · 3 months
Assigned Reading List for Psychopaths for the Purpose of Evaluation, for More Specialized Integration and Treatment
A Short History of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson)
The Illustrated A Brief History of Time / The Universe in a Nutshell (Steven Hawking)
Cosmos (Carl Sagan)
Something Deeply Hidden (Sean Carroll)
The Philosophy of Time (Robin Le Poidevin)
The Elegant Universe (Brian Greene)
The End of Everything (Katie Mack)
Sapiens (Yuval Noah Harari)
The Swerve (Steven Greenblatt)
The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell)
An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States (Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz)
Not “A Nation of Immigrants” (Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz)
Caste (Isabel Wilkerson)
The Fox Wife (Yangsze Choo)
The Goldfinch (Donna Tartt)
Life After Life (Kate Atkinson)
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Marquez)
tuesdays with Morrie (Mitch Albom)
Ishmael (Daniel Quinn)
The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
Braiding Sweetgrass (Robin Wall Kimmerer)
A Little Life (Hanya Yanagihara)
The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane (Lisa See)
Haroun and the Sea of Stories (Salman Rushdie)
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie)
The Handmaid’s Tale (Margaret Atwood)
The Testaments (Margaret Atwood)
Infinite Jest (David Foster Wallace)
Lolita (Nabokov)
The End of Alice (A. M. Homes)
Exquisite Corpse (Poppy Z. Brite)
Tampa (Alissa Nutting)
Cows (Mathew Stokoe)
The Call of Cthulhu (H. P. Lovecraft)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Jules Verne)
White Fang (Jack London)
The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)
Oliver Twist (Charles Dickens)
Paradise Lost (John Milton)
The Crucible (Arther Miller)
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
Lord of the Flies (William Golding)
To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)
Dracula (Bram Stoker)
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (Howard Pyle)
The Giving Tree (Shel Silverstein)
The Lorax (Dr. Seuss)
Aesop’s Fables (Aesop)
Grimm’s Fairy Tales (Brothers Grimm)
0 notes
zombies-and-trolls · 1 year
Are there any episodes of Znation that you don’t particularly like? For me it’s two right in a row, season one episodes eight and nine. Don’t get me wrong, they’re good episodes, and I really liked them during my first ever watch. But after the first watch, I think it’s the repetition that gets to me.
For episode eight, it’s only the part with Simon, the rest of the episode is great and I actually really love it. But once you know the twist of the episode....I just fast forward through Simon’s parts.
And for episode nine, it’s the never ending repetition of the zombie scenes and Mack, even though I really like the ending.
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geneajournals · 1 year
The Travels of Mack Senar, Jr.
“Go West, young man…” is a phrase widely attributed to Horace Greeley in 1865.  I wonder if  Mack Senar, Jr., heard the phrase and decided to act on the advice. 
Mack Senar, Jr., son of Mack Senar, Sr. and Elizabeth Bowers,  was born on 17 November 1879 in Mobile, Alabama.  Mack served in the Spanish American War as a volunteer with the 3rd Alabama Volunteer Infantry from 1898 to March 1899.[1] In April 1899 Mack Senar enlisted in the U. S. Army and was assigned to the 9th Cavalry at Fort Grant, Arizona Territory. [2] Due to a clerical error, Mack Senar became Mack Senor in official records for the remainder of his life.
During the 1900 U.S. Census, Mack Senor was enumerated at Fort Grant.[3] In 1901 Mack’s 9th Cavalry unit deployed to the Philippine Islands and fought in the Philippine-American War. Their duty stations in the Philippine Islands, included Minalabac, Menalabag, Iloilo and Nueva Caceres.[4]
In 1903 Mack Senor returned to the United States. The 9th Cavalry Unit Returns document him at Fort Walla Walla, Washington in September 1903. By October 1903 Mack and his 9th Calvary unit were in California for an encampment at the Presidio.[5]
On 15 May 1905 Mack Senor re-enlisted in the army at Kansas City, Kansas.[6] He was assigned to a 10th Cavalry detachment, company B. In March 1908 Mack did another tour of duty at Camp Wallace, Philippine Islands with the 10th Calvary. After returning to the United States Mack Senar was discharged at Fort McDowell, Angel Island, California on 14 May 1908.[7]
Mack re-enlisted on 29 May 1908 at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. He returned to the 9th Calvary and was stationed in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. On 9 November 1909 Mack was at Fort Russell in Wyoming where he was discharged.[8] He re-enlisted on 24 November 1909 at Fort Riley Military Reservation, Kansas.
From July 1911 to July 1912 Mack was assigned to the Mounted Services School Detachment, at Fort Riley.[9] On 29 July 1913 Private Mack Senor received Special Orders transferring him to the Army Service Schools Detachment at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas for duty. The orders also stated:
“The expenses of the transfer will be borne by the soldier and transportation will not be furnished to him.”
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Special Order, No. 175, 2062027 A. G. O. (United States, War Department, 1913). Internet Archive.
Mack Senor’s World War I service card indicates that he remained with the 10th Calvary at Fort Leavenworth until about 1919.[10]
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Mack Senor, Alabama World War I Service Record
A news article in the El Paso (Texas) Herald, dated 3 January 1921, notes that Pvt. Mack Senor, 10th Cavalry, on special duty at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, has been reassigned to Fort Huachuca, Arizona.[11]
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The El Paso (Texas) Herald, 3 January 1921
The 1925 Kansas State Census enumerated Mack Senor as a soldier in the U.S. Army at Fort Riley, Kansas.[12]
Mack Senor retired from active service on 12 June 1926 at the rank of Sergeant, Headquarters and Service Troop, 9th Cavalry.[13] During his twenty-seven career with the U.S. Army, Mack Senar/Senor did a great deal of traveling in the service of his country.
"U.S., Spanish American War Volunteers Index to Compiled Military Service Records, 1898," database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2400/images/32803_261708-00335 : accessed 29 Nov 2013) > Sel-Sha > images 332-333 of 1955, entry for Mack Senar, Co. G, 3 Alabama Infantry (Colored.) (Spanish War.), Private; citing "General Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers who Served During the War with Spain. Microfilm publication M871...NAID: 654543. Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780s-1917, Record Group 94. The National Archives in Washington, D.C."
Mack Senar, 1899; Register of Enlistments in the United States Army, 1798-1914; Record Group 94, M233; digital images, "U.S., Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914," Ancestry (www.ancestry.com : accessed 29 Nov 2013) 1899 > L-Z > Image 396 of 592.
1900 U.S. census, Pinal County, Arizona Territory, population schedule (Military and Naval Population), Fort Grant, enumeration district (ED) 88, sheet 1A, line 87, Mack Senor; digital images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-6P9S-69W : accessed 11 July 2023) 4113685 > image 7 of 16; citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T623, roll 47.  
“U.S., Buffalo Soldiers, Returns From Regular Army Cavalry Regiments, 1866-1916,” database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 1 January 2021) > United States Ninth Cavalry ,entries for Mack Senor, 1901-1904; citing “Returns From Regular Army Cavalry Regiments, 1833-1916; NARA microfilm publication M744, 16 rolls; NAID: 300381; Records of U.S. Regular Army Mobile Units, 1821-1942, Record Group Number 391; The National Archives at Washington, D.C.”
“U.S., Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914”  database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 29 November 2013), entries for Mack Senor; citing “Register of Enlistments in the U.S. Army, 1798-1914; Microfilm Publication M233, 81 rolls; NAID: 1184717, 575272 and 1223563; Records of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1780’s-1917, Record Group 94; The National Archives in Washington, D.C.”
“U.S., Buffalo Soldiers, Returns From Regular Army Cavalry Regiments, 1866-1916,” database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 1 January 2021) > Ninth Cavalry, entries for Mack Senor, 1905-1909; citing “Returns From Regular Army Cavalry Regiments, 1833-1916; NARA microfilm publication M744, 16 rolls; NAID: 300381; Records of U.S. Regular Army Mobile Units, 1821-1942, Record Group Number 391; The National Archives at Washington, D.C.”
“U.S., Returns from Military Posts, 1806-1916,” database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 4 January 2021) > Kansas > Riley, Ft. Mounted Service School, entries for Mack Senor 1909-1917; citing “Returns From U.S. Military Posts, 1800-1916; Microfilm Publication M617, 1550 rolls; NAID: 561324; Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984, Record Group 94; The National Archives in Washington, D.C.”
"Alabama World War I Service Records," database with images, Alabama Department of Archives and History (http://digital.archives.alabama.gov/cdm/landingpage/collection/p17217coll3 : accessed 22 May 2020), entry for Mack Senor, service no 1008.161; citing Military Service, Ft Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Kansas. 
“Enlisted Men Returned To Their Old Organizations,” El Paso (Texas) Herald, 3 January 1921, p. 8 , col. 3; digital image from the Library of Congress, Chronicling America: Historic American Newspaper site (https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1921-01-03/ed-1/seq-8/ : accessed 10 September 2022).
1925 State Census, Geary County, Kansas, population schedule, Fort Riley, p. 3, line 2, Mack Senor; digital images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS7R-QSHT-G : accessed 29 Nov 2013) 102009868 > image 292 of 621.
"U.S., Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925-1963," digital images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2375/images/40050_2421402106_0395-01153 : accessed 19 Feb 2017); > 1941-1949 > Seiberlich, Joseph J-Sharpe, Herbert W > images1154-1155, Mack Senor: citing “Applications for Headstones for U.S. Military Veterans, 1925-1941. Microfilm publication M1916, 134 rolls. Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, Record Group 92. National Archives at Washington, D.C.”
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Can I have murphy x reader ???????
Reader tends to hold their breath and not breathe when they're scared. Murphy finds this out when reader holds their breath for so long that they pass out from lack of oxygen?
✨Thank you✨
A/N: I hope you like this. I havent wrote for Z-nation yet. So I am very excited! Thank you for requesting, if you have any more for z-nation please let me know!
Show/movie: Z-Nation
Paring: Murphy x reader
You’ve had this habit since you were a kid. Every time you were scared you would hold your breath. It was like if you held your breath then time would stop, like nothing could hurt you. You’ve only passed out once from holding your breath and that was when you were in high school having to present your paper in front of your whole class.
You were walking beside Murphy as horse of Zombies rounded a corner. You were spooked and stumbled backwards, but you quickly got up aiming your silver and white .45 pistols at the zombies foreheads. Everyone around you doing the same. You were fine, this was fine, but when you found your group cornered it scared the hell out of you.
“What do we do?” Addy asked warren taking the words from you. “Over here!” 10k said as he found a building that was just a couple meters away in the woods. “Come on.” The group ran. Warren, Addy and you were the first ones inside aiming your guns making sure there wasn’t any zombies. When it was clear the others came in.
It was a small little shack of a house in the woods. It had two bedrooms, a small living room, one tiny bathroom, and the kitchen that looked like it was out dated by 30 years.
“Will stay here until the horde passes.” Warren said as she shut and locked the door. You looked through the shack trying to find anything useful that’s when you opened the bedroom door. A couple bats flew out of the room making you jump and Squeal. Murphy laughed as he sat down beside you on the dusty couch. “What scared of a couple bats?” You shook your head as you continued going into the room.
Whoever was in the room left in a hurry. The Drawers were pulled out of the dresser. Clothes were thrown over the bed. A few pictures crooked on the wall, a few empty, dusty spots on the wall were pictures once were. You heard footsteps behind ou and you turned seeing warren.
“A family.” She said looking at the picture you had plucked from the wall. You nodded, your fingers cleaning the dust off the frame. “You have a family before this?” She asked, you nodded, but also shurgged.
“My baby brother. I took care of him. He, Umm. He died back when all this shit began. He didn’t listen to me and ran out of the house while two or three zombies were right in front of the house. He ran too fast for me to stop him and they killed him right in front of me. Mom, well she’s been out of the picture since I was 13. She decided I was old enough to take care of brother, who was just a baby then. So she ran off with some dude paying for her drugs and my dad died in the service. Back when my brother was born.” You answered tears pricking your eyes but you quickly whiped them away.
“I’m sorry.” Warren sympatheticly Said to you. You nodded as you whispered a “me too”. Warren walked out of the bed room as you sat down on the bed. Just staring at the picture in your hand. You weren’t an emotional person. You rarely showed when you were upset. Ever since you were young you had to act like nothing was wrong. As if your life was just sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. But truthfully you just felt overwhelmed. Life was just being overwhelming.
“Can I come in?” Murphy asked as he walked up to the door frame. You looked up at him nd nodded. “What’s up, buttercup?” He asked sitting beside you and bumping your arm. “The sky.” You joked sarcastically with a smile. “I have got to learn to stop saying that. You say that every time.” You giggled as you looked down at your hands. Putting the picture frame onto the dresser then laying down on the bed.
“Do you ever feel overwhelmed?” You asked, completely forgetting who you were talking to. “Uh, hi my name is Murphy. People call me the Murphy. Nice to meet you.” He said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes as you faced him. “I hate you.” He knew you didn’t mean that. The two of you had a weird friendship. You both ran into each other when he first became the mission. You actually talk to him as if he were a person, not as “the package.” You friendship grew into more of an relationship but neither would admit it. I mean the two of you have came so close to kissing but 10k or doc always interrupts.
“Sorry, bad question.” You spoke. Putting your arm over your eyes, blocking the sunlight. You felt the bed shift and automatically assumed he was leaving. But when you felt the bed shift and an arm slip around you, you didn’t jump. You knew the only person who would wrap their arms around you would be Murphy.
“What’s got you so stressed?” He asked his arms wrapped around you as the two of you spooned. Him being the big spoon holding you. And you resting against his chest enjoying the comfort.
“I don’t know. Life.” You laughed and shrugged. “It’s just. We’re taking you to California and we don’t even know what’s going to happen to you. I mean, they could just be killing you. Or torcher you or something. I don’t know. I-I’m just over thinking is all.” You spoke looking at the white wall in front of you. Murphy sighed as he pulled you so he could look at you correctly. He stared into your Y/e/c eyes and smiled. He leaned forwards kissing your forehead.
“You don’t have to worry about me.” He tried to get her to stop worrying. He didn’t want to go to California. He too was worried about going. He wouldn’t tell anyone that but he truly was.
“You guys are gross.” 10k said as he just so happen to walk into the room. “Kid, you don’t know gross.” You told him with a laugh. He nodded as he looked at you. “I just wanted to sleep on a bed while we had one, but you two have this one occupied and warren decided I could sleep in this one since addy had called the other one. Just as Murphy was about to say something you covered his mouth with your hand. “Of course. Come in lazy get up!” You said as your tried to pull out of Murphy’s thought grip. He groaned as he released you. “And for a minute I thought we were having a moment.” 10k laughed, “yeah a gross moment.”
An hour passed and the horde passed. You sat on the couch as Murphy laid across it, his head lying on your lap as doc sat across from you on a small love seat. “Is it weird?” Doc asked looking at you and Murphy. “Is what weird?” You asked completely confused at what Doc was asking. “Being in a relationship during the zombie apocalypse.” He answered looking at the two of you. You looked at him bewildered. “We-” “we’re not in a relationship.” Murphy ended the conversation quickly. He got grumpy all of a sudden. As if someone had just bursted his bubble. “Oh, sorry. It just seems like the two of you are a couple. I could’ve bet the two of you were together like a couple.” You nodded not knowing what to say.
“I don’t think he likes me like that.” You say all of a sudden without thinking. Murphy grows stiff and then tried to relax. “How is that? I mean he is literally only nice to you.” You just then began to think about it. Yeah the two of you flirted all the tile, but you never thought it was more then a flirty friendship.
“Alright, it’s clear of puppies and kittens I think we should get going.” Warren said as she came back inside the house. “I found a truck well take that. It’ll get us pretty far. Grab your stuff and take it to the truck. We’re leaving.” You grabbed your book bag and your rifle you carried. Your book bag had what you needed in it. (First aid kit, emergency food that you don’t plan on telling anyone about until it is needed. A water bottle. Stuff to make a fire, And girl stuff aka (pads, tampons, and Midol, and other pain meds.)
You sat in the bed of the pick up truck. The inside on fit three people. So you, Murphy and 10k sat in the bed of the truck. Addy, warren and doc sat in the cab of the truck. The truck was running good and somehow had a full tank of gas with an extra tank of gas on the back of it. It was complete luck finding the truck.
Days passed when you guys finally ran out of gas. The only thing was a storm had came. You hated storms. It was like it was a little bit of rain and wind. Heck, you would welcome that with open arms. But no, it had to be nothing but wind that seemed to be going 30 miles an hour, it was pouring rain and the thunder and lightning scared you every time you would hear the loud crashing boom.
“Are you okay?” Murphy asked, you jumped as the loud boom shook the store the group had found. “Yeah, just hate storms is all.” You spoke quickly looking at Murphy then jumping Sharon as you felt the store shake. Holding your breath as you sat down with you back against the wall and you head in your hands.
The group left you alone for a few minutes, just thinking you needed to be alone for a few minutes. But that is until you had passed out. Murphy was right by your side before anyone could get to you.
You had stopped breathing which worried him to death. “She’s stopped breathing!” He stressed looking at the group. He shook you some then he decided to give you mouth to mouth. (That’s how bad you had stopped breathing he thought you were dead. Geez gotta worry the group girl. 😂)
With a gasp you woke up. Looking at Murphy as he was practically holding you in his arms. “Wha-t happen?” You asked while sitting up. “You passed out from the lack of oxygen.” You looked at doc confused until you remembered. “Oh,” addy nodded, “Yeah, you have a bad habit of holding your breath while your scared. You gotta get out of that habit.” You nodded as you looked at Murphy and then to 10k who was just staring.
“What ya staring at?” You asked the kid. “Nothing, it’s just. Nothing.” He shook his head. “What I think he’s trying to say Is the two of you are still holding onto each other like it’s y’all last day on earth.” Doc finished for 10k. “Y’all need to kiss already and get the gross part over with.” Everyone looked at Warren shocked. She usually was not really into the gushy relationship stuff.
Murphy rolled his eyes as he looked down at your blushing self. You looked at him and shurgged. “Just get it over with. I can’t deal with you two staring at each other while the other isn’t looking.” Both of you rolled your eyes as you looked at each other. Looking into his eyes you placed a quick kiss to his lips. Everyone sighed shaking their heads. “That wasn’t barely even a peck.” Addy teased looking at you and you shook your head at her. Murphy pulled you closer stopping you from asking what he was doing with a passionate kiss.
“Wow.” You whispered, looking into his eyes. Kinda in shock. “Yeah,” he agreed looking in your e/y/c eyes. “That was cute, but now we need to get some sleep if we’re gonna get walking tomorrow.” Everyone nodded grabbing blankets they had found in the store making a makeshift beds and trying to go to sleep. Warren deciding to take first shift to stay up. Taking her spot beside the only entrance to the store.
You lied down beside Murphy. His arms comfortably wrapped around you as the two of you quickly fell asleep. This is where your safe place was, Murphy. He just seemed to ground you. And that’s the way he felt with you. The two of you just grounded each other.
And that’s the way I’m ending this story. Lol 😂 hope y’all liked it! ❤️🖤
Request for Z nation are welcome.
-No smut request-
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compneuropapers · 1 year
Interesting Papers for Week 17, 2023
Oversampled and undersolved: Depressive rumination from an active inference perspective. Berg, M., Feldmann, M., Kirchner, L., & Kube, T. (2022). Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 142, 104873.
Orbitofrontal cortex populations are differentially recruited to support actions. Cazares, C., Schreiner, D. C., Valencia, M. L., & Gremel, C. M. (2022). Current Biology, 32(21), 4675-4687.e5.
Causality modulates perception of apparent motion stimuli. Deeb, A.-R., Silva, A. E., & Liu, Z. (2022). Vision Research, 201, 108120.
Energy-efficient network activity from disparate circuit parameters. Deistler, M., Macke, J. H., & Gonçalves, P. J. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2207632119.
A direct test of competitive versus cooperative episodic–procedural network dynamics in human memory. Freedberg, M. V, Reeves, J. A., Fioriti, C. M., Murillo, J., Voss, J. L., & Wassermann, E. M. (2022). Cerebral Cortex, 32(21), 4715–4732.
Perceived speed at low luminance: Lights out for the Bayesian observer? Freeman, T. C. A., & Powell, G. (2022). Vision Research, 201, 108124.
Neuronal signature of spatial decision-making during navigation by freely moving rats by using calcium imaging. Gobbo, F., Mitchell-Heggs, R., Tse, D., Al Omrani, M., Spooner, P. A., Schultz, S. R., & Morris, R. G. M. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2212152119.
Cross-modal generalization of value-based attentional priority. Grégoire, L., Mrkonja, L., & Anderson, B. A. (2022). Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84(8), 2423–2431.
Development of information integration in the visual working memory of preschoolers. Guo, D., Wang, Y., Liao, Y., Li, J., Zhang, X., Gao, Z., … He, J. (2022). Child Development, 93(6), 1793–1803.
Mapping neurotransmitter systems to the structural and functional organization of the human neocortex. Hansen, J. Y., Shafiei, G., Markello, R. D., Smart, K., Cox, S. M. L., Nørgaard, M., … Misic, B. (2022). Nature Neuroscience, 25(11), 1569–1581.
Information‐seeking when information doesn’t matter. Hilchey, M. D., Rondina, R., & Soman, D. (2022). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 35(5), e2280.
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Recursive sequence generation in crows. Liao, D. A., Brecht, K. F., Johnston, M., & Nieder, A. (2022). Science Advances, 8(44).
Flexible neural control of motor units. Marshall, N. J., Glaser, J. I., Trautmann, E. M., Amematsro, E. A., Perkins, S. M., Shadlen, M. N., … Churchland, M. M. (2022). Nature Neuroscience, 25(11), 1492–1504.
Adult-born dentate granule cells promote hippocampal population sparsity. McHugh, S. B., Lopes-dos-Santos, V., Gava, G. P., Hartwich, K., Tam, S. K. E., Bannerman, D. M., & Dupret, D. (2022). Nature Neuroscience, 25(11), 1481–1491.
Rapid encoding of task regularities in the human hippocampus guides sensorimotor timing. Polti, I., Nau, M., Kaplan, R., van Wassenhove, V., & Doeller, C. F. (2022). eLife, 11, e79027.
Task-specific employment of sensory signals underlies rapid task switching. Sasaki, R., Kumano, H., Mitani, A., Suda, Y., & Uka, T. (2022). Cerebral Cortex, 32(21), 4657–4670.
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Behavioural and dopaminergic signatures of resilience. Willmore, L., Cameron, C., Yang, J., Witten, I. B., & Falkner, A. L. (2022). Nature, 611(7934), 124–132.
How much I moved: Robust biases in self-rotation perception. Zanchi, S., Cuturi, L. F., Sandini, G., & Gori, M. (2022). Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84(8), 2670–2683.
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