#a becca version is probably coming so. watch out
chaoticstanley · 1 year
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Beetlebabes dni (seriously fuck off)
So, my current hyperfixation is Beetlejuice, movie, cartoon, and musical. But I have all the Beetlejuice cartoons on file so as I was watching, I decided to redesign Lydia and Beej in the show’s style for my own fic I’m working on. I added silhouettes of the show’s designs as a comparison. And I finalized my OC as a bonus. So here’s some info about Bj and Lydia. I’ll explain my OC some other time.
I used all iterations of him as inspiration, but in terms of visual, it’s mostly the musical and cartoon. Gave him his green hair and also a mullet cause... Idk I think it looks good. But in terms of personality, it’s a nice combo of all three. He’s a lot more nastier and violent than his toon counterpart, but still retains some of the sensitivity showed in the show. For example, he’s still protective of Lydia, but instead of simply putting beetles in a bully’s hair, he’ll genuinely traumatize them with a scare or straight up try and kill them. He’s still a handsy and overtly sexual being like in the movie/musical. Instead of responding to emotional rejection (outside of flirtatious contexts) with a depressive episode like the show, he gets very angry and vengeful. He’s petty, selfish and a conniving ass like all three iterations. But he’s not as dumb as his toon counterpart. He’s irrational and acts before he thinks sure, but when it comes to being a trickster, he’s more thoughtful and malicious like the movie version.
His relationship with Lydia is a big brother/little sister type. She’s one of the very select few who’s ever gotten past his walls. He’s protective of her and always encourages her interests in the gross, rude, and dead. But he’s less affectionate than the show/musical. He’s not a big fan of pda and just barely tolerates her occasional hug. He and Lydia are the type of friends that exchange insults and petty barbs as a way of showing how they care.
A brief note on his most common alter ego, Bettyjuice. I modernized her into an egirl because the aesthetic is perfect with all the stripes. She’s pretty much the same as the show; gross, rude, and impulsive. But I made her too pretty unfortunately. I kept leaning towards cute with certain attributes like the added beanie and her adorable tummy, so that’ll probably be tweaked in the future, but we’ll see. I do like this design a lot even though it’s not gross enough.
Again, all iterations were an inspiration. Her Netherworld design is just a more aged up version of the original poncho, but I added a touch more purple at the forefront to reflect her personality. And her normal design is more muted just as a contrast to the Netherworld to make it seem mundane in comparison. In terms of personality, she’s got the character development of the musical. She’s still deadpanned and sarcastic like the movie/musical, but she’s much softer and more sweet like her toon counterpart. She’s a little more mature now that she’s 18, but not by much cause she’s still a young, developing girl. She only has a few friends her age since most of her peers at school are put off by her goth aesthetic and macabre interests. It also doesn’t help that she hangs around a weird egirl who likes to throw bugs at people (Bettyjuice of course). She does have two friends, Becca and Pamela (loosely based off Bertha and Prudence) and of course, her family. She still loves the Maitlands and hangs out with them a bunch. She has a better relationship with Charles Deetz now that she’s a little older. The one she has conflict the most is Deelia, but there’s still clear love there. She fully accepts Deelia as her mother now, while, of course, still keeping Emily Deetz in her heart as well. But they tend to bicker and argue the most because of their different worldviews, but much less so than before now that Lydia regularly spends time in the Nethworld.
But of course, Lydia’s best friend is Beetlejuice. They pull pranks, get into mischief, and regularly get revenge on Lydia’s main bully Claire Brewster.
But yeah, that’s it. I’ll explain my OC later, but I’m too tired rn. I’m working on some more art for Beetlejuice, but the main inspo is the cartoon since it has a lot more to work with in terms of story and world building.
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allys-diary · 6 months
stories i om-nom-nom'd :: april 2024 (week 1)
Considering that this is my first week of full on unemployment since 2016, this is also probably the first time I've purely had time just to myself. So you bet ur souls I nom'd a whole lot of media this week.
As usual, expect spoilers, you've been warned. Everything below the cut:
Mulan (1998)
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This was a rewatch and I honestly just had it on because I wanted something in the background while I was cleaning, but also I was having such a blast singing and dancing along to the soundtrack. And also I just wanna take this moment to say that Yao, Ling, and Chien Po were the realest ones in this movie because they were so unfazed by the reveal that their new friend Ping was actually a woman and all they cared about was trying to stop Shang because they thought he was gonna execute her. And then when she popped up at the palace going "Hey guys! I have an idea" they just dropped everything and didn't even hesitate to put on a dress and makeup.
Like I need friends like that, their loyalty is unmatched 👏👏👏
Also the Emperor becoming Mulan's wingman at the end was something I forgot and I cackled so loud watching that scene over 😂
Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
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I'll be so real and tell y'all that I put off watching this movie for the longest time because I've seen so much hype around it, and when I see smth like that I have one of two possible responses. I either immediately jump on it the second it releases…or I procrastinate. But watching this was honestly so much fun and even though I didn't watch the first movie, I could still feel Winnie's devastation when she watched her sisters fall victim into a yassified Thanos snap. Although honestly I do feel like this was just natural consequence doing its thing, like Book really tried to warn her so many times, so really this is just "Fuck around and find out (Winnifred's Version)".
I will say though, that something I felt was lacking was the building of the characters of the new witches. It feels like the movie was made with the hopes that people would go in this with so much nostalgia for the first movie and that would be enough to carry the entire project without having to do much on actually telling us who these new witches are, and why we should root for them. The dynamic between the three girls felt very much like it was telling rather than showing that Becca would be the leader but she's going to put in the work to make them all have equal footing, while in contrast, the Sanderson sisters had a dynamic that drew you in and showed you from even the first scene that Sarah and Mary were treated by Winnie as subordinates rather than sisters.
There was just enough hints at the end that there's a movement for a third Hocus Pocus movie to be greenlit because there's still one more black flame candle, and that was more than enough for me to blurt out the words "Gilbert, you lil bitch".
On a lighter note tho…the flying roombas and the performance number were a few of the highlights of the movie that kinda make me wanna watch it again…Ohh and Hannah Waddingham as Witch Mother 100% had me going "this better not awaken anything in me"
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nvm…too late
tv shows
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
I can't watch the shows in order because my streaming services really said "fuck your binging rights", so I have 0 context on overarching series arcs, but I watch what I can.
Season 21, Episode 1: They created a whole ass MeToo episode and it was so well-written I actually had to take a second to remind myself that this was acting and to hold off on hating Ian McShane because he portrayed his whole "sleazy media mogul with a whole ass casting couch" persona eerily well. One of the things I'm steadily coming to appreciate with the series is that they're not shying away from touching on current issues, and I personally cannot wait for the incoming seasons and they start taking jabs at Sickelodeon--I mean Nickelodeon.
Also Hadid deserves jail time she needs to be taken down ALL the pegs. If Hadid has 0 haters, I am dead.
Season 21, Episode 2: Speaking of not shying away from sensitive issues, this was a doozy and a half because it was really subliminally heavy on the victim blaming. Reagan's "friends" for one are some insane pieces of work just damn near scoffing when they were told "your friend might have been assaulted" and going "yeah probably not she has a whole bunch of crazy antics". And that utterly disheartening moment when the team realizes that if this actually does go to trial, that she might not win because the defense could spin a story about "her wanting it" because of her history and her sexcapades with a bunch of other guys.
In the name of fully supporting women's wrongs, I fully support Reagan going full "I Spit on Your Grave" on these bastards 😤 That and I'd fully be on board with a movie where Ariel Winter goes the vigilante & revenge route.
Sidenote: This is why I hate that I can't stream all the seasons because I have no idea what happened to Olivia in the previous season that was called back to in the final scene with Reagan where she said she knows that Reagan will survive because she survived.
Season 10, Episode 22: Okay so I knew from the jump when Stuckey was introduced that either he wouldn't be around for long because he was gonna screw something up which would result in him getting fired (or at the very least transferred to another department far away from interacting with people), or he'd get an improvement arc where he suddenly became an invaluable asset to the team. What I didn't think was gonna happen was that he was going to go on a murder spree in an attempt to manipulate events so he could overcorrect on a mistake that he made from being way too lax and honestly kind of arrogant.
I just know that Benson went like this the second they had him in custody:
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Undercover: Blood Bonds
Chapter 3: We get introduced to Vera's former coworker (and possibly ex) Gabe, revealing that before she became a journalist, she was a detective, and he's not too happy about her career shift. In the chapter outro, we get a flashback of Lilly looking like she's going through it and has been keeping a diary to write her feelings down. This flashback might be of the night that Lilly disappeared, maybe the last time Vera saw her sister alive.
Chapter 4: Jericho's a mysterious new figure that makes his entrance by walking into Club (no really, the club's name is "Club") without being carded by Hank, the bouncer. Also he has red eyes. Vera managed to swipe Lilly's journal from the crime scene and she finds out that the last time her sister wrote in there was the night that Vera left the city to go back home.
Chapter 5: Vera's in a competition with Crystal over who gets to keep the job at Club because only one of them can stay after the week's over, and knowing she doesn't have a shot, Crystal sabotages Vera by "accidentally" dropping her lipstick on the floor so that Vera slips and falls and breaks a tray full of glasses. Hank mentions that the previous barmaid Daisy would've been useful to know what happened to Lilly, and the very end shows a flashback that Jericho met Lilly the last time she went to Club and bought her a drink.
Chapter 6: Jericho buys a drink for the new DJ, Bluejay, but doesn't score with her because she has a gig and she's determined to stick to schedule (which is finish her shift at 4am). Hank tells Vera that Daisy was head over heels for Jericho when she used to work at Club, and a flashback reveals Daisy trying to discourage him from chatting up Lilly because she's "just a kid". He's unfazed by that (red flag alert red flag alert woop woop das da sound of da police)
Chapter 7: Vera turns down Jericho's sleazy attempts to buy her a drink and invite her back to his place after shift, and he denies ever having seen Lilly when he's shown a picture of her, claiming that "she's not his type". Then he immediately rebounds in a record 0.5 seconds with the next girl that shows up (and serving her orders becomes our side quest for this level). Outro showcases Hank's green flag status offering his coworkers to drive them home since it's so late, and ends with him driving Vera to the police station so she can check on the status of the investigation.
Chapter 8: We play as Crystal in this level and let me tell you now, I hate it here. She goads on Vera for being "sluggish" and having a bad day and sucks up big time to the boss Mr Smirnov with "grand plans" to improve clientele, which of course gets him going and has him leaning towards granting her the permanent staff position. Then Gabe calls Vera with disappointing news and tells her he'll just give her the apartment keys after work.
Chapter 9: Gabe goes to Club to hand over Vera's apartment keys, which gives us our side quest for this level where we serve Gabe his orders for the night. When he releases the apartment back to Vera, he reveals that Lilly's ex-boyfriend Sam is the prime suspect. He also lets slip that their chief's trying to prioritize the case of a missing barmaid (most likely Daisy). We also get a flashback of what is probably the night Lilly disappeared, where she comes home to find Sam waiting in the dark, angry over her coming in late.
Delicious: True Love
Stage 3, Day 8: Philippe, a horny mustachio'd guy that made the moves on Emily back in Stage 2 and ends up having to share a passenger cart with her on the train, asks Emily about why she's so attached to Jean-Paul's letter. She tells him that she and JP had a summer thing when they were 16, and she wrote him a letter and thought he'd never replied. Turns out he did and the letter arrived a little late…like 16 years late. She says it's fate, but Philippe drops hints that maybe what fate was really trying to do was to make her cross paths with him along the way. He's really down bad for her and it's getting a bit painful to witness, tbh.
Stage 3, Day 9: Philippe writes a review for Fresco's Diner Express (the train restaurant…ohh also, Philippe's a renowned food critic), which he tears into pieces when Emily tells him "you're sweet but my heart's with someone else" and calls her a silly naive American girl whose head's filled with frilly "plastic" Hollywood love stories. Typical "I'm a nice guy" behavior, part of him still thinking that Emily "owes" him after he voluntarily bought her a ticket so she won't be kicked out the train. He tries to make amends when she goes back and gives him his torn up review that she taped back together, and says he's happy to stay friends.
Now see here I wanna believe that he means that, but I've seen "nice guy" behavior. They're never happy staying friends. They're like not-so-silent red flags 😤😤
Stage 3, Day 10: It's Emily's final day on the train and Fresco's a bit emotional because she's helped him so much (he's precious we must protect him at all costs). Philippe shows up at the end to wish Emily goodbye and good luck, finding her suitcase at the station that's now filled with a whole bunch of notes from her mother (she's another thing I don't even wanna touch on right now), and gives her the details of a restaurant where he believes she'll find Jean-Paul.
I'm now looking at the chapter titles for Stage 4, which takes place at a restaurant called "Chez Jean-Paul", and ngl y'all I'm scared. There's one here that says "A Bitter Blow" and something tells me Emily's not actually ending up with JP at the end of this story. Lemme just…preemptively sharped a pitchfork real quick…
Stage 4, Day 1: Emily's arrived at Jean-Paul's restaurant but he's not around, and she offers her assistance to the sole employee manning the place. Said sole employee then takes off to go to an appointment. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The day ends, still no JP, so she goes off to explore Paris and becomes so enamored with the place seeing all these couples so madly in love. Even the birds have their own love stories going on.
Imma tell y'all right now I have so many fears--
Stage 4, Day 2: Emily sees some flowers that remind her of Patrick (the boy next door who delivers flowers to her restaurant back home in Snuggford) and she has a moment where she's just happily remembering him before she up and decides to get some flowers for Jean-Paul. The day ends with her running into JP and him needing to jog his memory (it's been 16 years, so I can kinda understand), which really only kicks into gear when Emily starts reciting lines from his letter. They share a hug and they seem happy but…that chapter title from earlier is still giving me fears--
Stage 4, Day 3: Emily and Jean-Paul are catching up with each other, and that's really what the whole day revolves around. There was a side quest in this level where you'd have to tap on JP when he shows up because he's having a food fight with Emily while serving customers. He says a bit about her being worth waiting for, and they share a kiss. And here's where I have some critique for the story writers and game developers…
If y'all didn't want us to anticipate the twists, the chapter titles should have been hidden until the player reaches said level. Now I know that Emily's bound for heartbreak at JP's hands which makes it easy not to root for this relationship. Y'all should've pulled out the rug from under our feet without the early warning device. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Stage 4, Day 4: Ohh no. Ohh fuckque no I hate it here. Emily's over the moon and tells her new florist friend Amelie that she's reunited with her first love, and Amelie's equally excited because she thinks her boyfriend's about to propose after she's been dropping hints for the last six months. The chapter ends with Jean-Paul in a hurry and promising to see Emily later, but in his rushing he didn't see that a goddamn ring box fell out his pocket.
To quote Dr Swift herself, "I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending" 😖😖
Stage 4, Day 5: Jean-Paul's clearly in a bit of distress because he can't find something, which opens up our side quest for this level, putting the ring back in his coat pocket. There's also an inscription on the ring about "love being a flower" which makes me even more convinced that this ring isn't for Emily, but rather someone else whose name sounds like "Emily". JP then asks Emily to go away with him and see the countryside, to which she says "Yes" because now she's convinced he's gonna propose to her there.
Stage 4, Day 6: Emily and Amelie make promises to each other to attend each other's weddings, both clearly excited about where their relationships are headed (meanwhile I'm here fully convinced that they're seeing the same man). At the end of the day, Emily asks Jean-Paul if they're going to see each other later that night but he says that he has "a prior engagement", but that he intends to whisk her away to the countryside the next night. So lemme just get this straight…he's gonna propose and get engaged to his long-time girlfriend (most likely Amelie), and he's turning Emily into an unwitting other woman by starting something with her without ever even once thinking that "Ohh oopsies I probably should've told her I have a whole ass relationship and I'm already in the proposal stage".
If OG story Jean-Paul has 0 haters, I am dead 😤
Stage 4, Day 7: The day starts off with Jean-Paul starting to wave his red flag loud and proud by showing annoyance at the sound of a child crying because he got a splinter, which has Emily side-eyeing him while she tended to the kid to get the splinter out. There's no side quest in this level, and the day ends with JP postponing their getaway because a friend of his is in town and "he hasn't seen him in so long and he wants to catch up".
Yeah no…I'm sharpening a pitchfork…
Stage 4, Day 8: Aaaaaand here it is. Big confirmations that this story's Jean-Paul is a piece of work that deserves to have da pipi chopped off. The day starts with Emily not having heard from him, the guy not even bothering to check on his restaurant that he claims he gave his entire life to just to earn his star rating, mind you. And it ends with Emily going to spend some time with Amelie, who reveals that she's engaged. They're planning a double date, when they see JP with another woman and kissing her ("haven't seen him in a long time" my ass). The two women reveal to each other in their shock that they've been seeing the same man, and Amelie's immediately on whack-a-cheater mode, while Emily breaks down in tears.
Stage 4, Day 9: We love Amelie in this household, she's a complete girl's girl, not even spending a single second even remotely annoyed at Emily and immediately goes in to hug her when they see each other again. She just hates that she wasted her time and moved to Paris for trash bag Jean-Paul. She walks off before the level starts, vowing to have her revenge. Then Philippe arrives excited to see Emily again and telling her he's had Chez Jean-Paul on his schedule to review, which kicks off this level's side quest of bringing him his orders. Amelie shows up at the end of the level, dousing the final dish that Emily serves Philippe with a heaping dose of hot sauce (high key hoping it's some Carolina Reaper levels of burn).
Philippe writes a review that will take away the restaurant's star rating, and JP goes rabid telling the two women that they ruined his life and "all because he couldn't help that he loved women", to which Emily pushes him into the fountain and Amelie delivers this absolute banger of a line:
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Stage 4, Day 10: There isn't much to this day other than Emily saying goodbye to her new friends, and Amelie reminding her that one day they'll attend each other's weddings. We also have Nadia finally getting the quote right. "Love is the flower that grows in front of you." That sends Emily into another round of tears, and giving us as the viewer the glaring red neon sign that's been there since Stage 1, Day 1.
Delicious World
Season 2, Episode 3, Part 7: This bit focuses more on Frank and Monet's side story, where Monet's cooking his boyfriend a simple risotto and Frank's trying to be reassuring that people would still love his recipes even if he pivots and tries to make simpler dishes, because what would matter is the taste. They have a discussion about what the people would think if he changed up his cooking style, and it led to how his reputation would be "ruined" if he comes out and reveals Frank to be his boyfriend, and sweet little pretend-Health Inspector boi says he's fine with staying private.
Sweet babey noooooo…you deserve better than to be hidden away in a corner 😤
Season 2, Episode 3, Part 8: Speaking of keeping relationships hidden…Jean-Paul's doing the exact opposite, constantly risking it all just to kiss his bb on the cheek out in public where anyone can see. And he shoots down the rumor about him and Shuvani. This is where it's giving me so much whiplash to play both this and True Love at the same time because while the original story's JP is a walking talking red flag, this one's steadily looking more and more like a green flag that I'm almost sad for him that he won't end up with Emily in the end. 😩
Gallery Coloring
If you're familiar with those games where you have to decorate your house/garden/cafe after completing enough levels or earning enough stars from completing levels, that's essentially the whole concept of Gallery. Except the levels are color by number that have varying difficulties.
The story I'm at right now is Leo and Mia (our main characters) are trying to get their friends Paul and Vivian, who've been crushing on each other, to make up and try their hand at a first date again, since the first one didn't go through because of Paul's outstanding levels of misfortune. Vivian's pissed and doesn't even want to look at Paul, let alone hear him out, and instead talks out what she wants to tell him by telling Leo what she appreciates about his and Mia's relationship in a way that's not so subtly criticizing and reading Paul for filth.
Meanwhile these four are all working together trying to get the cafe they've been renovating into a presentable enough state before an art critic named DeWitt comes in to meet with Mia and discuss her works.
There's also a Festival Season event that I'm trying to work through, which is just a mini story of Leo teaching his wife the ways of partying in a music festival.
Hello Kitty Island Adventure
A new update released this week, and gave us a few new morsels of lore. We go on a quest that spans 4 days to bring together Hapidanbui for a performance in hopes of reminding the Island Spirit that old long-running friendships are something to be cherished and hopefully heal her heart a little bit more and get her to open up a bit more to the idea of seeing her old friends again.
There was also a shorter quest that involved us bringing back weather into the island and getting it to rain with the restoration of the Aquafaller, so now it can rain throughout the biomes of the island, revealing blue flowers to water that will reward you with raindrops that can be traded for new furnitures and clothing items.
youtube & tiktok channels that got my watch minutes
India Rose Crawford
If y'all haven't seen the knitted frog stop motion animation videos yet, let me put you on because the way she has gotten to make these motions so smooth, it's like she's breathed life into this cute lil knitted frog?? Like, da fuckque??
SWOOP is one of those creators where when I see that she's posted something new, I wanna drop everything and watch through the entire video no matter how long it is. The new video she dropped this week was an hour and a half long, and she talks about Amanda Bynes and the devastating downfall of her career. If my heart wasn't breaking enough for her, it's just shattered now, and I just hope that whatever she's doing, that she's genuinely happy and giving herself the room and the patience to heal at her own pace.
Also, if Dan "The Foot Man" Schneider has zero haters, I am dead. Jail. Electric chair. 😤😤
Alexa Nikolas
While I can't find it in me to recommend a Trisha Paytas video, that's shockingly what's gonna happen right now, because Alexa made an appearance on Trisha's podcast "Just Trish" this week, talking about her experience in the set of Zoey 101, the abusive chapter of her life where she was a victim of child SA by her ex-husband and the cover up made by parties in the music industry that ultimately led her to starting Eat Predators. And while I do have my opinions on Trisha, I do have to give credit where credit is due and give them my respect for giving Alexa the time and space to share her story and let the emotions flow and not butting in with any potentially disruptive questions and adjusting accordingly when the mood shifts.
Also every single part of me itches so bad whenever I get reminded that she and most likely the rest of the cast don't actually get any residuals from Nickelodeon. Like excuse you?? After all those reruns that are still going to this day, and none of the child talents that helped y'all make those shows happen see a single cent of it?? What the whole grain full fat buttery fuckery is this??
ASMeRi Eats
On a lighter note, lemme share with y'all a mukbang video that had me going full on out of character and craving shrimp
Quinton Reviews
Quinton's become quite notorious for releasing videos that do deep dives of series that span anywhere from 2 to 21 hours. No, really…his Sam & Cat videos are a total of 21 hours spread across 3 videos.
Well this week a new video dropped on the Beverly Hillbillies, this time hosted by his father because Quinton's off hard at work on another project. And this video from his dad has a runtime of 38.5 hours. My eye's twitching just thinking about it, but for some reason I've started to watch it and I'm nowhere near even the 25% mark, but I'll ease my way through in multiple sessions.
stories to om-nom-nom next
Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Imagination Celebration Event
Not quite sure how much story they're gonna put into this event, but I hope that there's a good bit in it because there's castles and cute lil medieval fairy tale vibe type costumes involved, and also they're calling Kuromi "Spooky Queen Kuromi" so there's gotta be something there, right?
The Bricklayer
Honestly I just wanna watch this because Nina Dobrev's in it. I barely even remember what was in the trailer.
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That's all for this week. Considering that I'm on vacation mode, chances are next week's post is gonna be even longer than this. I apologize in advance 🫡
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ficyorick · 5 days
"the original ending to the ch3 looked like this. before the very painstaking edit process the whole HL-on-Butchers-lap scene was WAY more... you know. more handsy. i decided to downplay it considerably bc I felt i was jumping the gun too early and im glad i did, i prefer butcher more tortured about the whole thing"
Would you ever consider posting this version on your tumblr? It seems interesting though i agree it would probably be too early
hi anon! i wish i could but unfortunately this wasn't the case of me just cutting out a bit and moving it to "deleted scenes" folder, this was a thorough re-edit, meaning i had to change multiple parts, multiple sentences or just a few words there and there... basically a lot of small changes that aren't as easy to save as a whole scene getting cut . the best i can do is post some excerpts that are from the pre-final edit version of the chapter which is after some editing already :( sorry if there's errors or even editing comments from me to me HEHE i tried to remove all of them
Butcher put out another cigarette in his old drink and patted Homelander’s knee then his own. 
"No." A whine. 
"Come sit on my lap." 
Butcher grabbed his arm and pulled him with force. Another hand on his hip, the cheap costume rustled underneath his grip. Homelander made another undignified noise but he was so pliable, it felt like moving a big pillow on top of him. He was straddling his thighs, hands hanging loose from his sides, far away from Butcher. His eyes were closed as if he couldn’t stand to look at what was happening now.
"You’re ssso sick." Homelander protested but he could only sway back and forth.
"What did you say to her?" Butcher asked, looking up into his face. His heart was beating fast now. The main event. 
"Oh Jesus…" Not this again, said Homelander’s tone. He took a deep breath. "Just do it…" 
"Do what." 
"I dunno, whatever it is you’re going to…." The colorful mess in his lap was slightly swaying back and forth, unable to find balance. Then all of a sudden, he tried to get away but Butcher grabbed him by his hip again, forcing him down. A little gasp: "You’re sick. Sssick." 
"Are you scared?" Butcher asked through his clenched teeth. 
Homelander shook his head but something wet clung to his lashes anyway. 
"I’m not gonna hurt ya." Butcher’s hands moved from the hips to his thighs. A strangled keen from Homelander. "I just want you to feel what she felt." 
He shifted his palms further in, moving to the inner side of the splayed, costumed thighs. Homelander tensed up, as much as he could while pumped full of booze. Only one of his eyes was open, peeking at him underneath clumped lashes. He was breathing fast. Butcher huffed out a hot breath of his own that couldn't stay in his lungs anymore. Homelander flinched as if the sound itself was enough to send him into a panic. The palms on his thighs moved up and down, going deeper, further up, with each shifting movement. Butcher absent-mindedly noted that the hands pressing into the cheap fabric didn't even feel like his anymore. The swaying man on his lap was still now, leaning back unnaturally. He was still watching him with just one eye, the other one blind to everything that was happening.
"What are you thinking about?" Butcher asked, no tone, no inclination to his voice. Just a neutral command. 
"Wish I could… choke the life out of you." Homelander confessed.
Butcher kept his hands where they were, his fingertips pressed into the spot where the thighs met the pelvis. He wasn’t sure if Homelander could even feel his touch through the foamy muscle padding, but judging by how frozen he still was, he could feel it. Every second of it. 
"Okay." Butcher canted his head. "Go ahead. Give it a try."
Homelander didn’t move but Butcher heard him inhale. 
"I mean it. Do it."
Suddenly, a pair of clammy hands was closing on his throat. A familiar Homelander snarl rang out above his head. The grasp on his neck didn’t obstruct his breathing in any way, it was struggling to even fully squeeze at him. All it did was make him laugh in a slightly strained way. HLs hands cant even fully close around his throat
"C’mon, put your back into it." He groaned out.
Homelander sunk his fingertips as deep as he could, putting on claw-like pressure. That, he could almost feel. 
"There we go, good lad." Butcher grunted and smiled at him.
"Want to kill you so bad." Homelander whined out, his breathing devolving into an open-mouthed panting. "So, so, so bad." 
"You can’t. Not anymore." Billy laughed. His hands moved from Homelander’s thighs to the wrists. He could feel zip-tie scars underneath his palms and he swiped over them with pride. 
"So bad…" Homelander’s grip was waning, there was no strength left in his drunk arms. He kept slurring words out, just one eye open, his pupil completely blown out: "Kill you so fuckin’ bad… rip your head off… then crush… it."
Butcher grinned, wild-eyed. He was untouchable and the scared little cunt in his lap couldn’t even do anything to fight back.
A hiccup interrupted them and just like that Homelander's entire body wobbled and he collapsed to the side like a felled tree, letting go of Butcher’s throat. 
"Fuck…" He complained. 
Butcher shoved the limp legs off his lap and got up from the couch. Homelander’s knees were on the floor now and he stepped away from him like he was on fire. Homelander was face down on the green fabric, looking like a doll abandoned mid-play, its limbs bent at weird angles.
"You can’t do anything anymore, cunt." Butcher fumbled for his cigarettes, basically smashing one of them into his mouth and lighting it up. He had to do something with his hands, his limbs were like a live wire now. One puff, two puffs. Fuck. 
there was more stuff that i removed... there was actual groping i cut out, i think the choking scene had HL moving closer to Butcher, huffing and puffing at each other and then during the bathroom moment Butcher had more sexually charged revelations about how vulnerable and utterly his HL is and how THAT was making him even more into everything that was happening but i chose to replace all of that with Guilt.
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Week 86 - 8/28/23 - A BLUE BEETLE MOVIE???
Hi there, 
It probably isn't news as it's a pretty popular film in theaters right now, but there's a Blue Beetle movie out! And it's a lot of fun! 
If you didn't know, Ted Kord, the second Blue Beetle, is my favorite superhero. There's a pretty good joke in the new movie about the difference between Ted and Batman, and not to step on the punchline, but it boils down to Ted knows how to laugh. He's a character frequently written to have a sense of humor, to know a good joke, and to be the dramatic superheroic straightman when it counts. He is not exactly an everyman--he's a genius, he dresses up in a silly costume, and he's rich--but in a lot of ways, he's just a guy trying to do the right thing because he can. 
And he casts a long shadow over the new movie, which is about Jaime Reyes--fantastically played by the dreamy Xolo Maridueña--who I don't love quite as much as Ted, but who I think is himself a great and important character. He's a very different hero. He's got a sense of humor, he's got a good heart, but his relationship with his family, with his friends, with the scarab, and with the Blue Beetle legacy allows him to be something totally apart from Ted. The movie takes a lot of liberties--it's part Spider-Man, part Ant-Man, part Green Lantern (though... honestly probably better than the past few recent film adaptations of those characters)--but it doesn't run from the truth of who Jaime is as a character, which I think makes it all the better. The best superhero movie projects don't try to be just an adaptation, but to take what makes the hero great, understand it, and share it in a way that makes them more accessible and loom larger as a hero. 
I don't want to spoil anything, but there was one extremely stupid part that made me tear up (out of just finally getting to see a thing on-screen and knowing there's some practical version of it out there and honestly, a little bit jealousy). If you see me, or want to reach out and ask about it, I'll gladly tell you. 
But there's a Blue Beetle movie. And even though I saw it and really quite liked it... I kinda still can't believe it. 
Next week: No blog on the website/newsletter! There is a Patreon post scheduled if you need your fix, going out to all backers at $5 or more a month! But I'm outta town and will see you when I return. 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links (Video Game), Craig of the Creek (Cartoon), Honkai Star Rail (Video game), My Adventures with Superman (Cartoon), The Broken Room by Peter Clines (Book), Dumbing of Age (Webcomic), Solve This Murder (Podcast), The Venture Bros: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart (Movie--which my pal Phil Murphy worked on!), Kaiju No. 8 (Manga), Kaguya-Sama: Love is War (Manga), Blue Beetle (Movie--duh), Oldboy (Movie), Witch Watch (Manga), Becca playing a little more Persona 5, Tangled (Movie), Jurassic Park (Movie), D.E.B.S. (Movie) 
New Releases this week (8/23/2023): Godzilla Monsters & Protectors: All Hail the King TPB (Editor--on the latter half)
Final Order Cut-Off next week (8/28/2023--last day to get your preorders in): Sonic the Hedgehog #65
New Releases next week (8/30/2023): Godzilla Rivals: Vs. SpaceGodzilla (Supervising Editor) Sonic the Hedgehog: Endless Summer (A very silly credit) Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island TPB (Editor) 
Announcements: Becca is at Cartoon-a Palooza in Temecula on 9/15 & 9/16. It's a cool free all-ages little con, so come on out and see them!
Wanna support me? Consider joining my Patreon! I've got a bunch of cool stuff coming up and already on there. As well as some silly stuff like a tour of my desk, so you can see where the comics magic happens! I've got a bunch of stuff scheduled for September already and there'll always be more! 
I have a webstore! It does look like I'm going to get a small supplement to my Beast Wars Vol. 3 stock, which is nice, but most everything else, I am not going to have more of anytime soon! Maybe give it a look! 
I've still got a few things on my eBay, if you're looking for stuff! But obviously, anything that would get shipped out won't until I'm back!  Pic of the Week: It was National Cinema Day yesterday, which is why Becca and I went to Blue Beetle ($4 tickets to the movies!). But they had to work, so I went and saw a second film, the 20th anniversary screening of Park Chan-wook's Oldboy. And the theater that was showing Oldboy had a special Cinema Day deal on the Blue Beetle backback popcorn bucket, so I did pick it up because that with a popcorn and a drink was still significantly cheaper than the bucket usually is by itself. So here's a photo of Becca modeling it. 
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eddies-puppet · 2 years
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𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙄𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙚 | 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧 𝙍𝙚𝙞𝙙
Chapter 11: My Own Version Of You
Warnings: Discussion of Alzheimers, hint at BDSM, mentions of child abuse
Word count: 2,060
Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Becca woke early the next morning, the bright fall sun streaming through the large windows. Gently, she rolled onto her side, smiling to herself as her eyes came to rest on Spencer's face.
His eyes were closed, shielded from the sun that created golden highlights sheltering amongst his chocolate curls. He looked so peaceful, his chest rising and falling slowly, his hand laying empty between them. She moved her hand towards him, her fingertips brushing his.
"Stop watching me sleep," he whispered, his voice groggy. She giggled softly.
"I can't help it, you're too cute."
"Cute," he laughed as he opened his eyes. "Just the word every guy likes to hear."
"I'm sorry, I meant hot, of course," she smiled as he reached out to her, his arm slipping tenderly around her waist and pulling her body tight against him, his soft lips delicately brushing against hers.
"Much better," he whispered. "Good morning."
"Good morning," she smiled, gently running her fingers through his hair.
"I could get used to waking up like this," he said softly. "Is it wrong that a part of me hopes it takes a really long time for us to catch this guy?" She smiled sadly.
"If it does, then we're both really bad people," she giggled quietly. "This will sound strange, with us not really being an 'us', but it's going to be really hard saying goodbye to you."
"Maybe I should just hold you prisoner," he laughed.
"Does that mean you'd have to tie me up Dr Reid?" She asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively.
"Is that what you want?" She smiled cheekily, biting her lower lip. "You're insatiable," he laughed, his thumb tracing small circles into her bare hip.
"Says you! I wonder what the team would think of the alternate you that appears when we're alone together," she giggled.
"Tell them," he chuckled. "They'll never believe you."
"Annoyingly, you're probably right. Anyway I kind of like having my own version of you that nobody else sees," she smiled, laying her hand against his chest. "Where does he come from though?" Spencer shrugged.
"I guess there are just so many aspects of my life that I can't do anything about, it sometimes just feels like that's the only time I'm really in control of my own life." She smiled wistfully.
"You mean your mom?" He nodded slowly. "How's she doing?"
"Not good," he whispered, his eyes becoming heavy with unshed tears. "They're struggling to get her to eat, so they've had to start tube-feeding her."
"Spence, I'm so sorry," she whispered, gently laying her hand against his cheek, her heart silently breaking for him.
"Watching someone you love waste away like that, you'll never be able to describe how it feels," she sighed, her brain bombarding her with painful memories from home. "But I promise you, it does get better. You never get over it, but you find ways to cope."
"I just, I don't know what I am if I'm not her son," he whispered, his voice barely audible as a single tear fell from his eye, Becca gently wiping it away with her thumb.
"Spence, you'll always be her son. But you're so much more than that. You do so much good for so many people. You're amazing," she smiled at him reverently. "She will always be proud of you," she added with a whisper. "Even if she forgets that. Ok?" Spencer nodded slowly, connecting his lips with hers again, this kiss slower, more intimate. Tender.
There was another word for the feeling coursing through her veins, but she quickly pushed it away, refusing to let it linger. He pulled his head away from her, looking at her longingly.
"I wish we could stay here forever, but we should get to work," he said softly. She whined quietly.
"Ok. Five more minutes," she smiled, holding onto him tightly as she nuzzled in to his shoulder, his body relaxing around her.
"Five more minutes," he agreed with a contented sigh.
"Garcia, tell me you've got something for me," Emily said as she walked into Penelope's lair, where Becca was already sat, her feet curled up beneath her on her chair as she sipped her coffee.
"Don't I always, my liege," Penelope smiled, pulling up a series of photos on her screens. "I've managed to narrow your search down to five men. All born in the city of angels and travelled to London and back to the west coast at the right times."
"Great work Penelope," Emily smiled. "Do you have addresses for them?"
"Already on your tablets."
"Ok, I'll let the others know and we can split up. Hopefully we can narrow it down so you can do some more digging. Becca, you want to ride with me?"
"Hell yes, let's get the A team back on the road," Becca smiled, jumping from her seat. "See you later Pen," she said as she followed Emily from the room.
"Wow," Becca exclaimed under her breath as she climbed into the passenger seat of the SUV.
"No kidding," Emily sighed. "We need to get Garcia digging into him as soon as we get back."
"For sure. That is one creepy dude." Emily laughed as she pulled away from the kerb. "So now I have you on your own, tell me. This date you have, anyone I know?" Becca grinned. Emily laughed again, shaking her head.
"Maybe," she teased her.
"Yay," Becca cheered excitedly. "When is it?"
"Tonight," Emily sighed.
"And you're going to tell me all about it tomorrow?"
"Only if you tell me right now what's going on with you and Spencer," Emily smiled cheekily.
"Oh for fuck sake, I should have seen that one coming," Becca laughed. "What do you want to know?"
"Literally everything," Emily giggled.
"Are you sure? I distinctly remember you once telling me that he was like a little brother to you."
"I think my words were 'adopted little brother' so it doesn't really count." Becca rolled her eyes, sighing dramatically.
"Ok. I mean, really it's kind of your fault, you're the one that told me to give him a good birthday present," Becca giggled, feeling her heart starting to race as she remembered their first night together. "So we went to the haunted house near his apartment and we had planned to get dinner, but then the bloody rain started. We weren't exactly dressed for the storm so we just made a run for it back to his place to watch a movie, but one thing led to another, and..." Becca hesitated.
"And..." Emily encouraged her friend.
"And I stayed the night," Becca said. Emily shook her head.
"Well I assumed that," she laughed. "I'm going to need details."
"Em, this is embarrassing," Becca laughed. "It feels weird telling you what he's like in bed!"
"I don't care Beck, you're going to tell me eventually anyway so let's just get it out of the way," Emily chuckled. Becca took a deep breath, silently running the words through in her head before she started speaking.
“Fine," she conceded. "He's, um, he's incredible," Becca blushed. "He might be shy and quiet around you guys but that is definitely not the case when we're alone."
"Really?!" Emily exclaimed, grinning wildly. "I mean, they always say it's the quiet ones you've got to watch! So is the good doctor packing?" Emily laughed.
"I mean, I haven't had the measuring tape out but let's just say I definitely wasn't disappointed," Becca giggled, her cheeks burning hot.
"So do you think it'll happen again?" Emily asked excitedly.
"We, um, it kind of already did," Becca giggled, laughing at Emily's visible shock. "He was the reason I shot off from girls night last night."
"I was right!" Emily cheered. "And that is why I'm a profiler," she laughed. "On a serious note, how are you feeling about the whole thing?" Becca sighed.
"Honestly?" Emily nodded. "I don't know. I know that we should just enjoy the time we have, and I really am enjoying it," she laughed, raising her eyebrows suggestively. "But it's so hard not to get attached to him," she smiled longingly. "God, this sounds so soppy, but I'm really falling for him Em," she said softly, gazing down at her hands, wringing in her lap.
"Does he feel the same?" Emily asked.
"I think so," she sighed sadly.
"Then between you, you'll find a way to make it work," Emily reassured her, reaching across the centre console and laying her hand gently on Becca's.
"As much as I want to believe that, he can't leave his mom and I can't leave my sister," Becca shrugged. "Anyway, we've known each other less than a month," Becca chuckled. "You know me, I just overthink everything! Let's just concentrate on a relationship that could actually work, you and Mr Hotchner," Becca smiled. "Where are you going for your date?"
"We're going for dinner," Emily sighed. "He's taking me to an Italian restaurant downtown. Don't ever tell Dave that though," she added with a laugh. "It just feels so weird going on a date with someone I've known so long. I've always had a soft spot for him but it's going to be really strange," Emily muttered. Becca smiled, gently squeezing her friends hand, which still lay in her own.
"It's going to be amazing," she said reassuringly. "Now enough about men," she laughed. "Let's get back to Penelope and set her on the trail of Mr Creepy."
The following morning, the team had gathered around the round table, chatting amongst themselves as Penelope readied her tablet, her bright pink fingernails tapping quickly against the screen.
Spencer was the last to arrive and sat down in the empty seat beside Becca, smiling at her as he put his Halloween-themed travel mug down on the table and removed his purple scarf from his neck, draping it across the back of his chair.
"Good morning," Becca grinned. "How was your evening?"
"Not as much fun as the previous two," he laughed quietly, his hand moving from his own leg to run gently up the inside of her thigh. She shifted in her seat, scolding the butterflies that threatened to explode from her chest. Spencer looked around the table, and when he realised nobody was looking their way, he leant towards her. "I missed you," he whispered softly, his words barely audible amongst the cacophony of voices around them.
She smiled, feeling her cheeks flush as she gently bit her lower lip.
"Likewise Dr Reid," she whispered back, her smile growing as his hand squeezed her leg tightly, his lips pulling into a flirtatious smile.
"Ok," Penelope announced, standing up from her seat as she clicked the remote control, bringing up a photograph of the suspect Emily and Becca had met the previous day. "Peter Cox, thirty four years old, born and bred in L.A. He's a contractor for a huge advertising agency, which before you ask, is international with offices in L.A., London and D.C. He was born to a single mother, Marie, when she was eighteen years old. She was barely making ends meet by the looks of her financials. When little Peter was ten years old, he was removed from the home following reports of neglect and suspected sexual abuse by Marie," she grimaced. "During his teenage years, he was kicked out of three schools for inappropriate behaviour towards his female classmates, but then seemed to turn himself around and came through college top of his class. Now, brace yourselves crime fighters, because I am about to introduce you to Marie Cox," Penelope frowned as she bought up the next photograph on the screen.
"Wow" Tara whispered. "I think it's safe to assume we now know the object of his rage."
"Our victims couldn't look more like her if we'd drawn them ourselves," JJ said sadly.
"Matt and Luke, I want you to go with SWAT," Emily told them, the two men nodding as they looked at each other across the table. "Keep me updated from the scene."
"Will do," Matt nodded as the two men rose from their seats.
"Be safe," Penelope called after them as they made their way towards the door, Luke glancing back at his girlfriend over his shoulder and winking affectionately at her.
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
De retour en France 💪 Merci au circuit d’Albi ❤️ #bike #stunt #moto #mot...
I like to do this and I can hear them and it sounds good they want to see me at Ringling Barnum & Bailey I think it's a great idea and you said the Harley guy does it too you can have a whole show and this trick bikes and the ones that go in the tube or ball actually it's a ball I don't do that one BG does. And yeah you're huge for crying out loud it's funny near me you are but these people are all stretched out it's constantly looking for her and Becca comes up and it's her inside someone else is very strange it makes sense though and I looked at as a parallel but this guy is taking forever and torturing us and threatening us cuz terrible and we can't let them fall into the max hands and his big kind of precarious and we're about to say but I want to go to the circus with my act this is definitely circus worthy. I have I have a uniform and stuff that's for sure it's really snazzy and safety stuff and it doesn't look it and then Arnold has not seen it I can tell him what it looks like it's like one of those Cosby things no it's like an actress was sequins and and things and it's tighter it's a secret kind of way of hiding cuz with secrets it doesn't move with your body 100%, he says he seen it and it looks great on a motorcycle like that it'll look really awesome and the holidays could wear something similar or all weather leather that he wants to do it he says it's a great idea he just turn the fans on and then he means for ventilation LOL had a good day answer grocery store and they don't serve that kind of pizza and you can't heat it there so he said it's a nice day wrap it up with apps and he says you have a little chicken on top so he bought a Patty and chopped it up it was really awesome he said I think energy and it takes energy but boy what are you going to do anything that's how I get up there and it's only down the street but that's where it actually is and we go there on the weekends after we think maybe not for too much longer but he'll be nice to try it
She likes it's very feminine and she's smaller and petite and compacts I like it too so watch out so we're having a good time and we're wondering why you thought of it and I see it the video now I know why he said wow that's pretty cool like dancing with it and he's going on and he's doing that music they do when people are performing it at the circus and it was really funny but I see why it's kind of intense I got this feeling like I was fun and cool and he says what that looks tough and balanced act and that's what we do and they'll probably appreciate it until who else doing the highway and trapeze and they're good at it so I'm going to try and propose it and she says she's going to handle it and she wants me to do the ball and he wants me to do the ball and should be a good opportunity to get some smaller Harley-Davidsons going I can do with Harley and that would be great and ben Arnold's own part of it and we know that
I'll be happy to have you up there and to use the Harley would be awesome cuz yeah I own part of Harley
Ben Arnold
Islands part of the circus and I don't but I want to start up my own version of it or part of it and do something interesting he says Barnum & Bailey and he can bring me as an act it'll get me back in I get that too that's pretty good. Convention it again as a laundromat if you ever get bigger just getting worn out what would be funny to see how big it says I hope you can mend stuff you just keep making my clothing bigger okay that's ridiculous it's a nice idea to get me back in and I can bring ax and have my own area and probably there as a downtown Sarasota it's probably a good idea I already said there's a place nearby we used to do stuff like that and that's that's the way to do it and I understand something how to bring my own props but doesn't have any money and I know how it works and he wants to do it with BG and Chrissy to work out and act Hera will be around I'll bring 10 and he says bring ken and he says he likes to do things correctly have the audience come and try and lift it all at the same time. I think this act is fun with the motorcycle I saw it a little and he says wow and usually doesn't but she's got it down and she drives off and he goes hey come back here so it was fun I mean it looks fun so I can look it up
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tootiredforaname · 2 years
had thoughts about soulmate aus as dystopias, merged that with the boys hyperfixation, here we are
(Butcher is at odds with the nature of soulmates.)
Mum used to tell the story of how she met dad. Coming into the graduation party soaked from the rain. Her friends daring her to ask the boy across the way for a dance, and the way his hair shone in the dim lights as she staggered over. How she stuttered out the question as her heart beat through her ribcage. The sparking moment he took her hand, and everything around them froze in place to let her hear his slurred laugh. Like angels singing. The story always ended with them dancing into the morning, never letting each other go. Then a kiss on Billy's cheek as she told him to have sweet dreams.
Smashed china, beer bottles carpeting the floor, blank staring at the wall waiting for him to stumble back from the pub, she never mentioned them. The stories were meant to send Billy to sleep, but he was always up past midnight, trying to stitch together the shiny man in mum's head with whoever slept next to her now.
"You take care of your soulmate," she said once, while Billy dropped dad's empties into the bottle back behind Tesco's. She would do it herself, but her hands were so blistering red from bleaching the smell out of the kitchen tiles that she couldn't stand getting dripped on. She kept asking for that fancy hand cream off the telly, but there was always something more important to buy. "You take care of them."
(Maybe it was a joke.)
Lennie never met his soulmate. Hardly anyone that young does. The priest made sure everyone knew they weren't only mourning Lennie, but the future that could have been. "Perhaps, if they had been part of the lucky few who met early, we would not be here today."
"It's tragic, how someone can be so selfish," one of the Irish cousins said. "His soulmate's all alone in the world now."
(Billy always knew how to fight. Here's where he learned to enjoy it.)
Butcher let his visa run out in the States. Mainly because the yanks had better drugs, maybe because most soulmates are the same nationality. Leave all that back across the pond, drown the rest in gin and fentanyl.
Of course, then Becca came along, and oh.
Becca, Becca, Becca.
The chainsmoker who took a lend of his lighter and never gave it back. With crows feet from smiling so hard so long, and a singing voice too reedy to make up for her shit music taste. Who hadn't met her soulmate at twenty-five and wasn't much bothered by it. Who dip-dyed her hair so she could cut the purple ends off to visit grandma. Who didn't give a rat's arse about what was written in the stars.
(If the universe had any sense, it would have set her up with some nice millionaire instead of convincing her the best she could do was Butcher.)
Billy let his guard down. Stopped planning for an empty bed or a note left in the night. He could wake up wrapped in Becca's arms without that sick stab of relief. On the best mornings, when the sun lit Becca up gold and neither of them had to go anywhere, he could curl up against her and fall right back asleep. He trusted her when she said they were building something together.
(The universe either has the same sense of humour as mum, or it fucking hates him.)
(Back to the gin and fentanyl.)
It's not about Homelander. Butcher knows that, in the darkest part of him. If life's as set in stone as people like to think, then Homelander isn't the thing at fault.
So when a gangly twink asks if he's interested in nanny cams, and the air around them shudders like angels sighing with relief, and the kid's eyes go wide as the moon, and the darkest part of Butcher's heart flutters its wings-
(Well. There's plenty of grieving widows in this city.)
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standingappablog · 4 years
I have theories I would like to share with y’all:
-We are left not knowing the fate of Marty and Nora, so I have some ideas of what could have happened to them.
1.The most obvious theory, and probably the most likely is that she is in fact dead. With Rachel talking about her in the past tense and wearing her old runners it seems like she died saving her in the shark attack. Rachel also mentions that “their story” doesn’t end well. She also references at the beginning of her interview about how she treated Nora. Perhaps she felt guilty about how she treated her in their last few weeks together.
2.Now this one I know seems like a reach but, the shark attack was staged by gretchen to get Nora off the island so the experiment isnt exposed to the girls. Nora “dies” in the attack, therefore Leah has no way of blaming her. So to everyone else Nora is dead, which is why Rachel speaks of her in the past tense. (Again I’m leaning towards the her actually dying in the shark attack)
3. Or Nora could be completely fine and wasn’t interviewed because she was an informant.
1.Now really we don’t know what happens to her. (So what I’m about to say is complete speculation) The only hint that we get is Agent Young going through her things in an attempt to find blackmail against her family. This makes us assume that she is either dead or in critical condition. Out of all of the girls towards the end of the season, the two who seem to be struggling the most are Leah and Martha. Shaken up by killing a living creature and facing the reality that she was abused as a child, makes me think Marty may have tried hurting herself. Probably towards the end of their stay on the island. Marty’s parents presumably signed her up for a relaxing time away with her best friend. So Gretchen, needing blackmail against the family so they wont sue her for whatever happened to Marty, makes me believe something like this happened to her.
2. Marty’s death could have been an accident like Noras and Janettes, how? There is many possibilities, I mean they are surviving on an deserted island so exposure, sickness falling from a high place..getting lost. Ect.
We are left with a lot of questions about Shelby.
Her ankle:
1. The First shot we see of her in the facility is her ankle, so when I finished watching the first time, I assumed she must have ran after Nora to help save Rachel, this one is easy to believe but her leg doesn’t look like it was bitten by a shark, there isn’t any visible wounds, so I’m doubtful of this possibility.Also her injury seems fresh enough and the girls where supposed to be on the island for three months, so I doubt she got it in the shark attack, which took place three weeks into their time on the island.
2.We know that Shelby was suspicious throughout her interview, so maybe she might have tried escaping the facility beforehand and was tackled?Or she fell? So this happening before hand could explain why the investigators mentioned they weren’t going to go easy on her in her interview. She was also described to be in a pretty fragile mental state, and they didn’t know what version of her they where going to get.
3. Shelby hurt her ankle trying to save Martha. Like I mentioned before Marty may have died or got badly injured by hurting herself. Maybe Shelby was there and tried saving her, somewhat similar to the situation with her friend Becca.
4.Another theory I saw was that Toni may have accidentally hurt her like she did Reagan. There has been a lot of speculation if Toni and Shelby are on good terms or not. Maybe Marty’s death/ injuries become a conflict between them since she was present. Or a conflict about something entirely different could have cuased her ankle injury
5.Or simply she could have just fallen before her rescue from the island lol. Though her ankle is the first shot we get of her in the facility. That’s what makes me think it’s significant.
Her hair:
1. The two possibilities that I could think of is that, her hair was just so matted and unkept by the end of the three months that there was just no salvaging it so it was shaved, or:
2.Shelbys hair seemed to be her form of releasing her frustration. We know that her mental health declines after the shark attack, so she may in upset/frustration cut it all off or continues to take chunks out of her hair as a form of release.
Leah and Shelby (+possibly Dot and Agent Young)
1.After the shark attack, if Nora does die I think Leah will have a difficult time convincing the others, especially Rachel that Nora is some sort of agent.
2. The groups friend just died, so hearing from Leah that Nora was in on whatever is happening to them won’t be taken well. Certainly not by Rachel, I can imagine Leah saying this about Nora would make her furious. They will probably assume that she is once again having a mental break, and won’t listen to her.
3.Even if Nora doesn’t die, she was told to do as much as she can to keep everyone in the dark, so I wouldn’t put it past her making Leah look like she is going crazy.
1.At first I don’t think Shelby will believe Leah, but she will probably slowly begin to suspect things like Leah did. The two have an understanding, as we where shown, Shelby knows what it feels like to breakdown, and have everyone think they are crazy. But she knows in that moment she isn’t crazy, and neither is Leah. So when she is rescued and quarantined in the facility it will probably convince her completely.
Anaphylactic shock:
1.Shelby going into anaphylactic shock. How did she even go into anaphylactic shock? Where they given food in their rooms and Gretchen would have to have known that she is allergic. Right?
2.I think Shelby left a time on the note to Leah for her to escape. She maybe was able to order shellfish to her room, and then would eat it during the time Leah was going to escape.
1. I think MAYBE Shelby and Dot figured out what was going on before being rescued. We see that Dot orders a plate of seafood, which she barely touches. What if somehow Dot got the seafood to Shelby, maybe by leaving it underneath the table and shelby taking it back to her room after her interview. So when Leah tries to escape she eats the seafood, which sets off the alarm and distracts the guards. And with Shelby leaving a time on the note for Leah to escape, she would know when to eat the Seafood. (Another reach I know)
-Agent Young could also have helped them. We saw that he sympathised with the girls and that he was the one keeping tabs on all of them. Maybe he knowingly let the girls do this without telling anyone, making it easier for them to pass notes and for Leah to escape.
They all know:
-Another possibility is that Leah somehow convinces the others that something is going on. And plan out how to figure out what really is going on. All of the girls get their stories straight, and they purposely leave out parts that could be used against them. Playing the investigators. I’m less inclined to believe this one since Shelby gave the note to Leah telling her she was right all along, why would she do that if they all knew anyways?
Toni and Shelby:
I think a lot of us suspect that the twos releationship is a little rocky by the time they get to the facility. (I have another post explaining why I think they aren’t on good terms currently)
1.Like I mentioned before Toni and Shelbys conflict may involve Marty, with her dying or hurting herself, Toni who we have seen can have huge outbursts when she is upset, could blame Shelby for not doing enough ,because maybe she was present when it happened. So maybe Toni irrationally blames Shelby for whatever happened to Marty.
2.This irrational anger could also be the cause of Shelbys ankle injury. Of course I don’t think Toni would ever purposely hurt Shelby, but she could accidentally, just as she did with her previous girlfriend.
3.A theory I’ve seen suggested a few times is that, they staged their break up to protect each other. If they seem like they aren’t together anymore to the investigators, they can’t be used against one another. (I personally think this one is hella cute)
4. Another possible conflict is Tonis anger issues affecting their relationship just as it did with Reagan, Tonis outbursts may be too much for Shelby and that may become an issue.
5. Shelby not being able to come to terms with her sexuality. This one isn’t as likely, because as far as everyone is concerned they are stuck on the island for god knows how long. The idea of not going home any time soon only seems to make Shelby want to explore herself more. And everyone I feel like would be completely supportive.
-Martha may have an issue, not with the fact that they are together but more that when they found food instead of taking it back to everyone, they hooked up. Leaving Martha to kill the goat by herself, when she really didn’t need to. Maybe this could lead to Toni having to choose who’s side to take, her girlfriend or best friend. (Martha has “you and us” mentality with Shelby after her homophobic remarks. Toni also has told Martha “since when where there sides?”)
Annnnnnddd that is all, I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I felt like typing it all out, I’d love to know what everyone thinks and your theories!
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
Dirty Thirty
Serena has a surprise for Jamie’s 30th birthday.
Collaboration with @justalittleghostwriter
Part Four
“Now that the first rule is out, there’s a new rule,” Serena kissed her again, feeling the warmth and love in her wife’s kisses. “You can’t ask us that question. We’re yours to fuck any way you want.”
Becca motioned for Jamie to lie down next to them. “Serena and I know how sweet you are and I love that you take care of my girl and always make sure to get her consent. This isn’t something Serena and I just decided at the last minute. We talked about it and she really wants you to have this experience because it’s what you’ve always wanted, but it’s what she wants too. And it’s what I want because, look at you.”
Jamie grinned, the fire in her chest diminishing just a little, though instead of disappearing, it made her desire skyrocket. “I’ll try to keep the “are you okay’s” to a minimum tonight,” she said with a small chuckle, biting her lip as she looked down at them. She then looked down at the toy strapped to her hips, then back up at them. She was about to ask if what she was going to do would be ok, but paused and with a quick peck to both their mouths she walked over to the bedside table. 
She took out one of the bigger, wider, longer toys she owned and swapped it out, walking back to the edge of the bed as she adjusted it against her. “Becca… hands and knees, on the edge of the bed facing me,” she instructed, keeping her voice soft but firm. “Please,” she added with a small smile. She may not be able to ask them if they were ok or what they wanted, but she couldn’t find it in herself to demand anything from them. 
At least not yet. 
Becca got into position just as Jamie had wanted her, but she kept her eyes on Jamie’s cock, her pussy throbbing just at the thought of having it inside her. “I’ve never taken one this big. Do you think it’ll fit?”
Jamie grasped her chin gently, rubbing the pad of her thumb over Becca’s lips before pressing the tip of the toy to them, her hand tangled in Becca’s hair this time. “If you get it nice and wet for me I think it will, baby…” 
Becca wrapped her lips around the tip of Jamie’s cock. She wanted to wrap her hand around the base to push it into Jamie, but with this position Jamie was in control and she felt herself get even wetter at the thought of it. Just the tip was no longer enough for her and she knew Jamie felt the same way, so she opened her mouth for Jamie to go deeper.
Jamie hummed in approval, clenching her hand a little harder in Becca’s hair before pushing the toy further into her mouth, carefully watching her expressions. She wanted her to take all of it in her mouth, but she didn’t want to force it or hurt her. She met Serena’s gaze and smiled, motioning with her head for her to get behind Becca. “Play with her baby, get her pussy ready for my cock.” 
Serena playfully smacked Becca’s behind. “You’re mine now.” Judging by the way Becca released Jamie from her mouth and the way Jamie looked at her, it was the first but probably not the last time they’d be done with her that night.
Jamie snorted softly and rolled her eyes fondly at her wife, looking down at Becca to find what she knew was a similar expression to hers. “Has she always been like this?” Jamie teased, blowing a kiss at Serena and smiling as she pulled back a little to let Becca speak. 
“Believe it or not, this is a toned-down version of the girl I met,” Becca responded. “But I knew I loved her when she started scarfing down cupcakes at our Rush event instead of talking to anyone.”
Jamie chuckled, locking her gaze with Serena’s again. “That’s the Ser Bear I know and love,” she said softly, feeling the sudden urge to kiss her wife and motioning for Serena to come over. 
Serena smacked Becca on the butt one more time before walking over to Jamie. “You gotta smack the butt to know if she’s the right one.”
Jamie laughed at that one, shaking her head and using her free hand to pull Serena close, wrapping her arm Serena’s waist and squeezing. “You, my love, are a dork,” she teased, leaning in to kiss her. “You’re my dork and I love you but a dork nonetheless.” 
Serena cuddled up to her. “And you, my love, have two women wanting to fuck your brains out and you’re too busy being soft. Nothing dries Becca up like softness.”
Becca shifted positions, kneeling instead, so she could pull Serena onto the bed. “Did this bitch just say I had a dry vagina?”
Serena squealed when she felt Becca start to tickle her. “Jay, get in on this,” Becca insisted.
Jamie grinned widely, holding Serena still as she could with one hand and tickling her with the other, the sound of her giggling making her heart happy. “You’ve done it now Ser, better start begging for mercy.” 
“Allow me to show you her most ticklish spot.”
“No!” Serena squealed.
“But she’s your wife. She needs to know your body,” Becca winked at Jamie. “Flip her over, Jay.”
Jamie gently but quickly flipped Serena onto her tummy, making sure not to hold her down completely but firmly enough that she couldn’t get away. She grinned at Becca. “Show me your ways.”
Becca kissed her way down Serena’s back, luring her into a false sense of security. She wiggled her fingers as she looked at Serena. “Rebecca Lynn!” But Becca paid no attention to her. 
She put her hands on Serena’s behind. “She has the cutest butt. I just wanna squeeze it every time I see her, but you see this place where the cheeks end and the upper thigh begins? I want you to tickle her there.”
Jamie tilted her head curiously, the grin not leaving her face as she did exactly as Becca had instructed, rubbing her fingertips over the skin there teasingly before digging her fingers in a bit, not having to wait even a second for Serena’s reaction. 
“Jamieson!” Serena squealed. She tried to get away but Becca wrapped her up in an embrace. “Unhand me, woman!”
Jamie laughed and kept tickling her, the grin on her face matching Becca’s. “I think this is my favorite thing I’ve ever learned about her,” she teased, pausing for a moment so that Serena could breathe. “Had enough Ser Bear?” she asked, playfully running her fingertips over the spot again. 
“No, no, no,” Becca told Jamie. “When it comes to tickling, we don’t give her a choice. She has to accept her tickle torture.” 
“You could be railing me right now, Jamieson,” Serena pleaded with her. 
“Don’t fall for it, Jay.”
Jamie pretended to think about it for a moment, beginning to tickle Serena again and grinning at the squeals. “I don’t know Ser, I love hearing you laugh just about as much as I love hearing you moan,” she teased. 
“Is this what the whole soft thing is about?” Becca asked. 
Jamie nodded, letting up on the tickles and squeezing Serena’s butt playfully before leaning down to place a little kiss at the base of her spine. “The soft thing isn’t as nauseating as we seem,” Jamie joked, smiling at Becca. “You never know, you might like it.” 
“I think I do,” Becca leaned in to kiss Serena. “I’m inserting myself in your marriage now.”
Jamie smiled, rubbing up and down Serena’s back. “You’ll enjoy it, I promise,” she said with a wink, fingertips tracing little patterns on Serena’s skin.
“I get the softness of a relationship without having to give up my alimony,” Becca said, tickling Serena one last time.
“Rebecca!” Serena squealed. “Help me, Jamie-wan Kenobi.”
Jamie snorted again. “I should tickle you again, just for that,” she replied, shifting on the bed so that she could help Serena roll onto her back while still staying in Becca’s arms. 
Becca held her close while Serena calmed down from her tickle torture. “What do you want to do once our girl calms down?”
Jamie hummed, rubbing up and down Serena’s legs with one hand and Becca’s with the other, an idea coming to mind as she watched Becca shift slightly on the bed. Grinning up at Becca, she laid down on her stomach, rubbing the blonde’s thighs gently. “Spread your legs for me and I’ll show you.”
Becca spread her legs for her. “Are we gonna consummate this three-way marriage?”
Serena narrowed her eyes at Jamie. “Oh, I get it. I see how this works. Becca makes a comment and it’s fine. I make a cheesy one-liner and you’re both done.”
Jamie grinned up at her wife, slipping her hand between Serena’s legs as she gently licked at Becca’s clit. “I’m sure I’ll be done with both of you at one point or another baby, I promise to keep it fair,” she teased, humming happily as she tasted Becca again just as she dipped her fingers into the abundant wetness waiting for her between Serena’s legs. 
“You’re so good with your mouth, Jay,” Becca told Jamie. When a soft moan escaped from her friend's lips, Serena could no longer keep herself from looking. With Jamie still inside her, she shifted so she could see her wife’s face between Becca’s legs. They had told her she could do whatever she wanted to them; they were to be used for her pleasure, but Serena felt as if she-in true Jamie fashion-was more focused on their pleasure than her own. 
She knew Jamie was supposed to call the shots, but she got off the bed and sat behind her. With her arms wrapped around Jamie’s waist from behind, she started placing delicate kisses on her back. “Is it okay if I touch you?”
Jamie was surprised when she felt Serena pressed against her, having worried that something was wrong when Serena stood from the bed and her fingers slipped out of her. She lifted her head from Becca, licking her lips with a soft hum and turned, smiling at her wife. “Of course, baby…” She wasn’t sure what Serena had planned but she loved how warm and soft she was and would let her do just about anything. Lowering her head again, she kissed Becca’s inner thighs in apology for stopping and wrapped her lips around her clit again, flicking it with her tongue as she sucked. 
She could see Becca’s wetness on the sheets and she knew Jamie was just as turned on by the sight of it as she was. Serena lowered her hands until she had one gripping the base of Jamie’s cock, but it wasn’t enough for her to stroke it. She removed the toy from the harness and set it on the bed. “We’ll use this later, okay” she whispered in Jamie’s ear. “I have to feel you right now.” She dipped her hand down the front of Jamie’s harness briefs and felt how wet she was. Her wife’s orgasm had been building since they were playing with each other in the living room and Serena wanted more than anything to make her come. 
She started to delicately rub her clit so as not to overstimulate her. “You’re so wet, baby. I love that Becca and I did this to you.”
Jamie moaned against Becca, her hips jerking against Serena’s fingers. She let go of Becca replacing her mouth with her fingers, not wanting her to lose her momentum either but the combination of Serena’s touch, their skin pressed together and Serena's voice in her ear, she had to admit she was having a hard time multitasking. She’d been on edge for a while, and though she didn’t mind focusing on Becca and Serena first at all, her body was already rushing towards release, Serena’s gentle touch igniting the need she’d been ignoring. Her fuzzy mind finally registered Serena’s words, her hips rolling slightly against Serena’s fingers. “I d-don’t think I’ve ever been this w-w- fuck, Serena, so good.” 
“You’re going to fuck Serena soon,” she responded, knowing that it would make Jamie feel done with her yet again. She rested her head against Jamie, her cheek against Jamie’s back for the skin to skin contact as she increased the speed and the pressure of her fingers on Jamie’s clit. 
Jamie moaned and despite her best efforts, she stopped touching Becca for a moment, her mind swimming with pleasure as she ground her hips into Serena’s fingers. Any other night, she’d be slightly embarrassed that she was going to come this quickly, this early on. But right then, her hands curling in the sheets as she came with a sharp jerk of her hips, she couldn’t find it in herself to care. 
“Keep coming for us, baby,” Serena whispered in her ear. “You feel so good against my fingers. Becca and I want to make you come all night for us.” When she knew Jamie was finished, she removed her hand from the inside of her harness briefs and wrapped her arms around her waist again, cuddling into her. “I love you, Jay.”
“Love you, baby,” Jamie murmured, her head still spinning as she tried to catch her breath, her body still shaking a bit from the aftershocks. When she could finally lift her head a little bit, she smiled up at Becca, apologetically, knowing she’d stopped right in the middle of pleasuring her. “Sorry for stopping,” she said, leaning down to kiss her thighs before laying her head down on one and enjoying the warmth of Serena’s skin pressed against her back as she brought two fingers up to play in the wetness between Becca’s legs before slipping them inside of her slowly. 
“Come here, Ser. I want you next to me,” Becca insisted. Serena returned to the bed and positioned herself next to Becca. Her flushed skin let Serena know that Becca was close. “I need to feel you.” But Serena wasn’t about to let her touch her when she had yet to come for the first time, so as Jamie was deep inside Becca, Serena focused on her clit, rubbing hard and fast so she could be in tune with Jamie pumping in and out of her.
The sight of Becca being touched by Jamie in combination with what she had just experienced with her was enough to make her wet all over again. Careful to keep her focus still on Becca, she began to touch herself.
Jamie rose to her knees, curling her fingers inside of Becca as she moved, leaning forward to kiss Becca’s chin before shifting so that she was in between both of them. She watched Serena touching herself, the sight making her throb despite having just come a few moments ago. “Let me help, baby,” she murmured, sliding two fingers into Serena and curling them as well, pumping in and out of her and Becca at the same time, watching them both writhe and roll their hips. It was probably the sexiest thing she’d ever seen and she knew that after this, she wouldn’t be able to get this image out of head. 
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mushyjellybeans · 5 years
Close To You (Bucky Barnes)
Pairing: Single!dad!Bucky x Babysitter reader Summary: You babysit Bucky’s daughter and over the years you fall in love with Bucky. Warnings: NONE, teeth rotting fluff. Word Count: 2,834 (it’s a longy) A/N: A one shot that was inspired from a conversation with @valkyriesryde​ and my submission for @ficsxreaderr​‘s writing challenge!! I’ve also re-written this 3 times and this is the version I was most happy with!
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If Bucky had to name two of his most favorite people in the world, his first choice would be his little peanut, his 6-year-old daughter Rebecca Winifred Barnes and his closest friend, his babysitter Y/N Y/L/N.
Bucky would have no idea what he would do without you now. He hired you just a few weeks after the baby was born just as Rebecca’s mom Dolores took off with his money.
You were an angel, and you were more than willing to actually work for free until he sorted his finances out.
He was a new, single dad and he had no idea what he was doing. He didn’t know how long he needed to warm the milk up, he didn’t know the correct way to feed her, or how to successfully change her diaper and you have only had a few weeks experience previously looking after babies but together, you both would figure these things out and there were no words in the world he could say to let you know just how appreciative he was.
Rebecca was now 6 years old, and she was just as sassy and sarcastic as her father. He, of course, blames her uncle Sam for the bad influence.
Over the years you have developed a very strong bond with the little girl. You made her sandwiches for her lunch box, you helped Bucky with her school essentials, you did her hair every morning. You effectively became a mom to Rebecca, she even called you mommy once or twice by mistake when she had zoned out and you called for her attention.
When Bucky sees his two girls bonding so closely, nothing makes him prouder. Bucky is in love with you, and he has to keep reminding himself you’re his babysitter and refrain from coming up behind you and wrapping his strong arms around your waist and kiss your neck as you’re cooking dinner for them. And if you wanted to be honest, it would have been something you would never reject. Your feelings were just as strong for him and they were for you.
Fear stopped you from saying anything, firstly it would make things awkward if you spilled your feelings out on a plate to him and he didn’t feel the same way, you would lose your job and would never see either of them again so for you it was just easier to keep quiet and try to bury your feelings.
For Bucky it was the opposite, he feared you didn’t see him as anything more than a friend and he couldn’t cope without you. He needed you and Rebecca needed you.
Hey Y/N! I have to Skype with my colleagues for a meeting in my office in 30 minutes, are you free to come to take care of Becca?
Your phone vibrated on the table beside your armchair, where you were currently sat with your feet tucked under you reading Pride and Prejudice. A smile crawled it’s way to your face from just seeing Bucky’s name.
You texted him back that you would be right over. Since you only lived 3 doors away from Bucky, it made it so much easier for times like these and you did tell him if he ever needed anything at any time to just send a text.
You didn’t understand how a woman would want to leave such a wonderful and kind-hearted man like Bucky. She had everything you wished for, a husband and a child.
Your feelings for Bucky got in the way of your dating life. Every date you went on you felt empty and wished it was Bucky sitting opposite you.
Bucky had only been on a total of two dates in the last 6 years. One successful but she wasn’t that keen on raising someone else’s child. And the second woman stood him up at the restaurant. He was devastated and your heart sunk for him when he kept questioning if there was something wrong with him, you wanted to tell him there and then you would never do such a thing, you almost told him but you didn’t.
Cheerfully walking up the long path to his house, you knocked a total of 3 times and walked in, taking off your shoes and hanging your bag up on the coat rack. Bucky had given you a spare key a long time ago and told you that knocking was unnecessary.
You walked through his spotless kitchen and stopped in the doorway of the living room, a smile gleaming on your face at the adorable sight in front of you.
Bucky was busy giving the carpet a quick vacuum, whistling to an unfamiliar tune as he didn’t sense your presence. His hair tied back in the nape of his neck, a red Henley that seemed a few sizes too small as his biceps were bulging out of the arms, his dark-clad jeans and his very manly Avenger slippers his friend and colleague Sam had gifted him one Christmas.
Rebecca had her little arms clinging around his neck with her legs dangling down his front clutching her favorite stuffed koala bear.
She loved clinging to her father as much as she could. Any time he would cook, clean, do the laundry, wash the car or work on his bike. If she wasn’t hanging around his neck or upon his waist, she would wrap her arms around his leg and sit on his foot. She would have his love and attention one way or another.
A loud giggle escapes your lips at the sight of them, you loved them so much. Your sound catches Bucky’s attention and a toothy grin appears on his day’s old stubble.
“Oh, Hey Y/N!” He greets cheerfully, turning the vacuum off and putting it to one side, putting one arm on Rebecca’s back to stop her from falling off. “Listen, I’m so sorry for the short notice but they insisted and I didn’t know what else to do.” He smiles apologetically, knowing you were probably at home reading one of your favorite books.
“Nooo don’t apologize please!” You rub your hand up and down his arm subconsciously, and it’s not until he looks at you with a surprised expression on his face that you realize what you’re doing, quickly pulling your hand away and putting down by your side. “I don’t mind. We will bake cookies and I can even get started on dinner.” You smile sheepishly.
“Cookies?” Rebecca grins with her missing front teeth and wiggling her eyebrows at you, causing you to laugh and nod your head enthusiastically.
As Bucky locked himself in his office for his meeting and apologizing for the tenth time within 2 minutes, you and Rebecca spend some quality girl time baking cookies and allowing her to decorate them as she wished.
“This is my favorite thing to do with you.” You say to the little girl who’s perched on the kitchen stool opposite you watching as your kneading the cookie dough. She gives you a goofy grin and you can’t help but pull a funny face at her, causing her to have a fit of giggles.
“I wish you were my mommy so we could do this all the time.” She says sadly, and it catches you by surprise. You stop kneading and rest your palms flat against the countertop looking at her with a serious but sad expression.
“You know what, sweetheart? So do I.” You say with a sad smile, rubbing her cheek with your finger. “C'mon, do you wanna do the honors and use a cookie cutter on my dough?” You lighten the mood and a smile plasters on her face once again as she ponders which cutter to use, you put the dough in front of her and watch with adoration in your eyes, how much you also wished for this every day.
You could imagine it perfectly; your husband working hard in his office as you spent time with the little girl baking cookies and watching cartoons on the couch or the three of you in your shared bed watching Disney movies, you on one side, Bucky on the other and Rebecca in the middle cuddling her koala bear.
Your talk with Rebecca didn’t go unheard of by Bucky. He was leaving his office to grab a glass of water when he heard the sweet exchange between the two of you, his heart shattering into pieces because it’s what he wanted too.
It’s been 2 hours since the cookies were baked, you were watching Tom and Jerry on the TV and laughing alongside Rebecca when Bucky reemerged from his office with a tired expression on his face, the meeting took a lot longer than he wanted it to and he was glad it was over.
Rebecca looked over the back of the couch when she heard her father’s footsteps. “Daddy!!!” She screeches jumping off the couch and running into his arms, he swiftly picks her up and giggles as she wraps her arms tightly around his neck. “Hey, peanut!” He tickles her ribs and she squirms in his arms. “It’s time for your bedtime!” He says, holding her tighter.
You realize the time and stand up, straightening your sweater out. “I could give her a bath if you wanna relax, I put some of your beer in the fridge for you.”
“I couldn’t ask ya to do that, doll.” The pet name slips out unexpectedly and Rebecca giggles at her dad’s surprised face, yours probably matching. “I mean uh… you’ve been with her all day and I couldn’t ask ya to do that as well.” You notice Bucky is looking at you differently, almost as if he’s searching for something in you. You panic a little if he had somehow heard that exchange in the kitchen earlier but you try to keep composed.
“I don’t mind, honestly.” You reassure him and he smiles lopsided and passes Rebecca to you as you take her upstairs to run her a quick bath and get her ready for bed.
When you’ve successfully tucked her and read her a bedtime story, you go back to the living room to say goodnight to Bucky.
You see the back of his head leaning against the back cushion with a beer resting on his thigh. You clear your throat as you approach, his head looking towards you with that unreadable expression.
“She’s all tucked in. I just wanted to say good night.” You smile as best as you can but you’re nervous and you’re sure he can sense it too. You probably shouldn’t have said that to Rebecca earlier, he was going to hate you for getting his girl’s hopes up like that.
Bucky isn’t sure how to bring the conversation up, so he decides now is the best time to inform you.
“I should probably let you know that I have a date tomorrow night. Will you be available?” He stands up in front of her and watches her expression change from nerves to disappointment.
A lump seems to be stuck in your throat at the thought of him on a date with another woman is in your mind, if this date went well he wouldn’t need you anymore.
But it wasn’t about you, your job was to babysit his daughter when he needed you to.
Not wanting to risk your voice cracking, you just nod your head and manage to put a big smile on your face, and Bucky knows it’s not real.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night Bucky.” Your voice cracks a little and you head off home, climbing under your duvet and crying your heart out.
And Bucky is satisfied, your expression told him everything he needed to know. He just needs Rebecca’s help. *** The evening came around a lot quicker than you would have liked. You slipped a cream sweater on with a pair of jeans and a pair of your comfiest shoes, it was almost 6PM and you figured Bucky would have liked you at his house a bit earlier to get ready for his date without his daughter hanging from his shoulders.
You walk up the long path and nerves are settling into the pit of your stomach as the lights are dimmed. You knock 3 times and let yourself in, taking off your shoes and putting your house keys in the fruit bowl next to the door.
“Hello?” You call out, expecting Bucky to be waiting by the door for you with Rebecca. You hear hushed noises and little feet padding against the tiles from the kitchen.
Rebecca runs and jumps in front of you, with a suspiciously large grin on her face and her hands behind her back. You kneel down to her level and quirk an eyebrow.
“Hey, Ms. Barnes. Where’s your father?” You smile at her attempt to not giggle.
“Shhhh I can’t tell you but you must close your eyes and follow me, I hold your hand! Let’s goooooo Y/N!!” She jumps excitedly and does as she says.
Your eyes are closed the entire walk to only she knows where. You’re apprehensive even if it is Rebecca guiding you someplace.
The strong scent of vanilla candles permeates the room.
“Rebecca is that candles I smell?” You ask in a chuckle, but seriously hoping she hasn’t been playing with them.
She pulls on your arm and you lean down for her to whisper in your ear, “you can open your eyes now.” She giggles and jumps in her spot.
You hesitantly open your eyes and it’s not at all what you were expecting.
Candles are lit everywhere around the room, the lights are off, a selection of movies are on the table in the middle of the room. Two glasses and a bottle of wine on the same table and a juice for Rebecca. But most of all is Bucky standing in front of the table with a shirt he’s attempted-but-failed to iron, his black jeans and instead of his usual long hair or bun, he’s trimmed his hair and slicked it back and shaved his stubble.
A breathy gasp leaves your mouth as you take everything in. And then you remembered he had a date and your heart dropped again.
“How do I look?” He asks, spinning around once for you.
“You look great. I’m sure your date will love you.”
“I really hope she does.” He says winking to Rebecca.
“Well, it’s 6PM, where did you want me to take Rebecca?” You change the subject, not really wanting to hear about the date. Your question erupts a laugh from the little girl and her giggles are contagious, causing you to giggle with her.
“Well, that’s the thing.” He starts, stepping slowly towards you. “There is no date. I just needed to know and I found out yesterday that you felt the same way I did.” He takes a breath and your mouth falls open.
“Y/N I don’t know how long we’re gonna dance around the subject. You mean more to me than just a friend than just Rebecca’s babysitter. You’re more like a mom to her and… wait for it because this is going to sound cheesy. But I’ve loved you for a really long time, I just had no idea and I understand if you don’t really feel the same way and I looked at it wrong but-”
“I do feel the same.” A watery smile on your face as a few drops of tears roll down your cheeks. “A life with you and Rebecca is what I want and it’s what I’ve wanted for so long, I actually cried myself to sleep last night because of your date tonight.” You chuckle embarrassed by the whole thing.
“I want the date with you, and I wanted a night in with my two favorite girls so I set this up, I hope it’s okay for now and I promise you a real date soon.” He smirks. “If I can find a babysitter.”
“What about Uncle Sam?!” Rebecca gleams up at her dad, he picks her up and rests her on his waist, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “I’ll arrange it with him.” He agrees, holding his free arm out for you and you waste no time closing the gap and returning the group hug, burying your face in the crook of his neck as Rebecca rubs your head. Your one arm around Bucky and the other is around Rebecca as the three of you hold each other.
You’re the first one to pull back and notice they are both looking at you. Bucky’s eyes dances around your face, alternating between your eyes and lips and you lean up to give him the first of many kisses.
Rebecca giggles at the unfamiliar sight and groans in disgust, pretending to vomit over the two of you locking lips. She snuggles in closer to her father and it was this dream right here that came true.
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slytherinbarnes · 4 years
Sub Rosa [69]
xi. the dark year
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: allusions to suicidal thoughts from previous chapter (5.01), mentions of death, language, anxiety.
Summary: The march to Shallow Valley begins...
a/n: next week we finish s5!!!! how we feeling!!!! the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist
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The march is as boring as you expect it to be. 
At some point guns are passed around and you end up with a rifle slung over your shoulder, one more thing you're forced to carry in your trek through the desert. It reminds you of leaving Becca’s lab after Praimfaya and searching for the rover, a story that you ultimately end up telling Bellamy about. And once you get started with one story of your time on Earth without him, he’s eager to hear more. You tell him about going to Polis and then Arkadia, nearly dying until a rainstorm came through and gave you and Clarke water, the sandstorm that destroyed the rover. You tell him about the journey to get more panels, when you and Clarke almost ended it all, and he senses your hesitation when you get to that part, not sure if you should tell him everything. But he reaches out and grabs your hand, threading your fingers together, reminding you that you’re always safe and home with Bellamy. So you tell him just how bad things got, how close to the end you truly were, until the Universe sent a miracle from the sky, a bird that led you to Shallow Valley. 
His favorite stories are the ones you tell him about Madi. How she nearly killed you and Clarke both when you first met her, how she taught you both how to fish, and the two of you taught her English. Learning to drive the rover, and fight, living as a mini family in the valley, waiting for the rest of your family to return. The only thing you don't tell him about are the radio calls. You aren't sure why, maybe it’s embarrassment, maybe you’re worried he’ll think it was obsessive, you don't know. All you know is that he must not have heard a single one, because he never mentions them, and you’re sure he would have if he had heard them. Instead, you skip over all of the calls and focus on the good moments instead, the happy things, not sure you’re quite ready enough to tell him just how desperately you missed him. 
At some point near the end of the first day, Bellamy’s radio comes to life with the sound of Echo’s voice, broken up and speaking Trig. “Belomi, hola. Yu sen ai in?”
Bellamy, come in. Do you read me? You and Bellamy exchange a look, before he steps out of the marching group and off to the side, with you, Monty, and Harper right behind him. He lifts the radio and says, “Echo-”
You reach out and put your hand over his own, lowering the radio for a second. “Wait, Bellamy, do you normally speak Trig like this? Or is there a reason?”
As soon as you say it, you see a look pass over his face, letting you know they don't normally communicate in Trigedasleng. Your warning reminds all of you of something you need to be careful not to forget: the enemy can hear you every time you use this radio. Bellamy lifts the radio again and you pull your hand away, and this time he answers in Trigedasleng. “Hakom Trig? Chit’s skechi?”
Why are we speaking Trig? What's wrong? He releases the button and you all stare at the radio in tense silence, waiting for her answer. “Emo get in bilaik yo’s komba raun. Yo don drop nishiv of.”
They know you're coming. You've lost the element of surprise. The answer hits you like a blow to the gut, making you sick. Without the element of surprise, this war is a massacre. You can see that Harper and Monty don’t look as shocked as you and Bellamy do, and you realize now their Trig must be limited, so you translate, “They know we're coming.”
Their reaction is immediate, the same as yours, and then Monty looks at you and asks, “Clarke?”
The question hits you like a second blow, more powerful than the last. The thought hadn't even crossed your mind, but your twin was the only other person that knew about the eye in the sky that could have snitched. You shake your head, anger flaring within you at the danger she has just put all of you in, and you grind out, “It had to be.”
Echo must start to worry about the silence from your end of the radio because she comes back on to say, “Belomi, yo gaf bak yo klin. Osir don hon daun ‘mo mavrik, den yo’s klir, komonou. Ba yo nou na komba hir nowe.”
Bellamy, you have to go back. We have their pilot, so you're safe for now. But you can't come here. You and Bellamy watch each other as she speaks, both of you translating the words at the same time. It’s weird to see him so proficient in Trigedasleng considering the few words he knew before he went to space, but when you think about it, teaching Madi English made you fluent in Trig too. Both of you are so different from the people you left behind, past versions of you now burned away by Praimfaya, but somehow your comfort with Bellamy hasn't changed. There’s so many new things you have to learn about him now, but there’s no doubt in your mind that he has your heart and you have his. 
Bellamy lifts the radio, shaking his head, though Echo can't see it. “Nou na kom au. Chilja: osir nou na bak op, en osir nou na hod op. Kom fai sintaim osir kamp ouder. Yo gada daun in na lok osir op klir trei. Pas daun, nou mori noumou.”
Not possible. It's a long story, but we can't go back and we can't stop. We're five days out. You have that long to find us a safe way in. After that we run out of rations. You can see the devastation on Bellamy’s face at this new dilemma you've all somehow found yourself in. Echo’s voice comes through the radio one last time before falling silent, “We're on it. Be safe, over and out.”
You can hear the worry in her voice, and a wave of anxiety washes over you, wondering if that worry is born from affection. But Bellamy being Bellamy, must sense your thoughts, and he reaches out and puts his hand on your cheek, whispering, “I love you, my radiant moon.”
“And I love you more than the stars.”
He smiles at you, one of those bright ones, and you realize this is the first time you’ve said those words to him since he came down to Earth. His smile is infectious, and it makes you smile, both of you temporarily forgetting your impending peril until Monty clears his throat and mutters, “The eye.”
The smiles drop from both of your faces, suddenly brought back to the present, and you shake your head. “Uh, right. We should probably tell Indra.”
“And Octavia.” You nod at Bellamy, agreeing, as he passes the radio to Monty. “Keep an ear out for our friends, in case they call again.”
“Will do.”
And with that, you all rejoin the army, and you and Bellamy march off in search of Indra. It doesn’t take long for you to find her, exactly where you last saw her: marching with Gaia and the other faithful. As soon as she sees the two of you approaching and catches the expression on your faces, she steps away from everyone, giving the three of you some privacy. You and Bellamy let her know what’s going on quickly, and a look of alarm passes over her face before she quickly regains her composure and nods towards the front of the army. “We need to inform Octavia.”
The three of you quicken your pace and make it to the front, only to be stopped by Miller. “What do you want?”
You can sense the anger radiating off of Indra and Bellamy in waves, so you walk slightly ahead of them, shifting Miller’s focus to you. “We need to talk to Octavia.”
He looks at you, skeptical, and you give him a pleading look. “It’s important, Miller. You know we wouldn't be here if it wasn't.”
You know he recognizes the truth in your statement, because he motions to a pair of guards walking nearby. “Disarm and follow me.”
You glance at Bellamy and he nods, agreeing to the terms, so you hand the guy to your right your rifle and knife before following Miller. Bellamy and Indra both follow you, and Miller announces your arrival to Octavia before stepping back slightly, but he sticks close enough to keep an eye on all of you. Indra is the first to speak, “You're marching us into a massacre.”
Octavia doesn't turn to look at any of you, her eyes firmly locked on the horizon ahead. “We'll see.”
“Echo radioed. The enemy knows you're coming.” She bristles slightly, and you can tell the news is affecting her even though she tries to pretend otherwise. “We don't need to worry about the missiles, but they're moving their weapons into position.”
Indra adds, “It's safe to assume that since there's only three realistic ways into the valley, that all three will be heavily defended.”
Bellamy, who has stayed silent as you and Indra do most of the talking, finally quips, “Echo's scouting now, looking for the best way in. But since we can't go back because you burned the farm, and since we can't stop because we'll starve, we thought we should let you know that you've killed your people.”
You look at Bellamy in shock, not expecting to hear the words come out of his mouth. You’re pissed at Octavia too, but you’re not eager to cross her again, your near death experience still too fresh in your memory. You grab his hand and whisper his name as a warning, “Bellamy.”
But he ignores you and snaps at his sister, “Enjoy your walk.”
He drops back and you glance at him and then to Indra, silently apologizing before you drop back and follow him. You get your weapons back and secure them to you before jogging after Bellamy and catching up to him near the back, but you can tell from the expression on his face that he doesn't want to talk. So instead, you slip your hand into his and stay by his side, allowing him his anger for now. 
Eventually night falls and the marching stops, giving all of you a temporary reprieve from the long journey, at least until morning. 
You and Bellamy set up your tent and then build a fire, and Monty and Harper set up their tent nearby before joining you around the warmth of the fire. All of you sit and eat your rations in silence before the other couple bids you both goodnight, leaving you and Bellamy alone. You finish up the last of your rations, just enough to keep you full for a few hours, before you pull out your Grounder knife, looking over the notches on the handle. By your count, it’s now missing a few, and as you start to wonder what you can use to add the next few lines, Bellamy’s hand reaches out to you, his own knife in his grip. You look up at him, taking the knife with a nod of thanks, unaware that anyone knows that you actually keep up with your knife kills. You might be embarrassed if it was anyone other than Bellamy, but judging by the look on his face, he seems to understand. You don’t count the kills like trophies, the way others might, you count the kills to remind you of what you’ve done. At this point, it’s hard to know how many people you’ve killed with guns, explosions, or levers that bring radiation. But this knife reminds you of the personal ones, the lives that you took in close proximity to another person, close enough to see the life drain from them. It’s a way to remind you of your humanity, a way to remind you that each of these kills affected you in some way, the same way the forgotten kills affect you, whether you realize it or not. 
You add two tallies for the two Eligius prisoners you killed, before you pause and consider Cooper. You didn’t use this knife to kill her the way you usually would, but you did use it to cut a hole in her glove, sealing her fate before she even woke up. To you, it’s enough for you to know her death should stay on your mind. You shouldn't sweep it under the rug as another casualty of war. You need to remember how willing you were to kill her if it meant it could save everyone else, which ultimately didn’t happen. Cooper is dead and Wonkru is still marching on the valley, worms be damned. 
As you add a third tally for Cooper, bringing your knife kills up to ten, you glance over at Bellamy, his gaze turned away from you. You take note of his clenched jaw and angry expression. “We have to talk about it eventually, Bellamy.”
“No, we don't.”
“Both of our sisters betrayed us.”
“Your sister betrayed us, probably to save Madi. And though it puts us in a shitty position, I can forgive her for that.” Bellamy turns to look at you, pulling in a deep breath. “My sister put us in the fighting pits together, after she forced you into making a deal that would save my life but end yours. She did that knowing how I feel about you.”
“Only after my sister ratted us out and left us there. If we’re keeping count, Clarke has betrayed us twice. And you’re right, both betrayals were probably to keep Madi safe, but at what expense to everyone else? To me? To you? I love Madi, she is my niece, my family, and I’d do anything to keep her safe. But sometimes Clarke’s decisions are reckless when it comes to Madi’s safety. She listens to the storm within her, just like you used to do, and doesn’t stop to consider every angle, every possibility. I’m not letting her off the hook that easy.”
Bellamy is quiet for a while, both of you thinking of your sister related drama, and when he finally speaks, his anger has cooled, though not completely, and his voice is soft. “I just can't forgive Octavia for nearly taking you from me. Not after I just got you back.”
The words melt you, your anger towards your sister forgotten as you reach out to comfort Bellamy. You pull him in for a kiss, understanding his fear of losing you, because you lived with it for six years when you lost him. When you pull away, you rest your foreheads together, keeping your eyes closed as you sit and enjoy the fact that you can even do this. Because Bellamy is back, and he loves you, and you’re alive, despite Octavia’s best efforts. You whisper, “You’re gonna have a hard time getting rid of me now. I don’t want to let you out of my sight, I’m so afraid of losing you again.”
He pulls away so he can look at you, his expression sad. “I have the same fear. It was so hard being on the Ring without you. It felt like a ghost was hanging around with me at every moment. I was searching for you everywhere, always disappointed when you weren’t there.”
You feel tears well up in your eyes, and you kiss him again, hoping it helps. This time when you pull away, he wraps you up into his arms and turns his face to the sky. You follow his gaze, both of you tracing constellations, and for the first time in six years, he asks, “Tell me about the stars?”
You look at him, feeling a rush of affection as you do, your voice cracking with emotion when you whisper back, “Of course.”
The second day of marching is just as awful as the first, though it’s now punctuated with an air of anxiety as you all march one day closer to your massacre.
The second night, all of you retire early, too tired to sit around and talk, but you wake up a few hours later, wide awake for some reason. You glance over at Bellamy, smiling down at his sleeping form, so peaceful as the worries of the world don't reach him in his dreams. Not wanting to disturb him, you quietly crawl out of the tent, taking the radio with you, just in case someone calls. 
As you sit outside and look at the stars, you nearly jump out of your skin when the radio comes to life. “Belomi, hola.”
Bellamy, come in. You pick up the radio and answer, “Nou Belomi, en's ai. Wanlida.”
Not Bellamy, it’s me. Wanlida. You add your Grounder nickname at the end, not sure if she recognizes your voice. She immediately answers, “Osir don strat.”
We have a plan. You smile at the radio in your hand, feeling a rush of gratitude to your friends on the other side. “Tel ai op.”
Tell me. Echo immediately relays the plan to you in Trigedasleng, and at times, you start to think about how weird it is to be carrying on a conversation with your boyfriend’s ex. And though you get flashes of jealousy when you think about them together, you start to marvel at how talking to her now isn't that bad. Though maybe it’s because you have something to talk about, and it has nothing to do with Bellamy. Still, as soon as you get the plan from Echo, you both exchange goodbyes and you run back to your tent to tell your boyfriend the good news. As soon as he knows, you both go to Indra next, as usual, and tell her the plan. Once she knows, you look at Bellamy, both of you aware of what you have to do next, and he nods, looking reluctant. 
You both walk to Octavia’s tent, and the closer you get, the louder her voice grows. You can tell she’s having a strategy meeting with her advisors, one that does not include an encouraging plan. “We're gonna take heavy fire, but as long as we stay together, we can still do this. Does everybody understand?”
You and Bellamy are both stopped at the door by the guards, and Bellamy demands, “We need to see her now.”
Octavia’s voice comes from inside the tent, granting you both permission. “Let them in!”
As soon as you step inside, you scan the room, looking at the advisors, before your eyes fall to the map on the table in front of Octavia. “You don't need that.”
“The spy found us a way in?”
“Yes.” Bellamy turns to look at the advisors gathered around. “Everybody out.”
They stand frozen in place until Octavia dismisses them, and then they all exit quickly, leaving the three of you alone. Bellamy walks closer to his sister, and you hang back, sensing that he has something he wants to say to her. “Before I tell you this, we need to set some things straight.”
“I'm listening.”
“This war that you're so anxious for is about to be fought on the last survivable land on Earth. That is monumentally stupid. But it's here, and in four days, when we march on that valley, we are gonna fight this the right way.”
“Does the right way end up with us winning?”
Bellamy shakes his head, annoyed that winning is all she cares about. “It ends with us accepting the other side's surrender. Once they lay down their arms, we share the valley with them. No executions. No fighting pits. Real peace.”
“I accept your terms. Now, tell me how to win this war.”
Bellamy steps away, already done with the conversation. “Indra has the details.”
She calls out to his retreating figure, “Bellamy...this is how it was meant to be. You and me. Fighting side by side.”
Bellamy stops beside you, both of you now standing near the exit of the tent, and he reaches out for your hand before turning to face Octavia. “I'm not fighting for you. I’m fighting for la lune, who you were willing to kill a few days ago. I'm fighting to get back the rest of my family, and I'm fighting so that we can finally build a future here.”
You see a look of hurt pass over Octavia’s face as she realizes he doesn't consider her part of his family, but if he sees it, he ignores it. He just turns back to you and walks out of the tent, guiding you along after him.
The next three days of marching are almost continuous, as Octavia decides against stopping to camp 3 nights in a row. Instead, you stop for an hour or so twice a day before continuing the march to the valley. Finally, on day 6, you arrive at the final camping spot, just outside of the valley. You all pitch your tents during the day and spend most of it resting, because as soon as the next day dawns, the war begins. 
You and Bellamy crawl out of your tent sometime after nightfall, finally rested after so many days of marching, and you both sit around a small fire and talk, keeping yourselves distracted from your nerves, the way you used to before he went to space without you. Monty comes over as you chat, sitting down on your other side, splitting his rations into three. “Last of the rations.”
You and Bellamy accept his offer with a nod of thanks, and as you all savor the last bit of food you have, Monty turns to look between you and Bellamy. “Look, if you want us with you at the front-”
Bellamy cuts him off, seeing the reluctance on his face, aware of Monty’s dislike of killing. He shakes his head and motions between himself and you. “No, we got this.”
You nod, adding, “You stay. They're leaving the tents here, and once the fight is over tomorrow, you can come and join us.”
Bellamy looks up at the stars, and then over to Monty. “I told Octavia we're taking 80 acres, on the Eastern edge of the valley. Grow something other than algae, okay?”
They look at each other for a long second before they break into smiles, and you grin at the interaction, glad to see them both happy, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Eventually, Monty leaves to go find Harper, and you and Bellamy watch the stars before he suddenly asks, “The last time we were in the desert marching to war, you said something that I never got to ask about.”
You glance away from the sky, and over to him. “What’s that?”
“You said you have a house in the valley, built for two. Did you mean for us?”
“No, I was definitely getting it ready so I could share it with some other guy.” Bellamy laughs, remembering when he asked you to move in with him, and you laugh too. “Yes, for us, if you want it. It’s the perfect size for us, slightly larger than the room we had at Arkadia. It’s got a kitchen and a bathroom, but the best part is the bedroom.”
He gives you a suggestive look. “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
You laugh and playfully hit his arm. “Not for that reason. It has a window on the roof that opens up to the sky. During the day it lets warm sunshine in, and at night you can see the stars.”
He smiles down at you, tugging you closer to him, whispering against your lips, “It does sound perfect for us.”
He pulls you in for a kiss and you let yourself get lost in the kiss, reminding you of how wonderful it is to be wrapped up in his arms. As the two of you start to pull away, someone clears their throat, and you jump apart, slightly embarrassed. You look up to see Indra looking down at the two of you, and you swear she’s hiding a smile as she nods towards Octavia’s tent. “Last strategy meeting, and they want you both there.”
You stand and follow her to the tent, the last three to arrive, gathering around the table that features the new map, drawn for your plan. Octavia looks at Bellamy, nodding at him to begin. “At dawn, our group in the woods will open fire on pillbox one, in position A here. At the first sign of attack, McCreary's forces at point B and C will converge to reinforce A, thinking that's where we're coming through.”
Octavia muses, “Leaving the other two doors wide open.”
Bellamy glances at you, and you finish the plan, pointing down at the map. “We'll come through here, point C. Now, if we time it right and we move fast, there won't be any resistance.”
Indra mutters, “Once we're in the woods, we take the village.”
Miller finishes, “Once we're in the woods, we win.”
All of you look up and around at each other, making sure everyone understands, and Brell is the first to nod. “Okay, I'll tell my people.”
Miller turns on her, growling, “Your people?”
Indra breaks up the argument and snaps, “Save it for the enemy. Spread the word, we go at first light.”
Everyone starts to dissipate, and Octavia turns her attention to you and Bellamy. “Tell Echo I said well done.”
“You can tell her yourself in two hours.” Bellamy grabs your hand and leads you from the tent, eager to end any conversation with his sister. The two of you head back outside and over to your fire, deciding to spend your last few hours before the war together, enjoying each other’s company. Though your victory seems imminent, you never know what will happen in war. The tides can change at any second, and you could lose, people could die. Which is why you and Bellamy stay huddled together, making sure each of you know just how much you love each other. 
Just in case.
next chapter
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Send in Your Qs!
Hi there! 
This is a suuuuper short blog this week. It was going to be a "Stuff that Sucks" but probably because there is so much bad stuff going on, I'm not really up for doing that deep dive right now. But, y'know, please please please pay attention to what's happening at a local and national level. I reached out to my Senators to tell them the RESTRICT ACT is bullshit. And for some reason, 25 Senators are co-sponsoring it and should be appropriately shamed for such an action. Again, that's only one small of the larger puzzle, but as I said to my senators, it seems increasingly the U.S. is facing on a congressional and judicial level (which is it's own problem...), decisions that are polarizing simply because they will either define things for the better or for the worse and many of the decisions being made have been for the worse. 
Anyway, like I said, I'll be back to talk more about that soon, but for the moment, let's talk about what's coming up! 
Next week: I'm finally actually going to do another Ask Me (Almost) Anything blog! I've been teasing for a while, but next week I'm actually going to do it. I'll be soliciting questions on the comments of the website version of this blog or at my blog announcement tweet on Twitter. As usual, the rules are pretty simple. Requests for work/portfolio reviews will be disregarded, sorry. There are some things that I can't answer for confidentiality reasons. If your question isn't chosen, chances are, I just can't answer it. Questions about what it's like to work in comics, my personal life (within reason), and wacky hypotheticals--like what's more intimidating: one dog correctly riding a motorcycle or a bunch of dogs sharing a sidecar?--are appreciated. 
And hope everyone is having a peaceful Ramadan, Easter, Passover, or just weekend! 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Honkai Impact (Video game), Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Anime), Mass Effect (Video game), The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (Video game--I've only played the first half-ish, so no spoilers, please), Teen Titans Go (Cartoon), Poker Face (TV show, finally finished the first season), Forest Hills Bootleg Society by Dave Baker and Nicole Goux (Comic--it's very good!), Devil House by John Darnielle (Book) 
New Releases this week (4/5/2023): Sonic the Hedgehog #1 5th Anniversary Edition (Editor)
New Releases next week (4/12/2023): Quiet week from me! Enjoy another comic! 
I don't know if I can talk about it just yet, but watch this space in the very near future for an upcoming in-person appearance. I might have more things to announce soon too, so definitely consider this a tease! 
I was a guest on Becca's Twitch livestream, playing The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. You can catch that on YouTube (and subscribe there and on Twitch for more of this kind of fun)! 
Wanna practice your sequential art skills and/or just do something kinda silly and fun? A few weeks back, Josh Burcham was sharing this really great thread from Scott Gray comparing Steve Ditko and Gene Colan's takes on the same script. It's a lot to see, especially since Gene was given twice the page count to tell it, but it's also just fascinating to see how wildly different two creators can interpret the same script. Josh suggested doing a new version where people draw from the same one-page script and I volunteered to write something for it! Here're the scripts (I did two so there's a robot one and a not-robot one) and if you're interested in participating, just draw what suits your fancy. They're meant to be loose and open to interpretation--so feel free to cut what isn't working, combine panels, rework things, etc! If you do it, please share with Josh and me!  
Lastly, I haven't exactly worked out how all I'm going to go about it, but you may've seen last week, I hit 4000 Twitter followers (and that number kept growing) and I hosted an art share. Check out the thread. There are a ton of very cool artists over there to go follow and hire and work with! I've talked a lot recently about how things are really difficult as social media is increasingly segmented and visibility is made harder on the existing platforms. I can't independently solve that problem, but I am going to be trying to do more stuff like this more often, be it on the remains of Twitter or adding a weekly round-up of cool stuff I saw this week to this blog or something else! 
Pic of the Week: While we were streaming this week, Tiansheng decided that he wanted to sleep on Becca's bag. Why? Who knows! But he really hammed it up. 
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
Repeat [Epilogue] - Mark |Swing!|
And so it ends! Thank you everyone who made the journey with me, ESPECIALLY @deathbykpopboys​ FOR GIVING ME THE IDEAS TO WRITE ONE OF THE STORIES I’M THE MOST PROUD OF <3 <3
Fair warning: this might be confusing to readers who aren’t into the Marvel cinematic universe (MCU). There are spoilers for the movies! I do have some of my personal headcanons in here, so if they bother you, just don’t read it! 
Pairing: Mark x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, angst, Spiderman!au
Triggers: a lot of cursing :)
Word Count: 6.9k
When the rogues move back into society, there are suddenly a lot of new people looking into the relationship between Stark’s personal interns. Luckily, they’ve only got good thoughts about it, even if the kids are a little mushy sometimes. 
Five ways the Avengers see (and love) the spiderkids’ relationship.
Release >> Epilogue: Repeat
NCT Masterlist | Swing!
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Steve doesn’t have too many hobbies. This came as a result of being sick all the damn time during his younger years at the height of the Depression. He was always in bed, and he never really knew when he was just going to keel over and kick the bucket.
Art, though, is something he’s taken with him from younger self to his Captain America days. Especially in this modern age, there’s so much more to sketch. Steve takes interest in the tiny things – glitter pens, microwaves, things that other people have taken for granted as ordinary parts of their lives. He didn’t have those in the Depression, but now he does.
It’s weird.
When he moved back into the Compound, he spent a lot of time outdoors. He wanted to talk to Tony, to apologize for his secrets, thank him for his work on the Accords, maybe clear the air a little, but Tony would just disappear into the lab where only he, Banner, Pepper, and the interns are allowed. So he just picked up the sketchbook Bucky bought him for his last birthday, some pencils, and a Dodgers hat, and went out to observe the city.
It took his fingers some time to figure out how to shade the way he did when they were slim, translucent things. They’re bulkier now, thicker and stronger, and if he isn’t careful, he sometimes snaps his pencils in half. But as the days go by, his fingers gain back some of the delicacy of touch that his younger, sicklier self had.
Art is how he can express himself, now. Even though Nat and Sam like to tease him (what is it that kids say now? Clown him? He thinks that’s it) for having a speech ready for every occasion, Steve finds himself tongue-tied a lot more often than he can admit. Art is how he finally confessed to Bucky – a simple portrait of his long-time best friend turned crush, done with the pencils he’d bought Steve for Christmas.
A lot of the Avengers deal in things that could be considered delicate – archery, knife-throwing, cooking – but only Nat really does any form of art. She dances ballet, but even that’s something very defined, very precise. It’s razor-sharp, the way she does it. And her art form carries a lot of bad memories for her, whereas Steve’s mostly brings back good times. The days where he felt good enough to go outside. The days before the war, when Bucky would bring him onto the fire escape of their shitty little apartment and they would just stare at the city in front of them.
Soft things and sharp things are very separate in Steve’s mind. Art is something soft. Something pretty, something beautiful, something nice. He hesitates to call fighting or sarcasm or weapons evil, exactly, but they aren’t very beautiful, either.
For this reason, he doesn’t understand, at first, how the two Stark interns ended up together. At first glance, they’re polar opposites – one a spitfire, the other always calm. Loud laughter and a cutthroat tongue coexisting with quiet words and a thoughtful mind.
It doesn’t make sense to him, until he walks in on a scene one day that almost makes his heart melt.
He’s on his way out of the Compound to go outside and maybe people watch. Sketch a bit. He has his pencils in one hand, sketchbook in the other, when the strumming of a guitar sounds from farther down the hall. Steve walks out to investigate.
Mark is sitting on the couch, guitar in hand. Steve briefly remembers Mark playing it before, but not too much. It’s beautiful, really, and he stops just at the end of the hall to listen for a bit. Mark’s hands strum the guitar in quiet chords. They’re delicate, Steve realizes – thin, lithe, graceful. Soft. Similar to his own when he was younger, just minus the boniness and sickly white tinge.
His eyes then focus on the girl sitting next to him, head leaning on Mark’s shoulder, typing with razor concentration on the laptop in front of her. Sharp, precise, focused.
But though Y/N’s eyes are steely, her body language is anything but. She leans into Mark with an undeniable softness, a pliability that lets her sink into the couch and his body. Mark, meanwhile, sits up, his back straight, though his hands move delicately over the strings of the guitar.
In this moment, Steve feels dumbstruck, almost. The interns combine sharp edges and rounded curves into something that, even to his eye, is truly beautiful. They’re not solely delicate and soft. They’re not solely refined and precise.
They’re both, jagged points fitting perfectly into smooth curves. And there’s beauty in that.
Quietly, he walks back to his own room, the image of the interns on the couch burned into his mind. His fingers start moving his pencils back and forth on a fresh page.
Neither of them will probably ever know, but they are the reason Steve now sees beauty in sharp edges and precision. Perhaps he still prefers the delicacy of sunsets or the gentle waving of leaves in the breeze, but he understands it, understands the way Y/N and Mark come together. He sketches more – one of Clint’s arrows stuck in a target, one of Sam’s wings slicing through a block of concrete, Natasha’s ballet.
There’s beauty in everything, Steve realizes. Not just aesthetics and pretty things.
He likes this point of view. He likes it a lot.
Smiling, he sketches some more.
Bucky Barnes has often showed his love through food. It was the way he knew his Ma loved him, even if her face was drawn in most of the time and she didn’t smile a whole lot. None of that mattered, not too much. Bucky knew he was loved in the way she scraped away from her own portions and put them onto his and Becca’s plates, in the way she would give them the best bits of bread and the meat on the few occasions they could afford it.
So when he found Steve, that was the way he showed his care. Showed his love. He shared his meager lunches with the sickly kid who had a penchant for art, bought him medicine and swiped apples for him. He cooked for Steve in their ratty apartment, made him something extra nice to cheer him up a bit when his mom died. And when Bucky went off to the war and couldn’t take care of Steve upfront anymore, he sent back his earnings with explicit instructions for Steve to eat as much as he could.
He wouldn’t say he’s really good at cooking, at least not at first. His meals on the front could barely be called meals – some bully beef, bread, and biscuits. He tried, sometimes, to make things look nicer, make them look more palatable. In the end, though, he gave up. There wasn’t any point.
Then Steve came, newly muscled and broad. He saved Bucky’s regiment and formed the Howling Commandos, and Bucky had someone to care for again. Someone to love. Because even though Steve was physically stronger, to Bucky, he was still the reckless kid from Brooklyn who kept getting up after he got knocked down. He needed someone to protect him.
So Bucky started cooking again, trying to put together edible meals from the few rations they had. He cooked not just for Steve, but for all the Commandos – Dugan, Morita, Jones, everyone. It was the best way he knew how to show he cared, something beyond slaps on the back and teasing jokes. He got better at cooking, at making food that wasn’t just edible but also tasted good.
Then he became Soldier.
After all those mind-numbing decades, he might have thought his cooking skills would have disappeared. Being a highly trained assassin who slept for long periods of time in a cryochamber after each mission didn’t usually leave much time for fucking around in a kitchen. But surprisingly, when the rogues went on the run and Bucky landed himself in various safe houses around the country, he found he could still work his way around a kitchen, even though his metal arm overheated sometimes. Wanda helped, then, using her telekinetic power to airlift things in and out of ovens. Slowly, his cooking skills improved. And when he made the old meals, better versions of the special things they sometimes ate during the depression, Steve would tear up. Because Bucky remembered.
Then he moved into the Avengers Compound.
Tony never really lashed out at him like he sometimes did to Steve. No, Bucky hadn’t hidden things on purpose from Tony. He knew what he had done as Soldier. But somehow, the silent, awkward treatment he got from Howard Stark’s son was worse than if he’d yelled at him.
So for the first few weeks, even though he was itching to cook something just to keep his hands busy, he couldn’t bring himself to enter the kitchen other than to get some snacks. Raisins, usually. Raisins are good. Bucky has no idea why Steve hates them so much. Or why Wanda calls him a grandmother for liking them.
Then Y/N comes into the picture.
Bucky’s been alone in cooking for so long that he’s almost forgotten that other people can express care in the form of food as well. None of the rogues can cook too well – Steve is terrible in the kitchen – and even during the war, he was the one who took care of the food.
So when he finds one of Tony’s interns in the kitchen, soup boiling on the stove, he’s almost blown away.
From his first impression, Y/N was snappy, quick-witted, and fast on her feet. That’s how she landed a black eye on Clint fucking Barton before Nat took her down with the thigh-hold. And yeah, now he knows she’s Silk, apparently, but her reaction time is scary.
That first impression changes the moment she smiles at Bucky and invites him to sit at the kitchen island. He comes in, a little scared (he feels like one of those characters in that game Wanda plays – Simps? Sims? Something like that), but she just laughs and tells him Mr. Stark won’t murder him for sitting in the kitchen. “I’ll give you some soup too, so you have an excuse to be here,” she grins.
Jokes like that don’t usually go over him that well (murder is a bit of a touchy subject, especially with regard to Tony), but the teasing glint in her eyes somehow gets him to relax. So he sits and listens while she talks.
As the soup boils, she explains that she’s making it for Mark, who has a slight headache. It’s samgyetang, a broth with chicken, garlic, rice, and ginseng. Her parents used to make it for him when he was sick and Aunt Mei had to work, and when they died, she took over the job.
Bucky listens mostly in silence, reforming his opinion on the abrasive girl he met a month ago. She’s less snappy now, and though she quips a little about how bad Mark is in the kitchen, she’s quieter. Softer, out of worry.
It hits him as she’s ladling the soup into bowls, one for her, one for Mark, one for Tony, and one for him. She’s expressing her love in a way that Bucky knows and understands – food. She loves Mark and she loves Tony, and though she probably doesn’t feel the same way towards him, she still cares. She cares enough to fill a bowl for him, to place it in front of him with a spoon and fork and not the chopsticks he isn’t accustomed to.
He almost cries, looking down at the bowl of hot soup. It’s nothing like the simple meals his Ma used to make for him and Becca, but the meaning is the same. “Thank you,” he says quietly.
“You’re welcome.” The smile on her face reminds him of Becca, and maybe what his Ma’s smile would have looked like if he remembered more of it.
The soup is delicious. Rich broth, tender meat, rice that melts in his mouth. For a moment, he forgets himself as he tells Y/N that she has to teach him how to make this. Then he snaps his mouth shut, afraid of having overstepped.
She just laughs in delight, promising that she will the next time she comes to the Compound. Then she traipses off with the other three bowls on a tray, reminding him that there’s more soup in the pot if he or anyone else is still hungry.
Bucky slowly eats the hot soup, savoring each bite on his tongue. He’s long expressed his care through meals of his own, but only now, decades after his Ma, has someone done the same for him.
It feels strange. But it feels good, to know that someone can understand him in this way. Even if that someone is an almost stranger.
(Later, she comes back out again with Mark, both of them talking quietly about something or the other. Bucky’s just come out of his room to find Steve, but he finds himself stopping for a moment just to see the worry in her eyes as she looks up at him, the love in Mark’s eyes as he kisses her cheek. In that moment, he knows – it is love. It’s true love, real love, even though the two are only in college. It’s the way he feels about Steve, and the way Steve feels about him. It’s something beautiful.)
He starts using the kitchen, at first while Y/N is in there, and then he starts venturing in on his own. With time, Tony starts coming in too, and accepts Bucky’s apologies in the form of soups and meals and desserts.
Y/N brings Mark into the kitchen too, eventually. Bucky worries at first that he’s intruding on time with her boyfriend, but he quickly realizes that isn’t the case. Somehow, the love between Tony’s interns isn’t something that isolates others, that forces people away. Instead, it’s something nourishing, something that brings him in and makes him feel comfortable and peaceful even as they bicker in the corner.
Through the kitchen, through Y/N’s loud laughter and later Mark’s petulant whining at how she clowns him too much when it comes to cooking, Bucky learns once again how it feels for someone to care for him in the language he knows.
The interns’ love is the kind that Bucky has always wanted, the one he hasn’t allowed himself to have. He loves Steve and Steve loves him, but Bucky’s always been terrified that something will tear him away from Steve again. So he’s kept his distance a bit, even though Steve keeps trying to pull him in.
But as he starts laughing with the interns as he and Y/N work on new recipes, Mark and eventually Steve acting as the taste testers, he allows himself to believe that he and Steve can have this love too.  
Natasha’s spent her entire life reading people. She didn’t used to be so good at it, not in the Red Room (the knives Irina snuck into fights and the subsequent scars are proof of it), but she’s learned. She’s adapted. Reading people, she has learned, is a survival skill.
Most people she’s worked with wear masks. They don a smile, cordially shake hands and speak with pleasant words, but they don’t mean any of it. They’re always looking for something, whether that be power or wealth or whatnot. Natasha’s learned to figure out what that something is, very quickly.
She’s naturally suspicious of people. And though that might not be the nicest trait for someone to have, it keeps her safe. So she doesn’t care.
That’s why she keeps a close eye on the interns. It’s just for a bit, anyway. She’s curious how two teenagers got so close to Tony, even if they are Spiderman and Silk – after all, Tony has never been the warmest person to strangers.
But these kids, they’re so unapologetically honest (brutally so, sometimes, especially with Y/N). Natasha’s only caught them with little white lies, like who ate the last Oreo (that was Y/N) and that I’m not really injured, Ms. Romanoff, seriously (that was Mark). The only thing they’re really hiding from people is their alter egos as spider vigilantes, and that’s understandable. Natasha herself would really have liked to keep her Black Widow identity a secret, but, well, certain events made that impossible.
They’re honest in everything – their lives, which haven’t been the greatest, their studies, which are top-notch, and most importantly, their love. It takes a special type of courage to display their kind of love so freely, so openly, when they’re so close to the public eye. Sure, Tony’s gone to great lengths to keep the press away from them, but it demonstrates the trust they have in each other, to defend, to protect.
At first, Natasha doesn’t think it’s real. They have to be faking something. She’s seen too much of the world’s darkness to blindly believe their love is as deep as it appears to be. They’re so young. It doesn’t make sense.
Then the Stark gala rolls around.
Officially, it’s to welcome the rogue Avengers back to society. Unofficially, it’s a networking opportunity – people get to scope out new competition, maybe make some promises or some trades (or some bribes). Some people will get “poached” by other companies. Others will be doing the poaching themselves. Or losing employees to the poachers.
Natasha doesn’t particularly love this environment, but she does enjoy putting leering men in their places. So she’s going.
The interns are too, apparently. This will be their first time out in the open with reporters and journalists, and Tony’s been going nuts trying to make sure they won’t get harassed. Natasha knows this because FRIDAY sometimes bitches to her about her boss.
She wouldn’t worry too much. If someone gets too overbearing, she’s been teaching Y/N and Mark better self-defense. They’ll be fine.
It’s the night of the gala, and Natasha’s waiting around with the other rogues in the ballroom. A few people have approached, but nothing too terrible. In fact, as she holds a champagne flute between her fingers, she feels kind of bored. No one’s acting out yet.
Then the interns walk in.
The first thing Natasha registers is how they’re just looking at each other. To Mark, it’s like Y/N’s a piece of gold and glass, a star pulled down from the sky to rest in his hand. Meanwhile, Y/N looks at Mark like he hung the moon in the sky, plucked the stars from the galaxy and put them in her eyes.
Natasha won’t lie – Mark cuts a striking figure in the suit of Pepper’s choosing (because Tony is a fashion disaster, if left alone). Pepper’s stylist has put together Y/N’s look in a way that makes her literally shine. But the way they look at each other isn’t just admiration for each other’s beauty – it’s something much, much more.
Hm. She still doesn’t completely believe it, though, and as reporters start swarming into the ballroom, she loses sight of them anyway.
Several glasses of wine and champagne later, Natasha feels sufficiently loosened up to tolerate more human interaction than the minimum. She slips away from the rogues, indulges a politician or two in a dance, and eats all the hors d’oeuvres off of a platter. If anyone wants to point that out, they can get a six-inch heel to the face.
(Fights almost always break out at a Stark event. Either physical or verbal. Tony’s used to it. He probably wouldn’t care, especially if she was fighting some asshole like Ross.)
Somewhere in the pleasant slight muddiness that comes with her tipsy state, Natasha sees the interns again. Neither are twenty-one yet, so Tony’s forbidden them from imbibing any alcohol (and has probably told the servers not to give them any). Knowing them, though, Natasha expects Y/N will probably find a way to steal a glass of wine or something at some point.
But they’re not drinking now. They’re not eating, indulging reporters, or fending off over-curious business owners. They don’t look tired from the evening. They don’t even look bored, like Bucky does on the other side of the room.
Natasha watches them idly, fully ignoring the conversation that she’s supposed to be participating in. Dr. Phelps can talk to the Surgeon General. She’s not interested, especially when Mark drags Y/N, protesting, to the dance floor.
Really, Natasha would have thought Y/N would be the one dragging Mark there. She’s always been the more outgoing one, the more confident and mouthier one. But as Mark starts leading her in the figures of the slow dance, she can see why the roles have been switched.
Mark is a natural dancer, not the best Natasha’s seen, but good enough to not bump into anyone around him. Y/N, on the other hand, is barely above having two left feet.
It’s strange. Y/N has always had faster reflexes in training and is far lighter on her feet. But it’s not too weird. Yelena was always better at fighting than Natasha, after all, but Natasha was always better in ballet. She supposes this is something similar.
Dancing, to Natasha, has always been something precise, something sharp. In the Red Room, one leg an inch too low merited a slap on the backs of the thighs. But Mark, even though Y/N’s stepping on his toes every two seconds, is only smiling. There’s no sign of irritation on his face, just pure, utter adoration and awe as he looks into her embarrassed expression.
That’s when it hits her. She might not have believed it before, but this is the love she’s read about in story books. Plain and simple, intricate and complex. It’s just love. That’s it.
So it is possible, she muses over her latest glass of wine. It is possible to love someone so deeply that it doesn’t matter how they inconvenience you. It is possible to love someone so much that their faults just become things to love, not things to hate.
Y/N accidentally bumps into some important-looking man in a business suit who snaps something at her. She bites right back before turning to Mark again, the snark on her face melting into adoration.
Mark looks like he’s never been happier.
Natasha smiles, slipping away from her boring conversation with the excuse of needing more wine. She’s happy for the spiderlings.
Because if anyone in the world deserved this happiness, she thinks, it would be the two pure hearts stumbling gracelessly around the ballroom floor.
Wanda misses Pietro. But it doesn’t do anyone good to lie around missing someone, does it? So, true to herself, she takes the pain, buries it deep in her chest, and does what she believes is right – she follows the rogues.
Her sense of right and wrong has been askew, before. She will admit that. Blinded by her desire for revenge, she allowed Hydra to experiment on her. She ignored the dozens of other dying experiments, focused only on hers and Pietro’s survival. She sided with Ultron, wrought havoc in the world until she found his true plans.
But then she joined Stark.
Wanda may never admit it, but she thinks that was the single best choice of her life, aside from keeping Pietro alive with her for sixteen years. Her moral compass righted itself when she joined the Avengers, when Clint Barton took her aside in Sokovia and told her to choose – stay a child, or become a hero. Because she couldn’t be one or the other.
(A child who has seen war becomes an adult overnight, after all, no matter how young they are.)
Sure, Stark essentially imprisoning her in the Compound was a factor in her choice to join Cap. But she also remembered Sokovia, remembered the death and destruction of her home country, and knew how much more would have taken place had the Avengers not had free reign to do what they must. The Accords were drawn in a time of necessity, she knew. But they were too strict. Too harsh.
The world has made (relative) peace with the rogues, now. She’ll take it. Cap’s team has more or less earned their place again among society, after all, what with taking down most of the Hydra bases left in the world.
But she doesn’t feel comfortable in the Compound, not at first. Stark’s renovated it, made it look very different from the prison it used to be for her, but she still doesn’t harbor the kindest feelings towards the man. He’s changed – there’s no doubt about that. She believes he truly means to stay out of the weapons business that killed her parents and wrenched her life in the opposite direction. However, the fact still remains that he took it upon himself to decide what was best for her, without taking her opinion into account at all.
There isn’t much to do. There’s only so many times she can spar in the training room, even after meeting Dr. Strange (she’s very thankful for him, of course, but he’s also kind of mean even if he means well). Hydra didn’t neglect her schooling too much when it became clear she and Pietro were going to survive, and she’s smart, so Stark enrolls her in online college, just for a couple of years. “You can transfer to a physical college if you want, then,” he promises.
Online school is boring, though. She’s responsible, of course, but pre-recorded lectures suck and the homework is more or less a breeze.
And what is there to do during her non-busy hours besides curl up on her bed and try not to think of her deceased twin, her other half, her older brother by twelve minutes?
(By God, she wants to hear him say that to her one more time. Just once more.)
She knows Dr. Strange worries about her on the days she walks into his mansion on Bleecker Street, eyes downcast and face pale. She knows Clint sends her concerned looks when he visits with his kids. Stark even awkwardly mentions therapy, and though she brushes away the offer, a part of her wonders if she should’ve taken it.
Then the interns crash into her life. Literally.
She met them, briefly, that first time Stark forgot to inform the rogues of his interns and forgot to inform the interns that it was moving day, but the fight was a blur and then she was busy trying to get her life together for a couple of months, so she never got to meet them properly.
They meet properly when Mark trips over one of Morgan’s toys on the floor, sending his tray of foam coffee cups splattering to the floor. A spray of liquid lands on Wanda’s feet as she’s walking into the living room.
“Shit,” Y/N says eloquently. Then – “Mark, you idiot.”
“Sorry.” Mark hastily stands up, sending Wanda a very apologetic look. “Let me get a napkin or something. Burn cream?”
Wanda waves away the offer. “It wasn’t too hot,” she says. “Here, let me help.”
“No, no.” Y/N snatches the napkins from Mark before she can take them. “You’re the victim of Mark’s clumsiness, we can do the honors.”
Then she slips on a puddle of coffee and lands on her ass.
Mark starts snorting. Wanda doesn’t know if she should be calling for an ambulance or laughing.
A pained “I think I broke my ass,” rises from the floor.
Wanda settles for laughing and decides in that moment that she likes the interns very much.
It’s the right thing to do, she thinks, liking Mark and Y/N so much that she starts feeling like her life has a bit of meaning again.
(She’s never the third wheel – it’s always the three of them. Together.)
They run around Stark Tower, playing harmless pranks on the Avengers who can take it – not Bucky, not yet, and Natasha would probably hunt them down – but Clint and Steve are fair game. Y/N and Mark make her listen to their favorite songs, playing them until two a.m. on the nights they stay. With their help, she finishes her coursework even faster than she used to, but even though she’s got more free time now, there’s so much more to do. Read books, play games, go thrifting (and teach Y/N how to have a better fashion sense, Jesus). There’s so much, now.
There’s even more when Y/N and Mark slowly introduce her to their other friends. Haechan is a sarcastic piece of shit but Wanda loves him for it, while Jaemin’s a little quieter but definitely far more affectionate. Yeri is a beautiful specimen, out of this world (yeah, Wanda definitely has a crush on her), and Jihyo has the best sense of humor.
Wanda doesn’t know how she lived before she met the interns, really and truly. From them, she sees that her existence with Hydra was just that – existence. Not living. Even when threats hit New York and they all have to fight together, it’s still living. Because Wanda now has something to protect, to defend again.
(Privately, she admires them, wonders how such pure-hearted people could be friends with someone as broken as her. She admires that their first instinct is to protect, not to destroy. In battle, the spiderlings take the job of protecting the civilians, evacuating them, using their abilities to defend.
Wanda can’t. Her power is more destructive than protective, and many people balk at her ability to see into their minds. So she focuses on tearing down buildings, breaking apart killer robots, throwing aliens onto the ground and twisting them so they won’t be able to hurt anyone anymore.
Y/N and Mark are Avengers, though they sometimes joke that they’re not really true Avengers. Avengers work out the large-scale events, Y/N says. She and Mark just look out for the little guys. That’s how Spiderman and Silk got their start, after all, and even now, they haven’t left behind their day-to-day duties in Queens.
Wanda thinks that makes them truer Avengers than the rest of them. She and the others? They only destroy, sworn to protect Earth at all costs. But if Y/N and Mark weren’t there to protect the people? Well, Earth wouldn’t be Earth without the humans who populate it.)
The rest of the Avengers hate them. Sam relentlessly yells curses when another bucket tips over and douses him in freezing water. Clint groans when he finds his arrows covered in webbing (“I thought I hid them well this time!”). Dr. Strange loathes it when the interns come to pick Wanda up from training (“Put that down, Ms. Y/N, or so help me –”). Steve literally leaves the room whenever the three of them are together because he knows they won’t stop making references to his old Captain America PSAs (the day Y/N and Mark sat down to show Wanda all of them was the greatest day of her life).
Oh, but Wanda loves it. She loves the life that the interns have given her once again, the freedom to act her age and not so much older. With them, she learns to cope. She goes to therapy at their suggestion, citing the help they received with their own troubles. She gets better.
Sometimes, though, she feels guilty, that she’s enjoying life so much when Pietro is gone. She still has bad days where she lies on her bed, unblinking, thinking these thoughts, staring at her ceiling plastered with little glow-in-the-dark stars, wishing with her entire heart that her other half was still alive. And even on her good days, where she and Y/N and Mark and Haechan are fucking around at a coffee shop or something, she’ll look out at the sky and think, I wish you were here, Pietro.
But it’s okay. In the end, she knows that he’s there. Watching, listening, smiling down on his baby sister by twelve minutes.
(By God, she can still hear his voice saying that.)
And he’s happy for her.
Tony, by nature, is a forgetful person. Or at least he likes to say so. It might just be the result of purposely forgetting too many family dinners or Stark events, to the point that he’s just become forgetful. And who can blame him for not wanting to see Howard Stark any more than he actually had to?
It’s not too bad when it comes to the science stuff. He’s got a pretty good head for remembering what needs to go where, whether or not DUM-E needs greasing again, and oh fuck, I need to put this thing in before that thing otherwise the house will explode. Sometimes there are minor accidents, but he doesn’t talk about those.
(His interns do. They’re terrible teenagers, those two, in particular Y/N. Mark’s a little nicer. But he loves them anyway, even though they give him gray hairs.)
But when it comes to people? Social situations? Telling other living human beings things?
Yeah, he’s not the best at that.
To be fair, he’s been making progress. Every single year he’s managed to remember that Pepper is deathly allergic to strawberries (he doesn’t need a repeat of that time he fucked up and brought them as an apology, which only made things worse). He remembers date nights, he remembers (more or less) when he has to attend a meeting about the Accords, he remembers when Pepper sets up dinners with him, Rhodey, and his interns’ families.
So he’s been doing better. And if he “forgets” one or two meetings with Fury or that nitwit Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross, no one gives him too much shit for it. It’s not like he’d care, anyway.
But sometimes he still forgets extremely crucial information, and the aftermath makes him suffer dearly for it. Like now. It’s been months since The Incident, and he already thinks he’d like to be six feet under.
Because ever since the newly pardoned no-longer-war-criminal Avengers moved into the Compound, Tony has had a permanent headache (not that he didn’t already have one, what with Morgan learning to walk, but now it’s worse) in the form of his interns mixing with the newly reinstated Avengers.
In all honesty, he should’ve known this would happen since the day he forgot to inform the new freeloaders that he had two new interns and consequently forgot to tell the interns that it was moving day for the former rogues. But since he was woefully shortsighted, the ensuing chaos resulted in a broken table, a knife in the wall, a chokehold, a thigh hold, a black eye, and an arrow embedded in a bookcase.
Well, the table needed replacing anyway. And the most important thing at the time was that somehow, amidst the chaos, Morgan didn’t wake up.
After that disastrous first meeting, though, they’re all getting along surprisingly well. Sam likes to rib on Y/N, who just snaps right back. Steve likes to draw while listening to Mark play guitar. Nat and Clint have taken it upon theirselves to teach them both more self-defense, Barnes sometimes cooks with Y/N (and the food is surprisingly good), and Wanda gets along with them like a house on fire, which results in far too many pranks and broken items around the Compound.
(It’s not even just the pranks. It’s the sheer chaos that the three young adults bring when they put their minds together. They yell the randomest shit even when they’re beating off attackers and it drives him and the others nuts. 
Example A. After Wanda enrolled in the kids’ university, they had a chemistry test at some point and got called to battle immediately after. 
“WANDA, WHAT DID YOU GET FOR QUESTION TWELVE?” Mark yells as he rounds up a group of civilians. 
“298!” she screams back. 
“WHAT THE FUCK?” Y/N pauses in webbing an alien to start yelling. “I GOT 312!”
Tony thinks his brain is going to explode. “Kids, please focus on the fight –”
There’s a beat of silence. 
Then a loud “FUCK” sounds over the comms, and Tony isn’t kidding when all the Avengers wince or flinch at the pure chaotic rage exuding from Y/N’s person. 
Scott Lang, who literally just came by for a visit, later asks Tony if it’s going to be like this when Cassie gets older. Tony just pats the poor man on the back and wishes him luck.)
It’s part of the spiderkids’ charms, Tony thinks. Despite their different personalities, they fit together like positive and negative, like two opposite poles. And in this, they drag other people into their bubble of laughter and joy. Like they did with him.
There’s been a lot of bad in Tony’s life – Howard, the party years, his parents’ deaths, all the death threats he’s gotten from others (and himself – that palladium wasn’t doing good things to his blood). But there’s also been a lot of good – Jarvis, Rhodey, Pepper, Badassium, the other Avengers, and the latest additions: his interns, and now Morgan.
There isn’t anything specific that Y/N and Mark do that make him feel good about life, he thinks. It’s just the way they fit together so well, the way they bring a sort of comfort to his own fucked up existence. It’s there in the way Mark will hold out a hand for a tool in the lab and Y/N will immediately hand the correct one over. It��s there in the way Y/N makes soup for Mark when he gets a headache. It’s there in the way they play with Morgan, two college students laughing and smiling with a babbling baby with sticky, messy hands.
Tony hasn’t always been able to recognize love. It took him a long while – his childhood didn’t have a lot of it, and what little he got was from either Maria, who was often cowed by Howard’s presence, or Jarvis. Rhodey was the first to introduce him to something other than distant familial care – love between friends. Then Happy came along. Finally, with Pepper, he found someone he wanted to wake up to every single day.
That’s how he zeroed in on his interns, the day he drove up to their little apartment and flipped their lives inside out. He was taking a break with Pepper, but he could recognize the aura between them. The way Y/N looked at Mark, the way Mark squeezed Y/N’s arm when she started getting agitated.
Tony knew, from the start, that these were two kids who had seen each other at their best and worst points in their short lives and had made the conscious decision to keep caring for each other, to keep loving each other. And from the biographies he’d pulled together when he first started searching them up, they had had a lot of bad points in their lives to see each other at.
He couldn’t believe they weren’t dating. It wasn’t possible. But at the time, that hadn’t been the point, so Tony had just assumed that they’d figured things out and finally gotten together sometime after Germany. They certainly looked it – even through the dark circles and stifled yawns and half-lidded eyes, they never strayed from one another.
Imagine his surprise when they told him months later that they were finally fucking dating.
Honestly, Tony thought he was going to have a fucking aneurysm, but he stayed himself. But after the panic attack (and the resulting scene where he nearly cried in front of his two high school interns, one of whom had just had said panic attack, what a fucking mess), he’d immediately gone off to Pepper to rant. When she kicked him out a half hour later, he went to Rhodey, who was much more obliging (mostly because he ignored Tony the whole time).
And as the years passed, as he watched them transition from awkward high school students to awkward college students, their friendship and love only grew into something more beautiful that Tony never actually thought he’d see. Two brilliant minds who stayed geared on kindness and love and protection even after years of heartbreak.
What more could Tony ever want to see?
(Well, Morgan growing up. That, he wants to see more than anything ever. But that’s beside the current point.)
Tony walks into the living room to his favorite interns sitting at the piano. Mark’s holding the guitar Tony got him for his nineteenth birthday after finding out his old one broke and Mei couldn’t afford to replace it. Y/N has her hands on the piano that Tony got her for her twentieth after she mentioned she used to play, but Johnny had to sell their keyboard when money got tight. Wanda’s flicking through her phone on the couch, Johnny’s trying to keep Mei from experimenting in the kitchen, while Clint plays with Morgan and Nathaniel in the background.
Despite this, Y/N looks at Mark like he’s the only person in the world, while he looks at her like she hung the stars in the sky. The living room is quiet, broken only by Morgan’s and Nathaniel’s babbling, but it could be silent for all his interns cared.
He just watches them with a smile on his face as they begin playing in tandem. Tony knows Y/N is primarily a classical pianist, while Mark likes to learn pop tunes on his guitar, but when they come together, it really is something beautiful. Neither are perfect players, but when they begin a song, it’s like everything else disappears, and only two things exist – the music and them. Even Morgan and Nathaniel stop babbling to listen.
Eventually, they’ll finish the piece. Maybe they’ll play another one together. Y/N might show off the latest Chopin she’s been working on, or Mark will play a song he’s just finished composing. They’ll look at each other with those dopey smiles and star-crossed eyes, and they’ll kiss.
Wanda and the kids will probably groan in mock disgust. Johnny and Mei will exchange smirks. His interns will just laugh it off, maybe start a tickle fight with the kids or a brawl with Wanda. There’ll be a lot of kicking and yelling and laughing, and then they’ll tire and raid the cabinets for snacks.
It’s Y/N and Mark’s world, Tony thinks, and the rest of them are just living in it. It’s a messy existence, and Tony knows his headache isn’t going to go away anytime soon. In the face of this chaotic peace, though, he can’t bring himself to care at all. He can only be grateful to be a part of it.
The love between his favorite interns brings people together. And as he watches them smile at each other across their instruments, listening to the music they make under their fingertips, Tony wouldn’t have it any other way.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Test Ride with Mika Stunning Boss Hoss Sierra Trike for sale at www.AutohausNaples.com 239-248-2000" on YouTube
It's actually Becca at 6 ft she's not very big no she's chunky our son is bigger but she's chunky for a girl and tall and the bike looks big it looks real big on her she needs a couple foot more and it's true even then she would be smaller this kind of bike cuz I deal for our son in the future but the 3,000 will handle him and the trike probably need to trike. This bike is a trip and a long road trips is perfect but there's a tendency to wipe out because you forget you're on a trike I don't really like them because of that and this is the wife's of the owner of Boss hosstrike and they're selling it it's like 2010, in the business shut down. They're announcing it and they're celebrating it it's really not nice and they're saying the German and stuff and they go about it like that and their stuff is brief to the point and it's right in your face and that's it and we don't want to be those people so we're going to take care of business and these guys are all over us stuff and they're full of s*** I don't want us doing any of it and they're getting creamed there's a surprise for them that we'd be ready but these are different bikes okay this is not playing around anymore and they're getting their asses kicked and the clones don't want us to have them and they don't want these people to have them and these idiots are in the way screwing around and we're going to get them out of the way. By force. I'm going to start now and the lines at the stores are removed already. The guy's a huge a****** and he can't go on like this means we're not going to let him. He's completely toast he was toast back then he had a car accident and his brain got smushed it's been a dick ever since no he was a dick beforehand now he's worse. But this is the size of the 3000 no it's the 2000 CC that we make an all three companies and there will be a fourth coming up it's going to be Husqvarna and bull Taco will come behind it he's working on it now and it's going to be out fairly soon and these companies will sell tons of bikes we already have huge orders in the United States and Harley-Davidson will compete for a while and it'll get crushed even our version and I'll still be around and you can buy one but they're not going to be his famous as the twos ATK. I get it every time then they explain back we understand it's been a long time and then I say I know and it goes on for a while sometimes. We're not interested in buying these no we want to buy them up and for use and we're looking for them and yeah we're buying up his bikes the ATK and a lot of them on Monday we plan to buy tons of them and he said the old fashioned way and we're going to do that so you can defend the place and we are going to buy probably half and we did this morning and it goes that way too I could not believe the looks on their faces when he said no it's the old-fashioned way and it said good God that's awesome they're going to get out there and show them what's for
Thor Freya
There's a huge number of people who are watching this happen they're in shock they're in awe and they don't know what to say they're looking at the body armor and they're buying it and then and people walking around with it on and it doesn't say iron Man on it it is colored like the bike and it's colorful and it looks like one of the iron Man versions and people think it's iron Man and they say it's just for writing it has a jacket that goes over it's like a mess you can't see throw it too easy and people say this is intense these people are intense people and they're going nuts. And they're buying all this gear huge numbers of people put the gear on right there in the store they walk out with their shoes on they said they said it should have got the slip-on this is nothing down there it's like steel and they don't get pinched but it's designed not to but they say this is a weird feel it's slippery and I'm not falling over and so they come out and some of them have speakers cuz he you can't speak through it and you're saying so how do I look and they said pretty good iron Man and it's intense okay people are really getting psyched they know what the hell this means you can use these as light armor for being police and more and the police are calling us and ordering these bikes from ATK in the United States and tons of them overseas are ordering the Norwegian bikes they're both Norwegian KTM is really Norwegian as is mako and Husqvarna is up today and they're ordering for the police and Asia they don't really have them but they have bigger bikes and they're from Japanese companies and they're the superbikes and they're ordering those it's going crazy really this bike company is going through the roof all that memorabilia is coming out of their ears and they're saying you better have the bikes and stuff like that so handing out brochures and it shows new ones and they said this is incredible and it sold off the stock in seconds that's how it's going to go with other stuff and as a side note we're getting Tommy Allen ready for his commercial with the camper and the bronco ain't going to tell the camper with the bronco it's a smaller vehicle it's not real small the broncos have a lot of power you can probably talk with a small one we might do that and he's going to do that bronco top too and we're going to sell the camper at the Ford dealers and she already said it since it's time for people to get moving all over the place this is a pain and we're going out we're moving out now
Frank Castle hardcastle
It's hard to say it but it's there a day in the sun they don't get very many
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Home - Part 14
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"Look all I'm saying is that people have been in and out of here all day. Maybe he just got in with one of the other guests" Bucky said i pulled out my bags and started throwing my clothes inside.
"Im not willing to take that chance Bucky!" I snapped "as long as I'm here I'm putting you and the girls in danger! You dont know what his capable of!" 
"You think I'm gonna let him close enough to hurt you and the girls??"
"He already got close enough! he took photo's of me in the shower!!! Christ he could've done more if he wanted to but his playing with us! Its all a game to him"
"One his not gonna win"
"His already winning dont you see that?" I cried covering my face with my hands.
"Baby i cant loose you!" Bucky said clearly panicking as he pulled me into his arms "dont let him win I'm begging you, you belong here with us"
"Your not gonna loose me Bucky" i mumbled into his chest as i wrapped my arms around him "I just think it'd be better if i go back to my place. Until Jack is caught, its safer for the girls if I'm not here"
"No!" He snapped leaning back to look at me.
"Im not letting you go back there alone thats crazy! we'll be fine here....the girls will be fine. I'll check the house with Steve and Sam make sure his not here still.... i'll change the alarm codes.... the safest place for you and the girls is here with me"
"No buts, your mine, he can't have you" he said pressing his lips to mine "I'll even get Steve to stay while we sort this out".
"Bucky if anything were to happen to those girls id never forgive myself"
"They will be fine babe"
"You really believe that?"
"I do. Id never put them at risk"
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Sleep was hard to come by that night, once i knew Bucky was asleep i carefully slipped out of bed and grabbed his sweater off the back of the chair before heading downstairs. I made a cup of coffee and went to sit on the sofa, my face turned towards my shoulder so i could inhale Bucky's calming scent off his sweater. My phone that was on the table next to my steaming mug of coffee started to vibrate.
"Unknown Number Calling" flashed on the front, i knew it was Jack.... who else would be calling me at 3am? I reached for the phone and hit the green button connecting the call.
"What?" I mumbled trying to keep the nerves i was feeling in check.
"Hey baby" he replied sounding smug as fuck, if i could guess id say he was smiling "you look tired.... you not sleeping properly?"
"What do you want Jack?" I sighed shaking my head, there was no way he could see me... all the curtains were closed so i knew he couldn't be lurking outside watching me.
"I told you already. I. Want. You."
"Too bad. You can't have me"
"Oh sweetheart you know thats not true"
"Jack your fucking delusional! There is no version of this that ends with us back together! Go find someone else, your good at that! In fact why dont you give Lucy a call? I'm sure she'd welcome your attention" i said referring to my ex best friend that he had cheated with.
"I told you i made a mistake with her. I was stupid i know that now.... but if you just give me another chance you'll see we're meant to be together"
"No! Jack i dont want anything to do with you!! if i never saw you again...that would be too soon!! please just leave me alone!"
"Never" he growled down the phone "if i can't have you no one can" he added before the line disconnected. Once i knew the call had ended i broke down, finally letting the tears fall.
"Y/N?..... sweetheart you okay?"
I looked up to see Steve standing in the doorway in black sweat pants, his hair a mess. As soon as he realised i was crying his rushed to my side gathering me in his arms and holding me tight.
"Whats wrong?"
"Jack.... hh...he just called me" i said holding onto Steve like my life depended on it.
"He what?! what did he say?"
"The same old shit his been saying, that he wants me back.....it was, it was what he said before he hung up" i looked up at Steve and took a deep breath "he said if he cant have me no one can. Steve, what if he goes after Bucky??"
"Bucky can handle himself darlin'..... im more concerned that he'll try and hurt you. If he knows you won't go back to him....."
"Oh my god......" i started to panic as i thought about Jack coming after me and that he might actually kill me...."that way no one gets me" i whispered.
"Hey, we wont let anything happen to you okay?"
"Im so tired Steve" i cried burying my face against his bare chest.
"Try and get some sleep sweetheart"
"I cant, what if his watching....."
"We checked the house, his not here"
"I know that but i can't switch off! I need to be awake incase.... i need to make sure the girls are safe"
"The girls are safe.... YOU are safe i promise" he said kissing the top of my head as his hand stroked up and down my back soothingly.
"Doll?" I heard Bucky's sleep ridden voice say as he walked into the living room "Steve?.... whats going on?"
"I came down for some water found her crying on the sofa, Jack called her" Steve told Bucky as he closed the gap between us, Steve instantly passing me into Bucky's arms.
"Take her back to bed Buck she needs to sleep"
"I cant....." i started to say with wide eyes.
"You can, i'll stay awake"
"You promise?"
"Cross my heart. Now go get some sleep"
"His right, come on" Bucky took my hand and started to lead the way back upstairs "we'll talk in the morning?" He turned to his friend with a concerned look on his face.
"Sure" Steve nodded at his best friend.
"Thank you Steve" i called over my shoulder, he was already switching on the TV to find something to watch while he kept watch for the night.
"No trouble at all sweetheart, goodnight"
"Goodnight" i smiled back.
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I was laying in bed tangled in Bucky, his arms wrapped around me and our legs tangled together, my fingers gently stroking up and down his arm as my eyes wandered around the room, all sorts of things running through my mind. I felt his arms tighten around me and his face snuggle against my neck as he started to wake up.
"Morning beautiful" he said quietly pressing kisses behind my ear.
"Did you get any sleep?"
"Some" i nodded and shrugged a shoulder before turning to look at him. Bucky was so beautiful, i could look at him forever and never get tired of the sight. "I love you" i said trailing my fingers over his beard, a smile spread across his face instantly.
"I love you more"
"Sure you do" i rolled my eyes before giggling as he started to tickle my sides.
After finally dragging ourselves out of bed we went down for breakfast, Steve was already sat down with the girls, Rosie sitting in his lap.
"Morning" he looked up smiling as we walked in.
"Hey pal"
"Morning Stevie" i smiled before walking over to the coffee pot.
"You feeling better? Get some sleep?"
"Mmhmmm" i nodded before taking a seat next to Brooke.
"She got a couple of hours" Bucky added sitting across from me next to Allie.
"Good, Becca called earlier by the way, wanted to take the girls out for the day. She said you were okay with it, she asked at the party?"
"Oh yeah she did"
"I told her i'd drop them off on my way home, i need to go grab a change of clothes"
"That'd be great actually"
"Thats settled then. I was thinking, you should call Sam and report Jacks call last night.... they should have record of it"
"Yeah i thought so to" Bucky nodded taking a mouthful of his coffee.
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Steve and the girls had left half hour ago and the house was eerily quiet without them around. Bucky had called Sam and told him all about the phone call i had received from Jack, Sam was going to look into it ASAP.
We had settled on the sofa to watch a movie and make the most of some alone time with no interruptions from the girls. It quickly led to a heated make out session and some good old fucking on the sofa.
"Your sofa is better for this by the way" Bucky chuckled as his naked ass squeaked on the leather making me cackle loudly.
"My sofa is definitely better for this" i agreed "We should probably get dressed before Steve comes back, i dont think he'd appreciate walking in to our naked asses on the sofa" i laughed against Bucky's chest.
"Yeah i guess so".
We reluctantly started to gather our clothes and get dressed, a cell phone ringing got our attention. We both started lifting various items of clothing looking for the phone.
"Its yours" i said handing Bucky his phone before pulling my sweater over my head.
"Barnes" he answered in his 'work voice' "your fucking kidding me..... no! Chloe that should have been done last week and filed already!" He moaned running a hand through his hair "he wont accept it until i sign it? Fuck sake!"
"Bucky if you need to go in i'll be okay" i said quietly so Chloe wouldn't hear me.
"I'll be there in 20 minutes" he snapped before hanging up the phone "I cant believe that girl sometimes! i told her to file this case a week ago! Now they need my signature...."
"Its fine Buck, Steve will be back soon anyway i wont be alone for long. I'll lock the door once you leave and set the alarm"
"You sure? You could come with me...."
"Id rather just stay here, i'll go have a bath and maybe try and get some more sleep now you've worn me out" i chuckled.
"Oh but now i wanna stay and join you!" He moaned leaning in to kiss me.
"I'll wait for you to get back for the bath then"
"I'll be quick!" he laughed jumping up getting his keys and heading out. I couldn't help but laugh at what a dork he could be at times. I watched him drive away waving through his open window then locked the door behind him once he was gone and set the alarm before heading back into the living room, i straightened up the sofa and made sure it was clean and tidying before making my way into the kitchen.
I was wiping the table over clearing up bits of cereal that the girls had spilt when my phone started ringing. I thought about ignoring it at first, i wasn't in the mood for another call from Jack! But then i thought it might be Bucky or Steve checking in so went back to the living room to get my phone.
I was a little surprised to see it was Sam calling me.
"Hey Sam, you looking for Buck cause his just had to go into work real quick"
"No, no I'm not looking for Buck, wait are you at home on your own right now?"
"Yeah, he'll be back within the hour, im fine the doors are locked and the alarm is set"
"Y/N i need you to stay calm and listen to me...... i need you to leave, just get out of that house" he said sounding panicked.
"What?.... why?" I felt my heart start to race.
"I traced that call, it came from within the house!!"
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Home taglist: @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @lumar014
@bbmommy0902 @past-perfect-future-tense
@heathens-takeitsl0w @captainchrisstan
@ladymelissastark @93generation
@sebastianstansqueen @oceansxpurple
@Imjstaghoststory @rainbowkisses31
@superavengerpotterstar @cap-just-said-language
@booktease21 @ms-betsy-fangirl @wildest-dream-
@michelehansel @thummbelina @abbylizy
@sweetlittlegingy @lorabem @barnesandrogersworld @dumblani
@broco8 @xxloki81xx @keithseabrook27
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Something a little bit random and silly for my 1111th, just because.
survey by joybucket
List three things you love that start with each letter.
A: Art and most forms of it; anchovies, in most cases; and Angela.
B: Burgers, Beyoncé, and buffets.
E: Escargot, the name Eloise, and elephants.
F: FISH, Friends, and some folk indie.
S: Sleeping, signing off work at the end of my shift, and all kinds of seafood.
T: I’m obsessed with tteokbokki; trying out new food; and table tennis.
Q: I like the quiet time I occasionally give myself; quail eggs, especially in the form of kwek-kwek; and quattro formaggi pizza.
R: Rainbows, the rain, and riding planes.
O: Old movies, the ocean, and Okinawa milk tea.
List a phrase including an adjective, noun, and verb for each letter. Examples: "angry artist anticipating", "rude rascals running", "dirty dogs dancing", or "empty elephants eloping." Have fun!
A: Adorable animals appearing.
F: Fabulous fingers frolicking.
C; Chummy classmates cooking.
S: Suspicious self salivating.
R: Rambunctious raccoon running.
T: Tired turnip tumbling.
Q; Questioning quail quipping.
J: Joyful joggers jamming.
I: Inquisitive igloos imagining.
L: Luxurious lemonade luminescing.
Z: Zesty zebras zoning out.
E: Ethereal eagles embracing.
List three different occupations starting with each letter.
O: Orthodontist, oceanographer, opthalmologist.
E: Engineer, equestrienne, elementary school teacher.
F: Firefighter, flight attendant, farmer.
S: Scientist, singer, seamstress.
T: Talent agent, tricycle driver, tennis player.
I: Illustrator, inspector, IT technician.
E: Economist, editor, electrician.
L: Lawyer, librarian, lifeguard.
A: Accountant, actor, architect.
Y: Yoga instructor, youth pastor, yogurt maker?? if that counts, lol. Otherwise I got nothing else.
List three adjectives that begin with each letter.
A: Affable, abrupt, adequate.
B: Broken, blunt, bleary.
C: Crazy, clear, clingy.
D: Daunting, delirious, dark.
E: Existential, enraged, exemplary.
F: Fantastic, far-flung, flavorful.
G: Ghastly, gentle, gigantic.
H: Harrowing, healthy, hopeful.
I: Intelligent, identical, impervious.
J: Jovial, jaded, joyous.
List three nouns that being with each letter.
K: Kangaroo, keychain, kiwi.
L: Lemonade the album, lemon the fruit, and Liz Lemon.
M: Mall, maple syrup, and mop.
N: Nightingale, nest, napkin.
O: Ogre, olive, orange.
P: Piano, panini, and pizza.
Q: Queen, quill, quilt.
List three verbs that begin with each letter.
R: Running, raking, reliving.
S: Singing, sailing, surfing.
T: Tricking, tossing, teeming.
U: Understanding, urging, unwrapping.
V: Villifying, venerating, vaccinating - get vaccinated, folks.
W: Wandering, washing, wriggling.
X: I don’t know if there are any and I can’t bother to look it up.
Y: Yawning, yelling, yearning.
Z: Zipping, ziplining, zapping.
List three...
girl's names you love: Olivia, Mia, Emma.
boy’s names you love: Mason, Jacob, Lucas.
girl’s names you dislike: Karen, and our local versions of Karen, Marites and Marivic.
boy’s names you dislike: Chad, times three.
things you hate about summer things you hate about winter things you hate about spring things you hate about fall things you love about spring things you love about winter things you love about fall things you love about summer Crossing these out because my Southeast Asian ass can’t relate, but if you do decide to take this survey feel free to un-strikethrough them!
things you miss from your past: Having more freedom to make mistakes; not having to worry about the future; and friends I’ve since lost.
people who have really hurt you in the past: Gabie, my mom, Marielle.
names of people you have had crushes on: Gabie, Andi from 5th grade...and that’s it, really.
names of people you have gone on a date with: Only Gabie. And I guess maybe Mike? Since he asked me to go with him to his ball as his date.
places you've been and would love to go again: Sagada, Jeju, Bali.
places you want to visit before you die: Morocco, Spain, Thailand.
items on your bucket list: See Times Square, live in a condo, plan a solo trip.
health conditions you have: Scoliosis, lactose intolerance, and very possible depression.
health conditions you've had in the past but don't anymore: Dehydration, UTI, and some kind of weird low-platelet-count thing that was just that, and never diagnosed as anything.
things you are allergic to: Possibly some types of grass, and maybe face masks. Idk how to confirm it really; I just know my skin gets irritated around them sometimes.
youtube channels you love to watch: Good Mythical Morning; the KBS YouTube channel mainly for clips of Return of Superman and 2 Days 1 Night; and Binging With Babish.
favorite drinks: Water, coffee, Long Island Iced Tea.
favorite foods: Sushi, chicken wings, pizza.
favorite desserts: Cheesecake, MACARONS, cupcakes.
favorite holidays: The only one I care for and get super excited about is my birthday, if that counts. Christmas is fine, but I only get the excitement for it on the actual day itself.
favorite colors: Pastel pink, white, maroon.
people you would like to meet: Ysa and Bea, my teammates at work. I’ve met them only once before, and I wish we can be allowed to report to the workplace physically soon so that I get to see them more often and strengthen my relationship (both working and personal) with them. I’d also love to be able to chat and chill with Hayley Williams even for just 30 seconds.
people you want to meet in Heaven: I don’t believe in that, but I’d love to have met my great-grandfather on my maternal grandfather’s side. Also, Audrey Hepburn and Princess Diana.
good names for a dog or cat: Depends on their personality.
reasons why you get up each morning and keep on living: Because I’ve been able to see myself get better, and why stop all the progress?; because I’d want to be able see if the future will get better; and because I’m afraid of what will happen to/who will look out for my dogs if I’m suddenly gone.
For each name, think of three people you know with that name, and list their occupations.
Amanda: I only know one Amanda, and she’s a friend of my ex’s younger sister. She’s only in senior year of high school. I know an Amandine which is close enough I suppose?? and she’s a dentistry student.
Sarah: She’s a media contact and I’m constantly in touch with; she’s the editor-in-chief of a local magazine. I think she’s the only Sarah I know.
Ashley: Also a media contact. I’m not sure about her title, though.
Beth: @bionic-beth is a teacher! :) But I don’t know any Beths in real life, I think.
Katie: Well I know Kate, and I’ll sometimes playfully call her Katie. She works in a government agency and she’s one of their PR people. The HR person who recruited me to come work at my current employer is a Kate, but I have never and have no plans to call her Katie.
Matt: That’s too foreign-sounding a name where I live.
Emily: Don’t know any Emilys, either.
Chris: Media contacts. They run blogs or news sites of their own.
Mike/Michael: The one Mike I know is currently a med student. Not sure if he’s working on the side - I think he is, since I saw him post about a job update on his Facebook a few months ago; but I can no longer remember what he does, or if he’s still doing it.
Jessica: I went to high school with a girl named Jessica but I don’t follow her on social media, so I have no clue what she’s up to now.
Becca/Bekah: Rita’s sister is a Becca. I think she is currently a grad student.
For each name, think of three people you know, and list one adjective to describe each person. (Skip if you don't know anyone with that name.)
Michelle: Hilarious.
Victoria: Strong.
Tessa: Friendly.
Claire: Influential; motherly.
Briana/Brianna: Bitch.
Brittany/Britney, etc.
Allison/Allie/Ally, etc: Kind. 
Jo/Joe: Ambitious; pretty.
Sophie: Sweet; quiet.
Mitch/Mitchell: Tall.
Out of all the people you know or have met, list three...
redheads: Yeah, you’re not going to find them in most of Asia. West Asia and some parts of East Asia, probably, but definitely not for the rest.
tall people: Jo, Chesca, and Shaun.
people with really curly hair: I know Kleo has naturally curly hair from her Aeta roots, but it’s been straightened for a very long time now. I think Chesca also has curly hair, albeit slightly. There is also Liana.
sets of twins: My sister had two sets of twins in her high school batch, but I can no longer remember their names. I also had an English class with a pair of twins named Ardy and Thirdy.
of the cutest babies you've seen on social media: My workmate’s baby. My friend Jar has a super squishy niece/nephew pair of twins as well.
people you miss: Angela, Kate, my grandpa.
people with beautiful eyes: I can only think of my ex.
people with nice hair: God I have not been around people for so long, I can barely think of anyone for this.
people who are the same height as you: Aya, Hannah, Tina.
own one of the same clothing items as you: Angela since we went to the same high school and have several of the same school shirts; Laurice since we share a college org and we have our own trademark polo shirt; and my brother and I have our own pairs of Nike Cortez shoes.
make you laugh: Andi, Hans, and this girl I had a couple of history classes with, Rose.
List three celebrities who...
are the same height as you: Lady Gaga and AJ Lee are the only ones who are coming to mind. I wouldn’t call AJ a celebrity though.
have the same hair color as you: Mila Kunis, Kelly Rowland, Dita Von Teese.
look like you: Only based on comments I’ve gotten in the past and not because I necessarily claim these for myself, Lucy Hale, Anna Akana, and Kakie.
List three....
adjectives to describe you: Timid, stubborn, sensitive.
academic courses you enjoyed: Philippine social history, international relations, anthropology.
words you always forget how to spell: Rhythm, committee, accommodate.
things you wish you were better at: Singing, dancing, drawing.
things you are really good at: Writing, reading people, and knowing the best things to order at most restaurants hahahah.
jobs you'd like to have: Ideally, a lawyer or doctor. But realistically, I’d love to have a leadership position in the PR sphere.
jobs you've considered having: ^ Again, lawyer and doctor. Also a journalist or news anchor, back when I still thought I was passionate about journalism.
jobs you'd hate: Journalist, an LTO clerk, an assistant to an asshole celebrity.
things you miss: Being a student, many parts of the past, and deceased family members.
names your mom considered when naming you: Ariel, Kathleen, Katrina.
things people call you: Robyn, Byn, Bynbyn.
*Bonus*: what is your name? (first and middle)? I always feel like just sharing Robyn.
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