#a clownfish by special request
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and merguy
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italoniponic · 2 years
hello lovely person :3
can i request the octotrio with a gn s/o that just loves the ocean
they grew up in a coastal town and have always loved marine biology, surfing, swimming, diving, etc. etc.
i grew up by the coast and one of my special interests is marine life! as you can imagine i attached myself to those three fishy fools the moment i saw them
tysm, have a great day <3
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon! SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG! This is our 25th request and well, another one for the octatrio lol The Mostro Lounge business is expanding, as it should! There’s a similar request but with a swimmer reader, so I’ll put it here if someone hasn't seen it yet. But this one was very unique and I leaned more into the marine life aspects (tho I’m not an expert so sorry in advance)! There’s some Little Mermaid references (bc why not?) and some other oddly familiar details here and there… Thanks for the request <3 |
Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech x g!n ocean lover reader / octatrio / headcanons / fluff / little mermaid references / established relationship / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry's Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
Under the Sea
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You may be in a completely different place, but there were still some things you remembered from your world. You grew up in a coastal city, accustomed from an early age to the ocean and always curious about sea life. You loved things related to surfing, swimming and sea biology, anything that could bring back memories of your interests. You were a real fish out of water;
So naturally you grew closer to Octavinelle’s trio and ended up becoming a close friend of Jade’s. One thing flowed into another and you two started dating, but one of the things that never ceased to amaze Jade was your passion for the ocean. You were interested in various aspects of this and asked him a lot about what life was like in the Coral Sea;
Even if you both had lived for a long time on different surfaces — living on the coast isn’t exactly the same as the sea itself — your childhood stories merge into feelings of nostalgia and longing. Jade misses the sea a little at times and when you talk so enthusiastically about “his home”, he realizes that it would be very nice to visit the ocean with you one day;
One afternoon, when your schedule was free, Jade took you to the coast part of Sage Island to see the sea and the pier. As expected, the air seemed cleaner at that point in the middle of the island and was full of seagulls. There was also that pleasant salty smell of the sea in the air, taking you on a ship of nostalgia;
Jade liked to watch you trying to touch the water or talk to a seagull, asking if he had come across a clownfish by chance — as curious as that was. What could he say? Your joy made his heart fill with bubbles. You know when you release the air underwater and it rises like it's several bubbles? Something like that, Jade still doesn’t know a way to explain in detail;
Since you can't go to the city all the time, sometimes you have to be content with the fish that swim by Octavinelle. Jade leads you through the corals and you have the chance to find several species there, of all colors and shapes on top of the rocks and, next to them, there is beautiful and elegant anemones;
In general, the fish don’t stay too close to the students in the dorm and swim in a flock in the distance. That and you suspect that the presence of Jade intimidates them a little, because of his size. You know how moray eels are of a very opportunistic carnivorous type, feeding mainly on small fish, crabs... and yes, octopuses too;
“Oh, can I ask you something? Have any grouper merman ever asked for your help hunting?”, you once asked. Although groupers are one of the eels’ few predators, they sometimes recruit them to hunt together. “Yes, once. The poor thing mistook us for giant morays, which are the eels that do this, and we broke his arms. Ah, good times!,” Jade sighed, laughing. You did regret asking this;
As you enjoy diving and swimming, Jade will always go with you — whether in the dorm or when you two go on the beach or at the pier — and sometimes, even he returns to his merman form to accompany you. You like how his skin glows under the light filtered by the surface of the water, creating a fluidity in the shades of green and blue;
Other times, you stay at the sand on the beach, just talking. You ask so many questions and comments so much about what you like in oceanology that Jade feels strange sometimes. After all, it is usually he who does the interrogations most of the time. But your love, both for him and for the ocean, is clear in your gaze. Crystal clear as water;
“What do you love more? The ocean or me?,” Jade asked with a calm expression, impassive. You didn't know what he wanted with that question. “I've loved the ocean for as long as I can remember... and maybe, I like you because of it... but, I know I love the ocean even more because of you, Jade.” You didn't know if that was what he wanted to hear, but it was your most honest feelings. Jade smiled and kissed your right cheek, pulling you in for a hug. A hug that could hide the slight pink on his face.
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To begin with: it's not that Azul hates the sea. He had his share of bad experiences during his childhood and all this motivated him to grow up and seek something beyond the surface, but it’s not like he hates there. He just didn't have big dreams of returning to the ocean when he graduated. He had found his place on earth and here is where he would like to stay, even if he missed his family a little;
So finding you — someone who would breathe water if you could — was a big surprise for him. You tried to control your excitement a little to meet real mermen, Azul fastly picked this up. It reminded him of when he first saw a human. Perhaps it’s the feeling of finally seeing something not very common from your environment. Although, according to you, mermaids in your world don’t even exist;
One way or another, when you tell Azul a little about yourself, you end up mentioning about your childhood near the coast side and your love for anything that could put you in direct contact with the water. You have the shine of a pearl in your gaze, your voice is agitated like the waves, showing how you are immersed in these good memories;
It touches Azul’s heart, deeply. But the final blow was when you commented on being kind of sad not to have anything that reminds you of the sea in Ramshackle and that's why you like to wander around Octavinelle. Using your honesty and feelings against Azul in this way? What a low trick! Now he sees no other choice but to give you an aquarium as a gift;
A gift that requires something in return, you don't even bother to confirm. But calm down, Azul thought of a very simple payment. In exchange for your beautiful aquarium with corals and your favorite fishes, you should continue to attend Octavinelle. “That's all, my dear. I hope you enjoy your beautiful aquarium,” Azul said goodbye giving you a kiss on your cheek;
To Azul's infinite surprise, you know more about the things of maritime life than it seems and sometimes, talk to him about some curiosities that you know about octopuses, considered very intelligent animals. You also ask him a lot about his merform, so intrigued and enthusiastic that he doesn't even know how to answer you without feeling a little flustered;
After much bribery and convincing, in the first opening of Azul’s schedule, you drag him to show you the pier and the beach of Sage Island — even though it’s a different series, you feel like an evil mermaid taking the protagonist around just to annoy some princess. Anyway, Azul shows you the beach and you two spend time in the sand and water. Sometimes hunting shells, sometimes almost dancing around the small soft waves that crashes in the beach;
Once, Azul prepared for you a small boat ride along a small river that flowed in the middle of the island. You put on your best outfit for the date. You two were talking the whole way, Azul slowly paddling and you touching the water from time to time. When you were returning in the late afternoon, the conversation became more serious;
Azul told you more about his childhood and how the mer-children made fun of his octopus appearance and his lack of coordination. You, however, assured him that you would like to see his true form again because it is the most beautiful you ever saw. Azul promised nothing, but, your kind words comforted his heart, as always;
On a certain day, Azul went diving with you on the island coast and to your surprise, he brought a potion to return to his original form and another for you to breathe underwater, where your talk could be more private. You showered him with compliments from start to finish, completely charmed by him. If Azul had three hearts just like an octopus — he didn't confirm you anything — you made all three beat fast as drums;
“I don't know if I'd ever want to go back to the sea, but if it’s with you... maybe...,” Azul said in a low tone, hoping you wouldn't end up listening. But you heard it anyway and you replied, “I'm going to want this signed in two copies.” You laughed at Azul’s surprised expression, firmly holding his hand. They say that the ocean doesn’t reject anything and you were glad that he, the most beautiful in all seven seas, welcomed you too.
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Floyd thought it was awesome how you liked the sea so much. It had been two years since he had come ashore to enter Night Raven College and there were few opportunities to return home and see his family — more because the Coral Sea in winter was terribly icy. And he was very curious about the life of surface humans;
Meeting you was that perfect exchange. You might know a lot about the sea, but you didn't know everything — especially about merfolks. So Floyd liked to ask you things about humans and he'd answer you anything about mermaids. Despite being from different places, your experiences complement each other perfectly;
You told a lot of things from the perspective of someone who lived for a long time in a seaside town. You have always been interested in maritime life and your affection for Floyd was almost immediate. It was even interesting to know how some features of his eel form translated into his human body, the normally poisonous mucus of eels left him with an enviably silky skin;
Floyd once told you how Jade and he got the scales from a sturgeon merman — which, poor thing, challenged them to a fight — to make their earrings, a very common amulet in their homeland. But there are so many other stories about their childhood that you listen to with great interest, writing everything down in a small notebook that Floyd likes to doodle sometimes;
But what is it to have contact with a merman if you can’t see the sea? Say no more, little shrimp! Just for the price of your sanity and ability to walk on your own, Floyd Leech will literally put you on his back for you both to run away and go to the beach — sometimes he's not in the mood to play basketball but to fool around in the sand;
Or, if trampling sand castles that have been poorly built isn't your thing, you can try some surfing. Why the worry? Azul pays, just leaves it in his account. You both rent the surfboards and try your luck in the waves. Floyd hasn't gotten used to standing on a surfboard yet but he's not shaken by the waves that fall above him. The fun is right there, in his opinion;
Once you couldn’t get the boards — Azul forbade you two to put things in his name — Floyd brought with him two vials of potion, one of which made him return to his merman form. The plan was quite simple: you held on to him while you swam against the waves, as if you were surfing. You guys went back to school completely soaked but it was a fun afternoon;
At the times Floyd isn't in the mood to go out, you two stay chatting in Octavinelle while admiring the fish swimming above you. Since coral is kind of hard to sit or lie down, Floyd stole some cushions from Octavinelle's lounge to make you two comfortable. The scolding was worth the time you spent together there, talking and laughing;
You get homesick on some occasions and the company of your Octavinelle friends makes that feeling increase as much as it comforts you. Listening to you vent as the two of you set the tables in the Mostro Lounge makes Floyd kind of homesick too. It's not a strong feeling but he really liked the good times he spent at the bottom of the sea with Jade and Azul;
One time, seeing him in his eel form, you asked Floyd if he had a second jaw inside his mouth. No one ever asked him that. They've asked if he really gave electric shocks — and well, his magic didn't ease people’s concerns — but never about his jaw. “Would you like to check whether it's true or not, Koebi-chan?,” he asked giving a big, sharp smile;
There was a time when Floyd took you to the pier and you two swam a little until you came to a rock nearby. You begged him to come closer and you climbed up on the stone, holding the top firmly and making a mermaid pose. All because you wanted to mimic a nostalgic movie of your world, which Floyd assumed it was some mermaid movie;
“Koebi-chan? If you could come to the ocean with me, would you?,” Floyd asked suddenly, looking at you curious. “Without even thinking twice,” was your immediate response. At the same time, the wind blew hard on the sea and a wave hit both of you. Floyd started laughing because your imposing mermaid pose went... down the drain.
| Special Notes: Yes, the seagulls are from Finding Nemo and there's a little comment about Saleen from the Aladdin series in Azul's part. And on top of everything... I couldn't control myself with the water-related jokes lmao |
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cckittycreative · 4 months
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Sticker ideas I've been playing with the last couple days. Mostly just silly little things. Clownfish was a special request from a friend.
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tnbnr · 2 years
Welcome to “tnbnr”. The full name is “Tumblr Name : Band Name : Rock” This is a blog dedicated to my OCs, the titular BNR.
TL;DR: Octo and Urchin live together, learning from each other in a mutual relationship. Like clownfish and anemone. Yay.
We take asks. By we I mean me (and I guess the ocs.) Details under read more.
The Pinned is very long, with all information necessary.
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This is BN:Rock!
Music usually produced to practice, later refined into actual songs either via Fans or requested to be done officially. Their albums typically consist of a few songs, with at least one song having versions with a different instrument. Fans typically mix the versions together to create a “full song.” By the way, fans are called “FN:U’s”, or “Fan Name Unknown.” The band itself is named “Band Name: Rock”, often shortened to “BN:R”. Initially, none of their songs were used in Turf War. They still aren’t.
In regards to the members, it consists of an Octoling and a Sea Urchin— the two had an encounter in a music store, and the octoling could not help but realize it was fate for them to meet up! Few weeks after, and the two had their first song: “SN:IHY”, uploaded some time later via Pink’s demands.
From there, the group garnered the exact fans that Black was worried about— young inklings who found the rough and unprofessional style trendy, as a rebellion from the more popular bands (though all the same, there’s no difference other than quality.). Of course, there are not a lot of fans, and for that, Black is grateful.
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Oh right the characters.
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CN:Pink is the Octoling, and the Guitarist. His real name is Charles Peach-Tree (hyphen occasionally dropped.) Roughly around 30, he pursued Inkopolis to grasp music in a way that Octarian Society cannot provide for him. A chance encounter in Inkopolis Plaza led him to meet his partner, the soon-to-be CN:Black! Together, they’ve made a group titled “BN:R” to pursue learning music in an interesting environment. As a duo, CNPink is the more joyful of the two, though occasionally he’s able to show a more serious and hostile side. But in the end, he’s the face of the group— that’s why he’s the vocals!
• His tentacles were stylized after leaving Octo Valley— he was once shy, and it reflected in his style.
• He often complains about his inability to maintain a love life, but isn’t quite sure what he wants from that, really.
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This one is CN:Black, the Sea Urchin. He is roughly around 42 years old. He was once a hobbyist, who collected hobbies such as playing instruments and learning languages (hence his ability to speak with Pink.) Despite this, his genius is nothing special. He lives in a small apartment in Inkopolis Plaza, where Pink also lives. However, he hates leaving it unless absolutely necessary, so he usually instructs Pink to do anything.
• Black has gotten sick back when he was twenty— it’s still there, and it could claim his life any day.
• Nobody knows his real name— not even Pink.
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And this is CN:Yellow! Otherwise known as Honey Esculent, the cuttlefish. She may not look it, but she’s the reason the band can sound nice! You could call her the editor. Around 39 years old, Yellow is not really a member of the group, but someone they reached out to for helping them. As such, she lives in a completely different area, and hardly talks with either party. Notably, she never wears anything special, but her face is usually dolled up.
• Several years ago, she went to study abroad in Inkopolis. It was there that she met Black, but hardly remembers him. As such, she doesn’t know his name.
• you’re never going to see her again.
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Never-Ending Adventure (Christen x reader)
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Request: R is allergic to animals and she really wants a pet. So the team get her a pet rock from amazon. But let’s be real Ashlyn loses it (ash and ali are her team mom) and everyone is trying to find it while Christen takes her on a date to keep her busy while they look for it
Author’s note: Special thanks to @literaryhedgehog​
“What do you mean you lost Fred?” Christen hissed up the stairs at Ashlyn and Pino, from where they had gotten her attention. All three women glanced back to the kitchen, where you were putting groceries away, but since you hadn’t reacted they returned back to the matter at hand. 
“It was an accident. He just disappeared,” Ashlyn mumbled miserably, her hand scrubbing down her face. One second your beloved pet had been tucked safely inside her suitcase and the next he was gone. 
“He’s a rock. It’s not like he can walk off on his own,” Christen ground out, gritting her teeth. It didn’t matter if Fred couldn’t love you back, you were attached to the googly-eyed rock and his painted face. 
“I would like to remind you, I advocated for her getting her a pet fish in the first place. You can’t be allergic to fish dandruff, and fish are harder to lose track of than a piece of stone.” Tobin added, coming up behind Ashlyn. You were deadly allergic to animals but insisted you wanted a pet. The team had compromised and gotten you a pet rock off of Amazon as a joke. 
“But that’s not the point,” Pino said quickly before Christen could respond. “We know you just got back from getting groceries but we need you to take Y/N on a date until we can find Fred.”
“You want me to distract her so you two can figure out how to replace Mr. Flinstone before she notices?” Christen asked, quirking her eyebrow up. The two of you were in a weird place between friend and girlfriend, but neither of you had made a move yet per se. Doing it to save the team's ass seemed like a stretch. 
“Why do you think we asked her to come downstairs and put groceries away when it is clearly Sonnett’s turn? We’re stalling for time!”
“Here,” Tierna said, stuffing a book into Christen’s hands, “One of the coaches’ kids was selling these coupon books for a fundraiser. You can use the different activities in there as inspiration for where to go.”
“And whatever the coupons don’t pay for we’ll pay you back. Promise,” Tobin said quickly. 
“You and y/n need to get your stuff together and become a couple anyway…” Pino added with a wave of her hand. Christen sighed, squeezing her eyes shut. 
“Fine. But only because I know Y/N would be really stressed out if she found out Fred was gone.” 
“Thank you thank you thank you! Okay, you go in and we’ll get started.” And with that Christen was shoved back into the kitchen.
You were having an amazing time. Your lunch date with Christen had turned into a walk in the park, a coffee, and now a casual stroll through the aquarium. You had always been interested in marine life, and you were having a blast nerding out. (Christen also thought your fun facts about each of the animals was adorable- well the way your face lit up when you rambled was). 
“So are we heading to another random location, or is it safe to go back to the house yet?” You asked with a smirk, stepping through the shark tunnel towards the reef fish exhibit. 
Christen froze, where she was looking at the lionfish tank. “Is… this your way of saying you don’t know any facts about lionfish?” she said, evasively. Fuck. She thought she was being more subtle than that. 
“Well, lionfish inject their venom through the spines in their back. When the skin over the spike gets pushed down, it pushes in the venom sack. Fun fact, the spine is like a hypodermic needle,” You said, pointing out the spikes you were talking about and staring wistfully into the tank.“But you’ve been checking your phone since the stingrays, and I’m guessing it’s because we’re more than halfway through the aquarium,” You finished, looking pointedly at Christen. 
“Maybe… I was checking to see if we had enough time before the aquarium closed to eat dinner at their seafood restaurant?” 
“So… they’re taking way too long to set up whatever prank they’re planning,” You nodded. 
“Why do you think someone’s setting up a prank?” Christen said, laughing in a super believable way. Wow, she was bad at this. “Hey look, are those clownfish?”
You raised your eyebrow at the woman. Emily, Ashlyn, Pino, and Kelley all in one house just spelled trouble. It was more probable they were setting up some stupid stunt to video for the fans than them just hanging out like normal people and watching a movie. Also, the fact that Christen had been taking you on different adventures for close to five hours now was suspicious. 
“I know you probably just did this because you got roped into whatever stunt they’re planning on pulling on me, but I had a really nice time with you today,” you said, looping your arm through hers, and leaning ahead on her shoulder. Christen straightened up slightly at the touch. “If you were actually serious about that dinner I don’t mind paying.” 
“My suggestion, so I’m paying and I was totally serious. I didn’t just ask you out because of those knuckleheads. I like you too,” Christen said soft, gripping your arm a little tighter, trying to convey just how much she wanted to be here. 
“Okay, if you’re sure. Hey, want to take a selfie together in front of one of the tanks? you know to commemorate our endless adventure?” 
“Yeah, I wanna remember the never-ending date forever,” Christen said, her eyes a little gooey at your cuteness, pointing towards the octopus tank. 
You pulled her close to you, angling the camera so the blue-ringed octopus was in the shot. And just as you clicked the button, you stood up quickly on your tiptoes to kiss her on the cheek. You also took a shot of the laughter that followed. The one of her turning to kiss you was a bit more of a blur though.
“Oh, before we go, can you grab one of me with the Red-sea rockfish?” You asked, pointing at the redfish in the tank. 
“Yeah, sure!” Christen took your phone from you and swiped it to get to the camera, almost missing you reaching into your pocket and pulling out a small painted rock. 
“Okay three, two- wait, is that Fred!?!”
You lowered your hand from where you had posed with Fred next to your cheek. “Yeah? I had him in my pocket this morning, so I didn’t lose him while I cleaned my desk, but forgot about it until we were about to go through the metal detectors a few hours ago. Why?”
“I’m pretty sure Ashlyn has the entire team scouring the house to try and find him,” Christen snorted, shaking her head. It was hilarious you were nervous about them pulling a prank on you when it seemed you had pulled an even better one on them. 
“Oh,” you said. Some things were beginning to make sense now. “So you’ve been checking your phone so they could tell you when it was safe to come home? Once they found Fred?’
“Maybe...” Christen said blushing just a little bit. 
“Okay. Well, you’d better call and let them know you found him. After we get ice cream.”
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tres-spades-hotel · 3 years
Can I request a kbtbb x SCM crossover where Leon falls for Eisuke's MC. Leon is just the same as he was in his S1 but he slowly starts developing feelings for MC. However, she is completely loyal to Eisuke. Can we get some twist and turns and a happy ending for Eisuke. I will be grateful if you could do it. By the way, Thanks for other beautiful stories that you have written.
A Lion’s Attempt at Love
I can’t believe this is happening.
‘And, therefore, the six of you will be sharing the mansion with these humans for three days. I’m sure you will have plenty of fun,’ he says, with that annoyingly knowing smile of his.
‘This is ridiculous, we’ve already opened up that place for the goddess, and now we have to open it up for an entire cluster of goldfish? Absolutely not,’ I retaliate but the trickster on the throne stares at me; the corners of his lips turn up into an even more annoying smirk.
‘It won’t kill you. Run along now, they’re waiting for you all,’ he says, and a bright light envelopes us. The warmth of it doesn’t reach my heart, it just irritates me further.
Opening my eyes, five men sit at the luxury couches of the main room. One in particular, with brown hair, sits in my spot in the middle. His arms outstretch against the top of the couch while a young woman sits beside him, fidgeting nervously with her thumbs.
Karno turns around as we appear, and he smiles at me.
‘Hey, did the King tell you?’ he asks. The heads of the goldfish look up with curiosity.
‘Yeah, he did that bastard-hey! Don’t touch that!’ the scorpion marches over to a blonde-haired goldfish holding a Punishments document.
‘Oops, guess the work is off limits,’ he says as Scorpio snatches back the piece.
‘Um, let’s all just calm down and talk. My name is Mitsunari Baba! You may call me ‘Baba’, ‘Mitchy’, or ‘Mitsunari’ if you want,’ the man in the black hat says with such joy it almost makes me want to actually turn him into a goldfish.
‘How about I call you ‘idiot’ instead?’ Scorpio says, huffing away to the chair in the corner.
I step forward further into the room, amused. ‘I didn’t realise you were in the habit of calling yourself out like that. I wouldn’t be trying so hard to annoy you if I knew,’ I respond, and with some sort of sick delight, watch the fumes rush out his ears in anger.
‘You stupid lion, shut up!’ he shouts back.
I sit down and cross my legs. ‘He’s a scorpion so he’s all bark and poison with no bite,’ I reply.
‘Why you-‘ he attempts to pounce but Dui and the fish hold him back.
‘Scorpio, stop!’ Dui says.
‘Um, let’s sit down. Vega, Altair, will you both provide us with some tea?’ Hue says, lightly pushing them out the door.
‘Here, I’ll introduce the others. Next to me is Ota Kisaki. The sleepy looking one is Mamoru Kishi, the scary looking one is Soryu Oh and the pretentious looking one is Eisuke Ichinomiya. The lovely lady sitting next to Eisuke is Vivian Grier, Eisuke’s fiancée.’
‘It’s nice to meet you all and we apologise for our King’s disturbance in your lives,’ Hue says. The six goldfish look at each other with wary looks.
‘It’s fine. Our lives were becoming boring anyway. At least we can pass the time with this,’ the man named Eisuke says. There’s a powerful glint in his eyes which I recognise in myself.
‘So no harm done! And all of you?’ the red suit goldfish says.
‘Well, I’ve already introduced myself. The one shouting murder and terror is Scorpio, the god of Scorpio, he’s the Vice Minister of the Department of Punishments; next to him is Dui, the god of Gemini and that is Ichthys, the god of Pisces. They are part of the Department of Punishments in the Heavens.’
The scorpion huffs away in distaste while Dui and Ichthys smile and wave.
‘This is gonna be fun!’ the fish says.
‘Ichy! You can’t do anything while they’re here,’ Dui frowns at him.
‘What does that mean?’ the older looking goldfish asks. His sleepy demeanor reminds me of Aigo.
‘He’s a prankster,’ Scorpio answers with a scowl. Three out of six frown in disapproval while the other three seem to accept this fact.
‘How much harm can you do, pranking people?’ the blonde one asks.
‘He blew up the palace once,’ Hue answered indifferently. Their eyes widen.
‘By the way, who names their child, Scorpio?’ he asks again.
‘The King,’ the six of us reply, causing Scorpio to crinkle his face in disgust.
‘All I suggest is that you be careful. The one who answered is Huedhaut, the god of Aquarius; over there is Teorus, the god of Taurus and this,’ he points to me, ‘is Leon, the god of Leo, the Chief Minister of the Department of Wishes,’ Karno says it with such pride it nearly makes me smile.
‘It’s nice to meet you all,’ Hue says.
‘Hello!’ Teo also says.
Everyone turns towards me as I look up. I somehow lock eyes with the woman, but she quickly averts her gaze with a faint blush on her cheeks.
‘Leo,’ Karno whispers.
‘You want me to introduce myself? They’re just goldfish,’ I say, continuing to stare at her.
‘All humans are the same to us, just as all goldfish look the same and flock to beings more powerful than they are,’ I answer.
‘What nonsense. What about variability? Individuality?’ the dark-haired ‘scary looking one’ says with a frown.
‘Doesn’t matter. You’re all the same,’ I repeat, and he scowls at me as if I’m the only one who believes it. Everyone in the Heavens does.
‘I don’t care what happens during this week,’ the man sitting next to her suddenly begins, ‘there’s only one rule you will abide by,’
‘Oh ho, giving gods orders? You must be special,’ I say.
‘Yes, I am,’ he smirks and crosses his arms. ‘And you will follow this rule until we leave: my fiancée is off limits.’
‘Eisuke!’ she exclaims, for the first time she has been here.
‘You should listen to him, Eisuke always has his way, with gods or humans,’ the dark-haired man says. All the other humans nod furiously in agreement.
‘I believe that rule applies to the sex fiends in the room,’ Hue points out, looking at Teo and I specifically.
‘Me? I haven’t done anything yet!’ Teo protests.
‘As if I would bother pursuing a human, let alone a woman like her,’ I say. Her face scrunches at my insult.
‘Good, then we’ll have no problems living together,’ he says, taking out a rectangular piece of technology and begins tapping away at it.
Vega and Altair finally return with tea. The woman stands up and hurries over to them, taking the tray of teacups out of Altair’s hands.
‘Oh, thank you, but I can-‘ Altair begins.
‘No, it’s okay. It’s my job to provide refreshments,’ she says, placing the tray onto the coffee table.
‘Really?’ Vega asks. The god children look up at the woman with sparkles in their eyes.
‘Yes, I work at the hotel my fiancé owns as a maid,’ she answers, smiling with pride.
‘Wow, that’s so cool! What kind of things do you do?’ Vega asks with excitement. The woman casually talks and pours the tea as if she had been doing it for years.
‘Well, I work with other maids to tend to our guests who stay at the hotel. I clean the rooms they stay in by changing the bed sheets, dusting, and replenishing amenities,’ she takes the teacups and starts handing them out, ‘that means I replace all the empty bottles and towels and other things the guests use which we supply.’
She hands me a cup and our fingers touch briefly.
‘I also have an extra job as a maid, which is to clean the penthouse where us six live in the hotel,’ she continues, handing a cup to Karno who smiles a ‘thank you’ to her which she returns.
‘That’s a ‘very important people’ area for those who pay enough money to live in luxury,’ she says.
‘Oh, so you consider yourself a ‘very important people’?’ I interrupt with a question. She briefly looks at me but then shrugs her shoulders.
‘Not really. I’m pretty normal actually.’
‘Don’t be so modest, Vivian. You’re the only one who managed to squeeze herself into Boss’ little heart,’ the man named ‘Baba’ says. His knowing smile reminds me of a certain trickster King.
‘And you’re the only one who can manage being around this lot,’ the sleepy one named ‘Mamoru’ adds. He suddenly yawns. ‘Hey, there any beds to sleep in? I’m tired.’
‘You’re always tired,’ the dark-haired man, Soryu, says.
‘Shut up, it’s been a busy day!’
‘No it hasn’t. We’ve been to see the King and that’s it,’ Soryu argues.
‘You think any of this is normal?’
‘That’s enough.’ Eisuke orders.
‘Haha, they sort of remind me of you and Scorpio, Leo,’ Karno laughs, and I scowl at him.
‘Don’t you compare me to a pair of clownfish,’ I reply. I watch the woman sit next to her fiancé, smiling.
‘Pair of clownfish? Please, don’t group me in with them,’ Soryu says with frowning eyebrows.
‘We actually like to call these four the peanut gallery,’ Eisuke tells us.
‘Makes sense,’ Scorpio says, pushing a stack of documents onto Ichthys. ‘Will you hurry up and finish these already? Zig has been waiting for these!’
‘I’m sorry, I was going to do them but then the King called us to see him!’ Ichthys protests but is dragged away by Scorpio.
‘It’s nice to meet you all,’ Dui quickly says before rushing out to follow.
‘Hue, show the humans the guest rooms in the mansion,’ I order, and he nods in response. ‘But first,’
Everyone looks at me as I stand up and saunter over to the woman. She looks up and slowly stands up to face me.
‘You will work in this mansion as my maidservant.’
A knock at the door wakes me from my daze. I snap my fingers and the doors open.
‘Um, hello?’ Vivian asks, slowly walking into my room.
‘Open the curtains,’ I order her and lie back down.
‘Okay,’ I hear her respond. She shuffles across the room and soon the sunlight fills my bedroom, dispelling the darkness. I sit up and watch as she does the same to the other set of windows.
‘Do gods sleep?’ she asks.
‘Recreationally we can, but it’s not a requirement. What’s that?’ I ask, seeing a tray of tea and biscuits on the table.
‘Well, it’s morning. I figured you would order me to get you breakfast,’ she answers, pouring tea into the cup.
‘Gods don’t eat either,’ I say.
‘But you can, recreationally, right?’ she answers, looking back at me with a smile. She places the cup down as I stand behind her.
‘Do you need anything else?’ she asks. When she turns around, she jumps back but the back of her legs hit the chair. My finger lifts her chin up so that I can take a look at her face. A faint blush graces her skin. For a moment, she’s completely dazzled by my presence but that fades quick. Her small hand wraps around my wrist and pushes it away.
‘Oh? Don’t want to be touched by a god?’ I ask.
‘No. I only want to be touched by the man I love most in this world,’ she responds and pushes past me to leave.
‘Love doesn’t mean anything. You’ll come back to me begging for pleasure,’ I say with a smirk on my face, but it fades when I see pity in her eyes as she turns around.
‘How does a god who grants wishes to humans not understand how important love is? I really feel sorry for you if you don’t believe love means anything.’ Vivian walks away, leaving me with cooling tea and annoyance.
I continued working with Karno looking over my shoulder, but I couldn’t concentrate. Her words echoed in my mind and the way she looked at me didn’t fade. Love is based off of nothing but need. And I don’t need it. I’ve seen love destroy many gods in my life: my mother and father, Hue and Clotho and then Aigo with that goddess Phione. Men like Teo and Tauxolouve, even that sex fiend Partheno, play games and have as many goddess’ as they want because they don’t see love romantically either. Love has messed all of us up in some ways.
I don’t know why Eisuke agreed to my being a maidservant to Leon. I guess he’ll tell me eventually. As soon as I left his room, I leaned against the wall to take a breath. He stood so close to me, and I could feel his warmth and powerful aura. But it didn’t make me feel the same way Eisuke does when he’s beside me. Eisuke makes me feel safe and loved, Leon makes me feel cornered, like prey.
‘Vivian, hand me that document,’ Eisuke asks, holding out his hand while staring at his laptop. The outside breeze cools me down as I pick up the piece of paper.
‘Here you go,’ I say. Eisuke looks up at me and narrows his eyes.
‘What’s wrong?’
‘Nothing. I was just thinking about how beautiful the courtyard is,’ I answer, sitting down opposite him. Eisuke continues to stare at me. I sigh, knowing that I can’t hide anything from him.
‘Okay, Leon came onto me and failed in the morning, that’s it,’ I answer.
Eisuke scowls at my answer but then he leans back into the chair and folds his arms across his broad chest and raises an eyebrow. ‘He failed?’
‘I told him that I love you and only want to be touched by you,’ I respond, but I feel my face heat up in embarrassment.
‘Good, but you still need to be careful around him,’ he orders which I nod in agreement. He leans in again and rests his elbows on the table.
‘Eisuke, can I say something?’
‘He sort of reminds me of you. Now hear me out,’ I begin, holding out my hands to stop him from interrupting. ‘I know that we’ve only been here for a day but from this one interaction I’ve had with him, Leon is as confident and sexy as you are. You are both so sure of yourselves and in your abilities.’
‘But? There’s more,’ Eisuke presses on, leaning over the table.
‘He said that love isn’t important. I guess it reminded me of back when we first met,’ I finish, running my fingers over the grooves in the table.
‘He’s wrong, you taught me that.’ Eisuke takes my hand in his and runs his thumb over my engagement rings. His touch fills me with warmth, so I place my hand over his and smile. Eisuke takes my other hand and pulls me to sit on his lap.
Instead of snapping my fingers to cause the sound of bells in her head, I decided to go out looking for her in a vain attempt to avoid Karno and Hue. As I open the doors to the garden, I hear faint giggling. Walking further into the yard, I see her sitting on his lap, with his back to me. She gives him fleeting, playful kisses and her sweet voice echoes in the empty space.
Why did I just think ‘sweet’ voice?
I shake my head and saunter into the middle of the garden.
‘You two are quite a shameless pair of goldfish,’ I begin, but I feel myself raising an eyebrow when neither attempt to move from their position.
‘Pfft, then you don’t know me very well,’ he answers.
‘I don’t “get to know” goldfish of any kind.’
‘You wouldn’t because you don’t bother yourself in knowing about us as humans, but you do care about our particular brand of entertainment,’ he argues which makes me huff in response.
‘Your fiancée is my maidservant,’ I point out which causes her to stand up. Vivian folds her hands over each other and smiles at me with a business-like expression, different to the lovable-wife I watched a few moments ago.
‘Did you need anything? I didn’t hear any bells ringing,’ she asks.
‘That’s because I didn’t.’ I turn around and leave them to their ‘love’. As soon as I walk back into the foyer, Karno comes out of the dining room.
‘There you are, I’ve been looking for you everywhere,’ he says. ‘You need to read and sign these otherwise we can’t file our year’s work in the department.’
I feel my face crinkle at the thought of paperwork and turn around to the main doors.
‘Leo, you can’t run away from me, not unless you want to make me cry, which would be terribly wrong of you,’ Karno continues, putting a firm hold on my right shoulder. ‘Come on. Humans have this saying you know, it’s called-‘
‘Work first, play later,’ I finish for him. We head up the staircase into the hallway.
‘Exactly! Look, I know lions sleep for 20 hours a day, but you can’t blow off your work when they need your particular signature,’ Karno says, handing me a folder.
‘Okay, I get, I understand your point. Can you stop talking now?’ I tell him, turning the corner.
‘I saw you outside talking to the humans, Eisuke and Vivian. What were you telling them?’ he asks.
‘Nothing, I caught them kissing and decided to embarrass them,’ I answer.
‘They weren’t.’
‘Many humans of their stature aren’t embarrassed to be physically intimate in public. You know the gods aren’t any different in that regard,’ Karno says.
‘I know. I wanted to see what her reaction was. She seemed like the nervous, wouldn’t-want-to-be-exposed-in-public type but she hardly reacted when I called them shameless,’ I say.
‘Wow. I guess she must be used to it,’ Karno says. He pats me on the back and continues walking down the hall. I stand outside my bedroom doors, thinking about her face when she was laughing and smiling, happy. It made me feel, something.
When my power to give pleasure came about when I was young, my mother hid me away from the heavens to prevent any ‘accidents’ but they always brought me out to parties and social gatherings to show off how powerful they’re only son was becoming. She didn’t even raise me, the servants of our household did. They couldn’t love me because-
‘Leon? I brought you some tea,’ Vivian’s voice pushes through my closed doors. The images of my childhood fade as I sit up on my bed.
‘Um, Leon?’ her voice pushes through again, hesitating. I rub away my past off my face and snap my fingers. The doors creek open, revealing her standing with a tray. The evening sun’s rays holds her figure in a basking glow of gold. She smiles at me and walks in. The shadows on the floor creep up towards her, threatening to plunge her into darkness. For some reason, I nearly jump out of bed.
‘Are you okay? What happened?’ she asks, slightly disturbed at my behaviour. Like I am.
‘I’m fine.’ I sit down at the small table. ‘Join me,’ I order, and she looks at me briefly. Her eyes seem to search mine for a clue of my motives. Hers are a normal shade of brown. No stars, no flecks in the pupil, Vivian has regular human eyes but somehow, I see something other than love and pity and excitement as she looks at me.
She finally shrugs her shoulders and sits down opposite me, pouring herself and I, a cup of tea.
‘Are you always comfortable being intimate with him?’ I ask suddenly, after taking a sip.
‘We’ve been together for years. I wasn’t at first, but that’s only because I had never been with a man like Eisuke before. I got used to it and now I enjoy it,’ she answers.
‘Only with him?’ I ask again. She smirks at me before drinking a sip of tea.
‘Yes, only with Eisuke. I guess you’re the type to take what you want and leave straight after?’ she asks in return. Vivian places the tea down and leans back into the chair, crossing her legs in the process.
‘Goddesses throw themselves at me because of my powers,’ I say in response.
‘The ability to give pleasure, right?’
‘Is that why you asked about me in the morning? About giving me pleasure?’ she asks.
‘I was curious. Human’s act based on needs.’
‘My needs are being met, there’s no doubt about that,’ she says, laughing.
‘Believe me. You know, Eisuke was like you when I first met him,’ she says, changing the subject. Her finger slowly traces the curve of the lip of the cup.
‘A god?’
‘Ha, very funny. No, a man who had everything he could ever want in his life, but no one to love him. He didn’t think love was necessary either,’ she continues. Her eyes glaze over in reminiscence.
‘Until he met you?’
‘I suppose so. By the way, is it okay if I use the kitchen here to cook for dinner?’
‘You really like to jump, don’t you? Fine, I assume it’s because the others like to eat ‘cooked’ meals rather than magically appearing ones,’ I say.
‘That is true actually. Thanks! Anything in particular you want?’ she asks.
‘I’m a god,’ I reply.
‘Yeah, yeah. That doesn’t mean you don’t eat, ever,’ she says, waving her hands in dismissal.
‘Meatballs,’ I mumble.
‘You like meatballs? Beef scrunched up into a ball and cooked in sauce?’
‘Don’t mock me. I said what I said. Now go away, I have work to do,’ I say.
‘Work being, laying in your bed?’ she asks, her lips slowly curve up into a familiar smile.
‘Ha, ha, very funny.’
The smell of cooking fills the entire mansion. As I walk down the hallway to the main room, I turn the corner to see the others standing outside the dining room. Hue notices me and waves me over.
‘What’s going on?’
‘It smells so good. Do you think they’ll share the food?’ Ichyths asks.
‘We could ask,’ Dui suggests.
‘Do they look like the kind of humans who share?’ the scorpion walks up to us.
‘They seemed pretty nice,’ Teo says.
‘You’re probably better off asking the woman who’s cooking the meals,’ Hue says.
‘That’s right,’ her voice echoes out of the room. When I open the doors, Vivian is laying the table with plates. She looks at us as she places a fork down.
‘I think I made enough for everyone,’ she says.
‘Ah, I was wondering why we had to wait so long. You made some for the gods as well?’ Eisuke’s voice suddenly sounds from behind us.
The rest of the humans arrive and begin sitting down as if they have lived here for years. Before her fiancé can sit down at the head of the table, I take his spot. I look up to see him scowling at me.
‘You live in our building, you live here by our rules.’
His eyebrows furrow but he doesn’t respond. Instead, Eisuke walks to the other end of the table and sits directly opposite me.
‘Vivian,’ he says, and she picks up a spoon.
‘Vivian,’ I say, and she turns around. ‘Before you are his fiancé, you’re my maidservant.’ I gesture to the plate of meatballs by me with my chin. I lean back casually as I watch the wrinkles in his face deepen. In my peripheral view, everyone’s eyes switch back and forth between Eisuke and I, but I don’t look away from his gaze. After a few moments of silence, she places the spoon down slowly and speaks up.
‘Everyone can sit down and serve themselves with whatever they like.’
As soon as she walks past me, I open my mouth. ‘Choosing the middle ground doesn’t make you a saint.’
‘Being a god doesn’t make you all powerful,’ she fires back. ‘I control my own actions, regardless of my “employment” anywhere.’ Vivian heads into the kitchen.
‘Is it just me, or did it get really hot in here all of a sudden?’
‘Shut up!’
Since the dinner, I’ve been doing all I can to annoy Vivian and Eisuke. But it seems all I’ve done is bring them together even more. He seems to trust her to protect herself from me.
As I walk downstairs, she comes out from a doorway at the bottom of the foyer. We make eye contact, and she looks at me curiously. I simply pass her and open the door revealing a black darkness.
‘Um, Leon?’ she asks, hesitating.
‘Follow me if you’re up for it,’ I say, and walk through. The scene changes to a field on Earth. Similar to the one in the Heavens, its calming nature lets me breath. A rustling of petals and grass tell me she did follow.
‘Curiosity kills the cat, you know?’ I speak. Gentle footsteps creep up towards me.
‘Good thing I’m not a cat then,’ she replies, standing beside me.
‘No, you’re a goldfish,’ I answer back and turn my head to face her. I see her smile and look down. Vivian slowly lowers herself to sit down on the ground and she tugs on the hem of my jacket.
‘Gods don’t-‘
‘Oh, shut up and sit down,’ she says in a playful manner.
‘Fine.’ We sit there, watching the moon and the lake for what felt like a lifetime.
Leon doesn’t like to kiss, which is stupid because kissing is great!
Teo’s words echo in my mind over and over. We have been sitting for a while and talking and arguing about gods, humans, and just life in general. Right now, she’s trying to humiliate me by suggesting I believe in love.
‘If you don’t want a woman to kiss you, then it doesn’t mean you believe love is unimportant, it means that you do feel that love is important and you’re afraid to take a chance to be loved and give love.’
‘That’s ridiculous,’ I reply.
‘Sure, you can deny it all you want, but it’s true. You’ve been deprived of physical and emotional love. And now, you have begun craving it, in me.’ She sighs and stands up, smoothing down the crinkles in her dress. ‘I can’t give you what you want, whether you’re a god or not.’
‘I don’t want anything from you,’ I begin, and stand up.
‘Oh, shut up! You and I both know I’m right!’ she shouts. ‘I love Eisuke, with all my heart and I’m sure there’s someone out there for you. You never know, maybe you’ve met her already or maybe she’s just not born yet. You are a god, after all. You’ve got an eternity to find her, but she’s not me, and never will be.’
The next thing I know, I’m holding her in my arms. Trying to will her into staying. She feels small in my arms. No, she feels perfect in my arms. Her body shakes with nerves, so I rub her back to calm her down. Vivian sighs from frustration and I feel her arms reluctantly wrap around my torso. Her warmth fills me as the breeze rustles the flowers on the ground.
‘Leon,’ she begins to say.
‘I know.’ I abruptly pull away and quickly snap my fingers. The scenery changes to the empty courtyard of the mansion. ‘Thank you,’ I say. Turning, I leave her ‘love’ behind.
‘Okay Boss, I’ve put all the suitcases into the back,’ Baba says.
‘Kishi! Why are you stretching your entire body out? We can’t sit inside now!’
‘You stupid slacker, move over!’
‘Hey! Don’t push!’
The four humans argue and push inside the vehicle while Eisuke pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
‘They somehow get dumber as time moves on,’ I say, moving to stand next to him.
‘They were always dumb,’ he replies, chuckling. ‘Hey! Stop squealing and get in!’ he shouts to them. Vivian finishes hugging the little godchildren and stands up. Vega suddenly runs over to us and hugs Eisuke, wrapping her little arms around his waist. I raise my eyebrow while his hands hover in hesitation before beginning to pat her head awkwardly.
‘I’ll miss you, Mr Eisuke!’ she says, leaning her chin up to look at him. He looks away shyly before patting her head again.
‘You know where to find me if you continue to miss me,’ he answers.
‘She’ll be too busy for that,’ I say.
‘Lord Leon! You’re so mean!’ she cries out at me before turning back to him. ‘Thank you for playing with me, Mr Eisuke!’ Vega squeezes him tight before running off inside the mansion with a furiously blushing face.
‘I think she has a new crush. That’s too bad for you, Leon,’ Hue says with a smirk and turns to follow her inside with Altair and the others.
I roll my eyes and face Eisuke. His thin lips slowly curl up into a smirk.
‘She belongs to me,’ he says.
‘Pfft, she certainly knows what she wants,’ I respond, glancing at the beautiful figure leaning against the vehicle with crossed arms and interest. She begins to smile at me.
‘I’ll be watching,’ I say.
‘Well, I hope you enjoy what you see,’ he chuckles.
‘Make her happy. Even more than you already do. And yes, this is a direct order from a god,’ I demand with a smirk on my face.
He looks at me for a moment, then he holds out his hand. My hand takes his in a firm grasp and shake it.
‘I will.’ For the first time since I met him, Eisuke genuinely smiles at me. He heads for the limo and Vivian quickly takes his place in front of me. She bites the corner of her lip and looks down at my feet before looking up again.
‘I didn’t mean to make you think-‘ she begins.
‘You didn’t,’ I interrupt. Vivian gives me a lopsided smile.
‘Well, to be honest, I had fun as your maidservant,’ she says.
‘Even though most of the time you gave me attitude? Don’t forget, you’re still a goldfish,’ I reply.
‘It wasn’t … all the time, I made you meatballs!’ she points out but we both smile knowing how ridiculous the argument is.
‘I think I’ll stick to making my own by snapping my fingers,’ I answer.
‘Didn’t like ‘em?’
‘They were of adequate quality, for a human, to a god’s tastes,’ I answer.
‘Funny. Leon, I wanted to ask a favour,’ she says. When I say nothing, she sighs, preparing herself for it.
‘You grant wishes for everyone. Who grants your wishes?’ she asks.
‘I do, for myself.’ I answer, but I know that’s not the question or answer she needs.
‘Then, I wish for you, that you find a happiness you genuinely enjoy in your life,’ she says, looking me in the eyes. I hear a faint intake of breath from myself as soon as she says those words. Hope fills her plain brown eyes.
‘A ridiculous wish? Maybe. But I hope you fulfil it, for your own sake.’ Vivian smiles and winks at me before turning around. I watch her go and fall into the arms of the man she loves most in this world.
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redheadedteatotaler · 3 years
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Today has been a very big news day and our “anchors” take a look at the situation with Bill Burr, The possibility that Darth Kennedy the Moronic is in hiding, fans continuing to rally behind Gina as the ongoing double standard at Luciferfilm continues, and the fact that apparently, Disney lets its customers dictate its direction.
We’ve also got some super cute fan manipulations, Gina takes another dig at her former employers on Twitter, and a special request from the editor ...so let’s get going. 
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World Class Bullshitters kicks things off with a look at Darth Kennedy the Moronic’s previous career, how clueless she actually is about Star Wars, and why she should not be in charge. They also touch base on comments made by Bill Burr. 
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5wabBTf4-U&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=2
Geeks + Gamers also talks about the actual fanbase’s hatred for Darth Kennedy, and how more and more of them continue to rally around Gina. Jeremy points out the ratio as well, and it should be sending Luciferfilms a message loud and clear. Be forewarned, Jeremy goes over some of the comments still found in the Oscars videos, which are quite amusing. My favorite thing in this video happens right on the end, when Jeremy reiterates something I’ve been saying for weeks now. Star Wars and Luciferfilms need to understand, we’re not going
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXVCVx-ADLk&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=3
The Quartering takes a look at how Twitter has gone after Bill Burr after his comments about Gina. 
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bel8uP5QXt4&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=5
Ryan at RK Outpost and Jay at Drunk3P0 both take a look at the double standard that Disney allows, and how the Star Wars fanbase has come together in support of Gina. Ryan takes a look at a particular video on the Star Wars youtube page, and the comments are both breathtaking, and glorious. 
RK Outpost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNAIJF7z0ZQ&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=4
Drunk3P0:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4e9RzXASLM&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=6
Lastly, Clownfish TV takes a look at how according to Disney, they allow their customers to dictate their direction...and you can guess where this is going. 
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbPVeD80MMw&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=5
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Tumblr creator Tonksie came up with these two gorgeous manipulations in which everyone’s favorite Mandalorian and Shocktrooper pose for pictures on their wedding day....
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If her fans taking daily shots at Disney and Luciferfilms wasn’t enough (and by the way, the fanbase is doing this of its own accord, no one has given instructions to do so), Gina pokes fun at the sjw outrage over the recent announcement that Texas and Mississippi have both joined Florida and are now 100% open with no mask mandates. And the best part? She uses Disney’s material to do so. Check it out: 
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What makes this particularly hilarious to me is that there’s quite literally nothing Disney can say to use it against her, or use as evidence as to why they can’t rehire her, since one of their all time classics uses the same concept. 
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Last but not least, I know I’ve been talking about doing something special for CaraDin writers, but I need to hear from you guys. What would you like to see? Should stories be promoted here when they’re published? Should a master list of writers be offered periodically? Let me know what sort of content you’d like to see included. 
Til Next Time!
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encyclopika · 4 years
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #48
Brought to you by a marine biologist in a monogamous pair...
Fish I’ve Covered: CLICK HERE
Okay, we’re going back to fishing fish for a while - there are still so many to cover! If you would like to request, please do! Today’s fish is the Butterflyfish and I’ve been meaning to cover it ever since we covered the Surgeonfish and the Clownfish, since they all hang out together in the same part of the coral reef tank. 
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We here in the Northern Hemisphere islands have been catching these tiny fish since April. They’re available all day and night, so it’s not hard to hook one eventually. Just like other fish in ACNH, this one is listed under a very general name that belongs to an vast family of fish that holds about 129 species - Chaetodontidae! Nevertheless, their bright colors and unique patterns made this one easy to identify - it’s the Oriental Butterflyfish (Chaetodon auripes)!
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The oriental butterflyfish is most common in the West Pacific, south of Japan and around the shores of China and neighboring countries. It is popular in the pet trade, although it can be hard to keep for inexperienced hobbyists. It also prefers cooler water than other tropical fish, occurring more northerly than expected. 
You’ll notice butterflyfish have differently-shaped mouths depending on species, a great way to figure out what they eat. This group has gotten really good at the evolutionary arms race it faces with its reef-dwelling prey items, and have evolved long, narrow jaws to pick out tiny crustaceans and coral polyps from the tiniest crevices. The oriental butterflyfish, in particular, is mostly a generalist, feeding on worms, algae, coral polyps, and other invertebrates. Its tiny, but shorter beak is the tell-tale sign that it doesn’t specialize all that much.
Like most butterflyfish, the oriental is typically found in pairs - monogamous pairs, that is. Unlike most fish that come together to spawn in a big group event, butterflyfish will bond with just one fish, and sometimes mate for life. Once a pair is established, they will find a little spot on the reef to call home and defend it viciously! They can be really feisty for such small animals. 
And there you have it! Fascinating stuff, no?
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mischiefandspirits · 7 years
Humans: Mysterious and Terrifying
Part 7: Humans Can Only Use One Hand?
Note: The Humans: Mysterious and Terrifying series is a group of random oneshots and drabbles based around those “Aliens find humans weird or scary” theories (because I have no self-restraint).
Find the rest of the series here
Also on: AO3 and Fanfiction
Another odd trait many Earthlings, humans included, display is a preference for one side of their body over the other. The most obvious display of this is what humans refer to as being left-handed or right-handed. For reasons still under investigation, most humans are more competent with their right forelimb than their left, with few being the reverse and even fewer being capable with either hand, locally know as being Ambidextrous. There are even some who can only do certain tasks with one hand and the rest with the other, a condition known as cross-dominance or being mixed-handed. It is not yet known why humans show such a widespread disability, though they do seem to be able to grow out of it when forced.
- An excerpt from A Guide to Humans by Driniv of Xebnec 9
“Why can’t I just hop into the cryo-replenishers?” Lance whined, picking at the bandages wrapped around his hand. “I just pop in and zip-zap, I’m fine.”
“Zip-zap?” Keith asked as the Garrison trio walked into the command center. “What are you talking about?”
“Lance hurt his hand helping Hunk with some repairs and now he’s being a baby about it,” Pidge explained.
“Is the Blue Paladin alright?” Kolivan asked, turning away from the map he had been looking over alongside Allura, Coran, and Shiro.
“‘Tis but a scratch,” Hunk announced.
“Just a flesh wound,” Pidge agreed, nudging Keith, who gave her a bemused look. Pidge’s eyes widened and she gasped, “You’ve never seen Monty Python!”
“The horror!” Hunk grasped his chest and leaned against Lance.
“We should have known you were an alien,” Lance sniffed, glaring at the Red Paladin, who just rolled his eyes.
Allura and Kolivan were watching the teens’ dramatics, puzzled, so Shiro said, “Ignore them. Lance’s fine.”
“Fine? Look at this!” the cuban huffed, waving his hand about. “It’s useless! What happens if we get attacked? How am I supposed to pilot Blue?”
“As it happens, the lions are capable of being piloted with a single limb if necessary. You might not be as smooth as usual, but you’ll be fine,” Coran said.
“Well… What if I have to get out and fight? I can’t shoot like this!”
“Come now, Lance, you’re blaster isn’t that big. Surely you’ll be fine one-handed,” Allura chided.
“Yeah, but my right hand’s the one that’s bandaged up!”
“So that’s my shooting hand. I can’t shoot with the other one.”
“You were only taught how to shoot with one hand?” Kolivan questioned. “Who trained you like that?” The Glara looked over at Allura and the other paladins.
Allura shook her head and Keith shrugged. “Don’t look at me. I always train with both hands.”
“We all can’t be ambidextrous Keith,” Shiro snorted, knocking their shoulders together.
“Actually, I trained myself to be ambidextrous,” Hunk said. “It helps when I’m working on stuff. Besides I was already left-handed.”
“I tried that once but I kept forgetting,” Pidge said, shrugging.
“What’s ambidextrous?” Coran asked.
“It’s when you’re able to use either hand equally well. Like, both your hands are the same strength,” Hunk explained.
“Don’t question it,” Allura muttered, though Kolivan didn’t seem to hear.
“Why would one of your hands be weaker than the other?”
“That’s… just the way it is. You’re either better with the left hand or the right,” Lance said.
“Or you can use both like Keith and you get to rub it in everybody’s faces.”
Keith pushed Shiro back. “I never rubbed it in your face.”
“Wait, so your people need special training just so you can use both hands?”
“Humans are weird,” Allura said, with Pidge and Hunk mimicking her in the background.
“You get used to it,” Pidge said.
“I wouldn’t say that,” Allura sighed.
“So Ambidextrous is, like, the default in space?” Lance asked.
“Of course. How have your people survived this long with such a species-wide disability?”
“If you think that’s crazy-”
“Nope,” Shiro said, grabbing Lance’s shoulders and pushing him towards the door. “That’s enough for today.”
“But Shiro-”
“No, Pidge. I said that’s enough. We want to keep the Blade as allies, remember.” Her grabbed her arm as he passed.
Hunk chuckled and followed the other paladins out. “One word, tattoos.”
Allura sighed and rubbed her forehead as Kolivan watched the four disappear through the door. “Uh-”
“Don’t ask,” she said.
“Humans are extraordinary creatures,” Coran said.
“That’s one way of putting it,” Keith chuckled. “Another is crazy.”
Allura had to agree.
If you have any ideas for things about humans you want to see aliens freaking out over, feel free to leave them in my ask or message me.
Just a note: I’ve been going through the reviews and keeping track of who’s requested what so next chapter I should be giving credit (no one actually requested this one as far as I’m aware, I just found it on a Tumblr post by atalana). I haven’t been replying to most of the reviews though lately since most really didn’t need replies and there were a ton to go through since I let them pile up. Sorry. I would like to make note of a few that I’ve been getting a lot of requests for that I have no plans to write on. If you don’t care about reasons, you can just skip to the end for the TLDR.
First is pets. As of season 2 we have seen two different pet-like relationships on the show with both prey animals -- the mice -- and what I interpreted as a predatory animal given its (her?) behavior -- Laika the yupper. I was on the fence about this idea before, but season 2 really confirmed it for me. The thing is, having pets is really just a form of symbiosis, no different from cleaner fish or those tarantulas that have “pet frogs” or clownfish and anemones. Etcetera. Obviously symbiosis isn’t an Earth only thing so the idea that other sapient species have pets as well is hardly far fetched.
Another one I’ve had requested, an extraordinary amount of times, is periods or the like. I think earlier I did say I was considering this, but I have no idea why. To be clear, I am not female. THAT is something I really don’t prefer to think about if I don’t have to, for personal reasons. So as of now, I will not be writing about such.
Lastly, I will not be writing about LGBT+ themes. Honestly, with how often I hear about “Thoran” or “Corandwich” or “Dads of Marmora”, why on earth are any of you asking me to write about aliens not understanding LGBT+ themes?
TLDR: I won’t be doing LGBT+ themes, periods, or pets. Sorry to any of you who requested these.
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nitindhage48 · 4 years
Voice Changer Software Market 2018 Global Analysis, Opportunities, Key Applications and Forecast to 2025
This report studies the global Voice Changer Software market, analyzes and researches the Voice Changer Software development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, like AVSoft Corp Screaming Bee Inc Skynetric LLC NCH Software Audio4fun technologystreet athtek clownfish-translator xponaut
Request a Sample Report @ https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/3065825-global-voice-changer-software-market-size-status-and-forecast-2025
Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers United States EU Japan China India Southeast Asia
Market segment by Type, the product can be split into Windows system Mac Other
Market segment by Application, Voice Changer Software can be split into International phone Online game Other use
If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.
Table of Contents
Global Voice Changer Software Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025 1 Industry Overview of Voice Changer Software 1.1 Voice Changer Software Market Overview 1.1.1 Voice Changer Software Product Scope 1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook 1.2 Global Voice Changer Software Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2013-2018) 1.2.1 United States 1.2.2 EU 1.2.3 Japan 1.2.4 China 1.2.5 India 1.2.6 Southeast Asia 1.3 Voice Changer Software Market by Type 1.3.1 Windows system 1.3.2 Mac 1.3.3 Other 1.4 Voice Changer Software Market by End Users/Application 1.4.1 International phone 1.4.2 Online game 1.4.3 Other use
2 Global Voice Changer Software Competition Analysis by Players 2.1 Voice Changer Software Market Size (Value) by Players (2013-2018) 2.2 Competitive Status and Trend 2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate 2.2.2 Product/Service Differences 2.2.3 New Entrants 2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future
3 Company (Top Players) Profiles 3.1 AVSoft Corp 3.1.1 Company Profile 3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview 3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions 3.1.4 Voice Changer Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018) 3.1.5 Recent Developments 3.2 Screaming Bee Inc 3.2.1 Company Profile 3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview 3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions 3.2.4 Voice Changer Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018) 3.2.5 Recent Developments 3.3 Skynetric LLC 3.3.1 Company Profile 3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview 3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions 3.3.4 Voice Changer Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018) 3.3.5 Recent Developments 3.4 NCH Software 3.4.1 Company Profile 3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview 3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions 3.4.4 Voice Changer Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018) 3.4.5 Recent Developments 3.5 Audio4fun 3.5.1 Company Profile 3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview 3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions 3.5.4 Voice Changer Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018) 3.5.5 Recent Developments 3.6 technologystreet 3.6.1 Company Profile 3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview 3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions 3.6.4 Voice Changer Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018) 3.6.5 Recent Developments 3.7 athtek 3.7.1 Company Profile 3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview 3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions 3.7.4 Voice Changer Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018) 3.7.5 Recent Developments 3.8 clownfish-translator 3.8.1 Company Profile 3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview 3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions 3.8.4 Voice Changer Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018) 3.8.5 Recent Developments 3.9 xponaut 3.9.1 Company Profile 3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview 3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions 3.9.4 Voice Changer Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018) 3.9.5 Recent Developments
4 Global Voice Changer Software Market Size by Type and Application (2013-2018) 4.1 Global Voice Changer Software Market Size by Type (2013-2018) 4.2 Global Voice Changer Software Market Size by Application (2013-2018) 4.3 Potential Application of Voice Changer Software in Future 4.4 Top Consumer/End Users of Voice Changer Software
5 United States Voice Changer Software Development Status and Outlook 5.1 United States Voice Changer Software Market Size (2013-2018) 5.2 United States Voice Changer Software Market Size and Market Share by Players (2013-2018) 5.3 United States Voice Changer Software Market Size by Application (2013-2018)
Access Complete Report @ https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/3065825-global-voice-changer-software-market-size-status-and-forecast-2025
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heidikimura-blog · 6 years
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Fill out this form if you want ANY ONE of the following things... https://goo.gl/forms/VDaSqw8eu80tJ1b83 1. To sign up for our Email Subscription for a Free-Product-of-the-Month Such as Mini-Art Prints/ Postcards/ Free Adult Coloring Page 2. To upload your Custom Portrait file here our Etsy shop here 3. To add any Special Requests on your Custom Portraits 4. To reserve your Art Print(s) at the discounted rate 5. Get a free annual Birthday card Gift signed by the artist - Heidi Kimura https://goo.gl/forms/VDaSqw8eu80tJ1b83 https://www.heidikimura.com/contact #etsy #artprint #etsyseller #etsyshop #etsysellersofinstagram #etsylove #etsystore #etsyartist #etsyart #etsygiveaway #adultcoloringbooks #fishlover #linedrawing #etsyusa #etsyhunter #etsyshopowner #etsyshopping #etsyartprints #etsyartwork #artwork #artistsoninstagram #artist #artwork #artistsellingart #artgallerynyc #artshow #fishartwork #fish #coralfish #clownfish #art_of_japan_ 💮Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/heidikimurart/ 💮Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heidikimurart/ 💮Twitter: https://twitter.com/heidikimurart. 💮 Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/heidikimurart .👋🏻👋🏻Buy Today 💮Shop: http://www.society6.com/heidikimura.# (at New York, New York)
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mrbobgove · 7 years
Scuba Diving in Kimbe Bay
Kimbe Bay is to the large island of New Britain what Milne Bay is to Papua New Guinea’s main island of New Guinea: a biodiversity hotspot that offers an incredible variety of diving. Scuba diving in Kimbe Bay also means the chance to visit one of the best-preserved WWII aircraft wrecks in the country.
New Britain is the largest of Papua New Guinea’s 600-plus islands and is part of the huge 19,000-square-mile (50,000 square km) Bismarck Archipelago off the northeastern coast of New Guinea.
Kimbe Bay sits roughly one third of the way along the north coast of New Britain and is world-renowned for its incredible marine biodiversity. Nature Conservancy surveys on 78 sites in the bay have identified 860 species of fish, around 400 species of stony corals and 10 species of whales and dolphins.
To put that in a global perspective: in an area roughly the same size as California, scientists estimate that Papua New Guinea is home to almost 5 percent of the world’s total marine biodiversity. Many birders visit as well because the highland rainforests are as rich in bird life as the waters of the bay are in marine life.
Visually the bay is quite spectacular, with a series of volcanoes dotting its long shoreline. In the bay itself are several dramatic seamounts, rising up from the depths. Those seamounts, combined with numerous excellent reefs and the incredible marine life, are what make scuba diving in Kimbe Bay so special.
How to get to Kimbe Bay
The only real option for getting to Kimbe Bay is by air from Port Moresby to Kimbe, the main town in the area and the provincial capital of West New Britain. Kimbe’s airport is called Hoskins (HKN) and both Air Nuigini and PNG Air serve it regularly. Only Air Nuigini has direct flights.
Logistics in Kimbe Bay
The Papua New Guinea currency is the Kina and $1 USD will buy you about three of them. Most visitors to PNG get whatever Kina they may need at the ATM or currency exchange after arrival at the international airport in Port Moresby. There are a few ATMs available at the banks in Kimbe town, so you can also get cash there if you need to.
Scuba diving in Kimbe Bay
There are two options for diving Kimbe Bay — either land-based using day boats from the resort, or on a liveaboard. Either way you will end up at Walindi Plantation Resort which basically is scuba diving in Kimbe Bay.
Walindi has been operating since 1983, but has come a long way from the single boat and two bungalows that Max and Cecilie Benjamin started with. There are now 12 individual bungalows plus several Plantation Rooms to accommodate visitors, together with a central lodge, restaurant, swimming pool and small bar. The Benjamins’ son Cheyne and his wife Emma took over operations at the resort from Max and Cecilie a few years ago. Walindi operates three day boats, each accommodating six to eight divers, with two dives per day being the norm and a third available on request.
The average time to most dive sites is around 40 minutes, but the more remote sea-mount sites take a bit longer.
Standout dive sites
Generally, the reefs in Kimbe Bay offer excellent diving, but an overall favorite is South Emma’s. The site features a superb assortment of huge barrel sponges, beautiful red sea-whip gorgonians and vibrant soft corals.
To round things off nicely, there’s a deep swim-through cave, and the top of the reef is coated in healthy hard corals. Schooling fusiliers and trevally regularly patrol the area.
Of all the incredible seamounts in Kimbe Bay, Bradford Shoals is the standout attraction. It’s located on the very edge of the bay, with the seafloor some 5,000 feet (1500 m) below. Bradford rises from the abyss to within about 65 feet (20 m) of the surface and its reef structure is mainly flat plates of hard corals. These are home to numerous colorful, small reef fish. But a visit here is not about reef fish — surrounded by deep water and far from the nearest reef structure, Bradford acts as a magnet for big fish and pelagics. There are no guarantees, but you are almost certain to see large schools of barracuda, big-eye trevally, dogtooth tuna, unicorn fish and fusiliers, plus skittish whitetip reef sharks. Gray reef sharks cruise out in the current and hammerheads occasionally visit from the deep.
Dive on a WWII fighter plane
Finally, no visit to Kimbe Bay would be complete without a dive on what is possibly the most intact WWII aircraft wreck in Papua New Guinea. In a small bay, close to South Emma’s reef, is a Japanese Mitsubishi Zero fighter, lying in just 56 feet (17 m) of water.
Research by Max and Cecilie Benjamin based on the aircraft’s serial number established that Tomiharu Honda was the pilot. The plane went missing during the battle of Cape Gloucester on West New Britain on December 26, 1944. The wreck’s location close to shore means that it’s best to dive here when there has been no rain for several days so that the visibility is at its best.
Sitting on the sandy bottom, the plane is covered with a light marine growth and barnacle-like hard-coral growth on the wings and fuselage.
The three blades of the single propeller are still very much intact, covered with sponges and some colorful coral. Fish life is concentrated around the open cockpit.
Liveaboard diving
Walindi’s liveaboard, the MV FeBrina, operates from the resort for about two-thirds of the year and from Rabaul at the eastern tip of New Britain for the rest.
From Walindi, FeBrina covers the remote Witu Islands northwest of Kimbe Bay and Father’s Reef at the eastern edge of the bay. Those outer reefs offer some incredible diving on sites that are rarely if ever dived by other boats.
The highlight of a trip to the exceptional Witu Islands is Garove Island, which is the remains of a huge, sunken volcanic caldera. Diving the black-sand critter site at Wire Bay yields a tremendous assortment of critters and, on any given dive, you may see leaf scorpionfish, hinge-beak shrimp, Steinitz’ shrimp gobies, numerous varieties of clownfish and lots of nudibranchs.
While at Father’s Reef you will encounter what is probably the healthiest population of sharks in PNG. Shaggy’s Reef the highlight of that area because of the dedicated shark feed that FeBrina conducts there.
From Rabaul, the FeBrina covers the remote south coast of New Britain – an area of Papua New Guinea that no other dive boats visit. There are numerous fantastic sites along the south coast, but the standout is West Entrance at Lindenhaven, a small village in the Gasmata area.
As its name suggests, the dive site is on the west entrance to the village. The corals and fish life are prolific and pristine because of the strong, rich currents that course through the entrance. Those currents mean that you can only dive West Entrance around slack tide, but the wait is well worth it.
When to Dive Kimbe Bay
Kimbe Bay’s unique topography protects it from extreme weather, and its dive sites are accessible year-round, although conditions do vary. The best time of year to visit is from September to November, with calm seas and superb visibility typically over 80 feet (25 m) or May through June, which typically features calm seas and clear skies with almost no wind. Water temps vary from around 80 F (27 C) to 88 F (31 C)
Australian Don Silcock is based in Bali. He has dived many of the Indo-Pacific’s best locations. His website offers articles and location guides to the places he has visited and the big animals he has dived with. Learn more about Kimbe Bay and Papua New Guinea in his complete guides.
    The post Scuba Diving in Kimbe Bay appeared first on Scuba Diver Life.
from Scuba Diver Life http://ift.tt/2zF7nr0
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wayneooverton · 7 years
Scuba Diving in Kimbe Bay
Kimbe Bay is to the large island of New Britain what Milne Bay is to Papua New Guinea’s main island of New Guinea: a biodiversity hotspot that offers an incredible variety of diving. Scuba diving in Kimbe Bay also means the chance to visit one of the best-preserved WWII aircraft wrecks in the country.
New Britain is the largest of Papua New Guinea’s 600-plus islands and is part of the huge 19,000-square-mile (50,000 square km) Bismarck Archipelago off the northeastern coast of New Guinea.
Kimbe Bay sits roughly one third of the way along the north coast of New Britain and is world-renowned for its incredible marine biodiversity. Nature Conservancy surveys on 78 sites in the bay have identified 860 species of fish, around 400 species of stony corals and 10 species of whales and dolphins.
To put that in a global perspective: in an area roughly the same size as California, scientists estimate that Papua New Guinea is home to almost 5 percent of the world’s total marine biodiversity. Many birders visit as well because the highland rainforests are as rich in bird life as the waters of the bay are in marine life.
Visually the bay is quite spectacular, with a series of volcanoes dotting its long shoreline. In the bay itself are several dramatic seamounts, rising up from the depths. Those seamounts, combined with numerous excellent reefs and the incredible marine life, are what make scuba diving in Kimbe Bay so special.
How to get to Kimbe Bay
The only real option for getting to Kimbe Bay is by air from Port Moresby to Kimbe, the main town in the area and the provincial capital of West New Britain. Kimbe’s airport is called Hoskins (HKN) and both Air Nuigini and PNG Air serve it regularly. Only Air Nuigini has direct flights.
Logistics in Kimbe Bay
The Papua New Guinea currency is the Kina and $1 USD will buy you about three of them. Most visitors to PNG get whatever Kina they may need at the ATM or currency exchange after arrival at the international airport in Port Moresby. There are a few ATMs available at the banks in Kimbe town, so you can also get cash there if you need to.
Scuba diving in Kimbe Bay
There are two options for diving Kimbe Bay — either land-based using day boats from the resort, or on a liveaboard. Either way you will end up at Walindi Plantation Resort which basically is scuba diving in Kimbe Bay.
Walindi has been operating since 1983, but has come a long way from the single boat and two bungalows that Max and Cecilie Benjamin started with. There are now 12 individual bungalows plus several Plantation Rooms to accommodate visitors, together with a central lodge, restaurant, swimming pool and small bar. The Benjamins’ son Cheyne and his wife Emma took over operations at the resort from Max and Cecilie a few years ago. Walindi operates three day boats, each accommodating six to eight divers, with two dives per day being the norm and a third available on request.
The average time to most dive sites is around 40 minutes, but the more remote sea-mount sites take a bit longer.
Standout dive sites
Generally, the reefs in Kimbe Bay offer excellent diving, but an overall favorite is South Emma’s. The site features a superb assortment of huge barrel sponges, beautiful red sea-whip gorgonians and vibrant soft corals.
To round things off nicely, there’s a deep swim-through cave, and the top of the reef is coated in healthy hard corals. Schooling fusiliers and trevally regularly patrol the area.
Of all the incredible seamounts in Kimbe Bay, Bradford Shoals is the standout attraction. It’s located on the very edge of the bay, with the seafloor some 5,000 feet (1500 m) below. Bradford rises from the abyss to within about 65 feet (20 m) of the surface and its reef structure is mainly flat plates of hard corals. These are home to numerous colorful, small reef fish. But a visit here is not about reef fish — surrounded by deep water and far from the nearest reef structure, Bradford acts as a magnet for big fish and pelagics. There are no guarantees, but you are almost certain to see large schools of barracuda, big-eye trevally, dogtooth tuna, unicorn fish and fusiliers, plus skittish whitetip reef sharks. Gray reef sharks cruise out in the current and hammerheads occasionally visit from the deep.
Dive on a WWII fighter plane
Finally, no visit to Kimbe Bay would be complete without a dive on what is possibly the most intact WWII aircraft wreck in Papua New Guinea. In a small bay, close to South Emma’s reef, is a Japanese Mitsubishi Zero fighter, lying in just 56 feet (17 m) of water.
Research by Max and Cecilie Benjamin based on the aircraft’s serial number established that Tomiharu Honda was the pilot. The plane went missing during the battle of Cape Gloucester on West New Britain on December 26, 1944. The wreck’s location close to shore means that it’s best to dive here when there has been no rain for several days so that the visibility is at its best.
Sitting on the sandy bottom, the plane is covered with a light marine growth and barnacle-like hard-coral growth on the wings and fuselage.
The three blades of the single propeller are still very much intact, covered with sponges and some colorful coral. Fish life is concentrated around the open cockpit.
Liveaboard diving
Walindi’s liveaboard, the MV FeBrina, operates from the resort for about two-thirds of the year and from Rabaul at the eastern tip of New Britain for the rest.
From Walindi, FeBrina covers the remote Witu Islands northwest of Kimbe Bay and Father’s Reef at the eastern edge of the bay. Those outer reefs offer some incredible diving on sites that are rarely if ever dived by other boats.
The highlight of a trip to the exceptional Witu Islands is Garove Island, which is the remains of a huge, sunken volcanic caldera. Diving the black-sand critter site at Wire Bay yields a tremendous assortment of critters and, on any given dive, you may see leaf scorpionfish, hinge-beak shrimp, Steinitz’ shrimp gobies, numerous varieties of clownfish and lots of nudibranchs.
While at Father’s Reef you will encounter what is probably the healthiest population of sharks in PNG. Shaggy’s Reef the highlight of that area because of the dedicated shark feed that FeBrina conducts there.
From Rabaul, the FeBrina covers the remote south coast of New Britain – an area of Papua New Guinea that no other dive boats visit. There are numerous fantastic sites along the south coast, but the standout is West Entrance at Lindenhaven, a small village in the Gasmata area.
As its name suggests, the dive site is on the west entrance to the village. The corals and fish life are prolific and pristine because of the strong, rich currents that course through the entrance. Those currents mean that you can only dive West Entrance around slack tide, but the wait is well worth it.
When to Dive Kimbe Bay
Kimbe Bay’s unique topography protects it from extreme weather, and its dive sites are accessible year-round, although conditions do vary. The best time of year to visit is from September to November, with calm seas and superb visibility typically over 80 feet (25 m) or May through June, which typically features calm seas and clear skies with almost no wind. Water temps vary from around 80 F (27 C) to 88 F (31 C)
Australian Don Silcock is based in Bali. He has dived many of the Indo-Pacific’s best locations. His website offers articles and location guides to the places he has visited and the big animals he has dived with. Learn more about Kimbe Bay and Papua New Guinea in his complete guides.
    The post Scuba Diving in Kimbe Bay appeared first on Scuba Diver Life.
from Scuba Diver Life http://ift.tt/2zF7nr0
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heidikimura-blog · 6 years
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What I drew in class today.. at the professional fish society. A new illustration style referencing how the artists in the old days sketch and record fish species found in nature! More fish adult coloring available on Etsy soon! #fishartist #etsy #artprint #etsyseller #etsyshop #etsysellersofinstagram #etsylove #etsystore #etsyartist #etsyart #adultcoloringbooks #fishlover #linedrawing #etsyusa #etsyhunter #etsyshopowner #etsyshopping #etsyartprints #etsyartwork #artwork #artistsoninstagram #artist #artwork #artistsellingart #artgallerynyc #artshow #fishartwork #fish #coralfish #clownfish #art_of_japan_ 💮Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/heidikimurart/ 💮Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heidikimurart/ 💮Twitter: https://twitter.com/heidikimurart. 💮 Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/heidikimurart .👋🏻👋🏻Buy Today 💮Shop: http://www.society6.com/heidikimura. Fill out this form if you want ANY ONE of the following things... https://goo.gl/forms/VDaSqw8eu80tJ1b83 1. To sign up for our Email Subscription for a Free-Product-of-the-Month Such as Mini-Art Prints/ Postcards/ Free Adult Coloring Page 2. To upload your Custom Portrait file here our Etsy shop here 3. To add any Special Requests on your Custom Portraits 4. To reserve your Art Print(s) at the discounted rate 5. Get a free annual Birthday card Gift signed by the artist - Heidi Kimura https://goo.gl/forms/VDaSqw8eu80tJ1b83 https://www.heidikimura.com/contact (at New York, New York)
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