#a curse for true love header​s
hiloedits · 11 months
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— evajacks [a curse for true love spoilers] headers
like or reblog if you use/save.
© hiloedits on twitter.
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 18/07
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I'm really enjoying Hivebent! It almost feels like a detour into a different story, like the Intermission - although the difference, of course, is that we know this one is plot-relevant. 
The tone is quite different too. Things are kind of ominous - and not just because we know the troll session(s) are doomed. We’re slowly zooming into the culture of a pretty terrible world, and I’m sure there’s a lot more to see.  
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I've thought about this, but there are two main issues here:
I like to refer back to previous posts a lot when I’m liveblogging, both for further analysis and to illustrate points. Audio or video reactions are sort of hard to reference - I could do a transcript, but I don’t think it’d be very useful, because
I’m just not very good live, lmao. I’m a lot more comfortable in text, where I can format and edit posts to properly illustrate what I’m trying to say. Live, I tend to ramble - even my text posts have to be cut down a little from my initial reactions. You’re really not missing much; trust me on this.
If the flashes ever get really long - like, if we do a larger one of these, which I’m assuming is a walkaround - I’ll reconsider. I doubt it, though, I’d probably be more likely to split it into multiple posts. I’ll keep it under consideration, though!
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Karkat and his friends and everyone they would ever meet thereafter would experience great misfortune on account of the curse unwittingly implemented through Sollux's esoteric MOBIUS DOUBLE REACHAROUND VIRUS.
I think either interpretation makes sense - this sentence is kind of ambiguous, now that I’m looking at it again. Although, if Sollux did know what the virus would do, why would he send it to his friend? 
He knows Karkat is an amateur programmer, which is the worst kind of person to send this too. Karkat can compile and run this code, but he can’t understand it. What the hell, Captor?
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I absolutely hate to admit this, but I watched Morbius with my friend a couple of weeks ago. The experience was indescribable, and it’s stuck in my mind ever since.
But my favorite moment will be when John looks directly out of the panel, meeting my eye, and speaks thusly:
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I'm wearing ‘cliffnotes-esque’ as a badge of honor from now on. I kind of want to make it my blog header.
Yeah, I try to attach any relevant context to the points I make, just to help me tie things together. As a bonus, it hopefully helps readers out, too!
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Oh my god, does this mean Sburb is on a grub? Are all the actual troll computers just... full of insects?  
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Was Karkat, like, really confused by the non-biological tape storage in the Veil, or was his Veil just wall-to-wall grubs?
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That’s too funny. It’s second only to Kingdom Hearts in weird stream-crossing moments in video games. I’ve never actually played a dating game before, but I gotta give this one a go - I actually think I’ve seen that JaidenAnimations dating game video before, I’ve seen a lot of her stuff. 
It may not be true canon, but maybe this is the legendary semi-canon that I keep hearing about...
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Oh I love Undertale - Deltarune too. There is just so much going on in those games, on every level. 
Toby, not to rush you, but you have no idea the things I’d do for Chapter 3 to drop today. 
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I actually didn’t catch this! Not that I’ve studied any classics, or anything.
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I guess my pronunciation isn’t quite right. I guess it’d be something like ‘saul-ucks cap-ter’?
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So he is. I think it’s a pretty safe bet that mental health services on Alternia are somewhat lacking, even more so than on Earth. Do you think trolls even know what therapy is? 
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Aw, the poor monsters. 
Shit, I hadn’t thought of this yet - what lusus will my trollsona have? I’m thinking of some sort of insect, but leave it with me. 
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[https://4-panel-life.tumblr.com/post/63400990221/before-i-knew-what-homestuck-was-i-was-really this I think 😂 - Cat ] 
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Love it. I’d honestly have probably spent the rest of my life confusing the two, if I hadn’t started this blog. As I said, I have no earthy clue what Homestar Runner is about, only that it was a beacon of internet culture in the era before I came online.
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I don’t doubt that puns were in play when Hussie was initially naming these Aspects - and those puns may well tie into their symbolism. It’s a pretty good way to get some inspiration when you’re naming things.
But I’m sure there’s more too it - simply because people love these Titles. The system is presumably pretty deep, and the pun is but a single faucet of each Title.
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Thank you! Hilariously, it’s actually hotter at home than it was abroad. 
Is anyone else dealing with the heatwave, right now? Holy shit, you guys, even normal summers make me drowsy. This one is something else. 
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Always up for some Sylladex analysis. 
We’ve considered this interpretation before. It makes a lot of sense - and it gels with what we already know about Sburb - but I’m still on the fence about it, mostly because it raises the same question that the rest of Sburb’s predestination system does - namely, how it would account for alternate timelines. 
There are ways to handle it - like, maybe each iteration of each person gets their own, personal index - and I do think we’re on the right track with predestination, but I still don’t think we have the whole picture here. 
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Everything, Everywhere was a lot of fun - and all the AU and alt-self stuff was very Homestuck. 
Does anyone else wish we'd seen more of the other timelines, though? I know the movie was intentionally centered on one specific iteration of the family, but I'd love to have seen more of what went down in, for example, the Prime Timeline.
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Dis* is me when I try to use regexes.
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I'm on the for you page? I've fucking made it. Catch me monetizing the shit out of this blog now.
thewertsearch, brought to you by Namco™ High!
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[ omg. um.... here it is... humanimals.... drawn by Hussie, I believe a few years before HS...
content warning for... I guess body horror, and weird... human animal people, I don’t even know what description I could give but it’s nightmare fuel xD
it’s not directly plot relevant to HS the way SBAHJ is, I leave it up to your judgement lol - C ]
I honestly don’t think I can post these on the blog. Why does the the fact that they’re office clerks make it worse, somehow? The juxtaposition of the casual mood with what we’re seeing is generating a feeling that’s adjacent to, but somehow more harrowing than, the uncanny valley. 
Incredible. I feel like my life has been enriched in a way I can neither understand nor describe.  
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Oh right, yeah, the ‘secrets’ in the playable panels! Yeah, I’d actually forgotten about these, thanks for the reminder.
It's been a while since a playable flash, so I need to remember to find the key combination for each of them. if I miss one, remind me!
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enchantestuff · 3 years
miscommunication - charles leclerc
in which your Pierres little sister and reap the consequences after an eventful night in Monaco with his best friend
I think I'm going to make this into a series, like 3 more parts maybe??
part two
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warnings: smut, my failed attempt at angst (I tried), language, em yeah
3k words (I have no idea how that happened) 
You had known Charles for years, which wasn't particularly surprising considering you were Pierres little sister.
When you were little you envied their friendship, constantly trying to insert yourself in their games and conversations. You had lost count of the amount of times they slammed a door in your face, demanding you to leave them alone. You hadn’t realised how annoying you were being as you followed them around everywhere, even if Pierre had scolded you for it each day.
When you were a teenager, Pierre purposely kept Charles away from you, telling him that if he even looked in your direction he wouldn't hesitate to end their friendship. You, of course, had no idea of the threat not that it mattered as you didn't paid any attention to the infamous duo during those few years, living in your own little world full of clothes , friends and different boys.
Now, however, you were an adult and all you wanted to do was support your brother throughout his career. In recent years you had gone to as many races as you physically could, but of course you had your own job and unfortunately didn’t have the time to attend any race this season.
Pierre was disappointed, he loved having you there to support him, but he understood that you had your own life and never placed any blame on you. After years of the two of you constantly ignoring each other and bickering, you had finally begun to act like siblings and all he wanted to do was make up for lost time.
You had thankfully gotten three weeks off work - well they weren’t necessarily weeks off as you still had to do your job, but your boss insisted that there was no need for you to trek to the office everyday when you were perfectly capable of doing the work at home on your laptop. The timing couldn't have been better with the triple header just around the corner, it almost seemed like a miracle and you were gonna enjoy every minute of it.
You grinned as you texted your brother.
Any spare tickets to the race :)
He replied almost immediately.
You're kidding, which one?
All of them?
Your texting was cut off by Pierres contact photo appearing on your phone. You answered instantly only to hear Pierre screaming through your speakers, he also slipped in a few delighted curse words before finally letting you talk.
“My boss gave me the next three weeks off so I’m going to go support my favourite brother” you grinned.
“Your only brother” he remarked and you could practically hear him rolling his eyes.
You spent the next few hours catching up and retelling pointless stories. You had gone to sleep with a lazy smile on your face and  woke up the next morning to a text from Pierre, telling you that he had organized your passes for the three weekends as well as the flights, all you had to do was find a hotel. He slipped in the name of the hotel that he was staying at, and to your luck there was still room available. Now all that was left to do was wait.
You grinned giddy as you stepped off the plane and walked toward the baggage collection area, excited to finally get back to watching races in person. You rubbed your eyes in surprise when you spotted your brother waiting for you. “Pierre?” you screamed delightly, running up to him and pushing his body into a bone crushing hug. It felt like you hadn’t seen him in forever even if it was only a few months.
“Bonjour,” he laughed as he hugged you back.
“I thought you were busy all day today” you exclaimed once you pulled away from him.
He sheepishly shrugged at you with a lazy grin on his face. “I may have lied, are you ready to go?”
You nodded your head at him and for the first time in a long time your mind drifted towards your brother's best friend, Charles, who you hadn’t spoken to since an eventful night in Monaco a few months ago.
You cursed yourself as you thought back to that very moment.
Charles was having a party at his lovely home, you can't remember now what you were celebrating but everyone was ecstatic. You could hear the music from across the street and you knew before you even entered the house that it was going to be a night to remember.
The moment you stepped foot inside you were surrounded by multiple drunk people, all with large grins and hooded eyes plastered on them and you laughed as almost everyone stumbled around the house.
You spotted your brother in the middle of the room dancing with a pretty blonde, he had a goofy smile on his face and you knew from that sight of him alone that he was wasted. You were the only sober person there, at least that's what you thought until Charles had made his way to you with two cups in his hand, alcohol for you and water for him.
“I thought you were celebrating,” you mused as you took a sip of the dark liquor.
“Someone needs to keep these drunk idiots in check,” he joked.
“Well in that case” you said as you handed your drink to a stranger and took a sip of his water instead. You laughed at the bewildered look he threw your way before continuing, “I'm not going to let you tackle this party alone.” The smile that formed on Charles was genuine and your breath hitched in your throat at the sight.
You surprisingly enjoyed yourself the whole night, maybe that was because you knew everyone there, but most likely it was because you spent the whole night with Charles.
A few hours into the party he turned to you asking to dance, you didn't even hesitate to say yes, nerves surrounded you immediately and they only got worse when his hands dipped dangerously low on your hips. Your eyes automatically searched for Pierre and you left out a sigh of relief when you couldn't find him anywhere.
The thought of getting caught fueled both you and Charles, so when he spun you around to face him neither of you hesitated to connect your lips. You considered yourself lucky that everyone around you was too drunk to notice your heated make out and used it to your advantage. You pulled him even closer to you, moaning in his ear when he grabbed your bum and giggling at the whimper he let out.
You felt dizzy. The fact that you were both sober made your first kiss even more real.
You were anxious when he asked you if you wanted to go somewhere more private but agreed nevertheless, hoping that maybe he had wanted you for as long as you had wanted him.
He had tenderly kissed you again once he closed the door behind him.
“God, you have no idea how long i've waited to do this,” he moaned in your ear and although you knew that was just something people said in the heat of the moment, you let yourself believe it. You let yourself believe every single word that left his lips and got even more attached to the moment.
You revealed a piece of yourself to him that night, not only a physical part, but a part of your heart as you admitted your deepest secrets to him. “Fuck, Charles, I’ve always wanted you,” you moaned when he gently placed you on the bed.
You attached yourself to the kisses he placed all over your body, you paid attention to every bit of affection that he showed you, never once wanting him to stop. When he positioned himself next to you and asked if you were sure you told him there was nothing you've ever been more sure about.
You had both simultaneously moaned when he entered you, laughing at each other afterwards, which made your heart flutter. He was Charles, your brothers best friend and yet sex with him felt so natural.
He placed a tender kiss to your chest before he started moving and you couldn't help but hold him close to you, he didn't seem to mind however as he nested his head in the crook of your neck, letting you hear all the soft gasps and grunts that left his mouth.
You arched your back in pleasure when he reached the deepest parts inside you, your toes curled and your eyes rolled back and all you could think was God why didn't we do this sooner?
“Don't stop, please Charles, don't stop” you moaned in his ear, and if you weren't in a completely different world you would have noticed the shiver than ran down his entire body at your words.
“Trust me, mon amour, i never want to stop”
You weren't even aware of the moans the left your lips until Charles had grabbed your chin and looked at you with desperation written all over his face, “Merde, Y/N, i want more than anything to make this moment last but If you keep making those pretty little sounds you're gonna make me cum”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words “Shut me up then”
And he did, he grunted as he reconnected your lips, swallowing your moans and letting out his own in the process. From the kissing, to Charles’ moans and the rolling of his hips it didn't take you long to release the knot in your stomach.
You regretted it now, thinking back on it, it had completely ruined your friendship with Charles. Your daily silly texts to each other had ceased to exist, your weekly facetime calls had died and a piece of you had broken.
You didn’t expect any less, he was your brother's best friend and even though you always found him insanely attractive, you knew deep down he would have found your little crush on him weird. You always had the suspicion that he saw you as a little sister, and the way he completely ignored you after your hookup had proven them to be true.
You couldn't hate him, or even place the blame of your failed friendship on him as you also went out of your way to ignore him, something that you really regretted but couldn’t change.
“You alright?” Pierre asked as he grabbed your suitcase in his hand.
“Yeah sorry i - i don't know what happened to me there,” you choked out, walking alongside Pierre to his car.
“It's free practice tomorrow, you coming?” he asked once you were both sitting comfortably in his car.
“Yeah, of course” you nodded as you watched the tall buildings pass by in the window.
“Everyones misses you, you know?” he quickly glanced over at you while he drove, wondering what the hell you were thinking so hard about.
“Yep” you sighed, “Me too,” but all you could think about was the Ferrari driver and how awkward it would be to see him again
You had shut yourself in your hotel room for the rest of the night, the flight and overly long check in had taken all the remaining energy out of you and all you wanted to do was curl into the hotel bed and sleep for as long as you possibly could. So that's what you did, until Pierre rang your phone, telling you that he was leaving for free practice in half an hour, wondering if you needed lift, which of course you did you had mumbled to him while scrabbling out of the bed and running to your bathroom to take the quickest shower of your life.
You had somehow gotten ready in time and before you knew it you were walking around the paddock with Pierre next to you, basking in the glorious sun.
Pierre whistled in excitement when he spotted Charles walking out of the Ferrari motorhome. The brunette quickly turned at the sound, a smile forming on his face when he spotted Pierre, his eyebrows raising soon after as he finally noticed you next to him. Your heart beat loudly in your chest as he got closer and closer to you.
You stood firmly in your spot, uncertain if a hug would be too big of an action after months of silence between you both, quite frankly you didn’t even want to touch him, the pain that he had caused you cutting too deep. Unfortunately, he beamed at you and grabbed your hips, pulling you into his chest and rocking you both side to side.
“Hi,” you laughed, unwilling to cause a scene in front of your brother, you moved your arms to wrap around his neck.
“It's great to see you” he admitted when he pulled away and you felt your throat close up at his words. “I’ve missed you”
“I missed you too,” you smiled and although it wasn’t a lie, the words felt dirty leaving your lips. You shouldnt have missed him, not when he left you lying alone in his bed after you both had sex.
“God, you're acting like you haven't spoken to each other in months,” Pierre laughed, and you and Charles shared an awkward look with each other. The silence that followed was unbearable.
You cleared your throat as you looked around the paddock. “I'm going to get some water” you quickly spilled out and abruptly turned in the other direction, ignoring the confused look that Pierre shot in your direction. You had only taken a few steps when Charles grabbed your arm and pulled you behind a random building.
“Shh it's me” he flinched as you pushed yourself away from him, “it's me” he repeated looking at the bewildered expression on your face.
“You couldn’t have just talked to me like a normal human being?” you argued, “Did you really have to drag me behind a building?”
“I couldn't talk about you know what around you know who” he threw back and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Oh! You dont want to talk about us having sex infronf of Pierre” you snapped and he covered your mouth with his hand. You bit his hand and he gasped in response.
“You bit me!” he half shouted.
“You didn’t seem to mind last time” you commented , relishing in how flustered Charles had gotten.
“We need to talk about that” he choked out, looking absolutely anywhere except your eyes.
“Oh so now you want to talk about it?” you asked with an accusing tone to your voice, surpringing not only Charles but also yourself.
“I know it was a dick move, I just” he sighed “I didn’t know how to bring it up”
“How about maybe not leaving straight away? How about sending me a text explaining how you felt instead of leaving me in the dark for months? If you thought it was a mistake you could have just-”
“I didn't think it was a mistake”
You couldn't help the effect those words had on your heart, but suddenly you were even more furious, he was unintentionally playing with your heart and you didn't know how much more of it you could take.
“Then why didn't you tell me!”
You were frustrated and he wasn’t helping one bit. He had left it too late, the damage was done, you had spent months regretting your decision to climb into bed with him and a few words lazily strung together to form a sentence wasn't going to erase the emotional damage he caused you. It didn't matter anymore whether it was intentional or not
“I didn't want to ruin our friendship”
“That is the dumbest excuse I've ever heard!”
You could feel tears pricking your eyes and all you wanted to do was sob your heart out, but you refused to cry in front of him, you didn't want him to know the effect he had on you. “Look your late and i - i need to breathe”
You didn't give him a chance to reply as you ran away, unable to face the boy who broke your heart: the boy who had given you everything you could possibly want, only to snatch it out of your grasp.
You cursed yourself for getting attached to that moment because now, every time you closed your eyes, all you see was him panting on top of you and all you could feel was his lips on your skin. It was a memory that used to delight you but now all it brought was sadness and pain.
You knew your attachment issues would bring you pain one day, but only now as you crouched down next to some random building, did you realise it would be physical pain. You clawed at your neck in desperation. You couldn't breathe. Your tears were practically suffocating you and you couldn't help but think Charles' hands ripping your heart from your chest was the cause.
Unknowingly to you, Charles watched your retreating figure with tears forming behind his eyes. It had finally hit him how much he fucked things up. He thought he was doing the right thing, he thought maybe you needed space, maybe you would have regretted it.
He wore his heart on his sleeve that day, everything that he told you was true, he was just so scared. So scared that he would be left heartbroken, that his feelings were unrequited, that maybe, just maybe, you would be disgusted with yourself for what you two did.
He left early the next morning to hype himself up, to finally tell you about his feelings for you that had been bubbling around in his stomach for years, but when he returned to his bedroom you were gone.
He didn't realise how much waking up to an empty bed would affect you, just as much as you didnt realise how much leaving would affect him.
He was never good at communication, but it was so easy with you, so why didn't he pick up the phone? He had no excuse except that he was scared.
It was his fear that hurt him the most. It was his fear that broke your heart and that had hurt him so much more than he thought was possible.
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jeehye · 3 years
bnha villains with their quirkless s/o
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characters: dabi & shigaraki + gn!reader
warnings: 13+, semi-edited, cursing, “weak” reader, quirkless reader, mentions of blood, injuries, knife, possessiveness, fluff.
notes: i know a lot of people have done these but i just absolutely love the thought of these. i was going to add hawks but i wanted to get something posted, maybe i will revisit his! ♡ header by sobamilk
When Dabi first met you, he thought you were useless. In his eyes he thought getting to know you would just be pointless and he didn’t understand why Shigaraki allowed you to join the league in the first place either. However, it was the little things that you did that got him to soften up on you and become putty in your hands.
The way you nervously bit your soft lips and knitted your eyebrows together in concern when you saw him beaten up and bloodied after a fight, sent butterflies to his stomach. How you displayed your worries; frantically grabbing a med kit and doing your best to patch him up, and despite not knowing anything about first aid, the fact that you tried tugged at his heart and reminded him of his own mother—gentle, light touches and acts of kindness.
It was not long until he became hooked under your spell, constantly seeking you out for affection. He would sneak up behind you, his warm arms wrapping around your body, fitting together like a perfect puzzle. He would nuzzle into your neck, peppering kisses that caused you to scrunch up your face and squirm under his firm hold because it tickled. His lips would curve up into a gentle smile as he whispered in your ears that he vowed to protect you from any harm that may come your way.
Dabi made it his duty to protect you. He knew you were capable of doing things yourself, but he couldn’t help but feel the need to freak out every time you cut vegetables with a knife and bathe on your own. In his eyes, all those things could lead to you getting hurt, so he did them for you when he could.
He cursed the man who hated you in the past, cursed him for treating you like dirt and making your life difficult, however he was grateful, that despite all his wrongdoings, you never ran away from that man. He would lay down his life if it meant you were safe from any harm.
And he would be a damned man if an enemy found out his true weakness was you.
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Shigaraki never bothered himself with people, sure he had his comrades and alliances, but he tended to keep to himself.
That was, until he got to know you.
You were a lower ranked member of the League of Villains. You had nothing special about you but Giran admired your spark and that is why he brought you to the hideout. When he first met you, Shigaraki looked at you in distaste and dismissed you the moment you mentioned you had no quirk, but you kept persisting, you mentioned how you were trained in first aid and knew how to cook and clean. You kept barking on and on that Shigaraki eventually complied to get you to “shut-up before he decayed you”. Your vibrant-hued eyes widened in excitement and you bowed thanking him for giving you a chance saying that “you wouldn’t let him down”.
And you definitely never did let him down.
You were always so kind and affectionate towards him and everyone else in the league. You didn’t treat anyone like a monster and were not disgusted by the blood stained on their hands, in
fact you would wipe their hands gently and meticulously saying “you don’t want to eat with all this gunk on them”.
And you treated him no differently either, despite knowing that one wrong touch could mean dust for you, you would still grab his hand and patch up any injury that he sustained on them. A light dust of pink would rise on his face at this gesture, he was never used to the feeling of someone touching his hands, unless it was him doing it purposely, so he relished in how your hands carefully brushed against his.
It wasn’t long until he fell head over heels for you and you the same.
He knew how dark and cruel this world was to people like him, and you were the only light and saving grace he had left.
He made sure that you were always protected and kept safe. Shigaraki would make sure that nobody would harm you and if they even tried to touch a single hair on your head, they were dust.
The way he saw it was you were the prince(ess) in the castle, fragile and vulnerable, and in this game it was his duty to protect you from anyone who may try to separate you from him.
He was not going to lose you to some damn NPC.
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requests are open ♡
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kyberheart · 3 years
A Deceitful Creation Part #1 -  Wolffe x F!Reader
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Part #2
Summary: You’ve been trying for a while now to get pregnant with your lover. Knowing that may never happen, you ask for some outside help from Wolffe on the down-low...
Word Count: 1483
Warnings: 18+, piv sex, infidelity, pregnancy/trying for a baby, cursing, angst
A/N: Heyyyyyyyy.... I’m still here! I had some stuff going on this past week so I missed my Friday fic upload, but hey! It’s Sunday, only missed it by a few days so whatever. I’m still working on part #3 of my little Techy-boy story. Hopefully will be finished by Friday the 3rd! Heh... part #3 on the 3rd... perfect. ANYWAY I hope you like this little blurb I wrote. I wanted maximum sad with lots of OOF. I kept the summary and header as vague as possible to not spoil the end. Good luck in there!
(Ao3 Link if ya want it)
Wolffe was different with you. All teeth and tongue and nails dug into the plump flesh of your thighs. The look adorning his eyes in this moment is akin to a knife’s edge; he was holding back as not to tear you to shreds.
Your lover on the other hand, well… he was the whisper of a cool breeze in the night. A cascading avalanche of stolen breaths and languid strokes. Completely and utterly tender with you.
“C-close Wolffe, almost…I’m—!”
He nods, stooping to kiss you, but swiftly retracts his head with a tiny scowl. He knew the rules. No marks that can’t be covered up, no pet names, and under no circumstances can he kiss you. This was just a mutually beneficial transaction. Nothing more, nothing less.
“I got you… I got you…”
He’s reaching down, down, down to make contact with your clit. You keen, dropping your head back into the mattress. He fucks you through your orgasm, spilling inside of you as your legs wrap tightly around his waist. You tremble under him as you come down from your high. In a blur of muscle-memory Wolffe is reaching behind you for a pillow. He props your hips upward with it, grinding into you a few more times to make sure his seed is in there nice and deep.
“If this isn’t the one, I’m not sure if I can help. Maybe what they say is true, maybe we’re all infertile. I mean, I’ve heard rumors of defectors running off and getting people knocked up, but…” He shrugs, pulling out of you to head into the ‘fresher. You sigh, staring at the grey ceiling above you. That really wasn’t the case. Some were infertile, yes. You knew that all too well…
“I’m headed out. I have a supply run to facilitate. You alright?”
Wolffe grunts as he snaps his scratched armor around himself. He wasn’t much for conversations after the act. Rather, he preferred to be on his merry way as fast as possible. It wasn’t so much to avoid catching feelings as it was to steer clear of talking. He was undoubtedly the most stand-offish of the clones you knew. You were often surprised at how easy it was to lure him into the bedroom with how hostile his demeanor could be. Though on second thought he was just a normal guy. Sex is just as fun for him as it is for others.
“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks Wolffe. If this one doesn’t stick I’ll leave you alone.”
He pauses to search your face. You smile at him, wrapping your arms around your chest with a sleepy yawn. A garbled message blips from his forearm, which he answers with a quick acknowledgement before seating his helmet onto his head.
“Understood. I’ll see you around. Say hi to my vod for me when he gets back.”
And with that, he’s silently leaving your apartment into the void beyond. In the silence of the room your mind wanders once more. You think of your lover. Where was he right now? Somewhere far, far away? Somewhere he was safe? Was he warm, fed, and happy?
The cool dribble of Wolffe’s cum down your thigh snaps you from your rumination. You glance at the clock, finding it’s already been twenty minutes since he’d left. More than enough time, you think. With a quick curl of your spine you’re up on your feet and heading to the ‘fresher for a nice long shower. Hopefully when you were out you’d have a comm or a message from your lover.
----------------- He hunches low, lips hovering so close to your ear his hot breaths could have burned a hole through your head.
“That’s it baby, such a good girl. Just a—oh, squeezing me so tight tonight, huh? This’ll be the one, the kriffing ONE. Gonna fuck you full, fill you up to bursting. Make you s-swell with my baby. Can’t wait to see you like that… all mine…”
You cum so hard the world around you dissipates into nothing but him. He growls, pitching you forward with his angled thrusts. His hips crush you into the bed as he cums right along with you. His amber eyes sizzle with freshly tapped desire. Whispered adorations mingle between the two of you, lost to the spinning darkness of the night. When you’ve calmed your heaving breaths, you reach up to grab one of the pillows above you. He helps you position it under your hips before kissing you roughly. Between pecks, he speaks with a heart full of gentle sweetness.
“I’ll keep doing this—you’ll see. We’ll have a little one running around before you know it. Our little adi’ka… yeah…”
His eyes grow distant, lips stilling at the nape of your neck. You huff, smacking his shoulder with your hand.
“I know babe, don’t worry. With how much you’ve been between my legs I think we’ll be having LOTS of them running around.”
You wink at him, leaning up to kiss him again. He chuckles, reciprocating your heavy prodding tongue with his own within your mouth.
“I just… I know we’ve been trying for over a year… what if I...”
You shoot him a frown, tilting your head up to look him straight in the eyes. The fact of the matter was daunting and sat like tepid acid on your tongue. If he knew he wasn’t able to sire children, it would truly break him.
“NO! You are perfectly fine the way you are. I’d know, remember? I’m chief medical officer here dummy. You—WE have nothing to worry about. It’ll happen when the time is right. Trust me.”
He smiles at you, the sight of which could warm even the frostiest planet of Hoth into the dunes of Tatooine. All your love, all your patience and turmoil and sympathy and curiosity and… kriff, you’re everything was him. All him, always was and always will be. Him.
-------------------- The vividness of your dream wakes you with a start. It seemed to be recurring the last few days, a memory of the last time you and your lover were together. You shake your head of the images that haunted you. If only he was home, you wouldn’t worry so much about him.
It had already been a few weeks since Wolffe had occupied your bed. A queasy feeling was beginning to settle low in your stomach. Your lover hadn’t been back in a long while, and you were starting to think something wasn’t right.
You rise to pee, realizing in the dimly lit hush of dawn that this was becoming a frequent occurrence for you. When your shirt brushes a bit too roughly against one of your nipples you yelp. Were they always so sore in the morning? Wait…
Could this be it? A surge of adrenaline hits you like a Hammerhead Corvette as you rush into the ‘fresher. Not long after, you have a small white strip laying on your counter. Your knee bobs with anticipation, head in your hands as you sit on the hard tiled floor. This might just be it!
As the lines swell in the tiny viewport, you force yourself to breathe as deeply as possible. The memory pushes it’s way to the front of your mind once more to taunt you, to make you feel a twinge of guilt at what you’ve done. With a groan you run your fingers soothingly through your hair. You knew you could do this. Joy, passion, and relief would pave over the deceit from which this baby would be born. Your lover would never know the truth, but it was unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Forging a life, a family for the two of you was all that mattered right now.
The time is up. The minutes counted down with bated breaths. A scream tears its way from your throat as you see the result:
Before you can have a full-blown excitement meltdown, a beeping from the other room draws your attention. Your comm sits on your nightstand, signaling you of an incoming message. The words flash on the screen as you wipe tears from your eyes:
Dropping in to save a Jedi Master on Lola Sayu. Don’t worry, should be home before your pretty little head hits the pillow. See you soon my love. My heart is yours, forever.
Oh, you were squealing with delight now. It was finally happening! For REAL! This was a dream come true. A baby… you were going to have a baby! And your lover was going to be home by the end of the day. You wanted to comm him, send him a picture of the test, yell it to the kriffing UNIVERSE that you were fulfilling a long-awaited dream. Both of you were. You calmed yourself, resolving to tell him in person when he got home.
You couldn’t wait until Echo was back!
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chicksung · 3 years
Who’s Afraid of The Big Bad Wolf?|| Park Jisung
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Genre: vampire au, kinda horror but not really
Pairing: vampire!jisung x human!reader
Word Count: 1k
Warning/s: jisung’s a vampire, wandering around in the forest at night, the word ‘mutt’ is used in a derogatory way once
Synopsis: You claimed you weren’t afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, but was it the Big Bad Wolf you should be afraid of?
A/N: This is a present for my lovely little star @moonbeamsung for her birthday! Happy birthday little star and I hope this makes your day just a little bit better. Also thank you so so much to @lebrookestore for making this amazing header for me, words cannot describe how thankful I am!
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You couldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be here. You had heard the stories, the quiet whispers, the ghost stories that circulated around. You had brushed them all off as fictitious tales told to scare young children from entering the woods.
Now you wished you had listened.
The tales of a tall figure following you in the forest, the figure having supernatural features and speculated abilities. It was all true.
“Don’t be afraid,” You told yourself, trying to sound brave, but with a shaky voice telling you those words, they were hard to believe. You wandered aimlessly into the thick woods, your only light source being your phone. The path you trek down became less and less familiar, the slightest noise frightening you. The simple snap of a twig could make you comically jump into a nearby tree.
“Okay, there’s nothing here, so myth busted, right?” You announced to yourself, or so what you thought was just yourself.
The townsfolk always speculated that there were werewolves that walked among us, especially in the tree ridden thicket you timidly explored. The elders spoke of beasts bearing the teeth of canines, clumped fur adoring and covering any human-like feature, collective howls dating back hundreds of years proving that there was more than one.
Yet the creature you were facing didn’t match the descriptions you had been told. Not one bit.
The figure looked human, or at least human enough to pass for one. He was slim, tall, broad-shouldered. He seemed lively, albeit pale. His pitch black hair was styled quite meticulously, you must admit, and his eyes were round and looked to be full of wonder, resembling the eyes of a newborn doe, learning about its surroundings for the first time. Except his eyes weren’t filled with wonder. They were filled with curiosity, intrigue even. His clothes seemed outdated, although they were quite beautiful and were perfectly tailored to his body.
You moved your phone to have a clearer view of him, but to your dismay, your phone screen turned black, refusing to light up again. The battery was flat.
“Damnit,” You cursed aloud, smacking the side of your phone in hopes it would turn back on before looking back up. The figure was gone. Spooked by the situation, you turned on your heel and ran. You sprinted back up the path you had sauntered down not five minutes ago, but you don’t remember the scenery. Every tree looked like a carbon copy of one another, every canopy closing off the stars to guide you home. It was almost like the tree had multiplied while your back had been turned.
The more you ran, the more lost you became. Panic began to rise in your chest, beads of cold sweat rolling down your forehead and the back of your neck. You mentally cursed yourself for not pulling a Hansel and Gretel and putting something down as a marker of your path.
You rounded a tree, feeling an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you back. You shrieked, your head dipping down towards the ground like some kind of ballroom dance routine. There he was. The same figure from before, except he was right in front of you, his features as clear as day.
“And where is a pretty thing like you going?” He spoke. His voice was calm, collected, the polar opposite to you right now.
“I-uhm-” You stammered, unsure of how to respond. The male smirked, and there you caught a glimpse of it. They were long, sharp, like you had imagined, however they did not resemble those of canine like you had been told. They looked almost like the teeth of a human, only difference being the length and point to the ends of the canine teeth. Pieces of an incomplete puzzle were starting to fall into place. A vampire.
“Please let me go home,” You begged, your voice shaky. His smirk widened, a hand coming up to brush your cheeks.
“I could do that,” he mocked contemplation, “but how can I let such a beauty like you go? Besides, I think you would be interested to see what information I have on this place,” He smirked while he watched your eyes go wide.
“Wait, really?” You said stupidly. He nodded.
“Of course! Haven’t you ever wondered why the townsfolk always told you it was those mangy mutts of werewolves that hide in the dark crevices and not us?”
Upon hearing those words, you realised how often you didn’t question things. It hadn’t even crossed your mind that there could possibly be something else out there. You only relied on the tales you had been told by various family members and elderly townsfolk. Were you too naive? Did you never ask enough questions? Did you even question it at all? These thoughts raced through your mind at high speeds, creating doubt if you had been the curious child everyone claimed you were.
“So, do you want to know why?” Jisung held his hand out to you, patiently awaiting for your response. You hesitantly took his hand.
“Show me what I’ve never heard,” you confirmed, albeit a bit shakily. He encased your hands with his, a sly smile on his face as he led you into the depths of the forest.
You never returned that night, or the night after that. As a matter of fact, you never returned at all. You hadn’t been seen since that day and over time, the tale you had memorised by heart as a child modified to include you, the kid who was too naive and was led away with the promise of a better life. Of course it was far from the truth, but you were used as an example for the younger children of the village of what would happen if they were to follow in your footsteps. Most children heeded their parents’ warning. Except one. A young girl, treading clumsily and careless through the quiet thicket of the forest. You observed her from afar, sensing the fear she carried with her. You looked to Jisung, who was peering at her from the darkness as well. You shared a smile before moving towards the young girl at a frightening pace.
“And what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?”
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shannygoatgruff · 3 years
Only Fan(s) - A Thriller
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Genre: Thriller
Pairing: Modern Ivar/OC
Warning: Language, sex, stalking, obsession, kidnapping, sexual assault
Rating: MA+18
Summary: Sometimes OnlyFans subscribers want a little more than internet pictures. Sometimes they want to be your ONLY fan…
Header by: @flowers-in-your-hayr
Thanks to @xbellaxcarolinax for being my beta.
Disclaimer: This story will deal with some topics that might be a little uncomfortable for some people. As always, I’ll try to tackle the hard stuff as tactfully as possible.
a/n: I wrote this months ago and let it sit on the shelf. I’m finally ready to dust it off and give it another go...so let’s see what it do...
Part iii - Trifecta
Torren Sykes hadn’t lived what anyone would consider an exciting life. In fact, in her twenty-three years, she had only just left her mom’s double-wide trailer in East Bumble Fuck less than a year ago. Not quite 365 days later, she still didn’t have a pot to piss in, nor a window to throw it out of.
Truthfully, she usually didn’t know where she would be getting her next meal - that sort of thing wasn’t really a big deal to her. She actually liked the mystery of it all. There was something undeniably sexy about not knowing what the day would bring - who she would run into, or have to take something off of to survive. If someone else had to get hurt so she could make it through another day, such was life. She’d won. Those other people just needed to be better at playing the fucking game, plain and simple. 
Besides, pulling a caper or two kept her on her toes. She learned how to pull off the best of them from her mother. It’s not like adulting was one of Leslie’s strong suits. 
If only her mother had been more like her Me-Maw, now that woman was a saint. For reasons that Torren never cared to ask, she lived with her Me-Maw until she was five years old.  Leslie would periodically visit her to drop off the obligatory present on Christmas or her birthday if that bitch remembered. Not that they were ever good presents – just some cheap ass, unwrapped items she happened to pick up at the dollar store. Torren couldn't remember a gift that she had received wasn't still in the plastic bag with the receipt in it.
Cheap, whore.
Just once she would have liked a real baby doll from Toys-R-Us, instead of those cheap, hard, plastic dolls that the hand molds weren't cut out evenly, and the jagged edges cut the shit out of her face when she tried to sleep with it. But, that was Leslie. Torren didn't choose her; Leslie sure as shit didn't choose her daughter.
It became painfully clear to Torren that her mother didn’t want anything to do with her after her Me-Maw died. Unfortunately, she found herself as her mother’s unwitting roommate at a very young age, forcing the girl to spend a lot of time alone. 
By the time she turned nine, Torren was convinced that her mother was a prostitute and she was a trick baby. It was the only explanation she could come up with seeing as how her mother never worked but always had enough money to pay the rent, keep the lights on, and have plenty of booze, chips, and hot dogs in the fridge. 
Not that Torren had many other life experiences with a working parent to compare her situation to, but it just seemed pretty fucking difficult to have a job if one were passed out drunk all the fucking time. Besides, who had time to work when during your waking hours you were spending them with one of your many, many boyfriends? 
Torren used to wonder if one of the multitudes of men that would traipse in and out of that trailer were her father - but the more she got to know what type of person Leslie was, the more she realized that whoever that guy was, had gotten the hell out of dodge. 
Lucky son-of-a-bitch. 
But for all of Leslie’s flaws, she did manage to impart her three philosophies of life onto her daughter - the three things that Torren still lived by to this day. It was the least she could do. God knows that whore sure as fuck didn’t do anything else for her.
Mama’s Life Lessons #1 - There is no such thing as too much black eyeliner
As trivial as it sounded, it proved to be a precious lesson. Shortly after she had moved into the trailer, Leslie had forced Torren to sit on the bed and watch as she got ready for another one of her "dates". She had told the little girl that beautiful eyes were the one good gene that ran in their family. “You got to learn how to work ‘em,” Leslie exhaled a long plume of smoke at her reflection in the vanity mirror, “You listenin'? This's important. This right here," she held up the black liner pencil, “is gonna be your best friend.”
Of course, Torren had no idea what she meant. How was a pencil going to her friend? She didn’t really care so much as what her mother was saying to her at the moment, it was more of the fact that she was actually talking to her that made Torren hang on to every word. 
That’s why she picked up the black liner pencil from her mother's cluttered vanity table and leaned over to look in the mirror. She tried tracing her bottom lid, the way her mother had done, but at six it was a little easier said than done. She had just learned how to color inside the lines with a fat crayon; mastering the art of applying liner would have to wait a few more years. 
Leslie, however, was not willing to wait that long, "What the hell's amatta wit'chu, Dumbass? You doin' it all wrong," she said snatching the pencil from the girl's hand. Grabbing Torren roughly by the chin she said, "Gotta teach you every goddamn thing. Hold still." She mumbled more curses and said something about her good-for-nothing mother not teaching her brat anything useful.
By the time she had finished cursing her name, Leslie roughly turned her daughter's head toward the mirror, "Yeah you got those eyes. Now, learn to use ‘em.” Leslie dropped the pencil onto the vanity before picking up her drink and shooing Torren away. 
That was the day that Drew Watkins bought her an ice cream. It had to be the eyeliner. It was a true fact, not just another one of her mother's drunken theories. Eyeliner and her eyes...she didn’t know how she used them, but they worked.
From that day on Torren opted to never step foot outside without heavy black liner again. 
Mama’s Life Lessons #2 - As long as there are men around that want to fuck you, you will never need to work
It wasn’t like she going to go out and get a real job. She wasn’t raised with much of a work ethic. She was too young to remember if her Me-Maw worked and what she gathered from her mother was that there would always be men around to take care of her. 
Leslie told her that she didn’t need to work because working a man was a full-time job. If she were doing that right, she wouldn’t have time for a fucking 9-5. It didn’t matter if he was in a relationship, gay, or the fucking Pope. As long as he a dick and she could bend over, and her eyes were done, her rent was as good as paid. 
If she wanted more than just the basic bills paid, she would have to rethink what all she was willing to do - but just make sure she didn’t do too much otherwise she couldn’t guarantee a steady paycheck every week.
This sage advice didn’t make much sense to 8-year-old Torren, but as the years progressed she started to work it into one of her life’s mottos. She would never want for anything. She could always rely on the kindness of strangers and when that got to be too boring, she could always take it, just to spice things up a bit.  
Mama’s Life Lessons #3 - If you want something do whatever it takes to make sure you get it
As a child that grew up with the television as a babysitter, Torren Sykes knew that she was destined to love Ivar “Lothbrok” Ragnarsson since she was a little girl. Ever since that day she turned on the TV and saw this adorable blue-eyed boy drawing Mickey Mouse ears saying, “I’m Ivar Lothbrok and you’re watching the Disney Channel,” she knew that he had to be hers. 
He was co-starring on a show called The Baker Boys, about three foster kids, who had come to live with a family that owned a bakery. Ivar’s character was named Simon Baker - a mischievous kid that lived with his grandmother until she died and never felt like he fit in with this cookie-cutter family. 
His life was just like hers - minus the cookie-cutter family that loved him and all. She was actually with more of an alcoholic whore that didn’t give a shit if she lived or died, and not pulling stunts in a bakery with flour and messing up orders like him, but she still saw them as kindred spirits. 
When the show got canceled she was devastated. How dare the world try to keep her from her man? Didn’t they understand this was love? Didn’t those people at Disneyland know that he was the only person in the world that understood her?
As if on queue, she happened to find the Season 2 DVD box-set at the library one afternoon. Her mother had kicked her out of the trailer because she had a date and couldn’t have the dumbass child around fucking things up for her. Torren had nothing else to do - at 11-years-old, she had no money, and nowhere to go. At least the library was air-conditioned. 
She wanted that box-set. Slipping it into her backpack unnoticed was the easy part. Trying to get it past the alarms would be harder. She watched for a while, paying particular attention to the way the check-out system worked. 
When the librarians changed shifts, she let a smile cross her lips as she picked a few random books from the shelves. 
Her beautiful eyes went as big as saucers when the alarm buzzed, and the young male librarian looked down at her, still clutching the large reference book to her check. Carefully she had stepped across to the other side of the alarm sensor waiting to collect the books she was checking out.
“I’m sorry, you can’t check out reference books,” the young man said, blinking his hazel eyes at Torren, the corner of his lip tugging into a smile.
She let a pout fall on her lips as she lowered her large eyes down to the book in her arms, “Oh...sorry.” She handed the book back, “I didn’t realize I still had it.” And like that, she walked out of the library with her prize.
She had stolen for Ivar...now if that wasn’t love what was?
The only thing that had threatened their love through the years is when Ivar got married. It damn near broke Torren’s heart. How could he be so cruel? She didn’t give a fuck that the marriage was short-lived. She even understood why he had to do it. He had gotten that bitch pregnant, and he didn’t have much choice. But, he cut her deep. 
Didn’t he know how much she loved him? Didn’t he know that she stuck by him when he had joined 6cess and had seen him in concert 3 times? She still had the autographed photo of the two of them from the signing at Spring Hills Mall - when she was wearing that blue midriff cardigan and ripped jeans and he had his arm around her. That shirt brought out the color in his eyes. She even wore Happy, which he said was his favorite perfume. She thought it smelled like Comet, but she stole a bottle of it from Macy’s right before the photo-op to smell good for him. 
And he went and pulled this shit?
Besides, Johnny Law said that she was still too young for him and that he could get arrested for being with her. She knew that he had to pretend to have a normal life so that no one would know about their love affair. She was just understanding like that. It gave her time to grow up a little more so that when they could he be together, the law wouldn't be standing in their way. She really didn't give a fuck, but she suspected he did. Why else hadn't he come for her?
Torren didn’t even like their music. She wasn’t a boyband kind of girl, but for him, she would make the exception. She was more of the gangsta rap or heavy metal type girl. But if Ivar was serenading her, she’d listen to sappy, wrist-slitting, emo, shit rock all fucking day long, because she loved him. 
She hated that he had gotten that whore pregnant, too. She understood that he had to pretend that they had a normal marriage. She knew that when he was fucking that bitch, he was really imagining it was her. The years apart had made him a master at hiding his true feelings for her. He couldn't give anyone cause for suspicion. If he let on the truth he could risk losing everything…his house, cars, job, and his kid. That whore was trying to keep them apart. But, she was just a small obstacle that posed no real threat to Torren.
She did not doubt that she would be his daughter's new mommy. The kid would probably be sad at first that she wouldn't be with that other woman like Torren had been when her grandmother died. But, the kid would get used to it. Torren was going to be a whole hell of a lot better at being a mom than her piece of shit mother was to her. That was for damn sure. She was going to teach her stepdaughter all about eyeliner, and how to dye her hair. 
She was going to teach her what party clothes every woman should have in her wardrobe and how to get a man to do whatever she wanted by just batting her eyes at him. She would even share her secrets on what pills to mix and what dosages to give for submission, making a man catatonic, and if she was really good, she'd teach what to put in a drink to kill someone. Hell, she even planned on giving the child her most discrete drug contacts. That would of course have to wait until she was older – at least 13. She was going to be such a good mommy. 
Ivar's daughter was going to love Torren as much as Torren loved him. They were going to be the perfect family.
Torren was as hopelessly devoted to Ivar as he was to her. He had waited for her to become legal. Just months before she was old enough to legally consent to sex, and get married without parental permission, his marriage started falling apart. She knew that Ivar was trying to make a clean break from his wife, and get his daughter used to the idea of them being apart before he could come home to her. 
Torren had been thoughtful and respectful enough to give him that space to make sure everything was right before she stepped into the role of the new Mrs. Lothbrok. He had to test the waters, make sure that she still wanted him as much as he wanted her. He had to get back into the swing of things…have sex constantly to make sure he could keep up with her. She knew that "the prude" wasn't doing it nearly as often as he needed to - why else would he have an Only Fans page?
Torren was the only one that could feed his appetite, and he hers.
Now, they were both finally ready. She was mature and developed. She knew what she needed, and it was him. He had his fun before her, but now he was auditioning again and getting everything back on track for them. He had a great relationship with his daughter and his dumb ass ex-wife finally understood that their relationship was a fling that went too far.
His face told her everything that her heart already knew. He loved her. 
Why else would be looking at her like that? She could feel herself blush when he smiled on Instagram like that into them. Then he gave her that smile. That was her smile; the one that he reserved for her during their private times. Yet, there he was doing it in front of an audience of millions, and he didn't care who saw it. He had to let her know that it was time for her to come home. It was like a sleeper cell being awakened.
She didn't have a choice. She did what any other woman in her position would do. She packed a bag, threw it in the car she stole a few days before and drove. Armed with her trifecta of knowledge and determination, she prepared to face the obstacles that were bound to get in her way. There was nothing that was going to stop her from getting her man.
Part ii || Part iv
Tags: @ideagarden-blog1​  @youbloodymadgenius​ @xbellaxcarolinax​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @didiintheblog​ @conaionaru​ @peachyboneless​ @flowers-in-your-hayr @heavenly1927​ @zuxiezendler @waiting4inspiration​ @saldelys @didiintheblog​  @revolution-starter​
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tlbodine · 4 years
A Horror History of Werewolves
As far as horror icons are concerned, werewolves are among the oldest of all monsters. References to man-to-wolf transformations show up as early as the Epic of Gilgamesh, making them pretty much as old as storytelling itself. And, unlike many other movie monsters, werewolves trace their folkloric roots to a time when people truly believed in and feared these creatures. 
But for a creature with such a storied past, the modern werewolf has quite the crisis of identity. Thanks to an absolute deluge of romance novels featuring sometimes-furry love interests, the contemporary idea of “werewolf” is decidedly de-fanged. So how did we get here? Where did they come from, where are they going, and can werewolves ever be terrifying again? 
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Werewolves in Folklore and Legend 
Ancient Greece was full of werewolf stories. Herodotus wrote of a nomadic tribe from Scythia (part of modern-day Russia) who changed into wolves for a portion of the year. This was most likely a response to the Proto-Indo-European societies living in that region at the time -- a group whose warrior class would sometimes don animal pelts and were said to call on the spirit of animals to aid them in battle (the concept of the berserker has the same roots -- just bears rather than wolves).
In Arcadia, there was a local legend about King Lycaon, who was turned to a wolf as punishment for serving human meat to Zeus (exact details of the event vary between accounts, but cannibalism and crimes-against-the-gods are a common theme). Pliny the Elder wrote of werewolves as well, explaining that those who make a sacrifice to Zeus Lycaeus would be turned to wolves but could resume human form years later if they abstained from eating human meat in that time.
By the time we reach the Medieval period in Europe, werewolf stories were widespread and frequently associated with witchcraft. Lycanthropy could be either a curse laid upon someone or a transformation undergone by someone practicing witchcraft, but either way was bad news in the eyes of the church. For several centuries, witch-hunts would aggressively seek out anyone suspected of transforming into a wolf.
One particularly well-known werewolf trial was for Peter Stumpp in 1589. Stumpp, known as "The Werewolf of Bedburg," confessed to killing and eating fourteen children and two pregnant women while in the form of a wolf after donning a belt given to him by the Devil. Granted, this confession came on the tail-end of extensive public torture, so it may not be precisely reliable. His daughter and mistress were also executed in a public and brutal way during the same trial.
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Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? 
The thing you have to understand when studying folklore is that, for many centuries, wolves were the apex predator of Europe. While wolf attacks on humans have been exceedingly rare in North America, wolves in Europe have historically been much bolder -- or, at least, there are more numerous reports of man-eating wolves in those regions. Between 1362 and 1918, roughly 7,600 people were reportedly killed by wolves in France alone, which may have some bearing on the local werewolf tradition of the loup-garou.
For people living in rural areas, subsisting as farmers or hunters, wolves posed a genuine existential threat. Large, intelligent, utilizing teamwork and more than capable of outwitting the average human, wolves are a compelling villain. Which is probably why they show up so frequently in fairytales, from Little Red Riding Hood to Peter and the Wolf to The Three Little Pigs.
Early Werewolf Fiction 
Vampires have Dracula and zombies have I Am Legend, but there really is no clear singular book to point to as the "First Great Werewolf Novel." Perhaps by the time the novel was really taking off as an artform, werewolves had lost some of their appeal. After all, widespread literacy and reading-for-pleasure went hand-in-hand with advancements in civilization. For city-dwellers in Victorian England, for example, the threat of a wolf eating you alive probably seemed quite remote.
Don't get me wrong -- there were some Gothic novels featuring werewolves, like Sutherland Menzies' Hugues, The Wer-Wolf, or G.W.M. Reynolds' Wagner the Wehr-Wolf, or even The Wolf Leader by Alexandre Dumas. But these are not books that have entered the popular conscience by any means. I doubt most people have ever heard of them, much less read them.
No -- I would argue that the closest thing we have, thematically, to a Great Werewolf Novel is in fact The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. Written in 1886, the Gothic novella tells the story of a scientist who, wanting to engage in certain unnamed vices without detection, created a serum that would allow him to transform into another person. That alter-ego, Mr. Hyde, was selfish, violent, and ultimately uncontrollable -- and after taking over the body on its own terms and committing a murder or two, the only way to stop Hyde’s re-emergence was suicide. 
Although not about werewolves, per se, Jekyll & Hyde touches on many themes that we'll see come up time and again in werewolf media up through the present day: toxic masculinity, the dual nature of man, leading a double life, and the ultimate tragedy of allowing one's base instincts/animal nature to run wild. Against a backdrop of Victorian sexual repression and a rapidly shifting concept of humanity's relationship to nature, it makes sense that these themes would resonate deeply (and find a new home in werewolf media).
It is also worth mentioning Guy Endore's The Werewolf of Paris, published in 1933. Set against the backdrop of the Franco-Prussian war and subsequent military battles, the book utilizes a werewolf as a plot device for exploring political turmoil. A #1 bestseller in its day, the book was a big influence on the sci-fi and mystery pulp scene of the 1940s and 50s, and is still considered one of the best werewolf novels of its ilk.
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From Silver Bullets to Silver Screens 
What werewolf representation lacks in novels, it makes up for in film. Werewolves have been a surprisingly enduring feature of film from its early days, due perhaps to just how much fun transformation sequences are to film. From camera tricks to makeup crews and animatronics design, werewolf movies create a lot of unique opportunities for special effects -- and for early film audiences especially (who were not yet jaded to movie magic), these on-screen metamorphoses must have elicited true awe. 
The Wolf Man (1941) really kicked off the trend. Featuring Lon Chaney Jr. as the titular wolf-man, the film was cutting-edge for its time in the special effects department. The creature design is the most memorable thing about the film, which has an otherwise forgettable plot -- but it captured viewer attention enough to bring Chaney back many times over for sequels and Universal Monster mash-ups. 
The Wolf Man and 1944's Cry of the Werewolf draw on that problematic Hollywood staple, "The Gypsy Curse(tm)" for their world-building. Fortunately, werewolf media would drift away from that trope pretty quickly; curses lost their appeal, but “bite as mode of transmission” would remain an essential part of werewolf mythos. 
In 1957, I Was a Teenage Werewolf was released as a classic double-header drive-in flick that's nevertheless worth a watch for its parallels between werewolfism and male aggression (a theme we'll see come up again and again). Guy Endore's novel got the Hammer Film treatment for 1961's The Curse of the Werewolf, but it wasn't until the 1970s when werewolf media really exploded: The Beast Must Die, The Legend of the Wolf Woman, The Fury of the Wolfman, Scream of the Wolf, Werewolves on Wheels and many more besides.
Hmmm, werewolves exploding in popularity around the same time as women's liberation was dramatically redefining gender roles and threatening the cultural concept of masculinity? Nah, must be a coincidence.
The 1980s brought with it even more werewolf movies, including some of the best-known in the genre: The Howling (1981), Teen Wolf (1985), An American Werewolf in London (1981), and The Company of Wolves (1984). Differing widely in their tone and treatment of werewolf canon, the films would establish more of a spiderweb than a linear taxonomy.
That spilled over into the 1990s as well. The Howling franchise went deep, with at least seven films that I can think of. Wolf, a 1994 release starring Jack Nicholson is especially worth a watch for its themes of dark romantic horror. 
By the 2000s, we get a proper grab-bag of werewolf options. There is of course the Underworld series, with its overwrought "vampires vs lycans" world-building. There's also Skin Walkers, which tries very hard to be Underworld (and fails miserably at even that low bar). But there's also Dog Soldiers and Ginger Snaps, arguably two of the finest werewolf movies of all time -- albeit in extremely different ways and for very different reasons.
Dog Soldiers is a straightforward monster movie pitting soldiers against ravenous werewolves. The wolves could just as easily have been subbed out with vampires or zombies -- there is nothing uniquely wolfish about them on a thematic level -- but the creature design is unique and the film itself is mastefully made and entertaining.
Ginger Snaps is the first werewolf movie I can think of that tackles lycanthropy from a female point of view. Although The Company of Wolves has a strong feminist angle, it is still very much a film about male sexuality and aggression. Ginger Snaps, on the other hand, likens werewolfism to female puberty -- a comparison that frankly makes a lot of sense.
The Werewolf as Sex Object 
There are quite literally thousands of werewolf romance novels on the market, with more coming in each day. But the origins of this trend are a bit fuzzier to make out (no pun intended). 
Everyone can mostly agree that Anne Rice’s Interview with a Vampire was the turning-point for sympathetic vampires -- and paranormal romance as a whole. But where do werewolves enter the mix? Possibly with Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books, which feature the titular character in a relationship with a werewolf (and some vampires, and were-leopards, and...many other things). With the first book released in 1993, the Anita Blake series seems to pre-date similar books in its ilk. 
Blood and Chocolate (1997) by Annette Curtis Klause delivers a YA-focused version of the classic “I’m a werewolf in high school crushing on a mortal boy”; that same year, Buffy the Vampire Slayer hit the small screen, and although the primary focus was vampires, there is a main werewolf character (and romancing him around the challenges of his wolfishness is a big plot point for the characters involved). And Buffy, of course, paved the way for Twilight in 2005. From there, werewolves were poised to become a staple of the ever-more-popular urban fantasy/paranormal romance genre. 
“Sexy werewolf” as a trope may have its roots in other traditions like the beastly bridegroom (eg, Beauty and the Beast) and the demon lover (eg, Labyrinth), which we can talk about another time. But there’s one other ingredient in this recipe that needs to be discussed. And, oh yes, we’re going there. 
By now you might be familiar with the concept of the Omegaverse thanks to the illuminating Lindsay Ellis video on the topic (and the current ongoing lawsuit). If not, well, just watch the video. It’ll be easier than trying to explain it all. (Warning for NSFW topics). 
But the tl;dr is that A/B/O or Omegaverse is a genre of (generally erotic) romance utilizing the classical understanding of wolf pack hierarchy. Never mind that science has long since disproven the stratification of authority in wolf packs; the popular conscious is still intrigued by the concept of a society where some people are powerful alphas and some people are timid omegas and that’s just The Way Things Are. 
What’s interesting about the Omegaverse in regards to werewolf fiction is that, as near as I’ve been able to discover, it’s actually a case of convergent evolution. A/B/O as a genre seems to trace its roots to Star Trek fanfiction in the 1960s, where Kirk/Spock couplings popularized ideas like heat cycles. From there, the trope seems to weave its way through various fandoms, exploding in popularity in the Supernatural fandom. 
What seems to have happened is that the confluence of A/B/O kink dynamics merging with urban fantasy werewolf social structure set off a popular niche for werewolf romance to truly thrive. 
It’s important to remember that, throughout folklore, werewolves were not viewed as being part of werewolf societies. Werewolves were humans who achieved wolf form through a curse or witchcraft, causing them to transform into murderous monsters -- but there was no “werewolf pack,” and certainly no social hierarchy involving werewolf alphas exerting their dominance over weaker pack members. That element is a purely modern one rooted as much in our misunderstanding of wolf pack dynamics as in our very human desire for power hierarchies. 
So Where Do We Go From Here? 
I don’t think sexy werewolf stories are going anywhere anytime soon. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no room left in horror for werewolves to resume their monstrous roots. 
Thematically, werewolves have done a lot of heavy lifting over the centuries. They hold up a mirror to humanity to represent our own animal nature. They embody themes of toxic masculinity, aggression, primal sexuality, and the struggle of the id and ego. Werewolf attack as sexual violence is an obvious but powerful metaphor for trauma, leaving the victim transformed. Werewolves as predators hiding in plain sight among civilization have never been more relevant than in our #MeToo moment of history. 
Can werewolves still be frightening? Absolutely. 
As long as human nature remains conflicted, there will always be room at the table for man-beasts and horrifying transfigurations. 
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52 notes · View notes
taerseok · 4 years
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↬ pairing:. badboy!Jungkook × childhoodfriend!Reader
↬ synopsis:. ❝ Nevermind, I’ll find someone like you. I wish nothing but the best for you too. Don’t forget me, I beg. I remember you said; ‘sometimes it lasts in love. But sometimes it hurts instead.’ ❞
Or, alternatively:
↬ synopsis:. ❝ you and a handsome prince from a neighbouring kingdom team up to spin the worst fairytale the lands have ever laid their eyes upon. ❞
↬ word count:. 15.5k
↬ genre(s):. modern royalty!au, fake dating/fake marriage!au, childhood friends!au, angst, fluff, attempted humour
↬ rating:. pg-15
↬ warning(s):. cheating, suicide, language, alcohol, comatose, mental illness, disturbing scenes, rebounds, e.t.c.
↬ playlist:. play here!
▪ note:. this is a part of the royalty!au collab with my good friend, Addison @aesthetical-witch and I was very inspired by Tae’s cover of someone like you to make this!
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• Thank you soo much to Maggie @kimtaehyunq (requested from the BHQ Request Board) for the wonderful header!
• Thank you to my good friends Ruby @rubinora and Addi @aesthetical-witch for helping me edit and providing me with feedback!
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Putting your phone next to you, you sigh and turn to lay on your stomach, your cheek against the soft mattress below you. You had just seen an exhausting text message from someone you did not want to meet right now. You’d be lying if you said Jungkook didn’t still get on your nerves for something stupid he did the last time you had a ‘get-together’. The boy, who you were friends with since you both came from a royal background and your kingdoms were basically next to each other, had drunk your last carton of banana milk. 
Naturally, you both had taken a liking to the same drink, and as of currently, most of your ‘wars’ were a result of taking each other’s things and of course, drinking each other’s banana milk. Yes, it is quite idiotic to lose your shit over someone else drinking your milk, but you had every right to be mad at him and more. 
 In the text that he had sent you just a few minutes ago, he asked if you could meet him in your castle’s garden in a few minutes. You were feeling lazy as always, sitting in your bed, doing nothing, but you could not help but snicker that the guy had the audacity to ask you that when he took your banana milk. In fact, you believe he should be treating you, not asking you for any more favours than he already has. What would poor Jungkook do without you, you shake your head.  
Getting up, you take off towards the gardens of your castle. Oh, and it wasn’t much of a castle in your opinion. It did lack some of the things a normal castle would have, like large towers. But you did consider it a mansion. Most called it a castle though, mostly because royal matters were handled here. Or so you thought, anyway, you shrug. You didn’t waste your time and as soon as you got out of your room, you rush down the halls, down the stairs, and through the large doors. 
“Now where is he?” you frown. The garden was larger than one could imagine. In front of the gate to the inside of the ‘castle,’ your mother had decided to have a fountain built, and to the right and left, green, lush grass spread over quite a large chunk of land. You opted to go for the more secretive places. The boy must have driven off without his parents’ knowledge and decided to come here, and as far as you knew, if anyone would have seen him, you would have been informed. 
You looked around, running in the gardens and squinting your eyes at every shadow you saw, then sighing because none of them belonged to Jungkook — they were mostly trees, occasionally some maid working here or there. But you did find the male soon enough. He was hiding at a corner of the garden where bushes surrounded almost every point. If you didn’t know Jungkook good enough, you would have guessed he was smart. 
You run up to him, making sure no one saw you since that would likely be bad news. Whatever it had to be, Jungkook didn’t call you here for something good because it wouldn’t have to be this secretive. “Right,” you catch your breath, panting. “You better tell me something worth it because I feel like I just ran a marathon.” Running around your garden wasn’t easy, in your opinion. It took great will, certainly. “So I was right when I said that you’re just a pillow princess.“ 
You glare at Jungkook, brows furrowed. You had a bad history with him, you won’t lie. Yeah, he appeared to be quite handsome and even charming. Many girls would swoon over his gorgeous hair, his pretty face and his adorable dimples, and you wouldn’t even be surprised if he was ripped as hell. Being royalty and crown prince was just an added bonus, to be honest. But he was a brat with one big ego, and you knew that fact like the back of your hand. 
The way he teased you made blood simmer in your veins. It made you go crazy. You felt beyond helpless when that happened. And you reminded yourself over and over again not to compliment him or his ego would only inflate more. And you considered that wasn’t healthy for him, even though he really did look good. 
“Shut up and tell me what you want.” Maybe it was the fact that he spoke something really true and maybe you were a pillow princess so you wouldn’t even deny it, but it still offended you nonetheless. The nickname had been given to you when he had came over once and your mother had mentioned how you never leave your bed. Your mother really knew how to throw you under the bus, didn’t she? He chuckles, then begins to speak. “I have a request for you,” he says. You stop him right there, raising your hand in the air, gesturing him to kindly shut up. You were so done. “For fuck’s sake, Jeon Jungkook. I am not about to go through hell again just for you. Don’t you think you should act a little more independent, maybe? Maybe treat me to dinner first? I am not a 24/7 helper,” you frown, crossing your arms. 
“Who taught you to curse?” oh. You might have gotten a little too angry. But who could’ve blamed you? Jungkook wasn’t your responsibility. You didn’t have to help him and you wouldn’t this time. You just had to make it clear and may have gone a little too far. You had tried to stop yourself from cursing in front of him so you’d keep your status, but of course, that didn’t mean that you didn’t actually curse. 
“I am an independent adult. I can curse. Meanwhile…” you sigh, “you aren’t. You constantly need help from me. You’re crown prince, Jungkook! You’re supposed to be a little more mature than this.” He didn’t take any time to retort back. “Look who’s speaking. You’re not mature at all,” he says, and though his voice reflected anger, his expression remained calm. 
“We’re not talking of me here! You’re the one who came here with a request!” you exclaim, turning your back to Jungkook. You had enough of helping Jungkook over and over, you were so tired of picking the pieces of his life back up and putting it together. He had to understand that you had a life too. You had your own problems to take care of. Any time he messed up, he’d have to come to you for help. 
Like that one time, when he and some of his friends got drunk and you had to help them clean up even though none of it was your fault. And that one time when he had driven a little too fast when you were over at his ‘castle’ and then he crashed into that one shop in town. And to top off the humiliation, since he was too much of a pretty boy to own up to his mistake, you had to hold a conference to explain the situation to the media and paparazzi. Of all the people, you. 
It was getting ridiculous at this point and your head wouldn’t wrap around it. You knew he was irresponsible and maybe even careless, but still! He was going to become the next king and the kingdom depended on him. The future of his subjects depended on him. How could he risk being so careless? 
“I’m leaving if you have nothing better to say,” you sigh and take a step to leave, but he catches your wrist, pulling you back. You groan. “Jungkook, I’m a person with my own problems. I can’t always be helping you,” you turn around to look in his eyes. You could see stars in them if you gazed deeper. 
“I get it. But I trust you enough to let you know that mother is planning an arranged marriage for me,” your brows furrow at his statement. “What… do you—?”
“But I’m dating someone already.”
Your eyes widen in surprise. You take a moment to let yourself digest the new information. He was dating someone? 
Okay, you two were close but never tried to get into each other’s love lives, and in addition, the man in front of you didn’t look innocent whatsoever, so he must’ve at least dated someone. But for him to tell you like this, it hurt a little.
It reminds you of how you were growing up and leaving your childhoods behind. You two had known each other for quite a long time and gotten so comfortable with one another. But to think that someday, you’ll be standing beside a man and him beside some woman of his liking, and the fact that, that one day was coming very soon — it hurt. It hurt to lose your friend over some stupid thing like marriage. 
“But she’s a commoner. You know mother is strict about that stuff and…” he bit his pink lip, “I need you to buy me some time.” You raise a brow, and his hand finds yours. He looks at you, his eyes searching for confirmation. “You need me to buy you time? How?” you frown, your feelings conflicted. You wanted to help, this was some dire situation and if he got married to someone he didn’t love, then… it wasn’t worth it. 
At the same time, this proved to be very hard. His mother, though a fun one similar to yours, was stern when it came to relationships. Her trust was especially hard to earn. But she did grow affectionate towards you since you had been with Jungkook since you were little. 
“I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend and slow things down a bit.“ 
You look at the man in disbelief, motionless. Did you hear correct? Yes, maybe your mother teased you about being married to Jungkook for some while now, and maybe it did sound reasonable, but why of all people, did he want you? Multiple girls were dying to be his girlfriend already, should he not give them a chance? 
“But why me?” you finally ask, looking at him with mixed feelings. “You’re the only princess my family knows and trusts. It wouldn’t be weird if I was dating you at all.” You roll your eyes at the last statement. “Jungkook, it would be weird if I was dating you,” you correct him. “Well, to you, yeah, but I don’t consider it impossible,” he grins. You pull your hand away from his, punching his arm. 
“You’re dating someone already, you idiot!” you exclaim, frowning. He chuckles. “I’m not cheating on her. I already told her, and she’s not on the best terms with it, but she agrees,” he says. “So you can date me.” You huff at his arrogance, crossing your arms. “You know this is trouble, right?” you furrow your brows. “Yeah, and I’m up for it. So are you up for it?” you roll your eyes at his reply. 
 "I think you just want a chance at fucking me if I’m to be completely honest with you.“ 
“I like your honest side.“ 
“You’re in a relationship!“ 
“With you, yeah.“ 
“Oh my God…” you sigh. You wondered who would date such an idiot. Then again, he is really handsome. Maybe you should be grateful for the opportunity. 
You didn’t know when you agreed for it, but you just did and now you are dating Jeon Jungkook. You decided to tell your family about it that night at dinner, after discussing the details with Jungkook. Hyun-ae, who is his girlfriend as of currently, was a commoner he had met at an expensive club he had gone to.
She had garnered his interest and the two began dating in secret. They have been now dating for two years, though in private. Neither of them have shown any sign of getting the relationship to a different level, and they both need some time to relax and think of ways to finally bring the truth into the light without any prejudice taking place. 
That is where you come in. You will pretend to be Jungkook’s girlfriend so his mother can stop finding suitors and give him some air to breathe, simultaneously giving him time to think of a plan. You will need to slow down the process as much as you can, making excuses to make sure that the wedding day does not approach. Because in the end, it’s not you who is going to get married to Jungkook. It’s Hyun-ae.
Or that’s what he told you about the plan. 
It was wrong on many levels, and if you weren’t as dear to your families as you were, you both would receive great punishment for it — maybe even death. But it wasn’t going to go that far. It would be done in a few months at most. Or that’s what you told yourself, anyway. 
Taking a seat at the dinner table, you smiled at your mother and father, and then looked towards your cheeky older brother, Seokjin. You liked to call him Jin for short. He is likely going to go ecstatic over the fact that you were dating someone and you didn’t tell him, and going to go absolutely feral when he hears that it is actually Jungkook who you are “dating”. He was quite the overprotective brother. You turn to your father, taking a deep breath, you begin to speak. 
“I wanted to… talk about something important to me,” you try sounding like you are authentic, and you seem to be failing badly, but you keep on going, mustering up all the strength. You forget even eating your food for a while, instead, turning to look at your three family members one by one. 
 "I am dating someone… with whom I want to take my relationship to the next level.“ You were inexperienced and stupid for doing all of this. Multiple times you thought of backing out, but this was for Jungkook. You felt bad seeing how far you were going for him but he never even returned it. Or sometimes he did. But this was a big favor you were being asked. Your mother and father look at you with wide eyes, though Jin continues to eat, making sure to look up at you once in a while — making sure you know he’s listening too. 
“I’m very sorry I didn’t mention him before,” you look at all of them one by one, “but I am in a serious relationship,” it hurt to lie to everyone like this. What fool would fall for your dramatic acting? Who knew… but you certainly had all of their attention now. 
“Who is it…?” your mother asks very quietly, at least they weren’t objecting to it. You sigh heavily. 
Their expressions were something you couldn’t analyse. They were thoroughly surprised, yes, and at the same time, another emotion you couldn’t quite grasp — approval? You couldn’t put your finger on it, but maybe that was it. Jin stops eating to look at you instead. 
”Jeon Jungkook? That one Jungkook you’re friends with?” you feel bad for playing like this, but what was done was done and you were doing this for Jungkook. “Which other Jungkook would I know?” you don’t know how exactly to react so you smile lightly at Jin, then look back towards your parents, who are still staring at you. “So… Jungkook recently told me that his mother is picking a girl for him…” you bite your bottom lip, “but she doesn’t know about us and—” you begin to speak, but your mother cuts you off. 
“I’ll talk with her.” And what you don’t expect is the smile that’s on her face. Did you really just fool them like that? They believed you so easily. Was it this easy to lie? It left you with chills. 
“In fact, you and your mother can leave for their kingdom in the morning. Make sure to tell Jungkook about it,” your father spoke up. Everything seemed to be going to plan. Jungkook did say he wanted you to visit the castle and that he’d tell his parents all of this too. So you supposed your job was done. But to think that you were fake-marrying your childhood friend, it all felt so wrong. 
“I will…” you respond quietly and continue to eat dinner as nothing had transpired. You felt so bad for doing all of this. Seeing the smiles on your parents’ faces, the laughter of Jin — they didn’t think it was weird at all for you to marry Jungkook. So he was right. Maybe people could see you and Jungkook together. Childhood sweethearts, mayhaps? You still didn’t know how. 
As soon as you finish dinner, you turn to leave to your room and tell Jungkook about everything. 
[Y/N]: I told everyone. We’re coming tomorrow. 
Your kingdoms were right next to each other. It was very easy to reach to his by car. Yes, it would take some hours but you considered travel fun. And you’d probably fall asleep in the car anyway. You thought about packing your things and decided to do that while you waited for Jungkook’s message. 
 You were done pretty quickly, you didn’t need to pack much. Some clothes here and there, and some other things you thought you’d need. You didn’t know how long you were staying there for, but if anything was needed, you know they could provide it for you at his place. You sank down on the bed and picked up your phone, which lit up while you were closing your bag. He was calling you. 
“What is it now?” you ask, a little annoyed as you put the phone to your ears. “Are you mad because you have to actually work now, pillow princess?” you could practically hear him grinning. It wasn’t very nice. “Be grateful. I’m helping you. No one could do this,” you roll your eyes. He chuckles lightly, changing the topic. “How did your parents believe it though? You’re such a bad actor,” he queried. “Well, I’m not as bad as you think. Somehow. I did make them believe it.“ 
“Jungkook, you know this is trouble. What if they find out…? What if we get into trouble?” you frown, but he doesn’t seem to think of it in that way. You aren’t surprised. “It’s fine! Lighten up, pillow princess.” You huff, feeling anxious about the situation. Your mother and father — even Jin. They would all be so disappointed in you. You helped Jungkook marry a commoner. 
“That’s because you get something good from this if it works out! You get to be with the love of your life while I get scarred forever,” you say hotly before your voice turns meek. You won’t be able to sleep tonight, thinking of all of this and freaking out over it. And Jungkook knows that fact too, knowing you well enough to pick up on it. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think of that.” Of course, he didn’t. 
“Because you’re a self-obsessed bloke,” you reply dryly. He snickers a little, making you smile ever so lightly. “I guess I am. We’re in this together, Y/N. I never want you to be alone.” It was moments like these when you questioned why Jungkook made your heart skip a beat. Or why he even said things like these. Maybe he knew his words mattered a little more to you than you let on. Or perhaps he simply wanted to pull at your heart. 
“Yeah, right,” you say quietly, “tell that to me when you get married to Hyun-ae and I still don’t get a boyfriend,” you smile despite your words, wanting to relive these moments when you grew older. 
Time just passed so quickly. You never noticed when you became a teen, and then an adult, and now you’re supposed to get married soon — well, not really. You’re just faking it. But still, the actual day isn’t that far either. You’ll find someone soon enough. Or so you hoped. 
“Anyway… I better get my beauty sleep now,” you hear him laugh into the phone. “What’s so funny with that?” you frown. “It’s nothing. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Good night.” You smile. 
“Okay… Goodnight.“ 
“Yeah, goodnight.“ 
“Mhm, goodnight.“ 
"God, just hang up already!” you exclaim, making him shout even louder. “You hang up!” that one hurt your ears badly. You groan. “Fine!” giving up, you end the call. Jungkook was the most annoying human being you had come across, but that didn’t mean you didn’t care for your friendship. 
He was just a tease and a knuckle-head sometimes. Though you appreciated him for exactly that — being stupid. After getting ready for bed, you try to calm down your nerves and prepare yourself mentally for pretending to be Jungkook’s girlfriend. The words tasted bitter on your tongue. 
It didn’t feel right to pretend like this, but you couldn’t do much than just following Jungkook and praying that everything will go well to a God you didn’t believe in. 
Closing your eyes, you began wishing for a better tomorrow.
You didn’t even notice how you got into the car next day to drive away to Jungkook’s, but you simply guessed you did, and the next thing you knew was that you were approaching the borders of the ruled land. It was beautiful, just as thriving and prosperous as the last time you had seen it. 
From the window of the limousine, you could see the merchants and traders, the millions of shops that lined the roads. Even the townspeople were friendly, you had known since they were always very sincere and understanding of Jungkook’s mistakes. 
The residential area was your favourite. You loved seeing their green gardens even though they were very small in comparison to the one you knew. The colourful roofs of the houses always brought a smile on your face. The rule was well-established under Jungkook’s parents, and you just hoped he could continue it. You had high hopes for him. 
The car steadily made its way to the castle, prior to stopping a little way before it. You got out of the car alongside your mother, slightly nervous. You had almost forgotten what you were here for. Some guards made sure of your identities before they escorted you to the door and took your luggage inside, while Jungkook, his younger brother, Junghyun and his parents were standing in the foyer. 
Your father hadn’t come, for he had some important businesses to take care of. You didn’t think ruling was easy, so he was justified. Jin stayed behind too, accompanying your father like the crown prince he is and learning the art of kingship. 
Meanwhile, you were agreeing to be fake-married to your childhood friend. You sigh, then help yourself to a plastered smile as you approach the family. You and your mother curtsy and you let your mother do the talking. You weren’t here to embarrass yourself, that’s for sure. You look towards Junghyun and Jungkook, who are both looking towards you. You give them a light smile, but your eyes just seem to be moving back to Jungkook. You do hope what you’re doing is right. 
“Ah, Y/N, why don’t you and the boys talk for a bit while we do too?” Jungkook’s mother addresses, making you nod furiously. You are guided inside by the two brothers while your mother and their parents walk towards the living room. It dawns over you that you’re supposed to act like a couple since Junghyun is here and even he doesn’t know of the truth, so your hand just finds Jungkook’s. 
Holding your hand, Jungkook leads you towards his bedroom gently. Junghyun follows alongside you, apparently just as fooled as his parents, talking of all the memories you three had made. He wasn’t wrong; certainly, you had spent your childhood with Jungkook and Junghyun. Junghyun wasn’t much younger than Jungkook, but a difference of some years still remained, though most went unnoticed, seeing as Jungkook was just so unexplainably youthful. 
“Or that one time when Jungkook stole your chocolate and you started crying?” Junghyun chuckles, but you need not be reminded of the moments you had cried. All for some chocolate and all because of a bratty Jeon Jungkook. You roll your eyes. 
“Please~! I don’t want to remember that. I cried for this jerk—” you catch yourself just in time before you say something else. Junghyun looks at you, a bit startled. But before you say something to justify yourself, he simply laughs again. 
“It’s good to see that you haven’t lost your fun relationship with him. You’ve just made it stronger.” You nod wearily at his words, smiling while your heart wrenches at seeing the world be fooled. “Tell me, how did you fall in love with my dimwit of a brother? He really is lucky to have you—" 
"That’s enough, isn’t it, Junghyun?” for the first time in a while, Jungkook spoke up in the conversation. “But I do want to know!” Junghyun frowns. 
You laugh at his adorable expression. When you were near a cute Junghyun, you doubted anyone could ever reject his request. You begin to speak, even though you held no particular feelings towards Jungkook himself in that way. “I’ll tell you,” you smile, “your brother,” you hold onto his hand a little tighter while you think. 
“Your brother is a softie. Even though he looks like the type of person to fight you if you wake him up when he doesn’t want to be.” Junghyun chuckles lightly at your words. “Is he? He’s never that way towards me,” you felt how Jungkook’s fingers intertwined with yours. Was it a signal to stop, or maybe keep going? Or did you really say something true? You didn’t pick up on that one. 
“He is,” you reply with a quick smile, before Jungkook stops in his tracks, making you stop too. “We’re here,” the male speaks and then turns around to Junghyun. “Your job is done. Thank you for accompanying Y/N. I’ll be taking her now,” the grin on Jungkook’s face did tug at your heart, you weren’t going to lie. Junghyun did protest like a little child, but he left soon enough. 
 By that time, you were sitting on Jungkook’s bed, waiting for Jungkook to close the door so you could talk to him about the whole situation. 
“You okay?” he asks, coming to sit down next to you after closing the door. “I’m fine. Just…” maybe it was for the fact that you were pretending to be Jungkook’s girlfriend. Maybe that’s why you flinched whenever he came close to you, maybe that’s why you felt so different being in his room, despite being here countless times before. 
“I’m just tired. There’s no good ending to this, Jungkook… I’m tired,” you look towards him, suddenly tears flood your eyes. You don’t know why you are suddenly on the verge of crying. Maybe it’s because you were pretending? 
“I see those happy expressions on my parents’ faces… they don’t fake it, Jungkook,” his expression softens at your words. A little part of you knew that your tears were Jungkook’s weakness. Whenever you didn’t feel good, he’d get incredibly worried. You didn’t cry as much in front of him anymore, but you hoped that he didn’t change. That he still cared for you, even if a little bit. That’s what you hated about growing up, you would have other people in your heart, and Jungkook would have others. You wouldn’t care as much for each other anymore. And that fact scared you. 
Seeing you act so small, Jungkook couldn’t believe his eyes. He puts your head against his chest, hugging you side-ways. He didn’t know you were so pressured by his request. It wasn’t something small and he wouldn’t trust anyone but you with it. He did care a lot for you. And he wanted you to know that, even if he acted like an imprudent, idiotic friend sometimes. He had asked a little too much of you and he was coming to understand that. But the damage had been done. 
How could he reverse the action? There was no way. You were stuck with him till he revealed the truth, and the mere thought of you crying hurt him. It was painful to see you cry, even for an over-confident, cold person like Jungkook. He had made you cry, just because he was too scared to tell his family the truth, and he was scared he might not be accepted for dating someone that wasn’t of a noble or royal family. 
 He would try to tell the truth very soon, he promised to you mentally. He would do anything, to tell the truth when the right time comes. He just hoped you were willing to wait for that long. 
“Shh,” he hushes, running his hand through your hair in gentle strokes. You smiled a little. At least you had someone. It was better than being alone. “I know that. I know and I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry for asking you something like this. Hyun-ae and I just weren’t ready. And what I did makes me look like a complete idiot, so I’m very sorry for being so inconsiderate towards you. I really… appreciate that you’re going this far for me." 
Your efforts, at least, were recognised. That is what made it all the better. The door was being knocked on. 
While you made sure your make-up was intact, Jungkook opens the door. It’s Junghyun’s voice from what you can hear. "Fine,” Jungkook says, closing the door and turning to you. You raise a brow, wondering what’s the problem now. “Mother wants us to talk to the media and announce our marriage. They agree with it." 
The way he spoke the words made your cheeks taint with pink. You weren’t expecting it to be so soon, but your families knew each other very well, so it was no surprise. You were really going to fool the world now. It was happening, and the nerves instantly came back from last night. 
Taking a deep breath as you fixed the last of your make-up and took a final look in the mirror after your breakdown, you turn towards Jungkook. 
"Okay. Let’s go.” 
By the time you were standing in front of the crowd of reporters and paparazzi, your nerves had taken complete control of you. 
Jungkook’s and your mother explained the situation to the media while you stood a little to the side, your hand in Jungkook’s. He said it would emphasise the relationship, but you weren’t very sure of that. You just wished he knew the risks. 
“When are you planning to hold the wedding?” one reporter asks, his voice ringed out the loudest. Sometimes, when they thought you weren’t looking, the paparazzi would take a picture of your intertwined hand with Jungkook. Everyone’s eyes turn expectantly at his mother at the question. 
“I’m scared,” you whisper to Jungkook, hoping he hears.
It wasn’t like voicing out your emotions rid you of the situation, but it did make you feel better when Jungkook squeezed your hand. “It’s okay… calm down.” Jungkook’s mother thought quietly for a moment. 
“The wedding date hasn’t been decided as of yet, but it will take place as soon as possible — it depends on the preparations. But I’d say very soon.” You didn’t know what very soon meant, but you doubt it was good for the plan. 
“Could we have a picture of the couple?”
Your cheeks turn pink at the word, flustering you. Maybe you’d never get used to this till it ends. 
You did find the idea of having a partner nice, but Jungkook as that partner? You had never thought about him that way. But then again, you guess it wasn’t that impossible to think of your relationship accelerating. The way he genuinely laughs, the smile on his dimpled face, the fact that he does care for you — it all ignited this small fire inside you. Maybe being his partner wasn’t that far off. 
Jungkook’s mother nodded to the question, and all the cameras had turned towards you and Jungkook before you knew it. “Are we going to pose or—?” you ask hastily, making him look to you with a light smile. For the first time, you hope that the smile meant something more than just a mask. 
Putting his arm around your waist, his lips catch yours unexpectedly. For the sake of the plan, you close your eyes and try not to act surprised, but you didn’t deny the fact that your heart was racing. His soft lips, and the way he smiles ever so sweetly while kissing you, it all starts to become so precious to you. You were wrong when you thought about who’d want to be his girlfriend — who wouldn’t want to be his girlfriend? 
The kiss, gentle and at the same time, passionate, lasted longer than you had expected it to. Probably because there were a lot of cameras and he wanted to make sure they all got a picture. You didn’t mind it at all though. Dare you say it, you loved it. It was like a little taste of something you had never tasted before. It left you wanting more, even if it was only a little bit you’d receive. But you were going to hold a grudge against him and yourself for this one. He had a girlfriend, already, for God’s sake. 
“Do tell us what it is you love about princess Y/N?" 
The question must have caught both of you out of the blue, because you turn to each other at the same time. Everyone turns to you two, and in the heat of the moment, Jungkook decides to speak up. "I love Y/N. We’ve had so many memories together. Spent our whole lives next to each other, basically,” you had been freaking out on the inside till he had started speaking. Thankfully, no one seemed to get that from the plastered smile on your face. 
“I love us. I love how she is so caring and helpful. She might be a bit annoying at times,” you elbow him, “but I love that side of her too. She’s the most precious to me.” You couldn’t help but take the words to heart. Now you desperately wanted to hear “I love Y/N” from his lips over and over again — but that would never happen. You were just getting your hopes up, and Jungkook was practically begging you to do that. 
“What do you think about the crown prince?" 
You start to fluster, trying to think of words. Why did they have to know all of this? You were going to make sure that on your real wedding announcement, these questions would be banned — why did it hurt when you labelled this relationship as fake? You were only taking this logically. The heart was naive. 
 "I think that Jungkook is great.” You try to come up with more, turning quiet. Jungkook’s hand finds yours again, intertwining once more. But why did it matter so much now? “He’s funny and energetic. He helps me loosen up. I…” you bite your lower lip, not able to say what you thought of. If you said “I love him,” would it stand out to him like it stood out to you? 
“He’s the… most amazing person and I couldn’t ask for anyone better." 
You slump down on the bed on your stomach as you reach Jungkook’s room after the horrible announcement, him following behind you. "You’re that tired, pillow princess?” you hear him say, and even if you can’t look at his face, you’re so sure he has that grin on his face like always. 
You groan, turning to lay on your back. “I’m not tired. Do you know how horrible it went?" 
"It went perfectly. Everyone thinks we’re dating. Now what you need to do,” he says as he leans down on the bed alongside you, “is to keep it going. Mother is really keen on having me take over the throne this year. Which, I suppose you know the rules, but you have to have a queen for that. Hence the rushed wedding. She says the engagement isn’t very important." 
"But it is—” you cut in, though Jungkook doesn’t acknowledge the sudden interruption. “I agree with her. Do you want us to be legally bound before the wedding? Did you forget the actual plan?” you sigh. He was right. In the end, it wasn’t you who was going to get married to him. It was Hyun-ae. 
“Right. You’re right. Why did you need this time anyway?” you ask, turning to Jungkook. You had totally forgotten about the kiss, but now remembering it, you couldn’t just pretend that it didn’t happen. 
You were going to ask him about that too. “Hyun-ae needs to talk with her family about everything. I have to, too. I don’t know how to approach them right now… you know?” he answers calmly. “I almost feel like I’m being used." 
Jungkook looks at you, then sighs. He pulls himself up to look over you. You feel a little exposed, but if this plan were to go smoothly, you had to be a good sport about it and help Jungkook. Even though he didn’t do anything back for you. If not for Jungkook himself, then for the bond you shared. It had to go this way. 
"I’m sorry again.” The simple apology made you feel a little sad. “Not that I mind being used,” you laugh, sitting up. You realise how weird it sounds and shrug a little. “I mean… it’s good to be of use, right…? Help your friends?” you smile lightly at him, making him shake his head. “You’re too nice for your own good,” he says quietly, making you giggle. “That’s the first time I’ve heard it from you. Glad to know my efforts actually matter!" 
"Your efforts do matter. Yes, maybe sometimes, I’m ignorant of the fact that you’ve saved my ass countless times, but I appreciate you. Please know that,” he smiles a little your way, making you smile back. Your thoughts wander back to the kiss, which still makes your heart race. Maybe it’s because you have never kissed Jungkook. Whatever the reason, your mind couldn’t wrap itself around the way his lips felt on yours.
A little part of you wanted to experience that feeling again, but that was wrong and you weren’t asking a taken man to kiss you. That was stupid, not to mention, awkward. 
“So the kiss… Jungkook,” you can see how he tenses up at you bringing up the topic. It worries you. “You have a girlfriend." 
"I know.” 
“But you still kissed me." 
"I know.” 
“Why?” you ask bleakly, looking at him and hoping to receive the same back, but he doesn’t turn towards you. The air just gets a little chilly. It makes you nervous. “I had to make them believe us. Hyun-ae will understand. I know you hated it. I’m very sorry for that too,” you shake your head at his words. Choosing to ignore that he said you hated the kiss, you sigh. 
“It’s fine. But you should check up with Hyun-ae. She’d feel very bad if you didn’t approach her about this." 
You’d feel bad if you saw in the news that your boyfriend had kissed someone else and they were going to get married soon — even though it was fake and you knew. You’d still want your boyfriend to tell you about it, reassure the fact he still loved you. Hyun-ae was the victim in this situation, not you — having seen her boyfriend kissing someone she didn’t know all over the place, hearing it from everyone in town, yet still being able to do nothing about it, because she was not in the position to. You felt bad for her. 
"You’re right… I’ll call her,” Jungkook gets up, taking his phone and leaving the room. 
It felt a little empty without him, especially as it was his room. You had been here multiple times, but maybe it was his presence you wanted most. You shake your head. If you pretend to fall for Jungkook, maybe it will happen. And you didn’t want to fall for someone you couldn’t have. 
Someone, who is so dear to you. It would just put both of you in trouble. And you wanted him to be married to someone he loved — that someone wasn’t you and you had to accept it. 
Before you knew it, it was dinner time. 
Jungkook had talked with Hyun-ae, and initially, she had been a little angry, but thankful that Jungkook had talked it out with her, so things were settled soon enough. Or that’s what you were told, anyway. 
 You sat down at the royal table to eat. It was a little larger than yours back at home, but nonetheless, the food looked delicious and you couldn’t wait to dig in. Midway through the dinner, Jungkook’s father spoke up. 
“I believe that it would be good if you two spent more time looking around the kingdom together. Jungkook could show you the famous sites,” his father turns to you, and you give him a slight nod with a smile. Wonderful — more time to spend with the annoying Jeon Jungkook. You turn towards the said boy, who seems to be eating his dinner quietly. Very unlike himself. 
“That works… and about the rooms,” you say, starting to play with your food out of nervousness. “Where will I sleep?” you ask quietly, though everyone seems to hear it loud and clear. Jungkook turns to you instantly, and you could see the worry in his eyes. Worry for what, you did not know. “Room? Won’t you sleep in Jungkook’s room?” his mother speaks, making you bite your tongue. You shouldn’t have said that. But you didn’t want to share the room with Jungkook. That would be awkward. 
“I was thinking of that, I just—” you bite your bottom lip, then shake your head. There was no explaining it. If you didn’t shut up now then everyone would catch on. “It’s fine, I’ll share the room with Jungkook,” and you supposed the bed, but you hoped it wouldn’t be the case. “Anywho, when are we going to visit the sites?” you change the topic abruptly, mustering a smile. 
You did not dare to look at Jungkook. 
After dinner, you opted to spend time in Jungkook’s room. Clearing your head, you stood at the balcony near the railing. Jungkook’s father had decided that you’d be going to visit the famous sites tomorrow. It was certainly going to be interesting, seeing as Jungkook showed no liking to things like that. He’d probably take you to a fun ride instead. Or so you hoped, because you had no interest in seeing famous sites and learning their names either. 
 Sometimes you and Jungkook were two peas in a pod, and sometimes he felt like your polar opposite. 
Everything was so hard to digest. Why were you agreeing to his plans, you didn’t even know the full tale. In the end, you knew it would give nothing but pain. So why did you agree? 
You thought it was because you were trying to be a good friend. You had known Jungkook for so long. You appreciated whatever you had with him, and you supposed that was why. You wanted him to marry his love. And at the same time, losing him to Hyun-ae felt like hell. 
Ultimately, that was his happiness. So you wanted him to marry the love of his life. The thought brought a smile to your face. But still, your heart wrenched. It was melancholic — you loved the thought of it, but you couldn’t see him getting married. Because that meant you were growing up. You wouldn’t be around each other anymore. Responsibilities would be burdening you. And in the end, the ties would be cut. 
Well, not cut. They’d fade away. Time took everything from you. From everyone. But especially from you. You didn’t want to lose your friend to something as idiotic as marriage. You were surprised initially that he was even settling down — Jeon Jungkook was settling down for someone. Out of all the things you expected, that wasn’t one of them. He must really love her. 
You wished you could experience that kind of feeling. Unconditional, pure love for someone. Wanting to be with them so bad. But whenever you thought about that, you’d just feel lost. There was no one you felt something like that for. 
 "What are you thinking of?“ Jungkook’s voice rings in your ear, making your thoughts disappear. "Just the… whole thing. About you marrying Hyun-ae,” you wonder if it came out wrong. If Jungkook would be mad at you for putting it that way. If he was offended. But he wasn’t. Instead, he approached you quietly, now standing alongside you. 
“What do you mean?” you sigh at his question. “I meant… This is stupid,” you groan, unable to put your thoughts into words. “What I mean is… I don’t want to lose my friend. I am scared that… when you’ll get married… you’ll leave me. And seeing how things are going, I don’t think our kingdoms will be friends for much longer. We’re fooling everyone, Jungkook. They believe our lies,” you turn to him. It wasn’t a frown that you had on your face, it was fear for the future. 
It was like a river was rushing through your head and heart. A bunch of emotions colliding with each other, washing away your comfort and peace. You were beyond scared. You had always imagined spending the rest of your life with Jungkook — but that was always as friends. Now, you weren’t sure what you were anymore. 
“Imagine the chaos and betrayal. Everyone will lose their trust in us. They will make fun of you. Fun of me. Fun of our families. And you’re doing this just because… what? You want a common girl?” the sentence came out harsher than you wanted it to be. Jungkook turns his head to you. You could feel poison seeping out of his eyes for a moment. It hurt you more than it should’ve. 
“Don’t speak of Hyun-ae like that.” You sigh, nodding sarcastically. “Right. And you tell me who should I speak of like that? You or Hyun-ae? You’re both behind this! You’re ruining everything. You’re ruining your life, you’re ruining your future rule, and you’re ruining my life too!” you exclaim. “Keep it down or they’ll hear us,” Jungkook mutters. 
“I’m a victim in this situation!” you speak even louder. “I’m scared for my life! I deserve to speak as much as I want. However loud I want. Do you know what you’ve put me through?! What I have to do?! All this pretending, these lies,” you stop to catch your breath, hands trembling. “It’s not going to end good, Jungkook. It’s not going to end well. Your plans are bound to fail, like always.” You were initially surprised that you spoke this far without getting interrupted. Jungkook didn’t speak up. 
“You’ve ruined me. For once, at least once… be my saviour like I’ve been yours.” 
You didn’t speak to each other that night after that. 
He was your ride or die. He had never put anyone above you. But now it was clear. It was clear that he didn’t care for your life anymore — he had Hyun-ae now. He had her love and he didn’t mind whatever happened to your friendship. With those thoughts, you cried yourself to sleep that night on the bed. 
It was day one of sight-seeing. Or more like, site-seeing. Jungkook had made himself comfortable on the floor last night. You woke up to find him laying on the ground, sound asleep. At first, you were shocked, but remembering the events of last night, the sorrow and tension just returned to you. 
You shook him awake, and he retorted at first like he always did, but in the end, he did get up. 
He was now going through his closet, trying to pick an outfit. It reminded you of how you still hadn’t unpacked. Your luggage had been put in Jungkook’s room and looking over your shoulder, you could see the two bags you had packed. They were small and cute, pink in colour. They stood out in the room, which was mostly of golden and brown hues. 
The truth was that you were afraid of talking to Jungkook. Seeing as he didn’t care enough to initiate the conversation, it made you nervous. Had he really taken all of those things to heart? More importantly, you were asking yourself if you really did mean everything you had said. 
Were you mad at him or was it the frustration of pretending to be something, someone you’re not? 
Mentally telling yourself ‘screw it,’ you turn to Jungkook and clear your throat to gain his attention. He doesn’t stop looking for clothes through his wardrobe, but you saw him flinch ever so slightly when you did make a sound. You were going to say sorry. But was it really your fault? 
You wondered why you were even saying sorry when it wasn’t even your fault. If anything, it was Jungkook’s. And Hyun-ae’s, someone that you hadn’t even met yet, but still she was ruining your life. You dismissed yourself again. You had to be a good friend. 
“…I’m sorry about last night…” you begin speaking, making him stop in his actions. His face was hidden behind his arm, so you couldn’t see his expression. You were feeling really sick now. “I’m sorry about whatever I said,” even though it was all correct, “it was very inconsiderate of me,” it was very inconsiderate of him to ask you to do all this, “and I’m really at fault. I mean it.” You didn’t mean it. 
He turns to you with a sigh, then sits down next to you on the bed. “It's… it’s fine. I know you wouldn’t mean those types of things, I just…” he bites his lower lip, clearly confused about his own emotions. “You just got defensive?” you ask bitterly, making him frantically shake his head. He stayed quiet for a moment. “Maybe you’re right — yeah — I guess…” he gives in, nodding lightly. 
You click your tongue, “you know fights aren’t worth it. Let’s just… forget it, ‘kay? That never happened, okay?” you smile at him, he looks at you with uncertainty before he gives you a bright smile back. Bright just like himself. That’s one thing you loved about your friendship: you made up quickly. You loved that smile. You loved his laugh, the genuine one. 
He was sarcastic and stupid, he did things that were, otherwise, outright reckless, but you loved that too. It was what made him… well, him. 
That day was spent around the popular sites of the kingdom — he showed you a clocktower that was made by his great-grandfather. It reminded you of Big Ben, which was in England. 
Next, you were shown the royal museum that held the edicts and some artefacts, which were used by the royal family. Some were swords used in ancient wars, some were cups of gold used by the previous kings, and the proclamations of some rulers were inscribed on scrolls.
You were shown around a lot of historical monuments too. It was quite boring, to be honest, and Jungkook’s father had one of the noblemen show you and tell you everything, so you couldn’t even do something fun. At least Jungkook’s snarky comments saved the day. 
Day two had been switched up by Jungkook. He had told his father that ‘enough was enough’ and he ‘wanted to do something more fun’. So you guessed that’s how you got to the amusement park you were at now. 
It was the largest one in his kingdom, no doubt quite expensive, with the rides you had seen. It was nicely decorated, with banners and streamers. Almost like a birthday party. But maybe the sight would’ve been more colourful if the paparazzi hadn’t swarmed you, shoving the cameras in your faces. 
You held Jungkook’s hand tightly as you ventured through the crowd. You never knew Jungkook was good at archery. But apparently, he was. It was a little minigame and if you could hit all the points on the several boards, you could choose what prize you wanted — they were all plushies. 
When he did hit all the points, he offered you to choose the prize for yourself. You knew exactly what you wanted. The cute pink bunny, which in the end, was named Cooky by Jungkook. Ironic. 
You went on a rollercoaster next. It would be an understatement to say you were screaming all the way. Jungkook was surprised that your voice could even reach that high. “Only if you put me on a rollercoaster or put a cockroach on me,” you had replied, making him laugh as he dragged you to the next ride. 
 But you wished you had known that one ride could make you scream like no other. 
It was a ship. A ship dangling in the air. Now you were told that it would swing forward and backward in the air, but that didn’t explain the horror enough. 
“Jungkook, for the love of God, I swear I’ll give you all the banana milk you want, please don’t let me go, please don’t let me go, I’m gonna die—!” maybe you had forgotten to mention that those kinds of rides made you sick. Any time the ship swung forward was the mania. You felt like it would throw you out of it. You were clinging to Jungkook for your dear life, with him holding Cooky alongside you. 
You felt like you’d die. Any time it swung backwards, you’d get the time to breathe and calm down, then prepare yourself for the next forward swing, but of course, you could never be prepared enough. In the end, you’d always scream your lungs out. Thankfully, Jungkook held onto you securely the whole time. 
 "It’s okay, it’s okay!” you heard his laugh follow. Your arms were around his thin waist, making sure you wouldn’t fall off. You felt like you were flying but it was worse. You were just praying you wouldn’t fall out and die. 
At least Jungkook managed to whisper affirmative words, and you were able to catch a few in the loud wind. “It’ll be fine, I’m with you, it’s okay… I’m with you,” he kept on repeating. You were glad when the ride was over, and you had to be supported by a laughing Jungkook as you were quite dizzy after all that. 
Your brain was buzzing and you couldn’t even see properly. In fact, you were shaking in your boots. That was the worst time of your life. And you never wanted to experience it again. 
 To calm things down a bit, Jungkook decided to go on the Ferris wheel next. Cooky was given to you and you hugged it the whole way to the ride. Getting into your cabin, you were finally able to take a breath of relief and organise your thoughts. Your hair was a bit of a mess, so you fixed that as best as you could. You still hugged Cooky tightly though. You were scared. 
 "The sunset’s pretty,“ you couldn’t believe the day had gone so fast as you spoke. Sunsets were always pretty romantic, so mentioning that just made you nervous. Jungkook smiled softly, nodding to your words. Seeing that smile on his face, it just made you feel all giddy. 
At some point during the ride, the question turned from ‘why could everyone see you as a real couple’ to ‘who wouldn’t call you two a couple?‘ 
 You were falling deeper and deeper into the abyss that was Jungkook. Yes, he was foolish and he made decisions even if he knew that they would result in bad things happening. He wasn’t the smartest, but his smile was adorable. His laugh was adorable. The way he held you was something you had started to like a lot more. You really did love everything he did — so were you in love? 
No, of course not… or you thought. He had a girlfriend and it was stupid to be in love with a taken man. But he did ask you to act like his soon-to-be wife, so you were just going to use that to your advantage. Maybe you couldn’t be with him, but the moments you two had were precious to you. 
And if you could have more of those, then you were satisfied. Love hurt and it didn’t always work out. And that was fine, so you wouldn’t try to make him fall for you. 
You were sure that if he was meant to do that, then it could’ve been done a lot more sooner — before Hyun-ae had come into the picture. 
"I really like it too.” His reply made you lose your train of thought. You smiled at him as he stared in the distance, looking a lot calmer than usual. Maybe the possibility of falling in love with your childhood friend wasn’t that low. 
The kiss came back to you, memories of his soft lips flooding your mind. Heat rose to your cheeks, so you opted to conceal your blushing face by hiding it behind the giant pink bunny that was Cooky. 
Maybe you wouldn’t mind falling for Jeon Jungkook. 
Each and every day, you felt like you were falling more and more for his beautiful smile. His oblivious laugh. His sparkling eyes. He may have been intimidating, but he was the softest person you knew. He was caring and gentle.
He was protective of those he cared for. Just like you. Just like Hyun-ae.
At one point, you had told yourself to stop falling for him. Like it was even possible. But still, you distanced yourself from him. Or you had tried to. You had told yourself that he was taken, it was stupid to fall for him, you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t bear being hurt. But the heart never listened to anyone. You just felt yourself wanting more and more from him.
You had always thought that your ‘soulmate’ must be out there somewhere, just waiting for you to come along. But now that you were falling deeper into the spiral, it eventually changed to ‘my soulmate lives in the kingdom next to mine and we’re ‘best friends’.’
But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. It hurt. It hurt so much. It killed you inside when you realised you couldn’t be with him. It absolutely devastated you. You hated it. But at the same time, you were happy. Wasn’t that love? Being happy because your loved one is. Smiling because he smiled. Laughing because he laughed. Living because he did. That was certainly how you felt.
"Tonight, we’re going out,” Jungkook says one unexpected night. You look at him with furrowed brows, confused. You had been continuing the site-seeing but you hadn’t been out at night. “Why? Where?” you blurt out, caught off-guard by the sudden exclamation.
Jungkook shifts closer to you hastily. “We’re alone, Guk. Seriously. No one is going to overhear you. We’re in your room,” you roll your eyes, but you don’t forget that your heart is racing because of how close he is to you. “We’re going to the club tonight.”
The seductive whisper wasn’t even the thing that sent chills down your spine. It was the fact that you were going to the club. And if you didn’t know better, you would’ve asked which club, but you knew it was the one Hyun-ae worked at. You felt a little unready for the whole occasion, to be honest.
“I— but what about your parents? What will we tell them?” you ask nervously, making Jungkook chuckle. Who were you kidding, he had probably taken care of that. He was just the best when it came to the worst things.
“Junghyun will take care of it. I told him to make up an excuse. He doesn’t know which club we’re going at anyway. Neither does he know about Hyun-ae,” you couldn’t ignore how sweetly he pronounced her name. Like she was something so precious, just an absolute treasure to him. You wished he called you like that.
So that’s how you got to the club. It was jammed with people. You guessed that common clubs would be even more jammed. You saw people of high status dancing to the beat of the music on the dance floor, some had their lips on others’, some were downing glasses by the second. The overall situation was just sensual.
“This way,” with your hand in Jungkook’s, you were led to the bar where Hyun-ae worked at.
“Jungkook!” she was beautiful. In the dim lighting, you couldn’t see her especially well, but she was drop-dead gorgeous from what you did see. If you weren’t aware of her social status, you may have thought she was a princess working at a bar or something. Her voice was soft but clear, it was like music to your ears.
You were taken to a more secluded corner of the club, where Jungkook’s hand left yours. You felt yourself missing the touch instantly. He stood next to Hyun-ae now. Of course, she was his main priority. You were guessing the night was going to be a long one.
“So you’re Y/N?” you nod to her words, before realising that she probably couldn’t see that well either and decide to speak up. “Yeah,” you say. A little piece of your heart was on fire right now. It was hurting so much. This was the girl he was going to marry. After everything, she was the end goal. You bite your lip in an effort not to break down. You kept telling yourself you were happy for him.
But you weren’t. You were hurt. You wanted him to always be there like he had. You were being selfish and you hoped he’d forgive you for it. “It’s great to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you from Jungkook,” Hyun-ae giggled afterwards. “Thank you for being a good friend to Jungkook,” you could see her outline move closer to Jungkook’s. She wrapped her arm around Jungkook’s affectionately. You nodded slowly, then sighed.
You wanted to cry. Why did you agree? Jungkook’s adorable laugh as Hyun-ae put her arm around his — it was contagious. That was how you knew it was real. “I-It’s nothing, really. I appreciate Jungkook as a friend too…” you say quietly. Even your words were like a dagger to your heart. Your poor heart suffered too much.
You excused yourself as they started to say their ‘I love you’s. You didn’t want to hear it. You didn’t want to suffer more than you already had. Trying to hold back your tears, you blamed yourself for falling too hard, too deep. Your heart was pounding against your chest. You just wanted to hold him. You just wanted him but even that seemed too much to ask for.
You can barely stand up yourself, so you take support from the counter of the bar. “Some long island iced tea, please,” you mutter to the person at the counter, who prepares you the glass and you gulp it down within a matter of seconds, hoping it would ease the tightness of your chest. You knew you were going to get badly drunk, but it didn’t matter anymore. As long as you didn’t have to be sad today. It certainly did help.
You felt better. The liquor was washing away your sorrows. Your mind felt a little fuzzier. You order one more glass. Just one more couldn’t hurt. You drink that one down too, but this time leisurely, feeling a lot more free and careless.
The surroundings were becoming more blurry by the second. You felt light-weighed. Your tipsy self walked over to the familiar corner of the club, where you saw Jungkook and Hyun-ae on their own. Tugging on your friend’s jacket, you try to balance yourself with his support. “Y/N? Are you already drunk?” he asks, but his voice seems so distant that you just want to be lulled to dreamland at this point.
“No, of course… I'm… not drunk… not… yet?” you say, more as a question than a definite answer. Jungkook sighs. Well, this was bound to happen. He knew you didn’t handle alcohol very well, but how bad exactly, he wasn’t sure.“What did you have? Are you okay? Should I take you home?” you nod slowly to his words, but your brain didn’t register anything. “Two… iced teas… the long island ones…” you take the moment to appreciate the way Jungkook’s hands kept you up. You’d slide down to the ground if it wasn’t for him. 
"Seriously?“ he muttered something to Hyun-ae afterwards, but you didn’t catch it. "Let’s go… and sleep, I’m really tired…” you hadn’t even been there for half an hour. Yet still, you couldn’t keep yourself up anymore. "And let’s sleep on the same bed… okay? Don't… sleep on the floor this time… I’m worried you might catch a cold…” 
“I get it, let’s go,” Jungkook’s frustration was clear. But your drunk self didn’t seem to mind it all. He said some more things to Hyun-ae, whose distorted expression was something between concern and jealousy. Or so you hoped it was jealously, because you hated her. You absolutely loathed her. Everything about her. 
You were finally taken back to the castle unnoticed. 
“Why do we lie, Y/N?” Jungkook asks, you’re almost asleep but his question wakes you up. As he had said, he was going to sleep with you tonight. Every other night, you kept on switching between who’d take the floor and who’d take the bed. He was the one who mostly took the floor, but this night, things were different. 
“I don’t know… why are you asking me… I don’t lie…” you mumble through your sleep, eyes shut gently. “Everyone lies,” hearing Jungkook’s statement, you snicker. “I don’t, suck it up…” you reply. “Right. So you don’t. But why do others lie?” he repeats. 
“Because… hmm… depends…” you shift a little in the warm bed, blanket over your body. Jungkook was sitting on the bed, his back supported by the pillow as he didn’t feel the need to sleep just yet. His phone was in front of him. You wanted him to play you some melodies but that was probably too much. Enough destruction had been done today. 
“Sometimes we lie… because… we want to make others happy…” you pause, drifting more into sleep. “And other times?” Jungkook beckons you to continue. “Well… other times… we lie because… we don’t want to get into… trouble.“ 
"Oh,” Jungkook blurts out, making you reach out absent-mindedly, and punch his arm. Or it felt like his arm anyway. “Like you do. But there’s one other time we lie…” Jungkook’s eyes were on you. You could feel them. “When we… want something from someone else. When we are using them." 
"Now play me some music, please… some soft… sweet music." 
"I’ll sing for you." 
"Yes please…" 
"And you bless me with the best gift, that I’ve ever known, you give me purpose.” 
Lately, things had been very hard. Jungkook’s mother wasn’t joking when she had said that the wedding would be held as soon as possible. You were hogged with what to wear, make-up, hairstyles, and everything. 
You told her to take it slow as Jungkook had advised you to do, but she was very keen, just like you had thought. Side by side, your mother was in favour of everything too. 
To calm things down a bit, you told your mother and his mother that you and Jungkook would be going sightseeing again. It was the only way you could get out and breathe some fresh air. Most girls would be excited for their wedding day, but you wanted to postpone it as much as possible — well, it wasn’t yours, to begin with. 
The crowd was really bad this time. You were visiting the statue that Jungkook’s grandfather had apparently built. It was a man, young from what you could see, made of some sort of metal, maybe bronze or gold, but you weren’t sure. He held up a sword in the air, which reminded you almost of winning a war and doing your victory pose. Or maybe you had been playing a lot of Overwatch with Jungkook. 
News of your wedding was all around the kingdom now, you guessed it was like that in yours too. 
Jungkook’s hand was holding yours. But perhaps not as strongly. Everyone kept asking questions and screaming names, you may have heard some death threats too. Possibly fangirls of the prince, you guessed. The crowd’s force was so strong, even the few guards you had brought weren’t strong enough to hold them back. Should’ve brought more guards, the same thought recurred. 
Your hand left Jungkook’s in the midst of all the shouts and screams, and pushing and pulling. You were drawn back in the crowd, with no one noticing that you were outside the swarm now. 
Frantically, you ran around the circle of people, trying to get in but everyone was so used to forcing their way through, you couldn’t even get back to your friend. The word tasted bitter on your lips. You sigh, hastily running to another side before your eyes settle at the cafè that’s beside the other shops in the area. 
Hyun-ae. You could recognise her in the bright daylight. She was there with someone. A man, a man whose face was half-covered by the mask that he was wearing over his mouth. One you didn’t know. 
You step closer to the window, where their seats were at. Maybe you could hear them? Who was he? You didn’t want to jump to wrong conclusions, they could be siblings or cousins… or maybe even friends, who knows? But the sick feeling that you get at the pit of your stomach tells you something else entirely. 
Your breath is basically non-existent as you step closer, and the two don’t notice you. You stand next to the glass window, your back supported by the wall. You hope no one is recording you. You hope you don’t turn up in the newspapers, accused of eavesdropping. But you have to do this for yourself. For yourself and Jungkook. Besides, the reporters were a little too biased towards Jungkook and what he did rather than your doings. 
“I asked him for some more time,” her voice was just the same you had remembered it. It was still beautiful, and while you had only met her once, it was short, and days have passed since then, you could still recognise it. The only difference was that now it was infusing with your blood like poison. You hated her voice, her being. 
Your stomach started to churn and do back-flips. Your insides were burning. You felt almost bad for Jungkook. Was she the only one who needed time? Was that why you were dragged into this? 
“I don’t want to marry him. But I need to become queen,” you hear her whine. “Ah, Jagiya~ it’s okay,” the male’s voice was indistinguishable. You didn’t know who he was. “But I want to marry you! But you’re just not… enough. You’re not as rich. You’re not a prince,” she frowned. 
What was more stupid was that she was right near where Jungkook was. Did she expect him to show up and break up with her? How’d she ever become queen then? You wondered what her motive was. 
“Plus, I hate that friend of his. He’s always talking of her and she seems to be the type of person who talks all about him too.” That wasn’t a surprise. While it did make your heart flutter when you heard that he was talking of you to his girlfriend, that wasn’t what mattered right now. What mattered was that Jungkook was dating a cheater and it was stupid of him to waste his energy on someone like her. 
Tired and obviously angry, you give Jungkook a message to meet you at the car. Your anger was beyond measure. Feeling like you heard something you should not have, you didn’t know how to feel. You were scared, most of all. You finally find the car and get inside, tapping your foot with irritation. 
The car door opens and Jungkook sits inside. The driver starts up the car and you’re taken back to the castle. 
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asks you when you get to his room. You avoided all of his questions in the car. You didn’t want to speak of the matter in front of the driver. 
"Hyun-ae is cheating on you,“ you say, and while you aren’t even the one in the relationship, your eyes flood with tears. You’re worried about Jungkook. You love him. You love him and you don’t want him to be heartbroken. 
"What?” he blurts out, turning to you with surprise. You lock your tear-filled eyes with his blank ones. “Hyun-ae is cheating on you. I saw her. I saw her, she was with another man… she’s…” you bite your lip, looking away. You felt pity above all. Pity for Jungkook. 
And here you thought you were the victim. That you were being used. But it was all along Jungkook, controlled like a puppet, the strings in Hyun-ae’s hands. 
“…she's… u-using you.” Jungkook stays still at the words. He didn’t want to speak. His heart fell. “You must have seen someone else,” he replies, plastering a smile. “There’s a lot of people who look like Hyun-ae." 
"But she sounded like her too." 
"She couldn’t be. She loves me,” you walk closer to Jungkook, shaking your head. How badly you wanted to scream that she didn’t love him like he thought. “How do I tell you…? I should’ve recorded it… I should’ve taken pictures… I know… but… I was too shocked… I’m so sorry,” you look deep in his eyes. For once, you don’t see twinkling stars. You see darkness — emptiness — and that spoke a ton about how he felt. 
“T-Tell me you’re lying. Hyun-ae… she couldn’t do that.” You sigh heavily, and it still isn’t enough to let out the frustration you feel. “I’m not lying. She’s cheating on you. I swear I’m not lying,” you say meekly. “I wouldn’t ever lie to you." 
"But you did.” 
You stare at him, eyes wide. “What do you mean?” you ask, brows furrowing.  "You meant everything you said that night. You said it was stupid of me to marry a commoner. I thought you were my friend…?“ your eyes widen more. 
You shake your head in denial, but your voice doesn’t come out. "Friends support friends." 
"I am supporting you! I’ve always supported you. You’re just blind in love,” you bite your lip, afraid you’d start crying. Jungkook turns quiet. “You can believe whatever you want to. Just know that I told you the truth. It’s Hyun-ae who—" 
"Don’t speak in that way about Hyun-ae!” the loud shout shook you. You take a deep, uneven breath, sniffing. “You picked Hyun-ae over me again. Even if I’m not lying,” you wipe the tears in your eyes. “This was what I was afraid of.” Your heart hurt. It hurt like it never had. You felt like your breath was being taken away, like you were suffocating. 
"I don’t want to do this anymore. It’s a lost cause.”
It had been days since then. Jungkook and you had separate rooms now. You had requested that of Jungkook’s mother and she agreed. Everyone could sense that something was wrong, because you both kept shut in your individual rooms. Though no one would mention it. There was no sightseeing, no communication between you and Jungkook.
You’d go to give him food but he’d never open the door. In the end, it was left at his doorstep.
"Y/N, darling, we should go shopping for your dress, no? The wedding is real close,” and did you forget to mention that the wedding was coming really fast now? Unlike yourself, Jungkook was in his room all day. He didn’t get out of it for a single moment. You sometimes got up to go out because your mother told you so.
“Sure…” the wedding was supposed to held in a wedding hall, and you had decided upon going for a more western style. A white dress, made to perfectly suit you. It all felt a little useless now. You weren’t even going to be married to Jungkook anymore. There was no point, but the others didn’t know.
Jungkook didn’t know.
As your mother would show you pretty dresses and awe over them as they fit your wedding theme, you’d think of what Jungkook would be doing. Was he crying? Was he sad? Or was he happy? Was he playing Overwatch, or maybe he was talking to Hyun-ae. Maybe that last thought wasn’t as soothing as the rest. At least every time you gave him food, he’d take it inside. Hopefully, he was eating well. He’d never open the door to anyone though, not while they were standing there.
You sigh, pick any dress that comes to mind and show it to your mother. Your mind just kept zooming back to Jungkook. He hadn’t taken his attire yet, had he? A little part of you felt disgusted because while he was heartbroken, or so you thought anyway, you were picking out a dress for the wedding. And while you did love him, you just wished you could fix everything.
Maybe in another universe, in another world, some other time, you could be with him.
Getting back to the castle, you took the food tray you were offered from the kitchen and took it to Jungkook’s room. This was every day’s routine.
You knock on the door, taking a deep breath. You know he won’t open it, but a little part of you still thinks he considers it. He probably hates you though, no matter how much you deny the thought. “Jungkook… I brought food,” you say quietly, hoping he’d be able to hear it from the other side. Your heart was begging to just see his face again. He felt like a distant memory.
“Jungkook,” you knock the door again, but then stop, giving up. Putting down the tray, you hope he’ll take the food you left and leave.
You needed this to stop. You wanted him to hear from you again. You wanted to see his pretty face again. You wanted to hear his sweet voice again. Taking out your phone, you quietly muttered ‘screw it’ and texted Junghyun to tell him to meet up with you. You decided upon going to a cafè — not the same one as Hyun-ae’s, though. Just a random one that Junghyun recommended. You knew it wasn’t the same one as you entered. You didn’t want to confess in the castle. You were afraid someone would overhear. Plus it felt a little too confined. You wanted to get out and try to be a little happy for once. The castle felt like a jail of lies at this point.
“I want to tell you something…” you couldn’t believe you were doing it. “What?” you knew you could trust Junghyun. But to what extent? You were scared he might tell his parents, and then the news would quickly spread, but you had to do it. You knew you didn’t have Jungkook’s permission. But you weren’t going to back down now. For one, you didn’t need his assistance. You knew the truth. And secondly, it was far too late to turn back now.
“Promise me you won’t freak out,” you look at him with furrowed brows, and he nods slowly. “Okay… but… what are you—?”
“Is that princess Y/N?” you freeze. The news reporters. You could hear them approaching you. And for once, you felt frustrated. Why this place, of all of them? You get up, taking Junghyun’s hand, you get out of the cafè, where the swarm of reporters is already gathering. “Why are you holding prince Junghyun’s hand?” one asks. You take a deep breath. “I—”
“Are you cheating> on prince Jungkook?” your eyes flood with tears. You wanted to scream, you wanted to tell them the truth. But you were the antagonist. You always had been. You were set to be the jealous person that fell in love. You were never the princess you truly were in real life. You could never even think of cheating on Jungkook. But with the way you held Junghyun’s hand, it was clear to the crowd.
“Can you explain your relationship with prince Junghyun?” another asks. “Are you cheating on prince Jungkook with prince Junghyun?” one more question came. You were deaf to all of them. You wished you were. You wished you were deaf to the accusations. You bite your lip in an effort to not break down, tearing at the seams. You were tearing at the seams.
Grasping Junghyun’s hand even tighter, you walk away from the crowd, pushing and making your way back to the sanctuary you once had.
“They blame me, Jungkook…” your lip was quivering as you spoke to the door. It was late at night. No one was roaming the corridors at this time, and it was dark. But you hoped, you hoped that Jungkook was hearing you. “I never cheated on you… I swear…” you break down. “I wish you could open the door. I hope you can hear me… but I never cheated on you…” you felt like you were going crazy.
You were desperate to shout out the truth. You were done living a lie. Living as a lie. “Please… Jungkook… we were in this together… you told me that I was never alone…” but you were alone. Alone and so much more. The cheating accusations had spread like a wildfire. But you weren’t cheating. You were telling the truth. You were trying to tell Junghyun the truth so he could help you. He was like a younger brother to you.
“Please open the door…” you sniff, breaking down more. Tears wouldn’t stop falling down your cheeks. “Everyone’s really worried for you too… I wish we could escape this. I wish we really could. I hope you’re okay…” you sob. You had a headache from crying. “I really hope you’re okay…” you bite your quivering bottom lip, “I care for you a lot. A lot. I really do.
"I love us too, Jungkook. But you’re making it hard for me to hang on.”
The castle was sombre. It had been like this for a while now. The royal families were trying to handle the situation, but the media had everyone fooled. Jungkook still hadn’t come out of his room, he’d never even take the food anymore. Junghyun had taken refuge in his room, he sometimes would come out. But whenever his eyes met yours, you could see the uncertainty they held.
You had given up on trying to tell anyone about the truth. You couldn’t do it without Jungkook. You wanted to die. You weren’t even living anymore. Just hanging between life and death. The food tasted stale because Jungkook wasn’t there. The room looked darker because Jungkook wasn’t there. Your heart always fell when you saw that the food tray hadn’t been taken inside by Jungkook.
His hands had held you. His arms had protected you. His eyes had made you smile. And his smile had made you laugh and feel all giddy. You couldn’t even blame yourself for falling for him — who wouldn’t fall for him? He was perfect, even with his imperfections, he was perfect.
Maybe the problem was Hyun-ae. Maybe it was her selfishness that led you all to this hell-hole. Or maybe it was you, caring a little too much for your own good.
It was the night before the wedding. You stopped in your tracks in front of Jungkook’s room. The door was as closed as it had ever been. The tray wasn’t touched even a little. You put the food aside.
“Jungkook. Tomorrow’s the wedding,” it wasn’t that late. He should’ve been awake. “Our plans have failed. I’m so sorry.” You turn quiet for a second. “I know you really wanted to marry Hyun-ae. You wanted to marry Hyun-ae and you loved her. You still love her,” it hurt to even say that, “but I failed you. I’m so sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry.” Your head perks up. Did you hear his sweet voice? It was him. Meek, but you could still identify it. “Why are you sorry?” you ask, trembling. You just wished he’d open the door and let you see him. It had been weeks. You couldn’t do it anymore. You couldn’t go by without seeing his beautiful face, his shining eyes.
“You were right. Hyun-ae was cheating on me.” You stare expectantly at the door, waiting for it to open but it didn’t. “How did you find out…?” you ask again. At least you were true. “One of the noblemen told me. His name’s Taehyung. We’re quite good friends. I told him to follow her. He saw it with his own eyes,” he answered. While you did feel sad that he didn’t believe you but he did believe Taehyung, you couldn’t blame him. He really did love Hyun-ae.
“What about… the wedding now?” you ask weakly, afraid to approach the topic. “I don’t know anymore. I gave you so much pain. I put you through so much. You agreed. You deserve a much better friend, Y/N,” you shake your head at his words. “You’re my best friend. And…” you bite your lip. Something in you told you that you weren’t as scared to say it now.
“And I love you.” There was silence on both sides. It was understandable. You wished you were less selfish. He was still going through a break-up, you should’ve been nicer and save it for later. But you had come to realise that later wasn’t a thing anymore. Whatever was going to happen, it had to happen now.
“I loved you too.” Your eyes widen. “I did. I thought you saw me just like a brother… so… I… I went to the bar. I saw Hyun-ae. She helped… she was like a rebound. I hate to put it that way, because I did like her too… but I don’t even deserve you after what I did. I realise now that I’m selfish. I’m self-obsessed. I shouldn’t have asked you such a big favour. I mean… I loved you. You don’t do that to the people you love.
"When I spent time with you, I felt like I was with my soulmate.” You didn’t speak. You were too scared to. “I felt like I was on cloud nine. You made me so happy, Y/N. I laughed the hardest when you were around. You always seemed to put a smile on my face. You really did. I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve you.”
The wedding day, you sigh. “Where is Jungkook?!” the queen exclaims, furious. Since he had locked himself in his room, she had bought his attire for him. But he was nowhere to be seen.
You had talked to him last night, but after he confessed, he had turned quiet and eventually you were just talking to yourself.
Your mind did not focus on her though. It was somewhere else. “Love like the one between you and Jungkook can’t be faked, dear. You’ll be very happy with him,” your mother had said as you were being ready for the big day. You couldn’t explain the heartburn you felt when you heard her words.
Now everything was in chaos. No one knew where Jungkook was. You suggested checking his room, but it was locked. A locksmith was called immediately and after he had worked his magic, the door opened.
You were scared. But even more so, worried. Jungkook wasn’t in his room. Opening the bathroom door, Jungkook’s motionless body was found to be in the bathtub.
The rest was a blur. You vaguely remember freaking out, Jungkook’s mother’s screams, and the people who came to pick up the body. You couldn’t stop crying as you reached the hospital and Jungkook was taken straight to the ICU.
Your mother came to sit down beside you. “I’m so sorry, Y/N,” she hugs you, while you sob into her shoulder. You were still in your wedding clothes. “He wasn’t even supposed to be my husband, mother.”
“It was a lie…” you admit. “He wanted to marry a commoner. She asked him for time, so he asked me to play along so he could get some more time for his real soon-to-be wife. But she cheated on him. Only wanted the money and status. I wasn’t his wife, mother.” You look at her, her unwavering eyes making you break down even more. “I wasn’t dating Jungkook, mother.”
Since then, you’d visit Jungkook every day. He was diagnosed to be in a coma because of the lack of oxygen his brain had received after he tried to suicide by drowning himself.
Your mother had told his parents the truth, and thankfully, even if they were angry for some time, they let you see him again. You’d always bring Cooky with you. It was the one thing he had left you — along with countless beautiful memories.
The first year was heartbreaking. You’d come to visit him and cry every time. You’d tell him how much you love him and that you miss him and his jokes. That everyone misses him. Hyun-ae had come to visit too, and the visit had been short and silent. She told you that she was deeply sorry for what she had done. You fucking hoped she did.
The second year was when most people had forgotten he even existed. The hype had died down, but you still visited him. You told him about how you had spent your day, and that you had met someone promising. You always made sure to kiss him goodbye. You didn’t cry as much now. Sometimes you did, but most of the time, you made jokes. You told him about how people were making fun of you for fake-dating someone as amazing as Jungkook. It hurt, but you felt like Jungkook’s mere presence was enough to make you feel calm.
The third year came and went just as quickly. You told Jungkook about how you had started dating someone for real now. The promising person was by the name of Namjoon. He was another prince you had come across, from a nearby kingdom. Smart, humble, and sweet too. You told Jungkook of your adventures with Namjoon.
The first year that you didn’t have even one day to spare was the fifth one. You and Namjoon had decided to get married. And the preparations had you very busy. You felt bad for that, but you had no other choice.
Six years had passed. Going down the aisle, being wed to Namjoon reminded you of your precious friend. He was still in deep sleep, unaware that his loved one was going to get married. Even if he didn’t know Namjoon, he would’ve been the best man at the wedding.
Or wouldn’t it be better if he was the groom himself? You were not going to make the mistake of treating Namjoon as a rebound. It was wrong and he deserved more than that. You had seen how wrong that could go. But there was just something Jungkook had always made you feel that Namjoon just… couldn’t.
He was intelligent, his dimpled smile was adorable. But Jungkook made you feel elevated. He made you feel so incredibly special. And you knew fully well that you couldn’t ever really move on.
You knew that there may have been someone like him out there, but no one was Jungkook. Namjoon was everything Jungkook lacked — he was a planner, he cared for the consequences, and he didn’t take risks. But you just did not feel the way you felt with Jungkook. You wished you could’ve walked down the aisle to Jungkook, but that was wrong to think. So you shook your head and smiled even if your heart was unwilling.
There was no one like Jungkook. He was one of a kind and no one could compete with him. That was a simple truth. You just hoped your dear friend would wake up. There was so much to catch up on. There were so many things you wanted to say to him.
In the place that he would’ve sat today, sat another faithful, dear friend of yours — Cooky. A symbol of your lost love.
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magnoliawhetstone · 4 years
h e a d c a n o n s, pt. 1
( tw: mentions of eating disorder )
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When Lia is drunk/ tipsy she likes to act our favorite movie scenes—even if she’s alone.  Most recently was the titanic scene (where she also got her knee suck in the balcony). She can quote all of the legally blonde courtroom scene and definitely knows the mean girls Christmas dance as well.
When Lia bakes, she has this small habit of humming or singing when she does so. Interestingly enough, for how involved baking is, she’d done it for so long she’s relatively good at shutting her brain down for a while when she does it. Or, at least, it takes all her energy to bake instead of overthink. It’s why she stress bakes so frequently and it’s also why she hums/sings when she does it. It’s mindless and she’d be embarrassed if anyone heard it–but she doesn’t always realize she’s doing it.
Surprisingly, while Lia’s favorite book is Pride and Prejudice, her favorite movie is Love Actually. She can quote most of the movie–as she can with most things she loves–and her favorite scene is when Hugh Grant dances to “Jump (For My Love)” by the Pointed Sisters. This is another scene she sometimes recreates when drunk.
Lia is not the biggest fan of Harry Potter. She doesn’t even know what house she’s in (its Ravenclaw but she can’t remember that). She never got into the series, never found it to be that interesting–magic didn’t quench her thirst the way some other books did…
Yes, that’s right. Magnolia Barnes was absolutely a Twi-Hard. You could not pull her away from these books–it was even worse since, at age 18, you’d think she would have had better taste. But no, she was #TeamJacob all the way. And yes, she did go see the movies when they came out. And yes, she did cry at the end. Don’t judge her.
Lia loves watching home renovation shows, though she literally has no reason to watch the show. She’s never had to do a home reno in her life. But she likes to imagine a day when she would–she thinks she’d be quite good at it. Sometimes about being able to use her hands in a meaningful way strikes her as soothing–its why she likes baking so much. She doesn’t have proof she’d be good at it, but she has a feeling she’d be pretty good with her hands if she can make delicate pastries so well.
Lia loves college football. Like absolutely adores it. Big Clemson gal, Tiger Rag is her jam. She remembered spending fall weekends at their Lake Keowee home so they could easily drive over to Clemson and go to a home game. Hates the Gamecocks with a passion. Rivalry weekend was her favorite time of year growing up–it was so full of excitement and energy. In fact, the most heated you might ever see Lia out of an argument is walking a Clemson football game. And yes she knows exactly what’s going on down on the field and if you ask her one more time if she’s sure–she will throw a piece of pie in your face.
Speaking of Clemson, Lia wanted to go there for college–get her degree in English. But she also had high dreams to be the baton twirler on the field–the one who dots the i with whatever family they’re celebrating that day in the pregame ceremony? Yeah, she wanted that. She thought that maybe she could mix the two worlds of hers, her two areas of interest–but no, that was never to be the case.
Lia grew up going to State fairs every summer–but never an amusement or theme park. She has never been to a planetarium, and her first trip to an Aquarium was with Beckett. Her first trip to a Zoo was with Ryder. So sure she’s ridden some rides, but it’s never been like most people have. It’s her dream to go to DisneyWorld one day and somehow, someway, stay in the Cinderella Suite. she’s watched enough youtube videos to know that not one gets to stay there but contest winners and celebrities, but still–a girl can dream.
While her peers took their vacations in Paris, Nice, Monaco and Italy, Lia’s father preferred north–like Amsterdam. Which, to be fair, was really very nice and Lia liked going. She even had a friend, Tess, who she’d hang out with when they would go on holiday as they called it. Tess was cool–she was into collecting model trains and really liked to read also. But then Tess’s parents sent her to boarding school after they had found out that she had been chatting with people online that she shouldn’t have been. Lia thought that sounded awfully harsh and hoped her parents would never do something like that to her. (Oh, irony)
When she’s sick, she doesn’t want chicken noodle soup, she wants wonton soup. Why? She doesn’t know, but she’s never liked chicken noodle soup. She thinks its the mushy carrots and celery. But wonton soup is essentially the same thing, but with a wonton and better flavor. She likes hers with spinach.
If toast is cut diagonal, she can’t eat it. Vertical squad for the win.
Big Bon Appetit fan. The quickest way to make her smile is to make her watch an episode of “one of everything” or “gourmet makes”. she might have a small crush on alex delany but we don’t talk about that.
Lia believe in aliens but not ghosts. She’s not big on conspiracy theories either–but she might be tempted by the stories at Denver Intentional Airport. She just can’t accept that humans are the only living things in the universe. That’s a lot for her–but she doesn’t go actively searching for them. Ghosts, on the other hand–she just never believed in them. Why would anyone want to haunt someone? Seemed like a weird power play to her. And no, despite what some people at the Malnati think, the moon is not made of cheese.
Lia is obsessed with spreadsheets. If you asked her what the dorkiest thing about her was–she’d tell you it was her planner and spreadsheets. She has a spreadsheet for probably every aspect of her life. her planner–which is really a bullet journal–is how she keeps track of things when she can’t get on her computer, but she has one for chores, her books, work, her bucket list, hell–even a bachelorette watch party she had a few years ago. She loves being organized.
Office supplies are her kryptonite. She absolutely loves blank notebooks and pens. She has a favorite pen for different things. Pentel RSVP RT Retractable Ball Point in black for everyday items, Staedleter fine tips felt pens for her bullet journal, sharpie pens for when she wants her notes to stand out, Zebra Mildliner for headers in her bullet journal or giving the pages shape. She is incredible persnickety on who can borrow what pen, and even keeps less important pens in her pencil bag just to lend out. And under very few circumstances will you ever see Magnolia Barnes using a pencil unless she has been required too. She hates the darn things.
Lia doesn’t swear–her mother taught her ladies don’t swear and while she doesn’t believe language as a gatekeeper for femininity anymore, the expectation still holds. So if you do hear her use a curse word, something is very very wrong.
Go to coffee order, you ask? Easy. Grande White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha with Blonde Espresso and Almondmilk and yes whipped cream. Sometimes she’ll get it with Raspberry instead. If its iced, it’s a tall and no whipped cream. However, she can also be bought over with a Venti Iced Guava Tea Lemonade with 8 pumps sweetener.
Lia has seen the Chatworth House–the house used as Pemberly in the Kiera Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice. While its not her all time favorite movie, she sure loves it still and begged her parents to take her one summer. They relented and it was everything she had dreamed of seeing.
It’s well known that Lia cannot dance–she often tells people she can only line dance and Viennese Walz, and the former only happens when she’s tipsy on PBRs.
Lia loves sleeping with windows open because she can’t sleep in silence. The white noise of the city helps relax her and and makes her sleep easier.
However, she must read in silence–any noise will distract her and she gets relatively grumpy if anyone interrupts her reading. She also adores reading by a window. She likes the way the natural lights illuminates the pages.
Words are some of Lia’s favorite things–she thinks they’re magic. So loves the way they sound and likes to think about the way they feel in her mouth and how they roll off the tongue. She does her best to take her time when speaking too–because if words are so important, its better to get them right the first time. (Although perhaps she would learn that getting it right may not always be nearly as important as saying something at all).
(tw: eating disorder) Not many people know this, but after the book incident, Lia has begun to go to therapy. Her counselor, Tonya, has been helping her try to work through what things are Lia and what things are Lia’s mother. They haven’t gotten to the eating disorder conversation yet–and Lia dreads it. because Lia has never used the term out loud–in fact, the only time it was ever spoken was by the doctor the night of the incident. She has never named it and technically never claimed it out loud–though she knows its true in her heart.
Lia hates pickles. Don’t know why, but she thinks they are gross. Also parmesan cheese.
Magnolia loves horses–perhaps not the extend of others, but she had grown up riding them and when she rode them, she always sensed a freedom that was just out of reach at home. Perhaps that was because who was always riding wit her, but she doesn’t like to dive deep into that. It complicates things (that maybe needed to be complicated, just sayin’). Leaving her childhood horse Butternut was like leaving a pet (something the Barnes did not have as Lia grew up). Butternut and her went on a lot of adventures together, usually along side Buttersquash and Jack. It was good squad.
Lia’ favorite dessert is Mrs. Whetstone’s peach cobbler–and she has pour her life’s work into recreating it since she never asked for the recipe before she left. Every time she tries, she feels like she gets a little closer, but its never quite right. But it does remind her of home and its one of those memories she loves dearly. Anyone who asks her, though, what her favorite dessert is, she’ll say cheesecake because nothing even compares in her mind to that cobbler and she doesn’t want something to try to do something that will never reach what she expects. And she does love cheesecake.
Favorite flavor of yogurt? Chobani Raspberry Lemonade. Its only available in the summertime, but boy is it worth the wait.
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hiloedits · 11 months
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— evajacks [a curse for true love spoilers] headers
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© hiloedits on twitter.
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purpletigertaetae · 5 years
The Transfiguration Tutor
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 4307 words
Genre: Hogwarts AU, Slice of Life (as “life” as you can get in an AU) Fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: None, I mean there's a lot of fluff, but not really any warnings
Notes: Okay, I’ve jumped out of my comfort zone SO MUCH with this fic (and this header that I made in like 0.2 seconds because I’m dumb and couldn't find anything I liked) Like I already don’t fluff well (If we’re being honest I don’t write anything well 😂), but this added Potterverse into the mix, which just GAH. This was actually supposed to be a oneshot for Namjoon’s birthday, but I’m so late I can't even use that excuse anymore. I’m so nervous typing this... But Enjoy! I hope you all like it! Also PLEASE GO CHECK OUT @thebluesyren‘s Moodboard! It’s what helped inspire this!
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You stared curiously at the Ravenclaw prefect sitting in the library. His silvery hair parted carefully on the side, his thick rimmed glasses perched on his nose, and his thick lips twisted into a wry smile as he poured over his Charms textbook while twirling his quill over and over in his hand. You had been trying to work on your Potions essay until you saw Namjoon enter the library. You had carefully watched his every move while he gracefully maneuvered across the haphazard chairs and desks to find an empty corner. You watched as he approached the empty desk only to trip over his own two feet. He had smacked his hand on the desk to steady himself but had slipped some more, let out a stream of curses, and then he was lying on the floor his books around him; the ruckus causing everyone around him to giggle.
“Shh!” Madame Pince huffed from her desk, irritated by the noise.
Namjoon had stood up, brushed and smoothed his robes, sent a dimpled smile towards Madame Pince, and gathered his books to sit back down.
That was an hour ago. You had given up on your homework completely, doodling on extra parchment while staring at the clumsy genius. Slughorn would have to wait.
So, this was the boy who was supposed to tutor you in Transfiguration. Your grades, while stellar in every other class, were slipping in McGonagall’s class and she had worried you would not pass your final exams this year. She had told you to seek out a Kim Namjoon, well rather she had gushed over a Kim Namjoon and had told you to ask him for help.
“Kim Namjoon has the highest grades of this year. He will go far. You on the other hand, Miss Y/L/N, will need to improve drastically if you wish to continue on your path as a healer. You will need tutoring in transfiguration. And my recommendation is, you should ask Mr. Kim for help.” From McGonagall, that was high praise, and cause to worry on your end. You had decided that today would be the day you would talk to Namjoon, but you had been in the library for two hours, he for one, and still you were afraid to approach the handsome boy you were slowly getting softer for.
Three hours later and you literally had finished every essay due for the upcoming week except transfiguration. Namjoon, however, still seemed stuck on Charms. You looked at his face, forehead wrinkled in confusion, and decided that maybe you could strike up a deal.
You packed all your things and made your way over to his table.
“Namjoon right?” The boy looked up at you, confusion evident over his face. “Hi, I’m Y/N? Professor McGonagall told me to find you for some transfiguration help?”
His striking features smoothed out and a dimpled smile graced his face. “Hi Y/n. Yeah, McGonagall had talked to me, but uh, now isn’t a great time. I’m still struggling with the Charms homework.”
“Oh, is this the cheering charms essay? Here, let me see if I can help you!” You slid into the seat next to him, dropping your bag and books onto the table, while peering over his shoulder.
You carefully pointed out all of the information he had gotten wrong and explained the theory to him. Namjoon just watched you, eyeing you as you spoke, pointing to different passages in the textbook; your striking features looked lovely in the candlelight. Your eyes sparkled as you explained a particular passage to him. Your lips looked soft, and he caught himself wondering if that was true. Was he maybe falling for the intelligent woman sitting next to him?
“Earth to Namjoon? Namjoon? Namjoon!” He snapped out of his daydreams and looked at you, “Yes?”
“Did you get anything I told you?”
“Uhhh,” He scratched the back of his head, grinning sheepishly.
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly and sighed, “Namjoon, you’re going to have to pay more attention! Now focus!”
“Wait, y/n,” he placed his hand on your forearm, stopping your writing, “Why don’t we become study buddies?”
“Well, think about it. You need help for Transfiguration and I definitely need help with Charms. How about we help each other?” Namjoon leaned back against his chair and looked you dead on, a small smile playing on his face.
You examined the boy in front of you and then the empty parchment that was meant for the transfiguration essay you hadn’t even started. You definitely needed help, and you wanted a way to repay him. Helping him with Charms would be the ideal way, and maybe you could even become closer friends.
“It’s a deal.” You thrusted your arm out and shook to seal the deal.
Namjoon sat up and grabbed his quill again, rifling through the textbook to find where he last left off.
“Great! Can we finish Charms first and then go onto Transfiguration? I haven’t started Transfig yet so we can work together!” Namjoon started rambling, but you cut him off swiftly.  
“That’s fine, but I’m warning you. If we’re stuck here all night, you owe me a butterbeer!”
Namjoon looked at you and grinned, “Deal. So, I understand the incantation for the cheering charm, but I definitely am confused on the theory and execution.”
You sighed deeply and then dove in. This was going to be a long night.
Four hours later and finally you both closed your books and leaned back in your chairs, resting your eyes.
With your eyes still closed you asked, “What is the effect when the Cheering Charm is too strong?”
Namjoon replied huskily, “Fits of hysterical laughter. What is the incantation to conjure a flock of yellow birds?”
“Avis, and a gunshot sound and smoke are aftereffects of the spell.”
“By Merlin, I think she’s got it!” Namjoon cracked open an eye and sent a genuine dimpled smile your way.
“Well, I’ve got the theory down for sure, but I’m going to need help with execution-”
“Now? Y/N… I’m tired!”
“No, not now. I’m wiped, but tomorrow? After dinner? We can find an empty classroom.”
“That sounds like a plan!”
You sat up and started packing up your bag, Namjoon copying your actions.
You both left the library, some of the last ones to leave, said goodbye to Madame Pince and started strolling back to the Ravenclaw tower in a comfortable silence.
As you climbed the stairs, Namjoon broke the silence.
“Y/n, you excel in all your other classes, why do you struggle in Transfig? Not that I’m judging or anything! I’m just curious.” He began scrambling in fear of having offended you.
You laughed at his expression, and then spoke, “I don’t know, to be honest. Defense, Herbology, Charms all came easy to me. Transfiguration doesn’t. It requires a type of concentration I just don’t have.”
Namjoon looked at you thoughtfully.
“I can understand that. Charms requires a sense of certainty, a sense of grace that I definitely have not acquired,” he spoke as he tripped over his own two feet.
“See what I mean!”
You chuckled as you approached the Common Room entrance. You slipped in and noticed that it was basically empty, just three students snoozing near the fire.
You both climbed the stairs and then stopped right before you were to go separate ways.
“Good night Y/N. Thank you for helping me.”
“Ditto, good night… Joon.”
Namjoon turned to make his way to his room, cheeks bright red. You had called him Joon. Only close friends had called him Joon. He looked over his shoulder at your retreating figure and mused. That name coming from you had sounded so sweet. He really wanted to hear it again.
You turned and walked to your room blushing hard. Joon? Where had that come from? The boy was endearing, and you definitely were soft for him, but this was uncharted territory. Though… he was a gentleman and one you really wanted to get to know better. Who knew, maybe this would be the start of a beautiful friendship. You shook your head and got ready for bed. This would be a thought for another time.
Namjoon and you continued your joint tutoring together for the next couple of months. You saw each other so often that a friendship began to blossom. You would talk late into the night, discussing your aspirations as a healer and his aspirations to become part of the Ministry. Most of the time you even joined him for his rounds; his partner always “forgot” though you both knew she was always with her boyfriend. Your blood boiled but Joon would always shrug it off with a smile, “it’s nothing I can’t do Y/Nie, though you’re welcome to join me.” You two would roam the castle, ending up in the astronomy tower and gazing at the stars before walking back to your dormitories. Rumors began swirling about the two Ravenclaws in love, but you both remained oblivious and ignorant. People could think however they wanted.
As you both approached your final exams, you began spending even more time together; his friends became yours and your friends became his, until one large group sat together for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was a mixed group; his friends were spread into all the houses: two in Gryffindor, two in Hufflepuff and two in Slytherin. But they all got along, and they definitely were a band of brothers that soon became your closest friends.
The last Hogsmeade trip, was right around the corner, right after exams. Namjoon had wanted to go with you for the longest time, but every time he would chicken out and everyone ended up going as a big friend group. This time though, he was adamant to spend some time with you. He caught up with you as you walked back from the Herbology greenhouses to lunch.
“Hey Y/nie!”
“Hey Joon! What’s up?”
“I have to run, but will you come on rounds with me tonight? I wanted to ask you something.”
“Sure!” With your confirmation, he ran off, leaving you confused. What did he want to ask? You worried that maybe he was doing well in Charms and didn’t need your help anymore. You worried in your classes, when he sat next to you but wouldn’t talk to you; you worried at dinner, where he was noticeably absent; you worried up until you met him in the common room for rounds. He ushered you out and into the corridor and you both began walking. Usually the silence between you two was comfortable as you walked, but today it was suffocatingly uncomfortable until you burst out.
“Kim Namjoon if you don’t ask me what you’ve been wanting to ask me soon, I will kill you!”
“Y/n just be patient. I’ll ask you soon.”
“Do you not want to help me anymore? Do you not need my help anymore? Do you not want to study together anymore? Do you not want to be friends anymore? What is it?! Please! Let’s just work together until our exams are over and then I promise I’ll be out of your hair! Can you just tell me what you wanted to ask?!” Your voice grew more and more agitated as you continued on and on until you ran out of breath. Namjoon beside you just remained quiet with a small smile on his face.
God, you were so cute when you were angry.
He waited patiently until you finished your tirade, walking and observing quietly. When you quieted down, he spoke.
“Are you finished? Calm down Y/Nie, I still want to help you with Transfig, and I definitely still need your help in Charms. I don’t intend to fail my exams and I don’t intend for you to fail yours. We’re still friends! And… oh look we’re at the Astronomy Tower! Let’s quickly take a look and then we can continue this conversation.”
You stared at him dumbfounded as he ran forward. He was about ask you something. Why on earth did he stop? Ugh, he was infuriating sometimes.
You marched up the stairs behind him ready to chew him out until you saw him looking out on the balcony. When you laid your eyes on him, your eyes widened and you audibly gasped. He looked ethereal. The moonlight made him glow, bouncing off of his skin as he stared into the sky. The stars were mirrored in his eyes and his hair shone like silver; he really was stunning. He turned back to you and beckoned you forward with his hand, patting the railing next to him. You walked up to him and looked up at the night sky and whispered, “Beautiful.”
You could’ve sworn he said, “you too.” But when you turned to him, he was still looking up, admiring the sky. For what seemed like eternity, you both were silent, admiring the swirling stars twinkling merrily.
Every now and then you would glance over to him, wanting to break the silence, but his beauty would take your breath away again and you would look back up, not wanting to ruin the moment. Finally, you lost patience and broke the hushed silence to whisper, “Joon, what did you want to ask me?”
He looked down at you. His expression filled with something you hadn’t seen before. Was it love? Unbeknownst to you, you were mirroring the expression back at him. His tongue flitted out, wetting his lips, and your eyes flickered down to the movement, admiring the curve of his lips. Your eyes flicked back to his, as he cleared his throat, and his eyes flitted down to your lips as he leaned forward slightly. You tried to say something, but your breath got caught in your throat as you looked up at him. You hoped for something, anything to break this spell, but in this moment, you wanted to test the softness of his lips with yours. You wanted to feel his hands resting on your hips, not on the railing. You wanted him to bare his soul to you and you wanted to bare your soul to him. Maybe, just maybe you were falling in love with him, your moonchild. He opened his mouth to speak and suddenly you were afraid of what he might say. Your stomach filled with butterflies as this handsome man began to speak.
“Y/N, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me after exams. You know I really need to buy some new robes and I could use a friend’s eye.”
Your heart, which had been somewhere in your throat, instantly sank like a rock. He what? He made it very clear in that moment that he considered you just a friend. All of this, baring your soul, the environment, the moon, the stars, the whole thing you had made up. He was just admiring the stars like he always did, and your imagination was running wild again. You tried to rearrange your face into a friendly expression, trying not to betray the heartbroken mess you felt inside. “Sure! I’d love to help you!” Your voice caught in your throat, but you shoved your feelings away and cleared it a couple of times, swallowing the lump thickly.
“Joon, it’s late, I’m tired, I think I’m going to head back. I’ll see you tomorrow?” You turned and left, trying to keep your tears at bay until you found your bed.
Namjoon, on the other hand, couldn’t stop cursing himself. The timing was perfect, the atmosphere was perfect! He could’ve kissed you and everything would have been perfect! But his bloody brain spoke again. He chickened out! He mentally slapped himself. He would have to do better. God, he had wanted to kiss you, you had looked like an angel in the moonlight. He mentally cursed again. He should’ve just stopped at asking you to Hogsmeade after exams. What possessed him to say friend? He clutched at his hair in despair and looked back up at the sky one last time. The stars still glinted, and Namjoon knew that this had been the perfect moment. Argh, stupid brain, stupid mouth, stupid Joon. He turned away from the balcony and trudged back to the common room, feeling sorry for himself. He needed to figure out a way to see this through properly. You and he belonged together, that he was sure about. He just needed to grow some courage and ask you out.
After that night, the entire group knew something was wrong. On the surface, you and Namjoon still studied together, still hung out together, but the dynamic had changed. It was as if you both were toeing on eggshells around each other. However, final exams were fast approaching and the time to think about relationships was gone. Everyone had decided to grace the library with their presence and the careful silence was broken too often. You and Namjoon were always left searching for an empty classroom to study both theory and practical applications. Your first exam was Transfiguration and Namjoon’s first exam was Charms. Needless to say, both of your nerves had been shot. You both had attempted to stay up late the night before, hoping to cram, but by eleven, you knew that you needed sleep. Namjoon and you had called it a night and decided to try to get some rest for tomorrow.
You tossed and turned in bed that night, unable to calm your racing nerves. If you failed this exam, you were done. If you got anything lower than an Exceeds Expectations, you could kiss your Healer dreams goodbye. Plus, there was the issue of Namjoon. You definitely did not want to let him down. He had spent countless hours tutoring you, becoming your friend, and maybe more. How would you face him if you failed? You turned over and watched the clock on your bedside table tick over and over, the repetition providing relief to your otherwise churning thoughts. Watching the clock, you finally fell into a fitful sleep.
The next morning you were up at the crack of dawn. You dressed quickly and found your way down to your favorite abandoned classroom. That’s where Namjoon found you over an hour later pacing back and forth, mumbling transfiguration incantations to yourself under your breath.
“Y/N!” He grabbed you by the shoulders and peered into your eyes.
You were jolted out of your fervor, “Namjoon? What are you doing here?”
“Hobi told me you were here working yourself up! Y/N I need you to stop worrying!”
“Stop worrying? How do I do that? This is the Transfig final! If I don’t pass this, I’m done! There goes everything, my healer dream, all that we’ve worked for! I’ll have wasted your time too! I just…” You rambled on and on without even a breath. Watching you, Namjoon’s eyes widened.
“Baby, hey no! No!” He pulled you into his chest into a tight hug and kissed the top of your head. Somewhere within you, butterflies erupted again. He was holding you awfully close.
“Y/nie, you are brilliant, you know this material and I know you’re going to ace this exam. You hear me?” You snuggled into his chest further, nodding tentatively at his words. He rubbed your back comfortingly and peppered your crown with kisses. “You are my intelligent, gorgeous, brilliant girl and I know you will achieve all your dreams.” Namjoon softly spoke sweet nothings into your head while you calmed down from your impending panic attack in his arms.
Something, though, niggled in the back of your mind. Did he… did he call you his girl? What did that mean? You wanted to dissect his words further, but the great clock chimed 8:00 and you knew you had to assemble for your exam. You tensed at the gong, pulled away from Namjoon, smoothed your hair and patted down your clothes with shaky hands trying to calm your nerves.
“Y/N you are going to do great, you hear me?”
“Thank you Joon. Good luck to you too.”
Namjoon caught your hand in his and you both walked, in silence, to the Great Hall where you were then separated. Namjoon would take his Charms theory and practical exam first while you would take your Transfiguration theory and practical exam. You two would meet up again at lunch.
As you entered the side room, your eye caught Namjoon’s one last time. He shot you a thumbs up, which filled you with hope and you gave him a silly grin back. At the silly exchange your heart lifted and you, for the first time, felt confidence lightly flutter through you. You might just pass this exam.
Once you were seated and the exam had been passed out, you took a deep breath and flipped over the paper. Question 1: What is the incantation to conjure a small flock of yellow birds? Please state and describe the aftereffects. You grinned, remembering back to your first meeting with Namjoon and began furiously writing.
You came away from the theory exam feeling pretty good, albeit a little confused. Every question you had answered you could remember Namjoon’s deep voice patiently explaining and reexplaining. For some, you could even see Namjoon’s face in your head smiling that dimpled smile at you, his loud laugh when you cracked a joke. Namjoon had permeated this exam for you and his personality had maybe gifted you with the correct answers.
When your test group regathered, it was time for the practical exam. There were 15 booths set up, each with their own examination proctor. The proctor would ask questions and you would have to execute the spell. When you entered your booth, you were faced with a wizened old woman who introduced herself as your  examiner.
“Hello Miss Y/L/N, I will be your proctor for today. My name is Professor Caldwell. Are you ready?” You nodded, gulping nervously. “Then, let us begin. First, can you conjure this cup into a small dragon?”
You let out a small laugh, remembering how you had learned the spell in the first place. Namjoon had dragged a chest in to the classroom thinking that the bigger the object the easier it would be for you to conjure. However, you had ended up chasing a relatively large dragon around the classroom while Namjoon tried and failed to put out the fire on his robes. Shaking your head, you cast the spell, “Draconifors!” and the quill began to change. Smiling, the proctor looked at you and continued on. You attempted spell after spell, only stumbling once or twice until Professor Caldwell placed her test papers next to her and stood up to shake your hand warmly. “Congratulations, Miss Y/L/N, you have completed the test.” You looked into her warm brown eyes, edges wrinkled with smile lines, and hesitated.
“Miss Y/L/N? Do you have any questions for me?”
“I- uh, Yes, I do. But I am not sure you can answer.”
“Go ahead, and I will make that judgement myself.”
“How-,” Your voice came out squeaky with nerves. You cleared it and started again. “How did I do? Did I pass?”
“Well, Miss Y/L/N, I’m technically not supposed to answer that, but on my end, you’ve definitely passed. Barring your theory score, I’d give you an Outstanding for the spell work you have shown me today. Congratulations!”
At her words, your heart soared, and the widest grin spread across your face. You shook her hand tightly, thanking her profusely and raced out into the Entrance Hall, looking for Namjoon.
As you pushed past the throng of people, you both locked eyes and before you knew it, you were sprinting to him. People around you parted as you rushed up to him breathlessly. Instinctively, his arms opened, and you threw yourself into them, jumping up to hug him. You placed both hands around his broad, his wide smile calming your racing heart, as his arms came around you and caught your thighs, holding you up while you wrapped your legs around him in a bear hug. He laughingly set you down after hugging, “So I’m guessing that the exam went well? Mine went really well!”
“It went amazingly well.” You grabbed both his hands and looked up into his eyes, happiness overflowing your being. He started to pull away, but you stopped him. “Wait, one second,” He looked at you confused, and you giggled, “There’s something I want to try.”
With that you leaned up on the tips of your toes and pressed a featherlight kiss to Namjoon’s soft lips. As you left his lips, you whispered, “Thank you. For everything.” You turned to leave, but Namjoon tugged your arm back into his embrace, and pushed his lips back on yours. You let out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding and wrapped your arms around his neck while his hands slid around your waist as he deepened the kiss, throwing all his emotions into it. Your soft lips melded together, as if finally meeting. After what seemed like an eternity, you two separated and leaned your heads against each other, caught in your own little bubble, until…
“Finally!” Yoongi and the rest of your group let out cheers and then the entire Entrance Hall was clapping. Joon and you turned bright red, and you hid your head in his chest, embarrassed by the attention. Namjoon let out his barking laugh and kissed the top of your head. “Jagi, I need to ask you something, and this time I refuse to mess it up. Go to Hogsmeade with me?” You nodded enthusiastically, still smiling widely and Joon caught your hand tightly and brought you in for another kiss. Turns out finding a tutor for Transfiguration really did help you.
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A/N: ITS SO LONG, I’M STILL NERVOUS ABOUT THAT. God, I gotta get better at writing. Lemme know what you think. And Back and Forth isn’t done, I’m just lazy about updating. I promise I will update that soon!
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jinterlude · 6 years
An Easy Façade
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↳Story Header © @softjeon (do not steal this header!)
‣ Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (female OC)
‣ Genre(s): CEO!AU, SMUT, Angst, Fluff, & Slight-Humor
‣ Warning(s): good old fashion, jealousy fueled sex
‣ Word Count: 4.9K
‣ Summary: It’s always easy to have a façade; however, it’s even easier for someone else to break it down. You and Yoongi have an interesting relationship with each other. The two of you never remotely hinted at any interests towards one another, but how’s it possible that one night changes that? For someone that never finds you attractive, Yoongi couldn’t help but feel jealous when a certain rival captures your eyes. What made him so special to earn your smiles and warm gazes? Yoongi never believed in sharing, and you are no exception.
A soothing sound of the saxophone fills the room. Streaks of sun peek through the curtains as the sound of fast typing invades the sweet jazz melody.
Sitting in a modernly decorated office, a stoic man eyes his computer screen. His eyes scanning for any errors in the report while his secretary currently lays in his bed. A soft scoff escapes his lips as he remembers his previous encounters with the young woman, AKA, you. Boy, your relationship with each other has always been nonexistent. If anything, you two are strictly boss and secretary. That is it. You are tasked with fetching his files, making phone calls, scheduling any important meetings, and everything in between. You always turn down his drunk advances, fully aware that you know that he strictly wants a one-night stand. No relationships. No strings attach. Nothing. Just one and done is Min Yoongi’s number one motto in life. Yet—he finds himself wondering how on Earth did he manage to get you into his bed—naked. Your gala dress lies on the floor, along with the rest of your lingerie—courtesy of him, of course. The billions of dollar jewelry, he bought days prior, rests on the marble counter in his bathroom.
Suddenly—a faint smell of sweet wine invades his nostril as his mind drifts to a couple of days ago—where his feelings for you began to change.
Patiently waiting for the elevator as you clutch your boss’s important files against your chest. You tap your foot as you eye your expensive wristwatch, counting down the seconds until the slow as fuck elevator arrives at your floor.
Your heart races as the big hand almost touches the six, which means that it was almost time for his incredibly important meeting.
         “Oh…I’m so fucked…” You curse underneath your breath.
Having enough of playing the waiting game, you hurriedly take off your heels and push the door leading to the stairs. You take a deep breath before hauling ass up four flights of stairs—desperate to make it to the meeting on time.
You run up the stairs; the pads of your feet connect to the cold stone of each step. Your hand wraps around the railing, hoping that it will give you the leverage that you need.
And just like that… you manage to make it to the main conference room.
You quickly slip your heels back on, smooth out your pencil skirt, and brush any hairs that are out of place. Min Yoongi loves perfection to the point of obsession. Seriously, you always find yourself questioning why your CEO has a thing for perfection—but of course—you bury your curiosity, not wanting to anger the pale man.
Once you deem your appearance meeting worthy, you inhale then exhale nice and slow before wrapping your hand over the door handle. You slowly press the handle down and enter inside the room.
The sound of the door opening enters Yoongi’s ears as his eyes lock onto the door. His eyes have become slits as you come waltzing in as if you are not late to this important meeting. To say that he is incredibly annoyed would be an understatement. This is your third time arriving late to a meeting, and that is two times too many.
Yoongi takes a mental note to have a little chat with you after the meeting before gesturing the head of finances to continue with her presentation.
You feel an icy-cold shiver rush through your entire body as you awkwardly walk over to Yoongi’s side. You hang your head low as you place the files in front him. Then, you step back and fold your hands in front of your, waiting for the meeting to be over.
Chatter after chatter. Business proposal after business proposal. That is all you hear. Your brain has become embedded with statistics and events; however, you pay little to no attention to them as your mind focuses on the fact that your boss has informed you that the two of you are going to talk once the meeting finishes.
         “Great. I’m fired…” You think to yourself as a tiny frown forms on your face.
A soft yet sad sigh escapes your lips as you silently pray to yourself that you remember your close friend’s number. Maybe she can hook you up with a new job at her fiancé’s company. Kim Seokjin has a reputable company, so you aren’t too worry.
         “Miss?” You hear Yoongi call.
Your attention instantly snaps onto him and quickly muster your business smile.
         “Yes, Mr. Min?” You reply as you see him stand up from his chair and walk towards the door.
Using his middle and index fingers, he gestures you to follow him, which you do.
         “Why were you late, again? As you know, as my secretary, it is crucial that you arrive to the conference room minutes…hell! Even hours before I do. I should never arrive to the room before you.” He pauses, taking a second to compose himself. “Maybe you’re not cut out to work for me…” He mumbles, walking into his office.
Your eyes widen at his words. This is it…you are going to be laid off. Your fingers tremble slightly as your heart pounds against your chest. A tiny nervous sweat trickles down the side of your face.
Contrary to your earlier thoughts, you don’t want to lose your job. You can’t explain it, but you have grown attached to this job your boss…you can’t just leave it him behind.
Just as you open your mouth to basically beg to say, Yoongi beats you to it.
         “However, seeing how I’m actually feeling lazy and don’t want to deal with the interview process yet again, I’ll keep you and as for your punishment, you will accompany to this year’s gala.” He tells you; his unreadable gaze piercing your naïve one.
A wave of relieve washes over you as you no longer feel dread. He didn’t fire you. There is a God.
         “Thank you, Mr. Min.” You smile politely at him, “May I ask what is the dress code for this event?” You ask.
With a raise brow, Yoongi explains the event and the dress code. He surprises you by adding that he is going to send his personal stylist to fetch your attire for the evening and recommends a salon for you to get your hair all prim and proper. Oh, can’t forget the makeup as well.
         “Now, Miss L/N…please do not arrive fashionably late. I hate taking pictures by myself.” He warns before sending you away.
You nod your head and reassure him that you won’t let him down again. You smile at him one last time before exiting his office.
Little do you know, Yoongi eyes your retreating body; his heart suddenly feeling weird.
He purses his lips as he swiftly brushes the odd sensation away before attending to his work.
And in just a blink of an eye, it is D-Day. The most important event of the year. The winter Gala. This is the event where every CEO comes together in one luxurious ballroom to schmooze and gather intel on rival companies. Basically, pretend to like one another only to backstab him or her in the future. Fun, huh?
Currently standing next to Yoongi, you continue to smile sweetly at other CEOs and their dates while your boss chats away with them.
With your throat feeling a tad dry, you quickly excuse yourself to grab a glass of champagne.
Yoongi looks at you, again with that unreadable expression, before excusing himself as well.
The look of confusion enters your eyes as you stare at your boss.
         “You didn’t have to leave your colleagues.” You tell him as the two of you find a waiter with a tray full of glasses of champagne.
Yoongi grabs two glasses and hands you one of them.
         “I know, but I couldn’t have my date defenseless against these drunk yet powerful men.” He explains casually, masking his true reason for staying by your side.
You smiled; a soft giggle escapes your lips. You then place your lips over the rim before tilting the champagne flute slightly. The bubbly drink lands on your taste buds before exiting through your throat.
         “Careful Mr. Min, or else people might think you care for me.” You tease as your eyes scan the room. Your gaze becomes still briefly when you see someone that you know Yoongi absolutely loathes.
You quickly glance back at your boss; a sigh of relief exits your mouth. Good. Yoongi hasn’t notice his rival, Lee Jihoon. What is he doing here? According to the gossip, Jihoon isn’t supposed to arrive until the two of you left. Fuck.
You lean slightly towards Yoongi, whispering his ear that you are going to use the ladies’ room. Yoongi nods, telling you to be careful as he unwraps his arm from your waist.
You smile warmly one last time before excusing yourself from his company. You then make a bee line for his rival, hoping that your charms will get him to leave before Yoongi notices. The last thing you need is to bail your boss out of jail for starting a fight.
         “Ah, Miss L/N!” Jihoon hugs you politely, “I believe this is my lucky night since I have the chance to witness your beautiful face.” He flirts shamelessly as his eyes trails your body. His lips slightly ajar as he sees the James Bond style of dress accentuating your curves. Your mid-thigh slightly peeking through the slit. Seeing you like this is too much for Jihoon. It is no secret that he desires you, but you know better. He only wants to sleep with you as revenge towards Yoongi for snatching away a deal that was meant for Jihoon.
Moments of silence has passed and his predator like gaze has yet to cease. You have grown uncomfortable to the point that distracting Jihoon is no longer worth it.
As you are about to excuse yourself, a cold voice enters your ears. Your body suddenly tenses as you register the voice. Shit—Yoongi is right behind you.
You slowly turn to face him and as you are about to say something, Yoongi’s hand locks around your wrist, and he roughly pulls you away from and out of the ballroom.
The cold air slams against your body as goosebumps begun to appear on your bare skin. Yoongi releases his hold on you, only to demand the valet to bring his car.
You feel uneasy as you never seen him this angry. Correction, never seen him this angry with you. If anything, he only expresses endless frustration and annoyances.
Second later, his car appears. The valet worker rushes to Yoongi, sensing his anger and hands over the keys. The poor boy fears for his life. Powerful CEOs are terrifying.
         “Get in.” He coldly orders you.
Not wanting to piss him off any more than you already have, you swiftly enter the passenger side and shut the door behind you, careful to not snag your dress in the door. You buckle your seat belt as Yoongi speeds out of the venue; the tires screeching echoes throughout the area.
The car ride is dead silent. Not even music can be heard inside the vehicle. Just awkward silence and—sexual tension?
Yoongi’s knuckles are white as he continues to grip the steering wheel.
After what it seems like an eternity, the two of you finally arrive at his place.
Yoongi parks in his garage and saying nothing else, he exits his car. He walks towards the garage entry door and slips off his shoes. He then slams the door behind him.
Your body flinches at the loud impact. You honestly feel helpless and unsure as you never have experience this side of him. Not even when a business deal went terribly wrong, he remained unnerved. The one time he expresses this type of anger is when he finds out that Jihoon somehow one-ups him in terms of deals and other business endeavors.
Then—it hits you. Jihoon. He is the source of Yoongi’s sudden fury. In your eyes, you only conversed with his rival as a distraction, but to Yoongi—Jihoon plans to steal you away from him.
Gathering enough courage to go after your boss, you exit the vehicle and walk right up to the door. You slip off your heels and just as you are about to enter through the entry, the door flung open.
You feel something wrap around your wrist, and you are abruptly pulled inside.
Your body is press against the wall as you feel something, or someone hold you in place.
Your chest heaves up and down slowly as the butterflies in your stomach went into a frenzy. Your mouth is slightly agape as you feel an unknown force take your hair out of the tight bun. The strands of your hair cascades down the sides of your face.
         “Mr. Min?” You whisper; your voice sounding incredibly meek as a field mouse.
A brush of silence only greets you as his gaze continues to penetrate yours. What does he plan to do?
Before you can flood your mind with more questions, his hand cups your chin; your head forcibly tilts up.
         “What are you doing to me?” He asks, unsure if he means it seriously or sarcastically.
A blank expression graces your face as you become unsure what to say next let alone do next.
         “I…don’t know w-what you mean, sir.” You stumble over your sentence. Not because you are shy around him, but it’s because you are afraid of what is going to happen next. You have heard countless of stories from your friends about what happens when one sleeps with the boss. You become his and only his. It’s not like you aren’t attracted to the man. You just don’t want to progress your relationship like this. Innocent thinking on your part.
Yoongi remains still as he studies your emotion and overall body language. Unlike his close friends, he never lied about his attraction towards you. He just didn’t want to pursue anything because he didn’t want to put you through the emotional roller coaster that his father put his mother on. He didn’t want to do this game of push-pull when you deserve his uttermost attention. However, with his position as CEO, Yoongi knows that he couldn’t give that to you. Unless—you become his wife.
Not wasting another second, Yoongi captures your lips. If this is going to be the only night he’s allowed to have with you, then he’s going to savor each second.
Contrast to his cold exterior, his interior displays nothing but warmth. He just shows it in his own special way.
The kiss immediately back takes you. You start to feel confused; however, like Yoongi, if this is going to be the only night that the two of you share intimately, might as well enjoy it.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you. Your tongue lightly brushes against his bottom lip, hinting that you want in.
Yoongi sighs as he opens his mouth enough for your tongue to dart in. He wraps his arms around your waist as he lifts you slightly.
The two of you remain like that. Stuck against the wall as he begins to grind against your center. Thank God for the slit in your tight dress or else it would’ve been hard to hook your leg around him.
You feel this pool of pleasure settle in your core. You aren’t a virgin, but this sensation and overwhelming of emotion is foreign to you. The more he grinds against you, the more the desire increases. The desire for him to simply fuck you against the wall. The desire for him to pleasure you and you to pleasure him. You want him.
A teasing smirk appears on your face as a devious idea plants in your mind. You pull away one of your hands from his neck, but your lips stay connected.
While his tongue continues to massage yours, earning him a few moans from you, your fingers trail down his torso. The pads of your fingers meeting the silky-smooth fabric of his dress shirt until it lands on his leather belt.
Feeling something tug against his waist, Yoongi finally pulls away as his eyes trail down and sees something that only fuel raging hormones.
He raises his brow, feigning confusion, “Now, what you are doing, Miss?”
You eye him innocently, “Oh, nothing… I just wanted to undo your belt since I know it’s probably uncomfortable.”
Yoongi chuckles softly as he steps away from you. His hands reach towards his belt and quickly undoes it. He pulls the belt through the loops, loosening up his dress pants and freeing his hardened member from being pressed against the zipper. Though—it is still pressing against it. That is how arouse he is with her.
He tosses the belt to the side; a loud clank echoes throughout his condo.
         “Now, what Y/N?” He questions, catching you off guard since he never refers to you by your first name. Always your last name.
Strangely, hearing your first name roll off his tongue arouse you even more. Your mind begun imagining him moaning your name as he thrusts into you mercilessly. His grunts and swear words coming out like water as your body meets his thrusts. Your hands marking up his back as you end up scratching him, wanting to show the world that he is yours.
Without a second thought, you whisper a phrase. A phrase that Yoongi only imagines you saying softly whenever he pleasures himself.
         “Take me…”
His arms wrap around your waist and then tells you to jump. You do as you’re told and jump, not giving a shit if your dress rips on the other side. Yoongi is a rich man. He can always buy a replacement.
With his hands place underneath your ass, Yoongi carries you to his bedroom; his foot kicking the door shut once your bodies are inside.
He walks up the bed and lowers the two of you down; your backside hitting the soft sheets.
He captures your lips as his hands fumble with the zipper of your dress.
Giggling into the passionate kiss, you take pity on the man and assist him with your zipper. You sit up, pausing the little make out session, and reach behind you. Your middle finger and thumb touch the tiny metal as you slowly pull it down, revealing your strapless, dark-red bra.
Yoongi’s brows perk up as his harden member begs to be free. Seeing your body become expose like this is truly a dream come true.
You lay flat on your back, going painstakingly slow when shimmying off the dress. You want to make him crazy with desire as he has done with you.
Your chest rose slightly as a thought enters your mind. You are gradually close to doing what you fantasize about. Having sex with your boss.
A low—almost animalistic—growls sends your heart into a racing frenzy. Then, you feel his cold hands on your hips as Yoongi kisses the base of your neck.
His calloused fingers messes with the waistband of your panties as his teeth and tongue mark your neck.
         “God…” He mutters as his fingers hook themselves around the waistband and starts to pull them down.
The cool air hits your center as your wet core is in plain sight for him.
Just seeing how wet you are, is enough for Yoongi to tear off his clothes and take you at once—and he does.
He practically tears off his dress shirt, not giving a shit if it cost him $1000, and discards it to the side. He unbuttons and unzips his dress pants and pulls them down, along with his boxers.
His erection is now in plain view. Your jaw almost drops to the floor as your eyes widen. Damn… your fantasies didn’t do him justice.
Yoongi reaches for a condom, taking the latex out of its wrapper before covering his harden length.
His index and middle fingers touch your center, wanting to make sure that you are still nice and wet for him.
Once he deems that you are, Yoongi place his knees on the edge of the bed. His eyes trail over your body, then goes back to your chest. Your gorgeous breasts are still covered by your bra.
         “Your bra. Remove it.” He demands, gesturing you to sit up.
You shoot up and undo the hooks. The straps slide off your shoulders as you pull your arms out of them. You fling piece of lingerie to the side, not caring where it lands.
You smile sweetly yet alluringly at him as you gesture towards your completely naked body.
         “Better?” You ask, maintaining your alluring smile.
Instead of replying verbally, Yoongi grabs your face and kisses you roughly yet passionately. With his free hand, he hooks your leg around him and inserts his cock.
You are amazed with the fact that entered you without looking. He must have tons of sex then, not that you care since this is going to be a one-time encounter—right?
You let out a tiny gasp as you tilt your head back, breaking the kiss. Yup, he definitely knows that he’s doing as he instantly found your g-spot.
You grip onto the sheets as your moans gradually increase in volume. You shut your eyes as you feel your neck become assaulted with nibbles and sucks. You feel his lips move downward and latch onto your nipple while his free hand massaged the other breast. God, the combination of his harsh thrusting and his biting is just sending you into overdrive.
A spew of curse escapes the both of your lips as the pleasure starts to grow. This pool of pleasure settles in the pit of your tummy. You are incredibly familiar with that feeling, and you didn’t want this to send.
You place your hands on his semi-sweaty torso and push him up, ceasing his amazing thrusting.
Yoongi eyes you with pure confusion, wondering if you suddenly regret this.
Just as he opens his mouth to ask, you push him down. Curiosity fills his entire body as he watches you swing your leg over his waist. He then sees you raise yourself slightly as you align yourself with his dick.
A soft moan escapes his lips as you lower yourself slowly, engulfing him with this warm sensation. You anchor your hands against his chest as you begin to move your hips.
You slowly raise and lower yourself. Normally, you are this pillow princess when it comes to sex, letting the man do all the work, but with Min Yoongi, you experience this urge to prolong the pleasure. You find a suitable rhythm quickly as you ride him. His fingers dig into your soft flesh as you increase your motions.
You cock your head back, arching your back as the pleasure floods both of your bodies.
         “Fuck…” Yoongi grunts as he watches your boobs bounce in front of him. Damn… he’s getting a show while you’re fucking him. How much luckier can he get?
         “You’re gonna make me release, Y/N…” He manages to say through his constant moans.
You lower yourself down, pressing your addicting lips to his ears.
         “Oh? Then, I should probably stop…” You whisper teasingly; your hot breath fans his ear, sending a quick shiver down his spine.
Yoongi growls and then flips the two of you over. His hands pin yours above your head.
         “Not a good idea to tease me, Miss L/N…” He warns deeply; his deep voice turning you on even more—if that’s even remotely possible right now.
He pulls himself out of you, then without any warning, he practically slams his cock into you. Your boobs jiggle upon impact.
His thrusts have become rough and fast. He shows no mercy as he hits your g-spot each time.
At one point, you feel like you are going to pass out with how much you are moaning. It didn’t help that his thumb and index finger rub your clit, adding more to the pleasure that you are feeling.
Sounds of skin-on-skin contact and moans continue to fill the air. Your bodies continue to sweat as you guys show no sign of stopping.
Whenever the pleasure has grown to be unbearable, Yoongi would switch positions and/or take a break. He didn’t care that it was almost 3 in the fucking morning, and you are more than likely in desperate need to release. He needs this. He needs you.
         “Y-Yoongi… please let me c-cum…” Your moans interrupt you every other word.
Yoongi smirked, “I don’t know, Miss L/N… you made me incredibly jealous tonight…I think that deserves a prolong release, don’t you think?”
You whimper as the desire has grown to the point that you are close to coming undone with just one kiss.
         “I’m sorry for making you jealous. T-that wasn’t m-my intention.” You tell him, secretly finding it a tad weird that he’s telling you his feelings while he’s fucking you into oblivion essentially.
His pace slows down, almost in a teasing way, “Well… I don’t like people touching what’s mind. Whether it be business deals or even people…. What’s mine is mine.” Yoongi says; the possessiveness in his tone sent chills throughout your body.
You nod as your brain couldn’t form any words let alone a full sentence. Something about his declaration made you feel weird. When did you agree to be his?
         “You’re mine, Y/N…” His thrusting increases once more, “Remember that…” He tells you as he messes with your clit and continues with his quick and rough pace.
And before you know it—the two of you come undone together.
He releases into the rubber as you release all over him. With one final pump, he pulls himself out of you, suddenly missing the warmth. He rests his sweaty forehead on your sweaty shoulder before gathering enough strength to take off the used condom and throw it away.
You stare absentmindedly at the ceiling as you try your hardest to steady your breathing. You then feel a shift in the bed as your bare-naked body becomes covered with his blanket.
You turn on your side and meet his gaze, taking note of the hint of love in them. Love? That’s odd, but you’re too tired to address that. Maybe in the morning you will.
         “So…” You start, not sure whether to say something or just grab your stuff and leave.
         “Let’s sleep.” He mumbles; his eyes sewn shut as the fatigue washes over his body. He then pulls you closer to him; your head resting on his chest.
You smile softly, shaking your head at him. Yup, you two are definitely going to talk about tonight.
You allow the sleepiness to take control and in a matter of seconds, you enter a dreamless sleep… not knowing what tomorrow will bring to you two.
And that feeling of uncertainty still lingers. Yoongi’s almost positive that you seen the hint of love in his eyes. How’s he going to explain himself?
“Oh, by the way sorry for having sex with you because I was extremely jealous?”
Yeah not gonna happen…
A loud sigh exits his mouth as he angrily runs his hand through his hair. Why did he have to develop feelings for you? Why…?
Then, a light tap on his door pulls Yoongi away from his thoughts.
He swivels his chair around just as you enter inside his office.
         “Good morning, Y/N. Did you sleep okay?” He asks, noticing that you are wearing his clothes.
Your line of vision remains on the floor as you mess with the hem of his black t-shirt.
         “I hope you don’t mind that I took some of your clothes. Um… I guess I’ll just call a cab and go home.” You say, unknowingly alarming your boss.
Yoongi stands up from his office chair and walks over to you.
         “Actually, I want you stay a little bit longer. I believe we need to have a chat about what happen last night.” He says, hiding his true motive of wanting you to stay. In truth, he isn’t ready for you to leave. Not yet.
You lift your head; your gaze meeting his finally. You tilt your head slightly, wondering if this is the right time to discuss the loving look in his eye, but you’re dying to know. Does Min Yoongi actually love you?
         “I think we do too.” You agree, nodding slowly.
Yoongi then gestures to the door, “Shall we? I think I have some food here that we can turn into brunch.”
You chuckle softly as you follow him out.
         “Can I ask you something before we cook?” You ask, stopping in the middle of the hallway.
Yoongi stops in his tracks, letting out a long sigh.
         “What is it?” He replies with a question, even though it’s kind of pointless since he knows what the next question is going to be.
         “Do you love me?”
Yup. His gut feeling is right. Now, how’s he going to tackle this without scaring you?
A/N: For some strange reason, I thought I had written this in 2018 but since I cross post to my AO3, I learned that I had written this back in 2017. TWO YEARS! Holy crap! But, I am amazed with how well this turned out in comparison to the smuts I had written in 2016 So go me!
Don’t forget to leave a like/reblog/comment/send in an ask on your thoughts! I love hearing them! :)
- Kim
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hpdailydeviant · 5 years
It's time to decide whose naughty birthday wishes you'd like to make come true! Below you'll find a numbered list of all the wishes submitted by our members. As is par for the course around here, there's a huge variety: het, femslash, and slash from every generation, romantic themes to dark ones, and, of course, loads of different kinks. They range from a little bit naughty to thoroughly filthy. Something for everyone! In order to make a claim, simply reply to this post and tell us the number of the wish you'd like to fulfill. Comments are screened to preserve anonymity. Each wish can be claimed only once, and as they're taken they'll be struck off the list. We'll be monitoring the post closely and crossing out wishes as they're claimed. If the prompt you pick has already been taken, we'll let you know right away; otherwise you can assume you got the wish you wanted. Members you have a 24 hour "head start" to make your claims before watchers join in. Watchers: a post will go up at 12:00 pm (U.S. Eastern time) tomorrow (January 10th) to let you know you may begin claiming wishes. Also note: If all of the wishes appear to be disappearing before the member period is over, don't panic! We have ways to make plenty of options available if and when the need arises. Note about dealbreakers: You might see a lot of "SPEW" scattered amongst the dealbreakers. That's our acronym for "the usual" hard kinks: Scat, necroPhilia, Emetophilia, and Watersports. This is not intended as a value judgment regarding "good" or "bad" kinks (although it is meant to be at least a tiny bit funny...); it's just an attempt to save space on the (already quite long!) list of wishes. Completed pieces are due by Monday, March 28 and should be emailed to [email protected]. Fic must be a minimum of 1,000 words and art must be a completed piece. Both fic and art must merit at least an R rating. No crossovers permitted. Watchers: your pieces must fit into a single IJ post. The mods reserve the right to refuse any fic that contains significant SPAG problems or art that appears to be a last-minute slap-dash sketch, so be sure to plan ahead and find a reliable beta. Headers for both fic and art will become available a little closer to April. We're super excited about our Banging Birthday, and we're looking forward to seeing loads of fantastic, kinky work to celebrate ten years of smut! The Banging Birthday Wish List 1. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus/Draco or Remus/Regulus Kinks/Themes: UST, Longing, Lost love Tone: Melancholy to hopeful Dealbreakers: Unhappy ending, dead characters, usual nos Prompt: Though one or both are long thought dead by the other, a chance meeting gives them a second chance at something beautiful together. 2. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Pansy or Harry/Hermione Kinks/Themes: Edging for long period before final orgasm, cunnilingus, semi-public sex Tone: Romantic, sexy, some humour (always up for a good banter) Dealbreakers: Dub/Non-Con, non-sexual body fluids/solids, dirty talk (sexy banter, yes... gratuitous dirty talk, not so much) Prompt: Surprise party (for anyone, doesn't have to be the main pairing) at the Three Broomsticks and someone has an itch they can't scratch 3. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Albus Severus Potter/James Sirius Potter Kinks/Themes: Fuck or Die Tone: Sexy, angsty... feel free to take this one wherever the muse blows! Dealbreakers: mpreg, death, either character younger than 17 Prompt: He's wanted him forever, but not like this... 4. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Some Combo of Tonks, Ginny, Luna, Fleur, Pansy or Millicent Kinks/Themes: first times, fingering, oral sex, femmeslash, bdsm, corsets, toys Tone: light, fun, romantic Dealbreakers: Het, mentions of any previous male partners (including "Character X doesn't love me, so I guess I'll be with you now"), infidelity Prompt: Character A has had her eye on Character B for a while. Finally her feelings are requited. 5. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Severus, Harry/Remus, Harry/Sirius Kinks/Themes: Fingering / First Time Tone: Filthy and Feelsy. Dealbreakers: Any reference to marriage, kids or pregnancy. Would prefer Harry to be 18+ Prompt: Harry never really understood why anyone would want fingers up their arse, but he think he's been starting to get it. 6. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/ any of Rabastan Lestrange, Antonin Dolohov, or Thorfinn Rowle Kinks/Themes: Dub-con, spanking, bondage, orgasm delay, desperate!Harry who shouldn't want it, but really does. Feel free to include a threesome if the mood strikes you! Tone: Dark and sexy Dealbreakers: Rape, death Prompt: Voldemort won the war. He isn't averse to sharing his prize. 7. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco Kinks/Themes: Praise kink. Tone: Dark. Sultry. Royal. Dealbreakers: Orgasm Denial. Daddy!kink. HET. Cheating on Ginny. Prompt: Harry is often unsure of himself as an adult. He lives the life he's expected to and is a sought after bachelor but there's just something about him and he loves paying for it. (Financial or otherwise - up to the creator.) 8. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ginny/Pansy or James Sirius/Scorpius or Lucius/Narcissa. Kinks/Themes: (Semi-)Public Sex Tone: fun/romantic/dirty Dealbreakers: non-con Prompt: It's one way to make the [event] interesting. 9. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ron/Draco Kinks/Themes: Polyjuicing, "Anonymous" sex Tone: Post-war melancholy, but hopefully avoiding full-on angst Dealbreakers: The usual squicks Prompt: In the Muggle world, with a different skin, they can be whoever they want to be. (Or, Ron and Draco initially hooked up at a Muggle club under the guise of polyjuice/glamour/etc., when both were running from various post-war-ness, and just...haven't seen a reason to stop doing so. Whether or not either of them realizes who each other really is is up to you.) 10. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Minerva McGonagall/Albus Dumbledore Kinks/Themes: UST -> RST. (almost) student/teacher Tone: Hot... soul-searching... hot Dealbreakers: Bodily fluids not usually associated with sex Prompt: Hogwarts, 1940s. Minerva McGonagall is in her final year and is Head Girl. Professor Albus Dumbledore is the Head of Gryffindor House. The attraction between them is becoming almost unbearable, but they are determined to wait until Minerva graduates. Can they? Will they? ...What then? 11. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… anonymous/stranger hookups Character(s)/Pairing(s): Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter (or Teddy/Harry) Kinks/Themes: Teddy using metamorphmagus abilities to look like someone else, established relationship, consensual/negotiated kink, roleplaying sorta? Tone: sexy, fun, letting off steam from their high stress jobs Dealbreakers: rape, MCD, scat Prompt: James likes to be picked up by anonymous men in bars. Teddy likes to be those men ― and lucky for both of them, he can change how he looks each time. 12. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco/Bill Kinks/Themes: knotting/bondage, A/B/O dynamics Tone: dirty, dirty, messy, filthy, loud Dealbreakers: poc Harry, top Harry for this prompt, character bashing. Prompt: Both Bill and Draco are desperate to breed and knot Omega Harry. Harry is only too eager to please. :) (established H/D please) 13. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Fleur/Tonks Kinks/Themes: Oral sex, fingering Tone: Sexy, flirty, romantic Dealbreakers: Non-con, dub-con Prompt: Tonks has always loved that her birthday is in the spring. 14. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sirius/Severus, Remus/Severus, Sirius/Remus (any era is good -- Marauders era, post-war they lived!AU, afterlife, whatever) Kinks/Themes: dirty talk/vocal partner (I'm looking for lots of "need to feel you", "that's so good", random cursing, semi-coherent babbling sort of stuff from a character who can't seem to put a sock in it.) Bonus if it's the first time for the pairing. Tone: Hot. Humor is good. But yes, mostly just hot. Dealbreakers: non-con, excessive schmoop, ABO dynamics Prompt: Character A really shouldn't have been surprised that Character B was so vocal during sex. He never shut up any other time, so why would this be any different? Or conversely: Character A was normally so reserved/careful with his words that his behavior during sex caught Character B completely off guard. (Really, go anywhere you like with this...) 15. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Neville + Anyone Kinks/Themes: BDSM Tone: Dom Neville just getting what he wants, hot dirty talk would be great Dealbreakers: non-con, bodliy fluids (except come ofc) Prompt: Neville knows how to wield a sword and a whip 16. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Teddy/Louis Kinks/Themes: age difference, virgin/inexperienced partner, first times, teasing, dirty talk, top!Teddy/bottom!Loius or switching Tone: sexy, romantic, filthy, loving, sweet, humorous, guilty, dirty/hot/wrong, ANY-except nothing too dark Dealbreakers: infidelity, extreme mindfuck, unhappy ending Prompt: After Teddy and Victoire split, Louis makes his move. 17. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco or James Sirius/Teddy Kinks/Themes: Workplace Sex Tone: Dirty, sexy Dealbreakers: Hardcore BDSM Prompt: One member of the pairing surprises the other at work 18. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… A surprisingly good time Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Petunia Evans Kinks/Themes: virgins Tone: any Dealbreakers: bdsm Prompt: Petunia can't help but be attracted to magic, and Severus can't help but be attracted by opportunity... 19. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ron/Harry Kinks/Themes: D/s dynamics Tone: Sweet and smutty! Dealbreakers: infidelity, hermione/ginny bashing, rape/non-con, mpreg Prompt: It's the summer after the war and Harry isn't doing so well. He can't seem to shut off his mind, continuously steeped in grief and guilt. He needs somebody to take care of him and help him find some peace, if only for a little while. Ron steps up. 20. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Draco/Theodore Kinks/Themes: Frottage, Blow jobs, crossing the line between friendship and lovers Tone: Sexy Dealbreakers: Dub/Non-Con, non-sexual body fluids/solids, dirty talk (sexy banter, yes... gratuitous dirty talk, not so much) Prompt: Post-war and one or both are teaching at Hogwarts, supervisory rounds lead to steamy happenings in either the Quidditch showers or prefect's bath. 21. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Captain: Harry, Severus, Rodolphus, Sirius Black; Cabin Boy: Draco, Albus Severus, Scorpius, Teddy Kinks/Themes: Roleplaying Pirate and cabin boy for fun Tone: Happy, D/s Dealbreakers: Usuals, unhappy ending. Prompt: He's the captain, and it's time to teach his cabin boy his place. 22. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Any older woman femslash. Specific pairings I love are Molly Weasley/Rosemerta, Minerva/any female Hogwarts staff member, Narcissa/Lily but if those don't appeal choose your own! Kinks/Themes: Multiple Orgasms Tone: Sexy, Playful and I wouldn't say no to a Sexual/Queer Awakening slant if that's your cuppa (no worries at all if not) Dealbreakers: Pregnancy, Marriage, Kids Prompt: She had always thought sex was good but didn't realise it could be this good. If you are more inspired by a first time orgasm angle that's also fine! 23. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sirius/Harry/Draco Kinks/Themes: Jealousy. Tone: It's all about Draco. Dealbreakers: Orgasm denial. Prompt: For his 30th birthday, Harry goes to a sex club. He doesn't expect a) Sirius to be there. b) Draco Malfoy sucking Sirius's cock. [Happy ending for all three] (In contrast, Harry doesn't expect Sirius to be rimming Draco.) 24. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks/Charlie Weasley Kinks/Themes: threesome, bdsm, "directing", under the influence/loss of inhibitions, role playing, pegging, oral sex, light discipline, gender fluidity (Tonks)* Tone: light, fun, romantic, humour is okay but not all out crack Dealbreakers: M/M or M/M/M, hardcore Weasleycest (some touching/interaction is fine, but no declarations of romantic love between the boys), Tonks being excluded from the fun, Tonks morphing into a biological male, A/B/O Prompt: A night of partying leads Bill, Tonks and Charlie to play. Tonks/one of the Weasleys are in a relationship, he is the one who directs Tonks/the other brother in whatever they're doing, then joins in. *I'm fine with Tonks presenting herself as androgynous/non-binary or more masculine while playing, but never as completely male. 25. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Snape/Moody, Scrimgeour/Moody, Snape/Sirius, Snape/Remus, Ron/Viktor Kinks/Themes: rough sex, struggling for dominance -- feel free to include any of: biting, hair pulling, a bit of bondage, difference of opinion regarding exactly who is the bottom here (*snerk*), shoving of people against various surfaces Tone: hot, hot, a little bit dirty, and hot Dealbreakers: non-con/dub-con, outright humiliation, hard BDSM, felching Prompt: The taunts and insults always get their blood flowing and their hackles up. More than just their hackles, actually... 26. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Charlie Kinks/Themes: Voyeurism/exhibitionism Tone: Humorous, sexy Dealbreakers: Non-con, dub-con, underage Harry Prompt: Charlie knows Harry’s watching him. 27. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco Kinks/Themes: (Semi-)Public sex Tone: Sexy Dealbreakers: Hardcore BDSM Prompt: They just can't wait any longer 28. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sirius/Remus Kinks/Themes: First times, Loss of virginity Tone: Quirky, humorous, "realistic" sex and relationship dynamics Dealbreakers: The usual squicks Prompt: They’ve been planning to shed their virginity together on Valentine’s Day. A romantic evening, sharing such a private and special moment. What could go wrong? Well, apparently…everything. (Preferably seventh year. Could be established relationship, or could be just a pact between “friends" *winkwink* that turns into realizing feelings.) 29. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Horace Slughorn Kinks/Themes: gainer/encourager; cross-gen Tone: Happy, indulgent, sexy Dealbreakers: Bodily fluids not usually associated sex Prompt: Maybe it's the lack of stress, maybe it's actually having a life, but Severus Snape is surprised to find that after the war, he's gaining weight. He's even more surprised to find that he likes it... is turned on by it. Now all he needs is an enabler - and he can't imagine anyone could be better than a certain older colleague with a penchant for crystallised pineapple, ice-cream sundaes, indulgent sex and plump boys... 30. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco w/Hugo, Oliver/Marcus w/Percy, Draco/Theo w/Blaise Kinks/Themes: Voyeurism, wanking Tone: Sexy, dirty Dealbreakers: Rape, mental health issues, death. Prompt: He knew they were together, but had never thought he would actually see them. 31. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… face sitting Character(s)/Pairing(s): Teddy/Lavender, Pansy/Harry, Ginny/Pansy Kinks/Themes: hookups, intimate but not romantic, “we shouldn’t but we’re going to” Tone: sexy, fun, letting off steam Dealbreakers: MCD, scat, under 18 Prompt: Two drinks, and they always end up here 32. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Draco/Severus or Draco/Rabastan or Draco/Antonin. Kinks/Themes: Sex for protection/bdsm Tone: darkish/sexy/angsty Dealbreakers: Scat, non-con (dub-con's fine) Prompt: He only has one thing to offer. 33. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Any in lightning gen, would prefer Ron being cuckolded, but I'm not picky Kinks/Themes: cuckolding Tone: dirty and maybe a bit romantic? Dealbreakers: non-con, would love the cuck to be into it please, and give their consent Prompt: Either at home or a club, maybe they're celebrating a birthday with a special present 34. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco Kinks/Themes: genderbending Tone: Filthy and romantic Dealbreakers: top Harry for this prompt. Prompt: Harry has always wanted to know what it's like... and so does Draco. (you can decide what 'it' is) 35. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… brains and beauty Character(s)/Pairing(s): Minerva McGonagall/Madam Rosmerta Kinks/Themes: wanking Tone: any Dealbreakers: bdsm Prompt: why did they wait so long? 36. This Banging Birthday I Wish For… Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco Kinks/Themes: Sex for money, maybe some D/s, dirty talk, a bit of serving, enthusiastic bottoming, (anal, fingering, oral, frottage, or whatever direction you want to go), bottom!Draco Tone: ANY; sexy, romantic, dirty, sweet, humorous, teasting, ust, angsty/dark is also okay as long as it's also hopeful Dealbreakers: hardcore masochism, indfidelity, extreme mindfuck, unhappy ending Prompt: Draco is a high class escort and his services come as an amenity at a certain high class hotel. He's not expecting Harry to be his next client, but he's up for the challenge. maybe some snarky!Draco who rides a fine line between serving his client and getting what he wants
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Shut Her Up (Gabriel x Reader, reupload)
A/N: Have to reupload tis as well cause it had a header image of a dick in a mouth!!! Warnings: Smut, dub-con
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One of the worst decisions Gabriel had made since he made peace with the Winchesters was that he'd owe them a favour for each time he'd killed Dean. He figured those favours would include translating Enochian, finding people, helping out with tracking weapons and monsters and so on. Yeah, they had asked him to do that a few times, but mostly they asked him to babysit their not-sister while they were hunting. (Y/N) was a 19 year old nightmare. She was stubborn, bratty, loud, obnoxious, provocative, annoying and so hot.
"Gabriel are you alive?" she asked and threw a piece of cucumber in his face. "Not cool," he muttered. "I'm talking to you," she insisted. "No! No, you're not! You're babbling and you actually expect me to listen to you." Gabriel ran a hand through his hair and looked at the time. (Y/N) mock-mimicked his comment and grimaced before turning her attention back to her food. He conjured up a glass of Champagne for himself and took a big sip. Just as he set it down, (Y/N) made a move for it, but he snatched her hand before it reached its goal.
"Wouldn't think so, sweetheart," he said with a mocking grin. "Come on, just a sip!" "Forget it." "In Europe you can drink when you're eighteen!" "Does it look like we're in frickin' Europe to you?" "We could be anywhere, this motel room could be anywhere in-" "Shut up. Just shut your mouth. We're in America and you're not allowed to drink yet." "Oh come on! Like you never ha... Okay, no you probably didn't drink before eighteen..." A tiny blush grazed her cheeks before she continued. "Fine! Just a beer? A light one?" "You can have a soda! You like cherry cola right? Here," Gabriel snapped and conjured up a bottle of cherry cola. But (Y/N) didn't drink it, she just growled angrily and left the table. "You could clean up after yourself, y'know!" "Yeah, or you could do it about a hundred times quicker with a snap of your fingers, Angel!" she called back. The 'sweethearts' and 'angels' always circled the air, but they were always laced with an underlying anger. Gabriel watched as (Y/N) flopped down on the bed and started channel surfing. "You should go to bed," he mumbled. "I am in bed," was the snarky reply he got. He sighed and got up, taking his champagne with him as he flopped down on the bed next to (Y/N). "Gabriel," she said absentmindedly. "Yeah?" "Tell me about your true form." "W-what?" "What do you look like behind that meat suit?" "It's not a meat suit, it's a vessel." "Whatever, same thing, human you possess that's more good looking than you are. Is it true you're junk less?" "Who said that?" "Dean," she shrugged. "Well... Yeah, we don't have dicks." "So when did you lose your angelic virginity?" Gabriel scoffed. "I'm not gonna discuss angel sex with you." "But there is such a thing?" "'Course there is. It's just more complicated." "Come ooon, tell me!" she bugged and rolled onto her side. "No, go to sleep, you've been bugging me for twenty hours straight, I'm gonna lose my shit if I keep hearing your voice." "Blah blah blah, you love my voice." "It's a freaking pain in my ass." "In your angelic ass that you can get fucked in cause angels can have sex, am I right?" "Okay, now you're just being ridiculous and not making sense. Sleep before I make you." "Fine. Goodnight, Angel." When Gabriel didn't reply, (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows. "I said goodnight, dickbag!" "What? Oh, yeah, goodnight," he said, a little confused, but then he remembered. Saying goodnight was a big deal to the little woman. Gabriel couldn't understand the need for her to hear it back, but she always bugged him until he said it back. In a few minutes she was asleep, breathing softly. "Finally it's freaking quiet..." Gabriel groaned to himself and switched to pay per porn. --- "Wake up!" Gabriel nagged and poked (Y/N) in her side. She grumbled something under her breath and pulled her duvet tighter around her. "Come on, it's ten am, you gotta get up." "No..." "You have ten seconds before I dunk you in ice water. Ten. Nine. Eight." "Ughhh..." "Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two." "Mmm'up!" she squealed and rolled over. "Good girl," Gabriel said and smacked her thigh. He wanted to smack her ass, damn he wanted to pull her over his knee and spank her until she was crying... But he settled for her thigh. A few minutes later, (Y/N) was up and getting dressed. Gabriel peeked at her cleavage in that low cut top she wore. "You wanna look more slutty?" "What's your problem, Gabriel? I'm not going anywhere, I'm stuck here in this motel room with you and I really don't give a crap what I'm wearing as long as it's comfortable. Stop being so high-maintenance. Breakfast? I want toast and Nutella." She sat down on her bed again and looked at Gabriel. "Oatmeal with skim milk it is," he said and snapped his fingers. "Gabriel, don't be such a little shit!" "Ask nicely and you might receive." "Oh thou wonderful archangel Gabriel, would thou please bless me with the breakfast of toast and Nutella?" she asked and rolled her eyes. "Absolutely, my fine little human." He snapped again and the boring oatmeal turned into toast. "Say thank you." "Thank you," she said and dug in hungrily. The way (Y/N) moaned when she sucked the Nutella off her fingers almost drove Gabriel crazy. --- "Come on, just tell me!" (Y/N) bugged for the millionth time. "I'm not telling you about angel sex!" "Is it some sort of sacred, intimate thing?" she asked with a grin as she popped another mint in her mouth. "Doesn't matter, you're too human to understand it anyway." "Well then it won't hurt to tell me, right?" "Just stop! Stop whining and nagging all the time, I'm sick of it! I'm sick of you! You're a rude and bratty little girl who can't take it when someone tells her no! You dress like a slut and parade around like you own the world!" Gabriel almost regretted his words when he saw the face (Y/N) made, but then she snapped back. "And you're an arrogant, perverted dickbag who lives off of sweets and can't stand up to your family." "Do not bring my family into this, I'm giving you one warning and one only." "You'd rather run from your problems than face them, you're a coward, Gabriel!" Gabriel stared at her for a few seconds before they both got up at the same time. (Y/N) ran for it and Gabriel ran after her. She got to the door before he grabbed her arm and slammed her against the wall. She tried to wriggle out of his grip but just then he crashed his lips against her and kissed her hard. She let out a squeal of surprise and her arms shot up into the air and against the wall. Gabriel didn't stop, he assaulted her mouth even as she didn't return it, but she didn't try to pull away either. Her lips parted slightly and Gabriel seized the opportunity to force his tongue into her mouth, licking against hers before he pulled away and looked her in the eye. (Y/N) stared at him in shock for a few seconds before that look turned into one of disgust. "I told you you're a pervert," she growled. "Shut your mouth." "Or what, hot shot?" "Or I'll make you shut it!" Just as she was about to speak again, Gabriel grabbed her hair and forced her down onto her knees. With a wave of his fingers his fly opened and he pulled his jeans and boxers down to his thighs before slapping his hard cock against (Y/N)'s lips. "Come on, take it," he growled and pushed into her mouth. She didn't object or try to pull away, so he pulled out and slammed back in, groaning loudly at the feeling. He stayed still for a moment before repeating the action. His grip on her hair tightened and she whimpered. It was the most beautiful sound Gabriel had ever heard her make. That was until he pushed deeper and she gagged around him. "Ohhh yeah, that's it. That shut you right up, didn't it? Oh I should have done this ages ago..." She made another whimpering noise before sticking her tongue out, allowing him to fuck her mouth at a rough pace. Gabriel used his grip on her hair to push her down on his cock until he was hitting the back of her throat over and over again. "Fuck yeah... You wanna be a little slut? Fine, this is what you'll get," he growled and stilled in her mouth. Her tongue reached his balls and she tickled them lightly. "That's a good slut," he said with a groan, "fuck sweetheart, this should teach you not to mouth off at me!" He thrust into her eager mouth a few more times before he let go and came hard down her throat. He let out a loud growl as she hummed appreciatively. When he pulled out, (Y/N) smiled and opened her mouth, giving him a nice view of his cum on her tongue. She played around with it for a while, making a bubble, swirling it around her tongue, getting it on her lips, and fuck if it wasn't the hottest thing Gabriel had ever seen. She swallowed, and that's when he grabbed her hair again and his dick with the other hand. "What are you..." she started. Gabriel jerked himself off about half a dozen times before he came again and shot a smaller load all over her face. This time she didn't smile; she shut her eyes and growled, but again, she didn't try to pull away. Gabriel pulled his jeans and boxers up again and smiled. "You ass," (Y/N) cursed and wiped her face with her hand. "That did the trick, huh? No more mouthing off from you."
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aveaveria · 6 years
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Mekkah on Ao3 asked about some SlaDick fic recommendations (then @gravesecret make sure to check out their art did as well). And I’m here to deliver.
Klarion’s Curse by ilyena_sylph, Merfilly
Slade hunted the wrong witch, and gets an interesting curse.
I love this one, it got me into the ship and it has so much DC lore in it! ilyena_sylph and Merfilly originally wrote it back in 2006/2007, it’s a blast full with pre-N52 canon. When I read it for the first time the DCU was like a strange new world I had only just stumbled into and it did not matter that I only understood half of it after my first read. This fic (and the creators’ other works) is one of the reasons I learned to love the DCU lore, especially the small things, the things canon likes to ignore. Additionally, the fic has a unique SlaDick dynamic and Dinah is a fun and refreshing support character.
Waiting To Be Claimed by firewolfsg
Deathstroke is unexpectedly offered custody of a depressed and lost Dick Grayson, and the two make some interesting discoveries as they plan for the future.
Fic Setting: Takes place a couple of months after Nightwing #100 and is an AU where Dick does *not* join the mob.
Written October 2005
Together with Clarion’s Curse, this is the fanfiction that pretty much defines how I view Slade’ and Dick’s relationship. It basically is what it says on the tin plus some surprising boners, ya know. There’s just a certain type of magic in old works like this, that make the relationships ring true, which is partially due to the different canon and partially due to a certain type of nostalgia. After all, what can beat “the good old days”? What can beat the magic moment of falling in love with something new?
In The Shadow Of The Bat by meyari [Trigger Warning: Slavery]
The secret sale of Bruce Wayne's slave Jason Todd to Slade Wilson set off a series of events that changed everything for everyone who lived in the shadow of the Bat. Fortunately for them, Slade wasn't the man that they'd been trained to think he was.
No story is for everyone and in this case, we dive a bit deeper into the morally dubious decent that is SlaDick. Despite the slavery theme, the story is tame. In the end, it is much more a story about choosing roles than it is about being forced into one.
That LiveJournal Fic No Search Engine Wants To Admit Hides In the Depths Of The Internet  
There was that one story in which Slade and Dick hit it off and Adeline warned Dick not to fall for him, which ended with Slade and Dick having you-know-what in front of the mirror. But for the life of me, I can’t find it anymore. 
Dark Origins by coldfiredragon [no romantic relationship]
A/U, what if Slade Wilson, rather than Bruce Wayne found and raised Dick Grayson?
This is a cheater but I love it too much to leave it out. Especially A Mother’s Decision. I’d die for that part. Additionally, it has some good Roy/Dick in it and beautifully retells Dick’s former canon through AU fanon lenses. As a rule of thumb: Definitely check out LiveJournal if you crave more &s and /s to your SlaDick stuff.
The Sensation of Falling by rocket_dreaming3D [Trigger Warning: Rape/Non-Con]
Dick decides to start down his own path as the vigilante Nightwing after a powerful falling out with his adoptive father Bruce Wayne (aka Batman). Dealing with heavy emotional issues he hunts down the mercenary known as Deathstroke (Slade Wilson), searching for either proof of his worth or a way to end it all. What happens when he finds that there are more layers to the merc than he'd ever seen in his time as the Boy Wonder, Robin?
The first ongoing of this ship I ever read. Let’s just say this: It is an Injustice AU, Deadpool is Slade’s brother, Killer Frost is the best friend Dick ever had. It’s hilarious in that “feels-like-sunshine” way, despite the warnings.
Yonder Heart and Somber Lover by overratedantihero
Dick's taken from his father's garden to join Slade in Hades, the realm of the dead. A retelling of the Abduction of Persephone.
Persephone is the perfect myth for SlaDick and orah has such extensive knowledge of Greek mythology, that the story flows nicely in a way that is all greek tragedy mixed with DC, which brings me back to the nostalgia I have mentioned before, only that this fic is so very modern despite it.
What No Man Wants to Lose by Firefright, Skalidra
Getting a call from Slade's new team, Defiance, saying that they need his help in rescuing Slade is not the call that Dick expected to get on a random Tuesday morning. But rescuing is what he does, especially when it's a team of young heroes asking. The fact that it's Slade in need of rescuing? Well, that's different, but it doesn't change anything.
Firefright and Skalidra are going all out with both recent comic canon and fanon in this one. An established relationship is always fun to explore with this pairing and if there is a real comic-y plot, even more so. It is basically a shippy love letter to Priest’s Deathstroke run.
There’s Magic in You by TimmyJaybird [Trigger Warning: Cannibalism]
Dick has a pension for nightmares, for the creatures that stalk the nights in tales that should have lulled him to sleep as a boy. Now, face to face with a beast straight from fairy tales, he's shockingly at ease with the knowledge that this could be his end... if the beast wills it. 
A dark re-telling of Red Riding Hood with a witchy twist because even as a human eating werewolf Slade cannot quite instill fear into Dick. It gets hot pretty fast, and gross, pretty gross. Check out her other works if you are in need of transgender/ftm!Dick.
Stars and Cinders-Series by victoriousscarf 
Bruce Wayne makes a really awful Jedi. His padawans are not much better. That Batman Star Wars AU no one asked for.
The package makes the deal here and you should definitely not only look into this for the pairing but for the world that victoriousscarf built. There is rape in one part of the series, so be mindful of the tags.
Blood and Iron by Zillabird
The War has been going on since Dick wasn't much bigger than his adoptive father's knee.
Dick had done a lot of things he's not proud of in search of an end to the bloodshed. Things that give the turncoat orc, Slade, every reason to dislike him. Not that Slade's hands are clean, not even close. That's why he's here at Lord Wayne's camp under the watchful eye of the man's eldest. Waiting patiently for the chance to get his revenge. Secrets are so embroiled in this world they are forged into the very steel that the armies fight with, and they may be the reason that Slade loses the chance to start a new life. One with the half-elf healer that he's fallen for in Lord Wayne's camp.
584 Days is the fic that everyone knows but this one should be loved just as much.
I’ve kept my recommended to one story per author because otherwise, the list would explode but generally speaking: If you liked one of the author’s stories, it is worth checking out more of their stuff.
That being said, I hope you enjoy reading the recs!
(Header: http://ao3commentoftheday.tumblr.com/post/173752189329/want-to-make-a-fic-rec-post-grab-yourself-a)
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